#but either way it's extremely easy to understand why someone would not assume a lemonade is that heavily caffeinated lmao
transmutationisms · 10 months
comparing it to the venti black coffee really puts this into perspective, no one is getting several refils of those the same way people have been by panera's charged lemonade. too often i see the entirety of the blame put on the drinker when people on average, especially those not drinking coffee, aren't walking around with proper caffeine dosing knowledge. then the company gets away with it all
yep exactly. also very striking to shift blame off the company in that way, given the context that this occurred in a country where these products are legally required to have their calorie counts labelled and clearly displayed---the claim being that customers are entitled to that information in order to make decisions about their health and food consumption. surely caffeine content is also a matter of health, and more acutely for more people than calorie count!
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