#but hearing it said directly is a breath of fresh air
enhagvrl · 16 days
en- making up to you
a/n: tqsm for your love on the first part!! yall the best <33 not proofread so please ignore the grammar and spelling errors if any.
previous part
lee heeseung
You had switched off your phone and were sitting quietly in the park.. After spending some time thinking, you eventually decided that it was just a joke and he did not actually mean it of course. You guys were now far from all those high school years and unnecessary gossip to give them a thought so it just might have slipped out from his mouth. 
                    back at home…
The clock on the wall chimed, signalling that it hit midnight- and you were still not home. Heeseung had spent the last few hours working his head to find out what action or word of his had caused you to dash off like that, without even turning back once. Hee had sent you many texts and calls but they all went in vain. He was about to enter the kitchen to fetch a glass of water when he stopped, hearing the front door creak open. 
“where were you? Your phone was switched off. I know you told me you’ll be back but it struck midnight and I just became so worried." Heeseung went on rambling, taking a breath only when your hand came to rest upon his shoulder. 
“ I'm okay. Sorry for rushing out like that. It's just that I needed some fresh air. Nothing to worry about hee.” you said, giving him a small smile while turning away to head towards your bedroom.
“ It's about me saying you're crazy right?” you stopped in your tracks but didn't turn around. 
Seeing you stop, he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around you - his head leaning a little against yours so that his mouth is directly next to your ears.
“ Baby, you know I've loved ever since I laid my eyes on you. I'm sorry if what I said hurt you. You can do whatever you want - but please don’t ever think I will turn my back on you. I have never once come to believe those baseless rumours about you. Please forgive me. I don't know how it just slipped out but I promise there won't be a next time. Really. Please, sweetheart. Don't leave me alone again like that.” 
Without turning back, you simply removed Heeseung's hands from you and pulled him along with you towards the bedroom. There you sat down on the edge of the bed pulling heeseung on top of you.
You simply sat there holding him close to you - your hands tapping away a random beat on his stomach while his eyes did not move from your face, observing every single feature. 
“I will agree I felt a bit upset at first hearing it but then again, it's been years since I got to hear that word about me but I realised I don't really care anymore now. It’s fine though, I’m over it. So don’t worry anymore.” saying this, you gave a small kiss on heeseung’s arms which were now wrapped around your neck. 
Heeseung could only sit there and look at you with his bambi eyes, all teary and round. 
“ Remind me again, how did I score you?” he says playfully, giggling when you bring up your hand to pinch his nipple (cue to jw doing it in en-o’clock)
“HEY! THAT’S VIOLATION RIGHT THERE!” saying this you are pushed on the bed with a tickling battle announcing its arrival. Sleep? Forget it. 
park jongsaeng
The clock rang a small tune - the time being 2 a.m. but the man on the bed just kept tossing from one side to another. Even though Jay is known for falling asleep easily anytime, tonight it just did not seem possible. 
Not being able to take it anymore, Jay got up from the bed and headed towards the living room only to find out that all the lights were off and you were sound asleep on the couch. He could only sigh and close in on your sleeping figure and that’s when he noticed some dried tear stains on your cheeks. That’s when he knew he messed up. 
The next morning you woke up feeling all stuffy and unable to breathe as if something was weighing down on you and you opened your eyes only to be greeted by the sight of Jay sleeping on your chest. You almost melted right there because of how cute his face looked being squished on your chest but then the memories of last night came into your mind and you stiffened up.
Carefully pushing the sleeping figure off your body, you get up and head towards the bathroom to start your day. Coming back to cook some breakfast you were surprised to find your boyfriend already awake and making some simple toast for the both of you. Without uttering a word, you started cutting some fruits to make juice.
You had only gone halfway to cutting an apple when you felt something rest on your shoulder, hot breath fanning your ears and a hand resting beside the cutting board. 
“I’m so sorry for those harsh words last night. I really didn't mean them. I have no idea what came over me at that time, but it still doesn’t excuse the fact that I said those words to you. I hope you forgive me and know that I love listening to you talking. Even if the world was ending, your voice would be enough to keep me alive. So please don’t be mad at me, my pretty baby or else I would not hesitate to jum-”  before he could complete that sentence you gave him a quick kiss on his mouth. 
“Now you’re the one going on rambling. I forgive you and I was never that mad at you in the first place. Just got a little upset. But it’s all gone now seeing my future husband cooking for me :) I love you ” Jay only chuckled at your words and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead muttering a “i love you too” with his signature smile. Five minutes later you two were back on the couch with two plates of your breakfast and two glasses of apple juice.
Throughout the while, you kept on talking about all sorts of stuff while Jay was only giving short replies and looking at you with a tender smile on his face. You were suddenly pulled into a soft kiss by the said man when he said these words pulling away from the kiss, 
“ Your voice is the sound my ears crave and they were made for listening to you only. I’m sorry. I love you.” 
As he whispered these words close to your face with his eyes boring into yours and his breath fanning your lips, you simply took his juice and had a sip from it while maintaining eye contact with him with a serious face which made the said man let out a laugh. 
“I love you too :) '' you said taking another bite of your toast making Jay let out a small chuckle at your stuffed up face and your antics.
sim jaeyun
“Oi! Why are you running away?” Jake huffed catching up to you as you speed walked after paying for your ice creams.
“ nothing. Just tired. Want to sleep.” “Okay now that’s where I know I've messed up so can you please tell me before I go around shouting to the whole world that my girlfriend is mad at me.”
“ you would not do that.” “oh watch me.” saying that he immediately got down to his knees ready to shout whatever he was planning to when you ran towards and covered his mouth with your hand. 
“You-” you whisper shouted to him, pulling him up before he could attract any attention from the people moving about. 
“ Tell me what I did wrong, baby please or else I’ll take away Layla from you.” he said, his eyes being all shiny while his face displayed a sad pout - which you oh so badly wanted to kiss away but had to restrain yourself.
“ you think for yourself, smarty pants.” you said, walking down the road.
“Was it because I teased you earlier? Cmon babyyyy you know I didn't mean it. I’m sorry.” Jake whined, pulling at your sleeves while you were pulling the pouty boy along with you.
“ It did not feel good to hear that, Jake.” you stopped in your tracks, your words making Jake know you’re genuinely upset. 
You both stopped walking - the night’s wind blowing through your hair while Jake’s hand had slipped from holding your sleeve to taking your hands in his.
“I’m sorry, love. I just meant to tease you. I did not consider it might hurt your feelings and that’s my fault. Please forgive me?” his sincere apology with those puppy eyes you were being shown, you could not resist it anymore.
“Ay, ay, whatever. Not like I was mad at you or something, just got a little offended there. Anyways, I'm better at soccer than you for sure.” saying this you took a big bite from his ice cream and ran away while he was stunned for a second.
“Yayyy :) wait what- MY ICE CREAM!! NOOO!!!” 
park sunghoon
The next morning you woke up like usual and did your business while Sunghoon slept in for a very long time. It was right around noon when Sunghoon woke up from his sleep. Coming down from the bedroom he was met with the sight of gaeul eating her food while you were beside her sewing some scarf.
“Good morning. More like afternoon but yeah.” you said, noticing the tall man rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“weren't we supposed to be going somewhere today? Don’t tell me we missed the flight.” Sunghoon’s eyes widened at the fact that maybe you two missed on the whole trip. 
“Don’t worry about the trip. I cancelled it.” you say, being all nonchalant which surprised Sunghoon.
He approached you on the couch, taking a seat beside you while his body was turned towards you showing that you had his full attention.
“What do you mean you cancelled the trip? Why? We were supposed to go bungee jumping together.” he said, confusion evident on his face.
“Well, we can do that another time. For now, let’s just spend some time indoors.” you said, turning your head towards him.
He seemed taken aback by your sudden change in plans but nevertheless didn’t question it much. He only nodded to your response and got up, going back into the room while you went back to sewing. 
The day passed on by slowly, as you two spent time watching a movie then playing a video game together, and as the day was slowly coming to an end you both ended up in the kitchen trying to make dinner together.
Sunghoon’s mind was not calm though. For the whole evening you had been replying to him in a few words or just one nod of your head. He knew something was wrong but could not put his finger on it. He did not even remember what took place last night cause he was so sleep deprived at that moment. 
Gathering up courage, Sunghoon walked over to you who was busy cutting up the last few chillies for the spice. He cleared his throat once he was beside you to get your attention.
“...did…something happen? You don't look very…happy to have me around.” You managed to let out a small smile at his words.
“Why would you think that?” “because you seem very distant.”
“What do you think is the reason?” you answered, keeping the knife away.
“You wanted to go on the trip but cancelled it for some reason?” he said, confused.
“What do you think is the reason?”
“ baby, stop beating around the bush. I really do not know the reason. I don't even remember what happened before I passed out last night because of the fatigue. Please tell me. Did something happen? Did I do something?”  Sunghoon said, frustrated at your silence when all he wanted that evening was to spend time with you.
“You lashed out on me last night saying you do not want to go anywhere. Hence why I cancelled the trip. That happened.” you muttered out, voice so quiet Sunghoon wouldn’t have been able to catch the hurt you portrayed in them.
“...I lashed out on you? When? I…I'm sorry I really don’t know.” “ You did. Maybe it was because you were sleepy and tired but I get it. We should spend some time together in our house also. I am sorry.”
Sunghoon immediately placed his hands on your shoulders with a questioning expression, “ what are you sorry for? I am sorry. Even if I was tired, it was not nice of me to take it out on you. Don’t be sorry. I love making memories of different experiences with you, really. I know that I may not be as outgoing and extroverted as you but trust me when I say if it’s you I’m ready to go to space too. I guess I was just really exhausted but that’s no excuse to lash out on you. I’m sorry.” 
You nodded and softly bumped your head into his chest to which he responded by bringing you into his arms muttering small ‘i love you’s and ‘i would never get mad at you’s. 
After a while of you guys hugging there, you built up the courage to say - 
“ also, news came that the bungee jumping line broke so we wouldn't have been able to go anyways. Hehe.” 
Oh. that's why.
kim sunoo
“(name)!!!!!!!” Sunoo shouted while running down the stairs.
You were busy scooping out the ice cream from the tub to notice that Sunoo had made himself comfortable on the counter. 
“ Here you go,” you say, handing over his bowl.
Sunoo hesitantly takes his bowl, noticing the sudden change in the air. You quietly set aside the ice cream tub and started to eat from your bowl. Sunoo was dying to ask you if something happened but decided to wait till you guys were back in your bedroom. 
Once you guys settled back into your bedroom, you sat down with a book while Sunoo went to proceed with his skin care for the night. Neither of you had spoken a word to each other for an hour now and it was beginning to eat him so he decided to confront you. 
“ Did I do something to upset you?” he asked, popping out from the bathroom with a face mask on. 
“No,why?” you asked, voice not carrying any emotion.
“....you’ve just been really quiet. Tell me, what’s on your mind?” he voices out his concern, plopping down on the bed beside you. 
You were debating whether to tell him or not. In case, he might not believe you.
“I kind of got a little upset when you said that no one would believe me. Because you know how I was in the past and all..” you said, your voice lowering towards the end of the sentence
“When did I say tha….OH! Aaa baby noooo I did not mean it in a literal sense. I’m so sorryyyyy.” he said, immediately climbing on top of you to give you a big hug.
“Really though. I am so sorry I made you upset. That was not my intention. I must have said that without any thought. I am sorry. Please forgive meeee”, Sunoo says while basically rolling all over your body to get you to forgive him.
“Okay okay you big baby i get it. I get it. I forgive you now, please can you get off?” you said, a smile making its way onto your face. 
