#but as always i am team what's good for jess
trexalicious · 14 hours
A scathingly brilliant piece from Jan Moir...🤣
Like a cavalry galloping to the rescue of their wounded leaders, former and current employees of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex rushed into print this week to big up their bosses.
In the pages of Us Weekly, an influential American showbiz magazine popular with teens and teen-moms, print and online readers were breathlessly informed by Team Sussex that Prince Harry was a super-great guy, no airs and graces, just a regular dude, rah-rah-rah.
Meanwhile, what about girlboss Meghan? According to those who worked for her and lived to tell the tale, she was completely marvellous, too. No, really. Pass me that halo and let her duchessy love light shine.
For she was kind and thoughtful. She made great gourmet snacks. 'Some of my favourite memories,' said former Archewell president Mandana Dayani, who lasted 18 months until she left in 2022, 'were during our weekly meetings in her Montecito home, where Meghan always served the most incredible lunches and her latest beautiful concoctions.'
I am imagining exquisite delicacies such as 'vegetable soup' and 'green salad', ­possibly even a delightful 'egg‑based ­omelette' sourced from the in-house ­rescue chickens.
As the Sussex staff detailed the ­positives for posterity, it was hard to determine the true nature of their ­relationship with their bosses. Attorney-­client, doctor-patient, jailer-inmate, star-civilian, duchess-serf?
And was it my imagination or were the outpourings of these worker drones ­reminiscent of the rising hysteria of ­someone chained to a radiator in the basement of Archewell Towers, hoping to get home by Christmas?
According to their parti pris gibberish, Meghan was a Tinker Bell of titbits, a Mother Teresa of munificence; this gift-giving goddess who lavished staff with bow-tied presents and on-brand sharing and caring.
'When I adopted my dog, the next day I had a luxury-brand leash and new collar on my doorstep,' said one former staffer, who amusingly thought the gifts were for her pup.
'They want to take care of us,' one ­current employee told Us Weekly. 'Meghan will do things like: 'You mentioned on the call your skin is bothering you. I put together a kit for you.'
Is that being kind and helpful? Is that tending to the pimpled lame – or a tacit message to up their game?
For those of us who have spent a ­lifetime working in offices and assorted workplaces, alongside good bosses and bad, the thought of a superior sending you a tub of wrinkle cream or some self‑improving unguent, well, it just makes me want to die.
But listen, there is more. Meghan, said one staffer, is known for giving credit where it's due.
'If you're in a meeting and a great idea is referenced, she makes sure to give props [respect and appreciation] to the person who generated the idea,' they said. 'And after a big trip, every employee gets a personal email thanking them for their contribution in making it a success.'
An email! Oh, how lovely. Isn't this low-level respect the very least a valued member of staff deserves?
These fawning responses in Us Weekly came in riposte to a ­damning article in The Hollywood Reporter, which stated that the Duchess's 'terrible behaviour' was the root cause of the high ­turnover rate of staff at the couple's Archewell company.
The report in the entertainment industry bible earlier this month claimed that many of those who work and have worked for Meghan are 'terrified' of her. It included quotes from sources calling her a 'dictator in high heels' who ­'belittles' people and has reduced 'grown men to tears'.
I should point out here that Us Weekly is to the Sussexes what Pravda was to Stalin and what The Guardian is to Labour MP Jess Phillips – a blaring bugle of uncritical support. So, we heard in great detail about Archewell team visits to the couple's ­Montecito mansion, where Meghan gave everyone ­baskets of flowers, fruit and eggs to take home. So darling of her! She also passed on her ­children's hand-me downs. Is there no end to her generosity?
One employee even told Us Weekly that despite Meghan's reputation as a mini tyrant, they had 'never' heard her yell. Instead, the Duchess gave her staff 'clear direction and is ­solution-oriented' – which makes her sound like a rather lovely and amenable bottle of glue.
And when it came to hiring staff, another raving Archewell acolyte insisted that the Duke and ­Duchess of Sussex always 'picked the best of the best from every field and watered the seeds for them to flourish'.
But what are Harry and Meghan growing for posterity out there in California – an Archewell empire or a damp squib? Seeds, ­solutions, eggs . . . what the hell is going on?
Of course, these accusations are nothing new to royal-watchers in the UK. The Duchess of Sussex has long been dogged by reports she promotes a toxic workplace environment, along with repeated accusations of what her lawyers insist to this day we must call ­'difficult' behaviour. In 2021, reports that the former actress had allegedly bullied and reduced staff members to tears at Kensington Palace were dismissed by the Sussexes as a smear. Yet it is no secret that the couple have lost 18 employees to date in their short time as a ­company entity in both the UK and the US.
One new American-based source blames 'unbearable' and ­'condescending' Meghan for the alarming 'churn and burn' rate. These rumours just won't go away – but the big difference this time is that it is US news outlets that are making the claims.
Maer Roshan, co-editor-in-chief of The Hollywood Reporter, said he stands by the story after a backlash that included one ­Sussex source saying the claims were 'fabricated'.
Former and current employees of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex rushed into print this week to big up their bosses.
Roshan told Access Hollywood: 'Our reporter talked to a very high-up source who works for the couple and said: 'Everyone is ­terrified of Meghan.'
'Duchess Difficult is a nickname that has trailed Meghan Markle for quite a few years. What is new is that this notion, since coming to America, that a lot of these rumours were manufactured by the Palace – the reporting that we did suggests that probably isn't true and there is still this ­undercurrent of fear.'
Many of you might remember Prince Harry, in his high, tight, aggrieved voice, telling the world in his various documentaries and interviews that: 'There is a ­hierarchy of the [Royal] Family. You know there is leaking, but there is also ­planting of stories.'
Even The Hollywood Reporter, a neutral observer, now raises an eyebrow at this. This is devastating for the couple whose reputation has survived so far by ­blaming their difficulties on the Royal Family and the British Press, instead of examining their own alleged bad behaviour.
Just a few issues ago in Us Weekly, the Duchess of Sussex was smoothing down the pleats on her kilt of no-guilt and telling everyone that she was opening 'a chapter of joy' in her life and that everything was hunky in her dory.
But now – yet again – the ­Sussexes are back at square one; expending time, energy, favours and friends in defending themselves against the indefensible.
We have been here before, we are back here again; swimming against this avalanche of bad press, slaloming though the ­snowdrifts of snark.
It makes me think, was this westward flight by the Sussexes – this bridge-burning journey into what they presumed would be a better, kinder world, patrolled by powerful friends such as Oprah and billionaire Tyler Perry – ­simply fuelled by a lust for praise and admiration that they felt was their due?
Yet no longer can Meghan and Harry present themselves to the world as a couple under siege, a pair of self-righteous smirkers who felt themselves to be the ­victims of racism and bullying.
The Hollywood Reporter has described them as 'poor decision-makers' who 'change their minds frequently', and added that Harry was a 'very charming ­person' but 'very much an ­enabler'. The poor fool.
Duchess Difficult and the ­Enabling Prince? It sounds like a ­terrible Harry Potter novel, only now there is no magic spell to make this fresh stink vanish into the Californian air.
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frazzledsoul · 6 months
A while back @saltygilmores directed me to an AYITL era interview with Milo I thought was interesting. Milo had infamously said on a talk show (Jimmy Fallon, I think) that it mattered less if Jess were "Team Jess" than if Jess were "Team Rory". I thought that meant that Jess would be supportive of whatever was best for Rory, but....
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...it appears that's maybe not exactly what he meant. Milo doesn't encourage the ship because he doesn't think Rory would be good for Jess because of how she hurt him in the past. Also he would rather have you talk about whatever he's working on now and please shut up about the baby daddy questions, please.
There's been a lot of speculation (here and elsewhere) on Milo coming back to film a Literati-centered sequel to AYITL over the years. I've heard it said often here that Milo was unhappy that Jess didn't win the ship war. I was told so many times over the years that Milo and Amy were just waiting for This Is Us to finish so they could film a follow-up, that Milo intentionally planned for The Company We Keep to be a one-season show so he could run back and film AYITL 2, etc. but the truth is....he's not a shipper. He thinks it was great that Jess went off and became a better person and formed a great life on his own and was an inspiration to Rory to change her own life. But he doesn't think it's in Jess's best interest to reconcile with her. He wants him to keep his own happy ending, where he's happy and mature and well-adjusted. And he's right.
I think recently with the proliferation of podcasts and clickbait media writing about the show that AYITL is seen as something that's not quite canon, and people have given up on the sequel. Which I actually think is a positive development. There have been rumors that Milo wouldn't film any romantic scenes with Alexis in AYITL, that Alexis shut down AYITL 2 talks because she didn't want to be involved in it...all of that is neither here or there, because I think everyone's accepted that it's over. So the story won't be concluded any more than it already has been, except in our heads.
As for Jess, the insistence that he's the sole threat to Rory's well-being the first time he tries to reconcile with her and that he's the destructive or morally inferior force that's going to bring her down is a very inaccurate interpretation of the situation. Running away together was not a good idea, but neither was Rory sleeping with a married man and helping destroy someone else's marriage...and she is primarily so cruel and dismissive of Jess because she's hurtling towards that adulterous affair that she imagines will validate and affirm her and Jess is going to get in the way. Just because Dean lied and manipulated her into it doesn't mean what she was doing wasn't already wrong, nor does it excuse her actions or the fact that she didn't regret what she did for years. The fact that she didn't make this mistake single-handedly doesn't mean she wasn't responsible for her role in it.
So, yes, she hurt him instead of gently saying no and backing away from Dean before anyone else got damaged by her behavior with him. He took that hurt and made a great life for himself but when he meets her again on fresh terms as an adult and she uses him again...yeah, it's not in his best interest to try again unless Rory has changed her behavior and isn't going to use him as one more competing figure in her endless love triangles. He changed and she didn't, at least not in the way that would make him believe he could trust her again.
Which doesn't mean they can't be friends in the meantime or that she's not capable of changing....but it has not happened yet, and as long as ASP is in charge it won't, because she doesn't believe in character development for her main characters. So I think Milo was on the right track with his thinking on this one. Jess shouldn't reconcile with Rory until she's grown up enough to be good for him. I do imagine it happens because I believe change is possible...but it shouldn't happen until there is some serious character growth on her part.
Jess should not have to atone forever for the shit he did in high school, and Rory is not some blameless dream girl who wasn't capable of inflicting serious emotional damage on her own, often in very cruel and catastrophic ways. And as she grew older, the damage she did (or tried to do) to Jess actually got worse. She is not morally superior to him by the end, and he shouldn't have to prove himself to her. It should be the other way around. His happiness matters at least as much as hers does, if not more.
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snowy-vee · 7 months
ALL MINE Pt.1 (E.W ff)
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oblivious loser bsf! ellie williams x posesive popular bsf!fem reader
n/a: English is not my first language, any misspelling will be corrected later on, also, please feel free to leave a comment and rb!!
Pt.2 Here
Inform yourself about what's happening and how to help! FREE PALESTINE, FREE CONGO.
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“Bye, girls!” you waved to the cheer team before getting into Ellie’s car, greeting her with a small ‘hi’ and a kiss on her cheek. “Why weren’t you at cheer practice? I missed you looking at me from the bleachers like a little stalker,” you giggle, grabbing her phone to put music to your liking.
“I don’t look like a stalker... Do I? I don't,” she said quietly, and you laughed again. “Anyway, I was doing a project, and I didn’t notice how late it was until you called me to pick you up.”
She started the car and began to drive home. You were both roommates in an off-campus flat, and since Ellie was the only one with a licence, it was common for her to drive you everywhere and pick you up.
You kept looking for a good playlist while ‘Too Fast’ by Sonder was playing when a notification came in. You blinked twice, thinking you might have seen something wrong, but the message from Dina saying she had a good time was still there.
“Dina was your partner for the project?”
“Yes, why? She is very nice; I wonder why I’ve never spoken to her; she’s got a good vibe.”
“Yeah, but isn’t she kind of a loser? I mean, the only interesting thing about her is that she dated Jesse.” You scoffed. The ugly look she gave you after that was enough to make you stop laughing. “I don’t mean it in a bad way! Just saying that you might not want to hang out with her that much.”
“I am a loser too; shouldn’t I be hanging out with my kind of people?”
