#but at the same time dreaming about kissing this dude at a new year’s eve party
loverboybitch · 2 years
had like 800 dreams at once last night i am feeling insane.//.
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tippedbykreider · 3 years
this year’s love | l. brossoit
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Word Count: 1.1k Warnings: Mentions of alcohol Author’s Note: I know it’s a bit early for New Year’s Eve vibes but I miss this dude. Repost from my old blog. Laurent Brossoit x Reader Insert
Midnight. New Year’s Eve. A kiss.
It all seems a little too right and nothing at all like the raging anxiety that swirls in your chest like a building hurricane. The man whose arms you’re in is perfect, always has been in fact and yet there’s something. Something that always has you stuttering and stumbling just short of the finish line.
Laurent is looking at you like he wants to speak, like he has a million things he wants to say, but the words bubble on his tongue like the glasses of champagne you’re both being handed before they sink back down his throat and fizz in his chest. You want him to speak, want him to say something, anything, first because maybe then you’d know what to do with the butterflies in your stomach and maybe you’d understand just what this is between you.  He doesn’t though, instead he looks at you with a softness in his eyes that you swear wasn’t there before but otherwise his expression is unreadable.
Laurent knows what this is though. You’re his friend, yes, but you’re also the only person he wanted to come with him to this party at Wheeler’s house and the only person he’s thought about kissing at midnight, the only person he’s thought about kissing, period. You’re the person he calls every single day and the first person he wants to see when he gets home from a stint on the road. You’re the person who makes him feel on top of the world with every win and the person who soothes away the disappointment of a loss. You’re his person and while he’s sure that deep down you know it too, he knows that he needs to find a way to really tell you that because when you look at him like the way you are right now, with the kind of love in your eyes that crosses the line of strict friendship but laced with uncertainty and hesitance, he’s not sure he can survive another year, hell even another second, without you knowing how he truly feels.
He’s watched as you’ve put the pieces of your broken heart back together so many times, watched as you opened yourself back up to the idea of love only to be disappointed time and time again and he’s watched it all melt away whenever he wraps his arms around you. He knows that this is right and he knows that you’re waiting on him because the fear of taking that leap first is too much for you. He knows this and so, after swallowing down the hesitance that flashes like lightning, he speaks low and quiet and against the shell of your ear.
“Made any New Year’s resolutions?”
You pull back a shade, far enough away to get your eyes on his and you sip your champagne to buy yourself enough time to formulate an answer to his question. It’s a loaded one, you know it is by the way his eyes are keenly searching your face and while it’s an easy enough question in itself, it’s not one that you’re sure you can answer honestly. You had made resolutions. You’d resolved to be brave and to go after what you really wanted, but with him standing right in front of you, with one of his large hands resting surely on your hip and the way his eyes look like the colour of thunderclouds in the low light of the room, your heart has taken to hammering in your chest while your brain short circuits.
It’s at that moment that Laurent decides to take back the floor and it begins with his hand moving from where it feels like it’s burning through the fabric of your dress at your hip to cup your jaw with a gentleness that you’d come to expect from him but still manages to knock you back a bit each time all the same.
“You wanna know what my resolution is?” he asks softly while his thumb brushes lightly across your cheek, the nod you give him small but enough for him to speak again, voice low and soft, “to not let the fear of striking out keep me from playing the game.”
“What, are you into baseball now or something?” you murmur, your eyes darting away from his as you hear everything he’s saying and everything that he isn’t.
“I’m into a lot of things.”
He places the lightest of pressures against your cheek to get your focus back onto him, a wordless encouragement that you can’t help but comply with despite yourself and despite the knot of nerves that twists in your throat and strangles the words you know you need to say.
“Like baseball,” you manage as your eyes search his features.
“Yeah,” he breathes, his face inching towards yours. “And you.”
His lips brush across yours lightly and while you’d kissed him not even five minutes ago as the clock struck midnight, it felt nothing like it does right now with his lips pressing against your mouth more insistently and his hand snaking to cup the back of your head. It’s sure and it’s soft and it’s everything that you both want and need from him, and it’s that want and need that has you blooming for him like a flower, your mouth granting the gentle request from his tongue for more. It’s so easy now, to give him more, because you know that this is good and it’s right and because it’s Laurent, the man who knows you better than anyone else, the man you’ve allowed to know you better than anyone else.
You’re not sure at what point you put your champagne flute down but you know you must have because your hands are gripping lightly at the fabric of his shirt as you pour yourself into the kiss, filling him up in the same way that sand fills an hourglass. You feel him everywhere but it’s right where you want to be and you’re right where he’s dreamed of you being for so long, and while it’s new and it’s scary and everything has changed, it’s only what you both know to be true between you.
It’s been years in the making and it’s been there for longer than you’d both admit but this year? This year is for love.
Heaven knows it’s high time.
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maddiewritesstucky · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit (18+)
Pairing: Stripper Bucky / Architect Steve
Words: 3790
Tags: Sexy shower antics, post-exercise endorphin highs, Steve is a badass for like 10 minutes, Bucky is not a morning person (until he suddenly is), enthusiastic morning sex
A follow-up one-shot to the slow death of Steve Rogers. Many thanks to my radiant cassowary @kalee60​ for giving it your clever eyes. Infinite birdseed for you 😘
(Also on Ao3)
When Bucky wakes up, he is aware of two things, and two things only.
One - it’s way too fucking early for his eyelids to have peeled themselves back the way they have, if the rosy tint of the sky outside is anything to go by, and two - his foot should have connected with some part of Steve’s anatomy by now on it’s customary post-waking stretch across the mattress.
His body is coming online one limb at a time, and he grunts his displeasure into the rumpled sheets; gaze firmly averted from the clock on the bedside table. Putting a number to it will only make him angry, and the stupid beautiful soft dawn light filling the bedroom tells him everything he needs to know anyway. 
Why they had decided to move into Steve’s apartment when Bucky’s actually had things like properly functioning curtains, he has no idea. 
"Steve,”  he groans, voice thick with the remnants of sleep and the injustice of waking before he intended to. 
He kicks his foot out a little further; throws an arm out to join the search party too, but finds Steve’s side of the bed decidedly more vacant than it had been when he fell asleep last night. 
Running, some vaguely helpful part of Bucky’s subconscious supplies, you fell for a man who goes running at bastard o’clock in the morning. 
He flops over onto his back and scrubs his hands up over his face; up through the tangled mess of hair that seems to find new ways of defying its scrunchie-prison every night. His vision sharpens into focus and sticks a moment on the giant canvas print photo of himself and Steve smiling back at him from the far wall; a grinning relic of a Bucky who was not woken before his time.
It still makes his stomach flip a little, that picture - the two of them stuffed into the heavy-knit sweaters Bucky’s ma had made them last Christmas; both in the  throes of losing their shit over the comically absurd miscalculation she’d made on size. Steve’s got tears in his eyes, and Bucky’s aren’t even open, and they’re clinging to each other with that special kind of desperation that intense, prolonged laughter seems to spawn.
It’s everything good about their life together, that photo; the sheer warmth and joy they’ve found in one another over the past year, the sense of  home and family and right. 
It’s even more heartwarming, Bucky finds, when the sun is a reasonable distance above the horizon.
He drags his protesting body out of its sleep-warmed cocoon, his intentions set on the brand new bag of espresso grind that Last-Night Bucky had so wisely left sitting on the kitchen counter. 
He’s going to use Steve’s favorite mug, the one he’d happened across in a yard sale that reads ‘architects do it on drafting tables’  with a lewd stick figure drawing. Partially because it holds the most coffee, and partially because if Steve had remained in bed this morning, with all his familiar warmth and dependable big-spoon behavior, Bucky would have remained blissfully unconscious until his alarm went off. 
...Steve’s not here to actually  see  this particular middle-finger of a gesture, but that’s beside the point. Bucky will  know.
It’s not until he’s shuffling his way down the hall, already two steps past the closed bathroom door, that Bucky registers the faint sounds of water hitting tile, and the sporadic, off-key hum of a post-run Steve. 
His feet halt in their tracks before he’s even made the conscious decision that coffee can wait.
He wants to keep walking, to get his precious cup of bean nectar and crawl back into bed for another hour or three, it’s just...
Post-run Steve is kind of Bucky’s jam. 
He’s sweaty, and loose-limbed, and hopped up on exercise endorphins which, more often than not, make him inexplicably horny and give him the closest approximation of a bad boy complex that someone with Steve’s demeanor could possibly get. 
Post-run Steve is the only good thing about being awake at this god forsaken hour. 
The sunrise, and the stillness, and the smell of fresh dew can get fucked, but Bucky will carpe the hell out of a diem for some Post-run Steve.
He slips quietly into the bathroom, and is immediately grateful for the time he spent descaling the shower door yesterday when he’s met with an unimpeded view of Steve’s glorious back. What goddamn right an architect has looking like that, Bucky has no idea, but you wanna talk about some aesthetically pleasing angles?
Steve’s got one hand braced against the wall, head dipped to draw out the line of his back. His skin’s a little flushed; water channeling in fast-flowing rivulets between the soft ridges and swells of his drawn-taut muscles, and he’s breathing those quiet grunts of the recently-exerted. 
He’s a living, breathing thirst-trap, and the knowledge that he’d only blush and change the subject if Bucky told him so just makes it a thousand times better. 
Bucky pushes his soft flannel sleep pants off his hips and lets them fall to the floor, sending up another silent salute to Last-Night Bucky for going commando, and steps forward to pull open the shower door.
...Later on, when Bucky is reflecting on it all, he’ll blame the early hour and his pre-caffeinated state for the fact that he didn’t realise. The soft noises falling from Steve’s lips, the very particular bunch and flex of very particular muscles…
Any other time of day, Bucky would have known straight away. 
Any other time of day, and Bucky wouldn’t have even needed to be in the same room - he could be at the bodega down the street, and his nipples would inexplicably harden at the pluck of Steve’s distant arousal on the cosmic spiderweb. 
But as it happens in the moment, it’s not until Steve’s head is falling back on a low moan that Bucky realizes exactly what it is he’s walked in on. 
“Oh, shit...”
It’s off his tongue before he can reel it back in, and Steve almost jumps out of his skin. 
His head whips around, and for the briefest flicker of a moment, he looks shocked and uncertain and embarrassed as all hell. 
But this right here is no weekday-afternoon Steve. This is not the blushing, bumbling hunk of love meee that occupies the corporeal form of Steve Rogers 95% of the time. 
No, this is Post-run Steve, and it’s all of about two seconds before he’s schooling his features into something more akin to vaguely-smirking indifference; turning until he’s facing Bucky front on, and settling his weight back against the shower wall.
“Babe, I’m sorry, I didn’t--” Bucky begins, as close to apologetic as one can really be about seeing their significant other in a compromising yet Very Sexy position. But the words dry up on his lips as Steve lifts a finger to his own in the universal gesture of ‘shush.’   
He watches, rapt, as Steve first reaches over to the tap and shuts off the water, and then takes up the bottle of Bucky’s conditioner, squirting some into his hand before wrapping it back around his cock. 
And then that jacked-up idiot, that neuro-chemical flooded pseudo bad bitch, looks Bucky dead in the eye...and goes right back to jerking off. 
He’s putting on a goddamn show with it too - pulling at his cock, long and slow and tight; dropping his head back against the wall and letting his moans ricochet shamelessly off the tile. The sound of his fist working over his dick is lewd as hell, so much more audible for the fact that there’s no rush of running water to mask it anymore, and Bucky wonders briefly if he ever actually woke up at all, if this isn’t just all a very believable wet dream. 
It certainly contains all the usual elements - intense eye contact; a big fat dick getting rubbed off by a beefy, naked, wet dude (bonus that it’s Bucky’s actual, real-life boyfriend); the kinds of sounds you usually only hear in porn…
For all Bucky knows, he could still be tucked up in bed asleep, and not standing here naked and painfully erect in this steamed up bathroom, watching his boyfriend jack it like he’s starring in some locker-room porno.
“You need somethin’, or you just come in here to watch?” Steve drawls, arching a brow at him, and yeah  - there’s a  lot of things Bucky needs all of a sudden.
He rakes an assessing gaze over Steve’s body, stepping into the shower and pressing his palms to the swell of Steve’s pecs.
“I just wanted to make sure your run went okay,” he shrugs, “no pulled tendons, shin splints...aching muscles…that kinda thing.” 
He squeezes at Steve’s shoulders and his biceps and his tiny waist; threads his hands up through Steve’s hair and slots a thigh between Steve’s to push their hips together. 
Steve’s skin is so warm, and slippery, and he smells like soap, and Bucky starts mentally calculating just how much time they have and how much energy he can feasibly expend before their respective work days start.
He’s not on stage tonight, but he is on shift for his day job at the community center, teaching a preschool ballet class at 10am, and then a seniors ballroom dancing session at midday before his contemporary classes in the afternoon. Steve’s working from home today, so hypothetically it wouldn’t matter if Bucky wore him out a little…
He rubs his whole self shamelessly against Steve, pressing in so the barbells spiked through his nipples drag across the wet expanse of Steve’s chest. He kisses Steve’s neck and his tits and his mouth, hungry and handsy and a little frantic, and Steve laughs softly against his lips as he turns them to push Bucky up against the slick tile of the shower wall.
“Your concern is deeply moving,” he deadpans, caging Bucky in with hands planted either side of his head, “but I think we need to talk about your bathroom etiquette...didn’t anybody ever teach you to knock?” 
He’s staring Bucky down with eyes lit up something wicked; his body so very nearly touching Bucky’s but not quite, and it hits Bucky all over again that his boyfriend is, physically speaking...really fucking imposing.
It’s easy to forget, when he’s being...well, Steve. Perpetually polite, kind-hearted, goofy...Bucky feels like when he looks at Steve, he sees the softness of his nature, the quiet goodness that radiates out of him. 
He sees the sensible shoes and the khaki pants, the careful artist hands and the way Steve still sometimes carries himself like the much-smaller man he claims to have once been. 
He’s Stevie, and Bucky wouldn’t have him any other way. 
But all of that also happens to be contained within a 6’2”, 200lb frame, and right now...Bucky kind of wants to suffocate under it. 
“I am so sorry, Steven,” he says, though it’s entirely negated by the raging hard on he’s sporting and the giddy, gratuitous manner in which he’s still feeling Steve up. 
He skates his fingertips down the rippled plain of Steve’s stomach, down to the trail of dusky blond hair leading south from his belly button, but Steve catches his hands and pins them up above his head. 
“I’m sure you are,” Steve hums, “but I don’t think you appreciate the gravity of the situation here. See, you caught me in a very private moment, one that I was very much enjoying, and now I’m all thrown off. You got me feelin’ shy.” 
...There’s some very compelling evidence to the contrary rubbing up against Bucky’s hip right now, but that’s beside the point. Steve’s teeth are scraping a line all the way down Bucky’s neck to nip at the ice fractals tattooed across his shoulder, and Bucky’s more than willing to play along.
“However can I make it up to you?” 
He arches into the press of Steve’s body, the hard line of Steve’s cock nestled into the crease of his hip.
If Steve shifted just slightly, he’d be rubbing up against Bucky’s dick. 
It’s not an accident that Steve isn’t making that shift. 
“You really want to?” Steve kisses the question against his skin, making his way slowly back up to Bucky’s mouth, and Bucky nods vehemently.
He’s already wetting his lips in preparation for all the ‘making up’ they’re about to do; signalling his knees to get ready to bend and pulling at Steve’s grip on his wrists, but Steve doesn’t release him.
Instead, he pulls back just far enough to look Bucky square in the eye, and smiles entirely too sweet for the authoritative edge that rumbles into his voice. “Go back to bed, Bucky.” 
Bucky has to blink a few times as the words circulate in his ears. His expression turns from I’m about to get some D!  to  oh god I’m being denied the D in about 0.2 seconds flat.
Bed is very far away from the dick that is currently in need of reparations, he can’t achieve anything from bed.
“But—you said—I was gonna—”
“Go. back. to bed.”  Steve tightens his grip on Bucky’s wrists and leans his whole weight against him, right up in his space so his lips catch against Bucky’s as he speaks, “...and wait for me.” 
A big, stupid, ‘bout-to-get-railed grin stretches across Bucky’s face. He wriggles free of Steve’s grasp and stumbles out of the shower, stopping himself just shy of a wildly enthusiastic ‘yes sir!’
He thinks he can hear Steve’s laughter as he takes off back down the hall toward the bedroom, but it might just be his own echoing back to him. He throws himself down onto the unmade bed, still warm from when he got up not ten minutes ago, and honestly who needs to sleep in anyway? Sleeping in is for people who don’t have absolute poundcake boyfriends to screw them into the sunrise.
He should have toweled off, he realizes as his damp skin rubs against the bedding, but he cannot be blamed for life choices made before six am, and there are far more important things afoot anyway. 
Things like the sound of the shower turning back on for approximately forty-five seconds, then the muted pass of a towel being scrubbed over hair, and footsteps on the hardwood growing ever closer to the bedroom.
God, this is gonna be a good day. What  a beautiful day to be greeting the dawn, making the most of his youth, seizing everything life throws at him!
He has the good sense to snatch the lube out of the bedside drawer just as Steve walks into the room, eyeing him with amusement and hunger in equal measures. 
“You know what the problem is, with what just happened back there, Buck?” 
Steve saunters toward the bed with all the nonchalance of a man whose work day doesn’t start for another three hours. 
He wraps his sizable hands around Bucky’s ankles and yanks him down the bed a little - for no other purpose than to hear Bucky’s breath hitch at the unnecessary show of strength - and climbs up onto the mattress to straddle Bucky’s shins. 
“The problem is, I don’t like to make a spectacle of myself.” He plucks the lube from Bucky’s hand and pours some into his own, spreading it over his cock in lazy pulls. “Being the center of attention, having eyes on me...that’s more your speed.”
“Mhmm, yes, I am an attention whore,” Bucky nods, reaching grabby hands out at Steve who refuses to shift any further up his body, “and you are humble and handsome and have a big dick. Make out with me.” 
Steve tuts and shakes his head, reaching his unoccupied hand to flick at one of Bucky’s nipple piercings. 
“Oh, I don’t think you get to make requests right now. See, the worst part of you throwin’ me off back there? I was so fucking close.  So now what you get to do, James, is flip the fuck over, and let me finish what I started.” 
...Jesus, Bucky loves Post-run Steve.
He’s gonna marry Post-run Steve and have his hopped up little post-run babies, and make sure Steve never misses a single day of early morning exercise so he can bask in the glory of this magnificent bastard every goddamn day of his life.
Bucky flops over onto his front and gets his knees under himself, sticking his ass up in the air with a wiggle that’s probably a lot more comical than it is enticing. But the heat of Steve’s palms hook around the front of his thighs and pull them out from under him, sprawling him flat against the mattress.
There’s a sudden clamping of teeth on his ass cheek and the sharp swat of an open palm, and then Bucky’s being pressed firmly into the sheets by Steve’s weight settling high up on the backs of his thighs. 
“Here’s what’s gonna happen,” Steve sighs, planting his hands on the dip in Bucky’s spine, “I’m gonna use your ass to get off, and then I’m going to get back into bed, while you go make us some coffee.”
Bucky nods into the mess of blankets under his cheek, futilely trying to rock his hips up against Steve’s considerable weight. “Yes, agreed, punishment fits the cri-hi wow okay.” 
A wholly undignified sound is wrenched from Bucky’s chest as Steve skips all pretense of tease, and thrusts his slicked up cock into the crease of Bucky’s ass, rubbing off between his cheeks with a very singular purpose. 
