#but anything more intense is regarded as sketchy
transmechanicus · 4 months
Kind of hard to ask as anon
But you doing ok?
Need to vent?
Hi very kind and thoughtful of you to ask, i am doing mmmmm suboptimal but i do not need to vent to a person per se, so much as i need to say absolutely insane shit in my tags and have everyone pretend not to see <3
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spark-river · 19 days
Lucifer - pride
Over the years Lucifer figured out how he could incorporate the love for his brothers into his sin. It took a lot of effort especially at the start when he was still feeling a lot of shame and was very irritated due to that. (Shame was against his sin and he did everything in his power to not feel that. Sometimes even to destructive degrees.)
For Mammon he takes a lot of pride in how his brother took care of their younger siblings. Even if he can be a bit sketchy and focused on money at times, Lucifer can rely on him when it counts.
Lucifer grew so proud of Levi when he started finding himself through games and anime. He may not understand it or even regard all the money spend on figurines as wasted. But he'll always feel proud to know how good his brother is with computers and how much he knows about his own interests.
Satan would vehemently deny having done anything to make Lucofer proud. Despising the notion of his brother being proud of him, at least externally. Still Lucifer now feels an intense level of pride just looking at Satan. He's come so far and can even live amongst the others without much difficulty. Lucifer loves how he has carved an identity for himself. Controlling his emotions in a way Lucifer doubts he ever truly could.
Asmo is still as beautiful as ever and Lucifer would only fuel his ego with his own opinion. But he is proudest of how well Asmo learned to blend in with the demons. Becoming one and holding his head high. Sticking out from a crowd without it being bad. Lucifer may not be interested in the fame of his brother but he's positively impressed by his social skills.
Lucifer respects Beel a lot for the difficult decision he had to make in the Celestial War. He's proud to say that his brother is still living and loving them all despite the pain. On a more happy note, he can't help but get excited with every fangol game Beel wins. Or the way he's so ready to protect his family.
At first Lucifer was very irritated by Belphegor's way of constant sleep and his lack of activity. By now he got used to it somewhat, even if he's still miffed. He will always be proud of his test scores, totally aware that Belphegor did not study for them. He's glad seeing his brother make an effort from time to time to hang out with everyone. Proud how much his family managed to stay together even if their sins tried to drive them apart.
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yuurivoice · 6 months
I always forget that in the bittersweet summary around the beginning of chapter 3(i think, I haven't watched it in a hot minute) you mention that bittersweet is based off of your irl trauma/experiences(again, haven't watched it in a bit, sorry if I got anything wrong!(
Yeah! Not in its entirety or intensity, obviously but certainly in some regards I tapped into various experiences and feelings.
Seth & Jessie's relationship. Conflicted sexual romantic feelings with friends in settings where people might be homophobic. Being around crime in a criminal/gang setting. Alphonse and the loss of his parents. etc. and so forth.
I think the reason I am so drawn to adding the fantastical elements to the story is because it was my own fantasies and daydreams that helped me cope through a lot of those times. That and I just love urban fantasy.
So yeah, there's a lot going on that I draw from. I am not proud that in my youth I was in some sketchy places with sketchy people. I come from a family of bikers, and if you've been around motorcycle clubs and that sort of thing, you know that it's not uncommon for drugs, guns, real scummy types of people to be a part of that. If you've ever been to a club house, you get the vibes.
None of it was ever that dramatic or serious, but I was in close enough proximity to feel anxious and sick that I was there. That type of shit.
The parental aspects throughout BitterSweet are absolutely based in personal situations and relationships I've had with my own parents. My father and I were estranged when I was 15, he passed away when I was 16 just a couple weeks after I got something vaguely shaped like an apology. But before that, he was my hero. I looked up to him the way Seth looked up to Jessie, despite the flaws. So I've had something to say about relationships like that. Probably always will. Alphonse is sorta the flipside of that. The unfinished, imperfect feeling left when a relationship is suddenly cut short. That's something we'll get into in Chapter 4.
There are positive inspirations too. BitterSweet is the direct result of my experiences with soul mates, platonic, romantic, and everything in between. I wanted to talk about how transformative love could be, because I had (and continue to) experience it myself. Forgiveness and grace are things I've learned to extend to people who I wouldn't have expected to before that, and that shows up in the series as well.
So yes, BitterSweet is deeply personal to me and is so much more than just the relationship between the trio. They're wonderful and I love them and I love them as a package deal, but it's much bigger than that. The themes are much broader, and much deeper than "will they all end up together!?" which is why the Polyamory Discourse (TM) that cropped up around the end of Chapter 3 was deeply fucking offensive to me. The word "queerbaiting" was tossed around, which might be the most preposterous bullshit I'd ever had hurled my way in my years of being on the internet. It's okay, college freshmen whose first fandom was Voltron can be loud and obnoxious on the internet. LOL
Anywho. Shoutout to y'all who picked up what I was putting down. For everyone else, eat my cheeks.
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feral orion pax.... got anything?
I've always got more feral Orion Pax! I wouldn't be a fan if I didn't.
The Wildling of the Archives
When Ratchet was young he met Orion Pax while searching for a medical text. It was a simple meeting and he found himself enjoying the company of the well mannered and soft spoken student of the master archivist. During the vorns they spent developing their friendship, Ratchet developed a very specific view of his friend, one that was so deeply engrained into his mind that when Orion finally felt comfortable enough to show some of his more wild traits, it took Ratchet by complete and total surprise.
It started small of course. Orion began simply by showing off his fanged denta more often, a sign of trust since most shied away in fear when he smiled. Ratchet raised a brow but said nothing in regards to Orion's denta. He had seen far more interesting mutations and modifications in the medical ward. A fanged set of denta was nothing to him.
Then when Orion grew more comfortable he also started wrapping his field around Ratchet's, albeit hesitantly at first. That set off a few alarm bells for Ratchet but he once again didn't make a comment on it since Orion never smothered him in his field or tried anything sketchy. To Ratchet it seemed like a greeting and defensive gesture and so he allowed it to be without issue. Of course when Orion began quietly allowing bits of emotion to flow through and into his field Ratchet began to reconsider his stance on remaining silent. But as Ratchet observed and saw that the emotions were all soothing and protective in nature he opted to continue to allow Orion to do as he wished. It was odd having another constantly wrap him up in their field as if he were a glass doll, especially in Iacon where every mech kept their fields tucked as close as possible. But Ratchet had heard tales of places where such behavior was normal and so thinking Orion must have come from such a location on Cybertron, he began returning the gesture.
The first time he allowed his field to tentatively reach out to Orion's, the archivist's optics blew wide and he nearly dropped what he was holding to stare in awe. The surprise didn't last for long as a huge smile soon spread across Orion's face which was quickly followed by his field intermingling with Ratchet's happily. It was rather overwhelming and Ratchet pulled his field back, wrapping it as close to his protoform as he could while he dealt with the string of emotions that came from Orion's end. And while Orion looked apologetic and somewhat put off by his harsh retreat, the archivist never took the moment to spark and life continued as always, with Ratchet sometimes allowing his field to brush across and mingle with Orion's when he was feeling confident.
On such occasions Orion never ceased to smile in joy, his whole frame puffed up in pride as if he had just won something. Ratchet did not understand at all but as usual didn't comment on the increasing oddity that was Orion Pax... right up until Orion went nuts when a mech began harassing him.
Ratchet had always been told he was pretty, by his peers, his friends, and even by Orion on occasion. But the mech before him was taking it too far, probing and getting in his personal space in such a way that Ratchet wanted to purge. Throughout most of the interaction Orion had been civil, watching and glaring at the mech, his ever so slightly clawed digits curled up in a fist but otherwise not acting. But when the mech got close enough for his field to touch where Orion's wrapped around Ratchet like a shield, revealing all the mech's perverted intentions, all hell broke loose. Before the mech could react Orion screeched with enough volume and intensity to cause the nearby mecha to pause and stare in horror as Orion punched the mech clean in the face. He didn't stop there and clambered all over the mech, digging his claws into exposed seams and biting down on any piece of plating he could connect to.
It was the most terrifying deviation from the normal, kind, and calm archivist that Ratchet knew, so much so that he fell back to the ground in shock as his friend tore into the mech. Orion only stopped when Ratchet regained his senses enough to tear Orion off the mech even as Orion hissed and flailed, eager to get back into the one sided beatdown he was engaging in. Even when he finally calmed enough to disengage, Orion clung to him, his plating flared and growling at any mecha who came near, even officers who came to investigate. Ratchet was contemplating trying to knock his friend out or even make a run for it when Alpha Trion turned up, scruffed Orion, and dealt with the situation.
Orion was kept away from everyone for a few days afterward and when he did meet with Ratchet... it was awkward until Ratchet just asked the question that had been eating at him.
Ratchet: What in the pits was that?!
Orion: It was... a reaction from my base coding
Ratchet: Your base coding is still active?
Orion: Yes, and when I get... attached to other mecha, it tends to act up more often around them. My apologies.
Ratchet was dumbstruck by the revelation. Never once did he imagine that his kind and quiet archivist had active base coding. Not only that, but the fact that it was active had worrying implications. After all, the only way base coding remains active in fully developed mecha is due to extreme stress or exposure to another with active codes. And since Ratchet was 99% sure no one else in the archives had active base codes, he held Orion close after the revelation and treated him with all the care in the world as he dug around looking for who might have hurt his dear friend.
Orion didn't notice Ratchet's efforts and just seemed oh so pleased with Ratchet's affection that he was completely unaware as Ratchet rooted out the entire archive. He dug around in staff records, scanned through security footage, looked for anything suspicious, and even did some basic questioning. He also may or may not have given Jazz a handful of shanix to get him files on individuals that he found to possibly be involved somehow. But eventually Alpha Trion stepped in and let Ratchet know that "No, Orion was not abused. He just came from the wilds" once again leaving Ratchet dumbstruck. He had been so certain he was dealing with an abuse case that he overlooked another possible answer.
He felt like an idiot and did not reveal the fact he had gone rooting through everyone Orion had ever interacted with. He still couldn't bring himself to stop giving Orion affection even after he was made aware of Orion's situation. However even with everything cleared up and Orion's behavior being given a viable cause, Ratchet still did not expect to find a dead mech-animal on his workstation around a half vorn after Orion's tussle with the mech who had bothered him. This he did comment on and told Orion quite firmly that "no, dead mech-animals are not proper presents for civilized mecha, but thank you all the same".
Orion sheepishly nodded at being told as such and didn't bring Ratchet anything of that variety again. But the medic in training often found small shiny things on his workstation instead. Once he even found what looked to be an optic, earning an innocent shrug from Orion when Ratchet brought it to him in horror. And while Ratchet did get rid of the optic, he kept everything else Orion gave him in a small and methodically organized container. He made sure to write the date of when he received each gift and kept everything clean and well maintained. Of course if anyone commented on his box of trinkets from his friend, they received a seething glare and promptly left the topic alone.
By the time Orion began preparing to go and perform politically and meet Megatronus, Ratchet had grown used to Orion's behavior and even welcomed it. He pretended to not see the subtle scratches Orion left on his plating after their meetings, a sign that he knew to be a claim of sorts. He did not object to Orion playing the role of a protector when they went out and even found it calming to have Orion stand tall, plating firm and slightly flared as he glared at passers by. He especially found it nice to not have to deal with unwanted mecha as Orion would make his claim explicitly clear by wrapping his arms around Ratchet and growling lowly. It usually got the point across, sometimes even causing misunderstandings in regards to their relationship. But in the odd event that Orion's behavior didn't warn off an offender... well, Orion had more than a few charges of assault tacked onto his record.
Ratchet was surprised to see his archivist so possessive and wild when he allowed himself to relax, but he enjoyed the company of Orion all the same.