“You’re not a loser! You just have different interests than the rest of our friends—"
“Your friends"
"My friends, whatever, you hang out with me; that gives you some status and makes you not a total loser but a partial one.”
Ellie rolled her eyes as she parked the car, grabbed her backpack from the back seat, and got out without opening your door, as she usually does. You opened your mouth a little offended and got out too.
“Els! Come on, don’t get angry. I’ll cook dinner, yeah?” You tried to apologise, but she had already locked herself in her room. You snorted, throwing your bag on your bed and then throwing yourself off too.
You and Ellie had been best friends since middle school. You came in as the new girl and soon caught the attention of many, but Ellie was the only one who made you feel comfortable in every way. You were always together and inseparable until high school, when you decided to become a cheerleader, and that’s when the distinction between you and Ellie began.
Although you tried to make time for her or integrate her into the “Populars” group, it didn’t work out, and it was obvious that it made both parties uncomfortable, so the only times you shared space together were at parties or break time. Ellie had friends, not counting the online ones, but for her, they were more like classmates, so she barely spent time with them.
It doesn’t matter; you were going to sleep and apologise in the morning—that is, until, coming out of the bathroom after taking a good shower and changing into your pyjamas, you heard giggles and voices from Ellie’s room.
Was she laughing with Dina? How was it possible that they were already at the level of making video calls? Was there something else she wasn’t telling you? No, you were best friends; you told each other everything.
“Els, I’m going to make instant ramen; do you want the chicken one or?” You opened the door without knocking first to confirm your suspicions, and yes, it was Dina on the other side of the phone. You could see her face and how her smile slowly faded. “Oh, hi, Dina.”
"Hi,” she said softly. “Well, I’m going to have dinner too; talk to you later, Ellie.”
“Yeah, okay, bye, Dina." Ellie smiled, hanging up. She woke up from her bed and nodded in your direction. “I want chicken ramen; I’ll go shower real quick.”
She was still annoyed with you; you could feel it, so that meant you had to apologise tonight.
Your cooking skills were not the best; it was strange that you touched the stove burners, mostly because Ellie did. Talking about the Queen of Rome, there she was standing in her black pyjama pants and sports bra. She was drying her short hair as she watched you cook.  
"Can I help you with something?" She asked, but you refused. You were almost done; you just needed to put the food on the plates. You left the dishes on the table in the living room. "Actually, I was planning to eat in my room today."  
"Ellie, please... I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk like that about your  friends." You started apologising by grabbing her hand and leading her to the couch. "Forgive me, yes? I hate that we're upset about something so small."  
"Ugh, I hate that I can't be mad at you for too long." You squealed with excitement, and before you knew it, you both had finished eating and were now sharing a blanket on the couch while watching a movie.   Your head was resting on her shoulder, and although it was a comfortable position, it got on your nerves that Ellie was on her phone, sending messages and giggling from time to time. It was driving you crazy.
You cleared your throat as you got off the couch. "I'm going to sleep; tomorrow will be a busy day," you said.  
"But the movie isn't over yet," Ellie protested, looking at you with those beautiful eyes of hers. For a moment, you were about to stay, but Ding! Another notification caused her to divert your attention to her phone again.  
"No, I don't want dark circles under my eyes."  
"Wait, one thing..."  
"Tomorrow, where was that party?" you frowned at her question, confused that she's asking about a party.  
"Uh... at the same frat house where we went for the Halloween party, why?"  
"Yes, but can you send me the address?"  
"Yes, but why? You said you didn't want to come, remember?"  
"I know, but you're going to drag me anyway, and Dina said she wanted to come, so I won't be alone."  
"You're never alone; I'm with you," you replied. Ellie raised an eyebrow as she looked at you. "Most of the time, I'm with you, Ellie!"  
"I know! I appreciate it, but... I think I want to get to know Dina more, if you know what I mean." Her cheeks began to redden, and she had a shy smile as she looked at her phone.   That made your stomach churn.
You nodded and couldn't help but let out an incredulous chuckle that went unnoticed by her. "I'll send you the location tomorrow, Els."  
"Great, you're the best; I love you."  
"Me too, get a good night's rest," you said, walking down the hallway to your room. You looked once more at Ellie before entering, still hooked on her phone.   You definitely had to get rid of Dina.  
You didn't have a problem with sharing other things, but Ellie? No way; she was yours, all yours.
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breathinlove · 1 year
lovergirl!ellie headcanons
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read this
sinopse: highschool romance with ellie
cw: nsfw with warning near the end, swearing, basically fluff, ellie and reader play soccer, puppy love, slightly loser!ellie, not explicit if reader is fem or masc, not exactly proofread (it's definitely not).
lovergirl!ellie who has a bunch of girls swooning over her but she doesn't pay any mind.
lovergirl!ellie who is the soccer team's captain and meets you when you join the team late junior year.
lovergirl!ellie who helps you during practice and games.
lovergirl!ellie who asks you for water during practice and spends the whole week thinking about the indirect kiss.
lovergirl!ellie who notices how often you blink, how heavy you breathe, how you look at her during practice.
lovergirl!ellie who writes about you in her journal.
lovergirl!ellie who talks about you to her best friends,
"you should ask her out, ellie" dina would always say, jesse backing her up, but ellie always brushes it off with sweet flustered chuckles.
lovergirl!ellie who gives you a sketch of you after practice, the day before spring break.
lovergirl!ellie who nearly falls off the bed when you text her.
lovergirl!ellie who invited you over (dina and jesse's idea) and you draw together... ellie praises you through it too.
"you play with colors so well" "you're doing good, see?" as she points to your drawing.
lovergirl!ellie who asks joel what he thinks of you and spends the whole night rambling about you.
lovergirl!ellie whose eyes widened when you kissed her goodbye, she pulled you to a hug before kissing you again, arms wrapped around eachother.
lovergirl!ellie who ever since, hangs out with you everytime she can and smiles everytime you call it a date.
lovergirl!ellie who when you're back at school doesn't mind pda at all, holding your arm, your hand, your back.
lovergirl!ellie who gives you handwritten letters after you do it once, adding sketches. becoming a thing between the two of you... from high school junior year to now, the end of freshmen in college.
nsfw (praise kink, switch ellie and reader)
lovergirl!ellie who preferes cozy making out on the couch or the bed.
lovergirl!ellie who loves dry humping, pressing your jeans agaisnt eachother.
lovergirl!ellie who on your first time together orgasms multiple times due to your praises.
you on top of her, rubbing her clit while she sucked your neck, collarbone and tits trying to keep quiet. "let me hear you ellie..." you whisper into her ear and suck her earlobe and she lets out a "fuck" and her legs shake. her hands find your hair pulling you so you face her, you smile. "god you're sexy" she grunts and kisses you deeply, moaning into your mouth as you slide a finger inside and a few thrusts in, she's cumming around your fingers. you end up going down on her later, she's squirming underneath you at every praise... a "you taste so good, ellie" while roaming your hands on her abs and hips and she's cumming all over your tongue once again... for the third time.
lovergirl!ellie who takes a little longer to find the confidence to be on the giving end, asking for reassurance and leaning onto your praises.
"you like that?" her voice is raspy and she's doing everything perfectly. she's sat against the bed's headboard and you're on top of her as she fucks her fingers up into you. "yeah" you tilt your head back, moaning her name, grinding your clit back and forth on her hand. "you're doing so well for me ellie, fucking me so well" you look down at her and she fucks you deeper and you fall on her shoulder "am i now?" she asks and you can feel her grin and she grabs your ass. grunting "so. fucking. pretty" between thrusts and you grip her shoulders, almost yelling her name against her shoulder and she doesn't stop until you're squirting "good girl yeah... good girl ".
lovergirl!ellie who really values aftercare, kissing eachothers shoulders and backs... cleaning after eachother.
lovergirl!ellie who makes love and fucks good.
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onlyangel4 · 23 days
pls pls pls 💗💗
write a smau with a very unhinged down bad carlos sainz girlfriend. who sexualises everything about carlos but she's got a serious job like a vogue editor or smth, so she writes about him and people can actually SEE how down bad for him. "are u objectifying me mi amor" " i always objectify u boyfriend" like I need unhinged carlos x girlfriend who need to jump each others bones everyday plsss 🌶️🤪😩🤲🏻🤲🏻
unhinged. cs55. smau.
carlos sainz x girlfriend!reader
in which carlos' girlfriend can not keep her horny thoughts to herself, even in a professional environment
faceclaim: simone ashley
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liked by user1, user2, user3 and 76,192 others
f1wags: vogue editor and carlos sainz' girlfriend y/n y/ln has arrived to the australian grand prix. "after a week off looking after carlos i managed to convince my boss to let me have this weekend off so i could support him post surgery. but i will be writing about this", y/n spoke in an interview
view all 3,291 comments
user1: omg y/n covering the grand prix this bitch is gonna be so horny
user2: she looks so fucking good
user3: i bet carlos' jaw dropped when he saw her this morning
y/ninsta posted a story tagging lizakoshy and terrycrews
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written: carlos was busy resting for today last night. so i had a wild night quoting white chicks with two of my favourite people.
carlossainz posted a story
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written: my good luck charm is here
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: he sure is getting head tonight
carlossainz posted a story
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written: i have never been happier
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liked by y/ninsta, carlossainz, scuderiaferrari and 2,391,119 others
vogue: we may live to regret this but this months issue includes a very special segment written by our very own editor y/n y/ln. the article covers what it is like to be a wag in a world full of online criticism, how to deal with being long distance from her boyfriend at times and most importantly that very special win in australia.
view all 91,822 comments
y/ninsta: be warned this article is not for persons under the age of eighteen
carlossainz: next time can i write a horny article about mi amor
scuderiaferrari: y'all are brave our pr team will not let her say a word in interviews
user4: i can't fucking wait to read this
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: me and daisy just wanted to let you know that my vogue article is out now!
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liked by y/ninsta, charlesleclerc, scuderiaferrari and 1,321,809 others
tagged: y/ninsta
carlossainz: since the love of my life decided to write an article all about how hot i am i wanted to remind you that she is 100x hotter. love you carino
view all 51,218 comments
y/ninsta: this post just got you some brownie points
carlossainz: just wanted to show the world my pretty girl
user5: they are so in love it makes me sick
user6: the hottest couple on the grid
user7: both of them using their massive platforms to be horny for each other is such a slay
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
taglist: @formulaal @formulaonebuff @danielshoe @noooway555 @dilflover44
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neoarchipelago · 5 months
Being Simon Riley's secretary/help for paperwork cuz that man doesn't give a flying fuck about it and Laswell got tired of it.
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But Simon gets close to her. So now while she's sitting at his desk, filling reports for him, he's sitting on the chair on the other side of the desk, back towards it as he's leaning back, head on the desk, gossiping.
"and that dumbass rookie thought I didn't know. Can ya believe that?"
"what an idiot" you chuckle as you scribble something.
But the team don't know that. They don't know the extent of this... 'friendship' cuz what is even this to be honest.
Until one day Gaz and Soap storm into Simon's office with Price right behind, tired of their antics and they all freeze.
There on the couch, you sit in a corner with Simon's head on your lap, and a report in your hand. You look at them wide eyed while Simon just keeps rambling.
"but McTavish thought it'd be best to just jump out-"
"I can't believe you're telling her that!!" Soap yells embarrassed.
"see? I told you." Simon simply says.
"hm... I get it now." You simply answer with a nod and you turn back to the report.
So you also gossip with him. He never thought he'd be so interested in what Lisa said about Annie. He can't believe she'd tell Jess about her dating jimmy cuz, what is it even her business-
Simon knows exactly who's fucking who, who's dating out messing around with whom. Knows that sergeant James's wife is entitled and has been using her husband's rank. He'll have to fix that by the way.
You on the other hand know who the barrack bunnies are. The rookie's latest antics against their superiors or even the superior's dirty secrets. (To the limits of classified info on missions)
The thing is, outside of the two of you, you guys are as quiet as a tomb. Not a peep about conversations or gossip. But you always run to each other when something happens. Sometimes text about it in a private chat.
He's like the hawk of the base, watching everything, and you're the little bird, chirping and listening at windows.
So when one day your hear two recruits talk about some money they received in exchange of infos, your focus is caught. You hear as much details as possible glance at the name on their vests, sneak to get more infos from around the base and run to Simon to gossip.
But this time Simon is serious.
