#but fab ate honey
blckvenuz · 5 months
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The makeup artist needed to be fire expeditiously 😭
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Just a bunch of out of context SB&IB quotes
Marinette: Quick question. Has Luka shown you their pirate booty yet?
Adrien: *Giggles; blushes* … No!
Luka: Now to find us a taxi like a man!… *Pokes out his leg* Yoohoo~! *Several taxis stop by them*
Austin A: Trust me, I don't need a weapon to get respect. *lays his bat down on the table*
Austin T: What’s up, you short ass motherfu- *Austin A picks up his bat* Handsome, strong- *Austin A puts his bat down* Stupid, dumbass- *Austin A picks up his bat* All around nice guy.
Austin A: … Okay, maybe you have a point.
Mr. Monlataing: *Hits Mr. Damocles over the head with a lunch tray, knocking him out* I'm sorry, Mr. Damocles, but you were acting like such a jerk that even a granola-crunching pacifist like me had to do something about it.
Mr. Damocles: Fair enough.
Mr. Damocles: Well! What brings you ladies to this perfectly legitimate school?!
Alyssa: Why… Our precious son, Marcquelle, of course.
Marc: I said, ‘Call me Marc!’
Mr. Damocles: Oh. So you two are-
Marc: My cool lesbian moms. *High fives them as they fist bump each other, then poses* Aw, yeah!
Mr. Damocles: Oh, thank God! You’re just gay!
Adrien: Oh no! My leftover Chinese food! It's gone!
Nino: *Eating Chinese food* Dude, if I'd have known, I never would have-
Adrien: And look at that. Someone drew a mustache on my favorite headshot! Don't you people understand!? There's only one explanation! It's the ghost!
Nino: Yeah, uh, a ghost ate your Chinese food. *hides the Chinese food*
Nathaniel: *hides a marker* And drew a mustache on your headshot.
Ivan: And uh, got high on allergy pills and made out with your toothbrush ... Uh, I mean uh, what ghost?
Cosette: Austin Armbruster is Monarch! I'll prove it!
Marc: How?
Cosette: Through science! *pulls out a crossbow* If I shoot him in the face and he lives, he’s Monarch.
Austin Q: *After Austin T gives him mouth to mouth* What are you doing?!
Austin T: I was saving your life.
Austin Q: Next time let me die!
Lacey: Lila! What’s going on with you and Nathaniel?
Lila: Me and Nath? I-
Jean: Lila, honey, it’s obvious Nathan hates your guts. We just wanna know why, you sweet, beautiful gorgeous queen.
Lacey: *Pulls Jean aside* What the hell are you doing?
Jean: I thought we’d play a little “bad cop, fab cop!” *Puts on a boa*
Lacey: I love it!
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hedwigstalons · 4 years
SpaceBear - bit 4 (end)
So this has finally reached the end (for now).  I will probably return to these precious babies at some point because the SpaceBear ship is just glorious.
Huge thanks to @willow-salix for naming this ship and for massive amounts of help in pulling this to some sort of conclusion.  
Bit 1 is here, Bit 2 , Bit 3
Bit 4
The shamefaced pair trailed down to the kitchen after Scott, like condemned prisoners following behind their jailor who led them in stony silence.  As if having big brother walk in on them hadn’t been bad enough he had stood there, tall and imposing in the doorway, waiting while discarded clothes were found and reclaimed.  Despite all the times he’d changed in front of his brothers Alan had never felt more naked and exposed even though he had still been half dressed.
Entering the lower level of the villa they found the table all set, Virgil and Gordon already seated and staring hungrily at empty plates.  The warm smells coming coming from the kitchen module were actually pretty good for a change although Alan wasn’t too sure he had much of an appetite any more.
“You’re late, boys.  Now hurry up and wash your hands then you can help me carry over the dishes, I made the others wait for you.”
With a quick chorus of “Sorry Grandma” and “Sorry Mrs Tracy” the pair hurried over to the sink to get washed up while Scott headed back to his place at the table.
“I really shouldn’t have to send Scott to fetch you, you know,” Sally scolded.  “I’d have thought after spending all day at the Expo you would have had enough of playing games.  Never mind, you’re here now so we can get started.”
She hustled them about, setting them to ferrying the serving dishes over to the table where they were eagerly pounced upon by Gordon and Virgil.  Scott was more reserved but she put it down to a tough day in the office, TI business was a necessary evil for him and he was often a little bit muted after a day stuck in a suit.  
Once everyone had had a chance to load their plates, and the initial babble of conversation between those who weren’t privy to the scene in Alan’s bedroom had faded as eating took priority, Scott finally broke his silence, his words falling like lead.  “So, when were you going to tell us?“  Walking in on his baby brother had come as something of a shock, Alan had been his responsibility for so long it was sometimes hard to accept that the kid he had taken custody of was growing up.  It probably didn’t help matters that the other party was Brandon.  He tolerated Brandon’s presence, mostly because he had been persuaded how good it was for Alan to have a friend outside the family, but the vlogger was definitely more worldly than his brother and preceded by a reputation that Scott did not approve of.  His protective instincts had been ignited and right now he was wishing he’d followed his gut and kept Brandon away from the island.
Alan shifted uncomfortably in his seat.  He’d barely had time to come to terms with things himself and he and Brandon hadn’t actually got as far as defining what they were before giving in to their physical wants.
"Tell us what?” Virgil put down his fork and looked between his oldest and youngest brothers, Scott was radiating animosity and Alan looked nervous as hell.   
“Alan and Brandon here have been getting a little up close and personal." 
"Lighten up Scott, it was one kiss.  You make it sound like the end of the world”
Scott had been expecting an answer but he hadn’t been expecting it to come from Gordon.  “What do you mean ‘one kiss’?  It’s a damn sight more than that."  
Confusion reigned supreme on Gordon’s face.  "No, it wasn’t.  I saw the footage.”
“What footage?  What are you on about Gords?”  The question was low and threatening and Gordon found himself swallowing nervously despite having a pretty clear conscious for once.
“The Expo of course, what are you on about?”
“I just caught these two,” the words were spat with more force than was strictly necessary as Scott waved vaguely in the direction of Alan and Brandon, “fooling around in Alan’s room.  Now what’s this about the Expo?”  The pair in question were subjected to the full force of the Commander’s stare; Scott knew he was coming across as intimidating and probably overreacting but after a day spent examining share prices and and listening to market forecasts he was in no mood to be dealing with unexpected surprises. 
“That was all my fault, Scott,” Brandon stammered.  “I kinda got carried away with all the cameras there and surprised Alan, he…he had nothing to do with it.”
“Hmm,” Scott frowned, not missing the slight shift in movement that suggested Alan had grasped Brandon’s hand under the table or the grateful look Brandon shot him in response; it was a show of unity he hadn’t expected.  “That doesn’t make it any better.”  He reached up and activated his comm “Come in Thunderbird Five, I’ve got a job for you.”
“What is it, Scott?” the missing sibling popped into being via the nearest holoprojector, looking puzzled at being summoned.
“I need you to go through the footage from the Expo Alan went to.  You might need to do some damage limitation.”
“Uh, okay.  Are you going to give me a clue what I’m looking for?”
“Oh I think you’ll know when you see it.”
“FAB.”  The slightly puzzled Space Monitor winked out of existence as the link was cut.
Knowing that John was dealing with whatever had happened at the Expo, and taking Gordon’s lack of concern over the footage as a sign that whatever had been caught on film wasn’t too major, Scott focussed his attention back on the unhappy couple.
“So is this serious between you or what?”  
The tension between oldest and youngest was palpable.  Alan licked his lips nervously, trying to work out how to phrase things and desperately wishing there wasn’t such an audience as all eyes turned towards him.  Was it serious?  Was Brandon his boyfriend now?  He certainly knew what he wanted it to be.  
“Yeah, yeah it is.”  Brandon had cut in before he had the chance to answer, giving Alan’s hand a reassuring squeeze at the same time.  This time it was Alan giving Brandon the grateful look; he knew how hard it was to face up to Scott when he got like this.  
