#but genuinely if you’re gonna send shit to someone just cause they don’t like a character you do
nayatarot777 · 2 years
why are people intimidated by you? - pac
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{ pile one } 🤍
[the hierophant, temperance, judgement, knight of cups]
people are intimidated by how structured and peaceful you seem. you’re viewed as someone who has a clear viewpoint of what you want to achieve and how you’re going to get there. you appear to be extremely balanced and content with each stage of life that you’re in and it’s almost like you’ve reached a major milestone in your life. perhaps before the majority of people your own age. i’m sensing that for most of you, this refers to something internal. internal balance. i feel like most people see the acts of kindness and self care that you direct towards yourself, but most of all the self respect and self-value that you hold. i heard “self-married” so you might be the type to take yourself out on dates, treat yourself to nice things, and practice a lot of self care for yourself. you’re committed to yourself more than anyone else. for those of you in a commitment (could be a long term relationship or even a marriage) people are intimidated by how peaceful your relationship seems, for some reason. i’m not gonna lie, people think that you’ve hit the jackpot in life in one area or another. there’s also a message about either the types of people who you attract romantically or your confidence towards the people who you approach. it’s clear that you have extremely high expectations for yourself as well as whoever you date/get into a relationship with. there’s an energy of being unreachable - but not in a typical, whimsical, piscean, dreamy type of way. it stems more from people putting you up on a pedestal and comparing themselves to you and their lives to yours. i’m even hearing that people who are romantically interested in you usually end up developing actual feelings for you - even when they usually wouldn’t. you’re “commitment material” in a lot of people’s eyes. but most of these suitors don’t feel like they’re even on your level. it seems like you have everything that you want or need already. your (perceivable) contentment intimidates people.
{ pile two } 🤍
[10 of swords, king of cups, king of swords]
you guys are way too smart and intuitive for people. people with negative intentions in particular. they get intimidated because their plans to backstab you and fuck you over in some way is met with a complete reversal, and they’re the ones who end up in an extremely negative situation. these are people who perhaps talk shit behind your back? or just send you evil eye quietly? they don’t understand how you manage to know what they’re up to. and i feel like they’re terrified to get into a verbal conflict with you because they know that they’d be ripped to shreds verbally 😭. people really don’t want smoke with you. your words are venomous and lethal when you want them to be. you protect your energy amazingly this way. you’re a pure divine feminine. nothing can get past your observation and intuition. and what’s scarier is that you’ll keep quiet about what you know about someone for a while. especially when it comes to betrayers - fake friends, people who smile in your face but plan to take something that you have. but yet they start to feel the shift in your energy, even if there’s no shift in your behaviour towards them at first. it causes them to ruminate and worry that you’re onto them, but your poker face is immaculate and they can’t figure the answer to their questions out. it’s almost like this is their karma? a self-induced psychic attack for playing with you. the duality between when you act out of love towards genuine people and when you act out of defence towards backstabbers and shady people is terrifying to most. the way that you switch up leaves people drowning in their thoughts. they’re genuinely fearful and anxiety-ridden at the thought of having to feel your wrath. this is how you implement your boundaries. you’re very clear, concise and direct, and as long as you’re not fucked with, you’re the most loving person someone could meet. even so, you keep the boundaries firm between most people that you invite into your life and what you’re nurturing in your life. unless someone manages to get extremely close to you. but that takes a very long while, after many trials and observations on your part. as soon as there’s a significant tribulation, they’re out of your life. but even after people cause you problems, it’s almost like you forgive them silently, but never want to interact with them again. you go back to your relaxed, divine feminine energy. nothing keeps you out of it for too long. your quiet peacefulness after the fact intimidates people even more though lmaoo. they don’t know if you’re one of those “crazy” calm-before-the-actual-storm types of people.
{ pile three } 🤍
[6 of wands, the wheel of fortune, 6 of cups, death]
people are intimidated by how you seem to have support and acquire success on any journey that you put yourself on. there could be a group of people who support you that people are very intimidated by (i feel like this is a group of masculines - doesn’t necessarily have to be men, but definitely people who are ride or dies for a lot of you). if these masculine energies aren’t physical people, then this is your spirit guides and ancestors for those of you who have a connection with them. i’m seeing that this support brings you major abundance. major positive changes in life at times. but there are times where your transformations are not easy at all. particularly after you have gotten used to the previous abundance that came in for you. you always share it around with others, but i’m picking up on the energy that you guys may sometimes purposefully go through difficult transformations and changes if you’ve outgrown what you considered to be abundance before. it’s like you’re not afraid of change - no matter how difficult - so you don’t get comfortable with things for long. you know when it’s time for an ego death, and you go through your dark night of the soul to purge, just to be met with support from this group of energies/people who help support you when you usher yourself into great abundance yet again. i’m feeling plutonic energy because of the major extremities here. your life is full of extremes that you manage to balance yourself out with. because you accept the “good” and the “bad”. i feel like you understand that those are human judgements - not factual observations about something, so you journey through life with the mindset of “it is what it is”. you take the positive with the negative as they both come in waves, but you’re never knocked off of your path. you’re in constant alignment, even when it doesn’t seem like it to other people. because of your acceptance towards the dualities and polarities of life. you don’t complain. when you have more than you need, you’re extremely charitable. whether that be about money, time, energy. and that’s why karma comes around and offers you an abundance of support when you’re in need. i feel like you guys don’t even stress throughout negative experiences as much as others would. because you understand that you’ll be all good soon enough. and you understand that loss is a natural part of life as much as gain, so you don’t cling onto what you gain like others would. you flow with life. and this intimidates those who struggle to see life from a higher perspective. as well as those who have control issues. you have way more wisdom about the human experience than the majority of people on this planet. you know what it means to surrender
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magicaii · 4 months
Need a spinneraki non-villain au where both of them are shut in losers. Like, shuichi is a college drop out who’s been a NEET for the past two years and has convinced himself that he will never fit into society so why even bothering trying and doesn’t even care enough to outside anymore and tomura never made it to college at all and just lives off of his rich dad’s (afo) income as he does nothing but stay home to game and browse the internet all day cause he’s addicted to league of legends and he’s a closet scaly.
so imagine tomura and shuichi meeting cause they ended up in the same game because tenko misclicked and chose the wrong tier, and because he’s a bit of a toxic gamer, when he notices shuichi’s character choice he turns on vc just to say, “seriously? fucking zilean in the jungle? you’re never gonna make it out of iron asshole” and he only said it be to be dick and ruin some guy’s day, but he actually ends up advising the guy to choose a better character because he’s weirdly innocent and clueless for a league of legends player and it completely takes tomura aback. he finds out the guy is a complete newbie, which kinda explains it.
and during the game, spinner (his online name) keeps asking him questions since he’s apparently just decided that tomura has signed up to be his guide. and tomura kinda just goes along with it, and they’re the only two talking in vc anyway, although he’s far from nice about it. (think: what the fuck? USE YOUR SKILL or SUPPORT ME IN TOP LANE IDIOT)
so after the game tomura is about to move on with his day but then spinner sends him a friend request and he’s like ??? why does this weirdo think I’d wanna be his friend. but the request comes with a message and it says “haha thx for the help today? I’m kinda new at this… wld appreciate some more guidance n stuff… hope I can be as good as u someday lolz” and now tomura is half convinced this guy is just a fucking troll or something, cause there’s just no way. but what the fuck else is he doing anyway? so they exchange discords to chat.
spinner is strange. sometimes spinner will say things like “why is everyone so nasty in this game :((” and tomura will be genuinely confused because?? everyone knows league of legends is a toxic cesspool?? one day he finally asks what spinner’s deal is and why he started playing, and spinner goes “well tbh I was looking for friends”. tomura just deadpans that he’s definitely looking for them in the wrong place. spinners like, “I thought it would be easy to talk to people since there’s a voice chat but turns out people just use it to yell at each other and get into arguments. why would anyone do that lol, crazy” tomura just pauses cause he doesn’t really know, either. he’s been getting into arguments with random people in voice chat for years, it’s practically become a routine at this point, but he never stopped to think about it much. it’s pretty much become his only source of social interaction apart from his dad. with a pit in his stomach, he just replies “maybe they’re lonely.”
sometimes weird background sounds will come out of tomura’s mic, and spinner, after a while, finally asks, “so I’ve been wondering for a while. sometimes it sounds like someone is being murdered in your basement, what is that” and tomura’s like “oh don’t mind that lmao, it’s just my dad. he’s an investment banker or some shit and he gets fucking tilted at the stock market. idk I mostly tune it out now” and spinner just goes really quiet and says “umm. ok!”
