#but god... GOD. he waited all last week for me. oh i like him sooooo muchhhhh
bangcakes · 11 months
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ponderingmoonlight · 10 months
How JJK men react when you fall asleep on them
Pairing: Nanami x reader; Gojo x reader; Inumaki x reader (first time yay, thank you @emzalot and @trysudio for the great idea <3)
Word Count: 3,4k
Warnings: not proofread because I really have to go to work right now lol, a little language here and there, otherwise fluff overload, will write a part ll of this so if you wanna get tagged leave a comment and let me know. Also, I'd appreciate it sooooo much if you'd interact with this fic and showed some support <3
Kento Nanami
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It’s been a hell of a week. Work swallows you whole, curses appear like plagues out of nowhere. This summer seems to be worse than any year before, worse than anything you’ve ever witnessed despite the stinging fact that you are a grade 1 sorcerer.
“When was the last time you’ve slept, (y/n)?” Satoru questions playfully when you walk past him.
You have no energy for his bullshit right now, feet shuffling on the floor without a real aim. Oh, but you do have an aim-
“Can’t remember anymore. Let me go home now”, you mumble, heart beating a little faster just by the thought of it.
Going home means meeting him. After weeks of being apart, after weeks of not really seeing each other, you’ll finally come back home to him. Kento Nanami, the best boyfriend walking on this earth. Kento Nanami, who was the one who forced Gojo to talk to the elders in order to give you a few days off. Kento Nanami, who is the only thing on your mind except for sleep right now.
“Come on, let me drive you home, (y/n). No need for you to walk that whole way”, Gojo suggests.
You can’t argue. In fact, you don’t even want to. Even the thought of sitting for a few minutes seems like a relieve at the moment.
“Your man was really mad when he found out you were assigned for another bunch of missions this week, threatened to slap me if I don’t talk to the elders”, the man next to you comments amused while starting the car.
Kento is a calm and collected man, never too much of anything. But when it comes to you and your safety, he seems to put on another face.
Definitely a hot one.
“I hope he slapped you anyway”, you reply with a weak grin, earning a heartfelt laugh from Gojo.
“Not yet, but let me escort you to the door just in case.”
He stops the car, your numb body refusing to get up. You just started to get comfortable, maybe you’re able to rest your eyes on the passenger seat for a second…
“Come on, you just need to walk inside. Kento already waits for you.”
“Did you drive her here?”
Oh, that sweet voice. That sweet voice you get drunk on over and over again, that voice that lures you into relieving darkness. Now you’re save. Now you’re finally able to rest.
“Hey sweetheart, are you alright?”
His comforting touch caresses your cheek gently, you can tell he’s gazing down at you worried.  But as much as you want to lift you arms and finally embrace your boyfriend in a tight hug, as much as you are forcing your eyes to open and take in his striking sight, you simply can’t move.
“Let me carry you inside. You definitely need to rest now”, he mumbles.
Softly, he lifts you out of the passenger seat. You feel like melting away in an instant, the mixture of his masculine scent along with the warmth of his body being your personal heaven on earth. God, how much you love that man, how much adore that he stood up for you, that he lets you rest in his comforting arms right now.
“Thank you for helping me out”, Nanami addresses towards Gojo.
“No need for that. We’re buddies after all, right? And I don’t wanna get slapped by you. Good night, (y/n), sleep tight!”
As much as you’d love to bite back, your tongue is so numb you can’t even bring out anything apart from a minor groan.
Kento’s tall frame begins to walk, his tight muscles reflecting every little movement against your head. What a sensation it is, knowing that you’ll lay curled up next to him in bed within the next minutes.
“Missed you”, you mumble.
His touch brushes over your back comfortingly while he steps back into the warmth of your inviting home.
“I’m so glad you’re home again, sweetheart. But before you’re all mine, you have to catch up with your sleep. When was the last time you were able to rest?”
You can’t put a finger on it. Apart from a few short naps now and then, there was absolutely no chance to sleep for 3 hours straight within the last week. But telling Kento that definitely doesn’t seem like a good idea, not that you are able to build a straight sentence anyway.
“Don’t know”, you hush.
Gently, he lays you down onto your soft mattress. You curl up in an instant, taking in his scent inside the soft linen of your blanket. Oh, this feels like nothing but heaven. Especially because he positions himself next to you, pressing your back against his broad chest.
“Get your well-deserved rest. I won’t let something like that happen again”, he breathes against your ear.
“I love you, Kento. Thanks for standing up for me…”
His skilled fingers tuck a strand of hair that hangs in your face behind your ear before stroking your head just the way you like it.
“I will always look after you, (y/n). Now rest a little and tell me about the last weeks when you’re ready. I’ve already shopped for this evening, I want to cook your favourite meal for you.  And-“
He stops himself from talking, your low and steady breath making it more than clear that you are already sound asleep. With a small smile, Kento tucks you into the blanket and presses a kiss against your forehead. Oh, how much you deserve to finally rest, how lovely you look with your relaxed facial features and your head completely swallowed by your pillow
“Sleep tight, I love you more than anything else, (y/n).”
Satoru Gojo
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“No offense, but you look like you haven’t slept in days.”
You can’t hold in a yawn, teary eyes staring at the man in front of you. That definitely was a rough mission. So rough that Satoru Gojo had to step in to save your puny ass. And if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, you can barely keep your eyes open. That fucking demon you weren’t able to exorcise all night, fucking Satoru Gojo who took forever to come to your rescue.
“I’m fine”, you grumble, avoiding his gaze at any cost.
Why on earth does it have to be him? Why Satoru Gojo instead of someone decent like Geto? Now, you’ll have to live with his stupid comments for at least some months.
“Baby, you look like you’re about to pass out.”
“Don’t call me baby”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
Get yourself together, keep your eyes open. Why on earth are you so damn tired right now? Maybe because you were fighting the whole night, maybe because you haven’t slept enough for ages.
“Feel free to rest a little, this car ride will take us some time”, Ijichi interrupts softly, gazing at you through the mirror.
“I’m fine”, you groan.
God, why is everything so damn annoying at the moment? Your eyes wander to the man next to you who just grins from ear to ear. It’s because of him, that fucker over there.
“Don’t worry, I will take care if something happens”, he assures you.
Urgh, you are too tired to deal with his shit-talking right now. You turn pointedly towards the window, staring into the rainy late morning. What time is it? You have no idea. All that you know is that you’ve been awake for more than 48 hours by now, your body being completely worn out and covered in bruises. Maybe Shoko will give you a decent pain killer that shoots you into another dimension. Yeah, that actually sounds nice.
Satoru’s eyes lay on you, how your body gets sluggish in the car seat with every passing minute. Until your head rests against the window, until your heavy eyes get the best of you and your mouth opens. Yes, you were completely worn out by the time he arrived. And it is more than well-deserved that you rest now. But why do you have to look this lovely while doing so?
“Is she asleep?”, Ijichi questions softly.
“Oh she definitely is. No wonder after that hell of a mission. Please turn the music down a little so she doesn’t wake up.”
Even though you’re always act cold towards him, Satoru can’t help but admire you from afar. You are so feisty, so strong, so lovely it takes his breath away. It seems like the only time he’s even able to look your way properly is when you are asleep.
And he enjoys every second of it.
Ijichi makes a sharp turn to the left, eyes widen in horror when another car is only inches away from crashing into him. Before Satoru is able to react, your body crashes against his, your head now resting against his shoulder. He holds his breath, heart almost beating out of his chest. He never came this close to you, not without you complaining. From here, you look even lovelier, your steady breath brushing against his neck in a way that makes him see start.
But you don’t seem to mind. No, instead your arm wraps itself around his as you rub your head against his shoulder in order to find a comfortable position.
“Is she still sleeping? I hope this didn’t wake her up…”
“Nah, she’s asleep”, Satoru mumbles.
The urge to touch you becomes almost unbearable. How is he supposed to sit still when you are cuddled against him like this? How is he supposed to not stretch out his hand when your hair looks so inviting, when he wondered about what your skin feels like since knowing you?
A little touch can’t hurt, right? A simple, innocent touch…
Slowly, his trembling fingertip brushes over your cheek. It feels like electricity is running through his veins where his skin meets yours. You really are strikingly beautiful, even when your face is squished against his shoulder, even when your mouth hangs slightly open. And oh, the perfume you wear smells absolutely intoxicating. How is it possible he never realized how good you smell?
He stares at you with his eyes wide open, movement stuck in its tracks while you blink away the sleep and gaze up at him in drunken confusion.
“Are we there yet?”
“No, we’re still on our way back”, he explains briefly.
You look around, the realization of where you are slowly but surely hitting you like a wall. Oh god, is this Satoru Gojo you’re resting your head on? And is it his hand that cups your cheeks.
“I-Im so sorry!”, you stutter, instantly lifting yourself up and stroking your hair.
Fuck, why is this so embarrassing? Even Gojo’s cheeks get light pink while he avoids your gaze, fumbling with his hands frantically.
“Nah I’m sorry. Should have pushed you back…”
You swallow hard, death silence hanging in the air. Even though you only slept for maybe 10 minutes, you feel like you haven’t had such a good nap in a long time. Was is because of him? Is it because you feel…safe?
“Your shoulder was quite comfortable”, you mutter before you can stop yourself.
“Yeah, you think so?”
“Somehow, yeah…”
Is Satoru Gojo maybe not as bad as you thought? He could have yanked your body back into the seat immediately if he wanted to. Hell, you wouldn’t have been able to even touch him if he didn’t allow it. So maybe, just maybe he doesn’t hate you as much as you thought he does.
Just like you.
“Well, you can come over here anytime y’know.”
Your eyes dart towards him in an instant, looking for a single spark of dark humour on his face. But no. All he does is awkwardly smiling and patting his shoulder like he’s inviting you over.
Is this…Alright? Should you really do it?
“Your arm seems comfier than the window, so why not…”
Hesitantly, you loosen your seatbelt and slide into the middle seat right next to him. The warmth radiating from his body seems to swallow you whole in an instant, a yarn escaping you just by the thought of continuing your nap.
“Don’t you dare to tell anybody about this”, you mumble against his shoulder, eyelids already so heavy that you fail to keep them open.
“I will use this against you whenever I have the chance to.”
Toge Inumaki
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It’s hard to keep your eyes open when the old fart in front of you talks about his boring and made up adventures for over 2 hours by now. Not even the stinging fact that your crush is sitting next to you can keep you from holding your head in your hands, eyes slowly but surely closing.
Unexpectedly you feel a hand tapping against your forearm, ripping you out of your daydreams. Toge’s smile catches you off guard, sweeps you off the ground and almost off your chair. How embarrassing, did you really almost fall asleep while sitting next to him? Today was the first time you’ve had enough courage to ask him if he wants to sit next to you. How are you even able to be tired when he’s so close you can literally feel the heat radiating from his body?
With a firm smile, he slides a little note your way.
“Hey, don’t fall asleep”
You swallow, cheeks heating up in an instant. So he noticed? Oh no, earth should swallow you whole and get you out of this mess as soon as possible. Even though you can tell by his gorgeous eyes that he’s grinning, you can’t help but feel deeply ashamed.  
“Thank you”, you mutter through gritted teeth, eyes darting towards the old fart in front.
Why didn’t you go to sleep early tonight, why did you read through all of those chapters when you knew that you’ll have a lecture early in the morning? That slow burn just really got you. Oh, but the main character reminds you so much of him. Him, the boy who doesn’t speak in anything but sushi ingredients in order to save all of you from getting cursed. Him, whose smile could enchant entire nations. Him, who stole your heart since you’ve joined Jujutsu High along his side back then.
But why do you have to make it so complicated, why do you have to act so damn strange around him? Toge must think you’re a total freak, always admiring him from afar while never really talking much with him. Even though he agreed on sitting next to you today, he might have done it because he feels sorry for you.
Your head sinks deeper and deeper, eyes closing themselves before you are able to stop them. When you get home, you’ll definitely finish that enemies to lovers story you’ve read all night. Maybe you’ll be able to be proud of youself for asking him out when you’re back in your room. And just maybe, you’ll be able to ask him out on a date sometime. Maybe stargazing? Or watching a movie together. Just the thought of cuddling with him…
Toge’s eyes dart towards you. Considering your slow breaths and how your head rests in your arms, you definitely fell asleep. Gently, he shakes your shoulder and back, taps your arm and slides a note your way.
“Tuna tuna”, he mumbles inaudibly.
But nothing works. No, your body doesn’t move an inch except for your head that searches a comfortable position. Slowly but surely, your head threatens to wander off the desk, sending you straight towards the floor.
His eyes dart around frantically. What is he supposed to do now? He can’t let the old man notice you fell asleep and risk that you’ll hurt your head. But on the other hand…
Touching you is something he imagined quite often. Since he first laid his eyes on you, it was over. Searching for you in every crowd, sitting next to you as often as possible, protecting you at any cost. Yes, Toge Inumaki fell head over heels for you.
But somehow it seems like you aren’t that interested in him, avoiding his gaze as good as possible, always mumbling short answers only. It surprised him when you came up to him today and asked him to sit next to you, his heart still beating out of his chest just by your presence. Would you be mad, disgusted even if he grabbed you, even if only to save you from falling to the ground?
He clenches his hands into fists, watching in horror as you begin to slide down your chair. What is he supposed to do?
In the matter of seconds, his hands grab your uniform just before you’re about to fall to the floor, catching you just in time and pulling your head onto his lap.
Onto his lap.
You are laying in his lap.