"Well I think it’s great, honey,” Grandma stepped in, giving Scott a brief warning look that clearly said the interrogation was over before turning her attention on the new couple.  “Hey, maybe you can come on a double date with me and Kip.”  She knew Scott had to get whatever concerns he had out of his system but his attitude needed keeping in check.  This was meant to be a nice family dinner after all.
“Ewww, Grandma!” Alan exclaimed.
“Don’t worry, I’m only messing with you.  I wouldn’t want any of you boys along anyway, it might cramp my style.”  She winked at Alan, causing him to shudder.  “Now will someone pass me those bread rolls, I’m hungry.”
The meal passed in relative normality after that although the oldest and youngest brothers ate barely a fraction of their usual portion.  Alan’s stomach was still in knots and he could only pick at his food while Scott was obviously still brooding but with Grandma giving her seal of approval any further discussions of Alan and Brandon’s fledgling relationship were clearly off limits.  
Mostly off limits.  Alan knew the silence from Scott was too good to last.
“Virgil, I’m going to need you to have a talk with Alan and Brandon after dinner.”  While he might not like the idea of his baby brother having anything that even remotely resembled a sex life he had to accept that this was a likely progression.  He would be failing in his duty if he didn’t make sure the couple went into this with their eyes open but same sex relationships were outside his personal realm of experience, hence calling on his next in line.  
“Huh, what about?”  Virgil looked up from his plate, he was far less bothered than Scott about the whole situation and wasn’t too sure what else there was to discuss.
“Alan.  And Brandon."  Scott gave his brother a pointed look. 
Virgil’s brow furrowed in confusion before realisation hit.  "Oh, right, couple stuff.  Really though Scott the rules aren’t any different just cos it’s a guy, but sure I’ll talk to them."  
Alan wanted the ground to swallow him up and he could feel the rising blush creeping towards his ears.  He could not believe this was happening.  He wasn’t completely clueless on the facts of life and Brandon definitely wasn’t.  To make matters worse Gordon was grinning like a Cheshire cat at the prospect, probably thinking up his own contributions Alan suspected.
"Really, it’s okay, we’re good.” Feeling the discomfort radiating off of Alan, Brandon tried to ward Virgil off.
“Oh no,” Virgil smirked, although to Brandon the look seemed vaguely reminiscent of a shark circling its prey, “if you intend to be involved with my little brother we are definitely going to talk.”
“Grandma, is this really necessary?” Alan tried to appeal to the one person who he thought he could count on as an ally.
“Actually dear, I’m with your brothers on this one.  Now if everyone’s finished I’ve got some jobs I want to do.  Gordon, can you give me a hand please, I’ve got some boxes I want shifting.”  She knew she wouldn’t be able to persuade Scott to leave but she could at least take some of the pressure off the situation.
The aquanaut grimaced but knew better to disobey.  Much as it would have been fun to watch Alan squirm he knew his Grandma was deliberately giving the others space; two big brothers was more than enough for Alan to be dealing with and Virgil would stop Scott from going overboard.  Anyways, he could impart his worldly wisdom any time he fancied grossing his brother out.
With Gordon and Grandma out the way a heavy silence settled over the table.  Scott was still radiating animosity and the attitude was starting to bug Virgil.  So what if Scott wasn’t a fan of Brandon?  Alan obviously was and if the feeling was mutual who was he to get in their way.  He took a sip of his water and waited for Scott to say something but Scott had evidently decided it was all on him now.  He cleared his throat.
“Now I don’t know what the pair of you have been getting up to, and to be honest I don’t want to know, but if you two are now an item there are some ground rules you need to follow.  Alan, you have a lock on your bedroom door, I suggest you start using it.  Brandon, whenever you stay over there will be a guest room for you as normal; it’s up to the pair of you if you use it but it’s there.”
“Now I don’t think…” Scott tried to butt in but Virgil cut him off.  If big brother was going to pass the buck on anything that wasn’t strictly hetero then he could keep his mouth shut for the moment.  And anyway, Virgil thought, Scott was a hypocrite.  He could well remember Scott’s own early forays into the world of dating which had started far earlier than Alan’s.
“No, Scott.  Alan not a kid any more and neither is Brandon.  I don’t want them to feel like they need to sneak around and neither do I want to barge in on anything.  Or have you forgotten how many times I had to cover for you or come up with some excuse to keep Dad out of wherever you’d chosen to mess around with your latest squeeze?”  Once he was satisfied that there would be no more interruptions he turned back to Alan and Brandon. “Now judging from the way Scott here has decided to drag me into all this I guess things have already started getting pretty physical between the two of you.”  Alan didn’t think it was possible to sink any lower in his seat but he tried.  “Now there are only two rules but they are absolutely non-negotiable.  Firstly, if you choose to go that far, you always use protection.  You have no excuse not to, there is always a stock in the cabinet in the infirmary, just make a note on the pharmacy order if supplies are running low.  And secondly, you do not do anything that you aren’t both wholly comfortable with.  You always check the other person is happy and if either of you want to stop at any point you stop.  Oh, and Brandon, if you dare hurt my little brother I personally know of at least 6 ravines where you could have a very convincing accident.“
Once Virgil had said his piece Scott launched in again, mostly about not broadcasting everything about their lives to the public or splashing it all over the vlog.  It was a request the pair happily agreed to; Alan wasn’t keen on the idea of navigating life with Bradon in front of millions of viewers and Brandon felt like he would have agreed to anything if it meant being able to get away from the combined force of Tracys one and two.
When they were finally released from their lecture Alan and Brandon fled back to the sanctuary of Alan’s room.  Alan clicked the lock into place behind them; still a bit shaky after the ordeal at dinner it wasn’t that he was in the mood to continue where they left off, more that he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of any more rules or advice from the family, well meant or otherwise.  
Brandon climbed up onto the bed and sat up against the wall, resting his forearms on drawn up knees.  “Man, Scott was like, so intense and boy I do not want to go piss off Virg, I used to think he was the soft one but I kinda think he scares me more than Scott.  Are your family always this extreme?”
“Yeah, sorry, they can get a little over protective sometime.  You do know Virgil was joking about the ravines, right?” 
“Right,” Brandon looked like he wasn’t wholly convinced though.  “Just as well I like living life on the edge.  Always be extreme and all that.”
“Were you alright with what they said, about not putting stuff about us out on your vlog?”
“Well clips with you or your brothers in already get 30% more views, think of the ratings.”
“Relax Alan.  No cameras, no clips.  I don’t have to put everything about me online and I don’t want to.  The media, well, you’ve seen how it can chew you up and spit you out and I don’t want to do anything that could hurt you.”  
Brandon patted the bed and Alan responded to the invitation.  He climbed into the gap between Brandon’s legs and settled his back against Brandon’s chest, feeling a slight thrill as warm arms circled round him in a gentle hug.  This was a side to Brandon that was rarely seen, a softer, gentler, more serious side that was at odds with the carefully curated persona of the Bear.  
As Alan’s weight settled comfortably back against him, the smaller form cocooned by his own slightly taller frame, Brandon felt luckier than he had done in a long time.  Alan wasn’t what would normally be considered his type, not if the string of conquests behind him was anything to go by, but there was something about the young Thunderbird with his raw and open honesty that had Brandon craving more than a quick fling.  There was a connection he’d never felt with anyone else before and he made a sincere and silent promise to look after the man who had first welcomed him into his life and his family and then invited him a step further into his heart.
He didn’t know if this would be a forever thing but he did know he was grateful for the chance to try, the chance to prove that he could be more than just a jackass pulling stunts for the cameras.  There was something about Alan, nestled comfortably against him like a puzzle piece where he had drifted off to sleep half way through a movie, that gave him a feeling of deep contentment and he dropped a gentle kiss onto the slumbering head beside him.  Commitment had never been on his radar before, uncomplicated fun was more his usual style, but this was different; a relationship to be explored slowly at whatever pace Alan felt comfortable with and if that meant starting off with movie nights punctuated by tentative kisses, well, he was happy to go along with that.   
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ineffablegame · 5 years
I’m sure this has already been hc’d but if you will Allow Me:
The Fab 5 go to England.  They’re on a mission from God.  They find Aziraphale and Crowley, smitten and pining and fussy and afraid and ridiculous, and they know this is why they’ve been plucked out of the heart of America: to save these pathetic, middle-aged, clearly-besotted gays from themselves.
