#but i hope HK will surprise me
entire minute ½ of me playing heart attack simulator
It makes me both sad and afraid
So funny thing is that I've never actually beat the game, instead most of the main storyline got spoiled and I found no interest in continuing the save I had by that point because "What's the point", come back like 4 years later to my old save, find out I forgot most of what happened/ had no clue of little storylines so decided to play again simply for the characters and get more understanding of the story.
So far I've been jumpscared about 14 different times and got my ass kicked by mantis women WAY more than that (beat them though after try 17)
Galien is probably my worst dreamer enemy, still havent got him. Look he only has two attacks but they are BEATING me up 😭😭
Had Quirrel's storyline spoiled for me, and it's the only reason I'm really hesitant on killing Monomon because I don't want him gone man. He's the only one I know of what happens to though so I have maybe higher hopes for my other favorites living through the game safely.
Cloth and Tiso are probably my other favorite npcs you find throughout the game :)
I hope nothing bad happens to either of them because they're so silly and I love them. I WILL say I doubt anything will happen to the Last Stag and Lemm because they're either a shopkeeper/ transportation so I don't have to worry much about them luckily, hopefully actually.
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How would any of the T-dolls react to their s/o easily picking them up or physically overpowering them with no effort or strain whatsoever
(GFL) AK-15, RPK-16, SPAS-12, G11, HK416, and RO635's S/O picking them up
Admittedly it is possible with some of the lighter T-Dolls like AN-94, but imagine trying to lift someone like SPAS.
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15's eyes only slightly widen in surprise when S/O manages to pick her up and carry them, bridal style.
She turns her gaze to S/O with a relatively deadpan voice.
(AK-15) "What is the purpose of doing this, S/O?"
(S/O) "Well, I want to show you that I can carry you too!"
(AK-15) "It is impressive, but unnecessary."
(S/O) "It absolutely is! How else could I prove the strength of love?"
(AK-15) "..."
(S/O) "...T-That was a joke-"
15 gently pushes S/O off as she gets on her own two feet.
(AK-15) "Now that I know your strength, S/O, you should join me for training sometime this week."
15 found their strength neat, but it didn't really fluster her as much as S/O hoped it would.
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16 lets a quiet "oh" escape her lips as S/O picks her up without issue.
(RPK-16) "Oh, you're far stronger than I thought."
(S/O) "Come on, I gotta do something to impress you!"
(RPK-16) "Well, you certainly did that...Interesting place for your hands too."
(S/O) "W-Well, I'm just lifting you, not groping you!"
(RPK-16) "Hm, is that right?"
Even though she was in their arms, S/O was starting to blush making her laugh.
16 at least knows someone can carry her to the repair bay. And bed. And anywhere, really.
She is half tempted to ask S/O just to carry her everywhere.
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SPAS is completely shocked when her feet leave the ground.
(SPAS-12) "GUH?!"
(S/O) "Gotcha!"
SPAS blushes madly when she realizes S/O is able to lift her, and they didn't seem to struggle either.
(SPAS-12) "S-S/O?! The heck are you doing?!"
(S/O) "Can I not pick up my beautiful girlfriend?"
Blushing at the name, she ignored the teasing and asked her main question.
(SPAS-12) "Just how strong are you, and why did you never tell me you could do this!? You could've helped me bring my equipment back a while ago!"
SPAS begins to pout, from both their strength, and the fact they never offered once to help carry all her snacks and gear.
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G11 just lets out a quiet but cute "waaaah" as she is lifted into S/O's back.
Her arms wrap around their neck softly as she yawns.
(G11) "Hm...comfy."
(S/O) "Wow, your equipment is a lot lighter than I thought it'd be!"
(G11) "...You're not going to take me to do work, are you?"
(S/O) "I was just wanting to show you how strong I was, really."
S/O already knew G11 was closing her eyes as her head rested on their shoulder.
(G11) "Take me to bed and put the blankets over me..."
Now she latches onto S/O's back solely to go to sleep, much to S/O's annoyance.
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HK416 screams many German curses as the floor suddenly leaves her feet, seeing S/O carry them.
(HK416) "What the hell are you doing to me?!"
(S/O) "Surprise! Just wanted to pick you up.~"
She has half a mind just to punch them in the face.
Instead, she frowns before getting on the floor herself and crossing her arms.
(HK416) "Don't just pick me up without warning, jackass! That's just begging to get hit!"
(S/O) "Did you not like it?"
(HK416) "No, I didn't!"
The blush on her cheeks tells S/O otherwise.
Now, HK would do the same to them, similarly without issue.
(HK416) "Not so fun when it happens to you, is it?"
(S/O) "Actually, your arms feel kinda nice..."
(HK416) "Tch, whatever..."
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RO yelps as S/O suddenly picks her up, making her stammer.
(RO635) "W-What in the world are you doing, S/O?!"
S/O flashed her a cheeky grin before kissing her on the cheek.
(S/O) "Seeing your reaction."
Her hands are close to her chest and fidgeting wildly as she feels the gaze of her squad on them.
(S/O) "Sorry, couldn't resist!"
RO is pouting the entire time when they finally put her down.
She doesn't even think about the implications of a human being able to completely carry her due to being flustered.
(RO635) "Please do not do that to me without warning..."
(S/O) "So I can do it as long as I tell you?"
(RO635) "No, that is not what-"
(S/O) "Picking you up!"
(RO635) "S/O! I am -UWAH?!"
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mehidktbh · 2 years
“Let me hug you.”