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gothamsaved · 16 days
Last thing OOC before I actually do those written replies—- just more or less wanna explain why I haven’t been reaching out to people or answering back much OOC lately.
I have been going through a lot irl and my mental health has been in the absolute trash. I’ve been socially withdrawing and isolating again because I am convinced I am a burden or me rambling about any of my muses will leave people to feel left out or ignored and its left me feeling like shit and scared to really get my gushing out anywhere while feeling “safe” if that makes sense. Or in private? I worry I’ll annoy people regardless cause 99% of the time it is just my unhinged ass sending memes of Batman and going “cretchur” or “lookit this freak of a man” over doing anything really, truly productive.
So I’ve been in a state of “You’re too annoying you’re boring them they will replace you with someone better who can actually do this thing right” and it’s been severely affecting my ability to reach out among irl stress adding onto the list.
I will however try my best to reach out more through throwing asks ( prompted / unprompted if I seen Askmemes! ) at mutuals who let me know it is absolutely okay to interact and be a pest, as I know I can’t hold much of a conversation these days, not sure when it will lift enough I can confidently plot and talk out potential dynamics, but I want it to be known if we follow each other, I am interested in writing with you, absolutely. I am just not good with starting things up, which is why I encourage the sending of asks back to me so we can see how muses interact before we plot things out.
I really don’t give a fuck about my follower count, I don’t do the whole collecting people and muses thing as that is a huge trigger of mine as well. I am here to build up meaningful stories with people who want to genuinely put in the time and effort into getting to know each other’s muses. I never want anyone to feel collected. You guys have so much creativity and passion for the muses you write I am always blown away by the OOC posts rambling about them, the edits, the well thought out replies.
I want to do more with you guys. I’m not gonna let my depression kick my shit in and prevent it, but I will take time to have that courage to plot in private again. Until my mental health gets better, I hope this will be okay in the meantime.
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sparklezzzzzzsstuff · 2 months
I’m not actually sure if someone has done this before but I was js having a brainrot and got this idea tbh, should this have stayed in the drafts? maybe💀, but I really wanna hear others thoughts and opinions on it cause AGHH. I eat up AU content so I thought I’d try making my own even if it’s flops. Most of this is up for interpretation cause I had WAYYY too many ideas/alternates for these.
Okay here we go yap time
(No no you can’t tell who’s my favorite….)
No warnings!!
For Ben I was really thinking of someone leaning more on the playful/mischievous side cause i feel that’s a huge part of most people’s headcanons for him (including mine).
I thought who better than Hermes cause if ur a fan of EPIC (Circe saga specifically 🤓☝️) I felt that Jorge Rivera really protrayed Hermes with a playful/childish demeanor and even if was helping Odysseus he was like “yeah ur probs gonna die anyway bud” and it kinda resonates with Ben cause he’s just in it for shits n giggles tbh.
Being the god of messages I feel like Ben would have a lot of fun spreading misinformation around the mansion (or wherever if the mansions not ur thing 😔).
Also in a way I feel like it’s the same thing with his powers and tech savvy skills. I remember seeing a few people on here hc his job was security cams and stuff so he knows the shit you’re up to😰
Yk wether it’s sending emails under rando accounts or discord messages about his latest obsession he’s not afraid to SEND👏THAT👏MESSAGE👏
In general I feel like one could argue he’s unfiltered tbh
ALSO ALSO flying shoes = floating ghost 🤔
I feel Ben could definitely be capable of showing empathy/giving help to heroes in need and stuff but overall he’d just prefer to get into mischief and do things for his own benefit.
He brings a lot to the table! (that is if you can clear off the Pokémon cards and Zelda figurines)
For example, if there was a mansion in this au (the world they live in is up for interpretation cause I love the idea of Ancient Greece but I’m loyal to the cringe mansion I love dearly 😔)
Teleportation comes in handy for when slender decided to give out hand-written letters that come with Cheeto dust fingerprints(Ben swears they were there before) (they were guys dw bout it…)
Something else I’ve seen on here is that he’d float to make himself taller and i will take this to the grave idc if i die on this hill.
SUPPOSE they had outfits and he had to be pried off the hot topic isles and link getup. I genuinely do not think he’d fw the sandals im sorry 😔. He’d slap something else on and call it a day. Or maybe not tbh..he’d think they’re cool.
I feel like outside of this AU he’s a bit of a chatterbox so..IN this AU he’d probably use deliveries as a way to talk the ear off and bother hang with his friends and fellow Creepypastas.
Anyways, in summary Ben can impish and irresponsible but he’s a master of his craft and if there does end up being heroes to guide he wouldn’t hesitate to…interfere.
“You want to beat her? You’ll need the blessing of a certain god, divine intervention, someone who’s not afraid to..send a message”
Nina my beloved scene girl this one’s for you
First order of business shout out to @jeffthekillerzblog and his au about Ben, Jeff and Nina’s arcs I love them sm. The whole idea of her getting over Jeff and sort of becoming her own person without him is awesome and I can definitely see it in my au too.♥️♥️
I chose Calyspo because when met with Odysseus she was instantly head over heels, turning into a kind of obsession and yearning for company😔👏(yeah same)
I think Calypso’s whole idea of “I love you and I think I’ll die without it” resonates with what Nina used to be with Jeff and her need for his affection.
Although I don’t really think Nina would necessarily keep a partner as a hostage on an island I think she tends to feed into that kind of delusion of a healthy relationship when desperate for attention
In terms of style and aesthetics Calypso and Nina are pretty much opposite (Nina scene style I am loyal to you) however in this au I’d think she’d wear a lot of pink layered robes and fun jewelry. I like to keep style up for interpretation just cause it’s fun.
Ultimately Calypso does do the right thing and lets Odysseus go,(with pushing from Ben Hermes) I do think at heart Nina knows it isn’t right but she still longs for love.
It gets lonely on an island okay?🤨
“Tell me though, who’s Penelope?”
“She’s my wife…”
“Anyways! I’ve got all you could want here, all you could need here..just you and me my dear, my love for life!”
ALRIGHT. Here’s the thing, at first I wanted to choose Slenderman for this because it just felt right. However I wanted to choose Ej instead because I took into account the storyline with Persephone. (Also with Jeff and smile dogs friendship I was thinking him too cause smile dog could be his Cerberus ugh😔)
From my interpretation of others HCS and mine I definitely see Ej as a lone wolf so what better place to be dark and ominous than the underworld itself?
Dramatically staring out into a sea of souls while Chappell Roan , Radiohead plays in the background/j
I do think Ej would enjoy the isolation and in my hc he’d rather hide away from the others because of his demonic nature, and nobody there to pester him (besides Ben with his emails of course).
Anyway, going back onto the Persephone storyline because it was a dealbreaker between Slender and Ej.
I thought about which one would really want to seek love. In past HCS of slender I’ve seen that he is in fact capable of caring (if ur a fan of the mansion and believing he collects traumatized children like Pokémon or infinity stones) .
So, let’s say Slender is actually capable of caring, would he really wanna go seek love? I kinda see him as a single dad but I’ve debated it tbh. For now I’m just going with single dad who’s not interested in romance but rather power.
