#but he knows he’s gonna be taking that suit off Sebastian later
cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
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Same Chris, same.
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luna-rainbow · 6 months
Thanks for your answer for the last ask.
What is wrong with the writers of the new MCU material? Do they just hate Bucky, especially the writer of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier (he's NOT the Winter Soldier anymore!)? Did Bucky kick their cat or something? This hatred and victim blaming is not justified! "Oh Bucky's just a cray-cray psycho killing machine with cool metal arm but probably belongs in a padded cell. Lol he says he had no choice such a lame excuse..."
Soo…I don’t know if people still remember the rumours from back in 2021 and I don’t know how much of it is true, but my guess at it is this: there were supposed to be two main writers on the series. Spellman was supposed to take Sam’s story, while the other guy wrote Bucky’s story. For whatever reason, the other guy quit before he finished, and didn’t give the writing team enough time to put things together.
From a story craft point of view, Bucky’s story in TFATWS reeks of first-draft-ism. It’s a scattered plot of events that don’t quite string together, and a self-contradictory characterisation that hasn’t yet been smoothed over (but was made a little more believable by Sebastian’s efforts). You can tell some central character themes had been planted in the first draft — the PTSD, the guilt, the messy way he’s trying to relearn how to interact with people (Yori, Sam and later the Wakandans), the struggle with breaking free of his past. These were all strong, interesting character beats for Bucky to work through, and it honestly could have been a good story. And I think that’s when the original writer bailed.
When Spellman picked up this draft, he was pressed for time, he hadn’t watched CATWS and he never thought he’d needed to know about Bucky’s story, so he reads TheMovieSpoiler summary of the movie and tries to piece the rest of the story together. But Bucky’s not his priority nor his interest. There’s already beats of the story that were planned and have to be there for IP reasons. So beyond what was already in the first draft as mentioned above, Bucky is made to be the fall guy to make the rest of the plot happen. Zemo’s release — well we can’t make Sam help break out the criminal that killed an African king so we’ll make Bucky do it, who cares if it makes no sense for his character. The counselling session — the show’s few moments of levity, doesn’t matter that it makes no sense but hey, forced homoeroticism is hilarious, isn’t it? The Wakandan three-way fight — I may be remembering this wrong but I think Skogland said it was one of the first scenes that she had planned for. That fight had to happen, and again Bucky was made to provoke the Wakandans to the point Seb had to step in and say, almost literally, “he would not fucking say that” to make them wind back the animosity between Bucky and Ayo. Sam’s suit — oh no we can’t have Sam asking for it himself that would be too egocentric, we also can’t have Wakandans offering because well, not like the plot actually made Sam a strong ally for Wakanda, so we get Bucky asking for Sam’s suit to be made minutes after he fixes his mistake of releasing Zemo. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make sense if it’s Bucky doing it, cos I really think by this stage Spellman didn’t give a shit about a character that wasn’t supposed to be his responsibility in the first place. It’s like when you’re doing group project and your teammate bails on you, you’re gonna do just enough to get that pass but you ain’t putting in the effort for a distinction cos just looking at the unfinished work is pissing you off. So then Bucky also becomes the token white male who pushes all the wrong buttons during the few token racism scenes cos we gotta make Walker have some redeemable qualities and he’s already a dick so we can’t make him racist too.
So instead of having a thoughtful story about a veteran trying to grapple with his guilt and PTSD and lack of agency and making some mistakes along the way, you get a weird disjointed plot of some guy…with some bad dreams…who randomly does things for no good personal reason…who gets made the butt of the joke for the stuff he’s experienced cos he’s got a metal arm and super soldier serum how hard could it have been he just needs to go and apologise for killing people while simultaneously having multiple poignant scenes portraying his lack of agency.
Every writer who tells you “a hero is only as interesting as the villain” just secretly wants to write a simpable villain. And when that writer isn’t very skilled, you get the disaster of TFATWS where a lot of effort is spent on making Zemo funny and personable, and Walker nuanced and sympathetic, instead of making either of the titular heroes funny or personable or nuanced or sympathetic. And yeah, I really don’t think Spellman ever cared enough about Bucky to want to make him sympathetic…or a hero. Remember when he said Bucky pulling open the van door was the first time Bucky has ever been a hero? Fuck right off with that.
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You Can Always Learn
Ominis Gaunt x Reader
Summary - Anon request for "How about a private moment or two where Ominis says he doesn't understand the point in trying to dance since he can't see it anyway. So you decide to help him by getting as close as possible and having him follow your movements with his hands on your body as you move"
Word Count - 832
Warnings - none
The Yule ball was coming up and it gave Ominis a pit in his stomach. You deserved to go and enjoy the once in a lifetime opportunity. Not only would he not be able to appreciate your efforts into your appearance, but he feared he wouldn't be able to properly dance with you either.
He had been telling Sebastian to take you in his stead. He didn't want to embarrass you or himself, but he didn't think he could handle knowing Sebastian was taking his place all night.
That's how you found him in the Undercroft. He looked sad and distant.
You thought you could cheer him up by telling about the dress clothes shopping you had gotten done in Hogsmeade. You were so excited to describe everything you tried on to him, but your real selection you were planning on keeping a secret.
You took a seat next to him and grabbed his hands excitedly, "Ominis there were so many beautiful options. I looked really silly in the really extravagant ones. Surprisingly bright mustard yellow and ornate lace isn't for me," you teased. You frowned at the small smile he threw at you.
"What's wrong? I don't want to talk about myself while you're sad."
He sighed deeply and dropped his chin to his chest, "I don't know if I can go to the ball with you." His voice was soft and melancholy. It made your feel like it was about to break.
"What? What are you talking about?"
He turned his gaze to you and cupped your cheek, "Y/N. I won't be able to give the experience you deserve. You'll be stuck on the sidelines all night because of me. You deserve a spotlight in the middle of the floor."
You raised your eyebrows at him, placing your hand of his, "Ominis, is this because there's the coordinated dancing? I don't care about any of that. It wouldn't mean anything to be there without you."
"I don't want to be embarrassment. And I want you to shine like you always do wherever you go. Even if it's not dressed in yellow." You laughed at his sheepish expression.
"You could never embarrass me more than I already embarrass myself on a daily basis. I don't expect you to do anything you don't want to, including dancing if you're too nervous. But if you want to try we can practice down here."
For a moment he looked at you terrified, "I - I don't want you to see me looking stupid."
"Ominis. You won't look any worse than any of the other boys stepping on the professor's toes even as they stare right at them."
"Well, I would like to think that if I could see then that wouldn't happen."
"Then you're already the strides ahead of them all since you actually care."
You tugged at his arms to pull him up, "Come on, I'm not gonna make fun of you. I want to teach you so you can wipe that grim look off of your face. You're too pretty it doesn't suit you." You pinched his cheek and grinned at him turning pink.
You led him to an area of the room that had the most open space.
"Okay, so if you want to put both of your hands on my hips to help feel the movement that's okay. I think your hands are the easiest part to figure out later."
He grabbed you firmly where your hips met your thigh, rubbing gentle circle with his thumb as he pulled you much closer. The proximity and determined look on his face took your breath away.
You bite your lip and tell him you love him which makes him smile.
"I'm not a professional here, but I've watched everyone else so I think I have a good enough idea to teach you. I'll start out really slow and count for you, so if you can try to follow where my foot is going, maybe by keeping your toes on mine you can feel the directions."
He nodded, looking down completely focused. You started to count, with no particular rhythm, but to help him get the hang of the movements themselves.
You were surprised at how easy he seemed to pick it up, how natural it felt with him. It was way better than the practice partner you had been stuck with. You started to count and hum the music between steps, easing in to a comfortable loop with Ominis.
You had kept your eyes on the steps, hyper-focused on making sure you were doing it correctly yourself until you looked up and saw a peaceful expression on his face.
He leaned his forehead into yours and place met your lips in a tender kiss. He massaged his fingers into our hips while he slid his other hand up your side and down your arm before pulling your hand off of his shoulder into into his own.
"Maybe this won't be so bad."
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sebastianstansqueen · 2 years
Something angsty maybe?
I love your writing btw and the love for Sebastian stan just makes me want to be your friend haha
Title: If This Is What It Takes
A/N: I'm back! also I hope you like it, there more comedy than angst sorry! Also as always, Like, comment and reblog are always welcome! Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.  
Wordcount:  1,486
Warnings: Angst, fluff, mean, Bucky being slightly a creep.
Masterlist //  Tagglists 
Taglist: @cherryblossomsky - @babylooneytoonzz - @wonderlandfandomkingdom - @miraclesoflove - @amelia-song-pond - @leyannrae - @avengerlex - @pineprincess - @nik2writes - @dorothea-hwldr - @rosie-posie08 - @scxrletrecsmarvel - @chrisevansismysworld
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You had worked in the same bar for the past five years seeing the same people come in and out, and you haven't met the boss yet, but from what you heard he was dangerous, but that also could have just been the buzz. You were working one night, just trying to get through another shift without having someone grope you. You were cleaning a cup, when a man in a nice suit came up and sat down, he ordered his drink and you made it, and handed it to him, you could feel his eyes on you, and you didn’t like it so you said something. “Gonna pay extra for looking?” You asked the man, the other girl behind the bar with you stopped what she was doing and looked at you with wide eyes. 
“What?” He asked with a deep gruff voice, deep with offense. 
You folded your arms and looked him up and down. “Are you going to pay extra for taking a longer look than needed?” You spoke slowly as to demeanor him. 
“You know who I am right?” He hissed. 
“Yeah, boss, I just don’t care for asshols who don’t know how to stop looking or touching.” You answered, the only person that would come to this bar in that nice of a suit would be him or one of his men. “And what kind of man Karen.” You scoffed. 
A smirk grew on Bucky’s lips as you argued with him, never had a woman told him to pay her for looking at her so to say the least this intrigued him. Then another man came in. He had shorter hair than Bucky and his hair was blond. The man whispered something into your boss's ear. “As entertaining as this is, I have business to deal with, Y/n.” He spoke your name, not even having met you he knew your name, and a wave of something hit you, and you weren’t sure if it was fear.
For the next few months leading to a year you and Bucky would have similar batter, both of you couldn’t stand one another but there was an underlying lust between the two of you as you would argue. One night was different, however, because that night Bucky told you that you needed to accompany him to a business thing since he needed a date, so you got work off rent free. He had gotten you a beautiful gown, that was green and gold, in some light it looks blue too,  and some other things to go with the stunning dress, along with a hair and make-up stylist. 
You didn’t think that, a year ago, calling this man out for looking at you for too long would lead you to going to a party that you a hundred percent didn’t fit in at. “You like the dress?” Bucky asked when he had picked you up.
“Yeah, it’s nice I guess.” You couldn’t hold the joke for long. It was a beautiful dress, and you thanked him for it genuinely. 
Through the night when you and Bucky did your same bantering, which made the night even better. 
A few days later Bucky walked into the club getting a drink. Most of the other bar tenders wouldn’t serve him because they knew he came for you, but another worker came up tonight. “Is she not in tonight?” He asked with furrowed brows, maybe he didn’t see it right when looking at the schedule. 
“She never came in Mr. Barnes.” The worker answered. 
That morning you had taken a shower right when you got up, then what to eat cereal, while watching T.V. when a knock sounded at your door your brows furrowed, when you opened it a man who had short dark brown hair and dark almost black eyes was on the other side. “Hi.” He smiled before my mouth and nose had a cloth over both of them, and the world went black. 
Your head lulled to the side, your eyes opened, you were met with a pitch black room. You tugged your arms, finding them tied down to a chair. “Y/n Y/l/n.” The lights flicked on, and you saw the same man, you didn’t understand how he knew your name. “I can tell that you're confused. I’m Brock, and how I know you, I saw you at that lovely party the other night, with Barnes.”
“Look I and Mr. Barnes aren’t close, we argue and he just asked me to go to that party, we’re not really friends.” You scoffed, looking at the man. 
“Hmm, are you sure that's how he feels, because what I saw with him that night wasn’t just someone he argues with.” He told you. Did Bucky actually find you attractive? Were you attracted to Bucky? Oh god you are, you are actually in love with him. “Exactly.” Brock laughed. 
Immediately after hearing you hadn’t gone in at all at work that day Bucky knew you were in danger, he headed to your apartment, he got out of his car, he got into the elevator and called the man on watch for that morning, he had stationed people outside your apartment.  “Did you see anything suspicious?” Bucky asked the man. 
“No, sir I didn’t, I didn’t get there till nine because of an emergency that I got caught up on.” The man rushed out, which meant that there was a three hour gap for you to have been grabbed. 
Bucky hung up and threw his phone at the wall in anger, he headed to the apartment that was yours, he knocked but there had been no reply, so he tried the knob, where the door opened, he walked in, looking in each room. “Fuck!” Bucky yelled, he went to the counter to calm himself down, when there was a note. ‘Docs tonight come alone, I know what she means to you - Brock’ Bucky cumbled the paper, he sped to his house to collect as many men he could, he couldn’t let anything happen to you. 
“Buck, are you sure about all of this for her?” Steve asked. 
Bucky looked at his closest friend. “Yes I am Steve, I don’t think you can understand how I feel for her.”
“Then let's get her.” Steve said before getting into a large SUV that Bucky would drive so as to make it seem he was alone, they took secret roads to the docs, his car the only one with headlights so it looked like it was only him. 
He got out as did Rumlow, pulling you along with him, from afar Bucky could tell Rumlow had beat the shit out of you, to put it bluntly. “Pretty dapper for a meeting that could end my life.” You smirk saying as you would have if you were at the bar right now, it sounded slightly slurred and less confident, Bucky could tell Rumlow gave you something. 
Bucky kept his cool calculating demeanor, but said. “You look like shit.” That made you laugh a lot. “What the hell did you give her, Rumlow.”
“It won't kill her, it just makes her loopy, it is however just below an overdose point.” He explained. 
“What do you want?” Bucky asked from afar. 
“What you have, all of it, your business, houses, hell even your money all of it for her.” Brock had a lengthy ransom, but if Bucky had come alone he would have done it for you, giving Brock every last cent he had in his wallet, to the man just for you. 
“Where are the papers?” Bucky asked. 
“Right this way.” Brock pointed to a small shack, Bucky was about to walk but Brock stopped to talk to you. “Barnes, you get her after.”
Bucky nodded, Brock seemed to have come alone, Bucky looked in the direction of his car, and nodded. 
When Brock and Bucky walked in the shack you stood by the car, waiting, as you did the blond man walked up along with multiple others, but just as they appeared so did Brocks. “Fuck.” Steve hissed, grabbing you and running to the SUV. 
“What about Bucky?” You asked. 
“He’ll be fine.” Steve sighed as he sped away.
Brock smirked when he heard the guns start going off. “I see we both didn’t keep our promises.” 
“Yeah, your laughable Rumlow.” Bucky hissed, as he pulled out his gun.
You walked around the living room of Bucky’s house, while a movie played, whatever Brock gave you made you just want to move so you just paced around. Soon the door opened, you looked and found Bucky. “Thank god.” He sighed in relief, he walked up and hugged you. 
“If this is what it takes for us to admit we have feelings for each other, what's it going to be like when we get married?” You smirked. Bucky laughed, shaking his head. 
