#but how did you misspel the names of cities????????
mashkaroom · 1 year
Still not over this
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Second Chance
Pairings: Rhysand x Reader (platonic), Rhysand x Feyre
Summary: Rhysand tells Feyre about his favorite person.
Warnings: mentions of blood/abuse (nothing descriptive); Reader doesn't make a appearance.
Words: 2.4k
A/n: Hi! So this is my first fic ever. English is not my first language, so sorry if there's any misspelling. I've been wanting to publish this for a while but didn't have the courage but i finally got it, so here you go.
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It was her fourth day in Velaris, and Feyre still couldn't believe how beautiful and magical the city of starlight was.
It felt like a dream that she could not wake up from, too good to be real, but there she was, staring out the window one more time.
The little noise from her stomach made her break her gaze and remind her that she hadn't had breakfast yet.
Feyre looked at Velaris one more time and then made her way to the dining room where Rhysand was already waiting for her.
He was immaculate as always in his black attire and with his perfect styled hair.
Rhysand was sipping on his tea as Feyre made her way towards the table, took a seat, and started serving herself.
"How did you sleep?" Rhysand asked while he looked at Feyre pouring food on her plate like he was assessing if it was enough or not.
"Very well," Feyre responded while meeting his gaze. "The city is beautiful, I couldn't stop looking at the view." She admitted after a moment of silence.
"Thank you. I take pride in it," He respondend while giving another sip on his tea.
Feyre looked at his hand and noticed the little mark that lay in the space between his thumb and his index finger. She had noticed that mark before but was never close enough to understand what it was. Now that she was sitting right next to him, she realized that it wasn't just a simple mark but tooth bites.
"Are those tooth bites?" She asked while pointing at his hand.
Rhys took a look at his hand, and a genuine smile appeared at his lips while setting his cup back on the table. "Yes, they are."
Feyre couldn't help her curiosity, and before she lost her courage, she asked, "How did you get them? Pissed someone off?"
Rhys chuckled, and for the first time, Feyre couldn't help but smile at the sound.
"Actually, a little girl did it," Rhysand said with nothing but amusement in his voice while he stared at the mark.
Shock and confusion settled on Feyre's face at his words, but the love in Rhys eyes and his smile while still looking at the mark, probably from remembering the memories from how he got them, didn't went unnoticed by her.
"A little girl bit you? What do you mean?" Feyre asked him again. She was so intrigued at this new information that she completely forgot about her breakfast.
Never breaking his smile, Rhys looked up again and met her gaze "Well she's not a little girl anymore but she was at the time she gave me these" He said while gesturing to his hand. He chuckled again. "It's a long story."
Feyre didn't even hesitate to respond, "I love stories, and now that i'm immortal, I have nothing but time, so please tell me about this little girl that bit you. I like her already." She finished with a smile playing on her lips.
Rhys gave a big laugh that went around the room, and at that moment, Feyre wanted to make him laugh more often just so she could hear that sound again.
Still with a smile on his lips, Rhys replied, "Her name is Y/N, she's my little sister."
Another set of shock and confusion settled at her face. He had another sister? She remembers Rhys telling about his mother and sister, about what happened to them at the hands of Tamlin's family, but he never mentioned your name before. So why didn't she meet you yesterday at dinner with the rest of the Inner Circle? Feyre went through her memories from last night's dinner, trying to remember if at any point one of them had mentioned your name, but she came up with nothing.
Seeing her confusion, Rhys explained, "You didn't meet her yesterday because Y/N it's not in Velaris at the moment. She's in Winter Court taking care of some matters for me, but she returns today, so you will meet her in few hours."
"Why didn't you mention her yesterday when you talked about your mother and your other sister?" Feyre asked, trying to understand why were you kept a secret until now.
Rhys smile faded, and a hint of sadness made his way into his features "Y/N it's not my biological sister. When I met her, I was already High Lord, and a century had passed since my family's deaths."
"How did you meet her then?" Feyre asked, her voice a little more quiet after the mention of Rhys family.
Rhys gave a long sigh before answering. "Me, Cassian, and Azriel found her one night. We were returning from one of the illyrian camp's, I don't know why but we decided to fly that night instead of winnowing like we always did but I'm glad we did otherwise we wouldn't have found her. On the flight back, one of Azriel's shadows detected movements near our border, so we decided to go check." Feyre noticed that Rhys got distant, like he was probably remembering that night as he spoke. He looked at her before continuing, "When we got there, we immediately smell blood. There wasn't a lot, but there was enough for the scent to linger in the air. We followed the scent, and that's when we found her. Laying on the floor, her eyes closed, not moving, and her dress had blood all over."
Feyre gasped, and Rhys continued. "She was so small and so skinny, we thought she was dead. But then, like she read our thoughts, she moved. So I tried to approach her, and when I touched her shoulder, she turned around so fast that I barely noticed and bit my hand." Rhys laughed at that, and the air became lighter. Feyre couldn't help but laugh at the thought of this little girl biting the hand of the most powerful High Lord in Prythian's history.
"And after that?" Feyre asked, amusement in her voice.
"After that," Rhys said while laughing more. "She got up and started running. Cassian tried to catch her, but she dogde and kicked him in the nuts."
"What??" Feyre said, disbelief all over her face and a big smile on her lips.
"Yep," Rhys confirmed. "She kicked him right there before passing beneath his legs and lauching at Azriel. He tried to catch her too but also failed. She managed to grab Az's leg and ripped Truth Teller from his hip right before pointing it at us." Rhysand concluded with the biggest smile on his face. For a split second, Feyre could've swear he looked like a proud father.
Feyre gasped again before replying, "No way! She actually did that?" She asked, shocked, and when he nodded, she asked again, "How old was she?"
Rhys started laughing again and shaking his head. "Seven. She was seven and was able to make three full-grown illyrians males feel like stupids." Still to this day, Rhys couldn't believe how you managed to dumbfound the three of them.
Feyre couldn't hold her laughter. "What happened after?"
Rhys locked eyes with her, amusement written all over his features. "You mean after she humiliated us?" Feyre gave a big belly laughter while nodding her head. "I said we weren't going to hurt her. She didn't quite believe us, so I went inside her head and saw what led her there."
Feyre's smile faded when she noticed how serious Rhys got and how a flash of anger passed his face. "What was it?" Feyre asked, afraid of the answer but wanting to know any way.
Rhys looked at his mark again. "She runned away from home. Her stepfather was abusive and used to hit her. Her mother died when she was just a babe, and she never met her father, so it was just the two of them. One day, she decided it was enough and ran."
By the cauldron, Feyre couldn't even begin to imagine what you had to went through so young.
Sure her life wasn't easier either but at least no one ever hited her. You must've been so scared.
"What happened to the male?" Feyre needed to ask, she needed to know.
Rhys didn't tear his eyes from her when he respondend firmly "Me, Cass and Az took care of him, after we found out who that bastard was."
"Good," Feyre replied whitout a trace of regret from her words, "And the blood on her clothes? From that night?" Feyre wondered, praying for that abusive male not be the caused of it.
"It was from the wounds she got while running away, we found her barefoot, and the dress she wore wasn't enough to protect her skin." Rhys said, and Feyre released a breath she didn't know she was holding, somehow relieved that the wounds weren't for a worse reason.
"How did you bring her here? You said she was pointing Truth Teller to the three of you." Feyre said.
"She was," Rhys said with his smile back on his face. "I got into her mind again and put her to sleep. She had no mind shields at the time, so it was easy."
Feyre noticed how he said 'at the time', so she had to ask, "Did you teach her how to create mind shields?"
"I did." Rhys smiled, a proud look in his face. "I also taught her how to read and write." Rhys added with a sarcastic smile all over his lips while looking at her with amusement.
Feyre laughed and reciprocated the look. "Let me guess. You told her to write 'Rhysand is the best High Lord ever' and 'Rhysand is the most handsome High Lord ever'. Am I right?"
Rhys gave a big belly laughter "Nope," Feyre gave him a look telling him that she didn't believe him for a second, Rhys laughed again before saying "I told her to write 'Rhysand is much stronger than Cassian' and 'Rhysand is much smarter than Azriel', things like that." Rhys concluded, still laughing.
Feyre noticed the love and the pride in his eyes and couldn't help but look at him with admiration.
Noticing the way she looked at him, he asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Without a second thought, she said, "You really love her, don't you?"
Surprise passes in his eyes before replying, "Yes. Very much. I basically raised her. Me and the rest of the Inner Circle, of course, but mostly me and Cassian." Rhys paused for a moment looking at the window, a sad smile settled in his lips before returning his look to Feyre. "Y/N is my second chance. Losing my sister, was one of the most painful things I ever had to go through but Y/N," Rhys paused, looking at the bite marks again "She helped me heal that part of me. She's the best thing that ever happened to me and to my Inner Circle. Finding her that night feels like a blessing, like the Mother gave me another chance, and I'm not gonna lose her this time. She's Cassian second chance too, you know? After losing his mother the way he did, Y/N helped heal that part of him, too."
Feyre nodded, somehow understanding his feelings. For a few moments, she wondered what it would be like to have a relationship like that with her sisters.
"So what is her position in your Inner Circle?" Feyre questioned, thinking why were you in Winter Court.
"She's my Emissary. Usually, she doesn't go to others' courts alone, Azriel's always by her side," Rhys says with a certain amusement in his voice before he continues "but she was born in Winter and has a very good relationship with Kallias. I trust him and I know he would never hurt her." Rhys scoffed. "Gods help him if he did."
Feyre noticed the amusement in his voice at mention of his brother's name, her curiosity speaking louder, "Y/N and Azriel?"
Rhys snorted. "Honestly, I don't know. Sometimes they flirt with each other but I don't know if it's just for fun or not. Their relationship was never like ours. While me and Cassian always saw her as our little sister, Azriel always saw her more like a friend and Y/N too. She always saw him as a friend. As someone to run to when Cass and I started acting too much like dads to her."
Feyre snorted and caught Rhys looking at his hand again. She saw him caressing the mark and wondered, "Why didn't it heal?"
Rhys understood what she meant without taking his eyes from his hand. "I don't know, but I'm glad it never did. This," Rhys said while gesturing his hand in the air, "is what kept me sane and going during all those years under the rule of Amarantha."
Feyre gave him a small smile, and before she could say something again, Cassian entered the room in a rush.
"Am i interrupting something? Cassian asks.
Rhys is quick to reply, "No, you're not. What is it?"
