#but also women knowing planes is incredibly hot so I get that
greywritesthings · 6 months
Honeycomb hot chocolate
Spencer Reid x Autistic!Reader
warnings: description of overwhelm / sensory overload, mention of shutdown? police being sexist dicks
a/n - Thank you sm to @spinningspencer for the ideas for some more dynamic / general autism quirks <3 more autistic!reader will be coming so if anyone else has any ideas send em to my ask box! (Also honeycomb hot chocolate is top teir i absolutely adore it) reblogs, likes and comments appreciated!
Part 1 Part 3
Read on AO3
“Wheels up in thirty, Penelope, you're coming with us.” Hotch says as he leaves the meeting room, the others following behind him. The idea of getting on a plane to Anchorage, Alaska for nearly eight hours practically made your teeth hurt. Spencer looks over at you with concern and when you nod at him he gets the message that you just need a second to prepare for the trip.
 After a few minutes you gather the mental strength to leave the room and head over to the coffee machine where Spencer now stood with both your go bags and a new packet of gum. Once you get to him he hands you your usual honeycomb hot chocolate, the honeycomb syrup being a gift from rossi for christmas three years ago that you had fallen in love with, once you had run out he had wordlessly replaced it and had done the same since, you tried leaving him the money for it on his desk at first but it just ended up back on you own with a sticky note saying “stop it :) '' So you gave up, saving the sticky note in the box within your desk, knowing ordinarily he wouldn't put a smiley face on it but he didnt want you to misconstrue his tone. “C'mon you two love birds, we gotta get to the jet” Derek announces as he walks across the room encouraging Spencer and you two follow. 
Once you had settled on the jet you settled into your usual spot in the four seater next to the window with Spencer on your right. You pull his hand onto your lap and just start to mindlessly fidget with his fingers while you wait for the others to join you. He carried fidget toys in his bag for you but generally you used his hands or if you were alone he would hand you his tie, it brought you more comfort and less attention in public they had quickly become your most common and favoured stims.
The flight had been incredibly overstimulating, as they normally were but this was an eight hour flight of pure hell. Spencer tried his best to help once you had discussed the case, you had gone off to the jet's sofa bed where Spencer had promptly laid on top of you to act as a makeshift weighted blanket, a normal sight to the team at this point. 
You were sent to the station with Spencer and Emily to start from there while the others went to the crime scenes. You had no real idea whether the local police were going to welcome you or if you were going to walk into a blue wall of resistance. “Do you two want to stop by a coffee shop before we go in?” Emily suggests to which you both eagerly agree given the jet coffees are intolerable to you and barely drinkable to the rest. You did go in but there were so many people including some crying children, a massive trigger for your misophonia, that you nearly cried standing in line, spencer had gently put his arm around you and guided you out giving emily a small nod when she asked if you would have hot chocolate knowing spencer carried a mini bottle of the honeycomb syrup in his bag, while you covered your ears and closed your eyes fully trusting spencer to get you out before you shut down.  
Once you arrived at the station it was the worst of the options, none of the officers wanted to cooperate with the FBI, let alone any women. You were given flack all day, no one wanted to do anything that was asked of them unless it was by the men. You were able to stand up for yourself and argue with them as much as was needed but it was exhausting and coupled with everything else it meant by the late evening when the officers had mostly gone home you were non verbal and entirely reliant on Spencer to help. 
You stood intentionally opposite sides of the room so Spencer could see where your eyes went and how you tapped, you had pretty much come up with your own morse code over the years. He told the team what you had come up with, what you agreed with and what you didn't but also he knew what you needed, he handed you hot chocolates and coffees when he knew you wanted one just from a glance at your mug or the machine, he handed you over the papers you needed as you looked across the table. Anything you needed or wanted he gave you pretty much immediately, normally it would be the same on your end, you two worked in sync on any given day but on days like today he was your rock that stopped you from hitting an absolute crash and burn. 
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naomitours · 7 months
Tromsø, Norway: The North Above the North
I am not a "cold-weather" person, both in personality and in personal inclination. So you might wonder why someone like me would go to Norway in December. And if you asked me this after I actually got there, it would've been a damn good question! But I had a single reason, and a good one:
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That's right, I went to see the northern lights. The green lady. "A-AURORA BOREALIS??", in the words of Superintendent Chalmers. People much smarter than me say this is caused by the sun's upper atmosphere emanating a solar wind that reaches *our* upper atmosphere. While not the most consistent place in the world to see it, Tromsø is one of the easiest and largest to try your luck.
Disclaimers from the Top of the World
The first thing you should know about Tromsø is that the sun doesn't come up for most of winter. You'll have light for a few hours, sure, but it's not the same. The meaning of darkness is different when it's ever-present, and those brief few hours of light mean everything. I found myself wanting to shed my coat and soak the light in through every pore of my body.¹ Depression is a real problem here, so is alcoholism. (I was even told by a local that they track alcohol purchases via card, to make sure nobody is drinking too much in the dark months!)²
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The "sunset" over the Tromsø harbor, 1:35 PM.
The second thing you should know is that you need traction on your footwear. Pack your snow boots, or buy some shoe spikes because otherwise you'll be spending a good chunk of your time here on the ground, cursing the ice. My dumb-ass had decided to come to Norway on a whim, without thinking or preparing, so I showed up in my Doc Martens slipping and sliding. I almost couldn't make it to my Airbnb, my host having to come down and help me up the hills!! Thankfully I was able to borrow boots from my, again, incredibly lovely host³, but my god you've never appreciated gravel so much!
The Tromsø Troll Museum
That's right, the main attraction in the city, the reason you flew hundreds, perhaps even thousands of miles! This tiny museum with a bunch of trolls scattered all around!
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It's a cozy space, and if you're as fascinated as mythology as I am, it's really a must-see if you're in town. Also, there's a replica of a hulder. According to local lore, these were beautiful women who would often try to lure men away from their human homes, to live in otherworldly pleasure with them⁴, or they would marry human men and join our world, retaining their otherworldly strength⁵!
Aurora Borealis
The biggest disclaimer I'd offer for the northern lights is this, you are never guaranteed to see them, even if you do everything "right". This was such a huge source of anxiety for me until I finally had a good sighting, then I was able to relax. I recommend doing some guided tours, these are not necessary (I saw them once right outside my Airbnb!) but it's going to maximize your chances by getting you away from the city's light pollution. There's many different modes of transportation for this, I myself took a bus and a boat, but I saw advertisements for planes, helicopters and even dog sleds*. The first time I ever witnessed the northern lights was on a sleepy little boat tour, New Year's Eve 2023.⁶
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The interior was very cozy, more importantly it was warm, essential on a night with subzero wind chill. I enjoyed cookies and coffee and hot chocolate with marshmallows!
The lights don't look like the pictures, that should be stressed. The vast majority of aurora borealis photos are taken via long-exposure, and our eyes just don't work the same way. But on a good night you can see a faint green distortion in the sky, as if a riff into another dimension. It's like you expect an alien spaceship, or the giant hand of a monster to come ripping out of it, changing our world forever.⁷ But for the natives of Tromsø, it's just a day like any other.
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View of the Aurora Borealis, from my Airbnb the next day.
I also recommend booking a few different tours, if you're like me and only really need to see it once, many will let you cancel on 24hrs notice if you pay extra. I recommend this as a good way to save money, but I'm kinda a cheapskate, so what do I know?
Also, please don't be discouraged if you don't see the lights on any given tour, you still do get some really beautiful photographs. It's important to keep a sense of relativity about you, you are standing at the top of the world, in the freezing cold. And in this moment you are having a novel human experience, regardless of whether or not you see some pretty lights on top of it.
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What I Ate
Now, you might think the food is very bare-necessities in this sleepy arctic city, but you'd be surprised! One of the first things I had was something I had actually failed to find in Oslo, a delicious Norwegian donut called a skolebolle:
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With a custard center and coconut flakes trimming the top, it's a deliciously sweet treat that I found in a Eurospar for the equivalent of a dollar. I recommend enjoying it with black coffee! Not pictured are the other things I got from the store, including paprika-flavored potato chips (highly recommended) and a large bar of Freia milk chocolate, which you'll not be disappointed by.
There's also an abundance of little convenience stores that will get you hot meals for relatively cheap (Northern Europe is expensive!) On the right you'll see a pepperoni calzone that was pretty good, along with a Norwegian soda that was less so. But if you're looking for a finer taste of Tromsø, stay with me:
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This is a sampling I did of Aquavit, the signature liquor of Scandinavia. All of it was made right here in Tromsø, and I had a lovely guide for this tasting. To name a few, lingonberries and reindeer meat, not to mention a small slice of grapefruit.⁸ It's a little skimpy, however the point isn't to eat, but to taste!⁹
It can be a very scary thing, to be so far away from home. In all my years of travel, though that uncertainty has diminished, it never truly goes away. Maybe travel is just like any other experience, your tolerance to it builds until you only feel the original high when you get even further out of the world as you've known it. In this way, travel is much like a drug. But what moves me most about travel is its capacity to help us understand not just the planet we live on, but our own place within it. And if you ever feel lost for purpose, I might recommend standing on top of the world, hunting for otherworldly apparitions in the sky //
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¹ Of course, if you actually try to walk around in Tromsø without a coat, you will a)freeze to death and b)look stupid
³ Of course, I had to return the boots when I left for the airport, meaning I fell not once, not twice, but THREE times trying to get down the hills to the bus stop. Seriously, you can't wear your Docs, no matter how fashionable and punk rock they are!
⁴ But why would you want to do that, when society is sooooooo good?? Like, who wants to live in a fantasy world where there is no suffering or want when we have Pizza Hut here, right now?
⁵ A hulder also features prominently on the cover of that one metal album by the murderous Nazi that your friend still listens to, despite knowing he's, you know, a MURDEROUS NAZI.
⁶ I would later go on to watch a man in lederhosen play The Weeknd, Cher, and at midnight ABBA's "Happy New Year", all on a keyboard. Dude was a one-man entertainment MACHINE, the vibe was immaculate.
⁷ As seen in Avengers 17: We Saved the World Again, in theaters this summer! Go watch it. Right now. The corporations demand it. DO IT. CONSUME.
⁸ Make sure your meds don't interact with grapefruit. Grapefruit may cause side effects including sour taste. Ask your doctor if grapefruit is right for you.
⁹ You know, like, a tasting menu or something!!
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mermaidsirennikita · 10 months
well now that the crown is over it's time for one last ranking of the seasons
Lol good lord
Season 2--I think this was the most dramatically consistent, despite the Kennedy episode; the cast was across the board at its absolute strongest; and the throughline of Philip and Elizabeth's marital issues was so good. The intense argument they had on the ship was literally just a couple fighting and was somehow some of the most riveting TV I've ever seen? Plus you had additional standouts like the episode where we saw the seeds of Charles's Various Issues sown after Philip almost kills him in a murder-suicide by plane because he's so annoying (while also doing some genuinely intense trauma delving into Philip's own childhood) and, the delving into the Wallis and David being Nazi sympathizers/the brief returns of Jared Harris and John Lithgow, Matthew Goode doing the absolute MOST!!! with Vanessa Kirby in that absorbing fail relationship... It was a lot. Even the Kennedy episode couldn't sink this ship!!!
Season 4--Olivia Colman had some adjusting to do (and so did Helena Bonham-Carter, though to a lesser extent; imo, the Matt Smith -> Tobias Menzies pipeline was the easiest transition the show ever had, and it's in part because Philip had such a personality transition due to his arc in season 2, so Tobias playing a more settled if still wistful for what could have been Philip who'd become Elizabeth's attack dog made sense) but she was fully settled into this cold but also weirdly funny Elizabeth, so out of touch and brittle yet also comically so. But let us be real, Josh O'Connor and Emma Corrin OWNED this season. The thwarted chemistry of the Australia episode. The transformation from shy Di to broken wife to resolved and jaded icon who's decided to break off and also use her influence for good. ALSO, the only PM performance that matched Lithgow's was Gillian Anderson as Margaret Thatcher. Her chilly meetups with Elizabeth, the one PM than Peter Morgan seemed to acknowledge was never enamored with Liz (and I think he's exaggerated a lot with the others lol), the general looming doom she represents... Amazing. Plus, we get one-offs like Elizabeth choosing her favorite child and the show trying to dodge it being Andrew, Margaret's hot young thang though tbh the show severely condensed that relationship (wrong season but my thoughts remain lol) ... Perhaps the most bombastic season, amazing.
Season 1--a great setup of so many issues that would follow Elizabeth, the only season where we see "the woman", fab setting in with Claire, Matt, and Vanessa, and incredible performances from John Lithgow and Jared Harris (who legit never fails to make me cry when he looks at his family for his last Christmas and starts crying). The "I ASK YOU TO MAKE AN EXCEPTION FOR ME"/"... no" scene with Matt and Claire is an example of their magic together. And I say this as someone who has never found Matt Smith compelling in any other role ever. Also, the way Vanessa Kirby made such a splash with her resentful anger at Elizabeth... God.
Season 3--I was initially frostier on this season, but upon rewatch it's still good TV and had some great standout moments. Tobias Menzies is an excellent Philip, and of course you get the introduction of Josh O'Connor, whose Wales episode and monologue about how he won't be a complete person until his mother dies (when we all know Charles will never be a complete person)... So good. It does suffer from the transition a bit, and I'll be real, I don't think Emerald Fennell really worked as Camilla at any point on the show. This also began the serious issue the show has with really glossing over the complexities of Camilla and her relationship with Charles--the idea that they had this straightforward star-crossed lovers thing, the omission of his other women and her genuine love for her husband and dislike of the idea of being Charles's wife versus his mainstay mistress... Meh. But still, good TV with some great performances. And I'll never be over "MUMMY I HAVE A VOICE"/"no one wants to hear it". One of the coldest takedowns I've ever seen on television, lol. Josh and Olivia were great together. (Also: a really good Anne, especially in this season.)
Season 5--there were things to like about this season. But ultimately, it was a flop. Elizabeth Debicki is such a good older Diana ("older" as in a woman who never even hit 40... Jesus) but the show seems like it couldn't decide between her being a little girl lost who was so easily manipulated, and a spoiled brat who was just upset that Charles didn't love her!!! I find Imelda Staunton horribly miscast as this rather watery Elizabeth, which is a very odd transition from the seemingly-silly-but-deeply-cold woman Olivia played. Jonathan Pryce could've played a really good Philip, had he had a script, and same with Lesley Manville. Dominic was a total miscast as Charles, and go from the FABULOUS scene with Josh O'Connor screaming at Emma Corrin about how she needs to be nicer to his mistress to this guy who's like. Breakdancing with the kids, because he sooooo loves the At Risk Youths (which is so racially coded, and looks a lot worse now that we know Charles is one of the people who asked about Archie's skin tone). The whitewashing of Charles in the last two seasons of the show is INSANE. One standout is the episode about Mohamed Al-Fayed because Salim Daw is an ACTOR!!!! baby but the show is also incredibly fetishistic and offensive in its treatment of the Fayeds so. At what cost. I find it rather odd that the show missed an opportunity to track the interesting angle of Philip and Diana's relationship after s4 (Tobias and Emma were great together, of course) because Philip really was advocating for her on some level up until the last minute in Charles and Diana's marriage (when Diana was like "UMMMM REMEMBER HOW YOU SPEAK TO YOUR BETTERS ROYAL WHITE TRASH" lmao because she did legitimately have bluer blood than Philip) and that's the kind of quirky thing The Crown used to thrive on.
Season 6--Again, Debicki and Salim Daw give strong performances (as does Khalid Abdalla as Dodi, but he barely gets time, so). Again, the Fayeds get a horrible treatment from the script, but in terms of acting probably the best moment of season 6 was Mohamed's reaction to Dodi's death. Otherwise, pretty horrible. Ghost Diana was bizarrely handled. This fiction that Charles and Diana were on good terms in the end was... lmao. She hated that man. Anyway, it was laughably bad, William and Harry were hopelessly miscast (justice for Harry, lol, PM dropped some obvious hints that he was less than happy with the royal family but I'm like my guy you really could've done more, give us stronger Chaos Harry foreshadowing you coward) and it just ended so weirdly. I hate.
Man, what a ride. I will always love the first four seasons. But damn, it crashed and burned.
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hazbean-hotel-imagines · 10 months
Hi! I'm an ENFP Lesbian here for a matchup! I love drawing, musical theater, cartoons and reading, and I'm very touch starved and have trauma from abusive parents. I'm very passionate and when I care about something I'll do everything I can to make sure it goes well. I love hot chocolate and cuddles and women who are very protective of me
I pair you with...
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~ I can see a lot of similarities between you and Charlie! Because of this, since Vaggie is canonically in a relationship with Charlie, I knew that you and Vaggie would be really compatible!
~ This is a head canon of mine, you know the trope person A fell first but person B fell harder? I feel like Vaggie loves HARD. I feel like here you fall for Vaggie first, and when she begins to gain feelings it's like plummeting off of a moving fucking plane.
~ She's super protective and attentive of your needs, and is hyper aware of the people around you. She puts not only your safety above all else, but your happiness.
~ She's patient, and an incredible listener. She can sit for hours while you talk about your interests, and her smile will literally never waver.
~ Vaggie is shy, gets flustered fairly easily. She isn't much for PDA. But, she her love language is acts of service. She makes hot chocolate for you for breakfast, and before ebed while you're winding down and getting comfortable. Not that powdered microwavable stuff. She makes hot chocolate with real chocolate on the stove.
~ Her secondary love language is quality time. She'll never burn out being around someone she cares about. Despite being an introvert, she just likes your company. You can be talking her ear off nonstop, or just be silently enjoying each others company, and she'll never grow tired of you. If anything, it makes her fall for you even more, if that's even possible.
I also pair you with...
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~ Poly for the win!! I couldn't possibly not include Charlie here, but I couldn't help but feel like a poly relationship with both you, Charlie, and Vaggie could work! If you aren't a fan of me including a poly pairing it's no worries, if you're comfy you can send an additional ask and I can write you a matchup with your alternative pairing listed at the bottom! :)
~ You and Charlie definitely hit it off immediately. You're very similar, you are both amazing artists with interests in musicals and cartoons. I feel as though Charlie is an ENFJ, so considering you're an ENFP, I feel like you two would immediately hit it off very well.
~ Basically, immediate friends. I'm feeling friends to lovers trope here.