Sunoo got up from the bed and was now standing beside your figure. He looked all happy, with his smile reaching his eyes. 
The next minute you find yourself sitting on the counter of your bathroom, Sunoo standing between your legs and his hands rubbing the lotion gently on your skin.
“I’m so glad you told me what was concerning you. I am sorry once again and I promise this will never happen again. Tell me if I ever go overboard with my words again, hm?”
Your heart filled up with comfort and warmth because of how genuine he was. Letting a smile pain itself on your face, you gave him a small peck.
“ It’s okay. It’s all in the past now. Don’t worry about it. You’re forgiven. I love you hm?”
“ I love you too. Now let me spoil my queen.” you could only let out a laugh while sunoo slapped a sheet mask on your face.
yang jungwon
You were swinging on one of the swings in the local park, taking in the cold night air when suddenly a maltese came running up to you. You immediately recognise its maeumi and take him up in your arms. Soon after you hear footsteps following and you knew it was him.
Jungwon takes a seat on the swing beside yours and turns his head towards you, who’s still not looking at him but playing with maeumi. 
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me to let those words out. I never meant them.Maybe I was just a little worried. I do not have any excuse. Just please forgive me. I’ll let you have all my gummy bears also.” he paused a bit, awaiting some reaction from you but was disappointed when he got nothing. 
“Please give some love to your boyfriend here. I am your baby, not maeumi. Please. Please.” he said, getting up from the swing and bringing his face in front of yours while pulling the cutest expression. 
You put down maeumi and stand up, holding Jungwon's face and giving a big, wet smooch in his lips - taking him by surprise. 
“It’s okay. I forgot about it all anyways. Thanks for worrying. Let’s go home?” you said pulling out from the short kiss which made Jungwon lose all senses for a second. 
“Bleh. I love you too. I aint washing my face at all now. Lechugooo” he said holding your hand in his now cold one and calling maeumi to stay close.
“I never said I love you though?” “ You kissed me. That said more than enough hehe.”
nishimura riki
“(NAME)! OYE!”, niki’s voice echoed through the hallways as you made your way outside the building. You were pulled back by a hand two times your size holding your arm. 
“ Are you okay? Why would you run off like that? “ the taller boy questioned,voice laced with worry and confusion evident on his face.
You could only nod your head in response. You don’t know what came upon you but you were not feeling good - not at all.  
“ i’m sorry i..i don't feel so good.” you said holding his arm to steady yourself
“ just-  just hold onto me, okay?” niki voiced out, holding you close by and bringing you back inside the practice room, settling you down in one corner of the lobby.
You knew why you were feeling like this. You had been ignoring your health in order to get into SDC and as expected, your body was not taking it well. Still you dared to push it a lot more till it brought you to right now -  where you are feeling nauseous even though you know nothing is inside your body.
Ten minutes had passed since Ni-ki was gone. You were now feeling a little better, no more nauseous. You almost fell asleep when his voice woke you up.
“ hey. (name). Here, take this.” he said, handing you a simple sandwich with some pineapple juice. Your go-to breakfast. 
You silently muttered a “thank you” and took a bite of the sandwich filled with vegetables and took a sip from the juice; your body genuinely thanking you for finally eating something good. 
While you were devouring down on your food, Niki was sitting on the small couch beside you - his eyes filled with adoration and his lips bent up in a small smile. 
“ You should’ve told me that you have not been taking care of yourself. No. I should have noticed it. Such a bad partner aint i?” he voiced out, a little sarcasm and a little seriousness simultaneously. 
“ Of course not. I’m sorry for not telling you. I really have been trying hard for the contest but maybe it’s not meant to be.” you said, taking the last bite from your sandwich and doing a happy dance, having your stomach filled, which made niki let out a chuckle. 
“ I am sorry. It was wrong of me to say that.” 
“what?” you asked, confused by his sudden apology. 
Niki let out a sigh and continued “ I’m sorry for saying those mean stuff to you. I did not mean it that way. As a fellow dancer, i know how bad it is when it comes to competing and i was....inconsiderate of your feelings here. I'm sorry."
" well...as long as you know and admit your faults, i'm okay with it. You can be a real pain in the ass sometimes you know?"
Niki could only let out a little laugh and nodded his head to your words. " I love you a lot, you know that right?"
Nodding your head, you got up from your couch and whispered right beside his ear an " i love you too, your dork head" and ran away after hitting him on the back of his head.
tags: @loumin908 @gardenwons @whateverhoon @moonpri @lovcremez
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vixstarria · 8 months
Down by the river
Stand-alone, but takes place immediately after Mark me as yours
Astarion and Tav spend a night by the river, away from camp
Astarion x f!Tav, Astarion x f!Reader
18+ but I wouldn't call it smut, fluff and humour until you get smacked in the face with some trauma I guess, banter, pining, sexual references, oral sex
TW: trauma
I couldn't decide on a POV so I alternate Tav and Astarion in each section. "But Vix, why didn't you just write in 3rd person?" you might ask. Well, because I like really getting into their heads, and because shut up, that's why. It's pretty obvious which section is whose. You got this.
Approx. 2,000 words
“Come see me later tonight, there’s something I want to show you,” Astarion murmured to you as he passed by, lightly brushing your hip with his hand.  
You thought you’d already seen all he had to show by then. Still, you were curious.  
It turned out to be a ‘where’, not a ‘what’.  
“Stay here,” he told you, at the edge of the bank. “Don’t turn around until I tell you to.” 
He then disappeared somewhere in the trees behind you. Or so you assumed. He could be eerily silent when he wanted to be. 
You were a bit perplexed, truth be told. Astarion had turned out to be all talk and no show when it came to any kind of romantic gestures that didn’t directly involve sex. It couldn’t be that. Were you supposed to see something out on the water? It looked perfectly ordinary. Some kind of ridiculous prank, perhaps..? That would be right up his alley. 
You were starting to feel a bit stupid standing by yourself at the edge of the bank. Did he just walk away..? 
“Astarion, if you’re about to make another dramatic shirtless appearance from behind a tree, I swear-” 
It was dramatic alright. You didn’t hear him until he was a step behind you, flying towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind mid-sprint and sweeping you sideways into the river along with him. He’d taken the time to take his own clothes off, of course, and yours were now drenched. The prick.  
“You asshole, what if I didn’t know how to swim?!” you spat as you resurfaced next to him 
He just laughed. 
“Why I’d swiftly come to your rescue, darling.” 
Realization hit you.  
“...Shouldn’t you be melting..? Or disintegrating, or whatever it is that happens to your kind in running water?” Another gleeful toothy grin. “...Tadpole?” 
“Tadpole,” he nodded, making his way towards a spot shallow enough for your feet to touch the riverbed, as you followed. “I only discovered this earlier today.” 
“Awww... And you immediately had to find me and go ‘Mom, mom, look what I can do!’”  
You dove again just as he went to splash you in the face.  
“Adorable,” she smiled, once she re-emerged in front of you. 
“What is?” 
“You in moments when you look genuinely happy,” she said, removing her clothes and throwing them onto the bank. “Fangs peeking out from behind your lips, all murder and mischief.” 
You found yourself at a brief loss for words as she finished taking her clothes off and turned back to you, throwing her arms around your neck and wrapping her legs around your hips, clutching on to you weightlessly in the water. 
“I like seeing you happy...” 
Something in your chest clenched. 
No, no, no, no, no, this is not how this is supposed to work. 
Your body followed its instincts and you drew her into a kiss, hands roaming her thighs and hips under the water. 
“You know, you really didn’t need to go through all that trouble, getting my clothes soaked through, to get me to take them off,” she murmured as your lips broke away from hers to trace her jaw. 
“Oh I know...” you purred. “I didn’t need to throw you into the river to get you soaked, either.” 
You kissed her mouth again, grinning, to muffle the sounds of her annoyed protest. 
Your usual script, all your usual lines had been rolling off her like, well, water. Frankly it was a breath of fresh air. She picked apart your words, expressed exaggerated dismay or tried to one-up you, turning it into a game – but still, she did exactly what you needed her to do. All that mattered was the end result, no? And if you could have fun with it, all the better, you thought. Even if it was... different. 
You hand slipped further, between her legs, teasing her exposed slit as she gasped and clung to you tighter. 
Yes, you thought. This was familiar. This you knew what to do with.  
“Let’s get out of the water,” you murmured to him.  
Sex in lakes, rivers and hot springs was much more appealing on paper than it was in reality.  
Apparently Astarion had taken the time to prepare a few things this time, including some sheets and blankets that laid next to a prearranged campfire. 
‘Ignis!’ He lit it, immediately setting it ablaze. Warmth at last, you thought, wiping yourself off.  
“Thoughtful of you to get some blankets this time,” you said, sinking down next to him, close to the fire, letting him pull you against him. 
“...Is this about the night at the clearing again?” he asked, his eyes narrowed. 
“What else?” 
“I’ll have you know, I am civilised and had a whole spread all of five meters away from where we ended up! We could’ve moved there if you’d only stopped being a complete animal for a few seconds,” he said with a mixture of amusement and indignation. 
“No, no you didn’t... Did you? Oh gods... Why didn’t say anything?!” You burst into laughter, sinking against his chest. 
“The way you were carrying on, I figured you must have been half wood elf and enjoyed having needles stuck in your ass!” 
Unbelievable... How bloody absurd. 
You lifted your head once you’d finally regained your composure, grinning at him. The way he looked back at you was so full of tenderness that you were momentarily taken aback. But it couldn’t be. Not with him. 
“Tsk... ‘Civilised’,” you murmured. “Who wants that?” 
You caught his lips in a kiss, then dipped lower, starting to slowly trail open-mouthed kisses down his neck and past his collarbone, leaving gentle teasing bites on your way down. His breath hitched as he sank with his back down onto the blankets, his fingers tensing on your back.  
You ran your tongue between the ridges of his muscles as you went lower, idly wondering what kind of magistrate kept in this kind of shape, if this really was the way he looked before he was turned. His skin felt like silk over the hardness of his muscles. 
“What are you doing, you naughty thing..?” he breathed, hoarsely. 
“What do you think I’m doing?” you purred. “Or is it that you don’t like it..?” He was already hard for you. You teased his cock with just your fingertips before taking it into your hand, continuing to slowly kiss and lick your way down. “But I think you do.” 
“Oh you have no idea...” he whispered. 
It’s not that you haven’t been on the receiving end of this before. It’s that when you were, it was usually some slobbering drunk that reeked of piss, whom you wouldn’t want to touch with a ten-foot pole, much less have any body part inside of, disgusting and unpredictable, or when you were ordered to participate in some deranged bacchanalia you wanted no part of, with all its abasement and humiliation and having to act, always having to act, always the pretty boy, pretty 200 year old boy being passed around like some kind of doll, or the time with the- 
Oh for fuck’s sake, I just want to enjoy this! 
No one was forcing you to do this, this was your choice.  
‘...I like seeing you happy...’ 
It was her hand, it was her mouth, this was your choice. 
She wanted to pleasure you. She would never hurt you.  
‘...I like seeing you happy...’ 
Just fucking enjoy it, why can’t you just fucking enjoy it?! 
“Look at me, darling...” you reached down to touch her cheek with your fingertips.  
Anchor me... 
Astarion watched you for a while through his lashes, holding eye contact as you worked his cock with your mouth, before ultimately falling back and shutting his eyes. His hand moved to your hair, gripping it tightly. 
His whole body was wound up tight like a coil. You started to get the impression that he might push you away at any moment. Was he just over-sensitive..? You eased up the intensity of your motions – you would have stopped entirely, only he started to buck his hips, fucking your mouth as he groaned, the hand in your hair pushing and pulling on your head. 