They burst into the bookshop in a flurry of Gay Drama and mics and cameras.  Aziraphale, who has been determinedly putting off a customer for the past fifteen minutes, looks up and sees JVN.  He freezes.
Crowley slithers out from behind a shelf and boggles.  “White Jesus,” he whispers.
Jonathan tosses his hair.  “In the fa-lesh!”
“I beg your pardon,” Aziraphale stammers, “who are you?”
“We’re here to deliver you from your sad, crusty old lives!” Jonathan says. 
The Fab 5 get down to business.  Crowley and Aziraphale are helpless to stop their onslaught.  But the Fab 5 have never dealt with immortal, supernatural entities before, so they have their work cut out for them. 
Bobby is determined to spruce up the bookshop, but soon realizes its cranky, fussy owner has a will the size of Mount Sinai and refuses to budge.  Every book must be kept in place, not one particle of dust disturbed.  Bobby’s suggestion that Aziraphale start selling eBooks to pep up business is met with glacial silence.  Crowley is no less stubborn, refusing to make his flat more homey with the addition of a sofa one might actually enjoy sitting on.  
“If I want to be comfortable, I’ll go to the bookshop,” Crowley says.  He means to sound disdainful and can’t understand why Bobby looks so touched.
Bobby gets one concession from Aziraphale - that potted plant will bring a little color to the bookshop, yes, I suppose that isn’t such an awful suggestion.  In any case, Crowley offered me one of his.
Antoni has his own struggles.  He’s used to finding food that repulses him, but he’s never had to contend with someone who has no food at all.  He scours Crowley’s flat from top to bottom and can’t find a crumb.  Just looking at the place, you’d think Crowley never ate at all.  Aziraphale is another matter - the little kitchenette above the shop is packed with sweets, cookies and cakes and chocolate-covered strawberries and, bizarrely, a plate of oysters sitting on the counter that never warms to room temperature.  “You should really try to balance out your diet,” he suggests.  
Aziraphale purses his lips.  “I am quite content with my diet, thank you.”
Antoni shrugs off Aziraphale’s chilly attitude.  The next day, disquieted by the oysters still sitting on the counter - really, they might still be cool, but that has to be unsanitary - he bins them.  Aziraphale gives him the kind of murderous, eldritch-horror look that would shatter Antoni’s mind if it weren’t for the amazing ability of the human mind to scab over inexplicable horrors.  Antoni spends a long time staring at the camera, horrified and not quite sure why he’s horrified.
Tan is simply confused.  Aziraphale and Crowley both dress well, even if the former wears clothes about 50-100 years out of date.  But he can’t pin down Crowley’s style.  The non-binary leanings are great, of course, but Tan has looked and looked and he can’t identify the clothing brands.  Crowley’s clothes don’t have tags.  Tan has never seen them advertised anywhere.  Convinced Crowley must have some obscure designer on retainer, he asks who makes them.  The demon just shrugs.  “I do.”
“Really!” Tan is intrigued.  “I didn’t know you designed clothes.  Even the shoes?”
“My what?” Crowley asks, distractedly.  Then he blinks. “Oh, yeah, the... the shoes.  The shoes I wear.  Ssssnakeskin.”
Tan doesn’t see much to be improved in Aziraphale’s classic - if antiquated - style.  But he loves a good French tuck, so he suggests that.  
“French?” Aziraphale says, looking absolutely revolted.  That puts Tan off right away.
Karamo hones in on the pining like a bloodhound on the scent.  In the back room of the bookshop, he sits on the sofa beside Aziraphale and gets down to business.  “So, I sense you have feelings for Crowley.  Tell me about that.”
Aziraphale flushes a delicate shade of pink.  “I-- I don’t, of course.  We’re friends.  Well, actually, we used to be enemies, but...”  And he proceeds to occupy Karamo for the next four hours with the story.  Karamo is entranced and a little heartbroken by the whole thing.  It’s almost as if the two have been in love since the dawn of time, and they can’t quite figure it out.  
Of all the Fab 5, Jonathan is the only one who isn’t remotely fazed by Aziraphale and Crowley.  He flounces around the shop, flipping through books and charming customers in a manner that is wholly antithetical to Aziraphale’s shop policy, which is to drive customers away.  Aziraphale and Crowley keep their distance, because - white or not - Jonathan does bear a striking resemblance to Someone they both knew, a long time ago.  When Jonathan beckons them to the chair, they are powerless to refuse.
“Let’s give this a little zhuzh, honey,” he says, running his fingers through Aziraphale’s curls.  The angel sits as still as stone, feeling coddled and vaguely threatened at once.  Jonathan considers his hair, chewing on his lip.  “Though honestly, your hair is already gorg.”
“Thank you,” Aziraphale preens.  “I have it, ah, styled by a barber once every two months.”  He hasn’t grown out his hair in fifty years, but the point still stands.  
“I can tell,” JVN coos.  “And ohmygosh, your skin is so soft.  Practically divine!”
“A-ah, yes,” Aziraphale stammers, a little afraid again.  “But it’s not.  Totally normal... human skin.”
Crowley fares no better.  “I love your hair!” Jonathan gasps, running his fingers through it.  “So fiery!”
“Ngk,” says Crowley. 
“Now, I know this sounds a little risky,” Jonathan says, “but have you ever thought about growing it out?  Like, long long?”
Crowley perks up.  “Did that a few times, actually.  One of my best looks.”
“I’ll bet!  I’m sure Aziraphale was literally all over you with that look!”
Crowley goes beet-red and chokes out, “Ngkngkngk.”
Later, to the cameras, Jonathan squeals, “Ilovethembothsomuch!  Oh my god!”
When the Fab 5 are about to leave, Aziraphale asks, with a little trepidation, “Who, ah, who nominated us?  If I may ask?”
“Some scary lady,” Antoni says, shivering.  “Though now that I think about it, we never got her name...”
“Scary but somehow super nice?  If that makes sense?” Jonathan puts in.  “Like, Mama Bear literally about to rip off your head, but also who loves you more than anything?”
They leave.  Standing outside the bookshop, watching the camera crew disperse, Crowley murmurs to Aziraphale, “You think that was really Him?  Seriously?”
Aziraphale shrugs.  “Could be.  That would be Her sense of humor.”
“Hmm.”  Crowley scuffs a toe on the pavement.  “Could I tempt you to a spot of lunch?”
Aziraphale wiggles on the spot.  “Yass, queen!”
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youngbradford · 5 years
Xmas Message For 2019
And here we go, my 19th annual year-end love letter online …Georgi Balinov and I rang in the new year at a giant party in Bangkok, halfway around the world. That foreign location, its beauty and tastes, set the tone for my 2019, a year of seeing the world, while stabilizing my life. Though often in flux or movement, 2019 was a year many things normalized over the year.
In January, almost immediately after arriving stateside, I crossed the pond and saw Michelle Visage perform in the West End with Peter Wish. Afterward, I played with her wigs backstage and walked her towards the queer kids lining up for selfies and autographs. I am very lucky to have Peter and Michelle in my life, kindred spirits both. One reminding me that fame, fortune, ebb, and flow, but that being real is what matters most. The other, a reminder to stay forever young. I visited Berlin yet again and did the usual, working, and playing, hard.
February appeared and I traveled to Philadelphia with Sandra Hansel, Georgi, George Sapio, and Anthony DeFilippis. We toured Lisa Roberts’ house, saw a Dieter Rams exhibit, dined with George Alley. In Lambertville, that Sunday, I bought vinyl and vintage hats. Later that month, I got a swallow tattooed on my hand, a symbol of flight and travel, and Warhol’s knives, blackened into my shin. An Eames exhibit in Oakland was a sweet way to end the month.
