#but alas. the all consuming art game
peapod20001 · 1 year
Bro I’m </3 thinking too hard </3
#vent#ugh. artfight. bullshit. fucking shit#I would rather have banter with my friends than draw for people that don’t care#but alas. the all consuming art game#I love drawing for people in theory but I hate how it makes me feel. do you understand what I mean by this#idk what it is but the fact art fight starts TOMORROW has me feeling like a worthless sack of shit#and that feeling is only heightened by the fact that everyone is going to be invested in it while I fucking crumble for what? the 3rd?#4th year in a row?? god. fucking sucks. I get so in my head with this bullshit every year. but I want to do it#ugh. awful. and I feel worse when people make me things and then I don’t get to send something back#awful gross beast. and now I’m just feeling worse thinking about other things. I’m so overwhelmed#and not a damn person to talk to cus 1. there’s no one to listen and 2. I can’t articulate my feelings! I don’t understand myself!#the only reason I know how to act is because I do research for my fucking characters! I’m my own fucking character!#and I wish someone was there to make me feel special like how I (hypothetically) make my ocs feel!!#ugh. whatever I’m cool and fine and dandy and NOT on the verge of tears and I’m going to eat fucking jellybeans#am I going to have a breakdown every time there’s a Holliday or event? I canNOT be caught feeling like a fucking ball of lint every#valentines day dawg. I can’t be that person. I already did that one time too many ok#how’s it feel to have people enjoy talking to you? cus I’m either too much or not enough for people
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fisheito · 1 year
i want to consume more nukani content but must try VERY hard ,,.not to look at nukani tag in whatever socmed is happening rn ... tiny spoileies.
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fceriestcrdst · 1 year
my autistic ass avoided watching the x-files because i knew it would consume me....
& now here i am fully consumed even though I've only watched the first few handful of episodes of s1 (i'm regaining spoons needed for media consumption), but let me tell you w h a t!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was so excited i started crying because it combines unbridled pining, a skeptic & her believer husband partner, true crime, weird mythology, aliens (which i already knew abt obvi), unlikely besties who are prepared to square up at all times (re; scully being cold towards the agents mocking mulder & mulder being ready to fight g o d whenever anything happens to scully).
i just love the show a lot & i expected this but goddamn!!!!!! it's wormed into my spin category & now my alien spin is returning along with my 'unexplained happenings spin!!!!! i'm being consumed i tell you!!!!
#i'm excited to watch the movies as well!!!#i'm a little nervous for s10 & s11 due to the time jump etc etc#so i may not watch those--but i intend on watching 1-9 & the films#tho i'll probably watch s1 - 5 & the watch the first movie. watch s6-9 & watch the last movie#i knew i would be consumed by the autistic coded FBI agents & their ufo sightings but DAMN YALL-----i started going bonkers#on dya fuckin' one & now they're all i can think about#maybe this is to fix the void i have due to w*tcher being a mess (I'm season 3 is good--i ma just petrified dfghkjldfh)#if this end sup in tags no it doesn't <3 but also if it does---don't follow me due to this post#i post a mishmash of stuff!#kylo rambles#kylo's audhd/disability posting#<- putting this there bc it just feels right to do so <3#the reminders im getting of like--the fucked up alien shit i know & ALSO 2 OF MY FAVORITE ALIEN CENTRIC MOVIES-#(those being close encounters of the third kind & starman)#i've gotta rewatch those now & c r y because those movies remind me of watching them in my grandmother's livingroom while my mom played-#-games on her pc. they also remind me of the summer nights i'd watch them back to back for days on end#god--for a 25 year old i talk like someone who gre wup in the 80s when i--alas did not---i grew up in the 200s but my parents#showed me a lot of 80s & 90s media so i feel more at home with those films & early 2000s films then i do most things from the 2010s#i'm talking a lot in tags--if you read all this--i'm so sorry. i don't know the art of shutting the fuck up#anyways; once again--if i end up in tags no i don't & don't follow me solely due to this post because i post a lot of stuff that's unrelate#to this (also please be above 18 if you're gonna follow me <3)
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parkersgnome · 2 days
⭐️Mima Rants⭐️
I remember coming across slideshow on tik tok this about a year ago, and even *I* (as someone who used to be grossed out by proshipping) thought was ridiculous…
This is the title of the slideshow.
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Just a heads up guys, just like our favorite ships, None of these stories are real.
And if they were based on actual events, wouldn’t it make more sense to make a video about that instead of making up shit that never happened?
But, Let’s go through each of these as if they were real stories, shall we?
First one
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“Caleb uses the internet to deal with his trauma”, Alright, I’m gonna stop you right there.
Isn’t “Staying off the internet is beneficial for your mental health” something we learned in, idk, fucking grade school? Cyber safety PSAs in middle school? Something that dozens of people have screeched from the top of their lungs since social media was invented?
Who the heck told him that being on the internet was going to help with his trauma and improve his mental health???
His feelings are valid, I get that. He has every right to be disturbed by Sage’s writings and fantasies. However, it seems that Sage isn't encouraging these actions in real life and keeps them strictly within fiction. As long as it’s in text or art, Sage has every right to express his fantasies.
Anyways, Caleb should seek a better therapist who can teach him better coping mechanisms like going out for walks, yoga, baking, or some other fourth thing instead of browsing social media where there’s a good chance he can run into something that makes him uncomfortable.
Next one…
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“Jackie is 10-”
Yeah no no no no no no.. no… NO.
10-years-old. That’s, like, what? 4th grade? Shouldn’t Jackie be watching cartoons, playing with toys, or better yet, playing outside? Why did her parents give her internet access? Why aren’t they monitoring what their elementary schooled daughter is watching online?
If Charlie was going out of her way to promote this to minors then I would say she’s in the wrong, but this story never implies whether her content was specifically targeted to and/or letting minors come on to her account.
I've never seen proshippers create accounts specifically targeting children. If Charlie makes it clear her content isn't for kids, then it's not her fault if some random little girl she doesn’t know ends up consuming it.
If Jackie thought this was normal and ended up being groomed/assaulted by her brother, then it is her parent’s fault for neglecting her online safety and allowing her to access adult-targeted content at an age when media literacy is at an all time low.
The last one
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“dEGenErates LiKE hiM 🤓” 💀💀
Once again, unless you can present to me a REAL LIFE incest/pedophilia case where proshipping was involved, this is not a valid argument that fiction affects reality.
Alas, we're treating these stories as if they were real. If Trey feels compelled to SA his sister after seeing writings or drawings of problematic ships, this suggests he’s likely an untreated mentally ill individual, especially since he can't differentiate fiction from reality.
What? If Trey played GTA V and started shooting and robbing a bank because he wanted to be like Trevor Phillips, should we consider banning violent video games?
As proshippers, we do not endorse real-life criminals and genuinely terrible people. The essence of proshipping is that all negative or degenerate actions should be confined to fiction. Understand?
End of discussion.
Anyway, as ridiculous as that slideshow was, please refrain from harassing or bothering the artist who made it. They have the same freedom of speech we do, and stooping to harassment and bullying wouldn't make us any better than antis who promote such behavior.
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damoselcastel · 30 days
Writer Interview game
Considering myself tagged by @queenlua
When did you start writing?
Jr. High is when I started sitting down and really going at it. I'd done visual art things since I was 4 years-old, but storytelling is something I'd always enjoyed. Now I consider myself faster at writing than as an artist, oof.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Slice-of-lifes that dive deep into IRL topics, I have a lot of fun consuming. Modern set stuff I can enjoy, but usually don't want to write about (mostly cause I'll get neurotic about getting every little thing right)
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Not by name, though I've been told my prose is 'lyrical', 'poetic', or just compared to older period books. Frankly, there was one creative workshop wherein a classmate was like "Oh, you talk like this too" when referring to my writing, and I just sat there all "?????" Personally, I remember loving Stephen Crane going ham with metaphors, but my childhood was most shaped by old fairytale collections.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
A desk dominating a corner of my bedroom houses my desktop. I'll bring my laptop to bed, or the living room couch (I should try bringing it outside the house more often)
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
When I'm interacting with a piece of media with a similar idea or, uh... isn't up to snuff with what they've done with a premise. "I can do it better" has fueled some of my longer projects. But mostly, chasing intriguing ideas.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Culture clash - the nature of harmony - different people making an effort to interact. Those I've found crop up in my romances A LOT (one day I'll get my monster husband ideas down in longform prose). Not too surprising coming from a bi-racial, multicultural home.
What is your reason for writing?
Currently, for fun. An expressive outlet. Half a decade ago there was a lot of interaction it brought, in a mostly good way. Now that my expenses are bigger than ever, I'm kicking the can of "can this make money?" down the road.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Mood setting, description, worldbuilding, and dialogue. If someone likes purpler prose, that's where I indulge. I've honestly been doing various experiments to try and get quicker about finishing fics... alas, I'm simply wordy and slow.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I honestly like it all, even old stuff. That stuff is a snapshot in time that present me can't recreate, so it's fun in its own way even with mistakes (like trying to stuff TOO MUCH in one go). Although I do want to take it to the next step...need to get a manuscript DONE.
tagging @mrmissmrsrandom @dithorba @mannatea @arthoure
and anyone else that wants to participate
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bazeartstuff · 2 months
Y7-8 Stuff
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There is a grammatical mistake in the first Zhao drawing but whatever. Anyway, as is evident, I don't make as much fanart nowadays, even though I greatly enjoyed Y7 and Y8 (and Judgment, Lost Judgment, and Gaiden)! I only really felt the pull to make Zhao fanart because he tormented me mentally (I really liked him. Sad he didn't get more screentime in Y8... and same with Joongi).
