#but alas their male friends are here and are all ignoring me lol
teafiend · 1 year
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CW: Critical, subjective opinion on a vital aspect of “A Time Called You”
Some final thoughts on “A Time Called You”. That show niggled still because it was such an excellently plotted show, and Jeon Yeo Been was blindingly bright in it, yet something felt off. And that piqued my interest in the Taiwanese original because I anticipate that the “something off” would not be an issue there.
At first, I thought my main issue with the show was mostly the - personal opinion - lacklustre male lead and his appeal for me personally.
But I have had many experiences with unappealing male leads making me fall in love with their characters. ”Coffee Prince” and ”I Hear Your Voice” - two of my top favourites - come to mind.
(Yes, I found Gong Yoo iffy initially, and still not particularly fond of Lee Jeong Seok, though Park Su Ha remains one of my favourite MCs). So, it was less because I was resistant to having my initial impressions changed. Unfortunately, Ahn Hyo Seop’s portrayal of his characters - as the romantic leads - were “meh and uninspiring” till the end, despite the wonderful elements of the writing of his character(s).
It had nothing to do with the character himself, who was amazingly written, honestly. Turned out it was him after all, or precisely, the lack of chemistry.
I don’t think I have felt that lack this keenly in all my years of watching dramas, especially in such a solidly-written and performed show. I have had shows where the chemistry between the leads saved what were otherwise mediocre shows, even given spotty performances, but ATCY stood out because of the opposite. LOL 😂🤣😭
There have been many instances where I had the Second Lead Syndrome, some worse than others, but not once did I find the main pairing lacking in the chemistry department or of not being convincing, except ATCY. That was painful because in what was a fantastic show, they lacked one of the most important ingredients which makes a successful romance, IMO.
It galled me even more because as someone highly allergic to fictional BL/m/m, I was bummed by the few scenes of the male lead with the Rowoon cameo, but I was even more chagrined when those two sweet boys died. WHAT?! Please don’t bury your gays!
What was worse, I thought AHS had more chemistry with Rowoon for those few minutes - and even with his friend In Gyu - than he had with Jeon Yeo Been’s character(s). As someone prone to ignore “bromance” and any related chemistry, it felt weird to notice that in what is a ROMANCE, and a brilliantly written romance at that.
I suggest the lead actor to pivot to BL and forgo trying to make it with straight romcoms. I read that in another of his more well-known romcoms, the female leads carried the show too. Figures.
I say this because the second lead - Kang Hoon aka In Gyu - had more chemistry with JYB (Min Ju/Jun Hee). At least his longing was palpable in a quiet, poignant way, which was more than I could say for the main lead.
His “love” felt very scripted and simply of the going-through-the-expected motions variety. He did and said all the ”right words” but little came through as convincing (for me).
I say this with sad irony because the character was written so fabulously as this kind, faithful, devoted and love-driven male character, which if the chemistry was there, would have propelled this remake into another minor hit. Alas. (And I personally simply love, love characters like these, yet I was not particularly impressed here).
Because JYB carried the whole show and in a romance, I don’t think it is a good thing at all. Personally, I love that fact. However, this is supposed to be a fantasy/romance targeted mostly at a women audience, and when the male lead is unconvincing, I think it is a terrible situation all around.
Of course, this is just my very subjective opinion, but this is the first time I have felt that way about a good romance, so it sucks quite a bit. Especially since Jeon Yeo Been was so beautifully awesome in it. I know that this show is more than romance, but that particular element is a major narrative driver, so I don’t think I am being too unfair.
JYB had memorable/explosive chemistry with all her co-stars in a few of the dramas I have watched her in, so I am not going to put the onus on the lack of chemistry on her. Because her performance was not an issue at all. Not even a little bit. There was chemistry with everyone in the show except her main love interest. Sorry, not a problem with THE QUEEN.
And also in a Romance, the female lead does not need to be as convincing as the main male character, so…
I am also not trying to pan AHS’s performance because except for the romance, he was quite solid. Mayhaps this is not his genre at all.
I was also a bit weirded out about the sequence of the credits, TBF. How come JYB was not the No 1 in the intro? By age and acclaim, I do not think it is unreasonable that JYB should have gotten top-billing.
Yeah, yeah, we live in reality, I get that. *sigh*
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changoeson · 3 years
wish I could be having fun right now but I'm too busy being the ugly friend lol
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cupcakey00 · 4 years
It’s Just Instinct
Here’s to my first one-shot, everyone! (edit: it’s actually not a one-shot since there will be another part or 2 lol oops) In which Cassian struggles to adjust to the overwhelming instincts to protect Nesta.
 Words: 2,325
there is some NSFW content in this.
Nesta could count on both hands the number of times she had to intervene to stop a murder where Cassian was involved, especially since they’d mated just one month prior. The first time had been only two days into their mating frenzy. Lord Devlon may have been many things, but a fool was not one of them.
Or so he thought.
Unbeknownst to the pair, the camp lord in doing his rounds managed to hear the throes of their passion, and made the decision to send a young female to deliver war reports to Cassian as opposed to their usual male. Unbeknownst to Devlon, Cassian had recently discovered Nesta’s attraction males and females. Suffice to say, it was only Nesta’s iron grip on his bicep and pushing on his chest while screaming for the Illyrian to “leave! You have to go!” that stopped him from tearing the poor young female to shreds at just the scent of her outside their door as she slid reports through the gap. After all, their Commander was busy, but so were their enemies.
Unsurprisingly, Devlon was unimpressed.
The second time came when Azriel had visited during the third day of their mating, unannounced, hoping to visit his friend and discuss the Illyrian rebels. Unfortunately for Azriel, his personal vow never to spy on his family finally became his crux. At the sound of Azriel’s feet touching ground from outside the cabin door, Cassian’s eyes dilated, his muscles tensed, and his breath hitched. Nesta knew what was coming next, although this time, she couldn’t stop it. Not when Cassian was still strung up from the female’s visit the prior day, and most certainly not when he was interrupted with his head between Nesta’s legs.
Azriel realized immediately his mistake the moment he landed, but he knew he could not simply leave. He knew that would only make it worse. Worst case scenario, Cassian would pursue him for days during his frenzy if he deemed Azriel enough of a threat, so long as the threat of being away from Nesta for long didn’t outweigh the perceived threat to Nesta; he had seen the look in his eyes long before Nesta and Cassian were mated. He saw the thirst for blood at any male – and, recently, female – who so much as looked at Nesta a few moments too long. Whether it was in protection or possession, Azriel didn’t know. He didn’t think Cassian did either. Granted, he always kept a leash on himself for Nesta’s sake and his own. It wasn’t fair to Nesta to be treated like an object, especially not one that he owned. That, Cassian knew. Thus, Azriel stayed. He waited, deciding that staying silent, allowing for Cassian to make the first move, would allow for his brother to calm down, register him not as a threat, but as a friend who meant no harm nor claim to his mate.
Surprisingly, Azriel, too, was a fool.
