#but also like. i don't wanna live my life like 'ugh i'm hyperfixating on my crush again but i don't want to make a move'
rubberbandballqueen · 2 years
hgnnghh... college friend has been asking me questions abt adhd n how to get diagnosed n stuff recently, which i'm more than happy to help him with, but just now he sent a tik tok that was like "maybe i should ask abt this too?" n it was like "why do adhd people seem to crush so hard" n it was like.
now listen i haven't had a serious romantic feeling since i was in middle school, but the description in that tik tok literally dragged the memory of all that out of my chest n i just said to him "haha yep... that's accurate my dude" as though it hadn't just described what was easily one of my top ten "do not ever repeat this again" experiences of my life
#i then proceeded to tell him that he probably shouldn't be pathologizing every little trait n thinking it's a 'symptom' or w/e#like if adhd tips help n stuff then just follow them; if you feel medication would help talk to your doctor etc etc#but also like. i don't wanna live my life like 'ugh i'm hyperfixating on my crush again but i don't want to make a move'#'bc what if they think i'm weird/creepy/just not interested in me back ugh i'd literally just die' PLEASE LET ME BE NORMAL ABT THINGS#idk just the way everything was described. ugh! the shame!!#i think i used to talk abt this more in the very early days of the blog (bc that's when i was still rlly bitter abt my last crush)#but like yeah it seems i really don't like to think abt romance when it's abt myself or my past w/it#i'm okay with the idea of like. being older n doing things in a more mature way should anyone ever grab my interest#but like idk!! it's weird!!! bc when rereading my old middle school diaries it's like 'aww yeah i was really struggling w/this'#but it's very deeply sympathetic like 'yeah it was rough but you'll get through this; it gets better'#for some reason watching this tiktok was just like. a fucking ice bucket of shame. like what the fuck who gave you that right#the worm speaks#i'd really just rather romanticize falling in love the way i have been doing these last few years through anime fanfiction#and never ever ever ever ever ever ever deal with whatever the FUCK happened in middle school ever again bc we were v immature then
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skylarsblue · 2 years
billy loomis / stu macher x reader with autism? tysm! and if you can’t do it no worries ^^
(Autism gang, let's go! Also, I added Danny for my own enjoyment, forgive me.)
✦Ghostfaces With a S/O That's Autistic✦
✦Content; No warnings that I can think of, fluff, GN!Reader with nothing specified physically✦ ✦Stu; He/Him, Billy; He/Him, Danny; He/They✦
✧Stu Macher✧
I'm fairly certain Stu is neurodivergent, ADHD specifically. You look at this man and tell me he has a neurotypical brain, I dare you. Yeah, no, you can't.
Now given this is 1995-1996, the concept of people having ADHD & Autism wasn't super accepted. Honestly, people treated it like a devastating blow most of the time. (Sadly, not a whole lot has changed) I imagine Stu doesn't really understand what being neurodivergent really means. Like, he knows what autism is, but he's got a bit of a warped view of what it means for you. You can blame media for the majority of it, but don't worry! He's not gonna go Anti-Vax Mom™ on yo ass.
He'll actually listen to you, even if he doesn't fully understand. You'll have to break it to him that Autism isn't a life-destroying thing. It just means you process things a bit differently, have sensitivities, etc. He'll grab the concept pretty quickly.
When you explain stuff like sensory processing issues, he'll actually relate really hard. Stu's lived his whole life thinking he was just weird for his reactions to certain stimuli, but when you describe your own experiences, it makes him question.
Bringing up that he might have ADHD won't make him want to get tested, he doesn't see a need, it won't change anything about him and he's not huge on the idea of medications. But, he will ask you more questions. Autism & ADHD are different but they do have a decent amount of overlap and you know more than he does so he trusts your judgment.
"Wait is that why I feel like I wanna tear my skin off when I feel velvet?! ...YOU MEAN NOT EVERYONE HEARS ELECTRICITY? IT'S JUST US?!"
