#but i haven’t been able to relax and breathe and sleep like this since i was literally an infant so i don’t Hate it
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Gold Rush
Dieter Bravo x Female Reader
Rating: Teen. Summary: It's the day after your husband left you, Dieter still remains, is his presence and support the reason why you feel okay? Warnings: pov switching, pining, fluff, comfort, marijuana use, champagne, drunken feelings, confessions using a taylor swift song, pizza Words: 5,330
A/N: Golden Girl and Dieter have not left my mind since I wrote them. I couldn't believe how much @almostfoxglove's gorgeous moodboard (see above) that she created with my prompts of "Dieter x adoration x gold" matched my ideas for the follow-up sooo I wrote it out. I hope you enjoy.
Previous Chapter Masterlist
You’re awoken by a grumbling snore and a solid heat pressed against your cheek. Your tired eyes blink open and are greeted by a faded wine stained heather gray chest. Dieter.
For a split second, there is confusion, a moment of panic flickers through you. Then it all comes back to you–the heartbreak of yesterday. 
The flood of emotions, the tears, Warren’s cold, unblinking blue eyes as he told you he’d fallen in love with someone else. No remorse. Just the simple truth, delivered in his same steady voice he’d use for his clients, as if your marriage now meant nothing. And then he was gone, walking out of the door you’d painted his favorite color green. Then, your shaking hands calling the only person you knew who would be there for you. Dieter. 
You don’t know if it was the exhaustion of your marriage ending or Dieter’s body against yours, but you haven’t slept that deeply in years. 
Now, you gently pull away, your gaze lingering on him as he sleeps. Fluffy, tousled hair fans across the pillow, his parted plush lips gently percolate out snores. The lines of stress and mischief that crease his face are much gentler and relaxed in his slumber. The sunlight peeking through the curtain casts a golden strip across his face that turns his skin amber and his dark hair almost hazel. 
You usually don’t allow yourself to stare at him like this, constantly fighting the pull you’ve always felt towards him, like an invisible string that keeps getting tangled and knotted. That night in the dive bar–years ago–kissing his whiskey soaked lips, feeling the deep rumble of laughter left against your lips when you finally pulled away. You could have had him then. 
But you didn’t. You were too enamored by his handsome blue-eyed friend. Warren. 
Warren, who said all the right thing, who made you believe everything you wanted to hear, even if half of it was lies. You feel so idiotic.
Dieter’s breathing is steady, his broad chest rises and falls keeping time with the soft hum of his snores. The gold hoop of his earring catches the light. You’ve been enamored with it since that first night you met him all those years ago. A forbidden ring held within his ear, you always wondered how it felt, to be able to freely touch him. Sometimes your hand would reach for it, before your eye would catch the glint of your wedding band. Forbidden, off limits, you’re kept by someone else. 
Now, no longer answering to anyone, you let your shocking newfound independence make you happy for once. It’s just you and him, lying in the middle of the bed you bought from Pottery Barn with your ex-mother-in-law, and for the first time you don’t feel guilty for looking at him. 
Slowly, almost reverently, your hand hovers over his ear, feeling the soft brush of his hair as you softly pass your finger over the metal ring, a connection to the feelings you’ve always had for him. You pull your hand away, too scared to let the emotions long-held for him take place in your heart. 
“Dee,” you croak, your voice is rough from sleep and all of the tears shed from yesterday. 
His eyelids flutter open, chocolate brown eyes blinking open, soft and unfocused before crinkling at the edges as a yawn stretches across his face. 
“Hey,” he murmurs, his voice low and groggy. The warm smile he gives you makes your broken heart begin mending itself right then and there. 
“It’s almost noon.”
He yawns again, his large hand brushing over his face as he props himself up. He slowly comes to life, a haze of sleep still lingering in his eyes. 
“Shit, almost noon huh?” his voice rasps deep from sleep. “You okay?”
A simple question, one that you’ve been asked so few times the past few years as your marriage has grown stagnant and lifeless. You nod, though not entirely sure of your answer. 
“I know it was a rough day,” he says, sympathy pouring out of his voice. “I-I’m glad you called me.” 
“I am too,” you whisper. 
Dieter shifts, propping himself up on one elbow, his gaze stays on you. “Warren’s an idiot,” the firmness of his voice surprises you. “He never deser–”
Right then the loud growl of your stomach interrupts. 
“When’s the last time you ate?” he asks, pulling away from you. 
“Uh, lunch yesterday?” It hadn’t even occurred that you’d gone that long without food.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even think to see if you were hun–“
“It’s okay Dee,” you quickly reassure, “I don’t think I could’ve even eaten anything yesterday.”
He studies you for a second, his gaze softens. “Well, I make a mean bowl of cereal or I can order us breakfast if you want something more serious.” 
“Cereal’s good.”
He stretches and sits up. “Coming right up,” he says, standing and moving to the door. 
“You don’t know where anything is!” you call after him.
He pauses, turning back. “That’s never stopped me before,” he winks, causing butterflies to plume in your stomach, the kind you haven’t felt in ages. 
The clattering of cupboards being rifled through finally makes you extract yourself from bed. 
“Dee!” you shout as you walk down the hall, “I’ll grab everything!” 
You send a quick glimpse into the bedroom you used to share with Warren as you tie your robe tighter and head downstairs. 
The sun is glaring through the open curtains, yours and Dieter’s phones lay silent on the coffee table. Nobody knows. Warren said it was your decision over who you want to tell. How chivalrous. 
“Hey,” Dieter greets you with a smile, as he puts the milk on the counter. “I found the milk and spoons.” 
You shake your head, moving around him to pull two bowls out of the cupboard. 
“You put the coffee on at least, that’s most important,” you say, grabbing the box of cereal from the pantry. “All I have are Corn Flakes.” 
The domesticity of it all is not lost on him. Dieter sits next to you at the breakfast bar happily munching on his corn flakes covered in three tablespoons of sugar. 
He’s had this dream so many times before. Bright sunlight shining through the kitchen window above the sink that overlooks the garden you take so much pride in, coffee in the light blue mugs with the little birds you were so proud to find at the antique store off of La Cienega, the sound of you eating and just quietly existing next to him. He never wants to wake up. 
The first thing he saw today was you, your voice was the first thing he heard. It’s not a dream, it’s really happening here, in this home you used to share with his best friend–or–who used to be his best friend. Warren probably doesn’t even know he’s here, that he was the one you chose to call and to be consoled by. Too oblivious and self obsessed to realize that all these years Dieter’s been secretly in love with his wife. How could he not fall for you? 
He glances towards you, wanting to tell you everything in his heart, only choosing the most obvious statement. “I’m here for you, you know that, right?”
“I know Dee, it means… a lot, but you don’t have to be here, I’m okay… really.”
“Trust me, I want to be here Sweets,” he knocks his shoulder against yours. It’s just about the only physical touch he can trust himself to make. He wants to hold you through all of this, keep your body as close to his as possible. Shield you, go to battle for you, be your soldier. All he can afford is a singular shoulder tap. 
“You’ve never given me reason to not,” you sigh. 
He never wants to let you down, never wants to make you feel like you’re less than deserving of the whole world. He just has to wait. Good things take time.
“What do you want to do today?” 
“Not sure. Definitely get out of this robe and into some actual clothes.”
He thanks his lucky stars, as much as he loves you in the fluffy robe, his heart can’t take the brief glimpses of your upper thigh or chest as the fabric swishes across your body. “Do you want me to grab your clothes for you?” 
“No, I-it’s gotta happen sooner than later… i-it’s weird, I know he just left me and everything, but–I don’t know Dee–it’s been not fun being me. Here, cooped up in this house just waiting for my husband to decide to like me and spend time with me. You know?” Your shoulders deflate, he gazes at your crestfallen side profile, still so beautiful even when you’re heartbroken.
You take a swig of coffee, he follows the lines of your delicate neck as you swallow the liquid down. Your skin is always so beautiful, but in this light, it transfixes him. “This is the fourth time he’s cheated on me.” 
He coughs at your confession. His brows rise in surprise, he never knew about the others. “I-I had no idea,” he murmurs. His heart drops, how fucking dare Warren.
“We didn’t let it be known, I couldn’t deal with–anybody knowing and them judging me. He’d come back, and swear he would change. Why do you think my wedding ring kept getting bigger and bigger? He’d get me something shinier every time he’d fuck someone else… like I’m some sort of crow wife.”
He snickers, you’re still the funniest girl he’s ever met, even when you’re talking about your piece of shit husband. 
“And now, NOW he's found the one. All those times I’d let him back, he told me I was the only one for him.” Tears sprout in your eyes. He thinks of all those years you’ve wasted, all those lies you believed, and now, you’re left just as empty as your cereal bowl. “I feel like a fool, he’s been cheating on me for almost a year with her. I just sat idly by, ignoring all of the cracks in the foundation, all of the same signs I had seen before, he’d call me crazy. I guess a person can only be gaslit for so long before they burn up. The house has been crumbling for the past few years, and I just kept thinking maybe it would change… and the cracks just got bigger until… he left. Now I’m left here trying to rebuild and trying to figure out what I did wrong.” 
“Nothing,” he says, his voice firmer than he intended. “You did nothing wrong. Warren’s always been the ‘take what I want when I want’ type. It’s him, not you.”
You solemnly nod, eyes staring unblinking at your spoon swirling in the milky white expanse of your empty cereal bowl. “And I just had to fall in love with him. I feel so foolish.” Your voice floats into his ears, flowing down to his heart squeezing the organ that pumps only for you. 
“Hey,” he whispers, “I’ve been best friends with him for almost thirty years. If you’re a fool, then I’m one too.” 
You look at him, his eyes meet yours. He offers you a small smile that you return with a nod. You’re sweeter than the cereal milk he just got done slurping out of his bowl.
“Well,” you sigh, tapping the counter and breaking the miniscule moment of understanding. “I can’t do any more of this sad stuff today. I can’t be miserable all day. II know what I want to do tonight.”
“Oh yeah?” he asks, raising a curious brow. 
“Yep. Drink,” you sigh. “Like, a lot.” 
“Yeah. I want to forget, just for tonight… and then tomorrow I’ll have to deal with all of the bullshit.”
He doesn’t mention to you that the last time only the two of you drank together, his marriage to Anika had just ended. Now it’s a tradition. “I can help with that. Do you need me to go grab some booze?”
“Nope,” you hop off the barstool and pad over to the wine fridge. You bend over, he strangles his napkin when he gets a glimpse of your upper thighs before he looks away. Not right now. 
You pull a fancy looking bottle out of the fridge. “We were supposed to have this for our tenth anniversary. Some dumb expensive bottle of champagne he bought while we were on vacation in France.”
He grabs it from the counter top, eyebrows rising at the fancy label.
“Wow. Thirty-five year old Bollinger, huh? That’s the stuff the queen drinks.” “Of course you’d know that,” you tease, rolling your eyes as you put the champagne in the fridge. “I’m gonna clean up, hop into the shower and change. I don’t know if you want to head to your place and grab some clothes?”
He looks down at his stained shirt and pajama pants he’s been wearing since he woke up yesterday afternoon. He wasted no time in changing when he got the call from you. He could certainly also use a shower. 
“If you’re okay with me leaving for a bit,” he hesitates. 
“I am, really Dee,” you assure. “I’m going to head upstairs. Come over around five?”
“Five works,” he smiles. Hating the rush of nerves he feels of spending another night only with you. 
“You’re the best Dee,” you smile. 
He doesn’t know whether to shake Warren for leaving someone like you or thank him as he deposits his bowl in the sink and grabs his keys and phone. 
The master bedroom is just as it was left yesterday, besides the empty side of Warren’s closet and vanity. How kind of him to move out while you’re left crying on the couch. You were his wife for eight years. Over three thousand days of marriage. A mortgage, two cars, three credit cards with unspent reward points, multiple bank accounts. God, there’s so much to do. 
Not today. 
Today you’re going to push down these terrible feelings, today you’re going to focus on the future of what can be once you trudge through all of this. Today you’re going to spend the day taking care of yourself and then tonight, you’re going to get drunk with your friend Dieter. 
The gold frame on your bedside table catches your eye. Ah, your Australia trip last year, a surprise excursion from Warren. You’re pretty sure he was talking to her while the two of you explored the outback. You thought that trip was the beginning of something new and better for the two of you. It only took a week after your return home for him to start working late and having meetings in other states again. 
You love the frame that holds the picture of better days with Warren, you found it at an antique store Dieter told you about. You’ve always loved vintage decor, Warren always preferred brand new, he never liked the idea of “other people’s trash littering his home.” You open the back of the frame, pull out the photo, and crumble it in your hands before setting the empty frame back on the table. One day, it’ll hold a picture of true happiness—one day, there will be someone else to smile with.
You shed your robe and drop it in the hamper before standing in front of your mirror. You look the same, really. Only thing that might give away your husband left you are your eyes that sit a little redder and puffier and your naked ring finger. 
A glance at your phone shows a couple of missed texts and calls. Nothing important. Still no word from Warren. You feel foolish for expecting anything more from him. 
All the tears you shed yesterday suddenly feel ridiculous. All those tears fell for a man who could barely be grown enough to check on how you’re doing today. You’ve read of slow burns in romance novels, but what about a slow snuff? Where your marriage just gradually dies, suffocated by indifference, until Warren’s selfishness finally snuffed it out. There’s a sense of freedom now, like you no longer have to lie to yourself. Now you just have to figure out how to move on. 
You scroll to the playlist Dieter sent you a few weeks ago, smiling to yourself at the realization that as your marriage fizzled, your’s and Dieter’s friendship grew warmer. You turn the tap on as the first song plays. 
'Round your city, 'round the clock Everybody needs you No, you can't make everybody equal Although you got beaucoup family You don't even got nobody bein' honest with you
Frank Ocean. Your’s and Dieter’s shared favorite. Warren can’t stand him, of course. When Dieter got tickets to a Frank Ocean concert, Warren spent the night rolling his eyes while you and Dieter screamed lyrics, danced under the strobe lights, and passed a joint back and forth. Anika and Warren stood behind you both, glued to their phones, ruining what should’ve been an unforgettable night with their sulking.
You laugh out loud to yourself at your stupidity. Why did you stay?
The shower feels good and refreshing. You scrub your skin with your favorite body scrub and use your favorite conditioner you buy from the boutique next to your favorite cafe. It’s now up to you to take care of yourself and to show yourself love. Lord knows it’s pretty much been that way for the past year. 
Dieter’s playlist plays on. Every song on it you like, he never lets you down.
“You will remember When this is blown over And everything's all by the way When I grow older I will be there at your side to remind you How I still love you”
Your hands pause at the lyrics as you rub lotion across your skin. You wonder what Dieter’s thinking, what he’s thought this whole time, why he speaks to you the way he does. He’s always been such an open book, but ever since his divorce with Anika a few years ago, he’s been less readable. Your mind is crowded by the feelings you have for him, the way you liked waking up next to him this morning, the way you wish he’d never stop holding you. 
You remind yourself to go shopping for some new clothes, to fill the newly acquired empty space in your closet. You find the bright robe hanging in the back of your closet. A just-because-gift from Dieter because you mentioned it had all of your favorite colors. He texted you a photo of himself getting ready for an awards show, and you pointed out how much you loved it. He handed it to you the next time he saw you with a shy grin. You try to remember the last time Warren gave you a random gift as you wrap the soft cotton around your body. 
You admire yourself in the mirror remembering the way Dieter’s dark brown eyes lingered on you after you put it on. The small smile he blessed you with as he softly murmured “perfect.”
The clock reads 2:30. Just twenty-four hours ago Warren told you he’s no longer in love with you, that he had found someone else. You swallow the sadness, not today. 
For the first time in a long time, today you’re going to allow yourself to look forward to something–and somebody. Dieter will be here soon. 
He knocks on the side door three times before letting himself in. His usual Dieter entrance. 
“Sweets?” he calls out, his voice echoing through the house. 
“Hey!” you respond, quickly trudging down the steps. 
He almost drops the pizza box on the floor, along with his jaw when he sees you. 
“Great minds,” you smile looking down at his faded blue jeans–the same color as yours.
“Yeah,” he nods, “great minds.” He swears you’re his twin flame, except he burns even brighter for you. He hopes one day your heart will burn just as hot for him. 
“Prime Pizza?” you excitedly say spying the familiar box from your favorite pizza place. 
“Yep, also got you garlic knots,” he smiles, lifting a white takeout bag up. “And caesar salad. And vodka pasta.”
“Oh my gooooood,” you sing, grabbing the pre-rolled joint and lighter from the table. “You’re the best. Let’s eat outside.”
His heart feels like it’s going to leap out of his chest as he follows you through the french doors to your backyard. It’s a beautiful, warm evening. You’ve set the table already, the sun is just beginning to lower behind the mountains, bathing everything in golden and purple shades. 
He can’t take his eyes off of you as you light the joint and take a hit. He feels ridiculous relishing the fact that his lips will be where yours just were as you hand the joint to him. 
Music gently plays in the background and you hum along while opening the takeout boxes and filling your plate. 
“Oh my god, this looks so good,” you gush, smiling at him. “Thanks Dee.” 
Weed smoke, garlic, and laughter fill the air as the two of you share a meal.
He wishes to never wake from this dream. 
You always loved this neighborhood at night.  The winding hill overlooks downtown Los Angeles and all of its flickering traffic and brake light glory. Street lamps glow golden in the midnight haze. Dieter walks alongside you, keeping tempo with your steps growing clumsier the emptier your champagne bottle gets.
“God, it’s beautiful out,” you say, tilting your head back to gaze at the sky focusing on a singular star. You wonder what it sees as it looks down on you. Does it see the internal struggle within your heart? Your husband walked out on you yesterday, and you’ve already found solace in his best friend. Peace in the heart and mind of the best man at your wedding. 
“Ooh! Grass patch! Grass patch!” you suddenly shout, running over to the grassy area just off to the side of your neighbor’s home. “Come look at the stars with me!” 
Dieter follows, laying down beside you with a small huff. 
“I love doing this,” you say wistfully. “Like it’s so big, and we’re so small. You know?” 
“I do,” he says. “Someone in Antarctica has the same view we have. Isn’t that insane?”
“Yes!” you shout, knocking your knee against his and leaving it there. “Sometimes it’s so easy to get lost in the vastness of space.”
“It is…” he softly says.
You turn your head to find him not looking up at the stars, but right at you.
“Hi,” you giggle, a little nervous from the look in his eyes. 
“You’re– I think you’re–-” he grumbles and turns to look back at the sky shaking his head. “I wonder how many satellites are recording our conversation right now.” 
You follows his lead, turning back to the sky, wishing on a star that some day you’ll hear what Dieter really wanted to tell you.
He listens as you softly hum into the breezy night air. A pleasant smile is stretched across your face, your eyes sit a little hazier from the bottle of champagne that you’re holding by the neck. 
You stop, bobbling back and forth on your feet. He grabs your arms, steadying your wobbly form. You’re much drunker now thanks to your impromptu stargazing and drinking adventure in your neighbor’s yard. 