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misty--nights · 2 months
Here's a short silly thing inspired by this convo with @anshares (you really have to stop giving me such fun ideas). I wrote this in like 30 minutes with no regards for historical accuracy. Enjoy some silly ghost kings banter and He Xuan being down bad for Shi Qingxuan because I have a brand and am incapable of writing his pov without making him pine pathetically ^^
“Is this what you spend my money on?” Hua Cheng asks from his side. He Xuan rolls his eyes.
“What do you care?” He Xuan finally asks. The glass bottle in his hands feels far too frail, like it could shatter with one wrong movement. He Xuan very carefully doesn’t think about what else—who else—feels too fragile under his hands. “I’ll pay you back either way.”
“I’m sure you will,” Hua Cheng mutters. His attention is fixed elsewhere, though, eye caught by a little box decorated with delicate white flowers. One track mind, He Xuan thinks, but doesn’t say.
One can find just about anything in Ghost City. There are many sketchy, and even downright dangerous establishments, but there are also genuine shops, with rare products that are nearly impossible to find elsewhere. It’s just a matter of knowing where to look. He Xuan has had centuries to familiarize himself with the place. He knows exactly where everything he needs can be found. And right now, what he needs is a new hair product Shi Qingxuan has been raving about.
He Xuan opens the bottle in his hands and takes a deep breath. The product inside smells sweet. Like a meadow, he thinks, and the summer breeze. It’s a familiar smell, the same one his mind has come to associate with Shi Qingxuan, the one he always catches when the Wind Master throws his head back to laugh. He Xuan closes his eyes, and he can almost hear that precious laughter. His treacherous chest clenches at that and he knows if he were still alive his whole face would be blushing.
Hua Cheng is looking at him when he opens his eyes again. He raises an eyebrow at him, and He Xuan has to resist the urge to growl. He still has products to buy. It won’t serve him well to anger Hua Cheng before he pays. A silver butterfly flutters down to land on Hua Cheng’s shoulder and his mouth twists into a sharp, dangerous smile.
“What?” He Xuan asks, closing the bottle again and setting it down on the shelf he took it from.
“Nothing,” Hua Cheng says, but that smile is still there, sharper by the second. “Just wait until the next time you complain about my face when talking about His Highness.”
He Xuan feels a shiver run up his spine. He won’t ask, won’t give Hua Cheng the satisfaction, but he knows whatever face he was making when smelling the product will be a blow to his pride for years to come.
“Whatever,” he mutters. He tries to sound indifferent, but he knows it’s not very convincing. Hua Cheng, thanks to some miracle, doesn’t call him out on it. “There’s supposed to be a new scent from this manufacturer. Help me find it.”
“You think I’m here to do your work for you?” Hua Cheng asks with a scoff. He still sets the little box down on the counter and turns towards the hair product bottles. He Xuan doesn’t call him out on it. “Why do you need a different one, anyways? I thought you always used the same.”
“Shi Qingxuan mentioned the new scent reminded him of me,” He Xuan replies without much thought.
He realizes his mistake a second later. Hua Cheng has turned to look at him with an intensity he doesn’t like, both eyebrows raised in surprise. He Xuan holds his gaze for a long moment before he has to look away. Once more, he feels like he would be blushing if he could.
“Well,” Hua Cheng says. He Xuan waits for him to say more, but he doesn’t.
There’s an odd look on his face when He Xuan turns to look at him, one that feels too knowing. In the silence that settles around them, he debates the merits of just puffing out of existence. He doesn’t know how he’ll be able to look Hua Cheng in the eye again after this.
“Just help me find the damn bottle,” he finally manages to bite out after what feels like an eternity.
Hua Cheng just hums and turns back towards the shelf. He lets the topic go for now, but He Xuan is not so naïve. He knows Hua Cheng, and he knows he won’t let it go forever. This conversation will come up again, at the worst possible moment. He will brace himself for that. Until then, though, he will do his very best to pretend he never said anything incriminating, pretend nothing has changed since he first took Ming Yi’s place as the Earth Master. After all, he has become truly amazing at lying to himself on that matter.
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 1 year
What was the formative experience that made you realise sex work was a thing you wanted to do?
You're obviously very good at it, so was it something that arose from your sex life? Or were you driven (positively) to it by something else?
Well, I'd say it was a combination of several important factors (sorry, this is a looong one)
First, I spent a almost half of my twenties in a mostly long-distance relationship. It was made clear to me that in the course of this relationship that if I didn't provide titillating images/video to my partner, they would amuse themselves elsewhere. So I was always trying desperately to push myself in that regard, because I wanted them to myself. More importantly, I needed to feel wanted as well. I got used to expressing my sexuality and desire through the camera, because that was what always garnered the strongest positive response. Even if that meant going into sketchy situations sometimes in pursuit of that response. So that was six years of my life (before the relationship imploded spectacularly) and that reward loop got hardwired in there pretty good.
Fast forward to a couple of years ago. Terminally single for over 5 years. Hated my life, hated myself. Could barely stand to look at myself in the mirror, much less take a decent selfie any more. My libido had shriveled up and died. Masturbating was a chore that I usually avoided because it mostly just made me more acutely aware of how lonely I was, and because I had nobody to comfortably fantasize about. And then I met D and that sparked me up something fierce! I felt desirable again. And of course pictures (and more specifically his reaction to them) was a way to confirm that I was still sexy to someone. Someone that I was falling for intensely. After a month of fun dates and amazing sex, he left town and history repeated itself when this dumb bitch got all wrapped up in yet another LDR. And boom, back to sending pics as a way of keeping the desire going.
And then, inevitably, it didn't work out. He broke it off last year. And I realized that if I didn't do something to keep that positive feedback going, my libido was going to die again. And then I probably would also go back to being unable to ever look at myself in the mirror or love a single thing about my body or have an orgasm more than once every six months or whatever. Similarly, my revamped sense of artistic drive and creativity would probably also dry up without the occasional mood lift.
So that's when I decided to start an OnlyFans to channel all of my horny creative energy into something somewhat productive/lucrative. Having subscribers (and also lots of wonderful Tumblr supporters) encourages me to stick to it and continue making content. I don't make all that much money off of it for the most part, it's mostly just a creative outlet. An effort to remind myself that I am worth something, anything. If not ever loveable or dateable, at least attractive to some.
TLDR: the only big relationship of my twenties trained me to get off extra on positive responses from sexy pics, then after my last failed relationship I decided to start an OF to continue getting positive responses (and also moneys) rather than let my libido go into hibernation
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zachary305 · 2 months
My time at San Diego Comic-Con!
About a year ago, I was lucky enough to attend the 2023 San Diego Comic-Con with my dad. As an early birthday gift, we had bought tickets almost 6 months prior and I was beyond excited in the time leading up to it. I had never been to a con, so going to one for the first time, let alone one on such a large scale, was beyond intimidation, but I had a plan. I was going to cosplay, see all the biggest panels, wait in all the biggest lines, buy as much as I could carry and just generally have a great time. However, even before the event started I realized that I might have bit off more than I could chew. My original plan was to cosplay as chainsaw man. I was already building cardboard chainsaws and everything, but that plan quickly fell through as I realized I definitely wasn’t crafty enough for that. So instead, I decided to cosplay as The Spot from the animated film, Spiderman: Across the Spider-verse. I was more than proud of the cosplay I had created for it; I decided to go specifically with the outfit he was wearing when he was robbing the convenience store at the beginning of the film, so I didn’t have to go around in only a white morph suit. I handmade some of the costume using a white morph suit, black fabric, fabric pencils to create the sketchy style he has in the movie, the outfit he wore, and I even carried around a tiny atm (if you know, you know). It looked great, but seeing as at the time I was more on the heavy-set side, I was definitely grateful I went for the more covered look. 
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Anyway, the time came and we arrived at comic-con, but that’s when the other flaw of my ambitious plan brought itself to light. This year’s comic-con was a little more lackluster in terms of panels and guests, because it was at the height of the actors and writers strikes. So some of the biggest names in movies and tv dropped out of the event because they had nothing they could present. I didn’t let that get me down though and I ended up attending some really awesome panels, like the HBO Animation panel where I got to see a first look at their brand new series, Fiona and Cake. I also had a BLAST on the showroom floor where I encountered things that I now recognize as part of the fandom experience as discussed in our course.
To start, my cosplay was a MASSIVE success. I was constantly stopped for pictures and it felt like I was a celebrity (carrying around the atm was a great choice). One of my most fond experiences on the floor was when a younger girl dressed up as Spider-Punk (a character from the same movie as my cosplay) ran up to me and started begging for a picture. Afterwards, she looked at me and asked “What did spiderman say when he caught the spot?”
I responded with “I don't know”.
and in the most excited voice imaginable she yelled “That hit the spot!”
She laughed and went back to her parents who thanked us and went on their way. I still think that is one of my favorite interactions I’ve had in regards to fandom and really encapsulates the idea of owning fiction. Cosplay is the perfect means of basically becoming the fiction you consume and it really does make you feel that you’ve accrued something worthwhile, even if it wasn’t anything more than cultural wealth.
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So, back to the showroom floor experience. When we first walked in, I was astounded at the sheer number of shops and venues that existed. It was almost overwhelming, but not enough to make me turn back. Now when it comes to these venues, there were 2 things in particular I was surprised by; a majority of people actually cared enough about themself to wear deodorant and the amount of free stuff that the booths gave me was intense. It felt like every booth they were assaulting you with one trinket or another. One moment I was taking a picture with these spiderman statues and the next I’m being handed a free comic and a discount on the new spiderman game. Another moment I’m doing a photo op with a star wars speeder and as soon as I step off they hand me an umbrella (???). It was a lot, but I really enjoyed it. However, most of the free things weren’t from fans, but rather the brands themselves, looking to sell their product to me. The fan-ran booths were a completely different story.
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I ended up buying less than I expected, but definitely enough to leave me satisfied. One of the things I bought was this star wars poster that I have hanging up in my dorm right now. Me and the artist really connected and he ended up signing the poster for me. However, that's one of the very few fan-offered content I bought, because what I found at the event was that most of the fan-content was extremely expensive and way out of my price range. Not to say they were priced incorrectly, but rather that I underestimated the value of the products they were creating. These artists were the perfect example of turning your own fan-experience into profit. They had everything from One Piece merchandise to Kingdom Hearts posters on display (I actually really wanted this one Kingdom Hearts poster but it was so expensive that it would have left me with no room to buy anything else). They had created this art out of their love for the fiction that inspired it and they were using this to accrue a real world profit. Like in Genshiken, they were creating productivity out of their fandom experience.
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Looking back, I see now how the experience was an integral part in accepting my social identity. Before going to the event, I was a little nervous about how I would be perceived, in the same vein as the main characters in Genshiken. At the end of the day though, these were all people who enjoyed the same things as me and were also looking to express that. That was the reason I had such a good time, because it was an environment where I felt I could be excited about these weird things and not only be accepted, but celebrated. In a way, I was expressing and gaining my own cultural wealth, I just didn’t realize it.
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At the end of the event, I was sad to go. Getting on the bus, I squeezed past Goku, asked if Iron-Man was holding those seats for anyone, sat down, and started reading a copy of Junji Ito’s Soichi I had bought earlier that day. It was my first time at a con and although it didn’t all go to plan, I still had an amazing time. I’m hoping to go to another con soon, because the experience I had was simply amazing. When you’re surrounded by people who are as passionate as you are about this culture, that's when you feel the most welcomed.
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Can you figure out the types of Tawny, Valentin, Clarence, and Charlotte?
Of course! I love your OC and the other ones, OCs of mine are....uniquely terrible people so it makes them interesting for this lol. Doing both the current and old personalities since I've decided to add that element as well and want to do it for these characters.
Tawny's is obvious and I love him for it, an Outgoing Charmer:
Comfortable in almost any situation, and makes new connections easily. Outgoing and extremely pleasant to be around. Able to make friends easily and turn almost any problem into a positive situation.