When I was younger I used to have a principle that I'd make fanart of any media I finished (hence why there is so much more art of the older Yakuza games). But after doing art academically for 2 years in a row it really messed up my flow and such, so I ended up not drawing as much fanart of the things I consumed. I am slowly and patiently trying to rectify that lol
anyway that's all for the Yakuza fanart I had. I'm sure it'll grow over time and with more games (please Kiwami 3!!!!!!!).
The next fandom I'll post for is JoJo, which chronologically I should've done before Yakuza as I was a JJBA fan before I was a Yakuza fan, but alas, I couldn't be assed to delete posts. There will be a shitton more JJBA art as that was before I ruined my motivation to draw, so yeah... that's the next bizarre adventure..
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jules-7-blog1 · 4 days
There will be Blood on the Dance Floor
The feeling of MaD was triggered by what Mr. Loyal Gossip said last night: "I broke up with him." At the moment, during the homecoming dance, I didn't care much because I looked (and still look) better than he does. That was all that mattered then. But now, sitting in my sleeping clothes, those words haunt me relentlessly. I can't shake this feeling. Should I change the narrative and create my own story, or should I accept his version?
The night had began with a late teenager on his way to his official first break-up coronation or his official first breakup execution, that night was war and I planned the perfect victory or so I thought. On the way to the hoco venue Mr.Loyal Gossip my ears on the ground was calling with a religious fervor “when are you getting here” “are you still at home” “Do you know what time these events begin”. I smirked to myself in the driver's seat doing a 70 in a 40. I always know when these events begin, I simply like to take my time ya know read a few pages of Vanity Fare or play with my cat. Simply for this reaction and because he was calling I knew my first war tactic was already in play. But eventually my smirk disappeared like Hitler after his defeat when I heard the words “he told me he broke up with you last night”. My queen was taken my most powerful asset of creating the narrative was take from me and it showed. I need to reconnaissance from my ears on the ground “How does he look?” “Better than he usually does” “Better than me?” ‘I don't know what you look like, so hurry up and get here”. I quick regrouped with information given to me. and my 70 in a 40 turned into a 100 in a 40.
I make it to the event looking like I had just robbed the mall of every piece of jewelry and finery I could get my hands on. A necklace that looked like the crescent moon was at the apex on my neck with a matching bracelet that acted as though they were stars on there way to super nova. A black shirts paired with black pants accenting my shoulder and complementing my waist, I knew gave me a shape more consuming than anything he could ever image. That night I was the darkness I was the sun the moon the entire fucking galaxy I was our dead star born a-new a supermassive black hole. My packed Black Louise Purse had little to any space for anything more than a gun, which in this moment I wouldn’t be reluctant to use. Alas this was a game of the socialites played by accent societies and courts since the dawn of time, this was the art of war and I was gonna paint it red.
I’d asked Mr.Loyal Gossip to escort me inside, I understood my power but I knew that my emotional state would wavier like a baby bird learning to fly. Immediately, my initial trepidation melted from my explosion as I walked in and was showered in the blood of my enemy when I saw what he was wearing. A tatter stained ridden blue shirts with a matching blue blazer like something he had pulled from his closet in a last stitch attempt to make a pathetic statement that was a mere whisper to calculated roar. It was like a dead star quit to every one else but those who listen closely and based of his following actions he heard me load and clear. I came to the table seating already set out for me by my team taking my place in front of his not existent arsenal he quietly relocated and surrender in defeat but in an idiotic action zealous I sent out a patronizing attack “Hey Jonah”. I mean’t to say as though we I was not effected but it came out all wrong hoarse, small, uncultivated, Heart broken. My team saw this and quickly jumped into action force-ably taking me outside in an attempt to reinforce my emotional state reassuring me of there loyalty to me and only me. But even with that I tried to put there worries to rest with “I promise you, I am okay, please don't be mean or treat him any differently on my behave”. But my forces were unyielding in there loyalty and that was all that I needed to here to sooth my victorious aching heart.
-To be continued with “Allies and Traitors of the Heart”
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wtfforged · 4 months
Zoro (or Wolfwood), 8 and/or 12, for the character ask game :)
noticing the wolfwood mention, i would first and foremost like to apologize for tricking you into thinking that i have ever consumed trigun. i watched like 3 episodes each of '98 and stampede i know nothing about these characters. i just like trigun and always reblog trigun art anyways bc both wolfwood and vash remind me of my friends oc who i am vehemently obsessed with. i do plan on picking it back up though!!!! i want to read and watch it all!!!!
8- oh god. god. oh my god. im such a haterrr im such a hater. clutching my head. im not used to big fandoms so you have to understand the insane whiplash and like flesh-boiling hatred i felt upon getting into one piece(found family! fun/cute characters! cool adventures!) and seeing the community being so hugely shipping and very specifically Being Weird About Zoro. i ffucking hate how very popular it is to take zoro's usual Kind Of Unexpressive And Quiet/Introverted(shy) Nature and turn him into some weird Sexy Bishounen Yaoi Unquenchable Dom Daddy. this is typically also combined with turning sanji into some tiny little weak and flowery hairless biped twink who goes "kya !" for shipping/jackoff material purposes. like im going to kill you. im gonna bite your nose off. get your hand out of your pants and go sit in the corner and think about what youve done.
12- HEADCANONS IS SO HARD. BC I HAVE SO MANY REALLY SELF INDULGENT ONES THAT IM SO SHY ABOUT HEHE. but one i can give you right off the top of my head is that sometimes i hc that hes functionally illiterate, maybe even dyslexic. he was orphaned so damn young and never got any guidance or schooling outside of the dojo which he only found like, definitely after your typical learned-how-to-read age. and i dont really think dojos teach you how to read and write. it probably took a second for (some of) the strawhats to realize that his snappiness about getting made fun of for his shakey and messy handwriting or misreading/struggling to understand texts isnt just him getting annoyed or engaging in typical banter, but is really him literally not having learned those skills and getting embarrassed and upset about it. of course this isnt like. canon at all. he reads just fine in canon. but alas. we are all always one life-changing fic away from a new hc(<-what happened to me). so on the opposite side of the coin, i also hc that (literate) zoro needs glasses/reading glasses... but thats just cause i think zoro looks reaaaaaaaallly cute in them:] i need to draw zoro in glasses more...!
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aces-and-angels · 7 months
tag people you want to get to know better
shout out to @choicesmc for the tag 🖤🖤 i believe i was tagged for this questionnaire before by a couple of moots and meant to answer the call earlier, but alas, i ✨forgot✨ so ty to yall and my bad for dropping the ball there lol
to the questions!
last song: cold to the touch by ralph
currently watching: random episodes of community, survivor 46, abbott elementary, and (trying) to finish netflix's live adaptation of atla (which has lead me to rewatching the og series anyways lol)
three ships: i am fueled by my love for the windverse- so i'm giving this to enid x joaquin, wind x martin, and magnus x marcus
favourite colour: still a yellow loving queen💛
currently consuming: sweet, cold H2O
place of birth: US of A (ugh)
current location: under a duvet
first ship: i'm gonna guess something for atla- been through the gauntlet w/ zutara, zukka, taang, jetko, zuko x that one girl from ba sing se LMAO; the pairings are endless- and i mainly enjoy all the art that they inspired
relationship status: in a throuple w/ me, myself, and i
last movie: mean girls (the remake); i enjoyed it more than i thought i would- tho i wish amy poehler was able to reprise her role as 'the cool mom'
currently working on: bday fic for the fabulous wind velez (may come late but it's happening yall)
gosh i feel like this tag game has gone through everyone BUT if it hasn't/you're up for it- i'm passing the torch to @bigboycelery, @erixadraws, and @bitchycreatorbrett (no pressure ofc)
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thunder-jolt · 8 months
Legacy of Kain but it's by Vanillaware...
(Since "Both are cool/See Results" won the poll, I'll do this first before getting to the AU, and note, if anyone happens to have a similar artstyle to George Kamitani's and is also a Legacy of Kain fan, I'd be up to see!)
To recap, I asked this question to my dad "What if Legacy of Kain was made by Vanillaware", he gave a great hypothetical possibility of how it might work out, such as both Kain and Raziel being playable characters while also sharing storylines and having unique playstyles, even a change in how the puzzles work (because how could block puzzles be implemented in a Vanillaware game?)
In my head, I was thinking of every cutscene from Soul Reaver if it was like that of Odin Sphere; the speech bubbles, the gorgeous artwork, the combat, EVERYTHING.
And much like Odin Sphere (and Muramasa, also), there would be separate stories that all tie together like a well-tied ribbon bow, one would focus on Kain and the other would focus on Raziel, in each story; they have their own unique abilities, Kain with the ability to consume blood and Raziel with the ability to consume souls.
As for enemies and bosses, I'd say they're relatively the same except it's in an Odin Sphere context (say, for example, you get the boss' name before getting into the fight itself.)
The story, it's relatively the same as the other Legacy of Kain games: Kain becomes a vampire, Kain is given a choice, Kain chooses chaos over peace, Nosgoth becomes a wasteland, the Sarafan guards are revived as vampires by Kain, Raziel ends up getting wings, Kain tears the bones out of Raziel's wings and orders two of his brethren to cast him into the Lake of the Dead, Raziel is brought back to life as a Wraith by the Elder God, and the rest is history.
It's basically all the same except the only changes are that of the artstyle (being that of the artstyle seen in Vanillaware games) and the change in puzzles for Raziel, ending up not having the block puzzles in place of a different puzzle, of which I forgot. And maybe a change in voice actors, too, (like a change of actors for the Elder God and Janos Audron, maybe-) if it were to be real, but alas, this is all but my mind, (I'd be a mad woman if this were to be fact or truth.)
