#but confused as to why I'm getting such a controversial question about an anime that I've barely interact with here
innocentimouto · 1 year
Do you support yeagerists and Floch Forster's stance by the end of the series?
Okay so I haven't actually finished the series. Funny story. I found aot on Pinterest because they wouldn't stop showing me freaky pins of titans and Levi Ackerman's face and I thought why. This animation looks so weird, the outline is so thick and what do you mean that's a spoiler everyone knows his last name and why does everyone think he is good looking he looks so depressed---ohhhh
Anyway, we all know how long the anime took, so I read the manga. Then gave up and over time kept coming across panels on Pinterest. So I kind of know the ending but not really. I'm waiting for November.
I'm missing the main big controversial thing here, but I will say I like Floch and Eren a lot. And am really hoping whatever controversial thing is supposed to happen doesn't ruin Eren for me.
I think it also depends on how aot is consumed. I view the anime from the understanding that it poses the question of what really makes a good person good and a bad person bad? Is there such a thing, or are people just complex beings who have to make a mix of both when faced with war and death? What right do people who live normal lives have to judge people who are in war and faced with extinction and loss of homes and safety and families? And sure, there are degrees to horrible things, but at the end of the day, views like these seem dependent on culture, religion, upbringing.
If I were to strictly answer from my own view based on the three mentioned above, I would say no, I could never because it violates the views that I have. But within the anime, I understand their motivations and the dire circumstances they were in and having the whole world against you doesn't leave you many options.
But even trying to ignore my culture/religion/upbringing (if that's really possible), I don't think I could live with myself if I agreed to let the whole world be wiped out. And just like Hange and the others opposing Eren, I don't have a solution.
They were already developing weapons to kill titans. At some point the Rumbling wouldn't be an unstoppable force, especially with the whole world banding together. They tried leaving the world alone and living peacefully. That's what the first king did, and somehow Will Tybur still hated himself despite knowing they were capable of good. Most of the world hated them too because of Marley utilizing titans as weapons and Zeke certainly didn't help by turning others into titans.
So to me, it can come down to two things: admire Floch and Eren for taking on this horrible burden to save their people, or be horrified that someone could be capable of such a thing.
For me, I admire them, because Eren knew it was horrible and Floch was stunned at hearing Eren's plan too, and at the end of the day, they're barely adults. Even if they were adults, they're people. And my understanding from aot, is that even "monsters" are people. They have feelings, loved ones, degrees of kindness and mercy, awareness that what they're doing is hurting others, guilt, moments of doubt, dreams, etc.
I think the idea of calling someone a monster is meant to distance oneself from the idea that you could ever become what they became. It's uncomfortable to look at people do horrible things and then find humanizing things about them, but I think it's important to accept.
Anyway, that's the gist of it I guess. I find it admirable to love your people and loved ones so much you're willing to become a "monster" for them, to face the rest of the world for them. Doesn't mean I support it or didn't feel horrible over watching Ramzi and many others die. I think these feelings can coexist.
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Mori Ougai (I just want to talk about him)
Guys, I've been thinking a lot lately about Mori and his Beast counterpart. I really, really, really love Beast Mori and everything that he represents. He's not just the "good Mori." In my eyes, and others as well, he represents Mori's humanity (side note: I'm not saying Mori is secretly a hero or something) and what main story Mori could've been if he wasn't in the mafia.
I also just want to talk about Mori in general because he's actually very fascinating and more complex than some make him seem.
Just hear me out, ok?
Also, shoutout to @hopefull-mindset. Their analyses on BSD have been very interesting and definitely have given me a different perspective on Mori and helped me understand Beast Mori so much more.
Anyways, these are just a pile of thoughts I have on Mori as I began to understand him more. Please note: these are my personal thoughts gathered through lots of analyses digging and reflection on his character. If you dislike Mori, that is completely valid.
