#but also ten needs to be held back a little too soooooooooo
here’s my vision: rose and metacrisis ten get to live out the tenrose love story for all of time and it’s beautiful, while fucked up twisted cycle path time lord victorious Real Ten gets to have kinky you know what with the master in the tardis as he tries to keep him from murdering the universe for all of time
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ausblack · 6 years
Feline instinct | k.th
Request: Badboy Tae and Shy oc enemies to lovers? Ps ur work is soooooooooo amazing
Pairing: Leopard hybrid! Taehyung x Cheetah hybrid! Reader 
Genre: Fluff, hybrid!au, Enemies to lovers!au, Roommates!au
Word Count: 6.4 k
TW: Strong language as always
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“Why are you still here?” You jumped at the sound of your coworker’s voice, turning around to face her with the sponge in your hand. It was way past your working time and nobody was supposed to be in the café since everyone had already went home apart from you. The room full of shiny tables was illuminated by the lamps on the ceiling since outside the light sun was no longer there. You looked at her with wide eyes, ears perked up in your head for the surprise. 
“God, why would you scare me like that.” You responded, hissing lightly before turning back to clean the small table in the corner of the room. She was already wearing her own clothes, meanwhile you had still on your apron. Confusion was pasted on her face as she looked down on her watch before opening her mouth to speak again.
“It’s ten past nine, shouldn’t you already be at home? Your shift ended one hour ago.” She said, moving to sit down on the table that you were currently scraping with your small sponge.
“You should be at home too, why are you here?” You asked back, sighing softly before sitting I front of her – wiping your wet hands on the white piece of cloth that you had wrapped tightly around your waist.
“I forgot my phone in the kitchen so I came back to take it.” She said and you nodded, yawning before explaining yourself.
“I’ll go home in an hour and a half.” You told her and she looked at you even more confused than before.
“But...Why? Troubles with your boyfriend?” She looked at you with her wide eyes and her own ears perked up in curiosity. Dog hybrids were the noisier types.
“What boyfriend?” You asked her confused, but she just shrugged. 
“You always have a male scent all over you so I guessed that it was your boyfriend.” She explained but you shook your head.
“My roommate will go to work at 10 pm, I don’t plan on meeting him when I come home.” You explained and she stood up, heading to the kitchen ready to prepare a coffee for you. 
You silently thanked her for that, feeling the need to put something hot in your stomach. Everyone knew that felines hated to be cold.
“So what’s the deal with your roommate? You don’t get along? She asked crossing her arms as she waited for the dark liquid to fill the small white cup.
“I don’t even know why I decided to live with him. I guess that it’s a comfortable position and the rent isn’t that expensive but he’s just…unbearable.” You took the hot cup that she had placed in the table in front of you and you smiled at her – blowing on his before touching the coffee with your lips, to see if it was too hot to drink or not.
“Is he an hybrid as well?” As those words left her mouth, you sighed.
“He’s a leopard.” You said, already knowing what she was about to say.
“I mean...What’s the problem? Aren’t you a leopard too?” You grumbled at her words, shaking your head with a pout in your face.
“I’m a cheetah.”
“Isn’t it the same thing?” She added innocently and you looked at her annoyingly, shaking your head one again.
“We’re the complete opposite. I’m fast, he’s slow. I like fish, he likes meat. I’m tidy, he’s messy. I’m quiet, he’s loud. His scent it’s so irritating you have absolutely no idea.” She furrowed her brows at your words and you gulped a large sip of coffee before responding her question.
“Why are you still his roommate if you can’t even stand him?”
“The bill isn’t affordable by myself, we’re staying together because we both work in the same area. We thought it would be easy because I work during the day and he works as a bartender during the night.” She nodded slowly as you spoke, before talking again.
“So you never see each other?”
“On the weekend but I don’t really like staying outside of my room. You know how we are. We don’t like staying with other people. He, on the other hand, is something else. Always hanging out with his friends, coming home with tons of different scents on himself. I get headaches when he does.” You said, already grumbling at the thought of him.
“Why don’t you speak to him about it?” She asked and you chuckled.
“He likes to drive me insane, that little shit.” Standing up to wash the cup after you finished your coffee, your friend followed you – continuing to talk while you wet your hands on the sink.
“I guess it’s just a feline instinct. He feels a competition between us.” You shrugged and she laughed, hugging you before speaking up. 
You knew that dog hybrids were touchy so you weren’t shocked by her sudden skinship.
“I think you two would eventually go along. Just give it a bit of time.” You smiled faintly at her before stretching your arms.
“Just go home, don’t worry about him. You’ve been working since this morning. Just go and rest.” She caressed your shoulder and you nodded – feeling like you should’ve taken her advice.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Taking off your apron you headed towards your cabinet – taking off your bag before saying goodbye to your coworker and going back home. 
