#but fuck me if I'm taking an explanation for an excuse. how he behaved was so over the line...
jigsawkillings · 3 months
John. I think we deserve an explanation. And don't hit us with any evasive answers, I'm fed up with this. Hes important? Whatever. But do you see how much he acts like a conceited piece of shit? That he behaves as if no responsibility could reach him?He literally threatens us with more traps. And Larry? He threatens to hurt himself if Larry leaves him. He says all this like he knows the fuck all even though he only knows superficial information. We can't work with someone who is toxic and doesn't have even the slightest respect for... Anyone.
I just want to know why. And maybe it would be nice if you could talk some sense into him if you really want him here. Because if he continues to have this attitude, I won't stop Mark. I won't hold back either. And I want to hear the answer from you, I'm not going to listen to that piece of shit.
- @jigsawsfavorite
╰➛ ❝ I’ve been reading all of these… Posts. His behavior won’t be defended by me, since I don’t agree with what he’s been doing. In fact, I’d say it’s a tad bit… Dramatic. However, I’ll discuss all of this with him once things cool down. He did just get... kicked out after all. It's not the best time for that. ❞
╰➛ ❝ What he said was correct. I hadn't told any of you due to me believing that there was no reason as to why you all should know. If there's someone you all can be mad at, have it be me. I don't care, really, I have other things to worry about and handle besides all this. Adam has his right to act however. I may not be a fan of it, and I'll talk to him about it like I said prior, but he can still act. Same for all of you. BUT, did I ever say directly, word for word, that I'd immediately put you all in a trap without any discussion first? No. I only stated that if you all wouldn't LISTEN to me or even ATTEMPT to talk to me, I'd do so. And I know you would do one or the other. If it even got to that bad of a situation, I don't think I'd even do a trap, just a strict talk. I'll be honest. There's merely nobody in the right here. Yes, there's reasons for frustrations, but there's absolutely NO excuse for how everyone here is acting. Immediately resorting to anger, insults, murder, and threats? You think I'm not going to at least partially defend someone from that? If you all were to go against each other I'd do the damn same for any of you. It's just simply a shame I haven't been around enough to do so before if it has happened prior. There's other ways to handle things like this, such as a calm discussion. ❞
╰➛ ❝ Don't assume that all of this is based on him either, I've seen all the other fights you all have had before. Even with smaller things. There's naturally going to be a bias based off of what has happened before and after the situation, even behind the scenes of all this. ...All of you have been starting issues among each other and it's tiring. It's not the first time I'm going to have to handle this, and I'm sure it won't be the last. If I need to resort to other measures to discuss this, wether it is a group meeting, or some form of other plan, I will. Don't assume I won't do anything for you or anyone else. I needed to make a statement anyway, it just took me a while. You all need to take a step back from this and take time to relax, that's all I will say. ❞
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maya-matlin · 7 months
What common Degrassi takes do you most disagree with, ie Zig being cocky and smooth, etc!
1.) Obviously, that one LOL. If someone legitimately tries to argue that Zig "I'm terrible at pretty much everything" "But is it good enough for you?" Novak is confident.. they're objectively wrong. They're getting stuck on him looking the part of the confident, bad boy and ignoring half of what comes out of his mouth.
2.) Darcy isn't irredeemable or a bad person because she falsely accused Snake of being inappropriate with her. She was a scared, traumatized child who panicked because she was thrown into a situation where she would be forced to talk about her rape before she was ready. Snake handled all of that completely wrong, even though he meant well. It didn't come from a heartless, malicious place. She immediately tried to take it all back and openly supported his return to the school. His career wasn't ruined. He eventually became the principal. I genuinely don't understand where people's compassion is when it comes to this story line. Darcy wasn't the ideal victim. She was never supposed to be.
3.) None of the canonically lesbian characters should have been bisexual. Based on what we saw from each one introduced to us with the assumption that they were straight (Alex, Fiona, Zoe), their eventual coming out journeys made sense. Could they have been written with more care with an actual explanation as to how they came to identify this way? Absolutely. But I feel like the Degrassi fandom constantly invalidates their sexualities, especially with Zoe, because they're upset they no longer get to justify shipping them with men.
4.) Don't kill me, but Eli calling Clare a whore wasn't out of character. It was cruel and he had zero excuse, but based on the number of times Eli lashed out at Clare and other people, it makes total sense that he'd say the worst possible thing he could think to say under the mistaken impression that he'd been wronged. He was hurt and angry, and he wanted her to feel bad. He behaved in a similar way after their first breakup.
5.) Jimmy wasn't the perfect boyfriend. In fact, Jimmy never gets enough shit for being so passive aggressive in relationships, particularly when he's ready to end it and emotionally invested in another girl. But because he's cowardly, something we saw pretty consistently over the years, he waits for his girlfriends to notice so that he doesn't have to be the bad guy and can play innocent. Overall, there are little things about Jimmy that bug me, such as calling Ashley a slut. And on that note, this fandom is way too comfortable openly enjoying slut shaming when they feel like the character is unlikable or irritating enough to "deserve it" (Clare and Ashley).
6.) Obligatory reminder that Zig didn't murder Cam due to his depression leading to his suicide and multiple things over the course of a couple of days playing a role in the headspace Cam was in when he ended his life
7.) Liberty was completely fucked over during her pregnancy arc. Excuse me. JT's pregnancy arc. It was blatantly racist how the show chose to be revolutionary by focusing on the black pregnant girl's white boyfriend for the entirety of her pregnancy. Liberty was the villain in her own story line because the writers really wanted us to understand how much pressure JT was under due to expecting a child, worrying about finances, his life changing drastically, etc. Things must have been rough for Liberty as well, but meh. She's just a bitter, controlling, bitch who never deserved JT. Seriously, I see that take a lot. In my opinion, they both could have handled things better, but neither was getting the help or support they needed. Liberty seemed to be in denial and couldn't cope with the fact she'd allowed herself to become pregnant due to carelessness when she's supposed to be so responsible. A lot must have been going on with her, both mentally and emotionally, but we never hear about it or see any of it.
8.) Clare and Drew were actually a good (no, great) ship. Many fans just weren't prepared or happy to see either with someone else due to the popularity of the Eli/Clare and Drew/Bianca relationships. It also wasn't random, out of character, or even all that forced based on how their characters had grown through the years. It's funny to see Clare described as being not Drew's type when he's pretty consistently into smart, ambitious women who can put him in his place. And in the case of Clare, her preferences are all over the place with Drew not being all that different physically or personality wise from KC or Jake. Their emotional connection grew and deepened for almost the entirety of season 13, including the summer between school years and for the majority of their senior year. Even though their decision to sleep together was impulsive and surprising, in reality they'd been circling each other for months. It was bound to happen, and then it did.
9.) Another thing I disagree with is that Maya should have talked about Cam more or told ___ about his suicide. It was very obvious to me that Maya was extremely triggered by Cam's death and struggled to move past it. It makes perfect sense that she'd struggle to even talk about it. It was extremely painful and personal to Maya. Miles was never going to be the one she opened up to. He just wasn't. This isn't even necessarily a pro Zaya thing. But the fact Zig was around for Cam's death and understood most of Maya's pain meant that Maya opening up to Zig about the way she was feeling and acknowledging her ex's existence was far more likely than Maya opening up to Miles, someone she struggled to open up to emotionally or relate to beyond what he was willing to share. At a certain point, it starts to feel like Maya bringing up Cam for the sake of bringing up Cam. Not because it's actually helping Maya or moving her story forward in any way.
10.) Tristan's biphobia towards Miles didn't happen in a vacuum. While Tristan's character was extremely flawed and he wasn't always the most likable person, it honestly came across to me that his biphobia got so out of control because it took the writers a long time to catch on to the fact that Tristan invalidating his boyfriend's sexual orientation was inappropriate, dehumanizing, and shouldn't have been written off as catty comments not meant to be taken seriously. Degrassi overall didn't handle polysexual identities very well. Paige's attraction to women was downplayed aside from her relationship with Alex. Imogen was also never labeled, eventually being referred to multiple times during her final season as a lesbian.
11.) Lola got the right endgame, and she definitely shouldn't have kept Miles's baby.
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thousand-winters · 7 months
Soren hater anon again
Again, Soren is given a pass to be awful to fucking everyone and he's codependent on Ike because he's a sad pretty boy. If he was a woman or ugly, people would hate him
You have no idea how delighted I genuinelly was, but I'm still yet to figure out why you took issue with me specifically 😭
See, the thing is there might be people who do that, but I think Soren is very much one of those cases in which his fans are very much aware that explanation isn't the same thing as an excuse, so did he have motives to be an asshole? He did. Does that mean he gets forgiveness just like that? Of course not.
And here's the thing as well: The narrative doesn't give him the easy way either, he gets called out by people close to him and while it takes him a while, he learns and grows. By Radiant Dawn he's annoyed by Skrimir because he thinks Skrimir is kinda dumb, not because Skrimir is a laguz. And the beautiful thing about that is that even then, Titania is like "Soren, please, can you behave, that's a literal prince."
