#but also half serious
astronautbeans · 1 month
dunno if i ever made a post about it but uhhhh Wels and Jimmy are brothers btw <3 long lost brothers, even <3
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system-of-a-feather · 5 months
You might think this blog is a blog about DID or plurality or something, but at this point, I have once again returned to three Bs, but different than they used to be
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unclekaz · 9 months
disclaimer: don't @ me about william afton. idgaf about that man or his family or his history or anything like that. ask me about SPRINGTRAP. that's what i was put on this earth for.
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
the worst thing for a girl really do be getting out of her bed like... what kind of hell is this???
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Vampires sleep in COFFINS and Eddie’s band is named Corroded COFFIN
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itsamebutnotmario · 3 months
Why can't we use picrews as our curriculum photos??
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cometrose · 3 months
trump may be a lying felon and biden a foot away from death but my fellow americans don’t forget to vote for your senators and representatives they’re important!!!
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oldguardians · 6 months
mad max: fury road says that when stripped down to its basic parts, the world is run by rich old men who control the production of weapons, oil, and water and food resources. these old men willingly hold most of the world in artificial poverty and take luxury as their right. they regard women as their property. they use sincere religious sentiment to further their selfish aims. they killed the world.
furiosa wants to fight back: she wants to escape to the green place, the utopia of childhood. but no matter what she and the wives sacrifice or how far they search, the earth is sour. the old men poisoned the soil with their bombs and their chemicals. there is no homeland outside of the systems these old men have dominated and these women have inhabited, the system furiosa has learned and perpetuated and rejected. their only option is to go back, to kill the old men and take their place in the tower where decisions are made.
can they hold the citadel, the ones who plant seeds instead of bombs? can they deradicalize the religious soldiers and create a more equitable society? can something grow in sour soil after all? we will never know. we leave our change-makers moving up into the seat of power. but as long as they rise, we can hold on to an ambiguous moment of hope.
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titsthedamnseason · 5 months
the front half of the album is so depressing and then halfway through it’s like she realizes wait why am i depressed. i am taylor motherfucking swift
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speakergame · 5 months
Progress Report - 4/29/24
hello and happy birthday!
...is how this was going to start when I intended to post it this past Friday. But I spent my birthday as a side character in the hit 1996 movie Twister. By which I mean there was a really big tornadoful storm here, the likes of which I've never seen before. It's never a fun time when the words "historic" and "record-breaking" are involved.
But anyway! My birthday was a few days ago, and to celebrate I have a slightly belated gift for all of you!
A release date
That's right, we're back in business here in Speakerland 😁 I'm so relieved to finally return to some semblance of normalcy, and I'm very hopeful that I'll be able to get back to doing regular monthly updates again.
As for this one, the update will be going up on Patreon TONIGHT! I'll be uploading that momentarily, in fact. That means that, barring any strange game-breaking bugs or overly tangled code, the update will be out for public release on Tuesday, May 7th!
I just want to thank everyone one more time for your patience, and for all the messages of support 💙 it really does mean the world to me.
I think that's it for this time! I hope you all have a fantastic week with only mild-to-moderate tornadoes, and I'll see you all next week! 💙💙🌪️💙
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ruegarding · 9 months
the entire point of the blue food was that it was the only way sally could consistently rebel against gabe without getting her or percy punished. sally is not and never was submissive in the books. percy himself says sally has "a rebellious streak, like me." however, sally and percy were under threat of serious abuse from gabe and therefore had to pick their battles. blue food was sally's way of telling percy "i am here and fighting with you" and "there is hope in the world still."
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royalarchivist · 10 months
Bagi: I think Badboyhalo is turning green. Without the rainbow stuff, I saw green stuff in his hand- in his back.
Fit: You might be right, yeah. I mean, it's hard to tell with- Hold on. Wait- wait. Bad, take your shirt off. Take your shirt off.