You wished Taehyung wouldn’t have been at home when you arrived, but after opening the front door, the irritating scent of him came all over you – indicating that he still hadn’t left the apartment and you had to deal with him until he went out.
Throwing your bag on the couch, you lied down – closing your eyes to relax, only to be interrupted a couple of seconds later.
“You stink Y/N, go take a shower.” His low voice came to your ears and for a moment you tried to restrain yourself from yelling at him.
“I don’t stink.” You replied but he scoffed, looking at himself in the mirror.
“You smell like a dog.” At his words you opened your eyes, looking at him as he got ready to head out. You were sure that smelling like your coworker was far better than having on your body his scent. 
You weren’t going to lie; Taehyung was one of the hottest guys you had ever laid your eyes on. 
His body was built, his hair was dark and covered partly his eyes and his lips were always rosy and moisturized. A cigarette was held tightly in between them and grey clouds of smoke were coming out of his nostrils as he buttoned up his shirt.
“Stop smoking inside the house. How many times do I have to tell you that I hate that smell.” You got up, glaring at him and he chuckled – blowing a cloud of smoke towards you, causing you to cough.
“God, I can’t stand you.” You muttered before heading towards your room, locking the door behind your shoulders.     
He loved to tease you, driving you crazy by doing things that you hated – like pouring sugar on your glass of water even though you hated sweet stuff, or turning on the speaker on his phone when he listened to music, although he knew that you preferred to stay in a quieter environment. 
You couldn’t say that you didn’t reply back to his teases, since before you had ruined plenty of his shirt by accidently throwing them on the washing machine along with your red sweaters – turning them into lovely pink clothes. The one between you two was an open war that started as soon as you two started to live together. 
You weren’t sure about the reason; it could be both the difference between your personalities or the fact that you two were predators – big cats that despite the differences, were both hunters and powerful. 
Throwing yourself on the bed, you stared at the white ceiling with sleepy eyes – feeling tired and completely done after the week of work that you had just experienced. 
Your room was completely tidy and clean, differently from the rest of the house that looked like a mess thanks to the leopard who was currently getting ready for a night out. You slept on a king size bed, covered in warm blankets that you used to create a small forts every night – enjoying the warmth that you could feel in it. Every morning you also woke up with the light of the sun, that reflected a nice sunspot on your bed filtered by the window. It was truly your safe house. 
Closing your eyes and wrapping yourself around the soft blankets that surrounded your body, you let out a small purr at the comfort of your mattress before starting to doze off and eventually to fall asleep. 
However, the relaxing time didn’t continue for long and you found yourself groaning in displeasure at the sound of giggles and moans a bunch of hours later. 
You opened your eyes, watching the clock that laid untouched on your desk and a loud growl came out of your throat at the sight of the time.
It was currently 3:38 am and you had just been awakened by the sound of your roommate having sex with some random girl that he had brought home after his shift at the club where he worked. It wasn’t like he had never done that before, you were aware of the fact that Taehyung wasn’t exactly so pious – he liked to go out, drink and sleep with different girls – but you never cared much about it as long as that didn’t stand in your way. 
The high pitched cries irritated you but, you weren’t going to lie – Taehyung’s low moans were starting to turn you on the more you listened to them.
You could smell the scent of arousal mixed with Taehyung’s hormones from your bed, but you tried to shake it away from your nose before covering your head with a pillow and falling asleep again. 
The next morning your shift at work began later than the usual, so you took the time to get up slowly and prepare yourself a coffee while sitting in the couch with crossed legs and a book in your hand. It was peaceful and the silence that surrounded you was almost dream-like, causing you to think for a moment that Taehyung had left the house earlier. 
Nothing seemed to bother you, until a loud gasp attracted your attention, making you look up annoyingly from the book. The girl that had spent the night with Taehyung was currently standing in front of his room, half naked with a shocked expression stamped on her face. She had two dark ears on her head and a black tail that moved quickly behind her legs. You guessed that she was some kind of wolf hybrid, considering her strong – but not stronger than yours – scent. 
“Who the fuck are you?” She snapped at you and you raised your eyebrow at her audacity, without replying back. Taehyung was already hurrying out from his bed to get her, so you let him do all the work without bothering. 
Taking a sip of your coffee you looked at the girl that was still waiting for an answer as Taehyung grabbed her shoulders, looking at you with apologetic eyes and messy hair. He wasn’t wearing anything apart from his sweatpants, but you tried to divert your eyes – not looking at his shirtless body. 
“Baby I think you should go.” His low, morning voice spoke up but the dark haired wolf hybrid was still glaring at you without moving or changing her stance. 