So that left me with Ej, I think Ej still has some human in him. Whatever was left behind after his transformation/sacrifice made him yearn for company even being ruler of death. (He’s got Cerberus aka smile dog 🤷‍♀️maybe a couple skeletons idk)
Anywho if he did happen to stumble upon Persephone, rather than kidnapping her pissing her mom off I think he’d be too scared to approach her 😭
In the sense that he wouldn’t want to scare her with his appearance even with the mask.
Maybe his Persephone is a kidney? Who knows 😔
“If I became the monster and threw that guilt away would that make us stronger?”
I’ve been waiting for this I’m about to go crazy
Athena, warrior and goddess of wisdom, not to mention hella creative.
I feel like this matches with Jane’s sense of responsibility and maturity. In my hc Jane is a STROOOONG WOMAN😍😍🤤. I also saw someone on here saw she does poetry and I couldn’t agree more
Athena,who has no husband—oh look at that Jane doesn’t either she’s happily married to Mary(idc if Athena doesn’t marry. THIS one did.)
Aura if I’ve ever seen it
COOL WEAPONS COOL WEAPONS and armor tbh. Feminine robes and the usual Athena getup.
If you’ve listened to God Games then I don’t need to speak any further on how driven she is too succeed, “bring it” attitude.
I think it’s nice how Athena and Ares rivalry can be intertwined with Jane and Jeff’s backstory, despite Jane having coming to terms with it she still has sought vengeance.
Much like Athena in the Arachne story tbh
Independent fr fr, def wants to protect her wife from any other gods but also doesn’t worry about anyone messing with her.
I see her as a really good leader tbh
Wise tree af, knows you better than you know yourself and WILL use it against you if you piss her off.
Outsmarts people for breakfast.
In terms of Odysseus I think she’d def get annoyed with him but because shes got more important things to worry about she sticks with him.
“Goddess of wisdom, master of war, my life has one mission…create the greatest warrior.”
Alright. God of war you know where this is going. Major anger issues but he’s sm more than that guys trust pls it’s just for the plot guys pls come back where are you going—
Angry ANGRY guy that’s why I chose him
Also I get major fire nation zuko vibes from him..NOT just cause he was burned I swear on my life
Anyway, if you’re lucky enough to not die and finally see past the blood thirst you’d see a whooooole lot of angsty regrets and if you peel it back a little more he’s bi
Fighting the demons daily
All those battles go straight to the head and probably boost his ego (FAKE FAKE FAKE) to no end.
I interpret ares as arrogant, brutal, and egocentric but I think a good arc for Jeff would to be to try and change that (maybe even heal some burned bridges with Jane, and his brother, who knows??)
He’s trying I swear
Ben def hangs with him and try’s to make him turn a new leaf and leave his asshole ways. (Even if he isn’t the best influence)
Quite literally insane idk what to tell you
Still love him though he’s a new guy I swear ignore the blood on him that’s normal you’re crazy.
“What kind of sick coward holds back his power while his friends get devoured? He didn’t even fight Scylla…didn’t even try to kill her.!”
Aaaaaand the crowd goes wild. Unfortunately those are all the characters I have inspo for rn but I hope more will come to me!! Also I wish I could have found a better quote for Jeff but oh well. All of these quotes are from EPIC/god games by Jorge Rivera-Herrans!! :). Honestly kind of scary to think of a mansion in this au it wouldn’t last 8 seconds. Would Ej technically live in the basement?? I’d love to hear others thoughts on this cause why not just add ☝️
Happy summer ya’ll☀️☀️☀️
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asskickedbygirl · 2 years
Radio Bam - F!Reader Fic
Episode Four
ep one - ep two - ep three
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Desc: You’re a regular on radio bam!!!! And you’re a whore !!!
A/n: thank you anons for inspiration <3 also gonna keep eps a little shorter so i have more to write for! feel free to send more ideas! 
warnings: strong language, explicit mentions of sex
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Y/n: It’s Radio fucking Bam everyone, Dico’s done enough intros for now I’m sick of him calling me a whore so I’m doing it tonight! Today we got minging ass Brandon DiCamillo, father of the year Brandon Novak, the dickhead that airs out everyone’s business Ryan Gee and the other dickhead Baaaaaaam Margera!!! Oh and me hot pants.
Dico: You’re calling yourself hot pants now?
Y/n: I’m embracing it, it’s kinda endearing. 
Dico: I wouldn't say that.
Novak: Y/n can’t call me a whore anymore after last night.
Bam: Ah man I’m still fucking thinking about that.
Y/n: We’re airing this out already huh?
Dico: Shocked Gee hasn’t posted about it on his website yet.
Bam: He’s typing it up right now.
Gee: I didn’t get a photo of it.
Y/n: Thank god.
Bam: Y/n you genuinely deserve the whore title for that I’m not kidding.
Dico: It’s up there with Novak’s worst.
Y/n: No it is not you guys are so fucking dramatic.
Gee: Dude it was pretty hardcore whoring.
Y/n: Let a girl live. 
Y/n: As if Novak’s never fucked in there either. 
Y/n: As if Novak’s never fucked in there either. 
Novak: Well I don’t bring home random haggard ass dudes from the bar.
Y/n: I was taking a page from your fucking book! Last week you assholes were yelling at me for hooking up with people I know so I brought home a random for once and now you’re all acting like I committed a crime.
Dico: Fucking on a couch is a crime.
Bam: This is not helping your ‘I don’t have an exhibitionist kink’ case.
Y/n: Wow big words from you Bam.
Bam: Frantz taught me that shit. 
Y/n: Well it’s not my fault you fuckers destroyed my god damn room so I have to sleep on the couch now. 
Gee: Yeah sleep on the couch not fuck on it.
Y/n: Where the fucks Jess he needs to defend my honour. 
Dico: Is he your next victim?
Y/n: Haha, very funny. No but seriously why were you guys barging in in the first place?!
Novak: I never sleep babe.
Y/n: Yeah cause’ you were fucking someone too. 
Novak: On my own bed cause’ I’m not an animal.
Y/n: Dude you’ve fucked in dirty ass bathrooms you are one to talk.
Dico: That couch is fucking minging Y/n you’re gonna give everyone STDs. 
Bam: Can we tell the listeners what actually happened now?
Dico: Yeah Y/n I’d love to know what was going through your head.
Y/n: Well there’s nothing to tell, you guys just walked in on me fucking.
Dico: It was worse than that.
Bam: No let me tell it. So we were hanging out upstairs at my house and then we were like wait where the fuck is Y/n and that guy she brought home from the bar cause’ she wasn’t in her room. Anyways, it’s pretty late at this stage but we ran out of beers so we went downstairs and what do we fucking hear?!
Novak: *claps hands*
Dico: *dramatic moaning*
Y/n: Oh god shut up.
Bam: Y/n is full on humping this lanky green bean looking dude on the couch we hang out on every fucking day!
Novak: A sight for sore eyes baby. 
Y/n: I’m so fucking done with these double standards. I can’t even count on two hands the amount of times we’ve all seen Novak fucking everywhere but when I do it I’m the biggest whore?!
Bam: Are you actually pissed right now?
Y/n: You know what? Yeah! I am fucking pissed!
Dico: Well before Bam and Y/n slit each others throats Jessie Margera is here!
Jess: Did I come at the wrong time?
Y/n: Jess I’m dead fucking serious if one more person calls me a whore tonight I’m getting violent.
Novak: You gotta admit it babe, it was pretty whory.
Y/n: Alright yeah but being compared to you is where I draw the line.
Dico: Don’t get your panties in a twist.
Novak: I’ll untangle em for you aaayyooo.
Y/n: Fuck you guys.
Bam: We’ll stop slut shaming you for a minute before you fucking implode.
Y/n: Thank you.
Dico: We should read some hate mail.
Bam: Oh we’re absolutely reading hate mail I fucking love hate mail.
Y/n: I already know what this shits gonna be.
Bam: Oh my god this ones already off to a great start.
Y/n: Christ.
Bam: Bam, stop putting that little fucking slut on air. Her whorish endeavours are vomit-inducing I don’t wanna hear anymore stories about field fucking or I will cut off my ears and send them to you. 
Jess: Jesus.