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ih3artryujin · 1 year
short (and first) Gojo fic !!
synopsis: i’m still deciding !! but i’m writing this in a novela style, yk the one !! this is just a little snippet of what i hope becomes a series !! i’m still deciding on a name, but once i decide on one i’ll make it a tag so that in case people wanna read this more and find it easily, they’ll find it through the tag !! honestly there have been no good novelas rn, i’m gonna have to take matters into my own hands 🤦🤦🤦
warnings: none !! 
includes: f! reader, teen Gojo, Quinceañeras (it’s the reader’s Quince and Gojo es el chambelán de honor 😈😈😈), i think that will be all ! also i’m sorry but i do not know batshit abt slow dancing, the one i had was literally made up on whim on the day of my quince 😭😭😭 not proof read !! this is also my first time writing and posting, please give me a few tips if you have any !!
listen to: Vals Del Amor by Joan Sebastian !!
the music booms on the dj’s speakers as they call out both you and Satoru’s name . Satoru gets up before you and fixes his suit, tugging at it from the bottom of the suit jacket and from the sleeves, making sure no wrinkles are seen later on when you watch your movie . he turns to you with a smile and offers his hand out to you, ever the gentleman . 
you take his hand and get up from your seat quickly, pushing your throne back in a messy way and following him onto the dance floor . honestly ? you’ve been practicing for months, yet you’re still nervous . you feel guilty for the way your hands are clamming up on Satoru’s, and you feel your heartbeat beating in your ears as you get into position . the months of practice every thursdays and fridays never once got you used to Satoru’s firm grip on your waist or the way your hand lays on his so gently . with shaky hands, you put your free hand on his shoulder . you both starts swaying slowly before la canción del Vals starts: Vals Del Amor by Joan Sebastian .
“don’t be nervous, we’ve been practicing so hard just for this moment,” he leans forward and whispers into your ear and leans back again with a slight chuckle, “besides, if we mess up nobody will really know . remember it was only you and me practicing any of these dances.” 
“you’re right you’re right, it’s just,” you exhale softly and look around el salón slightly, “there’s so many people here . yk i’ve never really been good with crowds, Satoru .” the song starts abruptly, making you tighten your jaw out of nervousness .
“don’t worry, i’ve got you right now. nothing is gonna happen while i got you right here with me, yeah ?”
“yeah, you’re right .”
“good . just act natural, remember i’ve got you,” he whispers as you both take the first steps of your perfected choreography, which the both of you have put together based off of Disney dances and others from many different movies . he leads you, and you both take two elegant steps to the left, spin, two steps, spin, two steps, spin . your dress isn’t heavy, so it looks beautiful when you twirl . you look beautiful when you twirl . once Satoru has you facing him again he places both hands on your waist, you wrapping yours around his neck, and starts to softly sing the lyrics into your ear as you sway.
“muñequita, te miras preciosa,” he whispers to you, humming along to the rest . you feel your face start to heat up . everything about this is so overwhelming: you can feel your parents stare a hole through your skull, you can hear the whistles and shouts of every guest, you can feel the speakers making the song boom all the way to your heart, along with your rapid heartbeat . 
so overwhelming, yet so beautiful too .
because suddenly you wouldn’t want to exist any other way . not in any other time, not in any other universe . not with anybody else . not anywhere where Satoru wouldn’t be . you get the realization that existing, and existing with him is beautiful . the way heat blossoms in your chest, the way it falls and rises alongside with Satoru’s own heartbeat, the way he’s humming in your ear and holding you so gently . his voice has never been clearer or louder enough before . even in a room full of loudness and chaos, he’s the only one who is crystal clear to you .
your first and last one and only true love .
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 164.2/310
2015 US GP
Part 2 of the US GP review : the podium and the postrace interviews.
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On the podium, Lewis seems very happy. I don't know why but it's not sinking in for me? It seems like any other win lol. Lewis signs himself.
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Then he touch Seb’s back as always, puts a hand on Nico's shoulder and says a few words to him. Nico is not even trying to not look utterly pissed. I can't blame him.
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Seb doesn't even have time to set down his trophy before Lewis starts spraying him with champagne. 
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Paddy pours Nico's champagne down his race suit while Nico turns his back to the crowd and looks down.
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It doesn't spoil Lewis' mood though. He's ecstatic now!
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Sir Elton John is leading the interviews, weirdly. He's wearing a black and gold Adidas tracksuit which is. A choice. For a podium. Lewis says he can't believe he's here. "It's Elton John !"
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He thanks the crowd for being here and standing in the rain, he hopes they put on a good show for them today. He can't find the right words to say how it feels. He couldn't have done it without this team that really took him on board. "I love you guys, thank you so much for everything you do for me." And to his family at home, they're watching. And teamLH, "Still I rise." 
Nico is laconic. He's very disappointed, he doesn't know what happened. He thanks the crowd as well. He reiterates he’s disappointed. No word about Lewis, who's talking with Seb.
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Seb started 14th and finished 3rd. He says being that fast gives him hope for what's to come. But it doesn't feel great when you cross the line and know you can't fight for the championship anymore. He congratulates Lewis who's done a superb job all year, congratulations to his team, but they're getting close and hopefully they can fight them next year.
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"And Lewis, celebrations tonight?" Elton John says. "Are you throwing a party?" he answers. "I'm gonna party, I'm playing tonight later…" – "I'm gonna be there," Lewis says. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." 
The crowd chants his name until he lifts off his trophy to them. Lewis, Paddy and Elton take a photo together.
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Niki says it's very good they have another 3 times world champion. "Can't complain!" He says it was the best race ever to watch. Ted says he must have thought at some point it wouldn't get done today or even maybe that they wouldn't win the race. He says he was most worried about Seb passing Nico and the whole thing being delayed. Everybody did a very good job, the whole team, which is the most important. What does he think of Lewis' achievement? Does he think he can get better from there? "No, he's only as good as I am, " he says, deadpan. Then he laughs. "I'm joking. Three world championships! He will get better and win more, I don't worry !" 
Toto is very happy as well. They're blasting music in the garage. He says Lewis deserves the title for sure, he was brilliant in his driving, he also was lucky the car didn't let him down this season. Nico was a little bit less lucky. It was a bit of a difficult one today for Nico so they need to build him up again over the next couple of days but next year, new rules, and he'll give it another go. Simon is handed the trophy. He says he hasn't had a word with Nico yet. They need to keep the balance right within the team "so it's always between headteacher, psychologist, father, brother, team boss." Simon asks why they didn't pit Lewis during that second safety car. He says it's because they would have had to stack them which means losing time. They weren't sure if it was the right call. There were a lot of marginal calls during the race. Simon asks if he has a message for the people back in the factories. Toto sets down his glass of champagne, grabs the trophy, and says "Yes I have a message, this is yours, you've won it!" 
We see the F1 world champions standings. It goes like this at this point :
Michael Schumacher 7
Juan Manuel Fangio 5
Alain prost 4
Sebastian Vettel 4
Jack Brabham (literally never heard his name before?!) 3
Jackie Stewart 3
Niki Lauda 3
Nelson Piquet 3
Ayrton Senna 3
Lewis Hamilton 3
Simon says "Of course the great, the legendary Michael Schumacher still way out in front… But then again, Lewis AND Sebastian Vettel have got plenty more years in them yet." Indeed. 
Lewis was asked if it was a dream come true in his press conference. He says he's overwhelmed at the moment. His first British championship, his dad and he drove home singing "we are the champions". He says he owes it all to his dad and family who supported him all these years and sacrificed so much for him to be here, and the positive energy he gets from his fans. He realises that while he gets to enjoy driving a Formula 1 it's really a platform he can use to inspire young people and he hopes that they got from today to never give up on their dreams and hopes and to keep working at it. There were many points he thought he'd lost the race but not for one second he believed he couldn't do it. Nico drove a fantastic race, he's been driving fantastically well. "So mad respect for him as my teammate." He calls it a humbling experience especially to equal Ayrton Senna who meant so much to him and still does today. He smiles. He feels very very blessed. 
While they start asking questions to Nico, Lewis hides his eyes behind his hand. He's emotional.
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Then he says something to Seb with a smile but Seb barely reacts.
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Nico says he got wheelspin which never ever happened to him before even in testing (that’s not true they complained of it several times during starts). They need to look into it later but it was obviously really really tough to lose the lead and the win like that, because he was feeling really good at that point. "And turn one… Yeah for sure was very aggressive… Pfff…" He's literally pouting and sulking. "What am I gonna say you know? You've seen it again, I haven't seen it you know so how the hell– I can't comment yet. I need to see it as always. You know for sure it was extremely aggressive. We hit each other. Well I would say Lewis came into me. So… Obviously that's not good but." The camera pans out to a larger angle. Lewis is frozen beside him with a poker face. Seb is frowning. 
Back to the broadcast, Paddy is wearing a world champion shirt and a Pirelli cowboy hat. "I'm not built to Texas scale," he jokes as he demonstrates the hat being way too big for his head. Paddy says it means a lot to him personally because he's worked with Lewis throughout his career and he's been there for his three championships. He's not trying to claim any credit because it's a huge team working for it. 
Hill picks up on him saying Nico and Lewis are a good pairing for a team. He asks what Nico brings that makes him work well with Lewis in that aspect. Paddy says it's because they have such different characters but are equally able to get the very best out of the car and push each other. He says it's underestimated how important of a factor that is in a team. The two drivers pull each other up on a bad day, because every driver has a bad day, and they need a reference from the other side of the garage. It's fantastic having these two guys because they're both really top of their game. He doesn't think Lewis could have gotten where he's gotten in the last two years without Nico on the other side of the garage. That's a genuinely interesting point of view. 
They show him the start and when they touched. Paddy says although he didn't study it in detail, Lewis came on the radio and said he didn't mean to do that. He still calls it a tough manoeuvre to throw on a teammate, legal or not, and he suspects he had way less grip than he needed. 
Then they ask him why they didn't pit him. He says the right call was to pit during the VSC and they did so with the leading car. Stacking the cars would have caused issues to the second car which is why they didn't pit Lewis. They agree Kvyat crashing was a turning point and the race might have gone differently if he hadn't, although Nico really lost when he went wide. 
He says it's a tough day for Nico, but he'll bounce back. Johnny also asks if he thinks we've seen the best of Lewis Hamilton (l-m-a-o) and Paddy says with much nuance "we're seeing the best" and then he adds "as we go on." He further explains that that year was his best performance but who knows where the limit is, because he might do even better the next year. Hill asks about Lewis getting more comfortable with the team. Paddy says he thinks getting a second title the previous year he "became much more at home with himself" and relaxed into the job.
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Oh and we're actually gonna hear more from Lewis! He says he feels very relaxed right now, overdue a drink with the team, but he's buzzing and has a hard time putting it into words.
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He says it's the greatest feeling he's felt in his life. He can't believe it and it was such a fun race! He describes it, ups and downs, Nico being 10 seconds ahead at some point and then he came back with strength. He says he never gave up. He talks straight to the camera. He hopes he made his mom proud, his dad, Linda, Nick, his sisters, his aunties, all his family, team LH, he hopes he made them all proud and he loves them all and is thankful for all the support all these years.
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He reiterates there wasn't one second of the race he didn't believe he couldn't do it. He's interrupted by some woman to whom he smiles wide and who comes to kiss him on the cheek.
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"From one three world champion to another three world champion (sic)", she says. I think it's Jackie Stewart's wife? She tells him well done and he thanks her and says it's good to see her. 
Rachel asks Lewis what Jackie Stewart told him. Lewis says firstly it was great to have him come over and he's such a great champion. It's a great feeling being congratulated by him. He said he remembered how it felt for him and it must be doubly great for him. Lewis says he doesn't know why he said that but he doesn't think anyone can feel as good as he does right now. "I just wanna dance, but I can't!" he chuckles.
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Lmaoooo Lewis please. Grow up. She asks him such a great question and he gets so defensive. "You've been pushed by your teammate, how much of your success can you put down to having someone who challenges you so much in the same team?" He stops smiling.
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He stutters. He says it's a difficult question. He doesn't think it's a large chunk of it. "It's really down to my guys, my group, the whole team obviously working together and myself as a driver, it's just work that I do on my own," he continues to stutter. "I never really leant on someone else to pull me along the way, you know, I just had to try and find it myself." And that's really what he had to do today, he says, and he gets back to the race and changes subject. He really had to improve his own driving while he was out there (I just wanna note here that along the way this year he got into the habit of saying whilst instead of while and it throws me off everytime it sounds so weird.) to be able to compete with Nico. He was destabilised by the question at first but he's found his footing again now as he’s answering so he says of course it's great to have a teammate that's pushing and helping the development of the car. 
Rachel says "please tell me you're not gonna celebrate with just watermelon juice tonight like you did last year?"
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He shakes his head. "Definitely not. No, definitely– lots of change… Tequila tonight." – "Enjoy!" she answers.
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He laughs, thanks her, and moves on. 
It's hilarious hearing them talk about how great and important he is to British sports with all that came after and the smear campaigns basically. They say Bernie himself thinks he's a great champion and so proactive and all that. 
Jackie Stewart gets there. He says he's so happy he was there and Lewis is so happy, justly so. He drove a good hard race. Jackie Stewart says he knew he'd never race again when he won his third, unlike Lewis who's looking forward to being able to win more titles. He's got a lot of years ahead of him and he's got every opportunity to win four or five (lol, or six or seven?). Simon asks if he thinks it's possible, in the current car, how long can they continue. Stewart chuckles. "It could be five or six!" (here ya go!) Mercedes is so superior right now, the engine, the chassis, the engineering talent they have, it's outstanding. Seb won 4 titles back to back and that's the type of things you can do when you have that superiority. Johnny says we've seen Lewis' talent grow and grow and grow, I don't understand his question. He says Stewart was critical of F1 and drivers needing a hand and asks if he would help him out. I don't get it. Stewart says he couldn't help him out because his days are passed. Funnily enough he thinks driving-wise it doesn't change, he says. He says all the great drivers of the past people love to bring up had the same way of driving, he cites a bunch of them and he says Lewis can go ahead and do it that way. You're always learning and the older you get the more you learn and the more you can adapt to some of the idiosyncrasies that you would have previously wrestled with. (Ahhhh! He's so right! We’ve seen it happen with Lewis!) You learn how to put them aside and go around them rather than fight them. He thinks Lewis is now at that point when before he was fighting them (YES ABSOLUTELY JACKIE!) and the three men standing there all say yes. Now he could mature a little bit maybe by being more confident, given he has won three titles and you don't need to race hard all the time to win (I don't think he knows how to race any other way than hard though lol). Johnny asks him if it excites him to see him on track because it excites him because he's always on. Stewart says he is exciting to watch whereas Prost wasn't exciting to watch because he was so smooth and clean. He adored the way he drove, just like Jim Clarke (he rambles about them a bit). Simon says everybody would like to see Ferrari on par with Mercedes in 2016. He asks if we put Seb and Lewis in a Mercedes, who does he bet on? Stewart says he thinks three teams are completely capable if they get it right : Ferrari, RedBull, and Mercedes. They have more money and resources than the others. (He rambles again, old man.) He says drivers like Sebastian Vettel and Lewis are so well placed within these teams, and he also cites Alonso who he says has one of the best heads in Formula 1 (All I can think of is : “How's your head? Never had any complaints.”). He thinks they all can win a lot of races. Simon asks again : in a straight fight, Seb against Lewis? He makes a face. He thinks right now Lewis is the fastest driver in F1. Johnny backs him up, "absolutely". 