~ Charlie loves initiating fluffy PDA between you and Vaggie! Small kisses, hand holding, hugs, the sweetest compliments. She's very sweet, and makes it obvious all three of you are in a relationship.
~ The best cuddle pile duo! Let me tell you how you'll never go a day without cuddles and kisses from these two. They'll cure you of being touch starved very quickly.
~ The two of them really make sure you're all well loved, and overall it's a super healthy, cavity inducing relationship dynamic.
I also pair you with...
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~ Okay I thought of her almost immediately, besides Charlie and Vaggie, Cherri I feel is perfect for you. There are two main reasons, her personality, as well as her friendship with Angel Dust. I accidentally made this section super long lol.
~ Considering her friendship with Angel Dust, she knows how to be there for someone who's suffered from abuse. She'd do her best to help you not only overcome your trauma from your abusive parents, but be able to distract you and cheer you up when you're especially down. She's contagiously happy.
~ Methods of cheering you up range from a bit extreme to very sweet. This can go from bigger things, like dragging you along to turf wars or blowing up places you guys hate. On the less extreme side, she'd drag you to parties, or shower you with things you like, like hot chocolate or merch from shows you like. Additionally, she'll cuddle for hours and watch cartoons with you, cracking jokes throughout to make you smile.
~ I can so see her sneaking you into a theatre to watch a musical. Picture this: There's a musical, super expensive, you decide not to go because of the price but you're understandably still a bit sad about it. Cherri sees how upset you are, so she takes you out for the night, then sneaks you into the theatre to see it. She manages to get you balcony seats that were mysteriously empty.
~ Cherri is definitely also an ENFP. You two definitely would get along extremely well, in the sense that it's like talking to someone who understands you and thinks on the same wave length.
~ Cherri is someone who flaunts you, unlike Charlie and Vaggie, who are more casual and personal about your relationship. With Charlie and Vaggie, while people who know you all personally are well aware of your relationship, they aren't too focused on what people who don't know them personally know.
~ Even people who don't know Cherri personally know that she is head over heels for you. She never shuts up about you, and she posts pictures on Sinstagram of you all the time. Instead of DMing you things that remind her of you, often she'll post it on her story and tag you.
~ Cherri is super affectionate and extroverted. Tight cuddles while watching cartoons. Pillow fights are a must, as well as pillow forts. I can see Cherri as the type to not only make pillow forts with you, but make lore about it. You guys can sit there for hours, making lore about your opposing pillow kingdoms. In the end, it ends in a tragic pillow fight leaving your pillow forts destroyed, and you and Cherri are the sole survivors among the wreckage of your pillow kingdoms.
~ Anyway, Cherri is very spontaneous. While she is more an outdoors person, she enjoys things like parties and interfering in turf wars, but her favourite thing at the end of the day is coming home to cuddle with you and making cups of hot chocolate to wind down for the night.
Alternative pairing...
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anitabyars · 1 year
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Hendrix: A Pittsburgh Titans Novel
Sawyer Bennett
Release Date: June 6, 2023
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Hendrix Bateman is one of The Lucky Three, a trio of players who were not on the Titan’s team plane the night it crashed. Feeling as if he’s been given a second chance, Hendrix is determined to make the most out of his life, but that doesn’t mean he’s not suffering from scars that can’t be seen.
When I lost my Titan brothers in the crash, it was a mixed bag of emotions. I was devastated and grief stricken, but I was also grateful to be alive. Yeah, that might cause a little—okay, a lot of—guilt, but now I’m determined to live each day as if it’s my last.
A night out with friends puts me in the crosshairs of Stevie Kisner—the devastatingly beautiful bar owner with a sharp tongue and a fire in her eyes that lets me know she has zero tolerance for guys like me. I’ve never been one to back away from a challenge, so I’m not dissuaded by Stevie’s tough as nails attitude or her big biker dad who looks like he wants to kill me. Fueled by too many shots and the raucous urging of my teammates, I set out to show Stevie I’ve got game both on and off the ice.
While I shouldn’t be looking for anything more than a good time, I can’t help but be captivated by Stevie. She’s cool as hell and we burn hot together. But the more I get to know her, the more I can tell she’s holding something in reserve, and let’s just say I’ve got some trust issues after my last disastrous attempt at a relationship. Now I need to decide if I’m going to let my past dictate my future or if I am willing to put my heart on the line to find out if Stevie is exactly what I think she is—my everything.
Get Hendrix: A Pittsburgh Titans Novel in digital, signed paperback and audio (narrated by Tor Thom and CJ Bloom) direct from Sawyer: https://bit.ly/HendrixPO
Download Hendrix: A Pittsburgh Titans Novel at the following retailers:
➜ Amazon: https://amzn.to/3P6s9BU
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Ebooks purchased from the Sawyer Bennett Bookstore will be delivered via BookFunnel and can be sent to the e-reader of your choice.
Audio will be available exclusively on the Sawyer Bennett Bookstore for approximately 90 days before releasing at all retailers and libraries (excluding Audible). Hendrix is narrated by Tor Thom and CJ Bloom. Audio purchase from the Sawyer Bennett Bookstore must be enjoyed within the BookFunnel app (which is VERY user friendly and FREE!).
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About the Author:
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New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author Sawyer Bennett uses real life experience to create relatable stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From contemporary romance, fantasy romance, and both women’s and general fiction, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone.
A former trial lawyer from North Carolina, when she is not bringing fiction to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to her very adorable daughter, as well as full-time servant to her wonderfully naughty dogs.
If you’d like to receive a notification when Sawyer releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter (sawyerbennett.com/signup).
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My Review
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is book seven in the Pittsburgh Titan Series and the players and their relationships just keep getting hotter and hotter. This is Hendrix Bateman and bar owner Stevie Kisser’s journey to their HEA and boy oh boy what an incredibly entertaining and emotional journey it was. I have become a huge hockey romance fan and this author always manages to make the books in this series, so realistic, with so much love and emotion that I just can’t get enough.
Hendrix is one of the Lucky 3 of the original members of the Pittsburgh Titans Hockey team, but due to an injury he wasn’t on the plane that crashed and killed all his teammates. He deals constantly with his survivors guilt while also working hard at a relationship that has become increasingly difficult with his girlfriend Tracy. He finally realizes while at a toy drive that she was ruining with constant complaints, that it was time to move on without her. And he already has his sights set on the utterly unique, hot, bartender.
Stevie is the owner of Jerry’s Lounge, which is named after her grandpap who originally opened the bar. Every year since the bar has been open there has been a toy drive and with the help of her best friend since her freshman year in high school, Harlow Alston, who is now the girlfriend of Scott Dumelin, Pittsburgh Titans first line left winger, they have enlisted some of the players to come out to help with the event to increase the amount of donations.
Stevie has had a tough life with her mom leaving when she was young, to only calling now when she wants or needs money. Her days are too busy with her bar and her life, to be looking for love or a relationship until Hendrix walks into her bar and the sparks fly between them!
“I want Hendrix Bateman more than I think I’ve ever wanted a man in my life. “
This is one that you NEED TO READ! Why? One word…YUM!
I received an early copy and this is my honest review.
0 notes
deanssexplorations · 2 years
San Diego Sight-Unseen Threesome
I always enjoy it when I make new connections in cities to which I travel for business, and this week was no exception. I had met Dusty on Feeld a few weeks before. She is a 15+-year veteran San Diego fire fighter, keeps herself outrageously in shape (does every outdoor sport there is and is planning to hike from the Mexican to the Canadian border this spring), and could clearly kick my ass if she wanted to.
Dusty is in the midst of a divorce from a 30-year marriage, the sex in which had apparently not been all that good. Certainly it has not been recently. She’s dated five or six guys in the six or eight months she’s been separated, and, I came to suspect, apparently they weren’t incredibly great either.
We met at the hotel where I was staying (yes, in San Diego), for a drink and a bite. The chemistry was strong from the get-go. We were doing a lot of flirting and touching, each of us jumping into the conversation to add our two cents’ worth. It was a foregone conclusion there would be much fucking that night.
Up in my room, we started with a blow job on the balcony, where we had a magnificent view of the San Diego skyline, harbor, and planes coming in for a landing. We were hoping people in the distant high rises were peering at us through their telescopes.
Back in the room, I went down on her, for a good long while, taking my time and enjoying every step of the journey. She seemed a bit uncomfortable at first, I later learned because every other time she had been with a man (yes, she said ever) he had spent at most a minute or two down there before moving in for a fuck. She orgasmed under the careful guidance of my fingers and tongue. Several times. 
On more than one occasion Dusty would lift her head, craning to see what I was doing, eyes bugging wide. “What WAS that?” “What are you DOING?” and “What is HAPPENING right now?” cascaded through the room.
She later told me she had never experienced sensations like that before and had no fucking clue how I was doing what I was doing.
I told her I’ve picked up a few tricks along the way.
Eventually Dusty and I got to fucking, which we did for several hours, until her pussy and my cock were raw and sore. I eventually had one of my signature loud orgasms (also to her delight and astonishment, or so she told me), and we lay there stroking each other before engaging in round two.
At some point in the evening she had told me about her shibari ropes course, in which she had been paired with a female partner. Who she had not met before. The partner, Cardi, is a bisexual single mother and it was clear to Dusty that Cardi had the hots for her. But Dusty is straight and not at all attracted to women, not even to Cardi.
It was clear to me that there was some unstarted, let alone unfinished business here and, establishing that Dusty had no plans the subsequent evening (her other FWB was busy), I told her she should reach out and propose a threesome to Cardi. I told her I assumed Cardi would jump at the opportunity. Dusty would get her first ever group experience. And I’d get to fuck two women, one a complete stranger. Win win win.
I should mention that much earlier in the evening I came to the conclusion that Dusty and I are a lot alike. We’re both pretty much game for anything.
Dusty was indeed up for it, and while it seemed like a pretty audacious ask, she nevertheless proposed it to Cardi the next morning. Cardi said “who’s the guy? Do you vouch for him?” “Yeah, I was with him last night and I like him,” Dusty replied, to which Cardi said “I’m in.”
Damn. The ropes friend is also pretty much game for anything. 
The only catch is that Cardi was working until 8:00, so Dusty and I let her know the party would probably already be started by the time she arrived and to just knock on the door. When Cardi got there Dusty and I were a good 45 minutes or hour into heavy fucking (starting again with a blow job on the balcony). I loved Cardi’s expression of equal parts embarrassment and delight as she saw her friend naked for the first time, lying in bed. 
It did take Cardi a minute to settle in; even though she was game, she was also coming straight from work only to find her not-so-secret crush naked and fucking a strange guy. It would take anyone a minute to get her bearings. But she peeled off her shirt and the three of us went once more to the balcony, where I removed Cardi’s bra, then pants. The two of them kissed while I stood behind Cardi, kissing her neck and running my hands over both of their bodies.
It was hot. I hope at least a few telescopes got a good view.
We retreated into the room where Cardi took off her panties, pulled out some ropes, and suggested the two women tie each other up. Dusty put a harness around Cardi’s magnificent tits (why do you think I gave her the blog name “Cardi” anyway?), and Dusty tied Cardi’s leg in a knee-bent position. A bit later Dusty put a clitoral harness on Cardi as well. 
Both women looked sexy as fuck.
The sex was fluid and dynamic, without any thought or pretext. The women kissed and played with each other’s tits, Cardi lying on Dusty while I fucked her from behind. Then Dusty. Then Cardi. Then Dusty again. While the two lay there making out. (For real. Four separate pussy insertions over the course of a few minutes.)
It was ridiculously hot. I really hope some of those telescopes were powerful enough to see all the way into the room.
The evening progressed and we moved from position to position, Dusty going down on Cardi while Cardi sucked my cock. Me going down on Dusty while she kissed Cardi and played with her tits. Cardi going down on Dusty while I fucked Cardi from behind. And so forth.
Everyone fucked everyone. Everyone sucked me. I went down on everyone. Both women were amazing and sexy and fun.
The sex culminated with one of my signature threesome moves; me on my side fucking Cardi while she lay on her back, and going down on Dusty as she too lay on her back, a few feet to Cardi’s right. I encouraged the women to kiss and play with each others’ tits and they oh-so-unselfishly obliged.
Feeling the tell-tale tickling sensation growing in the base of my cock, I let it build and build until it emerged in a torrent of orgasmic convulsions and vocalizations. I could feel Cardi’s hip gyrations increase in energy as my cocked pumped out its load. Poor Dusty; I did lose focus on her pussy for a moment, but quickly returned to form, my lips savoring and idly manipulating her clit and hood as I gradually came down from my climax. 
As I lay there, spent, the two lay side by side, my cock still in Cardi and lips still on Dusty’s beautiful pussy. They began whispering sweet nothings and sensing their desire to be alone (perhaps somewhat precipitated by me making a smart-aleck response to one of their whispers and one of them kicking me and telling me to mind my own busines) I decided to visit the balcony again and drink in the beautiful San Diego downtown view.
Standing there naked for the world to see (well, the telescopers at any rate), I took a moment to reflect on how beautiful life is, and how fortunate I am to have such wonderful play partners. And how nice it was that I was in San Diego, where I could stand on a 7th-floor balcony at 10:45 at night, just a few days from Halloween, stark naked and yet completely comfortable. 
They do have a nice climate there.
I’ve done more threesomes than I can count, and while all (but one) [Editor’s note: holy cow, I just went to link to the story of my one and only bad group sex/threesome experience only to discover that while I’ve verbally told the story countless times I have not captured it here. Note to future self.] ... all (but one) have been amazing, sexy, and wonderful, I have to say that this threesome may have been just the most flat-out fun I’ve ever had. Everyone was having a great time, no one had any agenda, and - maybe most importantly - each of us had good reason to experience childlike wonder. Dusty was breaking all sorts of barriers and experiencing something she had been shielded from her entire adult life. Cardi was fucking the woman she’d had the hots for for weeks but who had been entirely off-limits until this audacious man Dean came along and proposed a crazy-ass threesome. And I got to fuck two sexy-as-hell, women, neither of whom I had even met just 24 hours earlier, and one being a complete stranger right up to the moment she walked into the hotel lobby.
After five or ten minutes I came back into the room to find the women helping each other out of their ropes and Cardi getting dressed as she had a sitter she had to relieve. Dusty stayed a while longer while we fucked a little more, debriefed on the evening (spoiler alert, it was a thumbs up all around), and made plans for her to join me in the Bay Area for a future sex party. [Editor’s note: there! Something I can link to.]
While she didn’t completely own up to the experience changing her lack of attraction for women, Dusty admitted to being strongly into Cardi (who wouldn’t be?) and I rather suspect the two of them may do another one-on-one play session at some point in the not-too-distant future.
Dusty also told me she thought Cardi was also attracted to me. She told me that if I make it to San Diego again, she thought Cardi would probably be up for a one-on-one play session with me. Which I suspect is probably true.
But what I really rather suspect is, if anything, we would have to turn it into another threesome.
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freckleslikestars · 2 years
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The X Files: Piper Maru
Living Polariod Project: 64/219
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lipstickstainz · 4 years
touches - s.r.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader Summary: Spencer doesn’t like to be touched. But what happens, when he gets comfortable around you? Warnings: fluff, Spencer being cute, getting shot but nothing too explicit and oh, and a bucket full of angst Word Count: 4,4k  A/N: hello friends. I have a part two of this in my drafts if you like! I hope you enjoy. gif not mine.
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You had heard a lot about the BAU team before joining them.
About the cases, the trust, the bond. It had always been something that had fascinated you. You had experienced some things with your previous team as well, but the BAU was in a whole different league.
Before you had been moved there, you had already familiarized yourself with the teammates. You didn't want to come unprepared to a team that knew each other inside and out. Also, you were a person who put your foot in your mouth quickly.
You were most impressed by Doctor Spencer Reid. You had heard the most about him. He was a genius, with an IQ of 187 and he could read 20,000 words a minute. Not to mention his eidetic memory. You had even read his doctoral dissertations. While you didn't understand everything, they were incredibly interesting and gave you a little insight into the mind of the spectacular Doctor Spencer Reid.
When you first met, you concentrated on not reaching out to him. You merely raised your hand to greet him, which he returned with a smile, and although he tried to hide it, you knew that this small gesture meant a lot to him.
While the other team members put their hand on his shoulder or ruffled his hair, you were almost tensely careful not to touch him. If he should want to, he would make the first move.
It happened some time later, as you stood side by side in the office kitchen. While Spencer poured himself a coffee, you poured hot water into your teacup. You asked him for the sugar that was next to him, and instead of sliding it over to you as you had been doing, he held the dispenser out to you. You reached for it and when your fingers brushed his, it went through you like an electric shock. You suddenly felt warm and your heart beat faster, but Spencer didn't seem to notice. He smiled at you before walking back to his seat. You looked after him.
After that incident, you were both a little more relaxed. While you didn't push it, Spencer didn't seem to mind you handing him files or touching each other briefly when you sat next to each other. After an incident on the plane, even the team noticed.
Spencer was on his way to the trash can when you got up to sit with Emily and Hotch to discuss the current case. You squeezed past each other as the plane made an unexpected swerve. You tried to grab onto the seat next to you, but the sway was too sudden. Before you could fall, Spencer grabbed your arm with one hand and your hip with the other and held you tight. He pulled you straight toward him so you wouldn't land face down on the ground. Even when the plane was back on course, he didn't let go. As you tried to regain control of your irregular breathing from the shock, Spencer looked at you closely. You felt his gaze on you, almost burning into your forehead, but neither said a word. As you broke away from each other and each sat down in your seat, you noticed his gaze still on you. When you looked up, he looked away.
Next came your birthday. Even though you didn't want to celebrate and your real plan was to have food delivered and watch your favorite movie for the hundredth time, the team dragged you to a bar. "Pathetic," Derek had called the plan, and you had punched him affectionately in the shoulder, but by the time he put the first drink in your hand, you had all but forgotten his comment. While some of you sat at a table and the rest enjoyed themselves on the dance floor, you sat at the bar. You did love your team, but on your birthday you didn't want to hear about any cases outside of work. Which couldn't be avoided when you were around each other 24/7.
You sipped your drink, secretly cursing Derek for having so much alcohol in it. You scrunched your nose.
