#but all is not bright and happy unfortunately. today I'm bummed out
w2soneshots · 3 months
The uncles -Miniminter
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words: 1.3k+
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of birth.
summary: your and Simon’s journey to becoming parents: finding out, telling the boys, the gender reveal and welcoming your little baby into the world.
notes: hello loves! Here’s the request🫶🏼. Sorry for the lack of posts recently but this is a long one so I hope you enjoy!!🧸💓
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I've known the sidemen for years. And I've been in there videos since they first started out. That's how I met Simon, we were just friends at first but eventually we started dating. We got married a few years later and we started trying for a baby four months ago. We knew it probably wouldn't happen straight away but I was starting to get a little worried, until the other day I took a test and it came back positive.
Today I'm telling Simon. I had to wait a few days since he was away for a sidemen video, which was torture but it gave me time to think of a cute way to do it. I decided that I was going to make a cute present containing some little ugg boots, a baby grow and the pregnancy test.
I placed the box on the kitchen counter then waited for Simon to arrive home. "5 minutes away x" he text me and my heart rate sped up. After the longest five minutes of my life he finally walked through our front door.
"Hi!" I smiled as we shared a tight hug. "I missed you." He whispered into my hair. "I missed you too. I have a surprise." His brows furrowed. "Come." I led him over to the kitchen, pointing to the little box. We sat down and he slowly opened it. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open as he stared at the contents. "You're- oh my god!" A bright smile graced his features as he stood to pull me into a hug. "I'm gonna be a dad!" I could hear in his voice that he was getting choked up, which was very rare since he never cries. "Yes you are." I replied, my heart filled with pure happiness.
The next few weeks were... tough. I had awful morning sickness and felt terrible all of the time. Simon did as much as he could to be supportive and look after me but there wasn't much he could actually do. We were also trying to keep the fact that I was pregnant a secret until twelve weeks but it was proving quite difficult.
When it finally came time to tell everyone I felt relieved that I wouldn't have to hide it any longer and also so excited that we could finally share the amazing news with our favourite people. Faith and Ethan were the first to find out since I had bumped into them at the hospital while leaving an ultrasound (that unfortunately Simon couldn't be at). They were there with Olive for a check up and I didn't really have an excuse so I just told them. Faith practically screamed as she pulled me into a tight hug. Ethan was just as happy.
Simon was a little bummed that he didn't get to see their reactions but he understood why. Next up was the rest of the boys and the side girls. We decided to do them all in one go so we arranged a little get together to surprise them.
After buying food, cleaning the downstairs and making a playlist I got ready. Simon ran out to get a few last minute things while I took a shower, styled my hair, applied some makeup and got changed into a cute outfit. I only had a small bump as of yet so thankfully that wouldn't ruin the surprise.
As people started to arrive I greeted them and led them towards the living room. Soon everyone was here and it was time. "Ready?" I asked Simon, whispering into his ear. "Yeah." He smiled back at me. I took a deep breath. "We have a little surprise for you all!" I announced. I saw Faith's face immediately light up. "I'm pregnant!"
Cheers filled the room as Freya began crying, JJ practically jumped onto Simon and Ethan proudly bragged to Harry about the fact he already knew. As everyone calmed down they all congratulated us. The party was amazing, the vibes were impeccable and we all had a great time.
As my bump began to grow and people were starting to suspect us on instagram we decided it was time to tell the fans. We announced it with a mirror selfie of me and Simon in our bedroom. He had on his best thumbnail face and I downed a bright smile. He held the most recent ultrasound photo in his hand. Both of us dressed in comfy clothes, my sweatpants placed underneath my bump. The internet went crazy.
Just a week before the gender reveal the baby began kicking. It was a lovely moment. It happened just as I was about to fall asleep. Simon's hand placed comfortably on my bump as we lay in a comfortable silence. Then I felt it, it was strange but so comforting, I knew he or she was ok. We'd been expecting it since the doctor had told us that it would happen soon at our last appointment. "Simon," I turned around in his arms. "I think the baby just kicked!" I whisper shouted. His eyes widened, hands immediately on my stomach. Kick. He looked up at me with pure adoration.
We wanted to find out the gender in a fun way so we decided on a balloon pop; simple but cute. We had a company come round to set up a balloon arch with different sized pink and blue balloons but Faith and Freya helped me to decorate the rest our garden. It looked so cute by the end. It was just going to be mine and Simon's closet family along with the troops and their girlfriends.
