#but have u considered. all the food in the house is bad and illegal
shop-korea · 6 days
My Trip to India | Exploring Kerala
TRAIN - 3 DAYS - 51 HRS - 10 MIN - FRM
100 - MEN - SAME - ONES - AT - 5A - 2 - SHOWER
$2.25 - EACH - WAY - STARTS - AT - 5A - SO THE
CARS - 5% - DISCOUNT - BOTH - JUST - $9.99
FOR - HER - I’M - AGE 59
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asmolemmeeatyouout · 3 years
Clearing out the drafts so
Random hc’s for the boys
That I don’t wanna even try organise
CW: one non graphic mention of gore
Lucifer has misophonia, he hides it well but does frequently bend/break cutlery because of it.
(Catch Satan chewing as loud as he possibly can)
👾Levia👾chan👾🥺😳😩😖😣🍥😓😥🤢🤢🤮🥉🥉🥉 texts 🐒😈📱 📲 like 👍 🤗💃 this 😊 😊 😊 🥵 🥵😣😣😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭😏😏🤯
(🙌 Yes 🙌 👍 👏 it’s 👋 🙋‍♀️ every 💫 💫 💫 text 🙈 ☺️ 🙈 . 🚫 No 🚫 you 👨 👩 cannot 👅👀👅 make 👉👈👉👈 👁👄👁him 🛑 stop 🛑😈👿😈 ‼️❕‼️🐠 (<Henry)
Will role play as Henry (the fish, specifically) while texting you when he’s too shy to ask you things, the only hint you get is him ending every text like with ALL the fish emojis. If you refer to him as Levi not Henry during this he will SULK.
Calls your texting dry af if you don’t send at LEAST four emojis with every message
The best subtle magic belphie has is his sheets are always crisp and new
Like every night is shaved leg fresh sheets night smooth
His magic only works on his sheets so he sneaks his other washing in with beels the lazy git
Beel knows he just doesn't care
Beel does the most laundry out of the brothers bc he eats in bed CONSTANTLY
(He also eats everything he spills but that's not gonna stop the spaghetti stains- or the punishment from Lucifer when he accidently swallows the sheet too)
Beel once chewed belphies hair in his sleep
This is the main reason the twins have separate beds
If belphies asleep somewhere and wants a cuddle he will just kidnap the nearest person if no ones around, this includes little d’s and lessor demons, his magic will put them to sleep fast enough it can’t be stopped
Asmo’s body changes with trends (its fucked that body types have trends), but the devildom is slower in its trend rotation which is why he’s currently obsessed with the 2000’s esque stature (give 👏 us 👏 fat 👏 asmo 👏! ! !)
Levi has the FATTEST ass around (and cute little love handles and a soft belly, boy sits on his ass all day no way he’s ripped)
(Still has demon strength tho, but his human glamour is much less intimidating than his true demon self (think @waltnut 's form hc’s)
Satan’s whole feather boa getup is literally a cat toy. He wears it to entice cats he knows it’s ugly.
Asmodeus will take and wear your clothing without asking. This includes underwear, I suggest you get a lock for your closet.
In line with this, the first time beel went to the human world he burnt tomato red under the sun. He was not aware sunscreen was a thing due to the whole perma night devildom thing.
Stoner! Mammon supremacy
(he also deals coke bc moneeeeyyyy) (lucifer doesn’t care as long as it’s not in the house, drugs aren’t a. Illegal in the devildom, and b. that harmful to demons, it’s also his most respectable way of getting Grimm considering all his other hijinxs)
Asmo once convinced Satan to wear a sexy cat costume for a Halloween party
Satan had a sexual-identity-furry crisis in the bathroom
Devildom clothing isn’t gendered,
Asmodeus has been banned from wearing skirts in professional settings due to uh *coughcough* “accidental” flashing. (The same with crop tops/bras/see-through shirts)
Mammon and lucifer are scary similar in some respects like:
Lucifers receiving love language is physical touch and BOY is he starved. Touch his head and he will full body shudder black out for a second. Most people assume it’s acts of service bc he’s so overworked but that’s his giving, duh. (Try touch his neck and your wrist will be broken before you get close)
It’s why he wears gloves everywhere (also bc scars from the war, but I don’t remember the @ I heard that from first and I don’t wanna steal :) )
Mammon’s receiving love language is also physical touch, lucifer’s pride stops them from helping each other.
Lucifer will mock you if you get too close to his insecurities as a defence mechanism, it’s why mammon refuses to hug him even though they both need it.
Mammon just flat out denies his needs and emotions (partially due to lucifer’s defence response, partly bc him&co being abs assholes)
Mammon and asmo share the same music taste (which is GAY pop -think rina sawagama comme des garçons, Britney, gaga, montero- (I’m sry I don’t know more pop))
Asmodeus is the ‘tell you things that you think are tmi or too personal but actually mean nothing to me’ kind of honestly dishonest so no one knows his true feelings/can hurt him (me too baby !)
Beel is the only brother open about his emotions because he’ll just eat you if you dare make fun of him
Mammon offers beel food on really bad days because he’s too afraid of being mad fun of to just ask for a hug and beel showers anyone that gives him food in affection
Asmodeus LIKES violence, he thinks blood and gore is sexy, but he keeps that side of him very private as to not taint his perfect image and lower his chances of getting laid
(there are rumours and myths about what the avatar of lust likes to do to people who truly piss him off, but they’re so far removed from the Asmodeus everyone knows and loves that no one really believes them. Which is just how asmo likes it)
ALL the boys are obsessed with touching/stroking your neck/nape because there’s so much fragility there and it’s a huge sign of trust for a demon
Mammon is always warm
Levi is always cold (blooded)
When Satan gets really angry, objects near him just burst into flames
Okay I’m done now, thank u for reading !! :)
*** think I tagged the wrong creator gonna go find the right url soz guys !! (But also do check out @decaffeinated-demons they’ve got super cool ideas)
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novannna · 4 years
On the Other Side of the Glass
My contribution for Danissa December!!!
@renegadesnet event 6: danissa december
↪️ [ Though Narcissa never told anyone, she went back to that house countless times. She watched through any small reflective surface she could, trying to imagine herself in that girl's shoes. Ace Anarchy fell, and order returned to Gatlon, making it harder for her and her grandpa to get by.  No weapons sales, so she had to steal as much as possible.  Narcissa barely ever had time for the butterfly girl.  But, when her grandpa was busy, she slipped away, and pretended that she and the butterfly girl were best friends. ]
Wc: 1640 
The first time Narcissa Cronin saw Danna Bell, she was only seven years old.  She had been traveling through mirrors, looking for an empty home, one that was full of food and other things to take.  Her grandfather had told her to take anything of value, and that was what she was doing.  A bag stuffed full hung heavy in her hand.  She felt a little guilty, but she ignored that feeling.  They did what they needed to to survive.  Just like everyone else.  She needed to help her grandfather.  He was all she had. He couldn’t survive on his own and she couldn’t either.  
Narcissa looked out through the mirror to her right.  Was anyone in the room?  No, a quick glance confirmed that it was empty.  It looked like a bathroom.  This was where she normally ended up.  It was the main spot for mirrors.  She poked her head through the cold glass, it flowing over her head.   It was a weird sensation, traveling through mirrors.  Like diving through a pool of ice cold water, but not getting wet. She suppressed a shudder as her head emerged.  
Just to jerk it back in.
A door slammed closed, and a little girl stormed into the bathroom, her face wet with tears.  Her frizzy blond hair tied up into twin buns.  She sniffed deeply, and curled down to the floor.   
“Danna,” a voice yelled, right outside the bathroom.  “Danna, let me in!”
She shook her head.  “No,” her quivering voice replied.  “Go away!”
“Danna, sweetie, you have to come out.  I’m sorry I yelled, but you have to understand why,” the voice pleaded.  “It’s too dangerous for you outside.  I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“You want me to pretend to be ordinary?”  Narcissa could hear the scorn in her voice.  “You want me to pretend to be someone I’m not?”  
“Just for now.  It’s too dangerous.”
The little girl- Danna, stood up, and cracked the door open a tiny bit.  “I don’t wanna hide who I am.  I’m not gonna pretend to be a civilian.  That’s not who I am.”  Her body burst into a swarm of butterflies, and flew through the door, away from whoever was talking to her.  And away from Narcissa.  She shook herself.  Why was she spending so much time thinking about a civilian?  She had to get back to her grandpa.  He was counting on her.  
Narcissa kept moving forward, looking through the next mirror, thoughts still stuck on the little girl made of butterflies.  
Though Narcissa never told anyone, she went back to that house countless times. She watched through any small reflective surface she could, trying to imagine herself in that girl's shoes. Ace Anarchy fell, and order returned to Gatlon, making it harder for her and her grandpa to get by.  No weapons sales, so she had to steal as much as possible.  Narcissa barely ever had time for the butterfly girl.  But, when her grandpa was busy, she slipped away, and pretended that she and the butterfly girl were best friends. Narcissa would invent fantastical scenes in her mind, where she walked out of the mirror, and she became closer to her than anything. But she remembered her grandpa's warnings. And she just watched from the other side of the glass as Danna grew. 
Narcissa knew the Renegades wanted as many prodigies, but she never thought her butterfly would believe their lies.  That’s how she had started to think of Danna. Hers. The girl who didn’t even know she existed.  Her butterfly.  Narcissa watched from the sides as Danna did push ups, and sit ups, and sprinted for miles and miles on end.  But she never could find out why.  No one else was pushing themselves to such extreme limits.  So why was Danna?  And then it dawned on her.  
Danna was a prodigy.  A powerful one.  SHe was also a good person, who wanted to do good.  
Danna was training to join the Renegades.  
When Narcissa realized what she was preparing for, she ran away, and sobbed for hours.  She knew there was no chance of her foolish childhood dream coming now.  
No.  Danna was with the enemy, and she would never be Narcissa’s.  
The next time Nova visited with Ingrid, she kissed her behind a bookshelf, trying to replace an aching hole in her heart. And it worked. At least for a while. 
But Nova… well she was so different from Danna. 
She was angry, passionate, and rebellious.  She moved too fast, and spoke too loud.  Narcissa liked her certainly, but did she love her?  No.  Narcissa realized that her childhood fantasies had grown into something so much bigger.  She had a crush on Danna Bell, a Renegade. Her enemy. 
“No,” her mind whispered. “Not your enemy. She’s your butterfly.”  But Narcissa couldn’t deny the truth.  Even if Danna liked girls, the chances were low enough already, they could never be together. They were opposite sides of a battle that never ended, and Narcissa wasn’t going to betray her grandfather for a girl she had never even met. 
Still, in the middle of the night, Narcissa couldn’t help creeping through a mirror, and into Danna’s room.  She traced the sleeping girl’s face with her nail, and brushed a blonde dreadlock away from her forehead.  
She knew how incredibly stupid it was for her to be there, but she needed to see Danna’s face. She needed to know whether her heart really belonged to this girl. And it did. It beat with each breath, the subtle rise and fall of her chest giving Narcissa life. Her hand ached to be clenched between Danna’s long fingers, and she wanted to cup Danna’s dark face between her hands, and kiss her lips until she forgot about everything. Until she forgot about every illegal thing her grandpa had ever done. Until she forgot how many criminals like her Danna had caught. Until they weren’t heroes and villains. Just two girls in love.  Narcissa stretched out her skinny fingers, and brushed Danna’s cheeks. 
Narcissa gasped in pain. It hurt to be so close… but at the same time, so far. 
Danna stirred, and flickered open her eyelids. 
Narcissa darted into the mirror, her heartbeat thudding in her ears.  Danna rubbed her eyes blearily, and scanned the room, but no one was there.  Obviously.  She couldn’t see Narcissa from where she crouched inside the mirror.  Even half asleep, Danna was absolutely breathtaking.  Apparently deciding she was fine, she lay back down.  Narcissa cast one last longing glance at the sleeping girl, and darted off through the mirrors, heading home.  
Narcissa wished she could say that she gave up on Danna.  
But that would be a lie.  
She did stop watching her when she was alone- it hurt too much to know that it was just the two of them, and only one cared.  But everytime Narcissa could, she watched Danna.  Especially when she was on patrol.  She couldn’t help but worry for Danna.  She wished she didn’t but Narcissa always found her feet carrying her to the nearest mirror, for just a glance.  She had to make sure Danna was alright.  She always was.  But Narcissa still checked.  Again, and again and again.  
Then one day, she noticed something.  Danna was looking at someone in such an achingly familiar way.  It was the same way Narcissa looked at Danna.  
But Danna wasn’t looking at her.  She was looking at someone else.  Her teammate.  Ruby?  That was her name, wasn’t it?  Did it matter?  
Narcissa hadn’t even considered the fact that one day her butterfly would want someone else.  Had Narcissa really been that selfish to forget that her butterfly would want a life of her own?  Every single thought had been about them, never just her.  Never what Danna wanted.  
Narcissa dropped to the bottom of the mirror realm.  Her body shook with sobs as she realized exactly how stupid and pointless her crush had been.  So she vowed to forget about Danna.  Forget the beautiful Renegade even existed.  Forget about her, and let them both continue on with their lives.  It was better for everyone. 
So Narcissa lay curled in a ball in the bottom of a place only she knew, crying her heart out, knowing everything she wanted was over.  
And she was the only person who knew that it ever existed.  
A year later, when Narcissa saw the fluttering butterfly on Nova’s dresser, she couldn’t help herself.  Her first love surged back to the surface, and let the glass shatter, freeing her trapped love. It did nothing but bring up painful memories, but at least Narcissa had done something good.  Even if people thought her intentions were bad, she knew that they were good.  What was better than freeing the girl she loved.  
And a few weeks later, when she saw Danna again, those emotions surged up once more.  She couldn’t contain her glee.  For the first time in 17 years, Danna had seen her face.  Danna knew her name.  Danna knew she existed.  It was hard to stop smiling for hours after.  
And even later, when she saw Danna trapped in the cathedral, she knew that she was going to have to make the final decision.  Whether she wanted to be the person she had grown up to be.  To stick with her grandfather's path.  Or to do something good.  Do something brave.  Be a hero.  
She did what Danna would have done.  And now, everything was perfect.  
Her butterfly was now truly hers.   
And Narcissa wasn’t alone anymore.  Her mirror had found it’s reflection.  
Tag list: @honey-harper-official @quinterickson @thepurpledragon4444 @nova-artino @lesbianariescalante @prudence-barnett  (let me know if u want to be added or taken off my tag list!!!)