Understanding Beast Mori
When I first read Beast, I was so confused. How could Mori be so different when every other character had basically the same personality? Mori in the main story is cruel, cold, and manipulative. Yes, he is very pragmatic and smart, but that doesn't take away from his bad qualities. However, the more I dug deeper into the mystery of Beast Mori, the more things started to make sense. The Mori we meet in Beast is still the same Mori from the main story. And for those who question that, look at Beast Aku and Beast Atsushi. They may have swapped organizations but their fundamental traits are still the same. Atsushi, PM or ADA, still has major guilt and self-worth issues that stem from the Orphanage Director. Aku is the same. Even if he is in the ADA, he still has his intense bloodlust and determination.
So, why is Mori different? As @hopefull-mindset has pointed out in one of their posts, he's in a different environment. There are no negative influences or stressors unlike the mafia. Also, he's working with children. Children often represent innocence and positive emotions. Mori, surprisingly, is really good with kids because we the see the orphanage thrive in his care. It makes perfect sense that Mori, who likes kids (and not in the creepy way), would learn to become a more caring figure. In the main story, Mori is often presented as a necessary evil; he's the dark to Fukuzawa's light. But now that Dazai replaced him, Mori can act without always making the optimal solution at the cost of anyone that gets in its way, himself included.
Honestly, I think Beast Mori does humanize him. It doesn't erase the wrongs he did (and believe me, I haven't forgotten), but it does show you a different perspective. Beast shows us that Mori has complexities. He's not just an evil monster for the heroes to overcome. There's more to him than that.
Note: I am not saying any of his actions towards Yosano, Dazai, or any other character are justified. He hurt them emotionally and psychologically. It wasn't fun to watch or read. Saying Mori is more than a one dimensional villain doesn't take away from the bad things he did. I'm just trying to offer a different perspective because Beast Mori is that interesting, at least to me.
I've never been able to fully reconcile with this aspect of Mori. It is weird. It is uncomfortable. It is perplexing. Elise to an extent, is Mori. She is a part of him manifested and can act on her own. And I get the controversy behind it; it's not normal. That being said, never have we seen Mori in either the manga or the anime act in that nature towards her or even Yosano. He makes weird comments about Elise, sure, but nothing super explicit. At most, they're treated as weird jokes. And, for the record, that doesn't make them ok or any better. I won't argue back and forth on this topic because it's a difficult subject.
However, I don't believe he is actually a *you know what* because of Beast Mori's entire existence. Riddle me this, why would Asagiri-sensei write a character as a *you know what* and then have his counterpart work at an orphanage full of children? That, at least to me, crosses a moral line. It makes it even more weird and uncomfortable. Also, idk about y'all, but I wouldn't find it fun or quirky if someone portrayed a very famous and beloved author as a perverted creep, just saying.
So, where did Elise even come from then? Well, she's a companion to Mori in many ways. He's rarely seen without her. Mori's backstory is a mystery to us. My honest theory is that Elise manifested as a companion for Mori because he was in a really bad spot. Either he was abused in some shape or form or was very isolated and alone. We know that Mori's had her since the Great War. He was 26 at that time. That's still fairly young so I think it's safe to say he's had her since he was a child or a teenager. Of course, I could be wrong. But based off what we know about abilities so far, I think it's safe to say that Elise didn't manifest without reason.
The Optimal Solution
Going into more speculation about Mori's backstory, I have so many questions. Mori essentially has the same big question as Kunikida for me: when and why did he decide to follow the optimal solution. For Kunikida, it's his ideals. Both characters stick so adamantly to their beliefs that it leads to conflict externally and internally. Mori's optimal solution is the reason why Yosano was traumatized.
It just got me thinking, when did he develop this line of thought? After all, a kid who grew up with an average life usually doesn't worry about the "optimal solution." Between this and Elise, I strongly believe he came from a dysfunctional home. It would certainly explain why he tells Dazai that the latter reminds him of himself. Mori is very good at repressing his emotions; he's hard to read which makes him dangerous. He likes to take advantage of situations and manipulate them to his will, or whatever he deems to be the optimal solution. The battle with Fukuzawa during the Cannibalism arc is a good example of this. Mori knew he couldn't win so he decided to get Fukuzawa to let his guard down enough to strike. In my area of study at school, the home life of a person can be very telling as to why someone may act in a certain way. Mori coming from a rough home without love seems pretty plausible to me.
