#but i can also transmit gay thoughts to you at any point in time
sivbreaksaleg · 10 months
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So yeah, I'd be a Kolibri
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taissaswifelowkey · 1 month
What if I said wlw reader with State Senator Taissa Turner? Maybe during her stressful campaign? What would you write, hmm? 💞💞💞
it's been a long time coming but SENATOR TAISSA IS HERE PEOPLE
also first ask ever im doing backflips
Rest up
Named after “rest up” by boy pablo!! 
New Jersey’s future relies on the shoulder of their plausible Senator, Taissa Turner. How can she manage to not disappoint electors, herself, and her family?
Pairings: established Senator!Taissa and afab!reader
sorry van :(( i still love you!!
Word count: 1.7 K
A/N: second time writing more than bullet points, i had fun with this one! i just loveeee comfort pieces. feedback is always always welcome enjoy reading :))
Warnings: none, possible grammatical/syntax errors? i did proofreead it while writing but i can never be too sure. pure, pure comfort, gay, reader is kind of an overthinker, possible ooc taissa? and some canon mentions.
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Her hands are buried in her hair, vague voices of her campaign managers still somehow floating in her ears, drowning among other thoughts in her mind. She was usually able to think, plan and organise. Crumpled papers overflow the dustbin, some with complete or half-complete sentences, bullet points and outlines. Her cup of coffee replaced by tea– at your raised concern of her moving onto her fifth cup, remains unfinished. It’s not that she does not appreciate the taste. But at every sip, she somehow felt guilty ridiculously enough because you made it. You. You don’t realise it and you would always try to downplay it, but you’re a greater help than you think. Just by giving her a cup of tea, bringing her lunch and making time with her and Sammy relieves the tension in her shoulders and back. Oddly enough she misses the warmth of your touch in her lower back, your hand adding the slightest bit of pressure to remind her to sit up whenever you would bring something for her to power up on. Then an entire spiral of thoughts concerning you comes rushing to her brain, adding another layer of thoughts to her frontal lobe.
A ding thankfully interrupts the spiral from going any further, the messages reading strategy meetings and gala plannings. She types a quick reply back and then refocuses on the blank sheet of paper.
At this point, it feels like it’s mocking her. But she knows better than to throw away the sheet without even trying to write something. And that is her problem.
It’s what she has been doing for the entirety of six hours. Trying. Which is nearly not enough if she is running for state Senator. It’s like cutting flesh with a dull knife. Or trying to take down prey with no weapons.
Another noise. A knock.
Maybe it’s her assistant that you let through. Fixing her appearance, she stands up and wills her nerves to wake up and transmit all her body needs to look wakened. 
“Come in.”
At her low tone, your hand presses on the knob. It has been…well. You don’t know how long she was cooped up in her study, wanting to give her space without overbearing. You figured she’d ask for your help if she needed it.  “Offer, don’t push” is what you always told yourself. But after nearly not seeing her for some time, making dinner, helping Sammy with his homework and putting him to bed, you decided to push your anxious logical path thinking away.
“Hey. Can I…can I come in?”
You asked hesitantly. Taissa raises an amused eyebrow before you nod and chuckle, stepping into her study. Immediately, almost comically, both of your eyes are trained on the unfinished cup of tea. You briefly glance at the bin of crumpled papers, making a mental note to discard them, before lifting them back to Taissa’s. Her shoulders are slightly slumped, her hands squeezing the pen she is holding. Any further and you think she’d be able to break it.
You take tentative steps before she lets go of it, her hands reaching for your waist. A yelp escapes you before you react quickly and encircle your arms on her shoulders, gently rubbing her covered skin. She’s wearing her polka-dot shirt, the one you offered for her birthday. You would lie if you said it didn’t make you feel flattered, or a certain warmth rising in your chest. She is met with your scent, something floral, sweet, and comforting. She swears she could spend all day in your arms, the taunting, almost attacking and borderline-yet-acceptable problematic opposing ad campaign forgotten. 
Almost. Even if it is not a lot, not nearly enough, it is still significant. You press a gentle kiss on her forehead and gaze down at her.
“Is that the Phil guy?”
The name, word, leaves your lips in partial disgust. Upon seeing the ruthless ad, you felt your heart dropping in your chest before it picked up a rhythm. 
“It”s the Phil Guy.”
She chuckles. You barely return it, momentarily letting go of your embrace, much to her protest, you click off the ad. He annoys you to no end. She would be taken aback by your action if she weren’t so tired. Well, tired was not the right word.
If she didn’t feel the pressure of the entire state she would be taken aback by your actions. You usually kept to yourself in her office, insisting on not touching anything because it might “distract her” or “some invincible force I have might destroy something”.  She found your superstitions equal parts endearing and ridiculous.
Without another word, she pulls you back into her arms, and for a minute you’re surprised by the strength she holds you with. 
It’s been minutes and she hasn’t said anything besides “come in”. You know it must be one of those days. Her days. Where she would silently think and reflect. Still, you let her know that if she does want to express herself, her frustrations, anything that comes to her mind, you’re willing to listen.
You slightly pull back to meet her tired eyes and drop your voice to a low whisper, as if speaking up might scare her.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
It takes her a full calculated minute to answer. Usually, she would prefer to just hold you in her arms and you talk about your day to make her momentarily forget about her own. To make her feel like Taissa, your wife, Sammy’s mother, and not Taissa Turner. But you wait. You always waited.
“Just…it’s just…strategy meetings. We’re wondering how to deal with…well. The Phil Guy. I have this upcoming interview in which I’ll have to discuss my programme, galas that I’ll have to attend to shake everyone’s hands and–”
Hallucinations, Sammy being odd, sleepwalking…the guy she swore she swore her brain buried 25 years ago. The damn reporter.
“...I’ve been, uh…lacking sleep. I mean sleep is not on the table considering the career I chose but today just feels like I’m…going in circles unconstructively. I mean I’m supposed to run things correctly and I can’t even do that.”
You don’t interrupt her throughout, choosing to resume rubbing gentle circles on her shoulders. You have known Taissa for a while now. She has many layers. Perfectionist, caring albeit stoic, and often sardonic. It makes up who she is, who you fell in love with, but you don’t want those same layers to drown her into nothingness.
With a gentle hand, you bring her own and raise them to your cheeks. Instinctively, her thumbs circle your cheeks, tracing every feature she finds.
“You do a lot more than you think, Ty. For me, Sammy but for everyone. You’re our hero. The state’s hero. Everyone sees that…but if they don’t, well I might or might not have to pay some of them so they could outrightly say it.”
“Isn’t that illegal?”
“Think of it as an incentive instead of an illegal conspiracy. I’m just encouraging people to see how lovely you are.”
She laughs and playfully pushes you away, shaking her head at your false promise. At least she hopes you. She knows you would never do anything to jeopardise her position, but she always knows you would definitely do something similar if it were legitimate. 
“You’re silly.”
“I’m truthful. Everyone knows how useful you are, Ty. You don’t ‘go in circles unconstructively.’ You do so much for us, for everyone, you don’t even realise the impact you have. We love you. I love you.”
Your eyes soften, your warm hands reaching for hers, silently encouraging her to stand up. She smiles lightly, getting up from her chair to hold you.
She feels better holding you this way, your body completely pressed to hers. The soft material of your oversized sweater and the scent of your perfume mixed with a hint of laundry detergent made her thoughts slow down to a halt. Eventually, you slide one of your hands around her waist, the other lifting her hand. She raises one eyebrow, tilting her head in a silent question.
“Just wondering if Senator Taissa could offer me this dance? That is, if she wants to, of course.”
With a roll of her eyes, she lets you lead, a smile breaking out her face.
“What for?”
“Well…if ever you need a plus one for your invitations, I need to practise, right?”