Cassian says with the biggest smile on his face. "Our little star is back. She decided to come home earlier and arrived a few minutes ago. She's at the House."
Rhys face lights up at this new information and is quick to stand with the warmest smile on his lips. "Finally." Feyre notices his shoulders relaxing, like a pressure was taken of from them.
Feyre asks, confused. "Little star?"
Cassian and Rhys answer at the same time, "Y/N.
Feyre let's a giggle escape her at the cute nickname they have for you.
"Well," Rhys holds out a hand, and Feyre is quick to grab it. "Would you like to meet her?"
Feyre snorts "Would i like to meet the girl who bit your hand, kick Cassian in the nuts and stole Azriel's precious dagger? Yes. Yes, i would." Feyre replies like is the obvious thing in the world.
Cassian laughs. "Seriously, Rhys? Out of all of the stories that there is about Y/N. You had to tell that one?"
Rhys could only laugh and shake his head. "I know, i know." Rhys looked at Feyre again. "Shall we? I don't want to stay one more minute without seeing her."
Cassian snorted. "Cauldron, you're such a dad. It's only been six days."
Rhys gave him an unfazed look. "Like you weren't acting the same."
Cassian scoffs. "Shut up. Now let's go before Mor drags her to go shopping."
Rhys laughs, knowing very well that his cousin is absolutely doing that. He looks at Feyre one more time, love, and affection all over him. "Ready to meet my favorite person?"
Feyre nodds at him before answering, "Ready."
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A/n: Thank you for reading!
the beautiful dividers belong to @cafekitsune
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calmcoldevening · 9 months
I’m begging you for a part 2 of the knowing the slashers when they were younger fic where they meet when they’re older if you’re up for it ofc🙏
You knew slashers when you were a child and now you grow up and met them
Characters: Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire, brothers Sinclair
TW: mention of blood, violence, stockholm syndrome.
Ps: english is not my native language, so sorry for misspells. And also i really didn't know what I needed to write about Sinclair, because i need to rewatch the movie to remember their characters, so i didn't write about them. I hope you'll enjoy our sweet Tommy and baby boy Brahms
Part one ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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Thomas Hewitt
You just recently graduated from college and decided to celebrate it with a trip with your friends to one of the US states. The choice fell on Texas. You still had pleasant memories of your school life in this place in your heart, and your heart ached at the thought of how soon you left your hometown. Not that you would call these people friends, but you were good acquaintances and helped each other with tasks. And so you packed your bags and within half an hour you were all driving together in a small SUV. The boyfriend of one of your 'friends' (Jessica) was driving. He was a good man, although he joked about unpleasant topics from time to time. But you turned a blind eye to it. In the end, you will finally find yourself back in the good old Texas.
The road was long, so you had a lot of time to think. You were sitting in the farthest seat, staring into space and slowly stroking an old, slightly battered fox toy with your hand. Your thoughts revolved around one person. That shy little boy you had such a happy conversation with years ago. It was your first memorable friend. You no longer had friends who could surpass sweet Tommy.
Finally, the car turned at a sign with the inscription of a city you know. Your heart started beating faster and you couldn't suppress a smile in anticipation. Soon you will see him again, a sweet shy boy. Although now it will probably be a guy, after all, it's been almost twelve years. This figure was almost painful.
The Texas landscape flowed like a soft canvas on the other side of the window, the sun mercilessly burned his eyes, refracting through the glass. It was hot and stuffy. You're lucky to get into one of the hottest periods in Texas. This place has changed somewhat, although it remains the same as you remembered it. The once small plantings have now turned into real tall trees, although they did not save much from the sultry sun. The wheels of the car turned quickly on turns with an unpleasant sound, raising a cloud of dust behind them. Jessica's boyfriend, Tim, apparently loved playing racer very much, even on the main state road.
By all the laws of luck, Tim abruptly informed you that you were running out of gas. There was a gas station nearby. You entered a small diner next to the gas station, and your heart instantly warmed up. It was that sweet woman, Thomas's mom. Luda-May, isn't that right?
"Hello, Luda," you say with a slight smile, approaching the cash register. The woman looks up at you with a frown, peering at your appearance for a few seconds. Finally, recognition seemed to flash across her face.
"Y/N?" She asks dryly, her voice a little rougher than what you remember from childhood. You nod in response. A warm smile appears on Mrs. Hewitt's face and she hurries out from behind the counter, wrapping you in a gentle, almost maternal embrace. "God, girl.. I never thought I'd see you again. You've grown up so much."
"I'm so sorry that I left so quickly. It was my parents' idea, not mine."
"I understand, honey, don't worry. We've all missed you. Especially Tommy."
The mere mention of his name makes your heart ache. Tommy... You haven't seen him for so long. Your heart yearned for those beloved cornflower blue eyes. You reluctantly pull away from the cozy embrace of Luda, your hand reflexively reaches for your hair, removing a stray strand from your face when you understand the look at a woman.
"You still live there, don't you? Can I see him?"
"Of course, my girl. I've just finished. Hoyt should be arriving soon."
Hoyt? Your brain was carefully trying to find at least one mention of that name in your memory, but nothing came to mind. Strange. Although it may be one of their relatives or friends, after all, you haven't been here for too long, it couldn't have stayed the same, could it?
What was your surprise when that Hoyt turned out to be old Charlie. Although his appearance was now quite pretentious: sheriff's clothes, hat and badge. Something was wrong. This man has been lazy all his life, he could not suddenly decide to go to work in a place related to healthcare. But you chose to remain silent. Hoyt didn't seem to recognize you. When he saw your friends, he invited them to go with them, saying that he had a can of gasoline at home.
"Take the guys, and then you'll come for us. I don't think the sheriff's car can hold that many people," Luda intervened, grabbing your arm protectively. It's got you a little stressed out. Although there was some truth in her words. Five former students came with you, all of them obviously wouldn't have gotten into Charlie's car. The man wanted to say something, but gave up, nodding to the woman.
And so they left. All that time, Luda was asking about your life, enjoying listening to stories from college. She was more interested in this than your own parents. And now Hoyt is back. He was in high spirits. You got to the Hewitt house safely. As a child, as now, the building was still huge for you. Luda carefully led you into the kitchen, offering you tea. God, you've missed this place.
"Tommy! Come here, we have guests," Luda shouted and you heard hurried rustles and heavy footsteps from the basement.
It made you tense up a little bit. Finally, a couple of minutes later, a tall man, the size of an entire closet, entered the kitchen. Your blood turned cold. You slowly looked up. A long, tall body, wavy dark hair and a leather mask on his face. He frowns down at you, seeming to evaluate you with his cold blue eyes.
"Tommy?" As if nothing had happened, Luda-Mae asks in a cheerful voice, "Do you remember Y/N?"
It seemed that at that moment the gears were turning in his head. You needed time to think about it too. Was this huge man Thomas? No, of course, Tommy was a bit of a big kid as a kid, but he was still quite small. The only thing that attracted attention was his bandage on his face. Now it has been replaced by a strange leather mask.
You didn't even have time to think, as careful footsteps were heard from the basement. It seemed, but Tommy and none of the People were found at first. And Tim appeared behind Thomas. God, he was covered in blood and his back was bleeding. Your face is filled with pure horror. And that gave Tim away. Thomas notices your fear and turns around, immediately grabbing Tim roughly and dragging him back to the basement. Your brain screamed like a hunted animal that you needed to get out of here and urgently. Something has happened to this family, something bad, since they communicate with other people like that. But as soon as you tried to run to the exit, at that moment you were hit by something heavy on the back of the head.
His heart ached for you. You were the first person who ever showed him kindness in your life, and now you will surely be afraid of him. God, he wouldn't want to see fear in your beautiful eyes when you're afraid of him. His body was filled with an unpleasant feeling of disappointment and pain. He didn't want that, really. But he wanted to keep you by his side, he didn't want to let you go again. And he didn't want you to hurt the family. So now he was gently wiping the remnants of blood from your beautiful face, tucking stray strands of hair behind your ear. You were still as beautiful, his heart began to beat faster, as it did when he was a child. He saw that toy in your friends' car, you kept it all these years. Thomas couldn't help but smile. Maybe you loved him too? Not now, not after what he did.
The following days were a blur. Your head ached, and an unpleasant heaviness tightened your neck. They put you on a chain. Thomas or Luda would check on you from time to time, Luda would just leave food, and Thomas would just sit on the bed next to you and just look at you. Sometimes he would try to touch you, but you would instantly jump aside like a wounded animal. Thomas's heart ached painfully in his chest. Although.. He deserved it, didn't he? All his life he was looked at with disgust or fear. But he didn't care about those people. All these simple passers-by or victims were just empty meat. But you were afraid of him now. He couldn't stand your gaze, full of fear for your life, so he left the room every time, unable to look in your eyes.
The days slowly followed each other. You were still afraid. But there was something else. Whenever Thomas enters the room, your eyes involuntarily glided over his big strong body. You wanted to snuggle up to him, find comfort in his arms. But there was a part of you that knew it was wrong. They killed people, they killed your friends. They chained you up and kept you here like some kind of dog. And yet your body was begging for his warmth, just like when you were a child.
What was Thomas's surprise when the next time he came into the room, you crawled closer to him, asking for a hug. Your arms clumsily wrapped around his body. Thomas blushed instantly. His heart felt so good. He gently grabbed you by the hips, putting you on his lap, and hugging your fragile body with his strong arms. He buried his nose in your hair. How he missed that feeling. His brain was filled with the scent of your skin. Thomas let out a relieved whimper as you began to gently run your fingers through his tangled hair.
He never left you, he won't let you go into this cruel world again. He will protect you with all his heart. His sweet girl.
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Brahms Heelshire
"Now I've won," the man says in a hoarse voice through his cracked porcelain mask with a doll's face.
He was breathing heavily, hanging over you, his left hand pressed against the wall behind you, while the other reached out to your face, gently stroking.
"Still beautiful," he whispers, caressing your chin with his thumb, tracing your lower lip with his fingernail. Your heart was pounding wildly, you shrank under the man's gaze like a frightened animal. His movements were rough, but his touch seemed almost gentle, as if he didn't want to disrupt this moment or harm your fragile being. His breathing was loud and heavy because of the mask, and the skin under his eyes was slightly reddened. And those eyes. Those warm eyes are the color of pure amber under the bright sun. They looked at you with extraordinary affection and humility. You could recognize those eyes out of a thousand. Like back then, fifteen years ago.
