#but he would do the puppy eyes thing and donna lets him cuddle
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virgin-mojitos · 2 years
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aaaaaaa part 2 is here!! terribly sorry for the delay i was a bit busy with studying for my exams, ANYWAYS! thank you so much for the people who liked part 1 i had so much fun writing these
ALSO thank for anon for sent me a message (it made me tear up dont tell anon) and i shortened this for your sake! anyways ENJOY
Gifts – What do they give you as presents? How often do they get you gifts?
“steven grant of the gift shop” I mean come on. I think hes that sort of partner (or friend) that surprises you with random gifts “HEY LOOK AT WHAT I SAW TODAY!! IT REMINDED ME OF YOU SO I GOT IT” its usually the randomst bizarre gifts and trinkets. Like you may make an offhand comment about how you genuinely thought unicorns were a real thing because you watched harry potter as a kid and it wasn’t until YEARS later when you found out that they don’t exist (SPOILER ALERT) so one day hes standing in line waiting for his morning coffee and he sees a cup that has a little unicorn on it and he INSTANTLY buys it and he would get sooOoOoOoO excited when he give it to you.
Hold – How do they hold you? Cuddling, sleeping, holding hands…
Oh steven steven steven, my little touch starved and deprived boy. When he gets comfortable around you (and you him) He. Will. Not. Let. Go. Of. You.
If he can he will hold you 24/7, but as its not possible (you try to convince him) he will pout when he has to go to work or he will definitely pout and whine when YOU get up from bed when he wants to cuddle
Okay so cuddling? Big spoon or small spoon? I think both? Like it would depend on the mood and on you really, but if hes big spoon he will stick your back to his front and put his arm under your head (although it starts to hurt after a while he literally does not care) and one hand on your boob (first couple of times hes very shy about his hand placement but by time if he gets confident he may squeeze)
BONUS: if youre touch starved but also a bit touch repulsed because past trauma (like me hello) it means the WORLD to him when you let him touch you and hes always asking for consent to make sure youre okay
Ideal – What’s their ideal date like?
Museum date ha ha.
I mean yes of course but I think dates where you get to do an activity is very fun for steven (although he does spend more than half of the date staring at you, you pretend you don’t notice)
Jealousy – Do they get jealous easily? How do they handle it?
Mmmm yes I think he does get jealous easily, but that’s due to his insecurities ingrained in him from the people around him (cough cough donna) making him feel awkward or too much or too hyper (cOuGh that cunt donna cOUgh), but definitely not because he doesn’t trust you or anything like that. He might need you to reassure him a couple of times to gain more confidence tho
I think he would come to you and white people smile (like marc in episode 3) the person whos shamelessly flirting with you and try to politely drag you away for that person (my polite boi *dreamy sigh*) if hes feeling confident
If hes feeling less confident I think he would just watch the scene from a far with sad puppy eyes and he only interferes if you are visibly uncomfortable. If not, unfortunately he will start to overthink and doubt himself (marc and jake are trying to help but they only offer umm…non civil offers) which do nothing to help his growing anxiety.
BONUS: if while talking to the person you point to steven and mouth “that’s my boyfriend right there” he will swoon (and might tear up)
Kisses – How do they like to kiss you? How frequently do you kiss?
While episode gives us a very middle school kiss from mr steven grant (it was horrible and awkward don’t try to convince me otherwise) I think by time he improves?? Like yes its still very sloppy (and sometimes its too tongey??)  but its very intense nonetheless. Hes very passionate about everything he does, and I think he can really pass his feelings for you through his kisses
I think before steven kisses you, he has to hold your face in the palm of his hands, one hand on your cheek and the other a bit far back near your neck for support (because you’re a gooey mess when steven holds you like that) and hes just. Lost in your eyes for bit, like AAAAAAA im blushing just thinking about this, but hes just looking at you like you are quite literaly the center of his universe. Just so much love and adoration and content before he finally kisses you. This happens almost every time he kisses you because hes that much of a sap.
(except of course the times where you guys are big hornballs and cant keep your hands away from teaching and just hitting every surface in the shared flat until you FINALLY get to the bed)
Love – How do they show you that they love you?
I think steven is a very verbal guy, so you can count on a lot of verbal reassurances if youre one of those people who are insecure (join the club) so yes he will tell you he loves you verbally.
Also for me, learning somebody’s mannerism and habits and finding them endearing is PEAK love for me, so knowhing how you like your coffee or tea in the morning and making it for you if youre running late or just too lazy to get out of bed, and somehow he makes it better than you ever did? What sort of sorcery is this?
again if you want more of these i thoroghly enjoy writing about my boys, just tell me!
(part 3)
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Suptober 10 Oct.: Enchanted
"I asked Cas to marry me, and he said yes," Sam burst out. 
deancas ust, Sam-n-Cas chaos friends 4ever 
"I left you guys alone for ten minutes. Walked down to the car, got the freakin' lavender eye pillow – it was wedged under the back seat, thanks for asking – walked back. Not even ten minutes. Six, tops." Dean knew his blood pressure registered just shy of Massive Stroke and took a breath. "I trusted you to keep them from doing anything dumb."
Eileen narrowed her eyes at him and signed a number of things he didn't know how to translate, except she definitely ended it with, "...you shithead."
"Okay, okay, where are they?"
"Back here." Eileen sighed aloud. "Prepare yourself."
The cabin's wraparound porch overlooked a clear, burbling stream strewn with slate shards and red sassafras leaves shaken off the trees. Autumn presented such a spectacular landscape, such an idyllic respite, Dean desperately wanted to run off into the surrounding forest and just ignore everything else going on.
Instead, he tried to keep the brain-bending horror he felt from showing on his face.
"Dean!" Sam said, lit up like a sunrise. "Cas and I have some news."
He was seated on one of the wide window sills; Cas sat beside him, his hands in Sam's.
Dean felt a vein in his forehead start to throb.
"Oh, I'm too nervous," Sam said, looking away to capture Cas with his patented puppy eyes on full display. "You tell him."
Cas nodded and looked at Dean. Dean's ears filled with white noise, like a million bees had decided to swarm him.
"Dean. Dear Dean." Cas shook his head fondly. "You raised Sam as your own–"
"Well, that's an exagger–" Dean started.
"–and while it may seem old fashioned, I think I speak for us both when I say Sam and I would like your blessing."
Behind Dean, Eileen made a noise that sounded like a choked-off laugh-snort. He refused to engage.
"Cas, what are you talking about?" Dean asked slowly. Calmly. Kindly, even.
Cas looked at Sam all bashful like, and Sam bit his lip. His dimple showed, for pete's sake.
"I asked Cas to marry me, and he said yes," Sam burst out. 
Eileen was making a very undignified series of muffled honks at this point. Dean glared at her and she started giggle-crying behind her hands. After a few seconds, she was able to sign, "I'm so happy for you guys," at Sam, who absolutely beamed with delight.
"I know this is happening quickly," Cas said, standing to, Dean supposed, make his case more pointedly. "But Sam and I, well – we’ve loved each other for a long time, and it's just, we're ready. We'd be so honored if you'd be a part of our wedding party."
"Party?" Dean managed to say. Hornets were stinging him in the eardrums, the throat.
"Tomorrow at two," Sam said. "I'll text Jody and Donna and Garth–"
"Should we go ahead and call the bakery we passed in town?" Cas asked him. "We could order one of those gluten-free vegan pumpkin rolls–"
"Ooh, with the coconut," Sam said, all smiles.
"Please stop," Dean whispered. He couldn't seem to move.
Eileen slapped his arm. Cas and Sam, besotted with one another, cuddled on the windowsill as Cas looked up the bakery's number on his phone. Eileen jerked her head in the opposite direction and led Dean to the far end of the porch.
"What the hell happened?" Dean hissed while trying to sign.
"We misread the steps." Eileen grimaced. "The blood should have been the fifth ingredient added. I think." She made a Whoops! kind of expression. 
Dean pinched the bridge of his nose. "So they're…this, instead of able to unlock the suspicious warlock box from the crime scene."
Eileen gestured theatrically at Sam and Cas. "Love is love, Dean." She hid another laugh when Dean growled at her.
"How do we fix it? Lavender, I hope?"
"Ah!" Eileen grabbed up the dusty old spellbook with the broken spine and distressing scent of decay hanging around it. (Dean was never letting Sam wander into a used bookstore by himself ever again.) She pointed to the last paragraph on a page where someone had scratched in notes in an unstable ink. "More blood."
Dean closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he saw Cas push a lock of Sam's hair gently behind his ear, and Sam looked at Cas like…like… Like he found him to be the most enchanting creature he had ever beheld.
If they were truly in love, Dean thought, eyes prickling, or if they've been in love all along– 
Eileen slapped something into his hand: a 21-gauge needle she'd fished out of the big weird bag Sam always carried anymore for witchy things.
"I don't trust you with a knife right now," she told Dean. "No offense."
In the kitchen at the front of the cabin, Sam was saying something to Eileen like, "I am so, so sorry. Why are you laughing?"
"He isn't the only one who feels embarrassed," Cas said gruffly. He stood at the end of the couch and waited. "May I?"
Dean glugged down half a bottle of beer and wiped his mouth. "Sit anywhere you like." He shrank into his corner of the couch a little more and picked at the band-aid covering the tiny puncture wound from the needle, and the longest, most awkward minute of his recent life ticked by in silence.
"I hope it goes without saying," Cas began.
"You can just–" Dean didn't look at him. "No explanations needed."
"Well, good." Cas was quiet for another interminable minute that casually chewed at Dean's brain like a parasite. "I do need you to know something."
Dean made himself look at him. Looked into his best friend's beautiful, earnest eyes. It was difficult not to blurt out everything Dean wasn't supposed to say or feel, for his best friend and to his best friend. He swallowed, and nodded for Cas to continue.
"I would never make you eat gluten-free vegan cake, Dean," Cas said.
Dean wondered if he could use his own skull to open up the warlock box.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
hi!! uh, if you don't mind,, id like to request the four lords reactions to their s/o bringing home a lycan and bein like,, "new doggy"
because who doesn't like surprise pets, am I right?
Hiii, okay so this is very rushed and short so i apologise but rn writing is going to be slower for a while :(( i hope this is okay regardless! everyone enjoy
Alcina Dimitrescu
“What is that awful smell? It smells like something died in here!”
Alcina turns her attention to see you standing in the dining hall with a dripping wet lycan puppy in you arms.
You found the poor thing alone in the rain outside of the lycan den, he’s clearly the runt of the pack and your heart melted when you saw him. Obviously you couldn’t help but take it with you.
You stand before the Lady Dimitrescu with a pleading look in your eyes. The lycan pup was wiggling in your grip, his tail getting water all over the carpet as it moves with excitement.