"are you sure?" He asks in a tone you rarely hear from him, and never directed at you.
"wha-... Yes, I am... Si-"
"did they saw you?"
"heard you? Suspect you? Who else knows? Who did you question?"
"Simon! What's going on?"
"Y/N. Dove. Answer. me." He says, taking a step at every word until you're backed against the desk, forced to almost sit on it and he's leaning over you with both hands on either side of you on the wood surface. So God damn close to you...
You shudder under his gaze and closeness. It ends up creating some kind of immediate response in your brain to snap into submission for him as you answer all his questions in a small voice, eyes never leaving each other's.
He doesn't say anything for a few seconds. And when you finally open your mouth to say something he cuts you.
"good girl. Stay here. Lock the door. Close the blinds."
You don't get to question. He's already out the office and you're clueless. Did you do something wrong? Was it out of line? You starts to walk to the door and lock it as you were told. Closing the blinds and then sitting on the couch. You forgot your paperwork on your desk and he'd get furious if you'd step out to go get them. You sigh.
You grab the throw blanket you were glad to have brought into his office. (He'd often nap in there the week after coming back from a mission)
You end up curled on the couch with the blanket, turning to your phone for some mindless scrolling...
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dsybouquet · 9 months
ceo! ellie - 4
“see the stars, they’re shining bright. everything is alright tonight”
read part 3 here !
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ellie woke up by the sound of glasses moving. tiredly, she rolled around, noticing your absence. the light was already beaming in from your bedroom window. how late was it? regardless, ellie got up and made her way down the hallway to meet you in the kitchen.
you smiled, noticeably already running on a cup of coffee. ellie rubber her eyes, groaning a small ‚morning‘ back with her raspy morning voice.
perhaps you had a little heartattack because of how how she manages to sound and look that good while you‘re fumbling around with cups and plates.
„want a coffee?“ you ask while already pouring some in a cup and handing it to her.
ellie, in the meantime, sat down at your kitchen table, watching you clean up your kitchen. she had to admit, you looked adorable while doing so. still in pyjamas, no make up, hair a little messy.. she could get used to that view.
“what time is it?“ she asked after the first few sips of coffee.
you looked at the time on your microwave. „9.45 am“
quickly, ellie pulled out her phone to see if there was anything to be missed. in fact, she had 4 missed calls from dina, 5 from jesse and 1 from an unknown number. she didn’t dare to take a look into her messages app.
„fuck.“, she groaned, letting her head fall into her hands.
“what‘s wrong?“ you asked her, sitting down on the other side of the table.
„work. still have to plan an event.“ her hands still supported her head. truth is, ellie didn’t want to. she hated planing and holding speeches on events. she hated the people acting all nice around her when truth was they despised her for taking over joels work.
you nodded, almost forgetting that ellie wasn’t just a girl, she was a business woman.
“i suppose you need to go soon then?”
ellie looked up to you, her eyes covered in almost a sad glace. the time she spends with you makes her feel so free, like there isn’t a company to run or an event to plan or an problem to solve. its pure sweet freedom, the one she has been seeking for ages.
“if you need fresh clothes, check my closet. this way you don’t need to drive home first.” you said with the softest smile on your lips. maybe you also just liked the thought of her wearing your stuff although it may not fit her perfectly.
“i would just keep that hoodie on, if you don’t mind, dear?”
“of course not!”
the way the petnames rolled off her lips made you weak in the knees.
no matter how stressed ellie felt, she took her time drinking her coffee, keeping up a conversation with you while doing so. she kindly declined breakfast as she wasn’t the person to eat right after getting up.
slowly, you two got ready for the day. brushing teeth and hair, getting changed. ellie enjoyed the slow morning with you - although she knew dina and jesse would fuck her up for this.
together you walked to the beautiful white bentley outside. in your eyes, ellie looked so adorable. the tailored suit pants paired with your oversized university hoodie. she looked so casual, so suit, no black turtleneck - just a pretty girl that spend the night at someone’s place.
“i’ll text you later, okay? maybe we can grab some food?” she asked as gentle as always, smirking slightly.
“i’d love that.”
ellie knew you’d spend your day with your laptop and books, studying for the upcoming exams. maybe a little dinner date would make you feel better after.
she pulled you in a tight hug, stroking your hair lightly.
“see you later, pretty girl.”
“what the fuck took you so long?”
dina was pissed, and maybe she was right about it. after all, miller enterprises almost got sued over some stupid agent.
“sorry.” ellie groaned in return, letting herself drop onto her leather office chair.
rolling her eyes to the back of her head dina called jesse and a few more members of the team to meet in ellies office.
“everything is set. while you were gone enjoying youself, we organised an event hall and a catering service.” jesse explained, putting some contacts and sheets of paper on ellies desk.
“invitations have been sent, celebrities and influencers as well as important business people have been invited. the charity event, as per wish of the andersons, will be dedicated to the saint mary hospital. helping finding a cure for terminal child illnesses.” dina continued, catching ellies attention.
“this is a lovely topic. helping research for kids that need it.. very well done, team.” she admitted, signing the checks that were in between the paper stack jesse put infront of her.
everybody stood around her desk, watching her silently, waiting for an objection or something to change. to their surprise, ellie was calm. soft tempered, reading through every detail.
“next friday?” she then asked, looking up at everybody.
“fine. we can get everything done by then.”
they kept on discussing business manner some of the lower tier agents for organisations didn’t understand. after all some were too stunned by the fact that they were standing in their ceos office.
“everyone aware of what to do? are we all aligned?”
everybody nooded. some ‘aye sir’ and ‘yes ma’am’ coming from different corners. ellie took that as a clear yes.
“i expect a perfect event. i shall keep my eyes on your hands while doing so. if you need anything, be it budget or approval, send it to your team leader or to jesse to let me sign it, all clear?”
again, nodding and silent approvals.
ellie grinned, sometimes she loved the power.
“you’re all dismissed then.”
everybody, except for dina and jesse, left her office. ellie wished her friends left too. she wasn’t ready for tales about how she was irresponsible by being inactive and not checking her phone.
“didn’t know you went to university?” dina joked, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed. “another girl to play and show off with? is it that bartender girl?”
this woman knew how to piss ellie off. she rolled her eyes and got out of her comfortable leather seat.
“first of all, thats none of your business, dina. i didn’t say a word about you and jesse as well.”
“well you just di-“
“jesse, not know!”
jesse laughed demonically, knowing his jokes can be quite a bit.
“and second of all, i am always on top of everything. once i sleep in you act like my fucking mother!”
“didn’t you wish for one?”
if dina wasn’t her best friend, ellie would’ve grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against the wall. it was a button you shouldn’t be pushing when talking to ellie. she was quite reserved about her past, about everything before joel.
„dina that’s enough!“ jesse threw in, getting in between the women.
„i‘ll send you approved contracts to sign.“ dina added before leaving the office.
ellie felt defeated and just looked at jesse.
„can you like leave too? i got work to do.“
„if you need anything let me know.“
„i won‘t but thanks, jesse.“
and so he left her in her huge office by herself. a huge groan left her throat before she activated her coffee machine for another cup. ellie light a cigarette and sat down at her desk. dina always had to pull the family card, opening old wounds that haven’t properly healed inside of ellie yet. there was no time to heal when you had a company to run.
she did her paperwork, read the contacts dina mailed her and approved or declined them. she took boring business calls and attended meetings with the top tier managers.
finally she called it a day and called you on her way to her car.
„hey ellie!“ you sweet voice light up her moof immediately.
“hey dear, can i come pick you up?”
oh, how you hoped she wouldn’t hear your smile in your voice.
“of course ! didnt finish studying yet but it can wait.”
ellie made her way to the garage of the office building, still having you on the phone.
“alright, i will be there in 20!”
and she was. perhaps your were already waiting outside, wearing your favourite skirt paired with a hoodie and leather jacket, heeled boots underneath.
“hey.” again, she pulled you in a soft hug after getting out of her bentley before opening the door for you to get in.
“so, where are we going?”
“my apartment. im not feeling many people in a restaurant right now.”
you nodded, understanding the burden of work and after studying for what felt like ages, you were happy to not have dinner in a restaurant.
ellie drove off your street, 80s rock playing again. the sun was already down due to the winter nights. still, her car and her aura was so warm.
she stopped in front of an huge building that looked way to expensive to be an apartment building. pressing a little button on a remote control in her car, the doors to an underground garage opened. being an student that’s hardly living on budget, you were stunned.
and before you could notice, you stood in an elevator driving to the top floor of the apartment. the doors opened, and in front of you was probably the most gorgeous apartment you’ve ever seen. plants, led lights and lamp, nerdy posters and figures.
“welcome to my place.”
you were a hooked by the view from the enormous windows all around you. the skyline of the town was beautiful.
she helped you take off your jacket and put it on the hanger - as gentle as always. “thank you.” you smiled.
she showed you around. showing you her kitchen which was an dream, her two bathrooms that were so huge and beautiful, her living room, her bedroom and office. this apartment was an absolute dream. all black and white furniture, color coming from plants and posters.
“ellie this is an insane place.”
“took me a good while to get it like this, thank you.”
she smiled before getting wine glasses and a bottle of way too expensive looking wine.
“i was thinking about ordering pizza, im not a good cook unfortunately.”
“i would love that.”
and so you ordered pizza and drank way too expensive wine, talking, smoking cigarettes and maybe a little bit of weed too. you never felt so full filed in your life - neither did ellie.
“hm?” you replied, looking up and taking a sip of the wine. ellie adored the way you look, slightly drunk, eyes full of life. how she wanted to have you for herself, but you hardly have entered the talking stage, did you?
by staring at your pretty eyes, she forgot what to say.
“ellie?” you laughed, putting her back to reality.
“uh yeah ! i wanted to ask uhm.. my company is having a charity event next friday and aah if you’re free, i’d love to have you coming alongsides me.”
you smiled, moving slightly closer to her.
“so like your date?”
ellie started blushing, but hid it well.
“if you wanna call it that.” she smiled in return, ignoring the fact that she was starting to get shy by your energy. the tension was think enough to be cut with a knife. god, you wanted to kiss her right in that spot.
“i’d love to.” you said, close enough for her to grab your face and kiss you. but she didn’t, not yet.
and with that, merry christmas my loves ! sorry for taking ages. this is not proof read so if anything doesnt make sense, mind i wrote this in the middle of my christmas stress and cooking etc. anyways, one more part is yet to come. <3
love, daisy xx
taglist: @harrysslutsstuff @vwonnie @mikaaj @elliewilliamsgf69 @weridcattty @feelsoseencantdream @honeymoonbbie @katymae12344 @aouiaa @bbglmfao @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @nakimushiohime @p4ison1vy @keilyskei @angelicagellyka @kerst666 @littlegingerperson
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself II Laia Codina x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2161
A/N: based of this request. Let us know what you think.
Like every week, Jonas Eidevall announced his starting line up for the upcoming game a few days before the weekend. And like most weeks, Laia Codina was not in it. Usually she would accept this with a brave face but this time, she left the room right after the announcement. Shocked, you watched your girlfriend go; “Laia…“
You were about to get up as well but Jen Beattie held you back from following her; “Let her.“ “It’s really not easy for her, Jen.“, you explained helplessly. The rest of the Arsenal players had already fallen back into their usual routine of small talk. The Scot nodded empathetically; “It’s never easy to sit on the bench.“ “Very true.“, Lia Wälti agreed.
“Leave her alone for a moment.“, Jen instructed you gently. “Right… I don’t want to annoy her.“, you nodded slowly. “She always puts on a brave face and supports the other players. I know she expected something else when she moved her.“, the Scot continued.
“Especially coming from the World Cup as a Champions… it’s tough.“, you added. You and Laia had talked about it a lot recently. “We all understand that, trust me.“, Jen smiled softly.
Victoria Pelova chimed in; “Yes, we get that.“ “Thanks girls.“, you forced yourself to smile at your team mates. Kim Little who sat next to Jen got up; “I’ll go look after her.“ You thanked your captain with a grateful nod.
Laia sat on the steps outside. She looked up in surprise as Kim approached her; “Kim hi.“ “Are you okay?“, the captain asked, sitting down beside her. “Yes, I’m good.“, the Spanish defender replied, no very convincingly.
