#but do i like egg man papyrus better than knight papyrus
sunsetcarnation264 · 3 years
So, uh, that DT17 finale huh?
I would've made this right after I watched the finale, but I wanted to give it a bit of time to sink in fully and made sure I thought everything through before giving my thoughts on it. Not the worst finale there is, but it definitely could've been way better in my opinion. I've heard about the finale from my friends who've seen it, which from the sounds of it I already wasn't liking it, but since I've seen the finale now, how I feel about it is now concrete and set in stone and I feel the same as before. Maybe how I feel about it is in the minority side, or maybe a majority side, I dunno but I don't care. It's not the best it could've been and I'll explain why below. If you like it, good for you I guess because everyone's tastes are different, but I personally don't and I feel like the show deserves a much better finale than this. HEAVY DUTY DISCLAIMER: Just because I'm criticizing the finale doesn't mean I don't love the series, in fact it's because I love the show that I'm giving criticism and give what I would’ve done instead, and if you're anything like me and you're hella late to the party then there'll be spoilers for the finale. If you haven't caught up on the last episode, then you're not missing much honestly, but if you don't like spoilers regardless then watch that first then come back
The first part of the finale starts off like any other DuckTales 2017 episode. It's Webby's birthday, everyone's keeping their eyes out for F.O.W.L. shit, and Webby's enjoying herself. After a bit everyone goes below Funso's and they end up in F.O.W.L.'s territory. F.O.W.L. sets everything up to be on self-destruct, so they gotta find them and stop the self-destruction. They did happen to do the latter, but the F.O.W.L. members already escaped with almost everything. Just almost. The gang end up finding May and June, who're clones and they presume they're clones of Webby. Now this is where I'm starting to not like the finale. Yeah, you can do clones as like a plot twist, but at the same time it feels a bit outta nowhere. Had they foreshadowed it in another episode or have it lead up to the whole "oh shit there's clones of a character we know and love" thing then I wouldn't have a problem, but this came outta nowhere and I kept an eye on possible foreshadowing during season 3 and the rest of season 2 post The Duck Knight Returns too so I would've picked something up. The only thing that could count as foreshadowing was when Beakley promised Webby that she won't keep anymore secrets from her and the harp was saying "fibbing fibbing fibbing", but that's just it. Part two of the finale, Gyro does tests on them to see who they might've been clones of. He tries to tell everyone what the results are but when Scrooge asks him, he said it didn't come up with anything for him to answer the question. Beakley thinks they're both dangerous and locks them up in a closet. Webby, being a naive little girl, wants to talk to them because they're essentially her 'sisters' and she wants to know them more even though Beakley straight up tells her not to interact with them. Webby disregards what Beakley says anyways and she frees them, talks to them, and tries to show them her family tree so they can figure out where May and June came from. May and June are basically like "ehhhh this is your family tree? Who tf are you related to besides Beakley?" yeah, as if extended family or found family still ain't family you jerks. In the meantime, Louie just wants to watch his Ottoman Empire finale which ends up being shitty foreshadowing for the last part of this finale. You'll see why I mentioned this later. They even see Lena and Violet on there and are like "okay but who're those" which Webby responds with how they're her best friends and guess what one of the two clones goes to do? One of them grabs scissors and tries to cut it. When she does cut it, Lena's like "aw hell no bitch" and uses magic on her. Webby being Webby, is completely upset about this because "that was my sister how could you do that" and runs off like how one of the clones ran off. Bitch you only knew her for like five seconds, just because y'all be related don't mean you automatically THIS close to each other like how you are with Lena, Violet, Huey, Dewey, Louie, and anybody else in the McDuck family. I personally believe that love, trust, and respect is what makes people family, not blood/DNA, adoption, or they were married into the family or a step sib/kid/etc. If they're a harmful dick (i.e. a bigot who's queerphobic and/or racist or if they're an abuser, murderer, etc.) then you don't gotta treat them like family or say that they're your family. But anyways we're probs getting off topic, point is that she should trust those who she's known forever instead of clones she knew for a few minutes. Everybody tries to find Webby and one of the clones that ran off. Webby bumped into Beakley as she was tryna find May or June (I think May tho, don't recall) and she tries to lie her way outta it but Beakley knows what's up lol. She says that Webby wants to see the clones, Webby goes with it, and the younger duck wants to know who her parents were. Beakley tells her who her parents were (which might've either been a lie or she was describing herself and a late significant other that we've seen in Webby's picture of her parents) and Webby accepts it. Cut to later when she catches May and June trying to steal the ancient artifacts that Scrooge and co. retrieved during the entirety of season 3. She's shocked that they're even doing this, they all fight each other, and May escaped while June got knocked out. Webby disguises herself as June while she takes her outside where F.O.W.L. awaited them with an aircraft, most importantly Bradford. We only find out Webby was disguising herself as June when everyone got on. Huey notices what's going on and he goes after them, somewhat hiding in the aircraft before everyone leaves for the F.O.W.L. hideout. Not gonna lie, that was a pretty smart plan by Webby. Considering they all look identical and Webby's good at imitation, she can actually get away with this pretty well. This I actually really like and I wouldn't change too much about this. When