“You good?” he asks.
“Yes *hiccup* just–haven’t felt this free in awhile,” your body thuds against his chest. His heart goes into overdrive. “Like, GOD, it fucking sucks, but also like, fuck Warren, he didn’t deserve ME.”
He wants to tell you how much he agrees, he wants to pour his rapid beating heart out to you in the middle of this quiet neighborhood. He doesn’t, you’re going through enough, and he respects–nay–loves you far too much to divulge his years-long secret devotion to you. 
“Yeah,” he chuckles. “Fuck Warren.” 
“Fuck Warren!” you giggle. “God that feels good.”
“FUCK WARREEEEENNNNN!” you shout, your voice echoing off the canyon walls. 
“Whoa, whoa, okay okay, it’s too late; let’s not wake up the neighbors, pretty girl.” 
His throat closes at the slip. Panic grips his body. 
You take a swig of your champagne. 
“Pretty?” you turn in his arms. “You think that— I”m pretty?” 
Your beautiful face and those eyes of yours, the same he thinks about waking up to, is lit by the full moon, glistening in the nighttime glow. You’re so gorgeous. 
“Always have, Golden Girl,” he sees the line drawn and he steps over it. He’s famous for not listening, for saying it fuck it to the plainly written out rules. “You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” 
Your throat lets out an unbelieving laugh. “D’awww, Dee thinks I’m pretttttyyyyyyyyy,” you sing-song, swaying in his arms. 
“Alright now, you’re pretty far gone. Let’s get you home, pretty.”
“Dieter Bravo finds me pretty. I’d say Warren’s going to be sooooo mad, but FUCK WARREN!” Another battle cry against your husband echoes across the neighborhood. 
“Shhhhh,” he wraps his arms around you tighter, turning you to walk back up the road to your home. 
His arms stay around you the whole walk up the hill back to your house. He can smell the sweet scent of your honey shampoo. Your back is molded to his front and yet, the lust for you doesn’t course through his veins like it normally does. There’s something else. Adoration, longing, yearning. His need for your heart overshadows his want for your body. Your footsteps commingle with his in the quiet Los Angeles night. 
Your house comes into view, the white picket fence surrounds the colonial two story that you fell in love with. “Dee! It’s a Jimmy Stewart house!” you excitedly shouted when he pulled into the driveway after you and Warren got the keys. He was so happy for you, and yet so jealous of Warren. Now he walks you up the walkway to your door. Now he punches the code in on the keypad and lets you in. Now he catches your arm as you almost trip over the rug. Now he holds you close as you giggle against his chest. Too drunk and bubbly, he wishes he could keep you this happy. 
“Dee?” you tilt your head up to look at him.
“Yeah?” his eyes meet your bleary eyes. 
“Is it okay that I’m this happy right now?” your voice drops, the shame in it slurs it even more. 
“Any emotion you have at this exact moment is okay,” he reassures with a smile. 
Your body jumps against his with a hiccup. “Oh my god, I’m so drunk!” you giggle.
“You are. You need some food and a glass of water.” 
He’s only allowed himself a couple sips tonight, not wanting to get plastered and not be there to take care of you in case you need him. He can’t remember the last time he didn’t say no to a drink. 
He settles you on the couch before heading to the kitchen to find you some sustenance to soak up your drunkenness. 
Saltines, you always have saltines. You swear that cheddar cheese on saltines is the greatest food ever, he loves how passionate you are about such a ridiculous opinion. He fills the biggest glass with water from the fridge before adding a couple cubes of ice, he knows how much you love your ice water. He likes taking care of you, he likes trying his damnedest to make you feel better. He wishes he could take care of you every single day and prove to you just how special you are. 
He almost drops the glass of water and sleeve of crackers when he walks into your living room. 
You’re perched on a small island of carpet surrounded by records strewn across the floor. He was gone for only three minutes and you’ve already emptied two entire shelves. 
You’re holding a single LP in your hands and staring down at it. Track three. The song that makes you think of Dieter. 
“Can I play you a song?” you look up, your bloodshot eyes gaze determinedly at him. 
The record player sizzles and crackles an ambient hum while awaiting his answer.
“Of course,” he says, walking over and lightly tapping a trail of records out of the way with his foot.
You tilt your head up and nod, before turning and putting the record on the turntable. Your hands tremble as you lower the needle into the groove for the track you want him to hear. 
“It makes me think of… you,” you whisper as the song begins. 
Gleaming Twinkling Eyes like sinking ships On waters so inviting I almost jump in
He settles across from you, cross legged, joining you on your island in the sea of scattered vinyl. Just you and Dee in the middle of your living room. It was only twenty-four hours ago he held you as you mourned the loss of your marriage. 
Now, he sits quietly, elbows resting on his knees with his chin resting on his thumbs, listening to the song. The song that makes you think of him. 
Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you Walk past, quick brush
You’re too brave, the champagne has given you too much permission to bring up those long held desires for your husband’s best friend. If you had chosen him that night in that dive bar, would everything be different today? 
His eyes are closed, oblivious to the turmoil that storms within your heart. 
What must it be like To grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes My mind turns your life into folklore I can't dare to dream about you anymore
He slowly nods along to the beat, the golden earring in his ear catches your eye again. Your fingers pulsate, the bare ring finger on your left hand allows you the permission. He’ll feel it now, he’ll understand, he’ll know of your desires. 
You reach out, your shaky hand makes contact with his soft hair, and the earring. His eyes open wide and shocked at your touch. 
Gleaming Twinkling Eyes like sinking ships On waters so inviting I almost jump in
“Oh, Sweets,” he whispers as the record crackles in between songs. His hand captures yours, pressing it against his head. “I–it’s—you know–”
“I know,” tears well in your eyes, “but I’ve known.” 
He thickly gulps, swallowing down the words you long to hear him say. Instead, he moves your hand to rest against his heart.
“You are every–he never deserved you and I’m sorry I didn’t say it any sooner. I’m a coward–but–I’m going to do better for you. It’s— you have so much going on. I will be here for you, but I can’t do that to you… not now.”
“What if I want it? What if I’ve wanted it since… we met?” 
He smirks. “I want it too–but not like this–not so soon.”
Your head drops, suddenly you feel quite sober. Embarrassment will do that. 
“Sweets,” he whispers. “Look at me. You’re my Golden Girl. You have been. Always.”
Your eyes stare into his, his glassy brown eyes reflect yours, tears welling at the edge.
“That's the blank, unholy surprise of it. You're the golden girl, Sweets. Full of life and warmth and delight.”
He gently pulls you closer, settling you on his lap, wrapping his arms around you. 
“Of course you’d use my favorite movie to make me feel better,” you say, settling your head against his broad chest.
“I’ll do anything to make you feel better, Golden Girl.”
He holds you, gently rocking back and forth to the music until the record ends. 
That night, you sleep in that same guest room bed, wrapped in Dieter’s strong arms, protected from the spiral of negativity you’ll soon wake up to. 
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spencereid · 10 months
3 weeks in and i dodged every side effect of my antidepressants except the absolute fucking pure exhaustion. i’m clockin like 16 hours of sleep some days and i just don’t wanna fuckin move
2 notes · View notes
sagesolsticewrites · 7 months
Kiss It Better (pt 2) 💋
That lipstick mark leads to a surprising turn of events 👀
a/n: Y’all didn’t think I was gonna leave it like that, did you? Ask and you shall receive: Kiss It Better pt 2! (Also! I’m having sooo much fun with these MOTA requests 🥹 feel free to send more in, or request other characters y’all think I should write for!)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
Read pt 1 here!
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You stopped into sickbay early the next morning, to catch up on paperwork.
The fact that you’d be able to see Buck was just a bonus; at least, that’s what you told yourself.
But when you stepped inside, there was already someone sitting at Buck’s bedside.
“Bucky,” you sighed with relief once your surprise had faded, “Should’ve known you’d stop by sooner or later.”
“He’s gonna be okay, right?” Bucky asked, and you could just make out worry lining his face as you approached.
“He’ll be fine,” you assured him, “The scrapes will heal up in no time, and after a week or so of rest he should be cleared to fly again.”
“Good,” Bucky nodded, shoulders visibly relaxing, “That’s good. Now, uh…”
A smirk appeared on his face. “Wanna tell me what this is all about?”
He tapped his forehead, and after a moment of confusion glancing between him and Buck, your eyes finally landed on the bright red outline of your lips somehow still visible on Gale’s forehead.
You felt heat flood your face, and you were suddenly hyperaware of the same red lipstick that you had painstakingly applied only an hour earlier.
“Oh. Oh! That. Well, um…” You tried to look anywhere but at Bucky and his sleeping friend as you explained, “Buck was a little out of it when he was brought in yesterday, and when I was explaining the protocol for his head wound he asked me to, uh… kiss it better.”
You silently prayed for the ground to open up and swallow you as Bucky just barely held back a snicker.
Noticing how uncomfortable you were, however, he quickly said, “No, sweetheart, it’s not you, it’s just…”
Bucky shook his head, seemingly in exasperation, “Of course it took a head wound to get this guy to ask you for a kiss.”
Your mind seemed to have trouble processing this, and for a moment all you heard was ask you for a kiss before you were able to reply with a confused, “I’m sorry, I— what?”
Bucky let out a soft laugh.
“I was really hopin’ I could get him to tell you himself, but at this rate we’ll be well into old age before that happens, so…” He took a deep breath.
Sensing that you should probably be sitting down for whatever he was about to say, you perched on the edge of Buck’s cot, trying very hard not to think about the mere inches between the two of you.
“I don’t know how you haven’t seen it, but Buck’s been head over heels for you since the first day he saw you, sweetheart.”
“I— But he’s never—”
“He was always goin’ on about being worried what telling you might do to your friendship,” Bucky explained with a shrug, “That’s just how he is. Tends to keep things bottled up inside. But seein’ you two just dance around each other for the past three months has been absolute torture, so this is me puttin’ an end to my misery once and for all.”
Bucky stood, giving you a friendly pat on your knee, “Tell him how you feel, sweetheart. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
He left with a wink, a smile, and a quip about not getting too handsy — “This is a hospital! People are trying to heal!” — that left you blushing.
And just like that, you were left alone with a sleeping Gale Cleven.
Unsure what to do, you simply stared at him for a moment, taking him in. He was so… unguarded in his sleep, despite the scrapes and bruises, and your heart went soft at the lack of worry lines that seemed to be ever-present when he was awake. You resisted the urge to run your fingers through his dirty blond hair, still mussed from the battle and from sleep, instead choosing to run your fingertips over the slightly faded lipstick mark on his temple.
You just barely managed to stifle a gasp when he stirred, but it was too late.
“Y/N?” Your name slipped drowsily from his lips, and a small thrill ran through you at the sound— until he seemed to wake more and corrected himself hurriedly. “I mean, Nurse L/N, um. Good morning.”
“Good morning, Major,” you replied, once again falling back into the safety of professionalism.
There was a bit of an awkward silence, neither of you wanting to disrupt the rare quiet of an early morning on base.
Buck eventually cleared his throat, looking determinedly at his blanket and nowhere else as he spoke.
“Yesterday… After the battle’s a bit of a blur, but unless I’m misremembering I might’ve asked you to, uh…”
His hand drifted almost automatically up to his forehead, and you couldn’t help a small laugh as you tracked the movement.
“Kiss it better?” You asked teasingly, hoping to get ahead of the inevitable embarrassment, “You did.”
You couldn’t help your eyes flicking to the imprint of your lips on his forehead, and Buck, observant pilot that he was, noted it instantly.
“What? Do I have something on my face?”
And here you were once again wishing the ground would open up and swallow you as you wordlessly handed Buck a small mirror from your pocket.
“Oh, you actually…” His face turned beet-red, and he scrambled to apologize; “I’m sorry, you didn’t have to— you know I would never—”
“Hey,” you lowered the mirror, gently removing it from his grasp so his focus was on you, “I know. You were a little out of it, it’s alright. And you never know, it might’ve helped.” You couldn’t help but add with a teasing grin before asking with genuine concern, “How are you feeling now?”
He seemed to take stock of his condition internally before answering “A bit better, all things considered. I’ve got a friend who’s one of the best nurses on base, y’know.”
“Please, Major, I’m just doing my job,” you replied, avoiding his gaze as you waved away the compliment.
“No, really. I honestly—” He seemed to steel himself for something, his expression as he took a deep breath not unlike when they were called for a mission — pure determination.
“It got… pretty bad up there yesterday. And at first I was thinkin’… as long as we get the mission done, and the other boys get home safe, I don’t particularly care what happens to me. And then…” His fingertips edged towards yours, just as they had yesterday, “I got to thinking about you. About wanting to make it back to you, to tell you I—”
His voice faltered as his soft blue gaze met your own, and there was a beat of silence. Your own eyes were welling up with tears, but you blinked them back as best you could.
You couldn’t quite form the words, so you decided to show him that you knew exactly what he was trying to say.
Taking his face in your hands, mindful of his head wound, you pressed your lips to his as gently as you could.
He froze, and for a moment you thought you’d made a horrible mistake. Was Bucky wrong? Was this his idea of a joke?
But then Gale was sitting up, leaning into you, pressing his lips to yours with a fierce tenderness. One scarred, callused hand came up to cup your cheek while the other — Gale Cleven, ever the gentleman — rested just above your waist, pulling you closer.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed there in that small bubble of bliss. It felt like an eternity that ended all too soon as the two of you parted for air.
“I never thought—” Buck let out a soft laugh, almost in disbelief, his nose brushing against yours, “I mean, I loved being your friend, but…”
“This is probably a good time to tell you that I’ve been absolutely head over heels for you since the moment we met,” you said, fighting back a blush.
“Finally!” A familiar voice came from the entrance to the hospital, “Only took you three months, but I’m happy for you two—”
You buried your face in Buck’s neck as he tossed a pillow at Bucky.
“Get outta here, Bucky, I’m trying to have a moment with my girl!” He called good-naturedly.
“I want all the details later!” He called back as he retreated to the safety of the hallway, “Congrats, sweetheart!”
You assumed that last part was aimed at you, but you were preoccupied with a different pair of words.
“Your girl, huh?” You said, meeting Gale’s gaze with a shy smile.
“Yeah,” he grins down at you, the scars doing nothing to diminish the joy on his face, “That is, uh… if you want.”
You briefly pressed your lips to his once again, the smile on your face all the answer he needed.
Pulling back to take in his smiling face, an idea came to you.
You leaned up to press a kiss right where the stain of your lipstick was still visible on his forehead.
Then again to the scar just between his eyebrows.
And again to the bruise just below his right eye.
You scattered kisses across all the scrapes, scratches, and bruises on his face. Buck spoke up as you pressed kisses to a series of shallow scrapes along his jaw.
“Not that I don’t, uh…” he began in a slightly strangled voice, “really like this, doll, but what are you doing?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” You said, pulling away to meet his gaze for a moment before you pressed your lips to a scratch on the bridge of his nose, “I’m kissing it better.”
Buck let out the loudest, fondest laugh you’d ever heard from him, and your heart felt like it filled with pure sunshine at the sound.
“I knew there was a reason you were my favorite nurse,” he grinned, pulling you in for yet another tender kiss.
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Buck our beloved 🥰 This was so much fun to write, I hope y’all enjoyed! 😊 Tagging a couple friends just for fun 🤍: @sassy-ahsoka-tano @mpmarypoppins @austinbutlermischief @austin-butlers-gf @dontbesussis
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littlemissmiller · 1 month
Bird in a Cage
Part 3: His Perfect Girl
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Pairing: dark!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
Summary: After your photoshoot, President Snow prepares you a bath and you get ready for dinner. With the help of the bath, some wine, and some special chocolates, you’re feeling for him have seemingly changed…
Warning: 21+ (drinking), smut, choking, oral (f!receiving) , nicknames (baby, good girl), semi-rough sex, use of aphrodisiacs, dark themes, toxic themes, obsession, stalking, possesjsion, kidnapping
A/N: hiiiii! I’m back! i know it’s been a while and i apologize it’s been a rough August/end of July, but I’m back, I’m better than ever (hopefully…) work has been killer (I’m just a lil ole tech at a hospital y’all) and i had some personal life problems…so i hope you enjoy this, i was planning on finishing Summer Highs by the end of August but we shall see. Thanks to all who have continued to support me and this account i appreciate it greatly. Much much love ♥︎
Series Masterlist
After you finish up the photoshoot, you’re whisked away to your bedroom. As you enter, the aroma of rose petals and chamomile fills the air. It’s hot and steamy and you peak into the bathroom as you walk in. You look around the room and on top of the bed sits a rose gold, silk robe and another letter. Only ce the maid closes the door you pick up the letter and read it.
My dear,
I was able to see the photos from today. You are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on. Absolutely stunning. You will look just as beautiful at dinner, I’m sure. Freshen up. Your bath is ready.
- C.S.
You sigh and once again remember that he can see you. You take a deep breath, the enchanting scent of the room flooding your senses. He wasn’t wrong. After sleeping on the floor all night, then modeling all day, you did feel sore in places. You take the robe and waltz into the bathroom. The porcelain tub is steaming and the water is littered with rose petals. Next to it, a small table, with a flute of champagne and three chocolates wrapped in gold foil. You test the temperature with your hand. The warmth is so inviting, you can’t resist. He’s even laid out a towel for you at the edge of the bath and had candles lit. It’s romantic in a way.
You strip off your dress, letting it fall to the ground and sink in. You submerge into the hot water and let out a soft sigh. It envelops you like a warm blanket, unwinding your knots, aches, and pains. You feel an immense wave of relaxation wash over you. You pick up the flute of champagne and sip. The bubbles dance on your lip and down your throat. It’s delicious, delicate, and lulls you further into a calm state of mind. The warmth of the tub encompasses you, melts your thoughts away. Maybe you could get used to things here for a bit.
Maybe this isn’t so bad
You think to yourself and your mind drifts off to President Snow of all people. You take another deep breath in and reflect on lunch. You’re torn. For the first time since being here, you feel like you’re noticing how handsome he is in person. You had seen him in pictures and on TV counetless times, always admiring the handsome young blonde. Before the gala, it was fair to say you were attracted to him, how could you not. He was one of the most handsome men in all of Panem and for most people completely unattainable. Yet, being his prisoner had put a slight bad taste in your mouth about him, an eerie feeling you can’t seem to shake.
The bath is helping however, and it’s hard to feel that sense of unease, when the water is so comfortable. You bite your lip, letting out a long sigh. Soon you would be with him, accompanying him at dinner. But now the thought of it doesn’t sound so bad. A nice meal, some wine, it truly sounds inviting. You take another sip of champagne and start to feel the buzz. You haven’t been this pampered in a while, despite your modeling career.
After a few more minutes soaking in the tub, you get out, take the towel, and wrap it around your body. Once you're dried off you put the robe on. When you exit your room you nearly forget he can watch you, but you seem to care as much. You had finished your champagne and was not just tipsy, but drunk off the aromas and warmth of your bath.