"Did you know that alcohol tastes different when you drink it with a straw?" Spencer asked, sitting down in the empty chair next to you. You turned to him and raised an eyebrow questioningly. "When we ingest something, the aroma molecules go up our nose and we can tell from the start whether it's going to taste good or not. Also, the nose detects different flavors than the tongue. So if you drink the drink with the straw so the glass is farther away from your nose, you'll perceive the taste of the drink differently than it is." Even in the dim light of the bar, you could see how red he was getting. When you didn't answer, he laughed nervously and ran a hand through his hair. "Sorry, I was rambling again."
You took another sip of your drink. "Don't apologize, Spencer. I like that you're so smart. And I like that you're comfortable enough to want to share your knowledge with me," you smiled gently at him. He returned your smile.
"I appreciate you not reaching out to me then, by the way," he confessed, nibbling on the label of his beer bottle. "I don't like shaking hands with strangers, and it makes me uncomfortable when I'm expected to but I don't. So, thanks for that."
"It's okay," you said, but he let go of his bottle and turned to you completely.
"You never pushed me to do this. You waited for me to make the first move on this because it means more to me than it does to you. There aren't many who are that respectful and understanding." He got up from his chair, but left the beer bottle on the counter. He held out his arms. "I haven't wished you a happy birthday yet because I didn't want to do it in front of the team. They'd make a big deal out of it." He gestured for you to give him a hug. He actually wanted to hug you.
"Spencer, you don't have to do this," you said, but before you knew it, he had grabbed your hand and pulled you off the chair, right into his arms.
You had often imagined what a hug from Spencer would be like, especially when you saw him hug JJ or Emily after a hard case. But you had imagined it differently.
He had his arms wrapped around your waist and held you so close that you almost couldn't breathe. You felt his long fingers on your skin, despite your T-shirt and you felt his warm breath on your neck and his curls on your temple. Goosebumps spread over your body and you prayed he didn't notice. "Happy birthday," he whispered in your ear and before you knew it, he placed his lips on your cheek before pulling away from you. Smiling, he reached for his beer and sauntered back over to the table, leaving you standing at the bar. With a pounding heart and fire in your veins. And in that moment, you just thought that work colleagues, or even maybe friends, shouldn't feel that way about each other.
After your birthday, it was no longer an issue for Spencer. Under the table, he'd nudge you with his knee if you weren't paying attention for a second, or he'd put his hand on your shoulder when he looked over you at the computer screen. He also didn't mind if you were so exhausted from a case that you fell asleep by his side on the plane, with your head on his shoulder. You didn't realize it, but JJ had pointed out that Spencer always pulled you a little closer then, resting his cheek against the top of your head. For him, the constant touching was no longer an issue.
For you, it was. Every time his skin brushed yours, you felt warm and your heart skipped a beat. Whether it was at dinner, at a briefing, or just walking by. But it was bearable.
It got bad when he touched you longer. On particularly hard cases, he had taken to looking under the table for your hand and squeezing it twice. It was a gesture of friendship and care. If you held each other, nothing could happen to you. On the plane, you always sat next to each other, playing cards or absorbed in your own thoughts. Spencer, however, got into the habit of putting your legs over one of his if you had to fly for a particularly long time. At first, the team gave you strange looks, which made you uncomfortable, but didn't bother Spencer in the least. So you tried not to let on, which was pretty difficult when you were surrounded by profilers. Flames blazed in your veins at those touches, heat tingled under your skin where he touched you, and when he pulled you into his arms on certain occasions, you almost felt dizzy.
This is not how you should feel about your best friend.
"Thales, Miletus, here's your key," Hotch said, tossing Spencer the room key as the team checked into the hotel. He'd resisted at first the nickname Garcia had picked out for you - classically, after the discoverer of magnetism - but since everyone was using it, even the earnest Hotch had given up on it. "Prentiss, JJ, your room is right next to ours." The two women nodded and the four of them walked down the corridor while Derek was kind enough to take the girls' bags.
You couldn't look after them for long, because Spencer had already grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers. "Come on. Our room is waiting."
You had never shared a room. You'd either always had your own, or shared one with Emily or JJ, but never with Spencer. You wouldn't mind so much if you weren't into him. Hopefully there were two beds. On opposite walls. Far away from each other.
When Spencer unlocked the door and you entered, you wanted to sink into the floor. Double bed. One blanket. You tried to mentally prepare yourself for the stay by setting your bag down on a chair and stopping in the middle of the room while your best friend inspected it. He didn't seem to notice that you had only one bed and, more importantly, only one blanket. At least, it didn't bother him.
When you returned to the room that evening, you went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. The water was as cold as you could stand it. It was supposed to cool you down and prepare you for the night. It wasn't every day that you shared a bed with your crush. After combing your hair and changing, you slipped under the covers and tried to fall asleep as quickly as possible so you wouldn't notice Spencer's presence next to you when he came out of the bathroom.
Your thoughts cheated on you. What if you snuggled up to each other in your sleep at night? Or you would unconsciously snuggle up to him, but he didn't want you to? Then you'd have to get another room tomorrow. And it would get so awkward that you wouldn't be able to look him in the eyes.
"What are you thinking about?" asked Spencer finally as he climbed into bed next to you. Immediately, you felt his warmth. He hadn't taken a cold shower, apparently.
"It's always hard when kids are involved," you answered truthfully. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't what was floating around in your mind either.
"Come here," he said, opening his arms. Hesitantly, you slid closer to him so there was still space between you, but it didn't seem close enough for Spencer. After he turned out the light, he pulled you close enough for you to rest your head on his shoulder and with his free hand, he reached for yours and intertwined your fingers again. Your heart stopped. "We can do this, Y/N. We've done it all so far." You heard his heartbeat beneath you, felt his breath on your hair, and the warmth of his body burned into your skin. "Try to get some sleep. We'll know more tomorrow," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead before you fell asleep.
When you woke up in the morning, you felt Spencer behind you. His chest was pressed against your back, his arm was wrapped tightly around your middle, and he had his face buried in your neck. Immediately goosebumps spread all over your body. You tried to pull away from him a little, but he pulled you even closer. Spencer was still asleep, so he didn't notice how he carefully slid his hand under your shirt and how his long fingers danced over your soft skin. You held your breath, afraid to move or give away your racing heartbeat. At one point he pulled his arm back and turned onto his back before lifting his hand and rubbing his eyes. His hair stood out in all directions and he smiled sleepily. You were getting hot.
"Good morning, Y/N." Good morning indeed.
The case took longer than planned, though of course you can't plan a case. After the third night, you had gotten used to sleeping next to Spencer, but the cuddling worried you. The longer you shared that room, the more complicated your feelings became. It was almost unbearable.
Derek, Emily, Spencer and you found the unsub in a remote car yard. While the latter surveyed the building, Derek and you looked around the yard.
"What's going on between you and Reid, anyway?" he asked curiously. You gave him a meaningful look, but he didn't care. "It's come to all of our attention. You guys are inseparable, he has to touch you all the time, and those looks."
"What looks?" you probed, trying to sound as unsuspecting as possible. This time Derek was looking at you. So he had noticed. And if Derek knew, so did the others. Fucking profilers.
"Y/N," he started, and stopped. When you turned to him, he twisted his mouth into a weak smile. It was a very different Derek who stood before you. Not the go-getter who sometimes made fun of Spencer. He seemed genuinely worried, and that made you nervous. "Friends don't look at friends that way."
A loud bang rang through the air and the conversation was all but forgotten. You took cover and communicated via hand signals. Quietly, you moved forward. It wasn't long before you saw a figure running away behind the cars. "We got him," Derek said into the mic, and together you dashed toward the unsub. He ran toward the woods and disappeared. Derek looked at you and nodded. You split up.
Gun drawn, you ran forward. Leaves crunched beneath you, but you tuned that out. You focused on the birds above you, the shadows of the trees, and the gun in your hand. He had to be here somewhere.
You didn't even startle when you felt cold metal against the back of your head. "Don‘t. Move." You took your fingers off the trigger and raised your arms. "Put the gun down. Vest off." Slowly, you bent down and placed both on the ground. The only thing you could think about was that you would hopefully find them later. "Walk.“ With your hands clasped behind your head, you took one step at a time. Derek was nowhere to be seen. You wished you hadn't split up.
He led you to a rundown cabin in the woods that wasn't marked on any map, which is why you couldn't have known about it. He pushed you inside and closed the door behind him, his gun still pointed at you. "If you had wanted to kill me, you would have done it long ago," you gave out, but he didn't go for it. It was a game of fire. You knew the file and what he was capable of.
It was only a few moments before someone kicked open the door and Derek stormed into the cabin, closely followed by Spencer. "Put the gun down and keep your hands off," Derek yelled. Up until then, you hadn't realized that the he had pulled you close and was holding the barrel of his gun right to your temple You only had eyes for Spencer, who was deliberately not looking at you.
You tried to get his attention, but he wouldn't budge. You raised a hand and moved it toward your shoulder, hoping Spencer understood your message. But he wasn't looking at you.
Look at me, Spencer. Come on. Look. At. Me.
His eyes moved from the unsub to your fingers, tapping a spot in your shoulder. You repeated this until he finally looked you in the eye. Then he shook his head, barely perceptibly. Again you tapped the spot. If Spencer shot through your shoulder, he would hit the perpetrator in the torso, and even if the bullet slowed down through you, it would still do enough damage. And you were willing to take the risk.
But Spencer didn't shoot. And time was running out for you. "I trust you," you said, no sound escaping your lips. He gritted his teeth. "I trust you, Spencer. Do it."
And then he shot.
"Welcome back, sunshine," Derek grinned, wrapping you in his muscular arms as you entered the office. "We've all missed you."
It had been three months since you had been shot in the field. Spencer had shot you through the shoulder as planned, and you were right. The perpetrator was shot and the rest of the victims were found. So it was almost a happy ending.
Almost. Of course, you had to listen to a few more things from Hotch on the way to the hospital. You were tired of living and he was disappointed and angry, but incredibly relieved that nothing else had happened to you. You could have been the next victim, too.
"All of you?" you prodded, and Emily, who had joined you, screwed up her face.
"He's not back yet. He extended his vacation," she said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "He's not really over it yet."
You hadn't heard from Spencer since the incident. He hadn't visited you at the hospital, called you or been to your home after you were discharged. You were best friends and the fact that you hadn't seen him in three months hurt more than the gunshot wound. The only person Spencer talked to was JJ, but even she couldn't give you any information.
He probably blamed himself, but why? You had wanted him to shoot. It had been your plan. Besides, he had shot so well that you didn't suffer any permanent damage. He shouldn't worry about it.
It was strange to work a case without him. Not having him near you. Not being able to feel his warmth. You tried to reach him, by phone, by letter, but you got no answer. Even though you hadn't spoken in months, he was your best friend and you were starting to get really worried. He had cut off contact with JJ himself.
When you walked into the office one morning, you were almost breathless. Spencer was standing at his desk, leaning against it, and the others were standing around him. But you had no eyes for them. Spencer was back. Your Spencer was back. As you walked toward them, you got a sinking feeling. He looked good. Changed, but good. His hair was a little shorter and he didn't look as pale as usual. He also seemed more confident and self-assured, which unfortunately made him even more attractive.
He didn't see you until you were almost in front of him. He smiled weakly at you before standing up straight. "Y/N," he said, and it felt so good to hear your name come out of his mouth. Immediately, goosebumps spread across your body. You expected him to give you a hug or insist on talking to you in person, because a lot had happened in the time without him, but he didn't. He turned around briefly and pulled something off his office chair. Not something. Someone. "This is my girlfriend, Vicky."
You didn't know what had happened in the last few months. Did you even want to know? Spencer hadn't contacted you in a long time, only to reappear with a girlfriend? You didn't understand the world anymore. The rest of the team must have felt the same way, because as you stood at your regular table in the bar, the couple was the only topic of conversation. In fact, you would have preferred all the murder cases.
"I'll be honest," Penelope said, taking a big gulp of her drink, which took quite a while since she always drank with a straw, "I was hoping you two would get together." She pointed her finger at you and then toward Spencer, who was standing at the bar with Vicky. You saw her run her finger through his hair and had to look away. Didn't she know he didn't like that?
"Hotch and I even bet money on it," Emily confessed, turning back towards the table. Apparently she didn't want to watch them either. "We would have gotten you a nice wedding present from that."
"He looks happy," you said, but you guessed that's not what the others wanted to hear from you. You sat at a table made up mostly of profilers. They knew exactly how you felt about the whole thing.
"Give it a rest," Derek said, putting his arm around your shoulder. Even the overly positive music in the background couldn't lighten your mood. "We all know how you feel about Spencer. And honestly, we thought he would feel the same way about you."
"But he doesn't, so please let it go," you shot back, instantly regretting it. Your friends weren't to blame for the whole situation. It was you. As you dared another look, Vicky pulled Spencer onto the dance floor, which you knew he didn't like either. Didn't she know him at all?
"I don't know what got into him," JJ confessed, sipping her Coke. "Those two don't even fit together." They didn't, but maybe that's why it worked. There was this theory that opposites attract, but you could never have imagined it with Spencer.
When Vicky grabbed Spencer by the tie and pulled him down so she could kiss him, your heart broke. It was different when you just knew two people were doing something. But when you saw it, all hope was lost. Even from a distance, you could see their tongues and you almost threw up.
"That's my sign," you said, pressing a kiss to Penelope's cheek. "See you." They all said goodbye to you and even over that awful music, you could still hear "It must hurt terribly to see him like that" and "I couldn't do that" as you walked.
Outside, the cold night air surprised you. It hit you in the face like a slap, but nothing hurt as much as knowing Spencer was happy without you. He didn’t need you and he didn't want you. That was fine, but that didn't mean you had to go along with it. Since he'd been back, he'd barely spoken to you. On the plane, he had sat at the other end of the room, and he had actually switched rooms at the hotel just so he wouldn't have to be near you. He'd even started shoving files back at you instead of handing them to you, like he'd burn if he touched you.
The lights in Hotch's office were still on when you came into the office. It was just after midnight and you knew he would still be there. When you knocked on his door, he invited you in. "What can I do for you?" He hadn't even had to ask. He knew why you were there. It was written on your forehead. "Are you sure about this? I'll write a recommendation, but only if you really want me to." You nodded silently. "It's because of him, isn't it?" he asked, his usually hard expression softening.
"Yes," you answered curtly. There was nothing to add.
"I'll make some calls. You get a week to pack. I'll call you tomorrow," he said, getting up from his desk. Surprisingly, he pulled you into his arms. "We're all going to miss you terribly, Y/N. And you're welcome here anytime."
It didn't take long for your things to be packed, and it didn't take long for the others to notice the following day. Your desk was empty, the files had been processed, the pictures of you and the team were gone, and your mug with a picture of Spencer and you on it that he had once given you was gone, too.
"Where is she?" asked Emily Derek, who didn't have an answer ready either. They looked around uncertainly and as the rest entered the bullpen, Hotch came out of his office. He looked like he hadn't slept. He walked down the steps and stood in the circle of confused team members. Even Spencer was puzzled.
"Agent Y/L/N left us last night," he began, sounding very composed. The others didn't know how to respond, so they just gave each other confused looks. "She has asked for a transfer and will start there next week. Please refrain from trying to talk her out of it. The transfer has gone through."
It took everyone by great surprise when Spencer dropped his bag and stormed out of the office. He didn't need to explain where he was going. It was obvious. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and tried to call you, but it went straight to voicemail. It wasn't long before he arrived at your complex and shot up the steps to your apartment. He took two steps at a time. He stopped in front of your door and pounded his fist against the wood, hoping you would open the door for him and explain what you were doing. When nothing happened, he dialed the number again. Again and again, until the voice in the phone said to him, this number was no longer in service.
He ran his hand through his hair before sliding down with his back to the door. He put his head between his knees and cursed himself.
You weren't there anymore.
part two
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter two rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!Reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Masterlist and Series Masterlist
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Moving and finding an apartment can be an incredibly long and stressful process. Unless you’re you, and life likes to throw a lot of curve balls at you for the utter hell of it.
Your dad dropped dead three weeks after you told Andy you were moving to New York. Coincidentally, right in the middle of you trying to find a place to live. He drank himself to death. Figures. You doubted you’d ever had a conversation with him that he was sober enough to remember. His untimely demise was unfortunate for him, because he died or whatever, but very fortunate for you. As his only child, you got his apartment in Queens and all his smelly hoodies.
You said your goodbyes to Andy and Dani after a night out in the streets of San Francisco. You had originally moved there after high school to start your show, The L/n Report. San Francisco was known for its crimes against the homeless population and you wanted to start with a story on that. You ended up interviewing Andy at the police station while investigating a missing person, and dated him for two years. Now, you were spending your last few hours in San Francisco with the very boy you once loved and the very girl he now did.
“Are you all packed?” Dani asked you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Pretty much. I gotta put my toothbrush and hairbrush in my suitcase in the morning. Other than that, I’m good to go.” You answered her. She smiled fondly at you as she linked her arm through yours.
“Hey, I’m really gonna miss you. More than that guy over there.” You whispered, nodding towards Andy, who had his head buried in his phone. Dani laughed and nodded in agreement as you continued to walk.
“I’m going to miss you too. You’re my best friend here.” She sighed sadly.
“I’m glad we’re friends. Most women in our position would hate each other.” You thought out loud.
“Uh uh. You’re thinking of women in films. It’s 2021, baby. Women support women. You and I are two talented, smart, beautiful women who would never be caught fighting over some boy. Especially not one who can’t take his eyes off his phone for two seconds.” Dani said loudly and smacked Andy’s arm. You laughed at the domestic moment but couldn’t help feeling a pain in your heart knowing he used to be that way with you.
“What, sorry?” Andy looked up. You and Dani looked at him before looking at each other and laughing.
“What’s funny?” He asked, growing annoyed.
“We’re laughing at you babe. Put your phone away. It’s Y/N’s last night here.” Dani scolded playfully. Andy sighed and reluctantly put his phone in his pocket.
“Right, sorry. And it’s not her last night here. She’s coming back. You are coming back, right?” He asked you. You nodded, though you weren’t entirely sure.
“Of course I’ll be back.” You shrugged. “I just want to experience something new for a while. I’ve done a million pieces on homelessness and poverty. I want to see what fresh stories New York has to offer.”
“You’re quoting the Daily Bugle, aren’t you?” Dani teased you.
“That is verbatim what they said to me.” You admitted with a laugh. “But hey, it worked. As of tomorrow, I’m the Daily Bugle’s newest investigative reporter.”
“Who are you reporting on anyway?” Andy showed a rare interest in your work.