He's nice, approachable, and, using his charm, he has an easy time connecting with those around him. He looks on the bright side of things and helps others do the same (love Tawny). /gen
For the old personalities he'd be Fun Intense:
Energetic, believes in hunch, sketchy, optimistic, sensitive. Very energetic and determined. Likes to do things on a whim, and no one can stop them.
He's impulsive but this comes from a passion and determination deep inside of him. He wants to be himself and he wants to enjoy life, helping others do the same.
Oh gosh, finding a personality for this jerk is gonna be hard...just kidding, he's an Outgoing Leader, our first in fact:
Comfortable in almost any situation, and makes new connections easily. Assertive and highly regarded. Has great faith in their own instincts, and has no trouble commanding the respect of others.
Valentin is a leader in a nontraditional sense. He's not a leader of anyone in particular but rather, a social figure people look up to and follow, Valentin usually using this power for the worse.
As for the old types Dry Active:
Formal, hates to lose, short-tempered, frank, obsessive. A strict leader. Always tackles things with full strength. Suffers from a gap between Ideal and reality.
Valentin doesn't hold back when he wants something, however he is, oddly enough, naïve in his own ways. It shocks him when his plans don't work out and he doesn't have realistic expectations for others.
Outgoing Entertainer with the way he behaves:
Comfortable in almost any situation, and makes new connections easily. Bold and captivating. Able to light up a room with their wit and charm. There's never a dull moment when they're around.
He adores being the center of attention, and constantly shows off the more unique and interesting parts of his life to garner others' attention.
Meanwhile for the old personalities I'd consider him Dry Drastic:
Formal, hates to lose, short-tempered, frank, obsessive. Prefers to do things in their own way. Doesn't listen to others. A confident type.
Clarence is quite full of himself to the point he doesn't take constructive criticism well and usually continues on doing things his way, even if others appear upset or bothered by it.
Outgoing Trendsetter for better or for worse:
Comfortable in almost any situation, and makes new connections easily. Radiant and always on form. Has an effortless style that is admired by all. Able to easily adapt to new situations.
Charlotte tries not to let anything get to her, maintaining her style and others tend to want to emulate her due to her confidence and popularity.
Her personality from the old would be Fun Flare:
Energetic, believes in hunch, sketchy, optimistic, sensitive. The hot-blooded type. Likes to get involved with other people. Somewhat pushy.
Charlotte is extremely nosy, doesn't know when to quit, and pushes people too far at times when she thinks she knows best. Not to mention she has quite the temper when she's told off.
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dreamhot · 2 years
i am the same anon!! tbf i had to get it to a stopping point this morning anyway before it was shareable! :') and that drodcast certainly was A Thing that needed to be processed, bless dreamie's cute oversharing heart. <3
am shy but here you go! it's missing a bit of context & same-fic references 'cause it's the final part of three, but i think it's cute on its own as a real super sketchy mock-up!
[“you’re so smart but you can also be so stupid,” george teases, mouth quirking as his hand slides from dream’s chest to cradle dream’s cheek. he leans over dream’s face, thumb gliding over a cluster of freckle constellations, gratified in the depths of his greedy, possessive heart at the soft-edged adoration shining up at him.
(dream has always looked at him as if george was the sun, the moon, the stars, the world, the universe; as if george is dream’s heart given life dream’s intense, unfiltered love should feel overwhelming. should be terrifying in the endless expanse of it. should george basks in it, a purring cat in its favorite sunbeam. a territorial dragon hoarding all of dream’s love; all of george’s matching intensity is quieter but no less potent in its vast strength he loves, he loves, he loves)
“the most important thing you are,” george continues, voice dipping low, wetting his lips and trailing off. his bangs hang like a curtain, partitioning the two of them in their own little world—just george and dream inches apart, two souls aligned, a two-toned ouroboros of blue and green, of sky and earth.
brows rising in silent prompt for more, dream’s nose then scrunches right after, a nearly tangible neon sign of a question mark forming over dream’s head as he, endearing to a fault, presses into the safe harbor of george’s palm.
george wants to squish his dumb cheeks and coo. george wants to drop a kiss right on the tip of his nose. george wants to spill the gentle warmth of his overflowing love out fluttering like butterflies into the aether. he wants to watch dream’s eyes go wide with wondrous awe. he wants to see dream’s face flush adorably scarlet as the flustered embarrassment sets in and dream awkwardly flails until he can cover his burning cheeks with both hands.
he’s so cute. he’s so cute. he’s—
“mine,” george whispers with all the gravitas of a royal decree, the shadow of his lost crown briefly weighing down his hair, his gaze half-lidded and laced with undeniable clear-as-glass fondness.
dream’s lips part on a faint sharp inhale, freckled constellations painted across a backdrop of soft pink and a vulnerability in wide eyes shaped like disbelief. ten, twenty, thirty years from now dream will still look at george as if he can’t believe george loves him, wants him, chose him. this idiot will never treat george’s regard as anything less than an honor, a gift, a blessing from a worshiped god. this idiot will never realize he’s just as precious in george’s eyes, just as held close in george’s heart.
the surprise melts into one of dream’s gooiest expressions, dream’s right hand lifting to slide oh-so-carefully up george’s neck until long fingers frame george’s ear and curl around the back of his head.
“i love you,” dream blurts, helplessly, those three cherished words tumbling over themselves like clumsy overeager fawns. his eyes rove across every centimeter of george’s face, a caress without touch, gaze always, always returning to the true north of george looking back.
george can feel the answering soppy smile creeping over him, teeth catching on his bottom lip in a fruitless attempt to hold it at bay. dream’s delight is a buzzing, physical thing when he lets himself fail after a token dramatic scoff, the smile unfurling so widely his eyes crinkle—his heart is so full, a joyous thrum between his ribs beating in time with the contended thump-thump-thump in dream’s chest.
“i know,” tone softer than he meant for it to be, he raises two of his fingers from dream’s face to snag a lock of dirty-blond hair. george tugs at it in reprimand when dream pouts, “i love you too. you’re the smartest idiot i know but you’re my idiot and i’m never getting rid of you.”
again, dream stares up at him with wide-eyed adoration, a quiet whine cut off by a shaky exhale. george lifts a brow in challenge, blinking at the quicksilver swap to a half-lidded gaze as dream’s back muscles flex against george’s thigh and suddenly dream’s pushing himself up, turning both his own head and george’s to the perfect angle, and kissing george as if he’ll die if he doesn’t.
and george kisses him right back (and he loves, he loves, he loves)]
it's very soft, i think!! <- am aro af but cdnf fires up the neurons somethin' fierce, it really do. i hope you like it! :D
🤩🤩🤩 ohhh anon this is Wonderful ... i am a sucker for the sheer devotion that is the dnf dynamic (regardless of the iteration) and even tho i can't seem to read c!dnf without the anxiety of waiting for the other shoe to drop, they're still so ..................
thank you for sharing this was beautiful <3333
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gothamslittlejester · 4 years
Obsessive Ledger!joker x reader
I’ve been spoiling you all recently with all this Ledger!Joker, so you’re welcome 😎 (but also so sorry because I did go on a hiatus without saying anything for half a year 😬). Let me know in the asks if you want something in particular, I love writing for J so much! I have a few already that I am working on as we speak, so stay tuned for those 💜
Below are headcannons for a more yandere and darker joker than I usually write 👻 nothing abusive here because J is still very much my comfort character, but it definitely includes over-possessive, protective and stalker themes, as well as encouraging reader to join in on his murderous chaos
Warnings: morally ambiguous reader, joining joker on his “fun” i.e. mentions of torturing others, blood, weapons, severed body parts as gifts, implied seggsy time
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· Before adoration, fondness or love, the first feelings Joker had for you was pure obsession. Obsession with what you thought and felt, what you liked to do and why you liked to do them. Obsession with your safety and the need to protect you, which led to jealousy and possessiveness very often. It was primal, and longing, and left him thirsting after your presence like a greedy, hungry wolf. He wanted you- needed you- and he was going to get you
·In spite of a period of flirting, suggestive jokes and hinting touches, Joker made it clear pretty quickly what his feelings were for you. Because of his lifestyle death is like a waiting shadow, and wasting time on what he wants is just not his style  
· Quite soon into the beginning of your more romantic relationship, you move into his hideout for the sake of your safety, which calmed J down with some of his possessiveness and paranoid thoughts. He knew his home was the safest place in Gotham, excluding Bruce Wayne’s cave, and with you in it that meant you were safe too.
·When he’s gone, he’ll leave a huge shotgun behind for you to use in case of emergency, as well as Chechen’s Rottweilers. You’ll find some stray knives and pointy objects hidden in your coats too, “just in case”, but its more heartwarming to you than annoying
· He loves to lay on you at night, whether it be right on your chest to hear your heartbeat, or on your belly where he can feel your soft skin pressed against his scared cheeks. Not only is it pleasant and lets his touched-starved soul get some attention, but it also makes him hyper aware of every shift or move your body does while asleep. It also prevents you from sneaking out of the bed to run away, which is one of his more paranoid thoughts. Don’t try to move away or push him off, he will smack your hand back and snuggle in deeper, wrapping his arms around you like a snake
· He doesn’t care what insecurities you have regarding your appearance; he admires every single piece of you and will cuddle with whatever he wants, so push your anxieties aside because Joker hungers for all of you
· His gifts can sometimes be very macabre. Generally, he loves to spoil you with an array of things, such as new clothes or lingerie, plush toys of your favorite animals, snacks you said you’ve wanted to try, or even just random knick-knacks he stole from his victim’s homes. However, if he’s feeling adventurous or extra flirty that day, he will bring you certain body parts to symbolize his feelings for you.
· You’ve definitely found your fair share of human hearts in your fridge, because he adores how your heart races when your scared. You’ve found a pair of lungs stuffed in there too, because the little gasps you make when frightened or anticipating his touch are delicious to him. You went to get milk once and right behind the carton was a tongue, symbolizing how much he relishes your little talks and midnight conversations
· Once, he brought over a whole corpse, the body decomposing and gnarled, skin ripped to shreds and a face pummeled so brutally it had concaved. “Don’t need to worry about them any more doll,” he giggled, spitting on the body with a fervor that thrilled you. It took a few minutes of intense staring- why did they look familiar?-  but then it clicked in your mind; it was the very person you had fumed and vented to Joker about last night, right before he had spontaneously left
· “J,” you began, eyes nearly popping out of your head. “Did you kill him... for me?”
· “ ‘Course I did, sweetheart.” He rolled his eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You know I’d, uh, kill anyone for you. Nasty fucks like them especially-ah.”
· If you have to leave for longer periods of time, whether that be for school or work, Joker will always have a few of his men stalking you from a distance, making sure you’re safe and that no one dangerous is within a 1 mile radius of you. They also have explicit instructions to take photos and send them to J, because he likes looking at your oblivious little face.
· He’d do it himself if he has the time, which he sometimes does, but he too is quite busy with his own things (when anarchy calls, as they say), so hiring lookouts is the next best thing. If he could, he’d have you right by his side at all times… how pretty you’d look in a soft purple leash... but that’s just daydream fuel for now
· Speaking of photos, Joker knows his ways around a camera. He makes... lovely home videos that he sends to news channels in his free time (rip fake batman) and he continues to practice at his craft from time to time. He even won a deepweb award for best snuff film of the year, which boosted his ego to ungodly heights. He’s absolutely delighted about it and hints that you should watch it on one of your movie nights, but he does warn it’s not for the faint of heart
· Taking videos and photos are one of his favorite hobbies, and if you’re down to clown… he’d certainly bring it in the bedroom
· Speaking of his more thrilling hobbies, Joker will constantly suggest you join him on his escapades or help out behind the scenes, especially if he picks up on any sort of interest from you concerning his ‘job’. Joker is an observant man, and he reads you like a book. He knows you likely have some dark, sinister thoughts running around in your head - you must, if you’re with him- so he does everything he can to encourage you to let them out. Joker will never judge this side of you, no matter how grim. He’ll try and harness it, bring it to light. He hates the thought of you shying away from your true self, embarrassed of your darker nature, but what he hates even more is you thinking he’ll be disgusted with you or disappointed. How can you think that?