In Cassian’s cloudy, newly mated mind, the Night Court’s spy and Shadowsinger’s silence and stillness confirmed one thing and one thing alone: he was there to lust over the sound of his Nesta crying out in ecstasy, a hymn promised to Cassian and Cassian alone. Nesta had just reached the point of unintelligibility, unable to articulate a single word or thought with Cassian’s mouth feasting on her dripping center after teasing the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs with his tongue and breath for what had to have been hours, bringing Nesta to near tears, begging Cassian for more, begging him to let her come. For a cruel amount of time, Cassian would not relent, tracing and blowing; sucking oh so near it, never on it, telling her about how “you’re so pretty when you’re begging me to let you come, Sweetheart. You’re going to have to wait for that.” He was never merciful enough to tell her how long she had to wait. (The only reason he had the self-control to delay it was because of how thoroughly he fucked her the previous two days.)
Nesta had been close, no longer able to make a single sound except for gasps and high-pitched whimpers with her back arched off their dining room table, one hand gripping Cassian’s dark hair at the root as his hands kept her legs spread wide open, forcing her hips down, forbidding her from grinding on his face, while her other hand gripped the tablecloth. With her back arched, he couldn’t see her face, so he watched Nesta’s pert nipples instead, still red and raw from his previous ministrations, lips around one nipple sucking, tongue flicking, teeth biting, while his fingers twisted and tugged at the other, alternating whenever he felt like it. The red was mostly faded.
He’d have to fix that.
Cassian knew that while the denial for release was torture for Nesta for the time being, her orgasm by the end couldn’t possibly be anything short of mind-shattering. He sent a prayer to whatever gods were listening that he’d be able to feel her walls clench around his tongue fucking her, nose rubbing against her clit. He could only hope she wouldn’t squeeze so tight around him that his tongue was forced out of her pretty pink hole while her walls contracted; he couldn’t let any of her sacred nectar go to waste on their dining room table.
He’d lick it up right off the wood, maintaining eye contact with Nesta if he had to.
The other part of him, the more primal, male part of him, craved the satisfaction of making his mate come so devastatingly he wouldn’t be able to keep his tongue inside, tip of his tongue massaging her G-spot through her release. He hadn’t dared come close to it yet; he knew that’d put an end to their fun. Everyone knew the journey was more important than the destination.
Truly, considering this was the trajectory they were on, it was no wonder Cassian would have brutalized Azriel’s body so badly, Rhysand would have had to rethink who assumed the role of the Night Court’s torturer.
Would have, had Azriel not been forced to use a Siphon-imposed shield around himself, infuriating Cassian even further. Not only had this male heard his lover’s euphoric cries, but he couldn’t even kill him for it, and it was his fault Nesta wasn’t only dripping onto the table instead of his face, she was also needy with the desire to reach the orgasm she had earned. This male thought he could arrive at their doorstep and put a halt to his lover’s pleasure? Unforgiveable.
Azriel wasn’t safe until Rhysand, who then also became the subject of Cassian’s hunt (the third in 24 hours), used his magic to force Cassian back into the cabin and established a shield around it, confining him while allowing Azriel’s shadows to bring him back to Velaris with Nesta screaming for Cassian the entire time – never once leaving the inside; Cassian’s brothers seeing Nesta in such a near-orgasmic state, even if she did put clothes on first, was a sure-fire way for him to level all of Illyria to eliminate them both. This, Nesta knew.
Through their open bond, he could feel what Nesta felt. Had she been in danger, Cassian wouldn’t have been able to ignore her pleas even if he wanted to. Hell, had Cassian been able to think a tad more clearly, he’d have strapped on his Siphons to put more concentrated pressure against Rhysand’s barrier. But alas, there he was, stark-naked body limning with unbridled power, using his magic until it was drained, not a Siphon in sight, snarling near animalistically.
After that ordeal, the message became clear: no one was to come in contact with the Commander or his mate until they left their cabin unless of an emergency. Rhysand imposed a no-go zone of a half-mile radius around their cabin to be kept at all times until indicated otherwise by the Commander himself. It took two weeks until the pair could leave the cabin without fear of murder, although that didn’t stop an incident from popping up almost every day since, especially since Cassian was convinced most of the camp either wanted to kill Nesta or fuck her. Still, Cassian tried. He tried to rein it in, and Nesta could see that. She knew he took no joy in threatening the lives of his fellow Illyrians, no matter how much they hated him. He had to learn to control himself, and learning he was. However, everyone knows that when learning, mistakes are bound to be made.
That was what brought them here, a crowd of wide-eyed Illyrians with bated breath, gazing at the four in fear: Cassian, Nesta, and a young male who’d been training with an older Illyrian.
Nesta placed a hand firmly on his chest, assuring, “Cass, I’m okay,” as Cassian’s eyes and stance guaranteed violence, twin blades in either hand. His eyes held nearly none of their characteristically striking hazel, instead swallowed by the black abyss of a predator salivating for a hunt. The scent of the blood trickling from the cut on her upper arm was suffocating him. He couldn’t breathe, his body wouldn’t let him. Not when he was so close to his prize: the young male’s blood bathing his blades. Breathing would only alert his prey to his presence, chancing he’d run.
Then again, Cassian wanted a chase.
Still, Cassian would not move. Instincts begged him kill, maul, maim, but his less animalistic side implored him to drop his weapons and help his mate, to be rational and think clearly.
Still, Cassian could not move. Could not attack the enemy for fear of leaving Nesta unattended, nor drop his weapons for fear of leaving her vulnerable to another attack, never mind that he could wipe out every male, female, and child in the camp with his bare hands if he desired.
Nesta, sensing his inner conflict, whispered sweetly to Cassian, “Cassian, Love, I’m safe. I’m healthy, I am happy. I’m okay. You don’t need to do this, you know this.” Facing him, her right hand gripped his shoulder, her left, resting on his abdomen, applying pressure to his body knew she could not remove if she wanted the boy to live. Still, it wasn’t enough for him to break eye contact with the young Illyrian. Slowly, she slid her hand from his abdomen up to his heart, feeling the melodic thump, thump, thump that always grounded her, whether she was facing a nightmare or the much more nefarious demons of her conscious mind.
Still gripping his shoulder, she removed her hand from his chest and pressed her body against his, reaching down in search of his fingers. Immediately his grip softened from his weapon, seeking the warmth and comfort of Nesta’s embrace above all else. Gripping his hand gently, she took a step back. At this, Cassian’s eyes snapped down in alarm until she placed his hand over her beating heart, hand atop his, unblinking as she watched the bloodlust drain from his gaze as he peered into her own, his eyes a telescope gazing upon the stars within the vast edges of the universe people deigned to refer to simply as Nesta’s eyes. Cassian knew he could spend the rest of his immortal life studying them and still he’d have more to learn. Nesta would let him.
In his heart, Cassian knew she could take care of herself, that it was an honest accident. The boy was still learning how to hold a sword, it wasn’t his fault he had it parried out of his grip, especially when it was Nesta who hadn’t realized she wasn’t the compulsory 15 meters away from the fighting pair; she’d been busy running back and forth bringing ice to the healers. Truly, if fault had to be blamed, Nesta laid claim to most of it.
Not that it mattered to Cassian, of course.
