#but i could not go home with ze kitty
cryingatships · 1 year
Kiseki: Dear to Me ep 1 aka we have several kitties in our hands
Ok let's start~
Ai di? Eddie? Which one are we gonna follow? I'm not immune to pretty faces, I'm gonna protect him with my life now. Also are they a couple? Sorta ship it oeo
Okee guess not. Hmmm Picking up someone out of the blue, and Ai di scratching his back like that, very cat-like of him. A meow =w=
Why is Mr. I'm-The-Only-One-Not-Wearing-Black just standing there like a statue? Where's your concern for a friend. Oh, they're supposed to be old acquaintances as per mdl? That explains it the smile.
What's that red thing on the photo? Lemme guess, blood? It is a mafia (can we call this mafia?) setting.
Zhong Yi is a brave, brave person for not screaming when he saw a bloody hand on the road all of a sudden. Kudos to him. Could never be me :')
Oh oh oh (nooooo) they're using the same remedies. Does ql drama world not have not other, more effective medicines for woundtending? That looks like a gash too deep for home treatment, if you ask me. But ig he'll be saved by ql logic ahaha (I love ql logic. Why can't we have ql logic irl huh)
For once there is no (not felt by me atleast) homoerotic subtext in woundtending. Shocking.
(Anyone know what are the names of the books? Ig they're all books related to studying medicine and such, but I'd still like to know)
Ze Rui, my boy, blackmailing is not how you woo the love of your life. But it's effective here, so owo
Ze Rui is dramatic af. A bread isn't gonna break your ribs, chile. He reminds me of our cats throwing a concert of shame whenever mealtime is late by like half a second.
Zhong Yi keeping tabs. Finally a character who makes (tries to make) financially sound descisions. Like love ain't gonna fill your stomach (not with your sugar kitty mooching off you u.u)
Ze Rui, my boy, you're sus af. I'd have taken away any valuables before leaving you in my home, too. Scamming alert u.u
"It's your karma then." 👏👏👏👏👏
My meow meow is back. He's got some claws. And He looks great in pink! And he has a (potential) boyfie too, good for him!
Knowing your hookup form the night before didn't go home with you for your rizz but for your decade old rice cooker.... that must hurt.
OH? Is Xong Yi snapping finally?
Nvm false alarm. the intimacy tho. Which other surfaces do you wanna shove him against, Ze Rui? BUt threatening is bad flirting technique smh
I don't wanna say it but - poor husband working his ass off to earn money and feed his other, lazy ass of a husband. Also Zong Yi looks so meow meow here? He looked Tired, I feel bad for him :\ Ze Rui take care of your man sometimes, too! Don't make him be the only caregiver in the relationship, it won't work out
Ze Rui is so Kitty Coded that they had to add cat noises jajaja
Oh so Ze Rui does have some brains. His friends (?) did call him the brains of the group hmmm. But ZR lookis so smug, is it cause he made a fool of ZY or cause he has ZY on his (technically ZY's) bed
Ok we need a list of Bread in qls. Bread as a metaphor, bread love (also hate) language yeye
Oh tragic pasts time.... How expectations can go both ways, huh? Too much too little, atleast it seems like ZY still has a good family? (I'm jinxing it-). Seeing that this is Taiwanese drama, and after reading a lot of danmeis, I wonder if ZR is an illegitimate child? As they call it in the danmeis, a 'mistress's' child?
Ok ok I have a theory - Ai di is an ornage kitty (the kind who're always too excited and wants your attention 24/7 or they'll wreck havoc on your room), Ze Rui is a fancy long haired high maintenance kitty (a calico?? Let's not look at the sciences of this), Zong Yi is a black-white kitty, not totally a void but def wiggly and also got the coldness of a white kitty.
Putting clothes on your (future) lover, a beloved if new trope :3 (ye i'm looking at loa)
I want a piece of that cake too, so hungry ueueue
ZR is three cats in pyjamas confirmed. Cats never ever finish their meals cause they too 'eat in small portions'. smh
They're not using the there was only one bed trope?
OH OH THAT LOOK WHEN ZY starts eating. I see you I see you. I feel food was very important in today's episode like, it's used as a method for establishing who's controlling the situation, then it's used a bridge for communication and negotiation, and it's used to show economic differences (like ZR can bother wasting food and eats in small amounts, definitely not smt a person coming form a less privieged section of the society can do)and finally this look. I'm not gonna analyse this cause ye- but.... food.... maybe I'm just too hungry XD
This Zhang Teng would right in a drama of supernatural genre
I like the ending ost u.u
OK there was some INteresting power dynamic. A injured gang member who probably kills at sight and is rich, is now under the care of a impoverished, seemingly harmless (when are doctors, potential ones included, ever harmless) student with barely any way to defend himself from violence. But Zong Yi may refuse to treat him. Then we have the knife. Doctors are gain power from their skill, but is it enough to counter a the power of a criminal gang? And the gang member depends on the (aspiring) doctor for his life, while the doctor's life depends on the gang member's life. Ze Rui constantly uses words like "brat", "kiddo" etc to further demonstrate the power dynamic at play (cause in Asia seniority = social power and respect), but Zong Yi hardly ever argues about the use of these words. Like, he isn't even trying to establish that he too, has some power over the situation. Is he truly so accepting of others' holding power over him or is he just unbothered cause he treats Ze Rui's words as completely irrelevant to his life? Hmmmm. Who exactly has the upper hand rn? I'd say it's Zong Yi rn, but then again Ze Rui can successfully overturn anything Zong Yi does (like the locked door) and force Zong Yo to do his bidding soo...fd
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usegravyasaweapon · 2 years
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alonelytinywriter · 4 years
Oh Hush You
touya-is-dabi said to alonelytinywriter:
Heyy if I send an ask for some Zeni x Dabi thirst is that allowed? Take it as far as you see fit. The thirstier the better . . . I need some Jealous dabi in my life. So maybe make shigiraki flirt with Zeni or something?
I got chu doll! I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it. Lots of love <3 <3
Warnings: There be soft smut here, Dabi being a soft guy, even if he is kinda a twat for a itty bitty, bitty bit . . . and then Dabi being a not so soft guy if you get the idea! Cursing, Jealousy, soft! Dabi . . . Enjoy!
Dabi / Zeni Devi ~ Lovely baby of @touya-is-dabi​
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Playlist - Love Songs, Drug Songs - X Ambassadors
Name: Zeni Devi ~ Birthday: December 6 ~ Age: 21 ~ Hair Color: White ~ Eye Color: Sea-foam Green ~ Gender: Female ~ Height: 5’4’’ ~ Quirk: Permafrost ~ Occupation: LOV Member
Zeni is five foot four, but everyone comments on the way she seems taller in the same way that ballerinas do, with a long neck and willowy limbs, although not many ballerina’s would have hundreds of freckles scattered across their body, nor piercings in places such as their tongue or belly button. She is slender with long legs and long bright white hair and deep azure roots - which grows blue naturally only a few inches away from her scalp - and large sea foam green eyes surrounded by thick lashes that curl and seem to brush against her cheeks when she blinks. If one were asked to describe her, they would say that she was bright and radiant, like her face was truly alive, despite the sour attitude she might show those around her. ~ She typically dresses in jeans and sweaters or coats, and always wears boots, in which she keeps small weapons hidden for when her quirk becomes to much to handle in battle. Due to the nature of her Quirk, Zeni commonly looks as if she is ready to take a trip into the snow - even during the middle of the summer - and her quirk causes the skin around her fingers, elbows, knees and ankles to constantly feel chapped. The band-aids she uses to cover the cracks and sores have steadily grown more and more ridiculous over the years and she currently goes out of her way to find the most brightly colored Hello Kitty band-aids whenever she can . . . if only to annoy Dabi, not that he needs to know that.
Quirk: Permafrost ~ Zeni’s Quirk allows her to replace her bodily fluids (spit, tears, sweat, etc.) with liquid nitrogen, allowing her to use it as both defence and weapon during attacks and missions with the LOV. The longer Zeni actively uses the power, the stronger the liquid nitrogen becomes. If Zeni over uses this Quirk, a layer of frostbite begins to seep across her skin and lungs, freezing any natural moister in its way, and due to the nature of the Quirk, her body is constantly freezing, and crying can become a horror for her as the liquid nitrogen will turn to dry ice and she’ll begin crying blood because dry ice blocks her tear glands. The only way Zeni is able to combat against the drawbacks of this Quirk is by warming up, though she finds it very hard to do so.
Power - 5/5 ~ Speed - 3/5 ~ Technique - 4/5 ~ Intelligence - 6/6 (S) ~ Cooperativeness - 1/5
Oh Hush You
~ “This isn’t right! You shouldn’t be winning! It isn’t fair! Isn’t fair! Isn’t fair!” Rolling her eyes, Zeni continued to skid her fingertips across the buttons to the controller of her Switch, even while Shigaraki tried to elbow her into messing up. “How are you winning?”
~ “I already told you that you should just do what I’m doing. It’s not like anyone actually knows how to use her yet. Everyone else is gonna be button mashing too.” Zeni laughed as she watched Shigariki’s character fly from the screen once again and snickered, racing after the dropped power-up.
~ “I am not mashing the buttons.”
~ The power up pushed Shiggy’s character from the platform once again and Zeni watched as the screen flashed GAME OVER again. “Well, then, you’re going to keep on loosing.”
~ “ . . . Shut . . . Up.”
~ And so it continued, and even though it was well past three in the morning, neither Zeni nor Shiggy were willing to set their game consoles down, and one game turned into five then thirty, and then they lost count and it became a challenge to see who would come out on top. Even though Zeni found Shigaraki annoying at the best of times, it was nice to relax and fight in a way that wouldn’t end in bloodshed but in laughter instead. And Dabi was away on a mission, so it wasn’t like she had anything better to do without him there. She knew it was getting late, but she wanted to wait for him to arrive, wanted to be there to greet him when he came through the doors. What she didn’t want to do was fall asleep with her head on Shigaraki’s lap. Specifically not long enough that she would still be in that position when Dabi came home.
~ That was the only explanation Zeni could come with with, eyes wide open as she stared around the empty room. Shiggy was still asleep up above her, his breath steady, completely unaffected by whatever it was that had woken Zeni from her sleep. Maybe it had been Twice, Zeni mused, as she forced Shigaraki awake and directed him to his bedroom so he wouldn’t bitch at anyone when they started coming into the room in the morning. Turning the television off, Zeni yawned and began to make her way to her room wondering if Dabi had made it to the base yet.
~ The question was answered for her as she walked past the hallway leading to Dabi’s door and she could hear him cursing and tossing things in his room. It seemed strange, that Dabi hadn’t woke her when he arrive home, that he hadn’t let her know how the mission had gone. And why was he locked in his room, clearly breaking one thing after another? He doesn’t even pause the first time she knocks, or the second or third. It’s not until she literally slams her hands against the door, rattling it in its frame, that Dabi’s rant inside the room seems to calm.
~ Red light filtered into the hallway when Dabi throws the door open, and his glowering stare is nearly enough to make Zeni shrink back. “What’s your problem? Why didn’t you tell me you where back?” Dabi continued to stare down at her for a moment before scoffing. “Why don’t you just go on, huh?”