Seb is disappointed to have lost the title. But it was a very good race and the car was good, even in mixed conditions. He says he's not predicting "I don't have…" he gets a demented smirk, "you're a woman so I have to be careful but…" she chuckles, he smiles more. "I have balls but I don't have a crystal one." He says he doesn't wanna know the future, he knows they're working very hard, but first they have to finish this season in style. She says Lewis said he wants a battle with him next year. You can see him swallow and then smile. Istg. He says of course he's keen on that if it goes the other way around. 
Nico. She asks him first about the start but he says no he'd rather talk about other things first if it's okay. He talks about his mistake. He says again it never happened before and it was weird. He's really confused about it. The race was his. He finally congratulates Lewis and says he deserved to win the WDC. He's had a great season and drove well and he was consistent. And finally, turn one. He says it didn't have a big impact on the race because he was able to get back in the lead (that's true). He says he just looked at it and he was ahead mid corner and so he had a right to the track. So Lewis was too aggressive, took it one step too far. That's not okay. She asks if he told him that. He says no, because he just saw it now. They haven't spoken. He says apart from his mistake it was an awesome race, all over the place, great battles. She asks if he realises the cap Lewis threw him was just his (girl you're brave). "On the podium? Oh you mean in the room…" He says it was nothing. "It's just our typical games." (!!!) He sniffs. She asks if he has the stomach to try again next year. He says he's not thinking about next year, he's trying to digest today.
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rogersevans · 3 years
Asking Her
Pairings: Chris Evans x Downey!Reader
Warnings: Explicit, swearing, drinking
Summary: After 20 years of knowing each other, buzzed on each other and alcohol, Chris has an important question for Y/n Downey. a part of the evans’ series.
notes: i know tony doesn’t have two daughters in the films or comics- he doesn’t even have one in the comics, so don’t come for me.
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“You’re insufferable, you know that right?” Chris asked, already knowing the answer.  
Of course, Y/n knew that, she was Robert Downey Jr’s daughter after all, it was in her blood to be insufferable, annoying, cocky, everything her father was, much to her mother’s dismay. 
The shot of Tony’s funeral was being filmed currently and Y/n thought it would be hilarious to make nosies stood behind Evans, everyone else found it funny, especially Tom Holland and Chris Hemsworth.
Chris normally wasn’t one for taking pranks or jokes on set too serious, but he was tired and they had been filming for twelve hours, this was the last scene of the day and Y/n was dragging it out. 
If it wasn’t the noises, it was laughing during takes, don’t get me wrong Y/n took her job very seriously and this wasn’t her first introduction into the MCU. 
But sad or emotional scenes made her nervous, it was like a knee jerk reaction that she couldn’t stop. Chris knew this, after knowing her for almost twenty years and having done seven other movies with her, but he was losing his patience.
Y/n had been involved with two other Marvel films in the past, which fans had picked up on quickly, liking the idea of Tony having an older daughter from his playboy days. So, Marvel approached her with the idea of joining forces with Sebastian and Anthony in The Falcon and The Winter Solider as well as working with Tom Holland in Far From Home.
Without thinking, Y/n accepted straight away.  
Her character was to work alongside Happy, helping to train Peter in combat and suits and look after him in Far From Home. In TFATWS, her character had to convince Sam to become the new Captain America after he gave up the shield, whilst learning to get along with Bucky. 
“Oh, c’mon Captain, loosen up a little.” Y/n rolled her eyes, everyone around them settling down. She flashed him her best smile, trying to win him over, knowing it would work.  
Without word he just turned back to face the lake, a small smile on his lips. “The timing was perfect.” He mumbled, low enough for only her to hear, making her beam ear to ear.  
Chris always had a soft spot for Y/n Downey from the moment he met her, her being five years his junior and her only being 15 when they met, didn’t help. Twelve years later though those feelings had completely changed when they worked alongside one another in the film What’s Your Number?
He had become infatuated with her. It was like a switch had been flipped on that he didn’t know he had. At first, he would tell himself that the feelings weren’t real, getting too into the role of playing her love interest. But after an incident during the press tour, he knew that wasn’t true.  
“So, you guys play love interests in the movie... Have you guys ever dated?” The interviewer asked them both, shocking them at first.  
“What? Us?” Chris stuttered as he answered, pointing between the pair of them, watching as the interviewer nodded. “We haven’t-”
“He friend zoned me!” Y/n interjected, “we met when I was 15 and he was 20, he would call me kid.” Her face scrunching up, showing her disapproval of the nickname.
“Hey, whoa there!” Chris stopped you, laughing at your comment. “That’s... True. But!” He rushed to finish his sentence, making sure you didn’t cut him off again. “Every pass I’ve ever made at you since, you’ve swerved off!” Smiling down at her, which she reciprocated. 
“So, you have made a move?” The woman asked Chris, finding herself becoming immersed in the connection they both shared, unknowingly.  
“Yeah, apparently it’s never gonna happen!” Chirs rolled his eyes dramatically, thumbing at Y/n over his shoulder.  
Both of them laughing the question off, but Y/n noticed how his arm rested on the back of her chair, his fingers dancing on her shoulder without catching the interviewer's attention.  
It had left goosebumps over her entire body and Chris could’ve sworn he felt a jolt of electricity surge through his entire body from that single touch.
“I could see it.” The interviewer stated, pointing between the pair.
A blush had started to grow over Y/n’s cheeks, becoming uncomfortable with the topic of conversation, but Chris just thankfully laughed it off, his arm still around the back of her chair, sensing her shift in mood he swiftly changed the subject.  
Something Y/n couldn’t stop thanking him for after. 
The offence in Y/n’s voice during that conversation and the sensation he felt after touching her like that made Chris’ mind wonder. The little touches and glances that happened for the rest of the press tour didn’t help, his infatuation growing with each day until he admitted to himself that he liked her.
At the time Chris was dating Dianna Agron, so he didn’t pursue anything respecting his relationship, plus you were the daughter of Robert Downey Jr, that shit was intimidating, even more so since he became Iron Man.  
Their paths crossed once again on the set of Avengers: Age of Ultron, this time it was Y/n who was in the relationship with none other than Aaron Taylor-Johnson, so when those feelings came rushing back to him, he couldn’t do anything about it. 
Not to mention her dad always being less than ten feet away was a mood killer.
Y/n had always been the ‘what if’ person in his life, a feeling he couldn’t shake, no matter how hard he tried, never catching each other at the right time. 
“Cut!” Joe shouted, disturbing Chris’ thoughts. “John and Lexi, let’s move onto your scene.” With that instruction everyone started leaving the area.
Y/n followed everyone, grabbing a bottle of water. “Nice.” Was all Robert said, taking his daughter into his arms, giving her a quick hug. But she didn’t know if he was referring to her antics or her acting, maybe both?
The day Y/n told Robert she wanted to take after him, was probably one of the best day of his life. No matter how much he denies it, he jumped for joy, he felt Y/n had a talent that needed to be flaunted and he wasn’t wrong, after her first appearance in the MCU she started to receive more movie offers and started establishing a name for herself, other than RDJ’s daughter.
“Who’s coming to the meal Friday night?” Evans asked, looking around at the show of hands until his eyes fell on Y/n, who hadn’t raised her hand, letting his face fall slightly. “You not coming?!” He asked, offended.
“I don’t know...” Sure, Y/n was a smart ass, quick witted and stunningly beautiful but also suffered with social anxiety, so clubbing and bars weren’t really her thing.  
“C’mon! It’s our last day shooting...” He eyed her, waiting for a response and she opened her mouth to give him one but he stopped her before she could, probably going to protest anyway. “My last day as Captain America/Steve Rogers.” He reminded her, using his best puppy dog eyes act.  
Y/n felt her dads, Tom, Hemsworth’s and Lizzie’s eyes on her, not being able to gauge her response. “... Fine, one drink!” She couldn’t help but smile as she watched Chris throw his arms up in triumph.  
She could never say no to his big blues.
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“I’ll ride with you so you won’t be arriving on your own, it will be fine.” Lizzie’s voice chimed through the phone her voice filling Y/n’s hotel room, putting her on speaker as she finished getting ready. Shooting had finished today and everyone practically ran back to the hotel to get ready, never passing up the opportunity to go out as a group. “I’m sure Chris will be happy to see you.”  
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Y/n asked at the same time Lizzie was finishing the statement.
“Just that.” Was all she said, the cogs working overtime in Y/n’s brain, when there wasn’t a response Lizzie sighed before continuing. “He likes you, like head over heels, ‘I must have you now’, type of thing.”  
Y/n stood there shocked, not knowing how to respond. That can’t be true, the anxiety of the night now leaving her but being replaced with a new level of anxiety... Of seeing Chris.  
“Y/n, you there?” Silence. “Y/n!?” She shouted through the speaker, pulling Y/n out of her own head.  
“Sorry, here.”  
“Let me in.” Then a couple of knocks shortly followed.  
“You’re lying,” she greets her best friend when she opened the door.  
“That how you answer all your doors?” She smirked walking past Y/n and into her room, ignoring her statement. “Chuck your shoes on, we’re late!” Ushering her back into the room, Y/n still in a confused daze.  
Handing Y/n her shoes and checking the time on her phone, her eyes doubled in size at the time. “Shit. We were supposed to be there 15 minutes ago!” Grabbing her hand after she slipped her shoes on.  
Y/n’s mind was racing. Chris couldn’t like her, right? That’s crazy! They’d been friends for twenty years, he met her when she was fifteen...
Did he like me then!?
Nope, no, don’t want to go down that road. Y/n thought.
Sure, it was something that she had thought about, more than she’d like to admit, when you play someone’s love interest in more than one film your mind can start to wonder. It’s starts off small by noticing how great he looked in one scene, or how amazing he smelt in another, to craving the small, but yet affectionate touch he made during the junket, over and over again.  
But Y/n convinced herself it was because she’d been around Chris every day, in-between filming and press tours.  
Casting her mind to all the times Chris had stayed present in her life, even after filming, they would text every other day or he would call her once every two weeks to be kept updated on her life, the memories made her all warm inside-
Did she like him back?
“Earth to Y/n!” Lizzie interrupted her thoughts, thankfully because they were starting to make her dizzy with how manic they were. “We’re here.” Thumbing to the restaurant over her shoulder, Y/n hadn’t even noticed they’d made it out of the hotel and into a car.  
That’s when she saw him over Lizzie’s shoulder, he looked amazing.  
Dressed in a black, loose fitting sweater, blue denim jeans and a emerald green jacket draped over his arm.
Fuck, has he always looked this good? She thought, biting her bottom lip.
The cold breeze brought Y/n back to reality, seeing Lizzie stood on the pavement, her arms wrapped around herself to keep her warm, cursing her decision on wearing her pink dress and black leather jacket.  
“Stop checking him out, I’m hungry.” She grumbled, turning on her heels and heading towards the entrance, with Y/n stumbling out of the car to hurry by her side, giving her outfit a once over. Black ankle heeled boots, black skinny jeans, black turtleneck top and finishing the look with a caramel, sleeveless, knee length duster jacket.  
“You look fantastic, c’mon!” Lizzie called, pulling her in not letting Y/n overthink or back out.  
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Everyone was having an amazing time, the meal was long forgotten about, the focus now on drinks and everyone was slowly losing count of how many they’d consumed. Y/n had felt herself instantly relax being in the company of her family and friends, Chris took it upon his self to sit next to her and Lizzie on her left.
Y/n watched as the group reminisced over the past ten years, all of them laughing at her father’s stories or Tom Hiddleston’s impressions of each individual cast member, Evans’s being Y/n’s favourite impression of his because of how accurate it was.
Leaning back in her chair, her eyes fell onto Chris as he was leaning forward laughing at something Sebastian had said, taking the quiet minute to admire him, how his hair was perfectly styled, or how stubble had started to grow back, knowing he wanted his beard back, she also couldn’t help but admire the sound of his laugh-
“You’re staring.” Lizzie whispered to her, bringing her back.
Y/n looked at Lizzie and Paul, who was seated next to Lizzie, both of them smirking. Trying to avoid their gaze she leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table trying to focus on the conversation.  
“You, ok?” Chris suddenly asked quietly so only she could hear.
It was like someone was burning holes in the sweater he was wearing, he could feel her staring at him, his own anxiety starting to play on his mind, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable he kept his attention on the conversation, but that’s when he heard Lizzie whisper.
So, he turned his head to face her once she leaned forward, her cheeks were flushed and her hair had been messed with. Something she does when she’s nervous. Chris noted mentally. He had now folded his arms on the table and leaned in closer towards Y/n.
“Yeah, a little too much wine.” Y/n lied. She was never this nervous around Chris, but as she mimicked his position she found herself looking into his eyes.  
“You look beautiful tonight.” He said in a hushed tone.
“Thank you... You look...” Y/n tried to think of a word without sounding cheesy or gimmicky, but was coming up blank.
“Amazing, I know.” He replied cockily, making her laugh. Her laugh was his favourite sound, it was light and joyful, it made his breath hitch in his throat, his cockiness now gone.
“Wow.” Rolling her eyes playfully.
Another hour had passed and that hour was filled with small giggles, accidental touches (the more alcohol they drank the less accidental they became) and longing stares (something they thought was subtle, but everyone had picked up on it).  
Y/n could feel herself sobering up the more she was locked in Chris’ gaze, which she didn’t think was possible, so she decided she needed another drink.
Chris watched as she was stood at the bar, his head a little fuzzy from alcohol and Y/n, mainly the alcohol. He’d hardly noticed Lizzie move one seat up, now perched next to him. “Go help her, she’s getting everyone drinks, can’t carry them herself.” Was all she said before Chris abruptly stood from his seat, attracting the attention from his friends, ignoring them he made his way to Y/n’s side, his cheeks burning when Anthony gave a wolf whistle.  
“On your left.” He mumbled, instantly hating himself for the cheesy comment, scrunching his face wanting the floor to swallow him up. 
But that feeling instantly left him when he heard her giggle.
Ok, she’s had too much to drink if she found that funny. Chris thought, a broad smile dancing on her lips.  
“I’ve come to help, with the drinks.” 
“Oh, thanks!” She cheered, giving him a tray.  
“And,” he added quickly, stopping her from walking away, her full attention now on him. “To ask if you’re free tomorrow night?” He blurted out, a little too loudly, now their group of friends quieting down their conversation to listen.
Y/n wasn’t sure if it was the amount of alcohol she had consumed or the fact that he’d asked her out, but she was on fucking different planet, her stomach doing flips, spins and jumps, a giddy feeling building up in her. Even though he blurted the question at her, she heard him loud and clear, but yet she wasn’t responding and Chris started to panic.  
Dickhead, she doesn’t like you-
“I’m free.” Quickly interrupting his panicked thoughts, her cheeks tinted pink, eyes wide and her broad grin still there.
