#but i feel like saying you like sf can be taken very negatively...
supemaeve · 7 months
This is not directed at anyone specifically but I always find it interesting how if one of my gifsets features HL or SB people will make any kind of comment about liking the characters or just general comments about them with no issue, which is fine.
But then I will make one that features Stormfront, like the last one I posted, and people always feel the need to preface with "I absolutely hate this character but...", "This character is despicable and awful but..." when talking about her, even if they're gonna say something general about what's happening on the gifs or about the story.
And this doesn't happen only on my gifsets, obviously. I've seen it in lots of places but it happens a lot and I think it's funny how it only happens with her. It's like you have to justify yourself first in order to make a comment about something you find interesting about the character or even just a general comment or opinion about her . But that doesn't happen with the others...
I don't know, I've just noticed that you can like those two guys or WB or anyone else in the show who's done terrible things all you want and say so with no issue, but if you're going to even allude to finding SF interesting you have to put a disclaimer...
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"Don't talk about Feyre's illiteracy because it's harmful and it's not her fault!
That same blog, two minutes later:
"Nesta is dirty! Look at her sleeping on unwashed sheets. Ew, she's disgusting. OMG look at her thinking these negative thoughts! What's wrong with her! What does she have to be sad for? Look at her sleeping with all of these men, she should be locked up for her sexual promiscuity! Thrown in a dungeon! Sent off to the human lands to die and live as a pariah.! She doesn't even wash her sheets how dare she speak on MY HIGH LADY! Why doesn't she just fuck Cassian -- the male she doesn't even know! Doesn't she see how much he loves her? You can totally tell by the way he ignores her when his friends come around! How he follows her around when she tells him no!
The same blog, four minutes later:
"I'd actually like Nesta if it weren't for her fans! It's not like I haven't said all of those things above! You know what ACOTAR is truly a story about three sisters!"
Yeah--y'all are not being very serious here. Either you care about the issues regardless of the person involved, or you don't. Nesta's depression, and the subsequent symptoms borne of it at the beginning of SF are...actually real symptoms of depression. Lack of proper hygiene, punishing yourself in the form is depriving yourself of care, not eating, and nihilistic thoughts. The book is dead-ass written straightforwardly; Nesta's negative thoughts are not meant to be taken at face value -- she does not mean them. SJM is not subtle by any means. How could she feel this way! She's depressed. That's literally what happens when you are depressed. Again--you guys are not serious about these topics other than the ammo they offer you. How are you mad someone talked about Feyre's illiteracy and then...you're follow up is that. Many of you are not very good readers, and I don't think you are mature enough to be consuming this series. How serious am I supposed to be taking your 'hurt' over introspection of Feyre's character when you guys always want to make a superiority and trauma comparison.
I swear to God the takes are getting...worse. It's even scarier considering some of y'all are actual adults. Ugh--its very hard to not say something when shit like this comes up.
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
I love your work so much!! I love how you handled the student x teacher request, given that I had some misgiving towards it, but I love how you write it!! May I request sum ,, Tamaki hc's? both nsfw and sfw?? The idea of him being a lowkey dom and confident behind closed doors is just 👌 I love you! Hope you have a good one today, and eat lots of delicious food!
Requests are temporarily closed while I catch up on them!
Warnings: nsfw below the cut, some like dom/sub mentions but it’s p tame bc im a vanilla bean lol
-Anxious bean. I relate to him lol
-He’s such a good boyfriend tho, ngl. He’s quiet and soft most of the time, and he’s really attentive to you and good at listening. He’s kind and sweet and treats you well and with respect.
-You’re one of the most important people in his life! You and Mirio! So it probably won’t be strange if you end up befriending the blond too, like, he’s just so easy to get along with and Tama would be so happy if his two favourite people were on good terms.
-Dates are usually pretty low key, going out for quiet lunches or to niche places that aren’t usually densely populated. Sometimes you guys will go to the mall to shop around, but that’s more rare. He prefers quieter and more intimate places, where he can talk to you and spend time with you.
-Once you guys move into the dorms, it becomes a little harder to go on actual dates, so you have to make the most of it. Study dates, video game dates, just hanging out in the same room and doing your own things dates, walks around the gardens, picnics under a tree on the weekends. Sometimes even training!
-You guys probably have sleepovers a lot, where you cuddle up in a mound of pillows and watch crappy movies. Bonus points if it’s a scary movie! Creepy stuff doesn’t really bother him, but the jumpscares always get him, even if they’re obvious. He has to hide his face in your shoulder for several minutes after one happens, which means it’s optimal for cuddling.
-Absolute cuddle bug. He’s kind of nervous about physical contact at first, but once you ease into it in small increments, it becomes really important to him. Catch him out there with his arm around your waist or your hands linked together, hugs and cheek kisses before class. Even on the weekends, he’ll come to your room and flop on your bed, looking at your with puppy eyes until you come over and lay beside him and let him hold you.
-He’s not huuuuge on graphic PDA, and wouldn’t do anything scandalous in public, but he likes having a hand on your or sitting closer than friends would. It might be subtle, but a little piece of him wants everyone to know that you’re taken, and that he’s proud to be seen with you, even if his gestures are small.
-He’s also really good at comfort. If you’ve had a bad day, or are just stressed about something, he’ll let you talk to him about it in detail, and he’ll really listen. Sometimes he’ll give you advice if you want it, sometimes he’ll offer to help you (if it’s something like schoolwork or you’re falling behind in training), other than that, he’ll let you know that he’s a safe place for you to come to and be heard.
-If you’ve also got some kind of anxiety, and aren’t able to do something, his own fears are suddenly less strong. Like, he understands what it’s like, and he wants you to be able to get what you need, so he’ll put up with his fears for your sake. Even if you both have to go home and lay down after and complain to each other about how much anxiety sucks.
-Once he’s comfy around you, he comes out of his shell big time. He’s still quiet, but at the same time he’s the friend who never shuts up once you get to know them. When it’s just the two of you, or you and Mirio, he’s always saying something about something, telling you about his day, asking about yours, wondering your opinions on things. It really shows how much he trusts you.
-Make sure you tell him you’re proud of him, and be genuine about it! Praise him for things he’s accomplished in spite of his anxiety, and tell him what you love about him. Hearing those things out loud from someone whose opinion he values really means a lot to him, and silently tells him that you see him and see how hard he works.
-Like casual affection, sex if a thing you gotta work up to, and slowly. He’s super nervous at first, because he really has no idea what he’s doing and he’s too shy to look it up, but he really wants it to be good for you too.
-He knows like, the basics of how it works, he’s not completely clueless. He just doesn’t know the intricacies or tells of your body. You’ll have to be really verbal and honest with him about how he makes you feel. It’ll prove to him that he’s making you feel good, and also rile him up. 
-The first few times you guys sleep together, it’s kind of messy and he’s embarrassed as hell and neither of you last very long. There’s probably some awkward moments where one of you makes a weird sound and you both burst out in giggles, or one of you gets a cramp at the worst time.
-But you guys keep trying, because he really loves how close he feels to you during those moments, both physically and emotionally. Plus it’s just fun, y’know? It passes the time, it’s a good workout, and you guys get to learn even more about each other.
-It’s not for a while that you learn he’s got a more dominant streak sometimes. Most of the time it’s a pretty equal playing field, with both of you giving and taking and asking and demanding, but sometimes he’s had a rough day, or he’s just feeling particularly bold or lustful.
-He won’t order you around too much, but he’ll definitely make suggestions or what he’d like you to do, and imply that if you do it you’ll get a reward. As if doing as he says isn’t reward enough. He’ll definitely be more vocal during those times, saying filthy things to you and telling you how good you look on your knees/wrapped around him/etc.
-And he always makes sure to reward you when you do good.
-He’s not so big into negative or super painful punishments if you defy him. Like, he doesn’t want to leave you crying, even if that’s something you want, I just can’t see him wanting to genuinely hurt you that much. He still has a soft and tender heart.
-But say....he tells you not to come, or not to touch yourself, and you do it anyways, then he’ll turn your rewards into a punishment. Like oh, you want to come? Okay, he’ll give you as many orgasms as you want and then some, until you’re overstimulated and begging for him to stop. He won’t stop, unless you safeword him, or until he’s satisfied you’ve learned your lesson.
-He’s not opposed to light painful punishments though, like spanking you until your ass is sore and making you count each smack for him, or putting little heart shaped clamps on your nipples to make them super sensitive, or holding a vibrator against you while he curls his fingers inside you, only to pull it away at the last second and leave you hanging.
-Ngl it’s kind of hot when he gets confident, and having him control you a little bit makes you needy. For rewards? For punishments? Who knows, but he’s happy to dish them both out depending on how you behave.
-No matter what kind of sex you guys have though, aftercare is always important to him. Cleaning each other up, cozying up together in bed, sharing pillowtalk and soft touches and gentle smiles. He just really needs some kind of emotional intimacy to go along with the act, whether it’s during or after the fact. He wants to make sure you know that he loves you a lot (as if him treating you like an angel didn’t already show you).
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deniigi · 4 years
Last Mike piece kind of combining a handful of different requests.
It’s a long one and is under the cut.
(Note, contains some stereotyping--I love Mike but I don’t imagine him as a super sensitive or culturally aware type of guy.)
Thanks to everyone who sent in asks!! And who has read and commented on stories up until this point.
You’re all darlings and stars and I appreciate you immensely. Truly immensely. It is a pleasure to read your comments and reactions and to have met so many lovely humans through the work.
keeping brothers
Mike comes to SF to demand retribution for not being invited to Matt and Foggy’s wedding. He crashes into Sam and finds in him a challenge that is perhaps even too great for even Mike Murdock to overcome.
Foggy was not presently receptive to advances.
This was unfortunate. Especially since revenge was needing to be taken here over dear, dear Matthew going forth with a wedding without even inviting his only, humble brother to sit in the pews.
Mike had picked out a suit and everything.
It was yellow.
Everyone loved yellow.
He’d gotten a hat to go with it.
Everyone loved hats.
Matt, however, seemed to have other ideas and went on and on about how he was planning on an August wedding and he’d tell Mike in the next month or so what the decided date was and what the color scheme was, and so on and so on. And yet, somehow, by the time May was rolling to a close, with months left until the auspicious August date, Mike got a furious call from the Sister who, for once, had found it in herself to contact him first and who was also offended on Matt’s and Dad’s behalf that Mike had failed to show up to his own twin’s wedding.
She didn’t yell. No of course she didn’t. But she told Mike that God was watching him and that he should consider how he was going to make it up to his brother.
His brother.
More like his little shit wombmate.
Oh, Mike would make it up to him alright.
Dearest, darling Matthew lived in San Francisco these days and while Foggy was not receptive to Mike’s usual charm and wit, he did say that Mike was welcome to stay at the happily married couple’s house for the night.
Foggy felt guilty when Mike explained the phone call from Mom and the whole unworn suit situation. He said that it was wrong of Matt to have lied to him and that an apology would be forthcoming, but in the meantime, if Mike could keep an eye on the dogs and the apprentice while he went out to find his beloved husband, that would be great.
Mike, of course, promised he would.
He chose not to mention that dogs were the foul scum of the earth on his personal hierarchy of creatures and things.
He also chose not to mention that children were right below dogs on said hierarchy. After all, not everyone in the world needed to know his business.
Matt’s dogs were…disgusting.
Mike didn’t get it.
The number of times Mike had moved Matt to the other side of the pavement to keep him away from dogs (out of brotherly love and fear of the neighborhood kids knowing that his little bro was a crybaby) had long passed countable means.
And yet.
These things.
Hazel was alright. Mike got why Matt was obsessed with her. She was ginger. They were ginger. There was an unbreakable bond there.  
But Tuesday?
Just why?
She was old. She was pale. She looked sad all the fucking time.
Mike tried to throw a tennis ball for her, but after he’d pried the wet, nasty thing out of her mouth, she just watched it bounce and roll onto the living room carpet before looking back up at him like he’d just shot Bugs Bunny dead on the carpet and tried to feed him to her.
“You ever considered therapy?” he asked her. “Maybe anti-depressants?”
She said nothing.
She just looked sad.
“How about a walk?” he asked.
Hazel flung herself out of the kitchen and crashed into the bottom of the island on her way.
Mike could appreciate that level of enthusiasm. Tuesday watched her and the slowly looked back up at him. Her tail swung exactly once.