“You never told me that you had a girlfriend! I thought you brought me here because you liked me!” She said, screaming in a high pitched voice that made you furrow your brows in annoyance. Taehyung was trying to deal the situation with politeness, but you could tell that he was annoyed too. Maybe this wasn’t worth a good fuck.
“She’s-“ He tried to talk, pulling her back inside his room to get her in another place far from you  – scenting your annoyance with his great sense of smell.
“I don’t care who she is! You told me so many nice things yesterday and now I’m finding out that you have some bitch living in your house.” She was livid as she screamed but as soon as the word bitch left her mouth Tahyung stepped out, furrowing his brows at her. 
“Hey, watch your mouth.” You smirked as those words came to your ears, setting down the cup of coffee in front of you before standing up – looking at the two in front of you seriously. 
The girl stepped back at your movement, hitting Taehyung’s chest, and the boy stared at you without saying anything. 
A low growl came out of your throat and you could hear a small whine coming out of her. 
Walking towards her, you stopped when she was standing in front of you and with a small smile you opened your mouth – letting her hear your voice for the first time. 
“Listen up wolfie. You have exactly five seconds to go out of my apartment before I get pissed off.” She tried to put on a brave face by scoffing, not managing to hide the scent of fear that her body emanated. 
“O-Or what? Tae brought me here, who are you to tell me to go away?” She said and you looked up at Taehyung, meeting his dark eyes with your before facing the girl once again – snarling at her. 
“I’m his girlfriend so get the fuck out of my house before I show you what a cheetah can do to a wolf.” You growled and this time, her whine came loudly to your ears as she walked back to Taehyung’s room to pick her things up before going out of your apartment with her tail between her legs. 
As this scene happened, Taehyung stared you down – shocked to see this side of you and smirking to himself as the word boyfriend went out of your mouth.
That was hot.
As soon as the door closed shut, a warm chuckle made you roll your eyes and turn around, to pick up your book and your empty cup before heading towards the kitchen.
“Boyfriend uh?” He teased, leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen as you washed the cup without looking at him in the eyes. 
“Just thank me and shut the hell up.” You muttered, making him chuckle again. 
“I mean…I could handle her pretty well but I’m glad that a feisty cat felt the need to take care of it.” You scoffed at his teasing with a small blushed on your cheeks before turning around and heading towards your room – hurried to go and start your shift at work. 
“Go take a shower, you smell like a dog.” You looked at him, sniffing slightly the air and making him laugh before closing the door of your room – blushing even further as his words came to your ears from the other side of the door. 
“Whatever you desire, girlfriend.”
“So then he called me girlfriend...Do you believe that?” You muttered angrily as you scraped the dirt off the table – finding yourself in the same situation of the day before, with your coworker sitting on the table next to you as she listened to your tantrum. You had just experienced the worst day of work in your whole life so, the anger wasn’t easy to dissolve.
“I think he likes you a bit.” She said, eyeing you with a small smirk as she leaned against the wall with crossed legs. A couple of clients were still sitting on their table, but the shift was about to end so you felt free to talk a bit with your friend as they waited for whatever they’ve ordered.
“Bullshit. He doesn’t let me even breathe, he loves to make me feel bad.” You answered, looking at her with a soft sigh before taking off your apron and throwing it on the counter.
“Plus, he’s a le-“
“Keep the hybrid shit out of it Y/N, my friend is a wolf and he’s dating a bunny hybrid. As love is in the air who cares about the law of the jungle.” You chuckled at her words and you sat down in front of her, looing at her puppy-like expression.
“Honestly, I don’t hate h-“
“Hey, Kitty!” Your words had been cut off by a loud, low voice behind you and you jumped in your seat by the sudden noise.
Turning around, you faced the costumer in his table where he was sitting with his friends – a cocky expression stamped in his face. Giggles were coming out of his friends as they looked at you, watching the situation as if it was some kind of show.
“Could you bring us a glass of water, pretty please?” He asked and you nodded, looking confused at your coworker before getting up and filling a cup for the man that had asked for it.
They weren’t hybrids and that’s was a huge red flag for you, because humans thought of your workplace with hybrid employees as some kind of fucked up maid café – as if they had the freedom to treat you like you were at their all disposal.
As you laid down the glass of water in front of the boys, you froze at the filling of a hand wrapping around your tail – jerking it quickly and causing you to yelp loudly at the sudden pain.
“The group of boys started to laugh as you jumped back with stoop up ears and flushed face from the anger that they were causing.
A loud growl came out of your throat and their laugh only came out louder, until a hand touched your shoulder, caressing it slowly.
“Hey, don’t worry about it okay? Just go home I’ll deal with them until the end of my shift. Yours ended anyways.” You smiled faintly at your coworker before nodding and taking your bag before heading outside.