Mans has an epiphany every five seconds while you're talking.
When it comes to him helping you, he tries his best, but he's spacey and forgets certain things. Still, he does his best to keep it all in mind. If he knows there's one food you absolutely can't stand, he'll keep it off your plate. Even if it means scraping it all onto his own and making a mess.
Is there a sound that makes it feel like your head's about to explode? He'll cover your ears, put his head on your head/shoulder and hum something.
Sometimes, if you two share a sensitivity, he'll loudly express his hatred for it and insist you both leave/get rid of whatever's causing it.
Has probably broken something that was making a noise you both hated. "Ugh, finally. Look, see? Problem solved! Aren't I a genius, babe?"
Stu absolutely understands the consumption of hyperfixations and he supports you completely. If it's something he can't get into, sometimes he comes across a bit aloof to it, because it doesn't give his brain the dopamine rush it does for you. Still, he's glad you have something you enjoy and he'll still listen to your rants. As long as you do the same for him.
If you both are hyperfixating on the same thing at the same thing? Bro, y'all annoy the shit out of everyone and he does not give a single fuck.
If anyone makes you feel like shit for talking about it, he's gonna rip them a new one. He makes fun of their biggest insecurities if he feels they deserve it. Is it cruel? Yes, but he, doesn't, care. If you don't wanna feel his wrath, you sit there and listen intently to his baby's ramblings, damnit.
Stu's a pretty intense dude and he likes a lot of stimulation. But he understands if you get overwhelmed sometimes. His tolerance for lots of stuff going on is a lot higher than most people. Again, he'll cover your ears if it's a lot of noise. He'll cover your eyes if it's too much visual stimuli, keep you close to his body in a crowd. This also helps if you're shorter than him because he can surround you completely, helps feel like you're disconnected from the stressors around you.
He's hella rich, he'll get you all the fidget toys you want. All the shit you want for a hyperfixation. Best believe you get the best headphones and music player the market has to offer for those times you need to drown shit out.
He's a touchy-feely person and he's likely to forget your physical boundaries sometimes if touch is a problem for you. But he'll always apologize when you correct him. If touch isn't a problem, he's super cuddly. And if you're the type to be only okay with touch from specific people, he gets a huge ego boost from being that person.
He's a bit boney & fidgety but makes a decent human blanket.
An overall 10/10 for a Neurodivergent Partner.
✧Billy Loomis✧
I'm gonna be real with you, chief. He's not the best. He's not terrible! But not the best. I'm not saying he's gonna bully you for the things you do, no, he's an overall sweet partner in all honesty. He's patient and understanding.
Still, if he doesn't understand a thing you're doing, he might come across a bit annoyed. Like if you have an audible stim that you keep repeating, his tone comes across a bit snappy when he asks why you do it. He's not trying to upset you, his temper's just a bit shaky.
Sitting him down and explaining that you're autistic might get you a few annoying questions. He's not an asshole, he means well, but the questions come across rude. Ex; "But you don't act autistic.", "But you do (insert stereotypical thing).", etc. If you tell him that most of the stuff he knows is basically all poor representation and rumors, he'll give you a pretty basic apology and he'll stop. Billy will also ask what else is a result of shitty ideas of autism so he knows better. (You'll need to tell him that the R-word is a slur. He doesn't really use it but it's good for him to be aware.)
I personally see Billy as neurotypical, but he's been friends with Stu for a long time. If you have behaviors that overlap with Stu's, he'll handle it perfectly. He's a veteran at it.
Sometimes he'll think you're being a bit too sensitive about sensory stimuli, but when you explain it's not just that you dislike something, he'll be more willing to understand.
"It's just a bit of corn, it's not that bad." "Billy, when I bite into a single kernel, it triggers my fight or flight response, my body goes into panic mode, and I wanna tear my hair out and throw up. It is that bad." "...oh. Aight, here, trade me."
