#but at the beginning of ppgw
hate it when a line i hadn't picked up on before in ppgw completely ruins the timeline i had created for myself.
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personinthepalace · 1 year
You're so right. I love that mischief has gotten big enough to get huge stars involved but I would like to read/see 1 article about PPGW that isn't solely enamored with nph
Anon, I was just ranting about this with some people in the Mischief server haha. And I've been upset about this huge celebrity promotion ever since they first brought tptgw to broadway back in 2017.
Like yes it is cool that they could get huge names involved in their broadway shows. JJ Abrams became a producer and helped to bring tptgw to Broadway. But then literally all the interviews were about JJ Abrams. And of course the interviewers would ask him questions about Star Wars instead of focusing on Mischief Theatre or tptgw itself. We're seeing a similar trend now with Neil Patrick Harris (who btw has extended his run to May 7th). The promos and interviews are about him and not the actual show itself.
And yes I know the reason for these big names is to bring in audiences and thus revenue, but it is quite annoying that Mischief themselves are barely getting any recognition themselves. I guess part of the problem is that Mischief shows are ensemble shows so there are no "main leads" to send out and do all the promos like most shows have. But Hen, Shields, and Jon could easily be the ones doing the promotions since they are the writers and heads of the show and company respectively. They should be promoting themselves so that the general audience could get to know them by name instead of "those funny british people." Their established fanbase + bringing in a celeb can't be their only marketing strategy
Also with NPH, it has the added injury that he is replacing Harry Kershaw who originated the role. Mischief fans (like me) are going out of their way to see the show for the original cast (also I have a side rant about that but that's for another time haha) but end up getting NPH instead of Harry himself. If they announced this way beforehand then it would have been fine but this unexpected announcement came as quite a surprise. Harry has gotten the short hand of the stick already in the BBC special where they had David Suchet to play the role of the narrator
Though someone did suggest an interesting idea if Mischief wants to continue this stunt casting. Mischief could get some big name (some suggestions include Christian Borle and David Tennant) to play as themselves in ppgw each week (similar to David Suchet in the BBC special). So they get a monologue similar to Suchet but related to their own work But it is a mystery guest so that would make people want to go see the show just to see who they get. And then Harry has another role (he could reprise his role as BBC guy) and/or he continue playing the Narrator once a week.
But of course this is an idea I could get behind if they promoted it from the beginning and don't make it the sole focus of their advertising of the show
Anyway this has gotten way longer and rambly then I intended haha but in short yes the constant advertisement of the celebrity instead of Mischief themselves is VERY annoying
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celestialflights · 3 years
(media hyperfixation ask game!! also sry for accidentally unfollowing u :(( ) 🍀? 📃?📌 ? and the hcs one :)
don't worry! sorry for taking a while to answer this
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
i love so many of the characters, but lucy, annie, max and dennis are probably my biggest comfort characters. i also project onto lucy and annie a lot - they are my beloveds!
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
it's three plays and a show, and the basic plot is: an amateur group of actors' plays always go horribly wrong, chaos and hilarity ensues.
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
i saw ppgw and accgw when they first aired, but that was before i was into any fandom stuff. then, a few months ago, i saw @starship-ranger-bug posting about mischief and, realising i recognised what they were talking about, decided to watch the goes wrong show!
🏳‍���� do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
i have a lot of sexuality hcs for the characters, which i'd love to share! i really like all of the ones i've seen other people post, so if i put something different or don't mention a character, it doesn't mean i disagree with that hc, it's just not as close to my heart as the others, i guess
chris: i really like the hc that he's asexual, and i can also see him being gay or bi
max: he's bi! i included this one in my fic because i like it so much. he just has such bi vibes
sandra: to begin with, i mainly viewed her as being straight but a big ally, but now i'm beginning to think that she's bisexual, but hasn't necessarily realised it yet. she played a canon lesbian in 90 degrees, so i feel as if getting into the headspace of her character made her begin to realise, "oh, wait, maybe i do like women." before that, i think she had kissed women and viewed herself as bicurious but didn't realise she liked women more than straight women tend to
annie: she's queer! i don't think she labels herself but she's sapphic and she has a girlfriend who i will hopefully introduce in a fic i write!
dennis: aroace icon! i strongly hc that when he thought vanessa was proposing to him, he interpreted it in a platonic way and basically thought she was asking to be in a qpr with him, although he might not have known the term. i am also currently planning to write a fic about this because it's a concept that means so much to me
vanessa: demiromantic asexual lesbian. i just get a lot of a-spec and sapphic vibes from her, and want her and dennis to be a-spec solidarity
trevor: either gay or unlabelled, but yeah he's queer
lucy: she's panromantic asexual because i am projecting! also i want to give her a nonbinary partner, and believe it or not, i also want to write a fic about that!
