#but i love my little hato she's important to me
moonsidesong · 1 year
i feel like everybody else's interpretations of dedf1sh makes them so cool and aloof and punk and i'm jusg sitting here like. hello this is ahato she's my little thingy. she is slightly scared but she is loving and doing her best to find the good in every day. she loves cake and smoothies and her best friends
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blackcatruse · 3 months
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𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔰
«prev. ❃ next» ❃ first chapter ❃ m.list ❃ ao3 pairing: r. haitani/fem!reader ↳ she/her, fem descriptors, nickname ❃ chapter synopsis: how far will you go to prove you were right? you pray this plays out how you need it to. word count: 3.2k chapter cw(s): swearing, possible ooc, implications of abuse, physical assault, attempted kidnapping, guns a/n: hi, i'm Ruse and i love beating up Reader for some reason. she can't catch a break, and it's my fault. i'm not apologizing for that. i didn't explicitly say this, but if i check your blog and it's ageless, blank, or you're under 18, it's an automatic block. the content of my blog will not always be suitable for all ages.
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The early hours of the morning were probably your favorite time. People were usually asleep, only waking when the sky started changing colors. You adored watching the gradual transition of the rich midnight blues to a soft pink and orange. The stars would part for their king, the sun, and before long it would be the morning.
This was one of those mornings. The peace at odds with your racing heart, but you stayed put at the edge of the bridge, staring out over the sea. A cool breeze pushed your hair from your face and you closed your eyes. You let yourself be in the moment, hearing the gentle waves and the early call of birds. You could smell the salt of the ocean. The ground beneath you was cold, and the weathered posts of the bridge were rough against your shoulders. You clicked the lollipop in your mouth against your teeth, feeling the slight sensation and tasting the hint of sweetness.
Provided tonight went smoothly, you could return to this spot tomorrow and enjoy the peace for a little longer. You’d really pushed your luck with Suzaku, but the plan was set in motion. You got Kichiro and Hifumi to talk to their blackmailers and set up the deal. Both boys got back with you and explained that these men wanted the goods delivered to four separate warehouses. Someone would be there to meet the runners and that would be the end of the transaction. Except it wasn’t. You knew it was a trap.
You and three other top runners of Wuxing would take the drugs and try to be as unsuspecting as possible. From a distance, the Four Symbols would tail you and apprehend the culprits. Genbu was the one who’d be following you, since it was highly likely a prominent member would try to catch you unaware. You snorted, remembering the argument that broke out when you mentioned that Genbu would be following you.
“Don’t be so conceited,” someone snarled at you. You didn’t know what his alias was. Hato maybe? Whatever.
“Trust me, the chances of them sending more forces to the location they want me at is pretty high. I’m the one going the farthest from the pick up location. They want to isolate me. The rest of you have fairly close locations,” you said. “I really don’t want the spotlight here, but if we want to capture someone who knows something, Genbu should be tailing me.”
“Don’t get so bossy, Lotus,” Genbu grunted. “It doesn’t matter who follows you, they’ll end up in my hands regardless.”
“No, she has a point,” Suzaku stood up for you and you fought to keep your composure. “Lotus is arguably the most valuable pawn in this scheme. If she’s taken care of then Wuxing could be financially crippled. They’ll want to make sure she’s either dead or too broken to keep in this life. Genbu, your specialty revolves around catching weasels. Your team will be our best shot at grabbing someone important.”
Genbu returned Suzaku’s logic with a disinterested snort. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Okay. We’re all set for this operation?”
There was a ripple of nods and muffled sounds of agreement. After the meeting, you’d come over to this place to try and calm down. Tonight was going to be a pivotal moment in cracking this case. Whoever wanted to overthrow the Three Deities would hopefully be unveiled.
In the distance, you heard the purr of a motor. The biker stopped nearby and killed the engine. There were a few footsteps and a grunt as someone sat next to you. You were expecting company, but you didn’t want to acknowledge them yet.
“Yo, Lotus,” you heard Ran Haitani greet you.
You opened your eyes and glanced over at the beanpole next to you. “I’m surprised you were okay with waking up this early,” you commented. “You came alone? Where’s your shadow?”
Ran narrowed his eyes at you. “Rindou and I got caught up with some stuff last night. He needed to sleep.”