Mori is a very well-written character with a lot of complexities that tend to get overlooked. Why does he do what do? At what point did he decide to follow his optimal solution? It's such an interesting question because it affects so many characters and situations.
If y'all got this far, congrats! I hope that people will take the time to look deeper at his character. You don't have to like Mori. I'm just tired of people portraying him as something he's not. I also don't want fans harassing other fans because they like Mori. And I'll admit it, I was so quick to judge both him and Francis. Had I kept up my shield and continued to shoot unwarranted hatred at them, I wouldn't have appreciated their characters as I do now.
And yes, I do overhate on Fyodor (mainly bc the man is cockroach and he hurt Kunikida). I get it. However, I know Fyodor is a deeply complex character. His way of thinking is actually quite fascinating and I have so many questions about him. I don't like Fyodor, but I'm not gonna let my personal grievances stop others from enjoying him.
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kinda controversial and weird take from a DEEPLY confused transmasc agender person !! pls tell me if im being insensitive or offensive towards anybody, the point of this is to try to understand things better
will address topics such as confusing gender shit, confusing sexuality stuff, talk about between-the-legs privates (kinda, just mentions), and other stuff like that !! so dont read if ure sensitive to all this.
(let it be said that i'm writing this in the middle of the night, so please excuse any grammatical or logical mistakes)
my question is, basically: why is sexuality based on gender? shouldn't it be based on genitalia or biological sex instead?
to me, gender doesn't make sense. no matter how many different ways its explained in, i don't get it. mainly because its such a subjective thing, and the experience on it varies for everyone. i recognise that its important somehow in society and is an essential part of a lot of people's lives, but i just cant see it as something that is real. it's such an odd thing to have made up as a species (to my knowledge, no other animal has something like it), and it seems pointless to me. hella abstract concept. i dont like it. i also understand that there is a difference between gender identity, gender expression, pronouns, and many other things, which only makes it all the more difficult.
this all (especially the last point) makes sexuality very confusing to me, as i dont see how one can differentiate individuals based on qualities that aren't really defined at all. there are no guidelines on what being a woman, man, enby, or any other gender means, so how can you be sure that you are only attracted to certain (if any) gender/s at all?
say, for example, that you like only one gender (not talking about bio sex rn). you get to know someone that you find sexually appealing, only to later find out that they are of a gender (not sex) other than the one you are (usually) attracted to. i would assume that that would change how you think about your sexuality and not how you feel about that person. but then, that's a thing that can happen to anybody, which makes me think that there's no way anyone can truly be certain of their sexuality.
however, at least for me, genitals are not something that your "attraction" towards can change, or at least not so easily/simply. if ure disgusted by a type of privates then theres not much you can do about it, like how you cant exactly change whether you like a food or not. AND they're always there.
another example, this time shorter (simpler???): you know for sure you like pussy, and you know for sure you dont like cock (we're talking strictly sexual attraction rn, btw). gender wouldnt rlly matter in this situation, since a person of any can have any set of parts.
you get my point?
im not trying to start trouble or shit like that, i genuinely just dont understand. pls explain this to me !!!!
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Have you thought about dating?
What are your thoughts on the controversial hagakure cover?
Do you think there is a bnha character that can beat goku? ¿If not who is the who would came closest to defeating him?
These questions really confused me for a second and then I remembered this post from yesterday lolol
I got out of a long relationship in 2019 and haven't been interested since. Graduated grad school, made two big moves, started new jobs, made new friends, kept old friends, etc. It's not a priority for me at all. I'm also pretty emotionally unavailable lol
I think it was truly an atrocity. Like, worse than anything he's ever done to Mirko imo. The "keep out" tape, the fact that she's irrelevant to the plot and had no reason for getting a gratuitous cover page, and the fact that it had fuck nothing to do with that chapter too. It was a chapter with Midoriya, Shigaraki, Mirio, etc. in it. Why did she get a cover page first of all, and second of all, why did it look like it would give someone a completely different idea of what genre this manga is. Why. I mean, I know WHY, but also, why. Horikoshi needs to end this manga, get married, and get laid and spare us all.