· “No no no, bunny, not me. You’re my muse, so give me some inspiration hmm? Tell daddy exactly what’s going on in that mind of yours...”
·  If you do show interest in the darker side of his job, he’d smile so big that his scars take up his whole face. He’d teach you everything; how to fire a gun, how to stab someone, how to hide a body and how to torture one. He’ll spread out all his weapons on the floor and let you choose which one calls to you, like a deranged ceremony, informing you on the pros and cons of each one. He’ll even invite you into the warehouses he designated just for torture, which are just as gruesome and sinful and they sound
· J let’s you watch as he hurts his victims, whom are purposefully rapists and killers to make you feel less guilty, and let’s you join in on the fun whenever you gain the courage. He even went as far as to buy a whole torture set off the black market, from scalpel to needles, just to give you options. Joker loves to see how creative you can get, and it’s one of the few times he lets you take complete control
· “The floor is yours, bunny. Impress me.”
· He is down for pretty much anything, and that mindset is not exclusive just to the bedroom
·Any couple activity you fear might be too far or creepy for other people… is right around J’s alley. Weird kinks or foreplay games you want to try? No problem. Making love in abandoned houses or cemeteries? Now that’s his type of romance. You want to carry a small vial of his blood around your neck? He is all game, but only if he gets one of you as well. Matching knives? He’s blushing. Satanic blood ritual from a sketchy website that’s supposed to bond your souls for eternity? Perfect, his weekend plans were centered around you anyways
· Now…If he feels that you’re not giving him enough attention or start to push him away, he will resort to crazier means to obtain your love back. He’ll set off random bugs, rats or even henchmen into your home to scare you, gleefully waiting to hear you cry out his name in fear. Like a small, dependent little kitten, mewling for their protector. He’d come in, guns ablaze, looking for whatever scared his darling angel, killing them on sight. You’d run into his arms, tears streaming down your face as you cling to Joker like your life depended on it- just how he liked it. He’d coo mockingly and pull you closer, rubbing your back as he unashamedly basked in your physical touch.
· In general however, your soft caresses, kisses and reassuring words are enough to keep him very pleased. He knows you adore him and are head over heels obsessed just like he is, and that truly does put a smile on his face.
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fire-mage-719 · 3 years
I made a little story for FireMage the character in @fazbear-ent-official 's FNAF RP blog, pertaining to the type of stuff I think would fit what I want from their character. It's pretty long so I'll leave it below the cut.
I just sort of sat down and wrote something out in an hour or two, so there's probably a few mistakes or something. Above all I wanted to make it work with what everyone's done with the "universe" so far but also make it work (as someone who likes timelines and stories that makes sense).
I'm going to reblog it with a TLDR, and a sort of explanation as to my thought process and how it can work with everything. Doesn't have to be canon in the RP, but I think it might open up more RP opprotunities/paths or something. IDK, I haven't done this sort of thing before. Anyways enjoy.
William sighed before he left the building. The sound of arcade machines, a distant song, and children echoing in the short distance behind him. Exiting the dark building, he shielded his eyes and squinted as he was suddenly bashed by the intense sunlight.
It was a glorious and sunny day. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, the blue expanse cradling the unwieldy and bright sun. The building, his establishment, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, blocked out all the lights for bright neon signs and shiny decor and moving party lights. The outside was a stark contrast.
Beyond just the sight was the smell. Inside smelled like pizza and soda, candies with enough sugar content to kill anyone in a nursing home, and a tinge of childly stench. Out here it smelled like fire, smoke, and meat. Not just any meat, but good barbecued hotdogs and hamburgers, a steak maybe, a pork rib, William couldn’t tell anymore, really. It was just savory and honestly, a very good palate cleanser to the rubbish that they sold inside.
Manning the grill was a tall figure. They wore an astronaut suit, pale white, with no flags or logos. No NASA logo, no indication that they had ever been to space, and in the end, it didn’t particularly matter. No one seemed to really mind, William the least. Especially with the reason that he hired them for. Though they did intently wish for two more additions to their apparel: a Freddy Fazbear branded apron and a nametag that read “FireMage”.
“Fire, I need you to do what I hired you for,” William sighed, his arm still shielding his eyes from the sun. “Not whatever you’ve got setup here.”
“All due respect sir, someone came in with a t-bone and said they’d pay me more than you would in a week to cook it,” The astronaut said.
The astronaut turned away from the grill, pointing the burger flipper at William.
“A week, boss. Like, rich white ladies are nuts, but money is money,” Fire said, turning back to the grill and plating a few burgers. “Besides, you’ve got a lot more business lately, despite all your goings on. I would like to think it’s thanks to me.”
William grimaced as Fire took the last burger off the grill and onto a bun. William’s eyes were focused on the t-bone that the astronaut mentioned until Fire had closed the grill.
“Besides, I take care of whatever you ask no matter what,” Fire said, turning to look at William.
It was slightly concerning, not being able to look them in the eyes. Even with the animatronics, William was able to look into the glassy fake orbs, but the visor to Fire’s helmet blocked anything but William’s own reflection. Used to the light now, William watched his mirror image let his arm down.
“If you can even remember what that initially was for,” Fire continued, leaning against the grill.
William went to open his mouth, but shut it. He couldn’t remember.
“Is it that you can’t remember, or that you haven’t been made to remember yet?” Fire asked.
William snapped, “Don’t do that. Just… go in and do what I asked, yeah?”
William turned for the handle of the door. Fire was arguably one of the easiest of his employees to deal with. Casual, respectable, and above all somehow able to get away with an odd amount of things, Fire was… one of the least suspicious people at any establishment. Whichever establishment that Afton was at, they seemed to be there. No one minded the obviously fake name, the obviously out of the ordinary outfit, and the odd comments that seemed to slip beyond most peoples’ notice.
“Mr. Afton, I have to ask, what’s up with the sudden influx of employees?” Fire retorted.
William paused and looked back, not angry, but a bit annoyed.
“I don’t know. Must have been Henry or Willow. They’re in charge of new employees.”
“Besides me,” Fire chirped.
William smiled, a bit sarcastically, “Yes. Besides you.”
“I would say that they act oddly in regards to the establishment, wouldn’t you agree?”
Fire started to approach William Afton, and though William knew that Fire wouldn’t do anything, he let go of the door knob and turned to meet their gaze… or as much of a gaze that they could have. Fire stopped a few feet away, and William let himself relax, not realizing the tension he had in his jaw.
“I mean… yes. They do seem odd. That’s nothing too out of the ordinary,” William said back in a neutral tone.
“And there’s that new establishment even, the what…” Fire rested one of their hands on their hip, snapping with the other for a few moments before it clicked. “The Pizza-plex!”
William’s brows came together in confusion, he himself not knowing quite what they were getting at.
“What do you mean? What’s wrong with it?”
“Well, can’t you see? We shouldn’t be anywhere near the Pizza-plex yet!” Fire said exasperated. “We have a location with Toy Animatronics, with the Original Gang, we have the Funtime animatronics hanging out somewhere, none of this aligns!”
William sighed, looking up to the blue sky. If he just waited them out, they would be done, and he could go back inside. They weren’t even wasting time, since no one would interfere with what Fire was meant to do anyways.
“I don’t get what you mean,” He let his head drop to look down at Fire.
His heart skipped a beat when William saw Fire in front of him, grabbing his upper arms, holding him in place.
“Everything is wrong! I thought that something was off when I first got here, but now everything is wrong! All these things existing at once don’t coincide with the story at all!” Fire said. “None of the characters are in the right places! None of the events! The employees that appeared out of nowhere, they’re a part of this somehow!”
“Look, let me go,” William said, not struggling too much to let the astronaut let go of his arms. “I get it, you only agreed to work and do my odd jobs because… well…”
“You don’t remember how I got here, Afton,” Fire said, voice stale and monotone.
“I mean yeah, ok, I don’t!” William exclaimed. “Something is going on! I get it! But I don’t get what’s the deal! That hasn’t been an issue before. Sure! We got some weird employees! That one person with the rats, and that one person who got “adopted by Mr. Hippo”, and the one who started a wrestling ring, but that’s nothing huge!”
“But nothing has changed, yet,” Fire said. “The days go in and out, funky little things happen. But nothing moves forward. The days keep coming. The sun shines. You come out here and ask me to step away from my precious grill and clean up one of your little messes… that you don’t seem to be getting caught or suspicion for, despite the fact that it seems to be well known that Freddy’s is at least a slightly sketchy place.”
“Business is booming!” Afton sighed.
“Exactly!” Fire shouted. “It shouldn’t be!”
“What are you saying? I’m doomed to fail?” William laughed.
“In more ways than one,” Fire said plainly.
William didn’t like that statement, and glared at the astronaut. Fire walked forward, up to Afton.
“You and I can’t remember anything, but out of everyone, we seem to understand that there’s more than meets the eye going on. We’re stuck here, until something happens in this broken universe,” Fire said, inches from Afton, looking down on the man.
“Alright then. And what are we supposed to do about it?” Afton asked.
“Nothing. We can’t do anything. We’re nothing more than perversion, an offshoot of some original universe.”
“What are we waiting for, then?” Afton said, aggravated. “All the weird kids to go away? For me to finish my plans?”
“We’re waiting for the story to continue, of course,” Fire turned away.
They walked back to the grill, where sitting propped up next to it was a flamethrower. Dangerous to have next to a grill, to say the least, but William Afton never saw the astronaut without their flamethrower close by.
“There’s got to be some bigger plot point coming along. Something to move us all forward. We have to be going somewhere, but maybe it isn’t out yet. Whatever was going to come next, after Ultimate Custom Night. Before I got here,” Fire continued, returning to Afton.
“You’re making even less sense now,” Afton said, looking with concern down at the flamethrower. “You make it sound like, I don’t know, we’re just waiting for God to come roll the dice and choose what comes next.”
“Not God,” Fire said.
They looked away from Afton. Past him. Past the road. Past the buildings. Past the blue skies. Into the eyes of someone, into the eyes of you.
“No, someone else,” Fire returned their gaze to William. “That’s the only thing that makes sense. That everyone here is a puppet, or a pawn, of some sort. They know who you are, they know what you do, and they might know who each other are. They’re making a story, here, and it’s leading somewhere. Too many things don’t line up with what I know is true, and even the mysteries I don’t aren’t explained.”
William just stopped at that point. He was wondering if they had waited too long, and the cleanup would be harder. Though, he thought, it wasn’t his job to clean up.
“There isn’t anything beyond the locations. There’s nothing more than the world that revolves around you and Henry and the employees,” Fire poked William in the chest. “And the world never moves on. When did you make the Pizza-plex? Don’t answer, I know you don’t know. Why didn’t you shut down the Toy location? Don’t think about it? Here’s an important question, William Afton, how are the kids?”
William would have snapped. Would have grabbed Fire by the apron and strangled them with it. He was angry, but he didn’t know why. He was also sad. Afton stumbled backwards, into the wall. He didn’t know how he felt, it was a cacophony of emotions like an echochamber of butterflies eating at his insides. He looked up at Fire, who just looked down.
“We’re all waiting for them to continue the plot, Mr. Afton. And until they do, you and I are stuck in this little world. And unfortunately, knowing we’re in it, means we’re never escaping it,” Fire kneeled down, their voice soft. “I knew even before I came here about what you were up to. Your employees and coworkers don’t know what’s going on, but they’re too comfy with the nature of this place. I don’t particularly care about what you do, because according to the story, you are meant to complete these tasks.”
Fire offered their free hand to Afton. He looked at it, confused but accepting it nonetheless.
“Until the REAL story ends… and this place ends too… I’m here to make sure you achieve whatever it is to finish it properly.”