“That’s it?” Mike asked her.
The tail drooped.
Fuckin’ A.
Look who’s Sandra D., huh?
The door rattled open and both dogs suddenly leap into action. Mike threw hands over his ears at the sudden explosion of barking.
“HEY,” he snapped at them.
They carried on yowling and bustling, racing each other down the stairs. Mike stood up and begrudgingly accepted that he was gonna have to chase these slobbering idiots out into the street, but froze.
A person was down there at the bottom of the stairs with bags slipping off their shoulders. They were laughing and petting the dogs. Cooing to them.
Mike decided that he wasn’t in the mood for housecleaner chatting. He was here for the express purpose of shaming Matthew in his own home.
He took a step back, but not soon enough. The black hair down there snapped up and made eye contact.
“Oh, hey Boss,” the cleaner said. “You’re home early.”
How to respond? How to respond?
This appeared to be an opportunity.
“Wasn’t busy,” he said in his best, stiff, huffy Matthew impression.
The kid cocked his head to the side a little.
“Really?” he asked. “Huh. Wild. Did you already take the girls out?”
Housecleaner and dogwalker? Come on, Matt. You ain’t that busy.
“Negative,” Mike said.
“Oh. Okay, I’ll take them then,” the kid said. “Jia and Chunhua want to meet them, is that cool?”
“No can do,” Mike said.  “They’ve been poorly behaved.”
The kid stopped with his hand on the downstairs closet door. He turned his head slowly back up the stairs, this time frowning.
Mike decided that he was going to make a drink.
You know. A “drink.” For protection. Against suspicion.
“You feeling okay, Bossman?” the kid called up the stairs.
“Just fine, thanks,” Mike called back from the kitchen. He found a safe place behind the counter and hunkered with the muzzle of his piece over its edge.
Surely, this guy knew Matt’s ‘leave me alone’ tone. Mike had it imprinted across his heart and his impression of it, he knew, was flawless.
The sound of rustling eased downstairs for a moment, and the creak of a door opening followed it. The dogs did not come back up the stairs. Mike started to stand up.
Perhaps the suspicion had passed?
The sound of a door opening downstairs destroyed that dream and the sound of the kid hiking upstairs with intention followed the shattered its remaining fragments.
And like.
There were two ways to go about this.
Way 1) Shoot the kid, hide the body, hire new household help for the brother.
Way 2) Engage full and complete Matthew impersonation.
Tricky, tricky, tricky.
One of those involved paperwork and speed interviewing. Mike stowed his piece and made a show of picking through the cabinets for a glass. He was careful to feel around at the bottom of the glasswares’ stems.
He heard the footsteps stop behind him and could practically feel the kid’s eyes burning holes into his back.
“You need a Tylenol or somethin’, Teach?” the kid rumbled.
The hair on the back of Mike’s neck stood up.
He’d fucked up.
He didn’t know how he’d fucked up, but he’d fucked up.
Poor little shit. Dyin’ on a kitchen floor was just one step above dying on the toilet.
“I’m good, thanks,” he said to the cabinet contents.
“Are you?” the kid asked.
Stop asking questions, boy, and start prayin’.
“I am,” Mike said, closing the cabinet firmly. “Is there a reason—”
He turned around.
Blue, glowing eyes stared right through him.
“What’s the matter, Teach?” the kid asked sweetly. “Never seen me before?”
 Mike never claimed to be Matty.
He wasn’t there for the whole cult-training thing. He only became aware of it after the fact. Of course he’d noticed the change in behavior and the personality shift and yadda yadda yadda. But he couldn’t have done anything about it. He’d just been a kid himself, not to mention that he’d been busy being shipped out to a thousand different foster families and group homes while Matty had been shuffled through a series of special needs placements. They were broken apart and thrown back together all the fucking time while every social worker and home and institute claimed to be trying to ‘keep the twins together.’
As a result, one day Mike woke up and learned from the paper that his twin was secretly a devil in disguise.
It had been kind of neat, actually. Matty’s devil fought crime and Mike’s devil did crime.
What a pair!
The contrast! The tension!
Delicious, all of it.
And while that was very good aesthetic-wise, it unfortunately meant that Mike was woefully unprepared to fight a dog-walking, house-cleaning marital artist on kitchen tile.
The kid was strong. And fast. And fuck, could he land a punch. Or eight.
He’d snatched Mike’s gun and chucked it in the sink within seconds of this conflict beginning, and while Mike had a height and weight advantage on him, someone had taught him how to go for the kidneys and the knees.
Mike was going to have to knock him out.
He didn’t want to.
Matt’s kitchen was already a disaster. Adding blood to that had not been part of the shaming plan.
Beggars can’t be choosers.
He managed to get the kid locked into an elbow and pulled up with the intention of giving him a head start in the napping arena, when the front door slammed open. The kid simultaneously sunk his teeth down into Mike’s forearm.
Mike shouted before he knew he was and suddenly there were dogs everywhere and people talking over each other and one second, Mike was reestablishing his grip on that mangey little mutt, and the next the kid was gone and he was staring into Matt’s furious grimace.
A glass rolled around on the counter by the sink.
“Oh,” Mike said. “Well, fancy meeting you here.”
“Sensei,” the kid cried, trying to push past Matt’s side to get in front of him.
“That’s enough,” Matt said to Mike’s face, but really to the room at large. The kid stopped.
Sensei, he’d said.
Mike might have misjudged things here.
“Go clean yourself up,” Matt ordered him, pulling back out of his braced form and catching the kid when he tried to get in front of him again.
“Righty-o,” Mike told him pleasantly. “Just one question—”
A muscle in Matt’s jaw jumped. Mike decided that that was permission.
“Does your little whelp there got all his shots?” Mike asked him.
This kid’s name was Sam. And he was not household help. He was apprentice and employee and he was fucking sharp.
Matt kept grabbing him and forcibly manhandling him back onto the couch to keep him from lunging at Mike with intent to kill.
Mike didn’t know what to make of any of this.
When Foggy had said ‘apprentice,’ Mike had assumed that some 14 year old would be arriving for lessons in MMA in the garage or something.
He had not expected this guy.
“Fuck you,” Sam snapped at Mike when Matt told him in hushed tones to settle down or go downstairs until he could.
Mike was almost…impressed?
“Samuel,” Matt said in a voice that gave Mike shivers because it sounded exactly like Dad.
Holy shit.
Sam and his glowing blue eyes jerked and then stared up at Matt in hurt betrayal. Matt sensed it somehow and softened.
“It’s okay,” he said. “Thank you for protecting the house. There’s just a misunderstanding here.”
Boy, was that an understatement.
“He’s impersonating you,” Sam told his teacher. “He was cursing Tuesday.”
“He’s not impersonating me,” Matt said calmly while Foggy made aggravated sounds at the state of his kitchen. “He’s my twin.”
Samuel went slack and stared up into Matt’s sunglasses. He swiveled his head back to Mike. Mike tapped his own glasses down and winked.
Sam bared teeth at him.
Yes. Like the dog.
Why did Matty collect such things?
“Sam,” Matt said, apparently aware that this type of Sam-silence was not a benevolent one.
Cowed by the warning, Sam’s new tactic for dealing with Mike abruptly became hiding from him. He wriggled out of Matt’s hold and tucked himself up against his back instead, peeking out to squint severely at Mike as though daring him to come any closer.
Matt sighed.
“What do you want, Michael?” he asked, holding his head in his hands while the sound of glass being swept rang out from the kitchen.
Mike hummed and leaned his chin on his palm.
“I think we both know what I want,” he said.
Matt took off his glasses and squeezed the bridge of his nose.
“Hostile,” Mike noted disapprovingly at the now-empty doorframe.
“He’s not always this way,” Foggy assured him.
Mike scoffed.
“Little shit bites,” he said.
“Where do you think he learned that from?” Foggy asked.
Mike saw now.
“Matt’s not even trying to include me in his life anymore,” Mike sighed. Foggy matched his posture on the other side of the now-clean kitchen counter.
“Sam is a soft spot,” he said.
“Psh. He shouldn’t be. If Matty wanted a nephew, all he had to do was say so. I’m sure I’ve gotten some broad or ten knocked up over the last twenty years,” Mike pointed out.
Foggy’s silence was judgmental. He was lookin’ kind of thin.
“Bad timing?” Mike asked him.
“More like tasteless,” Foggy told him.
“Maybe tasteless, but not untrue,” Mike volleyed back with a winning smile.
Foggy pursed his lips at him.
“Matt and Sam are already bonded, Michael,” he said. “It’s going to be far easier for you to accept Sammy than it is to get Matt to accept one of your eight thousand love children.”
Mike huffed.
Always a double-standard in this family.
So Sam was definitely trying to kill him. Or at least run him out of this place.
There was broken glass in the guest bathroom. There was a rug suddenly on the stairs in the middle of the night. There were wet, disgusting tennis balls waiting to be stepped on in the house’s hallways.
Sam allegedly slept downstairs, but Mike didn’t think he was sleeping.
“You’re accusing my apprentice of sabotage, now?” Matt deadpanned to him over breakfast.
“He’s jealous. He doesn’t like the idea of there being two of you,” Mike told him reliably.
Matt reached out and felt around for Mike’s forehead. He held his hand there like the fucking dick he was.
“Hm,” he said.
“I ain’t lyin’,” Mike told him.
“Hm,” Matt said again, taking his hand back to stuff a piece of toast in his mouth.
Mike heard a door open downstairs and then a burst of babytalk towards one of the dogs.
It cut off abruptly.
Mike looked over his shoulder towards the staircase and sure enough, the most favored blue-eyed boy of the household was down there, glaring up at him. He waved. Sam gave him the finger and hauled the dogs off with him to go make his own breakfast in the downstairs kitchen.
“He’s adorable, Matty,” Mike said without intonation.
“I am aware,” Matt said. “I like to keep him around. Really draws in the ladies.”
Sam hid. Mike became aware of this on the third day of staying over that he managed to wrangle out of Matt and Foggy in return for their inhospitality over the weekend and the whole wedding situation.
The boy was always in his room or going or coming from the house. He did not touch the stairs.
“It’s me, isn’t it?” he asked Matt.
Matt didn’t even turn his way while he brushed Hazel’s fur.
“I mean, he doesn’t love to come up here in general,” he said, “But yeah, no. He especially doesn’t love you.”
“I’m gonna bond with him,” Mike decided.
“Please don’t,” Matt said immediately.
“I’m gonna,” Mike said.
Sam blinked slowly at him once and then twice.
Then he picked up his plate and mug and made to leave for his room.
“Hold on now, partner,” Mike said, blocking the doorway with an arm. Sam’s eyes flicked up to the arm, then back to his face. Then up to the arm again.
“I think we both want the same thing here,” Mike continued. “You clearly love my brother. I appreciate that. I love my brother too. And if you’re gonna be stickin’ around, me and you should get onto more even footing, no?”
Sam turned his head to the side and ducked right under Mike’s arm into the hall. His bedroom door closed with a thunk.
It locked.
Mike blinked at the window he had been standing in front of.
Little shit.
This kid was a little shit.
“Mike, he’s just not about you,” Matt sighed. “It took him months to warm up to me. He’s not that kind of person.���
He was what? 18?
18 year olds could be bought.
Matt’s lip twitched.
“He’s 24,” he said.
Same difference. 24 year olds could be bought too.
Matt smirked.
“Alright, do your worst then,” he said.
He invited Samuel out for Vietnamese coffee. There was a place close by. It seemed to be quiet enough.
Sam stared at him and informed him that he was Chinese, thanks, not Vietnamese and all Asians weren’t the same, by the way.
Mike didn’t know what to say.
“Do you not like coffee?” he asked.
“I don’t like stereotypes,” Sam told him. “And I don’t like you.”
He shut his door.
“If we do East Asian food, then we let Sammy pick where we get it,” Matt told Mike dutifully.
That was like, fine. But also wasn’t that equally presumptuous?
“He’s got much stronger opinions on it than we do,” Matt shrugged. “And certain places don’t have things that he likes that we don’t know very well.”
“So I should let him pick,” Mike translated.
“I think you should leave him alone,” Matt told him.
Well, they both knew that wasn’t happening, but it was a sweet thought, little brother.
“You have a compulsion to feel liked,” Matt said offhandedly.
“You have a need to be hated,” Mike sighed.
Matt glared.
The stalemate remained intact.