Bucky scrabbles to grab hold of his pillow and drags it down, wedging it under his hips with as much success as can be expected when you’re being pinned by a 200lb adrenaline-testosterone cocktail. It’s enough though, to very favorably cushion the rub of his dick, and all things considered…this whole thing is working out pretty well for him.
He’s expending precisely zero effort, but the wet glide of Steve’s cock over his hole and the push of Steve’s hips rubbing him into the pillow is very much Doing It for him, and he lets his body go loose and pliant as Steve does all the work for the both of them.
And Steve is putting in work - rocking Bucky into the mattress with a fervor that knocks the breath out of him and sends the headboard careening rhythmically into the wall. 
“Y’hear that, Buck?” Steve pants, not for a second breaking his frankly devastating pace. “That’s what a fuckin’ knock sounds like.” 
“Oh my god.”   
This is exactly how every single day of Bucky’s life should begin. Naked, giddy, cocks enthusiastically rubbing up against holes, and Steve running his mouth like he won’t be turning ten shades of red about it later. 
If this is the payoff, Bucky will bust in on every single shower Steve has for the rest of his life.
“I love you,” he laughs a little breathlessly into the bedding, biting off a moan at the heat coiling low in his belly. 
It’s entirely sincere, and he says it because he means it...but if he also happens to know by now that those words are a direct hit to Steve’s prostate during sex?
That’s just a happy coincidence.
Steve makes a sound like he’s been punched, his thighs twitching and tensing where they’re clamped around Bucky’s hips. 
His breaths are coming sharp and shallow, his movements taking on a frantic edge that betrays exactly how close he is, and Bucky would ask him to slow down, except he really, really doesn’t want him to. 
“I love you, Stevie,” he says again, letting his own building climax bleed into his voice, “love you so much...come on, baby...” 
“Fuck,  Bucky, I...oh...” 
His weight falls forward over Bucky as he comes, and it’s all the shove Bucky needs to tip over the edge with him. 
He spills all over his pillow, burying a moan into the sheets and huffing under the weight of Steve’s body going lax on top of him.   
“Oh my god, Buck,” Steve groans, vaguely awed like it wasn’t his own efforts that just brought them both to sticky ruin, and Bucky reaches a hand back to swat weakly at him. 
“You said it, pal.” 
Steve nuzzles into the crook of his neck, planting breathless kisses against his skin and running his hands over every part of Bucky he can reach. 
It’s so tangible, that shift back to normalcy, back to  Steve.  It always hits Bucky square in the chest, the way he can feel Steve’s edges softening, feel that boisterous energy turn sweet and mellow in the aftermath. 
It’s kind of precious, actually, though Bucky would never phrase it like that to Steve’s face.  
He squirms beneath Steve’s weight, getting himself turned over until he’s on his back beneath him. “Good morning,” he smiles up at Steve softly, running his fingers through the still-damp tufts of his hair. 
Steve sighs happily, letting his eyes drift shut and tilting his head into Bucky’s hand. “Good morning, pervert.” 
“Hey, come on, you know I didn't do that on purpose!  ” Bucky laughs, cupping Steve’s face and kissing him all over his cheeks. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve rolls his eyes, though the smile on his face says Bucky’s doesn’t really have anything to be sorry about. “Guess I can forgive you this one  time.”
“You’re a gracious man.”
Bucky drags him down and kisses him right on his smile, sweet and lazy. When they pull apart, Steve’s got that dopey look on his face like he’s feeling a whole lot of something, and Bucky knows exactly what’s coming before Steve says it.
“Glad you love me, Bucky Barnes.” 
...He knew it was coming, but it still gets him every time. 
“Glad to love you, Steve Rogers.” He feels like he’s glowing a little as he leans up to peck Steve on the tip of his nose. “Now if I’m not mistaken, I owe you a cup of coffee...you’re gonna have to let me up if you want me to follow through on that.” 
“Mm, counter offer - we both go wash off, together, and then I’ll make us breakfast while you handle the coffee?” 
Bucky pretends to consider for a second before he nods, stretching his body out as Steve rolls his weight off him. 
“Agreed.” He waves a hand in the general direction of the door, shooting Steve a wink and a lopsided grin. “Lead the way, pal. I believe you are intimately familiar with where the shower is.”
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sunsetcurveofficial · 3 years
jatp fics by yours truly
[so, since i’ve written quite a few jatp fics in my time now, i decided that it’s time for a little masterpost before i post something new. sorted the way they appear in my ao3 stats.]
Force of Nature [Luke/Reggie, 49k, T, famous!AU]
Luke meets Reggie in a toilet stall at an award show when he's just trying to hide from everyone. He's the frontman of famous pop punk band Sunset Curve, and Reggie is an international country star. Something shifts in his life when he asks Reggie to sneak out of the award show together to attend an underground punk rock gig instead. Luke doesn't believe in love at first sight, but Reggie sure as hell makes him question everything he's ever believed in before.
A Change of Scenery [Luke/Reggie, 32k, M, camping AU]
“Oh! Apparently, there are 36 questions that are designed to make anyone fall in love with anyone,” Reggie says, eyes wandering over the page. “That sounds easy.” Luke peers at the article and snorts. “Yeah, right. You mean to tell me that if I do these with Bobby’s dad, I will fall in love with him? Sounds likely.” Reggie shrugs, a grin tugging at his lips when he meets Luke’s eyes. “We could try it. Scared to actually fall in love with me, Patterson?”
or, Luke takes Reggie on a camping trip to the woods in an attempt to cure his writer's block and gets a little more than he bargained for.
Not That Straight [Luke/Reggie, 4.8k, T, post canon]
“Am I the only straight person in this group?” Three heads immediately turned towards Reggie, and three pairs of eyebrows were raised at him at the same time. Alright. They didn’t have to make it quite so obvious that he was the odd one out, right? “You sure, Reg?” Alex asked with a fair amount of disbelief in his voice. Luke snorted. “I’ve seen the way you look at me, bro. You aren’t that straight.”
Keep Dreaming Like We'll Live Forever [Luke/Reggie, 10k, T, post canon]
A few weeks before the Orpheum, Luke wrote a list of things he wanted to do before he turned 20. Obviously he never got that far, but the list is still there, crammed into his notebook. Death didn’t make him quite as dead as he expected, though, so maybe there is still a chance to do all the things he missed out on when he was alive.
(Part 1 of the Bucket List series)
One Life, No Regrets [Luke/Reggie, 12k, T, post canon]
After crossing almost everything off his bucket list of things he wanted to do before he turned 20, Luke tackles the second list he wrote a few weeks before the Orpheum: Things he originally wanted to do before he turned 30. Life after death still has more in store for him than he ever expected, including some valuable lessons about love and happiness, and about pain and heartache.
(Part 2 of the Bucket List series)
Sometimes Two Is Better Than One [Alex/Reggie/Luke, 2.1k, poly soulmates AU]
It’s weird, this soulmates thing. Alex has always thought so. People are born with random sentences scribbled onto their skin, and they’re supposed to be the first words their soulmate ever says to them. Generally speaking, he does think that the soulmarks make sense, too. For most people. His, however, has never made any sense at all.
Because his soulmark says "Hi, I’m Reggie. Reggie says you’re killing it on the drums, man."
Alex And His Rose Bush Boys [Alex/Reggie/Luke, 6.6k, poly pre-canon AU]
Five times Alex has to watch his two drunk and supposedly straight best friends make out with each other, and one time he finally gets to join.
Or, Luke and Reggie are completely oblivious and Alex has a lot of feelings.
Two Can Play This Game [Luke/Reggie, 5.9k, pre-canon AU]
Luke Patterson is a menace. He’s stubborn and persistent, and when he wants something, he stops at nothing to get it. And that includes flirting with Reggie to make him go to a punk rock gig in downtown LA with him. Luke is so sure he's going to win, but two can play his game. Reggie won’t just let him have it, and he will most certainly not go down without a fight.
For the prompt: “Stop flirting with me, I’m not going to fall for it.”
In Heaven I Can Skate [Alex/Willie, Luke/Reggie, 3k, post-canon AU]
The boys get drunk on liquor that Willie smuggled out of Caleb's cursed club, and Alex decides that it's the perfect time for Willie to teach him how to skateboard.
Meanwhile, Reggie feels a little impulsive.
Booksmart [Luke/Reggie, 1.5k, post-canon AU]
“This says that one in four people are gay,” Reggie reads out loud. “That means at least one person in this band is gay. I hope it’s Luke. Because Luke is cute.” Alex looks like he's about to have an aneurysm. “Dude. I’m literally right here. I’m the gay one.” Julie giggles. “Honey, I hate to break it to you, but I have a feeling he’s not the only one who’s a little gay in this band.”
Better Think With Your Mouth [Luke/Reggie, 2.3k, pre-canon AU]
“You kissed me!” Reggie shrieks, spluttering as he drops the guitar pick he’s been holding onto for the entirety of his rant. Luke merely chuckles and goes right back to strumming idly on his acoustic guitar. “Luke!” Reggie tries again, staring at his friend like he’s lost his mind. Luke must have lost his mind, right?
or, Reggie keeps going on extensive rants, and Luke starts kissing him to shut him up.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang [Luke/Reggie, 2.2k, post-canon AU]
It's New Year's Eve and Reggie just wants a kiss.
Bed Head [Luke/Reggie, 2.3k, pre-canon AU]
Here’s the thing. Reggie loves Luke’s messy hair. He would never admit it, of course, but the messier Luke’s hair, the more he enjoys watching him.
For the prompt: "Your bed head is really cute."
Post-it Notes [Luke/Reggie, 1.3k, pre-canon AU]
Reggie cleans Luke's room and leaves small notes on his things that make them both rethink just how platonic their feelings for each other really are.
For the prompt: “Don’t be sorry… it was kind of cute, actually.”
Loving Luke Patterson [Julie/Luke, Luke/Reggie, 7.2k, post-canon AU]
Julie and Reggie talk one afternoon and end up realising they're both in love with Luke. So, naturally, they become best friends. And Luke? Well, falling in love with people is just what Luke Patterson does, apparently.
Every Storm That Comes [Luke/Reggie, 5k, post-canon AU]
"Luke wants to be with Julie, because she’s awesome. Because she’s more than good enough. It doesn’t even matter that he’s a ghost and Julie isn’t. He wants to be with her anyway. He’d never want to be with someone like Reggie."
Or, Reggie has some mental health issues to work through, and his feelings for Luke don't really help. He learns that there is so much more love in his life than he ever realised, though, and that every storm has a tendency to come to an end eventually.
Through The Ages [Luke/Reggie, 4.2k, post-canon AU]
“So Luke, huh?” Alex asks, a small smile pulling at his lips. Reggie just grunts in agreement. “You know, I couldn’t stop him from confronting Julie about the song, but it‘s only a matter of minutes until she tells him that she didn’t write it.” “It doesn’t matter now,” Reggie says quietly. “He didn’t even stop to consider that it’s mine. He just thinks I’m a loser who writes bad country songs.”
or, After a few failed attempts at telling Luke how he feels about him, Reggie decides to write Luke a song instead. He sneaks it into Luke's journal, excitedly waiting for his best friend to find it. But when Luke finally does, he assumes Julie wrote it.
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kiribakuficrecs · 4 years
Do you have any recs for established relationship fics? Thank you :)
yeah i definitely do!! here are some that come to mind :D
burned by nicolefrickle
Bakugo opens up, and Kirishima can't help but say that damn four letter word.
done with having dreams (the thing that i believe) by future hearts
"Oh my god," Ashido yells. "Look, you guys, the number one hero is -"
"Marry me."
It's New Year's Eve at Bakugou and Kirishima's place. A few things happen.
my dandelion heater by shizuumi151
After settling into their new relationship, Kirishima gets a chance to take care of Bakugou that he never knew he wanted.
ride along by sodagum
Kirishima tries to teach Bakugou how to ride a bike, and Bakugou struggles a little with affection.
valentines chocolate is (not) overrated by poteto
Bakugou thinks Valentine's day is a bullshit holiday for bullshit people that spend money on useless sweets. However, if Kirishima wants chocolate that bad...
doubt by purplepersnickety
It's a few months to graduation, and everything seems like it's falling into place.
Then Katsuki walks in on a couple of his classmates having a heart-to-heart in the kitchen in the middle of the night. The discussion leads him to realise he has a couple of issues regarding his relationship with one Kirishima Eijirou.
Fortunately for Katsuki, his boyfriend is pretty easy to talk to.
threat of joy by claus_lucas
Between picking out the sunglasses that best suit Kirishima’s personality - heart shaped -, adopting his man-dude-bro vocabulary, keeping count of how many times he’s said “I love you” today, and helping him change into his uniform when he’s too exhausted to manage alone and can’t afford to be late to class again, Bakugou really is an attentive boyfriend.
It hits Kirishima just how much trust this entails when he discovers how excited Bakugou still gets watching All Might videos.
and he might yell (they’re in love) by misila
Perhaps their classmates' remarks were a bit worse than annoying.
cause of death by blueslove
“This is Bakugou Katsuki we’re talking about, right? The Bakugou Katsuki? The very same victory or death, fear fears me, Bakugou Katsuki?” Eijirou forces a smile. “And you think he’s nervous about kissing you?”
“… Yeah?”
angel by nicolefrickle
Kirishima accidentally lets an embarrassing nickname slip out of his mouth, which wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't dating the most impossible person alive.
to build a home by claus_lucas
Whenever Kirishima rescues a child, he makes sure to keep track of their progress. This means that he spends an awful lot of time in orphanages, bench pressing kids and retelling his heroics for their awed minds. Bakugou usually tags along but keeps to himself. Sometimes he lets them ruffle his hair a little.
While Kirishima’s always happy to visit, what he really wants is a child he doesn’t have to say goodbye to.
it’ll be okay by beebuzz
“Can you hear?” Kirishima asked him, seemingly out of nowhere.
Bakugou didn’t know that he’d been thinking about it for months. Even after they started dating and gotten closer than either thought possible, he’d kept it all inside festering away without a word. Until he couldn’t take it anymore.
So while it may have seemed to be an abrupt accusation to Bakugou, it was anything but that.
anniversary by nicolefrickle
Bakugo has absolutely no idea what to get Kirishima for their one year anniversary. Which is bad, even for him, and time's running out. The last thing he wants to do is disappoint his redhead.
tender love and care by quirklesswonder
He literally hated his life. Every little bit.
He heard the door to the locker room open again, and a cheery voice call out, “Yo, Bakubro!”
Okay, maybe he didn’t hate every part of his life.
But he was too fucking embarrassed to want to see even his boyfriend’s face right now, and he was halfway trying to force himself into his gym locker when he heard footsteps stop. He didn’t have to pull his head out from behind the door to know that Kirishima was standing at the end of the aisle, equal parts amused and confused.
“What the fuck do you want,” He snarled, his face flushing. The steel of the lockers were cold, as was the space he had shoved his head into, and it made Bakugou feel like he had a fever.
“You okay there?” He heard, and yeah, Kirishima was definitely trying not to laugh at him. He still sounded a little concerned, but Bakugou wasn’t very good at hiding his emotions and around Kirishima he really only got indignant when he was embarrassed, and the redhead knew that.
“Fan-fucking-tastic,” He muttered
let this whole town hear your knuckles crack by claus_lucas
“Your family does suck,” Kirishima says. “Yeah,” Bakugo answers.
Trying to sound casual and not at all concerned, Kirishima adds, “it’s totally manly to cry over sucky family, though.”
btw i also have an established relationship tag you can check out with a few more fics in there as well!! ♡
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Señorita - Shawn Mendes
dont want to brag but... this is giving me the chills. here is a long piece dedicated to the perfection of the senorita video. also its giving me strong three steps above heaven vibes
4k words of bad boy shawn falling for you
part 2
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“He is back.”
Rosie winks at you as she puts the dirty dishes down to the counter and biting into her bottom lip she wiggles her eyebrows at you as you fix your hair. It’s too damn hot in the back and Rob refuses to do something against it. It wouldn’t bother you either if you were sitting in an air-conditioned office all day, but you’re right here, working your butt off every day in the steaming hot kitchen.
You let out a sigh giving her a look. She is too engaged in your life, but it’s your fault. You told her about Shawn and now it’s all she asks you about.
“Did you take his order?” You ask reaching into your pocket to look for your small notebook and pencil you’ve been using for ages and could use some sharpening.
“Yeah, but he asked if you are in.”
“Like always,’ you mumble under your breath, but you’re not annoyed. The guy has been doing everything to get to you and it’s kind of flattering, but you know it just wouldn’t work.
Shawn Mendes is the bad guy of the town, everyone knows his name, all girls and women from 13 to 70 are dreaming about the guy in the leather jacket, rocketing through the town on his old motorbike. But as someone working 50 hours a week you just can’t let yourself get involved with someone who is famous for his bad reputation.
“Why don’t you just give in for him?” Rosie asks with a confused look. She just can’t wrap her mind around the fact that someone is not begging for Shawn’s attention, in fact, tries to avoid it.
“Because we are working and shouldn’t you be doing your job?” you ask, earning a royal eye-rolling as you grab the plates you have to bring to your table.
“You are no fun!” she sticks her tongue out but you just brush it off rushing out.
The old couple at your table are happy to have their pancakes and you can’t help but smile at how adorable they look sharing a milkshake. As you chat with them a little you can feel a pair of hazel eyes on you and glancing up you see him.
He is sitting in the same booth as always, Rosie just brought his order, placing it on the table but he has no interest in the food or her. He is staring at you so intensely you can almost feel your cheeks blushing. You know he wants you to go over there, but you have work to do and you don’t want Rob to find you ditching your tasks for some guy. He loves his money too much and willing to get rid of anyone who doesn’t bring him any.
He stays. He sips on his drink for as long as possible, Rosie going over there many times to make sure he has everything, but he just kindly thanks her work and keeps staring at you.
“Hey,” he softly says when you pass by him, his large hand wraps around your wrist pulling you back. You gulp hard as you turn back and look at him.
“Can I get you something?” you ask with your most charming work-smile you’ve turned into perfection during your time at the diner.
“Can we talk?”
“Depends on what. If you want to know what I recommend from the menu, yes. Otherwise, no.”
The sharpness in your voice surprises both of you, but you stand your ground. You have to be tough.
“Y/N, please. I can explain everything.”
“You don’t have to explain anything. Do you need another iced tea?” you ask pointing at his almost empty cup. His eyes wander to the table and back to you. Realizing you are not going to talk about anything non-related to work he gives up and just shakes his head no. His fingers let go of your wrist and you disappear as soon as possible.
Rushing to the back you take your spot behind the fridge, taking deep breath as you try to calm your burning nerves.
You really thought you’d seen the last of him when the two of you met last weekend. It was all accident, you were out for a night run because you couldn’t sleep and ran into some sketchy guys. They circled you, ready to do your worst nightmare when Shawn appeared out of nowhere. The dudes ran so fast they basically teleported. You felt like you owed Shawn for his help so you agreed to grab something to eat with him. It could have even been nice, but trouble is always on the corner when it comes to Shawn Mendes. You ran into a local gang who unlike those fuckers weren’t afraid to oppose him. Then his guys showed up and it all turned into a huge street fight, giving you just the perfect image of what it’s like to be close to him. In the middle of the chaos you ran away and he has been following you ever since, trying to talk to you but there is nothing he can say to change your mind. You are better off without him.
You finally catch your breath, the clinking of dishes brings back you to reality and you force yourself to continue with your work.
