#but even chillers can be wrong sometimes
vivitalks · 11 months
saw a post i disagreed with and was so brave about it (didn't reblog bc the poster had an opinion which was different than mine but equally valid so i made my own post instead)
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frankierohugejorts · 2 years
i love when ppl use buzzwords to moralize their dislike of something. i just saw someone unironically call following a band's tour/going to multiple dates "stalking"
#im intrigued by how many kids these days are completely oblivious to concert etiquette and act like assholes#but im also intrigued by kids who how that the first group is wrong but not why those 'rules' exist or how to deal with ppl who break them#or even just how to deal with the fact that different groups can have different norms for what is considered polite#and then when they complain abt the first group they end up just being a different kind of (sometimes even bigger) asshole#(which isnt to say some ppl are Assholes and some ppl are Reacting to assholes. lots of ppl bounce around or are just in both categories)#and i know i also sucked as a kid/didnt come out of the womb knowing the ins and outs of everything#but i also know that 1. i sucked in different. chiller ways#2. i at least tried to note the behavior of ppl more experienced (if not necessarily older) w/o assuming i automatically Knew Best#3. when ppl sucked it was bc they sucked. i didnt have to justify it with exaggerated use of buzzwords#also whatever happened to seeing someone act like a jackass and gossiping/complaining in the gc#u can complain about whatever u want on ur own blog or whatever#and even PSAs can be helpful/constructive#but not everything necessitates a callout post with its own collection of links to prove each individual personal grievance#anyway i lost my train of thought and started rambling and complaining#but i miss the days when the mature way to deal with a stranger pissing you off was vagueing where they'd never see it#personal
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Where is my fic where the humans never return and the Sully’s and Spider and Norm and Max and Mo’at and all the Omaticaya get to live together all happily and confront their trauma and issues in a healthy and supportive environment? It still can have plot without colonization drama okay here’s what’s happening and here is the plot:
-Neteyam is now in charge of training all the younger hunters, and he’s iconic at it. He’s very nice, but also stern and intense. He’s like Neytiri in his skills but he’s very calm and supportive, they all feel like they can trust him and come to him with issues. 
-Neteyam and Jake are subtly trying to get Lo’ak to help Neteyam with this current group. They want Lo’ak to be in charge of training when Neteyam has to become Olo’eyktan. Jake has a secret ulterior motive: having his sons share the burden of being in charge of the hunters and the training, so they can both have a chiller time in the many many years (knock on wood (throwback to my sayings Jake brings to the Omaticaya post)) that they have to take charge. 
-Kiri has now like, fully taken over for Neytiri as tsakarem in everything but like, official title. I’ve always had this belief that Neytiri doesn’t fit completely as tsakarem. She is a warrior more than she is a healer. She isn’t built for sitting still, staying home from the fight to heal the wounded. She has great healing skills, and she has a very strong connection to Eywa, but not as much or as strong as Mo’at and Kiri. Neytiri was never meant to be tsakarem, that was Sylwanin. The feeling of taking her sisters place has to be weird. 
-Lo’ak is not a bad teacher at all. At first he struggles because he literally can’t explain how he does anything. He’s like “you draw back the bow and shoot the bow” and Neteyam is in the back facepalming like oh, my god. But, eventually he learns. He recognizes someone doing something wrong and what it is and is able to translate that into explaining how to do it right from the get go. Ironically Tuk is the most helpful in this, all of her friends are too nervous to say shit to their teachers but Tuk is just in Lo’ak’s face like “THESE DIRECTIONS MAKE NO SENSE,” and Lo’ak is deep breathing attempting not to kill her in front of Eywa and everyone. He is here to set a good example and to prove to his dad and Neteyam he can be a leader, and killing Tuk will not help with that image. Even if it would be satisfying. 
-Mo’at and Spider have been testing Kiri’s Eywa connection for months. It’s a secret. Spider brought it up to Mo’at one day, and Mo’at was like “Very good observation young one, I have noticed this too. Let’s try to figure it out.” And Spider’s all pleased because she basically said she can tell he’s observant and sensitive to Eywa just like her. They clear entire days and tell anyone if it’s an emergency to find Neytiri, and then they just tell Kiri to go and they follow her into the forest and see what happens. Kiri thinks they are overreacting, but she likes a chill forest day with two of her favorite people. Sometimes they find a rare herb Mo’at was running low on, and then the next day they happen to need it for something. One time Kiri found a palulukan pup trapped under a piece of Sampson that had eroded and fallen. One time they just ended up finding some really good fruit and Kiri fell asleep surrounded by atokirina while Spider and Mo’at ate the fruit and chatted over her. One time while she was sleeping a sunbeam started to really beam right on her face, and then a tree sort of shifted and the leaves covered it. They both saw it and maybe it could’ve been the wind, but that was the best Kiri observation day. 
-Jake and Lo’ak’s mission to get Neteyam to chill out has been going on since he was like seven and told on Jake to Neytiri for balancing Lo’ak on one hand, which scares Neytiri. Jake told him snitches get stitches and he didn’t know what it meant but he took it very seriously. Now, Neteyam is not a tattletale, but he is a stick in the mud. Maybe Lo’ak steals a little extra alcohol (I know they have alcohol it’s in that deleted scene but idk what it’s called okay) from the clan’s celebration one night to share with Kiri and Spider, and Neteyam isn’t tattling but he is judging. Judgmentally. Maybe Neteyam hasn’t told Jake about Spider and Lo’ak practicing Spider jumping off of cliffs for Lo’ak to catch on his ikran, but he is definitely watching with the most disapproving looks he can manage. The mission is daunting, but Jake and Lo’ak will get Neteyam to relax if it kills them. And if it does, they can always resort to Lo’ak’s final option that Jake keeps vetoing: drug him when he isn’t expecting it. 
-Tuk’s band of friends are all obsessed with Spider (especially the war orphans). It’s truly the worst thing that has ever happened to the Omaticaya. Tuk brought a bracelet he made her to her friends once, it was the most delicately woven bracelet ever. Kid has small hands and an extra finger, he can weave. What else is he gonna do while he’s sitting there watching Kiri trance/sleep for hours? All of a sudden, every single child needs a Spider original. He’s the Louis Vuitton of the Omaticaya. Mo’at, who’s been wearing Spider originals since she first met him when he was three and decided he was Eywa’s child, is very smug. No one dares to call her out. In fact, every Sully has a Spider original except Neytiri. Even Jake, who got an armband when Spider was very little. He still has it but that is between him and Eywa. The parents all hate this, because it means they kind of all like him. Spider’s now been around so fucking long everyone would be really sad if he left, and now they actually know it. 
-How do they know they would miss Spider if he was gone?? He got sick for a month one time when he was thirteen. He caught some human sickness from a sample in the lab and because he’s literally never sick due to his mask and generally sterile environment AND the fact that he mostly lives with a different species, he got wrecked by it. Just destroyed. Everyone got kind of worried he might not make it for a while? The first few days he wasn’t there no one really noticed, besides every once and a while a “good riddance the Sully’s and that human aren’t causing a ruckus.” But the kids miss him, because their ringleader Tuk is a mess. Lo’ak and Kiri are simply moping around. Neteyam is really trying to buck everyone up and be the leader but he’s kinda lackluster. Even Mo’at is snappier than usual. Neytiri is kinda pissed, like she knew they all liked him but god at what cost? The human child was never going to make it, right? He just doesn’t belong there. Her mother of all people should know that. They’d seen what destruction humans brought, but also how fragile they were, how easy to kill. But if she has to look at Jake’s face one more time she’ll punch something so she goes storming over to the human compound to ask to see the kid. Jake and the kids can’t go see him, they don’t know if they could catch what he has. But Neytiri knows Mo’at has been going, so she’s fine. She brings him medicine and just things she knows he likes that the kids have. She does not ask or tell anyone she is going, and when the kids question where their stuff is she pretends she had no earthly idea what they are talking about. It’s fine, how many wooden “space ikran” does Lo’ak really need for his pretend assault on Earth? Neytiri visits him daily for the rest of the time he is sick. One time, towards the middle of his quarantine, he gives her a woven bracelet. It’s not up to his usual craftsmanship but it is still beautiful. The child was obviously delirious and didn’t intend for her to have that. She keeps it but does not wear it. He needs the space and the time, there is too much between them.