“Great, it’s a date!”  
“Thank fuck for that!” Robert suddenly shouted, making them both turn to face their friends, all looking at them.  
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Tom has a problem when you get asked a sexist question
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“For Robert, how has it felt for you as an actor to see what’s branched from that first Iron Man movie?”
You sat back in your chair and looked around the panel as Robert answered his question. He had been to a hundred of these panels throughout his career, but you were still getting used to them. An impressed smile tugged at your lips as he got the audience laughing with an otherwise well worded answer.
“For Tom, how has joining the MCU helped you to grow as an actor?” Tom was asked by the same journalist. He was seated next to you and sat up slightly when his name was called. He gave an answer that showed his appreciation for the opportunity to act along side these actors as well as what it meant to him to be a role model for kids who didn’t fit in. You squeezed his hand under the table, proud of him for answering the question like a professional. Finally, the journalist looked at you.
“And for Y/n, you’re new to the marvel universe and had to join a cast full of very established, attractive men. Did you have any intimate relationships with any of your male cast mates?”
The silence the settled in the room was painful. Robert let out a loud scoff and shook his head in disapproval while the rest of the cast looked at you knowingly. Tom Hiddleston shot you an apologetic smile as Chris Evans laughed to himself. You leaned forward to get closer to the microphone and looked at the journalist.
“I’m sorry?”
Chris laughed harder, gripping his left side the way he did as the audience let out an awkward laugh.
“Well, being around actors like Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth all day, surely you must’ve gone after one of them.” The journalist continued. Chris burrows his face in his hands, unable to stop laughing at how stupid the question was. You saw Toms jaw tighten beside you as he gave you a pointed look. You put your hand in his knee to let him know it was okay and he gave you a stiff nod.
“I know I’m not actually Iron Man but do you want me to blast her ass?” Robert leaned over to whisper in your ear. You laughed at his offer and gave him an appreciative smile.
“I got this.” You assured him before looked back at the journalist.
“I really want to thank you for asking me that. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for someone to ask such an important question such as that one.” You sighed dramatically. “And you’re absolutely right. It was super hard to be around these actors everyday since they’re all just so sexy. How could I possibly pick, you know?” You laughed like it was obvious. The journalist opened her mouth to speak but you continued.
“Since I am so notorious for being an alluring, devious slut, I do make it a point to sleep with every single person, cast and crew, that I work with.” You said seriously and the cast laughed. “It’s easy when everyone’s on set and I can just pick and chose who to sleep with next, but it can get pretty difficult to track down all the editors and executives so I can sleep with them too. Of course, I always start with the main stars of the film and gradually work my way down the list. I even sleep with all the interviewers so hopefully I’ll be seeing you later in my hotel room.” You winked after her. “It’s really nice to be appreciated for my hard work so I again have to thank you for asking that question.”
You gave her a polite smile and she immediately sat down. A new kind of silence settled in the room as your answer hung in the air. No one said a word as you sat back in your chair and shrugged smugly. Tom looked down at his lap with a proud smile as he reached for your hand under the table.
“Can we take a moment to appreciate that answer?” Sebastian said into his microphone to break the silence. Anthony started a slow clap and Chris quickly joined. Robert grabbed your shoulders and shook you proudly as the room broke into applause. Your smiled shyly as the cast loudly whooped and cheered for you. You weren’t exactly quiet around them, but you certainly never said things like that. You preferred to sit back and watch them interact with a deep appreciation just to be a part of the cast. Shutting down the journalists sexist question officially solidified your place in the friend group.
“That’s a great answer. That’s how it’s done.” Chris Pratt said into his microphone as he looked at you. You waited for the applause to die down before speaking.
“Thank you.” You laughed. “To answer your question, yes I did have intimate relationships with my male cast mates. My female ones too, actually. Over the course of filming these movies, we’ve laughed together, eaten together, traveled together, celebrated birthdays together, even cried together. I consider all of those to be intimate things.”
You looked at your cast fondly as they looked back at you. A chorus of “I love you”‘s rang from the cast as the ones closest to you patted your back. Tom grabbed your face and planted a big kiss on your cheek, too proud to care about the cameras.
“I think that’s a great place to end the panel. Thank you to everyone who came. Let’s hear it one last time for the Marvel Cast.” The host of the panel spoke into his microphone. The audience applauded and you all began to get up from your seats. Tom let you walk in front of him, keeping his hand on the small of your back the whole way out.
“I have to give Harrison something but I’ll be right back.” Tom told you once you got backstage.
“Okay. I’ll be here.” You assured him. He leaned in to kiss you but you held up a hand.
“Tom!” You whispered as you looked around. “There are cameras everywhere. You can’t kiss me in public.”
“But you did so well out there.” He pouted. “I should be able to kiss my girlfriend no matter who’s around.”
“I know. But we agreed to keep our relationship a secret.” You quietly reminded him. He stared at you for a moment before huffing out a breath.
“Right. Fine. I’ll be right back.” He mumbled before leaving to find Harrison.
You sighed as you watched him leave, knowing it upset him to hide your relationship. You didn’t have a minute to think about what to do as people began to pile out of the panel, all commemorating you for your answer. Scarlett found you backstage and enveloped you in a hug.
“Hey, good job back there kid.” She said as she rubbed your back. “You handled that question like a pro.”
“Is it always like that? They get the cool questions and we get that?” You laughed it off, but you hoped she’d say no.
“Unfortunately, it is.” She nodded. “I’ve had to sit through interview after interview where they ask Chris how it feels to be a hero and they ask me how I fit into my body suit. I’m sorry you have to deal with it too.”
“It’s whatever. I mean, it’s not, but you know. Nothing we can do.” You shrugged. She gave you a look that told you she knew exactly what you were trying to say.
“I know. And between you and me, I’m a little offender she only asked if you slept with the male cast mates. What about me?” She scoffed, making you laugh heartily.
“She probably mistook you as a tree and didn’t see you.” You shrugged, recalling Scarletts infamous tweet.
“You’re so right. I’ll see you around, slut.” She squeezed your arm lovingly and walked away right as Tom came back.
“Did Scarlett just call you a slut?” He asked in confusion
“Yes. But I liked it.” You replied, only confusing Tom further. “Let’s go home.”
“Do you want Chinese for dinner?” You asked Tom once you were back at the hotel. His typically gentle features were hardened as he scrolled through his phone from the couch, not even looking up at you when you asked the question.
“Sure.” He mumbled.
“Or should we just order room service?” You asked as you glanced over the menu provided by the hotel.
“Okay.” He said, still not looking up. You eyed him curiously, knowing he wasn’t paying attention to anything you were saying.
“What I really want to eat is some danimals crush cups right out of Dylan Sprouse’s hands. Let me go see if he has some.” You tested him to see if he really wasn’t listening.
“Sounds good.” Tom grumbled. You walked over to him and pushed his phone down from his face with your finger.
“What’s up with you? You’re not listening to me.” You asked him. He finally looked up at you and sighed heavily.
“I’m sorry. I’m just a little distracted.” He set his phone down and pulled you into his lap, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple.
“What’s wrong?” You wondered as your soothingly brushed your fingers through his hair. Tom impatiently tapped his fingers on your leg as he thought about what to say. You could tell something was seriously bothering him from how flushed his face. His body was tense beneath you, slowly loosening up with your touch.
“I just can’t believe that reporter disrespected you like that.” He grumbled, keeping his eyes down. You furrowed your eyebrows at his statement, having forgotten about the situation yourself.
“That’s what’s been bothering you?” You laughed slightly. “I handled it, Tommy. The journalist is gonna be dealing with backlash from that question for years.”
Tom shrugged and rested his chin on your shoulder with a pout.
“It’s just not fair.” He stated. “You shouldn’t have to deal with these sexy questions-“
“Sexist questions.” You cut him off with a chuckle to correct him.
“You shouldn’t have to deal with these sexist questions all the time.” He repeated with a huff. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, reminding you of a timid child. You leaned your head on top of his and wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
“That’s just how it is, baby.” You shrugged, not sure what else to tell him. You wished it was different too, but it just wasn’t.
“It shouldn’t be.” He mumbled against your neck. You rubbed his back to let him know you understood.
“I know it shouldn’t be. But all we can do is educate the people who ask those questions and give them sassy responses. And you know how much I love being sassy.” You pulled away so you could smile at him. He stared at you for a moment before giving you a half smile back. You thought you had assuaged the situation until his pout returned.
“She didn’t even mention me.” He recalled. “You’re my girlfriend and she thought you slept with everyone but me.”
“In her defense, no one knows I’m your girlfriend.” You reminded him, unknowingly making him feel worse. His face faltered and he kept he slumped back on the couch.
“Do you think people would stop asking you things like that if they knew?” He wondered out loud after a beat of silence.
“Maybe. Or maybe I’d get asked even worse questions.” You laughed sadly. “There’s no way to tell.”
Tom seemed unsatisfied with your answer and let out a sigh. He sat up from his seat position and wrapped his arms firmly around your waist.
“It’s getting really hard for me to sit back me listen to people disrespect the women of this cast. Or the women of Hollywood in general. Especially you.” He stated. “I’m your boyfriend. I should be defending you.”
“I understand, baby. But I can defend myself.” You reminded him with a soft smile. “Don’t worry about me, Tommy. I can handle a few sexists.”
Tom reluctantly nodded and leaned back in the couch, pulling you with him so you were resting on his chest.
“It still bothers me.” He mumbled before kissing the top of your head.
“I know.” You tilted your chin up to look at him. “It bothers me too.”
“I should’ve said something.” He cursed himself as he shook his head in disdain. “I shouldn’t have just sat there.”
“It’s alright.” You assured him, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
“It’s not.” He said definitively. “And it won’t happen again.
The conversation you had resonated with Tom and sat in the back of his mind for the rest of the press tour. The incident at the panel did bring some good, which Tom was happy about, as journalists often sided with you when it was brought up. Since Tom was often put with you for interviews, he was able to closely monitor the questions you were being asked. You managed to get through the rest of the press tour without another sexist question, and Tom assumed you had actually ignited some change.
Until the final day.
“Tom, how would you like to see Peter Parker mature and grow in future MCU films?” Tom was asked during your last interview of the day. It was a simple question that he had gotten before, so he answered it simply. You smiled at him as he spoke, proud of all he had done so far and excited for what he’d do in the future. He finished his answer and the journalist smiled at him.
“I’d love to see that too.” He nodded at Tom. “So, Y/n, your suit is obviously very form fitting. I’m sure you’ve seen the comments so I have to ask, can you wear underwear under the suit?”
You blinked in surprise for a moment as you processed the question. You could hear Tom suck in a sharp breath, practically feeling the heat radiating off of him as anger pulsated through him.
It had happened again.
He was asked an intelligent question about his character and you were asked about your body.
“I’m sorry?” You raised an eyebrow, trying to give the journalist a chance to redeem himself.
“I’m asking since there are plenty of shots from behind but never any panty lines.” The journalist smirked at you in a way that made you deeply uncomfortable. “Fans wanted to know if you were wearing underwear under your suit or not.”
“That’s funny, I’ve never had a fan ask me that. Only you guys.” You kept a tight smile as you tried to keep the situation under control. You shot a look at Tom, who was giving the journalist a lethal stare. He was gripping the sides of his chair so tightly that his knuckles were white. You quickly reached over and took his hand in yours, not caring about the cameras and just wanting to comfort him.
“Well we-“
“She doesn’t want to answer that.” Tom abruptly cut you off as he shot daggers at the journalist. The journalist snickered and rolled his eyes a little as he looked at his list of questions
“All right, moving on.” He said, slightly bitter. “Tom, which Avenger, other than Tony, would you like Peter to train from?”
Tom looked at you, as if asking for your permission to continue. He was ready to walk out of the interview but only on your call. You gave him a reassuring smile that encouraged him to continue.
“I would say Captain America because I think he understands how it feels to be the little guy. Peter and Steve were both picked on before they got their powers, although Peter was still picked on after he got his powers. But neither Captain America or Spider-Man have guns or fire blasters, just fists and strength, so I think they would get along well.” Tom answered, looking at you the whole time instead of the interviewer. You squeezed his hand and gave him a gentle nod.
“That’s a good answer. Well done.” He commemorated Tom. “And Y/n, like we mentioned before, one of the most noticeable things about your character is her skintight suit. How did you train to fit into that?”
You and Tom exchanged knowing looks before you answered.
“Again with the suit.” You laughed awkwardly. “Are you trying to fit into one or something?”
“I just want to know how you fit into the suit.” He shrugged. “Trust me, I’ve studied pictures of you in it pretty closely. It looks like a second skin.”
“Well, they measured me, so it was gonna fit regardless. Because, you know, they made it my size.” You answered like it was obvious, because it was. Your straight cut answer didn’t satisfy the prying needs of the journalist.
“So no extra squats to make it look as good as possible?” He winked at you and Toms grip on your hand tightened.
“I didn’t exactly go into this film hoping my ass looked good, if that’s what you’re asking.” You said flatly. “I was more looking to be a powerful role model for girls to look up to.”
“But your ass looking good would just be a plus, right?” He laughed and looked at you as if you were supposed to laugh too.
“Um, no.” You squinted your eyes and tilted your head.
“I’m about to end this mans whole career.” Tom said under his breath. From the look on his face, you could tell he had bitten his tongue long enough.
The boy was about to burst.
“What was that, Tom?” The journalist asked, not having heard him.
“Stop being sexy!” Tom demanded. You looked right at the camera with the surprised pikachu face as the journalist laughed in confusion.
“What?” He asked.
“He means sexist.” You informed him.
“What is wrong with you? Is that question seriously on your sheet?” Tom asked angrily, letting go of your hand to point at the paper the journalist was holding.
“Tom, it’s okay.” You put your hand on his shoulder to relax him, but he was seeing red.
“No, I want to see it. I want to know if you’re dumb or just the company you work for.” Tom snatched the little blue sheet from the journalist and read it over. “Look at that, it’s just you.”
He held up the sheet and the questions you had been asked were in on it. You looked at the sheet and made another face at the camera.
“I’m not the first person to think she looks hot in her suit.” The journalist defended with his smirk still present, only angering Tom further.
“But you’re the first person to piss me off enough to the point where I’m about to walk out of this interview.” Tom snapped back and your jaw dropped. You looked at the camera and pointed at Tom before giving a thumbs up. You were almost enjoying it too much to interrupt, but you didn’t want him to get too interrupted.
“Tommy, relax.” You said as you soothingly rubbed his arm. “It’s okay. I get it all the time.”
“That’s exactly why I’m mad.” He told you. “I know you get this all the time. We get the deep, philosophical questions and the girls get the sexy questions.”
“Sexist questions.” You corrected with a smile.
“The girls get the sexist questions.” He fixed his mistake. “I’m so sick of listening to people disrespect my girlfriend all day long. The girls aren’t here for you to drool over during action sequences. Girls strong and smart and tough and deserved to be asked about more than what underwear they’re wearing. Let’s go.”
Tom got out of his seat, took your hand, and walked out of the room. He lead you all the way to your dressing room in silence and didn’t let go of your hand until the door was closed. You folded your arms and looked at him as he looked at the ground sheepishly. His anger was gone now and he just looked apologetic.
