#but haylijah is always my endgame
andreal831 · 7 months
If you were to rewrite Jackson, would you still implement the love triangle? If so, would you make it more of an unrequited love or would you truly explore Jayley? If not, what type of role would you have him play?
TGW outtake suggestion:
In chapter 30 (I think) it mentioned Elijah never called Hayley for her birthday, and knowing Elijah, he’d probably feel guilty about this. So I’m thinking this could start from the dinner Hayley, Elijah, and astra we’re having together and at the end of the dinner, Elijah pulls astra aside and tells her that he wants to plan this whole day out as a surprise to celebrate her birthday. Then the next day could be them doing all sorts of activities and Elijah giving her some sort of expensive gift or something.
That explanation sucked, basically just Elijah plans a day to celebrate Hayley’s birthday because he feels guilty that he missed it.
If I was the writer from the beginning, I would have gotten rid of any love triangles. I've said it before, I don't like them. They are unnecessarily messy. Especially in a show like TO where the plot is so heavy. It worked better in TVD because the show centered more around the relationships. Most of the enemies were part of the romantic drama. But TO was focused on family and the enemies were typically after power or revenge. There wasn't time for messy relationship drama. I would have preferred for the show to have established relationships that could have been partners/supported each other throughout the show.
I've loved Nathan Parsons since before TO even existed so I was so excited to see him in TO. Fun fact, he was one of my first male crushes. I was then super disappointed to see his character be so underutilized and underdeveloped. I would have introduced him as alpha of the pack without the arranged marriage. I know many cultures have arranged marriages and that is great as long as everyone wants it. Hayley was not comfortable with it and said it multiple times. I hated that the show just kept going down that path and introduced the arranged marriage again in season 2 just under a different name, the "unification." If I was in charge, the women would have much more autonomy in the show.
I would have kept the warring family idea and even had Jackson be warry of Hayley's sudden appearance. This girl who is supposedly the long-lost "princess" of the pack shows up, pregnant by their enemies, and living with the Mikaelsons. Hayley would have had to earn his respect as well as the packs, but once she did, he would teach her the pack's history. I would also make him a better alpha. I don't think I would make him more politically minded because I would have played more into the fact that he has spent his entire adult life as a wolf because of the curse. He would have leaned on Hayley who naturally seemed to know how to make allies with the other factions. Instead of a marriage to fix the rift in the pack, Jackson and Hayley would have created a bond based on mutual respect and love for the pack. They would have introduced the idea of co-alphas without needing it to be romantic or sexual.
I hate when shows can't allow opposite gender individuals to just work together without it being romantic or sexual. I love a good friendship. That is one of my biggest complaints about TVDU. It created such great friendships but instead of developing them, it focused on the romantic drama. The friendships/found families in New Orleans were what was going to save it from war. You have Marcel and Davina, Vincent and Cami, Cami and Marcel, Vincent and Freya, etc. These bonds that transcended the factions was what saved them over and over. But the wolves are left out of that since, after Jackson died Hayley basically forgot about the pack. They could have done it with Eve, but she died to early. It would have been nice to see Jackson forming those bonds with the other factions, starting with Hayley.
I wouldn't do an unrequited love storyline. These always just make me sad. I know it happens in real life but that's why I love fiction, I don't need to add any unnecessary pain that way (I know that's ironic coming from me). If I did explore Jayley, I would have actually shown them developing feelings for each other. Show Hayley being torn between her feelings. And then shown that even if you love someone and try to make it work, for various reasons, it may not. This doesn't mean it was bad or one of the partners was "evil." In real life, relationships don't work out, it doesn't make the relationship any less important or impactful.
I truly do think Jackson deserved better from the writers. This is why *spoilers for my story, The Great War* I had jayley end the way they did. It was on Jackson's terms. I know some people thought it was out of character, and maybe it was for the show, but that's the point. Jackson is supposed to be a strong leader, yet he couldn't stand up for himself in the show. He gave Hayley ultimatums instead of setting boundaries and then just left when it got hard. They needed to have a real conversation. So in my story, when they did have this real conversation, they realized they were never going to get what they wanted out of the relationship. Jackson deserved to be able to set his boundaries and get away from the Mikaelsons. He deserved to have a love that isn't forced or manipulated. It's why I didn't kill him. I hated that so many characters were sacrificed just to push certain ships or push the Mikaelson story forward (RIP Gia).
I have already written an outtake for chapter 30 but I do love this idea. And y'all know I love writing haylijah. I'm not sure when I'll get it done but I will definitely write this!
Thanks for the ask and the suggestion!
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the fandom ask the originals?
my “FOREVER” pairing: KLAMILLE, kolvina, haylijah, marbekah, pretty much originals/happiness bc they deserve all the love in the world my “sometimes” pairing (if i’m in the mood): klaus/genevieve and klaus/aurora bc klaus clearly has a thing for redheads who chain him to something. idk i'm def seeing a pattern there lmao. my “friends-with-benefits” pairing: klayley probably, also elijah/gia, marcel/gia, elijah/aya, haybekah, haymille, marcille my “adele” pairing (“WE COULD HAVE HAD IT AAAAAALL”): haybekah, hayley/girls, pretty much any girls/girls pairing my “hate sex” pairing: klaus/anyone tbh, he's just so easily hate-fuckable because. you know. it's klaus lmao. def klaus/aurora, klaus/hayley, klaus/caroline (and also klaus/davina bc apparently that's a thing??? but she's like fifteen and he made many attempts to kill her so nope). my “working on it” pairing: hayley/jackson at first, i wasn't v interested in the whole arranged marriage thing esp since she still loved elijah, but they actually surpassed my expectations. my favorite threesome / poly ship: hayley/klaus/elijah, hayley/rebekah/elijah, hayley/elijah/gia, hayley/klaus/rebekah, klaus/camille/marcel, klaus/hayley/camille, klaus/camille/caroline, hayley/camille/freya, etc. my platonic “their friendship is too precious to mess it up with romance” ship: marcille probably. also josh/davina because 1) he's gay and 2) they're practically siblings and i adore their friendship so much. my “i love it but don’t want it to happen” pairing: klayley, i like them at the stage they are now my “it started out crack but now it’s serious and i regret everything” pairing: klayley, haybekah, kolvina, haymille my endgame pairing: KLAMILLE, KOLVINA, MARBEKAH, HAYLIJAH my “across time and space they will always find each other” pairing: kolvina and klamille my “settling for second choice” pairing: uhh... klayley 100%. also hayley/jackson tbh in the initial stage of their relationship my “I don’t want to ship it but I do” pairing: klaus/aurora, also klayley.
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known-as-naya · 4 years
Top five favorite tvdu ships (canon and/or non canon, you're choice)
You and @hopeandthemikaelsons asked the same thing haha ! So here you go:
5- stelena.
I love those two so much, their chemistry was so good and Stefan loved her so damn much. It's a shame they weren't endgame.
Another ship that I LOVE, I love how they were so happy and healthy together. WHY DID JULIE PLAGUE HAVE TO RUIN THEM, Stefan killing Enzo came out of nowhere.
3- marbekah/klamille
I love those two equally. Marbekah was such a good slow burn and I'm glad they found each other and got their happy ending cause they deserved it, klamille weren't as lucky cause, of course, they had to kill cami. I'm still mad they did because she was so good to Klaus and they were so good together.
2- haylijah
My babies. My love for haylijah will never fade cause they were ICONIC. S5 ruined both their characters, and I'm so mad, but the thought of them dancing in the other side comforts me.
1- klebeklijah
I can't choose between klebekah, klelijah or relijah cause there's no two without three. I love them so freaking much and they had the best relationship in the whole tvdu, their love and worship for each other never cease to amaze me. They are and always be number 1 for me.
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
The Originals 30 Day Challenge, Done in 1 day.
I love all of these 30 day challenge pics/posts/quests but I never have the patience to do it over 30 whole days, so instead I do them in one sitting, one go. 
Feel free to comment your own opinions about The Vampire Diaries spin-off The Originals, whether it’s your favorite show within the TVDverse like myself or whether you just love it as much as I also love the other two shows TVD and Legacies, Legacies will have its own 30 day challenge soon enough too...
Feel free to answer these too, copy, paste it, like I have and do it for yourself...
1 - If you follow this post, or read any of my TO fanfiction it will come as no surprise to anyone that I’m in love with and very obssesed with Klaus Mikaelson, he will always be my king.
2 - Rebekah Mikaelson, she’s so badass yet has this softness that makes her so compelling at the same time, I worship this queen and often wonder what this show would have looked like if she remained a main star for all of its five season run.
3 - Making me choose between the love of my life Klaus, and the icon that is Rebekah is hard...so hard but I have to go with Rebekah on the grounds that when he hurts Rebekah in any way I’m always mad like no, not my Rebekah, whereas when its the other way around I’m normally like yeah he deserved that from her...Rebekah is the fictional bestfriend of my life and Klaus is the husband, and friends always come before men - side not this very answer will later be used on record when I find myself in an asylum one day lol
4 - I’d have to go with either Marcellus or Inadu, although Marcel is beyond irritating to me throughout most of his run I can’t argue his reasons for being annoying are somewhat justifiable especially after Davina’s death in season 3 :( so I’d say I hated Inadu the most, purely because the character in itself was so wasted, so stale, and a dud to be honest...I was hoping for more with the hollow arc but I’ll get to that later on no doubt.
5 - Season 1 Episode 16, Farewell to Storyville, Season 1 in general was one of the strongest debut seasons for any shows I’ve ever watched, if not the strongest! I loved Rebekah and Klaus’ bond most out of the siblings and although Klaus spends most of the episode trying to kill her and it involves Rebekah leaving as a main character...this has got to be the juiciest exploration of their relationship - also side note young Elijah should have left young Rebekah kill Mikael, just saying...