But she could not fool her captain. “It’s tough, right?“ “A bit.“, Laia finally admitted, her gaze directed down at her toes. With confidence, Kim replied; “You’ll get your time. Trust me.“ “Are you sure about this?“ Laias voice was filled with insecurity. The captain nodded; “I am. I see how hard you work.“ “That’s what she says too…“, the defender said.
When she looked up, she caught Kim smiling briefly; “Maybe she’s got a point.“ “Yes, but you know as my girlfriend she needs to say stuff like this.“, Laia returned the smile. Kim raised her eyebrows at her team mate; “Yes, but as your captain I’m saying that stuff because it’s true.“
“Appreciate it.“, Laia laughed lightly. Kim bumped her elbow against Laias; “Are you ready to go back inside?“ “I am.“, she confirmed while getting up and pulling the Scot up with her. “Let’s go then. We still need you for the game.“
Meanwhile Steph Catly was putting an arm around your shoulder:” And you stop feeling bad because you’re in the starting line and she isn’t.” “I don’t.”, you muttered. Slowly Beth Mead shook her head:” Yeah, you’re.”
“Maybe a little bit.”, you admitted blushing.  Laughing Katie McCabe padded your back and suggested:” Don’t. Don’t blame yourself, blame Jonas.”  “Katie.”, Vivianne Miedema rolled her eyes at her friend. Cheekily the Irish player threw her hands up:” What? As long as it works, and she feels better.” “I can confirm it helps.”, you told her with a crooked smile on your lips.  
Triumphantly Katie turned around to the Dutch forward:” See!”  “Girls, do you want to grab a coffee and we get Myle?”, Vivianne changed the topic quickly to something more light-hearted.
With that said the owner of Win brought in the puppy she and her girlfriend got which made Beth squeal out loud in delight:”Myle!” “Hello little one.”, you whispered in awe, cuddling the little dog when he approached you and started licking your face. Happily, the blonde dog mum declared: “He says hi too.”  
“Such a good boy. Laia, can we get one too?”, you asked your girlfriend as she was re-entering the room. Quickly Victoria responded, pouting:”No, I’ll get a dog before that.”
“I didn’t know we couldn’t get one if you get one.”, the Spanish defender answered entertained by her reaction. Trying to calm down your teammate you offered her:” Vicky, we could look together at dogs, what do you think about that.” “No, thanks.”, she waved it off. 
Motivated Vivianne clapped into her hands:” Let’s go to the coffeeshop, shall we?”  “Please, Myle needs a puppycino.”, her girlfriend nodded excited. “And I need a human cappuccino before we cook later with Aitana and Keira via facetime.”, you added grinning.
Innocently Alessia was looking at the brunette:” Sounds delicious, Laia are we invited too?” “For the cooking or the dinner?”, Laia wanted to know.
The face of the English player turned slightly pink:” Actually, more for the dinner.” “I knew you’d say that.”, your girlfriend replied smiling. Cheekily Victoria asked her:” Does this mean we can come later?” “Fine.”, Laia sighed in defeat. But you knew she loved having her new teammates over for dinner.
After you had your little coffee catch up with the Arsenal girls you two started cooking in your new appartement.  Amused Aitana looked at you both through your phone screen:” So you want to get a puppy? I need to tell that Mapi, she will love it. Remember she always said you’re the epitome of puppy love when we were younger!”
“Oh, stop it. We’ll never hear the end of it.”, Laia begged the Spanish midfielder giggling.Laughing, you agreed; “Yeah, please. We want to visit Barcelona in peace.“
Keiras face lightened up in surprise and she shared a look with Aitana; “You’re going to visit?“ “Soon, yes.“, you replied. “Can’t wait.“, Aitana smiled happily into the phone camera. “We neither.“, Laia answered while watching Keira stirred their food with a wrinkled nose.
“We need to cook faster. I’m starving.“, she complained. With a gaze to your kitchen clock, you agreed; “Oh yeah, we should hurry up.
The Arsenal girls will be here soon.“ “You invited your team to our BFF night?“, Keira asked, more amused than offended. Laia shrugged in response; “You know how Alessia can do puppy eyes, right? We had no chance.“
“Rude.“, the English midfielder laughed lightly. Her midfield partner at Barcelona agreed; “Honestly, we’re your friends too!“ “We know that.“, Laia rolled her eyes with fondness. “That’s why we’ll see you again soon.“, you added.
“Maybe.“, Laia followed up. Keira repeated; “Maybe?“ “Yeah?“ Before they could start a discussion about your vacation to Barcelona, you changed the topic; “Aitana, how’s your dinner looking?“
“Delicious. Here, look.“ The phone was lifted and the camera flipped so you could see their delicious looking Spanish dish. “Looks amazing.“, you commented.
With a small smile, Keira challenged you; “Bet yours doesn’t look as good.“ You had to suppress a smile, thinking back about how shy and awkward Keira was when had first met her.
Laia in the meantime took her phone to show your friends the large simmering pot that sat on your stove: “Lies. Look at that beauty.“ “That’s a whole lot of food.“, Keira stated, seemingly impressed. “Well, a lot of girls want to join dinner and they’re footballers so that means they’ll be hungry.“, you explained, carefully tasting the hot food. “I see.“
As soon as you were done cooking, Keira and Aitana ended the video call to enjoy their dinner in Barcelona while you in London hosted your team mates. As always when you spent time with them, the evening was filled with laughter and good cheer. You didn’t even notice how quickly time had passed until all your guests had left.
It was around midnight when Laia and you started doing the dishes. “They couldn’t get enough of that dinner, Laia.“, you stated contently. Still elated from the dinner, your girlfriend smiled; “I’ll tell Aitana and Keira that they loved their recipe.“ “You should.“
“They’ll be happy.“, Laia concluded with a laugh. You both silently focused on cleaning for a moment but a thought still whirred in your brain; “Laia, are you happy here?“ The defender paused, wiping her hands on a tea towel before answering; “I am… Why?“
You shrugged; “I was just thinking about your reaction earlier when Jonas made it clear that you’re not in the starting line up… I was worried you might regret joining me at Arsenal.“ “I don’t regret it.“, Laia replied quickly. You could see that there was more going on so you prompted her to continue; “But?“
“I was expecting to get more game time after the World cup.”, the brunette explained, her voice couldn’t conceal her disappointment. Softly you promised her: “Trust me, your time to shine will come.” “Hopefully.”, she whispered, her shoulders shrinking.
Saddened by her body language you pulled her into a hug:” Laia, don’t be so hard on yourself.” “I’ll just try to become better.”, Laia told you with a weak smile on her lips. More hopeful the defender added:” I feel like I can do it.” “I know you can.”, you tried to cheer her up.
Gratefully she pressed a kiss on your forehead, mumbling against your skin:” Thanks love.” “You’re welcome.”, you replied sincerely. The Spanish woman decided after your embrace:” Let’s go to bed. Tomorrow is training.” You swiftly followed her to your bedroom; the promise of better days was in the air.
It seemed like the effort Laia put into her training paid off because Jonas put her up in the starting line against Reading at the end of January. On match day Vivianne hummed:” Look at you, you’re so proud of your girlfriend.”
“Oh, shut up, Viv.”, you playfully elbowed her.  The Dutch forward kept teasing you: “What? It’s true.”  “Yes, okay, you’re right, I’m really happy for her.”, you admitted proudly grinning into your girlfriend’s direction who was just getting ready for the match in your team’s locker room.
Amused Vivianne looked at you:” Told you.” “So cute.”, Beth tuned in with an equally wide smile. Your teammates making you groan out loud: “Not you too.” “What?”, the English blonde answered innocently.
Meanwhile Jonas announced cheerfully: “Girl’s time to go off on that pitch and play.” “Thank god.”, you muttered relieved before turning to Laia, whispering into her ear, good luck, love.” The defender kissed your cheek: “Thank you, mi amor.”
In the second half the Spanish player did score, Victoria exclaimed happily:” Nice goal, Laia!” “Thanks.”, Laia answered blushing. Beaming Jen Beattie padded her shoulders:” Welcome to the Arsenal.” “Thanks.”, she chuckled.
Eyerolling the Dutch midfielder turned to the Scottish player:” She’s been here for half a year, Jen!” “She didn’t score yet though.”, Jen defended herself. Curious Laia glanced at the older woman:” Is that the moment when you become a real gooner?” “Yes.”, the Scottish player nodded delighted.
For a moment you embraced her: “Congrats.” “Thank you.”, your girlfriend said, cheeks turning redder after your hug. Clearing her throat Beth reminded you all:” We got to go back to work, girls.” “Exactly.”, Kim agreed.
After the match you and Leah walked into the locker room together:” Lee, your assist was great.” “Thanks. Feels good to be back.”, the blonde confessed smiling.
Like every professional player you knew what a big moment it was so you added: “I can imagine.” “It was perfect.”, Beths eyes sparkled fondly while thinking of her goal. Teasing you glanced at her:” Yeah, pretty decent goal, Beffy.” “Decent?!”, the goal scorer repeated playfully hurt.
Jen interrupted you, a guitar in hand. “Guys, listen.“, she called, playing the first chords. Kim gave her an unimpressed look; “What are you doing?“ “It’s something we worked on, right Jen?“, Leah responded, sitting down next to Jen and started singing. Rolling her eyes, Kim shook her head about her team mates while Laia held her hand out towards you.
You took it and let her pull you in to slow dance to the song. Smiling, you looked at each other until Katie shouted; “Disgusting cute couple!“ “I agree.“, Kim mumbled. “Oh, you two let them breathe.“, Caitlin rolled her eyes. Jen nodded: “Yeah, let them have fun.“
Laughing, Caitlin slapped Katie on her upper arm; “Also you could just ask me to dance with you, Katie.“ The Irish player grimaced immediately; “Ew, no.“ “Ignore them, Laia.“, you smiled, your eyes locked with hers. “But…“, she started. “Hm?“ “Doesn’t matter.“ “Okay.“ “Let’s enjoy this.“, Laia stated, continuing to sway with her hands on your hips. “Alright.“, you nodded.
She let her forehead rest against yours; “That was a great game.“ “Agreed.“, you smiled, genuinely happy for your girlfriend. “It feels like the hard work finally paid off.“ Carefully, you caressed her cheek with one hand; “You definitely deserved it.“ “Thank you.“ Jens voice snapped you two out of your moment; “Girls? Everyone left already.“
You hadn’t even realized that the music had stopped playing. “We’re coming.“, you called as Jen left the dressing room as well. Laia took her football bag; “Yes, on our way.“ On your way out, you took your girlfriends hand and pressed a quick kiss to her lips; “Certainly a day to remember.“
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sarcasm-and-stiles · 2 months
Hi I saw that you were wanting requests, I’ve been having this idea in my mind since I’ve read something similar in a Spencer fic, but instead of working for Penelope she works for Hotch as an intern. So the concept is the reader would be a new intern for something but she hangs around with Penelope a lot so she starts answering phone calls from Hotch in a similar way that Pen does for Derek and the first time it happens the reader gets all flustered but as time goes on the reader gets more confident. Possibly leading into Hotch asking the reader out? Just a bunch of fluff. (Please let me know if this idea is not good or can’t be used)
A/N: Oh my god thank you so much for this request anon! This was the first thing I’ve written in a while and it was a lot of fun. I took some liberties with the prompt but I tried to stay loyal to the request. This is my first Aaron fic so I hope you guys like it :)
Word count: 1.7K (holy shit I’ve never written anything this long)
Aaron Hotchner x intern!reader
age gap
Hotch is in his 40s and reader is in mid to late 20s
Working for the FBI was itself a demanding job, but being Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner’s intern? That was a whole other story. Obtaining a Masters in psychology was great and all but the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit was always my end goal, so getting to intern was a dream come true and I was determined not to blow it. Unfortunately, while working at the BAU I discovered another dream of mine, Aaron Hotchner. As I was nearing the end of my twenties and more concerned with academics and my career, it meant that there wasn’t much room for a love life, but a girl can dream can’t she?
I’m broken out of my reverie as I enter the bullpen.
“Morgan, have you seen Hotch yet this morning? I have those case files he was looking for.” I asked as I sidled up next to his desk.
“Sorry pretty girl I haven’t—never mind.” I look at Morgan with confusion written on my face.
“Sorry, I was running late.”
I tighten up a little before turning to address Hotch.
