#but depending on how long one lets her grow and change; the outcomes would be radically different
invinciblerodent · 10 months
I've been kinda thinking about character motivations, and reasons for decisions made in each playthrough all day, and I think the core of Iona's personal narrative is finally starting to expose itself to me, which is neat.
Like... while Arvid's arc is overall about him balancing the divine with the mundane, and learning to make decisions with his own needs in mind occasionally, Iona's is shaping up to be one of... the continual challenging of long-held beliefs, and picking through her own survival tactics like she's unpicking a big, painful knot in one's hair that's tugging at the skin. Her story is kind of looking like it's about finding the line between what's true, and what was merely said enough times to start sounding like the truth- about what even the liar was lied to, basically.
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From the beginning, when she's outed as specifically not a by-choice magic user, but a magical being, one with living sorcery in her veins, to her vehemently anti-magic community their warmth turns instantly to cold steel (even running to her husband for help and comfort only to meet scorn, rejection, and pain), she has had to constantly challenge herself, and try to find just how much of her view of the world was grounded in common sense, and how much of it is just... common nonsense.
It kind of works out beautifully that the first people she breaks bread with in the game are a guarded and jumpy young woman who is 100% lying to her (yeah, turns out she's an ardent worshipper of a dark, forbidden goddess), and a handsome, if foppish, city-type fellow, who only suspends his bristling about roughing it long enough to lay on the charm extra thick and obvious (whoops, a vampire- someone she would have ordinarily believed to be a mindless monster at that point).
Over and over in the story, Iona seems to have to completely reevaluate all the things she thinks she knows. Everything, from her idea of what a monster is, to where the line between morality, justice, and ruthless self-interest lies, to what love is and looks like (is it a contract? a mutually beneficial transaction? something different and delicate and precious and entirely new?), is constantly being challenged, and since the factors doing the challenging seem immutable, it has to be her who does the changing.
In the beginning portions of act 2, she was a little... noncommittal, about the whole ascension thing. Sure, in act 1 she was fully in favor of upending Cazador's whole schtick (in a "cool plan my guy, godspeed, have fun with that, glad that's not my mess to clean up" kind of way), and this thing, while literally diabolical, it was easy enough to see that it'd at least get results. Like, maybe the ends really would justify the means like they so often have so far, and the "number of souls" sacrificed were no more than an abstract that he at least seemed excited about. But meeting Dalyria and Petras (and experiencing that spark of genuine fear of Astarion then), talking to the attacking spawn, that (on top of everything else learned, including the sentience and potential benevolence in mind flayers and all that) is yet another very sharp pivot in her mind that exposes the whole thing for the nakedly amoral action it would really be.
Between that night in the Elfsong, and when we'll finally go to Cazador, she'll be slowly piecing together her thoughts on how much power is it really okay for just one person to take, how much revenge is justified, and at what point does it turn to harmful excess, to evil for its own sake, and there is something... that's imo kind of beautiful about how "not my circus, not my kobolds" turns into "I want you to live a life you can be proud of".
(In my headcanon, after the "the world can be a wonderful, kind place, Astarion, if you find your place in it" line she says in that post-attack callout, there is just a tiny bit of an insert of an expansion: it's just him asking, with an exhale that could pass for amused were it not for the somber look in his eyes, "you really believe that, don't you?" and her responding, with just a hint of a desperate edge, as if uncertain herself, "I have to. Otherwise, what's the point? To all this?")
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yourfavouritefighter · 7 months
OKAY SO IM KINDA NOT IN W GREAT MOOD RN SO IM GONNA RANT ABOUT THE JEKYLL AND HYDE MUSICAL since none of my irl pals are gonna listen you guys have to
-the whole plot hinges around the core idea that Henry himself is a man with good intentions who goes too far, and that he was warned to stop but he doesn’t and his own hubris and desire to have scientific recognition pushes him to extremes, and in turn-his and many other’s deaths.
—> that’s bullshit however, considering in the 1997 musical sound track (the most recent one i can get my hands on) there are more songs convincing Henry that he should carry on than their are dissuading him (considering they cut board of governors). allow me to list examples and why it’s stupid that he’s a man who was dissuaded but chose to walk a danger game path anyways.
—> firstly, his best friend Gabriel John Utterson, deeply trusted and level headed with a good moral compass “Henry you have come too far, remember what you have a stake” and “you’ve got to see it through” both stated in a song called “pursue the truth”. this song is heavily pivotal as it inspires Henry to continue when he wouldn’t have otherwise due to pressure from the board of governors of st jude’s hospital. In this song he was not told that going forward would be dangerous, John likely knew exactly what Henry was doing but wholeheartedly encouraged him, Henry trusted his judgement. He was not dissuaded.
—>Emma and Lisa, for the sake of coherency I’ll be referring to her as Emma as i’ll be using the newer soundtrack for this discussion. His wife to be, who he’s supposedly madly in live with; spends all of “i must go on” encouraging his pursuit of science, encouraging him to carry on his work. In lines like “when this all began, we knew there’d be a price to pay”, “too late to turn away”, reinforcing the idea in Henry’s mind that this is the best way forward- who cares about stuffy governors when those dear and near to him have expressed clear support of his work.
—>You could hypothetically argue that neither John nor Emma truly knew the extent to which Henry was going with his experiments, not truly understanding what he wanted to or was trying to achieve. However, if that was the intention the writers should’ve made that more overt considering later in the play they heavily emphasise the theme and idea that Henry has, quote “gone too far”, a phrase repeatedly used. Instead they lead the audience also view this as an honourable goal, due to the growing support of Henry and the audiences like of the characters at this point in the play.
Through the removal of Lanyon, the central conflict and core flaw of Henry Jekyll as a character has been removed, if he has no close friend to strongly and brutally disagree with him, it was no long *his* flaw that he carried on, it was no longer his fault, as the blame could be feasibly shared between him and those who encouraged him, shifting the play and narrative from a criticism of society in that extremism whether it be for or against change leads to a poor outcome, to being a story about how a well intentioned yet flawed scientist was misguided by his passion and loved ones, and payed the price.
-(next point because i’ve argued long enough about that.) was Henry Jekyll really as well intentioned as the play attempts to convey?
—>(Short answer, no. Long answer, potentially). Henry’s morality is heavily debatable, with it being dependant on the rendition of the play you watched, for the sake of the cohesion of the argument i’m going to be basing this entirely off of what i’ve seen of the 1997 and the 1995 plays.
—> firstly let’s discuss what the writers intended, or at least my perspective on what they were aiming to convey. within the opening scenes, we are greeted with Henry and his unnamed(?) father who is stuck in a mental asylum for reasons we as an audience are not privy to, Henry sings “lost in the darkness” a song establishing his motivations and goals as a character. I believe that the intention here was to give the viewer the impression that Henry as a character and person is moral and good, becoming misguided in his efforts to achieve his goals and save his father, eventually sacrificing himself for the sake of the safety of society, once the monster of his own well intentioned creation consumes him. So as a character it could be argued that he is moral. However i what the writers intended and what they conveyed are hugely different.
—> Due to the placement of Henry’s motivation being at the beginning of the play, the intention was likely to hook the audience into liking him as a character, forcing them to see how well intentioned he is before exploring his flaws and then eventually having him sacrifice himself to show his respectable morality as a character. However, by closely following this with “board of governors” (and the 1997 equivalent assumedly) we are hit with the whiplash of what was presented as a good person, and the man who argues with the board. Due to how bitter and cruelly he acts in a futile attempt to gain funding(?) and support for his project, the audience may rightfully assume that his kindness was a facade (especially since facades and the duality of man are central themes) and that Henry’s true colours are shown within this situation. If the writers truly intended to establish his perfect morality, they should have had Henry visit his father, and “lost in the darkness” take place after Henry is refused by the governors, so that his rage and refusal to take no for an answer is a shown to be a result of his stress and care for his father- not his questionable morality. This is because the audience will retain things that happen later in the play best, using them to form their impressions, so by shifting the placement of this scene it shifts the presentation of the character as a whole. But that is not what we are here to discuss.
—> Henry and Lucy. Another instance of Henry’s good morality working against him, as despite entering with the intention to find a test subject- he leaves having given Lucy his business card(?) and offering her support due to her situation. This eventually leads to her death, but it is another instance of his good morality, there were no strings attached to this aid, as Henry was a soon to be married man, and there is no implications that he finds her attractive (if you are to follow the play’s implications that Jekyll and Hyde are truly separate beings). So clearly you could argue that his morality is good, right?
—> Hyde. From a scientific standpoint, matter cannot be created or destroyed, going from that perspective, Hyde’s intentions cannot have just appeared-they had to be fuelled by Jekyll’s innermost desires and thoughts, especially since Hyde goes after those who have wronged Henry during “murder murder”. So the murderous impulses, the sketchy behaviour and outright illegal behaviour towards Lucy came from Jekyll. However this doesn’t make Henry an immoral character.
—> Humour me for a moment while i discuss the concept of the id. So freud (yes that freud) had a theory that stated that humans were comprised of three parts that all worked together, the id the ego and the super ego. The id was your animalistic urges and desires, your superego is societal expectations for the most part, acting as your selflessness. With the ego balancing the two; preventing you from donating all of your money to charity and putting you on the streets, and preventing you from going on a murder spree, killing the upper class. Within the original novel, Hyde is implied to be without the ego or superego, merely the embodiment of Jekyll’s id. So now comes the debate, is a person immoral for having immoral desires, if unacted upon?
—>Therein lies the conflict, as whether or not immoral desires mean an immoral person or character. Personally i believe no, the average person will have immoral thoughts from time to time, the true evil comes from how such desires are dealt with. So while Hyde is evil, despite being based upon Jekyll, you cannot state that that makes Henry evil in turn. Paired with the potential that Hyde is a twisted version of Jekyll’s own desires (for example Henry wants revenge against the governors-Hyde interprets that as murder, whilst Jekyll implies showing them that he was right).
anyways this has got way too long so rip, mb if this is incoherent i woke up and was like ‘jekyll and hyde musicals really sucked at doing plot and character development…welp time to rant’
please correct me in the comments if i’m misremembering shit i’m stupid so it’s a possibility
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butdaddyilovehim99 · 2 months
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Summer Kisses, Winter Tears
Chapter One - The Beginning of the End and a Slow Nosedive Into Oblivion
Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four
Gale Cleven x OC, John’s little sister
Summary - Winnie Egan curses her older brother for choosing the prettiest man alive as a best friend, Gale Cleven curses his best friend for having the prettiest little sister.
Warnings - Pretty vanilla smut this time around, cheating and age gap
Thank you @brotherwtf for all the help and encouragement you are the best bbg ❤️
Winifred Egan has been dragged all over the country for her brother John’s military career. She learns quickly not to get too comfortable on a base; John can and will be transferred—especially with the break out of the war. She is only human, though, and all the preparation in the world wouldn’t have helped her on the day John receives his orders with his new position as Air Executive. Living every day with the fear of John getting these orders to fly over Europe has been harrowing—now he has them even with the premise of a desk job.
She knows he will still fly. He would find a way if he couldn’t. Nobody in the entire Eighth Air Force could stop Johnny from flying—she knows that with all her being. She knows John almost as well as she knows herself. They’re as close as can be—trauma creates some of the strongest bonds. She learns early in life that John is the only person she can depend on—her other half.
Winnie had noted a change in their dynamic over a few years as she finished growing, less touching and hugging. She thought perhaps the military was changing him, but he was still her goofy John—still touchy with his buddies. She couldn’t fathom why until a few years ago, they were in Texas when John was a Cadet. It had been a horrific discovery early one morning: blood between her thighs—she thought of the worst outcomes for this. She was in hysterics—couldn’t be calmed by John. He was always able to console Winnie—but she had firmly locked him out of the bathroom while sobbing. John begged Gale to call for Marge in a last-ditch effort after an hour. Marge knew instantly what was going on—sent John and Gale away before she spent a long time gently explaining all the womanly things to Winnie. She is a woman now, she understands; of course, there had been a change in how John interacts with her; she hadn’t seen it then.
She has a particular appreciation for Marge’s kindness, though Winnie never quite let her attempts at friendship take hold. The ‘first monthly’ incident was the final nail in the coffin for any friendship to blossom. All Winnie could imagine afterward was Marge’s soft giggles while recounting the story to Gale. She put all those images in a tiny box in the back of her mind along with the question of why it bothered her so severely for Marge to tell her fiancé something about his best friend’s little sister—right beside the butterflies she felt in Gale’s presence. She twirls and dances right on the edge of the answer— it’s a simple crush.
A silly little girlhood crush that has followed her from John’s Air Force Cadet graduation, where she met Gale, “Buck,” as John had introduced him with the classic Egan grin and arm around his shoulders for the first time. She blushed heavily; she had never seen a man so attractive before—never felt a flicker for the boys she attended school with. But Gale—he was a man, a beautiful man who made Winnie feel things she knew were not very polite. If John noticed her blush, he was gracious enough not to tease her about it— perhaps he was terrified of the teenage outbursts she had been having. Now, she hardly ever has John to herself; Gale is always right by his side—she doesn’t mind so much.
John, of course, has plans with Buck and Marge tonight, a send-off of sorts, she supposes. She believes Marge will bring one of her girlfriends to keep John “busy.” The poor gal has no idea what she’s in for with John. She sits in the Officer’s Club, sipping a Coke at the bar. Gale and John are beside her while waiting for the girls to pick them up. She barely registers what they are saying to each other, reading her anatomy textbook and listening to the music playing in the next room. “Ah, there we are! Two beautiful ladies!” John’s loud voice makes her look up.
She watches as Marge and a dark-haired dame walk inside. Marge is quite a beauty; she pairs perfectly with gorgeous Gale. She wishes John hadn’t chosen him as a best friend sometimes—it’s a fleeting thought when her eyes land on him again, and she thanks god for their friendship. She continues to wonder when this girlhood crush on him will go away. Gale greets Marge with a kiss on her cheek, murmuring something Winnie doesn’t hear. Her stomach twists with that familiar pang of jealousy, and she looks away from them. She knows it’s ridiculous, but seeing Gale and Marge together hurts.
She notes the brunette who has walked in with Marge, she’s pretty too. She and John could make a nice pair if John weren’t John. He grabs the woman by the waist and kisses her cheek as well. “I’m Peggy, and you must be John.” She smiles brightly up at him.
“Call me Bucky, Doll.” John grins, causing Winnie to roll her eyes. She leans forward to sip her coke through the straw. Winnie flips the textbook page and feels a hand on her arm. She looks from the hand with red-painted nails to Marge, smiling her stunning smile down at Winnie.
“You coming along, Sweetie?” She asks, squeezing Winnie’s arm before removing her hand—her use of ‘sweetie’ feels like a sharp reminder that Winnie is much younger than the group before her and not entirely welcome.
Winnie looks from Marge to Gale, feeling her stomach twist again. She quickly looks to John, then Peggy, looking her up and down a little too obviously—as she closes her textbook. “No, thank you, Marge. We fly early tomorrow.”
She slides off the barstool, revealing she’s an entire foot shorter than John—the top of her head the height of his shoulders. She sees that John’s tie is a little askew—so she moves closer to him. She tucks the tie back in its proper place and pats his chest gently as she says, “Behave tonight.” She gives him a little smile. “See you in England, Major Cleven. Take care, Marge.” She and Marge share a hug. Winnie gives Peggy a polite smile and nods at her before walking away from the group to the exit—and steps out into the warm Nebraskan night.
Winnie is no stranger to waking up early, but that doesn’t mean she likes it. It’s John’s voice and his hand that wakes her. “C’mon Bunny. We can’t be late, you know I’m lead.” His typically loud voice is soft as he pushes her curls away from her face.
She cracks open her eyes, squinting at him. He’s already grinning down at her. She can tell he is freshly showered with his hair styled neatly, and he’s in his flight suit, with his white scarf tied around his neck. She can smell his aftershave, the familiar smell of him.
She gives him a slow, sleepy smile. “I’m up, Johnny.” She murmurs before her mouth opens in a yawn. She brings her hands up to rub her eyes. “How long until we fly?” She sits up in her rack, and when she opens her eyes again, John is already halfway to the door.
“You got an hour, meet me at the equipment room. Remember to wear what I gave you,” he calls back to her, throwing a grin over his shoulder before leaving.
Winnie pulls herself out of her rack and grabs her toiletries. She takes the quickest shower she is capable of before dressing in wool trousers and one of John’s sweaters she borrowed from him last year. She rolls the sleeves up a bit, then works on styling her curls, carefully brushing through them. Styling her hair, twisting and pinning until she has it all pinned up—a few loose, wispy curls hang around her face.
She grabs the flight suit John gave her to wear today. She frowns at the big piece of fabric before pulling it on. Winnie swims it in, just as she thought—positive the smallest size the army makes would be big on her, but Bucky’s flight suit? Enormous. She pulls the zipper up, then does the belt as tightly as possible. She rolls the sleeves and pant legs up so she has some movement. She finally calls it good enough and heads to the mess hall. She eats a simple piece of toast and says goodbye to some men on her way out. The walk to the equipment room is short, and she sees John waiting for her.
He stops his conversation with one of the crew when he spots her. “C’mon Bunny, we don’t have all day,” he calls, and she rolls her eyes.
“What are you going to do? Leave me here?” She shoots back, watching as he picks up an aviator’s kit and moves toward her. They stop in front of each other, and he pulls gear out of the kit.
“Don’t tempt me.” He smirks and puts the yellow life vest over her head, reaching around to buckle and tighten it. She lifts her arms a bit to keep them out of the way.
“Too much whiskey?” She teases with a grin, her dimples showing. She sees his eyes roll before he grabs the flight harness. He crouches down and starts securing it to her body— a smile on his lips, “Or not enough coffee?” He connects the last clip around her thigh and grunts as he stands up straight, “I’m going to stick you in the turret if you don’t stop yapping.” He says with a smirk, and she laughs as he stands up.
“I believe it’s irresponsible to give a civilian access to live ammunition.” She retorts, opening her mouth to continue but jumping slightly at the sound of Gale’s voice from just behind her.