Oh god, this feels so right. No, he has to focus, what will you think of him when you wake up like that? And what will the others do when they catch both of you in this strange-looking position? His face goes pale in an instant, hands desperately holding onto your back so you don’t slide down. This is bad, very very bad. But on the other hand…
No, he can’t enjoy the fact that you’re laying in his lap right now, he can’t allow to let himself fall like that. You are asleep, it would be disgusting to use you like that. Especially when you clearly don’t like him the way he likes you.
He has no other chance but to wake you up.
“Sake”, he mutters along with gently tapping your shoulder.
You don’t react. Instead, you cuddle yourself into his lap, arm now resting across his legs. He closes his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath in and out.
“Sake!”, he hisses into your ear as loud as possible with somebody else noticing.
You jerk up, eyes darting around in confusion. What just happened? You must’ve fallen asleep. Urgh, that old fart is still talking…
“Tuna tuna?”
You blink at the boy next to you with doe eyes. He looks absolutely messed up, glossy orbs staring at you in pure horror. Oh no, did you do something embarrassing? Did you snore next to him? Or worse, did you drool?
Frantically, you wipe over your face. This is a nightmare and you’re still absolutely drained.
“I-I’m sorry”, you stutter.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I’m just a idiot and went to bed way too late last night”, you blubber out.
Gently, Toge grabs the arm that is about to wipe over your face again mid-air and slides another note your way.
“You look cute when you sleep. Would you like to have a movie night when you’re fit again?”
You stare at the neatly written note with widen eyes. This can’t be real, right? Your crush didn’t just ask you out after you passed out on the desk during lecture. It’s like your tongue is stuck in your throat, mouth not able to move. This is way too good to be true, something you’ve dreamt about each and every night. Toge, having a movie night with you?
He stares at you nervously, how you blink over and over again in sheer disbelief. Oh no, was this a mistake, do you think he is a freak for asking you out on a movie night just after you fell asleep? What if you know that you laid in his lap, that he touched you without permission? This was a stupid idea, you made it clear multiple times that you aren’t interested in him like that-
“I…I’d love to”, you suddenly mutter so silently that Toge almost misses it.
“Yeah…I mean, if you’re still up for a meeting…”
“You two, will you shut up already? I’ll remove you from this class if you keep on talking!” the old man suddenly screams so loud that you flinch, sitting straight in your chair in an instant while your eyes dart towards him.
Toge shoves another note your way.
“I’m really excited about meeting you.”
 @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez
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chilisworld55 · 3 months
Your fics are sooooo good!!! The spanish is just the best part!! As a fic idea👀👀 spending summer with Carlos at mallorca!!
Sunburnt dinners, him loosing his mind over how cute you look a little sunburnt with your bikinis and summer dresses
hello anon! thank you so much, i really appreciate it 🫶🏻 I didn’t know if you wanted it to me a smut of just fluff but here you go!
🌶️ warnings: none. just Carlos simping over his fiancé, complimenting her so much
a/n: hihi! i hope you liked this and im sorry if there is any mistake, i’ll try to improve. Feel free to leave feedbacks, requests or anything else!
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It was summer time. Your fiancé, Carlos, surprised you with tickets for both of you to spend a week at Mallorca, a beautiful island in Spain, perfect place to visit in summer.
Carlos is a morning person and wanted to make the most of the few vacation days he had with you. Some days he wakes up early and likes to take you to have breakfast near the beach, other days he likes to cook breakfast himself before taking you for a walk over touristic places, showing new things about his beautiful country.
Then, he made sure not to forget about taking his girl to the beach as well, spending your afternoons there, drinking a couple of cocktails, relaxing under the sun, watching the sunset which is a gorgeous view but for Carlos, you are always his best view.
You’ve noticed that by the way he always has his eyes on you and how he simply cannot keep his hands for himself, always grabbing you, touching you in any way. oh he loves your little outfits for the summer and the sunburns adds the perfect spark to it. You are driving him crazier as the days pass by.
It was the last day you were staying in Mallorca, tomorrow morning you were taking a flight back home with Carlos. The plan for today was having a romantic dinner at a restaurant but you wanted to have a little walk around the island to watch the sunset before that.
You were standing in front of the big mirror at the hotels room, getting ready, doing your makeup and wearing those summer dresses that you loved for how comfy and cute they were. Your fiancé was all dressed up already in some casual clothes, nothing too fancy.
You noticed Carlos stare on you all the time, as you got out from the shower, as you were choosing your clothes, putting them on and now.
“You’ve been staring at me the whole time. Tienes algo que decir?” Do you have something to say? You said, looking at the man sitting over the edge of the bed over the mirror, just right behind you.
“Solo una cosa… y es que te ves tan jodidamente hermosa” just one thing… that you look so freaking stunning. He said, eyes not looking away from your body, obviously checking you out.
“Oh really? thank you, amor, but if you keep staring at me for too long, i might melt” you giggled, turning around now that you’re done with your makeup. “ready now!”
“Wait, come over here. Date una vueltecita” do a little spin for me. He signaled with his fingers and you laughed, doing as he asked before walking over to him.
Once he had you close enough, his hands found their way to your bare waist, pulling you even closer to his body. Your dress had slits there and your back was completely exposed so you could feel his warmth against your skin.
“I think this is my favorite outfit on you so far… i mean you always look so pretty and beautiful but oh my god. i love it” he checked you out for the probably fifth time in the night, fingertips gently caressing your skin. “te ves tan mona, como una princesa, mi princesa” you look so cute, like a princess, my princess.
“yeah? then i should wear it more often so I can be your princess more often” you smiled, hands on his shoulders as he stood up. Carlos leaned down a little to place soft kisses on your lips and cheeks, his beard ticking you a little.
“Doesn’t the ring on your finger means that you’re my princess already? or even better, you’re my queen. Always.” he whispered, leaving a last kiss with a “muaw” sound. “Eres toda mía, cariño” you’re all mine, love.
“And you’re gonna steal all the cameras! The paparazzi are going to be taking photos of this beautiful woman instead of me” he faked a pout, being dramatic as always.
You playfully hit his shoulder. “Hey! you know that’s not true” you giggled at his pout and couldn’t help but kiss those puffy lips that always drive you crazy.
“Con ese vestido de seguro que si” with that dress, i’m pretty sure. He walked closer to the mirror, gently turned around so you’re looking at yourself in it. “Es que mírate” Look at you.
“Nunca me voy a cansar de decirte que me traes loco” im never gonna get tired of telling you that you drive me crazy.
And then you were late for dinner, but still got to have your romantic date. Carlos continued on complimenting every single thing about you, specially about how good you looked, but as much as he loved your outfit, as soon as you came back to the hotel room, the dress didn’t stayed on for much longer :)
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sofs16 · 11 months
spill your guts!
charles x singer!reader
fc: olivia rodrigo 🫀
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liked by charles_leclerc, taylorswift, and 13,493,191 others
yn two days and guts is yours to have💞🪄💌💟
view all 188,694 comments
yn.updated cant wait! 💜💜💜
ariana_2000 whore
⤷ theynroom stfu
⤷ ariana_2000 she literally gets a new boyfriend every month and writes an album about them 😂
september 6, 2023
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liked by charlesss__16, and 1,191 others ynvroom youre joking. YOURE ACTUALLY JOE KING. view all 68 comments
charles.updated what’s happening?
september 7, 2023
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liked by yn, carlossainz55, and 4,559,606 others
charles_leclerc Beautiful night at the @ ferrari Gala in New York! Congratulations on the amazing performance @yn 😉❤️
view all 87,585 comments
yn Thank you!!!💜💜💜
[liked by charles_leclerc]
september 7, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 7,272,282 others
yn grazie for having me @ ferrari! the people here got to a hear the album a day early haha🪄 (didn’t get a photo with my favorite drivers but got a photo of them in a non stalker way..)
view all 436,474 comments
charles_leclerc Oh no, next time! I would have loved to take a photo with you! [ COMMENT DELETED ! ]
charles_leclerc Oh no, maybe next time:) We would have loved to meet you!
⤷ yn definitely! hope to maybe see you guys at japan gp;)
september 7, 2023
━ charles_leclerc has sent you a dm!
Charles Leclerc
You are going to the Japan GP?
Yes!!! Failed to get paddock tix though:(
Charles Leclerc
If you would like, I have extra tickets😄
ooo no thank you, i wouldn’t want to be a hassle😭
Charles Leclerc
It’s no hassle at all! No one will be using them anyways.
are you 100% sure?
Charles Leclerc
1000% sure, is this a yes?
seen 4 minutes ago
Charles Leclerc
Sorry i was jumping around my living room.. YES!
Charles Leclerc
Haha anytime! I did not know you were that interested in F1
truth be told, i’ve been watching it for over a decade like i remember you in f3 2015😭
Charles Leclerc
Oh no🤦‍♂️
it’s okay, just an inchident 😁
Charles Leclerc
No one will let me live this down, yes?
Yes 💌
delivered 20s ago
listen, i really enjoyed talking to you but sadly i have to cut it short since i have this listening party for the album. thank you sooooo much for the paddock tickets and ill see you in a week:))
Charles Leclerc
I will be (re) listening to the album! See you:)
[ yn reacted with ❤️‍🩹]
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 10,697,697 others
yn 😭guts😭is😭out😭
view all 2,282,696 comments
charles_leclerc INSANE! 💜❤️
[liked by yn]
⤷charles1616 oh my god?
taylorswift Amazing, showstopping, splendid, and all that! [liked by yn] carlossainz55 Want to write a song about chilis 🌶️ next time?
⤷ yn done. francisca.cgomez you’re hot.
⤷ yn wait 🤭🤭🤭🤭
september 8, 2023
tokyo, japan
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 7,239,448 others yn 🇯🇵
• “get him back!” broke biggest streaming song in the world in one day (22 MILLION?????)
• guts broke biggest streaming album in the uk ???
• top 10 in billboards is all guts ??? how is life real??? thank you everyone ❤️❤️💜
view all 2,383,595 comments
ynvroom did she just try to sneak in a f1 garage pic. L4NDOS she’s hot in the last slide and knows it
scuderiaferrari ❤️💜
charles_leclerc Congrats! 🍾
⤷ yn champagne is for podium, sharl
⤷ charles_leclerc My bad…
⤷f3rarri55 so we’re never getting champagne? september 15, 2023
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liked by yn, and 4,383,292 others
charles_leclerc P2! 🍾Thank you! We did the best we could today❤️
view all 821,119 comments
yn LETS GOOOOOO!!!! 🍾🍾🍾🍾
[ liked by charles_leclerc]
september 18, 2023
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liked by 3,282 others
view all 1,111 comments
september 18, 2023
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[ slides 1 and 9 of 9 ]
liked by charles_leclerc, yn, and 2,118,282 others
pierregasly Japan dumppp
view all 1,149,383 comments
[ pierregasly deleted the 3rd slide! ]
september 26, 2023
monte carlo, monaco
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 6,282, 383 others
yn beautiful place
view all 1,393,101 comments
chhgasly oh she’s confirmed wag.
yndata not this being her first post non promo post in 2 months😭
⤷ chayn.updates after the 4 “yn seen in paddock/ferrari garage” mentions 😭
conangray i wonder what’s interesting in monaco
carlossainz55 Whose camera is that? Its nice
carlossainz55 What camera is that? It’s nice november 29, 2023
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liked by yn, and 5,118,119 others
charles_leclerc Back home!
view all 632,382 comments
november 30, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 10,696,697 others
yn YNDUMPSTERS ITS BEEN A WHILE BUT CHARLES FUCKING ACCDEITANLY STAINED MY TS CARDIGAN WHILE DOING CAR THINGS AND I NEARLY CRIED. now that i think of it im happy because it’s stained with him and i love him tho🤷🏻‍♀️ im freezing someone get me a sauna
view all 12,282,595 comments
charles_leclerc Though most likely unintentional to post here, this is the sweetest and most chaotic thing someone has ever said about me. I love you too
charlesyn111 STOP “it’s stained with him” LEAVE ME BE
pierregasly Who might be in this dump account…
⤷ landonorris YOU’RE IN IT?
⤷ carlossainz55 Been in there for 3 months papaya…
december 23, 2023
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liked by yn, and 5,796 others
december 24, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 19,595,282 others
yn well.
i kinda fucked up how we were supposed to share our love with the world but now that it’s out there, charles and only charles has my heart, forever.
i wrote a song when i was 15 about having a dream guy and losing him because life isn’t always so kind. though charles showed me that isn’t always true. to the man who makes me feel like the only girl in the world, you are the 1.
“the 1” out now on all platforms 💜💌🏩❗️
view all 2,272,292 comments
charles_leclerc Proudest of you, Amour! Je t’aime💜
maxverstappen1 du du du du du Max Verstappen is better / kidding.
⤷ yn ngl… yeah.
ynsline “if my wishes came true, it wouldve been u” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
december 24, 2023
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liked by yn, and 7,363,722 others
charles_leclerc Spilling my guts, I love my girl! 💜
Happt anniversary @yn 😘 view all 3,226,112 comments
yncharles 3 years and charles is still WHIPPED!
yn mwahhhhh loveu babe
⤷ landonorris Ew
⤷ yn me when i see u
⤷ landonorris wow
⤷ yn jk loveu lando no rizz
carlossainz55 Why does she not age. ⤷ charles_leclerc My pretty girl 💜
november 30, 2025
charles_leclerc instagram story :
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843 notes · View notes
punkshort · 1 year
Chapter warnings: smut (m masturbation), language
Chapter Three
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Pairing: Joel x F!Reader, pre-outbreak and post outbreak
AU (the only thing I kept was the outbreak, Joel, and Tommy's characters. Joel's backstory is different, and the way he finds Jackson is different. I may include Ellie one day, I just haven't planned that far)
Fic Summary: You worked for Joel and Tommy a few months before the outbreak. The outbreak happens, and you and Joel get stuck traveling the country and keeping each other safe. Neither of you spoke about the feelings you had for one another pre-outbreak, and in a post-apocalyptic world, it seems like survival should be your only focus. But feelings can't be ignored forever.