You don’t know when but he disappears at one point and the thought of him gone should make you feel better but all you have is… disappointment.
“I got this tonight,” Rosie tells you when the place is closed and it’s time to do the accounting on the register. Taking the coins from your hand she winks at you pushing you away with her hips.
“Thanks,” you smile at her as you go to the back to get changed. It’s almost midnight when you walk out through the back door, deep in your thoughts, thinking about everything you have to do on your day off tomorrow. You don’t eve n realize there is someone else besides you until a warm hand touches your shoulder, making you jump a little.
“It’s just me!” Shawn quickly assures you as you take his tall figure in. You’ve been a bit more jumpy since your little encounter. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“What are you doing here?” you ask, but you keep walking as he picks up your pace.
“Can we please talk? I want to explain.”
“I don’t think I want to hear it,” you stubbornly say, but his hand grabs your wrist again pulling you back and finally stopping you.
“Can you at least look at me when I talk to you?”
His voice is a little harsh, it’s obvious he is having a hard time having someone not give him the attention and respect he is used to. You are standing dangerously too close to him and the last time it happened he managed to break your walls and charm you.
Forcing yourself to look at him your eyes meet his and you try to hide how much he affects you hoping he hasn’t noticed the goosebumps on your skin from his touch.
“That fight was unfortunate. You really think I would have ever brought you near anything dangerous?” His words are a lot softer this time, his thumb gently running back and forth on the inside of your wrist. “I would never hurt you, Y/N.”
“Not me, but you hurt others,” you find yourself speaking and your hard tone is kind of new to him. “I told you, Shawn. We are too different, just forget about me,” you tell him freeing your hand, ready to leave, but he quickly catches up with you stopping you once more.
“But I can’t! You are all I can think about!” Frustration soaks his words and you just can’t believe you are making him feel this way. There is no way you, an average waitress can make The Shawn Mendes lose his mind.
“I tried, believe me! But ever since we danced…”
You suck your breath in thinking about the night you met him for the first time. Rosie convinced you to go out, probably for the first time in years. There is this club in the neighborhood, they play amazing music, the kind that makes you move even if you hate dancing. You wore your most daring dress, it only covers as much as needed and Rosie talked you into it, you were fine with jeans and a top.
You were at the bar, waiting for your drink when someone spilled theirs on your back, making the ice-cold beverage run down on your bare back.
“Can’t you watch what you’re doing?!” you basically screaming turning around and you found yourself with a pair of hazel eyes, roaming your body shamelessly, as if that was all you were there, for his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Señorita.”                                                            
His voice sent shivers down your spine and you stared up at him dumbly, the wetness on your back long forgotten.
To make up his mistake he asked you to dance which you agreed to. It felt like the whole place was burning around you once his hand was on your bare back. His hot breath on your skin, muscles moving under your hand, you could barely contain your feelings right there. All eyes were glued to the two of you, women could kill you with their eyes, but you somehow couldn’t care less.
“Shawn,” you let out a tired sigh when his fingers touch your cheek. They softly run down to your neck, your side and his hand stops on your waist.
“Come home with me. Please.”
Shawn Mendes begging is not something an average person could witness ever in life. Your knees are going weak at his touch, wanting nothing else than get lost in his arms and kiss those lips until yours felt numb.
“I promise we’ll stay out of trouble.”
The playful smirk on his lips gives away he knows he has already won you over, but you don’t say yes just yet, trying to make it feel like you are still holding up. His hand pulls you closer to his body and you place your palm on his hard chest. Your eyes wander to the silver necklace hanging from his neck as he nuzzles his nose into your hair.
“What do you say, Señorita? Shall we get out of here?” You can’t see it but you can hear from his voice that he is smiling. It’s unbelievable how he can play you so easily, the power he has over you is definitely not human.
“Let’s go,” you say before your rational side could step in and stop you.
Your grip around his waist tightens every time he speeds up. The lights of the city blurs in your vision as you are still too scared to look for too long. The cold leather of his jacket feels soothing on your cheek as you rest your head on his back. The way from the diner to his place is not too long, but long enough for you to pray for your life on that bike at least three times.
“You’re cute when you are scared,” he chuckles when you hop off of the bike in the parking lot. You just narrow your eyes at him holding your sweater tighter around your body as you wait for him.
Taking your hand he pulls you to his door, carefully looking around before opening it and pulling you inside. The place is nothing you haven’t imagined it to be. A typical bachelor home, kind of messy, making it obvious a guy is living there.
You slowly walk around, taking in everything you see while you hear him shuffle around the room. His jacket lands on a hanger and you hear the fridge opening as you look at a picture on the wall. It’s him and a redhead guy, but he looks so much younger, you wonder when it was taken. There is no sight of trouble on his face just yet, now it’s written all over his forehead. His hair is shorter and he hadn’t had his ear pierced. You mentally note that you like him better the way he looks like now.
“Here,” he softly says handing you a glass filled with probably vodka-orange. That’s what you drank the night you met him at the club.
“Thanks,” you give him a short smile taking a sip and moving away from the picture.
He watches you wander around the room, his eyes are practically burning your back. You finish the drink and put the glass down to the small coffee table and turning around you find him sitting on the edge of the bed, eyeing you so lustfully you can feel your cheeks turning red again.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispers, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You lick your lips as you see him pull his shirt off throwing it to the side. The urge to touch him is irresistible and you are kind of over keeping yourself back from him
After all, you are here, at his place. Now that you came all the way here you might just live in the moment and give in to all your cravings.
As you start walking towards him he stands up, towering above you, his eyes burning from lust and you know how he must be feeling, cause the same thing is happening to you. You tiptoe as one of your hands slide to the back of his neck. His forehead meets yours and you want nothing else than to feel his lips on you. Everywhere on your body.
You tilt your head to give yourself what you want, but he has other plans. One of his strong arms curl around your body as he turns you and pushes you to the bed getting on top of you. A gasp slips through your lips as you hold onto him tighter, earning a smile from him.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” he whispers, his nose touching yours. Your heart is about to burst out of your chest as you slowly close your eyes, getting ready to what’s about to come.
“That’s what I’m worried about,” you manage to say before pressing your lips to his.
It’s just like the first time over and over again, only this time it’s not a dirty brick wall you are pressed against and you are nowhere near drunk like that night in the club. Alcohol has nothing to do with your state of mind as his lips work perfectly against yours, his large hands holding you firmly while you tangle your fingers through his soft hair.
You keep moaning as his mouth works its magic on your heated skin on your neck, his hands roaming your bare thighs and you thank god you chose to wear shorts that morning. You wouldn’t bear having something between you and his hands right now.
“You’re making me lose my mind, Señorita,” he whispers before bringing his perfect lips back to yours.
Somehow you manage to turn the two of you over, sitting on his hips as you stare down at him slightly panting. His hand reaches up cupping your cheek in his palm. His look is making you go crazy. He looks at you as if you were the most precious thing he has ever saw, the tenderness and lust in his eyes are gripping your soul, making you feel like you and him are the only people on the world at this moment. He pushes himself up on his elbows as he senses your hesitation. You can’t really decide how this is all happening to you and you still feel like you could wake up from this dream any moment.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks.
“You,” you bluntly say earning a boyish smile from him that makes your heart skip a beat.
“What about me?” His husky voice is the sexiest thing you’ve ever heard.
“Why do you want me?” you ask voicing your inner thoughts.
He remains silent as his fingers caress the side of your face, making you melt under his touch. Your hand slides to his stomach, feeling his hard abs under his hot skin.
“Because…” he starts and you hold your breath waiting for the rest. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”
You close your eyes as his fingers run through your hair, his hand stopping on the back of your head.
“You make me want things I thought I would never want. I feel like I don’t deserve you, but my heart just wouldn’t let me give up on you.”
Tears are burning your eyes, this moment feels more than unreal. If someone told you a few weeks ago Shawn Mendes would be saying these things to you, you would have laughed so hard. But now somehow it’s your reality and you don’t want the moment to end.
“Don’t cry, Señorita,” he pleads cupping your face in both of his hands as he pulls you close to him, resting his forehead against yours. “Did I say something wrong?”
You shake your head not wanting to speak because you know you’d choke on your words. Wrapping your arms around his neck you kiss him to stop him from asking any more questions. He returns the kiss, but you can feel his hesitation and you are cursing yourself for being so emotional.
He pushes you down into the mattress, getting on top of you once again, but he breaks the kiss staring down at you.
“Are you crying because of me?” he asks in despair.
The answer is yes, but it’s not quite how he would think. It’s not something he did or said. You are scared for your life because you’ve never felt like this before and you have no idea what you are bringing yourself into. You should be running screaming, distancing yourself from someone like him, but instead here you are, tangled up with him, aching for his touch and you have no intention to leave anytime soon. You feel like you are playing with fire.
“Show me how much you want me,” you whisper into his lips, kissing him hard.
He doesn’t as any more questions, neither of you want to talk any longer. This night is about feeling.
  You feel like a creep, watching him sleep, but you just can’t get enough of him. His face looks so calm, so peaceful and child-like when he is asleep, you want to soak every moment in seeing him like this. The sun is warmly caressing your body and it’s probably well over the time you usually wake up, but you just couldn’t make yourself move. One of his arms is lying over your stomach, keeping you in place next to him as he is quietly snoring in his dream.
You need everything in you to slide out from under his arm. Grabbing your clothes from the floor you put them on just when you hear him snuffing and shuffling in bed. Turning around you see a pair of sleepy hazel eyes staring at you.
“Good morning,” he says groggily and it makes you smile.
“Good morning to you too,” you kindly say as you walk over to the window and open the curtains.
The shadows are playing on his glowing skin and his messy curls are screaming to be touched. He pushes himself up, sitting to the side of the bed as his eyes never leave yours.
“How did you sleep?” he asks as you shyly eye his naked chest.
“Come here then,” he smiles at you and you do as he asked.
Standing in front of him you climb to his lap, his arms curling around your waist while your hands slide to the base of his neck, fingers playing with his curls.
“I’ve been dreaming about waking up next to you forever and you just ruined it with hopping out of bed so fast.”
You can’t help but chuckle at his words as he presses his lips to your jawline, a smile hiding in the corner of his mouth.
“I’m sorry,” you pout your lips at him.
“What are you planning to do to make it up?”
“Make it up? Aren’t you a little carried away?” you giggle as he nuzzles his nose against your neck.
“Not at all. I think we should go back to sleep so I can wake up again, but you better be next to me this time,” he tells as he suddenly throws you back to where you slept next to him, a shriek slipping through your lips that turns into a laughter. His arms lock around you, not letting you move.
“But I’m not sleepy anymore,” you tell him as he lays his head down to the pillow, ready to fall back asleep.
“Doesn’t matter,” he mumbles with his eyes closed. The smile on your face is so wide as you stare at him.
He peeks at you, a smirk appearing on his perfectly shaped lips and you can’t hold a giggle back.
“Unbelievable,” he chuckles, his arms letting go of you and now you are lying next to each other, just enjoying the moment.
“I have to go home,” you speak up after a while even though nothing in your body wanted to say that out loud.
“Or we could stay here, in bed, all day,” he suggests.
“I can’t. I have to go home, my cat is probably starving by now. If I’m lucky my neighbor left out some food for him last night.”
“You have a cat?” he asks furrowing his eyebrows as he watches you sit up.
“Yeah. And he is very demanding.”
Standing up from the bed you grab your sweater from the armchair in the corner and put it on as Shawn finally crawls out of bed and puts his jeans and shirt on.
“Alright. That cat is more important than me. We are off to a rocky start, just saying,” he sighs and you just chuckle at him.
The ride back to your place is less scary than last night. You still hold onto his waist for dear life, but your thoughts are more occupied with the memories from last night and you don’t have time to be that scared this time.
Arriving he walks you up to the door and you turn to face him before opening the door.
“Are you working tomorrow?” he asks tugging a loose lock of hair behind your ear as you nod. “Might swing by for a meal then.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
Unlocking the door a ball of fur stalks out immediately, slaloming between you and Shawn’s legs, demanding attention and food immediately.
“So he is the one I have to fight with for your attention?” Shawn asks as you scoop up the clueless pet into your arms, giving him a good scratch on the head.
“Meet Gordon,” you introduce them to each other. Shawn gives him a few strokes and he purrs satisfied before having enough and jumping down, gracefully walking back into the house to sit at his plate and wait for his food.
“See you later then.” Leaning down he kisses you slowly, hands under your jaw to hold your head in place, not that you’d want to move away from him.
You watch him jump down the few stairs and hop back to his bike as you lean against the door frame. He smirks at you one more time before starting the engine and rolling away, disappearing behind the house on the corner.
Your heart is still somersaulting as you stare after him, an uneasy feeling washing through your body. Last night has changed everything and now you can’t stop thinking about what if he gets into trouble again. You’re not stupid, he won’t just give his lifestyle up for you even though you wished it worked as easily as you wanted.
The thought of him getting into another fight, or getting cornered by a gang just makes your stomach churn. He promised to be at the diner tomorrow, but what if he doesn’t show up? You doubt your heart can take losing him but it feels like as if something tragic is just waiting around the corner, ready to crash your romantic little bubble any moment.
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chris-evans-imagine · 5 years
Forever Crush
A/n: I guess I’m a sucker for post-christmas writing, I love the holiday bubble lol. This was actually a request I loved and it took me a while to make it the way I wanted it’s long, 2500+. I hope you like it.
Request: I have a Chris Evans imagine request. It’s actually a crazy dream I had the other day. So the person is Chris’s sisters nanny for the kids, more just to keep them occupied while she is doing things around the house. Christ tries to work his Hollywood charm but doesn’t faze you. On Christmas Eve, you end up under the mistletoe with Chris. You can add more too! Thank you! I love your stuff ❤️
Warnings: long one-shot. Cursing, drinking. And fluff…
 “Mac and cheese again?” you asked to little Luca. He winked and showed that hole in his smile that made your heart melt. He was a little beau.
“I like your mac and cheese, dad’s just so… urgh!” you couldn’t agree more, that’s why he laughed when you wrinkled your nose when the memory of the organic or whatever shit it was. That was everything but mac and cheese. Of course you had discussed with Scott Luca’s diet, he had a few requests which you always considered. Except for mac and cheese.
Scott and Jeremy had been your neighbors since you got to the building, having them as neighbors was delightful and they thought the same about you since you babysat their son every once in a while.
Today was one of those days, he was in your place. Scott was supposed to pick him up by dinner, but you knew that Christmas shopping would take him way longer. That’s why the little rascal was helping you out with dinner for two.
Your phone rang interrupting your favorite song.
“It’s your dad”
“Which one?” he asked while he licked the spoon. You smiled, maybe he wasn’t biological but he had Scott’s sassiness.
“Hey” you picked up.
“Hey, doll. How are you two doing?” Scott asked.
“We’re fine, we’re about to have dinner… how’s shopping going?”
“Oh, it’s a mess, people everywhere, we haven’t finished… I just called to tell you that my brother just got to town, he’s going to pick Luca up. And tomorrow we have a dinner, we’d love you to have you there, y/n.”
“Okay, which brother?” you asked expecting not to hear certain name but since you were aware he only had one brother, you obviously knew the answer.
“Chris, duh. Hey, what are you having for dinner?”
“Just a healthy meal, baby” you sounded as sarcastic as you could be.
“Please, don’t be mac and cheese”
“It’s mac and cheese” you laughed.
“God… don’t make my boy…” you cut him out.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow, hope you finish soon, say goodbye to your dad”
“Bye, daddy” Luca screamed.
“You two are killing me, bye”
Luca was such an easy weight, he was all over dinner and sleep. He was sleeping on your lap while you watched Friends, it was around 9 when the doorbell rang. You moved him softly and put a cushion on his head. His blonde straight hair spread all over.
And when you opened the door, there was another blonde.
“Hello” he gave you a half smile, the one that he could use in a photoshoot. The one he could have practiced for ages to make it as perfect and irresistible as it could be.
“Hey, Chris, Luca’s asleep.” You let him in. your door wasn’t small, that’s why you couldn’t understand how he dare to invade your personal space.
“I figured. Scott told me you had his spare key, do you mind if I go and open the door and then pick him up?”
“No, it’s fine. Wait” you left him in the living room. You were a nice person, and somehow, Chris just made you feel so small and so… boring? You didn’t like it. That was one of the reasons you tried to keep your distance. He looked so arrogant and so untouchable, you were just… done. You just didn’t need that.
You took the key from the cabinet and turned just to face a steel chest.
“I… hum, told you to wait?” you asked looking at him.
“Yeah, sorry. I guess I got distracted by your Christmas decorations. It’s really nice, huh.”
“Thanks. Here’s the key”
“Thanks, beautiful.” He had that look. The one that I can strip you here and make you mine, kind of look. You were so over it.
“Stop the act, Christopher” you demanded “it’s just the two of us, dude”
“I’m not acting, I think you’re beautiful”
“How? You don’t even…” you couldn’t reach the right word.
“Have seen me.” you murmured and started walking towards the couch.
“I have, I’ve seen plenty of you. Your hair, it’s kind of red when on the sunlight. You have a birth mark on your hand and you trace it with your fingers when you’re thinking, and you are beautiful. You’ve got a beautiful face and a beautiful ass.” You stopped and turned to look at him. You could scream but there was an infant sleeping.
“WHAT?” you articulated but didn’t scream, didn’t know if you wanted to punch him or you just wanted to laugh. Or kick your own ass.
“I’ve seen you, that’s what I mean. Maybe I went too far” he scratched his head and smiled looking at the wood floor.
“How dare you? You were just doing fine, telling me those things and you screwed it up with the last part. No, no, how dare you to look at my butt?! That’s the real question. Your nephew it’s on the couch”
“Have done it before and won’t be the last time” he smiled as big as he could, he had beaten you up on this battle.
“I hate you” you murmured while he picked up Luca. Yeah, you hated how handsome he looked with a little boy on his strong arms.
“I’m telling you, I was a jerk” Chris spoke as Scott cleaned the mess his son had left.
“You usually are when you’re with her, man. Why can’t you just be… you?” Chris took a long sip of his beer. The truth was he didn’t even know how to act in front of her. That… just came.
The first time he saw her, she had curled up watching Disney movies with Luca. He had come over to visit his family, Scott opened and when Chris when straight up to look for his nephew, he was just cuddled up with the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He felt jealous of a 5 years-old. She was just... different. And so was he when they had an actual conversation.
He was a jerk. He was just… not him. He felt like he needed to impress her since she wasn’t the kind of woman he usually met. He didn’t know how to reach the level of a woman like that.
He would never forget her look when she woke up. Her hair was undone, her sleepy face made her look like an angel, and he couldn’t feel more attracted to the beautiful creature that was walking towards him.
“Hello” she spoke first.
“Hey, this is my brother Chris, did Luca wake up?”
“Nice to meet you, Chris” she reached his hand and smiled, the freckles and a dimple showed. Like if it was a sky at night, with its stars and moon. “Luca’s still asleep, I think I’ll go to my place to sleep too…”
“Need any company?” The words just came out of his mouth. There was an awkward silence between Chris, y/n and Scott.
“I’m fine, thanks” she spoke. “See ya, baby” she kissed Scott’s cheek and waved goodbye to Chris, there was no way she’d get closer to him. Not now, not ever.
Saying hello.
A glass of wine.
And abort the mission.
You had thought about the plan for tonight’s dinner.
Except that it wasn’t going to work out at all. How did you know it? Well, you didn’t expect HE would opened the door, since he was another guest, right? But he did, he was in front of you, tall, dark and beautiful.