Bam: It gets worse. Why the fuck do you hang out with the little brat, you’re hot shit and she’s fucking everything that walks except you and Novak. At least she’s not thick enough to catch an STD from his haggard ass but I’m sure she has a whole host of them anyways.
Novak: Hey man.
Y/n: This funny to you Bam?
Bam: Hysterical.
Y/n: I thought we were done slut shaming me for today.
Dico: It’s fine you can have your knight in shining armour Dunn to shield you from it.
Y/n: Oh god shut up asshole.
Gee: Ryan?
Bam: Oh yeah isn’t he picking you up after this?
Y/n: Don’t turn this into something, we’re just gonna see a movie.
Novak: You gonna fuck in the theatre again?
Y/n: I’ll break your legs Novak.
Dico: Awooooah she’s going back to her roots. 
Bam: Have you reached your quota for humping dudes and now have to go back to the ones you’ve already nailed?
Y/n: You guys are such pricks, I am single everyone! 
Novak: Available but still won’t bang me. 
Y/n: Yup.
Bam: Well anyways I think we should dedicate this next song to Y/n’s new and old boyfriend Mr Ryan Dunn who still won’t come on this fucking radio show.
Y/n: For good reason and he’s not my boyfriend. 
Bam: This is Bloodhound Gang, Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo or just FUCK which is what you guys will be doing later on Sirius 28 Faction!
Dico: They’re gonna fuck on air?
@pontiusbikini @dxckfarmdunn @steve-osahottie @gnarkillknoxville @alex-abn0rmal @stratossphere @izzaaaaaa @jackassvivalabam03 @bambammargera @spoookyberry @lovexjoe @jackussy420
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hees-mine · 4 months
Nooo 😭😭 I’m so sad you decided to de activate!! I loved what you did do while you were in business and I really wish that you hadn’t deactivated but if it makes you happy and less pressurized you do it for you !! While I’m disappointed that I won’t be hearing from you anymore, I’m proud of you for taking such a step. It must’ve been stressful not wanting to punish people for things others did, or closing your acc in general must’ve been depressing. Those people don’t have shit to do with their day, that’s why they stuff their hairy ass noses in other peoples business! If you’re doing it because of what others say, kindly, FUCK THEM!! They have no right to judge you, but if their words really hurt you enough for you to do this then I’ll respect your wishes.
Goodbye!! Hopefully we can become friends in the future! I’ll forever remember you @hees-mine ! 🩷🩷
Thank you for staying with me and loving what I do🩵
It’s literally nothing other than the fact I’m sick of being hounded and asked for a “part 2”
I hope everyone who left those comments will see this and understand that they are the reason I’m leaving
I’m just tired of meeting the demand and getting zero appreciation
Playtime was supposed to be a one shot last time was supposed to be a one shot but people kept asking for more and I delivered
Which I wish I hadn’t cause even then I was being spoken to rudely
But as soon as I say I’m not gonna be series anymore the ask just keep coming
And I don’t get it I’m glad people want to read more from me but the constant demands for more is just very discouraging and it’s what ultimately led me to this decision
In the future to all the readers out there here’s some tips
1 stop being a silent reader / unless youre nervous to send an ask
2 hit reblog/like on all the fics that you genuinely like you don’t have to spam like or like a fic just cause but if you do like it hit the like button it’s that simple I know your fingers might be tired from scrolling but push on and give us a reblog it goes a long way cause remember one of the only things that makes writing enjoyable is feedback
3 stop asking for updates period don’t ask for part two’s if someone said there’s gonna be a part two just wait for them to release it don’t keep asking when it’s gonna come out
We take hours to write please just take a few seconds to let us know you appreciate our hard work
Thank you sweetheart and I’ll remember you too🩵
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echo-writes-things · 2 years
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All Good Things Must Come To An End
Headcannons for Ernesto while he was alive because my boyfriend’s obsessed @obi-wans-man-titties
~male reader~
Warnings: internalized homophobia, gets angsty, and probably bad Spanish I only took 5 years of Spanish
You met Ernesto at one of his performances. You got front row and once the lights were out of his eyes he was captivated by you
He tried acting so sly but got too tongue tied for it
All his pickup lines sucked. “Did it hurt when you crawled out from heaven? I mean- Dios Mio.”
He couldn’t get his words right for shit he was so dorky
He eventually gave up when you laughed and handed him your home phone line
Once he got home he was giddier than ever he called you IMMEDIATELY
Doesn’t care how much the phone bill is gonna cost to call you he will pay as much as he needs and will even send YOU money to keep talking
He doesn’t think he has a crush. He just barely has genuine friends. They’re all there for his popularity which isn’t really ideal
You get VIP to all his shows once you’ve established a real friendship
His partner on stage always said “you’ve got a thing for your little buddy don’t you?” And he immediately turns it down
“I can’t be with a guy that’s not good for people like us” Ernesto always tried to turn it down like that
He tries getting with several women who use him for money and fame just to try and assure himself he’s not gay
Meanwhile you were writing poems and letters and love songs for this guy. All your friends and family knew you were in love with Ernesto ever since you got close to him
As you and Ernesto De La Cruz toured the world together you both got so much closer
Eventually you told Ernesto how you feel. You gave him a bouquet of several roses* (white, peach, orange, red, and burgundy. For those who don’t understand rose colours I’ll add a guide at the bottom)
However he turns you down. Claiming he’s not supposed to swing that way and that it would be bad for his reputation. It’s not what he wanted to say but it’s what he thought he had to say
You’re destroyed but you take out the burgundy rose and hand it to him instead “then at least accept this” you’d say
Ernesto would take the rose and put it on his hat giving a smile
He does his performance like normal but you aren’t there. You decided to stay in the hotel room that was rented for you both. You could still hear the music a few streets away, this caused you to cry. You have just had your heart broken
Ernesto walks in on you crying still. He had just come back from a party, one he never told you he was attending
“Hey I didn’t see you! Where were you amigo I could’ve used your support” Ernesto would say to you with a grin left over from the festivities, but soon realize your puffy red eyes. “What’s the matter? Did someone hurt you?”
As you dry your tears you shake your head. He wouldn’t understand how it hurt. He gets everything handed to him, so understanding heartbreak is probably something Ernesto is incapable of. Or so you think
Ernesto doesn’t buy it “I know when something is bothering you. What’s going on?”
You’re close to losing it. “Ernesto please stop. I don’t want to talk about it. I’m tired and you’ve got a big day ahead of you let’s just go to sleep” as you get up from the hotel chair to your bed
Ernesto stops you “if it’s about what I said then I’m sorry”. This is the most serious you’ve seen him.
As you take your arm back you look at him “it’s fine. I understand”
“No it’s not fine. I wasn’t being fully honest and I was being a coward. Let me explain my answer” Ernesto asked. You agree and both of you sit on his bed
“I do have feelings for you, but I don’t think I can be seen in public as.. well you know”. Ernesto hopes you do know and you finish the sentence “gay?” He nods
“Well then what if we hide us? Act like we usually do in public but act how we want when no one is watching?” You offered.
Ernesto would think about it for a moment “that’s actually a good idea. But it’s no wonder you thought of it, you are the brains out of the two of us”
You’d laugh “Then, Ernesto De La Cruz, will you go out with me?”
He takes you in his arms tight “of course I will mi flor”. You blush at the new nickname
So from then on after his concerts and any alone time you both got would be special for just you and him. He had even stopped going to some of the after parties just to sneak away with you
You’d always be holding hands under tables and blowing kisses from across the room when no one’s looking. Your friends and family easily caught on but wouldn’t say anything for both of your sakes
He gives the best hugs and holds you really close
He’d book the 1 bed hotel rooms and pretend like it was an accident but that it was fine in front of reception. But the moment you get to your room he’s snatching you and you’re both on the bed snuggling
You’d give him good luck kisses before concerts when he’s backstage
However all good things must come to an end..
There was one concert you regret for the rest of your life.