“I’m sorry, I know you said you could handle it but-“
You cut him off by throwing your arms around him and kissing him. He stumbled back a little but regained his footing and kissed you back.
“Don’t apologize.” You smiled and rubbed your nose against his once you pulled away. “I loved what you said.”
“I know you can take care of yourself.” He told you. “But I’m gonna take care of you too.”
You smiled in appreciation before kissing him again.
“That’s okay with me.”
Later that night, you found Tom on the hotel couch again and sat on his lap. He wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you in place as you wrapped an arm around his neck.
“Check out this article I just read.” You smiled innocently at him. “‘Tom Holland goes on feminist rant to defend girlfriend, Y/n L/n. Click here to watch.’ Sounds pretty interesting.” You said sarcastically and Tom grimaced. In the midst of his argument with the reporter, he let it slip that you were his girlfriend.
“Oh.” He pursed his lips. “I messed up pretty bad, huh?”
You laughed slightly and kissed his forehead.
“I don’t think my boyfriend defending women like it’s his day job is messing up. I think it’s pretty sweet.” You shrugged and brushed his hair out of his face.
“But I exposed our relationship.” He pouted apologetically. You took his chin between your fingers and kissed his pouted lips.
“A small price to pay for salvation.” You quoted Thanos, making Tom laugh. “Thanks for sticking up for me.”
“It doesn’t even matter. You’re still gonna get asked sexy questions.” He grumbled as he toyed with your fingers.
“Sexist questions.” You corrected yet again.
“You’re still gonna get asked sexist questions. One feminist rant want solve that.” He mocked the article and let out a sigh.
“Maybe not, but at least I know I have a whole defense team to back me up next time I get asked a sexy question.” You teased him and kissed his nose. “I love you, Tommy.”
“I love you more, baby doll.” He smiled sleepily and pulled you into a real kiss.
“Now that I think about it, what do you wear under your suit?” He wondered once he pulled away. You pretended to be shocked and gasped.
“Hey!” You playfully slapped his arm. “Stop being sexy.”
Tag List 🏷
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
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Plans, huh?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Word count: 1.1k
They have a hell of a week ahead of them, especially Chris, with press, red carpets, late night shows and other events almost every single day. Sebastian doesn’t really know how Chris is still standing. He’s barely had any time in between wrapping up filming for Ghosted and starting press for Lightyear and The Gray Man. Yes, he knows Chris is thrilled that people are finally going to be able to see Lightyear, for him to share it with his friends and family, and that his excitement is basically the thing propelling him forward. Still, Sebastian has had a little more time off recently and he gets exhausted even just looking at Chris’s schedule.
The good thing about all of this though is that they’ll be in the same city for a bit, even if they’re mostly attending different event. It still takes some of the pressure off and makes some of the more tedious ones a little more bearable, knowing the other will be at home afterwards. Like tonight’s MTV awards. Sebastian knows Chris is a little anxious. It’s his social anxiety and his general dislike for events like these, where he has to go on a red carpet, read some generic, cheesy lines from a teleprompter, only for PR purposes and not actually having anything to do with his projects directly. Sebastian can’t blame him - he shudders thinking back on some of the lines they gave him at awards ceremonies recently - he’s just hoping the MTV awards give Chris something less cringy to work with. But it’s still the MTV awards so he’s not holding his breath.
On top of all that, with lockdowns and the amount of projects Chris has been working on, he hasn’t done any of these in a long time, making Chris’s anxiety a little worse than usual. Sebastian is leaning against the door of their bedroom, and he can see the nervousness radiating off Chris, where he’s fidgeting in front of the mirror. At least his stylist suggested something a little casual - it’s not the full-suit kind of event. “Almost ready to go?”, he asks.
Chris turns around and looks at him a little pleadingly, putting those puppy dog eyes to good use. “Can I just stay here? I should’ve gone with the virtual presenting thing like Taika, why didn’t I think of that?”
Chris nods at that, still looking like a little like a defeated puppy. Sebastian holds up a finger in a gesture telling him to wait, and walks around the bed to get something out of his suitcase. “Ahh here we go”. Chris stares at him questioningly. He walks back over to him and puts his own beloved NASA cap on Chris’s head. “For luck. And a little comfort.”
Chris nods at that, still looking like a little like a defeated puppy. Sebastian holds up a finger in a gesture telling him to wait, and walks around the bed to get something out of his suitcase. “Ahh here we go”. Chris stares at him questioningly. He walks back over to him and puts his own beloved NASA cap on Chris’s head. “For luck. And a little comfort.”
“I can’t wear this to a read carpet”, Chris starts to protest, almost whining, but Sebastian is already shaking his head. “Of course you can! It’s the MTV awards, no one’s gonna care. I’m actually pretty sure people will love it, it’s like your signature thing”, he winks. “I think it looks great.”
He puts his hands on Chris’s arms, sliding them up and down, then resting them on his shoulders, squeezing a little, trying to get Chris to relax. “Now, how about you get in that car, show them what they’ve been missing all this time, and then get back in that car immediately. I have plans for you later”. He kisses Chris then, and it’s not a chaste kiss, nor a deep one, but definitely a promise for more.
When they separate, he can see Chris start to smile, confident and a little wicked, exactly how Sebastian likes it. “Plans huh?”. “Yes, plans, so the faster you get out that door, the faster…” he’s cut off by Chris going in for another kiss, pressing him against the bedroom wall. “I’ll hold you to that”, he smirks, adjusting the cap on his head, that got knocked askew a little with their movements.
Sebastian has to close his eyes at that, knowing there isn’t time for more and needing to calm down. It’s ridiculous how quickly Chris can switch things around on him, getting him all hot and bothered when he was the one that started it. Meanwhile, Chris seems almost completely unaffected, if it weren’t for the absence of the nervous behavior he was displaying before. When he opens his eyes, Chris gives him a wink and starts to walk backwards out of the bedroom, quickly calling out his goodbyes to him and Dodger before turning around and leave the house. If Sebastian is stuck, leaning against that wall for a bit, staring at Chris walking away (and maybe even at the closed door once he’s left the house), no one needs to know.
After a while he goes into the living room and sits down on the couch in front of the tv, next to Dodger. He’s not stupid - he knows Chris will still be a ball of anxiety when he gets to the event. He just hopes that he did his part to make him feel a little less nervous, and left him with something to focus on for later. The smirk those thoughts put on his face is gone quickly, after he makes it through a couple of minutes of painful, chaotic awards show. He turns to Dodger - “The things I do for your dad Dodge… you seeing this?” - but it turns out Dodger is smarter than him and isn’t paying attention to anything but one of his toys.
They both perk up at the sound of Chris’s name being announced though. Sebastian watches Chris walk onto the stage, and he can’t help but stare at him, mouth wide open. Chris’s walk can only be described as a strut, and one that’s making Sebastian’s pants feel a little too tight. He can still see some of the anxiousness and annoyance on Chris’s face, hear it in his voice, but he can’t say he’s paying too much attention to that. Even after all these years, the way Chris - his sweet, dorky space nerd - can turn from an anxious puppy into a drool worthy frat boy… it still catches him off guard sometimes.
After Chris has handed out the award for best movie, Sebastian watches for a couple more minutes before turning off the tv and picking up his phone. He notices he already has a text from Chris. “I’m almost on my way out”, it says. He texts back. “No detours, you better be in that car already. Plans have become urgent.”
Who says the MTV awards are cheap and unimportant, he thinks. He, for one, loves the MTV awards. Or, at least he’s gonna love the afterparty.
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toastedkiwi · 3 years
Fiancé to Wife (9/9)
Summary: last part… finally.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Series Masterlist
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It’s raining.
It’s raining real hard. Like you’ll get soaked by staying outside for more than 30 seconds
And it’s your wedding day.
You and Chris were nearly at the part where you guys would kiss when it started to rain.
Alex screamed the second it started to rain hard. Sebastian grabbed him.
Andrew held his little hand out feeling the rain. Scott grabbed him.
Chris scooped you up and everyone rushed for cover. He took you up to the deck with the roof over it and the boys followed with the ring bearers. Most people followed as well.
The wedding planner got the doors opened. Everyone shuffled- squeaked in. Chris had you hang back with him.
“We were so close,” Chris chuckled.
You grabbed the officiant and asked him to marry you out on the deck right now by an outdoor heater. He happily agreed. One of the photographers managed to catch the moment. Guests watched from the windows. Anthony gave the rings to you both.
“You may now kiss your wife, Chris.”
“YES!” Chris exclaimed.
He cupped your face and kissed you hard. You smiled into the kiss. You couldn’t be happier.
“Eww,” Alex said and everyone laughed.
Lightning hits the ground. It’s followed by very loud thunder.
You immediately went into your husband’s arms. You aren’t a big fan of thunder and neither are the kids.
The power goes out which has people panicking.
You and Chris sat in a corner on the floor with your kids. Sebastian left his jacket for Alex as he and Anthony have been drafted to help RDJ fix things.
“I gotta tell you something,” you said softly.
“You’re pregnant,” he said with a big smile on his face.
“No, I’m on birth control,” you said.
“You’re on birth control?” He said.
“Yeah, I told you this,” you said.
“I don’t remember,” Chris said.
“That’s cause you’re old,” you said.
“Rude,” he said.
It’s an hour later when the power comes back on but you and your boys ended up taking a nap in the bridal suite. Nobody could find you guys except Hemsworth who happily did a selfie that announced to the world that you and Chris are officially married.
The party is in full swing once makeup is touched up and suit jackets are temporarily returned to their rightful owners.
Your first dance gets interrupted by Alex announcing very loudly that he has to use the bathroom. It’s a great laugh for everyone and Scarlett took him to the bathroom.
The first night does not go to plan at all. The boys were originally supposed to be Scott’s care. They tried giving them to Sebastian but they wanted you.
Chris didn’t mind having them for the night. It was very clear that you both were not gonna have sex that night as you had fallen asleep after Chris helped you out of the dress.
It’s especially hard leaving the boys for you to go off to Italy. You missed them very much. Chris could even see how anxious you are over not being in the same country as them. It was your first time being away from them for more than 12 hours.
Chris ended up getting you home a week earlier just so you can be back with them. You couldn’t be happier to be home with all of them from Dodger, your kids, and Chris.
“Let’s have another baby,” Chris said as you’re picking up toys together.
“I’m already pregnant,” you said.
“Wait, what?” He said.
“Did you not know?” You asked.
“No,” he said.
“Oh,” you said looking at him. “I thought I told you.”
“You didn’t,” he said. “I’m just learning that you are once again pregnant with my baby.”
“Yeah, lucky you that this time I’m your wife,” you said.
“Yeah, lucky me,” he smiled so widely.
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wearebothdrunk · 3 years
hey!! Can you do a pillow talk fic with sebastian stan?
yes, of course!
Pillow talk 
pairing: Sebastian Stan x fem!reader
word counting: 1712
Warnings: Smut; some fluff
Summary: Some pillow talk with you and sebastian
A/N: Thank you sm for the request! i loved the idea. i had to add some other things because i´m not creative enough to write a lot of pillow talk lmao. But hope you liked anyway. Also, this is the first time i write smut so i´m sorry if this is to awkward.
disclamer: If the Romanian quote it´s misspelled, please send me a message i took it from google translator.
Tag: @dpr-hoe
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* gif not mine*
You and Sebastian were at the Marvel Studios all day because he had to do a lot of photoshoots for the new series "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier", in which your boyfriend was the protagonist.
You loved to be able to be with Sebastian in his work, but after 3 hours you were super tired.
"If you want, you can go home. Take the keys, I'll take an Uber," he said, grabbing your face, giving you a kiss on the forehead and handing you the keys.
" I appreciate your concern, but I think I can handle another hour and go with you," you told him handing him back the keys.
"Okay love, but at least go get something to eat"
"Okay dad" you mocked him.
When he was going to tell you something, you got interrupted by his manager. "I hate to interrupt, but they need you Sebastian for one last shot." His face dropped.
"You need to go," you said trying to give him motivation.
"Okay," he said in a sad voice.
He gave you one last kiss and left for the session.
Sebastian was always very worried about you when you went to one of his sessions or interviews because they left him exhausted, so he didn't want you to feel the same way he did.
You decided to go and buy his favorite dessert to cheer him up, tiramisu. ( i searched that lmao)
you went to a store that you knew nearby to buy some.
By the time you got back, Sebastian was being photographed wearing Bucky's suit and the Cap's shield. He looked damn hot.
"Okay guys, let's take a quick break"
Sebastian ran to you.
"You disappeared for a moment. Is everything okay?" he said giving you a soft kiss on your lips.
"Yeah, I just went to get some food like you told me to."
" oh okay. Two more pictures and I´m all yours," he said smiling and kissing you again.
"I bought your favorite! "
He looked at you confused until you showed him a bag with a box of Tiramisu.
"TIRAMISU" he shouted laughing " this honestly made my day. thank you babe!" he said putting his two hands behind your neck and kissing you passionately.
"I think I have to buy you some more tiramisu han," you said giggling
"Aren't you going to eat now?" you asked him as he put the tiramisu back in the bag.
"I prefer to eat it on you" he whispered
It took you a moment to realize. "Wait... What?" you said
"I have to go, two more pictures."
You smiled. Did Sebastian Stan just said what you think he said?!
* 30 minutes later*
"I'm ready. let's go home".
*when you arrived home*
As you passed your door´s house, you were pulled into Sebastian's arms, leaving a small, almost non-existent, space between your lips and his. You giggled and he kissed you deeply. You both took off your shoes. He began to remove your clothes, starting with your jacket, leaving it on the floor, which you both stepped over. You made all of this without taking your lips from each other. As more you went up the stairs, the more undressed you became. You both arrived in the bedroom with only your underwear on.
"Where's the tiramisu?" he said in between the kiss.
"Why do you need the tiramisu?" you said pretending not to know.
you pulled him back in for another kiss. He pushed the kiss away making you moan.
"Y/n, the tiramisu?" he said impatiently
"downstairs" you mumbled
He pushed you, softly, onto the bed, making you be lying down.
"Wait here," he said in the middle of the kiss and got up.
" don't be long"
Seconds later he was already in the room again with the bag of tiramisu. He set it down on the bed and went straight to you for another kiss.
"God I missed you," you said
"I was only gone a few seconds," he said giggling
" Yeah, but for someone that is horny, that feels like hours" you pulled him in for another kiss.
He began to remove your panties and bra leaving only your necklace on.  You began to put your fingers under his boxers to pull them off for good.
"I want to fuck you so bad y/n" he whispered.
"Then fuck me," you said.
He began to run his lips all over your body, making you moan.
When he got close to your sensitive area, you could feel his breath. You put your hands tangled in his hair preparing yourself for what was coming, but to your surprise, he stopped.
"What? Really," you said in frustration.
" calm down babe. I'm not done yet."
You saw him grab the bag with the tiramisu you bought him.
" Really?" you said
He started to take the lid off and put a spoon inside taking a little bit to taste.
"This is really good y/n," he said with a pleased look on his face.
He started to lean towards you.
" do you want to taste it?" he asked you with a smirk
" okay"
he put a small piece of the dessert in your mouth getting you all dirty.