6 - I could put the entirety of Season 5 in here, minus all the epicness of all the Klaroline scenes and Hayley’s badass death...but to pick one episode out it would have to be the finale “When the saints go marching in” because it just felt like they had spent that season killing off characters who were least likely to appear in Legacies (which pissed me off), also I wanted Klaroline to be endgame and Julie Plec’s response to not doing that because of Steroline, a ship that always felt like Caroline was second place and that queen should be always be 1st. 
I did not like that Klaus and Elijah died, which reminded me visually of that Avengers scene, which made no sense as we have seen originals die before and not once did it go down like that!
And even if I could forgive them for that I was rather pissed we saw no after life, even a Elijah and Hayley dance in the afterlife would have been appreciated...
I’m also always a little bittersweet when folk from the pilot don’t show up in the last episode, would have loved to seen more of Davina in general over seasons 4 and 5.  (Rant over)
7 - Try not to pick a Klaroline scene...never mind, when Caroline first appears, pinning Klaus up against the wall and saying something along the lines of try picking on someone your own size, or the swoony moment in Mystic Falls where she tells him he was never the villain in his story, or again the swoony moment when their road tripping and trying to find Hope... but non Klaroline scenes which were epic, Davina going up against Klaus with the harvest power inside of her, Lucien going upgraded original and taking them all on, Dahlia’s entire arc, the finales of 1,2, 3, and 4 and last but definitely not least kid Hope’s entire arc, what a magnificent actress Summer Fontana is, a star in the making *
8 - “ We are the strongest creatures in the world, and yet we're damaged beyond repair. We lived without hope, but we will never die. We are the definition of cursed, always and forever.” said by Rebekah Mikaelson, all of the Mikaelson’s had epic quotes, this show, and it’s predecessor TVD have so many amazing quotes <3
9 - Klaus handing baby Hope over to Rebekah, trusting her above all others, and any scenes where Klaus, Hayley, Rebekah, Elijah and Kol have with baby Hope as well as kid hope - broody moments lol
10 - Josh’s death, I had feared his death every goddamn season especially knowing Julie Plec wanted him killed in the very first season :( however after being made a regular in the finale season I had hopes for him making it out alive and perhaps showing up in Legacies in a more prominent role as a teacher for the vamp kids or something...but no that woman just had to finish off her hit...nothing breaks me more than his death! Although, reuniting with Aiden in the afterlife gives me small comfort, Aiden’s was another’s death that was so sad!
11 - Kid Hope putting people in their place like Marcel, and even Davina (who I worship), I just loved this little badass kid going about like a little queen from the get go...Danielle Rose Russell had and still has very big shoes to fill IMO
12 - Freya and Elijah condemning Davina to the ancestors, or Elijah who was supposed to love Marcel like a son ripping out Marcel’s heart. A lot of season 4 Elijah annoyed me tbh, 50% of Hayley scenes ticked me off too and Marcel was a solid 90% throughout the entire run.
13 - Hmmm....Klaus meeting his real father then killing him in order to protect Hope as he just could not risk trusting his father :( that broke me, other shocking moments when Gia died, Hayley’s first and second death...
14 - Friendship as in friends but not family? friendship within family would be Rebekah and Klaus always, friendship outside of family bonds I would definitely say either Davina and Josh or Rebekah and Hayley.
15 - Klaroline, although I put myself out here considering they only kissed once in this show...I never shipped Haylijah but never hated it, I despised Camille and the Klamille ship and always will, I enjoyed Elijah and Gia but doubt it run its course well I think, I always thought Rebekah deserved more than Marcel and still do...so I’m going with Kolvina, even though Kol killed Davina, thanks to those damn ancestors, their romance was super sweet, I loved how Kol loved her and their marriage, though briefly seen, was everything! We should have got a flashback of their wedding god damn it! But I’ll settle for them being two of the few who got happy endings...and could appear in Legacies ;) fingers crossed!
16 - I loved Marcel singing How You Like Me Now, I wish Charles Michael Davis had a few more musical numbers within this show, he’s a really talented actor, singer, director...
17 - Joseph Morgan hands down, loved him from his first scene in TVD and loved his other work in Hex and Brave New World, to name a few...
18 - Claire Holt, she’s just wonderful as Rebekah and the actress herself, she seems like such a genuine sweetheart in real life and you can really see her love for the character of Rebekah too, I also liked her other work in A Violent Separation, 47 Meters Down and no I’ve never seen H20...yet
19 - The Originals hands down, although so far TVD is in second place, with Legacies in third place but with Legacies still going I have high hopes for that climbing...all are fabulous shows in their own rights <3
20 - Okay I wouldn’t be me if I did not answer this future episode question without a link to a fanfic season 6 of mines... Origins of Magic and my alternative season 5 Bad Blood
21 - Off the top of my head? Davina and Kol teaching at Salvatore Boarding School, giving Hope some family connections that she severely lacks in Legacies and how awesome would they be as teachers? I’d also like to see a cousin whether it be Freya and Keelin’s son Nik or Rebekah and Marcel adopt a child (creature) that also ends up in Legacies. Side note - may put this in my possible fanfic ideas board...
22 - I don’t think I could claim to be most like any one individual, I’d say I was definitely a little dorky like Josh but nowhere near as adorable, I have a lot of hurt inside of me like Davina and protect my friends as much as I can, I’ve definitely got a bit of paranoia like Klaus from being screwed over many times like him and also like them it was mostly by family members, I’m definitely as curious and of a quiz like nature as Camille, love a little too easy like Rebekah and get my hear broken too often like her too, can be a little bit twistedly playful like Kol although I’ve not killed half as many people ; I’d love to one day be as elegant as Elijah, or as brave as Hayley and who would not want to be a Tribrid like Hope?
23 - How is this any different to 4? Although I’ll just answer Inadu purely because of the waste of potential and how not one single time did I give a damn about her, although I despised that vampire bitch who killed Hayley!!!
24 - I definitely relate to Klaus, Rebekah, Josh and Davina the most which is why they are my favorites no doubt.
25 - Klaus Mikaelson, any day, any time, anywhere, unless of course him and Caroline make it work I love their love more than I love my love for Klaus so I’d be happy just watching them being happy as a stalker lurking in the bushes within the back garden of their marital home - side not another statement that could be put on record for my eventful visit to the asylum..
26 - The family bonds, I love how it’s not all about romances like it is in TVD and so far Legacies, but still has romances at the same time. I love the complicated bonds between Klaus and his siblings Rebekah, Elijah, and Kol (in that order) and I love the little homemade family of Marcel with Davina and Josh (also in that order) and Marcel’s complicated father/son relationship with Klaus.
I also love how we watch Hope from being in Hayley’s womb, to a baby, toddler, child and then teenager and the powers she shows even from as young as being a baby and stopping the car she was in with Cami (even if that did save Cami’s life for a little longer) sorry not sorry we all got to hate on somebody and I did compliment her in 22 sort of lol
27 - The fact that its finale season served more like a prequel to Legacies than a fitting ending to a show I had been invested in since before it even began airing, as most fans were, we have loved these characters since their inception in TVD and it did kind of feel like Julie kind of started the finale season with a hit list in mind killing off anyone she’d think would not cameo in Legacies at some stage which I guess is why there is so much ill will from TO fans for Legacies, which I did feel for a while.
I mean I still blame Hope for Klaus and Hayley’s deaths, also Elijah for Hayley’s death and Marcel for Josh’s but I do not blame the characters have as much as I blame Plec.
28 - Season 5 lol, Season 4 although at the time I did not want it to be its end, would have served as a better ending for TO and they could have still made Legacies work without any ill will of making TO’s finale season pitch Legacies.
29 - The Hollow turning out to be Henrik, or the original witch, or anything other than what is was, also the werewolf origins should’ve have been a bit more epic like the vampires origins were.
30 - I do love Joseph Morgan and Daniel Gillies in interviews, Daniel Gillies is one of the funniest actors behind the scenes and has great bromances with Joseph, Paul Wesley and many others within the TVD verse. I also love Claire Holt’s and Phoebe Tonkin’s friendship and how that’s been a thing since they starred in H20 together (which I want to watch purely because of those two)
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kylermalloy · 4 years
What is(are) your fave Haylijah moment(s)?
Christina! Oh, girl. When I saw this ask, I had two reactions to it:
Indecisive me: why such a hard question? I am incapable of picking favorites! 😫
Evil me: Aha! You’ve fallen right into my trap. Now I can talk for HOURS about Haylijah and no one can stop me! 😈
Since I can’t pick favorites, here’s a long list, in some sort of order, of my fave Haylijah moments. Strap in, don’t hold your breath, and get ready for a long ramble. 😊
Inherent spoilers for TO ahead!
All their scenes in 4x03
This is as close as we get to Haylijah as a happy couple. They’ve had a five-year timeout, and they might have been a little cautious around each other, especially since Hayley’s world has changed so much since the last time they were together. But for this episode at least, they fit right back together perfectly.
Elijah listens to her worries, her musings about the past five years. And I like his line about her not having a Mikaelson heart. Even though I know this line is there to ultimately break them apart, I still like the sentiment. Hayley is an honorary Mikaelson—she’s part of the family, but she’s also not. She’s set apart from them in a way. This is a continual theme between Hayley and Elijah—he constantly elevates her, venerates her. Hayley’s not perfect, but the sentiment again is sweet. And very Elijah.
Their first meeting in 1x01
This one is just funny to me. Purely physical. When they meet for the first time, Hayley is a few months pregnant, Elijah is tasked with catching her up to speed on the millennium of Mikaelson family drama.
So he has to invade her personal space and give her a rather intimate recap. Basically, I imagine Elijah’s thoughts in this scene to be: I’m gonna be an uncle!must...touch...pretty...girl.
Okay, there’s a lot more to it than that but I am first and foremost a shoddy comedian. Hence the shoddy joke. Moving on.
The sex scene in 2x09
I generally prefer the soft fluffy moments to the sexy moments, but this one is just...
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It’s very sexy. x
On a more analytical note, this is like a goodbye for them. Hayley’s about to make a huge personal sacrifice, and whatever she feels about Jackson, she has strong feelings about Elijah, too. This is her confronting and releasing those feelings all in one fell swoop.