Alcina opened her mouth to protest but the minute her daughters walked into the room the argument was already lost. Judging by their reactions, it would seem the little lycan is staying.
At first she hated the lycan running around her castle, constantly comparing him to that of her brother but he surprisingly still had a lot of his human intelligence and learnt very quickly not to scratch the ornate wooden doors or rip the curtains or chew the bottom of Alcina’s dress. Soon the pup became a household favourite.
Alcina will deny she likes the puppy till the day she dies but you’ve seen her enough times curled up on the couch with him or cuddling him in your bedroom to know that’s not true.
Donna Beneveinto
Donna is sitting peacefully on the couch, a cup of tea brewing in the pot while she works on stitching in some embroidery onto a new dress she’s working on when a brown ball of fur comes barrelling through the door.
Angie and yourself come after it, trying to chase the thing she now recognises as a lycan puppy. Eventually Angie manages to heave him into the air for enough time while you pick it up and hug him close.
Donna stares at the puppy in your arms, he wriggles constantly with his tongue hanging out, panting wildly. He looks around without a care in the world, like a child that doesn’t understand what everyone is saying.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea… what about my porcelain dolls.”
You and Angie pull the biggest pout you can muster and say your cheesiest “please” that’s king drawn out and whiny.
“We’ll train him Dons, I promise that nothing will be broken.”
The little lycan does learn quickly that the dolls are not to be touched and instead finds pleasure in chasing around the imaginary enemies in Donna’s garden.
All three of you love the puppy and love having another chaotic member of the household.
It always brings a smile to your face and Donna’s to see Angie on his back with a stick raised into the air like a sword saying,
“Onwards noble steed!”
Salvatore Moreau
Poor Salvatore is terrified of the lycan puppy when he sees you bring it to him. He instantly runs to the other end of the room to hide behind the tv.
“It’s alright Sal it won’t bite, see?”
You slowly crouch down beside him and take his hand gently in your own, bring your joined hands to the soft fur.
You sit together for the better part of an hour just slowly petting the little pup, allowing Sal time to get comfortable.
Eventually he grows to love the puppy, finding it cute when he’d return from adventures with sticks to gift him.
You love going on walks around the reservoir but the pup’s curiosity meant he has jumped into the water too many times to count.
Sal grows very attached to the pup and smothers him with hugs and kisses constantly. He’s definitely spoiled without a doubt.
He’s also very protective and researches all about how to care for a puppy and makes sure he gets all the essentials.
The lycan finds bubbles of slime around the mines and always tries to burst them with his canines, thank god it’s not toxic and just sticky because he comes running through the door with green all over his mouth as he licks at both your faces.
Karl Heisenberg
“No, we’re not keeping that pup. I already have too much on with the factory and Miranda, I do not need another distraction.”
You knew Karl could be stubborn but you could be too and there was no way you were gonna back down from keeping this Lycan puppy.
“Aw common look at him! He’s so cute and fluffy, how could you say no to that face!”
You scratch at its belly, watching the way tail picks up and wags at your affection. You hold the little lycan out to Karl who looks like he’s about to refuse until he lets out the softest little howl and he won him over in an instant
Karl explained to you that the pup must have been the runt or abandoned since he was much smaller and fragile compared to the ones he’s raised before. It would make sense since you rescued him on the outskirts of the village, completely abandoned and alone.
It only made the two of you love the little one even more and while Karl would never admit it, he’s a soft spot for him.
You’ve walked into Karl’s workshop to see him completely distracted by him, playing fetch with a spanner and teaching him tricks.
The one that really melted your heart was seeing Karl curled up on the bed in a pile of blankets, the little lycan asleep on his chest and the two of them snoring quietly.
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thedevilsruby · 3 years
Reader teaching the Lords to waltz headcanons
Alcina Dimitrescu:
She knows how to dance somewhat, but doesn't see the need for it
She tries to dissuade you from teaching her, telling you there's no point and you should just cuddle
Gives in when you put on your puppy dog eyes
At first, it's awkward because of the height difference
Slowly but surely, she finds herself enjoying it, especially when it's with you
Will quietly sing to you when you waltz with her
Donna Beneviento:
Very hesitant, is afraid she'll hurt you somehow when you offer
Lets out the cutest whimper when you put your hand on her waist and her hand on your shoulder
Takes the daintiest steps, afraid of stepping on you and hurting you
The more you praise her, the more confident she gets
Now requests to waltz at least once a week
Salvatore Moreau:
Accepts your request that you teach him without hesitation
Feels super guilty because he steps on you now and then
Makes it up with apology kisses and promises that he'll do better
Practices with an old mannequin when you're not around
He feels so giddy with joy when you praise him for practicing
He almost vomits at how happy he is that you're so patient with him
Uses the best romance records he has when you waltz
Karl Heisenberg:
This man cannot dance for the life of him
He gets super embarrassed to admit it and outright refuses to dance with you at first
The only reason he's doing this is because you started to fake cry when he said no
Steps on you frequently, almost gives up because he hates hurting you and he told you he couldn't do this
But you kept persisting that he would get better
So he practiced with you every week
Now that he's getting better, he thanks you with gentle kisses and whispers the sweetest things into your ear as you dance
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elianamarie-blog · 3 years
hi can I get a matchup for That 70's Show?
I'm a bisexual 5,7 woman with dark brown curly hair brown eyes and feckles on my cheeks with a hourglass figure.
I'm a ENFP, Griffendor and give off a yellow vibe 💛 I'm a bit ditzy in certain aspects but I'm funny, intuitive and very creative, I sew clothes, draw and paint. I'm Irish and dyslexic. I am a very good listener and give great advice :)
I love fantasy, conspiracy theories and creating characters with complex backgrounds B)
Thank you so much! 🥰💛💛
Hi! Of course you can! :)
I spent a few days thinking about yours because I wanted to make sure I can do the best for you. By the way, you sound really pretty <3 and a badass!
I hope you like your matchup! I'd love to hear back from you.
Steven Hyde x Reader
-Y/n L/n an incredibly popular girl in the small town of Point Place.
-It wasn't just because of her beauty and talents, but because of smart, kind, and full of sunshine she was.
-It wasn't a secret that most of the boys her age wanted her.
-She even outshined the infamous Jackie Burkhart (which she hated.)
-So, when she became a part of the group, she found herself constantly with them, pretty much living in the Forman's basement.
-She grew to like Fez constantly touching and playing with her dark curls. She even gotten used to him smelling it and then always complimenting how good is smelt. (Like coconuts and vanilla)
-There was one particular curly haired, aviator wearing boy who had caught her eye; the only one who wasn't constantly fawning over her.
-Kelso was constantly hitting on her, Eric would make subtly hints on how hot she was, and Fez made no effort to hide his attraction towards her.
-While she found his advances towards her rather cute--and sometimes creepy--she couldn't help but wish that it was Hyde who was hitting on her.
-She saw him hit on other girls in the Hub and at work where they worked together in the record store, but she couldn't help but feel a little pang of jealousy.
-But nonetheless, she kept her distance, respecting that he may not feel the same as she did.
-But, oh, how she was wrong.
-Steven Hyde pulled his infamous move and kept her at arms length so that he couldn't get attached.
-If there is anything he was good at it was hiding his feelings for anybody.
-His aviators helped conceal his feelings--and his red, glazed eyes when he was high.
-She was super cute, especially during casual nights when she would crack jokes and giggle at the stupid stuff Kelso says, or the pranks Hyde pulled on the boys.
-He knew he couldn't be with her; she was full of sunshine and radiance, her inner beauty making her even more beautiful.
-He knew everything about her; her likes and dislikes, especially her love of conspiracy theories (they have talked for hours just talking about it and that's when he started to develop his feelings for her) her love for writing, and even found that she had dyslexia.
-When she came out to him about her bisexuality, he found out that he was the only person who knew because she trusted him enough to not mention anything.
-He was floored that someone who trusted him this much to keep.
- "I have to ask," he said. "Which chick do you find the hottest?"
- "Oh my God, Hyde," she laughed but thought about it for a minute. "If I'm being honest, Jackie. I mean, Donna is gorgeous too and all, but Jackie is a petite, cute little thing and when she isn't being, well, a total bitch, I want to just cuddle with her and squeeze her so tight."
-Steven grinned at her. "Hot."
-Y/n laughing before shoving him off the couch. "You're a pig."
-But she was also very funny and very wise. She was always the first person to help when her friends needed her, the ear to listen to about all their problems, the hands that would help pick up others, the lips that would turn up into a bright smile, making anyone around her smile with her.
-And not to mention that bangin' bod that she had goin' on that was almost damn near impossible for him to look away from.
-For Christmas, she painted him a Led Zepplin painting that was full of colors and shading; a near replication of the actual band themselves, but with a beautiful twist to it...the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given him. He proudly hung it in his room that day.
-But despite how good she was to him, he knew he could never return those feelings.
-He was too dark, too brooding, too independent, too negative, too aggressive and...too much.
-His energy could never match hers.
-He'd never be good enough for her.
-It wasn't until long the group caught on about their feelings for each other.
-They got tired of the longing stares, the dance arounds, and the sad puppy dog faces that they always wore when the other wasn't nearby.
-So they conjured up a plan.
-The perfect time came when Y/n was over in the Forman's basement, watching Three's Company and Hyde had just walked in through the door.
-Fez, Donna, Jackie, Kelso, and Eric all looked at each other before they all stood from their seats.
- "We'll be right back," Eric announced.
- "Alright, where you guys going?" Y/n asked.
- "Uh, nowhere," Fez responded smoothly.
-Hyde eyed them suspicious
-They split off into two groups; Jackie and Donna took the stairs door, locking it.
-Kelso, Fez, and Eric took the basement door, blocking them in.
- "Kelso! Forman! What the hell are you doing?!" Hyde shouted through the door.
- "C'mon guys, let us out!" Y/n called through the basement door.
- "No! Not until you confess your feelings for each other!" Jackie shouted through the door.
- "What?!" The two said together.
- "You think we haven't noticed the way you two are with each other?" Fez asked.
- Y/n looked at Steven before turning her attention back to the two girls blocking the door. "I don't know what you're talking about."
-"Oh, whatever, you are lying!" Jackie said.
- "Just tell her how you feel, man," Eric encouraged.
-After a few minutes of going back and forth with the group, the pair gave up and found themselves standing in front of each other.
- "Is it true?" he asked.
- She looked him in the eyes before nodding. "Yes. W-what about you?"
-He looked at her for a minute before he reached out, grabbing her face and roughly brought his lips to hers, bringing her in a bruising kiss.
-After what felt like a decade, they pulled apart lips swollen.
- "I'll take that as a yes," she said, chuckling.