Ernesto was doing his usual, the crowd was cheering and singing with him, the lights were bright, there was even a fireworks show planned soon when he took his final bow. But they’d never reach that..
Someone slipped up backstage. No one saw who. But they released the large bell he was playing under, crushing Ernesto.
You scream and run to the bell as people grab you to hold you back. People are screaming and running out of the concert hall.
You sob uncontrollably as you make it past the people who were keeping you back. Some of the security was already trying to get the bell off, you decided to help out
It took a while but the bell was removed, and you saw him. It broke you to your very core. You drop to the ground next to where he was. You began begging for this to be a joke or for this to be a bad dream. Begging for any of this to not be real and that he’d walk over, hold you tight, and tell you it’s okay.
But that never happened. Just as he was crushed your heart was too, now there’s an empty space only he could’ve filled left.
A really good thing had come to an end for you
(SORRY I KNOW ITS SAD BUT I HAVE A PART 2 PLANNED DONT WORRY AND STAY TUNED. Also sorry if the story headcannons were weird I just felt like writing it like this)
*rose guide <3
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evelili · 1 year
Okay I’ve been reading more of your magnum opus fic (one chapter. help they keep destroying me emotionally) and I have highlighted a solid THIRTY SEVEN lines from the fic so far so I thought I should write a like. halfway(?) through comment for you so they don’t get too long! I’m really enjoying your characterization of everyone and the pacing is fantastic. The focus on the trials of the main six is amazing and really allows you to build all of their characters individually then together. Like for applejacks chapter it was focused on her but then now with this flashback in pinkie pie’s chapter it gives a lot of context for her and rainbow’s relationship and how they’ve grown which I love!!
I’m pretty sure this textbook is older than me. A quick peek at the publication page under the cover confirmed her theory. It’s even older than Shining!
Okay this was the first line I ever highlighted and it’s just because I was so… idk i really love how you show this dynamic between twilight and her family and how they all rely on each other. I’m very curious about twilights nightmare prophecy dream and if we’ll ever see Shining Armor or Cadence again and maybe how they’ll react to the events of the story!
“Hope I didn’t bother you much.”
Shoot shoot shoot, say something, Sparkle! You’re being weird again! “No, you weren’t bothering me.” Yes! Good! “No one really talks to me, so I guess it was kind of nice.” No!
This scene was SUPER funny I really like how you’re able to write these quick, witty exchanges that feel like the characters from the show with a more mature feel to it
Twilight hated being pitied. Being such a pitiful person.
I really like this line here. You’ve mastered this style of like… having twilight think something then INSTANTLY switching what it means cause with the first sentence I’d imagine it was her disliking others and how they act when they pity her but the second sentence IMMEDIATELY recontextualizes it into her hating HERSELF. It’s brilliant
It felt like Sunset—strong and steady and warm.
I really love how you wrote Sunset and Twilight during the first act their friendship feels so easy and so difficult as well just because twilight doesn’t know how to deal with someone new that she hasn’t perfectly learned how to avoid from knowing them since grade school, like she doesn’t know her and it makes all of their interactions feel like they’re trying SO HARD to learn who the other is and it just feels like such a genuinely high school experience I love how you write this
The ice was back, though not as blatant as before. It hid between Celestia’s words, biting at her consonants and the breaths she took between.
This description took my breath away. You really have this way with words of describing characteristics and mannerisms in ways that manages to completely blindside me and it just makes reading your story so exhilarating. I never know what’s coming and I adore it for that!
I’m gonna cut this one off here cause it’s already fairly long and I am NOT sending a 5000 word ask on tumblr so I’ll probably send more later but holy shit I need to mention this. The way you end all the chapters of the story by focusing on how twilights outlook on science and magic and friendship is shifting slowly with every experience is amazing and it makes me feel so happy and excited everytime I get to the end of the chapter!!
Also you mentioned a 30k epilogue in my last ask and uh. oh my god. I’m very excited for that!! AND ANOTHER THING. Your art is absolutely STUNNING. I love reading a chapter and then looking at the art. The art for the applejack chapter is so amazing, the composition just blows me away and I love how you choose to do this black and white, almost sort of painting-esque look to all of them. AND I JUST SAW THE ONE FOR FLUTTERSHYS OH MY GOD. Twilights head coming out of its mouth… fluttershy with the stake… AND THE PINKIE PIE ONE? (Sorry I downloaded the fic so none of the images carried over so you’re getting my live “WHAT THE FUCKKKKK” reaction to all of these) THE BALLOONS??? COVERING TWILIGHT?? BECAUSE SHES ASHAMED AND HIDING HER PAIN BEHIND A SMILE? AND DOESNT WANT ANYONE TO FIND OUT?? AND PINKIE PIE WITH A SINGLE BALLOON WITHOUT A SMILE AND HER EYES HIDDEN AUGHHHHHH
Love this!!!
hi yes hello i think ive finally collected myself enough to figure out how to respond to this!! first of all: thank u so much again for ur indepth thoughts!!! like holy shit it rlly makes me so happy to get comments like this u will not believe ldksfjlksdfkff
focusing specifically on the ice line w celestia u highlighted, that's actually one of the ones im most proud of in the entire fic! it was rlly fun to work w some alliteration nd i think the flow/rhythm of it turned out rlly nice, and im glad that you liked it too :D
honestly, to me writing is pretty much the same as drawing, just instead of like colours and shit u gotta think of the shapes of letters and sounds of words and the rhythm of sentences blending together yknow? and if i had any advice to give, instead of "colour picking" like in art, i like to "word pick" or "concept pick" instead, basically take a phrase or idea from a previous sentence / para and reuse it in another context (like another part of the canvas almost). it's a bit of an abstract way to think but it works for my brain so maybe it can work for u too, or anyone else reading this xd
and im so glad u like the art!! i didn't realize that downloading the epub from fimfic removes the art, which i guess means anyone who read c12 + the epilogue in epub rather than on the site missed out on some key stuff dkfjsdlfjdkf not to mention all the chapter cards, oopsie. maybe ill update the authors note or smth if i remember too (she said, like a liar who definitely wont)
actually, i went with the bw style bc a) colour theory sucks but also b) it works well for printing physical copies lol. ik some other ponyfics have done physical runs, so maybe if i ever get time ill learn how to put all that together (and that way ppl definitely dont miss out on the art xd)
i guess to end it off, the point u made abt shining, it was rlly important to me to show his nd twilight's dynamic as smth supportive! im an older sibling (not by much tho), so i tried to write from the perspective of what an imaginary older brother might be like for me. since i imagine shining a lot older than twi (if she's ~17, i imagine he's mid-twenties), maybe he's a bit of an uncle-like figure / trusted adult too, rather than just an older brother. but im not rlly sure! have a doodle regardless, and i hope you enjoy the rest of the story!
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adestayskz · 3 months
Hi lovely! How are you? Hope you’re doing good, rest well and drink water!🥰💕
This is my first time sending an ask so idek if I’m doing it right lol sorry!