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obsidianfr3sk · 4 years
Humon + all the questions 👀👀👀👀👀👀
*Cracks her knuckles* My time has come
100 Otp Questions (✨Humon edition✨)
1. Who loves flower crowns more? Simon. I think that during most of his childhood and teen years he tried to repress a lot of his more "feminine" interests so when he became an adult and a little more confident, he started to kinda obsess over them 2. Who is the one who likes to cuddle? Hugh 3. Who has awful taste in music? Hugh (? HE JUST SEEMS LIKE HE HAS SHITTY MUSICAL TASTE, OK????? 4. Who is the meme lover? Simon, and Hugh always goes like "I don't get it" 5. How did their second date go? Better than the first one:) 6. How many children do they want/have? They always wanted to have a lot of kids 7. Who hides the weapons? Simon 8. Who is the better dancer? Hugh. Simon's super clumsy, but it’s kinda adorable:) 9. Do/Did they have a theme wedding? No, they went to the courthouse after a few weeks after they defeated Ace Anarchy and had a small ceremony with friends (they were still mourning Georgia u.u) 10. What do their parents think of them dating? Well, according to my headcanons (? Hugh didn't actually meet his parents (because Mr. Everhart didn't want t prodigy son) but Simon lived with this dad! Mr. Westwood didn’t like Hugh that much because he thought he may be a bad influence:) But after they started dating he started to notice Simon was so happy with him, and at the end of the day, it was all that mattered. But yeah he still didn't like Hugh that much lol his son was too good for him (? 11. Are they a super sappy couple? When they're drunk, yes (? 12. How did they get together? Simon was the introvert Hugh, an extrovert, adopted 13. Who asked the other to get married? They asked each other at the same time:) 14. Who stays up too late and makes stupid jokes? Simon. 15. Who is the nerd? B O T H 16. Who knows the most obscure facts? Hugh: *drinks water* Simon: you know... drinking too much water can actually kill you. Hugh: *nervously drinks water* 17. Who makes the other a flower crown? Simon, but one day Hugh tried to make one for him (it was a little bit... ugly, but Simon liked it) 18. Who likes to read? Simon. 19. Who bothers the other person while the other person reads? Hugh 20. Who tutors the other? Hugh 21. Do they have similar taste in movies? Yeah, for some reason I think they both like Marvel movies lol 22. How do their personalities complement each other? Simon is more sensitive, calm, and proactive, while Hugh is more dense, social, and reactive 23. How do they tell everyone that they are going to be having a kid/adopting a child soon? If you've read my fic Catch Me if I Should Fall, you know I believe Georgia asked Hugh to take care of Adrian if something happened to her. So when something did happen to her lol I think Hugh told Simon about the conversation they had, and Simon accepted without hesitation. Simon was the one who told the rest of the team, and honestly, nobody objected, because they knew they were the most capable of taking care of a child. 24. Who has better fashion sense? Hugh:) 25. Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner? Both 26. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle? OKAY SDAJFASFJD hahaha just imagine (? Adrian's on the car with them and Simon just starts singing at the top of his lungs "Stacy's Dad" but instead of saying "Stacy" he sings "Adrian". Adrian is super embarrassed because omg the cringe and he goes "dad tell pops to stop" while Simon is "ADRIAN'S DAD IS ACTUALLY PRETTY RAD HE'S ALL I WANT AND I'M OBSESSED JUST A TAD". So Hugh looks at him dead in the eye and says: "OH ADRIAN CAN'T YOU SEE YOUR DAD JUST THE GUY FOR ME" and then they both go "I KNOW IT MAY BE BAD BUT I'M IN LOVE WITH ADRIAN'S DAD" and Adrian jumps out of the car 27. What other couple would your otp get along with? I think they would get along with Tamaya and her husband:) 28. Who likes to prank the other? Okay so dskbsajfdjsd I think Simon, but like, he would make sexual jokes (? and Hugh would be like "I don't know how to respond to that". But he likes them xd 29. Who is the one who loves to take pictures? Both. 30. How would they react if they found out they were soul mates? Sweetie, they already know it 31. Where would they live? It's not like they don't like living in their mansion, but they would be more than happy if they lived in a small house:) As long as they're together 32. What type of dragon would they own, if they could have one? *googles types of dragons* so apparently Quetzalcoatl is considered a dragon... yeah, they would own a Quetzalcoatl :))) 33. If they were both vampires, what type of vampires would they be? Okay there are too many types of vampires what the actual fuck askdhsjakfdj but yeah, I think they would be your standard vampire lol 34. What would they dress up as, for Halloween? THEY WOULD DRESS UP AS EACH OTHER SDFBSHFBJ The Dread Captain and Chromium Warden (? 35. Can they name each other’s favorite food? Yes!!! Hugh knows Simon favorite food is pupusas (a traditional Salvadorian dish) (yes I headcanon Simon as half Salvadorian fight me) and one time he tried to cook them for him but he almost set the kitchen on fire. Ah, and Simon knows Hugh's favorite food is apple pie:) 36. Do they have pet names for one another? Hugh: *calls his husband dear/hun* Simon: *call his husband dude, amigo, bro, captain, and sometimes love, when he's in a good mood* 37. How do they cheer each other up? "I love you" "I know" "And I know you know. I just wanted to make sure you remember. Do you wanna talk about it?" "No" "It's okay. I'm here for you tho." "I know. And thank you" 38. Do they show a lot of PDA? At first, Simon had problems with PDA because fucking homophobes are everywhere, but now he hugs Hugh in public every time he can. And Hugh doesn't have a problem with it:) 39. How old were they when they got together? My headcanon is that they were 16, almost 17:) 40. Who is the one that would bring the puppy home? SIMON ASAJDBJSD and Hugh would be the one who's like "i don't want animals in this house Simon you have to find him another home i'm the patriarch and I've spoken" but then two months later he's like "Simon the dog sleeps in the bed tonight he's a puppy and there's a thunderstorm he will get scared:(((" 41. Can they do yoga couple’s poses? Some of them 42. What is their song? YOU FELL ASLEEP IN MY CAR I DROVE THE WHOLE TIME BUT THAT'S OKAY I'LL JUST AVOID THE HOLES SO YOU SLEEP FINE Tear in my Heart, by TOP 43. What does their room look like? LIKE A PINTEREST MOM ROOM LOL 44. Who would be the one to kill zombies while the other keeps them grounded? Hugh kills the zombies, Simon keeps him grounded 45. Who makes the other breakfast in bed? Añis, I think both of them:) 46. Who loves kids more? Simon. Hugh likes his kids and kids sometimes like him, but they're sticky and loud and just... no:) 47. Do either of them have a crazy ex? Does Ace count? 48. What are their favourite colours? Simon's favorite colour is purple and Hugh's is blue 49. Who likes to cook? Both, but Simon cooks better:) 50. Who is the forgetful one? I think Simon lol 51. Does either of them know how to fight? They do!! Like you cannot be a superhero without knowing how to fight lol. But I think Simon is more of thinking before every movent and Hugh tends more to using brute force 52. What do they do for Valentine's Day? They send each other flowers to work and have a romantic dinner at their house, is a tradition. 53. Who swears more? When they were younger Hugh used to curse more, but when they got older, Simon started doing it more than him 54. Who has the better comebacks? Simon. Sometimes Hugh is just... mean with his comebacks 55. Who would start a fight with another parent at a bake sale? H U G H (he's a soccer mom trapped in the body of a gay superhero) (Hugh: FIGHT ME TINA!) 56. Who reads buzzfeed? Both, but Simon does it ironically, Hugh doesn't (? 57. Who is the hopeless romantic? Both:) 58. Do either of them know how to do a handstand? Yes, Simon. 59. Who can rap better? S I M O N (One time Hugh was having a rap battle with Tamaya and Simon went “GO WHITE BOY GO”) 60. Do either of them want to go sky diving? No, they're too old for that 61. What do they usually text about? The kids, work, "i'm gonna order pizza" "all right" "but hurry up u r paying and i'm hungry", and "love ya" 62. Who is the dramatic one? It depends xd but I think Hugh lol 63. Is either one confrontational? Have you seen Hugh in Supernova?? the guy is batshit crazy i see why yall don't like him tbh 64. What is their favourite cuddle position? Spoon!!! (those basic bitches) 65. Who are their favourite musical artist(s)? JUAN GABRIEL AND SELENA QUINTANILLA 66. What are their parenting styles? Well, for what I saw in the books, they're not really super strict, but I think Hugh is more strict than Simon:) 67. Who would be the more laid back one? Simon. He would sneak his kids a cookie after Hugh told him not 68. Who listens to more vulgar music? I think Simon, but he just listens to it when Hugh’s around because he goes like the lady from this vine and is hilarious 69. Do either of them have secrets even the other doesn’t know? Hugh doesn't like papusas that much:) 70. Who is their go to couple for a double date? Tamaya and his husband! 71. Do they tip the waiter/waitress on their date? Yes, they're nice:) 72. How do they work out a fight? I think they give the other their space to think and calm down, and then they talk about it. 73. Who brings home an illegal pet? SIMON BUT BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW THE PET IS ILLEGAL UNTIL HUGH TELLS HIM 74. What side of the bed do each of them sleep on? Hugh sleeps on the right side and Simon on the left side 75. What is their favorite photo of them two together? A candid photo Georgia took a few weeks after they started dating. They are at Simon's basement, shyly holding hands and looking at each other completely smitten 76. Who takes longer in the bathroom? Hugh lol 77. Who has more songs on their ipod? Simon!! 78. What movie did they first see together? Matilda xd 79. What do they like to see each other in? Their supersuits (? 80. Who makes jokes during inappropriate times? Simon skdfhjsdjhs 81. At what age do they discuss the possibility of children? Right after Adrian was born they started to think about it, but never really talked of it until they were like 24-25. 82. What do they love about each other the most? They both think of each other as the bravest person they have ever met. 83. Who is the one that sees the big picture, while the other focuses on the small details? Hugh sees the big picture and Simon focus on the small details 84. What would they write on their partner’s social media for their anniversary? Something really cheesy lol 85. Who is bad at math? Simon 86. Who googles everything? Hugh to win arguments, Simon out of anxiety 87. Who does stuff on impulse? Hugh (fucking obviously) 88. How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation? I think they just... hold hands. Like “maybe we cannot do anything about this situation, but if the worst happens, we’ll be together and that’s the only right thing in this world right now.” 89. What is an inside joke they have? "rEnEgAdEs???? More like RENEGAYS" 90. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all? Hugh 91. What is their favourite holiday? Christmas!! 92. Who is the one that is calm and collected while the other is angry and destructive? *Supernova flashbacks* 93. What is their favourite board game to play? Pachisi  94. Who accidental sets something on fire? Hugh 95. Who has the car ready while the other is robbing the store? Hugh has the car ready and Simon robs the store 96. What artist/group did they go to for their first concert? SELENA QUINTANILLA 97. Who sleep talks? Simon 98. Who is the more social one? Hugh 99. What are their karaoke songs? Don't Go Breaking My Heart, Dreaming of You, and Te Quiero Tanto (but Simon is the only one who can sing it; he's been taking Spanish classes because after his mother died, he forgot all his Spanish. He does what he can) 100. Who would get up on stage and make a fool of themselves just to make the other laugh? Hugh
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Hybrid! Yoongi Scenario|
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Your day started off a mess. You woke up late, and were consequently late to work. In your rush you had completely forgotten your umbrella. And now as you stand outside running through the puddles, clothes becoming soaked as the water sloshed up you began to feel the frustration settling in. You were exhausted and just wanted to get home. You race to the bus stop and finally make it to the shelter. You sit on the bench, breathing heavily as you try to catch your breath. While you are sitting there, you notice a small black form across the street underneath a bench and shivering. You become curious, walking across the street. As you get closer you notice its a black cat with piercing green eyes. It’s wary of you, looking like its ready to run. You kneel down sitting on your heels, uncaring that you are becoming soaked again. The cat hisses at you.
“Hey there, none of that. I’m not going to hurt you I promise.” You hold your hand out and the cat bats it away with its paw. 
“You’re a feisty little one aren’t you? I promise you don’t have to be afraid of me. Do you want to come home with me? It’s gotta be better than staying out here shivering in the rain.” The cat stares at you and seems to be thinking over your words. It cautiously steps out from under the bench, before bumping its head against your hand. You smile and scratch its ears and can hear the loud purrs escaping from its throat.
“Yay! Okay but you have to be quiet! I need to take the bus to get home and they can’t hear you or they’ll kick me off.” The purring immediately stops and the cat hops onto your lap. You scoop the tiny creature into your arms and under your coat to hide. There is a rather large lump and it is painfully obvious you are hiding something, you just hope no one cares enough to confront you on it. 
You step onto the bus and make your way towards the very back, hoping not to draw attention to yourself. You glance down at the inside if your coat and see the furry critter fast asleep. You smile and scratch its head, earning an odd look for the woman sitting closest to you. You make a face at her and she quickly turns back around to face the front. 
You stop off at the 24 hour mart near your house to buy the supplies you need to take care of your new friend. You set up a nice bed in the living room. The cat is still asleep, poor little thing seems to have had a rough go of it today just like you.  You set it gently on the bed and pat its head earning a content noise. You are exhausted after the day you’ve had, and walk back to your bedroom to collapse onto the bed. You are just about to drift off to sleep when you hear scratching and a soft meow at your door. You stand up and open the door and see the cat standing out there staring at you. 
“Oh? You want to sleep with me?” The cat walks into the room and jumps onto your bed and looks at you expectantly. 
“Alright little one you can stay here tonight.” You lay on the bed and pat your chest and the small dark cat curls onto you and purrs contently. 
“I should probably think of a name for you huh? Are you a boy?” That earns you a meow. 
“Okay, how about shadow?” A low growl escapes his throat. 
“Mittens?” That earns you a bop on the nose with his paw. You giggle. 
“Alright how about Min? Or Minmin that’s cute right?” The cat meows and begins purring again happily.
“Alright, Min it is then.”
Over the next few weeks you begin to notice some odd things happening in your home. Your shampoo and conditioner seems to be running out faster than you remember. And you could have sworn 2 pairs of pants and a sweater were missing from your closet. Not to mention your fridge also seemed to have food periodically go missing from it. You are discussing these strange occurrences with your coworker. 
“Did you even consider the fact that maybe the cat you brought home is a hybrid?” You drop your chopsticks on the table and nearly choke on your rice. 
“There’s no way! Hybrids are so rare and most of them have owners.”
“Maybe his abandoned him.” 
“Min can’t be a hybrid. And besides why would he hide it from me? There’s no reason for it.” Your coworker contemplates this for a moment.
“The only thing I can think of is that he’s scared y/n. His old owners probably abandoned him and he thinks maybe if he stays in his cat form you’ll see him as defenseless and needing to be taken care of so you don’t abandon him too.” You heart sinks at that before the panic settles in.
“Oh my god. If he really is a hybrid then I’ve been such a shitty owner! Making him sleep on the cat bed and having him eat that horrible canned food. Oh he’s probably starving! I need to go to the store and get him some real food.. wait what do cat hybrids even eat?!”
“Whoa whoa whoa y/n calm down. You don’t even know if he is a hybrid. Why don’t you go home and talk to him first. I’ll tell the boss you got food poisoning or something. Just ask him and go from there.” 
“Okay, you’re right. Thank you by the way you’re the best. I’ll see you on Monday!” You rush out of the restaurant and head home. The bus ride seems to take longer than normal as you can’t wait to find out if you do actually have a hybrid living with you. 
You open the apartment door and see Min sleeping in the cat bed, but his ears seem to perk up when he hears the door open. You walk over and scratch his head and he slowly opens his eyes. The look he gives you is almost... fond?
“Hey there Min, did you miss me?” A meow. 
“Well good because I missed you too. Listen I need to ask you something and I need you to be honest with me.” He tilts his head at you and seems confused. 
“Well, you see it’s just that me and my coworker were talking and… okay there is no way for me to just beat around the bush.. are you a hybrid?” You notice the fur on the back of his neck stand up and his ears flatten against his head. 
“It’s totally fine if you are, Min. I just need to know so I can take care of you properly.” He seems to make himself smaller and averts his gaze.
“Minmin, please. Just be honest with me I won’t abandon you I swear.” You swear he sighs as he gets up and stretches and walks away. You think you are wrong about this whole thing until you see a man’s face peek around the corner of your bedroom door. He’s wearing the sweat pants and sweater that went missing from your closet weeks ago.
“Holy shit you really are a hybrid!”
“U-um.. yeah. Hi.” 
“Hi! Oh do you have a name already then?”
“Well, my real name is Yoongi. But you can call me Min or Minmin still. It’s um.. cute I like it.” You smile at that. 
“Okay.. but I don’t understand. Don’t you have an owner already?” His gaze falls at that. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bring up a bad subject. Come here.” You pat the spot on the couch next to you. Yoongi sits on the far end, away from you. 
“Min, come on I won’t bite you come closer to me.” You pat your lap and he hesitates for a moment before laying his head down on your lap. Your hand rests on his head and you begin scratching behind his ears. He visibly relaxes at that. 
“My old owners abandoned me.”
“What?! Are you serious?! Where do those assholes live I am going to beat the shit out of them and then report them to the authorities it’s illegal to abandon a hybrid!” You move to stand up but Yoongi keeps his head firmly on your lap to prevent you from getting up.
“It was my fault y/n.” 
“What do you mean?”
“One of the kids in the house… I swear to God this kid just kept trying to provoke me so I would lash out and get kicked out. He never liked me from the start because I took the attention off of him.. Anyway. He kept pulling on my ears and tugging my tail no matter how many times I asked him not to. One time he pulled a little too hard and my instinct reaction of course was to scratch and bite him. They threw me out and told me to never come back. I was on the street for two weeks before you found me.” 
“I’m so sorry, Yoongi. But that wasn’t your fault at all that brat had it coming if you ask me. I would have done the same thing.” 
“Yes, really. Gosh I can’t even imagine what you’ve been through.” You continue running your fingers through his hair and he purrs happily. 
“Yoongi.. do you want to stay with me?”
“Um… Y-yes I’d like to. If that’s okay with you. You’re.. nice.” He says this with a small smile on his face.
“Of course it is. I would love to have you here with me. This is your home now. You’ll always have a home with me, I promise.” Yoongi’s eyes open at that and he smiles at you widely. 
“How about if tomorrow we go get you a collar, I’ll register you too so we can make it official. We can get you some clothes and go shopping for some food you’ll actually like.” Tears well up in his eyes as he sits up. He wraps his arms around you and nuzzles into your neck. 
“Thank you y/n. Thank you so much.” 
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After that day you two had grown quite attached to one another. You absolutely adored Yoongi, loving to spoil him and take care of him to show him how he should have been treated all of this life. And Yoongi absolutely adored you in return. He was your life companion. He was your best friend as you were his. As you grew older, Yoongi noticed you becoming weaker. The smallest things would tire you and you began to struggle to even do simple things like cook or clean up the house. You were aging, however hybrids do not age nearly as fast as humans so he still had the same youthful energy he did when you met him. In spite of all this, you were incredibly stubborn. Not allowing him to help with anything and staying determined to keep your independence. 
Everything came to a head one day when you were standing in the kitchen cooking. You had been standing for a little too long and your legs gave out and you collapsed onto he floor. 
“Y/n!” Yoongi rushes over to you and looks you over to make sure you’re okay.
“I’m fine Yoongi you don’t need to fuss over me.” You wave your hand as if to dismiss him.
“Goddamnit y/n stop being such a stubborn old fool and let me help you!” 
“This stubborn old fool is going to clock you if you keep disrespecting me you brat!” You muster up your most intimidating glare but Yoongi immediately starts laughing at you. You can’t help but laugh along with him. 
“Y/n.. please it’s my turn to take care of you now. You’ve given me everything. A home, a life, you’ve shown me what it’s like to be loved unconditionally by someone and also love them just as much. You’re getting old. I know you hate hearing me say it but you’re going to seriously hurt yourself if you keep being so stubborn. Let me help you.” You sigh in defeat. You look up at him and smile. 
“Alright, Yoongi. You win.” You hold your arm out and he stands to help you get up off the floor. He walks you over to the couch and helps you sit. He pats you on the head and you laugh at that. 
“Now you stay here. I’ll finish up dinner.  Like I said, It’s my turn to take care of you so you just stay there and don’t move a muscle.” He walks away and you look after him with a fond smile on your face. You can’t help but think that horrible day at work was the best thing that ever happened to you. If you weren’t late, you never would have had to stay past your normal shift. Which means you never would have met Yoongi. He looks over his shoulder feeling your gaze on him and smiles, feeling grateful for the hardships he endured because they lead him to you. 
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Pls Hoosier on Valentine's list!
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! ) 
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
He doesn’t, if he can help it. Unfortunately, Hoosier’s a bigger softie than he likes to admit. His affection shows itself through small gestures   ---   a blanket tucked around someone’s shoulders, food shared, limbs resting casually against each other during idle moments. If Hoosier’s willing to go out of his way for someone, even a little bit, then they matter to him. His smile could make flowers grow, so being on the receiving end of it tends to send the people he cares about a clear message.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
Absolutely not a bouquet man. Doesn’t trust flowers, doesn’t know how they work, and is not inclined to find out.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
Abso-fuckin-lutely. Hoosier would shank a man for some cherry cordials.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
He prefers to split the bill on any dates, because he’s cheap economically responsible like that. Hoosier’s ideal date wouldn’t involve paying at all; he’d have a great time doing something on just the right side of illegal, like sneaking into a movie (makes the cinema experience 10x more fun) or loitering in a potentially dangerous place. Coffee dates are pretentious, but he really likes coffee, so sometimes you’ve gotta take the good with the bad. He’d love to go to an animal shelter and, like, play with the dogs...  Hoosier’s not a hard person to take out, and he’s satisfied doing pretty much anything, so long as it’s not too boring.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
what the hell is a hug   He doesn’t love them  ---  mostly because he’s been on the receiving end of too many of Chuckler’s post-workout sweaty bear hugs, and that’s something you never recover from. Hoosier’s particular about physical affection, unless it’s from someone he really considers His People  ---  even with his closest friends, he can be weird about hugs, though he’ll make allowances for his little siblings. He’s not a hugger himself.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
He doesn’t, because it’s a lot of effort, and frankly he just can’t be assed. Hoosier doesn’t do charming small-talk; he’s not going to wine and dine someone he’s just interested in taking to bed. If he wants more than that, well...  he doesn’t even know how to go about it, so they better appreciate the drinks he’s willing to pay for. The other partner’s got to carry the conversation, because Hoosier can’t make small talk to save his life. His good looks and bluntness tend to carry him far enough  ---  as far as the bedroom.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
He really doesn’t try that hard. The sort of person to literally ask outright, “what do you want?” a week before a birthday...  then, to his credit, he goes out and tracks the thing down. (Leckie once gave him a really obscure book title, just to see what would happen. Hoosier turned up with it. The book had been out of print of years. This was a first-edition copy. No one knows where he got it, how, or if it was obtained legally.)