In March with my crew, Georgi, Khadyon Reid, Luis Urribarri, Anthony, and George, descended upon Salvador for Carnival. It was insane! I watched Anitta live, and danced in a sea of pushing, fighting, kissing Brazilians for days upon days. I felt unsafe and alive, threatened and excited. It was intense. Back home I got my other hand tattooed, again honoring my love of seeing the world. I traveled to Portland, came back to NYC at the end of the month, finally moving into our apartment, the one we bought 1.5 years before, that I designed, and had renovated head to toe. Finally, we had our dream home. The weekend we moved in, the place was still not ready, but we were sick of living without our things and in other people’s beds. Peg Kendall and Georgi’s mom came, and we worked our asses off unpacking and starting to make the 2800 square foot loft on west 13th street a home. We’d lived in Airbnbs and friends’ places for 19 months and it was tiring not having a home, not having most of our things. My art! My toys! My shoes!. Those months taught me how important a home, a safe place, and the oasis of my collections is to my mental health. From March on I felt more on solid ground and dedicated more energy to my career and friendships as a result.
In April we went to Coachella, seeing Ian and Jose Seronni, JJ and Andrey Lunin, and dancing in the desert of California. Multiple trips to San Francisco, catching glimpse of old friends, scaling my team at work, as I took on more and more responsibility.
In May, George Sapio and I celebrated (me a little early) a shared, fun birthday weekend at Soho Farmhouse. Joined by Matthew Kelleher, Mark Silver, Jaime Tanner, Matt Lynch, and others, we went shooting and feasted on pheasant in the English countryside.June was really busy, insanely so. 
For my 43rd in early June, I had a 30-person dinner party in our new place! We ended up at Club Cumming after, but before friends, new, and old, showered me with a vinyl record, the admission fee I’d set for my party. Lauren Foster, who has shared her home with us, was, appropriately, our first overnight guest. London, again, Berlin, too. Then home for Pride. Willam Ralphie hosted Bingo at eBay, Zach Augustine, David Mason Chlopecki, other loves attended. That weekend danced to both Madonna and Grace Jones on the pier and danced with 15K others at Javitz, where my favorite singer, Cyndi Lauper, belted “I Drove All Night,” her best song, at midnight. I stayed until the sun came up. NYC was electric that weekend. Parties, icons, friends from the world over … the city has an energy you could literally see and taste. I caught a few moments of the parade, overtaking lower Manhattan, and I smiled really big. God, it can feel good being gay! God, the world has improved for gay people (and yes, I know, we still have ways to go, especially for more marginalized LGBTQ groups). But I still took a moment to acknowledge the things that are better, that I have seen in my very gay lifetime. NYC that weekend was the ultimate place to reflect.
July 4th I went to Hamptons, with Ricardo, Brian, Felipe L. Mollica, others, guests of Anthony. Hosted Fab.com reunion, walked the Brooklyn Bridge, and took my team to Korea (where I shared a traditional Korean meal with Jae Hah), China (where I ate bird’s nests, jellyfish, sea snails, saw a Yves Klein show with Adnan Abbasi, and danced to 90s pop in a packed gay club), and Moscow (where I was amazed at how clean the city was and where I went to a traditional sauna and was whipped, naked, with tree leaves in front of dozens of Russian dudes in the nude). While in Russia a protest erupted, literally below the rooftop bar I dined in. Russia seemed freer than I’d expected, way more Western, up until this moment. I ended the weekend at a club at 3 AM, Russian women in high, high heels, dancing on the bar, vodka flowing like water. 2020 saw me traveling to places I romanticized as a child. Russia, one such place. I thoroughly enjoyed the friendships formed in Moscow, the food, and history. I want to return.
August, I was back in San Jose and Portland for work, then off again to Europe for vacation. We started our trip in Croatia, where Georgi and I kayaked around Dbruvnik’s harbor. Croatia’s cliffs and turquoise water did not disappoint, as we boated to islands and swam in caves. Driving south into Montenegro, the architecture reminded me more of Polish, Bulgarian trips, the water, greener. At the Amman we laid out next to The Beckhams, watching David kick a soccer ball with workers of the hotel, and watching Victoria read a book. Georgi and I then ventured to Mykonos, sunning til sunset and dancing til sunrise. A weekend trip upstate with our besties (including a guest appearance by Eric Lee, riding rides at the Colombia County fair, cooking pies, and grilling meats, ended our summer.
In September I went to Berlin and did Folsom and a speaking gig in front of 1K eBay sellers. I went again to Tel Aviv, meeting gay Israeli technology workers and a bevy fo Israeli start-ups. In Jerusalem, I returned to the wonderful Machneyuda with Gilad Ayalon, where they remembered me from my birthday the year before.
October saw us hosting my mother and my niece for a visit. We fell in love with Company XVI, a dance/burlesque/performance art troupe in Brooklyn. I took my mother to see Madonna, a night I will cherish forever. And we saw Dear Evan Hanson. A weekend in Miami with Lauren Foster and K was needed warmth. I took Georgi to see both acts of The Inheritance (so good!).  Then off to Berlin, again, and Paris, where I looked at art and went shopping for fall clothes. Halloween, in NYC, was brilliant and over the top; I went as white Pierrot clown. In Brooklyn, to Honey Dijon, we danced all night. Ralph Rucci, the American couturier reposted our photo on Instagram, calling it high-fashion, however, it was Georgi who won the night as Spock.
November I was in NYC early on, shopping with Thomas Cawson (who hooked me up with pink denim Helmut Lang), eating Christmas cookies, and being interviewed by Buzzfeed, a segment on 90s toys. I imitated a Furby. Then a week in Portland (I glow-in-the-dark-miniature-golfed), and off to Helsinki, catching up with former friends from Fab, One Nordic, Hem. Then to Lapland, with Georgi, George, and Anthony, lapping up wine, winter wonderlands, and dining on reindeer and elk. Dog sledding, snowmobiling, Northen lights! Another childhood desire checked from the list. Dinner with Michelle Case in London closed the month.
In December I went back to Berlin (my second home) and hosted a fundraiser for Single Step in our home. In one night Georgi and I helped raise $50K to help build Bulgaria’s first LGBTI center. It was also an impromptu holiday party: so many old friends together again in one room. And now Georgi and I sit in an airport lounge, awaiting our flight to Baltra, in the Galapagos. Once we land, we’ll board a 7-day cruise on a mega-yacht/small cruise ship. This, I feel, I have been waiting my entire life for.
I often write about how I was lonely as a kid. I was gay, I had a drug-addicted father, I grew up very poor. I oftentimes say music saved my life. But, I don’t write enough about the joy animals gave me too. I had so many pets: newts, turtles, tortoises, tree frogs, geckos, crabs, salamanders, etc. Caring for them, feeding them, gave me peace and allowed me to love. One turtle I had had a cracked shell. He lived in my room for many, many years. I always preferred him, with his defects, to the others. I think I feel the same about people.
As a child, I became obsessed with the Galapagos Islands, and mostly the tortoises. I would read about them in encyclopedias and race to see them at zoos. I always felt connected to turtles. They were my spirit animal. Later in life, I’d bloom, my feathers growing, my pride, alive. I’d no longer consider myself a turtle, my spirit animal changed. I told this story to my colleague Eben Sermon, who runs eBay’s German business: I always wanted to be a turtle. But I ended up a cockatoo. Eben brought this up last week in Berlin and it made me think a bit more about affinities for animals and how I have not had that connection as often as I probably should.
So this week, before we ring in New Years in Rio, I will honor the old me, the kid, the quieter Bradford, the sadder Bradford, by visiting those turtles, finally.
And I’ll marvel at the wonder of nature and evolution, both the evolution of animals and this world, and also the very real and dramatic evolution of my spirit and happiness.
Happy Holidays, Peace & Big Love
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sorrybaescenarios · 6 years
♛Kim Jongin ♛ as a boyfriend
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A/N: This took like forever but nevertheless enjoy, lol!
