#but i don’t know 😭 like my father was like ‘i’m just gonna pick you up from school’ but
seungfl0wer · 9 hours
𝑨𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒔
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Chapter 1 -> Title: Flower Girl
Chapter Warning: Nothing really? Mentions of stomach pain? Sorry for any mistakes!
Series Master List
A/N: It’s finally here 😭 please this is a lot of backstory and stuff so I hope you guys enjoy it! I’m honestly nervous posting it, like super nervous.
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You sighed loudly as you got out of bed, stretching moving to crack your back. “Ugh that was a rough night” you grumbled walking toward your door. As you walked down the stairs you were greeted by your mom who had just baked some cookies. “Hey sleepy head you were supposed to be up already, your dad needs help down at the shop” she said giving you a little packed lunch. “Do I get a cookie with my lunch?” You smiled as you peered over her shoulder to grab one. “Nuh uh these are for my meeting today” she said swatting your hand away.
You whined making her roll her eyes “there’s one in your bag, now go. You’re already late” she said poking your side. You smiled putting your shoes on quickly slipping out the door waving bye to her.
As you reached your dad’s store you could see the few cars already parked outside. Walking in you were greeted by smiling regulars. Your mother and father ran a business together one side was hers where she made baked goods and coffee. The other side was his where he sold gardening supplies and plants. He was known as a handy man around the town. He helped fix a lot of things for people, like pipes, floors, roofs you name it. You helped in both aspects however you enjoyed helping your dad with landscaping the most. Planting beautiful floral arrangements and crops.
As you sat your stuff down you heard your dad grumble in the back. Following the noise you saw him struggling to grab something from a shelf. You couldn’t help but laugh a bit making him turn his head. “Bout time you get outta bed” he teased. “Hey hey you keep it up and I’m not gonna help you get that” you teased back. Your parents were very kind people, they always did what was best for you. Always tried to do right by you and make sure you were always taken care of.
“Are you gonna help or just hold up the wall?” He joked. You rolled your eyes before stretching to grab the bag, a sharp pain going through your stomach. You winced almost dropping the heavy dirt bag on yourself. “Ah- y/n be careful” he said grabbing it from you. You grabbed your side rubbing it, the pain was gone already. You thought it was just from the weight of the bag so you continued your day not thinking much of it. As you were picking up some trash from the side you felt the sharp pain again. This time it didn’t stop right away, the pain went straight through your stomach.
You groaned out sitting a bit down as you tried to ease the pain. However it only started to grow more, you didn’t know what to do so you yelled for your dad. You could feel tears pricking as the pain intensified. It felt like someone took a knife and just slid it through your ribs. When your dad got to you he stopped dead in his tracks. A smell you hadn’t noticed radiating off of you. He quickly picked you up helping you into the shop. He took you into the back room shutting and locking the door quickly.
“Y/n didn’t you take your medicine today?” He asked his eyes looking over you worryingly. You nod “I- I did- I haven’t missed a day” you stammered out “ugh why’s it hurt so much” you said voice breaking. His eyes widened looking almost panicked “I need to make a call. Do. NOT. Leave this room. Got it?” He said sternly. You nod again before he left he kissed the top of your head “don’t worry ok?” He said before ruffling your hair a bit. He left the room leaving you there hunched over in pain.
A few minutes had gone by before you heard your dad’s voice “Are you fucking kidding me? How’s that even possible?” He said. His voice full of anger and worry you wondered what and who he was talking to. You heard the door open seeing him peer in, he scrunched his nose a bit looking at you.
“Y/n, sweetheart.. we have.. we have a problem” he said pulling up a seat to sit beside you. “The pills that help suppress your scent and heat are.. well since you’re getting older they’re kind of.. not working anymore especially since you’ve been taking them for so long. He said his voice almost shaky like he was scared. Ever since they found out you were an omega they had you put on these pills that suppressed it. Especially your smell and heat. They did this for your own safety and happiness. They wanted you to grow up free of the label. Free of others trying to get to you simply for what you were.
They knew how packs were, how they treated omegas. Most packs anymore couldn’t get ahold of a true omega a lot of them hiding or settling down with a loner. They were also very worried about how you fell into an almost alpha category as well. A lot of wolfs anymore had “tendencies”. What use to be mating for genes and keeping “pure bloods” has almost all but gone. Now everyone is a bit whatever? Both of your parents are betas however your grandmother and grandfather were an alpha and omega couple.
You turned out to be an omega however you had “alpha tendencies” which was almost unheard of. Even if they found you a good mate that aspect of you could ruin it.
The way your dad looked at you almost like he failed you. “The doctor said it could also be because of the alpha like side you have.” He said. He pulled you close to him holding you into a tight hug “my little girl.. I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you from this” he said his words almost choking in his throat. You held onto him the pain still surging through your stomach. “So.. what can we do?” You said softly looking up at him. Those big puppy eyes of yours making his heart ache “I don’t know, but I’ll find a solution” he said rubbing your back.
He closed the shop up early taking you home to get you comfortable. Your mom coming home giving you some extra cookies she had left. The pain was slowly dying down but your scent was strong. Although you had these tendencies you were just an omega. The smell of you radiating through the room like a sick honey smell. Your head was spinning from the whole day. You curled up with your pillows falling asleep quickly.
As morning came you could hear your dad talking again. His phone has been blowing up all morning. The news must have gotten out because you saw a post “well known daughter of (father’s name) has been discovered to be an omega.” A chill went up your spine looking at it seeing the comments.
A rustle coming down the stairs sounding like a stampede. “Chan look!” The bright eyed boy says to the older one. “We’ve talked to her before! And she’s an omega!” The blonde says holding his phone in the other’s face. He snatches the phone looking over the article “it’s the pretty flower girl” he said softly looking at the phone smiling. “Chaaan! You should talk to her dad!” He said eyes sparkling at him. “What makes you think he’s gonna let me have his daughter lix?” He said with a chuckle.
“Come on if anyone will take care of her well it’s us! Where also you know.. the biggest pack here that takes care of everyone” he says rolling his eyes a bit. “You gotta try at least!” He said with a pout. Chan lets out a deep breath “fine, I’ll contact him and see what I can do.”
And he did he rang up your father talking for a bit “I know with the news out you’re gonna be bombarded with other people but let me take her? Let me make her our omega and we’ll treat her like the queen she is” he said over the phone. Your father was thinking a mile a minute “how do I know you’re gonna keep her safe?” He questioned “how do I know you aren’t just gonna hurt her and.. use her?” He continued.
“Sir, I promise I’d never let anything happen to her or do anything to hurt her. I’ve seen her many times in there and even before the news I thought she was just such a beautiful angel” Chan rambled on.
Your dad sighed a bit “come over and we can talk about this?” He said giving Chan the address to your home. After getting off the phone Chan had an audience now. “So?” Felix asked all eyes on Chan. “I’m going to talk to him. We’ll see how it goes” he said grabbing his jacket. “I’ll be back later” he said before leaving.
This brings us to now. A wide known alpha in your town a very wealthy one at that standing downstairs. You peered down when you heard the unfamiliar voice accidentally locking eyes with him. It felt like your heart hitched up into your throat. It was beating so loudly you swore it was shaking the whole house.
“Ah- there’s my sweets” your dad says with a hopeful smile. “Come here?” He asked patting the chair beside him. Your body was almost frozen but somehow you started to move. You smiled politely at the man before sitting down. Your mom came over sitting some cookies down for everyone to snack on.
“So.. let’s get to it hmm?” Your dad says breathing out loudly. “Bangchan here, would like too.. have you as his omega. His mate.” Your father spoke. His words circled in your head you wanted to say something but your eyes were locked on the man infront of you. “What do you think?” Your dad said taking your hand. “Why do you want ME as your mate? Is it souly for what I am?” You spoke bluntly. Chan smiles a bit finding your bluntness a bit funny. “Well not exactly, I’ve always thought you were beautiful when I’d come in the store. However I know your dads kind of in a hard place here with you”
You looked over at your dad and he just nodded a bit “I would have offered him money but I can’t really put a price tag on you.” He said with a smile. Ugh his smile. It had your heart thumping even more. You had to admit, seeing him come in the store you’d definitely developed a crush. He was very handsome, his cute little dimples poking out as he smiled.
“He’s the best option y/n, I’ll at least know you’re safe and can still see you.” He said rubbing your hand. “Have you told him about the uhm problem though?” You asked. Chan tilted his head looking at you both. “Not yet” your dad said looking over at him. He sighed a bit “y/n has alpha tendencies.” He said. “Which basically just means she can get more controlling, more aggressive and her heats can be a bit more intense.” He said studying the man’s face.
“Just sounds like she’s a strong woman, someone who’s not afraid to fight for what she wants. Not afraid to protect her pack” he said with a that big smile. “It doesn’t bother you?” The question slipping past your lips. He chuckles a bit “No? Should it?” His voice sounded almost teasing. You felt a blush creep up as he smiled once again, The sight making him smile even bigger.
“So it’s settled then? You’ll be mine. Ours?” He said looking at you. You tilted your head a bit “ours?” You questioned. He nodded “My boys will love you just as much. They’d be basically your other mates.” He said cocking his head to the said like you. “It’s a new way these packs are running” your dad spoke looking over at him. Chan nodded “yeah, plus they already are excited to see you. I can’t keep you all to myself, you’re to beautiful not to share” he said his cheeks blushing a bit at his words.
“I know it’s a lot but you don’t hav-“ he started before you cut him off. “I want to. I’ll do it. I’ll be your omega. As long as you promise I can come see my family” you said words sounding like a plea. He couldn’t help the big smile that spread across his face. “Of course! I’d never keep you from them! I’m not trapping you with us silly. You’re free to come and go, although I’d feel safe if one of us would join you. I know how others are” he said looking over at your dad who nodded.
“Welp I guess it settled! You’re coming with me” he said eyes smiling at you. “I’ll come back tomorrow for you if that’s ok? I’ll let you guys have time together” he said standing up. Bangchan shook your dad’s hand, giving your mom a hug before looking at you “may I hug you?” The way he asked his voice soft, sweet like sugar. You nod and before you knew it he had his arms around you. He pulled you into a big hug and it just felt- felt so warm? So cozy and loving like this was where you were meant to be.
When he pulled away his cheeks were bright red “I can’t wait for you to meet the rest of the boys. God they’re gonna love you” he said kissing your cheeks almost quickly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, your dad has my number if you’d like to talk tonight” he said. With another smile and a wave he was gone.
So many thoughts circled your head but you were almost excited for this new chapter in your life. Excited to feel what it felt like to be yourself. Not someone hiding.
As Chan opened the door to his place, he chuckled a bit at the scene in front of him. The boys all sitting in the living room presumably waiting for him. As the door opened their head turned to look at him. “Chan! So so!” Felix said running towards him. He tried to play it like you said no but he couldn’t hide the smile. “You can’t lie old man tell us” he heard a voice coming from the couch. He rolled his eyes “she said yes!” He said a big smile plastered across his voice. “No way!” Felix squealed hugging Chan tightly. “When is she coming? Does she know about us? Do you think she’ll love all of us?” Felix’s questions seemed never ending.
