#but he's there in spirit
firewasabeast · 1 month
if you're still doing prompts: maybe eddie thinks he sees tommy cheating and confronts him only to find out just how wrong he is. thanks!
“Sorry, man, I can't. I took an extra shift.” That was what Tommy had told Eddie when Eddie asked if he wanted to go to their usual sports bar for beer and wings.
Which is why Eddie was very curious as to why Tommy was walking down the street, passing right by the bar on his way to wherever he was going.
Eddie kept watching as Tommy reached the crosswalk, stopping as he waited for traffic to clear.
Buck wasn't with him, but some other guy appeared to be. At least, he kept talking to Tommy, leaning in close and laughing at something Tommy said.
“This can't be good,” Eddie muttered. He could feel himself starting to get heated already.
The light at the crosswalk changed just as Eddie threw a twenty down for the wings he ordered but hadn't gotten yet. He hurried out of the bar and managed to make it to the crosswalk just as the hand lit up telling him not to cross.
He crossed anyway.
Eddie waved off the honks and hid behind a building until he was sure Tommy wouldn't be looking back toward the noise.
Slowly he peeked around the building and glanced around until he spotted Tommy again. He and this guy were continuing down the street, so that's what Eddie did too.
He made sure to keep enough distance between them, but honestly Tommy looked so enthralled with whatever conversation they were having that Eddie was pretty sure he wouldn't be noticed anyway.
He had half a mind to whip out his phone and start taking pictures and videos. Get proof of whatever was happening so he'd have evidence when he told Buck.
Because he had to tell Buck.
Because Buck was all in on this relationship. He was undeniably in love with Tommy. Together for a year now, living with one another for four months, and Buck often talked about their future.
He had to tell him before papers were signed; before things were made official.
It would break Buck's heart. Eddie knew that. He'd be out of it for weeks, maybe even months.
But how could Eddie let this continue while knowing that Tommy was a backstabbing, two-timing, cheating skank?
Okay, maybe he was beyond heated. It was possible he was livid.
It didn't make it any better that the two men had stopped now, and this unknown homewrecker was reaching out and putting his hand on Tommy's shoulder.
“Hey!” Eddie yelled before he could stop himself.
Tommy's head jerked toward him, wide-eyed. Like a deer in headlights. “Eddie. What... I-hi.”
“Hi? That's what you have to say to me? Hi?”
Tommy's face went from surprised to confused. “Would you prefer hello?”
“Don't play dumb with me, man! How could you do something like this?”
“You gotta help me out here, Eddie. What'd I do?”
“You lied to me, for one.”
“Oh, that.”
“Yeah, that.”
“Sorry, Eddie, I just had this thing I had to do today and I didn't want anyone knowing about it.”
“That's what you call this? A thing? Right in front of him?” He motioned to the man, who seemed a bit anxious at the moment.
“Well, it's not like he doesn't know what I'm doing.”
“Of course he knows! Buck's the only one who doesn't know. Have you thought about that? Have you spared a second to think about your boyfriend in all of this?”
“He's kinda all I've been thinking about during this.”
Eddie put one hand on his hip, the other pointed at Tommy. “I'm so close to punching you right in the face, Tommy.”
“I'd rather you didn't,” Tommy deadpanned. “Eddie, would you like to meet Gordon? He's the owner of the jewelry shop we're standing in front of.”
“You're cheating on Buck with Gordon? Really, Tommy? Gordon?” Part of Eddie felt a little bad. Gordon wasn't a bad looking guy. He was shorter than both of them, short brown hair and even browner eyes. He wasn't very muscular, but the suit he wore fit him well. Tattoos peeked out from underneath his collar, and the black frame of his glasses really tied the whole look together.
Still, he wasn't Buck, and they both needed to know that!
Tommy's eyebrows rose. “I'm doing what with who now?” he asked as Gordon shook his head nervously.
“Oh, no. That, um. No.”