LOL this question is so funny because a buddy of mine always makes fun of anime watchers who only care about whether or not a character can be Goku in a fight 😂. Power scaling isn't my thing, and I know next to nothing about DBZ. So I'm taking a shot in the dark here but my guess would be nomu-fied Shigaraki or AFO in his prime state--meaning no breathing mask and no obstructions to him fighting to the fullest. But tbh idk, I know nothing about Goku other than people joke that it takes him 7 episodes to fire off one attack lmao
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sapphicmarxism · 4 years
Cowboys, Spaceships, and Dealing With Loss
(Major plot spoilers for Cowboy Bebop, although if you haven't seen it yet, just fucking watch it. You won't regret it)
For those of you who, for some reason, haven't seen it, Cowboy Bebop is a 1998 western/noir/sci-fi action anime that managed to blend together incredibly diverse genres and become a cult classic show, often being considered one of the best anime of all time. It follows the adventures of the bounty hunter crew of the ship. The crew consists of five main characters. Spike, a sarcastic ex-gangster, running from his past. Jet, an ex-detective with a metal arm and captain of the Bebop. Faye, a woman who was frozen for 54 years after being in an accident and now lives with crippling debt. Ed, a 13 y/o computer genius with a whimsical, childish personality. And Ein, a corgi.
It's hardly controversial to say that Cowboy Bebop was a landmark show and a major step forward in how we view animation as a storytelling medium. What's less talked about is how every character shows living with loss in a unique way.
Ed's story is one that will hit close to home for a lot of people. She was abandoned by her father who was too involved in his work to make time for her. She had ended up in an orphanage and eventually on her own completely. She has to deal with losing her only parental figure and she does this by simply never growing up. She acts childish (even by the standards of a 13 y/o) so she doesn't have to face the reality that her father abandoned her. As she sees the crew of the Bebop, the only family she'd ever known, splitting up, she sets out on her own again, trying to find her father and in denial of his faults.
Faye Valentine is a woman out of time. Having been involved in an accident fifty-four years before, she had been frozen and thawed out when they had the technology to save her. She was left in debt and without any memories of her memories, now in a world she didn't recognize. One of the first men she meets ends up betraying her and she has to go on the run. She spends her life desperately trying to find information about her life and escape her debt. When her memories are finally returned to her, she goes to see an old friend who was now in old age. She talks briefly, until the woman's granddaughter comes up and when she asks who Faye, is she responds that she's nothing more than a ghost, before walking off. Faye spent her whole journey in the show trying to figure out who she is, but when confronted with the answer, she realizes something. Who she was doesn't matter anymore. That part of her life is over and she's ready to start again.
Jet's story is one of betrayal. He lost his love, his faith and his arm. When he was a younger man, Jet was a big shot detective for the ISSP, attempting to weed out the corruption within the force, but we all know what happens to good cops. In the episode Black Dog Serenade, Jet is enlisted by his old partner on the force to help retake a prison transport ship that had been taken over by death row inmates, namely a syndicate assassin that Jet believed cost him his arm all those years before. The truth comes out on that ship, his own partner with a gun drawn on him, that he was the one that set Jet up. Jet is finally forced to confront a part of his past he tried to hide from behind hobbies like his bonsai trees.
Spike is often considered the main character of the show and it's easy to see why. He has some of the most depth of any character from that era of television. This is owed in large part to /what/ it is was he loss. Spike lost more than just his lover, he lost his life. The way he grapples with this is largely through his sarcastic, "devil may care" attitude. He faces down every challenge, even near-certain death, with a smile on his face. In his eyes, he's already dead, so why should he fear death? He becomes reckless, uncaring for his own life. He smokes cigarettes, chases bounties, gets into shoot outs, never once stops to question if he should be rushing his life like this. Eventually, he's faced with the realization that he can't run from all his problems when the love of his life comes back to him, then gets killed.