Even when the instances are kinda light and funny, it's hardly as if even the characters themselves don't acknowledge them, but I think there's also a factor of them realizing his reactions are due to trauma, so they don't exactly give him a pass, but they understand where he's coming from.
I think his reasons to be codependent to Ike, which I will give you that, he is, are deeper than just saying he's a sad pretty boy, but you know, you are allowed to dislike aspects of his character like that, it works as far as the story goes and it's consistent with what we have been presented. Ike relies on him as well, so it's not as if it were a matter of Soren being weird and making Ike uncomfortable, they are pretty much in the same tune in that sense.
Now, I hear what you're saying, people in fandom definitely do give more of a pass to characters that are pretty and yes, more frequently is to men, specifically white men, but that's neither here nor there, we're not going there. I can't speak for everyone, but frankly, it wouldn't change much for me if Soren were different physically or had another gender because what I liked about him was his story, I do like his personality and how he develops through the games so do I need him to be a pretty guy? Nah. I don't even care that he's pretty, it's not as if I'm interested in his character like that.
Quite frankly, I think people would tolerate him more if he were a woman, because something I have noticed is a very frequent thing that makes people recoil away from Soren is that closeness to Ike, because gods forbid that we have a bond that deep between two men in a game like this. He's a threat to Ike's perceived heterosexuality for a big part of the fandom, I guess, so people despise him, which wouldn't happen if he were a woman.
As for me, personally, I like my fair share of female characters and non conventionally pretty ones that aren't exactly nice and innocent, because I just like it a lot when characters get to lash out and express the ugly sides of trauma. I don't believe in the perfect victim idea that only those who act nicely and sad deserve the chance to heal and change and become better. I think Soren is wonderful because of how he was written, and it would work regardless of gender or appearance (well, it does depend on appearance specifically on the case of his brand, but you know what I mean).
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jinkicake · 2 years
Heard this rly cute catboy asmr and now I’m stuck on catboy kazuha😒just a pretty boy who’s so polite and patient despite the cat that he’s hiding dead birds under the porch and will disappear for 12 hours and show up with dinner and no explanation as to where he was. He’s independent and likes to touch stuff so he will make a big ass pillow fort in the middle of the living room, like he made blueprints and got boxes and chairs. thinking about living so peaceful w your relaxing catboy until he goes into heat and he’s a demon😞 like imagine he’s like “uwu can I breed you🥺” and you say yes bc Duh he looks so cute all teary eyes and begging like that, you can’t help but want to tease him😌 calling him pretty as asking if he’s your good boy but he’s slowly loosing the grip he had on his sanity. Like he probably feels bad about asking so he wants to let you take the lead but you’re taking so long just grinding up against him and kissing his neck he has no choice😞 so he mutters out a quick “excuse me, but I can’t take it anymore” and pins you down to slip inside. Now hear me out,,, that summer event where he got drunk and was moaning out “more please” has me absolutely convinced he’s in top ten prettiest moaners in teyvat!! When he’s finally inside his voice gets all serious and gravely and he lets out the prettiest moan ever like he has to ik he does!! He’s pounding into you like he’s trying to knock you up first try💀 and just telling you that you’re such a good master being so obedient for him, and telling you how he’s gunna fill you up and keep going until his body can’t anymore. And honestly rip bc it would happen in like a split second like one minute he’s being so behaved and sitting still the next moment he has your face shoved in the pillows asking if he’s allowed to cum inside bc he’s been so good☺️ sgshsh feel like he would know his heat is coming in a few days and not say a word, like this was definitely calculated💀 he made sure to steal a few hoodies and sweaters to put in his pillow fort and have the ac turned on but alas you caught him red handed😔 mc would sleep like a baby and wake up completely energized while you’re fighting for your like to open your eyelids 😭😭😭 he’s a menace in every genre!!
... CATBOY?! STOP- I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and imagine it's like cute satan cat boy-
I feel like catboy kazuha would be independent and leave you for weeks on end and then come back and be sooooo clingy.... like you might suffocate because of his cuddling lmao
he's sick in heat T T IT IS ALL A FRONT. I know his cutesy act only lasts so long before his restraint snaps and he's pounding into you with the only thing on his mind being to b r e e d loooooll
i still remember the summer event and remember watching that cutscene over and over again just to hear him (i didnt even finish the event bc i was so lazy T T) HIS VOICE ACTOR IS LITERALLY MAHITO AND HARUUUU FROM FREE LIKEEEE OFC HES GONNA HAVE SOME OF THE PRETTIEST MOANS IN THE GAME AHHHHHHHHH (not mentioned - runner ups- : kaeya and diluc and miss lisa)
i like the passion from kazuha like yes.... kiss and fuck like im going to be k!lled by miss shogun the next day- and the way he can switch up on you is INSANE. i like the duality like i enjoy that in a character.... it's boring sometimes when they're strictly dominant like why not be both!! kazuha gets it!!
i enjoy kazuha in every genre.... that much is now clear to me!!! i need to get him onhis next rerun like i need him soooo bad you dont understand T T but miss shenhe is end of 3.5 and i need her BAD so idk how im going to pull both since i heard that kazuha is 3.6 but it will happen it will happen!!!
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haeresys-realm · 5 months
(I watched the Arlecchino cinematic and I am VERY dissapointed. I will end this post some time later. Yesterday I begun it and again wrote too much with anger too earlier background and didn't reached my main idea about all my emotions abiut this predictable childish cinematic, so don't read this for now.)
I despise all thede twitters or reddits because of their conigent and reactions but I'm so comfortable with Tumblr now because no one tells shit in others space here and I cant speak anything I want to open abd explain my tjiughts. Thank you all.
All I speak about Genshin is nit because I hatr the game, it's because I hate the most part of it's immature community and now – everything developers do satisfy it.
I was telling earlier how much I hate the Fontaine and it's story where everything was just familiar trops and characters but mixed and named another names. I'll never forgive them Allen who acted as Dottore segment but there was no game clue underlined in it and also he got family. It's disgusting to take everything from character you have and just put it into some one-quest npc we'll never see while the original charracter now looks NOT originally as if all these so-called geniuses with greater ambitions are the same and think the same way having the same features and views and behaving model. Exuse me??? Whatbthe fuck?! I hate that Nahida story was recycled to Furina one. WTF. Hate her Fishl behavior model. Hate that shit about Neuvillete and Tartaglia. Hate the fuck they screwd Fatui ranks where put down Pierro/Pedrolino to nowhere and he's not even a Harbinger while always being called the first of them lol.nope you cant when you don't even have a rank idiots, it DOESN'T look this way. It's so childish stupid trop to try to put the so-called strategic leader outside brackets to show how fucking mastermind he is sitting and playing all other harbingers as a chechmate figures. Lol not while you have the figure like a Doctor it's the only mastermind who can play you. I rrally hate it when we see such a stupid contradictions when everything tell you about one thing and then you are faced with absolutely banal and vulgar another conclusion so fucking cliched so childish just not to do anything outside the frames. The put the mastermind not as a leader right head, while the second position after Pierro is absolutely understood – he's a god who make gods but when Pierro is a gray cardinal of the visible monarch the doctor is the one who are their partner who helps them realise their plans but he's no longer ideologically or revengefully interested and motivated, he just uses their goals to do what he wants to do, to research what he's interested in,.and with his ambitions, resourses and unorthodox ghinking he could create another universe and ecosystems. (Ruan may is just his granddauggter or smth you know.)
But they preferred to erase Pedrolino's rank and kill the Fatui rank system; they preferred to eliminate the concept put some fuckin' banal sTrOnG mAn with aBbYsS pOwErS (I'll ask you again, why Tartaglia is not the Fatui leader with such idiot logic? Gods who are responsible for all Snezhnaya and it's army progress and elite units power to use elements are weaker than fuckin abyss creatures? So, why Enjou still didn't make Celestia crushed?¿?) on the highest rank position just to show children that the first of the Fatui is the good man and good man are strong honoured and respected, so they always must be on the top. This is so fucking inappropriate considering to really adequate, non-cliched and interesting gray moral concepts... And then these idiots puts Arlecchino.to.tge top ranks too. They name her king and father, dress her as a man, without any fucking normal explanation and excuse they forgive her and put as the 4th (!!!) Harbinger, not 10nth!! When her mind, powers and duty couldn't be such to challenge gods and goddish entities (Dottore and Columbina, 2nd and 3rd), the Captain should stay there – the one after gods. The man of the greatest will but still weaker than MONSTERS because to have SUCH power you should be a monster. It's really great concept that gorgeously correlates with everithing we saw. But now lol. Some fucking little cliched poor girl with lesbian story – hoyo can't do any new drama except some close female friend-character died on another girl's hands, and surely there couldn't be such deep relations between boy and girl, hoyo can tell stories only about lesbians, they think there couldn't be any drama between different gender persons or genders, I can recollect only one side quest in genshin with banal outcome and some stupid decisions but it was a bit interesting and sincere, about two friends who invented card game; and Scaramuccia with his little friend, but how about some love or near-the-love moments between different genders?? Hey! Nooo, they easier make a women play men, like they changed the plot in the cinema event with Chevreuse and Ayaka while throwed out Ayato of it. They can't develop man characters at all but now even female characters are too banal or just stealing man roles. Why the fuck doing this?! Because all these fucking kids that your audience consists 90% of are teen schoolgirls who often cosplaying male characters, draw gayshit (with no fucking canonic clues; it's absolutely normal when it is some Mo Xiang Tong Xiu novels and anime adaptation, like Mo Dao Zu Shi, etc, I have absolutely nothing to raise objections) and kiss their female friends or even play lesbians because now it's so fashionable to proclaim herselves feminists knowing nothing about ideology and just proclaiming that men are not needed while playing a men themselves.... Isocracy. But hoyo supportsnit. Money and stupid childish cliches are still better and easier way to make any product for mass audience than trying to develop something conceptual. Contemporary directors are just some shitty cowards who will spoil anything in their plot and any character to make children happily discuss it and draw.