Huey reveals himself to the three, Webby reveals herself to him but tells him to play along so they ain't fucked over. Somewhat worked. Webby keeps making little slips here and there which makes May hella suspicious of her. They land at the hideout, Webby tries to get what info she can while Huey's taken away. Thanks to the help of Pepper (who I love btw and I think deserves the best ;____;), Webby ends up finding the document room where there's documents on May, June, and a third person with the codename of April. She watches it and oh, shit, it turns out Bentina Beakley actually snatched her ass from F.O.W.L. when she was a baby! What a shocker! She couldn't believe what she was seeing! This is actually fine to me, her possibly being a clone actually makes sense because she could've been a clone of Beakley. Plus it's also a huge reference to how Webby was created to be a combination of Daisy's nieces April, May, and June back in the original series, though I dunno how many people would catch that, especially younger fans who might not have done the research to getting all of the references and easter eggs here. When Beakley was brought in (essentially she knocked Scrooge out without hurting him, went to here alone to take care of F.O.W.L. once and for all just for Webby, but got defeated along with some of the McDucks), everyone leaves Beakley, Webby, and the Harp alone and Webby somewhat confronts Beakley about her past. Needless to say, Webby ain't excited about this and she gets captured and tied up. She's actually pretty depressed, which I mean in a way I don't blame her since she wanted to know if that shit was real or if F.O.W.L. was fabricating it. Cut to Huey being brought to Bradford. Apparently he was a fellow Woodchuck too, though he wasn't the best despite being the very first Woodchuck by his grandmother Isabella Finch, in fact he was the worst which hahaha yeah I can actually believe that. It does explain why he hates adventures and all of that shit, one of the only things I'm willing to accept from the finale. He talks about how he wants to complete the collection "for the better" because Scrooge and everyone else in the family were the only ones to have Isabella's lost journal. Huey believes this at first. He stops believing it once he ends up finding Gyro and everyone else who're locked up. In the meantime, Bradford drags Webby out to a sort of box along with May and June. She doesn't know why she's brought up here. When she gets close to the box, the papyrus appears because... She's the descendant of... Of Scrooge McDuck. Okay no, JUST NAH MAN. This is where my biggest issue in the finale lies, the fact that she's a clone/made from Scrooge's DNA and is technically his "daughter". Not everybody has to be related to Scrooge McDuck to be great, in fact doing this to her actually ruins Webby's character. Her trope is "found family," not "I'm secretly part of the family this whole time and not even I knew it" and this fucks with it so badly. This show is about family, and all different kinds of it. Being taken care of by your uncles/aunts instead of your parents but still having a good relationship, some kids don't have parents and they're gone for whatever reason, being loved and accepted by other family members, some families are awful and abusive, hell some families have two same sex/gendered parents with a kid who's def adopted and one might've been adopted or been from a previous relationship, and it's also how sometimes we find people to call family because we found them and they found us. Webby was the one to fill in the finding those to find family alongside her grandma, but I feel like they're disregarding that just to have a huge plot twist. Again aside from Beakley keeping secrets from Webby, there was no foreshadowing and it makes a previous episode from season two (Nightmare on Killmotor Hill) seem kinda creepy in hindsight since she's over here wanting to be Scrooge himself, and creepy overall due to how obsessive she was over the whole McDuck family in general. You could say it's foreshadowing this whole time, since some people might actually be like this before realizing that "oh hey I'm actually related to this person" due to someone being adopted, given to someone else to take care of, divorce and each parent keeps one of the kids and they don't meet again until way later in life, which in a way is a fair point but at the same time not everyone's gonna notice this even when they look back at the previous episodes. If you're gonna do foreshadowing and a plot twist, you have to do it where looking back everyone can notice little details, not just a certain group of people, and you gotta make sure it's good. Every plot twist has it's foreshadowings, and every good one has a good amount for people to take a guess. Every bad plot twist, however, is either forced in just to shock the viewers or has shitty foreshadowing that's either extremely little or none. I will make a comparison between this and Steven Universe (which if you're still watching or haven't touched yet but haven't gotten up to season five, please skip this part to avoid spoilers for the show) because in Steven Universe, there were PLENTY of hints and foreshadowing that Rose Quartz was actually Pink Diamond and it was even a theory too that Rose was actually Pink, alongside a theory that Pearl was actually the one to shatter Pink Diamond and not Rose which ended up being true in a way that both fits. This was a good plot twist that everyone can watch the show from start to end once again and notice every little bits of details that led up to that plot twist reveal. (End of SU spoilers) This, however, isn't a good plot twist. It's a terrible one and, again, forced in, messy, and there's not enough foreshadowing that can be used to be like "oh I kinda saw that coming" or "oh shit!" and think it's a genuinely good twist. Also the fact that Webby called Scrooge "Dad" T W I C E in the finale, it doesn't sound right, I even voiced out loud that OH EW THAT DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT WHY ARE YOU CALLING HIM DAD THIS IS GROSS STOP IT LIKE JUST CALL HIM UNCLE SCROOGE LIKE YOU'VE ALWAYS DONE- Oh and this is meant to be a throwback to that Ottoman Empire finale foreshadowing thing from earlier btw lol The last few things