“Some guy named Cletus Kasady.” You answered. “He’s some hot shot serial killer down in Queens. No one knows how he’s hiding his victims bodies. Apparently none have ever been close to being found.”
“And they want you to write the story on him?” Andy raised an eyebrow, always with the condescending tone.
“Well they heard about the whole Carlton Drake situation and decided I hadn’t been through enough trauma in my career.” You replied, earning a laugh from Dani but not Andy. You and Andy had already broken up by the time Carlton Drake contracted a symbiote and tried to kill you and Venom. You stopped him before he could hurt anyone and wrote a career defining article on his lethal human experiments. You managed to leave out all information regarding symbiotes from the article, so your secret was still safe. You were a fairly well known reporter since the incident and your next job was waiting for you in New York.
In the morning, You and Venom got on a plane and made your way to New York. Being on a plane with Venom turned out to be the equivalent to traveling with a toddler. You tried to sleep, but every two seconds you had to stop Venom from getting into trouble. She kept trying to open the window, even after you explained to her that everyone on the plane would die horrible death if the window were to open.
“Stop that.” You whispered when you noticed a black tendril creeping towards the window. The lady in the seat next to you shot me a look of confusion. You gave her a fake smile and turned back to the window, doing your best to conceal the small black tendril that was coming out of your body and fidgeting with the airplane window.
“We want it open.” Venom replied telepathically.
“Do you also want us to blow out of the plane and into space?” You said through my teeth.
“We didn’t anticipate that but it’d be appreciated.” Venom answered, making you groan. The rest of the plane ride followed in similar fashion.
Seven hours later, you arrived at the apartment building. You had never been to your dads apartment, you didn’t even know he had one. You wondered what happened to your childhood home as you looked around the place. The apartment wasn’t too small but not too big either. The rent was practically nothing compared to how expensive San Francisco was, and The Daily Bugle offered to cover your expenses until the story was done. You figured after some redecorating and moving in, it would make a fine new home.
The first seven days in the apartment went by smoothly. You unpacked, with little to no help from Venom, and set up the furniture. On the eight day, you sat on the couch, aimlessly flipping through channels in the TV when you had a thought.
“Oh shit.” You said out loud.
“What?” Venom, who was curly nestled around your neck like a neck pillow, asked.
“I forgot mail exists.” You frowned. “We better go check the mailbox before it overflows.”
You and Venom grudgingly walked to the mailboxes and back again. No one was around, so she manifested herself and rested on your shoulder as I looked through the mail.
“Oops. I grabbed someone else’s mail too.” You clicked your tongue when you read a strangers name off the envelope. “I gotta find them.”
“Let’s go.” Venom said and pulled you towards the front door.
“Sorry, babe. This is a me thing, not a we thing. You know I love you but I don’t want to scare our neighbors. Not yet anyway.” You reasoned. Venom grumbled and went back inside your body.
You checked the address of the envelope and discovered that it belonged to the apartment directly across from you.
You knocked on the door and patiently waited for someone to open it as you mindlessly cracked your knuckles. Just as you were about to walk away, the door opened.
“Hi, are you May Parker?” You asked right away. You looked up from the envelope and your face instantly flushed. The person staring back at you definitely wasn’t May Parker. It was a boy around your age, maybe a little younger. He had soft brown eyes and wavy brown hair. It was gelled back loosely and you could see the outline of soft curls. To your surprise, he was just as flushed as you were. You stared at each other for a moment, no one wanting to be the first to blink.
“Yea. I’m May Parker.” The boy said finally. He shut his eyes in embarrassment and shook his head.
“I mean, no I’m not. But that’s my Aunt. May is my Aunt but I’m not May. That’s my Aunt May. I’m her nephew…obviously. Aunt May is my Aunt May. I…what?” He stumbled over his words and somehow turned even redder. His blush reached all the way down his neck, to his blue jumper that read “Midtown Tech” in yellow letters. You recognized the name of one of the most prestigious high schools in New York, already impressed with your new neighbor.
“Well hello, not May Parker. I’m also not May Parker. But I seemed to forget that when I grabbed your mail this morning. Sorry about that.” You said sheepishly as you handed his mail to him. The boy rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at it and attempted to redeem himself.
“It’s not problem. She and I always forget to check the mail so you actually helped us, um, whoever you are.” He smiled weakly. His voice was cute. He had that Queens accent that the people of San Francisco lacked, for obvious reasons.
“Oh, right.” You laughed in embarrassment. “I’m Y/N L/N. I just moved here from San Francisco. I live across the hall.”
You pointed to the door behind you as if he didn’t know what “across the hall” meant. You didn’t know what was wrong with you. You were never this awkward.
His eyes lit up a bit once you told him where you lived.
“Really? I thought that smelly guy lived there.” The boy said and you stifled a laugh.
“That smelly guy was my father. He died a little while ago so I live there now.” You told him, malign the boys eyes widen. They were so brown. Like little pools of honey. Or little pools of the Hudson River. You had seen a million pairs of brown eyes before, but none like his. They were quite distracting to be honest.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry! I had. I had no idea-“ he began to frantically apologize but you cut him off.
“Don’t worry about it. We never got along. And you’re right, that man stank.” You chuckled. It was the first thing you said that felt like your old self. You hadn’t really talked to anyone since moving to New York, with the exception of Venom and the occasional phone call from Andy or Dani. You liked talking to this boy, though you still had no idea who he was.
“Oh thank God. I thought I screwed this up before it even went anywhere.” He immediately turned red when he heard his own words. You saw the regret in his eyes and decided to throw him a bone.
“Well it certainly can’t go anywhere until you tell me your name.” You flirted. Again, he relaxed. You felt a surge of confidence knowing he wanted this to go well.
“Parker. I’m Parker Peter. I mean, Peter Parker.” He fumbled over his words again, making you smile fondly.
“We like him. He’s cute.” Venom said telepathically. You looked down at my shoes and blushed, knowing you liked him too.
“And he looks delicious.” She added, ruining the moment.
“It’s nice to meet you Peter Parker.” You gave him your best smile. “I’m glad there’s someone my age around here. Everyone I’ve met so far is either an old bitty or a creepy uncle type.” You regretted it as soon as it left your mouth. You didn’t know what his sense of humor was like and he might not find you the slightest but funny. Andy always told you you were bad at telling jokes, and you feared he might be right.
Lucky for you, Peter burst out laughing.
“Ah. I’ve seen you’ve met Henry.” Peter pointed a finger down the hall. “Yeah, I’d stay away from him. He asked me if he could have pictures of my feet once. He said he’d “pay me handsomely” for it too.”
“Damn. So he beat me to asking you.” You pretended to be upset, which made Peter laugh again. The sound of his laugh made your heart pick up speed. You weren’t used to feeling like this. Boys rarely impressed you, Andy was just lucky you liked a man in uniform.
“Yeah. You better stay away from him.” Peter advised.
“It might be hard.” You clicked your tongue. “Our mailboxes are pretty close. I’ll make a mental note to never check my mail while wearing flip flops, though.”
Peter smiled at your joke. He had the kind of smile that you would make the person laugh just to see it again. It was brilliant.
“Well my mailbox should be directly above yours. So don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” He grinned, and you grinned back.
“My hero.” You gushed as you put your hands over your heart. The tips of his ears went pink, like he was shocked that you said that.
“I’m no hero.” He sounded almost panicked, like you touched a nerve or something.
“We’re hungry. We need to eat.” Venom interrupted abruptly, causing you to jump. Since Peter couldn’t hear her, he looked at you strangely, not knowing the cause of your sudden jolt.
“Sorry, I uh, I thought I saw a spider.” You lied.
“If there was a spider, we’d eat it. We need food. Now.” Venom demanded.
Peter looked up at his doorframe for the imaginary spider.
“Yeah, New York is full of them.” Peter said skeptically. “Not that full, though. And some spiders are nice. One might even call them friendly.”
“Right.” You laughed at his strange wording, unaware that you were both keeping a secret.
“Would…” Peter began but trailed off, seemingly mulling something over in his head. “Would you like to eat dinner with my Aunt and I? I remember when we first moved in, it took us a while to get into the swing of things and make dinner every night. If you like, you could join us. And, you know, we could get to know each other.” He offered. It all came out in one breath. You could tell he was nervous and that only drew you in more.
“I’d love to Peter.” You said, and he smiled in relief.
“Great.” He gave an awkward thumbs up. “We usually eat around six so maybe come around then? She’ll be so happy to meet you. She loves cooking and she always tries to get me to learn but I once burnt cereal and I still don’t know how.” Peter began to ramble. He cut himself off and shook his head again. “Sorry. I’m rambling.”
Then, you did something stupid. You put your hand on his arm like the dumb bitch you were. You barely knew this guy. Who the hell were you to touch him? He must’ve been thinking the same thing, since he instantly froze under your touch and stared at your hand on his arm.
“Don’t apologize. I can’t cook either. Unless you count making tater tots as cooking. Then I’m Gordon Ramsey.” You assured him, feeling him relax under your touch.
“You’re just gonna mention tater tots without warning us first? Our mouth is watering. Can we eat Peter?” Venom asked, making your eyes widen.
If it was socially acceptable to scream at your symbiote in public, you would’ve yelled “NO, WE CANNOT EAT PETER” from the top of your lungs. But since you didn’t want to scare Peter and the rest of the neighbors away, you merely smiled and made another mental note to smack the shit out of Venom later.
“I love that man. “Where is the lamb sauce?” Peter mimicked in a bad British accent. He had no right being as charming as he was.
“No no no.” You shook your head. “His best line is “I’ll get you more pumpkin and I’ll ram it right up your ass. Would you like it whole or diced?”. He’s said some pretty wild things but that one makes me cry.”
Peters laugh rang through the halls. To be the cause of that laugh was a feeling like no other. You stood there for a while, just looking at each other. His eyes grazed down your body, but not in a crude way. You berated yourself for not dressing better when going to meet the neighbors, clad in nothing but a grey hoodie and some leggings. Peter looked cute, but you had a feeling he always did. His jumper was pretty baggy and you could see a collared shirt poking out the top. He was dressed almost professionally and you found it incredibly endearing.
You wanted to know more about him. You wanted to know his secrets and his hobbies and what makes him itch. You wanted to see if he dresses this way on weekends too or what his summer clothes looked like. Your gawking was interrupted by Peters phone ringing. He broke out of his trance and answered it quickly.
“Hi, Mr. S. No I’m not busy. I mean, I’m super busy but I can totally make time for you. Yea, Happy talked to me. Okay. Okay. Where? Okay. See you in a bit.” Peter hung up and looked at you apologetically.
“That was my job. I have to run but I’ll be back in time for our dinner. I live at…you know where I live. I’ll see you then. Don’t be late.” Peter called as he ran down the hallway, towards the elevator.
“I won’t. See you later.” You called back.
You went back to your apartment and like a kid, broke out into a happy dance.
“Venom!! Did you see how cute he was?” You gushed. “And how funny he is? I have to get ready for tonight.”
Venom manifested and swirled around my arm.
“Someone has a crush.” Venom smirked. Well, as much of a smirk as she could muster with that huge mouth of hers.
“I don’t have a crush. I just think he’s cute okay?” You replied coyly. “Cute. And funny and sweet and charming and amazing. But that’s it.”
“We can feel your heart beat.” Venom reminded you. “It was going ten miles an hour. What would Andy say?”
You had been rummaging through your closet and stopped in your tracks. With Peters new inhabitance in your mind, you had forgotten all about Andy. You moved to New York to avoid his wedding and his moving on, and you might’ve succeeded.
“I don’t care what he’d say.” You decided. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“But we want him to be.” Venom insisted. “We want him back, remember?”
“I don’t know what I want.” You answered honestly. “I just want to get ready for tonight.”
“Why are you getting ready now? You have 5 hours until you have to be there and it’s right across the hall.” Venom teased.
“Only 5 hours?” You sighed. “We better get moving.”
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twoflipstwotwists · 3 years
It’s a late afternoon in April, and Sunisa “Suni” Lee is where most people find themselves a year into the pandemic: Home, in a sweatshirt, talking into a webcam. The 18-year-old gymnast is poised to make history at the summer Olympics, but over Zoom, she’s just like any teenager, reflecting on everything she’s balancing behind the scenes.
While training for a wildly unpredictable Games, Lee has been caring for her recently paralyzed father, mourning the deaths of her aunt and uncle from COVID, and recovering from a broken foot that jeopardized her lifelong dream to win gold. Now Lee, whose parents emigrated from Laos, is also fighting to qualify as the first-ever Hmong American Olympic gymnast—all while her community contends with a national surge in anti-Asian violence. “People hate on us for no reason,” Lee says from her parents’ house in St. Paul, Minnesota. “It would be cool to show that we are more than what they say. I don’t know how to explain that...”
Lee’s father inches his wheelchair closer into the Zoom screen, and answers for her. “It would be the greatest accomplishment of any Hmong person in the U.S. ever,” he says. “It will go down in history.”
Before the Tokyo Olympics were postponed in March 2020, Lee’s family was preparing for the trip of a lifetime. Though she hadn’t actually made the team yet, her parents John Lee and Yeev Thoj had no doubts. They bought plane tickets to watch their daughter compete, and planned to celebrate afterward with a trip to Laos to show Lee and her siblings where they grew up. Both John and Yeev are Hmong, an ethnic group made of people primarily from Southeast Asia and areas in China who fought alongside the U.S. in the Vietnam War. After losing most of their land in the war, many Hmong fled to Thailand as refugees. By the late ‘70s and ‘80s, around 90 percent of the refugee population had resettled in the U.S., where there are now 18 Hmong clans, the largest residing in Minneapolis-St. Paul.
Lee describes her community there as “really close.” More than 300 people come to her family’s annual camping trip, and she can’t go to a local Asian store without someone asking after her dad. She has become something of a local celebrity herself. At Hmong events, Lee gets stopped for photos by people who tell her how proud they are. “It’s nice knowing I have them to fall back on,” she says. “The support is amazing.”
But last May, just two months before the Olympic opening ceremony was originally scheduled to take place, Lee’s family and the rest of the Twin Cities Hmong community found themselves thrust into the national conversation over race and policing. Kellie Chauvin, the now ex-wife of Derek Chauvin, the officer who murdered George Floyd, is Hmong American. So is Tou Thao, another officer on the scene who is set to stand trial in August on charges of aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter in connection to Floyd’s murder. As part of the ensuing protests, several nearby Hmong American businesses were vandalized. John says it got “scary” when several homes on their block were broken into.
“I was trying to make the Hmong community more known,” Lee says. “When that happened, I felt like it was a setback.”
Lee’s journey to the Olympics started with a lumpy mattress and a piece of plywood. Her parents were eager to preoccupy their energetic, gymnastics-obsessed seven-year-old, and a balance beam seemed like the perfect distraction. John built a four-foot-long structure from a spare mattress that, to his credit, still stands in their yard today. He also taught Lee, who’s one of six kids, how to do flips on the bed.
By then, Lee had captured the attention of Jess Graba, a coach at Midwest Gymnastics. “It was super raw and she was just a little kid, but she had some talent,” Graba says, remembering when they met. “Her flips were kind of crazy—she had been practicing in her yard—and she clearly had some ability to go upside down without fear.”
In 2016 when she was 14, Lee was named to the U.S. junior national team, and it became clear Graba could be coaching one of the next great American gymnasts. They traveled around the world together for competitions, and by 2018, Lee had won a gold medal on uneven bars at the National Championships. Five-time Olympic medalist Nastia Liukin, Lee’s longtime hero, took notice of the high-flying athlete. “Her abilities as a gymnast, especially her bar routine, are incredible,” Liukin tells ELLE. “But it’s the unparalleled mental strength that she has shown during the most difficult time of her life that make her the person she is.”
Just two days before the 2019 National Championships, John fell from a ladder while trimming a tree. He was paralyzed from the chest down. At the time, Graba thought Lee shouldn’t compete out of concern for her safety: A distracted athlete is a danger to themselves because they are much more likely to lose focus and get injured. It would have been a devastating end to a decade of training, as nationals are like an unofficial pre-qualifier for the Olympic Games. But John remained confident in his daughter’s ability to compete under pressure. Before Lee stepped onto the mat, they FaceTimed and he advised her to clear her mind—and remember to have fun. “She can stay focused when she puts her mind to it,” he says.
As John watched the competition from his hospital bed, beaming with pride, Lee won the silver in all-around competition, nailing one of the hardest bar routines in the world. One month later, at the U.S. World Championships selection camp, she came within four-tenths of a point of beating Simone Biles in the all-around—the closest anyone has come to Biles in years—and landed one step closer to fulfilling her Olympic dream.
In March 2020, Lee was scrolling through Twitter after practice when she saw the news: The Olympics were postponed, for the first time in modern history, due to COVID. Lee wiped tears away with chalky hands as years of carefully laid plans were thrown into limbo. “To have that taken away from us without having any control is very hard,” she says. “I went through a depressed phase, and it was hard to get out of.”
For weeks Lee could do little more than sleep and cry. Her gym was closed for three months— practically an eternity in the unforgiving timeline of an elite gymnast. When it did reopen in June, Lee broke her foot, meaning three more months of downtime. “If you were 100 percent ready for the 2020 Olympics, then you’re spending the year going, ‘Let’s just not get injured. Let’s just not make any mistakes,’” Graba says.
Lee found an unexpected source of comfort in Biles, who went from being her biggest competition to one of her closest friends after they competed in 2019. “She was there for me,” Lee says. During lockdown, they Snapchatted and texted—two of the only people in the world who truly understood the gut-punch of waiting another year for the Games to begin.
Then, as the country continued to face rising COVID rates in summer 2020, Lee’s own family was devastated by the virus. Her aunt and uncle—close family members who babysat her as a kid—both died of COVID less than two weeks apart. Lee’s uncle, a Hmong shaman, had helped heal her hurt foot with hot ginger and other herbal medicines. Like so many others did during the pandemic, Lee said goodbye over Zoom.
As the nation slowly starts to heal, so has Lee. She can now spot small silver linings from the past year, like spending more time with her siblings and driving her dad to doctor’s appointments, which she calls “good for me mentally, because typically I’m never with them.” It has taken months and months to get back to the peak shape she was in pre-pandemic, but now it’s full steam ahead. The U.S. Championships are the first week of June, and the Olympic trials are later that month. Lee says the extra year has strengthened her performance on the uneven bars and made her more consistent overall. “I just didn’t want to see myself fall back,” she says. “I don’t want to disappoint my coaches or my parents.”