“Civilian? You know more than Bucky here does as a Major.” He sidles up beside Winnie—John’s face and smirk are all she needs to know that she is blushing furiously. She glances up at Gale; he moves the toothpick in his mouth from one side to the other, and the corners of his supple lips turn up towards her.
“It truly wouldn’t be the worst item owed by the U.S. government I’ve given her access to,” he says, pretending to think then as if he remembers—snaps his fingers and points to Winnie, “I believe that was handing over an entire fort into your control.” Bucky cackles maniacally, throwing his head back. She smiles and glances at Gale; he’s smiling at John as they all relive the memory.
It is still one of the best days of her life. For her last birthday, Gale and John took her up in one of the training forts with the pretense of letting her see the views. Even that was a dream, but John had other plans. One minute, she’s in the nose, taking in the view, and the next, she is in the co-pilot seat next to Gale—her hands on the yoke as Gale gives her control. She let John talk her through a few maneuvers with Gale there in case anything happened—even though John had been saying for the last couple of years that she knew the forts as well as he did after helping him study as a Cadet.
“I do not know how they chose you to be Air Exec; it’s one of the most ludicrous decisions I’ve ever heard of.” She shakes her head but says the words fondly—glancing between the pair of smiling Majors. “Go on. Say your goodbyes. You poor boys will be separated for weeks this time. I can’t say I will keep Johnny out of trouble because we know it will be a lie.” John and Gale both laugh; she watches as Gale’s Adam’s apple bobs and the way his cheeks dimple—she moves her eyes from his face just before he turns to her.
He pulls her in for a hug; she closes her eyes and breathes in his aftershave. “See you in England, Winnie.” He winks down at her as he pulls away, a smirk on his lips—a nod to her line from the previous night, and she smiles.
“Fly safe, Gale.” She says softly, looking away from his gaze. Winnie makes her way to John’s nearby jeep, letting them have their goodbye. She kicks a pebble with the toe of her boot while she waits—her mind racing with the images of Gale’s smile and the sound of his laugh fresh in her mind.
She jumps a little at the sound of the jeep starting; John grins at her when she looks at him as she climbs in. “Here we go, Bunny.” He puts the jeep into gear and heads off towards his fort.
It’s a series of three flights to England, and Winnie handles each flight better than most of the crew, who are heading over early to prepare the base along with John. She teases them all relentlessly at each destination.
Winnie is appalled when John breaks the narwhal tusk while drunk out of his mind. He doesn’t even argue when she drags him out of the bar and puts him to bed. She saves her lecture for the flight to England the following day—so that John can’t escape or dodge her. She watches when he mails the letter to Gale with his plan to make it up to the Sergeant, and she is pleased with herself. She hopes the letter makes it across the pond before Gale heads to England himself.
The next several weeks are nonstop construction of the base. Winnie passes out coffee and whiskey—doing little tasks to help out. John finds a nearby pub to drink at with the locals, but Winnie does not accept his offer to go along with him.
Winnie is not happy when John finally divulges to her that he’s flying a couple of missions with another base. She doesn’t let him see her cry; she saves that for when she’s in her bunk that night—sobs wracking her whole body until she has nothing left to give. Sleep swallows her, and nightmares welcome her like an old friend.
She tells him she loves him and kisses his cheek before he leaves for a week with the 305th in Chelveston, nearly 90 miles away. Winnie buddies herself in any way possible while he is away—not letting her mind even wonder if he is in the sky. He is only an observation pilot for the week, that’s all. It’s easy to believe when her brain recites it like a prayer. She prays for him each night before she sleeps—and he returns unharmed, but there is something in his eyes. Winnie knows not to ask what he saw or how the missions went.
Then, one day, the ships dock, and the ground crew are transported to the base. Every day after that, forts with crews begin to arrive, the base becomes alive with activity, and it feels like home again when the men she knows best arrive. Curt practically throws her over his shoulder and spins her around when he arrives—she laughs and begs him to put her down.
Winnie’s heart skips when she realizes the 350th will be arriving soon. John finds her before she can even look for him—jeep outside her quarters. “C’mon Bunny, gotta greet the fellas.” He hooks his thumb, motioning for her to get in the jeep, and she does—noting the bikes in the back. She’s barely sitting when John punches the gas, and she screeches, “Johnny, I swear!” She slaps his arm half-heartedly with a grin as he cackles at her.
She watches in awe as the single-line formation of forts come into view in the sky—landing with their perfect precision as they always do. John waves to some working locals and thanks one in particular for the bikes; she raises an eyebrow but doesn’t question him. Forts taxi to awaiting hard stands; Winnie notes which forts are where. She tries to push down the butterflies she feels when John parks the jeep in front of ‘Our Baby’—they go away when she sees DeMarco setting a dog on the ground.
She squeals as she leaps from the jeep, rushing to pet the husky. “DeMarco!” John calls out over the sounds of engines. She ignores their greetings until John gets the dog’s name from Benny. “Welcome to the hundredth, Meatball.” John gives Meatball a rough pet, and she grins at Meatball as he wags his tail.
She continues loving him and cooing until she hears a familiar voice. She feels the butterflies again, looking up at Gale as he saunters over—aviator sunglasses on and carrying his aviation kit. “He wouldn’t stop howling,” Gale calls out.
“That’s because he’s part wolf,” Benny calls back, making Winnie smile and rub Meatball’s head again—but her eyes don’t leave Gale as he sidles up beside Benny.
“That wolf is part dog.” He says matter of fact as he removes his aviators, and suddenly, the cool English air is too hot. Were his eyes always such a pretty blue, she wonders. Her breath catches in her throat when he moves his eyes from Benny and John to her—a smile curling the corners of his pretty lips. She looks back down to Meatball, an easy excuse to take her attention off Gale. Still, DeMarco departs the group, taking Meatball along.
She looks after them, watching Meatball prance happily—letting the two Majors reunite, slowly trailing closer to the jeep. She doesn’t know why she is incredibly nervous today in Gale’s presence. She had heard once that absence makes the heart grow fonder—she believes it to be true now.
Winnie looks up as John approaches her with a grin, and Gale follows. John shows off the bikes proudly, and she forces herself not to tease him. She feels Gale’s hand on her waist as he steps closer to put his kit in the back of the jeep. Her heart stops, and she dares look up at him through her lashes—he’s already looking down at her with soft eyes and a soft smile that makes Winnie’s heart start again and pound happily in her chest.
He opens his mouth to say something when they hear a fort approaching in the sky. “Well, there’s Brady,” John says in a tone that doesn’t convey much confidence in the situation—right on cue, the alarm for the fire and ambulance crews rings out. Winnie frowns as Gale removes his hand from her waist, and the three of them watch as Brady has a wheels up landing in the field, as the emergency vehicles race to the scene.
Winnie chews on her lip in worry as the men spring from the fort and run in case of fire or explosion. The three of them don’t move a muscle until the ‘all clear’ is given, and they load into the jeep to check on the crew. Winnie sits between John and Gale, her arm pressed against him—she keeps her gaze ahead, looking at the crew. She feels better as they don’t seem to have any injuries—they pull to a stop near Brady and Crosby before John calls Brady over.
She listens to the conversation as she watches Crosby fidget and worry in the spot Brady left him. She tilts her head a little as she assesses Crosby, and his eyes widen before he turns away. Winnie looks down at her skirt and sees a bit of fluff on it, plucking it off as she listens to Brady’s words. She is a little surprised that Brady doesn’t mention Crosby or any of the crew by name, as she assumes something happened in the air involving Crosby based on his nervous behavior. John excuses Brady—she smooths a hand over her skirt.
“So, you want to tell me about this unicorn story?” Gale adjusts his cap and looks over her head at John. John’s ridiculous answer of, “The unicorn is my favorite extinct animal,” makes Winnie lift her head and squint at him, mouth slightly agape. Gale must have the same look, but John doesn’t crack; he starts the drive back to base.
“I think you need your head looked at Johnny.” Winnie can’t help but laugh—his matching smile spreads across his face. She hears Gale let out a soft snicker beside her and thanks the heavens that she can blame her red cheeks on the cool air whipping her cheeks as John drives. John glances at her, his eyes mischievous. “Well, I raised you, so what does that make you?” He nudges her lightly with his arm, looking back to the road.
She hums thoughtfully, “I learned how to toe the line of loony.” Her eyes shine as she grins up at him—happy for a moment to be silly with her brother.
John snorts and shakes his head, “I think you cross it occasionally, Bunny.” He hums, looking over her head at Gale. “Wouldn’t you say so, Buck?”
“Leave me outta this, won’t you?” Gale mutters, knee bumping against hers—her breath hitches, and her eyes flick back down where they touch, from hip to knee. Winnie’s skirt and his flight suit separate their skin, but she feels his warmth.
She breathes a soft sigh of relief, her heart pounding—when they approach the Officer’s Quarters. Gale unfolds himself from the jeep, walking to the other side. Winnie scoots over to get out. “Going to get some chow; remember your rank when you speak with Colonel Huglin.” She murmurs—giving him a knowing look and then leaning over to kiss John’s cheek before she climbs out of the jeep. She hears Gale thank John as she walks towards the Officer’s Mess. She takes a deep breath and does her best not to dwell on how she misses Gale’s body against hers.
Winnie starts to learn the new crewmen around the base over the few weeks before the real missions begin. A few Red Cross women, Helen and Tatty, seek her out when they spot her. She decides pretty quickly that she likes them. She makes her presence known at the airfield, meeting a good portion of the ground crew. Corporal Lemmons lets her spend time with him working on the forts and tells her to call him Kenny. It’s a great place to watch each squadron's training missions.
Towards the end of the month, two diversion missions are flown. They go well with no losses. Then, Major Cleven is set to fly the following day. Winnie knows John is anxious for his friend. She also knows John has been slightly different since going up, making her worry even more for Gale. John wouldn’t be so visibly stressed without good reason. Winnie goes to bed early with the crews set to fly for the first time while John drinks.
She wakes up with the gals who volunteer in her quarters. They all ready themselves in their uniforms, while Winnie wears a white cotton dress and a dark blue cardigan of John’s that she can’t remember even taking from him—she perpetually has it in her possession. The women all scurry off to their positions around the base as they need to be ready for the flight crew.
She smooths her curls and pulls up the top half with a white ribbon tied into a bow. Winnie isn’t with the Red Cross like the women she bunks with—she doesn’t know how John smooth-talked his way into having her join him, but here she is. She’s reasonably sure he won an incredulous bet—fate deciding she was to come along.
Winnie leaves the barracks, walking out into the cool English morning as the sun rises. She has taken long enough to get ready, assuming the men have been transported to their forts by now. She begins making her way to the airfield; she knows that John will need her today.
Just as Winnie had worried over John’s missions a few weeks before, John now worries about his best friend and the many crews flying today for which he is responsible. Winnie adjusts her dainty cross necklace, rubbing her finger over the small piece of jewelry—a tiny relic of her mother’s. It is something she has not taken off since finding it the morning of the funeral—in her mother’s jewelry box.
Winnie had been nine at the time; John—barely 19 himself, was away at college when the wreck occurred. Winnie was mercifully not allowed to go to the party with her parents and left with a babysitter. She remembers the policemen’s faces at the front door but not their names—the babysitter’s horror when they told her what was happening. When they returned to their patrol car, the babysitter had put her right to bed.
She didn’t know what was said to the babysitter and didn’t question it—too young to even realize just how strange it was. Winnie woke to the sound of quiet cries before sunrise. John sat at the edge of her bed; it was the only time she had seen him cry. He stopped when she opened her eyes—he was strong for her.
She pushes aside the weight of the memory and lets go of the necklace. He will be vital for his men today, and Winnie will be strong for John.
Her eyes move up towards the sky as she see the green flare shoot up, they have the go. She continues on walking and brings her eyes back to the trail—going through the taxi protocols and procedures in her head. Winnie brings her eyes back to the sky right before the first fort takes off and breaks the tree line; she lets herself grin as she timed it almost perfectly.
She watches as each fort takes off, a beautiful sight of perfect synchronization as she draws closer. Winnie breaks the treeline when the last fort rises to the sky. Winnie spots John in his white sheepskin on the control tower instantly and begins the way. He is lost in thought as he stares after the forts, beginning to get into formation as the clouds swallow them.
“Johnny!” She calls loudly as she approaches. Winnie sees him break out of his head, and he looks at her. She grins, “Come have breakfast with me—I’m starving!”
He is too far up to see, but she knows he rolls his eyes, and a smile splits his face. “How’d you know I didn’t eat?” He calls back. “I’ll be right down.” John moves swiftly down the stairs, and they walk towards each other.
“Because I know you.” She murmurs as she lets him wrap her into a tight hug. She burrows into his warmth momentarily, taking in the familiar scent of his cologne and cigarettes. She pretends not to notice the barely there smell of a sip of whiskey. She pulls away with a grin, “Breakfast, Major. I wasn’t kidding.”
He laughs and keeps an arm around her shoulder while they walk to his jeep to head back. They share breakfast in the officer’s mess, with a few others eating. Winnie knows he needs to work on paperwork, but she doesn’t remind him. Not while they eat. Not while she and John sit in the jeep after, he drives around aimlessly for hours. Not while John is joking and laughing with her, forgetting about his worries—because this is what she craves.
Her brother spending time with her. She was the sad girl with dead parents while attending school. John intimated any boys who tried to approach her while growing up—he continues to do it now on base; Winnie is strictly off limits. She craves attention from anyone at this point. She is grateful that she found Kenny and John’s friends are also lovely to be around—when he doesn’t drag them away to a bar.
John looks at his watch, his happiness fading into something dark. “The men should be back soon.” His tone sends a chill up her spine. She wants to ask what he saw while with the 305th.
She nods, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before she steps out of the jeep. She watches as he drives towards the airfield, a pit growing in her stomach. Winnie has no idea what to expect when the men return, and John has made her fear what’s coming back.
She walks towards the interrogation hut, asking Tatty if they need any help. Tatty graciously accepts, and Winnie begins pouring whiskey into glasses, and the pit grows deeper. She waits anxiously until the first truck arrives. Winnie asks if they’d like a drink and passes out the whiskey to most men. Her hands start shaking as several come in, covered in other men’s blood—she realizes in horror. A few men are wounded, and Doc Stover gives them quick assessments. She casts her eyes down as she continues passing out the liquor.
She finally looks up when she hears Gale’s voice at check-in; John has come in with him. She looks up at with wide eyes, she feels like crying when his scanning eyes land on her. His face softens before it settles on anger. He gets closer to to her.
“What are you doing? You don’t need to be seeing and hearing all of this.” He says lowly to her, almost whispering; he’s close enough that she has to crane her neck to look up at him.
“I just wanted to help, Johnny,” she whispers, almost choking on a sob—shoving the glass of whiskey she was holding into his chest and his fingers wrapping around it. “I’m sorry,” she whimpers and flees from the hut. Winnie practically runs from the base; she has no idea where she is heading. She wipes the steady stream of tears from her cheeks as she goes. She stops short when she emerges from the tree line, seeing a mangled fort on a hard stand.
She lets out a soft sniffle as she slowly approaches—inspecting the damage. Winnie lets out soft, hiccuped sobs at the artillery holes punched into the plane. She makes her way to other hard stands and looks at them—some more banged up than others. The sun dips low, and all the sunlight is almost gone.
Winnie comes up short when she is face to face with ‘Our Baby.’ She wipes the final, almost dry tears from her cheeks. From looking, it has internal damage to a flap as it’s stuck in the wrong position for landing. She steps closer, raising her hand and brushing her fingers over the flap.
“You’re just like John.” Gale’s deep voice behind her causes her to jump and spin around. Her heart races from the fright. The sunlight has gone, and it is much darker out on the airfield. “He pointed out the one flap landing to me as if I didn’t know.”
“Do not say that.” Winnie huffs, trying to steady herself as he approaches her. He moves beside her, arms almost touching. She tilts her head back to look up at him, and he raises an eyebrow in question at her reply. “I am not John; for one, I’m a girl—woman.” She corrects herself, lifting her chin proudly.
He is close enough that she sees his pupils blow wide as he looks down at her. “Yes, you are.” He says in his deep voice. She thinks he looks down at her lips but attributes it to her crush and longing.
She feels a blush creeping up quickly on her cheeks and looks down, he has changed out from his flight suit. His uniform shirt tucked into his slack and tie tacked into place along with his sheepskin. She swallows, “I am.” She says quietly, before looking up at him again.
His eyes are dark, pupils still blown wide. He works his jaw, and muscles pop out. He moves in a flash after she speaks, hand coming up to the back of her neck and other of her waist as he leans down. His lips crash to hers as he kisses her deeply, hungrily. She gasps on his lips, eyes fluttering closed.
She tries her best to move her lips to meet his desperate kiss. She gasps again when she feels his tongue against her lips, but that lets him lick into her mouth. His thumb brushes along her jaw as he holds her neck. Her knees feel weak, and her head is fogging up from the way he kisses her. Winnie lets her hands rest on his chest, not knowing what to do with them.
He seems eager to touch her, the hand at her waist pulling her body to his. The other hand moving from her neck down her back, then both hands sliding down her waist to squeeze at her hips—his touch igniting something inside her. She pulls her lips away in surprise and gasps for air. Her heart races in her chest, and her breathing is uneven after kissing him. He chases her lips but settles for kissing her jaw, nuzzling his nose along her cheek, then moving his lips to her neck.
Winnie doesn’t know why, but she tilts her head to the side for him once his lips contact the sensitive skin. He nips lightly, and she lets out a soft moan. She bites her lip to be quiet, embarrassed of the sound she made. He groans lowly against her neck, and his hands move from her hips. She feels him fumbling between their bodies, and her foggy head doesn’t catch up until he pushes her cardigan off her shoulders.
Winnie blinks and looks around, coming to her senses. “Gale, we shouldn’t.” She whispers, pulling her body from his—she doesn’t want to. His lips felt like heaven on her skin and she misses the feel of his hands on her body.
