#but i don't wanna kill him bc i'm jealous or anything
mishkakagehishka · 1 year
Normal girls when they fall in love are like "i wanna kill him🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺"
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wayfayrr · 4 months
Read how the Links would not be ok if you liked a villain. Hm…I don’t like a villain, don’t worry lol. But I have thought about Ganon (totk) and how I feel bad for him. My ex told me (as he’s way more familiar w the games than me) that Ganon is evil bc he’s corrupted by gloom from Demise or something. Therefore it’s not completely his fault, because also I mean, no one is just born evil like that. So I’ve sometimes looked at him in the cut scenes (haven’t finished the game yet so idk the ending) and thought “y do we have to hurt him? If he’s just corrupted by the gloom from demise, then y can’t we find a way to save him? Bc then the three parts of the triangle could work together! So how would Tears feel about that idea floating around my head? Bc I’m not romantically interested in Ganon or anything, just wanna save him.
Also from my last ask, me killing the npcs by accident and laughing like a maniac. Yeah so an example of that would be when you have to save the dude w the horn or whatever (from the band) in the big hole he fell into, and get his wagon out too. So I still only had one battery, so when I attached the hot air balloon and flame emitter, it ate my battery too fast to get out. So the first time I didn’t know that’d happen, so we went up then immediately dropped down and it froze the screen on the dude’s face and his speech bubble said something like “omg I’m gonna die! Put me down!!” And then went black. And that’s where I laughed and my roommate looked at me very concerned 😂
On another side note: yeah no, totally don’t change the camera angle to look at Link’s face, or take pictures, or put him in the Gerudo vai outfit bc I think it’s the cutest thing ever lol. What does Wild think of that outfit? What does he think of me liking that outfit?🙈😂
as for the first bit I think he'd respect the thought behind it - it'd be making his life easier if that would be possible after all, which means more time to fawn over you instead! he also respects how hopeful it is, because honestly ganon is as much a pawn to the games code as he used to be too - he isn't even aware of it either, just a soulless husk for the code to puppet for it's tasks. but don't put too much thought into ganon, else he's going to get jealous. Why are you thinking about him so much when he isn't alive, when he's right here!! if you say too much about ganon without stopping to think about him then it's going to really start getting on his nerves.
sfdgvaesvgadvgga that quest becomes so much easier when you realise you can just recall something back up to the top after pushing it into the hole lmao (definitely not how I solved the quest nuh uh) (also I'm guessing by other ask you mean the one where you used link to calculate hp?) but I can see why your roommate was concerned after the fade to black when you were laughing sdfsdfvdsv
also no never zooming in on his face never ever nuh uh
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(only the last one is mine, the others are from pintrest)
I think wild would love the vai outfit - like how tears adores the frostbite one, and it's less the outfit itself and more your reaction to them. even if right now they're just your dressup dolls soon enough they'll be able to show off the outfits for you as more than just pixels on a screen <33
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reverse-moon · 2 years
... Damn, I wanna get a style down for Akito and Emu...
What it I justh
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. . . Well shit.
Hi, local gremlin here with an Project SEKAI AU for MILGRAM (music videos).
But under cut bc triggering topics besides murder will be mentioned - such as suicide and such ((if you're already a MILGRAM fan, this probably won't bug you and if you came bc ProSEKAI, be cautious.))
So I don't have much, but I do have 4 out of the 10 planned out. A few aren't in this, like Ichika, Saki, Nene and Tsukasa, for many reasons. But also I have over half the cast to work with still without those 4 so I'm fine.
Ages are mostly all over the place but not with the first 4.
We'll start with Rui Kamishiro.
Rui Kamishiro - age 25 - Male - He/Him/It - Prisoner 001
Not actually a murderer but hella thinks he is
Murder he was involved with was the murder of his friend, Nene Kusunagi.
Nene was killed on stage by Robo Nene having a tampering-induced explosion.
Rui blames himself for not checking Robo Nene before show started.
The real murderer (a jealous actress) tried to frame Rui for it, though the court found absolutely no reason to believe this.
He basically went off grid after that.
Rui is similar to Shidou in the sense that he asked for the death penalty. He slowly works through Nene's death and his guilt with the help of prisoners 002 and 004.
Honami Mochizuki - 23 - She/They - Prisoner 002
Also not actually a murderer
Murder she was involved with was a suicide that if she just had a bit longer, she could have prevented.
No one could tie her to it, but she was well known as the last person to see the deceased
She really thinks she talked them into it more, but with advanced MILGRAM technology, learns she almost stopped it.
Mama friend of the prison
Lots of tears
Honami would also be a major advocate for keeping the peace and would treat any wounds as her job is nursing. Really surprised to see Prisoner 004.
Akito Shinonome - Age 24 - He/Him - Prisoner 003
100% an actual murderer
Killed most of the group that turned Futa ((who in this AU is a close cousin to the Shinonome's and committed suicide after MILGRAM, unable to handle the transition back.))
Akito and Ena are the only two who read Futa's suicide note - and therefore Akito knows a decent amount about MILGRAM.
Used to date Prisoner 004, but really screwed it up right before he murdered and so they technically aren't together. But they never officially broke up.
Still super cautious around Rui, but way more sympathetic since he knows Rui was super close to Nene.
Basically a guard dog - but in the way of he protects the ones who aren't quite able to protect themselves.
He's still also really into Prisoner 004 - even though she's very bitter about how he treated her and that he basically up and left her. He doesn't try and force her to love him again, but he does extend an olive branch by saying she can kick his ass if she gets mad at anything.
Emu Otori - 23 - She/Her mostly but Any/All - Prisoner 004
Also a legit murderer
Her murders were a bunch on bullies who almost convinced Saki to end her life. Tsukasa was at his wits end trying to get Saki to not give in, and so she murdered them with no hesitation.
Tells Es that she'd also not hesitate to repeat the actions she performed if it meant the right kind of smiles were spread in the end.
She's very aware that everyone else is kinda denying their murders (except Akito) and outright says she won't deny hers and that she thinks it was a required path.
Bitter at Akito, protective to Honami and Rui.
Emu doesn't have that much extra to add to besides she's still the whole smallest. Emu also still has feelings for Akito but she feels too betrayed to be willing to admit them. She tries to befriend Jackalope to no success.
That's all I have so far for stories. Es doesn't get replaced bc I said so.
As for timeline wise - this takes place about 6-7 years after the canon MILGRAM takes place. Obviously things are subject to change - depending on the finale of it.
A bit of context for why Emu wasn't with Nene and Rui - I have a Headcanon that not long after Kamiyama Year 2 graduates, WxS puts on their final show and the others go off to chase their dreams. Tsukasa stayed in Shibuya but under a different department of the Otori Corp. to learn more about how Emu's grandpa got his dream. Nene and Rui went to America for their dreams. Emu kept working at PhennyLand for 4 years then ended her career there to help More More Jump! with their Idol stuff since she could fund a lot of their ideas. Also helped MMJ! create their own Idol Company.
I'm tired it's 3 am and I am hyper
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years
5 | Conflicted
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1593
Warnings: a kiss bc of a dare, confusing feelings, Tyler jealous of Xavier, little conflict over a kiss
Last: Changing? | Next: Wednesday
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"Why did I agree to that damn bet?" I groan as Enid goes through her clothes looking for an outfit to put me in for the whole day. 
"Because you got cocky with Bianca and lost which meant I won our little deal." She stops for a minute to give me a smile before diving back in. "Perfect!" She shouts then hands me some of her clothes. "I can't wait till everyone see you." She claps her hands. 
"Everyone in town is really going to think I'm crazy." I huff going to change and hated it. 
"Let me see!" Enid says excited so I show her and she explodes with happiness.
"I'm picturing how I would kill you slowly and painfully." I glare at her. 
"As long as you don't actually act on it, picture it all you want." She smiles as I head out while she gets ready now.
"I think you stick out wearing Enid clothes more than your own." Xavier walks up to me in the quad. 
"If you say anymore I will cut your hair while you're sleep in the night." I don't look at him. 
"Got it." He nods his head. 
"My family would have a heart attack if they saw me right now." I look down at myself. 
"I'm surprised you haven't broke out into hives." He chuckles so I look at him, 
"That's my sister if it's not black, white, or gray." I tell him. 
"If it helps any, you don't look terrible in pink. But I do prefer your normal style." He nudges me so I stare at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He chuckles eyeing me. 
"Picturing you with a shaved head." I lie to him before walking away to join Enid and Yoko. 
"You know he so has a crush on you." Enid giggles looking over a Xavier. 
"You really want me to kill you, don't you?" I glare at her before we get on the shuttle.
Once in town we all go to the Weathervane to get drinks and sit in a booth. As I walk up to Tyler he tries not to laugh at me, "Quad over ice." I tell in not in the mood today. 
"I didn't think you drank anything other than hot chocolate." He eyes me more. 
"I normally don't wear this either but here we are." I say with no emotion. 
"Why are you dressed this anyways?" He asks while he makes my drink. 
"Lost a bet to Enid." I look over at her chatting with Yoko and Divina, "I have to wear this all day." I roll my eyes. 
"I don't like it. It's not you." He hands me my drink. 
"Thank you." I go join the girls.
As we were all talking Bianca comes to join us, "Well look at you. Wish you weren't so cocky now, huh?" She sits next to Divina making me get a idea to piss her off, 
"Xavier said he like it." I give her a smile and the smirk on her face leaves. 
"Let's play a little game. Truth or Dare, Enid?" Yoko asks her. 
"Dare." She smiles. 
"I dare you to go over to Ajax and put your hand out to him and saying nothing. You can't leave until he gives you a high five." She giggles. 
"Really? Ajax?" She huffs so I move for her to get out of the booth. We watch Ajax be confused till Xavier tells him a high five then she walks back embarrassed.
The girls do a few rounds then Enid says my name, "I'm not playing." I tell her. 