~ . . . “What did you just say to me?” Zeni has never had problems laying hands on people to get her way, and when her hands land on his chest the steam the rises nearly creates a cloud that neither can see through. “What is your fucking problem Dabi?” “Not a fucking thing!” Rubbing her eyes, Zeni laughed. “Yeah, try again. You’re acting like a jerk. What did the mission not go well? Did you not get to show off or something?”
~ “Why don’t you just go to sleep, Ze.” “Because I’m not tired.” Breathing heavily, the two stare at each other for a long moment. His room wasn’t trashed, Zeni realized once she looked away. Sure, there was a broken lamp against the far wall, and she was pretty sure she could smell smoke, which meant something had been on fire at some point. “Fine, you’re not tired? Then why don’t you go talk to Shigaraki, since you’re such good friends?” He doesn’t even finish his sentence before he throws himself down onto his bed, mumbling into the pillows about how he was tired, so if she didn’t mind, he was going to be going to bed.
~ Zeni couldn’t believe it. How dare he? What an ass! Huffing, she slammed her way from the room. Who did he think he was, talking to her like that? He never talked like that before so why would he . . .
~ The door was still open and she was able to slip in soundlessly, the thick socks on her feet covering any sound of her footsteps when she moved to stand next to his bed, but Dabi does startle when she throws herself onto the bed. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Her lips were on his neck when she answered, but the words were soft and Dabi nearly didn’t hear her as she threw the question back at him instead of properly answering. He wasn’t happy about it, and he tried to show her by shoving her from the bed, away from him, but she straddles his waist and frowns down at him while her hair creates an snowy curtain around them.
~ “I figured it out, you know. What woke me up earlier. It was you, wasn’t it? You didn’t get jealous because I was asleep with Shiggy, did you?” His Quirk flaring to life at his fingertips was answer enough and Zeni laughed, quickly putting out the flames with her own Quirk. “You’re joking right? You’re jealous of crusty, musty Shiggy?” He denies it of course but Zeni can’t help herself - “You are so! You’re so jealous I can see your eyes turning green!”
~ Growling, Dabi flips them over and straddles her the same way she was him just a instant before, his voice gravel as he tells her over and over that she is his, and no one else could have her. To Zeni, it shouldn’t have even been a question, but to Dabi it seemed a mantra he needed to repeat again and again, even as they rolled and fought to be on top, lips and teeth marking necks and exposed collar bones, flames and frost flashing to counter one or the other. “You were jealous.” Zeni scoffed lightly, her breathing coming in short panting gasps as Dabi’s teeth continued to scrap across her skin. “You were mad that I was asleep with Shiggy -”
~ “You belong to me.” Dabi snarled. “Maybe if you weren’t getting so chummy with Shigaraki, this wouldn’t be a problem. I wouldn’t have gotten so fucking -” Zeni cuts him off with her lips, her fingers threaded through his hair as steam rises from their mouths, the heat so intense, Zeni wondered if kissing the sun would feel similar. Her shirt was gone between one breath and the next, and so was Dabi’s. Their hands were not soft as they felt each other, their teeth sharp against the others skin. “You know I only want you.”
~ Steam fogged the windows and mirror above the dresser, and their clothes were scattered around the room when Dabi finally entered Zeni in one sharp thrust, groaning her name like a payer. He’s not gentle by any means, and deep down Zeni knew that he wouldn’t be when she walked back into the room and instigated this. Moaning into his mouth, she felt her hips begin to rock against his, her fingers threading through his hair. The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filled the air, bleeding into the steam throughout the room with the sweet scent of burnt sugar and caramel. “You’re mine, you know that. Mine and only mine, Ze.”
~ “I know. I know. I know.” Zeni threw her head back, nails scrambling for purchase against Dabi’s back, as she felt the coil within her tighten. Dabi’s growls softened to a hum when he moves to palm a handful of her ass, his hips jerking when she pulses around him in response. “Dabi, Dabi - please, Dabi -” Dabi groans, whispering quite words of nonsense into her ear as he finds his thrusts growing shorter, filled with purpose as he chased their high together. Zeni looked as if she were a goddess in the darkness of his room, and her tits, heavy and perfectly sized for her body, bounced with each rantic thrust.“Dabi, Dabi, Dabi -”
~ “Mine.” Dabi growled as he felt her fluttering around him, her back arching from the bed as he was thrown over the edge as well, his nails carving into the slope of her spine as he forced her closer. “You’re mine.”
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Think of a movie and now give me that movie title: random Elvira: Mistress of the Dark 
Quote a line from that movie:
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Name a song: random MARUV & Boosin — I Want You 
What’s a line from that song? Baby turn me, turn me on All night long What’s the last word spelled backwords of that line? GNOL XD Whats the relationship between you and the last person you texted? my fiancee What would your name be if you replaced T’s with S’s & A’s with E’s? Zuzenne Would you ever legally change you name to that? nah Your boyfriend/girlfriend say they can’t hang out & it’s been two weeks. You? ok How often do you think about death? all the time Where were you when you had your first sleepover? Your house or a friends’? friend’s - P.W.
Are you hungry?: thirsty
What did you buy last time you went to the store?: food? bread not food? trinkets - for example - two books and a tiny stuffed dog
Do you think stained glass windows are pretty?: I don’t know tbh
Are you a chocoholic?: not at all
Have you ever been carded when buying something? : not even when I was buying cigarettes
Do you have a favorite highlighter color?: yellow
Do you have a flashlight?: I do
Do you like watermelon?: nah
Has anyone ever walked in on you while you were on the toilet?: obvi, many times but usually just family members
Do you like a lot of ice in your drinks?: noooo
Have you ever painted a room?: bathroom Have you ever petted a donkey? from what I remember
Out of all 24 hours, which one is your favourite? hmm... Have you ever been in a lighthouse? nope
What time are you planning on going to bed tonight? no idea Have you ever been bit by an animal? yeah Did it rain today? kinda What was the name of the last dog you pet? it was my dog - Łasuch Do you find that you have a certain meal you eat every time you go to certain restaurants? sure Are you constantly judging people? could say so Have you ever had anything stolen from you? sorta Which would you rather, a snowy day, sunny day, rainy day or cloudy day?: cloudy or sunny maybe rainy but definitely not snowy How long have you ever spent away from home? month? Has your luggage ever been lost at the airport? Did you get it back? - About how many times during the night do you wake up from your sleep? few Are there any air fresheners in your house? What kinds? no What scent of candle do you burn the most? we don’t For what reason did you last cry? ugh... What kind of surveys do you wish there were more of? deep
Last time you were attacked by an animal? this summer? Are you paranoid all the time or just during the night? more often during the day actually  Have you ever dated someone without knowing their name? last name, not first, I was a stupid kid and was dating a guy online once and several boys at camp just to show off somebody likes me that way even tho I wasn’t really interested nor knew anything about those matters
If you go to an all-you-can-eat buffet, how much do you really eat? a tiny bit If you need to ask a question in class do you raise your hand? of course How many times have you been engaged (if any at all)? once, currently Do you have to see something to really believe it? jak niewierny Tomasz - często Have you ever gotten so dehydrated that you passed out? I’m surprised that I didn’t :x If your friend was being cheated on, would you tell them? absolutely Do you always assume the worst? that me indeed Are you sick and tired of life? sadly Have you ever been busted for under age drinking? I wasn’t drinking underage, I still don’t drink  Do you have a picture of you and your lover kissing? 1 and a tik tok Have you witnessed a fight at school? bunch
What is your favorite time of day to run? when I’m late for the bus lmfao
When was the last time you talked to your mom? recently Do your parents crush your dreams? sometimes Did you sleep in today? I didn’t Do you hate sleeping in? I love sleeping in  How late do you consider too late to sleep in? noon, 11am is already late  How long have you had a smartphone? less than 5 years Do you keep lists of names that you like? even tho I don’t want kids :P Have you ever butt-dialed someone? it happened
First letter of the names of everyone you have kissed, like *that*; M.
Do you like going to school sports games? eww, boring Have you ever worn your boyfriend’s clothes? guy from camp gave me his cap for a day Have you ever stolen your sibling’s clothes? I had to wear them when she was growing up, gross Have you ever loved someone and HATED it? later? Do you like Starbucks or would you rather just have water or something? just water lol Have you ever walked into a door before? po maturze zapomniałam, że woźny zamknął drzwi, które się same otwierały i walnęłam w nie, raz przytrzepałam sie w futrynę bo za szybko skręciłam w nocy do pokoju, mama uderzyła mnie drzwiami jak byłam mała i stałam za blisko wejścia dzwoniąc do domu więc spadłam ze schodów, a ojciec stuknął mnie tymi dworcowymi przy wiadukcie i wylałam na siebie sok - to chyba wszystkie przypadki Do you know anyone who’s like, psycho-religious? fanatic? my uncle is one of those Have you ever been stuck on a ski lift? luckily never been there to begin with Do you know who Nancy Sinatra is? ain’t this the gal who sings “those boots were made for walking” or smth like that? Have you ever bought anything from an airport? I wasn’t there so... If I asked you who you were gonna marry a year ago, you would say; omg Do you snore, talk, sleepwalk, or drool? drool at times, sorry also roll/kick around and fart ^^” When you woke up this morning, what was your first thought? I was wondering why Nat fronted If you could start completely over knowing what you do now, would you? possibly
If you drink coffee, do you have a favorite flavor & brand? If so, what? not applicable Have you ever personally known a pair of Conjoined twins? woah What is your first thought when you see people kissing in public? "get a room” Would you ever consider being a professional stunt-person? I have no abilities/skills/health etc for that kind of job and it’s really sad actors get prizes for stunt-ppl’s work
How about a Mailman? my father was and that ruined his body so I doubt it (Besides Hello kitty) Do you have a favorite Sanrio character? If so, Who? Hello Kitty is evil Do you flinch when strangers touch you? don’t touch me! Can you remember the first time you went to a movie theater? I believe Is there something in particular you like to look at photos of? What is it? I have strange interests... Do you actually like the taste of Diet Soda? didn’t try and don’t plan to What brand of toliet paper do you normally use? I don’t give a shit ;) Do the Charmin bears make you feel uncomfortable? xD fact that they’re red makes me uneasy On average, how many cans of soda would you say you drink daily? zero Did/do you ever stick your chewed -up gum under tables? I spat it on grass when I was younger and had stuck it in my hair years before as well but every other gum I trashed properly Can you remember the last thing you watched on the news that upset you? that’s why I avoid news How do you feel about red lipstick, is it whorish? it’s my fav but I no longer use makeup What is your definition of feminism? fighting for equal rights between women and men like pay in workplaces Are you comfortable in shorts? am not So, have you watched that Bob’s Burgers show? Do you like it? fragments 
Do you ever get the feeling you dont belong? always Do you believe actions speak louder than words? good actors will use both ways to lie
If your friend tried to commit suicide infront of you how would you react? how, why, who, when etc. Ever had a rumour spread about you? plenty Have you ever tried to impress someone before? majority of my life and I hate myself for that If someone jumped on your back what would you do? die? If you had a child and they turned out just like you would you be happy? poor kid... If you could choose the gender of your child what gender would you choose? not that I want kids but girl
Name three people you want to meet in Heaven. from those who died or are alive rn?