Gale’s eyes follow her with a desperate look, hands reaching for her. Winnie lets him place a hand back on her waist; the other reaches up to caress her cheek, thumb rubbing along her cheek. She fights the urge to close her eyes and lean into his hand.
“Winnie, please, I need you.” Gale whispers, looking into her eyes. He’s begging her, she realizes with a shock. She stares into his longing eyes for a second before pushing up on her toes and kissing him again. “Not out here, though,” she murmurs on his lips, then pulls away.
His eyes scan their surroundings before he nods. Gale keeps his hand on her waist, leading them to a nearby ground crew tent. Winnie doesn’t let her mind think about anything but his hand on her waist and the way his mouth felt against hers.
It’s dark in the tent, just enough moonlight to see Gale’s face before her. He leans in a little slower this time when he presses his lips to hers, but his hands are faster—pushing her cardigan off. She kisses him back just as hungrily as he kisses her—more confident now. Her hands reach up, working on getting his tie off—tossing it aside before her fingers swiftly undo the buttons of his shirt. His hands are all over her body, not settling in one spot for very long.
Winnie pulls her lips away and lets out a small gasp when he lifts her by the hips on to a wooden crate— making them eye level, she spreads her legs instinctually and he moves between them. He brushes his nose against hers, their breathes mingling as they look into each other’s eyes. He presses kisses along her jaw to her neck and Winnie doesn’t mind the soft moan she lets out this time.
Gale’s hands begin pushing her dress up—she pushes his shirt off his shoulders before pulling his white undershirt free from his pants. She wants it off—she wants to see him. “Gale,” she says; it sounds like a whine even to her ears. His lips are curved when he pulls back slightly; he pulls the T-shirt over his head and drops it to the ground.
He cups her cheek when he meets Winnie’s lips again, the other hand high up her bare thigh—thumb brushing the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. So, so close to her panties.
Winnie places her hands on his firm chest, slowly moving her hands across his skin—up to his shoulders, then back down his chest and lower. His ab muscles are hard under her hands. She whines softly in the back of her throat when he nips her bottom lip—her fingertips touching the skin just above his belt. He squeezes her thigh and pulls her closer, pressing his hip to hers.
She whines again into the kiss as she feels him through his slacks. “Please,” she doesn’t know what she’s asking for, but Gale knows, and he will take care of her. She does know that for sure. His lips press along her neck as he moves his hands, fingers curling into the waistband of her panties. Her brain catches up just enough for her to blush and be shy as he pulls them down her legs, and they join the pile of clothes on the ground.
Winnie tries to press her thighs together, but his body is back between her legs and hands on her thighs before she can close them. She looks up at Gale through her lashes; his eyes are trained on her most intimate place, and he licks his lips before he swipes his thumb slowly through her wetness. She sucks in a sharp breath and bites her bottom lip.
She watches as Gale’s hands move from her body to unbuckle his belt—her eyes don’t leave his hands. His fingers get his slacks button undone, then the zipper down, and his thumbs curl into the waistband. Her eyes flick back up to his face. Trepidation curling around herself; she has never seen a man naked—let alone in this sense.
He’s already watching her as he pushes the fabric down just enough to his thighs. She spreads her thighs a bit more as he moves closer. Winnie’s brow creases slightly in confusion when he spits in his hand; her eyes follow his hand of their own volition.
Her lips part slightly as she sees his hand wrap around himself—working the spit up along the length to the angry red tip. She doesn’t have any other knowledge to compare him to but doesn’t know how he will fit himself inside her.
She watches as he continues working his hand up and down himself for a moment before he pushes closer to her. The tip runs through her wetness a few times before catching on her opening.
Winnie places her hands on his shoulders as he captures her lips in a passionate kiss. She barely kisses back when he starts pushing into her, letting out a soft whine. His hands squeeze her thighs as he keeps pressing in.
She bites her lip to distract from the pain she feels—she is confused as she remembers overhearing some of the gals talking about sex. Why would they like this, she thinks. Gale lets out a groan when his hips finally press against hers, burying his face in her neck. She runs a hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair. She makes one whispered request, “Please start slow.”
His lips drag across her neck, making her shiver. “I’ll take care of you,” he murmurs as his hips slowly pull back. The drag of him inside her isn’t too painful, just a little uncomfortable. He pushes back into her wetness. He repeats this motion several times, and she realizes it isn’t unpleasant.
Gale kisses and sucks at her neck as he keeps moving slowly for her. His hips stutter when a soft moan escapes her lips—fingers digging into her thighs. “Gale,” she says breathlessly—admitting shyly, “feels good.”
He moans lowly and bites her neck, his thrusts picking up a bit of speed. Winnie digs her nails into his scalp and shoulder, arching her back a little—causing her to moan again. The angle makes it feel even better. Each of his thrusts adds to the feeling growing in her lower belly, pure pleasure. She can’t help the quiet moans and mewls Gale is drawing from her.
He breathes heavily against her neck as he keeps going—she assumes he feels as good as she does when he grunts in her ear. His hands are gripping her thighs tight like he’s afraid she’ll disappear, but she doesn’t mind so much as she clings to him as well.
“Gale!” She cries out when the feeling in her stomach reaches a peak. Her spine arches more, and she throws her head back. Her thighs try to close around his hips, and he keeps thrusting into her. She pants softly as she regains some mental capacity. Gale is thrusting into her at an even faster speed, then he lets out a couple of moans as his hips stutter, and she feels him twitch inside of her. She breathes and runs her fingers through the head at the back of his head.
Gale pulls back from her neck and presses his lips to hers in a slow kiss. His vice grip of her thighs loosens, and he rubs them. He moves his lips away and carefully pulls himself from her wetness. Winnie looks down at herself, a little confused by the sticky white substance that has started to come out of her.
She looks up at Gale and smiles sheepishly, unsure if she should get off the crate now. He blinks down at her a few times, his brow creases, and a frown spreads on his mouth as he realizes something. Winnie sits up as he rushes to push his slacks up and pick up his shirts from the ground.
“Did I do something wrong?” She asks, feeling a lump grow in her throat. He tugs his undershirt on then the button-up. He searches quickly for his tie, grabbing it along with his sheepskin.
“No. I did.” He grumbles, shaking his head. He can’t even look at her. “I’m sorry, Winifred.” He leaves the tent as quickly as he can move.
Her full name feels like a slap on the face. She swallows the lump in her throat—noticing more of the sticky white stuff coming from herself, and feels the sting of tears in her eyes. She gets off the crate and searches for her panties, pulling them on along with her cardigan. Winnie doesn’t let the tears fall as she returns to the base and her quarters—her walk is long enough that her sadness fades and turns to indignation. Her mind races with her actions tonight; she gave in too easily to her want for Gale. She scolds herself for giving him her virginity. Her Catholic guilt begins to swallow her whole.
Once inside her barrack, she changes into pajamas and crawls into her rack—thankful her bunk mates are out tonight. She glares up into the dark finally angry with Gale, until sleep finds her.
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So you’re basically god, right?
I don’t really know if I can ask this but, do you have any limitations on your powers?
And in general, I was wondering what kind of powers do you have?
Eh why not, it was going to be asked eventually
In terms of limitations, everything I make takes energy. I use my own energy and thus once I make something it uses up my energy. I can make whole worlds from my power but that’s the most I’ve tried so far
Basically in short, I can control my environment, create living beings(angel, human, and animal), and also see the future. I can also use magic any other being can use including celestial magic which is very complicated to explain but some of them is that I can turn angels into humans temporarily and heal other people alongside being able to feel abnormalities within them like corruptions, injuries, poisons, and more
For the longer version
With me being able to control my environment it basically does exactly as it sounds. I can also create other worlds but that takes quite a bit of energy to do depending how big it is
If it’s as big as Michael’s secret sweets dimension that he thinks I don’t know about it would be very easy for me to create
Something as big as this dimension however would be very difficult and would take a long time to do, even if I just copied everything within this realm but made it start from scratch. It would also take up most of my energy
I am also able to create things from my own magic, so plants and other living and non-living things
Anything that is made on earth and the celestial realm naturally I can control and make grow
Me being able to make angels is also exactly as it sounds. I use a bit of my own magic and it turns into a body and then into a consciousness. I can pick an age for them and even what they look like and how their personalities. There have been times where I randomized things, though Liliana has been the one that’s been the most randomized other then her looks. Her personality is the most I’ve randomized, so I will not know her personality until she gets older
When I first started making angels, it was a difficult process to learn. At first I made one that would be devoted to me(and we all know how that turned out), then I decided to try and expand more on what I could do. This resulted in all my most powerful angel children(and Lucifer).
Along with this, I made humans after I learned more about how to make life. Adam and Eve were the first, and then many more creatures were quickly made after.
Honestly I didn’t know half of what I was doing. I had to learn about it all by myself, so there were plenty of mistakes I made. Many. Mistakes.
Now me being able to see into the future…
My future vision comes in randomly most of the time. While I can force myself to see the future more, I believe it makes everything boring so I choose to not do so and let a vision naturally come to me.
These visions come out of no where. I cannot predict them in the slightest. When they are happening they happen within a split second and I can see the events happening. I can see different options and outcomes in which I will then have to choose what to do
I generally do not tell anyone about what my visions are about. Many of them are visions of horrible futures that I must prevent on my own or find a way to have one of my children to help me with without having them knowing what exactly they are helping me do
I made the mistake of telling someone one of them. Let’s just say they freaked out… a lot…
There was one vision in particular that made me pick a very difficult choice…. I still think about that day…
Ahm! Nevermind that!
I can also change my physical form, considering I do not have a real one. Typically I choose one that remains very ambiguous without any identifying features. I don’t look human not angel in this sense
Like I said before, I have other abilities but the list would be too long so I have shortened it to healing and being able to change an angel into a human temporarily or permanently.
This is the most I can add to this list before it gets too long. I have many more abilities
In short whatever ability you think I have, I likely do in fact have it
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adarafaelbarba · 1 year
What would happen if their mate died/was killed:
Not including Ysabeau, Miriam and Fernando as they’ve already lost their mate ❤️ but I’m including ocs for Baldwin, Gallowglass and Hancock 🥰
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Matthew: He would let the world burn to find whoever killed Diana. And he’d make it hurt, getting his revenge. There’s nowhere her killer can hide. Even if the death was accidental. Matthew wouldn’t care, all he’d care about would be to find and end the person, his blood rage taking over his entire mind, fogging any sort of consciousness or better judgement. And at the end he might want to join her.
Diana: If Matthew was killed, you’d better pray you can fight Diana. Seeing what she did to Benjamin, she wouldn’t spare you, whether or not she’ll make it hurt depends though. You might get lucky and she’ll just kill you, like with Benjamin—or she’ll drag it out.
Baldwin: There’s no place on heaven or earth in which you’ll be saved. This man is skilled in killing, and in strategizing said killing. He will kill first and grieve second. 
Nora (oc): If you wonder how Philippe suffered, you should stay away from Baldwin as long as Nora is in his life. Should he die, you’d wish your own end would come swiftly. She will make it hurt, but wouldn’t kill you, just break you, bit by bit, until there’s nothing left.
Delphie (oc): She will call on Zeus, Hades and any God or Goddess who would listen, begging for Baldwin to be returned. When that doesn’t work, she’ll want revenge. And it will be painful for the ones at fault. At the end they would want it to just be over with.
Minerva (oc): She’s lost a husband before. But loosing Baldwin might be what actually kills her. She wouldn’t be able to go through the loss again. Whether it was back in their own time, or during present times, she would follow him into death without a second thought.
Gallowglass: This man might be a big teddy bear, but should you cross him, you’d better be good at hiding. And if you kill his mate — Oh BOI! This man never really gets mad, but he will quickly let his anger take control, and kill you in an instant, no hesitation.
Lyra (Julie’s oc): She wouldn’t be able to process it, the grief hitting her harder than either of her parent’s death (might have to do with her parents death being self-inflicted, even if they were accidental). If Gallowglass gets killed, she would never recover, bringing the grief with her to the grave. No flowers will ever grow again from her magic, depending on her strength, she might even stop practicing magic all together.
Catriona (oc): She would be inconsolable, turning to her dad and Fernando for support and guidance, unsure what to do, wishing she could get him back. She’ll hit the depressed part of grief pretty fast, and has to get help doing the most basic things.
Marcus: Our token healer would switch to a cold blooded killer should his mate get killed. He definitely protects those he loves, to the very end. Don’t cross him. He knows ways to kill and make it look like an accident, a suicide or in some cases, the body will never be found, just a note stating said person had run away to be with someone. 
Phoebe: If it’s human!Phoebe, she’d bargain, trying to sacrifice herself so he could live. If it’s vampire!Phoebe, specifically newly turned Phoebe, you should be careful, she’ll drain you before you can stop to think. 
Hancock: Like Gallowglass, Davy is a gentle giant, but cross him and it would be the last thing you do. If you kill his mate he’ll let you bleed, feeding, stopping, feeding again, to drag it out until you die from blood loss.
Annie (kinda oc): She’ll go through all five stages of grief. Not sure what to do to change the outcome. She wants justice, sure, but doesn’t think it’s right to sink to the killer’s level by killing them. Someone else would probably do the killing in her honor.
Valeria (oc): She’s not nicknamed the Bloody Mary of Barbados for no reason. Wrong her and you’ll be dead within hours, and that’s a promise. You think her maker was bad, Val learnt from the worst, watching the ways Louisa made others suffer. She’ll make it painful, and dragged out.
Patience (kinda oc): Patience definitely does not live up to her name. If you cross her she will not be patience with you. She’ll have your head and/or blood before you have a second to think. She might not have blood rage, but she does have some underlying anger issues that would have come both from her father’s years of abuse while they was human, and from watching her family suffer after Matthew and Juliette killed most of her nieces and nephews. Kill her mate, and you’ll be 6ft below in no time.
Ransome: This man might look calm, and scarily so. He’s already lost so much from his grandfather and Juliette paying New Orleans a visit. So should you take out his mate/life partner, you better write your will and get your affairs in order, because judgement day is close.
Jaqueline (kinda oc): She’s a kind, soft spirit. That being said, she’s got a unique gift only a limited amount of vampires have, that and a very close friendship to some of the strongest witches and vampires in New Orleans. Jackie might not be the one to kill the ones who killed her mate, but if you cross her, you’d wish she was the one delivering the blow.
Benoit (Julie’s oc): Ben is very much his father’s son. Born, raised and reborn a soldier, he’s a skilled fighter and killer. Should you have the misfortune of killing his mate, you might find yourself in an old, abandoned castle real fast, with some medieval torture methods waiting for you. Like Baldwin, Benoit will kill you first and then grieve second, heck, even join her in death if he can.
Amelia (Julie’s oc): Amelia has a heart of gold, she would never hurt anyone. She’d go through the five stages of grief, but instead of acceptance, she’d join her mate in the afterlife, knowing without him there’s no sense in going on with life. He’s her whole world, and as she can’t avenge his death, she’ll join him instead. That being said though, if she looses her mate you better run—Miyako is not as forgiving as her sister-in-law.
Verin: It’s inevitable that he will die. Ernst isn’t exactly getting younger. But should his death be unexpected, or rushed…if Ernst is robbed of his end, Verin will tear the person who did it into pieces. 
Ernst: He thinks the world of his never aging wife. Should she meet the end, especially in his old age, he wouldn’t be far behind in joining her. The grief would be too hard on his heart, after all he’s loved her for years. 
Pierre: His heart would simply break, shattering into a milion pieces. In simple terms, his life would be over, he’d leave Sept Tours, and the de Clermont family, unsure of what to do with himself. Pierre loves with his entire being. He thinks the world of his mate, and without her, to him life has no more meaning. He wouldn’t get revenge though, that would be all Gallowglass and Jack’s doing. His «sons» would do it for him knowing he wouldn’t hurt anyone (unless for feeding) because it’s not what his wife would’ve wanted.
Hyacinth (oc): Being a somewhat «public» figure, Hyacinth know’s she can’t kill his killer, not that she would’ve know how to. She would lock herself away, grieving until she had no more tears to spill, and then she would just lay there, wasting away until she can be with her love again. Like with Pierre, someone else would get revenge for her, but would make sure it wouldn’t come back to hurt her or her family’s reputation. It would either be Jack and Gallowglass or Matthew, heck even Francoise, the older woman adores Hyacinth.
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paradisiagal · 10 months
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The annual Season’s Greetings preparation has commenced and here is a preview of mine!  At the end of every year K-POP groups or artists release a package known as Season Greetings. Each year these packages contain distinctive concepts such as sports-themed, floral, and some even following movie themes. It would include a diary and a calendar as the main inclusion for fans to use for the upcoming year! Additional items such as limited photo cards, posters, and stationaries will vary depending on the theme. According to these themes, idols will be dressed in assigned outfits. What do you think is the theme for 2024? This time’s theme is “Black or White?” with a touch of floral and chic style. I asked a few of you which suited me most, was it Black or was it White? While I was scrolling through the comments, some stated that both are pretty and fit me while some preferred Black more. I was more touched when a fan referred to me as someone who is elegant and beautiful. It makes my heart flutter! 
Moving on, the theme includes various outfits. That's why I wore a black sleeve and backless dress with my hair tied down and bangs for the first outfit. Second, a white dress with a hole on the side and a long slit featuring a single strap, my hair still tied down but my bangs going out of the way, adds a touch of glamour and allure to the collection. The third outfit introduces a different aesthetic, with me donning a simple yet sophisticated lavender off-shoulder dress, letting her hair down for a softer look. Lastly, the chic lavender one-shoulder off-sweater ensemble with short hair, bold makeup, and big hoop earrings unveils yet another facet of IU’s persona, showcasing my ability to switch styles seamlessly. Embracing various styles and adapting to change can be an enjoyable experience, especially when it holds the potential for positive outcomes. Just as I envision our connection growing stronger with each step in our journey, I am eager for us to continue flourishing during my upcoming comeback. While I sense your excitement, let’s take a moment to revel in the Christmas spirit and the exciting possibilities the New Year may unfold for all of us.