When you walk back into the bedroom there is a new outfit on your bed. It’s your dress. The red dress from the night of the gala. It’s an elegant red silk, with an across the shoulder cut and a slit that stops at your upper thigh. A pair of black heels lay at the foot of the bed and you recognize them as the same ones from that night as well. Along with the dress, he has given you a new accessory. A heavy, thick, silver, chain necklace. It’s intimidating, but nonetheless you take it back into the bathroom and change. You take time to also fix up your hair and makeup, despite having little tools to make your hair look nice. Once you feel you look your absolute best, you exit the bathroom and knock on the door. The maid opens it up, smiles and escorts you out of the room, along with the guards. They lead you back to the dining room this morning, where Coriolanus is looking out the window, sipping on a glass of red wine. The maid shuts the door and he turns around. He’s changed since you’ve last seen him. He now stands before you in a pair of dark, blood red slacks, and vest on top of his crisp white button up. He smiles and walks over to you, his black dress shoes creating an echo in the room.
“Hello my dear, you look incredible.”
“Thank you, President Snow.”
“Please, come sit” he gestures to the dining table.
You obey and take a seat.
“How was your bath?”
“Very nice. I haven’t felt that relaxed in a while.”
“Is that so? I would think a women in your career would have that sort of pampering in her schedule red” He remarks
“Not necessarily. That’s all things they expect me to do in my own time and that’s not always easy. Especially when the Capitol is always having a new trend to keep up with.”
“You can tell me twice, our citizens seem to change their mind about what’s popular quite often. It makes planning for the games challenging in some ways.”
“Because they want a good show?”
“Exactly, my smart girl”
Your core can’t help but burn slightly at the nickname and you bite your lower lip without meaning to. He smirks at your actions and pours you a glass of wine. You take it from him and take a sip.
“You like that don’t you. Being called my smart girl…”
“I-I don’t unwelcome it…”
“Good. I’ll keep that in mind. Tell me? Did you enjoy the photoshoot as well?”
“I did. I’ve always enjoyed modeling, despite how taxing the hours can be.”
“I’m glad. You truly did look stunning in those photos. I’ll make sure you see them tomorrow.”
You nod your head and take another sip of wine.
“You smell wonderful by the way. There’s more of that to come. Just so you know.”
“More baths?”
“More everything. Baths, clothes, pampering, and…” he holds out his hand, expecting you to take it. You do, without hesitation this time.
“Being treated like the gorgeous creature you are” he kisses your knuckles
“Can I ask you a question?”
He tilts his head and anticipates your response.
“You said you had something for me. If today went well”
“Ah! I do! I’ll show you after dinner” he kisses your knuckles again, smiling.
There is a brief moment of silence, before two avoxes come out with a charcuterie board and two plates. Coriolanus once again pays them no mind as they serve you, leaving a set of plates as well. You go to thank them, but he squeezes your hand.
“That’s not necessary, my dear” he kisses your hand one last time, before releasing it.
You nod to show you understand, then take some cheese and cured meat from the board.
“So what’s after dinner?”
“I thought a night walk would be nice. Get some fresh air then I’ll be taking you to my chambers.”
“To your bedroom?”
“Mhmm” he nods taking some cheese and crackers “and if you want, you can stay with me in my bed tonight…would you like that?”
“T-to sleep with you.”
He nods and smiles.
“Just sleep?”
“If that’s all you want…”
You nervously sip your wine, to afraid to answer. You look away for a moment then look back. He’s still anticipating your response, a curious look spread across his face.
“What do you want?”
He smiles and reaches for your hand again. You takes it and he squeezed it.
“My dear, I want whatever you want. If you want me to bed you properly, I will…”
“But my wants aside, what do you truly have in mind…”
He pauses for a moment, kisses your knuckles, before releasing your hand, taking another bite of cheese, and swallowing it with his wine. He leans back and eyes your body.
“You truly wish to know…”
You nod vigorously.
“Well a beautiful woman such as yourself deserves to be shown how beautiful you are. And not just with nice clothes and a hot bath.” He smirks
“With what then?” You ask
“Let me ask you, when’s the last time you slept with a man?”
You feel a slow heat creep up your face. How could he be so bold and brash towards you? Then again this is President Snow.
“I-well…it’s been a while.”
“Longer than a year?”
“Less than.”
“Did he make you shake, tremble? Make you forget your own name and replace it with his?”
“N-n-no, President Snow”
“No. I’ve never had a man do that to me. Usually I…” you start, his inquisitive gaze stopping your thoughts.
“Go on” he encourages
“I usually don’t focus on my own pleasure and neither does the other person”
“Is that so?” He grins
You nod anxiously, tucking a hair behind your ear.
“Would you like that? If a man made sure you felt satisfied?”
You shift in your seat. The heat starts to rise from in between your legs and the handsome young face of the president is now ever more apparent. A gentle smirk lays across his face, as if he’s back to being a school boy who answered the professor’s question right over everyone else. The type of look that puts you right in your place. You bite your lip and glance down for a moment. You shift in your seat again, hiding your emotions behind your wine glass.
“Look at you. You do, don’t you? You’ve never been properly touched by a man. They take from you and never give. I don’t like to take things without giving back. Especially when it comes to my need to please a woman such as yourself.”
“I-I just always felt like that’s how it goes.” You admit
“Maybe for the boys you’ve been with. Most men want to make sure their women are good and satisfied. A man like myself, that’s what I love most. I crave it to a degree.” He explains
“So I take it you’ve satisfied many women in Panem?”
“I’ve been known to. Part of why my staff wants me to find a wife. And I’ll admit, I would like to find someone to have as my own. Have you ever been in love?”
You’re once again taken back by his boldness, sipping your wine before answering.
“Once, a few years ago…” you whisper tentatively.
“And not even he treated you how you deserve?”
“No, that’s why we broke up. Because I felt neglected and he didn’t see a problem.”
You look directly at the handsome blonde, and he peers at you, mouth slightly agape, as if he had been horribly offended. His breath hitches as he downs the last of his wine furiously. He sets the glass down and pours himself another.
“I promise, as long as you’re in my care, I won’t neglect you like that. You’ll never feel like that if you become my First Lady. Ever. Do you understand?”
“Yes, President Snow”
You and him move past the topic and into polite conversation. He asks you about how you got into modeling, what you like about it, what you hate. He seems interested in you and your life, nodding along and continuing to sip his wine. Eventually, dinner is served and it once again looks amazing. It looks like a white sauce pasta at first, but on closer examination there are elements to it you don’t immediately recognize.
“I see you’re making a face. It’s a truffle pasta. You can’t even get this in any restaurant in the capital. That’s how rare they are now. I only have chef make it for specific occasions.”
“And what’s the occasion tonight?”
“You. To our first dinner together.” He raises his glass and smiles.
You nod and tentatively smile back, raising your glass and clinking it against your own. You take a bite and immediately let out a soft moan. It’s so savory and rich. The sauce is so flavorful, and creamy. It has a garlic like taste to it, savory with a hint of umami to it.
“It’s delicious.” You utter
“Glad you think so.”
You both eat and enjoy the meal in front of you, talking little and focusing on the flavors. It truly is one of the best dishes you’ve had and you’re not sure how’ll his chef continue to outdo himself. You take your time to eat, the young president occasionally tossing you a glance and smirking to himself. He’s all too amused by your satisfaction with the meal. He loves how pleased you look and is tempted to now see you pleased in a different light. You notice his reaction, and try not to feel so small. You hate how he watches you and try to focus on your food.
Eventually, you both finish and there is an awkward moment of silence as the avoxes clear away the plates.
“Would you care to join me in the garden?
You nod and he smiles. He stands up, taking his wine glass, and you follow suit. He takes your hand and guides you out of the room. You slowly walk out to the garden, holding his hand the entire way. He continues to look back at you, giving you a devious smile each time. He can’t help but let his eyes trail over your bare legs and chest. He can’t help but imagine how the rest of your beautiful figure looks and he intends to find out soon.
As he leads you away, you look out onto the garden, which is now lit up by various lights on the pavement and in the rose bushes.
“It’s beautiful out here at night too.”
“Isn’t it?” He squeezed your hand.
He guides you down the stairs and surrounds you in the green and white lush of the rose bushes. He leads you around, walking back to where you and him hand lunch.
“I’d like to see more of the garden this evening if possible?” You request sounding innocent, but you keep your goals of escaping in the back of your mind.
“Of course. But I have something for you here.”
He guides you to the spot where you had lunch, the chairs and table gone and replaced by a single, tall standing iron table with a box on it and a small silver tray covered up next to it. You look at it curiously and he momentarily drops your hand and picks up the box.
“Turn around.” He instructs softly
You obey
“Close your eyes and push your hair back.” You nod and follow his instructions once again.
You hear the box open and then the sound of something metal clinging slightly. You have a good idea of what it is now. He approaches you with careful footsteps. Coriolanus stands confidently behind you, clutching the jewelry in his hand. Slowly, your chin is tilted up by his fingers, his hot breath fanning the shell of your ear. He unhooks the chain from around your neck and slides it into his pocket.
“You can keep that one of you want, but I have something far more beautiful.” He whispers
You shutter as he wraps a new necklace around your neck, followed by his hand under your jaw, kissing behind your earlobe.
“Turn around. Open your eyes, beautiful.”
You do as he says. You touch the new necklace and look down at it. It’s a golden rose, and it lays horizontally against your chest. You look at him doe eyed, speechless. Coriolanus grips your chin, forcing your face to look at his. He smirks. Coriolanus wants desperately to kiss you, but he knows now is not the moment. He strokes your face gently, then turns behind and uncovers the platter next to the box. Two chocolate truffles sit on the plate and he takes it, putting it in front of you.
“It’s the finest chocolate I have at the palace. Chef wants you to test out his new recipe. It’s different from the ones you had with your bath.”
He holds the chocolate to you and you part your lips and bite, as he slides the piece into your mouth. He trails his thumb across your bottom lip and to the corner of your mouth. He then licks the excess chocolate from his thumb, his tongue trailing a long, broad stripe.
“Mmm” the blonde moans “you can taste the hints of orange.” He remarks, taking the other piece.
“It is very good.”
“I should tell you this chocolate contains a few interesting ingredients.” He remarks
“Like what?”
“Nothing unusual or man made, just some natural elements. Since chocolate is already…a boost to…” he starts “certain needs…and desires” he says, popping the other truffle into his mouth.
“Will I feel…different”
“Not like a drug no, but you may feel more inclined to want to do something about how you feel.”
He takes your hand and kisses your knuckles.
“You look so pretty out in the moonlight.”
“Thank you Mr. President.”
He smiles at you and you continue to follow him through the garden. He walks you down a path leading to more greenery and bushes. Then the path opens up into a cleared out area with a grand marble fountain. On top of the fountain was a sculpture of a woman, the symbol of Panem. Water flows from the top of her head and back into the fountain
“I’ve always liked this part of the garden. The fountain. What it represents.”
You look at the fountain and walk to it. You look inside and look at images of all the symbols engraved into the base. Coal, lumber, grains, all the resources from the districts. You look at it and realize that the same water flowing out is the same as the water in the base. You slowly put the pieces together of what it means.
“The Flow of Panem. It was built for the last president. In all honesty I want to move it so it’s more front and center.”
“Explain it to me.” You ask, even though you got the idea. You know it will fuel his ego, make him trust you more so hopefully he’ll show you around and then you can really plan an escape.
He smiles and looks at it, tilting his head.
“The base flows into the statue and the statue spits the water back out on the base. The base provides for the statue and the statue gives back.”
You nod and he holds out his hand again and you take it. As he continues to guide you around, you admire how the flowers look under the glow of the lights and moonlight. He finally takes you back inside and at this point you’re holding onto this arm. He loves how you cling to him and by now you’re both feeling the effects of the chocolate. You look up at him and give a soft smile. As you step into the palace he leads you to his bedroom, and a new feeling washes over you.
His bedroom is similar to the rest of the aesthetic of the palace. There is a small area for guests to sit in front of a fireplace. Off to the side, in front of the large window looking out, sits a small desk. You glance around at the many portraits of his family and depictions of younger versions of him. Next to the desk is a spiraling staircase that must lead to his bedroom. In the sitting area, a table stands with another chilled bottle of red wine. Coriolanus invites you to join him by the fire and you do, following him. You lean against the mantel and he gets some more wine, picking up the bottle. He walks towards you, refilling your glass and you thank him. He puts the bottle on the mantle and looks at you with great interest.
“You’re welcome” he whispers, brushing your cheek with his forefinger. “Your skin is so warm here by the fire.”
“So are your fingers” you breathe
You look at him, eyes connected to his own and a small wave of lust washes over you. He trails his touch down to your jaw, holding your chin delicately. He smirks and tilts his head.
“It makes me wonder, where else are you hot?”
He sets his glass next to the bottle and places his other hand on your waist. You set your glass down as well, as his touch begins to light up your body. His thumb brushes your hip and thighs, grazing under the slit of your dress. You gasp at his actions and lightly grip his bicep. He trails his thumb across your bottom lip, then tilts your face to fully look at him. Coriolanus sighs, his blue eyes beckoning for your full attention. You can see how full of need he is. How badly he wants to kiss you, but is waiting for your permission. You flutter your lashes at him slowly, looking at his tempting lips. Your body is begging for you to give in and finally you do. You can’t help it. He’s so handsome, the light from the fire shadowing his features perfectly, causing your head to stir. You kiss him, slowly, carefully.
His breath hitches and he moves his hand to cup your face. He continues to kiss you, moving his mouth with your own slow pace. He doesn’t want to frighten you. In fact, the exact opposite. He finally has you how he wants to and now he’s desperate for more. His lips are so unexpectedly soft and tender, a complete opposite in comparison to his normal demeanor. You continue to kiss him, finding yourself wanting more. Your body continues to betray you as a slow heat creeps up your skin, starting in between your legs.
You pull back with a gasp, almost taken aback but own actions. A greedy smile curls up on his lips. He cups your face and strokes it carefully with his thumb.
“So perfect. Makes me want more of you, my angel”
He leans in to kiss your cheek, then trails it down to your jawline, and then your neck.
“Can I mark you?” He growls
You nod breathlessly and he sucks on your soft flesh. He’s starting to become more and more animalistic with his actions, finding it hard to restrain himself. He pushes your neck further against his mouth and tilts your head back. The heat in between your legs is now becoming sensitive as your core is now throbbing for him. You bet you’ll be soaked by the time he finally takes you. His lips leave another mark on the other side of your neck and he pulls back to admire his work. Satisfied, he traces the marks with his fingertips and looks into your eyes.
“Would you like to continue this in my bed?”
You nod, almost surprised at your reaction. He guides you and picks up his wine glass.
“Take your wine.” He insists
You nod and follow him up the stairs leading to his bedroom. Once up and inside, you briefly look around. It’s clear he likes to keep the aesthetic of the palace consistent and his bedroom reflects that. It’s a relatively plain room. A single king bed, with white sheets, lays against the right side of the room. It has a delicate, hand carved wooden canopy that sits above it, making the bed look cozy and inviting.
He turns to look at you and sips his wine. He once again touches your neck and smirks.
“Finish your glass. It will help the chocolate work better.”
“Why is that?” You ask
“Wine can have a similar effect as those chocolates. They can both help you feel…like you want to give into your needs.”
You take a sip as instructed and look at him straight in his eyes as you do.
“So that’s what the chocolates were then. A boost for…”
“One’s natural desires, yes.” He sips his wine finishing it.
You finish yours as well and he guides you to his bed. You sit and he takes your glass, along with his own, from you, putting them on his nightstand. He returns back to you, sitting next to you. He cups your face again, letting his other hand part your legs slightly.
“I have a feeling you didn’t even need the chocolate though. Hmm?”
“I-I won’t lie, before I came here, I did always admire you.” You admit, despite your need to escape, you once again feel torn, especially now that he’s about to take you fully.
“Yes, tell me more”
“I mean, when I would see you on TV or in the papers, I had thoughts.”
“Mhmm, where I’m doing what I’m doing to you.”
His hands trail more slowly, continuing to part your legs, fingers dancing on your bare thigh.
“Yes, Mr. President”
“Mmm” he hums “have I ever told you how pretty you sound talking to me like that. I love how right it sounds.”
“It’s your title is it not?”
“It is. But you are careful and respectful about using it. You have no idea how different you are. How special. How much it means to hear you say my name like that.”
You watch him as he now gropes your thigh. He turns your chin and kisses you again. He sighs against you, slowly lowering you onto his bed. He doesn’t crawl on top of you however, yet he simply lays by your side, strokes your hair and continues to kiss you. He revels in having you on his bed like this, a sight he’s waited for ever since he first took you to his home. Time and patience had proved him right once again. You spread your legs some more and he moans against your mouth. He pulls back, resting his lips against yours
“Getting needy?”
You nod, and he bites and pulls at your bottom lip causing you to moan.
“Do you like getting eaten out?”
You nod vigorously and he slides his hand under your dress through the slit, grabbing your panties and sliding them down. He chuckles as he goes back to feel your wetness.
“You’re dripping.” He rubs your core slowly, gently “I need to taste you.”
“Please…” you beg
He lets out a low, sinister chuckle as he starts to kiss down your body. Your dress is still on, yet you can still feel the pressure of his lips through the fabric. He finally reaches your thigh, inching down to nestle himself in between them. He drags your dress up past your hips and admires your exposed slit. He looks at you as he rubs it again. You can’t help but moan and clutch the bed sheets. He watches you beginning to writhe under his touch and he truly loves the sight before him. Then he dives in, his tongue giving your core a curious kiss, then a long, broad lick. You shutter and buck your hips. He holds them down, going back in with more conviction. His mouth is so soft and wet against you and you can tell he’s quite experienced in this area. You're not sure how many girls he’s taken home or went to bed with, but he sure knows how to make you feel like the most special woman in the world. Like a man starved, he eats you like it’s his last meal. His mouth envelops your pussy, licking and sucking on your clit with great attention. You can tell he loves it too. Loves to taste women like this. Get all up in it and devour them. Especially you and your perfect pussy. And you taste so divine.
As he continues to lap at you, you continue to struggle against his touch, hips wanting to still buck and legs beginning to shake. You moan over and over and over again. You can’t help but also moan out his name, telling him how good it feels. His hands hook under your thighs as he pushes his face in further to your folds. You’re so sensitive, so needy, dripping and throbbing from your heat. He pokes his tongue through your slit and fucks you with his mouth. Despite his best efforts, your hips buck up over and over again. You squirm at his touch, you’ve never had a man do that to you before. The sensation is incredible and you feel completely lost under the spell of his mouth.
Coriolanus is reveling in your lust. Your whimpers and moans are so sweet rolling past your lips. He wants you to be loud. He wants you to enjoy yourself. He wants to know how much you want him. Let the whole palace hear it too.