You nervously clutched the steering wheel rim with your right hand, counting the turns. Not so long ago, you managed to get a new job, and who would have thought that this job would be in your childhood home. Or rather, your friend. They always treated you like their own child, so they gave you this job without any problems.
The weather was clear, it was only the beginning of autumn. Some of the trees have already turned golden, their leaves rustling unobtrusively. The sky was clear, without a single cloud, so the sun shone brightly through the windshield of your car. It seemed that nothing could spoil your return to your childhood home.
Your heart was beating fast in your chest. The mind was filled with thousands of pleasant memories of your past together and children's laughter. You missed Brahms so much. It's been a long time since you've seen him.
Finally, after a couple of long hours, you arrived at the Hilsher estate. It remained the same. Obviously, Mr. Heelshire was still carefully tending the garden, growing his wife's favorite flowers. You stopped right next to the driveway, the wheels moving pleasantly on the gravel. After getting out of the car, you went inside without thinking twice. The greenery of this place has always been striking in its beauty, it seemed that no seasons had power over this place, the forests of the estate still gave pleasure with their emerald color and the coolness of the dense grove.
You were met at the very door by Mrs. Heelshire. She has changed a lot since your last visit, of course, the years take their toll. Her eyes were a little red and tired, and there were small bruises under them. Her face was unusually pale and her hair was gray, but not as when it happens from age, but when a person goes through a lot of life difficulties and faces stress.
"Honey, I haven't seen you for so long," the woman said smiling, wrapping you in a warm embrace. Her hugs were pleasant, but strangely nervous, "We were surprised when we received your candidacy for this job."
"I just really wanted to come back. My parents wouldn't let me go just like that."
"And for good reason," the woman mutters to herself, immediately turning to face you with a warm smile, "We always want only the best for you, my girl, don't hold a grudge against us."
Her words strain you a little, but you attribute it to her slight excitement before the long-awaited vacation. After all, for as long as you can remember, Mrs. Heelshire has always been a caring and hardworking woman, she didn't know the word 'rest'.
After ten tedious minutes, Mrs. Heelshire explains to you the set of rules and your responsibilities. It seemed like she was trying in a hurry to tell you everything at once. Her eyes were constantly darting around the walls of the house.
And now you're alone. Taking care of the doll was not so difficult. Although you still didn't understand why the doll had the name of your childhood best friend. No one's parents told you what happened to Brahms, you just moved in a couple of days before his birthday. You didn't even have time to give him the gift you made with your own hands. Years later, you felt guilty about it. But now, that feeling seemed to be gone. It feels like you're finally in your place. You're home.
It happened two weeks after your arrival at the manor. As usual, you were sorting out the groceries that Malcolm brought while the man was standing next to you, leaning against the doorjamb. He was watching you carefully, talking about something. To be honest, you've noticed for a long time how ambiguously he looks at you. All those jokes, compliments, touches and glances. He was flirting with you. But you could definitely tell that he wasn't your type. Damn it, he was overconfident. But in a relationship, you wanted to 'be at the helm', you wanted a guy with character, but definitely obedient. And Malcolm definitely didn't fit that description.
"..hey, can you leave this doll after all? Let's go to my place. I'll show you a lot of interesting things," he says with a sly grin, taking a few steps closer.
"The Heelshirs left me here for a reason, I don't want to undermine their trust."
"Come on, do you really want to spend the rest of your life in a house with just this doll?" The guy purrs, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his nose in your neck. You are annoyed by his behavior and you step on Malcolm's foot with force. He hisses and quickly pulls away. "Fuck, are you stupid?"
"Watch your mouth, boy."
Malcolm tenses up. He hears rapid rustling in the walls, his eyes darting around the room.
"The hell with you," he finally gives up. Malcolm grabs the empty boxes and leaves the house, slamming the door behind him. You're relieved. He seems to be a man, but he behaves like a scared boy.
"Y/N.. Did he hurt you?" A small child's voice comes from somewhere in the hallway. You flinch a little. You knew that voice. Brahms. True, his voice was a little different in childhood, now it was quieter and plaintive. You quickly close the refrigerator and slowly walk towards the source of the sound.
"Who's here? Brahms?"
It all happened too fast. At first, you were driven by interest with a little bit of fear. In an instant, you saw a tall, broad figure towering over you by a good two heads. You were scared. You ran away, hoping to hide from a stranger. And one day you were pinned against the wall by a muscular figure.
"Y/N, don't be afraid... I didn't mean to scare you." A child's voice mumbles plaintively. You look into those hazel eyes and your heart sinks.
"Brahms?" In response, the man only reaches out to your face, gently caressing your cheek.
"Now I've won." His voice changes. Instead of a child's voice, a low, hoarse voice now caresses your ears. You feel electricity running down your spine, you instinctively squeeze your hips.
Your hands reach for the porcelain mask, but Brahms abruptly pulls away. He shakes his head negatively. He didn't want you to see his face. He doesn't want you to be scared. He doesn't want you to leave him like the others.
"Come on, Brahms. You're a good boy. Didn't you love kissing?" You speak with a slight smile. A long-drawn-out whine comes from under the mask. He nods briefly. You lift the edge of the mask, covering his hot lips with your own. Brahms's movements are fast and assertive, he bites your lips, squeezing your waist in his hands. He missed you so much.
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salsedinepicta · 9 months
OC(s) Questionnaire
Tagged by @greypetrel - and her characters are just beautiful, so I'd highly recommend to hop on her blog and read her version :> 💜 Thanks for the tag!
Tagging: maybe @coloricioso could be interested? No pressure as usual ✨ +plus anyone who is interested!
Everything under "Read more" after the first one, of course.
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NAME: Gwydion Hawke
NICKNAME: Hawke, of course - the firstborn can take dibs on the family surname. And then Gideon, since 1. that's how most people misspell his actual name and 2. Varric uses it in his stories (it's “more suited for the hero”). He doesn't mind.
GENDER: Male, although he takes it easy. In a modern AU he would be the Hakwe sibling most likely to experiment with gender presentation - and in every universe he just knows he'd look good in a dress/corset.
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Literally a random human born on a ship – 100% conceived in Kirkwall though.
FAVORITE FRUIT: All the citruses
FAVORITE FLOWER: Forget-me-not, snowdrops, zagare (orange blossoms).
FAVORITE SCENT: Crushed elfroot, rain, lyrium potions - and why must lyrium be toxic when it clearly smells like raspberries and tangerines? UH? Templars are gatekeeping it. He is literally the only one saying this. At some point he’ll think fondly of sewage.
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea, preferably cold.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Around 7, but not consecutive.
DOGS OR CATS: Dogs AND cats AND also every single animal willing to be pet - why would you deny a centipede some love? And did anyone actually tried to raise a baby dragon? Cowards.
DREAM TRIP: Antiva, or Rivain – it sounds fun, from Isabela’s stories, and he is intrigued by their religious customs (and generally different approach to magic). Not without 50+ SPF though, have you seen Anders' skintone?
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Just a few, he doesn’t particularly suffer the cold – and he’s a cuddly sleeper.
RANDOM FACT: Extremely tactile, hands must be occupied (almost) all the time. He makes his own bows and then whittle silly little figurines with the scraps of wood - usually they all end up looking like chunky animals of debatable identification.
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NAME: Maren Hawke
NICKNAME: Mari (used only by selected people – Bethany can, Carver may or may not find nettles in his bed the next day) and various epithets by Varric (he finds her difficult to pin down, to his extreme annoyance). When she’ll get into Kirkwall’s politics people will start to call her Lady Amell, to everyone amusement.
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Official not-so-mean lesbian
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Human, born in Ferelden, even if she doesn’t feel a strong national connection to it.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Pears, quince, pomegranates
FAVORITE SEASON: Autumn and Winter
FAVORITE FLOWER: Wild violets, daisies
FAVORITE SCENT: Parchment and ink, ambergris, wild roses’ oil, metal.
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Black coffee in public, hot chocolate with lots of spices (and something sweet to eat on the side) in more private settings.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Better not to ask. Around 5, to avoid dreaming – she will slowly get better during the years.
DOGS OR CATS: Birds, obviously.
DREAM TRIP: For political reasons, all the cities of the Free Marches. And Weisshaupt/the Anderfels to pester the Wardens about griffin’s eggs – because what Merrill wants, Merrill gets.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: At least 4, because half of them will be stolen by Merrill during the night.
RANDOM FACT: Does she care about fashion? Not particularly, but she is highly aware of the power of appearences, and how to convey certain messages through clothes. She prefers small and significant jewelry over flashy one, but absolutely loves a nice statement headpiece, especially with some kind of drapery or veil – so she can literally put behind a curtain annoying people with a subtle turn of her head.
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NAME: Malva Surana
NICKNAME: Irving’s pet, Surana, debatable variations on her name when Jowan wanted to be annoying – after the Circle, she is just Malva and then the Warden Commander.
GENDER: Do you have a gender if the circumstances of your birth make you less than a person in the eye of society? Ahaha, anyway, female.
ORIENTATION: Very queer - preference for women, but willing to experiment for the sake of it, if she fancies so. In another world, her and Gwydion would be the monsterfuckers, let’s be real.
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Definitely a city elf (the tattoos are random lines, made by someone who wanted her to remember but had no idea how a vallaslin really looks like, or how and when they are done) – maybe from Denerim’s alienage? But as far as she knows, there is no past before Kinloch Hold.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Blackberries
FAVORITE FLOWER: The kind of question that would trigger a half-an-hour-long aswer. For brevity sake: nightshade, hellebore, wisteria, ivy (not a flower, but impossible not to mention), and mallow.
FAVORITE SCENT: Burning wood, moss and damp earth, rosemary, wildberries.
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Definitely tea. She is the mistress of the most absurd herbal infusions. They are great and they'll cure your cavities and other various ailments - but you don't want to know the ingredients. Don’t.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Between 6-8, can wake up every day at the same time without any alarm of sort.
DOGS OR CATS: If really pressed she'd say dogs (“They are great traveling companions”) but immediately regrets it because of all the fond memories of Ser Pounce-a-lot.
DREAM TRIP: The Thirashan forest, Arbor Wilds, Arlathan Forest – pretty much an elven history roadtrip to try to reclaim that part of her identity.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Just one or two, wrapped all around her chrysalis-like because her subconscious still believes that the other apprentices will steal them.