Also feel free to completely ignore this ask if it made you uncomfortable! ^^
I just wanted to say how much I LOVE and adore case 143, I love your writing it’s so good, each emotion they feel in the story, I also feel irl which is so cool and amazing, I’m not good with words so idk how to show my appreciation with words I’m sorry🥲
If it’s okay I wanted to release some pent up emotions from minsung’s actions cause they’ve been on my nerves in the last chapters😓
I AM SOOO FUCKING LIVID!!! HOW DARE THEY?! GENUINELY HOW DARE THEY!!!! Jisung CHEATED on her with his EX!!!! The bitch we all hate and would like to set on fire!!! And minho basically used her for sex and romantic shit cause he’s bitchless!!!! They BOTH used her and THREW her away the first chance they got!!! Because what?! Bros before hoes?(sorry I’m just so mad at them😭) and what PISSES ME OFF IS THAT THEY BOTH SAID THEY ARE IN LOVE WITH HER!!!!!!! WHO, NO REALLY, WHOOOO would do all of this to someone they love???!!!!!! And minho basically said fuck anything and everything I’ve said and done I’m going with my boy jisung and am gonna act like such a jerk towards her, like bro what do you mean???!!!!! I couldn’t read his texts with jisung and y/n without taking a break and walking around my room and screaming into my pillow cause GOD IS HE SUCH AN ANNOYING MAN RN! God i wanna punch the life outta both of them! They’re acting like she’s some disgusting piece of shit, when both of them did her SO WRONG, I’m not entirely siding with her though, cause going with minho was wrong but they’re acting like they’re some angels that can do no wrong (people like that really make me mad in case you haven’t noticed lol😭) and are completely innocent, and changbin?? Dude cmon what are you doing! And the chan slander? Whhhhaaaaaatttttttttt😭😭 I’m just basically going crazy rn😭😭
And I love how in the middle of all this drama, hyunlix are just living their best life😭💀 good for them honestly, they shouldn’t let the drama ruin their lives
That’s it thank you for your time if you made it till here, I’m actually so sorry for taking so much cause I just read everything I’ve said and realized I’ve yapped so much so I’m sorry for that😭
hiiii !!! i’m good and you?
sorry for the late reply, i was sleeping ahah !!
don’t worry, jisung and minho will suffer👀👀👀
next chapter today, as always ! a chapter a day ! if i can, ill post two but no promises !
thank you so much for you comment ! it’s so sweet of you 🤧🤧🤧🩷
love, adé🥀🤎
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: hsmtmts 2x01-2x12
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gina saying ‘i’m gonna make my mark’ while walking through nini and ricky, causing them to break their handhold…yeah.
poor gina, she likes ricky so much
that was harsh, ricky didn’t deserve that.
oh my God, nini’s ‘team kourt’ pullover is so cute
blondie has a great voice but she’s a shit person, i have to say
kourt, ash and gina did so good but i kinda wish ashs voice wasn’t at the forefront
i officially hate blondie, how dare her laugh at big red falling???
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ashlyn as belle my beloved <3
the hearts on nini’s face, aw
lmfaoooo he’s in denver
‘…i’m taking it in stride’ ‘you’re dressed in all black’ pls
big red saying valentine’s day is centered around the color red so he should have it on lock and pointing to his hair was hilarious i love him
ricky definitely has some buried feelings for gina cause there’s no other reason why their scenes are now slightly awkward in that cute way it is when characters have mutual feelings for each other and don’t know how to act esp when one half is in a relationship 🤭
‘there are just some things i tell you that i don’t tell anybody else’ ‘i think we do that for each other’ who else is doing it like them? definitely not rini lmao
not ricky shushing gina cause nini’s calling??? now why would he do that if he didn’t feel slightly guilty for hanging out with her? emotionally cheating ricky we love you🫂
big red and ashlyn are so adorable together
the way ricky immediately sent that text to gina, he’s so fucking obvious 😭
‘love you, mom!’ seb is so cute
kourt as lead when??
ricky’s fucking face when he sees nini’s voicemail and gina’s text 😭
reds song was saurrr cute
ricky’s down so bad, gina didn’t even say anything funny and he immediately lost it
‘what, do i need to send you a random box of chocolates to prove it? 😏’ gina is literally the only one so far who brings out ricky’s flirty side
‘i go big, gina. you know that.’ GOD
kinda wanna throw hands with mr mazzara for being there for ej but not willing to be there for ricky earlier
need someone to notice something’s wrong with gina and hug her
is gina leaving again? kinda getting that vibe
gina’s performance was AMAZING
WOW i think that’s genuinely the best cover of ‘the climb’ i’ve ever heard
‘i’ve never been accused of being speechless’ 🫂
oh wow, they stole their beauty and the beast idea
‘i’m ready to come home’
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‘what would you ask your future self?’ ‘trick question, gaston’s dead!’ he’s not wrong 😭
ricky’s allergic to change and it’s definitely his parents fault
‘i wouldn’t quit on us, if i wasn’t moving away’
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‘nini’s back and…he’s so happy now’ SHE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY, TOO!!!!
espionage 😭😭
gina finally got a hug 🥹
ricky saying he’d ask if the beast and belle were still together in the future + nini writing that song…yeah, they were built to fall apart
‘oh my God, is your phone hungry?!’ lmfaoooo
‘do you really think they’d steal from us?’ ‘i would :D’ pls?? gina’s so funny 😭
‘if you leave me unsupervised with their costumes i cannot promise i won’t go all gina 1.0 in there’ lmfao i love her
the way i gasped in sync with everyone else when that kid called the costume fugly 😭
ricky and nini is the worst relationship on the show
okay, i did NOT see howie being the beast coming
‘miss jen, we didn’t break anything’ ‘would you like me to be the first?’ miss jen said her hands are rated E for everyone
‘keep our heads down and our chins up’ ‘i don’t think that’s physically possible’ ‘it’s an expression, sebastian!’ she’s so done with him 😭
rini needs to end, they aren’t good together at all
i already hate ej’s dad, he sounds so full of himself and he’s only said a few words lmao
kourt’s mom is the best parent on the show i fear
damn, all the relationships are imploding this ep
i would’ve preferred gina and ej just being friends tbh
i feel bad for nini and ricky of course, but their relationship was not it
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okayyyy an andi mack reunion!! i’m here for it!
i love the song and video they made, i just wish ricky was there, too
gina is so damn shippable cause why am i here thinking her and jack would be cute together
ricky’s song is so good
ej showing up at the airport…ricky should’ve ran into gina there on his way home and they should’ve taken an uber together or something
‘i think i may have played troy at one point’ pls 😭
lily’s incredibly annoying
seblos 🥹
oh fuck, ricky fell 😭
the musical is really good
lily stole the harness, didn’t she?
‘i’ve always seen your name in lights’ oh my God, they’re so cute!!!
why can’t gina ever just be happy?!?
Gina and nini’s friendship (i use that word loosely lmao) is cute
nini being more upset about her and gina than ricky and gina…she doesn’t give a fuck about him dkgjfjs
oh wow, gina’s definitely gonna introduce nini to her brother
‘are you happy?’ miss jen is already better than both of ricky’s parents just by asking that simple question
i’m so glad they dropped out
oh brother
the cast performing you are the music in me 🫶🏻🥹
aww, olivia crying 🥺
that’s a wrap on s2 and if you made it to the end of this lb, pat yourself on the back lmfao
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etherealising · 1 year
Hey, honey!! I don’t mean to jump in, but I saw that anon message sprouting their “author to author” bullshit and got mad FOR you, and just wanted to reach out and say: fuck that; fuuuuuuuuuuuuck all of that. You absolutely do not deserve that. The fuck is wrong with people? Honestly? It just makes me think that some people are so fucking bored in their pathetic lives that their one jolt of “happiness” is trying to bring others down to their level. That’s what a bully does, making people feel small cause it makes them feel all tough from behind a computer or phone screen. And it’s just not right, like… I didn’t realize we all went back to the third grade where bullying was “normal”.
In my time of writing, I’ve learned that that whole “author to author” spiel is just a cover. They’re JEALOUS of what you have created and how they’re NEVER gonna produce something that good. I won’t repeat what’s already been said but you’re doing amazing; haters like that just live in a delusion that Tumblr writers are, like, they’re personal authors.
Delete those message, tell them to fuck off - whatever you need to do to protect your peace. What they said was absolutely inappropriate (and in my opinion, untrue), and if it means anything, I’m def on your side and supporting you!
Keep writing! Keep telling haters to fuck off! Keep doing YOU! All my love and excitement to see what else you publish!!
I’m gonna be honest with you this message literally made me cry. Idk if I’m just overwhelmed from everything regarding that anon or what but I appreciate your words so much they really do mean a lot to me!! 😭
I mean I didn’t want to say it because I swore I was just being dramatic, but it did really give bully vibes and I feel like such shit now about my writing and even myself, like please stop sending your personal complaints to fic writers and writers in general it’s none of our business. I could understand if I was using a term wrong or something I write came across anything-phobic and someone needed clarity or to correct me, I welcome that. But it’s not my job to write to anyone’s specific needs but MY OWN!!