“What, like a little henchman?” Afton scoffed as Fire pulled the man to his feet.
“No, more like…” Fire considered for a bit, trying to hold their gaze on Afton and not pull past him, past the world. “More like plot armor.”
“For no other purpose than continuing some story?” Afton continued.
“For finishing the story.”
Fire turned their head to the door, as if they heard something. They slung the flamethrower over their back and walked over to the grill. They closed up the burgers, and opened the lid to the grill. The sizzling meat’s smell wafted over Afton, calming him a bit. Fire flipped it before lowering the lid, and turning to Afton.
“Mr. Afton I hope you remember, in the future, the real reason you hired me. How you got to this point. I hope the story becomes concise for you, because as someone who also does not remember their past… or how the story works… I know it is painful,” Fire picked up the burgers. “Above all, since only you and I seem to notice that something is up, we need to be there when one of us remembers something. Because most likely, it’s not us remembering, it’s us being told to remember.”
“Being told to remember?” Afton questioned, before regretting it. “You know what? Enough. I don’t know how we even GOT this far into whatever crazy conversation this is.”
“Me neither,” Fire shrugged. “It’s something seems to drive the plot of the universe it seems.”
Fire stopped and looked at the door. As they did, it opened. It was Willow, one of three people that Fire referred to as “boss”.
“You have that steak done?” Willow asked.
“Nope, got the burgers though,” Fire motioned by raising them up. “Boss-man Afton here and I were just chatting it up.”
“Alrighty, hurry it up on that steak if you can. And if you don’t mind, William, one of the animatronics is acting up and we need you to look at it. Something about smelling bad as well,” Willow said.
Fire looked at William, whose demeanor changed. He suddenly had a kind smile on, and seemed as if he didn’t have an oddly meta conversation.
“Of course. You go Willow, I’ll get the door for Fire.”
Willow nodded and left, letting the door close behind them.
William looked at Fire with a raised brow. Fire nodded to the door.
“You gonna get that?”
Afton rolled his eyes and opened the door. He went inside, holding it open as Fire walked through. Once Fire entered the dark corridor of the poorly lit building, crossing the threshold, they stopped. They turned their head and moved their body to look back out the door.
Once again they stared at nothing. But was looking right at you.
That is, until the back door to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza slammed shut.
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dumbthotastrology · 5 years
a dumb thots guide to moon signs
omg i have been gone for so long uhhhh just flaky gemini things. anyways hey girlies so today were gonna talk about your moon signs. the specifics of what each moon sign has in store, and about moon signs in general.
about moon signs:
while a sun sign can be an overall idea of your personality and overall self, a moon sign is what rules your inner-self and your emotions. It creates your needs and wants, and makes the base for your subconscious and your soul. your moon sign can also describe how you respond to crisis basically your moon sign explains why y'all are so fucked up.
your moon sign also can tell who you’re compatible with emotionally. although compatibility is a mix of other planets and other non-astrological factors, your moon sign is a huge component of the way you think and process things, which is generally a huge part of compatibility and intellectual attraction. oooh, big words.
also, like what i said in my previous post “a dumb thots guide to the planets” some people relate to their moon sign waaaay more than their sun sign, probably because there are less stereotypes and stigmas around moon signs. if you’re naturally a very emotional, intuitive, or dark person you might feel more attracted to your moon sign because your feelings and emotions are a large part of your thought-process.
so children, let's get into each moon sign and what they mean
aries moon: we stan most aries, so we also stan aries moons. these folks tell it how it is and aren’t afraid to speak their mind. aries moons are bold and enthusiastic with their life choices. they’re optimistic, even through tough times. they know what they want all the time, but y'all aries moons don’t know the difference between needs and wants because of your intensity in regards to passion and desire. they can be moody and temperamental if they don’t get what they want or life is going rough for them. In life, it's hard to create a balance because they go through plenty of ups and downs constantly. they might feel destructive towards other people or even towards themselves. aries moons are naturally dominant, so let's all embrace our little baby lunar christian greys.
taurus moon: okay so let's talk about our babies with taurus moons. the main traits of a moon sign in taurus is that they crave stability, reliability, and comfort. people with taurus moons tend to stay away from sketchy or messy situations because they’re not super adaptable to change. they take pride in their emotional stability and use it as their driving force (and they usually take charge anyway.) those with moons in taurus can be stubborn and selfish at times, and can get stuck in routines although that's not the end of the world for them. if you have a sun or moon (or just have a lot of taurus in your chart) you can suffer from taurus-style depression at times, which makes the person very lazy, tired, and tend to overeat or do a lotttt of retail therapy. but on the brighter side, if you’re in a relationship with them, they are more committed, helllllaaa sensual (get itttt), loyal, and you won’t expect a break up for a longggg time
gemini moon: (geminis, i love you and i support you) those with moons in gemini are charming and witty, just like the gemini sun signs. they are social butterflies and like to organize or make plans frequently otherwise they’ll get fussy. they're great communicators and get along with a lot of people, but since gemini moons are such people pleasers, they might get too involved with the opinions and emotions of other people and tend to ignore their own feelings or purpose. deep shit. restlessness is common in lunar geminis because they always need to be stimulated with something (talking, reading, watching tv, etc.) also nervousness and moodiness can be a problem in these people, leading to frustration and being snappy. but overall, we love you geminis.
cancer moon: cancer moons are little babies, in a good way. they’re extremely sensitive, intuitive, and they feel so damn much. our cancer moon girlies make incredible friends and parents, however be a bit cautious around them. since they feel so much, they can be defensive, moody, or more upset than normal when they’re hurt or unhappy. if you hurt cancer moons, good luck bud. they tend to close off or shut down when hurt, and take a while to heal. along with this, they hold grudges for a long time, and tend to keep their guard up if they somehow forgive you. just don't be playin with their feelings… don't do it. To heal and regroup, cancer moons like to stick with what they know and what they’re comfortable with, and many can be homebodied. these people have a lively imagination and are extremely intuitive, leading to possible psychic abilities or intentions. these people also tend to be natural empaths, which can lead to feeling emotionally bogged down from other people depending on you, but being an empath is a good thing because it shows your loyalty and compassion. love u.
leo moon: leo moons are our fun friends that have been by our side for years. these girlies are self confident, creative, and has an inspiring and extroverted energy. leo moons know their se;f worth, and won’t put up with anything less. they can be dominant at times, but their motivation for this dominance is generally respect. their feelings are intense and they don’t mess around when it comes to their ambitions and desires. a downside of leo moons though, is that they are super extra. some can see you as over the top or loud, and at times this can make you feel misunderstood. you may seem to be an attention whore sometimes, but through your passion and loyalty those close to you know that your intentions are good. keep bein your extra ass selves, leo moons. we love you.
virgo moon: those with virgo moons can be a little tricky to understand, but there are definitely some pros, you guys aren't all fucked up. lunar virgos really stan their routine, which make them naturally self-disciplined so they don't fall out of that routine. they tend to like exercising, self care, and love to develop new hobbies. they also love to help others, and you'll find that lunar virgos are wholesome, loyal, and sensitive in the best way possible. their routine is a need for them, and if they don’t have it they can get high-strung and aggravated. they can also get finicky and specific about how things go in their lives, which isn’t always a bad thing. if lunar virgos suffer from trauma or rough-patches, they might try to bottle their emotions up which will manifest later on in life. similar to lunar scorpios, virgo moons might experience issues with digestion due to their emotional stresses. some have described that those with virgo moons might have eating disorders due to nervous system or psychological factors. these people might also have controlling fears or issues, so as i said these people can be a little fucked up but their gigantic hearts and self determination make up for it and help them get through it. (and aren't we all a little fucked up out here?)
libra moon: lunar libras (ugh doesn't that sound so pretty?) are just beautiful little babies. they have a natural artsy and peaceful personality that draws you into them. they’re amazing at communicating and socializing, and one of their main goals seem to be pleasing people in all aspects. libra moons are amazing partners, and they often search for a partner due to the fact that they strongly dislike being without a significant other. it makes them feel out of balance and lonely at times. they seem to steady themselves based on the way others depend on them and their relationships, but this can lead to distress if tensions exist within an important relationship in their lives. the dark side of lunar libras isn’t as scary as others think, but can become an issue if taken out of hand. they might become dependent on others and their significant other which can, in turn, hurt them in the long run from a loneliness or longing after a break in the path. ooh, poetic.
scorpio moon: scorpio moons dont fuck around. (i have a scorpio moon, so be scared bitch.) to be frank, scorpio moons are intense and emotional. they have a higher understanding of the human thought process and can be deeply connected to emotions and vibes. these people are affected not only by their own emotions, but from others emotions as well. they pick up on certain situations because of the energy radiating off of it, making them helllllaaaa intuitive. lunar scorpios are INTENSE when it comes to love, and might be afraid of committing if they’ve been hurt in the past. they have a strong emotional need for drama or frequent change, and if they dont express their feleings they could even get physically sick (ive personally experienced a lot of stomach issues and nausea.) scorpio moons are defensive when it comes to love (even if they crave it) because they have a fear of betrayal or being hurt. through all of these intense shit though, they’re ambitious, sensual (!!!), creative, and committed. we been knew.
sagittarius moon: sagittarius moons are our party people. they’re fun, sociable, and extroverted. they love meeting new people and doing new things, it makes them thrive. they like to go through life with an easygoing nature, and generally aren't super negative. sometimes they’re even overly optimistic, and get their hopes up way too much which in the end will crush them if something goes poorly. when life isn't in their favor or things don't go their way, they get tf out of the situation or try to physically escape. they want to feel balanced at all times. to other people (especially more home-bodied signs) see sag moons as intimidating or annoying, but sag moons are very easy to get along with and will get along with almost anybody. basically, lunar sags are that one friend that you can never stay mad at, and want to hang out with all the time. we really do stan.
capricorn moon: our capricorn moon are our little home bodied babies. we love you. the underlying theme of most lunar capricorns is that they’re steady and reliable, and like to keep themselves that way. they like to surround their lifestyle around goal-setting, and have soooo freakin much ambition and determination. at some points, capricorn moons might start getting a little too obsessed with their goals, like girlies please calm down every once in a while. they want to better themselves all the time, and that can lead to isolation or feelings of loneliness. lunar capricorns have emotions that are a bit more logical and darker than some, and that makes them a bit more emotionally closed off because they don't want to kill the vibe or share what's on their mind if its not important. they seem cold to others because they like to make themselves seem put together allllll the time. like seriously. overall, all these kittygirls want is to be in control and to have structure, and we’ll let you have it, since you mainly aren’t that problematic.
aquarius moon: so our little aquarius moons are kinda weird in nature, but SO bright and independent, which a lot of us admire. lunar aquarians care a lot about what others think, so they try to bury any negative emotions (like pettiness or jealousy) so they don't seem unattractive. because of this, they might seem closed off, but most times you’ll receive more of an emotional connection once you get to know them. they are very receptive to others emotions and frequencies, and ponder the meaning of life and the universe as they feed on deeper and darker emotions. often times, they emotionally detach themselves from others and tend to feel lonely. they’re natural loners, but on the bright side they don't let their loneliness get in the way of their overarching purpose (for the most part.) the odd thing is, they take in so much energy and emotion from other, and some may call that an empath, but to others they might seem like they lack compassion because they emotionally shut off. we love them anyways though, because lunar aquarians are amazing friends and give people lots of independence and space to be themselves, and they expect the same.
pisces moon: our lunar pisceans (google told me that term) are dreamy and imaginative girlies. they’re SO empathetic and love to connect with others, and that makes many people confide and take comfort in them. they might become so involved in others (they especially root for the underdog and those less fortunate) that they lose track of themselves. if people take advantage of pisces moons’ empathy, the pisces moon will learn quickly and bounce back. their huge and accepting heart makes them amazing partners and friends because they’ll cherish you. (and y'all BETTER cherish them too i swear to god.) the downside to lunar pisceans though, is that they involve themselves in others so much that they become overloaded with emotion that they might feel numb or become spaced out. a supppperrr common thing in a pisces moon is zoning out to give their brain a break. pisces moons need time to recharge and step back to breathe. hey, we get it. life can be stressful af sometimes, especially for someone who feels everything.