RANDOM FACT: For a moment, she was Justice's first choice for a possible living host - she never knew it, though.
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martyr-19 · 3 months
{"guardian_login": "Martyr-19" [”ghost”: “Prophet”]}
{“id": "0357"}
{"title": "Bio:BEV"}
{"type": "bioshare"}
{"created": "####-##-##”}
{“updated”: “####-##-##”}
Snippets of Bev’s Guardian profile.
{“guardian": "Bev"}
{“ghost": "Dogma"}
{“status”}} > active
{“stationed”}} > “Neomuna, Neptune”
> [hunter, human]
First Vanguard Note>>
[####-##-##] > C6 “They’ve got spark. Promising ark Hunter if they’ll get their head in the game.”
Last Vanguard Note>>
[####-##-##] > C6 “BRAT OWES ME 3000 GLIMMER!! Who taught these kids?? Couldn’t have been me, not with the bets they’re losing.”
Fireteam {1} Notes>>
[####-##- ##-] {“year 1”}
{V1}} No longer stumbling around like a newborn! They grow up so fast!
{S3}} Never send them in for stealth. They’re quick, not quiet. Great for getting in quick shots when the rest of us can’t find an opening.
{L}} They’re a little scatterbrained, but they keep spirits up. Ask them to make you a drink, you will NOT regret it. Love you, Bev! <3
{K}} I know they’re the one changing my profile name. I’m not dumb enough to have misspelled it every time. Pulling my ass out of trouble doesn’t excuse this.
{M8}} Reliable.
Fireteam {1} Notes>>
[####-##- ##-] {“year 2”}} “last recorded”
{V1}} Never stopped caring for you. You and Dogma must have each others backs. You will do great wherever they put you.
{S3}} Trust a Hunter to put a kill count first. Why couldn’t you learn to be quiet?
{L}} [No Comment Available]
{K}} [No Comment Available]
{M8}} It’s not your fault. Neither of them.
Latest Guardian Report>>
“The Vex are still pushing Neomuna. Nimbus says it’s a typical issue even in fuller force, and I’m inclined to believe them. Shadow Legion numbers are seeing a, thankfully, steady decrease and we’ve been in touch with Empress Caiatl on how to approach the lingering threat.
Submitting a request for the relocation of {titan, exo}}[Sentry-#] Sentry-3. She knows better than anyone how to organize the fireteams needed to secure the city.”
Based on the available data, the Guardian has undergone significant maturation over the years, as is expected among New Lights. They have demonstrated rising proficiency in mission leadership and the ability to deliver devastating blows to enemy support structures, frequently employing incendiary devices in their operations.
They appear to have re-established amicable terms with Sentry-3 and Vuass-4. While they are officially logged as having a fireteam, recent reports indicate they have begun requesting assistance from both Titans, which they have received. Interactions with Vuass-4 date back further than those with Sentry-3.
They had attempted this same reconciliation with Martyr-19 on [####-##-##]. Unfortunately, this had been mere hours before the death of the Hunter Vanguard.
My Guardian has been unsure how or if he should return communication after so long.
They have not sent further correspondence beyond their last, one week after the death of the Hunter Vanguard:
>>{BEV[hunter, human]}
“Never spoke to you after the split, but a Warlock shadowing the Hunter Vanguard is hard to miss when you’re— y’know— a Hunter. I guess you were close. Never heard you talk as much as you did around him. You going to do what you are seals it, right? Whispers around the Tower about you running off to hunt Uldren Sov.
Not going to talk you out of it or lecture you on ‘being the bigger person’. That’s not my job. I don’t think it’s anyones. Maybe Ikora’s. Zavala’s too? Did they try? Had to have, they’re the Vanguard. But then again the Vanguard slips every now and then— why wouldn’t they for a friend?
The loss you’re feeling? We get it. Hunters, I mean. Don’t know where this leaves us. But it stings. Bad. Plenty are feeling aimless, and angry, already. Don’t let it make you stupid. We’ve never had a track record of grief making us smarter, have we?
Not saying I don’t like what you’re doing.
If you make it back, and you really should consider not dying because a 50% survival rate from our original fireteam looks real bad, me and Vuass could buy you a drink. Big guy didn’t know what to say to you.
Don’t be a stranger anymore.”
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its-just-hyper · 1 year
I’ve done it!!! Spidersona!! He’s loosely based on myself but not very much. Mostly just a similarish haircut. So without further ado, Arachnoroll!! ((Ignore my misspelling on his character sheet. I may be stupid))
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Parker’s story under the cut
Parker Parker ((he is very aware of the name)), older brother to his world’s Peter Parker (only by ten months) was thirteen years old when he was bitten by a radioactive spider and for the past four years has been the one and only Arachnoroll. ((Of course news sources tend to call him Spidergirl. He lets them though, because it helps keep his secret identity….. and he’s mostly stopped trying to correct them))
Parker and Peter had snuck out to go to the spring middleschool dance without telling anyone, but on the way back home late at night they ran into some trouble with a group of older teens. Briefly hiding out in an abandoned looking warehouse, Neither boy noticed when a strange spider crawled up Peter’s pant leg. They had to move quickly when the teen’s caught their trail, so the spider was free to climb up Peter’s shirt.
When they finally made it home, Parker held Peter up so he could unlatch his bedroom window. As this happened, the spider passed onto Parker, who let out a startled yelp, startling the spider into biting him. Luckily they both made it to their bedrooms undetected.
I’m sure you know the rest. He saved a bunch of people, set his brother up with Mary Jane, saved the city, couldn’t save Mary Jane… couldn’t save his aunt, Police Chief Parker-Jameson either….. did a brand deal with Moxie roller skates, saved a whole bunch more people, and now runs around with a whole bunch of other spider people, even if he doesn’t quite understand how meeting other spiderpeople doesn’t break the worlds the same as a missed canon event…. And his relationship with Peter has gotten increasingly more strained….. but it’s okay! Because he’s Arachnoroll. And if roller skating taught him anything, it’s that you get up when you fall, even if your hands sting.
Also he usually just skates and swings, but if he really needs to run he just puts silk between his wheels and plates. It’s awkward and he normally gets knew wheels soon after.
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piratesexmachine420 · 9 months
Thinking about the term "USAmerican".
'cause, like, it's obviously artificial, right? I've never seen anyone use that pattern for smaller states, never seen an argument about how "actually you should be using the terms 'DRCongolese' and 'RCongolose' to avoid ambiguity; there's more than one country called the Congo." (Maybe that's just selection bias though. "I haven't seen this argued" doesn't mean it isn't or shouldn't be.)
How would you even pronounce "USAmerican"? "Yu Es American"? That's six syllables, nobody is gonna say that out loud. "Oosamerican"? Now you sound like Jar Jar Binks. It only really works when written.
And like, I get it. There are a lot of countries in the Americas, why should American mean "Someone from the USA" when European, Asian, African or Oceanian are all unambiguously referring to continents.
I've heard some people and places argue for variations on "United States-ese" -- but this isn't much better. We don't call people from the United Mexican States "United States-ese". When Brazil was officially the "Republic of the United States of Brazil" nobody called them "United States-ese". Then again, I've never seen anyone misunderstand what someone else means by "The United States" -- so it's still better than "American" from that metric.
And all the other alternatives I've seen, the ones that just abandon adapting "The United States of America" and start from somewhere else, are worse. "Columbian" and "Washingtonian", both for the capital, don't work for a multitude of reasons. First, no other country has a demonym derived from the name of their capital city, because that's also ambiguous. "Did you mean 'Londoner' as in 'from London' or as in 'from England'?" -- that's a dumb question to have to ask. Secondly, "Columbian" and "Washingtonian" already have too many meanings. "Washingtonian" could mean "from D.C.", "from the state of Washington", or a billion other cities and counties within and outside the USA. "Columbian" could mean "from the Columbia river valley" or mistaken for a misspelling of "Colombian", among countless others.
"Yankee" or "Yank" is alright, but internally tends to refer to the northeast of the country. You'd probably get a lot of south/southeasters mad at you. Then again, I frankly don't care about respecting a culture founded on chattel slavery and a deeply held respect for the armed overthrow of democracy. Call me back when your politicians reflect your demographics, we'll talk then.
Until then, my vote goes to "Yankee". Cope and Seethe, Jefferson Davis.
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buffporcupine · 1 year
*pulls a folding chair out of handbag* please tell me about your ocs
Ooh, my! You’ve made a mistake. <3 No, really, thank you sooo much for these asks, I love them to bits. Send more of these asks.
Anyway, it’s infodumping o’ clock.
TWs for death mentions, abuse, whatever tragic backstory shit I’ll have to mention.
So, I recently made a post about Kiyomi, which is one of my favorite OCs that I have, but now I gotta talk about my other OCs that I have. I have at least 100 little blorbo OCs, they have been plaguing my mind. Also, I have like a grand total of 12 human OCs 😭.
I’ll just make this post into pieces, and each piece with be a few paragraphs about one OC. Some are from the same universe, some are not.
013 is one of my more recently made OCs. She’s another one of my favorites, too. She’s from one of my WIPs, in which the plot is just about her, her best friend, and the adventures they go on. She’s also like, very sickly and small, she’s definitely one of those Always Sick (tm) kids. Her various sicknesses and chronic ailments were what caused her eventual death. She was fascinated by the stars, and the beauty of the night sky. She’d usually get her best friend, Victor, to lend her his telescope or teach her more about the other planets and galaxies. She said when she grew up, she wanted to be an astronaut. She spent lots of time studying space, and she really did want to see the stars in person. She died when she was a teenager. Victor lived to an old age, without her. Anyway, she’s just a cute OC. Ray of sunshine and everything. I hated writing the scene of her death, ugh. Below is a sketch of her.
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She’s my bby for sure.
Mary-Anne Taylor.
This OC is from a totally different universe from Victor and 013. She lived around the 1980s and 1890s, and died to sickness. Now, she is a ghost who possesses a glass doll. The glass doll is similar to her in looks, and that is why she chose it. She was a child when she died, so she still likes learning new things and playing outside. She had a little sister that she loved to play with and take care of. I mainly use this OC for rps, where I have her ask the other character about what special things have happened since her death. Very cute overall. I don’t actually have any concepts for her design…? She loves to catch bugs and run in the mud, she had no care for what “being proper” meant. She’s just a bro.
Yui Barkes.
