#but also her precious teddy away from the church ruins
kingkangyohan · 2 years
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Yo Han soaping Elija's teddy bear, cleansing any trace of death away, rinsing its fur from the church's ashes, scouring until the smell of fire and burned disappear from hie nieces's favorite toy - hoping to ease her her sleep, praying he would carry any of his niece's nightmares instead.
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pinkettepoet · 6 years
In Which They Hear Wedding Bells
Summary: hi! the reader gets bucky - who she has a flirty relationship with - to be her date to a wedding. everyone thinks they're finally actually dating but she denies everything, not knowing bucky actually loves her. throughout the wedding which is filled with flirting, funny comments, and lovesick gazes, the pair are soon brought to a funny situation which leads to feelings being confessed.
Request: by the queen, @slowly-but-shurley.
Warnings: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Fluff.
Note: This is gonna be a toughie one! I literally know nothing about fluff. Oh well, YOLO. Hope you guys enjoyed this! Also, I haven’t seen Infinity War yet so I beg you, NO SPOILERS.
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“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, Bucky.”
Waking up your best friend in the mornings was no easy task, especially if he was a brooding man — who was secretly a teddy bear underneath. Despite having lived together for about three years, that man surprised you with his ability to sleep for so long.
Unfortunately, today was not the right time to be despising the mornings. So you worked hard on waking up Bucky. That included banging pots and pans, jumping on the bed, and poking his cheek. All the while taking a five minute break at intervals to put magnets on his metal arm.
This continued for about twenty minutes until the most perfect idea rushed through your very thoughts. It was a flawless plan. Shuffling closer, you whispered in his ear, “Steve’s in the kitchen, he brought donuts.”
In an instant, Bucky opened his eyes. The blanket that he held onto so tightly fell down to his waist as he sat up straight, revealing the lean chest of his that left you gaping for air. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes sleepily, “Steve?”
You averted your eyes to his face. Shaking your head, “Nope. Just me.”
Bucky leaned closer to you. He stretched his arm out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, letting his hand then fall to your jaw ever so gently before whispering, “Just you, huh?”
The both of you stayed like that for a second, just staring intently into each other’s eyes, until you realized what you two were doing and jumped away from his grasp. Clearing your throat and straightening your posture right away. “You should— uhm— get ready. The car will be here soon.”
Without even waiting for his reply, you scurried off to your room to get changed. Contrary to popular belief, you actually got ready faster than Bucky. In fact, it was about twenty-five minutes until he joined you in the kitchen where you were munching on an apple.
There he stood, smelling sweet of aftershave and lemons, clad in a dark tux that had you drooling. Walking over to him, you smoothened the creases in his suit, then looked up to him and said with a smile, “You look very handsome, Buck.”
Bucky’s eyes drifted to the dress you wore, grinning at how perfectly it captured the essence of your beauty. On instinct, he placed his hands on your waist, drawing you closer. “And you look very beautiful today.”
You settled your head on his chest, loving the faint noise of his heart beating. It seemed as though the both of you were swaying to a silent rhythm slowly. “I can’t believe Nat and Bruce are getting married. I’m so happy for them.”
You two snap out of your trance and leap out of each other’s hold as a loud honking noise blasted from outside the quaint house you shared together.
Bucky gave you another one of his precious smiles, and offered you his arm to hold. “Ready, doll?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” With that, you took his hand and you both sped off the the limousine that Tony sent to pick you up. It was sweet, you thought, for Stark to pay for all the expenses for today’s event. But knowing him, everything must’ve been extravagant.
It was about four hours before you arrived to the church. It was small yet adorned with the prettiest of flowers you’ve ever seen. There wasn’t one person who passed by you that wasn’t a familiar face. There were the Avengers, of course. The extended too. And some agents from S.H.I.E.L.D. with Nick Fury.
Sudden pressure was at the side of your head. It appeared to be Bucky placing a flower in your ear — so happened to be the one you favored most. In surprise and awe, you gasped, “Bucky! I’m not sure you can do that.”