-Spider was not delirious. He did intend for her to wear it. He totally noticed she isn’t. But he has also noticed she doesn’t ignore him anymore, treats him almost normally. Maybe just a little too carefully and formally. 
-This is particularly dramatic for the plot, but I’m partial to Eywa blessed Spider. I want him to complete his iknimaya and uniltaron and be a full member of the clan. I am a particularly huge fan of the headcanon where he can bond lightly through the back of the neck or his wrist, I like the wrist one (Bitter changed the culture of our society). I also enjoy him finding an ikran to bond with who has a deformed or cut kuru. I don’t care how, but get my man his ikran. Ooh, maybe a forest ikran, the ones the Na’vi are too big to ride. Fun-sized, Spider-sized. Here is where the drama comes in: Spider and Lo’ak dare Norm to go through the trials with him. I’ve always thought it’s odd Norm never tried, he was so jealous of Jake and he lives in the village basically. I want the drama of Norm Spellman clowning his way through the very serious rites of passage while Jake, Spider, Lo’ak, and Norm’s band of 47 adopted orphans all try so hard not to laugh at him. He’s being so SERIOUS and trying so hard but he’s not really made for this lol. I think he’s secretly doing it for Spider, to make sure no ones looking or laughing at him for being different when Norm is right there acting a fool. I think Jake would be the most ecstatic and supportive friend while also ruthlessly bullying him.
-I think a diplomatic visit from the Metkayina and TO the Metkayina could totally happen at one point in the plot, and if we really wanted to spice it up... we could sprinkle in some locorro, but this is getting far too long already. Anyways where is this fic for me. 
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 1 month
youre so right about fukunaga... I feel like he could have fun energy with Suga when suga is being more chaotic, and I also think he'd get on with ennoshita somehow. I think kageyama actually thinks his jokes are really funny (he doesn't always get subtler humour, but puns work unexpectedly well on him) (weathertheraine main)
OOOOH him and Suga is a duo I’ve never seen or thought about but that’s sooo good!! The pranks they'd get up to, a dangerous combonation at training camp. Imagine Fukunaga being all mischevious and Suga walks in, Fukunaga's like oh shit a third year but then Suga says "how can I help". It's all downhill from there.
Him and Ennoshita is a clear choice since they're both second-year wing spikers. I hc Fukunaga as Nekoma's captain in his third year so they'd have a friendly rivalry, much chiller than Kuroo and Daichi but it still gets heated. I can see Fukunaga lying in the grass at training camp and Ennoshita going to join him to take a break from his loud-mouth teammates. They cloud watch together or smthn idk
I also think he'd be friends with Tanaka and Noya by proxy of Tora. Noya would find him hillarious even though he's definetly understanding the jokes wrong. Theres this scene from the Summer of Evolution stage play where Fukunaga does a backflip and Noya's just watches on like :0 — once Noya and Tanaka learn he can do flips they're constantly bugging him about it and dragging him around to show the rest of Karasuno. Tanaka begs him to teach them how to do it and he almost breaks his back. Daichi yells at all of them.
I loveeee Kageyama finally understanding someone's jokes. Sometimes he needs them explained but when it clicks it's the funniest thing he's every heard. He tries to tell them to the rest of Karasuno but he keeps fumbling the delivery :')
This one is more out there but I think about him and Yamaguchi being friends a lot (totally not because I hc them both as genderfluid and they have funny cat pupils). They practice float serves together and Fukunaga teachers him how to aim better. When they face Yam's new serve in a match Kuroo's like "WHY WOULD YOU TEACH HIM THAT?!" only for Yaku to go "HYPOCRITE, YOU'VE BEEN DOING THE SAME THING WITH TSUKISHIMA ALL YEAR!"
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Headcanon of Billy Loomis dating a Non-Binary Reader?
- He is extremely protective over them!
- Pronouns are always respected, and he looms over their shoulder to glare at anyone who dares try otherwise.
- He’ll probably stalk and kill anyone who Harasses them.
- He finds them attractive even when they don’t feel like they are, assuring them constantly that they’re the star of his movie.
- He uses the ‘progressive’ term to say that they can’t be killed, but the truth is they just love them and can’t hurt them.
- He’s amazing with dysphoria, but can get frustrated in not being able to help
Bonus: Poly
- Stu is the type to make jokes, but all in all he’s probably chiller than Billy about the whole concept
- He probably would adapt better to neopronouns if used
- Also very protective but it more focused on being affectionate to them and assuring them they’re amazing while Billy shakes the insultier down like a pit bull with a chihuahua
- Patience is key with Stu. Where Billy remembers no touch spots and triggers, everything goes in one ear and out the other with Stu. He tries, but memory isn’t his strong suit and Billy usually just grabs his wrist before he does the wrong thing
- They balance each other and their partner balances them
- Stu would go out of his way to look for horror movies with non-binary characters, Billy just compares them to his favorite killers and says ‘if you ignore the-‘ for gender specific things.
In case of a Binder:
- Stu is concerned constantly about them wearing it, how long they’ve been wearing it, do they need a break, are they sure??
- Billy trusts their judgment and that they won’t overdo it
- But if they do oooh boy he’ll be pissed at them
- Stu is crass sometimes, but goes out of his way to compliment the flatness of their chest when the binders on
- Long binder days have a mandatory bath insisted by Stu. He had asthma as a kid and his solution to any breathing problem is steam, whether it’s actually applicable or not
(This has been in my asks forever cause I was a bit lost. I’m actually non-binary leaning lol, but I don’t know shit because I tend to be kinda weird with it and don’t care much. Sorry i injected Stu but he’s my boy!
If you’d like a written ask please clarify! Headcannons will be billeted lists like these :)
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tododeku-or-bust · 5 months
i have some friends that also receive a lot of hate (racism and transphobia usually) and what theyve done is make a private alt blog for their mutuals only and then when they need to step away from their main they can switch blogs to the chiller, more positive one for a few days. you can password protect it to keep away the trolls and it can be a little safe haven for you and your friends if you think it would help to step away for a while sometimes. im sorry you have to deal with so many assholes, you don't deserve it💙💙💙
I appreciate you. I've considered the idea, and I completely support anyone who does it! But... I'm not gonna do it 😅 This blog is kind of my last line in the sand, tbh.
I've already pretty much pulled back from most of my fan spaces to avoid the overall risk of having to see shit that's just gonna upset me. And that hurts me deeply, having to choose between maintaining my peace or being a part of a community of stuff that I deserve to enjoy too.
Why should I have to hide even further? Why should I have to shrink further when you got these gigantic blogs who spout blatant racism and post whitewashed art and keke their terrible takes (political and more) amongst each other, uninhibited by followers and friends who won't do shit about it? Why should I have to go anywhere when I'm not the one in the wrong?
If I gotta experience it, if y'all gone keep doing it, y'all gone have to hear me bitch about it 🤷🏾‍♀️ it sounds silly but it's pride, I guess.
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horsetailcurlers2 · 7 months
YET ANOTHER long and obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching grey’s anatomy for the first time (season FIFTEEN, bc i’m actually not sick of these yet)
-i don’t like this whole “she’s not really your sister” thing. like, it’s played for comedic effect and teddy is clearly just hormonal and panicking so whatever but i don’t like that.
-i don’t want to rehash owen x amelia. yawn. nor do i want to rehash owen x teddy. yawner.
-i like that we’re getting a *little* deeper into helms crush on meredith and that it’s not just comic relief
-why are there no doctors above the age of 45 in this entire hospital besides richard? they’re all so pretty, but at what cost?