Pairing: HK!Michael Myers x Fem!Reader
Summary: Michael comes back from a hunt to find you waiting for him, only he can’t let you go to bed without giving you a hug
Warning: Established relationship, kissing, sweet fluff, mentions killing and blood but nothing too extreme
A/N: So sad that I haven’t written for Michael in a long time not like how I used to :(
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Michael entered the house through the back door house. It was bleak, cold and completely dark. It was quiet and sombre in there and he felt the darkness engulf him. The most piercing darkness ever surrounded him as he made his way through the house, trying to map out where everything was in his head. Normally you’d leave a light on for him when he returned so he wouldn’t bump into something in the middle of the house. But instead, he had to find the light switch in the kitchen where he randomly ended up in.
Flicking the switch on he found the kitchen completely cleaned down, a faint flower chemical scent tickled his nose. Looking around he continued to quietly stalk through the house, coming around to corner to see your body only barely through the darkness. Your body leaned over, your head turned to the side as you slouched over, your mouth wide open as he got closer to get a better look. But he figured you were like this because you had waited for him to get home. (Even though he didn’t need you to)
He remembered how difficult tonight was, he only wanted to get in and out of this one house. Before days ago you were telling him about how this one guy was talking shit about you. Telling your co-workers about how you did this and that and about fake rumours that seemed insane. But everyone believed it and after coming home distressed and crying he could only listen. Comforting you as you guys both watched a movie after, (attempting) to make some popcorn for the both of you while he snuggled into your embrace on the couch.
But he only wanted you to get his hands on that fucker. So what Michael thought would be an easy in-and-out kill turned into a mouse and cat chase. Who knew that idiot made him chase him through the neighbourhood. Eventually cornering him and brutally killing him, blood splattered all over his overalls and some on his mask. Leaving his mangled and unidentifiable body out for everyone to find.
“Michael…?“ He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard your soft voice ring out. You now sat up straight, trying to squint through the darkness to hopefully spot your boyfriend's figure. But his silent grunt gave it away. “What took you so long,” your feet scrambled to the floor as you quickly turned on the lights. The room sparked up with light and you saw him watching you, his shoulders shrugging in return. “Are you injured?” The smell of his overalls was unbearable and you held back the urge to pinch your nose as you walked closer. His head followed you as you got closer.
You let out a relieving sigh, smiling at him when he shook his head, but looking into the eye sockets of his mask you could only imagine what his eyes were saying. The way the light of the room couldn’t let you see what was hiding behind the mask was annoying to you. The thick tension between the two of you was comforting but awkward at the same time. Staring at him and hoping he’d do anything but instead the silence only grew louder. But out of the blue Michael’s head flicked over to the stairs, interacting he wanted to go to bed.
“Let me hug you.” You teased, smirking when he only looked at you, “Before we go to bed you need to hug me, Michael.” Hearing you call him by his first name was surprising to him but funny to you. You only called his first name if you only wanted him to get take you seriously or if you were in an argument. Only when you said his name was he just as confused. Seeing you stand there hands out slightly by your side as you waited for his body to collide into yours was disappointing.
But after some time Michael shuffled closer, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulls you closer into him. You breathed more slowly, your body melting more into him as every muscle lost its tension from before. Feeling the way he slowly eased into the huh, his fingers tightened around your skin. The ruff material didn’t stop him from imagining your soft and delicate skin. Your lips parted again as you pressed a kiss into his mask, the plastic material stopped him from feeling the kiss truly. But knowing when you guys got to bed he could fully understand how your lips would dance on his body. And with that he pulled away, his mouth forming a slight smile under his mask. Hoping you didn’t see it as you guided him to the stairs.
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demonkinguwu · 3 months
hey i know you're not in the ahit fandom anymore but i have to ask, why did you ship vanessa x snatcher? not to be mean but i was just curious this whole time it's okay if you don't wanna answer
Well, this is certainly a surprise lol
While I'm not really into AHIT much anymore, it'll always be special to me, so I don't mind answering this for old time's sake
[Warning: I will talk about Snatcher x Vanessa in a sort of positive way. Please don't read or send me any hate if it's not your cup of tea or don't like it. I know this warning might be a bit much but I have received harassment over this topic/liking Vanessa before, so I feel it's needed. Please feel free to block me/ or ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable. Thank you👍]
Personally, I think they're neat.
Yeah, it was a toxic relationship in canon, probably for the best they aren't a thing anymore. But the thing is, even in canon there are tiny hints that the current Snatcher might even have a crush on her or at least doesn't care too much about her [though admittedly yes, he is somewhat bitter over his death]. Just look at the Seal the Deal DLC
"We all have a soulmate, supposedly. I know I do, she's waiting for me, I don't see anyone waiting for you."
Always thought this line was weird if he 100% hated her. like, he could have told HK: "I had a soulmate once, let's just hope if you have one, they'll be just as wonderful as she was." Like, he's already giving the child death threats, I don't think he's above wishing HK a similar fate to his.
I'm sure there are more instances but I just got the feel that Snatcher, while somewhat bitter about his death and all, he's pretty much doesn't fear her or anything, maybe even finds her evilness kinda hot now, who knows?
Canonwise, I don't really see them working out as he is too mad about what she did and she doesn't recognize him/hates him but that leads to the actual reason why I liked them.
AUs Listen, Imma be real with you all, most of my enjoyment of AHIT was because of AUs. IDK, for me this game was so easy to make AUs of, especially the Subcon Forest chapter. I like to think of alternative endings or heck, fill-in lore and all. I think Vanessa being an ambiguous character helps a lot in this regard [I mean aside from my preferences of evil women n yanderes in general]
I know she went crazy after she 'caught' the prince and florist but I like to wonder why, as I do have a personal belief no one is truly born evil, I just think they're influenced into coming it. I also like to wonder about different scenarios and all using these characters. I just think in concept they could be neat.