I encourage my beloved UAENAs to savor moments with their families and friends, mirroring my own plans to cherish these precious times. As we usher in new and promising days, I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you! The highly anticipated announcement of my comeback next year is just around the corner. Can you feel the excitement building? You certainly should, especially since this comeback will feature a collaboration with our esteemed guest from IU’s Palette, V! I’ll delve deeper into this topic very soon. In the meantime, let’s take a collective break and immerse ourselves in the joy of the holidays. Your unwavering support means the world to me, my dear UAENAs, and I want you to know how deeply appreciative I am for each and every one of you. Looking ahead, I am filled with gratitude and anticipation for the journey we are about to embark on together.
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creacherkeeper · 2 years
50, 51, 56 & 57 for Scruggs and a lost npc of your choice (& 69 for bo if that’s not too many qs)
im gonna do scruggs and brandi!!!! <3333 onions favorite guys
50. can they sing? can they dance?
scruggs: he absolutely fucking cannot dance but he likes doing that like. slow sway, occasionally spin partner, kind of dancing. i think his sisters used to make him do that a lot. and i think he has a good singing voice but for like. deep rousing tavern songs kind of singing
brandi: she cannot sing or dance if her life depended on it and that doesnt stop her from trying
51. what is the most beautiful thing in the world, for them?
scruggs: just like. a really nice homemade meal shared with family
brandi: she would probably say something like a really finely crafted weapon or something but i think the real answer is a sunrise after youve been up all night and your brain is a little foggy but you just feel so at peace and chill. is like his real answer
56. what animal do they most relate to?
scruggs: i think a grizzly bear. big, intimidating, aggressive if you mess with them, but also really caring and protective and if youre on their good side quite cuddly and soft
brandi: i mean. she literally is a rabbit. so that
57. what makes them angry?
scruggs: its a little hard for scruggs as waylon's bodyguard because he has to keep up the appearance that he's angry when people are acting like dicks around waylon (which is often because waylon is an utter bitch of an old man) but generally he finds it pretty amusing. but like. when people make any sort of remarks about his family he can get set off pretty easily. he is ,, a Tad overprotective over lizzie and kelsey much to their chagrin
brandi: brandi has so so much anger that is so so incredibly repressed that she just doesn't realize she's feeling it ever
69. how would they describe their party members?
nox: bo has literally so so much affection for nox so when they didnt talk for a while he was genuinely so emo about it. nox is his little guy!!! he's just so used to people being mad at him for things that when they had the crush convo bo was like. i couldnt have changed the outcome of this but now nox is gonna hate me <33 so was trying to give nox space and when nox didnt initiate bo was like. okay i was right. but now that they've finally talked i think bo is still a little Skittish but like. just loves nox so dearly. and is so keen on protecting him and supporting them any way he can. i think of all the party members bo is the most Sweet On nox. just very Affectionate
kai: kai is his brother!!!!! like for so long family Only meant his mom to bo. which is part of why he was like. so unable to see how bad she was and leave. she was All He Had. and so after finding bubba and rosie and like. finally letting himself grow closer to kai in that way. he realized that his family could look a lot different than he ever thought it could. kai is his brother which means he's the perfect person to piss bo off but also he would so die for them in a fucking heartbeat. he can finally like. kind of get back some of his teenage years with them and like. just have some fun? Boy Time. he's trying not to mother hen kai so bad but. it's something he's still learning
nettle: speaking of mother henning. bo wants to soooooo bad. nettle is so wet cat core and its so obvious she's been having a Rough Go that he genuinely wants to do everything he can to support her but is struggling because she clearly Doesnt Want That. so he's kind of at a loss for what to do and just tries to make himself Present. or does things like makes a ton of different kinds of cookies to sus out what her favorite ones are. he's simply like. i will adopt her i just need to not have her run into the woods first. and i think he's started opening up to her like. To Show Her It's Okay. not realizing that it's actually really helping him bc he's a little stupid
theo: okay not a party member TECHNICALLY BUT. bo wants to take care of her so so bad. you know when a realtor takes you through a house and is like its a fixer upper its got good bones!!! bo is like. im simply going to Fix Her. he thinks she has so much potential to feel better she just needs to accept help. he really is so sad puppy dog about her and like. he just so desperately wants her to acknowledge that she's cared for and doesn't understand why that's so hard because he's a gigantic hypocrite who can't acknowledge that he himself is cared for
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pinkopalina · 1 year
fun fact I do NOT ship madoka and homura.
and here's why...
it's really really sad, but the truth of the matter is that homura's madoka died a long time ago. when madoka becomes a concept at the end of the show, it's not out of nowhere: she had already long since become a concept to homura as well.
the entire anime she's chasing an idea of madoka. this strong, brave, humble, friendly girl homura falls in love with dies and homura has to go back and save her. and she fails. over and over. until she changes little things to see what won't fail. she changes what she tries to do to save madoka. she changes how she tells madoka. she changes her tactics to save everyone and then when people keep dying she tries just madoka. she changes who she saves. she changes what she does. and then she changes. she's no longer the girl that madoka could be strong and brave and humble and friendly for. this new homura doesn't allow for that madoka's personality to grow. by nature, homura has changed so much that she will not meet the madoka that she fell in love with.
homura chases this concept of madoka..of she can just get it right, madoka will live and everything will be fine. she tells herself a story about what kind of person madoka is and what she needs from homura and what would be best for madoka and how to save her. madoka is a concept for homura to try to use to prove that she is doing all of this (years of repetition and failure) for something.
That's not to say that the current madoka can never be like the old madoka, and our entire storyline depends upon this version of madoka to understand and see what homura has been through, but the current madoka will never do for homura what the first one did. in this story, homura's refusal to let go of madoka is even what turns her evil.
the story is about homura. she is supposed to go through this repetitive and obsessive cycle but you're not supposed to look at that and see it as the ideal outcome. I tend not to look at choices as good or bad anymore, right or wrong, but I tend to look at them as whether they were effective and had the intended function? And I don't think that what happened in the series is what homura intended. she wanted her life back. she was never going to get that back.
it was necessary to tell that story, of obsession, of regret, of stubbornness, of will, of love, of change: but her choices and her path weren't effective for her actual goals, because they were impossible. the more she fights fate the more it actually ends up going against her goals because her obsession literally changes fate, changes madoka, and changes herself to the point where she completely loses herself.
this love is not ideal. this healing is not ideal. I will give them that I think current madoka is the type of person that is kind and brave and humble and friendly and graceful enough to understand and love and forgive homura through all of this and to see everything and experience everything as god-oka but the same homura has lost hundreds of different madokas and lives in loops and you never break free from the loops until you accept what you lost and stop trying to change something that already happened.
if their story had been about homura healing through all of this, about her learning to let go, that there is a difference between despair and acceptance, and that acceptance does not equal defeat, and how homura could have moved forward, maybe I would ship them
but I just can't. I think it's too sad. I think madoka's been long gone and even if god-oka would understand, homura is gone too. and chasing an idea of madoka won't change that. her life will never be the same, and to reward her obsession with nothing but trauma is too cruel.
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kdipshit · 2 years
Souljah For Life ;
I am not writing to please anyone, thats the beauty of coming online and starting at the bottom, with no promotion, no… well thats about it, I haven’t told anybody I’m doing this, I’ve done it before, but never like this. Its kind of scary, but like I said, being scared kind of keeps me cool. I give thanks to jah. I’ve always known that one day I’m gonna have to deal with all of this shit I’ve been pushing down, its kind of exciting and gives me something for my scatterbrain to do lol. I don’t know what writing to post does to me yet, I just know I don’t want to depend on anyone or anything else, and its kind of hard to see a different outcome by doing all I know. Who taught me all I know and how open is their mind? What kind of person are they? Where did they learn that? Why do they believe that, and are they open to broading their horizon?
i will continue to express what ever it is that needs expressing.Ramble writing, lol. I’m sure theres gold in some of these sentences. To put my mind in order enough to contract said sentence, is the struggle itself. When I speak, it comes out jittery, anxious and embarrassing, so I kind of just don’t speak, without looking around after wards. Im grateful because maybe thats why I see myself as such a brilliant writer, I have the right amount of time to process and figure out what I want to say, not right off that bat, but once processed.
See I’m speaking as if thats something I do, Im always saying things I want to do and trying to speak into existence the person I want to be but the thought of me not being able to do it throws me off, but now that we know emotion can only grow from thought, the best move would be to change the thought… right? The thought : everyone is judging me…. Counter thought : No one cares, no they dont, they don’t care. Just speak. Just write. Just express yourself because no one cares if you do or if you don’t. It make me feel good, and I’m sure, I’m sure of it, theres gotta be gold in here.
Anyways girls, skins looking tight, hair hopefully less orange by the time I read this again, weed is up, feeling like a true winner. How could anything go wrong? Looking at life as if it’s someone I’m in love with is the easiest for me, considering how easy and natural love is for this libra. My Venus is in Leo and I think that means I’m confident in my love, which explains me effortlessly. I haven’t felt love in a long time, big S word about it, I guess I just sit here.
I am stronger and wiser than I was the day before. Every ‘now’ moment I find myself in, I am better than the last. I’ve been learning to think differently, now that I’m aware of my power over them, just small things like stopping myself from holding onto the automatic thought and instead changing it to the positive opposite. My younger sister told me she loved me today, but meant it as she loves the person I am, and that I can go through so much and still be a good person afterwards, and not a crackhead or someone who took the ‘easy’ way out, for the record I don’t think that’s the easy way out. She’s someone whose opinion about me I value because of how much I have let her down in the past, with my drinking and absolute psychotic episodes, I’ve always wanted to be the good older sister, and I’m here. This is usually around the time I start to self sabotage, but I choose to feel so much differently, instead actually embracing the change instead of running away to my old ways, just because I know them so well. I’m so excited on my new journey with my new flower bed of a brain. I brought a new sweater today and I swear to god im the cutest thing ever.
My mind seems kind of empty and its so freeing, The vibration that the music projects is feeling nek level kahi. I’m here, I’m in this moment, I feel okay….. I feel level, I feel high, I feel so grateful, I feel full of love energy, I feel light blue, yellow, green. I feel good here. Blue and yellow together is so beautiful and eye opening and makes you feel so fresh right??? Thats how I feel anyways.
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paimon-rambles · 4 years
Alphabet Fluff
Characters: Aether
A gift to my sister cause she never stops thirsting 😒 @katsukiibug
Doing all of them ;-;
Icon credit: Leheia
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Aether is opened to any activities his partner throws at him. He's not very picky.
But he does enjoy some dinner dates and strolls around the city, wheater it is Liyue or Mondstadt. He pays for all meals and snacks with the Mora he got from his travels.
Be warned, however, cause Paimon ain't gonna shut up about the food. Regardless it's comforting, followed by a nice walk through the city basked in moonlight.
Aether also in general likes to travel with you, other than Paimon you're his companion. He likes to take you to the forest to pick berries or other essential resources, beneficial for future endeavors.
Stories from his travels? Aether could ramble about for hours. Describing the little mishaps and mischief he and his sister found themselves in. Though he gets really sad whenever his sister is brought up.....oofles
He's traveled from world to world was introduced to many hobbies and games of variety, he's happy to introduce you to some of them if your willing to try something new out.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your patience
Aether has a bit of a packed schedule; assisting with commissions and dealing with hilichrul attacks. Not to mention his mind is set on finding the 7 archons in the hope to find his sister. He's incredibly busy most of the times
He doesn't ignore you on purpose, but he's dragged everywhere. Poor guy:(
But he admires that you don't fuss about it and always hold patience. Of course, Aether will find a way to make it up to you eventually. He tends to send small souvenirs from his travels as a form of apology.
Your comfort
He recently lost his sister and is overhwaled by all these tasks placed on his heavy and tired shoulders. He leans on you when he needs that moment of peace or comfort.
He loves that you try to soothe him whenever he's in his worst moments. With your words or simple touches of comfort, he adores it all.
Your eyes
Aether loves to stare into your eyes. He finds them really beautiful and finds himself smiling whenever looking in your eyes.
He's memorized by how they lightly sparkle or glimmer depending on your emotions. Or how they light up whenever you laugh or smile.
He finds it soothing to just lean your foreheads against each other and stare endlessly at your eyes, his worries and concerns being carried away.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He's a brother and understands when his partner is under stress or feeling down. Similar to how he notices the small gestures Lumine has that show her emotions are swirling in her head.
He picks up on the small hints and notices right away the shift in your behavior. You can say you're fine but he ain't falling for it, he's seen the signs.
But Aether does give the space you want. He recognizes its benefits and understands it himself; He's lost his kin, there are times Aether wants to push everyone away.
So patient, he's not pushing you into anything instead he's letting you describe what's bothering you at your pace. You can break down sobbing and he would wait while comfortably drawing stars on your back. He even has his shoulder to cry on if you want, softly running his hand through her hair in comforting motions.
He tries his best to give advice from his own experience. He makes a promise to cheer you later. He's just trying to make you happy again cause he hurting inside if you're not :(
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Aether pictures the future from time to time. Mainly thinking about finding his sibling. He pictures two outcomes the good now and the one he dreads dearly.
Of course, since you are his s/o, you do play role in some of the scenarios he plays on his head.
He wonders what will be of the relationship after he finds his sibling, would they continue to travel worlds as they had done previously?
It was his sister and himself life's work of jumping planet to planet and learning of the different kingdoms and such.
Teyvat is your home, you have all your plans for the future in this world, he couldn't force you to leave.
So he rather hears of your views on the future instead, listening closely as you explain everything you have planned while his heart slowly aches as he debates for his future.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He sees you as his equal. Nothing less or more- though he looks to up you a lot
He doesn't let any status you may hold hinder the relationship, and he wishes the same. He may be a traveler from another world, praised for his achievements, and his reputation in the nation's placed his name high. But Aether doesn't want that to affect his relationship with his lover.
So yee equals =
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He hates fighting :(
Soft boy can't handle arguing with his s/o. It breaks his heart every time. Instantly feels guilty, even if he wasn't in the wrong.
Because of this arguments are incredibly rare. He's not an angry person in general and tends to stay positive most of the time. It will only occur if he's incredibly pent up about a situation. He'd bottle up those emotions before the string being pulled and he snaps.
Easy to forgive, the moment he notices he's angry he's apologizing for lashing out. Poor boy can't handle you being scared, upset, and disappointed with him.
After a fight, he gives you the space needed before checking on you and asking if you're alright. Aether would pull you into a hug, and probably sob depending on how bad the fight was. Cuddles until your both happy again or unless you really don't want to be in his presence at the moment.
If the fight was really bad he gives you some space to think for a bit and try to get it off his head. Afterward, he goes to apologize to you, to where you either sob together or things go back to normal right after
Apologizes repeatedly to you, you could say you've forgiven him but he's gonna continue apologizing for another hour or so.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Incredibly grateful for every little act his s/o does for him. Ever since losing his sister, he's been in a void and his s/o has been the light helping him back to his feet. Cheesy I know-
But he truly appreciates everything you do for him, it always brings a smile to his face whenever his s/o does the most simple little acts that go a long way for him. He acknowledges even the smallest of things
Simple acts such as setting up his stuff before he goes to complete commissions or cooking him some food. It always makes his day better.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Aether tells his partner pretty much everything, he dislikes keeping you in the dark. He would be really upset and heartbroken if he found out his s/o was hiding anything from him
He relies on you a lot, he tells you everything because you always put him at ease.
However, there are a few things that he would hide for a short time. He would tell his partner eventually but needs some time to plan out how to tell them. But those moments are rare and in between.
If he did find out that his s/o was hiding something from him, he'd be so torn :< feels betrayed a in way that you hid something from him.
Of course, he would listen to your reasoning as to why you kept secrets, but he starts to distance himself for a bit.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Aether works harder for you. In other words, he's constantly trying to impress you. He tries to act heroically around you to make you smile and all.
He learned to not always feel so down because of his sister and take time to be happy as well
He for sure helps you overcome any problems or barriers that have been holding you back, taking one step at a time. You work it out together and he's patient with the process
He's always inspired by you, he works harder for you and tries to complete his commissions at a faster rate so he can spend the rest of the day work you.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Can go both ways. On one hand, Aether isn't really one to get jealous, as he has complete trust in his partner but on the other hand, there are times when he gets insecure or jealous over somethings
But for the most part he isn't jealous, there are moments where he's scared to lose you like he lost his sister, to be left alone again :<<
In the moments where he is jealous, he would tell his s/o that he's feeling envious. Getting it off his chest and hoping his S/o would help calm down his worries
If he's feeling really envious, which are incredibly rare, he would avoid you for a bit trying to let his jealousy die away before confronting you
He'd feel really bad if he accidentally made you feel jealous instead. He would remind you that all his love is reserved for you and only you.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Something like that done here
An average kisser, a bit inexperienced when it comes to kissing, you're his first boyfriend/girlfriend but he caught on really fast.
But because of this, your first kiss ended up being really awkward and Aether got incredibly flustered cause he believed he did something wrong
He's still really shy whenever he kisses you, he grows flustered whenever you intimate the kiss.
His kisses are really gentle, pressing his lips against yours softly. Each kiss is filled with emotions, all his love into each one. Very gentle boi
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
A mess
Poor boi is stuttering and fumbling over his words. He a nervous wreck but he's trying his best.
He planned everything out but when the moment came he tripped over his words.
He invites you over for a nice dinner, nothing too fancy and nothing too cheap, just right. He pays for food, slowly bringing the conversation to an idea of a relationship. Of course, he's hella flustered and trying not to show(which he does) it.
Then he kinda blurts out that he has a crush on you and wants to try out a relationship
If you say yes he's gonna have a huge smile on his face for the rest day, it's really adorable TwT
If you say no, however, he freezes in place for a while, the whole thing repeating in his head up to the point where you rejected him. He apologizes and excuses himself. You don't see him for a couple of days, since aether is avoiding you, he's really embarrassed to talk to you. Oh and congratulations you get a nasty nickname from Paimon :D
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He thought about it at least once when your relationship was growing. Similar to dreams, he had different scenarios in this head for the future and how they could play out.