“You’re just saying that to dance with me.”
You twirl her around, her sweet laugh resonating in your ears, making you feel like you’re floating.
“I was never really good at hiding my intentions, anyway.”
“Yeah, you never were…like when you always make my coffee first before moving along to the others and throwing me extra cookies, ‘free of charge’?”
“Okay, that’s some serious misinformation. I paid for those cookies and you were always the first in line.”
“I am pretty sure other college students needed their refill.”
“They weren’t the ones I was really preoccupied with.”
Her chest feels warmth at your words. Her eyes flicker between yours before dropping to your lips. She doesn’t even have to ask you, you’re already leaning in, pulling her impossibly close. You taste like caramel, clouding all her senses, almost making her knees buckle. You were so gentle, tender, a contrast to what her entire body had made her feel. Eventually, when air was necessary, you reluctantly pulled back, peering into each other’s eyes.
“You’re too sweet for me…”
It was so uncharacteristic of her, to smile in such a way that remind her of the college days when you would walk together back home, or be one another’s car ride.
“I’m pretty sure you’re the one that’s making me feel lightheaded, here.”
“You love it.”
“I love you.”
She pulls you back for another kiss, stealing all the air of your lungs. You gratefully return it, spinning her once more again. She’s about to kiss you again when her stomach grumbles, making her groan in embarrassment while you try to contain your laughter.
“I didn’t even realise you haven’t eaten today…do you want me to bring you some leftovers? I could leave her while you wor–”
“No, let’s eat together.”
You smile and hold her hand in yours, leaving her office and turning off the lights behind you.
Her mind still runs but this time…it’s with you. Your words, your eyes, your kiss…
You’re her purpose. You make her feel her. And wishes her brain would imprint and memorise this moment when it chooses to speed run everything else.
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xtrablak674 · 4 months
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[Originally published in Fashion Fag Magazine Volume 1, Number 2, February 1994, very mildly edited for clarity.]
The New York Post bashes Gay Men's Health Crisis new poster.
"Anyway you read them, the poster endorse homosexuality. encourage promiscuity and promote the false and dangerous notion that condoms are safe and will protect users against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases." says Ray Kerrison columnist for the post.
Let me explain this poster to those of you who have not seen it. It is a bright purple subway poster with three pictures of couples embracing or kissing. In bright yellow writing there is the poster's slogan YOUNG, HOT & SAFE, each couple is holding a condom, lubricant, latex dam, or latex glove. There is also the GMHC hotline number which ask you to call for further information about safer sex.
To address Mr. Kerrison's first point I don't understand how he comes to the assumption that this poster is promoting homosexuality or any kind of sexuality. Its like he's saying a poster of a couple of married couples is promoting marriage, or a couple of African American children promoting Afrocentric ideals. I feel that Kerrison is just another homophobe who believes that any portrayal of queers in a positive light is saying to everyone that homosexuality is OK and there is nothing wrong with it. Which there isn't, I've been a homosexual a long time now and I am perfect proof.
Kerrison's second issue of the poster encouraging promiscuity is absolutely absurd. Everyone in these posters is full clothed and pictured above the shoulders. Now last summer there was an ad campaign by a local radio station
HOT 97 who had really raunchy posters which portrayed men in women in very suggestive positions and very skimpily clad. One of the more overt posters had a male grasping a topless women's breast.
And GMHC's poster's are called porn and sleaze???
Lord forbid we show happy homosexuals that are healthy and not dying of AIDS. I strongly believe that these type of gays are the only kind that the conservative heterosexual community can deal with. Because then they can feel sorry for the poor dying fag.
Kerrison's final point of his article bothers me the most because not only does the information it contain very wrong but could be very dangerous if you are not an informed reader. Studies show and have proven that latex condoms are the most effective device against the HIV infection, if used properly.
GMHC is the first and largest AIDS organization in the world and Kerrison saying this to GMHC is like telling God the sky ain't blue. Actually I am very happy there has been such controversy about the ads because it brings back into the public view and that will force people to talk about it.
I got my chance to speak on the issue at a press conferences that councilman Tom Duane held on the steps of city hall. Here is the speech I prepared and read:
"Hi my name is Trevor Brown. I am a proud young black homosexual and I am a volunteer In Gay Men's Health Crisis's Education Department's Young Adult Aids Prevention Program.
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According to what this society shows me, I as a young black man should be in jail, unemployed, father of a illegitimate children, and inarticulate. I as a homosexual should be promiscuous, dying of AIDS, and rotting in hell. I refuse to believe any of this to prove this society wrong, and to do my part in the fight against AIDS.
I did the YOUNG HOT and SAFE campaign. As much as adults would like to think they know what is best for youth and would like tell us how to run our lives I believe we young people know what we young people want. I know that my friends and I have been sexually active for years and it wasn't some ad on the train that told us to start having sex. its a natural part of growing up, and exploring your sexuality. Knowing that a lot of youth think it is not cool or fun to have safer sex. We thought it was important to show other youth Hey its COOL to have safer sex I am do in' it you can do it too.
The young people that were working on this campaign were full of positive intentions and I think they should be applauded for being conscious of the health and safety of other youth. Not slapped on the wrist and told there is only one way to avoid the HIV virus. Abstinence. AIDS is something that effects us all and I that there is no one way to properly educate about it there are many different ways. Because it effects many different kind of people. And because my way of trying to educate differs from yours I don't believe we should be bashing one another, You may attract flies with fly paper I prefer honey, But most importantly we will both be saving lives."
I truly can't recall if I had assistance with drafting my speech for the press conference held by Councilman Tom Duane, who was the second openly gay council member and the only one at the time who was public about his being HIV positive. I do hear my voice within it, my phrasing and my colloquialism, so I was totally one of the authors if not final editor.
I know I am being patronizing to myself, because I am so impressed with my eloquence, not at the level of an orator like Dr. King, but for an average individual with minimal press experience I think this was amazing, and I applaud my younger self. Not just for being brave but to speak so publicly about very private things, and to be clear I do not infer that sexuality is something to be ashamed of, but who I go to bed as and with is really no one else's business.
Curiously Mr. Kerrison was my grandmother's contemporary dying curiously enough on her birthday a year after she did. Like her he didn't mask his hostility and disapproval of homosexuality, I guess both of them are products of their upbringings, but both are dead and no longer my concern.
This was thirty years ago exactly and it would be false to say that things haven't changed for the gays since then, but it was also be false to say that we are welcomed with open arms with legislation around "Don't Say Gay" floating around all over the country and it being against the law some places for trans people to go to the bathroom. Progress I guess is always an incremental thing, five steps forward and three steps back.
I guess I can say definitively that I attempted to make the world a better place by physically using my likeness and speaking publicly about my identities to in effect normalize acceptance of folks who looked and loved like I did.
I have mixed feelings about the Young Hot & Safe campaign because thinking about it makes me think of the fact that Tim my photo-partner and friend is now dead, we were both amongst the committee of young people who helped to conceptualize and execute the campaign in tandem with Gay Men's Health Crisis. It was a happy time of my life and I look back on those memories and the friends I had very fondly.
[Photos by Brown Estate]
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senkusphone · 2 years
Replies to various tag comments
so I can reply but also not clutter everything with many posts, thanks for bearing with me.
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@megacarapa No, thank you! That gif took so long to make, and I rarely get to use it lol. I had to undo a panning shot, and erase Senku in order to loop it. Check out this weird left over file from the process, you can see a bit of Senku under where I patched him off, and the subtitles moving as the image panned
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You don't understand, that's the multimeter I used for most of the last decade, even at the labs in university. I bought it from some guy on the street (I swear this is normal) cause it was very cheap, and it needed repairs which I did.