the next dumb thots guide will be a dumb thots guide to the elements of astrology. (hopefully it wont take five billion years) bettttttt 
-vi (gemini sun, scorpio moon, gemini rising) posted 6/15/19
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Survey #467
“oh, mary, mary, ain’t this fun?  /  mary, mary, i’ve got a gun”
If the last person you kissed asked you to marry them, what would you do? Pray to god it wasn't in public and tell him it's waaaay too soon for that one. Does your favorite uncle have any children? Yeah, a son and daughter. Name all the members (first, middle and last names) from your favorite band. Ha, it's funny how once upon a time, I could do this. All I've got now is John Michael Osbourne. Have you ever heard a young child swear? Maybe? Have you ever seen someone get a piercing/tattoo?: Yes to both. Has a taste of something ever made you smile? Boy meet me at The Cheesecake Factory and see what my face does lmaooo As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a paleontologist sooo badly. I wanted to discover new dinosaurs, put a shitload of work into unearthing fossils and being so proud to see the final results... Even now as an adult, if I could handle the heat, traveling, and hardcore school, I'd still love to do that. Would you cuss the person you hate the most out to their face? No. My hatred for her is unjustified and I'd rather just not say anything to her. Have you ever spent more than two weeks in a wheelchair? No. Where do you see your closest friend in ten years? As one of the strongest people around. I imagine her with a job in medical coding, while also pursuing the hobbies of ball python breeding and writing. I'm sure she'll have loads of pets to love, too! Do you like Florence + The Machine? I've never listened to them. Did you watch the presidential debates? No. Do you ever watch Dr. Phil? No. Are you typically unattracted to people outside of your race? No; I can be attracted to any race. Have you ever ridden any animal other than a horse? No. Do you brush your hair when it’s wet? Yes. Do you eat the crusts of your bread? Yeah, I always have. Have you ever flown a kite? Yeah! At my childhood home, there was a tobacco field directly across the street, and when they weren't in season so the field was flat, Dad would help us with getting kites set up and in the air. Those are good memories. How are you for money? I don't make any money. Mom is struggling. Do you think you are more intelligent than the average person? Ha, no. Do you ever think about why we are here? Does it matter? We're here, so make the most of it. Do you like cherries? I fucking hate cherries. Name a celebrity that you admire that nobody would expect you to: Jeffree Star, probs. Can you use a yoyo? Not well, but yeah. Do you think Jenna Marbles’ videos are funny? I've actually never watched her. Do you like folk music? NOOOOOOOOO Ever had a crush on somebody of the same sex? Yes. Do you know any lesbians? Yep. Favourite member of your favourite band: I'm unfamiliar with all but Ozzy himself. And Ozzy is rad. Who’s your favourite female rapper? I don't have one. When you were younger, were you ever in a relationship with someone you now realize was way too old for you? No. Have you ever had a seizure? No. I sometimes have very, very quick spasms when I'm falling asleep that feel like what I assume a seizure would, but they barely last a second. They seriously jerk me awake, though, and are very startling. What’s the oldest man-made object you own? I dunno. Is there anything you feel like you need a break from? Not really, no. What do you hate to hear people joke about? I will actually and remorselessly deck you in the jaw if you make a joke about rape. There are other things that are absolutely forbidden joking matters for me, too. What’s the largest animal you’ve seen in the wild? Hmmm... Nothing that big, really. Maybe a whitetail deer buck? Do any of your friends or family members have strange occupations? Not to my knowledge. Have you ever been in weather so severe that you feared for your safety? Oh yeah. We've had some savage thunderstorms. What political issues are the most important to you personally? LGBTQ+ rights and just equality in general, the pro-choice movement, environmental conservation, gun control, the abolishment of poverty and homelessness... There is honestly a lot. I could keep going. Do you know anyone who doesn’t know how to cook even just simple recipes? ... Me. :x Especially now that I'm in a relationship, I really want to make a greater effort to learn. I want to prove to him I give a damn about the success of our relationship and that I'm capable of being an adult that can take part in general adult responsibilities. ^What’s stopping them from learning this basic life skill? Laziness. Forgetfulness. The fear of getting burned. What small thing makes you automatically distrust someone? I can pick up on sketchy body language from a mile away. I'm too paranoid not to. Of all the states/provinces in your country, which one is your favorite? At least from photographs I've seen, Utah appears BEAUTIFUL. That whole region of the U.S. in general. Are there any obscure foods you’ve eaten that most people have never tried? That's very unlikely. I'm far from explorative with food. When you travel to other countries, do you always try the local cuisine? I've never been outside the U.S. I would probably do that, though. I'd really want to experience the culture as thoroughly as I could. What did you do for your 19th birthday? Hell if I remember. What’s the kindest thing a total stranger has done for you? I remember as a young kid, my parents, two sisters, and I were getting food at McDonald's, and whoever was in front of us paid for our meals. Such a sweet gesture for a larger family. Have you ever used a meal kit delivery service? No, but there actually is one that I can't recall the name of that I'd like to try when I cook myself, especially getting started learning, but yeah, subscription fees. You see a lot of YouTubers get sponsored by them, if that rings a bell. Do you have any psychological issues rooted in events from your childhood? Possibly my fear of men, with my dad having been an alcoholic that had a 50/50 chance of being very angry when drunk. How organized are the files on your computer? Pretty organized, I'd say. I put stuff into folders. Would you date someone with braces? Yes? Do you ever rehearse conversations before you have them? Only always. Do you get angry at yourself or at others more often? Myself, for sure. When taking a cab, do you talk to the driver? I've never even taken a cab. Who or what greets you at the door every time you come home? Nobody, really. My cat is occasionally in the living room to see who's home, but not always because he's a lazy cat, ha ha. Do you ever chat about your favourite video games with your friends? Not really, no. I wish. Have you ever supported anyone’s Kickstarter? If so, what was it? No, bc I'm poor. Are you currently studying a language? If so, which one? No. Ever had a friend online for a long time without seeing a photo of them? Yeah. Do you carry pepper spray? No, but I want some 'cuz I'm paranoid as hell. Are you waiting on anything right now? No. Have you ever been described as shy? Is it true? Oh, always. It's absolutely true. Name something you’re a complete sucker for? Baby animals, to name one thing. Do you remember when you first went on the internet? Nope. What is one way someone could completely put you off on a first date? Arrogance/over-confidence. What about a way someone could make you like them more on a first date? Make me genuinely laugh a lot, to name one way. Are you in love right now? Not yet. I love him with our decade of history, but I need more experience as a couple before I've got the confidence to say that. Do you wanna get married anytime soon? It wouldn't be smart to. I want to be in a strong relationship for quite a few years before I want that. Have you ever kissed someone in a band? No. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No but oh my fucking god I wish!!!!!! Did your mom or dad ever put soap in your mouth? No, but Mom would threaten to. What was the last fruit you ate? Well, I had strawberry yogurt earlier today. Who was the last person to make you laugh? Girt. He is very, very good at that. Have you ever dated someone with more piercings than you? No. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Hell yeah man. Is there one night of your life you wish had never happened? I wish it hadn't happened the way it did. Do you have a close relationship with your sibling(s)? No. What was the last thing that you shared? Some watermelon Sour Patch Kids with my mom. Do you think people talk behind your back? You couldn't get me to believe my mom doesn't at least sometimes to my sisters even if you tried your absolute damnedest. In real life do you laugh like ‘haha,’ 'hehe’ or something else? It depends on what I'm laughing at/at what intensity. Do you have any unusual skills? Nah. Who’s your favourite person? I don't have a sole favorite person. I love many people in different ways for varying reasons. Are there any chores you actually enjoy doing? No. When did you last have an "Oh, I get it now!" moment? Watching Attack on Titan yesterday w/ Girt. Have your parents ever suspected something untrue about you? My mom HAD to have suspected I was doing something FAR worse than innocent meerkat RP to have borderline fucking traumatized me invading my privacy and forcing shit out of me regarding what I was always doing on the computer so secretively. Like I get it, she was a concerned mother, but I was a fucking WRECK because I found it so embarrassing. It was insulting that she didn't trust her well-behaved daughter. What do you think about video games? They're great for both the creators and consumers. They're wonderful expressions of creativity, and so much fun to experience as a player, delving into a new world and getting engrossed in the story. I could go onnnn and onnnnn about what video games mean to me. I've gone my whole life as a loyal gamer. Are there any forms of Art you personally find pointless? I really, really don't get a lot of abstract art that's worth fucking thousands, BUT, I absolutely disagree that they are without purpose. The artist created what they did for SOME reason. As a distraction, a method of expressing emotion, to convey an idea... Are you tired right now? I have been SO ridiculously tired today. Like it's unreal. I've taken I wanna say three naps and I'm still sleepy. What’s something you do a lot? Drink something. I'm not talking about alcohol; just in general, I ALWAYS need some kind of drink by me, and I go through drinks pretty quickly. Are you currently on any other websites? Yeah, I'm watching YouTube. Are you good at using Photoshop? I'm decent, I guess. Have you ever been told you naturally tilt your head a certain way? Yes, actually, at least by my mom, and she's right. My head tends to tilt VERY slightly to the right, and I can tell by how easy it is to bend my head that way as opposed to left. I'll feel a biiiit more strain.
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dyde21 · 4 years
Shady Percabeth
So the awesome @flyingdonuuts .made a super cool picture about Percy and Annabeth in suits, then said I could write a story for it so I did! Have a brief Mob/Shady business!AU for Percabeth. I had plenty of ideas for this, but wanted to get at least something out!
Pulling at the tie around his neck, Percy sighed. He didn’t usually get nervous anymore, he had experienced enough shit in his life that he was over that. But something about this situation had him on edge. Taking a deep breath, he had to keep his composure. If he wasn’t careful, he probably wouldn’t make it home tonight. 
“So you’re Percy?” 
A voice cut off his internal monologue as he opened his eyes. A woman was standing in front of him, her wavy brown hair and striking eyes caught him off guard. He had a playful smirk on her face as she rested a hand on her hip. 
“Yes Ma’am.” 
“Ma’am? I like that.” She said with a slight laugh. She blatantly looked him up and down once, before nodding. “Well then, let’s get started shall we? Follow me.”
The woman walked away, pulling out her phone to send a message and Percy wordlessly followed behind her.
She led him back behind the bar, down a long hallway. The walk was quiet, but she was humming some sort of tune to herself. The woman stopped suddenly, and Percy almost ran into her. “What?”
She was staring at her phone. “Business. Wait here for a moment, I need to take this call.” She said, before walking towards a door in the hallway. “Just in case you are stupid, I really don’t reccommend doing anything stupid while you wait.” Her cheerful disposition dropped for just the slightest moment, and instantly Percy’s survival instincts kicked in. This woman was dangerous, far more than her cheerful smile would lead you to believe.
He nodded, and she flashed him another playful grin before she brought the phone up to her ear and stepped in the room with a quick “Jason?”
Standing there, Percy leaned against the wall and crossed his arms in front of him. He had no idea who was watching, but he figured playing it safe was the smartest move. 
A door at the end of the hallway opened up and someone else started walking down it. Percy tensed up slightly, ready for anything. Would she get on his case for being there? Most people didn't take well to strangers. He really hoped that lady would come back so he wouldn’t have to talk. He found his job usually went better when he didn’t have to talk. Especially cause he tended to piss people off.
The woman, a blonde he could tell better now, just walked towards him at a brisk pace. As she approached, Percy braced himself for anything. The woman passed by him, for the briefest moment he could have sworn time had slowed down.