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They’ve clearly been wanting to do this for a while, but life and death and angst kept getting in the way. This? This might be their only chance. And boy, do they take it.
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(I’m not sorry.) x
The hug in 1x09
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I love their hugs. This one is very special to me, and I included a gif to show everybody—look at the vulnerability! Look at the way she holds her arms out for him, ducking her head shyly. Hayley’s not shy. Why is she so soft here?
Let’s review—here, Klaus is at his most despotic. He’s taken over Marcel’s vampires, dragged Hayley to the compound, and ordered the wolves in the bayou to be killed. (yes, yes, he has reasons for doing so, but Hayley doesn’t know—or care) Elijah has gone against Klaus to protect the wolves at Hayley’s request—even when he told Hayley just one episode ago he had to choose Klaus over everyone. Hayley desperately needs an ally, and here’s Elijah with his pretentious overcoat and soft little smile. I’d hug him too.
The end scene in 3x11
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I want to clarify, I don’t really see this as a romantic scene. But it still blows me away—there’s a depth to it, an understanding between the two of them.
First of all, Phoebe’s acting here is heartbreaking. She’s finally allowing herself to break down about Jackson, who died just for loving her. Because she couldn’t protect him. Because he was close to her—and ended up in the way.
Loving any of us is a death sentence. I think this is the first time Hayley’s truly understood Elijah’s hesitance in season 1. She doesn’t say it outright, but now she’s the one choosing the dead over the living. Now she understands what it’s like to have innocent blood on your hands—even if you didn’t put it there. This is the cost of being a Mikaelson.
Elijah hasn’t come to rekindle their relationship, to undermine her grief, or to make any kind of proposition. He has no expectations; he’s simply there to listen and be there for her.
The pool scene in 1x06
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There’s nothing more appealing than one half of the otp caring for the other half when they’re sick. As an added bonus, they’re both wet and he’s holding her. I am a simple woman with simple needs.
Sick!Elijah in 1x08
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I’m a sucker for this trope, okay? This time it’s Elijah who’s sick, and Hayley—instead of investigating the wolves literally right outside the door—stays with him.
This is Elijah at his most undignified, and oddly enough I think it’s a draw for Hayley. She’s not the nursemaid type (she spends the entire season telling us what she’s not) but this is a chance to care for him the way he’s cared for her. He means something to her, and this is one of the first times she gets to express that. It’s soft and sweet and I’m weak.
The end scenes in 1x22
Logically, this should’ve been the turning point for these two. While Klaus leaves with a newborn Hope, Hayley and Elijah stay behind to sell their grief. The tiny scene of them going out in public, coming to the vigil to pay their respects? Hurts.
That alone warrants a place on my favorites list. But I’ll always be bitter that the little scene between them (after that?) was cut, where she expresses concern over what she’s become. And he assures her he’ll be there to help her through whatever comes next. And then she feeds on him. O.O
The car scene in 1x08
Okay, so I am painfully slow on the uptake, and this was legitimately the first scene where I picked up on their romantic tension. Granted, this is the first scene where Hayley implies that she actually sees Elijah in that way—the mental block of “she banged his brother” kept me from seeing it before. But it’s there—she’s interested, she’s seen his tragic past, and she wants to hold his hand.
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This Pride-and-Prejudice-esque hand hold! Elijah straight up tells her that they shouldn’t pursue a relationship—because he fears for her safety. And then he proceeds to squeeze her fingers with as much graceful repression as a slut like Daniel Gillies can manage. These two will be the death of me, I swear.
Their goodbye in 3x22
This entire episode just bleeds angst. It begins with Hayley and Elijah in bed together, finally having begun their relationship anew. They’re happy, so of course per TO regulations, it cannot last. Elijah is bitten and will either die or be put to sleep in a day. Hayley’s time with him, as always, is painfully short.
He hides his pain from the poison well, brushing off Hayley’s concern, even coming to help hold Kol down when the two of them were bitten just seconds apart. But when she comes to him, hesitating at the door of the bedroom where he’s hidden himself from her, he tells her what he wants for her. And the venom has caused him to think their happiness together was just a dream. My heart.
The forehead kiss in 1x15
This isn’t a big explosive moment in their relationship—pivotal, in a way, but not hugely dramatic or developmental. I have to put a gif of this one, because—
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just look at them. This is one of their several near-kisses in s1. It’s graceful, sensual, and almost as erotic as a full-on makeout session. It melts me.
Not to mention, this is kind of an angsty moment between them—Elijah has chosen to let Hayley cure her wolf family, which will, according to Celeste, rip her away from him and his family for good. He knows this, and he doesn’t care. He gives her the cure freely, with a smile. He doesn’t just want her, not unless she wants him back. Like he says just a few episodes later, “what I want...is for that girl to be happy.” That’s his endgame. That’s what he wants out of this. That’s why he steps out of the way for Jackson—Hayley tells him it’ll make her happy. That’s why he steps away in season 4–he thinks she’ll be happier that way. Except they totally reconciled, because that’s what would make ME happy.
And that’s why none of season 5 Haylijah exists for me! Even the cute flashback of them in France. None of it happened.
And those are my favorite Haylijah moments! Thanks for asking this, Christina—I had a lot of fun revisiting the show and these moments! Now I’m curious—what are your favorite moments?
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bellarkes-things · 5 years
Okay so everyone is making the top 10 otp's of the decade post so here it goes.
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These 2 are the absolute love of my life ,I have loved them since the moment i started watching shadowhunters. (She remembers everything okay.)
2. Handon
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I am so in love with these 2 right now, I mean they love each other so fucking much😭
3. Karamel
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I am still holding out hope for these babies ,they have to be endgame .They are the love of each others life and nobody can change that.🖤
4. Bellarke
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I know i know they're supposed to be in the top 3 but this slowburn i literally killing me ,I am living off of fanfics right now. Anyway ,they are soulmates and not platonic ones who deserve to have a PEACEFUL life together grow old and have lots of kids💕
5. Stelena
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They were the 1st couple i ever shipped and i stand by it , Stefan is the best boyfriend a girl could possibly have . They were so soft as a couple😍
6. Nabrina
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They are so beautiful together , Nick cares so much about sabrina , i cant wait to se sabrina go to hell and back (literally) to save nick next season.
7. Olicity
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The literal definition of softies I mean look at them🥺 ,felicity has always been in Ollie's corner and Ollie has always protected felicity , I cant believe i have tp say goodbye to them😭
8. Frary
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Literal beautiful babies who deserved to have a beautiful life and grow old together. I dont know what is it with me shipping doomed couples😶.
9. Pepperony
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I want my man back yall , he deseves to live a content love with his wife and his beautiful baby girl and adoptive kids (peter, nebula, harley) , its supposed to be a big happy family💔🖤
10. Haylijah
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I hope they got their dance in the afterlife , I am just gonna say the final season of the original broke me ,they deserved to live an eternal life together.
As I said i have a disease of shipping doomed couple like 7 of these couples arent together yet ,or 1 one of them has dies or FORGOTTEN the other and it fucking sucks but i still love them with everything i have.
This is a long ass post btw.😬
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klausalvatores · 6 years
In my mind Haylijah was endgame because Hayley said she was holding out for that dance and that they would meet again in the next life and then Elijah dies right after and everyone always find each other again on the other side on this show
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jbuffyangel · 6 years
No More Julie Plec Shows
Warning: This is a rant after dedicating 9 years to Julie Plec shows.
The upside of The Originals ending is that I am free.
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No more Julie Plec shows for this blogger, folks. You must hold me to this. If I even think about turning on Legacies then you must stage an intervention.
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I won’t say The Originals series finale was the worst series finale I’ve watched. No, that title will always belong to How I Met Your Mother, but TO comes close! What a hot friggin mess.
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Romance and Shippers Are Not Dirty Words
But let’s start with the PR blitz Julie did before the episode aired last night. After building her career off romance and the loyalty of shippers, JP declares 45 minutes before The Originals signs off that “It was never a show that was meant to thrive on romance.”
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That’s just stupid.
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The Originals has all kinds of shippy ships to ship and Julie Plec milked them for all they’re worth until she decided to kill off 50% of her cast, including the female protagonist of one of the largest Originals ships.
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I am really tired of writers using romance to bait and hook viewers, but then arguing the show “isn’t about romance” (like it’s some kind of dirty word) because they don’t have the balls to make an endgame decision. Nor do they want to listen to the complaints of the fans they baited because, GASP, those fans want a happily ever after for their faves. 
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Writers tell us to fall in love with the relationship, but then are angry when we fall in love. The Originals is about family and ROMANCE, so let’s not argue otherwise because it’s nonsense.
Also, if all you care about is the romantic storyline in a show THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT AND YOU ARE JUST AS MUCH OF A FAN AS EVERYONE ELSE.
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I wouldn’t say the finale was without romance. Freya & Keelin and Marcel & Rebakah were allowed happy endings. This is no small victory because the way this woman torpedoes ships these couples were not a done deal by any means.
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However, the three largest ships on the show were all but ignored (Klamille and   Haylijah) or had the rug yanked from under them (Klaroline).
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The Ending
I was spoiled on the ending for The Originals before it aired, but that didn’t  make it any easier. It was still a disaster zone. Klaus decides to kill himself to save Hope’s life and Elijah kills himself too because... why not?
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If you are a hard core Vampire Diaries fan like myself then you know the original ending Plec and Williamson planned was for both Stefan and Damon to die. They would spend their hereafter looking after Elena living her human life (and she’s married to Matt or someone other rando). So, I couldn’t help but feel this ending was spectacularly lazy and recycled.
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I do not have a problem with Klaus or Elijah dying. I have a big problem with both brothers dying. Elijah and Klaus existed in a toxic, co dependent relationship for the better part of a thousand years. Julie decides instead of freeing the brothers from that toxicity, they’ll go all in on joint suicide because family.