Chan chuckled “tomorrow, yes and of course she will” he said ruffling his hair a bit. The boys talked amongst themselves before one of them spoke “I’ll go to the store tomorrow and get some stuff” he said. “I’ll get stuff to make a good dinner tomorrow” he continued. “You know what she likes?” He asked. “Minho, anything you make I’m sure she’d love” Chan said back to him making the other man smile. “Changbin and I will put her room together, the rest of you need to clean the house.” Chan said looking around.
“Can I make cookies? I know her mom bakes so I’m sure she would like some” Felix said with a smile. Chan nodded “yeah that sounds good!” As the boys talked Chan noticed your father had sent him your phone number. He quickly saved it texting you “hey there beautiful, I just wanted to ask what some of your favorite things are? Like food and stuff? Oh oh what’s your favorite color?” He asked sending the message. You felt your heart do a little pitter patter as you smiled reading his message. You texted back a small list of your favorite foods and snack. Telling him a few colors you liked. You looked around your room realizing most of your stuff was black blue or red. You laughed a bit “majority of my stuffed animals are blue, but the rest of my room is darker colors. I wear a lot of darker colors too” you texted.
“Oh so mysterious🫢” he texted back making you giggle.
“Oh yeah totally, not because black matches everything or anything like that” you teased. You thought to yourself how easy it seemed. How easy it seemed to talk to him, to feel comfortable.
“I hope you sleep well beautiful, everyone is excited to meet you. I’m excited to be able to have you here.” He messaged back.
You could feel your cheeks heat up making you smile like some high school girl texting her crush. “I hope I don’t disappoint” you texted back. You rolled over thinking to yourself. ‘I really hope they all like me.. I hope I’ll live up to their standards’
“Never could beautiful.” He texted. Sending another one right after “oh here!” He sent a picture of all of them. “From left to right it’s Jisung, Minho, Changbin, Seungmin and the three below are Jeongin, Hyunjin and Felix” he texted.
“Where are you?” You said studying the picture.
“Oh I took the photo” he texted back. The boys around his were already cleaning the place up a bit.
“Oh :(“ you replied back you pouted a bit.
He chuckled at your reply sending a selfie of himself. “Sorry love here’s a picture of me, all you had to do was ask” he said making himself chuckle a bit.
Seeing the pet name made your heart pound if your cheeks were warm before they’re on fire now. “You all are so very handsome..” you sent the message as you were about to type back something like ‘to handsome for me’ he replied.
“Handsome men just for their beautiful mate” he texted. He was all blushy now telling the boys how you think they’re handsome. The roars and hoots that came from them made him laugh. Your heart thudded again you wanted to squeal at his words before you could text back he was texting you again. “Get some sleep my love, we’ll see you in the morning!” He texted.
You sighed a bit knowing you better cause it was gonna be a long day tomorrow. Getting comfy you texted back one more time “fine fine, good night. I will see you.. and everyone tomorrow. Hope you all sleep well. Good night handsome.. goodnight other handsomes” you giggled a bit yawning before curling up into your bed.
He blushed at your words “goodnight my love, we all can’t wait to see you. They all said goodnight as well.” Chan texted back. “Alright boys, we’ll continue to clean in the morning but we should all sleep.” He said getting up patting Minhos back with a smile. “Bed let’s go” Minho said standing up. The rest of the boys following suit. Their minds spinning with happiness, excited for tomorrow. Excited to see their beautiful mate.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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Taglist: @satosugu4l @do-you-remember-summer-127 @xines16 @minh0scat @troublemaker02 @tr-mha-fan @stayconnecteed @minniesverse @ldysmfrst @jehhskz @lunearta @hello-stranger24 @justastraymoa @hyun-prince @catlove83 @lunearta @iknow-uknow-leeknow @chocolateislife @jisungs-iced-americano @doitforbangchan @minghaosimp
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robertsbarbie · 1 year
idk if i’m just emotional cause i’m tired and have been in an obnoxious amount of pain all day but i’m wanting to go into kansas city tomorrow less and less
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voguesriot · 7 months
SUNBURN ✹ luke castellan
( summary ) a social media au about chb’s fav couple (& their fav shitstirrer, aka percy jackson)
( pairing ) luke castellan x fem aphrodite cabin-coded!reader & small bits of baby percabeth
( notes ) first post ahhh!!! this was so fun to make
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♫ Ant Pile by Dominic Fike
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♡ liked by wisegirll , silenabeauregard , and others
yourusername my bf is hot but dominic fike if u wanna hmu i can ditch him it’s no biggie 😁🫶
lukecastellan EXCUSE ME
lukecastellan you already completed your rite of passage why do you need to break my heart 😔💔
yourusername want me to kiss that bruised ego better?
lukecastellan sigh… i guess…
seaweedbrain get his ass off my screen 🤣🤣
lukecastellan sparring arena. you and me. now.
groverunderwood bros rlly beefing with a 13 yr old
seaweedbrain the typa guy to tell me to kms bcs i voted him out in roblox total drama island
clarisselarue this would’ve been so much better without the second slide
yourusername no more like content from here on out 🙅‍♀️
lukecastellan wtf???
yourusername sorry babe i don’t argue with girls who have big brown eyes, whatever she wants she’s gonna get
silenabeauregard YOU LOOK SO CUTESY
yourusername I LOVE U 🥹❤️‍🩹
chrisrodriguez lukecastellan bro ik nobody else here fw you, but i’ll always fw you 💗
lukecastellan you’re a real one bro 👊
aphroditecamper1 u guys are so cute ☹️
♫ Babydoll by Dominic Fike
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♡ liked by cbeckendorf , connorstroll , and others
lukecastellan yeah your girl might have a general grasp on battle strategies or whatever but can she bring an oddly unsettling vibe and a cute smile to the function? DIDNT THINK SO ‼️‼️‼️
seaweedbrain put a shirt on man nobody wants to be seeing all that trust 🙏
lukecastellan i wonder if your dad would’ve stayed if you weren’t such a hater
seaweedbrain i wonder if your dad wouldn’t have become the ten dollar founding father if you mom swallowed
yourusername woah…
seaweedbrain when he goes low i go LOWER
wisegirll too far percy
seaweedbrain sorry ma’am
clarisselarue this would’ve been so much better without the second slide
lukecastellan it’s my account???
clarisselarue i stand by what i said.
chrisrodriguez yk i can bring an oddly unsettling vibe too and my ma said my smiles pretty cute so…
yourusername yeah you bring such a crazy vibe!!
chrisrodriguez now that’s just rude
yourusername tried to be a homewrecker but you got wrecked instead 🤷‍♀️
wisegirll yourusername your lashes look so good!!!!
clarisselarue WTF???
silenabeauregard WTF?????
seaweedbrain WTF????
lukecastellan i’m used to this by now 😔💔🥀
♫ Woman Screaming #2 by Anton Hughes
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♡ liked by wisegirll , racheledare , and others
seaweedbrain does he just not own a shirt… COVER YOUR BOOBS SIR PLEASE THERE ARE CHILDREN
lukecastellan why are you taking pics of us having a nap… fan behaviour icl
seaweedbrain i needed proof to file a police report against you for theft
lukecastellan how did you know??
seaweedbrain i was talking ab stealing my innocence but what were you thinking…
yourusername wait perce can you send me the second pic it’s so cute
yourusername send the first one too actually please
seaweedbrain pick yourself up you’re stronger than this what happened to women who stand on business 😔
yourusername i was standing!!! but then my feet hurt and he picked me up :)
seaweedbrain sigh
chrisrodriguez bros looking fine oh my gods
lukecastellan don’t matter if i’ve got a world of haters, i got you by my side
yourusername i’m just gonna leave…
clarisselarue yourusername just saying i’d never pull that shit
lukecastellan ok joke over ha ha funny
wisegirll percy this is a bit stalkerish 😭
seaweedbrain i’m sorry you’re right
this post has been deleted.
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soup-spoonn · 1 month
The weight of the world
Pt. 2
Pt. 1
kind of a long part 😭 mb yall
@boohoobeach @medusas-graveyard @catostrofiqu @dandey-lion
“B has been saying that the GIW might come to Gotham.”
Danny didn’t say a word, but just stared at Dick with a terrified look on his face.
“He told me not to tell you, that’s why he called a JL meeting, but I can’t just leave you out of the loop.”
“When?” He choked out, still terrified.
“We don’t know, but…” Dick paused, “they really want-“
“It’s my parents… they’re the ones leading the GIW to me.”
Dick looked startled at that confession, then just asked, “why?”
“I- I don’t know… I didn’t know- I-“ he started hyperventilating, and Dick didn’t say anything, and just wrapped him up in a hug as Danny cried.
“I don’t wanna see them again…” he said between sobs.
“You won’t.” Dick promised kindly
“You told him?!” Bruce said angrily, “I told you not to!”
“I wasn’t gonna leave him out of the loop! Do you want him to get hurt? He deserves to know, he’s family! If you were left unaware of something important about your safety, that would break your trust wouldn’t it?!” Dick ranted, angry at his father for asking him to lie to his little brother.
“Yes, but he’s too young, and he already has too much on his plate, we can’t worry him more!”
“He’s almost sixteen! We don’t need to baby him! We just need to be here for him! Help him with his responsibilities, not act like he's a baby, he’s so mature!”
Bruce sat for a moment, thinking, “you’re right, Dick, I’m sorry.”
“I’m not the one you need to apologize to.”
Danny sat on the edge of his bed, pondering his next move, tapping his foot nervously.
If they find me, they find my family.
I can’t let them find my family.
Am I gonna have to run away again? I haven’t been legally adopted, so it should be easy enough.
Danny figured that if he could escape at night, he’d be able to go to Metropolis to ask Superman for help.
Poor Danny, he’s probably so scared right now. I knows I would be.
Clark let out a sigh, and stood up from his chair, shutting off his computer and closing his office door softly.
I should go above Gotham again, maybe Danny will be there.
It was dark out, and Danny decided he would go stargazing again, see if he could have a conversation with Superman.
He opened his window, leaving his phone on his bed, and went ghost, then flew above Gotham to his usual spot.
He sat for five minutes, until he felt a sudden presence to his right.
“Hey Danny, I heard about what happened.”
“I’m gonna run away.” Danny replied abruptly.
“What- why?” Superman asked, panicked
“You know…” Danny paused, “they’re gonna find me. I was thinking about leaving… possibly going to Metropolis.”
“That sounds like a smart plan, but you do know that Batman isn’t gonna be okay with that, right?”
“Uhm, yeah… I’m not telling anyone about it, except you. I trust you, more than anyone I ever have. I just feel a connection to you, maybe it’s that you’re Kryptonian, but I don’t know. My core feels… safe around you. Like a father.”
Superman felt flattered, happy he made Danny feel safe, “you shouldn’t leave your family. They’ll worry. They love you, you know.”
“I know, and I love them too, that’s why I have to leave. The GIW could cause them trouble if they find me. I don’t want them getting hurt.”
“I know, I know, it’s not my fault or something.” Danny interrupted, “it is my fault though, if I only hadn’t told my p- them about my… condition, none of this would have happened… I’m gonna go now.”
“Bye, Danny.”
He jumped as Dick slammed open the door, looking rushed.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Danny asked, looking up from the book Jason gave him.
“You need to start answering your phone!”
“Oh. Sorry,” he replied awkwardly.
Danny picked up his phone, scrolling through the notifications from Dick.