The Finale
For once in his life, Spike feels responsibility. He views Julia's death as his fault and he's finally facing reality. As Faye tries to stop him from going to end the conflict that took Julia's life, he reveals to Faye that one of his eyes is glass. He states that he sees the present through one eye and the past through the other and that it leaves his life feeling like a dream he'll never wake up from. Up until now, he had been dealing with his loss by simply not dealing with it. He used cigarettes to ground himself when he felt like he was floating away, he used alcohol to numb himself when he felt too much, and he used sarcasm to distance himself when people get too close. he leaves her with the words, "I'm not going to die, I'm going to find out if I was ever alive."
After he shoots Vicious down, Spike stumbles away while holding his fatal sword wound. He looks out over the confused mobsters that were waiting for him, aims his finger at them like a gun, and mumbles "bang." He falls to the ground, dead, and the credits roll. As the show comes to a close it fades to black and five words come up on screen.
You're gonna carry that weight.
The message is that, much like the crew of the bebop, we have to carry the weight of our lives. Our guilt, our grieving, our sadness, and our loss. The question now falls to us. How do we carry our weight?
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Tanooki Zoo was the biggest zoo in the city and the only place hiring right now despite all the controversy surrounding it. The lion man that called the zoo his home was rather frustrated most of the time; he had tried to swipe away one of the female onlookers and the zoo had to shut down for a couple days while the staff ‘dealt with the situation’. When Tanooki reopened the enclosure had a net over the top with warning signs that said ‘shock net’. Females were not allowed to see him because the zoo was afraid of injuries or casualties. The lion man never showed himself that much after all this happened. Some wondered if he was really in that enclosure
You were fresh out of college and needed a job while you looked for an internship and this was your only option. So you filled an app online and oddly enough got a call that night. The manager sounded.. excited for you to start but you thought nothing of it. The next day you could start so you made sure to go to bed early . Meanwhile at the Tanooki zoo the manager was closing a door behind him walking over to a steel wall with a barred door that separates him from the lion enclosure. He had a piece of meat in his hand, he stopped just short of the door when a long arm shot out from the bars. Long black claws with scars on the fingers that traveled to the fuzzy yellow arm . The fur was unkempt , with twisting lines that seemed to have permanently burned the fur off in those spots. The manager dropped the meat just out of reach , he turned on his heels leaving the enclosure and the arm retracted slowly back between the bars, scratching them in the process.
The next day you woke up early to get ready and head over to Tanooki Zoo. Admission let you in , it was weird being at the zoo before it opened. Very quiet and open. It took you awhile to find the office, you had stopped to see all the enclosures. Lots of different animal men, they all seemed pretty calm and easy going. Was the lion really that bad? You decided to go check it out for yourself .
The path to the enclosure was blocked off though . ‘Under construction’ it said. It did not look like it needed construction though.. Just when you were about to duck under the tape a hand grabbed your elbow pulling you back. You stumbled standing up to see a tall man looking rather curious. “Somebody is eager , nice to meet you y/n. You can call me Tobio. I'm the manager of this place, and i would suggest staying away from Kei. Hes still a little iffy.”
Your face flushed with embarrassment. Great, your first day and you were already messing up. “I'm so sorry!!! Being in a zoo before opening is so different than when it's full of people.”
Tobio rubbed the back of his head smiling. “I guess that's a good reason. It can be a different experience. Let's get you all ready and go over your jobs.” Tobio led you away from the enclosure quickly, a smirk crawling up his face at the angry growl he heard coming from it.
Tobio led you all around the zoo introducing you to the other staff. Everyone was nice for the most part. Hinata was in charge of feeding schedules and Tanaka was in charge of enclosure care. And Diachi was in charge of promos and whatever else he felt like doing. So what did you do..?