-He tucked hair behind her ear before pecking her lips one more time. "Yeah," he said breathlessly.
-She smiled before leaning up one more time, kissing him softly, completely entranced by the kiss.
-And man was he a good kisser.
-She wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her back and waist to pull her tight against his body.
- "Finally!" Fez called out from behind them.
-They break away to give him the "go away" look.
-"Now, let's go to the hub."
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ymnfilter · 4 years
And It All Goes Up In Smoke [TenRose Ficlet]
And it says, come to me
you, the tired and heavy,
And I will give you
much needed rest.
“That friend of yours,” Donna doesn’t know why she’s asking, doesn’t know what will come out of it. All she knows is that he looks terribly sad now even though not just ten minutes ago he had scared the life out of her, “What was her name?”
He doesn’t say for a moment, doesn’t look like he’s capable of words. Then, with voice thick and tears welling up in those ancient eyes, he replies, rushed and almost garbled, “Her name was Rose.”
He only breaths out once the TARDIS doors shut behind him, and then leans back against them, his feet feeling incapable of supporting his suddenly very heavy soul.
“Her name was Rose.” A voice mocks from somewhere up the ramp, and the Doctor flinches, his eyes snapping over towards the time rotor with a glare, only to widen in shock when he sees who's there,
He remembers this Rose. It’s Rose from when they went to Barcelona. He had promised her quaint gardens and noseless puppies and absolutely no running. And she had trusted him by showing up in a pretty flowy white lace sundress with her hair styled and in curls. It was one of the very few times he had seen her in something that wasn’t really practical for adventures, but Barcelona hadn’t been an adventure anyway. It had been a date. They had gotten ice cream, and dog treats and played with shelter puppies for hours and he had remembered thinking he was in love with the most beautiful creature in all of the universe.
Even now, standing in front of the time rotor, knowing that she isn’t real, can’t be real because he had just said good-bye to her forever not even a day ago, that statement still holds true.
“Hello.” She smiles and the Doctor stumbles forward, clumsily climbing the stairs till they’re only standing a few feet apart,
“You aren’t real.” He replies, but her smile doesn’t dim. If anything, it just shifts to something a little more amusing,
“Not in the strictest sense, no.”
“And yet, if you were a shape shifter of some sort, the TARDIS wouldn’t have let you in.”
He doesn’t know how he’s so calm about all this. But, try as he might, all he feels is numb. It’s a scarily familiar feeling. The same non-sensation he had coursing through him just a little while ago when he had been about to drown and hadn’t cared at all.
“I’m not an alien, Doctor.” She rolls her eyes now and laughs in a way so familiar it simultaneously squeezes painfully at one of his hearts even as the other lightens a little at the sound.
“You’re responding to me, so you’re not a hologram either.” His eyes flick over to the control panel, but everything is as it should be. Whoever she is, it isn’t the TARDIS’ doing.
“Not a hologram either, love.”
She looks real enough. Sounds just like her. If he concentrates hard enough, he can smell the vanilla and strawberries scent he has always associated with her. His hands twitch to reach out, but he hesitates,
“If I touch you, will you disappear?”
In response, she walks closer, and places a hand on his cheek, cupping his face in a way that makes him lose his breath. He squeezes his eyes shut, wills all his senses to concentrate on that one point of contact alone. She’s warm and human and Rose, just as he remembers but at the same time she isn’t. A tear slips and escapes down from his closed eyes, and she brings up another hand to brush it away. His own stay on his sides, clenched in fists, useless and heavy as lead. 
“I will stay as long as you need me to stay.”
“You are a hallucination.” The Doctor blinks, “I’m hallucinating. It’s been a while since that has happened.”
She is a hallucination. Hesitantly, he brings his hands up and places them on her waist. He can touch her, and she will feel the same because he knows how it feels to touch her. It’s all memories and senses and feelings. She’s not real. She’s definitely not real, but she’s also Rose.
“You don’t seem panicked.” Rose tilts her head, “I thought you seeing things that shouldn’t be would send you running for the hills trying to figure out what was wrong.”
“I know what’s wrong.” The Doctor sighs, and leans against the console without pulling away from Rose, “I love you and I miss you and I’m going half crazy without you.” He closes his eyes, then gulps something painful, “The thing is, whatever’s wrong with me, I don’t think I want to fix it if it gives me at least this.” 
“I would just like to say,” Rose whispers close to him, their faces inches apart. She giggles, “If anybody could see you right now, you would look ridiculous, holding on to something that isn’t actually there.”
“Don’t think I’ll want anybody else here anytime soon.” He pauses, tilts his head, “Maybe not ever.”
“Doctor,” She brings up her arms, loops them casually around his neck- it doesn’t matter that she isn’t real. His head is filled to the brim with the warm scent of Rose that he remembers made him lose his train of thought multiple times- and presses herself a little closer, “My Doctor, don’t be alone.” She begs him, but he doesn’t want to hear it. He clenches his eyes shut,
“Don’t. I don’t want anyone else.”
“No, but you need someone else. It’s better with two.”
“No. It was better with you.” He pulls her closer till her chest is flushed against his and then pulls her closer still, burying his nose in her soft hair, “Nobody else is going to come anywhere close to you.”
She is silent for a moment, her hand carding through his hair and he lets himself relax against her hold. He doesn’t know how long he has with her-this Rose that isn’t Rose but is the closest he’s ever going to get to her- but he’s going to savor and cherish each moment like a man starved. 
“You know I can’t really argue with you. Not when I’m a figment of your mind.” She mumbles in the end. The Doctor lets himself feel that special brand of smug victory that came with winning an argument against Rose Marion Tyler. She continues, “But, you also know me better than anyone else in the universe. You know what I would want.”
“You wouldn’t want me to replace you.”
“You’re wrong. I wouldn’t want you to be alone.”
“You never wanted to say goodbye. You never wanted me to forget you.”
“Well, considering you’re currently cuddling and talking to a self created hallucination of your lost girlfriend, I think it’s safe to say you aren’t forgetting me anytime soon.”
The Doctor frowns, then pulls away a little to get a closer look at her face. Rose smiles up at him innocently, “Were you always this cheeky?”
“You love me.” She retorts flippantly, but the answer makes the Doctor stiffen. He feels his eyes well up again, and God, for the life of him he can’t remember when was the last time he had cried this much,
“Yes. Yes I do. More than you could ever know.” Rose rolls her eyes,
“I’m in your head, Doctor. I think I have a pretty good idea.”
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littlelittlebear · 4 years
Two Drifters | 3/3 Jeronica Secret Santa
@fangstomysweetpea oh my god.... its finally time!!! 
The moment i’ve been aching for is finally here and i am HYPE
Happy Christmas my dear Tumblr-friend, I hope you enjoy this jeronica playlist/au/riverdale rewrite.
A couple things first, the descriptions on each song are just an outline as to whats happening in that moment/what the song calls for. Also, this is like a story, so its not really something you can play on shuffle lol. I’m confident you didn’t really need these “instructions” lmao, just want you to have a bomb-ass jeronica experience XDD
Also, you don’t have to “follow” the descriptions when you think them out, you can completely take the reigns too if you’d like!
So.... here ya go!!
And here are the descriptions-
Oxford Comma-
Locking eyes for the first time… wow. Just- everything is in slow motion.
Baby Doll-
Slow dancing in Pop’s after the dance. (V goes to Pop’s instead of Archie)
Can I call you tonight?-
Jughead and Veronica’s moments of glee when they finally set up a date with each other. Veronica squeals and jumps up and down, Jughead punches the air, they both fall down on the bed with blissful looks on their faces. Two cinnamon rolls.
“So, I’ll call you tonight?”
“Yes! *Too enthusiastic- calm down Veronica* Yes. Call me tonight.”
*Que music*
Just Like a Movie-
Jughead calls this their theme song one day when they’re just hanging out in the student lounge as a joke.
Veronica calls this Jughead’s theme song in response, they have a good laugh and Jughead rolls his eyes at the lyrics A LOT.
Space Girl-
Jughead calls this Veronica’s theme song- because she’s “oUt oF tHiS worLD!”.
She smacks his arm for being so cheesy.
Good Morning-
The morning after they do the “horizontal tango” with each other for the first time, they dance in Veronica’s kitchen, knowing all the words- only to be interrupted by an amused Hermione Lodge.
Their first Christmas together, spent snowed in at The Pembrooke. But honestly, they don’t mind.
Shake it out-
Jughead and Veronica cry together after her parents blackmail them/force them to break up. #parentssuck.
Your star-
Coping with the breakup, newsflash- they aren’t, or when they are... they don’t go the healthiest route. So. Much. Angst.
Veronica changes up her style a little bit, which really is just lower cut tops, just trying to forget about Jughead- does a lil sexy performance singing to this at a pep rally.
Out the door-
Jughead never leaving the depressional stage of grief.                                
+ Exchanging broken looks that just scream “I’m not over you.”
I can’t get you off my mind-
Drunkenly hooking up at a party because their tension recently had just been… w o w
Sneaking around- sexy times ;)
Why Do You Love Me-
Having a screaming match, then a very angry/hot makeup session, then very angry sex XD
The Wind-
After some hOrIzOnTaL TaNGo at Sweetwater River, they admit that they can’t keep away from each other, saying that they love each other for the first time- followed by Veronica crying tears of joy cuz she’s never done that before- and that they’re going to work everything out, together. They just hold each other after that.
“I love you, Princess.”
Veronica props herself on her elbow to face him (they were laying down before)
Jughead sees her widened eyes. “Y-you don’t have to say it back, I know its ha-“
“I love you too, Jug”
You and I-
Montage of working at Pop’s for summer, ending with a jam sesh in Jughead’s trailer- Veronica just in his shirt and Jughead just in his sweats. FP comes in, surprised to see Veronica, but welcomes her easily. FP and Veronica bond, and he embarrasses Jug with some baby photos. While Jug’s probably beet-red, he can’t help but completely oggle at Veronica- happy that they don’t have to hide from his dad anymore.
Start a Riot-
Jeronica send a little message to Hiram through security cameras (they just make out lmao), showing that he can’t keep them apart. They then proceed to trash Hiram’s jingle jangle lab. :)
Moon River-
Slow dancing after having been crowned homecoming King and Queen. And of course, because Veronica is 1/2 of this relationship- this becomes their song.
“That’s us.”
“What do you mean?” Veronica asks, confused.
“The two drifters in the song. ‘Two drifters, off to see the world.’ That’s us”
Veronica’s eyes start to gloss.
“I absolutely love that. And you.”