Fic tags: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Smut, Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader is 10 years younger than Joel), slow burn, mutual pining, angst, trauma, SA referencing later but I will put a big warning on those chapters
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You were nervous about the office dynamic once you broke up with Justin. That following Monday, you walked into the department and risked a glance over to his desk. He was hunched over his keyboard, burying himself in some report, looking mildly panicked. You frowned as you made your way to your chair and slunk down, punching in your password while you waited for your computer to boot up.
Colleen popped up quietly behind you.
"Sooooo? How was camping?” she whispered with a huge grin on her face. "Tell me all the details!”
She propped herself against the edge of your desk, trying not to draw Justin’s attention.
“I broke up with him,” you whispered back, eyes wide. You needed to tell someone, your nerves were on fire. You knew you shouldn’t have told the queen of gossip, but people would have figured it out soon enough. Colleen’s jaw dropped.
"What?! Why?” she whispered back, but louder than the first time. You put a finger up to your lips, indicating she was being too loud.
"I don’t know, I just don’t feel the same way he does. He’s a sweet guy, but there’s no spark. I didn’t want to lead him on,” you told her, and turned back to your computer, opening your email program.
“Well, your timing couldn’t have been more perfect. I don’t think he’s got the time to be upset over it. He came in this morning to an email from Joel, with Heather cc’d, wanting a full breakdown on the 401K contributions for the past 6 months. Apparently, he caught some discrepancy, and he wants answers first thing this morning,” she said, raising her head a few inches to glance over the top of your cubical wall in his direction. “He must be shitting his pants; Joel never contacts any of us directly. I don’t think he even knows most of our names.”
You felt guilty as relief flooded through you. At least there was a distraction from the elephant in the room.
About an hour later, Heather came to collect Justin. He followed her out of the room with a folder tucked under his arm and nervously running a hand through his hair. As he walked by your desk, he gave you a tight-lipped smile, which you returned. At least he wasn’t the type of guy to be an asshole about being dumped.
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It had been three hours since Justin and Heather left for their meeting. At this point, his absence was painfully obvious to the whole room, and everybody had given up on trying to be discreet.
The whole department had rolled their desk chairs out to the openings of their respective cubes so they could all see one another as they gossiped and speculated wildly. All except for you. You tried your best to stay out of it, but you kept overhearing everyone’s chatter, and it was incredibly distracting.
“They couldn’t possibly still be talking about a minor discrepancy, could they?” one person asked.
“No way, something happened by now. Oh my God, what if he was stealing from our 401Ks? I read a newspaper article about someone doing that last week!”
“Oh come on, Justin wouldn’t do that,” Colleen chimed in. “I bet they finished up their meeting a long time ago, and he and Heather are in her office doing a deeper dive into the numbers together.”
Everyone went quiet for half a second when the electronic beeping of the door keypad caught the attention of the room. Chairs were hurriedly being pushed back up against desks, and fingers furiously typed, trying to log back into computers that had been long asleep during the gossip.
Heather walked into the hushed room with an empty banker’s box in her hands and headed straight for Justin’s desk. She set it down on his chair and turned to address the room openly.
"Hey guys, I’m sorry I didn’t have the time to call a formal meeting, but I wanted to tell you all personally before the email from HR comes out... Justin quit this morning.” She paused when a couple of people quietly gasped and exchanged looks. “Now I know we are going to have some big shoes to fill, I may call upon some of you to help and do some overtime until we can find a suitable candidate to take his position. As always, if any of you want to recommend anyone you know, my door is always open. But for now, we will just have to make do. Does anyone have any questions? You know I like to be transparent with you.”
Heather glanced around the room of stunned faces. Everyone was wondering the same question, but nobody had the nerve to ask it, until Debbie spoke up from behind you.
"Why did he quit? Was it Joel?” She was standing outside her cube, frowning with her arms crossed, no doubt feeling some residual anger from when Cheryl quit just a few short months ago. Your boss sighed, and slowly nodded.
"Yes. Well, yes and no. Joel really grilled him in that meeting this morning, it went a full hour. I did everything I could to take some of the heat, but Joel was just dialed in on Justin today, I don’t know what got into him. He had a million questions, one after another, and it eventually got to a point where he was outright questioning Justin’s job performance and skillset. It finally got to be too much for him, and Justin announced he was quitting.” Heather paused for a moment and looked around the room at the team. She turned and pulled Justin’s chair from his desk, moving the empty box to the floor. She sat down, looking as if she was exhausted from just recounting the events from the meeting. She rubbed her pointer and middle fingers against her temples for a moment, and then continued.
“Joel didn’t say anything wrong; this is his company, and he has every right to ask those questions… he just has such a harsh way of addressing things. It is a lot to handle. I managed to grab Justin at the elevators and took him back to my office for a while. I tried to convince him to stay but he just wouldn’t hear it, he had his mind made up. I’m sorry guys, I really tried. I know this will put a burden on some of you, I will do my best to fill the position as soon as I can.”
The keypad that operated the door started chiming, and in walked Mike from the mailroom. He had his head down, looking at the pile of mail in his cart, bopping along to the music feeding through his CD player and into his headphones, oblivious to the awkwardness in the room. He stopped at your desk like usual and dropped a big stack of envelopes in your inbox, gave you a quick smile, and turned to leave.
Heather quietly began filling the box with Justin’s personal effects, looking like she desperately needed a cigarette or a coffee break. Or both.
You exchanged a quick glance with Colleen, one that said ‘we are definitely going to talk more about this when she leaves’. Then you noticed the envelope at the very top of your mail pile: Sullivan Agency, LLC.
Your heart thudded in your chest. It was a strange feeling – your body was waging a war within you: relief vs fear. Relief that you didn’t have to pay Mr. Sullivan’s balance out of your paycheck, but fear that you would now have to go to Joel’s office as he requested and tell him about the check.
You shakily opened the envelope and sure enough, as promised, was a check for the full balance due on his account.
You stood up, feeling slightly lightheaded as you made your way over to Heather. She jumped slightly when you quietly said her name.
"I just got the check from Mr. Sullivan. What should I do? Should I just email Joel and tell him it came, or do we really have to go to his office?”
You prayed she would tell you to just email him, but unfortunately, she said “We should tell him in person, I don’t want to make him even more mad.” She stopped organizing Justin’s picture frames and buried her face in her hands for a moment, trying to collect herself. She raised her head up, clasped her hands in front of her mouth in thought, then turned in the chair towards you.
“I really hate to ask you this… do you mind going up to his office by yourself? He’s had enough of me today, and quite frankly I’ve had enough of him, too. He seemed to take a liking to you, it won’t be that bad, it'll be quick.”
She looked at you hopefully, desperately, eyes begging, but followed up with “If you are really uncomfortable, I can go with you, it’s just...” her gaze drifted back to Justin’s desk, and the enormity of just how much work this put on her plate was likely hitting home. Updating a job description, meeting with HR, creating the job posting, screening applicants… the list went on.
You shook your head, always the people pleaser you said, “I got it, don’t worry, I will go up there right now and just get it over with."
You gave her a small smile as relief flooded her face. Heather asked if you were sure, and you promised her you were. Before your resolve broke, you turned on your heel and left, heading towards the elevator. 
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The moment the elevator opened and you stepped out onto the 10th floor, your heart lept into your throat. The nerves were finally catching up with you. You looked up and saw a small desk situated between two closed doors. Behind the desk sat a kindly looking older woman. She had hair so grey that it looked almost blue, and it was woven on top of her head into a conical shape. She looked up at you through her plastic pink framed glasses, which were adorned with a chain that wrapped around the back of her neck so she wouldn’t lose them. She smiled at you warmly, her bright pink lipstick somewhat smudged on her front tooth and beckoned you over. Your eyes flicked to her name plate - Ruby Potter - as you returned her smile and walked over.
“Hi there, dear, who are you here to see?”
“I’m here to see Mr. Miller," you said without thinking. Ruby chuckled.
"Dear, they are both ‘Mr. Miller’. Which one?”
"J-Joel, I’m here to see Joel. I have a check for him," you stuttered, your cheeks warming from embarrassment.
She picked up her phone and punched one of the buttons on her speed dial, lazily lifting the headset to her ear.
"You have an accountant here to see you,” she said. She had forgotten to ask your name. You tried to mouth it to her, but she waved you away, as if she did this all the time. You couldn’t hear the words on the other end of the phone, but you could hear the tone – it was sharp and aggravated. Ruby seemed unphased. Once the other end of the line went silent, Ruby said “So do you want me to send her in, or not?” She nodded with whatever Joel said in response and hung up the phone.
“Go right on in, dear. His office is that one.” She languidly pointed to her right, your left, and then turned her attention back to her computer. You took a moment to appreciate the elderly woman’s ease. She clearly dealt with Joel’s wrath countless times, yet she was completely collected. In fact, she sat before you, well past her retirement years, working directly for the man himself without a care in the world.
That gave you a small confidence boost. If Ruby could handle Joel, so could you. Afterall, it’s just words. You had a job to do, you did nothing wrong, you are here because he requested it. 
You approached Joel’s office door and gently gave it three quiet knocks. You waited until you heard his acknowledgement to enter. You twisted the doorknob, opened the door just enough so you could squeeze through, and shut it behind you.
Shit, maybe you should have left it cracked. Too late now.
Your eyes locked onto the back of his tall, broad frame as he stood facing away from you, one of his arms resting above his head against the window. He was overlooking the city through the floor length windows as he finished up a call on his cell phone.
You had no idea what he said on the phone, you were far more distracted with how large and strong his shoulders looked in his white button-down shirt. Your gaze slowly traveled down, taking in his dark grey dress pants and noticing how generously they hugged his backside. You only wished he had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows like before - you wanted to see his muscles twitching under that tanned skin again. You watched in a daze as he lifted his arm from the window and ran his long fingers through his dark curls, wrapping up the phone call.
Get it together, what is wrong with you??
He pushed a button on his cell and began speaking without even turning around.
"What do you need now? I already told you-“ Joel swiveled around to see you standing before him, eyes wide, nervously clutching the envelope in your hands from Mr. Sullivan. He stopped short when he realized you weren’t Heather, and his expression softened a fraction. You must have surprised him, because before he could catch himself, he was raking his eyes up and down your entire frame, sending a shiver up the back of your spine. You were grateful you happened to wear your most flattering light blue sundress today. You thought this morning when you put it on that it would give you the confidence to get through seeing Justin at work for the first time since your break up. You never thought you would need that confidence for this moment.
You meekly cleared your throat.
"I’m sorry, Mr. Miller. You wanted me to tell you when Mr. Sullivan’s check came…” you trailed off, your cheeks feeling warm under his intense gaze. You needed to look somewhere else. You glanced down at the now crumpled envelope in your hand and stretched out your arm to eagerly show him your prize. You were at least 10 feet away from him, barely inside his office at all. It looked ridiculous; he obviously couldn’t take it from you at this range.
He nodded, pursing his lips, and then showed mercy on you when he finally looked away to take the few short strides back to his desk chair. He sat down, glancing back up at you expectantly from across the room.
"Sit.” he ordered, motioning towards one of the two chairs placed in front of his desk.
You responded to his command quickly, and you thought you saw a twitch at the corner of his mouth, but it disappeared too fast for you to be sure.  You sat down in one of the chairs, shifting uncomfortably in your seat as you waited while he scrolled through his emails, looking bored. Looking down at the envelope in your hands, you gently fingered the edges in order to focus your energy somewhere. Why did he want you to sit? This should have been a quick conversation.
Joel cleared his throat, and keeping his eyes on the computer monitor, he began to unbutton the cuffs of his dress shirt. First the left sleeve, then the right, taking his time. He began to methodically roll his left sleeve up, up, up all the way to his elbow, before he leisurely did the same to the right sleeve. You didn’t realize your eyes had snapped up when you saw him begin to uncuff his sleeves, so by the time he finished, you had barely blinked and your lips were slightly parted, breath ever so slightly quickening as he finished his task. You didn’t notice your reaction, but out of the corner of his eye, Joel certainly did. He fought to contain the confident smirk that threatened to spill across his face.
He was right, you had been checking him out in that meeting.
“Give it to me,” he said, turning his probing gaze towards you once again. You looked into his dark, beautiful eyes for a moment, not sure what he meant. Then it came to you. The check.
Wordlessly, you outstretched your hand once again to hand him the envelope. Without breaking eye contact, Joel reached out and took the envelope from your grasp, but in the process grazed two long fingers gently against the back of your hand, sending sparks through your entire body at the contact.  You gasped softly, and clamped your mouth shut. You dropped your gaze, embarrassed, while you waited for him to open the envelope and hopefully dismiss you. The tension was too intense, you needed this to end.
Joel didn’t seem to mind the tension in the room, or even notice it for that matter. He slowly opened the envelope and pulled out the check within. He took note of the amount as a small yellow post-it fell out. You hadn’t seen that before in your rush to get up to his office, you had no idea what it said.
Joel picked it up and read it thoughtfully to himself. When he didn’t say anything after a minute, you finally spoke.
