#but here i am....bc i couldn't find a nice post of these photos.....
towl · 4 months
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CHOI SAN and JUNG WOOYOUNG photographed by LESS for Vogue Korea (2024)
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watercolor-hearts · 1 year
george ☕️ bc we (i) need some positivity!!! (genuinely starting to lose braincells)
I can't really write character study-like opinions about drivers like some of the people here can, so this will just be my feelings about Georgie.
Probably too fangirly but to be honest right now I don't give a fuck. Sorry if it's not positive enough, I've seen too many shit today for it not to affect me more than I want it to.
Sometimes I see people saying that George is so weird they want to study him under a microscope. I know that they say it in a positive way but for some reason reading post/reblogs with this line gives me bad feelings. I know this is stupid but yeah I wanted to write this down because I haven't told it to anyone yet. I feel like some people only see George as the weird, really british, posh-but-not-actually-posh guy who doesn't have a personality. They see him as someone who can't drive, someone who can't be a team player, someone who's selfish and someone who always cries on the radio etc.
I don't know why but for some reason the drivers who become my faves are usually the ones others love to hate. So my fandom presence is a bit painful most of the times because it's difficult to find posts that are positive about my faves. Especially when they achieve a better result than their teammate. But I don't want to talk about this because this post is not about fandom toxicity.
If I think about when was the time I've started to like George or what is my first memory of him, the one that comes to my mind is when Daniel and him arrived together in the paddock last year. I don't know which race it was but it meant a lot to me to see that Daniel has the support he needs. I didn't expect them to be as good of friends as they are. And when George wore Daniel's merch for the first time... Oh, God. That was such an important moment for me. And that wasn't the last time when we saw him wearing Daniel merch, which is still insane for me. 😃
I think I've mentioned at least once that George is one of my top3 fave drivers and to be honest he's kind of a comfort person to me (as all of my faves). I really like looking at photos of him, thinking about which one to draw once I have time, watching videos of him, listening to him speaking (I really like his accent, it's so special to me – kind of a quilty pleasure). (Sometimes I feel strange because I see a lot of posts about people not liking British accents and British English. I can't really speak or write it I think, because on the internet I mostly see and learn American English but I still really like the British one too). — Also, this is the reason why I'm scared of writing stories about George. I have some plot ideas but I'm 100% sure I couldn't get his personality and accent right. So yeah, it's a bit painful for me but I try to watch a lot of videos and learn.
And now the post gets a bit personal, so if you don't want to read it, feel free to stop.
I'm not into men so I don't fantasize about dating any of the drivers but if I were into men, George would be the one I'd want to be with. He's not too introverted, not too extroverted, he seems to be a good boyfriend to Carmen. He's a nice guy.
And what I think about a lot when I'm feeling down is that he's the one is really want to hug. I don't want to meet with the drivers (yeah I'm not a real fan...) but still. There are some others I'd want to hug but George is the one I think about the most. He's huge compared to me, so it wouldn't be the most comfortable for him but yeah. (I think I'm about the height of Carmen. 😃)
Other people spend their free time fantasizing about dating the drivers and then here I am, doing the same but with hugging. Yeah, kinda strange, I know. Welcome here. 😃
I don't really know what else to say. I just really like George. I don't see him as a bad person. (I don't see any of the drivers as a bad person.) I want him to be happy, healthy and successful. I want to see him smile because he makes me happy with it. ❤
And I hope that he doesn't see all the online hate because he doesn't deserve it. People don't have to agree with everything he does but there are better ways to express opinions than to throw hate comments at the drivers, calling them shit, whishing their death and other disgusting things. No driver deserves these toxic comments, no matter where they're on the standings.