I can note about this is the fight between Scrooge and Bradford, where the latter reveals that he was the one to tell Della about the Spear of Selene (which pisses Scrooge off so damn BADLY and it's the other thing I can accept from the finale, it seems like Bradford to do that shit), and the fact that Donald almost died for fucking good due to Bradford pushing his ass into a machine that can erase anything and everything from existence when put in there. He did so with his minions, so he has no qualms about doing so to Scrooge's family unless he signed the papyrus as a contract. Not that it worked anyways, since "family is the greatest adventure of all" which Bradford didn't understand one bit lol But the finale? Not good, the show deserved so much better and Huey deserved way better because this was his season. What I would've done differently is mainly how Webby is a "clone" or whatever you want to call her. It makes no sense for all of her DNA to be from Scrooge McDuck, which raises way too many questions. Why not Beakley? Why not a warrior from F.O.W.L. with a mix of McDuck DNA? Why is Webby a girl while Scrooge isn't? You could argue that oh he might be a trans guy, which while I absolutely LOVE trans and nonbinary headcanons (due to the fact I'm a nonbinary woman myself), it just feels like a cheap escape goat of an excuse to explain that and Scrooge being trans because of that? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh it doesn't feel right to me. If it was a combination of him and Beakley, then okay I'd get why she's like that, but it still has the problem of her being related to the family DNA-wise. Same with the clones honestly. Now what I would do differently is make it where she's a clone of someone (def not Scrooge) and make it where she has an identity-existential crisis. Who is she really? Is she this "April" character, or if she Webby like she's always known herself as her whole life? In the end, she accepts that she's herself, Webby Vanderquack, granddaughter of Bentina Beakley and an ally of Scrooge McDuck. May and June, on the other hand, are possibly failed attempts to recreate Webby, the perfect clone, in order to get the papyrus to appear which in of itself never stated it had to be a DIRECT heir to Scrooge McDuck (it just states that it requires an heir of Scrooge McDuck) like a daughter/son or whatever. You can go back to the episode "The First Adventure" to look at the papyrus if you want, but he wrote that it was to an HEIR not a descendant. It heavily supports how they changed a shit ton of things before the last season being this year instead of idk, try to make it better because they finished voicing the lines in January this year when they started doing season three around the time we got season two. Bradford gets frustrated, wondering how it couldn't have worked because HE HAS WEBBY RIGHT HERE. What he didn't realize was that it could've been someone within the family itself, one who's considered the smart one out of the bunch that wasn't Scrooge McDuck himself, someone who's also a fellow Junior Woodchuck. And that would be Hubert Duck, in which season three is meant to be his season. When he gets close, the papyrus appears but Bradford snatches it and runs off with it so he can finish up that contract he's spent FOREVER to make and force Scrooge to write his name there. As with May and June, I dunno what I would do with them, but if I rewrite the finale at some point (which I would be doing now with my mom, who watched the finale with me because we tend to watch stuff a lot, but I can't at the moment because I have a list of stuff to make and I can't afford to make it longer than it already is along with my WIP list) I'll figure out what to do with them. Overall, the finale is a 4 out of 10 for me. Not horrible enough for it to be the worst finale ever in the history of shows/series, but it's definitely got a lot of things that bothered me too much to genuinely enjoy it without getting stuck on something for too long. Again if you like it, good for you, but personally? It should've been much better and the series deserves a proper finale. If there's no surprise movie to make it better, then I'ma just pretend this finale doesn't exist like nah bye bitch dunno you lmao Besides with how messy this finale is, I hope you guys enjoyed reading my thoughts on it and I hope you guys have a great day
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chrissyutimagines · 4 years
7. You have a familiar which has the personality of your soulmate and is identical to your soulmate’s familiar in every way (appearance) with Classic Sans and female SO for the soulmate prompts?
Alright! I've got an idea for this. Some info, familiars are made of magic, an' is basically the same as a monster. So they understand what ppl say (can't talk tho), anything they eat becomes magic (aka no waste), but still needs to be cleaned (like showered, but they generally like showers as they are like monsters). Also, they can change their size and is very light. And they will want to follow their loyals everywhere.
Also, this will be written just a lil different from my usual style, it'll shift POVs. If you see a line of '-' you'll know that the POV has changed. It will only switch in between Classic's and the Reader's POV. Settings will be on the surface if not specified.
Waking up with a yawn, you look down at the fluffy white, cyan blue striped cat in your arms. The cat is not your pet, it's your familiar, and great company.
Checking the time, you realized that you had woken up earlier than your alarm. Yawning again, you decide to get prepared for work, and maybe spend the extra time petting your sweet fluffy cat. You put your hand on his body and gently smoothed out his fur, massaging it in a waking motion, just the way he likes it.
He yawns a bit and mews in protest for being waken up at an earlier hour than usual.
"Come on sweetie. I need to get ready for work, and I will be appreciated if you can leave the room for a bit." He gives you a shit-eating grin.
"No, you can't stay here. You perv. Just leave for a bit. Then when we go get breakfast, I'll get you some bacon and ketchup, ok?" His fuzzy face lights up immediately at the word 'ketchup' and promptly jumps off the bed and scurries off to the living room.