-something is going to happen to this pregnant nurse… there’s a lot of focus on her out of the blue
-i love that almost this entire intern class is at least mildly gay
-bailey is pissing me off
-ted mosby!!! he looks a little slovenly for a date tbh. not to sound judgmental but like, she’s all dressed up and he isn’t.
-this guy is way chiller than ted mosby. i like this for her. i hope it doesn’t turn out really bad but i know it probably will
-is it worth it to watch station 19?? i kind of don’t want to tbh
-i forgot teddy was in new york until her friend passed in 9/11. i’m imagining an au in which teddy and addison knew each other in NYC in the 90s bc i think they should’ve interacted more
-the undiagnosable stomach issue is so clearly this patient’s suspicious heirloom lunch pail. like, duh.
-okay well i was wrong about that and now i’m embarrassed that i predicted that with such smug sureness and authority.
-playing “chasing cars” in spanish for the día de los muertos episode is an interesting choice. i think i like it??
-nurse debbie!!!! it’s been a while
-okay nvm that is NOT nurse debbie. they just have the same bangs
-everyone gets to have a tumor on this show. YOU get a tumor! YOU get a tumor!! and YOU get a tumor!!!
-richard no :(
-as much as i hate the owen/amelia dynamic, i really LOVE this whole amelia and betty thing
-i DO NOT like meredith/deluca
-the only relationship that doesn’t completely bore or frustrate me right now is alex/jo but even then, they’re just kind of there, yk?
-i love that meredith has one format of outfit that she likes and that works for her and she sticks to it. relatable AF.
-why didn’t miranda just have a conversation with ben before she sprung the separation on him? he would have been more than understanding i think
-i really like teddy and koracick actually
-i’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop with betty :(
-did they change out writers and/or show runners?? the writing feels… cheesier almost? or maybe just like the emotional beats are less earned? i mean it’s always been delightfully soapy but it’s just different these past couple of seasons and i can’t put my finger on it
-betty/britney’s mom is baby from dirty dancing?????!!!!!
-alex just straight up not being able to understand the scottish accents is so fucking funny.
-i love it when bokhee has lines
-“it’s a real fire!!” alex, gleefully and wrapped in a homemade knit scarf while indoors
-richards reaction to they/them pronouns is very interesting and i think it’s definitely an accurate portrayal of how even the generally accepting and well meaning older people can sometimes struggle with that kind of stuff. like, he’s not trying to be ignorant or rude he’s just genuinely perplexed. “the world moves fast and i’m just trying to keep up”
-i SWEAR TO GOD if teddy gets back with owen instead of staying with tom i will start hitting things
-“you suffered for years bc of my brother so you should totally get together and move in with him”- megan hunt in a wig that’s almost as terrible as her advice
-the shepherd family dynamic is so interesting to me because we’ve heard about it from two different perspectives over the years (derek’s and things amelia has said mostly in PP) and what we’ve seen of them is mostly from derek and meredith’s perspective in which they seem nice if a bit overbearing.
-okay jeez kathleen is a piece of work. i’ve always liked nancy even though she is “mcbitchy”. i also can’t help but to think about how addison fit into all of this when she and derek were married lol.
-has amelia ever told her family about christopher?
-stop trying to push owen and teddy on me!!!! i hate it!!
-that is insurance fraud babe. is there not a way for them to do it pro bono or something??
-okay i can sense that teddy and owen is going to happen so i will not make any more notes about it bc all i have to say about it is some variation of “no! i hate it!”
-okay i lied because the way teddy is going about it makes me deeply upset. poor tom. also “he makes me laugh and feel safe but i don’t feel rage or passion or ecstasy” ????? i should hope you don’t feel rage??? owen hunt makes me enraged too but that doesn’t mean i want to kiss him on the mouth!!! jesus christ. just fuck tom i guess, right?
-WOAH. i was not vibing with merluca but he’s willing to go to prison for her??!!!
-there’s no way they’re really fired . meredith owns a good chunk of the hospital still, right??? not to mention there’s maybe three characters on this show that *haven’t* committed crimes/major ethical violations.
-i’ve been beefing with jackson for a few seasons now tbh
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blackhakumen · 9 months
Mini Fanfic #1163: Christmas Shopping Shenanigans (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
7:55 p.m. at New Donk City's Metro Grand Mall Center........
The Jewelry Store
Fox: (Looks Down at the Glass Display Case in Front of Him) Okay, let's see......Hmm....(Points at Some of the Necklaces thar Interest Him) This would look nice on her.....And that one......Ooh, now that one looks a-
Fox starts getting startled and quickly turns around to see his friends Samus, Falco, and Banjo staring at him.
Fox: Uh....(Leans himself Back on the Case with an Awkward Smile on his Face) H-Hey guys....What's up?
Samus: (Raises an Eyebrow While Crossing her Arms Together) Foxy.....What are you doing?
Fox: Oh, you know. Just.....doing some Christmas shopping and whatnot?
Falco: (Already Unconvinced) Really? At a Jewelry Store?
Banjo: (Raises an Eyebrow in Genuine Confusion) An expensive one at that?
Fox: Hey, I had to start somewhere. And besides, it's the only one I can find here that isn't completely crowded yet.
Samus: ....Riiiiiight. You're not trying to buy any an expensive jewelry for a certain blue fox lady for Christmas this year, are you?
Fox: ...........I can't......Confirm or deny that accusation-
Samus/Falco: Fox!
Fox: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright, alright, fine! You caught me! I couldn't tink of anything else to give to her...(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) So I figured a necklace of some kind could suffice. And before anyone get more on my case, the thought of coming to any of you guys for advice hasn't really crossed my mind since then, not like I wanted to bother you all in the first place....
Falco: Yeah? Well, you maybe should have the thought jammed into that thick skull of yours, dumb-dumb!
Samus: You know we wouldn't have any problem helping you with this, Foxy. We always got back.
Banjo: (Smiles Reassuringly) Yeah, we would've thought of way better gift options than some necklace.
Fox: Hey, what's wrong with giving her a necklace?
Samus: Well, for starters, like we mentioned, most of jewelry in here are expensive. Even more so than the ones Smash Mall has to offer. Second, you and whatsherface aren't close enough for you to go out and buy her a necklace to begin with. (Forms a Sly, Teasing Smirk on her Face) Unless~
Fox: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) How many times do I have to tell you that we're not even close to dating each other again? And her name is obviously Krystal, Samus.
Samus: I know. Doesn't mean I trust her completely though.
Banjo: You ever thought about getting back to together with her someday? I think you two would be really cute together.
Samus: (Rolls her Eyes) To some capacity....
Fox: Samus
Samus: What? Just saying.
Fox: (Turns to Banjo) I thought about it sometimes, but I wanna focus on maintaining our friendship for now if that make sense.
Falco: (Casually Shrugs) Works for me. But since were on the Krystal topic, that leads us to the third reason of why your necklace gift is stupid.
Fox: Really don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the idea.
Falco: Yeah, unless you're desperate love puppy, which you ain't. Now, don't interrupt. As what i was saying, I, your best friend and first bro, highly doubt Krystal would want you to go out of your way to buy her something crazy expensive. Hell, i know for a fact she'll scold you if you do that.
Fox: ('Sigh') You're not entirely wrong there...But what else should I give then?
Falco: I remembered her telling me she's been wanting one of those pleated scarfs to wearing the rest of winter. It ain't grand and all, but it's somethin' at least.
Banjo: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) That would be a neat gift to give her. I'm actually thinking about getting Kazooie one myself.
Samus: I'm doing the same for Chun-Li and Li-Mei. Heard the wintertime is getting even chiller this time around and I don't want my girls catching themselves a cold or flu.
Fox: (Simply Nodded) Then it's settled. We'll give our respective love ones scarfs for Christmas this year.
Falco: Sounds like a plan for you guys. In the meantime, I will be giving my gal these limited edition air rider's boots. (Shows the Gang a Picture of the Black Leather Boots on his Phone Before Rolling his Eyes) She hardly shuts up about even before we got here.......