“Who cares?” He mumbled, slipping his arm back around your waist again.
It was still quite early so you hang around the front of the church, gathering with some of the new arrivals and having a little chat. Some of them you haven’t seen for weeks. One of them was Steve Rogers.
Bucky and Steve slipped into a conversation right away. The joy in Bucky’s face made you smile — although you might’ve looked like a creepy person to an outsider, just staring at the side of his face. Steve saw this but only beamed happily.
“So I take it Bucky finally asked you out?” Steve gestured to the minimal amount of space you had apart. “I never thought he’d actually do it. Man, you should hear the way he talks about you.”
At his words, Bucky began coughing awkwardly, the color pink already tinting his cheeks. He shook his head violently.
You thought this was a sign of help so you gave Steve a smile in reply. “No, we’re not dating. Though, I want to hear what Bucky has been saying about me. Nothing bad, I hope.”
“Oh, it’s all good. In fact—” Steve was interrupted by another series of Bucky’s violent coughs, only this time it was added with a dark glare. Steve grinned but nodded, “You know, I think Sharon’s calling me. I got to go.”
Once he left, you immediately turned to Bucky with a devilish smirk. “I never thought you were one to backstab a friend, Barnes. What did you say to him?”
He only shook his head once more, smiling as he pulled you to the crowd that was heading inside the church. “That you burn the food every time and are a very bad roommate.”
The wedding itself was magical. Natasha’s entrance was just perfection, it definitely showed a vulnerable side to her that you adored. You didn’t want to admit it, but the ceremony had you crying. Unfortunately, Bucky saw this and chuckled at your state.
“I didn’t know you could cry,” He whispered, scooting closer to you.
You smacked his chest out of the emotional overload. Wiping away the tears — which might’ve ruined your makeup — you said, “Shut up. Don’t tell me you won’t cry at your own wedding.”
“I don’t think I’ll have my own wedding, doll.” He muttered lowly, the familiar rasp sending chills down your spine.
“And why not?” You whipped your head to turn to him, eyes widening at his answer.
Bucky took a moment before answering you, sighing deeply as he could before staring at you. “Because the woman I like doesn’t feel the same way.”
The reception came in no time, pretty soon everyone was piling into their cars and to the place Tony rented out for the feast. And man, did it not disappoint. For such a small crowd, it was rather big with chandeliers everywhere and spaces big enough for a giant.
Nonetheless, the buffet was amazing. Once the wine was being served, you downed every single glass. By the eighth glass, you struggled to walk properly and form a coherent sentence. Exactly why Bucky almost had a heart attack when he saw you on the dance floor, jumping and dancing off-beat to some random pop song.
“Bucky!” You squealed, latching onto him as you tripped over your own feet trying to sway to the music. Giggling like a lunatic, “Knock knock!”
“Who’s there?” He smiled, catching you by the waist as he straightened you up.
“Banana!” You snorted, laughing even though the punch line wasn’t delivered yet. However everything right now was hilarious, like the feeling of Bucky’s hands on you — it was fairly ticklish at the moment.
“You’re so drunk right now,” He said, twirling you around. “Alright. Banana who?”
“Knock knock!” You slurred, laughing yet again when Bucky lowered you a bit to dip you.
“Who’s the—”
“Banana!” As if he were a child, you squeezed Bucky’s cheeks together. “Knock knock!”
“This is getting old, doll.” He said, playfully swatting your hands away.
Then you pouted, sniffling as if you were about to cry. Then Bucky laughed, “Damn it, doll. Don’t cry. Okay, okay. I’ll play. Who’s there?”
“Orange!” You gasped in shock, widening your eyes in surprise of your own words.
Bucky raised an eyebrow, wondering if you actually knew how to tell the joke. “Orange who?”
“Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?” You wheezed, snorting like a pig a couple of times, holding Bucky for support as you laughed the night away.
In the midst of your giggles, Bucky cupped your face with his hand, whispering to you as he did so, “Did I already tell you, you look very beautiful today?”