"Oh sorry, let me clean it up" he leaned in for a kiss and created a sensation that you never felt before.
you giggled.
"It tastes so much better on you babe," he said
he started to take some more, getting ready to put it in your belly and the rest of your body.
"Do you want it?" he asked to make sure you were comfortable.
You looked at him without answering. You could feel your heart beating and were sure that he could hear it too.
"That's okay babe, we can just save it for the movie"
you grabbed his hand. "no, I want Seb" you said.
"Are you sure?" he asked again
" yes"
As he heard those words coming from your mouth, he continued what he was doing before.
As soon as you felt the dessert touch your belly you let out a little moan.
" it's cold," you said giggling
He put it in all the pleasured places of your body. When it finally got close to your core you started to moan louder.
" Seb..." you said as you felt his lips sucking the mess he has done on you.
" God, I love you sm," he said in between your moans.
When he was ready, he posed the tiramisu on the bedside table, kissing you again.
" You are so beautiful" he whispered.
he started giving you kisses on the neck, driving you insane.
"I want you, Seb"
"I want you more" he whispered putting his cock inside of you.
you both moan.
As he moved in and out of you, your breaths became heavier.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come," he said after a few minutes
"God Seb, I'm gonna come too"
he started to go deeper and faster, making you come first
" oh god, you´re beautiful baby" he let out in his moans.
You started to moan louder when he finally came.
"Fuck!" he shouted as he lay down on your side.
You put your head on his shoulder and one of your legs on top of his.
"That was good," you said, looking up into his eyes.
He smiled, " yeah, it was a very good baby," he said pulling your hair away from your face.
"Why were you so nervous when I asked you to do... you know what," he asked you
" Oh, it was nothing," you said, clearly lying to him.
"Babe, the truth please. you can feel free to talk to me about that kind of stuff. You are my pattern, I don't want to put you in uncomfortable situations. "
"You didn't put me in an uncomfortable situation. I liked it, a lot." you giggled and he smiled. "But I was just afraid I wasn't up to your expectations in sex, you know? You're the first person I've ever had a real relationship with. Before you, I only had a one-night stand, which I regret. "
"Babe, you're always higher than my expectations. sex is not what I  most like about being with you, although it is great. I asked you if you wanted to do it because I feel we have that intimacy. I've never felt as comfortable with anyone as I do with you," he said.
You smiled and held him tighter.
You started talking and talking about everything and nothing. You felt comfortable with each other after all your feeling for him was unique.
"Say something in Romanian," you asked him
"what do you want me to say"
"I don't know, something"
" hmm, vreau să am o familie cu tine" he said smiling at you.
" That was hot," you said and he laughed.
" I'm sure that's a stupid or dirty sentence by your reaction," you said smiling.
" I said I want to have a family with you,"
You were speechless, did he really felt that way?
"and I mean it" he added. "But I don't want to pressure you or anything, let's do it when you feel read-."
he was interrupted with your lips pressed against his. "Let's do it." you said
He looked at you and you could see his eyes sparkling with happiness.
"are you, are you sure, I mean-"
"yes, that's all I want with you"
he got on top of you and you giggled. " I love you y/n"
"I love you too Sebastian Stan" and then he kissed you again.
" you could teach him Romanian," you said
" him?" he giggled.
" yes!!"
" no, first a girl and then a boy," he said smiling at you.
" Two kids?" you asked him
" well, yes, a boy and a girl, but if you don't want-"
" Two boys and one girl," you told him
" hell no," he said laughing
You spent the whole night arguing and laughing about your future making you both realize that this was all you wanted for life.
( they had two boys and one girl haha)
if you want to repost my story, send me a message first.
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babybluebex · 4 years
no pressure at all! but if you'd want to write more stan!reader x tom I'd really love that
i literally FLEW to my computer to write this i love the concept of stan!reader so much ((also i tried second person writing here??? i actually like it a lot more than first whoops))
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little one [tom holland x reader]
➽ pairing: tom holland x stan!fem!reader (y/n) ➽summary: when you find out you’re pregnant, you worry about how tom and your brother will react. ➽ word count: 1.6k ➽ warnings: angst, pregnancy, a lot of exposition that doesn’t matter tbh  ➽a/n: enjoy!! masterlist & taglist in my bio
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Sebastian stood at the door to your room, just looking. It seemed like a lifetime ago that you had moved in with him, when you were just the smallest thing. Pink skirt and pigtails, toting your dolly with you. He had been young when you were born, but still an adult; he was in college, living in the dorms when his mother had called him and told him the good news. He remembered the day you were born: he had been sitting in a lecture when his little flip phone started buzzing in his pocket. It was his stepdad, your father, telling him that his sister was coming. He left the lecture early and made it to the hospital just in time to be the first person to hold you. He was instantly devoted. 
You moved in with him when you were six. His mom had told him that she needed to move back to Romania and that she planned to bring you, and panic had filled his chest. “No, no,” he said. “Sh-She just started school! She doesn’t speak the language, she’s making all kinds of friends here! Mom, you can’t relocate her, you just can’t.” 
“What else can we do?” your mother asked. “Are you going to watch her?”
A month later, Sebastian was your legal guardian. He came to school plays and parent-teacher conferences, he cleaned up your skinned knees, and he read you stories every night. The two of you had gotten into a habit of falling asleep next to each other, and it got to the point where the bed felt too empty without you. Too cold, too lonely.
When you were twelve, you and Sebastian moved into a new apartment. It was bigger and better suited for two people, and you got a big-girl room. You started sleeping in your own bed, but you had no idea the effect it had on your brother. He couldn’t sleep without you next to him, digging your heels into his back and taking up all the blankets. So, he picked his happy ass up out of bed and, making sure to bring his own blanket, came to linger in your doorway. “I… I can’t sleep without you,” he mumbled. 
“You’re a grown man, Seb,” you said; he was always amazed at the little lady you had become, a smart girl with a biting sarcasm, even when you were little. 
“Yeah, and every night for the past six years, I’ve had your feet in my back,” Sebastian said. He settled into your bed next to, and added, “Now, move over, munch, or I’ll drag you back to mine.” 
Sebastian leaned his head against the doorframe, looking at the room. The walls had once been pink but were now an off-white, more becoming of a young woman, and the band posters were replaced with art prints and collages of you with your friends. Sure, he knew everybody grew up eventually, and he liked you as an adult, but sometimes he missed the little girl who was missing her two front teeth. 
The door to the apartment slammed closed, and Sebastian unwillingly pulled himself from his daydream. “Hey, munch!” he called. “How was Tom?”
Back on Valentine's Day, when you told him about you and Tom, he was instantly thrilled. Even though he outwardly seemed like he didn’t like Tom, he knew that Tom would treat you like the princess you were. And, for the past few months, he had been. Flowers were sent to the apartment on a near-weekly basis, handwritten letters came in the mail regularly, and Sebastian often heard little giggling coming from your room when Tom would call you. He had seen you smitten over guys before, but Tom Holland was a different breed. 
After a date with Tom, you were guaranteed to be talking up a storm, but you were quiet. “Munch?” Sebastian called. “Y/N?”
There was a sniffle from the living room, and a meek, “Seb?” 
Sebastian’s heart fell, and he hurried to see you on the couch, the comfy tufted leather that Mackie had so highly praised. You were crying, your knees drawn up to your chest. “No, no, no,” Sebastian cooed and hugged you tightly. “What happened, darling, is everything okay? Did Tom say something? Did you guys… Did you guys break up?” 
You shook your head and opened your mouth, as if to speak, but a sob left instead. Your chest was so heavy, and you knew that admitting this to Sebastian-- to anyone-- would make it too real but the secret was killing you. You had known that you were pregnant for nearly a month now, but you didn’t want to tell anyone. You knew that your brother would say that you’re too young and that Tom would say that he had a career to think about. And, on a small level, you knew that was true. You couldn’t ask Tom to dismantle his life plans for you and a baby. 
“Talk to me, darling,” Sebastian whispered. “What’s wrong?” 
You sniffled and leaned into your brother’s warmth, and your tears became new. Sebastian would flip shit, you knew it. “I--” You started. “Please don’t be mad at me, please, I can’t take it right now--” 
“Hey, hey,” Sebastian said quickly. “I could never be mad at you. Please, talk to me. You’re breaking my heart here, Y/N.” 
You settled your cheek into Sebastian’s chest, and the emotions ran hot in your face and chest and belly. “Seb,” you whispered. “I… I’m pregnant.” 
A million different emotions ran through his brain at once. Elation, anger, confusion, and so much more. “You…” he started. “You’re--”
“I’m so scared, Seb,” you whispered. “W-What if Tommy wants to break up with me?” Your breaths came in quick, sharp gasps, and Sebastian held you tightly to try to ease the anxiety. He was prone to anxiety attacks like this too, and you had learned how to settle him down, but he hardly ever had to do it to you. You were so grounded, so level-headed and serious. This was the most emotionally unhinged that he had seen you in years. 
The sounds of your crying died away, and you found your ears full of deep whispers. You had learned bits and pieces of Romanian growing up-- enough to pull out as a party trick-- but could never fluently speak it like your mom and your brother could, but you recognized the sound of it. Sebastian was whispering Romanian to you in a lilting voice, and it took you a moment to place it. A song; a lullaby. Sebastian was singing you a lullaby. The sound of it eased your nerves enough to dry up your tears, and you sniffled a bit as you sat up, shedding your big brother’s protective embrace. 
“Look,” Sebastian began. “I know I act like a dick to Tom a lot, but… I really like him. I wouldn’t have let him stick around if I didn’t. I trust him to do the right thing here.” 
“B-But what if he doesn’t?” You whimpered. “Wh-What if he does leave?”
“If he leaves, it’s his own fucking loss,” Sebastian told you. “That baby doesn’t need anybody but you and me, right? I’ve got you, darling. I’ve always had you.”  
You nodded because, once again, your older brother was the wiser of you. You knew that everything he said was true, even if your whole body hadn’t quite absorbed it yet. Tom would be a great dad; and if he wasn’t, you had Sebastian. “Can you stay with me?” You asked, grabbing your brother’s hand. “I-I’m gonna call him.” 
“Sure thing, munch,” Sebastian said, and he settled his arm around your shoulders. His little sister, the same little girl that cried at Bambi and Bucky falling off the train, was going to be a mom. Where did the time go?, he wondered. 
The phone rang out quickly, and Tom answered it swiftly. “Hey,” he said. “I just dropped you off, is everything alright?” 
You took a deep breath. Your heart was beating so quickly that you could hear it in your ears, and you mumbled, “Yeah, yeah, I just… I have something to tell you.” 
“Oh,” Tom said. “Sure. What’s going on?” 
Sebastian’s gaze was fixed on you, and he gave you a prompting nod. “Tommy, I…” You started. It was real. This was real now. “I’m pregnant.” 
There was silence on the other end of the line, long and potent enough for anger to start to flare in Sebastian’s stomach. “Are you serious?” Tom whispered finally. His voice was static-y over the phone, and you couldn’t place his emotions at all. 
“I’m so sorry, Tom--”
“Sorry for what?” And then there was a laugh. “Are you really pregnant? Please don’t be kidding with me, you don’t know how happy this makes me!”
Sebastian gave a sigh of relief, and he wiped one of your tears away with his thumb. “I really am,” you told him. “You’re not mad?”
“Why the fuck would I be mad?” Tom laughed. “I’m gonna be a dad! I’m gonna be a dad, Y/N! Thank you, thank you! I love you so much, baby, you have no idea. Does Sebastian know yet?”
“Yeah,” you said. “He’s the first one I told.” 
“Oh, no,” Tom whispered. 
“Yeah, oh no,” Sebastian said. “Dating my sister’s one thing, Holland, but knocking her up is different. What, you’ve got an aversion to condoms or something? I’m gonna kill you.” 
“Hey, Sebastian,” Tom chuckled lightly. “Look, it was an accident--”
“Oh, ‘cause that makes it better?” Sebastian scoffed. “Jesus Christ, you’re lucky you’re not here right now--”
“Shut up, both of you,” you sighed. “Tommy, you swear you’re not mad?” 
“Why would I be mad?” Tom repeated. “I’m so thankful. Thank you, my love, thank you.”
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captainnameless · 2 years
STOP that dando ask just melted me 😭😭 you and 👻 are honestly the BEST
On the topic of Canada, how about some little Charles and mick with daddy Seb?? Both had disappointing races (my heart BREAKS for mick and even tho Charles did so well, he was still disappointed in himself)…. Also Sunday was Father’s Day which I’m sure brought up some emotions for both of the boys…. Daddy Seb is definitely on overtime that night 🥺🥺
👻 be my fave fr ♥️
I’ll give y’all some Mick/Charles/Seb because I’m nice like that.
“You did well, Mick. No one’s gonna take that qualifying away from you and you know the DNF was not your fault.” Sebastian soothes, rubbing his hands down Mick’s shoulders who’s sat at the table, fingers ghosting over the wood while Angie’s down at his feet, nudging her head against the blonde’s ankle.
“Doesn’t feel like it.” He mumbles.
“Hey.” Sebastian shifts from where he’s stood behind the boy, moves a hand to his forehead, brushing the hair away before gently pushing Mick’s head back, keeping slight pressure there to maintain eye contact. “You did well, the pace is there and we both know the talent is as well.”
Mick’s frowning at him, pout evident in his features and Sebastian smiles lightly. “You’re upside down so that pout looks like a smile to me.”
There’s a small smile that tugs on the corner of Mick’s mouth and Sebastian pokes on his nose just as there’s a knock before the door opens and shuts. He releases his hold as Mick straightens his neck out and they both look to their left where Charles rounds the corner of the small hallway in the suite.
Neither Seb nor Mick get a greeting out before Charles has crossed the distance, bag falling off his shoulder before he moves into Seb, face burying in the crook of his neck as he fits his arms around the elder.
“Hello.” Sebastian says into the mop of hair he’s currently facing, arms moving to accommodate to Charles’ hug.
Angie’s up from her spot at Mick’s feet, tail wagging excitedly as she goes to nose at Charles’ leg while Mick simple looks up at his friend. “Hi.”
Charles grumbles something into Sebastian’s chest that definitely does not resemble any kind of greeting but Sebastian doesn’t comment on it, simply moves his hands up and down Charles’ back in a soothing pattern. “You did well today, Bug.”
“Did not.” Is the very clear grumble that emerges from the Monegasque and Sebastian can’t suppress the sigh that leaves him. “Two grumpy boys tonight then, hm?” Is a rhetorical question but both of them answer with “Yes.” as if it was rehearsed.
He laughs then, moving Charles back and out of his chest cupping his face. “You did do well.”
Charles opens his mouth to protest but Sebastian moves his hand to clamp over the younger’s, effectively shutting him up. “Nope, no backtalk.”
Charles glares at him, hand coming up to tug on Sebastian’s wrist as there’s a couple harsh knocks on the door.
“Who’s that?” Mick frowns, mimicking the confusion that shows in Charles’ features.
“A surprise.” Sebastian hums, releasing Charles and disappearing from their view before returning with a plastic bag.
“What’s that?” Both boys echo again, as Sebastian walks up and sets the bag on the table and takes out whatever’s inside the bag.