He would like to get married one day, yes, but it isn't something he sees doing anytime soon as his primary goal is to find his sister, afterward however he will look into it more and suggest the idea to his s/o.
In terms of how he proposes, he takes you on a little adventure that highlights some your adventures you had together near the beginning of your friendship, before getting on one knee and popping the question.
Kind of that nostalgic feeling you get as you reminisce on some of the old memories you created together
The both of you plan the ceremony and incorporate your ideas into one. It's gonna be a big wedding though since pretty much all of Mondstadt, Liyue, and other nations that are yet to be explored will be attending.
Of course, if you wish for a smaller wedding, he doesn't mind at all and will plan out something smaller. He personally likes a small wedding too :)
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Aether isn't too keen on nicknames for his s/o but he does have a few. But for the most part, he calls you y/n, especially in public
He calls you sometimes a shorter version of your name. Or a flower that reminds him of you.
Really depends on your personality as well and which flower it associates with, or he might have a silly nickname for you that he called you once and it stuck with him. However, those types of nicknames are used rarely depending on the circumstance.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Blush blush blush blush
He might be a little oblivious to it since your his first, he doesn't realize it until someone cough venti cough points out to him.
He's in denial at first, swirling over his words while his face reveals the truth. He's crushing hard
Aether tries to mask his little crush from you and he does pretty well minus a few moments where he's got off guard, que flustering soft boi
But when he's in love, he has a smile on his whenever speaking to the person that makes his heart skip a beat. It's pretty prominent to others once you notice the behavior shift from someone random to you.
He expresses his love in a little of everything; kisses and little hugs along with serenading you in words or perhaps gifting you something. A little mix of all of them
His favorite way to express his love is to have his hand intertwine with yours. It's simple but it comforts him knowing you're close. He loves it whenever you give him a slight squeeze of reassurance; it never fails to put a smile on his face
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Shy boy gets flustered in private, he gets really flustered showing PDA in public.
Don't get me wrong he loves showering you in affection but he gets easily flushed at the idea of people watching him kiss his s/o or giving them a comforting hug.
His PDA is average, he's open to hand-holding in public because it comforts him without having to do anything too affectionate in the public eye
He doesn't brag either, most people already know the existence of your relationship.
Although for the most part, he's trying to keep it a secret because of the Fatui and the threat it could place on you. You don't want La Signora chasing after you.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Paimon is usual around Aether meaning that whenever your feeling hungry, Paimon can point out the best places to sit down and have a delicious meal
An expert treasure hunter is in your area, and you're dating him! He knows where to find hints and little clues for treasures and can open any lock or seal. Many fortunes
He has so many stories to tell from his previous travels. It helps you connect more as you listen to him tell you every memory he can remember from the worlds he visited. You never get bored by his stories either.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He's can be really creative in his antic when it comes to making his s/o happy, but he also sticks to some more cliche methods as well
As mentioned previously he's visited many worlds and has seen the various ways people would do to cheer up their partners.
He uses that to his advantage when trying something to get that smile he loves dearly on your face
But the also likes to take some classic routes, little gifts, or acts of affection to make you happy
Perhaps a rose banquet one day and something new and really imaginative the next. He can be a wild card when deciding
One time he jokingly asked Paimon for advice, of course, she suggested having sticky honey roast as a nice evening lunch date. Which he ended up taking you to that afternoon
He's willing to do anything-within reasonable terms- to make his s/o happy. If just point something out or specify on what would make you really happy; chances are he's going to do it for you
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
100% support in you
He wants to see your goals accomplished as well. Just like your helping him find his sister, he helps you achieve your goal
If you allow him, he's willing to put aside some of his commissions to help you plan and get a better roadmap to obtain your goal
Aether helps keep you motivated whenever you're feeling down, reminding you of what you have accomplished so far. Cooking you food or bringing you some water to get your brain flowing again. As well as some encouragement from Paimon, although she tends to over exaggerate most of the time
He is also sure to help you take breaks whenever you're pushing yourself too much. He takes you outside to pick plants or berries, but it's really soothing and distracting
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
It's an adventure every day with Aether
At the beginning of the relationship, he tried to follow a more classical relationship routine. Since he was so new to affection, e mimicked what he saw other couples do thinking it was the correct way to go. But after spending more time with you he strayed away from that, adding his own ideas along with yours
He's constantly traveling the world, meeting archons and other powerful beings. There always a battle to be fought or a harbinger to run from. A lot can happen in one day
And you're his trusty and equal companion, he likes to bring you along through the chaos that is Teyvat
In other words, there is always a thrill in your relationship, plus Aether is always open to trying something new occasionally. Never a dull moment except for that one lazy Sunday where you cuddle all day, but it's really wholesome
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Aether picks up on the little things that signal a behavior shift within you. With these notices he acts quickly to be sure your alright and accesses if he needs to shower you in more affection in order to make you happy >:0
He tries to sympathize with his partner, trying to understand the emotions they're going through. He understands grief and anger, as he had experienced it with the loss of his kin, and knows how to help alleviate his s/o
But he does try his best to help cheer you up regardless of the emotions you are feeling. Paimon is even there to cheer you with her own words
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Aether's relationship with you is something he holds close to his heart. It's incredibly important to him, and he is sure to voice how important you are to him.
His s/o is that last speck of hope and happiness in his life after being filled with pain for so long. He'd be devastated without you
Unfortunately, his sister is his first priority, his family comes close. Lumine is the only kin he has. But your also really important to him, and so he tries to shower you with affection daily
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Your Paimon's close friend, you get to hear her ramble about food- a lot. But she's also really supportive of your relationship, she's noticed how much happier Aether had become since then.
Aether likes it whenever you braid his hair. Finding it soothing as your fingers gently comb through his golden locks
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
A shy boy wanting to shower his s/o in affection. He's not the most affectionate person out there but he does try to be romantic and such
He adores hugs more than kisses, he finds it further comforting to hold his partner close and reassured that there beside him. He wishes he could cuddle with you for hours however commissions among other tasks that always pull him back
He also likes kisses, there always gentle and soft and he mainly kisses you on the cheek, forehead, or lips.
So overall he is pretty affectionate and he tries his best to make you feel loved
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He can handle it for a few days, he has trust in you and your abilities. But he does think about you whenever you have to leave, wishing he could go with you. He's already missing your presence the moment you kissed him goodbye before venturing off to whatever.
Then he starts to become worried, his head is racing even though you're fine. He's trying to stay calm in the situation, which he does pretty well but it's clear something is troubling the traveler from another world. Nonetheless, he doesn't act out that worry
He starts to take up more commissions in hopes it will put his mind off It, overworking himself just a tad too much until he finds himself exhausted and turns in to rest for the night.
He refrains from any thoughts involving you being in a dangerous circumstance, he's trying to stay positive and counting down the days until your arrival back to Mondstadt or Liyue. But he has had that one thought or two, dreading over his shoulders
When you do return, the moment he spots your familiar figure; his mind is washed with relief as he makes his way towards you. He approaches with a soft, kind smile as he engulfs you into a hug. He asks you how the journey or task went and if you hit any roadblocks or difficulties.
He takes you to dinner that afternoon to talk some more, he misses you dearly :(
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
As mentioned before Aether tries his best to make you happy, he'll try somethings out but he won't cross any unnecessary lines or ones that shouldn't be crossed
Listen- he's stolen a Gods Lyre, angered the cryo God, fought a Harbinger, and almost destroyed a nation- oh and he's a garden thief. He's willing to go to some extra lengths to make you happy-he just doesn't want to add on to the list of chaos that had occurred already
But as mentioned previously, his main goal is finding his sister and he tries not to stray from it too much. But yes, he does care about your relationship and he is sure to remind you that you always hold a special place in his heart :)
I'm done omg, yay
337 notes · View notes
moonbaby26 · 3 years
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Title: Growing Love
Pairing: Loki x Goddess!Reader
Summary: Story set nearer the Viking Age. You were a Greek sea goddess who crossed paths with the god of mischief. Continuation of previous chapter. Loki returns to Asgard and is confronted by his mother Frigga and her accurate suspicions on his newfound interest in Midgard. While you witness the completion of the building erected for you and Loki by the villagers, followed by his return back to you in the night.
Warnings: None this chapter. Just fluff! First Loki and his mental sparring with Frigga who loves him, and then some well deserved cuddling with you who is also starting to.
Chapters: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Taglist: @rosaline-black , @lawfeys , @loveableasshole , @insanitybyanothername , @just-wordsandthoughts , @cringingmemeries
My Masterlist
A few days ago, Asgard
Loki emerged from the light, now back home before the bifrost immediately closed once more. The smug smile remained on his face as your last question still played through his mind. He knew that nickname he’d given you wouldn’t be something you’d let go of anytime soon. In fact, he counted on it. Something to distract and occupy you for the coming weeks until he could return.
It may be selfish of course. But if you were becoming stuck in his mind this often, he had to make sure he wasn’t the only one now having to suffer. Though there was something rewarding about getting to hide you away still. Even if he knew the arrangement in the village would come to light eventually, potentially making these trips to your realm far more problematic.
The sooner he could find an alternate route to Midgard to bypass the bifrost and Heimdall entirely, the better. He could not allow all his future ability to see you to become solely dependent on Odin’s whims.
Whatever the Allfather would think of these risks now being taken though, Loki truly did not care. But historically, whatever he’d most desired always ended up taken away from him in one way or another. Or even worse, absorbed into the limitless well of good fortune that seemed to follow Thor like a miasma. So he had to prepare for that, plan for it really.
Of course, you didn’t seem the type to fall apart so easily over just some long blonde hair and an oversized set of muscles. But Loki had lost count ages ago of how many times he’d still ended up with the short end of the stick whenever his brother had entered any situation. Parading you before Thor wan’t something he was willing to chance just yet either.
No, he had to consider both his father and brother now as threats to these new emotions he was still trying to define. It likely shouldn’t be so, but somehow it always was. They always got in his way.
And as Loki now strode forward, his appearance only shifted to that of a standard royal guard, wishing for a more discreet entrance back into the palace after so many hours away. He had let the adorations of those mortals delay him far more than expected.
But the feel of sitting at the head of that mead hall with you at his side had hit him in such a strange way as well. A fleeting taste which had caused him to linger even further there as he’d fantasized about sitting similarly content on Asgard’s throne one day.
That dream of seizing his birthright was nothing new of course, yet the difference was now the addition of you in that mental image. He wanted you there so suddenly, with loyalty and pride radiating from you for all the court to see. He needed you to want to be his, to be willing to do whatever necessary to defy Asgard’s enemies in his name.
And even now, those thoughts brought a flare of desire that he could not act on. Frustrating as it was, he knew he had to maintain some semblance of patience. Heimdall’s silent stare of judgement didn’t even rile him to speaking either as the still disguised Loki passed silently by the gatekeeper.
He was bold enough to change appearance right in front of Heimdall, yes. But he also knew that until he crossed the line of actually doing something which broke Asgardian law, Heimdall would still keep what he had seen to himself. Travel to Midgard was not yet forbidden after all.
But Heimdall’s current courtesy of silence would only go so far as to delay the inevitable. The clock was still ticking on this secret and Loki knew it.
And unlike Midgard that had still been fully night, dawn was now just breaking in Asgard as Loki made his way back into the palace. The sparse guards he did encounter, he only gave little mocking salutes to. Still in the guise of one of them as he’d mimicked their own protocols before he’d turned the corner into the next corridor and ended up at the massive doors to his own living quarters.
So close to being able to hide himself back away for a few moments before the palace fully awakened, he had just placed his palms on the ornate, golden door handles when a sudden sound made him still completely.
“Good morning, son.” The placid voice called to him from nothing as his mother Frigga only materialized directly behind him.
And there was just that smallest moment of fear inside him. Just the length of a heartbeat before he’d turned smoothly to face her, his own magic dissolving to remove his disguise as excuses bubbled readily to his mind.
Of course he was still in the same armor from all those hours before, the muck of that mortal village even still marring the soles of his boots as he offered her an easy smile. “Well...how long have you been waiting here, Mother?”
Yet she responded just as simply, a gentle look in her eyes. “Not long at all really. I suppose I have good timing.”
But he was still searching, examining her body language for any hint of her actual intention. How much did she know? “I suppose that you do. Have Father and dear brother yet returned triumphant from Alfheim then?” No, he doubted that. The halls would not be near as peaceful if so.
“No. They have not.” She only answered. “...But that is exactly why I thought you may wish to speak to me now while whatever we discuss can still be kept relatively private.”
And there it was. He felt that slight bit of tension in his chest as he weighed his options in quick succession. The foundation with you still wasn’t fully laid, he needed more time to secure things. Even though he trusted Frigga, she and the Allfather went hand in hand in the end. She would not lie to her husband if pressed.
And Odin may forbid this odd new relationship outright, fearing some insult to Poseidon no doubt. If that foreign, Olympian king fully knew that the Asgardian god of mischief was now digging his claws greedily into his youngest daughter without permission, it could easily become a full blown scandal.
Loki hadn’t even bothered to investigate if you were betrothed to anyone in your own kingdom or not either. He did not care. He was a prince and would take whatever he wanted.
Though he knew it better to reveal nothing of you to his own family just yet, he also knew that if he offered Frigga too little in return, she would only step up her efforts to investigate on her own. Motherly concern and all, endearing at times, highly troublesome at others. He’d let her feel as if she had pried a little out of him at least as he played along. “And what is it that we should need to discuss so privately, Mother?” Loki asked calmly at last.
Yet she only smiled, surprising him a little still as she took his arm. “Come. Walk with me. You needn’t play such games. A mother knows when her son is enamored.”
He scoffed, though still letting himself be led as they did begin to walk. The halls were still empty enough this early in the morning for their words to not be easily overheard. “Is that what you think this all about? I think you’re confusing me with that manchild of yours for once.”
“Loki,” Frigga only chided. “It is not weakness to admit such feelings. And yes, for your brother that is an all too frequent cycle. He is not yet mature enough for his relationships to be anything but passing frivolity. But you are different. Which is why it becomes all the more noticeable when it finally does happen. Do not waste breath to deny it.”
He raised his eyebrows, never missing when she did offer even the slightest criticism of Thor. But he was still quick to downplay her insinuation about your importance. “Yet you act as if it has never happened for me before. Just because I’ve been more focused on honing my sorcery skills the last several years, it doesn’t mean I haven’t had my share of frivolity as you call it, Mother.”
But Frigga just gave him a disapproving look then. “Do not be crude just to try and shorten this conversation. There is a clear difference between solely that kind of physical interaction you speak of, and this distraction that has now carried you back to Midgard more than three times now. And you know the significance of the number three in so many of the rituals and rights I have taught you, it-”
“No.” He cut in abruptly. That was the line. If she was trying to say this was already something now beyond his control, something fated, he fully rejected that notion. “I don’t follow the predetermined, Mother. And you know I never want to hear whatever future you’ve seen for me. I will make my own.”
But the queen of Asgard was not one to back down either, responding just as strongly, “And all a witch can see is the possible outcomes, not the one that will truly be. I would never curse you with the burden of such knowledge, even if I were sure. But don’t patronize me to act as if nothing has changed for you. I came here to offer you my help, Loki. If you ever wish to make whoever you have chosen legitimate in the Allfather’s eyes, to actually bring them here one day, you will not be able to do it alone. I hope you understand that.”
“Mother...” He couldn’t help but pause to look in her eyes again, as unexpected as that offer really was. Yet he so quickly grabbed onto the possible other meaning as well in her concern. “You say ‘legitimate’ almost as if I was considered the true heir again. After all, who the future king of Asgard could court would be awfully more important than whoever just a prince would choose, correct? Of course, I suppose a marriage that one day joined Asgard and Midgard would also be significantly more impressive politically than say Thor and Sif, or whoever the Hel he’s galavanting around with these nights...”
She gave him a little hit on the arm at that. Of course he knew she hated whenever he mocked whoever his brother’s current fancy was. But she still just continued. “What should be important to you is finding the person that makes you happy, regardless of their own station. That is the future I want for both my sons. Whichever of you should one day hold the throne.”
Of course she still refused to admit Father’s favoritism that Loki saw all too well. He straightened up a little, that real sincerity in him burning through then. “But it will be me, Mother. I will prove myself worthy to Father, worthy of the throne. One way or another.”
And he hated that sympathetic look in her eyes, even though the real warmth was still there as she answered. “And I still say you’ll be far happier when you focus on yourself rather than chasing the Allfather’s approval. He already loves you both, just as I do.”
That was all he could handle for now, as he took her hand gently, bowing to her slightly before he kissed it. “No, he does not love as unequivocally as you do, Mother. But I do thank you for that. I will consider your offer. Yet I think it is still too early just yet.”
And as he straightened back up, he could see she at least accepted this. She would not dig any further into his visits to Midgard just yet. But he’d only bought additional time for just so long he was sure.“I’m going back to my quarters for a brief rest now.” He told her. “But if you need me any further today, you will find me in the throne room. Where I belong.”
Until Odin and Thor returned from Alfheim, this would be his privilege. His days would be spent hearing any grievances of the kingdom, presiding over council meetings, casting decisions on any changes to security measures, and standing as the head of all the remaining soldiers here for Asgard’s defense.
But at night...at night he’d return to his chambers. And laying there alone, surely that would be when he’d pass the remaining time awake thinking of you. Thinking and hoping that those mortals would hurry up and complete that room and bed for you both.
Whatever they built would still not be to his standards he was sure. But until you could truly lay in his own bed beneath him in Asgard, he would have to accept the compromise of a little hovel of a den for you both in Midgard.
Midgard, several weeks later
The days passed so slowly for you. You now divided your time between your normal duties monitoring the oceans, and taking that form of the osprey, flying to visit the little village in the north that Loki had claimed for you both.
Never before had you spent so much time around mortals to be honest. And at first you’d still taken every possible measure to remain hidden from their sight. But eventually, that effort grew too tiresome.
After a while, you didn’t stay so high in the trees any longer. Yourself curious to be true, and watching as step by step they’d raised the timbers to begin building that structure Loki had requested.