“You look…”
“Don’t say beautiful” you warned and he smiled. He knew he’d need to improve his game. Or at least, just try to be himself.
“I was going to say spectacular. May I help you with your coat?” you rose your eyebrow and nodded. “I’m sorry for what I said last night” he spoke, you crossed your arms and watched him move
“It’s okay, I don’t want things to be awkward” and that was the new plan, just let things go. Easy? Nope.
“I meant it, tho”
“Oh, my God” you walked away looking for that urgent glass of wine.
You chatted with the people that was around. but still, it was one of those days when even small talk made you feel like you needed something stronger than wine. Lucky for you, you knew where Scott kept the grown-ups boose.
You pour a Scotch and... That was it. Plan B.
“Should I be worried?” Scott asked Chris.
“Why?” he asked drinking his beer.
“She’s… tipsy, I’ve only seen her drunk twice”
“I’ll take care of her. When everything gets… fuzzy I’ll take her home”
“No way! She hates you” Scott remembered to Chris. The older brother looked at you across the room, you were smiling and talking. You laughed. He loved your laugh.
“And you are the host, you can’t leave. And I’ll be good, I promise. I won’t drink anymore so I’ll be wide awake”
“Okay” Scott accepted. “Take care of her, Chris. I’m telling you”
You went to the kitchen and it was like Luca had left all his Legos, you walked dodging… anything. You were just tipsy.
Something fell. You knew something had fallen, you hit it with your elbow. You stopped and swirl looking for it. But you got dizzy, lucky for you, you weren’t alone.
“I got you, come on” someone grabbed your waist and make you sat on the counter.
“I’m fine, I just want to go home” you spoke. You were like a spoiled little girl, before the lecture when she’d misbehaved.
“Okay, let’s get your coat”
“Chris, I don’t need you. I can go on my own, I live across the hall” you pointed and he rose his eyebrows.
“I’ll just walk you and make sure you’re okay”
“You don’t have to do that. I’m fine, super-duper fine”
“Okay” if he had known something it was that he’d never should argue with someone drunk. “I’ll just help you with your purse”
“Yeah” you agreed.
He helped you to pick up your coat and as he had told you, he had your purse.
“I don’t get it” you spoke out of the blues.
“You’re just so good and nice and then you’re a jerk with me. You come here and then play your stupid Hollywood act. I don’t like it, I don’t like you.” You stopped and pointed at his chest.
“Yeah! You come here and it’s funny, like hilarious because Scott adores you and so does Luca and they tell me the most amazing things about you and then” you stopped and looked right through his eyes, you felt absolutely exposed but brave to throw the next words “and then you’re not the crush I thought I had” you smile and sigh.
Chris can barely breathe. His hands are sweaty, his mind has just blown. He’s an actor. He’s done plenty of movies were the adrenaline goes from 0 to 100 in a sec. but this, this is just so different.
“I said you were my… crush, until I met you and” you were about to cry, you lean your head back to hold the tears. “I’m definitely drunk”
“Don’t say anything, I just want to go home, dude. Just let it go, it’s amazing just to say it, like, I feel free and… sad, and” you weren’t able to finish when you threw up on his top designer shoes.
After that. Everything was a blur.
Fucking light.
Fucking sun.
Fucking hangover.
Fucking Chris.
You were on your bed, it was after noon and you were just opening your eyes. You buried yourself on the covers. You felt awful.
You had a note and a pharmacy bag on your night stand.
“Thank you for ruin Chris’s favorite shoes. S”
“What did I do?” you asked to yourself. You woke up, dud part of your usual routine and called Scott. He didn’t pick up.
After two hours of feeling sick, horrible and guilty as fuck, you decided to apologize to Chris and ask what had happened.
The moment you opened the door was like flashbacks.
You pressed the doorbell and Scott showed up.
“I’m sorry” you murmured covering your face.
“No, it’s okay, darling… but I think you should talk to Chris”
“Why? Did he tell you anything?” he nodded. “Tell me”
“No, it’s time you two talk”
“But I don’t want to” you made puppy face and he grabbed your waist. “I feel like I did something horrible. You used my key to get me sober somehow and I don’t even remember”
“Nothing bad happened, I promise, but you’ll feel better if you hear it from him” he closed the door behind you.
“Fine, where is him?” you asked.
“He’s on the living room”
Every step you took felt like you were about to jump on a cliff of hell. It felt like you were about to burn. You saw him playing with Luca, the little kid ran towards you and hugged your legs.
“Hey, love” you hugged him back. Unable to look at Chris.
“Come on, Luca, let’s leave them alone”
You sighed and tried to walk towards him but your feet were now drilled on the floor.
“so, I’m sorry, I don’t remember much, but I think I insulted you and called you names and I think I threw up and…”
“you only remember the bad parts, huh?” he stood in front of you, you looked at him. he looked different.
“You did call me names, you did threw up and you called me your crush”
“I did what?” you replied. Why? Why? Why?
“yeah, you told me a nice story, I was holding your hair while you threw up on the toilet.”
“What did I tell you” you walked away, to try to keep your distance, he respected that and started talking.
“You told me that the first time we met you almost met and then you froze by how asshole I was. And you were right I was a jerk, I guess I was trying to impress you but… I don’t know. And then you told me you even had imagined our first kiss. Can I ask you something?”
“What if we had everything for that to happen? What if we start all over?” you turn around to see him under a mistletoe he was holding above his head.
“You’ve been my forever crush, y/n. but now I’m madly, crazy, deeply in love with you”
You walked towards him and crossed your arms around his neck, he leaned to kiss you. He remembered it, the stupid kiss under the mistletoe.
His lips were sweet and delicate. That kiss was like a Hollywood kiss, just perfect. He compass of his lips on yours. You two slowly split.
“You still owe me a pair of shoes”
“Shut up” he leaned to kiss you again.
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sweetonmylove · 5 years
The “Our Bromance Is Outta This World” KiriBaku AU Fic Rec List
So... I've lost count of how many fic rec lists I've put out now, but the reasons remain the same as when I first started. I just love finding THAT fic that makes me happy, makes me smile, makes life seem a little better, and I wanna share the shit outta them!  I love sharing my admiration of the beautiful writers who have used their time and talent (for free), because after all, they are just as passionate as we are about the ships we choose to partake in. I would like to genuinely thank the 500+ individuals who have chosen to allow me to come across their feed with our mutual love and adoration of all things Kirishima Eijirou and Bakugou Katsuki related. To show my appreciation, here, please take this rec list and read to your hearts' content, just as I have <3 If AU’s aren’t quite your thing, please feel free to glance at past lists and look for the upcoming Random list!
In The Dark of The Night *E* ~ Arxaris (In Progress/8? Ch.)
Gladiator Kirishima, Emperor Bakugou, Aged-Up, Blood & Violence, Strangers to Lovers, Light Dom/Sub, Top Kiri, Bottom Baku
The one where Arx blows our minds with a gentle giant gladiator Kiri and a lusting Emperor Bakugou. Dudes, the fight scene is just whoa, and you can never go wrong with reading anything from this brilliant writer.
It Will Find You Here *E* ~ Arxaris (8 ch.)
Aged-Up, Strangers to Lovers, No Quirks, Backpacker Bakugou, AirBnB Host Kirishima, Hurt/Comfort, Top Kiri, Bottom Bakugou, Panic Attacks, Praise Kink, Possessive Kirishima
Yes, I've rec'd this before, I know. Buuut have you read it yet?? If not, I highly recommend this for anyone who enjoys our boys in other settings with a steamy/angsty plot, great characterization, and a bonus chapter to end it all. Am I biased because it's Arx' work? No, I legitimately fell in love with this fic because it's so fresh and one of a kind.
(Love Is) An Open Door *T* ~EnchantedEmmeline (12 Ch. and fucking worth it)
Modern Setting, No quirks, Aged-Up, Café Owner Bakugou, Firefighter Kiri, Barely there angst, Humor (Oh my god, so much), Fluff, Bakusquad members
If you want to laugh your ass off and fall in love with these two idiots all over, then this is a MUST read! I personally could not put this down. Bakugou gets drunk and winds up unknowingly trespassing into Kiri's apartment… Kiri winds up fawning over a sock that was left by Bakugou… hilarity, fluff, amazing characterization, I just-please read this!!
At The Beginning (With You) *T* ~ EnchantedEmmeline (Part 2 of the above fic)
Modern Setting, No quirks, Aged-Up, Wedding, Humor, Fluff
This fic picks up shortly after (Love Is) An Open Door, to conclude the fluff and humor that is my cup of tea.
Everglow *M* ~ Maplefudge ( In Progress 5/20 Ch.)
Fantasy, Freeform, Worldbuilding, Dragon Kirishima, Soulmates, Beautiful artwork by Se7en!!!
Speaking of re-rec'ing... have you started this journey with Maple yet? If not, I highly suggest you do! Maple is another incredible writer that just has some of the fluffiest, sweetest, greatest fics out there. If Dragons aren't your thing, she has many many other fics that you should check out! Maple is AMAZING and she took my Krbk fanfic virginity!
Achromatopsia *T* ~ PurplePersnickety
Soulmates, Fluff, Pining, Mutual Pining
In which the true colors of the world appear when you touch your soulmate for the first time
Top Of The List *T* ~ PurplePersnickety
Pro-Heroes, Roomates (Oh My God), Mutual Pining, Fluff, Getting Together, First Kiss
The one where Bakugou lists his favorite things. Super fluffy and sweet <3
Manly Man Falls for Manliest Man *T* ~ Afuzzyowl (In Progress/9? Ch.)
Modern Setting, Aged-Up, Slice of Life, Developing Relationship, Pining, Actor Bakugou, Salaryman Kirishima, Kiri has a huge gay crush on Bakugou-what else is new?
Or the one where Kirishima meets his favorite actor Bakugou by chance encounter and real feels start to develop (for both of them)
Mine *E* ~ Alienqueen42 for candy_cadet
Aged-Up, Pro-Heroes, Smut, Drinking, Jealousy, Est. Relationship, Use of the word slut, Rough sex
Where Bakugou gets hit on and Kirishima is jealous
Welcome Home *T* ~ empyreansunflower
Aged-Up, Pro-Heroes, Long distance relationship, Est. Relationship, Marriage Proposal
Bakugou waits at the airport to welcome Kirishima back home
Broken Bridges *E* ~ DeathBelle (14 Ch.)
Aged-Up, Pro-Heroes, Pining, They haven't spoken in 2 yrs., Very Minor Character Death, Sexual Content, Happy Ending
Kirishima moves back to Japan after working abroad for two years and he finds out that old feelings die hard.
Obvious *T* ~ AmethystUnarmed
Aged-Up, Pro-Heroes, Secret Relationship?, Kidnapping, Minor quirk torture, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Angry Bakugou, Protective Bakugou
Everyone had suspicions that Kirishima and Bakugou were in a relationship but nothing concrete… until Red Riot is captured
Done With Having Dreams (The Thing That I Believe) *T* ~Futurehearts
Aged-Up, Pro-Heroes, Est. Relationship, New Years Eve, Marriage Proposal
Fluffy goodness with a proposal!!
Still Here *T* ~ IcyHotHeart
Aged-Up, Pro-Heroes, Angst w/a Happy ending
Kirishima takes a position in America and Bakugou is left waiting for him back home… Bakugou does not want to give up hope that the only man he had ever loved will return to him. Super super sweet ending and I promise, it is a happy one.
Linger *E* ~ NightBronze
No quirks, Bar/Pub, Aged-Up, Strangers to Lovers, Bartender Kiri, Drummer Bakugou, Pining Kiri, Bathroom Sex, Getting to know each other, Implied Getting Together, Dirty talk, Top Kiri, Bottom Bakugou, Fluffy Ending
Jealous (It's My Right To Be Hellish) *E* ~ Sheila_thetank
Aged-Up, Jealous Bakugou, Possessive Bakugou, Eventual Sex, Getting Together
Where Bakugou gets jealous of anyone talking to HIS Kirishima and things are sorted out
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This *E* ~ Sheila_thetank
Aged-Up, Sharing A Bed, Friends to Lovers, First Time, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink
Here Comes The Bride *E* ~ Obsessed_As_A_Coping_Mechanism (6? Ch.)
Supernatural AU, Vampire Kirishima, Bartender Bakugou, Blood, Biting, Self Injury, Mentions of Suicide Attempt because becoming a vampire takes a catalyst, Fluff, Angst, Smut, Includes Art from TheHappySunflower88
Shows as a work in progress, but it feels completed. This is a wonderful piece of work guys, and if you're into vampires and the like, you should check it out
Red Riot Otaku *M* ~ Bryan
Aged-Up, Pro-Heroes, Obsession, Mutual Pining, Mutually Requited Love, Realization, Implied Sexual Content, Pillow Talk, Getting Together, Fluff & Humor, Includes Art from TheHappySunflower88
Basically Bakugou collects anything and everything Red Riot related and his secret obsession is discovered *gasps*
King of The Kitchen *T* ~ Confuse_The_Queer
Restaurant AU, Strangers to Lovers, Getting Together, Chef Bakugou, First Kiss
And My Heart Went Boom *T* ~ Slumber
College/University AU, Mechanic Kirishima, Motorcycle owner Kirishima, Bakugou crushes HARD, Pure Fluff
Mission Accomplished *NR* ~ SoftWhispers_ColdGoodbyes
Aged-Up, Pro-Heroes, Tooth Rotting Fluff, Fluff w/o Plot, Idiots in Love, Warm & Fuzzy Feelings
Short and sweet~ The boys open their own agency together, but it doesn't feel quite complete yet, at least to Bakugou
So Take My Hand… *G* ~ Pirateofhearts (Speightbrigade)
Est. Relationship, Perfectionist Bakugou, Marriage Proposal, Tooth Rotting Fluff
Bakugou proposes to Kirishima.. And it's so sweeet and soffft <3
Role Model *G* ~ Claus_Lucas for Silver_Sterling
Aged-Up, Pro-Heroes, Est. Relationship
The boys return to Yuuei to discuss being Pro-Heroes with the new class 1-A Students. This is just tender and beautiful. A student asks Kirishima if it's manly for a man to love another man
It Don't Bite- YES IT DO *T* ~ Wholesomeworm
No Quirks, Coffee Shops & Cafes, Dog Obedience school, Dog Trainer Kirishima, Bakugou crushes hard, Super fluffy and sweet, humor
Kiri trains dogs and Bakugou is stuck taking in his mom's dog for training
As always, please be kind and share your love with the incredible authors who poured themselves into these works. Kudos are fantastic and shouting out your love & adoration literally feeds our beloved writers' souls… which in turn, helps inspire more of the tremendous fics we all crave!! Do yourselves a favor and read these, relish in the phenomenal creations , and *PLEASE REBLOG* (even if you've read these), as someone out there might not have and these writers deserve ALL the attention they can get!!
@arxaris @maplefudge @icyhotheartwritings
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Best of the Best | Part 1
Genre: Smut and Angst
Word Count: 4k
Summary: You promised yourself you’d never fall for another clingy, needy boy who demanded you gave him all your love, only to leave you after he has sucked you dry. Yet here you were, making that same mistake again. Alternatively: It wasn’t easy being perfect. Sometimes, Taeyong needed someone else to take control. Sometimes, he needed to be broken down completely in order to be put back together again, better and stronger. 
A/N: I tried to get as close as I can to ty’s actual personality in this one. This is largely inspired by his verse in Whiplash and some tidbits about his life that I learned from @nctforuandme she’s honestly single-handedly responsible for reigniting my obsession with ty so thank you a lot babe
Warnings: femdom, sub!taeyong, dom!reader, student/professor relationship, age-gap, dry humping, thigh riding, degradation, sexist remarks, breath play, semi-public sex, cheating, Miss kink (?), pwb professors with benefits, usage of the painfully cliche trope of “but you can’t fall in love with me”
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“What is this?” You hear someone bark out. At first, you don’t think the wrathful inquiry is directed at you. After all, who would dare speak to you this way? But when you hear the same voice shout out again, much closer this time, you look up to find that the person, that poor fucker, was in fact talking to you. “Are you deaf? I asked you a question.” The students, who were just starting to file out of the room at the end of your lecture, freeze in their tracks and look over, varying degrees of shock and trepidation displayed on their faces. One of them, a tall bespectacled boy who you know you guess is a friend of the boy with the suicidal wish, Lee Taeyong, bravely steps forward to try and pull him back, muttering quietly to him, “Let’s go, man. It’s not worth it.” But the silver haired boy shakes him off, never taking his hateful gaze off of you. “No, this is bullshit. This paper is worth twenty-five percent of our final score and she gave me a D. A fucking D! This is gonna mess up my whole grade.” Gasps echo around the room as more students come into the room instead of getting out in order to watch the scene unfold. The boy’s friend pales and urgently whispers to him, “Dude, the man-eater is gonna have your balls for this. Apologize and let’s—“ You’ve heard enough.