Exo as a boyfriend: | Xiumin | Suho | Lay | Baekhyun | Chen | Chanyeol | D.O | Kai | Sehun |
okay let’s get started 
Kai is the sweetest person ever so expect a lot of fluff
even though he’s really shy at first and all
his hugs are pure bliss
like please hug me all the time anjsfbosanfla
wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you closer
while giving you that breath-taking smile of his
leans his forehead against yours 
 f u c c 
or lifts you up in his arms and spins you around 
watching you laugh in his embrace makes him laugh as well
because your laugh is fab okay
slay me, what
he kisses you so gentle but with so much passion
he puts everything in his kisses
and holds you tight because he’s afraid you’ll vanish from his arms
you appear like a dream to him
and he wants to cherish you forever
he can be rough too, but not that much
but like have you seen him dance??
this boy can wreck your life with just one hip thrust
imagine in bed, what 
he’ll place you on the table, desk, backrest of the couch
literally everywhere he can lol
Kai will either ravish you right there and then or be gentle and sweet
no in between 
holding hands a lot later in the relationship
he’s not that into affection in the public
just a arm hanging lossely over your shoulders
or subtly on your small of the back
ice-cream dates when its hot outside
going to the amusement park often because he loves to have fun with you
and make amazing memories 
like when you dropped your Popsicle
and a nearby dog ate it 
about dogs
you two walk his dogs all the time
and he absolutely adores it when you play and love them
his babies having fun together
best thing ever
but gets pouty if you pay more attention to them 
he needs to be loved, okay
imagine jamming together to your favorite songs
having dance battles on just dance 
where you eventually lose so you just try to sabotage him
tickle fights 
him on top of you, tickling you without mercy
before planting a sweet kiss on your lips
you trust each other, so there is no jealousy fights or other things like cheating
nu-nuh honey
you talk about it if something happens
that’s your pro; you talk everything out
but if a fight occurs he usually is the one to leave and cool off
after that you will most likely ignore him (and he you) a few days
and after that run in each other’s arms because you just missed each other
like hell
he will seriously love you with his whole heart
how could’t he, you are just perfect in his eyes
you are his most valuable memory 
beside some others 
but mostly you, okay
he’d be a great boyfriend overall
caring for you 24/7 and making sure you are okay
like when you hit your foot against that furniture corner
yeah that hurts like a bich 
he kissed your toe
and put ice on it, rocking your body in his arms
because again, that hurts like a motherflicker bich
sends you texts all the time when he’s away
and asks a lot of questions
like if you had breakfast 
and yes, you have to tell him that you’re eating well and are all healthy
even tho is a lie sometimes, lol what
we all know you sneakily eat ice-cream at 2 in the morning
because that is just too good
you wearing his clothes 
he thinks you are so cute but sexy at the same time
sometimes he tries really hard to hold himself
he will make you his a lot 
like A LOT
that took an unsuspected turn 
supportive boyfriend ahead!
Kim Jongin as a boyfriend is just  👌 👌
- ✡️ Admin M
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krispyweiss · 6 years
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Album Review: The Beatles - The Beatles Super Deluxe
After circulating among collectors for decades in varying levels of quality and completeness, the Beatles' famed Esher Demos have finally been commercially released - 27 acoustic numbers laid down in advance of formal sessions for the Fabs' self-titled 1968 LP known to everyone, everywhere as "The White Album."
Filling one of the six CDs that make up The Beatles new super-deluxe, 50th-anniversary redux, these practice sessions contain many of the songs that would wind up on the finished two-album set, plus never-released goofs such as "What's the New Mary Jane," a novelty along the lines of "You Know My Name (Look up the Number);" songs that would appear on later Beatles albums, such as "Mean Mr. Mustard" and "Polythene Pam;" and songs held for post-Fab solo records, such as Paul McCartney's "Junk," John Lennon's "Child of Nature," which is a fully formed version of "Jealous Guy" with different lyrics, and George Harrison's "Not Guilty," in which he rails against his inability to get more than one song per album side.
I won't upset the Apple cart, I only want what I can get/I'm really sorry that you've been misled, but like you heard me said/not guilty, he sings as Lennon and McCartney - Ringo Starr is a rare presence, mostly relegated to tambourine, on these specimens - accompany him.
It is here we learn the flight that landed McCartney "Back in the U.S.S.R." was awful before it was dreadful and Harrison's "Piggies" ate pork chops before switching to bacon. Even for people who've had these renditions on bootleg tapes for years, the complete set, with improved sound quality, is a revelation and worth the price of admission almost on its own.
As he did on 2017's re-release of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Giles Martin - son of producer extraordinaire George - remixed the original LP. And while there wasn't as much to uncover on the stripped-down "White Album," the younger Martin still brought some new sounds to the fore, including peppier percussion throughout, particularly on "I Will" and "Why Don't We Do it in the Road?," and previously unheard acoustic guitar licks on "Mother Nature's Son."
For its part, "Wild Honey Pie," twangier with more layers of vocals, sounds like a completely different take - the only song on which this is the case. But for folks who have a snappy, crackly, poppy version of The Beatles on vinyl, this remixed edition is the one to replace it with as those who know the album well will hear new nuances throughout that'll be lost on most casual fans.
This thing runs nearly six hours and half of it - 50 tracks on three discs - is made up of full-band sessions that disprove the long-held assumption that The Beatles was essentially four guys recording solo tracks. The Beatles are playing as a unit here, and show that even when they were just practicing rough takes, they were better than most groups trying their hardest.
It's here we hear a slow and embryonic, 12-minute version of "Helter Skelter," where “Rocky Raccoon”’s doctor is "sminking" of gin and causing laughter in the studio, where Yoko Ono says "you become naked" (from "Revolution 9") during an early take of "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill" and where we learn Harrison's "one more time" at the end of "Piggies" was actually grafted in from the beginning of an early version. Also eye-popping are the alternative lyrics - heard in the Esher Demos as well - to "While My Guitar Gently Weeps."
A primordial "Hey Jude" is so different from the officially released version as to make the played-out song fun to listen to again and one where the first pass makes the listener wonder whether there will be a wordless coda. "I'm So Tired" once had backing vocals. "Let it Be" was originally a blues. And “Good Night” could’ve wound up with four-party harmony and traditional instrumentation.
Oftentimes, demos, early takes and rehearsals are worth hearing once and then go on the shelf only to come out when fellow fanatics of this or that band come over for a listening session. These early takes and studio jams like "Los Paranoias" and "(You're So Square) Baby I Don't Care" are so much more than that and serve to create another version of the “White Album” to enjoy for years to come.
"Mark it fab," McCartney says after one early version of "Helter Skelter."
Do the same to the entire super-deluxe edition of The Beatles.
Grade card: The Beatles - The Beatles Super Deluxe - A+
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founditinsilence · 7 years
6, 9, 43 💛
6. if you traveled, where did you go?
i did, i was so lucky!! i went to venice for a couple of days with my mum in easter when it was still pretty chilly and quiet and saw lots of beautiful sunsets and ate amazing pizza. 
then i visited my uni friend at her house in spain and drank cocktails on the beach and chilled on a swan pool float. my parents and best friend stayed at our caravan in france and swam in the sea and went on bike rides through forests. and then i went to croatia with my two best pals from uni, and listened to guitarists in city squares late at night and hopped on boats to islands!!! a bloody amazing summer tbh.
9. what was your favourite article of clothing?
probably the yellow scarf my friends bought me for christmas. i literally wore it for months on end with colours that, 90% of the time, clashed like hell
43. what have you learnt about yourself this year that you didn’t know in years prior?
a Big argument in my flat taught me that i don’t have to idealise my friends, that i can disagree with their actions/ side of an argument and still love and support them. 
i’ve also learned to open up even more (including signing up to my uni counselling services!!)
and both of these have helped me to move on from a toxic friendship i ended years ago but never really got over. i’d completely forgiven her, but this year i realised i was to blame too, that i could’ve got help from other ppl or made new friends and didn’t and that’s on me. so it’s not as black and white as i once thought and that’s fine, because i can forgive myself too.
thank u so much honey!! glad u had such a fab year xx
end of the year asks (let’s eat mince pies and pretend to be deep)
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jesters-armed · 7 years
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Ever since @angryalliterations mentioned elderflowers I can’t get this recipe out of my head. I ate this once in Germany and it’s delicious.