I gotta admit I love me an old instrument though. I think it's from the early 1970's as it's made with point to point connection (no circuit board) but it doesn't have the old Sanwa logo. Fun fact, to this day they still sell knockoffs of these old japanese Sanwa multimeters, under brands such as Sunma, Sunwa, etc (and they're still not cheaper than I paid for the og). My first multimeter when I was a kid was a knockoff 'Munwha' I believe, wish I still had it regardless.
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If you want me to flex a real antique one, check out the Weston Selective Analyzer 665. This multimeter is from the 1930's. (also makes me wonder if there was a Weston Selective Analyzer 666)
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The 'high grid test' and 'low grid test', the series capacitor condenser for the AC voltage scales, and the 'press to read' button are features that have long disappeared from multimeters as far as I can tell.
It's hard for me to describe how much this series helped me pull through a comically dark time in my life. Senku is a very inspiring character, despite how much I like to dunk on him. When I needed a bit of inspiration the most, I was inspired to shamelessly and unapologetically pursue my interests in science and engineering that I had been growing increasingly disenchanted with after too many years in academic hell. Despite the fact that I am literally building a career on these interests, I have always been shamed for pursuing them in a non professional or academic way.
The dude said "get excited", and I did.
So, the fact that you perceive me that way, is really flattering to me, and I truly appreciate it, thank you.
I'll have you remember that the og KoS flag featured only one phallic shape and was designed by Yuzu, go figure what she was thinking of.
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Someone must've decided it wasn't gay enough by the time Ryusui came around, and thus added a second one in conjuction (a design which Ryusui was the first to wear).
No idea who did it though, but I am putting suspicion on the artists (yuzu and namari) and Gen, because he likes to mess with people, of course. Wonder what the Ishigami villagers thought of this pattern, as they were exposed to this design long before they had any knowledge or remotely accurate concept of a rocket or spaceship...
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... but they certainly knew other things.
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Moving on
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@aresagainstthemachine Hello again
Yes, as you say the frequencies are kinda fixed. Both the transmit and receive frequency depend in part to the capacitance of the antenna to the surrounding environment, there was even one occasion where hand capacitance to the large coil made this behave sorta like a theremin. (video there, but I no longer use this twitter).
Receive mode is a bit more complicated as adjusting the feedback/tickler coil to bring up the gain also shifts the frequency somewhat. Tuning regenerative radios is always a process of getting closer and closer adjusting the tuning capacitor of the front end and the coupling of the feedback. Now aparently I had some sort of mental void between then and now, 'cause the other day I was cleaning some boxes and I found this object
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Then I remembered that back in the day I meant to discretely install this small variable capacitor to have at least a small amount of tuning control on the receiving coil. I guess I ended up not doing it when I saw it happened to fall near an existing station and adding this would have thrown that off. Feel free to message me if you got any more electronics questions, that'd be easier and I'd be happy to chat. Also thanks everyone for the reblogs and nice comments :)
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papirouge · 2 years
Turkish and Arab men have beautiful face structures 👀 I agree too and GOOD HAIR. All the guys I knew that were middle eastern or turkish also smelled wonderful. Idk what cologne they used but I loved how so many these guys knew how to groom themselves well. some had a good skin care routine. While other guys thought washing their asses or brushing their tongue was “gay” at my old church I had friends who married young complain about their husbands not knowing how to wash their dicks, buttcracks and finger nails. The stories of wearing days old underwear and socks with holes was so off putting. Just nasty. Some of them were just… you couldn’t water board that out of me
Before replying, I want to point out the crazy energy shifting in your ask: from their heights of Eastern men finesse appreciation........to the dirty buttcrack of crusty Western scrotes.... I-💀 WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME, ANON??😭
FACE STRUCTURE + GOOD HAIR(LINE) IS EVERYTHING. A good square jaw/chin can do a lot! That's why on that aspect Eastern men are superior to Westerners BIG TIME (they tend to not age as badly as them too). Even Western White supremacist scrotes admit their own shortcoming by identifying themselves as masculine vikings when they are balding chinless Western Europeans.....not Slavs lmao Some Western men are very handsome though but their aging process is CRIMINAL. For example, I've always found Benjamín Allen (model) very beautiful, but then he hit the wall like mad once he hit (only) 26 YEARS OLD
(left: 20 years old / right : 26 years old💀)
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There are some exceptions ofc. Nicolaj Coster Waldeau is aging like fine wine....👀 (I'm not into older men like that but damn...he's fiiiiiiiiiiine - I love his quirky nose<3). Hands down the most attractive White man in the industry💗 Unproblematic terfy* Danish KING🇩🇰🤍
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And yeah, I'll trust Middle Eastern and Jews over any other demographics when it comes to hygiene, bc their religion makes it compulsory for them to remain clean and wash their hand regularly. Meanwhile, Westerners had this thing of being scared of water over weird superstition... It's funny how Westerners think that people from 3rd counties are dirty when the plagues were neither in Africa or Asia, but EUROPE and was transmitted through rats and other filthy routines....*shudders* Back when I was in Tanzania, at the restaurant, there was always someone wandering through the table with a bowl and a jug of water so that people could wash their hand before eating. In countries with less infrastructure, they are way more cautious with hygiene by taking easy actions like that. And in before "but the plague was centuries ago, now people have good hygiene!!" just know that here in France, it's not rare for me to see people leaving the toilets without washing their hands.... They are bioterrorists and should be prosecuted along with Al Qaida tbh
And yes, I've read body horror stories about people not washing their ass crack or their legs on reddit (it's always reddit...). People were saying they didn't feel the need to wash their legs because the water was flowing down there anyway....but what they didn't understand is that you still have to scrub the dead skin out of your skin!!! It's like saying "oh I don't need to wash my towel bc my body is clean after showering uwu" I've also read the stories of people WHO WERE NOT WASHING THEIR BATHTUB and were walking inside with FLIPFLOPS so much dirty it was, I-
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therealvinelle · 4 years
I agree that Aro definitely is not straight, but if he is gay and not bi, why window shop for a wife? If he wanted a partner for some reason, why not find a male one? It was a different era, yes, but are vampires really homophobic?
So, for this meta, we’ll have to get historical. Before we do, keep in mind that while I know Ancient Greece better than most, having studied it (introductory level classes only, mind), I don’t know it well enough to be any kind of authority on the matter. History, more than any other discipline I can think of, is not respected as an academic field, and people with poor to no understanding of historical hermeneutics will make very bold assumptions that they then have too poor understanding of history to realize are bullshit. This is a disclaimer because I don’t want to join in on the chorus of authoritative-sounding people on the internet with no verifiable credentials who spout things about history that are then taken to be gospel truth by readers because the author made it sound good.
More, I say this because your question is asking me to explain the morality and social norms surrounding a character from 14th century BC Greece. And this man would not, for the record have been Ancient Greek, he would have been Mycenaean Greek. Very quick history lesson: Mycenaean Greece was a flourishing society that suffered a downfall, Greek civilization fell into its very own dark ages, until around 800 BC when Greeks began forming what would become the Ancient Greece we know and love. This in turn means that I can’t very well read up on the marital and sexual norms of Ancient Greece when I’m researching for Aro, because he was five hundred years old already when Ancient Greece became a thing.
And your question concerns cultural history. And for that we’re going to have to look at how we know the things we know about history. How history is studied.
Historians have two kinds of sources: archeological findings and written records. (I’m aware that oral tradition, like the one carried by the Aborigine people, isn’t technically one of these, but to my understanding it’ll be treated to similar analysis as written records, which leaves us with the two types of sources standing strong.) These sources are analyzed, and we apply various theories and models onto them to make sense of the context they were written in. The more sources we have, the more we can refine or eliminate these theories or models.