“And you're gonna do it in his jewelry store? Shame on you, Tommy. Shame!”
“Eddie, I'm gonna need you to take it down like ten notches. I'm not cheating on Evan.”
“Then what's with the lying?” Eddie questioned, crossing his arms over his chest. “And Gordon?”
“Like I said before, Gordon owns the jewelry shop we're standing in front of. We met a few months ago on a call. We got to talking and that's when he told me about this place. He's usually closed today, but he was kind enough to bring me here on his day off so I could pick up the ring.”
Sometimes it took Eddie a minute to connect the dots, but he always got there. “Ring?” he questioned, his tone lighter now.
“Yeah. Ring.”
“You mean like an eng-”
“Engagement ring, yes.”
“Oh... Oh!” Now Eddie was smiling brightly, holding out his hand to Gordon for a shake. “Great to meet you, man! I'm Eddie.”
“H- Hi, Eddie.” Gordon returned the shake, but he was still a little nervous, and very confused.
“Gordon,” Tommy explained, “Eddie is Evan's best friend. I was supposed to hang out with him today, but I lied and said I had to work. My mistake.”
“Mm,” Gordon nodded. “It's starting to make sense now. Would you both like to come in?”
“Yes, we would,” Eddie answered, following behind Gordon as he unlocked the door.
“I'll go get it from the back,” Gordon said, locking the door back once they were inside. “It may take me a minute, but shouldn't be too long.”
Once Gordon had left them in the front of the store, Tommy turned to Eddie. “I can't believe you thought I'd cheat on Evan. Are you crazy?”
Eddie raised his hands in surrender. “I couldn't believe it, that's why I was so mad! Why didn't you tell me this is what you were doing?”
Tommy took a deep breath. “I was nervous. Figured if he said no, at least no one would know I'd asked.”
“He's not gonna say no.”
“You don't know that.”
“Dude, he's not gonna say no.”
“But what if he does, Eddie? What if I screw it up somehow?” Tommy rubbed his hand against the back of his neck. “I want it to be perfect. He deserves that.”
Gordon came back out then, box in hand. “Here you go, Mr. Kinard. Make sure everything is perfect before you pay.”
“You didn't have to pay for it yet?” Eddie asked as Tommy took the box.
“No,” Tommy answered, glancing up at Eddie. “Another kind thing he did was let me wait until it was engraved before I paid. Because he's a nice person.”
“Ugh,” Eddie groaned, then turned to Gordon. “Sorry for calling you a homewrecker, man. I didn't mean it.”
“I... I didn't know you called me a homewrecker.”
“That might've been in my head. Still, sorry.”
Gordon felt in a little over his head here. This Eddie person was... interesting. “That's okay.”
Tommy stared down at the ring, biting at his lip.
“Gordon,” Eddie flashed him a smile, “could you give us a couple more minutes? Then we'll pay and be out of your hair.”
“No problem.”
Once he'd retreated back to his office, Eddie moved closer to Tommy. “What's engraved on it?”
Tommy pulled the ring out of the box and handed it to Eddie. Silver with a gold band running down the center, dots and dashes on the inside. “It's um, it's morse code. It just says “ILY” for I love you, obviously, but the morse code is the special part.”
“Why's that?”
Eddie watched as Tommy smiled at whatever memory was popping into his head. “They still taught morse code when I was in the army, and when Evan found out I knew it he was determined to learn. We'd practice every time we were together.”
“I remember him doing that at work too.”
Tommy nodded. “Yup. He had it down in a month. We still use it whenever we can. He'll tap something out on my thigh, or even blink something at me from across a room.”
Eddie placed the ring back into the box. “Propose to me.”
Tommy stared at him, dumbfounded. “What?”
“Propose to me,” he repeated.
“Wh... Why, exactly?”
“You said you were worried the proposal wouldn't be perfect. That you'd screw it up. Practice on me, and I'll let you know.”