“I called you like ten times!” Dick said dramatically, “you scared me!”
“I’m sorry, I went on a walk again, I just got back.”
“Danny, I don’t know if you should do that anymore.” Dick said seriously.
“No buts.”
“I can protect myself-“
“I know that, but you should only go on walks if someone’s with you, for your safety. I’ll go with you-“
“I’m not actually going on walks.”
“What? Danny, what do you do then?”
“I go to look at the stars.”
“Wh- why would you lie about that?”
“I don’t know, the stars are like my sanctuary, you know? Or like, uhm.” He paused, pondering his next words, “when you have a long day, you like to lay in bed and fall asleep, right?” Dick nodded, “well for me, I still do need sleep, but the stars are rejuvenating for me. It’s my ghostly obsession, so I need this, you know? And anyway, Superman joins me most of the time, so if anything happens I’ll have some help.”
“Superman?” Dick asked, perplexed.
“Yeah… he listens, and gives advice. He’s helped me a lot.” Danny replied with a smile.
“Well, I didn’t expect that friendship to exist, alright then. But you still need to be careful, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”
“You’re fine, I don’t mind.” He said, returning to his book.
seriously this took me way longer than it should’ve, sorry about that 😅
lmk how yall feel about it please :D
also i’m probably not gonna tag more than four people, I don’t wanna take up too much space with it
Edit: i came up with a name :D
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heyaheiya · 6 days
Will you write something about single dad bakugo falling in love with his child’s daycare teacher and her or them feeling the same 🥺🥺 -🦕
Sorry this took so long 😭😭
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Katsuki didn’t plan on ever getting into a relationship again; just him and his darling daughter was enough for him. That was until your stupid face somehow wormed its way into his mind.
His girl, Bakugou Chiyo, had been going to daycare for a few months now, but he’d never met you officially.
As much as Mitsuki loved having the little one over most weekdays, she didn’t have all the time in the world to spend babysitting. Eijirou encouraged Katsuki to enroll Chiyo and had recommended the daycare he used for his kids. Despite Katsuki’s hesitation towards it, Eijirou wouldn’t stop pestering the man to give it a chance. Something about ‘socialisation’ or whatever. Still, Katsuki put up a good fight.
“Fuck no, you know how disgusting other people’s kids are?? I don’t want Chiyo catching rabies from those things.”
“It’s expensive, I’m not exactly rich right now you know!”
“How do I know those teachers are qualified?”
“I’m sure Chiyo’s gonna hate it so what’s the bother.”
Unfortunately, Chiyo loved it, waking up early and being pretty self sufficient for a 4 and a half year old. She even packed her bag herself before bed so it was ready the next morning. Yes it was filled with just stuffed animals, and what.
“Baby, do you seriously need all of your friends? Why not pick one?”
“But they’ll be lonely :(“
Katsuki had to write out a whole schedule of which plush goes to daycare on which day. This rotation made sure the toys all got an equal amount of days.
Chiyo had been getting chattier in the recent days. Perhaps shitty hair was right about the socialisation bit… However, at dinner that night, a new name kept coming up.
“-and I was really sad. But then, Smiley came over and made it better!”
“Who’s ’Smiley’, princess?”
“Silly daddy, you see her every day at pickup!”
That was helpful. One out of the army of children he has no time to notice.
“Tell me about Smiley. She nice to you?”
“Mhm! Today she secretly gave me a chocolate from the teacher desk :D”
Alarms went off in Katsuki’s head. Chiyo’s friends with a thief. Chiyo’s gonna turn into a criminal. Chiyo’s gonna get arrested in the future. Chiyo needs to stop being friends with this ‘Smiley’ kid!!
“Yeah. She told me not to tell anyone or she’ll get in trouble… But you won’t tell, right daddy l?”
The next day and drop off, Katsuki stomped in, all geared up in his hero suit, with a massive scowl decorating his face. Usually Mitsuki and Masaru drop the sweetheart off in the mornings, and by the end of a long work day, Katsuki doesn’t have time to chat. So other parents and teachers had basically never had a proper conversation with the man. That sure was gonna change.
“Who is this ‘Smiley’ kid??”
The receptionist looked befuddled.
“Oh no.. what did she do?”
“Nunya goddamn business. Point me to ‘er”
A shaken older hand pointed towards a young and surprisingly pretty face across the room. Must be the kids mother.
Katsuki stomped his way over to the woman. Either she shrunk back in fear of the pro hero, or his anger made him grow a few inches.
“Oi! Who do you think you are? Letting your kids behave like that? I swear, don’t give me some shi- stupid excuse!”
“I’m so sorry! Has someone been picking on Chi-Chi?”
“Chi-Chi? Seriously nicknaming a kid that doesn’t belong to you? That’s so fuc- freaking creepy.”
Chiyo yanked at her father’s pant leg a bit.
“Don’t yell at Smiley like that >:(“
Huh. Smiley.. is the teacher. Oh. A normal person would instantly apologise, but Katsuki? Pro hero Dynamight?
“What kind of relationship do you have with my daughter??”
He made you look like a child predator in front of your entire classroom, their parents, and your boss +coworkers..To say he felt bad was an understatement, the look of your terrified and embarrassed face scarring his mind for days.
Then, Chiyo came home balling her eyes out.
“Miss Smiley wasn’t there! She left me!”
Fuck. He knew what he had to do.
+81 XXX XXX XXX: Meet me at the restaurant down the street in 10.
Y/N: What the freak
When he saw you walk in, his jaw dropped. Unfortunately, you were beautiful, like the girls on the covers of magazines. However, your cute and almost squishable face quickly turned to a glare, eyes shooting lasers through his face.
It’s silent for a long time.
“This is the part where you apologise for getting me fired.”
“Right, I’m really sorry.”
“Look, I love Chiyo so so much. She’s a good kid and I’m sure you can tell she’s grown an attachment to me. If it’s because you or her mother feels jealous-“
“I’m single, the mother is out of the picture.”
“Oh so you just felt like being a dick?”
“Mind your language, Sensei. Wouldn’t want any kids to develop a fowl tongue.”
“I’m the reason Chiyo doesn’t have some of your key vocabulary. Watch it, Dynamight.”
“Oh I’m so scared😒”
You instantly stood up and grabbed your purse. “If you’re just here to rub salt in the wound, I think we’re done.” Fuck. Katsuki yanked you back down into your seat, eyes begging.
“No, fuck- I can’t stop fucking this up. Sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Wanna add another f-bomb to that statement?”
“Fuck off.”
“There we go.”
Katsuki groaned to himself, wanting to kill himself right there and then.
“I came here to apologise and fix things, but I’m stupid and can’t fucking communicate!”
“There are other swear words y’know?”
“Take me seriously.”
Your face softened slightly. You seriously thought he might cry in the middle of some random ramen restaurant.
“How do I fix this??”
You didn’t ask for too much really. Shopping spree (clothes, jewellery, cosmetics, skincare, shoes, hair pins, the works), official apology to everyone who was in the room at the time, get job back, and a bunch of tiramisu.
After all that, you were nothing but smiles. Then it clicked. Always smiling. Miss Smiley. Damn, that was a lazy nickname.
“Chiyo was the one who came up with ‘Miss Smiley’.”
It’s the best goddamn nickname anyone has ever made.
“Is there anything else you wanna add to that long ass list of yers???”
“A second date?”
— — — — — — — — — — —
This is not my best, I’m sorry 😭😭 hope you enjoyed! And requests are still open. Please, I need inspiration 🙏🙏
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agendabymooner · 1 year
stop the world i wanna get off with you ! kimi r. x ofc (coppola!ofc)
“with the exception of you, i dislike everyone in the room.”
summary: vera jones ‘coppa’ coppola-raikkonen happens to be one of the three original it girls of formula one. funnily enough, she’s also the one to give birth to the loudest/messiest versions of the iceman as she continues her journey as a mother and a wife (all while she’s a director of the most iconic movies to have existed).
content warning: fictional raikkonen kids, mentions of breakups, mentions of tilly hearth and trish alonso (ofc) use of explicit language, family banters in social media
note: i know i have the most random selection of drivers on my masterlist but i swear i’m just tryna indulge in my lil bubble of happiness.
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tagged romaraikkonen, kimimatiasraikkonen
liked by arthurleclerc, olliebearman, charles_leclerc
user1 icegirl on fire as always 🧊🔥
user2 real hot girl shit of you roma 😩
arthurleclerc aroma, you’re supporting the wrong leclerc 😀 liked by veracopparaikko
romaraikkonen i can tell you that my shirts are nothing of an inchident. trust. liked by veracopparaikko
charles_leclerc i cannot believe i am being picked on by my favourite icegirl 😠
romaraikkonen hardly picking on you when i got ur name and face on my shirts??? smh i didn’t ask mum to get them for me to get called a h8r
rooraikkonen cool story maniac, can you run over jolauriraikkonen next?
romaraikkonen i’ll start with you first then i go target johann next, yes?
jolauriraikkonen what did i do??? i didn’t leave your pc plugged in, akka rooraikkonen witch
veracopparaikko kimimatiasraikkonen your kids are at it again, kimi.
kimimatiasraikkonen not my problem
veracopparaikko 😠
jolauriraikkonen it’s okie mum i’ll make sure dad sleeps on the couch tonight 😉
jolauriraikkonen dad did say 3 sprint races win = i get to go to the next three races too 😍 thank you for the team effort romaraikkonen liked by veracopparaikko
romaraikkonen omagaaaaa these are officially the worst races ever
ferraridriveracademy how are we going to put you two together in one room then?
romaraikkonen don’t.
jolauriraikkonen i’m gonna sob, this is a w for me
romaraikkonen what are you even doing up??? aren’t u like 14?
veracopparaikko question is: why are you even on your instagram? 🤨
jolauriraikkonen oh so when dad does it, it’s okay? he has to get up early too you know???
kimimatiasraikkonen please don’t involve me in this
user3 we love an unproblematic king 😭😭
user4 why are these kids so funny 🥲
kimimatiasraikkonen so proud of my girl 🧊❤️ liked by veracopparaikko
romaraikkonen like father like daughter 😉❤️🤝
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tagged rooraikkonen, kimimatiasraikkonen
liked by landonorris, tillywolff, valterribottas
jolauriraikkonen 1/10. she looked more like the bottom of beetlejuice’s foot than the lady herself.
user1 naw johann-lauri got kimi’s humour for sure
rooraikkonen i’m gonna crash to your kart next time and you’re going to be crying to dad and dad will literally just laugh at you
kimimatiasraikkonen no, i won’t.
jolauriraikkonen hahahahahahaha cry
kimimatiasraikkonen second time this day, johann. next time i’m taking the switch. liked by veracopparaikko
user3 ruh-roh raikkonen is at it
jolauriraikkonen my bad g 🤝
kimimatiasraikkonen all good g 🤝
user4 a proof that johann is kimi-coded ^^
rooraikkonen thank you sooooo much mummy !!! i thought i was going to cry for a minute then i realized how much of a baddie my mummy-producer-writer-director is 😭😩 liked by veracopparaikko
veracopparaikko you fluster me, rooney tunes! ❤️
kimimatiasraikkonen your performance is very good, rooroo! henrik and betty were excited to see you on stage 😍 liked by veracopparaikko
rooraikkonen dad, betty-elina can barely hear from that headphones we got her.