More, history is an ever evolving field. There are movements and schools of thought that influence how history is written (marxism in history, that is, history as a class struggle, was heavy in the 60′s and I think until the 80′s), which means that how a certain culture will be perceived today is not the way it was perceived a few decades ago, nor will it be perceived the same way a few decades in the future.
You see why I am daunted by you asking me to give you an answer about sexual and marital norms for a guy who lived 3000 years ago, and I hope you’ll understand why I feel this word vomit is necessary.
Now, the danger with Mycenaean Greece is that it’s a society it’s easy to feel we know a lot about, because it was the precursor to Ancient Greece, and we know a lot about the latter. But, first of, the reason why we know as much as we do about the Ancient Greeks is the Romans. The Greeks wrote about their history, their philosophy, their government, and they wrote plays and told stories. However, that was two thousand years ago and their writings would have been lost to the sands of time if the Romans hadn’t idolized and sought to emulate their society. This meant preserving their written records. This tradition was carried on by the Christians, in part because Hellenistic philosophy was incorporated into Christian philosophy. We have neo-platonism to thank for Christian asceticism, the “mind over matter” cornerstone.
What I’m getting at with all of this is that we know the insane amount about Ancient Greece that we do because of some very unique circumstances, and so we can make very sophisticated theories about what the Hellenistic world was like. It’s still detective work, but not Pepe Silvia type of detective work. This is not the case for Mycenaean Greece. We know a comparative lot about Mycenaean Greece, considering how long ago it was, but there is very much we don’t know.
With Mycenaean Greece, we are dealing with a lot more uncertainty. We haven’t deciphered one of their two writing styles, and a lot of the text we do have is very fragmentary. Coming up with detailed societal models for Mycenaean Greece, and for the 14th century BC specifically, is... well I don’t know enough about what this society left behind to know what historians have to work with, but I imagine they have their work cut out.
More, I haven’t studied this at all, which means that any attempt on my end to research this would be stumbling around in the dark.
One example: the Illiad and the Odyssey, while composed around the 8th century BC, were set in the early 12th century BC, which is nearly Aro’s time period. The Illiad depicts a homoerotic relationship between Patroclus and Achilles, and both works depict a lot of matrimonies, so I wish I could use it as a source. However, not only would this time gap alone make these sources questionable, but there’s also the matter of the Illiad and the Odyssey being transmitted orally, from bard to bard. Changes were made over the years. For example, the technology described in the Illiad is from several eras, as the warriors will be using bronze weaponry in one book and then switch to iron in the next. This game of telephone is what happens when a story is transmitted orally from person to person. So, while it’s tempting to use these works as a sort of reference point, the possibility, likelihood even, that the bards made adjustments to keep the old story entertaining for their contemporary audience is strong.
For this reason, I can’t give you any kind of historically correct analysis on what the marital or sexual mores would have been like in Aro’s time. Even if the knowledge is out there, I don’t have it.
But I can say this, spouses have for the longest time been partners. Men and women got married, even in the gay, gay, Ancient Greece, not just to have children but because they complemented each other, they were partners. Men needs wives, and women needs husbands. And a partner was canonically exactly what Aro was looking for, feelings had nothing to do with it:
After Caius and Marcus had found their romantic attachments, Aro decided to find his own, although rather than finding his other half in another vampire Aro decided to create his own instead. Aro had a certain type of woman in mind and he found what he was looking for in Sulpicia. He successfully courted her and she came to fall in love with him.
As for vampires being homophobic, I think that is for another post about what culture they bring with them into their new life. But to be brief I’ll say that while the individual vampire can be homophobic, there can be no homophobia at an institutional level because vampires have no institutions. And it’s the institutional homophobia that gets ya. It’s what the whole fight for gay rights has been about: secure legislation against discrimination and that protects gay people. (The right to marry and protection from employees firing LGBT employees comes to mind as examples of this.)
So, no one could force Aro to marry a woman. 
And I’d go into a rant here about how the prospect of gay marriage, of even identifying as homosexual (the labels homosexual, bisexual, and heterosexual are very new and, to my recollection, were born off of the Western psychiatric discipline as men who slept with other men were diagnosed with homosexuality. I imagine a man from the Antiquity would be confused at the notion that just because he likes to sleep with dudes he shouldn’t get married to a woman), was unthinkable up until very recently, but I just made this obscenely long rant about how I can’t really make these kinds of guesses, so I’m not gonna.
I think being married to a woman and then banging hot dudes who came along suited Aro just fine.
Also, I can’t believe I’m doing this, but - I’m going to encourage history asks. Because this fandom has a bit of a history problem, as a lot of the characters are from different time periods and many feel unsatisfied with the way Meyer handled that. I am by no means a historian, but I know several of the historical periods the characters of Twilight are from well enough to make educated guesses.
So, hit me with your worst.
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apollostears · 4 years
group: BTS
pairing: BTS x daughter!reader
warning(s): swearing
request: can you do BTS reacting to their 15 year old daughter having a boyfriend/girlfriend?
requested by: @mela3340
oomfggg this was so fun to make!! thanks for requesting the first request of 2021 :) hope you enjoy love <3
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➝︎ jin
he’s literally dramatic af.
but no really, he’ll be shook to the gods.
like huh??? his child got a partner?!!!
my kid?!!! IN THESE STREETS?!
he would faint, then wake back up and shake her til she’s dizzy.
ok but on a more serious note, i think if he saw his daughter have genuine feelings for this person they’re with, he would support a 100%
definitely wants to meet them asap
would chaperone their dates but in a way that’s soooo cliché. i mean ugly ass disguises cliché.
will definitely have a heart attack if his daughters partner used the fake ‘yawn-over-the-shoulder’ move while at the movies.
all his daughter would hear is someone choking horrendously a few rooms behind them and instantly know it’s her dad.
will call the boys up every time she asks him to go on a date with their partner or if they can come over to hang and study.
“i’m at a lost here! it’s like i’m in the war!” jin exaggerates on the group call with his friends.
“hyung, i think you’re over exaggerating.” jungkook would say sheepishly.
with the straightest face, jin would hang up and contemplate his choice in friends.
after about the sixth month mark, i do think he’d let up a tremendous amount.
like he’s no longer breathing down her neck about them and allows them to go on dates without him, so long as she tells him where they’re going.
10/10 is the dramatic dad that goes through a midlife crisis when their daughter starts dating.
➝︎ yoongi
mans does not care.
ok lemme clarify, he doesn’t care to the extent that jin does. he trusts his daughter and her decisions and understands that this is an important part of her life. he’s gonna try his hardest to not overstep.
but deep down, he definitely is having a hard time coming to grasps that his daughter is in love and starting to enter the dating world.
he understands the pressures surrounding dating too, especially at fifteen. so he’s definitely giving a nice lil lecture about sex, safe sex, consensual sex, and commitment.
and yes, yoongi knows that most of these young love relationships don’t last long, but he wants his daughter to know that her relationship is legit to him. no matter how old she is.
will look intimidating af to their daughters bf or gf. he definitely overhears them discussing if yoongi likes them or not 💀
looks like he could kill you and will but is also such a sweetheart once you actually know him.
doesn’t do no undercover brother shit but will follow his daughter on their first few dates just because he’s worried. isn’t overbearing and keeps a good distance.
honestly, if anything it brings his daughter a lot of comfort to know her dad is there to back her up 🙂
100%!is the father that seems like they’re chill on the surface but on the inside is working overtime to not be overreactive when their child starts dating.