You still stayed just out of their reach surely, but you didn’t fly away anymore when you saw them take notice of you. They’d even greet you quite frequently now, just calling you that nickname Loki had given you which they thought your real name. Kærr.
Especially the children. Whenever they moved out into the forest to play or gather freshwater from the nearby stream you’d also now discovered, they always giggled and called to you as they ran along beneath.
You’d even noticed that they gradually seemed to stray farther and farther from the village than they had in the beginning. As if your presence alone gave them confidence of their safety. It was such an odd sense of responsibility. One you weren’t quite sure you were ready for just yet.
The days were growing shorter too, the nights far colder by the time they finally finished that building. And as Loki had suggested, it was still quite small. Like a one room cabin really. Though they’d made quite a show of asking for your approval on it, you didn’t know what you were supposed to really do. They seemed to take your silence as a positive at least before they’d left again saying you could now summon your “master” and they would leave him to his privacy in the new dwelling.
You’d still waited until it was late at night though, knowing most the mortals would now be sleeping before you’d finally landed, changing back to the form of a woman as you’d walked to take a closer look at the building in the dim moonlight.
They’d built this also far enough from the village, here in the deeper woods that they could not stumble accidentally back upon it unless they really meant to. So you weren’t afraid of being seen as you’d walked the perimeter curiously.
It seemed sturdy enough. Quaint, but somehow inviting. And as you moved back towards the door, you realized they’d also listened to Loki’s criticism on their village’s carvings needing to be changed to reflect their new protector.
You couldn’t help but smile as you recognized well that likeness as you now ran your fingers across the rises and falls carved into the wood. The cape, the outlines of armor, the horned helmet...
But the real surprise was his pose, one arm bent, raised near level with his chest. And there perched upon that arm, was a bird of prey. You. Looking far more regal than you ever really had right to be you were sure.
There was a mix of mild embarrassment and a strange amusement that rose in you as you took the whole image in. It was quite possibly the only likeness anyone had ever made for you in the mortal realm. And paired with Loki no less.
Eros’ words carried on your heart still as you finally opened the door to venture inside. You knew Eros couldn’t be wrong, not on this subject. But it didn’t seem like it should be true either. How could you be falling in love when you didn’t even know the real meaning of the word? When you’d only had such fleeting meetings with this man?
The little bit of moonlight barely penetrated the inside of the dwelling and you just left the door open to not fully smother the light as you walked in onto the rough wooden floors. Though they’d laid down some rugs as well as your feet found them.
The furniture was sparse and simple, though maybe still the best of what they had to be truthful. A couple chairs, a small table, a chest for belongings, and of course a bed.
There were candles, but you had nothing to light them with as you now sat down on the empty bed. It was certainly a far cry from the large and extravagant bedding in your father’s palace.
But for someone who could just as easily sleep to the rocking of the waves or the silence of the deeper depths, a makeshift mattress stuffed with wool, moss, or who really knew what, really wasn’t a problem.
It was so quiet too. You laid down on your back, just to get the feeling of it as you stared up at the beams which arched into the ceiling. It reminded you most of the beams inside the hull of a ship, which was likely little coincidence. The ancestors of these people were all seafarers.
Idly, you wondered too if Loki had ever been to sea. You knew from those books you’d read that Asgard had waters of its own. But did he feel comfortable on the water? Did he ever sail? Did he swim? And maybe more importantly, would he ever swim with you?
You closed your eyes, thinking what it could be like to show him things he’d never seen before. Would he feel as good under the water as he did above it? Would he ever visit your own kingdom?
Of his own family, all you really knew was the tension and seeming competition between he and his brother. Would any of your own siblings be impressed by him though? Surprised surely. You’d never brought anyone to the palace before. Maybe one day...
You thought you were only dreaming. Because it wasn’t as if it hadn’t happened before. Especially in the long stretches between seeing one another. That scent of him, the feel of his cool skin against your own, albeit only making you feel heated as you breathed in deeper.
It wasn’t until you felt that lightest kiss on the back of your neck that your eyes fluttered open. Laying on your side on the bed, as your vision focused you noticed the door to the cabin was now closed. That and a single candle newly lit, flickering dimly on the small table just a few feet away.
You’d fallen asleep at some point. For how long was unclear. But you were absolutely no longer alone.
“Hello, Kærr.” Loki’s voice came in an almost taunting whisper, using that nickname again.
You were startled, but you didn’t hesitate, rolling over immediately to then be face to face with him in the shifting candlelight.
The glint of his teeth met you as he smiled in amusement. But whatever harsh words you may have thought he still deserved, they didn’t come as you’d also noticed his bare chest now nearly against you.
You had to glance down to realize he wasn’t nude however. But dressed solely in a dark pair of pants as he laid so closely beside you.
“You left the door open you know. I took it as an invitation.” He added, one hand now tracing idly down the side of your dress.
“How long have you been here?” You finally asked, but tellingly not pulling away at all as you let the small touches continue.
“Long enough to realize you’ll have me putting protection spells all around these walls if this is how deeply you really sleep, goddess. Imagine if I’d wanted to do more than kiss that pretty throat.”
You stared a moment. And yes, maybe you should have been embarrassed to be caught so defenseless. But in reality, what real enemies had you ever had? You didn’t live always keeping one eye over your shoulder. Yet...was he implying he would choose to protect you if it ever came to that?
You only shifted closer to him at those words rather than retort though, boldly laying your head against his chest then as you scooted down a little in the bed. You liked the way he tensed slightly too, seeming surprised before he just pulled the bed’s quilt up around you both.
The secure feeling as his arm tightened around you beneath the blanket was also very new. Both of you quiet until it was you who next broke the silence. “Will you stay tonight then?” You could have asked how he’d known you were here, how many times he’d been checking on you via Heimdall, but it really didn’t matter.
All you actually cared about in this moment was how long until you’d have to say goodbye to him again.
His tone seemed unusual, caught off guard still perhaps. But he answered simply. “If it’s what you want. Yes.”
Which likely meant that his father and brother had finally returned to Asgard you thought. But you didn’t want to talk about anyone else right now. This time was now just for the two of you.
“It is what I want.” You confirmed, though not looking up at him in the bed. But with your head still against his chest, you could just hear his own heartbeat. And you didn’t think it was only in your imagination that it quickened at those simple words.
But it was true. You may not understand or be able to express more than this right now. You didn’t know how to talk about love or deeper need. Yet you could be honest to say you wanted him to stay. You wanted him beside you for as long as he could be.
And he just held onto you, staying pressed together as if it should always be this way. But it had to mean something to him too you hoped. Because Loki didn’t seem at all the type of god to do anything if it didn’t fulfill some sort of need for himself as well.
No, you didn’t think he would stay just because you’d asked, unless he’d already wanted to. But you wouldn’t question it out loud, not now as you closed your eyes again.
It likely didn’t take you very long to fall back asleep either to the rhythmic sound of his heartbeat beneath your head. Yet even as you did you could also feel the rise and fall of his chest steadying out as his breathing relaxed in tandem.
If he did stay awake to watch you, it only would have been just barely as the two of you remained curled into one another beneath that blanket. He’d asked you once before, though under more lustful circumstances, if you could get used to being with him. You’d answered yes then, wanting the chance surely, but had he meant it in this way too when he’d asked?
Eros had given you the advice to see this through. He said it was the only way to know if your growing love might ever actually be returned by this god. And that was exactly what you were now going to do.
(Continued in next chapter here)
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writingindulgence · 4 years
Illumi x F.Reader - Expectation
Pairing: Illumi x Female Reader
Story tags: Arranged marriage, typical Zoldyck behaviour, angst-ish, heavy manipulation, ILLUMI, unhealthy one-sided dependence : ) my guy just toxic
3,200+ words and why? I don’t even like the dude. Also, two points of view.
The sound of fancy porcelain tea cups clinking against the glass table is soothing, along with the warm rays shining on your face. Times like these are what you are thankful for. The smell of purposely picked flowers, arranged to please the eyes. Not the stench of trash dumped for the sole convenience of other countries. Colourful butterflies and bees, instead of flies and disease ridden rats. A home cooked meal ready for your consumption rather than scraps of rotting food that you more often than not nearly died for.
Kukuroo mountain is infinitely more beautiful compared to Meteor City.
“(Y/n) dear, it’s unbecoming of you to make noise with your tableware,” a powerful feminine voice chastates your mistake. The woman sitting opposite you is none other than Kikyo Zoldyck. Or as she forces you to call her, mother.
Your heart flutters in relief, an apologetic expression weaving onto your face. She must be in an agreeable mood since her fan hasn’t struck your hand. Sometimes you are let off with a warning if she spots a blunder on your part. Sometimes, she resorts to physical punishment. It always depends on whether or not a family member said anything to ruin her day. In fact, any matter concerning Killua will set her off in a positive or negative direction.
Just like Illumi whenever you bring up his younger brother.
“I apologise mother, I’m too excited because Illumi is returning,” you proceed to take a sip and this time around, gently settle the tea cup down.
A content hum comes from her direction, her visor flashing for a split second. “Oh (Y/n), you’ll make such a good wife one day.” She picks up a fork gracefully and stabs it into the cake she asked for from the family cook.
The compliment ignites a multitude of feelings in your chest. It spreads out, only one thought in your mind.
How immensely grateful and happy you are to hear it.
Many of your friends from when you were young, starved to death. Some were beaten up by other desperate residents. Others lost their will to fight, a state you threaded on a magnitude of times.
Being taken away by the mafia one day was what gave you back the spark, a life in the city no more out of your reach. Until you figured out what type of work they wanted to sell you and other kids for. Stories from the older girls back in Meteor City came rushing back.
Your bloodlust and instinct to survive are what happened to change your life for the better. Out of all the line-up of children, you were selected by the Zoldycks. Instead of being the pet of some old pervert, you found a home within the assassin family.
There were many times when you felt like giving up. When the training you went through was worse than simply dying. However, you promised yourself to never throw away the chance you received all those years back.
You were indebted to the Zoldycks.
Hearing words of encouragement from one of the people you looked up to the most brought tears to your eyes. You wiped them away with your thumb.
Mother is a role model to you. It helped when you found out that she originates from Meteor City too. In a sense, it is easier to place yourself in her shoes and strive to achieve what she did. Being an amazing assassin, wife and mother.
A sudden scraping of a chair brought you back to the presence, startling you into a defensive pose. The knife under your sundress clasped in your hand.
Out of the corner of your eye you notice Kalluto coming out from behind the bushes, his paper fan also ready for action.
“My Kil, what is he doing?! Quick, we have to stop him. Kalluto go call for Milluki right now!,” she orders shrilly before running into the mansion.
Without hesitation, you rush after her. It is expected of you. A nagging feeling in the back of your head also foreshadows that whatever is going on, it will have dire consequences if not stopped.
Killua is in the foyer, being kept idle by the servants. But not for long. You can see the irritation growing on his face, his muscles tensed.
You’ve known Killua since he was a baby, having been inducted as a future family member when mother was pregnant with him. There’s no doubt that if something wasn’t done, it would lead to a messy aftermath.
A few seconds after you make it inside, Milluki shows up and the servants are all dismissed.
“Kil, my little Kil, what’s wrong? Why did I hear that you’re leaving to take the Hunter’s Exam?,” mother’s voice is aghast, the idea of her favourite child abandoning the nest filling her with pain.
You too are taken aback at the news, a protective sensation coursing through you. Your fingers flex at your side.
“It’s boring here and I heard that the Exam is difficult so I’m going to test my skill,” he shrugs her worry off and spins his skateboard. Your heart begins to pound uncontrollably.
Hearing the disrespect, Milluki steps up and lashes out at Killua. “You brat, what’s with that arrogant attitude you-,”
“Stop that!,” mother’s voice sharply cuts him down.
She begins pleading with Killua to stay, her voice cracking multiple times. It pains you to watch someone you respect growing so desperate.
Killua is too young to understand what he’s putting the ones around him through. Of course, a rebellious phase is healthy-
A prickly discomfort surges through your head and you clutch it. Your unexpected movement grabs everyone’s attention. You try to brush it off, not wishing to be a burden.
It isn’t expected of you to be one.
“Killua, you should stay here. The world is a dangerous place,” your words try to reach him. “Illumi is coming home today,  why don’t we-”,
“I don’t want him around! Just leave me alone,” he angrily interrupts. The air grows heavy. Heavier than it’s been since the beginning.
Mother gasps in shock at his behaviour since Killua never really yells at you. Yes, he gets annoyed as much as any other kid but when he shouts, he doesn’t really mean it.
It’s expected of you to coerce him into calming down.
“You’ve changed during the past few weeks (Y/n), after Illumi came back before leaving again. Anyway, I will kill you all if you try to stop me,” Killua promises in a cold voice, his blue eyes a piercing ice.
This rouses an onslaught of insults from Milluki and a mix of agony and happiness from mother.
However, you’re currently stuck in your own mind, reflecting on Killua’s comment. It is true that during the past three weeks you doted on him more than ever before. Usually you try to split your attention between him and Kalluto when you have free time. What changed?
Nothing should have changed, Killua is the priority of the family.
A high-pitched scream echoes around the foyer and your clouded head awakens. The sight in front of you freezes your blood and it takes immense strength not to bite your tongue.
Mother is kneeling down on the ground, her hands covering her bloody face. Before you can take a step, Milluki rages and charges at Killua. The young boy bounces back and proceeds to plunge the knife into his older brother. Milluki curses and grabs his wound.
On impulse, your hand is already equipped with a knife and you’re ready to protect yourself as well as mother Killua.
Killua mistakes your movements as an attack and strikes his own knife across your arm. A long gash appears on your skin, the blood seeping out moments later. You take in the pain as punishment. Punishment for letting it get this far and failing.
You’re a failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.Failure.
Taking the chance to escape, he kicks his skateboard up and runs out.
And you were helpless to stop him.
It’s been a while since Illumi has been back home on Kukuroo mountain, his previous mission requiring him to travel across multiple locations. The target was a cautious person so they moved from place to place, leaving lousy decoys. That did not impede Illumi at all, it was simply an inconvenience at worst.
After all, nervous-wrecks are the ones who put their emotions out on display. They are the first to slip up due to the fact that they care about others.
Which is concerning because Killua is at a stage where he is showing his rebellious streak more often. It is crucial that he can snuff it out before his dear brother falls further down the slope of idiotic fantasies . In which case, it is a slight relief that (Y/n) is here. She tries to keep Killua in check in a subtle way instead of hanging over his shoulder or perpetuating his moody behaviour.
Though the last time he visited there were hints of her growing soft and losing her devotion of raising Killua to be the next head of the family. He is ashamed to confess that it irked him to some degree. It’s expected of her to put her desires down for what he wants. And he wants Killua to be the next head.
Even so, he thought that he dealt with this the last time.
However, imagine the surprise he felt when his mother came wailing to him, begging him to follow her little Kil to the Hunter’s Exam. To think that instead of a joyful family reunion, the news of his stray younger brother reached his ears before anything else.
That won’t do.
Currently, it’s close to midnight which is the time (Y/n) comes to his room to say goodnight. Why she even bothers is beyond him. The effort of keeping up with formalities could be used for better activities. It’s already indisputable that they are arranged to marry in the future at the request of his parents, so there is no reason to be close together in any romantic sense.
In fact, Killua will succeed as the head which is why there is no point in thinking about his own future.
A sigh leaves his mouth.
There is only one positive outcome that came out of this whole arrangement. He has an extra set of eyes and he’s sure that she will listen to him without question. All he has to do is play into these formalities and she’s wrapped around his finger.
An affectionate hug here, a tiny smile there...Normally he’d be concerned that a future Zoldyck , even if not by blood, would be so easy to deceive. However, since every carefully planned step is coming from him he’s not surprised in the slightest.
It’s expected of (Y/n) to be loyal, just as much as it’s expected for Killua to take over the family business.
The wooden clock hanging opposite his bed strikes 12 but there is no sign of (Y/n). She never runs late.
The fact that she hadn’t even greeted him when he came back is also unusual. Normally she’d be pacing in front of the entrance door but today his mother took over that role. He heard that she got injured by Killua but (Y/n) has experienced worse so what’s the fuss?
It’s not his problem, he’ll just take a bath before bed. She’ll come running eventually.
Illumi’s right arm is beginning to grow numb. He hasn’t moved from the water in over an hour. Not because he needed a break to relax, taking time off for yourself is inefficient. No, he hasn’t moved because he’s been waiting for the familiar steps and hesitant knock to come from outside his room.
Discerning who someone is from the sound of their footsteps and how they carry themselves is second nature to any professional assassin. For instance, Milluki hovers in one spot when walking while Kalluto creates soft patters with his toes.
On the other hand, (Y/n) always shuffles her feet forward just before his door. It takes her approximately 2 seconds to knock when she’s unsure, 1 second when she’s in a normal mood and 0.5 whenever she has news deemed worthy enough for him to hear. Reading the mood of someone before they see you face to face is important.
Coming to terms with the fact that today she won’t pay him a visit, he steps out of the bathtub, water dripping down his naked body. He throws on a plain black bathrobe and leaves the bathroom. Giving his bed a quick-over, he walks out the door.
Guess it’s time for him to pay a visit instead.
If he actually bothers and gives it some thought, it’s not a mystery as to why he hasn’t even seen her shadow today. She’s ashamed. Ashamed of being a failure for letting Killua go.
Her scrambled mind is most likely trying to piece together what she should say. How she should ask for forgiveness and repent.
He wonders if she’s starving herself or if she’s contemplating about going to the self-confinement room.
Normally he’d push her into whatever she makes up but a stick approach by itself won’t be enough. There needs to be a push and pull factor involved if he wants her to listen to him unconditionally.
And what better way than to appear before her, disheveled and still wet in his robe? She’ll jump to conclusions.
Further guilt will set in, how she unnecessarily worried him by skipping the usual goodnight. His state will continue feeding her imagination, connecting unrelated dots to make her believe that he cares for her.
Truly, a puppet and its real master.