“That's it beautiful, let it all out. Let me hear those pretty little noises”
He goes back to your core practically drowning in your wetness and he gives you a few last swipes with his tongue. He kisses your slit then pulls back. He gets greedy, letting his fingers pick up the work from his tongue. He’s so passive, almost experimental, as he plays with your clit. Then, he slides a finger in and then another. You moan and watch him. He sits up on his knees, placing his hands on your pelvis. He curls them up and pushes them in and out of your core. He finds a good rhythm and speeds up. You gasp in pleasure, his fingers working you up so much you feel like you might explode. He speeds up again, changing his hand from a curling motion to a rapid up and down pace. You clench his forearm and flop your head back onto the mattress. He can tell you’re close, your slick, gummy walls wrapping around his fingers like a vice. He watches you, your expression, your pretty face scrunching up. He pulls back just as you know you’re going to finish, he pulls his hand away. You whine at the loss, but your attention is won over by his actions. Coriolanus smirks as he undoes his belt.
“Take that dress off sweet thing.”
You nod and shimmy out of it. He pulls it down and off your body. He gasps at your naked figure, taking in the sight laid across his bed. He sighs, palming himself through his pants as he simultaneously palms your breast with one hand. He pulls his pants down, leaving his boxers on. He rubs himself slowly, gawking at you and admiring how gorgeous you are.
“Look at you, so beautiful like this.”
He leans down and kisses your jawline sloppily. He rocks his hips against your pelvis.
“I really, really want you…” he growls
“Then take me” you moan back, your whiny voice sounding oh so desperate.
He smirks to himself, pulling his boxers down. His cock springs out, hard and ready. He strokes it in his hand, watching you and occasionally glancing down at it.
“Touch yourself.” He commands
You nod, biting your lip and gently rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves in between your legs. You rub slowly and watch him as he pumps his length. A satisfied smile sets in on his lips and he moves his hips closer. He leans down, kisses you and then, slowly pushes in. You moan against his mouth, pull away, and gasp as he bottoms out. He feels so big and full inside you. He slowly moves, grunts falling from his lips as he picks up the pace. Your hand falls away and finds his biceps. His hot breath fans your face as he rocks into you and he eventually captures your lips with his own. Cupping your face and keeping his movements consistent, you feel a slow wave of pleasure beginning to build. He pushes your leg up towards your chest, giving him better access to you. You look down at where he’s entered you and whimper. Watching his cock move in you like this has you drowning in ecstasy. He notices how mesmerized you are and wraps his hand around your neck.
“You’re hypnotized by it aren’t you? Tell me do you want more?”
You nod fervently and he chokes you tighter.
“Let me hear you. Tell me.”
“I need more. Please sir.” You croak
“Good girl.”
He speeds up, his hips getting faster and faster. Coriolanus slams into you, your body moving in sync with his rough rhythm. Your whimpers fill the room and the young president revels in your satisfaction, committing your sweet sounds and noises to memory. He continues to have a tight grip on your throat, almost cutting off your air, but you can still breathe. He stares into your eyes, his lust flooding your soul. He kisses you harshly, lips wasting no time to taste you. He prods his tongue in, swirling it with your own. You can’t help but moan, his hand moving to clench your jaw. He pulls back to look at you again. He looks down in between your legs, then back at you. He snakes his hand down to swirl your clit. He rubs the sensitive bundle of nerves, causing your hips to buck.
“That’s it. Show me how much you enjoy this. Just let go baby. Allow yourself to enjoy this pleasure I’m giving you.”
“Yes sir, thank you Mr. President”
“You’re so welcome my dear.” He kisses you again “My good” he groans “obedient…” he thrusts into you “girl.”
He ruts into you, lips still sealed on your own. Your own hands have settled on his back, holding onto him like a bear gripping a tree. The more he moves, you can feel you’re about to explode. Coriolanus picks up on it too, and gives you several purposeful thrusts to trigger your high. And he does. You clench around his cock, letting out a desperate cry of relief. Your legs shake and quiver, and you a series of cuss words flow from your mouth.
“That’s it.. Let it out. Dirty girl, it feels so good doesn’t it.”
He can feel himself getting close too, riding off the wave of your own climax.
“I’m going to cum too baby.” He warns “It’s ok, don't worry about taking it..”
You whine in protest at first, but then you feel it. His white, hot, cum shooting into you, hitting your cervix. Coriolanus slowly rests his hips, letting all of himself spill into you. He feels so satisfied, loving how fucked out you look as he pulls out. He watches the cum roll past your folds, down your ass and leg. He licks the pad of his thumb and trails it up your legs. He shoves it back at you then holds his thumb to your lips. You part them and he nods. You suck on his thumb and he moans, appreciating the sight in front of him.
“You’re so perfect. So gorgeous. You’ll stay with me tonight .”
You nod. It wasn’t an ask, but rather a command. You lick your bottom lip and then bite it.
“I’ll get you a towel and your nightwear. I’ll be back soon, don’t worry I’ll come hold you so you can fall asleep.” He whispers, kissing your cheek.
He crawls off the bed and heads to his bathroom to get you a towel. You lay back, wanting to cover yourself since you’re suddenly more cold. You spot a throw blanket at the edge of the bed and reach for it. You wrap up in it and wait for him to return. You rest your eyes and fold your hands under your head for support. You feel calm, relaxed, and truly satisfied as well. It’s like he’s put a spell on you, not drugging you per se, but you can feel that after tonight, your feelings about this situation have shifted.
When he returns, he cleans you up, then helps change you into a pink, satin sleepwear set, with a lacy top and bottoms to match.
“So sexy. Here.” he holds them out to you and you also see he’s holding a small silver tray with a pill on it.
“This will keep you from getting pregnant. I’ll get you a water”
He walks off, taking your empty wine glass with him. He comes back shortly, the glass now filled with water. He hands it to you, watching you closely as you swallow the contraceptive. You hand him the glass and he sets it down. You just now notice he’s shirtless and in just a pair of boxers as he crawls into bed. You move under the sheets as he lays the comforter over your body.
“Are you comfortable, too warm, too cold?” He asks
“I’m comfortable…” you murmur, slowly lulling into sleep.
Coriolanus settles in next to you, his hips slightly grinding into your ass as he pulls you closer to him, flush against his chest. He places small delicate kisses behind your ear and sighs into you.
“You realize how perfect you are. How perfect tonight has been?”
“Thank you Mr. President. It has been fantastic.” You agree
He turns your chin, kissing you firmly on the mouth.
“You can call me Coriolanus right now. Say it. Tell me what I want to hear.”
“It was perfect Coriolanus.”
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number1joostkleinfan · 3 months
Waited so long
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Summary: reader is participating in Eurovision!! Btw It’s basically just the start of the story
Warnings:make outs, hickeys, angst if you squint hard enough
A/n: im obsessed with making out so I will probably write more fics Abt it btw most of this is background so Ya🤗
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Translation: liefde = love, schatje = sweetheart, schat = darling, honing = honey, Maak je je zorgen over de zuigzoen = Are you worried about the hickey? | Some of the translations are in the story!!
Since Eurovision started you and joost haven’t been able to talk to each other as much whether it’s at the hotel or a pre party, You can only talk for like 10 minutes before a interviewer comes up to talk to joost
You usually don’t get as much interviewer’s but It still fills you with rage whenever they take him away from you. Joost notices this and comes up with a plan to meet up, Now luckily the ebu paired you up with joost to share a room
But they didn’t know that you were dating yet. Joost knew you craved him for so long. liefde? Ben je daar?(love? Are you there?) he said while looking around your shared hotel room. Surprise!! You said popping up behind him in a cami top
I’ve missed you so much joos- he smashed his lips into yours groaning at the sweet taste of your lips
I missed you too liefde, come on let’s go to the bed he says dragging your arm to the hotel bed followed by him getting undressed from his Eurovision costume you commented about how long was he planning this ‘since we stopped talking for a few days.’
Wow, clingy? You giggled, you now shifted a little so now you’re on joosts thigh he was in a cami top with a pair of shorts on
Your lips were on his neck like a magnet, you couldn’t let go of the scent of his cologne your hand was messing up the back of his hair but nothing else mattered in the moment it was just you and him alone in your guys hotel bed.
"Mmm, Schat? Are you with me? You seem to be getting out of control" he snickers in a raspy voice, "Um yeah I’m fine I just missed you for a long time joost" you say in between breaths, I’ve missed you too schat.
After a while joost decided that he wanted to give you a few, but he didn’t even say anything he just went for it. I- Joost what are you doing? Just wanted to give you a few liefde, you seem a little tense. Mhm you hum relaxing you muscles a bit
Mmm he groans hypnotized by the sweet taste of your skin, you gasp as he nibbles on your skin taking your breath away.
He decided that it was late enough and that the both of you should get some rest, when you woke up you felt someone on your chest, it was obviously joost and he never looked so much more happier in his sleep than before
You put your hand on his cheek smiling at his face taking a few photos, after a while he woke up and put his hand on top of yours. "goede morgen schat" His voice was raspy and tired "goede morgen honing" you gave him a kiss on the lips , after both of you showered and did your skincare+makeup for the pre party you decided to wear a cute maxi dress and joost wore a suit with his Europe tie and his glasses.
When you guys arrived you were getting  surrounded by interviewers but of course they took joost away once again, but you were getting a lot more than you usually get.
“So y/n I see there has been some rumors about you and Joost, are any of them true?” You were in shock mentally but physically stayed still, “um so me and joost we’re actually um together right now and we have been for a while but what makes you say that?”
“Well you and joost have a little something on your neck” they said in confusion, oh shit you mumbled slapping your hand onto your neck to cover up the hickey trying to look for Joost in the crowd
“Nonono it’s a natural thing y/n nothing to be ashamed of!” "I- um.. alright" you just gave up at this point it’s not like other artists here haven’t dated other artists here, right?
After they were done you decided to lean on the rail because all the seats were taken and wait for joost
As you were scrolling on your phone looking at some pictures of you and joost he comes up to you with two drinks for you and him
geobsedeerd zie ik?(obsessed I see?)
Shut up!
you flustered while trying to turning off your phone
"do they know? you ask in a more serious tone"
"know what liefde?"
"That we’re dating."
"Of course they do y/n, do you not want them to?"
"Yes yes! I definitely want them to know" you reassured joost rubbing the hickey he left last night
"Maak je je zorgen over de zuigzoen?" He says chewing on some ice
"No? Yes?I just don’t know how you don’t get nervous"
"I always think of you schatje.. how you’re so beautiful and loving.. Always forgiving people no matter what" he gives you a kiss on your head rubbing the back of your neck
Hugging him tightly everything and everyone goes muffled nothing mattered in the moment it was just you and and Joost together it’s like you’re safe whenever you were with him always remembering that if you needed him he’ll most definitely will be there for you no matter what.
While driving back to the hotel you were on your phone scrolling through some fan edits of you and Joost but you found a new picture from today while talking to joost there was one when he gave you a peck on your forehead and when you were hugging him, you’d let joost find them on his own you thought turning off your phone and leaning onto his shoulder.
Im proud of this one anyways i forgot to feed y’all so here😼
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jazzyoranges · 1 year
Recollections of the past
Tara Carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: when you die, Tara struggles living without you
Words: 2k
A/n: thanks for all the love on ‘birthdays and stress’ :D
Warnings: scream 6 spoilers, major character death, angst, hurt/comfort (but mostly hurt), blood, crying, mention of sex
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Tara swears she can hear angels sing when you catch her eye. She looks at you, and her heart soars. It might’ve been the booze, it might’ve been the second-hand weed, but something came over her when you looked at her with the utmost adoration. Tara can’t control her body when she starts to lean in closer, and you end up closing the gap.
Your lips fit together like you’d done this hundreds of times before. You pull the smaller girl on top you, and Tara sighs like she’s just been accepted into heaven. Her hands tangle into your hair, and it’s your turn to sigh as she starts to massage the back of your head.
Unfortunately you’re both humans that need air to breathe, but that doesn’t stop you two from diving back into each other when you’re both ready for more.
Tara made sure she had the first pleasure of saying ‘I love you’ only seconds after you asked her to be your girlfriend.
“Little miss eager, are we?”
“I’d come up with a witty remark, but i’d much rather have incredibly soft sex with you”
“God, you’re such a dork. I’m surprised we haven’t done this sooner”
“God can’t help you anymore, baby. You’re all mine, and i’m not letting you go~”
“You’re saying that like it’s a problem”
“I remember the night i realized i was in love with you. Whenever i miss you, i always think about that night. I know i’m always telling you about it, but you were just so… ethereal. I don’t think i’d ever be able to forget how you smiled at me.”
On particularly bad nights when Tara had nightmares about Amber and the Ghostface attacks, you were always there to tell her it’ll be okay. At first Sam wasn’t too approving, but you reminded her of herself. You gained Sam’s trust when you showed up at their front door in the middle of the night looking like you’d just woken up (which you did) and proceeded to let Tara cry into your neck until the sun came up.
You’d rub circles into her back and massage the back of her head until your hands were numb, and the circulation of blood has long since left your fingers. Even before you two were official, you’d give Tara the most tender kisses you could offer her.
When you kissed her nose, she’d scrunch it up and give you the tiniest smile. When you kissed her cheek, she’d giggle and mumble ‘That tickles’ in a barely audible whisper. Finally, when you kissed her forehead, her wrinkles would disappear like they were never there. Only then would you start to lay Tara back down on her bed and let the smaller girl sleep until the afternoon
Tara found your smell intoxicating like a drug. She needed it to sleep, go outside, or do anything. She just need you around her at all times. Tara would steal your clothes just for the days you couldn’t be in her apartment.
“I haven’t washed any of your clothes. Sam tells me they’ll grow mold, but i’d keep them either way. Your mom let me take home most of your clothes. Sometimes i wish you’d bought more so i wouldn’t have to use the same ones every night.”
It’s been 3 weeks since you’ve died, and Tara hasn’t gotten used to the idea of you not being home. After long nights under the sheets with her, you’d make Tara something to eat every single morning after. Your aftercare didn’t stop until you decided your girlfriend was well taken care of.
Breakfast in bed, relaxing baths, Tara may as well be the queen of England with how much you spoiled her. More often than not, you’re up and awake hours before Tara. You use this time to clean up and tidy until your next round of fun times.
You’d wash her clothes, prepare her bag for classes, and clean up the strewn about clothes from the night before. When Tara woke up, she’d be able to hear the sizzling of bacon on a pan, and your less-than-ideal-singing. Tara found it adorable when you’d mess up a lyric or try and hit a high note.
Tara still woke up to bacon sizzling and music in the background, but your voice was no longer there. Maybe you just got tired from singing? Yeah. Definitely that. Tara waited for you to arrive in her room. You usually came in around 9:30 am, but the clock quickly turned into 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 12:00 pm and even 1:00 pm. Before she knew it, Sam was spoon feeding her at 10:00 pm and you still weren’t there.
“Whenever i smell breakfast and you’re not in bed with me, i always assume you’ll come bursting through the door with a smile on your face with a tray of my favorite food. I’ve spent hours waiting for you to show up, but you never do.”
It’s been 2 months since you died, and Tara hadn’t left her room in days. Sam was growing more and more concerned as time passed. She didn’t want to admit it, but Sam was scared. What was she supposed to do in this situation? Her baby sister was hurting, and she wasn’t able to take away her pain. Sam wasn’t dumb. She saw how you two looked at each other. There was nothing but love.
Sam didn’t want to admit it, but you’d won her over long before she showed it. You were a good friend as well. Always offering to be a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. Now you were gone, and Sam didn’t know how to help Tara heal.
After a particularly long night at work, Sam wasn’t met with the silence of an apartment, but the crying of her sister. Sam wanted to do something, but she didn’t know what. So for now she’d be the shoulder to cry on, just as you had been for the Carpenter sisters.
A nervous Sam opened Tara’s door, and she was met with her younger sister curled in a ball while wearing your shorts and shirt. Sam felt tears prick at her eyes from the sight, but she had to be strong. She had to be there for her baby sister. Slowly walking toward Tara’s bed, Sam leaned down to meet her eyes.
“…Sammy?” Tara croaked, and Sam could feel her heart shatter. Tara’s eyes were bloodshot red and her eye bags were such a dark color they rivaled her freckles. Tears were a constant stream on her face, leaving a damp spot on her bedsheets.
“Oh, Tara…” was all Sam could manage before she got into bed with her younger sister. Sam felt like a mother rocking her baby to sleep after a bad dream. God, Sam wished this was a bad dream. The older sister didn’t believe in any deity or god, but that night she prayed. Sam prayed to whoever out there would listen. She prayed her sister would be alright. She prayed her sister would be able to heal. She prayed for this to be a nightmare, and that you’d be alive and breathing the next day. Her last prayer never came true.
“On really bad days, i wear your clothes and put a heat pad on my stomach and pretend it’s you holding me. Sometimes in the middle of the night i can feel a warmth around me. I used to think it was you, but it ended up being Sam trying to comfort me.”
It’s been a year since you died, and Sam has been urging Tara to go outside more. It started off as easy and simple things. Getting groceries, going to the movies, and checking out books at the library. Tara actually got the number of a very pretty librarian. She was beautiful, kind, and sweet. Tara would’ve said she was the one before she’d met you. The librarian — whose name was Katie — asked Tara for her number.
Sam said this could be good for Tara, but they both knew this could only end in one way. Despite this, Tara agreed to a first date. Then a second date. And then a third date at Katie’s apartment.
But Tara’s heart was never in in. Tara felt bad she was wasting such an amazing girl’s time. Her wake up call was when Katie kissed her, and she didn’t feel your lips on hers. Tara cried, and Katie understood she wasn’t the right one. The brunette apologized and apologized, but Katie knew her heart was elsewhere after the first date.
“When other people kiss me, it doesn’t feel right. It feels like i’m cheating on you. I think about the disappointed look you’d have on your face when i come home, but you’re not there to give it to me. I know you’d want me to move on, but i don’t think i can.”
You died ferociously protecting Tara. Punches, kicks, and bites were exchanged. You fought, and you fought hard. But ultimately, protecting Tara was always bound to be your demise. You were battered and bruised when Ethan took the bag off your head.
“Not a step closer, Tara.” He pointed the gun at your head. “Or your precious girlfriend over here gets it”
“Fuck you.”
“A lover for a lover. If Richie can’t be alive, neither can she.” He pushes the gun closer to your head, and you have to suppress a shiver at how it’s covered in blood. “You sisters don’t deserve to be happy”
You look up at Tara, and both of you know one person between you two is going to come out of this alive. You decide it’s going to be Tara.
‘I love you’ are the last words you mouth to your girlfriend before you use all your body weight to knock down Officer Bailey and Quinn. A bullet is in your skull less than a second later.
“I still have nightmares, but they’re mostly about you. They’ve gone down with time, but some nights i have to see your face. I can’t tell whether it’s a curse or a blessing most times”
You died when you were only 22. Young and bright-eyed, you were still able to change the lives around you. Mindy shared many of your interests, Anika was your best friend, Chad learned about his love of football through you, and Sam was the sister you never had. But most importantly, you were the love of Tara’s life.