In his eyes were terror, veiled thinly only by the stubborn rage. In them, she discerned all his fears…his regrets that he couldn’t save Nesta from the Cauldron. She saw the same look in his eyes he had when they almost died together during the war, and finally she understood. She understood why he’d been so protective. That not only did he struggle with believing he wasn’t enough for his people, but for his own mate too. For the love of his life, his whole world. For his sole reason for living for the past 500 years, the present, and the eternal future. Her gaze was piercing, imploring, begging him to forgive himself, begging him to have mercy on himself, but he couldn’t. Not yet. Not yet had he proven himself worthy of his mate, nor might he ever.
At this, Nesta was the one to feel fear. Not at Cassian, but for him; a life of regrets and guilt is not a life at all, especially for an immortal.
From his shoulder she removed her remaining hand, gently grasping his own, the second twin blade dropping into the mud, and placed his large palm over her cheek, using it to cradle her face. She smiled sadly, tears threatening to spill over as she nestled her cheek into his palm, feeling the rough callouses she wished she could engrave onto her soul so that she’d never be without them.
Those tears? Cassian hated them. Each one that threatened to fall was yet another one of his failures, an indication of Nesta’s pain. Pain that he caused in his own inadequacy. He could never forgive himself.
This wasn’t a conversation they could have in front of a crowd, so she whispered, just barely audible, “take me home,” and instantly, he pulled her body flush against his and flew to the cottage that became the both of theirs, everyone else be damned.
One day, Cassian will learn. Just not today.
There will be a part 2, maybe a part 3!! I hope you enjoyed :)
tag: @arinbelle
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dandelionpath · 4 years
about the answer you reblogged.. The fact that the person said firstly, tht nb animals are uncommon, and secondly tht "gender wasn't important to them" and tht "they were usually juvenile" enforces the notion that nonbinary genders are temporary, or for beings who are just questioning their gender. I am a spirit worker, I've been doing it for years, and the concept that there are "very few" nb animal spirits is bs. gender is different than "biological sex" or w/e. outta here w that transphobia
hey there, anon! i see where you're coming from but i'm going to politely disagree w you! i dont see Bear being transphobic at all w eir response! 
i've been a spirit worker for just over three years now, and I've worked mainly w astral spirits, and a handful of animal spirits. there's definitely nb astral spirits (i'm close friends w a few lol) but i have yet to interact w a nonbinary animal spirit actually! i was just thinking about it today so i thought I'd see what a more experienced practicioner had to say about the matter so i sent Bear that anon. 
idk if you know, but Bear is bigender if I remember correctly (which i believe sometimes fall under the category of nonbinary?), but i dont really want to pull her into any discourse lol, so just... know that and have that in mind when interacting w eir posts. 
I'm not entirely sure what animals ideas of gender are, and I'm still busy chewing those thoughts over, so I don't even have a theory for you yet, BUT I feel like I can say at this point in time that I personally think that animals and humans have different ideas of gender. 
Bear also did say that this is EIR experience and not everyone's experience. "They aren’t common–or at least, I don’t seem to find very many"... she doesn't say that this is EVERYONE'S experience - this is just hers, and this acknowledges that others may have a different experience. 
I find it interesting that ey talk about how juveniles are the more "nonbinary" ones. At first, I agreed! This makes sense! Since juvenile animals don't really have to think about reproducing, they wouldn't really think about gender all that much (as a nonbinary person, I never really thought about gender until people started treating girls and boys differently and puberty hit LOL - it just wasn't really brought to my attention until then). But then, once I started replying to your ask and trying to explain animal gender... I realized that I don't really know all that much about it! I haven't given it much thought before now. 
There have been cases of trans animals (lions are the specific ones that I can remember right now) and there have been many cases of homosexuality in animals, so obviously they're not all just thoughtless sex-driven beings, and there must be more thought going on within them than we previously have given them credit for. Honestly, as someone who works with animal spirits and holds a great deal of respect and awe for nature, I should have realized this fully much sooner than now, but alas... at least I am learning and growing!! 
I don't think that Bear meant what you are accusing em of at all tbh. I don't want to speak for em, but I do give em the benefit of the doubt here, especially since she's part of the trans community herself. 
Anyways LOL, to wrap up: i am interested in seeing if I do meet any animal spirits that are nonbinary, as I have not had the pleasure of doing so yet! I've met a handful of animal spirits and all have been either female or male (astral spirits are a much different story). I think Bear was just speaking of her own experience, and so she was not being transphobic at all. And I have much to think about and research on with animal gender! So thank you for bringing these topics to me, as I am actually really interested in this and excited to learn more!!!
If you’d like to talk more about this, I’d actually really love to open a dialogue because this sort of thing is really interesting for me! So my inbox is open as are my DMs!
quick edit: it’s like an hour away from when i usually go to sleep so if i misunderstood anything or missed anything, that’ll be why LOL, i’m pretty tired so if you want to drop by my inbox again and like,, shake me by the shoulders and say “BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS, YOU IGNORED THIS PART” you can do so if u want HSDHFJKL but also maybe be nicer than that please LOL, i promise i tried to cover everything but to be fair i am quite tired so my brain is not working on all four cylinders
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goldblcd · 6 years
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    [ MUSE 84 ] ●● is that SHAWN MENDES? no, that’s just LEO SINCLAIR the 17 year old CIS MALE who is an HS SENIOR. some say they’re UNRULY AND RECKLESS, but their family and friends will swear they’re CHARISMATIC AND EFFERVESCENT. when i think of them, i think of credit cards without limits, hangovers by the pool, late nights in loud places, abandonment issues masked by smiles, one night stands for relationships, visions of a wasted youth. i wonder if their family know that HE WAS INVOLVED IN A HIT AND RUN THAT GOT BLAMED ON SOMEONE ELSE.
i thought i would have more time to get this done and then i’d have a nice bio for you, but alas this mess is all you get. and i almost forgot to introduce myself ! i’m rory and i’m so thankful for everyone who joined this place! i can’t wait to plot and interact with everyone! i have a discord ( calvin and hobbes#5021 ) feel free to add me ! if you want to plot message me there or here or just smash that like button ! 
leopold ( though, EVERYONE just call him leo ) here is seventeen and the youngest in the sinclair family and his mother left only a few months after he was born so he doesn’t remember the woman or really know anything about her or cares about her !!━━ only the last one is a lie and he def deals with a bit of abandonment issue.
he is an extrovert through and through and a very charismatic guy. he is outgoing and has a sort of big and magnetic personality that draws people in, he thrives when he’s around people and hates being alone or when it’s just too quiet. and of course, he loves being the center of attention.
he likes to think of himself as being spontaneous, but really he’s just stupid and reckless. he will do just about anything just for the thrill and just for the FUN because that’s all he truly cares about ! and the fact that he grows bored very easily and is a bit of a restless soul does not help at all.
not a lot of people know is that leo is in fact very smart. like, way above average ( boy is literally a certified genius  ) and for some time he considered going to mit to study mechanical engineering or computer programming, but thinking about college and responsibilities are a nono. he was still accepted into a bunch of colleges, including mit. can you say wasted potential?? scratch all that bc boy is going to MIT and studying electrical engineering & computer science and mechanical engineering.  ( his teacher still begs him to join the robotics club lol )
leo could be the poster boy of abandonment issues. under all the confidence and bravado, he has some underlying self-esteem issues. he thinks there’s something in him that makes it hard for people to love him. so he is always trying to pull the fun guy that everyone wants to be around and he’s good at that. he gotta make sure everyone loves him and he’s best at everything to prove his mom was wrong.