What could be the theme song of your life? I was taking a quiz today and they gave me Kero Kero Bonito - I'd Rather Sleep
Do you have any embarrassing health issues? :( Who do you wish you could talk to? grandma and/or brother Do you lose or misplace things a lot? very rarely lose, misplace more often but still usually same item like my scissors What was the name of the street you grew up on (if you don’t live there now) I live here! Does it still feel like summer where you live? it’s too cold for that Do you have a Paypal account? I wish Have you ever had a brand or company reach out to you on Instagram? polyvore What is the last thing you purchased from Etsy? I have no bank account to be able to buy stuff there Do you sell on Etsy? I’d like to someday Do you have a favorite aunt, and if so, who is it? aunt Alice Who is your favorite cousin? no one Have you bought next year’s calendar yet? yup What year did/will you turn 30? 2022 What’s a food that you like, but it makes you feel sick? no comment Do you like the name Addison? sounds like a shoe Is there anything that you regret getting rid of? ... Have you ever stood up to a bully? couple of times Do you own striped tights? nude and transparent Have you ever made your own Halloween costume out of clothes from ur closet? yep When was the last time you received a hug? this day Do you have anyone who hugs you regularly? dad? Would you rather have the bottom bunk or top bunk? bottom Window seat or aisle seat? window, aisle if in church  Have you ever thrown up on an airplane? that’s one of the reasons I won’t fly Have you ever seen anyone else throw up on an airplane? that’s another... Have you ever gotten sick in the car? almost Do you still wear clothes from the children’s section? whoops you got me What color is your watch? I need to buy watch for Nat... What color was the last pair of flip-flops you wore? last time I was wearing flip flops was before middle school and they were pink I suppose Were you born in your favorite season? in the worst! Have you eaten oatmeal lately? regularly... Do you enjoy editing photos? if not a snapchat filter selfie then I prefer them “natural” What is your favorite app on your phone? Choices forever! lately I begun playing The arcana and it’s pretty good, Lisa downloaded Addams family mystery mansion or smth but it’s not that cool and I used to play the detective story which was awesome <3  Do you answer your phone every time it rings? hell no Do you like to decoupage things? scrapbooks/collages are way better How many tabs are open on your browser right now? 9 with this one but I forgot to close the background music 
How many times have you had sex within the past two years? Guesstimate? personal How many times in a month do you go to the movies? How much do you spend? not at all
When was the last time you heard thunder? Where were you at anyway? this month? home When was the last time you were in trouble with your parents? If so. it’s complicated Do you know anyone who claims to have the ability to see the future? I have dreams that come true and my parents do, also my gf When you go to the movies, do you actually watch the movies or not? ... what else would I do in the cinema? oh, you mean kiss and such? waste of money Do you love or loathe the Eurovision? I don’t mind it Have you ever wielded a sword? wanna try :D If you were famous would you want a statue or a building names after you? what for Can you erect a tent? hope I didn’t forgot How tall is the tallest person you know? didn’t ask Have you ever ridden a camel? might try What’s your opinion on rats? cute
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solaneceae · 5 years
thats right bitches, today is Robbie’s bday, sorry what, "anti", hmmmm never heard of that bitch-
pardon? yes Karen i know it isnt the 15th in the US yet sHUT UP LET ME BE A EUROPEAN STAN IN PEACE-
aaanyway, i wrote a thing for my moonlight son, it was made in a rush to post it today, typed on my phone cuz im on a road trip with no computer UwU
anyway here goes, this is for you all robbie stans @lilakennedy @tabbynerdicat @theshysepticeye @spunketpunk (ask me if you wanna be tagged too!)
He was warm. He was safe. Content.
Robbie’s simple, sleep-hazed mind held on to those feelings as he stirred; the zombie let out a content sigh and nuzzled the thick, hand-knitted blanket -a gift from Ant- he was wrapped in.
So...warm… soft…
Part of him just wanted to go back to sleep, but something was pushing him towards wakefulness. it was a strange sensation, like… urgency? But not bad? Like something important was happening and he needed to be there for it.
The purple-haired creature groaned, milky white eyes fluttering open; that was fine, he had a good nap and wanted to go play with Marv anyway.
He stretched out his slightly numb limbs and let out a high-pitched yawn, before detangling himself from his blanked and standing off the living room couch. The house wasn’t big by any means, but it was cosy and always seemed to accommodate each new ego -and occasionally Seán whenever he came by for a visit- back when their weird little family was still growing.
When Jay had asked about that strange phenomenon, Marv had shrugged and muttered something about the pocket dimension they were living in, and magic. In short, no one knew how it worked, and no one really cared, least of all Robbie.
As long as he and his brothers were safe, he didn’t care much about anything else, really.
The zombie perked up; Jackie had appeared in the hallway, smiling and walking towards him. The young ego greeted the red-clad hero with a happy grunt-chirp-purr and shuffled over to him, pulling the older ego into a hug.
“Hey buddy,” Jackie chuckled, squeezing the taller man back; it was in moments like these he really didn’t mind being the smallest of Seán’s egos. Despite Robbie being a foot taller, his hunched over posture usually brought them to the same level, and the zombie’s natural gentleness made him an excellent hugger. “Ya had a good nap?” The purple-haired creature let go and nodded. “Mh. Wan play… Marv…”
Jackie smiled even wider, ruffling the other’s hair. “Sure thing bud! He’s been working on new tricks, ya gonna love them. But there’s somethin’ we need to do first.”
The undead ego tilted his head in curiosity. Something? What thing?
“Do ya know which day it is today?” the hero asked. He was lightly bouncing on his heels, seemingly excited about something. Robbie pursed his lips, then shrugged; he wasn’t good at keeping track of days.
“Well it’s a very special day,” the smaller man explained solemnly. “So we all need to go to the kitchen to celebrate it, okay?”
Jackie gently grasped Robbie’s right hand and lead him through their cosy little house, the zombie obediently following along. He wondered what was so important about today, and if it had something to do with the bubbly, squirmy feeling that had settled in his gut since this morning.
“’kay guys,” Jackie called out as they finally entered the kitchen, “I got him!”
Robbie’s eyes widened; all his brothers were here, which was a rare event in itself: Chase, with his sunny smile and kind eyes; Sheep, a stiff but steadying presence in his life; Jay, waving at him enthusiastically; Ant, the elusive but fiercely protective glitch.
But that wasn’t even the best part.
“GUS!” the zombie squealed in delight, letting go of Jackie’s hand to throw himself in Angus’ awaiting arms. The tall adventurer laughed at the creature’s antics, returning his hug. “Hey lil’ guy! S’been a while.”
Robbie pouted and took a step back; his oldest sibling was always chasing sunken ships and buried treasures, and his visits had grown scarce. “Too… long! Be there more!”
“Yah, I know bud.” the aussie smiled apologetically. “S’been a busy year. But I’ll come back more often now.”
Angus chuckled, patting the purple hair tickling his chin. “Yup, swear it on my hat.”
“Oh shit, now we know it’s serious.” Marvin gasped in pretend shock from his seat on the kitchen table, “You never let us touch that old thing.”
“Will you please get off ze table?” Henrik sneered in response, glaring at the magician. “Zat is most unsanitary.”
The performer mulled it over for a few seconds, fiddling with his long, dark green braid, before turning to the doctor with a shit-eating grin. “No. No, I don’t think I will.”
“Vy you-”
“Will you two can it for a sec?” Anti growled, crossing his arms in annoyance. “This is important shit!”
“Language, Anti.”
“Inhale my-”
“Okay, that’s enough.” Chase rolled his eyes, putting his hand on Robbie’s shoulder. “He’s right though. This is about Robbie, and we should all focus on that.”
The zombie blinked, visibly confused. “About… me?”
The fatherly ego just winked at him before turning to Angus, excitement sparkling in his eyes. “Wanna do the honors dude?”
“You betcha!”
The survival hunter slowly reached inside one of the oversized pockets of his jacket, while Robbie followed his movements with great intrigue. The aussie’s hand came back holding something, something small and dark and… fuzzy-looking…
Then the thing produced a high-pitched, somewhat raspy meow as two bright yellow orbs appeared in front of it, and the undead ego gasped.
“I for one was not a fan of zat idea,” Shneep sighted, “but I got outnumbered. Zis is vy democracy is idiotic.”
“Good thing no-one cares about the opinion of an old man.”
“What? You know it’s true, hero!”
Robbie paid no mind to their squabble, mesmerized by the creature Angus was gently placing in his arms. It was a tiny black kitten, two months old at most. His short, shiny fur was incredibly soft, and his golden eyes stared at the dumbstruck zombie with placid curiosity.
“That lil’ lady here?” Angus began, “Found her in the forest on my way back here. No mama, no nothin’. So I took care of her, and now she’s yours.”
Robbie’s gaze kept switching between the explorer and the kitten in his arms. He slowly, carefully started to run his fingers through the dark fur, a little purring sound rewarding his ministrations. He whined, overwhelmed by all the emotions blooming inside of him.
Gratitude. Happiness. Love.
“Happy birthday, Rob.” JJ signed, a huge smile on his face. “Happy birthday!" Jackie and Marv cheered, quiet enough not to startle the cat. “You are very much appreciated,” Henrik nodded, adjusting his glasses to hide the emotion in his eyes. “Remember zat.” Anti rolled his eyes at the doctor’s contribution, but joined in with a mumble nobody could make out. The softness in his black and acid green eyes betrayed him though.
“Happy birthday, Robster.” Chase chuckled fondly, watching the zombie blink back tears. His birthday. Angus had come home, just to be there for him today. Everyone was here, getting (mostly) along, for him.
He cradled the kitten -his gift- against his chest, the vibrations making him giggle, to nuzzle the top of her fluffy head. “S-soft…”
The tiny creature meowed contentedly, and Robbie felt so happy his cold, still heart might’ve stirred a bit. “Soft!” he squealed decisively, looking up at his family with a blinding grin.
“Soft?” JJ signed, tilting his head. “Is that what you wish to name her?”
“Is zat truly appropriate for a pet cat?” Henrik raised a brow. He was however stopped from saying more when everyone else shot him a Look™, and he pinched the bridge of his nose in defeat. “Soft. Yes, of course. It is perfect, Robbie.”
The birthday boy looked up at his family. He was happy. Very, very happy. “Thank… you. Love you.”
“Aw.” Marvin said, hiding his blush behind his kitty mask. “We love ya too buddy."
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Holding Hands
N/A: This is in response to the prompt list I posted here, and I resolve to finish all that list. Wish my luck, huh? This drabble can be considered at pre-Kurrty stage.
Kurt looked around uneasily around the study table in the Bayville Central Library. “Is anyvon staring at me?”
Kitty let out a huff in exasperation, “No, Kurt, no one's looking at you; except me.”
Kurt had a pretty good idea just how he had landed in this situation; with finals just around the corner, Kitty has been stressing out about not being prepared enough and had headed straight for the city's central library right after breakfast; on a Saturday! Seeing that how he himself was also almost failing history, the blue-furred mutant had accompanied his crush to the library.