When it comes to overstimulation caused by stuff like noise and people, he actually understands. He's an introvert and large crowds exhaust him, which makes him irritable. If he sees you starting to get antsy and uncomfortable in a loud environment, he'll give you his walkman headphones and find a reason for you both to leave. He's excellent at manipulation, he'll find a way.
If you have skin sensitivity, he'll start keeping things on him that help alleviates it. Scissors to cut tags out of your clothes, a spare shirt(that's his because he totally has a kink for that), hand sanitizer, etc.
Best believe he's ready to throw hands with anyone who gives you shit. He will whoop ass, no hesitation. Billy's a very possessive & protective partner most of the time, he's ready to defend your honor at the drop of a hat.
He's got his hobbies and likes, but he doesn't have anything he'd consider a hyperfixation. Still, he'll be perfectly happy for you that you've found one. Sometimes he has to ask you to stop talking when you're rambling about it, but he learned after the first two times to specify it wasn't personal. He just needs quiet every now and then and he knows you'll get sad if he isn't actually listening to you.
Like Stu, he'll be very happy if your hyperfixation has anything to do with his own interests. Billy will actually be impressed if you know more niche facts and nuances than he is, this is often the easiest way to hold his attention when you're in a long info-dump.
He's not as rich as Stu, but he's got some decent money, plus a part-time job. His spare money will definitely be spent on your interests, no matter what it is. It could be a hyper-specific brand of toys and he'll buy the most expensive one they offer. He wants you to be happy! (And the terrible part of him wants to have the leverage to keep you loyal to him, no matter how terrible his actions get)
Despite his struggle to understand sensory processing disorder, he actually offers some pretty decent suggestions to get around it. Using myself as an example, I often struggle to brush my teeth because it'll feel like bugs are in my teeth. If you had something like this, he'd come up with a potential solution on the spot. "What if you brushed them in the shower? That way you can focus more on the water than the brushing."
Again, similarities between you and Stu will catch his attention and he'll make a mental note of it. One, he'll see if he can use his experience with Stu to handle your symptoms better. Two, he'll definitely consider asking you if Stu's neurodivergent.
Not the best, but he's trying his best. Solid 7/10.
✧Danny Johnson✧
I headcanon that Danny has AuDHD, which is both Autism & ADHD. Once he was diagnosed (well into his twenties), it was like they had opened pandora's box. Researching it made them go "OHH THAT'S WHY" every five seconds.
He grew up in rural Utah with a shitty dad who would definitely not treat Danny well if he knew about his son's neurodivergence. But that doesn't matter cause the bastard's dead. Letting Danny have the freedom to research the topic to his heart's content, which he does. It helped them immensely in terms of lifestyle.
When you come into his life and explain that you're autistic, he's completely accepting right off the bat. That's also assuming he wasn't stalking you for months prior to your relationship and that he didn't already know to begin with.
He's probably the most equipped to handle things like sensory overload & sensitivities, given he has so many himself. He's also, ironically enough, got the most patience for things like stims & info-dumping. Danny's a tempermental hypocrite but on this list he's the most chill with these things, funny eh?
They absolutely pick up on some of your stims and you pick up on his. It makes them so much worse, but it's cute. His main stims involve his hands and little sounds with his mouth, like whistling or humming.
Your food sensitivities don't need to be explained to him, he's got a million. It's aggravating because he wants to be a foodie so bad but then they have all these damn sensory problems. If a single piece of broccoli will ruin your entire meal, broccoli will be essentially banned from the house. He's a romantic like that.
Pre-cuts tags from your clothes, picks out things from pre-made meals that you hate before he even gives it to you, has a plethora of scented candles you like to cover up troublesome smells, and he's got a million versions of headphones/earbuds. They all work he just loses them constantly, buys more, then finds the originals again. Honestly, they have a whole drawer dedicated to music players.