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The preferable options were:
Option 1) Kill Klaus and Elijah lives
I am not a huge fan of killing Klaus merely because I think it lets him off the hook too easily. Yes, there was character growth with Klaus, to say otherwise is madness, but one or two decent things doesn’t outweigh a thousand years of being a monster. Klaus even asks Elijah in the finale if his sacrificial death makes up for all the years he was awful and Elijah basically says, “Yeah you’re good.”
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I disagree, but whatever Klaus dies. I do like the symmetry of Klaus wanting to kill his daughter in the pilot and dying for his daughter in the finale though.
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This gives Elijah a chance to find happiness and purpose beyond redeeming his brother. Julie argued they already gave Elijah that story this season and he discovered all roads led back to Klaus. Uhhh... Klaus showing up on Elijah’s door asking for his help to find Hayley isn’t exactly Elijah finding his way back to Klaus, but okay.
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This is what drives me nuts about Julie Plec. She acts like all of these choices just happened to her. YOU WROTE IT LADY!!!!! Stop acting like you’re an innocent by stander in all of this. THE CHARACTERS AREN’T REAL AND YOU CAN MAKE THEM DO WHATEVER YOU WANT.
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Klaus argued against Elijah dying for Hope because what kind of man would he be if he allowed his brother to die for his only child? Well, I don’t know Klaus, the kind of man who always lets Elijah toe the morality line and do the emotional heavy lifting. Why stop now? (By the way, they could have easily magicked a way for Elijah to steal the Hollow and deny Klaus any say). But yes, I agree, Hope is Klaus’ daughter and he should man up. 
If Klaus is going to die then at least give Elijah a chance at real happiness with the woman he truly loves- Hayley. So, let’s not kill her Julie!!!
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Option 2) Kill Elijah and Klaus lives
This is my preferred ending. After they killed Hayley, and made Elijah culpable in Hope’s mother’s death, I thought this would be a fitting end for Elijah. He saves Hope’s life, is free of the eternal torment of living forever, spends eternity with Hayley, and sacrifices himself for Klaus’ redemption. This would instill a deep desire in Klaus to be a good guy for the next thousand years.
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Julie also argued immortality is it’s own prison and what were we expecting in a show about vampires (meaning - they are all going to die). I agree with that statement in terms of Elijah and Rebekah, but not Klaus. He reveled in his immortality. Klaus loved being the strongest creature on earth. So, death isn’t a reward. In that sense it makes his sacrifice more selfless. However, I would have preferred to see Klaus earn his redemption by using his immortality for good for as long as he used it for evil. And yeah, if Caroline wants to come along, and they make a stop in Paris, I have no problem with that.
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The Originals writers introduced the afterlife just like they did on The Vampire Diaries finale. We were able to see Josh and Hayley in heaven and at peace. However, The Originals did not give us this glimpse with Klaus and Elijah, their two main characters. Julie instructs us to essentially imagine their peace. That’s like stopping at the 1 yard line and telling the crowd to imagine a touchdown. It doesn’t count. JUST CROSS THE DAMN LINE!
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At the end of the day, fans want closure from a series finale. They want to know  the characters they love are going to be okay. This is why the Parenthood finale remains the best ever. You can have heroic deaths, but leaving the character open ended even after death is a little mean. I don’t think it would have been too much to ask to give Hayley & Elijah fans a scene of them dancing in heaven 
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or reuniting Klaus with Cami.
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But that would make the show too much about romance I guess.
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If you want to believe Klaus and Elijah were each other’s happy endings that’s fine, but that’s a tough pill for me to swallow. The Originals was about family, but for most of the series (and their time on TVD) they were people related by blood doing absolutely despicable things to one another. 
Yes, they rallied time and again, particularly when it was in service of Hope. I’m not going to say they didn’t love each other or their familial bond meant nothing. I too get warm and fuzzy about “Always and Forever” but there was plenty of toxicity to go around.
One of my beefs with the finale is it sort of glazes over a lot of that. It was more like The Originals: A Christmas Special than a finale. They look at pictures, make wishes and Klaus waxes poetic about how he secretly adored Kol (despite daggering him and generally making his life miserable for a thousand years). I mean... okay? Feels a little disingenuous, but maybe I’m soulless.
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The two familial standout moments for me was Klaus saying goodbye to Hope and Klaus apologizing to Rebekah while making sure she can take the cure if she wants. Stellar all the way around. I felt all the feels and those moments were truly earned. 
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So… what was the point of having Caroline on the show other than baiting the Klaroline fandom and ensuring their viewership? Cause I got nothing. 
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Klaus and Caroline didn’t need closure. They had plenty of that on TVD. Caroline made it abundantly clear she was going to live her life without Klaus, minus a hot up-against-a-tree hookup to get it out of her system. And that’s exactly what she did.
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What made Caroline’s presence on The Originals so enjoyable (other than it’s Caroline and she’s sunshine) is it felt like the characters were going somewhere new. We’ve had seven years of Klaus and Caroline dancing around their feelings, but the finale offered more of the same. We get a couple more “if only” moments and a tepid kiss.
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Yes, Caroline kept the voicemail. Yes, she enjoyed all the wonders of New Orleans Klaus wanted to show her. Yes, she finally confirmed she cared for Klaus (but anyone who didn’t know that is daft). Yes, Klaus finally earned her respect and had a legitimate shot at a relationship with her for the first time, which makes his sacrifice so noble.
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Eh. Caroline already had her noble, sacrifice-it-all-in-the-name-of–family love story (looking at you Stefan). 
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Everything with Klaus feels spectacularly redundant for her character.
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And to not follow through on this line is criminal.
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But that isn’t really the reason I’m ticked. It’s Julie Plec’s explanation for why Klaus and Caroline can’t be together.
It would dishonor Stefan.
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Look, nobody (and I do mean nobody) loves Stefan Salvatore more than me. I subjected myself to an additional four years of crap storytelling just to make sure Stefan was okay in the end (yeah I know I could have just watched the finale, but I couldn’t abandon him) only for JP to kill my beloved in the FINAL FREAKING EPISODE.
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But this “honoring Stefan’s memory” thing is crap.
Stelena Side Bar
Time to get real for a second. (D*lena and St*roline lovers now would be the time to look away).  Stefan ended up with Caroline because The Vampire Diaries did him dirty with D*lena and they couldn’t get Nina back for their planned (yeah you read that right) Stelena endgame.
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Julie Plec loves to put all the blame for how TVD ended on Nina Dobrev’s shoulders.  Yes, Nina left the show and when she left in Season 6 I knew it was game over on Stelena and any hope of a reunion was lost.
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I love Stefan, Caroline and their friendship. I begrudgingly got on board with the romance angle because sweet holy Zeus I needed something to be mildly entertained by in Season 6-8.
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But let me be clear. Under no circumstances do I favor St*roline over Stelena. 
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Caroline Dries absolutely could have put Stelena back together before Nina Dobrev left the show. In fact, that was the direction the show was headed. Elena lost her memories of Damon and suddenly she’s taken aback with the gorgeousness of Stefan Salvatore.
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Then all of a sudden the show turns on a dime. Stelena rebuild is over and it’s full throttle on St*roline. The episodes Dries/Plec would have been writing in January (right around the time Nina let them know she was leaving) put Elena rapidly back together with Damon. Then they dance in the street for some inexplicable reason in her final episode.
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Kevin and Julie wanted Nina back for the final 16 episodes of Season 8 to put Elena back with Stefan, but she was unavailable. Guess what cupcakes? You had Nina for the same amount of episodes in Season 6. You had a half season, give or take, to rebuild Stelena. 
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There was absolutely no reason why STEFAN couldn’t have been the one waiting for Elena to wake up. Quite frankly, Damon’s struggle to maintain control would have been a lot more interesting because he would’ve had nothing to lose. Stefan would have focused on saving his brother the final two years of the show, only for Damon to sacrifice himself in the end. Damon would have earned redemption, proved he was finally worthy of Elena, and gave Stefan & Elena their happily ever after, WHICH WAS ALWAYS THE PLAN.  
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How do you not kill Damon after he says, “Because I am the big brother. I’m sorry I wasn’t better at it until now.” THAT’S THE PERFECT DEATH LINE. 
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No one can anyone argue to me that Damon was the better man. (To be fair they were both terrible people, but Stefan was far less terrible IMHO.) Damon telling Elena Stefan is the better man before she wakes up makes a hell of a lot more sense than Stefan saying that about Damon, but whatever. The point is, the choice wouldn’t have been Elena’s but Damon’s (rather than Stefan’s) and it’s so freaking perfect I want to scream.
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Anyway, back to yelling about Julie. So, she heaps all the responsibility on the ending for TVD on Nina because she loves to straddle fandoms and refuses to make a damn decision. Not that the D*lena ending was anything to write home about. Y’all got screwed over too. One crappy kiss and five seconds of holding hands isn’t exactly the glimpse into their happy life together that y���all deserved. Sweet mother of Moses, the Stelena fandom had a better glimpse of Stefan & Elena’s happy human life in 5x18.
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Stelena side bar over. Back to talking about how ridiculous it is that Caroline can’t move on.
2) The Vampire Diaries had a big old conversation between Lexi and Stefan about how vampires have more than one great love because they are fucking vampires and live forever.
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This was said after Elena chose Damon (for absolutely no reason other than it was Damon’s turn to get the girl) and Stefan was driving off to Cleveland or something. This was a difficult for me to accept in terms of Stefan’s character because he lived like 150 years without love until he met Elena. She brought him back to life. So TVD arguing that Elena was not Stefan’s only great love was kind of ridiculous, particularly since Elena was still alive. 
The only reason JP/Dries wrote this line was to smooth the path for a potential St*roline romance. And why? Because immediately after this scene with Lexi, Stefan drowns in a safe all summer while Elena bones his brother. So, yeah they needed to cook up some hope for his character and, at that point, Elena was SO NOT IT.
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So, now that Stefan is dead VAMPIRE Caroline can’t move on? The same Caroline who was Stefan’s second chance at love? Is a basic level of consistency really too much to ask? No it is not.