Arlecchino is the most popular character in the fandom now, and it's obviously undestood why. She's just made for these teen Twitter girls audience. So you can't say anything bad about her and her concepts, because these is = offend idiotic views of such childish crowd.
I liked her before it turned out this banal way.
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llycaons · 2 years
I've been nice enough to jc today. I just saw a post that was like ~uwu during the postres scene in LP wwx won't even look at him! how sad for jc to be ignored when his brother is home! of course he gets angry and lashes out for attention he doesn't understand why wwx isn't engaging~ and while that may be true on a character level I had to stand up and walk around the room for a minute bc jc has been so violent and agressive to wwx this ENTIRE time like he literally tried to expel wwx from his body as soon as he suspected his identity, locked him in a room with something that triggered his severe phobia, tied him up with a weapon his abusive mother used to beat wwx with, and blamed him for the deaths of everyone he loved. of course wwx doesn't want to engage with him? this is in fact the most reasonable way to react? wwx is within his rights to even fight back here but he doesn't because he remembers jyl? like, hello?
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loki--fics · 3 years
All For You - Part 2
Loki x Reader
Content Warnings: abuse mentions, violence, strong language
Word Count: 2,294
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     Loki had only been partially right the night before - you did have a slight headache when you woke, but it wasn't nearly as bad as he had made it seem like it would be. It's nothing a couple of aspirin can't cure, You thought as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes.
     "Well look who finally decided to get up." Your head snapped to the side, your fiancé's voice startling you. "Did you have fun?"
     You sighed. "What are you on about now?"
     "As if you don't know," He scoffed. "Bringing that God back to our room, flirting with him, kissing him."
     "For fuck's sake, Ben, he kissed my cheek," You retorted. "I'd had a bit too much to drink so he walked me back to our room."
     Ben was visibly seething. "Is he better than me? Is that it? Are you going to leave me for him now?"
     "God, what is wrong with you?" You snapped. "I only just met him last night!"
     "What's wrong with me?" Ben shouted, grabbing you by the arm and yanking you off the bed. "I'm not the one behaving like some depraved whore! That's all you, Y/N!"
     You rolled your eyes. "Oh, yeah, because you eye-fucking Nat last night totally wasn't worse than a kiss on the cheek."
     The force behind the resounding crack that followed was enough to knock you to the floor. Your eyes watered as you held a hand to your burning cheek, the sour taste of iron filling your mouth as your head spun trying to process what just happened.
     Touching a finger to your lip, it came away bloody, and you looked up at your fiancé in shock. "Did you just hit me?" 
     Immediately, Ben's face softened as he dropped to his knees in front of you. "Baby, I am so sorry, I- I didn't mean to!" He kissed your forehead and pet your hair. "You know I didn't mean to do that, right? I just… You made me so angry, it wasn't my fault! I- All I could picture was Loki kissing you, and-"
     "Ben, stop," You said, too in shock to cry. "Stop it."
     "And then you said I was eye-fucking Nat, when you know I wasn't, right baby?" He continued. "You were just being jealous, and maybe you aren't as hot as she is but if I wanted her then I wouldn't be with you, okay? I love you."
     You looked at him in disbelief. "Maybe I'm not as hot as she is, Ben?" You asked coldly.
     "Baby, come on, don't be like that," He scoffed. "It's okay, I'm not going to go after her, I love you."
     Shaking your head, you scooted away. "You love me?" 
     His eyes welled up with tears. "Don't make me beg, please? I love you, Y/N. I didn't mean it, I promise. You know I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't made me so angry, don't you?"
     Your resolve broke at the sight of Ben crying, and you placed a hand to his cheek. "Please don't cry," You said softly.
     "Let's just forget this ever happened, okay?" He said. "Don't tell anybody, then they'll think I'm an awful person and they'll try to make you leave me, and you don't want that, do you?"
     "No," You sighed. "I know you didn't mean to, Ben. I'm sorry I made you so angry, it won't happen again."
     He smiled, kissing you roughly. "I know baby. We're leaving today anyway, so let's just get packed up, and-"
     "I'm going to take a shower," You interrupted. "Then I'll help pack, okay?" Ben nodded as you stood, and started to follow you to the bathroom until you turned around. "Alone, please."
     His smile faltered, but he nodded. "Okay, I'll just pack it all up myself then, I guess." 
     "Ben, I'll help when I get out-"
     "No, just go enjoy your shower alone," He said harshly before turning around and throwing your things into suitcases. You let out a sigh and walked into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind you. 
     Walking over to the mirror, you inspected your cheek. There was a very prominent angry red handprint, already starting to bruise, and blood was dripping from your split lip. You felt tears burn behind your eyes as you started the shower, undressing slowly before stepping in. You noticed bruises on your wrist and arm beginning to form as well, and it was like the floodgates had burst open as tears poured from your eyes.
     You sat on your knees on the floor of the tub, hunched over as you tried to sob as quietly as possible. You didn't bother with actually washing yourself, you just sat there and cried until you had no tears left and the water went cold.
     Turning off the water, you wrapped your body in a towel and grabbed a second one to dry your hair, ignoring the pain in your wrist as you did so. The bruise on your cheek would be easy to hide with makeup, and you could cover the bruises on your arm with long sleeves, but your split lip was another thing entirely.
     I'll have to come up with a story to explain that, You thought as you went about your routine. You splashed some cold water on your face, hoping to get rid of the puffiness of your eyes, and then brushed your teeth (and in doing so, reopened the cut on your lip). After it had stopped bleeding, you began layering concealer on your cheek to cover the bruise, trying to take your time before you had to face your fiancé again.
     Even with all of your stalling, you were soon finished in the bathroom, and walked back into your room to find Ben sitting on the bed, suitcases unpacked, with a sour look on his face.
     "What's the matter?" You asked. "I thought you said you were going to start packing while I was in the shower."
     He huffed. "There's a snowstorm moving in, we're not going to be able to leave for at least another few days."
     You tried not to show the relief that poured through you at the news. "I'm sorry baby, I know how much you wanted to go home today. This could be a good thing, though-"
     "How is it a good thing?" He snapped. "I don't want to have to stay here, with that slimy snake Loki just waiting to get his filthy paws on you."
     "You're right, I'm sorry," You replied quickly. "I was just trying to see a silver lining, but I guess there is none."
     "Whatever," He grumbled. "We'll just stay in here."
     You raised a brow at him. "Baby, if I have a few more days to spend with my brother, then I want to spend them with him, not hiding in my room." You saw him stiffen, and knew he was getting upset so you quickly continued, "Besides, would that not be suspicious, if we stayed holed up in here for days?"
     He sighed. "I guess you're right. Just… Stay away from Loki, if I catch that weasel anywhere near you, I'll kill him."
     Deciding that now would not be a good time to mention that he, a normal human man, could not kill a magic wielding God, you simply nodded. "Okay, I'll stay away from him. Let's.. Let me get dressed, and we can go eat breakfast, alright?"
     He rolled his eyes, but nodded, and you quickly picked out an oversized, cream coloured turtleneck and black fitted jeans, throwing them on after putting on clean knickers. 
     "Are you ready?" You asked, and he nodded. The two of you walked to the kitchen together, where you were greeted by your brother, who was very obviously nursing a hangover. 
     "How are you feeling, Tony?" You asked. "You must have one hell of a hangover, because you look like absolute crap."
     He chuckled dryly. "I'm surprised you don't, Y/N, what with all that Asgardian wine you drank last night." 
     You felt Ben stiffen beside you, but you didn't dare look up at him. "It's nothing that a couple of aspirin won't fix," You replied, looking for something to change the subject. "Did Pepper make breakfast? It smells amazing in here."
     "Yes she did," Tony said. "She just finished, went all out since you two are here. The whole shebang."
     You smiled. "Well, I'm going to go check if she could use a hand setting the table or anything. Ben, you can stay here and catch up with Tony, tell him about your new job."
     Giving your fiancé a quick kiss on the cheek, you escaped to the dining room, where you found Pepper laying plates down in front of the seats at the table. "Hey! Do you need a hand?"
     "Oh, no, Y/N, you're our guest," She said, smiling warmly. "I'd never ask you to- Your lip! What happened?"