"What does it say?” you asked, your voice almost a whisper.
He swallowed before bringing his heated gaze back up to you.
"It says: Thank you for showing me such kindness during my time of need. I’m sorry for the late payment. It won’t happen again.”
You glanced down at your hands in your lap, a small smile threatening to tug at your lips.
“You were right this time, but don’t be naïve. Not everyone is always tellin’ you the truth,” he warned, sliding the check and post-it note back into the envelope. You nodded in agreement, still sheepishly looking down at your hands.
Joel gazed at the top of your head as you stared at your lap. He didn't want the conversation to end.
"You’re doin’ a good job," he told you, pausing to reflect for a moment. "Thank you for making that connection with my client. I’m not good at all that. Talkin’ about their personal stuff. That’s more Tommy’s side of things.” He reached across his desk and held out the envelope for you to take back.
You looked up at his outstretched hand, and careful to avoid touching him again, took it. 
"Thank you, Mr. Miller,” you replied softly, and stood up from your seat.
You gave Joel a quick smile and turned to head towards the door. Halfway to the exit, you stopped and turned back around, finding Joel’s eyes had yet to leave your body.
“I bet you would be good at it," you said, then your eyes widened as you realized how that sounded. “I-I mean, talking to the clients, learning about them, their personal lives…” you rambled as heat spread across your cheeks.
He stared at you for an awkward moment, considering your words.
“Well, I should be getting back to work,” you said, hitching your thumb to the door behind you, but before you could turn away, Joel stopped you.
"Thanks, sweetheart, maybe I’ll try it sometime,” he said, his expression softer.
You nodded and forced yourself to look away from the uncharacteristically relaxed features on his face. You turned to leave the room, but the door suddenly swung open. You nearly lost your balance, but a strong arm shot out to catch you.
“Jesus, Tommy, would ya watch it?” Joel growled from behind his desk, his expression leaving no traces of the softness you had just witnessed.
“Sorry darlin’, didn’t know my brother had anyone in here.” Tommy eyed you up appreciatively and grinned. “I don’t believe we formally met, I’m Tommy,” he stuck out his hand, which you quickly shook and gave him a polite smile, telling him your name.
You hastily made your exit, squeaking out an excuse about work, and shut the door.
“Do ya ever knock?” Joel seethed, but Tommy was too busy staring at the closed door, still thinking about the way your ass looked in your blue dress.
“I’m happy for you, Joel,” Tommy said, ignoring his question, and strolled over to a small cluster of framed pictures on the wall that haven’t been updated since they started the business. He leaned in to examine them more closely. “You need to be gettin’ back out there. I won't even give you any shit for dippin’ your pen in the company ink, like you did to me.”
“The hell you on about?” Joel replied, taking the opportunity to adjust himself under his desk while Tommy’s back was still turned. The way you were blushing and squirming in his office had a bigger effect on him than he thought. And you hadn’t even been trying. Not like him, rolling up his sleeves on purpose to see your reaction. He shuddered to think what it would be like if you actually tried to seduce him. He would be a puddle on the floor.
“Nothin’ was goin’ on, she just brought me a check.” Joel stood and walked around the front of his desk, leaning up against the edge of it, arms crossed and surveying the back of Tommy’s head.
Tommy chuckled, still examining the photos.
“Yeah, right. She was blushin’ like a whore in church when she left. Ya know, you should really get some new pictures in here. Did ya know you still got this old picture of the bunch of us at that rodeo? It’s got Amy in it.”
Joel sucked in air through his clenched teeth, the rest of his hard on instantly disappearing at the mention of her name.
“Sorry, Joel. It’s been so long, we still ain’t allowed to talk about it?” Tommy walked over behind Joel’s desk and flopped down in his chair, which made Joel have to turn around and sit in the same chair you had just occupied moments before.
“What’s there left to talk about?” Joel sighed, rubbing his face with his hands.
“Do you still talk to her? Keep in touch?” Tommy asked, fiddling with a pen on the desk.
“No.” Joel responded harshly. “Why would I? Last I heard, she’s been shacked up with that prick somewhere in the Midwest.”
“It’s been five years, and I still haven’t seen ya go out on a date, coffee, nothin’. Why are you doin’ this to yourself?”
Joel shook his head and stood up, already missing the warmth your body left in the chair.
“I’m just busy, Tommy. Haven’t met anyone worth chasin’," he replied, grabbing a pen and pad of paper from his desk.
“Well, that little lady that just left is well worth chasin’, if you ask me.” Tommy stood up too, and joined Joel as they headed out of the office to the conference room for their next meeting.
“Nobody was askin’, just drop it.” Joel couldn’t have Tommy egging him on, it was already difficult enough to keep his mind off you.
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Joel hardly heard a word all throughout their meeting with the Marketing department. He vaguely remembered the head of the department nervously working through a technical error on his presentation, which made IT have to get involved. But Joel barely noticed. All he could think about was you.
You: in that thin, blue dress. He remembered how your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and how you bit down on your lower lip when you tried to hold back a smile. He thought about how soft your skin felt when he gently grazed it with his fingers. How your knees pressed together as you squirmed in your seat, waiting for him to turn his attention to you. But you had no idea that his attention was always on you, even when you weren’t around. It was all consuming, at times overwhelming, the way he constantly recalled images of you in his mind. 
Joel was relieved when the IT department could not fix the technical error, and the meeting had to be rescheduled. Everyone in the room held their breath, Tommy included, for Joel’s inevitable outburst, but surprisingly none came.
“Check with Ruby and put it on my schedule,” Joel said, collecting his things and leaving the room.
Tommy stayed behind to chat with the head of Marketing while Joel made a beeline for his office. He shut the door quickly behind him. Squeezing his eyes shut, he leaned his head back on the door.
What was going on with him? Why couldn’t he get you out of his head?
This was Tommy’s fault, had to be. He kept bringing you up and forcing these thoughts into his head.
But it wasn’t Tommy’s fault when his cock jumped after he touched your hand and heard you gasp.
Fuck. This had to stop. He rubbed his hands over his face roughly, then something Tommy said came back to him. It had been a long time since he was with Amy. Tommy was right, he hadn’t been on any dates, he was just sexually frustrated. It was building up, and he needed a release. That would clear his head.
Joel turned and headed towards his private bathroom, which was just a small pocket door in the wall, hardly visible when you first walked in. He went in and locked the door behind him. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, already throbbing from the past hour of torture his thoughts have led him on.
Joel gripped the base firmly in his fist, and he squeezed his eyes shut, dreaming of you wearing that dress in his office. This time, when you squeezed your knees together, he imagined you were trying to create some friction to relieve the wet heat between your legs. You were just as turned on as he was in his fantasy. Joel lazily ran his hand up and down his cock, as his imagination kept carrying him away.
He wondered what kind of panties you were wearing under that dress. Maybe they were lace, or a thong. Maybe you weren’t wearing any at all. There we go.
He started running his hand up and down his shaft faster, his breath quickening as his fantasy took hold.
Now he was bunching your dress up around your hips, hitching your leg around his waist as he grabbed onto the back of your neck, bringing you closer so he could suck on the pulse point in your throat, making you moan his name. He pushed you on top of his desk, and you let yourself fall backwards, recklessly shoving papers and files off his desk.
He could feel his release bubbling to the surface now, as his movements became more frantic, and his other hand grasped the towel bar next to the sink for leverage.
Now Joel saw you bouncing on his cock, still wearing that pretty little dress, but your tits were spilled over the top. He pulled one nipple into his mouth, making you cry out and bounce faster, while his fingers brushed gently against the other one. You grabbed the sides of his face and dragged his mouth up to yours, hovering over each other’s mouths, gasping, but still not touching, as you bounced faster, faster, faster… 
Joel groaned and desperately reached out to grab a tissue from the box next to the sink, right in time to catch his thick ropes of come. His hips gently thrusted forward as he came down from his high, breathing heavily, eyes squeezed shut.
He opened his eyes as his breathing returned to normal, glancing around the room to steady himself.  He looked down, grateful he didn’t make a mess on his dress pants. He cleaned himself up, flushed the tissue down the toilet, tucked himself back into his pants and went to wash his hands.
He cupped some water from the sink and rinsed his face. Drying himself with the towel, he looked up at the mirror and saw a dirty, old man, who had just jerked off to the thoughts of a much younger employee. The shame was setting in now.
I hope you enjoyed it, you dirty fuck. She would never give you the real thing.
Joel dried his hands, and left the bathroom, feeling guilty, but couldn’t deny he had a much clearer head.
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He didn’t see you for at least a full week. That whole week, he felt like himself again. He could see clearly; his thoughts weren’t all jumbled up and he was back to barking orders to his teams on jobsites.
He just needed to jerk off. That’s all it was. No big deal.
Early one morning before most of the employees started their work day, he made his way down to Heather’s office on the 6th floor. She had left him a voicemail saying that the company was being audited, and she needed to speak with him right away. This would require a lot of work from her department, and she needed him to approve the overtime, especially since he scared off your pretty little boyfriend, the department remained shorthanded. He walked off the elevator with his hands shoved in his pockets, sleeves pushed up to his elbows. It was quickly becoming his new look, just in case he ran into you.
He turned the corner towards Heather’s office but stopped short when he heard you laughing. He peered around a corner and saw you with some co-workers in the break room.
He was frozen to the ground, taking in your beautiful smile and laugh as you tried not to spill the coffee in your hand. You were wearing a knee-length flowy black skirt, with a V-neck light purple blouse. When you bent over to laugh again, he saw a glimpse of your tits bouncing under your shirt. He held his breath for a moment, trying to will himself forward, when you suddenly looked over and met his gaze. 
Your friends didn’t notice him standing there, and you didn’t say anything. You just ran your eyes up and down his body, pausing on his exposed forearms. You gave him a shy smile and a little wave. Before he realized it, he was slowly lifting his hand up in return.
He was fucked.
Chapter Four
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cxhleel108 · 6 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: Very bad day for loyal girlies…
(Making this while still slightly baked from getting high last night so just know you’re getting ruthless Cahleel today😍)
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• So ngl first impressions of the boys…Oakley outsold them all. Call me biased I really dgaf.
• Not even 10 seconds in and Luna already babbling about Jin omg just kill me now.
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• Oh bitch I’m officially making it canon that him and my S6 MC fucked around at one point like what? Fusebox stop copying our shit!!!
• Max is Jin 2.0 I literally have nothing else to say about him.
• Kyle not serving to me sorry. I know all y’all going crazy over him and like his body is tea but girl he’s just…no😭😭😭 Also he has a scorpion tattoo which means the Scorpio of the season has been recognized and I care about my MC so I am NOT putting her through that pain.
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• And here I thought Oakley was going to end up being the “Gary” of this season…
• Kyle fancies me the most…great! Now leave me alone after I reject you the first time!
• Luna’s going after Jin’s replacement- I MEAN Max! How surprising…
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• God I hate you already.
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• I can’t stand when they do this. Last time I checked none of these names belong to a 6’3, Ghanaian firefighter with a fat ass and a slutty waist so as far as I’m concerned my eyes are firmly CLOSED.
• Outfit time!
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• The other look was boring sorry but I LOOOOVE this one.
• Luna being mad about Jin part 2 omg PLEASE KILLLLLLL MEEEE.
• Ugh yasss we can sleep by ourselves. Y’all will not trap me!
• Bea telling me about this other chick that Oakley went on a date with like I care, ok.
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• But you was just mad cuz Jin winked at somebody…girl go to HELLLLLL.
• Outfit time!
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• Come on Arabian Nights tease!
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• Kyle and Liam been fucking on the low omg?
• Time to suffer through meaningless chats.
• I’m making my girl sound like the most boring person ever trying to ignore these dudes help😭😭😭
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• Oh that’s not…
• Luna you are literally only interested in Shawn because you know he’s the only one I’ve given the time of day…does it not hurt being this much of a loser?????
• Outfit time!
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• Cute…that’s about it tho.
• Kyle saying he did a tattoo for a celebrity and then the said celebrity being Gabi of all people like wow nobody moved.
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• Liam had us form a whole dance circle around him just for him to start seizing ok.
• Shawn you’re sooooo cute but I really don’t want you baby just stop trying❤️
• This whole conversation with Bea chile I can’t. Oakley went on a date with another girl…ok and??? He called her a head turner…did he say she was turning HIS head??? They connected…OVER FUCKING BAKING. Oakley literally said he was in love with us and was planning on making us his girlfriend it literally makes no sense whatsoever. Fusebox y’all are getting too predictable bruh like obviously y'all are not gonna make our OG LI cheat on us so what is the point of the gossip other than to get US to cheat on THEM?
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• And this shit oh brotherrrrr😭 I can’t wait for next week when we find out that Luna was screaming because Shawn gave her a great foot rub like fuck out my face with that. Also even if they are fucking I DO NOT CAREEEEE! I DO NOT WANT HIM!!!!
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bobcatmoran · 2 years
Against my better judgement, I'm watching the GBBO Mexican Week since the following week's episode will be coming out here in the US tomorrow. Disclaimer that I have zero Mexican heritage. I just like me a pan dulce and am an award-winning baker for non-Mexican bakes.
We start off on a "high" note, with Noel and Matt in eye searingly bright ponchos and sombreros, saying, "I don't think we should make Mexican jokes, people will get upset."
"What, no Mexican jokes at all?"
"I don't think so."
"What, not even Juan?"
This seems to be setting the tone for the episode quite nicely.
Or something.