That's not to say I only made AUs to ship them, I mean, [points at my RoleSwap AU where Vanessa literally hates/fears Snacter more than Canon Snatcher hates Vanessa] But the bulk of them are little what ifs and giving them a chance to either fix things or work things out.
Anyways, yeah, I just like them cause there are just two people who are intertwined, it's easier to make AUs of them and explore Subcon as a whole in general. Yes, I'm also one of those who like character redemption arcs. Hell, one of my OCs was an absolutely obsessive bastard man that I thought would never get redeemed or like much but whoops, me n partner like him now to give him two whole bfs.
So yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm sure I would have written an entire essay before but I'm not really much into this game as before. The only thing I'm invested in currently involving AHIT is a crossover AU that came from RPing in which my RS Vanessa has a tsundere crush on my partner's horrible AU MJ unicorn guy who she will take the hammer and FIX HIM
I will probably replay sometime later this year but currently busy with other stuff and fandoms. I can't guarantee I'll be back into it, but hey who knows, maybe I will.
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lanaevyssmoved · 1 year
The thing about Gale is that I was genuinely so surprised people dislike him because they find him annoying. Cuz like. Personally i always found it SO endearing...he's a wizard of course he's annoying...Wizards are the magic hyperfixation class if you make a wizard who isn't kind of silly about it and constantly infodumping and nerding out about lore and spells and scrolls and tomes something has gone horrible awry. I think. Anyways I love Gale a lot
(Also hi hope you're having a good day today lol)
i love his autistic passions and hyperfixations and special interests and infodumping. it's literally his primary charm point for me and why i found him so endearing to start. to me this just makes him perfect fg;hk;ghkf the fact people can find this annoying is like Red Flag wow you would HATE me hahaha..............
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blissfulalchemist · 11 months
Which Hozier Song is Your OC
Hello I have come back from the abyss to of course do this uquiz. Thank you @corvosattano for tagging me. I tried to do as many ocs as I could manage (it ended up being 12 so my bad) and then included a lyric that I felt related to the oc(s) so apologies for the length. Sending tags out to @belorage @florbelles @unholymilf @adelaidedrubman @heroofpenamstan @confidentandgood @strafethesesinners @deputyash @leviiackrman @jackiesarch @shallow-gravy @shellibisshe and uh anyone else that wants to!
Anthea (ffxiv/bg3)
Wasteland, Baby! it's the end of the world, but the beginning of something that will outlive us all. you might like my tag #growing through solastalgia on tumblr. just because the world is falling apart doesn't mean we can't find peace.
"And the day that we'll watch the death of the sun/That the cloud and the cold and those jeans you have on/Then you'll gaze unafraid as they sob from the city roofs"
Catlina Rojas, Carly (fc5, bloodlines/ffxiv)
NFWMB oh, it is a privilege to be loved by you. you'd break the world for the person you love. we all want a love like that, i think. we all want such utter devotion. save it for someone who deserves it, though, because not everyone does.
"If I was born as a blackthorn tree/I'd wanna be felled by you/Held by you/Fuel the pyre of your enemies"
Siberite Akagane (ffxiv)
Abstract (Psychopomp) i mean, the world is so broken. and yet it's so beautiful it makes you want to cry. what can you even do with a feeling like this?
"Darling, there's a part of me/I'm afraid will always be/Trapped within an abstract from a moment of my life/The weeds up through the concrete/The traffic picking up speed/All my love and terror/Balanced there between those eyes"
Demos Reyes, Conner Enache (ffxiv, bloodlines/ffxiv)
Would That I morning dew, shifting grass, foxglove growing by an old fence post. woods, thick and old. and then: the joyful spark of a flame. i hope you get to lie down in a dewy field sometime soon.
"True that I saw her hair like the branch of a tree/A willow dancing on air before covering me/Under cotton and calicoes/Over canopy dapple long ago"
Sahar Mahin (m*rvel)
Francesca "i would do it again." honestly this song changed my life. i hope the people you love are worth suffering for.
"Darling, I would do it again, ah, ah/If I could hold you for a minute/Darling, I'd go through it again, ah, ah/I would still be surprised I could find you, darling/In any life"
Stasia (bloodlines/ffxiv)
Eat Your Young you have strong feelings about the state of the world. i like your passion. plus, you know how to boogie to songs that would disturb your grandma if she listened to the lyrics too closely, which is always a plus. is cannibalism a red flag?
"Honey, I'm making sure the table's made/We can celebrate the good that we've done/I won't lie, if there's something still to take/There is ground to break, whatever's still to come"
Azatae (dnd/bg3)
It Will Come Back why is it so hard to stay away? you might have a tendency to get addicted. and it makes sense. if you've always been starving, then any scraps look like a feast. but you really do deserve better than this. i hope you treat yourself with kindness.
"I know who I am when I'm alone/I'm something else when I see you/You don't understand, you should never know/How easy you are to need"
HK (dnd/bg3)
Work Song i wrote a poem about this one once! devotion and the way it crushes you. the way it saves you. sometimes the only thing that can save your life is having someone to live for. and sometimes when you've found that person you would do impossible things to stay by their side. i like the way no grave can hold your body down. it's neat.
"I didn't care much how long I lived/But I swear I thought I dreamed her/She never asked me once about the wrong I did"
Chance Ruicknar (fc5)
From Eden you might like the game slither.io. also, you're a bop. have you seen Good Omens? there's this snake demon you might really enjoy.
"Babe/There's something lonesome about you/Something so wholesome about you/Get closer to me/No tired sighs, no rolling eyes, no irony/No 'who cares', no vacant stares, no time for me"
Lizette Rojas (fc5)
In a Week have you ever thought about the fact that you have to kill other things in order to keep yourself alive? whether plant, animal, bacteria, or fungus, you're always killing things in order to eat. and in return, when you die, they'll get to eat you. the feast has begun.