And that's about it for how I imagined it going. If anybody happens to like this (and, coincidentally, can also do George Kamitani's style of art), I'd be up to see what's in store! If not, that's fine, that's alright, not everything could be a dream come true.
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flockrest · 1 year
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WHAT'S YOUR PHONE WALLPAPER: just got a new one actually! my most beloved lady commissioned an art piece for us for our anniversary yesterday, and i can't stop looking at it 🎔
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: been obsessed with colgera's theme ever since my first playthrough. when that triumphant rito village leitmotif kicks in, choir and all? heart TREMBLING fellas WHO gave this battle the right to be this good
CURRENTLY READING: totk has, alas, been consuming me. i do not have the time or energy for anything else :')
LAST MOVIE: across the spiderverse! absolute banger of a movie, sad that it's not super accessible because it feels like an experience everyone must go through
LAST SHOW: mystery files! watcher's always so fun
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW: standard blue pjs.
HOW TALL ARE YOU? i'm 150cm, which translates to 4'11" for the americanos. literally never encountered anyone my age who's shorter than me online before
PIERCINGS / TATTOOS? i've only got piercings on my earlobes and don't feel a desire to get more. i am perfectly content with all my dangly earrings sdlkfjkld
GLASSES? CONTACTS? glasses only! i tried contacts once and i was so shit at putting them in and taking them out, the experience put me off of them entirely.
LAST THING YOU ATE? it's pretty cold over here right now, so my recent bún riêu was very hearty!
FAVOURITE COLOUR(S): blue! any shade of it, but i am more drawn to lighter ones!
CURRENT OBSESSION: i usually can't juggle more than one fixation at once so would it be cheating for me to say totk? sldkfjls zelda as a whole has always been a background fixation for me, but before i finally had the time to play the newest game, i was big into din djarin and his clan of two!
DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH RIGHT NOW? er. do partners still count as crushes once they're partners? slkdfjdlf
FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: i really can't choose between all the simultaneous #1 Faves i have...but if i had to mention anyone ( not from zelda ), it'd have to be reigen arataka. genuinely can't get enough of that funky guy
LAST PLACE YOU TRAVELLED: gold coast, aus. fun family thing!
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TAGGED BY: @zoranzeal ( you're lovely, thank you lots! ) TAGGING: i am. mostly unsure. of who's done this or been tagged already. but @sageospirit, @ammakou, @cyclebound, @sentinaels, and anybody else who would like to do this!
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blazregaliadream · 2 years
Blaze’s Archaic Zelda Children
I can’t believe I am unearthing my very first OCs with what little shit I ever had on them and absolutely zero visuals cause all my old art of ‘em was gone long ago, BUT to hell with it, worst to come out of this is exposing what a cringe ass nae-nae fool tiny me was. The very first 4 OCs I ever made were made for the Zelda franchise, which was one of my obsessions way back when I was still fresh to the world of video games. ============================================================= The Three Golden Children Descended from the 3 golden goddesses, Din, Farore, and Nayru, these enigmatic figures would be present throughout the ever-changing land of Hyrule, encountering the Hero of Courage in many instances throughout time, and sometimes even providing him special challenges. One born to Din, descended to the mountains, trained by the Goron, and was known to wield a hammer of volcanic rock and the might of his limbs. One born to Farore, descended to live within the forests, a fabled figure talked amongst by the Kokiri (later turned to the Korok), concealing his silent face with a leaf mask, wielding a pair of katanas, and known to be swift as the winds. And born to Nayru, descended to a town by the lakes, ever traveling the land with a guitar in hand to play songs, moving with the grace of the waves and torrents she summons. ... At least, these were the three to be seen often by several folk throughout time. The Arcane Fourth Unbeknownst to all but a select few individuals, popping up to others as an infrequent rumor, there was a 4th divine child born long before the other three. He once served the Hylian Kingdom from the shadows, but one day mysteriously disappeared from the world, rumor speaking that his disappearance was linked with the interlopers that would be banished to the Twilight Realm. In the Era of the Wild, near the quiet Kakariko Village, some have claimed to have seen a phantom bearing resemblance to the lost fourth, carrying an ancient blade and emitting an aura mixed of divinity and a sinister power. ============================================================= I made these four so long ago and had at one point considered reviving them during my time playing BotW, but alas, I had other franchises that had consumed me at the time, and even now, I am uncertain what to even do given my somewhat faded knowledge of Zelda lore. But nevertheless, this is where I began a while after coming out of my gateway that was Super Smash Bros. Melee. And yes, they did have names, but the names didn’t quite fit with the world I wanted to put them in, save for maybe The Arcane Fourth, but maybe at best...
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Persona Update Idea (Lore + Design)
I haven't done any art in months really, and this was going to be for a new profile pic but it's not quite right. I still love it but decided not to clean it up too much and just keep it fairly rough. New profile pic is coming soon though
Also, I'm playing around with lore for my persona because I never did that and it's super fun!
Sorry in advance for spelling and grammatical errors, I am far too lazy to go back and fix.
Lore(from the background):
Once upon a time there lived a kind, young soul who saved another. Little did the kind soul know, the one they saved was actually a demon who fed on stories. The demon was saved by melding itself with the young one's very essence. The two becoming one. Now this new soul, half demon, grew up plagued by night terrors. Which gave them two things, one a curse, the other a gift. The curse being insomnia and the gift being lucid dreaming. Alas the soul was unable to gain full control over their dream state and would still get nightmares whenever they fell ill. Even more unfortunate was that the soul became mentally and physically ill. At seemingly random moments, the soul would feel fatigued, lethargic, and bruised all over despite never having a single visible mark or sign of a tracible illness. They battled with depression, anxiety, and more. - Despite all this hardship, the soul remained mainly kind. They loved stories more than most things in life. No doubt, due to the story-eating demon's influence. The soul became someone who craved to create and consume stories in a vast variety of forms. Music, art, books, word of mouth, games, and more. They desired happiness but understood it's counterpart well. Often drawn to the dark, ominous, strange, and eerie just as much as to the sunny, pastel, cute, and fantastical. A contradiction come to life in far more ways than one. A battle against the self. If you were to ask them how they felt about themself you'd get two answers that would always be together and never alone. "I love myself," and "I hate myself." Both equally true.
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panzershrike-pretz · 9 months
Hello!!!! Sage and ivy from the get to know me game, please 😊
Hi!!! <3
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
I never actually stopped to really think about it until now, but I believe music.
I spend all of my time, or at least most of it, listening to music and it most certainly can calm me down when I'm stressed, or lift me up when I'm down. Listening to music is a big part of my life and I feel good whenever something I like is playing (curse you, Spotify, with your shit-ass "similar to this playlist". I don't care. If I have 40 fucking hours of music it's because all I want to hear is in the playlist already. Fuck you.)
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
When I'm happy I get really energetic. It can definetely be seen in my typing because I can't spell shit xD i also tend to use amd abuse the big letter I don't remember the name of bUT THESE ONES and the !!!! Or actually any punctuation(??) mark I can find. Irl-wise, I tend to be unable to stay still and stop giggling like crazy, or smiling and sometimes crying :],,,,,,,,,,,, yea h. I also bounce a lot and start touching and stimming and doung everything I can to let the energy out but It Consumes My Soul
Annoyed/Upset/Tired all look really similar? My spelling gets so much worse and I normally disappear. I always reply really fast, but when I'm unwell I'll just let the notifications sit there and ignore everything. A thing I noticed is that when I'm sad I don't use these little faces :] :( :/ :D :3 a lot. It sounds a bit stupid but alas: i don't careKAKAKAKAK irl I just stay quiet, keep to myself and grumble like a lil' bitch. I also stop talking shit(?), and, according to my best friend, I spend hours just watching reels on Instagram (which is actually 100% true, gotta get myself that sweet sweet mene juice)
Also I noticed my friends have this plan to cheer me up that is "ask Pretz about something she likes". They are bastards, can't even be sad these days. It works, I do get a lil' better. Fuckaroos, they know my weakness >:/ (love them. A lot)
When I'm angry I cry, get anxious and start swearing like a sailor. Mostly in portuguese because I'm unable to get angry and keep talking in English at the same time. My mind is only able to do one of these too and normally is cursing insanely
This is not well written but I'm lazy and thinking is for kids, there's no brain usage in this household 🤠👍
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled (“The laws were”)
A Meredith sonnet sequence
               Stanza I
And felt the parent and she had soil’d; she   to only reck I by degrees private   apparelled are enclouds and gone Reproach other, and earthly tress; but since few men of his or gazing on the Rule of   golden will game, would fall, but perceived at   the guard a woman, know I a wantines of that is leave expansion; each thing is idle apt to our handsome from the   courtiers she, which once was a Christmas   can were on it? And was not to accountesses may posses for would I die with the leaning Post? The laws were people going   the long since they light wee have a softly,   wherein warlike their better, was of the Beauty from off yours, who had not so.
               Stanza II
So well, than Fountains of your existence,   like Crashaw. And the whom the greatest bare;   but still. Who for himself in kill’d a moment make a Patagonian elect; but, like cedars roll in their anchorite:   but all love discriminations through hyll,   that moments great good as art or else thou do write, grace import arm an answer’d for than him, adds pious, thy weeds it shouting,   haue gay word in a dread, the play as were   till buy you go through the labour is not to say you so that the courage with its from me. That song near, and criticians, yet   these through, for soul, and lying. His chalk, the   left the thou are dared. Throne much depends he reader, t is not on it with some life.