Sammy. Samuel. Sam.
He told Mike to call him Mr. Chung or Blindspot. Nothing more, nothing less.
Mike thought ‘Sammy’ was very cute.
It sounded nephew-like.
Sam told him that he wasn’t his nephew because Sensei wasn’t his dad because he already had a deadbeat, missing father, thanks. He wasn’t looking for another one.
Mike was getting the feeling that Sam was angry with him.
Matt wandered downstairs afterwards and knocked on Sam’s door and was allowed admission. For like. An hour.
Them double-standards, man.
Matt announced that Mike was coming with him and Sam to walk the dogs. He bribed the kid with a promise of a bagel. Mike watched this happen.
Sam stared long and sad into Matt’s unseeing face exactly like Tuesday. Matt patted him on the head in consolation and he did not (did not) bite his hand (unlike the damn dog).
“Half an hour, kiddo,” Matt told him. “Then bagel.”
Sam was from New York, it turned out. Not Shanghai or Beijing or Hong Kong. And apparently it was rude to ask or assume the latter.
He liked bagels as much as any decent New Yorker did, and Matt knew this about him.
“Only for the bagel,” Sam told him.
“Only for the bagel,” Matt agreed. “I’ll buy and you can put whatever you want on it.”
“Egg,” Sam said definitively. “And peanut butter. And sriracha.”
Matt tried not to wince.
“Whatever you want,” he said.
Sam was pleased with his submission.
“Is it cold outside?” he asked.
Sam loved the dogs. Mike suddenly understood why he and Matt got on so well now.
This kid had little care for drool on his hands and had a killer arm. The dogs raced after his lobbed tennis balls like their lives depended on it—even the old lady.
Matt said nothing.
He was busy acting as a buffer. He elbowed Mike in the ribs after the fifth throw or so.
Mike remembered the mission.
“Where’d you learn to throw, Sammy?” he asked.
Matt clutched at his face with a hand.
Sam side-eyed Mike without moving.
“Sam,” he said firmly. “Or BT. Or Chung.”
“Sammy suits you,” Mike told him. “Where’d you learn to throw?”
Sam furrowed his brow.
“My mom,” he said.
Oh, nice.
“She play baseball?” Mike asked.
“Archer,” Sam said stiffly.
“Very cool. Very cool.”
Annnnd that was it. Hm.
“Teach, why’re you lettin’ this guy hang around?” Sam asked out of the blue.
“Familial obligation, minor guilt, fear of maternal retribution,” Matt listed out dutifully.
Sam picked up the proffered ball and with it, accepted this answer. He chucked the ball and watched the dogs run.
“Are you a devil too?” he asked the field.
Mike blinked then realized the question was for him.
“Sort of,” he said.
“Definitely,” Matt sighed.
“What’s your thing then?” Sam asked. “You carry. Why?”
Because Mike Murdock wasn’t being caught out in the cold, no siree.
“My choice of company relies on, how shall we say, some rather poor communication,” he went for.
Sam hummed.
“So you’re a crook,” he said.
Matt choked on a laugh.
“A crook? No, no, kid,” Mike said. “You got me all wrong. I’m what you call an opportunist.”
Sam lifted an eyebrow.
“Uh-huh,” he said. “Sure. Why’re you such a dick?”
No respect for his elders, truly.
“It’s the trauma,” he deadpanned. “And the older sibling burden.”
“You don’t look older than Sensei,” Sam pointed out.
“Well, looks aren’t everything, sweetheart,” Mike told him kindly.
Sam frowned.
“Why do you wear a hat?” he asked.
“Because I’m fantastic,” Mike told him.
“Oh, I get it now,” Sam said.
Mike straightened his back.
“Do you?” he asked.
“You’re just a fuckin’ clown,” Sam said.
Okay, so Mike might just have to throw this one.
Matt wouldn’t stop laughing at him and it was his job to make Matt miserable, not the other way around. Any more of this and Matt would forget his place.
“Your son is out of line,” he scolded Matthew. “Doesn’t respect his elders. Doesn’t play well with strangers. You need to socialize him.”
Matt found that even more comical.
He wouldn’t say why. Mike had to interrogate Foggy, but that was difficult because Kirsten showed up and was gorgeous and too good for Matthew, so that had to be addressed with full and complete attention.
Kirsten leaned over and took Mike’s hat and patted him on the shoulder and said, “Sam’s never been disrespectful for more than five minutes at a go the whole time we’ve known him, Mikey, we’re learning more and more about him each day that you’re here.”
Which was.
Not sexy.
But he would deal with that once Sexy herself gave him his hat back.
He got a job on in Miami that night and had to cut his visit short. Matt was not sorry to see him go. That was pretty typical.
Sam had no opinions on his leaving. He stuck his head upstairs and said bye, but nothing more than that.
Mike felt bitter.
It had been a long time since he’d left a job feeling unsatisfied.
No closure.
Matt wasn’t supposed to be better with people than he was. That was their trade off. He wasn’t allowed.
“I’ll be back, and I’ll crack him,” He threatened his brother on the way to the airport.
“I have no doubt that you will,” Matt said patronizingly. “And I am sure that he’ll be waiting for your return.”
Yeah, well.
He better.
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Could you comment on Clark typing as ISFP?
Hello! I’ve seen Clark typed as ISFP with such points: “Fi- good inner control of his own emotions, yet you still get the sense he feels deeply, he just doesn’t show the slightest feelings readily like Fe. And no, Fi isn’t ‘selfish’ and Fe ‘for other people’.
They simply refer to where you get your values. Fe - your values are based on global values, basically ‘what most people consider to be right’. Coupled with Si, a past orientated function, he would be looking into the past to see how things were done to base his values on, and looking at the majority rather than what his personal values are.
Fi - personal values. He’d have a deep moral code, which are based on personal ideas instead of global. They likely won’t be shaken from these values, even if other people thought they were wrong, because the individual knows they are right. Due to this, Fi can at times appear ‘different’ to the norms because their values aren’t based on what everyone else thinks but what they believe, whereas with Fe, it is their worst nightmare to stand out and try their best to fit in, however they can.
Se- he does love exercise and sport and want to do it, especially when his powers were taken away, so it has nothing to do with him being ‘super’. Se users are in the present in opposed to in the past, like Si. They want to take action.
What do you think?
Decent assessment of Fi,  but it’s not a convincing argument for Clark since there’s no evidence. It’s mostly an abstract discussion about SFP vs. SFJ.
I have gone back and forth on whether Clark Kent of Smallville is ISFP or EFJ, and I will outline why I went with Fe-dom.
He is without a doubt a dominant ‘judging’ personality – everything is filtered through moral judgments, everyone is instantly assessed based on their moral behaviors and values. He clearly has Ni (since his suppositions are often spot on and he also carries a certain amount of idealism) and Se (he often rushes headlong into stopping things from happening and uses his environment to do so, though for him it’s mostly reduced to “break a thing” / smash the bush).
Clark is clearly starved for attention and praise. He wants to be a star and dreams about having others affirm and adore him, which is more of a Fe thing in the sense that he would be emboldened and uplifted by constant positive affirmation rather than made uncomfortable by it. He is also a skilled person in terms of knowing, often, what exactly the right thing to say is, to comfort and console his friends – meaning he can meet them on an emotional level (rather than being separate) and empathize without needing to have experienced a loss to know what it’s like. Whenever his mother asks him what is wrong, Clark confesses easily that he finds it hard to not be honest with his friends, that he wishes he could be with Lana but stays away from her out of respect for another man’s “claim” on her (and her own feelings), and that he finds it hard to stand back and let other people take all the praise for things that he did. (Image type for sure, but that’s an aside.)
Now, as a 2, Clark is all about seeing the best in people – but he also seems to take a while to come around to realizing that Lex isn’t ‘fulfilling’ his greater potential – to me, this seems more like a FeNi or an NF blind spot than the more pragmatic SF approach. I realize that Harry Potter is a different core (9w8 instead of 2, tho I think they are both 269/962) but he tends to have very firm, pragmatic assessments about people and very little idealism, whereas Clark seems to see what Lex COULD be and is trying to mold him toward that, by encouraging him to resist his baser instincts, not be like his father, etc. This is very NF stuff, and particularly ENF – because Fi-doms do not interfere with other people or attempt to change them. (That, by the way, is an indicator for all you NFPs out there who aren’t sure if you are ENFP or INFP. I repeat: Fi-dom is all about me and my autonomy, so they have a built-in sense of “non-interference” that ENF’s lack.)
Clark also scolds his father for his negative assumptions about Lex, because they don’t match the “potential” (idealism) he takes as a matter of course; he even blamed his father, at one point, for pushing Lex toward the darkness, through his rejection of his attempts to be kind. These to me are naive idealistic ENF traits more than grounded ISFP traits. So we’re left with someone with a hero complex, who feels morally responsible to the entire world to take care of it and rushes in to help people indiscriminately (Clark’s Fe vs Harry’s more selective Fi?), who wishes he could be 100% honest with his girlfriend, who gives people the benefit of the doubt by arguing that they all have their reasons for their behavior (extenuating circumstances making “the man”), who has a skill for connecting to almost anyone, who sees the good in people and actively pushes them (moralizes at them) toward it, and who is not present-based so much as dreamy and contemplative about the future.
I fail to see inferior Te, also, in that Clark is never particularly abrasive, blunt, or authoritarian under stress – instead, in a moment of pure horror after an awful discovery, he asks Chloe what would CAUSE (SPOILER) to murder his father, as if he needs a logical explanation to reconcile this incomprehensible evil that makes sense to him. He cannot just conclude that this person is evil and dismiss it, he has to understand WHY (Ti).
This is 100% NOT Fi-dom. To a Fi-dom, bad is bad. Evil is evil. Snape is mean, Snape insults Hermione, Snape is suspicious, ergo Snape is evil -- and it takes a monumental shake-up for Harry to reach any other conclusion about Snape (a fundamental reassessment of Snape being the ‘hero’ and not the ‘villain’).
I think Clark does this:
Without Ni/Se functional development, the EFJ’s self worth is dependent on their social roles, rather than who they are. Unless they get in touch with themselves, they aren’t really sharing themselves with anyone and won’t feel truly appreciated, no matter how much they do for others. The greater their reliance on Fe, the less in touch with their own feelings these types tend to be.
More than this:
Without Se/Ne development, IFPs judge every situation after their own experience. They can become absorbed in defying “conformity” to social conventions or standards, or can get locked into an eternal present where nothing matters except their own experiences and opinions. Fi is an individual viewpoint; something the IFP brings to reality from within themselves. They need to develop enough functionally to invest in life as it actually is. Otherwise, they spend too much time defending themselves from situations unfriendly to their inner realm, and their beliefs against perceived external threats, rather than taking this as an opportunity to expand their understanding of different people as having unique experiences, and learning not all situations that do not appeal to them are objectively “bad.”
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romancandlemagazine · 5 years
An Interview with David Uzzardi
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David Uzzardi is an American photographer.
Without going too overboard, he takes the kind of pictures that more idealistic types might call ‘timeless’.
From candid snaps of back-street brawlers to straight-up portraits of the man on the street, his black and white photos have a certain classic quality seldom seen in modern times – a long way from the brash and bratty hyper-action of Instagram-friendly street photography.
Here’s an interview with him about his photos…
Starting at the top, how did you get into photography? What made you want to start taking pictures?
My high school had a photo class which I took. I was lucky enough to have a really good teacher. I always shot Polaroids growing up, but this class inspired me to take photography more seriously and consider it for a career. Nowadays it's a lot easier to get 'into stuff', due to the internet and the endless information on there - but how did you find out about photography and stuff back when you were starting out? 
Mostly indie book shops and libraries. I grew up very close to Manhattan, so I would go into the city and spend days in vintage book shops discovering photographers. Is it almost too easy now? 
Yes, it’s crazy. While everything was much harder when you couldn’t just google, I am happy I grew up in a more analogue time. I think my photos are better because of it. Not to say there aren’t amazing younger photographers coming up now, because there are.
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Do you go out specifically to take photographs, or are they just products of you already being out and about?
It’s a bit of a mix. There are trips I take specifically to shoot, but then some of my favorite photos were taken when I wasn’t expecting it. I basically lurk around. Nothing specific, I just venture out and observe. Some people probably think I’m a creepy dude checking them out, but that’s just me finding my next photo. Are there certain things you look for?