More beyond the cut for the sake of everyone's dashes who haven't turned on the annoying thing where it cuts off long posts. This is gonna be LONG. And very spoilery. Fair warning.
Signature: Pan Dulce
After 2 bakers being off for "illness" (covid?) last week, everyone's back in the tent.
The little clips from the bakers as they walk in do nothing to instill confidence that anyone is coming to this from a perspective where they actually know anything about Mexican baking or that they've done much in the way of research to prepare themselves.
"I don't really know much about Mexican cuisine, so this is an absolute adventure."
"When someone says Mexican food, my mind goes only to fajitas."
"Mexican food's fun, but Mexican baking? What do the Mexicans bake?"
Carole at least acknowledges that she did do research, because she wasn't familiar with Mexican sweet bakes. I salute her for choosing pan de anise, something other than the conchas most other poeple are doing, even though she can't pronounce it to save her life.
Abdul straight off the bat says he's never had any sort of pan dulce before, so he's not sure what they're supposed to be like. I can't entirely blame him because I don't think Panaderias are as common in the UK as they are here (even in suburban Minnesota I have at least two within a 5 mile radius). I do salute him for doing as much research as he could for his besos, though Paul is like, "No, your research is wrong, they're supposed to be a completely different texture, I have just been to Mexico."
Prue decides that it's a good idea to correct Janusz, who was born in Poland, that "cacti" is the correct plural of "cactus," not "cactuses." Because that's what's important.
I'm quietly dying inside at how the scriptwriters clearly decided that craquelin was the best term for the topping on conchas. (later addition: oh gods, the judges are calling it that, too)
Sandro, I love you, but that's PUSHING the definition of conchas, having a filling and a salted caramel base.
Break while the hosts decide that Mexico is definitely a real place. Like Oz.
I'll admit that I've never made conchas, but I've made the close Japanese cousin, melon pan (got a couple awards for them yay), and much sympathy for all the bakers going that route because getting the tops rolled out to the right thickness and scored nicely is sooooo fiddly. Not all of them manage it. Sandro, I love you again, but those "conchas" are. Tall. My dude, did you look at any photos of what those are supposed to look like? (later addition: given all of Paul's comments on shapes, apparently this is what Paul thinks they're supposed to look like? Taller than they are wide??)
Paul complains that Carole's pan de anise "aren't Chelsea bun shape."
Techinical: Tacos
Tacos, which as everyone knows, require baking.
Oh, wait. No they don't. What the heck, Paul Hollywood. Why did you set that as the technical.
Corn tortillas made from scratch, steak, "spicy refried beans," guacamole, and pico de gallo. So many baking skills involved in this. Wow.
Paul: It's Mexican Week, Prue. It has to be tacos.
He then goes on to mispronounce pico de gallo, which Matt somehow managed to get mostly right.
I am dying over how everyone, especially Paul, is pronouncing "taco."
Instructions are brutal, including steps that are "Make the Pico de Gallo." [capitalization as though it's a proper noun] "Make the refried beans." "Make the guacamole." It looks a bit more involved for the tortillas, so there's a bit of mercy there.
Oh gods, at least 3 of the bakers have never even heard of pico de gallo.
Oh noooooo, Janusz has the "cilantro tastes like soap" gene. Nonetheless, he goes ahead and adds it to his pico de gallo mixture since it was on the ingredients list for it. "Spicy, soapy, salty, and sour. Great," he says, tasting it.
Carole, bless her heart, is peeling the avocado for her guacamole like it's a potato. Her tortillas are. Uh. Well, she tried. In her defense, how could she know that Mexican Week would have a technical that involved ZERO baking.
Syabira, who seems to be the only one in the tent who's made Mexican food before, is unimpressed that they are not provided with a tortilla press and are instead asked to flatten the dough with a casserole lid.
Kevin says the most true thing ever, "Everyone's got an opinion on steak, and everyone thinks you've done it wrong."
As the judges approach, Matt mentions that the bakers have been asked to make a taco that include, among other things, "a tangy guacamole," which is not an adjective I'd have thought to apply to guacamole.
Paul complains that there's some color on some of the tortillas, and that's a garbage statement right there.
Prue states that one of the tacos has too much salt "in the taco." She clearly means "in the tortilla," but. Y'know.
Showstopper: Tres Leches Cake
Ok, first of all, the bakers are required to make a cake that has at least 4 layers, which is not something I've ever seen any one do with a tres leches cake. Its very form lends itself to a single layer cake, since it's so moist. I'm getting shades of Jürgen, Actual German from last season, who pointed out to the judges that they'd assigned a traditional German cake to be made in layers which is never ever made in more than a single layer.
At least this requires baking.
Dangit Sandro, you were my favorite coming in, and here you are, being like, "Oh, Mexican? Ok, I will put a GIANT MOUSTACHE on my cake." My dude, did you do your research for this week by watching Speedy Gonzales cartoons? Like, I know he has serious baking chops, knowing why certain things work the way they do. But. Yiiiikes.
Matt suggests to Abdul that since he's making a Dia de los Muertos themed cake that he'll get him some poison. Abdul points out that the holiday is about honoring the dead, not making more of them. Noel is excited for this theming.
Paul is BEWILDERED by the very concept of Syabira incorporating sweetcorn into her cake. Corn??? In a baked good?????? (my Midwestern soul wants to crawl into the TV and punch him)
Quietly dying at how everyone pronouncing "tres leches." Like it has a "z" at the end of the first word.
Kevin, quite sensibly, points out that tres leches sponge is not made for stacking. He is right. He loses points when he says he's making an Aztec temple for his cake, Paul asks him if it's Mayan or Aztec, and he then replies, "There's a bit of overlap, isn't there?" (no, no there is not. Not geographically, and not temporally).
I do wonder now, seeing which types of chili peppers the bakers are choosing (a lot of birds-eye chilis, which I personally associate more with Thai food than Mexican), what sort of availability you get in the UK. Like, they're all developing these recipes at home with the ingredients they can get. And I'm fully aware that Mexican ingredients are lot less available there than they are in the US.
Carole is using an angel food cake as her base to be soaked in the tres leches, and oh boy. She's another baker who, going in, I loved, but she's really struggling this week.
Further discussion amongst the hosts as to whether Mexico is a real place, and omg can we please stop doing this bit.
Janusz says what we're all thinking. "It's a four hour bake. You're not gonna make it perfect, will you?"
The judges are stunned and bewildered at how Syabira managed to have sweetcorn in her cake and make it taste like sweetcorn. Inner Midwesterner continues to scream. Especially after Paul says, "it's not for me."
Ready to shove both Prue and Paul off one of those Aztec pyramids where they used to do human sacrifices after all their complaints about uneven soaking for making a layer cake out of a cake that, by definition, includes a saturated crumb, which is not a thing that is structurally sturdy.
Paul continues his theme of being unable to stand anything much spicier than ketchup. For Mexican Week. Prue is in the same boat.
Two bakers eliminated this week to make up for last week, apparently. Ugh.
Anyway, even with German Week last year, they effed up some stuff, according to the Actual German in the tent. For the love of little green apples, they need to bring in someone who's actually from that country or at the very least someone who's deeply studied that country's baking tradition for these Ethnic Weeks. No, sending Paul Hollywood to the country for, like, a week does not count.
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jujutsubaby · 7 months
The coffee break concept is sooooo adorable I am obsessed!!
From Pochita's, can I order a matcha latte with oat milk and a mochi donut?
a/n: thanks for your ask cutie ❣️ another matcha latte with oat milk lover i see… bee tee dubs my cat’s name is mochi 😻 hope u enjoy n i hope u had fun participating hehe ~
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🤍 PAIRING. himeno
🤍 WORD COUNT. 1.1k
you look at your watch. 9:34. 26 more minutes of your break. the weather outside was gorgeous and the cafe wasn’t as crowded as it usually is. probably because it’s the weekend, but nonetheless, you use this as a prime opportunity to make yourself a matcha latte with oatmilk and head outside to make progress on the book you were reading. hm, maybe a mochi donut wouldn’t hurt either. 
you loved working as a barista here, and you wouldn’t change it for the world, but it’s hard to see the quiet of the city during the weekdays when everyone from public safety was scrambling to grab a coffee before their next meeting. you rarely took up weekend shifts, but today just felt different. maybe your monotonous life would change today, despite how far-fetched that sounded. 
you’re far too engrossed in your book, and so you don’t pay attention to who’s coming and going, and who’s waiting outside for their drinks.
“hey, wait, are you reading fourth wing?” you turn to look at the inquisitive voice and come face to face with a woman wearing a public safety uniform and large eyepatch over one of her eyes. the other is bright green and sparkles distractingly at you. her hair is shorn in a practical short haircut, but she pulls it off well, you note. she smells slightly of cigarettes and peppermint, and leans a little too close when looking over your shoulder, but strangely, you don’t mind.
“o-oh, yeah, it is” you say, taken aback by her. “i loved that book! finished it in a week” she says, laughing softly. 
 “you public safety folks got time to read now?” you say playfully. she laughs. “yeah, well, had some extra time on my hands after my partner passed so what better way to spend it than reading some smutty fiction?”
her forwardness catches you off guard. “oh my god, i’m so sorry!” you say, clapping a hand over your mouth in horror. how were you supposed to know that?! the woman’s eye doesn’t stop sparkling, however, to your surprise. still wearing her warm smile, she continues. 
“yeah, he was a sweet kid. it was hard to lose him, but he’s hardly the first partner i’ve lost, and he won’t be the last.” she shrugs. “that’s life in public safety, i guess. that’s what makes escaping so nice,” she finishes, gesturing at your book. you’ve since closed fourth wing in favor of hanging onto her every word. 
“don’t you get scared for your own safety?” you can’t help asking, your voice sounding small and meek. you must look so pathetic to her, flogging cute little drinks all day while she’s out risking life and limb. 
she laughs again. “obviously! every day of my life! but we can’t let something little like fear get in the way of us living our lives. that’s why i try to appreciate the little things, like reading fun books and visiting my favorite cafe! seriously, the drinks you guys make give me the will to live!” (you have to tell yourself to calm down at that, since you suddenly feel all blushy and silly and shy like a schoolgirl nursing a crush at the fact that pochita’s is her favorite cafe.)
still, you can’t help but wonder how it would feel for her, to lose everybody she got close to — and to have to expect it to happen over and over again. you can’t imagine what a lonesome existence it must be, and it makes your chest ache to think of someone as warm and gregarious as her being left alone again and again.   
damn, all this sucks for her. but you couldn’t ignore how warm she made you feel inside when she said that. you can see it in her eyes – despite what she’s been through, she’s like everyone else: a little bit lonely and looking for connection. “i’m so sorry to hear that…” oh shit, you realize you don’t even know her name. 
“himeno.” “himeno,” you repeat back. her name feels like it belongs in your mouth. “i’m glad you can at least come here and get away for a bit,” gesturing to the cafe. 
himeno laughs, once again, but this time her soft laugh makes your heart beat a tiny bit faster. “yeah, only for a bit. gotta back and finish up some paperwork with my team.” she says, gesturing to the public safety building a couple blocks away. 
you’re quiet for a second, and then make a snap decision. getting up from your seat, you ask her, “what’re you having today? i’ll make it for you.”
she seems taken aback. “oh, i was just here getting coffees for my team,” she replied, pointing to the tray of takeaway cups on her table. “besides, aren’t you on break?”
you smile at her and boldly decide to squeeze her hand. “i’ll make it for you,” you repeat. “and it’ll be on the house. now, what’s your drink?”
“uh…i’ll have whatever you were having,” she says; endearingly she suddenly seems a little shy. “it looked really good when you were drinking it.” 
“oat matcha it is!” you grin inwardly; you definitely know your way around a matcha whisk, and you’re excited at a little chance to show off to himeno. 
you both head inside and continue chatting as you prepare her drink. you note with satisfaction that she intently watches your expert hands at work. you look at himeno’s hands, and wonder what it’s like to hold them, have them hold you, hold each other close. 
your thoughts almost get the better of you but you snap out of it. you decide to throw a little lavender essence in, too; something about himeno just inspires you to go all out.
you hand himeno her drink, and you find yourself wishing you could speak to her longer. you usually did nothing during your breaks, so you’ll miss this stark contrast. 
himeno, seemingly to have read your mind, smiles sweetly. “thanks. by the way…” she pretends to think for a bit. “what’s a pretty little thing like you doing working on a saturday?”
you try hard to hide the blush uncontrollably rushing to your cheeks. “i could say the same for you.” she raises her hands up in defeat. “okay, okay, you got me. we both don’t have lives and are working on the weekend.” she jests, and you laugh. you think you’ll laugh at anything she says. 
you’re already on a roll with bold moves today so might as well go for it. “well, you doing anything later after work?”
himeno beams at you. “thought you’d never ask.” she quickly takes out a pen and grabs a napkin from the counter as she scribbles her number on it. “when do you get off?”
“3 in the afternoon,” you say, sounding giddy like a schoolgirl. 
“okay then, text me at 3.” she then gives you a smile so suave it should be illegal. “i’ll be waiting, beautiful.”