➝︎ namjoon
is literally the 😯 emoji
when his daughter tells him that she’s got a lover, he literally looks exactly like that emoji.
he’s like “love? what you know about that?”
is extremely confused the entire time. yes, he knows that at her age, children start experimenting with dating but he never actually thought he’d have to deal with it.
was definitely worried that he’d lose out on daddy-daughter time once she started dating.
that was his biggest fear. that his daughter wouldn’t need him anymore. she would no worries.
is deathly afraid of his daughter experiencing heartbreak. their s/o could be the perfect match for his kid, he still wouldn’t care. namjoon is going to be worried regardless.
constantly asks for updates on their relationship to see if he needs to give any advice on how to keep the relationship going.
he doesn’t see their love as something immature. namjoon values it the same way he would value an adult relationship.
which meansss giving them the birds n the bees. same as yoongi, a thorough talk on sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, safe sex, you name it.
was incredibly nervous to meet the person their daughter was dating 💀 like how you supposed to be the daddy but more scared than the actual date.
chaperones his daughter’s first couple of dates. doesn’t get in their way but definitely makes his presence known when does attend.
has a strict “have her home by 9 or else” policy.
won’t ground their child if they give them a heads up on why they would be late.
is 100% the type to be the “work in progress” dad that wishes there was a book on what to do when your teenage daughter starts dating.
➝︎ hobi
mans was like “awww my wittle baby likes somebody!”
was wayyy more excited about meeting their child’s s/o then what is deemed normal.
don’t get me wrong, he’s definitely protective of his kid but hobi understands that these things happen.
it was bound to happen that one day his daughter would start dating.
doesn’t hound his child with questions but is very curious to learn more about this bf/gf that their daughter has.
when he meets them, he’s very scary looking at first. switching into serious hobi, he intimidates the kid just a bit before breaking into a grin and letting them know he was kidding.
is the type of dad that would make their daughters’ s/o fall in love with him 💀
hobi gets along with virtually anyone so it wasn’t hard for him to bond with the s/o.
however, he does make it known that he is a father and while the kid seems to be an alright choice for his daughter, he still lets them know that he will go liam neeson on a motherfucker if necessary.
doesn’t follow his daughter on dates but somehow ends up attending some of them because they both want him around.
on the times he doesn’t go, there is a curfew in place and it’s 8 o’clock 😔
hobi is 100% the dad to become friends with their daughters’ bf/gf but still be a force to be reckon with when needed.
➝︎ jimin
probably the one who meddles in their daughters love life.
sees their daughter walkout of school with a guy and is asking fifty million questions on who he is and if she likes him.
all for her to turn around and be like “dad, i’m gay.”
and he’s like 🥺🥰 “good, boys are disgusting anyways.”
so now he’s scoping out girls that could be a potential match for his kid 💀
“what about her?”
“nah, she’s a little rude to me.”
“you know what they say! she likes you!”
“no dad. just...no.”
was not expecting the girl his daughter chooses but can totally see it once he actually gets to know her.
is constantly giving his daughter cute date ideas for her to do w her gf. definitely has a pintrest board of places for them.
will happily be a chauffeur for his daughter if necessary. this can be good and bad. good bc yayay free rides. bad because she has to deal with a jimin that wants to be on time or a jimin that makes them ten minutes late to a movie showing. there is no in between.
he doesn’t follow his daughter around. mainly because he’s always driving them but if he doesn’t, she still gives him a heads up on where they’re going.
doesn’t mind them hanging sleepovers or leaving the door closed but will totally pop up at random times to be nosey.
is definitely in his daughters corner anytime someone tries to give her and her gf a hard time for being together.
a 100% the dad that’s constantly involved in his child’s love life but not to an extreme point. is totally just excited to be there and apart of her world.
➝︎ taehyung
the motherfucker is all smug and shit talking about some “ i know ” 😏 when his daughter approaches him about her new partner.
lets be real; taehyung would know his daughter like the back of his hands. he would have suspicions that she’s seeing somebody but won’t pressure her to speak until she’s ready.
acts like the fbi when he finally meets their daughter’s partner.
is stalking all social media, finding where they work, who they guardians are, and where they grandma stay 💀🤣
but it’s really because he knows how dangerous people are and the last thing he wants is for his kids’ life to be in danger.
is definitely a hard ass to whoever his daughter ends up dating regardless of gender. will go major payne on a motherfucker real quick.
does not care if he gets caught watching out for his daughter while she’s on a date. will deadass sit there and stare them down as they look at him, completely unbothered.
after meeting their partner a few times, he’ll become a bit more loose in regards to their relationship but will still eye them wearily.
his daughter is very important to him and he’s just worried about any potential heartbreak she may experience.
“have you ever killed?”
“uh, no sir. i-i’m only fifteen...sir.”
kisses teeth, “would you kill for my daughter?”
*beat of silence, two horrified teenagers*
scoffs, “pathetic. d/n choose a new partner.”
seems like a hard ass and is a hard ass but it’s completely out of love.
is 100% the dad that gives their daughter’s partner a hard time and will hold such a passive face that they’ll never know if he likes them or not, but overtime will start loosening up and accept them for who they are.
➝︎ jungkook
he was thoroughly surprised.
like...she might as well had told him she was pregnant.
jk needed a moment to comprehend that his daughter...his precious jewel was dating.
just the thought sent chills down his spine with his dramatic ass.
immediately demanded to meet the person who stole his daughter from him. and when he found out it was the bad kid from school??!!! mans was heated.
i mean really? the juvenile delinquent of ALL people?
he feels this way mainly because he remembers how he was as a kid and he knows how anal teenagers can be. really just wants the best for his kid.
is present for their first date. why is that? because it was at their house with him sitting on the opposite couch, watching them like a hawk as they attempted to watch a movie.
after that, his daughter had a serious talk with him about personal space and independence.
jungkook didn’t like the fact that he had to have this talk, but he understands it’s importance. him and his daughter have a sacred bond with one another that he doesn’t wanna risk breaking all because of his overprotectiveness.
that overprotectiveness does come in handy though because their daughters’ partner is always on time when it comes to getting her and dropping her off. honestly, if his daughter ever tried to convince their partner to skip curfew, their partner would text jungkook to snitch 💀
“so...you tried to skip curfew, eh?”
“wha-? how do you know this?!”
smirks, “i see all d/n. besides, your partner knows not to cross that line with me.”
“i literally cannot stand either of you.”
this has definitely led the daughter to question if she has a relationship or if her dad has a relationship with her s/o.
after about three months of them dating, jungkook turns into a pretty chill dad to be real. at that point, he understands that he can’t protect her from pain. so, he might as well just try his best to support his daughter through everything she does.
is 100% that is overly dramatic at first and comes off as incredibly scary but eventually comes down to earth and becomes a big teddy bear 🥰
❧ join my taglist: @olamidey @knjkitten @pimpnameyannie @sweeneyblue1 @sunrayyellowhalo @exomama-random @simplyskz-maya @valkryienymph @supop @namjoonswifeyy @asparagusclifford
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skinfeeler · 3 years
you may notice so-called progressive members of religions (including those which are minority religions in ‘the west’) spend much more time on critics of religion than conservatives in their own circles. sentiments such as “X discussion belongs within the community” might clue us in as on why, but allow me to proffer a red thread that i believe i have identified throughout all of this.
it is, obviously, true that critique of religion often constitutes or is a vehicle for assorted bigotries. a certain vigilance can be understandable and i advocate among my peers to not let us become callous of the very real dangers that members of certain ethnic and cultural groups (however one might understand these) face, even people marginalised in and by such religious communities. this is then, in fact, the crux of my project: the acknowledgment that say, ex-muslims aren’t really helped by islamophobia given the fact that it’s not like they’re going to get support from those people peddling it, which is exactly why it’s so tragic that many of them feel there’s no place for them on the left, because so many people on the left refuse to acknowledge that even though islamophobia is well, extant, it’s not like people stuck in certain spheres (among which gay and trans people, women, and all children) are impervious from being harmed just because larger society might not be accepting of those who level that harm unto them. this much then is important: to do right by everyone who must be done right by in whatever way and to leave people’s dignity intact, and to do so in such a way that cannot be co-opted by white supremacists and the like— the most important way to do this is to attack the concept of parental authority, which (culturally) christian conservatives will never accept but will resolve basically all problems that result from the shape of religion as a non-elective membership propagated through the family (as structured by clergy etc etc, whatever).