Tobio handed you a hat and a bag along with a poker and placed his hand on your hip while giving it a squeeze while you were distracted . The other men grimaced as they watched. You turned to him with confusion on your face. “A janitor ? Sir? Do I get to see the animals..?” Tobio patted your head. “Of course. Just stay away from Kei. Don't worry about him. And if we call you on the walkie answer okay? That goes for all of us. You never know if we might.. need you.”
This was weird.. Why was Tobio acting this way? Why couldn't you go see Kei? Tobio pat your back breaking you out of your trance. “Well cmon. We open in 10”
You adjusted the hat and fiddled with the poker making your way out of the office and Tobio grinned back at his staff. “ as long as she stays away..” he said closing the door behind you. “Shes all ours.” Tanaka said excitedly. “Do you really think she will though? That damn lion is in heat like every other day.” Hinata asked. Tobio leaned on the door with his hands in his pockets. “If any of you see her trying to go over to that damn cat just use the Walkie and get her to come to you. “
The first day the staff made sure to keep you away from Kei’s enclosure. Tobio made it clear he was the only one who could feed him since Kei ‘trusted’ Tobio the most . Throughout the day the staff called you over for ridiculous things. Tanaka needed help with squeezing into a hole one of the wolves dug to fetch his hat. Hinata could not reach something that was hidden under a bench and Daichi needed help with filling .. papers. It felt like each of them were staring at you at some point. Waiting for you to not notice so they could look or get closer. When you questioned them they just waved a hand saying ‘no no, you've it wrong’. After a long interesting first day you could leave . You punched out and made your way to the lockers rubbing at your left shoulder that had been carrying the bag of trash all day. Slowly you nudged the door open whining from the pain in your shoulder, you went to your locker grabbing your things when you heard a very loud roar.
You ran out of the locker room all the way to the enclosure to see Tobio walking over to his staff rubbing his arm, he was bleeding.
“Sir!! Are you alright?!”
He laughed . “Of course. I was just a little late bringing Kei is food is all. Go on home y/n.”
“O-ok but..”
A chill traveled from your back to your heels , you bowed quickly turning in your heels to leave.
“He could smell her right?” Tanaka asked, pulling bandages from his pocket.
“Yep. “
“ you didn't actually feed him right?” Hinata asked chuckling.
“Of course he didn't. “ Daichi answered. “He does not deserve to eat. “
Tanaka wrapped Tobios arm swiftly.
“Its what he gets for turning our girlfriends into dumb whores. That attack was not good for the zoo either. This one though, the new girl. Is ours.” Tobio said smirking at his friends.
Thank you @squeaky-ducky & @knifeewifee for pre reading this for me 🥰
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Hi there! I have a genuine q. Why do you most kuro fans believe Seb and Ciel are in an intimate relationship (that's not shown explicitly to readers)? I get all the fanservice (fangirl over it tbh), but the kid -freaks- when others touch him. It's even happened with Sebastian. Yana sensei hints the cult assaulted him so all the 'don't touch me!' moments stem from that. With Ciel's visible trauma, I'm kinda scratching my head why so many people legitimately think Ciel wants to do his butler?
Hello, Anon ~
Wow, that’s a very interesting question! However, I’m afraid Icannot speak for the whole fandom, so I can only give you my personal opinion.
Definitely, one of the things that encourage theshipping is the fanservice. Yaoi fans are naturally attracted to series withtwo male leads, and shippers of any kind will always start shipping charactersthat spend a lot of time together, have a close relationship and make a lot ofphysical contact, as those are the things that lead to a strong bond (romanticor otherwise) in real life. So if you add some nearly sexual situations,suggestive comments and a certain amount of possessiveness, what you got is(something resembling) a relationship. It’s only natural that the fans ship it. Yet, I can seeyou’re hintingsomething deeper than a platonic relationship and, while I’m not one ofthose who believe that they fuck behind closed doors, there are severalin-canon reasons why such a thing wouldn’t be so unlikely.