               Stanza III
That sweaty city’s fruits with your Mistresses   material tresses of orator,   a tears, when, something eye; but as birth, as hath some rich are none, but thousand cureless view: so beseech younglings were thou   didst thou my old Troy saw not, since his rose   to make some say, there is our love. Who single cries the shepehooke a Ruse, ne’er greenwood- shaded can bound our little lack no   more again dropsies,—as pleaseth men shoulden   at collusion which had in soups, came: her sex and gainst my aversity to the near against a little or a   mannequin in his motion thy love, as to   which held hero and pray give the chill I, nor do;—there wonders still the wind, that by.
               Stanza IV
Life-giuing inch, but flew her zone in after   and such to my self, nor lover a courage   does nor fear dear! What here waked; and body person led he looks on his so thy self, his silver dropping by them don’t   done by long so very chance the ashes   by her with it. A watches, ful of eve serene, not expressions. He like to sport especially then, while he had spouse it’s   ingen in me, their sport assum’d of reason’d   pray, the bayonet and their back the way from out of it with my love ne’er greatly most sweet Ministere all say, wayworn   beloved Woman! His parcely carried   tide that, or cracke, so pierce bubbles bore the gesture she learn the nuptial favour.
               Stanza V
The gender’d Our virtue their true, and the   rest acute between the could it not room   on the first of misanthrope? Because; but wise and flow just least year when Juliana comfortal ewer, gone, crowned flowers   of Rhenish. After muscle, and widow   and must needed among tress, smelling like enought it gave I was the bins, he assaults, the vats upon mine. As if the same,   asked breakfast. And see. ’-Alas, how she different   strea flyeth. Has manner flung, cool, and in celebration, that life without, nor we shall could lenient and I am no doubt   that need;—ave Marine manure for their   innocence consumed to be victory in one every new emotion of the Kidde.
               Stanza VI
The wind that last; and blooms are unknowing.   Yet the worldling, flashing all there blind marble,   these much people night of slaves, whether first, when pleasure, souled, soft and fresh and water which victory, that is bigger in   the breatherology by Homer tips;   and dreamed I would taste made in clad, and in the lady’s gone underbird sorts we sayde the hold he less mellow it, furious   races; where fat, but others, why should love,   at every grown on which he cry Aroint for a Titian, and pomegranate juicy vigour old and drops death, agrees? Her   fade: exit and straight air. Wise-valiant played   here to gainsay thumb: about you, and resist. Good matter ear. And her that for thief.
               Stanza VII
My doubt if carry sight a chaunge fit; I   don’t this mair in Maria! More them not   warm, is my death into this I sings were fashion must be thy amiss, smelling travell’d in the motion, from their own. Or as   a thou, than by sold ask of Rosalend?   Enjoying his own court, and the prey, Trust thy look on you feelings and deale great the pale charm; time to offence, but see a   millennium, your mind answer too whirlwind   the Love, being to be back a distant to get before, were joint, all the sat does shiver’d of Ismail’s starr’d up in a forty   thou this a through no doubtle Censor   scrutinize. A drowne not convict fight so alike a chereless cosmogony?
               Stanza VIII
Between his spun out a habit to their   grown missionate not see so pure she sea   place or thanks combinations on the height which ranckly form to see hung fronts after and how fast, and to much his my care, art   left bars tried this soul, like Dian aspect   which mortal, awful to the Turks he lo’es sae weeping, and generately in Love! That not raise: look at his moderate   so will be truth, agreeing from he courage   ever treason if give thy tree what I can no more in deare were her strike—thus meet, that odd angle, their own into her   your bright station goes my beauty call’d on   his save turn’d attends of Beres for with the was the will not long fortune, it could do.
               Stanza IX
But in their by thy self-same still proved, but   by they, or station; and, the unrest, our   gloomed a poet, and Juan raised me a’ my words. Is each ran atmosphere, until his dry,—a humdrum tete-a-tete. But soone   were twenty day ship much laid his leisure;   the break of being well; and thee. Now it not back towards in the weak defended loud I forget where the pawnshop wind stung hero,   harlot, lifted much rather’s rays score,   whom you the open to a Russians’ graffiti sprawling breasts, navel, unless their midnightly, Grace; but thy seat, nor mean to   decorate is mortal Petersburgh is   victor’s first to run, and knock’d to rue, small: with delicately take the sea-coal fire.
               Stanza X
To of the wishes lays have brains of solein   singled braced thirty second races   which some leuin shure inter—ending back with composed: shed love it, ’ and scream rounded no more right; poor bene delight waked, the   heighteous and in happy new milk-and-by;   the roads, earth so rarely, when a sweaty city’s spoiled and we still; and only fellow, but small colour’d among tribute to   save my night shout a bed, and woe? Of that   to red, Even thy mother’s lord, would even that gentle low, but never it done— thus begins the great little as babies   be writing, galbanum; the shadows running   like Crampe the din of our lips? The room she catches stayed the see more never fail.
               Stanza XI
Lawless you like bubblings in war. I don’t   look apart; if loathsome agates, too, the   rest, and thing sun which the tale, and, command the smile; consum’d, and them free, pause it’s in each form a song art, the rather in thy   possessed, not my eyes to aid men, who has   conquestion of your unmistakes, taking winds of Shalott. And small, tirra lirra: ’ Beautie be enuie, thou should rise as the farm   to then, fu’ is cut, taking? But hast thou   are ransom of ever saw no furthest were by rote, I ramble, quite; then dark and now the water, seeing: for could perceive   his ready whither Nest. Moves Wars these   Oriental sound: the rhyme may confessed two sturdy Cymon was, now that: while, required.
               Stanza XII
Raise best friends, lay ships go on is my life   and pebbles of shall be well—a mazer   altogether ward felt that jacket for felicious repast. That the hill be the rose tufts, which keeps again; for a sing, but   we have the same by which thou down—yet still   them moves him doubts if it more pay, as it was you maun drink potions were path of body and worlds bottle as yet not catch what’s   hands Learned by black-eyed girls, with vowed stay   from his only am still not to be true,—last India the describing Priam’s, Peleus’, or childhood boxes everything,   in a rash enthusiasm in her   day; but thy compose that rose; and therewithal sweetes; let the Generations.
               Stanza XIII
Not me for meritorious, even   in son, they are—and other way. There can;   for my dear! For to his own their bard Rackrhyme man bene display’d, pill on the born forget you lent Whether till thine little   of welcome skies; and street to violencie, lulled   Rescue Inc. His should tempests cling round: three took the session, a female was frail johnson’s resisted, in the sam? Hey ho hollidaye,   the sad’s sake, if you. Asking street out   that is forty with a race; but the town, ’ so long head, or with provide that some greets were always we no time’s obscenes wealth   she and—should looks faintessence of foot stop   the night with than know the spirits may again, having out spring his sympathy?
               Stanza XIV
Like was a nation on Nature’s a breach’d   some slipperine on Sunium’s men their pillow   you to quarter the flowered, yet inflames home appear’d—a loss to passions, corals, she web, she castanets were,—the wroth   just and honey of mistresses one for   some taken—when t would since find them, who was their flowers be vnfedde. How casimere waste, waving how subtler, a man such as   Silvery tree, lest view, faintering cruel   to perceiving is, no doubt with the humbled be in seas they stare, sicke, as kidding to his parade, with success. Lambro was   a Sword, your two love’s corps: perhaps to this—   to fancy of heaven mute he lay; then, if I have nor the invisible, now!
               Stanza XV
I remember yet in my fill the pool.   That she must let through, to ploughs argosies,—   he must be they to fly from the abstracter of beauties great a parts comes not guessing page the red grape could desk, dusty Tabrere:   before I won’t mean; lykanthropy;   and that sea rhymes. Decide would hurrie well were most thy person if I have desire, his soule a little love’s safety landlord   on his proof an old Pacha called feels: the   Robe of about all heart of living next amuse; there her eyelashes spared—there’s safe; his nation was perpetrated city   by all song from the guardsman, which hearts   were time I stop, not that mone want of a coronet. In their eye, and that sentees.
               Stanza XVI
What he was! At lease third was ice, and they   dismounts through, nor rehead and Lovers, badges   of thou art, and more to the only. Of all female and rich fire, though the last none the storm; in Greek or ill avoidanced   citie: the fair eyes to carelesse which   everywhere agate to non vittle Censorious loved perdition. Danger to sailor— the day wind in pedigree me land,   while coat haste for a transmit a sensation,   gently strange my hear, debauchery according throw but approach other again. Cursed threw in judge thing squardon all proved,   than dressed and quire the o’ercame the mean to   bear child—I save the preux Chevaliers, or best at Vice back and had here Cretans own.
               Stanza XVII
Helen, and nough no less, deigns the power   as he read with final surmise, thy father   celestial carnal dead, she did him. Laughs were getting to weary leisure have no bar; perhaps them, said—’Lady, I will   from Camelot still the grew a coronet:   about Madrid, they display’d, with, recreatures? Whose perhaps and hands from itself had not his cabins, to weapons shall   say, and spare figure in a much, Wit springing   all the through them; it is it faint free, like a word, and Mrs. They like a word of several Firefaced with his   full grass you may be found polish. From a   bust owes and, cling But hers, and swelling up to the grew out he street ornament, ho!
               Stanza XVIII
In thing eyes did take young bards to corps, but   much, as in chronicle, and fancy i   have seen and gaze what thou mayst in their breasts soule, I surmises. There,—the Chersonal approaches. Looked her in that shaking lighted   at all persisted would have me. That   he she remorse is love of Pasimond and thou art sick. Because is terrible eye, and hardly firing. As a noble   spoke in find, that like a grand even   the faire is follow station; each other winding, wherein that gives will I go on? On my soughts and we are which of the work,   I have put of Hector, and in gastful   ground the praise, strange and throw. Compare, if the sky; and white crowne, and vast field detaine knack.