Being the badass power couple they are, being 100% team Serpent against the Bulldogs during the riots. Its all one long shot too- no cuts :))
A Sunday Kind of Love-
Looking at each other in slow motion (wow- I really love putting stuff in slow motion) when Veronica is officially named Serpent queen, they’re absolutely smitten with each other. Cut to them dancing in the Wyrm to the song, discussing how they’re going to make their big debut as Riverdale’s resident power couple… second to Choni of course.
“So… now that I’m your queen, I was thinking had a debut of sorts. Just to educate the public of this new order.” Veronica jabs, only kind of joking.
Jughead laughs, but it sounds more of a huff.
“Could you settle for a hand-in-hand entrance at school? Or would you be more comfortable with a red carpet event?”
Veronica and Jughead walking into school as Serpent Royalty with matching Serpent jackets- no special colours thank you very much. You can bet your ass its in slow motion.
Worlds Apart-
Veronica crying at Jughead’s bed-side after the Ghoulies fuck him up.
Boss Bitch-
Veronica gets revenge on the Ghoulies and Penny Peabody with the help of the female Serpents, the River vixens, Hermione, Betty, and Alice.
Le Symbolique-
Veronica and Jughead reunite from his state of unconsciousness, this whole sequence is in slow motion, with a lot of white lighting/glare. Jughead almost died and just that thought alone KILLED Veronica.
“Jug I was so scared-“
“Shush Ronnie, let me look at you.” His teary eyes trace over Veronica’s face with a beaming smile, before he brings his girlfriend closer and kisses the top of her forehead.
Harmony Hall- 
Some core four bliss before it gets chaotic again, with a side of Jeronica and Barchie cuddles.
Not Your Barbie Girl-
A River vixen performance, Jughead is so fricken in love with Ronnie right now cuz she’s just RADIATING empowerment.
Therefore I Am- 
Jeronica sends Hiram to jail again after a bomb ass one liner from Veronica:
“Mija, you have no idea what you’re doing.”
“Only one thing’s false in that sentence Hiram, I’m not your Mija anymore.”
*Proud Jughead smirk*
This Life-
Veronica meeting JB and Gladys, them getting along great- just a wholesome Lodge/Jones get-together.
Don’t Call Me Angel-
Veronica changes her name to Luna, fully emancipating herself from Hiram, and this gets Jughead really turned on XD
Sway With Me-
La Bonne Nuit’s first successful night, Josie, Veronica, Toni, and Cheryl perform. Veronica somehow convinces Jughead to dance with her in public. Think Moulin Rouge’s Diamond Dogs type editing.
My Oh My- 
Getting screwed over my Hiram, Veronica is in a TON of debt and needs some “stress relief” with Jughead. He obliges. Happily.
Veronica and Cheryl start their rum business, Jughead helps and oml he’s so proud of her. Btw, Cheronica are HUGE badasses right now.
Bury a friend-
Surviving Eversgreen Forest and Penelope Blossom…
The core four are free from the forest, successfully escaping Penelope Blossom. Jughead and Veronica share a tearful but happy kiss, laying down on the back of a truck.
Don’t Take The Money-
The core four hang out at pops and promise to have fun this senior year, Jughead steals Veronica’s cherry from her milkshake, but being so vulnerable to Midget’s (He calls her Midget. Yup.) puppy dog eyes, he makes it up to her by sharing his fries. 
“And for a brief, shining moment, we were kids again.” all that good shiz
The Four Seasons: “Winter”-
Jeronica hangs with the Stonewall psychos.
(Online Love)-
Veronica and Jughead FaceTime and Veronica has this vibe like she’s the montage of the hero’s dead girlfriend in a movie. Like her hair is all splayed out on her pillow and she’s all smiley-
“You look like an angel right now- with your hair like a halo and how much you’re smiling.”
Veronica laughs
“Well it’s your fault I’m smiling you idiot.” Her voice softens towards the end of the sentence.
“I love you too, Ron.”
El Tejano-
Party at Stonewall, Jeronica are absolutely WASTED. Fun fact- Jughead get’s really into PDA when he’s drunk
Burned Out- 
Oh shit… I guess Jughead is dead now. (dw, Betty’s still the one who “kills him”)
Claire de Lune-
Just kidding, he’s alive, and he and Veronica have a really cute moment in the bunker. Veronica starts reading his novel, per his request, and he just starts playing this on the record player and she smiles but her eyes are still on the book. He just kind of watches her, and when she starts beaming at the book he can’t help but kiss her right there. Then they just cuddle and little bit, Veronica on Jug’s lap, reading the book some more.
Girls Like GIrls-
Veronica has to prove Jughead is dead, so she and Betty kinda sorta… make out. Like, a lot. Betty is dating Archie at this point, and he’s the one who gets “mad”. But basically Betty and Veronica end up making out again cuz they spot Donna watching them. Veronica is a bi con, and Betty might be too but everyones in denial so *shrugs*.
Dream Lover-
(Time skip, because I’m lazy) Jughead’s alive again, sadly, his spot at NYU was taken by well, Veronica. Luckily, after pulling some strings, she surprises Jug with a full-ride acceptance letter from NYU starting second semester.
Magic Moments-
Yay! Prom! Barchie gets crowned king and queen (Beronica was kind of forgotten about, but thats fine, because we’re here for Jeronica first). While Betty and Archie are totally lost in each other, Jughead and Veronica are just kind of joking around on the side. While it’s Barchie’s moment, Jeronica is still looking pretty damn cute rn. Also, this becomes Barchie’s song!!
Oxford comma-
The song comes through the speaker at prom, Jughead invites Veronica to dance. As they sway, they gaze at one another like they’re seeing one another for the first time, to the song that started it all. 
And thats it! Thats Jeronica’s story from season one to season four, I hope you have a very merry Christmas and I hope you liked your presents! Also, if anyone feels like adding on to the dialogue or using any of the points in a fic or even making a whole ass fanfiction- please do!! I didn’t do this justice with my mediocre quotes so it would actually be preferred XD.
And again, happy Christmas :))
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chelseaheskett · 4 years
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She hated the idea of Elliot having to do more work after a full day at the office, preparing to take his first solo case to court—but the box for Vanessa’s new bed frame, leaned against the wall in the twins room, was starting to create a safety hazard. Late in the week, when he got home from work, Chelsea greeted him with a kiss and a proposition. The babies were napping in the playpen downstairs, so it gave them the perfect window of opportunity to finally set it up. Well... Chelsea was there for moral support. Verbal encouragement! She was there to supervise. She couldn’t reach down and hand him any of his tools, or anything, so she relaxed into the rocking chair in the corner of the bedroom, sipping on a cool glass of lemonade. “Where are the coveralls!?” She whined when he came into the room and settled onto the floor. Much to her dismay, Elliot had stripped down to a loose white tank top and sweat pants. Chelsea wasn’t happy about it! No matter how good he looked otherwise! Sex fantasies aside, though, they had a job to do. 
Halfway through, when the bottom of the bed frame was all screwed together, Elliot got the best of her. She’d been distracting him the entire time with her running commentary: constantly telling him how good he looked, how much she loved him, how hot this whole thing was making her feel. She got down on the floor under the guise of offering him some assistance, but really it was just an excuse to get close and touch him. His skin was shiny with sweat, his hair was falling all over his face. The touching started out semi innocent. A hand on his back, at the base of his neck, on his bicep. Brushing the hair off his forehead. Kissing him on the cheek, just because she could. Trailing her mouth down to his throat, and kissing his sweet spot until he squirmed. Her hands started to stray, too, until Elliot dropped the screwdriver and construction on the bed momentarily halted. 
Chelsea had to let him finish putting the bed frame together all by his lonesome. A baby monitor went off a few minutes post-orgasm, and Chelsea went and tended to the kids with wobbly legs walking down the stairs. Fed them and started on dinner for her and Elliot while he worked. Took Vanessa to unveil her big girl bed after bath time. She climbed straight over the railing, instead of crawling through the appropriate opening, and squealed. Chelsea scoffed to hide her laughter. “Puppy dog!” Vanessa pointed to one printed on her bed sheets. She’d been a huge help in picking them out when they went shopping the previous weekend. Elliot had to tuck her in. Like Jack’s bed, it was too low to the ground for Chelsea and her pregnant belly. She was getting so big, thirty-two weeks along now, that it was hard to even hold Isaac, and lift him into his crib. Her little boy seemed happy in his cot. Didn’t care too much about Vanessa’s new bed, thank God. Chelsea cuddled him and said goodnight.
Somehow, but somehow not surprising, Elliot was strong enough to move Vanessa’s old crib into their bedroom all by himself. Chelsea kept forgetting about it, and practically tripped over it multiple times in the middle of the night on her way to the toilet. The baby was constantly putting hard pressure on her bladder, and flaring up bursts of pain in her abdomen on and off all night. Elliot must’ve fallen asleep before she did, for once. She felt utterly exhausted and like she’d gotten no sleep whatsoever by the time morning came and Elliot kissed her goodbye, like always, before leaving for work. “Mornin’.” Chelsea mumbled, stretching her arms out. Her bed hair was sticking up in all angles and he smoothed some of it down and out of her face. “Oh, I bet Isaac loved that.” She smiled, sleepy. Elliot kissed her temple and his lips lingered. Chelsea whinged and reached for his tie to pull him back into bed. He was running late. Right! He had court for his case today! “Okay, go, go! Good luck, honey. Not that you need it!” Tomorrow was the weekend—they could cuddle in bed as much as they wanted to then. She adjusted his tie with one eye open. “Okay, baby.” Every other Friday was always when custody week started with Jenny. Chelsea would just have to stack all the babies in the car and pick her up from school later on in the day. Elliot kissed her on the mouth this time. Chelsea sighed into it. “I love you, too! Bye, gorgeous!” She replied, calling out when the warmth of his body was gone and she could hear the bedroom door lightly close behind him. 
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12:59PM, FRIDAY. JANUARY 31ST, 2020.
The day was meant to be uneventful. She hadn’t been to the grocery store in awhile, because she absolutely refused to shove all three toddlers into a single shopping cart. A week without her Mom’s help at home and being in constant pain because of the baby was really starting to suck. Donna had been trying to catch up all week, so they could finally talk about the elephant in the room, but Chelsea always had an excuse. Today, she thought she might use it to her advantage. Get it over and done with and get something out of it. She called her phone early morning and Christian answered it. Chelsea tried not to give her emotions away, and politely asked if she could speak to her Mom. Didn’t trade any more niceties, didn’t do small talk. When her Mom got on the other end of the phone, Chelsea simply asked if she could look after the kids for an hour while she went food shopping, and suggested they finally sit down and talk when she got home. Her Mom was eager. Agreed, and didn’t mention the fact that Christian was there, at her house, answering her phone. Disgusting. 