emotional intimacy is a big no-no, and he doesn’t like the idea of people getting too close to how he really feels or what he really thinks because he’s lowkey a sad kid who just wanted his mom to love him lbr. but what is sadness and anxiety???? he doesn’t know her. so yeah he’s a fake pos. very outspoken about anything that doesn’t matter and very secretive about anything else.
just let him bottle everything up and talk a lot of shit for his own amusement, ignores anything serious and he focuses on the easier kind of ‘happiness’. the physical and material pleasures. he’s super self-indulgent and spares no time, money, or energy to get that. not careful at all with the family’s wealth lbr.
and yes i guess he’s a bit of a fuckboi ?? i mean he likes sex and he likes hot people and he hates relationships or commitment or opening up to anyone. he has probably broken some hearts and i wouldn’t be surprised to see some people around there hating on him bc of that. ops !!
so, his secret is that he he was involved in a hit and run that someone else ended up taking the blame for. what i had in mind is that his dad paid someone and the sheriff to make it all go away ( but i gotta plot it first ). what happened was he was drunk and with a friend and they hit someone and just did not look back. ops. 
he also has another secret, though. this one involving the family ! eavesdropped on his father ordering a hit on someone, but tbh leo is not even too sure what he heard ?? because it makes no sense, right ?? he hasn’t told anyone and hasn’t confronted his father bc he’s not sure what to think ?? he is very curious tho so he’ll probably investigate it and get himself into trouble bc it’s what he does.
brotp ( 0/1 ): this is the ultimate bro! they would have known each other for years now, they’re best friends and everyone knows it. 
the squad ( 00/05  ): pretty simple! give me the kids he hangs with and are just as messy as him !
childhood best friend ( 0/1 ): leo and this person grew up together and have known each other since diapers. their parents are friends and they were probably each other’s first friends. he trusts them a lot and knows he can talk to them about anything and not be judged. maybe it could even be childhood sweethearts? 
team mates( 00/xx ): leo has been qb 1 for the football team since his junior year and has been playing varsaty since his sophomore year. he’s good. and i want all of his teemates to get in trouble with. we can even say they’re state champs bc i make the rules. 
the bad influence ( 00/01 ): give leo someone he can be a bad influence on. someone who is innocent and good and soft and gets involved with leo ( could be just as friends or a fling ) and he will ruin them in the best ways.
the broken heart ( 0/1 ): leo is oblivious to this, but the character is someone who had his heart broken by leo. maybe they are friends, or maybe it’s just someone who had a crush and was turned down for some reason.  
friends with benefits ( 0/2 ): these are just friends who hook up and haven’t blurred the lines between the physical and emotional connection. it’s easy in a very no-strings-attached sort of way, but it doesn’t mean they don’t care about each other as friends. males & females, but dudes would have to keep it on the down low.
friends with benefits & drama ( 0/1 ): the basics of friends with benefits, but these two are actually very possessive over each other? they will tell anyone and everyone they feel nothing for each other but the second the other is with someone they’re playing the part of jealous boyfriend/girlfriend. males or females, but dudes would have to keep it on the down low.
the enemy with benefits ( 00/01 ): they say they don’t like each other and are constantly bickering and giving each other shit, but then they’re losing their clothes and sleeping together.
ex-girlfriend ( 0/1 ): they dated and while it lasted they were the it couple of ashcroft high school, but then he cheated on her ( or we can plot something else too ) and she broke up with him when he found out. leo still cares about her and feel like a jerk for what he did, but what is done is done. maybe there are still some feelings there?
basically, i made this when leo was still august when we last opened and i want you to know that that’s him, just a mess. 
 anything else! 
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pizzamaximoff · 7 years
Surprise (Jason Todd x Reader)
Here’s the first Valentine’s day special with Jason Todd 
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Just used this random gif cause I couldn’t find anything else to fit
Warnings: lil bit angst, lotta fluff
Words: 2,415
8:27 am
You awoke to an empty and cold bed, the same as you had fallen asleep in the previous night. Not much different from usual although you couldn’t blame your boyfriend, afterall he did go out most night protecting the city from harm. If it were any other day you would have shrugged it off and waited patiently for him to return later on. But today, today was Valentine’s day and although you didn’t mind much for the holiday you had hoped that maybe, just maybe you would get to spend they day with your beloved hero.
You rolled over onto your side, reaching for your phone on the bedside table. Lifting it up you waited for the screen to blink on. No new messages. Even so you decided to send your lover a text to celebrate the day, making sure to overload it with hearts, knowing he found it cringey (but secretly cute). You sighed, any thoughts of him remembering the date dampining your mood more.
About half an hour of moping in bed you finally got up. You took a long, hot shower, if you weren’t spending it with Jason you may as well still treat yourself to a relaxing one. Thanking the Gods that you didnt have work today you scrubbed away.
After you finished up and changed into some casual clothes you walked to the kitchen, eager to get some tea and something to eat. As you passed the island you noticed something strange, the dishes you left to dry over night had all been put away.
“He must have come home after all” you mutterd to yourself. While it was a pleasant surprise for him to help out with the little things, you do wish he had stayed long enough for you to at least see him.
An hour and a half of doing nothing, to say you were bored was an understatement. You had checked social media countless of times, thinking you could maybe hangout with your close friends instead to celebrate the day. Alas everyone was either romancing it up or busy working the day away. Your hopes of spending the day with your other loved ones being whisked away. The walls of your apartment were becoming unbareable and it was then that you decided maybe getting some fresh air would be a good thing. So you dragged yourself off the couch and to the door. You could tell be the sight outside it was a particularly cold day, even with the sun brightly shining. You pulled on your thick coat, making sure to put on your hat and scarf too (you did not want painfully frozen ears), and after grabbing your phone, earphones and keys you left the empty apartment. You sent Jason another message, notifying him of your whereabouts if he came home while you were out, noticing the message was unread. Maybe his phone died?
Great. It was if the whole world was out to remind you that you were alone today. Your music kept plaing love songs (that you’d usually enjoy but in the company of yourself the sappy lyrics were beginning to irk you). The whole park was filled with happy couples holding hands and smiling with glee. Sure it wasn’t their fault but it was still pissing you off. It was a battle to keep the scowl off your face and not look like a moody single. reaching a more secluded area you found a bench and too a seat, tired of walking. It was a quaint little area. Bushes surrounding a small pond, with a family of ducks amongst the greenery. Maybe you could bring Jason here, get away from all the chaos of life for a few moments. Although you’d have to come when it got warmer, the environment would be much more enjoyable when you could actually feel your limbs.
You pulled your icy phone out of your pocket. Still no reply. You unlocked his phone and clicked on his nickname, Jaybird, and for a moment your heart stopped.
Read 11:32, you gasped quietly. Read? You could understand him not seeing the message yet, he wasn’t on his phone nearly as much as yourself. But he had now read the message. Negative thoughts clouded your mind. Was he outright ignoring you. Knowing you shouldn’t over react and jump to conclusions you shook your head and rubbed away the potential tears. He probably absentmindenlty checked his phone before crashing asleep back home.
Sighing for the umpteenth time that day you decided to spend some more time in the park, even in the bitter air.