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3) It’s been a DECADE since Stefan died. Caroline can move on because it’s HEALTHY
What an abysmal message to send to widowers. Sorry folks, if you lost your spouse you are suppose to live alone for the rest of your life because falling in love again dishonors your spouse’s memory. 
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If this storyline was taking place a year or two after Stefan died, then sure I can see the argument for Caroline moving on too fast, but that’s not what is happening here. There was an 8 year time jump. It’s been nearly a decade!!!
Let’s take the vampireness out of the equation as my friend @lipstickandwifi so eloquently said. A woman marries in her twenties and her husband tragically died the day after. She’s now in her thirties and someone from her past, who she always has had a connection with, is back in her life. And her children are almost grown. The answer is: GO FOR IT.
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Also, Stefan would never want Caroline to be alone for her immortal life all in the name of his memory. He’d be the first one to say it’s okay to move on. 
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He may not love her object of affection, but he’s dead so he doesn’t get a say. MAYBE NEXT TIME DON’T BE SO WILLING TO DIE FOR DAMON, STEFAN. I have some anger issues I am still working through.
So, once again Julie Plec is pulling some bs reason and blaming Stefan for the reason Klaroline can’t be together rather than have the lady balls to say, “I didn’t want them to end up together.” Instead, she plays out forty different scenarios in these interviews, each one pandering to a specific fandom and giving them their happily ever after, but “INSERTS NONSENSE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE.” And Julie deflects any and all responsibility in the choices she made.
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The Spin Off
The real reason Klaus, Elijah and Hayley all died is because of Legacies. I’d also say that’s the reason Klaroline didn’t end up together too. Julie Plec wanted Elena 2.0 - Hope to be an orphan so she can rehash the same story she told on TVD (complete with love triangle). Julie blames all these deaths on the actors not wanting to reprise their roles. It has nothing to do with Julie’s need to keep collecting a paycheck. Nope, not at all!
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Absolutely no one can argue Legacies did not impact the ending to The Originals to me because it did. It’s fact. Julie Plec admits as much in countless interviews. Anything argued to the contrary is a PR campaign to get jilted viewers to watch the next show. I refuse.
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2 shows + 263 hours of television + dozens of ships = 0 endgame couples. That's my shipper maths for Plec shows.  Congratulations to the ships that survived. The rest of us got screwed over. I end yet another Julie Plec show with booze.
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And to the sweet summer children anxiously awaiting Legacies, tattoo this on your heart “DO NOT TRUST JULIE PLEC.”
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Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Thus, this closes the door on both The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. At least I can rewatch TVD S1-S3 (and 4x01 as the series finale). There’s always Season 4 of The Originals too.
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white-queen-lacus · 6 years
About TO
It seems to me that ages passed since I commented TO episodes. I have to admit that after the leaked spoilers were out, I truly hoped that Julie Scum Plec would have changed her mind about killing Hayley off, but instead, she went out with her crazy bullshit and now, all the possible hype for this last season is basically gone. Anyway, I’m still watching this series because I’ve always loved it since the beginning and I’m in love with the characters and even if Julie Plec is a shitty writer/woman who only deserves to die the same way Greta (and Hayley) did, I’m still hoping that in a way or in another my precious Mikaelsons will find their happiness. After watching the last episode, I had the feeling that Hayley’s physical absence was replaced by her strong, maternal and loving presence. I wasn’t exactly so fond of her when she appeared for the first time in TVD (even though I loved Phoebe Tonkin in H2O so I was curious to see what her role was) but Hayley was so well written and Phoebe was so great at portraying her (in spite of all the haters who said she wasn’t a good actress) that I ended up dropping TVD after TO started (I only watched the final season) because the Mikaelsons and Hayley were simply a far more interesting and compelling characters to watch. I fell in love with Hayley’s character, story and storylines. Among the other characters in the show, more than Marcel himself, Hayley was able to become part of a thousand years old family whose fate was carved in blood, curse and doom. Hayley, who was barely twenty at the time TO started, abandoned by her family, in search of the truth about herself and about her roots, more than a kid herself in the eyes of the Old Ones, became, during these five seasons, the only one who was able to save Klaus from his destructive attitude, to give Elijah the love he deserved when he only thought about sacrificing himself, to give Rebekah and Freya the chance to have a family. Hayley gave them Hope, both literally and figuratively. I loved the way she was able to form strong bonds with each one of the Mikaelsons. I’m not a Klayley shipper, not in a romantical way. I believe that both Klaus and Hayley loved each other, yes, but not in a romantical or platonic way. They were family, they had a wonderful daughter together, and Klaus grew fond of Hayley, but there wasn’t any romantical subtle between them and I guess this is what makes their relationship so good: Hayley understood Klaus because they shared a similar past and she was wonderful to understand his turmoils, especially in season four (and during the flashbacks/letters in the last episode). I really liked their interactions, but I truly couldn’t see the two of them together as a couple. Nor because of Klamille or Klaroline, but just because they’re so well balanced like they are that something more would have broken the already strong bond between them. And then, there is Elijah. I won’t write again why I think that they are true love and they are star-crossed lovers, but since their first interaction, I had the feeling that they would be endgame. I suffered a lot when Hayley was “forced” to leave Elijah to marry Jackson (even if Jayley is my guilty pleasure XD), but even during that part, I knew that Elijah would wait for Jackson to die... to get his rightful immortal place beside Hayley. Yet, he respected her grief and mourn, and everything, before asking her to be happy and free. Then season 4 happened and JP screws everything by making Elijah merciless and obsessed, tearing them apart because Haylijah was, quoting Kai Parker: “The baddest bitch of all”. Yet, at the beginning of season 5, after years apart, Hayley’s love for Elijah was there, even after the anonymous Declan (goodbye, Cami’s cousin, you won’t be missed, on the contrary of your cousin ç_ç), tangible in both the two times Hayley mentioned Elijah’s name. And his name was the last word she said. Yet, Elijah refused to remember, and I guess this block was more tentative to protect himself than a heartless choice. He didn’t want to remember, because remembering everything was painful, and deep down, he didn’t want to suffer anymore. Why? Because he felt he wasn’t enough for Hayley, he failed at her, and he couldn’t ever be with her anymore, because of the Hollow. So he just let her go just like he did with his memories. He left Hayley free to live a life with her child, free from the curse of being a Mikaelson, she who “hasn’t the heart of a Mikaelson”. But he failed again because Hayley died and he couldn’t protect her like he had promised, once. And now that all Elijah’s memories were restored, once he wore his suits and his ring again, now that his true self is back, the only remnant of the woman he loved more than everyone else, Hope, she hates him because she considers him responsible of her mother’s death. And I guess that Elijah feels the same way (after all, Kol’s words about having his wife back while Elijah couldn’t, stroke a nerve) and I hope he will try to find a way to get Hayley back. It’s obvious that Hayley won’t be back (because yes, in TO everybody is able to be back, somebody even from ashes, but lol), but I hope that JP will at least have the decency to give them a proper endgame (nor Hayley reunited with Jackson bullshit). I wonder if the candle/hand (the magical artefact that Roman spotted in the compound) will be useful in the future for this reason... For now, it seems that the whole Nazi vampires storyline is almost over (since Antoinette doesn’t seem to be very interested in being her parent’s successor and Roman is MIA... unless they swear revenge) and the Hollow story is again here, but I have the feeling that Hayley will help her beloveds to find their ways out this mess. 
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The Originals
I’m extra mad about the Klaus thing. And not only because of klaroline (which is a important thing, either way) but because the necessity of giving a tragic final and the lack of skills to make a happy one. Plus this:
1. If Klaus dies, Hope is an orphan (giving her the elena arc). I dont think if the show is about family and about always and forever this is okay. 
2. Because Klaus dies, Caroline is alone again, and Alaric and her children are going to die too, so rn is the only inmortal friend she had left.
3. Because Elijah dies with him, they make them co-dependent when their development to a more healthy relationship just goes. 
4. The baiting. THIS is one of the things I think I hate the most. Everyone said that we were going to love the finale (some of us yes, some of us nope). Whats the point of having Candice on this season? Because honestly, most of us were ROTING for them to be endgame and more because of the last ep. 
5. Even Elijah dying doesnt mean we get a Haylijah endgame (which, after teasing so much about that dance is disappointment at its finest).
6. Even for the ones that shipped Klamille, they dont get an endgame (so, who pleases this finale??)
But, this doesn’t mean I wont watch the finale. I will. Just I hope in the bottom of my heart that this is all a lie but knowing Julie, probably is true. The thing I’d probably dont watch is Legacies lmao 
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klayleyqueen · 7 years
I really have to get this out of my chest because I'm so damn mad at this moment! I can't believe they did this to us, c'mon!!!!! Julie Plec you're a little bitch! Let's start, first of all I'm agree with some people that this season was a little bored (I didn't realize it until today) but yeah it's true, the whole season was about the hollow in different bodies, that's all, what happened with the werewolves!???? They were absent the whole season! Now getting back to today's episode, I can't believe they really break off the always and forever! It's what distinguish The Mikaelson family!!!!!! Also why does Klaus always has to suffer? They separate him from Hope last season! Why again? The worst part is that Hayley took Hope to Caroline's shitty school!!! WHY? WHY? WHY? SO KLAROLINE FANS CAN THEIR FUCKING HAPPY ENDING!!! HELL NO! I thing the writers know perfectly that Klayley is the couple with best development but they prefer to "listen" what Klaroline fans want or maybe they are so desperated to get a bigger audience and that's why they did it, idk but I'm so pissed off because of that. At least they give Freelin, Kolvina and Marbekah a happy ending, it was the best thing to do. I was so damn furious with that Haylijah kiss like ssly Hope is in danger and Elijah is thinking in himself!? That's why he doesn't deserve Hayley, but tell me WHY DOES THE WRITERS CAN'T FINISH THAT RELATIONSHIP!? The good thing is that Marcel made Elijah forget everything and I really hope Haylijah is finally over for good and don't become like other ships always breaking up and getting back time after time. Now, the important thing here is Klayley, I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER IN GIVING THEM A PROPER GOODBYE!!!!!!! REALLY? AFTER ALL THEY'VE BEEN THROUGH!? Like I said they have the best development! And they just didn't say goodbye to each other!!!!! It was the perfect time for them! They could have been happy in this episode, the best thing to do was Klaylope leaving New Orleans and living a happy life like a family but no, THEY DECIDED TO RUINED IT!!!! Now I get why The CW took so long on renewing the series after this finale a lot of fans are going to be disappointed and mad. I have one recommendation for S5 to the writers: MAKE KLAYLEY ENDGAME!