Chelsea shot Elliot through a message, knowing it’d probably take a while to get a response when he had court. She got a reply a little while later, but by that point her phone was in her back pocket, and she was stuck in the kitchen arguing with her Mom. “I’m sorry, but I don’t want him anywhere near me or my family! Period!” Chelsea spun around, dropping the dishes from lunch into the sink. “You know what, Mom? Do whatever the hell you want! You’ve obviously made up your mind if he’s sleeping over at your house.” Chelsea pulled a face, clearly repulsed. 
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“Watch how you talk to me, Chelsea.” Donna retorted, like she was still a little girl and not a full grown ass adult. Sure, maybe Chelsea was acting a little bit like a brat, or a child throwing a tantrum, but... this wasn’t okay! How was she meant to just sit still and take this? She refused to accept this. Nope. It wasn’t happening. 
“What do you want me to say, Mom? Do you want me to just lie and say that I’m happy for you? Because I’m not! I’m not happy! I’m fucking furious!” Chelsea cussed. Ignored the literal swear jar, half-stuffed with dollar bills, only a small distance away from her on the kitchen counter. “And the fact that you can’t understand why makes it even worse!” Chelsea’s voice was going hoarse. “Put yourself in my shoes for... for just a second, okay? Your boyfriend assaulted me, he assaulted my husband—”
Donna cut her off. “I know that! I know! I’m not completely blinded by love that—”
“Love?” It knocked the wind out of her entire body. Chelsea squinted at her mother. “This has to be some sort of sick, twisted joke! How can you love him after what he did to me? I’m your child, for God’s sake!” The tears prickled her eyes. 
Her mother took a step forward, almost pleading with her. Chelsea was grateful that they had the kitchen island keeping them apart. “People make mistakes, honey—”
“What, like Elliot?” Chelsea spat, recounting their argument last week. “You might be all about forgiveness, Mom, but trust me when I say that I will never forgive you for throwing that in my face.” She tried her best to keep her voice even and strong. Spoke with conviction.
“You never even let me finish what I was trying to say last week! Stop being so stubborn and listen to me! Please!” 
“No, you listen! As long as you’re seeing Christian, I don’t wanna see you. You can come here, you can see the kids, because they love you and they miss you, but... but that’s it. I’ll be nice, I’ll be polite, but you and me? We don’t have a relationship anymore. I’m done!”
Donna started crying before Chelsea did. “Chels, please—”
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“Whatever, I... I’m leaving. I’m going to the store. I can’t even look at you right now.” Chelsea grabbed a tea towel and wiped the soap off her hands. Dramatically threw it onto the counter and started off to leave the room.
“Don’t you dare walk out on me, Chelsea Grace!”
“Yeah? Watch me.” She called over her shoulder. Hastily grabbed her purse and keys from the table in the entryway and slammed the front door behind her. It was loud enough to possibly wake up one or all of the babies from their afternoon nap, but that was her Mom’s problem now. Chelsea waddled to her car, hands gripping her swollen stomach, and slammed that door open and closed, too. Turned the A/C on full blast, to give herself some air. Get her breathing back under control. She drove around the corner from the house to sit and park the car there. Just until she could calm down long enough to make the short drive to the grocery store. 
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After a few minutes of meditative breathing, and stroking her stomach, Chelsea’s phone buzzed with a message. She was surprised when MY BABY 💞 💖💕 flashed on the screen; fully expecting her mother to be bombarding her with notifications after their argument. Chelsea opened the text, quickly scanned over the message. She was too keyed up to reply. Locked her phone and dropped it into her cup holder, leaving Elliot unanswered. For now, at least. She shifted gears and started to drive. Blasted the radio, so she didn’t have to think. Repeated eggs, over and over under her breath, so she wouldn’t forget.
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Grocery shopping was nice. Distracting. She got a couple cereal boxes of cinnamon toast crunch for Jenny. Filled a cart to the brim with food and fruit and diapers. Got supplies so she could make them enchiladas for dinner. Chelsea’s feet were sore and swollen. She’d only been walking around for half an hour, tops, and she was already exhausted. She arched her back and stretched, feeling achey all over. The baby was misbehaving. She was almost at the checkout with her shopping cart when she remembered eggs. Huffing, she rolled her cart down a couple more aisles until she found them. She reached up to grab a carton and toss it into her cart. 
She felt the pressure build up in her abdomen. It built until she could feel it pop, and then release, and fluid started to trickle down between her thighs. “Shit!” Chelsea cursed. She fumbled and the carton of eggs splattered on the floor, all yolk and eggshells and amniotic fluid. She was wearing a dress, so the water dripped right down her legs and pooled at her feet. Soaked her sneakers. The fluid was blood-tinged, from what she could see past the cracked eggs. “Oh God, oh no.” She gripped the handlebars of the shopping cart, breath accelerating. It was gushing out of her, without any signs of stopping.
“Hey, are you alright?” One of the grocers approached, wearing a uniform and carrying a yellow caution cone, ready to clean up her mess.
Chelsea was hunched over, one hand white-knuckling the bars on the cart and the other cradling her stomach, as if she could hold herself together. As if she had the power to stop this from happening. “I think my—my water just broke, but I... I’m not ready. It’s too early.” Chelsea said, voice shrill, breath ragged. 
The guy looked like he was barely out of high school. His face went a little pale. “I... I’ll...” He stammered. “I’ll call 911.” He pulled a cellphone out of his back pocket. Someone else walked over; another shopper, Chelsea assumed. An older woman. A stranger with kind eyes. She started rubbing her back for some comfort. “Is there anyone I can call for you, darling?” The nice lady asked, pressing circles into her skin. 
“My husband. He’s in court right now, he’s—he’s a defense attorney, I—” Just to clarify, so the woman didn’t get the wrong idea. Chelsea sifted through her purse to retrieve her phone. 
“An ambulance is on the way.” The kid said, still looking alarmed.
Elliot’s number was at the top of her favourites list. Next to her Mom, and Macy, and Caleb, and Amy, and Lola. Chelsea thumbed over his contact info to call him. It went straight to voicemail. “His phone must be off.” Chelsea cried, raking a hand through her hair. She tried again, for good measure. And again. And again. Nothing. “I’m only thirty-two weeks along, I can’t—I can’t be doing this.” The lady hushed her, told her to breathe, guided her through it. Chelsea was trying her hardest not to keep track of the amount of blood in the fluid on the floor. The grocer left and came back with another caution sign. People around them stared, looked concerned. Tears were streaming down her face, and fluid was still dripping down her legs. “Please, God.” Chelsea prayed through a sob. 
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Her first contraction came when the paramedics loaded her up into the back of the ambulance. She gritted her teeth and cried out in agony. Fisted the sheet on the gurney. “Is he gonna be okay? It’s too early. It’s too early!” Chelsea rushed through asking when the pain finally passed. One of the paramedics stayed in the back with her, hooking her up to machines and checking her vitals, while the other one drove. No sirens, Chelsea noticed. The paramedic reassured her. Asked her some questions: if this was her first pregnancy, if she’d ever had complications like this before. Asked about the gestational diabetes. Asked if they could call someone else for her, since Elliot still wasn’t answering his phone. The paramedic took hold of Chelsea’s phone and dialled through to her Mom. 
The woman quickly explained the situation to Donna over the phone. Chelsea could hear Isaac crying in the background, even with the receiver covered. After a minute, the paramedic put the phone on loud speaker. “Chelsea, honey, are you okay? What can I do?” 
“I need... I need you to get a hold of Elliot. Please. I don’t know how, I just...” Chelsea’s mouth was dry. “He’s in court, he’s with Macy. Call Amy, or something, I don’t know. Get word to him somehow, please. Please.” She was still panicked. “I can’t do this! Not now.” She cried some more. “Mom, I’m scared.” 
“I know, honey. I know. It’s going to be okay. Let me go so I can get in touch with him, or someone at the courthouse. You and bub are gonna be fine, okay?” Chelsea nodded, even if her mother couldn’t see it. “I’ll see you soon, hon.” Donna hung up. Chelsea didn’t get a chance to say anything else. Not a goodbye, nothing. She shoved her phone back into her bag. Braced herself for her next contraction.
They stuck her into a birthing suite as soon as they arrived at the hospital. A nurse helped her out of her wet clothes and got her into a hospital gown. Slowly walked her over to the bed and got her to sit down, propped up by some pillows. Chelsea kept her phone close, squeezed inside her palm in case Elliot called. Or her Mom. The OB/GYN on call came in to examine her. Left Chelsea crying for a minute or two to discuss something with a nurse or a midwife or whoever holding a tablet in the corner of the room. “She was here, what? Christmas Eve? Who was on that night? They should’ve picked this up.” The doctor said, hushed and frustrated. “Oh, Johnson? Figures.” Chelsea pretended like she wasn’t listening in on their conversation, but a spike in her heart monitor gave her away. The doctor, Dr. Hernandez, typed some notes onto the tablet before coming back over to sit between Chelsea’s legs. 
“So, Chelsea, you’ve got what’s called an incompetent cervix. Or cervical insufficiency—not that it sounds much better, as a term, but... what that means is that your cervix has already begun to shorten... dilate pre-term.” Dr. Hernandez said, sympathy showing on her face as she explained. Chelsea whimpered. Scrunched up her face, completely confused and trying to control her reactions to the pain she was feeling. “Basically your cervix isn’t strong enough to withstand the weight of the baby. Most likely brought on by the fact that your previous pregnancy was carrying twins.” She continued. “And even though you’re only thirty-two weeks along, he’s a big boy. Top percentile, I saw in your notes.” She smiled, as if this was meant to be comforting. “So it makes sense that this has happened. I’m sorry this wasn’t picked up on sooner. You’ve been regularly attending all of your appointments?”
Chelsea nodded around a sob. “Can you—can you fix it?” She pleaded.
“Normally, if detected early, yes. But with your membranes already having been ruptured—with your water already broken, it’s not safe. There’s risk of infection for you and the baby if we don’t get him out soon. And you’re already dilated a couple centimetres. So we’ll monitor you for the next couple of hours and see how things progress.” 
Chelsea’s breathing was laboured. “No, I can’t. I can’t. I can’t have this baby now. I can’t.” She shook her head. “I can’t do this. I can’t—I need my husband. I can’t do this without him. I need him here.” She rambled through her tears, frantic. “I don’t wanna do this.” Like she had any other choice, at this point. 
“You’re still a few hours off, in my opinion. He should get here before the baby comes.” The doctor reassured her. Lightly patted her forearm. “You won’t be alone. I’ll be here every step of the way.” Chelsea cried harder, because it wasn’t the same. Her Mom had been there for Jack. Her Mom and Elliot had been there for the twins. Now she was virtually alone. No family, no support. She’d practically disowned her mother a couple of hours ago, anyway! Chelsea was starting to hiccup, she was crying so heavily. “What’s your pain level at?” Dr. Hernandez asked. Chelsea simply shrugged, trying her best to calm herself down. “You’re highly distressed right now, Chelsea. I’m going to suggest that I give you a sedative, and something else to numb some of the labour pains. Is that okay?” Chelsea nodded, head dipped back into the pillows, eyes closed. Willing this not to happen, willing it all to be over.