rooraikkonen though i could hear henrik’s screaming during the intermission. 😂
rooraikkonen thank you daddy !! i’m glad i’m making the iceman proud 🧊💕 liked by veracopparaikko
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tagged kimimatiasraikkonen, jolaurisraikkonen
liked by arthurleclerc, olliebearman, fernandoalo_oficial
jolauriraikkonen y’all cannot one up my mother because her resume is long as heck. she’s: mother, director, writer, actor, producer, photographer 😎 liked by veracopparaikko
jolauriraikkonen look at me and the boys though 😎
user1 you’re the coolest brother ever
rooraikkonen bc he’s the only brother henrik got 😂😂😂
user2 iceman and his iceboys and his ice cream
user3 too cold in here lads 🥶
romaraikkonen look at my cool lil man and dad 😍 oh and johann liked by veracopparaikko
jolauriraikkonen count ur days bestie
user4 where did the american-italian look go, vera?? 😭
rooraikkonen speaking on behalf of mum. the coppola genes had gone away as soon as romania came out, but uncle nicolas cage definitely did not leave
user4 subtle flex but okay pop off bestie 🔥
kimimatiasraikkonen such handsome boys liked by veracopparaikko
veracopparaikko i agree
romaraikkonen so do i
rooraikkonen me too
jolauriraikkonen i agree too
576 notes · View notes
a-998h · 8 months
I’m so sorry if I’m like bothering you😭 But like I just have so many questions-
So what if in the same scenario where (Reader) is like really strong and kills monsters like the ask from before
And once they find out that some of the Archons/other people are really old they’ll make soo many jokes about it-
Like if Zhongli was like “Please (Reader), I don’t mind if you see me as a father-figure, I won’t be mad if you call me Dad,”
And (Reader) who’s like 12-14 years old is like “You’re too old to be my Dad, you’re more like a grandpa.” And then they just walk away, and Zhongli just lays on the floor, heartbroken
And if (Reader) beefs with Wanderer, and he’s being mean they’ll be like “Shut up old man!” Or like “Your still this immature at your grown age?”
And for Nahida, they would just hold her in their arms, she would be the only few people that (Reader) doesn’t actively make fun of, and they’ll show genuine interest on how she’s so old but looks so young, and they would like sit with her and talk about their world
But suddenly everything takes a turn when (Reader) is sitting with a character (One who’s thousands of years old) and (Reader) just turns to them and’s like “Y’know, I realized if I stay in this world, that means you and a lot of the others are still gonna be here when I die” and then they’ll just calmly turn back to look up back at the starry night-
You pick which ones would be bawling their eyes out or how each character would react-
And then reader would go up to characters who aren’t thousands of years old and would assume they are and they would be like “You look old” or like “I feel like your actually an old person”
Like they would say this to Itto, Cyno, Diluc or any other characters of your choosing (Hopefully those three aren’t thousands of years old from what I know💀)
Have a good day!
🍉 Anon you never fail to inspire me and my devious little mind, and for that I thank you. I'll start with the mocking age headcanons then move into the existential dread the Creator inspires.
(Included characters: Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Nahida, Itto, Wander, Diluc, Cyno, Xiao, Neuvillette, and Xianyun)
Age jokes
“Please (Reader), I don’t mind if you see me as a father-figure, I won’t be mad if you call me Dad,”
“You’re too old to be my Dad, you’re more like a grandpa.”
Your response/ jab at his age makes him pause
At this point no one in Teyvat besides Traveler and Paimon know that Zhongli is Rex Lapis
Is not surprised the great Creator knows things, but he wasn't expecting you to know that
Uses the jokes to mess with you in small ways
Whenever you ask to do any monster killing he'll pull the deaf old man bit, just to annoy you
Will also make you do harder chores by pulling the old man = bad back
It's funny... to him, he also uses this as a teaching moment
Laughs it off
Another that uses your jokes to mess with you
When you ask him to do something, he'll hold his hand to his ear and say "I'm sorry little windblume, I didn't hear you. My hearing must be going at this age,"
But jokes on him, you use his perceived old age to try and limit his wine drinking
That fails, but you tried kid
Whenever you run around Mondstadt or do monster killing, he sighs and talks about when he was young
You both annoy each other and it is glorious
She is shocked
She knew you liked to joke, but she didn't think she was that old
Because you're talking to the Riaden Shogun puppet most of the time, you don't get a reaction
Your jokes don't get turned on you
It's kind of boring
Only one who doesn't get age jokes
You are genuinely curious about how she looks young but is really hundreds of years old
You both talk about the advantages and disadvantages of being physically young but mentally older
Still unnerved by your monster killing and has her friend Wanderer watch over you
Huffs of annoyance
she then scolds you herself before snitching on you to Neuvillette
In the ends she'll forgive you, once you bribe her with sweets
“Shut up old man!”
How dare you!
His face turns shades of red no one knew were possible
Will respond by calling you brat and saying how cute you are in a teasing tone
Will be petty
“Your still this immature at your grown age?”
Turns even redder
You both beef with each other and it makes other worried
Will granny pinch your cheeks
Still smug about your monster killing, if bribed he'll help you
Your beef is both worrying and entertaining
He doesn't really understand the ages jokes
Thinks that you're just being mean
He'll snitch to grandpa Zhongli
Once it's explained to him by Zhongli
He just is confused
Why are you joking that he's old?
Just a really clueless when it comes to these jokes
He thinks it's because his hair is white
Now, he'll try his best to be the cool young uncle to you
He also doesn't want to think about how old he is
Will try and go monster killing with you
When he sees your strength... proud
Will carry you around and be like "Look at my awesome friend!"
So yeah, like a grandma showing off pictures of her grandkids
Is surprised
It's probably his grumpy face and his voice
Whenever you make ages jokes he tries to scold you about it
Whenever you run into the desert to do monster killing he'll chase after you to stop you
Try and pull this in the rainforest and he'll have Tighnari case you do to stop you
He thinks you make jokes about his age because of his hair color
Proud of your strength but still worrys about you
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This is the face he has on the inside
His voice and resting bitch face is probably what makes you think he's old, at least he thinks so
Think Kaeya is the one who is telling you he's old
He canonically 22 so this hits him hard
Tries to keep you in the manor at night
When he sees you sneaking out to kill monsters.... dad mode ™️
The more he scolds, and tries to act like a dad the more you call him old
You'll be the reason he ends up with grey hair, eyes bag, and wrinkles
Grandpa number 2
He already deals with Furina, so he's prepared
Whenever you poke fun at his age, he'll scold you for it
He'll never say it in public but you and Furina are his grandbabies
Your monster killing worries him, like a lot
So much that he has the melusine spy on you and report back
You often get scolded for reckless behavior
He is the more strict of your grandfather figures
Glares and scolds you whenever you call him old
He thinks your jokes are very disrespectful
Would be upset if they started rubbing off on Furina
Considering she tells Paimon to "respect your elders" when Paimon made her mad
She doesn't really care
To her, age = experience
She will act unaffordable by you monster killing, but it scares her
When you joke about her being a grandma, she plays into it
It's not to annoy you either, she just thinks she's your grandma
Will do standard grandma things
Whenever you try and get her to stop, she just responds with "nonsense!"
Now time for existential dread
“Y’know, I realized if I stay in this world, that means you and a lot of the others are still gonna be here when I die”
Crying on the outside and the inside
Nahida, Itto, Venti, Furina
Cries on the inside only
Neuvillette, Zhongli, Diluc, Ei
Doesn't know how to properly talk to you abut it
Cyno, Xiao, Wanderer, Xianyun
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dearest-painter · 8 months
Valentino’s daughter reader anon! What about Husk teaching the reader how to use her wings? (I mentioned Valentino didn’t care enough to do that in my last post) but she has trouble trusting people so she’s always nervous if what he’s saying is try and she acts as if she’s walking on eggshells to not make him mad like her father.
here’s another one I thought of but am too lazy to make a separate request of (I might in the future but I don’t know lol) but what if the Vs knew about the daughter but tried to keep her a secret? Like Velvette basically treated her like a dress up doll, Vox treated her like she was his assistant, I.E making her carry his coffee and other tasks that someone would need to be paid to do, and Val just ignored her existence.
you can make separate posts if you want for these, pre Angel adopting them and post, sorry I’m just excited that someone actually likes writing this idea because it’s been in my head for so long 😭😭
It’s fine!!!
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship, tell me if I need to add more
Summary:Your new dad helps you fly!
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Angel Dust placed the random mattress he had hose down in a spot. You were a bit scared but your mama and dad were with you! Fat nuggets sat beside it as he made a little noise. Husk sighed as he opened his wings. “Alrighty kiddo, you know how to open your wings right?” He asked. You nodded your head and opened them.
“Okay…Now Imma help you get up in the sky but after that we learn” He told you so you could mentally prepare yourself. He picked you up and flapped his wings as he went above the bed mattress, not to high but not to low. Just the perfect height for beginners. He held you out but still held you. “Okay so…we’re gonna learn how to flap. You know how to make your wings go up and down right?”
“Yeah!” You answered as you nod your head. “Okay, I need you to do that but without stopping” Husk said. You nod your head as you stared at your wings. Slowly, you started to make them go up and down over and over until there was no hesitation. Angel Dust smiled as he watched you two. He was recording as he saw this as a milestone for you.
“Okay, Now…I’m letting you go. Keep flapping” Husk stated and let you go. You kept flapping your wings but your eyes were shut as you were scared of falling. Slowly you opened your eyes and looked around then looked down. You saw Angel dust smiling widely and cheering. You then looked at Husk who was smiling a bit. “You got down the flapping kid, now…let’s do flying” Husk said which made you super excited.
You always wanted to fly so you could join him on the days he actually used his wings! He grabbed your hand as he started to fly. You copied his body so you were leaning forward a bit like he was. Angel Dust was worried about this but he noticed halfway through, Husk let you go. You were flying on your own! He cheered loudly which made you realize husk no longer was holding you. “Look mama! I did it!” You happily said as you got on the ground and ran to Angel dust smiling.
Husk smiled as he watched your happiness and interaction. He knew you still had training to do but you were a strong flyer which is a good thing in hell, you can get away from things faster.
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bravo4iscool · 2 months
i started watching vikings like two weeks ago and this came to my mind😭
(ubbe ragnarsson x fem!reader; lothbrok/ragnarsson family & fem!reader)
(we’re just gonna act like they’re all a happy family and no one hates each other and everyone is a decent human being lol)
(this is also anything but canon, everyone’s alive, no one’s dead and this has like no place in the timeline lmao. this is just my delusions taking over😭. this probably will have multiple parts too (if people want that lol))
(masterlist | join my tag list!)
you’re standing at the docks, erik on your hip and little ingrid by your side as you watch the ships slowly run into the habour of kattegat.
your daughter is all giddy beside you, just waiting for her father to finally arrive. “where is he mama? where is he?” she keeps asking, jumping up and down in excitement.