Still, a spot on the team isn’t guaranteed. For the first time in history, U.S. women’s gymnastics has only four open spots (down from five at the 2016 Games), one of which will almost definitely go to Biles. At this point, it might be harder for a U.S. gymnast to make the Olympic team than it is to actually win a medal once they’re there.
Unsurprisingly, none of this seems to phase Lee. She is no stranger to finding the best version of herself under intense circumstances—the version that wins medals, defies gravity, and advocates for her community. Before falling asleep at night, she visualizes herself sticking a perfect landing and coming home as the first Hmong American Olympic gymnastics champion. History made.
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imaginesandinserts · 4 years
Irreverent Pt. 30 - Natural
Title: Irreverent Pt. 30 - Natural Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader Rating: R Words: 1375
Irreverent Series Masterlist
You and Hotch - Aaron - that is going to take some getting used to - hadn't had much of a chance to talk further. Rossi had knocked shortly afterwards and made a remark about everyone being decent. The two of you had asked him to keep this whole thing under wraps for the time being until you figure it out more, but before you could he'd gotten a call and suddenly you were on a case.
Being on a case with Hotch after having spent fifteen amazing minutes in his office kissing him was incredibly distracting. You were constantly worried that you would say or do something that would give it away, however so far you'd kept things very professional. Probably a little too professional, because Emily had asked if you and Hotch were okay when you'd gone to interview the witness. You'd just shrugged and said yeah, hoping she wouldn't catch you in a lie. Lying to her about this would be the worst part but you really needed to talk it out with him about how the two of you would go about doing this.
It didn't help that one of the local detectives had taken somewhat of a liking to you and you had to spend any time at the police station dodging his attempts at flirting. You'd tried to just tell him that you were in a relationship - not a lie really, because you were sure that you and Hotch would be shortly if you weren't already - however he'd instead taken that as a challenge to try even harder.
"Agent L/N, may I help you find anything?" Detective Smith had cornered you once again in the breakroom and it was really starting to get a bit much. You resisted asking him if harassing women was condoned in Oklahoma City.
"Detective, no, thank you. Just grabbing some coffee." You would think your minimal interaction and the fact that you didn't even make eye contact would be enough of a hint, but some people were just clueless. Part of you wanted to have Hotch just tell him off, but another didn't want to be that girl that relied on her boyfriend to solve problems for her. You were an adult and dealing with pushy men was unfortunately part of the territory. You could manage.
"You know," he walked over to stand closer to you, "there's a lot of things to do in town, maybe I could show you around. We could grab a drink."
Before you could rebuff his latest advance, however, Hotch happened to walk into the breakroom as well and your relief must've shown on your face because he quickly raised his eyebrows at you. "L/N, Detective Smith." He acknowledged the both of you before grabbing the coffee pot you were handing him.
"Agent Hotchner, help me out here. I'm trying to get Agent L/N to let me show her the sights of the city after your team helps us catch this guy." He was trying to be a bro with Hotch. Boy did he read that one wrong. That kind of thing might've worked with someone else, but even before this, Hotch would've just told him to focus on the work and not waste precious time flirting with his team.
"Detective Smith, while I'm sure that Oklahoma City," the way he said Oklahoma City he might as well have said Dumpster down an Alleyway, "is quite nice, my agents are here to do a job and I would prefer if you didn't distract them or waste precious time and police resources flirting with them." But he didn't stop there. "Additionally, as I'm sure Agent L/N has already mentioned to you, she is in a committed relationship. Not that I'm in the business of sharing my coworker's personal lives with relative strangers, however he's a pretty big guy and I just want to help you out and let you know not to bother."
The giddy girly part of you just focused on the part where he thought you guys were in a relationship too. It was also pretty hot having him subtly threaten someone on your behalf. You'd never had someone do that for you before and the primitive part of your brain got some thrill off of it.
"Right, right, sorry," Detective Smith managed to stammer out, before walking out of the breakroom.
You controlled your laughter as long as possible but you couldn't hold it in any longer.
"I'm sorry, did I say something funny?" Hotch was holding his coffee cup and looking at you oddly.
"No…but you look a little weird though. Am I in trouble Agent Hotchner?" You added a teasing little lilt to your voice when you called him Agent Hotchner, causing his eyes to darken.
He moved closer so you were right next to one another in the breakroom. "You did tell him you're in a relationship, didn't you?" He looked down at you with his stern face but you knew he wasn't entirely serious. If anything you saw a hint of vulnerability.
"Yes, sir." And his dark eyes got even darker. You made a mental note to explore this at a later date.
"Alright, carry on." And he walked away, sipping his coffee as he did.
On the plane ride back after having successfully caught the Unsub, you were listening to some music towards the back of the plane, while looking out the window. The lighting was dim and most everyone else was sleeping as it was pretty late. Emily had been sitting in the seat across from you but had moved an hour ago to force Spencer to share the couch with her. They were both asleep on it, his head lolled onto her shoulder.
Hotch was still awake, sitting near Rossi near the front of the plane. You wished he'd get some sleep as well, but he rarely ever did on the plane. You turned to see him getting up and walk back towards, taking the seat your legs were stretched into by lifting them and placing them on his lap. You took the earbuds out of your years and smiled. "Hi."
"Hey." His voice was soft and you could tell he was at least drowsy. "I was thinking, since we have tomorrow off, if you would want to go out - but lunch instead of dinner. Don't want to waste the whole day if I can see you earlier."
Your smile got bigger at his explanation. "Yeah, of course."
"Good. Dave offered to watch Jack for the day so it'll be just us."
"Okay." You realized you hadn't ever actually hung out with Hotch without Jack, intentionally. This would be interesting to say the least. His hands were gently massaging your calf muscles now and you had to suppress a moan. That felt incredible. Any time he touched you felt incredible.
You watched him as he focused on the task at hand, his face betraying how tired he felt. You were grateful that Rossi had offered to take Jack, but felt bad that he'd spend the day after a long case running around after a little kid. "Hey, you wanna have Rossi over for dinner? That way we can eat with Jack and make sure that he isn't too pumped up with sugar to sleep properly."
Hotch smiled, recalling the last time Dave had babysat for Jack. He'd let him eat pixie dust which might as well be cocaine for children. Jack hadn't slept all night and had wandered into his bed in the early morning, completely exhausted.
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." He couldn't deny how easy it was with you. You'd already been there through everything and you knew what to do and what to say and being with you was as easy and natural as breathing. He couldn't imagine taking any other woman on a date and then having dinner with her and his son and Dave afterwards. But with you, of course that's how you guys would end the night. He got that it was also your way of making sure you saw Jack tomorrow and if it was possible, his love for you grew even more in that moment.
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
deep blue
pairing - spencer reid x reader
summary - hotch recruits you for a single case, a certain genius catches your eye
warnings - cursing, mentions of case
word count - ?
note - i’m not sure the true numbers but let’s asssume the acadamy program is anywhere from two to four years
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one early morning at the bau, rossi stepped into hotch’s office. “have you seen the case?” the italian man asked. hotch nodded, “yes i have. do you think we need her?” rossi pondered for a quick minute.
“i mean she would be nothing but helpful,” rossi reasoned
grabbing his suit jacket, hotch stood up. “then let’s go, the team will brief when we get back.” with that, the two men exited the office much to the confusion of the team.
you practically grew up in the water.
as a kid, your family lived on the coast. swimming was something that came naturally and you were doing it even before you could remember. from age five to twenty-two, you did various swim teams outside and in school. in college, you had swam and broken records all while majoring in criminology. in the end, you decided to go into the fbi acadamy with your skill set.
four years in, you were just a few months away from graduating. however, you had no clue what team you would be recruited onto. you were top of your class with academics and your physical training which made you a good prospect.
you were currently swimming laps in the pool for some extra training. your instructor was sitting at one of the chairs, timing you. he looked up when two familiar agents entered the pool area. you didn’t stop swimming as you hadn’t even realized the two enter.
“agent hotchner, agent rossi,” your instructor greeted, shaking the hands of both.
the three turned towards the pool where you did your final push off of the wall on the far end. “excuse me,” your instructor spoke and leaned down by the wall, the stopwatch in hand. it didn’t take more than a few moments for you to press your hand against the wall and stop swimming.
you emerged from the water, removing your goggles and swim cap. after going under one more time to get your hair wet, you finally appeared and leaned against the wall. “how’d i do?” you asked, not completely aware of the other two agents.
“shaved off five seconds. i’m not sure why you keep wanting to break these acadamy records. you’re already in the top spot.”
you shrugged as a response before looking up at the two older men. “nice to see you again y/n,” rossi greeted. you nodded slightly before getting out of the pool and accepting a towel. once your arms were no longer wet, you shook the hands of hotch and rossi.
“so what brings you to the acadamy?” you asked as you continued to dry off. “we need your help with a case,” hotch revealed. you stopped your movements and furrowed your eyebrows. “my help? what for?” you responded.
“it’s a case in gulf shores, alabama. the unsub is using the ocean to dispose of his victims and all the divers in the city and surrounding area are on a retreat to california. we need someone with diving experience and the swimming ability to aid us,” hotch explained.
“alright, i just need ten minutes to shower, change, and then grab my bags,” you explained. “we’ll be waiting.”
you rushed into the locker rooms, rinsing your hair before using shampoo and conditioner to wash out the chlorine. you were done in record time with five minutes to spare. after changing into jeans, a tank top, your combat boots, and slipping on your oversized fbi windbreaker, you exited and went to grab your bag.
just as you said, you were meeting up with hotch and rossi ten minutes later. you had a go bag in hand and behind you was another with your diving equipment including a wet suit, flippers, and a mask. the three of you headed to the car and began your drive to the bau building.
walking in, hotch motioned for you to drop your bags in his office before following him into the conference room.
“everyone this is y/n y/l/n from the acadamy. she will be assisting us on this case,” hotch announced, “these are agents prentiss, morgan, j.j., and doctor reid. you already know rossi and that is our technical analyst penelope garcia.”
the team took in your appearance. it was hard not too, as they were profilers. you were pretty young, almost the same age as spencer. your hair was still soaking wet and you had the faint smell of chlorine on you. “wait, why do i recognize your name?” emily spoke up.
“well,” rossi started, “y/n currently holds the record for the women’s open swim competition as well as smashing the biathlon and triathlon times at the acadamy.” you blushed slightly, not used to all this attention. emily nodded, obviously realizing why she had known you.
“we can get to know y/n on the plane, let’s get started,” hotch said as he sat down.
garcia began to go over the details of the case, “three bodies have been found in the gulf of mexico over the past two days. what’s weird is that they were all killed around the same time and have markings that resemble shark bites. however, the medical examiner determined that they weren’t actually made from a shark. none of the victims knew each other either. plus, all divers are out of town. these bodies were found by chance.”
“the unsub has to know about the retreat. anyone could have stumbled on the bodies if he hadn’t,” you added.
after bouncing around possible theories, hotch told the team that it was thirty minutes before ‘wheels up’. you, however, were in hotch’s office, receiving your orders for the case.
“since you are still a cadet, you are not allowed to go anywhere alone. all orders must come from one of us,” hotch told you. it was pretty much just standard procedure.
meanwhile, the official agents of the team all sat around their desks in the bullpen. “so the new girl?” j.j. started. “she’s a killer athlete and her skills are really good,” derek added.
“what do you think reid?” emily asked.
spencer, who was reading some book, glanced up for a quick moment. “her record is impressive,” as he said this, his voice went up slightly on the last word. “oh my god,” garcia started, “you totally think she’s pretty!” spencer’s cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. the other agents were about to add something but hotch and you emerged from his office. “let’s head out,” he announced.
on the plane, the first ten or so minutes were spent going over the case details. “alright, i want reid, y/n, and morgan to all head down the the port. a boat is waiting to take you out to the dump sight. y/n i need you in the water seeing if anything useful is underwater. time is important and we need you there as quick as possible,” hotch ordered.
“should i get changed?” you questioned.
once seeing your superior nod, you grabbed your bag and headed to the bathroom. it was honestly miracle that in the small airplane bathroom, you managed to change into a swimsuit and your full body wetsuit. after tossing your hair up into a messy bun, you slipped back on your shoes and made your way into the jet.
all eyes were on you as you sat back down in your seat next to spencer, now in a completely different outfit. “so y/n, what’s your life story?” emily asked. hotch and rossi were now sitting on the opposite side of the jet leaving you, j.j., derek, spencer, and emily to talk.
“well, i was raised on the coast and was pretty much swimming before i could talk fully. my parents always had me involved in different swimming groups during my childhood. i was on varsity swimming all four years of high school. i went to harvard for college, majoring in in criminology and swam for the school also. entered the acadamy after when i was 23,” you explained.
“i thought the acadamy training was only two years?” derek asked.
you shrugged and took a drink from your bottle of water, “i’m taking profiling courses and doing minor field work at the same time. it adds two years on to the program,” you responded. “so your what, 26? 27?” you cracked your knuckles, “i’m 27.”
“not much younger than pretty boy over here,” derek smirked, “so what do you do for fun?” you leaned back into your seat. “oh i’m a huge sci-fi nerd,” you smiled. spencer perked up as derek groaned. “what shows?” the genius asked.
“i mean star wars and star trek are my two favorite. i’m also a fan of doctor who but i haven’t watched it recently,” you explained.
emily, j.j., and derek all watched as you and spencer became engrossed in conversation about one of the shows. you two were talking incredibly fast and motioning rapidly with your hands. wide smiles were on both of your faces. the three other agents shared a look before going to sit in different seats.
upon arrival to the city, you, spencer, and morgan all headed down to the port. after greeting one of the police officers, you boarded the boat. you were shown a room where you could finish suiting up. the water where the body was dropped was pretty deep, meaning you would need to wear an oxygen tank.
“hey spencer!” you called, “can you come help me?” spencer walked out from the deck and into the room. “i need some help putting on the vest.” spencer grabbed the vest which would hold the tank. you held your arms out behind you as he slipped it on. the two of you were extremely close as spencer began to fasten and clip the buckles. you inhaled sharply and when you felt his hot breath on your neck.
“alright you’re good to go,” spencer spoke, still close to you.
you stepped back with a smile. after thanking on, you slipped on your boots and fins. the police officer helped put the tank on your back and connect it to your snorkel.
now, you sat on the edge of the boat, about to go under. “you ready?” morgan asked. you didn’t respond but instead leaned back so you fell off of the boat and into the water. spencer and morgan shared a quick look as they watched you disappear under the water.
minutes later, you emerged at the surface. in your hand was a necklace. derek held out a bag which you then placed the necklace in. after climbing onto the bout, spencer moved over to stand with you.
“do you need help again?”
you shook your head no. “i’m okay for now,” you spoke. as you walked away, spencer felt something be placed in the palm of his hand. he looked down to see a small polished shell, no doubt from you. he smiled softly before going to find morgan.
three days later, the team had identified the unsub.
the only issue was that his current whereabouts were unknown and he had another girl with him. however, an anonymous tip was sent to the police station that they saw a small boat go out in the ocean a few minutes ago.
one of the police boats was started and the team piled on. as quickly as you could, you got into your scuba gear just in case. this time, it was a much more modified version; only wearing a wetsuit and a snorkel mask. you didn’t think you would need it and you weren’t even due if you were going in the water or not.
it only took a few minutes for you to arrive at the location. just as you were in view, the unsub pushed the girl off the boat before jumping in himself. he pulled her down deep as a way to drown her. the unsub was clad in his own scuba gear, allowing for him to do so.
after hotch nodded towards you, you took off running before diving off the edge of the boat.
as you swam down the ocean, you looked around. suprisingly, the unsub wasn’t even in sight. it didn’t help that the water wasn’t exactly clear. however, you managed to spot the victim a few feet down. you grabbed her arm and pulled her to the surface.
the boat was a few yards away. using one arm, you propelled yourself through the water. morgan and hotch were already waiting by the ladder at the back part of the boat. after taking your mask off and tossing it on the deck, you helped the victim over to the ladder.
once she was lifted onto the boat, you started to climb up. but, a hand on your calf stopped you. you could barely react as you were pulled underwater, most of your oxygen being knocked out of you.
the water was extremely salty but you pried your eyes open and were met with the unsubs. you were at a disadvantage as he had a mask and you didn’t. if you tried to swim up, he would just drag you back down. so there was only one option, you needed to fight.
in ten seconds, you managed to rip the mask off. you were even deeper underwater now and you knew you couldn’t hold your breath underwater. with your strength, you managed to kick the unsub hard in the stomach. the unsubs eyes showed nothing but panic as water filled his mouth.
in a final effort to save yourself, you wrapped your arms around the unsub neck and started to strangle him. black spots crowded your vision as the unsub thrashed violently, creating bubbles around you. finally, he stopped moving.
you managed to swim to the surface, taking in as much oxygen as possible as you frantically looked around.
the police boat was now even further away. you knew the risks as water was still in your lungs and dry drowning was pretty much inevitable at this point. nonetheless, you dived back under and grabbed the unsubs now dead body. after bringing it to the top, you managed to make it over to the boat.
the team helped you back onto the boat. you rolled over so you were on your knees, pressing your forehead to the deck floor. you began coughing, directly due to the salt water the filled your lungs. your eyes screwed shut as you wrapped your arms around your stomach.
spencer kneeled down beside you, placing his hand on the small of your back. “post-immersion syndrome, known as dry drowning,” spencer informed everyone.
your chest grew tighter as you struggled to breathe. in the background, you heard hotch yelling to speed up. “match my breathing pattern okay. i need you to stay calm,” spencer whispered to you.
he rolled you over so you were sitting upright. a painful look was displayed in your face as the two of you made eye contact. your breathing matched his despite your cloudy vision. you struggled to your first and over to the side of the boat, immediately leaning over the rail to cough up the water from your lungs.
that’s all you remembered before you passed out.
waking up in the hospital meet hours later was less then fun. your lungs burned but thankfully, with the ventilator, you were breathing okay.
in the corner of the hospital room, you noticed spencer sitting with a book in his hand. you smiled weakly and moved your arm to get his attention, not trusting your voice at the moment.
“hey,” spencer spoke, moving to sit by your bedside.
you smiled softly. “i feel terrible,” spencer added. you shot him a questioning look. “i mean you almost drowned. i should have done something.”
“take me out to dinner and we’ll call it even,” you managed to get out despite the raspiness of your voice.
spencer grinning brightly, “i would love too.”