Me and Simon both dressed in white, everyone else wore whatever they wanted but most of them wore ether blue or pink depending on what they thought the gender would be. I was fully convinced that it was a boy but Simon thought that it was a girl, nether of us really minded though.
My heart raced as we stood in front of everyone. Simon holding the balloon while I held a needle. Everyone counted down, "5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" I popped the ballon and blue confetti filled the air. Simon pulled me in a warm embrace, my eyes began to stream and the boys jumped around excitedly. "I knew it man! I called it!" JJ shouted. "I was right." I whispered into Simon's ear with a sniffle. "You always are."
The pregnancy flew by and soon I felt like a whale out of water, I was uncomfortable and just wanted to meet our baby boy. We'd finished the nursery and all of the baby shopping, we were now just waiting.
"Simon! Simon wake up!" I shook my boyfriend awake. He shot up. "Wha- what's wrong?!" He panicked. "My water broke!" I said with a smile. I wasn't stressed at all, just excited. Simon on the other hand was a mess. He was frantically running around our home trying to get himself ready. I calmly got dressed then sat on the couch next to the pre packed hospital bag. "Ok, let's go!" He grabbed the bag then helped me up.
Just a few hours later I held our baby in my arms. Thankfully the labour was quick and after getting an epidural I absolutely fine, well other than the fact I had to push a human out of me. None of it mattered now though because me and the baby were both fine and healthy.
A week later -after I had mostly recovered- the boys came round to meet Louie (which is the name we chose). "Oh my god! He's so cute," Faith gushed as she held Louie. "We're gonna need to make another one of these asap." She turned to Ethan. His eyes widened. I chuckled. "Ok, My turn!" JJ shuffled so he was straight in his chair, placing his arms out ready. Faith passed the baby over.
Everyone one got a turn. While me and the girls chatted, the boys playfully argued over who was the best uncle. Though they're all equally as amazing as each other.
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daydreamlng · 2 years
#so its been a min since i updated my diary#guess who got into graduate school!!!! its ME#I'm going to grad school to become a licensed special education teacher with a master's in teaching 🥰#I'm going to be an ACTUAL teacher are you joking me#but all is not bright and happy unfortunately. today I'm bummed out#i really want to be someone that people can rely on. i try so hard to be open minded and give comforting thoughtful advice#but there are just some things that throw me off so bad that i can't help people and i freak out#and that happened last night and now I'm fucked up and I'm worried that i really hurt someone who i love#because i couldn't be there for them in the way they need :(#but i can't help those automatic responses i have! it's painful :( I'm only human :(#but if i ruined a relationship that's really important to me because of my own personal trauma that has nothing to do with this situation..#idk what i would do :(#ultimately what's done is done. i have to reconcile with my actions and the effect they have on others. and the consequences#i have to remember that i have good things going in my life too. I'm on a good trajectory. and i can't let consequences derail me from my#dreams and goals. even if those consequences hurt really bad :(#idk. how am i supposed to enjoy my accomplishments when other things are really hard and painful? and who can i even#talk to about any of this? probably my therapist..#it's just hard. I'm happy and sad and this summer is starting off on a really weird note#anyways#diary
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shinovii · 5 years
Oh wow, what a Saturday it's become! These episodes came out of the woodwork, and holy smokes I got so excited to watch em!!!
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Okay......how many episodes have we had involving Royal Woods Elementary? Not complaining, just needed a headcount. Also, with an episode name like "Stall Monitor", I was expecting something different. Hmm......ah well, on with the show!!!
Tonight is Parent Teacher Conference night, the single most worrisome day for any student in elementary school.....and maybe middle, and Mrs. Johnson aims to speak to each student's parents. Yes, that also includes Lincoln's as well and he's beyond worried (thank Clyde for the paper bag assist). With all the potential moments he listened, he feels it's gonna be rough for him once Mrs. J speaks to Lynn Sr. and Rita. As such, the man with the plan intends to put a halt to it, but not without some help from the gang...
Okay show of hands, how many actually dreadend Parent Teacher Conferences? It always feels like it wasn't as terrible as most shows made it out to be (well.....unless you were that one mischievous kid, that is.) But I digress, not too bad an episode this one was. It's always interesting seeing what kind of plan Lincoln cooks up because there's many different things he can think of, which makes for some pretty entertaining shenanigans. I'm also glad we got to see the gang's parents show up as well, and even they gave me some good chuckles too (plus seeing Liam's Mee Maw was every bit as crazy as I had thought she'd be). I'll admit the ending was just as I had figured, but it wasn't bad. Overall a solid episode, gave the gang more to work with, and shows Lincoln in his lovable goofy environment.