Exotic Clothes Store
Luigi: (Walks in and Look Around the Store with Daisy Following Behind) You sure there's something in here Lili would like? (Starts Blushing at Few of the Most...... Risqué Outfits and Items Present) I-I don't I have a clue where to start looking.......
Daisy: Yeah, this is a first for me too. (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) But she is a little more stylish and adventurous than the two of us combined. (Turns to Luigi) You think she'll like any of these outfits in here? I can picture her looking good in some if them.
????: Lovely idea~
The duo turns around and see their pink haired, succubus girlfriend standing behind them wearing a red leather jacket and skirt.
Lilith: (Lowers her Sunglasses Down) But having a wonderful, loving plumber and princess such as yourselves, are far more amazing gifts than this place has to offer~
Luigi/Daisy: (Happily Gasps at the Sight of.....) LILITH!~ (Rushes Over to Hug their Girlfriend)
Luigi: What are you doing here?~
Daisy: We missed you so much!~
Lilith: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as She Hugs her Partners Back) You guys!~ I missed you more!~ We just got done doing another runway show around this city. So we decided to spend the rest ofbthe holidays here.
Daisy: We?
Lilith: Me and Morrigan. (Rolls her Eyes) She's probably out flirting with some random guy again.....
Meanwhile Somewhere at the Middle of the Mall.....
Morrigan: (Sitting Next and Talking Someone on the Bench) So you're telling me you used to be a king of this....."Dreamland" you speak of?
Dedede: Yeah, those were the glory days I tell you what. (Crosses his Arms While Forming a Cocky Smirk on his Face) Accomplished quite a lot during those fruitful times.
Morrigan: Ooh really now?~ (Smirks Vack in a Seductive Manner) Do tell, my dear~
Dedede: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, personally, I ain't the most bragging person in the whole globe. (Leans Closer to the Long Haired Lady) But I'm more than willing to break a few boundaries for a pretty thang like you~
Morrigan: (Giggles Softly) A humble gentleman as well?~ Is there any more of you that meets the eye?~
?????: How about an uncle of many?
Dedede immediately gets startled as he looks up and see Cloud and Tifa staring down at him and Morrigan with disapproved looks on both their faces.
Morrigan: Oh my. Hello, there. (Turns to Dedede) Are they friends of yours, dear?
Dedede: (Quickly Turns Away) Nope. Never seen those two in all my life.
Cloud: Never seen those two my ass. (Marches Himself Over to Dedede) C'mere!
Dedede: What the- (Suddenly Gets Dragged Put if his Seat by Cloud Pulling his Ear Forward) AUGH! Let go boy! That's my good ear your pulling!! Hey!!
Tifa: (Politely Bows to Morrigan) We are terribly sorry about that, ma'am. He is most certainly with us. (Waves Goodbye While Following Behind the Others) Have a Merry Christmas!~
Morrigan: (Happily Waves Back) Likewise~ It was nice meeting you, Former King of Dreamland!~ (Giggles Properly)
Dedede: No, wait! Get me back there! I ain't done talking to her yet! At least let me give her phone number FIIIIRST!!
Cloud: Shut it, De!
Back at the Exotic Clothes Store
Lilith: So~ How's your family holiday going along so far?~
Daisy: Pretty good for the most part. We roamed around the city, saw the Christmas Parade, met the mayor who's.....(Leans Closer to Lilith and Place her Hand Beside her Ear with a Smirk onher Face) Get this: Peach's been jealous of the longest time now!~
Lilith: Oooooh!~ Scandalous!~
Daisy: (Snickers a Bit) It's more cute than anything. Especially when she tries so hard to hide it.
Lilith: (Giggles Softly) Aw~ I feel for her. Can't remember the last time I was ever jealous of something myself. (Turns to Luigi) What about you, sweetie?
Luigi: (Shrugs) I have a few jealousy moments I can of think, most of which involves me and my brother growing up. Ooh! Speaking of which, we're gonna visit our family after Christmas is over with. You're more than welcome to come along with us, but uh.....Fair warning, our folks can be real......(Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) REAL pain sometimes.....Mostly around me.......
Daisy: (Hugs her Man's Arm) Our poor baby's been stressing himself out about this since we first got here. (Starts Piuting at Him) After I specifically told him not to.
Luigi: ('Sigh') I knooow, but I can't help it! It's been years since we've all seen each other and everyone's expectations of me have been going haywire since the day Mario and I left on our own in the world. I just wanna make them proud and see me for who I am rather than being Mario's baby bro or worse, his shadow.....
Daisy: (Given Luigi's a Reassuring Smile on her Face) Hey, I have no doubt in my mind that they'll to be proud of you for what you've accomplished so far. (Points at Herself Confidently) And if they start getting doubtful, you bet your ass I'll be here to brag you every step of way!
Lilith: (Happily Joins in on the Luigi Hugfest) Me too!~ I wanna brag about how much of a total sweetheart you are to the both of us.
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) Thabks, girls, but you really don't have to go out of your way to do that for- (Suddenly Hears the Sounds of Screaming as He Turns to See a Crowd of People Running Outside with a Raised Eyebrow in Confusion) Me?
Daisy: The heck is going on out there?
Lilith: Don't know. Maybe the real Santa's here?
Daisy: Or the mayor. She's practically like a rockstar in this city.
Lilith: Make that a One-Hit Wonder. I don't think I ever heard her sing something other than "1-UP Gal" before..
Luigi: Maybe she never got the freetime to wrote new material.
Daisy: Yeah, maybe.
Meanwhile Back in the Mall..............
The crowd of people continues running straught through the area, looking aimlessly for the Mayor of New Donk City to perform for them once more. Unknowingly to them, the mayor in question has been hiding behind one of the three giant nutcrackers along with Pit and Sora.
Pauline: ...........Is the cost clear?
Sora: Hmm.....(Slowly Moves his Head Away From the Nutcracker to Watch the Crowd Continue Running From Afar) Yeeeup. They seem to be long gone for now.
Pauline: (Let's Out a Sigh of Relief as She Steps Out From One of the Nutcrackers) Oh Thank God....And here I thought they would never leave me be.
Pit: (Steps Out of the Other Nutcracker Along with Sora) There were so many of them out there.
Sora: Yeah, no fooling. But i wouldn'tsay it's too surprising. (Turns to Pauline With a Smile) This city does have a pretty cool mayor after all.
Pit: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Definitely.
Pauline: (Smiles Sheepishly at the Duo's Comments) Oh you boys are too sweet~ But I'm pretty sure they only wanted me to give them an encore if anything....
Pit: Oh for that "1-UP Girl" song you did on the parade days ago?
Sora: (Gives Pauline a Thumbs Up) Very nice performance out there by the way, Mayor.
Pauline: (Bows Politely at Sora) Thank you. ('Sigh') But honestly, I think I'm starting to get real tired of singing that song as of late......
Sora: Is that so?
Pauline: (Simply Nodded) Its the truth. (Looks Up at the Glass Ceiling) I know it's practically the city's anthem at this point, but I've been more than ready to start new material for the longest time now. Wish I would have a lot more freetime to do so, but mayor work is hardly ever finished completely I'm afraid.....
Pit: (Gives Pauline a Reassuring Smile) I'm sure you'll get a longer break you deserve one of these days, Mayor. It just takes some time, you know?
Sora: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Exactly. And we're sure that newer materials you'll be working on will sound just as amazing as the original.
Pauline: (Stares at the Duo For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back) Right. I'll continue to do my best to bring satisfaction to everyone as mayor and a performer. In the meantime, is there anything you two need in return for helping me just now, I'm happy to do it.....Just so long as it isn't anything illegal.
Pit/Sora: (Grabs Their Respective Chins While Thinking) Hmmmmm......
The duo huddle together to discuss their offer among themselves for a few seconds before separating and turning back to Pauline.
Pit: Actually~ If it won't be too much of a trouble for you......
Sora: We would really love it if you make a visit to the hotel lobby Christmas Morning. Maybe perform Christmas song or two for the occasion.