Soaking footprints follow behind him on the floor, the dim candlelight making them difficult to notice. He knocks once before letting himself in and shutting the door, back turned to the only other person inside.
A small gasp penetrates the silence and a rush of steps follow suit, stopping just behind him.
“Illumi, welcome back,” (Y/n) is the first to speak. He stays silent.
A nervous shuffle. “Is..everything okay?”.
The voice quietens downs the more she speaks. That should be enough for now.
He turns around and looks down at her concerned face, with no emotion of his own. Her eyes widen a fraction after registering his condition. Before she can open her mouth to question him further, Illumi crinkles his eyes and smiles.
“It’s nothing. I was just worried since I didn’t see you today,” he gazes away, giving her enough time to fix her expression. It’ll be harder for him to get her to open up if she thinks that he sees through her lack of control.
“I missed you too-,”
Presumptuous to think that he missed her.
“-and I’m sorry for not saying anything. I just…,” she stops right before confessing her shortcoming.
He doesn’t provide her with any more time to compose herself, a full day is already generous. Grabbing the door handle he gives it a slight tug but her hand shuts it and pulls his sleeve. That’s new. (Y/n) rarely takes the initiative.
He allows her to drag him over to the bed, slightly curious about her next move. Is she trying to entertain him as an apology or simply trying to put distance between him and the door?
Both tactics aren’t half bad when it comes to simple targets.
He sits down on the covers and analyses her.
A long white nightdress, face ready for bed, barefoot, and a long knife wound going up her arm.
A shred of pride for Killua’s work passes through his head but he doesn’t showcase this. If by any chance she spotted the look, it would demolish the picture he wants to paint.
(Y/n) kneels down in front of him and takes his hand into hers. It’s warm, though not as soft as it used to be. Her breasts rest atop his knees.
His attention migrates from the sudden action to her face, looking for answers. He made sure that she will only expect affection coming from him, not the other way around. It would be too tiring to keep up a loving demeanour- no, scratch that. It wouldn’t be tiring but the expectations would eventually rise and it would result in less time spent on bringing up Killua.
Oh, he zoned out.
(Y/n)’s eyes are full of regret and desperation, the hand holding his trembling just enough to tell him that today’s event is eating at her. Is she waiting for him to say something?
Finally after what feels like an unprecedented amount of time, the scene unfolds.
Her smaller hand pulls his to her face and rests it against her cheek. The second his skin touches hers, he detects slight heat radiating. She must have not treated the cut. The knife was probably dirty too, Killua slacks off in that regard.
“I’m sorry for being a failure, I’m very sorry Illumi. I have no excuse,” the apology flows out of her mouth, bottom lip quivering. The pain of looking at someone she disappointed forces her eyes to shut close. Her free hand latches onto his thigh and she digs in before continuing.
“You can slash my other arm as punishment. Or hang me upside down in the self-containment room,” she throws out. “But please, please don’t give up on me. I can do better Illumi”.
And as if to prove how determined she is, her eyes open up again, staring deeply into his own. Unwavering. Confident.
Though the thumb that he has under her jaw gave the hammering pulse away.
1,2,3. 1,2. 1,2,3.
He stretched out the silence, pretending to ponder over his answer. The unsettling emotions influencing her thoughts will prove beneficial when he flips her assumption around.
He removes his hand from her cheek and moves the one on his thigh to her side. (Y/n) adopts a look of relief, believing that he agreed to her conditions of punishment. What he’s about to do is infinitely more cruel though.
She catches her breath when he follows her example and kneels in front of her. He pulls up the sleeve of her nightdress that’s slipping down before grabbing her shoulders, gently.
“How can I not give up on you when you give up on yourself,” he lectures her, peeking down at her wound. Make the target question their actions.
An expression of remorse adorns her face, a downward tug of the mouth.
He pulls her in, arms encircling and resting on her lower back. The material of the nightdress is light enough for him to make out the feeling of skin.
“Though I won’t give up on you.” Affirmation and a moment of reassurance.
One of his hands travels deliberately slowly up to her neck. It rests on the back of her head, fingers entangled in her hair. Illumi locates the present that he left her the last time he visited and pushes it back into her head. It has moved slightly out.
This prompts (Y/n) to hug him in response, her previously hanging arms now resting comfortably around him. Good, as for the finishing line.
“Though your failure is a disappointment, I know that you will not repeat the same mistake, because you
love me, right?”.
Her head moves to rest between the crook of his neck, nodding in agreement. She doesn’t ask him if he loves her.
It’s expected of her not to.
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sweetteaanddragons · 3 years
Normally, I wouldn't go out of my way to read Feanor & Fingolfin fics, but the way you portray their relationship and the characters makes me want to read more! Also, how do you think the storyline in the Silmarillion would change if Luthien agreed to marry Celegorm if he lets her go and rescue Beren and he agrees? How would this affect Doriath and the Feanorians politically? Would Dior still be born? What would happen with Beren? And what about the silmarils? I hope I'm not wasting too much of your time :)
Thank you so much! Asking questions is never a waste of time.
I had to think about this one for a bit. I think one of the biggest factors to consider is why Luthien proposes this.
Is she genuinely attracted to Celegorm now? Does she think this bargain is the best way to achieve everyone’s mutual goals?
Or is she just that desperate to save Beren? If so, what’s her plan? To go through with it? To make sure Celegorm never survives long enough to make this an issue?
Or does she think that this is risky enough that the odds of all three of them coming back alive are pretty much nil, so there’s no point worrying about it?
That last scenario is the one I’m most interested in. They’re going off to face Morgoth! One party of people trying this just failed miserably! Sure, they’re going to try, but someone’s going to die here. Possibly everyone. The survivors can worry about marriage afterward.
If this is spun right, this puts the Feanorians in a much better position in Nargothrond. And Curufin is very dedicated to making sure it gets spun right.
Doriath is . . . less pleased, but not quite as ticked as they were in canon, mainly because they’re just plain confused. Luthien has been . . .. kidnapped by Celegorm? Made a bargain with Celegorm? Eloped with Celegorm? They don’t know what’s going on, but they’re alarmed by all possibilities on the table.
The full political aftermath depends on the outcome, which I think you could plausibly spin in any direction you like.
Option A: Beren dies, as per canon. This time he stays dead. Luthien honors her agreement and marries Celegorm. They have a kid who is not Dior. Doriath is not pleased but they grit their teeth and tolerate the Feanorians after Luthien confirms that this is what she wants.
Option B: Beren dies, as per canon. Luthien brings him back, but not before Celegorm assumes Luthien is also dead and not coming back, so he takes the Silmaril and leaves. Luthien and Beren can’t get married in Doriath without it, but Luthien doesn’t want to let Celegorm know she’s still alive by fighting him for it, so they just elope to the woods. Celegorm eventually sort of figures things out when Dior goes to rule Doriath, but Doriath has no Silmaril, so we avoid two kinslayings.
Option C: Luthien and Beren legitimately die. Celegorm takes the Silmaril. Thingol hates the Feanorians more than ever. The Feanorians maintain an uneasy foothold in Nargothrond. There are no more kinslayings.
Option D: Luthien legitimately dies. Celegorm wants the Silmaril. Beren wants to go throw the Silmaril at Thingol’s head. Huan does not want them to fight. They eventually reach some sort of compromise. This compromise is not good for the Feanorian’s reputation in Doriath or Thingol’s health.
Option E: Luthien and Celegorm die. Beren goes and throws a Silmaril at Thingol’s head. Curufin successfully convinces Nargothrond that the real problem here is Doriath. Relations between the two cities grow . . . frosty.
Option F: Celegorm dies. Everything else goes as according to canon, except the Feanorians demand the Silmaril immediately. Thingol says no. Luthien says yes. Thingol blames the Feanorians.
Option G: Everyone dies. Doriath and the Feanorians blame each other.
Option H: Everyone lives. Luthien offers the Silmaril in place of her hand. Celegorm accepts this offer.
I realize that in none of these options does Luthien marry Celegorm if Beren survives, but I’ve always interpreted it as that while Celegorm is legitimately interested in her, he’s more interested in the Silmaril. Given the choice, that’s what he’ll settle for.
Other thoughts?
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eighthdoctor · 4 years
back on my bullshit again in a new fandom: logical consequences of grimm responding to animal fears
(do they? don’t they? whatever, i don’t think the show has given us a good answer yet)
anyway so the thing: non-human animals feel...a lot of emotions. fear is one of the most fundamental, but anger is also in there. i’d expect to see grimm turn up for two main types of interactions: predation and intra-group conflict.
predation is what it sounds like: predators attacking (and kiling and eating) prey. intra-group conflict is when two or more members of the same social group get into a fight.
one at a time:
predation: the predator’s feelings can be pretty easily dispensed with, because they feel excited and focused and happy. not very grimm feelings at all. prey are much more likely to become a grimm target, as they feel afraid and sometimes angry.
a quick evolution recap for y’all: more animals are born than live to reproduce, but this isn’t random. which animals die young is, over large scales, determined by how well adapted they are to their environment--that is, how good they are at both getting food and not getting turned into food. animals which are better at eating and not getting eaten are more likely to have offspring in the future.
or, as the old joke goes: you don’t need to be faster than the bear. you need to be faster than your friend.
so in real life, a cheetah takes off after an antelope, and the following selection pressures are in play:
1. speed. being physically faster will be beneficial to both animals, so we have an arms race where cheetahs are getting faster and faster, and antelope are getting faster and faster, and some day we may hit a land speed record.
2. reaction time. the cheetah initiates this chase, but the antelope will zigzag, and so the closer the cheetah can stick to the antelope’s path--the faster it can respond to its moves--the more likely it will win. meanwhile, the sooner the antelope can react to the cheetah’s initial lunge, the more likely it will get away entirely.
3. stealth. this one goes entirely to the cheetah, and it’s not well suited for it. other cats get closer to their prey before lunging. cheetahs do get close, but they’re simply not built for the stalk (or temperamentally equipped for it either). but for a cheetah who can get that close, their odds of a kill go up.
4. observation. and this is the antelope’s equivalent. if it can spot the cheetah before the lunge, it’s actually very unlikely the cheetah will make a go for it at all.
for the most part, antelope are already at their observation maximum, and cheetah sacrifice stealth for a better reaction time (it has to do with twitchiness: if you’re very very twitchy, you’ll be fabulous at tag but horrible at hide and seek). mostly they’re being pitted in terms of speed and reaction time.
now add grimm.
i’m making the assumption that about half the time, the grimm will attack the predator, and half the time, they’ll attack the prey. (probably more like 1:1:1:1 where the last two options are “both” and “neither” but let’s not complicate this).
for the antelope, well. the antelope never cared very much about what the cheetah was there for. 
to zoom out from this particular example, prey animals have two major responses to predators: get away (run faster, hide better) or make the predator go away (horns, size, tough skin, poison, spikes...poison spikes...). some of these strategies will be more useful on grimm than others. grimm aren’t going to be intimidated unless the animal genuinely isn’t angry; grimm won’t necessarily be deterred by going down a burrow or changing skin color.
once a predator-prey duo has attracted grimm, the prey animal has two choices (they always do): fight or flight. they can either outrun the grimm (arguably only because the grimm will focus on the slower predator instead) or kill it.
in the case of the cheetah-antelope example, antelope are most likely to just get faster. grimm are just bigger, scarier cheetahs with better endurance to an antelope, so the antelope population will undergo selection for faster, stronger antelope.
cheetah are similar, actually: when it comes to conflicts with other large predators, cheetah rarely take it to a fight. they’ll walk away from their own kills if another predator turns up because they’re not at all built for physical contact. so in remnant, we’re looking at super fast cheetah and antelope.
however, there are other outcomes.
first, predators are much less likely to develop for pursuit over ambush in the first place. an ambush will very quickly resolve into a kill or the predator walking away to try again later. there will be fear, but it’ll be intense and quickly gone. pursuit predators take minutes to hours (to days) to wear down their prey and catch them, which is much more time for grimm to turn up. so wolves, who are quite happy to chase large prey for miles on end, are going to need to adapt to smaller prey who can be caught faster.
second, prey which have always been more inclined to fight than flee are going to face more intense pressure to be lethal. you don’t need to kill the tiger to get it to give up, but you do need to kill the grimm. so animals like elephants can’t just be big. once a mamma elephant gets scared for her calf, she has to be willing and able to kill about it. (in real life they start and often end with display charges. around grimm? probably not so much)
in comparison to real life, where we do have some generalist prey animals, remnant equivalents are going to be much more extreme. bison often run from wolves as a first response but stand their ground once chosen as the victim; in remnant this sort of mass herd panic would attract grimm pretty quickly. it’d be a much better strategy for bison to stand their ground from the get-go and consistently attack back.
as @mylordshesacactus just argued to me, there also won’t be any large herds. it’s very, very easy to start a panic in massed groups. much harder when there’s only 4 or 5 of you. so that’s interspecific conflict. what about conspecific conflict?
well, unlike with predation, you don’t need to fight members of your same species to survive. [citation needed] most fights between animals of the same species are over a resource, such as food, sleeping spaces--or sex.
i’m going to set aside squabbling over food. nobody wants to get killed for a haunch of meat, so predators have worked out ways to share a kill or scare off others without major conflict (or fear).
instead let’s talk sex.
in species where sex leads to conflicts (some species are monogamous, and others do flybys where no one gets too worked up), you’ve got two major strategies: male competition and female choice.
female choice is where males compete for the attention & sexual availability of a female. males don’t directly interact, and may have things arranged so they’re spread out over a small (or large) area. instead females move around until they find the male who suits their interests. this is particularly common in birds, where males compete to grow the flashiest tail or sing the prettiest song. then they pair off, boink, and incubate eggs.
this isn’t particularly full of negative emotions (it’s...hard to figure out what jealousy looks like in order to study it, so mostly what you’ll see is some amount of frustration) so not terribly interesting to grimm.
male competition is full of anger though.
in ungulates (hoofed animals), males butt heads, kick, bite, bang necks together, and otherwise have a huge fuss over who can assemble the largest harem. these conflicts are painful and violent. watch any david attenborough documentary for examples. while long term, these behaviors are motivated by the eventual access to sex, in the short term, they are driven entirely by emotions.
so we’ve got a herd of horses. (say a small herd, accounting for the first half of this.) there’s one dominant stallion, and a handful of satellite bachelors (zero to four depending on number of mature mares). when the mares come into heat, the dominant stallion is going to spend a lot of time a) stressing about the bachelors or b) running them off. meanwhile the bachelors are going to spend a lot of time a) stressing about the stallion and b) trying to fight him off.
(the mares won’t be too fussed by any of this.)
the longer this goes on, the more likely grimm are to show up.
here’s the problem for the males: it’s to everyone’s advantage for male-male competition to not be deadly. even the top male isn’t going to be top forever, and he’d rather not get killed off on his way out, because if he gets killed off, there goes any chance of sneakily reproducing later. so fights are DRAMATIC, they are HIGH OCTANE, and they very rarely escalate to physical contact. when they do, they even more rarely lead to death.
so while at the same time males need to remain non-lethal against other males, they need to escalate to lethal behavior very quickly when grimm show up. this is a tricky balance to hold when you’re worked up.
now, i admit that grimm are less interested in non-human animal emotions than they are in human/faunus emotions, and that some of these encounters are so brief that the grimm won’t arrive before they’re over. but evolution is a gambling game. it’s about many, many small transactions over years, and so it matters greatly whenever anything slightly increases the risk of a certain behavior.
if male-male competition is slightly more risky, then either a) males need to be better at killing grimm, but not to the point where they’re killing other males or b) there needs to be less anger involved.
it’s very very tricky, speaking as an animal trainer, to retain a behavior while neutralizing the emotion behind it. possible! but tricky. even trickier when there’s no trainer involved. it’s not enough for the fights to become less dangerous, because the grimm care about emotions. the conflicts need to be less intense, and that’s hard.
so instead of less intense conflicts, pivot to more readily lethal horses. (ouch) (sidenote: increasing traits in one sex will often lead to similar changes in the other, especially in species where males and females are largely the same. and it’s not like mares aren’t already interested in kicking the living daylights out of anything that displeases them...)
remnant horses, and many other ungulates, would be more prone to fighting over flight, because that’s a necessary trait during mate competition. since it’s very hard to shift strategies mid-go, males who are already fighting (non-lethally) can more easily turn to killing grimm than running away from them.
so what we’re looking at here is a world where social species live in smaller groups, where fights are more readily lethal but also easier to diffuse, and where predators trend towards patient stalks and short, fast kills.
and that’s without getting into the implications for farming and domesticated animals...
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violet-knox · 3 years
Year 7 - Chapter 70
Summary: You're anxious for your last Quidditch game, worried about your future and your relationship with Severus
Word count: 1710
Previous Chapter - Chapter 1
You looked so stressed. Even from the stands he could tell you were worried about the outcome of the Quidditch finals. You’d spent the last two weeks training every single day, he barely had a second to say hello. He didn’t blame you though. He knew how important this game was to you, how badly you needed to win, and he supported you. The game had kept the crowd on their toes, likely the most anticipated match in the history of Hogwarts Quidditch. He hadn’t realized how good Hufflepuff had gotten, challenging your skill and leadership on a level he didn’t think was possible. His heartbeat furiously as the score flipped between favouring either team, nearly everyone watching it carefully as they waited for the snitch to be caught. All the action was with the chasers, but everyone’s attention was on the seekers. Even Severus couldn’t help but watch Potter and wonder if he was going to let you down today or make himself useful for once.
This game had gone on for far too long, and the longer it went on, the more stressed you became. Severus could see Potter’s failure seep into you as frustration, but it didn’t surprise him. Of course Potter was someone who couldn’t be trusted, and he tried telling you not to depend on him, but you had to insist he was the best seeker you had. It didn’t matter now, you were both graduating and with any luck, you’d never see Potter again after this game.