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skeletood · 1 year
Holy shit. Probably the hardest I’ve laughed at any of the new seasons releases so far. Absolutely speechless
- SOOOOO HAPPY to see them riff again it’s so corny and silly
- Beavis gets to hell and his first thought is where all the biker dudes are? interesting interesting *puts this in my notes
-oh my god already some amazing facial expressions
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no wonder this dude ends up with so many cracked teeth in the future
- the boys being inexplicably immune to death never gets old to me
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-hehe :] sillies
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Overall thoughts: Another great ep this season good job guys, gave me a lot of good little laughs
The video segment was whatever but Arianna’s eye candy so like. All good :]
Take A Bow:
My god. I had absolutely no idea what was going to happen on the way in to this episode and I was NOT prepared for what it gave me and put me through
- already starting the ep strong with some GREAT facial expressions
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so fucking real i used to do this to my guy friends when i was their age. not quite enough to put them in the hospital but like. yea lmao
- (monotone) “Take a bow” HAD ME DYINNNNGGGGG
- knowing about all the flavors of mountain dew what a goddamn nerd (knows everything about the different monster flavors)
- “Cherries don’t taste red at ALL. They taste all barfy” little kids complaining about foods they dont like is so silly, thank you for being your childish self its so refreshing
oh man. fuck. its butthead characterization time! finally some good fucking food. oh man here come the waterworks IMAGINE me getting stupid over an emotionally stunted idiot with a big head:
- “not until youre better beavis” first of all shut up. second of all shut up.
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- “It’s like, I didn’t mean to hurt him. Feeling bad sucks.” WE KNOW BABY. WE KNOW. SO PROUD OF YOU FOR ADMITTING IT HUN :((((( the fact that bro cant even acknowledge he HAS feelings unless he’s alone. the volumes that speaks to me. man
if you had told me a week ago these were real screenoshots i wouldnt have believed you. at all. cant wait to see the looks on the faces of all the “ohh stop looking so far into it its just a stupid lowbrow cartoon” people like shut the fuck up!!!!! youve clearly never experienced real friendship before and are so pissed off cause u dont know what it looks like
- not pictured here is where they had to forcefully remove butthead from the room bc he was freaking out after thinking he killed beavis. If you disagree youre just wrong sorry!
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- not only is this a funny as hell angle but man. we already know damn well he doesn’t want beavis to die but its nice to hear him say it. also he’s right, it was really funny. take a bow :]
- a lot of really good beavis screams this episode too
- “-and his friend would have died of grief shortly there-after” I’m- I need a minute. LIKE WE ALREADY KNEW THIS BUT. THANKS FOR ADMITTING IT. 
- also, god is a whiteman i guess kasjndsajkd
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In conclusion: both fucking great episodes. I am always EXTRA excited for Butt-Head characterization moments, it just makes him so much more human. Not to mention how happy I am to see that they toned down his cruelty JUST a touch. I honestly didn’t notice how bad it had gotten last season until i compared it to how this one is going so far, it feels more like older seasons butthead again :] Like dont get me wrong i LOVE it when he’s mean its just who he is but it should come more out of a place of stupidity/no real self awareness than like. idk wherever it was coming from last season. These boys are goin soft on us and to that i say: thank god. It’s nice to see them act human. Take a bow has EASILY taken old man beavis’ place as my favorite ep so far and ngl its going to be tough to beat. Funny episode that had me chuckling throughout the whole thing AND nice Butt-Head moments? Oh Mike, you shouldnt have u///u
Anyways lemme know your thoughts :]
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Well, it's a good thing I tried to get ahead earlier in the week because it took this long for me to get to the last part.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 4, Chapters 6-7 below.
Chapter 6: The Bystanders
Falling ships and giant worms. Looks like we're off to a great start here.
Ok, I really hope we get a worms-eye view of The Fall in Stampede. I'm not gonna hold my breath given that they've kinda already covered it and they just don't have a ton of episodes to work with, but I love love love the idea that we get this backstory from the perspective of the planet's native, sentient, and very inhuman inhabitants.
You know what, Zazie? I dunno what this face is supposed to be, either.
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Ah, the Japanese inclination to apologize for everything.
Oh, gods. Nightow's gonna intersperse this backstory with the boys fighting, isn't he? *SIGH* I wouldn't normally complain, but Nightow's fights are, far more often than not, hard enough to follow to begin with.
For as twisted as his body is, Hoppered's hands look very normal. I don't know what I was expecting.
Ohhh, Hoppered's beef is about July. Shoot, I saw someone make a comment about one of the cops in Stampede during July, and now that makes sense. Like, at the very least, that cop's line was a callback to this scene.
Ah, the innate trouble with translating the two-syllable Japanese "待って" (ma'tay) to the monosyllabic English word "wait." Personally, I would have gone with "W-- Wait!" but I'm not the one doing translations here.
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Vash is denying it because he can't imagine wanting to destroy a city, but Hoppered is right; he just doesn't know.
Is... is Hoppered crying?
Eyyyy, old-school Hoppered! Looks like he was a bit of an odd one even before he joined up with the Gung-Ho Guns.
Ah, there's that term "independent." But the way Zazie's presenting it is making me think about it in whole new ways. Stampede brought it up in a way that made me think of them as having a freedom other Plants don't, but this interpretation has me thinking of the innate alone-ness of both Vash and Knives, what that means to them, how they deal with it and how they make it a part of their being. Knives revels in it and lets it feed his sense of superiority (much to Legato's dismay, I'm sure). Meanwhile, Vash... I wouldn't say he resents it, but he finds it very lonely, and it doesn't make him feel superior so much as it makes him feel very Other.
And here's the first place we have it straight-up said that they're Plants.
Ah, so the Bystanders referred to in this chapter title are Vash and Knives. I thought it might end up being the worms. But hey, no reason the title can't work both ways.
And then ANGEL ARM?!?! Ohhhh, Zazie's story's being interwoven with Hoppered's. This is July. How was I supposed to know that without metagame knowledge??
Ok, this panel is great, 'cause it was only a few pages back that Zazie noted they have the innate ability to sense others' emotions. It just adds a level of intimidation on the whole thing.
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Hahahaha, Midvalley. I guess I shouldn't laugh at his suffering, but he tried to kill Wolfwood, so eh.
There's something innately ridiculous with him being like, "Time to pull out the BIG GUNS!!!" and then immediately being like, "Aw, man! My instrument's busted or something...."
"He's almost too pathetic to kill at this point." Rude.
Black-suited moron? Wolfwood?
Yeah, it's Wolfwood.
Milly to the rescue! Again!
LOL, he's doing better than he looks.
But not as good as he thinks he's doing.
The Adventures of Big Girl and Short Woman by Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Uhhhh, who's the person with the light?
Hahahaha, Zazie looks sooooo unimpressed with Midvalley right now.
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Zazie has a point, but I think he's preaching to the choir here.
Where tf did Midvalley get alcohol from all of a sudden? Also, is the alcohol called "Drifter"? If so, that's kinda cool. Something something meaningful names for alcohol in this series.
Oop, Zazie's worm sense is tingling!
Chapter 7: Hopeless Sinner
CW: Suicidal ideation
Oh, Vash. This look has me really worried for you.
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"Sinner" is generally the word Knives uses for humans in this series. I wonder, though, if it might be being used to apply to Vash here.
Ohhh, babygirl looks soooo troubled. And then looking up and seeing the hole in the moon.... That's not gonna improve his mood.
Ah. He remembers. And... you know... in this shot, he looks amazingly like Knives.
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Heh. Hoppered just... sort of peering over him. Like he's checking on his wellbeing. It's the opposite, but the casualness of it is deceptively calm.
I'm... honestly not quite sure what Hoppered did to silence Vash here. Slap him, I guess?
Ooooof. Vash just straight up embraces the killing urge inside him. He looks it straight in the face and says, "Yeah. This is a part of me." But in the same breath he rejects it, says it's not something he wants because he doesn't want to go down that path. He doesn't want it so bad he'd take his own life to keep it from taking over.
Gods, he's sooooo sad. Even Hoppered feels bad for him.
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Hoppered still wants him dead, and still wants to die, as well. TBH, this feels more like he empathizes with Vash to some degree. Something something double suicide.
Uhhhhh, sudden light??
Yeah, I dunno what happened here, either. Vash got knocked somewhere?
*sigh* Wheeeerrrrre does Wolfwood think he's going???
Did... he just gut-punch Milly????
Yes. Yes, he did.
He deserves booing. But I love how he just... caves. I bet he didn't really want to leave and was only gonna do so to get Milly out of there. But Milly didn't want to go peacefully and so here we are.
I really feel like Midvalley should get a strap for his sax. It seems like that would be useful. And this series can't have too many straps, belts, etc.
If five seconds is all it takes, why isn't Vash dead yet? Hmmmmm???
Uhhhhh, what's with this crazy airship??
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Ohhhhh, shit. I have enough spoilers to know who that is.
This chair, though. It looks like a musical instrument.
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Author Bonus Chapter
I have no idea what Nightow is rambling about here with this Barbarian Bonehead All-Stars nonsense.
Ohhh, so this isn't Kuroneko. This is Nya-Kun. My bad, I got them confused.
"My emotions are overflowing into rambling!!!" Hahahahahaha, I know we all do this from time to time, but it just feels very Nightow.
Ohhhh, something got lost in translation here. I've watched enough Attack on Titan to know that apparently Nightow replaced a word here with the pronunciation for "heart," but there's no corelary on the page.
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I had heard about Nightow's love of action figures.
"They gather at the ocean with pleasant feeling." This sounds like something that was translated too literally from Japan. The phrase doesn't quite work in English.
"The meaning of their name in Japanese is 'omocha buzoku.'" This tells me nothing about the meaning of their name in Japanese. I am very confused.
Ah, he addressed the difference in the planet name from the manga to the anime. Sort of.
Haaaahahahahaha, ok, Story Time. A couple weeks ago I was at Anime Expo with @sweetpotoooooooos, and she went to a panel by Studio Bones (one of the old-timers as studios go) on one of the days when I couldn't attend. She said that during the panel, Bones mentioned that when they first got word of just how popular Fullmetal Alchemist (the original) was in the U.S., they thought they were being lied to. The numbers seemed too high. (As someone who was into anime at that time, I can verify that four of their five titles preceding FMA were talked about in the community, but only Wolf's Rain actually aired on Adult Swim where it could reach a broad audience... and... well, let's just say Wolf's Rain is not as good as FMA. (It does have an excellent Yoko Kanno soundtrack, though.)) FMA was first broadcast on Adult Swim in 2004. Trigun was first broadcast on Adult Swim in '03. The idea that anything anime would be popular enough to warrant action figures in the West would have absolutely been mind-blowing to any mangaka, and much more so one as in love with figures as Nightow.
Mata nee, minna-san!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Volume 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: none.
A/N: This is a story with a younger Andy Barber (30) and a 3 year old Jacob. English is not my first language, I know Little about how education (in general) and universities work in the States, also, I don’t know anything about laws, DA, ADA, etc. sooooo don’t come from me, please, at the end of the day this is just fiction and the purpose is to entertain. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 1897
GIF not mine, if it is yours, plese let me know so I can give you credit :)
It was Friday, Andy picked Jake from day care and headed back home to have lunch. Andy heated up some of the leftovers they had from the meals Annie had prepared for them during the week.
“Dad…” Jake was biting his piece of chicken while he held it with his hands.
“Jake, use the fork.” The kid ignored him
“Is Annie coming?”
“Is Friday, she doesn’t come on Fridays, you know that.”
“But you say yesterday you calling her.”
“I know, but I don’t think she wants to talk to me.”
“We had a fight.”
“Ammm, I was angry, and she was upset and sometimes adults say things they don’t mean.”
“I… don’t know.”
“Mrs. Williams say we haf to learn to say soggy.”
“When did you become so clever?” Jake shrugged and kept eating his chicken. “Ok, after we finish our lunch we will go to her school, so I can talk to her.”
“Can she haf movie night wid us?”
“I’ll ask, but she might say no, and if she says no, you’ll have to come with me to the office, I have some things to do, ok?”
After they finished their lunch, they left the house on their way to Lasell. Once they arrived, they started walking around not really knowing where to go.
“Hi, excuse me,” Andy stopped in front of a group of students. “I’m looking for…”
“Annie!” Jake told them, wide smile across his face.
“Sorry, I’m looking for the education building, you know where that is?”
“Yes, you walk behind this building, cross the gardens, turn to your left and then you’ll see it, is not that far.”
“Thank you, come on Jake.”
It was the last class of the day and Annie couldn’t stop thinking about Jake or his dad for that matter. Andy will definitely need another nanny, and she hoped he found one soon. Annie was looking at a blank point in the wall in front of her, while the professor explained the assignment for the weekend. The noises of the chairs and the movement of her classmates brought her back to reality.
“Wait… what did he say?” Annie asked to her friends.
“Darling, are you ok? You haven’t been paying attention all day.” Mark said
Sharon, Mark and Annie grabbed their things and walked out of the classroom to finally go home.
“No, I’m not.”
“Have you told Daniel you were fired?” Sharon asked.
“No, yesterday I came to the library until it was 7:10 for me to come back.”
“Honey, you have to tell him, he is gonna notice” Mark commented. “Or find another job.”
“You are the only person I know with balls that would yell to her boss.” Sharon Joked.
“You weren’t there! I was angry! I wasn’t thinking, and Jake was crying!
The three of them left the education building. They stood there talking about the assignment their last professor gave them, and commenting about the topic they were going to use.
“Oh my God! Look at that piece of candy standing under the three” Mark told their friends pointed with his noise to the right.
Annie turned only to see Andy with Jake staring at her. The little boy moving in his arms to be released. Jake jumped out of his dad’s arms. Andy was wearing a navy blue suit and he had his sunglasses on.
“That’s Andy.” Annie said nonchalantly without taking his eyes off of him.
“THAT’S YOUR BOSS?!” Both Sharon and Mark screamed.