"I have never known peace/Like the damp grass that yields to me/I have never known hunger/Like these insects that feast on me/A thousand teeth/And yours among them, I know"
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foggyxrayspecs · 2 years
Security Measures—Part 8: Cub, Alone
Summary: Cub has been captured by their original owners. Planning the extraction, Yelena finds there’s more on the line than usual.
Warnings: dark-ish, sub-themes of human trafficking, heavy pet play
Word Count: ~2,300
A/N: The next couple chapters are going to get a tiny bit angsty. Back to fluff schtuff in Part 10.
Tip of the hat to @scarlettwlw​ for letting me borrow the Widow AU Yelena. (So very appreciated!!!)
All previous parts in pinned post
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You slowly become conscious that you are face-down on cold concrete. After being tranquilized, waking is truly the worst. You shake your head to help clear your mind. Fuck! You pull yourself up and begin looking for Aurelia. You can’t see her. You squeeze your eyes closed and drag in the scents around you: draining waste and water, blood, sweat, food, vomit… You turn down all your enhancements. The noise, sights, and smells were all familiar, but no trace of Aurelia, no Mikhail. No Yelena. Good. They should not be here.
[He] liked dogs because they could not conspire. They could not hide hostility, and they were not cunning. They did not lie awake at night planning to rob and murder other dogs. Treachery was beyond their scope.—Mario Puzo
You slowly become conscious that you are face-down on cold concrete. After being tranquilized, waking is truly the worst. You shake your head to help clear your mind. Fuck! You pull yourself up and begin looking for Aurelia. You can’t see her. You squeeze your eyes closed and drag in the scents around you: draining waste and water, blood, sweat, food, vomit… You turn down all your enhancements. The noise, sights, and smells were all familiar, but no trace of Aurelia, no Mikhail. No Yelena. Good. They should not be here.
This isn’t the first time you’ve woken up in a new kennel with a new collar. You carefully pull yourself up to take in the enclosure. You seem to be in a cluster of twenty cages, with electrified bars and short platforms with bedding in various states of disarray. You don’t recognize the HK-9s nearby.
As your head begins to slow its spinning, you lean your temple against the cold concrete wall and feel the bile rise in your throat. You feel the strange collar around your neck with the back of your knuckles.
No, this wasn’t the first time you’ve woken up in a new kennel with a new collar, but you just… you just had hoped.
The sound of men walking through the alley between the cages echoed down from the right. Without moving your head, you look over to watch them approach, setting your jaw. Total emotional lockdown in five, four, three, two…
She’s not coming.
You met the Reznikov veterinarian once, and he smelled like shitty cigarettes and dog biscuits then, too. It wasn’t a surprise to see him and his thin mustache, but it was a disappointment. Two family goons flank him as he stops in front of your cage door.
Upper Lipholstery wears a white lab coat and is on his cell phone. An older woman’s voice from the other side asks, “You’ve verified that no tracking chips were installed? No software changed?”
He looks at you, “the extraction team did not find any tracking devices, Doña. I’ll be making my examination shortly.”
The clipped voice says, “I want a full evaluation by the end of the day.”
“Yes, Doña, by the end of the day.” She hangs up on him, and the veterinarian shoves the phone into his slacks and pulls out a little black fob from the front pocket of his lab coat. He checks his watch. “Call and schedule with Yuri and Ksenia. We’ll need assistance to get the evaluations locked in this afternoon.”
He looks over at you. “Bring them,” he says to the goons, then presses down on a button on the fob, and your lights go out.
You wake on your side, muzzle fitted tightly, arms clamped behind your back, and legs shackled to an examination table. Crustache was leaning over you and shining a light in your face. “That’s it. Come on back. You are in the medical bay of the main kennels.” He clicks off the ophthalmoscope, then rolls to a tray to drop it off and picks up another instrument.
“If the Doña wants a full workup,” the veterinarian said absently with his mouth open as he concentrated on examining your ear, “we’ll give it to her. Right, pup?”  
“So, he did get around to naming you.” He taps his finger twice on your new cuff. You jerk it away for him as far as you can, which is less than an inch. “Bear. Fitting. I’ll update the record while we’re in there.”
You watch him connect the last of the leads to your scalp and chest. A floating monitor flashes in blue, and he looks over the initial readings, “Okay, what have we got?”
As he works through the various menus, he breathes loudly through his mouth, “I’m–I’m not seeing anything out of the standard code.” After several minutes, he gives up and looks at you. “Did they even do anything?”
If you could talk at that moment, you’d definitely say, “get fucked, Mouth Mirken.” You can only hope that your eyes will deliver the message.
He pulls off the leads, bundles them, and places them on the tray. He rolls back over to you, lacing his fingers together. “You are a very lucky pup. The Widows are incredibly ruthless. What did they want with you?” He pauses, then leans closer, and you pull back as far as you can. You don’t like the softness in his eyes. “Sometimes, I wonder what it’s like to be an HK-9–”
Blessedly, there’s a knock at the door, and he rolls away quickly. “Yes?”
One of the goons from earlier leans halfway into the room, “Yuri is ready for the first evaluation.”
“Sit.” You sit.
“Down.” You lay down.
“Stay... Stand... Wait... Come... Place…” You work through each verbal and non-verbal command dully.
“Heel.” You look up at the new handler, then look away. There’s something within you that keeps you from executing the move. “Heel!” The handler pops the leash. Something that is protecting your loyalty to a blonde with green eyes. Something that didn’t feel right to be side by side working with someone who wasn’t your– “That’s a fail.”
The veterinarian looks at you, then back to the handler. “They were dialed in perfectly until the heel. I wonder if they didn’t recognize the command or your authority to give it?” The handler reddens and stumbles over his words.