inoffensive as this clause should be to anyone who claims to be part of the left — which must fundamentally oppose the family for either marxist reasons per engels or for other reasons — even anti-theism which very clearly takes this form is mistaken, usually on purpose, by many religious apologists, to be something it’s not. one of those things that get invoked is the very real white supremacism and imperialist thought that is too endemic in our circles. i’ll admit to tendencies herein appearing from time to time — including in myself, at times, regrettably — but i also insist that a large part of this is simply the fact that while religious people enjoy the benefits of community and avenues for discussion and review, many of us do not: all we have at this stage, sadly, is the diatribes of new atheists who consider christendom an important ‘bulwark’ to protect the ‘occident’ who are useless to anything but an insipid culture war. mistakes are going to be made, and i think some small leeway should be allowed those most ambitious of us who still have a clear and provable dedication to justice and equity (and this is in fact the point of any useful notion of freedom of speech), especially since what we currently have works for nobody except those who want first and foremost to remain comfortable— which is exactly what i believe describes so many anti-anti-theists, but we do in fact need an alternative.
it’s not easy to be leftist and religious and my heart goes out to those who try, even if i don’t ultimately think that where they are heading will allow them to keep their principles coherent and intact: members of one’s congregation and one’s spiritual leaders may tacitly condone or endorse ethnic cleansing in the levant, assorted infant genital maiming rituals, reifications of gender that only those least abject to it can find peace with (consider the humble theyfab), the imperative and exaltation of procreation, to name a few possibilities, which one then is implicitly required to respect in order to remain part of such communities, and i understand the struggle of wanting to be or remain part of those and to have to tangle with that. what i don’t understand then, though, is the abhorrence of people outside such circles who perform critique of the like: i simply do not agree with the fact that certain discussions should stay within the community and they should be well left alone in literally every way with no demands made given the fact that certain members in those communities who this harm is visited upon and whose membership isn’t elective (including all children) do not have voice or agency in those discussions — they deserve support and solidarity across cultural lines, especially as it’s apostates from so many religions who helped me survive and i will owe this to them forever — let alone those in the outgroup who fall victim to the real geopolitical consequences of the substance of certain positions that proliferate in some of these communities, as is now more relevant than ever. this latter aspect is obvious to even the progressive religious apologist, however… at least those conservatives, both inside the congregation and in much more conservative movements don’t threaten what they perceive to be the faith.
an instantiation of this which i will see even most progressive religious people abhor is the notion that any religion is tied, inherently, to not just a nation, but a state. and so they can quibble with their zionist peers and spiritual leaders on this, because both of them have one thing in common: the idea that even if one’s religion/culture is not most meaningfully embodied through state, it is through family, and the criticism of the conservative that the progressive has is not that they are wrong, but merely inauthentic and clinging to something unnecessary, but they are not. i vehemently disagree: the nature of most organised religions has changed through both necessity and acknowledged moral imperative. why can a religion which doesn’t transmit through the family (one of only adult converts perhaps) be envisioned— which in turn wouldn’t depend so heavily on the reification of bodies and family immanent in the aforementioned (a conclusion worth stressing on its own)? if you ask me, it’s a matter of a lack of courage borne from a lack of understanding of history— one may want to read doubt: a history by jennifer michael hecht who is considered jewish according to halakha (for however much that fucking means) who speaks on what the german jews in the 19th century, understanding that they could either stay stuck in the present (and thus have their worldview eventually become as farcical as those who believed that recreating the temple era of judaism was either viable or desirable in any histiographical or theological sense as a result of you know, history historying) or establish those principles which they believed were actually important that could be passed on regardless of how judaism was envisioned before. their work, however hegelian in nature, produced some of the greatest minds even among their apostates, including theodor adorno. turns out that even when people become philosophers rather than rabbis (or ministers, or imams, or gurus), they have plenty to offer, there is wisdom and value in exalting sagehood above the pulpit and how the pulpit must always lay down the law for the mechanisms of familial transmission.
consider second, the ancient greeks: the ancient greeks no longer possess the structures required to exercise their worldviews and theodicies as a bloc (in diaspora or otherwise). regardless, many of their concepts and wisdoms persist in various cultures literally all across the worlds, including mine: their strands of cultural dna have germinated in a larger cosmopolitan phenotype, and i believe this is beautiful and worthwhile in its own right, and in no way whatsoever a loss. sure, their influence might not be recognisable as an enduring culture, but does that make it any less valuable? no, not in the slightest. the fact is, once you are on the other side this is the most normal thing in the world, nobody will mourn it, and everyone who wishes to return will be easily dismissed as entertaining a fantasy. the only way to forestall this is in fact a tautological clinging to the present which will necessarily through the course of history become an immanence of reaction, after all, the prime fallacy of reactionary thought is that it is in fact possible to recreate the past, which is plainly not true except perhaps for aesthetic but which will regardless necessarily be rooted in the current conditions of the world. all that forestalling this progression constitutes is the insistence on the completely artificial. much like the workings of the state are one that imposes a false reality, a phantasm, a reification onto the world, so with family, and literally the moment you stop propping it up it will be superceded. let me repeat that: supercession is inevitable, and the most sophisticated elements of any culture acknowledge this and have for literal centuries (although some cultures are ahead of others in this regard by-and-large). for every generation of a culture persisting as itself, apostates and deviants emerge and at this rate they have done more for the progress within any cultural body than will ever happen within such cultural bodies, which must begrudgingly acknowledge that they are dependent on modernity in order to make any progress at all (and as such, will wither away together with modernity), although of course they will deny this at any front— the adaptation of any covenant is desperately contingent on integration and naturalisation of the apostate and the ‘modern’, or at least her wisdom , which the embodied religious individual will then, of course, pretend to practisee more ‘maturely’ than the apostate because they insist on integrating it in a neutered fashion where it is stripped of future potential of development until the next steal comes along, which is better than fully embodied anti-atheism as the ever-sublating struggle against entropy, for some fucking reason.
this is the promise of ‘externality’ that foucault dreamt of: that there is a way of thinking ‘outside the box’ that allows us to once and for all dispel and move on from the ways of thinking that we cannot think outside of. derrida then disputed him by arguing that there is no outside context. derrida is right— regardless, i remain optimistic: perhaps this cosmopolitan neotenous emergence is a culture in itself, but it is as divergent from what came before as christianity is to judaism, and islam to both christianity and judaism. all it takes is courage, and once the leap of faith has been made, this state of affairs will be the most normal thing in the world. in light of this, the claim that anticlericalism is simply an outwash of christendom becomes obviously farcical and a clear double standard when one considers in juxtaposition their insistence that christianity is divergent from what came before, even though in both cases (christendom versus judaism, anticlericalism versus christendom) perhaps some commonality in language exists and perhaps some people exist who have not managed to estrange themselves from the trappings of christian thought— not to mention the worldwide history of anticlericalism that is yet to be integrated which exists exactly because clericalism necessarily has the same structure and function across all religions. join me in this supercessionist bliss, reject the idea that chronology of thought implies that successors are one and the same as what they draw upon or co-opt, and help usher in the only future world worth conceiving of, resting easy and comfortable in the truthful rejection of the notion that any culture needs to cling to the notion of familial transmission to have any worth at all or that its existence as such is inevitable. the complete and utter nullification of familial logic will happen regardless of whether you want it or not anyway, because it is as artificial as the logic of nation and state and likewise unsustainable and on its death march— this is the one and final eschatology of this world which is not a threat, but a promise, since it will (and can) not be the result so much of repression but of religion collapsing under its own weight, and this much is only uncomfortable to those who are disciples to the family regardless of whether they admit it to themselves or not.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
*Sits down at desk*
*calmly files through books in front of a fireplace to classical music* *glances up at the camera* Oh, hello. *demurely pulls off glasses*
What makes a rights movement work? Is it the dialogue? The discourse? The trolling? 