“How kind of you.” There was no hiding the bite to your words. Imagine that, having a brother who cared about you. You took a deep breath before asking, “What did you want to talk about?”
“We have a time and date estimate for the first job,” Ran said.
You raised an eyebrow, prompting him to continue.
“The projected date is at least two weeks away, so there’s time. Kakucho wants to scope out the cargo terminal in order to make the operation go smoother,” Ran said. “Unfortunately, he is busy running a gang while our representative starts fights with anyone who breathes in his direction. He’s entrusting the strategy to you.”
“Am I going alone or will it be you, me, and Rindou?” you asked.
“Neither, just you and Rindou.”
You couldn’t hide the brief look of disgust on your face fast enough. Ran remained blank faced. You looked away from him. “Why aren’t you coming?”
“I have other matters to attend to,” Ran answered vaguely.
“Does Rindou know?”
“Not yet.” Ran smirked. “I’ll tell him after he wakes up and he’ll get into contact with you.”
“I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.”
“Probably wouldn’t be as entertaining as you’re imagining.”
“That’s for me to determine.”
A genuine chuckle escaped Ran. “I’ll be sad when the jobs are done,” he told you. “I’ll miss that smart mouth of yours.”
“That makes one person,” you said, grinning at him. “Anyone else would be more than happy to shut me up forever. Surprised they haven’t cut out my tongue yet. Though, I have a disgusting suspicion about what that is.”
Ran didn’t respond to your words, but you could feel his questioning gaze on you. You didn’t elaborate. Instead, you grabbed the thick, rough, weathered rope and hauled yourself up. “I’ve got a big job tonight, so I need to get my beauty rest,” you announced, stretching your arms over your head. “Rindou can get in touch tomorrow. I doubt I’ll be able to pick up my phone until after everything’s said and done.”
“Take care, Lotus. I’d say good luck, but I don’t think you’ll need it.”
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You and the three other runners stopped in front of Hifumi’s nice little suburban home. Kichiro was already waiting out front for you and your entourage to arrive. Hifumi was inside putting the bricks in backpacks.
You gave orders to the others to stay put while the goods are passed along to you. You were met with condescending scoffs and a collective eye roll. Any other day, it would’ve annoyed you, but tonight you didn’t care. You were too focused on making sure everything went on without a hitch. Approaching Kichiro, you could barely hear him whisper, “Do you think it’ll work?”
“Did they seem suspicious or anything?”
“Dunno, couldn’t tell. They just told us ‘good job’ and that we were good to go. I have a feeling they’re lying.”
“Your gut likely isn’t wrong,” you agreed. “Hopefully after tonight you and Hifumi won’t have to worry about anything anymore. And don’t stick your noses back into this kind of life. It isn’t meant for you and I can’t promise I’ll be around to save your ass.”
“Trust me, I think we’re both done with this. Gangs aren’t what they used to be, and you were right. We don’t belong here.”
“Good call,” you chuckled, patting Kichiro on the shoulder.
At that point, the front door opened and Hifumi came out carrying four beat up black backpacks. He looked like he was struggling and he dropped three at your feet. He handed the last one to you personally. You grunted as you swung the heavy bag onto your shoulder. “Did they put actual bricks in here?” you grumbled.
“It’s fifteen kilos,” Hifumi said flatly. “The other three have ten. They specifically wanted you to carry more.”
So they were obviously trying to get you into the most trouble. In a brief moment of self-satisfaction, you considered rubbing it into your companions’ faces. Glancing at your watch, you realized you could have a little bit of gloating time. But if you wanted things to go smoothly, you couldn’t antagonize your fellow runners.
You leaned over and picked up the remaining three bags. “As soon as we leave, let them know we’re on our way,” you instructed Hifumi. “Kichiro knows how to get ahold of me should you need it. If not, I’ll check in with him tomorrow morning.”
Kichiro and Hifumi nodded. The former opened his mouth and mumbled, “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me now. We’re not out of the woods yet,” you told them gravely. “Alright, let’s get this bitch in motion.”
You stepped off the porch and distributed the backpacks to your teammates. They frowned when the bags were a little heftier than they were expecting. You looked over them, Nezumi, probably-Hato, and a newer face you weren’t familiar with. You thought you heard probably-Hato call her Shika.