Wispy raises his hand to cut him off. “Don’t worry about it. They are due at the small rotunda. Our intimacy specialist is waiting for their next eval.”
They drag the leash forward, and you walk in front of them into the corridor.
They escort you to a room that reeks of stale sex.
The two goons direct you to sit on the floor.
A woman is there, clothed in a silk robe and reclining on a bed with freshly-changed sheets. She looks at you, pushing herself up. “Well, my, my, my…” She motions for the men to leave. They begin to protest, then fall silent when she gives them a stern look.
After they file out, she turns back to you, stands up slowly, and loosens the tie of her robe before rounding the corner of the bed.
“Hello, Bear.” Your eyes flick over to her. “My name is Ksenia, and I’ve been looking forward to meeting you,” she breathes out.
“I just didn’t know you’d be so big, baby. You are just a monster, aren’t you?” She laughs. Your mouth pulls down. Ksenija reaches out to touch you, and you shrug your shoulder up to your neck, wiping her off.
“Aw, shy? I know something that you might like, baby.” She straightens and slowly hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her underwear and pulls them down. She smiles half-lidded and holds them out to you, dangling from one finger. “C’mere, baby.”
You grimace and twist your face away. You move back so that you are next to the door.
“Come here,” she says in English. You crowd the door, willing it to open. “Get over here, you fucking mutt. I want—” She moves close and reaches out to grab your collar, and you turn on her. If you hadn’t been muzzled, she would have been a few fingers short for her next manicure.
“Fuckin’ beast.” Ksenia beats on the two-way mirror. “Rachinsky, get ‘em outta here!!”
When Lip Foliage and the goons bring you back to the kennel, there is a small, undetectable smile beneath your steel muzzle.
You tear off the line with a deep growl and sprint straight toward the decoy. You forego the arm sleeve and barrel into the man, knocking in off-balance enough to follow up with a leg sweep.
Once he was on the ground—“OUT!”— you went for his throat, rooting under the protective levels—“OUT! OUT! OUT!”—until you found the edges and began to peel with your hand, readying your bite.
“What are you waiting for?! They’re not stopping! Take them down!!!”
Somewhere behind you the veterinarian presses the collar’s fob and the lights go out.
She’s not coming.
“...We have evaluated the animal in question.”
You rally from your involuntary nap, opening one eye to see Crumb Catcher standing outside your kennel with an older woman. She watches you, her hands balancing on a black cane, her gaze cold and calculating.
“As you know, this one was acquired with Zarro’s last volunteer cohort before he was… retired. They entered the program at age 18 to redeem their family from debtors’ prison, then spent six months with Volkov, then transferred to spend two-and-a-half years with Zarro personally. Our family acquired Zarro’s holdings six months ago, and they were stationed with your son and served exceptionally until–”
“Until it counted,” the woman said.
“Just so, ma’am.” The veterinarian pauses just long enough to acknowledge the grief introduced to the space appropriately. “When we first acquired them, they were strong and stable. The willingness to please was incredible. What we have today is a different animal. They have failed all three evaluations. It is our opinion that they have, uhh, become ungovernable.”
“In less than a week?” She asked, surprised. She turns back to you and narrows her eyes, saying softly. “What did Melina and her spiders do to you?”
“Uhh, yes, Doña.”
After a moment, she says, “Prepare them for tomorrow night.”
“We have two bouts scheduled for recording. I want this animal to face the champion.”
“M-Ma’am.” He swallows. “Fighting each other is not something they do naturally. This is something that we train them to do.”
“Rachinsky, I may have outlived my children and my husband. That means I, alone, hold the consolidated power of the Reznikovs. You have given your assessment. Now, I see a different purpose for them. This will be the truest test of Red.”
The veterinarian swallows, and he gives a respectful nod. “Yes, ma’am. It will be done.”
“Besides,” she looks through you. “The master is dead. I have no use for the dog.”
She’s not coming.
She’s not coming.
She’s not coming.
I must go to her.
After fourteen hours of planning, Sonja convinces Yelena to sit and eat something. Sonja escorts her to her rack with a tray and orders her to rest, or it will endanger the mission. Only a handful of people in the world can say something like that to her and not leave with a knife wound—Sonya slips out of the room unscathed.
When alone, a coldness settles in her chest that Yelena hasn’t felt in a very long time. Like her core has frozen, she’s carrying a block of ice in her ribcage.
Yelena pushes on it a little. It’s not that she hates these enemies. That would affect her judgment. It’s not that she’s scared. Strange men have been trying to kill her since she was six years old. Sonja, Ingrid, Antonia, and Lerato will be on her strike team, with Oksana and Talia running interference with any animals. She couldn’t be more confident in their ability to accomplish this mission.
She huffs out a breath and tries to shift her thoughts. Over the last week, she’s been watching a series of HK-9 training videos online. She pulls up one that she’s been avoiding about handler testimonials. She takes a deep breath, settles on the bed, and presses the space bar to play.
Dustin (and Pearl): “We've got to the point when I just look at her, and she knows what she needs to do. I've picked up on her little mannerisms when she's found something or when she's excited. She's the best in the world. She's got my back, and I've got hers." Logann (and Astra): "It took us a little bit to get comfortable with each other, but I am obsessed with her now. I just love when she's by my side. She teaches me things day in and day out. I'm just fortunate that I lucked out with a good dog.”
Jenna (and Butler): “Even on my off days, I would go to the kennels just to hang out with him. Having this dog that was my responsibility made me want to be a better human.”
Yelena hums, unimpressed at the saccharine last confession. Her thumb hovers over the space bar to stop the video when vintage footage flashes up with an older handler and a similar-aged male HK-9. She continues watching.