Tara wished she photographed every single moment she had with you. she knows better now. After your death, Tara spent more time with her family — which Chad named ‘The Core Four’. There were sleepovers, game nights, and movie nights way more often now, as per Tara’s request.
Moments with you were only in memory, and she vowed to never let your name leave her mind. So, Tara started to write. At first it was memories and fun moments with you, but it quickly turned into her experiences with Ghostface, and the story of her life. This was only meant for herself, though. Tara saw firsthand how media affects real life.
“I know how much you loved red velvet, so i got you a cupcake. It’s from a new bakery i know you’d like” The brunette sets down a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting and a candle at the base of your headstone.
The shorter girl looks up at the sky, and is met with a rapidly setting sun. “Well it’s getting dark, and i have to leave soon. I don’t want to worry Sam.”
Tara opens a heart-shaped locket around her neck with a picture of you and her in it. Bringing it to her lips, a few stray tears run down her face. “Happy 24th birthday, my love”
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hxxsxxng · 5 months
Word Count 1.0k
Genre : Fluff
Content : brothersbestfriend!sunoo, any gender reader, cuddling, sleeping in same bed… other fluffy stuff lol
Synopsis : Sunoo is your brothers best friend and can’t help but to feel attracted to him.
Authors Note : This is my first sunoo post… p.s. let me know if y’all want me to make a smutty part 2 :)
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Sunoo was constantly at my house. Every day when I got out of class, my brother Jungwon would have Sunoo over. It felt like he practically lived there. But there was something that Jungwon didn’t know. Sunoo confessed his feelings to me long ago.
His confession caught me by suprise given that we never really interacted with eachother besides when he’s at my house, but I will admit that there were many times where I caught him looking at me for longer than he should have been. I can also admit that Sunoo isn’t the ugliest person in the world. The prettiest people are the ones you look at when they don’t notice it. And that is exactly how it went for a few months. I always ignored him because I thought that maybe he just had a weird thing about me and Jungwon is just making up stories to cover up. But as the time passed, Sunoo became more and more bold in his actions.
He started leaving flowers on my desk or bringing me snacks and chocolates. He even tried kissing my cheek once. I knew he liked me so I pretended that I didn’t feel anything at all. That way I wouldn’t be able to tell him to stop coming over or make an excuse that he could come back anytime he wants. I wouldn’t say I have a crush on him, but I definitely liked the attention he was giving me, and I wasn’t going to be the one to tell him to stop.
I still haven’t told Jungwon that Sunoo likes me since the whole situation is still new to me. I want to talk to him, but I have no idea what to say to him or what he will do if I tell him. I think it will be best for me to keep this between us for now and just see how things go from here.
Jungwon was an early bird and Sunoo was a night owl. Everytime Sunoo spent the night in Jungwons room, he would stay up a lot later than him and there would be many times I would get midnight texts from him.
Hey are you up?
yeah what is it this time
Heyyyy don’t be like that :(
Would you like someone to accompany you?
i am really trying to sleep but if his snoring is that loud then i can make a bed of the floor for you in my room.
Okay I will be there in a sec
Sunoo slowly creeps out of Jungwons room, making sure to turn the door knob quietly and to not make a sound. Few seconds later I hear a tap at my door.
“That was quick, I havnt even made your bed yet” I said opening the door.
“That’s fine, I can wait”
He makes way into my room and plops down onto my bed. I reach into my closet to grab some blankets to lay on the floor and I notice Sunoo crawling under my covers, getting a little too comfortable.
“You aren’t sleeping there” I snap
All I hear is a groan.
I continue laying out the blankets and crawl into my bed. “Your bed is ready” his eyes are half closed. I roll my eyes and thump his forehead.
“Pleaseee can I stay here? I am already comfortable and warm, and floor is cold and hard” he begs.
“Fine but stay on your side”
He smiles and quickly falls into sleep.
About an our or two into the night, I guess I back up a little too far, to where my back is in Sunoo chest. He doesn’t have a negative reaction. Instead he snakes his around under my shirt around my stomach and rests his hand on my tummy. I am not compelled to move it, actually I didn’t mind it at all supprisingly.
My eyes start to fall closed and the feeling of falling asleep slowly becomes stronger. Sunoo seems to be taking a liking to this position so I let myself relax into it. When I feel Sunoo’s warm breath against the nape of my neck it sent shivers down my spine.
“Have I ever told you how good you smell?” he whispers into my ear.
I shake my head and pull away from him, trying to sit up. Before I can Sunoo pulls me back toward him. This causes a small smile to tug at the corner of my lips. “No, I don’t want you to go” he says tiredly. He runs his finger through my hair softly and gently, it is very relaxing to have someone pamper me like this. Someone who genuinely cared for me.
His body is so large and warm, I couldn’t deny that I actually liked cuddling with him. Maybe I do feel something for him. Maybe I have been denying my feeling in fear of ruining my relationship with Jungwon. Maybe it wasn’t just an infatuation. I sigh and rest my head back down. He continues stroking through my hair and he rubs my sides slowly and softly. I feel myself drifting off again. Eventually, we both fell asleep.
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drvmekoo · 2 years
quality time | jeon jungkook
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➳ pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x reader (f)
➳ genre: established relationship, fluff, a little bit of angst, smut
➳ rating: 18+ (minors dni)
➳ warnings: jungkook is a bit of a dick at the start tbh, t*tty kissing, n*pple s*cking, d*epthroating, p*ssy eating, rough s*x, unprotected s*x (wrap it before u tap it baes) cre*mpie
➳ wc: 2.1K
➳ author's notes: this is my first ever drabble on this account so please be nice! also please let me know if you guys like it! i always love hearing what people think about my writing!
➳ summary: you and jungkook were supposed to have some quality time together. however it seems he made other plans. and you're pissed.
“I just don’t understand the issue here?” Jungkook questioned, following you into the kitchen. “All I said was that Taehyung and I were gonna hang out tonight? Why are you getting all huffy?”
“You know that’s not the main issue Jungkook.” you carried on emptying the bags of groceries you bought onto the counter, back turned to him “It was meant to be us two tonight! I even went out to buy food, especially so we could cook and have dinner together!” 
Jungkook continued staring at your back while he spoke “So Taehyung can join us? We see each other all the time! What’s one night?”
You froze. Whilst you didn’t mind cooking for Taehyung and having him over, it had been a while since you and your boyfriend had quality time together where you could both be relaxed. While it was true that you saw each other majority of the week, those hours spent with each other were spent finishing off work from earlier in the day or sleeping because of the busy schedules. 
Today, you both had free schedules and that meant that the two of you were able to finally have that quality time you had missed out on for all these weeks. 
Your plan was to make a nice dinner together, snuggle up and watch a nice movie. Heck, you even put on Jungkook’s favourite lingerie set. That was how much intimacy you were craving from missing it all these weeks.  
Yet Jungkook seemed clueless. And that boiled your blood even more.
“I just think you’re being a little dramatic babe.” Jungkook rubbed your shoulder from behind “We can always do this again another time-” 
“Oh don’t give me that bullshit Jungkook.” you whipped around out of his touch “We never have the time to spend together yet the one time we do, you decided to invite Taehyung?”
“Y/n, the one night I have off I just wanna spend playing some games with my friend! What have I done wrong?” Jungkook stared at you, eyes open wide as your outburst continues
“What have you done wrong?” You scoffed loudly “I don’t know, how about the fact you haven’t even acknowledged that we haven’t eaten a proper meal together in forever? How about the fact that all we do is fall asleep without so much as a cuddle? How about the fact that we haven’t had sex in over two weeks because of how busy and tiring our schedules are?” 
At this point, you had had enough. You stormed out of the kitchen and headed straight for the bedroom. You had to get away before either you said something you’d regret. 
“Y/n, you can’t just walk away after that!” Jungkook followed you out. “What? You’re just gonna leave it like this?” 
Jungkook’s voice became a muffled mess as you stormed into the bedroom and slammed the door shut. You heard him curse under his breath as his words were met with the bang of the door closing before hearing the jangling of his keys. 
“I’m going out for a bit. I’ll be back later.” He said flatly through the door, the closing of the front entrance the only clue that he had left. 
From then on, that’s when the tears started to stream down your face. This was not how you wanted the evening to go. In fact, having Taehyung over was better than this. 
But it was too late. The night had been ruined and you didn’t know where your boyfriend had run off to. Thoughts ran into your mind of him with another, using the affection he was meant to give you on someone else…
But you know Jungkook would never do that. No matter how mad he was, you knew he loved you more than anything and the fact that you thought, for a second, that he would do something so cruel made you sick to your stomach. 
You decided to get your mind off everything that had happened and instead turned on the TV to watch your comfort shows, quickly changing into a pair of joggers and snuggling into the warmth of Jungkook’s bed.
A few hours had passed and before you knew it, you were slowly drifting off to sleep…
You awoke to the sound of the front door quietly closing shut, as if the person walking in knew that the house was asleep. You turned over to see that it was ten minutes to midnight. 
Had Jungkook really been out for 5 hours? You thought to yourself, as you stepped out of the duvet and towards the bedroom door. Opening it quietly, you came face to face with the man himself 
“Hi,” he said softly. His face looked drained, as he eyed your face. “Can I come in?”
You nodded gently, widening the door so he could slip through. A part of you felt guilty that he had to ask to enter HIS bedroom, but he didn’t give you time to apologise as he started talking. 
“Look Y/n, I thought about what you said.” He took your hands and led you to the bed so you were both sat. “I know I’ve been neglecting you these past few weeks. You know how much I truly love you right?” 
You nodded again. He sighed, voice cracking. “I was wrong about not putting you first. I guess I was just so caught up in everything with work that I became selfish. I called Taehyung and told him I had plans. It’s just you and me tonight, okay?” A tear streamed down his cheek as you took hold of his face. “Please forgive me Y/n..”
“Baby..” By this time, you were both tearing up. “Of course I forgive you, my love.” You kissed his cheek as he pulled you in by the waist for a cuddle. 
“God the thought of you leaving,” Jungkook mumbled into your neck as you embraced each other “The thought of neglecting the one I love. Makes me sick to my stomach.”
You already felt the emotion of comfort wash over you as his scent reached your nose. 
“Never again. Okay?” Jungkook said, gently kissing your neck “Never again will I ever make you feel like that.” 
The sensation of lips on your neck made you moan softly. His strong hands around your waist already feeling like velvet on your body. 
“Let me prove to you how sorry I am princess.” His kisses grew more passionate. His secure arms manoeuvred you now so that you were lying down across the bed. “Let me show you how much I missed you.” By then his fingers were skimming the edge of your shirt, giving you the hint he wanted it off.
You lifted your arms up so that he can slip the clothing off you, immediately searching his face when your lingerie was revealed. 
Jungkook threw his back “Oh fuck baby…you’re killing me.” Straight away, his hands went to your boobs, massaging them from the fabric. Your breathy moans filled the air, hands already gently gripping Jungkook’s luscious locks. His face bent down to your chest as his mouth met your exposed cleavage. “Is this what you wanted baby, huh?” Another kiss to your chest “Fucked I missed these.”
While one of his hands caressed your nipple through the bra, the other slid around to your back and clawed at the clasp. You decided to help speed things up, arching your back a bit so you can undo the latch and from there you were left exposed. 
“Such pretty tits.” Jungkook whispered, “They’re mine.” His mouth immediately latched onto one, gently lapping at the bud with his tongue. 
You whimpered softly. “Kook, stop teasing….I want you.”
His mouth unlatched from your nipple. “Oh princess me too, I gotta get you ready first though okay? Patience my pretty.” 
At that, Jungkook returned his kisses to your body. He travelled down your figure, down slowly on your stomach right towards the pit of your pleasure. He stopped at the hem of your leggings. 
“Can I take these off, beautiful?” His fingers traced the lining of them. Once you nodded, he hoisted them down slowly. “Ass up beautiful for one second.” he smiled, once the leggings reached your rear. 
Once the leggings were off and you were left only in your panties, Jungkook stood up. As he finished taking off his shirt, you admired the way his muscles tensed as he unbuckled his belt and removed his trousers. His raging cock jutted out of his boxers.
You got up onto your knees while on the bed, palming at his dick through his own fabric. He threw his head back as your hand fell over the tip. 
“Can I taste you?” you asked politely, looking up at him through your eyelashes. He nodded quickly as he helped you remove his pants. His dick bounced as it was released from the cotton confines of his boxers and immediately you took him into your mouth, wasting no time to deepthroat him. 
“Ah fuck!” Jungkook gripped your hair tightly, gently thrusting his hips at the sensation of your warm, sucking throat. “Oh, baby girl you’re taking me so well.”
You pulled back but still had him in your mouth, lapping your tongue around the poignant veins of his cock. The smell of him made you dizzy, partnering with his quiet grunts filled the dark room. His hand pushed at the back of your head, urging you to take him deeper in your mouth once again. 
“Fuck baby, I’m gonna cum if you keep on like this…I wanna be inside you.” he pulled out of your mouth, and a string of saliva connected your mouth and his cock together. He bent down and kissed you passionately, tongue exploring your mouth widely. 
He whispered against your kisses “Lay down for me baby.”
You obliged. He tugged at your panties gently, inching them down your legs. You were now left bare at his glance. He kissed twice at your stomach before edging down to your pussy. His hot breath emphasised the pit in your stomach. 
In a blink of an eye, his mouth was lapping between your folds. Moaning against your clit, the vibrations sent shoots of pleasure through your body as you clawed at Jungkooks hair. His desperate licks edge you closer and closer. 
“K-Kook…I’m so close….” your mouth was held open at the amount of pleasure his mouth was giving you. Suddenly, the cold air hit your bare pussy as Jungkook leaned away. 
“Not yet baby…need to be inside you…”  
Jungkook positioned his cock at your entrance, slowly teasing the tip inside you “ready my angel?”
You nodded. Slowly he pushed into you, making sure you felt every inch of him.
“Oh…god Jungkook!” you clawed at his back, the size of him filling you up. “Y-you’re so big!” His cock quietly quicked the pace, as Jungkook nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. You whimpered at the angle his shaft was pounding you, eyes trained shut at the waves of pleasuring hitting you at every thrust. 
“My god baby…you’re so fucking…tight!” His muffled voice vibrated against your neck “I gotta pull out…I’m gonna cum-”
“Cum in me…!” You moaned, wrapping your legs around his waist “Fill me up…”
“Oh….gorgeous….It’s so risky…” He removed his face from your neck “.....But you feel so good….”
At that, his pace quicked as his cock pounded at your pussy. Every thrust became a newfound ripple of delight. You felt your stomach tighten as the well-known feeling returned to your body once more. 
“B-babe…I’m gonna c-cum!” You threw your head back into the pillows
“Cum on my cock baby….Oh, fuck!” Jungkook exclaimed as your pussy tightened around his dick. Jungkook too felt the familiar feeling of an orgasm in the pit of his stomach 
Not too long after as you rode out your pleasure, you felt warmth enter you as Jungkook spilt inside you. With gritted teeth, he once again delved into your neck as he too rode out the other half of his orgasm, still thrusting gently and slowly. 
You whimpered quietly as he pulled out and sank next to you. Straight away he pulled you into his arms. “I love you so much. Please never ever forget that okay?”
“Okay, I love you.” You fit right into the pit of his arm as he stroked your hair, both of you exhausted from tonight's actions. 
“Hey, Kook? I know it's late but I'm kinda sticky now…”
He chuckled gently “Think it’s time me and you had a shower.”
find out what jungkook did in those five hours here
let me know if you want to be on the taglist for any future work i may post! reblog or send in an ask to show support! ily
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miller-n-morgan-2 · 24 days
Take Me Home
2. Gunslinger
Arthur Morgan x Texas Red!Reader
A/n: thank you guys for the warm welcome back and for reading the first part! I hope to be getting the Joel series reposted soon, but for now, I'm just going to be uploading these.
Summary: With the newest outlaw settled into camp, Arthur takes on yet another role within the group: Teacher.
Warnings: canon typical violence, guns, talk of blood and brutality. Backstory mentions misogyny, and has detailed descriptions of arranged marriage. Mild language, some angst, mostly still just an introductory chapter.
WC: 3.3k
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“I know what Dutch said,” he nodded, approaching closer and crossing his arms. “I still expect something in return for my services.”
You scoffed. “I ain’t got nothing you would want.”
“Sure, you do…” he trailed, standing right in front of you and reaching down towards your hip. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat, even just having him this close to you. When his hand met your gun, pulling it away from its holster, you relaxed just a bit more. “How is it you shoot so fast?”
You haven’t seen much of the nature of Agua Fria, but you’re glad you’re able to, now. You’d town hopped a few times within the city, letting new faces get a look at yours. But there was a sort of pressure in those crowded areas, and it doesn’t feel like that in the Van Der Linde campsite. 
The gang has taken well to you. It’s been a fortnight since you joined up, the ragtag gang of outlaws, thieves, and gunslingers had been welcoming, given your display on just the day after your arrival.
Dutch has yet to send you on any jobs, mainly because of something you revealed to everyone around the campfire a week ago. 
“How does one shoot a rifle?” you pondered curiously, the silence of the group making you anxious.
“Boy, you better be pulling my leg,” Dutch himself butted in, shaking his head in disbelief. A cigarette hung from his lips, but he pulled it away to stare you down. 
“Well, I just…” haven’t ever shot one before. You’d trailed off before any further mockery could be made, but it was too late.
“You mean to tell me, that in eighteen years of life, you never managed to fire a rifle?” Arthur chimed in, though he was in on your secret, this revelation still surprised him. What else were you hiding?
“If y’all are just gonna mock me, I’m turnin’ in.”
Dutch laughed, and everyone else in the circle made an attempt to undo the harm done. 
“Javier ain’t even played a damn note, and you’re gonna sleep?” John cut in, his gravelly voice full of resentment to your attitude. Maybe you were a bit touchy, but it’s not like you’d ever had close friends to joke around with before. Much less people who got away with poking so much fun to your name.
“Who cares if he can’t shoot a rifle? He’s got a faster shot than all of you with a pistol,” Tilly piped up, her sweet voice just about putting all the other men in their place. She looked at you with contrition. “I’m not very good with those big guns, either.” 
“Thank you, Miss Tilly,” you tipped your hat, sitting back down on the log next to her. 
That was another thing… You couldn’t bear to break the young girl’s heart, although she would have to find out eventually that you were not in fact the man she thought you were. 
Arthur chuckled under his breath watching the interaction, going back to the drink in his hand with a shake of his head. He wouldn’t say anything, he promised he wouldn’t… but some of these occurrences were just too amusing, he couldn’t help his genuine reactions. The slanted jokes about male anatomy towards you, usually coming from John, Sean, or even the calendar boys. The way that you nearly had a heart attack when Miss Grimshaw offered to help you out of your clothes to wash them. Even now, the sweet words from Tilly and the funny way you looked at your feet to avoid meeting her eyes. 