We will never know what their intentions were but I am tired of being nice about it and trying to defend them the way I have, because at the end of the day the message never should’ve have been sent, and if they felt as strongly as they did they could’ve typed it in a google doc and deleted that bullshit.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I cannot say it enough, I’m new to publishing my work so I don’t have a very big support system of other writers but just having you validate that my reaction was justified means so much! I appreciate your kind words and support so much you’re such a genuine soul for this : ) 🩵
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tears-of-amber · 1 year
Hey there! Do you mind me asking how you interpret communications from deities and how to actively work with them? I genuinely have no idea how to start. I have called on a few to assist in some workings or intentions, and made offerings here and there out of distanced respect, though I wouldn’t say I really like… work with or follow them. But I would like to! I’ve felt very drawn to Brigid specifically, but I haven’t the slightest idea how to move forward with being a follower or having a relationship with her as a matron goddess. It seems so daunting sometimes? I’m not sure how to reach out and how to know I’m being responded to, or how to work with a deity or spirit in general. What if she doesn’t want me reaching out to her? I’ve always been a secular witch and more in tune with the moon and earthly energies, but I’ve been more and more drawn to the deities lately. idk I’m rambling lol. Any advice or tips or anything would be so appreciated ❤️
Happy Barley moon! Ok this answer is going to be a bit long, so be patient lol. The best thing you can do is reach out to her. No god or goddess is gonna get pissed cause you reached out and want to work with them (unless they’re from a practice closed and not for you). They might turn you down. But they’ll never get weird about you asking. It’s pretty harmless just stating your intentions, like “I’m really wanting to work with you Brigid.” Write it in a letter or pray it to her. She’ll know your heart is reaching out. Then the worst that can happen is she says “no” or “not right now, I have nothing to teach you at this stage in your life.” How will she answer you? Here’s the thing. Gods and goddesses all have their preferences with how they communicate back to you after you ask a question. The surest way to go about receiving their answer is to be open to it coming from a place you don’t expect to work. Tarot is usually how I get answers. I call upon the god or goddess I wish to communicate with, after making an offering, I ask my question and pull the card or cards for an answer. But what surprised me about Freya (the goddess I’m devoted to) is that she answered through MULTIPLE ways. Pendulum. Tarot. And Falcon appearances. I’ve never had a deity confirm in so many ways. But the quickest answer you can get is probably a form of divination that you’re comfortable with. Other signs you receive will reinforce that answer.
A lot of people talk about “hearing” and “this god said this to me.” That has never been how it works for me, and I truly believe that’s ok. I don’t hear shit from deities. I hear the occasional sound of a violin playing when no violin is there, but that’s it. I also don’t see deities in hallucinations or visions in the waking world. Only VERY rarely in dreams do I see them. And that’s usually when they really REALLY need to convey something.
So me talking every day to Freyja is always with my tarot deck. Or I just fill her in on the tea, if you know what I’m saying. I let her know when I’m reminded of her. I say “thank you Freyja” when I notice a particular sign or blessing from her. And I feel connected and confident this way.
It’s really not some huge intimidating thing reaching out. Witchtok will make it sound like a fantasy book. “Yeah, I saw Loki in my kitchen and he told me a prophecy and I knew it was him because I am the chosen one who will lead an army at ragnarok”. Like bitch maybe some of that’s true but I HIGHLY doubt Loki just showed up in godly form in your kitchen to tell you how the world is gonna end and that you are chosen to lead an army and other frilly witchtok shit. Yeah. You get my point. Anyyyway. Hit me up or send another ask if I missed anything.
In short: just reach out. It’s easy. Pray. Write a letter: etc. and if they turn you down it’s usually nothing to do with you being “unworthy”. It might just be they think someone else has more to teach you.
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chloeangelic · 1 year
you’re on a website full off mentally ill people lol (and I really don’t mean that in a bad way, but tumblr especially has always been a place for people to be open about mental health and stuff)
People here are always gonna be too intense, too into stuff, too whatever. Some people aren’t able to slip back into a normal mindset after reading a fic and yeah, that’s on them. But as long as they don’t send any hate it’s their business.
You whole post about how Joel can be a mass murder and everyone still loves him but what happens in rendezvous makes him a “bad” person to everyone. Meh. It’s all just fanfiction, it’s really not that deep. Obviously when we’re reading most things from readers perspective it feels shitty and makes Joel look shitty. He’s not gonna be a mass murder in a no outbreak fic so the boundaries are going to be completely different. And personally I would consider what Joel did cheating, not on MC but on Katy, but you’re the author, you decide.
And yeah, people are gonna be mad about angst and especially angst/bad endings. (Again, as long as they don’t send mean/hate asks, I think it’s fine?) you gave enough warnings so its up to them to decide if they want to read it. But some people are never going to stop wanting happy endings and that’s okay too. Life is already shitty enough, why read fanfic about a shitty life lol. And for people reading Joel fanfic, obviously a shitty ending would be for him to be with someone else and not “you”
It would be a completely different story if the “you” is Katy, obviously. And then people would feel shitty at the thought of Joel with current rendezvous MC.
And yeah, you did warn enough. But some people just don’t read or care about warnings. (Like for example, some people on AO3 turn off seeing all the tags so they don’t get spoiled about what happens lol.) then it is of course their own fault. I obviously don’t know what kind of asks you got that were deleted but the ones you posted don’t really seem bad? Katy isn’t actually a real person (besides the person you got the name from) just like Joel isn’t actually a real person so who cares if someone insults them lol
You should probably turn off anon asks if the last chapter is going to piss off everyone. But I also think you knew what was gonna happen when you post a series like that lol
i mean you basically said it yourself - people are responsible for reading the tags and deciding if the content is okay for them. i havent deleted any anons - i might respond slowly, but i do reply to all anons unless theyre completely pointless or im saving them for something like a roundup post
and youre right, its not that deep, which is why i have no issue writing angsty series like rendezvous, cause its all just me playing with barbies on my keyboard at the end of the day. my post about him being a murderer was just my thoughts and observations on the matter as someone who has written about joel "cheating", going MIA, being forgiven etc.
i know people are gonna be pissed about the last part - people would be pissed no matter how it ends, cause there's essentially three camps of readers. i think its fun to see people being engaged and having strong feelings about it, that just means i wrote something engaging and that evokes emotion like i intended
i have no issue with people being "too invested" in this story, having strong feelings about it, but when people have genuine issues with me writing joel choosing someone else, that just the idea of me writing one story like that makes them personally feel like shit, i think like its important for me to say i think its a concerning way of interacting with fanfics. im not making anyones life worse by writing the things i write lmao
not entirely sure what kinda answer you wanted here haha but those are my thoughts on what you said!
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kpophubb · 2 years
me being happy just isn’t possible atm cus shit keeps happening… I can’t catch a break
Hi baby Melli 🫶🏻🤍 oh no..I’m so sorry to hear that :((
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I know how hard life can get at that teenage point in life. I remember going through extreme depression, body image insecurities, feeling like I’m not good enough and eating disorders (I still suffer from it now.) having toxic friends, being judged, grades falling everything was so miserable. So coming from a place like that baby, I can assure you that whatever you’re going through it will get better. No matter what happens now, remember that things do get better. You’re a seed now exposed to heavy storms that’s why you can’t grow and remain buried, but know that one day when spring comes into your life again you will grow into a bud and grow into a beautiful flower one day. 💓
That day you’re gonna thank your younger self (the you that you’re now) for hanging on and surviving. Ik it seems impossible and funny now, but I promise you sweet heart that day will surely come where you will learn to love yourself and be proud of the girl you’ve become. 🤍 it’s only a Matter of time. What you’re feeling now is justified bc remember that falling down is so necessary for rising up. The more you fall downwards, the higher up you will rise when times will be right again. <3
And don’t please bottle up your emotions and avoid them just cause you feel like you’re gonna burden anyone by talking. That’s very toxic and will destroy you. Someone will always be out there to listen and help you, to console you bc they care baby. If you wanna rant or talk about literally anything, know that you can always send me an ask or slide into my dms (if you wanna share personal stuffs) and I’ll be here FOR YOU. 🤍 I’ll listen to you and try my best to comfort you NOT OUT OF SYMPATHY but out of GENUINE CARE. 🫶🏻 mwuah and here take another tight and warm hug! 🥰
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melaninsenshi · 1 month
i also feel like i would be open to more certain things if he was the same race. i never in my life thought that i would fall in love with someone that isn’t black. in my head i genuinely thought (especially because i went through a very radical phase in high school) i would only ever seriously date a black person
when i was younger i told myself i would only procreate with another black person because i genuinely just want a black child and not gonna lie i still feel the same way. my very formative years when i was trying to learn more was all filled with black love and black radicalization.