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
He’s...  slow because the idea scares him. Hoosier and intimacy...  do not mix. On a physical level, sure, but emotionally? He’s gonna glower that idea into submission and keep any pesky feelings that bubble up down for as long as possible. Hoosier does not love the idea of opening himself up to getting hurt, and doesn’t think he’s very suited for romance, so he’d just...  rather not.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
Like we just said! Emotional intimacy is a Big Yikes for him! Anyone would be lucky to get an “I love you” out of him once. He’s got to be either very drunk or very sleepy to say it out loud  ---   both times are when he’s at his softest.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Oh yeah. Hoosier can be...  territorial when it comes to the people he loves. He passionately dislikes anyone getting too close to his partner; there’s being friendly, and then there’s being more, and he’s got strong instincts for when something’s more than friendly. Hoosier makes up for it by being bitchier than usual, glowering at them and being a bit more physical with his partner. He’s rarely one for PDA, but Jealous Hoosier has some points to make.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
He’s a very physical kisser, almost taking ownership of his partner through his lips; Hoosier Smith doesn’t kiss to play around. Hands on the ass, the thighs, gripping the hips as he grinds slightly against them; each breath seems to ripple between the two of them, a shared convulsion, before Hoosier goes right back in for more. He’s a hungry kisser, and a little feral about it  ---  bruises will be left along his partner’s neck, and their lips may be sore for days afterwards, but they way Hoosier leaves them seeing stars makes it all worth it.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
He’s very fond of his little siblings, and very affectionate with them  ---  way more than anyone’s used to seeing out of him. Hoosier’s got Big Brother Instincts, even they don’t rear their head that often. He loves his mom and (very old, possibly immortal) grandparents; he’s very devoted to his friends, no matter how he rolls his eyes at Chuckler and Runner’s chaos or bitches at Leckie’s pretentiousness. That’s the thing about Hoosier  ---   he doesn’t love a lot of people, but the people he does love, he wants to keep.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
Night, because he’s never up in the damn morning. Why would someone want to do things before 10am? Not this man. Anything that needs to get done can be done at midnight, or not at all.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
He alternates between fierce and teasing, but Hoosier is very, very determined. God, does he love his partner’s reactions...  and he savors them, leading them along for as long as possible, dragging every encounter out until the end. Hoosier’s in no rush to finish; honestly, he has a bit of trouble finishing without his partner, and it’s usually seeing them go over the edge first that gets him there. He’s rough, rougher than he means to be at times; sex is the most energy he’ll ever expend at a given moment, and he turns it into a full-on workout, both parties slick with sweat by the end of it. Sometimes, he’ll just put his mouth to task, trailing it slowly along his partner’s body  ---  sucking kisses into their chest, their stomach, their hips, all the way to their thighs and what lies beyond.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Yes. Very succinct. To the point. Knows what the hell he’s saying. Fine with words, thanks.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Someone who doesn’t get on his last damn nerve. Hoosier would do well with a partner who goes with the flow  ---  probably someone more extroverted than him, but who really doesn’t demand much or tax his energy when he needs to just destress. He’d do best with someone low-maintenance. (Too bad the high-maintenance people are so damn attractive.) They have to love animals; they have to be able to keep things neat, because he hates a messy house; he’s fine with almost any quirk they might have, so long as they put up with his in return. He loves people who can sing...  and people who laugh at their own jokes really shouldn’t be as attractive as they are.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
He’d ask as soon as he comes to terms with the idea...  which’ll take a while, not gonna lie. His partner asking first would completely take Hoosier by surprise. He wouldn’t be expecting it, wouldn’t know what to do with it, and his off-the-cuff answer would be, “what the fuck”.  Promising omen of marital bliss right there.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
Definitely on the cynical side. He’s...  afraid of romance, a little bit, and definitely doesn’t imagine himself as anybody’s Prince Charming.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
He didn’t, really. Little Bill Smith had way more important things on his mind, like taking long naps, stealing cookies, and hiding in places where his mama couldn’t find him. Bigger priorities on his mind.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
...  nah, probably not. It’s not something he gives a lot of thought to, because thinking about love in general leaves him feeling half-starved and irritated. True love...  well, to be honest, he’s got no clue what it is.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
...  let’s say he hasn’t and call it even. He’s not gonna talk about it.  (He hasn’t, but he’s been on the cusp of loving people who didn’t love him back. Caution is learned; if you go to the edge of a cliff and almost fall off, you’re in no hurry to dance on that edge again. He learned to fear love without ever feeling the full sting of rejection, cause he’s just proactive like that.)
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
A complete waste of time, unless there’s chocolate involved. Chocolate for him. Get him chocolate, please.
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
Mmm. I mean. He’s not going to not get married, if the opportunity arises, but it’s also, like...  a lot of effort, everybody makes a big deal out of it, it costs a lot of money, and, like...  if all his siblings get hitched, does his Mama really need him to, too? (If Hoosier gets to the point where he’s head-over-heels in love with someone, enough to want to spend his life with ‘em, yeah, he’ll get married. But he’s prefer a quiet ceremony, no muss or fuss, to a big white wedding.)
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Absolutely never... unless he’s in the mood. An arm tucked around his partner’s chest or waist, and a muttered “darlin’” against the side of their neck, is Hoosier-speak for ‘let’s get someplace private now, before I take my pants off right here.’
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
In, like, the laziest way possible. He’s perfectly willing to sit back and watch the fireworks, glowering as some fool gets bolder and bolder with the person he cares about...  but he’s not apathetic, he’s waiting. As soon as the bastard crosses a line, Hoosier’s on his feet and swinging. He doesn’t say anything; he just puts an end to the situation, with a few well-placed hits. Cross Hoosier Smith’s people at your own risk.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
...  do you really want to know the answer to this question? It’s...  a lot. Many people. An amount that should maybe concern him. He couldn’t count if he tried, but the number is probably in the double digits. (How? He literally never goes out! Hoosier’s got ways, okay. When he feels like having sex, he will find someone willing and eager. It’s never a challenge to convince them. The job gets done.) Don’t ask, cause he’ll just smirk and say nothing.
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mvtteo · 4 years
YES, i know i’m so late to the game - pls fight me :/ - but i’m here now & i cannot wait to write w/ all of u & love on all of u, etc !! i’m stef btw !! ok now on to the stuff yall came here for.
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☆★ [ tommy martinez + he/him + cismale ] ☆★ did you know that [ matteo de la cruz ] has lived in erie for [ two months ] now? the [ 26 ] year old [ dealer / uber driver ] is known to be [ loyal ], yet [ calamitous ]. which is fitting considering they are a/an [ scorpio ]. whenever they pass by on the street, i can hear [ save me from myself by louis the child ] blasting through their headphones. they remind me of [ a flickering street light in an alley, dirt stuck under your fingernails & a meme that isn’t funny anymore ], and it really wouldn’t be erie without them! [ stef, 21, est, she / her ].
( TW : drug use, abuse, violence )
from toronto originally ! he’s only been in erie for about two months ( and who KNOWS how long that’ll last ... more info on that below )
he grew up in a single parent home ( his biological father SLAMMED the door in his face at 4 years old & never returned ), of course a part from the revolving door of ‘ new daddy’s ’ his mother would introduce to him as he grew. money was tight but they made due, a working/lower class family living in an area of the city that was known as a spot tourists shouldn’t visit. 
a lil bit about his mother : emillia vargas ! she took odd jobs when she could & that’s how she put food on the table. that, or her boyfriend of the month dishing out from his wallet. sometimes it was shocking - to have food in the fridge - when at least half of her paycheck was sent to a dealer on the corner. she was from a long line of addicts & didn’t make it to the other side. matteo’s earliest memories are of needles — and the worst was the silence afterwards. their relationship is COMPLICATED to say the least. for some reason, despite everything, he still cares & checks up on her. probably because she’s the only family he knows. or the guilt trip & manipulation she’s thrown his way — that, too! anyway. they don’t talk often & she’s still at the same house up in toronto.
father : the man left when matteo was just four. fighting was constant ( so perhaps it was due to trouble in paradise ), but matteo was too young to really comprehend why he left & he hates pondering on it - even though the lasting effects are REAL. 
anyway. his mother did have her fair share of boyfriends, trying to fill in that void - but to no avail. some of these men were dangerous, some using emilia, some married already, others abusive & controlling, addicts themselves ... needless to say, no one really stuck. and matteo definitely had a part in that too, being spiteful, causing fights or fighting back. things got pretty bad @ his place & the neighborhood knew whose house those red & blue lights always visited.
SPEAKING of his neighborhood, one great thing did come out of it & that was not too far around the corner lived @luzzamaya​ , matteo’s BEST FRIEND / ride or die / partner in crime. he practically lived @ her house, looked up to her father as the male figure in his life & they’re still two peas in a pod today :~)) ... but more on that later too ...
matteo grew up QUICKLY - not really in the way of caring for himself ( bc his actions would in fact prove the opposite ) but he often hung out with people way older than him ( not really wanting to be home after school, etc ) & he began diving into the world of drugs early on. def the kid your parents would’ve been 👀👀 about. YALL CATCH THE DRIFT OK ... moving on.
IMPORTANT BLURB TO HIS STORY (TW : mention of gang violence )
so he was always in the wrong crowd / hanging with kids older than him / he got involved with drugs etc really young. he started selling drugs lowkey around high school + the town and was a lowball dealer until he continuously proved himself + being more closely tied to this GANG ( the suppliers ), we can call it La Línea bc i looked up active gangs and this one was made from corrupt / retired police officers so i was like .. YUP ! so he’s currently affiliated, not initiated bc that prob means killing someone nd he’s like miss me w that, fool. but as he’s grown his relationship with them + has continued selling (drugs, weapons .. contraband etc), they want him in bc they trust him. giving him more & more duties. and it’s not like he can say NO bc they’re all strapped + can literally ruin/end his life ?? or ruin/end the lives of the ppl around him? SO as another gang (aka a MAFIA) that is trying to step on la linea’s territory … ( maybe it had bad consequences, someone from la linea being thrown in prison or dead ). SO they trust their outside dude matteo (since he’s not super recognizable to the mafia since he’s not u know . FULLY in la linea) to work a plan to take DOWN this mafia. how ? buy ratting them out to the police. a literal snitch smh. the only bad thing is now … someone from the mafia traced the words back to him. their leader is now in prison & has sent “”soliders”” to come after matteo nO MATTER WHAT. he’s gotten threatening calls // he’s been forced into fights // held at gunpoint which was his FINAL straw of being like ..  I GOTTTA GO
soooooo now they’re ( him & luz ) are in erie :~). 
also i’m thinking he got involved w the gang bc originally he owed other low-level dealers money + was like trust me on this. i’ll do whatever u ask. nd is a loyal ass hoe. plus all of a sudden he was making DOUGH selling product + had a following / a lil bit of a “”community”” that he’d never rly had before
PERSONALITY / HEADCANONS ( idk how to label - just some more info )
he’s not a horrible dude but a LOT of people would argue that he is. and his actions might seem like he is. but ... he’s learning :,)
sarcastic as hell
has an infamous smirk ok ... super careless so yall are gonna see that a lot
has a rooted issue with authority figures & hates when anyone tells him / offers him / suggests to him what to do
despite seemingly coming across as a meanie, he could also be considered the life of the party. not in the sense of being gregarious, but more so having FUN. drowning out 
immature as hell 
has definitely dealt to his mother before :/. a low, even for him, but. that’s a complicated relationship
his hair is constantly a mess
STREET FIGHTS FOR MONEY $$$ or when la linea previously made him. he tries not to do it TOO often but sometimes he’s just gotta ya know ?
has some shitty tattoos - minus the ones done beautifully by luz of course !! a few to cover some scars :|
assume scruff on his face at all times
has been struggling with sleeping through the night, nervous abt getting caught & will often just walk around @ 3pm for a smoke
loves reggaeton 
bilingual but hardly speaks spanish :/
a COP / law enforcement that takes him in for dealing
or even a bystander that calls in authorities for him dealing / stealing / anything illegal ...
someone he DEALS to
someone who OWES him money
a BARTENDER/CONFIDANT @ his go-to watering hole
a GOOD INFLUENCE who is aware of his addiction 
a PASSENGER in one of his uber rides
someone he got into a CAR ACCIDENT with
they hit him in the middle of the night // or hit his car ? or vice versa ?
someone he had a BAR FIGHT with
next door NEIGHBOR
always wanted to do a homewrecker plot tbh
a revenge plot ?
someone he’s met from a DATING APP
another CLUB RAT
ok i’m literally open to ANY connection u think of. it might be easy to come up w/ those in-depth ones while brainstorming tg but above are just a few ideas :,)))
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holydepths-blog · 5 years
✩ watergate :3
this took too fucking long
Who is more likely to raise their voice? i feel like emma cos she’s more angry dramatic and he’s more emo dramatic but i was also gonna say he probably should to accomodate for his heightWho threatens to leave but never actually does? neither of them, they’ve both left one another repeatedly. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? both of them, see above. Who trashes the house? i don’t think either of them … i can’t see him ever doing it but if he did she would kick his ass things need to be NEAT Do either of them get physical? basement gate tease ! but no … it’s soft ….  that’s been erased from my memory … they’re emo not violent  How often do they argue/disagree? all the time but about #dumb shit nowadays … used to be more serious but now? you like chocolate ice cream better? … idiot  Who is the first to apologise? if they had a penny for every time mickey has apologised to her both of them could quit their low salary jobs and move to france 
Who is on top? bold of u to assume they aren’t both switches Who is on the bottom? ^Who has the strangest desires? Any kinks? mind ur fucking business … snuggling is a kink Who’s dominant in bed? i don’t think dominant has ever been in either of their vocabulary where’s the john mulaney gif abt soup in the lap … regaurdless … probably he has to be she’s babyIs head ever in the equation? she suck the dick for free and mickey is a good boy, he knows how to go down on a womf If so, who is better at performing it? i don’t know how sex works is it easier to eat thrussy or suck a dick … they both try the only thing that matters is that once he said she was better at sex than [ redacted ] Ever had sex in public? private public … like not dressing room public but like, romantic lookout in a car public … hope no coppers come 2 shine their flashlight Who moans the most? idk if this is my sexism or my lesbian but women should, legally, be required to moan more than menWho leaves the most marks? he better swallow his masculinity and get used to concealer but i feel like that wld not be an issue for him, king ! he can’t borrow hers though it won’t match Who screams the loudest? WHO YELLSWho is the more experienced of the two? mickey. fucking duh. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? they make love :3Rough or soft? soft … unlike his penis How long do they usually last? haha 8 seconds joe goldberg tease? idk how long sex even lasts in general …. solidly average is my guess Is protection used? he better wrap it before he taps it my girl cannot afford plan b . so yesDoes it ever get boring? not …. boring but ….. consistent. when emma gets too drunk she asks odette for sex advice bc she doesn’t want to bore ickey Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? nowhere is strange if ur brave enough.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? …. yes ….If so, how many children do your muses want/have? she wants 27 children actually but literally anything from 1-30 will suffice …. they need a lot of help on his inevitable farm Who is the favorite parent? mickey is the fun parent so u already know who it is Who is the authoritative parent? REMEMBER the clip i sent u from the marky mark movie … she’s always the bad guy until he gets #fedup and he has to remind her that she’s not doing it this time AJSDKF Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? honeslty both of them unless emma hoards all the candy … selfish  Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? both of them they make fucking SIGNS …. its a little league game u dont need to paint the football stripes on ur faceWho goes to parent teacher interviews? they both go but mickey is better at them because emma always goes into teacher mode and tries to talk about Who changes the diapers? mickey does he’s a NURSE he is not grossed out , she is . baby poop is rank Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? where tf is that gifset from prison break when u need it … she does but only because she hates diapers and it’s only fair to pop a tiddie out every night for ur kid in exchangeWho spends the most time with the children? ummmm FAMILY FUN NIGHT x Who packs their lunch boxes?Who gives their children ‘the talk’? mickey he is obligated as a medical professional she don’t teach sex ed …. Who cleans up after the kids? emma but only because she’s a neat freak Who worries the most? both of them try to pretend they’re VERY cool and nonchalant and this is actually very easy until one of them cracks (probably her) and they both worry together constantly . solidarity babey ! ….. moreso her tho u cannot change my mind Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? auntie odette change my mind we said FUCK watergate lives , emdette rise 
Who likes to cuddle? both of them …. constntly …. disgusting Who is the little spoon? [ jake peralta vc ] everyone likes to be the little spoon, it makes them feel safe ! LOOK HERE buddy …. he is and i dont take questions , even when he was 10 ft Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? can he fucking keep his hands AWF …. thats coming from me not emma she appreciates it Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? both of them …. its CONSTANT … hand on the shoulder , touching someone’s back as u walk past …. SOFT ! n then the one gif  u sent from superstore where amy slaps jonah’s ass that’s emma How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?  they actually fall asleep cuddling and wake up complaining abt falling asleep in a uncomfortable position… shut up abt ur back pain ur not 80 Who gives the most kisses? KISS kisses …. he. but know … she’s always kissing him on the cheek What is their favourite non-sexual activity? this is gonna sound g*y as hell but stay with me here ………. just being in the same place , even when they’re doing diff stuff . TOGETHERNESS …. vomit time Where is their favourite place to cuddle? the couch , i retract my statement about them not being 80 they actually fall asleep watching tv Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? casually ? she … to actually initiate eye emoji ? he How often do they get time to themselves? all the time , they know 2 other people 
Who snores? he does im hcing this for ur own character If both do, who snores the loudest? she doesn’t SNORE she’s a lady Do they share a bed or sleep separately? they’ve been in 200 different stages of relationship ……. OTHER than depending on that , she sleeps better w him there :3If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? they start far apart cos she’s a blanket hog but she always ends up next 2 him Who talks in their sleep? she mumbles sometimes ….. its nothing coherent What do they wear to bed? she owns 47 different stupid size xxxxxxxl shirts that were 2 bucks  from walmart and wears only that . i bet mickey owns a bathrobe, bourgeois pig … Are either of your muses insomniacs? idk she reads a chapter of whatever dumb shit she’s reading and has tea or wine and conks out ….. idk his business Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? idk abt taking them and ik its not the point but shes anal retentive abt keeping medicine in the medicine cabinet so THERE BETTER NOT BE Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? AS I SAID … they start out on opposite sides of the beg and end up more tangled than tangled (20whatever) Who wakes up with bed hair? his hair is floofy ,,,, Who wakes up first? i feel like that depends on his shifts …. she wakes up at the same damn time every week day …. weekends though she sleeps in for 10 yrs so him Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? emma tries and he has to leave bed anyway because the fire alarm goes off  What is their favourite sleeping position? she prefers it when she has all the blankets Who hogs the sheets? she does Do they set an alarm each night? they have JOBS does she look like pippa to u Can a television be found in their bedroom? yes so she can cry over dumb rom coms over somewhere other than the couch …… he’s invested in them , change my mind Who has nightmares? i already know ur about to say he does so im calling the cops on u end of story Who has ridiculous dreams? all of emma’s dreams are indistinguishable from bad acid trips Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? she sleeps in the fetal position he seems like a sprawler …..Who makes the bed? emma …. its gotta be CLEAN and if he ever says “why make it we’re just gonna sleep there again” its on SIGHT What time is bed time? whenever she passes out , always before midnight , considering they’re 72Any routines/rituals before bed? i bet they brush their teeth at the same time to see who can do it faster like they’re five year olds …. or that gifset from new girl where he’s like “ u read my walking dead fanfic ? ”Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? emma takes three cups of coffee to be able to be her CHIPPER self …. 