Tonight, I thought I’d tell you a little story and let you decide.
...*just looks to Good Omens fandom* So we have... *flips through* An accepted canon queer pairing between two leads, with no rival ships. The singular author has been receptive to queer readings, as has both of the actors, even if one clarified he doesn’t “play it like that.” But by authorial support, vague as it was, it was canon. 
...*flips channel to season 10 supernatural fandom* So here we have an accusation of queerbait between two leads with a similar story, with several major rival ships. Of the multiple authors, several have been supportive, many silent, one actor said he plays it like that, the other clarified he doesn’t.  Antis, often rival-shippers, heckled. Cas was a villain, not a friend.
*Plays through til’ Season 12 - 3 seasons ago - “doesn’t exist”* *1997 popup spam*
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... *flips channel to season 13 supernatural fandom* So here we have antis having a panicked discussion about how Dabb could canonize Destiel without any sort of admission or physical engagement for it to be valid, while admitting at the actor that used to say he didn’t play it seems okay with it now, as well as it becoming an official marketing line, which they later denied. They mutually aired at Cas not even being cared for in public, while saying Dean cared more about him than Sam in their own lane. (x) (x) (x) (x) I mean, between them screaming at How Dare They Pander With The 13.05 Ending Being Romantically Shot. But everyone forgot that I guess.
*flips to season 14* Let’s see, genderswap, identical but truncated couple, same landmarks... no rivals... *checks box* cool, everyone sees canon.
...*flips to season 15 fandom* *gestures at the everything, including the storytelling style they described that could be used to be amply canon by time flashbacks and Cas’ death* 
*looks at parts of shipping fandom trying to argue with season 10 anti fandom takes, but simultaneously repeating them*
*looks at season 13 anti fandom*
*files through recently sanitized anti walls that went on their third rage tear about the show being pandered by being romantic, since the current showrunner turn over* *clicks channel* “Destiel is real” - Jensen *menu flip* “Sam has better taste/Dean has no taste--” *clicks next* “domestic dispute--” --Jensen after filming 15.09 *clicks* “Our characters would be fucking [on another network]” --Misha after 15.09 *clicks to major media channel* “Breakup” - TVG *flips through other multiple TVG Destiel ads over to Variety* Relationship-- *flips across to soap opera reporters* 15.03 Dark point in the romance-- *flips to extrafanon, nonprofessional hubs* Hm, apologies for viewing it with a heteronormative lens until now from nonshippers that usually don’t cover the show, while fandom hangs itself on its own hubs in precarious silence or refusal to address the most challenging material. Alright.
*flips to modern marketing* Hm, DeanCas commercials *clicks* Oh right, that official Join The Hunt Destiel shirt that was printed and tagged and receipted like that, that they tried to tantrum offline *clicks* OH right that OTHER Destiel canon pride shirt that Stands just HAPPENED to make this year.
*turns off television* *blinks* *rubs brows*
*tents fingers*
So at some very bizarre point, things have seemed to switch around here.
At one point, Destiel fandom was avid that the romance mattered more than the physicality, even for canonicity. They, themselves, pointed out how homophobic and double-standard it was to demand a kiss when not all hetero couples need them to be valid. But admittedly, back then, the subtext pool was shallow. A veneer placed by a few key authors.
And yet today, while antis scream in waves, their own predictions and fears of how Dabb would handle Destiel coming true, their own “kiss or it doesn’t count” logic (presented only to positive fandom, of course, with the above links of their conversations among themselves where they knew that didn’t matter) seems to have transmitted like a disease rused in representation battles but in the name of arguing with them, of validating them, of giving them any sort of relevance in a show that overtly mocks them and while they riot and fit and convulse and delete and recant opinions, spewing things they don’t even believe anymore (above links.)
it's LITERALLY the same tactics as in Trump politics, where they just flood bullshit they don't even believe to keep people elevating them having any relevance at all in the conversation and distracting them from the actual core conversation/content. Disseminating misinformation and confusion to the conversation. Hell, going so far as to spend months building fake blogs to integrate to the culture and later spread bullshit (which was its own comedy act in the end)
Also the same tactic TAW used to try to inflate completely made up bullshit bad PR about Mish by getting well meaning fans of his floating the conversation by defending him and keeping it in the public eye. ITS THE SAME SHIT.
And yet here we are, with this fandom’s version of alt right dialogue having infected its respective progressive left, with tinhats instead of redhats vaguely yelling about Dabbama and spewing pointless self-defeating nonsense, but at some point -- somehow these fandom MSGAhats managed to successfully implant their ideology in the fandom and convince supporters of Team GreenBlue their active deletion of the content that these antis, themselves, once qualified as terrible potential canons, that are now very real -- that the deletion of this is what makes progressive dialogue.
Their nature is contrarian. Contrarian to TPTB Contrarian to canon Contrarian to other fans Contrarian to themselves
TPTB are already ignoring them. Oh my bad, BLOCKING. Some have gone past muting into BLOCKING them. Canon doesn't care
If fans would stop humoring all fuckin 50 of them they'd only have themselves to be contrarian with.
Humoring them also includes internalizing their hilarious dialogues as anything worth two fucking pennies much less anything to contend with or prove or meet their clown bars of
Oh and while I'm thinking about it: As recently as S13, antis were still trying to pretend it was a reasonable opinion that "Cas isn't family, or friend, Dean doesn't care about him at all, much less Sam" In a year and a half they slid to "THEY'RE ONLY BEST FRIENDS NOT LOVERS!"
Seriously. Now take the absurdism of the S13 scenario Turn your scope into the current scenario Realize how every big publication has been addressing this shit And here we are! The new absurdism is, deadass, denying it. And convincing other fans that they somehow need to prove the flagrantly obvious, just like season 13~ with Cas' importance to the family. Just like any other intentionally daft way they suck up air and kilobits while frothing more than a rabid dog.
It's this weird mewling whimper, already settling down all of their values but desperately, hoping in this giant publicly visible homo tornado that the media itself is commenting on, that somehow, they can convince the GA who can't hear them anyway that it ain't gay. But somehow having convinced the rest of the fandom, now, that a stupid ridiculous-ass viewpoint this fandom used to know better than needing or demanding (rather than wanting or desiring, or encouraging) is needed to "prove" something to a GA that... *turns TV back on and files through the channels* ...Thheyyyyyyyyyy seem to be getting it better than shipping fandom right now, actually.
Stop internalizing horse shit and letting it redirect your activism like a damn political bot.
Unless, I don’t know-- unless you decided, with all of this -- since I did say you could decide -- that this remaining absurdity in the fandom is actually any kind of activism rather than trained demolition of your own content.
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Grand as their self-contradictory public facade is, what I wouldn’t pay to be a fly on their GC walls to see their nega-clowning panic right now.
You know that goddamn meme republicans pass around where they or Trump just need to say the dumbest shit possible to make “stupid libs” chase the cat laser? THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT THIS FANDOM HAS LET THESE FUCKING IDIOTS DO TO THEM FOR YEARS TO THE POINT Y’ALL HAVE STARTED ARGUING THE OPPOSITE OF WHERE YOU STARTED.
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x0401x · 5 years
Hey miss wonderful taste in everything, can you recommend us some of your favorite KyoAni productions?