     You felt anxiety prick at your chest as you forced a smile. "I'm a pretty rough sleeper, I must have smacked myself. But please, you put so much effort into cooking, it's the least I can do."
     You felt a wave of relief crash over you as she accepted your explanation and handed you the rest of the plates. When you had finished putting them out, you helped her carry the food from the kitchen, and Tony wasn't kidding when he said she made the whole shebang - French toast, eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, crêpes, and fresh fruits.
     "That's everything," Pepper said, setting down two pitchers of orange juice. "Thank you for your help, Y/N."
     "Of course," You said, smiling warmly. "Is JARVIS going to let the others know breakfast is ready?"
     "Yes," Tony said, walking in with Ben. "But I'm starved, so I'm not going to wait for them." 
     You and Pepper laughed as the four of you sat down, and you filled your plate with some French toast, fruit, and hash browns as more of the Avengers began to trickle into the dining room.
     Everyone chatted amicably amongst each other, giving much deserved compliments to Pepper on her cooking, but you could feel Ben seething next to you. What had Tony said to him that would have made him angry all over again? It couldn't have just been about you drinking that wine, could it?
     Whilst you were eating, the cut on your lip reopened once again, and you had to excuse yourself to the kitchen to clean it up. Dabbing a paper towel to your lip, Loki meandered into the kitchen from the hall, eyeing you.
     "What happened?" He asked, eyes staring at your split lip and noticing the faint discolouration on your cheek. 
     "I'm a rough sleeper," You said. "I must have hit myself in the mouth while I was asleep or something." 
     "Did you hit your cheek as well?" He asked.
     You looked away from his intense gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about," You replied quickly.
     He was about to reply when Ben walked into the room, his eyes immediately falling on Loki. If looks could kill, Loki would be dust on the floor - but, to be fair, so would Ben. 
     "What do you want?" Ben snapped. "Here to mack on my fiancé some more are you?"
     Loki looked at you, and you looked at Ben. "It wasn't like that, Ben, we'd all had a lot to drink last night."
     "Yeah, I know you kissed him first," Ben said, his voice thick with barely-suppressed rage. "Tony told me."
     You froze, looking at him in shock. "It was on the cheek!" You hissed. "Ben, please just stop this!" 
     "What's the problem?" Thor asked, walking into the kitchen. 
     Ben visibly paled, and his shoulders sagged. "Nothing," He said, obviously defeated. "I was just leaving." 
     "What happened?" Thor asked after Ben left. "He seemed upset, is he okay?"
     "He's fine," Loki said quickly. "I provoked him."
     A look of understanding came over Thor's face. "Ah, yes, well that does make sense. You need to stop that, brother."
     Loki nodded, and Thor went back in the dining room. Turning back to you, Loki looked at you expectantly.
     "I do believe you owe me an explanation," Loki said. "That is twice now that I have witnessed your fiancé speak to you in such a manner."
     "I don't know what you're on about," You huffed.
     Loki stepped closer to you. "Have you forgotten that I am the God of Lies? You cannot lie to me, I will know."
     "Well, you're wrong." You turned away from him. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.
     "Your lip is split open, your cheek is bruised, that oaf you call a fiancé speaks to you like you are his property, and twice now I have had to step in to cover for you." His blue eyes bore into yours, and you were at a loss for words.
     Taking a deep breath, you exhaled slowly. "I don't know what you want me to say, Loki. You don't know what you're talking about. Ben would never intentionally hurt me, he loves me." 
     "So he's unintentionally hurt you, then?" Loki asked, catching on to your careful choice of words. 
     You pulled your chin away from his grasp. "I would appreciate it if you would stop interrogating me and allow me to finish my breakfast," You said. "You're welcome to join."
     You plastered a smile on your face as you walked back into the dining room, ignoring the dread seeping into the pit of your stomach. Ben was livid, that much was obvious, but you tried to convince yourself that there was no way he would repeat the events of that morning.
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fangirlings-things · 5 years
He's just too much — Part. 2
A/N: heyy guys, thank you for all the compliments about the first one so here I am, with part 2 of this fic! I'm thinking about a part 3 so, let me know what you guys think
Pairings: Michael Gray x reader
Warnings: a few curse words
Summary: Michael Gray is just too much for (Y/N) to not fall in love with him
Word count: 2234
Part. 1 Part. 3 Part. 4
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"Well, well, well, look who's prettier than ever", John's voice echoed through the kitchen when you entered the room, making everyone that was there stare at you instinctively. 
All the Peaky Blinders had been reunited to a formal event at Tommy's house, that had the intention of gathering money for his foundation for children. He had been hesitant to do this because the last time he tried the same thing, Grace, his wife, had been killed, taking a bullet that was meant for him. That destroyed Tommy for a long while but now, he was decided to let it all in the past and you couldn't be more proud of him. 
As it was a formal party, you all had to dress properly so you had bought yourself a simple but beautiful black dress, that fit perfectly on your body and made you feel good. Truth was, that you hated using dresses. Being raised by a single father, since very little you realized that man's like clothes were so much more practical and comfortable. You always could be found using leather pants, boots and a white shirt. But in that day you couldn't escape your fate. You had promised Tommy to go, and so you would. 
"Shut up, John", you said, blushing a little under the looks of all those men. You tried to ignore the fact that in the back of the room, leaning agaisnt the white walls, was Michael. 
He was doing that sexy exotic thing again, the french inhale. The same thing he had done when you went to his house, looking for Polly. The day where he had kissed you and left you alone and feeling more confused than ever. It all had happened two weeks ago and since then, he had been doing his complete best to stay away from you and taking the hint of someone who clearly didn't want you around and regretted what had done, you stayed away. Gladly. You had decided that you wouldn't be pursuing this feelings, not anymore. Not after all the pain it had been causing you. So you ignored the way his eyes rested over you right now, and pretended he didn't even existed. 
"Hey, I'm not mocking you. You're really very beautiful", John said with a gentle smile looking you up and down, clearly amazed by seeing you wearing female clothes for once. You smiled back to your friend, thanking him with only your eyes for trying to make you feel more confident and he winked at you, in a way that made you feel more than safe. You loved that idiot with all your heart. 
"(Y/N) is dressed to impress", Arthur laughed while taking a sip of the glass he had on his hands, never losing the chance to tease you when he could, just like he would do to a younger sister. "Anyone you're planning on taking back home with you tonight, honey?"
Rolling your eyes at his words, you laughed while jumping a little and sitting up in the kitchens counter. "We'll see, Arthur. Who knows whom I may meet in this event"
"Oooh, someone's on fire tonight", the oldest Shelby brother said and everyone in the room including you laughed. But with only a quick glance to Michael, you saw that he didn't. In fact, he looked even more serious than before. 
Fuck him, you thought to yourself angrily just in the moment where Tommy entered the kitchen, looking extremely handsome in his formal clothes. His expression was stern, and you knew that all his courage was being putted on making that event happen. 
"Alright, you all know what you can't do. I've talked to Polly and she will be here as soon as it all begins to help me take care of everything", the black haired firmly stated, looking briefly but intensevely at every single person that was on the kitchen. "Just behave yourselves and it all will... (Y/N) why the fuck are you in my counter?" he asked with his forehead frowned, his bright eyes fixed on yours. 
"I like the view from up here, Tommy" you said shrugging, secure that an answer like that coming from you would make him laugh, and it did. You felt proud of yourself in that moment for being able to make him feel a little better. 
"Right, just don't stay here when the event starts, or I'll come and drag you out there myself" he gave you a warning playful look and only when you muttered "fine, dammit", he smiled again. "You're beautiful" he said afterwards making you smile brightly and with one more look to everyone, he left. 
"Alright, who wants to do some smoke on the yard before all those fancy rich bastards get here?" John suggested and all the boys quickly agreed, making their ways to the kitchen door. Turning to you, he raised his eyebrows. "Want to finally give it a try, love?"
"I'll pass" you said in return and for knowing you so well, he was already expecting that response. 
"See you later then, love. Save me a dance" he said and kissing your cheek, left with the other boys. 
When you looked up, you saw that after all, you weren't now alone in the kitchen. Michael had stayed back, and was watching you with his eyes fixed on every part of your body. Allowing yourself to admire him for a moment, you realized that he was as handsome as ever, with a blue suit that made his blue eyes look even more bright. 
Before you could think of an excuse to leave or something to say to start a conversation, he got rid of his cigar and walked towards you. You held your breath, already panicked, remembering all that had happened the last time he approached you when you two were alone. As much as you tried to deny, you wanted him again. Wanted him to kiss you as roughly as he did for the first time. Wanted to feel his hands on your hair, gripping at it firmly. 
You watched completely still as he stood in front of you, getting between your legs and looking up to your eyes as you were taller than him from above the counter. Without any ceremony, his hands found your waist and with one quick movement, he got you standing in front him; now you were the one who had to look up, as usual. Your bodies were completely smashed against each other, your back pressed to the counter where you had been sitting before. 
"You really look even more beautiful today" he said, his voice deep and serious. 