Who is the busiest? she has like a 6 hour work day so he for sure Who rakes in the highest income? i just googled nurses versus preschool teachers and he makes twice what she does …. laughs nervously …. glad she’s going back 2 school but elementary teachers STILL make less …. mr talbot got COIN ! Are any of your muses unemployed? no , freeloading is ILLEGAL Who takes the most sick days? i feel like the two worst jobs to go into sick are a literal hospital with immunocompromised people and a preschool with toddlers who dont wash their hands …. equal maybe Who is more likely to turn up late to work? despite her original beef with odette in the apocalypse verse emma is NEVER late to work Who sucks up to their boss? she cooks dinner , a nice LASAGNA for whoever to heat up and mickey has to break it to her that making whoever her superior is eat what tastes like glue will in fact , damage their relationship What are their jobs? hes a nursey  boy …. shes a teacher Who stresses the most? about life in general? her. about work? probably him. he’s dealing with LIVES she’s got the alphabet Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? they better they aren’t getting paid enough to hate it Are your muses financially stable? they’re not rich but they’re not dying and that’s what matters 
Who does the washing? emma because it relaxes her Who takes out the trash? he better , she does not like to  LOOK at things once they are thrown out … its smelly Who does the ironing? neither of them have ironed anything in their lives Who does the cooking? HE HAS TO IDC if he isn’t fuckign gordon ramsay she’ll kill them Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? emma Who is messier? if he leaves a single sock on the floor he is automatically messier than her Who leaves the toilet roll empty? that’s satanic neither of them Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? he does …. its just not REALISTIC that she does Who forgets to flush the toilet? that’s gross ……hopefully neither ….. DISGOSTEING.mp4Who is the prankster around the house? anything STUPID is hers and hers alone but i feel like he’d do something relatively innocent and it would go HORRIBLY wrong like , hey emma come get y’all juice ….Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? despite being organized in every other aspect of her life emma has never kept track of keys in her life its a disease Who mows the lawn? he does , he shld do it shirtless so she can objectify him Who answers the telephone? mickey, she truly stares at it hoping it’ll go away Who does the vacuuming? emmaWho does the groceries? she would make HORRIBLE decisions ,,, he shld make the list and she shld get it Who takes the longest to shower? no sexism but she’s a girl Who spends the most time in the bathroom? see above 
Is money a problem? yES like … they can afford groceries , make rent , but for literally every american except jeff bezos money is a problem in some area . this isn’t a hc just a capitalist hellscape How many cars do they own? two …. neither of them are very nice cars Do they own their home or do they rent? rent unless/until he gets the farm of his dreams Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? countryside thats where FARMS are … but like rn , coast cos there’s the ocean in town Do they live in the city or in the country? see above bbgDo they enjoy their surroundings? the goats of the future and the noisy neighbors of the current and past eras both leave something to be desired , but in general yes What’s their song? not to go all modern au but remember when stereo hearts was on their 2011 mixtape AJSKDF …. issa bop and its arguably the most cutesy singable on the playlist What do they do when they’re away from each other? bitch idk ? exist as human beings ?Where did they first meet? idk she probably met him for coffee or sum before moving in together to make sure he wasn’t a serial killer How did they first meet? they were roommates … oh my god they were roommates …. she prolly put an ad in the paper very lucky she did not get murdered x Who spends the most money when out shopping? i feel like neither of them are big spenders but her sticker and colored pen budget is larger than it should be Who’s more likely to flash their assets? i thought this was talking about tits for a second but im assuming mone ? they keep it humble Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? they both do , bullying one another is a bonding experience Any mental issues? more than you know my guy Who’s terrified of bugs? if she sees a SPIDER she floors it , but she releases most other bugs …. he better kill anything w 8 legs tho Who kills the spiders around the house? mickey , as described above wow im psychic Their favourite place? they can make any place work together … gay but true , just like me Who pays the bills? she has a special binder just for taxes Do they have any fears for their future? all the fears actually Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? she cannot cook but she has 10/10 ordered takeout , put it on plates and been like :the happy version of the pensive emoji yk the one: i cooked it while the reciept is still on the counter Who uses up all of the hot water? thats very selfish she wld never but she also showers first bc she doesn’t trust him not to ….. Who’s the tallest? they , in american , are the SAME HEIGHT ,,, fuck centimeters Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?Who wanders around in their underwear? clothes are oppressive let them both do it coward Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? it probably turns into a competition until they’re both singing at the top of their lungs …. omg watergate you’re gonna burst a vocal cord oh my god they can’t hear us they have airpods in What do they tease each other about? literally everything …. one of them BREAHTES wrong and the other is like “ ah didnt realise the asthma express was in town “ Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? mickey literally dresses like the fresh prince so u already answered that for me Do they have mutual friends? can the real jack detler please stand up Who crushed first? she ……. did not immediately fall in love with him let me tell u , it took her some solid MONTHS to realise she was in deep for his bitch ass Any alcohol or substance related problems? i wld hope not , #stubie twWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? them , together , for getting kicked out of the bar for singing Who swears the most? neither ? 
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Crime Scene Cleanup Garland Texas - Ten Great  Ideas That You Can Share With Your Friends.
Garland, TX Crime Scene Cleanup
Our crime scene cleaners in Garland, TX provide suicide cleanup and crime scene cleanup in Garland, TX Call Anytime 1-888-477-0015 CSCS is your neighborhood Top business for Crime Scene Cleanup in Garland, TX Read more : https://acceleratedbioscenecleanup.com/city-TX+Garland-crime+scene+trauma+unattended+death+blood+cleanup.html . With almost 20 decades of helping families rebuild from the CSCS of a death, we are the cleaning organization for any blood cleanup in Garland, TX. Our companies report demonstrates us as dedicated crime scene cleaners who know just how exactly to wash after having a death and eliminate blood stains and human fluids.
As what Garland, TX Wikipedia states a any crime-scene of an murder are the function as the crime scene investigators. After the crime-scene is not being investigated or the house is launched straight back into the family your dwelling is released back into your family members or when the crime scene is not being investigated, then it's time to get Crime scene clean up in Garland, TX to become carried out. We are some typical carpeting cleaners or maid services in Texas, but a legitimate life crime scene cleaning company that can help you with blood cleanup and suicide cleanup. When you employ rug cleaners instead of professionally established techniques you risk making it possible for blood to hurt more surface area. A crime scene cleanup occupation is all sorts of cleaning by that a standard cleaning company in Garland, TX can't properly clean. This kind of cleaning is ordinarily cleaning a property after a death. The death could be from a suicide, unattended death, or crime such as murders. We are the licensed Texas crime scene cleaning business in Garland, TX and provide a 2-4 hour support staff for those projects demanding cleanup. Our team who replies will walk you through all facets of the blood cleanup services we've got.
Our Garland, TX crime scene cleaners helps you?
Do not chose carpet cleaners in Garland, TX or janitorial services that usually do not need the appropriate devices for the jobs you will need help with. Our specialists have been skilled crime scene cleaners and will help at any dimensions jobs in Garland, TX.Crime scene cleaners may come in your home and support get rid of blood stains together side other human debris assist remove blood stains and other human particles and certainly will come into your house assist take out blood stains along with other particles that is individual and should arrive at your home help eliminate other particles which can be human along with blood spots and should come in your household. This genuinely is less the leaders is crime-scene cleaning all through he Garland, TX we are additionally who'll help together with the finger print dust cleanup. To be sure you have only the best crime scene cleanup at Garland, TX and nearby cities contact us today at 888 477 0015.
When first responders and police officials publish a land after having a criminal evaluation, who is accountable for crime scene cleanup? Comprehensive inspection and decontamination of this assumptions is an emotionally taxing endeavor, also if not accurately done, could lead to irreversible damage and, in case of undetected tissue and stains, the potential to get re-traumatization if detected at a later moment. When blood drains are not properly sanitized, there is the probability of spreading germs, especially the ones that survive away from the human body for weeks, days, and sometimes even months.
Know more about our crime scene cleanup performs?
We're a crime scene cleanup organization with almost two decades practical experience cleaning up after trauma, homicides, as well as different bio hazard contamination. We've maintained an outstanding customer rating and are pleased to talk about recent testimonials. Our team is devoted to rebuilding a house to pre-trauma condition in an expert, respectful, and discreet method. We comply with an extensive checklist for cleaning crime scenes polluted by Gunshot wounds, including Suicides,Homicides,Violent assault,human anatomy decomposition at Texas,We also get rid of residue left behind by law enforcement and illegal drug usage,Tear gas, and Mace,Pepper spray, and Smoke grenades,Crime scene detection chemicals,Methamphetamine residue and you grab some more depth info on the way the crime scene cleanup functions .
CSCS experts will respond immediately and also have the specialized training, protecting equipment, and experience to safely wash trauma and crime scenes. More over you may assess our FAQ section for more frequently asked question.
Why we the greatest and expert cleanup crew in TX?
You won't will need to supply with this particular cleaning immediately after a death without assistance, CSCS Cleanup Services Company is prepared to support you with all our crime scene cleanup Garland, TX and nearby towns. A a bio-hazard cleaning company can know what's occurred to in your family and request that you look for licensed crime scene cleaners to provide the crucial final results for the clean up you're looking for. Crime scene cleaning Garland, TX can be obtained to Get in Touch with us since we all work 2-4 hours a day Crime Scene Cleanup Careers and Work Opportunities at Garland, TX and our team has years of expertise in Blood Cleanup & Carpet Cleaning Services for After Death Cleanup.
Engineers at NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC),'' Kennedy Space Center, Fla.,''
developed a camera attachment system that utilizes laser technology to'' investigate the crime scene. The Laser Scaling and Measurement product for Photographic Images is made to assist scientists in specifying the specific scale of almost any damages to the room Shuttle's external tank when watching photos of the spacecraft in its launching pad.
The murders, suicide, and even death's in Garland, TX get Crime scene cleanup with our expert personnel. The crime scene cleanup job we provide at Garland, TX let for rapidly cleaning to be done in the situation that have blood staying in the crime scene right after a dead person can be located. The decomposed bodies will release blood and other fluids which presents risks. The blood in a home after a murder, suicide, or murder, suicide, or even unattended death asks somebody to cleanup, the folks the Police rely upon the most is Crime Scene Cleanup in Garland, TX.
Certified Cleanup Firm at Texas
CSCS specialists stick to OSHA and EPA protocols that will greatly alter an dangerous environment back into a fresh, safe and sound residence or firm. Below a Number of the cleanup services CSCS supplies to the clients within Texas, U S A
Crime scene
Blood and blood strains on carpet/wall
Unattended Death
Tear Gas
Their first attention is always basic safety, considering that crime or accident scenes could involve blood borne pathogens, dangerous chemicals, as well as other threats. CSCS pros will consistently see to your property and the people associated in the greatest empathy and respect at the face of stressful situations.
Crime Scene Cleanup
In CSCS Crime Scene Cleanup, we're qualified technicians equipped to take care of the cleanup. Our crime scene cleaning service tries to elevate the expense by dealing by many insurance businesses. To cut back the cost and help you in your time of demand we are in a position to answer the majority of clean up forecasts within one hour and also our services are available in Garland, TX.When initial respondent and law enforcement officials release a property after a criminal investigation, who's responsible for crime scene cleanup? Comprehensive inspection and decontamination of the premises is an emotionally taxing endeavor, and should perhaps not done, may lead to lasting damage and, in the case of undetected stains and tissue, the potential to get re-traumatization if discovered at a later time. If blood drains are not correctly sanitized, there is the probability of spreading pathogens, especially those that survive away from the body for days, weeks, and sometimes maybe months.
Trauma Cleanup
CSCS Cleanup specializes in all kinds of bioscene cleanup which include trauma scene cleanup. Garland, TX Trauma scene cleanup is any cleanup between an crash, crime, or suicide by which you or more people has passed off or even been badly injured.Trauma cleanup regularly requires decontamination, clean-up, removal and legal disposal of their health care waste contaminants and'OPIM'( Other Potentially Infectious Materials).
Hoarding Cleanup
CSCS supplies filth and hoarding cleanup being another service for their regular crime scene cleanup services. Together with lots of the exact varieties of equipment and expertise required to remediation a hoarding residence for being a crime scene, they have been ideally suited to handle your hoarding cleanup needs. Mold cleanup, Hoarding refers into the circumstance where a man or people holds onto or hoards objects that one does not hang on. Like papers, old foodstuff containers, cardboard, magazines, or even more peculiar items. This is not simply some of these things, but however chambers filled with old newspapers, or even a kitchen using old dirty food containers. Or maybe old cloths. Thus many that a person can hardly move and also the entire house resembles this. Usually this task goes for ages and leads to a health danger on the premises away from mold and mildew and insects, vermin or rodents who are attracked into the scene. It becomes a exact bad position for anyone living there.
Blood Cleanup
The sort of blood cleanup that is needed to get a death cleanup related to some suicide, homicide, unattended death, or some other accident at that blood spill remains present. Blood clean up will become necessary to be able to correctly sanitize and clean the scene and provide the full decontamnination. Licensed agents are necessary in order to facilitate appropriate hazmat cleanup methods and then be in a position to transport and incinerate the waste that's taken off.
As skilled blood sanitation specialists, we sanitise and restore the security of commercial, industrial, residential and community places. The services we provide are cleanup of blood clots, blood loss, gross filthand bodily fluids and polluted crime scenes.
Good refuge when dealing with those jobs is critical. Blood comes with a host of potential health threats. Un-protected touch with security equipment may lead to the transport of hazardous and at times lethal implications for all those concerned.
When infected using specific trypes of bacteria, infectious diseases along with bloodborne pathogens, then please acquire immediate aid to determine the threat level you might be at risk as well. Perhaps not knowing how severe that this pollution could be could bring about unplanned life-changing health circumstances.
Meth Lab Cleaning
Destroying lives, families, morals...and also properties. Meth homes, drug manufacturing and use results in a multitude of dangers, even though others are definitely visible, the others could be imperceptible at first . If you've been told that the land you're accountable to get surviving in or occupying for any reason had been at one moment a meth laboratory, then you need to know what that way. Many Texass require legal screening of an area which is employed to prepare meth or other drugs as the health risks are currently present years following the cooking process has been absent. CSCS's specialists offer professional meth lab screening & evaluation and meth lab decontamination services in all 50 Texass. Meth laboratory cleaning is important for the safety of one's family should you figure out your house once housed a Meth Lab.
Unattended Death Cleanup
Our Garland, TX crime scene cleaners and death clean up pros are available twenty four hours, every day per week, willing to aid people who have offices. Our death cleanup network lets us be around the scene in less than 1 hour in most scenarios, we understands people's emotions in such situation and also do all cleaning with expert and certified and trained and licensed specialists. The death cleanup might involve working with bio degradable hazardous materials as very well such as blood and bodily fluids. Our skilled professional cleaners can sanitize all elements of the room and return it to you at a harmless condition adhering to all of EPA and OSHA regulations for death cleanup linked work.Any area where by decomposition happens needs to become properly revived by a professional cleanup crew. Bearing witness to a unattended death is tragic when it's really a loved one, the soreness might be overwhelming to say the very least. CSCS offers unattended death cleanup all through the U.S. in order that families have someone to switch to in their own time of need. We Sanitize and deodorize the area in which the death took place is quite a strenuous task both physically and emotionally -- tend not to put your self .
Human body Decomposition Cleaning
An anti virus death, whether it be by way of a handful of days, or years is labeled as an unattended death. Human anatomy decomposition, even though pure, is very hazardous to anyone in or about the space once and even when it's happened; that can be the reason why licensed and certified cleanup experts should always handle the place's cleanup requirements. Lots of times a decomposing human anatomy will emit a smell in the atmosphere that's difficult never to comprehend. The longer your system sits, the more damaging the parts close to it is going to act, as bodily fluids will flow out. Decomposition attracts insects, even due to the release of germs which develops; which may make it possible for the additional spread of the toxic bacteria, consequently also escalating the scent.
Homicide Cleanup
CSCS Homicide Cleanup at Garland, TX, is corporation focusing on crime scene cleanups, like this of the homicide cleanup. Using a homicide cleanup there's really a violent character related to the scene which will often result in sizeable regions of blood clots along with other bio degradable noxious stays that must be cleaned and should be managed by a professional company, Decomposing odor may happen as a result of an unattended death, crimescene, trauma or it may be less malicious and also demand pets, food or drinks. In any event, if you are smelling a highly potent scent, odds are it may also result in overall health consequences; your body's perceptions are intended to shield us from harm and that odor you are smelling can perform a lot more than just turn stomachs. Bio-Recovery has the complete group of licensed cleanup specialists offering human body decomposition odor removal services.
Tear Gas Removing
Teargas, riot petrol, CS, CN or soda spray is popularly called a non-lethal weapon used to reduce the hazards of selected scenarios. Although riot or rip gas isn't thought of as deadly the consequences have shown to be harmful and when the property is exposed to the gas it becomes absorbed into each and every element, by the furnishing to the HVAC and ventilation techniques, ceilings to flooring and every-inch in-between. Bio Recovery delivers certified, professional tear-gas cleanup restoration, Nationwide. Tear-gas Clean Up is some thing homeowners not expect to need to need, but if it does, Bio Recovery is here in order to help.