Alright then, maybe not... 
You followed his lead until he started whispering something incoherent, jerking his hips more erratically. Before long, his grip on your hair tightened further, and he gasped your name several times, before finally spilling in your mouth.  
Never before has anyone made it seem like they were fighting for their life through what you thought was just a routine blowjob. You knew you weren’t that bad. Nor that good.  
Something told you you should call it a night.  
“Kiss me,” he whispered, pulling you back up, his hands wandering down before you stopped them. “No..?” 
He looked dazed. 
“Another time,” you said, kissing him lightly, before lying down in his embrace.  
“If that’s what you want,” he drawled. 
Nature got you there in the end, but the whole act was tainted, no matter how much you wanted to want it. You couldn’t ignore it or pretend you were unaffected anymore. Free, relatively safe, walking in the sun, leagues away from Baldur’s Gate, and still you were in a chokehold.  
You wanted to want it, gods how you wanted to... Maybe next time would be better? There would have to be a next time, wouldn’t there? 
You also wanted to scream. You hugged her tighter against you instead.  
Now put all this behind you and act normal, you wretch. 
You laid on his chest, gazing into the fire, edge of the blanket folded over the two of you. It was cozy and peaceful, and you could almost pretend that there was a semblance of normalcy to your life, and that you were just having a pleasant night with a lover. And that maybe you’d just imagined anything was off earlier.  
"You’re awfully quiet, what’s on your mind?” he asked, lightly tracing circles on your back.  
“Just contemplating the fact that blowing a vampire isn’t even the strangest thing I’ve done today,” you lied.  
Close enough. 
“We should head back I suppose, I doubt it’s safe out here in the open,” you said, reluctantly.  
“Darling, I assure you, I am the most dangerous creature to stalk the night in these parts,” he said in his usual flippant manner. 
“Yes, yes, you are a vicious, deadly beast,” you smiled. 
“Rawr,” he said matter-of-factly, as you buried your face in his neck in silent laughter. 
You slowly made your way back to the camp.  
You didn’t want to go. Didn’t want to lie awake, alone with nothing but your thoughts. She was contagious with her levity in her sweet ignorance, you didn’t want to part from her.  
“Did you end up fixing that teddy bear?” she asked. 
“Of course I did, did you think me incapable of mending a stuffed animal?” 
“Ah right, that’s why Karlach was chasing you around, threatening to hug you...” 
You chuckled. You’d never admit it, but you were actually growing fond of the hellish tiefling. She at least didn’t give you a wide berth like the others. 
“Can you do us all a favour and not leave me in camp wasting time on things like that all day again? I’m sure my skills would be more useful elsewhere.” 
I missed you. 
“Yes, Wyll and Gale did mention you were completely useless, if not downright destructive,” she smiled.  
You reached the camp and stood in front of your tent. Hers was further along.  
“I better go get some sleep,” she said.  
You gently pulled her against you by her waist, kissing her. 
Please just come in, stay with me, please... 
“Good night then,” your mouth said. 
“Night,” she whispered, before placing another soft kiss on your lips and walking away.  
Why didn’t I just pull her in after me..? Wretched idiot. 
Should’ve just made myself at home... Sigh. Fucking idiot... 
PS Astarion saying "rawr" is canon and I will stick it wherever I please.
Next in series - Something real
This work is part of a series - here is the master list
Tags: @littleenglishfangirl @something-pithy @darlingxdragon @tallymonster @tragedybunny
Pst, anyone else - feel free to leave a comment if you'd like to be added to a tag list
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soobinskii · 5 months
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knee socks - n.riki
warnings : exbf!niki | angst/fluff, hurt/comfort , not proofread.
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you absolutely hated your ex-boyfriend, nishimura riki, otherwise known as niki. you couldn't stand seeing him, hearing his voice or even thinking about him. the slightest hint towards niki would send you into an internal rage.
on a day where you were just miserable, of course the thought of not missing niki as much as you thought clouded your head. as you dropped a hot dish all over yourself, of course a little voice in the back of your head asked "what would niki think of this?" you didn't really care what he would think, right? all those times when your bed was empty and just felt so cold, so vacant. when you would try to hug your pillow to shut out your thoughts of the man you once loved.
directly after the breakup, the illness you had seem to come down with. all the coughing and sneezing due to the chilly weather. drinking cup after cup of hot tea, ingesting cough drops like you were a child with candy. the following tuesday, it seemed to rain a little bit harder as you sat in a corner of your living room, all bundled up in a coat. all you could ask yourself is "where is niki? why did he leave?" you couldn't seem to accept the fact that he was truly done with you, just like that.
then, a few months later, you think you're finally over him. finally over all the memories, the joy, tears, and all of the inbetween. that night if you weren't up until midnight, glancing at the new clock on your nightstand; zeros lined up showing you the start of a new day. maybe if you didn't check the notifications on your phone then, you wouldn't have seen the text from him. even if the number was blocked, you still knew who it was.
all of a sudden it was bringing up all of the old feelings. the sorrow, ecstasy, all of them. you felt like you were at a loss for words when the words on your screen said "(y/n), i miss you. can i please come over?" you almost felt betrayed, like he had abandoned you for nearly half a year and, now he wants to come back. just like that?
you decide to respond with the most dull answer you could provide (or so you thought). "what do you want?" it was either going to be the worst or best decision of your year, possibly even your life. it could bring back the old gloom, or it could create yet another chapter in your life alongside nishimura riki.
"i just need to talk to you," he replies. "i need to see you."
you decide to give in, allowing him into your space, allowing old feelings to be brought up again. to be quite frank, you want to see him aswell but, you'd never admit that if someone asked. you'd always brush off questions that have something to do with him, changing the subject or even completely ignoring the inquiry as a whole.
as soon as you saw niki at your front door, you'd immediately noticed his new haircut. the fresh undercut suiting his chiseled features as if he was sculpted by the gods themselves. you immediately recognize his familiar cologne, and the outfit he wears if he wishes to "impress someone casually" as he'd put it. your heart immediately swelled up woefully at the sight of him.
you allowed him in, as he stepped through the doorway, he handed you a bar of your favorite chocolate. you inspected it as you ventured over to the living room, unsure if this was all real or a hopeless illusion created in your slumber. as he sat on the couch he let out a breath that seemed like he had held it in for the six months that he hadn't seen you. the two of you sat together, the air thick and tense as you set the bar of chocolate onto the coffee table. you moved slowly and hesitantly, as if he was going to break if you moved any faster.
"i am so sorry, (y/n). i know it's late but i really just wanted to give this a chance and now felt like the right time." niki started, "i just wanted to tell you that i shouldn't have gotten that angry, that you were right, i needed to calm down. i should've just taken a breath and backed away or something. i would give anything just to have you back, and i deeply regret shouting at you like that"
as he rambled on about being apologetic, a few select words stuck out to you. 'i would do anything to have you back' the only words that described how you felt for these past months. the only words you wished he would randomly say to you on lonely nights. words that you cried over day after day, desperately trying to figure things out. the only words that made you stop him from talking, that made you go on autopilot and grab his hand. exactly how you used to do it when he was upset over something.
the feeling of your hand on his, resting over his knuckles made him stutter and stumble over his words. it made niki look at you with a glint of confusion and hope in his eyes. when you locked eyes with him, you could feel all of his emotions drain into you as you teared up. "you want me back?" you whispered to him, with droplets threatening to fall down your cheeks. he nodded, glossy eyes shimmering in the dim light of the lamps on the table.
you cupped his face in your hands, eyes wide and searching for confirmation. confirmation of reality yet again. niki did something that you never expected.
you never expected it when he first broke up with you, nor when he texted you a few hours ago… he kissed you. his plump lips against yours felt exactly how they always did. his chapstick tasted the same, and in that moment you had forgotten about all of the old memories; willing to make new ones instead of dwelling on the past.
neither of you had never expected that night to end with drifting off to a (finally) peaceful sleep in the other's arms.
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a/n : this was just something quick i wrote in about an hour, sorry if its all over the place. i hope you enjoyed & please consider reblogging !! <3
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I'm here to rectify this issue immediately, how about one with him and the reader being soft? something bout seeing this rugged man melt when he comes home to his darling just egIUAfosnkew IT'S SO SWEET
—Look At The Stars; Look At Me
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [Stargazing in the middle of an overgrown and wild glade.] ❞
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You breathe slowly, eyes gazing longingly far above you at the twinkling lights. They take up your pupils in the low glow of the moon—the dots of those far-off globes of hydrogen and helium shining bright. 
The glade behind the hidden forest home is filled with the scent of wildflowers, grass, and the grind of fresh earth; it captures your nostrils as the fireflies come out to dance on iridescent wings. Under you, John’s blanket lets you be just the tiniest bit closer to him for the moment, limbs loose, sleep-clothes compliant to the flow of the breeze as it spreads a whisper through the leaves. 
A deer snorts downwind, a low call over the air that can be felt in the gentle quiet. Crickets creak like the old floorboards of a lived-in home. You’re eased by the knowledge that, as your Lover drives back to this place—back to you—he’s under the same stars as the ones you gawk at in the skin of an awe-drunk woman who loves him more than even this. 
A car pulls down the worn-grass road, and you hear the brakes lightly squeak on that shitty rental, a smile twitches along your face, but you don’t move.
He knows where to find you this late; knows you wouldn’t go to sleep when he’d called you not two hours earlier to say he’s back. 
The both of you are stubborn and know the other more than a priest knows his own God.
A soft whistle lets you know he’ll be there in a moment, coming from behind the treeline before the sound of a car door getting closed echoes. The birds pause for a moment, though not seconds later they re-start their bedtime symphonies. 
There’s a rustling, and your heart picks up the pace gradually, excitement making your lips peel slowly back into a wide smile as you gaze at the Herdsman and his glittering Arcturus star. Painting pictures in your mind, you think of the untold number of things he’s seen from his deep-space throne as your lover returns like a lumbering hound, already hearing his large sigh at the sight of you. 
You don’t shift your gaze until an accented comment makes you chuckle. 
“Bit of a cold night to be doin’ this,” John’s face peaks into your field of view, leaning above you with his arms crossed—one of those dark brows raised.
He looks worse for wear with a big bruise over the left side of his jaw, and medical tape on his dark eyebrow ridge. The scar is still there, over his left eye; his orbs that continue to glint more than the stars ever could in your gaze. 
You hum in your throat, blinking up at him with a tilted nose. 
“What?” Your voice makes the hardness of his face dim, a small sigh through his nostrils as if he could never truly get out of that version of himself without hearing you speak first. “Did you expect me to miss a view like this?”
He scoffs, tilting his head. “I’m not that much of an idiot. Move it.”
You smile widely, staying directly in the middle of his blanket as a smirk slashes the Captain’s lips, his blues deepening. A bird darts away from above his head. 
“Already misbehaving, then? Not a good start, Little Lady.” 
“I was here first, MacTavish.” He makes an amused noise in his throat, moving his hands from his arms to grasp under yours. You squeal, laughing loudly as he drags you up with a low chuckle into his large shirt and tucked pants. 
“Aye, you were here first,” he brings you up into his arms—a bridal hold that leads you to wrap your arms around his neck as you shake with glee, burying your head into his flesh. “Never said you weren’t.” Lips whisper into your ear and he can feel your smile as it spreads against him. “But you’ve got to pick your battles wisely, eh? I’m the one who can carry you on my arm.”
You kiss his neck a few times, quick kisses in between mutterings of love; his beard shifts as he lets a small smile, amusement lingering yet dimming for something far more important. The word seems more alive than it had moments ago, but that’s not a bad thing. No, not at all. 