“Morning boss! No need to worry. I think that you’re allowed to be late every once in a while.” I say with a small smile. ‘Late to work’ isn’t in Aaron “punctuality” Hotchner’s vocabulary, so for him to show up late meant that something must have sent his morning off kilter.
Hotch started towards his office and I followed him, determined to finish the task set before me. He opens the door and holds it for me. I follow him through letting it close behind me to give us some privacy.
“Is everything alright with you this morning Aaron? You seem a little off.”
Hotch struggled to meet my eyes before replying, “What? Oh. Yes I’m fine. Jack woke up with a fever, so I had to wait on Jess to stay with him before I could leave the house.”
“Aw poor Jack,” I say as I place the files on an unoccupied area of Hotch’s desk.
“Thank you Y/N. Could you go and get Garcia, it’s time to start briefing the team.” I nod and exit his office closing the door shut behind me.
I walk to Penelope’s lair and let myself in. Since I’m only an intern, and have no field training, I am confined to the office. This means that I spend most of the time that Hotch is on a case with Penelope. This also means that Penelope is aware of my tiny monumental crush on our boss
“Ah good morning my dove! What brings you to me this beautiful morning?” Penelope’s sunshine demeanor is contagious bringing a smile to my face.
“Hello! Unfortunately I am here on business not pleasure, Aaron wants to start the briefing.”
“We must be on our way then. We can’t leave Aaron waiting, can we?” Penelope said while wiggling her eyebrows at me.
I blush realizing that she caught my mistake. “Hotch. Hotch wants to start the briefing.” I sigh knowing that my attempt to cover up my mistake was in vain. I quicken my pace to catch up with Garcia as she enters the conference room. When we walk in most everyone is already in their seats chatting comfortably. I look around and notice that the only available chair is the one next to Hotch and I steel my face as to not clue him in on my recent and obvious casualty surrounding my feelings for him. When I sit down he sends me a soft smile before calling everyone’s attention to the newest case that would be taking them to Nashville.
The team had landed safely in Tennessee, and by the next day I was out of things to do so I decided that the best way to spend my time was doing whatever I could to help the team by aiding Penelope.
I knock on the door before letting myself in announcing my entrance, “Good morning beautiful! How can I be of assistance to technical genius Penelope Garcia today?”
Garcia turned to look at me quickly before facing her computer once again. “Hello my lovely! Grab a seat and I’m sure I can find something for you.” As I’m settling myself in at the desk I hear the phone ring.
“Can you answer that for me love?” I nod and pick up the phone.
“Hey babygirl, how’s miss smart and sexy today?”
“Sorry to disappoint you Morgan, but I don’t think I’m the girl you’re looking for.”
“You’re never a disappointment y/l/n, although Garcia’s expertise may be more helpful in this situation.”
“Roger that. Passing you along.”
As I heard Penelope and Derek’s flirty phone banter, I couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to do the same thing with Hotch.
I had been combing through files for helpful information for the past couple of hours. My eyes were sore and my heart was heavy, nothing seemed to be of much use. I leaned back from the files and let out a sigh.
“Is everything alright my precious flower?”
I crack a small smile before responding, “Yeah yeah everything’s fine, just a lot on my mind.”
“Anything you want to talk about love?” I let out another small sigh.
“I was just thinking about my love life, or lack thereof.”
“You’re a catch hot stuff! You just need to put yourself out there. Anybody would be lucky to call themselves yours.”
“Just put myself out there. Easier said than done.”
I spent the next few hours thinking about what Penelope said while continuing my work.
Put myself out there, I can do that. What’s the worst that could happen? Flirting with your boss never has serious consequences. No. Yes. I can’t keep hiding my feelings, sooner or later someone is going to realize. It’s not like I’m subtle.
After forming my plan, all I could do was wait for the right time. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long.
Ring Ring Ring
I check the caller I.D. to see Hotch’s name flash up at me, and I flip open my phone. “Speak and I will obey.”
There was a pregnant pause making me second guess jumping straight into the deep end.
“Y/N, I need you to get an old file for me. It’s in the filing cabinet in my office. Once you have that I need to to send it to me ASAP.”
“Yes sir. Your wish is my command.”
I can hear him hesitate before answering, “…Thank you.”
The next time I’m in contact with Aaron is when the team returns from the case the next day. Everyone is cleaning up their workspaces getting ready to head home. I’m chatting with Reid about a new book that he had read when I hear Aaron’s voice call for me.
“Y/N, could I see you in my office.”
My mouth opens and closes slightly before I nod and walk up the few steps to his office. I step inside on uneasy feet. I couldn’t help but shake the nervousness around me.
“Shut the door and have a seat.” I do as I’m told. I begin twiddling my thumbs and it seems like hours before he talks again although it has only been a few moments. “I wanted to talk to you about yesterday.”
“Oh my god I’m so sorry. You’re gonna fire me aren’t you? I wouldn’t blame you. Oh my god-“
“I’m so stupid.”
“Y/N stop talking.” I look up quickly and shut up. “I’m not firing you. I’m just - I’m just a little confused. Yesterday seemed a little out of character for you.”
I let out a shuddered sigh, “I was- I was putting myself out there.”
“Putting yourself out there?”

I look him in the eyes before saying, “I guess I’m going all in. I know you’re my boss and I know it’s inappropriate for me to even be saying this but…I like you Aaron—romantically. You don’t have to respond…I know I’m putting you in an awkward position but I just couldn’t keep it to myself anymore.” After finishing my speech I have to shift my eyes to my lap, his analyzing stare too much for me to take.
“You’re right, it is inappropriate.”
I nod my head too ashamed to look him in the eyes as my own welled with tears. I stand up to let myself out of his office.
“I’ll uh…I’ll be…goodnight sir.” He lets me walk out the door without protest. By now the team has gone home which kept me from more embarrassment. I gather my belongings and rush towards the elevator. When I finally make it to the elevator and the doors begin to close I let my tears quietly fall. But a hand pushes itself between the closing doors, forcing them open. I rush to wipe my tears and look up. When I do I’m face to face with the man who had caused my tears. As quickly as he had gotten into the elevator he pressed the button closing the doors and leaving us alone together.
I refused to turn and look at him.
“Y/N, please.”
“What? What more do you have to say. I get it. I’ll get over it I just need some time.”
“I-I have feelings for you too.”
I look up at him, “What?”
“I have feelings for you too, and when you told me I didn’t know what to do. I-Ive never been in a situation like this before.”
“You do?”
“You’re very intelligent. Always trying to help others and you give your all no matter the task. And although it is not the main reason I find you so intriguing, you are beautiful. I know that we will have to learn to navigate this situation, but if it’s something you would want, I would like to take you out to dinner.”
It takes me a moment to respond, but when I do it’s with a wide smile on my face “I would like that very much Hotch.”
“Please, not Hotch. I love hearing you say my name.”
“I would like that very much Aaron.”
He takes a small step closer and reaches out to my face, wiping away a few stray tears before he cups my face.
“Can I kiss you?”
I look into Aaron’s eyes before saying, “Yes.”
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alocon · 7 months
A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be [7] - Max Verstappen
written by alocon
Note: Name and Part One based on the song A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be by Jess Benko
Summary: Christian Horner hate club comes into full swing as everyone begins to turn their backs on the team principal and some Max fluff.
Before you read: Use of Y/N (sorry!!)
fc: Blanca Soler
[Previous Part Here][The Masterlist]
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A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be [Part Seven] - MV¹
🎵 Shawn Mendes - Treat You Better
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liked by maxverstappen1 and others
youruser: Geri Halliwell appreciation post because I know how to treat my women ❤❤
tagged: gerihalliwell
maxverstappen1: Iconic.
youruser: The post or Geri? maxverstappen1: Geri, the post and the poster 💜 youruser: 🧡
gerihalliwell: This is so sweet, thank you ❤
youruser: Love you!! ❤ gerihalliwell: Love you too, see you next weekend honey ❤ user1: next weekend???? Geri reputation era??? user2: AJWDFDPOGJSK CHECK MERC'S STORY
youruser and mercedesamgf1 posted to their story!
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The clock showed 2 am as you slowly got out of bed, and made your way to the kitchen.
You opened the fridge and squinted your eyes as the bright light hit you. You reached out for the bottle of water you've been craving when you heard a voice behind you. You jumped in place and turned around to see your temporary roommate lean against the kitchen island. Max had been staying with you due to an issue with his apartment, meaning he would've had to stay either with friends or in a hotel. Luckily, you had opened your door to him with no hesitation.
“Can’t sleep?”
"Hello. No, I can't. I figured you're the same?" You grabbed the water, sitting on the kitchen counter opposite him. 
He nodded his head as he continued to lean against the counter. He had a relaxed look on his face, and was seemingly in no rush to return to bed. "What's keeping you up?”
"I'm not sure, I just can't sleep very well," you said softly, still trying to get used to the light. He chuckled, leaning over and turning the light down slightly.
He remained quiet for a moment as he studied your expression.
"It's always the same with me. Something gets stuck in my head, and I can't turn it off." You nodded in agreement as he continued, "My mind is always occupied and won't shut up long enough for me to sleep.”
"What's stuck in your head this time?” You asked, curiously. 
He shrugged.
"Just work, life, the usual stuff. But I can't focus on one thing and it's causing me to overthink everything. It's draining.”
"Is there anything that could take your mind off things?”
He rubbed his eyes as he considered your question. "Do you have any suggestions?”
You shrugged, thinking for a moment. "We could... watch some films together, we could.. I don't know, see if sleeping in the same bed or something helps.”
"Hmm..." The idea of watching a movie sounded nice, but the mention of you sleeping in his bed caught him off guard. "You mean you and I?”
"I mean, yeah. You and I.”
He paused as he considered what you've just suggested. "Are you sure you'd be comfortable sleeping in the same bed?” He asked, his voice quiet, soft, almost slightly nervous.
You smiled, nodding slowly. "Yeah, I'd be comfortable with that.”
He smiled at your response, finding it rather endearing that you're so willing to share the same bed. "Would you be comfortable with me resting against you?”
"Of course. What's the point in sleeping in the same bed if you don't cuddle?" You grinned, looking into his eyes.
The idea of cuddling with you in bed made his heart pound in his chest. He leaned in a little closer, his voice lowered to just above a whisper as he spoke quietly, "If I pull you closer, would you protest?”
You sucked in a sharp breath, not expecting the closeness, or the whispering, or the words. Your voice came out in a shuddery breath. "No.”
He smiled before he pulled you towards him, his arms wrapping around your body. Once he felt you pressed up against him, he let out a deep sigh, a contented expression taking over his face.
A brief moment of silence passed before he spoke again in an even quieter voice, "This feels really nice, you know that?”
"Yeah, I agree. Should we go up to my bedroom?”
The thought of taking you upstairs and into your bedroom to cuddle excited him more than he cared to admit. He missed it… a lot. But he also doesn't want to move too fast and potentially ruin this moment. "We could. Would you like to?”
"Yeah. Like I said, if it helps to let us sleep, I'm more than happy." You whispered back softly.
"Okay. Let's go. But..."
He hesitated for a moment, unsure of himself as he looked into your eyes. "Do you want to spend the rest of the night in your bed? Or would you prefer me to just come up and cuddle for a bit?”
"We could... we could do the rest of the night." You said after a moment, a soft, almost nervous feeling in your stomach.
He smiled at your answer, finding your shyness rather endearing. In a swift motion, he took your hand and started towards the stairs, leading you to your own bedroom.
He looked around your room. 3 of the walls were white, 1 was Palace green. The large bed had a black, wooden bed frame, 2 pillows on each side (one white, one evergreen coloured), the bedsheets were white but the covers were sage green.  green. The curtains were green. There was an oak wood cupboard and a set of white drawers. There were some wooden, hexagon shaped shelves on the walls, kind of honeycomb shaped, all adorned with fake plants. There were some posters on the wall, all green, white and black, as well as some records. There was a desk with a draw that had my makeup projects. There was a small rug in the corner with a little art area set up, with paints (not open) an easel etc. There were a couple of beanbags in another corner with a few teddies and a guitar. There were a few photos around as well. He loved it.
Once he closes the door behind the two of you, he leant back against it with a deep breath. "I'm glad you agreed for me to spend the night. I was hoping you would.”
You sat on the bed, sliding slowly under the cover before signalling for him to join you. 