“This is the second time.” You smiled, holding up four fingers.
“Y/N, I li—”
“Y/N! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you.” Wanda Maximoff gained your attention as she parted through the mass of people. Once she reached you guys, she turned to Bucky, “Hey, can I borrow her for a while?”
“Careful. She turns back into an ogre at midnight.” Bucky said.
At his words, you immediately gasped all the while Wanda led you to where Natasha was. “Oh my God. I’m Cinderella!”
It took you a while to realize that Nat was right in front of you. And when you did, you squealed. “Oh my God. It’s a princess!”
Wanda and Nat instantly found themselves laughing. Though, it was Nat who recovered first and she leaned towards you, looking all business-like. “Y/N, babe, we gotta ask. Are you and Bucky dating?”
“We’re just friends,” You slurred, twisting a strand of hair around your finger, widening your eyes in fascination for no apparent reason. “Best friends.”
“Wanda,” Nat chuckles. “Y/N says they’re just best friends. That’s a load of crap.”
When they were sent into another laughing frenzy, you sighed exasperatedly. “Guys, I’m serious. We’re just two friends who live with each other.”
That didn’t seem to calm them down at all, it seemed to only fuel their energy to laugh at you even further. You were about to defend your dignity again when you caught sight of Bucky scampering to the garden with some random girl.
Something unknown started to course through your veins, pushing you to chase after them. In long, angry strides you reached the garden in no time, not even noticing the freezing night air.
You didn’t even comprehend what was happening until your fist met someone’s face, a feminine voice shrieking and running away. Bucky turned to you, gaping with disbelief. “Y/N, what the hell?”
You stared at him for a while, not really knowing what happened until the bile in your throat rose up and the stinging pain in your hand appeared. “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
Running to a dark and secluded spot, you threw up the entire contents of your stomach. Seeing the remnants of lobster and strawberry had you puking even more. All the while, Bucky was holding your hair back. “Are you alright, doll?”
You shook your head, wiping away the remainder of vomit. Then you stared at him with a really confusing set of emotions. “I hate you.”
“I hate your stupid, attractive face. I hate your stupid smile. I hate your stupid six pack. I hate your stupid, perfect hair. I hate your stupid eyeliner. I hate that you’ll never feel the same way. I hate that I like you so damn much. I hate—”
You could have gone on forever — and most likely embarrass yourself — but Bucky slapped a hand over you mouth, grinning like a madman. “This is the part where I kiss you. But I’ll save that for later because vomit isn’t my thing.”
“I still hate you.” You said when he removed his hand, breathless from the intensity of Bucky’s stare.
“I still love you.” Bucky whispered, secretly trying not to inhale the scent of alcohol and puke on you but he couldn’t stand the thought of being far from you. “You better remember this in the morning.”
“I’ll always remember you, Buck.” You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck only to furrow your eyebrows. “Who was that girl earlier?”
“That, doll, was the owner of the place. She wanted to get an autograph from you. I think she got more than she bargained for.” Bucky said, restraining the urge to laugh.
“I feel so bad now,” You groaned, hiding your face in his chest as he pulled you closer.
“It’s alright. We can go and chase her before she has us kicked out.” Bucky grinned.
“You have to carry me though, my heels are killing me.” You said, already taking your shoes off, squealing at the feel of grass directly on your feet.
“Of course, doll.” He said, turning around and bending slightly to give you a piggyback ride. “Anything you want.”
Once he had his arms under your legs, you settled your chin on his shoulder. “Thank you for coming with me. I know you aren’t a fan of events like this.”
“No problem, doll.” Bucky replied, walking on as if there wasn’t a person hanging on his back like a monkey.
“I’d go anywhere with you.”
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(marvel tag list: @not-jk-rowling, @hydraliciousbarnes, @the-crime-fighting-spider, @thewhinersoldier, @saharzek, @hottrashformarvel, @slowly-but-shurley)
(bucky barnes tag list: @coal000)
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