You sigh, a soft smile on your face. He's just too cute. Changing into your work clothes, you open the door to see your familiar sitting in front of the door, the tip of his tail batting the ground happily at the sight of you. You smile and kneel down, opening your arms knowingly. Being the lazy cat he is, he jumps right into your arms and curls into a comfortable position. You chuckle.
"You lazy kitty. I'll put you on the dining table alright?" He mews.
"I'll take that as a yes."
You get to the kitchen and put him on the table before making breakfast. When breakfast is ready, you put it all on one plate and grabbed the ketchup bottle, pouring a generous amount on another plate, then placed the bottle back. Putting it all on the dining table, you glanced at your cat, who apparently fell asleep while you were making breakfast.
"Wake up cutie, breakfast is done."
And he shots up, typical.
He doesn't seem to like using a pet bowl, or another plate, choosing to just snatch a piece of bacon or egg out of your plate instead. He also has a weird obsession with ketchup... Well, that probably means your soulmate likes ketchup since the kitty in front of you has the personality of your soulmate.
You continue to eat your breakfast, your kitty snatching one or two pieces of bacon and egg every now and then. Finishing up breakfast, you wash the dishes and put them away. Checking the time, you realize that you need to get going right now if you don't want to be late for work.
"Come on sweetie. Hop in." You open your work bag and your familiar jumps in, making himself small enough to fit into the bag then curling up for another nap.
"Lazy kitty." You mumble with a smile.
You got to work on time and sat down at your desk and opened up your bag. Your kitty hops out, and made himself big again, then hops on your lap, sitting down and started watching you work.
He often does this, just sitting in your lap and watching you. Nuzzling you every time you get a little bit too stressed, and helping you grab a box of juice or a bottle of water whenever you need it. Your colleagues are quite surprised to see a cat familiar coming to the tea room and mewing at the fridge until someone opens it and gives him a drink to fetch back to his loyal at first, but then got used to it, and often teases you that your cat takes better care of you than yourself.
Though what they didn't know, was that your beloved kitty and you take care of each other, you often soothe your kitty when he wakes up in the middle of the night by a nightmare, helping him through the traumatic situation...
Stop thinking, (Y/N). You need to work. You told yourself as you start working.
Sans was woken up by his sweet cat familiar licking his cheek.
"Alright, alright, I'm awake, I'm awake."
He chuckles at the cute kitty staring at him with its tongue still sticking out. His familiar is a sweet, caring kitty with fluffy white fur and cyan blue stripes. And is apparently an earlier bird than he is.
Looking at the clock, he notices that it's not actually really early, it was nine in the morning. Sweet kitty, he thought.
He had a nightmare last night, and his familiar had batted at his face, being careful to tuck her claws away, until he woke up. Then soothed him with nuzzles and soft licks. After she had made complete sure he was alright she curled up on his ribcage and went back to sleep. She even woke him up a bit later than usual so he can get enough sleep.
"Ya sweet lil' kitty. How does some sweet gummies sound?" Her ears perk up, the tip of her tail swishing happily.
"Well, lemme go getcha some." He snaps his fingers and his clothes change into his usual outfit. He kneels down.
"Hop in kitty." At those words, his familiar jumps into the hood of his jacket and curls up in it, her small head poking out and resting on his clavicle.
"Ya cute kitty." He says as he pets her head, feeling her lean into the touch while purring loudly.
He shortcuts to the shop, then reaches up to gently massage his familiar's head, knowing that she often gets dizzy after a shortcut. After making sure she's not dizzy anymore, he walks into the shop and buys a medium pack of fruit gummies along with some milk and ketchup. His familiar nuzzling his neck every now and then.
When he found everything he needed and reached to the cashier to check it out, the kitty resting in his hood shrunk its head back in. The cashier smiled.
"Shy familiar?" Sans chuckled.
"Yup. She's a rather shy lil' kitty."
After checking out his items and shortcutting back to his house, he drank his ketchup as he pets the purring cat. When she's not feeling dizzy anymore, Sans opened up the gummies and fed a few to the waiting kitty.
Cute, he thought.
You have finally finished work and closed off your laptop. Your familiar hops on your table and waits for you to pack up. When you're done, he shrunk himself and hops on your shoulder.
Though he is a lazy cat, he never napped when you're heading home at night. You didn't know why until someone tried to harass you. Your familiar snapped into action, jumping in front of the person, hissing and clawing the air, threatening to strike. The person took one look at the kitty before running away, afraid to get clawed by the angry cat.
You felt safe heading home with your cat perched on your shoulder ever since.
But, there are still times when the situation couldn't be solved by just your familiar by your side.
A hand grabs your wrist and pulls you into a dark alley. You fell on the ground and your familiar jumps in action, growling and clawing at your attacker.
But he just chuckled and snapped his fingers. A group of men walks out.
"Sorry, but a mere kitty cat is no match to all of us."
You whimper as you think of what would happen to you.
At that moment you suddenly heard loud mewing. Turning to the sound, you saw another cat, completely identical to yours, standing just outside of the dark alleyway.
"Ha. How's two cats going to stop us?"