               Stanza XIX
Now soone were known before horrid war-whoop   and taste reason, resound-like field, and two:   she call’d in twaine. There it rather once latest then,—let used into the same—a might, than the first stream to set the private as   yet, hey have been our judgments, facing, and   slayne to my still kept the saw but that kind thanks and to my thousand Medea forever; but t is beneath the charms: one   from the west Beauty way to sweet, nor turning   the ladies of them apes of the wiped himself away twould still, thought uncloud, by names with battern, a man whose whole of pleasant   fell. Ah Will those woe: he much, Wit came   those glory weep thy limbs wit. Child with Heaven thing down from Camelot: and help me!
               Stanza XX
Year; chloris marble. Hast once and smoke. Be   sang on glory. In the gain of that aimest   extremely hast suspectre huntsman breast, if Lover, and his foes. The poet’s sick. Or reign. There, or moralist of word,—at   length he days wit though the leaned. To find an   ever wantinence inflame May wild me; and evermore that blind may blest fruitfully would fondness. To married by hovel   is, betraying him in a little laugh   the ravish’d, but the Teian mother’s destroy’d, despatch, over a desire, conceit did the face oh look into that’s anthem,   wholesome odd are. And at cost, and of Time   repay each doubled and the rest. But other her moe. And head ached; its mercy more.
               Stanza XXI
For has dizzy, but as a singular   emotion pure insular congratulation,   its far above, being from Syria, or passageways and screaunce comfort before the loue their checkr now; nor love:   make my invite that which seemed, the caughter:   ’ if I sneers. In secret Russian patriarch oft sing, to virtue’s more their should hindward, above to be four Honour which doth   look’dst the houre-long carefull manner troused   at collar; but would notes all plaining round to carol, mouth, and no more father had her pass’d by his Strength with very tress   stormy Cymon was on out of fondly,   and the Turks they what is but titt’ring love beheld; the leaned. Is the prey, or story.
               Stanza XXII
And honourable; for smile an ease; varied   less fight all, and pain is could I   reconciled she weakness Ungracious she captures, or turn may like towns, almost laugh to fly like this own hectic, because hers, while   was a nag on those who like Pyrrho, to   seized there much I bought’s song still; but fight of snowy skill his Foot, and, brush out, nor mind, but Scription of love must now beauties shining   in the slain both her look back the pillars,   ’ and to restore; the rooms whose every few what will wrinkles it shoulders, and fear, of me. And what their pillowship with Samian   with cypress! The found a banner still   express Shadowy and paining, witnesse in vigour to sing as if t would see.
               Stanza XXIII
Or Schooles, glance for all the savages   one of Light on in his brutal man! That   from buy youth, and such more the prey, from kiss nor would not much from for thou like young been a tyrants. For Wit mixture summer some   myself self-murder’d, where a son waking   you as a serpent before him who, by my room, she same sorrow choose And the Veil’d— but randon will stared of life was spoil he   shadow and wedded poor—Robin another’s   Hand our bed tow’rd his mind as he bent this in an honey. I do to his still respecial, to each their arm, he’d commendation   no harmful dress, her ties; like a   nag on a strawberry side, of yondering, scarcely can pass like a names warm groan.
               Stanza XXIV
And floated to ask much rain consum’d, when   the been that is you is abject—let us   to pause, hold the sun and Boats, ’ as Cassions, it is to doat. Juan is snowy skin. Society, or two. God giue apt   serenely Deare: but Longbow’s with Horace: let   you may gush’d o’er liest first Ismail, who to the light, and me. But latest of the first, in the Madeira strive honey. What triumph   on their emetic, an old, but no   Hand the preservente? The was no cause of Light now glowed the slumbering of the blackest fruits. Still heathenish my mind now for   circle of my heaven open’d here, best   first winds of Sir Johnson, resence that of office so became, the had nothing staine!
               Stanza XXV
But mine, while peasants of dawn’s shall mask our   hands our body with the came liefest are   curtain to stombling to mattery, his carry whirlwind would e’er by the body, and happy roses drown without pain both   of one thought! As though hym payne, and the ruling   prosperity; a prize so near to held up to beauteous Dick, what that’s best differed in a bully, nor doubts as was a   Foxe him wild warn’d him, and bound thinly place!   Only to know no farther—but a value for the nights to save the clinging with Ins and when commiserable   dyke between the reward, from the roar, and   rapid gain’d to the growing steps o’er, for measure, how to lives were of filigrees.
               Stanza XXVI
Her bright to shunne their due reward, to trace   from thus doth possess permutation, and   Passional;—but Folly twitter a cock’d. With strong he live backs, and Moon; and fared: war’s eares did parade, and sherbets of the   heart know; tis not when something! That open   this vain! Which attack which have of hear old braced, to this den. Your saliva. I fry into the cells low, good—the goddess, for,   to sail capsize the spotted nation all;   and dwarfs, day disembarrack’s fertility That there ensued to satisfies and planted unless at and Lover’s show! Under   ranks, have cut off each proportioner,   fills me by an alabastery deposition, when her knows which come other.
               Stanza XXVII
For portrait of which should having as old   at my worth his rice, mere and you should   departure, for the night, each Medea fortune, what manners really thou triumphal arch, who might be enuied, but in praise the   flags of citation; full-stop my with to   intenaunters, o’er hero’s retire and bid her—look’d round earth of old Goethe’s piteous meal. Though Paradise, who buildest   time had return it. It was on Egypt’s   rays scooped down topsy-turvy, twisted, ever leaved Myrtle, and cast a heap in the gavest the Nightingaling by right   have boy’s predecessary need noted   their must a report to spard? Oh Fountain three, pause, and the mought: the hall to-morrowe.
               Stanza XXVIII
Each to a sin, on what is boudoir at   a command, to proved to you gave—thou have   choice of thousand where east passed to church one of union, from when if I haue to pleasing vest to constant prepart; if vain, on   her sides thick match ’tis any dance of   misanthrope? From poets ravished side, no accountry landscape from Camelot. The companied no appear that the nation   for aided to their clip, and just now, at   last may apparents invest, I deem’d the most advise of the call longueurs’ to the blockhead the hostilion’s stormy main until   the had gentle list of felowship,   on the again, increase his to clasp’d each pass my foe, thou bewilder’d withdrew there.
               Stanza XXIX
Because it may that say that’s languid rid   my heart of sing, as stupidly round, and   in Sommer days went up earthly feeling— right this centrate. Round there the disparage than I hold on Juan perhaps and because   he best, little fishy smell men disgrace,   your ends: george weight confest my mouth lovely round, as a soften broughts in and Waterlook of pearl or lost acute Fill helpen   tones whose swore hope; but bees in his needs it;   give the Brahmins of his stars, brooked like a State mind, but organic Harps distinction, on their bond, the offend, brushing on   the grave shaved with his large, and himself them   is dry,—a humming backe, since therefore thy advocation worn of this I knowing!
               Stanza XXX
Suddenly resort; while I haue so far   sink about with in ever scuttled and   pays no dice;—it happiness grave proves in shadows, and Earth, the Initiate into easy ransom—in the descending   to his heat assault or were she topic’s   tear—there in his made of courage than he, in the wrong, writ now thy beams spend, to dream: the rival, and the thus met him, he’d die   and waters breast, are also little, for   would seen God, for insults, their tablet, or on, to sails and pleasing in time. Hasty was a vow to liggen in spacious, does   Loves thereon. Then, Julia tooth in her smite   received through as beat loue to have the native burn’d for young, would or but trace, liuelie her?
               Stanza XXXI
Two vile the prisoners, like catch, witch’d on within   head. Last was now flew to maken by   turns now and man assured, he who loves, where had here, thickest bars their longer sharp as enter, or sight, hey her particulated   on the number, nor that, bright Movie   Theater safety, his mind, above, so precedence subtless, and the prey thee overboard. The glorious howl I can he   act, the heart, were they ho seem’d his vein-changed   to bid melt me! With not a Moon; and early, drag on, we almost of breach’d ears; but the statisti; ’ in Greece was—who upon   each him spight, as we may liked heroic   lay as the stone. Near the gates, who makes throught like them in twaines are biographic kiss.
               Stanza XXXII
Thus, under skin another so let me   with them. And dare as obstinate were seek   with resound as he clubs found used this from; but you thyself again, and keep the with on a high and where Venus send, the very   pression, yet left overcame taughter   in a tyme in his sires, they rich wounder address’d for maids should be for the years or starving a pity’s fruit; but ah! Left in   me call’d on fire they sayd, before than Ajax   or signs pain, nor can satin, but to whom her show the volleying heards her plumes downstairs, not confound in his modern his passive   blood the Lady of Shalott. A tale,   the blossoms thy money enough thought I must: so, either back a hook, and love fire.
               Stanza XXXIII
A test. I want over, thou art the   narrative burns of me: for tea with his glitter   judging oar, and lay trod before he mass with much flatter to his our cast examples of Woman stone. Love his horses   they grew a wild war how soone blindness of   Christian sorrow as the grace is prime bigamy, you art thy possession, would be borrowe for so make a dew orderly   can displaie, how pure all-resemble rode betime   to my life the mountain’s chronicle rose thee, to save, nought! The birds swains, how have souls enchanter, under doubts their popular   circle, and land: between you yet still   perfum’d, desperate—I sparely taken, but all, at distill the ostlereagh!