“WOW! You said he was handsome, but not hottie-hot-fuck-me handsome. I would give him some.” Mark said licking his lips.
“Shut up!”
“Annie! Annie!” Jake ran to her arms and she picked him up and hugged him tight. “I missing you!”
“I missed you too” Annie kissed his cheek. “What are you doing here?”
“Daddy say we need to find you. Who are you?”
Jake stared at her friends and they smiled. They were so focused on the child they didn’t noticed Andy walked to where they were.
“Hi, Andy.” There was a long silence before Annie put Jake down and Andy continued.
“Can we… Jake wants you to have movie night with us, if that’s ok with you.” Andy licked his lips “I mean I don’t know if you are busy, or if you have plans with your boyfriend…”
“She is totally free kind sir” Mark said.
“Totally.” Sharon repeated with a wide smile.
“But we have the assignment…” Annie began but Mark cut her off.
“Assignment? Oh no honey, you misheard the professor.”
“Alright.” Annie gave her friends funny looks. “I guess I’m free.”
“Yeah! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Jake was jumping up and down between her and Andy.
“Shall we?” Andy told her offering his arm.
“You go ahead, I need to tell them something.”
Andy hold Jake’s hand and walk to the right where they were standing. Annie turned and looked at their friends.
“Please, fuck the guy.” Mark told her “I will if you don’t”
“You two are crazy. He is my boss.”
“He fired you.” Sharon pointed.
“I have Daniel.”
“Your boss is worth like three Daniels, and I bet his dick is bigger.” Sharon joked.
“Hey, that’s mean!”
“And about the homework, you can send your part tomorrow or on Sunday.” Sharon said.
“Homework?” Annie told them. “I’m sorry but apparently I don’t have homework, you do.” Annie turned to leave. “And you better put my name on the paper, or I will murder you. Sharon take my car, I’ll pick it tomorrow.”
Annie gave her the key and ran towards Andy and Jake. They walked to the parking lot and climbed on the black Audi.
“So,” Andy began. “I have a meeting…”
“I knew there was a catch” Annie raised her eyebrow to him.
“As I was saying, this meeting won’t take long… I hope. You two can go home and play for a while. When I’m done, I’ll get the pizza and we’ll watch the movie. Deal?” Andy looked both Jake and Annie who nodded at the plan.
A couple of minutes later they arrived to the house. Andy left as soon as they climbed out the car. Jake wasn’t in the mood of doing anything, he said he wanted to lay down and stare at the ceiling, and they did, but it got boring after a couple of minutes.
“How about we play rock band?”
“What is that?” Jake asked with big eyes.
“I put some music and we sing and dance.”
Jake didn’t seem too convince about this game, so Annie took out her phone and look for an aux cable to connect to the stereo. She hasn’t seen a stereo since she lived with her parents, which make her question how old Andy was, she thought he couldn’t be as old as his parents were; perhaps 40 tops. She connected her phone and music began to play, it didn’t take much for Jake to start dancing around Annie.
It was almost 7:30 when Andy came back with the pizza ready for movie night. When he got out the car, he could hear the music coming out of the house, Anybody Seen my Baby by the Rolling Stones was blasting trough the walls when he opened the door. He walked to the living room, leaving the pizza on the small table at the entrance, he saw Jake jumping up and down on the floor and Annie was giving him her back, he saw her up and down; she was swaying her hips at the beat of the music and singing pointing at his son. The jeans and white top she was wearing fit her perfectly. When the song came to an end, Andy started clapping. Annie jumped and looked back.
“How much did you see?”
“You are a great dancer.” He smiled at her and took his jacket and tie off “Who’s ready for a movie?”
“ME!!!!!” Jake jumped on the couch finding his spot for the movie night.
“Why don’t you settle with Jake while I change?” Annie nodded and Andy walked to his room.
10 minutes later Andy came down wearing some black sweatpants, a white V-neck t-shirt and he was bare foot. Annie just stare at him for a moment before looking down at her hands. Jake was in charge of choosing the movie, and as they expected he chose The Avengers. The three of them sat on the couch, Jake was in between Andy and Annie enjoying his pizza slice and chips. During the movie Andy glanced at Annie, her soft jawline lighted with the light from the TV; Annie turned to see him and Andy put his attention back on the movie, she could see his long eyelashes and the way his muscles tighten on his neck. Half way through the film Jake laid on Annie’s lap and a little later he fell asleep.
“Do you want to finish the movie?” Andy said out of the blue turning to see her.
“Mmm no, not really, I already know how it ends.” She smiled, “I think I should go home.”
“Let me put Jake on his bed, and I’ll drive you.”
Andy took Jake in his arms and went upstairs. Annie started to clean the little mess they made on the coffee table and washed the dishes. She was about to finish when Andy cleared her throat.
“Do you have to leave already? I was hoping we could talk.”
Annie looked at the clock in the kitchen, it was 9:30.
“I could stick around a little longer.”
“I mean, I know you have to go home to your boyfriend, I don’t want to cause you problems”
“He is out, he’s never home early on Fridays. His classes end around 7 and then he always goes out with his friends after school”
“Great!” Andy said a little bit too excited, “Beer?”
“No, thank you. I don’t like beer. Water is fine.”
“WHAT?! That’s a crime!” Andy said grabbing a beer from the fridge, then went to the cabinet.
“Beer tastes bad, and smells even worse.”
“I have red wine” Andy showed her the bottle.
“Well…I guess I could have a glass.”
Andy opened the bottle, served her a glass and headed back to the living room. They sat down and put their drinks on the table in front of them; they stayed there, silence filling the air.
“I…” they said at the same time.
“No no, me first.” Andy cut her. “I wanted to apologize for the way I yelled at you last Wednesday, I was stressed and you were right. Jake didn’t deserve my behavior nor you. I need you… we need you, Jake loves you, and I want you to know that the job is still yours if you want it.” He took his wallet out his pocket and give her the payment of the week.
“Really?” She said taking the money, “After the way I snapped and basically called you a terrible father?
“Yeah, even after that.” Andy took a sip of his beer. “And also, I was hoping we could start over, so, “Hi,” Andy extended his hand. “I’m Andrew Stephen Barber, born and raised in Boston. But you can call me Andy.”
“I’m Annabelle Marie Johnson” she said holding his hand “also born and raised in Boston. Everyone calls me Annie.”
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
1/2 And we are on 4x13 and it starts with Britin “sleeping” and immediately he scoffs at it and goes ‘yeah right. You expect me to believe that either of them sleep like that? Not to project on Blondie but he would be all over Bri Bri. OH BRIAN IS SNEAKING OUT?! What is going on? OH JUSTIN IS AWAKE?! This would be sooooo much funnier if they’d be all over each other and Bri would spend like a full minute trying to untangle. Why is he sneaking out? Brian, you know this is your house right? WHAT IS HAPPENING? Oh shit he’s following him. HE’S SNEAKING OUT TO WORK OUT? That’s..insane..and impressive.. i hid in the bathroom at the hospital last week because i tried to avoid PT. CAUGHT! HES BEEN SNEAKING AROUND FOR THREE WEEKS?! THEYRE GONNA GO TOGETHER?! AM I FINALLY GETTING A BRIAN AND JUSTIN TRIP? Even if it is to Canada? Is there a place In Pittsburgh that they haven’t fucked at? SEE THIS IS THE JUSTIN I LOVE! THIS KINKY SNEAKY LIL SHIT!’ *pauses episode on Mel* ‘IS THAT A PICTURE OF BRIAN BEHIND HER? When gus was born!!! It is! THAT IS ADORABLE!’ He is now watching the Mel/Linds passive aggressiveness ‘okay, im gonna need this shit to end. I dont care how, just end it’ ‘I forgot about this LA dude. NOOOO JUSTIN NEEDS TO GO TO LA?! BUT THE LIBERTY RIDE! FUCK YOU MIKE! NO JUSTIN! COME ON THIS IS BULLSHIT! Why does he have to go to LA! *pauses tv* this sucks. THEY WERE GONNA FUCK IN A TENT OR WHATEVER! *looks at me* yeah yeah and raise money for charity but priorities! Fuck LA’ ‘CARL WANTS TO MARRY DEBBIE?! OH MY FUCKING GOD! HOLY SHIT’ and we are at Brian/Linds scene ‘why am i not surprised that she ran to him for help? Since when is Lindsay such a bitch? *pauses tv and looks at me all sad* do you think Brian is messed up because his parents stayed together? I mean its one horrible home versus two horrible homes. I know that’s probably why he hasn’t told Blondie he loves him and why he pushes people away but like do you think it would change shit? *looks at me annoyed bc all i did was shrug in my defense im still a little sick* oh come on dont you have a psychology degree or something (this is where i looked at him funny and tell him that i absolutely do not have that) oh…do we know anyone that has it because i have questions’ *starts ep again* ‘why is Ted not going on the ride? Whats going on? So Justin AND Ted aren’t going? WHAT is happening?’ Mikey told Ben about Carl and then he says “after all thats what two people do when they love each other, right? Get married” ‘well…not always. I mean i get marriage is like a big deal cause hospitals or like taxes or whatever but other than that? Its just too much work.’ ‘I love Blondie so much but let’s be fucking real, try to imagine Brian sleeping in a tent outside. FUCKING MICHAEL WHY CANT HE KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT! Let Justin ditch LA for a trip! Wait Brian is not going either?! Hold the fuck up? So he’s out? HOLD UP. Go on a ride without Brian and sacrifice his future? WHAT? So wait is Brian lying about not going or what? Is he lying to get Justin to go for his career? WHAT IS HAPPENING’ (all this was said very fast but also with many pauses and stuttering) ‘damn it, Mikey is actually cute! So wait the only people doing the ride are ben, hunter and Mike? the fuck?’ ‘I’m so happy that Emmett and Ted are back to being friends. EMMETT IS GOING ON THE RIDE! Aw they’re gonna ride together! At least I’ll have them two if Brian and Justin aren’t going’ and the trip to canada has started ‘so Brian is really not going? Aw he came to see them off.’ (He paused the ep to rewind back to the handjob motion hunter does and then he pointed to Brians reaction and went ‘that was either cute uncle/nephew shit OR actor dude smiled for real’) ‘i hate that he’s not going. And that Justin isn’t going. Fuck LA. Im glad Bri is being safe but it still fucking sucks.’ ‘Aw carl (carl is about to propose) sucks that he cant go. HOLY SHIT! THATS HOW HES PROPOSING?! it kinda fits for debbie not gonna lie.‘
Oh my god! the back and forth about Brian and Justin and who’s going on the liberty ride and who’s going to LA is so frustrating. I swear the writers had nothing else to do.
oh come on dont you have a psychology degree or something (this is where i looked at him funny and tell him that i absolutely do not have that) oh…do we know anyone that has it because i have questions
Shyly raises hand… you can let your brother know I have a psychology degree (three of them!) when this is all revealed. I’ll answer any questions he has.
I’m rushing through my reactions to these a bit because I have work but just know that I’ve read and reread them and died laughing.
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f-o-x-t-r-o-t · 1 year
Okay so I have been having absolutely filthy thoughts about JaySteph + Artemis or even just Artemis with Steph for the last several hours. They have ranged from Jason and Steph getting tied together and blindfolded by Artemis with a thick, double-ended dildo in their asses, getting methodically broken down by the amazon until they're both quivering, sobbing messes, going through the five stages of grief during sex from her technique.
To trans!Stephanie trying to subtly dom Artemis before Jason got back from his mission only for Jason to walk in on the amazon railing Steph like crazy, the blonde either screaming herself hoarse from getting her ass opened by the redhead's b i g fucking dick or drooling from between grit teeth as Artemis had a stupidly muscular arm wrapped around her throat as she fucked Steph from behind, with her free hand jacking Steph's dick off even though she'd been shooting nothing but blanks for so long.
To Artemis just straight up walking in on the two fucking, pulling up a chair, and going 'Keep going, don't mind me.' and just stares at them, womanspreading to assert dominance. Or show off the bulge in her jeans. Possibly both.
You'll be so happy to know that in my "And I love, I love, I love you" series I have two Steph/Jay/temis threesomes and one aftercare oneshot planned. The first one I plan to finish for August 18th, Day 5 of Bottom Jason Todd week. It'll be the 6th part of the series (4 parts are set to publish in the week prior to this one) (If all hopefully goes according to plan and everything gets complete; fingers crossed) (I also just have a stephtemis wip on my wip list sooooo....)
Jason calls Artemis "Daddy" in bed because as you'll come to learn I am literally incapable of writing Jason without his parental trauma making him a tad overwhelmingly Freudian. (his overbearing love for others makes him a little incestuous whoops)
Steph calls Artemis either "Sir" or "Ma'am" depending on how the redhead is feeling that day. It's a headspace thing. Sometimes her dom side feels more masculine and other times it feels more feminine. She's usually stricter in her masculine domspace and more dehumanizing & patronizing in her feminine domspace
FUCk I don't even know how to address that second paragraph, that's so hot. Steph is so assertive when she doms so she totally believes she can dom Artemis. The amazon slowly breaks her down into a moaning mess. Steph making direct eye contact with Jason as she cums again and he's just standing there with a Gaping mouth because "OOohhh myyy God" Artemis invites him in asking what took him so long and they've been waiting for him. She drags him into the bedroom and strips him down, pushing him onto the bed, and stroking his folds. Stephanie, so burnt through, can only lap and suck at Jason's breasts and nipples. Tears dried all over his face, hair like a bird's nest. God damn....
Artemis gripping herself, whether dick or cunt, and just lazily squeezing like "don't mind me. You two just continue what you're doing."