i love my man to beyond’s, i would do almost anything for him. but whenever he sends baby shit or something along the lines they are never black. i cannot see myself having a child that isn’t black. a part of me wants to give home one purely out of love but then my cognitive brain reminds me that’s dumb asf.
there was a moment when he said he wanted his child hair to be like his, like he didn’t want them to have black hair, i do not want to have a child with a non black person i can’t. i don’t even want a child to begin with but when i had imagined them they were black like me.
i can’t, i don’t see myself having a kid with a man that most likely wants his kid to look lightskin and bright like him. i don’t want a child that goes on the internet to then use me as a means to say the n word. like oh my mom is black even though i don’t look it i can still say it. i don’t want that. i want a fully monoracial black child. he will not be getting a baby from me especially because i don’t even wanna be a mom fr, but after you saying you want the child to have your hair oooh yeah
i wish this nigga woulda just found him a fat booty afro latino that’s what he actually wants and needs. the way this man would show me other women he is attracted to. i would NEVER send him a pic of a fucking guy with his print out but it’s okey if it’s a girl and he’s sending it to me right.
i just know based of certain things i would never do certain things for him. i will not have his child i don’t even fucking want kids and i’m going to convince myself just cause of a dumb ass strong emotion like love. i’m also not having a child with a non black person because y’all be anti black asf. he has said some questionable things but i don’t even go back on him with it because he says he’s changed. but i find that very funny cause this man gone say that black people can get away with certain things, meanwhile i wasn’t legit never racist.
i said certain things as a joke but he would take it further, me thinking it’s still jokes i would just agree. i never said any racist shit but he would and i would just laugh cause i’ve had jokes like this with non romantic relationships and it was fine. we kikied. him tho, i felt like he wanted to paint black people as oppressors.
like to say that a black person could get away with saying something racist when in the fucking media, on a wider fucking scale that’s all they blame on black ppl. anything that america has done (actually white colonizers) is somehow blamed on black americans for “upholding” as if black americans too do not suffer in america. i’m not even fucking african american, i got a whole country to claim but i see the shit.
it’s fucking weird how you can divulge so much into black american culture, so much to the point you’re saying the people that raised you and gave yo YOUR culture wouldn’t understand a black american song or reference. you non blacks divulge soo much into black culture you fuckin think it’s yours. like y’all will legit know where you’re from, you’re family has culture and heritage but still heavily engage with and align with black culture and rap (especially if you’re a non black male) but in the same breath shit on black americans howwww???
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comfortzonelm · 1 year
My Almost
Hi "Babe" shit I miss this char! Namiss kong tawagin ka na babe and please pagbigyan mo ko ulit this time tawagin kang babe. Hindi ko alam ano pa sasabihin ko pero alam mo naman na Mahal kita.
Thank you sa 3months na pagiging girlfriend mo, thank you at hinayaan mo kong mahalin ka. Alam mong mahal na mahal kita since day 1 na nakilala kita, yes hindi ko agad nasabi sayo pero pinaramdam ko naman lagi ako available sayo until now. Ganun kita pinapahalagahan , ikaw ang the best na nakilala ko sa LITMATCH alam mong kaya ko silang talikuran at ikaw pa din ang pipiliin ko. Pero this time I’m gonna choose myself. Sobrang dami natin memories  together since day 1 na nag usap tayo. Ikaw ang naging comfort zone ko kahit minsan balagbag lang naman ang alam mo pero pag kausap mo never mo pina pafeel sakin na balagbagin mo ko.
Ikaw yun kachismisan ko everyday alam mo yun gigising pa lang tayo ng 6am chismis na hangggang sa matulog chismis pa din minsan naiisip ko na sana hindi na lang tayo pumasok sa relationship pero hindi naman ako nagsisi na naging tayo dahil sobra ko naging masaya nun naging tayo at alam ko naman na ganun ka din.
Kahit magkachat tayo sa Messenger since November 25 puro chat lang and then never naman tayo nagusap tru voicecall na akala ng iba na nag uusap na tayo. Sobrang napakaganda lang ng samahan natin kaya sobrang hirap ako makaget over. Nawala yun taong comfort zone at yun taong mahal ko.
I just want you to know that honestly. I’m starting to accept that we cannot pretend that everything could be like we used to be. Even though I really want this to work pero ayaw mo na and I understand, there are things that we can’t force just to make it happen. Loving you made me the happiest.
You’re love made me feel my worth. You’re the reason why I can smile genuinely , and words will never be enough to express how grateful I am and to tell the world why you’re the best of the best.
Thank you for making me feel safe and secure. You taught me a lot of things. Now I know why people tend to watch the moon from apart.
You don’t know how much it makes my heart heave not to expect your chats, especially when you were consistently sending them before. You don’t know how sad it is knowing that I’m not the first person you want to talk first in the morning anymore. You don’t know how painful its is to unlove someone that you want to love every second of your life. It’s sad that we ended like this and you don’t want to fix it anymore. I am just waiting myself to accept the fact that isn’t work anymore, but there’s still hope in me, so I still don’t have the courage to leave. You were the first person that I’ve ever love this way but I think loving you isn’t enough for us to work. I tried my best, but it’s draining me too. I am slowly detaching myself from you. You mean so much to me but I don’t want to lose myself. We could’ve been a silly , cute couple, but there are so many things happen in our lives that make this relationship not work. I’m thankful for all positive things that you influenced in my life. You were my source of happiness but you also caused me pain that I never knew I would experience. I know at some point I hurt you I want to apologize for, Also sorry that I could not keep my promise that I would stay no matter what. I am tired of missing someone who doesn’t even care about my presence. It’s so exhausting to beg for love. I wish I could tell you all of this, but there are things that are better kept unsaid. I love you but I think that love isn’t worth it anymore to stay and hurt myself over and over again.
Thank you Ceejhay sa lahat. Alam kong minahal mo ko and accept ko na hanggang dun na lang. Sorry kung naging mahina ako sa breakup natin na kelangan mo dalhin ng guilty dahil sa nagkakasakit ako pero this time you don’t have to worry hindi mo na ako magiging burden sorry sa mga stress na binigay ko sayo sorry kung nagiging masama ka sa tingin ng iba I know na healing process mo yan ginagawa mo. Pero sabi ko naman sayo if you and that girl are really in good terms magiging masaya ako para sa inyo ako lang din naman ang pumasok sa buhay nyo kaya naudlot.
Basta sa susunod na mamahalin mo at mamahalin ka sana tulad ng pagmamahal ko. Mahal na mahal kita Ceejhay. Goodluck sa magiging career mo. Alam mo naman andito lang din ako pag may need ka. And sana wag ka na masyado magpuyat and wag ka na mag overthink sa mga bagay bagay. Sana maiwasan mo na din ang sleep paralysis. Sana pag nahilik ka ng sobra may gumising sayo kasi delikado yun. Lagi ka mag iingat kahit alam kong maingat ka naman talaga. Wag din masyado mainitin ang ulo.
Thank you for being part of my life. Thank you for being my lamp in my darkest days. Thank you for the “good morning texts”, “the goodnight texts”
I love you my comfort zone.
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