“Okay boys, and girl,” you added, seeing Shika’s glare. “You know the drill. Run like normal. Don’t act suspicious. Wait for one of the Four Symbols to save your ass if something goes wrong.”
You threw your leg over your bike and plopped down. “Thank you for agreeing to this.” You looked at them sincerely. “Be safe out there.”
They didn’t say anything to you, but the shock on their faces was enough to tell you what you needed. You started the engine and took off. You heard the others quickly follow and once you reached the highway, you all went your separate ways. The Four Symbols should be in the vicinity of the warehouse and when they heard the bikes, they’d know it was time to begin.
You relished in the wind whipping your hair around and daringly accelerated. The journey felt like it ended as quickly as it started. You parked your bike nearby and looked at the derelict warehouse. This was the place. Street lamps offered flickering illumination. In the corner of your eye, you caught the movement of one of Genbu’s men. Taking a deep breath, you adjusted the bag on your shoulders and walked leisurely towards the abandoned building.
It wasn’t hard for you to act cocky and put on a show. You did that all the time, even if you felt like you were going to vomit. It felt like you were on the very first job you did. Inexperienced and shaking, you had put on your brave face and bullied the admittedly terrifying drug dealers into a corner. Everything would be okay. It would work out. It had to.
You popped a stick of gum in your mouth and shoved the door open with a raucous squeak. Good thing nobody else was around. The warehouse itself was empty. Cement floors and metal walls were dully lit from the moon and streetlights. You strode in confidently, snapping your gum as you moved. Leaning against a rusting crate, you called out. “I got your shit. You hidin’?” You tossed the bag on the floor with a dull thud for emphasis.
A hooded figure emerged from the shadows and you felt your heart rate spike. You couldn’t make out the face, just the baggy hoodie and jeans they wore. The silence was unnerving.
“You came alone?” The voice was deep. It almost sounded fake.
“Do I look like a fucking idiot to you?” you snarked. “I’m almost offen—”
“Ahh, there she is. Brahman’s breadwinner is as foul mouthed and bitter as they say she is.” It was a new voice behind you.
You barely had time to react before strong arms grabbed you from behind. Another person walked out and picked up the bag you’d dropped. You struggled, both physically in your captor’s arms and in your mind to keep from thrashing too desperately. “What the fuck? Let me go!” you snarled.
The demand only served to have the grip on you tightened. “Did you think you could get away with trafficking our drugs? Making profit off our hard work?”
Struggling to turn your head to try and get a look at the man restraining you, you spat, “What work did you even do? Keeping forty-five kilos of cocaine in a teenager’s closet? Really hard work. I don’t know how you did it.”
Unfortunately, these men didn’t find your sarcasm as funny as you did. The next thing you knew you were on your back, breath driven out of you by the unyielding floor. A heavy boot drove itself into your gut, making you wheeze out what little you had left in your lungs. Instinctively, you curled into yourself to protect your vulnerable stomach. As you gasped for breath, a rough hand grabbed your hair, making your scalp scream in protest. Man, this wasn’t the plan at all. Where the hell was Genbu?
“You got too comfy,” a voice hissed in your ear. You shuddered as you felt the warm breath on your ear. “Your arrogance will be your downfall.”
“Not the first time I’ve heard that,” you coughed. “You guys really think you scare me?”
They did. You weren’t stupid enough to believe yourself invincible while surrounded by men who weren’t afraid to kill. You weren’t a fighter. If you had been you’d be in Seiryu’s underground ring, but your strengths lay elsewhere. Though, you supposed your talents could only get you so far. Still, you loved to push your luck.
“You gonna kill me?” you asked. “Don’t be a fuckin’ tease.”
You were expecting a hit or a punch, but not to have your head shoved down against the floor with a sickening crack. Your world spun as black spots danced in your vision. Well shit, they might just kill you.
Another forceful slam had you nauseous as something warm ran down your face. Whatever energy you had had dissipated, leaving you to scatter across the concrete. Your entire body was heavy.
“Don’t fuckin’ kill her, you bastard!” A command was barked from above. “Boss ordered us to deliver her alive and mostly unharmed.”
The hand on your head released its grip. “She’s annoying when she’s conscious.” Your assailant sounded like a chastised child.
Part if you wanted to laugh, but all you could do was close your eyes. Fuckin’ hell, you thought. Genbu, where the fuck are you?