Yui is just this emo girl who wears lots of eyeliner and hides the lower half of her face under a vintage gas mask? The gas mask, though, is only half there for aesthetics, as she has this kuchisake-onna style smile scar going across her face. It’s very bloody and unsettling, and it’s unknown as to how she got the scar. It makes her look badass, even if she is insecure about it. She’s a guitarist for a grunge band, and she writes most of the band’s music. Her girlfriend is in the band as well. She’s a very cool character and she sounds like the sort of person anyone would want to be friends with. I have her made in GC but I won’t bestow that horror upon you.
Magic Jack.
This lil’ guy is an OC I made as a joke, after keysmashing on a Chinese keyboard and accidentally texting my friend about an explorerer named Magic Jack destined to penetrate a barrier into a Forbidden City. I have no clue what it was about, but now le Magic Jack has a design, and he is a gay icon.
Ven Omause.
This OC was meant to be a YTTD OC, but now she’s detached from that and part of her own original story. She’s based on the YTTD dolls in the sense of her name meaning something weird and sinister or just being a misspelling of a phrase to look like a name. E.g. Tia Safalin, Sue Miley, Rio Ranger… Ven is based off the motif of snakes, snake powers, snake obsession, snake everything. She even has her tongue pierced so it looks reptillian. Her whole shtick is that she’s a serial killer with DID, one personality being an innocent high school student and one personality being a snake obssessed serial killer.
~~~ Anyway, there’s the end of the infodump.
I didn’t know which OC to infodump about, so I did a handful of them. Which is the most interesting? Which should I talk about more?
Thanks if you read this, BTW.
Thank you for the ask, please send more like it!!
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themculibrary · 11 months
Barista!Steve Masterlist
Coffee Shop Love (ao3) - inukagome15 steve/tony G, 4k
Summary: Tony Stark did not like coffee shops, but he could make an exception for the one with the cute barista who had smiles that were to die for. If only Steve wasn't so unattainable...
During Business Hours: A Filthy Coffee Shop AU (ao3) - samanthahirr steve/bucky E, 25k
Summary: Unemployed artist Steve takes a job managing the worst coffee shop in Brooklyn, where the floors are greasy, the coffee beans have expired, the espresso machine’s been sabotaged, and the owners might be Russian Mafia. But the job comes with a few perks, like a generous paycheck, reasonable hours, and one super-hot customer whom Steve can’t resist having dirty, filthy, bad-idea sex with in the bathroom.
Steve is pretty sure this job is going to kill him. But what a way to go....
Espresso Memories (ao3) - Infinitywrites steve/tony G, 4k
Summary: Steve smiled as he heard the door of the almost empty coffee shop open at 2:00 in the morning and there’s only one person comes by now.
Steve is a new barista at the coffee shop near the Tower and Tony is his 2 am regular
Every hour has come to this (ao3) - BladeoftheNebula steve/tony T, 6k
Summary: Tony's given up on finding his soulmate. His words are weird, he's getting older and really who needs to soulbond anyway?
how to get steve rogers approval: a guide by bucky barnes (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor G, 3k
Summary: Bucky Barnes is the new employee at the coffee shop that Steve has been working at, and Steve doesn't like him from the start, but Bucky is determined to get Steve to like him one way or another.
Iced Americano (ao3) - firelord_zutara steve/tony T, 1k
Summary: Based on the prompt from tumblr user jonahryan: "I’m a barista and you’re the obnoxious customer who comes through and orders a venti macchiato while talking on the phone the whole time so I misspell your name in increasingly creative ways every day AU"
Jack-o-Lanterns and Kittens (ao3) - captain_wintersoldier steve/bucky, clint/natasha, jane/thor, darcy/loki T, 9k
Summary: Steve works at a Coffee shop. Cue attractive customer named Bucky Barnes. Steve falls in love and ends up embarrassing himself, but scoring a date anyway. Yay relationships.
just the right amount (ao3) - wearing_tearing steve/bucky T, 2k
Summary: “Yes?” Steve looks up at Darcy. “Is everything okay?”
“You tell me,” Darcy smirks, eyes glinting. “Is writing personal messages on coffee cups something we do for all of our customers now?”
Mama Rogers' (ao3) - Perlmutt steve/tony G, 2k
Summary: A CEO walks into a coffee shop.
Ménage à Latte (ao3) - ashes0909 bucky/steve/tony M, 2k
Summary: Steve wasn’t waiting for them. He wasn't. It’s just that…at some point, during every single one of his shifts lately, the two of them walked through the door. 
peter's stars (ao3) - IronPengu, parkrstark steve/tony T, 175k
Summary: Steve and Peter lose their apartment and are kicked out on the streets. Steve has to juggle between jobs to earn whatever money he can, take care of his son while resfusing to let him realize how much they're trouble in, and keep them warm and safe on the city streets in winter.
So, he really doesn't have time to date the billionaire that flirts with him everyday as he buys his cup of coffee. Even if he did, he can't let himself fall for the man. Because if he knew that he lived from a backpack and showered in a public bathroom there's no way he'd still want him...right?
Reject Your Reality (and Substitute My Own) (ao3) - dapperanachronism, Robin_tCJ steve/tony G, 74k
Summary: Single parent Tony Stark’s son is the most important thing in the world to him – the ONLY important thing in the universe. A hipster Brooklyn coffee-shop owner & veteran doesn’t even rank on the list – even if he is hot and funny and kind.
When he hears about the possibly-high-traffic-and-therefore-dangerous coffee shop moving in next door to Casey’s preschool, he does the only sensible thing he can think of – he confronts the owner and tries to convince him to open his shop elsewhere.
Of course, Steve Rogers is stubborn as hell, and it turns out he can make a mean cup of coffee.
It sounds like an ordinary kid-fic coffee shop AU, but look a little closer and nothing is quite what it seems.
stale conversation deserves but a bread knife (ao3) - tinyysnark steve/tony G, 2k
Summary: “Steve, when you’re here, the coffee is just better.”
or: five times Steve didn’t give his recipe away and the one time he did
Steve Rogers: Always Surprising, Never Delightful (ao3) - powercrow steve/bucky T, 7k
Summary: aka a coffee shop-prank war AU wherein Bucky is beleaguered and long-suffering and Steve is a shithead with the emotional maturity of a five year old.
Triple Espresso (ao3) -FestiveFerret bucky/steve/tony E, 72k
Summary: Everything is going great for Steve. He loves his boyfriend, his apartment, his pets. He finally has some opportunities to share his artwork, the coffee shop he manages is doing well, and Bucky is about to finish his exams, which means no more night shifts. It finally feels like life is on track.
And then Tony Stark walks into the cafe and everything goes off the rails.
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Born on this day: Édouard Manet and Django Reinhardt
Not only that, but today in 1957, the first “Frisbees” were produced. Their original inventor, William Frisbie, first opened the Frisbie Pie Company in Bridgeport in 1871, but it took until the 50s for them to be mass-produced by the Wham-O toy company (without cooperation from Frisbie; the name is a misspelling). A designer for Wham-O eventually patented the design as we know it today in 1967.
But, back to art:
Édouard Manet was born today in 1832 in Paris. He always wanted to become a painter, only his father wanted him to go to law school. On either side of going to sea on a freighter, Édouard failed attempts at entering naval college. Finally, his parents let him go on to study classical painting. He kept a studio and submitted most of his work for exhibitions at the Salon de Paris (a yearly exhibit of art hosted by L’Académie Royale). Although he was friendly with other Impressionists like Monet and Renoir, he generally did not join the studio exhibitions they put on together.
Manet became one of the defining painters of the Impressionist school — here’s his 1874 work, Boating:
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Manet’s career lasted over thirty years, until his death in 1883.
If you’d like some music to accompany your stroll through the gallery, here’s a best-of compilation of the works of Django Reinhardt:
Reinhardt was born on this day in 1910 in Liberchies, Belgium but grew up in France. Originally named Jean, he went by his Romani family's nickname Django. During his childhood he learnt to play the violin, guitar, and banjo. By age 15, he made a living from busking in cafés in Paris, often with his brother Joseph.
In 1928, Reinhardt and his wife nearly died in an accident which left Reinhardt hospitalised for one and a half years. He learnt to walk again with a cane; meanwhile his left hand was so heavily damaged doctors told him he would never be able to play again. Reinhardt flipped them off and taught himself how to play the guitar all over again, developing a technique that worked around his disability.
From 1934 on, he co-lead the band Quintette du Hot Club de France, a group that was one of the first all-string jazz bands. They played in the popular swing style of the 1930s and pioneered the guitar as the lead instrument in jazz arrangements.
He survived the second World War and the Romani genocide and went on his first (and only) US American tour to play with Duke Ellington and His Orchestra, but found it difficult to adjust to post-war life upon his return to France in 1947.
He passed away in May 1953 of a sudden stroke.
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miitarashi · 2 years
Note: the classic 3:37AM ideas,this aways get me and i posted one fic not too long ago,and i have one more fic that i'm writing in my native language with my oc. There was supposed to be a part of April but Tumblr buged and i lost it ;-;
Note²: i already said how i hate myself for making a bunch of fics at the same time don't having the time to finish them? Well,yes. Good reading.
[name] = your name (reader is neutral)
Warnings: a lot of swearing, misspelling words,some dysphoria topics and that's it.
Prompt: how the boys would flirt with you.
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This boy is the most obvious between them and yall probably already know what i'm talking about.
But, bear with me here.
He really would actually flirt,of course,this probably became a normal interection between you two. At first. Cuz come on,this boy is slow about this specific thing.
Leo wouldn't notice his crush on you,everyone. I repeat. Every. One. In the lair realize it, except him.
When our precious blue boy realize it
Not just because someone (donnie) told him cause Leo talked,thinked,dreamed and all that stuff about you and rubbed in his face how much he was in love with you.
The cheesy one-lines gona stop for a while.
Because he's embarrassed?
That too,but mostly because he's searching for good ones.
And yes,in the middle of this research,he found that one particularly fact about red-eared slider when they rub their face in the other turtle to flirt.
And yes,he really tried it.
You didn't get it.
Making him upset and embarrassed cuz he was sure that would work lol.
I believe that Leo would try all those romantic cliche things like a test to see if it work or cuz he don't really know what to do for real.
Since then,when the one-lines come back,expect been all praising you.
Not even a single one is not telling you how pretty and incredible person you are.
But now, if you respond to his flirt.
Leo's brain stopped woriking.exe
It's almost like you can see the smoke coming from his ears like in Cartoon (i mean,they is one but, y'all undestand)
Ok ok,but the confess?