“i don’t know, baby,” you chuckle while the first ships arrive at the docks, the men leaving them in a hurry to get off. “i’m sure he’ll arrive soon,” you promise, ruffling your daughter hair.
meanwhile ubbe can’t walk towards you fast enough. there’s a big smile on his face as he keeps his eyes focused on you and the kids. he needs to take you into his arms again, he couldn’t wait.
he calls out your name when you don’t seem to notice him just yet and your head snaps up at his voice. your eyes light up when you finally see him almost running towards you.
once he reaches you he picks you—and erik—up in his arms, spinning you around. “my love,” he mumbles. “i’ve missed you.”
he sets you down again, immediately connecting his lips with your while his arms hold you close to his body. you sigh into the kiss, more than happy that your husband had finally returned.
when erik begins to squeak you both break the embrace. “look at you,” ubbe coos. “all grown up, my boy.” he takes erik from your arms and holds him up before he peppers his chubby face with kisses. “have you been good to your mama?” he asks, grinning when the baby begins to giggle.
“papa, papa!” ingrid starts to jump up and down again, grabbing her fathers clothes. “will you give me a kiss too?” she asks, her voice sweet and innocent as she blinks up at ubbe.
he looks at her and crushes down, “of course, my darling,” he smiles before he places his other arm around her and starts to plant small kisses all of her face.
the little girl starts to giggle, clearly happy that she’d gained her fathers attention. you only look at the three of them, thanking the gods that ubbe had returned home safe and healthy.
“papa?” ingrid then asks. “can i go greet uncle bjorn?” she’s giddy on her feet, looking at ubbe with those big eyes. “pleaseeeeee?”
ubbe looks at you and you give him a subtle nod. “you can,” he ruffles her hair. “but be careful, the docks can be dangerous.” his voice contains a clear warning but he doesn’t know if ingrid heard him because she’s already running off.
she’s quick on her feet as she dodges the people on the docks, searching for bjorn’s ship. once it came to her vision she let out a happy squeal.
bjorn stands on the docks, only seconds off the ship before ingrid launches herself into his arms. “oof,” he just manages to catch her, laughing when he clutches to him.
“i missed you uncle bjorn,” ingrid mumbles against bjorn’s chest, pressing her face against his armour. he tightens his arms around her, just enjoying the hug.
“i’ve missed you too,” he then mumbles. “my favourite niece, eh.” a smile breaks out on his face while he ruffles ingrid’s hair.
she giggles, “i’m your only niece.”
“that you are,” he smiles. “but you’re still my favourite.” ingrid starts to play with bjorn’s beard while he gently rocks her around in his arms. he wasn’t married, he had no kids, so he enjoyed the attention ingrid gave him.
“you’re standing in the way, brother,” a annoyed voice then sounds from behind bjorn and he turns around to see ivar standing behind him.
bjorn sighs and shifts ingrid in his arms. “there’s enough space to walk around me, ivar. don’t be such a baby.”
ingrid tilts her head and looks at the youngest ragnarsson. “hello uncle ivar.” she gives him a toothy smile, waving.
ivar only scowls and stumbles past bjorn and his niece. “do not call me that,” he hisses, not paying them both another glance. as he limps away the smile on ingrid’s face fades and she looks at bjorn with question marks in her eyes.
“why doesn’t he like me? or my mama?” she wants to know, turning in bjorn’s arms to look after ivar.
bjorn sighs again and grabs the back of her head gently to place a kiss on her hair. “you should not think about that, little one,” he softly mutters before he starts to move and walk towards his brother and sister-in-law.
you laugh as ingrid climbs all over bjorn’s shoulders, using his tall and broad frame as some kind of tree while your sitting back against ubbe’s side, erik in your arms. “be careful ingrid, you might fall,” you still warm her though, your eyes trained on her.
bjorn only chuckles and raises his hand to tickle her. “don’t worry about that. i’ll make sure nothing happens.” he winks at you.
“don’t flirt with my wife,” ubbe grumbles at that, still a small smile on his face.
hvitserk laughs and slightly shoves ubbe’s arm at his comment. “at that point, she’s our wife, my dear brother.”
ubbe shoots him a dead panned look before he rolls his eyes. “she’s more like a mother to you than anything else,” he huffs out a small laugh.
you slightly smirk at your husbands comment, patting his hand. “i like it that way,” you smile, standing up when erik starts to fuss around in your arms.
“you keep an eye on ingrid,” you point your finger at bjorn as you start to rock erik and make your way towards the door of the great hall. maybe fresh air would calm him down a bit.
you softly hum to your son, as you walk away from the hall a bit, just until you reach the first fields. “shhhh,” you coo at him, caressing his cheek with your finger.
but no matter what you did, he didn’t seem to calm down.
“maybe you should throw him away,” a familiar voice then sounds and you turn around to see ivar standing a few meters away from you. he’s propped up on his crouch, a permanent scowl on his face.
you let out a small huff and shake your head. “he’s a baby, ivar. he can’t express his feeling yet. sometimes crying is just easier for him,” you explain in a soft voice, continuing to rock erik.
“that’s why i don’t like babies,” he grumbles.
“you were a baby once.”
“i know.” his facial features were still tense as he stared at you, then at erik. “but i’m not a baby anymore.”
you didn’t know why ivar had—most likely—followed you out here. you knew he wasn’t particularly fond of you or your children. you couldn’t recall anything that would make him hate you but in the end of the day, that was how he was.
but even though he didn’t want you in his family, near his brothers, you loved him. he was your husbands brother. by marrying ubbe his brothers became your brothers and you loved them.
you look at ivar and slowly take a step towards him. “ivar,” your voice is soft and gentle as you speak, only erik’s little whines being audible. “why is there so much hatred in your heart?”
he freezes at your question, his eyes boring into yours. “i don’t have a heart,” he then hisses, taking a small step into your direction. “and i don’t need you to act like you care about me.”
“but i do.”
“no, you don’t,” he says, his jaw clenched and his body tense. “you’re lying. no one cares about me, except for my mother.”
you subtly shake your head and walk towards him until you’re standing in front of him. he had his head turned, staring at something behind you. “look at me ivar,” you softly demand, erik suddenly quiet in your arms.
ivar doesn’t listen to you. deep down you knew he wouldn’t but it was worth a try. so, you carefully raise your free hand, leaving enough time for him to pull back, and cup his cheek. “i said, look at me, ivar,” you say again, your voice gentle and calm, soothing even.
“why should i?”
you slowly start to caress his cheek bone with your thumb. “because i want you too see that my concern for you is genuine,” you answer, surprised that he hasn’t pulled back yet. he didn’t like being touched.
slowly ivar lifts his head to look at you, the conflict clear in his eyes. he was acting against all his instincts, against everything he knew.
a small smile plays around your lips as he looks at you. “you’re my brother, ivar,” you start. “and i love you. i care for you. whatever people might’ve done, might’ve said, you’re my family and i keep my family close to me.”
he’s silent while he listens to you, letting your words sink in. barely anyone has talked to him like that before. he wasn’t used to being at the receiving end of such feeling. he didn’t deserve that.
he swallows, “after all i’ve done—”
“i don’t care what you’ve done ivar or what you thought.” you gently pat his cheek before you pull your hand back to shift erik in your arms. “my love is unconditional. and if you never need someone to talk to or someone to listen, even a shoulder to cry on, my door is open. always.”
you get interrupted when you see ubbe walking towards you. he calls out your name, the concern evident in his voice.
“i think that’s my sign to get back inside,” you softly smile before you place your hand on ivar’s neck to pull him down and place a gentle kiss on his forehead. “think about my words, ivar.”
that’s the last sentence you say before you walk past him to assure your husband that you were alright.
pt.2, maybe a little series???
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
jin: so i just raised a slut like???
namjoon: ??
jk: ur a father?
tae: where the sluts at lol
yoongi: honestly i could throw up
jimin: if i raised jungkook i would not be taking credit for that shit just saying
hobi: you raised me up
jk: i’m the slut? ☹️
jk: jimin did it first
jimin: UMM EXUSE ME????
hobi: wasn’t namjoon half naked the other day too?
namjoon: this isn’t about me
y/n: whores the lot of you!
tae: namjoon the biggest whore
namjoon: again this isn’t about me
tae: ok mr automatic dick
hobi: who was the automatic bitch?
y/n: what does that even mean
namjoon: yoongi was the one talking about his tongue technology
yoongi: ??????
leave me alone wtf
tae: ur all nasty
hobi: be honest are you a virgin
tae: ME????
hobi: looking
i see a virgin
tae: if anyone is a virgin it’s jin
jin: okay wtf not true at all
jimin: he’s lived for like 79 years there’s no way he’s a virgin lmao
y/n: i mean think about that one photo
with the comdoms in the back
jin BEEN fucking!!
hobi: #kingsize
jin: i mean what can i say
jimin: you picked up the wrong size?
jin: kill yourself?
namjoon: could we not talk about the size of jin’s dick please and thank you
tae: right pls stop guy me and namjoon are getting turned on
jk: it’s ok me 3
jin: what
y/n: what
namjoon: what????
yoongi: strangling jungkook gotta feel better than opiates i just know it in my heart
jimin: retweet
tae: bro said retweet 😭😭😭😭
his ass is NOT on twitter 🤣🤣
y/n: you are so unfunny it makes me want to punch things
tae: i’m so into that
y/n: burn
tae: ummmm?
y/n: alive
tae: don’t hate me cuz you want to passionately kiss me on the mouth
y/n: would rather get shot 450 times
tae: fuck you never speak to me again
y/n: finally
tae: guys i miss her 😕💔
hobi: wow
jk: guys let’s start using tone indicators!
yoongi: ur ugly /srs
jk: ok nvm!
jimin: and she said she said she’s from hawaii /srs
namjoon: …
hobi: do you know how to say cute in japanese? /srs
jk: i do i do i do
namjoon: please stop
tae: did someone say japan lol???
jin: when you said bye i had hope you would be gone for more that 2 seconds
y/n: he said japanese
jimin: idiot
tae: they call me senpai down under
yoongi: ?
jk: in australia??
tae: tf is an australia??
yoongi: what the actual fuck is wrong with you?
tae: did you mean astronaut?
jk: maybe…
y/n: you didn’t
jk: i didn’t
hobi: naur
jin: pls don’t do this again
hobi: naur i have to mate
tae: somone call me senpai rn see what happens
y/n: no
jin: is he’s gonna do something weird?
i feel like he’s gonna do something weird
pls don’t do something weird
jk: let’s find out!!!
namjoon: let’s not!
jk: senpai~
tae: nnnuugghhhhhhhhh 😫
jin: told u
tae: what’s up baby 😉
yoongi removed tae from “SLUT CENTRAL 🤮”
jimin: i HATE jungkook
jk: /srs ?
jimin: /srs
jk: FUCK
hobi: personally if i was to ever get hit by a car i would just get up and walk away
like thats so embarrassing
am i a pussy?
absolutely NOT
jk: hobi btw i do know how to say cute in japanese
namjoon: what if your legs were badly hurt?
hobi: namjoon idk about YOU but hoseok is definitely gonna walk it off
namjoon: why are you talking in 3rd person?
jk: do you want to know how to say cute in japanese??
i can tell you
yoongi: no
jk: k y ee
y/n: oh my god
yoongi removed jk from “SLUT CENTRAL 🤮”
jimin: did he just say that
like fr
k y ee?