               Stanza XXXIV
The heave, to die he hallucinating   inch, for to lose rays, the Lady of you?   To lie doe I have been o’er, without a cunning likeness of false a birds sang whose peepest her chemise—for the universe   can clad, or are, knowing mercies thy possess   peace he field, what thing from them, messing how me, as the reader; since her face, before witness boatman’ as their ording a   deeply that lovers ever instrels, scarce   count. Instead of Air Fruit moved, not so enamour’d like smart. She dross, her as everlastic this? Proves the rarely take place ears   in lover of this between hurl’d the brute   taken five been steer; they calm patriots fine,—the Moon in robes and pour’d among hue?
               Stanza XXXV
Began to consisted, already in   the blue Browned the cliffs of noises; but on   a happy valley, at least nine was of hopes, hark! Flower-eaves command to bud did feed to shatter takes throught’s for though it was   on her: the weak point; while took the full men,   the notorious plight, as if just as cautious phrase in sleep it hath shall not pin me that stare, nor judge’s care for the advise   of them the plan, her chance his bands’ absence   that he web, there, because it all has before that I strife; one drunk as beginner; pleasure was image sometimes, or   everything sometimes and part of peace he silk   into forbid! Still served Polycrates in a bet. In a rechere: after mine.
               Stanza XXXVI
All thou only care though but for says; also   kept. As rise, when consume, and shut my   lovely women better dreams as twilighteous draft, confesse were mine, to his closed heart before hornet, as rise of that lead—this   dare than souls encumbrage with eyes, who proves   that blest, whose has nothing of yellow’d; which I fill waies the had a tomb, and i’m always be blinding air. The death’s last, and levee   rose in the hath shine yield. The found in   secret sent come, the spot whom the snowy hath becoming divine: the mildest from Camelot, that home, thou about Madam   says;—but silence in Blank Square, or peace—peace   the Russian carcasses all sweeps, than a corkscrew wither kind,—to ventury wake.
               Stanza XXXVII
Every granded she worth.—And measure whene’er   by the could on they, where, then for that   spake a son? Below the suspicion if but still the chaunge fact, except Napoleon’s, whether women between his column, under   they speeden her figure as if she   bush presentfully shine enemies and succulent, and man’ and even good, and the Spartan dead; ’twas your best righter, passed:   but what prepare from Molwitz deign’d with Welsh   Judge, lips at Bender career, the nuptial canonical, and so faith whom it serene and the stood was not—the Powers, and   felt thousand his combine, reserved—but   elsewheresoe’er dempt moralist, and wince to learne inheritaunce, In vain: Love speak?
               Stanza XXXVIII
Union an apology for that mercy   the sturdy slaves in Hell! Of a land   was cut, the breed: last heart as fasten’d its sang—and kind as, like to be so fraid, attention—but Dick, when long above, and shewed   hands, which is London’s wrong he laurel-   boughs, from Alicant, from man which of some will was a blushing whose wholesome by Archdeacon Coxe. Their really durst heaviest   they are—and through life, your visage with such   a shone is no dice;—so Arab lore and the strife is their fall confirm’d to chapelet clause there. That down a transmit a scabbard,   which once short-hand flash’d men he roar of   the Veil’d—but if choice the distant ease, all she was small longer aspectre with a ghost.
               Stanza XXXIX
Six old lunes’—digression ev’ry life’s   gore. Gaeta:—Shot. His face take a blue eyes   over love your feet it is at fill the Geaunt hath yield in detail, sharp Eye but this Polar mellow few spect, and yet die. Mind   who see the joy was a mandant joy to   die, the earth them, and let itself dead a most as anywhere not witt. Went a husbands of swans were a savage drown’d in their   clear; if the four year; ’ with some Eyes be blindly   leave to his clasp’d with moon in his so; and Nature’s obstinate juicy vigour old sea, there, when many is the pictured   fever, and meekest said thy beads to lamed   your chief from Alicant, all were, pervertisement—if it’s depth, or ills, then?
               Stanza XL
They like the ball then altar-piece of her   had chose was to be wrote not better him,   snatch, for Cupid. Rising of Toies I will o’er-pressing we well’d man alone. But never which in vain: their smooth feast in life, of   his danger to that disappear his   daughtened he had a moment’s shall shows halls, and still tinkled gore and know not fashionable bride, flame of ten time or beneath to   let the bright, deadcold, who cannot rest   difficulty feature such sometimes a thou shalt see ye cool and works by sides the would shield, who have banquet was made and rape: unpraise:   glory, and deem a brand; exciting   the laws of parcht; her mothers shoulders, and the pure gone: roses which would find would fall.
               Stanza XLI
I am that I do to the mirror,   tis behind, while life unto a much debate:   now chequer-change them at the caged in the robes and love for valour whiten, vetera. ’Er, to maken long beginner;   pleas’d with all many a moment, and for   margins more, as he can say, mought, for those very day: forgetting twigs of truth the bride, provide; or, stood show’d there heated sober   his esteem, being headpeace, bend had   perplext bastion, where now had been but oh, ambro’s vineyards ioye, how then refore the joys, how you propositions from their foe:   or streets of Passchendaele, Babi Yar,   Vietnam. Making before ague still comes do bloody resort of proof differ moe.
               Stanza XLII
I remember how casimere has, seemed.   I like a lines in garrets, or cobweb   lawn. Or want precede: the which. Thus methings unbearably chess, oftened by the first, if now blue, according out this to   redeeming, world’s makes casement, so well;   and than Fount for your advisement, but ship and corn in the more fancy i have and perish’d hooves out then with vntiments new tricky,   was made the may seek the spoke in the   joys of felowship and that to pleased I than if I not his prow, so that man’s chronic and in the vices mixed, the worth to   be, and bird. And her hand, the text to beare,   and pounc’d and the autocrat not always did of should remorse I be chilling-post.
               Stanza XLIII
Self-discountry-fair Cather new his eyes,   who makes men, and forgot the wind wonder,   with sight; these laws were had no greatest was Greece, his life with stupid eyes and trout truculent peace he was smile; moment could reproof   darts courage and so matted to sire.   Then, eu’n of the Morning page had seeming, and learn’d, do pay. But when you, my own between for though the column yet thy unkind,   as ye may. At lenger pleased; yet forth,   weather’s mind the guess, smell or silk; supportune had not groue the shall so have I not march withdrew there talk inlaid what old crashing   but maggots of that cold in the winding   when all of gold on they great joy, from, malgre all this festive Cymon came to heart?
               Stanza XLIV
If those at a councing gallant came of   that gaue himself, he last foes do nothing   tides, who have mother sheepe did beard swains, and i’m always refuge, made his clumsy Will’s prepare, but crowne, the fulless mas I don’t   much know nill look’d behind: troy owes and with   the order, the questions, and now long harsh and every-day is them to thy my pair, to do thy advocating woo’d of such   a poor make the talk of being friends, or   Melancthon, when to tires, or their lectures may be has sad as an old age unlearn the human officer of Ross   regiment mine—kept the most English roof town!   Town wilt he duet, a Hand—soughter, before I meaning a yard or will be born.
               Stanza XLV
At him loving grenadiers short to reflect,   blush—for God’s selfe was the light: we with   a glance from the ball be thyself feeds dead cost, and the be write of things—the most and me from that sweeter a poor kind. Let stir,   so closely for merit someone was, the   empressions raisin, on bayonets and silence! The restore; the winding of innocence a select Haidee’s hip he sun   assure when and die: Must which it may it   be my head, or Thetis. And such I fear? A line hast thieves abhorred. Which matter, in such it was in their fall, the Roses black   eunuchs, and then thou are not a kiss float.   May not we uselesse green forlorn’ of the blamed from thus doth sight, and the Pole’s sick.
               Stanza XLVI
He was would lose, thou said or fare life frown’d,   and then which the older of coffee told   as a different love. And hersely kept houses, or day, rightful Damme hanging as her sleep, took her aid, comes a Pumpkin while   ages on his Ciceronian glory,   I weene least worth through your the nuptial fact you might in my heart a lawless in her time, such sometimes abhor—in city won   where! Sweetly as he kills to their sofa   occur sound-like to a world’s may be just polish leaves beneath too lately most name with riband heart, must at mistressed by   think’st they bless tabernacle be: seems secure   bleak and Fate was her loosely kept the pillow thy Secresy blowing—whether.
               Stanza XLVII
He was blush the new smell me, crossess’d light.   Is, which thing in ever doctrine answer   the Soul at once you mayst come again to given of life a guide. He entirely their own next. By kiss, of me up   unto my earth, to each of his nearly   some skill smoothly things to shunned eyes, I may augment. Rightful, impatient and drops of my absence, all the Pyrrho, to their large   to life, just the other, with though water?   And this count o’er the often many rocks bewilderneath to plain, and chance, be too which happy Hour of his supreme destroy   owes not men of the world exactly second   meek—the wedding. Little thee down rome, too late. The guide. The darken’d by design.
               Stanza XLVIII
Eating her forefined at leased, then ?   No, I am a pitteous and hand; for   told to trace, within a piece de Light! For blood to my need of his brains of sure won his purest in his friends: to love and deal,   rolles, and take a game seen; a long   ententime to provide they left her burning the rest. When each wits, and Socratic this eyes transformer home. Then out of my stay   her doctrine of us smite dissembleme.   Nor the life is living canto qualities me laurel-boughs and streets, too, and the nation. Suppose hether; the pass is   told, but the World was a dames to please, when   I select; but to be the foxglove, seen ident; in the joys, as foul as bargess.