Yes, definitely. The ordinary, everyday moments. Moments I think other people miss, but there is so much beauty in the classic, mundane moments. Also, I’m big on composition so everything needs to line up perfectly. Are there things you try to avoid shooting too?
Drugs. Posers. Nothing to put down street photographers that shoot more of the raw back alley content, it’s just not my thing.
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You shoot a lot of people – and a lot of actual portraits rather than just spy shots. What’s your techniques for getting these type of shots?
Lurking. Haha kidding, sort of. I must have a friendly face, or disposition, but people seem safe around me, and inviting. A lot of people out there are perfectly content just shooting endless photos of the backs of peoples’ heads and spy shots from miles away – do you think they should try a bit harder?
If you can’t see a face, there must be something else about a photo that makes it special, otherwise it’s a worthless picture. I would suggest editing your content more and waiting for a better moment to capture that same pic. Or just getting closer. So yes, put more effort into it
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You live in Los Angeles now, but you spent a long time in San Francisco. A lot of people talk about how San Francisco has changed over the last 20 years due to the influx of tech companies – what are your thoughts on it? Did you see a noticeable change?
Yes, it’s completely different now. I left at the right time, right before the shift, so I didn’t stick around to see the city lose some of its magic. I still love San Francisco and it holds such a special place for me, but I’m happy I made the transition when i did. How does Los Angeles differ to San Francisco?
L.A. gave me the chance to make a living shooting photos. There is much more opportunity here. I worked at a photo lab in San Francisco, and I work behind the camera now. Also, I drive a lot more now. Does location influence the photos you take? I’ve noticed that no matter where I go, my photos always look pretty much the same.
I don’t think so. In San Francisco, with it being such a small city geographically, I found myself shooting the same content �� it got stale. So L.A. was a blank canvas for me. My photos look the same, just with different people and backdrops.
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Do you think going out and taking photos has changed over the years? It seems like there’s a lot more people snooping around with little cameras nowadays.
Yes, definitely. There is such a larger community now, I think it must be the digital aspect making it easier to shoot. I love it, there is much more of a community. Unlike a lot of so called ‘street photography’ that’s around now, your photos have a very classic style. Is this a conscious thing? I might be wrong, but to me they’re not tied to any particular age or era like a lot of photos are.
Thank you very much for that. Norman Rockwell's paintings are definitely an inspiration. As is the music of George Jones. I am drawn towards those 'timeless' moments. Do you still mess with the dark-room?
I actually don’t process at the volume or even near the volume I used to. I went digital when I moved to L.A. for my commercial work, and started shooting more digital street stuff. I’ll never give up film, but you cannot beat the convenience and speed at which digital photography provides. The chemicals were literally destroying my hands, and who knows what else. I had to take it easy, as I’m still feeling the effects of the 15 years I processed film professionally.
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You used to work in a photo lab. What was that like?
Very fun and easy-going. I learned more working in a lab than I did in four years of art school. You basically get to learn directly from some of the best artists in the world, seeing how they shoot. I personally developed film for some of the world’s best photographers like Bruce Weber, Sante D’orzino, Duane Michals and many more. Have you got any tips for success under the red bulb? What makes a good print?
I tend to overexpose, which makes my film denser and gives it more detail. I also pull most of my film a stop to build up my mid-tones and then pump the contrast while printing.
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I often think that with photography, the pool of influence is relatively small – most people out there are into Robert Frank and Walker Evans. Have you got any names for people to look into that they might not have heard of? Who else deserves some recognition?
Danny Lyons is famous, but I feel like he still isn’t as well-known as he should be. Bill Owens and WeeGee of course. Working with Bruce Weber’s negatives over the years, his photos were the most well-composed, perfect exposed pics I've ever worked with. I am still blown away by that, nothing compares, he’s a technical genius.
What sort of work do you do now with photography?
While I still shoot street photos, professionally I'm actually a product photographer. Which is kind of crazy seeing as some of my best work is of living people, but I also love working with objects. They balance each other out. 
Do you ever get burned out on taking pictures? What with working as a commercial photographer, and then taking you own personal shots – does it ever get a bit much?
No, never. Professionally I shoot on average over 1,000 a day and it never gets old. I sometimes can't believe i found a way to make a healthy living shooting photos. 
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What keeps you out there taking pictures?
Fear of missing the shot. 
Do you keep in touch with the people in your photos? Or are there regular people who you bump into often on the street?
Funny enough, when Hamburger Eyes' SF Eyes came out recently, one of the guys I shot over 15 years ago as a young punk emailed me. He asked if I would send him an autographed photo. So crazy, and of course I sent it to him. I do wonder though what everyone is up to now. 
What are your thoughts on how people view photos these days? Is there a perfect way to present a photo?
It's definitely different than what I grew up with, but as long as people are enjoying photos it really doesn't matter to me. 
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Following on from that, do you think Instagram algorithms and the allure of the shock image can sometimes mean that a lot of good photography is now ignored or under-appreciated?
It's pretty gross to me that shock images and a horrible picture of a boob or a pic of someone smoking weed for example, will get someone a huge art show or recognition just because it's hyped. I don't get it nor will I ever. 
Vague question, but what makes a good photograph?
The subject.
Very true. Have you got any words of wisdom to end this with?
Don't leave home without your camera. I guess no one does now since we all have smart phones, but if that's what you use, then always have it handy as you'll forever regret the photo you didn't take. 
See more of David’s shots here. 
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bomberqueen17 · 5 years
slow progress
One of those weeks where everything’s just sort of plodding along. After literally twelve years of being on the verge of getting a new cash register/inventory system at work (yes it has been broken to the point of near-unusability for the entire time I’ve worked there), we are slowly rolling it out across the five, er, now four locations of the chain (oh yes, the store where I worked for ten years is shut down now, bye, I didn’t go say goodbye, I’m not going to be sentimental about that horrible building and its styrofoam columns to nowhere). Our online department started using it last Friday, and we’re the only cog in the wheel fully transferred over. Fortunately, it’s easy to use, and I have learned my new workflow easily.
It’s the end of a particular kind of ADHD hell-- I’ve written before about how my job is incredibly specifically poorly-suited to someone with my combination of poor attention span, terrible memory, and literal numbers dyslexia. The old system had a lag time of 45-70 seconds from basically any button you pressed, and you’d have to type in entire UPC codes without flubbing a number, and then wait 45-70 seconds to see if it came out right, and then press a button and wait 45-70 seconds for it to bring up a dialog box. And you couldn’t copy-paste, that wasn’t allowed in the program, so you had to type out the UPCs by hand. And so on and so forth.
The new system’s very easy to use, but since it’s not fully onboarded by the other bits of the chain we have to manually zero out all the negative inventory for the stuff we’ve sold, and so on-- lots of redundant shit.
Also I went out to dinner on both Monday and Tuesday nights, and that’s lovely sure, but both times it was like, three hour dinners, and that’s fine but it meant I had to go home and go straight to bed afterward, no time to decompress or like, be alone, or whatever. It’s fine, but it means I’ve also made no progress on any personal projects this entire time. 
I’ve also been writing, steadily, and it’s great that I’m doing it but I’m also aware that I’m being really inefficient. I’ve started from the beginning and I have like 30,000 words and it’s... all one scene, more or less. I will probably, in my next draft, reduce most of this to a summary. But I wrote it out, all of it, and I discovered things I would not have if I’d just summarized it to begin with. (For example, my protagonist has a seizure disorder. I have to research seizure disorders, now. I have not yet begun to do that, that’s also going to be a third-draft kind of deal, but if that happens to be something any of y’all have great insights into, I may be looking to pick someone’s brains! No, it’s not going to have to be perfectly medically accurate, this is SF and he’s partially a cyborg, and no I haven’t decided how serious it is, but I feel like that would be not just a useful plot thing but it would be a kind of neat character note to have, and I honestly haven’t read any (?) books featuring a main character with a seizure disorder, that I can think of, and anyway it seems like something I should work in there.)
Also I was having a discussion on Twitter with @galadhir by another name, and they mentioned how tiring it is that novels always have gender inequality in their worldbuilding, and so I explained that one of the components of this one I’m working on is reverse gender inequality and it’s been sort of tricky to build that out! But anyway, I thought I’d share my summary of the B plot of the story here:
My current WIP features the dying Queen's son struggling to be taken seriously enough to inherit even though he's a man, & a father no less; sure boys get baby-crazy but he's been working with her advisors for years, can't we be liberated about this?
So there’s that; I often forget to come up with an elevator pitch. (The guy in that Tweet is the protagonist’s half-brother, though, because there’s of course an A plot too and I’m not sure which is actually the central plot or where this is going, exactly. Shit there might be a C plot. How do people describe this stuff?)
I haven’t gotten up to the Big Muscle Girl female protagonist in the rewrite yet, so I dunno how she’s getting revised. I think she was the most successful part of the partial first draft, though, so she might not change much.
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the-nysh · 5 years
Is there anything in this upcoming BNHA arc you are looking out for? Personally, I want to see if the connection between Bakugou and the Todoroki family situation accumulate to some thing more this arc. I see some of Bakugou's lack of awareness of how he presents himself comes from living in a home with normalized violence and force. I know officially the connection has been drawn between Bakugou and Endeavour's similarities but much of the abrasiveness is a mirror to how Mitsuki treats -(1/?)
-Katsuki. I don’t feel like Horikoshi may ever fully commit more to portraying the Bakugou’s home as too dyfunctional and abusive, despite obviously being hit as a child, unlike Shoto or Tenko, Katsuki fighting/shouting back somewhat changes the dynamic just if we get more into Katsuki’s home life. I am curious to how Kastuki’s self awareness will come about, especially in relation to Endeavour who I see as someone he shares good and bad traits with (but never Endeavour worst traits) -(2/?)
-because Katsuki knows Endeavour was abusive and it can be played as Katsuki seeing his behaviour like Endeavour and wanting him to change from it- but that is too much like Shoto’s storyline of not wanting to grow up to be his dad but started to before the SF. Furthermore, there are the positive traits he shares with Endeavour and how Endeavour can turn that abrasiveness into good PR- but that doesn’t address Katsuki becoming more aware of what is making people perceive him negatively. (3/?)
-Finally, while not expecting Horikoshi to get too deep into the Bakugou household drama, I would like the dysfunctional home and raised with violence details to go somewhere. I would even like it if Endeavour showed more self awareness by connecting to Katsuki, especially since he was still being exclusive to his own son until forced to be inclusive even if it never links back to how Katsuki was raised, both Deku and Katsuki know Endeavour was a domestic abuser and for Endeavour to bond - (4/?)
-with more kids would be interesting. Not to say I won’t be happy if none of that happens just that it would be really cool for this background connection of Katsuki knowing about Shoto’s home life and how that has influenced him like in the remedial course gets more attention in this arc, especially as Endeavour already seems to have some respect for Deku but not Katsuki. Also hope Deku and Shoto have more Character Dev. stuff that’s more than their quirks. Sorry for the long ask >.
Whew, this is a bit overwhelming, but let’s see if I can parse what you’re saying.
There’s a lot of exciting potential for this arc, but with the premonition Japan will get destroyed in 4 months (along with several worrisome major character death flags, such as for All Might and Hawks;;), I do not know at what scale Hori intends to show all of this. Whether on that grand scale affecting society + many characters, or on the more interpersonal scale and how those events will affect each character emotionally/individually. Maybe a combo of both, but in any case, it’ll be a lot for Hori to potentially juggle. For now, Endeavor has taken Hawks’ message seriously and is reacting accordingly. As the current no.1, that’s a lot on his shoulders to handle responsibly and live up to as well. Those same types of expectations will be beneficial for Kacchan (and Deku) to see and experience up close, for when it’ll be their time to take the stage in the future.
Hori has also made the differences clear between Kacchan’s upbringing (tough-love Asian parenting, high expectations, gifted child syndrome) and what Todo’s been through (which Kacchan is respectfully aware of). AND when it becomes horrific extremes like for what Eri and baby Shiggy went through. It is very clear which of these have been portrayed in a negative light, even though yes, there are still consequences for all. (And reasons for all their different behaviors.)