You decided to walk back. Even if he forgot you were still excited to see Jason. Maybe snuggle up and watch Romeo and Juliet while munching on sweets and chocolate, you knew he had a particular soft spot for Shakespeare. Now that would be an ideal Valentine’s day. A smile made its way onto your face at the thought, warming you from the inisde as you journeyed home through the streets of Gotham. A grin soon broke out on your cheeks as the music in your earphones dipped, signaling a new message. With the speed of the flash you whipped out your phone. If there was ever such a strong change in emotion it was now: your face fell drastically as you read the name on the screen, Tim.
Now it wasn’t that you disliked the younger boy, it was just that you were desperate to hear anything from Jason, even if it wasn’t in anyway romantic at all. You opened the message anyway, interested to see what he had to say.
From Timbo 13:26
Hey (y/n), I’m at your’s and Jay’s. No one was in so I used the spare key you guys gave Bruce.
From Timbo 13:26
Hope you don’t mind but I made myself a cup of coffee.
Let me know when you’ll be in.
You stopped in place. No one’s home? So where the bloody hell was Jason. You could feel anger beginning to well slighlty from his ignorance. Breathing out you got to texting Tim back, maybe you could ask him where your dear boyfriend was when you got home.
To Timbo
That’s cool, I’m on my back from the park now.
To Timbo
Won’t be long, make yourself at home.
From Timbo 13:32
Already have lol
Even with your negative mood you laughed at the antics of the younger boy. With that you locked your phone and continued walking home.
You unlocked the door and shed your outdoor layers.
“Hey (y/n)!” You heard Tim call from the lounge. You responded with a greeting, albiet not as enthusiastically. Once home ready you walked into the living room, chuckling at the sight of him lounging on the sofa, legs up with his phone and a mug of coffee in hand. Once you pushed his legs off and sat down on the sofa he locked his phone and smiled up at you.
“So what brings you here Timbo?” You spoke, looking at him in curiosity.
“What? Can’t I come visit dear brother’s girlfriend, who happens to be my dear friend?” He said, mock innocence coating his voice. You laughed slightly before continuing.
“I know you Tim, You wouldn’t have come in person if you really didn’t have to.” Feigning hurt for a moment he replied, “How could you? I would come to see you whenever and where ever.” You both paused, “Alright you got me, If Jason heard me speaking like that I’d be a deadman.” You both laughed for a moment before you decided to bring up said male.
“Speaking of, you haven’t heard from him have you? He hasn’t responded to my texts and I haven’t seen him all night”. Tim’s demanor shifted at your question and he responded much too quickly.
“No can’t say I have sorry.” You opened your mouth to question him further but he quickly shifted the subject. You talked with they lad for a good long while, catching up with him. It’d been a while since you’d actually seen him in erson and it was nice to actually get to seem him and talk face to face. After a few hours and multiple teas and coffees later Tim finally got to his original intention. He was here to ask if you wanted to come back to the manor and join the others for a casual Valentine’s get together. they were having at the house. You asked f Jason would be there and he awkwardly responded with an ‘I don’t really know’.You weren’t too keen but you agreed to come anyway, seeing as you would’ve ended up angry and depressed at the apartment alone. Might aswell enjoy the rest of the day with your favourite vigilanties.
You both got up ready to leave as you locked the apartment door and Tim spoke one more time.
“Oh yeah I got dropped off so you’re going to need to drive. meet you at your car!” With that he speed off leaving you to curse at the boy.
You pulled up the elaborate driveway of the manor. It was already dark and you were in awe at the manor being lit in the darkness. It was a beautiful place. You parked and both exited the car. Tim let the pair of you into the grand home. His awkward state was back as he shuffled ahead. Coughing to get your attention she spoke,”So, um, the others are waiting in the conservatory. I’m going to check on some, um umm, stuff in the kitchen.” and with that he was gone.
“Okay?”. You manouvered to the back of the manor, having been here enough times to know the basic layout. What you were met with was not what you were expecting.
The room was mostly dark, being lit purely by the stars, some candles on a layed table and some fairy lights weaved into the metal work of the consevatory. Your eyes travelled across the delicates lights eventually leading you to a warmly lit figure standing in the middle of the room. Broad shoulders covered with a jet black turtle neck, matching the gorgeous soft waves of hair upon his perfect face. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing the heavenly forearms. In his hands, clutched rather tighlty, was a bouquet of your favourite flowers wrapped together in a perfect red bow. It was then that you realised that you had barely been breathing and you gasped, bring your hands to your mouth in shock. You looked him into his eyes, the perfect blues looking back with pure adoration and happiness.
“Happy Valentine’s day (y/n).” as he spoke you could feel your insides basically melt and you couldnt help yourself as you ran towards him and into his arms. He tensed in shock for a moment, dropping the flowers to catch you before laughing. You could feel the deep chuckles reverbing through his chest as you embraced him tightly. He placed you back on the ground and you stared up at him, the height difference returning to it’s usual (something you’d never change because damn that made you feel things), and you stared into his eyes with love, brushing away all of the day’s earlier doubts.
“I hate you so much” you said, smiling through it. He smiled in return, bright and happy.
“Yeah, I love you too.”
“I was beginning to think you’d gone missing, or beginning to get bored of me” You meant it as a joke even if the thoughts occured but he frowned slightly.
“Bored of you? (y/n) I could never get bored of you. I love you more than I can put into words.” You smiled even more than you were before with his words, making you feel warm and fuzzy inside. You pulled him down to your level, hands locked behind his head and shared the most passionate kiss of your life. His large hands gripped your hips, pulling you impossibly closer. The pair of you only parted at the intrusion of the voice of a much younger brother.
“Gross” came the voice of Damian Wayne. The two of you pulled apart, you blushing while Jason simply glared at the boy from over your shoulder. You could feel one of his hands leave you most likely flipping Damian off before returning to your body.
When you thought your embrassement was over you heard the hushed voices of the others.  
“Damian to get back, you’re blowing our cover!” Dick whisper shouted.
“Hey, ow, your stepping on my feet” Steph complained.
You buried your face into Jason’s chest, red with embrassment.
What startled the you the most was the voice of Bruce, ushering them all away and closing the wooden doors of the room. You finally looked back up at him, but he was frozen staring at the door with a flushed face (for Bruce had sent him a thumbs up with a smirk and a wink). Something you rarely saw, but he snapped out of it as soon as he noticed your stare.
“So, shall we get the evening started?” He spoke, that deep and confident voice.
“We sure shall, I want to know what kept you so busy today you couldn’t answer your texts.” He laughed nervously, hand moving to rub the back of his neck.
“Yeah about that, Damian may have taken my phone as I was about to respond.” You raised an eyebrow at this looking at him with skepticism. “Hey don’t look at me like that! He thought I wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret,” he then mumbled the rest but due to your close proximity you heard it all, “and i definitly can’t with you”.
You laughed loudly at this, not surprised anymore.
“He’s right, you’re a even worse at lying than Tim”
“Hey, take that back, I’m not nearly as bad as that nerd!”
A pounding was heard on the door followed by Tim yelling’ “Excuse me I am an excellen- hey ah Dad wait!” Tim’s voice faded away as he was being dragged away by Bruce. You continued to laugh, Jason joining in.