Ben (and Charlie): “When I would get up, he would get up; when I would sit down, he would sit down; he was between me and everything else. That’s where he needed to be, between me and ‘danger.’ When he did something or said something in his way, it meant important things. And he only gave these things to me.” The dignified Ben breaks down in quiet tears. Yelena tosses the iPad to the side when a memorial reel of Charlie starts to roll. She clears her throat and shifts on the pillow, stretching to catch the reindeer toy as it almost falls off the side.
She sets the reindeer up on her belly, then plays with its little legs like it’s walking as she did on Cub’s back just two nights ago. She stops and stares at it. She’ll have Cub back in her bed within 24 hours, come hell or—no, just hell.
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fntcsy · 1 year
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★ fntcsy update : OO1
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🩹 skr. i found this cat hopping around my lab earlier, but i’m not too sure how it’d gotten in.. i haven’t seen it since.
🗡️ yj. i went out today— well, i traveled between realms. i’ve reached the earthrealm, but it’s getting dark and i’d rather be sleeping than traveling all night.. so for now, what should i do here? anybody down to hang out?
🕯️ cw. master ojin treated me to coffee since i’ve been working hard on my studies and training! look, it even has my face on it!!
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🕯️ sb. if you can correctly guess what i’m staring at, then i’ll do whatever you want >:)
🩹 bg. i accidentally turned myself into a cat earlier while trying to perfect my muting spell.. let’s just hope that sakura didn’t notice that was me 😓
🪄 yj. pretty eventful day today! i almost burned down the academy today.. but i thought it was supposed to be fire-proof? it’s literally the academy of pyromancy..
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🗝️ th. i’m surprised that i even left my home this morning, but i’m even more surprised that i enjoyed my time at the beach. i should bring someone here soon, it’s a pretty private spot.
🪄 hk. i’ve been home all day, just snuggling with my plushies.. i wish i could do this everyday, honestly. 🥹
🗝️ kzh. i’m on a late night walk right now to clear my head— it’s very important to not go to bed with such a heavy mind. i think. there wasn’t many people out either :]
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🗡️ ec. i just witnessed a huge catfight out downtown— it was so silly, but still entertaining! i wish i got a video of it *huffs* anyways, look at this bunny plushie i bought!
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manofmanymons · 6 months
I know this sounds somewhat hypocritical as someone who loves Survive and Hollow Knight very very very much, one of the biggest things that puts me off from series is when there's too much death and/or general carnage. And it's not even that I'm sensitive to gore or can't handle some death.
It's that once everyone starts dying, I stop having fun! I'm not enjoying cool action scenes because everyone I liked is dead, but I'm not even properly sad about any of the deaths anymore because goddamn everyone else is fuckin dead am I supposed to be surprised now? You can only cram so many emotional scenes into a short period of story before I completely stop feeling anything at all.
The reason I like Survive anyways is because there's a truthful route where everyone lives, and even if there wasn't, there's still the moral route where most of them live. If it was JUST the wrathful route or JUST the harmony route I'd fuckin hate it! The fact that that would be a dreadfully short game notwithstanding, I'd be pretty pissed if I spent so much time gaining affinity with these characters and watching them bond with each other and the mc just for the game to end with half of them dead and the other half living in a post apocalyptic hellhole. As full games those routes are ass! But existing as they are as just extreme hypotheticals of what could have happened to these characters if just a few more things went wrong and they weren't as strong of a team, and we get to learn more about them by seeing how they act when pushed to the brink...yeah that is fun. It's like "well I know that this character is okay but it's cool seeing what COULD have but did not happen to them." And you know what despite Ryo literally being one of my favorite characters, I still would've loved Survive just fine without the truthful route because the moral route is a very good stand alone story of a bunch of kids who were met with tragedy but only became closer because of it and still managed to find a happy ending for themselves.
And Hollow Knight, well. For one it's largely helped by the fact that it is a video game and not a show, therefore the fact that it is just INCREDIBLY fun to play goes a long way in making me mentally insane about it. But it's not just that! From the very start of the game you KNOW you're playing through something sad. The sad doesn't sneak up on you, it's always there. Rather than playing through the downfall of a kingdom, you're exploring the ruins of a once-beautiful kingdom, learning what happened to it, meeting the inhabitants, befriending the last little glimmers of hope in this dying world, and fighting to save them. And yeah depending on the player's actions you lose a few of them along the way, but a) as I said some of them only die depending on what the player does, and b) I feel like enough of them have satisfying endings that I'm not too fixated on the ones that die. Ofc Quirrel being probably dead bums me out, and it sucks that you can't do anything for Myla, but hey, your homie Elderbug is fine, Cornifer is fine, you can save Cloth and even Zote if you'd like. Your Mantis buddies are still around. Brumm can be having a silly good time OR you might have a son now. Idk to me HK is finding hope and happiness amid despair rather than losing hope and falling into despair.
Unlike series that are like whee we're a fun action adventure--just kidding everyone is dead.
Oh well we started sad but if everyone works together then maybe there's hope that--psych they are all in fact still dead.
What a silly goofy show about kids having a fun--lmao you fell for that? Nah they're dead too.
Obviously other people are into that otherwise there wouldn't be so many popular series that do that but my god do I hate it literally every single time I have never once gone "you know what this story IS better now that none of my favs are in it and whoever's left has been doing nothing but fighting nonstop without an ounce of the playfulness or humor that originally drew me into this series."