The crowd roared as the snitch was finally caught, every player pausing in anticipation for the reveal of which team won. Severus hated himself for hoping it was Potter who’d prevailed, but he didn’t care. He just wanted you to win, to have that final victory to look back on. Gryffindor cheered and he watched as your team landed, ambushing Potter with smiles on your faces. You looked so relieved, so happy and he wanted to be happy for you, but he felt jealous it wasn’t him you were hugging. With everything that has been going on with your relationship, he really needed to find a way to show you how much he truly cared about you.
The stands began to clear out as the teams made their way to the changing rooms, but Severus felt frozen in place. He let everyone leave him behind as he sat there in the growing silence and clear skies. He looked up at the clouds and began to imagine what his life would be like if he hadn’t been sorted into Slytherin, if Malfoy had left him alone in his first year. He could never imagine a life without you, but sometimes he wondered how much easier his life would be if he hadn’t got a taste of both sides, if his life had followed one simple path instead of two. Was it silly to ask such questions? Perhaps it was and perhaps what he should be wondering about is what path he will find himself on after graduation. There were so many things up in the air, so many unknowns and dangers but he knew whatever came his way he’d manage it so long as he had you.
He stood up and began to make his way out of the stadium. The crowd had dispersed into groups, some celebrating, some simply chatting. He could see your team cheering and shouting with a large group of Gryffindors as Potter held the snitch high in the air for all to see. Lily was next to him, smiling like her world was flawless. Lupin, Black and Pettigrew all joining in with the fun as if they had anything to do with Gryffindor’s victory. Severus couldn’t take another step. He couldn’t see you and the thought of trying to mingle with those buffoons made him want to run in the opposite direction and never look back.
Unable to stand another second of his past mocking him, he turned around, scanning the rest of the crowd, his eyes finally landing on you. He stared at you as you spoke with Connor, smiling from ear to ear. Just a few weeks ago, he would have been accepted with open arms if he walked over there, but he felt like an outsider, like he wasn’t welcome to join his girlfriend in celebrating one of the happiest moments of her life.
Your eyes met his and he could see your face drop even from this distance. His shoulders dropped as he considered just walking away. You didn’t need him, you never did. It was him who gained from your relationship, it just took him a while to realize that. You waved goodbye to Connor and began walking towards him, his legs instinctively pushing him to meet you halfway.
“Where’ve you been?” As he got closer to you, he could see just how happy you were, like all that stress had evaporated. You were practically jumping with joy, unable to contain your glee as you walked closer to him. “I was hoping to see you outside the changing room.”
“Sorry.” His voice caught in his throat. He’d been silent all day, the only other words spoken from his lips were ‘good luck’ when he saw you before the game. He clapped for you of course, but he couldn’t find it in him to cheer, not when everyone else around him had much more energy than him. Still, that didn’t mean he couldn't’ support you in his own way. “But maybe I can make it up to you?”
“Oh?” You bit your lip as you took his hands in yours, smiling up at him. Finally, you felt like some of the stress that had been weighing you down ease off your shoulders. Between Quidditch, N.E.W.Ts and all the drama with Severus and Connor, you weren’t sure if you’d be able to make it through to the end of the school year. But here you were, Quidditch champion, your grades were up and you’d managed to maintain your relationships with Connor and Severus. Connor would never likely speak to Severus again, but you didn’t expect to win all your battles this week. For now, you just had to focus on your relationship with Severus.
He’d been so distant these past two weeks. A part of you blamed yourself, your Quidditch schedule completely unaccommodating. But he usually always sat in on your practices if he didn’t have class, yet he’d completely disappeared from them over the last few days. He’d barely said two words to you before your game today, and even now, he looked as if he’d gotten no sleep for a week. You squeezed his hands and stepped as close to him as you could, trying to read his mysterious, dark eyes.
“I’ve missed you,” he whispered with a touch of guilt in his voice. Your smile began to fade as you realized just how much work you had to mend your relationship with him. This time apart had not done him well, leaving things up in the air after the incident with Connor like that had clearly impacted him more than you’d realized. You lunged at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and squeezing him in a tight embrace, hoping to remind him of just how much you cared about him.
“Ms. (Y/L/N)?” You tore yourself from Severus and looked to your side to find a man you’d never seen kindly smiling at you. You stepped back from your interrupted hug and turned towards the man.
“My name is Odie Elks. I’m a recruiter for The English National Quidditch team.” It took everything you had to keep yourself composed. A recruiter was speaking with you, and not just any recruiter, a recruiter for The English National Quidditch team! “I’ve been told you lead the Gryffindor team to victory, and I must say, I’m impressed by your skill, both as a chaser and a Captain.”
The recruiter had given you a compliment, speaking to you like he was interested in you, and you couldn’t believe this was happening right now. You looked up at Severus just to make sure he could see this man too and sure enough, he wore a happy smirk on his face, his eyes landing on the recruiter.
“Th-thank you!”
“Have you considered playing Quidditch professionally?”
“I-I’ve given it some thought, yes.” You could barely find your words, your eyes wide as your heart pounded with the potential opportunity that had appeared before you. The recruiter opens his jacket and slips a hand in his pocket, taking out a small card and handed it to you.
“Well, perhaps you may consider joining us if that’s the path you decide to take.”
“Thank you! I will!”
“We’ll be in touch.” The recruiter nodded his head and began making his way towards the castle. You bit your tongue, waiting for him to get out of earshot before your internal scream leaked as a squeal. You jumped up and down, your excitement escaping your body, Severus smiling at your glee.
“(Y/N)! That’s amazing! I told you you had the talent!” Severus felt so happy for you, sharing in your excitement and incredible achievement. You inspired him so much with everything you did. Your kindness, your dedication, everything about you made him want to be better, to do better.
“Sev,” you ambushed him, nearly making him fall over as you tossed your arms back around him. “I can’t believe I hold in my hand the card from a recruiter of The English National Quidditch Team. This can’t be real. I’m dreaming!”
Severus smiled, giving you a quick kiss atop your head. “You deserve every bit of this, congratulations (Y/N).”
You smiled, pressing Severus to you as you let out a sigh of contempt. Everything seemed to be falling into place. Things were looking up for life after graduation and Severus’ mood had already begun to lift. This was only the beginning of course. You still had so much work to do. N.E.W.Ts were fast approaching and you couldn’t let anything else eat away at your relationship with Severus any longer. No more excuses, you were going to spend time with your boyfriend and iron out your relationship.
Next Chapter
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pieces-by-me · 4 years
Little Mouse
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Hello there! This is my piece for @youbloodymadgenius​ 1k Writing Challenge!! I originally wanted to post this sooner but I took too much on my plate and have now so many things to write that I put myself under pressure. The idiot I am.🤦🏼‍♀️
But anyway: Congratulations again on this huge step!! You deserve every single one of us and even more and I’m sure your blog will only grow bigger and better. I really hope you enjoy this and that you have an amazing day/night ✨
Words: 2827
Summary: Ivar’s night before the big war will be interrupted by a visitor from his past. Someone he has almost forgotten.
Prompt: I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. - A Streetcar Named Desire
Warning: mention of death, I think thats it. English is not my first language
He was standing over the table, browns lined in though. Somehow he had to do it. He had to beat Alfred and win this final battle. The battle over Wessex.
Ivar was in pain. Not only his brain, form constantly thinking of strategy upon strategy, but also his legs. They were killing him. The constant raining, the fog and the gloomy atmosphere shrouding Wessex into a climate that did not agree with Ivar. They hurt worst then on the coldest day in Kattegat or the snow filed days of Kiev. Maybe it was because Kattegat was his home and he was just too used to that. But this was close to agony. The wind blowing through his tent was not helping either.
Not finding the answer he was looking for after watching over the maps of the terrain he was done with it for the night. Tightly gripping his crutch while limping to his bed he made his way carefully from one side to the other. Sitting down he reached for his cup of mead and took a big gulp, hoping the warming liquid would help his sour mood and hurting bones. And after a couple of more cups he felt the familia tingling of warmness traveling through his body. It didn't stop his legs from causing him pain, but at least it was now more tolerable. With this he was able to take off his braces. Making him hiss and grimace as the metal left his limps. 
But soon the soothing feeling came from not having his legs being trapped and pinched together that the hissing turned into a long sigh. Finally he could lay down and rest. His men and the one from Harald would want to know a plan by tomorrow but they would have to wait a bit, because he was to tired to think anymore. Something that didn't happen often. Taking of his heavy tunic and trowing it across the improvised room he closed his eyes with hoping to find sleep soon.
Ivar's hearing was always impeccable, a trait he was very proud of and something he would rub under the noses of his brothers every chance he would get. This time his hearing was the reason he woke up from a deep sleep. Someone was sneaking through his tent. And it was not his brother. That klutz was always too loud walking around. So who was mad enough to creep through his quarters while he was still in them? Someone with a death wish that was certain. He used his the arm he lay on to travel towards his hidden knife under his pillow. Something every son of Ragnar would sleep with. But just as his hand neared the edge of his pillow a voice filled with taunt went through his tent.
“I took your knife so you don't have to search for it.”
What in the name of Odin?
Not only was this voice teasing him, him a feared Viking throughout all the lands, but it was female and close to giggling. No use in trying to be stealthy he turned around to face this intruder and sat up.
When he looked at her he saw that she was a meek little thing. Thin, sickly and clothed in scraps. Standing there, proud and smiling, three meters from his bed. Twirling his knife in her hands. There was a glimmer of triumph in her eyes but something else sparkled alongside it. Admiration?
Pushing the initial shock away, Ivar slapped a smirk on his face and looked her deep in the eyes. Something about them was nagging on his brain. Like he had seen them a long time ago, or in a dream. But before he could say any words or threads she beat him to it.
“You are Ivar the Boneless.” It was definitely admiration.
“It has been a long time since I have seen you.”
That made him stutter a bit. So he had seen her. But when?
“I'm not surprised you don't remember me. I am a nobody. But I saw you. Way back when we both were little. Or at least younger, I never truly grew taller.” A sort of giggle that was close to sadness left her lips at her words. But it wasn't a wonder that she didn't grow. How could a body grow when there was never anything to feed it?
It was quiet then after her words. Ivar was in a state of remembering. Trying to pinpoint where he could have seen her. When they were younger and he was in Wessex, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense. She was Saxon, or at least not from his home. That could only have been when he was captured with his father by King Ecbert. His heart ached at the memory of his father. So it had to be there, but how could they have met, he was in in a cell or locked in a room for the whole ordeal.
A feeling like letting lose of a taut arrow whizzed through his brain as he glanced at her awaiting eyes again.
“You were crawling behind your father into the first ring of the city when....”
“You are the little mouse.” His voice was louder when he interrupted her.
For a moment she looked at him in pure amazement. Bewildered almost as if shot with his arrow. But then seconds went by and her looked formed to something of confusion.
“The little girl behind a barrel, hiding away. Tiny thing with huge eyes that stared at me. Like a mouse looking out of its hole.”
“So you really remember me?” Her voice and face went back to amazement and in her pure joy she took a step towards him. Almost as if not even realizing that she did. But he definitely saw it.
“The great Ivar the Boneless knows who I am.” Her voice was small but proud. Almost as if it wasn't a sentence meant for him to hear.
Ivar didn't know how he should react to this. He could yell for his guards, making them run in here and taking her a prisoner that broke into his tent. Probably punished and killed. But something held him back. He was intrigued of this women. Truly she was like a mouse. Small as one. Quiet as one. And also sneaky if he thought about it. Her hands must be quick and steady too if she was able to grab the knife quite literally from under his head. He decided to entertain her joy, and it had definitely nothing to do with the fact that she called him 'the great Ivar the Boneless.'
“Well since you know who I am apparently, tell me your name. Or do you want me to keep calling you mouse?” A self-satisfied smile grew on his face.
“I don't have a name and mouse sounds better then what I was called before.”
That again made him stop for a second. “You don't have a name? Don't be stupid, everyone has one.
“Don't call me stupid.” She held his knife steadily in her hands and this time her voice was void of all emotion. “My mother was crazy when I was born and the time I grew up with her so she called me by a different name every day. And after she died no one was there to give me one. So yes, I don't have one.”
“Well then I just have to call you Mouse then don't I. You looked small back then. And as you said there was no one there to help you. So how did you survive?” His smile turned into a bitter smirk after her mood change.
“Why do you want to know?”
“A person breaks into my tent at night, steals my knife and reveals that we already met once in this life. Why wouldn't I want to know how they did all that?”
Ivar could see that she was hesitating for a moment. But after thinking everything over, the good outcomes and the bad once, she started walking around in his tent. Went from one corner to the next and kept her eyes sweeping over every little thing that she could see.
'Probably looking for something to take with her' Ivar thought with a bitter kind of chuckle.
“I had to live on the streets since I was 5. Mother died and the men who owned our little house threw me out. Didn't need another mouth to feed, he said. So I had to learn how to live on my own. I was small and young so some people pitied me and gave me scraps of food of small measly coins. But I could also run real fast so I could rush around people and take things from them before they knew.”
There was more. He knew it, he could hear it in her tone.
“You said that Mouse was better then the name before, so what was that and who called you that?”
Her steps staggered for a tiny bit and he new that he was right.
“There was a men who helped me.” She was still looking at everything except Ivar. “He helped me, not out of kindness but because he saw that I had talent.” She wiggled her fingers at him and her lips turned up at her words. “I don't know his real name, he never told me but he always called me Pest. So I called him Oldie. He hated that.” Tiny laughter slipped out of her mouth and when she skipped through the room he caught her eyes for a second, seeing that she was in a memory.
“So I would say Mouse is better then Pest wouldn't you?”
Her eyes found his at her question and he only nodded. “So he helped you stealing?”
“I didn't only steal things you know? I sat out in my alley and begged. And I tried to find work. But no one wanted my help. How would anyone want me. I'm not strong and Oldie always said I have to big of a mouth. I can't keep it shut. And I needed training at the beginning. Had to run away a lot of times to escape the guards when people saw me.”
The smile that was threatening to grow on Ivars face was quickly pushed back down. He hadn't decided yet if he would let her go or not.
“For a long time in my life I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. I had to be lucky.Waiting that people took pity in me. I had to be patient and hungry for most of my days. But then I heard stories of you. People talked about the sons of Ragnar and even after I left York a couple of months after I saw you, I still listened to the people when they talked about you. How you avenged your father and later took York. How the cripple that I saw crawling around was now walking and riding a horse.”
Not even he noticed her standing beside his bed. He was too compelled by her words and the admiration that was back in her eyes that drew him in like a moth to a flame.
“But after hearing your stories. The stories of Ivar the Boneless and how he conquered and fought and of how he became King I realized that I didn't want to depend on anyone but myself anymore. If you could rise up to such a degree I didn't want to stay where I was” She sat down on his bed. Right next to him.
Never had he imagined that he would inspire someone in such a way. Raising fear and misery. Making people scream when they heard stories of him. Having poets sing about his conquests and destructions. All that was more logical then the admiration he got from this women before him. Confusion showed on his face.
“You knew that I could kill you the moment yet you stepped into my tent. But still you came.”
His question was met with a nod. Her eyes piercing his.
“You did not come here to steal my things did you?” After looking at her hands he added with a smirk. “Well except my knife.”
She smiled and and nodded her head again when she looked at the mentioned knife in her hands. Tightening her grip she slowly moved her hand towards him as if she wanted to give it back to him. He didn't react to her movements.
“I just wanted to see you again. You haven't left my mind for a long time.”
Her innocent honesty touched his heart in a strange way. She did not come to steal. She could have even killed him with his own knife. Gods she sat herself right next to him even though she knew that he could probably crush her like a bug with his bare hands. Still she risks her life just to see him one more time. To see the person that gave her hope all her life. Hope for something better. Hope that even a person that has to crawl though the dirt can become someone great.
Not knowing what he should do with her words and the warmness that spread though him all of a sudden he asked her the first thing that came to his mind.
“Where is Oldie?”
Bemusement at his question and sadness for her upcoming answer mixed on her face.
“I killed him.”
Shock and a slight silver of panic made itself known inside Ivar's head. Maybe he should have taken the knife back. But before it could grow bigger she continued.
“He was caught in a bear trap when we moved around. His wound did not get better so one night he asked me to end his pain. And I did.”
His panic subsided but with it grew a kind of sadness. Empathy maybe. He saw that her hands started to tremble just a tiny bit so he enclosed her small cold hands with his larger warm once.
The trembling stopped and a gasp was heard though the tent. She looked at their hands and took in his warmth. The difference in size was almost comical. And when he started to speak in a voice not many people would hear, quiet but tender, she met his eyes again. Feeling the squeeze of his hands.
“You should take my knife with you. You earned it by taking it from under my head.”
She wanted to protest, further proving that she really did not want to hurt him or steal from him.
But he wouldn't let her.
“A little mouse like you should have something to defend herself. You can't always run away to escape. You have this now as a gift. So you will take it.”
His last words were stoic. He wouldn't take it back and she knew it at his tone.
“Thank you.” Now even her voice sounded like a mouse. Tiny and high.
This was the first thing someone ever gave her as a gift. The sun that was slowly creeping up the horizon fell into his tent and with the new small form of light in it he could see that her eyes were shining again, this time with unshed tears of gratitude.
“Now run along little mouse. The sun is rising and you need to escape before the cats awake.”
He squeezed her hands one more time and then let her go.
Standing form his bed she did not broke the gaze they shared. Even when she made her way closer to his desk she still looked at him. Only now he could see the tiny gab under his desk. The one she probably sneaked her way into.
“Goodbye Ivar.”
“Goodbye little Mouse.”
“Hopefully I can see you again one more time. See if you still remember me then.”
“Oh I'm sure I will.”
With his last words her smile was as blinding as the upcoming sun. Oh yes he would not forget her.
She turned around reluctantly, bend down to the ground and crawled through the hole. The tent was empty again.
Ivar had to laugh. She really was a mouse. Sighing he laid back down, knowing that it was no use in trying to sleep again. He was wide awake and soon his brother and Harald were up to further discuss their plans. He really hoped that after this battle their paths would meet again. That he could talk to her more and learn more about her life.
But for now he had to win against Alfred. After that he could think of his little mouse again.
Let me know what you thought! Feedback is really appreciated✨ have a nice day!
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