“Everyone, get the hell out of my lecture room.” Your voice booms out, making students jump in fear and slip out hurriedly. When you see some still hesitate to leave, their curiosity getting the best of them, you threaten, “I’m going to count to five, and if I see anyone else in here after I’m done besides Mr. Lee, they can expect a zero on their next exam.” At that, everyone quickly rushes out. Even Lee’s friend backs away, his hands raised in the air as if to say he has nothing to do with his friends stupidity, and then he leaves too. When the room is empty sans you and Lee, you speak again. “What seems to be the problem, Mr. Lee?” “I want you to change my grade to an A.” He demands as if it was his right to get the grade he wanted, looking every bit the spoiled brat whose daddy always gave him everything he’s ever asked for. It wasn’t a look becoming of a young man studying at a prestigious university such as this, and the look you give him in response speaks volumes of how little you appreciated that.   “You don’t deserve an A. Your work wasn’t up to par.” You say dismissively. Your response seems to make him light up with pure fury. “Bullshit! I worked my ass off on this paper. I’ve been getting straight A’s eve since I set foot in this damn college. I’m not going to have my perfect score ruined by you.” “Well, you should’ve thought of that earlier. Maybe then you would’ve given me something better than the dismal excuse for a paper that you handed in. You’re lucky I even let you pass. Don’t make me rethink my decision.” You threaten him, hoping to dissuade him from his silly tantrum. Despite your reputation for being a merciless “man-eater”, you really didn’t derive any joy from making the lives of your students miserable, whether they were male or female. You cared about your students. You took pride in your work. That’s the whole reason you were so strict in the first place. You wanted to have a positive impact on their lives. You worked your ass off so that years from now, one of these students might look back on their college years and think ‘Man, I really learned something of value from Miss ___.’ That used to be the case anyway. Now, having endured years of indifferent students and spiteful colleagues, you’ve all but lost your passion for what used to be your dream job. But even so, you still cared about your students and you were still willing to let Lee’s little tantrum go if he backs down and apologizes, despite him having so brazenly disrespected you in front of the entire class.  But it seems he’s not too smart, that one. “I gave you my best work. I always give my best work! That’s why every other professor before you has given me straight A’s.” “Hmm, is that why? Funny. And here I thought all the others were just kissing your ass because your father is a major investor in this university and they’re just trying to save their own cowardly asses. Sorry, sweetheart, I’m just so dumb sometimes.” You smack your forehead with your palm, pretending to extrude the stupidity out. “Don’t you dare—“ He seethes, looking absolutely murderous, and you swear you can actually hear his teeth grinding together. “I got this far through my hard work and my hard work alone. I will not let you take that away from me.” “Let’s see that hard work in your next assignment then.” You try to end it there, feeling weary already, but still wanting to give him a second chance that he didn’t deserve to tuck his tail between his legs and run. Turning your back to him, you grab your folder off the desk, looking to gather your things and leave, but he promptly rips it from your hands and throws it to the side, your carefully collected and sorted papers flying out and scattering all over the floor. You don’t have any time to react as he backs you into the desk and looms over you with equal parts anger and desperation. “Look, just tell me what you want and you’ll have it. You want a Rolex? How about a nice Louis Vuitton bag, huh? Say what you want and it’s yours. Just… please, I need that A.” His sudden change in demeanor from lethal to excessively desperate was concerning and a little bit unsettling. Why did he need that A so bad? It’s not like it’s going to affect his overall score that much. He won’t get a perfect GPA but it wouldn’t be too far off. “Mr. Lee, look at me.” You sigh in exasperation and gesture towards your generic, economic outfit of a simple white blouse and a black skirt. “Don’t you think a watch or a bag that cost more than my entire wardrobe would look silly on me?” “I could buy you a whole new wardrobe then, to fit your new accessories. Is that what you want?” He hurries to say, a knowing glint in his eyes as if he’s onto you. “Are you even listening? What I want is for you to leave me alone.” You take a step to the side, trying to get out from under him but he slams his hands down on either side of you, trapping you against the desk. “So the rumors about you are true, huh? You really are a bitter bitch who takes pleasure in making the lives of her male students miserable in order to make up for her own sad and loveless life.” He snarls, looking down his nose at you. “You know, maybe if you weren’t such a frigid bitch, a man would actually want to touch your shriveled up pussy. Give me that A and I’ll give you that dicking I know you’re dying for, baby.” “Oh, but Mr. Lee…” You gasp, looking up at him demurely, lulling him into a false sense of security as you lightly trail a hand up his chest towards his neck. “I don’t fuck little whores.”   You circle your fingers around his neck and press down, cutting off the gasp that tried to fight its way out of his throat. As you lightly choke him, you monitor his reaction closely, ready to pull back at any sign of distress. But just like you had predicted, he stays rooted to the spot, looking at you like an animal caught in a trap, his eyes jumping around in alarm as he tries to catch his breath and make sense of what is happening. Smirking, you press down harder on his throat, slimming his breathing down to a wheeze. “What makes you think that you would even be allowed to put your dirty, little cock anywhere near my pussy? You’re just a stuck-up, spoiled little brat who needs to be reminded how to properly talk to his superiors. Do you know what you should be calling me, boy, or are you too dumb to even remember?” “Yes,” He grits out, getting dizzy from the lack of oxygen to his brain. He was glaring bloody murder at you but he never once attempts to pull back. You knew he wouldn’t. You had always been an excellent judge of character, a skill that’s came in handy quite often in your profession, and you knew just what this boy so desperately needed. “Yes, what, little slut?” “Yes, Miss.” He wheezes out and bucks his hips against you, making you snap at him and press down harder on his windpipe, blocking his airflow entirely. “Did I say you could do that? How are you going to ‘give me that dicking I’m dying for’ when just having my hand on your throat is making you hump me like a horny virgin?”     All at once, you take the pressure off his neck and he folds over, molding his body to yours as he sucks in deep, gasping breaths. Grabbing his jaw, you press your face close to his. “Look at you, so wrecked already. Are you that easy? I didn’t even need to touch your little dick. I bet you would cum if I so much as lay a finger on you, wouldn’t you?”   When he doesn’t reply, you clench your hand down on his jaw, your fingers digging into his cheeks, and ask again, “Wouldn’t you?” “Yes, Miss.”  “Would you like that?” “Yes, please, Miss.” “No.” You deadpan, “You don’t deserve it.” He slumps, looking positively crestfallen, but doesn’t protest. You’re quiet for a moment, your face a mask of cold disinterest as you stare him down, watching as he slowly unravels under the weight of your unimpressed gaze. He was trying so hard to hold onto his pride even as his eyes start to tear up and his hips move ever so slightly against you, timidly pleading you to give him something, anything. "You really want that A, huh?” Your face breaks out into a triumphant grin, “OK, I’ll give it to you.” Caught up in your game, he had forgotten what this was about in the first place, and so he starts, thrown off by the sudden reminder. “That’s what you wanted, right?” You taunt, smirking as you watch him gape and fumble. “Yes, b-but—“ “B-b-b-but,” You mock, laughing, and the boy’s face flushes crimson. He bites his lip and averts his eyes in embarrassment. You smile at him knowingly, stating state what you knew he wished to say, “But now you’re all wound up now and you want to cum too, don’t you, greedy little slut?” “I'll tell you what? I'll give you that A you’re whoring yourself out for, and I’ll not force you walk out of here with blue balls and a stiff cock. How does that sound?” The boy gives you what might possibly be the most innocent look you’ve ever seen on his face, or anyone’s face for that matter. He was wide eyed and slack jawed, fear and hope flitting over his face in alternating ripples as he tries to make out what your angle here was. You half-expect to see little restless ears sprout up from the top of his head for how much he resembled a frightened little kitty right now. He looked so unlike his normally cold and severe self. Right in front of your eyes, he seems to transform into someone else entirely; his white skin turning warm and tan, his demeanor tender and inviting, his sharp features broadening and a full, boxy smile replacing the thin-lipped pout on his face… But as soon as you blink, he’s Lee Taeyong again, and not the boy who broke your heart so many years ago. Pushing him away, he stumbles on unsteady feet as you walk around the desk and sit on the leather chair. You pat your thigh, flushing the intrusive thoughts away and ordering him tightly, “Come here.” He doesn’t protest, just walks up to you in a daze and sits down on your lap, straddling your thigh between his legs and looking at you expectantly. “What I’m offering you here is a chance to get everything you want. If you can get yourself off just by riding my thigh, I’ll give you that A you so desperately want." Taeyong looked positively terrified, his face paling as he tries to figure out if this was a trick or not. Taking pity on him, you cradle his face in your hands and gently ask, “Can you do that for me, Mr. Lee? Can you show me what a good, hard working boy you are?” He nods fervently, eager to believe you, his hands going to his pants to unbutton them, but you brush them away. "No. Keep them on. I want to see you make a mess for me." Sucking in a breath, he whispers harshly, “Yes, Miss.” When he starts moving on top of you, it’s a little uncomfortable. He is somehow both heavy and bony, but you don’t dwell on it for long, not when he almost immediately picks up his pace, grinding against you earnestly as if he just suddenly realized how badly he needed to get off.  You watch his frantic movements in amusement, remarking, “You know, if we had enough time, I would never have let you off this easily. I would’ve edged you on for so long that you’d cum on command.” He shivers at your words, his hips grinding down harder against your thighs as delicious little moans fall freely from his mouth. You support his head in your palm as it lolls to the side, “Then I’d make you cum again and again. I would make you cum so many times that by the end of the night you'll be crying and begging me to hurt you even more." “Yeah, yeah,” He moans encouragingly, clutching onto you and swiveling his hips around in circles, his cock driving into the flesh of your thigh hard. "Be quiet kitten or someone will hear your mewls." You laugh, slipping a hand under his shirt to softly caress his stomach. He was shuddering like a leaf above you, barely able to control his movements, and he doesn't calm down. He only gets louder. "Damn, you’re a loud little slut." You push the fingers of the hand that had been cradling his face into his mouth, muffling his moans, and he immediately goes to work licking and sucking on your fingers like a lollipop.  "I knew I was right about you. From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew that you were just begging for someone to strip you off of your abrasive and entitled attitude and whip you back into shape. But no one ever did, right? They all saw you acting cold and clawing at anyone who tries to come near, and they assumed you’re a lion trying eat them up. But you’re not a lion. You’re just a frightened little kitty looking for someone worthy enough to tame him.” You confidently, watching as the boy melts under your words, allowing you to gaze upon his true self.  You know it’s hard for him, exposing himself like this, so you try to be gentle with him. “Poor kitty, you must’ve been waiting for so long. I can’t imagine that your pretty little girlfriend ever took charge of you like you crave. I bet she just lets you do whatever you please with her. I bet she never once punished you for being so insolent or fucked you until you cried out for forgiveness. Isn’t that right, little kitty?” Taeyong’s legs clench around your thigh and he pulls his head back, your fingers slip out of his mouth and tracking strings of saliva behind them as he cries out, “I’m so close, Miss. Please, let me cum.” Since all of this must be so overwhelming for him and yet he was still well-behaved enough to ask before cumming without you needing to tell him to, you decide to take it easy on him. “Cum, little kitten, show me what a good boy you can be.” He gives a few last erratic thrusts before his body seizes up and he cries out, finally cumming. You quickly clamp a hand over his mouth to muffle his screams, feeling warmth coat the fabric of your skirt as he shudders above you. When he hunches over you, completely spent, you wraps your arms around him and rub his back soothingly, listening to him gasp for air and feeling his heart beat wildly through his frail rib-cage. "Hush little kitten. It’s OK. You’re OK. I’ve got you.” "Thank you, Miss." His reply is muffled as he buries his face in your shoulder. As his body slowly relaxes and his breathing settles down, you slowly become aware of what exactly you just did... You got yourself sexually involved with a student, a clearly troubled boy who craves affection and support and who probably now thinks you can give him that.  Why do you always go after the broken ones?  Technically, it wasn’t against school policy to hook up with a student but you could still get a lot of grief over this, and that’s just the administrative and interpersonal-relationships  aspects of it… You sigh, pushing the boy up so you can lock eyes with him. "You did well, Mr. Lee. You’ll be getting that A you were promised. You just need to keep what happened between us to yourself. After we leave this room, you have to promise to never talk about this again, not to me, not to anyone. Is that understood?" You hope he would gladly take your offer and leave. After all, he just got the grade he wanted and an orgasm to boot. But when he hesitates to answer you, you know you’re in trouble. “Mr. Lee, do we have a deal?” For another agonizing second, he remains quiet, throwing you into a vicious loop of worrying about all the improbable reasons behind his silence and how you’re going to deal with them and all the possible ways this could end badly for you.  Finally though, he breaks eye contact and answers you with a timid, “Okay.” As you watch him leave the lecture room, his gait funny because of the sticky mess in his pants, you pray to god that the feeling of dread washing over you is completely unjustified and that this wouldn’t come back to bite you in the ass later. •❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• As always though, your gut feeling was correct. After your little encounter with Mr. Lee, it was like he became obsessed with you. He would openly stare at you during lectures then find any flimsy excuse to talk to you after, leaving his friends to scratch their heads and wonder why the boy who was just about to end you a week ago was now always following you around like a little duckling. It was all getting very suspicious and you found yourself forced to intervene quickly before anyone figured it out. Rounding him up in your office--a concerningly easy feat seeing as the boy was more than happy to be locked up in a room alone with you-- you turn on him, “Mr. Lee, what on earth are you doing?” “I—I am asking you about the assignment.” He gulps, trying not to give himself away and failing miserably. “I don’t understand the part where—“ “Cut the crap, Lee. You understand it perfectly. You’re not very smooth, you know? Now tell me, what is this about?” You demand. You weren’t slick either. You knew what he wanted but you were desperately hoping you were wrong, the sickening sense of déjà vu coursing through your brain so strong, it was nauseating. You couldn’t handle another needy, clingy boy who demands all your love then leaves you when he has run you dry. The boy scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, and stumbles through his words, "Can I... can we...do... it again? What happened last week, I mean. Not exactly the same though! I can make you feel good too I swear I—“ “Didn’t we agree to never talk about that again? You’re talking about it.” “I know but I just can’t stop thinking about it! That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had and you didn’t even touch me. Holy shit, I can’t wait to see what you can do if you actually touch me.” “Then I’m afraid you’ll be waiting for a long time. What I did was wrong and unprofessional and as your professor, I sincerely apologize to you for that. It can’t happen again." “Why?” He whines childishly.  "Because I’m your professor.” You say it like it’s matter-of-fact, because it is. “If the other professors find out I’m sexually involved with a student, they’ll ostracize me. It’s already hard enough with all the malicious rumors running around about me just because I’m a woman who dares to be assertive and not let men walk all over her. If they find out about this, it will just be more proof in their minds that I hate men and I’m taking it out on a poor student.” “They won’t find out. I’ll make sure of it. I'll keep pretending I hate you and no one will ever know. And even if they did, I can shut them up. You said it yourself; my father is the biggest investor in this college and they all want to stay on my good graces. Please, I need this.” “That’s not how it works, Mr. Lee. They’ll only shut up in front of you but they’ll still talk behind your back. Why don’t you just hire a dominatrix or something if you need this so bad?” "I don’t want a fucking dominatrix. I want you." There was that fire in his eyes again, the all-consuming passion to get what he wants at whatever cost that you’re so used to seeing from him. This Taeyong was completely different from your previous lover. He was rage and determination and cold, blue fire; nothing like the warm and soothing orange of the other, softer boy. You knew this Taeyong. You could handle this Taeyong. “I don’t want a strange woman whipping me around and telling me to lick her boots. I want you. You get me! You saw me in a way no one ever did before. I just... I’m so close to losing it. I have to put on this persona every minute of every day but it’s slipping off and I can’t keep it in place anymore. I need to let go for once and let someone else take charge or I’m going to snap. Please, help me.” The problem is that you believed him wholeheartedly; you sympathized with him wholeheartedly. Because beneath his hard exterior, there was a soft, mushy thing inside that frail rib-cage of his that mirrored your own. You couldn’t turn him away when you saw yourself in him. So you agree, under one condition. “You can’t fall in love with me. If you do then it’s over.” Taeyong laughs incredulously, taken aback by the weird condition, and his mood immediately lifts up, clearly not taking what you’re saying seriously. “Look, Miss, I’m just trying to get fucked. Nobody’s falling in love here, at least not me.” That arrogant smirk was back on his face again. He looked so damn confident. So why was your gut feeling telling you that this is all a huge mistake? “Good.” You say, squashing the feeling down and taking in the beautiful, broken boy. •❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• A/N: AHHHHHH I’m so excited for this series y’all. This was long overdue. Anticipate a lot of angst with this one. It’s gonna be dark but not in a criminal way, more like a slowly soul-crushing way like THERAPY. ahahahha as always I live off feedback and I’m anticipating your wonderful messages 
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angeldolanx · 4 years
Chapter 27. /- say sorry/
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I don't really went to parties recently. I always find something else to do at nights on my own or even with Corinna or Grayson. But since Corinna talked about her birthday in the past one week every day, I was sure I am not gonna miss it. At the same time I've had a light gut feeling. Grayson and Ethan are gonna be there, and of course Jeff, and Corinna's other friends too. We trust in each other with Grayson, but both of us loves to show that we are each other's.
" Are you sure this dress looks okay on me?" asked Corinna for the tenth times, while I tried to do her make up for the night.
"You look fab, what else do you want?"
" I am just excited, I never planned a birthday party for myself before."
"It's gonna be fun, don't worry" I said with a smile. I tried to do a nice smokey eye and added some sparkles too, since it's her day and she can be extra. After I finished her makeup with a light pink lip gloss I started to curl her hair and to make it stay curly longer I pinned up the sections. It was funny how we looked. I only wore a pink hoodie, no make up, messy hair while Corinna at this point looked like a bride.
"Oh it looks so good, thank you" hugged me Corinna, after she stepped in front of the mirror and checked out her makeup. "What am I gonna do without you?" she sighed.
" Hey, it's your birthday we don't talk about that today. I am still here for a few more weeks and I am not gonna die after I go home either. We can still see each other" I replied. With these stuff I tried to convince myself and her too to be honest. Maybe staying friends with Corinna and with other few people is gonna be easier than staying in a relationship with someone..
While I sat down in front of the mirror and tried to do my make up and curl my hair, Corinna kept dancing around in the room with a glass of vodka in her hand. She was crazy. I tried to deepen up my eyes with a brown color and put a red lipstick on to make my make up more exciting. I knew Grayson loves the color red on me and I also kinda liked it on myself too, so I thought why not.
One hour later I checked myself out in the mirror for the last time and put on my perfume. I ended up wearing a white highwaisted trouser with a white blazer and a black lace bralette underneath. I looked kinda sexy and still sophisticated at the same time, it depended on how much the blazer opened on me.
We arrived earlier than everyone else to the place with Corinna to check out everything to be perfect for the night.
Almost half an hour later the guests started to arrive slowly. I knew Corinna was a popular girl, but I was still surprised how the people started to fill the whole place that she ranted. There was a lot of people who I knew, there was some who I saw a few times but most of them were strangers for me. The loud music and lazers filled the place, while the neon lights danced on everyone's faces, who danced around to the music, while I said hi to a few people with a drink in my hand. When I finally saw the twins I went to their direction, but Kristen stood in front of me and pulled me to dance with them. Grayson caught my eyes, sent a light smile to me and to be honest I rather would have went up to him, but I didn't wanted to be rude so I joined to the girls for a dance after I finished my drink. I pulled Corinna to come with me too and laughed how she needed to have a few minutes to catch her balance before he left my hands and started to dance. I moved around my hips with a big smile on my face and sang the song's lyrics with the girls around me. I wasn't even surprised when I looked to the twin's direction and they both watched me then smiled when they sew that I am looking at them and just shook my head because of their strong gaze.
A few songs later it's really become a torture to not going to them, so I escaped myself from the crowd and tried to went to their direction. I needed to laugh when Zane, one of Corinna's friend caught my hands and pulled me to their squad's direction. When I ended up facing with Jeff I knew it's gonna be interesting. I tried to act normal as much as possible while I said hi to everyone with a quick hug and asked them what's up. I still felt like Jeff's hug was a lot tighter and longer then the other's, but I didn't really payed attention to that and tried to answer nicely to his question about where was I since he doesn't saw me in ages. I didn't really went to parties where we could meet and he wasn't too bothered about reaching out to me since that new years eve kiss.
" I haven’t really went to parties recently and everyone knows that's the only place to meet you guys" I said. He was about to answer when Zane stepped close next to me and put his hand around my shoulder before he started shouting to my ear.
"What do you drink with us?"
" You shouldn't drink anything more, that's for sure" I laughed and stepped away from him. Jeff noticed what I did and with a light laugh he put his arm around Zane's shoulder to make him step away from me and not to be so close to me.
"Hi guys, finally you are here" come up to us Corinna thank god, so since every boy started to listen to her I was able to leave them and finally go to the twins's direction.
" Finally Miss popular is here" said Ethan with a grin on his face, while I just rolled my eyes on his comment and hugged him.
As soon as I moved away from Ethan and looked at Grayson, he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to his body to give me a hard kiss. His kiss was way too passionate and hard for just a welcoming kiss. At the same time it was such a good feeling to finally be in his arms and feel his sent.
" Someone is jealous " I mumbled to his ear when we broke our kiss but I was still close to his body.
" I'm just showing you where you belong " he said while looked deep into my eyes and one of his hand moved down to my butt.
"Oh, god" I shook my head with a light smile because of his jealousy. Before we even came here I already knew that he is gonna hate the fact that Jeff and I are even under them same roof after that new years eve party. But I couldn't blame him, I would probably act the same - or even worst- if I would be in his shoes.
I spent the rest of the night mostly with the boys. I wasn't really in the mood to dance around or get drunk with Corinna, so I stayed next to them and still enjoyed the party. It was nearly two am when we decided to leave. Before we could step out from the door we met with the boys's few friends, or I don't even know who they were. Since I didn't wanted to stood awkwardly there for the time they spoke I went out to in front of the building and rather wait for them there. As soon as I stepped out I froze for a second when I saw Jeff there, with Zane next to him, who sat in the ground and probably were out of this world.