"Backing down?" Bianca smirks. 
"I dare you to go kiss Xavier. You can make Bianca more mad." She whispers in my ear. 
"What you don't wanna do it?" Bianca eyes me so I get up from the table going over to Xavier and Ajax's table. 
"Hey, Valentine." Ajax smiles as I come up. 
"You okay?" Xavier asks looking at me. 
"I can't believe I'm doing this." I say before leaning down to kiss him taking him by surprise. Then he took me by surprise kissing me back so that's when I pulled away going back to the table where Bianca wasn't anymore. "Watch out tonight." I let Enid know.
As I sit I notice Tyler glance over at me at times with an annoyed look on his face. While the girls get up to leave I go over to Tyler, "Normally the look on your face is my thing not yours." I eye him. 
"When did you start dating Xavier?" He asks while working. 
"I'm not dating him." I laugh. 
"Why did you kiss him then?" He turns to face me. 
"Because it was a dare to piss off Bianca. I couldn't turn down that opportunity. Especially with her being his ex and me being one reason they broke up." I explain to him before get annoyed with how he was acting, "Why do you care if I kiss him anyways?" I cross my arms. 
"Why do I care? For starters the dude hates me." He walks to the side so I follow him, 
"I can't kiss because he hates you... That makes perfect sense, Tyler. That has nothing to deal with me." I let out a breathy chuckle.
"You give mixed signals, you know. that" He stands in front of me. 
"Mixed signals? I'm being nice to you-," 
He cuts me off, "So for the past months you've only been nice to me as a friend?" He stares me down. 
"Tyler... you know it's not easy for me." I start to feel conflicted. 
"Val, you're gonna miss the bus." Enid rushes in grabbing my hand dragging me out. "You okay? You look worse than your normal self." She sits next to me. 
"I'm confused about things." I look out the window. 
"Well you can talk to Dr. Kinbott in your session tomorrow." She gives me a smile.
Back at school Weems wanted to see me in her office, "I didn't do anything." I sigh walking into her office. 
"You're not in trouble Miss Addams. I have some news to give to you." She smiles as I take a seat in front of her. 
"Good or bad?" I tilt my head some. 
"I believe you you'll fine it as good news. Starting tomorrow, your sister will be starting at Nevermore. So tomorrow your session with Dr. Kinbott is cancelled. She thought it would be nice for you to spend the day with your sister and see your family. Plus she's reading up on her as well since she'll be seeing her on different days." She explains to me and didn't know how to feel. Apparently I don't know anything today...was it Enid's outfit clouding my mind or what?
"Guess my parents had no other opinions. I know she's not thrilled whatsoever."
"I'm putting her in Ophelia Hall as well. She'll be roommates with Enid." She adds. 
"Oh, she's really going to hate it here." I laugh before she lets me go. 
"Hey." Xavier walks up to me. 
"Great." I groan, "Enid dared me." I walk past him to go out to the woods and he was still following. 
"You did it to piss off Bianca." He walks next to me. 
"Precisely, Thorpe." I glance over at him. 
"I know you wanna ask me." He chuckles. 
"Why don't you just tell me? Why make me ask?" I stop walking to turn to face him. 
"I know it was a dare. It was obvious because of Enid earlier." He puts his hands in his pockets. 
"Then why did you kiss me back?" I ask like he wanted me to.
"To piss Tyler off like you did with Bianca. I knew he was watching. His eyes are always glued to you when you're in there." He says keeping eye contact with me. 
"I get it you both hate each other but why kiss me to piss him off?" I ask annoyed I was doing this with him now. 
"Don't play dumb Valentine. You aren't blind. He likes you more than just a friend." He raises his voice some. 
"Yeah, I kinda know that... but why do you..." I start to think why he has a problem with Tyler liking me other than just hating him from what he did to him. "Xavier..." I sigh thinking I get why, "You boys are killing me." I turn walking away going to my dorm to change to give Enid her clothes back.
"Here." I toss the clothes in with her other dirty clothes. 
"Talk to me, Val. You look hurt." She pats the spot on her bed next to her so I sit down, 
"No vlogging." I put my pinky out to her so she promises taking in with hers. "I never thought I would have boy trouble in my life." I lay back. 
"Boy talk!" She gets excited, "Tell me everything. Tyler? Xavier?" She shakes my arm. 
"Both." I groan causing her to gasp,
"Both? More details, girl." She shakes me more. 
"Tyler said I'm giving mixed signals. And Xavier kissed me back during the dare." I sit back up. 
"Who do you like?" She asks me. "Both... I think. Yes, I understand feelings and can read them but when it comes to me and my feelings... I don't know shit. It takes time." I throw myself back. 
"Then just keep being their friend until you know your feelings. You're going through some self changes so take time." She rubs my arm. 
"Thanks for being a good friend, Enid."
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stayxlix · 1 year
helloooo my dearest!!🩵🩵 I am so sorry for not responding for so long! I had a really great time with my friends, but I can't lie, I've been missing you A LOT, Alex😭🩵
I have no idea where to start, so I'll just go on with responding to your reply and we will see how long it will be since I still have to talk about the amazing bomb of a chapter you dropped!!!
I honestly see the thing with having a hard time with showing emotions, but after chap 5, I can assure you that you writing emotions is a literal gift sent by god himself. Thank you. I would also like to point out that I'm getting a little suspicious of Hyunjin in otde but we'll get to that later...🤨🤨
I am honestly so glad I can somehow express how amazing I truly think your writing is! It's really worth every minute that I spend reading it, and I love the fact that I can show you my love for not only your writing, but you too like this🩵🩵 I definitely see why you were so stressed about this chapter, but I honestly have to say that it broke me in half and I want it to run me over. This chap was HEAVEN. so while I do see why you are so nervous, I can still fully assure you that the chap was great and I'm so so proud of you🩵🩵
I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T LIE TO YOU. I LOVE THAT YOU DIDN'T SPLIT THE CHAPTER UP. I ACTUALLY CAN NOT. i was so happy when I saw the word count. I literally slurped up EVERY.SINGLE.WORD. you saying that I'm a gift has also brought me to tears. I'm just so glad that I found you! 😭💗 I love writing my asks, it makes me so excited to see your response later, and I love to also go back ans read through your responses🩵
AND DID YOU JUST SAY THAT MY OPINION MATTERS THAT MUCH TO YOU?!?!?!? I AM LITERALLY DYING. i just appreciate that so much, you don't even know. I honestly had a plan to go through and thoroughly write you every single thing I liked about this chapter, but then it got really long and I realised that maybe I was getting a little too carried away☠️☠️ I wanna say it in some.. shorter way, but now, I have no idea how to put it into words. So here come my feelings about this chapter (VERy VERY shortened down for your own safety☠️😭💗)
FIRST OF ALL. THE TENSION. I TALK ABOUT THIS ALL TIME I KNOW BUT GODDAMN WAS IT SOMETHING ELSE IN THIS CHAPTER. i was getting so nervous when I realised that Chan knew it was mc who killed that guy, and I'm honestly unbelievably curious about Felix's past. Like.. it's a problem😭 but moving on, I really loved how you described their feelings of leaving the hotel behind, and basically driving themselves to an unknown place. It gives off.. really ominous vibes, if that makes sense?? I mean, they have a vague idea of what Miroh should look like, but they don't actually KNOW anything, and that just really hit the spot tbh. The whole feeling of uncertainty kept crawling over me and it felt so ENGAGING OMFG. It feels really dark AND I LOVE IT.
So, moving on to the departing.
I was honestly kinda mad at mc for not going with Lix, but I think that's my personal problem if anything☠️☠️
The growing connection between mc and Jisung is UGHHH IM THRIVING ON IT TBH. I feel squishy about Hyunjin tho bc why🤨🤨are🤨you so🤨🤨close to🤨Felix🤨 BUT I ALSO LOVE HIM SO I'LL LET IT SLIDE JUST THIS ONCE. (If something ever happened betwen them then I'm. I'm gone. Vanished.)
I like how all the boys seem to be growing warmer to mc, and I felt like I WAS GENUINELY RHE FUCKING MC THIS WHOLE CHAPTER BC IT WAS SO INTENSE. i think it might be because the feelings are finally surfacing but OMFG. it feels so real i don't even know how to describe it.
Did I mention that I love jealous Lix???? the way he kept staring at her and omfg when the mc started feeling sick bc of the pollution and jisung comforted her and FELIX WAS JUST LOOKING THEM. OH GOD. I WAS SHAKIMG AND GRIPPING MY PHONE.
Excuse my screaming I'm just not.. over this chapter yet. I'm probably never gonna be over any of those chapters bye.😭🩵
I somehow really like.. idk felt??? The longing between mc and Lix.. it was literally palpable. (I'm honestly so excited for when they grow more accepting of their feelings and will eventually reach out for each other before others' eyes😭) but it was OH GOD.ALSO HYUNJIN SAVING MC MADE ME FEEL SOME TYPE OF IDK RELIEF????
I honestly knew that Hira friend was trouble from the beginning😪😪 BUT HEY AT LEAST YEONJUN CAME
I was on the edge of my seat and shaking in anticipation the WHOLE FUVKING TUME BEFORE YEONJUN CAME BACK AND SAVED THEM GOODBWKQOQOOWOWJHW
But before that... Hira taking mc's hair and calling it beautiful made my heart skip a beat. Like.. the tension?? AND I DON'T MEAN LIKE MC AND LIX TYPE OF TENSION. i mean like the type of tension where everything just stops and the confusion slowly sinks into you??? Does that even make sense😭??
The little sparkling connection with Seungmin makes me warm tbh I LOVE THEM😭😭
I feel like Hira is the definition of sinister.. I don't even know why.. but the vibes.. the way you described the mc to feel (which is literally how I was feeeling?? wHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS??) is just so sinister.