You would be surprised.
Remenber when i said that he was testing the romantic cliche stuff? He was studying it and with a little help from his brothers...
He set up everything,the place with a good view to the city,your favorite spot. The table all romanticized with candles and petals,even the food was him who did it (with mikey's help, really much help) and then,you arrived.
Leo said that was something quite special so you dress real pretty caught him off guard when his eyes lean on you blushing like crazy. To mantein his posture,he cleared his throat reaching out to guide you to the table, playing the gentleman by pulling out a chair for you to sit down.
"Leo, this is really pretty but-"
"not much than you,señorita~" - he sit down too looking,still a little flushed,at you who's blushing by the compliment.
"w-well...thank you handsome,now,are you gonna explain what all this is about?"
"you are more clueless than me and yes,i'm very handsome thank you but" - he laugh a little grabing your hand that was leaning on the table - "i make all this,with my brothers help too" - he whispered looking to the side - "because i...i really like you,more than a friend like y'know? And,i was making all that stuff to figure how to ask you out so...it worked?"
You stared at him for a good few seconds, your face reddening as his words replayed in your mind. Leo started to get nervous by your silence, giving a slightly uncomfortable smile.
"i think that is...a no?"
"wha- i- no! You just... caught off guard" - you laugh trying to calm down feeling he squeezing your hand, smiling more happy and hopeful - "i love you too, Leo,deeply. Like,you live rent free 24/7 in my mind,y'knew that?"
"oh well,what can i say? I'm irresistible! It's hard to get me out off the head" - he pulled back his bandana strips as if it were hair doing one of his classic poses with his usual smug grin - "and... you've also been living for free in my mind, I've even dreamed of you"
"aww, that's so cute" - looking to the side avoind contact with you,he blush more for what he said.
"so,huh...we...dating now?"
"i suppose so"
"of course,or you don't-"
"i want it,couse i want!" - you giggle from his desperate reaction moving your hand to his red cheek.
"i really can't with you, you big goofy"
"yours. Big goofy"
You two smile happly and finally eat what he prepared talking about random stuff. When you too finished, Leo take your hand guiding you to the edge of the roof to admire the glittering and noisy city below.
You call him who just give a "hum?" looking at you and then,you rubbed your face in his.
"now i know what that means"
This boy changed from green to red in a matter of seconds laughing with embarrassment hiding his face in your neck.
"glad you finally undestood [name]"
"your welcome Leo"
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Oh yes,the most precious and dangerous of them.
He is pretty obvious too.
Expect nothing less a bunch of gifts hand-maid.
Almost like Leo,i think he wouldn't notice his crush at first but after some conversation with his big sis Raphaela (yes,she is trans fem in my fics) he figure it out.
And like i said,gifts.
A lot.
Drawings about you making cute things like,picking flowers, smiling as if to take a picture, you and him in a self portrait.
Make your favorite food/snack/sweet when you come to the lair.
Some crafts shaped like something that reminds you to him.
Quality time,that's too.
Just in silence when his making some art and you are there with him,helping or not.
The confess - make a surprise cake writing "i ♥️ u flour-ever baby! (Leo's idea). Wanna be my S/O for life?"
Like you aways do in a friday night,you texted mikey asking if he wanted to hung out not taking long to accept the proposal saying that he had a delicious surprise for you.
Hopping happly you arrived calling for him who running at you givin a tigh embrance lifting you up a little.
"[name]! I'm so happy you make it to the lair!"
"course i make,i was dying to see you so i came as fast i can"
"really???" - he put you down smiling happy like a child - "this is awesome and perfect for the surprise!"
"oh yeah,you make something right?"
"yes, it's in the kitchen! Come on come on!"
He drag you to the other room,in the table,only one cake hidden by a big napkin. He let go off your hand pulling out the chair for you to sit givin a few steps away,deep breathing and turn back to you.
"first of all [name],i really enjoy hung out with you,it's the best part of my days whenever you with me is so good and fun and...huh..." - he starts tapping his fingertips in touching each other looking sideways nervous and starting to blush - "and i...really like the time we spend together,more than a...well..."
You stand up walking towards him grabing his hands caressing the back with your thumbs.
"don't be nervous mikey,i think that undestanding what you trying to say..." - this time was your turn to blush.
"for real? So..." - he free one of his hands and take the napkin from above the cake - "whatcha say?"
You look to the cake seeing "i ♥️ u flour-ever baby! Wanna be my S/O for life?" on the top. You giggle a bit by the pun knowing who's idea it probably was turn back to one anxious mikey givin him a hug by the neck.
"of course!"
"yes!! It worked!" - he hugs you back jumping up and down with happiness, pulling away only to cover your face with kisses.
"the 'flour-ever', Leo?"
"yep,he said that would make you laugh and fell for me in the same moment"
"well,he wasn't so wrong after all"
"ha! I knew it! My pun worked! In. Your. Faces!"
Leo appears along with the other two rubbing his "victory" in their faces as he approaches you both.
"now this Champion here deserve some sweet cake-"
"it's for [name] Leo,don't you dare touch it!"
"not even us?" - the oldest sister ask.
"mikey that's ok,it's enough cake for all of us,let's eat!"
"sure thing sunshine!"
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My beautiful girl. Yall know for sure that she is a poor romantic.
Like,she probably know the stuff,just don't know how to put in action the way she wanted.
But,even so,she wouldn't just do nothing of course,it's just...not so romantic lol.
Rapha probably would ask if you want to train with her, it's not a real flirt,is more like she show the affection by acts (like she's love language)
Teach you self defense.
Aways make sure that you eat properly three meals per day.
Drinking enough water and not bein a sleepy deprived like her brothers.
At some point,she looks after you like a real sister and you as well because of how you two interect.
But some day,when she was needing some reassuring for her dysphoria,the moment was perfect in a way that you both couldn't undestand really well.
It's was just you two in her room,the brothers went quiet for some miracle and just bein there for each other make she gain confidence enough.
To kiss you.
It's almost 21:00PM,you finally was in your room after a long shift from work. Exausted,you take a good shower cleaning both body and soul letting everything drain away with the water. Putting some comfy clothes you throw yourself in the bed drowing in the fluffy mattress and sheets making yourself comfortable.
Grabing your phone,you text Raphaela to talk about yours days like aways and she responde right away.
- hey! Finally back home huh? Your way back was safe? Ya had to kick someone's butt?
- ahoy princess! Yes,i make my way home without problems and, unfortunaly,no one ass was kicked 🥹
- princess...😳
- but of course,you really are beautiful!
- ...i don't think so.
First sign. You quickly got it.
- well...why not? I mean,for me,it's the most truth of the truth!
- it's just... y'know what? Drop it,it's better ☺️
Second sign. Shit. You soon get up changing your clothes kinda clumsy but maneged to still respond.
- no ma'am,i think it's not for the better.
- it's okay [name],seriously. Let's just talk as aways!
Third sign. Dysphoria. You finished changing already grabing your keys and making your way to the lair.
- give me 5m ok? I'be back 😊
- okey dokey!
Putting your phone away and accelerating your pace, you arrive in the sewers and in a few minutes almost running to get there as quickly as possible, you were finally at the entrance of the lair receiving confused looks from the twins.
"[name]? What are you doin in here?"
"your sister,were she is?"
"not even a 'hello donnie'? You need some maners" - spoke the purple one with his coffee in hands - "she's in her room,now,could you-"
You just rushed, hearing some "hey's" from them not really paying attention until you reach the room knocking on the wall. She get up going to the entrance and when see you there with a little smile,she frowns the invisible eyebrows in confusion.
"yes ma'am! Me and only! Can i...go in?" - smiling a bit for your ask,she step aside for you to pass by her entering the room sitting in somewhere.
"even though i'm happy to see you,you don't suppose to be there at this hour,why did you come?"
"cause i know you enough to see the little sign that you give from text" - you say proud showing your phone to her, pulling away looking to the big girl in front of you with a little and undestanding smile - "dysphoria again?"
She stood there,frooze by your ask. Yes,she really wanted to talk about it with you but feeling guilty to bring this up when you were exausted from a hard day at work,she tried to change the subject but well,as she can see,she failed.
"i...i huh..."
"hey,it's ok" - you stand up, grabing her by hands making she sit with you - "i'm here because i wanted to help you as soon as a notice. If you don't wanna talk,i completly undestand i would never push you trow this without your concent".
Your words were more then enough to make her heart melt,consequently her eyes starts to watering until real tears fall all the way down through her cheeks. You embrance her,making she feel safe enough to cry without problems caressing her head softly.
"i just- it's this stupid body! It's huge and dangerous because of my spikes i- i wished to not be born like this..." - she say between sobs and hiccups.
It's hurt you to see her like this,in your eyes,never see someone has beautiful than she.
"Raphaela,can you look at me for a moment?" - she sniffled a little, raising her head to look at you. Taking this change,you cupped her face cleaning some tears lifting a little her red mask to see her whole face.
"i don't really know if my words has some value but from me,i see a girl. A girl that love her family so much to the point to do everything for them. A girl who is tough just outside. Inside have a big heart,is kind, gently and cute like a teddybear,treat who she loves with so much care. For me,that girl is the most perfect thing that a i have ever seen in my life,that girl Raphaela,is you".
Now you two were crying,this words coming from the bottom of your heart make clear what you felt for her and the feeling was reciprocat. Grabing your face gingerly,she lean down to you,gaze shifting to the lips from your eyes in a quiet ask for permission. With a weak nod.
She kissed you.
Without realize what was going on until you two parted with your forehead resting in hers.
"i love you [name]. I love you" - almost like a whisper for herself,you lean on her hands in your face with a happy smile.
"me too Raphaela. I love you too" - she quickly lift her head to look into your eyes searching for some hint of a liar but theres nothing but love making her cry a bit.
"thank you. Truly thank you"
"your welcome my pretty princess"
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I hard believe that donnie relate to mikey about the gifts and quality time like Raphaela.
But the flirt?
He's a bad boy 😎
I mean,his persona is,but the real donnie really would bend more for the little gifts and try to impress you.
Do things that make your day easier like it's nothing (remenber,he's a bad boy).
Make excuses to have you in his lab to "hung out". In quotes cuz it's more him rumbling about his new inventions to impress you.
But what he likes the most is the quiet moments when he just keep working knowing about your presence there completly comfortable in the silence.