Actually, now that you think about it, maybe Wuxing was done with you. Maybe that’s why the Four Symbols were so cooperative. They knew they’d be rid of you soon. Damn, maybe you were as naive as they said you were. It was stupid to dream. It was stupid to hope. The only thing you could do was claw your way out of the abyss, but the sides were steep and your arms were made of lead. Your nails were chipped and bloody as you struggled to get out of the pit. The edge was near, but it seemed to stretch further and further. You could slip back into the abyss. The darkness was comfortable.
Were you okay with this? You weren’t sure. Did you even get the luxury of having a choice? No, you were never allowed to make your own decisions. Maybe you’d return to the familiar embrace of despair. At least it never taunted you with hope.
You were sleepy. So, so sleepy. Would you wake up somewhere else? Would you wake up at all if you fell asleep? You supposed it didn’t matter. You had no family left. No one to mourn your loss. How sad. How pitiful. You would never amount to anything and the world wanted to make sure you knew it. You could try to hide the truth underneath a loud conceit and a flippant attitude, but somewhere along the lines your armor was going to crack. You just hadn’t expected that it would be now of all times.
“Grab her,” the voice from above ordered. His footsteps echoed across the warehouse. “Let’s go before somethin’ happens.”
You were ungracefully slung over someone’s shoulder and you watched your limp arms dangle in your blurry vision. Whatever was going to happen next probably wouldn’t be pretty. The only reason Wuxing would even bother trying to rescue you is because you still owe them money. Wasn’t it odd how the only value you had was negative? Would you ever claw your way out? No way to know.
Every step that your captor took felt like it was jarring your brain directly—like someone had put your brain in a jar and shook it violently. There was a pain so fierce you wouldn’t be surprised if you threw up all over this guy’s back. Maybe he’d be grossed out and drop you. Though, in this state you knew you wouldn’t be able to escape or get very far.
There was a sharp whistle from outside the warehouse. You felt the man carrying you tense and turn his head. “Shit, who’s out there?”
“I don’t know,” the boss spat. “Let’s go before—”
You heard gunshots. They echoed around and created a panic in the small group there. The boss and your captor started running and your stomach lurched. You were definitely going to throw up or pass out. There was a loud bang and you felt the open air on you. Heavy breathing was the only thing you could hear aside from the rapid footsteps. You felt your body heave, but nothing came up.
“Don’t you dare fuckin’ throw up on me,” the man growled. His grip on you tightened painfully.
You opened your mouth to give a weak, witty retort, but you didn’t get to say anything as you heard a gun cock. The running stopped, but the world was still in motion to you.
“I’d put her down if I were you.”
Genbu. Fucking finally, you thought. You wanted to snap at him and ask him what took so long, but you couldn’t. You didn’t have the energy to.
“There’s two of us and one of you,” the boss snarled. “You can’t get us both.”
“Not alone,” Genbu agreed before snapping his fingers. “But if you know anything about Wuxing, you know we don’t take kindly to those kidnapping our members.”
The muffled sound of footsteps echoed around and you heard the boss click his tongue in frustration. Your captor tensed.
“Put her down,” Genbu instructed.
“And if I don’t?”
There was no warning. Everything happened all at once. A shot fired out, the man holding you yelped and took a knee. His hold loosened and you fell limp to the side. You closed your eyes, realizing it took too much energy to keep them open. You could feel something warm and wet underneath your fingers.
“I don’t ask twice,” Genbu said coolly. “We’ve got your other men in custody, and now you’re surrounded and the last one standing. How do you want to do this?”
The boss tried sprinting away, but multiple shots rang out. You heard him groan in pain and then there was a dull smack on the pavement as he hit the ground. You could imagine the disapproving glare in Genbu’s eye.
“Take care of them and get them back to base,” Genbu ordered.
His men shuffled forward, herding the group away. You heard some attempts to fight back, but they were only met with quick punches and soft groans.
You know you needed to answer him, but you couldn’t even open your eyes, let alone your mouth.
Genbu sighed before you felt him pick you up. “You were right,” he said quietly, likely assuming you couldn’t hear him.
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Week in Review
02/25/2024 – 03/02/2024
Week 3 of missing Cipher Academy.