I totally get why mc couldn't just run up to Lix and hug his soul out of him BUT DAMN DO I WISH SHE DID. The way they are only looking at each other, and they both feel like they can finally breathe after finding out that the other is safe and sound reall fucking hit me tbh. Got me in the feels and shit 😭😭 i love how they are just unconsciously drawn to each other and don't leave each other's side. Them sitting next to each other at the table MADE ME SO HAPPY!!! LIKE YES GOO LIX!!! NOW NOW NOOOOOW THE TENSION!!! I LOOOOOVED THE WHOLE SCENE AT THE DINNER TABLE!!!! YES!!! it was everything I could ask for. Thank you for this scene bc I pmfajjwkwkwjwjw
"She. Stays. With. Us." he growled through clenched teeth, putting sharp emphasis on each individual word. The roll of bread in his hand crumpled beyond repair as he used every muscle in his body to keep his restraint. 
Sorry for the little break down but wow did this particular paragraph get me to my kness.
When she started to laugh, I literally felt the chills in my bod like goddamn woman...😭😭😭 okay now.. I am actually speechless at the smut scene. I don't know what to say other than HolY FUVKING SHINQHQIQOOWP1PP2P2P20282U3G4VRBSNSKAKW929U3UH3EVBE I CANT DO THISm!??!?!?!? What IN TE ORLDKQKQOQOOWKSK?!??+(+[+[2>2<2<3_÷^#
"What, were you worried about me princess?" He mused, poking his tongue into his cheek.
Anyways. I loved this scene. It was OG GOD. I made sure to listen to half of my heart because OF COURSE I DID. them in this chapter scream half of my heart, thholyghst and again so BAD. LOVED THIS. i really want to elaborate on the smut scene some more but fuck im just so???speechless???wordless??sentenceless??? AND WHEN HE SAID HE'S GLAD SHES OKA Y TOK??!?!?!?!?!
I would like to say that the ending broke me. tHE LAST PARAGRAPH?!?!?!? I' EPSECIALLY??? I'N UNWELL.
So safe to say, this chapter was beyond amazing, and I honestly can't eveb put into words just how great it was.. I really loved it, and I think it deserves the world, just like all the other chapters. I never really mentioned this before, but I really love how you name the chapters and how you put the little poem (???) before the chapter starts. It just.. really speaks to me?? ThaT SOUNDS WEIRD BUT IZ JUST REALLY SETS THE VIBES TBH. i loved all of those 21.1 thousand words, and i will gladly reread it seventy more times.
Thank you for this amazing chapter, Alex🩵🩵
SO.. THAT WAS MY RANT ABOUT THE CHAPTER!! i feel like I'm so far from saying enough, but I tried😭💗
YOSIWJE I WANT TO SHOW OFF YOUR RESPONSES TO EVERYONE AND BE LIKE SEE THIS??? SEE HOW THIS AMAZING AND KIND WRITER ANSWERED ME?? SEE HOW SHE IS THE CREATOR OF OTDE???? Aaaand yes I do write😭😭 it's more of a small hobby, though, because I can never keep a story going for longer 9k words, which could be enough, but it's like once I reach that, my thoughts literally vanish☠️😭 BuT IF I EVER DECIDE TO POST SOME OF MY WORKS I WILL DEFINITELY LET YOU KNOW!!💗
YOU SAYING. YOU. THE CREATOR OF THIS FUCKING MASTERPIECE SAYING. THAT MY MOODBOARD HELPS YOU THIS MUCH LITERALLY KILLED ME. I've never been happier😭😭 I'm so glad I could make something like that I'm honestly pretty sure I will never forget about you and otde.🩵 this story and you brought so much light into my life that it's actually unreal😭🩵 i love supporting this story, and I love showing you my love💗 AAAAND!! THE RED VERSION IS SUCCESSFULLY HERE.
I decided to keep it shorter than the last one, since I feel like this already shows what I feel with red💗 though, I am planning to change it up a little bit.. (i was gonna add a red vans pic BUT THERE ARE LITERALLY NONE THAT ARE EVEN CLOSE TO FITTING THE AESTHETIC 😭😭) i hope you like it and I'm excited to see your opinion for it🩵💗
" like even before they SEE each other, maybe they’re just casually at the beach or walking around on the street and suddenly this intense feeling washes over them and they’re like wtf is going on??? why do i feel like this??? and THEN their eyes meet and its just like…..oh.  "
OH MY GOD!!! I literally died when I read this. This is literally what I imagined???? wHY IS THIS SCENARIO SO GOOD???
I have no idea what the fanfic was, and it's pretty devastating😭
AND YES IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL 😭😭 i literally think of mc and lix with this trope in mind.I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE AGREEING WITH MY IDEAS?!?!?!?! I love coming with all these universes where reunite again, and again. I'm so glad you think my ideas are that good😭😭 (AND YES, THAT PIC OF FELIXW WAS EXACZLY WJAT I WAS THINKINV ABOUT WHILE WRITING THAT)
I feel like 2019 worldtour Felix is literally built for the role of a reckless racer. Let's say, the mc dislikes him so much bc she feels like he doesn't appreciate life enough. She's from a not so well off family and he's THE rich guy, like he has it all. He dislikes her because she judges so quickly, but what he loves is that he can't have her. She loves that she can't have him, too. YOU SEE WHERE I'M GOING WITH THIS?!?!
Another brain rot of today is: ginger lix (I am WHO era) gives off teenage dream by katy perry vibes. it's the type of love where you show each other what it feels like to love. To feel. To touch. To explore. To hurt. I'm literally never letting go of this. Like it's the type of love where not only are you two what you've ever known (childhood best friends who had always been more than just best friends typa beat OMFG) but it's what you'll always know. You give each other your firsts and your lasts. You go through everything together. You're so close that it's like each of you has the half of the other's heart instead of your own. You're so close that you don't even realise how you unconsciously drive everything to fit the other. You do everything to stay together. It's the type of love where you go into a clear lake and just stare at each other, because what is world if not you two? The kind of love that's consuming and neverending. You ruin each other for anyone else. YEAAAH I LOVE THIS.
NOOOW shorter dark mullet Felix with the two longer pieces in the front??🤭🤭 see, this is the one where he's just a simple stoner. Maybe a bit of a bad boy, but it's mostly just messing around with weed. You meet him through a party that your friend had invited you to. This one's kinda simple, bc I'm not too sure how to make it more poetic but you guys are just basically a complete mess together 😭😭 like doing stupid shit together (and kinda ruinimg your lives but it's fiction so where's the problem??🤩🤩)
OMG YES. I HAD TO CHOOSE YARROW!! yarrow symbolizes healing and (everlasting) love, but what it also symbolizes is heartache, war, and cure for heartache SO I'M GUESSIMG YOU SEE WHERE I'M GOING WITH THIS😭😭
The tattoo is an amazing idea and honestly IF SOMEONE DID THAT FOR ME I'M ON MY KNEES.
" omg okay in this parallel college/uni world that we’ve created i love this idea that he’s totally obsessed with her (and she’s a bit oblivious lol). like with the hair tie she definitely notices that he never took it off which is just a bit peculiar..but then like you said she starts to notice his fridge is stocked with all of her favorite things and maybe she casually mentions a scent she likes and the next day she catches that specific scent and he’s just like oh yeah just a new shampoo….🤭🤭 (i could go on and on forever but you get the idea) and im totally with you on the fact that thinking about different past lives of theirs might just have become my new favorite obsession.🫢 "
THIS WHOLE PARAGRAPH. I AGREE WITH THIS. WUTH EVERY FIBRE OF MY BEING. This is literally my new obsession wtf I can't. It's the type where he's lowkey like, "everything I do is for you, in a way."
I'M SO GlaD YOU LIKE THE ADDITIONS TO THE PLALIST!! with half of my heart, I feel like I really found the gem tbh. There is also an orchestra version of the song and.. I really can't lie, I'm thiking VERY VERYYY deeply about adding that to the playlist too. The vibes of it are literally perfect I'm dying.
Thank you so much for calling my song choices perfect, you have no idea how much I appreciate that🩵 I try to always find a song that fits the vibe perfectly, and I get so happy when I realise that it really DOES fit, and your face by wisp just kinda hit me. YES SEEN EMOTIONS OVEr HEARD EMOTIONS. The fact that you appreciate my song additions to the playlist this much just makes me AJWKJWSJ I wanna squeal and kick my feet around..😭😭 hearing that I can help you with motivation in a way just makes me happy beyond belief tbh.