You thought about saying something, thought of hopefully bringing up the night where he had kissed you and maybe get an explanation from him, but again, he didn't give you the chance. He just let you go like nothing had happened and walked out, leaving you again, breathless and annoyed. And above all, confused. 
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"I'll talk to Arthur, see if he hasn't been drinking too much. You'll be ok on your own?" John was still holding your hand, you two had just shared a dance together. 
Tommy's house was full of rich important people, who he hoped would make donations to the foundation by the end of the night. You had been doing your best to smile and look pleased and as far as you knew, you had been doing a great job, because they had been smiling kindly at you either. Maybe, not all the rich people were bastards. Just maybe. 
"I can take care of myself" you said to John, who smirked by hearing your words. 
"Yeah, I know you can" he then let go of your hand and walked away, searching for Arthur between many strangers. You silently hoped, that he would find his older brother soon. If Arthur got drunk, things could go incredible wrong. 
You were about to go talk to Isaiah, who was standing in a corner of the room as alone and looking out of place as yourself, when you saw something that made your heart shrink in your chest. 
Michael was talking to a rich girl, that was wearing a glistening golden dress that matched the color of her blonde perfect hair. She was extremely beautiful, you couldn't deny that. And Michael apparently thought the same thing, because of the way his hands found her waist and how his mouth curled into a smile in her direction. He whispered something and her ear and she laughed, already head over heels for him. 
And that hurt you. More than you imagined it would. Yes, you had seen Michael with other women since you met him but that was in the time he ignored you; the time where he didn't show you any emotions. Now that he had, you felt jealous. You felt pain, because you wished to be the one in his arms again. To be the only one that he would hold. But clearly, he didn't feel the same way. 
You saw them brush their lips together in a kiss and without being able to hold back your emotions tears started to fall from your eyes, running through your face. You quickly ran out of that room, your vision clouded with tears. Suddenly, you collided with a heavy chest. Looking up, you saw Tommy. At first he looked confused but seeing the tears in your face, his expression became incredibly worried. 
"(Y/N), what happened?" he asked, his hands on your arms, caressing them in a gentle way. 
"I-I... I don't want to..." you stumbled in your words, trying to hold back the tears but you couldn't. All the feelings you had repressing were suddenly in the open. 
"It's okay, it's okay" Tommy brought you close to his chest and hugged you tight, knowing that the best was to not make questions at the moment. You cried in his suit, feeling safe in that familiar spot, right there. He was family, the brother you never had, and his presence made you feel a little bit better. Taking only a step back to be able to look you in the eye, he cleaned the tears from your face his with thumbs. "Don't move, I'll just give some instructions to Polly to carry on the event and then you and me are going to be alone, ok?" when you nodded, lightly, he kissed your forehead. "I'm going to take care of you, little one" and with those words, he went into the room you had just left. 
You stood there in that cold empty hall, avoiding a few peoples gaze that ended up to fall upon you when they passed by. You just wanted Tommy to come back soon and take you with him somewhere only you two could be. If someone could make you feel better, it was him. 
"What you're doing here alone?" that deep ans stren voice filled your ears and turning around almost instinctively, you met Michael's eyes with yours. When he saw the tears in your face, something crossed his expression but you couldn't tell what it was. "You saw that" and by that you knew to what he was referring to. You waited, but he didn't say anything else. 
"What the fuck do you want me to say, Michael, huh?" your voice was high, you could feel the hurt and anger pumping in your veins fastly. You wanted to beat him. Wanted to make him feel the pain he had been causing you for so fucking long. But you wouldn't, because after all, you loved him. And that was the pure unfortunate truth. "That yes I saw you kissing that blonde? That yes that's why I'm crying?" 
"But why would be crying by seeing me with someone else?" he stated in return, his voice also raised in a higher tone. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were glued to yours.
And after hearing that, you laughed. A genuine laugh that expressed all your resentment. "Seriously Michael, can you be that stupid?"
"I don't know what the fuck you're trying to say, (Y/N)! You fucking said that you were going to my mother about some guy that night! So why are you crying like a bitch about seeing me kissing someone?" he shouted those words and all of them hurt you, every single one hitting you like bullets. 
"You are the guy I was going to ask device about, Michael!" you shouted back, you're voice almost cracking completely in pain. "I'm in love with you bloody idiot but you never gave me a chance! You never even thought about making conversation with me! You just ignored me since the day we met and I hate you for that!"
When you stopped talking, you could see the impact that your words had on him. His expression, before angry and serious, was now breathless and schoked. There were tears forming in his eyes, making the blue in them seem a little less bright. 
"What's happening here?" Tommy got back and looked at you two for a few moments, assuming a defensive position by your side, as always. 
"Nothing" you responded, taking a deep breath. For some reason, seeing the tears in his eyes, made you feel even worst. "Me and Michael were just having a enlightening conversation" 
Tommy grabbed your hand, and you happily let him take you away from there. Away from Michael. 
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queerwashingmedia · 4 years
House M.D.(2004-2012)
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I made the decision to go through the "asexuality in television" chapter on Wikipedia and I have to say that I am honestly so sorry for all the ace people that enjoy the show and then saw this episode.
I have not seen House honestly so I cannot compare this to the rest of the show that may have a good kind of rep if it has any, but I am not judging by taking this episode and isolating it from the rest of the series.
Even though it's terrible to think about it, a lot of people out there don't know of asexuality, and if they are presented to a situation in which a person is asexual (and thus "behaves as an asexual"?? You get what I mean), they would maybe even totally respect that, but they would probably think about it as "they don't really wanna have s3x rn, or probably, and here I'm assuming, not even consider the possibility of someone not being attracted to others if they still have s3x but actually are s3x favorable aces.
So if you are ace and you explain to people who have never heard the term before it will probably take a bit to them to graps the concept (assuming you're talking to an allo because aces would know what ace means), but if they're not horrible jerks they will respect the heck out of who you are, and that's it.
Point is that when a human being doesn't understand something, they tend to try and translate into something they can understand first, which is not an excuse for stupid aphobes, but explains why they get the first though of not saying straight up "ah ok I don't know how this feels but I get what you're saying and you're valid" (if after they try and rationalize this new thing that they didn't know about, they don't accept it as an actual thing and say the standard stuff like "it's just trauma" or "it's just that you haven't found the right person yet" or any of that that's an aphobe and may I suggest to send them to go f*uck themselves).
At this point we go to the episode, where a medic, who always ties reality to a scientifical explanation, sees a couple of people who don't have s3x and go "uh, there must be a medical explanation for this!".
"You know that close to 1% of the population identifies as asexual"
"Really gotta get you laid"
Honestly that is so disrespectful. Someone just told a fact about what some people identify as, and you sTRAIGHT UP SAY YOU WANT TO GO FULL ON CONVERSION THERAPY ON THEM. Because saying to an ace that they should get laid is the same as saying to a lesbian that they should start kissing guys.
The horrible thing between all else is that he immediately thinks that there's something wrong, a medical reason, not that maybe that just how someone is and just because you don't feel like they do then they're wrong.
House wants to make this woman have sex because he says it's healthy, but a person should be given the choice to do anything that is healthy but not necessary. Going hiking is healthy, but you don't see medic running around forcing everyone to go hiking.
I get if she was going to die and that could have been a way to save her or something, but it's not.
The only kinda good thing is the wife accepting the husband and not forcing him to have s3x?? But at the end it was all ruined by this phrase:
"A girl has needs"
Excuse me miss own that your husband will get his tumor removed you a) straight up assume that he was allo all along (you right that he could still be ace?) and that he's going to want to have s3x and b) immediately want to make up for all those years that you lost not having s3x and you consider it as a need? Even if you spent 10 years without it and you seemed pretty happy anyway right?
I'm not saying that if your husband then wants to fuck and you do too you shouldn't because of how your relationship was in the past, but now you should be focusing on your husband as he as a freaking tumor, not as in wow I'm finally gonna have s3x.
Also the "she could have been abused" theory is just as bad you guys being ace is not a direct effect of being abused, because being ace is not not wanting to have s3x it is not feeling sexual attraction it is not that difficult.
"People who don't wanna have s3x are either sick dead or lying"
Wow so you're telling me that I, supper grossed out by any interaction that goes from kissing to anything more intense than that since I can't even remember when, am lying to other people and myself?
So if you are trying to do ace rep, please do not represent it through two allo people who for one reason of another identied as ace with actually being ace. Yes, you can question your sexuality and identify as ace and then find you're not, that is totally ok and valid, but do not make it look as if someone identifies as ace it's because there is something phisically or mentally wrong with them or they are straight up lying.
"I know who I am and I'm not one of them" the dude being disgusted at the idea of being allo tho was such a gem
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nobodies-png · 6 years
I'm very happy you've already done reader playing with the Org XIII:s hair! Let's reverse this to them wanting to touch/play with the reader's hair. Who'll ask for permission, who'll find an excuse, and who will just go for it?
oh this, I love t h i s a lot, nonnie - thank u v much
Xemnas :
Xemnas just goes for it. It happens during one of those rare moments where he can just properly c h i l l with you and walk around the castle - you’d ramble about whatever funny shit you saw Demyx do when s u r p r i s e, you feel the faintest of touches. Xemnas doesn’t even flinch when you turn around, surprised to see his hand still wandering through your locks. B u t he is super amused by your reaction.