Sure! I love doing recs and I’m literally taking any sort of positive content related to KyoAni lately because we truly need it at the moment. Long post alert, though. Here goes my top 10:
1. Hyouka
This one will probably be my first choice forever. It’s KyoAni’s most brilliant work so far and easily one of the best animes I’ve ever watched, hands down. It’s also their finest novel-to-anime adaptation in my opinion, and one of the very few animation series that actually turned out better than their source material.
The books are extremely interesting, but they’re also bland. The alterations made to the anime added visual value to it in order to make it more alluring and appealing, turning ordinary situations into rather unique and thought-provoking settings, while managing to never deviate from its novel counterpart. The changes on the characters’ designs were also a very good choice in my opinion, as they fit more into the character archetypes and the impressions they give off.
This one is honestly an example for the whole anime industry and a timeless gem. I’m pretty certain that it was one of the studio’s turning points in terms of animation style. Surely will become a classic in the future.
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2. Koe no Katachi
KyoAni’s most well-done movie, as far as I can tell. I’m specially fond of the symbolism of every scene and the effort put on the scenery, which gave an effect of depth to the frames. The studio managed to portray the mangaka’s art style while staying true to its own trademark traits as well.
Animation quality and sound design aside, it’s also loyal enough to the manga. There were cuts in order to fit the story into the time limit, but KyoAni made up for the gaps with later released specials. The movie is also considerably less dramatic than the original, yet I’m certain that the alterations in that regard were made so that the transition between the phases of the story wouldn’t feel rushed. Albeit in a much more uplifting way, it nevertheless managed to transmit the characters’ essence and emotions.
What caught my attention the most in this movie was the soundtrack, though. There was a lot of care in its production, and it was clearly made to be gentle and almost imperceptible, with glitch-like repetitions here and there, as if it means to put the viewers in the shoes of the deaf heroine. It certainly did its job well.
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3. Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu!
First anime from KyoAni I’ve ever watched, aside from the Inuyasha movies. Easily one of their funniest series, if not the actual funniest. It has a very special place in my heart. I dropped Amagi Brilliant Park on the first episode, but I’d cry internally every time I saw Bonta-kun in it. The nostalgia is strong, kids.
It’s got excellent animation for the year it was made, and I dare say it’s more decently animated than many current animes. The pacing is dynamic and the jokes vary from over-the-top to smart and witty in a smooth way. I also give this one kudos for not relying nearly as much on fanservice as more recent titles.
For the people who didn’t watch the first Full Metal Panic, I suggest doing so before trying this one out. Anyone who enjoys the two should also watch the second season, Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid, which comes right after Fumoffu and was also animated by KyoAni.
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4. Clannad
This one I deem as the best out of KyoAni’s most notorious classics. I also recommend the other titles related to this one, such as Clannad: Another Story.
Much like Hyouka, it’s a masterpiece in every aspect. It has a very non-cliché and unconveninent plot that deals with delicate themes in a sensible way and tears your heart apart at the same time. Frankly exemplary to the drama genre and exceptional as a visual novel adaptation.
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5. Free!
The franchise became lackluster after the first director left, but the first two seasons were fun enough in their own right. Unlike most novel-to-anime adaptations, Free! started with original content through creating a future for the main story, which was turned into the not-so-distant past in the anime. This is unusual enough, but it worked out well as the anime maintained itself as loyal as possible to the first book and never went off the rails with the plot. The main characters’ personalities did suffer many alterations, yet it’s obvious that they meant to make the two more charismatic and likeable. As far as fan responses went, it worked.
I find very interesting that the creators were aware the story took itself too seriously at times, and they made this clear by compensating the heavy melancholy with heavy comedy. They also compensated the overdramatic atmosphere of the first season by picking up the pace and getting a little more serious in the second season. Everything was intentional and designed to be a hit amongst women, which I think had served the purpose until the first movie came out.
To be honest, I’m not fond of the exaggerated fanservice, but it gets easy to ignore it after a while if you only pay attention to the storyline. I don’t consider myself a fan of Free!, and I actually took very long to start liking it. I only did get into it at the last scene of episode 8, back when the first season was still airing. It was only by this time that I could see the true value of the series, so I recommend anyone who tries it out to go at least that far with it. I know it might be a lot of work, but in my honest opinion, it’s worth the trouble.
I deem the High Speed! novel awe-inspiring because of its nostalgic tone and the awfully realistic depiction of childhood crises. The most serious situations of it are a little out of reality, but the rest is absurdly relatable in levels that I myself don’t know how to put into words. Yet I also appreciate Free! for its strong tone of encouragement. It feels like the creators are trying to cheer up the viewers.
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6. Kyoukai no Kanata
It starts becoming a mess from episode 4 onward, yet the beginning was quite promising. This one relies heavily on fanservice, often makes use of nonsensical tropes for the sake of comedy and sometimes goes overboard with the jokes. However, it doesn’t fail to deliver emotional value and the action is pretty neat. Anyone who hasn’t read the novel will definitely be able to enjoy it as a standalone.
I don’t think I need to mention it, but the animation is stellar. I in particular love the blurry movement effects of when the characters draw their weapons and the geometrical spectrums in the colorful power barriers. I also recommend the OVA, as well as the second movie I’ll be Here, although the latter is 100% original content. It was actually cute and fun to watch. The first movie is merely one huge recap.
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7. Hibike! Euphonium
Truly dazzling take on slice-of-life. It’s healing and heartrending at the same time. The way that characters are portrayed allows the viewers to feel their passion and dedication without it occasionally feeling unrealistic. Everyone has their own problems, but none of them are taken out of proportion. Miscommunication happens, just not in a frustrating shoujo manga way.
The soundtrack and scenery are breathtaking, yet the forte of the animation in this one was the huge amount of detail put into the eyes and hair. Everyone’s hairdos are remarkably glossy without ever looking weird, and I especially like how their eyes all glinter in different colors.
The author published another volume of the novel after the anime, saying it had inspired her to write more, and it’s no wonder. I also recommend season two and the OVA. The first two movies are just recaps and the third was to me a disappointment, so I leave those to people’s own discretion.
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8. Tamako Market
Rather odd but nice story. It blends iyashikei elements with a peculiar plot and actually manages to do that in a cute way. All of the characters are likeable and the visuals do a good job in transmitting what they have to transmit in a very relaxing manner.
This show caught me off-guard by how unproblematic it was. It has trans, gay and dark-skinned characters, but none of them is ever used for fanservice or jokes and their respective circumstances are portrayed as 100% normal, which is sadly still rare in anime even nowadays. The romance is pretty not-dramatic and filled to the brim with fluff, and I very much like that the main guy treats his female love rival as a serious threat.
I recommend the specials and the movie as well. Especially the movie, which is basically the same as direct sugar injestion and gave me diabetes.
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9. Munto
Also has a special place in my heart. Cheesy but good, actually. I’d be lying if I said there aren’t some surprises in it, though, but I’ll refrain from giving too much info on the story itself.
It was firstly an OVA, but then got adapted into three movies. The animation was done finely enough, but there’s a drastic change in style from the first to the second half, though I myself didn’t really mind it. The characters are all well-stablished and the plot is consistent. There’s a present quality of feminist shades in it and the relationships are very endearing.
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10. Nichijou
Not really one of my favorites but certainly one that I recommend for people who are in need of a laugh. It’s got some pretty creative and iconic humor. Its imaginative retakes on routinely affairs manage to transform the most trivial real-life situations into Oscar-worthy wit. It also gets nonsensical every so often, but this fits within the show’s own narrative.
It has a very unique animation that sometimes mixes different styles of art, which only makes every scene a hundred times funnier for being so soft and adorable. It varies from hyperrealistic to surrealistic at the speed of light and sometimes even becomes abstract as hell. It’s full of notes on Japanese culture, not only about daily life but also about media, which adds up to the fun.
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