Your ability to stick to a schedule helps out with his ADHD experience. He's got a pretty decent routine himself, but sometimes he'll fuck it up and find it hard to get back on track. For example, they've misplaced their meds and it's fucking up their whole morning? There you are with the correction and they're back on track. He'll jokingly call you a saint for it.
Sometimes his temper gets touchy and he'll get snappy at something you do. (This is more a general thing and less an Autistic thing) He gets real guilty when you look at him with sadness and quickly apologizes. Which is baffling, given they were pretty sure they were incapable of guilt for a long time.
"I'm sorry, sorry, it's not you. Not mad at you. Mad at this other thing, it's not personal, doll, sorry."
If you're overstimulated, Danny's got you covered, rest assured. He's got earbuds, at least three fidget toys, and he's always ready to give you comforting pressure. Whether it's by acting like a weighted blanket or a tight hug. They also really appreciate when you return the favor when they've had a bad day at work.
They get a huge ego boost if you consider him your main comfort, or if your comfort object is something of his. Like a gift they gave you or some article of their clothing.
Actively researches your hyperfixation so he can engage in conversation with you about it. They like seeing you get all excited when they bring it up. Most of the time, he ends up having a hyperfixation on it as well. If you do the same for him? You're asking for a cuddly bitch of a man.
Feels their cold heart melt when you do something to help their AuDHD. Remembering his safe foods, his fidgets, etc. If he wasn't obsessed before, he is now.
Anyone who gives you shit for being autistic is dead by morning, that's a basic rule. If you defend him against bullshit? He's fucking the shit out of you.(/hj)
Considers you a hyperfixation, honestly.
100/10, you caught a winner with Danny. If you don't mind obsessive behavior, possessiveness, and murder. But c'mon. You're here. Of course, you don't mind.
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svnflowermoon · 4 months
☕️ rant about HMHAS!!! i love this album omg im listening to it for the first time ahhhh
btw i literally adore you and your asks answering these asks makes me so happy i love yapping <33 fair warning this is one of my current hyperfixations so this is a LOT and you do not have to read all of it lmao (i didn't even realise how much there was until i'd written it all im so sorry 😭😭😭)
hmhas is literally one of my favourite albums it's one of the few albums where i genuinely can't find a song i dislike
im gonna go through each song bc i have no self control and i adore them all oops i love yapping
okay so skinny OH MY GODDDD makes me sob it's so :((( it hits me right in the heart and i am obsessed with songs that make me feel something so this is one of my favs from the album i loveee her vocals in it and my fav lyrics are "when i step of the stage, i'm a bird in a cage, i'm a dog in a dog pound. and you said i was a secret, but you didn't get to keep it" it's so AHHHHH and also "but the old me is still me and maybe the real me and i think she's pretty" because it's so relatable it makes me cryyy
lunch!!!! what a fucking bop!!!! i've ranted a lot abt this song on this blog so i'm gonna try to keep this precise (lmao impossible) i think this song altered my brain chemistry. im a BIG fan of songs i can dance to and this is such an ass shaking song so its absolutely perfect. also THE MUSIC VIDEO AHFHSBXBAJANA. the lyric "she's the headlights, i'm the deer" literally AHHHH so mecore i am indeed a deer in the headlights. (also this song live is IMMACULATE)
CHIHIRO MY BELOVED. I AM OBSESSED NO ONE UNDERSTANDSSSSS UGH also spirited away/and studio ghibli references make me unbelievably happy!! THE VOCALS THE BEAT THE EVERYTHING I HAVE NO WORDS AHFHAABCNEHSB i don't even have a favourite lyric just like the whole song is so omg omg omg!!!! also the meaning behind it is so :(((( (at least how i interpret it)