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nightwingmyboi · 4 years
I'll always remember Devin Grayson as the woman who wrote Nightwing getting raped by a supervillain and then tried to pass it off as "wasn't rape, just nonconsensual"...which is LITERALLY THE DEFINITION OF RAPE, YOU HACK!
MSL: Male rape is a topic rarely touched on in comics. Why is it suited to bring it into Nightwing?
DEVIN GRAYSON: For the record, I’ve never used the word “rape,” I just said it was nonconsensual (I know, aren’t writers frustrating? *smiles*) [x] 
Yeah there is no other word for what happened in Nightwing #93 other than rape...I can’t imagine why she would say otherwise. She did technically apologize, but that was ten or so years later. So she eventually, finally did come out and just admit what everyone already knew, but she was still way too late to actually fix any of the damage she caused with how she completely mishandled things. I also don’t think her little apology begins to cover all the issues I have with her. 
Devin’s characterization of Dick is just so, so freaking twisted to me. Really, I don’t think there is a Nightwing writer I despise more than Devin Grayson. The interviews I’ve read from her give me the creeps:
DG: The way I think about him [Dick], he likes everyone, he’s sort of a contact junkie - just this incredibly physical (and attractive) person who lives wholly in the corporeal plane and responds with - processes things in - his body before his head or heart. I imagine that he can be hypnotized by a touch the way other people can be stopped dead in their tracks by the sight of money or the promise of true love. I think he likes kicking and kissing in almost equal measure - except kissing edges out ahead because you can do it for longer and it leads to nicer things. [x]
Yeah that’s fucking unsettling. This is Devin being gross and projecting her sexual fantasy’s onto Dick. And she very much invented this extreme view of Dick as obsessively physical. Pre-52 Dick was always written as a master strategist, an unparalleled leader, one of the best detectives in the world, outside of Devin’s writing. Her fantasy version of Dick doesn’t mesh with that...Dick wouldn’t be capable leader if he’s “thinking with his body” (whatever that means) all the time. He’s survived this long because he’s intelligent and logical. Frankly, Devin’s take on things doesn’t even make any freaking sense. But it gets worse: 
DDG: I’m writing a novel for WB right now that he’s in and I have one scene where Batman has to stop a fight before it gets out of control, and most of the people he can just yell or glare at, but with Dick, he just stands really close behind him and Dick freezes. That’s not supposed to be a sexual thing (though it is kinda hot! ::laughs::), it’s an understanding on Bruce’s part that his physical proximity will speak just as quickly and loudly to Dick as his voice, maybe even be processed faster.
What the actual fuck. You’ve probably guessed it based on how that little scenario played out. Devin ships Dick with Bruce. 
DG: And now think about being a very physical and naturally gregarious and loving person and growing up with someone like Bruce. Then add in the confusion about his status - a “ward” is something you stop being the minute you turn eighteen. Having already lost his parents and then hurling into adolescence at the speed he did...in my personal version of the story, he develops sexual desire and social anxiety about the future at the same time, and this leads to tremendous confusion, on his part, about his role in Bruce’s life. He can’t be a ward forever, in the back of his head he knows he won’t be Robin forever...what is he to this man who is at once his best friend and personal savior, personal god? “Son” is what they eventually settle on, but I think when Dick was in his late teens, the idea of “lover” must have run through his mind (which means, really, as we’ve already discussed, it ran through his body).
Wild that Dick is usually written as incredibly intelligent and emotionally cognizant (was able to puzzle out Damian’s complex motivations and needs when no one else in Damian’s life could for example) and yet Devin thinks he’s not able to sort out that he’s not supposed to make sexual advances towards his father. And by wild I mean stupid as fuck. And, just fyi, Devin goes with the version of events where Bruce took Dick in when he was eight years old! So he’s pretty fucking young when this is all happening! Just when you thought it couldn’t get more disgusting. 
Eventually, much later, Dick gets distracted by other relationships and is able to ease up enough on Bruce for Bruce to relax into his own comfort-level of kindness and affection again (once the threat of sexuality has been removed) and they carry on more or less unharmed. But the relationship remains incredibly powerful and intense for Dick, who ends up feeling apologetic, rejected, and confused on top of all the other issues we already know exist between the two of them. Dick responds to Bruce - or really I should say Batman, since that’s who his relationship is with - on every single level.
So, according to Devin, Dick views Bruce as his “personal god” and is incredibly submissive to and possessive of him. That’s why Devin’s writing is littered with scenes like this: 
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Gotham Knights #17
Where Dick acts incredibly awkward and “apologetic” about dating Barbara, because of how he previously made sexual advances towards Bruce in Devin’s fantasy world. Also with Devin, Dick spends a lot of his time stuttering every time Bruce is in the room, even though he’s usually a smooth talker, very chatty, and that’s because of the supposed “intensity” of Bruce and Dick’s relationship. And then there are scenes like this: 
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Gotham Knights #18
Where Dick uncharacteristically and disproportionately loses his cool at the slightest insinuation against Bruce and is reduced to an angry hot head. Dick has been noted to be incredibly level headed; he’s also famous for being a mediator among the hero community...this behavior is a complete departure from the way he would normally act under other writers. Dick’s also been one to level plenty of criticisms towards Bruce himself. This sudden personality change where Dick thinks Bruce can do no wrong, where no one can criticize Bruce in Dick’s presence without him absolutely blowing up, where he suddenly can’t control his emotions over the littlest things...it really exists primarily in Devin’s writing. It’s incredibly OOC behavior and it’s rooted in Devin’s sexual fantasies frankly. 
Devin’s writing is also where Dick, despite being incredibly dedicated and monogamous in all of his previous relationships, suddenly became a womanizer. Literally, everyone was written as wanting to get into Dick’s pants: Rose Wilson was reduced to a giddy teenager because of Dick, random women in the streets would comment on how cute Nightwing was, a mob boss’s daughter who was only 15 years old was obsessed with Dick and made advances, Dick had a one night stand with Huntress because she reminded him of Bruce, Bruce called Dick “Hunk Wonder,” Dick undressed in front of fucking Deathstroke (and there was a newspaper with “Richard Wilson” on it as a sly little wink towards the audience), psycho vigilante Tarantula is obsessed with Dick to the point of raping him, the list goes on. If you want more samplings of how freaking disgusting and sex-obsessed Devin was when it came to Dick, look no further than her gross Inheritance book, where she ships Dick with everyone from Green Arrow to Aquaman (here are some quotes if you’re a masochist). And since Dick “thinks with his body” or whatever, Devin’d write him as receptive (or very oblivious) when it comes to this attention. 
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Gotham Knights #10
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Nightwing (1996) #107
Another thing that made me extremely uncomfortable is how Devin would always have strangers and villains, especially older men--people who Dick very much did not know and wouldn’t appreciate being in his personal space--be all grabby with him. Please leave him alone. 
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Nightwing and Huntress #2
There Dick is, “hypnotized” in place by Huntress’s touch. Kill me. It is also especially messed up that Devin suddenly turned Dick into some sexual, warm-blooded hot head at the same time as she decided to introduce him as Romani. 
Q: How could him being Romani be used to inform his characterization?
It reinforces his “otherness” where Bruce is concerned in what I think is a useful, interesting way...It also presents the opportunity for there to be a slight chip on his shoulder, which maybe speaks to his scrappiness. It also maybe gives him a slightly deeper way to relate to someone like Helena--someone who is white but other--and gives the people who love (or lust after) him a potential cultural excuse for feeling as bewitched as they sometimes do. I also just love the idea of Bruce occasionally calling him “hot blooded” just to mess with him, because Dick would of course deny being so in an extremely hot-blooded manner. [x]
Her feeding into the fetishizing of biracial individuals is just disgusting and wrong. If there’s a racist stereotype available Devin really goes out of her way to make sure she includes it in her writing huh. 
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Gotham Knights #20
And Bruce being a racist jerk is not charming Devin, it’s terrible. Barbara used slurs also, and was very dismissive of Dick’s reaction to Bruce’s actions...that was also horrible. It’s awful that Dick’s own family would apparently treat him this way. Obviously, Dick isn’t the only one that Devin would write out of character. 
It’s all just so messed up to me, I can’t stand it. When I first read her comics, even when it wasn’t blatant like above, I would feel something subtly off...and once I read her interviews I can’t help but notice these horrible underlying insinuations in all of her work, in so many seemingly “innocent” scenes. There are a lot of big things she’s known for (her horrible treatment of Dick’s Romani heritage and his rape for example) but all these subtle, insidious little details that people don’t even really register...they are equally frustrating to me. Seeing sects of the fandom pick up these details (like, the idea that Dick doesn’t understand personal boundaries, the idea that he’s a hot head, the idea that he’s a womanizer, etc.) when I know a lot of it stems nearly solely from Devin’s crappy characterization and writing of Dick...it’s hard. 
Q: Further to that, if Dick is gay, what kind of guy is his type?
DG: ...Type isn’t as important as passion and opportunity. Because of his psycho-sexual makeup, the other key factor would be a sense that he means something to that other man, that his “surrender” is making that man happy, allowing him to bring pleasure to someone (as he was never allowed to do for Bruce). There’s also a sense, if I may be so bold, of needing to be “caught” and “held down” - this going back to the trauma of losing his parents...being strong and passionate and heroic and virile and loving with a woman is fantastic, he lives for that. But he lost both parents. There is also a part of him that longs to be pinned down and loved a little bit savagely and hurt just enough to reassure him that he’s alive. Man, I’m totally gonna get fired when this comes out....
Literally makes me want to barf. That is supposed to be a professional, official writer at DC. Could go on forever. 
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Teenage Fantasy
Pairing: Henry Cavill x F!Reader
Warnings: Language, Smut, NSFW guys! Henry Cavill being a flirt
Summary: Your day couldn’t get any worse. Your plane was late, baggage lost, your phone dead and you get lost. But thankfully a hot stranger decides to help you out and make the night of this awful day a little bit better.
A/N: I am slowly coming back from my writer’s block so please be patient with me. @idjitmonkey​ I thought you make like it :) Comments and reblogs always welcomed. Please do not use my work without my concent!
I got lost in who wanted to be tagged in what, so please send me a message or an ask and I’ll make a list <3
TAGS are opened
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You exhaled heavily and looked at your phone, coursing your law battery. You have been trying to find your hotel but it seems you got lost. Like really lost, and you weren’t sure if it was due to your lack of road finding or just the mere fact that the universe just seem to hate you today.
The whole day seemed to be awful. Firstly your plane was late, then you lost your baggage, which was thankfully found, and now you lost yourself. How fun! All you wanted was just to sit down and cry. It was cold, windy and all you wanted was a nice beer some onion rings or wings and the bed. 
Of course, you could ask someone for directions, but well of course no one seemed to be around. Now when you really needed someone. Like its London, for crying out loud, how is that possible there was no one around. 
Oh! And let’s not forget about your battery completely and utterly dead in your phone. Yes. The Universe definitely hates you. 
You had two options just keep on walking, hoping to find a bar or something and ask for help, or come back the same way you came, and well… yeah… hope for the best. 
“You look lost!” You squealed and jumped hearing a low voice behind you. Dropping your backpack you turned around meeting the eyes of the stranger. “Forgive me! Did not want to scare you”, he chuckled and lifted your bag from the snowy sidewalk. “You seem to be staring at your dead phone for a long time, so I thought I’d come and maybe help?” You quietly thanked the man and took your bag. You gave him the piece of paper with the address of the hotel and sighed. 
“I haven’t noticed my battery was dying before like 5 minutes ago, and well I don’t really have a map and it’s cold and…” You sighed and dropped your head completely defeated. 
“This is London for you!” He chuckled, looking around. “Have you tried to ask people around?” You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms around your chest. 
“Oh, why haven’t I thought about it. Oh, but wait!” You turned around in a circle, your hands spread. “No people around! I’m not an idiot, you know?!” He frowned and raised his brow. 
“Sorry, that was a stupid question.” He awkwardly shrugged, biting his lips in a cute boyish way.
"No. You have been nothing but a star. I'm sorry I'm being emotional." You took a deep breath to relax.. "It's been a shitty day really and getting lost in a city I have never been before is a great way to end it." He frowned and smiled softly. "I'm sorry, you're so nice helping me out and here I am acting like a spoiled brat!"
"It's fine, really. How about we'll go have a beer and then I'll call you a cab?" You opened your mouth to say yes, but then you reminded yourself that you don't know that man at all. But on the other hand you really needed that beer. Or two, eventually five. 
"Promise me you won't kidnap me and slit my throat?" There was a pause and then a booming laugh, which made you laugh as well. 
"Yeah, this coat was pretty expensive and blood is hard to clean. You're safe!" He send you a wink, going the other way, what you assumed to the pub. 
"I would tell you a good way to get rid of it, but I'll wait till we’re in a public place." He laughed again and you followed this strange, nice man. Oh and not to mention. Incredibly hot man! Well, you only live once, right?
"Oh gosh he's adorable!" You squealed gazing at the picture of the 'stranger's dog on his phone. You both went into the pub which was ironically close to where you were. You were able to charge your phone, that gave Henry, as he introduced himself, a possibility to buy you a drink. You ordered a beer, some onion rings and now you were on your second bowl and glass and the topic of your conversation turned into animals. On how you'd love to adopt a dog but your landlord is a dick and doesn't let you. And he told you about his best friend Kal and was showing you some photos and videos of him. 
"He's the best dog ever!" He smiled softly seeing your hyped expression whenever you were seeing another and another of the pictures. 
"Oh I bet he is!" You exclaimed happily, chuckling at the video of Kal and Henry playing around. You gave him back the phone when you noticed some personal pictures of his without Kal. He frowned and looked down, and could help but smile softly at your will to keep his personal life just his. "Oh I hope if I move I will be able to get one of those." You took a sip of your beer and sigh. "My dad hated dogs so we never got one. But now I wish my next landlord will not be such a… well…" 
"Dick?" You laughed and nodded. "So what brings you to London?" 
"Job interview actually. I got a job offer at the university as a second world war lecturer." He raised his brow and you smirked. "What? I don't look smart enough to be a lecturer?"
"Well, your road  reading skills didn't give a great first hand impression", you slapped him playfully in the shoulder and laughed. "I'm joking. You just look too young to be a professor." 
"Oh so you go from insults to flirting?" You bit your lip, giving him a playful stare. He widened his eyes and smirked at you, finishing his Guineas. He pointed at your almost empty glass and you nodded. Your job interview wasn't until 4 PM so you could get a little drink. And well who says you can't get flirty with a very handsome stranger, who also seems to be intelligent, charming and funny? "Thank you", you smiled at the waiter who brought another beer for you. 
"My trainer will kill me if I get another bowl of those rings" he sighed, visibly wanting another one. You chuckled and ordered another one, sending a flirty wink his way. "If you'll hear news of death on the gym, know it's your fault!" You bit your lip chuckling. 
"Life is too short to say no to a good beer and onion rings!" He raised his brow and shook his head in disbelief. 
"You're one of a kind, Y/N", you liked the way your name sounded from his lips. It shoot a jilt down your spine. The nice and very sinful one. The one you should not be feeling towards a stranger that you met just two hours ago. 
"Oh I'm missing the insult this time" he opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't as he laughed again. "But do tell me, Henry," you whispered his name in the same way he said yours. "Why am I one of a kind?" 
"Most women I meet are too focused on the aspect of a perfect body to eat whatever they want. And here you are, eating a third bowl of onion rings and enjoying yet another glass of beer. If you tell me you watch soccer I will have to marry you!" 
"Well get a ring then, because I do enjoy some sport in my life, including football", he rolled his eyes the way you corrected him in terms of the soccer term. "And did you just call me fat for not caring of my body?" His eyes widened and he made the most adorable impression of a fish. You put the most serious expression for as long as you could, which was about 10 seconds, before you burst into a fit of laughter. 
"You scared the shit out of me!" 
"That was fucking precious!" Boldly you put a hand on his, oh God, big thigh. "Relax, I know I don't have a body of a supermodel.  But hey, I do enjoy my life too much to be a masochist." He watched you in amusement when you tried to contain your laughter. "Plus", you licked your lip seductively, enjoying the way his Adam's apple uncontrollably bulged. "What's a woman without some curves, right?" Henry swallowed harder and his eyes lowered to your hand on his thigh. You weren't normally so bald but there was something about this man that made you less shy and more flirty than you normally were with guys. 
"You truly are perfect Y/N", he whispered in you ear making you blush just a little bit. Trying to blame it on the amount of alcohol, rather than the nice sensation of his breath on your neck. "Really one of a kind!" Your everyday you would probably scream at you for not stopping his hand that started to venture from your knee to your thigh. But today you had an awfully long day and every girl needed a good one night stand once in a while. And something told you that the man in front of you, knew how to make that awful day into a much better night. 
"I think I'd like some whisky…" he pulled away and smiled softly. You were sure you heard him whisper 'fucking perfect' before straightening. 
"I do have some of it back in my apartment" your heart skipped a bit. How was it possible that this perfect, incredibly handsome man wanted you? No. You wouldn't let your anxiety kill tonight. With no words you unplugged your phone and put it back into your bag. You took your purse out and asked for a receipt feeling Henry's eyes on you. "Y/N, listen if I read the situation wrongly…"
"We need to pay before we leave right?" You sent him a wink and noticed how he exhaled deeply. 
"In that occasion, there is no fucking way I'll let you pay. Don't fight me on it!" You left a quick peck on his lips, thanking him quietly, before standing up and putting a coat on. You chuckled hearing his hitched breath and quiet 'fuck' under his nose. 
You were standing in the middle of the living room gazing around his 'flat', as he was so kind to call it. It was huge. Your last flat could fit in that living room and that made you swallow hard. Just as you were about to say something you heard scratching on the floor and as you turned around to see what that was, a ball of fur jumped at you, making you land on your ass. A booming laugh escaped your lips, feeling a wet tongue traveling through your face. 
"Fuck, Kal get away!" You opened your eyes to see Henry standing above you, holding the dog by his collar. "I'm so sorry. I forgot to close the doors to his room when I left… are you ok?" He pulled you up but you only shook your head and kneaded in front of the dog. 
"Are you kidding me? This is the best way anyone has ever welcomed me", you started to pet Kal, smiling and giggling at his happy expression. "Aren't you the cutest? Yes… yes you are!!" You didn't care that you sounded mental. Dogs were the most amazing animals and if someone didn't like the fact well they don't have to be in your life. 