Basically, what you do (at the end of May or somewhere around there) you pick some elderflowers (should be in wide bloom with lots of pollen), put them upside down on a tray for half an hour (so you don’t need to wash them because that would wash out the fab taste of the flowers). Then you make an average pancake dough: 1 egg, 100 g white flour, 50 g Tapioka, 1/8 l milk (vegans use almond milk, works just as well) and just a shot of carbonated mineral water - let sit for 20 minutes). Dip the flowers in the dough, fry (ghee is best) and put either powdered sugar or a bit of your own honey on them. *moan*
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vanessa-vr-ross · 5 years
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SOOO.... I had a Cookie Monster fail 🍩🤦🏾‍♀️ . Food addiction is HARD, y’all. For YEARS I’ve battled an emotional Eating and compulsive binge-eating. When others might go to the store and get ONE ice cream, I’d get TWO and a Honey Bun 🤦🏾‍♀️I always pay at the pump because if I have to go in - I come out with an arm load 🍬🍭🍪 and then try desperately to hide the evidence after eating it all. . I’ve been 🥰 Loving this fitness program for a while & I’ve realized Binge eating or Food Addiction doesn’t go away overnight. That’s why we surround ourselves with support and accountability to take things one day at a time. . After my scare, subsequent crying jag and nap Yesterday- I thought I had things under CONTROL. . And then the kids went to bed. 🛌 And I ate a second plate of dinner 🤦🏾‍♀️ and had wine..then went to the gas station for more to eat. . I used to feel SO embarrassed by binging that I’d let the guilt completely derail me, and I’d throw my hands up and say “that’s it! I failed! No point to this now! It’s official I’m unlovable” And then I’d go and binge EVEN MORE to quiet the guilt of giving up. . NOT. ANY. MORE. . It’s not GREAT that I ate a bunch Yesterday...but it’s not the end of the world, either. So today I’m working out and drinking my Nutrition Smoothie (7 servings of fruits and veggies to make up for the sugar overload!🍎🍇🍏🥕🥦🍑), and I’m getting BACK ON TRACK. . The urge to Fall into a big bowl of ice cream doesn’t go away overnight. That’s why we surround ourselves with support and take things one day at a time. . ⭐️⭐️We should find perfect existence through imperfect existence.—shunryu suzuki, zen . ~Are you too looking for a safe, supportive community? ~Are you tired of looking in the mirror and tearing yourself apart? ~Are you tired of not feeling confident in your own skin? ~Are you wanting to finally do something FOR YOU? ~Are you llooking for a change? . If you can honestly answer YES to any of these questions and KNOW that it is time for you to make a change, then I invite you to find out more information about my ☀️Fit, Fab and Literate Accountability Group for June! . (at Spring, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkOCeKBzAx/?igshid=1aw3ucqafgvnz
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marblefeet08-blog · 6 years
What I Ate Wednesday
What’s up, wonderful pals?
It’s that busy season again! I’m spending loooots of time working at our first Alchemy location these days along with overseeing some different catering events. The business ebbs and flows month to month and it can be tough to juggle it all; but these crazy times always make me grateful for slower, more quiet mornings and weeks where I have a little more time. No rain, no flowers!
Life update: Yesterday I went to get a can of beans where I keep extra food in our coat closet and found a MOUSE that had eaten its way (and pooped its way) through all the dry food I’d stored in there. It was horrifying!! And the worst part is we didn’t even catch it. Anyone else dealing with crazy bugs and mice lately? Holler at me.
Before we get into the food, don’t forget about $50 off your first two weeks of Blue Apron! It’s a rad deal, especially for when you’re in a cooking rut.
Breakfast lately has been toast. It’s quick and easy. We ran out of oats for Overnight Steel Cut Oatmeal so Van’s multigrain waffles or Trader Joe’s sprouted wheat berry bread have been my best friend (I keep several loaves of that and sourdough in the freezer at all times). I ate at Alchemy so I had all the yummy toppings at my fingertips. One slice was piled high with avocado, beet kraut, za’atar, and micro greens. The other had almond butter, banana, coconut bacon, smoked sea salt, and raw local honey. With coffee, of course. Divine!
Lunch was leftovers from a big catering event we had for TRISM. I took home a ton of our maple tamari tofu, sauteed greens, herbed rice (there’s actually very little nutritional difference between brown and white rice), chipotle sweet potato hummus, and cabbage slaw. I’ve been eating it for days!
Afterward lunch I was craving something sweet. Brownie bites to the rescue! I whipped up a batch of these over the weekend by first blending 1/2 cup almonds and 1 cup walnuts in the food processor. Then I added a cup of pitted Medjool dates, 5 tbsp cacao powder, 1 tsp bourbon vanilla extract, 1/4 tsp fine sea salt, and a splash of almond milk until a dough ball formed. I rolled them in cacao and froze them and they taste like amazing little brownies!
A couple hours later I noshed on my favorite crackers with Hope Foods’ spicy avocado hummus.
Dinner was bean balls with fusili noodles and Kirkland’s organic marinara plus roasted zucchini and summer squash from our CSA box. I doubled the recipe, used one can of chickpeas and one can of black beans, used a heaping cup oats instead of breadcrumbs, and added Worcestershire sauce and some marinara. Recipes are meant to be messed with!
I’m really into this ancient grains pasta we found at Costco (notice the hole which I now realize is from the mouse, OMG). Sometimes people think it’s weird I shop there because it’s just the two of us, but I can’t tell you how fast we fly through giant bags of pasta, marinara sauce, nut butter, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and coffee.
For dessert, we enjoyed these Pumpkin Muffins because I’m craving all things fall! I used one cup unbleached all purpose flour and 3/4 cup white whole wheat flour. I also doubled the cinnamon, cut the sugar down to 3/4 cup, used avocado oil, swapped soy milk for almond milk, and used blackstrap molasses. Soooo yummy! Also, if you’re craving chili like I’ve been, Isa’s Chipotle Chili with Sweet Potatoes and Brussels is hands down my favorite along with her simple cornbread.
Oh and then Jeff and I split one of these amazing ice cream sammies because they were on sale at Kroger and I couldn’t not try one!
This was a nice and sweaty one but didn’t feel too mentally exhausting. I love making up random circuits like this when I don’t make it in time for a group class like yesterday. If you’re not a stair stepper fan, you can also do a mix of treadmill, rower, elliptical, or bike. I write them down in the notes section of my phone. You can find other ideas in the workout highlights of my instagram page!
Style Inspiration
Still obsessing over these jeans that I told you about last week. I love that I can dress them up at night with a floral lace trim cami (on sale for $16.99, this one has more sizes) and cute earrings! Also very into these pointed toe nude flats and these Franco Sarto ones (most comfy ever) for a heeled version.
As fall slowly approaches, I’m having a moment with jackets. How cute is this lush drapey open trench and this camo shirt jacket? I just ordered this faux fur hooded bomber in green because it’s a whopping 80% off. If you’re looking for winter stuff early, there’s a couple sizes of these black Uggs for under $100. I ordered these tan ones with a bow because, look at them. Lastly, here’s a cute black rain boot for under $30? I’ve never had rain boots so excited to see how these fit!
Have a fab day! And remember, enjoy where you are now.
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Source: https://www.hummusapien.com/what-i-ate-wednesday-104/
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letsdiscoverkitty · 8 years
Aw thank you for replying! I would really appreciate an example under a read more, but only if you wouldn't mind. It would be really helpful. Thank you x
It’s okay ^.^ Right so under a read more is going to be an idea of what my latest meal plan is - so if you find meal plans triggering then please don’t read below. I won’t be putting calories as I know this can be triggering/spark comparisons.
Note: This is a ‘rough’ maintenance plan (I am working up to a gaining plan but I know this will likely make me gain due to increasing etc) PLEASE remember that everyone is different and you need to listen to any medical professionals that you are under the care of. 
I will write a few different options for each bit to give you an idea of what other choices there could be.
Breakfast: 2 sachets of porridge//3 weetabix with 180-200ml of normal soya milk//semi-skimmed milk with a coffee (+ slice of toast/crumpet with a heaped tsp of spread (nutella/pb/biscoff or spread with jam/honey)) - this is what I need to add in this week.
Morning Snack: A single snack (e.g. a cereal bar, a medium coffee shop cappuccino/latte)
Lunch:  Sandwich - 2 slices of bread, spread (I use mini philli pots but this could also be flora/butter/mayo), protein filling (2 slices of turkey/ham/chicken/smoked salmon/4 slices of quorn/a small tin of tuna), with a bit of salad. Pudding: A normal yoghurt and a piece of fruit (+jaffa cake bar/mini chocolate/biscuits/cereal bar) - again this is what I am adding in.