Girl Meets Rock is getting really good…I love Rin’s Machiavellian schemes and the tense dynamic between her and Momo, who’s rightfully mad at being used as a pawn. And even though the story seems to be moving towards a Bocchi-like “we have some obstacles in our way but we’ll overcome them and be a professional-level band” story, we did get like five falling-outs and disbandments, which satisfies my need to see an accurate depiction of how high school music groups almost inevitably fall apart (I may or may not have vaguely bitter memories of certain independent high school choir groups…but I digress). Now I’m just waiting to see if they’re going to play Hato’s singing straight or have her be really bad but suited for metal screaming or something.
Undead Unluck had an amazing lore drop, but I definitely needed the comments and Twitter to jog my memory as to its importance. The fight continues to be dynamic, and I love the new designs. Reading UU is such a treat, as it’s just strength after strength.
Oshi no Ko is…I get that it’s a serious subject, but it feels like the characters are just lecturing me about things I already knew lol. And the comedic turn to keep things light didn’t go over as well in this chapter, I feel, since the earlier speech had such a feeling of “reality” to it. And then the ending….lmao…well, let’s see where they go with this. I doubt they’ll actually go through with it, but it seems difficult to deter Ruby now that she knows.
Dandadan is more of the same, but at least the creature design was unique and I liked seeing Momo and Zuma use their game abilities in creative ways. Feels truly video game-like.
Noooo Shigemoto reverted to his old outfit in Magilumiere…everything feels a touch too “back to the status quo”, complete with the exact same office and character dynamics… I just wish there was something more to mark everyone’s growth (Sakuragi has her pixie cut, but everyone else is practically identical). And if I don’t get to see Shigemoto in a frilly bathing suit, then what’s the point of a beach arc.
One Piece…I’m guessing Vegapunk programmed this message to release upon his death, and I can’t wait to see what sort of ramifications it’ll have. Seeing Luffy take on Saturn and Kizaru at once is also extremely cathartic, though I wonder if it’ll feel too OP for him to defeat them both by himself.
Okay…so…for a while now, I’ve been wanting to get into otome games. I love choosing a character to romance in farming sims, so wouldn’t it be fun to play a full-fledged game where I can pursue a deep romance with a hot anime character?
It turns out that I might not be suited for dating sims at all. I’ve tried Western ones and Japanese ones and I just can’t seem to get past the inherent artifice of it all. At least in farming sims, I can just consider the dating stuff a bonus on top of the min-maxing gameplay I get to do. But I have yet to play a dating sim that has made me feel truly emotionally attached to any of its characters – I just see past the characters and to the tropes and writing conventions they follow, and their attempts to charm me ring hollow. My own personal views on love are already pretty skewed, so none of the characters I’ve seen have ever really sufficiently woo’d me. It’s honestly a little depressing…
But anyway, I finished playing Cupid Parasite. After a lot of looking around the otome game space, I decided to try this one as my first real otoge – I liked the aesthetic, the art, the design of the main character, and the premise of being a matchmaker interested me (I thought there’d be gameplay related to this…but I guess I shouldn’t’ve expected that from a cut and dry otoge). I started playing it months ago, and I decided to pursue Shelby, as I like the “workaholic executive allergic to feelings” type of character. Now, having finished a playthrough and read some reviews, it appears that Shelby’s route is generally regarded as the weakest in the entire game………………….
But even before that, the beginning of the game was so boring and wordy, as it took forever to set up the Parasite 5 gimmick, and the story progression just felt incredibly slow and frustrating. I was hoping to at least get a few choices or any say in how things turn out (you know, gameplay?), but I think I had like five choices in my entire route. (And I know visual novels/kinetic novels aren’t necessarily beholden to giving the player gameplay moments, but I feel like dating sims should…I don’t know, give me something to work with, otherwise the romance just feels entirely unearned and like I’m just reading a romance novel between some random guy and a girl who isn’t me, even if she has my name. I don’t read a lot of romance books for a reason.) It felt like I was just going through an endless and unchanging cycle – Cupid Corp would set up some sort of weird activity to try and get the Parasite 5 interested in marriage, Gill starts simping for the main character, green guy says something about fashion and is rude to girls, purple guy tries to be a homewrecker, Raul starts talking about his weird interests, rinse and repeat for like five scenes straight with zero extra insight into these characters (because you’ll get that in their individual routes, I guess, but would it have killed them to show me a Little bit more of their personalities beyond their gimmicks so that I could possibly be enticed to trying their routes??).
