#but i feel like sometimes they're scared to interact because they aren't agere!
little-pup-pip · 4 months
I love your entire blogs vibe, I don't age regress or anything like that but just know that you guys are amazing and valid!
Thank you, friend! Also, you don't have to be agere/petre to interact!! I have lots of followers who aren't, sometimes it's just fun to look at pretty pictures!!
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soopiroth · 22 days
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super tips with soup #1 - staying safe in the tumblr agere community!
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Hi, everyone! Call me Soup! I'm an age regressor, but I've got a bit of that babysitter blood in me, so today, I'm gonna try to embrace the big bro spirit and give you guys all some good advice! So here are some pro tips with your buddy Soup on staying safe in the agere community!
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CG Applications? No Way!
I know what you're thinking... "But Soup! If I don't put out an application, how will I find a CG?!" The truth of it is, even if some people have safely gotten CGs through them, and even if some people apply to them in good faith, they're just not safe! Plenty of people can lie to you through them or apply with the intent of taking advantage of you! Your best bet is to try and make friends instead without the intent of making them your CG immediately. It lets you get to know them as a person without them being your CG, and if you trust them, you can ask them to babysit you for a bit!
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Don't Feed The Trolls!
What do I mean by that? When a harasser, gore-poster, or overall jerk swoops into the community, spamming people or messaging them to say rude or unwanted things, don't interact with 'em! That's what they want! They want to make you mad, or sad! Don't let 'em see you down! Block them and report them and then get outta there! Go do something that makes you happy or talk to someone you trust about how it made you feel.
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If It Sucks, Hit The Bricks!
If someone's trying to interact with you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, or is trying to extort sexual content from you, leave! Just like trolls, they want you to give them what you want. But unlike trolls, their goals aren't to upset you, most of the time, They want what makes them happy even if it makes you uncomfortable. That's not good at all! When that happens, you have full permission to use SOUP'S SWEAR PASS, even if you're a regressor that doesn't like to swear, because sometimes, "grown-up" words like that make me feel more in-control of a situation because I'm showing people that I'm not just small. Tell 'em to #@$%& off! (And then block them, if you need to.)
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Handling Unclear & Uncomfortable Situations!
Sometimes, it's hard to tell if someone's trying to make you uncomfortable or not. If you're not sure, first, state your boundaries, proud and loud and clear! "I do not like this, this makes me uncomfortable. I would like you to stop." Most reasonable people will back off at this point, and apologize. However, if they keep trying to make you do something that makes you uncomfortable, THAT'S when you are free to start being even more firm, and even a bit mean if you need to! It's okay and nobody will blame you for telling someone to not make uncomfortable advances toward you and the like.
(I will note, sometimes, discomfort is something you SHOULD feel. Not from people pressing you to do things that make you feel gross, but from things like questioning marginalization in the community. For example, if someone makes a post about racism in the community and it makes you uncomfortable, ask yourself why. Is it because you're a victim of the racism and you're scared for yourself? Or is it because you worry you might be perpetuating the racism in the community? It's okay and good to feel uncomfortable about participating in stuff like that, but a person addressing it isn't doing it to coax you into doing bad things. They're trying to bring awareness to issues in the community. Ask yourself what you can do better or if there's anything you need to do at all to help. Don't try and fix the whole community, because you're only one person, but you can do what one person can!)
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Come Back Later!
If you're not sure what to make of a situation online, you can always come back later if/when you're feeling bigger, or ask someone you trust to help you make heads or tails of it. It also helps to take a little calm-down break and think things through. When you think you might respond a bit too fast or recklessly, take a deep breath, go take a break, do something else for a bit, then come back and see what you think now.
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Read It All? Good Work!
These tips should be able to help you stay safe out there! If anyone has any more tips or things I should change, comment, reblog, or send me an ask! I'm happy to take feedback! I also wanna know how I should tag this stuff!
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One Last Thing!
Would you guys want to see more of these from me? I've got a few ideas already, like taking care of Big Tasks while regressed, managing that so-called "impure regression" in a few of its forms, namely the ones I deal with, (and why I think that's a bit of a mean term for it), and taking care of yourself by yourself!
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Thanks For Reading!
Now go get out there and have some fun, champ!
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