And so you begun your evening. It was romantic, perfect and full of love and care. Spending time with Jason was like being in your own personal heaven.
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
vampire! Mingyu
Anon requested: “ WOOOO requests are open?? I'd like to request a mingyu vampire au lol idk this just came to my mind... “
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1973
A/N: not too sure yet, but this may sound the tiniest bit of graphic to some, you’ve been warned :’) 
few humans know of vampires 
and the ones that do, or did, are dead
what kind of dead, that’s up to them and the vampire 
vampires aren’t evil, they still have their personalities
and like humans can be good and evil, vampires can be too 
like humans can have armies, groups, organizations
vampires can have them too
one of the more well known ones, Seventeen, actually extremely hard to get into 
to this day, only thirteen male members, and some rumors of their girlfriends 
meanwhile, getting his face smashed against the tree, Mingyu takes deep breaths
hands holding onto the tree, he grins at the sound behind him
“is that all you got?” 
Mingyu glances back at Seungcheol and mirrors the smirk the latter is flashing
“not even close” 
and there goes the two again, racing to the top of the mountain 
not afraid to let a little wrestling in on the way
“i win” Seungcheol grins, patting him on the back 
chuckling, Mingyu waves casually, “i’m going to find food”
after standing on top of the mountain for the millionth time, 
the view does get old lol 
running care-freely, he goes all the way down past the huge new house
vampires must move around after all 
and here’s the thing 
the means to get human blood is pretty morbid
though it’s their means of survival, the rule in Seventeen is blood bags and animals only 
can’t having anyone forgetting to change a human’s memory or heal them yikes
standing openly in the forest, Mingyu stays silent, looking around for the smallest of movements
then drawing his fangs out he runs 
teeth sinking into the live, innocent animal, bloodshot eyes burning in satisfaction
he drains the blood quickly, having not eaten the whole day
the limp deer drops to the ground with a slight thud as Mingyu grimaces in his smile
“sorry,” he whispers before turning and leisurely walking out the forest
it was either the hot animal blood or the cold blood bag 
while the truth was nothing could ever beat a human’s 
going back to the house, he grabs his bag and attempts to leave the door 
before Minghao flashes in front of him leaning against the wood smirking
“i can’t believe your voluntarily going back to that hellhole.”
with a bit of effort, Mingyu opens the door, grinning back at his friend
“college isn’t a hellhole” 
Minghao shrugs, “your dead and going to college so, yeah, it is.” 
he shortly gives a fist bump before going back inside
yes this is the twenty-second time Mingyu has been gone to college 
imagine the things he knows though oh lord 
while alive, he had always stressed over what to major in
now he could easily take anything he had the slightest interest in
so he sits in his psychology class, head resting on his head, smiling slightly at the board 
or maybe at something else 
or someone
“i don’t know how you can be so happy for a psych class,” you chuckle
the boy turns, his smile practically radiating 
“i can’t just be happy?” he laughs at your expression
“your allowed to have one bad day Kim Mingyu.” 
patting his arm, you settle into your seat, next to him 
‘how can i when i get to see you...’
alas, that’s not the words coming out of his mouth
sadly the conversation couldn’t continue, as the professor starts class
an hour later during class, running his hand through his hair, tugging at the roots 
anyone would think he just woke up from a nap and freaking out because he just missed an hour of notes 
but nope that’s not it, it’s what happened a few minutes prior 
okay vampires don’t sleep really 
it’s more like closing your eyes peacefully, while listening to the prof
your soft voice sends shivers through him
and as he opens his eyes, all his senses rise as he stares deeply into your eyes, so close to him 
“i’ll text you the notes,” you wink, leaning away acting as if nothing has happened 
Mingyu never felt more disrespected 
your scent still lingers around him 
it’s torture 
and taking all his might to not pounce on you right now 
now after letting his mind wander, he’s at his current state 
stressing himself out because, what the actual fuck is he going to do 
it’s not like he can easily start a relationship with you 
how could he possibly start something where only broken hearts might come out of 
that’s not what your thinking 
“do you have a class after this?” 
“huh, oh um no i don’t” 
you smile nervously, “want to get lunch with me” 
not letting his thoughts peak through, other than ‘fuck it’ he answers 
“let’s go” 
his hands latch onto his book bag straps desperately, nails almost digging into his palms 
“what do you want to eat?” he asks
your arms swing back and forth, unintentionally drawing his attention to them 
but dammit does he want to hold your hand
“that little cafe shop down the road?” 
“uhhh sure” 
you smile at him, realizing the expression he has
he’s tilting his head slightly, grinning widely to try to hide the confusion in his eyes
“you’ve never been there have you?” 
sheepishly, he shakes his head shyly 
“what the heck,” 
you shock him by grabbing his wrist 
“let’s go then!” 
myth: vampires only drink blood 
nah, it’s just they can’t get nutrients from it, hence blood
what’s much more appetizing though, cough
you lick your lips, after taking a spoonful, “take a bite Mingyu~” 
how ironic 
“it’s really good” he smiles immediately, and not because of the food 
your pretty face, eating simple pasta, smiling like it was the best thing in the world 
ignorance is bliss 
“are you finally having that bad day?” you ask curiously
Mingyu’s been quiet today 
i mean you do only normally see him in class, and he did smile a bit 
but even then, he’s twirling his pencil, making origami with notebook paper
you didn’t add to your collection of mini swans today
but today nothing, nada
and it worried you more than you would admit 
strangely, you’ve grown fond of him, without even knowing him
“does it seem that way,” he smiles apologetically, “got a bit on my mind” 
“care to tell?” 
he hesitates, before leaning back
“there’s a girl I like, but i’ll never work out” 
you lean forward, your lips twitching, “and what makes you think it won’t” 
he stays silent and you take this as your cue to continue 
“do you know why I asked you to lunch?” 
he shakes his head 
“i like you, Mingyu, and I rather face rejection than regretting I never did something” 
you force yourself to not look away from his eyes, trying to read every single emotion that goes through 
“not a lot of people can be like that” he says finally 
“history” you state simply 
“for the record, you were the girl I was talking about” 
you smile at him, happy enough to get that 
swinging your bag back over your shoulder, you stand
“i think we can make it work, when you think so too,” 
his lips are parted slightly, showing there’s something he’s going to say 
judging from his face, it’s not what you want to hear,
besides that fact, you wink, 
“call me” 
he watches you pass through the door, cross the street, meet up with one of your girl friends while walking back to campus, he sighs
he looks at the ring on his pinky, the one so graciously giving him the ability to not burn on the spot 
“if only she knew” 
one whole week 
that’s how long Mingyu had until he saw you again
that’s also how long the others had to get it out of him 
even if it means bother him the kitchen 
“Mingyuuuuu, who’s this girl i hear them talk of?” 
Jeonghan smirks, trying to make eyecontact 
“hyung is there no subtly?” he laughs, unamused 
“who said there’s a girl?” Mingyu continues stirring his food for their dinner
how did they know??
“i know there is” 
Wonwoo pops of out of no where, head in a book
“you’re acting weird” 
if Vampires could blush, Mingyu would be past that 
“get out, get out if you wanna eat” 
and he avoids that conversation for about a day
but on that last day, he really cant take it anymore 
it’s 1:00 in the morning when he grabs his phone, and speeds to that little cafe
“are you awake?” 