Outside the sky was dark and the air chilly - but that wasn't the reason why you were currently shaking with crossed arms and red cheeks: the stress had been too much to handle, and just the thought of coming home and dealing with your Taehyung for the whole weekend was making you sick. You just needed to relax a bit, but that's exactly what you wouldn't get at home.
While you walked home, you tried to erase those thoughts from your head, trying to think about what you could do to avoid complications that weekend, but when you arrived home, you realized that probably none of those options would have worked with Taehyung.
A loud sigh escaped from your lips as you unlocked the door and got in.
You immediately felt his scent, and as you walked to the kitchen to get something to eat, it got stronger.
You threw your bag on the couch, before opening the fridge and taking out your dinner.
"Look who's here, my favorite girlfriend" Taehyung’s voice sounded out - mocking you. His eyes were fixed on the screen of the laptop on the kitchen table.
You breathed, trying to calm down: you didn't reply, hoping that he would get the hint.
You weren't in the mood.
As you waited for your dinner to heat up in the microwave, you walked to your room and changed, putting on your pajama and tying up your hair in a bun. That's when a strong smell of burnt hit your nostrils.
You ran to the kitchen and opened the microwave only to see your burnt food.
"Oh fuck off, that's the only fucking thing I didn't need today" you whispered, and you let the swear words flow off your tongue throwing your dinner in the bin.
Taehyung watched you, and if at first he was amused by the situation, he was getting more and more concerned as he saw you slumping on a chair, your face in your hands. Sniffing lightly the air, he sensed a male scent on you and that’s when he furrowed his brows. It wasn’t the scent of an animal, but the scent of a human.
At first he didn't know what to do. Should he help you? Should he let it go?
You two weren't exactly on good terms but he didn't want you to be in such a bad mood to almost breaking down in front of him.
"What's wrong? " he said quietly as the pushed the laptop out of the way, trying to see if you were crying, but when you got up there weren't tears in your eyes. Still, he could feel the tension and stress.
"I'm so fucking stressed, work's getting more and more tough and I can't seem to get a second of peace even at home. " you said while walking back and forth in the kitchen, your hand running through your hair.
Taehyung felt a bit of guilt piercing him, but he knew what you needed, and it was the same thing he wanted.
"You know what? There's one thing to do when you’re stressed. I had pnas tonight but I guess that doing it here and doing it outside doesn’t really make much of a difference.” he said getting up of his seat with a smirk stamped on his face.
You watched him suspiciously as he brought the laptop out of the room.
"I'm not fucking you, Taehyung. Get it out of your mind" you said annoyed as he came back with hands hidden behind his back, holding your head up with your hand.
A loud laugh escaped from his lips as he responded "I was talking about drinking, Y/N, but in case you want to do other stuff I won't complain " he said winking at you, letting you see amount of beer cans that he had bought.
"I'll stick with drinking, but thank you baby." you said with an obvious exaggerated sweet tone.
You sat down on the couch, Taehyung followed and sat next to you as you opened your first can – closing your eyes and letting every thought out of your mind.
You were at your third beer when things around started to feel clouded.
Your head was spinning a bit, words came out confused out of your mouth, but you couldn't care less.
Taehyung hadn't touched his can, and was telling you about the craziest encounters he had during his nights out. Your tipsy state made everything around you seem hilarious and you were laughing like crazy as he spoke.
"I swear to god I haven't laughed this much in ages" you said stammering between giggles as you looked at your roommate.
He felt a smile come on his face just by looking at you – he had never heard the sound of your laugh and it was almost addicting.
"At least you're crying from laughter, aren't you?" he said looking at you with a small smile.
After a couple of hours passed drinking beers, Taehyung brought in the living room some other bottles of alcohol that you didn’t bother to read – drinking the transparent liquid despite not knowing what it was.
You tried to pour it in a cup but you completely missed it, spilling it on the table.  
"Jeez you really can't handle alcohol. " he laughed at you, wiping the liquid off with a cloth as you giggled drunkenly while looking at him.  
You seemed free,  completely empty-minded and happy as you smiled at his words.
"I-It's not true, I can handle it better than you, fucker" you mumbled, and he couldn't help but shake his head "Whatever you say, Y/N”  
"Then start drinking and we'll see how much you'll last" you said while pushing a shot in his hands. The boy took it while looking at you and swallowed it in the blink of an eye.
You two kept on drinking whatever Taehyung has put on the table, and your words were becoming more and more confused as time passed.
You kept on laughing at whatever the other was saying, and for a second you forgot that he was the same boy you hated not even an hour earlier. Alcohol made you less boring and way clingier than how you usually were, so as you head leaned onto Taehyung’s shoulder, the boy couldn’t help but smile with a small shake of his head.