"Wow, he really went off" I shook my head. It would be really awkward if I just stand there in silent.
"Yeah " he sighed." I didn't know you have a boyfriend" he added and looked deep into my eyes. I felt like his dark brown eyes stared into my soul, and he almost seemed like a little puppy who's feelings are hurt. It was funny, because since that party we never met, he never texted me or anything. He didn't know I was with someone, so there isn't really a explanation there. He just only remembers me when we met I guess. Maybe that's why I don't even felt bad for him seeing me with someone else. It's been long months.
" Uhm, it's complicated " I crossed my hands in front of my chest and stood awkwardly from my one leg to the other. I was still not too sure about how to talk about Grayson for others. People who are close to us are know what's the drill, but I don't know what to say to other's. I don't wanna say it's nothing, but at the same time I don't wanna create a whole ass twitter drama or something because of saying staff to people who I should not trust.
" I mean we should meet sometimes, if it's not serious."
" It is serious, so don't even dream about it dude" said suddenly Grayson, who just came up next to me. As I looked up at him and saw how angry he was for nothing I just took a deep sigh.
" Gray" I said to try to make him understand that it's not a big deal and we just talked. I understood that he was jealous, but Jeff didn't really deserved this situation because of me. He was always nice and never intrusive to me.
"Okay, I got it " put up his hands in front of his chest Jeff, but there was still a smile on his face. He probably thought that Grayson's acting was funny or I don't know, but this whole thing started to seem bad and I hated it.
"Just try to hit on her one more time and.." started Grayson and wanted to step closer to Jeff, but Ethan grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. It was scary to see how angry he was. Somewhere deep down I liked that he is annoyed when he see's me with someone else, but at the same time I was angry at him because he didn't let me handle this situation with Jeff on my own.
"Grayson, come on let's go" I said more emphatically.
I saw how he took a deep sigh while he still wanted to kill Jeff with his eyes, but he let Ethan to pull him away then angrily pulled out his hands from Ethan's hold when they were a few meters away from us and was on there way to the car.
" I'm sorry"I said to Jeff.
"It's okay, I would probably act the same if I would have a girl like you" he responded with a light smile. I shook my head with a quiet laugh and said by to him to go after the boys to the car.
Our way home seemed way too long. I still saw on Grayson how tense he was, but I didn't wanted to start anything in the car, while Ethan doesn't even wanted to get involved in this situation and just put the music's volume more high.
My plan was to get home, I mean to their house, and immediately go to bed, but Ethan decided to stop in a drive through to buy some food. I wasn't too hungry but didn't wanted to be rude either, so I joined them to the livingroom after we got home. I felt Grayson's strong gaze on me as I placed my blazer to the chair and sat down there with the fries in my hands. In a normal night I would have probably chosen the place next to him, but I was still a bit angry so I decided to stay away from him for a little. From the awkward silence Ethan got himself out pretty fast. He ate his launch as quickly as possible and soon went to his room to leave us two alone. I was way too tired to even start to talk about what happened today, so I went to the room, grabbed Grayson's hoodie from the bed and closed myself to the bathroom to take a fast shower.
After I came out from the bathroom Grayson sat on his bed with the phone in his hands, and lifted his head when he heard me coming out and in silent went to the bathroom. I took a big sigh as I tried to figure out what to do, since I feel how he started to make me more and more angry. We were both stubborn and of course if one of us acts like a child and don't talks to the other, the other's gonna join and even gonna be more in silent.
After he came out I still sat on his bed, while he laid down next to me but turned to the other side to not even face me. It was so annoying to see his strong gaze on me but he still doesn't said a word. It would be better if he would start to yell at me or something to say what is on his mind, but the silence killed me.
"How long are you wanna act like this?" I asked and saw how the muscles tightened on his back when he heard my voice.
"Don't even try to say that this is because of me" he replied in a cold voice. I could feel how the angriness fills up my body and I could scream at him even because of the way he talked to me and wasn't able to even face me.
"It is because of you. I don't understand you, I only talked to him like two sentences."
" But what did you talk about? It wasn't a really friendly conversation and I didn't even mentioned yet how that asshole looked at you the whole night " he said now a lot more angrier and sat up in the bed just to look at me and I could saw his hard gaze.
"And why are you angry at me for him looking at me like that? What can I do with it?" I rolled my eyes.
"I am angry at you for you acting like this. Like I am the bad guy for even saying anything about the whole situation " he shook his head and laid back still facing the other side of the bed.
A big sigh left my mouth and I was already way too tired at three am for this, so I stood up, grabbed my pillow and blanket and went out to the living room. I don't know what was this all about with us today. I liked that he was jealous and he wanted to make me feel safe, but at the same time I hated the fact that he doesn't trusts in me. If we ever really end up in a long distance relationship, it's gonna kill us if we keep thinking about where is the other one, with who and why. Okay Jeff was different, probably he was the only men who caught my attention in the past one year next to Grayson, and he knew that. But it could be still better if he keeps this to us and doesn't do that in front of him.
The sofa seemed really comfortable in the living room after I laid down and pulled the blanket on my body. The only issue was the huge window. The moon's light was bothering me, who only likes to sleep in complete darkness but it was alright for tonight, I guess. I stared to the ceiling for long minutes. One of my part wanted to go back to bed next to Grayson and cuddle with him, while the other was stubborn and doesn't wanted to do that at all.
The door's opening noise surprised me, and Grayson's figure maybe surprised me more as he came to my direction. He run his hand through his messy hair before he ended up next to the sofa and he squatted down next to my body. He stared for my eyes for a few seconds before saying anything, and even pushed back my hair behind my ear. He knew how to melt my heart in seconds and knew how to stair to my soul and make my body shake only by looking at me.
" Do you wanna come back?" he broke the silence, but as a response I only shook my head. "You are not easy " he sighed. I pressed my lips to a thin line to hold back my answer, which is yes but he loves me like this. When he realized that he's not gonna convince me to go back with him he stood up, put his hand on my waist and pulled me to the side of the sofa.
"What are you doing?" I asked, but now he was the one who left me without a answer and just climbed over me to the inner side of the sofa and laid down next to me. He pulled my body as close to his as he could and put my blanket over our body. When he got comfortable his hand still rested on my stomach to make sure I don't pull away.
I took a deep sigh when I felt his warm breath against the back of my neck, then I felt how his soft lips met with my skin. The fact that he came after me already melted my heart, but these soft kisses and touches were my weakness. I closed my eyes and let my body to finally relax in his arms while I pushed myself even more back to be as close to him as possible.
"I am sorry, for acting like that today" I whispered. I needed time to admit that in his shoes I would have acted the same, but I was way too stubborn to say this earlier.
"You are my angel, even if this angel is a brat sometimes" he mumbled to my skin next to a light giggle, while his hands moved under the hoodie and didn't stopped till he touched the tattoo under my boob. A light smile spread on my face because of his words and his touches. We were each other's. And yes sometimes we acted crazy, but in the end of the day we always knew that there is no way to fall asleep while we were angry at each other.
The next morning I needed a few minutes to figure out where I was after I woke up and the sun's shined directly to my face. I felt like my whole body was numb since I woke up in the same position as we fall asleep yesterday. Our legs with Grayson tangled under the blanket, his hand held me close to his body still while I felt his study breathing in the back of my neck. I started to get used to that he holds me even closer when he is asleep and every time I thought about that my heart warmed. As well as the memories from yesterday. Grayson handled that situation in such a cute way and yes I am aware of how much I am not an easy type, but he knows how to handle me that's for sure.
" Mornin'" he mumbled a few moments later next to a big yawn Grayson. I carefully tried to turn to the other side to face him without falling of from the sofa. As soon as I looked at his cute morning face and messy hair a light smile spread on my face.
"Good morning, handsome" I replied and pulled out my hand under the blanket and placed it on his unshaved face. That smile just got even bigger on my face when I saw how he leaned more into my hand as he felt my touch and closed his eyes next to a sigh. Yes he was a large, strong man but there was this cute side of him, that always wanted to cuddle and feel my touches and I absolutely adored that side of him as well.
"Oh my god, I thought you are having sex where I used to eat, fuck " said Ethan from the kitchen and a few moments later he came to the living room and frowned his eyebrows at us. I just giggled on his words and his confused face.
"Bro, we just slept there" rolled his eyes Grayson and stretched his arms, but later he wrapped them around me again and pulled me even closer to his chest.
" I swear to god you two are not normal" ended the conversation E, and went out to the yard with his phone and cafe in his hands.
We still laid there for a few minutes. Gray's arms moved around on my back and my butt,  I didn't really payed attention that much till his left hand moved to my stomach, then down to the side of my pants and he pushed me to my back.
"Gray" I warned him. My voice was still quiet and sleepy and I didn't even lifted my head from his chest, until he touched me exactly there. "Grayson?" I looked up to his eyes, while he had just a cheeky smile on his face.
"Shh, just enjoy " he leaned down, mumbled to my ear and left a few kisses and bites on my neck. I tried to hold back my satisfied sigh, when he pushed his hands under the material and started to write slow, small circles on my clit.
" Ethan is in the yard and the door is open" I whispered. As much as I am protested with my words, as much my body showed him how much I enjoyed it. I felt how my body tensing up and slowly burning. My stomach tightened and a nice tingling feeling moved around on my body because of his steady movements on me.
"Then you need to be a good girl and stay quet I guess" he said with a grin as he saw that I bit my lip and pushed my head back to the pillow.
"You are an idiot" I rolled my eyes. Hearing my words he moved his hands lower, and pushed in two fingers and immediately started to move them in and out. I was already so wet and I really needed to hold back the moans that wanted to leave my month.
"It's not the best time to roll your eyes on me, princess " he mumbled to my ear, and started to move his fingers deeper and more fast. My whole body started to shake and it was a torture to not scream because of how good it felt. Everything was so insensitive. I wasn't prepared to do this in a random morning and the spontaneity and the thought that we could get caught in any time just made it even more good and exciting for me.
"Oh, fuck" I hid my face to his neck when I started to feel the knot tightening in my stomach. Gray kept his steady fast rhythm and even tortured me as he slowed down, pushed his fingers deeper then started to move fast again. I wish I could moan out his name loud, but all I did was quite whimpers that made him smile as he watched my face and sometimes left a few bites on my neck." Yes, right there " I breathed when he hit the perfect spot. I closed my eyes tight, my hands were in a strong fist as the feeling bult in my body, till my whole body shook because of my intense orgasm. A quiet moan left my mouth that I couldn't hold back, but it was still quite enough to Ethan not hear it.
" Let's go somewhere to get breakfast " came back suddenly Ethan to the livingroom and my heart stopped for a second. My breathing was still heavy and I looked deep into Gray's eyes who's finger still moved in me slowly to ride out my orgasm.
"Give us twenty minutes to get ready then we can go" said Grayson and I could tell how he tried to hold back that huge grin on his face. His hand slowly left my body under the blanket while my legs still shake a little bit from my orgasm.
"15 maximum, I am starving" replied E and set down to the chair with his phone on his hands. The thought that if he comes back one minute earlier he would have caught us killed me and made me laugh. It was crazy. Compared to the fact that he acted so normal,I was sure he doesn't suspected anything, thank god.
When I felt Grayson's touch on my thigh I immediately sat up and. My body was still too sensitive to not have a reaction to his hands on me. He just smiled as he looked after me, while I just stood up and went straight to his room and to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
Our relationship was everything just not boring. We were crazy people with crazy things. We fought, teased each other, then apologized to each other. One thing for sure, he loved each other day by day more and more. I could be a woman one hundred percent next to him, and even though I was annoyed for him doing this to me in the morning, I still liked it. I always hated when someone tried to tell me what to do, tell me to not say or do what I did, but in bed I loved when he was the one who dominated and Grayson for sure knew and enjoyed it.
While I started to get ready I was deep in my thoughts and started to think about yesterday again. I felt bed, maybe that's just showed even more how much I loved him. I didn't wanted to make him feel unsure about me being honest or faithful to him. We can be in the same place or hundreds and thousands of miles away, i would never be able to be with someone else. Of course I ended up overthinking it. In the end I've had a full nervous feeling in my stomach, even though we already closed it yesterday. Since I didn't wanted this feeling to get even more into my head, I wasn't even ready, my make up was just half done, but I went out to find Grayson. Their deep voices came from the kitchen, so I went there and as soon as I stepped to the kitchen I went in front of Grayson and crossed my arms around his neck on my tippy toes. Gray look down at me with a confused look but still put his hands around my waist and hugged me back.
" I love you" I mumbled quietly, and already felt my face heating up as I started to blush. I was not that type who did these kind of things, especially not in front of Ethan. Grayson knew that maybe that's why he hugged me tighter when he heard my words and a light smile spread on his face.
" I love you too, but should I understand this? Where is the girl, that I know and is my girlfriend?" he asked and made me giggle.
" I..mm It's just, whatever" I shook my head and moved away from him. I wanted to go out as soon as as possible from the kitchen, but Grayson caught my wrist and he pulled me back. As he looked into my eyes his face was a lot more serious and it almost seemed like he was worried as he looked down at me and clasped our hands next to our body.
"What's wrong?"
" Nothing, I just thought about yesterday and I felt bad" I replied and looked away and started to stare to the floor instead of his beautiful eyes.
" Angel" he sighed and pulled me closer again as I hugged his waist and enjoyed how his sent filled my nose and his body heat warmed up my body. "Nothing happened yesterday, stop thinking about it. We were both angry and dumb " he mumbled and placed a kiss in my forehead before I moved away.
"Wow the ice queen can do this too? " teased Ethan, and got a angry look immediately from me.
"Shut up" I giggled.
This side of me was new to me too. I was never that emotional type, but now I was not as scared to show it as before. I felt like my heart was icy when I came here to America and Grayson slowly started to melt it down. It's crazy that in this huge word you only need one person, who can turn your whole life into a different direction and make the everydays magical.
- say sorry √
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a-closet-emo · 5 years
Holiday Truce 2019
Title: Don’t Worry About Your Back. I’ve Got It.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1992
A/N: My Secret Santa gift for @whosvladagain!!! Happy Holidays!! Hope you enjoy!
Danny was enjoying his lunch at the Nasty Burger. It was a familiar scene: Sam and Tucker sat across him, with a tofu burger and a meat-filled monstrosity in front of each one, respectively.
“Tucker, that is absolutely disgusting.”
Sam was referring to the newest addition to the Nasty Burger’s menu that Tucker had been so eager to try out.
Danny had nothing against meat in general, but he had to draw the line somewhere. And that line was the “Nasty Burger’s Meaty Meatster Special”. All seven stacks of its meaty glory were a bit much, in his opinion.
“Look,” Tucker said between bites, “We already agreed a while back that just because you like vegetables and I like meat doesn’t mean we can be mean to each other about it.”
The techno-geek looked at her with eyebrows raised. “Remember? It’s all about respecting each other,” he said, making circular movements in the air with his hands to emphasize his “respectfulness”.
“I’m gonna have to side with Sam on this one, Tuck,” Danny said, eyeing the sauce traveling down his friend’s chin. “That thing is a meat monster. I’m getting flashbacks to when the Lunch Lady first attacked.”
Tucker let his meal fall to the plate. “Are you kidding me? Just because she’s your girlfriend now—“
“It’s got nothing to do with us dating! Have you seen what you’re eating? It’s an affront to nature!” Sam interrupted.
“Have you seen what you’re eating?,” the boy next to her replied, “An affront to the nature of my tastes is what it is!”
Danny tuned out his friends’ habitual bickering about the other’s diets with a fond smile and a shake of his head. Years have passed, and so much was different, but some things never change.
He looked out the window as Valerie zoomed past in the distance, a bright red figure against the gray of the sky, giving him a small wave. He waved back, but she was already gone.
As his gaze wandered idly over the street outside, there was no way to ignore all the red and green of the holiday decor. Amity Park was in a festive mood, and so was Danny. He was excited for Christmas. Which, honestly surprised him. After all these years. He was ready to celebrate with the people he loved. Maybe he should pay the Ghost Writer a visit to say thanks. Even if the guy had tried to kill him.
But, something was still bothering him.
A news broadcast of a fire he had stopped earlier today was playing in one of the shop windows. As he watched himself rescue the victims, he realized what it was.
“Uhh, Earth to Danny,” Sam said, waving her hand in front of the ghost boy’s face. “You were a million miles away just now. How were the sunsets on Jupiter?”
Danny shifted his attention back to their table. When had the two of them stopped arguing?
“I was just thinking, guys.”
“Dreaming ‘bout NASA again?” Tucker teased.
He rolled his eyes at his best friend and took a deep breath. His mind was made up.
“No, no. I’m telling my parents after the Christmas party.”
“Man, are you sure about this?”
Danny took his time answering, letting his eyes rest on the little Christmas wreath that hung above the portal. He had helped his parents decorate this year, and he decided that it would be fitting to put some festive cheer around the portal. Since ghosts and the holidays go well together, surprisingly.
He breathed deeply, putting his attention back on his friends.
“Yes, I’m sure. It’s been four and a half years, Tuck. I’m moving out for college after the summer, and I just want to clear things. No more secrets.”
Sam looked up at him, worrying her lower lip. Then she moved past him to put a hand on the closed portal doors (thank Clockwork for the Truce), her back turned to them.
“We’re just looking out for you, you know that, right?” she asked in a small voice.
He answered “Yes”, not a hint of doubt in his voice. There was no way he could say no.
“And you’re right: it has been four and a half years. Four and a half crazy years that saw the three of us running around trying not to let the ghosts overwhelm Amity and Danny,” she said, still facing the portal.
Tucker snorted. “Don’t forget that we were also trying to make sense of high school at the same time. Not to mention we were the social outcasts. I don’t think a lot of people can say their teenage years were as...interesting as ours were.”
He moved to her right side in front of the ghostly gate. “And it all started here,” he said, pulling her hand into his. Their eyes met, and he kissed her forehead. A blush crept onto his face and hers. God, he would never get used to kissing her.
“Look at you two lovebirds getting all cozy in front of the fire.”
Danny jumped a little. He hadn’t noticed when the boy had moved to stand by his right side. The third party wriggled his eyebrows suggestively at the two of them. The ghost boy felt rather than saw Sam’s eye roll.
Then Tucker dropped it, and looked up at the ceiling.
“More than anything, we’re just trying to make sure you’re mentally ready for this. Like, is your psyche all set? They did hunt you and threaten to tear you apart ‘molecule by molecule’ for a long while,” his best friend said, eyebrows raised questioningly.
With the three of them in front of the portal, Danny let go of Sam’s hand to put his arms around his two closest friends and pulled them to him.
“It’s been a year since they officially became Phantom’s allies, guys. They’re my parents. Christmas is supposed to be spent with family, right? I’d like to have one holiday I can spend honestly with them, for once. I’m ready to tell them, and Jazz and I think they’re ready to know,” he paused, having said what he needed to.
This seemed to placate them for the time being, and Danny was glad they understood.
“Speaking of Jazz, Tuck don’t give me a mental review, my sister’s already done enough. And, she’ll be there to back me up in case…” he trailed off. He swallowed, and the two of them leaned more into him, offering silent support. He shook his head. Christmas was supposed to be spent with family, and he was glad to have them with him.
This was another big event in Danny’s life, and the members of their little huddle stood quiet before the portal for some time, reminiscing.
After a few minutes of silence, Danny couldn’t resist.