He’d been surprised, if he’s honest. He thought that with all her romantic notions and storybook thoughts that Mary-Beth would be the one to fancy a new gunslinger… but maybe you just weren’t her type. Perhaps it was the red hair that deterred her, he knows for sure that was the case when Sean tried his luck. Good thing Karen was there to catch his fall. But sweet Tilly had no idea what she was in for.
He’d teased you about it over the next week, and finally today, when it was time to show you the ropes of a rifle. Dutch insisted that running with them required knowledge of more than pistols and revolvers, and who better to teach than the enforcer himself.
“Like this?” you asked, trying to place the gun correctly. 
“Yeah sure, if you wanna blow your arm out of socket.” His low chuckle, followed by a drag of smoke was not helpful, and neither were his words, but your position was just too funny.
“I believe this is where you’re s’posed to be helpin’ me,” you replied, a fiery bite in your words. You’d been learning to warm up to people’s teasing, although it was still a long road to go. 
He stood to his feet from where he lounged by a tree, coming up beside you to kick your foot out a little. “Can’t stand like a tree, kid… you’ll tip over in the wind.”
He pulled the butt of the gun into your shoulder, making sure you wouldn’t give out when the gun fires. 
“Alright, the shootin’ part should be easy for you. Just hold strong, that thing’s gonna kick back a hell of a lot more than any handgun.” 
You pulled back the bolt, raising the barrel until you could aim properly. The glass bottle on the tree branch down the way looked like an easy enough target, but when you fired, you weren’t ready for how much pressure the gun would push on you, and you stumbled back into Arthur. 
“Mind your step, will ya?” he teased yet again, and it took everything in you to just ready your stance and try again without saying a word. 
You took a deep breath, pulling back on the bolt once more. You had a good idea as to how much you needed to push back this time. Finding the bottle again, you pulled the trigger, closing your eyes at the explosion and faintly hearing the sound of broken glass in the distance. 
“I did alright,” you turned to Arthur, a narrow gaze in his eyes as he looked from you then back to the tree. It was quite a distance away, and he was surprised you’d hit so accurately already. Then again, you were kind of known for your accuracy… but you’d never fired a rifle.
“Yeah, more than alright,” he reasoned, taking the gun from you and turning to take a shot for himself. “Now ya just gotta work on speed. This ain’t nothing you can keep on your hip.”
He fired one round after another, each bullet hitting the same branch on a tree until it fell from the trunk completely. Wow. 
He smirked over his shoulder, and your face probably gave him an even better reason to be smug. You were clearly in awe of almost everything this man did. Taking care of his horse? In awe. Carrying supplies from the wagon into camp without having to make several trips? In awe. Even now, his accuracy and reaction time. He was so skilled, and you wondered if you’d ever match him. 
“Now,” he said, setting the rifle by the tree. “I don’t just go about teachin’ folk how to shoot for free.”
“But Dutch said that-”
“I know what Dutch said,” he nodded, approaching closer and crossing his arms. “I still expect something in return for my services.”
You scoffed. “I ain’t got nothing you would want.”
“Sure, you do…” he trailed, standing right in front of you and reaching down towards your hip. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat, even just having him this close to you. When his hand met your gun, pulling it away from its holster, you relaxed just a bit more. “How is it you shoot so fast?” 
Honestly, you didn’t have a clue. Everything you did to get faster, you’re sure he’s already done, and a million times over. 
“Nerves, mostly. My hands start shakin’ whenever I get a challenger, they start itching to shoot real bad… guess that’s why.”
He nodded, but was unsatisfied. Your answer was vague and unconvincing.
“What’d you do to learn? You obviously ain’t shot another gun but this one here, tell me how it came along,” he raised the pistol in the air, his skilful hands spinning it over a finger with ease. 
“I guess s’a long story.”
“And since you learned your way around a rifle so well, we got nothin’ but time.”
You sighed, stepping into the shade of the tree closest to you. You leaned into it, crossing your arms and watching as he continued to handle your closest ally in his steady hands. 
How do you even start this story? How does it even get told? You’d never uttered a word about your past to a single person since it all unraveled. You weren’t sure he’d stick around to hear it all, or maybe if he did, he would think you to be foolish. 
But this Arthur Morgan, with his tough exterior and gruff voice had a soft spot. He was gentle when need be, kinder than most. You suppose he derives it from Hosea, given that the man practically raised him into manhood. 
“You know, I used to be a little rich girl,” you chuckled, watching for his reaction. It was surprising to him, but he waited, almost as if thinking you’d retract it as a joke. “Yeah… lived on a big orange grove in South Carolina.”
“You’re kiddin’ me,” he let out when he realized you weren’t messing around. 
“Had a rich daddy and a rich mama. My entire lineage has gotta be worth a couple million at least.”
“Then why on earth are you here? You’d have to be crazy to leave that behind,” he gripped your pistol tightly now, his entire stance leaning on his left leg as he narrowly watched you lounging against the tree. 
“Oh, I had a good reason,” you scoffed with wide eyes. 
“Good enough to leave behind a family fortune?” 
He’s a man. Every man you’ve ever met is the same. They pay no mind to you anymore because you look like one of them now. But before? It was practically a brawl at every public event you attended. You hope that Arthur does not prove to be like the rest. You’ve already been so sure that he stands out, it'll break your heart if you were wrong.
“I know it may not seem like it, but I used to be quite the stunner. I attracted quite a few suitors.”
He nodded, looking you up and down in one glance before coughing a bit and averting his eyes. You hid yourself well, but if he tried hard enough, he could imagine how you would look in more feminine apparel. He liked what he was imagining. 
“I don’t doubt it…”
“Well, my dad was in control of who would have my hand, and as you can imagine I wasn’t fond of that fact… He picked one of his old pals from Virginia, another big farmer like himself, wealthy beyond belief and probably thirty five years my senior.”
Arthur was still, blinking a few times. He doesn’t understand. Yes, you would have had to marry someone you were not interested in… but the situation seemed ideal otherwise. 
“You would have been well taken care of, wouldn’t you?”
“Oh sure,” you nodded, but there was a smirk on your lips. “I would have been just dandy until he found a reason to kill me like he did his first two wives. My father never believed the accusations, of course, and the evidence had been conveniently destroyed… but I knew better.”
He let out a low whistle, finally looking back to your gun and wondering if its origins were about to come to light. Yeah, he thought. That’s a pretty damn good reason.
“So you ran off?” 
You gave a small nod, remembering the last time you ever saw your home and family.
“When I was eighteen I was shipped off to Virginia with a caravan, but before I could be delivered to old Thomas Arlington’s doorstep, I hid overnight in a stable. I stole a horse and headed west a bit.”
“How far west?” 
“West Virginia,” you chuckled. “I got to lurk around there a while, I started dressing all boyish and helped a travelin’ musician with his shows. After he settled down I found that very gun on the ground of a saloon. No one ever claimed her, so I polished her up and started practicing draws. I got pretty good, made bets on shootin’ games to get by.”
“You just… picked her up and started shootin’?”
“It sounds quite dull when you put it that way,” you laughed, holding your hand out to take the gun back. You’re not expert with this thing, can’t even spin it half as well or efficiently as he does… but you might be the best in the world at drawing it from your holster. “I’d never shot anyone before, until one man got real upset that he lost a shooting game to me. It was my first duel… and I won. All because of a game. It was that can game we played after I got here.”
“I figured as much. I ain’t never believed anyone could shoot faster than me until I saw you that day. Paid close attention to those bullet holes.”
He was being far too kind. It’s not like you were anything like him. He had it all. Strength, skill, wits, and as you learned with every glance, the looks to kill.
“I ain’t any good beside the one shot I know how to take.” Your confession meant more to him than you realized.
Yeah, he thought. You can draw, but before today you’d never shot a rifle. You’d never used a knife. Likely never robbed a bank or a stage coach or anything of that sort. Aside from duels, you’re clean cut and inexperienced… your nickname holds far more weight than he’s sure you can actually hold. Ruthless killer? More like a hustler with a bit of blood dusting your fingers. You haven’t made any ground compared to him, yet you’re the one they know far and wide. 
“Let’s make a deal,” he started, his steps carrying him quite close to your form, nearly hovering over you. “I’m gonna make you one of us. Teach you everything you need to know. Fightin’, stealin’, sneakin’ round… all of it. And in return, you’re gonna teach me how to shoot faster than you.”
He knows it’s built on a prideful notion, but he reckons you don’t care, because he’s offering you far more than you can give him. Obviously you agree, because even if you try to teach him, you are almost positive that you don’t even know the secret to your speed.
“Alright, cowboy… I’ll shake on it.”
And you do, squeezing his hand tightly.
You find yourself settling into the camp a lot easier than the weeks before. The names of the people here just roll off your tongue, whenever you see them, a greeting is spoken. You’ve also been able to sleep soundly in your tent despite the fears of the animal sounds out in the distance. You’ve come to realize that you aren’t alone in the wilderness, and you have a sort of family to keep you safe, now. 
Arthur continues to show you the ropes, giving you tricks and quick witted thoughts for situations you would never have thought to put yourself in. They all are illegal situations, of course, but you listen intently, and learn each step with an absorbent state of mind. 
Even if he doesn’t outwardly show it, you think Dutch is happy about your progress, given that you are not only an asset to future jobs, but also because you seem to blend well with everyone. He definitely views his gang as a family of fugitives, and now that you’re one of them, he’s become warm with you, even calls you ‘son.’ 
There is one member of camp that to date, you haven’t gotten into conversation with. Hosea Matthews. The man seemed to be the fatherly type, and nearly everyone in the gang had a sort of paternal view of him in some way. You reckon Arthur has taken the man to be closer to him than actual blood. The great Mr. Morgan doesn’t often share details of his past, but you’ve heard here and there about the rascal that was his father, dead and gone when Arthur was a kid, but not soon enough. 
It was a Tuesday morning, after a round of stale coffee when he first sat down beside you for a friendly chat. You couldn't have possibly known the contents of the topics he had in mind, but you were about to be bombarded with them in the most gentle way you reckon a man can speak. 
“Mister Gunslinger,” he began, a gentle clap on your shoulder to garner your attention. “I’ve heard you’re getting to be the best man at camp.”
His friendly chuckle eased your nerves, but you brushed off his words anyway. 
“Not sure ‘bout that. Just learnin’ the ropes,” you nodded along to your own words, hoping they caught well with him. 
“Arthur told me you picked up a rifle for the first time a few days ago and blew him out of the water,” he mentioned, the tone in his voice suggesting he wanted his compliment to land. 
“He’s bein’ far kinder than I deserve,'' you scoffed, shaking your head this time. “Nearly took my shoulder out of socket on the first shot.”
“But you broke a bottle on the second,” he returned, likely quoting your dear mentor’s own words. “How did you learn to shoot that pistol of yours, anyhow?”  
Hosea knew everyone’s stories. He was the father of the camp, albeit not the leader. He knew everything about everyone, and he took care of them. You took one look at him and decided you could trust him from day one… but that didn’t mean he should know everything.
“Well, I found this gun a while ago, just started shootin’ it till I hit somethin’.”
He leaned forward in his seat, another chuckle rolling off his tongue, but the question went unanswered in the way he’d hoped for. He took a breath, turning to face you a bit more… He decided to be straight with you. 
“I’m sure you’ve probably got things in your past you’re not too proud of. I’ve heard the name ‘Texas Red’ in quite a few towns now. I guess I’m just curious about what you did before the gunslinging days.”
“Oh…” you trailed, completely unsure if elaborating on your past, even without context, could force you to accidentally spill something you didn’t intend to. So you took the safe route. “Not much to tell. Ran away from home, stole a horse and headed west. Found this gun in an old saloon and the rest is history.”
He saw through the act, but didn’t let on. He didn’t want you to feel like you needed to hide things, but similarly, he didn’t want you to feel pressured to talk. This camp was a safe place. As long as you kept to the rules and helped out, you didn’t need to do anything else. You could just live freely and have your being. 
“Listen, son… I know it’s probably hard to open up about things you’ve gone and left in the past. Every person here has a story, somewhere they came from or something they did. If you ever want to talk about yours, I’m always up for good conversation.”
You looked into his eyes, and they were full of contrition, full of compassion. You guessed there wasn’t a bad bone in this man’s body. 
“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”
He nodded once before standing up and heading down to the river bank, likely to fish. 
You wonder if he has suspicion of you, or if he knows more already than he’s leading onto. But then you think, no. He’s just a kind older man that actually gives a damn about the younger folks here. He didn’t seem to have any biological sons or daughters, but this camp was full of family he could call his own.
You think you're starting to call them family, too.
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Tags: @photo1030 @sheepdogchick @snoopysshark
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justastraymoa · 1 month
Life with the boys was an adventure. Now that they weren’t trying to get me to stay they had relaxed and really brought out their true selves. Too much of their true selves sometimes. They were a little too comfortable around me occasionally. I had seen way too much of some of them. I needed soap for my eyeballs.
Chan was specifically known for walking around in barely any clothes. Leaving very little to the imagination and giving me too much of a shock so early in the mornings.
However, I was still enjoying my new living situation. It was the first time since moving away from my birth home that I felt like I was in a home again. This apartment with these 4 men and Cheese was my home and my family as well.
Especially when they burst into my room in the early morning without knocking. As annoying as it was, it was still familiar. Familial.
Bin jumped on the bed next to me poking the top of my head where it peaked out from the blanket. “We are going to go out today, do you want to come?”
I grumbled. I did kind of want to go, but I also had been working extra hours at work and wanted to enjoy my day off. Starting with staying in bed late and sleeping in. “No, go without me. Ill do something with you guys later.” I promised.
With a loud whine Bin moved to drape his heavy frame over my smaller one dramatically. I let out a squeak as all the air in my lungs was forced out of me. “Binnie…cant…breathe!”
“You have been so busy we haven’t seen you in so long!” He whined still not moving off of me.
“I can see…the light.”
“Bin, she is actually starting to turn blue.” Lino came to my rescue finally.
I gasped in air dramatically when Bin finally rolled off me. It wasn’t that he was overly heavy, but I was laying on my side and my lungs were being crushed. “Drama Queen.” He grumbled.
“What did I do?” Hyune asked offended throwing his hands up.
“Not you, y/n!”
I slapped at Bins back playfully. “Next time let me roll over so I don’t die!”
Chan, ever the dad, stepped in before we could really start to argue with each other. “Alright, she has had a busy week. Lets leave her to get some rest.”
They filed out, making as much noise as possible. Lino and Chan each gave me a kiss on the top of my bedhead before my room was finally empty and quiet again. With a sigh I closed my eyes to hopefully catch up on some more sleep.
I woke up several hours later, groggy and bladder full. As I slowly woke up I was shocked that I was able to even sleep as long as I did. Usually, Cheese would have come in to find out why I was still in bed. Patting my face and back with a single sharp claw to see if I was still alive. Mewing in my ear and licking my hair into more of a knotted mess in worry when all I did was roll over instead of getting up. Seriously who needed alarm clocks when you had a cat?
But this morning my room was sans Cheese and my skin was cat scratch free. Suspicious I called for him.
Cheese always came right to me when I called for him. Even if he was with one of the boys. I was still and always will be his favorite. A subject of much jealousy in the apartment.
This time however, there was no patter of paws on the floor running to me. There was no questioning meow at the foot of my bed as Cheese asked to be lifted onto it instead of jumping because he was too lazy to at the moment. And he knew that I would lift him up every time.
Instead, there was silence. Not even the tv or music could be heard. This apartment was rarely quiet. Not even in the dead of night. Chan always had music going or way playing on his phone because he couldn’t sleep, and there was Cheeses snoring from whatever bed he chose to sleep in that night.
Throwing off the blankets I looked around the room, checking all his usual spots. “Cheese, baby, where are you?” I called moving to check the rest of the apartment.
Slowly as I kept looking I could feel my heartrate pick up and anxiety spike. Where was Cheese? I couldn’t find him anywhere in the apartment. I even filled his foot bowl, which always brought him running, belly pouch swinging side to side as he did.
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I had to admit the picture they got was amazing. The cloudy sky and the barn with the field and Cheese being a black cat. Very witchy. Very Halloween. I saved the picture to my phone and took a deep breath.
My anxiety had ramped up pretty high while I was searching for Cheese, so now I was completely awake, full of anxiety, and a little jumpy as well. There went my relaxing day. Oh well. It was nice while it lasted.
They must have messaged me from the road because it was less than an hour later that the front door opened and four loud voices filled up the quiet I had been trying to enjoy. “Cheese!” I called holding my arms out for my baby.
With a loud meow Cheese ran into the room and jumped into my waiting arms, rubbing his head all over my face and purring loudly.
“Geez, we weren’t gone that long.” Chan said with a chuckle.
I glared playfully over at him, hugging Cheese closer and moving him away from them. “You were gone forever. I counted. And you stole my cat!”
“Our cat.” Lino corrected.
“I’m pretty sure Cheese is the one who owns us, not the other way around.” Hyune put in with a shrug like he knew this fact and did not care.
I shrugged back, it was pretty true, I had to give him that one.
Cheese refused to leave my side for the next several hours. Even doing his duty by following me into the bathroom for what I like to call toilet lovins. God forbid anyone in this apartment actually close the bathroom door all the way when Cheese wasn’t in the room with you. Cheese would yowl like you stepped on his tail and forgot to feed him until you opened it again.
Cooking dinner with Lino was a nightly thing now. We worked around each other like it was a highly trained dance. And we were even getting so good as not needing to ask each other for things, the other just kind of knew and had it all ready to go for the other.
The other 3 and even Cheese learned to stay out of our kitchen when we cooked. They only got in the way and ended up being stepped on or having something spilled on them. And then they had to deal with me or Lino or both of us being annoyed at them. Plus they had to clean up whatever mess they made.
It was during such time that both mine and Linos phone went off and I opened mine to find the scariest picture of Cheese I had ever seen in my life. And I took the picture of Cheese after he sneezed into the powdered sugar!
“What the fuck is that!” I asked mostly to myself, but it prompted Lino to check his own messages.
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“I swear to god you guys are going to send me to an early grave! What is wrong with all of you?”
Lino scoffed and handed me a serving spoon. “Oh, please. You love us and you know it.”
I snatched the spoon from him and started stirring my stir fry, not responding to him. This caused him to chuckle as he passed behind me.
I whacked his arm.
I told the group over dinner that I would be heading out the following week for another overnight work trip. I felt a little odd. I didn’t wasn’t to assume that they would watch Cheese for me, but I also didn’t want to offend anyone by offering to find a cat sitter or something. It was a odd predicament to be in. Luckily Chan seemed to understand what I wasn’t saying.
“Don’t worry about Cheese. We got him.”
A released a breath in relief. “Are you sure though? I can try and find someone; I don’t want to leave it all on you.”
Hyune rolled his eyes. “Yes, y/n. We are sure.”
“Where are you heading this time?” Bin asked, smoothly moving the conversation on.
It turned out that my work trip was going to be very near Linos’s hometown. Something that perked him right up and got him animated.
“I should come with you. You can stay with me at my parents’ house, and I can visit for a couple of days. I haven’t been able to in a while and I miss everyone. Plus, my mother has been asking to meet you.”