“you have the audacity to call me at 1:00 am?” 
he smiles to himself, swinging his long legs back and forth on the cafe roof 
“i’m sorry” 
“i don’t need an apology for that” 
he’s speechless for a moment, mouth suddenly feeling dry
on the other side, you bite your lip nervously, all the confidence you show outside gone 
you can hear his breathe through the phone
“can you meet me?” 
you tap your pencil on your desk, surprised at his words 
“i only give one chance Kim Mingyu” you say softly, grabbing your coat and leaving 
you find him quickly, tilting your head up “how am I supposed to get up there??” 
he motions excessively to the tree beside him
taking a deep breathe, you latch onto the first branch, starting to climb 
there’s a comfortable silence when you get up there, and you break it, sitting closely next to him 
“making the girl do all the dirty work on the first date, what a man” 
you joke smiling, 
he grins, the grin you’ve been thinking about all week
“is this a date now?” 
you pout, “i’m leaving if this isn’t” 
without his eyes leaving yours, he takes his hand, tangling it in yours 
it’s feels a little cool 
“stay, please” 
you nod, leaning your head on his shoulder
he gives your hand a quick squeeze, “i think we can make this work” 
you feel a but coming
“but there’s something you need to know first” 
the sky is dark but you can still see his eyes glistening 
“i’m a vampire” 
your mind goes blank 
the words that come out your mouth are automatic 
“is that why your hand is cold” 
he chuckles, obviously not expecting your reaction 
“definitely didn’t think I was going to be hearing that” 
you burst into laughter 
“don’t worry i’ll be freaking out when i go home” 
“this...” you pause, “it doesn’t change how I feel about you” 
“seriously?” Mingyu bites his lip
your eyes haze over, possibly from the lack of sleep, or not 
“don’t get me wrong, it changes a lot” 
your words come out a bit breathless, as you tilt your head up slightly, 
leaning in, just a bit 
but instead, his hand lets go of yours as it moves to cup your cheek 
he whispers, “you always make the first move” 
before closing the gap
it was something completely different than what he’s ever felt 
ever since becoming a vampire, he gave up the thought the love
but maybe he’s found it 
his hands find themselves resting on your waist, before pulling away
“it’s going to be complicated” 
you can’t help the smile that forms on your face, looking at his worried expression 
running your thumb over his cheek, you chuckle, “we can think about that another time” 
your hands intertwine again, you head leaning on his shoulder 
just simply discussing trivial non-important things 
‘it’s going to work out just fine’ you think, smiling 
“what’s that smile for?” 
you grin, “nothing~”  
tapping on the roof, you huff 
“you better help me down” 
he smirks, “on it” 
faster than you can see, he stands up on the roof 
holding you in his arms bridal style 
his eyes are sparkling again 
“hold on tightly.”
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The Seventeen Vampire AU Series:
| Mingyu | Junhui | Seungcheol | Joshua |
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cj-jacobs · 7 years
we-tweety replied to your post “What do you think about them ruining Chloe's character even more in...”replied to your post “What do you think about them ruining Chloe's character even more in...”
I’m gonna disagree here lol. Was Chloe overdramatic yeah. But in the first film she found herself in this way. She saw the potential in Beca to help the group despite Aubrey not wanting Beca. Chloe sought her out and was the one who got Beca to join. She found her voice to stand up to Aubrey and fight for Beca and change. And she loved to sing. So much that she did it through the pain.
In the second one she although overreacting to everything lol again stood up. She made sure to check out the competition. She knew they needed to change and she got them to the retreat. In the end she was a great captain. It isn’t a weakness to care so deeply for something. Just like Beca’s passion to be a producer and how she reacted when her boss didn’t like what she had done.
Or Aubrey puking from stress yet no one considers Aubrey to be weak. I agree about the family comment. It struck me as well the minute I heard it that something wasn’t right with Chloe and her family or lack of one. Of course this was never explored so who knows.
As for not graduating. Why did she do it at all. Was it because Beca was leaving? Or because Beca called her out? It’s bad storytelling when you don’t know what the characters motivation is. 
So lol. I don’t like what it seems they’ve done to Chloe and I certainly don’t like the fact that she needs a guy to help her along.
I mean come on. She loves to sing. In two years she couldn’t find ONE job teaching others to sing lol.
(There’s probably a better way to reply to replies, but I’m too tumblr illiterate to know what it is, so sorry for my ugly copy/paste job!)
Re: jobs, yeah, presumably if the second movie had been the last one, it’d be nice to assume she found a job that she loves.  But the problem is, when they decided to do a third movie, that’s no longer possible, because then she doesn’t have a storyline.  Given that they’ve already set up the fact that the Bellas mean the world to her, the logical progression for a third movie is that she’s having a hard time finding something else that gives her life that same kind of meaning.  Fans seem to always want to see their faves being successful and not struggling, but from a writer’s perspective, that’s not a story.  A story has to include struggle and conflict, and there has to be something for the character to triumph over by the end of the movie.  She can’t start out in a good place, or there’s nowhere for her to go.
But I definitely agree that she’s not weak.  By calling her a mess I don’t mean to imply that she’s weak, just complicated and human.  She’s a very strong character, probably even stronger than Beca, and her passion and dedication to the Bellas is a major part of that strength.  (Which is why I think that in a Bechloe relationship, Chloe would know very early on what she wants and wouldn’t give a damn what anyone thinks about it, while Beca would be the one who can’t seem to process the reality that she’s falling in love with her best friend.)  In emphasizing that she’s a mess, I’m not really defending the third movie so much as nitpicking about the fanon version of her I see so often on tumblr which seems to ignore one half of her personality.
So she’s not weak at all imo, but it is a little odd that this acapella group is of such monumental importance to her, to the point that she claims her life would have no meaning without it.  They probably won’t go into her background in PP3 (actually I hope they don’t, given what we’ve heard about it), but yeah, the family issue could be really interesting.  For my fic I went in the direction of giving her parents who are rich and cold and emotionally distant, more focused on her dad’s political career than on their daughter, but another possibility would be that she’s a foster kid who had no family at all.  I considered that option, because while some foster kids erect emotional barricades, many others go the opposite direction and tend to be really over-affectionate and ignore boundaries in their attempts to form quick bonds with people, since they’re always afraid they’ll be uprooted and moved around again.  Has anyone ever done a fic with that angle on Chloe’s background?
So I think the setup for her story (being adrift after college) makes perfect sense, but like you said, the fact that they’re writing it so that the solution has to involve a male love interest is downright nauseating.  Even if they didn’t want to do anything romantic with Bechloe, why not just a freaking friendship storyline for them?  Or why not Aubrey, since what else is Aubrey even doing in this movie?  The two of them already have an established close friendship, it would make much more sense for Aubrey to help her than for it to be some new guy we’ve never even met, and Brittany and Anna C have great onscreen chemistry.  But alas, it’s Hollywood, and someone has to get the hetero love story.  Chloe was unfortunately the next up to bat.