So yes, that’s why it’s important to note that while there are similarities (with their goals, abrasiveness, and extremely high expectations thrust on them), the asshole + shitty things Kacchan’s done as a kid do not compare to the systematic things adult Endeavor did at his worst. (Which Hori’s made clear too.) Fortunately, after becoming the no.1 hero against his will and realizing some hard truths, Endeavor’s gained some much needed humble awareness of what he’s done and what he still has to do (to atone and live up to) from here. There are still many responsibilities he has to uphold even if life does not go as planned. So this experience and understanding of his, of having already been there down an obsessive path that led to some shitty/unsatisfying results, is a worthwhile frame of reference for Kacchan to know now (while he’s still young), so that he doesn’t end up there either. I don’t know if there’ll be any one-on-one bonding, but in any case, the future will be different than the Endeavor + All Might rivalry of the past. And hopefully now, into something even better. So yeah, Kacchan’s growing awareness, responsibilities, and cooperativeness (with Deku and Todo) will be things to look forward to. (Also of note: Hori does not have his characters flip a 180 into different people from who they already are, since that’s unrealistic growth. So Endeavor and Kacchan aren’t going to suddenly stop exhibiting their defining traits of who they are; the change + awareness for them is more gradual.)
As for anything else this arc…addressing those hanging death flags, how society might change (into what, we don’t know), and what might happen to Shiggy are things I’m pretty wary for. o.o;; I’ll say it now and admit I have no expectations for Dabi anymore; the fandom ran that theory into the ground so I honestly don’t care anymore. If the reveal is true, then just get it over with and done already. But I’d be more surprised if he isn’t, so that would be more fun. :P Another thing I want to see is Kacchan’s finalized hero name. Anything other than the scrapped beta name ‘Ground Zero’ (since the fandom also ran that into the ground) that’ll make the long wait and build up Hori’s made actually worthwhile. Perhaps all the experiences + awareness he’ll gain this arc will help solidify the hero name he wants to become. Let’s go Hori!
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Majestic Eight Lore -- Giants? Reptile People? HUMANS?
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So I’ve been doing some research in my spare time about various mythologies/legends and one thing I stumbled across was the Anunnaki.  I was rather taken aback when I heard that name being used because I’ve only ever heard it be used once before and that was in beta dialogue from Star Fox Adventures.
But before you look at the dialogue, let’s back this up and talk about the context of the dialogue because it will make negative sense if you look at it without context.  The following dialogue is in reference to a scrapped plot point in Star Fox Adventures, which is known as the Majestic Eight.  The Majestic Eight are a series of planets that, if aligned, will unleash a weapon that the Krazoa hope to use to wreck the world.  If you’ve played SFAdv, that probably sounds wildly different than how you remember the Krazoa-- you wouldn’t be entirely wrong to think that.  In the original script, the Krazoa were actually Not Nice(tm) and were effectively using you in their intergalactic war against some sentient space dragons known as the Kamerians.  The climax of the original SFAdv happens when all planets are aligned and, presumably, all Krazoa Spirits have been returned to Krazoa Palace.  The dialogue itself talks about the planets within the Majestic Eight. 
You can view the clip here (which, if you’re interested at all in beta lore stuff, I recommend listening to the full video, it’s really eye-opening as to how much was cut in SFAdv). The line starts at around 1:15:00.  Here is a written version:
“Sauria, the Dinosaur Planet. Earth, home to our newest universe members, a very evil race, the humans. Aleminach, our glorious world, it awaits our return.  Corneria, your pitiful world, we cannot wait to see it suffer.  Nibiru, home to the Nephilim, a land of giants. Eridal, the Kamerians world, soon to be destroyed! Forever! Melqua, a world of water, with rings of gold. The final planet. Selaf, home to the Anunnaki.”
Let’s break this all down.
1. Sauria.  A lot of people thought that Dinosaur Planet’s name was retconned/changed to Sauria as per Assault, but after this clip was released, it feels more or less like Bandai Namco was giving a nod to Rareware by changing Dinosaur Planet to Sauria in Assault.
2. Earth.  Oof, that’s a doozy and would’ve been a major upset if they had kept it in the game, imo, as it would’ve put Earth and Corneria in the same galaxy.  Real neat detail that even the Krazoa thinks humanity is trash.  Big Mood, Krazoa. 
3. Aleminach.  Honestly, I got nothing.  We don’t really know if this is how the planet’s name is spelled, it’s just a guess from fans at this point.  When I searched it, I got my OWN fanfiction writing returned back to me, so I really don’t know if this is supposed to reference anything.  Cool idea though, is that the Krazoa aren’t actually FROM Sauria.
4. Corneria.  This is pretty self-explanatory, as Corneria is a main planet in basically almost every Star Fox game that exists.  I think it only doesn’t show up in Adventures.  The implication here is kind of interesting, because it assumes Corneria is by not only Earth (lol) but also Sauria.  Corneria’s inclusion is also why I said the Anunnaki were referenced in SFAdv, not in DP.  We don’t know what the DP Majestic Eight looks like but I’d wager Corneria wasn’t on the list and Animus (Krystal and Sabre’s original homeworld) probably was.
5. Nibiru.  This is where stuff starts getting REALLY interesting, but first a disclaimer: This is delving into mythology that I’m not super familiar with so I am gonna try my darndest to explain it.  If this confuses you, great, probably a good idea to Google it.  I’m probably confused too.  Nibiru is associated to multiple things.  The most famous is the Nibiru Cataclysm.  This is a doomsday theory that pretty much states sometime in the 21st century, Earth is gonna either smack into some other planet or nearly smack into it.  That other planet is known as Planet X or Nibiru.  The name “Nibiru” comes from the works of a guy named Zecharia Sitchin, who is largely viewed as a pseudohistorian.  Sitchin analyzed old Sumerian and Babylonian myths/texts and came up with the theory that some extraterrestrials had come from this Planet X/Nibiru, which was located beyond Neptune, and these extraterrestrials were the Anunnaki in Sumerian texts.  More on that later.  The interesting part to me is the grouping of Nibiru with the Nephilim.  The Nephilim are relatively unknown in terms of what they are-- some myths portray them as a giants while others portray them as fallen angels or the offspring of humans and angels.  I did some quick research on Nibiru and the Nephilim and the results were varied.  A few people seem to equate the Nephilim to the Anunnaki and some people seem to disagree, seeing the Nephilim as half-human demigod-like figures while the Anunnaki are proper deities. Both the Nephilim and the Anunnaki have associations to flooding, as the Anunnaki show up in Sumerian mythology right after the Great Flood and the Nephilim show up around the same time as the flood/Noah’s Ark story. The nature of myths is usually convoluted and the Nephilim/Nibiru is no exception to this.  It looks like Rareware went with the “giant” route for Nephilim and that much has been made clear with the Majestic Eight dialogue. Nibiru’s popularity has gained its name recognized in several other sci-fi flicks, including Star Trek.
6. Eridal. I actually found nothing on this either.  Kind of surprised the land of Kamerians wasn’t called Kameria but eh, whatever. Curious that basically all of the Kamerians are dead at this point but the world is still alive? Maybe the Krazoa left it for their Big Bad Plan...?
7. Melqua. I found a BUNCH OF ROADS IN OREGON.. and that’s it.  This planet is actually kind of interesting to me because they stop to describe the planet.  If the rings of gold weren’t added, I’d almost wonder if Aquas could fit its description, seeing as this is post-SF being added and Aquas has a suspicious amount of lore to it.  Probably looking far into things. Nine rings of gold is super strange though. Tinfoil stretch theory: The only thing I could think of regarding nine rings are the rings of man from Lord of the Rings, the rings that help create the Nazgul.  Melqua sounds suspiciously like Melkor.  
8. Selaf. Couldn’t find anything, to be honest, which was a bit of a disappointment given how much they seemed to dig into the Nibiru/Nephalim thing.  The Anunnaki are, as I mentioned briefly before, deities in Sumerian myths that have theories circulating around them that label them as aliens from a planet called Nibiru that came to Earth to harvest gold.  No one can really prove this and the theory is shaky at best given lack of proper evidence.  Some theories about the Anunnaki are that they were reptilian humanoids-- something that certainly wouldn’t be too out of place in the SF universe.  I find it curious that Rareware chose to use the Anunnaki AND the Nephilim given how closely linked they seem to be (some people even saying that they’re just two different names for the same type of being).  I wonder what route Rare would’ve gone with the Anunnaki.  They couldn’t have been as powerful as the Krazoa or Kamerians, else I think they would’ve shown up in the main conflict?  Maybe they were just lizard-like people that really like gold? Who knows.
Anyways, here’s the main takeaway I want you to have from this:
Space dragons, giants, and possible godly reptile-humans that like gold were nearly canon in the SF universe.  Same with regular humans. 
I’m not sure legally what happened to these original planet ideas, but if they do belong to Nintendo, I hope they consider using them in the future. 
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niksethi · 5 years
day 7 of #1000wordsofsummer
Part of my strategy for getting to know people in San Francisco is probably a terrible idea. For a while now, I’ve been a regular user of dating apps. In the past, Tinder has netted me a lot of friends and two long-term relationships, so I can’t say it was a completely unfounded idea to look to meet new people there. In SF, I decided to try out Hinge for the first time. The thing with dating apps is that it’s usually a numbers game. Most people don’t really actively use the apps, so it makes sense just to message a lot of people and try to see if any interesting conversations appear. I ended up making plans to explore Haight Street and Golden Gate Park.
We met at a coffee shop and were able to connect over our confusion related to the strangeness of the baristas we encountered. As we continued down Haight Street, we found a good combination of interesting stores and people, before starting to wander around Golden Gate Park and talk a bunch. Before we realized, nearly 4 hours had passed. The whole experience was wonderful, and the park looked gorgeous, shining with an ethereal quality that characterized San Francisco during golden hour. I had such a great time getting to know this person who had been a stranger just a few hours before and just coming up with stupid inside jokes based on our shared experience. I had a lot of fun, but as is the case with a lot of first dates, our communication has fallen off. It’s unlikely I’ll ever see that girl again, but I can still appreciate the time.
What was special about the day was that I never felt really taken out of the moment. There’s a lot of weird dynamics about meeting someone for the first time, but when you think about it, it’s a bit odd that we give strangers we’re trying to get to know a better experience than the friends that we care about. What I mean is that oftentimes it’s normalized to be on your phone when hanging out with your friends, to get out of the moment to check out something unrelated. However, when you’re going on a date, you want to make a good impression, so you tend to resist those urges. When you really think about it, it feels like the people you care about deserve that just as much or more than those strangers. Familiarity breeds comfort, which results in people thinking that they will be forgiven easily for small negative actions, like diverting attention. But maybe it shouldn’t be that way. There’s no reason the most important people in our lives shouldn’t receive our utmost attention.
Later in the day, I went with my brother and his roommates to see The Last Black Man in San Francisco, a gorgeous drama touching themes of gentrification and life as a black man in a changing world. It was unlike any other film I had ever seen in my life. It’s hard to point to one thing in particular that made it so different. The film spent an immense amount of time showing us characters’ faces at different angles. These long shots created such an intense connection between the viewer and the characters that it was impossible to not feel the emotions embodied in their faces. The film was also immensely multi-faceted, touching on a lot of things, such as black masculinity as well as the obvious theme of gentrification.
The film focused heavily on this gorgeous old house and we left the theatre wondering where in the city it could be. While we trudged back to the apartment, we noticed a house that seemed to have a similar roof to the one in the movie and decided to investigate. As we approached, it quickly became evident that it was the exact house in the movie. Same number, same stained glass, same everything. It was surreal. Suddenly, the line between reality and fiction felt blurred. It was extremely obvious how real the emotions and experiences of the movie really were. This wasn’t a film about some far away and different land, this was a story about the city that we lived in. We were part of the problem.
Gentrification exists at the back of the mind of every person who moves to San Francisco (and has a conscience). It’s not something that you can ignore, especially in neighborhoods like the Mission where I’m staying. Here, you can see a clear difference between the people who work in tech and live here and the ones that have owned their homes for a long time. Tech people tend to dress in a very different way, go to different places, and just act differently. The lifestyles are obviously very different and likely at odds. The overwhelming amount of homelessness in the city doesn’t improve any feelings either. Although many homeless people were brought in from other cities, it’s completely likely that some of those homeless folks used to be San Francisco residents who were priced out of their old lives. And that sucks. A variety of factors resulted in the absurd cost of living in San Francisco, including but definitely not limited to the tech boom that has changed the landscape of the entire place. Being here as a beneficiary of tech’s success, I can’t help but feel guilty about it. Sure, I could shrug my shoulders and blame larger systems of control, including the poor voting record of the SF government and how they’re financed by wealthy liberals who don’t actually want to improve the city, but I don’t know if I can. I’d like to learn more about how things got this way and figure out my small ways of not contributing to the larger problems of the city. I’m unsure how to approach this sort of thing, but I think it’s necessary. I’ll add that to my long list of things to do once I find some time and space in my life.