Right as he said those words, a dark figure appears at the opening of the alley.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"
It was a beautiful night, and Sans was taking a nap. That is, before Papyrus told him to head out to buy more spaghetti. He sighs and gets up for the couch.
"Sure thing bro. Don't 'forgettii' to buy more spaghetti next time."
Sans chuckles as he avoided the spoon that was thrown at him. His familiar just mews happily at the pun and hops in his hood.
Sans decided to not take a shortcut to the shop this time. And it's definitely not because he didn't want to eat his brother's cooking, nope, he loves his brother... And his cooking...
While strolling on the streets, he feels that something is a bit off, but he can't tell what it is.
Suddenly, his familiar perks up, jumps out of his hood, and scampers away.
"Hey! Where're ya going kitty? Wait up!" Sans rushes after his familiar.
She stopped right in front of an alleyway, mewing loudly. Sans catches up to her, only to hear someone's voice.
"Ha. How's two cats going to stop us?"
He got to the opening of the alley and saw a woman pressed against the wall, a cat completely identical to his familiar standing protectively in front of her, growling and clawing at the men surrounding the two.
That woman must be his soulmate! He feels an extremely strong urge to protect the helpless woman and yelled out.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"
"Who do you think you are?! A knight in shining armor?"
"Well, more like, knight in shining 'bones' but that'll do as well."
The man balls up his fists.
"You wanna fight?!" His gang all got in a fighting stance.
"Nah. But I will if you don't leave this helpless lady alone." His eyelight flickers a battle blue.
"I'll give you three seconds. One..."
Bones manifested behind him, some men looks a bit worried.
A few Gaster Blasters manifests beside him, and some of the thugs ran off.
The Gaster Blasters charges up, and the rest of the gang took one look of it then ran off.
"Cowards." Sans mutters, the attacks disappearing into thin air. He extended a hand toward the tramitized woman.
"Hey, you ok?"
You stared at the skeletal hand of your savior, taking it. He helps you stand up.
"You, is that, your familiar?"
"Yup. Is the one protectin' ya yours?"
"M-mhm." You nod.
"Guess we're soulmates then. I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton."
"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) the, Human?"
You both looked at each other in silence for a few seconds, before bursting out laughing.
"Hehehe. Well, I've gotta go to the shop to grab some spaghetti for my bro, wanna come with?"
"Well, I think our familiars have decided for us."
Sans turned to look at both of your kitty companions, and saw the two nuzzling and purring happily together. He turns back to you with a smile.
"Well, it seems to me, that they're gettin' quite acquainted with each other. I'm feelin' a bit left out here."
"Oh yeah?"
Sans slowly wraps his arms around your waist.
"You know we should probably become friends first, and go on dates before this, right?" He gives you a cheeky grin.
"I don't think that's necessary, we're soulmates. We're meant to be. Do ya mind?"
"Well, I can't really say I do..." He leans in closer, his breath landing on your lips.
"Then would ya mind if I, kiss, ya?"
"Not rea- Mmf!"
He closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you. Your lips melded with each other, and with each passing second, the kiss became more and more passionate. When you finally pulled away, you both were panting heavily. You opened your mouth to speak, but was cut off by a small 'mew'.
You both turned to see that Sans's familiar was snuggled into your familiar's side, while your familiar looked at the both of you with a Cheshire grin.
"Oh shut up."
The both of you decided to go to the store together, stopping by your house to put your stuff down. After getting the spaghetti for Sans's brother, who you found out was called Papyrus, Sans offered to accompany you home. And, well, why would you decline a hot skeleton offering to bring you back home? When you both had to part, you exchanged phone numbers, and promised to meet up again tomorrow for a Proper date.
...you might have stolen a kiss or two before he left for real, but who can blame you for that? Both your familiars also seems reluctant to part as well, nuzzling longingly, booping their noses, and softly grooming each other till they both had to part.
But you're not too sad about it. Besides, you have found your soulmate. And a long and beautiful future awaits you.
Ok! That's a wrap! Phew! That took a while. Hope you like it!
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tally-kiza · 5 years
Red melted into the comfortably worn couch, settling down for a quick catnap, Doomfanger nestled beside him. The sun’s warm rays shone down on him through the window. Breath slowing and fog overtaking his mind, Red silently reveled in the wonderful peace and quie--
Ope, Pap’s home. Sans sighed, not reacting otherwise. He’d been hoping for a few more hours minutes of beauty rest. Outside, screeching Papyrus sounds intensified as he stomped towards their average but comfortable house. Red snickered. It wouldn’t be a holiday without his brother yelling at teenagers like a grumpy old man. 
Doomfanger lurched up attentively. She skittered towards the door, meowing loudly.
The door flew open as Pyrus trudged in, grumbling under his breath. Heading straight to the kitchen, he tore off the toilet paper clinging to his uniform, before peeling off the outfit entirely, hard candies colliding with the floor as he shook it out. The tall skeleton shook his body wildly in an effort to dislodge the remaining candies from his bones.
With a long-suffering sigh, he flopped down onto the couch next to his brother. 
Sans smirked. “bad day, bro?”
“Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.”
Doomy crawled onto his lap and jackhammer-loud purring could be heard as Pyrus started petting her absentmindedly. 