I almost spit my mouthful of food out, instead forcing it and a lot of air painfully down my throat. “You told your mother about me?” I wheezed when I could talk again.
“We all have, im pretty sure. I know my parents ask after you and Cheese anytime I call now.” Bin shrugged.
Oh my god I was going to get murdered by their parents. At the very least they would give me a strange look wondering why a single woman was living with 4 grown men. This is the worst. This is it.
Lino laughed loudly. “You look ready to start crying, y/n. What do you think we have been talking badly about you?”
I flailed my arms in what I hoped properly conveyed my panic. “No, but your parents are going to think so badly of me and hate me!”
“Why?” Hyune asked furrowing his brows.
“Because I live with you! They will think I am some kind of slut or something! Oh lord, what have I done?”
“Relax, y/n! Its not like we are living in the 1900s. Men and woman live together all the time without being in a relationship.” Chan tried to soothe.
Truth was, I was full of anxiety the entire way there.
Even after the initial greetings and small talk, I was just waiting for the judgmental questioning to start. Not even meeting Linos cats helped.
Though Soonie seemed to know that I was feeling some type of way. Either that or he just took a good liking to me and wanted to be cuddled up to me a lot. It did help, so im not complaining.
Soonie, Doongie, and Dori were absolutely adorable, and Lino took such pride in introducing each of them to me. He had shown me pictures and videos of course, but nothing was like meeting them in person.
And he just kept telling me story after story about them. Even if I had already heard most of them. I let him tell me again, knowing that he had missed his babies and wanted to share his love for them with me. He wanted me to love them just as much. It was an easy ask. They were quite lovable.
It wasn’t until much later, when his mother was showing me where I would sleep that anything was actually brought up. “You seem a little nervous. My son said something earlier about you being worried I would look down on you for living with them?”
She said it like a question, but it was more of a statement of fact and we both knew it. “I don’t want any of the parents to think I am using them or taking advantage.” I simply explained instead.
Her smile was very soft and motherly. And I could see where Lino got his smile from. “From what the boys have told me-and yes I speak to all of them-you have been very good for them. Us parents worry about our kids being out there alone. And yes we worry that someone will take advantage of them. But you don’t seem like the type. If anything they are taking advantage of you.”
I balked at that. “Not at all! They have been very nice and welcoming!”
“Yes, I have no doubt about that. I raised my son well, he knows better. But people change when they move out. And they don’t always take care of themselves or their homes properly. But from what I’ve been told you keep them on their toes and in line.”
I chuckled almost humorlessly. “Yes, ive been told that I am too motherly. I smother mother people.”
This got a full laugh from the older woman. “That is not always a bad thing, dear. You just must find the right people to need and want that kind of person. And you found 4 of them.”
Compared to the last trip this one was smooth and easy. I got to spend time with Lino and his family when I wasn’t working instead of in a lonely hotel room or with people from work I barely know and liked even less. And it seemed to go by a lot faster too, though that was both good and bad. Especially for Lino who seemed to get sadder and sadder as the days went by.
There was also the fact that I did not need to worry about Cheese this time around. The others sent regular update and pictures in the chat and seemed to be having fun.
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I laughed maniacally knowing that I now had a text chain going with his parents.
A/N: okay so like listen. I have no idea about anyones family/parents in Stray Kids. They don’t seem to talk about it much and I respect their privacy. Again this is all for fun and made up.
Thank you for reading, and thank you for interacting in any way if you do. And even if you don’t.
Taglist: @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
Hi lovely if your still taking requests can u pls do a
Azriel and rhysand ddlg poly relationship where reader is on her period and feels really sick on top of that as well like she has a fever and has really bad cramps aswell and keeps trying to hid/deal with it on there own but is throwing up a lot and passing out soo it just gets worsw
bc I’m thats me currently i have a flu 🤒 and am on my period i feel like death i wish i had someone to comfort me and watch after me lol 😂
We’ll Always Take Care of You
Rhysriel x reader
A/n: I still can’t believe I goofed on the other rhysriel ask I’m literally so embarrassed like what is wrong with my brain 🫣
And I’m sorry you’re so sick! I’ve had the flu and my period at the same time and I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone it’s awful
Warnings: poly relationship, ddlg, daddy kink, mentions of pain and sickness, and typos bc I’m very tired lol
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You were thankful that your doting mates weren’t with you this morning since you woke up drenched in sweat and shaking. Your cycle hit you in the middle of the night so you thought that the sick feeling taking over your body was related.
Oh how wrong you were.
You thought you made it through flu season successfully unscathed. Your latest trip to the city must’ve been where you caught it. You knew that little boy at the cafe table next to you was sick. Kicking yourself mentally you vowed to never be around another violently coughing child again.
You could get through this. You’d been sick and had your cycle before. It was unpleasant but bearable with the help of tonics from Madja. Pulling yourself out of bed you hobble to the bathroom to down one or two tonics before heading to your study.
The pain didn’t feel so bad after you took the tonics. You felt good for a while. Then a coughing fit had you bending over making your cramps worse. Your throat felt like a barren desert and you couldn’t get a breath in to help you. Once it had passed you laid on the floor, breathing in and out, in and out, until that sore scratchy feeling in your throat went away.
You wanted to stay on the floor forever. Another pang in your abdomen has you curling up in a ball, rolling on to your side. As the pain subsides you check to make sure your side of the bond was closed. The last thing you wanted was to project your pain to Az and Rhys.
You have to admit, you were a little hurt that neither of your mates have come to check on you. You were craving their attention right now, but you were determined to make it through your work today. Then tomorrow you would relax.
By lunch time you were dragging yourself around. Your body felt heavy and you have a splitting headache that you can feel behind your eyes. All you want to do was sleep with a cool cloth on your head. You have to pull yourself together, you didn’t want to worry Rhys and Azriel. Although you do love to be babied by them. But they were so busy lately you didn’t want to distract them.
Sitting in your usually seat you use magic to hide your scent. The mix of sickness and blood making your nose twitch.
The pair enter the room deep in discussion about something happening in Illyria. Good, they haven’t noticed you yet. Az and Rhys sit in their usual seats across from you, giving you twin loving smiles. “We haven’t seen you all day princess, I’m so sorry.” Az coos at you.
You smile back at them through the pain that’s coursing through your body. “It’s ok,” you croak out. Rhys tilts his head, giving you a concerned look as you feel him tug on the bond. Phantom claws gently caress your mental shields that you push back against.
“You’re pale darling. What’s wrong?” You give him a tight lipped smile. “Nothing Rhysie, I’m fine.” Rhysie gives you a disapproving look. “What have we said about lying darling?” Avoiding their gazes you look down at your hands. Tears prick the corners of your eyes, not able to hold back your emotions from the intense pain you are experiencing. You immediately felt small, the need for your mates to take care of you becoming overwhelming.
“You said not to, I’m sorry daddy.” You let your tears fall, letting go of the shield around you Rhys and Azriel were by your side in an instant. Both wrapping their arms around you. “Why didn’t you say anything to us?” Azriel asks softly. “I didn’t want to bother you.”
Rhys clicks his tongue at you. “We’d drop everything to take care of you. Especially when you’re this sick. Let’s get you back to bed.” Azriel scoops you up in his arms leaving a gentle kiss against your forehead.
“She’s burning up Rhys.” His tone full of fear. Rhys looked back and saw you practically passed out in Azriel’s arms. They took off toward the bedroom.
The next morning you woke up to Rhys sitting in bed next to you. Letting out a groan you roll over, snuggling into his side. “Hi baby, how are you feeling?” You let out a louder groan. Rhys chuckles as he brings a hand down to play with your hair.
You prop yourself up on your elbows and they immediately start to shake from how weak you are. Looking around the room you notice Az is missing. “Where’s Azzy?” The door opens revealing Azriel carrying a tray of mugs of tea.
“Good you’re up. How are you feeling?” You flop back on the bed face down. “I feel like the Bogge ran at me then stomped on my stomach.”
“Aaww our poor baby.” Az coos at you. He sits on the other side of you and rubs soothing circles on your back. You hear him uncork a tonic bottle, picking you up to lean against his chest. “Here baby take this.” You open your mouth for him to dump the liquid down your throat.
Azriel moves to lay you back down but you cling to him, shifting to lay on him. “Will you both hold me?” You mumble out. “Of course.” Rhys whispered kissing the back of your ruffled head. You already felt better being nestled between them even though you had a long week ahead of you.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 9 months
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Part Two
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: heavy angst, talk of rape, talk of being abused, feeling afraid even after leaving the abuser, shutting down, fearful of your life, facing your abuser after you left him
Summary: Bucky helped you out of an abusive relationship even though you don't feel 100% free from John. He will always linger next to you, a reminder that there are bad people in this world. Bucky is there by your side helping you through it in every way he possibly can.
Squares Filled: jailbreak (2021) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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For the first time in a year, you’re not sleeping by John’s side. For the first time in a year, you’re able to be left alone without him. For the first time in a year, you’re able to breathe properly. For the first time in a year, you’re finally able to say you’re free from John. You don’t believe it and probably won’t as long as he’s alive, but in the moment you are.
Bucky and Sam took you back to their place where you’ve been holed up in. They let you use the spare bedroom but you haven’t used it yet. You’ve been sleeping on the couch and they’ve both been kind enough not to ask you why you won’t take the bedroom. Your brain is hardwired to know what happens when you walk into a bedroom, and even though John isn’t with you, that fear is still there.
It’s been two days since you’ve gotten to Bucky and Sam’s place, and you haven’t moved from your spot on the couch unless it was to go to the bathroom. Bucky and Sam are in the kitchen whispering to one another like they’re afraid to say what they want in front of you. You get it. You wouldn’t know what to do if you were in their shoes.
Your brain still thinks you’re with John which is why it’s drowning in fear even though you know you’re nowhere near him. After Bucky beat the hell out of him, he was taken to the medical wing on base for treatment. He’s miles away from you, so why can’t you get out of your own head?
Sam nudges Bucky into motion as the super soldier walks over to you with a plate of food. You jump when you feel his presence next to you, and he takes a step back to gain some distance.
“It’s okay. You’re safe. It’s just me.” Seeing how it’s Bucky in front of you and not John, you relax a bit. “Are you hungry?” You can only shrug in response. “Doll, you’ve barely eaten in two days. You need to eat.”
“Yes, sir,” you whisper, barely audible.
Before you have a chance to take the food, Bucky moves the tray away from you with a frown.
“Look, I know it’s hard to break away from what you had with John, but your life is different now. I meant it when I said he won’t ever hurt you again. You’re in control here, Doll. If you don’t want this food, Sam can make you something else you like.”
“Do I have to eat it all?”
“You eat however much you want to eat. If you finish and want more, that’s okay. We’ll get you more. If you only eat five bites, that’s okay, too.”
“I don’t know what I want,” you whisper fearfully.
It’s not about the food anymore. You truly don’t know what you want. John always chose for you. He chose what you wore, what you ate, what music you listened to, what TV shows you got to watch, everything. Everything about you, John carved. You don’t know how to live without him, however fucked up that sounds.
“That’s okay. I’m going to leave this here. Just try to eat something.”
Bucky leaves the tray next to the couch and walks back to Sam. He’s fucking pissed because he knew who you were before meeting John. He knew how bright and outgoing you were. Now, all you are is a shell of who you used to be. You can get there again, but you’re going to need a lot of help. Even then, it won’t ever be one hundred percent.
“I’m gonna kill him,” Bucky growls.
“You nearly did. He’s still in the medic ward.”
“He should be six feet underground for what he did to her.”
“What did he do?”
All Sam and the others know about John is that he was hurting you. No one knows exactly what he did, and he going to keep it that way. If you want to tell people, then you will on your terms. If you want Bucky to be buried with this secret, then that’s what he’ll do.
“Not good things. I’ll be back. Make sure she drinks water. She’s dehydrated.”
Bucky grabs his jacket and leaves the house. He only has one thing on his mind: John. If he can’t kill him, then he’s going to make sure John is not even in the same country as you. Bucky walks right onto the base without a problem and into the medical wing where John is. John must not have confessed who beat him up otherwise, Bucky wouldn’t have been able to set foot into the medical ward.
John is recovering quickly from the injury due to the serum but he still needs to take it easy or else he’ll damage his ribs even more. They’re letting him go home today, so he’s packing up his bag when Bucky walks in. John freaks out and backs up as Bucky walks toward him.
“Hey, man, I’ll stay away from her.”
“You’re gonna do more than that,” he chuckles. Bucky grabs John’s throat with his metal arm and squeezes. John reaches for the button that calls the nurse but Bucky is too quick for him. He grabs it and throws it at the wall which shatters. “First, you’re going to give the shield back to Sam. You don’t fucking deserve it. Second, you’re going to take whatever you can and get the hell out of the country. You don’t deserve her.” John claws at his hand but it’s useless. “I swear, if I see you around town, I will do more than break your fucking ribs. Do I make myself clear?”
John nods and Bucky lets go of his throat. He doubles over in pain and coughs as he tries to get air back into his lungs. Bucky leaves the room without another word and heads back home. Sam is in his bedroom and you’re lying on the couch sleeping. His heart hurts for you but he’s going to do whatever it takes to bring the light back into your eyes.
He grabs a blanket off the sofa chair and gently lays it over your body, but you jerk awake at the slight contact. You gasp so loudly that it scares Bucky. Your mind reverts back to when you were with John and you tense immediately.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you beg tearfully. “I promise I’ll be good.”
“Hey, Doll, it’s just me. You’re safe,” Bucky says and backs up to give you some distance.
You calm down once you see it’s Bucky, and you sit up with tears streaming down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. Bucky walks around the couch and kneels down so you don’t have to lift your head to look at him. “I’m sorry for everything.”
“Don’t you ever say your sorry for how you’re feeling. Whatever it is, it’s completely valid.” You reach out and grab his flesh hand. It feels so warm in yours. “I know you’re scared. I know it will take so much time for you to be even half of who you were before, but I am here to help you with whatever you need. I want you to feel safe with me.”
You do even if you don’t know it yet.
“Thank you,” you whisper. “All my stuff is at his house.”
“I can get it for you if you want.”
“I need more clothes. I’d rather do that myself.”
“Sure. Whatever you need.”
“Please come with me.”
“Like I’d let you go by yourself. Of course, I’ll go with you. It’s already late. We can go tomorrow.”
You lay back down on the couch and allow Bucky to cover you with the blanket. He turns off the lamp and leaves without another word. It takes you an hour to get to sleep, and all you dream about that night is Bucky. Your nightmares are filled with John and the things he’s done to you, but you make Bcuky appear and that fear goes away. You taught yourself how to lucid dream because that’s the only place where you could escape John’s cruelty, so you use it to your advantage now.
The next day, you prepare yourself to face John again. Even if he isn’t home, you still have the four walls of his house to remind you of what the past year of your life has been like. You grab Bucky’s hand as you walk up the front porch steps, and he squeezes your hand in return. You walk in and see John packing some things into a box. You immediately freeze when his eyes lock onto yours. You hide behind Bucky who rubs the back of your hand in comfort.
“You’re okay. He can’t and won’t hurt you.” John would be a dead man if he tried. “Go and get your things.” You keep your head down as you pass by John to get to the stairs. “I’ll be right here. Don’t worry, John won’t go up there.”
You run up the stairs and Bucky turns to John with a glare. He sighs and continues to pack the important things.
John reaches behind the kitchen island and tosses the shield at Bucky who catches it with his metal hand. There is a silent agreement between the two men that neither talks about. Ten minutes later, you come down with a big suitcase full of everything you want to keep. Everything else can burn with the rest of the house for all you care.
“Come on, Doll. We can leave now.”
He holds his warm hand for you, and you take it without looking at John. Bucky takes your suitcase and puts it in the trunk with the shield while you stay seated in the passenger seat. You play with your fingers nervously even after Bucky has driven away from John’s house.
“Thank you, Bucky.”
“Anything for you,” he says honestly. “I mean it. Whatever you need, it’s yours.”
You look into his eyes and smile ever so softly. It’s going to be a long road to recovery but you know with Bucky by your side, you’ll come out the other end in one piece.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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redskull199987 · 11 months
Hello love, i’d like to request mike schmidt from the FNAF movie, maybe like where his partner is financially well off and has a nice job and he feels he’s just not good enough for them, just super angst to fluff ❤️❤️ thanks
Light my Love
Mike Schmidt x gn!reader Request Word Count:0.8k Warnings:angst to fluff, it’s really just all cutesy stuff Summary: When Mike tells you about his financial struggles late at night, You propose to help him out a bit… Masterlist
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You took in a deep breath, as your eyes fluttered shut. The warmth of Mike’s body next to yours, slowly lulling you to sleep. When you had last looked out the window, the sun had long since disappeared behind the horizon, Abby was already in bed and you had Mike all to yourself, finally able to spend some quality time with your boyfriend. 
He had been on job interviews a lot lately, so the two of you didn’t have that much time to see each other, but today both of you managed to finally spend an evening together again.
“Mike?”, You asked quietly, after the two of you had just been laying in comfortable silence for a while.
He only hummed in response, slightly lifting his head from your chest, where he had been resting.
“What’s on your Mind, Love?”, You mumbled, brushing a hand through his hair,”I can practically see your thoughts racing.”
A nervous chuckle escaped his lips, as Mike slowly set up in front of you. You gave him a reassuring smile, propping yourself up on your elbows, your gaze lingering on Mike.
“It’s alright, Mike. Whatever it is, I’ll be on your side, right here.”, You added, as you saw that Mike was struggling to put his thoughts into words. You gently grabbed his hand, giving it a light squeeze, before you pulled him up to your lips, pressing a few soft kisses to his wrist. Mike seemed to relax against your touch. You saw that he closed his eyes for a second, taking in a deep breath, before finally looking back at you.
“I…I ehm..”, he started hesitantly. You saw that he was still struggling, so you gave his hand one more light squeeze. That seemed to do the trick.
“You know how I had a lot of job interviews lately…?”, He began, his other hand rising to nervously rub his neck, but you just gave him a nod, encouraging him to continue.
“So uh…I haven’t been able to find a new Job since the whole Pizzeria thing…and I’m just really struggling to pay our bills, that’s why I was a bit absent today. Sorry.”
“Oh Mike.”, You sighed softly. You slowly raised your hand to cup his cheek,”You could’ve said something. I can help you with your bills.”
“I just…didn’t want to be a burden to you.”, Mike confessed, his hand now gripping your wrist,”You shouldn’t have to do this.”
"Mike my Love.”, You said firmly, now also sitting up. You turned his head, until he was looking directly at your face,”You could never be a Burden to me. Do you hear me? Never. I love you and I’ll always do my best to support you. You know I got a raise a few weeks ago. It won’t be a problem to take over some of your bills.”
Mike could only stare at you for a second, debating what to say. You knew that he hated it to ask for your help. He had grown up to be the one to always take care of everything, to be the one to give safety and comfort to his loved one’s, so it was hard for him to ask for something, especially if it was Money.