Pit: With our assistance maybe?~
The duo then rapidly blink their eyes with silly, puppy dog looks on each of their faces.
Pauline: (Giggles Softly) Very well!~ It would be my honor to perform a Christmas melody for you all.
Pit/Sora: (Pumps Their Fist Up in Rejoice) YES! Uh....('Clears Throat')
Pit: Glad we've reached a fruitful conclusion.
Sora: Yes. Super glad.
?????: Ohhh boys!~
The trio turns to see Viridi, Kairi and Riku making their way towards them.
Viridi: You two're not causing any trouble here, are you?
Kairi: ('Gasps') Oh my gosh! Mayor Pauline!
Riku: (Politely Bows at Pauline) It's so nice to properly meet you for the first time, ma'am.
Pauline: (Smiles at the Three) Likewise. I take you all are acquainted with these two?
Viridi: Yeah, they're our adorably obnoxious boyfriends we reluctantly fell in love with.
Sora/Pit: (Comically Glares at the Goddess of Nature) RELUCTANTLY!?
Viridi: Kidding, kidding. We fell in love with you guys wholeheartedly.....But you two are still equally obnoxious.
Sora/Pit: ARE NOT!!
Viridi: (Glares Back at the Boys) Are too. And quit yelling at the same time, unless you wanna prove my point even further!
The boys and Viridi starts arguing among each other in front of everyone else.
Pauline: (Turns to Kairi and Riku) You three must be really lucky to have those two in your lives right now, huh?
Kairi: (Smiles Softly) Oh you have no idea.
Riku: (Smiles Sheepishly) They are our Rays of Sunshine after all....
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deerdeardarling · 11 months
( I rolled a d100 generator lol)
2,11 and 70 for Fiona and Malik!
Thhhaaannnkkkkk you bestie 2. Do they do anything to celebrate their b-day('s) hmmm yaknow thinking about it the opposite happens for both; Fiona's party would usually just be her and Hop's families (and the magnolias but that was only sparingly)- since they didn't really have another other friends. Meanwhile Malik (being the son of nobles) would have big parties; even tho the kids he spent time with felt fake- (i think im answering this wrong lmao) So now adays they've swapped; with Fiona having more eventful parties (and especially when she gets 20+ and has become friends with the other Chosens; sometimes she'll go to a whole region with the gang for the week.) And Mal prefers chiller parties- either dj-ing/preforming his own music or maybe just a movie night with friends (and trying to beat Bede at chess so he can win a night hgawfvub-) 11.How would your character court the person of their dreams? (i know you said this was random but this feels targeted PFFT-) okay so- (from what i've read about courting-) i feel like Fiona's already got this in the bag? Her and Hop have been friends since she moved next door (at 8yo) and they've been attached at the hip (until HKA; where they start to grow into their own without one another-) so i feel like when she "courts" him she just does what she's always done like helping him (first it was with training but now its with field work), she'll do the thing where if she'll get meaningful gifts and give them in bunches at a time (so she finds like 20 and distributes them in 5's over a few months lol), and she always, ALWAYS sends supportive texts (think it'd be funny if she sent those to Him before She goes out to a battle lol) NOW MALIK ON THE OTHER HAND- He went full blown after having Bede open up (post game duh); 20 roses, fancy dinners, walks in the forest (even tho it sometimes makes him claustrophobic-) he was literally trying to do everything by the book (a literal book his Ma' gave him-) it was difficult at first because of a certain-snooty-someone, but after some persistence it worked! And then almost immediately fell apart (for those unaware it's due to cosmic horrors-) So in an ideal world; after cracking that hard shell (it wasn't that hard lmao) things would go as smooth as they'd be able (cotton-head's still got his own baggage but Mal would supportpay for therapy) 70.What about your character is cowardly? (what. what does this mean-wait hold up-) again they are the same but in different directions. They both don't tell people shit- but on one hand Malik tries to fix it himself (with clear duct tape and elmers glue/just surface level fix) Fiona on the other hand just ignores it until it roundhouses her in the face- either from herself or someone else. and of course the most used reason for why they don't say anything is because they don't want to hurt people around them (This kicks off for Fiona during game/being champ. but i think Mal grew up with this mindset)
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littledigest · 2 years
Mixed Bag of Astro Observations - based on people in my life
Some people really act like their signs…
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☝️ All the Sun in Aries people I know are generally pretty confident people. They don't second guess themselves often.
☝️ Moon in Aries people don't wallow in pity parties for long even when things go south. They tend to bounce back quickly and move on.
☝️ Mercury in Aries are blunt, sassy, and they don't hold back on their words.
☝️ Sun in Taurus like being social and holding gatherings and dinner parties. They usually like being hosts and inviting friends and family into their world.
☝️ Moon in Taurus are often mistaken for being lazy because their desire for comfort is so strong. They tend to be on the chiller side, not bothered by much. But once something gets on their nerves, then their chill side goes away, and everything about that person becomes annoying to them.
☝️ Sun in Virgo are generally very opinionated and/or like to speak with authority and expertise on specific topics. A lot of Virgos I know are very outspoken about politics and social issues.
☝️ Venus in Virgo are quick to critique, which can get annoying. But they believe their criticism is helping the other person.
☝️ Mars in Virgo are quick to correct people when they’re wrong, especially about something the Mars in Virgo is passionate about.
☝️ Sun in Libra love surrounding themselves in aesthetically pleasing environments. There is a high possibility of choosing beauty-related careers and hobbies. One Libra I know went to art school, another one worked at a nice cafe and is into baking and poetry, another Libra works at a luxury brand known for its aesthetic products, and another Libra is very good at drawing.
☝️ The Moon in Libra men I know act very calmly. It's almost as if their emotions are balanced. They are usually quiet and stoic, at least on the outside.
☝️ Sun in Cancer are sensitive and emotional; their demeanor is usually sweet. When they compliment someone, it feels like their words come from their heart, and they try to convey that they are telling you the truth.
☝️ Random tidbit, but I realized recently that the Sun in Scorpio women I know tend to get cold easily. They don’t like the AC on too high or for too long.
☝️ Mercury in Scorpio love learning from their surroundings or in formal class settings.
☝️ Sun is Sagittarius people tend to be young at heart, maybe a little wild even at old age. They like going out and experiencing life. It could be going out to parties and raves to meet people and hear new music, going to new restaurants to try different foods, or traveling to a different country just for the weekend (I literally know Sag people like this) Sometimes, that novelty doesn’t have to come from anything big; just buying a small trinket or replacing old items with newer models can feed that desire.
☝️ Having Jupiter, the planet of fortune, as their ruling planet makes Sagittarius people lucky too. If in a pickle, somehow they come out alright. Or, they are always in the right place at the right time to see something rare or spectacular.
☝️ Venus in Sagittarius tend to be generous people. For example, if they're cooking, they'll use big pots and pans, drop in generous amounts of seasoning, choose the largest produce, etc.
☝️ Mars in Pisces let a lot of things slide to keep the peace. They can take a lot from people. Often, it feels like they're just rolling with the punches, a constant cycle of letting go.