At first,like Leo,he really didn't knew about the crush,mostly because he's not good with emotions, probably he denied it in the begin refusing to let his emotions go over his reason.
But well,he can't focus totally in his invention without you there,you live in his head and he can't hide the little jealousy when you spend more time with the others than him.
The confession? Well...
Donnie texted you saying that he finally finished one of his best invention of all the times and wanted to show for you first. Then,you were in the lair now seeing one excited donnie coming at you.
"my dear friend,you finally arrived! Follow me for the most brillant thing that will make you question about everything and nothing at the same time!"
"hope my mind don't explode with it" - you joke following him.
"i have made preparations to prevent such a thing from happening. Now,behold [name]!" - inside of his lab,he rush to his desk grabing a type of circular "box"? it resembled an alexia but a little bigger - "the entire universe in my hands!"
He points to the "box" with a big proud grin. You smile a little not really knowing how to react.
"you maneged to put the whole universe in a...box? This looks like a Alexia to be honest"
"oh my little friend,your mind is really small isn't it?" - you give a annoyed look - "not in a bad way of course,there" - he grab your hand putting you by his side,put the device on the floor and turn the lights off - "observe and prepare to be amazed!"
Pressing one button on his tech bracelet,the device activates and suddenly,the whole room is filled with stars,galaxies and planets. Just as he had said, the whole universe in a single container. Your eyes sparkled when you saw that and almost instinctively your hands reach to try to touch the planets which strangely you seemed to be able to. Walking around the room was like being in space. All this was breathtaking.
"like i said. The entire. Universe" - you look back at him with a happy smile. For a moment,he admired you,noticing how beautiful you looked in this scenario don't daring to turn his head away.
"this is more then incredible Don, it's like a dream. Thank you for showing this to me,it's beautiful"
Not more than you. He though and immediately look to the side hidding the little blush,but that's the moment,he was working on this for a week to be perfect and it was. Have just one thing lefting to do.
"[name] huh..." - he cleared his throat - "i must say,i really enjoy your company. I don't need to worry about bein emotionless sometimes because i know you undestand. Even if we are not talking,just being there in the same place. Is good having you with me,so i realize that i...huh...like...you. i mean,in a certain way that may be a little more huh..."
He struggle with some words but you undestand. Like aways. Givin a few steps closer you shush him with your finger,one hand in his shoulder to ask a quiet permission for more touch,he nob a little don't moving his eyes from yours. Yours arms embrance his neck, getting closer to donnie's face little by little making sure that his comfortable with your moves until,in your tip toes, you reach his lips in a small kiss. His hands go weakly to your waist pulling you Impossible closer.
When you pull away,one hand cupping his cheek, you smile happly.
"i love you too. Don't need to force yourself to say the same,I'll wait for you to feel comfortable enough for this"
"be amazed again [name]. I love you,my dove"
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e1igius · 2 years
the series of texts sank his stomach faster than a led ball in water. the light on his phone flashing her name , followed by the misspelled ( even his dyslexic ass could see that ) word for trouble. deciphering what she was trying to tell him took at least five minutes per text , between the fact it was obviously drunk , and he could barely read when things were spelled correctly , it felt like the world was trying to test him. he'd been casually sipping on some rumple in bed , listening to an audio book with his eyes closed , when the first text had come through. and before a request for aid had even been sent he was already getting dressed , not about to leave the newest person in his life , and the only one that could get him to laugh other than --- well a work partner , unattended. he remembered being in the same boat , having no one to call , wandering through the streets of san diego like some drunken menace ready to take on the world when really he was hiding from it.
while he still drank his demons away at times , the years had taught him how to deal with it better. how to hide and miniplate the coping skill to better fit his... non-early-twenties body and lifestyle. the amount of time he had stood by his door waiting on any sort of descriptor with the keys to the chevy silvarado in his hand was too many seconds. blue eyes glued to the screen , waiting for the bubbles to type and send anything that would give him a slight indication of where he could find the girl lost in this huge ass city. oh to be in his twenties again , there was something about turning thirty that changed the outlook at the world. but at the end of the day , he still felt like he didn't know how to navigate it every single day. just like when he was twenty five. just --- with more life experience now , to remind him of how much the world sucked.
when she said she was across town the wasn't a cop in the world that could have stopped him from racing at over ninety an hour to get to that bar. he probably shouldn't have taken off driving slightly buzzed at ninety eight miles an hour in a silverado while texting all at the same time. but he gets to the crowning rooster just in time only to remember that he's wearing wranglers a flannel and boots and last time he was in there everyone had been dressed like an influencer in their tight ass dresses and slacks with sneakers. he's going to stick out like a sore thumb.
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so he asks her to come out , only to be met with the fact that shes already outside. slightly annoyed , and certainly worried , he walks around the building body finally relaxing when he lays eyes on the raven haired girl. he didn't realize he'd been holding his breath. and as he walks around the corner he sees her. waving a little only to be met with a smile and a wave in return , annoyance returns for a moment she really was just like his baby cousin. annoying as fuck when they wanted to be. but even as he tried to hold onto the feeling he couldn't , her smile was always contagious as if her being a good and genuine person just rubbed off on everyone in her presence. he doesn't believe in god , or angels , or whatever it was that had created the universe. but if he did , he'd like to think they were like her. he hesitates a little , trying to figure out why she isn't moving. they're just standing there ( well , she's sitting ) , at opposite ends of the sidewalk , looking like idiots.
the man walks over , hands in his pockets , she looks like a mess. but he's not sure he expected anything else. no physical injuries at least which is a good sign , and he doesn't see a splash of throw up on the ground , atta girl. is it wrong to be proud of an alcoholic ? he isn't sure. he kneels down so they're the same height ( though he still manages to be taller than her regardless ). ❝ 'ight look doll see , i told you i'd find ya. ❞ a hand reaches over , ruffling her hair a little. he's grown so fond of her in such a small amount of time. this is what it meant to have people to lose , he hadn't really understood it before. he motions towards where he parked the truck all the way across the street. ❝ 'ight how do y'wanna do this , i'm guessin' those sea legs don't wanna walk. ❞
@bnchee gets cont. from wire.
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handeaux · 2 years
From Methodism To Pleasure: The Origin Of Some Curious Cincinnati Street Names
Why Two Epworths? (Westwood/Spring Grove Village) Cincinnati has two streets named Epworth, which suggests a strong Methodist population. Epworth is a town in Lincolnshire, England that was the birthplace of John Wesley and Charles Wesley, founders of the Methodist religious movement. When you see streets and towns named Epworth, you can be sure Methodists abound, just as “Bethlehem” place names signify Moravians, and the various manifestations of the Blessed Virgin announce Catholics. Winton Place (now Spring Grove Village) had an Epworth Place, with the requisite Methodist church, before Westwood was annexed by Cincinnati in 1896. To eliminate duplicates, City Council decided that Westwood’s Epworth would henceforth become Bethany Avenue. Council had not calculated on James N. Gamble, vice president of Procter & Gamble, and his fondness for the Epworth Avenue that ran alongside his own personal church. City Council backed down and the Winton Place Epworth became East Epworth. Mr. Gamble’s Westwood United Methodist Church still proudly dominates Epworth Avenue.
First Avenue (Price Hill) Most of Cincinnati’s numbered streets, from Second to Fifteenth are located downtown or in Over-the-Rhine. How did First Avenue get plunked down in Price Hill? The answer has to do with Cincinnati’s patchwork growth through annexation. Years ago, there used to be a little town named Cedar Grove located north of what is now Glenway Avenue and east of Sunset Avenue. Cedar Grove, according to an 1884 county map, included First through Fifth avenues. When Cedar Grove was annexed to Cincinnati in the 1890s, the city moved to remove duplicate names. Cincinnati has no First Street – below Second Street were Water Street and Front Street – so First Avenue remains. Cedar Grove’s Second Avenue became Iliff, Third became Gilsey, Fourth became Dewey and Fifth was going to become Milwaukee but residential objections led to it being named Rosemont.
Glendora Avenue (Corryville) At various times, parts of the street we know as Glendora were named Zeltner, Falke, and Dallas. By 1900, a northern extension of this street was named Glendora. Responding to a petition by residents, City Councilman Fred Emmert of the Twenty-Eighth Ward including Corryville introduced legislation renaming the whole chain of north-south streets Zeltner. His motion passed, and Councilman Emmert celebrated his victory by sailing for Europe. In his absence, his constituency changed their collective mind and, on 1 July 1901, parts of Zeltner reverted to Glendora, Falke and Zeltner. Ten years later, the city reconsidered and unified the whole collection of streets under the name Glendora.
Inco Lane (Sayler Park) Somewhere along the line, Inco Lane lost its logic for existence. It was named in 1945 because it connected (In)dian Lane and El(co) Avenue. The problem is that only half the street was built. The western section remains a paper street. Additionally, Elco Avenue has been renamed Cherokee Avenue.
Luckey Avenue (North Fairmount) It’s not a misspelling. Up on the old Schuetzenbuckel, where Annie Oakley made her reputation, this little street has nothing to do with good fortune. John S. Luckey owned a good part of Fairmount prior to his death from peritonitis in 1882. After his burial in Spring Grove Cemetery, his heirs remembered him by naming a street with a view in his memory.
Manitou Street (Walnut Hills) Back in 1888, overcome with celebratory fervor as Cincinnati marked its centennial, the city fathers decided to rename dozens if not hundreds of streets. Many of the new names were clearly intended to inject a little faux history into the city’s toponymy. Among the highways and byways whose names trace to that year are Calumet, Sachem, Chickasaw and Manitou. That last street, little more than a ligature connecting Fowler and Symmes, was chosen like the others because it sounded nostalgically “Indian.” Apparently, the official who suggested ditching the former Scott Street did not realize that Manitou, among America’s indigenous peoples, came in two flavors: the Great Spirit and the Evil Spirit (as in the 1978 horror film). By invoking Manitou, the city fathers may have cursed themselves.
Monon Avenue (Hartwell) There are a couple of creeks near Lafayette in White County, Indiana that, although originally called Monong (allegedly a Potawatomi word meaning “swift-running”), are now known as the Big Monon Creek and the Little Monon Creek. The creeks gave their name to a small town originally known as New Bradford. The town gave its name to the Monon Railroad which, every day, sent a passenger train through Hartwell on its way to Cincinnati alongside a street known then as Ohio Avenue. When Hartwell was annexed to Cincinnati, which already had an Ohio Avenue, the Hartwell street was renamed after the daily train.