His touch is so light and gentle you legit barely notice it. The b i g b o s s is just content with just feeling the soft texture of your locks and your scent, commiting them to memory.
Xigbar :
Xigbar probably uses his powers to sneakily play with your hair, giving you playful light tugs and touches here and there because it’s really fucking funny to see you turn around and look everywhere in confusion. When you manage to catch him and confront him about this, he’ll just shrug and give you some half-assed excuse. But the moment you say “well, you could’ve just a s k e d for permission”, Xigbar’s smile broadens, replying with a “so you’re saying I can? S w e e t.”
Okay, Xigbar is up for just giving you stupid hairdos, whether you have long or short hair. But he’s also down for teasing you as much as possible, like blowing air on your neck when you least expect it.
Xaldin :
Xaldin will try to find a good excuse cause he lowkey wants to try to be more a f f e c t i o n a t e with you without being too straightforward - and he highkey doesn’t want to be seen as a hypocrite, with how protective and reluctant he is about letting others near his hair. So chances are he’ll give you random excuses like “oh wait, you got something in your hair”, trying to be subtle. And it kinda works the first few times, but after the 25th attempt, you’re n o t so sure.
Xaldin’s not used to being gentle, so it’s hard to miss the slight tremble and hesitation in his hand. You end up helping loosening up so he doesn’t treat you like you’re made of glass.
Vexen :
Vexen has no problem asking you for permission, like come on he’s not a teenager in love. He’s curious about your hair so he’ll ask you if he can fiddle with it for a while, easy. But s u r p r i s e, it ain’t so easy. The more he thinks about it, the more he’ll overthink until he gets cold feet. Then he forgets about it. Then he’ll remember and r e p e a t the entire entire process. In the end, Vexen just goes for it so he can’t back off.
At first, he’s sort of rough, inspecting your hair more than playing with it. But as the conversation goes, he’d relax and end up just petting your head instead.
Lexaeus :
Lexaeus has enough braincells to know that he should just fucking ask you like a decent human being. So that’s exactly what he does. No overthinking, no bullshit. And since he’s a man of few words, you listen patiently to his explanation cause it’s rare to hear him talk - He thinks your hair is pretty and wants to play with it, but he understands if he’s overstepping any boundaries and will back off if necessary. Done. Boom. Easy.
You’d think Lexaeus would be afraid of hurting you but n a h b i h, he’s got his strength under control so no worries. You can basically f e e l the happiness radiating off him while he gives you little braids.
Zexion :
Oh Zexion’s c o n f l i c t e d. He wants to ask you directly because that’s the normal thing to do, but he finds that option way too embarrassing. What if you laugh at him ? Social interaction is already hard enough. After asking  Lexaeus and Vexen - who both give very contradicting advice, Zexion would most likely just have the castle Moogle pass you a note, asking you to meet him at the library. And after like, 40 minutes of idle chatter, he’d just awkwardly ask if you’d let him play with your hair.
Tension ease off his shoulders as he starts to relax. Zexion probably starts telling you a lot of stories about him as a kid pulling a lot of pranks on Vexen’s hair along with Isa and Lea.
Saix :
Saix goes for it. He knows the right thing to do is to ask for permission, but it’s just hair so it can’t be that bad if he just fiddled with it for a while, right? It’s not really a big deal for him - but if it’s a big deal for y o u, then he’ll openly explain that he just felt like touching your hair, with the most deadpan voice. Maybe even a smug faint grin. Depending on your reaction, he’ll either drop the subject entirely or properly ask you for permission.
Okay but knowing Saix, you just sort of expect him to be super stiff and cold about this entire thing. But s u r p r i s e, he gives you a ridiculous hairdo, knowing that no one will ever believe you if you tried accusing him.
Axel :
Axel is the type of guy to ask for permission w h i l e he’s doing the thing. His hand is already running gently through your scalp when he asks if he can play with your hair - since you two are close, he doesn’t think he should be so polite and proper around you. He ruffles his friends’ hair affectionately all the time, so you’re no different ! If you complain, he’ll back off but pout and insist for a bit. Like come on, i n d u l g e him.
Soft and gentle touches are reserved for intimate moments, so Axel ends up doing the same thing you’d do with his hair : trying every single possible hairstyle and getting way too invested.
Demyx :
Demyx doesn’t even have to do anything. By the looks he gives you - and specially your hair - while you two hang out, you can pretty much figure out what’s going on around his head. He thinks he’s subtle but s w e e t i e, tapping your chin and humming loudly while staring so openly is quite the o p p o s i t e of being subtle. When he finally makes up his mind to ask you for permission, you cut him off with a “yes, go ahead before we both die of old age”.
Demyx just marvels at the difference between his and your hair, wondering if he should get a similar style to yours. He tries to give you a total makeover and f a i l, resulting in both of you laughing your asses off at the final product.
Luxord :
As another gentleman, Luxord also asks you directly without any problems. He’s not a c a v e m a n like some o t h e r members so he’ll just approach you whenever it seems convenient and after some small talk, just bring the subject up. Maybe even offer another friendly game, like he usually does in legit every single situation lmao. You obvi let him just play with your hair cause it’s way easier than being defeated in some card game for the 342854th time.
It’s not a big deal for him. Luxord likes to just fiddle with your hair whenever you’re close while he reads or does other stuff. He thinks it’s super calming and loves seeing you slowly fall asleep next to him.
Marluxia :
Marluxia finds some excuse to play with your hair whenever he feels like it, mostly under the pretense of wanting to give you even more advice on how to take care of your appearance more. There’s no ill will in his words  though and you gotta admit the man has some g o o d tips. It becomes something so reocurring, he doesn’t even have to say anything - you just simply let him play with your hair. It’s not like he’s doing anything bad, so why not ?
You’d expect some fashion judgement coming from him, but surprisingly, Marluxia is pretty chill. He falls asleep while playing with your hair more often than he’d like to admit.
Larxene :
The thought of asking or coming up with an excuse doesn’t even cross Larxene’s mind, she just goes for it as soon as she realizes she wants to play with your hair. You don’t even have time to complain when she pulls you towards her with her usual sharp look and smirk, telling you to stay still and behave while she just does whatever she wants. And y’know how Larxene is, she can’t resist throwing in some unnecessary comment here and there.
Letting her play with your hair is kind of a game of chance : sometimes she’ll be nice and just relax, sometimes she’ll tug your strands “accidentally” just to get a reaction.
Roxas :
Like Axel, Roxas thinks he shouldn’t have to ask, you two are close after all ! B u t he also doesn’t want to make you mad on accident. He’d give you a lot of excuses, only to run away before doing anything. “Ah, your hair keeps getting in your face - here, let me get that for yo U ACTUALLY, I GOTTA LEAVE RIGHT NOW.” In the end, he’d confess that he was really nervous about this entire thing.
Your depression is instantly cured as soon as you see his expression of amazement, like he’s seeing a new world for the first time. Roxas has the time of his life playing with your hair and just chilling with you.
Xion :
After consulting Axel and Roxas a dozen times - and maybe other members of the organization as well - Xion f i n a l l y musters up the courage to ask you directly. She might stutter and stumble over her words at first, avoiding eye contact, but she’ll get it out eventually. Usually, she has no problem asking you stuff, but Xion kind of thinks this request might be odd and just really childish.
She’ll just kinda fiddle around, gasping and muttering under her breath like “oohh” and “ahhh”. But after testing the waters, Xion would try her best to give you a super fancy hairstyle. 
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littlespoonevan · 7 years
So, I'm the anon who asked a while ago if you'd consider writing a Eva/Jonas get-back-together fic, and you said you'd consider it and to remind you after you finished TLDiTM. I know you're already writing a new au (which I'm very excited for!) but I thought I could remind you anyway, for later. Especially now that I've read your perfect fix-it fic, I'm even more excited for what you could do with Eva and Jonas. And just think how happy Isak would be for them! But seriously, no pressure! :-)
ahhhhhh okay so i was pretty sure nobody but me, you and @skamisako cared about this but i found out today everyone still ships eva x jonas so that’s great!!!!! good timing on my part haha this got way longer than expected but i hope u like it, bud!!!!
Watching Mahdi scurry across the room to finally talkto the girl he’s been making eyes at for at least an hour after Magnus hasalready deserted them for Vilde, Jonas resigns himself to being third wheel.The thing is, he doesn’t actually mind hanging out with Isak and Even on hisown. Isak is his best friend and he and Even get along really well and, despitethe fact they’re basically married, Isak and Even aren’t the kind of couple tocompletely ignore whoever they’re with in favour of making out with each other.
Well, under normal circumstances.
Tonight, they’re at a party at Jonas can tell they’reboth getting antsy. They keep throwing each other looks when they think Jonasisn’t looking and he knows they’re waiting for an excuse to ditch him so theycan make out in the middle of the dancefloor.