BIRDS OF A FEATHERRRRR i love love i love this and it's gonna be in heartstopper which just makes it even better. i love happy songs this is such a dancing around the kitchen while baking song (also a long car drive to the beach kinda song) i adore this song no one understandsss i love love i hope someone feels like this about me one day ughhh. fav lyrics (there's a lot but I've written so much already sooo) "and i don't know what i'm crying for, i don't think i could love you more"
okay wildflower. wildflower my absolute beloved the love of my life. i love this song with my whole heart and no one understands it as much as me. "BUT I SEE HERRRR IN THE BACK OF MY MINDDDD ALL THE TIMEEEE LIKE A FEVERRRR LIKE I'M BURNING ALIVEEEE LIKE A SIGN" "i know you didn't mean to hurt me so i kept it to myself" AHHHHHHHHHHH literally on repeat on my mind every night when I'm trying to sleep this is my song this is my song no one understands this is like the halley's comet of hmhas i could go on about it forever and ever and ever but i'm already yapping so i'll stfu
you're probably sick of me by now if you've even read this far but we still have more songs and i've committed i'm so sorry ahfhandbajba i'll try to make the rest shroter
THE GREATESTTTTT literally sobbing screaming crying these lyrics it's so ughhhh its a littleeeee too relatble "and you don't wanna know how alone i've been, let you come and go, whatever state i'm in" OH MY GOD BILLIE YOU DIDNT HAVE TO RIP MY HEART OUT 😭😭😭😭 the soft vocals and the guitar ughhhhh im in loveeee AND THE SWITCH TO THE FULLY BELTING OUT THE LYRICS AND THE DRUM AND UGHHH NEVER GETTING OVER THAT
l'amour de ma vie oh my goddddd i love how she drags out the vocals and the synths and oh my goddddd the lyrics and it's somehow such a ass shaking song despite the depressing lyrics?? and the laugh after "but you moved on... immediately" AHHHH i adore when signers put little laughs or voice notes or something in their songs it makes me so :)))) i adore the extended edit it's such a bop and it's lowkey the best part of the song
THE DINER WHAT A FUCKING BOP i'm obsessed with it even though it originally reminded me of kahoot music it now reminds me of don't smile at me which is my fav ep ever soooo i love itttt I'm obsessed (and the number at the end??? that was so cool)
i adoreeee bittersuite part of it reminds me of i didn't change my number from happier than ever and i loveeee that i love the synths in it and the "if this is how i die, that's alright" part drives me insaneee also I LOVE the transition from bittersuite to blue
BLUEEEEE LITERAL LOVE OF MY LIFE im so glad she released it the vocals are insane and the links to skinny (bird in a cage) and birds of a feather drive me insaneee also i love that it has two parts hehe
okay yapping over i love you <33
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thegeminisage · 4 years
your post about ace headcanons really hits! i'd love to be less affected by other people's perceptions but unfortunately irl and now online too i just don't talk about ace shit at all (aside from reblogging the occasional ace joke made by aces post) eventho it's such a big part of who i am. it's like the well on here has been poisoned or something. the homophobia accusations especially like... i literally AM gay and ace we exist lmao and would like to have fun in fandom too. it's pretty lonely sometimes i'm mad about it! sob story aside my point was to send you a lil thank you. i'm a recent follower and i don't want to get all sappy on you but it's so so nice to be following an ace person in my current hyperfixation-space who's also closer to me in age than a lot of the young ones on this site. (i'm also super excited abt your fic i'd gush about the snippets more here if this ask wasn't so long already)
UGH anon i miss yesterday when this was the biggest problem we had don’t you?? mood tho bc like...ok i live out here in the fucking sticks in the DEEP deep south so my community is made up of hateful bible-thumping facists, right? i cannot describe with human words how utterly soulless and hateful these people are. so like, i Do Not Engage. i’m chronically online bc i like people on the internet better (i know, but trust me, it’s a LOWWWW bar). 