(This is so long... I'm sorry😭😭)
I love you so, so much Alex!!🩵 I am again really sorry for answering so late, but I also feel so happy ans excited now that I answered you😭💗 I just wanted to say, that the chap really was amazing( and earth shattering, let's be honest..) and I'm so proud of you!! I'll always try my hardest to support you through your writing, and your blog overall🩵💗 and don't ever be sorry for not sending out the asks the next day, I'll wait for as long as needed🩵 thank you for being so kind and loving, I really and truly wish you the absolute best, Alex.🩵
I love you so very much too. You deserve the world🩵 as always, stay safe and take care. I'll be happily waiting for your reply💗🩵 have the best rest of your week!!🩵
HI HI HIH I🩵🩵🩵🩵YOURE BACK YOURE BACK AHHSODFHOWEKNF😭🩵 i was missing you too last week but im so so happy you had a great time with your friends, and you never ever need to apologize for that!! however long or short it takes you to respond, im always here💕
im so happy to hear that you liked the chapter, the second i released it i was waiting for this very moment so i could hear your thoughts🤭 i really do my best to convey the emotions in this story authentically (despite how difficult it may be) so to hear you say it is “a literal gift sent by god himself” has me S O B B I N G.😭😭😭😭😭 (oh and hyunjin is definitely a bit suspicious isnt he?👀👀) as always my 🩵 your words are so kind and heartfelt, and you express your love for this story SO beautifully. your support is everything to me..and i am so incredibly thankful that we’ve found each other!! its a privilege to me just to be able to know you in this way.🩵🩵 im so sorry that the chapter “broke you in half” lmao i was definitely nervous to release it but i guess this means i must have done something right?😂 not that i actually want you to break in half (or be run over💀) but you know what i mean lol. your encouragement and reassurance mean the world to me, it makes all the hard work and (occasional) stress worthwhile💕💕
AND IM SO GLAD YOU WERE HAPPY I DIDN’T SPLIT THE CHAPTER UP😭 I LITERALLY FEEL THE SAME WAY ABOUT YOUR ASKS. so i promise even if you had left your ask the original length, i would have “slurped up” every single word too😂💕 because your responses and reactions quite literally inspire me to write.….so let’s get into this shall we??🤭
i love to hear that you're enjoying the tension in the story!! i feel like it’s such a crucial element in creating a kind of immersive narrative which is definitely a big goal of mine, so this means a lot🥹 and i can’t blame you for being curious about felix’s past (i can assure you it will slowly unfold more as the story progresses🤭) im also in love with the way you talk about your feelings when reading, like especially when you mentioned the group having to leave the hotel and head into the unknown. i really did my best to create the sense of uncertainty you described, so im really happy it resonated with you and i stand by my words when i say that i can totally tell you’re a writer lol. the way you describe your thoughts is so poetic in its own way💕💕
“I was honestly kinda mad at mc for not going with Lix, but I think that's my personal problem if anything☠️☠️”
LMAO right??? I could NEVER.😭😭 mc is way stronger than me, without question.
The growing connection between mc and Jisung is UGHHH IM THRIVING ON IT TBH. I feel squishy about Hyunjin tho bc why🤨🤨are🤨you so🤨🤨close to🤨Felix🤨 BUT I ALSO LOVE HIM SO I'LL LET IT SLIDE JUST THIS ONCE. (If something ever happened betwen them then I'm. I'm gone. Vanished.)
oh god hyunjin hmmm i think i should just keep my mouth shut here😂😂😭 jisung is my bias wreckerrr (and let me tell you, he does a damn good job) so its a bit of self indulgence that he has such a strong building connection with mc🤭 but im glad you liked that too💕💕AND WHEN YOU SAY YOU FELT LIKE YOU WERE ACTUALLY THE MC IM SHAKING BECAUSE IT IS LITERALLY MY GOAL WHEN I WRITE TO JUST PROVIDE SOME KIND OF ESCAPE FOR ANYONE OUT THERE WHO NEEDS IT YOU KNOW????😭😭😭😭 SO FOR YOU TO SAY THE STORY FEELS SO REAL TO YOU MAKES MY HEART THREATEN TO CRUMBLE INTO A THOUSAND TINY PIECES (in the best way)
JEALOUS. LIX. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTEddED if i could fill every chapter with lix being jealous then that is what i would do.😂 seriouslyyyyy. (also the way im envisioning you shaking and gripping your phone is EXACTLY how i reacted to seeing your asks in my notifs lmao) it’s so rewarding to know that the emotions and dynamics between the characters are resonating with you, especially mc and lix. and i completely understand your excitement for their growth and acceptance of their feelings. i know its a bit of a slow burn…as much as i wanted them to hurry up and admit/accept their feelings for each other in like part 2, i have to try and make it at least a little realistic i guess..🥹🥹
ME WRITING THIS PART. IT WAS SO HARD TO WRITE.😭I HAD TO STOP TO KEEP TAKING BREAKS I SWEAR. im glad you liked the yeonjun cameo🤭 and you hit the nail on the head about hira, i know i can’t give too many spoilers but you’re always in my head so of course you knew she was trouble..and hyunjins appearance got you, huh?😂 it was quite a relief for me too that they survived (even if I knew they were going to😂) i really tried so hard to make it evident how much mc and lix care for each other without saying a word in this scene (which goes back to some of the different versions of them that we’ve discussed in past conversation, so this is just another example of how you’ve motivated me time and time again🩵🩵) and the dinner table scene was SO fun to write ah im so happy that you loved it too ahhhhekjwjh we stan protective rebel lix who stands up for his woman😭💕(your breakdown cracks me up too, please never change🥹)
as for that smut scene...oh lord lol writing those intimate moments is alwaysssss a challenge for me, but knowing you liked it gives me the confidence to keep including scenes like this in the future.🩵🩵 i enjoyed stepping out of my comfort zone a bit too.
 I made sure to listen to half of my heart 
I LISTENED TO THIS SO MANY TIMES WHEN WRITING THE END OF THIS CHAPTER. ALSO-i have another song I think might be your style🤭it’s called Stick Around by ENVYYOU (i randomly stumbled upon it but i think it totally fits mc/lix so i added it to my playlist too, and the style made me think of you)
ahhh although i had the last paragraph written for a while, this was a last minute addition, so im glad i left it in there🤭 and what you said about the chapter titles and the little poem-like intros makes my heart so happy, they're just kind of my way of trying to set the mood and create a specific type of atmosphere for each part of the story. sometimes the chapter name is the first thing i do, and sometimes i have such a hard time with it that i don’t even pick it until the very end (same with the quotes) but i always try to start out with a theme in mind and go from there. so it really warms my heart to know that they speak to you and add to your reading experience.🥹🥹
i can't thank you enough for your continuous support and love for the story🩵🩵 i’ve said it before and ill say it again, thank you for all of the motivation to keep me writing and exploring these characters. your enthusiasm and dedication mean EVERYTHING to me, and i am so grateful to have you with me on this little adventure. because i truly don’t know where this story would be without you.<33333 your asks and messages are such a highlight to my days. i genuinely look forward to reading them and responding to you as well, and im truly touched that you enjoy going back to read my responses, because to be honest i find myself doing the same thing quite often🤗💕 thank you for being an incredible part of this journey, and thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness to my heart. i can't wait to share more of this little story with you.🩵🩵🩵
YOU. ARE. SO. SWEET. MY HEART.😭😭😭 IF I WASNT EMOTIONAL BEFORE THEN I CERTAINLY AM NOW. THIS IS JUST ENOUGH TO BRING ME TO TEARS. 😭😭😭 AND THE RED MOODBOARD?!?! WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT ITS BRILLIANCE. you know that ominous/dark feeling you were talking about earlier??? well you PERFECTLY embodied that with this moodboard. and it is SO my style its ridiculous. a fuckin gmasterpiece omfg. im absolutely in lOVE with it. the red aesthetic is so captivating and haunting and it perfectly captures the emotions and atmosphere of otde. the mix of images and the overall vibe you created (with both moodboards) is too good, i can literally see the effort and thought you put into making them and choosing each and every picture<3 (even without the vans, it’s still absolutely incredible🥹) your moodboards have been SUCH a tremendous help in visualizing the world of otde for me that i would recommend everyone who stumbles across my story to take a look at them too<33 and when it comes to your own writing, even if your thoughts vanish at 9k writing is all about enjoying the process and expressing your creativity!!! so whether it's short stories or longer pieces, the most important thing is that YOU find joy in it<3 (but please do let me know if you ever decide to share your works, i would be thrilled to have the opportunity to read them and support you just like you have supported me🩵)
when it comes to our little parallel universes i’m so glad you like my ideas too🥹🥹 i have so much fun bouncing ideas off of each other like this, your ideas are pure genius and can promise you that if you ever did turn them into fics (no matter how long or short) i would read them over and over and over again too. ESPECIALLY one about 2019 worldtour racer felix. the way you described the relationship between the two of them in your ask has me on my knees like i will literally BEG someone to turn this into a fic😭😭 I WANT MORE😭😭😭 PLEASE. AND I LOVE HOW YOU DESCRIBED GINGER LIX TOO. WHY DOES TEENAGE DREAM FEEL LIKE IT WAS MADE FOR HIM.😭 i’ll always have such a soft spot for first loves. the type of love thats innocent but still just as deep and all-encompassing that it's hard not to get swept away by the emotions it evokes, even if they’re young. and the idea of childhood friends who have always been there for each other, who have always looked out for each other, is so heartwarming🥹 like maybe one night childhood best friend lix confesses his feelings for mc, and she looks back on the years they’ve grown up together and realizes he’s been the one constant in her life. maybe she’s had trouble at home or with school but felix has ALWAYS been there for her. that steady safe place. and he’s been proving his love this whole time, she was just too caught up in growing up to realize it until now.🥹🥹 so they become each other's firsts and lasts, experiencing life's highs and lows together through their unbreakable connection. UGH i can see why this idea is taking residence in your mind. and same with stoner lix (i may have a bit of a type, and this is IT). they haven’t known each other forever but they meet at a party (introduced by a friend, like you said) and the next time that same mutual friend wants to hang out, mc and lix are already hanging out and they’re like wait what??? how did I become the third wheel???😂😂 it’s also the perfect setting for adventures with a bit of reckless fun. which is what young love is all about right??? all of these tropes you’ve come up with are the kind of love stories that leave a lasting impact, and i’m so glad you shared them with me. its all such a testament to your creativity and i’m so excited to see where your imagination takes us next.🤭
the yarrow symbolism you've chosen is absolutely beautiful!!! as is making it a tattoo, a permanent mark of their bond, reminding them of the moments they've shared and the love that's blossomed between them even when they’re apart🥹 I CANT GET THIS OUT OF MY HEAD. and i’ll definitely have to check out the orchestral version of half of my heart because i didnt even know there was one!! its incredible how the right music has the power to evoke feelings and set the mood you know???
and there's absolutely no need to apologize for the length of your ask, your words bring me so much joy and happiness, and i truly cherish every message you send.🩵 im over the moon to know that you loved the chapter and that it had such an impact on you and i can't thank you enough for being such a wonderful and dedicated reader and friend. your kindness, understanding, and patience (with waiting for my responses and my slowwwwwww writing🥹🥹) are so very appreciated, sometimes life gets a little hectic but just know im always here💕 and im beyond grateful for your support for my little blog. you have claimed a very very special place in my heart, and im sending all my love and best wishes your way. take care of yourself, stay safe, and have the most wonderful rest of your week/weekend. i love you so so SO very much, and thank you again for EVERYTHING<333 until we talk again, sending lots of love and virtual hugs to youuu🤗🩵🩵🩵
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cr3zynotf0und · 1 year
The day was going well, until class began. Racetrack Higgins knew that would ruin it. His enemy sat right next to him in that class. Ocean O'connel Rosenberg.