“This is dinner.” He hums, putting it down and taking the lid of the aluminum container, the smell of fries and gravy filling the room.
- - - -
It’s much later when he’s getting both boys ready for bed, they watched Encanto, a recommendation by Carlos and they’re suckers for Disney movies.
Mick’s been complaining about the seatbelts bruising and Sebastian wasn’t happy to find the bruises right above Mick’s hips, a matching purple stripe on his right circle. Mick’s squirming as he’s rubbing Arnica on it, whining about it being too cold.
“Hush.” Sebastian soothes, and frowning as Mick flinches when he moves to the one on his shoulder.
“Daddy.” It’s a louder whine now, squirming intensified.
“Sorry. Sorry Bubba, Daddy’ll be gentle.” He promises, pressing a kiss to the back of Mick’s shoulder where there’s no angry markings, gently rubbing the cream into the skin.
“All done.” Sebastian hums, helping Mick back into his T-shirt before allowing him to scurry off to kneel besides Angie who’s already half asleep at the foot of the bed.
He moves into the bathroom where Charles had just finished brushing his teeth, glaring at Seb as he enters.
“You brought the spicy toothpaste.” Charles accuses, clicking his toothbrush back in the charger.
“I-. The what now?” Sebastian can’t help but laugh.
“The spicy one!” Charles whines, batting at Sebastian’s chest. “S’not funny! It hurts my tongue.”
“Well I’m sorry.” Sebastian hums, catching Charles’ hands and pulling him into a hug, pressing a kiss to his nose before grimacing.
“Did you wash your face?”
Sebastian gives him a look. “Then why’s there still gravy in your eyebrows?” He doesn’t add the “how’d you even get it there?”
Charles bites the inside of his cheek as a sly smile creeps up on him. “Okay.. maybe I didn’t wash my face.”
Sebastian rolls his eyes, moves to grab a cloth and runs in under the tab.
“Warm water, Daddy!” Charles protests as Sebastian wets the cloth and wrings it out.
“Liars get cold water.” He replies before moving to scrub at Charles face who whines through the whole fifteen seconds.
When they get back to bed Mick’s already half asleep, eyes blinking open from where his face mushed into a pillow leaning his body towards Sebastian as he lays down in the middle.
“Goodnight, sweet boys.” Sebastian hums, pressing several soft kisses to Mick’s head before pulling Charles into his other side pressing a kiss to his slightly damp cheek. “Sweet dreams.”
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angelkurenai · 4 years
Caution. Slippery when wet. - Sebastian Stan x Reader
Title:  Caution. Slippery when wet.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Warnings: Some language, Sexual tension, Dirty stuff (we all get it)
Summary: Imagine promoting your newest movie with your costar and friend, Sebastian Stan, and reading thirst tweets. Only resulting in more flirting, teasing and sexual tension too much for you to handle.
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“Hello everyone, I am Sebastian Stan.” Sebastian spoke once you got the green light to start.
“And I am (Y/n) (Y/l/n).” you added when he paused for a second to look at you.
“And we're here to read some of your-” he looked at the bucket he was holding in his hand and you did the same with yours “Thirst tweets. Cause let's face it, how bad can it get?”
“You really are so unaware of the dangers that it's almost cute. I can't wait for you to get the shock of your life, dear, cause twitter doesn't hold back. Trust me.” you chuckled, enjoying the look of weariness and suspicion that Sebastian gave you before you turned to face the camera “But let's make something clear, before we start. He is here to read thirst tweets, I'm here to read some thirst tweets and make sure my side account has not been discovered.”
“I-” Sebastian started but paused again, eyes narrowing slightly at you “I want to ask but at the same time I think I don't... Am I somehow involved in all of it?”
“When are you not, Sebby?” you smirked at him, winking in a way that earned a laugh from the man. Taking a second or two to admire the way he hang his head low and laughed softly to himself you turned to the camera “But let's get started cause I see we both have plenty of this! I'll go first, since I've had years of preparing for this moment.”
“Wait- preparing for yours or mine?” he raised an eyebrow.
“No further information must be given until I've got my lawyer here or until the game's over. Too much is at stake.” you shrugged innocently “So here we go-” you pulled out a piece of paper from your bucket first and read it out loud “I mean, not to objectify, but (Y/n) (Y/l/n) in her new Endgame suit left me pregnant. And I'm a guy.” the second you read the whole tweet, both you and Sebastian couldn't help but burst into laughter.
“The movie must come with a warning first now huh?” he shook his head with a laugh as he pulled a paper out as well “Though I definitely agree with that guy, you looked amazing.” he made sure to point out, looking at you as you were still giggling before focusing his eyes on the paper once more “Alright, here I go: Man, Sebastian Stan could run me over with a truck and I'd still... suck that dick?” he trailed off a bit and the last part came out as a question. He paused, blinking as he looked at the camera with a tilt of his head and you could hardly stifle your laughter, mostly at his reaction.
“Alright, that's-” he paused, looking down at the paper again just to make sure before shaking his head and saying with wide eyes “Wow. I uh... thanks, I guess?”
“You know-” you tried to calm yourself down “You know what's even more weird?” you asked.
He frowned and looked at you “No, and I'm not sure I wanna know either. But you're gonna tell me either way so, go ahead and make it worse. Though I doubt how easy it'll be to top this off.”
“Is that the order it would happen in?” you said and looked back at the camera “Because, man, it concerns me. It's 2020 and a zombie apocalypse is not far from possible right now.”
“Alright-” Sebastian huffed “It did get wore, yes. Seriously, the image I got is even more disturbing now.” he closed his eyes, lips pursed as he shoo his head.
“Oh honey.” you said sweetly, placing a hand on your friend's shoulder “And this is just the beginning.” you chuckled when he groaned more.
However, you could see a playfulness in his eyes, and the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips that gave away his whole act. So after giving him a small squeeze with your hand, you pulled away – completely trying your hardest to ignore the way you missed the warmth of the contact and convince yourself that it was nothing. You were becoming better at it lately as it seemed.
Convincing yourself of things that weren't true, such as you being only friends, such as you not longing for his touch or smile directed at you, such as him probably seeing you as family and no other way (no way which your heart longed for), had started being much easier with time. It was easier, and it certainly hurt less, to flirt and be playful with him, to touch him casually and to give (and receive) easy smiles and looks that you labeled as your thing, as part of your friendship, both to him and the rest of the world, and nothing more. With no more or any real meaning behind all of it. And he went along with it so there was no reason to even think of this as more than just a game, the way your friendship worked, even if your heart did crazy leaps each time his hands lingered or the way he looked at you had something about it.
You cleared your throat “Alright, let's get back to the game-” you tried to suppress a shudder when you felt his hand on your neck and his thumb rubbing soft circles, after all it wasn't the first time, as he leaned a bit over your shoulder to look down at the paper as well “(Y/n) (Y/l/n) could walk up to me and punch me in my face for no reason and I'd honestly apologize. Oooh no, no I wouldn't do that to you. I'm- I'm more of a tender and sweet lover, though of course it also depends on the guy I'm with.”
“Would you be tender with me?” Sebastian asked, small smirk on his lips but not as playful as... curious perhaps; the thumb on your back continued to bring pleasant shivers down your spine.
You managed a small, easy laugh before shrugging innocently “You'll have to take me out on a date first, Seb, and then you'll see for yourself.”
“Good thing I am free later then.” he shrugged, his smile too sweet for you to not reciprocate before his hand gave your shoulder a squeeze as well “Now, my turn-” he cleared his throat as he pulled a paper and frowned at it “I want Sebastian Stan to take my ass and fold my entire body inside out.” he paused for a second or two, an absolute silence setting on the room where Sebastian was looking at the camera with a straight face, you doing your best to keep yourself from laughing because of said expression “That-” he too a deep steady breath “Wouldn't be good for your health. You know that right?”
“It's something I did not want to picture is possible. That's what it is.” you chuckled, fishing for a tweet of your own “Wow your fans are on a roll, Sebastian.” you chuckled when he gave you a look as well “Ok, uhm Alright but (Y/n (Y/l/n) not finding her seat on that interview made me think like: 'Ma'am please use my face.' Wow now that's- that's the kind of tweets I had in mind. See, me not finding my seat on that interview had kind of became a meme and I'd laugh at it but this- this does give the whole situation a new kind of meaning.”
“Hold up a sec-” Sebastian spoke up, eyes narrowed “Is this person implying-”
“Because yes, I'd let her sit on my face.” you read the last part in addition “Not implying, he's stating it.” you shrugged slightly, chuckling a bit at how ridiculous and yet amusing this was. At first you thought it would get awkward with your crush sitting right next to you but right now you were beginning to think it was entertaining.
“I-” Sebastian pausing, eyes narrowing and jaw clenching in that way that distracted you for a couple seconds, before he turned to the camera “Is there a way to find someone's address through their tweets?”
“Pretty sure it could be possible yes.” his manager, who was also there behind the camera, shrugged.
“Oh my, don't encourage this!” you exclaimed, despite how adorable he looked grumpy and dare you think... jealous? Maybe, hopefully “It's just a tweet. Just read the next one, will you please?”
The man next to you huffed, eyes carefully following your motions as you placed the paper away – as if planning to snatch it later – before focusing back on his own “Alright, these are like in a list, one below the other but I'll just read it as I see it [someone mentions Sebastian Stan] Me: Caution. Slippery when wet.” another pause only because-
“Oh my- Yes!” you nearly exclaimed with a laugh “Yes, that's how it feels like! Wait, for a second there I sounded like Loki but-” you grinned, shrugging “I mean, it's true. Like, seriously- Same! And just imagine seeing him naked from up close, oh girl that's what I called a good morning.”
“Wait-” he looked at you with a raised eyebrow and you shrugged once more innocently, maybe a little too innocently to the point he could see you didn't mean it “What?”
“Long story which I will probably share first with the fans and then with you.” you winked and this time he narrowed his eyes playfully but you ignored it, or at least tried to “Is it just me or does seeing (Y/n) use that lasso in Infinity War make you think: 'Yes ma'am, tie me up and have your way with me' Is that a kink now? Cause it should be. I'm... flattered that me and the lasso of truth could do that? I don't know what to say, honestly.” you laughed, shaking your head and feeling the heat rise up in your cheeks.
“This is the same guy from before, isn't it?” Sebastian asked, nobody in particular, as he looked around at the cameras and crew “I just know it, you can't tell me otherwise. But-” he let a small breath, a smile on his lips that wasn't all that sweet and you knew that if the person that had written the tweet was standing there he would be dead just from the look on Sebastian's face “FYI: It's not as fun as you think my friend, it gets uncomfortable and the lasso is made out of a thick rope that leaves marks which last for uhm about four to five days. The makeup department didn't like that but luckily I wear mostly long-sleeved shirts and jackets so it's fine. Anyway, just sharing my personal experience on the matter seeing as you sadly won't ever get to live that dream out yourself.”
His shrug was anything but innocent to you and with a smile, not very open, but certainly far too smug for anyone to miss. You didn't want your heart to but that too was included, and it gave a skip in its beat when it felt the spark of hope within your chest. All you did was play coy and raise an eyebrow “What?”
“What?” Sebastian asked back casually and you blinked several times before he winked at you and turned back to looking through his bucket with a small smirk on his lips “My turn, let's see: Sebastian Stan is so lucky. He gets to touch Sebastian Stan's dick any time he wants. You guys are seriously-You're on a roll!” this time you both couldn't help your laughter, to the point you were wiping tears off your eyes.
“Man-” you sighed a little, a smile still on your lips as you both tried to calm down; but playing along with it you looked down at Sebastian and the up to his eyes, saying “Aren't you lucky Seb!” you nodded your head with a wishful look and it soon had you both erupting into a new feat of laughter.
“Well-” he tried to stay serious but his laughter gave it all away; he looked at the camera “See, it comes with the perks of being born in this body. And (Y/n) (Y/l/n) is the only one who gets a free pass on that, so I'm sorry you can't but uhm yeah, that's life.”
“I'm really really tempted to ask about that, and even more tempted to try it but-” you cleared your throat, pulling out a paper yourself and tried to focus “Heard (Y/n) (Y/l/n) has been doing some extra training lately for her new movie but she thinks none of it real fun. Why don't she use my-” you paused for a second there, trying to get the words out in between your laughter “Why don't she use my dick as a trampoline. 100% fun assured.” you didn't even know if your words were fully clear but you couldn't control it “Wow this I was probably not prepared for. Though I once came across a guy's tweet that went like 'Hey, (Y/n), if you're looking for a ride, zipper of my jeans is 24/7 open.' or something like that. This is a bit more creative I'll give them that.” you laughed a bit more when both of Sebastian's eyebrows shot up in surprise; you cleared your throat before continuing “I mean, I'll admit I like trampoline. Oh no, not that kind- Although, that kind is absolutely fine and fun and all too, but you kno-”
“Oh my goodness please stop. This-” he sighed, looking back at the camera “I had pictured many outcomes but this? This tops it all off easily.”
“Come on, you came here to read thirst tweets. Is me saying I'm good at trampoline or if you want a demonstration I'm always available, that off the realm of possible outcomes?” you asked, laughing wholeheartedly when his eyes widened and maybe taking a bit of extra pleasure in seeing the red color rise in his cheeks.
“That last one is not that bad.” he shrugged “Alright, I've got one last tweet let's see what twitter has to say about my- Oh it's not about it, alright.” he nodded his head “Someone: says something. Me: Yeah but have you seen Sebastian Stan's ass? I mean-”
“Hold up.” you spoke up before he could continue “Can you please get up?” you asked sweetly and he raised a curious eyebrow but he still got up. Without shame you took a good look at his ass before speaking “Alright, you can sit. See, every time someone mentions art, I must spend a couple seconds in silence admiring it.” you shrugged innocently, this time even members of the crew laughing apart from Sebastian himself “Everyone keeps mentioning America's ass and I'm like ok, it's fine, but have you seen this guy's? Work. Of. Art. I tell you.”
“Thank you, thank you! Finally someone said it, I mean-” Sebastian tried to hold back his laughter and shake his head with a heavy sigh “Everyone keeps talking about America's ass and while I do agree, it's hard to compete with that one, I'm equally sad nobody will give mine some love and attention!”
“I'll give it all the love it deserves, don't worry. People are just sleeping on it because oh if only you guys looked at it a bit more you would know just how good that ass looks with and without clothes!”
“Hey, yeah, you keep mentioning the naked part and I almost forgot-” he sounded actually surious as he turned to look at you “When did that happen?”
“When?” you blinked “Is that seriously what you're asking me? When?” you giggled and he grinned.
“Hey I'm just wondering in case I missed out on the best moment of my life or something. Besides-” he shrugged “I walk around my trail naked all the time on purpose and in hopes that you will just walk in at some point. I was hoping that when it happened we were more face to face than face to back, you know? Though I'm glad you appreciate the back view as well.” he was saying it as if it was the most casual thing in the world, and just because you knew him so well you had a hard time thinking it could only be a joke, unlike the rest of the people in the room who couldn't control their laughter.
“Yeah, I have a terrible habit of never knocking when I walk into a friend's place. Terrible indeed.”
“Eh depends on who you're asking.” Sebastian shrugged once more, smirking “I find it lovely.”