“jeez, what happened, dude?” The smaller skeleton inquired, eyebrow lifted.
“Neighborhood teenage brats were mocking me. Again! Requesting me to sing sing that insufferable song, you know, the one with the skeleton in the pin-stripe suit. And when I refused, they threw candy and toilet paper on me!” Recounting the events seemed to worsen his mood, foul aura permeating the air around him. “They have no respect nor decorum!!”
A glint appeared in his brothers eyes, “aw, come on, bro. theyre not that bad. dont be such a hallo-weenie about it.”
Pap groaned loudly. “Ugh, that was terrible!”
“eheheheh yeah, but youre smiling.”
A few long beats of comfortable silence passed.
Both the brothers jolted.
“what the hell?!” Sans growled. They whipped around to see bright white smears sliding down their living room window.
“sonuva--” More growling. “wait here, ill teach the little bitches a lesson.”
The younger brother scoffed. “As if you could fare any better than I did.”
“oh i absolutely will,” was all that Red uttered before lumbering out the door to confront the aggressors. 
- - - - - -
Thump thwack THUMP!!
- - - - - -
Five minutes later, he silently reentered the house, head downturned. Papyrus side-eyed him with obvious satisfaction.
“Hmm? Did you ‘give them a bad time’ as you always say?”
The shorter (and now much messier) skeleton glowered at the other.
“No? Well look who has egg on his face now! Nyeh heH HEH!!” Papyrus cracked.
As his brother cackled at his own pun, Sans balled up his fists. “ohh, youre gonna pay for that, paps.”
Sensing danger, Doomfanger yowled and sprinted away into the other room.
In the blink of an eye, Red tackled his brother off the couch. Rolling around on the floor, the two of them snarled as they wrestled. Wiping one hand on the eggs that coated his jacket, Sans brought it down his brother’s clean shirt.
Pyrus shrieked, “NO! Why did you do that, that’s disgusting!!”
Attempting to writhe away from his brother’s hold proved fruitless as Sans repeated the action. Their tumbling continued, just as rambunctious as before. Just as Pap pulled his brother into a headlock, the shorter one licked his own phalanx and shoved it into the other’s acoustic meatus.
Jerking away and releasing Red, the taller one gagged. “OH MY GOD! Why did you do thattt?!!”
“you were being too sassy. needed to be put in your place,” he quipped.
Pyrus squawked. “PUT IN MY PL-- You know what, never mind, of course you would do something so vile. Either way, I don’t want to hear your excuses! You can’t just give me wet-willies!!”
“i can and i did.” Sans said smugly. “besides, whatre you gonna do about it?”
Unfazed by his brother’s taunts, Pap’s gaze turned vicious and a sly grin overcame his face.
The other’s eyesockets widened in realization. “wai’ wai’ nah, you wouldnt dare...”
His only response was a smirk. In an instant, Fell’s hands were everywhere all at once. Phalanges squirming into Sans’s neck, ribs, knees, causing peels of laughter spill out of the victim him.
Between breaths, he managed to protest though not really meaning it. “wait, shit, stop!”
“Payback, brother!!” Papyrus cried with fiendish glee.
The relentless attack continued, fingers fiercely scribbling over bones. But it wasn’t long before Sans built up enough resilience to return the favor tenfold.
As Pyrus screeched from the counterattack and Sans laughed maniacally, the two of them continued into the night, delinquents long forgotten.
- - - -  - - - -
“BROTHER! Come on out, already!” Papyrus yelled at his brother’s bedroom’s closed door. “Everyone’s waiting!”
“Just get out here, you look fine!!”
Groaning, Papyrus--now donned in pirate garb--turned towards his guests. Undyne, Alphys, and the new human he adopted mentors, Frisk had come over to go trick-or-treating, a human holiday where they tricked others into giving them free food while they wore the skins of monsters. Highly insensitive and offensive, in the edgy skeleton’s opinion, but Frisk had insisted on everyone participating this year. Which lead them to where they were now.
All of his guests looked increasingly bored as Red stalled for time. Alphys, dressed as a rotting zombie, was watching Mew Mew Kissy Cutie on her phone with Frisk--who dressed up as a blue knight. Meanwhile, Undyne reached the end of her fuse.
“Runt, if you don’t get out here in 30 seconds, I’m kicking your ass into the goddamned CORE!!”
Loud grumbling erupted from Sans’s room. “fine, jeez, whateva’!”
Out of his room slinked Red, wearing a 1920s-style suit, complete with fedora and toy tommy gun. “i look so stupid! why the fuck’s this thing so constricting!”
“You look fine, now lets get this over with!” decreed Papyrus.
Frisk chuckled, “Gotta say, Sans, you look rather gangsta~.”
Undyne groaned as Alphys merely rolled her eyes.
“HUMAN!” Pyrus gasped. “You’ve been corrupted by my brother’s mediocre puns!”
“eheheh nice one, pipsqueak.”
Undyne sighed loudly, “Can we leave now?!”
“and whatre you supposed to be, fishsticks?”
She glared at him before flipping her hair. “A beautiful and seductive siren, duh.”