The woman was striking, there was no other way Percy could think of to describe her. Her curly blond hair had been pulled back into a tight ponytail, and her hands were in her pockets. Her gray eyes were intense, but they had only flicked to him for a moment as she walked past. Her head was held high, and she didn’t falter a step as she walked past. The air of confidence around her intimidated Percy, she seemed to radiate a sort of power. He had no idea who she was but he knew messing with her was one of the worst things someone could do.
As swiftly as they came, her footsteps echoed through the hallways as she left out the other end, leaving Percy staring after her as the door across from him opened up. 
“See something?” The voice was teasing and playful, even if Percy could detect a layer of concern underneath. 
He shook his head, instantly forming his composure again. “No Ma’am. Just… a blonde. She was… intimidating.”
The brunette was grinning now. “An intimidating blonde? I see. She has that effect on people, don’t worry. She’s not as scary as she seems.” She paused, tapping a finger to chin. “Well she is, but she’s not a bad person. Just don’t piss her off.”
“Noted.” Percy replied quickly, it was generally a good idea to figure out who to be extra careful around. 
“Sorry for the delay. I had to deal with something. Now let’s go.” The woman offered before continuing to walk down the hallway. Percy followed behind her, a few steps slower. Eventually she slowed to a stop and motioned towards a door. “After you. We’ll talk in here.”
Percy glanced at her for a moment, trying to read her a bit. Well, it was too late to back out now probably. Walking through the door, he wasn’t quite sure what he expected, but the room was nice. It looked like a conference room. A large table with comfy chairs around it, a plate of pastries on one end. He raised an eyebrow, this was a lot classier than he expected. 
Without missing a beat the woman grabbed a donut, before walking over to the side of the table and hopping on it, crossing her legs. “Feel free to help yourself! Take a seat.” She said, gesturing towards one of the office chairs that she pushed away from the table with her foot.
Giving her a strange look, Percy was suddenly concerned he may have actually seriously made a mistake and ended up in an interview for a bartender or something. 
Taking the seat, and taking a donut, Percy settled in. If they were offering, it’d be rude to decline. 
“So what’s your story?”
She asked between bites, raising an eyebrow as she continued to munch on the snack like she was chatting with a long time friend. 
“I have 4 years in the milit-”
Shaking her head, she sighed. “Not your resume. We know that. Why are you trying to work for us? Surely you know that’s not a smart choice.”
Squaring his shoulders, Percy’s head started to race. How much did he say? What answer were they looking for?
“Money.” He said after a moment. This seemed to genuinely catch the girl off guard. “You don’t gie off the greedy type. Surely you can make more money eventually being a banker or something. This job is dangerous.”
“So am I.” Percy replied instinctually, making her roll her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but he took a risk and cut her off. “Not like that. I just… don’t do well in normal jobs. Offices don’t work for me, but I’m good at protection. Fighting is something I can do well. I’ve heard this job pays well. I need the money.”
The woman regarded him for a moment, letting his words sink in. “Gambling debt?”
Shaking his head, Percy crossed his arms. “Not my vice.” He paused, wondering how much was too much to say. “Medical bills.” He finally confessed.
This seemed to be the answer the brunette was looking for because she started grinning. “There we go.”
“Excuse me?”
“We already know everything about you, and your family. At least I do. It’s my job to look into these things, and if you think you could have made it through the door without us knowing you inside and out, you’re crazy. The real question was what kind of person you were. You can only learn so much without talking to someone yourself.”
Percy was caught off guard by her candor. He figured they knew most of this about him, but they really had him dancing in their palm already. 
“So what’s my character?” He asked.
The woman brushed her hands together, letting some crumbs fall on the table. “Honest. Straightforward. Simple.” She offered, a smirk daring him to challenge her. It seemed to falter for a moment. “Honestly, you’re probably too good of a person for this job. You know our work isn’t exactly clean. You really could do better for yourself.” She said, almost reluctantly. 
Shaking his head, Percy shrugged. “I have a habit of finding trouble for myself anyway. I’ve heard this place pays well, and that it treats its members well. I’ll do whatever it takes.” He said, fist clenching. He had too much riding on this.
He paused as a thought occurred to him. “Though obviously the details on what exactly I would be doing were… vague at best. I only found out about this place from Frank.”
The woman nodded again. “He mentioned you were interested. That’s what got you in the door. We’re very selective about who we work with.”
Hopping off the table, she motioned for him to follow her again. “As for your job. It’s simple. You need to keep someone alive, no matter the cost.”
Percy followed her down the hall quietly. Protection detail wasn’t new to him. He had even done some protection gigs after he got out of the military that never stuck.
Knocking twice on a set of double doors, she paused, until she heard a voice and pushed one open, ushering him inside.
Walking into the large office, Percy was surprised. The blonde he had seen before was sitting behind the desk, leaning back in a chair with a folder open on her lap. She closed the folder, setting it on the desk as she looked between them. 
“Who’s he, Piper?”
So Piper was her name, he thought as he looked at the brunette. 
“Your new bodyguard.”
“Are you kidding me?” The blonde said, leaning forward, resting her elbows on the table as she laced her hands together, glaring at Percy with enough force to unnerve him a little. 
Shaking her head, Piper crossed her arms and returned the glare. Percy wasn’t sure he’d even have the courage to glare at a woman like that. Piper must either be really brave, or have some real credit with the woman. 
“You know you need someone. Things are getting sketchy recently. I don’t care how tough you are.”
The woman glared at her, before shifting her gaze back to Percy. “I don’t know you, so I don’t trust you.”
Piper shrugged. “I know him perfectly. Leo did plenty of research and I interviewed him. I think you’ll like him if you get to know him.”
“Can he even do the job?”
Percy nodded. “I believe I can. I have plenty of exp-”
Next to him Piper had reached behind her, into her jacket. Almost out of reflex, Percy’s attention snapped to her as he saw something metal start to leave her jacket.
Side stepping around her, his hand shot out to grab her wrist as he grabbed it, slamming it against the wall as he ripped the gun free with his other hand. Kicking the back of her knee he wrenched her arm behind her as he forced her down to a knee, the gun against the back of her head though he made sure to keep his finger no where near the trigger.
“Ow! Son of a bitch, careful!” She complained as Percy instantly released her. 
Percy stared at her wide eyed for a moment, before handing her back her gun.He noticed it was too light as well. “It wasn’t loaded.”
Rubbing her wrist, she stowed her gun again. “Of course not. I wasn’t actually trying to kill you and I didn’t want you accidentally shooting someone.” She glanced at him over. “That was pretty smooth though.” 
The blonde regarded him carefully for a moment. “It seems you aren’t useless at least.” 
“Thank you Ma’am.”
“Call me Annabeth.”
Piper’s eyes widened. “Awesome! I’ll go finish up the paper work.”
“What?” Percy asked confused. 
“That means you’re hired. For now. Take a seat.” She said, gesturing to the chair across the desk from her.
Piper patted him on the shoulder. “Good luck! Try not to die.” She offered as she bounced out the room, seemingly pleased with herself.
Sitting down across from Annabeth, he fiddled with his tie for a moment. 
“So you’re Percy. It seems you’re my new babysitter.” She replied drily. 
“Yes… Annabeth.” He said after a pause.
Quirking an eyebrow, she looked at him. “Something wrong with my name?”
Percy shook his head quickly. “Not at all, Ma’am. It just sounds… real. Not many fake names use Annabeth.”
She shrugged. “That’s because it’s my real name. At this… company. We trust each other. That’s how we survive, and that’s how we get our work done. We don’t know each other, but if you really have a future here we’ll have to learn to trust each other.” She offered, catching Percy off guard. He knew for a fact this company didn’t deal completely above the table, and was even warned that often it was better not to ask questions. But she seemed genuine, which caught him off guard.
“Plus, if you made it this far that means Piper has enough information on you to absolutely ruin you if you so much as think about turning against us.” She said with a devilish smirk. “Trust, but always have a plan B.”
“Noted.” He said simply, ignoring the fresh wave of danger he felt from her. 
Leaning back in her seat, she cross her arms as she smirked at him. 
“So Percy. What’s your story?”
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yanderelovebites · 5 years
Poly! Yandere Headcanons: TodoDeku
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-  Izuku is Clingy and Delusional while Shōto is Possessive and Obsessive. The way these two would combine would mirror two parents protecting their baby. With Izuku being clingy and delusional, he will think he knows what's best for you and a good chunk of it is also listening to Shōto. Don't get me wrong, don't think you're the only one dealing with his BS but Shōto is obsessive and possessive so he can calm Izuku down. You don't have that luxury. Shōto will also think he knows what is best for you while also spoiling you  and Izuku, which will only encourage Izuku's delusions.
- For starters, the Dom is obviously Shōto. It doesn't take much for him to get either of you to submit–especially in bed. The dual, the one who is okay either way, is Izuku. He doesn't mind being submissive to Shōto but he does want to dominate you. You are the sub in this. You just had to catch their attention, huh? Don't worry, it's not all your fault and they aren't cruel to you. (Izuku would never forgive himself if he was.)
- This relationship occurred originally without you. The two accidentally learned that the other had done some less than pleasant things for the other and realized the feelings were mutual. To be fair, the signs were always there but Yanderes be paranoid. Then they met you. You were more than likely a transfer student or perhaps you were related to someone on staff. Either way, they both loved your kindness but they always questioned your homelife. Your non-hero parent had been instilling odd and sexist things into your head for years and once those two found out... that was it. They knew they both had a crush, after talking about it cause again paranoia, and they knew you had to belong to them. You had to want them!
- Together, their behaviors really balance out. When it comes down to it, you can see how Shōto's type and Izuku's type are mirrored, Shōto's appearing more masculine than Izuku's. You don't really catch it for a long time. Izuku will like hugging you and showing PDA which will lead to Shōto joining to remind people who you and Izuku belong to. You see it as normal since people won't always assume you're in a poly relationship. You don't look it. When you start seeing it is when it gets suffocating like how descriptive Shōto is about you and Izuku that it's just plain creepy, when Izuku says things you're not ready for and he claims you are–claims Shōto is ready for, and worst of all is how you realized that they were a bit on the down end, there was a shrine dedicated to the three of you in Shōto and Izuku's home. Now that's hella creepy.
- Shōto will use his Ice, the pictures, and some secrets against reader while Izuku is iffy. Honestly, if anything, he'll ignore what ever was causing it and use his own force against you...personally, I wouldn't trying fighting at that point cause he's A ONE FOR ALL USER. There's a chance he'll accidentally break your bones, ya know?
- Izuku will definitely argue about the blackmail. He isn't big on manipulation tactics and is okay with the ice simply because he uses his own strength. Why should he do it and tell Shōto not to? That didn't make sense.
- You were kidnapped later on. It was a simple day, school was ending. Afterwards you went out for ice cream and didn't notice the sketchy man who was in the back who prepared it. Bribed. You got sleepy and fell unconscious from eating the delicious treat. When you woke, you were in a room that had a huge bed and there were scented candles all around. The sheets were silky and you were in a cute dress/adorable suit. And a collar.
- You cannot escape these two. One is always home at all times and if it's Shōto there's no way in actual hell you can. With Izuku, there would've been a chance if it weren't for the size of the house. They won't react kindly to your...attempt..