“That's insane.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “Two months ago you and I parachuted out of a plane when the engine failed and got lost in the mountains for nearly two days. That was insane. This is being prepared.”
Tommy looked down at the ring, then to Eddie, then back at the ring, then back at Eddie. “Fine.”
“Yes!” Eddie clapped his hands together. “Okay, go.”
After a slow inhale, he began. “Evan.”
“Yes, Pooh Bear?”
Tommy rolled his eyes, tilting his head. “He doesn't call me that.”
“I've seen the texts, man.”
“Forget it. I'm not doing this with you.”
As he turned to walk away, Eddie grabbed onto the sleeve of his jacket, pulling him back in. “Okay, okay. I'll be serious. Now, come on. Propose to me.”
Tommy sighed. “Fine, but I'm not kneeling.”
“That's okay, I'll pretend.”
Tommy straightened his posture and cleared his throat before beginning again.
“Growing up, I never thought I'd find love. Not real love, anyway. I thought that maybe, if I was lucky, I could fabricate it. Play pretend and be fine with settling. Then, as I got older, I realized how unfair that was to me, and to whoever I would have ended up with.”
Tommy blinked away the tears that were blurring his vision as he continued. “I went through life with people, friends and colleagues that kept me busy, but I felt alone. And then you came along, and you lit up my world. Every doubt that I had collected over time slowly washed away with each smile we shared. Getting to do life with you over this past year has been an honor. You're the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about when I fall asleep. If you would, I'd love us to have each other for the rest of our lives. So, Evan,” Tommy opened the box, presenting the ring to Eddie. “Will you marry me?”
Eddie stood there, staring between the ring and Tommy for what felt like an eternity, his own eyes red-rimmed and doe-like. “Holy hell,” he managed to utter out.
Nervously, Tommy asked, “You think he'll say yes?”
“Well, if he doesn't, I will!” Eddie took a step forward and wrapped Tommy in a hug, earning a surprised, “Oomph,” out of him.
“Yes,” Eddie said, patting his back. “He'll say say.”
When he finally pulled away, Tommy was smiling. He let out a shaky breath. “Okay, okay. So, buy the ring, then?”
Eddie nodded. “Yeah, man. Buy the ring.”
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ravinewreyn · 1 year
"The son of snow queen"
I just love Wilhelm, can you please write a short story keeping him in focus?
I actually had to rewrite this a lot because I can't seem to find the perfect short story. So thank you, Helsa Discord, for helping me with this.
And also thank you for loving Wilhelm, anon! I'm so glad so many people love him so dearly.
Rating: T Pairing(s): Hans/Elsa
He was a sweet tooth, just like his aunt.
Hans had pointed out that she was also a sweet tooth and their son had inherited it from her, but the Queen was quite certain this particular trait came from her younger sister. Because as much as she did enjoy chocolate, she preferred the dark ones—ones with the hint of bitterness.
Wilhelm did not enjoy dark chocolates.
He had tried it once, practically stealing it from his mother’s dessert plate that she had brought up to her office for something she could snack on while working, not quite familiar with the differences just yet, and had scrunched his nose and spit the piece back out the moment bitterness was what he had tasted instead of the sweetness he had expected, whining at his mother who desperately tried to hold back her laughter.
After that, each time Elsa had brought a plate of chocolates with her, the toddler had glared at it—eyes full of resentment—until she had offered one he liked, and even then he still narrowed his eyes suspiciously before eating.
But even after that dark chocolate incident, Wilhelm did not resent sweets completely.
No, he was still pretty much obsessed with it just like any other child would, eyes bright and growing wide just as Anna brought in a whole cake to the Recreational room while the platinum blonde haired Queen stared in disbelief.
“Dessert!” the younger sister had simply declared when asked about it, grinning. “Come on, Wilhelm, I don’t think I can finish it all by myself.”
She could. She definitely could. Elsa would not even doubt it.