It doesn’t bother him, mostly because he knows thisis what Isak had to put up with with him and Eva during first year. It’sironic, in an amusing sort of way, just how neatly the situation has beenreversed. Even down to the similarities between Eva and Even’s names.
Isak glances at him, biting his lip uncertainly, andJonas rolls his eyes.
“Jesus christ, go,” he huffs, gesturingto the dancefloor with his beer.
Isak’s eyes widen but Even grins from over hisshoulder, standing up and grabbing Isak’s hand to haul him up with him.“Thanks, Jonas!” he singsongs with a lopsided grin.
“We’ll be back in like, ten minutes!” Isak calls overhis shoulder as he’s towed away.
Jonas snorts into his beer. That’s an empty promiseif ever he heard one.
Hardly a minute has passed of him sitting on his ownbefore someone else plops down beside him.
And speak of the devil.
Eva greets him with an enthusiastic, “Halla!” as shetakes a swig of whatever drink concoction she’s made for herself.
“Halla,” he answers on a laugh.
Eva sighs loudly and Jonas follows her gaze to seeher watching Isak dancing with Even. They’re behaving surprisingly PG but Jonasfigures it’s because they’re both smiling too much to be kissing properly. “Ourson’s all grown up,” she says wistfully.
Jonas snorts, casting her a sidelong glance. “Ourson?”
Eva gives him a look, bumping his shoulder with herown. “Just because you got him in the divorce doesn’t mean he’s not still mykid.”
Jonas huffs out a surprised laugh. He forgetssometimes how easily she knows how to make him laugh.
“Nah but they’re cute though, aren’t they?” she asksafter a moment, a fond smile making its way onto her face.
“Yeah, they are,” he agrees and he knows hisexpression mirrors hers. “Isak deserves this.”
Eva hums in response, finally turning back to Jonasand waggling her eyebrows. “So, why were you sitting here all alone? No prettygirls catching your eye.”
“I think I’m gonna fly solo tonight,” he tells herand he’s not quite sure why he can’t keep the grin off his face but he doesn’treally want to either. “What about you? No guys you want to hook up with? Orgirls?” he adds after a beat because he’s seen her make out with Vilde enoughtimes to know not to make assumptions about that kind of thing anymore.
But Eva only smiles at him, shaking her head. “Nottonight.”
He nods in the general direction of Isak and Even.“Wanna keep me company until those two are done then?”
Eva narrows her eyes like she’s pretending to thinkabout it before she nods decisively. “Yeah.”
They end up talking for hours and Jonas forgot how easy thisis. How, above anything else, he and Eva were friends. That’s what made beingtogether so fun. He doesn’t realise how late it is until both their friendgroups descend upon them so they can start heading home.
Eva flashes him a grin as she leaves and he doesn’tknow why it makes him duck his head but he’s smiling at the ground for half thewalk home.
Jonas has just pushed his way through the front doorwith the guys and the party’s already in full swing. Truth be told, they’re noteven sure whose party this is. They know it’s someone who just graduated Nissenthis past June but they’re not really all that concerned beyond that. He scansthe room, looking for familiar faces or a route to the kitchen and he knows theboys are doing the same beside him but when his eyes land on Eva he freezes.
He’s used to seeing her hook up with people atparties by now. They’ve been broken up for a year and a half; it doesn’t reallybother him. But this is different. Because Eva’s back is pressed against thewall while some guy leans into her, hand on the wall beside her head. Eva’sable to take care of herself and he knows that but the set of her shoulderslooks rigid even from here and her posture is stiff like she’s doing everythingshe can to keep out of this guy’s reach.
“I’ll be back in a second,” he calls to the boys,hardly sparing a backward glance to see if they heard him before he’s making abeeline across the room.
“Babe, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” heexclaims loudly, dropping an arm around Eva’s shoulder and gently squeezing itwhen he feels her startle against him. Her eyes are wide as she takes in Jonasand he silently implores her to play along. “I got so lost looking for thebathroom but wanna grab that drink now?”
“Oh- oh yeah,” she agrees hurriedly, leaning intoJonas and letting him lead her away. She doesn’t even bother glancing back tooffer the guy an explanation and Jonas doesn’t stop moving until they’re at theother edge of the room.
When they’re a safe enough distance away he drops hisarm and turns to her.
“Thanks,” she says, blowing out a breath and smilinggratefully at him. “That guy was just wasted enough that he didn’t seem to beable to tell the difference between yes and no.”
Jonas grimaces but when he looks back over to wherethey were, the guy is gone.
“Where are the girls?” he asks, turning back to her.She has at least two sober friends that could keep an eye on her to make surethis doesn’t happen.
Eva shrugs. “I haven’t seen them in a while. We gotsplit up.”
Jonas’ gaze flicks around the room but when hedoesn’t immediately spot any of them he looks back to Eva. “Wanna hang with meand the guys for a while then?”
Eva’s expression relaxes into a smile and she nods.“Sure.”
Taking her hand is a natural reaction and Jonasinternally panics about whether or not he should let go the entire time heleads her over to the couch he’d spotted the guys on. But Eva doesn’t let go soneither does he.
When they’ve made it through the thick of the crowdthough he releases her, feeling a smile spread across his face when Isak looksup in surprise at their arrival and almost immediately opens his arms for Eva.She drops down on the couch beside him and curls into his arms while Jonastakes up residence on her other side.
“You’ve become more cuddly since you got aboyfriend,” he hears her tell Isak. And Jonas bites back a laugh when Isakmakes an offended noise in the back of his throat.
“I’ve always been cuddly, fuck you. You just nevergave me cuddles. You were too busy cuddling Jonas.”
Both Isak and Eva’s gazes immediately snap to him andJonas doesn’t know who he’d rather look at. Isak’s got his eyebrows raised andhe looks way too knowing and when the fuck did he become so observant? Eva’sjust smiling softly at him, a faraway look on her face like she’s thinkingabout a particular memory. His own memories of nights spent in Eva’s bed floodhis mind and he shakes his head to dispel them.
“You could’ve always joined in, Is, you know that.”He jokes because he doesn’t really know what else to say and it makes Eva laughbut he can see the scrutinising look Isak is giving him as Eva wrangles herselfout of his arms.
In the end Isak lets it drop, rolling his eyes.“Whatever. Even’s cuddles are better than both of yours combined.”
“Where is he?” Eva asks, looking over to where Magnusand Mahdi are talking on the other couch and seemingly finally noticing they’remissing the fifth member of their group.
“He’s out with his friends from Bakka,” Isak says.“You know, with Sana’s brother and them.”
Eva nods before a brilliant smile spreads across herface and she’s suddenly throwing an arm around both his and Isak’s shoulders.“The three amigos are back together again!” she exclaims and Jonas definitelyunderestimated earlier how much she’s had to drink.
Jonas huffs a laugh but can’t really help the way he subtlyleans into her.
“Things were so much easier back then, you know,” shesays with a forlorn sigh.
He hears Isak snort on her other side. “I’m prettysure all three of us were a lot more miserable in first year than we are now.”
Eva makes a noise of protest. “I don’t mean firstyear. That was shit. But like, the summer before first year. Just the three ofus hanging out all the time. That was nice.”
It was nice.
Jonas knows they were right to break up when theydid. He knows they needed to. The timing wasn’t right and they both needed tofigure themselves out on their own but- that didn’t mean things were always bad.He was in love with her. And nothing else that happened between them willchange that.
“We had fun,” he mumbles and, judging by the way bothEva and Isak turn to him, he’s definitely missed part of the conversation.
But Eva just grins at him, dropping her head ontoJonas’ shoulders and fuck, that shouldn’t make his heart pound the way it does.“Yeah, we had fun,” she agrees softly, too quiet for Isak to hear probably.
Jonas takes a long pull of his beer and wills himselfto relax, silently thanking Isak for changing the topic of conversation anddrawing Eva’s attention again. He doesn’t know what the fuck is wrong with himbut he doesn’t need the two people who can read him best picking up on it.
Just like the last party, they talk for too long.Only this time Isak is around to be involved in the conversation. And there’s aspecial kind of comfort Jonas feels when he’s spending time with the two ofthem. He feels- settled. In a way he hasn’t really noticed he wasn’t before.They keep talking and laughing about old memories and maybe it’s just thenostalgia infiltrating his brain but fuck, he’s missed Eva.
After the whole trying-to-be-friends thing didn’treally work out so soon after their breakup, he’d backed off and given herspace. Honestly, he’d needed it too. Spending time alone together when theyhadn’t been broken up that long blurred the lines too much. But somehow, givingeach other space, ended up turning into them hardly ever talking. She had herfriends and he had his and even though their groups intersected every now andagain, they always kept to themselves.
But between tonight and last Friday, he’s starting torealise just how badly he’s missed having Eva in his life. He’s missed talkingto her.
Magnus and Mahdi disappear from the other couch atsome point and Jonas honestly doesn’t notice the rest of the party moving onaround them.
It isn’t until someone comes up behind the back ofthe couch and leans over Isak that he even blinks back into reality. Hestartles, relaxing a moment later when he realises it’s Even and watches himbend down to peck Isak on the lips before he straightens again, hands findingIsak’s shoulders.