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dyaz-stories · 2 years
spoilers for season 4 of stranger things; some thoughts i have on stancy, jancy, and steve, nancy and jonathan’s characters in general
okay so i think stancy obviously weren’t right for each other in season 1 and season 2. in season 2 specifically, nancy was clearly growing and changing as a person, and staying with steve meant doing the ‘safe’ thing, but also stifling her growth. steve was adamant about staying the same, wanted to hold on to his status, and his ‘act like you don’t care’ attitude, which is essentially what he wanted nancy to do about barb, lost both him and dustin the girl.
meanwhile, jonathan and nancy are this obvious ‘power couple’, like robin mentions. they’re obviously right for each other, or at least, they were in season 2. tbh a large part of the issue jancy is facing for the viewers is that we’ve never seen them be even a semi functional couple, unlike stancy, but that’s another problem. it’s only hinted at in s4, but they seem to have investigated together for the school’s newspaper. the journalist and the photograph. it writes itself.
but everyone’s changed.
nancy’s had the biggest part of her character growth by s3. not that she’s been stagnating since, but she’s already had a big part of her arc, is what i mean. steve has also grown immensely by then, and in s4, robin mentions the fact that she’s advised him to ‘just be himself’, and he’s been ‘getting girls’ ever since. and that advice would definitely work on nancy, since since s1, she saw through steve’s bullshit — even before the Upside Down happened.
jonathan is... well. i have complicated feelings about him. i loved him in s1, still really liked him in s2 and s3 but... let’s be honest. he definitely didn’t get his time to shine in either of those, and so far, it’s been even worst in s4. it’s not like i don’t understand how he’s feeling here, but him lying to nancy just can’t work. i’m... not even necessarily mad about what happened to his character. look, could the character have had a different growth? yeah, 100%. jonathan had so much potential, i really believe that. but he’s clearly crushed under the responsibility he feels he has towards his family, something that i don’t think joyce has done a good job shielding him from. and sometimes, that kind of responsibilities completely stifles you. it’s a sad result for his character, and i wish the writers had chosen differently, but it’s a choice i can respect.
either way, if jonathan’s the one who’s stuck now (and correct me if i’m wrong, but i don’t think his character’s changed a ton since s1?), like steve was in s2, they might very well be preparing us for another break-up.
now, here’s the thing: i’m not sure what future steve and nancy have together.
a large part of nancy’s character is that she has ambition. she doesn’t want to end up like her mother, like her parents, and it’s clear that she has the potential to do great things. that’s one of the reasons why her and jonathan made so much sense, because they had a clear trajectory they could take together. at first glance, her and steve getting together seems likely to mean that they’ll end up stuck in hawkins, getting a house at the end of the cul-de-sac.
it doesn’t have to be like that, though. if steve’s willing to... i’m not sure, but nancy and steve could be a cool ‘detective duo’ together. not that different from joyce and hopper tbh? steve’s generally chiller than hopper, and nancy more methodic than joyce, but they’re not that different. what’s for certain is that they aren’t the steve and nancy from season 1, and the issues they have then don’t apply anymore. steve isn’t the steve from season 2. they could make it work.
then, if jonathan ‘unstucks’ himself, and the writers choose to give him the opportunity to 1) lose his shit, as he really deserves to do and 2) finally get some time to be heroic, well... we might have an actual love triangle on our hands, guys.
and i don’t think i’ve cared about a single love triangle since high school, but i just might be here for that one.
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letteredlettered · 3 years
Hi lettered! You seem confident and cool within your own skin. Do you know how to stop seeking outside markers of success and accomplishment and using them to bolster one's sense of self-worth? I feel like my self-worth gets so easily intertwined with the grades I get, the jobs I want to have, etc. and this performance-centric perspective holds me back creatively a lot (I find it hard to write my friend a gift fic, even when I want to, because I'm scared she won't like it or it won't be good),
I think your ask got cut off! I'm sorry!
I probably seem pretty confident because I'm unwilling to speak unless to say something that will impress the whole room. That's only online, though. In person . . . let's just say that when I was around 7, my dad gave us a word a week to learn. The first word I got was "loquacious," and my words continued in that fashion. Next I got verbose, then garrulous, then gregarious, then gesticulate--which isn't quite about mouth-talking, but it's about hand-talking, so it's almost the same thing.
I'm not quite as talky as I was when I was little, but I can't say I really have the talent of keeping my mouth shut. I used to suffer more frequent bouts of mortification over it: "omg, what did I say," "I must seem like such a fool," "I'm so embarrassing" "I wish the ground would eat me." This was due to a social anxiety that started in high school, got to fairly extreme levels in college and directly after, then began to taper in my mid to late twenties. Now I'm a lot chiller; I'm able to say "oh, that's my anxiety; I'm not actually that mortifying," but the other side of that coin is that this awareness and control of my anxiety means that I just don't say things lots of times when I might otherwise would have.
But sometimes I still look at people in the world and wonder how they even manage to live. They are embarrassing. They say things that are wrong. They produce things that aren't that great. They aren't really doing a good job. They didn't brush their hair. How do they do that??? I'm not saying I'm embarrassed by them. I'm saying I'm impressed by them. I'm sitting there thinking, "How can they just . . . be themselves when people might make fun of them; when they might be judged, when they might do the wrong thing or make a bad impression or make someone think they're weird? I could never do that," I think.
Now, the other half of the time, I look around me and think the exact opposite. The other half of the time, I don't understand why people care so much about what other people think. I honestly don't get it. Like why the fuck doesn't matter what some rando thinks? And I wonder whether I was just born different. Why am I so uninfluenced by the masses? I think. "I guess just above it all," I tell myself, "through no fault of my own."
This is obviously bullshit.
I had a conversation with my girlfriend, once, about why other people seemed to give so many fucks and I just give none. She pointed out that my parents give very few fucks. My dad gives almost no fucks, and the fucks my mom gives are very specific fucks, that my dad would explain with the zero fucks he has to give. For instance, my mom cared about table manners. "Why do table manners matter?" I would ask. "Well," my mom would say, "you wouldn't want people thinking you have no manners." This is a confusing statement for a child, but my dad would follow up with explanations. "Some people are stupid assholes who think table manners are important," he would say. "But the problem is that stupid assholes run the world, and you have to learn what their game is. Once you know the game, you can decide when to play it. If you play it, and you know the rules, you can win the game and be very rich and successful. If you don't play it, the stupid assholes might stand in your way. Play the game, lettered. Play the game."
My dad said this about all sorts of things, from swearing to going to college to working for the man. ("Working for the man is a game that isn't worth it," my dad would tell me. "Don't work for the man," lettered. "Don't work for the man.") What I got out of it is that there are certain ways of being that will make you look good--get you the grades, get you the jobs--but this has nothing to do with how you are. And furthermore I absorbed the idea that a lot of the people who will grade you and judge you and give you jobs in the world--those people don't know shit; only you know shit. This can be damaging for a kid, in that I can see how it could make me think that I was better than everyone else, or that there's no one I can turn to for wisdom or help. It could turn me into someone who can't take constructive criticism, or never listens. My mom was a strong counterpoint to this, because she truly thinks it matters, what other people think, and when she had to argue with my dad about it, and he said it only mattered because they're stupid assholes that run the world, my mom's counterpoint was that they were people, and people matter, and what they think matters, and sure. Be yourself. Don't let them change you. But understand that you are not alone, and just as your thoughts matter, so do those of others.
The way my mom did align with my dad was when it came to creative thought. The question they were always asking was, "What are the other kids doing? That? Okay. Well, you wouldn't want to be like other kids. Why don't you do this completely different thing? That way you can stand out and be the awesome kid we know you are." This sounds like pressure, but idk, it was amazing. Every school project I brought home and was like "idk, I have to make a project" my parents were all "right so every other kid is going to do this. Have you thought about doing this completely opposite thing?" Every Halloween my mom was "You can be literally anything you want to be; you don't have to buy one from the store; anyone can buy one from the store; you are special; you are unique; you are you; what do you want to be?" Obviously, I was very privileged, because I had the time and resources and mother to make my own costumes, but I also learned that it was bad to blend in. This is privileged too, because I never got punished for it; the ways in which I stood out were accepted by society. Still, this is a nice lesson for a child, that you don't need to be like anyone else to be you.
So, this isn't much help to you, because it's about the way I was raised, not things I consciously do to get myself outside of other people's opinions. However, I will say that these two things really help: 1) considering the value of the opinion of the people you're trying to impress. Why do they matter to you? What do they have that you haven't got? If it's some kind of authority, where does that authority come from? Lots of times it isn't intrinsic merit; it's that they are older or luckier or more privileged. And sometimes it is merit, but does that automatically mean you don't have merit? You have your own merit, and it's different than theirs, and it's all right they don't see it, because you know you have it, and people who love you know you have it. 2) Consider the value of the grade or the job or whatever impression you're trying to make. Sometimes I'm putting in a lot of effort, and when I stop and think about why, it's to achieve something I don't even really care about. Someone else cares about it! But I don't. And once you know that you don't care, that you're doing it for someone else's sake, it becomes easier to disengage.