Suicide Cleanup
CSCS Cleanup knows what's required for the thriving suicide cleanup of the death scene. It's just about draining the debris, so it's also about halting the spread of any prospective disease which may appear due to incorrect decontamination and disposal of all bio degradable hazardous things. Our Garland, TX cleaning team also know the psychological effects of the situation around the victims lovedones, and also whether they might not understand the reason why more than you personally, they are going to always be respectful and discreet.If you're in need of qualified suicide cleanup services,CSCS cleaning crew is only a phone away. All people, relatives, land owners, property owners, and governments afflicted by such a debilitating experience deserve an experienced team on site. Our certified specialists and educated staff understand the unobtrusive, caring, and private nature our clients expect during a suicide cleanup approach. We have a lot more than 16 years' experience from the crime scene cleanup industry. As anyone will inform youour reputation was created to"the customer comes " mentality -- this really could be actually the sole way that these exceptionally tricky cleanup scenarios are managed.
Curiosity to work with CSCS Cleaning Crew?
What's more, you may always locate our CSCS crime scene projects in indeed and apply for the positioning and combine our cleaners crew. From fingerprint powder and evidence-gathering chemicals to rip gas and pepper spray residue, Texas CSCS pros can clean and restore your home after having a crime scene analysis. Bloodborne Pathogens, CSCS pros remove and eliminate of physiological fluids, tissue along with also other potentially harmful chemicals resulting from injury, trauma, crime or death in Garland, TX. Educated CSCS Professionals wash, disinfect and deodorize the construction Meth Lab Cleanup.
Locate CSCS jobs on LinkedIn
From our Official LinkedIn corporation webpage Careers and careers department for Crime Scene Cleanup in Garland, TX should submit your management and Program to Employment if you'd like to work like a tech and also cleaner.As the industry leaders to get crime and trauma cleaning in Garland, TX or business has continue to surpassed the expectations of our coworkers and local community organizations we work together with. Along with boost our staff and localized central presence we now also have taken on efforts to ensure crime scene cleanup Garland, TX related bio-hazard cleaning is performed in schedule and time. We work to secure you the quickest dependable crime scene cleanup technicians. CSCS crime scene cleanup livelihood are not occupations for the faint of heartdisease. From medi cal injury cleaning in Garland, TX to supporting having a suicide cleanup, our business gets your bio-hazard needs insured.
Turning into a crime scene cleaner a effortless?
CSCS realizes a number of the chemicals used in the creation of illegal drugs like methamphetamine are volatile and certainly will prevent unsafe residues throughout a construction. Yon may also visit or refer to becoming crime scene cleaner We provide respectful and professional biohazard remediation and crime scene cleaning services across the Texas of all Garland, TX. We're a documented Trauma Scene Waste Management Practitioner, which means you understand that the biohazardous waste is disposed of safely and according to Garland Texas law.Our shipment centers are strategically situated to serve cities and neighborhoods all around the nation USA.
CSCS Cleanup Services Texas
Garland, TX,USA
24/7 Helpline: +1 -888-- 477-0015 / +1 -888-- 629-1222 Get instructions on Maps
If you're on the lookout to get a discreet and private crime scene cleanup organization then make contact with our workplaces at Garland, TX or neighboring.
Garland, TX Legislation assist
CSCS was giving cleaning services following homicides, suicides, and accidents/injuries for over two decades. We are regarded as 2nd responders working closely with Texas police force as well as also other bureaus.
Garland Texas Police
With almost twenty decades of cleaning up crime scenes, working with the Texas Police office and fire divisions, and helping community leaders. It is no surprise why we are America's selection for crime scene cleanup.
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hey um hi
could you elaborate real quick on why emigration to Canada is bad? I've been seriously considering it in the nearest future and I've only heard good things about it so I'm curious because it's Important Stuff to me and you seem to know your way around it
hello! so ive lived in canada all my life so have obv never immigrated here, and also i dont know! that much about a bunch of this stuff! if you’ve gotten information about canada from a reputable source that is different from what i’m saying, i’m probably wrong.
the whole immigration process? takes a long time. my understanding is that you’re able to move here with just a temporary residence, then you can apply for the permanent residence, then you can apply to become a citizen. i might be missing some steps. visas are also a things that exist but i do not understand. also because of covid lots of things have slowed down.
so! our housing market is. struggling, to say the least. prices peaked at some point last year with super high prices for houses and rent. now the prices are lowering a lot and some sources are expecting the housing market to “correct itself”, which sounds an awful lot like crashing hggsgshhd. fun /s. i read an article about the housing market today and i barely understood a word of what it was talking about but it didn’t sound great.
waitlists for subsidized/affordable housing can be years long.
although lots of canadians will say “sorry” when they walk into a doorframe, the stereotype of everyone being amazing and nice isn’t accurate. racism isn’t as obvious, but it’s just as common here as it is in the US. we don’t have guns, which is really helpful for stopping hate crimes, but people will be assaulted, harassed, threatened, etc. indigenous women are going missing at alarming rates and no one is doing anything. racism, slurs, teasing, etc are just as prevalent in schools as they are other places. there’s some people who call themselves the “freedom fighters”, who don’t believe in covid restrictions and mandates, and they and some others went to the capital to protest (which is legal and encouraged), but then blocked off streets and vandalized and stuff (which is illegal and not encouraged lmao). they also were. protesting something completely legal on the basis that it went against their rights sooo. lots of antivaxxers but theyre not making a big deal out of things rn so its fine. first nations reservations still don’t have clean water and have to boil everything. i‘m not trying to scare you, im just trying to show that the stereotypes aren’t true, as much as its nice to have people assume im an amazing person because im canadian.
our healthcare system is pretty good, but be prepared that although it’s “free healthcare”, you still have to pay for things like physiotherapy, dental care, acupuncture, massage, ambulance costs, eye tests + glasses, etc. in ontario at least.
also be prepared for the price of fruits and vegetables to go up significantly in the winter for preservative and shipping costs.
one good thing is that most employers are understaffed, so getting a job will be easier than it would be a while ago. in (southern) ontario, you can drive around cities and the sheer amount of “hiring” signs is honestly a bit apocalyptic. i saw a fast food place that had walk in interviews every wednesday.
anyways i really need to sleep i hope u have a nice day. if anyone has anything to add or fact check feel free to do that.
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hwat if i asked you to do all 50 for Xenoc would that be too many for you friend
Never too many questions my good bitch!! Thank u wes ilyUnder a cut because 1. It’s really long 2. A lot of possible triggers (violence, suicide mention, abuse, etc.) and 3. BIG SPOILERS for anyone playing in this campaign. Y’all know who you are.1. What is one word to shut them up?
Their name (or almost anything) said in a certain tone of voice. Anything similar to how their father and higher-ups in the organization issued orders.
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about?
They tend to breeze by guilt even when they should feel bad about something, but the one thing they’ve never gotten over is leaving their only friend in the compound alone when she was in pain, afraid, and in the midst of drug withdrawal. They didn’t know what to do so they left her alone, and found out the next day she’d overdosed. It’s the only thing they feel guilt about, and they now try to never let someone who’s upset be alone because they’re afraid they’ll never see them again.
3. What is the worst pain they’ve ever experienced?
Physically and mentally, the withdrawal they experienced after leaving the compound. It was a different type of pain than the beatings or brands they’d received before, and the novelty made it all the worse, especially since they were only 13 at the time.
4. Describe their worst nightmare.
(I want to take this one literally cause it’s fun.) Their nightmares are usually very abstract and blurred, and they never remember them when they wake up, although they often wake up from nightmares in a panic attack or disassociating. This probably comes from how young they were (and still are) when their traumas occurred, and the fact that they’re repressing most of the memories. They literally fought a nightmare monster with the party that forced them to see their parents and their father about to beat them, and now that scene is the one thing they remember from any nightmares they’ve had since. They hate the monster that did it more and more every time it happens.
5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear.
Surface level: a lot of animals— specifically dogs, rats, etc. lab animals, and the types of animals the children practiced fighting with.Repressed: they don’t think about it much, but if they are confronted with drugs again, especially with any of their party members, they probably will react very badly.Deep dark: catch them off guard with a command or authoritative tone, and they’ll completely freeze up. Despite the fact that some of them are dead, they still are deeply terrified of the power their parents and the whole organization had over them.
6. What is something that never fails to make them feel sick?
The smell, or even the sight, of Jet, Psycho, or any other addictive drug/poison they’ve worked with.
7. What feature (physical or otherwise) do they hate most about themselves?
They really don’t hate much of anything, mostly because they’re a child and don’t like to think about anything internally. If anything, it would be the scars and brands that mark their entire right side, but they’ve covered them in tattoos to avoid having to think about them.
8. Do they have anything that triggers them?
Yeah, but not really in the traditional sense. Typically they react to the trigger with violence and anger, then pretend it didn’t happen, and then disassociate as soon as things calm down. Things that will do it are typically references to drugs (or worse, being around them,) and being ordered to do things (especially in a certain tone of voice.) anything that reminds them of their father’s abuse or of the compound.
9. What is their greatest physical weakness?
They’re really not very strong, but they hold up fine in battle especially since they keep their distance.
10. What is their greatest mental weakness?
Probably their refusal to do any sort of self reflection. They bottle up all their trauma without even really realizing they’re doing it.
11. Do they have any vices?
They used to have drug addictions, from accidental inhalation and exposure to them for years. They do drink alcohol, but avoid drugs at all costs even if they don’t want to think about why.
12. Have they ever done something illegal? What was it?
SO many times. Most of their life was spent literally working in an illegal organization, and they don’t really try to keep their work strictly legal even now.
13. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins best describes them?
It’s hard to decide. They’re a genuinely good person, but they don’t know how to actually be good so a lot of sins describe them. Probably greed or wrath. Maybe pride.
14. Are they prone to outbursts (of violence, extreme emotion… exc… )?
Absolutely. Especially if anything reminds them of the past, or anything they don’t want to think about. They typically react with extreme violence. Their emotional outbursts also tend to be more angry than anything else, since they don’t like feeling scared or sad.
15. Who do they hate the most?
They hate the heads of their old organization. They still harbor a lot of hatred and fear towards their parents, though they will insist that their deaths ended that.
16. Is there anyone who makes them feel inferior?
Sometimes people do, so they took to not really talking about their age since people didn’t treat them like an adult if they knew they’re 15. They pretty much don’t let people make them feel inferior anymore.
17. What sound always gives them a headache?
They hate animal noises, like continuous barking or squeaking. They like the loud noise their gun makes when they fire, and the sound of explosions delights them, but sometimes their ears ring and their head hurts afterwards if they were too close.
18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them?
They hate bitter things because they’re a kid and their taste reflex to avoid possible poison is even more overactive than a normal kid’s. They prefer to eat the same food, like their own rations, over and over than try new things.
19. Do they consider themselves ugly?
Not really. They kind of wish they didn’t have to have tattoos, but they’d rather have pretty art than the markings underneath.
20. Do they consider themselves unloveable?
I don’t think they consider it much. They’ve never really loved or been loved, even in a family or friend sense, so it’s a new thing to them. They like having friends.
21. What is something that causes them great anxiety?
They get very anxious about doing the right thing, especially now that they’re with a group. They’re scared they will do something they think is right, and the group will judge them for it or think they’re cruel or mean.
22. Do they have any mental illnesses?
Probably some form of complex PTSD due to childhood abuse and trauma.
23. Have they ever been assaulted/abused/raped?
They were abused throughout their childhood by their parents, and by extension the organization.
24. Do they fear the possibility of being assaulted/abused/raped?
Not really. They can and will defend themself with deadly force.
25. Have they ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust?
No, they didn’t have that sort of “trust” for most of their life. The closest thing would be realizing that the organization was bad, but that wasn’t really a betrayal of trust since it had always been bad, they just thought it was normal.
26. Have they ever been seriously injured?
Never too seriously, not all at once. At the compound they were injured only enough to hurt, not enough to stop them from working, and they’ve never been too badly hurt in battle.
27. How many times have they been in the hospital?
I don’t think there’s hospitals in this world? Even if there were the answer would be none because there’s no way they’d have ever had the chance to go to one.
28. Is there a certain type of person that disgusts them?
Authority. Also drug dealers.
29. Does what they cannot see scare them?
They would absolutely deny that it does, because it isn’t real and therefore doesn’t affect them. Sometimes they’re right and they can push through, sometimes they’re lying.
30. Have they ever been bullied?
Not really. Most of their peers were just as brainwashed as they were, and infighting was punished so no one really formed cliques or bully groups.
31. Do they have self-confidence or self-image issues?
No way. They think they’re the best, and self image doesn’t really figure into it.
32. Do they have a bad relationship with their parents?
Yes. Their parents were both physically and mentally abusive. Xenoc killed them, and probably several other people, by blowing up their house.
33. Have they ever been in a relationship that didn’t work out so well?
They’ve never been in a romantic relationship. Other relationships they mostly burned to the ground, until they met the party. Those relationships are still forming, slowly, but they’re pretty good so far.
34. Have they ever self harmed?
I don’t think it would cross their mind to do it intentionally. They sometimes do things recklessly that get them hurt, like burning their fingers on their gun, but it’s never really for the purpose of hurting themself.
35. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
Abstract? They’d want to change into being a “good person” as others see them. A more solid change would be to get rid of the symbols and markings the organization gave them.
36. Are they in control of their emotions, or are their emotions in control of them?
Their emotions are definitely more in control, but they have a smaller range of emotions since they’re young and very inexperienced with the world.
37. Have they ever had their freedom taken away?
They spent 13 years of their life with little to no freedom, and 11 of those not even realizing freedom was a possibility.
38. Have they ever been imprisoned?
Not in the traditional sense, but they were confined to the compound the whole time they were there, spending most of their time in underground laboratories.
39. Have they ever been accused of something they didn’t do?
Nah they probably did it.
40. Do they often blame themselves for other people’s problems?
Very rarely. If they caused someone’s problem, they either did it on purpose, or don’t care too much, and if they didn’t cause it they aren’t likely to think they did. They’re a self centered kid at heart.
41. Do they get sick often?
Their immune system is actually pretty weakened and resistant to most medicines due to their long term drug exposure, but they don’t really notice when they get sick since they’re used to just working through it. They probably don’t think they’re sick even when they are.
42. Are they comfortable with where they are in life?
For the most part, yes. They love being free to do what they want, and the world to them is still a beautiful place full of adventure and possibility. They don’t realize how much they have yet to grow.
43. Do they wish that they could change their pasts?
They’re convinced that now that their parents are dead and they’ve left the compound, the past doesn’t matter. They wish they’d left sooner, and that they’d stayed with their friend Cara and been able to take her with, but they refuse to even think about the past most of the time.
44. What’s one thing they wish they could do more often, but can’t?
They want to be able to work more on their gun, and make more weapons and better weapons. It takes time, resources, and money that they don’t always have.
45. What is the emotion they most commonly experience?
Wildly split between joy and fury. With a pretty large portion confusion, as well. They actually are a pretty happy person, as long as they’re able to pretend problems don’t exist. In battle, they typically actually enjoy fighting. However, any negative emotion they have they pretty quickly convert into anger, which they’re more comfortable with.
46. Have they ever contemplated suicide?
Never seriously. Not beyond vaguely wishing they’d die while they were going through withdrawal. They absolutely want to stay alive and free.
47. Have they ever gone so far as to attempt suicide?
No. They’ve done plenty of reckless, life endangering things, but never with the intent to die.
48. Is there anyone that they would willingly kill?
Yep, and they have. Many times. Even before joining the party, they killed their parents along with many others in the compound by blowing up a large housing unit. Most recently, they put eight bullets through the unconscious body of a bandits who’d hurt one of their friends.
49. If [name] was put into ______ situation, they’d rather die than live to see it through.
Having to go back into someone’s control, or back under the thrall of drugs.
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linoholic · 7 years
Requested:  Hi can u do a VIXX N mafia au?
Warnings: mentions of blood, death and sex but nothing explicit
I am really excited to write this because N is my VIXX bias and nobody can deny that sometimes our concept kings really give off that mafia vibe. 
This is based off of a prompt I remember reading a while ago and after some digging I found where it came from, so shoutout to @fanficy-au for the prompt ideas
Also, for future reference, unsub means unknown subject and refers to the suspect in a criminal investigation. I watch way too much Criminal Minds.