"Here!" You looked up seeing two glasses of Scotch in Henry's hand and you got up on your feet thanking him quietly. "Normally the girls don't give him that much attention," he smiled at you and looked down at you lips. You raised your brow and took a step closer, completely ignoring the personal space. 
"Oh, is someone jealous?" Your free hand landed on his chest, admiring how hard it was. Was this man fucking perfect? Now you really wanted to see him naked. 
"What if I am?" His husky, lowered voice made you involuntary close your thighs. You looked up into his darkened eyes. Your hand moving down, slowly. Until it stopped at his belt and without a word you lowered it a bit more and gripped where his, what you assumed and hoped, impressive cock was. You smiled when he groaned quietly at your action. With one sip he drunk all his whisky and closed his eyes when you started to unbutton his belt and Jeans. You followed his lead and finished the drink, handling the empty glass to him. He raised his brow, ready to ask, but shut his mouth, when you kneeled in front of him opening his trousers. Looking up you lowered his boxers, and couldn't help but lick your lips seeing him already semi-erect. Fuck he was so beautiful! He was big, but not too big, but what was more impressive was his girth. Oh yeah, you are going to have fun with the man. You smirked at him and not breaking the eye contact you licked the top of his penis, going from up to the base like a kitten enjoying the best of snacks.
"Holy fuck!" He growled when you swallowed him as slowly as possible, bobbing your head up and down, enjoying the sounds living his mouth. You closed your eyes and swirled you tongue around his clock, drinking up the precum that appeared on the top. "Fuck, sweetheart, baby you gotta stop!" He pulled you away and you looked up at his flashed face, smirking in the most flirty way. Yo stood up and smiled widely, when he pulled you close to him. "You are fucking amazing. Jesus I haven't felt that good in a while, but", you screamed when he took you over his shoulders and started walking to his bed. You giggled when he softly threw you on the bed and laid down towering over you. "Now sweetheart I will make sure you will forget about this awful day you had." You looked up and whined seeing him undressing himself. This man was perfection, and you weren't sure which God you were supposed to thank for this, but yes, for some bizarre reason you got lucky today. His sculpture body was something you only seen on the covers of magazines and not to mention that chest hair. Fuck. Yeah ok, you may have a weird kink for men with chest hair, but who wouldn't seeing the man in front of you? 
"You see something you like?" He hovered over you, planting his hands on both sides of your head. It was just now you noticed how beautiful his eyes were. Darkened by the lust they still held the beautiful blueness in them.
"You have this adorable patch of brown in the top of your left eye." He stilled and raised his brow in amusement. He leaned and captured your lips with his. 
"No one has ever described it as adorable before", he chuckled and you smiled shyly, embarrassed one of a sudden. 
"I like being your first", you sassed winking at him. And it was then when he lost it. He leaned down and covered his face in the crook of your neck laughing. You joined seconds later. It was the first time for you to have so much fun during sex. Even when you were in a relationship sex was always serious and not always something you practically enjoyed. But at this moment you were both excited and amused. 
"I'm so fucking happy I decided to take a walk tonight", you moaned when his lips attached themselves on the sensitive spot on your neck. You could feel a smirk on his lips, proud of himself for the sounds you were making. "You really are one of a kind", you jumped a little when he bit you under the ear, smirking at you. Oh this will definitely leave a mark. 
"I'll get you back for that!"  You hissed playfully. He shook his head and you raised a brow in question.
"I don't even want to know media's reaction if someone noticed a hickey on me!" This made you freeze and you pulled yourself on your arm to a sitting position. Confusion written on your face. 
"What do you mean?" You asked, hoping he was making some weird ass joke. At the same time trying to put his face to anyone you know. He sat down opposite you with the same confusion on his face. 
"You really have no fucking clue who I am right?" A sly smirked appeared on his handsome face. 
"You're scaring me now! Please tell me I'm not about to fuck some politician…" he widened his eyes and then laughed so hard that the tears appeared in his eyes. 
"I think I should blame myself for that. Haven't introduced myself properly. Henry Cavill." He extended his hand playfully and you frowned. You did recognise that name from somewhere. He grinned when your eyes widened. 
"Fuck! You’re the Witcher!" It was his turn to look surprised. He was expecting Superman. "Hallelujah. I'm about to fuck my teenage fantasy!" You leaned in and kissed him hard, turning him around and pushing on the bed, sitting on his hips. Enjoying the bulge you were feeling beneath you. 
"Your teenage fantasy?" He asked, putting his large hands on your hips, apparently enjoying his new position. You took a deep, happy breath when his hands started to move up your thighs. You stood up and undressed yourself. You sat back and captured his lips, your hands on his chest, admiring the Adonis under you. 
"I was a geeky kid. My nose was always stuck in books, mostly fantasies. My grandma is Polish and she once gave me Sapkowski's books and well let's say that you should not put a 16 years old horny teenager alone with a book about a broody, strong man, that wields his sword better than anyone else." You kissed his chest, shamefully nipping at his nipple, making his hip raise and a hiss leave his lips. 
"Don't tell me you got yourself laid with the Witcher!!" He couldn't control the laugh and looked up smirking, seductively licking your lips. 
"Not to the book itself but to the fantasies that my brain made." He shook his head in amusement. "But now that I actually have a really Geralt, let me tell you, kind sir, I will use that opportunity to the maximum." Your tongue traveled through his abdomen and kissed him right above his throbbing cock. 
You squealed when he turned, once again towering over you. The blue in his eyes was gone. Oh God, you will get properly fucked. And you couldn't wait for it. 
"You are a teaser, you know that?" You moaned when he bit on your sensitive nipple. "Don't want to destroy you fantasy, but I will be the one fucking you brainless, not Geralt", you sobbed when he pushed a finger inside your wet pussy. "Fuck you're tight! Yes baby, I will fuck you till you'll see the stars!" Another and another finger pushed inside you, twirling in a way that it touched this special place and you screamed his name. "Yes, sweety, that's right. I'll be your new fantasy!" 
"Henry I'm… fuck Henry… please don't stop!" He increased his pace and you moaned almost pornograpically, when the knot broke and you came like you never came before. 
"If that's what I can do with just fingers imagine how you're gonna feel when I'm finally inside of you." He smiled and kissed you softly on your lips. Your hands and legs circled him, getting him as close as possible. 
"Condom?" Your voice raspy and low almost as not yours. You could not believe he was able to bring you to that state with just his fingers. how are you supposed to find a man better than him? No, now was not a place nor time to think about that. "Give me that" you took the foil from him and opened it with your teeth. You pushed him off you and strangled him once again, sitting between his thighs. You looked up and smirked, putting a condom on his cock and with no words you lowered your mouth on him, putting the protection perfectly.
"Fuck!" He moaned when your lips left his cock. “That was the sexiest fucking thing I've ever seen!" You chuckled and slowly positioned yourself on him.
"Can I ride you, Henry?" you felt his cock twitch at your words and you couldn't help but giggle. 
"You little minx… you'll pay for that" he joked and pushed inside of you with one harsh push. You screamed and fell on his chest to muffle the sound. "Fuck baby you're really tight…" he stopped and there was fear in his eyes. "Fuck please tell me…"
"Jesus no!" You laughed and kissed him softly. "It's just been a while. 2 years if I'm being precise." 
"I'm sorry." He whispered kissing your shoulders softly, apologetically. "I didn't want to hurt you. I'll go slow." You shook your head and moved up only to lay back down. 
"I'm not a glass doll, Henry. I won't break. You're just bigger than anyone I had and I needed to get used to it. Plus…" you straightened and smiled at him. He could swear it was the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. "You did promise to fuck me brainless!" There was nothing more you had to say. His hips moved in synchrony with your, pounding at you sensensly. It stunk for a bit but the pleasure tool from it really quickly. 
"Go on your knees. I wanna see that beautiful ass while I fuck you." You smiled and obeyed his order, enjoying his tone. Before you were able to get ready he shoved himself inside you. He squeezed your hip, for sure leaving yet another bruise on your body. But you didn't care. You felt your walls clenching second time this night. "Yes baby, come for me. Squeeze my dick!" And you once again obeyed him, feeling all the energy leaving you. You moaned when he didn't stop moving. Your sensitive pussy was still concluding from the orgasm and probably the upcoming one as well. "One more baby. Give me one more." The praise from him made you feel something you haven't felt for a while and you came, feeling something dripping down your thighs. 
"Fuck!" He whispered after coming inside the condom. He left you with a hiss and removed the foil from his softening penis.  "I don't think I have ever made a woman squirt." Out of any power in you, you fall on the pillow. You whined pathetically when he moved away. "I'm back. Come on spread for me a bit." You once again obeyed him and felt a wet towel between your folds. And you smiled and his softness. 
"I really, really like being your first" you whispered when he came back and laid down, inviting you to use his chest as a pillow. The soft movement of his chest put you to sleep before you even noticed. 
You looked at your vibrating phone and couldn't help but beam in happiness. When you woke up, Henry was still asleep. You knew it was just a one night stand, so to avoid awkwardness you decided to leave earlier. You did, however, felt compelled to leave a letter. You told him how much you enjoyed the night and how the media will never find out about it. And also you left him you number. In case he wanted to call. You wrote him that you didn't expect anything from him but you were open to see each other again. 
You really didn't expect anything. So that little text just made your day even better. 
'How was the interview?' H.C. 
'I will be staying in London for a bit longer', you answered, happy both about the text and your next job. 
'I know some good places to eat if you're not too tired.'
Your heart skipped a bit and you beamed at the prospect of spending some time with him. 
'How about we order pizza and watch Netflix at yours?'
'Netflix and chill? Yeah I'm in. I'll see you in a bit, baby!'  
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sgt-morgan · 4 years
Lucky Kentucky ch. 1
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Chapter 2
Hello there, this is my new Rockstar!Bucky x Reader fic. It was heavily inspired by my love of seventies mega rockstars, Almost Famous, Classic Rock, and a little bit of personal whimsy. I hope you enjoy, and read responsibly.
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ : cussing, sexy times, drugs, booze, smoking, objectification, fornication, liberation, and a litany of other sordid topics and traumas.
Your name didn’t matter, at least not so far as you could tell. They called you Kentucky, sometimes if they felt cheeky, Bluegrass. You liked it, the first band that gave you that name was some shitty college band out of Detroit. They were convinced they were gonna be the next Led Zepplin. They called it quits three years later, a good old fashioned Rock n’ Roll suicide, booze, women, and drugs. The finer things always gets the best amateurs. However, their lead singer had a way with words, he came up with the nickname. He also wrote a beautiful song about a girl named Kentucky, who he just couldn’t swing, some big named country superstar sang the song and the last you’d heard he had been writing for the best of the best since. This earned you your title, Lucky Kentucky. A bit on the nose for your taste, but it made perfect sense. You kept following the music, you went to a band in L.A., the day you left, they signed a record deal with Sony. The next was a little English girl and her backing band, her first tour of England with you landed her a tour of the US faster than they could say ‘Burbon.’
You are what is known in the music business as a road manager, so far as you could tell, this was the job you were born to do. You made schedules, you supplied booze and other artifacts, you got hotels, paid off paparazzi, packed busses, and shoved half out of their mind rock stars on to stages in more countries than you could count, you couldn’t imagine any better life. You were the best of the best, you were who the record company called when everyone else had given up. You were a fixer, and an incredibly talented one at that. You had a gift for taking a mediocre side show band, and turning them into headliners.
So when you got the call from Tony and Pepper that you had to fix The Howling Comandos, you were shocked. They were big time, nothing like your usual fixer upper opener that you could make insta stars. They certainly weren’t your crowd, but you always had a problem saying no to Pepper, Tony’s company manager. Tony was a talented mixer, and a gifted album technician. So when he started his own label, it blew up pretty quickly. The comandos were the first band he signed. They had won Album of the Year their first Grammy season without even batting an eyelash. So once business started booming, Pepper took over the paper work, and Tony did what he did best, Fucking around with a mixing board. You had met them when you started working with Natasha and the Widows, a Blondie style punk outfit. They had a pension for eating men alive. Eventually, it got in the way of their success, so you stepped in and saved the band from total destruction. You and the starks had been thick as theives since.
“Tony, you mean to tell me, that the Commandos, the biggest artists of the decade, need my help?” You scoffed down the line, checking the Widows out of the last hotel of their tour with Greta Van Fleet.
“Yes Bluegrass, I do. Barnes is going through some existential heart break shit ‘cause ole bitch called of the wedding, and fucked the Guitarist of their opener. He’s been all drugs, booze, and sappy shit since, and someone’s gotta get the mother fucker back on stage. I’m Loosing money here Kentucky, something’s gotta give.” Tony sounded livid, there were very few times where Tony was as frazzled as this, so you knew it was serious.
“Alright, but I have conditions.” You sighed, you thought you could hear the sound of Pepper weeping tears of joy, but you couldn’t be sure. “I want the Widows to open, I’m not done with them yet Stark they’ve got some potential that still needs to be tapped. I want Frankie on security, I want Wanda for wardrobe and makeup, I want Vision for my techie, and I’m taking Peter as my Head roadie.” It was a big ask, but if you were doing this, you were gonna need the best possible team.
“Jeez woman, rob the treasure chest would yah? You want all of them? You just asked me for the entire roster. They’re on other tours! I can’t just- HEY! Woman don’t you-“ you heard a slap and an ow, and suddenly you were with the one and only Pepper Potts- Stark.
“Kentucky? You have a deal. You can have the Allstars in three months, everyone’s tours should be wrapping up, that puts you just in time for festival season. You up to it?” Pepper sounded like someone had just kicked her puppy. So you knew, you were the only one that could save the day.
“Virginia? Count me in. Give me the three months to plan and connect with the team and I’ll make sure James Barnes makes it onto that bus.” You could practically taste her relief through the receiver. What had you just signed up for.
You’d done it. Six months, 7 bus rentals, 75 hotels, 107 plane rides, 20 festivals, 95 shows, 89 cities, and roughly 200 people later, you had managed to construct the American leg of one of the biggest and longest tours you had ever seen. All it took was two months, and 23 bottles of Jack Daniels, and you had done it. Now all you had to do was meet the band, and have your first tour meeting.
You had never been so nervous to meet a group of men in your life. Normally, these meetings we’re pretty laid back and informal. Lots of getting to know you, and goofing off. This time, you were in charge of a multi-million dollar tour that could make or break the band of the decades d ruin your career. No pressure. Needless to say, you were fairly nervous.
You were relieved upon arrival that the first people to make it in were the people who seemed to be the most reliable. Vision and Wanda were quietly whispering  to eachother in the corner as always, their hands gently intertwined as they surveyed the rest of their new subjects. Frankie was standing off in another corner looking like an immovable brick wall. His sunglasses firmly in place on his nose, looking scary as always. Peter was off with the widows flirting with their drummer. You didn’t think it would end well, seeing as MJ was a bit of a hot head, and Peter was akward and nerdy, but to your surprise, they seemed to be getting along swimmingly. Natasha and Carol were staring at a book full of something, if you had to guess, it would be song lyrics of some variety, and to your shock and absolute awe, Peggy had saddled up to Steve Rogers. Steve was the guitarist of the Commandos, and he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying her company. Tony and Pepper were chatting with Clint and Sam the drummer and bassist of the Commandos, and Bruce Banner, your newly appointed second hand. James Barnes was nowhere to be seen.
“Well, well, good to see that most of you have arrived early!” You smirked walking to the head of the table with your big box of tour folders, Peter moving instantly to help you. “If I have not yet made your acquaintance, I am Kentucky, just Kentucky, you may call me Bluegrass or Lucky, but I will always prefer Kentucky. It has come to my immediate attention, that you sorry suckers were in need of a fantastic road manager, and here I am.” You survey the room as you spoke taking into account every face that you could see in the room and making sure everyone was following. “Now, where is James?”
————Some unnamed bar across town ————
Bucky’s head pounded. Wether it was from the booze or the pounding music he had no clue, but he could tell that it was far too early to be in this booth.
“You really went for it last night Barnes,” Bucky looks for the source of the voice to find that, Luke Cage, owner of the best bar in LA, was unloading boxes of tequila into his storage cabinets under the bar. “You shouldn’t have either, you’re late for your tour meeting.”
Bucky absorbed the information, and felt it melt out of his brain as if it were nothing more than an irritating ear worm. “How do you know about that?” He sighed running a hand down his face and slowly standing to grab his leather jacket.
“It’s sharpied onto your arm,” Luke chuckled pointing to Bucky’s right arm in just about the only clean space someone could fine. “Steve came in and did it last night before giving about a hundred dollars to let you sleep it off in that booth.”
“Of course he did,” Bucky scoffed, “the punk never knew when to leave well enough alone.” Bucky quickly slipped his sunglasses over his aching eyes, as he watched Luke slide a cup of coffee across the bar. “Goodbye Luke, your bar is the only thing I’m gonna miss about this town.”
“Goodbye Bucky, the free live music, and the fantastic tips are all I’m going to miss about you boys. I’ll tell Jess you said hello.” And with that final fond farewell, Bucky left Luke’s bar for the last time before he was trapped in a tour bus for six months.
The drive to Stark Records was as second nature to him as tying his shoes. He easily glided in between cars, making record time to his place of employment. He parked his bike next to a slot that occupied the sweetest little red corvette he’s seen in a good while. The tune in the reference catches his brain and he starts to whistle the chorus, wishing the artist formerly known as Prince was still around. He walked past Sharon, the desk clerk, giving her his customary wink and a smirk, stealing a sucker out of her candy dish and wandering into the meeting.
That’s when he saw her, the hottest piece of ass this side of the sunset strip. She looked powerful, she looked commanding, she was covered in tattoos and wearing the best looking little black number. She was saying his name. “Where is James?”
“Right here sweet thing, I hope I’m not too late to the party, I’d hate to miss anything that came out of that pretty little mouth.” Boy was it pretty, the full lips covered in a red shade that he could only seem to imagine smeared all over her moth as she panted his name.
“Ah, yes there he is. Hello, James. Just in time to-”
“James is my dad sugar, I’m sure we can think of something a little more clever for you to-”
“Alright then Junior if you don’t mind, I’m trying to conduct a meeting, and I will not be letting a drunken moron interupt my carefully planned work flow.”
Bucky’s jaw snapped shut as the people around him, some friends and some strangers, laughed at the clever lady’s little barb.