“What’s the point of interest tonight, then?” He slips off his boots and walks you back onto the blanket, smoothing it out with his foot before he grunts and settles down—you in his lap. “I’ve lost where we were last time.”
“The Herdsman, John,” you remind gently, pushing on his chest so he lays back with no argument, shifting you into the crook of his right arm as it circles you. He gently squeezes and presses you tighter. 
On his chest you place your head, arm snaking around his waist to suck in his warmth with a soft sigh.
“Ah, that’s right. Herdsman.”
He kisses your forehead, digging his nose into you and closing his eyes softly. None of the stars could compare to the one in his arms—he’ll leave the gazing to you in the meantime. 
Your body in the gap between his arm was all he needed. 
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@luuvbuzz, @emerald-valkyrie, @anna-banana27, @blueoorchid, @cryingnotcrying, @writeforfandoms, @homicidal-slvt, @jade-jax, @frazie99, @elmoees, @littlemisstrouble, @alpineswinter, @phoenixhalliwell, @idocarealot, @lavalleon, @facelessmemories, @h-leigh, @20forty9, @glitter-anon-asks, @emily-who-killed-a-man, @neelehksttr, @aeneanc, @escapefromrealitysm, @i-d-1-0-t, @pparcxysm, @hawkscanendme, @caramlizedtomatos, @waves-against-a-cliff, @sanfransolomitatm, @maelstrom007, @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet, @pheobees, @glitterypirateduck, @uselsshuman, @fan-of-encouragement, @halfmoth-halfman, @ghostlythunderbird, @I-inkage, @pukbadger, @kopatych11, @0nceinabluem00n, @cocrorapop, @knightofsexyness, @abnormalgeil, @smallseastone, @jacegons, @330bpm-whiplash, @simon-rileys-housewife, @4-atsu, @tiredmetalenthusiast
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apomaro-mellow · 2 months
King and Prince 26
Part 25
Steve wasn’t new to flirting, but courting was different. Courting was full of long term intention. And between royalty, it was a great event. At least, normally it was. Kings, dukes, and earls and such talked behind doors to be certain that their children were a proper match. To make sure that the union would be beneficial to both sides. 
Before it even really started, Steve knew this one would be different. For one, his father wasn’t involved at all. Steve did spare his parents a thought, wondering what they would think of what he was doing. But they lost the right to have any say in his life. 
Something they were adhering to was the fact that they couldn’t be alone anymore. Not that he and Eddie had been alone often before this. But now, whenever people came and went, changing shifts and making sure they weren’t by themselves, there was a charge in the air. 
One such incident was in the library. Steve wasn’t much of a reader, but he liked listening to Robin rave about the books she read. And sometimes she treated him like a dog, sending him to fetch the bigger tomes on the higher shelves for her, which he had started not to mind. He had grabbed the book from on high, something about botany, and slid down the ladder. The moment his feet touched the ground, Eddie was there.
“Come here often?”, he drawled.
“You know I don’t”, Steve rolled his eyes.
“Well any glimpse of you is a welcome one”, Eddie said, reaching right by Steve’s head to grab a book. An excuse to be close. “Just had to get this for Will.”
“Happy reading”, Steve said.
Eddie walked away, leaving Steve to lean against the bookshelf. When he returned to Robin, his head fell against the floor.
“What happened?”, she asked, taking the book from him.
“I said ‘happy reading’”, Steve said, voice muffled.
“You’re a regular poet.”
Meanwhile, Dustin and Will had to listen to Eddie wax poetic about how Steve looked in the light of the library.
“It was as if fairies themselves dusted the air around him.”
“Pretty sure that was just old book dust”, Dustin said.
“You know, you should probably tell Steve these things”, Will said. “Like, what was that thing you said about his hair?”
Dustin groaned. “Which one?”
“Doesn’t matter. I just think he’s definitely in the love letter stage”, Will said. 
And so Eddie got to writing. Any sort of lovely thought about Steve, he wrote it down and slipped it to him in some kind of way. Sometimes directly, other times having it delivered. They were little sweet nothings, the kind a lover might whisper in one’s ear. But a special one was found attached to a box that had been brought to Steve’s room by a servant one morning.
To my Dearest,
I have noticed you taking Chestnut on rides more often. It is only right that a rider of your stature be outfitted suitably. It is my hope that you will find this gift to your liking. I wish to see you riding unbidden, soaring over the fields just as I know Chestnut longs to go full burst. I can see in my mind’s eye the wind caressing your hair as I long to. Your body moving in harmony with your steed in ways I can only dream of. 
Your Admirer
Steve opened the box and was delighted by a fresh pair of riding boots. His breath was caught in his throat as he took them in, ready to put them on and try the boots right away. He’d bring Lucas along. He needed some riding practice anyway.
Eddie was treated to the sight of Steve returning with gorgeously windswept hair. Lucas was with him and must have pointed it out because Steve started trying to fix it and put it back into place. They were going down a different part of the castle so he was only able to hear part of their conversation.
“I don’t even have a real brush”, Steve said, fiddling with a single lock of hair as if it would make any difference to his appearance right now. “Let alone anything else.” He let out a sigh and it struck Eddie like lightning.
It didn’t take Steve long to receive his next gift. A basket that had a brush, combs, and different tonics and creams for his hair. And of course with it, a note.
To He who shines like the sun,
Only the moon’s face can dare to compare but even then it falls short when held up to your beauty. I have found you fetching in many varied states, yes even when you were coated in the grime of your prison. I couldn’t admit it then, but I can say now that your eyes burned bright in that dark cell.
You need no augment to make yourself beautiful, but it is my desire that these tools will please you.
From your devoted worshiper 
Steve could hardly wait for his next bath and just barely did. This time, he didn’t simply rinse off the dirt of the day. He did his full hair routine for the first time in months, feeling more like himself than he had since. As a prince, he was able to have a servant wash his hair if he pleased, and typically people considered themselves lucky to touch his tresses. Here, no one was clambering over themselves to serve him, but he wondered if Eddie would ever perform that act for him.
After his bath, he dried his hair and once it was just a touch damp, he used the other gifts to style it. It wasn’t quite easy. He only had a dingy mirror to work with and had to do so standing. But it was more than he’d been able to do. And he made sure Eddie knew it, leaving his room right away to pretend to ‘just-so-happen-’ to find him.
He did find him in his study, placing points on a map with Jeff and Nancy. The door had been partially open, so Steve knew it wasn’t a private discussion or anything. Still, his heart thumped, thinking about the consequences of going into a king’s space uninvited and unannounced. He leaned against the door and didn’t even have to say anything, because Eddie turned at just that moment, trailing off like he had forgotten what he was going to say.
“I got your gift”, Steve said simply, twirling a lock around his finger.
Eddie watched it, enraptured, wishing with all his might that he could be that finger. The moment seemed to linger, neither wanting to stop it. Unfortunately, neither Nancy nor Jeff were on board with it going uninterrupted. Jeff cleared his throat while Nancy snapped her fingers.
“Your Majesty”, she said pointedly.
“Your visage is distracting, sweetheart”, Eddie said. “It is just our luck that we are not planning a war.”
“Lucky you”, Steve smiled. “I shall take my leave then. I wouldn’t want you to accidentally attack someone on my behalf.” He had gotten what he wanted to anyway, the perfect reaction. 
It didn’t take too long for the entire castle to be aware of their king’s affliction. He had finally fallen for someone. Someone who seemed to reciprocate. The entire staff was twittering with the gossip. It was the first time in their lifetimes after all, that they’d seen the king show such interest. But not everyone was happy about the new development.
Part 27
@thesuninyaface @only-evanescent  @snakeorsquid  @ignoremyworld  @theclichefortunecookie 
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@lil-gremlin-things @littlebluejane @puppy-steve
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bubble-leaves · 2 months
Money - Reth x Reader
cw / subtle angst
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The day has come to a close. The sun has set, the crickets are chirping outside, and the candles in your home have been extinguished.
You had invited your boyfriend to stay over at your place for the night; today was hard for him. Against their deal, the cartel Reth was involved with had raised the price for Tish’s flow treatment. To keep up with this new flagrant price, Reth may have to work at the inn until midnight, now. He didn’t understand. His payments were always on time, always. Why was he being punished so cruelly?
Reth sits upon your comfortable bed, his eyes without shine. He’s in casual pajamas and his bandana and jewelry are off. In his peripheral vision, he can see you lighting the wick of your small homestead lamp that sits on your nightstand. The soft light is comforting to him, yet you know he’ll need a lot more than just light to make him feel okay right now. You stand directly in front of him. Reth looks up at you, a look of pure heartache on his face. He sighs as you cup his face with your hands.
“It’s gonna be okay,” You whisper, before pressing a kiss to his forehead.
He closes his eyes and softly hums in response. When you pull away, he gazes back at you sadly.
“I’m gonna help, okay? Any extra money you need, I got you,” You assure.
Reth’s brows furrow together with sorrow and he shakes his head. He pulls his face out of your hands.
“No, you aren’t,” Reth says. “This is all on me. You’re not getting in any of the cartel business, okay? Over my dead body, literally.”
Your shoulders sink as you exhale. Reth has a terrible problem with accepting help, but you understand where he’s coming from here. He never wanted you involved in any of the shady business he does, he’s always let you know that. But seeing him suffer this internal turmoil is killing you.
“They won’t know the extras are from me,” You argue. “With how much you work, especially so early in the Market, they couldn’t.”
“(Y/n). I said no,” Reth affirms.
You frown. You feel a bit helpless, as though you’re watching him struggle to keep his head above water. You both stare at each other in silence before Reth finally looks away. He rubs his wrist anxiously, then decides to abandon the conversation. He crawls up to the side of your bed he’s come to call his own, and slips underneath the covers with his back to you. It’s not that he’s angry with you. He just . . . doesn’t know what to say. You know. One thing Reth will never deny is that you understand him better than anyone else.
You release a quiet breath and get into bed with him. Reth hears you settle down, but doesn’t expect to feel your back against his. His eyes shift to the side and his brows furrow. You two never sleep back to back, never ever. He hears the crackle of your fireplace in the other room as his lips purse in thought. Did he upset you? Was he too cold toward you? Quietly, Reth looks over his shoulder to check on you. He sees you breathing peacefully. There doesn’t seem to be any distress, but he still feels bad. Finally, he lets out a sigh and turns over to you. A small smile breaks on your lips as you feel his arm curl around your body and tug it against his.
“Was I being mean?” He mumbles.
You breathe out a laugh. “No, not even close. Don’t worry about it. I understand, love.”
Reth’s lips press together as he feels his heart throbbing. Your unrelenting, unwavering kindness surprises him every time. He nestles his face in the crook of your neck and closes his eyes in bliss. He pecks a few kisses against your skin as your hand caresses the arm that anchors you to his chest. The air inside the room feels fresh and comfortable, effortlessly easing the tension from a few minutes ago. Your weighted covers, the ambience of the chirping crickets and nearby fireplace, all calm down both of your nerves.
Just then, your fingertip begins tracing over the marking tattoos on his forearm. His eyes open once more to watch. He sighs deep in his throat. The memory of him being held down by several cartel members to get these inked is somehow less painful when you’re here, idly tracing the patterns. Reth wants the memory to be replaced with this very moment. Because you don’t bring him pain or fear, anger or disappointment. You just bring love. It feels so strange, but he just can’t get enough of you.
“You’re making me shiver,” Reth chuckles.
You smile, “I know, isn’t it amazing?”
He rolls his eyes before closing them, a big smile on his face too. “It is. But you’d know all about amazing, huh?”