(These are just random skits so if someone wants to draw Jack doing some weird stuff and Davey panicking because he's doing weird stuff, tag me.)
Anyways, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing anymore, so bear with me.
*Class starts*
Ocean: Hello, Race :)
Race: Shut up you ugly roach
Ocean: That isn't nice! :)
Constance: Ocean leave him alone, he's probably had a bad day :{
Ocean: Wanna switch seats?
Constance: sure
(Sorry I'll go back to Crutchie it's just funny to call him crunchy)
Noel: *Dramatic look back*
Davey: *Is scared*
(oh my god I need to make a seating chart for them at the end of this)
Jack: Davey shut up you're just jealous that I can lift a duffel bag
Davey: *runs beautifully*
Mischa: *Facetiming Talia*
Teacher: spot go to the office
Spot: alright homie peace out I hope all of youse die in a fire
Teacher: It's free period, don't kill each other
(Now please note, they paid attention to the fact they couldn't kill each other, but nobody said anything about sending them to the office.)
(Ah, crusty musty dusty rusty. A saying I use weekly.)
Davey: *runs back into class beautifully*
Davey: Because you called me weak
Albert: thats because you are weak-
Jack: *pulls out bazooka and pew pews albert for callin his mans weak*
Ocean: Well, you broke that rule.
*insert audience laughter*
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0 notes
makarovni · 1 year
Personal shit I'm posting here instead of main bc irls follow me there. Mention of suicide, SA, ED, and drugs
So I got my fiance to watch Veep with me. At first it was exciting, bc 1. Rewatch!!! 2. Get him to see something I enjoy!!! But today has made me kinda upset and not wanna watch it with him.
In real life, I am extremely touch averse. I barely tolerate being held romantically by him- there are some moods where I enjoy it but for the most part I prefer just to sit beside him. I especially hate any other kind of "gentle, romantic" touches and kisses, though I only just now told him that. But I allow him some time to hold me and be physically affectionate bc his love language is physical affection, and I don't want to be unfair to him.
Anyways, I gave him some of this time while we were watching Veep, and at first it was okay, he just had his arms around me and we were fine. But then an episode with Sidney came on, and when the scenes with Sidney were on, he became much more affectionate, kissing my shoulder and touching my tits and back and stuff. I noticed he also did this when Kent would show up.
He knows damn well I'm attracted to both men, so I feel like he was doing this out of some weird jealousy. Like hey, don't pay attention to them, pay attention to me!! And it just made me feel absolutely sick to my stomach. After like two episodes of enduring it I finally told him (POLITELY) I'd like him to stop touching me and please just sit beside me. He did as I asked and while he didn't complain, I could tell he felt rejected or annoyed.
But it's like, he claims he's never been jealous of anyone with me, no crushes on celebrities or characters, he says he doesn't care. He doesn't understand, bc he says the only attractive people in the world to him are me, Keanu Reeves, and Bruce Campbell apparently, but he says he doesn't mind that I have harmless crushes.
Yet it seems like he's trying to subtly be jealous and get my attention away from A FUCKING TV SHOW by touching me in ways I don't like. It's too obvious to be a coincidence, bc he would stop and then start up again when Kent shows up in the next scene. And he really played it up with Sidney scenes. So yeah even if he's not "jealous" in particular, I noticed he did it especially with Kent and Sidney scenes.
I don't know if I should bring that up. I already told him earlier about our boundaries- he gives me minimum affection to satisfy that need, and if I want more I can ask, if I want him to stop I ask and he will. I should probably just get over it and forget he did this today but I just can't.
I felt violated and like I was being molested. Even if we are engaged and I love him more than anything, I still felt that way. I felt the way i felt being molested by my sexual abusers. I've been crying about it since I went home and thought about killing myself (I won't tho dw). We were having such a good day up until that happened. I don't know if I want to go to his house tomorrow because even tho he won't do it again bc we set the boundary, it still really bothers me.
I don't know what to do. I keep crying. I want to go take painkillers even if I'm not in pain and I know that's bad but it just feels like the only thing that can make me happy right now. I'm very upset at this and I don't know what to do.
I want to wrap my body in clothes that no one will be able to see it through or touch me. I want to start starving again. I want to take more painkillers. All because of this.
Sorry. If you read this, thanks. No ones under obligation to read it or care. I just had to get it out of my system.
0 notes
msookyspooky · 2 years
How would Billy and Stu react to the scenario of the three of them all having to sleep in one bed in a shitty motel? No room for pillows between and no recliner, just a hard shitty wooden chair. And then their reaction when they wake up all tangled and pressed against each other bc of the lack of room?
One Bed...
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"Absolutely not." You mumbled staring at the one bed in the cheap motel room. It was bright red, gigantic, heart shaped, a mirror on the ceiling and a mirror on the back velvet wall. The entire room was padded and lined with velvet for uh...Sound proofing.
Stu quirked a brow at you. "How's this for your loveshack, baby?" He exaggerated the nickname jokingly as he went to smack your rear playfully. You shot him a death glare and he held his hands up before he could.
"...The what?" Billy deadpanned.
You cringed and rubbed your forehead as Stu walked away. "Nothing...Stu, can't we go somewhere else? This place is not my idea of a good nights rest."
Billy nudged you as he walked by. "Yeah free STD's and dried jizz rags to go when you stay at the honeymoon sweets off route 69." Billy glared over at Stu. "Seriously. There has to be a better option."
Stu looked around as he talked to you. "Can't. We don't have enough gas and this was the only motel for miles."
"Then get two rooms, idiot!"
Stu shrugged. "Guy said there was only one available."
"Of course..." You grumbled with a glare his way.
Stu sat on the bed and his eyes widened as he swayed a bit.
"Holy shit its a waterbed!" He bounced on it before laying down. "I always wanted one of these!"
"Ew Stu, put one of our sheets over that or something before you lay on it!"
He gave you a suggestive smirk with mischief in his eyes as he thrusted up lightly, watching the waterbed do most of the work for him. "Yeah this bed's seen more sea men than the US Navy."
You slapped your forehead as Stu gave a maniacal giggle. You saw Billy shake his head with a slight smirk as he looked through his bag.
"Come on, Sweetcheeks. It'll be fine! You get the middle."
"Why do I get the middle?? Why can't he get the middle?"
Billy jerked his head up as you pointed at him. "Because I'll kill Stu if anything pokes me. That's why."
"Is that your big hunting knife you sleep with or are you happy to see me?" Stu retorted with a snort. "It would be the knife; Don't worry. My dicks bigger."
"It's not happening. I'll kill him." Billy talked to you, ignoring Stu."
"And that's my problem...Because?"
Stu scoffed and gave you an offended look. "You're the chick! Chicks always are in the middle."
You raised your brow. "And how many times have you slept in a bed with three people to make up that rule?"
Stu faltered and Billy looked back up from his bag with a sideways smirk. "He's a whore so probably a lot."
Stu glared at Billy. "Nah man, don't be jealous cause I get ass constantly. Besides, look at you!"
Billy stood up fully with a huff. "The hell does that mean?"
Stu shrugged with an amused grin. "I mean, the tank with those tight lowrise jeans and a leather jacket? You look like a male prostitute turning tricks on the corner."
Billy instantly seethed, stepping towards Stu on the bed. "You wanna say that shit again?"
You put your hands out. "Okay, stop! This is why I'm not sleeping in the middle! I'm not getting accidentally stabbed."
Billy sneered at you. "And you think one of us should? Does that seem like a good idea to you?"
You crossed your arms. "No it's called we put all weapons away to sleep." You held up a finger. "Before you become a nay sayer; it's safer for all of us including you."
They hesitated, thinking before nodding. Stu spoke up first. "Only if you sleep in the middle."
"No! Okay, so you both get your weapons on the nightstand but I have to be in the middle with none?" You scoffed. "Fuck that, I will sleep in the car first!"
Stu sat up with an annoyed look. "You are NOT sleeping in the car."
"Why not? I'm not being between two guys that have...Tried stuff in the past." You rolled your lips at the uncomfortable memory.
Stu groaned and crossed his heart. "I swear to you, I won't. Cross my heart hope to die."
"What are you, 5? Gonna pinky promise we aren't up to no good." Billy quipped.
You sighed heavily. "It's better than nothing....Billy."
You both looked over at Billy who huffed in response. "Please, you already know I don't have any interest in either one of you."
You hesitated...It made you feel a little better but still on edge. "...Okay, fine. One false move and I'm sleeping in the car regardless of what either of you say." You gestured to Stu on the bed. "But God, get off of that till I can put a sheet over it!"
Stu sighed and got up as you did just that. This motel was way too cheap for you to trust housekeeping did a good job cleaning.
You all three seemed to take longer to go to bed than usual. Stu stretched and got in first. "Welp, time to get some shut eye."
Billy and you both gave each other a side ways glance.
You mumbled under your breath. "...How the fuck did I get myself into this?"
"You and me both." Billy replied as Stu patted the bed as he swayed.
"Come on! The waters fine."
"Shut up, Stu." Billy grumbled as you both made your way over to the bed. He nudged you and you gave him a dirty look and nudged him back.
"You gotta get in first! You're in the middle, YN."
"So?! I can crawl in after."
"YN." Billy scolded as you rolled your eyes.