The two years old boy had excitedly run up to his aunt as she lowered herself to sit on the carpeted floor. He didn’t even wait for his aunt to spoon-feed him his first bite of cake, diving right in with his bare hand as he grasped the cake—frosting and all—and shoving it right into his mouth.
“Or we can do that, sure!” Anna laughed, but had the decency to stick to her spoon after her older sister had thrown her a warning glare from where she was sitting while she read a report in her hand. “Well, how is it? Do you like it?”
Wilhelm, behind all those frosting and cake on his hand and mouth, and giggled and nodded enthusiastically. “Cake!”
“Cake!” the princess agreed, nodding as she ate another spoonful herself. “Cake’s the best thing ever, right Wilhelm? Well, right after chocolates.”
Clawing for another handful of cake, Wilhelm had skillfully pushed himself up even with one of his hands occupied, turning and coming toward his mother. Elsa had also sat on the carpeted floor, as she had used the surface of the lounge to spread the paperwork she was working on while watching over her son. “Mama, cake!”
That was the only warning she received before said cake was shoved right up against her face. Most had reached the intended direction that was her mouth, but the force as well as Wilhelm’s own fingers had also made sure that frosting were to smear all over her chin and even the tip of her nose.
Anna’s laughter boomed then, loud and clear across the room, as she even almost tumbled back if she had not been holding onto the other lounge by her side for support. “Elsa, your face!” oh she so wanted to throw a cushion at her sister.
But it was Wilhelm’s own giggles and the look on his face that had stopped Elsa from actually throwing anything. He had looked so pleased, so proud, that he had shared his share of cake to his Mama. Beneath those frosting on his little face, he was grinning so widely that Elsa’s heart was suddenly feel so full and warm.
“We’re matching now, aren’t we, my love?” she chuckled, pulling her son into her arms as she kissed him on the cheek, smearing another layer of frosting between the two of them.
Because even when Wilhelm had shared Anna’s love of sweets, he had always been her son.
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io-lu-art · 6 months
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A tale of Ba Sing Se.
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attleboy · 5 months
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don't forget
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glitter-stained · 4 months
Random goon: Hey boss, were you the one to pick that name as an alias? And why this one?
Red Hood : I used to have another name, before... A long time ago. But that person is dead now. I get to choose for myself now, they can't take that from me. I won't let them.
Goon: Huh.
Random Goon: Say boss, why do you never take off your shirt in front of us?
Red Hood: Well uh, I actually have that really fucked scar on my chest and I'm not comfortable with...
Random Goon: Don't worry boss, we get it, you don't have to explain yourself to us.
Red Hood, high on some toxin: God, I wish my family...
Random Goon (on boss-sitting duty): why not try reaching out to them?
Red Hood: They would never accept me as I am now... They wouldn't agree with my so-called "life choices". Besides, they don't miss me, they miss the person they think I used to be... I wasn't even a man when I last saw them.
Random Goon: Damn boss, that sucks.
And then the goons throw the Red Hood a party on trans visibility day and Jason is so confused he straight up cries.
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brown-spider · 1 year
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Hey remember how Noir is an anti-fascist from 1933
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yuri-puppies · 2 months
they make me insaneeeeeeeee
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what if i killed you and then you killed me and then i saved your life but it's not about you at all and then we met for the first time and you're the person who matters the most to the person who matters the most to me so i need to make a good impression and you're overjoyed because i call myself his friend
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togoldlilya · 2 months
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Yuuta's guide of how to be a good friend
"the second that you properly talked to him, i fully believe changed your brain chemistry or something, cause after that you wouldn't stop thinking or talking about him." yuuta is visibly in disbelief at her question, what does she mean 'i wasn't obvious about my crush on him! was i?'
"oh, is that what they call love at first sight?" sayaka's question is innocent but genuine and it catches yuuta off guard.
"well, i hadn't thought about it but i suppose so, yes" he admits, brows furrowed at her confusing response.