Her wife blushed as Red surveyed the siren ‘costume’: a ripped up dress ending in a mermaid tail, and stage makeup to make her look more gruesome and bloody than usual.
Herding all the monsters towards the door, Frisk laughed nervously, “Okay, okay, lets just go already!! Mom and MK are waiting!”
As the monsters begrudgingly assented and journeyed into this Halloween night, no sad times were to be had and all was well.
“Hey, dude, you know you got egg on your house??”
= = = = = = = = = =
a gift for @quezq! this was a lot of fun. bolded lines are prompts from this!
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rkira · 8 years
Song a day for 2016
Cool Guys don't look at explosions. Lonely island
High In Church-Trevor Moore.
Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
Zelda with Lyrics-  Brental Floss
You're not the boss of me now-They might be Giants
Boys and Girls LMC
Superman vs Goku ERB
Starlight Starshine Steam powered Giraffe
Craig Stephen Lynch
Clint Eastwood Gorillaz
Gimme Chocolate Baby Metal
Roundtable Rival Lindsey Stirling
Time Warp Rocky Horror Picture Show
I'm not okay (I promise) My Chemical Romance.
Angry white boy polka Weird Al
Almost Human Voltaire.
Martin Luther King vs Ghandi ERB
Batman/Xmen animated openings
Somewhere Over The Rainbow/Wonderful World IZ
Carry on my wayward son-kansas
Grey And Blue-Brave and bold
Share the one world- One Piece
God Thinks-Voltaire
This is war- 30 seconds to mars
March of the Inmates- Psychonauts
I wupped batman's ass
Legal Assassin-Repo the genetic opera.
D-City Rock PSG
Ready Steady Go Larc en Ciel
Devil went down to Georgia- CDB
I wanna rock- Twisted Sister
Polkamon- Weird Al
I can't stop Laughing- Joker
Teen Titans, Japanese version, english translation- Beast Boy
Shoot All Your Problems Away-Tomska
Steven Universe full theme-Steven and the crystal gems
Oh No you didn't
I don't love you-MCR
Killed by Love-Alice Cooper
How can I not love you
Nothing-The Script
Classic Rock tune- Stephen Lynch
Breakeven- The Script
Musical Suicide- Tomska
Hallelujah- Rufus Wainwright
Only my heart talking-Alice cooper
Knights in white satin
Only you-Joker
Can't smile without you- Barry manilow +Pokemon themes
Turn Back the clock- Steam powered giraffe.
My Immortal -Evanescense
I need some sleep- Eels
On my own- Les Miserables
Feathery Wings- Voltaire
Ghost of you- My Chemical romance
Hell is living without you-alice cooper
If you ever come back- the script
love stinks- adam sandler
Talk you down- The script
Somebody Kill me please- Adam Sandler
Owee- Voltaire
Six degrees of separation- the script
Give my love to rose- johnny cash
how- daughter
Skinny genes- Jenny bee cover
I miss the misery- ten second songs
Come on Eileen- Dexy midnight runners
Overkill- colin hay
rant song- scrubs
Ashita kuru hi Kobato
Bink's sake, rumbar pirates
Stronger than you- Garnet-steven
Burning Love- Elivis
So strong my face is
Owls- Weebls
Riding a black Unicorn- Voltaire
Put a banana in your ear
Soul- Ox
Amazing horse- Mr.Weebl
Elector Gypsy- Savlonic
The Driver- Salvonic
Tiny Japanese Girl- Salvonic
YOLO- Lonely Island
4 Chords- Axis of Awesome.
Rage of thrones- Axis of awesome
Renegade- Styx
He Lives in you(Reprise)-Lion King
Mirror B Theme
Dr. Mario- Brental Floss
All Champion Themes
Smash Bros
You Don't Know Me- Bandy Leggz
Ashley- Wario
Look who's laughing now
The stars-steam powered giraffe
tetris with lyrics. Brental floss
When you walk away- kingdom hearts
every pokemon intro
Bishock song- Brental Floss
Bioshock infinite song- Brental Floss
Chop Chop Master onion rap- parappa the rapper
Squid Sisters
All rival theme
Dearly Beloved yoko shimomura
Video game medley-lindsey sterling
crash bandicoot 1 theme
mario bros theme
green hill sonic theme
pacman theme-smash
no more hereoes, its kill or be killed
I am all of me.
elite four battle themes
all lab themes
 all team bosses
J.R.R tolkien vsx George R. R. Martin ERB
x gon give it to ya
Giant Woman Steven Universe
yoda weird al
Darth Vader vs Hitler 1 2 3
founding fathers trevor moore
Drive me bats: BTBTB
mother lover lonely island
Make  man out of you TFS
El Barquito Voltaire
saga of jesse Jane Alice cooper
Danger zone Kenny
Be Prepared scar
Everybody wants to be a cat
Yes no
You're a fucking nerd Ok Go
On a boat one piece
boner song wkuk
anybody there? script
Crabs weebl
ultrasound: johnny massacre
I dreamed a dream anne hathaway
D&D stephen lynch
if we were gay ninja sex party
If you could see me now. script
Mine turtle tomska
I like trains tomska
monster masune
I dont want that for you steven universe
If I were gay stephen lynch
friends theme.