“Mhm,” You smile, turning over on your other side to face him. “Like giving you 10,000 gold a week. How’s that?”
Reth’s smile drops. His mouth hangs open in pure shock for a beat, then he snaps out of it.
“Babe, that’s, like, nearly 3 weeks of me working at both the inn and the Market,” He says.
You shrug. “Would that cover the costs?”
His wide eyes blink a couple of times. “Well . . . I mean, yeah, but . . . ”
His words trail off as the arm around your waist retracts a bit. Your lips part with regret; maybe you should have laid off the pestering. Instinctually, your fingertips brush along his arm as it subtly moves. Reth looks down. It’s hard to decipher what he’s feeling. You wait patiently for him to continue. Just then, Reth looks up to you with eyes glossed over with tears. You softly gasp. His brows are furrowed upward in something resembling sorrow and confusion.
“ . . . I don’t get it. Why are you so insistent on helping, even in the face of danger, just for me?” He asks in a low, quivering tone.
Your head tilts to the side. You’re taken aback by his words.
“What do you mean, ‘just for you?’ Reth, I love you,” You emphasize.
Reth’s eyes close tight after those last 3 words. One single tear streams down his cheek. Then another. And another. You deeply frown and use your thumbs to rub them away, listening as he tries to keep his breathing steady. He’s never wept in front of you before. But, like usual, you seem to know exactly what to do. Reth softly grasps one of your wrists, then looks up at you.
“I have no idea how you do this to me,” He says with a bittersweet laugh. “Ah . . . not so tough when I’m with you, huh?”
You smile and caress his cheek back and forth with your thumb. “It’s fine to cry, crying is good.”
Reth stares at you for a second, then groans and hangs his head. “Dragon, why are you so . . . ugh. I am so lucky to have you.”
You giggle, just before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. It’s clear that he just needs to stop talking for a minute. He quietly moans due to the delightful chill you send down his back. He kisses you back immediately, with the same softness, until you let go to speak.
Eyes half-open as you pull back, you say, “Money is the least thing I could give you, okay? This isn’t no loan, this isn’t no mooching, this is me just helping you out until the price is lowered again.”
Reth sighs, clearly still bothered by this notion. He opens his mouth to refute, but he recognizes that he’s not going to make you sway on this matter, despite how dangerous it could be for you.
You continue after a spell of silence. “And what am I gonna do with all the extra money I get, anyway? Buy a farm?”
Reth’s concerned expression is abandoned for a smirk. “I mean, you could.”
You brush a stray hair from his eyes and nod. “I could. But I’d rather spend it on you.”
“Damn it,” Reth says under his breath, his face feeling hot.
You giggle as you watch him blush and shift his shoulders, flattered. Normally, he’s the one that would say something like that to you. Reth didn’t know that it felt this good to hear.
“Okay. Okay, fine, just . . . don’t bring it into the inn or the Market. Just give it to me when I ask, here,” He finally compromises.
A soft gasp leaves his lips as you kiss his forehead again. He didn’t really expect another one.
“I got you, don’t worry,” You murmur. “Just get some rest, okay? I’ll be here.”
Those words make him feel so safe. Reth closes his eyes with a sigh and melts into the crook of your neck. His arm wraps around your waist again. You sweetly caress his arm up and down as he hugs you tight. His face is a rich maroon and his spine feels pleasant tingles floating down it. Suddenly, the world doesn’t seem like it’s crashing down on him. You would never let that happen, anyway; you are Reth’s fortress. And he feels so secure in your arms, comforted by your warmth and your kind spirit. He doesn’t know what he did to possibly deserve someone like you loving him like this, yet he’s inspired by the unconditional prospect of it. Reth wants to love you in the exact same way.
He feels your fingertips softly brush over his skin until he falls asleep, in a state of pure peace.
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caplanbuckybarnes · 15 days
A Taste of Royalty (prince!Stephen strange x reader)
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Summary: The prince comes to visit your food stall at the market
Warnings: fluff
WC: 469
A/N: im trying to write more lesser written characters from marvel :) this might not get many notes, but I'm okay with that. the nxt one I post should be a logan howlett drabble.
I have plenty of characters on my tag list if you like to be on it!
Read on Ao3!
The scent of freshly baked pastries filled the air, sweet and buttery with a hint of cinnamon. You wiped your hands on your apron, your heart fluttering as you packed the last of the treats into a basket. Today, the prince himself was visiting the market—Prince Stephen Strange. The thought of him tasting your pastries was enough to send a nervous thrill down your spine.
You had never seen the prince up close, only heard stories. People said he had a rugged charm, much different from the polished princes you read about in fairy tales. His hair was a little messy, his smiles quick and easy. It was hard to imagine someone like him eating something as delicate as the pastries you baked.
Still, you had heard rumors from the palace staff. “The prince enjoys my pastries?” you had asked in disbelief when a maid had casually mentioned it last week. She’d grinned and nodded. “He always asks for more,” she’d said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Now, with the basket in hand, you stood behind your stall at the market, waiting. You could hear the murmurs growing louder, the excited whispers signalling the arrival of royalty.
And there he was.
Prince Stephen moved through the crowd confidently, dressed in clothes that didn’t scream royalty but still commanded attention. His eyes, sharp with delighted interest, scanned the stalls before landing on yours. For a split second, you thought you were imagining it, but then he smiled—directly at you.
Your breath caught as he approached. “You’re the one who makes the cinnamon tarts, right?” he asked, his voice friendly, not at all what you expected from a prince.
You nodded, words failing you for a moment. “Y-Yes, Your Highness. I—I have some right here if you’d like.”
Stephen grinned, leaning casually on your stall as if you were old friends, his face reflecting absolute delight at the news. “Perfect. I’ve been craving them for days.” He reached for one, his fingers brushing against yours as he took the tart. “These are the best in the kingdom.”
You blinked, hardly able to process his words. “The best?” you echoed, cheeks warming.
“Absolutely.” He took a bite, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment in bliss. “I’d eat these every day if I could.”
Your heart soared, the nervousness melting away. “I… I could make sure there’s a fresh batch at the palace whenever you’d like, Your Highness,” you offered, your voice small but hopeful.
Stephen’s eyes twinkled as he looked at you, swallowing the bite of pastry. “You might just have to, or I’ll keep coming to the market just to find you.”
Your heart raced at the implication, and for the first time, you dared to smile back. Maybe this prince was more than just a distant figure after all.
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jacaeryslover · 8 months
the betrothal, a jacaerys velaryon one-shot.
summary: reader father (stark) accepts to make the betrothal between jace & reader official, jace misunderstands. angst (not really) & fluff!
Back in the old days, when you and Jacaerys were still little kids, Princess Rhaenyra proposed a betrothal between you two, having a Targaryen & Stark union would benefit the realm once she became Queen.
But your father denied it, you were both kids, so he told the Targaryen Princess to wait for them to grow to make it official. Both of you knew back then, the Queen spoke about it with Jacaerys, and he decided you deserved to know who you were going to marry.
—Hello, princess— You hear a shy voice coming from the back, it has to be one of the Velaryon boys, you thought, none of Queen Alicent's sons would speak so softly to a Northerner.
You were right, Jacaerys Velaryon was standing behind you, Princess Rhaenyra's oldest son and the next heir to The Iron Throne. You found a very good friend in him the weekends you stayed in King's Landing. The Velaryon boys felt like a breath of fresh air in these foreign and tense lands.
—Hello, my prince. Is everything alright?—Her voice was soothing, comforting, even for her age. Jacaerys thought he could listen her talk for hours. —Yeah princess, I'm quite alright. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about our betrothal.
—Our betrothal?— She asked, clearly confused. Maybe he should've said it differently.
—Yes, my mother talked about it with your father, he said he would agreed once we were of age. I'm sorry if you didn't want this. But I promise you I will take care of you, and you will be my one and only Queen.
Jacaerys was kind, and she knew that. None of the boys in King´s Landing were as nice as him and his little brother, so the thought of marrying him instead of Aemond sounded amazing. Besides, she knew her dad would never allow her only daughter to marry a monster.
—I have to say I did not expected this, nevertheless, my feelings for you are not those of hate, I will be the luckiest girl if I get to marry you in the future, my prince.
Jacaerys could not be happier, hearing those words from the girl he liked so much made him feel sick to his stomach, a feeling he did not hate at all, so he said the words he´d been keeping the last few weekends.
—Since this moment, I am loyal to you, with heart, body & soul, I am solemnly yours.
He knew she had to leave King´s Landing tomorrow, he didn´t want this, he wanted her to stay. But she also had dutties as Princess in Winterfell. So he waited, he waited days, weeks, months, years.
—Jace, did you hear about it? Your little wolf's father finally agreed to a betrothal.
His pacific temple crumbled, you didn't mention anything about betrothal proposals in your letters. But your father just accepted to marry you to someone that isn't him, he couldn't allow that. Not when he spend all of his life loving you.
—Are you sure?— He asked Aegon, he was known for being constantly drunk, so he wasn't a reliable source of information, and he wasn't the nicest person, so he could easily be just annoying him.
—Yeah, pretty sure I heard father talking about it, I guess you weren't the best option after all.
Maybe he was right, he wasn't good enough, maybe he heard the whispers, the whispers about his birth. He had to do something, he would fight for her once she arrives to King's Landing.
Later that day, she's finally here, in the same room with him, so he talks first.—Is it true? That your father accepted a betrothal?— His face clearly tensed, he felt like he was being stabbed in the chest, directly in the heart, waiting for your answer was agony.
—Yeah, he did. He made it official a day ago. I thought you knew.—
—How could I know? You didn't mentioned it in your letters, I don't know what happens in Winterfell. Tell me honestly, was it because of me? Was it my fault? Did I do something wrong? Is it because i'm a bastard?
—Jacaerys!—She would rarely use his full name, she was mad, or hurt, Jace could not read her right now, he's full with his emotions already.—Don't ever say that again. None of this is your fault. My father made official our betrothal.—Jace could feel her hands caressing his cheeks, he could feel her trying to make him feel better. He was hurt, but he already felt better, how could he forgot that their betrothal was not official yet? He was blind with his loyalness.
—You should´ve known that I wouldn´t agree to marry someone that it isn´t you. You are my only love. I sweared loyalty to you when I was a child and I did not regretted my decision a single time.
The wedding was set in 3 weeks.
She was the most beautiful woman he ever laid his eyes on, she walked to him by her fathers arm. Her dress had beautiful embroidery in honor to her house, but he couldnt wait for her to use the Targaryen colors instead.
—With this kiss, I pledge my love—.
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forfucksakesniall · 1 year
Eloping with Lewis
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Trigger Warning/Content Advisory: Implied smut
His body was pressed up against yours, hands now cupping your waist, his arms still around you like a blanket. He pulled back a little, and his eyes, they were beautiful
“You know, love? I’ve been thinking. Why don’t you and I elope?”
He had said the words in a tone of voice that sounded like he had put a lot of thought into them.
“What do you say, my love?”
“Are you sure that is what you want? I don't want you to feel like we're rushing things” You ask him
“Baby. I know what I want.”
He brought his face up to yours again, looking directly into your eyes.
“Our wedding, it’s gonna be absolutely beautiful. But, you know, getting married, just the two of us.” You could almost hear him whisper, “And to be the first to see you in your dress.”
“So, what do you say, my beautiful love?"
I smile at him teary-eyed
“Is that a 'yes’?" He said with a sly smile.
“Because that’s what looks like a 'yes', sweetie."
You felt his grip tighten around your waist. His other hand moved up, resting under your chin. You could feel him lean closer to you, but then he pulls you closer to him.