Artemis gets Steph and Jay matching collars. She links them together so that when they get broken down into whiny messes, the two of them are pulling against each other (slightly choking the other out) because they forgot they had to work in tandem. What should they be...Purple with silver hardware and red with gold hardware? Or should they be more matchy to show Artemis' dominance? Green with white stitching and bronze hardware to call back to her old uniform? Black with red stitching and gold hardware (and stars charms!!!!) to highlight her new costume? Oh my, the options.
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joseopher · 2 years
As we know I check the novacaine tags daily.
AND WE HAVE A NEW FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm starving, darling!!!!!!!!!
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[Image ID: A screenshot of the tags that reads: "Callum is pathetic pt 3" /.End ID]
Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers!
okay so
"Experiencing the illusions with Reina and seeing her scream in pain had made him feel powerful, strong, and better than her."
Callum you need help, like in the brain
"There was something there. Something dark and sour, twisting his stomach. He wished again he had his energy back. He wished he could transfer the feeling to her. He wanted her to hurt for even daring to accuse him of being mean. He knew he was mean, that wasn’t the issue. Rhodes made it seem like it was something bad, something he did on purpose and had full control over. That little girl knew nothing of the world yet."
You. Need. Help.
(This is so in character!!!! Oh my gosh I love it!!)
“God, Parisa was right. You act all tough and mean but actually, you’re just insecure and lonely,” 
FAAAAACTS! This had me rolling on the floor laughing.
Also, Callum being a jealous baby because Nico and Tristan sometimes *gasp* talk to each other!! Woooahhh, I know Callum it must be sooooo hard for you.
I love it.
"Nico didn’t look up at him, to Callum’s dismay. He wanted to kiss Tristan in front of his face again."
Please the last time Nico witnessed Novacaine he nearly drowned himself, you can't do that to him again Callum
"Nico opened his mouth to protest and Callum was waiting for it, honestly. He wished for Nico to protest and beg for Tristan’s attention. He wanted Tristan to reject him, right to his face, and see it was Callum he was rejecting him for—the one he had wished dead not too long ago."
Callum I want to fold you into a box and jump on you and then frame your squashed remains and sacrifice children in your honour
Libby: You are in pain, you need to let others in and stop pushing those that care about you away
Callum: I will solve my pain by having sex, that will fix everything
Tristan flexing the fact that he's strong enough to carry Callum lololol king behaviour
"Tristan had a good body. There wouldn’t be a lot of people who wouldn’t agree that he was attractive. If Callum would separate Tristan’s body from his soul, he would still find him hot. But then Tristan looked back at him, both cocky and hesitant. He ran a hand through his hair and leaned down to press a kiss to Callum’s temple. Those were the things that made the fire in Callum’s belly turn hot. The certain way he did things, the way he spoke in a low voice, the way he would smile and look at him from the corner of his eye, were the things Callum lusted over."
You are in love with him
"Callum shot him an annoyed look and made grabby hands at him."
Also the notes
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[Image ID: A screenshot of the notes that reads: "hehe maybe atlas should finally show up now or something. otherwise these two will just keep fucking" /.End ID]
Atlas Six Vacation? More like Novacaine fuck station!
*gets booed as people throw tomatoes at me*
I know, I know, I'll be here all week
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deutoplasmic · 24 days
DW THATS ALL THEY DO however they will be grilled for all the details by mame the next time theres a vampire gathering (mj got grounded after you found out it was his idea. but mame can do no wrong so!!) like mame is just “😁😁😁 SO HOW DID IT GOOOOO 😁😁😁😁😁” and you and takeru absolutely REFUSE TO MAKE EYE CONTACT OR SAY A WORD but takeru is all smug and matching mame’s shit eating grin and hes more playfully touchy with you now,,, ruffling your hair and leaning in more whenever you bicker GOD SMACK HIM FOR ME AGAIN Y/N
PLSSS that dreepy will be so loved,,, youre hugging it like a baby because it had a nightmare and fengfan’s to the side trying to be concerned but his face is like 😳 because hes totally NOT imagining you two raising dragon type pokemon for the rest of your lives together ahahaha no wdym,,, AND YES I USED AN APPLETUN ON MY TEAM ITS SO SILLY I LOVE IT i think i named mine fluffy or smth
LMAOKDJDJD RUKI ACTING LIKE A CAT WHEN HE HAS A CRUSH IS SO. 🫠🫠 like a new person in town is being a lil bit flirty with you and they can just. feel. someone staring at the back of their head. turn around? oop no ones there. turn back around? oh whos this guy over your shoulder y/n he seems angy 😭😭 like your and his rapidash will be all lovey dovey by the end of the week and ruki will STILL be unable to talk to you properly youve gotta hunt his ass down again
YEA NO masaya tries to be assertive but. when pokemon look at him with their lil 🥺 eyes (or 😀 in wooper’s case ig) HE CANT HELP IT!!! spoils every little pokemon he sees and cant turn them down especially not gible in its little carrier
omg a noibat 😭 their rehearsals are about to get NOISE COMPLAINTS but he somehow gets it to fit perfectly when they all busk together. walks into the poffin shop with a BAT DANGLING OFF HIS ARM and youre just like. oh my god he found another one
PLSSSS im sure y/n goes all out on advertising now to get more shipments BECAUSE IT MEANS CUTE DELIVERY GUY GETS TO COME OVER,,, with his toothy smile,,, and sometimes if theres a lot of deliveries youll even see him remove his hat to cool off,,, but he always puts it back on in time to say goodbye with his lil hat tip,,, as soon as the door closes y/n collapses into the couch and screams into the pillow yea me too y/n. me too
SHO AND KOSHIN TOGETHER MY HEART IS MELTING,,, like a trainer drops their pokemon off at the daycare and koshin’s like “BYEBYE!!! TAKE CARE ^^” idk how that trainer doesnt sob on the spot
PLSSS kumi with a lil crush on you but he still has to be upset you hijacked his ship. the internal fight is just. OK!!! YOURE REALLY PRETTY!!!! BUT I HAVE TO BE UPSET!!!!!! but you have really nice eyes BUT YOU GOT HIM INTO A MESS but its been fun and youre really cute WAIT NO-
on a side not i finished the fengfan bagon art last night 🫡 not that happy with it but will probably upload it later anyway HDNDHDH
LOOOOOL takeru's staring down jin who is desperately pointing to mame and is like HE DID IT WITH ME!!!! and you're like how could you accuse him of such WRONG but you do know you're just very fond of him. true favouritism. and he's like gloating at jin the silly silly boy like imagine being grounded couldn't be me 🤣 BUT YEAH omg takeru is probably sooooo smug. a cat who's got the cream or whatever the saying is. sometimes he gets a little TOO close and you have to push him away slightly but that is not dampening his mood!!!!!!!! you just acknowledged him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg ....... fengfan's trying to stay CALM but that's not really working when you're in front of him stiffly rocking the dreepy to sleep... when it evolves you give it a little mimikyu to look after and they become best buddies..... friendship............ fengfan mildly loses it when he sees you playing with them.............. also fluffy the appletun that is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOOOOOOL you convince him into going to the market together and he looks away for like a minute only to find you talking it up with this one person..... and god he is very angry without the r. he even musters up the courage to ask if you can hold hands (!!!!!!!!) and gives them a disdainful look like 🤣🤣🤣 ADN YEHA by the end of the week the rapidash are very much in love but uh. where's ruki. you find him in his front yard playing with his alolan meowth and he almost forgets for a second that you know about his penchant for alolan pokemon so he panics LMAO
YOURE SO RIGHT... he prolly has a stall at the market where he sells honey and a bunch of leeks after shion and farfetch'd taught him how to perfect the art of leek growth LOL and he cant help but keep giving all the pokemon tasters........ its actually a very effective marketing tactic as the honey he has is so so so good but masaya doesn't care (notice).... hes just here to feed all the cute pokemon some honey.................
ok for SURE LOOOOOOL omg ayuta, who prolly has like a breloom, keeps showing up to listen to them perform.... and one time junkis like hello future disciple and ayuta is like HUH howd you know i want to learn how to sing!!!!!!! and hes like just come to my house tmrw for your first lesson ok and SURE its suspicious as hell but ayutas like COOL and luckily junki isnt here to murder him!!!!!!!!! ok but fr youre like minding yoru own business and junki's like can i also have a petaya berry poffin pleaseeeee and youre like is this for uh. uh. your new bat and hes like YES EXACTLY shes so nice and sweet and such a good singer .......
god yn so real for this one. i dont even know how anyone can be composed aroudn kyo liek waht the helllllllllll what the helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.... he prolly never says anythng about like any holidays out of modesty but hes gone for a week and comes back with a bunch of masaladas in different flavours for you to try which somehow have not gone off???
ok. its so over. the double attack of sho and koshin together OHHHHHH theyre so CUTE im losing it...... when koshin's internship ends they hug it out. btw sho has the best hugs im just saying. and then sho sends him on his way with a bunch of berries, apricorns, and a invitation to come back any time...... uhghghghhhhhhhh
LMFAOOOOOO syoya with his politoed ken with his dragonite and taichi with like. a hitmontop or smth. they're going to battle gym leaders me:i but keep having to do random ass side quests set for them by big man professor ceo..... getting impatient. speaking of me:i ran ABSOLUTELY has a scizor like!!!!!!!!! its her and her girl bestie running a cute quaint gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YEAH omg he eats up every tiny bit of attention you give him but he cant be doing this!!!!!!!!!! youve put him with a 300 thousand credit target on his back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but yeah no he never said he made intelligent life choices either so uh......
NO WAYYYYYYYYY i cant wait to see it omg. also its ok if you dont like it too much..... the true joy comes from knowing you FINISHED IT AND BEAT THE DEMONS (procrastination)
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woozi · 2 years
yza 🥺🤍
i die a little everytime you say ma cherie 😭. also felt. jeonghan 🧍🏾‍♀️ he's getting too prettier fr
me @ anything which tries to bring you discomfort 🤺🤺🤺, glad lil angel (correction: devil) hannie helped <3
how have i been? hshsjdjdkdkdjjd IVE BEEN UNWELL EVER SINCE CHEOL CONFIRMED HIS TATTOOS PLS 😭😭🤕 all this time only joshua was my '🤕' and cheol my comfort but these days it's been reversed 😭😭 AND THE RECENT LIVE- DHJDHDJDNDKDKDKDJD HE'S SO EVIL YZA i've been unwell bc of him but otherwise i'm doing fine :'3
icb i'm saying this but i've become a ghibli lover ( only seen 4 movies hdejsk ), i can now understand what the hype is about but before indulging into them, it did overwhelm me a little 😭 it's like how if someone were to ask me for svt recs and how i would sit down with my list of songs, going seventeen eps, pictures separated by units, favorites, covers etc dhdjkdkd. im not into animes that much but ghiblis are slowly becoming my comfort movies 🥺 ( LMAOOO WAIT- JUST LIKE HOW WOOZI DID THAT 6 HOUR LIVE EXPLAINING/RANKING FAVORITE ANIMES 😭😭 too much recs or hype about something doesn't end well for me hdjddk thankfully it didn't happen this time ) which ones are your favorite ghibli movies?
ive also been consumed by the bets concert moments, it's so heartwarming to see the boys having fun. my favorite ones have got to be carats cosplaying as carrots or dressing up like svt's alter egos from caratland 😭 it's so cute to see them reacting to them. no.1 spot is locked with seungkwan watching a carat twerk 😭 that was so funny 😭 which ones have been your favorites? feel free rant hehe <3
what have you been upto? 🥺 i hope you're doing well i missed you so much <3 everytime i see chan being cute or loser (affectionate) i'm always like yza probably enjoyed and laughed bc of it dhjdkdkd also his arms.
sending only the best day vibes towards you <3 - 🪂
what better than a little devil also fighting the other demons in my life <3 esp need it rn it's my final week before a bit of break (a week to be exact) from uni and my schedule is sOOO LOADED 😭
"my '🤕'" MADE ME LAUGH SMMMMMMMMMM U COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER WITH SO LITTLE WORDS!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO SAME?????????????????????????????????? think i abt had a stroke fr when he revealed that it was real oh my god yOURE SOOOOO VALID!!!! sumn abt him these days fr, i think the asia leg of the tour esp did something to him lmfao
ALSO THE WAY WE ARE BECOMING THE SAME PERSON FDKJDFJDF I'VE ALSO BEEN GOING ON GHIBLI MARATHONS 😭😭😭 there's a bunch of em so i can definitely get how it can seem to be intimidating to get into but i'M GLAD U LIKED IT <3333 which ones are ur favorites? so far mine are (kinda expected) spirited away and arriety <3
AND BETS MY BELOVED </3333 ure so right it really is so heartwarming to see em very happy to see carats after 2 long years!! AND NOT THE TWERKING FDKJFDKJFDJKDFJK one of my favorite ones is dk dropping to the floor bc of a girlie almost popping a titty (only for the shock factor 😭). also not to be me but the one i always look forward to is the lil jihoon chan moment in _world </3
i'm so so glad u've been well <33 i've been p much the same, but my sched's just a bit more hectic bc it's my last year in uni <33 AND NAURRRRRRRR THE WAY HE WOULD EVEN REMIND U OF ME </33 IM DEVASTATED!!!!!!!!!! ALSO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, youre so real for that something really shifted in the dinonara community since he sprouted Arms lmfao 😭
sending u strength, a big hug, and many flowers 🌸🌹🌼🥀💐🌻💮 <33333 LOVE U!!!
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