Breaking into a wide grin, he said,“Wow. Guess the holidays this year have us feeling extra Santa-mental, huh?”
The two at his sides groaned, but didn’t break away.
“Way to ruin the moment, dude,” the techno-geek complained.
Danny smiled, and held his friends more tightly.
When they broke apart, Tucker went up ahead of them, eager to help the other Fentons set up for the dinner party (and maybe find a meaty snack in the process). Danny and Sam took their time going up, their hands locked once more.
Once they reached the base of the steps, Sam looked over her shoulder and at the portal, a pout fixed onto her mouth.
He frowned. He took her pale chin in his hand and slowly swiveled her head to face him. It seemed that it was his turn to reassure her.
“I wouldn’t take back any of those years for the world,” he said, emphasizing each word.
Her intense amethyst eyes bore into his. A small smile found its way onto her face, and she squeezed his hand. “I know. I wouldn’t either.”
Their little Christmas party hadn’t gone on long enough, in Danny’s opinion. All too soon, everyone was saying their goodbyes and taking home some extra food.
Team Phantom stayed to one side while the parents present wrapped up (ha! Christmas pun) their goodbyes.
They were giving the other members a summary of his and Jazz’s plan. The redhead had said that it would help ease their worries, and he had agreed. And, they deserved to know what was going on.
There were nodding heads and thoughtful gazes all around as the rest of the team evaluated the Fenton siblings’ course of action.
“....and then I change and, well, we’ll see.”
Jazz placed an arm around his shoulders to ground him, and (not for the first time and not for the last time he was sure) he was glad she had come home for the holidays. Danny wished talking to his parents didn’t have to be such a big deal.
Valerie had been quiet throughout the discussion, avoiding eye contact. He wondered if she was reliving the time he had told her. (One afternoon he wouldn’t be forgetting any time soon.)
When she looked up, however, it was with a playful grin. She punched his shoulder. “Good luck, Phantom.” “I—We trust you,” she added more seriously, looking to the others who voiced their agreement.
“And we’ll be there if you need us. Seriously. Anything goes wrong you need to call us, man,” Tucker said. “And I don’t wanna have to deal with any of your heroic B.S. about dealing with things by yourself on Christmas Day, you hear?”
Danny raised his hands defensively, but was cut off by Sam.
“Jazz, we’re counting on you not to let him do anything stupid,” his girlfriend added to the older Fenton sibling as Danny rolled his eyes.
His sister’s eyebrows were raised in clear amusement at his friends’ statements. But she did say, “Don’t worry; this big sister is on extra alert for dumbassery this Christmas Eve.”
Danny shook his head in mock annoyance at their antics. Inside, he thanked Clockwork that his friends had kept things light. This was a big night, the outcome of which directly affected a huge aspect of his life, and he didn’t want to screw it up.
After they had all exchanged their last goodbyes and had said their final “Happy Holidays!” (and after one last gift under the mistletoe from Sam), he and the rest of the Fenton family fell to fixing up. It was… soothing, just washing the dishes and putting things away alongside his father and his mother and his sister. It helped him to clear his head a bit, and by the time he and Jazz started their little scheme, he felt more determined than ever.
Danny’s parents were on the couch, snuggled up against each other. It was nearing midnight, the 25th just a couple of hours away. His dad said he was going to stay on the couch to watch for Santa Claus, while his mom said she was going to stay with him to prove that the big, red man wasn’t real. Both of them were drooping off, and their son smiled. It was a nice scene compared to the years of endless, pointless, and heated debates going back and forth about the existence of Ol’ Saint Nick. They looked so happy, he almost wished he didn’t need to disturb them.
He cleared his throat, and his parents startled. Quick as lightning, they each pulled out a capturing tool (Jack held an absurdly large butterfly net. Maddie was holding a coil of rope.) and very nearly succeeded in subduing the Christmas tree. They soon realized that it was not, in fact, Santa Claus who had awoken them, and sheepishly returned to their places on the sofa.
He gave the tree a once-over (not to worry; it looked pine) before he moved to sit in front of the couple on the couch.
“Mom, Dad, what do you honestly think of Phantom?”
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theresnourieandme · 5 years
Rina kisses one shot please
count from uno to doce.
Madrid was covered with snow and bright lights on that day of the year, and Ricky was sure he wouldn't have traded that for a billion dollars. The square was full of young people who were talking and making a lot of noise. A lot of them looked up at the clock on the tower from time to time, and Gina, beside him, did the same. He spotted Carlos and Seb sharing multiple kisses not far from them, and he felt his cheeks become red. He hoped it was because of the cold, even though he knew what was the reason.
He had liked Gina for a while now, but he couldn't stand the thought of her not feeling the same and him losing her as a friend. He just couldn't.
"Hey, how much do you think we have to wait?"
He chuckled, lowering his look until he met hers. Her nose was becoming red for the cold, while the homemade hat covered her ears. She looks cute, he thought. "You know we have to wait till midnight. We can't leave sooner."
"Why not?" she complained with a disappointed face. "It was a Carlos' idea, wasn't it?"
"Yes," he laughed. "yes it was."
"Hey guys!" exclaimed a familiar voice behind them. "Are you cold?"
"EJ!" Gina screamed. She turned around and ran up to him, jumping into his open arms and wrapping her legs around his waist. Ricky felt a little pain in his chest, but tried not to think about it too much: EJ was one of his best friends after all, and the same was for Gina. It was normal for them to act like that around each other, so there was nothing to be jealous about, right? When the older put her down, he smiled at Ricky and approached him coming in for a bro hug. Ricky was happy he was there, but was he alone?
Before one of them could say something, Carlos and Seb appeared beside them and they greeted EJ properly.
Finally, Big Red and Ashlyn arrived too. Nini and Kourtney hadn't made it because they had lost they flight. Sadly, they would've welcomed the incoming year at the airport.
The crowd kept becoming bigger and bigger, and they all agreed to find a small spot under the lights of a still open café. Midnight was coming, and EJ took out some gifts from his backpack. They all accepted their own gladly. EJ had made them a white and red bracelet, which presented also a roaring lion pendant. Ricky liked it very much, even because it reminded him of their first school play in his junior year, when they had put on a production of High School Musical. That year of his life had a special place in his heart, mostly because of his new friendships. And also because he had met Gina.
People around them became anxious, and Ashlyn handed them some bags. There were twelve grapes in each of them, and they looked at each other, kind of confused.
"What are these for?" asked Seb after some moments of relative silence.
Ashlyn sighed before answering. She seemed annoyed by the fact that they didn't know that. "There's a New Year's Eve tradition in Spain. We have to eat a grape for each stroke when midnight strikes."
"Sounds cool. Let's do it!" exclaimed EJ and they all accepted the idea with a smile.
"It was me who brought you the grapes but whatever," murmured Ashlyn underneath his breath, and Ricky, who know how, heard her and reserved her a warm smile.
"Two minutes!" screamed Carlos, jumping to keep himself warm. Seb, beside him, tried to stop him, although he was laughing.
"Hey, Ricky." Big Red, his best friend, approached him slowly. He had a smile on his face. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, dude," he replied, putting a hand on one of the other's shoulders.
Big Red faced him when they were far enough from the group of friends. He grabbed something inside of his pocket, and showed it to Ricky, trying not to be seen by the others. It was a small, simple silver ring with three small diamonds. "I'm gonna propose to Ashlyn."
Ricky didn't know what to say, so he came up with the only thing he could think about. "Wow."
Big Red frowned. "Is it a bad idea?"
Ricky was still speechless, but he managed to shook his head no. "No, it's not."
"No buts. I'm really happy for you."
Big Red smiled a little, and nodded. "You should tell Gina what you feel, man."
Ricky widened his eyes as Big Red was leaving. Was it a good idea, though? He wasn't sure Gina felt the same, so why put his heart on his sleeve? He came back to his friends, and he heard the whole crowd do the countdown from ten in various languages. When midnight stroke, some people yelled, but they all remained silent, listening to the strokes of the bell and eating their twelve grapes. No one said a thing from some moments, but then they hugged and wished each others a happy New Year. Ricky didn't feel anything. All he could think about was Gina, and her smile lit up by the lights of the square. Big Red proposed to Ashlyn and she said yes, of course, and Ricky was happy for them. But it all seemed distant, like a sort of dream.
A half an hour later, Ricky said he was going to go to bed. They all seemed worried, and he barely heard Gina saying 'I'll go with him' and following him. He returned to the hotel and went to bed. Gina followed him into the room, and sat on the bed.
"Hey, Ricky," she spoke up after a while. "are you okay?"
"Yeah, don't worry. Just tired."
"I love you."
He sat up, his eyes wide open. "What?"
"I really mean it. I love you. In a romantic way."
He held his breath, and he felt a warm in his chest. "I love you too."
A moment of silence, and Gina managed to leave him an innocent kiss on his lips. "Good night, Ricky."
"Good night Gina," and he hoped she heard him before she left.
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reddielibrary · 5 years
Wrapped in You (Is Where I Long to Be)
Written by @patroclusandachilles
Gift for @eddieneedshisinhaler
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Word count: 1699
Rating: Teen
AO3 Link
Summary: Eddie and Richie make a happier tradition on the anniversary of Eddie's (temporary) death...in a pillow fort.
Eddie walked in the door to his apartment with a frown on his face for the millionth time in what seemed as many weeks.  The weight of nursing classes, his internship at the hospital, and his actual paying job as a risk analyst causing him to shuffle dead-eyed and hunch-backed through life.  Yeah, he could have quit his job and let Richie the famous comedian pay for everything, but he would never let himself live that down.  He was done relying on other people to take care of him- nightmares of Myra and his mother’s suffocating overprotectiveness plagued what little sleep he did manage to get.  It was hard, but he would get through it himself with only emotional support accepted from his partner.  
Emotional support that he wasn’t expecting tonight.  
It was the anniversary of It’s (and his own) death.  
Eddie leaned against the door, eyes closed and mind screaming at him to just sleep.  But he couldn’t.  Richie needed him tonight as he did every year.  After everything Richie had done for him- from being by his side for every second of his hard earned recovery to showing him what it truly meant to be held and loved and seen every day since he opened his eyes to a new life- Eddie owed him his support on his hardest day of the year.  
He may not have the energy, but by Maturin, Richie would be none the wiser.
He dropped his keys into the dish by the front door and dragged himself down the hall, ready for a cold shower to wake him up and about fifty cups of coffee.  But when he turned the corner from his hallway, he didn’t see his spotless living room and empty kitchen.  He saw a giant mess of pillows and blankets and furniture piled together in the middle of the room.
And in front of it all stood a beaming Richie, practically bouncing from his excitement.
« Eds Spaghads, love of my life!  You’re finally home! »  Richie rushed over to him and bundled him into a whole body hug, Eddie’s face crushed against Richie’s chest, his arms wrapped tightly around Richie’s back.  
« Whatrudonghre, » was all Eddie could manage to squeak out as the breath was lovingly squeezed out of him by his partner.  
« I’m here to surprise you, of course. »  Richie loosened his grip, making it easier for Eddie to look up at him.  « You’ve been so stressed lately, I thought we could have some silly childish fun to make up for it. »
« Childish fun? »  Eddie looked back at the fort.  It was rather impressive, though much too small for two grown men to fit in simultaneously.  « But I thought that you’d need me to…?  The anniversary.... »
Richie squeezed him again, but only briefly before letting him go entirely and turning to work his way into the masterpiece of furniture and comfort.  « Uh-uh, I think we’ve both had enough sadness for one lifetime.  I’m sick of dwelling on everything that came before.  It brought us here, it brought us together, but that’s all it was good for.  I’m done thinking about it.  I think it’s about time we make a new tradition!  Only fun and love and cuddles forever! »  Richie got tangled in the hanging blankets comprising the entrance and nearly took down one of the support beams.  He managed to duck and dodge and untangle himself, but not before face planting right into the sea of pillows.
Despite his exhaustion, Eddie couldn’t stop the laugh from bubbling up.  Watching Richie try to maneuver his giant body into the childish tent was better than any restless sleep he would have gotten on his own.  Every wide smile Richie sent his way was doing more to loosen his muscles than any shower ever could.  And the big goofy giggles Richie was now singing into the pillows made his heart pound faster than the strongest cup of coffee.  « Eds!  Get in here!  What good’s a super secret hideaway without someone to share it with? »
« You aren’t supposed to share secrets, asshole, » Eddie replied, affection clear in his tone.  « Then it’s not a secret anymore. »
Richie, having turned himself around, was now resting against the back of Eddie’s couch and patting the pillows next to him.  « Secrets aren’t any fun without you, Eds. »  He pretended to pout, trying to lure Eddie in with his big puppy-dog eyes, but he couldn’t keep the grin off his face.  
Eddie felt the same way, large smile now permanently plastered to his own face.  Yet, ever the practical half of the relationship, Eddie wasn’t ready to join Richie just yet.  « Let me get my pajamas first.  There’s no way I’m wearing a suit while you’re sitting there in sweatpants and a ripped 20 year old t-shirt. »  
Walking to his bedroom, he heard shouted behind him, « Hurry up or I’ll eat all the popcorn without you! »  
Eddie walked faster.
By the time he was in a comfortable set of clothes and back out in the living room, Richie had managed to eat all the popcorn anyway.  « I was hungry, » he said with a shrug, tossing the empty bowl outside the fort.  
« Whatever, dork, » Eddie said, rolling his eyes fondly and dropping to the ground to begin his own perilous climb into the tiniest blanket fort ever seen by man.  He dodged the support beam and managed to get halfway turned around to sit next to Richie when a stray pillow caught his foot and sent him sprawling right into Richie’s lap.  « Mmph, » was all he could say.  
« Not so easy, is it Eduardo?  And to think, you were laughing at your poor giant boyfriend not ten minutes ago.  Aren’t you supposed to be the small one? »  Richie pulled Eddie up by his arms, maneuvering them both until they were face to face, Richie’s legs bracketed by Eddie’s own.  
Eddie gently swatted at Richie’s chest.  « Well, if there wasn’t already a huge ass in here, maybe I would have had more luck. »  He rested his hands against the couch behind Richie’s head. 
« You wound me, Eddie!  And to think, I went through all this trouble just to be called names...the ingratitude of it all! »
Eddie let out a quick chuckle.  « Who’s the one calling names, Trashmouth?  That’s the first time you’ve used my actual name tonight. »  
Richie smiled up at him.  « Yeah, but you love it, don’t you darling, dearest, honey bunches, sweetheart, spaghetti man of my life? »
« I will admit nothing. » 
Eddie tried to deny how much he loved Richie’s nicknames for him, but his eyes gave everything away.  They softened more and more with each endearment spoken by Richie.  « Light of my dark. »  Eddie blushed.  « My treasure. »  Eddie’s face melted into a tender gaze.  « My little Chewbacca of the woods. » 
« What the actual fuck, Richie? »  Eddie was laughing again, burying his face in Richie’s chest.  « Jesus, dude. »
Richie’s chest shook him in time with Richie’s own laughter.  « I read it in a list of endearments online, thought I’d give it a try.  Not doing it for you? »  He brought his arms around Eddie, pulling him impossibly closer.
Eddie pushed his face against Richie’s neck.  « I fucking knew it.  I knew you couldn’t possibly come up with all those names yourself. » 
Richie merely shrugged beneath him, his hands travelling up Eddie’s back and moving around to rest over his chest.  They sat like that for a minute, still chuckling softly, just breathing each other’s warmth.  Eddie lifted his head and looked into Richie’s eyes, conveying his adoration through the gentleness of his expression.
His hands moved of their own accord, moving to cup Richie’s face, feeling Richie’s own adoration through his fingertips.  They both quieted and leaned in closer, breaths the only noise now shared between them.
‘I love you,’ the caresses of Eddie’s hands said, smoothing over Richie’s cheeks.
‘I love you,’ the tender slope of Richie’s mouth said, sighing contentedly into the silence between them.
« I love you, » Eddie said, voice barely higher than a whisper.
« I love you, » Richie said, lips barely brushing Eddie’s own.
‘I love you,’ they both said, through a soft meeting of lips and sharing of breath.
They kissed for what felt like hours.  One breathing out and the other in, sharing their souls through gentle kisses.  Finally, Eddie pulled away, burying his face in Richie’s chest and yawning.  Richie started laughing again.  « Aww, did I wear you out already, Eddie my love? »  He pulled Eddie in, cradling him against his chest.
Eddie shifted around until he was snuggled up against Richie comfortably.  « Yeah, sure, you’re quite the…, » He yawned again.  « Quite the casanova there Rich. »  
« All right, sounds like it’s bedtime for little Eddies everywhere. »  Richie shifted them both again, laying down amongst the sea of pillows.  
Eddie resisted closing his eyes, even though he desperately wanted to, the comfort of being with Richie drowning out the pressures that had so overwhelmed him mere hours ago.  « But it looks like you had a whole night planned- movies, snacks, comics.  I don’t want to ruin it. »  
« Nah, those were just an elaborate excuse to lure you in here.  I’m fucking exhausted, Eds.  Writing this new comedy special is kicking my ass, I could probably sleep for days wrapped in your arms. »  He batted his eyelashes jokingly at Eddie. 
Eddie gave him a half-hearted tap.  « You can be so weird sometimes, do you know that? »  
« I love you too, sweet cheeks. »
« Yeah, yeah, love you, » Eddie murmured into Richie’s chest as he closed his eyes.  « Love you forever and ever and ev.... »  He didn’t finish his thought as he slipped quickly into an easy sleep.  Richie smiled one last time for the night, burying his face into Eddie’s soft hair before drifting off himself.  
Both of them dreamed of nothing but happiness and each other, setting aside the past, content with the future laid out before them in each other’s arms.
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sawwyouuinadream · 4 years
I have little to do in life, and especially in this quarantine, it boils down to only waking up and going to sleep. So I thought of compiling my favourite wlw couples for the sake of my fellow gaybies or anyone for that matter:
1) Emily and Sue
Hands down best couple award goes to them. I have been obsessed with the Apple+ Tv original, called Dickinson, starring Hailee Steinfield as Emily Dickinson, the 18th Century poet. Personally, I have always been a fan of Emily's poems, but the show made me fall in love with her even more. I was intrigued by the queer undertones in her poems but damn. This show portrays her to be in a relationship with her brother's fiance and her best friend, Sue. Many Dickinson scholars still belive they were in a full blown relationship for 40 years, even though meanwhile Sue mothered three of Austin's children. Emily never married. Her poems are an ode to the love of her life: Sue Gilbert Dickinson.
Hats off to Sue tho, her children had the same genes as her lover. Lmao.
2) Casey and Izzie
CAZZIE NATION FOR LIFE. Okay so toning down the excitement, I want to just say THANK YOU NETFLIX FOR ANOTHER SEASON . I loved Casey and Evan's relationship though. They were a really cute couple. But man. Izzie makes her go all wiggly woggly craazy. Bridgette Lundy Paine's acting is so on point. This coming of age couple beautifully captures the insecurities, the dilemma and the drama of a homosexual relationship. It is so fucking sweet and authentic that I just can't ... ::::0
Atypical as a show is very good and I recommend everyone to watch it. It's heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.
3) Eve and Villanelle.
If you're gay and you haven't watched Killing Eve, I must say, you're missing out dude. It's just everything. Phoebe Waller Bridge's impeccable wit makes it deliciously crazy. An international assassin being chased by an M16 agent, and them being in love amidst a lot of people being killed? Omg and Omg.
I just want an episode where they have a beautiful dinner and make love, no strings attached. Then Villanelle can resume her killings and Eve can just be Eveing again. Ugh.