“Kurt, stop doing that.” Kitty mumbled, the pair were now in the food court having lunch and Kurt was giving their surroundings another look.
“Sorry, can't help it.” Kurt sighed, biting into his pizza.
“Look, even if people are looking at you, there's absolutely no reason for them to think you're anything but a normal human.” Kitty pointed out.
“Ja, as long as zey don't touch me.” Kurt retorted and thrust the holo-watch in her face. “Zis holo-vatch doesn't change ze fact zat I have fur.”
“That is kinda of true.” Kitty admitted, biting into her cherry tomato.
“And it could go on ze fritz any time.” Kurt continued. “Vhat a zing for zese people to see: a blue, fuzzy guy.” nibbling on his pizza, Kurt let the silence settled over them; it hadn't been the first time that he thought people could see through his human-looking hologram.
“Kurt, if you're that worried, that why didn't you tell me sooner?” Kitty asked. “We could've borrowed the books we needed and went back.”
Kurt just looked at her incredulously, Is she really asking zat question? Didn't she know that he could never say no to her? “It didn't occur to me, I guess.” he shrugged.
Kitty resisted the urge to bang her hand on the table. “Tell you what, we'll just go home after this.”
Kurt beamed, “Best idea I've heard all day.”
“Should we just teleport home?” Kitty asked.
"Nien, ve can valk," Kurt answered.
Right after lunch, Kurt had teleported them out of the shopping mall, but not before making sure no one was watching and there were no security cameras around.
Kurt felt Kitty slip her hand into his as they walked back to the Institute. He looked down at their clasped hands and frowned slightly. He hated how he couldn't intertwine his fingers with Kitty's. That was another thing the image inducer couldn't change: the fact that he had three fingers on each hand.
But you can still hold her hand. A voice in his head reminded.
Zat's true. Kurt admitted, looking up as the corners of his lips turned upward. He gave Kitty's hand a light squeeze, and his smile widened a little when Kitty didn't pull away from him.
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raisegrate · 6 years
NaNoWriMo Day 1
Chapter One
Miriam’s Freelance Nightclub, Fightclub, and Bring Your Own Buffet was the sort of underground gambling den that used to be a building, but then had sort of fallen into the river, and so now was boat. It’s clientele didn’t mind, all the leaks added to the ambiance, and the occasional fish flopping around on the gaming tables was surely good luck. They were the sort of people whose  body odors and fashion choices were considered far too bizarre to be allowed entry into most land-based establishments.
In the main hall there was handful of mismatched tables running a handful of mismatched games. Sometimes you thought you were playing poker, but it turned out you had been playing mahjong the whole time. To one side was the Bring Your Own Buffet, which was filled with the finest meats and cheeses that had been in smuggled in via someone’s trouser pockets. In the corner was a lone dancing girl, dressed to the nines in frocks and feathers and lace, not doing any dancing, but sitting in a chair, with a sock on each hand, putting on a very angry puppet show. She didn’t work there, and no one was brave enough to ask her what exactly she thought she was doing. This had been going on for weeks now, but as long as she was brought fresh cigarettes every twenty minutes she didn’t get too violent. To one side, someone played piano, but not on purpose.
At the largest table, the most ridiculous card game ever conceived was happening, and almost everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch and place bets on the card players. The three professional card-sharks and the one amateur card-lobster had never enjoyed losing money so much. Their opponent, a rank amateur, had been trying to hustle them for nearly 20 minutes, was failing spectacularly, and yet winning. It was fascinating.
The game was called ‘Cheating’ and it is without a doubt the best card game never invented. There are no rules, the winner is the one who wins, and the unofficial world champion was a tall, dark, and handsome ostrich that usually went by the name of Tbyrd Fearlessness. Well, not so much handsome as interestingly lopsided, with a mixture of light and dark feathers, and some featherless portions that were a kind of medium tone. But tall, yes, definitely. Somewhere between 6’6” and 7’7” depending on how much wiggling he was doing.
“I was taught this move by the Maharaja of Mongolia, when I was a captive in her tree-fortress in Peru.” said Tbyrd casually, leaning across the table, and taking three cards out of his opponent’s hand unexpectedly. “I was researching a book I wasn’t writing, someone else did all the writing, I just did the research. I’m too busy to be a famous author, what with my numerous speaking engagements, romantic affairs, and duels. I hate these cards.” he announced with disgust, and ripped them into tiny pieces. This was of course, slight of hand, as he had been holding mainly napkins. Tbyrd reached up to scratch his scalp, and then casually pulled six aces out from underneath his crumpled and grubby stetson. He did so with a look of extreme innocence on his face. Three of the aces were aces of hearts, there was an ace of spades, an ace of hammers, and an ace of leprechauns, which looked hand-drawn.
“Vhy vould ze Maharaja of Mongolia have a base of operations in Peru?” asked one of Tbyrd’s card opponennts, finally managing to get a word in edgewise, albeit slipping in and out a fake french accent. This was the Viscount Henrique Von Hollandaise, or so it said on all his business cards. The Viscount had the most magnificent coat and collar anyone had seen, with sequins and fleur de lises, and a cape, but no pants. The Viscount was visiting nobleman, visiting from a totally not fake foreign country that no one had ever heard of, and was on a personal mission to seduce everyone in San Frandiego. He had lost two hundred dollars at cards so far, and was having a wonderful time. He would occasionally take off a large piece of silver jewelry off his coat, and hand it to someone in the audience in exchange for new cards that he liked.
Sitting kitty corner to the Viscount was a very large very beautiful very woman, who was wearing a patently false beard and speaking in a deep voice for no readily apparent reason. She went by the name Madam Gilderiqué. The Viscount had been rubbing what he thought was her leg underneath the table for twenty minutes, and had been finding it very splintery. Madam Gilderiqué had quite a lot of her lipstick smeared into her beard, as she was trying to cultivate the idea that she was a vampire, and was avoiding mirrors, and garlic, and above all, garlic mirrors. She had been playing the card game mostly with Tarot cards, so every time she laid one down, she made a grand pronouncement about how was going to drop dead any moment, or inherit a vast fortune, or in one case, inherit a vast number of people that had dropped dead.
The final card player was three small urchin children stuffed into a trench coat, all smoking large cigars, and kicking people under the table strategically.
“I raise ze bet to this miniature sculpture of the palace of Dairy I keep in my left hand pocket at all times.” said the Viscount, removing a pointy silver thing that he purported was his childhood home.”
“I see your sculpture, and raise you this skull.” said Madam Gilderiqué, plonking a great big animal onto the table, produced from who knows where about her person.
“I don’t see how that is of equal value to my beautiful sculpture.” said the Count, kissing his tiny silver box, and cutting himself slightly about the mustache.
Madam Gilderiqué unscrewed one of the skull’s horns, and poured a herself large measure of rum, or tea or something brown and syrupy. She took a sip, getting several of her fake beard hairs into the cup, and then sighed a sigh of such profound refreshment that there was a rush on the bar.
Lil Trenchcoaty, the urchin collective slapped a burlap sack with a pumpkin drawn on it onto the table, and a several pieces of toffee and butterscotch tumbled out. A large bagful of candy like this was worth a lot on the underground sugar market. “I see your bets, and call. Tbyrd?” squeaked a little innocent voice, taking another big puff from it’s cigar.
Tbyrd hadn’t been paying attention, as his attention had been fully occupied with taking a baked potato and steak off of someone’s plate, and eating it whole without them noticing. He hadn’t succeeded. “Hmm?” he asked, wiping caramelized onions off his whatever birds have instead of a 5 o’clock shadow.
“If you wanna stay in the game, you gotta produce some treasure.”
Tbyrd eyeballed his cards theatrically, and thumbed through his meagre winnings. He mostly just planned to stay in the game long enough to get as much free food as possible, actually winning wasn’t something that usually happened to him. His whole life had been more of a delaying tactic, rather than a quest for success. The crowd behind him had been placing bets on who would win the card game. The card game was not the main source of gambling, it was the gamblers betting on it. Miriam could convince anyone to bet on anything, and this was so much easier than hosting a horse race on her tiny boat of a building. Horses were allowed in of course. Mules, ponies, giraffes, all ungulates were welcome.  Miriam’s didn’t discriminate against species, just jerks.
Tbyrd continued to rearrange his cards, take more cards out his belt, pick other people’s pockets under the table with his feet, and roll a pair of dice no one had ever seen before, and would never see again. “Quit stalling!” His opponents demanded. They wanted to see who this turned out as much as anyone.
“Fine. I had to sell most of my pirate treasure to pay back the pirates who’s tropical island hideout resort I had stumbled upon. But they did leave me this treasure map…” Tbyrd held up a stained and ancient piece of parchment, rolled into a tight tube, and sealed with a wax in the shape of a pirate. He had made it himself a few hours ago, out of his preferred medium, napkins.
“What’s it a map to?” The goggling crowd asked in delight, cheering and spilling their drinks with excitement.
“Copper?!? That ain’t a treasure worth digging up, you break your back all day to make a penny’s worth!”
“Copper conducts electricity, in would be quite valuable if anyone invented a way to transmit electro-magnetic pulses.”
“Sez you.”
And here the members of the audience whom had strong opinions about treasure classification had some minor fisticuffs, and everyone took a break to watch and place bets on that. Eventually, the one with the most muscles won, and the other went off to lick his wounds, or perhaps pay someone else to do it for him.
Tbyrd regained his audience’s attention by climbing onto the table and making it wobble dramatically. “This is a map to the long lost in-land coral reefs of the Klamdike!”
The crowd ooh’d and ahh’d appropriately. The Klamdike was that region of land far to the north, that while technically completely within the borders of Canada, was a territory whose ownership was currently being disputed by between the United States and Mexico, both claiming to have seen it first. Their arguments were mostly being made with cannons. The region had once been part of the inland sea, and had coral reefs of the most astounding beauty, filled with the fossilized remains of a million years worth of clams. 20 foot long razorbacked dinosaur clams had produced pearls the size of cannonballs, indeed, the US Navy had been using them as cannonballs until the muck rubbed off and they realized how valuable the ammunition turned out to be. The entire Klamdike valley was inhospitable and difficult to reach. One had to climb a freezing geyser, and ski down the active volcano on the other side. If one survived unsigned, one then had to bypass three separate armies determined to claim the land for themselves. Their was also the local flora and fauna, which included Sabre-toothed Moose, and exploding needlepines.
“But Tbyrd, everyone knows where the valley is. It’s been in the papers for weeks and months since the discovery! Everyone wants to get up there, that’s not the problem!”
“Ah, but that’s the beauty of my map, it shows the secret path into the valley that bypasses all the hardships, and is also mostly downhill. With this map, a cunning miner could get wheelbarrows full of pearls out under the noses of those navies”
“Where did you get this map?” Madame Gilderiqué demanded.
“The lost city of El Dorito.” Tbyrd replied smugly, sipping on someone’s beverage, and spitting it out because it wasn’t sarsaparilla.
This made sense. El Dorito totally sounded like the sort of lost city someone who claimed to be a world famous adventurer would find a long lost map to a brand new treasure at.
People in the 1800’s are dumb.
