#but i also love putting daltonfic references in my fic because i can and at this point klaine loving RENT is a meme
forabeatofadrum · 2 years
@thelegendofjenna replied to your post “me, poking kurt and blaine with a stick: do...”:
if you want someone to bounce ideas off/vent frustration to, you can always message me!
​I have my plot points mapped out. Jen @1908jmd actually figured some out in an ask that she sent (*wink wink nudge nudge*) (although, Jen, you're still in for a surprise, but some were close) (I'm not publishing the ask to avoid spoilers, but what you said about [REDACTED] hit the nail!). I just need to fill in those plot points and it is quite annoying to see a clear direction for where the story is heading. I've been seeing that direction for months, but ya know *gestures around* writing.
I did poke Kurt and Blaine hard enough to have them watch RENT, because why not? I'm currently stuck in a part of the next chapter where I just... need them to do something for the middle. Welp, RENT it is. I almost went for Legally Blonde but ssssssh that is Quinn's favourite movie. So yes, Kurt, Blaine, watch RENT and do something!!
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