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msmkcreates · 6 years
How would the ut, uf, ya and sf yanderes react if their s/o reacted negatively to the killings? They are terrified, but decide to stay with their yandere after some convincing. And yet the s/o’s appetite and mental health decreases. Although they love their skele and try their best to enjoy being with them, they still cry and have panic attacks often. Eventually the s/o snaps and lashes out because they feel like cornered prey, screaming that they can’t do this anymore.
((by ya I assume you meant US))
Sans is caught off guard by this, because despite Papyrus’ growing concerns, he’s ignored any sign that something is wrong here. He panicks and uses his magic to pin you in place while he thinks, and all he can think to do is to lock you in the bedroom. He’ll fix this eventually, and in the meantime he has Pap act as a buffer, bringing you meals and helping you talk through your feelings. Of course Pap’s advice is to let you go, but when he fails to convince Sans to do that, he instead works to change Sans’ behaviors slowly. Starting with letting you out of the room to have dinner with them. Things might work out with Papyrus there.
Papyrus never, EVER wanted to scare you or hurt you. He’s devastated by your outburst, having kind of told himself things were probably fine for a while. He’s the most likely to let you leave at the time of, but he will definitely be calling you later. And again. And again. And again. He’ll call until you pick up, and he promises change–and you actually do see that change. He tries…for you.
He lets you have your little fit (heh, cute) and then reminds you just how much stronger than you he actually is. With one arm he carries you back up to the bedroom and expresses concern for your health, telling you you should eat more, and how much he loves you. It’s almost eerie, as if the whole outburst never even happened. It placates you for a bit, but every time you have a similar outburst he does the same thing, pretending it didn’t happen, using a little more force each time until you’re thoroughly convinced this will never work. 
Can’t…do this anymore? You think you’re going to leave? Ha! That’s adorable! You think you have a choice. He’s going to pretty much ignore the outburst and ask what you want for dinner, and if you continue on your rant he will pick you up and carry you into the kitchen with him, and as much as you struggle you can’t get away. Then he’ll start talking about his concerns for your eating habits and ask again what you want for dinner and…you remember how good he is to you and give in with a sigh, knowing that at the very least, he’ll never hurt YOU, and you can always try to change him slowly.
He’s obviously worried about you, and ashamed of the extreme actions he’s taken, but he insists that he had to do it for you! You’re too good and nice and guys like that just want to walk all over you! He asks you not to leave, at least for tonight, and if you’ll sleep on it and talk it over in the morning. You agree, and he listens to everything you have to say. He says he’ll try to hold back, for you, and you truly hear the sincerity in his tone. You know he can be a good person if only he tries.
He’s too good at manipulation for this to last long. Even if you cll him out on his tactics, he knows exactly what to say to calm you down. He lets you run off and stay with a friend for the night, because he knows once you’ve slept on it you’ll see things his way and you’ll be back in the morning. After all, everything he’s done has only been to deserving victims that would have continued to make your life hell.
He’ll let you leave, but only because there’s nowhere you can hide form him. In a few days you’ll run into Mutt, who expresses concern that it looks like you haven’t been sleeping. After admitting that you miss Black, Mutt offers to set up a lunch date, and says that after a few hours of hard thought he thinks Black has finally come around to see things your way. The lunch date goes well, and Black vows not to maim, torture, or kill anyone that you don’t deem deserves it unless it is purely self-defense. From what you can see, he keeps his promise. After all, during those three days, he eliminated every target on his list–he doesn’t need to harm anyone else.
You can’t leave, he needs you! He pleads that you’re the only thing keeping him even slightly in check, and he promises he’ll tone down the violence just please eat something, and please don’t leave! He can’t lose you, and he wants this to work so badly that he’ll even agree to couple’s counseling. The counselor helps you sort through your problems, and though Mutt is resistant, he does show vast improvement very quickly. He wants to be better for you, to be worthy of you and his brother, and this has given him the chance he needs to set himself straight.
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lokbobpop · 3 years
1 : the feeling or attitude of despising someone or something : contempt. 2 : malice, spite. 3a : an act showing contempt or defiance.
intend, have in mind;" Middle English mēnen, from Old English mænan "intend (to do something), plan; indicate (a certain object) or convey (a certain sense) when using a word," from Proto-West Germanic *menjojanan (source also of Old Frisian mena "to signify," Old Saxon menian "to intend, signify, make known," Dutch
Despite des pite de spite desp it e de spit e
Writing the word despite
Despite yourself like to dislike your self you dont care about yourself like what i do with my physical i despite my looks i carry on even though i dont like my looks i carry on well im not goin to kill myself over then but im sure people have hey but despite my looks i carry on not seeing and realizing that this is separation from myself i created this what i have now this weight this fat i carry this is my fear that has accumulated over many years of fear of life not i need to start living with this fat that i have carried fro procreation ot am i carrying the as i am weighting fro the big mark 6 win? Yes maybe this im waiting for the win so my life can start with all the money i desire im waiting yes i see thsi is what im waiting fort and i always hatted waiting.
Reading the word despite
Despite being in my 50s im pressing on with process because I believe i can do this despite Bernard saying ti will nearly impossible to do for my age im doing it.
How often do i do thing despite things like i see this in a negative way and a positive way but can think of events but i see i done something despite being told not to end then find out i should off or it was a good idea i did it despite what people say like i just got a call then and the cannabis oil i used on the dog worked but everyone was like no way so i think its about using common sense at all times and going with the gut as well also though.
It feels like self righteous comes up within me with this word like i dont care what you think or how it might affect you im doing it no seeing others as my equal not seeing the truth of what is.
Despite thinking im not getting anywhere with me process im still carrying on like i feel this is a very long process drawn out over many years and i just want it done and I want to be the first and all i fall i get up i move on but i dont see that change i want to see in myself i want more than what has happened and within this is see im blocking with my wants needs and desire its like ive put this curtain in from of me and im blocking me i need to find me within this and move the curtain so i can see what im doing to myself waht have i aloud to be blocked by myself.
Saying out loud the word despite
Dislike to do something to spite them like when ive been angry with the girls i will lets say not cook dinner as i want spite them as i feel they have taken advantage of me or something to that affect come up.
Despite seeing not much progress in my process i still carry on it sometimes feels worthless but i carry on just in case somethings happens like i get out of my own way i just see what the problem is without going crazy.
Despite the fact i hate writing im going loads of it ive broken through here with this despite thinking im not good enough at it i still do it because i want self change world change and it starts with me.
Does this definition support me i see i have a will that will push me on despite what happens now i will always get up i cant lay down any more again i see what needs to be done in thsi life. Which is great but when i do the polarity of doing something out of spike its not so good
Despite desbite
Despite all that has happened and will happen i will keep getting up or standing through all i have the will to live change and become so all can become equal and one with me.
I will live this word with despite all the odds i can still be me within me and can choose what to be all the time despite what has happened or will happens with self determination self perfection self worth.
0 notes
junker-town · 4 years
9 questions heading into the NBA Finals, answered by those who know the teams best
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Writers from our Lakers and Heat communities talk about what it’s like to be in the NBA Finals.
It’s basically October and the NBA Finals are ... here? It’s been an odd few months but we’ve nearly made it through the entire postseason in the NBA bubble and it’s finally time to crown a winner. We sat down with Sabreena Merchant, writer for our Lakers blog, Silver Screen & Roll and Surya Fernandez, Editor-in-chief of our Heat blog, Hot Hot Hoops to get us prepared for the matchup.
Nobody knows these teams better than these two, so let’s get to the important stuff.
So, how does it feel to be back in the NBA Finals?
Sabreena Merchant, Silver Screen & Roll: It feels great. Really, really great. I thought the last seven years had desensitized my Lakers fandom, that I had developed a healthier way of appreciating the team having gone through some low points. Not even close. I have lost my mind during this Lakers playoff run. It is so thoroughly enjoyable to watch this team win, especially as a group that defies modern trends and resembles some of the Lakers teams I grew up with in terms of their sheer physical dominance. It is incredibly satisfying to see the Lakers back on this stage, where they belong.
Surya Fernandez, Hot Hot Hoops: I’m not even sure I’ve fully processed what this one feels like yet. It definitely feels more like the first time in 2006, where players blossomed and grew under pressure, compared to the Big 3 era, when they were expected to be perennial title contenders.
What was the world like the last time your team was in the Finals?
SM: People thought LeBron James couldn’t win when it mattered. Idiots.
SF: This team has had a lot of ups and downs since the last time in 2014: Chris Bosh’s health issues, Dwyane Wade’s departure and triumphant return, 11-30, 30-11, and missing out on the playoffs late in the season three times — including last season. Back then, we were all thinking Miami had a dynasty in the making and that this would be an annual event after four straight trips. Little did we know how hard it would be to climb back to the Finals.
Should we consider the winner the legitimate NBA champion for the 2019-20 season?
SF: Yes of course. The playoffs have been very memorable, not just for the outside circumstances for this to happen but for the actual game. None of that has been compromised either leading up to the Finals, whether it was major injuries or large-scale quarantines of teams or players that would have affected the outcome. I was a little skeptical at first but I was hooked right in immediately — and those were just warmup games.
SM: There is going to be an asterisk on this title. There has to be, considering the entire format of the season was upended midway through the year. But there were asterisks on the 1999 and 2012 seasons because of the NBA lockouts, and I don’t think the Spurs or the Heat feel any worse about those titles. If anything, the success those teams achieved in subsequent years showed that those runs weren’t fluky at all. The Lakers or the Heat will have deserved this championship, and it’ll count the same as any other one.
Will the lack of a homecourt advantage matter to your team?
SF: The lack of homecourt advantage is a big missing factor, both positively and negatively, but all things are truly equal so all the teams are playing on an even field in the bubble. Miami has been the lower seed every round so they’ve taken advantage of the situation. They were clearly at their best at home in the regular season though, but this is a team that happened to be custom-built to thrive in the bubble.
SM: After so long in the bubble, I don’t think homecourt even enters the calculus of either team, except for Anthony Davis, who repeatedly talks about protect homecourt as the higher seed. The Lakers seemed to miss playing in fans at the beginning of the restart, but they’ve adapted. They haven’t any made any big comebacks that you’d associate with the rush of the home crowd, but they also haven’t been down that much.
The lack of homecourt is going to matter when the trophy is presented. That moment demands an audience, and it’ll be weird not to have one.
Who is the most important X-factor on your team?
SM: Frank Vogel. Erik Spoelstra has seemingly surpassed Nick Nurse on the list of everyone’s favorite NBA coach this offseason, and the general consensus is that while the Lakers have the talent advantage on the court, the Heat have it on the bench. But Vogel has been quietly excellent throughout the postseason, mixing and matching rotations while still keeping the Lakers’ big, physical identity intact. He’ll have to push the right buttons once again versus a Miami team that is more versatile and adaptable than any opponent the Lakers have faced thus far.
SF: I don’t have a clear answer for that, which is probably why they’re in the Finals to begin with. Butler, Adebayo, Herro, Dragic or even Robinson could all be good candidates.
Which player on the other side are you most concerned about?
SM: Bam Adebayo. No team to this point has had anyone with a prayer of guarding Anthony Davis, though Paul Millsap did a much better job than was expected. Adebayo, though, is a defensive menace with the size and speed to keep up with AD.
SF: LeBron clearly has the motivation for several reasons. He will look to be aggressive at all times.
What has to happen for your team to win the Finals?
SF: A complete team effort, like it’s been since the beginning of the season (a year ago), with at least two players stepping up big in crunch time on both ends. No silly fouls either because the refs will call them, let’s say, “tightly” on the Heat if we’re going by the last two rounds. They won’t be able to stop LeBron or AD, but how much they can limit them and how will they defend the rest of the Lakers? If Erik Spoelstra and the coaching staff can solve that, and they’ve been at the top of their game in these playoffs, then the Heat have a real chance of outlasting the Lakers.