He gives your chin a slight, yet gentle, squeeze, keeping your head at eye level with his.
"I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, my love. And I wanna do it sooner rather than later. So, will you marry me?"
He said those last words in a soft, yet sweet, whisper. He had said it in a matter that sounded like he was asking you for the first time.
“Yes! Yes!”
He hugged you tightly, his face pressed up against yours. His eyes, his eyes had nothing but passion and fire behind them. It was like he had been waiting his entire life for this moment. It seemed like he was the most excited person on Earth at that moment too.
He kissed you softly, but passionately.
"It's time I finally made you mine, my love. It's time I got my wedding ring on you. "My wife-to-be.”
*✧・゚: *✧・゚*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*✧・゚: *✧
Lewis guides you to the car, helping you inside. 
"I have a surprise for you, darling," he says with a coy smile. 
"We're going to go on a trip to the salt flats in Bolivia." You are instantly excited, and your mind begins to race with thoughts of the possibilities. 
Lewis starts the car and pulls out onto the road, heading towards the salt flats. As the couple drives through the scenic countryside, You can't help but marvel at the beauty of Bolivia. You lean your head against Lewis's shoulder and breathe in the fresh air.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*✧・゚: *✧
The couple stand together in the middle of the desert, in a private area surrounded by salt flats as far as the eye can see. The desert is still, and the air is dry and warm. The couple hold hands and look into each other's eyes, filled with love and excitement. They repeat their vows to each other, proclaiming their love and commitment. As they say their vows, they think of their future together and feel overwhelmed with joy and happiness.
"I, Lewis, pledge my love and devotion to you. I promise to always be by your side, in good times and in bad, and to cherish and protect you, for as long as we both shall live. I vow to support you in all your endeavors and to share your dreams and aspirations. I love you"
"I, Y/N, pledge my love and devotion to you, Lewis. I promise to always be by your side, in good times and in bad, and to cherish and protect you, for as long as we both shall live. I vow to support you"
*✧・゚: *✧・゚*.·:·.✧ ✦✧.·:·.*✧・゚: *✧
It was some time after your wedding. You and Lewis were now on a beach, with warm, crystal-blue water. He had pulled you into the water, and now he was holding onto you, pulling you to him while gently rocking back and forth.
He smiled at you, kissing you again and again on the cheek as he held you against his warm body. His eyes were full of love and passion. Almost like he was drowning in his love for you.
Lewis had stopped rocking. He was just holding you close and listening to the gentle sounds of the beach.
“Babe, you’re so perfect.”
He was cherishing your presence, not just observing you. It was as if he were basking in the pure adoration of you.
"I love you so much.”
Lewis said those words so softly and passionately. It almost sounded like he had found meaning in those two words.
Your lips found him and it felt like home. Lewis’s strong, yet gentle hands held your back. Every moment of that honeymoon on the sun-kissed beach felt like years. 
It was at the end of the day. Your honeymoon was almost over, but your husband wouldn’t let it end. He grabbed you tightly, planting a fiery yet gentle kiss on your lips. He held you close like he never wanted to let go, and pulled you onto his lap. He kept his eyes locked with yours as he spoke, his voice almost a moan.
“I love you so much, my one and only.”
He continued kissing you, his voice filling the air like music. He kissed you passionately and lovingly. He kissed you like you were his entire world.
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missglaskin · 2 years
Aemond being all hyped and terrifying when he was flying after Luke has me thinking about him doing something similar as a punishment for his betrothed/wife. He thinks you’re getting too close to another man or thinks you’re scheming to leave or something so he drags you onto Vhagar for quick flight together. Aemond seems calm until he starts holding onto you tighter and tighter as Vhagar make her ascent into the sky. Then Aemond starts questioning you about whatever has been upsetting him and if he doesn’t like your answer then he starts flying Vhagar aggressively- scaring you. Making sharp dives down that have you begging Aemond to stop as he laughs and mocks you for your fear. The more you beg the more Aemond laughs. Eventually you confess everything to Aemond and he finally lets you off Vhagar. But shortly after you’re fucked roughly next to the dragon and reminded that he can find you anywhere you flee and that he’ll burn anyone that takes you from him. (In summary Vhagar is tired of Aemond’s shit 😂)
Anon I-
Okay, so picture making friends with some knight. He's only new, and he's been stationed to your room. And the knight is just so kind to you. You truly love your husband, but his possessiveness rarely allows you to enjoy the company of others. And being with someone who makes you laugh is just a breath of fresh air. 
As said, you weren't falling for the knight; your heart always belonged to your husband. You simply need some company. Wanting to see a new face other than his family. 
Then the knight starts to show you secret passages. He's aware of your husband's possessiveness and gives you an offer. The worst part is you are tempted. To have the freedom you so desperately long for, perhaps even seeing your family again.
Your thoughts occupy you so much that you fail to notice your husband's suspicions. Unbeknownst to you, he watches your every move, so obviously he notices when you're getting too friendly with a certain knight.
So when he asks you to go flying with him on Vhagar. You don’t give it much thought, as he typically takes you with him wherever he goes. It's one of the few moments where he's at peace.
Ascending on Vhagar and sitting in front of Aemond as he holds you close to him. He appears to be calm, so you don’t suspect much. Even when Vhagar is flying upward, in fact, you enjoy the view, loving to look down at how tiny everything appears, unaffected by the tightening of his hold. As your eyes drift to the clouds, you grimace a bit, now feeling his tightening hold.
And you start to feel your back pressed firmly against his chest. Uncertain of what is happening, you call out his name. When you feel like your body is about to slip and the air is getting denser, panic sets in. Aemond then begins to question you about the knight. You pause for a moment before responding.
You only tell him that there’s nothing. He's your protector, that’s all. If you say anything, you know what would happen to him. Suddenly Vhagar dives, and you scream as the wind whipped your body up. You'd have probably fallen off if Aemond hasn't kept you in place. Even though the wind is blowing directly into your eyes, you can still make out the body of water in the distance.
Then, just as you are about to crash into the water, Vhagar rises, but a portion of her lower body and tail collides with the water, splashing you and Aemond. All drenched, you're trying to calm yourself. Taking deep breaths to recover from your almost-heart attack. 
Aemond asks you one more time and you admit that you and the knight had a brief conversation a few times. Still, he wasn't satisfied. Having Vhagar go near cliffs, making you believe in any moment, she’ll crash into them. He also has her take sharp turns. Hearing him chuckle as you scream and beg him to stop.
When Vhagar starts to ascend again, your breath almost stops, knowing he'll do it all over again. So you tell him—the moments you've had with the knight, the secret passages he's shown you, and lastly, his offer. Wiping a tear as you confess to every single thing, aware that you have just sent a man to his death.
Aemond smirks in triumph, thanking you for telling him. Remarking on how a husband and a wife should never keep secrets from one another. 
When he finally lands in the middle of nowhere, you are eager to leave Vhagar. Your husband allows you to descend to the ground, giving you a moment to calm yourself after what you just went through. He eventually sets his feet on the ground and comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around you. 
The man will fuck you there, that’s for sure, but not before burying his face between your legs. Gripping your hips to keep you in place so you don’t try to resist him or move away. Nose pressed to your clit as his mouth is on your cunt, lapping at your folds, wetting it more with each lap of his tongue.
Any resistance your body may have had is soon gone, and you find yourself embarrassed as your legs open wider for him. And the bastard known as he grins into your cunt. This is his way of telling that you belong to him, that no other man will go down on their knees and give you this much pleasure. 
As time goes by, you are blessed to know that you are in the middle of nowhere as loud moans spill from your mouth. And before you know it, his mouth goes to your clit, sucking on it harshly. It was all you needed to reach your high, crying out as you squirt all over him. 
As Aemond back away, his face is shown to you, the wetness of your orgasm coated on his lips. Hair unkempt from how much you tugged at it. Your lips meet, tongue clashing with yours, and you can taste yourself on him. As his cock slides into your oozing cunt, leaving bite marks to any skin he can find, cock throbbing against your walls as whimpers escape your lips.
When you two reached your high, you lay there for a while. And as he grabs hold of your jaw, you hear him say, "Wherever you go, I'll find you, but not before I burn everything to the ground, do you understand me?" And when you nod, he presses a tender kiss to your head. 
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
hey hey hey!!! i'm back!!! i was with my family, so i haven't been so active, but now im home again!! ❤️‍🩹 hope you're safe and happy!!
so i was thinking what i could request, and i have just read your feysand x reader where feyre and reader get piercings (it was a masterpiece 🫶🏻)
so i was thinking of this; rowaelin x reader where reader gets a tattoo (something significant to the three of them), but rowaelin has no idea.
pd; stay healthy, eat well, sleep well, don't stress, and BE HAPPY 🧡🫶🏻
fresh ink
Summary: Reader gets a tattoo
Warnings: none 
A/N: ah I’m glad you liked it! thank you for the request :) I hope you’re doing well!
You’d been thinking about a tattoo for a long time, and ran through different ideas in your mind, even sketching them out on paper sometimes. It took you months, but you decided on getting the constellation of the Lord of the North. It just felt right, in a way you couldn’t quite explain. 
Rowan and Aelin were away for the weekend, and you built up the nerve to finally do it. Rowan, when he found out - and you had no doubt he would eventually, could be offended you went to anyone else to have it done. But, you trusted your friend and they’d been tattooing for years. Maybe the tattoo was a bit too permanent, but you could always spin it off as being just for Terrasen. 
“What did you do?” Rowan asked, ten minutes after they returned from their trip. 
“What do you mean?” You raised an eyebrow at him. Aelin looked back and forth between the two of you. 
“You have that look on your face.” 
“Rowan,” Aelin said sweetly, and his head snapped towards her in alarm. “Shut up.”
His eyes narrowed, but she crossed the room and tugged you into another hug. You leaned into her, breathing in her scent. She chuckled, running her hand over the back of your head. You winked at him from over her shoulder. His eyes rolled but his lips quirked up at the corners. 
Later that night, you were stretched out on the couch, your head in Aelin’s lap. Her nails were digging into your scalp, and you felt your body unwind slowly, each muscle relaxing subconsciously. She tapped on your cheek, and you turned on your back so you could look up and face her. 
“What did you do?” 
You groaned, and heard weight shifting. Apparently her question had caught Rowan’s attention as well. “Do you need a play-by-play of my whole week?” You teased her, flicking her nose. 
“I’m only curious,” she swatted your hand away. “He’s right, you know, about that look.” 
You gasped in fake shock, sitting up quickly to look at Rowan. “You might never hear that again. Aelin admitted someone else is right." The female in question let out a disgruntled noise.
He snorted. “You’re avoiding her question.” 
“I’ve done many things, you’ll have to be more specific.” 
A muscle in his jaw flexed, and you fought back your grin. Pushing his buttons was one of your favorite past-times. 
“Just tell us.” Aelin said, reaching out her arm to pull you back closer to her. You winced as her hand brushed against your ribs. Right over the still sore spot. 
Rowan’s eyes gleamed as he caught the movement, and he rose, stalking across the room. 
“Lift your shirt.” 
“Buy me dinner first.” You muttered, ignoring him and laying back down on Aelin’s lap. That was the wrong move because she quickly slid the fabric up your side, you shivered and jumped as the cold air hit you, but one hand pinned you down as she peered over to look at it. 
“Is that the Lord of the North?” 
She ran her finger over the spot, and you batted her hand away. “It’s sore,” you hissed at her. 
“I like it,” she carefully lowered your shirt, avoiding brushing directly against the new ink. “Does the professional have an opinion?” 
Silence filled the room for a few moments. “You could have asked me.” Thankfully, he didn’t sound hurt necessarily, maybe a bit jealous but not hurt over it. 