Two more things I'll say, though they won't be particularly helpful to you either. The first is that I'm quite naturally oblivious. I know that people talk and judge and grade. I know that there are trends in the world and people follow them. I know that there is a flow, and people go with it. I just . . . have trouble seeing that or understanding it? I don't dislike what's popular so I can stand out; I literally do not know what is popular. I don't go my own way in spite of other ways; I literally do not know other ways to be. I don't notice, a lot of the time, when I'm getting judged, or when what I'm doing is not the norm. For my writing I've tried to write like other people, and utilize all the cliches, but I just don't know how or what the cliches even are. I find them hard to understand and see. I find other people deeply impenetrable, and I think that shows through in my writing--how trapped a POV can feel--and in the way I act.
The second thing I'll say is it's a lot easier to be blasé in fandom when people are super nice and generous to you about your writing. There was a time in fandom when I was SUPER concerned about being popular. I was sad about it, too. I thought I was a good writer and did not understand why no one wanted to beta my fics and hardly anyone commented on them and no one seemed to care when I posted. Once people did start liking my writing, it was a lot easier to worry less about it. That's not meant to be any kind of advice, because "just do well enough and people will be impressed by you!" is not a true statement. I've been lucky regarding the amount of attention paid me. I'm just saying, it's easier to be chill when you know that people like you, and that actually is a piece of advice: when you're feeling low, like you have to make the grade, or get the job, like you're not good enough in someone else's eyes--call up a friend who likes you; write to someone you like back; spend time with someone you love. They'll help you to feel that you're enough, just as you are--because you are, just as they are to you.
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featherfur · 3 years
I do think it's good that Jingyi gets to be free to be himself, but learning to rein it in is important. It's never mentioned either way but I've wondered if he is fairly high up in the Lan hierarchy and combined with HGJ's favor is important enough smaller sects would think twice about striking back at him(I've seen ppl write him as LQR's kid which is funny). JC is a lot chiller than his rep would indicate and NHS isn't about to cause problems. There's no war so he doesn't have to worry as much
The thing is, is that there’s many Lan juniors according to the text. There’s nothing special about Jingyi except that he’s so loud that Wei Wuxian remembers him. The text literally says he can’t remember the others’ names. If he was high up then Sizhui wouldn’t be telling him to hush, and he probably would have know Jin Ling as the next heir or next in line after Wangji in one of the great sects. Or he would have been introduced as such.
He can be as free as he wants but that does mean sometimes you have to respect others. Especially when others can be business partner’s, your boss’ coworkers, someone who kills monsters for a living, or someone who really really doesn’t need to be seen letting some unknown brat harass him publicly and ruining his reputation of being able to be a sect leader (that’s Jin Ling btw)
Jingyi always seemed to me to be the character put in to show how the Lan sect has changed and how the next generation can be free-er. How they aren’t terrified of who’s going to kill then next. That even a servant of the Lan Sect can mouth off without their family being annihilated (i.e. WWX to Wen Chao) However. He’s no closer to being heir than Sizhui is, which is to say: nowhere at all, it’s not going to happen anything short of a mass murder
I love that he’s a wild feral brat under the Lan name, but he is still a representative of his sect by being a disciple,,, he could do with knocking it down a few pegs atleast in public,,, could you imagine if he tried to sass Madam Yu? 💀💀
for all we like to talk about JC being an absolute dick, he really just rolls his eyes at Jingyi and wonders where Lan Xichen went wrong with the kid instead of like, bringing him to Xichen for punishment or similar.
(Side note I always laugh so hard at the idea that LQR fucks one (1) time and he gets Jingyi of all Lan’s out of it, and I do enjoy a good fic about Jingyi getting to be sect leader but it’s not really a good idea, could you imagine him and Yao on the same level? Pls, the meetings,,)
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Hi hello you said you have so much more to say about the izuku phantom au, and I would like to HEAR IT!!
you know its funny I had all these ideas when making the au off the top of my head and now a day later, poof. But uh I can try?
- Izuku is manic about preserving life since he's like sorta dead and all, takes any death personally.
- Oh also can communicate with the dead somewhat, only the recently deceased but still. This ability he hides bc its not in line with his official quirk, only those who know of his true abilities know.
- Can't really possess anyone since he still has something of a physical body but he can be more suggestive.
- Develops an electric core which causes green lightning to ripple off of him when he's angry or powered up. That, with his white hair and glowing green eyes makes him terrifying.
- Katsuki knew Izuku died, felt it and is pretty traumatized by it. Could never raise a hand against Izuku again, can't even work up any anger. All he can see is Izuku's wide-unseeying eyes and All Might did round after round of CPR on him. Knows something is wrong with Izuku, his quirk, but is too afraid/guilty/relieved to ask about it. Mostly just avoids him.
- Izuku is very popular among his classmates but they can't deny something is off about him. The air around him seems chiller that has nothing to do with the temperature. He feels unnaturally still even when he's moving. Sometimes he doesn't blink or breathe at a normal rate. They attribute it to his spooky quirk and love him just the same not knowing why his presence makes the skin raise on their arms. They don't know its just their instincts flaring at the up close reminder to their own mortality.
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veliseraptor · 4 years
CQL Characters Rated by Their Stress Levels
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being “Lan Wangji smiling at Wei Wuxian” and 10 being “Lan Xichen at Guanyin Temple.”
Lan Wangji: Varies wildly over the course of the series; see @howpeacefulislwj for detailed rundown. The roundup post averages his peacefulness at 4.2/10. Generally speaking, stress levels middling, between 3/10 and 5/10 with some extreme highs, pretty much all Wei Wuxian related.
Wei Wuxian: One of those people where you’re like “god I hate him, everything’s so easy for him and he can do everything better than me, it’s the worst, how the fuck does he do it” and then years later you find out that he had an epic burnout and dropped off the face of the earth for sixteen years because actually it wasn’t that easy he just made it look that way. 
I mean, he starts the series at about a 5/10 general state (he’s managing a lot but handling it okay) and basically escalates to a relatively consistent 9 or 10/10 for most of the stretch from the Burial Mounds through to his dying. Someone should make a @howpeacefuliswwx chart, I’d be curious to see his average.
Jiang Cheng: Has been existing in a constant low-level state of stress since late childhood and only grows over time. The calmest I think we ever see him is when he’s holding a bunny and other than that it’s mostly downhill. I worry about him getting ulcers sometimes. 8/10.
Jiang Yanli: Jiang Yanli is so used to being stressed that she barely even registers it any more. What do you mean, most people don’t raise two other children when they are also a child? What do you mean, most people take breaks from supporting others to help themselves? Weird. If she was thinking about it she’d be at a 8 or 9/10 but since she’s so accustomed to this way of life that it just feels totally normal she’s more like a 4 or a 5. 
Jiang Fengmian: Avoids being more stressed by generally avoiding his problems, which is one way to deal with it but doesn’t really end up working out most of the time. 3/10.
Yu Ziyuan: Resides somewhere in the vicinity of 5/10 stress levels, 11/10 rage levels, and when the stress levels get above 5 then everyone else’s stress levels better be hitting the roof.
Lan Xichen: Lan Xichen would probably be relatively unstressed if life didn’t consistently come crashing through his relatively chill vibes. Lan Xichen on a good day is, like, 3/10, handling pretty well, but when things start going wrong around him then he pretty quickly hits critical stress levels and will do drastic things to resolve that, such as convincing Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao to set aside their near-murder differences and swear brotherhood, which will definitely work out absolutely fine. Ends up averaging closer to 8/10 because things keep going wrong around him.
Lan Qiren: He’d be fine if his entire family didn’t insist on causing him problems, constantly. Handling it surprisingly well, all things considered. Still 6/10 though.