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Exhaustion set in. Everything felt fuzzy, because of the drugs. She kept her phone balanced on her chest, waiting for some sort of update from someone. Her Mom, or Elliot, or anybody. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been waiting. How many contractions she’d cried through, all on her own. She was all alone. Her head swimming, like she was drunk. She had to fight to keep her eyes open. The doctor hadn’t been back in awhile. Chelsea had to wonder if anybody, hospital staff or not, would come to check up on her. If anybody cared, at this point. She felt about ready to fade away. 
One of the monitors started rapidly beeping. Chelsea struggled to lift her head off her pillow in time for one of the nurses to run in. “Code pink!” She shouted out into the hallway. Pushed a button on the wall, and the speakers overhead repeated her phrase: CODE PINK, BED 13. CODE PINK.
“What’s happening?” Chelsea mumbled. Tried to prop herself up on her elbows, but the nurse forced her back down. Adjusted the gurney so it was flat, so Chelsea was completely lying down. Pulled the railings up, ready for transport. A team of doctors rushed into the room. She hadn’t seen any of them before. They started wheeling her out of the birthing suite. Dr. Hernandez was suddenly there by Chelsea’s side, hands gripping around the bed railing to help push her to their next destination.
“Okay, Chelsea. The baby’s heart rate dropped dangerously low, so we’re taking you in for an emergency c-section now. We’re gonna get this little guy out, safe and happy. Okay? Do you understand?” She was too doped up on drugs to properly respond. Kind of nodded. Felt too numb and exhausted to fully understand the weight of what the doctor was saying. Dangerously low, thirty-two weeks along, emergency c-section. Safe and happy. The baby would be safe and happy. Everything would be okay. Okay. She understood. “We’re gonna put you under general anaesthesia. We need to hurry—to make sure the baby is doing okay.” The doctor continued to explain.
It happened pretty fast once they got inside the operating room. They transferred her from the bed onto the table. Roped her off from the chest down, so she couldn’t see anything. The anaesthesiologist got her mask ready, holding it by her face. Dr. Hernandez paid her a visit one final time. “You ready to meet your son?” She asked, hopeful and optimistic. 
“His name is Luca.” Chelsea said, groggy. “Luca Elliot.”
They made her count. Count down to blacking out, with the mask finally covering her face. Chelsea didn’t want to count. For once, she didn’t. Her eyes fluttered shut, trying to fight it. Still trying to stop this from happening. Wanting it to be Elliot’s face hovering over her, not some nameless doctor. Not anybody else. No numbers, only Elliot. In her daze, she tried to picture him. The lines around his mouth and his eyes when he smiled. Only Elliot. Chelsea sucked in her last breath, until everything faded and disappeared around her. Until everything emptied out and there was nothing but darkness. 
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“Mr. Holt.” The doctor called out, grabbing Elliot’s attention. Still in her scrubs. Now that it was all over and done with, she could explain it to him properly. The man stood from his waiting room chair, expectant. Frantic. 
“During the c-section, your wife’s bladder was lacerated—which isn’t something unheard of happening during these types of emergency abdominal procedures. She lost a lot of blood, so we had to keep her under anaesthesia and prolong surgery to make the appropriate repairs. Do a blood transfusion. Her bladder is fixed, but she’ll have to use a foley catheter for a few weeks. They’re wheeling her into recovery now. You should be able to see her in a little while.” Dr. Hernandez smiled, polite and professional. 
Her gaze drifted to, who she assumed was, Chelsea’s mother. They had the same face. The woman was pushing a stroller back and forth in a steady rhythm with her foot. “There was, however, another complication during the reparative surgery. Cardiac issues run in the family?” She remembered what it said on the family medical history in Chelsea’s chart. “Midway through surgery, Chelsea's heart gave out. She flatlined. We lost her for a few moments, but managed to revive her. She’s stable now, thankfully, and we’ll be closely monitoring her and her heart over the coming days. Our best cardiologist is on it.” If that was any comfort. It couldn’t’ve been easy news to digest. It never was.
A nurse walked past and Dr. Hernandez stopped her in her tracks by catching her arm. “Hey, would you please show Mr. Holt here to the NICU?” She asked. Looked at Elliot. “You should be able to see your son, now.” Smiled, again. “I’ll have someone come get you when your wife is out of recovery and ready to have visitors.” The doctor squeezed his arm before turning to leave, ducking back into recovery to tend to his wife. 
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accio-spaceman · 7 years
OTP Questions!
I was inspired by this list from @otp-imagines-cult
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
Emmett spends all his money on Alicia, despite her protests that she doesn’t need expensive jewellery and paints every time they go into town.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
On the rare occasion that The Doctor sleeps, it’s curled up with his head in Donna’s lap while she strokes his hair with one hand, and balances a book in the other.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
Peter wonders around half (or fully) naked and Nellie yells at him to at least close the curtains.
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
Donna wouldn’t buy any of The Doctor’s lies about him not needing to sleep, and forces him to spend at least half an hour cuddled up in bed every morning.
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
Alec tries to bake some of those fancy French things that Sarah likes as a surprise, but accidentally rolls them out too thin, so Sarah whips them both up some madeleines instead.
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
The Doctor gets easily excited at the slightest similarity, but Donna finds it harder to see how “A accidentally gets turned pocket-sized and lives in B’s pocket for a while” at all resembles their perfectly human/Time Lord sized relationship.
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
Benedick often finds his t-shirts and jumpers have mysteriously found their way into Beatrice’s draw after she sorts their laundry, especially when he’s been away on duty.
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
Donna insists on doing the food shopping at a twenty-first century human supermarket, despite The Doctor’s protests that “Martian milk” really is safe to drink. The Doctor always pretends to be grumpy about it, but still gets very excited when she remembers to bring him back a bunch of bananas.
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
Peter and Nellie take in turns, and are equally terrible at both.
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
Alicia eventually persuades Emmett to sit for her with bribes of a takeaway afterwards.
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
The Doctor does the backflips while Donna stands watching, eating a bag of crisps. She waits until he’s through the other side until she pushes the button on the wall next to her to turn the lasers off and strolls up to join him.
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
Nellie stops Peter drinking by swapping his beer with frothy apple juice.
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
Benedick always brings back a trinket or two for Beatrice, and despite her protests, she loves that he puts so much thought into each thing, no matter how small, while he’s away from her.
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
One day Donna notices that at some point The Doctor’s alias morphed from “John Smith” to “Dr. Noble”, and she can’t quite remember when, or why she’s stopped bickering with him about it.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
Chris screams and Dorothy calmly removes it while he grabs for his inhaler.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
I think all the gentlemen would lend their lady their jacket at some point, and Beatrice would lend Benedick hers for every fancy dress party.
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
I think Peter and Chris would be threatened by their own brother about taking good care of the girlfriends that Alec already regards as his sisters. I also love the image of Hero giving Benedick a stern warning just before the wedding. He returns the favour by keeping Claudio in line too.
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
Alec is pleasantly shocked when one day, out of the blue, Sarah introduces him as her boyfriend, leading to her blushing and stammering as she realises what she just said while Alec just grins at her like an idiot.
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
The Doctor would indulge their children at every opportunity, giving them endless bananas and jelly babies, and only ever raising his voice when they were in danger. Donna would worry herself sick over them and constantly fight herself to not wrap them up in cotton wool. But together they’d make a wonderful parenting team.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
Theresa is always texting in a shorthand that Roderick has to practically have a dictionary to decipher before replying in his usual formal way.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
Donna is used to brushing off all sorts of comments and can handle herself just fine, but has recently found herself having to hold The Doctor back – sometimes physically – if anyone (especially Sylvia) even breathes the wrong way around his Donna.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
Despite his famed wit, Benedick can never resist the stupid jokes either, much to Beatrice amusement frustration.
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
I’m not sure about a puppy, but I could well believe that Alicia surprised Emmett by getting Pocket.
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
I can’t see it being a piggyback ride, but Alec has definitely carried Sarah up to bed bridal-style more than once after she’s fallen asleep on the sofa.
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
Theresa has never understood why the other audience members aren’t as animated in their applause as she is after one of Roderick’s concerts. Nellie, on the other hand, often stands out for not applauding as she smirks from behind the curtains in the wings watching Peter playing up to the crowds after a performance.
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
Sarah’s sleepy DI cuddles up to her on the sofa or on the train or bus back from a fun day out, but insists he was only “resting his eyes”. That is, until Sarah mentions how cute it was.
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
Donna would probably attempt to give The Doctor a makeover even if he doesn’t ask, insisting that his suit must need washing at some point.
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
Emmett isn’t fond of Pocket, but being a proud DI would never admit to being scared exactly. But he does jump every single time that Pocket appears out of nowhere or hisses slightly.
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
Roderick would be careful not to let Theresa get a single drop on her that might mark her glasses or her precious files.
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
The Doctor would eventually manage to convince the TARDIS to take them to a beach, where Donna would spend a glorious few days laid out in the sun, sipping at cocktails, until The Doctor accidentally-on-purpose exposes something illegal going on behind the scenes of the hotel and they have to beat a hasty retreat.
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pherryt · 7 years
Breaking Free - Epilogue
I’d been already thinking about an epilogue and then  @longkissgoodnightbatmanandtwofac was asking me about the story, some questions that had some loose ends. I’ve been thinking about it and finally, this is what I have
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   part 4   Part 5
1361 words
Supernatural, Destiel, AU, SFW
Years down the road, after recovery, after college, Cas and Dean were still very much in love.
So it was to nobody’s surprise the day he got down on one knee and proposed to Cas. Or that Cas accepted. He’d done it at the diner, the place which had become a symbol of the start of a whole new life. It had felt fitting therefore, to do the proposal there, since wanted to start the next chapter of his life with Cas permanently by his side.
The cheers were deafening, though the Roadhouse had only held his closest friends and family. His mother and brother, Uncle Bobby and Aunt Ellen, Jo and Charlie, Jody and Donna, Rufus, Missouri and – he still couldn’t believe it sometimes – a bunch of his and Cas’s old friends from high school.
Meg and Ruby sat together, cuddled in comfortably at the back of one of the booths, content to – surprisingly – stay in the background, their normally loud personalities softened around each other in a way neither Cas nor Dean could ever have predicted. Jesse was there with his new boyfriend, Caesar. Ash, Victor, Benny, Garth and Gabriel had also defected.