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kick-girl · 1 year
WAIT A SEC. You're the Revalek comic artist from Deviantart from like ten(?) years ago! I remember your Revan having a teatime with terentateks in the Sith tomb. Great times. Absolutely fantastic to find you still around and still into KotOR! Hope your day is delightful 💖💛💞❤💯🌟
I'm SO behind on 10,000 messages. So I'll try to do a couple every time I update! 💖 Hi Anon!!! YES! I was posting Revalek nonsense since around... like 2010ish I think? I *THINK* you're thinking of my art! I did draw tea time with HK-47 as part of a Revan Meme thing on DA. So maybe that's what you're thinking of? Thank you so much for the kind message! I'm so surprised people remember my artwork from sooo long ago. It makes me feel so dang happy ;A; Sending you ALL THE LOVES, Anon!!!! 💖💖💖
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ruthlesslistener · 10 months
Hi i know this is super out of nowhere but i saw you rb my HK doodle and upon looking in the bio turns out youre the author of 'Fair Bargain Made' i believe? The Herrah/PK fic on Ao3 and i just have to say i was AWED by that one back when i first read it and i just never thought the world would be so small as to bring us together again somehow
Idk i just wanted to say i really appreciate your writing, hope you have a good day!
jsdhfgbh yep, that's me! Still knocking around the HK fandom bc this special interest has me hooked
Glad you like my fic!! I really enjoyed your doodle, so don't be surprised if you see me in your notes again in the future!
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bluegekk0 · 3 months
Regarding your recent vent post I can understand why you might start to have many of these thoughts about your art/AU stuff. But I honestly don’t really think it’s because of general disinterest of your content in particular as it is the HK fandom itself kinda getting smaller as I’ve been recently noticing. This AU of yours is up there for one of the most passionate and overall best representation of a ship I’ve seen in a while. I find it kind of hard to see people get bored of this, but just know whenever you’re feeling like nobody cares about your AU or art anymore there are many people who truly enjoy what you put out and make our days a little more enjoyable.
And about your section talking about your negative experience with going through a possible autism revelation kind of hit me close to home. It can be a VERY frustrating and stressful time realizing that you may think something is “wrong” with the way you think, act or carry out daily activities. I myself struggled with this shit during high school and I always felt like the most out of place weirdo in the room, and I still occasionally feel like this at times. If I can give you any piece of advice it would be to honestly try your best to accept the card you’ve been dealt with, and to try to push the boundaries of your disability and see what you are capable of, trust me there are times that I thought I couldn’t do something because I believed I would be too stupid or awkward tackle it. But with enough motivation and courage you’d be surprised of what you could do.
I do hope this ask helped you in any way or at least made you not feel completely worthless because in reality you aren’t.
Hmm yeah I definitely noticed that a lot of people moved on to other things. I guess I don't really think of that most of the time since I've also distanced myself quite a bit from the HK community. Thinking now, maybe the fact that I stopped tagging my art with Hollow Knight contributes to this? But at the same time, that feels right since I don't even really see the game and the AU on the same wavelength anymore, they're two different entities to me (with the AU almost leaning into OC territory; it's more like an adaptation of the game rather than something that derives from it). Plus I have this small fear that it'll attract people who know nothing about the AU and will misinterpret my versions of the characters in tags/replies (it happened before which is why it's something I'm sensitive about). I guess I'll have to see it from this perspective more and just start expecting less people to see it if I continue to avoid tagging it as HK. Maybe a "Hollow Knight AU" tag would work as a compromise? I'll think about it.
But I got carried away there, sorry. I'm really grateful for your input. For me it wasn't as much realizing that something is wrong that messed with me, I had this suspicion for a long time, way before I even considered that I might be autistic. It's mostly that I'm afraid my suspicione are wrong and I'm somehow faking the symptoms, even if many of them that I read and heard about feel very relatable to me in a lot of ways. But I appreciate your advice nonetheless, and I'll try to keep it in mind. I'll have to, now that I'm finishing uni, even if it seems terrifying.
Thank you a lot for reaching out, it means a lot ❤️
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farceargon · 1 year
asdhghgsh I'm glad to see you are excited!! Our dear Mr. Fly will have quite the part in Chivalry, and soon too if I can keep my writing going at a quicker pace. There's only one town close to the howling cliffs, after all! <3
I'm VERY excited!! I stumbled across the fic blindly when my Hollow Knight fixation picked up again and goddamn is your writing utterly gorgeous. Top tier stuff, stunning.
I'll always be glad to see that little pest. I was surprised by the lack of stuff for him in the tags and hope to remedy that a little :]
@ my followers, if you have any interest in HK I'd highly recommend the fic for a beautiful read! It's called Where Chivalry Went to Die which is super ominous but what about HK isn't.
(I hope you don't mind me linking the fic btw;; Let me know if it bothers you)
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hi im the hk insp au person again,, i just wanted to share just some more of my au if thats okay with you
https://imgur.com/a/L4AVTir (All my unofficial works and also some old designs that didnt work out in case anybody would be interested)
https://imgur.com/a/TNjocDK (Tommys and sapnaps design woohoo)
i hope you like it and please drop some thoughts if you have any :))
also an au notice; not entirely a hollow knight au just HEAVILY inspired by it (hence why its called rogue au in the imgur titles lmao) but i still wouldnt mind if people called it a hollow knight au
btw; you got dream and george right last time, i was surprised because he does in fact live in a very mossy grove (its Mossy Decay in the map), always hides in the shadows and is VERY protective of his little place. when tommy first met dream he wandered a bit too deep in mossy decay and was ambushed by dream, nearly making it out alive
for george, he does in fact like napping a lot around Hills of Mildew (on the eastern side of the map) inside his own hut and doesnt really care about anything and only goes outside to stretch his legs and look at the horizon
and ill also add some lore & funfacts
nobody has ever dared to go in "The deep", only some have tried but few have returned and those few were never the same 😵
theres an arena in barkals, people bet money and fight to the death for it, that's where Dream met techno! while techno was watching dream fight in the arena, he was impressed by his agility and strength and decided to challenge him to a duel outside of the arena. obviously, techno beat dream and thus begun their playful rivalry
ok i swear this was all i just really like to ramble abt stuff ty and bye❤❤❤
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WOO!!!! First off, I really love your art style. All the pen lines, especially in some of the older art, it's awesome. I wish I'd do more stuff like that
Anyway, I love these guys. The fire head design is sooo cool. Idk if its just your style or if it looks a certain way for a reason, but it reminds me of autumn leaves and sticks. Which feels apt, for something so nature-themed. A skrunkly guy, I bet he thinks he's the coolest kid on the block. I'd like to hear the thoughts behind those eyes xD
And Tommy feels so sitting. He's a Big man™ and he's got Belts and Such™, Dont Mess With Him !!!11!1!!!! And then you see those big goofy eyes <3 Yep, you're very intimidating and cool, Tommy~ Also him losing his wings reminds me of osmp. That there is one slightly above-average guy who cannot fly. He doesnt NEED to fly, he is simply built different. #trust
Other arts
Map!! I love maps. Big map fan. I bet Tommy likes "The Junk". (if he can get past Dream to make it that far, anyway :eyes:) or at least the name, idk. its funny.