Also, always count on the McBrides to deliver when on screen!
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I was wondering when Luan was gonna get another episode, lo and behold! Not only that......it's a ship episode too! Great!!! But, even something this good is not without its blemishes....
In the lovely residence that is Casa Loud, awakens a bright and very chipper Luan Loud! It's for good reason too, as it just so happens be her very first date with Benny (yeah, Benny! Ya know, from such classic episodes as L is For Love and Stage Plight)! It's such a joyous occasion for her, but unfortunately it gets cut short as Luan seems to have grown a bulbous boil (no one tell Elmer). Timing........it is impeccable and it hits Luan like a truck! After some helpful (and pretty much ignored) advice from dear big sis Lori, Luan sets out to get her pestering pimple remedied before her big date and the siblings are here to help!
Ohhhh wow this was just a treat! I know it's the typical zit plot, but this was a good way to do this to be honest. Luan, even when she's trying to handle a serious situation, continues to make light of it in her own way and I love it (plus Mr. Coconuts is at his A-game this time around)! Is it ever a doubt in my mind why she remains my third favorite Loud sister? No.......no there is not! We also needed an episode that helps add to the newfound ship that is Luanny (ship development is a damn needed thing), and this one delivers a tad bit! Credit to Benny too, he comes off as a pretty decent character in this! Hard to believe he was just some random teen without a single line of dialogue before. See, this is something I want TLH to do more of, expanding the world and fleshing out the extra stuff (whether in the show or comics, I don't mind it). It would help add more depth to characters that people in the fandom like but are very underappreciated. As for the closing moments, it is sweet, simplistic, but cracks me up in good Luan fashion! It's a very nice episode, but not something to be overly hyped about tho.
Well I guess that's about it for this double feature, and another Saturday done! Until next-
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Oh......oh my......it's.....it's a......a.........TRIPLE FEATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Okay so, remember after The Great Lakes City Tour I said I "wasn't" going to do impressions on episodes of The Casagrandes? Well........THIS ONE IS A HELL OF AN EXCEPTION!!!!!!! Yes everybody, I'm talking about "The Horror-Scope", and for good reason too! I see great things out of this one, so says the fortune! Let's get underway, shall we?
We begin this episode with.....astrology? Yes, it seems Rosa is about to watch a fortune telling show by "Ernesto Estrella" (voiced by George freaking Lopez, yes! Wait, he voices a character named.....Ernie? Ha!), and young Ronnie Anne is being a bit of a skeptic. However, it seems today's fortune reads that fire signs are gonna find love, and wait a second......Ronnie Anne's a fire sign (conveniently). She may deny, but then "COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED AND NOT WELL TIMED FOR THE PLOT", she gets a call from Lincoln......and he's on his way to hang out with her! Rosa, possibly overhearing somehow, sees this as a sign, but Ronnie Anne is quick to deny it saying the two are "just friends" (Careful when saying such a thing Ronalda, the power of love is always so strong). So the snowy haired boy arrives and the two set off to spend the day, but is the fortune proving true to Ronnie Anne? We'll find out!
Sigh.........ya know, I ship these two so much, and if I have to go through so much slowburn to see this at the endgame.......hit me with EVERYTHING YA GOT IN THE COMING EPISODES!!!! Let's be honest, this was Ronniecoln fuel in every step of the way, and by gosh do I love it! The interactions, the dialogue, even the many scenes it had were filled with shipteasing and it'd be hard to miss any of it (they know full well what to do with these two, I'm sure of it). I will admit I'm a little bummed that Sid didn't play a bigger role in the shipteasing as well, but one can't leave a pet bird flying away forever (unless you're Sergio). Also, love the callback to previous TLH episode with Lincoln, it kept some good continuity which is always welcome! Even the closing moments were just a bundle of feels for me, I was so happy by the end of it! Now I may not be the top Ronniecoln shipper around (I'd be "flying too close to the Sun" if I claimed I was lol), but I'd still recommend this even if you like the dynamic these two have when they're together! A fun episode, good choice of a guest star, and tons of shipteasing that I'd watch over and over!
Well then, I guess that's it for our triple feature! I just couldn't let this slip by me, not by a longshot! This was a crazy good day TLH/TCG fans and I couldn't be anymore satisfied! Until next time everybody when the next new episodes come by!!!!
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