“Alright then, as I was saying, I’m here to help. I believe in the Peter Grant method of representation. The you-have-a-venue-you-want-it-filled-I-have-just-the-band-sixty-forty method.” She said, flipping her hair into a simple bun on the top of her head, which Bucky couldn’t find more attractive if he tried, “I have made hotel arrangements for every show, I have made bus arrangements, I have planned for added shows, and delayed dates. I have brought you the best opener I have, the best artists, roadies, security, and technicians I could scrape together, and most importantly, I have given you my time and my trust. I can make your touring life as easy and as simple as humanly possible, or I could ruin it. However, all I want is to get you out there, grinding again, reminding your fans the reason they love you. All you have to do, is let me work, and focus on the music. Can we do that?”
“Doll? I like the way you think.”
“Junior? It’s gonna be a long fucking six months.”
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puckngrind · 4 years
What’s In A Name: 9 - J. Toews
Chapter 9.
Where we left off: Jon poured his heart out to Bekah and she answered okay.
Warnings: smut, language, mentions of Humboldt crash
Word Count: 3,594
Series Masterlist ) Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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Jon left Columbus to finish the season with just an okay from Bekah. He didn’t push her answer and she didn’t elaborate.  It was a lot to process for both of them.  Jon felt tense leaving since he laid his entire heart at her feet knowing she could easily stomp on it when she finally came around to processing her feelings and answering him.  He didn’t care.  He loved her more than anyone or anything in his life.  Bekah cared about Jon but the fear was masking so many things for her.
It was hard for Bekah to watch the end of the season for a multitude of reasons but she did. The Blackhawks weren’t making the playoffs for the first time since Jon’s rookie year and with every loss she could hear Jon’s voice ringing in her ears that it was hard to focus on leading his team.  She felt a huge ping of guilt knowing she was at fault for his lack of focus. Bekah and Jon talked but she could tell he was giving her space and avoiding topics.
“Whatcha doing?” Brynn headed in to Bekah’s office for lunch and see Bekah clicking away feverishly.
“I was looking over Jon’s new foundation and this collaboration for the gardens.” Bekah answers but doesn’t look up at her best friend.
“Ah! Did you watch the game last night? They won, yes?” Brynn’s face contorts but she recovers.
“Yes. 6-2. You know what he wants to do with this foundation is incredible but could use some tweaking, right?” Bekah finally looks at Brynn.
“Like a mastermind marketing badass could fix if she were to leave say her best friend and move to Chicago with the hot ass hockey man who has professed his love and she just answered okay even though she loves him too and is way too chicken shit to jump fully in?” Brynn raises her eyebrows and shoves a bite into her mouth.
“Wow! You really just...” Bekah leans back in her chair.
“Went there? Yes. Yes. Yes I did. Have you told him you love him?”
“No.” Bekah barely whispers.
“Because?” Brynn rolls her hand to get Bekah to continue.
“Rin, that’s not something you do over the phone, okay?”
“But you love him?” Brynn shoves another bite in her mouth and stares at Bekah.
“I mean...”
“Don’t do this what’s in a name it’s not a relationship bull shit again Bekah! That man poured his heart out to you. Told you he tries to replicate your scent when you leave. Can you imagine him in the kitchen with a spice rack and a splash of vanilla? It’s romantic as fuck and your answer was just okay. And he was fine with that! You told Captain Jonathan Bryan Toews, OM okay... do you know how many women wish they were you?” Brynn sucked in a breath and stared at be her best friend.
“OM?” Bekah questions.
“That’s what you are focusing on?  Okay.”  Brynn rolls her eyes and chuckles.  “You really don’t google him do ya?” Brynn smirks as Bekah shakes her head no.  “OM. Order of Manitoba. It’s the highest award the territory can give to outstanding citizens. Jon received it maybe the first summer you two were not defining things.” Bekah’s mouth opens and closes. “Google him friend. I did it recently. There are some super cute pictures of the two of you. The WAG pages think you two are adorable which I will say, they aren’t always nice to the woman so bravo.” Brynn gets up to leave.
“Wait, I’m in his google search?” Bekah croaks out.
“Yes friend. You are considered his girlfriend by everyone but yourself.” Brynn dropped the bomb, waves and walks down the hall.
Bekah types Jon’s name out. Sure enough their pictures from the Gala were in the first line and then from winning the cup and a few more from games including her in the jacket. Bekah could not believe that Brynn was right. The WAG blogs mentioned that Bekah loosened up Captain Serious. Also, one mentioned they were cute together and you could see how much he loved her. That statement was paired with a picture from his 2015 cup win and Bekah felt the lump in her throat. She stared off into space processing everything.
Bekah was working and barely watching the game against the Blues. She didn’t even notice the game was over until Jon’s was calling.
“Hey!” Bekah is greeted by the sounds of almost sobs. “Jon, are you crying? Babe!” Bekah’s voice calm but her brain racing.
“Beks, there was a crash. A junior hockey team from Canada.” Was all he could mustard up before the emotion caught up with him.
“Oh Jon!” Bekah clicked open a new window and searched. Her eyes misty. “Those families.” She whispers.
“Yeah, I’m going to head there next week before you come, okay?” Jon sniffles trying to regain his composure.
“Do you want me to come?” Bekah asked and while Jon wanted her to he knew her time off was limited.
“No but thanks. I’ll see you in two weeks, okay? Lo... Later Beks.” Jon cleared his throat and they hung up.
She clicked off the website and into her email. She typed out an email to her boss. A tear streaming down her cheek and she swiped it away. She hadn’t been in the hockey community long but she knew this loss was one that would stay with them forever, she could feel it.  
Two weeks later, Bekah was on a plane to Chicago as planned. Jon waiting for her, this time with a small bouquet of flowers in hand. “Beks!” He pulls her up and kisses her sweetly.
“How are you?” She surveyed his face after an emotional two weeks he looked good but with a glimmer missing from his eye.
“I’m okay. Glad you are here. Let’s go get your bag.” He slides his hand in her’s and she feels a jolt as they touch. He lifts the bag off the conveyor belt with ease. “We can grab lunch then head to my place.”
“Wait!” Bekah spotted her other bag a few feet back and snags it.
“Beks, why so many bags?” Jon’s eyebrow raises.
“I... I... well... Tae.” She looks deep into his eyes.
“Spit it out, Baby.” Jon’s hand lets go of the luggage and the back of his hand swipes her cheek.
“I love you, Tae!” She almost shouts. Jon’s face lights up.
“Say that again?” He leans towards her face unsure if he heard the woman he loves correctly.
“Je t’aime Jonathan!” She giggles.
Jon lifts her up and spins her around. His kiss a little too strong for an airport but he doesn’t care. “Je t’aime Beks!” He places her back down on the ground. “But the fact that you love me doesn’t explain the extra suitcase.” His eyebrow rises again.
“Well, I took a sabbatical from work for the next 3 months.” Bekah’s feels the pink in her cheeks.
“You what?!?” Jon voice echoes off the walls.
“I took a sabbatical to figure out all of this without losing my job. Now I need to find a place to live here.” Bekah bats her eyelashes at Jon with a smirk.
“Oh, if you think for one damn second I’m letting you live anywhere beyond next to me in bed, you must be out of your ever lovin’ mind!” Jon kisses her again. “Let’s go home and celebrate you coming to your senses, m’kay?” He chuckles.
“But you said lunch?” Bekah whined. As Jon envelopes her hand in his. The bouquet tucked in his fingers.
“We will eat. Promise.” He winks and Bekah feels a jolt through her body again.
Jon presses Bekah to the side of his car when they finally reach it. “I’m so glad you love me back.” He kisses her hard and Bekah moans in his mouth.
“You really didn’t think I loved you, Tae?” Bekah captures his cheek in her hands and runs her thumb over his lips.
“Honestly, I thought you were coming here to break up with me. Well you cannot break up with someone you haven’t officially called your boyfriend but yeah. I thought you were coming to tell me you just cannot do this anymore.” Jon’s eyes well up with the thoughts that have been plaguing his mind since February.
“Tae. I... I’m a... damnit. I’m an idiot.” Jon shakes his head.
“You aren’t an idiot Beks.  We decided not to call this anything. We are both idiots if anything.” Bekah laughs.
“Well, we might not have used the terms but the internet sure has given us a label.” Bekah smiles big up as Jon stares into her eyes.
“What?” Jon questions.
“Rin convinced me to google you. The internet has called me your girlfriend for some time now.” Bekah pulls him into her further.
“And what do you think about that label?”
“I don’t hate it.” Jon’s lips graze hers. “I’ve learned other things too.”
“Oh yeah?” Jon pulls away realizing they were in public. “Wanna tell me what you learned on the way home?”
“Sure, J Bone.” Bekah snickers.
“Merde. I think I liked it when you refused to look.” Jon looks down at his hand. “Oh, these are for you.” Jon hands her the almost forgotten bouquet of wildflowers and she breathes them in.
“Tae, no man has ever given me flowers for no reason.” Bekah slides into his car after he opens the door.
“Well get use to it Beks. You deserve it.” Jon jogs around and Bekah feels the heat in her cheeks. Jon buckles and looks over.
“Why are you flush?” Jon runs his thumb over her cheek.
“Jon, you are too good to me. I can count on one hand how many times my ex gave me flowers and that’s including Valentines Day and my birthday. We aren’t even whatever and you’ve given me flowers a few times already.” Bekah’s nose wrinkles up thinking about her ex and how polar opposite Jon was.
“Well, as I said when we met. His loss, my gain.” Jon’s jaw tightens as he backs out of the parking spot. “Speaking of birthdays, we didn’t celebrate yours.” Jon places his hand on her thigh while driving home.
“And your 30th is in what a week and a half?” Bekah's fingers dance in his hair.
“Do we need to talk about my over the hill status?”
“I’m 30, Tae. Am I old?” Bekah flicks at his ear.
“There is no right answer, so I pled the 5th.” Jon smirks.
“Can Canadians do that?” The both laugh. “You aren’t old Jon.” He squeezes her thigh and looks over.
“In hockey terms 30 is kinda old. When your career starts before you are 20 by the time 30 hits you start to feel old Beks.” He flinches.
“Well we need to celebrate and I’m not taking no for an answer Tazer.” Bekah bites the inside of her cheek waiting for his response to another nickname she learned.
“I really liked when you didn’t know all the dirt Google has on me.” Jon grabs her hand and brings it to his lips.
“And crowd surfing Tae? Now that was a video.”
“Oh. My. God. Please stop.” Jon’s face starts to turn pink.
“The French interviews.... oof. Is it hot in here?” Bekah fans herself.
“Beks.” His face gets hotter.
“I’ve never seen you so... so... embarrassed. It’s kinda sexy.” Bekah squeezes his hand and he smiles.
“Not sure that is the case but thanks.” They pulled in to his home. “Welcome home-ish.” Jon looks over not sure what she will say and sees Bekah smile. “That smile is what I’m talking about. I was afraid I was gonna get kick back for that.”
“How long are we staying in Chicago for?” Bekah opens the door and Jon already has jumped out and is retrieving her bags.
“We can talk calendar later and I think a few trips are in order since we can actually vacation together.” Jon dips down and places his lips on hers.
“So Tae, which room is mine then? The one guest bed is super comfy.” Bekah twirls as she enters and starts to head upstairs. She looks back at a dumbfounded Jon.
“All of them Beks. All the rooms are yours!” He some how bounds up the steps with both her suitcases in hand making it look easy.
“Well fuck that was hot.” Bekah turns back and keeps going.
“No kiss for that Beks? Come on!” Jon shouts as he follows her up.
“I was thinking of something better since I guess you are officially have boyfriend status.” Bekah reached his master bedroom door frame and slinks out of her tank dress to reveal the navy blue lingerie set that was maybe the most uncomfortable thing to travel in but Jon’s face was fully worth it.
“Holy fuck Beks. You’ve had that on the whole time?” He drops the bags in the middle of the hall almost runs to her, pulling Bekah up into his arms. Bringing her core right to his waist. She wraps her legs around him.
“I was hoping my declaration of love would be well received.” She breathes out. “And that TSA wouldn’t want to do a strip search.” Jon chuckles.
“I would have driven faster if I knew this was hiding under that cute dress.” Jon brings one hand up and behind him without letting her go. His hand pulls his shirt off his body then lets it fall to the floor with the slight switch of his hands on her ass. Bekah’s lips ghosting his pulse points and Adam’s apple then sucks along the base of his neck while Jon pulls her up his abs to remove his jeans.
“How are you undressing without putting me down?” Bekah leans back and takes in Jon’s lack of clothing. Without answering Jon presses Bekah into the wall and she feels how rock hard he is. “Tae.” She breathes in the heat that has ignited between them.
“Yes Beks?” Jon slides his lips from her ear to the top of the lace. Nibbling at her exposed breasts.
“Make love to me.” She smiles remembering Sedona and the way he looked at her then. Now she wonders in that instant how long she had been fighting this love they shared.
“Happily. Je vais prendre soin de vous, mon amour.” Jon whispers before capturing her lips in his.
“Translation please.” Bekah moans when he moves to peppering her jawline then back to her neck.
“I’ll take care of you, My Love.” Jon whispers and carries Bekah to his bed.
“Damnit I need to learn French.” Bekah sucks in as Jon lays on top of her.
“I’ll teach you Baby.” His concentration was on worshiping her body and less on their conversation. Each swipe of his lips and tongue caused a different sound to escape Bekah’s lips. “Do you want me to take this off...” his hand grazes the bottom of her breast and down the corset. “Or would you prefer to keep it on?” He moves lower running his finger between the delicate lace and her hip.
“Up to you Tae.” She breathes out. “It’s all for you.” His eyebrows furrowed for a moment then he lowers the panties and tosses them to the side.
“Definitely don’t need those.” His fingers slide down for a moment. “Now this...” his fingers run up the wire of the corset. Bekah’s muscles reacting to his touch. “this let me think about.” He smirks then kisses her hip moving across to her other hip then her core. All Bekah could think about on the plane ride was his reaction so her body was already all worked up. “Beks, you are so wet!” He licks through her folds and she melts under this touch. His hand glides back up to cup her breast. She captures it in hers and he looks up.
“I’ve been thinking about having you inside of me since the moment I put this on this morning. My clit has been throbbing since you held me in the airport.” Bekah breathes out and without responding, Jon pushes his boxers off his body and slides up to kiss her lips.
“As you wish.” Jon bites at her lip and thrusts in. Bekah moans as the familiar stretch sends a shock wave throughout her body. His hand pulls at her leg so he can deepen himself but doesn’t let his lips off her body for more than a second. Every thrust of his hips causes the room to be filled moans and grunts. Bekah grabs his back as she feels her orgasm build. “Let it go baby. I got you.” Jon’s hand snakes around Bekah’s back and holds her in place as she hits her high only slowing his motion for a moment before snapping his hips back into her with a force that moves both of them up the bed.
“Jon...”. Bekah moans loudly. Jon captures her lips on his again.
“I know Baby. I’m there, Love. Come with me.” Jon whispers and sends both of them reaching their highs. He rides them through it and crashes onto Bekah’s chest. Both gasping for air. Jon rolls over and pulls Bekah to his chest.
“Wow. If I knew telling you that I loved you would cause that...” Bekah finally breaks the blissed out silence. Jon laughs in her ear.
“And we can do this whenever we want since we don’t have to worry when one of us is leaving.” Jon kisses her temple. “Which sounds so damn amazing.” Bekah hums in agreement and her stomach growls. “Fuck, lunch. I’ll make lunch. Give me like 10 minutes.” He kisses her and slips out of bed. Bekah whistles as he bends over to pull on his briefs.
She slides out and grabs a t-shirt of Jon’s out of his drawer. She finds her way to his game room. Her fingers run along each jersey. Wondering what Jon was like playing in each one. “Whatcha doin’ there Beks?” Jon leans against the door frame with a sandwich for her.
“Did I know you for any of these?” She points to his wall of jerseys. He nods and points. “And you have rings and medals and such somewhere, right?” Jon places the plate on his ping pong table and wraps his arms around Bekah.
“Yeah. I’m guessing you want to see?” Jon kisses the top of her head and leads her to a safe off in the corner. Punching in the code he opens it up to reveal his rings and medals and other priceless items.
“Wow Tae.” She laughs picking up the gold medal from Sochi with a nod of approval from him and places it around her neck. Jon tightens his grip around her.
“That medal has never looks so good.” He picks her up kissing her hard.
“You’ve got some serious hardware, Captain.” Bekah bites her lip and Jon’s eyes narrow.
“Want me to show you some hardware Baby?” He groans while pressing her again the wall. He pulls down his briefs and slides into her the gold from his medal cold on his abdomen.
“Oh. Tae.” Bekah kisses him hard and feels him deep inside her. She leans her head back against the wall as he rocks into her. She feels the weight of the medal and her orgasm as he presses her harder into the wall his head buried in her neck. He releases deep inside her and pumps slowly as she comes down from her high. Bekah grabs the medal as he kisses her softly and lowers her back down. Flicking his briefs back on Jon smirks down at her.
“Let me get that.” Jon slowly pulls the medal off her neck and places it back where it goes. Slowly he turns to look at her with a glimmer in his eye.
“What’s that look for?” Bekah walks towards her sandwich feeling her stomach about to start growling again.
“Nothin’” Jon follows her and wraps her up in his arms.
“That face doesn’t say nothing.” Bekah takes a bite and looks back at Jon.
“Well the boys were chirping me about you not really liking hockey or caring about all this.” He points to the things on the wall. “Kaner asked if you’ve even seen my gold medals yet?” Jon laughs a little. “Now that will be forever in my head when I talk about my Olympic wins.”
“Oh great.” Bekah huffed out and Jon laughs hard. “I’m sorry. Can we go back to the boys chirping you about me?” Bekah shifts her body to face Jon.
“Oh you caught that, eh?” Jon smiles.
“Ope...for sure I did.” Bekah’s eyes narrow.
“Beks, the team knows who you are because they’ve seen you and regardless of what we called this until now I haven’t shut up about you. They were all worried the spotlight was keeping you at a distance and you were going to break my heart.” Jon kisses her forehead.
“I... I... I don’t really know how to process that Tae.” Bekah looks up at him and places her chin on his chest.
“You don’t have to process it now. You will officially meet the guys and their wives and such slowly so don’t worry. Summer is here and we all spread out. Speaking of, let’s talk vacation.” Jon and Bekah’s eyes both light up at the thought of traveling.
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