“Of course you would.” you muttered feeling your own face heat up “But for the sake of everyone in here, and to be able to give them a break from all these laughter, I think a slight change of topic would be nice. And I can happily say I am out of tweets to read. What about you?”
“Thankfully, for the both of us, yes I am done. Though it does beg the question-” he looked at you with a smirk “Did they discover your secret account about me?”
“No, no and it's a good thing. Because really, we wouldn't want everyone to know about all the spicy details concerning your front and rare view, as you call it.” you grinned “And, before you ask how, I'll tell you that's not a topic I'll talk about that easily. I will need the proper motivation to, first.” you giggled when he raised an interested eyebrow “All jokes aside, it's probably a really old account that I think I used when I was simply a fan and not an actress or part of the MCU and I didn't really use it to begin with.”
“That still doesn't mean I'm still not intrigued to find it myself.” Sebastian pointed out and you gave him a playful punch on the shoulder.
“You say they didn't discover your account but didn't say any of the tweets weren't yours, too.” it was barely half a second later, and in between Sebastian's laughter, but you heard the words crystal clear coming from your manager and you glared daggers at her.
“Oh my-” Sebastian's eyes widened “(Y/n)... is any of these tweets from your old account? Is there some dirty little secret in one of these that belongs in your past?”
“You know what belongs in my past? My manager and our friendship, that's what.” you gave her a look as she laughed before you shook your head “That's a question I refuse to answer.”
“You say that as if I am ever going to give up trying to get it out of you. And don't worry I have my ways, I can be pretty persuasive.”
“Just check your twitter people for more info on Sebastian's front view then!”
A/N: As always, love making interview fics, especially ones packed with flirting or innuendos so I am really happy to give you one again after so long! Would love to hear your opinion on it and even more if you’d like a continuation or another fic of the same kind, thirst fics of course, with another actor lemme know!
@stuckysavedmylive @reborn-rekall @littlemessyjessi @shesnotmaria​ @thatdreamingdrey​ @theblackmists​ @lokilove3112​ @missionfoul​ @mariana-costa​ @random-sky-color @ramennoodles-dean-cas​ @husherstan​ @banjosanjo​ @fuckwby​ @plaidstiel-wormstache​ @vvipgot7be​ @wintersoldierslut​ @thevelvetseries​
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edie-baby · 3 years
Les Fleurs du Mal Chapter 2 | Pierre Gasly
Summary: Sava Dvorakova had big dreams for Formula One. An opportunity of a lifetime comes around, so she takes it and runs. She proved just about everyone wrong, and is awarded a very controversial seat on the F1 grid. There’s smiles and grins, hugs and kisses, love and laughter. There’s tears and sobs, fights and break ups. There’s evil where you least expect it, hidden in the garden of eden. The Flowers of Evil.
Warnings: a lot of swearing, shitty parents (they’re a recurring theme), sexism, i ignored a lot of actual f1 rules because i couldn’t be bothered writing it into the story tbh, yuki is fcking adorable, a lot of smut eventually, like a lot.
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Sava woke up on Friday with no intention of getting out of bed before noon. And then realised that she wasn’t in her bed, it was a hotel room. The memories and realities of her current situation made her head spin, and with a shit eating grin on her face, she jumped out of bed and into the shower. Feeling as though she should stay on brand, Sava pulled on a white pleated skirt and tucked the oversized Carlin shirt into the waistband. She braided her hair while it was still a little wet, knowing it would be easier than the kerfuffle she had yesterday trying to walk, carry a helmet, and braid at the same time. Combat boots, a phone, and paddock pass later and Sava was leaving the hotel room to meet Amelia in the cafeteria-like space on the ground floor to have breakfast and chat about the agenda for the day before they headed to the track.
Unbeknownst to Sava, a number of the F1 drivers were staying at the same hotel, and when she stepped into the room, eyes focused on finding other Carlin shirts, many heads turned her way. Obviously, news about a girl in a Carlin race suit with pink hair had spread into the formula one paddock quite quickly. Sava gave up on trying to find her assistant when she had no luck, preferring to make her way to the coffee bench to make herself a very sweet black coffee over ice. While the coffee began brewing, she turned her back to the bench, taking another look out over the crowds of people at tables to try and find her friends again, only to see that 75% of the room was already looking at her, and those that weren’t were whispering to the people that were. The poor girl looked like a deer in the headlights, and apparently one man couldn’t see her like that, as he stood from his table and walked toward her. He was still metres away and Sava was already having to strain her neck to look up at him.
“Hi, I’m sorry to bombard you like this while you’re already quite overwhelmed. But I can tell you’re a bit lost. Would you like to come and sit with me until you find your team?” The man asked, his accent was distinctly French, and Sava kicked herself for not instantly recognising the man as Esteban Ocon.
“Oh my, yes please! This is my first time outside of karting, let alone in the actual F2 paddock, so I’m so lost and don’t know anyone.” Sava giggled, finishing up making her super sweet coffee and following Esteban’s stride toward a table of black and yellow clad people, along with the unmistakable grin of Daniel Ricciardo.
“I’m Esteban, by the way. I think I heard your name was Dvarokova?” The Frenchman questioned after a few beats of silence, realising that the 5’1 woman couldn’t walk as quickly as he.
“Ah, Dvorakova. Don’t worry about messing up the pronunciation, I misspell it sometimes. My name is Sava, but pretty much everyone calls me Bunny.” Sava replied with a giggle at the butchering of her surname. She couldn’t blame anyone, it was a hard enough name to most Eastern Europeans, she couldn’t even imagine how some of the nationalities in the paddock would pronounce it.
“Bunny. That’s quite cute.” Esteban mused, and they finally reached the rowdy table of Renault employees.
“Guys, this is Bunny. She’s going to sit with us cause she’s new and can’t find anyone from Carlin.” Esteban introduced, and a round of wolf whistles sounded as she threw up a peace sign, then took the seat next to Esteban, across from Daniel.
“Hi, I’m Danny. You’re such a little cutie.” Daniel introduced, leaning his arm over to poke at Sava’s cheeks that immediately heated up in a flaming blush. Another round of oohs and ahs went through the table and Sava giggled again.
“Pipe down, I’m only 17.” In immediate reaction to her statement, Daniel threw his hands up in surrender, his eyes connecting with a few guys nearby who all laughed at his expression.
“Way to make a man feel like a pedo.” Daniel mumbled, and more chuckles reverberated around the group who heard. The team all spoke to Sava with interest and respect, something she didn’t expect she would be getting before she had even gotten into a car. After about fifteen minutes, she spotted Yuki walking through the door with Amelia, and excused herself quickly, exchanging fist bumps with everyone she passed along the Renault table. When she got to the end, she met Yuki and Amelia with surprised looks on their faces before the three found a small table by the window to finally sit down and eat.
“How ready are you Bunny?” Yuki asked later on that morning while the two pulled their race suits up and made final preparations. Sava looked over at him nervously as she tucked her pink braids into the suit.
“Considering I’ve only ever driven a go-kart or a Hyundai I-20, I’m shitting myself. But I’m confident enough in my karting ability to do well-enough here. How about you? Amelia told me you have a seat at Alpha Tauri next season, are you still nervous about these races or are you a cool guy about it?” Sava hit back, smiling at her first friend in serious motorsport, who she could tell she would miss if she made it into F2 next year like Dr Marko had suggested.
“I still want to do well so that they don’t think they’ve made a mistake. But I’m not as nervous as I was when I didn’t know if I’d have a seat.” The Japanese man replied, and pulled on his balaclava, Sava following shortly after. They made eye contact, their mouths obscured by the fabric, and burst out laughing. Amelia guided Sava away so that she could get her helmet on and have one final chat with the engineer she would be hearing in her ears for the weekend. Yuki ran over just before Sava jumped in the car and slapped the top of her helmet, just like her uncle Sebastian had done before every race and she smiled the biggest she probably ever has. With a quick hug to Yuki and another scolding glance from Amelia, Sava climbed into her car for her first ever free practice in a single seater.
“Radio check.” Sava spoke, her voice wobbling slightly as she felt the rumble of the car beneath her.
“Confirm, Bunny. Hop to it.” Her engineer, Marcus, stated with amusement in his voice. Sava audibly laughed as she stepped on the accelerator, rolling out of the garage when she got the signal. Driving through the pitlane was surreal, and Sava knew she’d be feeling that a lot throughout the weekend. She ran two warm-up laps, getting acquainted with the car and testing the responsiveness of the brakes and the throttle. Once her tyres were at the right temperature, she got a radio message to give it hell, and so she did.
It was complete radio silence in the Carlin garage as everyone, including Yuki, sat and watched the rookie on her first hot-lap. She got a purple first sector, green second sector, and purple third sector, putting herself at the very top of the timing tower. While the practice session had only been active for around eight minutes, she had already beat two other drivers who had put in preliminary hot laps. Marcus relayed the time to Sava, and when she asked for the fastest time out of a qualifying session from the year prior, she groaned in frustration.
“Can I run a few more out laps and get comfortable with the responsiveness? I know I can do better.” Sava pleaded, and Marcus quickly agreed. If she thought she could get a better time than the one she had already given them, then hell they’d let her run all day. After four out-laps, she was brought in for a quick refuel and to look over the data of her hot-lap in comparison to Yuki’s. He was braking later, but Sava was getting better acceleration out of the corners. She knew now just how good the brakes were and considering she was known throughout the European karting scene for braking extremely late, she knew she could get better times, and maybe knock a few tenths off her entire lap. By the time she was finished looking at the data, everyone on the grid had put in multiple flying laps, and she was confident that whatever she pulled out now would be a decent comparison of her speed to the rest of the grid. With two more out-laps to get her tyres and brakes at the perfect temperature, she was off again.
Purple first sector, purple second sector, purple third sector.
As her name flew up the timing table, the Carlin garage waited with baited breath, to finally see Sava Dvorakova land at P1, four tenths quicker than the next fastest, Juri Vips.
“No fucking way.” Amelia mumbled, her eyes trained on the initials of the girl she had been following around for the past two days. Similar reactions were happening over in the Renault garage, many of the team who spoke with the girl earlier that morning tuned in to catch the first performance.
Qualifying later that day followed a very similar pattern. Finishing P2 behind Juri Vips, their times separated by one one-thousandth of a second. The real test was to see if the Czech could keep up the pace in their sprint and feature races over the next two days.
Those boys had hell to pay, and sure as shit, Sava was gonna come collect.
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In Character - Drabble
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Avengers Cast x Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Language Summary: A trend has made its way into the big league of actors by a curious non-actress who is dating a cute meatball. What’s her move?
A/N: Excuse the horrible writing, this is a year old fic.
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Today, Chris had brought you on set today and were filming the Avengers: Endgame and they all were just getting ready for it. You weren’t in the film but you were happy to still be here. You and Chris have been together for almost 2 years. And it was a blast. The cast knew you very well and became just one big family.
Out or boredom, you really needed to make some kind of joke but memorable moment between your best friends. You waited for most of the Avengers to get dress, of course, this is a trend some people do. You thought it'll be funny and share around for the fans to see.
You see Chris come out in his suit, hair combed back to put on his cowel, so then you walked up, holding your hand out, "Shake my hand in character."
He turns around, "Huh?" He asked. "Shake my hand in character," You grinned. He smiles, shaking his head and takes your hand, "Steve Rogers," He says in his Captain voice. You laughed. "I love it when you use your Captain voice." Chris laughs lightly and kisses your knuckles just after. Turning away, you spot Scarlet, Robert, and Hemsworth come out in their costumes. Chris being Fat Thor, you wondered how he would do.
You walk up to Scarlet first, "Shake my hand in character."
Her tilts her head, then realizes the trend, "Oh, this! I love this..." She clears her throat, "Natasha Romanoff." She shakes your hand, adding a smirk at the end. Seconds later, you turn to Robert and smiled, "Shake my hand in character."
Tony waves his hand, "I don't shake. It's not my thing." You lean back, "Oh! That's good. I knew Tony was that type of guy." Robert laughs. You walk up to Chris Hem, "Shake my hand in character."
Chris burps, "Oh my, don't you look just--" Burp, "Rather beautiful on this fine day, Lady Y/N."
Everyone laughs along with you, "The burps were amazing, totally was Thor there." Chris laughs. You turned to find someone else around the room to join in on the fun. "Who else could we do?" You asked. Scarlet looks around, "There's Mark."
"Oh!" You run over to Mark who's with Paul, Elizabeth and Don. "Mark, shake my hand in character!" His brows furrow in confusion, "Shake your hand?"
"In character," You add. He smiles shyly, "Hi... I'm...I'm Dr. Bruce Banner." You nod, "That was good!"
"Oh! Let me try!" Elizabeth says, she walks over and you hold your hand out. She takes it and smiles, shaking it gently, "Wanda Maximoff." You laugh and turned to Paul who gently takes your hand, "Vision."
Don comes up, "James Rhodes. Have you heard about the War Machine story?" He asked, you laughed at that. "You guys are good. Better than me."
"I've seen that trend so much now, and it's pretty cool," Elizabeth says. You turn to see Tom Holland and Benedict Cumberbatch. "Tom!"
"Yes!" He turns around to face you with pure curiosity, "Shake my hand in character." He takes my hand, giving me a shy smile, "I'm Parker... Peter Parker," His accent went away like a snap. You laugh and turned to Benedict, "Shake my hand in character."
Benedict smiles, "Dr. Strange."
"Oh, we're using our made-up names? Then I'm Spider-Man," Tom says. Benedict and you laugh at the reference. "That wasn't that bad, you guys!" 
"You should try it to Anthony and Sebastian," Tom said, you whip around and spot them in the corner. "Oh, yes! I forgot about them!"
You began to walk over till Chris caught your arm, "Where are you going?" He asked. You tried to push him away, laughing, "I was gonna do the shake with Sebastian and Anthony." He smiles and nods, "Okay, let's go."
The two of you began walk over to the two boys laughing to themselves, "Hey lovebirds," Anthony said. You hold your hand out, "Shake my hand in character."
"In character?" Sebastian asked, he hums. "Bucky Barnes. What's your name doll?" He asked, Anthony scoffs. "That's not how you treat a woman, tinfoil. Hi, I'm Sam Wilson."
"Never thought an old man would actually get someone like you in his arms, huh, Steve?" Sebastian asked Chris. He laughs, "I got pretty lucky." You blush and laughed. "You guys are weirdos."
"I think she means cool," Sebastian said. You all laugh and the three men were called in for set. Sebastian and Sam walk off, leaving you and Chris alone. "Starting the day off smooth, huh?" He asked. You shrugged, "It's fun doing things with the cast. Sad to see them in these types of movies go." He nods, "We won't stop seeing them."
"Would you want coffee or something?" You offered. Chris tilts his head with a grin, "You know I'm not a coffee fan," He says. You smiled, "Then what do you want?"
"Well, there's gonna be a lot of action so get me some water."
"Copy that," You say, he smiles and kisses you. "Hey! We all know you love America's Ass but we're gonna need that ass on set so give it to us," Robert jokes, making you two pull away laughing. You playfully slap his ass, "Get your ass on set." He smiles. "Get yours to the water, then." Your mouth gaped. "You're so mean."
"I love you, though."
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