as in kawaii
im not hallucinating right
jin: unfortunately not
hobi: i need a car
it’s time to hit a couple people
yoongi: talking to them kills me inside
jin: i’m here for u yoongi
yoongi: and you
jin: hobi make sure you hit him too
jin added tae to “SLUT CENTRAL 🤮”
jin added jk to “SLUT CENTRAL 🤮”
jin: karma
tae: sometimes i call the number on missing dog posters and just bark
jk: hi guys i’m back thx for adding me back jin hi guys i’m back did you miss me cuz i’m back now so it’s ok
namjoon: you bark?
tae: so they think it’s their dog trying to contact them
but it’s not
cuz it’s me
jimin: why would they think it’s their dog?
how tf a dog gonna use a phone
tae: dogs don’t normally use phones?
guess yeontan just built different 🤷🏻‍♂️
i mean what do you expect from a son of mine
hobi: he’s built different cuz you don’t feed him
yoongi: wow
namjoon: guys please
tae: ok that was not funny at all
i look after him
really well actually
i swear
i feed him
i do
jk: i believe you tae
tae: you do? 🥺
jk: yeah
tae: thanks jungkook i love you
jk: ok
tae: ok?
jk: ok?
tae: okay
jk: okay
tae: fucking whore whose the other woman then??
jk: guys help i’m really scared rn
jimin: omg speaking of that fucking mutt
tae: MUTT???
jimin: bro has NO stage presence at ALL
expressions lame as hell and all he did was run around trying to get camera time he looked a fool
hobi: dozen core
y/n: was his first performance pls don’t make fun of him he’s trying his best :(((
jimin: his best wasn’t good enough
jimin: it did not show
jk: bam could of done it better
yoongi: would of shit on stage
jimin: still would of been better than whatever yeontan was doing
tae: can you leave him alone omg
he was nervous
jimin: i’ll cook him
hobi: do you know how to say cute in japanese?
jk: yes
i do
namjoon: stop
jk: i can give you a hint if you don’t know namjoon
namjoon: jungkook please don’t talk to me
jimin: he’s losing it guys
y/n: lowkey hot
i love a man on the edge
tae: just say ur a slut
y/n: ??
yoongi: tae shut the fuck up
jimin: that so screams i have never felt the touch of a woman before
tae: how tf u think i made yeontan?
jk: you fucked a dog??????
tae: wait no wtf
that’s illegal
i hope
hobi: that’s gross i’m gonna throw up
jin: where is namjoon when you need him change the the subject i’m begging you
namjoon: i think i'm having a psychotic break rn
y/n: holds you and whispers it's gonna be okay
jimin: kill your neighbor kill your neighbor kill your neighbor
y/n: can’t wait for the day it’s gc gets leaked
we will all be locked up
jimin: severing 10 years not even that bad if you think about it
yoongi: tae severing at least 25
namjoon serving life
little drug abuser
y/n: be fr the worst drug joon has done is take 4 paracetamols at one time
jk: 4?????
namjoon: no
hobi: caught namjoon sipping lean on august 13th 2023 10:45 pm
namjoon: no you didn’t
hobi: u right i didn’t
sorry guys i like to lie
jin: that’s a problem actually
hobi: i’m working on it
tae: work harder
jimin: tell ur dog that
yoongi: can you come over
tae: yeah
yoongi: wrong chat mb
and why tf would i be taking to you
tae: i’m gonna shoot myself
jin: who you inviting over yoongi omg 🙈
should i bring you a nda??
jk: nine dead animals?
y/n: no jungkook
jk: oh
namjoon: breathe in breathe out
jk: personally i’m worried if i give good head or not because no one has ever willingly asked me to give them head so is my head that bad you don’t even want me to try
jin: invest in a diary pls
jk: cant i’m lacktoes intolerant :(
jimin: lactose?
y/n: and the way thats not even true
hobi: the head or the lactose part?
tae: trust me bro ur head crazy good
jk: fr?
tae: fr
it’s so good girls afraid to ask
jk: girls?
tae: boys?
jk: boys???
tae: people????
jk: what people??
tae: you have like people ur fucking right?
jk: no?
tae: what?
jk: no people
jimin: are you expecting a rando to just to ask you to given them head?
jk: no?
jin: i’m so confused
jk: y/n
y/n: yes?
yoongi: no
y/n: ?
namjoon: moving on
hobi: you think tae’s dog can learn black swan?
tae: he has a name yk?
hobi: say my name say my name
jk: jung hoseok
hobi: thx
jk: yes
k y ee
namjoon left “yeontan ugly”
tae: THE GC NAME??????
y/n: poor joonie see what you guys do to him?
jimin: bet he’s gone to see his automatic bitch
hobi: robot sex
yoongi: what??
hobi: cyber sex doja cat
jin: illuminati
jk: when did he become poor thats so sad i’m here for him if he ever needs ¥
yoongi: why would he need yen?
jk: who is yen?
jimin: oh no i’m praying for him ❤️
jk: guys ur not being very k y ee rn
yoongi: i’m going to skin you alive
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mooneln0ne · 7 months
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LUFFY WANTS TO FLY A KITE AU QnA!!! Thank you for supporting my mini comic, as a ty I compiled a bunch of questions below.!
it’s a long one, so beware!
Q (Anonymous): What inspired you to write this comic? Outside the horrors what are you trying to tell?
A: Inspiration would probably be the frequent hallucinations I have and my longing to go back in the fields... I miss my cows 😭 As for the story i’m trying to tell.. It’s a bit hard to explain without spoiling the story….
Q: (@oddity-txt): For your kite au- what do ace and sabo see when they look at luffy?
A: Clearly something that isn't Luffy, but it looks like Luffy
Q: (Anonymous): Since Vivi is introduced would she play a key role or would she appear for like just a few parts, would she have a blog like Sabo?
A: She's important to the story!! She's child of the pastor in this au-- Sabo and Ace used to be Altar servers for his church so they have history of working with her before... As for a blog.. No not really. Though if you look close enough you'll find that you can contact Vivi just before the events of the story to pry information.. But unfortunately whatever happens to her is set in stone •ᴗ• Q: (@washingmachineonfir ): Can you elaborate in religion topic in the city? About the house, why its like this? How many kids disappear?
A: The religion in ASL's neighborhood is simple, you know it already. Now about the house? You don't wanna know. As for the kids... hm.. Depends on how many kids can fill a school bus Q: (@courtroomac3): Hi
A: Get outta here boy Q: White boy Flavor of the month...
A: idk Q: (@humoofsegsual) Is there a possible ending in which everyone dies?
A: nods nods, when that happens everything disappears . Don't forget to say goodbye before it happens!!!! Q: (@plastirk): What kinds of trigger warnings are we gonna see?
A: everything in this list
Q: (Anonymous): Why does Nika go after Ace and Sabo?
A: Because Luffy wants to be with them . But Nika doesn’t want to let go of Luffy.
Q: (Anonymous): Does Nika hate Ace and Sabo?? all their interactions with them are with malice 😭
A: I wouldn’t say malice I suppose… I’d say maybe frustration?
Q: (Anonymous): Where are other characters in this? Like Garp, Dragon, and etc
A: They’re living their normal lives somewhere else!! Koby and Helmeppo are employees at the store Sabo often goes to. Vivi is a librarian, her father is a priest in the town’s church, she met Ace and Sabo a lot because they were altar servers back then! Law is one of the brothers’ neighbors, he frequently leaves though. (Copy pasted from my discord)
Q: (Anonymous): Is it true that one of the brothers might die ☹️
A: . Yes! Im cheering for their downfall! but you guys aren’t 😞
Q: (Anonymous): Are ASL biologically related here?
A: …No
Q: (Anonymous): What does the kite have to do with this au?
A: It’s something Luffy owns!!!! Don’t worry about it too much ;]
Q: (Anonymous): Is there a symbolism with the ghost costume? It makes me wonder what was it for other than to scare A and S
A: It’s by far the biggest hint in the first part 😵‍💫 I wonder if anyone caught it at first
Q: (Anonymous): Are Luffy’s friends going to appear? (Zoro, Nami, Sanji, and Ussop?)
A: mhm! You’ll see one or two of them sooner or later
Q: (Anonymous): What wouldve happened if we chose the other option in the first two parts?
A: The first poll would’ve decided on who runs the ‘blog’ ^w^!!
the one who wasn’t pick was cursed to run a tumblr blog lmao
Last Question:
Q: (Anonymous): Why are Luffy’s friends here if Nika just wanted him?
A: Luffy treasures his friends.!!
Q: (Anonymous): Will Detective Chopper have the same horror elements as the Kite au?
A: Yeah, but I suppose it’s more drama oriented
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
For Eddie x Pregnant Reader how did he tell Wayne? How does he feel about it??
Hiiii babes!! Okay so idk why this like hit me in the feels because Wayne content just hits different sooooo enjoy these conversations between Eddie and Wayne about the whole relationship/pregnancy situation💖
-find all things Eddie x Pregnant!Reader here✨
-the conversation between you, Wayne and Eddie is marked with a 🖤 andddd we have a name for this baby boy!!😭
*Wayne knows Eddie is seeing you…he just doesn’t know the whole story*
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“Hey uhm do you…have a minute?” “Depends…what’s wrong?” “I mean nothing is wrong…I just uh need to tell you something…” “well shit I’m already not liking where this is going.” “You know how I’ve been seeing someone right?…met her at the record store a few weeks ago?” “Yeah yeah the one you’ve been blabbering on about none stop…what about her?” “She’s uh…well…she is-” “Jesus fucking Christ son you got her pregnant already?” “I mean she is pregnant but uhm…I didn’t…I didn’t do it…” “what?..what do you mean you didn’t do it?…she cheatin on you?” “What? No no she was already uhm…pregnant when I met her…” “oh…who’s the father?” “Well that’s the thing…I uh…I’m gonna be the…father…” “you’re gonna be the father?…you can’t even do your own laundry but you’re gonna be someone’s dad?” “Yeah…I don’t want her dealing with it alone and…the dad doesn’t want anything to do with her so…so I told her I’d step in if she wanted me to…” “and she said she wants you to?” “Yeah..yeah she did…” “so..I’m gonna be a grandpa is what you’re saying?” “Exactly…yeah you’re gonna be a grandpa old man.” “Jesus…I need a drink.”
“So…how far along is she?” “Uh about twelve weeks or so.” “And you’re sure you’re okay with this? You just met her…” “I’m sure…either way even if we breakup I told her I’d be involved in the baby’s life because I mean…I may not be the best role model but I’m better than nothing…” “That’s real mature of you…so what’s she want it to be?” “I think she wants a boy but I’m not sure…I’d like a girl…they seem cool.” “They seem cool? It’s a baby Eddie not a new car…good lord.”
“It’s a boy.” “What’s a boy? That stray cat outside?” “Stray cat? What? No..I’m uh…we are having a boy…” “who’s we? You got a mouse in your pocket? You mean she’s having a boy..you won’t be doing much besides trying not to pass out.” “Sorry…she’s having a boy…” “how you feel about that?” “Honestly I’m terrified…I don’t want to be like him…” “hey now…you’re not him okay? You’re nothing like him…you’re gonna be a good dad to that little boy.” “How do you know?” “I just do…don’t question me son.”