"FINE." You snapped, crawling and shocked at how much you moved in it. "Holy shit, how do people have sex on these?"
"Wanna find out?" Stu offered with a smirk as he laid on his side with his head propped up on one arm. You shot him an unamused glare as you struggled to get in the bed. "Kidding, Sweetcheeks! Lighten up."
"Yeah, I bet you were..."
You collapsed beside Stu. The whole bed moved and you practically rolled into him. He smiled down at you as you hid a smirk and scooted away.
Billy eyed you both skeptically. "...Why don't I sleep in the car?"
"Because it's freezing outside and if I have to so do you." You commented. "Come on, there's room." You patted the side that was empty as Billy reluctantly scooted in under the covers.
You all three laid there a moment. Stiff as boards as the bed swayed. Suddenly you all jumped when it vibrated. Billy jumped to his feet and Stu practically rolled off as they left you scrambling in the middle.
You stayed on the bed, giving a disbelieving laugh. "You gotta be kidding."
Stu cracked a smirk as he looked down on his side. "My bad, there's a switch over here I didn't see."
"Yeah right, you did that on purpose." Billy scoffed.
"I did not, honest man!"
You couldn't help laughing as you were on your hands and knees trying to navigate the sloshing, moving bed. You laid back down with a smile to them both.
"It's actually not that bad. Just try not to press it again." You mumbled.
They both eyed you. Staring down at you with an unreadable look on both their faces before they slowly eased back in.
Stu was the first to loosen up. Propping his one arm behind his head. "Damn...I need this thing."
You smirked at him, secretly glad it broke the tension. "Well, when you're rich in a few years you can. I expect my own room and my own bathroom for when I spend the night after all these years of letting you crash at my place. "
His face lit up. "Deal."
Billy was still stiff beside you. "God, I hate it."
"What don't you hate?" Stu replied.
"It's noisy as fuck!"
You shrugged. "Yeah it is. I don't love it, don't hate it...Let's just try to sleep."
"How??" Billy grumbled as he fluffed his pillow. Finally, the vibration stopped. He gave a grateful sigh and raised his head to glare at Stu. "You press that fucking button again-"
You cut him off with a laugh. It was...Ridiculous. All three of you on the run, sharing a giant vibrating, tacky heart shaped water bed in a honeymoon motel. You looked up to see yourself laugh in the mirror on the ceiling.
Billy and Stu gave you weird looks. Billy gave a huff with a slight smirk. "What's so damn funny?"
That made you laugh harder, clutching your stomach. "What isn't? We're...We're in a giant freaking heart shaped bed with mirrors on the ceiling! I mean, can you imagine 5 years ago we'd be here??"
The idea had Stu chuckling to himself before Billy joined in. You were all tired, mentally drained, stressed out, and scared. The laughter was contagious and the only copping mechanism you had. All three of you were laughing to yourselves, seeing each other in the mirror made it worse.
"That is fucking stupid...God-" Billy scoffed in between chuckling.
Stu snorted. "No shit, like, what the hell are we doing in life?"
"We'll have stories, that's for sure." You gave, wiping your eyes as your laughter died down.
You're laughter all faded as you were able to look at one another and yourselves in the mirror on the ceiling.
Stu bit his lip to hide a smirk. "...Wonder if a guys jizz has ever been able to hit that mirror?"
You groaned to yourself. "Stu...Does your mouth and brain connect?"
Billy gazed over at you with a smirk. "Now you should know by now it doesn't."
You sighed with a smile. "You're right. Dumb question."
You were silent a moment. Your shoulders were touching there's. All of your hands on your chests or stomachs trying to stay on your respective sides. Billy was the first to try and turn away from you both.
"Alright, enough goofing off. We need to sleep."
You nodded as Stu stretched and tried doing the same as Billy, sleeping on his stomach and half of his side. You didn't have as many options, sighing to yourself as you laid on your back and stared at the mirror. It was bizarre seeing yourself in between two men that murdered and tried to murder you and who you all had a thing for in the past at one point in time.
You eventually closed your eyes and let sleep take you.
The next day, you opened them as sunlight filtered in through the window. You blinked awake, curling up subconsciously into whatever was next to you.
Then realization hit you. You opened your eyes, seeing your arm was around Billy and your head was on his shoulder. He was completely passed out, his chin nuzzled into your hair and his arms wrapped around you. You went to move to feel Stu pressed against your back, snoring lightly with his long arms laced over you and Billy. Practically on top of you as he struggled to sleeping on his stomach in the weird embrace. Your arm was over Stu's and around Billy's side.
Your cheeks heated up and your heart beat out of your chest.
You didn't know what to do! A part of you wanted to wake them up but...Another part of you secretly day dreamed about something like this for years. You could feel Stu's warmth agaibst you. Billy's chest rose and fell against you. It was...Calming.
You felt Billy stir and closed your eyes to pretend to be asleep. You felt his body stiffen as his reaction was probably the same as yours. Once he started moving you realized you had no choice but to open your eyes too. You saw the bewildered expression and rare tinge to his face as he stared down at you with his arms around you and you nestled onto him.
"Uh..." He went to say something that died in his throat as Stu groaned. Stretching and gripping onto you both to squish into eavh other. You blushed as your face was pressed into Billy's chest and Billy's face was pressed into Stu. You saw the panic in his eyes as he hit Stu on the arm.
"Wake up!"
Stu jerked awake. Opening his eyes to see you all three entangled together. Stu blinked repeatedly, arguably the least fazed by it as he sat up in surprise. You on the other hand were completely red faced and laying there stiffly; unsure what to do or say. Billy jumped up from bed, pulling up his pants as they tried to fall down. Clearing his throat and running his hand through his hair. It was a nervous tick he did that he thought you didn't notice all these years.
"Not. A. Word." Billy warned.
Stu rolled his eyes. "Oh, big deal. We cuddled with YN. Did it burn?"
"Just...Look, it's not a big deal if you don't make it one alright? Just shut up and pretend this never happened." Billy twisted his face as he walked away to the bathroom. You knew he wasn't the type to be affectionate and by the look on his face...He had the same feelings you did. Mixed.
You laid under Stu with wide eyes. He smiled down at you as you cleared your throat. He got up. "Sorry. We didn't have room for pillows....So-"
You gave a nervous smile. "It's okay. Just...Yeah we should uh...Get out of here."
"Yeah, yeah. Totally." Stu gave, nodding and looking away. He eyed the bed. "...Wonder if they have room service?"
You chuckled and shook your head. "Strawberries, whip cream and champagne for breakfast?"
"Yeah, why not?"
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marvelous-imagines · 4 years
Still loving you
Johnny Lawrence x reader
Request: Awesome! If I may submit 2, 1) where reader likes Johnny, and Johnny is going back and forth with Daniel bc of Allie, and reader breaks it off with Johnny and angst then they get back together. (it's hardly anything like the request and I just realized that and I'm so sorry)
Warnings: mild language. Angst. Fluff at the end!
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You Was Seated at a booth with your boyfriend Johnny and his friends at a dinner, listening to them joke around and and just talk about how their karate training went today. You was seated beside Johnny who had a arm wrapped around you, his red cobra Kai jacket on you as you leaned into his side.
"God the waitress is hot, I'm gonna ask her for her number next time she comes around" Bobby, one of Johnny's friends said, causing the rest of the gang to laugh at him.
"she's twice you're age idiot, she's not going to" johnny laughed out, eating a French fry off your plate which makes you swat his hand away playfully.
"oh yeah? 20 bucks says I can?" the boy bets, making you shake your head at him.
"you're honestly betting on it?" you lift a brow at him, shaking your head. Tommy throws 20 dollars on the table causing the rest to do the same.
"if she gives you her number you're not only winning this money, but my respect Bobby" Dutch tells him. You roll your eyes at the boys and finish up your food. After a few minutes the waitress came back to hand you your bill, which Johnny payed for, and you nearly choked on air when Bobby give the older woman a smirk while leaning back in his seat.
"hey babe, I was wondering if maybe I could get you're number?" he said confidently, looking the woman up and down. She scoffs and shows him a ring on her finger.
"I'm married asshole, the only thing you're grabbing is a ride out of here" she growls while stomping away. Everyone at the table burst out laughing, including yourself. Bobby flips you all off and stands up. Causing everyone to follow him out the door.
"you really know how to speak to the ladies Bobby" Tommy laughed, slapping him on the back as you all walked outside into the night air. Johnny still having a arm slung around you pulls you closer. But you can feel him tense up, looking up at him your about to question him what's wrong, but then you see his eyes focused on the new kid larusso and Johnny's ex girlfriend ali.
You couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, you knew he still felt a little something for the girl. He always gave her lingering glances, his eyes lighting up with anger when the larusso boy hangs around her.
It made you feel a little pinge of hurt whenever you would catch him staring at them, especially since you and him has been dating for nearly a week or two now, you feel so in love with the boy, he was so sweet towards you, funny and loving person. And he was so handsome, any woman would kill just to be in your position, having Johnny Lawrence have his arm around them. But you didn't feel as lucky when he looked at ali...
"look at that loser, who the hell does he think he is strutting around here?" johnny seethes while looking at the two, watching how Daniel put his arm around ali. But poor Daniel stops in his tracks like a deer caught in headlights when he sees Johnny and his gang.
"oh no...." Daniel muttered, "maybe we should go..." he looks to ali. But Johnny, pulling his arm away from you stops him from moving by pushing his shoulder, causing Daniel to stumble back some.
"where do you think you're loser?" johnny asks with a smirk, the anger in his blue eye's caused you to give Johnny a confused yet angered look.
"don't be mean to the poor kid Johnny, let's just go" you said trying to get him to leave the boy alone. But he doesn't listen, Johnny's friends watching this go down with snickers and chuckles like it was funny. But for you, it was far from it.
"look man, I don't want any trouble I'm just trying to grab something to eat with my -
"you think I'm gonna let you get away with what you done larusso?" johnny questions while pushing Daniel back again.