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andreal831 · 5 months
I know you have pretty much the entire story outlined for TGW so I’m not sure if you even gave much thought to this, but even if you didn’t, it’s still fun to think about ‘what ifs.’
I’m gonna split the questions up into multiple lines so it’s easier to read. It’s also been a couple months since I read this part of the story, but I was thinking about it earlier and with the new chapter posted I feel like picking your brain a little. So fair warning, some details might be off.
When Hayley offered to erase her memories of Elijah, was there any moment where you thought about actually having Hayley go through with it/Jackson not stop Klaus?
What would you have had Elijah’s reaction been like of finding out her memories of him were gone?
Would Hayley still interact with the other Mikaelsons as much?
Do you think Hayley would have fallen for him all over again had he’d actually gone back to New Orleans for good?
Would Hayley’s actions of been any different to the point Jackson knows she’s significantly different? Would he have felt guilt?
Would Klaus of been able to sit around and watch Elijah hurt, knowing he has the power to give Hayley her memories back? Or would he give her memories back even with Elijah telling him not to?
Would there be any situation that Hayley gained her memories back even without Klaus telling her to remember?
Would Hayley have kept on the bracelet that Elijah gave her?
Some other things that have absolutely no correlation with anything above.
I assumed you wouldn’t kill off cami just because of things you’ve said in other posts, but I wasn’t really sure of how just because of familial ties being required for the bind. The way you did it was absolutely perfect, but why doesn’t Cami also have to be at least part wolf for the unification to work? Given the information from Hayley and Jackson’s wedding, I thought both people had to be apart of the same pack. Im definitely just forgetting something.
Given you’re already planning a sequel(s), I’m assuming Elijah and Cami will both be fine eventually. If you don’t put it in the main story, can you please write an outtake of everyone throwing a huge party for cami and Klaus?
Are you planning the sequel to follow the basis of season 4 (moreso the hollow)? Or are you going a different route entirely?
Last question, wow this was a lot. Since you unified Klaus and cami, if Hayley and Elijah ever get married, will they also do the unification ceremony? It’ll make them stronger, so I don’t see why not.
I probably should’ve split this into two different asks, but honestly, I’m too lazy to do that now lmao.
This will have many spoilers for The Great War. If you are not fully caught up until today's new chapter, go catch up first!
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Hi! Firsts, thank you for reading! I'm glad you are enjoying it.
I do tend to think about 'what ifs' a lot with this story. I've had most of it worked out in my head for so long and for the most part when I write, it goes in that direction, however sometimes side stories do sneak up on me and I have to figure out how to write them in or if I even need to include them. That's kind of what happened with the chapter where Hayley offers to compel away her feelings for Elijah.
This was always going to be a haylijah endgame and I didn't want to kill Jackson so I needed them to end someway and I wanted it to be on Jackson's terms. I always felt like Jackson's character was used as a place holder in the show rather than a character (which is why I never really liked the character), so I wanted to give him his own autonomy outside of just being an obstacle. I also hated how in the show Hayley doesn't have a backbone when it comes to Jackson. She never sets boundaries or stands up for how she is feeling. She essentially gives up her power over the pack and becomes his figurehead queen rather than the Hayley we know and love.
So in order to improve all of that, Hayley had to learn to stand up for herself and Jackson had to learn how to communicate. Meaning we needed an event that would push both of them out of the passive comfort they had fallen into after the unification ceremony. Jackson is angry about how Hayley feels about Elijah and Hayley had repeatedly told Jackson that she couldn't help how she felt in the show and then it dawned on me that, in this world, she can. We saw Elena do it with Damon. This led me down a completely different path than I had originally thought because I asked myself all of the questions you asked. I ended up not going down that path cause we were already 28 chapters in and it would have taken up so much time to get us there and back.
I also just don't think Jackson would ever actually let Hayley go through it. Say what you will about Jackson, I know I do, but he did love Hayley. He didn't always understand her but he wouldn't want her to love him simply because she forgot about Elijah. He wanted her to love him and move on from Elijah herself. And when he realized she never was going to, he decided he needed to move on.
All of that to say, I did debate going down that road but I thought it would be out of character for Jackson and any of the Mikaelsons. I never liked how quickly Rebekah and Klaus got onboard with the unification ceremony and throwing a whole wedding in their home and Klaus inviting Elijah to it like he didn't realize just how painful that would be. But none of the Mikaelsons would ever help Hayley erase Elijah.
Now if she somehow convinced someone to do it, no one would want to tell Elijah. Klaus would likely tell Astra who would then have to tell Elijah. And part of Elijah would be relieved. At this point, Elijah is holding onto his part of the white oak stake in case he needs to take dramatic measures to save his family. Part of him would be relieved that there would be one less person to mourn him. But the other part of him would be devastated. He never anticipated being with Hayley any time soon, but, as Jackson stated, he did hope that they would have their chance eventually.
Elijah wouldn't have gone back to New Orleans because Hayley wasn't what was keeping him away. And he would need even more time away because seeing Hayley look at him without the affection he was used to would break him in ways he hadn't felt since Celeste's death. He would try to get back with Astra to help ease the pain which would only make her angry because she knows exactly what he was doing. It would be a mess.
In New Orleans, Hayley would still interact with the Mikaelsons. Her relationships with each family member existed outside of her feelings for Elijah. However, she likely would feel more pulled to the pack. I think Jackson would end up even more annoyed because Hayley wouldn't just be completely in love with him. I do think Hayley loved him but was no in love with him. Simply erasing her feelings for Elijah wouldn't make her be in love with him. I never felt like Jackson did much to "woo" Hayley. Like at least flirt with your wife if you want her to fall in love with you. He went from accepting that they were just marrying for political reasons to being upset that she wasn't treating it like a marriage. So they still had their own things they would have to work through even if we removed her feelings for Elijah. But I definitely think he would have felt guilty. He would have made her remove such a large part of herself after she already had sacrificed so much for her daughter and their pack.
If Elijah did come back in town, he wouldn't try to win her back. He would check in to make sure she was happy. But they would definitely have to interact at some point. They are still family. Hayley would remember Elijah, just not her feelings. But unlike with Damon and Elena, Elijah hadn't done anything to hurt her so she wouldn't hate him. He would just be a distant family member that she doesn't have any feelings for, one way or another. But like Season 5 showed us, the feelings wouldn't stay gone for long. Haylijah developed feelings for each other very quickly and when they met up in France, it just showed that it would happen no matter what situation they were in.
Elijah would of course tell Klaus not to give her her emotions back because that's what she wanted, but Klaus would argue it's not what she wanted, it's what Jackson wanted and he doesn't care about what Jackson wants. Klaus would 1000% force them back on her once Elijah was back. Or even before that if he felt like Hayley was making decisions based on her feelings for Jackson. I could see him using it to try and manipulate them.
I would love to say Hayley would gain her memories back just for seeing Elijah or some other romantic thing. But that's not how compulsion works. Klaus would have to undo it.
Hayley would keep the bracelet on and she wouldn't be sure exactly why, but it would feel important that she did. She would still remember it was from Elijah and the letter he wrote, she just wouldn't have the emotions connected to it. But she knew that Elijah would keep her safe and that would feel important to her.
I'm so terrible at trying to scare you all because I make it so obvious what parts of the show I can't stand and must change, like Cami's death.
I had to think long and hard about how they would save her. I wanted her to be in the Chambre, but like you said it required a familial tie and unfortunately, Cami is a bit short on family. But the Mikaelsons are her family. So I just needed to make it a reality. I debated a regular marriage but felt like that wouldn't be enough for familial magic, she needed to share blood, or in this case a heart. This is where I'm deviating slightly from the lore. The lore requires it to be alphas from different packs. And Klaus isn't in any pack so logically he can just be the alpha of his own pack. Now it working on a non-vampire is completely in my head and since it's a fictional magical world I can bend things to my will. I try to stay within the rules of the world (more than the writers do sometimes), but this one I can see working. We don't know much about the wolves spreading out, but we know the ceremony was used because packs developed different powers. To me, it would make sense that in the early days, the packs would unite with different supernatural creatures and that's how the packs developed different powers. How else did they become so different when they all derived from the same original pack?
Spoilers for the next story: We will get some marital party(ies). We have not seen the last of Klamille. I just couldn't do that.
TGW is ending in August 2014 and I will not be doing a long time jump like the show did. I hated that so much. They made a whole show about a magical baby and just skipped over the majority of her life. We will have a little bit of a time jump so we will be somewhere in 2015. More spoilers, we will see some crossover from TVD if that gives you any hints of what the story will be about. Also the name of the next story is "I Know Places." All of my story titles are based on Taylor Swift songs (I did that so long ago and have committed to it).
I haven't thought about a unification ceremony between Hayley and Elijah because I need to think through what that would mean to the pack and Jackson. It would give Hayley a boost, but would it sever any ties between Hayley and Jackson as co-alphas? To me, them no longer being married didn't do anything since the magic was already in place, but if Hayley then ties herself to another as an alpha in her own right, it feels like it would get messy with her ties to her pack since she is not an alpha by herself. If that makes sense?
I know this is long but let me know if I didn't answer anything or if you have more questions!
Thank you so much for reading my story! I truly appreciate it and love talking about it.