Sorry for wanting gameplay in a visual novel, but I think it could’ve been a lot more fun if we had the option to match the Parasite 5 up with other characters…it would fit the theme, give them happy endings, and give the player at least some semblance of challenge as they try to romance their mark while dodging the advances of the other bachelors. I genuinely thought the matchmaker concept would come up in gameplay somehow, but I was really disappointed to find that it was all set dressing. The writing as a whole is evidently very campy and anime-like, but it wasn’t endearing to me at all. It was actually so annoying that I stopped playing the game for like half a year, and just picked it up today to finish so that I could move on with my life. (I understand that the point of dating sims is to replay it and do each route and complete the game 100% to get your money’s worth and understand the full story, but I like to play romance routes as if it were real life and I have to make a real choice. Besides that, I dislike CupiPara’s writing so much that I’d never want to replay it anyway.)
To move onto the specifics of Shelby’s route, it seems like it was the most tropey and trite one of the whole bunch. Because Shelby is so out of touch with his feelings and incapable of pursuing romance himself, the plot has to twist itself into pretzels to contrive scenarios that force him and the protagonist together in order for romance to potentially spark. Fake dating was fun for a bit, but the company sabotage stuff was boring as hell and ended in the most anti-climactic way imaginable (a dash of godly powers here, an extremely obvious betrayal there, and a bit of slapstick Roomba romance “humor” for good measure). It was funny watching them try to justify how the betrayer’s brainwashing wasn’t just a cheap way of creating a blameless villain, and that they had those feelings in the first place anyway, but in the end it had the same effect of giving me a hollow and meaningless victory.
I also can’t really take the romance scenes seriously…that drunk kiss was so out of nowhere that it skeeved me out, and the eventual sex scene just felt awkward to me, because I always imagine the seiyuu in the booth having to say these lines, and any intimacy the scene may have had just goes out the window (I might’ve felt differently if I cared about any of the bachelors’ seiyuu, but I don’t).
As a whole, this game frustrated me to no end, and I’m seriously considering that otome games may just not be for me. I have one other game that I think I might be interested in, but if that one also flops then I’ll probably write off the genre forever. I’m giving this game a 2/10, and mostly because I was pleasantly surprised by a Shu Uchida English cameo.
Finally got around to watching Great Pretender: Razbliuto, but I just feel utterly bewildered by it. I’m happy to return to the world of Great Pretender and its truly international lenses and broad-mindedness, but this instalment felt a little lacking. I’m glad that Dorothy wasn’t fridged, but being an amnesiac with no agency over her own story or safety isn’t much better. Jay is a fun addition, but mainly because he’s hot and voiced by Shunsuke Takeuchi. The rest was just…I was waiting for the minutes-long explanation sequence that we usually got at the end of Great Pretender cases, but here they’re just like “oh yeah everyone was in on it so it worked perfectly” and it just feels so unsatisfying and confusing. The constant backstabbings and surprise collaborations were impossible to keep track of, and I end the movie with feeling like I don’t know what anyone was actually doing or thinking, aside from the overarching idea of Laurent pulling strings to save Dorothy from being pursued. But I don’t know, the best part of heist/conman/mystery stories in general is getting to see the solution, and we just didn’t get that here. As always, I love the art and music direction, I appreciate the multicultural representation, the circular jokes and callbacks were fun, and I like that Dorothy and Laurent seemingly mutually move on from each other at the end, but as a whole the movie was kind of a flop. 6/10.
I worked my way through Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin this morning – while the gory writing and world building did effectively plunge me into this world, story-wise I was left wondering what the point of it all was. The premise is so unique and interesting, and I enjoyed reading about how different people with different circumstances were adapting to the apocalypse (it’s really refreshing to get trans perspectives on a genre that’s so focused on survival and the limits of the body), but the characters themselves didn’t really grab me. As with most adult fiction, I just could never buy into the way the characters talked – even all the swearing and horny talk couldn’t really convince me. And even when there were bits of character writing that I found compelling, the lack of a strong drive in the overall narrative made the book feel like a lot of monologuing without much meaning. It felt like I was waiting for something to happen for most of the book, and by the time something finally did, I didn’t care enough about the characters to feel invested in the climax.