Also, I'm so proud of him for his result today. I know his finishing position is worse than his starting one but think he did a great job, considering what happened and how hard of a race it was physically. ❤
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siodium · 5 years
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hEYYY GUYS I’M BACK IN SG my waking hours have been garbage tier for the past two days but i don’t think it’s jet lag?? probably exhaustion since i was busy throughout the two weeks and didn’t get much rest
i’m still in the middle of editing pics so pls enjoy some market aesthetics and a kinda long post about my last day in netherlands while it’s still fresh in my head
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25 / 5 / 2019
i woke up really early in the morning to finish packing bc the bus was picking us up at 10 am and my tired ass didn’t want to pack the night before
since there were around 9 hours to spare until my flight (at 9 pm lol), my friend and i planned to visit the albert cuyp market in amsterdam!! it’s the largest and most popular daily market in netherlands i think
ended up taking two other course mates along bc i guess they didn’t have anything else planned and waiting around in the airport for 9 hours+ wasn’t really the best idea
we were lucky that it didn’t rain even though the sky was particularly dark
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there was so much food!!! and a lot of souvenir shops but they didn’t sell anything particularly appealing and part of me wanted to save up in case i spot some stroopwafel magnets or something
i didn’t but honestly they should make some
had slight regrets of getting lunch at albert (it’s a supermarket btw) bc i was too full to try all the food at the market but...... maybe it was better for my wallet that way
in the end i settled for some delicious BATTERED FISH CHUNKS (3.65€) and PISTACHIO ICE-CREAM (1.50€) mmmm i was super deprived of fish during my entire trip so that was good!! and also i really wanted to have the ice-cream-in-a-cold-land experience
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my friend got FRIES WITH SATAY SAUCE from one of the stalls so i tried some!! the fries themselves were good but the satay sauce basically tasted like peanut butter which was...... weird in a not good way
then i realised that i don’t even eat satay with the sauce so idk how the sauce is supposed to taste like lol
we found a nice chocolate shop and they had really pretty-looking chocolate bars but!!! i’m afraid they’ll melt by the time i get back to sg so i didn’t buy any
i really wanted to get these for some ppl tho ahaha
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oh and there was a guy...... who looked like ash......... i couldn’t help but take a photo... yeah maximum creepy i know
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like all the touristy destinations there were more stroopwafel stalls and so i succumbed to my Tin Desires and bought another tin of stroopwafels
i can already hear my dad’s disapproving remarks bc i’m basically paying an extra 2 to 3 euros for a tin... that would eventually rust lmao
why do i need so many tins anyway?? nobody knows but i must have them
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this is gonna sound mildly disgusting but every time we were near a fruit stall my jacket would be covered in flies
there were two possible reasons for that: (1) my jacket is filthy from being worn too often and/or (2) the yellow colour makes me look like a mango or something
idk i’m inclined to believe it was the latter since my pants were spared and i’ve worn the same pants for almost two weeks
shout out to my friends who were constantly removing flies from my back where i could not see (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
the stalls were starting to pack up at around 4–5 pm so we took it as our cue to return to the airport
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had dinner at leon but ummm would not recommend their fish wrap bc they were so dry...... i feel like all (i.e. two) of our meals at the airport have been disappointing ://// especially at the price we’re paying for?? if you gotta eat at schiphol airport i’d probably suggest the burger king... sounds like the safest option imo
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after dinner there wasn’t much time left until our flight so we just did some last minute shopping at albert
some flight things:
the food on my return trip wasn’t as good... i think it was a really bad idea for them to give me beans ;; my stomach hurt so bad during the first few hours
and they didn’t serve me bread or drinks the whole trip... i mean i knew why but still......
watched cafe funiculi funicula on the plane and it was surprisingly good??? it’s got a death parade vibe... much feels wow if you do end up watching the movie you can guess which part/case turned on the waterworks hahah
later i picked johnny english reborn (i.e. the second season bc i watched the first one on my departing flight) to recover from the feels but i couldn’t finish the movie so no spoilers pls
plane landed in sg at around 4 pm on sunday!!
dad wanted me to get dom for my relatives aND I ALMOST BOUGHT A $200 DOM PERIGNON (bc that was the only ‘dom’ i know from watching that one gintama episode) WHEN HE WANTED A $50 D.O.M
the thing that saved his wallet was my inexperience bc i tried to purchase at the departure hall instead of the arrival hall so the salesperson stopped me hahah
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i also took the opportunity to visit the pokecen in hopes of finding a gengar but there wasn’t any
got myself a pyukumuku carabiner instead with the only S$10 that i brought with me overseas!! i remember wanting one a while back for some reason
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aaa it’s been a long two weeks but i will miss the netherlands
surprisingly i didn’t actually miss home that much even though it was my first time being away from home for so long??
not sure if it was bc i was too busy to think of home or a conscious decision i made so that i could appreciate the most of my trip
well apart from the fact that i was quite salty about how my phone kept acting up every time i tried to take photos and i didn’t bring my camera so i lost a lot of photo opportunities wehh
anyway pls stay tuned to my back logs~
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musiclifeline13 · 6 years
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Let me tell you why I'm such a fan of Stand Atlantic.
Simply put, they are the most genuine people you'll ever meet.
On their latest tour opening for One Ok Rock and Waterparks, I contemplated flying from Alaska to Seattle to catch the last date. The show ended up selling out before I could get my ducks in a row and I unfortunately, missed out on tickets.