You kissed his forehead with a small sigh:”I won’t take no for an answer.”
“Thank you”, Mike whispered promptly.
A small yelp escaped your lips, as he pulled you against his body, his arms wrapping around you tightly. With a soft smile, you hugged him back just as tightly, as you heard him sniffle quietly.
“I love you so much. Thank you.”, Mike mumbled against your shoulder. His hot breath against your skin made a shiver run down your spine.
“Of course, Darling.”, You answered, as the two of you parted,”Please, never be afraid to ask for help.”
Mike only nodded again, looking down at your still intertwined hands. After a few seconds of Silence, You laid back down on the bed pulling him with You. The two of You returned to your previous position with Mike resting his head on your chest, right over your heartbeat. It had made you chuckle, when he told you that listening to your heartbeat helped him fall asleep, for the first time. By now, it had become a tiny ritual that the two of you always did, when you came over.
“Sleep, my love.”, You mumbled into his ear, pulling the blanket over the both of you,”You need it.”
“I love you”, Mike mumbled into your chest, as he tightened his grip around your hips, squeezing the soft skin like you were a stuffed animal, that he couldn’t sleep without.
“I love you too, Darling”, You whispered, but you soon realized that he had already fallen asleep. With a small smile on your lips, you closed your eyes, soon following into sweet sweet dreamland.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
you don't have to leave.
Genre/Tropes: No notable ones!!
Summary: Can I have a soft angst with happy ending of Mc getting ready to go home but jade doesn't want them to so he does everything he can think of to make us stay and we decide to stay?
Author's Comments: I loved writing this one, I think it may just be my Octavinelle bias but I also think soft Jade deserves rights. ALSO FLOYD CALLS THE READER CLEANER SHRIMPY BC THEY HAVE A MUTUALISTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH MORAY EELS mc upgraded once they started dating jade.
“I found a way for you to go home.”
You looked up at Crowley, shock on your face. You didn’t think he’d taken the search to send you home seriously, and for a second you thought he was joking. Grim squirmed a bit in your lap at the news, but was clearly just as surprised as you since he didn’t say anything.
“Really? I can go home?” you asked, relief and anxiety crashing on you in waves.
“Henchhuman-!” Grim sat up, his paws resting on your shoulders. His expression was frantic for a moment, but it quickly shifted to sadness, “You...You can’t go!”
“In my infinite kindness, I will give you a week to decide. You may stay here and continue to work under me, or end your studies and go home. Ah, I’m such a generous Headmage!” Crowley hummed, beaming at his words, “Now run along! I am a very busy man-”
You walked out of his office in a daze, images of the home you’d occasionally forgotten during your stay here. The second you started on the path to Ramshackle, Grim started pawing at your shoulders again.
“You can’t go! If you leave then I’ll get kicked out!” Grim insisted, his eyes frantic.
“Relax, Grim. I’m sure Crowley will let you stay.” you set him down, continuing on your way, “I need to clear my head for a bit...this was so sudden...come on, I’ll get you some tuna-”
You turned to look back at Grim only to find the path empty. A brief sense of panic overcame you, but then you realized. You were going home. Grim was no longer your responsibility. Besides, he’d show up later for food. He always did.
You entered Ramshackle with a sense of finality, figuring it would be the last time you had to sleep in this dump. You’d gotten so caught up in Overblots and playing therapist for everyone that you’d forgotten how homesick you were. With no wallet or phone you had no photos of your family, just memories.
The sound of the front door bursting open ripped you out of your thoughts. You didn’t even get to turn around until Grim was clinging to your ankle again, two hands grasping at your shoulders.
“Hey Prefect, what gives? You’re going home?” Ace was just as panicked as Grim, his eyes wide as if you’d suggested something horrible.
“I mean! I understand why you want to go home! Of course I do! But...it won’t be the same without you! Nothing will.” Deuce looked like he was about to cry, clinging to your arm like you were his lifeforce.
“Guys! Stop crowding me. I haven’t even thought about it. I just got the news.” you pleaded, squirming out of their hold, “I can’t get peace to think about this for five seconds?! Just give me some time. I don’t want to leave you guys! You all are my friends and I care about you. Just let me be for a bit...”
You were finally able to breathe once the trio let you be. They were quiet, as if they hadn’t said anything at all. You left like you were about to cry as they moved towards the couches, Grim clinging to Ace’s pant leg. Your heart was lodged in your throat as they all sat down, back facing you.
They were giving you space.
You knew they weren’t mad or giving you the cold shoulder. They understood the choice you had to make.
Then why were you so upset?
Jade, your brain whispered, You needed to go see Jade.
Jade Leech, the Vice Housewarden of Octavinelle, had been your partner for a while now. You’d stumbled upon him in the greenhouse about two weeks after you’d shown up, trying to get a better idea of the campus layout. He’d been polite towards you, though now you knew he was trying to determine how interesting you would be. To be fair, you’d thought he was interesting too, and kept trying to find him. You learned his name, the fact that he was his dorm’s Vice Housewarden (which earned him a frantic question of whether he cared for formalities or not. He did not.), you learned he was in Octavinelle and worked at the Mostro Lounge, which is where you found your feet taking you. You had wanted to calm down and collect yourself there before telling him, but things never worked out the way you expected them to in Twisted Wonderland.
The second you stepped into the Lounge, Floyd popped up in your field of vision.
“Hey little cleaner shrimp!” Floyd beamed, “Are you here to see my brother?”
Good, Floyd was happy. If he was in a bad mood today this could have gone a lot worse.
“Yes. Do you think he could get a bit of a break for like...an hour?” you asked, hoping that Floyd would give you even a fraction of that time.
“Sure thing. He’s on break anyway. Probably making tea or looking through his mushrooms.” Floyd wrinkled his nose.
“Thank you, Floyd.” you reached up and patted his head gently.
You headed to the small break room behind the counter as Floyd giggled, continuing on his way to serve customers. The door opened with a slight creak, and you shut it quietly behind you.
“Hello, dear.” Jade hummed, appearing next to you so quickly you would think he teleported, “Did you come all this way just to see me?”
“Jade, I have something to tell you. It’s important.” you said, your stomach twisting in knots.
He blinked, surprised. The look didn’t last.
“Okay. What is it?” Jade smiled, taking your hand in his.
“Crowley found a way to send me home.” you confessed, meeting his gaze.
Jade’s smile twitched a bit, his eyes never opening. He chuckled, but you could tell there was a troubled undertone now. Being around Jade for so long helped you pick up on those little things that only Azul and his brother could decipher.
“Would you like some tea?” he hummed, turning away from you, “I have a new blend. I’m sure you’d love it.”
“Jade.” you stood your ground, watching as he stopped in his tracks.
He didn’t turn around.
“Would you like sweets instead? We have a new dessert you can try. I submitted the recipe myself.” he hummed, starting towards the small table without looking at you again.
“Jade, please look at me.” you pleaded, “I wanted to talk to you to clear my head. You’re the only one I can trust to do that right now.”
“What is there to discuss? Do you want to hear about the new mushroom species I’ve found? I can’t say I blame you, it’s certainly fascinating.” he finally looked at you, that smile still plastered on his face.
“Jade, I don't know what to do.” you reached for him, but he didn’t meet you halfway.
“About the mushrooms?” he turned away from you, pouring a cup of tea, “I can teach you how to take care of them. Then you can forget about this going home nonsense.”
“But Jade...I care about you.” you murmured, staring at your lap. That last comment was like a knife in your heart—you knew Floyd and Jade were blunt people, but you expected a little more communication from him.
“And I you, dearest. But I’m afraid that doesn’t matter anymore.” Jade handed you your tea, his eyes finally meeting yours, “You’ve got your home back, and it would be selfish of me to stop you.”
“That’s not what you’re thinking and you know it. You’re teasing me right now. You want me to stay and I know that, Jade.” you barely restrained yourself from slamming your tea on the table.
He briefly looked taken aback before he began to chuckle, his hand rubbing the top of your head.
“Well, it seems you haven’t lost your touch. I would not be myself if I were not selfish.” Jade retracted his hand, still managing to keep his distance despite the fact that the two of you were so close just moments before, “But you’re wrong. I am being selfish. Now, would you like to see those mushrooms? I submitted a new recipe to the lounge, too. You can tell me recipes from your home and we can make them here. You don’t have to go back when you’ve found another home here.”
“But it’s my home.” you breathed, heart twisting painfully in your chest.
“But am I not also your home?” Jade’s eyes flashed as he leaned down to your seated position, unexpectedly close, “I was under the impression that I was just as important to you.”
“Don’t guilt me. Don’t make this harder.” you mumbled, tearing your gaze away.
“How do you think I feel?” he asked.
“The same. We feel the same, I think.” you mumbled, “I…I think we’re both making a decision that might leave a home behind.”
Jade said nothing for a few beats. You didn’t either. He stood up straight again, sitting down across from you as he poured himself a cup of tea. The silence was suffocating as you two sat across from each other.
“I knew this day would come.” Jade hummed, “I just did not expect it to be so soon.”
“That makes one of us. Crowley can be so incompetent sometimes that I just... assumed I’d never go back.” you confessed.
Jade made a soft noise of interest, but changed the topic again.
“I’m going on another hike tomorrow. I hope you will be there to join me.” he stated, plunging the both of you into an awkward silence for the rest of your meeting.
You received his silent message.
Make a decision by then.
“Whaaat? You’re going back into the mountains again?” Floyd huffed, glaring at the small pile of Jade’s gear.
“Of course. At this time of year, certain species of mushrooms are thriving. It'd be foolish not to take advantage of it.” he hummed.
“Gross. Just don’t bring any of those weird things back, okay? I hate them.” Floyd grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I’ll bring back whatever I please.” Jade laughed softly, hoisting his gear on his back and opening the door.
“You better not!” Floyd shrieked as he shut the door, ignoring his brother’s plea.
The walk to his usual hiking trail was more thought provoking than he was used to. Jade, for once in his life, had no idea what you were going to do. After all, your entire motive during this school year was to get by and go home. Who knows if a few connections would be enough to soften your heart? Jade thought it would, but with your indecisiveness yesterday, he couldn’t be sure.
He couldn’t be sure until he saw you waiting for him at the trail.
Was it just his imagination, or was the walk taking longer than usual? He checked his watch and blinked a few times when he saw that only a few minutes had passed. It wasn’t taking slower than usual. Laughing quietly under his breath, Jade found himself intrigued with this feeling.
What would you choose? Would you choose him (and your little Heartslabyul friends too, he supposed they’d be included as well) or your home?
The last stretch of trees before he turned on the trail seemed to drag on. Jade purposefully slowed his pace, the anticipation welling up in his chest. There was some sort of enjoyment he found in this unpredictability, even if it was you. He hoped you’d forgive him for being late if he ever saw you again.
He turned down the path, eyes immediately sweeping the area.
He almost laughed when he saw you, sitting down, leaning against a tree. You were examining a map of the trails with a furrowed brow, and he remembered the first time he’d taken you up here. He’d let you navigate for the fun of it, and you both had gotten lost. Jade was far more happy about it then you were, and he’d had camping supplies prepared. This earned an enraged exclamation from you because you thought he’d packed those thinking you’d get lost. He’d told you that no, he’d packed those because he knew you’d get lost.
To this day, he thought your angry face was cute.
“I’m glad you decided to stay.” he placed a hand on your head, making you jump.
“Jade! I didn’t even hear you!” you stood up quickly, dusting yourself off, “Um...Ace and Deuce wouldn’t leave me alone. And I have Grim to take care of. And...I don’t think I’d want to go home if I couldn’t take you with me. I think this place feels more like home than anywhere else. Even if I miss some people from my world...I found more people here. It wouldn’t feel right leaving them.”
Jade laughed, sweeping you into a hug. You buried your face in his neck, clinging to him tightly.
“You’re so cute, my dear.” he tilted your chin and kissed you gently, one of his hands cradling your face as the other held you against him.
Breaking away, he relished your flustered expression.
You chose him.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years
Can you do a wandanat x daughter where she's like an adult and her mom's are used to her anxiety attacks by now, so they're just there with her telling her to breathe, but this one is a really bad one so she passes out, which scares them. And its all angst and she's still their baby. And if aunt yelena could be there, being all soft and worried and loving fluff.
I love protective wanda, nat and yelena.
Summary: It never fully goes away.
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader
Warnings: panic attack
Word count: 698
a/n: much love
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
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Her breathing picks up quickly as she leaves the job interview. It’s her first one since her years ago. Y/N knew the job interview would be difficult, as these things have always been, but she really thought she had gotten better with therapy.
With shaking hands, Y/N opens Wanda and Natasha’s door with the spare key they gave her when she moved out.
“Mom? Mama?” She cries out, dropping to the ground as her breathing get faster.
The fist one to come to her is Wanda. “Honey?” She kneels next to her, setting her hands on Y/N’s cheeks. “Hey, sweetheart, can you take a really deep breath for me?”
“I- I can’t. I can’t breathe, mama, please.”
“It’s okay, you’re okay.” Wanda shushes quietly. That’s when Natasha and Yelena show up to the hall.
“What happened?” Natasha kneels next to Wanda, while Yelena stays in the doorway between the hall and the living room with a frown on her face. “Can you follow my breathing?” She takes Y/N’s hand.
Her breathing turns more and more erratic. “No, no. I can’t stop.” She pulls her hand away from Natasha’s, pushing both of her palms over her ears. “Make it s-stop!” Her breaths turn into small gasps.
Wanda wraps her arms around Y/N, her worry increasing by the minute. These attacks weren’t unusual by any means, Y/N has suffered them since she was a child, but usually Wanda and Natasha were able to help her through them quickly.
“It-“ a quick inhale, “-hurts.” There are tears in her eyes. She stares at Natasha and Wanda as her gaze starts turning fuzzy, and then she passes out.
Slowly, Y/N starts regaining her consciousness. She opens her eyes, but closes them right away with a groan. The lights are too bright. “She’s awake!” Someone’s voice shouts from over her. It’s still a bit muffled. “How are you feeling?”
“Mmmmh.” With a bit of struggle, Y/N opens her eyes properly to see Yelena’s face incredibly close to her own. “Back up a bit, would you?”
Yelena rolls her eyes. “She’s fine.” She shouts to the two women. “You scared your moms.”
Y/N doesn’t even get a chance to say anything before Natasha and Wanda rush to her side, the latter holding a wet towel on her hand. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?”
“Fine, fine.” She mumbles, standing up with a sigh.
Natasha has a frown on her face while Wanda tries to dap the towel on Y/N’s forehead. “You haven’t passed out before.” She rubs Y/N’s arm. “What happened?”
Pushing away the towel, Y/N rubs her eyes. “I had a job interview, and it went shitty.”
“Language.” Wanda whispers, making Yelena snort.
Y/N rolls her eyes. “I thought I’d be ready to get a job and stop being a failure, but I guess not.”
“Y/N..” Natasha sighs. “You aren’t a failure for that. It’s not your fault.”
“Yeah, yeah. I have heard that a million times. It just feels bad when all of my friends are working while I’m just sleeping all the days away.”
“Sleeping alone, I hope.” Yelena snickers, though Y/N knows there’s some serious protectiveness in her aunt’s voice.
“Lena!” She pushes her, though it doesn’t really affect her, as Yelena is much stronger than her. “Who I sleep with does not concern you.”
Yelena scrunches her brows. “Uh, yes it does. I will hurt anyone who does anything to you.”
“Okay,” Wanda stops the conversation, “we’re all very protective of her and will hurt anyone if needed, we all know that.” Y/N glares at her, but Wanda ignores it. “Now, lets put on a movie and relax, yeah? I don’t want you being home alone after you passed out.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Both Y/N and Yelena salute, knowing how strict Wanda can be.
With an exaggerated sigh, Wanda goes to the kitchen to get snacks, and a giggling Natasha follows her.
Y/N and Yelena start fighting over the remote the minute they’re out of the ear shot. Which results in Natasha berating them both and snatching up the remote herself.
Y/N and Yelena start fighting over the remote the minute they’re out of the ear shot. Which results in Natasha berating them both and snatching up the remote herself.
Y/N and Yelena start fighting over the remote the minute they’re out of the ear shot. Which results in Natasha berating them both and snatching up the remote herself.
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vinylfoxbooks · 3 months
July 13 - Owl | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 561 Part 9 of Medium!James AU Previous Part | First Part
Regulus is sitting in a tree when James finds him. He’s not sure how the older managed to find him, hidden in the leaves of the tree, but he supposes that the leaves are brittle and falling nowadays, and that’s the few leaves that are left clinging to the tree. 
“Is everything alright, up there?” James asks, leaning against the tree and gazing up at him.
Regulus hums, “Just getting some of my tree time before the snow comes in and makes it so I can’t be in the trees.”
“Do you mind coming down here?”
“How about you come up here?” 
James takes a second to respond before they’re grabbing at one of the branches on the tree and starting to hoist their body into the tree, “I guess that works.” 
Eventually, they’re sitting on a thick, sturdy branch not far from the one that Regulus is curled up on, slightly out of breath, “How do you do that?”
Regulus laughs, “What? Is the big strong Potter not able to climb a tree?”
“I don’t climb.” James shakes their head, “I haven’t climbed a tree since I was like seven.”
“That’s sad for you.” Regulus smiles, a small thing, “What did you need to talk about?”
James closes their eyes and leans their head against the actual trunk of the tree, “I just wanted to ask if you were okay. You got a letter at breakfast and I could tell that you were off. You left early.”
Regulus hums, taking a moment to gaze over James’ form, he loves when they’re this relaxed, “I finally got an owl back from my mother.”
James frowns, though they keep their eyes closed, “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, she was telling me that it’s alright if I stay at Hogwarts for winter holidays.” He explains, “Which means, if I’m careful about it, I can officially go with you over the break.”
“That’s great! But that’s not all.” It’s not a question. Things like that are never questions when it comes to the Black family.
Regulus shakes his head, “No. It was just a lot of her saying that the pressure of being the ‘perfect heir’ is all mine now that Sirius is gone. Just a bunch of her usual things and…”
“And?” James pushes softly, though Regulus has never felt pressured by them. He’s come to know that James’ pushing is just light prompting and they never expect anything from him if he doesn’t want to give it. 
“And,” the younger sighs, “she’s… she’s been talking about me getting married as soon as I’m of age and… taking the- taking the mark.”
That makes James open their eyes, not gazing over Regulus with alarm, “What?”
“I can’t tell what you’re more offended by. The idea of me getting married off or the idea of me becoming a death eater.”
“Both!” James says, their voice a bit loud. They apologize when Regulus flinches at the noise, “You have to run away, leave them. Come with us. You… that’s horrible.”
Regulus shakes his head, “I don’t want to do either of those things but…”
“I know.” James hums, their voice somber, “Just, keep it in the back of your mind. Sleep on it? Think about it when we go home.”
“Yeah, I’ll… I’ll consider it.”
James smiles, small and a bit weak, “That’s all I ask.”
Next Part
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