"johnny stop being such a jerk and just let us be" ali spoke while standing behind Daniel.
"yeah Johnny let's just go please?" you say but Johnny only scoffs at you.
"and let this loser -
"johnny please?" you whisper, placing a hand on his shoulder trying to get him to calm down. But he doesn't even pay attention to you.
"I don't wanna fight man, but I will if you don't back off" Daniel says in defense, causing Johnny to laugh at him mockingly. You feeling anger bubbling up inside you at how childish your boyfriend was acting.
"did you hear that boys? Larusso thinks he can beat us!" johnny snickers, but Daniel shakes his head.
"just let us go prick"
"who you calling prick loser!" johnny grabs Daniels jacket and ali grabs Daniel while you push Johnny back, his glare falling on you.
"leave him alone Johnny! God you're acting like such a child! Picking on someone so - so innocent!" you say, face flushed with anger. Johnny rolls his eyes and looks away from you.
"so what? You're taking his side now?" he asks, venom dripping from his voice. You scoff, watching how he glares at the ground, jaw tense and fist clenched. "is he taking you to? Stealing you away from me like he did ali?" he questioned with the same harsh tone.
You feel a wave of shock and disappointment wash over you. "why would you even think that? For one thing he never stole ali Johnny, she broke up with you! And another I'd -
"then what the hell do you call that!" he points at ali and Johnny, ali holding Daniel back as he glared at your boyfriend. You feel a wave of fresh anger and glare at Johnny.
"of you can't stop being such a asshole then I'm leaving you Johnny! So you can choose right now, either leave them alone or I'm leaving" you state, crossing your arms. You expected Johnny to calm down, to wrap his arms around you as his tough guy facade washes away for a split second to keep you with him. But you was wrong, instead he let's out a un-amused chuckle.
"go then! See if I care! All you do is nag me over stupid shit like this!" he motioned toward the fight, his once blue loving eyes cold and heartless. You feel hot tears filling your eyes as your bottom lip trembles. You only stare at him hoping he would realize what he said and take it back. But he doesn't, he only gives you a glare.
"okay then, I guess that's that..." you muttered, tears falling from your eye's as you push past him and leave him standing there with his friends, Daniel and Ali.
You walked home that night, heart broken into a million peices. You had thought Johnny was different, that he was the sweet heart of a man whenever you both started dating, the sweet things he would say to you, the way he couldn't stand not holding your hand every second. You thought his soft kisses and exclaims of love for you was genuine, that he actually loved holding you close to him, loved you...
But now you know that was all a lie, the Johnny you thought you knew was just a dream you couldn't even have... Once you was home you laid in bed and cried, the pain of knowing that Johnny didn't love you hurt, the feelings you felt for him apparently unrequited.
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The next morning at school was unbearable, seeing him laugh and joke around with his friends as if nothing ever happened, as if he didn't end things with you. But the next few other days was worse, so bad you skipped a day of school, that day being today. You was laid in bed just reading a magazine when your phone rings, ignoring it you continued reading the dumb magazine in hopes of taking your mind of things, but the phones insistent ringing forced you to throw the magazine down and reach over your bed to grab the ringing phone off your bed side table.
"hello?" you grumbled into the phone, but you feel your heart drop, the dark cloud of sadness you've pushed away for the day came right back.
"hey y/n, I know you really don't -
You hung up on Johnny, tears swimming in your eye's. His voice sounded glum, cracking slightly as if he was on the verge of tears. But you knew he wasn't, at least that's what you thought. Because over these past week he seemed happy without you.
Just as you was about to pick the magazine back up the phone rings again, this time you wipe your eyes harshly and pick the phone up.
"look Johnny I -
"it's Bobby, and before you hang up I wanted to let you know that Johnny has been a absolute mess without you... He hasn't been showing up to training at the dojo lately, he's skipping school and he won't even barely talk to us..." he explained, and even though you wanted to forgive Johnny, you knew that it should be in person.
"if he really wants to fix things tell him to meet me at the dinner..." you muttered while playing with the phones curly cord.
"what time?" Bobby sounded relieved and happy. You let a small smile grace your face.
"tomorrow evening at 3pm" you said, hearing Bobby bid you goodnight before hanging up.
You sigh and laid down on your bed, wondering if forgiving would be the right decision. Or if not forgiving him was the wrong....
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The diner was full, friends laughing at one another, family having a great time. And then there was you, waiting at a booth by the window alone. It was nearing 3pm, but Johnny was nowhere to be seen. You sigh and can't help but feel slightly disappointed by his absence, you thought he'd actually missed you, regretted his decision that unfortunate night outside this diner.
Looking down at your watch you see Johnny was already two minutes late, sighing your ready to stand up, deciding Johnny needed some time to gather his thoughts...
But you sat back down when you spot Johnny walk through the doors, blond hair a mess atop his head, black cloth that's usually tied around his head gone. He wore a faded old t-shirt and jeans, his blue eye's holding a glum glow about them as he looks up and spots you, quick to stride over and slip into the empty booth with you. You give him a emotionless expression as he opted for gazing out the window.
"penny for you're thoughts?" you asked harsher then meant to. But Johnny looks at you, big blue eye's holding nothing but regrets.
"I - I'm sorry for what happened that night... I was wrong for saying what I did... For pushing you away -
"being a big jerk?" you added to the list. He nods and looks back out the window with a deep sigh.
"I miss you y/n... Please just - forgive me" he whispers, voice holding a genuine hurt tone to it. You sigh looking over Johnny's face, taking in how miserable his eyes are, showing the misery he truly was in over this past week. Reaching over the table and grabbing ahold of his hand you give him a gentle squeeze, causing him to look up with a hopeful glint.
"as much as I hate how you was doing Daniel that night... I suppose I forgive you" you muttered, his face lighting up as he tries to say something but you cut him off "if we start dating again I expect you to leave Daniel and Ali alone Johnny" you explain, giving him a pleading look, begging for him to at least listen to you, promise you.
"okay, done. But if he starts it I'm not letting the little prick walk all over me y/n" he tells you with a serious look. Which causes you to roll your eyes.
"only if he starts it and throws the first punch" you confirmed with a small little smile. Johnny squeezes your hand that he held in yours atop the table as he gives you a little smile of his own.
"and one last thing to discuss..." you trail off, looking away from his concerned and confused eyes.
"what is it?" he swallowed thickly, worried by the look in your eye, how you looked afraid, hurt and skeptical.
"stop making me feel like I'm only just you're friend... I see how you look at ali, the only reason you hate Daniel so bad is because he - what you claim, stole her away from you..." you struggle to look at him, knowing your insecurities was starting to boil over the top. "I know she's prettier and -
"y/n you're the most beautiful woman I've ever lied eyes on, if you even for a moment think I'd ever leave you for ali your wrong. I love you, more than anything and nothings gonna change that" he interrupted your train on insecure thoughts. You feel your heart skip a beat and melting at his words, the way he gazed at you with love and truth, a genuine smile on his face as he let his eyes roam every detail and feature about you.
"johnny - I love you too..." you stuttered as you felt a wave of emotions hit you. Causing tears of happiness to form in your eye's. Johnny let's a little smile tug at his lips as he leaned closer, halfway across the table to cup your cheek.
"I know ya do babe, and like I said before, I love you more" he gives you a quick peck on the lips before bringing your hand up to his lips placing a lingering kiss to your knuckles. Heart fluttering at his sweet little kisses.
That day in the diner you and Johnny sit and talked for hours, his eyes on you never leaving once. He regretted the night he had hurt you and pushed you away, but he knew that if he kept his promises to you that nothing could ever keep you both apart.
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A/n: here it is! I hope it isn't as bad as I believe it to be lol, it was rushed. I've been incredibly busy with work and have hardly any time to myself lately!, but here's this and then I'll work on the other one!
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
hi it's me with the rarepairs
sunahina: do you wanna date
(post time skip content)
* just about kills me with the sweetness
* hinata brightens up every room and suna is blinded.
* the first time msby plays against raijin is the first time suna actually sees hinata in person after high school.
* like; when atsumu talks about hinata and when he sends suna team photos suna always just dismisses it (as he usually does with everything atsumu says) as atsumu's little crush.
* he can't deny that the little orange hair kid is cute, i mean he was cute before already and the tan does look flattering on him, but honestly suna thinks hinata is too much energy and too bouncy
* basically anyone who atsumu likes, in suna's opinion, is much too overwhelming and annoying (okay, hinata isn't the latter, but he's probably really energetic and that is annoying in and of itself, suna reasons)
* back to the story
* suna surprises himself on the day of the game by coming in for practice early. tbh he just wanted to avoid everyone and take a nap in the shower rooms. for some reason, komori was extra excited every time they play msby. even washio seemed peppy.
* he didn't know which shower rooms were assigned to each team yet, so he just entered the nearest one
* and then came face to face with a meditating hinata.
* he blinks twice. huh, suna thinks. didn't think him to be the sort who can stay still.
* suna turns to head to the lockers when he realises that oh. this could be msby's locker rooms and not ejp. he turns to leave but hinata has some sort of sixth sense to open his eyes and look up and spot him just... staring at hinata
* and then this huge smile just breaks across hinata's face and suna is like
* that's bright. he just stares
* hinata cocks his head and speaks. "you are suna... rintarou right? i'm hinata shoyo!" *beams*
* and suna is just. fucked bc wow what an adorable voice this sunshine child cannot be real
* he just. cannot do anything other than stare blankly at hinata.
* "u-uh yeah. how did you know my name?"
* "oh, atsumu san talks about you all the time! he always talks about how you're such a great middle blocker! and you were really good when we played against you at nationals! i was so jealous of your skills as a middle blocker! did you grow taller? ....(hinata rambles)"
* suna just. poker faces and doesn't know what to do for a moment.