Bad: Well, I mean, I don't know if this is the right setting for-
Fit: Take your shirt off. [Leans into the mic and uses a deeper voice] Take your shirt off, take your shirt off, take your shirt off.
Empanada: whoa there are kids here and its me D:
Fit: Don't worry, Empanada- Bad's my good friend, and I just want to make sure that he's doing okay, you know? That's all I'm doing.
Bad: [Disappointed] Oh, ok... I guess Pac would be upset if it was anything else. Anyway!
Fit: Wait, what? What? Huh?
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[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Bagi: I think Badboyhalo is turning green.
Empanada: [In response to Bad saying everything is fine] mhm sure uncle bad i believe you especially
Fit: You might be right, yeah. Wait, hold on- I mean, it's hard to tell with-
Bagi: Without the rainbow stuff, I saw green stuff in his hand- in his back.
Fit: Wait, really?
Bagi: In his back, yeah.
Bad: Yeah, I don't know what Bagi is talking about. [In a loud whisper] Bagi's been seeing things, Fit!
Fit: Hold on, wait- wait. Bad, take your shirt off. Take your shirt off.
Bad: Well, I mean, I don't know if this is the right setting for-
Fit: Take your shirt off. [Leans into the mic and uses a deeper voice] Take your shirt off, take your shirt off, take your shirt off, take your shirt off.
Bagi: [Cracking up]
Bad: OK, ok, ok! It's off! There you go!
Fit: [Sees the infection / marking on Bad's back] Um... That doesn't, uh... Yeah, you might want to get that checked out.
Bagi: It's kinda different, you know?
Fit: Yeah, I think you might want to see a doctor.
Bad: Nah, it looks fine! No, it looks fine.
Empanada: whoa there are kids here and its me D:
Fit: Don't worry, Empanada- I'm just checking- Bad's my good friend, and I just want to make sure that he's doing okay, you know? Like, that's all I'm doing.
Bad: [Disappointed] Oh, ok... I guess Pac would be upset if it was anything else. Anyway!
Fit: Wait, what? What? Huh? Huh? What?
Bad: Oh, you didn't want to check out my muscles? Anyways, it's fine... I just- you know. Anyways...
Empanada: you got pac after all
Fit: Yeah Empanada, he's my roommate! Yeah, he's my roommate, it's- it's- it's cool, it's cool.
Bad: You got Pac, after all. Your roommate.
Fit: My roommate, My roommate.
Empanada: sure tell yourself that
Bad: [Cracks up]
Bagi: [Also cracking up] Oh Empanada, I love you so much! You're definitely my daughter! You're so my daughter! Here- Empanada, here's another cookie for you!
Fit: [Groans] I'm catching strays, I'm catching strays from an Egg today, oh no...
Bad: This is great! Oh, my goodness...
Empanada: you wore each others clothes tio
Fit: Yeah, but that- but I mean, that was- I- I know it- it- um...
Bad: I love this, this is great.
Fit: I got nothing, I got nothing... I got no defense to that.
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sergle · 3 months
It really is like. you don't realize until you ask other fat ppl, how common it is for a thinner person to use you as a Fat Sounding Board for their feelings about THEIR own weight.
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d3atherection · 11 months
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katabay · 11 months
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bi-han and kuai liang this time! I love. fucked up brothers. and they're so so so messed up. when bi-han comes out of the fog in that one scene? I'll be thinking about it FOREVER
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coralpaperthoughts · 4 months
broke: "Zuko is a child of the Sun and Sokka fell in love with the Moon so therefore he couldn't and would never fall in love with someone opposite to the one he loves"
woke: "Zuko is a child of the Sun and Sokka fell in love with the Moon therefore Sokka is destined to fall in love with celestial offspring over and over again until he finds someone who stays and loves him back"
edit: plus 10 points if they’re a royal and it’s forbidden love coz the royal is to be betrothed to another or it just can't be ughhh
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