"You know, you don't even seem that bad when you're not growling at me" he said with a smile on his lips, and you couldn't help but to admit he looked adorable with his glossy big eyes.
"You're not that bad yourself when you don't try to make my life feel like hell" you answered with a small yawn, but for a second Taehyung really thought he had hurt you with his behavior.
You sensed the change of his mood by the smell of his scent, so keeping your eyes closed you you added.
"It’s not that bad. I mean it can get really funny and absurd when your hot roommate is a cheeky mess."
You weren't thinking about what you were saying, you just mumbled those words loud enough for him to hear them and he looked at you with wide eyes. He knew that you were completely drunk but his heart started beating faster nevethless.
"So...You don't hate your hot roommate?" he said shamelessly while grinning.
"No Taetae. I don't hate you." you said feeling extremely tired by the amount of drinks that you had ingested, and he let out a soft laugh "I think the main reason why I didn't grow fond of you is because we're totally opposites. And people with opposites behaviors and habits tend to not get along." You added but he was quick to respond.
"But opposites attract, don't they? " he said while looking at you with the softest eyes and a genuine smile on his rosy lips.
Opening your eyes you looked at him, finding his gaze already on you and you stayed still for a moment. He started feeling something in his chest as you stared at each other and both seemed to drown in each other.
The contact broke when something came to his mind, and quietly he asked.
"Why did you have a male scent on you?" The question came out as a whisper and you tensed at the memory of the early shift at work.
Taehyung felt it, and added "Is it why you feel so tense?" His hand was brushing yours on the couch as you finally spoke, feeling safe in his presence.
"Yeah...earlier at work some people didn't seem to understand the fact that harassing hybrids is not okay". As soon as you let that out his hold tightened and his lips twitched a bit, before curling back in a small smile.
''You don't have to worry. You're a cheetah, one of the most beautiful and powerful species of predators. You have the ability to defend yourself, you just have to learn to make people respect you. You don't deserve to be treated like that". You blushed at his sweet tone, and at the words he used to describe you. Beautiful.
You smiled back at him and without noticing you let out a quiet yawn, your hand still on his.
"We should probably go to bed...it's almost 2 a.m. " he said while looking at the clock on the wall behind you.
You nodded and tried to get up, but your legs apparently didn't want to cooperate, so you ended up slipping on the ground.
A loud laugh escaped both your mouths, and it didn't seem to stop as you both kept on laughing at your drunken state.
He helped you get up and suddenly you felt him picking you up, an arm around your waist and one one under your legs.
He chuckled as you let out a yelp and he said "Jeez you're wasted. You can't even walk".
You kept om giggling as he tried to get you to your room without collapsing.
The warmth of his body was something new, and suddenly his scent felt much more comfortable and good, almost intoxicating.
You leaned in his chest and inhaled his scent, and he couldn't help but smirk as he noticed.
He laid you down on your bed covering you up with your blanket.
"Sweet dreams, baby. And if those bad guys try to bother you again, they'll have to deal with a leopard.".
You laughed at those words, that in your head sounded more like a joke,
“Sure Tae, goodnight.” You replied with a chuckle before closing your eyes and instantly falling asleep.
But he wasn't joking. From now on he would have protected you. He didn't know how, or why, but something snapped in him that night. Something that felt so good to him.
Hetook your hand in his, brushing your knuckles with his thumb, and left your room with a soft smile, after inhaling your sweet scent before closing the door.
Ever after that night spent with Taehyung, the relationship between you two changed completely.
Every day you woke up with a cup of coffee with no sugar inside already prepared on the kitchen table. The fridge was always stocked with fish and you tried to buy more meat for him, so that you two could eat both without having to insult each other’s favourite food. The heater inside the apartment was turned on more and you noticed that Taehyung would change it every time he saw you shivering while walking around the house. Living with him was starting to feel more like luck than misfortune.
That morning you woke up with the alarm of your phone, ready to have breakfast and head to work – where your friend was probably waiting to hear how things were going between you and Taehyung.
“Good morning.” You muttered with a small yawn as you noticed Taehyung’s presence on the couch.
“Morning.” He said in response while looking up from his phone.
“Why’re you up so early? You came home late yesterday.” You asked drinking your daily cup of coffee.
“Couldn’t sleep.” He shrugged and you nodded, thinking about the changes that he had made after you got drunk. You remembered clearly what had happened but you hadn’t talked about how you had called him hot, or how you had confessed that you didn’t hate him, not even one bit.
“I’m going” you said as he got up from the couch – walking towards the window where he lighted up a cigarette before blowing the smoke outside. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and he looked like a god as he brushed his long hair back – keeping in mind that you hated the smell of smoke.