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I don't have much to say about the others, besides that they're very fun to look at. I love seeing the thought process behind designs. Crying at George v.1 looking like a waiter djkfhskfd
Speaking of Dream. Ahahehehh I was right >:D It's the vibes, man. The vibes are there and they work so well with these two. If c!Dream and c!George were to be in a hollow knight inspired world, that is simply what they would be doing, I don't make the rules. And hey, that means your character design did its job :D Pog
I'm also always in favor of any idea regarding a fighting arena. Dream would do numbers there, I'm sure. Glad to see the friendly rivalry exists <3
I don't know if you plan on writing anything or just drawing stuff, or just vibe, but I love this concept and I hope you continue it :D
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
If I had to answer I'm afraid my answer would be I don't think it's happening. HK seems confident that he can finish by the end of this year as there doesn't look to be a popularity poll this year and with everything else that he needs to wrap up and him saying he wants to conclude all side battles besides the main one in volume 39. I just don't see there being much if any time. I hate to say this but I don't see HK doing anything more with Shouto and Touya. I hope I'm wrong and HK surprises me.
Yeah I disagree with you sorry
Not in the mood for doomerism
It was a rhetorical/sarcastic question
I really don’t care about peoples’ negativity right now
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nicebonescomrades · 1 year
okay! so this might get a little long winded lol
my main is america, but my luck there hasn't been so good so i legit made 3 alts on the other servers to try my luck and uuuh
for starters they're all alts right? very squishy units bc lack of materials and what not - and all three alts have a gepard
granted the hk alt only just got a gepard but i'm pretty sure it was bc i've been running jingyuan, tingyun, natasha, and fire trailblazer. and i swear tingyun gets singled out way too often (and as a result dies the fastest) so gepard is just like no need to worry! i am here
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the hk alt is going to get a battle pass bc its just ridiculous at this point - when seele's banner was up i did a couple of single pulls and got a bronya, and then i threw the free 10 pulls at the banner and almost immediately got a seele - almost like she knew her girlfriend had come home and she just had to be there to complete the team (they actually hard carried me through the belagog story quest lol)
hk also didn't have tingyun before the jingyuan banner so i was like - i have arlan! maybe i can make a second team with arlan here? and i'll get a tingyun from jingyuan's banner no problem! and she can support arlan and i can use the fire trailblazer to protect him and natasha to heal him and -
and jingyuan comes home twice before tingyun bc he hears that i'm pulling his banner to give his best support to a 4 star? no ma am not happening on my watch
also i was on my asia account the other day and i was borrowing someone's himeko as the support unit right? and i was saying to one of my friends that hmm, maybe i don't want himeko on any of my accounts? himeko either doesn't do a lot of damage or this particular himeko is build really badly - i haven't seen double digits of damage in a while
and half an hour later i notice i have 10 pulls on the standard banner so i used them and i legit pull a himeko (i do do damage! you just need to build me correctly i can prove it-)
the eu account just has a bronya and gepard but i haven't done as much pulls on this on yet so ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ we'll see how it goes when i use my event pulls on the blade banner there lol
in the meantime eu account has been maining qingque bc i actually really like quantum damage
i'll probably send in a different ask later on about jing yuan bc i did manage to get him on the main and that is a whole other story lol
So many reroll alts... good luck keeping up with all of them comrade i admire anyone thathas the dedication for that much 😭😭 but also gepard ‼️‼️ i want him so bad im losing my mind over not getting him yet 🙄 like bro why can't u be like your lookalike(Jean my love <3) and come fast to me?? Smh smh 🔪
But also the hk alt is so??? Im jealous /j but no i am not surprised by how fast you got seele and bronya the girlfriends must never be separated ‼️ bronseele forever <33 but jingyuan? 👁👁 congrats on getting him x2 and tingyun!!
Speaking of tingyun and her tendency to get attacked so much I'm pretty sure it's like, game mechanics lolol i believe the enemies do actually focus more in general at the healer/buffer... my bailu and bronya have suffered enough to know 😭
Me personally i only have my main america acc but I do plan on making an asia alt just 2 play with friends lolol my pulls on my main acc went actually so well I don't dare complain 💀
First day of release I got Bronya, Yanqing, e1 himeko (one from standard the other on the beginner banner), then the next day I got Himeko's lightcone and then two days after that I got Bailu and yesterday I got e1 Bronya 🧍🏻‍♀️ (all i want is a gepard. Literally that's all I want but noooo)
I didn't pull for Seele tho hdjdns but I did get Jingyuan and tingyun finally on his banner, so currently just wasting my wishes on his banner in hopes of getting a guarantee for Kafka lmao
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