Tbyrd slapped the map on the table, just as rope holding the the chandelier above his head was cut, causing it to smash him lightly in the head, and all the candlelight in the room to snuff out, plunging everyone into darkness.
Tbyrd awoke a little while later, as the burlap sack he had been shoved into was tossed into the ocean.
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iamvegorott · 7 years
A Small Glitch Chapter 6
“Yes, I’ll be sure to invite you over to see Annalise,” Dark said into the phone, leaning his elbow against his desk. “She just got frightened is all.” The demon chuckled a little as he stood up. “She doesn’t hate you. If she can get over the fact that her fathers are creatures from another dimension. One of them being a literal virus and the other one being gray with a large aura glowing behind him. I think she can handle a man with a pink mustache.” Dark went to the office door, opening it. “Maybe tomorrow. Anti and I were planning on having a quiet Friday night.” Dark gently closed the door behind him. “I’ll let you know when you can come visit. Goodbye, Wilford.”
“Three apple, four apple.” Dark was putting his phone away when he saw Annalise sitting in front of the coffee table, counting apple slices as she put them into a bowl.
“I’m shocked that you have pants on,” Dark commented as Anti walked past him.
“I’m sure they don’t wanna see my junk.” Anti placed a bowl of chips on the coffee table.
“Septics!” Annalise clapped her hands.
“Did I forget to tell you that the Septiceyes are coming over?” Anti asked with a smile.
“A warning would have been pleasant.” Dark huffed, crossing his arms when there was a knock.
“Well, you got your warning. Come in!” Anti called.
“I heard someone’s got a surprise for us?” Chase called back as he opened the door.
“Ze good docta is here!” Dr. Schneeplestein pushed his way past Chase.
“And Jackieboy man!” The superhero announced as he charged in.  
“I’ll go get some refreshments.” Dark sighed.
“So what’s the-is that a child!?” Marvin gasped.
“Kitty!” Annalise got up and walked over to the magician. “You kitty!”
“What’s your name?” Chase asked as he sat down on the ground. Annalise looked over at Anti and the glitch nodded.
“I Annalise.”
“I’m Chase.” Chase held a hand out towards Annalise, smiling when the little girl giggled and slapped his palm.
“High-five!” Annalise cheered as she tapped the hand several more times.
“I would like to know how you produced a child without our knowledge.” Dr. Schneeplestein asked while Marvin, Jackieboy, and Chase were both playing with Annalise.
“We adopted her about a month ago,” Anti said.
“And why haven’t we been told about this little princess?” Chase poked at Annalise’s nose, earning a giggle.
“Someone didn’t want me to tell anyone.”
“I wanted to wait until we were sure this was a permanent thing.” Dark protested as he entered the living room, a tray of glasses in his hands. He sat the tray on the coffee table, taking two glasses and handing one to Anti when he went back to him.
“Where kitty?” Annalise started searching the room, looking under the couch.
“Marvin?” Anti called out. “Marvin where-”
“Wanna see a magic trick?” Marvin rushed out of Dark’s office, holding a large briefcase.
“Is that the briefcase with the…” Anti cursed as he and Dark rushed over to the magician.
“Wait!” Dark and Anti both stopped and stared when the briefcase vanished in a puff of white smoke.
“Marvin, you dumbass!” Anti snapped, grabbing Marvin by the front of the shirt. “That was a million dollars you just made go away!” Annalise shrunk away, going behind Chase to hide.
“A million!?” Dr. Schneeplestein gasped. “Where does one get that kind of money?”
“That’s a lot.” Jackieboy nodded his head.
“Bring it back!” Dark demanded, not hearing Annalise whimper.
“I can, I can. Very easily, just let me go.” Marvin was obviously shaken when he stumbled a little after being released. “I...I…” Marvin’s hands were trembling.
“No, be sad, kitty.” Annalise went over to Marvin and hugged his leg. Dark was about to say something but stopped when he saw Marvin’s hands glowing. The magician chuckled a little before clapping his hands, the briefcase reappearing on the coffee table. “Yay!” Annalise cheered.
“I have no idea what that was, but that was amazing!” Marvin laughed, his hands no longer glowing. “This house must have a magical source in it or something?”
“Daddy magic too,” Annalise said, she walked over to Anti and held her arms up. “No yelling?” Her eyes were wide as she asked.
“I’m sorry, Ann. We must have scared you.” Anti said as he scooped his daughter up. “No more yelling.” He sniffed and made a face. “Your turn.” Was all Anti said as he handed Dark Annalise.
“Why does potty training take so long?” Dark grumbled as he walked away.
“She’s not potty trained yet? She should at least be in pull-ups.” Dr. Schneeplestein stated.
“We’re trying. She’s a lot better than when we first got her, it’s like she’s scared of the toilet or something.” Anti said, going over to his couch and sitting.
“My kids took a while to potty train,” Chase said, joining Anti. “She’ll get the hang of it eventually.” He added with a back pat.
“Thanks.” Anti chuckled, seeing that Marvin, Jackieboy and Dr. Schneeplestein had found the snacks and were helping themselves.
“I’m shocked you don’t have a ring yet,” Chase said.
“A ring?” Anti raised a brow.
“You and Dark aren’t married yet. You two live together and got a kid and yet, no ring.” Chase leaned back against the couch. “Smart move.”
“Aren’t you married?” Anti asked.
“Eh.” Chase shrugged. “If you wanna call it that.” He started to pick his fingers. “I don’t know what happened, but the moment we got married, everything went to shit. The best thing to come out of that was our kids.” Anti swallowed thickly as Chase spoke. “It was great when we were just boyfriend and girlfriend, but it got weird when we started calling each other ‘fiance’. Something broke. It was like the magic that was there just faded away.” Anti did not like the ball of anxiety that was forming in his chest. “Stacy just kind of stopped caring about us. She didn’t want to be with me as much anymore. It’s like she got sick of me the moment the ring went on. Everything just kind of faded over time. I still love her and the kids...but sometimes it’s hard to stay where you’re not wanted.” Chase chewed on his lip, he looked at Anti and saw the fear in his eyes. He suddenly smiled and lightly shoved Anti by the shoulder. “Perk up, man. Like hell that’s gonna happen to you.”
“Yeah…” Anti stared at the ground as Chase got up.
“How about you tell us how you got the million dollars, that’s a shit ton of dough.” Chase picked up a glass and downed it.
“Glitchers,” Anti said, getting up and joining the other Septiceyes.
“How many?” Marvin asked.
“I bet that was most fun.” Dr. Schneeplestein chuckled.
“A little more than it should have,” Anti muttered,
“I’ll see you soon,” Dark said into his phone as he came back into the living room, Annalise walking in front of him.
“Who were you talking too?” Anti asked.
“You’ll find out.” Dark chuckled.
“Ain’t no party like a Wilford party!” Wilford shouted after kicking open the front door.
“You can’t party without a host!” Bim chuckled.
“Let’s rock this shit!” Bing made shooting sounds with his mouth while Google walked behind him, clearly annoyed. Host said nothing as he entered as well, the Jim twins crouching behind his legs.
“Dark...what am I missing?” Anti asked.
“I just wanted everyone to be here while I asked you something,” Dark said, waiting for everyone to get into the living room.
“Ask me what?” Anti stiffened when Dark pulled out a small box.
“Holy shit!” Chase cursed, slapping at Marvin’s shoulder.
“I knew it.” Wilford sang, wrapping his arms around Bim and squealing.
“Anti...” Dark chewed at his lip. “I never have been one for emotions. I honestly believed that I didn’t really have them or at least, I didn’t have positive ones.” Anti felt his lower lip tremble. “I never knew what happiness was until you came into my life. We started off as enemies, hating each other from our cores and all of the hatred lead to a night that I will never forget. I thought you were going to leave. That it was a one-time thing, but when you showed up at the Iplier house, face red from embarrassment and you kissed me. I knew this was more than just a fling. We built a home together, we built a life together. We made a family.”
Dark took in a deep breath before going down on one knee, more sounds erupted for the other egos. “I used to believe that I would never know what love felt like. That love was for the weak and it would only get in the way. I was wrong. I know what love is. I know that it only makes me stronger. I love you, Anti.” Dark held up the box and opened it up, revealing a golden ring. “Will you marry me?”
Anti was frozen. He only stared. Was this really happening? There was no way that Dark was doing this? Anti didn’t know whether to throw up, cry, or scream with joy. What if what Chase said was true. What if marriage ruined everything? He didn’t want to lose Dark. Not after everything that has happened. After everything, they’ve been through. He didn’t want him to go.
“Dark…” Anti saw the hope in Dark’s eyes, the worry, the prayer he was probably repeating in his head over and over as each second ticked by that he didn’t answer. Anti slowly smiled, seeing that it was making Dark do the same. Chase was wrong. He was not Chase. “Yes.” Anti voice was very soft. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” He exclaimed, throwing himself down and hugging Dark, both of them falling over. “Yes,” Anti said again, giving Dark a kiss.
“Save that for the honeymoon, you two.” Wilford chuckled.
“You’re supposed to wait?” Anti said with a smirk.
“Happy!” Annalise giggled, going over to her dads and hugging them.
“Happy.” Dark laughed as he was helped to his feet, continuing as cheers of joy filled the house.
Everything was happy. Everything was great. Nothing could ruin this. Nothing could take this away.