You stood there, looking at him in awe until he noticed that you were watching him – giving you a questioning look.
You shook your head before saying bye and you headed outside as soon as you could, feeling heat coming to your cheeks.
The more he cared about you, the more you fell for him.
“So, you’re basically in love.” You punched lightly the arm of your now almost best friend as you confessed what had happened in the morning – cheeks still red from the embarrassment
When you had told her what had happened during the weekend, she couldn’t help but smile – already sensing some feelings coming from you towards him.
“I’m sure that you two will end up together.” You shook your head at her, taking the beverages from a table while cleaning up. She was standing at the counter of the café, talking to you as you brought the dishes in the kitchen while your costumers ate happily the food and drank the beverages that you served.
“Shut up. He’s just kind because I basically told him that he made my life seem like hell.” You explained ad she laughed, before looking behind you.
“Do you like him?” She asked without looking at you and you hesitated, before sighing.
“I mean, I think so? I wasn’t feeling like this before but now I think that I kinda do.” You confessed and she smiled, picking up the menu from the counter – giving it to you.
“Well, might as well just tell him now because he’s sitting over there and he’s looking at you.” You froze at her words, widening your eyes before turning around – encountering the gaze of the leopard that was smiling happily at you.
You smiled back, walking towards him – speaking up as soon as you got closer.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, placing the menu in front of him and he just smiled, taking something off his pocket.
“You forgot your phone at home and I decided that I wanted to have breakfast here.” You laughed at his words, taking it from his hands with a thankful look and he looked down on the menu.
“I’ll get your order in a bit okay?” He nodded and you smiled at him before turning around – facing your smirking friend once again.
You ignored her look as you went inside the kitchen to pick up the order of one of the costumers before heading back outside.
“What did he want?” She asked and you showed her your phone without talking, watching as her smirk became bigger on her face.
“So cute.” You rolled your eyes at her and she laughed.
“Shut up.” The ring of the door attracted your attention and as you turned around, your ears perked up – body freezing on the spot.
“Fuck.” Your friend cussed as the boys from the other day came inside the café, one of them smirking at you as he walked closer.
Taehyung sensed the tension from you and as soon as the smell came to his nose, his head perked up – eyes narrowed as he looked around to see what was happening.
“We came back to see my kitty.” He said as he walked closer to the counter where you were placed, moving an arm around your shoulder.
As soon as his skin touched your shoulder, a loud growl resounded around the whole café and you didn’t have to look up to notice who had made it.
You growled as well, moving away from his touch and behind you Taehyung was starting to get up from his table – walking towards you.
Smelling the anger coming from Taehyung’s body, you moved in front of him to stop him from doing anything that could put either you or him in trouble.
“What’s going on? Cat got your tongue?” He teased you as you stayed silent before noticing the broad Leopard hybrid that was standing behind you. He widened his eyes a bit at first – feeling intimidated by his dark gaze and his serious stance, but he tried to hide his feelings.
He probably forgot that hybrid could sense them even if he tried to hide them.
“Who are you?” He asked – his friends watching from the side without talking.
“I’m here fucking boyfriend so you better step away from my girl before I snap you in half.” He said roughly as another growl came out of his mouth and you grabbed his wrist, squeezing it a bit to calm him down.
You friend smiled widely despite the situation but you stayed serious, standing between the two man.
“Dude calm down, she’s just a waitress. It’s all jokes.” You shook your head in disbelief and Taehung brought a hand to your waist – squeezing your skin lightly and breathing heavily to calm himself down.
“You should get out, we don’t stand people who harass our workers here.” Your friend spoke up and the man puffed, ready to talk back when Taehyung snarled at him – causing him to jump back.
“Okay chill, I’m going.” He put his hands up while stepping back before heading outside, followed by his friends.
As soon as the door closed behind the, you let out a huge sigh – relaxing your body and turning around to face Taehyung.
You looked at him in the eyes and he brought his hands around your waist, pulling you against him. You hugged him back, heart beating faster at the touch of his nose on your neck and he smelled your scent deeply before kissing lightly your skin, causing chills to roll down your spine.
“You should go back to your table.” You whispered smiling and he did the same, a grin creating on his face.
“You still haven’t eaten and I think that we already lost too much time…” He nodded as those words came out your mouth before walking back to the table, grinning stupidly without looking away from you. You kneeled down next to him, ready to write down whatever he said and you tried not to blush at the feeling of his face close to yours.
“Did you decide what you want?” You asked with a small giggle trying to ignore the tension and he smiled before nodding.
You felt his hands cup your cheeks and you felt your heart beat faster at his actions. His eyes were stuck on your lips his teeth were biting down on his own as he breathed.