Afterwards, I tried reading The Spiderwick Chronicles (I got the big, 600-ish page complete edition of the series from the library), but it didn’t go so well. I remember Spiderwick being fairly culturally relevant when I was a kid – it had a movie, and I constantly saw the books at my library, but for some reason I never got into it despite loving creature compendiums and cryptozoology when I was young. Now, having read through the first book (only 90 something pages, and a quarter of them illustrations…), I see that my tastes are still mostly the same, just more refined. Spiderwick’s writing is just so boring – things happen one after the other without any sort of flourish or sense of how to craft an interesting narrative. It feels like I’m reading through bullet points of plot milestones instead of getting invested in an actual story. There’s just no character to the writing at all. Needless to say I won’t be continuing with this series.
I watched the latest Game Changer episode with my friend, and it was a decently funny and surprisingly straightforward game. My friend and I even tried out some of the questions ourselves, though only about three of them actually applied to us.
While I was doing all this reading, I watched Liella’s 1st Live Tour, Starlines. Gen 1 Liella is my favourite incarnation of the group, so seeing them perform as five was really moving and nostalgic. All five of them have such strong beautiful voices, and the moments where they got to harmonize a cappella or had solo lines were absolutely gorgeous. I love that they structured the setlist to follow the timeline of the anime’s first season – seeing the girls step out in their costumes after seeing them in anime form on screen felt like I was witnessing the true emotive power of 2.5 media. AND THE AUDIENCE DOING THE LIGHTSTICKS THING FOR TINY STARS ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I did cry at Tiny Stars because it’s my favourite Liella song ever and I love Keke and KuKa and ahhhrhghgyudhj But then Tokonatsu Sunshine was so fun and Nako’s high note was such a slay, then Matataki was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard in my life, then Non-Fiction was so jfshgywueuhfsj and Starlight Prologue aahdjfk I love Gen 1 Liella so so so so much…
Afterwards, I read Cookie by Jacqueline Wilson in one sitting. Playing A Walk in the Sun a few months ago and reading the creator’s notes about Jacqueline Wilson reminded me that I enjoyed quite a few of her books as a kid (I was drawn to her writing about imperfect and non-nuclear families), so I decided to go back and see if I still liked her work. I hadn’t read Cookie before (that I can remember, anyway), but it seemed like a pretty slam dunk premise for the type of story that Wilson usually writes. It was a cute read, but I didn’t expect it to be so…Chicken Soup for the Soul-esque? Everything just felt a bit heightened beyond reality and like it was crafted in a lab with a formula specialized to create the perfect little soap opera, when I’d remembered Wilson’s writing as being slightly more down to earth and nuanced. At some points it did feel a touch on the nose with how miserable Beauty’s life was, and then the ending wrapping everything up in the biggest, shiniest, most perfect bow in world in only two chapters also felt a little ridiculous, but I guess Beauty deserved it after all her hardship. This book was probably aimed at a younger crowd, so I’ll pick up something more teenage from Wilson next time and see how I like it. (Small pet peeve, but the illustrations at the beginning of each chapter basically spoiling what happens next were a little annoying…) (The book also mentioned The Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, which reminded me that I owned it, so I might reread it sometime in the near future.)
I’m feeling pretty good about DunMesh Thursday this week, because I’ve made a chicken wrap thing with assorted salad vegetables and an onion and poppy seed dressing that I’ve been trying out and greatly enjoying. The episode was also fun, it neatly gave Namari a proper introduction and fleshed out the characters’ world a little more, and here again we have the staple scene of people being brought together by food. The themes of ecosystem and co-existence and community are so refreshing to see in an anime.
This morning I read through Rental Person Who Does Nothing by Shoji Morimoto, an interesting memoir from a guy who I’ve seen go viral on Twitter a few times. It was interesting to read about the unique experiences he’s had through the implementation of this service, and his thoughts on the role of humans in a work-focused society and how humans form relationships with each other were a little thought-provoking, but other than that the book was just a light read.