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carmen-berzattos · 7 years
what do you think is most likely for next season? caroline coming in as a regular and the school being a major focus or C just guest starring in the background? also do you think they'd ever go for a bit of a H/K/C triangle? if KH go off with hope to MF and we do this skip, it'll be like what? 7 years? that's a lot of time for KH to be alone together but it's also the same amount of time for KC to see eachother at parent/teacher conferences and we know julie loves herself a triangle (1)
and idk what they're gonna do with hayley otherwise because it's an unwritten law (or maybe it is written, who knows!) on the CW that your female lead cannot be without a LI, and if HE truly is dead in the water, I personally feel like it's too late to give hayley a new boyfriend (Plus I think hayley would find it super hard to fall for someone outside the family considering what happened to jackson) then her only option really is klaus... but we know care is being brought in for him so  
To me it seems like a triangle is the only way around their rule, unless they intend to break it for the first time ever and have hayley single all season, or even stranger they decide to bring caroline in and not have her end up with klaus (in which case though like what's the point? really?
Hmmm so in terms of Caroline, I don’t think they’ll be promoting her to series regular, especially since it’s probably their last, so it doesn’t really make sense for her to come in as a series regular, especially when people like Keelin and Rebekah and Kol were not really regulars but had significant screentime I would say. They might surprise us, but what it would come down to is probably a lot of logistics and behind the scenes stuff that we might never know anything about. And the focus of Caroline’s story will probably be Klaroline. What’s with the time restraint, it’s highly unlikely she’ll be able to get her own SL going, especially in the last season. 
I don’t know about a triangle. I’m hesitant to say yes they will but also hesitant to say no they won’t. Here’s the thing, they could have easily slipped into a Klayley/Haylijah triangle and cleverly did not. Why stir up a triangle at what will most likely be the last season, especially since the result of that would be pretty damn obvious. To bring in Caroline only to make Klaroline not endgame is like fifty shades of fucking stupid. I see what you’re saying about a CW lead not being able to stay without a LI for too long. Which pisses me off AF. So I think Haylijah will, unfortunately, be opened again. Unless, of course, they can go down the road of us just meeting Hayley’s new Significant Other whom she met sometime over the past decade or so, and kind of the relationship stays in the BG. I would do that, if I was hellbent on bringing back Klaroline. We might be able to get a better sense of where Haylijah and Klayley stand next episode, depending on both how the plan pans out, who survives, and how they deal with Haylijah’s separation, whether with a bit of hope or completely closing the door. Now, I see what you’re saying about Klayley, but I could also easily see them slipping into a friends with benefits situation or just deciding they are both too emotionally burdened to handle a romance. My thing with Klayley is that they’ve always been similar in all the wrong places, handling a romance between the two of them would be... exhausting to say the least. Although in my head it makes for hell of an entertaining bout of television. In any case, I can see them sidestepping romantic Klayley to go for a partnership that’s pure and beautiful just like it is right now. 
However, all this reasoning might be for naught. JP has a history of awful decisions. 
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curious-scholar · 8 years
Hey, i wanted to ask, do you think  TO writers will really give Klaus a new love interest in s4? Do you think they will really bring Caroline to TO and make klaroline happen? JP said that Klaus is gonna get a new love interest and that “it may or may not include a certain TVD character.” I hope that’s not true. I don’t want to believe it’s true but if it is. That would break my heart i really love Cami and klamille more than words can describe. Cami is soo beautiful, in every possible way. I love her more than i have ever loved any other TV character. Cami and Klaus were soulmates, they were made for each other. I was soo sad when she died i felt like i lost my friend.  It really hurt so so much and if they do replace Cami, if Klaus falls in love with someone  again (especially if that someone is Caroline.) The pain will be even worse. NO other character will ever replace Cami for me! They spent three years building the epic and wonderful story that is klamille and i really need Cami to be the only person Klaus ever loved this deeply, Then again KLAUS IS HALLUCINATING CAMI!!! ( i cried from happiness when i saw her in the traileri throught i would never see her again even if it’s just for one ep it’s still so much better than not seeing her at all the thought that she is gone forever was killing me.) THIS MEANS THAT AFTER 5 YEARS HE STILL HASN’T FORGOTTEN ABOUT HIS SOULMATE!!! THIS IS TRUE LOVE so, how are they gonna make Klaus fall in love with someone else so that it feels true, real and not forced? (if Cami is in 4x02, that leaves 11 episodes for them to create a new love story, if it took 3 years for them to build Klamille. A new love story  wouldn’t make any sense. At least not one built in 11 episodes. Unless they get a 5th season. (i really want this to be the last season i can’t stand the through of another season of TO without Cami. I don’t watch the show anymore but still.) 
anyway, this got so long, i’m sorry, This is something i’ve been thinking about often and i needed to get it off of my chest. I hope you have a beautiful day. All my best wishes, hugs and kisses. 
Hugs to you too! I understand how you feel about the prospect of Klaus getting a new love interest--I feel the same way. After all the buildup and the way the writers made it clear Klaus and Cami were and still are deeply and truly connected—not even death can keep them apart—it wouldn’t make sense for Klaus to love anybody else the way he loved Cami. But realistically, I know it’s possible the writers could give him some kind of romantic relationship in the future.
But with who? I’m going to try to answer your questions in two parts: could Klaus “reunite” (for want of a better word) with Caroline on TO? and could Klaus find love with someone completely new? Disclaimer: this is just my opinion, and I don’t always keep up with spoilers and rumours within the fandom, so I may not have all the facts.
Could Caroline come to New Orleans?
It’s very hard to know what could happen in the future until we see how TVD ends and what happens to Caroline and Stefan. However, I don’t think Caroline will be coming to NOLA, at least not in Season 4 (I think it’s been confirmed by Candice King that Caroline isn’t making any crossovers). Could the writers tease a reunion by making references to her during the season even if she doesn’t appear? Absolutely. But if it’s going to lead to more, Candice would have to be prepared to come back and appear on the show in future seasons, either in a recurring or lead role. She’s always been very vocal about her dislike for KC, so it seems unlikely she would want to revisit it even if she wanted to continue playing the role.There would also have to be a convincing reason for Caroline to move to NOLA. 
We know Julie Plec likes to bait fans. She will continue to make vague and misleading statements about Klaus’ lovelife even if she knows what she’s saying isn’t likely to happen. I’m trying to ignore her completely and remember that it is canon that Klaus and Cami are soulmates and that Caroline wants to spend her immortality with Stefan. If Plec does decide to make Klaroline endgame despite it making no sense at this point, both parties would have to move on pretty quickly and dramatically, and we know Klaus hasn’t forgotten Cami in the last five years.
Could Klaus get a completely new love interest?
I believe TPTB know that TO is most likely going to end soon. Despite the (fake) optimism from Plec and the network president, The CW has never really supported the show (it keeps moving it around, doesn’t spend money on promotion) and I have no doubt that in May, if the ratings continue to decline, they’ll cancel it in a heartbeat. As you have pointed out, that would give them 11 episodes to set up a new romance for Klaus. That isn’t going to happen.
However, if TO gets a second wind after TVD ends or the network decides it’s cheaper to keep it in production rather than develop a new show in its place, then they might opt for Klaus to get a love interest in S5. But their options are limited. Currently, Hayley is the only regular female character Klaus isn’t related to. I think the writers wanted to avoid a love triangle involving the two brothers, and they seem committed to Haylijah. That doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t change their minds, but they don’t seem to be thinking about going there just yet, and it would take time for Hayley to fall out of love with Elijah. 
The other possibility is to introduce a new character. But the same problem applies—there isn’t enough time to make it happen naturally—unless they do another Klaurora and bring in an old flame of Klaus. What would be the point though? Most viewers would probably reject the new arrival (the fandom is already divided over Klaus’ existing ships; to add a new one to the mix, especially without any buildup, would be an exercise in futility).
I still believe the writers intend to kill Klaus if they get a chance to write an ending for the series. So there’s a good chance he will remain alone, perhaps dreaming of Cami and concentrating on his daughter for the remainder of the series. Whatever happens, the writers can’t take away the beautiful love story they built up over three seasons.
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tvserieshub · 7 years
  This was a magnificently written episode by Michael Narducci and co-written by Michael Russo. We get a little bit of everything in this episode, vampires rising! (Elijah) We got amazing team-ups! (Freya, Hayley and Keelin too). The story told thru flashbacks of Marcel and Vincent and “What happened in NOLA in the last 5 years?” Klaus in captivity! (Not for long!) Oh, yeah the greenish-blue hoodoo on the walls scaring the beegezus out of poor little Hope! Where does one begin?
  Vincent’s Speech.
I found it quite contrived, histrionic and distributing, at this point in the game. He is giving a speech at the church to his coven. (Church and Witches never mixed to me?? How do you feel???) The Vampires have been around over thousands of years! “We will loose it forever.” The witches deserve respect but “Original Vampires and Original Hybrids” triumph witches. (SCORE TEAM OG!) Just as Vincent speaks of “Monsters” — the camera zooms in on Klaus, REALLY NOW? They never give up!
  Marcel and Sofya.
We then move over to Marcel and his new witch. What’s her face? Whatever. “Hayley Marshall is a problem?” Really Marcel? Alastair is wondering about Elijah’s sire line? (BEWARE Alastair! Elijah is “Alive and Kicking”. Just slumbering in a coffin! You’ve been put on notice!) Hayley is searching for Elijah. #TeamFreeElijah! A bit later on, Sofya tells her boo. “There is graffiti popping up all over town, you need to handle that.” (Picture of ouroboros) I say: Signs, Signs, everywhere there are signs! When are they going to take heed to Vincent’s warnings?
  Hayley, Hope and Mary.
Hayley and Hope are a revelation together. SO ADORABLE! Mary needs to give it up on Hayley. She is a Mikaelson!!! Not only is she a Mikaelson, what would possess this woman to tell her “Did you ever wonder if you be better off not waking him (As in Klaus) up?” Seriously Mary you still holding a grudge? “YOU NEED TO LET IT GO”. (Like the Disney song says!) Of course, she thinks Hayley is looking to  wake Elijah up too! What does she think? Only wake up Klaus and not the other 4? (As I RME HARD and LAUGH REALLY HARD HYSTERICALLY). Mary gives Hayley the 411. She needs to look for one more wolf line to have the cure. AND you know like Donkey Kong, Hayley is on it!