Max followed your lead, sliding into the bed next to you.
He pulled you against his body once he was under the covers, his hands wrapping around you in a tight embrace.
You could feel his breathing slow down as he relaxes, a wave of warmth radiating from his body that is comforting and soothing to you.
"You comfortable?" You asked softly, hand instantly travelling to his hair, gently playing with it.
"Mhmm..." He squeezed you a little tighter, finding the sensation of your touch calming and relaxing. 
You could feel his heart pound in his chest as one of his arms moved up to rest on your shoulder. "But I think I would be even more comfortable if I could hold you a little tighter than this.” He mumbled into your shoulder.
"Feel free. Whatever helps," you whispered, continuing to play with his hair.
Without a word, he pulled you up slightly so that you're pressed against his chest.
His arms wrapped around your body once more, but this time he pulled you as close as he could and you felt his heartbeat against your back as his chest pressed against yours.
You gently placed a kiss on his forehead as your hand gently stroked through his hair. You kept your touches soft, enough to keep him calm and to hopefully drift you both off to sleep.
His chest rose and fell slowly as he exhaled deeply, his body feeling relaxed as he let you soothe him with your touch.
He closed his eyes as he felt your lips gently kiss his forehead, and he let out a soft exhale of satisfaction. Your touch was soothing and gentle, and the thought of falling asleep with you in his arms is all he could desire right now.
It didn't take long for your eyes to feel heavy, letting all anxiety leave your mind as you drifted off into a soft, gentle sleep.
The comfort of his presence and your touch calmed his mind and the tiredness of his body took over gradually until he drifted off into a deep sleep himself. 
As he slept, he wrapped his arms around you, keeping you pressed tightly against him.
As the hours passed, the only sounds that filled the room were the rhythm of each other's heartbeats, the gentle rise and fall of each other's bodies, and the slow and steady breath of your shared sleep.
The morning approached fast, your eyes slowly opened and you were greeted by the presence of his body next to yours, wrapped around you in a tight embrace. It took a little while to work out what was going on, until you saw him on my chest. You smiled as you remembered what happened in last night's late hours and felt a smile form on your face as you felt the warmth of his body against yours.
He stirred slightly as his chest rose and fell, and his arms shifted slightly but otherwise remained in their location as he slept on.
The next morning, you woke up, letting you remain in my arms until you did too. 
“Good morning,” he said softly, leaning his head onto my shoulder. 
“Morning Max. Did you sleep okay?” You asked politely, causing him to happily nod. 
“Like a dream, thank you.” He said softly.
You looked at your phone, before sighing. "Shit." You said, sitting up.
"What's up?"
"They've opened an investigation on me for creating a hostile work environment in the paddock??"
-word count: about 1.6k? Maybe?-
Hi all! Sorry I didn't post this sooner, I was really sick last week so was super unable to post. However, I will now be doing a schedule and posting every Monday (or trying to post once a week at least) and hoping to post part of my Max story every other Monday! Unedited pls correct spelling errors Have a good day Alocon
Taglist: @c-losur3 @itsjustkhaos @reidsworld @d3kstar @casperlikej
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celepom · 1 year
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For Transgender Day of Visibility, here’s several books about Gender that I haven’t recommended before (I Think)!
Fine: A Comic About Gender
By Rhea Ewing
As graphic artist Rhea Ewing neared college graduation in 2012, they became consumed by the question: What is gender? This obsession sparked a quest in which they eagerly approached both friends and strangers in their quiet Midwest town for interviews to turn into comics. A decade later, this project exploded into a sweeping portrait of the intricacies of gender expression with interviewees from all over the country. Questions such as “How do you Identify” produced fiercely honest stories of dealing with adolescence, taking hormones, changing pronouns—and how these experiences can differ, often drastically, depending on culture, race, and religion. Amidst beautifully rendered scenes emerges Ewing’s own story of growing up in rural Kentucky, grappling with their identity as a teenager, and ultimately finding themself through art—and by creating something this very fine. Tender and wise, inclusive and inviting, Fine is an indispensable account for anyone eager to define gender in their own terms. 
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star 
By Jadzia Axelrod & Jess Taylor (Illustrator)
It takes strength to live as your true self, and one alien princess disguised as a human boy is about to test her power. A vibrant story about gender identity, romance, and shining as bright as the stars. Taylor Barzelay has the perfect life. Good looks, good grades, a starting position on the basketball team, a loving family, even an adorable corgi. Every day in Taylor’s life is perfect. And every day is torture. Taylor is actually the Galaxy Crowned, an alien princess from the planet Cyandii, and one of the few survivors of an intergalactic war. For six long, painful years, Taylor has accepted her duty to remain in hiding as a boy on Earth. That all changes when Taylor meets Metropolis girl Katherine “call me Kat” Silverberg, whose confidence is electrifying. Suddenly, Taylor no longer wants to hide, even if exposing her true identity could attract her greatest enemies. From the charming and brilliant mind behind the popular podcast The Voice of Free Planet X, Jadzia Axelrod, and with stunningly colorful artwork by Jess Taylor comes the story of a girl in hiding who must face her fears to see herself as others see her: the prettiest star.
To Strip the Flesh
By Oto Toda
A moving collection of six short stories that explores what must be stripped away to find the truth and celebrates the beauty of embracing who you are. Chiaki Ogawa has never doubted that he is a boy, although the rest of the world has not been as kind. Bound by his mother’s dying wish, Chiaki tries to be a good daughter to his ailing father. When the burden becomes too great, Chiaki sets out to remake himself in his own image and discovers more than just personal freedom with his transition—he finds understanding from the people who matter most.
Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston 
By Esme Symes-Smith
In a magical medieval world filled with dragons, shape-shifters, and witches, a twelve-year-old hero will search for their place as an impending war threatens. A thrilling middle-grade series opener that stars a nonbinary tween and explores identity and gender amid sword fights. My name is Callie, and I'm not a girl. I am here as Papa's squire, and I want to train as a knight. In a world where girls learn magic and boys train as knights, twelve-year-old nonbinary Callie doesn't fit in anywhere. And you know what? That's just fine. Callie has always known exactly what they want to be, and they're not about to let a silly thing like gender rules stand in their way. When their ex-hero dad is summoned back to the royal capital of Helston to train a hopeless crown prince as war looms, Callie lunges at the opportunity to finally prove themself worthy to Helston's great and powerful. Except the intolerant great and powerful look at Callie and only see girl. Trapped in Helston's rigid hierarchy, Callie discovers they aren't alone--there's Elowen, the chancellor's brilliant daughter, whose unparalleled power is being stifled; Edwyn, Elowen's twin brother, locked in a desperate fight to win his father's approval; and Willow, the crown prince who was never meant to be king. In this start to an epic series packed with action, humor, and heart, Callie and their new friends quickly find themselves embedded in an ancient war--the only hope to defeat the dragons and witches outside the kingdom lies in first defeating the bigotry within.
I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend Into a Girl 
By Azusa Banjo
It's a familiar story: a popular high school student gives their plain friend a makeover and transforms their life. But this time, the path to a new life isn't quite so straight and narrow. Kenshirou Midou has loved cosmetics all his life, keeping his obsession secret from almost everyone except for his childhood friend Hiura Mihate. One day, Kenshirou gets permission to practice applying makeup on Hiura, and the results are earth-shattering: Hiura's appearance transforms from a plain, undersized boy to a pretty, petite girl, and Kenshirou discovers just how freeing it is to apply his passion! Yet he's not the only one who finds the process liberating. Hiura likes the makeup, and the subsequent dress-up in feminine clothes, and decides to start wearing the girls' uniform to school. Kenshirou doesn't understand if he's unlocked something in Hiura, or if he's simply seeing a new side to his childhood buddy that he never noticed before. What are these feelings bubbling between them now--is this attraction truly new?
My Androgynous Boyfriend 
By Tamekou Wako and her androgynous boyfriend don't exactly have the most traditional of relationships. She spends her days working hard in the world of publishing, while he spends his time obsessing over fashion and makeup--all with the goal of making himself beautiful just for her. This romantic slice-of-life story is about love, relationships, and breaking with tradition!
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wosoragebaiter69 · 8 months
north london is-
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celin bizet x fem!reader
request: here
A/N: i love spurs (please don’t hate me)
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Today was a big day, North London derby day. It’s a must win game for Arsenal if the team is to stay 2nd on the table (if Man City win their game) and also to brag about North London being red.
As much as you hated Spurs with a passion, you could never hate your girlfriend. Celin was everything you needed, but as always the task right now is to beat them. Be better.
You didn’t run into her a lot of the field, being on the other side as a right-winger, same position as her.
You line-up in the tunnel, confident in your ability to do what’s needed to beat the lilywhite side of London. You look at the team next to yours and meet Cel’s look, you mouth a ‘good luck’ along with a smirk before turning and walking out onto the field.
The game is rough, rougher than the Chelsea match, Arsenal is keeping possession but Tottenham’s defence and keeper are absolutely incredible. There’s obvious tension between the two teams but nothing too bad as of yet.
At half-time it’s 0-0, Leah is giving you all a talk and she seems really annoyed.
“Who the fuck are we? Arsenal. We have never lost a fucking North London derby ever, so don’t make this the first, am I clear?” Hums of agreement scatter through the room.
“I will not allow this team to lose to a team so fucking behind, let’s go.” She finishes, you nod fully agreeing with everything she’s saying.
You go back out with more passion, harsher passes and more physicality. Spurs do similar. It’s in the 58th minute when it all comes crashing down. Marta Thomas shoots and it hits the back of the net. She’s celebrating with her team while yours feels shattered.
You try not to let it bother you but ultimately, it’s getting you in the head. It’s clear the Lilywhites pick up on it and start targeting you a lot more.
When the 83rd minute rolls around, Grace Clinton shoves you a little too hard and you immediately react by shoving her back. It leads to a brawl in which you’re holding each other by the shirts.
“Fuck you Clinton!” You bash, as players come over to seperate you, along with the referee.
“Don’t come at me when you’re the one who can’t take a little shove.” She pushes you back and you stumble. If the look on your face was anything to go by, you are really fucking mad. Just as you’re about to make a countermove, someone is in front of you.
That someone so happens to be your girlfriend.
“Hey, it’s not worth it. Don’t get a red or make it worse for yourself.” Her voice is stern and her Norwegian accent slips out stronger. You huff, walking away ignoring your teammates and looking at the ref who gives both you and Grace yellows.
When the full-time whistle blows, you collapse on the field. Arsenal has lost. Arsenal has fucking lost for the first time ever. You can feel the tears that are threatening to fall. North London is… white and God it pains you to think that.
You’re brought out of your trance by two pairs of boots in front of you, looking up to see Cel and Grace.
“Hey, sorry about uhh pushing you and stuff like that.” Grace says, scratching her neck.
“All good, all apart of the derby am I right?” She nods and it looks like your girlfriend agrees too.
“Well, I’ll leave you two too it.” With that she walks away to where Beth and Jess are celebrating.
“You played really well today.” Cel says, sitting down next to you.
“We still lost, we shouldn’t have.” You sigh, annoyed at everything to do with the game.
“Yeah well, I disagree. After this I’ll drive you home and we can watch movies and order in, sound good?” You nod your head and rest it agaisnt her shoulder until you’re called over to be with your team.
- - - - -
At home, you immediately plop onto the couch. Exhausted from playing 90 minutes and stoppage time.
“What food do you want?” Cel asks.
“Is that Mexican place open? I want nachos.” She nods putting in the other before going to sit with you.
“So what do you wanna watch?” She pulls you into her, so her arms can wrap around your whole body.
“Hunger Games? We can binge them all.” She laughs softly.
“Alright, or as many until you fall asleep.”
You start watching the movie and around 20 minutes later the food arrives, you feast and it’s like the game is being pushed to the back of your mind. You feel better with Celin.
By the end of watching the second movie, you’re asleep and Celin takes the opportunity to lift you up and place you in bed. She gets in not long after, and even while you’re unconscious you’re trying to find her in the sheets.