4) Amy and Hope
Dude. This is THE LESBIAN TEEN ROMANCE OR FOR THAT MATTER ANY KIND OF TEEN ROMANCE A TEENAGER CAN DREAM ABOUT. Your first kiss is coincidentally the hottest girl in the school and you start making out with her in the bathroom at a party?? Heck yeah!! You vomit on her, put your finger in the wrong hole and she still gives you HER PHONE NUMBER. Oh my god I want a spin-off.
5) Rue and Jules:
Euphoria is a complex show. But isn't a gay Zendaya a fucking blessing? Sure it is. Her relationship with Jules in the show is very toxic (literally and metaphorically) . Yet I love it. Coz gay haha.
I made a list of all the teenage wlw couples. Obviously I saw the beautiful, exotic, oui oui enchanté film Portrait of a lady on fire, and it was just breathtaking. Also, in other news Orange is the New Black has been renewed. So it's been a great time of my life.
Lemme know your favourites.!!!
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avaquet · 4 years
Happy borthday to @ironbullsmissingeye !! I love you my dude and I’m extremely happy we are friends! This fic was the one I started a month ago and the next fic is the more recent one! Since your borth and Shok’s borth are so close together and we celebrate OC borthdays in this house :D
Still - I hope you like them both!!
The mission had gone smoothly. No major injuries. Now, it was time to go home, well, Skyhold at least. It was the cold winter months of the new year, bitter frost stung the inside of noses with each breath. Everyday brought fresh snow to the earth, covering visibility and roads. The sun glared through white clouds, reflecting off the snow and ice. Nights weren’t pitch black anymore, the moon did the same as the sun with less intensity. Less warmth.
Evelyn and Iss used their magic to help clear the thick blanket of snow from the ground to make a stable campsite. Bull went to gather logs for the fire while everyone else set up their tents. Group effort made it quick. Soon, a roaring fire sat in the middle of the site. The heat relaxed the face, made it easy for one to close their eyes.
Rations were on the low side, but not to worry. Most people had to make their own meals, which gathered no complaints. Evelyn, on one hand, was one of the few willing to share her reserves with one other person. She knew one of Shok’s comfort foods was nettle soup, and when she could she would harvest on their travels during the morning when she could forage. Thus, this night, she made enough soup for them both.
Ev sat next to Shok, Iss next to Ash, Tal to Bull, Cassandra to Taar. Varric, Vivienne, Cole, and Veil had already gone off to bed. The couples who stayed awake cuddled in close. Warm fire, hot food, cozy bodies. Safety. Comfort.
True home. 
Shok ate a roll of bread with his soup, it was a little stale but he didn’t seem to mind too much. Evelyn leaned up against him while she ate, he had an arm wrapped around her. The crackle of the fire was the loudest thing in the air as everyone sat in comfortable silence.
Iss and Ash sat the furthest from the group. They weren’t in private, but it was enough. Iss had his arm wrapped around Ash and held him close. Ash held a soft smile no one could see, a smile only available around Iss. His hardened muscles relaxed against Iss, fully content. In love.
Taar and Cassandra leaned against one another. Unless they were trying to feed each other. It surprised the group a bit, Taar wasn’t known for his romantic actions, but he did it for Cassandra. She loved him anyways, even if he was a bit blunt with his advances, she appreciates him. The group might’ve seen the cuter side of the two, but Taar was whispering to Cassandra the whole time, things that the group doesn’t need to hear.
Tal proudly sat in Bull’s lap. Their soft whispers ignited giggles and chuckles between the two. Both constantly smiled. They had finished eating first, mostly so that they could hold each other close and tight.
Once they were finished, Shok and Ev called it a night. The cold bit at their faces when they moved from the fire and into their tent. Ev began to shiver moments after she moved away. “C’mere,” Shok said as he wrapped his arms around her. Her teeth began to chatter and she curled up against him in the tent. He was only mildly cold, his time growing up in the mountains hardened his resistance. 
Shokrakar lay down in the tent, Ev on top of him curled up still. His arms and hands covered most of her body as he held her. Fresh, warm sleepwear and thick covers weren’t enough for her, she had to be next to her Vhenan. In truth, Shok needed to be next to his Kadan as well. Holding her made his heart swell, he couldn’t help but place a soft kiss on the crown of her head. And Ev couldn’t help but smile from that. There was more than one kind of warmth in that tent. Her shivering subsided as she began to drift off, a soft, “Ar lath ma, Vhenan,” escaped her lips. A phrase she never means lightly. A phrase that encompassed her love for him. A word that means something so great, not even the common tongue could accurately define it.
Shok closed his eye, a tender smile across his lips. He knows the phrase, and the word within it. Almost able to feel her emotion, her love for him every time she says it. But he also felt that same admiration in the nettle soup she made earlier. In the comfortable silence. Her soft touches and light massages in his more problem areas in an effort to help relieve. He knows. And she knows he feels the same. The way he holds her, shows her his vulnerabilities, how soft his voice gets when she’s around, the things he knits for her that she holds near and dear to her heart. A sleepy voice, “I love you too, Kadan.” he whispers back. The word also held a strong meaning. The couple might not be the best with words, but they feel the emotion behind them either way.
Taar and Cassandra were next to head off to bed. Their romance turned much more passionate behind the flap of the tent. What better way to keep warm than to roll around naked with each other? Blood pumping, hearts racing. Hot breaths and bodies. They weren’t exactly quiet, half the camp got annoyed but no one complained. They couldn’t really. The camp knew they’d keep going anyways. 
They were new to each other, but they do care for the other. They might not have said their “I love you”s, but it has been building. It’s there in their hearts. Especially when they hold each other after their passion. Soft panting. Hiding under the covers. Sharing breaths. Calming down together. Staying. Slowly, Taar and Cassandra both slip into a dream as they hold each other. Unspoken words that would only come once they are ready.
Bull carried Tal to bed, as he had fallen asleep in his arms while they were around the fire. Bull might have been known as a rough warrior, but the way he holds Tal, the gentle touch so soft as to not wake him. Bull gets his Kadan comfortable, confident that he won’t wake him. He sits up and softly smiles at Tal, thinking how adorable he is when he sleeps. He’s cute. He’s loving. He’s amazing. Bull lightly chuckles and leans down to place a kiss on his forehead. He could’ve sworn Tal smiled real quick afterwards. 
Bull soon joins him under the covers, Tal’s arms are wrapped around him before he’s properly settled. But he doesn’t mind at all, he holds him back. Close. Tight. Bull slowly closes his eye with a soft hum, content with the beautiful man in his arms.
Iss and Ash are the last ones out. They don’t want to move. Already content where they are amongst the heat of the fire. The old lovers stay out for a while longer, not worried about showing so much softness. Iss doesn’t mind at all, in fact he finds Ash’s grumpiness quite cute, but tonight felt more romantic to keep him soft. He knows Ash is only tender around him, and he’s quite smug about it. There’s a time and a place to out his softness to others, but it wasn’t the time tonight. “Time for us to head to bed, my Dear?” Iss kissed his temple.
With a soft grumble, “Yeah.” But Ash didn’t move. He just held on tighter.
Iss chuckled and placed another kiss. “That requires moving, Dear.” Then Ash grumbled in response. That’s when Iss moved his hand up underneath his knees and stood up to carry him. Ash was twice his size, but he had magic on his side.
“Iss! What’re you doing?” Ash protested, now moving to try and get Iss to drop him. 
He laughed as he continued to carry him to their tent, “Ah! Now you move!”
“Put me down!” He demanded.
Once Iss got inside the tent, he tried to gently place Ash down. But with Ash’s consistent squirming, it was more of a landing. Iss playfully shook his head, “Kadan… that could’ve ended much smoother.”
“You carried me!”
“That I did. Now we don’t have to move. We can cuddle.”
“We were cuddling!” Ash sat up a bit with a huff. 
“Yes, but,” Iss placed a soft kiss on his grumpy lips, “Now we can fall asleep.” Ash grumbled and grunted. He kicked off his boots in defeat. “Now, now, it isn’t so bad, Dear. Just relax.”
Now came their night routine. Treating each other’s scars and old wounds. Iss would rub treatment oil on Ash’s back. The toils of fighting hard. Iss held a tender smile as he focused his efforts onto Ash. Ash still huffed and grunted over being carried. “I love you, Kadan,” Iss softly spoke.
Ash smiled tenderly. Even through his hard shell, there was one person who made him feel safe to be soft. “I love you, too, Kadan.” Their love old, but still somehow new. Once Iss was content taking care of Ash, he held the old warrior in his arms in an embrace that told him he was safe and loved. Ash held back with just as much intent. And with a wave of Iss’ hand, the lantern inside the tent would go out.
The camp was finally quiet. Safe. Asleep. Dreaming. Tender.
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theentiregdtime · 5 years
Can,,you write charlie and Mac just,,dancing,,and they kiss and it's cute and it's at night outside to stupid bad music and they end up on the roof watching
It's New Year's Eve in the K-Mart parking lot.
Well, it's New Year's Eve everywhere. It just so happens that Mac and Charlie are spending it in the K-Mart parking lot.
The store's been abandoned for a couple years now (from the looks of it, there was a fire), so the lot is always empty. It's a nice place to come to watch the fireworks.
There are other places, sure, but Dennis and Dee are out of town for the holiday, and neither of them wants to be at their own house right now. Their moms have different brands of bullshit going on, and none of it's easy to be around.
But it's easy when it's just the two of them. It's easy, lying on their backs on the asphalt, shoulders pressed together, the sky sparkling above them.
Mac's got his walkman going while he watches. He'd offered to share with Charlie, but he refused- said he really wanted to hear the explosions. A Dream Academy album he got from the thrift store is playing on loop, and he doesn't exactly know who they are, but it isn't bad. It's not very cool, but.. Mac likes a lot of music. He likes soothing, upbeat music he would never admit to liking out loud.
"Hey, Charlie?" he speaks softly, like it's okay if he doesn't get an answer, it's okay if the words drift into the cool air and up to the night sky.
But Charlie answers. "Yeah, man?"
Mac's eyes dart all over, trying to make out the stars past the glare of streetlights and pyrotechnics. His hands are folded over his chest where he drums his fingers against his parka.
Taxis are calling and the angels are falling down into the garden of truth...
He swallows and thinks about the past year. He thinks about the next one and the next one and the next one- wonders if he'll ever feel like he's truly in the right place and the right time, if he'll ever think yeah, this is where I belong. Mac wonders if his existence will ever be consummated. He wonders if he'll ever finish building himself so he can finally step back and see who he is when he's complete.
"What's your New Year's resolution?" he asks, and it's sort of like asking all of that.
Where two star-crossed lovers cut across one another...
Charlie shifts, wiggling his legs like a cricket and stuffing his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. He seems confused by the question, or maybe suddenly aware of the fact that he's supposed to have goals. Mac hopes he hasn't ruined the moment of just being here. Sometimes he gets so anxious and he can't stop thinking about the future, about future Mac and future Charlie and if they're gonna be all right.
"Uh, I don't know. I sorta forgot to think of one." A couple of discount-store fireworks crackle in the distance and fizzle out. "I guess I'll figure it out when we get there."
Mac giggles and leans on his elbow, gawking down at Charlie. "Dude, it's in, like, ten minutes!"
Charlie shrugs.
"You gotta stop worrying, Mac. I make things up as I go." He turns his head to meet Mac's gaze. He smiles like he's totally at peace with who he is and who he's gonna be, like he just has faith- more than Mac does, and Mac is usually so good at faith. "We'll be fine."
We'll be fine, he repeats in his head.
Five years from now, they'll be fine- maybe they won't be in college like Dee and Dennis, maybe they'll still be kicking around abandoned parking lots and throwing rocks at cars, but they'll get by. Ten years from now, they'll be fine- they'll make enough money to stay afloat, they'll live off grilled cheese and wear the same socks for a week and skate around in them on the kitchen floor. Twenty years from now, they'll be fine- they'll be...
Well, Mac has no idea where they'll be twenty years from now. That seems like an eternity away. Hell, they'll be, like, almost forty. But he knows they'll be together and that's exactly the same as knowing they'll be okay.
Kiss me, he thinks he hears Charlie say.
Mac shakes his head, stunned, the ghost of a dreamy smile on his face. "What?"
"I said I can't see, man," Charlie whines. He cups Mac's cheek and nudges him out of the way.
He's focused on the old, ashen K-Mart building for some reason. Mac scoots up onto his butt and follows his line of sight, spotting some big, booming fireworks of the not-so-legal variety. He can barely make them out behind the building, and behind the trees on the other side of it.
"I bet that's cool," Charlie mumbles, and he can hear the disappointment in his voice.
There's no way they'll be able to see the show from the ground, and they don't exactly have any dirt mounds or fire escapes to view it from. But Mac doesn’t want to let Charlie down, so he’s gonna figure this out- he's gonna be the hero.
If they were at his house, they could sit on the roof or something, but...
He grins to himself as three more fireworks go off in rapid succession. He's got this.
Mac stuffs his walkman into his coat and springs up off the ground like a frog. Charlie's raising an eyebrow at him like he knows he's about to do something dumb. He's usually right, but not this time!
"Come on," Mac urges, offering a hand.
He chews his lip, looking skeptical at first, but taking it anyways. Mac hoists him up without any struggle (or at least, he pretends there isn't a struggle).
"Trust me."
He gives Charlie’s hand a squeeze and starts off across the parking lot, tugging him in tow like a Radio Flyer. He doesn't protest, aside from some surprised yelps when Mac pulls especially hard or swings him in one direction or another.
When they reach the building, Mac stops running, but doesn't let go. The two of them stand there, hand in hand, while he comes up with a plan. He needs to find a ladder. There's usually one on the side of these buildings. If there isn't, maybe there's at least a tall dumpster they can climb.
"Mac, we don't have to-"
They're off again before Mac processes that Charlie was even talking. Halfway down the wall, he spots a ladder with a round cage over it. He releases his grip and ducks under the steel, hopping until he can grab the bottom bar with his fingertips. It bruises down to his bones, but he's used to hurting himself, and it doesn't actually feel like he broke anything this time, so it's cool.
He climbs a few bars until he can get a foothold, then glances back over his shoulder.
"You comin'?"
Charlie seems hesitant, but still excited. He definitely wants to go through with it- sometimes he needs a little encouraging, is all.
"If we get to the top before midnight," Mac sing-songs, "I'll think of your resolution for you."
Charlie considers it for a bit, and he must figure it sounds like a pretty good deal, because he starts nodding to himself.
"All right," he agrees and crouches under the cage.
He's a little shorter, so he's probably gonna have trouble jumping up. Mac doesn't think he can assist him from his position, though, so he just eggs him on. A dare or a bet is usually enough to get Charlie to do whatever he wants.
"Last one up has to kiss Dee!" Mac snorts and starts his ascension.
"Hey, no fair!" he shrieks. "It's a ladder, Mac!" 
He can hear Charlie frantically leaping behind him, his sneakers landing on the ground over and over again with pathetic little thunks.
"See you at the top!"
When he reaches the roof, Mac throws his leg over and pulls himself up with his knee. He rolls in a very awesome way he knows makes him look like an action hero, then leans over the ledge to extend an arm.
"It's okay, dude," he chuckles, "you don't have to kiss Dee."
Charlie takes his hand and lets him hoist him up. Mac nearly pulls his shoulder muscle, and ends up having to use both arms to lift him.
It's not easy, but he makes it. They both make it. They'll always make it, no matter what.
They move to the center of the rooftop, looking out over the birches until one of the big, badass fireworks shoots up and blows to pieces. It's definitely worth the climb.
"Whoa," Mac breathes.
"Yeah," Charlie agrees, "whoa."
He reaches over to place a hand between Charlie's shoulder blades, and they stay like that for a long time, enjoying the fireworks show and each other's company. Mac knots his fingers into the back of Charlie's hoodie every time a sudden blast startles him, but receives no complaints.
"Can I see that?" Charlie asks, gesturing to Mac's walkman.
Mac nods, leaving it in his jacket but giving Charlie the headphones. He slides them over his messy hair and flashes a grin. It's loud enough that Mac can still mostly hear the song, but not too loud. All he can make out is a soft hey ma ma ma ma.
His hands drift to Charlie's chest, then to his sides, then suddenly they're flat on his waist. Charlie doesn't object, or even seem surprised. He winds his arms around Mac's neck and inches closer, and all at once they're dancing.
And it just feels natural. It feels like they could be on this same rooftop, having gone nowhere in life, five, ten, twenty years from now, and as long as they were together, it'd be okay. Mac feels at ease for the first time in a long time.
Then Charlie's pulling away.
"Wait," he says, and Mac thinks for a second that he might not want to dance, and it's like a nail through his chest.
But Charlie simply smiles and pulls the headphones down around his neck. Mac can hear the music better now.
Then they’re in position again, Charlie's hands on his shoulders and Mac's fingers playing with the belt loops on his jeans. The fireworks are still going off, but they aren't watching them, they're rocking back and forth and smiling and watching each other instead.
Life in a northern town echoes out of the walkman.
They dance like that long enough, swaying, clothes ruffling against one another's, that it occurs to Mac all at once they might be in the New Year.
"Oh, shit! What time is it?"
"I dunno," Charlie responds. "I thought you knew. Did we miss it?"
Mac can see himself in Charlie's eyes, and he looks more at peace than he thought he would. He wonders if he could look into them and see himself next year, and the next year, and the next year, until the end of time.
"Do you want to... pretend we didn't?" tumbles out of his mouth before he knows what he's saying.
Charlie stands up on his tip toes and squeezes Mac's coat, the polyester crinkling in his hand.
"Okay," he whispers back.
Then they're counting together, hardly loud enough to hear over the music.
"Ten... nine... eight..."
And though he'd never wave goodbye...
"Seven... six... five..."
You could see it written in his eyes...
"Four... three... two..."
As the train pulled out of sight...
Mac's not sure if he kisses Charlie or Charlie kisses him, but they're definitely kissing and oh my god. Charlie's scrunching his hands into Mac's jacket and Mac is sliding his palms over the small of Charlie's back. There are pins and needles making their way all down his arms, like everything in him is trembling, everything is on fire, fireworks are erupting in the night sky and underneath his skin at the same time. It feels like his entire body is falling asleep and it feels like waking up for the first time in forever. It feels like he's standing at the threshold of the next five years, ten years, twenty years of his life, and God hasn't told him explicitly, but he has a feeling it'll all work out just fine.
"Whoa," Charlie says when they pull apart, far enough to breathe but close enough to feel each other’s breath.
Mac knows he shouldn't have done that. He knows it was bad and he knows he'll have to say some prayers to make up for it tonight- or maybe he'll say them next year.
When Mac thinks about God, he's scared, and that's how he knows he loves him, but when he thinks about Charlie, he loves him, and that's how he knows he's not scared at all.
"Yeah," he echoes, "whoa."
Another cluster of explosions goes off and Charlie is suddenly distracted by them, still tight against Mac's chest, but with his wide eyes on the sky.
"So, uh... what's my resolution, Mac?" he asks as the song fades out.
Oh, yeah. He'd sort of forgotten about that.
"You know what? I think you were right before." Mac wraps an arm around Charlie's shoulders and they both turn to watch the fireworks. There's something in the embers raining down that says it's all right, it's going to be all right. "We'll figure it out when we get there."
They're only fifteen minutes in, but this year is pretty good already. Mac has a feeling the next one will be, too, and the next twenty, as long as he and Charlie are there together.
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