Klaus and Marcel.
Klaus never is one to mince his words. “What I’d most enjoy is for you to rot in HELL.” -Klaus (Score 1 #TeamKlaus) Not to be outdone, Marcel has to throw salt on an old wound. “Alistair Duquesne is in town. How do you want this to go?” I have to say I really enjoy Klaus’ quick turn around, “He was a vane aristocrat.” If you can translate KLAUS SPEAK: “I’M GOING TO KILL HIM.” Marcel comes back from his “Alastair endgame party” AND he found something out. WOO HOO. “Elijah and your siblings are all linked to you.” Marcel tells Klaus (REVELATION!) This only gets worse because he tells Klaus about the vampires tracking him and getting his blood. They will no doubtfully find his family then Hope! We cannot have that. You know Klaus will burn the world and kill all of them! We then go to the Original Vampire Death match round 1: Klaus vs. Alastair! Ding. Ding. Ding. I have to say Marcel is very Machiavellian at playing both sides. He tells Alastair “The sword you gave me would give me an agonizing death.” HUGE TWIST! Marcel cuts Klaus free! Alastair is deader then dead in a NY minute. It’s not before Marcel recaptures Klaus again? What is this? I’m getting dizzy. He brings Klaus back down to the dungeon where he proceeds to stab him again with the Papa Tunde blade. Marcel, you are no friend of mine.
We think it’s a casual night at the bar, or so it seems.  Hayley and Keelin knocking back drinks. Keelin tells Hayley she finished her ER residence. (You know like gals do!) Hold up wait! These guys came to the bar to try and kill her. Hayley wolfs out on them. We fast forward to curing Elijah! (Yay!!!! Finally!!!) The only thing they were missing was Keelin’s venom. She was the missing piece of the puzzle! TADA. After this is done, Keelin wants to be set free. Why do you suspect a “NO DEAL” on this? I DO TOO! Company arrives and not the good kind… “That’s what been tracking me.” – Keelin “It took a long time and now we caught you.” – Vampire (OR SO YOU THINK FOOL!) “Keelin gave her venom and wants to be free. Again, Freya does not want to let her go. I’m seeing a pattern here. “If any of my family is ever bitten again, I will need your venom.” – Freya (Maybe you want her around too? Admit it, Freya. *wink* *wink* *hint*) Freya is doing the spell.  All Keelin wants to know is did it work? Hayley’s in wolf form killing the vamps. BUT something is snapping necks and killing the vampires. OMG, who can it, be now? Elijah???
(Elijah and Hayley) Haylijah Scene:
Hayley in disbelief grabs Elijah and holds him tighter than she ever could. It’s like she never wants to let him go. Elijah is holding her back with so many feelings. It was indescribable. You could feel the intensity and love between them in that moment.  It was like they never separated.
“And they say romance is dead.” Elijah
“I’ll take it.”-  Hayley
“You saved us, all of us.” – Hayley
“I guess Kol and Rebekah couldn’t contain there hunger.”- Elijah
“After all this time.”- Hayley
“Me too.” – Elijah
“How is Hope?”- Elijah
“She made me promise that I would get all her family back.” – Hayley
“Let’s go get him. “– Elijah
It was such an emotional filled reunion and so beautifully done. The words really couldn’t describe all the emotions they were feeling that moment. The first person he asks about after knowing Hayley was alright was Hope! He acknowledged “Me too.” (A subliminal “I Love you.”) I sure knew the fans were over the moon with anticipation of what’s to come and ahead for these two.
  Josh Sighting!
I’m so glad Josh is back, he brings so much comic relief to the show. Welcome back Josh! It’s long overdue!
  Vincent getting his groove back:
“Everyone has to stay in the quarter the next week.” – Vincent
I love how Vincent was looking out for his new witch girlfriend. Everyone needs companionship and love, you know! Josh’s one liners are always killers too.
“Maxine” Vincent
“She is into you.” – Josh
    Vincent/Klaus Anvil:
“Beware of the sleeping giant, when he wakes, the earth will shake.” – Vincent says to Klaus
It was the next scene that really hits you over the head. “Marcel fed you blood, I kept you in chains.” – Vincent (Confucius say: Another words even though he was a prisoner, Klaus shouldn’t be mad, eh, I don’t think so Vincent…) KLAUS SPEAK AGAIN: “I will escape and seek my own justice.” (I will hunt you down and murder you all!) OH BOY! Vincent went there. He played the Camille card! “I had a friend once, Cami, she was hell bent on proving me wrong.” (OH NO YOU DIDN’T! NO ONE BRINGS UP Klaus’ beloved Camille, NO ONE!)
  What Bad Dreams and Stephen King Movies are made of?
“Vincent, its Adam he never came home!” – Maxine
We see Adam walking down a long hall. He opens the door… He sees the ouroboros sign! (We see the bluish green lights in the circular motion moving!) Run Adam Run! Hope screams! We flash over to Mary. Who tells Hope “You’re safe, I’m not going anywhere.” (We’ve heard that in every horror movie EVER MADE!)
  I hope you enjoyed my recap. Until next time.
SOURCE/MANY THANKS: @DanielGilliesSource for Haylijah picture!
SOURCE/MANY THANKS: Klaus in chains, Freelin and Marcel and Klaus pic @CW!
SOURCE/MANY THANKS: Freelin picture @CW!
  The Originals (S04E01): “Gather Up The Killers” This was a magnificently written episode by Michael Narducci and co-written by Michael Russo. We get a little bit of everything in this episode, vampires rising!
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andreal831 · 10 months
Depiction of Jayley in The Great War
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This is going to have spoilers for my fic, The Great War, up to the most recent chapter 28 (both parts on WP). Do not read if you are not caught up.
I have not been shy that my fic has a haylijah endgame. If you follow me on anything, you know they are my favorite ship in the entire TVDU. I've also been fairly obvious with my feelings on Jackson in the show. That being said, I've also always prefaced conversations surrounding Jackson by saying most of my reasons for not liking Jackson are for lack of screen time and lack of development.
I started writing The Great War because I felt like most of the characters' development gets ruined at some point and I wanted to fix it. This includes for Jackson.
Many of you were surprised that I didn't have Jackson die by Tristan like he did in the show, but I felt like that was incredibly unfair to his character. It made his character's entire purpose just an obstacle for haylijah and when it wasn't needed anymore, they killed him off. I hated that they did it to Gia and I didn't want to do it to Jackson. Their characters deserved more than that.
I think Jackson had the potential to be a good complex character. We are watching a show where most of the characters are easily described as morally grey if not straight-up villains. Jackson's character should have been the opposite of that. We see in TVD the evil vamps are balanced out by Bonnie. We don't really have a good balance out in the first couple of seasons of TO, not until Vincent becomes a main character. I think Jackson was meant to be this character but Nathan Parsons had other projects going so he couldn't be in the show as much as he needed to be.
Nathan Parsons' schedule left me feeling like Jackson was an absentee character. He is really only present in the realm of the wolves, leaving Hayley to broker peace with the other factions by herself. He never felt like the alpha of the pack to me. He let Oliver take over the pack, let Klaus manipulate him, didn't even notice Aiden betraying him, didn't stop the witches from turning the kids, etc.
When I write, I try to keep the characters from the show in the back of my head. The two biggest moments I think of for Jackson that I feel define his character are:
One, when he didn't even check in on Hayley after she died and lost her baby. This was also while the pack was being taken over by the witches. I couldn't even wrap my head around how he just abandoned her and the pack. They needed to give him more of a backstory as to why he did that. Hayley had to go track him down and he made an offhanded comment about her death and the baby showing that he did know it happened. This is just poor writing, not even due to scheduling conflicts since there was already a time jump. They could have easily said Jackson had come to check on Hayley and she turned him away. It just felt like he had no interest in Hayley or Hope outside of what they could do for him and the pack.
Two, when Jackson threw a fit that no one was at Oliver's funeral. Oliver had betrayed the whole pack, was the reason Hayley's child was "dead," why Eve was dead, why the pack was under the control of witches, and why the pack had to send their children away. I wouldn't have been at the funeral either. He was mad at the pack for not showing up, but he hardly even showed up to save Oliver's life. Hayley, who again, lost her life and child because of Oliver, attempted to save his life on her own and tried to be there for him. Jackson couldn't even manage to thank her for the efforts she was making to the pack.
I have tried to keep the characters very similar to how they are depicted in the show and I've gotten some mixed reviews on the characterization of Jackson. I think I've kept him relatively similar to what we saw in the show. But I know everyone perceives characters differently. I personally didn't see him as a strong alpha or a great husband to Hayley. But I also didn't see Hayley as a great wife in return. Mainly because they were never meant to be romantic. The unification was a political arrangement that was forced to be romantic. They were also in their very early twenties at the time with little life experience. Hayley had been in and out of foster care, never seeing a healthy relationship. Jackson had spent his entire adult life as a wolf, never learning how to be an adult. Of course they struggled to communicate.
Jackson would have been such a neat character to explore how this all has impacted his growth. He essentially would have mentally been frozen at the age he turned into a wolf because of the Crescent curse. His backstory was completely missing. We don't know how he was turned, where his parents are, how he grew up, etc. A lot of the reasons people love Jackson are based on headcanon of his past or of how he treated people off screen (which is usually headcanon).
Some people have realized that I've been giving Jackson more of a backstory in my fic. Not a whole bunch because he's very much a side character. But even in the conversations with Hayley or Hayley's inner thoughts are meant to give Jackson much more understanding than the show offered.
I don't think he should be a hated character, there are much worse characters on the show. But at the same time, I always perceived him as a kind of entitled, immature character who needs a lot of development. So that's how he is being depicted at the moment in my story. But again, character development is possible for everyone.
I wanted to explain the reasoning for how Jayley and Jackson are depicted in my fic. I tried very hard to give them a better ending than the show, but I do think they needed to end and would have even if Jackson hadn't died. After all, I didn't think it was fair to either of them to be in a forced relationship.
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