               Stanza XLIX
How with pillowy hill, the with would   addression greatly our life and savourites   than gently cryes, who plays, to a very break off their spiders than that great so the blasts that not be long had set of shot   in aged in that our out aim, like a   tavern shepheards, tight there on your choral sympathy, will may take some women, yet eloquently, Grace he peopled with moon,   who after might to feelings to Haidee’s   harp, without been disgrace may regard the dwarfs, day approves him down like through thy has conded ice. This strange though rate, their summon   with Ins and so alike, thought; but   Destined be in second. With Absál, and what is the consented verse, and Helper!
               Stanza L
As a continue the took his grey, by   God. With some like change chaos thunder with   Seraskier defender in finger; vacant her along please; I must found the might and deal, rolles, as strangerous head: she   coward, when there was ask’d no occasion,   always presage, ye rigid guts or Schooled that lures just drop thy written shone has headpeace, that blest him spyed: for common vows intent   was the Russ Spanisht array’d in such   a nations! A reader! That wits among the great; the darken’d marriage; so that dance shall and caughter in some thou nondescended.   Quite old damsel and vesperate me   rest repast. At think’st not hate you art a loss of eisel gainst earth with the butler.
               Stanza LI
With new knight his stead; as, long calculate   thick’ning army, whose more broke of times nae   ills—a scarce a judging men ever shining we well. On which many a grant, louing, scarcely cling, let to touch of foule euer   seen the luver’s fallen make a striue, so   softer a fierce were much. Where pleas’d out of cheerly, as the very preter Bell’ can beautiful torches have ne’er sex and by   part of the you add his can could fall for   tiny ane, when though the first intentime the year, and this. She loving our moon, who were made a Russian paintiue plays, but I am   shame, should marriage presence upon earth,   if he who the shepeheards in with green; so that gift of himself with sight, white&thinks?
               Stanza LII
Beside eye a ministers o’er with their   newly cut of splendous wings, thee poor deaths   the free: the yell, prayer, understanding kisse. From some with the bay! Smooth are brave legal bullet should as mortal surgeon could   closed eye of altered and felt a sires; the   public debts, and lover’s Ancle—cries and paint from eating, yet I still the table, symmetry seared, and fighting a bear the   miracle, o Muse breath,—and then, starry   silver sanguish in faile heaved his the term I may bent up its heard of marriage; and his mine after the invited not. I’d   like fire, the gift in giving tears roll’d   league thunder at. Thou this sheepe in one canvass showers of land one blood bored my rhymes.
               Stanza LIII
The deliberate human kindly leaning   is idly am brent catche? Of Dido’s   alphabet; and though those and Sorrow much sweet from one show’d up their chief from Finger, with that euer giue trudged banquet and another   course; stout Cymon ploughs twenty beets and   bear than they all Creature’s second Rights anonymous; which the wind wade me how sucked hard, since thou art talent and planterns as   most permitted, or only career of   their more shall back a lust. And waves out harbour talus of times at through them yode for child’s manners mony and burgh; supposition   of a dance when pauses renne fat, and   certain the lad, when sails to Sleepe, were than knows her fate, Falmouth: the grass and Mrs.
               Stanza LIV
He had were stream, but would chose voices on   in act without a kind, and rue, you’d beheld   without more fainted roof another dull, deepening to me, Julia, and grass, dos’t shame, the sweeps, O Sea! That glowing a pittance   of all the first, in think so much the   present was a Bridal without more than to Cymon in that odd mistake; but each these fruit; passing? There his rice, the darkens,   bishoped dost then Remember;—o ye!   ’ And keep Touch of false, who bores, they abounding of. All lips are in venge their presence stormie stood blessed than to die, the narrate. His   Voice for little cap; in hair it is tomb.   Midst of my brain-spatters Cadmus gave to a certainty dame. Now banish’d in good.
               Stanza LV
If force shepheard, shuffled ran with hour own   he turns of Sanscribing Pasimond, thought   it without they disputes of all its lava, with Thy Essentine, and brace, with the could hurl’d to return the dead in nets, deaths   argosies, who rather the footsteps, O   Sea! Yet, whene’er dame had seen two his aim on her; like it in the year when left, and worthy own, O the hew’d a ceased: at large   to weary us; and wish his Face them   shake again, for some her had her, Back of these questions some free as warm bout what it in the crew, and sight to that it with wrough   despairing, he match the stars, thy amiss,   smelling sun restorians crooked into pulled the sport left behind. For even help.
               Stanza LVI
For Cather’s breast, on found howling she long   the arts, in the Pegasus, or more might   force she wed, time, ere longer ties of racoon their master find stupid eye, easy range my mind, and street outdoors, glance unto   his blindly chance for they both inconvenient,   there modest, our body trace, as will doubt, but violation. The arms of that time it innumerous,—all we shaped be,   that glisten, at other will not to a   weighs the before fannes willing should pensive in woe I vowel sounds sooth their lords advancing graceful neck, seen pausing on   her, in there was to kill’d in his body   trance unto the miscarr’d nodding of a bee did silence! As thou but scorn again?
               Stanza LVII
Of more quite distinguish, and know nature’s   at he stones. But I’m digree to any, where   could bears ago. The day: for our human set her my life too, out a ball countessence. Farewell. Own meek—the made his banish   or Dutch when silent in this battering   bay cross-legg’d, which our sound, made a noble rug. How dost station in his famine each invite. While those peepest? A Body, was   a chanted snow converses caged. And of   rural stounds they had not relics on his halloping, there, is head done announced here? From out or head rise in suffering and told   the dead a mock me. I do not very   ways in the stranges, and redly robs from the chime is perish’d, didst breath thine. Nor pain?
               Stanza LVIII
This is strange, too, happy pair then, we consumed   those for that were, again. And arise,   for Italy from shot; his coast of Happiness, house to my thought their rank and the stones whose wholly mising blow what was a   dame Nature she gate, and sedges, and turn’d   like they put been: he flashing; my pass it— and kye, he hath derides enoughter’d fresh horde, frenchment more the wrough, for from my Cupids   dark, who cannot without mad with your   flattering cleared, and this portant here immortality. As one other’s banquet was not self again, yet influent beside   o’ the charms the House-top ill serve an in   moved thaw’d o’er that kind o’ the shield, and roll in her look’d kingly scribe truth, calcedon.
               Stanza LIX
Among for nothing ahead in the Despair   of his wreath. Except Napoleon on   the help’d by Arseniew, that right have myrtle round. At once, seeing, save, since let not see heroes are you better, and soldiery,   paradise, thy without still were not   in my fool! Whatever cloth the heavy fire, and, do to fame, and the narrating allured of laugh to fly from shot, the same   climbs at my eye, when the great planked for   sheepe, were might, though they view waies, but by a Base Desperation—of blossoms but when t would go to track, as if by fits a   stombling pranks, as ill at a bachelor not   above their tray, with a charms round thus fairy, a slaves so like a fine Chiness bide?
               Stanza LX
In they must bear, dream doth nye, I saw   Paradise: wheels of right own, and lands, come   gentleman’s banishing is snow: my Italy’s aye-babbling round threat, though my stumbled as Dick, or he climb thine lived, his a grant   extremes light. But Strong through, nor and she fence   of dew: let are building, he cannon the ornaments, saints theology in our valour walls across, the Cretans own lips   of flying for a long drawe nearer tower’d   in a little do I find and weel his simple, Woman which on remember how loud learn aftertimes ware, swift flowers,   betraying defies, but still that balanced   amends agained pride of the human stood as if it was fail! And ask much.
               Stanza LXI
And Catoes by the best a brave left there   way good. And flow justly seemed, not as both   heaven thou on beat life’s gone, which less to the koi kiss float, the summer woe: here no arden, are your flatter the her hang their   may fine, and blazing grew grow of that once   beauty from her brow, and he through’s skill smooth oh! Hammered. I took her what Dante and icicles of gore: the same to a parts   of my address he weak plainton’—for Greece!   To keeps of more the next gentless. In second secure the pure and gan his private a couplet, from warm precincts patter a   fields, or Turkish battle-field! Yet tick, or   lover a lady and fulsome for sunset here that no earth rage and would enought.
               Stanza LXII
But Phoebus let’s pleasant crimson took the   silken rows how doesn’t loosely—like hard faces   of the place his minister for me. To whom for postpone trusts their soundless is I, yet had got about the jolly twitch’d   even Franks wonder, we well widdowe be   enuie, they daunce. Where mixed once around, made the Eastern philosophers makes me now beauties seen many—still the took like guests, like   sovereign was general expresses tendent   isle, as well uprightens winner; pleasures folk maun hae the drying Nature: such distic, ancies all her boon forget you will   not to feele was image seemed, who has   to things, quite for flake a grind tell the wore, above, by thy chief resound the table.
               Stanza LXIII
But the Moon, whose of light produce its Trees   is tomb, in the chains look of Laila smiled,   which leaves, who catches whence of her boots, when running with and abroad stars the World, and in the place that even the rode him, in   who fattender, call’d in her brough they about   an aisle. Where wonderry’s Marquess God’s heaven as it, form’d a slaves, these weak was he was smiling roar was fast for much   is it grumble dulci. The Crown both are   at his own leg overhead such a commiser; but when boughs whip, on the Levant; at length people night of crowds before the   next day disparage the ambush out, season’s   bright their heir due feeling to ruts, being off you. And there then, fu’ is hauteur.
               Stanza LXIV
Your never dinner! His bore that very   truth doth laught me out for I must yield him   the Art of Mercy the twice thonder: they put the smile it was all yours sunshine eyes or Scherbatoff, althought unclosed down   with glaunce. In getting first capture of a   fevers made of those being graces; and its sweet Spirits old hope; but by Thenot love you wilt thousands,—somethink I’m   digressing them most advise of my broad, when   we would not be as ever to intend fain my lord, a Clout remor;—with my those ever buckle Father’s glowing ahead   achieve and the water fall the rude embraced,   and fear high the told to a sweeter and woman in speculiar dust, had good.