Tag List: @readeatfightlove13 @kenzie-110101
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thelordstears · 4 years
Eyyy, I did more writing. I usually do, but, here’s some cool shit
“ Because when someone spills blood just ta satisfy themselves, then they ain't quite human are they? They're just a beast, I spose. But in da process 'a slayin' a beast'cha stain your blood black, don't ya? Because that's the color 'a my heart these days. And though my heart beats for Jack, it don'it change the color 'a me heart. Because I'm a monsta', that's all war ever makes someone. Violence ain't never been necessary, but I guess it's human nature ta kill each other over disagreements.” - Natasha Law
“ I've fought for dis, bled for dis, but wot if, in da end all it ever was was a conflict that don'it change a damn thing? Nothin' ever changes I spose. Especially not war." - Natasha Law
"I'm far from home, lost in the echo of a daydream, fighting and clawing my way throughout this hollow cave of my cold memories. Life's beaten me down to a crisp, but I rise despite this crushin' weight on my shoulders, it's what Whinrich's do eh? We got fight in our bones, armies ta slay and demons ta tame.” - Cayden Whinrich
“ Life's been a wild ride, I've seen bullets hailin' from every direction, fought battles with swords and my wit alone while on a motorcycle with an eagle on my back. Might be exaggerating a bit, but what I'm sayin' is despite the struggles we gotta stay who we are.” - Cayden Whinrich
"If we're all sinners, and it's only normal ta sin, tell me why it is I'm condemned for da most natural 'a acts? C'mon, if we weren't born ta sin then tell me why we're born covered in blood. I was covered in blood when I was born, and I intend my life ta end the same damn way.” - Lind Blight
“ I am the ravagin's 'a war. I'm a haunted specter 'a the night, nuthin' more than black blood runs through these veins, and heh, I like it dat damn way. I'm a damn sinner, and ya best turn tail and run the other direction when ya hear my cackle echo in the damn wind. Cuz mate, that's a death rattle, and it certainly ain't mine.” - Lind Blight
“ Life is a bloody ride, and I can certainly say it's been bloody whilst bein' truthful. I've been sinnin' wif' a grin since the echoes 'a war rang in me ears. So call me war, mate, because I'm peace's end." - Lind Blight
"If the world's all that bad, then tell me why we got good hearts. C'mon, man, ya can't just forget beauty when you're surrounded by ugliness, ya believe what ya see, and when you're lost in nightmares, you forget dreams too are a reality.” - Ian Ikelfur
"If you believe in the magic of the heart, you'll go places as long as ya follow it. So follow that chaotic little fucker wherever it goes, sure, it might get broken a few times, but that's nothin' the magic of family can't fix eh?” - Sarah Brokowski
“ Life is about making memories, loving who you are and family. Family isn't someone who'll hurt you. Family is whoever will catch you when you fall. Not those who'll push you.” - Sarah Brokowski
”I’ve been fighting the darkness all my life, so what’s one more cold night? I've been throwing punches my whole life, sometimes ya gotta fight to survive, have all my damn life, so what's one more punch huh?” - Ariel
“ Life can be a bitch sometimes, but I beg of you, don't be a bitch in return.” - Ariel
”I could make a million bucks and a dream if only I had the faith the sun gives the moon when she sinks. But spose life sought to destroy me, and in some ways, it did. But in all this destructiveness, I found beauty, I found love, family.. and me.” - Jessie Villritz
“ You don't need money to be rich. You don't need a single penny, to have a dream.” - Jessie Villritz
“ I'm not gonna chase an empty dream, I'm not gonna pick up a rose by the damn thorns, not anymore.” - Jessie Villritz
”I am not in love with life, I am in love with the idea of it. Because an idea? An idea is everything and nothing at all, it's ugly whilst being beautiful, and idea can be anything at all, while a four letter word remains stagnant. The definition of life is the existence of an induvial human being or animal. But is that really, life? Life is freeing, it's beautiful, painful and everything in-between! An idea, is un-killable.” - Giancarlo Lopez
”Life is ever shifting, ever changing, we may witness many ends in our life, but never our own. Perhaps this is why death is such a foreign concept to the living.” - Caldiph Benzington
“ Everything done to me, is fault of my own. Even the scars I wear upon my battered and sinful heart. Because when you're such a sinful creature, karma is the reason for your scars. And I imagine I've killed so many, karma has battered my heart around as a kitty cat would a yarn ball.” - Caldiph Benzington
”What are delusions to a mad man but truths yet to be made? Hay not yet spun to gold. I am Rumpelstiltskin, making a mockery of the truth by turning it into a lie. You can say, "I am alive." But with one squeeze of my trigger, and I make you into a liar!” - Elliot Creglow
“My mother wishes I hadn't become such a sinful beast, she may not have raised me this way, but the world did.” - Elliot Creglow
“ My heart beats no beautiful melody, for something so rusted and rotten can not sing so wonderfully, it can only screech and writhe until it withers and dies. And so my heart screeches, echoing in my ribcage begging to soar, and yet I poison it with more lies and deceit.” - Elliot Creglow
”If all I ever was is destroyed ta nothin' but the atoms it was born from, am I ta rise anew or crumble ta ash and dust as if I never existed in the first place? I have found life ain't consistent, it's good one moment, bad the next. Life is horrific in all it's unpredictability.” - Doug Thorncross
"I'm just a bullet with no target, these days. Soaring through the air, I fly across the world only to slam into my own damn noggin. Sure, I could take aim and ricochet through the solar system until I found someone worth ending, but here I am, bloodstained rifle in hand, with nothing but my sins and my demons to accompany my haunted mind.” - Ivory Falcone
“ I played a damn game with my morality, and the darkness stared me dead in the eye, cracked that wicked grin of his, and let the words, "Checkmate," roll off his damn tongue.” - Ivory Falcone
“ One bullet could save a life, but the same bullet could unravel one. I've saved many with the gun by my side, but the bodies crumpled at my feet are often more innocent than not. And by God, that scares me to death." - Ivory Falcone
"It's a cruel world out there, and I fear I've been caught in the riptide of my sins, drowning on everything I never thought I'd become. Life has thrown me many surprises, but the fall of myself, was the worst one.” - Danny Savinwit
“ Oh my father taught me to be strong, but how can you be strong when the world makes your knees buckle and your soul whimper? And my brother and I, we'd rough house, but I imagine all I do is fight these days, if only to survive a little bit longer.” - Danny Savinwit
“ I guess, to survive these days, you gotta die. At least, part of you. Innocence ain't part of this new world, spose all we really got left is sins and hope. And hope ain't enough to keep us alive, these days. And hope dies when sins are committed.” - Danny Savinwit
“ It's almost as if God has made us into an experiment, as a cruel scientist would trap a monkey in a cage to see if it broke, I imagine God trapped us in the cage of ourselves, to see if we'd die, or survive in a way that killed us." - Danny Savinwit
“ If ya wander in the dark long enough, trust me when I say, you'll become it.” - Arnold Schull
“ I'm the lion inside 'a the den, and yet I'm also Daniel, fallin' inta the damn den, bein' condemned for me actions.” - Arnold Schull
“ Love is a lost game, mate. All it'll do is shatta' you in the end, so I've shut meself off, become numb. Because if I can't damn well feel, these sins won't effect me, just other's.” - Arnold Schull
“ I shut meself off long ago, let meself become nuthin' but a beast. I got claws, I got a crooked grin, and mate, I got a black heart, capsized by the sins 'a a bloody mad man." - Arnold Schull
"I've been dabbling in sin so long I think myself a devil when I've only brushed the surface of darkness with my fingertips." - Norma Borwick
"Eighteen years I ago I told myself my dreams where reachable. It's been eighteen years on the dot, and I found the statement to be nothing but a lie to keep me going." - Larry Devendra
"If this is life, then give me death." - Larry Devendra
"Tell me how it is, you can feel the sun's warmth, when your heart is ice cold and your blood is flowing every color you never thought you had in your paint box?" - Molly Chain
"Life is just a consequence of God's loneliness." - Osbourne Smithens
"When faith falters and lives crumble, sadly it is I, to blame." - Gusto Mellowrich
"I'd ask for forgiveness, but that doesn't change the past." - Gusto Mellowrich
"I won't feel guilty for what you did, but I will feel guilty for what I didn't do." - Gusto Mellowrich
How unfortunate, to see my silence used as a weapon."  - Sidgallio Kimley
"The bravado face I hold does not change the cowardly heart I wield." - Kitichiro Sagawa
"Regret is deafening, but by got, inaction is deadly." - Kitichiro Sagawa
"Death, has a purpose, as does life, but regret? It's only purpose is to break damned souls as they have broken other's." - Marx Veckwinheiser
"It is my belief that I am the very thing I condemn. Nothing more than a sin, really." - Salvatore Graham
"If ve cannot move on from past sorrows, zen how do ve ever heal from ze past we've lived?" - Sanders Krauss
"All a bullet's eva' done is unravel lives." - Shay Kellsworth
"Everyone believes you can be trusted, so long as your intentions aren't revealed until the time comes for the illusion you've spun to shatter." - Astonius Vistenblatt
"The world's put me in my place. I imagine it's nothing more than a cell of my own mind." - Christian Holden
"Da world don't like ya, don't show it why it's right, show it why it's wrong." - Daisy Gloria
" I am no real boy, I am but Pinocchio dancing upon the stage, wondering how life got to be this way, I see the spotlights, the twinkle in my eyes of glass, and the crack in my heart painted black. I seek the appraisal of Jipedo, yet know he's nothing but a figment of my broken mind, their is no fairy to grant me reality, no whale to swallow me whole, only sins in which I spread upon this barren land." - Nico Sanvitz
"Why fight when I can't even throw a punch in the right direction?" - Star Cloud
“Kneel at my feet, or I’ll kneel at your grave.” - Isiwoah Sakigowami
"Life can rather easily unravel my friend. All you have to do, is defy me." - Isiwoah Sakigowami
"Live your life avoiding danger, you'll avoid life." - Judson Boggs
"One could live their whole life in a cage whilst unaware if they're told it's freedom." - Cameron Ford
"I've found myself in the lion's den, with nothin' but my bare hands ta face off 'gainst my sins." - Zayfello Jinrock
"The powerful put the blame on those without it, because to them, even the most powerless of people, pose a threat to their agenda soaked in blood." - Victor Darsworth
"Carson, I don't think monsters are real, we live in fear of what hides under the bed, the whispers in the night, the boogeyman, but no matter WHAT we do, there is true evil out there that we should fear. I live, wondering what's real, and what isn't, but I do know, that there are GOOD people out there, a helluva lot better then me, Isabelle, you may call her normal, you may call her one of the ones ta condemn us, but all she does is HELP people like us. So look in the mirror Carson, and see who the real monster is." - Cruz Santinos
"I am starin' inta a dead man's eyes, for I know, my soul is damned, when faced with me, the sun looks the other damn way, and leaves me in the fucking shadows." - Greg Metals
"I think, I've started losin' myself to the damn flame, look around, this world is on fucking fire, and we're only addin' gasoline to the flame." - Bruce Willingfell
"I'm a bad man, doin' the best he can, with the worst parts 'a himself runnin' the damn show." - Meryl Dakota
"Don't got a clue why life treats the best ones, the worst, it's strange, has no rhyme, no rhythm, it's strange... something I've never understood." - Sandro Colorfeid
"Seems karma ain't real, cause if it were, it'd have rewarded good people, and left the bad ones to rot, but here we are, our only reward our own misery, but, yet, we're still good." - Sandro Colorfeid
"Those days, they were times when we were naive children, life comes with struggles, issues, pain, scars and trials and error, people like to think, they don't got issues, they got a pitch perfect life, but everyone hurts, everyone has scars, and some, ignore 'em. We have dreams, and we gotta, achieve em, sure, it may be the steepest fucking climb ever, steeper then even Everest, but, it's a climb that's damn well worth it. The tools? Your own two hands, your boots, and a glimmer of hope, because, all ya need, is a glimmer, cause it damn well grows into a glowing shimmer." - Sandro Colorfeid
"This world, heh, it's cold, cruel, and only the strong survive, whilst the weak are brought to wolves laps, served on a damn platter." - Bill Duster
"Did ya know, that in the brightest 'a days, shade is still just under the trees?" - Shawn Werdelstein
"If I wanted to make the world a better place, father, all I'd have to do is pull this trigger and watch you bleed." - Camilla Davidson
"I's found the price 'a my thievery and sinful ways weren't no sentence in iron bars. But a sentence set in the regret left inside my bones after every action crashed down on me like a damn wave." - Mitchell Castanis
"I have a single truth, and yet a thousand lies." - Will
"Perfection is a mask broken people wear to hide the broken pieces they wish weren't there. But like everything else, it is not perfect, and the mask slips away revealing the brokenness behind it, and showing what humanity truly is, broken, nothing more, nothing less." - Will
"I've learned in this world it's kill or be killed. You kill, or you die. Even before we tore the world to fucking shreds it was kill or be killed. The world's never quite operated right, never quite got what society needed. Always giving power to the fuckers who are going to cause more bloodshed. I ask one simple question, why the fuck do we give power to one man? Why do we let him own so much power, that he'd kill to keep it? So, this world needs people who will rise up, and say fuck you to the ones who don't want to give up their throne. I say, fuck leadership. If somewhere is truly functional, it's people will have a say in what god damn happens." - Richard Vanraker
"Someone once told me everything happens for a reason, that the scars were made to build me up. But all these scars have done is ruin me. Tell me, if everything happens for a reason, why did the world fall? Huh? Give me a damn reason society was meant to crumble. Because as far as my eye can see, is a world on fire. And when both your nightmares, and reality, is a world on fire, you learn the breathe in the ash and march on with burnt lungs." - Richard Vanraker
"Everyone is a ghost of who they once wore. The world falling only solidified this fact. Not a single man nor woman is the same as they once were. Everyone has changed in one way or another. For some of us, the world falling was a curse, for other's it was the remedy to our disease. Our chains. Shackled by the moral high ground we stand on and hold onto so tight. So now that the chains have rusted, and the moral high ground has crumbled. We're free. So what are we but ghosts of a world that died the day we watched fire consume everything?" - Dimarko Vanright
  "If ya look at life as if it were a game 'a pool, you'll realize you gotta make every shot count. And even if ya miss a shot, there's still plenty a shots left ta fix the one little thing ya just missed out on. So if you take a look aroundja, and really think about it, a missed shot is just another opportunity." - Jeremy Gumberton
"I was born inta a broken home, a broken life, and you say I oughta thank Jesus for dyin' for my sins? Then let me repay the damn favor, and die for his." - Saul Northutt
"The darkest incarnation of my family is those who would slaughter themselves for a mere nightmare disguised as the promised land of our ancient history." - Sidney
"Give me a blade, and watch what I do to my own heart." - Sidney 
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ask-the-phan-site · 6 years
Phan Cam: A. Nigma of the School
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>A. Nigma High School. Even though we’re just standing in front of it, we can already feel the mysterious vibe coming off of it.