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lackataesical · 7 years
work in progress tag
no one actually tagged me in this but i saw that @spcywolf did it and said that anyone could say she tagged them so i’m gonna take this as an opportunity to let you all know that i’m not dead and that i’m actual doing stuff. (i’m lying though. after MX i may actually be dead) aNYWHO
one. sleepover // yoon bora
one-shot high school!au, best friends!au ~1600 words maybe 50% done??? i’m never sure
“You’re the best at this, you know. I’m glad I got you to help me out.” she hums, leaning her head against your shoulder as you chuckle.
“I just said it was nice.”
“Yeah, but you also would have told me if it wasn’t. Or if the color made me look fat, or if it clashed with my hair. You’re so brutally honest sometimes it’s kind of funny. At least I can always, always, always count on you to tell me how you actually feel.”
You feel like something gets lodged in the back of your throat, and you swallow around it. “Yeah. Yeah, you can just count on me.”
two. currently unnamed lol // shin hoseok
one-shot demon!au, witch!au ~1700 words like 10% done i’m awful
Wonho lets out a delighted laugh, and you would’ve glared at him if you weren’t too busy hiding your burning face in the pillow.
“This isn’t funny.” you mumble, and you can just feel Wonho roll his eyes at you.
“Aw, come on. Can’t you wave a wand, abracadabra it, and - BAM - bed frame good as new?”
“That’s not how magic works.” you whine, burying yourself further into the sheets as if you could somehow hide from Wonho’s burning stares and infuriating laugh.
“Well then, sweetheart, look like there’s a trip to Ikea in your future.” he teases, and you feel his hand crawl up the expanse of your back before you reach over to try and slap it away.
“I hate you so much.”
three. play the part // park jinyoung
one-shot college!au ~1000 words 25% done at best
You see who he points out and groan. Jun gives you a small grin and smacks Minghao’s shoulder as he calls out “Hooker!”. Jun waggles his eyebrow playfully, while Minghao looks torn between walking away and smacking his best friend upside the head.
You sigh as you throw your head back, wondering who you murdered in your past life to deserve this.
Jinyoung smiles a tight-lipped smile as the males in the crowd hoot and whistle. He looks calm, but you can see the annoyance coursing just under his skin.
“Thank you for that, Junhui. So, Y/N here will be a barista, and I will be a prostitute.” he said, smirking through the disappointed yells and the small giggles scattered through the audience.
“What were you expecting? Not like I’d break out my fishnets for an improv piece.” you quip, chuckling.
“I would’ve if you had told me ahead of time.” Jinyoung responds, grinning at the uproar of cheers from the females (and quite a few males) in the audience. He turns to you, shrugging with a smug smile on his face. Your eyes narrow, and you straighten your shoulders. If this boy wants to compete for the crowd's approval...
Well, you never were one to deny a challenge.
four. what i’m looking for // mark tuan
one-shot mall!au i guess ~600 words 10% done
You strolled into the little coffee shop at the corner of the food court, the little bell at the door announcing your arrival. A voice calls out a standardize greeting and you make you way towards the counter as slowly as possible.
Of course you had to opt out of doing most of the other tasks. Of course you’re best friend knew you would, convincing your other teammates that you had to pick up for your slack. Of course Chungha would ask you to make up for the points she lost for the team. Of course you couldn’t say no to Chungha little, pouty face.
You gnaw on the skin of your bottom lip, willing the line in front of you to go at a snail’s pace. For every single machine to break all at once. For the person at the front to make an order large enough for an army. Anything to make sure you did not get up there before the game ended.
You slide your phone out your pocket and pull the list up, praying that the final bonus objective that you had been assigned to had somehow changed in the short moments it had taken you to walk here.
Bring the cute worker from Starbucks. We all know the one ;)
Alas, it had not.
five. bad reputation // it’s a secret 
multi-chapter fic that’s part of a series with the next two on this list. i’ll announce when it’s done just so i don’t rip my hair out but i’m excites bad girl!au ~1000 words so not close to done you have no idea. 
“Hang on tight.” you hear her say.
You form a loose circle around her waist with your arms, and she sighs. There’s a retort on your tongue, but it’s cut off by the man on the floor unsteadily rising to his feet. Without giving him a chance to straighten out, she’s speeding down the alleyway.
Your arms tighten around her waist as you let out a squeal. You can’t see her face but you can just tell that she’s giggling at you from underneath that helmet of hers. Your skirt fans out behind you, and you’re silently glad that you’re moving fast enough that no one can see just how much skin is left exposed.
With the wind whipping in your face, you have no choice but to bury your face into the crook of her neck. You let out a little sigh as your cheek hits the warmth of her skin, and unconsciously your hand sneaks it’s way into her jacket and your thumb slides just under the bottom of her shirt, seeking warmth. You absolutely do not take any notice to the heat she’s radiating, or how soft her skin is where your fingers meet it.
Absolutely not.
six. you’re just like an angel // secret idol
again, multi-chapter male reader :) ~1200 words i’m a terrible gauge so i’m just gonna say 2% done
You sigh loudly. The first time goes completely unacknowledged. The second time earns you a raised brow. It’s not until the third time that you do it does he actually turn to look at you.
“Yes, your highness?” he quips, sarcasm dripping from his voice. You ignore how fond it sounds.
“I’m bored.” you say, wiggling your toes. His eyes narrow into a glare as your toes dig into his thigh. He gently smacks you ankle with the hand he had resting on your leg, and you yelp, drawing your feet out from under him. He smirks, but it quickly morphs into a frown when you set your feet in his lap, staring at him in defiance
seven. three’s a crowd // LMAO
multi-chapter childhood best friends!au ~1000 words 3% done cause it’s shorter than the last one lol
You honestly didn’t mean to knock the castle over.
You just wanted to get the shovel that the boy had left next to it, and next thing you know, his little masterpiece crumbles into a pathetic looking pile. That being said, you have absolutely no idea what to do with the said owner of the castle, who is staring at you like you just kicked his puppy.
“I don’t know why you’re looking at me like that. It’s not like I meant to knock it.” you state matter-of-factly, little arms crossed in front of your chest. “Besides, it’s just a stupid sand castl-”
You let out a yelp as suddenly your pigtail, the one that your mommy made for you this morning, is yanked hard enough to make you fall on your butt. Your scalp stings and your eyes water with tears as you glare at the new boy. The new boy stands in front of the first one, hands on his hips and a glare of his own to match yours.
eight. extra secret thing that i’m working on for someone that i’m giving no hints to except for this excerpt because the title and who it’s for will also give it away
one-shot (cautiously) nope it really may not get finished and it it’s not than i’m just never saying what it was but if it does, then you might know where it’s from
The sound of heels on cobblestone echo through the halls. Your palms are so sweaty it’s a wonder it hasn’t slipped right out from his yet.
“This way.” he says, pulling you into an empty guest room and softly closing the door behind you.
“We - we can’t get caught. You’re a guard and this is -”
You’re caught off by the firm hand on your waist. By his weight against yours, pressing you to the wall. By the lips that find your jaw. He drags his mouth up your neck to rest at your ear and whisper in voice so wrought with emotion that it sends a shiver down your spine.
“Do you want this?” he asks. Your mind struggles to register a single word that is coming out of his mouth, but you manage to nod. You feel him smirk against your skin and you let out a shaky sigh,
“Then let’s live a little, princess.”
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