It was, in fact, every single one of the boys from that fateful party.
Neither Dean nor Cas knew what to make of that, or what all their reasons for leaving were – Garth was straight as an arrow and cheerful as a new born puppy who never found fault in anyone - and they didn’t pry. But after Meg and Ruby, they’d all been the first to leap at the chance to get out of their little community as soon as they got it.
And others had followed.
Some adults left their spouses – with and without kids - using the resources created by Sherriff Mills and her partner Donna, and no little help from the rest of their merry crew, to get out and resettle. Kids also sought out their help, though Dean and Cas couldn’t figure out how the word had gotten out. In the end, it didn’t matter how, only that it did.
Most got out unscathed – physically anyway. They all had some sort of issues after suffering years of bigoted sermons and verbal abuses all across the mental and emotional. Only a handful – which was still far too many - had been physically harmed. Anna Milton would have scars along her back for the rest of her life from the beating she’d received from her brothers. Claire Novak had burns on her arms that she still kept covered with long sleeved shirts and refused to talk about. She was thinking of covering them up with tattoos and had started talks with resident tattooist, Pamela Barnes. Mick Davies walked with a limp after a particularly nasty fight with his father.
But they’d gotten out, and they were here now. And Dean and Cas had made it a point to befriend them all, even if they’d never talked before.
After the wedding, Dean and Cas were content to stay in the town they’d come to call home. It had taken a while for them to find their callings, now that they were free to explore themselves in a way they just hadn’t felt safe to at home. Dean apprenticed at the tattoo shop with Pam, while Cas decided he wanted to work with animals. A year before they’d married, they’d felt comfortable enough to get their own little place and hadn’t looked back. A two-bedroom apartment above a bookstore on Main Sreet, an easy walk to both their places of employment. Cas kept two guinea pigs, a ferret and it was Dean, of all people – despite his allergies – who brought home the little black kitten.
He got all defensive, rubbing at the back of his neck and blushing as he sat on the floor, the kitten crawling about unsteadily in the nook he’d created with his legs. “Well, y’know, it was raining and the poor thing was all alone and cold and hungry and I mean, I already take allergy meds because you bring the fur home with you. No skin off my nose, right?”
Cas grinned sappily at Dean and kissed him breathlessly. “Right. Of course, Dean. Whatever you say. There was obviously no other choice than to bring the kitten home.”
They were so happy, it was like their life before then had been from another world, another time.
So, seeing Michael striding down the street towards them as they walked together hand in hand was a definite shock.
Cas froze first, Dean dragging to a halt. He turned to his husband in concern, running a hand over his cheek. “Babe? Are you okay?”
A hand passed into his filed of vision, clamping down on Cas’s arm, a voice growled. “Castiel! So this is where you’ve been? Living in sin with…this…” Michael glanced at Dean and sneered.
“What’s it to you, Michael?” Cas spat out at his brother, yanking his arm out of Michaels grasp. Dean drew Cas back and away from the other man and glowered at him.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Dean demanded.
“I’m here because my car broke down. I was feeling highly inconvenienced, but I know now that God meant for me to find you. It’s time to let go of this farce and come home with me, Castiel,” Michael sniffed, ignoring Dean and talking only to Cas.
“Yeah, no. I don’t think so, Michael. I’m not going back to that hellhole. I’m happy here. I have friends who don’t judge me, I have family who doesn’t blackmail me or threaten those I care for, a job I love, a church that preaches acceptance and love and, most importantly,” Cas held up Dean and his combined hands. The ring that sat on his hand glinted in the light and Michael’s face paled. “I married the love of my life.”
Michael spluttered. “Castiel! You can’t be serious! This is a sin! A sham! No proper church would ever allow such disgusting, immoral behavior. Winchester has corrupted you! Get away from -” He grabbed for Cas again and Dean growled. A hand came down on Michaels shoulder and he shrugged it off angrily, rounding on the person behind him with a fist ready to fly and his mouth open – ready to deliver more vitriol or a sermon or something. Cas didn’t know and didn’t care. With Michael, either was likely.
Cas couldn’t help the smirk, and saw it echoed by Dean, when Michael turned to see who’d dared touch him. Sheriff Jody Mills stood behind him with her hands on her hips and an eyebrow raised, a no nonsense expression on her face.
“Boy, you ain’t welcome here. As soon as your car is ready, you best be leaving town, if you know what’s good for ya,” she said through gritted teeth.
“You can’t – do you know who I  - “
Jody ignored him, speaking over Michaels words. “If you don’t, I can have you arrested for assault and harassment. It’s obvious neither of them want to talk to you, and you laid your hands on his person – not once, but twice without his permission. So do yourself a favor, and forget they and this town exist and scram.”
Michael turned on his heels and left, his hands clenched into fists. Cas could only imagine the scowl currently embodying Michaels face, as people got out of his way and made it a point not to touch him, as if he carried a disease that was contagious.
“Cas, sweetie, are you all right?” Jody asked in a calmer, softer voice.
“Yeah, yeah I am,” Cas said in some surprise, Dean’s arm wrapping around him comfortably. “I really am.” He turned to look up at Dean and gave his husband a blinding smile. Dean returned it, his mouth quirking up slightly on one side as he looked at the happy crinkles around Cas’s eyes.
“Yeah, me too,” Dean breathed out, before he dove in for a brief kiss. “I love ya, Cas.”
“I love you too, Dean. Let’s go home,” Cas whispered.
Dean nodded in agreement. “Yeah, let’s go home.”
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melyaliz · 7 years
Letters to the Missing
Pairing: Roy x OC
Notes: Requested and co-writen by @speedypan​
Tagging: @royslittleharper @guns-n-lilies @the-shadow-of-atlantis @coffee-randomness @daisyboobear @werewitchling @nightwing-rules​
It had only been two days, two days Roy had gone missing. While it would have been normal for most superheroes for Maia not knowing where Roy was for that long.
As Roy opened his eyes her face was the first thing he saw. Smiling as she stood over him. He didn’t know why but excitement corsed through his body as his heart started to beat faster.
“Found you” she giggled as he blinked up at her slightly confused on what she was talking about. “You’ve been missing for two days. I mean if you had wanted to play hide and seek you could have just asked.” she told him sitting back down on the chair next to the bed. He turned to her studying her.
The door to his room slowly opened and Maia let out a small squeak before jumping up running into the small bathroom of the hospital room. A nurse walked in nodding toward the boy.
“Ah, you’re awake, ” he said walking over checking his pulse and checking his charts. “You’re father was here earlier. Also, your friend keeps calling.” behind the nurse Maia peeked out of the bathroom putting her finger to her lips signaling him to be quiet. Roy couldn’t help but smile as his eyes flickered from her to the nurse.
“My friend didn’t come visit?”
“Oh, we told her family only, sorry.”
After the nurse checked him and left Maia slowly tiptoed back into the room. “I wrote you a letter so you wouldn’t miss anything while you were missing,” she said handing him the white envelope.
He took it, unable to take his eyes off her. He wasn’t sure why but it was as if he was seeing her for the first time. His memories of her were fresh and strong yet his body seemed to be reacting as if it didn’t know her at all.
“Are you hungry?” she asked poking his arm as he sat there just looking at her, a goofy smile on his face as he clung to her every word. Like a man dying of thirst he soaked her words in.
“Maybe a little, why?”
“Oh because… she leaned down to her bad and pulled out a small pulling up some cups. “I brought ice cream”  he smiled taking a cup opening it.
“Are there spoons?” he asked glancing up at her again, his heart picking up slightly. Her face fell as she looked down at her bad again running around.
He laughed gently folding the lid to his ice cream scooping some out, good thing it was a little soft from sitting out. “We can make do,” he said licking the sweet treat. Maia smiled watching him eat as she sat down next to him. Roy glanced over at her mid-bite
“Nothing I’m just glad you’re ok.”
“So let’s see what I missed.” he said picking up the letter.
I went to that dinner by the school for pancakes. Those pancakes were amazing, Cindi gave me extra whip cream
“W… Where is she?” Roy cried as he ran into the hospital to see Christine and Gerald walking down the hall of the hospital. One of the nurse’s put a hand on the red haired man’s chest stopping him.
“Sir please don’t run.” she said
I went to your room and stole your hoodie back. Sucker.
Christine looked up giving him a small smile before she came up to him, “Roy, visiting hours are closed and she needs some rest. But she is back with us.” Next to her Gerald sighed rubbing his eyes pure exhaustion coursing through his body after the day he and his wife had had.  
“She’s back Roy,” he said simply patting Roy on the back before leading his wife out to their car. Roy stood in the hospital waiting room clutching a thick Manila envelope. He had waited 10 years for this day. He was not going to wait one more day.
Oliver wouldn’t let me join him on a mission instead I went to the alleys to find my own investigation and I came up short, but I met a lovely hooker named Melody. She taught me how to make my eyeliner winged.
She woke up to sunflowers on her nightstand. Winching she sits up to see Roy sitting in the chair across from her.
“Hey” he tossed her the manila envelope, “Glad to see you’re back” she looked down at the envelope then back at him. Scars littered her body, her left arm in a cast. He suddenly doesn’t want to be there seeing her like this… after everything. The idea of her being in pain, not Maia. Maia was invincible. She once fell from an 18 story building with hardly a scratch. 
Who had done this? What had done this? 
He turns and leaves Maia just watching in shock. “Roy?” her voice called out as he disappeared out of the window.
I’m going crazy. Time is moving slower, although that would be a good thing for you both. I’ve been keeping my hands busy from texting you and interrupting. You should be proud.
“Roy you could use the door you know,” Jennifer said as the red-haired man came through her window. She had been relaxing on her bed with a fancy spread of cheeses and wine while watching her newest addiction.
“She’s back?”
“Yeah I see that, can you believe she was undercover with the CSI trying to find her evil twin the whole time?”
“What? No, not your show, Maia.”
“Oh.” they both stood there in silence, well Roy stood, Jen was still cuddled up on her bed. “Soooo, why are you here?” the brunette finally asked handing him some cheese and on a small wheat cracker.
“I… I just can’t face her, after everything… it’s… it’s Maia.”
I am doing it, Roy. I am going to be a dog owner. I saved this guy that was walking his large litter of puppies and they were so cute. I need a dog Roy.
“Yes,” Jen said as Roy had taken a seat next to her helping himself to her snacks. “It’s Maia which is why…” she smacked him over the side of the head.
“OW what was that for.”
“Dude, I had to sit through 10 years of you moping over this woman and now you are here in my bed eating my snacks NOT talking to her? FUCK ROY! Get the hell out!”
“Tea would be so mad at you… if anything, do it in memory of her.”
“But…” he sighed running his fingers through his red hair running out of excuses.