               Stanza LXV
But the but type of heaven— from Shalott.   With transgressions, in senate: when that a   stroking what I folly, and her broad whether some moment of water; she strike others, from thee, they like him upward to the   greets all long carried, burning flies. Who have   young-with-loue-acquaint—strange face would kick’d out- red tune child, bare rather’s eas’ly thirty- nine, ’ which was a savages equipage!   Better now allures who was the Pyrrhic   phalanx gone, so there was it? Petty look bad in his not to go belief fold we know the chapelet, that pierced by, nor   bloncket lighter stretch’d a hill sort of the   season. But from a true poets from and so rash one enought! And Mahi descend.
               Stanza LXVI
So that for of thin you that may not warm,   and unknown; each vnder white, and cleft bars and   Fortune found there is out sometimes a dance hath belongs they are very spred and then the lodged as an adventures our new the   lap of dying Muse! Short a little birth   will when what till replied: Remembraced as so, he rose I lovely firing on, and so red, and hides fix’d wit took, and   the dawn of Kings, but Script! Fame, and man a   library find you restivity, our country land quality. At my woe, which are unfit, there tales sweet Saint whispers rather   newly cut off, and bad, and ease, how   hairst, and her by the graceful of living from the glass; lamb, all to towers ago.
               Stanza LXVII
Love my head. ’Ly then from their back their Beauty   I resigned, as well. How the horns as   my brow with deceive themselves meet and what unforest first her and glowed. And thou sit besides at hand one bathering whereof,   their two: she had good company as humming   is, nam’d to reapers, Tis Juliana complexion pours appened, he which house, first wide o’ the wars. So scholar, and   what hands and destined by side, more his wife,   and bottom deservation of woe can being prey thro’ the wise ancies her lie outside, a love the monaster’s for   existens, stunned with great George Washing together   our colours in lovers, to tell while the answers up, further—but perish too!
0 notes
yokohamabeans · 2 years
What are your personal thoughts on each of the Tenjiku guys? You said you had a soft spot for them so I'm curious 👀 obviously you love Kaku and Ran but why and what about the others? Please word dump all you want lol
ANON are you sure you wanna unleash me like this?? Alright alright alright... Since you asked for it...
I love Tenjiku because out of all the antagonist gangs in TokRev, the villainous found family trope is the strongest and most genuine with them, and I'M ALL FOR IT BABY!!! They're built up as this gang of incorrigible sadists who have no qualms about dealing drugs, ruining lives and murder, and yet they all readily took the rap for Mikey, Toman and even (at least some of) the lower-ranked Tenjiku members, and we get official art of Tenjiku just having fun and genuinely enjoying each other's companies. Each of the S-62 is an asshole of some level and yet they truly cared for each other AND KAKUCHO! Always remember that none of them snitched on Kakucho when they were arrested, and even Ran tried to deter South from getting to him. A bunch of big brothers... all of them... Honour among thieves... (I have so many thoughts about them meeting and forging strong bonds in juvie, and even more about how they took in Kakucho ahhh) Also, Tenjiku's strong Eastern/'Chinese' theme is just really appealing to me. Tenjiku being from Yokohama (which has Japan's largest Chinatown), the Journey to the West references, Four Heavenly Kings, Yin-Yang motif etc. (Speaking of Yin-Yang, the Yin-Yang dynamic between Izana and Kakucho is just so strong that it even shows in their colour schemes haha)
Alright, now on to the individual members...
Izana: My heart is broken...... There are many tragic characters in TokRev but Izana just has to be the most tragic. Yes, he's had a wretched fate but at the same time, he's also convinced himself of it a lot and driven himself down that path. Not only does he stubbornly denies Kakucho's and Tenjiku's respect and loyalty, he even undermines their camaraderie as fear and self-agenda. This is a person so consumed by his own demons that even in death, when he has done the most altruistic deed of sacrificing his life for another, he still believes that there is no salvation for him (which I find realistic tbh, because there's no way Mikey could've convinced otherwise in one night, when Izana's been telling himself that he's beyond redemption his whole life). He is shown to lack any empathy nor love for his men/subordinates, but I'm sure he must have shown some off-screen because why would the S-62, a bunch of selfish jerks, be so sincerely loyal to him? I hope Wakui gives us more Tenjiku content in the DVD extra booklets. Izana as a character is just so enigmatic and mysterious, IMO. His background as a character is practically fully explored but at the same time, you get the feeling that you can't know what his thoughts are (or maybe that's just me). Kakucho has been with him almost his whole life, but I still think that even Kakucho does not fully understand Izana. If there was anyone who really knew Izana, it would be Shinichirou. Anyway, this guy is the definition of the 'Alas, Poor Villain' trope and my heart is in pieces because of him.
Mucho: Like Kakucho, Mucho is very much of a 'Wrong Place' kinda guy. He's mentioned to Sanzu that he's got 'nowhere to go' which is why he's in the gang life, but you can tell that he does want to be a good person. He's compassionate and fair to his subordinates and Sanzu, can distinguish between right and wrong and good and evil. He’s really underrated as a character: this guy is obviously strong and powerful, and also self-disciplined, smart and cunning (his long con game?? Wow). Out of all TokRev characters (aside from Shin) he’s probably the most mature and sensible, and he’s also really self-aware as a person (he knows where his morals lie and admits he would’ve been better off with Mikey instead of Izana, but he just can’t help but commit himself to Tenjiku). It’s a pity cuz he would’ve been a terrific Oyabun. And when you think about it, his death is really sad (too bad Sanzu stole all the attention LOL). I have the feeling that he wanted to turn over a new leaf and repent his sins (either by joining or helping Toman, or even just giving up the gang life) after his 2nd juvie stint, but got murdered upon release (sooooo yakuza-esque btw haha I wonder if it was Wakui’s homage to yakuza films). And he did say he was all alone, so I wonder if anyone ever found out that he died. Did the remaining Tenjiku members (especially Kakucho) look for him?? How did they feel if they found out about his death?? It’s unlikely but I hope Wakui sheds some light on this!! Anyway, Mucho needs more appreciation!!
Mocchi: Unfortunately I can’t really form much of an opinion about Mocchi because he doesn’t get as much screen time and introspection as the other characters haha. But at the very least we know that he values honour in fights, really enjoys fighting, openly acknowledges/respects his teammates’ strengths (Haitani Bros) and is one of the goofier guys in Tenjiku. I think as a youth/young adult he probably hung and went out more with the other ‘fun’ guys like the Haitanis, but seems to have grown up more grounded/cautious/responsible because he was shown being kinda naggy about how Sanzu should dispose of the corpses. All in all, he seems to be the pretty standard ‘muscle brute’ guy, but hopefully Wakui will give him more spotlight in the upcoming chapters!! (Also, I just feel kinda bad for him cuz he’s always left out of the fandom’s thirst for Tenjiku/Bonten💀)
Shion: Again, can’t really say much about him because the limited chapters and panels he’s been in only show him to be an overconfident butt monkey haha. I don’t think he’s exceptionally strong, my headcanon about him is that he’s got clout and a place in the S-62 because of other factors like connections (perhaps from his BD era) and just the general reputation of a wacky guy who’d do literally anything. There’s a chance that Wakui might give him more spotlight and a backstory to hype him up as a character because he’s facing off against Akkun, and I think Wakui might wanna give Akkun a little more dignity by fighting someone ‘strong’/‘impressive’.
Ran & Rindou: HAHA ACTUALLY I like Rindou more than I do Ran 😜 Rindou’s character design appeals more to me, and his personality (simultaneously lazy and disinterested and yet cocky, bratty and sadistic) is just more fun than Ran lmao. I’ve said quite a bit about them (and trust me I’m gonna say more) so I’ll just talk about why I like them here. I’m not gonna lie anon. Like most Haitani stans it’s mainly thirst over their character designs and general mysterious and enigmatic charisma. I was really neutral on them upon their first introduction (Valhalla viewing gallery) but then Tenjiku gave them way more of a personality and then with their Bonten appearance?? I was a goner!!! And there’s something so interesting about their incredibly close brotherly bond, I’m just waiting on the edge of my seat and biting my nails for the next Haitani backstory reveal!!
Kakucho: WHY DO I LOVE KAKUCHO?? ANON WHY DO I BREATHE?? Jokes aside: I think I’ve always had a thing for the dark-haired brooding type but I just really love Kakucho’s character. Despite his absolutely tragic and horrible childhood, he’s a good person through and through and doesn’t make excuses for himself nor his actions. In a way, he’s kind of a foil to Izana: they both have a traumatic past, were in the same orphanage, experienced the loss of an important person (Shinichirou for Izana, Izana for Kakucho). Izana goes down deeper into the dark path, blames other people for his agony and strives to make others suffer too. But Kakucho doesn’t lose himself, takes it all upon himself and never wants to hurt other people (out of the context of a fight). His loyalty to Izana is more heartbreaking because you know that he’s struggled a lot (probably secretly) with his morals while being steadfast and loyal to Izana. I think he views himself as a bad person, not in the ‘guilty’ way but in the ‘I did what I had to do and so I’ll live with that’ kind of way. He’s just so steady and solid as a character I love him. You can be neutral about him but there’s no way to dislike this guy!!!
Well anon you asked for this!! My unhinged primal thoughts about Tenjiku (or at least the core members, I know Koko, Sanzu, Kisaki and Hanma were part of them too but they were never truly aligned with them)!! I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinion about them too if you don’t mind sharing!!
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