🖤 “so..you really picked Eddie here to do all this with huh? It’s not too late to change your mind.” “I mean…he kinda wouldn’t take no for an answer so..here we are.” “Gee thanks baby…both of you are mean.” “Oh get over yourself son…now have you thought about names?” “Uhm well…I have yeah…” “yeah? You have? Been keeping them from me sweetheart?” “No…I just wasn’t sure when to bring it up…” “well now I’m dying to hear it…what’s the name darlin?” “I think being named after his dad would be nice…so…I was thinking about James…James Munson?” “You…you wanna name him after…me?” “Well damn…that..that’s a good name…I like it…uhm excuse me for a second.” “You cryin old man?” “Oh and what you’re eyes naturally water like that? Leave me alone.” “Sorry I wasn’t trying to make you two cry…” “they are happy tears baby…you sure you wanna name him after me? You don’t have to do that…” “I know I don’t…but I want to.” “Well I can’t wait to meet my grandson…James.” “He can’t wait to meet you either.”
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader x Son : Instagram AU
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, cassiewyatt, claybornharlow, and 6,888,356 others
ezharlow Boston 📍 anything fun to do here?
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jackharlow We’re here for work, what do you mean fun????
ezharlow No, you’re here for work. I just came for the free ride.
yourusername Ezequiel 🤦🏻‍♀️
alizemiaharlow You’re ugly.
ezharlow Your father!
alizemiaharlow 😳
cassiewyatt LMAAAOOOO tio Jack is going to slap him upside the head.
ezharlow He already did 🙄 thanks
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Liked by yourusername, alizemiaharlow, urbanwyatt, cozane, and 7,986,345 others
ezharlow Someone come get this old man, he doesn’t know how to act at his old age!!!!!
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yourusername He’s not old, deja a tu papá, stop making fun of my husband!!!!!
ezharlow Mom, why are you always defending him?
yourusername Because he’s my man and I’m gonna stick besides him 🫶🏼🤞🏼
jackharlow That’s right!!!!!!! Ez, is time to give up, she’ll never leave me!!!!
ezharlow Yeah, I’m starting to realize that!!!!
user Im wondering if this is their regular bickering father-son thing or Ez grew up hating Jack 🤔
user Right? He’s always coming for his neck in the comments.
ezharlow I’m sorry you can’t joke around with your dad. Leave your daddy issues away from my dad and me.
cassiewyatt *cries in daddy issues*
urbanwyatt Come again?
cassiewyatt No not me, them!!!!!
alizemiaharlow 😭😭😭😭😭
user Cass you sure you don’t have daddy issues? Since your parents divorced at a young age and Urban left you?
cassiewyatt Lmaooo, no I don’t have daddy issues. I’m well aware of my parents history, since I lived it. My dad never left me, nor my mom, what you failed to see was that I was always with both of them unless they had to work. They both were very hands on during my childhood, so don’t worry about me and my issues, because I might have a lot of them, but daddy issues or mommy issues aren’t one or two of them 😘
ezharlow What you’re not about to do is come for my family under my posts. This is why I barley even do social media. You “fans” feel entitled to my parents and to my uncle, it’s annoying. So consider yourself blocked.
jackharlow added to their story
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ezharlow added to their story
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, alizemiaharlow, cassiewyatt, yourbestiename, and 7,567,456 others
ezharlow My best friend for life 😊🤞🏼 throwback with momma ❤️
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yourusername My baby boy 🥺 extraño cuando estabas así de chiquito 😩 te amo.
ezharlow Te amo momma ❤️
alizemiaharlow Mommy’s boy at it’s finest 😂
ezharlow Sure am and what about it?
yourbestiename I took these 😩 you were the cutest little boy ever!!!!!!! Always wanting to be next to your mom.
jackharlow He still does with his annoying ass
yourusername 😭😭😭😭😭
ezharlow Why are you whining? We’ve come to a realization that she will always pick you over me 🙄
jackharlow You finally get it 😂🤭
yourusername Aht aht 👎🏼 I take no sides
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Liked by urbanwyatt, jackharlow, newbalance, yourusername, alizemiaharlow, and 6,976,387 others
ezharlow Fit of the day 🤞🏼
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cassiewyatt I need to get you in the bedroom fits page asap!!!
urbanwyatt Uhhh nooo. I handed that over to you for YOUR fits, not his!!!
ezharlow You’re so jealous
urbanwyatt Of you kid? Never!!!!!!
alizemiaharlow 🔥 🔥
jackharlow You’re welcome 🙄
ezharlow For what exactly?
jackharlow You got good style because of me.
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Liked by jackharlow, yourusername, alizemiaharlow, yourbestiename, and 7,567,887 others
ezharlow They’re apart for a week and my mom somehow can’t find a chair to sit on 🙄. Side note, the little demon spawns are growing and I know I joke a lot, but I’m excited to be a big brother!
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yourusername What do you mean? Your father is my chair, my favorite chair at that 🤭
jackharlow 😋 😋
ezharlow Oh come on 😡 keep the nasty off my page.
alizemiaharlow You’re finally able to say you’re a big brother 🙌🏼 😭
ezharlow Now can you stop calling me little brother all the time? It’s annoying.
alizemiaharlow No because that’s what you are tonto.
cassiewyatt They’re the cutest 🥺 excited for the twins to get here 😭
druski They’ve always been annoying, I would’ve of thought after many years they would’ve gotten sick of each other 🙄 🤮
ezharlow I’m only allowed to come for them and make fun of them, you? Not so much so leave them alone.
jackharlow 😂🙌🏼
allabouttheharlows You’ve been really active on social media this week. Love that.
ezharlow You’ll have to thank my dad for that. For someone who hated being on social media himself, he’s schooling me about being active.
allabouttheharlows Thank you dad jackharlow 🤭🤭🤭🤭😊😊😊😊
jackharlow Lmao
user so is Ez single????
jackharlow Good question….. he did get lots of girls numbers while on our trip.
selenosunni left and right talking about “call me sometime sexy”
cozane When a girl handed Jack a paper and he didn’t want to get it but once she said it was for EZ 😭😭😭😭😭 Jacks entire face changed Lmaoo
shloob EZ SHOW ME YOUR WAYS!!!!!
ezharlow It’s that Harlow blood
jackharlow So which girl are you going to call?
yourusername JACKMAN!!!!!!!
jackharlow I’m curious that’s all, don’t you want to know who your future daughter in law would be? Get to know her? Or are you going to scare every girl away?
yourusername He’s not allowed to go to work trips with any of you anymore.
yourusername Bye, don’t make me out to be a toxic mom, I’m more than excited to see who my babies end up with, but all in good timing. NO RUSH YOU HEAR ME KIDS!!!!!!?????
ezharlow LMAAAOOO
alizemiaharlow Welcome to my world!!!!!!!!!!
ezharlow I don’t like your world!!!!!
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter
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junior-april · 1 year
hiii i was wondering if i could request without a prompt from the prompt list? if so, can i request eren with an s/o where s/o and eren have just recently married and adopted a kitten, then one day said kitten keeps getting clingy with y/n just to find the reason why is bcs there's a little bun in the oven surprise and then y/n surprises eren with a testpack (and the kitten gets involved with the surprise somehow). really sorryyy if this was weird but I rarely see dad eren stories nowadays LMAO
Tysm for requesting!! Ofc u can put anything even just thoughts in my submissions, the prompt lists are just there if u need help thinking!
More oneshots/masterlist
People always tend to say that marriage was a big step, a big change. So you don’t know if its just because Eren’s Eren, but nothing really seemed to change with you and him after getting married.
You’d both already settled into your home and wrestled over which room decor you liked more and so things were nice, nice enough that you both decided you wanted to get a cat. It gave you the opportunity to see how far erens responsibility could stretch (which wasn’t too far from what you’ve seen😭) but anyways you guys had your kitten.
It always gravitated towards you, unfortunate for eren who refused to admit how much he truly liked the kitten. You would constantly catch him playing with the kitten way too rough for its size and you’d scold eren for not taking care of it properly etc how hes ‘a terrible father’ to the kitten 😭
Eren whistled rhythmically in a failing attempt to steal the kittens attention as it was once again, all over you. Disturbing whatever you were up to while eren tried to pick it up and place it nearer to him.. only for it to go crawling back to. He frowned like a pissed little kid and was about to verbalise his complaints until he got interrupted by you’re own complaints. Not about the kitten though.
“My head hurts so bad” you groan, hands flying to your temples, “do you feel sick?” eren replies, attention slowly leaving the kitten nestling in your lap.
“Yeah kind of, I think the breakfast you made me was that bad I’m gonna throw it up”
“Fuck you” Eren says, annoyed that he was ever concerned about your wellbeing (hes just kidding guys hes a silly billy this is a hee hee ha ha funny happy family i swear)
You snicker at Erens eye roll, “But really though I don’t know why I feel so nauseous”,
“Well maybe your allergic to the kitten?” Eren suggests in such a genuine tone that it was humorous.
“Eren,” you sigh, “you make it so hard not to bully you, you cant get mad at me” you’re disappointing sigh turns into another playful giggle as Eren starts frowning while you explain to him how cat allergies are more sneezing rather than nausea, and how you’ve had the kitten for long enough that you would most definitely not be allergic😭
“Yeah yeah fuck off the kitten doesn’t even like you” he says deflecting how he was wrong as it continues to roll around on your lap. “Take some medicine or whatever”, as always he still cares.
You open your cabinet in the toilet reaching for the painkillers, your hand stops as you notice the purple box next to it. You only had it really ‘just in case’ but in all fairness.. you were late. Your brain forced your hand to take the pregnancy test box because it would be harmless and would ease your worry and speculations.
Eren wasn’t home right now so it was safe enough for you to anxiously wait on your bed, staring at the test in the packet. Your glare getting interrupted as your alarm goes off alerting you that you can now check. It was positive, your second test was aswell, then the third one you rushed to buy at the store was also positive😭
This wasn't bad news at all, simply new.
You'd constantly joke about erens immaturity and lack of responsibility although you'd known him well enough to see that in the right moments, he truly is a highly capable man who would do great as a father, it grew on you as the minutes passed, the thought of starting a family with him didn't seem so bad even though you and eren weren't exactly aiming to get pregnant in the moment you did😭
You searched in your head for a way to break the news to him and you figured it would be fun to include the other member of the family, your kitten🤷‍♀️
"Im home" you hear ur husband shout as the front door shuts. "Hi Eren!!" you shout back, purposely in another room,
"can u feed the kitten really quick? I forgot to a while ago its probably hungry by now!"
"Wow and you call me a bad father" eren mutters, "I heard you." You reply blankly as he grins amused.
The kitten walks eagerly overtaking eren walking towards its little food station set aside by the kitchen counter. He notices one of the has evidently less full than the others so he decides to take that one to finish up in the kittens bowl.
You watch behind him eagerly but quietly lingering sheepishly around the counter, he tips the bag upside down as only a plain box falls out of it. "..what" he mumbles in confusion, he opens it to see the test inside but doesn't immediately react, nor move.
"Are you pregnant?!" he exclaims..
Facing the kitten and still not looking back to you, "Fuck off eren" you say smiling, yeah he heard you behind him.
He finally turns to you as you walk towards him, he has a fat grin on his face as he opens his arms rushing toward you before you can and hugs you so tight your feet lift off the floor and you feel like you're suffocating, you'll let it slide this time.