He leaned in, his forehead against your own with shaking breaths.
“You.” His voice wavers, exhilarated from the tension between you as he leaned in brushed your warm lips with his own. You kissed him back, feeling you heart skip a bit and you two pull apart only to take shaky and shallow breaths. You felt the eager as he bit down on you lip while pushing you further against him dropping the notebook on the floor and he held you close to him – hands steady on your neck. You brought your hands in his hair, caressing his ear as a low purr came out of his throat.
It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. You felt his feelings through it and his hands moved, resting below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek as your breaths mingles. 
“Do you want to go on a date?” He asked as he pulled back, breath still heavy and dreamy eyes.
You chuckled at him, smiling widely at him before speaking up.
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dramaqueeenamby · 6 years
SB: Busy and Unloved
A/N: This was purely inspired by @theresnomoregoodones tagging me in the pic below. 
Warning: Sad Bun Bun :/
Words: 1.6K
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Busy and Unloved
Bunme liked spending time with her baba and vice versa. This was a fact.
Sure, both the king and his princess loved spending time with their queen as well, but there was something so innocent and pure about father-daughter time.
Truly speaking, T’Challa cherished every second that he could spend with his baby girl, but sometimes, she didn’t understand that being a king, and a warrior, meant that his free time was limited.
He was ruling a kingdom, helping other nations throughout the world, while acting as an unofficial member of the Avengers, not to mention his personal obligations to close friends and family.
It was a lot at times, even for the Black Panther himself.
And as of lately, it was slightly stressful even with all of the people who worked for or with him. Many tasks required him personally.
There were a few situations where he could send a representative in his stead, like Nala, who was currently in the UN representing Wakanda while he stayed home and juggled everything else.
“And I was also thinking that we could-“ T’Challa stopped talking when he noticed that Erik was looking at the time. “What is it?”
“Bro, it’s 3:00.”
T’Challa remained unbothered. “Okay….”
He rolled his eyes. “Doesn’t baby girl get out of school at 3:00?”
T’Challa’s eyes widened as he stood from his desk. “Glory to Bast, how could I forget!”
“Your ass getting old,” Erik shrugged, watching as T’Challa struggled to quickly straighten up his desk.
T’Challa suddenly stopped when his Kimoyo beads went off. “Fuck!”
Erik furrowed his brows. His cousin rarely dropped F-bombs. “What is it?”
“I have a meeting with the prime minister of France in ten minutes.” The king sighed, ran his hands over his face, and closed his eyes. “Can y-“
“Oh hell no.” Erik easily rejected. This was the third day in a row that he’d forgotten to pick up Bunme, sending Okoye and Shuri on the previous two occasions. “I just closed up that case from the last time I went to her school.”
T’Challa opened his mouth then closed it. “What court case?”
Erik froze. “Huh?”
“What court case?” T’Challa repeated with the same volume. “N'Jadaka, what did you d-“
“Don’t even worry about all that, cuz. Look, I’mma go pick up baby girl for you, so don’t even sweat it.” Erik assured as he quickly gathered
his jacket and started to head out the door. “Good luck with the PM.”
Bunme was sitting in the principal’s office with her arms crossed and a pout on her face. She didn’t like being in that room. It always made her feel like she’d done something wrong.
“Princess Bunme,” the secretary spoke with a forced smile. “Perhaps we should call your aunt-“
“No.” Bunme quickly shut down. “My baba is coming.”
The woman frowned and rubbed her temples before walking back over to her desk.
She really needed a new job.
“Sup’ Lil bit,” Erik spoke with a big grin as he sauntered into the room ten minutes later.
“Bad Kitty!” Bunme’s face broke into a wide grin as she hopped off the seat and sprinted across the room, running into his arms as he bent down to greet her. “Where’s baba?”
Erik frowned, watching as she looked over his shoulder to search for her father.
“He-uh-he couldn’t make it, Bun.” He quietly informed, watching as her smile fell and was replaced with a frown.
“Why?” She said quietly, the disappointment all over her impressionable face. “He said he would.”
Erik really was starting to regret offering to get her, not because he didn’t want to, but because he feared the reaction that he was getting. He didn’t like seeing Bunme upset. It made him wanna punch somebody.
“He really wanted to, kid, but he forgot he had a really big meeting, and he just couldn’t leave.”
“Oh.” Her head dropped, and so did Erik’s stomach.
“But hey, he asked me to take you to get some ice cream after I pick you up, that sound fun?” Erik forced a wide grin, hoping that Bunme would reciprocate it.
“No thank you, Uncle Erik.”  She sadly shook her head. “I just wanna go home.”