Nie Mingjue: I mean, does spend a large chunk of time steadily inching toward a qi deviation? That on its own is pretty stressful and also he just seems like generally a high blood pressure sort of person. But the qi deviation inducing saber is definitely not, like, helping. Putting him at a roughly 6 or 7/10 with a median level that just keeps inching slowly upward.
Nie Huaisang: Actually less stressed than you’d expect given how flighty he seems to be! Even when plotting revenge is less “stressed” than “determined.” Pretty good at keeping himself calm most of the time. Generally sits at a stress level of 4/10 or so with a few significant exceptions.
Jin Guangyao: Very stressed all of the time. He has a lot to be stressed about! Between the various complexes and the tendency toward paranoia, Jin Guangyao is definitely among the most stressed in a room at any given time, while doing his best to convey otherwise. But seriously, look at this smile. Does that look like the smile of a serene man to you? 10/10.
Jin Zixuan: You know those high-strung racehorses that sometimes get spooked by, like, a shadow on the ground? That’s Jin Zixuan. Mostly manages to mask his constant low-level “AHHHHH” with a layer of arrogance and/or social awkwardness that looks like arrogance, but it’s there, in the background. 7/10.
Jin Zixun: Shielded from the general Jin neuroses by being an asshole. It’s not fair, but there you are. 3/10 because he does seem to have some inferiority complex issues going on, but that’s not the same thing as stress.
Jin Guangshan: Deserves to be a lot more stressed than he is. Alas, is confident enough to not be terribly stressed. 2/10.
Mianmian: So you know how cheetahs are very panicky animals and so they often in zoos get paired with dogs who will help them figure out that this situation is safe and they don’t need to panic? I feel like Mianmian is Jin Zixuan’s stress meter in their friendship. She will let him know when to be stressed! Because she is not going to spook at her own shadow. Has a sense of reasonable responses to stressors and knows how to remove herself from a bad situation when necessary. Generally a 5/10 because the inherent stress of existing in the Jin Sect is a real thing. 
Wen Qing: It’s hard to be the most competent person in the room most of the time who spends most of her time in very politically precarious positions and with her or her brother’s life at least sort of in danger! Pretty up there for “most stressed” candidates. She’s really having a time of it. Generally hovers around an 8/10.
Wen Ning: Generally not stressed, at least not in the traditional way. Is distressed a lot, but not so much stressed. Ends up at roughly 4/10.
Wen Chao: Like Jin Zixun, gets somewhat shielded from stress by being an unrepentant asshole, though his end of life 11/10 stress via Wei Wuxian kind of makes up for the rest. Averages more of a 2/10 most of the time, though? I don’t think we can let that relatively brief period skew the scale too much.
Wen Ruohan: Does “magic induced losing your mind” count as stress? I mean, he has a pretty stressful job even before that, but he doesn’t project “stress” so much as “incipient madness” during the period where we actually see him doing things. Not sure what rating to give here. It seems like he’s kind of on a different scale.
Wang Lingjao: For the most part seems to manage to get by relatively stress-free, up until things start going completely to shit and she gets haunted to death. Generally closer to a 2 or 3/10, because life as a servant ascended to mistress in a strictly hierarchical society is inherently a wee bit stressful.
Wen Zhuliu: Too sick of this shit and not getting paid enough to really stress out about it. 1/10.
Lan Sizhui: One of those people who manages to appear serene and calm all the time but mostly has just gotten used to functioning at a higher level of stress and therefore can pass for calm even when he is having an Experience of it, which makes his stress levels kind of hard to gauge. But I’d put him at a relatively consistent 6/10.
Lan Jingyi: Wouldn’t call him stressed exactly but he’s definitely very high energy. Kind of gives off the vibes of a very energetic dog who would be stressed if you didn’t keep him busy, but mostly (because I feel like Gusu Lan Sect is pretty good at keeping him busy) hovers around a 2 or 3/10. 
Jin Ling: I feel like Jin Ling isn’t stressed most of the time up until the actual events of CQL itself, where he is both very stressed and very confused almost constantly from the time he first runs into Wei Xuanyu, and it only goes downhill from there. So covering the events of the show I’m going to put him at a 7/10, because he does manage to deal with some wild things with some equanamity and makes it all the way to episode forty-five without breaking down sobbing.
Ouyang Zizhen: Seems like a sensitive soul but doesn’t give off the impression of carrying around a lot of stress, at least not from what we see of him. Probably the chillest of the junior quartet, tbh. Gonna give him a 2/10.
Xiao Xingchen: For most of his life Xiao Xingchen manages his stress very well! He’s actually surprisingly chill. Gets significantly more stressed, understandably, after Xue Yang engineers his no good very bad breakup (the first one) with Song Lan. But in general not that stressed! It is actually part of why he doesn’t handle the stress when it comes very well. He’s not used to it and he only had one pair of eyes to sacrifice. In general a 3/10.
Song Lan: Makes up for Xiao Xingchen’s relatively low stress levels by picking up on the stress for both of them. Still chiller than a lot of people on this list, though, but there’s a lot of very stressed people in this show, so. 5/10.
Xue Yang: Manages his stress by making everyone else very stressed, on purpose. If he’s having a bad day he’ll go and make someone else have a worse day and it helps. At least until there’s a dead Xiao Xingchen and then nothing helps! But as a rule exists at a general 2/10 and honestly he deserves it.
A-Qing: Her life is inherently stressful because she is a street kid trying to make it in a world that is not very friendly to people with no structure supporting them, but she manages to bear it pretty well on the whole. Still, it’s hard being a-Qing. She just makes it look easy. Probably a 4 or 5/10.
Sect Leader Yao: He’s not stressed, but he’s very good at making everyone around him stressed every time he opens his mouth. His presence is a +2 to stress for everyone in his vicinity with the exception of Sect Leader Ouyang, who is for some reason immune. 0/10.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years
not even sure if this is a hot take or not but I'll put it here anyway. c!wilbur's infatuation with c!dream doesn't excuse his treatment of c!tommy in las nevadas. I know why he does it, I know that c!wilbur feels that he should be in c!dreams position. however, the fact that he says things like "what could go wrong in a prison?" after c!tommy repeatedly stated that he didn't want to talk about c!dream, was hurt by c!dream, and was uncomfortable with discussion of him, c!wilbur did it anyway, repeatedly. at this point it's hard to care about the "why" when someone else is hurt from it. I know why c!wilbur sees c!tommy as the same person he was in pogtopia, but it seems to have caused c!wilbur to not take c!tommy's emotions seriously. I think some people are too quick to defend something that isn't exactly defendable (I also understand why this happens, c!wilbur gets shit on relentlessly for no reason). as sucky as it is, someone's mental health struggles are not anyone else's problem, and they shouldn't be facing it. (sorry this got long)
Ah yeah, sometimes we can take nuance out of stuff a lot. It sucks.
I'll honestly maintain that Wilbur making Tommy president of L'Manburg before blowing it up was one of the cruellest things he could do. Personally going out of his way to destroy Tommy specifically, he did that to make it hurt.
Wilbur has hurt Tommy plenty of times, both before and after his revival. Remember Wilbur asking Tommy to gather stone? And when Wilbur joined Tommy's stream just to tell him he wasn't do good enough and to go gather more? Only to tell him the next time he saw him he forgot why he'd even asked for them. And in Las Nevadas, talking about how everything Tommy has tried to do has been a failure?
I get that he has his reasons, that he's broken and in need of patience while he puts himself back together. But I hope someday the ways he's hurt Tommy get addressed. I want them to reconcile, to stay close, for their to be forgiveness and healing, but yeah I hope he acknowledges how he's hurting the people around him.
Tommy's emotional state is definitely still fragile. He's actually been doing alright about trying to heal, with his chiller building activities and everything but he's very vulnerable to being hurt by Wilbur and will likely put himself in that position in order to try and help him. Still we can care about the both of them. Wilbur's healing shouldn't come at the expense of Tommy and it shouldn't need to. They do both care about each other and I hope its enough to make things work.
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