She smiles, cuddling into you and also falling asleep.
anon i hope ur happy with this, and it was also very fun to write 🤭 gives me a break from all the other barca things i have to write
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aaronhotchswife · 1 year
Summary : You picked Aaron in a Secret Santa game and think it's a great time to tell him your feelings (a Christmas story in the summer, who am I)
Pairing : everyone in the BAU but mostly Aaron X Reader
TW : alcohol drinking, poor writing and that's it, it's a fluff one shot,
Snow was slowly falling outside while you finished putting your outfit together. Emily was supposed to be there in a minute, driving you to JJ's house. It wasn't unusual for the BAU to spend Christmas together. None of you were really close of your family and spending Christmas with the people you work with seems to be the best idea. You just finished zipping your forest green dress when you heard a knock on the door. Looking through the peephole, you saw Emily standing there. After opening the door and letting her in, you got back to your bedroom to pick some earrings before putting them on.
"Damn, you look insanely good. Someone will not be able to take their eyes away from you."
Emily knew about your not so little crush about Aaron. In fact, all the girls knew and you're pretty sure that Morgan, Reid and Rossi catched up and had their suspicions. They're a bunch of profilers after all. The only person who seemed not to noticed was Hotch himself. You guys had a good relationship like he had with JJ or with anybody else in the team but you couldn't help yourself and be delusional about it and think that there's more. The thing you didn't know is that Hotch spend a good amount of times asking about you. For example, even if you spend the day with him at work, he would ask Penelope or JJ what's going on in your life, as if he was too shy to ask you so personal questions. The girls told you all about that but you guessed that he was just doing his job, asking about his colleagues, before realizing that he never went to you to ask you about them. According to Emily, it was also not so subtle the way he was looking at you when you were looking somewhere else or how he would smile when he heard you laugh. So when you picked him for Secret Santa, you thought that it would be a great time to maybe tell him how you feel. But finding him a gift and a way to tell him how you feel was so much harder that you would've thought. After much reflection, you settle for something that you knew he would love.
"Yeah, I'm sure he will." you responded, eyes in the air, chuckling a little bit while grabbing your purse and your keys.
The ride to JJ's house was filled with Christmas music and laugh. You and Emily went to pick up Garcia and helped her pack the car with the hundred gifts she brought, one for everyone, including Will and Jack and of course her godson Henry. Entering JJ's, your heart couldn't help but skip a beat when you saw Hotch. He was wearing black jeans with a grey knitten sweater. Seeing him not dressed in suits is something you will never be able to get used too. You gave hugs and kisses to everyone, except Hotch. Not that you didn't want to but honestly you didn't know how to act around him out of the job. He seemed to notice because he turned to Emily looking at her with a frown. She just shrug her shoulders and wave him away before moving to the living room. He made his way to the kitchen, grabbing himself a glass of wine and when he exited the kitchen, he had 2 glasses of wine in his hands, making his way to you.
"Merry Christmas." he said, a ghost of a smile on his lips, handing you the glass.
"Thank you Hotch." you said, grabbing the glass. "Merry Christmas to you too." you smiled, locking eyes with him before looking away rapidly so he can't see your cheeks getting pink.
Since Hayley passed away, it was common for him to spend Christmas with his team. He although always do a dinner with Jess and Jack, finding it important for Jack, Jess and him to spend a least a Christmas night together. Everyone was in the living room talking and laughing while you and JJ were in the kitchen, preparing the appetizers. Hotch made his way to the kitchen to see if you girls needed help, and when he asked, JJ left the kitchen with an excuse leaving you two alone.
"You look beautiful tonight y/n. You are beautiful." he said softly, looking at you.
You froze, unable to cut vegetables without cutting yourself from how much you hands were shaking, not expecting him to say something like this.
"Thanks Hotch, you too. I really like this style on you." you laughed slightly, turning yourself to him. His face got red before he explained to you that Jess bought it for his birthday.
"She has great taste." you smiled to him.
He looked at you from the corner of his eyes during all that time before you exited the kitchen with a plate of appetizers.
A couple weeks ago, when Hotch learned who he picked for Secret Santa, his heart skipped a beat. Seeing your name on the little piece of paper, he tried to keep a pokerface and not smiled in front on the others. The only thing is that he had absolutely no idea what to get you. Days passed and he came to the conclusion that he needed to ask Rossi for advice. Dave was always teasing him about you and telling him that he should make a move before it was too late. So when Aaron went to Rossi's office to ask him what to get you, Dave couldn't help but smiled and convince him that he should tell you how he feels.
"It's gifts time!!" Penelope shrieks, picking a gift from under the trees. "So the first gifts are for Jack and Henry, so after that you won't have to wait for the adults." she explained them. "It's from me and you're gonna have Santa's one tomorrow."
The two of them unwrapped their gifts and hugged Penelope before moving to Henry's bedroom to play with their new gifts.
"Alright so Secret Santa time?" Derek asked.
You heart was pounding heavily in your chest and while scanning the room with your eyes to focus your attention on something, you saw Aaron already looking at you. He smiled shyly before turning back his attention on Morgan who was trying to guess who picked him.
"Mmmh, y/n ?" he asked, too sure of himself.
"Nope!" you responded chuckling.
"I'll go with Emily then"
Emily made a face of "you got me" and went to pick a gift from under the tree and handed it to Derek. It was a 1h session with a well-known gym insctructor.
"Woah thank you so much Em!" he said, hugging her.
It was then Emily's turn who guessed right on the first time. Rossi picked her and JJ's picked Rossi. Before you knew it it was your turn to guess.
"I'll go with Spence." you said, sipping on your drink and being grateful that it was there to give you a minimum of courage.
Spencer shook his head, meaning that it wasn't him. It could either be Derek, Garcia or...Hotch. You knew it couldn't be Garcia because she couldn't keep a secret and told you that she picked JJ.
"Derek ?"
"No pretty girl, sorry."
"I'll go with Hotch then." you talked, looking everywhere except in front of you where he was.
"Good guess." he chuckled before handed you a little box. When you opened it, you saw a little bracelet, one you showed Dave months before when you guys were taking a walk.
"Omg Hotch, thank you so much I love it!" you exclaimed, your cheeks getting pink. Before you could know it, you were hugging him slightly before pushing yourself away. He whispered something in your ear and you nodded, before letting him put the bracelet on your wrist. Penelope was quick to take a picture, looking at you with a wink. You took a mental note to thank her later.
"So Hotch, it's your turn to guess." Emily said, kicking Derek feet from the footstool.
He guessed like 3 names before guessing yours and you nodded, handing him a gift. When he opened it, he couldn't believed his eyes. You bought him a vinyl of The Beatles White Album, something he spend years searching. In the box was also a little card, where you wrote :
Meet me outside at 11.
P.S. don't read to card out loud.
He nodded at you, before speaking "I don't know what to say y/n. I've been looking for this for ages. Thank you so much." he said, hugging you. His hand was at the end of your back and you could feel the chills on your skin. The night was going well, but you still felt anxious for 11pm. You knew it was the right thing to do and if the answer was something bad, then you will know it's time to move on. Henry and Jack came back to hang out with the adults and when Henry saw Will's guitar in the corner of the room, he tugged on your dress to ask if you could play something. He knew you could sing and play guitar because everytime you babysat him, you always sung him something. Before you could refuse, Garcia, who witnessed all of the situation, clapped her hands and shrieks with joy.
"Oh!! Let's go y/n!!"
You raised your eyes in the air, chuckling before grabbing the guitar and settle it on your knees. "What do you want me to play ?" you asked Henry. Before he could answer, Jack exclaimed "Blue Christmas ! It's my dad's favorite!" You could see Aaron laughed, agreeing with him. "Well, it's a good thing because it's my favourite too." you said, caressing Jack's shoulders. Everyone was listening to you and your eyes couldn't looked away from Aaron who was mesmerized by you. He never saw you more beautiful than in your green dress, singing his favorite Christmas song. Rossi was watching him and he made eye contact with Emily who smirked, looking at Hotch and at you, subtly telling Dave that something was clearly going on. When 11pm strikes, the kids were asleep for a long time already and everyone was still in the living room, talking about all and nothing. You got up, making your way to the backdoor, looking at the sky while trying to take deep breaths in and out. You heard the door open. You turned around and saw Hotch, his coat in his arms. Before you could talk, he put it on your shoulders, patting it at the same time.
"So, you wanted to talk to me ?" he asked, setting himself next to you, close enough for your shoulders to touch. Snow was falling in his dark hair and you could swear you never saw him more cute than right now.
"I did." you responded, looking up to his eyes. "I need you to be honest with me Hotch. Is there something going on between us ? Or am I just imagining it ? Because I talk with the girls and they all say that you always asks about me and always looks at me and I need to be sure because if there's nothing going on then I'll just force myself to move on." you rambled, turning around to not face him.
"There is." he said. You turned around quickly, looking at him with a frown. "I'm sorry I didn't say something earlier, I wanted too but I wasn't sure how and if you felt the same and Dave was always teasing me with this and telling me that I should tell you how I feel before it's too late and I never saw a good moment. But when I picked you for Secret Santa, I knew I had to tell you something sooner or later tonight and well, when I saw your gift and the little note you left, I was hoping you would tell me that." he said, looking back at you, waiting for an expression on your face.
"So that's why you knew I wanted that bracelet." you laughed.
"Dave told me you saw it one time with him and that you thought it was pretty."
"It really is. Thank you again, I love it."
"Thanks to you too."
"I remembered hearing you talk about it, and about the fact that you couldn't find it anywhere."
"y/n." he murmured. "Can I kiss you ?"
"I thought you'd never ask." you said, before seeing him looking at your eyes and at your lips, then back at your eyes before putting a soft kiss on your lips. The kiss was so suprising that you couldn't help but moan a little, making him smile on your lips. His lips were rough but enjoyable and his hand in your hair made your legs tremble. After too little seconds for you, he left your lips to take a breath. His eyes were still in yours and he murmured something, making you blush and lean on him.
When you enter the house again, it has been noticed that you guys had left. Judging by your face and Aaron's one, it was clear for everyone who knew what happened, except for Derek and Reid who looked at everyone with a frown, as if asking what just happened. You laughed, grabbing Aaron's waist with one arm and kissing his cheek.
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ragingbookdragon · 9 months
And I'll Be An Old Troubadour, When I'm Gone
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Word Count: 1K Warnings: None
Author's Note: Dis my favorite GS song <3 fits my OC perfectly <3 -Thorne
Ghost doesn’t typically get out of the country if he can help it when he’s on leave. Rarely does he even get to Scotland to see Soap’s family. That’s about it, but somehow, Troubadour convinces him to fly out to the States and down south to see him for the month they’ve been given. It does take quite a bit of convincing, and even a great home cooked dinner and somehow wining and dining Ghost’s pants off, but he does.
Troubadour has a fun time showing him around the town he grew up in, and even takes him to the high school he played football in. He grins widely as he sees his trophy in the case and a cheering team photo behind it. He tells him stories about getting drunk by a bonfire and almost burning all the little hair he had on his chest when he decided to jump over it and almost fell face first instead. Tells him about how he managed to whoop a rival school’s tail in a street fight in a parking lot when he was a senior. Talks on and on about how he used to spend every summer on a tube floating down the river with a fishing pole in one hand, a beer in the other, and a can of bait between his knees. Ghost’s eyes don’t give it away, but his smile is evident beneath the black face mask he wears around the town.
He drives Ghost around town, takes him to the local diner and shows him what a real country fried steak tastes like, and by the time they’re done with apple pie and coffee, Ghost is literally bursting at the seams and ready to fall over in the booth while Troubadour laughs at him. He looks good when he laughs. Like he isn’t trying to look out for everyone like Price always is. Troubadour’s good like that; the big brother they never had, the one they can go to for anything, no matter how foolish or big. He sometimes thinks Troubadour should retire and do something better with his life. Something less risky. But he knows that Troubadour is a good man, wants to do the right thing, even if he gets his hands dirty. He wants to make a difference. Wants to be the man he deserved to look up to as a young man instead of the shit father he did have. Sometimes Ghost wishes he could be a good man like Troubadour.
Troubadour tells him the cabin he’s rented is about two and a half hours out of the town and Ghost settles into the passenger seat of the 2021 Dodge RAM 1500, comfortable and content to close his eyes for a couple hours. He watches the end of the sun fall behind the mountains and watches the stars come out above the truck. So deep in his own mind that he doesn’t realize Troubadour’s hand is on his thigh until he feels his lover’s fingers gently pressing and thumbing against the roughness of his jeans. Troubadour likes to touch. He’s always holding Ghost’s hand, his thigh, his chin on the soldier’s shoulder, toes brushing his calf under the covers.