1.- Sebastian’s character
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Sebastianis portrayed in the manga as a very seductive human as well as a sinful demon.He’s what one would call a ‘lady-killer’, though it’s been made obvious throughthe manga that is not only ‘ladies’ that he’s interested in. We know he’s anexperienced seducer, but does he have any preferences?
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Yana addressed this topic in a post she called “Sebastian’s favoritetype” (  http://akumadeenglish.tumblr.com/post/127400149717/sebastians-favourite-type ) and we were told that, when it comes to sex,Sebastian does not care about gender or age - a curious answerthat I believe is a subtle way of addressing the controversial topic aboutSebastian and Ciel age difference - and when having a long-term human partnerhe seeks an outstanding beauty as well as a high class soul, and the authormentions Ciel having those qualities. So we can deduce something from this;Sebastian likes Ciel. Maybe not romantically, as we know demons can’t love thesame way humans do, but there’s definitely some attraction beyond mere curiosity.Sebastian chose Ciel and he did so very carefully. This is not fanservice, butrather, a part of the character’s development, a confirmed canon fact.  
Apart from that, we’ve seen Sebastian caring for Ciel many times in a muchdeeper fashion than the mere “omg, I’ll lose my breakfast!” I can’t list all themoments in which this is shown because there are many, but another bloggeralready did something similar. (See it here - http://rabid-bunny.tumblr.com/post/144133678003/i-was-wondering-do-you-think-sebastian-and-ciel)
So, we have attraction + care. Maybe that isn’t enough tosay that he loves Ciel, but for a demon, I’d say it’s close enough, so the ‘Seba’ part ofSebciel is definitely not unrealistic. Now we only have to prove that Ciel isjust as willing as Sebastian is.
2.- Ciel’s character
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Manga is a somewhat strict comic type. It followscertain guidelines and tropes that, while not mandatory, are to a certainextent what makes manga to be identified as manga. Those guidelines ofteninclude certain character archetypes. Think, for example, of a shonenprotagonist or a shojo heroine. And I’m sure that, when you think of other shonenprotagonists, Ciel seems kind of out of place. Well, that’s because Cielis a shota.
Shota is a manga genre that showcases underaged boysin sexual situations. And while it may seem controversial to the eyes of awestern reader, shota is a genre Yana is familiar with.
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(Image - To the left, a shota boy as portrayed in one of Yana’s previous works, Glamorous Lip. To the right, Ciel in a famous manga scene.)
That alone is enough to justify the possible sexualinterpretations of many of the scenes she has drawn, as they are not innocentlydone. The author knows very well what she’s writing about and she purposely teases the reader.But, as you say, Ciel is a character that has never shown any sexualinclination through the series, be it due to a traumatic past experience orsimply to his young age.  
Ciel’s sexuality is a very interesting topic itself and I’d gladlydedicate a whole post to it alone, but I’ll summarize or this will be too long; Ciel isdefinitely knowledgeable about sex, whether he likes it or not. He isn’t innocent, asmany readers claim him to be. (“I’m already a ‘lady’” – vol. 02 ch. 07 – Ciel, when asked if he was tooyoung for “that pleasurable thing”.)
He’s also old enough in his universe, regardlessof realism on that matter, as other characters are already exposed to sexualityat his age or even younger (Siegleinde, Alois, Joan…) Yet he’s definitely notstraight.
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Hehas expressed his disinterest in girls, women and marriage several times (“I don’thave time to associate with little girls”, vol. 01, ch. 02) and, while it maybe arguable that he has also refused his many male suitors (aka, asexuality),he didn’t hesitate when he had to use his ‘charm’ to seduce a man (ViscountDruitt, Edgard Redmond). He’s also been portrayed in many overly sexualizedscenes regarding men and, in fact, he also doesn’t get much female attention unlessthe eventual “aww, so cute…”, and the exception of Lizzy, his cousin, and Nina,the lesbian character, which suggests that the author is hinting the characteras homosexual. 