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Spirit said he’ll be waiting for us in detention hall. Wherever that is.
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Finding it won’t be easy. This school is different from the ones we’re normally used to. Plus, we have that to worry about.
>Yusuke was pointing at some strange looking people in white.
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Are we going to be okay here?
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Not to worry, I have this. Straight from the desk of Max Modell. A message to Principal Gerneral W. Barrage allowing us to come to the school to seek out students would like to transfer to Horizon High.
>We go inside the school. The weirdness was stronger than ever. Even though a lot of things looked a bit normal. We go inside the principal’s office. Even this Barrage guy was an odd character just by looking at him. He takes the message and exams it carefully.
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For real!? You’d do this?
Barrage: I’ve met Modell from time to time and I’m willing to give his idea a chance!
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Thank you. I’m sure Max will appreciate it. In fact, there’s a student here at this school we’d like to interview first. Lee Ping.
Barrage: Ping!? You’ll find him and his little hooligan friends in detention hall in the basement! ... Here’s a map.
>He hands us a map and we go well on our way. After a while, we found the detention hall in the basement. We came in and the first thing we noticed was...
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Uh. Hello?
???: Don’t bother.
>We turned.
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The guy’s pretty much gone at this point.
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Really? How come?
Lee: ... It’s a long story. Right now, Chaz Monerainian is our bigger concern.
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Oh! Ve’re finally going to do ze Phantom Zeiving!
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Hold it, Holger. We don’t know if we’re going with them.
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Actually, we don’t mind if you want to help us. From what I’ve heard, Biffy kun, you’re good with communications. I think you and Futaba might work together fine you would.
Futaba: She’s got a point.
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Listen to the chiquita, Biffy. These guys are professionals.
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What did you just call Haru?
>Camillio was a little intimidated by Makoto’s glare.
Lee: (quickly) Okay, let’s just check the school new. It should be on by now.
>Biffy takes out his laptop and accesses the school’s website.
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Hello, A. Nigma High! I’m Chaz Monarainian.
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And I’m Tina Kwee. We’re here to give you the latest at our school. First off-
Chaz: On to Chaz’s Corner!
Tina: I don’t know, Chaz. Isn’t it a little early to-
Chaz: Yeah, yeah, that’s nice, Tina. Anyway, on to our main story.
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I can see what the request meant. This guy’s really of himself. He keeps cutting her off.
Chaz: We just received word that eight representatives of Horizon High School (nine if you count their cat) have come here to scout for anyone who is interested in joining their school. I know I might like to try.
Tina: (groaning) Do you even know anything about science?
Chaz: I have a cousin in New York who went to Osborn Academy. How hard could it be?
>Tina just facepalms herself.
Makoto: I feel sorry for her.
Biffy: Did he say you have a cat?
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Finally! I thought you guys forgot about me.
Biffy: (gasping with starry eyes) You do have a kitty!
Ren: This is Morgana. And I take you like cats.
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Biffy: Looks like Mrs. Rumplekittykat likes him... Does Mogana have a mate yet?
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Hell no! I already have eyes for Lady Ann.
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He says he’s not interested.
Lee: He’s right. Besides, didn’t she already have kittens?
Biffy: You never know.
>Just then, the door slams open and two people come in. One of which is very furious.
Camillio: Vaya, chica. Sabemos que estás molesto.
Tina: Upset doesn’t even cover it! I can’t believe Chaz blew me off like that again!
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Better calm your girlfriend, Lee, before she tears the place up.
Lee: Right... By the way, how... On second thought, never mind, it’s you after all. Of course you knew we would be here.
Serpent: Well, it is your place here at school even though you don’t have detention anymore.
Lee: Gotta find someplace we can meet without Barrage or the Cleaners listening in. And we all know Sleeping Ugly over there won’t say anything.
>He was pointing at the sleeping teacher.
Serpent: Be nice to the man. We don’t know if he’ll ever wake up again.
Tina: Alright, we made you Phantom Thieves famous for helping the school with Horizon High, you better return the favor.
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Relax, lady. We can do this.
Makoto: We already checked the Nav with Chaz Monerainian. He has a Palace here at this school. Now we just need to know what he sees this school as.
Camillio: The Nav? Oh, that’s what Lee talked about.
Akechi: Yes. To take us to the Metaverse, we need to give the Metaverse Navigator who are target is, a place that the target hold significance to, and what the target sees the place as.
Ryuji: We have the who and the where. Now we need the what.
Tina: If that’s it, I guess we can help with that.
Biffy: My first guest would be a TV station since everyone in his family are pretty much reporters.
Ren: Let’s try it.
>I enter what Biffy said into the Nav.
Nav: Conditions have not been met.
Tina: I guess that would be a bit too obvious.
Futaba: It’s got to be someplace that fits his ego. Maybe a temple.
Nav: Conditions have not been met.
Camillio: How about a circus since media is kind of like that.
Nav: Conditions have not been met.
Holger: How about a zearter?
Ryuji: Zearter?
Serpent: I do believe he means theater.
Lee: Chaz is also a member of the drama club and plays the lead often.
Nav: Condition have not been met.
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This is going to be tougher than I thought.
Serpent: If you like, I do have resources that could help us determine what his Palace is.
Makoto: At this point, we’re out of options. I guess.
Serpent: Good... Because I already did it.
>He takes out his phone. It was a recording of Chaz in his home talking to himself in the mirror.
Chaz: Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?
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Are you serious?
Chaz: I am so well loved in that school. It’s almost like being in a fairy tale. Now if only that Tina Kwee wouldn’t be such a hater.
Serpent: Shall we try? It sound like fairy tale is just a good an answer.
>We all agreed and Serpent enters the keyword.
Nav: Results found.
Lee: Do I even want to know why you have cameras there?
Serpent: (annoying laugh) Not really.
Ryuji: So, let’s get going in.
Holger: Oh, can ve go in, too?
Tina: That’s right. I’m a bit curious about this Metaverse. Don’t worry, I won’t talk about it on the news.
Ann: Are you sure? It’s nothing like you’ve ever seen.
Lee: We’ve fought an evil cult, clones, weird robots, monsters, and of course, a cybernetic principal. I think that about this time, there’s nothing left to scare us.
Tina: Except that classes are about to start.
Lee: Oh, right. It’ll wait after school.
Ren: Good. We’ll be waiting. In the meantime, we’ve got some students to interview.
>After almost a whole day, school was over for the day. We were waiting in front of the school.
Ren: Okay, what have we got.
Ann: Let’s see. Two older guys called the 15th Graders seem to be interested. They have a lot of experience in shop class. A couple of Skaters also seem interested. There’s also the Dudes of Darkness, the Tree Huggers, an Outcast named Deuce Markowitz, the entire Genius Club, and even a Glamazon who wishes to remain anonymous.
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If it’s Kimmie McAdams, she’s definitely not in.
Ryuji: Yeah, I heard she’s a total bitch... Maybe we should go after her after this.
Morgana: We’ll have to discuss it later. Here come the Detentionaires.
>The others came.
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Okay! Ve’re ready!
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What the!? Why are you in that!?
Lee: Because... He’s Holger. It’s what he does.
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So he’s the positive type. That’s good.
Holger: Yes. And yet, not many people in school vant to hang out with Holger.
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So is everyone ready?
Everyone: Ready!
Ren: Then let’s go.
Nav: Beginning navigation.
>A red wave passes us and the school was replaced by a fairy tail forest that has more of a sinister feeling to it.
(Insert song: You in Wonderland)
Tina: (a bit amazed) Wow.
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(laughing a bit) Looks like you weren’t kidding about not being surprised.
Biffy: But I am amazed that you can talk... RKK, can you talk here too?
Rumplekittykat: Mew!
Biffy: (disappointed) I guess not.
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Well, there aren’t many like Mona. That’s for sure.
Tina: So this is the world in Chaz’s heart. He thinks this school is some kind of fairyland where he’s king.
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Then we’ll just have to dethrone him.
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It’s not the first time we took down a king and I’m pretty sure it won’t be the last.
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Let’s take a look around.
Spirit: (will be called that while we’re in the Metaverse) Right. Everyone, stay close together... You especially stay close to me, Tina.
Tina: I’m not sure whether I should be flattered that you want to protect me or insulted that you think I can’t defend myself... But I guess I can stay close just in case.
>We venture into the Palace. It really does look like something out of a fairy tale.
Oracle: It looks like I’m picking something up. Look over there.
>We happen across what looks like a wanted poster on a sign.
Crime: For going up against our most glorious king.
Tina: (really angry) That jerk!
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Hold on. It looks like there’s something under here.
>I lift the poster and see something carved on the sign.
Joker: Fox, can I borrow some paper and pencil?
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Here. What is it?
Joker: We’ll see.
>I place the paper on the sign and begin rubbing the tip of the pencil on it. Then, an image appeared on it.
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It looks like this sign is a map.
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It is! Well done, Joker.
Camillio: Okay, homes. Can we get out of here? I get the feeling that-
>Suddenly, an arrow is shot. Luckily, it missed Camillio by an inch. It was shot by a Shadow that looked like Robin Hood.
Shadow: Stand and deliver, knaves! For our glorious King Chaz!
Crow: I’ve never known a Robin Hood who would say that.