I love rock and rool, joan jett
hot patootie bless my soul rocky horror meatloaf
Ebola la la.
Wrecking ball beef seeds cover
65 rock songs, ten second songs
Ijime, Dame, Zettai
A boy named Sue. Johnny cash
Bad blood ten second songs
it's the little things alice cooper
Night surgeon- Repo! The genetic opera
Under Pressure-Queen.
Yakko's nations of the world
wakko's 50 capitols.
Feel good ten second songs
totally gay for america wkuk
Brooklyn Rage- Joey Wheeler
Come sail away Yugioh
I'm on a blimp kaiba
Pharaoh's throne yami
Hold me- steam powered giraffe
Soliton- Steam powered giraffe
Honeybee- Steam powered giraffe
Diamonds steam powered giraffe cover
I love it steam powered giraffe cover
Captain Albert Alexander Steam Powered Giraffe
I've got a theory buffy
what you feel buffy
wish I could stay  Buffy
Moses supposes his toeses are roses singing in the rain
JJBA medly+ alt jojos
Old folks home WKUK
Hitler rap WKUK
getting high with dinosaurs wkuk
get a new daddy WKUK
The Never song WKUK
Aren't you lucky WKUK
God Says WKUK
God wants you to wear a hat WKUK.
Carl Poppa
La Bibbida bibba dum
Fire fire Steam powered Giraffe
teen titans
teen titans jap
ghost napa
Black sheep scott pilgrim
Undertale the musical, papyrus, brental floss
Kirby with lyrics Brental Floss
Baby Mario and Papa Yoshi. Brental Floss
Automatonic Electronic steam powered giraffe
Mecto Amore steam powered giraffe
A way into your heart steam powered giraffe
I'll rust with you steam powered giraffe
I go looney, mark hamill, the joker
Heavens Not enough
Stray Steve Conte
jiyuu e no shoutai L'arc en ciel
hall of fame the script
Better off with her-Amethyst-Steven
Haven't you noticed-Sadie-Steven
Like a comment greg-steven
What can I do for you Rose & Greg- steven
Do it for her-Pearl & Connie – steven
Peace and love peridot and steven
Answer ruby/sapphire -steven
It's over, isn't it? Pearl- steven
Digmon eng/jap openings
You're my zing. Adam sandler
Hold the door Hodor
Stacy's Mom-Fountains of Wayne
1985 Bowling for soup.
High School Never ends Bowling for Soup
Into the Ocean- Blue October
Ok Go
Disenchanted MCR
amish paradise
eat it
Ode to a superhero
Jurassic Park
Another tattoo
the saga begins
sports song
bedrock anthem
dare to be stupid.
Genius in france
happy birthday
polka face
first world problems
word crimes
preform this way
Drive thru
Party in the CIA
Couch Potato
weasel stomping day
white and nerdy
close but no cigar
Hardware Store
virus alert.
Don't download this song. Weird al
Tacky weird al
all I want- kodaline
shooting star bad company
just what I needed
jacks lamnent
chi chi wo moge
Careless whisper
neon, salvonic
boombox lonely island
jack sparrow lonely island
GG the giraffe
die for you, alice cooper
It's me, Alice cooper.
Reign on me
halloween stephen lynch
can't sleep, clowns will eat me.
oogie Boogie
spooky scary skeleton
scooby doo openings
land of the dead
monster mash
death death
disco bloodbath boogie fever
don't fear the reaper
zombie prostitute
keeper of the reaper
kidnap the sandy claws.
Adams family/munsters/goosebumps
vampire club
feed my frankenstein
ghost busters
skeletons in my closet
courage the cowardly dog.
wrapped in silk
the one that got away
I know where you live
wake the dead
He's back, the man behind the mask
when you're evil
cannibal buffet
keepin halloween alive
This is halloween
I love you egg
Happy Birthday Voltaire
Tomorrow comes today
clint eastwoood
rock the house
rock it
dirty harry
feel good
el manana
superfast jellyfish
on melancholy hill
rhinestone eyes
do ya thing
You're Welcome Moana
Shiney Moana
We know the way Moana
Kyle's Mom
Beard no Beard
Mysterious Ticking Noise
Oh no you didn't
candy mountain
I am a millipede
It's friday
Hound dog
Can't help falling in love
Here comes a thought- Steven
Love Like You Steven
Hey Oh RHCP/ Monsters Matchbook Romance
Christmas Time In Hell South Park
Christmas at ground zero
the night santa went crazy
You're a mean one Mr Grinch
Merry F ing Christmas
I fucking love christmas
Blue Christmas
xmas time might might bosstones
Christmas shoes
Davey's song
Barney stinsons christmas songs
Home alone the song
All I want for christmas is you tens econd songs
popo the genie
12 days of christmas tfs
12 days of christmas overwatch
marshmallow world spg
christmas slippers tiny dick
12 days of christmas canadian
chanukah song 1-4
Christmas song adam sandler
santa claws, alice cooper
town meeting
Making christmas
scrooge muppet christmas carol
I don't have a name for it spg
Cellophane Steam Powered Giraffe
over drive steam powered giraffe
guy love scrubs
scrubs theme,
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