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okay so a little bit ago i was asking for people's ideas on the cornley character's birth order positions (thank you to those who contributed). i'm still wildly unsure of quite a few, and because of that, i'm going to talk through my thinking processes for each right now, because that helps me out.
chris: probably one of the hardest because i can see him as an oldest, youngest OR only child. like all of them make sense to me. the oldest/only child vibe of trying to live up to parents expectations vs the youngest child always in the older siblings shadow vibe. i cannot make up my mind. if he's the youngest, then it's an older brother for sure, if he's the oldest i have no idea.
robert: youngest or middle, i see him with two siblings. one's definitely a sister (the one chris was with in accgw — she's the one who could be older or younger than him) but i'm not decided on the other one (lucy's parent). logically given that lucy's last name is grove, it would make sense for it to be robert's brother (given that's usually how names work in our society), but it's not impossible for it to be a sister, and that has a specific vibe that could relate to family stuff for robert (feeling like he has to "be a man" from his father etc)
max: almost fully certain on him being an only child, but i keep on getting the urge to give him a little sister, just because i think it'd be cute.
sandra: definitely the youngest. i also imagine her having at least three siblings (maybe more). i am stuck between her having all older sisters (that desire to prove herself and outshine her perfect sisters) or all older brothers ("mummy's little princess" vibes, a little bit spoiled).
dennis: stuck between middle, youngest and only. i could see him as the middle child who's always forgotten/undervalued because he's not the special oldest or the cute youngest, but i also see him as having an older sibling (or siblings?) who he's constantly compared to and told "why aren't you more like them?". BUT i also see him being the only child and his parents just being disappointed in him. if he's the middle, i see him having a brother on either side. if he's the youngest, i see either one sibling (brother or sister) or two (either two brothers or one brother one sister).
annie: middle child with quite a few siblings vibes to me. probably on the older end (eg one older sibling and like three younger). this one i've always been pretty solid on, but i'm willing to reconsider this. unsure about the genders of her siblings.
jonathan: pretty solid on him too, due to headcanons i have about his family i headcanon him as an only child. i know quite a few give him a younger sister (the fanfic influence) but those roles people put on her i usually just translate to his daughter. not much else to say.
vanessa: i am the type of person who goes "identical twins" when i see two people played by the same person in a universe, so she's got a twin sister to me (bryony's receptionist in accgw). i also think she has a younger half brother.
trevor: a group of us on the mischief discord kinda came up with a solid family for trevor, and i think it fits so i'm sticking to it! second youngest out of four, two older sisters — tanya, who trevor is heard speaking to on the phone at the beginning of ppgw stage version, and tessa, who is usually just the girl version of trevor in the shows but who we have developed into her own character — and a younger brother dale, who is from trevor's twitter account.
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personinthepalace · 2 years
Peter begins to eat Tinker Bell
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personinthepalace · 4 years
@incendiaglacies an alternative Rip Hunter edit
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personinthepalace · 4 years
i was wondering... could you possibly like, summarise what actually happens in 'the play that goes wrong'? ive seen all the TV specials and i noticed during the peter pan goes wrong along that charlie talks about a bit of continuity between it and TPTGW and it makes me crazy that i actually... have no idea what happens in that particular show!
Sure! Warning: spoilers ahead :)
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The Play That Goes Wrong is about The Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society trying to perform a play called The Murder At Haversham Manor, a murder mystery about the death of Charles Haversham (Jonathan) who is killed on the eve of his engagement party with Florence Colleymore (Sandra). The other characters are Inspector Carter (Chris Bean) who is there to investigate the murder, Cecil Haversham (Max) who is Charles’s brother and having an affair with Florence, Thomas Colleymore (Robert) who is Florence’s brother, Perkins the butler (Dennis), and Arthur the Gardener (also played by Max). During the investigation, Cecil Haversham is also murdered. In the end, it is revealed that Charles Haversham is alive even though Inspector Carter tried to posion him. Thomas Colleymore is revealed to be Inspector Carter’s accomplice and the one who murdered Cecil Haversham.
But of course, lots of things go wrong. Before the play begins, Trevor has lost his Duran Duran CD, and it pops up several times throughout the show. Cornley also has lost a dog that was suppose to be in Act Two. After his character’s death, Jonathan keeps coming in too earlier and spoils the twist. Dennis is always forgetting his lines or pronouncing words wrong. Robert is overdramatic and relies on Trevor to give him his lines. Chris is tired of the audience not taking him and his play seriously. And there is a second level platform (which serves as Charles’s study) that falls in the middle of the play, leaving the actors on it (and under it) in peril.
What Charlie mentioned in the ppgw along video is actually one of the main Cornley storyline in the show:
In tptgw, Annie is the stage manager and Trevor is the lights and sound operator. As mentioned above, Sandra plays Florence Colleymore. During a scene, Sandra gets knocked out, and Annie is sent out on stage to read Sandra’s lines. At first, she’s timid but soon gets into the role. But then she gets knocked out. By this time, Sandra has recovered and is back on stage. But she soon gets knocked out again. Trevor happens to be on stage at this time so he plays Florence. But apparently there’s some kind of curse on the role of Florence Colleymore because he gets knocked out as well. By this time, Annie and Sandra have recovered and are on stage at the same time, which results in them fighting with each other throughout the rest of the play because they both want to play Florence. So there’s lots of yelling over each other and attempts at knocking each other out.
And as we see in ppgw, Annie is no longer the stage manager and is now one of the Cornley actors. And Trevor is now the stage manager
I hope all of that makes sense (and is acurrate haha). Let me know if you need clarification on anything! And I have a boot of tptgw, so if you would like to have that, feel free to message me :)
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