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Cha Hakyeon
Also known as ‘N’
Is the leader of mafia group known as VIXX, based in Seoul, South Korea
It is a very powerful group, but not very well known; mainly because they stay out of the public eye so that they can carry on their activities without the police being on their case constantly
And although they of course do illegal things
But their main goal is to take justice into their own hands when the law won’t
When the boss retired, he passed the role on to his youngest son, Hakyeon instead of his older brother or one of his older sisters, who all decided to lead normal civilian lives
This caused some tension among the older members of VIXX who thought he was too young and inexperienced, and that they should have got the leadership role instead
This tension was quickly dissolved when Hakyeon showed his capability when a rival gang had managed to infiltrate their ranks
Long story short; he quickly figured out the situation and tricked the spies into revealing themselves shortly before they would have destroyed VIXX from the inside out
These men haven’t been heard from since
This is where Hakyeon became known as ‘N’ as he changed the fate of the seemingly doomed mafia group
(If you didn’t know, Hakyeon came up with the stage name ‘N’ based of the korean word for fate, in-yeon, and the yeon in Hakyeon also took that form)
From then on, nobody questioned his abilities (outright at least)
He has five people in his ‘inner circle’ not including him who he would trust with his life
These are Taekwoon, Wonsik, Jaehwan, Hongbin and Sanghyuk
And they know that despite he cold, stoic persona he puts on when facing the leaders of other groups, officials or lower ranked VIXX members
He is actually quite warm and dorky
He often acts like a mother 
Which often catches many people off guard when he visits one of the warehouses they own and starts to scold the workers for not dressing warmly enough or not taking enough breaks
Thus the nickname ‘N-jumma’ comes about
Not that anyone except Hyuk actually calls him that to his face
Basically, he is last person someone would think to be the boss of a powerful mafia
He loves to dance when he gets the spare time to do so, and is actually very talented at it
He even made one of the rooms in his large house a dance studio, wall length mirrors and sound system included
When not doing paperwork, bossing people around or dancing he can often be found reading somewhere
And literature is the reason he meets you
Well, kind of anyway
You are an up and coming author, already being praised for your amazing mystery novels
They are clever and not cliche driven with amazing storylines and plot twists that nobody ever sees coming
And it is all going well for you
Until you get summoned for questioning by the police
Sitting in an interrogation room with no explanation as to why you are there
Until a detective comes in and tells you why
It turns out that there is a serial killer on the loose
And they are taking inspiration from your books
And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse
They tell you that the unsub seems to be obsessed with you; having left notes that he is a big fan of your books and is killing so that your novels get exposure, and they are always signed off with a cursive ‘N’
Which is weird considering you live in South Korea
So that night you go home and try to get some sleep which is hard now you have the knowledge that someone is killing people for you, and that there is a policeman standing outside your door ‘just in case’ the killer tries to get to you
Meanwhile, as you lay in your bed in a restless sleep
On the other side of the city Cha Hakyeon stands pacing his office whilst his inner circle sit, all brainstorming ideas
He has just received the news concerning the serial killings
And it is troubling
He is a big fan of your books as everyone knows
He can often be seen with one in hand and has a shelf in his library solely for them
And apparently knows this and is trying framing him for these murders
There are many people it could be
If he gets arrested for this then that gets him out of the way
And so it could be somebody wanting his position of power
Or a rival wanting to hit VIXX where it hurts, their beloved leader
Of course the police and government know of him and VIXX
But they can never get something solid in order to prosecute anyone because of how they stay so deeply under the radar
But the main thing is that they know that he, Cha Hakyeon, also N
And so whereas before they left him alone because he didn’t cause them much trouble
But now he is a wanted man; for murders he didn’t commit
Knowing the intricate details of the case from one of his inside sources; he knows that you are also involved
And so he decides to meet you
If anyone could find out who was really doing all of this then it would be the person who wrote it all in the first place
And so the next night, he dresses up inconspicuously, and gets Ravi to find your address for him before heading out
Easily sneaking past the police officer stationed by you door and to a window; he climbs through with ease
Turning around he realises he climbed into your bedroom
Which would be fine and all
If you weren’t currently half naked in only a towel and staring at him in shock
Hakyeon’s first instinct is to cover his eyes and turn away like the gentleman he is
You, on the other hand, just got out of the shower after having a long day being interviewed by various detectives
When you got out you weren’t expecting to turn around a see a strange man in your room with you
A very handsome man, yes, and seemingly polite considering the way he averts his eyes from your form
But still a stranger
And so when you get over your shock you go to scream or shout or anything to get the attention of the officer outside
But before you can even open your mouth the man has traveled the short length of your room to you and covers your mouth with his hand
“I swear I am not here to hurt you. I just want to talk and so if you would please keep quiet and just hear me out? I’m going to move my hand now, can I trust you to keep quiet?” he says
You are stood frozen still as he looks into your eyes, a slight pleading look within them and so you slowly nod
And like he said he would, the man removes his hand slowly, making sure you won’t go against your word
He then glances down and realises you are still naked except for a towel and turns red, quickly averting his eyes
And yes he may be a complete stranger who broke into your room and who knows what his true intentions are
But to see someone who looks so intimidating blushing and act like a schoolboy with his crush is sort of....endearing
But you quickly shake that thought out of your head
“Could you, uh, perhaps turn around so I can get dressed?”
A couple of silent and tense moments later you are done changing and you sit down on your bed, eyeing the man suspiciously as he sits down next to you
“My name is Cha Hakyeon. And I am N.”
At his confession you immediately start to panic
“Not that N though! The real N. I’m being framed you see!” he quickly continues, calming you down only the slightest bit
“Remember, you said you would hear me out.”
Not wanting to upset a potential serial killer, you quickly nod your head
And deciding that the best way to make you understand his point of view and agree to help him is to tell the truth; Hakyeon tells you everything
About how he is the boss of powerful Mafia VIXX, about his five best friends, about how he most definitely not the person running around killing innocent people
And you are a writer at heart
You know when things are real and when they are made up
And even though this whole situation feels like it could have come straight out of one of your novels; you can’t help but feel like he is telling the truth
So you agree to help him
Now, Hakyeon can’t keep sneaking past the police stationed outside your door; it’s too dangerous for him as a wanted man
He asks you to join him in his hideout and base of operations
Not his house because it has eyes on it 24/7 in case he returns there
So, making up the excuse that you are going to stay with family out in the country and away from the mess, you go against everything your parents ever taught you as a child and pack your bags and go with him
Over the next week you two stay locked up in his office playing detective
During this time you two get to know each other
You get to know the personality he hides behind the big boss persona he puts on
And in turn he gets to know all about you and your life
You share your favourite foods; songs; colours; animals
You get to see him dance, which is an amazing experience
One day, to ease the stress this whole situation is putting on both of you, you play a game where he has to dance to whatever music you play
At first you choose the usual classical music, then hiphop
But then you start to play kpop songs and wow are you impressed
Never in your wildest dreams would you have imagined a big bad mafia boss dancing to SNSD like it was his own song
You also get to know the other boys
You find the bond between them all so amazing
They are all so close and while they all get on each others nerves, you can see that they would go to the ends of the earth for each other
Because you all become friends in this time, they also start to tease you
Mainly on the feelings that have started to grow for their leader
Sometimes you really question if they are members of powerful mafia VIXX or not
It all gets worse when one night at after a long day hacking into police databases to further your investigation into Hakyeon’s framer, you two fall asleep in his bed together after comparing notes til you both just nod off
And although you fall asleep on opposite sides, you wake up to find your head tucked under his chin and your arms wrapped around his torso
His clothes, the casual wear probably more expensive than your entire wardrobe, are more wrinkled the face of the 96 year old grandmother that lives next to you
Blood rushes to your face as you realise the position you are in
But immediately turns white as you notice that Hongbin and Jaehwan are standing at the foot of the bed, both with obnoxious smirks on their faces
You look back to Hakyeon, and he looks so relaxed in his sleep that you don’t have the heart to wake him which would happen if you moved
So you simply motion for the two males to keep quiet and snuggle back down, making the most of this time to get some more much needed sleep
Neither of you live it down the next day though
You are sure that had it been any other boss then there is no way that the teasing would be allowed
But considering N is a big softy inside he doesn’t do much except scold them, which scarily reminds you of your mother
Finally, a breakthrough in the murder’s is made, and they apprehend the person responsible after an anonymous tip off (yeah, it was you)
Turns out that Hakyeon’s first hunch was correct
The whole thing had been orchestrated by someone with a grudge that had been chucked out of VIXX for being rough with innocent people that the mafia had no qualms with and therefore making a bad name for them
After he confessed to the whole thing, Hakyeons name was cleared
To celebrate, Leo used one of his contacts to book a table at one of the finest restaurants in Seoul
Of course you get invited along
You played a big part in clearing N’s name so even when you denied the invitation, they wouldn’t take no for an answer
And when you tried to use the excuse that you had nothing to wear
Hakyeon presented you with a box that contained an outfit that you are sure costs more than you have earned your entire life; shoes and accessories included
So you had no choice but to go
In the end you are glad you went with the six men because you were in a private room and so had the freedom to drink and laugh as much as you wanted
And it ended up being one of the most fun nights you have ever had
The fact that the food was so nice was only a plus
It’s nearing 11 at night when you all start heading your separate ways
“Now that the whole serial killer ordeal is over, you are free to head back to your own house,” Hakyeon mentions as you arrive back at the hideout
His comment makes you pause in the middle of the hall
You had gotten so used to the being around so many people during your time there that the thought of going back to an empty house and leaving this whole adventure behind felt a little....weird
You had gotten so close to Hakyeon during the times you had spent locked away in his office (get your minds out of the gutter people)
While you knew you weren’t in love; you had only known each other for about 2 weeks after all; you could see yourself falling for him easily
In short, you fancied the pants off of him
Noticing that you weren’t walking behind him any longer, he turns around to face you, only to be met with the feel of soft lips against his
He immediately wraps his arms around you, deepening the kiss, and slowly walks backwards with you, kicking his bedroom door open with his foot
Let’s just say that he really proves to you his dancer’s stamina that night
Come the next morning, everybody knows that you had spent the night in the bosses room
The most used words that day were “about time” and “finally”
From that day forward, you were able to call Cha Hakyeon, the beautiful, bronze skinned god of a man yours
And he called you his
During the hard times, you were there to offer a shoulder to lean on
When he became angry you were the one called in to calm him down as you were the only one not completely scared of him in that state and he would never shout at you
You also write more novels
More romance started to appear in them as well, to the surprise of everyone who had read your previous books
Your best selling one just so happens to be about six good men doing bad things while keeping the bromance alive
And while your life will never be easy or perfect when dating the boss of one of the most powerful mafia
It is totally worth it to be able to go home after a bad day only to see Hakyeon in his expensive silk pajamas greeting you with nothing but love in his eyes
I started writing this and then got sidetracked watching their Weekly Idol episode again so I lost my train of thought in the middle kinda.
I hope you enjoy! As always, requests are open so feel free to drop by my ask box <33 xx
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nopingitoutme · 4 years
I would like to preface this by saying that I love my brother. 
He is not a good person. Not in the evil way, not in the I hurt people, or I bully people kind of way, but in the - I have never critically thought about my privilege and general existence kind of way. I’ll slow down and start from the beginning.
I am Canadian but my parents are Asian, South Asian to be precise. My dad was born and raised in India while my mother is Pakistani. From there my parents made their way to the US where they met and got married. My dad studied mechanical engineering at University of Oklahoma. He was accepted into Princeton but the tuition was too high, University of Oklahoma was the only university that afforded him with a full ride scholarship. So he made do and studied. What you have to understand here is that my dad was poor like extremely poor. He used to tell us how he would steal packets of ketchup to eat because they had a high sugar content and he couldn’t afford actual food. He didn’t have a choice when it came to studying, he had to get his degree so he could find a job. If he didn’t he was a short, Indian, Muslim brown man with no family, no support system and no credentials.
My mom actually got her degree in nursing in Pakistan but because the credits did not transfer she was not a nurse in Virginia, she worked as a lab tech. Eventually my parents met and got married then had my oldest brother.
Here’s the thing, my mom’s immigration story is murky. While her “nanny visa” isn’t exactly illegal, the fact that the only “children” she was taking care of were her cousins. The rest of her family trickled in using farming visas. I’ll be frank it was definitely fraud in some way but done just carefully enough that the government was willing to overlook it. My mom’s a Canadian citizen now so I don’t have to be worried that she could be deported. 
But anyway my parents met, got married and procreated twice. I have two older brothers who were born in New Jersey and have American citizenships. At this point we were poor. My dad was barely making anything with his engineering degree and my mom had two kids under the age of five, she was basically supporting the family with her job as a lab tech. Then my mom found out she was pregnant with me. My dad being a financially responsible man asked my mom to terminate the pregnancy (she was on birth control, I was very much a whoops baby) but she declined. I am not going to turn this into an anti-abortian argument, I am very much pro-choice, I was just giving context to the situation my parents were in. A few days after I was detected(?) my dad got a job offer in Alberta and accepted it. It turned out to change our lives entirely. My dad started making more and more until he was making six figures a year. This is the type of life I grew up living, moreover this is the life my brother grew up living.
Since I have two brothers, I’ll name them, the ok one will be O and the not-okay one will be U.
U has never known, or remembered financial stress. He is two years older then me so can’t remember his life in New Jersey but he can remember his life in Canada. I won’t insult him by saying his life in Canada is easy, he is lives in an Asian household and my parents are typical Asian parents. They are strict and overbearing, they meddle too much in our lives and they do not get along with each other. Growing up was stressful, my dad definitely has an untreated mental disorder that results in a violent temper and tension in the house for days on end. None of us have healthy coping mechanisms. O is going to get married in the next year, he is terrified that his wife will rely on him to be the sole breadwinner and through that he will become abusive towards her. U, well I’ll get to that. I ignore everything and avoid conflict like a sport. My eventual plan is to get my degree and fuck off and never come back. So, not the healthiest environment to say the least. But I do have to say that it affected U the most. 
He became fanatical. He became obsessed with judging people. He would continuously ask me why I was, “everyone’s lawyer” for having the audacity for saying that unless we understand someone’s circumstances we cannot judge them for it. The best example of his confusingly conservative personality is the fact that he agrees with the Vietnam War.
Today we decided to watch the Chicago 7. He didn’t want to. His first complaint was that it got bad reviews, we showed him the reviews which were overwhelmingly positive (he considers himself a film expert, you can tell by the way that he uses the words “film” instead of movie and “cinematography” and “we shouldn’t focus on diversity in Hollywood, we should just pick the best actor for the job”) the truth came out he did not like the fact that it was about people fighting against the government. He agreed with the conscription and said that he would gladly give his portion of the inheritance to the Canadian military since it was his civic duty to support them, never mind that we pay taxes to support them so they really don’t need more. More and more pieces fit together. His easy spending of money, his virulent defence of conservative policies, his anti-immigration stance. He’s a piece of shit and it took me nineteen years to figure that out. He’s just genuinely a piece of shit.
And  I don’t know where it came from. No one in my family has such extreme views, we are a family of immigrants. I mean the only vaguely conservative thing we do is be rich. And before anyone comes for me I am aware of my incredible privilege. I am also aware that we embody the American Dream to the T and I am aware that the American Dream is a lie fed to us by the rich and no one becomes rich because you worked hard. You become rich because you had connections or in our case we were extremely lucky.  But U is not aware of his privilege as a wealthy person. He doesn’t seem to grasp that he didn’t make good choices, he had good choices (peep the reference), choices that allowed him to get a tutor so he could write the MCAT, choices that allowed to spend months studying and not be worried about money, choices that give him connections to med students and doctors, choices that he only got because he was rich. In fact he is so unaware of it, that it’s like he believes he deserves it. It’s like he believes that it is his God-given right to not have to pay his own tuition, his cell phone plan, his fucking life is paid for and this bitch thinks he deserves it. He spends money like it’s water, he believes transgender people are just mentally ill, he’s anti-immigration (which is hypocrisy of the highest degree, where do he think he came from? He’s darker then I am!), he’s a white posh British man in a twenty-two year old brown body. 
And then I realized, he wants to be that British man, he craves it. It’s why he wants to send his future child to an English boarding school so he (the child will be a boy and named Alistair, apparently. I can’t make this shit up. I wish I was making this shit up) can become a cricket star. He is creating a fantasy, one where he isn’t in this stressful tension-filled house, one where he is the hero, the saviour, the one who is right and rational. He can’t stand the fact that he was born in the family, a family where my mother still speaks with an accent and wears traditional clothing. A family that eschews normal society conventions of being white and Christian and conservative. He hates that he can’t be one of them. And because of that he ignores the immense amount of privilege he has been given. He doesn’t believe in white privilege, believes that affirmative action is reverse racism, believes that immigrants are obligated to give up their heritage to become functioning members of society. What’s that Futurama quote, “don’t insult billionaires, you’re insulting my feelings towards being able to be a billionaire someday” (I don’t know I’ve never watched Futurama, I’ve only seen that quote in a gif). My point is, is that my brother is ashamed. He is so deeply ashamed that he repressed all of his empathy and humanity to beg at the alter of capitalism and classism. He cannot reach the inherent privilege that being white affords you so he makes up for it by being the poster child of white supremacy in other ways. And all of that makes me sad.
Because after all, I love my brother.   
0 notes
ask2pblog · 7 years
How would the 2Ps react having some hyperactive childish teenage boy, whom is their neighbor, always hanging with them no matter how they think of him and he suddenly calls them 'Daddy' (not in a sexual kinky way, but in a platonic way), but soon find out that he doesn't have a good father figure around his life and the 2Ps are somehow the closest thing he has a father figure?
(Omg this ask- its adorable. May gods bless u anon)
➖2pAmerica/ Al: A kid always hanging around with Al? Al doesn’t like him to stick around since he always gets himself into trouble, and everyone sees Al as the “bad influence”. Yet he thinks of the child as his own little brother. When the kid says “Daddy,” he would tease the kid, not taking it seriously. The moment he learns the truth, welp Al Iis gonna take a kid under his wing. He asks Oliver for guidance  but refuses to let Oliver take away the kid. Guess Al is a father now.
➖2pCanada/ Matt: He’s not good with children due to his silence, but he’d let the kid hang around. Matt has to remind Kuma many times that the kid isn’t food. He would freeze up when the kid said, “Daddy,” and ignore it. Though when he learns the truth, this kid somehow has a new room in his cabin but let the kid decide where he wants to live. Doesn’t wanna deal with his father, and slowly let the kid into his life. Next thing you know, he’s the one signing the kid’s parents permissions and brings the kid to whatever family event Oliver hosts.
➖2pFrance/ François: “What are children?” Oh boy, he would not like this kid to stick around. He already fucked up when he “raised” Matt. Would definitely stop smoking when the kid is around,,, which is always. So he’s gonna be more grumpy. Would have an “Oh shit” moment when the kid says, “Daddy.” He would take him to Oliver when he learns about the kid’s father. If the kid is stubborn on staying, would live with Oliver since he still can’t get over the fact how he is the better father figure.
➖2pEngland/ Oliver: He would adore the kid, already spoiling him and treating as his own child. It’s no shock to anyone when the kid calls him, “Daddy.” Except Oliver is thrilled, you could see his eyes light up. Though when he learns about the kid’s father,,, wait why does Oliver have adoption papers- whaat the fuck im not even done writing- okay the kid is now adopted. This guy calls everyone about his new son, and spoils the kid rotten.
➖2pChina/ Xiao: A hyper kid + hyper older kid (lets be real, Xiao ain’t an adult) = disaster. He wouldn’t do drugs when the kid is around, but if the kid drops by unexpectedly,,, someone take Xiao away from the child. When the kid calls him, “Daddy,” he would not let it down, though prefers if the kid calls him brother as “father” makes him sound like an old man. When he learns about the kid’s father, he would be so conflicted on what to do. He is not ready for a kid. Would call Kuro for help, and welcome the kid with open arms he is screAMING inside
➖2pRussia/ Viktor: He is not good with children, and very concerned how the kid’s parents let the kid stay over when its fuckin 1 am. Starts teaching kid random knowledge and suddenly a child knows the basics of physics w h at the fuck- Though when Viktor hears the word, “Daddy,” he is shook. He did not expect this, and asks the kid if he truly feels that way. Finally believes the kid when he learns about his father, and would be conflicted. This kid melted his ice-heart, and consults the father for his adoption. If the father says no, then let the kid stay at his home for however long.
➖2pGermany/ Lutz: He and the kid would definitely click. Loves messing around with kids, but never consider having one. So that being said, he wants to cry out of happiness and fear when the kid calls him, “Daddy.” Would joke around and acts more father-like, but took him days to figure out how the kid’s father isn’t parent material. Definitely let the kid stay until the someone notices, and gets yelled by Luciano when he brought the kid to a country meeting.