“I would have lost my nerve,” you admitted. And asking him to do a tattoo that represented the three of you felt too overwhelming. 
“If you want any more, come to me.” He turned, heading back towards his seat. “It looks nice,” he said over his shoulder, barely loud enough for you to hear. 
"He's jealous," Aelin teased, "he wants his ink on you."
She squawked as a gust of icy wind hit her face, and you instinctively brought both of your arms up to cover your head, feeling the heat of flames brushing over the top of you a second later.
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chiharuuu22 · 6 months
Still wearing pajamas and warmed only by a cardigan, socks, and a blanket around his thighs, Whumpee sat in an armchair on the terrace and was propped up by pillows on either side. Beside him, Caretaker sat with him, accompanying him in a sweater and long skirt. The air still felt cold, even though it was already 9 a.m. Maybe the influence of early autumn.
Besides the two, there was a round table with two bowls of potato soup with thin slices of crispy beef and two glasses of water. Whumpee's favorite soup he started eating today after being able to only eat watery soup for a while.
Whumpee sat facing directly towards the lake, with the forest several tens of meters from the cabin where they were. His gaze was calm and peaceful, as if he no longer had any burdens to carry. Occasionally, Whumpee receives a bite of his soup from Caretaker who patiently helps him eat.
"Want to go there?" Caretaker offered after wiping Whumpee's mouth. "We can go to the lake this afternoon when it's warmer, if you want."
Caretaker returned to feeding Whumpee, saying, "It's not good to stay inside all the time. You need a new atmosphere and a breath of fresh air other than on this terrace."
"I like it in here," Whumpee answered after swallowing his soup. "But I guess it wouldn't be bad to go to the lake there. What's there?"
"Not much, but I thought you'd like it," Caretaker stroked the back of Whumpee's hand. "We can see beautiful views. Now and then, some people come to fish or boat. Freshly caught fish from the lake tastes delicious. There are lots of rabbits there. There are very beautiful flower fields when spring comes. If you're lucky, you can see a deer or a fox peeking shyly from the opposite forest."
"That sounds interesting. I think I'll want to go there later," said Whumpee. "I'm surprised; I never knew you had a cabin here."
"This belonged to my late parents. When I was little, we often came here to vacation and relax from the hustle and bustle of the city," explained Caretaker with a smile, and she returned to feeding soup to Whumpee. "A suitable place for your recovery, right? Quiet, peaceful, comfortable, and you don't have to worry about anything here."
Whumpee smiled and held Caretaker's hand. "Yes, it feels very comfortable. Thank you."
Caretaker smiled and grabbed Whumpee's hand back. "Come on, let's finish your breakfast, take medicine, clean up, then let's get ready to go to the lake!" said Caretaker cheerfully.
"You say that, but you haven't touched your food at all. You just keep feeding me," protested Whumpee. "Your soup is getting cold."
Caretaker laughed, "How about it, huh? I'm full just watching you eat like this."
"What answer is that?" Whumpee protested again but didn't refuse when a spoonful of soup was brought to his mouth. "Eat too, Caretaker."
Caretaker laughed and started feeding herself soup, making Whumpee smile widely. Caretaker feels very grateful for simple moments like this. Seeing Whumpee get healthier and hearing about the good progress of the problems they were having with Whumper. Indeed, it's not every day that they feel calm because now and then the Team Leader or other members come and give them lots of news, or they provide updates on the tasks that the Team Leader has given them. Hey, even though Caretaker and Whumpee are far from the Team, they still carry out their duties well. Except for Whumpee, who still needs a lot of rest.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
A healer takes care of their stalker in a completely sane and normal way.
Yandere Stalker + Healer Reader Drabble
Summary: As the title says.
Warning: Violence and Injury, spit mentions, and themes of masochism.
They meet you at the batting cage - kust like your note said.
How their twisted heart flew seeing that little piece of paper tucked under your pillow. They always made an effort to act with caution, but it soon became apparent that you were fully aware of all activities taking place within your own home.
How could you not with all the love that they give? Words of endearment left on your bathroom wall. Fresh meals in your fridge. The best way into someone's heart is their stomach, and a greater way to know them better than anyone else is watching their every move. Considering you scheduled this encounter, you must be as enamored with them as they are obsessed with you.
That tiny heart at the end of your letter told them so.
You're alone in the field with they arrive. Muscles glimmering with sweat, eyes focus as you unleash heavy swing after swing into the unrelenting night. Your stalker came an hour early to arrange a surpise, but it seems you beat them to it. It didn't bring their spirits down by much. The rope could be used another time. You must still be in the middle of practice. They've never seen you on a team, but with your recent outings to this location you had to be searching. Your form has gotten well. Not to mention how intimating, yet graceful you look deep in focus. Everyone would look your way. Since you'll be married so, they wonder if they can get you to avoid seekingq depth this new found hobby.
Your arms fall to your sides as the door to the cage opens, hand relaxed around the metal handle. They make sure to shut the gate behind them.
"My love..."
"So... you're the person who's been stalking me?"
Your stalker tugs on the strings of their hoodie. Stalking is such a harsh word to use. How can one stalk the love of their life?
"I...Don't make such a harsh accusation, darling."
Your skin crawls. "Only reason you would be here now. Watching me sleep, harassing my neighbors...friends."
The devotion they've withheld bubbles over as they step towards you. "Everything I've ever done I do for you and our future, Dearest. I'm sorry for the way I've treated those we know, but they get too comfortable around you for my liking."
You let them talk, get closer - adding justification to what you are about to do. Your hand tightens around the bat's leather strap.
"Sweet angel, you're too perfect for your own good. I've tried before to stay away from you, but I struggle to breath if I am not by your side."
They draw closer. You can smell their clothes and the scent they wear. The same fragrance that has haunted your home and bed for months. Your other hand wraps around the bat, feet and shoulders squared.
"So yes, I have watch you, but I have never nor would ever caused you harm. I need you more than life itself. From your letter, you feel the same, no? Let's become one-"
They've crossed the line. Literally. Their fingers brush your elbow as their arms rise, feet planting on the mark you drew in the sand before they arrived. It's too late for them to realize yours were already clocked back and swinging forward as they dive for an embrace that would never could. There's the sharp whistle of metal flying through the air, followed by a hollow, wet thud - then silence.
"I had to buy a lock for my trashcan because of you."
Everything is dark. They can barely hear; muffled rants of your angelic voice grounding them in a gradually fading reality. The bat connected directly with their left temple, rattling their bludgeoned brain in their skull and leaving them concussed on the dirt floor. Their heart beats in tune with each gush of blood out of side of their head, hairline dyed a deep maroon.
Bleeding out, they still call to you. Still desperate for you - the person who's made an attempt on their life. Like most they feared the end, but if this was how it came they could see no exectioner they'd prefer. The memory of their battered body and crimson blood would forever been engraved in your memory. There was no honor creator than that. Scowling, you kick their hand off your shoe and drag themself onto their knees by their hair.
"I'm not going to kill you. Stay still."
Collecting a mass of fluid on your tongue, you spit in their face. The shot narrowly missing their eye and gets into the wound. They twitch, tongue drooping from their mouth from pain and the need to collect the excess drool mixed into the trickle of red down their cheek. A wave of relief overcomes them as your saliva mixes into their blood stream. The gash in their head closes in on itself and the brain numbing headache throbs to extinction. Its effect lingers and they stare up at you in puzzled awe.
What just happened?
"Don't say a word. You don't get to speak, or ask any questions. If you come near me again, I'll bash your brains in until there's nothing for me to fix."
You roughly drop them on the ground, gather your things, and leave. Your stalker stares up at the sky; love born anew and stronger than before. You let them live. You really are an angel. How ever would they leave you alone now?
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r-cameron · 1 year
Interactive Rafe Cameron x reader fic (pt. 2)
You decide how the story continues.
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Previously: Reader is with friends in a club and accidentally spills a drink onto Rafe Cameron.
Summary: Rafe buys reader a drink. The plot thickens.
Warnings: possible thirst trap
The people around you were moving, dancing to the music, while you stood perfectly still. You didn’t move, you didn’t breathe, and despite the loud music, you could only hear your own rapid heartbeat. Rafe’s eyes seemed to have put a spell on you. You were unable to speak or move.
You opened your mouth further, only to gasp for air, as you were pushed even closer to Rafe by someone dancing next to you.
Rafe leaned down, tilting his head to the side, so his ear was close to your lips.
“What did you say?” You could hear his voice clearly and feel it resonate in your own body.
“I – I’m sorry. I spilled my drink on you,” you tried to speak up, but the music was drowning your voice.
He looked at you again and there was a spark in his eyes and an amused smirk on his lips. Then his eyes moved to the glass in your hand.
“We’ll get you another drink,” he said and his words had this commanding tone that just made you move. His arm was wrapped around your shoulders, just lightly and he led you towards the bar.
He nodded at the bartender, then looked at you, standing directly next to him. So close, you could feel the warmth of his body.
“What do you want?” he said in that deep voice of his.
“Sex on the beach,” you replied and immediately felt your cheeks burning, when you saw that dirty grin on Rafe’s face.
“I sure can arrange that…”
“I – I meant the drink. It’s – I like that drink –” You were flushing crimson as you tried to explain yourself. And it didn’t really help that Rafe was grinning even wider and just kept looking at you with his intense blue eyes. You could practically feel his eyes on your body. As if they were touching your glowing skin.
You tried to look away, but those eyes were holding you prisoner.
The bartender placed the drink in front of you. When you reached out for it, Rafe’s hand also moved to the glass. And when your fingers touched his, it was like some electric spark was going through your whole body. You flinched and gasped, and almost fell backwards, if it wasn’t for Rafe’s arm that he put around you in that moment to keep you from falling.
You were suddenly so close to Rafe again, your body pressing against his muscular chest. The glass between his body and yours.
You looked up at him, biting your lower lip. You felt hot, but it wasn’t because the club was crowded with people.
As if he was reading your thoughts, Rafe said, “let’s go outside. Get some fresh air.”
You just nodded and he led the way. His hand was resting on your back. You felt the heat of his palm, the strength of his hand through the fabric of your top. The touch was light, but it had something possessive about it. And something that promised a feeling of safety.
It was much easier to walk through a crowd of people with Rafe than it was when you were on your own. Somehow the crowd parted wherever Rafe Cameron went, no one got in his way.
Outside the air was cool compared to the air in the crowded club. You took a deep breath and the chilly night air felt good on your still glowing face.
Rafe had taken you to the outdoor part of the club. Only few people where here. It was much quieter. You could actually hear the waves of the nearby ocean.
“You intend to drink that or you want to spill it on me again?” Rafe asked, pointing at the glass in your hand, actually in both your hands as you were clutching it.
“I’m so sorry,” you muttered, feeling that heat return to your cheeks. “I ruined your shirt.”
You looked at his chest as he was standing in front of you. On the light shirt a reddish wet stain was clearly visible. You wondered how much it would cost to have this expensive piece of clothing cleaned. Money you surely didn’t have to spare. You sighed, as you involuntarily began to worry about how you should pay that on top of the rent which was due next week. The rent you had to pay all on your own now since your ex-boyfriend had moved out. You felt your chest tighten. No, you sure didn’t want to think about him now. You had gone out with your friends to forget about him, to forget about all your worries at least for one night. And it pained you that the thought of him came up right now.
“Hey, don’t worry about that,” Rafe’s low voice drew you out of your thoughts.
You looked at him and saw how he unbuttoned his shirt. Underneath he was wearing an undershirt that clung to his very well-defined abs. He rolled up his sleeves and exposed his strong arms. His muscles tensed and the veins were clearly visible.