and even with all that i’m still mostly just here for a laugh?? i mean i’m talking about video games and supernatural on here mostly it’s not life or death. but like...this IS the place where i metaphorically kick back so: get off my lawn. “aces are a lame dumb subculture with fake words like queerplatonic! they’re so cringe!” die, no we’re not. i am a grown ass adult and certainly old enough to have been Thru it with people making me feel shitty for being ace so my tolerance policy is now subzero. i have ended multiple-year friendships without a word over this. i will block your ass if i even THINK you’re gonna make an off-color joke. that’s self-care, babey! so instead of shutting up about it i’ll mention i’m ace constantly bc it helps me weed out the people i absolutely never ever wanna interact with lol. i do still get bent out of shape about how all queer headcanons are cool except ace ones tho like...i see y’all. you don’t have to say we’re cringe for me to know you think we’re cringe :/ makes me cranky!!
anyway THANK YEW re: the fic i cant believe anyone is still excited when i straight up wasnt able to work on it for like two and a half solid weeks lol. blease <3
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hawkinshighdropout · 2 years
Good Morning! 💚
I've just realised I don't actually know what timezone you're in? I'm GMT, UK so it's almost 9am here. It's freaking sweltering! I live in a flat and we seem to get no air up here 🥵 BUT we're in the process of buying a house so hopefully we'll be moving in September all being well 🤞
I'm 32 in September and I definitely haven't accepted that I'm in even in my 30's 😂
Thank you 😳 he's honestly the sweetest little boy! He turns 3 soon and I can't believe it! His favourite things are lining up his blocks or organising them by colour.
I am SO behind on the Shadowhunter books! The last ones I read were The Dark Artifices and there are so many more now! I definitely want to catch up though. And also I'm tempted to rewatch Shadowhunters...my main complaint about the show is that they did Ragnor dirty 😒 was not impressed! How caught up are you with the books?? Maybe we'll both renew a hyperfixation 🤣
Oh god this whole Eddie thing is insane and I'm here for it. I didn't expect it but I'm not complaining.
"You're a whole mood tbh" made me laugh, love it! And that's exactly it! I am fully ghosting all my books right now. Earlier this year I was reading EVERYTHING, I lived at the library and devoured so many books. But then I suddenly couldn't get into anything and anything I did manage to read was disappointing. So here I am, ghosting them all! What type of books do you read?
I've just finished rewatching all of Gilmore Girls, I'm now on the last episode of A Year In The Life which has it's faults and is less of a vibe but still good. I need to find something else to watch once I'm finished! Any suggestions, I've just got Netflix!
I'm currently working on part 3 of my series. It's called Happy Birthday and is very fluffy 😂 I've got a few more in the works that I'm excited to write, even a smutty one which I'm nervous about as I've never written smut before!
My novel is a full on thing. I've written out the plan entirely but actually sitting down and writing is a whole thing. It's basically a love story, grumpy x sunshine vibes set mostly in a B&B by the seaside. It's a slowburn with some long distance elements while they get to know each other and fall in love. There's also a mismatched cast of other B&B visitors with their own little stories 😂 I'm excited to write it but it's a lot!
Omg so I'm a rambler in text but I'm very shy and awkward in person until I get to know someone, then all bets are off!
Hiya! We are in the same timezone as me, I’m also from the UK! I just had work all day and then boring adult stuff to tend to but now I’m here and ready to pester you! How was your day?! I hope your flat cooled down so you weren’t sweating all day long, congrats on the house :D
32 isn’t old, so don’t even worry yourself with that 😊 Your kid sounds like me, I did that throughout my childhood into my adulthood and mum just went “aw that’s quirky,” but even after getting diagnosed she just thinks it’s for fun rather than because my brain needs things in certain ways, ugh.
The last ones I read were either the throwback ones in London (idk what they’re called, I could google them or even just look at my shelf next to me but I cba!!) or the City of Fallen Angels, I can’t remember. I have literally every book in the collection except one, but I need to read the rest oops? How did the show do Ragnor dirty?
Idk how we can binge read like every Eddie fanfic ever but the thought of picking up a book is just too much effort right now, we are broken by his grip hahahh. I normally read fantasy things cause I don’t wanna be thinking about the real world for longer than I have to, oops?