➖2pPrussia/ Gilen: *Flashbacks to raising Lutz*. Fragile boi is confused on why the kid hangs out with him. Would be a concerned Mother Hen, always panicking if this hyper kid got into DangerousActivites™ like crossing the street. When the kid says, “Daddy,” he would start crying out of happiness. Always think he fails as a big brother, but now this kid thinks of him as a father figure? He would gladly accept. When he learns about the kid’s father, would be scared to talk to the father about letting the kid stay over. Pretty quiet about having a newly adopted kid at this house, so never gets caught and the kid lives a happy life.
➖2pAustria/ Roland: Why the kid sticks around with him, no one knows, but everyone is concerned. This kid would have a nocturnal sleeping schedule, and Roland would try to kick the kid out of his house whenever Roland is practicing black magic. Keyword: try. Roland’s house almost blew up when the kid calls Roland, “Daddy,” and Roland almost dropped a magic bottle lmAO RIP. He would be so fucking cocky and feel proud that the kid thinks of him as a father figure. Doesn’t even consider the kid’s actual father as he illegally adopts the kid. Though when he learns about the kid’s father, would place a curse on the guy for “not taking good care of his favorite henchmen”
➖2pItaly/ Luciano: Luciano would try so hard to scare the kid away. Yet doesn’t actually harm him, more so twirling knife and tries to look intimidating, but lmao this only makes the kid be more interested. Does not know how the kid gets past security, but is paranoid about the kid getting hurt cuz of his enemies. Hearing, “Daddy,” from the kid, Luciano would flip out on the inside and thinks it’s a joke. He let the kid stay overnight but contacts his father. When he learns about the kid’s shitty dad, welp Luciano hires a nanny to help take care of the kid. Lowkey trains the kid like he’s going to inherit the mafia.
➖2pRomano/ Flavio: Would allow the kid to hang out, even let him assist in his fashion industry. When the kid calls him, “Daddy,” he would be so happy but prefers the kid to call him brother. Calls Luciano to tell how he has a new brother, definitely changing the kid’s clothing so fast. Learning about the kid’s father, welp Flavio now has a new room installed in his apartment. Would try to keep the kid away from his dad since he didn’t speak to him about this adoption.
➖2pJapan/ Kuro: God, Kuro would try to ignore the kid when he starts hanging out. Overtime starts to tolerate the kid, and hides all his hentai. Would question where the kid’s father is, and chokes on his tea when the kid calls him, “Daddy.” Looks at the kid with judging eyes, “Nani?”. Very scared and contacts the kid’s father, and learning about the kid’s father, would sigh and take responsibility. Gets adoption papers as well, not even consulting the kid’s father.
➖2pSpain/ Andrés: Andrés refuses to let the kid worm their way into his life- ah fuck too late. He would grumpily let the kid hang around, overtime tolerating the kid more and more. When he hears the kid call him, “Daddy,”,,, Andrés would say “Fuck”. Now he has to take care of a kid, great. Surprisingly really chill about it, and has experience when raising Flavio. Has moments where he wants to pull his hair out from the kid’s hyper energy, but learning about the kid’s father, would quickly adopt the kid. Try his best to not let everyone know, gotta keep his ColdHeart™ reputation.
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uzumaki-uchiha · 7 years
Everything Wrong with Death Note (Netflix Adaptation)
Spoilers Obviously. Feel free to add to this list.
To begin with, I did not realize this was a movie. I thought it was a small TV adaptation with the pilot episode being an hour and a half. My bad, but this left me wondering how tf are they going to fit 37 episodes in an hour and a half.
The opening honestly made me feel like I had clicked on some cliche teen romance movie with the song in the background, the cheerleaders and football players practicing, the obvious camera angles on the love interest, and the ‘dork’ (Light) doing some guys homework. I doubled checked to make sure I was watching Death Note. I was half expecting Light to do a small monologue about how he loves the girl, but is too low on social food chain to do anything.
I was shook when I saw Light doing some other guys homework and him being portrayed as well anything but popular. I wasn’t expecting him to be surrounded by hordes of fangirls, but wtf. Wasn’t he at least somewhat popular in the anime. Could’ve sworn there were girls that were dying to just go out with him.
Also the obvious love interest. Bitch please, Light has no time for a serious love interest. Between getting into college, good grades, and (later on) trying to rid the world of evil, who has time for a girl who won’t even spare you a second glance. I barely have time for myself let alone someone else.
JFC that storm and the book just falling out of the sky.  IDK why but I got flashbacks to R.L. Stine, Goosebumps, the TV show.
A guy gets pushed to the ground, ‘oh well’. Girl gets pushed, “HELL NO GET THE F AWAY FROM MY WAIFU”. (side note: the girl picks a fight with a guy that is literally stronger than her and can probably break her and then is ungrateful to Light stepping in. Hoe, you did need his help even if he ultimately useless in this particular scenario. Sorry Light, you can’t argue with dimwits. You get knocked tf out)
Lowkey wondering how the teacher was able to read the homework. I spill a drop of water on a page, the ink is smeared to the point where it could be considered a form of abstract art and the paper fall apart if i breathe too hard so idk how the paper survived being rained on and being utterly soaked.
The teacher “A student is knocked out on the ground, soaking wet, lemme see what these papers are first’
If Light did homework for other students, he wouldn’t be as stupid TO USE IDENTICAL HANDWRITING FOR EACH ONE. Did he photocopy each one? Are the teachers blind?
His mom is dead. ‘Nuff said
2 weeks of detention for doing homework for at least 15 other students. A) you get suspended in my school for doing one person’s homework and the other student gets in trouble as well. B) It’s called plagiarism. It’s illegal. This goes on record and my baby boi will have time for romance because no college will take him.
The bruise doesn’t look too bad for someone who got hit hard enough to be knocked out.
Jfc those are alot of rules.
I fucking can’t with that scream when he first sees Ryuk. Dying of laughter
Light wouldn’t use someone from his school. Too close to him. He says this when he first gets the notebook and sees a bully from his school in the anime.
Looking at the pictures on wall, I am extremely disturbed to find out Light was a clown for Halloween one year.
Does he not have a sister?
I am relieved to find out his dad is still a cop.
You pronounced Ryuk wrong Light. Though Ryuk looks f-ing great in this.
Thank god Ryuk fixed it. At first a criticism at finding out the name pronunciation was wrong, but it adds a nice touch of realism when I realized it was intentional.
Is Mia supposed to be Misa? Oh hell no.
Hold up is this the same Mia that told the principal that Light ran into a beam?
Yes Ryuk same, I hope Light knows what he is doing showing Mia this.
Also why does it look like she wanted to kiss him when he was writing in the book.
The perfect romance is built on the perfect mass homicide of criminals.
Is anyone in this damn movie actually Japanese?
L is Kakashi
L talking to James like child gives me life
Screaming because Ryuk isn’t suppose to directly interfere. Killing 12 FBI officers is directly interfering.
I agree with Ryuk. Light give up the notebook. Honestly this isn’t the Light ik. #NotMyLight
This is a very...intense meet up between the two. Unnecessary L. That was some fine diner cutlery.
NO LIGHT. You’re an idiot. Killing L will only solidify your guilt.
Did...did L just walk into Light’s house randomly. Was the door unlocked? Did he pick lock the door. Does he have a key?
Does L just not like cutlery?
Well isn’t this a pleasant orphanage where all the demon children sleep.
Don’t you just love it when people leave supposed highly confidential files in an abandoned place.
Nice AHS placement.
Oh damn, so Mia did kill the FBI agents.
But she isn’t the keeper of that specific book?
L is about to go kill some mfs
And Light is on a killing rampage.
Light has some stamina. God damn They both do
Okay so now I’m bored. When will this chase end?
So dramatic, a ferris wheel falling. I’m get Final Destination moments.
Ah yes, just place the notebook on top of his chest. So inconspicuous.
I like how the Dad knocked despite his son being in a supposed coma and isn’t shook that he was awake
Is Light...trying to redeeming himself through that miny speech?
Well Light is apparently dead. Mia’s a bitch even in death.
All in all, if I hadn’t seen the anime or read the manga, I probably would’ve found it okay, but I did both of those things and I hate it so much. Just no. I question what goes on in directors heads when adapt a book or an anime into a movie. I understand they have to cut some corners, but damn, they cut so many damn corners, it became a circle.
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malachitelibrary · 8 years
Master FAQ (Post version for mobile)
This will also be tagged as #FAQ so it is always available for mobile users. This includes every single FAQ question ever that I have. Read this post before sending in any questions, as I will not respond if it is answered here. 
Can I ask you a question? 
Maybe. Did you read the ENTIRE FAQ first? 
But I don’t have time/energy to read the entire FAQ that you used your free time/energy to write and provided for free on tumblr!
Then I don’t have time to help you. 
Do you have a masterpost with all of your resources?
Yes, right here.
Uhmmmm a lot of this sounds fake :/
>caring about what complete strangers on the internet think
Do you announce when your readings are open again, and where?
I make a post announcing when they are back open again, and additionally update my services page. These are generally found in the tag #update or #status.
Is (X magic thing) safe?
Nothing is ever truly safe. Though you can reduce potential troubles by being cautious, open-minded, and by using your brain.
How can I improve X magic skill/How do I git gud?
Do it. Do it a lot, at least 30 times. Yes, counting does help. While aid such as meditation, enchantments, etc may make skills easier to learn, they still don't replace actually doing the work. Also, read up on the concept of deliberate practice, and try to use it.
Ah, you know a (insert species name)/have a (insert species name) companion! Does that mean you know (insert specific name like Malek, Arghradan, etc)?
No?? That would be like going "Hey you're a human?? Do you know someone named Azir?" Just because I know one (1) spirit doesn't mean I or my spirit knows every single member of their species.
Can I rant/vent to you?
Are you someone that has spoken with me regularly several times over the course of at least a few weeks, and are therefore a friend I have a personal connection with?
>If YES, go ahead.
>If NO, don’t. Why are you trying to rant to a total stranger on the internet????? I am not your friend nor your therapist. It would be far more in your benefit if you made friends you could rant to or saw a therapist about what’s bothering you. 
I had a weird dream! (Insert long story). What does it mean?
Dreams and symbolism in them are highly, highly personal. There is no way for me to know what certain symbols mean to you, you must decide for yourself. You can use Google for help though.
I think I’m seeing signs! (Insert long story) Do you think it’s a sign? And what does it mean?
Signs are also highly personal. There is no way for me to know what a sign means to you. Use your own discernment in determining if something is a sign.
This spirit was scary! Is it a demon (as in the actual spirit species demon and not demon as in ‘evil spirit’)?
“This spirit was scary/malicious/hurt my feelings” is not a legitimate reason to jump to the conclusion that the spirit you encountered is of the demonic species.
I’m having issues with a malicious spirit. (Insert long story). What should I do? 
Banish, cleanse and protect. The answer will always boil down to this. 
I do not have beginner resources on my blog (besides the FAQ) so you will have to look elsewhere for those. There are many beginner-friendly blogs on tumblr but I am not one of them. 
What blogs do you recommend for beginners/what blogs are beginner-friendly, then?
spiritconnect, spiritvexer, urbanspellcraft, delicate-flower-here, stormbornwitch (weather/storm magic), nightkunoichi (dragons and dragon magic), mothmaam (sea and general magic), hecaatia, orriculum, blackbearmagic
What are some blogs with intermediate/advanced content?
Yours truly ;Vc, duskenpath, daemonwitch, hecaatia, cawofthewitch, baalat-ov, tinyrosemarysparrows
Why don’t you write beginner posts??
I don’t fucking want to.
I don’t want like writing unoriginal shit that has been regurgitated by everyone else.
They’re literally e v e r y w h e r e, like 99% of magic blogs are beginner oriented/friendly, and if someone complains that they have trouble finding beginner posts then that means they really aren’t looking hard enough
As the about says, this blog is not oriented towards beginners
What does UPG/SPG/VPG mean?
UPG: “Unverified Personal Gnosis”. Magical knowledge of a single person with little to no backing in widely accepted lore considered cannon. Very common for entities that are unrecorded in lore, such as Lowborn Demons.
SPG: “Shared Personal Gnosis”: Magical knowledge that is shared between many people, but still has no backing in widely accepted lore. Again, common for unrecorded entities.
VPG: “Verified Personal Gnosis”: Magical knowledge that is shared but also backed time and time again in lore. These are the closest things to “truth” you will get.  Example: Juno is a Roman Goddess who ruled over mothers, marriage, and money of the state. Example 2: European fae usually have bad reactions to metal.
Note 1: Some people use “gnosis” as meaning SOOOOPER special knowledge that fundamentally changes your entire craft/perception. Others mean it as general magical knowledge, like I did above.  
Note 2:  Just because something is in a book doesn’t mean it’s automatically verified. Most books are simply UPG/SPG that someone wrote down. Time + very high amounts of SPG are what lead to something becoming VPG.
Note 3: Just because something is UPG, doesn’t mean it’s inherently false.
How do I get started in (magic, spirit work, energy work, witchcraft, etc)?
Research, find out what you like, then do it to find out if you like it. If you like it, keep doing it. I’m not going to answer broad questions like this because the answer will always be the same.
What do you use for bibliomancy/random quotes divination?
I use this.
How did you remember your past lives?
I remembered by doing a gigantic past life reading (about 30 cards), meditating on them a bit, and then doing activities similar to the ones in my memories. Because one past life played video games, playing video games in this life helped bring up a ton of memories. I call “doing things similar to things in that life” the “association” method.
What should you do with food offerings to spirits? Do I have to wait for it to spoil before I can dispose of the offering?
Usually just let it sit around for 5-20 minutes, as long as its enough time for the spirit to eat the energies. You definitely don’t have to wait for it to spoil.
Some people dump it onto the dirt/bury it (called a libation I believe?), some eat it (some spirits are okay with that and others are not tho, so u best ask), some just throw it out.
Can you tell me about/do you know anything about (insert demon name)?
Unless they are Prince Gaap or Duke Crocell, assume that I know very little about them. If you want to ask about Gaap or Crocell, please use their names and not their numbers.
If they aren’t Gaap/Crocell, I don’t know anything off of the top of my head as I have never worked with them. I recommend reading excerpts from:
The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum by Johann Weyer
Lesser Key of Solomon
Dictionnaire Infernal  
From the Luciferian Goetia by Michael Ford (2007)
From Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly (2010)
The first three can be found online for free rather easily and are considered “free” sources as far as I know since they’re old texts. The last two you can find on amazon; I do not recommend pirating modern books because 1) you can’t complain how few good magical books there are and then not support the authors, 2) book curses.
You are still free to send in questions like this, however, expect this passage Copy+Pasted maybe with some recommendations of other sources.
What's a book curse?
A book that is cursed, usually to prevent plagiarism or the wrong people/people not given permission from reading it.
Do you work with Lucifer/can you tell me about Lucifer/etc?
No I do not work with Lucifer, and I do not have any plans to. Please do not ask me about Lucifer as I do not work with them.
Is god real/Do they really judge people/other god related questions?
That is something you should answer for yourself.
My personal take:
There are 2394832094839204 angels saying god is real so yeah there might be someone up there.
Saying you will go to hell is fearmongering that is common in many religions
If everyone who didn’t believe in god went to hell, most of this earth’s previous population would be there, and all spirits unrelated to god (such as most fae, most werewolves etc) would also be there.
Do not ask me questions related to god, I am no expert, I do not work with or follow him. Questions I deem too relevant to this will just be deleted.
Are all demons evil?
Are all humans evil? Are all angels good?
How do I practice magic secretly/in my own house without being found out?
I refuse to give advice on this since it’s illegal to give “religious advice” to minors without parental permission in the United States. Sorry, since I use this blog to make money on the side a bit, I would rather not have ways for potential lawsuits open. 
What demons are good for beginners?
Lowborns, because for the most part they are exactly like us but even nicer in their daily lives. Other than that there is no way to gauge what is good for a “beginner”, as “beginners” vary a lot in what they feel ready for/what they think they may be able to handle.
However, I advise against Goetics (demons from the Ars Goetia/Lesser Key of Solomon) as many have a bad reputation for becoming manipulative/abusive, as in A MUCH HIGHER RATE THAN WITH ANY OTHER KIND OF ENTITIES. Also, Gaap and Crocell have straight up told me that they do not enjoy beginners.
How do I start work with demons?
1) Pick what kind of demon you want to work with, there’s tons of companion shops who can match you with safER ones. If you reaallly want to work with Hellborns that badly, try for hellborns that live in the above-ground version of Hell: the above-ground Hell is much, MUCH nicer than the underground portions (where many of the Goetic demons reside) . MoonSpiritBoutique is the only companion shop I can recommend and still have a clean conscience.
2) talk to them and chill with them
What other blogs do you recommend for those looking to work with demons?
daemonwitch is super cool, cloversinthecornfield , and serraphire also know a bit!
What blogs do you recommend on working with angels?
seraphickalmagick (the person has moved blogs, but their old informational posts are still up!), serapphire, waywardfrog, have a few informational posts!
I do not know if the following have info posts but: @baalat-ov has a few posts about them from a variety of perspectives, @seraphsweetie , @spiritadvice, @void-and-stardust , @melancholyprophet,  @angelusmisericordiae, and @nobodyandheartless
@atheliel, @confusedsmolangel, @dreamingofangelicflight, @azriaphale, @zxdkiel are some angel kin I’ve seen floating around, and @quietdawnflock is an angelic group chat I have heard of.
Do you accept reading swaps, versus paying?
I accept reading swaps, but not from those who consider themselves a beginner on their tool/not confident of their accuracy. Quality for quality.
Protection FAQ
Why is magic protection so highly recommended for magic users? What is the point? And what can they realistically do for you?
It can help protect you if a spell you cast backfires for any reason.
It can help protect you from other magic-users’ curses.
It can help protect you from spirits, which notice people who use magic much more than non-magic people.
It can help protect you from mundane issues, such as dissuade car crashes, creeps, etc.
Note that I say HELP protect because while protection magic can decrease the likeliness of unwanted scenarios, it is almost never a 100% guarantee for safety.
When do I need to protect?
It is HIGHLY recommended to have protections at all times, no matter what sort of magical work you are doing. Protection magic rarely if ever backfires, and can protect you from your own spells backfiring and other things.
For spirit work, you ALWAYS need to have protections up. Because of course, bad spirits, yadda yadda.
For energy work (especially healing), you ALWAYS need to have protections up. Because maybe a person’s energy is toxic/incompatible to you for whatever reason. Also someone you’re healing may be carrying a parasite, which can just jump from the person you are healing to you, if you do not have protections.
For any sort of magical work, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. As again, it protects from others’ curses, and can protect you from your own spells backfiring.
What exactly am I protecting? (house/self/other) What can I protect/protect against?