Due to being their fan for almost 2 years, I am kinda well known in their social media circle. I've covered every song off of their Sidewinder EP, Lavender Bones and currently working on a few others. That's how I caught their eye and got in too deep. They offered to let me play Coffee at Midnight with them whenever I come to a headlining show.
I ended up flying to my home state of Ohio in October to see them open on the Neck Deep US tour. After meeting them and talking about my guitar covers, we instantly became connected. This is where it gets, hectic.
Once they knew I wanted to fly to Seattle to only see them play (for a second time) something unreal ensued. I got a DM from bassist Miki Rich. He said the show had sold out, but if I were to make the trek from Alaska to Seattle, I'd have a guest list spot.
I know what you're thinking. Oh, she begged them and is a groupie. It's actually the exact opposite. I was looking at getting a ticket through third party sites or trying to find someone selling one. The thought of not even going came into my mind.
I was super hesitant to accept a guest list spot because things like that do not happen to people like me. I've never been handed anything in life, always working hard for what I get. This seemed too surreal. After exchanging a few messages, I humbly accepted the offer and started making plans.
After booking a plane ticket, hotel and rental car, I flew to Seattle a few days before the show.
(I did some touristy stuff within those few days prior, so I'll skip that.)
(The day of the show.)
I'm standing in line and the crowd stretches back for blocks and blocks. I've been there for about...mmm... 4 hours. I was chatting with a few One Ok Rock fans in front of me because they didn't know StAt and I gladly told them about the band.
A few short minutes after our conversation ended, front woman Bonnie and drummer Jonno came walking out of the venue.
They get about 10ft. in front of me and I shyly wave to Jonno. He notices me and Bonnie's face lit up. They both come in for a hug and say how it was so nice to see me again. After exchanging a few words, they continue on their walk.
The OOR fans I mentioned before were baffled that the band actually knows me. I told them it was because they genuinely love their fans and care so much about them.
(Skip to inside the venue.)
I ended up being about 20-ish feet from the barricade between a mix of OOR and Waterparks fans. (Yikes.) The lights dim and Country Roads starts playing. Here they come. Bonnie belts the first line of Coffee at Midnight and I'm belting it back.
The setlist (I forgot the order):
Coffee at Midnight
Speak Slow
Lost My Cool
Skinny Dipping
Lavender Bones
I couldn't believe Bullfrog was on the set list. Bonnie crowd surfed and I was pushed so close to her. She was inches in front of me and ended up grabbing my hand at one point.
(Skip to post-set.)
I ended up getting kind of claustrophobic and motion sickness from the crowd swaying me back and forth. So I headed to the merch table. As usual, I bought every piece of merch they had and two polaroid photos, signed by each of them. (Bc I'm StAt trash.)
The band comes over to meet fans and beeline for me. Miki, Jonno, Potter and Bonnie just kept saying how great it was to see me and was asking all about my trip. We took a few photos and I graciously stepped away to allow other fans to have their time.
During one OOR song, every band member from StAt and Waterparks joined onstage for some end of tour shenanigans. Kinda cool to see!
After the show Bon, Potter and Jonno were standing in the middle of the somewhat empty venue. I shyly walk to them.
We ended up talking for about 20-30min. about so many things. It felt like we were friends and that we had been for a very long time. They treated me like a person and joked around with me. They asked how my personal life in the military is and how much time I had left. (3 years. 😢)
I mentioned how I wanted to buy a bus and renovate it to tour America. I then joked about if they needed a bus driver to hit me up. They glanced at each other and actually seemed interested. I told them I had until August before I'm out of Alaska and how I'll be back in the lower 48, somewhere hopefully centralized.
I offered to buy them a meal in exchange for the guest list. They were interested. Unfortunately, they had a long drive back to California before they embarked on their EU/UK tour and had to decline.
Being that they are on the lineup for Sad Summer Fest. I told them I was gonna miss the Ohio date because I'll be there on vacation the month prior. Bon actually sounded like she wanted me there. Like, genuinely bummed about it. (However, I have now decided to try and alter my dates in an attempt to make it!)
We joked and laughed for a good while, before we eventually had to say our goodbyes. I gave them each one last hug and headed out. The night had ended as fast as it had started.
(I almost got locked INSIDE the venue... 🙃)
This ended up longer than planned, but I think it gives a clear concept of how much this band means to me. So down to Earth and really great dudes!
There's no doubt that they'll get pretty big if they keep up this pace. I hope that the world comes to love them as much as I do!
(If you made it to the end, thank you for taking the time to read this.
If you love StAt, same dude.
If you're new to them, welcome!)
(Stream 'SKINNY DIPPING' by Stand Atlantic!)
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