He looks over inconspicuously, taking in the side profile of the man he’s come to love so deeply, of something that came from such an admiration and respect. Ghost often wonders if Simon Riley would be the man Troubadour was if he hadn’t let his past warp him so greatly. The man’s hands are strong, firm, steady, the wheel gripped in one as he silently and masterfully turns the wheel around a winding curve when the radio plays the next song and he sees the corner of Troubadour’s mouth turn up and he starts to hum the cords of the beginning, and Ghost is almost shocked at the smooth voice that comes out of the man, like bourbon running in his veins as he sings.
Sometimes I feel like Jesse James, still tryin’ to make a name. Knowing nothing’s gonna change what I am. I was a young troubadour, when I rode in on a song. I’ll be an old troubadour, when I’m gone.
It makes something in Simon’s chest tighten painfully. Their lives are lived in an hourglass that’s running out of sand fast. Every moment is never guaranteed, no tomorrow ever promised, but the longer he spends with Troubadour, the more he hears the life he wants to be living instead. He wants to wake up at five AM for god knows whatever reason, and sit on the porch in matching rocking chairs drinking their coffee. He wants to sit on the back porch in the swing and drink bourbon as they watch the fireflies in the summer and talk about the change in football and wonder if the season will be better than last year’s. He wants to spend every Sunday going to a café where they complain about the same breakfast they always get but still eat it and can’t wait for the next time. He wants to sit on the steps of their home in the early winter months, and watch Troubadour chop wood and bitch that he could chip in instead of ogling him like a pervert but still take his sweaty shirt off anyway.
Simon begins to admit the one thing he’s always been afraid of, and that’s the fact that he actually wants to live long enough to die an old man next to the old man he’s come to love.
He doesn’t even realize his eyes have begun to sting until he blinks rapidly and takes a deep breath, looking over at Troubadour as the man simply sings away without a care in the world other than the fact one of his biggest bragging rights is, “George Strait wrote a song about me. I mean, it’s obviously about me.”
Simon feels the world collide with everything he’s ever felt and known when Troubadour looks over as if called out to him and gives him a pearly white smile.
I was a young troubadour, when I rode in on a song, and I’ll be an old troubadour when I’m gone.
Troubadour picks up his hand, kisses the back of Simon’s, an ever-present and firm promise to love him for all he’s worth for as long as he has and even into the next life and all eternity.
I’ll be an old troubadour, when I’m gone.
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wosowrites · 1 year
All Tatted Up Part 2 (Jessie Fleming x Reader) 
Tumblr media
Warnings: ⚠️talk of trauma and su!c!de⚠️
A/N: Part 2 :)) Also, by the way this fic ends i know some people will want a part 3 but i don’t write smut for jessie. it’s also a v short fic sorry :(
Prompt: In which you and Jessie talk about your tattoos, and you confess your feelings for her.
You walk back to the locker room, leaving a probably very confused, but happy Jessie in the medical examination room.
You made your way back into the Chelsea’s changing room where the rest of the team was. Emma was very happy with the teams performance and had seemingly finished her speech as she walked out as you walked in. "Great game. Clean sheet really helped us today." Emma said, tapping you on the back. "And don’t worry about Fleming, I’ll make sure the medics take great care of you." She said to you gently. "Thank you. A lot." You told her. You had always liked Emma, she never judged you for your cold personality or stern exterior. I guess she knew that there was more under the surface.
You walked into the changing room where the girls were putting on their regular clothes. "Hey! Is Jessie good?" Magda asked, standing up. "Uhm. Head. I mean head injury. But like it’s just a cut. She’ll be okay." You said, quickly rushing to your cubby. "Okay weirdo." Erin joked. You shot her a glare and she quickly looked away. You took your clothes and walked into the shower room. You let the water wash away the dirt over your body, you never know how it managed to get under your layers, but it did. You then walked back into the changing rooms where most girls were putting on their post match outfit. You were quick to take off your shirt and replace it with a plain white tee shirt. You then put on beige cargos and a higher cut beige hoodie. You rolled up the sleeves and put on your jewelry and brown dunks. As you laced them up, you saw Jessie coming out of the shower room, her cut was clean and stitched up and her hair was wet. She was drying it with a towel and had put on jeans and a yellow tee shirt. You looked down, hiding your furious blush and knowing she had caught it. You concentrated on lacing up your shoes and then stood up and grabbed your bag. Your teammates watched you walk out of the room in confusion. "What’s up with her?" Sam said in confusion. "Seems like she’s still pretty shook from that hit you took, Jess." Niahm teased. "She is not. She’s okay." Jessie answered, hurrying to put on her shoes and rush out after you.
You were signing things in the parking lot, taking pictures and talking briefly with fans. One mother smiled at you and you walked over to her and her little girl. "Hi!" You said, smiling at the mother and then the little girl. "I like your jersey." You said, looking at the chelsea jersey. "Thank you." She basically whispered. "Do you have a name on the back?" You asked her. "Come on sweetie. Show her." The mother said. Her daughter turned around, showing a number 17 Fleming jersey. "Ahhh, you’re a Jessie fan." You said, smiling at her as she nodded. "Let me tell you a secret. I am too." You said to her. "Do you want a picture, Abby?" Her mother asked. Abby nodded and her mother picked her up and handed her to you. You smiled at her as you put the 6 year old on your hip and smiled at the camera. She was watching you though, mesmerized. Her mother took a few pictures and then she turned to you. You looked at her back. "Do you play football?" You asked her gently. "Yeah. I’m a… i play goalie." she said. "No way! Really? Well i cannot wait to play against you one day." You smiled at her, other people were now photographing you both, taking angles to show off the back of the young girls jersey. You gave Abby back to her mother who thanked you. You then waved goodbye to the girl and walked into the bus that would return the group back to Cobham.
Later that night, you were scrolling on your phone when you got a notification saying Chelsea had tagged you in a post. You clicked on it and saw a series of pictures with the little girl. One of her watching you as you smiled at a camera, the other one of her talking to you and another of you smiling widely at her showing you her jersey. The caption read.
Our keeper- a clean sheet, a pk save and inspiring the next generation all while being the biggest @_jessflem fan there is.
You smirked at the post and shared it to your story but you were soon interrupted by the doorbell.
You put down the meal you had been eating in front of the TV on your coffee table and walked towards the door. You opened it to find the last person you were expecting to be standing there. Jessie Fleming. She had her phone open to the post chelsea had just published, and was smirking at it. "You’re my biggest fan, are you?" She said, looking up at you. "I- they’re just kidding. The girl had your jersey." You said. "I noticed. I signed it. She was sweet." Jessie answered, still standing in the doorway. "Oh, sorry. Uhm, come in." You said, moving to the side. She smiled gently and walked in. "Sorry, I didn’t know you were eating." She said, eyeing the food on the coffee table. "Oh it’s all good. I was done anyways." You said, closing the door and rushing to the table to put your dish on the counter. "Can I get you anything?" You asked her, leaning against the counter awkwardly. "You know, for someone who’s so strong and confident and loud on the pitch, you’re pretty awkward and quiet off of it." She said, ignoring your question. "Yeah. Yeah I guess so. I don’t have a lot to say." You said. "I don’t believe that. I think you have a lot to say, but you’re not used to being… aloud to say it?" Jessie said. You eyed her for a second, propping yourself up to sit on the counter. "Where’s this all coming from?" You asked.
She made her way towards you, pushing your legs open to stand between them. "I want to be the person you can talk too. I know it’s hard, not having Mapi or Alexia, not seeing Ona or Aitana often. And I know you love Chelsea, and the girls all love you, but I don’t think you have anyone to talk too." Jessie said. You looked down at her. The fact that you were on the counter and she was shorter than you made the height difference significant. You watched her, using your index to lift her chin up so she looked into your eyes. "I want to be with you. I like you a lot. But I don’t know how to be with you. I’ve never been with anyone… romantically." You told her. "Me neither." She said gently.
You smiled at her, leaning down to kiss her as she slipped her hands under your tee shirt, feeling yours abs. "Tell me about your tattoos." She said, pulling away and grabbing your hand to pull you off the counter. "Okay. I have a lot though." You said. "And I have a lot of time."
You dragged her over to your L shaped couch where your plopped down beside each other. Jessie scooched down, leaning her head on your chest. "Arms first?" You asked. "Yeah."
"Okay so I got this sleeve when I was 20, Mapi and I actually got ours done at the same time. Emotional support you know. Anyways. The mountains are for hiking, I’ve always loved hiking. But this one here, that’s mount olympus from greek mythology. I’ve always been fascinated with mythology. It was like the only good thing I got out of my dad. He was a drunk. But when he wasn’t under the influence, we would read mythology together. The flowers here are for my sister, her name was Rose, she… she died when I was 14. She was really unhappy and she overdosed." You started saying. "I’m sorry. I can’t imagine loosing Elysse. She’s going to love you." She told you, brushing her fingers up and down your stomach. "Thank you. Anyways, the lion here is for protection. From others but also to signify that I’m a protector. Which sounds stupid as hell but it’s true." You said, looking down at her and twirling your fingers through her hair. "I know. I saw it on the pitch today." She joked.
You blushed and Jessie smiled up at you. "Other arm?" She said. "Hmm. This one has less. It’s more little tattoos here and there. And they’re mostly meaningless. A fairy, a rainbow, a sun, i have a little car here."
You guys spent the next fifteen minutes talking about your tattoos. You showed her the writing on your upper thigh, the one behind your ear. And eventually you wanted to show her the ones on your back. "Obviously you’ve seen all of these before but you don’t know what they mean." You said. You stood up and slipped off your shirt, making Jessie stand up herself and walk behind you. She traced her fingers on your lower back and on the back of your shoulder. Her touch was intoxicating. "They’re really beautiful." She said. "But tell me later. Don’t tell me what they mean now. I want to figure you out bit by bit." She said, turning you around. "Okay then, Fleming. Figure me out."
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
Good morning Nalyra! Hope you are not too tired and burnt out with everybody’s ceaseless questions already!
I rewatched S2E3 last night and honestly, I think it’s the best episode so far! There are two things I kept on thinking on but can’t find lots of discussions on,
1. Who is Santiago’s maker—lots of emphasis on this mysterious vampire still in the death vault. I see some discussion on the possibility of Lestat being his maker—hence mimic and can fly—and super strong. I mean it is not impossible, Santiago/Francis being a good actor/artist is a plus for him in Lestat’s book…what is your theory on that?
2. The “wife” who is buying the painting for “her husband” in Dubai—lots of setups and screen times went in there as well, who are the buyers? I thought it might be Jess —a la Talamasca’s rescue team coming for Daniel. Or the real Marius? Or Lestat? If he is not in a coma in the penthouse but somewhere else becoming a mega rockstar in realtime or it’s all red herring?
Thank you I'm good, hope you're as well!
Yeah, I have seen the discussion re Santiago as well - but that would imply that Lestat must have left Louis and Claudia during the years they had thrown him out of the house, right? - and I cannot quite see that. Because Louis noted how the gifts came in waves, like the tides. So I think Lestat actually went and searched for gifts and tried again, and again, and again, and I don't think he went to New York and left his two (vampiric-wise very weak) vampires alone. ESPECIALLY since he knew Louis was healing and back on his rat diet.
OR it would mean that he had done that with Louis around? IDK. IF that's the twist they introduced, then they better make that solid, time-wise^^.
And as per the "wife" - I have reblogged a post a while ago that I also thought about - namely that wife being Pandora.
I mean... the triptych was not up for sale, right? So someone had to know they had it. And knew what he had to offer to rouse their interest at all. I'm not sure.
Someone is keeping an eye on Daniel in that penthouse, including on what is spoken. And I firmly believe that call from the lawyer was intentionally at that point to give Daniel a moment to look at the files.
I mean... it could all be a set up by the Talamasca as well of course - and then someone in the penthouse would need to spy for them.
But... I am of the opinion that real Rashid IS actually "real Rashid"... and if he is then he has a connection to Marius. I mean... what would the Talamasca offer any of the vampires in that penthouse? And the servants in there would always need to fear to be killed, and know that, too.
So... I don't think we can tell just yet?
But... I am very much looking forward to it clicking into place :P
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