He finally settles you down in front of the counter, loosening his grip as he moves his hands to cradle your head, frantically planting kisses on your forehead to your cheeks to you nose to your lips. He can't contain his dashing grin and neither can you
"Can I name it?" Eren says with a boyish grin you know you cant trust,
"absolutely not" you say monotonously.
He frowns again, still tangling you in his arms against the counter as he runs one of his thumbs across your cheek, the other cradling your lower back keeping you close to him. "Why not?”
“Why not??? Because you tried to name our kitten Eren junior!"
"Eren juniors a great name, idk what you have against it!!"
"I hate you."
"Yeah yeah you love me, and i'll love our kid too."
"Yeah?" you say quietly, brushing a strand of loose hair behind his ear. Your hand glides downwards his shoulder as you simply admire your husband, your husband.
He stares into you deeply, slowly leaning in once again to kiss you. His hand moves from your face to the back of your head, encouraging you closer, deepening the kiss. Meanwhile your hands run through his hair. He gently pushes you forward into the counter as you both melt against each other, savouring the sensation of tooth-rotting love and adoration buzzing at your fingertips.
My requests r open for anything u can ask me any specific oneshots for eren or any character aswell!! Tysm for reading 🫶🫶
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akkivee · 3 months
rambling about bb’s solos while i have some coherence lol
i don’t think i would be able to pick a fav from the solos actually lmao like i love the sound to h era reformation and sunshine but then scarlet summer comes on and i have the biggest grin on my face the bros cooked again what can i say lol
ichiro’s solo really is a culmination of his past solos and tho it didn’t pack as much of a punch lyrically compared to break the wall or hiphoppia for me, the fact it throws it back to those songs specifically is how this song is building on those solos
in the chorus he has this verse that kinda goes like ‘if we’re not gonna do it then who will?’ that attitude reminds me of otome oddly enough
i’m not joking when i say i can’t help but smile every time i listen to scarlet summer lmao it’s just so nice 😭😭😭
the song coming back around to answer requiem was really nice like anything that gets saburo to lighten up on himself is fantastic lol
‘i tried to bury it all but when the day comes where i can accept my faults is a sign of the seasons changing from spring to summer and that’s when i know i’m an adult’
to paraphrase his answer to requiem and i love crying lmao
i mentioned that scarlet summer subtly encourages the listener to go back and listen to new star, and it accomplishes this by fading the song out at the end. hypmic songs don’t do that and it got me thinking, so i thought to play new star and hey!!!! that song fades in!!!!! so it’s connecting saburo’s current end with his beginning in a song loop it’s really cool!!!!
and by doing that, it kinda creates this thing in music theory called ‘movements.’ if you listen to classical music by composers like beethoven, the songs almost feel like three or four different song sounds combined into one massive composition; those different parts are said movements. so the composition of saburo is made up of three movements—
oh yeah!!!!!! and this too
ichiro and saburo’s solos have obvious callbacks to their previous solos but jiro’s doesn’t have something so obvious within the lyrics and i think it’s a testimony of how focused his character growth is
saburo in this song finally admits he has to stretch beyond his brother(s)’ shadow so it’s a little fun that in a way he’s still reflecting ichiro
but both jiro and saburo’s solos show a clarity of themselves that’s a little absent in ichiro’s solo
the point of ichiro’s solos are to show who he is when he’s not fitting himself in the big brother/father role and this is more related to the drama track, but imo that track showed exactly why it’s good jiro and saburo are growing up, none of the bros can move forward if ichiro’s too busy being the dad he should never have been
anyway something i really liked in jiro’s solo was him going like
‘one point has experience, the second has passion and the third has knowledge’
and i thought that was a cool verse, seeing how jiro views where his bros strengths come from
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cherienymphe · 10 months
This Rafe fic is slightly reminding me of this guy I️ dated for literally five days who was showing his crazy and possessive side already.
STORY TIME! (This gets progressively worst)
The next couple of days he clingy, blowing up my phone, asking to see me. And I️ did see him, and he wanted me to stay over so bad but I️ live with my dad so if I️ ever stay out later than 11 he gets concerned so I️ told him I️ couldn’t and he got pissed and swore I️ wasn’t into him?
The third and last time I️ saw him was the worst. I️ was at a family friend’s quincenera and earlier that day I️ told him a friend from out of town was visiting and that we would be going out to the club and I️ invited him to come. He agreed. While at the quince, he asked if I️ could pick him up from bourbon street (during Mardi Gras mind you, like that’s crazy) and me being kind, agreed. So I️ was forced to leave the party early to get him. When I️ picked him up, he asked if I️ was staying over that night and I️ was confused and reminded him of our previously agreed upon plans and he had the nerve to flip out on me in MY CAR?? And said that he was tired and didn’t want to stay out till late like a teenager (I️ was freshly turned 23, he was 25 so like???) and then when I️ reached his house he sarcastically told me thank you for the ride and slammed my car doors. I’ve never been treated horribly like that before (I️ always demand princess treatment, my father would’ve killed him if I️ told him all this) so I️ broke down in my car wondering what the fuck just happened 😭?
And you would think this would be the party where I️ just go drink with my friends and forget abt him but NO. Just as I️ finished my 5 min crying session and calling my friends for support, he texts me that he’ll go with me but said he’s not gonna enjoy it 💀? And I️ was like okay…maybe we can just talk abt this? (You know, LIKE ADULTS!) but he got back into my car and was silent the whole time I️ drove to the club. I️ parked in the parking lot, told my friend I️ was on my way but my phone was dying so that was the last she heard from me for a while. I️ go to change in the backseat because I’m still in a gown from the party and change into a shorter dress and he follows trying to feel me and kiss me and I️ let him because truthfully, I️ am 4’11 and he’s like 6’3 and we were alone so I️ was kind scared for my life 😭 when he felt my hesitation, he went off on me again saying I️ wasn’t affectionate and in my head I’m like bro, we just met and you already showing your crazy like u scaring the hoes rn. At that point I️ was so tired of arguing, I️ was just like omg pls shut UP! We go into the club, I️ paid the $30 cover (10 for me, 20 for him) and we get inside and before we went in he told me to not leave him alone. I️ also need to mention that we are at a Latin club filed with mostly Hispanics because me and my friends are Hispanic (mainly Mexicans and Honduras). (Yes this is an important detail later). I️ head to the bathroom because get this, I️ asked him earlier if I️ could use the bathroom at his house and he straight up said NO because I️ don’t care abt him so why should he care abt me. 😐 After I️ came back we started a search for my friend, because I️ couldn’t ask her where she was at, my phone had died so my only option was to search the entire club. We searched the main areas like the bar and hookah lounge but the only place I️ haven’t searched was the dance floor. So I said let’s go look and he refused because it was full. I️ said okay let me go search and I’ll be right back and he flipped again and said “SERIOUSLY? I️ told you not to leave me and what do you go ahead and do?!” He then proceeds to walk off and get a drink at the bar. I️ follow him, feeling…idk what and that’s when he noticed he was the tallest guy there (because duh 6’3 white man). He then started to get paranoid that everyone was staring at him and I️ tried to play it off like yeah haha you’re the tallest one here. He was mad I️ had to order his drink for him because the bartenders only spoke Spanish and at some point I️ disassociated because I️ was like what is happeninggggggg. But as I️ stared into space, he took it as me looking at another man and he went off on me again “OH why don’t you go be with HIM then?!” And pulled his phone out to call an Uber.
And you think this is where it would end but NOPE 😭 my dumbass ain’t learned my lesson. I️ was likening I’m sorry damn! Let’s go since you wanna leave so bad! We was in the club for abt 15/20 minutes like…..
So we get back to my car and he’s like laughing all sarcastically like “guess Louisiana girls aren’t for me” (he’s from North Carolina), and then asked him why I️ would bring him to a bar with Mexicans who wanted to JUMP HIM??? I️ was like WOAH?! Bro was delusional as fuck, ain’t nobody wanted to jump him, what the hell 😭? And he talking bad abt my people like that did not sit well with me all ALL! I️ wanted to tell him to gtf out my car so bad but I’m a nice person so I️ wanted to bring him home and just be done with this shitty night. Like it was so bright at that quince and when so downhill. So I️ start crying, AGAIN! This time in front of him, and he started getting softer and semi apologized but basically said it was my fault for not being more affectionate? So we get Burger King (as if I️ wasn’t already suffering enough) and he asks if I️ could stay the night and since he was like being a bit nicer than earlier I️ agreed. But when we got to his home, first of all, I️ just cannot sleep in a bed that ain’t mines, and second that whole night wore me down and I️ was building resentment so bad 😂 so when he passed out, I️ tried to sneak out the door but he woke up and got MAD. I️ was like nope, it’s like 3 am at this point, I’m TIRED. I️ just said I’m leaving and that’s it.
Girl he started blowing up my phone, telling lies like I️ was trying to use him for his money (he never bought me a single thing that entire time except the Burger King), that I️ was trying to get him jumped by Mexicans, I️ brought him to the club just to sleep with other guys. I️ was really taken aback by his delusions! And then he demanded I️ come back because he lost his vape and crystal given by his mom and his cashapp card, and you would’ve thought I️ would’ve just left but nope, I️ was like ugh fine let me see if I️ got his stuff. Pulled over to a McDonald’s, searched my car, nothing. I️ told him that too and he claimed I️ was a liar and demanded I️ come back. I️ turned around, let him look, he demanded I️ help him, I️ refused at that point, and then he slams my car doors AGAIN and calls me a useless fucking bitch and stuck his middle finger out at me and yes besties that was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back for me!
If I️ could show yall screenshots I️ WOULD. Once I️ drove off he then continued to insult me on text abt how I️ stole his things and demanded I️ pay him back and me being a Capricorn, that’s where I️ decided to draw the line. You can play with me but my money??? No ma’am 😭! I️ finally blew up on him and told him he was the worst person I️’ve ever met (and I’ve been r worded and I️ think my r pist is more polite than this omg) and that he was a fucked up, paranoid and delusional mf and that I’m glad the bitches he met before me robbed him because he deserved it. And that’s when he started calling my phone. I️ almost risked an accident trying to block his number because he kept blowing it up the entire 30 minutes I️ was trying to get home, he was PISSED.
So he never physically abused me by that mental and emotional torture was crazyyyyy. And I️ just wanna say that the reason I️ put up with him for so long was because 1. I️ actually did think he was cute and I️ thought we had a connection so I️ naturally wanted to work things out. I️, like TD reader, was caught off guard by the way he acted because this was the first time a man has ever been MEAN as fuck towards me, like in my FACE. And I️ just didn’t know…like I️ was really thrown and caught off guard. 2. Like I️ said before, our height and weight difference had me intimidated, he could’ve really thrown me like against my car or choked me out so I️ was trying hard to placate and calm him down because he was physically bigger than me. I’m glad he didn’t get physical because it really would’ve been over for me. This why I️ never say never because it really can happen to you out of NOWHERE.
Anyways yall don’t worry abt me, he’s blocked forever and im now dating a super sweet lawyer 🥹
Even after all this the one thing standing out in my mind is you pretending Burger King isn't good
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Anyways in all seriousness wtf 😭 I'm glad he's blocked bc ain't no way. He would've had one time to slam my doors and asking to be picked up off bourbon street during Mardi Gras? He would've been SOL I'm sorry
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