* "thanks i guess. is this msby's locker room"
* "oh i don't know whose it is, i just came in the nearest one! maybe we can wait outside! do you wanna warm up together?" cue another blinding, beaming smile.
* suna curses. no wonder atsumu is smitten. no wonder komori and washio can't wait to play against msby. who could say no to this face? who could turn away from this smile? no wonder someone like sakusa can put up with the likes of bokuto and atsumu, if it meant seeing this view every day.
* no wonder osamu smiles like he knows a secret, and travels across the country for an msby game. this, suna muses, is one part comedy gold, one part top tier blackmail material. half the vleague, enraptured at the sight of one(1) small player who shines brighter than anyone else just by breathing.
* and suna curses again, because he knows, and he knows without a shadow of doubt, that in every way, he is just as captivated as the rest of them when hinata says, in that lovely, angelic voice, "suna-san, are you alright? you went really quiet for a bit... do you not want to practice?"
* and suna snaps out of it immediately because there is no forgivable reason to make that voice sound that concerned, and also hell will freeze over before he gives up the chance to practice with hinata.
* before he can reply, sakusa opens the door.
* "ah hi sakusa-san! here for your pre-game routine? do you need help?"
* "... this is msby's locker room." ah. one sentence and suna knows he is unwelcome.
* "sorry. i didn't know. i'll take my leave."
* suna turns away, but before he has a chance to take a step, hinata calls out to him.
* "suna-san! let's catch up later during warmups!"
* suna freezes. he doesn't need to turn around to feel the brightness of the smile behind him. "ah yeah... sure." he hopes he sounds warmer than his body language shows, because if he were to look at hinata he cannot be sure that he can remain coherent.
* (he also doesn't need to turn around to feel the weight of the scowl sakusa has on him.)
* after the teams come in, msby manages to keep hinata so occupied that suna doesn't get a chance to speak with him until the end of the game.
* it's not like he could speak if those smiles were trained on him from the start tho. suna is relieved, and also a little jealous. he's not the only one, komori and washio also seem to be glancing that way a lot.
* after the game hinata gets swept up in a lot of fanfare ("the darling of the vleague! hinata shouyou!~" fans line up for signatures, photos, fellow players try to catch a few words with him about the game.) suna has no chance. he refuses to wade into the throng.
* instead he takes his time to wash up, pack, and generally just loiter. he feels something (annoyance?) when washio and komori chat with hinata outside the locker rooms. he pretends to have forgot something and goes back inside to stare at the walls. maybe send osamu a meme and some blackmail material to get back at atsumu for winning.
* he's about to give up waiting when he suddenly hears a voice calling in the empty corridor outside the players' locker rooms - and who can mistake that voice?
* he tries not to look eager as he turns around.
* "did you wait for me, suna-san? that's so nice of you! i finally got away from everyone, they didn't let me have any spare time to talk to you during warmups so i wanted to catch you after the game!"
* "i uh. yeah. you're very popular." suna smacks himself internally. way to go, so much for being the witty one in the team -
* "i - um - if you don't mind, do you want to wait a little more for me to wash up? we can get a meal after, i'm famished! ... is that... okay?"
* long, fluttering eyelashes. the perfect amount of hesitance. a criminally cute tone. here lies suna, deceased by three sentences and a shy face. the answer spills out before suna can process what hinata was asking for. "yeah sure. take your time."
* he hangs around in the corridor, scrolling through his phone aimlessly and fidgeting with the edge of his shirt. he looks at his shirt - clean, training gear, he'd packed whatever he could reach earlier today in a haze of sleepiness. he hopes he doesn't look too shabby.
* glancing through his instagram feed, which is suddenly filled with an unfair amount of hinata's bright smile painted over sweaty, flushed skin he realises its a lost cause to try and look, well not shabby beside hinata because... everyone sees hinata first. and who can compare
* suna is just scrolling and so amazed that everyone actually left him alone with hinata (he doesn't need to know that hinata asked them all to go home, although suna does come to that conclusion later on after everything and he is like... how did hinata know. did hinata also want to see me? omg did he notice i like him does he like me cue the overthinking spiral)
* anyway they have a nice meal at a small izakaya near the stadium
* suna is repeatedly just wowed by how much energy hinata has that he can talk and smile so much after a gruelling game and he's surprised at himself for actually being interested in whatever the sun has to say. it helps that a lot of it is gossip on atsumu. the inarizaki chat is going to be spammed later, and suna is looking forward to that too.
* he asks for hinata's number when hinata shows him an embarrassing video of drunk atsumu after a game. good, suna thinks. it sounded natural, send me the video, yes and also i get your number heh (he doesn't notice the soft flush at the tips of hinata's ears.)
* anyway after a couple weeks of texting each other somehow atsumu figures it out and suna is pissed bc he doesn't need a wingman. not one like atsumu anyway, who is too much of a coward to even confess and pretends he doesn't want a chance
* but at this point everyone can see hinata likes suna. so atsumu just goes straight to hinata and says, "when are u gonna date suna"
* and hinata is like RED "wha-what do you mean date him i just think he is very kind and nice to me and i like to hang out with him-" and bokuto is like, "do u think he is hot" and hinata is more than a tomato at this point and sakusa is disgusted at the gleeful expressions on bokkun and tsumu's faces. "just ask him out. he likes you too, obviously." sakusa, back at it with the straight talk. (he gave up on hinata a long time ago, after all, it's hinata's decision and who is he to decide or change hinata's mind)
* and so hinata is like, agonising over it
* and the next time he meets up with suna he is shy af. and suna is like tf did atsumu do did ratsumu say something mean to u
* "he didn't do anything! he just. um. hejustsaidweshoulddateandbokutosansaidulikedmeandsakusasansaidishouldaskyououtbutidontknowhowufeelaboutitsoidontknow-"
* hinata. breathe
* anyway suna cuts him off and is all like. "1. yes i like u. 2. yes i wanna go out with you 3. do u wanna go out with me"
* (inside he is like woah. woohoo. nice.)
* and hinata is like Y E S
* and there u go story of sunahina getting tgt
when i was typing this my phone kept autocorrecting sunahina to sunshine and honestly? it is not wrong
this was actually meant to b like, what does sunahina relationship look like, but... i don't write the fics/hcs k i just start them and they write themselves
i'll write those out another time i guess
masterlist here (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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polyamorouspunk · 2 years
(I feel like I had an emoji for my anons but for the life of me I can't remember them and scrolling/searching your blog turned up nothing so I'm just gonna assume it was 🌠?? Since that's in my recent emojis.)
Anyways confession time cuz I need to get this off my chest. I've been having a lot of bpd fits as of late and it's been making my relationships difficult, or rather one of my relationships since my bpd decided to turn one of my partners into a fave person.
He's not the best at understanding mental health, he hardly understands anxiety and depression and you'd think those are the easiest to understand since they're so common. He tries to still be there for people even though he just doesn't get it, but it makes it really hard for me to explain my bpd attacks that end up with me making stupid mistakes.
I've certainly gotten better with my bpd, but I still lash out sometimes, I still accuse and gaslight without even realizing it. It takes a couple seconds after I've said the stupid thing for me to realize what I did, and I try really hard to apologize and make up for it and be better in the future, but I wish it was easier to explain that God I don't do this on purpose.
Cuz Ig if you don't deal with intrusive thoughts and panic attacks and crap like that in any capacity you just can't see how that's done on accident. He asked if I found it fun to do that stuff and I just broke, like... No, I don't. I really truly don't. I wish I was able to handle these feelings more effectively and not hurt him. He's never done anything wrong, just bc he doesn't understand what my brain is like to have doesn't mean he's treating me like shit.
...honestly, the fact that he's still with me, still planning on living with me, still loving me, still actively wanting me around proves that he still cares deeply for me even though I can't control my anger sometimes.
I just wish my bpd, my trauma, didn't affect our relationship so much. I'm grateful for his patience with me but God damn I wish I was less volatile.
Someday I'll get therapy. I want it really bad. This country sucks with making it easy to get but I want it someday.
I hope your life is going well btw Punk, your blog makes me really happy in the punkiest polyamorousiest way. Thanks for running it and talking with us followers, you're genuinely a really cool guy -🌠
Oh my god anon I’m so sorry to hear that. I’ve been open about my struggles with what I now know as bpd in the past. I totally get the “I just acted that way and I couldn’t control it”. I reached the point of being physically abusive to my partners and it was awful. Sometimes it got so bad I would just dissociate and feel like I was trapped inside myself unable to control my reactions.
My bpd has been acting up again since the little accident I got into yesterday, feeling like “I made a mistake so obviously I need to go home and kill myself” (not really but like simple mistake = suicidal ideation over them).
Someone once asked me how my bpd worked and I was like I over react and feel way too much at everything. Yesterday as I was going through all of this my brain was like “best way to describe to someone how my bpd works? I got lost once and I had suicidal ideation over it for 2 months after.”
I just had some bad dreams of being super jealous and being hurt and blah blah blah and i can feel my chest hurting and my brain is just telling me all the bad things you know? And my coping mechanism mentally is literally just picturing graphic self harm, which I’ve been on a kick of since my accident because of all the feelings.
Like god having bpd is so bizarre how do I explain to someone I gently rear ended someone by mistake yesterday and I’m dealing with it by imagining torturing myself and self mutilation.
I’m feeling that “I want to lash out because I’m hurting so much”, the “I wanna start shit because I don’t feel well”, the guilt-tripping, the manipulation, all of it. It’s so fucking hard knowing you’re a shitty fucking person who hurts people, and then when they stick around? And they still want to be with you? Sometimes you wish they would just leave because that’s what you deserve: if you’re going to hurt people you deserve to be alone and miserable and you deserve the pain. And when they stay you just feel so, so guilty. Screaming crying why am I such an awful person why can’t I just be normal why can’t I just love someone without ruining it. Yeah I feel that anon I’m so sorry.
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