"i didn't realize i had been so transparent, no wonder maki used to tease me all the time about him. it all felt so natural i hadn't even realized i could be showing signs." she sighs in remembrance of how they used to be. "i really care about toge, yuuta. i always want him to be happy and healthy, and never be alone. i don't think i could ever stand by and watch him get hurt, i'll always want to protect him." sayaka's words are sweet like sugar and it makes yuuta feel like he's intruding even though shes literally talking to him.
"i didnt realize you were so whipped for him saya, i'm glad you care so much about inumaki, he needs people like that in his life." he shoots her a small smile, watching her smile as she thinks about him.
"of course yuuta, its literally impossible for me to not care about him, he's just so lovable, and you of all people should understand that feeling." yuuta's cheeks grow warm at her words, being reminded of how he used to feel about the older boy. "we're going out tomorrow, nowhere special just to that new cafe that opened up, but i'm so excited to spend more time with him. to be near him and talk to him about whatever comes to mind. to maybe get some terrible food there that we'll make fun of together. i'm so happy just thinking about him, he's so cute, and pretty, and funny, and i really love him yuuta. gosh i really am obvious about my feelings for him huh? ah- sorry i just keep rambling, you probably don't wanna hear about all this, but i appreciate you listening anyway." she scratches the back of her head sheepishly with a hesitant smile.
"it's okay sayaka, it's nice to hear inumaki is being so well taken care of. i'm always here if you want to talk though, no need to feel awkward, we're friends after all!" he shoots her a bright smile that calms her heart.
"awwww yuuta i knew you cared about me!" sayaka squeals and procceds to throw herself on him, squeezing the life out of him.
"ACK SAYA- STOP IT! GET- AHH" he struggles to escape her shockingly strong grip, only able to make it roughly two feet before she's back on him. he'll never admit it but he enjoys playing around with her, it makes him feel more normal and human. he sighs in defeat and just lets her hug him to death.
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artkaninchenbau · 8 months
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Crocodile finds a strange stray cat an 11-year old Nico Robin (AU where they met 13 years earlier. Robin's been on the run from the World Government for 3 years. Crocodile's 27 and has not set up base in Alabasta yet)
It seems like I have become possessed. By some sort of demon.
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months
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The Perfect Prince
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andisupreme · 18 days
At the company retreat, one extremely drunk girl asked what my pronouns were. (Eventually, it took her a while to word the question.) After the whole conversation was done, she goes- "YEAHHH GURL, Get on with--with THY bad self! See what I did?? They/them/thy."
I was almost holding back tears from trying not to laugh as I told her yes that's great you nailed it honey. Thank you very much I am feeling the love.
Anyway I've been assigned Thee/Thine at Supportive Drunk Girl
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divorcedtom · 1 month
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oifaaa · 9 months
Annabeth is so much stronger then me I'm just saying if my mum got pissed and punished me for something my field trip partner did after i was nothing but the perfect child for the last 5 years meanwhile the guy who actually did the thing got nothing but praise from his dad yeah no Luke wouldn't even have time to ask me if I wanted to fight against the gods I'd already be starting my own revolution
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fritzmonorail · 2 months
Gambit not knowing where the fuck he came from or how he got in the void, because his movie literally doesn’t exist is one of the funniest gags in the movie for me.
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blueboybot · 3 months
Oh My God Another One
Danny: *laughing like a maniac after discovering a new power he could use to torment Vlad*
*Batfam arriving at the scene*
Danny, a bit high on chemicals: HI DAD! :D
Batman: ?!?!?
Red Hodd: God not another one.
Red Robin: Black hair and blue eyes combo number four, now with meta powers.
Robin: Father your knowledge of basic intamacy practices needs to be revisited.
Batman: !?!?!?!?!?
Nightwing: Jeez B, don't you have enough already?
Stephanie: Right! It's just getting ridiculous at this point old man, pack it up!
Duke: He just blew up that construction site.
Cass: New brother.
Batman: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!
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wanderingcritter · 5 months
god gives his most niche fandoms to his most autistic warriors
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