You could attempt to protect everything and anything, against anything and everything. However, casting a protection spell for everyone is just not realistic.
Some common things to protect are (NOT LIMITED TO THIS LIST):
Yourself (Against magical harm, against physical danger,against illness)
Your home (Against robbery, against fires/other damage)
Your pets (against physical/magical harm)
Your car (against car crashes, against your own clumsiness)
What is a ward? What is shielding?
I define a ward as a protective wall of energy. It can be over your house, over a room, anything, including yourself. Though some people call wards on their person “shielding”.
How do I set up magic protections? (Including wards).
How to make a ward through visualization: Imagine a protective wall of energy made out of whatever elements you want. So fire, water, void, whatever.
How to make a ward/other magical protections with materials:
1. Light the incense/candle, lay the satchet of herbs out, whatever
2. Say something/hold a thought in your mind that hints at protective intent. Example: As I light this candle, it forms a protective ring around me/my space.
3. You are protected.
More Detail: What are wards and how do you make them? by @spiritvexer
How to make protections with sigils:
1. Draw something that symbolizes protection to you.
2. Charge it.
3. You are protected.
What resources do YOU have on magical protections/staying safe magically?
Ward Types and Components
Top Ward Mistakes I
Top Ward Mistakes II
How to Identify and Deal With an Unruly Spirit
Others’ resources on magical protections?
NOT my resources, all resources have been credited .
Harry Potter Inspired Ward Incantations by @diasdreams​
What are wards and how do you make them? by @spiritvexer
What are the best ways to protect yourself when trying to communicate with spirits?  @spiritvexer​
If you want your ORIGINAL protection post featured in this FAQ, just send it to me and I can add it in!
So I’ve come across something that got through my best wards…
Banish it.
Is relying on banishment ok if I don’t want to protect?
I mean, I guess. You’re probably going to do a LOT of banishing though, since anything can waltz right in. Might be a good way to practice for the more daring, but not recommended.
I cannot find a protection spell that works for my situation.
Write your own, and/or keep looking.
I have heard protection can keep out good spirits, is that true?
It can be true, if your protections are not selective enough. Selectivity is the ability of a protection to differentiate between good and bad; so you must create a ward with decent selectivity. To do this, I recommend having a list of EVERYTHING that you specifically allow through your wards, and everything you can think of that you do not want coming through your wards. Then, create your wards with that list in mind.
This will not be an issue for wards/other protections with good selectivity.
I don’t want to protect because I…
Don’t even ask that.
When do I know it’s time to upgrade my protections?
If, DESPITE your protections:
entities are breaking in often
You are hit by curses/other mal-intent
When healing others, you keep picking up their negative energy/parasites
You feel like it.
You want to.
Note that the reasons to upgrade your protections are not limited to this list.
How do I protect an apartment when I have no access to land to bury a witch jar?
Keep the jar in your house. You do not need to bury a jar to protect your living space.
ALSO, burying a jar is LITTERING. Bury it in something biodegradable instead, like a coconut, big leaf for example. Make sure what is in the coconut/leaf/etc is biodegradable as well.
This will be updated every once in a while maybe. Again, please check this FAQ before you ask me any questions concerning this, please ^-^ I won’t respond if the question is already answered here.
Energy Work FAQ:
What does energy feel like?
It just…feels like energy. Energy, in a way, is a catch-all term. There really isn’t a way to describe the whole of energy; sure, you can describe parts of it, like the texture, color, or scent.
Does everything have energy? Even inanimate things like paper, crystal?
Yes everything has energy- science says so too because you know, potential and kinetic energy- though that’s not the only parts of energy you can sense.
Are there any energies that are better for beginners to start with while sensing?
I wouldn’t say so, I believe it’s best to do it wherever and whenever you can. There’s no place or energies that are better than any other to sense
How do I sense energy?
This is the tl;dr version but honestly there is not much more to sensing energy than this. It is genuinely simple
1. Ask yourself, “What does the energy of (insert thing here) feel like?”
2. Use your gut/intuition and pay attention to whatever comes to mind.
3. Practice.
How do I send energy?
This is the tl;dr version but honestly there is not much more to sending energy than this. It is genuinely simple. You do not need to be able to see energy with your physical eyes or third eye to be able to send energy.
1. Focus on your target or a representation of your target.
2. Imagine energy flowing from you/your energy source to your target. You do not need to be able to see energy with your physical eyes or third eye to be able to send energy.
Do I need to see energy with my physical eyes or third eye to be able to sense or send energy?
You do not need to be able to see energy with your physical eyes or third eye to be able to send or sense energy.
What kind of exercises can I do to strengthen my energy sensing skills? How can I practice?
Basically just try to sense energy everywhere; try to feel the energy of a certain object, try to feel the energy of a certain room. Then describe it; and try to be specific in your descriptions. At first you might just be like “the room feels nice”, but as you keep trying to grind for detail it will turn into “the room feels nice because of the plant energies and generally calm and warm emotions of the owner of this bedroom”. So basically just try and practice anywhere, everywhere! You don’t need any specific tools/items to do this which is why u can practice anywhere.
But how do I know I’m right? How can I verify that’s what the actual energies are and not something I’m just thinking is there because I want it to be?
Your gut, practice, and possibly input by other people/spirits. There’s no way to scientifically/empirically verify that whatever you sensed was right. You’re just going to have to be confident in yourself.
What is grounding? When should I ground? And how do I ground?
Grounding is an energetic exercise that can help balance and cleanse your own energies. This is only one version of “grounding”; grounding is sometimes used as a catch-all term to bring yourself back to reality, out of magical feelings. You can ground before/after a magical working, and whenever you want.
1. Sit or lie down somewhere
2. Imagine roots extending from your back down into the ground
3. Imagine those roots absorbing energy from the ground and giving it to you, and/or have a second root branch that gives your negative/unnecessary energy back to the earth.
4. Do as long as you want.
A few Not-Energetic Exercise forms of grounding, to bring you back to reality, are:
Eating food
Going for a walk outside
Playing video games
Talking to others about mundane topics
It is not limited to these few, these are just a few examples. Anything where yu are focusing on the mundane/physical reality an be considered the not-energetic exercise form of grounding.
What is centering? When should I center? How do I center?
Centering is the act of gathering your lost/scattered energy. It can also be used to raise/store energy for a magical working. Center whenever you want and/or before a magical working.
1. Focus on yourself
2. Imagine glowing bits of your lost/scattered energy flowing back into yourself.
Can healing magic replace going to the doctor/psychiatrist?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NO. No. Absolutely not. The origins/cause of physical/mental issues are mundane 99.9999% of the time, and thus should be treated with mundane treatments first. Even if you believe the cause is spiritual/magical in nature, it could never hurt to get yourself checked out through a mundane method.
Do I need to be born with the ability to heal?
No??? Not at all.
Do you have to have a certain personality to be able to heal?
Not at all, no.
Can some people heal easier than others?
Yes, the ones that practice healing more will have an easier time performing healings.
How do I become a healer?
1. Want to heal stuff.
2. Go cast healing spells/do healing energy work.
How long do I have to practice healing before I can consider myself a healer?
There is no minimum length of time you have to practice healing. You could call yourself a healer as soon as you cast your first healing spell. In my opinion, it is more about the intent/willingness to heal others that makes you a healer, than the length of time.
Can I do healings on animals?
Can I do healings on myself?
Yes, absolutely. When you get a bruise, does someone have to swoop in and heal it? No, your body repairs itself. Same applies to magic; you are perfectly capable of healing yourself magically.
Is it safe to try healing someone else?
Yes, as long as use your own caution, common sense, and communicate with the healing recipient, it will be. For minimum safety guidelines I suggest you ward and cleanse beforehand (yourself and the person you are healing/have them cleanse themself), and cleanse yourself again afterwards.
Can you heal spirits/entities?
Yes, though energy bodies will vary more than on Earth, so you will have to be more cautious.
Will it be alright to be a healer if I have issues myself?
As long as those issues don’t interfere with the actual sending of healing energy, and you cleanse yourself before and afterwards and ward , you should be fine.
What resources do you have on healing/healing-related energy work?
Energy Work FAQ
Jelly’s Energy System Notes: Introduction
Types of Energetic Blockages/Anomalies
Healing: Communicating With Points
How to Read an Energy System
Types of Energy Reading
Detecting and Dealing with Energy Parasites
What types of energies are used in healing?
You can use whatever energies you want. Some people use white light, others like one of the four traditional elements (water, earth, fire, air); all types of energies can be used for healing. However, I recommend asking the recipient what types of energies work best with them, and what energies do not , or harm them. Energies that work best with the recipient are absorbed more easily and thus can usually heal more effectively. Energies that they do not work well with, however, can actually do harm, thus defeating the point of the healing.
What preparations should be done before healing?
These are not 100% necessary, but I highly recommend them for maximum safety: Cleanse whomever you’re cleaning/have them cleanse themself, cleanse yourself, ward yourself/your connections/link against possible parasites/the recipient’s negative energy. You may also want to gather energy, possibly through grounding and/or centering beforehand. Again, none of these are strict requirements but everything in the first sentence is highly recommended for maximum safety and ease of healing process.
How can you find beings to practice healing on?
Ask your friends/people you know well
Offer your healing services on tumblr. And do ask that people leave reviews, so that you are able to learn.
Ask your spirit guides/guardians/companions if you could practice healing on them.
Heal yourself.
What are some simple ways to practice healing?
Heal yourself after a hard day at work/school.
Heal yourself after watching a show/movie or reading a book that had a sad scene and made you cry.
Do a healing on yourself at regular intervals, maybe once a week, or once a month.
How can I get better at healing?
Practice, actually do the healing.
Ask your spirits/entities/guides/guardians if they could help teach you healing.
Ask people you know that do healing, for tips on how to git gud at healing.
Ask for feedback/reviews when you perform healings.
What healers do you know on tumblr?
I know @duskenpath and @spiritvexer offer healing services, however check if their services are open before asking them for a healing.
There is also myself, though I do not heal for free.
Anyone who would like to get the word out about their healing services is free to IM me so I can edit them in!
What do you know about Reiki?
I know that it is a type of healing energy work, using the energy of the Universe. It was founded by Usui, and you need an attunement to be able to send reiki energy. I do not use Reiki so I am no expert on it, however Duskenpath has resources on it and offers reiki healing (though check that her healing services are open first).
Can healing magic replace going to the doctor/psychiatrist?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NO. No. Absolutely not. The origins/cause of physical/mental issues are mundane 99.9999% of the time, and thus should be treated with mundane treatments first. Even if you believe the cause is spiritual/magical in nature, it could never hurt to get yourself checked out through a mundane method.
How does healing physical ailments versus mental versus emotional ailments work?
Physical ailments: The person should REALLY REALLY go to the doctor first. If the origin is mundane in nature, healing magic will be absolutely ineffective unless the person is already receiving physical treatment for their physical issue. For physical ailments, healing magic can do nothing but cover up the symptoms until the person receives mundane treatment for their mundane physical issue.
Physical ailments are tied to the physical body first and foremost, and the energetic system second, IF they actually show up in the energetic system. That’s right- a physical ailment might not even show up in someone’s energy system because of that fact. This is why I stress so, so hard to go to the doctor for physical ailments.
While miracles are possible, they are few and far between, hence the term, “miracles”. If you want to use magic for physical healing, rather than trying to put healing energies on the physical wound, it would be more effective to cast spells that encourage going to the doctor, such as summoning a trip to the doctor, or a spell to make the trip to the doc smoother/more effective. Of course, be sure to actually schedule an appointment and go.
Mental: Same as above, please go to the doctor/psychiatrist first if the issue is severe. Many mental illnesses are due to chemical imbalances in the brain, and thus cannot be effectively treated with magic alone.
Emotional: Again if your issue is severe, please please go to a doctor/psychiatrist first. However, being slightly more often non-physical in origin, these issues are more likely to show up in someone’s energetic system. An emotional issue can show up in nearly all points or energetic flowpaths.
Astrally, is it possible to use healing to replace lost limbs?
Yes, though that is rather advanced healing magic, and will take some time if you want to learn healing that far.
Astral FAQ
These are Frequently Asked Questions I get about astral. Please check this guide before asking me questions concerning astralling! This will be updated regularly, as I receive more questions.
What is the astral?
Note that this is MY definition: I consider the astral to be absolutely everything; our plane of existence, spirits’ planes of existence, pop culture realms, etc. The astral is everywhere and everything.
How does astral travel work?
When you travel, a small portion of your consciousness leaves your body.
This consciousness manifests as its own body on the astral, or it could “awaken” in an astral body you already have. In travel, you do not see/hear/feel/think as clearly as you do during projection, simply because only a portion of your consciousness has left your body.
What is astral travel versus astral projection versus OBE?
Note, again, these are MY definitions:
In astral travel, a PORTION of your consciousness leaves your body and is able to explore other realms.
In Astral Projection, nearly your entire consciousness leaves your body. Astral projection is much harder to achieve than travel. This is the “gold standard” of astral travel, where you see/hear/feel/think with complete or almost complete clarity.
In an OBE, Out-of-Body-Experience, your consciousness FULLY leave your body. As of right now, I do not believe this is possible without a near-death experience, or actual death.
What are some ways to astral travel?
Guided meditations
Have a spirit you know and trust “pull” you into the astral.
(Visualization) Imagine a door. Imagine/focus on what is on the other side of the door. Walk through it.
(Visualization) Imagine an X (pool, mirror, etc). Imagine/focus on what is on the other side of X. Walk through it.
Lucid Dreaming
“Splitting”: Imagine a copy of yourself hovering above you. Notice your consciousness in your own body, then “jump” your consciousness into that copy of yourself floating above you. Proceed to go where you want.  
What are some ways to astral project?
Just….keep practicing astral travel, maybe try new methods. I highly recommend reading Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce, I have literally NEVER EVER found a more comprehensive, extremely informative, and yet still beginner-friendly and not overly complex guide to astral travel/projection.
Differentiating “true astral” from imagination?
True Astral:
will always have external interactions that are not in your own head; entities talking/living their own lives whether your imagination/consciousness directs them to or not. Entities moving independently of your will.
Spirits (good or bad) being able to follow you back home, to your physical body and interact with you there
Unexpected/Unpredictable occurrences happen
You get injured and it may hurt your astral body and maybe feel it a little physically too. Injury damages your magical abilities/astral abilities
Your astral body can die and you won’t be able to access “true astral” until you regenerate.
You can meet other humans consciously. As in, you can text your friend and meetup on the astral together, and talk about it IRL afterwards.
You are in full control of everything.
What you expect to happen, will happen
Entities are like puppets or dolls; they don’t move around unless you imagine them doing so, and if/when they interact with you, it’s things you expected them to say
You will not tire, or will tire extremely slowly.
You die/get extremely hurt and nothing happens. You can regenerate at will/heal whenever and wherever you want.
You talk to your friend, then you talk to them later IRL and they have no idea what you talked about.
Why do people always imagine common fantasy stuff when astralling? Don’t you think astral and what happens there is just your imagination and happens in your head? I mean strangely all the people who talk about astral experiences describe common fantasy stuff. I’d say if astral was real it would contain a lot of stuff people can’t even imagine, and yet everyone describes dragons, elfs, etc, that which their mind already knows, nothing out of ordinary. Isn’t this suspicious?
One reason people generally imagine common fantasy is stuff is because that’s what most people care about, and thus go to. It’s hard to care about a species that humanity has never even encountered before, isn’t it? Also, how can you visit the realm of something you have never even heard of/can’t imagine before? Astral travel needs knowledge of where you will go to, so it’s pretty hard (and probably super dangerous) to just say “take me somewhere beyond my imagination.”
There’s also the problem of perception: during astralling, the mind usually replaces things you don’t know with things you do know of, to use less energy while astralling. While you can force your brain to show “the truth”, the more the thing you are trying to look at is beyond your imagination, the more energy and effort it will take to see “the truth”.
How do you do astral laundry?
Note: Not limited to this list.
Have a companion you’re comfortable with seeing you nude do your laundry for you.
Astral travel two feet away from your earth self, take your astral clothes off, put them in your washer/dryer (with your astral self or earth self), physically run the washer/dryer (you can wash other clothes with it). Take your clothes out, travel again and put your clothes back on.
Destroy your clothes and remake clean ones.
How do past lives affect current astral shenanigans?
You might appear as one of your past life forms/bodies. Spirits from your past lives could also attempt to find you on the astral (whether malicious or friendly, so always be cautious).
How to meet spirits on the astral?
1. Be able to astral and able to distinguish between astralling/imagination.
2. Go somewhere with spirits.
How to safely meet spirits on the astral?
There is no 100% guarantee of safety when astralling.
Some suggestions are:
Have spirit guides/guardians/protective companions take you somewhere safe
Actually know where you are going and who you want to meet
How do you keep possibly malicious spirits/entities/beings from following you back home?
This is what wards in your living space/where you are when you astral are for. Wards can fuddle your energy signature from being found by spirits you don’t want to find you.
Make sure you “come back” correctly; that you walked back through your imagined door, imagined yourself falling back into your physical body, whatever.
Do a centering exercise, which will help you “pull back in” trace amounts of energy you left where you went when astralling. Do make sure your wards are up first, to make sure nothing follows the “pull” back to your physical body. If you don’t know what centering is/how to do it, check the “energy work” section of my FAQ/my energy work FAQ post.
Manners/social etiquette/social skills in the astral?
Obviously those will vary a LOT based on where you go. I literally can’t write a comprehensive guide as the astral is home to a limitless number of cultures.
But some things to keep in mind are:
Don’t fight every single thing you see ever. Don’t try and provoke fights with every single thing ever. Retribution is a thing and the majority of spirits have the advantage when fighting in the astral.
Just because something looks scary doesn’t mean it’s out to get you.
Observe the culture, maybe talk with some of the nicer (and not trickster) locals who can tell you the Do’s and Don’ts of their culture.
Heeeeeeey people keep talking about different places in the astral and are they alternate locations all on the same plane or are there alternate astral planes with alternate inhabitants?
There are alternate astral planes with their own inhabitants, and alternate locations on the same plane.
Example of the former: We are on earth. Heaven exists on its own plane of the universe.
Example of the latter: We are on Earth. An alternate location on our plane of existence would be Venus.
Is it possible for entities/other people to drag you into the astral (forcefully or not)?
Absolutely, both people and entities can bring you to the astral. And they can do it forcefully or consensually (consensually obviously takes a lot less energy).
Anyone who wants to is free to copy/paste this FAQ and use it on their blog, full permission given. It’s not like most of the answers on here are original/haven’t been regurgitated a billion times by the magic community lmaoooo
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