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Mound Street (West End) Certainly among the flattest streets in all of Cincinnati, Mound Street bears a curious name suggesting an elevation or slope. What’s left of Mound Street – a quarter-mile straightaway from Eighth Street up to Clark – is almost as level as a billiard table. Before 1841, there actually was an oval-shaped mound more than 40 feet high on Mound Street at the intersection of Fifth. That location is now covered by a UPS hub fronting on Gest Street. The mound was demolished in 1841 to make way for development of the southern section of the West End.
Muchmore Road (Indian Hill) Drivers along this wooded route may be forgiven for wondering how much more there is. The road was not named for uncertain aspirations, but recalls an early settler, David Muchmore and his descendants. The Muchmores were of English origin and relocated from New Jersey. They were among the first settlers near Madisonville, and owned quite a bit of land on which, among other crops, they were known for their berries.
Oak Park Place (Oakley) When Carl Jahnigen platted a small subdivision off Paxton Avenue in 1917, it’s only natural that he should name the main street after himself. This logic, by 1938, was lost on Jorma J. Salovarra, living at 3913 Jahnigen Avenue, who petitioned city council to rename the street Oakpark Place. Salovarra’s rationale? “[Jahnigen] is not only a difficult name to pronounce and spell, but in no way infers the locale of the street.” Council agreed, although today, most maps have “Oak Park” as two words.
Pleasure Drive (Price Hill) As a real estate investor and developer, Fred Duebber had to come up with a lot of street names as he laid out subdivisions throughout the Western Hills. A little cul-de-sac across West Eighth Street from Saint William Church gave him all sorts of headaches in 1955. He proposed more than a dozen names, all rejected by officials at the city. One night, as he told the story, he was watching his brand-new television and remarked to his wife how much pleasure a TV set would bring to shut-ins. With that inspiration, he contacted the city, and Pleasure Drive was approved.
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sidewalkcake · 2 months
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Okay so my main goal in life is to eventually make a bunch of comics
But I haven't been very good at making progress to that goal. SO, in order to hold myself accountable, I'm going to be making a lot of 4 panel/ 4koma comics.
In terms for inspiration for the comic, I got randomly inspired by seeing people around my larger city doing this. I only found about this bounty from a Michael Reeves video. It was a really funny video about turning electric scooters into a car.
I also made this comic as an excuse to show off the word Hulajnoga or Hulajnogi since Romek has 20 of them in his van, and how silly Polish is.
I always feel awkward throwing in random Polish into comics if it feels out of place, but it's also my comic so whatever. I definitely did not misspell this word on the Twitter version of this, what are you talking about????
I'll try to think of a name for this series eventually. Here's hoping I come up with more funny ideas!
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rataster · 1 year
07.09.2019 Tuesday
Ok so I know it's been a month and a half since I last wrote in this and I really have no excuse. I've been lazy. End of story. I want to write a lot so I don't forget it later.
For one, I've been playing a lot of awesome games. Life is Strange, Oxenfree & Danganronpa 2 (and other assorted random free indie games on steam). I started watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and it is a really great show. Really good. I legit can't pick a favorite part since they're all so good but probably 4?? It's much more lowkey than the others. Most of the villains become friends, plus Josuke & Okuyasu are cuties. Kristin and I have talked a lot because of JJBA, which is great!!
Started listening to Ricky Montgomery & Two Door Cinema Club's new album came out (it slaps :D). Satisfaction Guarenteed is my favorte track (and is also a great name for a stand).
And, most importantly, I'm in Australia! We stayed a week in Sydney at a three story air bnb at the Rocks. It was pretty close to the Sydney Opera House. Sydney is definitely pretty sweet, def a nice city, but you can't beat the outdoors.
Before I forget, here's a schedule of what we did:
Monday: arrived at the airport, walked around to the Opera house and ate at the underground opera restaurant. Went to the I.G.A for groceries.
Tuesday: took the ferry to the Taronga zoo. Had a delicious ham and tomato wrap. Had sandwiches for dinner. Bird show, giraffes, cassowarys, and more.
Wednesday: Bus tour and the Beautiful Bondi Beach. Souvenir.
Thursday: Seal life, pd started :( museum of austrlia (history and natural history). St Mary's tree across from Hyde park. We stopped by a four story high end mall. Very high end stuff, but there was a hobby store at the end of the fourth floor. I found a Trish and Narancia figure which is cool (ok i freaked out alot).
Friday: Museum of Contemporary Art (meh).
Saturday: Me n' youngest sister went to Macca's for another mud muffin. Then we looked around the shops. (near the visitors center) I got a nice bag for Cameron, I hope she likes it! It has a kangaroo on it. We also looked at some outdoor shops, I saw a cute purse with a cat on it. Then we went to see an opera at the opera house. It was Anne Bolyne, which was really really good. They had massive LCD screens with warped mirrors on the opposite sides, which gave nice atmosphere to all the different acts. When Anne was decapitated, she had an out of body experience. When the dancer's sword swung down, the other dancers ripped off her dress, revealing a red dress underneath. Plus all the LCD screens went white. I loved that moment. Unfortunately, I was too busy trying not to fall asleep to remember act 2.
Sunday: Went to church @ St. Patirck's. A beautiful church! I liked the passage printed on the bulletin about how hard it is to be a catholic sometimes. I saw some cool necklaces at the convenience store. I went with dad to the observatory and it was really interesting. We also went to some of the shops. Dad bought me a lovely necklace. It's got a spiral on one side and a bunch of colors on the other. Uncle V came today! Great to see him.
Monday: We left Sydney and took a train to Kotoomba (misspelled). I love travelling by train. I listened to music and started reading Warcross (great book!!!) We got to our new air bnb which is beautiful. I loved the sloped wooden ceilings. I want to live here and hang my posters on the slope, right above my bed.
And that lead to today, Tuesday. We had an amazing hike in the blue mountains. It is so beautiful, I was so happy. We also had a great lunch at the top. I absolutely loved the jewlery at the gift shop. I almost considered getting the two Ying and yang necklaces with dragons on them for Elizabeth and I. We then took the bus into town. It was funny because in a hotel courtyard up some steps, you can tell that's where teh rebel kids hung out, with their cigarettes and piercings. We stopped by a cool rock shop, and a neat purse shop.
During the hike, I was thinking of starting a jojo fic. I know I'm terrible at writing consistently. I still want to finish the JeanMarco fic, but I just don't care for sitting down and writing each day. Maybe I should set some time aside and do some short writing prompts.
I'm grateful I wrote down so much about this trip. To be honest, I had forgotten a lot. It's painful to read the parts about religion. I'm no longer Catholic, and it's just a cruel reminder. In some ways, when I was still religious, it was a simpler time.
I was so fucking naive though. The 'rebels'??? Girl
I don't remember much about Warcross but I do remember giving it 2 starts when I finished and being highly disappointed with the ending.
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 2 years
fourth anniversary
mat barzal x famous f!reader
summary: your annual 'soft launch' post comes around, only this time fans get a little more than they bargained for
warnings: swearing, soft launch, hints at sex, let's ignore the misspelling of 'anniversary' at the beginning, reader has tats
i'm a sucker for soft launches guys i'm sorry but i have no range on social media au's 🤷
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liked by glenpowell, camilamorrone and 962,851 others
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fan2: so those soft launches were wedding anniversary posts? i'm unwell babe
fan3: i think i just shat my heart out in mcdonalds
fan4: damn
fan5: so we got marriage??? and a full post??? with a caption??? that proves he has personality??? and three full photos???
fan6: fr we're getting fed
ynofficial: i can confirm this, yes 🙋
fan8: have you not seen her track record of partners? the girl's got taste
fan10: LMAO HER ANSWER 💀💀💀
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liked by titobeauvi91, noahschnapp aand 135,861 others
barzal97: happy 4th 💐🍉
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fan11: barzy hasn't posted since october and then he slams this
fan12: so many hearts broke today 💔💔 (mine did)
fan13: babe i thought we agreed not today!!
fan14: this better be an april fools joke or something
fan15: it's march?????
fan16: that cake was from barzy to me, sorry guys
fan18: they look so familiar
fan19: that's because ynofficial has the exact same ones
fan20: wtf
fan21: holy shit she does
fan22: this is 4 years too bro
fan23: are they????
fan24: I THINK SO
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liked by taylorswift, alexachung and 991,286 others
ynofficial: i get mystified by how this city screams your name 🌸🚏
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fan25: i came from stalking twitter and i don't think it's talked about enough that her husband might be mat barzal
fan26: we love us some taylor swift love songs 💜
fan27: i'm dying over here
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liked by nhl, trevorzegras and 74,813 others
barzal97: he shoots and he scores
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fan29: you didn't this weekend bro
fan30: shrieking bc of this
fan31: i spy an innuendo 👀
fan32: i think i burnt my eyes this is too hot
fan33: y'all mind if my boy slays real quick?
fan34: islanders and yankees don't add up
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ynofficial posted to their story...
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liked by ynofficial, titobeauvi91 and 231,286 others
barzal97: she keeps calling me bro, like, my dude, we've been hitched 4 years
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fan37: was this intentional?
fan38: holy fuck my god are you two attractive
fan39: i'm crying does mat not tan or something??
barzal97: death?
ynofficial: (divorce)
fan40: what was that?
fan41: that was morbid
fan42: nah they're actually so gorgeous together
fan43: fr i think they suit each other so well
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liked by barzal97, pierrgasly and 999,135 others
ynofficial: the man, the myth, the legend, the husband, the broski, the gremlin, the hottie...i give you my husband AKA mathew barzal AKA #13
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fan44: husband first hockey player second. fair dos.
fan45: i'm jealous of both of you
fan46: why the look of disapproval in the first pic?
barzal97: she called me buddy 😔
fan47: yeah you win. idk what the competition was, but you win it
fan48: he looks completely different in all of these 😭
fan49: how did you guys keep your entire relationship a secret?? between you you're practically wanted by the entire state of new york
ynofficial: hush money
barzal97: blackmail
titobeauvi91: they're spies
fan50: forget ny they're now wanted by the fbi
fan51: if you ever have kids the rest of the world ain't gonna stand a chance
ynofficial: 👀
barzal97: wdym 👀?
fan52: 👀
ynofficial: 👀
ynofficial: nugget
barzal97 just posted to their story...
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[caption: fyi, THIS is nugget]
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