They’re so comfortable with eachother and, with Eva half-leaning against his side, Jonas yearns for thatfeeling again. More so than he has in months.
“What are you doing here?” Isak asks, soundingsurprised but pleased.
“Yousef came to walk Sana home so I figured I’d justcome get you too,” Even says and Jonas watches the dopey smile that spreadsacross his best friend’s face with thinly veiled amusement.
Isak stands, stretching and looking back to Even.“Can we get McDonalds on the way home?”
“Fuck yes,” Even groans happily. “I’m starved. Jonas,you coming?”
“You’re still staying at ours, right?” Isak chimes in
Jonas freezes, suddenly remembering he was planningon crashing at their place tonight. He’s about to offer to walk Eva home insteadwhen she suddenly joins the conversation.
“Where would he sleep?” she laughs. “The bathtub?”
“On our floor,” Isak corrects. “We have a blow-upmattress just for him.” He directs a saccharine smile at Jonas and Jonas rollshis eyes.
“Why?” Eva asks, bewildered, as sherounds on Jonas.
“His mom caught him when he came home fuckingshitfaced drunk one night and now he’s afraid of her,” Isak snickers.
“She was fucking scary, man,” Jonas protests. “I’mnot going through that again. So yes, I’m staying at yours,” hehuffs. After a moment’s hesitation he looks over at Eva and finds her smilingfondly at their squabble. “Do you wanna come with?”
“To McDonalds?” she asks.
Jonas nods and sends a silent “thank you” in Even’sdirection when he backs him up.
“Yeah, we can walk you home afterwards!” Even agreesenthusiastically. Isak definitely found himself a chivalrous boyfriend.
“Or you can crash at ours,” Isak tacks on, havingfinally rounded the couch to lace his fingers with Even’s. “I’m sure Jonaswould take the floor for you.”
Jonas wouldbut Eva doesn’t need to know that, jesus christ Isak.
But Eva waves a hand dismissively. “Nei! We can sharethe mattress if I stay, oh my god. It’s not like we haven’t shared a bedbefore.”
Jonas isn’t sure exactly which part of that sentenceto internally freak out over more but he’s mostly just trying to stave off ablush at the thought of sharing a bed with her again.
Isak lets out an exaggerated huff, half-heartedly tryingto herd them in the direction of the exit. “Fy faen, we can decide later. Canwe go now?”
Eva bounces to her feet and Jonas follow suit, onlytensing up for half a second when Eva links their arms together the second theystep outside.
“Fuck, it’s cold,” she mutters under her breath asthey set off behind Isak and Even.
Jonas just tightens his arm around hers and tries notto pay too much attention to how hard his heart is beating.
When Jonas stumbles into Eva’s kitchen on a Saturdaymorning two weeks later his heart almost drops straight of his chest uponfinding her already sitting at the table with her hands cupped around a mug oftea, looking way too fucking beautiful for the little amount of sleep they’dall gotten last night.
She’d had a party last night. A small one that mostlyconsisted of the same guests as her birthday party but they still all got drunkenough to just end up crashing in her living room rather than going home. Noone else seems to be up yet though.
“Tea?” Eva asks him when he doesn’t say anything andhe shakes himself, offering her a smile.
It’s when they’re sitting at the table a few minuteslater, sharing the silence, that Jonas can’t help thinking back to that day. “Doyou remember the last time you made me tea?” he asks quietly and he watches asEva’s eyes go distant before her expression softens.
“Yeah,” she says finally. “Hopefully this time willhave a happier ending.”
Something in her smile makes Jonas feel like she’snot just talking about them hanging out in her kitchen.
He stares down at his tea, biting the inside of hischeek and trying to work up the nerve to ask the question that’s been on hismind for far too long. Eventually he takes a breath and decides to just blurtit out.
“We were good together, weren’t we? I mean, it wasn’t-it wasn’t all bad, right?”
“Nei, Jonas,” she murmurs and he knows he’s not making up the affection in her voice. “It wasn’t allbad.”
He nods, trying to work through the complicatedseries of emotions making his chest concave.
“Everything I said that day- it’s still true,” shesays. “I didn’t know who I was when I was with you and I needed time on my own.I couldn’t have figured that out when we were still together. I needed to learnto be my own person with my own thoughts and my own beliefs. Not yours orIngrid’s or anyone else’s.”
He nods again because he knows this part. He’s neverever begrudged her the reason why they broke up. If anything, it just made himadmire her more.
“But I loved you,” she admits softly. “So much. Andwhen it was good- it was the best thing I’d ever felt.”
“Same,” he whispers.
They share an indecipherable look and Jonas doesn’treally know what’s happening right now but he knows it means something.
However the moment is broken seconds later in theform of his best friend who still hasterrible timing.
Even ambles into the kitchen, trailed by a sleepyIsak who pats both Eva and Jonas’ heads as he passes them. “God morgen,” hemumbles, plastering himself to Even’s back as soon as he reaches the stove.
“Eva, can I make pancakes?” Even asks, glancing overhis shoulder to look at her but still careful not to dislodge Isak.
Eva smiles fondly at them both before nodding in thedirection of the cabinets. “Go for it.”
She turns back to Jonas with a bemused smile. “We’renot even dating anymore and he’s still interrupting us.”
Jonas huffs a quiet laugh, ducking his head to pointhis dopey grin at his tea instead. “He makes out with Even in front of me allthe time now. I really think he’s doing it on purpose as some kind of karma.”
Eva laughs but Isak’s voice cuts through the sound.
“I’m tired, not deaf,” he grumbles. “I can still hearyou and yes, Jonas. I absolutely do it on purpose.”
It just serves to make Eva laugh harder while Evencalls over his shoulder that he would, “like no part in this! I can’t help itthat my boyfriend’s pretty and I just want to kiss him all the time.”
Jonas rolls his eyes but when Isak and Even maketheir way to the table a few minutes later with a stack of pancakes and fourplates Eva moves to sit next to him.
He tries not to focus on how their shoulders brushany time either one of them moves.
He’s lying on his bed, staring at his phone with histhumb hovering over Eva’s contact.
He just- he wants to spend time with her again.Without the threat of interruption. He wants to see if things are different now,if they could be different now thatthey’ve both grown up a bit. He wants to try. And if they’re better off asfriends then they’re better off as friends but he still needs to try.
He opens with a simple, “Hey,” hoping for casual and probably missing it by a mile.
Eva’s reply is almost instant.
Hey!What’s up? :)
And he shouldn’t be fucking freaking out about a smiley face. He knows if Isak was herehe’d definitely be yelling at Jonas over that time he wouldn’t let him textEven a smiley but he can’t help the way his lips curl up at the sight.
Youdoing anything today?
Again, he hardly has to wait a minute before hisphone is pinging.
Nope!Wanna do something?
YeahI thought maybe we could hang out?
Likea date? Eva responds and Jonas freezes. Fuck, is he thatobvious?
He flounders while he tries to think of the right answer.He considers leaving the decision up to her but then he decides that’s notfair. He doesn’t want to put her in the uncomfortable position of having tomake the call without knowing for certain how Jonas feels. No, better to justbe upfront and then let her decide how she wants to reply.
Straight up.
Yeah,if you want that too
He doesn’t have time to freak out before she replies.
You’vealready used all your tricks on me, Vasquez. I hope you’re planning on bringingout the big guns
He beams down at his phone, fingers shaking just a littlebit too much as he replies.
FreshPrince and nachos?
Youknow the way to my heart. I’ll be over in an hour
He’s notnervous when Eva knocks on his front door. Except his palms are sweating andhis heart is racing and he’s pretty sure he’s rendered speechless when he seeson the other side of the threshold.
He lets out a breathless, “Halla,” and Eva considershim for a moment before she’s taking one decisive step forward, curling herfingers in his collar and drawing him into a kiss.
It’s chaste. Just a light brush of their lips. But he’sstill positive it makes his brain short-circuit.
She pulls away after a moment and Jonas knows he’sstaring at her with utter disbelief but she just huffs a laugh. “You lookednervous.”
“Were you trying to make me relax because that didn’twork.”
Eva grins, moving closer to him so she can close thedoor behind herself. “Maybe I just missed seeing you look at me like that.”
She’s about to walk past him and their arms brushingis the thing that finally springs him into action. He takes her hand, turningher around so he can kiss her properly. He kisses her the way he’s wanted tokiss her for months, slotting their lips together and revelling in the way they’restill a perfect fit. But it’s a different kiss too. There’s a little somethingextra, a kind of surety that he thinks represents who they are now, how farthey’ve come.
When he pulls away this time he’s smiling and thesimilar grin on Eva’s face that’s caught somewhere between amused and shy onlymakes him want to kiss her again.
She threads her fingers through his hair, leaningback to meet his gaze, and lowly, she asks, “Can we watch Fresh Prince now?”
Jonas raises an eyebrow, groaning out a, “Fuck, Imissed you,” that gets lost between her mouth and the sound of her laughter.
And as she wraps his arms around his neck, hugginghim tight, he can’t help but think, the beginning is a pretty good place forthem to start.
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