Shadow: Never mind that. You have in your company, Public Enemy Number 1.
>He was pointing at Tina.
Tina: Over my dead body!
Shadow: So be it. The kind did say dead or alive.
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Oracle: We already know this guy’s weak to Electricity and Curse attack. Joker, Skull, it’s your time.
Joker: Good. It’s been awhile since Arsene was out. Let’s see if he’s still got it. Persona!
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Skull: Persona!
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Queen: I’ll help as well. Persona!
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Spirit: I’ll go, too. Persona!
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>Spirit summons his Persona, Tokebi.
Oracle: Here come the buffs! Persona!
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>Necronomicon boosts our stats. Archangel uses Psi on Spirit. He dodges it. Arsene uses Eiga. It knocks him down.
Joker: Let’s do this!
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>After the attack, Archangel is still up. Captain Kidd uses Zionga. It knocks Archangel down again. He don’t do an All-Out-Attack this time and Captain Kidd uses Assault Dive. Tokebi uses Dream Needle. It didn’t put him to Sleep this time. Johanna uses Flash Bomb. It made him Dizzy. Archangel comes back up. He tries to attack us with Vajra Blast. Luckily, because he was Dizzy, the attack wasn’t very strong. Arsene uses Giant Slice. It was strong because of the boost and that Archangel was Dizzy. Captain Kidd uses Assault Dive again. Then, Tokebi uses Zionga. It knocks him down.
Spirit: Alright, let’s pile on!
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>After the attack, the Shadow was gone.
Spirit: Wasn’t that tough.
Tina: I can’t believe they would do this because of me.
Serpent: You can still back out of this if you wish.
Biffy: Heck no. We still want to help.
Holger: Lee of Ping is our friend. We want to go help him.
Crow: Alright. But when the heist execution happens, we ask that you stay behind. We need someone to keep an eye on Chaz and it might get much too dangerous.
Camillio: No hay problema, hombre. We’ll make sure everything’s fine.
Joker: Alight, then it’s settled. We’ll do this.
>We all agreed and leave the Palace for now.
>We’ll be back for the Treasure.
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crotchexplorer666 · 7 years
Ri beat yew to it, Gnart. x’”D
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?My brother. He messed something up on one of my game accounts and kept crying even though I kept telling him I wasn’t angry.
2. Are you outgoing or shy?Both? This is a hard question..
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?Uh, all of my friends?? No matter how long it takes...
4. Are you easy to get along with?If I like you. I’m really good at avoiding people.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?Probably. They better tell me that I did some wacky things while I was drunk, or I will be very ashamed of myself.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?No single personality type. People who don’t think they’re smarter than me are nice. ;D
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?No.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?Chuck Norris. When there’s a meteor shower, Chuck Norris grabs a bar of soap.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?A little, but it depends on who’s bringing up the conversation. 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?Does insulting myself with deep remarks count..? Otherwise, @rubbishbin--trash. c”x
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?“My Gatorade bottle is empty... RIP x666”@the-devils-assisstant
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?- “Take Me Home Tonight” by Eddie Money- “Magic Man” by Heart- “Hells Bells” by AC/DC- “Renegade” by Styx- “Come on Eileen” by (I think) Dexy’s Midnight Runners- +1000 more13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?No, but people really like to??
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Oh, yes. What else would I do?
15. What good thing happened this summer?Summer camp, and I drew a little-
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?My dad? I don’t care..?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?Eh, I don’t mind hearing other people’s opinions.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?Carlos? Nah.
19. Do you like bubble baths?I’ve only had one bubble bath in my life. With Claire. x”D 
20. Do you like your neighbors?They are so nice, and then I feel bad for not visiting them more often. One time, I had to borrow someone’s phone, so I went over to Anne’s house (she’s probably in her 40s because the neighbors around here aren’t usually young). Before she let me borrow her phone, she let me inside to eat cookies with her and started asking how I was doing and being so nice.
21. What are your bad habits?Biting my lip, hating on myself whenever no one else is around to distract me, forgetting to eat..? x”D
22. Where would you like to travel?To any of my internet friends. .v.
23. Do you have trust issues?No, but that isn’t all that great.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?There is no “daily” routine ^^’, but I like going to jazz band practice on Wednesday nights.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? M y n o s e.
26. What do you do when you wake up?Check my phone-
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?Lighter. I was always jealous of people with very pale skin because then their hair could be dyed any color without having to worry about it clashing with their skin color. ;o; 
28. Who are you most comfortable around?Myself.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?I have no ex’s-
30. Do you ever want to get married?Yes. ;v;
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?Yeah. xx I’m too wimpy to cut it short.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?No, thanks-
33. Spell your name with your chin.jdennkcvdfdOMG THAT ALMOST WORKED
34. Do you play sports? What sports?Cross country in ze fall, softball, and I wanted to do track but softball was in the same season. xx
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?No TV, pls. I’ll make my own cartoons if I have to..
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?Duh.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?Do you like cats?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?Uh-- I’m very flexible-- Though I would love it if someone (even just a friend) wrote me a poem. ;w; I write poems for my teachers and friends.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?I go all around the place??
40. What do you want to do after high school?yo mama Go to UCLA
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?Mhmm, even murderers. (A reasonable second chance with the adequate amount of security cameras making sure they don’t repeat their wrongdoings.)
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?There’s chaos inside my mind.
43. Do you smile at strangers?Yeah, doesn’t everyone?? .o. Just me?? Okay..
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?Neither.. c”x I like staying on dry land..
45. What makes is the reason you get out of bed in the morning?@natisuttertrash
46. What are you paranoid about?Everything-
47. Have you ever been high?Nah.
48. Have you ever been drunk?Nuh-uh, but I intend to one day. (weird goals)
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?I don’t think so.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?Gray. (PE clothes..)
51. Ever wished you were someone else?Hell, yes. 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?M y n o s e
53. Favourite makeup brand?None?
54. Favourite store?Nope..
55. Favourite blog?I can’t choose a favorite, guys. ;o;
56. Favourite colour?Red. Any variation of red. Pink, maroon, etc. Black and white look great with red, too. ;v; Red, black, and white. y e s
57. Favourite food?All things with rice.
58. Last thing you ate?Pretzels..
59. First thing you ate this morning?P-pretzels..
60. Ever won a competition? For what?A chugging competition with soda. x”D
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Noooooo
62. Been arrested? For what?Nooooooooooooooooo
63. Ever been in love?...Yes
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?Uh, I doubt kissing someone on the cheek in a game of “family” when I was 7 counts.
65. Are you hungry right now?Nah, I had an ass-load of pretzels. Many donkey bags full. 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?They are all equal. ^^
67. Facebook or Twitter?I don’t use either. xx (I have accounts, I just don’t use ‘em.)
68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now?Nah.
70. Names of your best friends?Is it bad that I have ten-- I do have to admit, I have my favorites. (But I won’t say..)
71. Craving something? What?Pretzels.
72. What colour are your towels?All the colors. Literally. There’s even burgundy, mint, etc. in the mix. It’s kinda ugly.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?Sometimes one, sometimes six.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?I sleep with my kitty. ;v;
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?More stuffed animals than pretzels.
75. Favourite animal?Cats--
76. What colour is your underwear?Of course I just happened to be wearing my ONLY pair of hot pink panties right now.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?Vanilla.
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?Mint chip, FTW.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?What if I’m not wearing a shirt..? (It’s blue)
80. What colour pants?Black with ninja turtles.
81. Favourite tv show?S p o n g e b o b will always be my #1.
82. Favourite movie?Either Blended, Mean Girls, or this other one I can’t remember atm.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?The original is always boss. Both slay me, tho.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?KAREN SMITH ;O;
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?Nemo’s mom.
87. First person you talked to today?My dad.
88. Last person you talked to today?@the-devils-assisstant
89. Name a person you hate?I’d rather not say. c”x
90. Name a person you love?@natisuttertrash
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?Me.
92. In a fight with someone?No? I don’t think so?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?I don’t know. x”D
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?At least four.
95. Last movie you watched?The Cobbler.
96. Favourite actress?Marilyn Monroe.
98. Do you tan a lot?Not intentionally ;^;
99. Have any pets?My precious kitty, Benjamin. .D.
100. How are you feeling?Do I have to answer every question on this??
101. Do you type fast?If you asked one of my friends, they’d say something along the lines of: “Hell, yes.”
102. Do you regret anything from your past?Ye; I lie about that a lot, though.
103. Can you spell well?Y E S
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?Oh, yeah. Sydney was the best. ;n;
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?Yes, actually. 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?Probably. xx
107. Have you ever been on a horse?Oh, yeah. My first time on a horse was TACKLESS on an ARABIAN on a RAINY DAY. (Luckily Liesie’s the horse wrangler.)
108. What should you be doing?I don’t know.
109. Is something irritating you right now?Yes. You never asked what.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?Yeah. >~
111. Do you have trust issues?Refer to #23, I think.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?I don’t remember.
113. What was your childhood nickname?J-J
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?Well, I was born in Tokyo, moved to the US, and moved three times within the state while visiting my grandparents in China every summer (until they passed away).
115. Do you play the Wii?I don’t have one of those thingies. x”D
116. Are you listening to music right now?Yes... PSYCHIC, I TELL YOU.
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?Yes but I ran out of it ;o;
118. Do you like Chinese food?I am Chinese.
119. Favourite book?Any Percy Jackson book. ;D Is it bad that I still ship Reyco after Riordan crushed some of our hearts in a subtle way by having Reyna brother-zone Nico and then having Nico and Will get together?? 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?Not when I’m with someone else.
121. Are you mean?I don’t know. Am I?
122. Is cheating ever okay?Depends.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?Nah. x”D
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Y e s
125. Do you believe in true love?What’s your definition of true love?
126. Are you currently bored?No, because I have this 150-question thingy to take care of--
127. What makes you happy?Music.
128. Would you change your name?YES. I would literally change my name from Jenn to June. 
129. What your zodiac sign?Gemini.
130. Do you like subway?Subway or subways? Subway is okay. I don’t think I’ve ever been on a subway.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?Lock myself in a room and think everything through.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?Wasn’t this already asked??
133. Favourite lyrics right now?The lyrics of “Come Together” by Beatles. (I prefer the Aerosmith cover, tho)
134. Can you count to one million?Nope.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?I tell a lot of dumb lies to make it obvious that I’m lying. That’s just how I fail at being funny. ;w;
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Closed.
137. How tall are you?5′3
138. Curly or Straight hair?My hair never decides. Everytime I take a shower I never know if it will drive straight, wavy, or curly. xx Plus it’s hard to brush.
139. Brunette or Blonde?Brunette. MY HAIR IS DARK BROWN; N O T B L A C K.
140. Summer or Winter?Winter days, Summer nights (I prefer Summer nights).
141. Night or Day?Night. ;u;
142. Favourite month?December. 
143. Are you a vegetarian?No, but sometimes it seems like it. x”D
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?A l l o f t h e m.
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?Meh.
147. Mars or Snickers?Snickers.
148. What’s your favourite quote?Ahhh, too little time left over to decide.
149. Do you believe in ghosts?This question is too hard. c”x
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?“The children’s pants had large wooden boxes in them.”
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