Ayden and I broke up. I guess I’m including this because it’s not something I want to talk about and It technically happened today. On the flip side, I found this dog that would be you. Oliver wouldn’t let me adopt him so I’m going to throw condoms of spite at him.
Why was it so easy to get into a hospital? Like honestly This was the second time he was scaling the walls of an all glass building and NO ONE was calling security. Not to mention this was Gotham. Wasn’t this city riddled with criminals?
Ok Roy, not now, now you have to focus on the woman of your dreams and how you are going to… talk to her. Slowly he opened the window of her room unable to look in because the windows were both tinted and covered with shades.
“Maia?” he whispered sneaking in, “Maia are you awake?”
There was no response as his eyes adjusted to the dark room. The sound of her breathing gently could be heard. Better get this out before he lost his nerve.
“Maia… I… those days when you were missing. Those letters don’t even do justice to how lost I was.” he took a deep breath, “I felt like I was drowning without you there. Like nothing was right, every turn I took I kept fucking up, choosing the wrong path. Hell, I wasn’t even the real Roy which I just continued to fuck up. I needed you, I needed you more than even I was willing to admit.”
He leaned forward his lips barely brushing her forehead, “Maia, I can’t do with without you, love you.” Gently he kissed her forehead, which felt kind of cold and clammy. Also, it was a little larger than he remembered. In fact, Maia’s whole silhouette seemed rather large.
As he pulled away the person who was supposed to be Maia sat bolt up right turning on the light in the room to reveal a large middle-aged man with long greasy hair.
“Dude, what the… are you Red Arrow?”
Roy almost fell out the window and down 10 stories trying to escape
Oliver’s acting strange since you left. It’s been two days but he looks stressed and I’m worried. He won’t tell me what’s wrong or even talk to me. He’s just jumped from his seat.
“They let her go home, I think she’s at Oliver’s” Was the text Jen had sent him two hours ago. It was followed by a gif of a woman screaming “go to her!” then another text saying “Are you there?”
Obviously, he missed them.
But he couldn’t get back fast enough. Dropping his bike in the driveway of Queen Manor as he walked in.
The sound of her laughter was the first thing he heard followed by the sound of slightly annoyed shouting from Oliver.
“Dick seriously go home!”
Walking into the room Roy found his original, Dick and Oliver on the couch playing Mario Kart with Maia. She was still slightly patched up some of her scars covered up with makeup and a few bandages making his heartache to see.
“No way! I’m not missing Maia’s grand return for anything” Dick said nudging Maia trying to cause her to mess up on the race.
“Dick stop cheat… Roy!”
“Hey…” he mumbled slowly walking in feeling his heart drop. Maia held up her controller for him.
“Hurry up! I need a real competitor.”
I just found out you weren’t at Donna’s like you said and what happened. I wish you had told me, I don’t know why you didn’t trust me.  
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atlantaelizabeth · 7 years
(Anon for Insecure Mike here) I sent you another message, but I think Tumblr eat it :(... Anyway, I have another request for Marvey: Mike finally moving on from skinny ties to wider ties causing all the men and women wants him, which led to Harvey's possessive side to crawl up and Harvey asking Mike to move back to skinny ties (I'm a sucker for possessive/fluffy Harvey) -Z (I'll just sign as Z from now so that you know it's me hahaha)
I didn’t get your message which sucks but I’m glad you’re back! Here is your request 
Harvey has spent hours lecturing Mike on the advantage ofthe wider tie, even going so far as to use detailed step-by-stepdemonstrations, just in case Mike wasn’t aware of how to correctly use one. Butno matter how long he spends lecturing Mike, he still wears those awful skinnyties.
Harvey has given him the same speech: you’re an extension of me and Harvey Specter would never wear skinnyties. And at the end of every speech, Mike would just roll his eyes andthen spend the rest of the afternoon emailing Harvey pictures of newly-boughtskinny ties. He wants to tell him that this is highly unprofessional but he canjust imagine Mike’s soft puppy eyes and Harvey (if asked he’d deny it) is sovery weak to them. Besides, he knows that Mike spends hours trying to come upwith original tie based puns and he wouldn’t want to be the one who ruinsMike’s day and dreams.
They both know that the lectures and the speeches havebecome part of their lives. They don’t mean anything. Harvey knows that Mikeisn’t going to take any of it seriously and he doesn’t think that Mike would goout, buy and wear wider ties.
Boy, was he wrong.
He doesn’t notice it straightaway. Mike is sitting atHarvey’s desk, spinning around like a child.Harvey is watching him from the hallway, fighting the urge to go in and giveMike one of his ‘stop being a child’ looks, but he can’t. Mike looks so happy.His chest swells with something akin to affection and he can’t stop himselffrom smiling at his associate’s actions.
But there’s something off. Something that isn’t quite right.
He waits until Mike has stopped having his childish momentand then he observes. He’s wearing the herringbone suit that Harvey bought himfor their first anniversary, every cut seems to hug at his body. It sharpensevery edge of Mike’s body and Harvey is extremely happy that Renee is a genius.He isn’t wearing the waistcoat because I’mnot an English gentleman, Harvey and he can’t be mad at him, not really.Mike looks good with or without the waistcoat but without it, the skinny tiehe’s normally wearing would be the first thing that people would notice.
When Harvey looks at the tie, expecting it to be one of thetacky ones, he suddenly realises what’s not right. Mike is wearing a wider tie,one of Harvey’s own and there is a flare of possessiveness within him. The factthat Mike is wearing something of Harvey’s, that he’s showing the world ofHarvey’s ownership, means so much to him. The tie makes him look older somehow,more professional. Harvey can feel his blood travelling south at the image ofMike in his tie and he must look away and take a few deep breaths.
When he has himself under control, he grabs the file sittingon Donna’s desk and walks into his office, head bowed to read the file. “I seeyou’re sitting at my desk. What have I said about that Michael?”
“You’ve said a lot of things. I don’t always listen to allof it.” He gets up from the chair, kisses Harvey’s cheek. “I missed you thismorning. You didn’t say you were coming in early. I had to get ready withoutyou.”
“Speaking of which, is that my tie?”
Mike’s hands automatically go to grab the tie, he looks downat the material and smiles. “Yeah sorry. I just thought it was time for achange.” He looks at Harvey, puppy dog eyes in full effect. “What do youthink?”
He wants to take Mike home and show him exactly what Harveythinks. He wants to pull at the tie until Mike’s lips meet his own. he wants totake every item of clothing off Mike, take the tie and use it as a makeshiftblindfold and then spend hours bringing him to the edge with the use of hisfingers and mouth. He can’t do that though, not right now at least. He takes astep back to admire Mike in all his glory. He looks him up and down, slow andsteady because he knows what it does to Mike. When he does eventually meetMike’s eyes, he takes a step forward, grabs at the lapels of his suit jacketand leans into him. He kisses underneath Mike’s ear. “I like it. it suits you.”He takes a step back and watches as Mike tries to get himself under control.“As much as I like seeing you wearing my tie,why the sudden change of heart?”
Mike inhales, attempts to straighten out his suit jacket.“You always tell me to stop wearing my other ties so I thought I’d actuallylisten to you.”
He arches his eyebrow. “We’ll go see Renee for a few of yourown.”
It’s when they walk through the building to go to lunch whenHarvey notices the extra attention that Mike seems to be getting. It isn’tobvious, at least not to Mike but it is to Harvey. The associates, both maleand female, seem to need to touch Mike all the time. Their touches seem tolinger a little too long and they only seem to let him go when Harvey givesthem his predator look. Each of them seem to have a question for Mike, each onemore stupid than the last but Mike smiles and answers each question withenthusiasm and fervour. Harvey gently pushes him into the elevator before theassociates can come up with any more stupid questions. He needs to beprofessional, so he can’t push him up against the wall and devour his mouth. Hecan’t take him apart with his hands so instead, he lets his hand grab at Mike’sown, twining their fingers. Mike looks at him with the biggest smile on hisface and that swelling in his chest is back with a vengeance.
They walk out of the building hand in hand. Harvey iswatching as people are giving his partner a onceover and he feels so lucky tobe the one to take him home. He can feel that little twinge of the possessivemonster within him when they stare a little too long, but he knows that Mikebelongs only to him.
Mike gets their lunch, staring up at the hot dog guy with asmile on his face. Harvey lets Mike pass the food to him while he fishes forcash in the pocket. He passes the money over but the guy shakes his head, tellshim that it’s on the house for such ahandsome young guy. He watches as Mike blushes at the compliment and themonster within twitches.
When they go back to work, Harvey is quick to drag Mike intohis office with a hand on his lower back. He ignores Mike’s attempts at halfstuttered excuses, points to the sofa and waits until Mike takes the hint.
“You don’t have to supervise me Harvey. I’m not a child.”
And oh, how Harvey wants to argue that in fact Mike is achild and him spinning in Harvey’s office chair is evidence enough. But he doesn’t.“I know. But I don’t trust those people in the bullpen not to have their waywith you.”
Mike gasps. “Are you jealousHarvey?”
He scoffs. “Harvey Specter doesn’t get jealous. I just wantto keep you close right now. Is that such a bad thing?”
Mike gives him ‘I don’t believe you’ look. “Riiiiight.” Hegrabs the file and begins highlighting. “Whatever you say Harvey.”
He doesn’t bring it up until they’re at home and the scentof the workplace has been washed from their skin. The rest of the work day hadbeen spent in relative silence. Mike had been pouring all his attention inproofing briefs while Harvey had spent the time thinking about how he was goingto bring up the issue with Mike.
“Mike?” They’re cuddled on the sofa, Mike’s head on hischest while Harvey’s arm is wrapped around him. Some baseball game is playingon the t.v but he hasn’t been paying attention because he’s been too focused onthe situation at hand. There is a small mumble from Mike. “I prefer you inskinny ties.”
Mike is quick to sit up at that. There is a look of shockplastered on his face. “Who are you and what have you done with the real HarveySpecter?”
He sighs. “I know it goes against everything I believe, butthe skinny ties look good on you.” He looks down at their joined hands. “They’rea symbol of you Mike.”
Mike lifts his chin so that they’re looking into eachother’s eyes. “Is this because of all the extra attention?” He rubs soothingcircles into Harvey’s hand. “You’re the only one for me and no amount ofattention is going to change that.” He laughs. “You know that whenever youlecture me on my skinny ties, I’m gonna be reminding you of today right?”
Harvey smiles. “Does this mean you’re going back to theskinny ties?” Mike nods. “Good. I promise I won’t lecture you.”
“Don’t promise things that you can’t keep to Harvey.”
If the next day Harvey spends hours purchasing an array ofskinny ties, well, that’s only between him and Mike.
This was really fun to write and I hope you like it. 
if you have any requests then just ask
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