Afternoon snack: A ‘denser’ cereal bar (nature valley/Trek Protein bar) with a portion of fruit and a tea 
Dinner Okay so this is hard to explain as I try to work off of portion sizes here but the rule of thumb is to have a proper portion of carbohydrates, protein, fats and veg on the side. Ready meals can be really handy here, as well as pre-portioned items - I find pre-portioned things really helpful as it takes away the whole obsessing and trying to work out how much to have. CARBS: an average baked potato/4 boiled potatoes/rice portion (half a bag of uncle bens or 60-75g dry)/couscous/pasta/noodle nest.PROTEIN: Quorn/fish/meat/vegetarian bakes/pulses/breaded itemsNote if the protein is lower in fats: (e.g. quorn) then it needs to be cooked in a sauce. With veg on the side. LIGHT DESSERT: This can vary as I tend to have a rough calorie goal for my dinner in total so that it can vary. Options include: corner yoghurt/muller rice/normal yoghurt/frozen yoghurt/ice cream/angel delight/pudding pots and I usually have a portion of frozen berries with this as, well, they just taste fab.
Evening Snack: my plan says to have cereal and milk or I can just choose some snacks - recently I have been having a yoghurt and a cereal bar or pop chips or something like that. 
I hope this helps a little bit(?) I think the most important thing is building up a solid foundation - e.g. Breakfast, snack, lunch with a pudding, snack, dinner with a pudding, snack. From there you can work on options and choices and start to branch out a little more. 
As I said at the beginning this is, for an average normal person without being underweight or suffering from an ED, a rough maintenance plan. I have been working my plan up over the last 3/4 weeks and am trying to get to a solid gaining plan, and so this is a step towards that. And please please remember to listen to your treatment teams, there is not one “right” way to recover - that is ED trying to stop you and put off change. I searched for YEARS for ‘the perfect plan’ BUT IT DOES NOT EXIST. Everyone is different, coming from different places, on different paths/journeys etc. The human body is NOT a science experiment, although we can know roughly what it needs, it is not a mathematical equation. Healing takes time. 
Also, I am really trying to work towards thinking of things in terms of MINIMUMS not MAXIMUMS as it just reinforces the “restrictive” mindset. One day I also hope to move away from calorie counting as it has been an obsessive behaviour for the past 6ish years of my life. Another note: YOU DO NOT NEED TO WEIGH EVERYTHING - it is NOT a science experiment. You are not being judged or graded on this. FOOD IS FUEL/MEDICINE. I used to weigh EVERYTHING I ate and it was so detrimental and was/is purely ED led. Now don’t get me wrong, I still struggle with it but say my lunch - nothing is weighed. nothing. Mum makes it with me and there is no kitchen scale in sight. It is hellascary but slowly i am learning that it is OKAY if a you have a tiny bit more one day and a little the next (e.g. you do not need to weigh slices of bread/slices of protein/salad - it is negligible!!!) I am working on branching this out to my other areas but it takes time; recovery is a journey and it isn’t just going to get magically better overnight. 
Each and every day you have to face the behaviours and thoughts multiple times and it is exhausting but it can get better. I am still at the beginning of my journey but I am holding onto the hope that there are better days to come, for all of us. If you ever need or want to chat then you know where I am, I answer pretty much 99% of messages :) Take care of yourself xxx
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morganapendragon · 8 years
tag game
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!
tagged by the babe @bobbimorxe​ aka the fab nora
1: Are you named after someone? nope
2: When is the last time you cried? last week... that was fun
3: Do you like your handwriting? when i put in effort yes cuz it looks nice. otherwise nah
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? roast beef man
5: Do you have kids? no. maybe in a few years
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? ......... i’d have to meet me first i never leave my apartment half the time
7: Do you use sarcasm? yea its my secret weapon
8: Do you still have your tonsils? i think so? idk
9: Would you bungee jump? no. i’m literally terrified of heights 
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? i don’t eat cereal. Honey nut cheerios when I was a kid tho.
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? ahaha nope tho right now i don’t wear a shoe with laces so
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? most of the time.
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavour? cookie dough
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? their voice
15: Red or pink? red
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? least fave physical feature probably.... my nose i donno i am ok with my body
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? i’m at home so no shoes, and jeans
18: What was the last thing you ate? quiche. a really yummy bacon one that i made yesterday
19: What are you listening to right now? Let Them In by PVRIS
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? blue
21: Favorite smell? *shrugs*lavender i guess
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my new supervisor 
23: Favorite sport to watch? .... ahahahaha no
24: Hair color? dark brown / red highlights
25: Eye color? blue grey
26: Do you wear contacts? *snorts* i friggin wish but alas i am far too blind
27: Favourite food to eat? pasta or chinese food. and also a big fan of sushi (i’m a wimp tho so not with any raw meat)
28: Scary movies or comedy?  i don’t like either....
29: Last movie you watched? man of steel
30: What color shirt are you wearing? white
31: Summer or winter? summer. winter sucks
32: Hugs or kisses? hugs
33: What book are you currently reading? .....haven’t read in ages
34: Who do you miss right now? my siblings
35: What is on your mouse pad? MERGANA (thank you little sestra)
36: What is the last TV program you watched? The Magicians
37: What is the best sound? the weeknd’s voice filling my eardrums as i tune out the world. lol therapeutic af don’t ask
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? i guess the beatles tho i don’t care about either
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? france
40: Do you have a special talent? donno? not that i can think of
41: Where were you born? new england
i tag: @harleyquinzel, @westallcn, @queenis,  @ginnyweaslays, @gxnnyweasley & the squad: @mindykahling, @ginnyebaker, @lancesarah, @proinsiascassidy
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trkdiamondbeauty · 6 years
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Breakfast was so fab! Then my server to my surprise brings me a complimentary birthday dessert. She insisted I eat it lol but I couldn’t so I ate it with my eyes & brought it home ^-^ [1st pic is their amazing ceiling (as @katrina_kathleen_diamond would say; floating lights like in the movie 🎥 Tangled). 2nd pic my breakfast ^-^ Blue berry French toast: 2 challah slices / ricotta cheese / raspberry preserves / berries / candid pecans / powdered sugar / honey ricotta whip / homemade blueberry sauce. 3rd pic; my bday gift from my server. I fkn love her! (at Breakfast Kitchen Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bor0hHHAufE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nmibw2l6ghdf
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secooper-blog1 · 7 years
Phi Phi
Ahh, wonderful, wonderful Phi Phi. We checked into our hostel, Slinky, right on the beach then went out into the town to get some food. We went to Cosmics, which was very tasty and good value. We then got ready for a night out and went onto the beach. There was a skipping rope and limbo competition, where you won a free shot for having a go, so Rachel and I got pretty involved in that. The night was great fun and we just partied on the beach.
On the Monday, we had a very lazy day and just chilled out on the beach, had food and then went out again later on. Lois, Paula and I got hair braids. I went swimming at 3 am with an Irish guy and Lois had a rough, spewy night, poor gal. In the morning Lois was rough as anything and Paula was also quite jaded.
We moved to a cheaper and quieter hostel, Sabai House on the Tuesday and Lois was very ill all day so stayed in bed. The rest of us went for a walk up the nearby hill to some viewpoints. The walk was an absolute trek and very steep but we managed, and arrived at ‘Viewpoint 3’ to genuinely the most stunning view I have ever seen. Rachel and I ordered coconuts at the little cafe at the viewpoint and the man working there was so sweet and kind and apparently delighted by our desire to drink from a coconut so gave us free refills. On out walk back down we passed Viewpoints 1 and 2 which were also beautiful but not quite as impressive at 3. We also passed a pair of monkeys on the way down which was quite funny.
In the evening we ate at Calamaro, where we had been previously and I had a good Thai Yellow Curry. We then went to DoJos bar then Stockholm Syndrome bar where we met and absolute rajjer guy from Yorkshire and some guys from Warwick uni, Stan and Taylor. We had an ace night and ended up on the beach again. I went swimming with Taylor in a outdoor infinity pool at a nice hotel on the beach front in the early hours before we were chased out by some security guards.