I’ll have to think of something to suggest for you on Netflix, I’m more of a Disney+ person myself but I always rewatch the same handful of shows tbh..
I’m excited to read this!! Good luck writing the smut, I cringe whenever I write it cause it just doesn’t feel natural to me. So I end up speeding through it and focusing more on the fluff cause I can’t be dealing with the cringe language people use for sex stuff.
Grumpy x sunshine vibes are a staple, that’s so great!! Can’t get enough grumpy and sunshine couples in stories, they are just so stinking cute ☹ good luck with your book, I hope you have a blast writing it!
Join the gang! <3
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hawkinshighdropout · 2 years
I'd like to submit my friend application please 💚
Hi! I'm Toni and I'm 31, old I know 😂
I'm a stay at home mum to my beautiful little man, he's autistic so it can be hard sometimes as he's non verbal and it doesn't help that I have literally no mum friends to talk to or meet up with. It can feel pretty lonely sometimes.
I've recently (since s4) came back to tumblr but I used to LIVE here back in my Shadowhunter days (books, TV and film) and before that in my very multi fandom teen days!
I kind of forgot what it was like to have a hyperfixation until Eddie appeared on my screen. I've been so tied up in being a mum and trying to find myself again that I've realised I've not had a proper hyperfixation in such a long time! I have had mini ones but not to this level in years 😂
Hmm a little more about me. I love reading but tend to either read like 8 books in a month or none for 3 years. I watch a LOT of TV, a few of my favourites are ST (obviously), The Walking Dead, Gilmore Girls and Buffy. Moviewise I'm into a lot of different types, my main favourites are LOTR/Hobbit, Labyrinth, Soldier's Girl (highly recommend but it will break your heart and not mend it) and Muppet's Christmas Carol.
I also write. I'm finally getting back into writing. I used to write a lot but in recent years it's been a struggle. I currently have an ongoing Eddie x Reader series, plus a lot of plot bunnies waiting to be written 😂 and also a novel I'm hoping to write one day!
Okay I've rambled a lot now. That's one last thing to know about me. I'm a rambler. Or I don't reply for literally ages. There's no real in-between 😂
Hope you're having a lovely day 🥰💚😇
Consider your application accepted just based on how lovely you are off the bat! <3
Hi, Toni! You’re not even that old, hush yourself! 😊
Congrats on your lil boy, I wish you all the luck in raising him. <3 Hopefully you find the love and support that you are needing ‘cause you deserve it, you’re doing an amazing job, just in case no one had told you that already today!! You got a friend in me, even if I’m not a parent, I can still be a pal!
OH MY GOD I LOVE SHADOWHUNTERS, YES!!! I’ve literally been thinking about finishing off the book series cause I never finished it cause I got hooked on the show instead but then it got cancelled so I was butthurt and gave up ahhaha. Watch me be 26 and restart my love for this franchise all cause of you!
Honestly same, Eddie has us all in a chokehold and idk how he’s doing it ??
You’re a whole mood tbh, yes. I feel like that’s how most readers are, super into it, ghosting books for years, super into it, taking a long ass break. There’s always that one book that hooks you back in tho, I wonder what it’ll be for you! Gilmore Girls is a fucking vibe and I love that show, ugh, it’s such a comfort show. Those are all hella solid movie choices, I think we will get on real well!
I need to checkout your series and give it a read, can’t be ignoring the wonderful work of my happy little sheep now can I?! I’ll add it to my TBR <3 Tell me about it haha, I have like 6 stories in my drafts waiting to post and then another like 13 requests to get to, lots of plot bunnies sitting about :D You wanna write a novel?! About what?! :D
I love ramblers. I’m a quiet person irl so it gives me a chance to just sit and listen to people, it’s a good balance 😊 I hope you are having a fabulous day, my love. You deserve the best things in life and the universe shall bring them to you!
Join our gang! <3
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