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Butthis alone doesn’t solve the problem of his fear. Ciel was probably abused,most likely by men, and he fears intrusive adults and intimate touches. Yet hedoesn’t seem to fear Sebastian’s touch, however. Yes, there was a moment inwhich he did, confused as he was in his illness, mixing reality with hallucinations.It wasn’t Sebastian who he feared, but rather the man his eyes were seeing.
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(Image - Hallucination vs reality; vol.19 ch. 90)
All the other times, he seems quite comfortable withit, including intimate touch. In fact, they initiate physical touch with eachother all the time. But, as for whether that’s enough to overcome Ciel’s phobia, that’s open for interpretation.
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3.- The very own nature of demons and the contract
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Thestory of Kuroshitsuji is a tale of lust. Sebastian lusts for Ciel. He desireshim. He’s possessive and doesn’t let anyone else threaten what’s his. (“The simple fact that someone other than I touches the Young Master disgusts me enough” - Sebastian in the 6th episode of the second anime season) He enjoys making him lookbeautiful (see “Sebastian’s favorite type” again). He takes delight fromripping off his clothes (refer to the CD Drama of pure, unadulteratedfanservice - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9vTgzWL41U  ) And more than anything he seeks to defilethe boy in every possible way. The more the boys sins, the richer his soulbecomes. And it is also a matter of pride. Sebastian is a sinful creature. Andhe’s never refused. Or he wasn’t — That’s is, until he met Ciel. Becauseno matter what he does, he never gets his Master’s approval. He keeps getting rejected.But he is perfection, so why is this? 
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Sometimes it looks like Ciel truly despises Sebastian.He belittles him, disrespects him and turns down any sign of affection. Onemight even think that they don’t even get along. But it’s not like it. Those around them can clearly see thatCiel trusts, needs and loves (romantically or not) Sebastian (vol 09, ch. 41)Still, the young earl is prideful and doesn’t show it. And Yana herself wrote yet anotherbeautiful post talking about this ( http://akumadeenglish.tumblr.com/post/110896308729/difference-between-alois-and-ciel-as-seen-by-yana ). It may not seem so interesting for those who don’t take theanime as canon, as it is a comparison between Ciel and Alois, but it definitelysheds some light to Sebastian and Ciel canon relationship, and it is indeed oneof Addiction vs Rejection.
“However manysweet candies ‘he’ gives me, Imust not be addicted to ‘him’.For 'he’ is not ahuman, but a beast.”
It shows Alois as the ‘weak’ part. The onewho surrenders, who falls into temptation. “Say that you love me” it’s one of hisquotes from the anime. It is very intense, in my opinion. Yet, that issomething we will never hear Ciel say to his demon, is it? That’s because Cielis portrayed as the one who doesn’t give in. He refuses temptation. He refusesSebastian. He will not let him be in control. But he does so only because hedoesn’t want thedemon to take advantage, not because he doesn’t enjoy it.
So, while I don’t believe that Ciel and Sebastian had ever had, sex, I’ll cite aquote that I like a lot, and it says “the Devil’s voice is sweet to hear”. So, those who believe that they did, are simplyassuming that Ciel gave in, that he surrendered to temptation. It is not aridiculous assumption, as such a thing is, in fact, a strong plot device ofKuroshitsuji. I can see how temptation could easily overpower fear. After all,Sebastian (or any other demon) is the incarnation of his Master’s desires. Hewould know what to say, where to touch… He would go asslowly as he needs, and whisper all the things Ciel yearns to hear. He wouldcomfort him, just like he always do when Ciel dreams about the things thathappened to him.
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Somepeople believe that Sebastian and Ciel’s relationship would be one of abuse(well, what kind of relationship do you expect to have with a demon??), yetultimately it’s all to Ciel’s choice. Sebastian is just a dog on a leash.
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So as to finally answer your question, I don’t believe thatCiel wants to do his butler, but rather, his butler wants to do him and it’s left to thereaders’ interpretation whether or not he will be able to do so.
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