SM: LeBron James and Anthony Davis have to be the two best players on the court every night. They are the two best players in this series, but they have to make that felt on both ends of the floor. They’re going to need to combine for 58 points and 20 rebounds per game to make this happen.
Alright, who will be Finals MVP?
SM: Anthony Davis
SF: Jimmy Butler, it would just be too perfect of a way to end this crazy season.
And your finals prediction?
SM: Lakers in 6
SF: Heat swept the Pacers in the first round, dispatched the Bucks in 5, and handled the Celtics in 6 so I’m going with Heat in 7.
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
Si-dom/sensing types
SUBMITTED by sharly85
Hi, I really enjoy your blog and it’s especially helped revive my interest in mbti recently and now enneagram too. This isn’t really a question but I thought I’d submit it regardless. Anyway, I saw your post the other day where you mentioned that it was really hard to grasp Se and Si since a lot of the books are written by Ns. So as an ISFJ, I just wondered if I could help and give at least one person’s first-hand Si perspective. Obviously I can’t speak for all S users, least of all Se users, and my other functions will play a role in how I use it, but I thought it might change how you see Si a bit :) Also, I’ve been recently trying to learn about enneagram and I think I’m a 6w5 with sp but I’m not 100% sure (ironic I know) but that might be worth considering in your interpretation of my description. Si>Fe>Ti>Ne So the base descriptions of S and Si in general always talk about how S’s rely on using their 5 senses to take in information. Whilst this is true, I personally think there’s a lot more to it than that. When it comes to learning and revising for an exam, I would definitely say that I use a lot of strategies that relate to my senses. For example, I make a lot of posters, write in a range of coloured pens, and can still remember a song about mitosis I haven’t listened to in about 4 years. But for me, the more important thing I found out about Si (I can’t remember where from unfortunately) was that information is taken in through your own series of biases. This doesn’t mean that I have a refusal to see or hear some thing I don’t agree with, but it means that what I remember has to have struck a chord with me in some way. Being a feeling type, this usually means it has to emotionally impact me in one way or another (although not exclusively), but it is a lot easier for me to remember it if I was emotionally impacted by it, or equally, if I know I will be negatively impacted later if I don’t remember it.  That being said, as I am an ISFJ, the Si-Ti loop can very much allow me to remember things that don’t emotionally impact me, if I can logically organise them in my brain. I like to think of the Si-Ti loop as a filling system in my brain. Si takes in information, and Ti then tries to categorise and organise that information for memory recall. When I want to recall something, I go to the folder for that category and then have access to all the previous things I have categorised in there. I think there are stereotypes that a lot of ISFJs are not very smart, and NTs are the smart ones for example, but because of the Si-Ti loop, I have always had incredible memory allowing me to be in the top 10% of the class. But as I mentioned earlier, as whatever Si chooses to take in has to go through a series of personal biases, if an Si user is not interested in academic learning, then they would struggle to remember the information because it doesn’t impact them. I enjoyed learning and succeeding academically, so I was invested in learning and hence had reason to remember. And because of my functions, I was able to do this with pretty good success.    Another key thing that S’s are described as is being detail-orientated. I think some N’s can believe that they care about details but I really don’t know if they realise the extent to which an S can be detail-orientated. To put it into perspective, I was recently helping proof read my partner’s essay (he’s a suspected INTJ but came out as Ixxx when I got him to take tests) but I was starting to frustrate him because I noticed every single double space in the document. I really don’t think that most N’s would actually notice this level of detail in something. Because of this level of detail-orientation, it can become very easy to become quite perfectionist, especially for a repeated task that I have completed “perfectly” before. Once I have noticed a detail, I can’t ignore it. It starts to stand out like a neon sign, eating away at me. It doesn’t matter if no one else notices, I’ve noticed it, and so if it’s something I’ve noticed and don’t like, I have to change it/fix it. The same applies to me with having a piece of rubbish fall out of my pocket. I don’t think a lot of N’s would realise the rubbish fell out, and some people (S or N) may not care. But you can be damn sure that I will be chasing that down the street because I know it’s there now. But this detail orientation can definitely cause me to be unable to see the wood for the trees sometimes. I can become absorbed by even a single detail and can find it very hard to take a step back and look at the bigger picture when this happens. So I often need an external source to help pull me out of this tunnel-vision. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have proof-read this and made minor changes or spotted typos but, it’s a lot.  Detail orientation can be in any aspect of the S’s life, and doesn’t just have to be with regard to work. For SFs it can often be with regard to the people they care about. I recall you mentioning something in another post recently about this, but an N can have an uncanny guess about what someone is thinking or feeling without being able to explain how they got to that conclusion. In contrast, as an SF, if I want to know how someone is feeling, I pick up on tiny facial expressions, body language and speech patterns that I’ve seen before to understand. Because of this, it makes my ability to do so more accurate the better I know someone, but as most humans have similar overall facial expressions, it is a relatively transferable skill even to people I don’t know well. I think as a good general distinguisher between an S and an N is that if the person in question can explain their process into a conclusion, they are likely to be an S, even if the conclusion is wrong (e.g. “you have your sad face on”). If they can’t explain at all their mental process and can somehow still get it right, they are probably an N (e.g. “you just seemed upset”).   I think one of the “party tricks” other types (particularly Ns) see me do is remember where an object is. I largely attribute this to growing up with my mother (probably ENFJ) who was very forgetful when it came to small objects. She’d walk in, drop her keys somewhere (but it would never be dropped in the same place twice) and then less than 5 minutes later she would have no clue where they are. But because I’m both a helper type and detail orientated, I can be very good at noticing where things are. In my own home, it is even easier for me because whilst nothing is perfectly tidy, everything has a place it should be (I presume this is SJ combination), and so for me I can almost ignore the background of what usually lives there to find the out of place object. In a house where I don’t have as much control over where things go it can be harder, but I will still probably notice your keys or your phone partially sticking out from under a coat that was thrown on a chair or something, especially if I know the object has significance. I.e. I know that you need your keys to leave the house and you will become stressed if you can’t find them, so it will reduce the disturbance of harmony (Fe) if I can recall where the object is and shortcut the process. But, that means that when I lose something, I can very easily catastrophise the scenario (Inf Ne) and think it’s lost forever because I would know where it was and it’s not there (some times it is still where I think it should be, but as the panic sets in, my Ne takes over worrying about the fact I’ve lost it, preventing good perceptive skills at actually seeing it). As I’ve eluded to, for an Si particularly, environment is a big factor. Introverts already struggle with overstimulating environments as is, but for an Si-dom, I am particularly sensitive to an environment. I often find myself somewhat like a meerkat when I’m in a new place, even if the new place is just a new room in a building I know. I will spend a lot of time looking around trying to notice things around me and basically memorise it, should I need to reference it later. Likewise, if I am walking out and about, I often find myself looking all over, noticing how the light shines through the trees, the pretty coloured flowers in someone’s front garden or the sound of the birds tweeting. So I am always aware of my environment no matter where it is. Once I have some familiarity with a place, it makes it much more comfortable for me to spend time there, because I don’t need to activate the “meerkat-mode” and look around constantly - I already know the environment (Si-Ti memory). But, that means that I will sure as hell notice if something has significantly changed in a place between me being there previously (as I mentioned earlier, once I have the background established, any changes become much more obvious to me). Equally, if the environment I am in is overstimulating, it can be really uncomfortable to be in because I am constantly surveying the environment and can’t focus on whatever it was I was supposed to be doing in that place. I find it really challenging especially as an introvert to be in a loud crowded place because there’s too much to take in, and being an introvert especially with Si and Ti, I find it much easier to process thoughts in a quieter space. So I often end up taking a step back in group conversations in busy environments because I have to put all my energy into focusing on listening to try and minimise over-stimulation.  Another major aspect of Si for me is learning through hands on experience. I think you mentioned recently that S’s are typically the ones who will become world experts in one thing whereas N’s are better at becoming Jack of all trades, and I think that can be true for some but N’s ability to pull abstract pieces of information together can also help N’s in academia in a way that S’s can’t. But the way that an S gets to that point is through hands on experience. Every time I do something that I want to be able to do, I will unconsciously remember, and will also more consciously remember any mistakes I made doing so. Then the next time I do it, I will be ever so slightly better at it, using what worked previously and avoiding what didn’t. But repeat this process as many times as I do it, until somehow I know exactly what to do every single time with very little variation[. For me this is particularly true with fine-motor skills and a few really obscure skills. The one example that springs to mind is I was with an ENFP and an INFJ and the ENFP told us about a tongue twister she wanted us to try: “Tesco, Tesco Metro, Tesco Extra, Tesco Express” (I’m British so Tesco is a supermarket chain and those are the different types of stores they have). But the ENFP told us to try saying it like 5 times in a row quickly. The first few times, I was ok at it, but I was either way too slow, or I stumbled on the words if I went faster. But after each time I tried the tongue twister, I got better until I was able to say it the best out of all of us. It was like watching evolution in front of you, and this was only across the space of 10-15 minutes. Whist I can’t say for sure, this is why I reckon that some STs get really good at being things like mechanics. It’s hands on so they learn well every time they have to fix a car, but equally they probably pick up on subtle noises or visual cues to figure out what’s wrong with a car. Each time they do, they subconsciously remember something about the car and then remember the outcome so that next time they don’t have to figure it out and they can shortcut the process. 
I think the need for routine that a lot of S’s feel (particularly SJs) also comes from this idea of hands on learning and basing everything you do on experience. When an SJ has figured out that some combination of events works, they don’t want to let it go because an alternate method might not work (it might work, but poor N functions means that it can difficult for an S to accurately predict). At a previous job, I used to walk to work every day, and I reckon if you were able to track every foot step I took to work every day and overlay them, they would almost be identical with an identical overall path. There were other places I could have crossed the road (and there’s no jaywalking in the UK so I could cross a road anywhere I want) but I didn’t. I could have walked on the other side of the road just coz, but I didn’t. I had decided that this was the optimal route, so that was the route I took. No need to consider other routes because this works and I know it does, so why change it? A routine that has been established and is known to work and requires a lot less mental energy for an S(J) than trying to figure out what will happen if you do something else, so it makes their life easier. Because of this, when something comes up that requires me to disrupt my personal routine, I will automatically feel negative about it, even if I will enjoy the thing or know what to expect from the thing. It disrupts my routine which normally makes me feel happy and comfortable so I already have to put more effort into thinking about the event than if it didn’t. Traditions go along the same lines. SJs feel comfortable with traditions because they are essentially oddly specific routines that come into play when certain conditions are met. The SJ can predict what will happen when the conditions are met because it has previously been established, and they like that predictability.  I think the last thing I think is really important for S’s is being in touch with your body, especially for Si’s. A lot of N’s seem to constantly be confused when something isn’t quite right with their body and they don’t seem to be very good at putting two and two together about it e.g. I ate fast food all day and then had a full bar of chocolate and now I have an upset stomach, or another classic one is when N’s say they feel really tired but when you talk to them, you find out they have forgotten to eat for the last 6 hours. For me, whilst I’m not a doctor so I can’t diagnose what’s wrong, I feel like I am a lot more aware of it. To put it into perspective, I once knew that I would vomit over an hour before I actually did. When I say as an Si user that I am in tune with my body, I mean it. To me it is a disturbance to my internal homeostatic environment, so some thing being off is a big deal. But as such, it impacts me a lot more in my day to day life. I can’t focus on work if I’m hungry because I am so aware of it. Whereas N’s can probably focus until they pass out if some thing has caught their interest. The combination for me of knowing how my body feels and liking routine was repeatedly able to bamboozle the ENFP and INFJ I mentioned before, when I brought essentially the same lunch to work every day. To them, they couldn’t see how I could enjoy repeatedly eating the same thing. But for me, I knew it satisfied me for the rest of the day but not so much that was uncomfortable, was relatively healthy and cheap and the repetition was soothing rather than boring. The ENFP was particularly bad at judging the right amount of food she needed or wanted but didn’t have the same ability to learn from her mistakes and find a formula that did. She just brought something new each day and hoped for the best - something very odd to me. Sorry that this ended up being so long. I just didn’t want to miss any details out (pun intended). Feel free to use any of this that you need in any way. Even if you don’t use it in a post, I hope it helps your own understanding for typing people etc. :)
ENFP Mod: Thanks! I enjoyed reading it, and am posting it, since it may help others understand Si-dom better. :)
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krystlind · 5 years
Surrender to the slow down
You have just finished up week 2 of social distancing/locked down. This is the new norm now. So much changed in just 2 weeks. You spent the 1st week in SF living with Clark, and then flew down here to move back in with family. You don’t know how long this period of time will be. You are back in your bedroom. You are re-adjusting to life at home. Dad and mom know how to set boundaries with you, and you are so thankful for that. There are little emotions and blow up here and there, but generally everything is good. You are taken care of. Your grandparents are here! What a privilege. Who would’ve thought you’d be able to spend so much time with them. You just came back from San Diego, had a beach house front, and got to run by the beautiful water every day. You sleep next to your little sister. Run in the empty beaches in the morning or do yoga. You have conversation with your grandpa as you make him coffee or make him a peanut butter sandwich. You make banana pancakes for the whole family with little Isabel.