- Izuku would attempt punishment, but fails. If Shōto is home he will say no to whatever Izuku was going to do immediately and claim 'you need more loving' when he knows you already feel suffocated. That is reserved for behavior but during escape attempts, Shōto and Izuku will both be home and Shōto will coax Izuku into punishing you sexually–taking pictures. Oh, don't think he's pleasuring you. Neither of them will do that, no, they're taking pictures of you nude. What will happen if it goes out? (Again Izuku is huffy about this)
- usually Aftercare for behavioral punishments is letting be alone for an hour–you appreciate that. If it's an escape attempt kind of punishment, it usually starts with Izuku wrapping you up in a warm cozy blanket, Shōto getting you some comfy–and very covering–clothes. If you're crying, they'll play with your hair or gently rub your shoulders and back. They'll say you were a good boy/girl in soft tones and cuddle for hours on end. SEXY TIMES aftercare is typically cuddles, lit candles, reassurances depending on if you did any kinky kinky stuff. Usually it's Shōto to you and Izuku and you two have reassure him you're fine and that Izuku is fine and that you both still feel safe. Also may include some soft feel show whether it be a comedy or cartoons, it helps. You may also talk about making things more intense, maybe asking not to do certain things, and trying one thing extra next time. Shōto typically falls asleep first and you and Izuku may giggle at how cute his sleeping face is. Eventually you fall asleep then Izuku. Yep aftercare is nice.
- Shōto doesn't hesitate but Izuku will avoid killing if he can. Izuku will scold Shōto here and there depending who it was. Normally they get over it quick, it was already done.
- If Izuku snapped, he would potentially hurt both you and Shōto, cry about it, but would definitely get extra paranoid. At some point you would be too scared to speak to him and Shōto will try to fix it. This will end in Shōto keeping Izuku in the basement for awhile until he calms down. If Shōto is the one to snap, you wouldn't get hurt because he'd be extra. Izuku and you would be confined into a room and you would freak cause you'd smell blood and his fire. Izuku would try comforting you. He would hold you and try to calm you. If both of them snap, you will not exactly be safe. The best advice is for you to cooperate and relax. If it gets too much, don't be afraid to cry, it would be better to cry than to lash out. Usually this snap won't last long because after awhile, Shōto will see Izuku's behavior long enough that it snaps him out of his own insanity and he will proceed to do what he does to calm him down. There will be some spoiling but this will never leave your mind...ever.
- With Izuku, he isn't the most sexual. This is mostly due to his moral compass. Shōto is, but he's a traditional boy in this regard and wants to wait until all three of you are married.
- Neither will force themselves on you if you're not all married. If you are married, Izuku still won't because he doesn't want to have that on his conscience but if it's Shōto? He won't care, you're married now. Of course, this is punishment and if Izuku denies it guess who is getting punishment with you? Yep, scary...
- The kinks typically used are overstimulation, BDSM, roleplay, petplay, occasionally degradation, and creampies.
- They like giving their affection through hugs, kisses, gifts and on your B-Day they make everything about you. (Especially in bed.)
- Once you accept the two, find life is incredibly easy. You stay home and enjoy life. They don't mind you doing at home jobs like writing or such. It feels normal...except occasionally one them comes home with some blood. You may discuss kids, it will happen. If you're able to be impregnated then you'll be having one baby first. Honestly, it's a coin toss. If you're male, you all go and adopt at most three children. You are the stay at home. You are literally just spoiled and you will spoil your children. Izuku and Shōto don't stop you because they're also spoiling them. Shōto isn't fond of the idea of any of them wanting to be a hero but doesn't say it out loud to them. Izuku encourages 'a job that makes you happy' and you say "No job exists that has no competition, if you want a job when you're older, prepare to be the best you in that job. Not number one but the best you you can be."
Also, lots and lots of vacations. Usually you pick the spot.
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twistedintern · 4 years
Kyuu’s Chronicle - Entries #1-6
Entry One
“Everything happens for a reason.”
...That was, up until recently, a favorite adage of mine. Through good times and bad, I would think back to those five little words.
Everything happens for a reason.
Waking up inside a sealed coffin after an unremarkable night’s rest.
...Hello, Lady Fate? Might I be able to file a tiny complaint? WHAT THE FLYING EVER-LOVING F*CK? 
You don’t just up and isekai a normal adult woman into the middle of some Harry Potter-grade magical college without providing her with purpose, know-how, and a means of returning home! I am NOT the token light novel hero with a personality that screams ‘lovable fish-out-of-water,’ alright? SHEESH. I could’ve been injured, kidnapped, or worse....
Fortunately--yes, there’s always a silver lining, Kyuu. Remember that--while I now know I could’ve ended up as mincemeat at the hands of delinquent students, I was first happened upon… by a cat. That cat was accompanied by a pair of men. Well, I knew one of them was a man. I couldn’t make out his features clearly in the dimly-lit chamber before he left, but he sounded and held himself like a middle-aged man would.
His companion, though? Different story entirely. When he lifted his lamp to get a better look at me, providing me with some much-needed light with which to take in my surroundings…
Feathers. Gaudy shiny things. A suit, tie, cloak, a grand hat.
Two piercing yellow lights shining from a beaked half-mask.
...Mere inches from my face.
I had never fought so hard to suppress a scream in my life.
Entry Two
A bit of time has passed since that, um, eventful night. Because I’m really bad at keeping diaries, I’ll just give a recap:
I have never wanted to go home so badly in all my life.
The individual I met back then--he introduced himself as Dire Crowley, by the way; a fitting name if I do say so myself (I still flinch whenever I see him or hear him call my name. God, he’s so weird)--turned out to be the headmaster of this place. ...Um, what was it called again?
...Right! Night Raven College. He tells me nonstop how prestigious this place is. He’d better not be exaggerating, though that seems to be his general way of talking about things that matter to him.
(I hope he’s telling the truth: if so, it’s only a matter of time before word gets out that I don’t belong here. He won’t believe me whenever I tell him I’m from another, altogether separate world.)
In the meantime, Crow Man has me holed up in a rather spacious (and quite homey) tool shed a short hike away from the central plaza of the school.
I wish I knew why he’s always so hellbent on emphasizing how terribly kind he is when it comes to doing things for others. Normally, I’d consider that sort of behavior to be incredibly suspicious. I mean, I know administrative heads of these kinds of institutes have it tough and are largely underappreciated, but it really feels like he’s hiding something...
Entry Three
Crowley invited me to his office today, and for once, he was the least remarkable thing in the room.
I have never been so shocked in all my years. So much so that I fainted as soon as I processed what I was seeing. (I don’t faint.)
Portraits flanking his seat, seven in total, suspended midair by magic forces beyond my understanding.
The no-nonsense Queen of Hearts
Scar, the usurper lion king
Ursula, the sea witch
Jafar, the sultan’s scheming right-hand
The beautiful and vain Evil Queen
Hades, lord of the dead
Maleficent, the preeminent sorceress of all that is wicked
When I recovered consciousness, I nearly shrieked. 
Crowley responded with a simple nod of the head. Hadn’t I seen their statues on the main street? He wished to know why I was surprised.
Crowley blinked before affirming that yes, I ought to. Very few people in the world don’t. Then I reminded him I wasn’t from this world.
Fast-forward, crow man drags me to some grandiose “Hall of Mirrors” and asks the principal spirit what my deal is. (Why didn’t he do that sooner…?) The spirit (which also looks eerily familiar) validates my entire argument: that I’m a magic-less adult from outside their realm.
And Crowley? Crow Man? He and the mirror spirit might as well have been discussing the weather, because he didn’t seem bothered or troubled by the revelation in the slightest!
Entry Four
A few days later, Crowley made a formal announcement that I would be joining the staff of the college. …As an intern of sorts.
Huh? Excuse me? Did a bird man really just make an executive decision to take me on as his servant?!
For some reason… I’m not as pissed about this as I feel I could be. After all, I’m painfully aware of how I have zero business at Night Raven; it was well within his rights to kick me out. The least I could do is make myself useful.
Crowley (I never thought I’d be calling a bird my boss, but here I am!) sat me down later over a light lunch to tell me about the men I’d be assisting in the days ahead:
Mozus Trein, Professor of Magical History
Very serious, highly respected. A good judge of character with zero tolerance for poor work ethics (yikes!)
Divus Crewel, Professor of Alchemy and Magical Sciences
Exacting, charismatic. A celebrated fashion designer (???) whose wrath has earned him admirers and foes alike
Ashton Vargas, Professor of Kinesiology (I guess he’s the PE guy)
Passionate, persistent. Is known for his narcissism, but is a dependable team player when it counts
Sam, Proprietor of “Mr. S’s Mystery Shop”
The go-to man for all your buying needs. Is a bit on the eccentric side, but that’s part of his charm
Maybe this won’t be such a lousy arrangement after all....
Entry Five
Allow me to amend my earlier statement ever so slightly:
My first day on the job has been nothing but one disaster after another. These men are unreasonable, larger-than-life characters with the most obtuse expectations and tendencies I’ve ever met! Why oh why couldn’t I have been made younger in the process of this whole isekai-ing business? A great many students, as I’ve now come to learn, aren’t half bad. (The remarkable ones among them certainly left a lasting impression…) What’s more, they actually seem terrified of these fellows birdbrain assigned me to aid.
Divus Crewel is not my type of person AT ALL. He’s vain, cold, and completely unforgiving. He tore at me from the get-go, his cold grey eyes boring into me as he informed me how drab my sense of style was. The headmaster spoke so highly of me; he thought it fair to assume that I would be a remarkable presence having come from a world apart. I know well his type: petty and shallow. (Bastard thinks he can wear fur like that in his line of work? Tch.)
Ashton Vargas was, unsurprisingly, the textbook definition of a musclehead. He chewed me out for my poor physical constitution and demanded that I join him for early morning jogs around campus followed by intense cardio. Not for nothing, but exercise is not my thing. Naturally, he’s so into himself that he didn’t bother listening to me when I tried to politely turn down his invitation.
Sam… where do I even begin about that piece of work? ‘A bit eccentric’? Only a little? Way to downplay things, boss bird! The guy is a bonafide freak. He’s all about making sales and nothing else, and he’s as sketchy as rotten fish smells. And get this… his shadow? The thing has a mind of its own, and he does nothing to keep a reign on it. I couldn’t tell if he was joking, but as soon as he started talking about his “friends on the other side” with a snicker and a twinkle in his eye, I hightailed it out of there. I am never going back to his place of business ever again, even if it kills me.
I haven’t even met the last person the Headmaster told me about, but if he’s anything like his colleagues--or worse--Crowley might as well throw me to the sharks and put me out of my misery. Going by the information that… crow so generously shared with me, he doubtless feels like someone who’s going to see right through me and utterly crush what little self-worth I have left.
Please, I just want this nightmare to be over already....
Entry Six
So… um, hold on. I need to gather my thoughts. Deep breaths, Kyuu. Deep breaths.
Today was… nice. I can’t believe I’m saying any of this but… I’m kind of happy.
Although I had initially considered skipping my appointed first meeting with Professor Trein, I decided to suck it up at the very last minute and take whatever fate had in store for me head-on. I do not regret my decision in the least.
Where do I begin? I was so damn nervous when I knocked on the door to his office. A voice urged me inside, but the first thing that greeted me wasn’t the voice’s owner… but a cat.
This fluffy black and white feline, its expression demure, ran up to me immediately and took to rubbing against my leg. It was the cat from that fateful night I woke up inside a coffin! He held still and stared at me expectantly before issuing a rawl. I looked up to find a stern man, dressed in antiquated robes, regarding me with an unflinching glower. I was paralyzed with fear--I’d screwed up, hadn’t I?
Then he smiled at me. “It has been a while, Kyuu. I was expecting you.” He was the other person from that night! I just nodded my head dumbly and followed him inside. I could see how one could find him intimidating, what with his piercing visage and strict, commanding aura, but for me there was something almost comforting about his olden mannerisms.
We had a delightful talk over freshly-brewed tea. He asked me about myself, and I was stunned to learn that he and I had many things in common! He was positively amazed how quickly his beloved cat (who’s name is Lucius, by the way) warmed up to me. All the while, I was fondly reminded of my university days where I would spend hours on end talking with one of my favorite history professors after class.
I eventually opened up to him about my catastrophic first day with his colleagues. He expressed sympathy, but at the same time he was quick to point out that perhaps I was taking things too personally, and that I had jumped to conclusions without putting things in perspective. Knowing my tendencies, I conceded that he was probably right.
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