Suddenly you were extremely thirsty and had to take a big sip from your drink. Straw between your lips you looked at Rafe’s tall figure.
“I don’t care about such things, you know.”
You just nodded, still gazing at him. Whereas before he had looked elegant and powerful, now he had somehow changed his look and looked more casual, but even more powerful.
“I was surprised to see you tonight. On your own.”
“You were?” You looked up in surprise when you heard Rafe’s words. This puzzled you. Did this mean that he actually knew who you were? That couldn’t be. Rafe Cameron noticing you even existed seemed impossible to you.
“Yeah, Y/N. You’re not going out much. And if you do,” he paused, sniffed and his intense eyes met yours again, “there’s always that piece of shit around you. Your boyfriend.” Rafe spat out the last word in disgust.
You averted your eyes, looking into the liquid in your glass.
“He’s not my boyfriend anymore…”
“He’s not? What did he do? Did he hurt you?”
You just shook your head. The fact that Rafe Cameron not only knew who you were, but that he actually paid attention about your habits and your life was so confusing. The thought made you feel dizzy.
Rafe suddenly grabbed your arm, pulling you closer, looking at you intently.
You gasped for air, but you seemed unable to breathe. You stared wide-eyed at Rafe who was holding you with both his hands now, holding you so close, looking at you so intensely. His handsome features tensed up. He clenched his jaw. His eyes narrowed.
The grip of his hands was firm. He held you like he would never let you go. His face was close to yours, only inches away. You could taste his scent, feel his breath on your lips. The air between you felt as if it was electrically charged.
Suddenly you heard a very familiar voice close by.
“What the hell you think you’re doing?!”
a/n i managed to squeeze drew into this part. did you notice?
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thecountesstribe · 6 months
I got a few things to say and this might be a long rant. Spoilers below and please understand that I'm following the show's timeline not the book. There are also some book spoilers as well.
Aemond Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, Otto Hightower, Aegon II Targaryen you'll all pay for your crimes!
PSA for all the people that need to hear this, AEMOND TARGARYEN INTENDED TO KILL LUCERYS VELARYON. I REPEAT, AEMOND TARGARYEN INTENDED TO KILL LUCERYS VELARYON. If you think otherwise I need whatever alcohol you're having. He was directly responsible for getting Lucerys killed. He was chasing and antagonizing an inexperienced rider and dragon, on an old war dragon (who apparently likes standing on business) during a storm no less, what did he think was going to happen? “BuT VHaGar" nothing! Yeah that old ass lizard wasn't listening but Arrax in a scared attempt was trying to protect himself and Luke. He stole Vhagar when they were younger, claimed it, got jumped (which was the funniest shit though), beat up his cousins in that same fight and was about to bash in the head of the next heir in line to the throne when his feral little brother cut out his eye. Which he himself said was a fair price so there was no reason to be harbouring that animosity towards his nephew and allowing him to live rent free in his mind. He won in the end; the fight when they were children and the oldest, largest dragon. Aemond is one of the few people directly responsible for the suffering of our sweet girl Helaena and her children. You'll pay for your crimes!! I'm not going to say he kick started the dance he just fast tracked it.
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DAEMON TARGARYEN IS AN ABSOLUTE VILE PIECE OF SHIT! Look if you read the books and watched the show you'll know that this man isn't a ray of sunshine or a breath of fresh air, I'm sticking to the show timeline, he's an absolute ass. Good father and semi decent husband aside (the bar and standard for both those claims are in the 1000th level of purgatory btw) he's a vile piece of shit. Sure it's just Daemon doing demon Daemon things anyway but BLOOD AND CHEESE? BLOOD AND FUCKIN CHEESE?!!! And the one that has to suffer for it is Helaena and those babies? Go after Aemond and euthanize him, not after Helaena and her kids. He's trash. He knew they didn't deserve that.
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Alicent Hightower is a bitter hating ass bitch. I'm not sorry. Otto raising her aside, she needs to pay for her crimes. Alicent knew good and damn well that Viserys didn't want Aegon on the throne. So what did she do? Help her father usurp the throne. It was a fickle reason for her usurping the throne too. Realistically speaking that wasn't to protect her children. She just hated Rhaenyra and couldn't stand the fact that she was to be crowned. Not accepting the marriage proposal between Jace and Helaena because she was bitter was dumb as hell too. Putting her disappointment of a son on that throne, who is also a rapist was/is bound to end in shambles. She's also directly responsible for Helaena suffering as well. Marrying that poor girl to him even if it would've made her his queen.
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Otto Hightower is a bum. He's a manipulative piece of shit and he deserves the absolute worst. Why would he do that to Alicent? She got stuck with the asshole for a dad and he suffered his daughter which in turn suffered his granddaughter and her children. For all his cunning and brains he didn't have the merit to do it on his own. So he unwillingly involved his daughter to put a green on the throne and they chose the worst of the worst green too. He orchestrated their own downfall. He'll pay.
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I don't even want to give that bum a spare thought but AEGON II TARGARYEN IS FILTH. There isn't anymore to say. He wasn't a good husband, certainly not the father of the year, he isn't a good king and he's also a rapist. He knew he wasn't supposed to be on that throne. He said it himself. Instead of growing a backbone and standing up to his mother and her entourage, he decided to play a major role in usurping Rhaenyra's birthright. Which was reaffirmed again and again and again. He's responsible for his suffering and the suffering of Helaena and his children, the ones he claimed and all his other illegitimate ones. Rhaenys should've ended it at his false coronation. He needs to pay.
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All in all, Helaena doesn't deserve anything that's going to happen to her and her children. Jace, Lucerys, Rhaena, Baela, Joffrey, Aegon III and Viserys II didn't deserve to get wrapped up in it as well. They were kids. If Alicent wasn't hating so hard and had raised those boys with a shred of decency we could've seen one of the best eras to come out of a Targaryen dynasty and I'm not talking about if Jace did indeed marry Helaena (wouldn't necessarily have been possible either cause book spoiler, Jace and lucerys were already betrothed to the Targaryen twins since they were kids), I'm just talking about all the kids getting along and being friends. I want a slice of life hotd now 😭
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queenofbaws · 4 months
Hello fellow chilly queen!! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA, have been recovering from surgery (wisdom teeth). Doooo you think I could get some jossam, anything of your choice 👀👀👀? I hope you’re doing well and this week was better for you than it was me lol <3
catch me catching up on some prompts! ;)c
She could still hear the party going on. Doors closed, windows shut, the breeze in her ears, and...yeah. Yup. Mhm. That was definitely the bassline of Mike's (questionable) music choices making the hum under her butt. The whole point of slipping out for a little fresh air had been to, well, get away, but even so, Sam had to smile. Shake her head.
As long as everyone was having fun, what was the harm, right?
It was always cold up on the mountain - freezing, more often than not - but tonight, bundled up as she was, the chill barely bothered her. In fact, she shut her eyes, tipped her head back, and took in the deepest, deepest breath she could, filling her lungs with the crisp scent of pine. Not the artificial stuff either, the real deal, baby, roots and all. In her mind's eye, she saw her exhale plume out in front of her, a cloud of her worries pushed out of her and carried up, up, and away to join the ones in the sky, and when she opened her eyes for real, she...
Actually screamed.
"Wow," Josh snorted, deftly rocking to one side to avoid any punches she might've considered throwing. "A 'hello' would've sufficed."
When her fight-or-flight registered he was not, in fact, some crazed mountain man come to chop her into a billion little pieces, Sam fell flat onto her back, pressing her hands to her heart in an attempt to calm it down. "That...was incredibly mean, what you just did."
Because he'd sat himself beside her, she had the perfect vantage point to watch his face contort. No regret, she noted, not even a teeny-tiny sliver. Plenty of self-satisfaction, though. Lots of pretending like he wasn't laughing his ass off, inside his head. "Sitting on my own deck, huh? Punishable offense now, I guess."
"The sneaking, Josh."
"Who said I was sneaking, Sam?"
"Me. I do. The one whose eyes were closed."
"Have you ever considered...not dropping your guard while in a big, scary cabin in the middle of the dark, spooky woods?" He glanced down to meet her eyes, then raised his beer in a silent toast before taking a drink. "The killer always goes for the ones who split off from the rest of the group, Giddings. C'mon, you know this."
"The killer," she began, pushing herself up with her elbows, waving his hand away when he offered to help, "can try. I might not look like it, but I can take care of myself."
"Yeah, I've caught on to that," he nodded. For a second she thought he might say something else...but then he simply looked out towards the woods and nodded, taking another drink. "I've caught on."
Her pulse dropped back to its usual resting beat, and so she resumed her earlier position, legs crisscrossed and hands at her sides, her mittened palms flush against the deck itself. She tried not to look at him directly (not right away), instead rolling her eyes at the faint snow-angel she'd left in her panic. Snow-amoeba, really. There hadn't been a lot of snowfall since she'd gone out, only enough to barely dust the deck, but if the clouds on the horizon were any sign, they'd be getting more any minute now.
The song inside the lodge ended. A new one began. Beneath them, a different bassline began to thump. One of the windows rattled in its frame.
"You're not being a very good host," she said after a while, shooting him a sidelong look. Despite the scare he'd given her, she couldn't help smirking when their eyes met. He was good at that, Josh - making her forget things like that, smoothing them over without doing anything at all. It was a dangerous skill to have.
"Or I'm the best host," he argued, "rushing out into the night to make sure all my guests are having a good time."
She heard the unspoken question in it, figured maybe that was what she was good at - cutting through his crap. Another dangerous skill, that, just...in a different direction. "I'm having a good time."
"Mmm. Glad to hear it."
It was funny, really, how well she knew him. Maybe not funny in the laugh-out-loud kind of way, maybe funny more in the whacking-your-elbow kind of way, but funny all the same. In her head, Sam counted one, two, three...and then he turned to her again, keeping his bottle close to his mouth the way he did when he was trying to seem unbothered.
"Let's say, hypothetically of course, that you weren't having a good time. You'd tell me, right?"
She turned to him. Nodded. "I would tell you."
"And if, still entirely hypothetically, someone had said or done something to piss you off to such a degree that you had to flee the party..."
Her eyes rolled so hard that they brought the rest of her body with them. "Josh," she said, scooting so she was fully facing him, "I'm fine. Seriously. Things just got a little loud in there, that's all. A little crazy. I know you don't get this, but sometimes I like to just sit out in nature - " she spread her arms wide, gesturing to the mountain and its snowy trees, the stars above, the shimmering ribbon of aurora in the sky, " - so I can think my thoughts to myself. My quiet thoughts. Just so happens that I've...got a few of those, tonight. That's all."
After another drink, he set his beer down on the deck, copying her so they were facing each other, their postures mirrored. He wasn't wearing mittens, though, so she had to figure his hands were freezing. If they were, he didn't seem to care.
"Anything you want to share with the class?" he asked, and again the word appeared in her head: dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.
What she needed to say was no, that there wasn't anything in particular on her mind, that she'd simply wanted a moment to herself. That would've been the smart thing to do, the safe thing to do, but...well. Those warning sirens in her head, they weren't just for his actions, now, were they?
She sniffed from the cold, giving her nose a numb little wiggle, then did something significantly more dangerous than splitting off from the rest of the group, something more dangerous than sitting with her eyes shut and her guard down in the middle of nowhere, something that, as Josh had pointed out himself, she knew better than to do.
She told him the truth.
"Just thinking about how absolutely furious Hannah and Beth would be if I told them I think I have a crush on their brother," she said, measuring her words carefully, watching his face more carefully still. "Between you and me? I kinda feel like they might eat me alive."
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