Erik’s shoulders fell. “Okay, lil’ bit.” He walked over and grabbed her book bag, walking the despondent little princess out the school.
He was going to kill T’Challa.
Nala had just finished sliding on her heels and was readying to walk out the door when her Kimoyo beads started to ring and flash. Walking over to the nightstand, a small smile fell on her face when she saw who was calling.
She answered without hesitation. “Hey ba-Bunme, what’s wrong?”
Th five-year-old sniffled and rubbed at her eyes. “Mommy.”
Nala’s heart started to race. “Bunme, what’s going on, sweetie?”
The little mutant hiccuped. “Baba doesn’t love me anymore.”
The queen fell onto the mattress as she stared at her daughter’s projection. “What? Baby, that is not true. What makes you say that?”
“I haven’t seen him in three days, and he-he doesn’t come get me from school no more.” Bunme continued to hiccup and sniffle as she talked to her mother who she wished was with her in Wakanda instead of far away.
“Oh, baby.” Nala’s heart broke as she listened to her daughter cry. “I’m so sorry. I know you feel sad, but I need you to believe and listen to me when I tell you that your daddy loves you soooooooooo much. We both do, and I’m sure he’s just been really really busy, honey. That’s all.”
“But I’m his intombazana yakho.” Bunme weakly argued. “Baba’s can’t forget their princess.”
At that, Nala’s soul trembled.
She was going to kill T’Challa.
T’Challa finally sauntered out of his office at close to 2AM. He was behind in a few things that absolutely had to get done asap. Consequently, he’d turned off his kimoyo beads and buried himself in his work.
He’d had dinner delivered there as he was scared that he’d not return if he left out the room.
The king was so exhausted that he walked straight into his room and headed into the shower as he always kept a change of clothes in the bathroom.
He let the warm water cascade down his drained body for a good fifteen minutes before washing himself, exiting, doing all his hygienes and whatnot before entering his bedroom. He walked over and hit the switch for the light only to jump back in surprise.
In the middle of his bed, clutching the blanket to her body, with her pet panther on the floor next to the bed, laid his daughter.
He hadn’t even heard her come in. Then again, judging by how heavy she was sleeping, he’d bet that she was already there when he walked in. He just didn’t notice her.
T’Challa then attempted to sneak on the bed next to her when he heard rustling. He watched her roll her neck, her eyes fluttering as she focused in on him.
“Baba.” She whispered tiredly.
“Shhhh,” he said quietly, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “Go back to sleep, Sam Isipho.”
“I can’t,” she murmured, sitting up in the bed as she rubbed at her eyes.
T’Challa frowned. “Why not, sweetheart?”
Her head fell, and she spoke with sadness. “Cause this is the only time you have to spend with me.”
His shoulder dropped as his brows scrunched together. “What?”
Her big brown eyes misted as she looked up at him. “I told mommy you don’t love me no more-“
“Bunme, don’t you ever say that.” T’Challa breathed, his hands going to lightly grab her shoulders. Just hearing those words leave her mouth caused his eyes water. “I love you more than life. You are my reason for living. I have nothing if I don’t have you.”
She sniffled as a tear fell. “So how come you don’t wanna see me anymore?”
The king’s heart was already heavy with the pain of having to listen to his daughter say that he didn’t love her. But hearing her say that second part, as he realized it at least been two or three days since he’d seen his firstborn, let alone spoke to her…..he was devastated.
T’Challa waited no time in pulling Bunme into his lap, tucking her head under his chin as he closed his eyes. “I am so sorry, sam isipho. I have been so busy with everything that I’ve neglected you, the one person who I need to be able to do what I do.” He felt slightly comforted by how she placed her tiny hand on his chest as he held her. “I promise that I will never again make you feel so sad, and I know that you are still upset, but do you think that you could try to forgive Baba?”
He looked down at her to see a small smile on her face as she lightly shook her head ‘yes.’
He smiled warmly and kissed both her cheeks, resting his forehead against hers for a second. “I tell you what. Why don’t you and I got to sleep now, and tomorrow, we can spend the whole day together?”
He was thrilled to watch her eyes light up before a small pout befell her face. “What about school, baba?”
He leaned closer to her. “I think missing one day won’t be too bad, do you?” She giggled and rapidly shook her head. “As long as we don’t tell your mommy.”
Bunme leaned over to look over at her pet, wagging her finger. “You heard baba, Little Kitty. We gotta keep a secret!”
T’Challa chuckled and pulled her back, sitting her next to him as he grabbed the blankets and dragged them over them.
Bunme yawned as she cuddled next to him. “Night Night, Baba.”
The king reached over to turn off the night and put his arm around her, ensuring that she was close and safe, making a promise to himself that he would never again allow her to feel so unloved.
“Good night, my love.”
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