On the Wednesday, we ate breakfast at Sabai House restaurant then chilled at the beach and kayaked with Stan and Taylor. This was great fun and we all had a blast going on a wee trip out into the bay. Rachel lost her sunglasses and Nicola cut her foot quite badly but all-in-all it was a fab time. Nicola, Rachel, Stan, Taylor and I then chilled in the sea for an hour or so after eating a FABULOUS slice of pizza. It was just amazing lying in such warm water in such a beautiful setting as the sun went down. In the evening we just had a quiet dinner at Pirates Restaurant then headed back to the hostel.
On the Wednesday night we booked a boat trip for the following day and so on Thursday morning, set off at 9.30 to get on a traditional Thai longboat. Lois was ill again this morning so sadly couldn't make the trip. The breakfast provided to us was two slices of bread with a slather of a honey-like substance, but it did the job. We first went to 'Shark Point' and snorkelled with some beautiful fish but alas, no sharks. Rachel threw some of the breakfast bread into the water behind me and I got lynched by several hundred blue fish. After a fairly long boat ride, we then arrived at Bamboo Island where we sunbathed and took some hella unflattering pics in the sea. We then had some veggie fried rice which was pretty delish but covered in sea water from some serious boat spray. Soaked and salty, we arrived at Monkey Beach, where we were greeted by a clan(?) of little monkeys. They were very tame and seemed to love the attention, however a girl from our boat got bitten and is now on a course of rabies treatment. Our next destination was Maya Bay. This was the setting for the Leo DiCaprio film, The Beach. HOWEVER, the way to get from the water to the beach was absolutely treacherous. You had to brave being thrown against rocks and other people to get onto this net that you then had to scale up a 10 metre climb to get to the cliff top. Apparently a week prior to our visit a man died from this trek, and I'm definitely not surprised. Anyhow, after surviving the climb, we got to the bay which was definitely very beautiful. The wind and the rocky seabed made it slightly uncomfortable to swim, however. After getting safely back onto the boat, we headed to a blue lagoon where we snorkelled and swam. The final destination on the trip was 'Viking Cave' - so-called because its inhabitants live and stay in the cave and supposedly shoot any intruders. Once back on dry land, we went for dinner at Basil Restaurant and then for drinks at dojo bar. I then decided that I would get a tattoo, lolz, so off we went next door to a recommended tattoo parlour where I got the sigma sign bamboo tattooed on my right side of my chest. It really wasn't too sore and was over very rapidly, so all was well. After a few more drinks, Rachel then got four dots tattooed on her foot. We went to the beach for a little party and then headed back to the hostel.
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krispyweiss · 5 years
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It Was 50 Years Ago Today at Akron Civic Theatre, Akron, Ohio, Sept. 28, 2019
"I've got blisters on my thorax!" came the paraphrasing-Ringo Starr cry as Todd Rundgren wrapped a throat-shredding take on "Helter Skelter" that found him rocking so hard, he head-banged the sunglasses right off his face.
It was one of the only moments during the Akron stop of the It Was 50 Years Ago Today tour celebrating the Beatles "White Album" - which came out 51 years ago for those keeping score - where the performers took any liberty at all with the songs as they appeared on the landmark double LP that preceded Abbey Road, which did turn 50 this year. Every other song - whether it was the false ending and porcine snorts on "Piggies," the birdsong and tapping of "Blackbird" or the shoo-be-dos on "Revolution 1" - was rendered as the Beatles recorded it, which was wise because the Beatles had a good idea of what they were doing.
The Fab Faux Five consisted of a Utopian (Rundgren), a Monkee (Micky Dolenz) with a Badfinger (Joey Molland), a dude from Chicago (Jason Scheff) and Christopher Cross. Motley and, unbelievably, well-matched, the group was backed by a stellar four-piece band who provided essential vocal backing and played synths, keys, drums, guitars, harmonica and bass as needed. They didn’t get a break, while the stars spent little time on stage all together (now), instead coming and going to play 23 of the Beatles' 30 tracks and two solo/band songs apiece.
Split into sets of 75 and 50 minutes, respectively, the show went, Beatles, Monkees, Badfinger, Chicago, Rundgren, Cross and more Beatles in Act 1 and Beatles, Beatles, Beatles, Beatles and more Beatles in Act 2.
Walking on to the taped strains of "Revolution 9," the entire band kicked off with "Back in the U.S.S.R," which found the principals swapping lyrics and licks - save for Dolenz who banged a tambo - before Scheff led the troupe through "Dear Prudence." That was it for sequencing as Rundgren fronted the ensemble for a terrific take of "Everybody's Got Something to Hide Expect Me and My Monkey," which found Dolenz, in a long, black coat, fedora and shades, sauntering on stage to look dourly at the frontman as he sang.
Hey, hey he's a Monkee. Get it?
Oddly, the musicians, who range in age from 57 (Scheff) to 74 (Dolenz) mostly fared better on the Beatles material than on their own stuff. That's because most of their voices have diminished with age, and while they were pretty much - Rundgren being the exception and Scheff did well recreating Peter Cetera's vocals - unable to recall their past glories, they were able to use their vocal instruments to make the Fabs' songs fab.
They didn’t imitate John, Paul and Geoege; instead Todd, Micky, Joey, Jason and Christopher embodied the characters in each song.
Here's a look at each:
Runderen was the most colorful character, playing a recreation of the Fool as he sang "While My Guitar Gently Weeps," dressing in white and bestowing fragrant flowers on the audience during "Sexie Sadie" and prancing around in camo short-shorts (an obvious Ted Nugent caricature) and spraying the audience with an oversized squirt gun on "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill." Akron is fertile Rundgren territory and the audience full of partisans ate this - and his own "I Saw the Light" and "Hello it's Me" - up as the brought his unique persona to this unique band setting.
Dolenz: He can't sing at all anymore, but he can perform. "I'm a Believer" and "Pleasant Valley Sunday" were fun because they're fun songs, but he butchered them. The Monkee was much more successful when he bounded around the lip of the stage asking the front few rows the musical question "Why Don't We Do it in the Road?" and when he sat on a chair and regaled the audience with the story of "Rocky Raccoon."
The jean-jacketed Molland was the least-present of the five front-line musicians, leaning on Rundgren for vocal support on "Baby Blue" and "No Matter What," and pulling off a couple of subdued guitar solos in the process. His "Savoy Truffle," however, was sweet.
As bassist, Scheff was on stage more than any of the key players - taking occasional breaks when the back line took over the bottom end - and shone brightly whether he was standing in for George Harrison (the aforementioned "Piggies"), John Lennon ("Glass Onion") or Paul McCartney (duetting with Cross on "Julia"). Scheff had the dubious honor of not having any original material of his own, instead reprising his role as a Chicago transplant on "Hard to Say I'm Sorry" - a lowlight - and "25 or 6 to 4," which had no business working with synthesized horns and no Terry Kath, but was a solo-portion highlight.
Cross was the biggest surprise. Sporting a tam and a Steely Dan T-shirt, and having issues with his electric guitar, the show-biz kid nevertheless played a fine solo on "Ride Like the Wind," which made up for the "Sailing" he and Scheff tattered just before. While Cross struggled vocally on his own material, he was like a fifth Beatle on the album tracks - particularly during the acoustic portion that opened the second set when, seated on a stool, he ran through "Blackbird," "Martha My Dear," "I Will," "Mother Nature's Son" and "Julia." His version of “Honey Pie” was also sweet.
After a long sequence of playing in twos and threes and fours, the full band reconvened for the homestretch, which climaxed with "Birthday" and "Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da,” while the Akron Civic Theatre shook its collective stuff to the celebratory tribute to the Beatles' strangest opus. As the latter came to a close, the pre-recorded strains of "Good Night" (Ringo was the only Beatle unrepresented in performance) filled the nearly sold-out house as the audience - many of whom were surprised by how well this thing came off based on Mrs. Sound Bites' comments and random conversations heard at set break - filtered out with Beatlemania on the brain.
Grade card: It Was 50 Years Ago Today at Akron Civic Theatre - 9/28/19 - A-
See more photos from the show here.
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