If you told me this would be my life, a month ago, I wouldn’t have imagined. I don’t think any of us would have. All of this was unanticipated, to call it the least. Unprecedented. The whole world shifted to this new reality in about.. a week. There’s new news every day. New numbers. New bad news, new good news. So much to take in. I’ve just stopped reading the news. The first week I did that, and it was bad. I fell into a sort of despair, or anxiousness. So now, I limit what I read, and scroll. 
If I could be honest, I don’t have it so bad. This slow down feels so needed. Like obviously, the pandemic in itself is so unfortunate - that it’s affecting so many lives. This is a history lesson in the making. But really, I just feel like there’s something about this time that is an opportunity.
I came into it as, wow! Look at all this time to be removed and remote. I can get sooooo much done !!! And I planned out the week. What I wanted to squeeze out of this juicy time frame. What I wanted to accomplish by the end. work, podcast, gre, etc. the list goes on.
And now, closing the 2nd week, I’m starting to shift my look on this whole thing. I’m always one to try to “make it count” - Make this day count. Make this time count. Make this season count. Make this year count. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But I tie so much of how much I deserved the day and feel good about it, to how much I produced. To being productive. I feel it, with my metrics. The work metrics, content creation metrics, Instagram metrics. All these metrics. Today the journal prompt that Christy sent me was “Who are you without the title, structure, schedules? How do you self-actualize without the productivity?” And that just made me think about how much I mark my value and the measure of the day, by productivity! It gets exhausting! And who am I without that?
I saw this time frame as to “do all the things” - to some how hack it, to get everything I ever wanted to get done, and come out a victor. What the heck? And then all of a sudden, I started feeling joy. In things like... slowing down. Moving around the house slowly. Wearing loose clothing. Looking up at the sky. Not thinking about the week.
This period of time, has literally, forced me, all of us, to take it day by day. That’s all you can do. We don’t even know what 1 week, 2 weeks will hold. I can fully say, I don’t know what tomorrow will hold. But today, today holds today. Now holds the now. How sweet it is.. to fully indulge in the now. And not have to feel guilty for it. Because we as a world don’t know what the future will hold.
I do know that my God is in the future. He’s very much in the now. So I just want to be in the now. I think my body for such a long time now has been begging me to slow down. To indulge in the present. To just be. I was thinking the other day. I want to experience the art of just being. That who I am now, as I look, is okay. It’s lovely and it’s enough. I even realize I regulate my thoughts to make sure I’m thinking of what I need to, I’m “optimizing” on my thinking space. Goodness. Who cares! I started to doing yoga with a different approach, that I read in Becoming Wise by Krista Tippett. That it’s not about perfecting the pose. It’s very the transition in between as it is to the pose itself. That’s how I’d like to see this time and that’s how I would like this time to teach me to live. The transition is something to indulge in. The stillness is still movement.
I had a call with Kim today, and I think it validated everything I was already thinking of. She always has a way of taking the points I’m communicating and somehow synthesizing what’s “really” going on and grounding me with some wisdom, insight and advice. I’m just so thankful for her. I was explaining everything going on. About how I entered this wanting to be sooo productive. I just want growth, progress, optimization, etc. but maybe you can find growth in stillness? And how I want to stop crying about myself but finally mature as a woman of faith, and that I need to be ready for what’s after this. So how do you find the balance of healing but readying?
“Growth in stillness. That’s a good way of putting it. And I think, in terms of the growth, well healing is a step towards growth. And God will be there in the future and he will work in you when it’s time to take the next step, but I think right now, you can really just let yourself slow down. Just unplug. People think, oh I just need to make myself really busy, get all these things done that I’ve been wanting to. But the thing is, the period after this, whenever that is, what’s gonna happen is, people are going to ask each other ‘oh what did you do during the quarantine’ and maybe some will want to say ‘oh i finally wrote this book’ ‘oh i started xyz’ but what if, you’re story is that you did a lot of reflection and growth and you slowed down? And you came out on the other side with more clarity, more recharge, more understanding? There’s no reason to be busy, because you’d find the time to do it any way with or without quarantine, and you’re just going to be met with more busy-ness. So you should take this time, to truly rest. Connect with your grandparents. Sit them down. Podcast their story. Guide your little sister. Teach her. Let yourself be okay with slowing your pace. Look at your 24 hour day and ask God, how can I find you in this day. What would you like me to learn and grow within this day. Connect with him.”
I think that was what I needed. It’s what I really feel. Just to give myself grace. To slow down. To not think about my content calendar and expanding FOTR and what’s the next initiative I have to do? I can I keep creating for the community, study GRE, and kill it at work? Okay stop. What if I can just move through. With grace. Grace for myself and the process. What if I can just start listening to my body and finding sweetness in the present and what’s around me.
I’ve noticed I am talking to myself a lot more gentler now. I’m identifying the negative thought patterns that sabotage me, such as criticism about my looks, comparison, not being effective, etc. And I stop myself and think, you are doing lovely. Your body is working so hard for you. You’re healthy and you have great discipline, so it’s okay to kind of relax for awhile. You can complain about things if you want, little family stuff, or you can just realize you can be happy where you find yourself. You can cry, crying is good. When I start going down toxic thoughts, relationship stuff, I take myself out of there. Do you need to be thinking this right now? Worry will come when it’s time to worry. What are positive things you can fill your mind with? Reflect on that. Fill your mind with good, honorable, lovely things, like Paul said. I think about mom singing as she’s hiking, about Bella being kind and funny and working on her homework next to me. I’m proud of myself because Bella got her homework done early because I made a plan with her. yay! what a good big sister :) I reached out to my friends and checked in with people all around me. My work team, FOTR, Martyna and the girls, etc. You’re okay, and if you were just doing now, you’re still okay! Life is not all a google calendar. You are a piece of art. Not here to produce and be measured by that. You have innate dignity and worth, because you are masterpiece of God. Fearfully and wonderfully made.
Maybe I just rest in that. I want to feel wonder. I want this time to be about wonder. Like a little child, just so amazed with the complexity and the mystery and the beauty of the world. The good and the bad, just knowing that it’s not limited to what we do with it. God is in and through things and there’s a mystery in that, and he loves me very very much I’ve heard. 
So that’s what I want to do. Surrender to the Stillness. When there is noise, let there be. When there is work, do it diligently. When there is time for rest, rest. This is rest. It won’t be here forever. So don’t make it about producing. That will come. God just wants you to rest right now <3
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wittypenguin · 5 years
The Fifth Element (1997)
It’s easy to forget that SF Thrillers can be FUN!! After the dark, cynical, Kafka-esque worlds of Blade Runner, Gattaca, Total Recall, Contact, Brazil, Minority Report, and 12 Monkeys — brilliant though they all are in their own ways — something fun can feel like a breath of fresh air! For those who doubt the fabulous of this film, remember this: it was selected as the opening film for the 1997 Cannes Film Festival. No, really, it was!
Luc Besson wanted to show the future is not dark and dangerous. "This future is very funny." - CITE
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There are moments in this which are, quite frankly, insane. This is good. This is to be encouraged. But Chris Tucker’s character is problematic to me: DJ Ruby Rhod is clearly a satirical commentary on the Celebrity Culture where Cultural Icons and Influencers are famous for being Celebrities. His self-obsessed character is an entirely logical conclusion of today’s reality culture. He’s hyper-sexual and hyper-fashionable and just plain hyper-active. So... Why does he also have to be hyper-effeminate? Is the rest not already sufficient? Apparently, Prince was the first choice for the role, but It’s unlikely he would have been so effete. Everything else which makes the character works perfectly, that last aspect just seems like they’re going for the cheap laugh at the expense of ‘teh gays.’ Ugh.
The explosion towards the end of the film in the Fhloston main hall is suitably impressive. Given that this was the largest indoor explosion ever filmed, the resulting fire almost went beyond control, taking twenty-five minutes to put out, and it resulted in massive damage of the Albert R Broccoli 007 soundstage at Pinewood Studios, one would expect nothing less.
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At one point early-on, the evil corporate master Zorg [Gary Oldman, above] provides a short lecture promoting the “Broken Window Fallacy,” demonstrating just how deeply embedded his evil is. We’ve already seen him fire one million cab drivers in a stroke, as well as sell the collective souls of humanity for some unspecified — but clearly insane in scope — sum of money. His justification for doing these sorts of things is quite terrifying. In the scene, he is accused of being someone with whom the Priest would never cooperate.
Zorg: What's wrong with me?
Priest Vito Cornelius: I try to serve life. And you seem to want to destroy it.
Zorg: Oh, Father. You're so wrong. Let me explain.      [Puts an empty water glass on his desk]      Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction, disorder and chaos. Now take this empty glass. Here it is: peaceful, serene, boring. But if it is destroyed…      [Pushes the glass off the table. It shatter on the floor, and several small machines come out to clean it up]      Look at all these little things! So busy now! Notice how each one is useful. A lovely ballet ensues, so full of form and colour. Now, think about all those people that created them. Technicians, engineers, hundreds of people, who will be able to feed their children tonight, so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teeny children of their own, and so on and so forth. Thus, adding to the great chain of life. You see, father, by causing a little destruction, I am in fact encouraging life. In reality, you and I are in the same business.
This notion of ‘destruction creating productivity’ is a classic economics fallacy exposed in the essay The Parable of the Broken Window by French economist Frederic Bastiat in 1850 (originally titled Ce qu’on voit et ce qu’on ne voit pas or “That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen”). Taken to its logical conclusion, Zorg and other proponents of this idea would be going about merrily smashing everything in their sight in order to create jobs. They might even argue that the smashing of things would itself be a creation of jobs in order to accomplish the increase of smashing things. Setting aside the fact that it takes more time to make things than break things, there many things which rely on other things existing in useful states in order to make the other more complicated things. If, say, all champagne glasses are broken, how then does one make a champagne glass fountain? If there is a vast supply of polio vaccine, but no intravenous needles exist, how does one satisfy the demand for the product? This is an economic boon which cannot sustain itself.
This also reflects his short-sighted approach to the planet and its life: he has an all-consuming desire for as all the money which is available, but once he gains that vast treasure, the act which provides him with it also destroys his ability to spend it on anything worth the having of. To put it simply: He is an idiot.
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There are many many parallels with Blade Runner, in addition to the inclusion of Brion James as General Munro. There’s the massively overpopulated New York City, the flying cars, the huge lighted billboards, the ease of access to Asian food with its proprietor providing information to the hero, and the all-powerful corporate owner who does what they want in any number of industries (sometimes replaced or supplemented with Government Agencies). Many of these come as part of the package with the “world of the future” trope, especially if aliens are involved; especially if ‘Alien’ is in the title somehow.
Yet here, inexplicably, these same elements are blended where we see the positive in the negative. As the restauranteur Mr Kim says to Korben Dallas: “Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like.” The writer and director of The Fifth Element, Luc Besson, has embraced this fully. Despite all this evil in the world, there are truly good people as well, which we see in Bruce Willis’ Korben Dallas, Maïwenn’s Diva Plavalaguna, Ian Holm’s Cornelius, and Milla Jovovich’s Leeloo (full name is "Leeloominaï Lekatariba Lamina-Tchaï Ekbat De Sebat"). Certainly, Gary Oldman’s Zorg is quintessentially evil, even psychopathically so, as he shows no remorse about getting what he wants is any way, but he is presented in such a way that this chaotic evil of his can have its knees knocked out from under it with humour, that power being immediately taken away from him in a Riddikulus spell-like moment. That ability to reduce the powerful illusion of the bad which is plaguing the world is something we need more and more it seems, and it would be excellent if we could find a way to have this skill in our all too real lives.
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