It’s Drag Race day once again, and I’m both excited and nervous to see yet another sewing challenge – Nymphia excels at it, sure, but I can never be sure if they’re setting her up to fail or not. I said before that sewing challenges are fun because I like seeing the girls interacting and having banter as they work, but this one just felt a bit tense…a lot of people are annoyed at Nymphia, Dawn and Q are gunning for the win, Morphine and Plasma are trying to get by while Plane Jane picks at Plasma, and Mhi’ya and Sapphira have their whole thing going on that also annoys everyone else…it’s just bad vibes. Mhi’ya certainly seems to have come out of her shell in the competition, but I don’t know if I quite like the cocky shittalking girl who’s emerged. It just feels a little silly to be talking down on the other girls when her only strong suit is fighting her way out of the bottom week after week. Runway-wise, there wasn’t anything that really blew me away. Morphine’s makeup was pretty incredible but the dress was just okay, Nymphia’s was gorgeous but you couldn’t even really see what it was, and Q’s jacket was amazing but I hated the styling so much (the painted face but normal body looked so bad, as did the netting and the big blocky black panty – if you’re going for a Victorian doll look, at least commit and paint the whole body/cover up more skin to sell the energy). I was sad to see Plasma go (she really grew on me over the season), but her look being the way that it was and her opponent being Mhi’ya pretty much sealed the deal before the lip-sync even began. I think Plasma’s a phenomenal and confident performer, but her taste level and eye for fashion need some serious work. I could see her as a great competitor on All Stars, but for now we’ll have to bid adieu.
The new Undead Unluck episode is so good…we’ve finally returned to that strong sense of atmosphere that I’ve been missing since like episode four. The direction was fantastic, with the scene in the bar being a highlight (the hanging lightbulb swinging and casting its light over them…god…). The sudden mood shift really emphasized the tragic nature of Andy’s existence – it will always be filled with farewells. Fuuko being a constant throughout those months must have been some sort of comfort to him, and seeing them get closer (and seeing a quieter and more vulnerable Andy) really lent credence to their blossoming romance. I hope the next few episodes are also of this quality.
I finished reading The Devil’s Flute Murders by Seishi Yokomizo today, and it was pretty gripping from start to finish. I’d read The Honjin Murders before, and I’ve developed a tradition of reading classic Japanese mysteries while listening to select tracks from the excellent and moody Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu soundtrack (its instrumentation and air of bittersweet regret make for the perfect atmosphere). The Devil’s Flute Murders opened quite strongly, and it was easy to get drawn into this family and its twisted characters as Kindaichi tries to figure out what happened. Yokomizo seems to like operating on dread, often referencing things that are about to happen before they actually do – I dislike this slightly, as I like to be surprised rather than strung along, but it didn’t hamper my enjoyment of the book too much. This mystery was one where I had an inkling of the truth throughout, and I managed to deduce who the culprit was before the end, which was pretty satisfying. And while the actual events ended up being more slapdash and coincidental than they were set up to be, I was glad that it wasn’t as complicated as The Honjin Murders because I can never really get the geography straight in my head. The Devil’s Flute Murders offered compelling character relationships and tantalizing imagery (the flute…fantastic reveal), and for that I can safely say it’s my favourite Kindaichi mystery so far.
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Stars and Stones
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Pairings: Sokka x Reader
Summary: You were lucky enough to find a man you truly loved in what little was left of the Southern Water Tribe but not telling anyone about it leads to some problems when a marriage is arranged with someone else.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4700
“How many stars do you think are really up there?” You asked Sokka as the two of you lied side by side on a seal-skin blanket, staring up at the night sky. The stars always shone with brilliance when you were away from the lights of the village but something about tonight made them look even more dazzling than usual. 
Sokka’s arm was bent so that his head was resting on his hand and you lied on his bicep, your body practically lying on his. You felt him shrug beneath you, “Probably millions.” 
“They’re beautiful.” You commented, eyes locking on a particular cluster of stars that had a few specks of pink and blue in it. 
“None of them are as beautiful as you.” He complimented. 
You couldn’t help but laugh, “You’re so lame! That’s the oldest line in the book!” 
Sokka sat up just enough to look down at you with an offended look, “I compliment you and you call me names? Not even a thank you!” He scoffed, his voice raising in pitch. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You laughed, leaning in and trying to peck him on the lips, but he kept squirming away. 
"No! No! It's fine, I see how it is." He teased while wiggling away from you, trying to sound serious but his voice raised a few octaves, like it always did when he was joking around.
Finally, you ended up having to nearly roll on top of him and hold his head between both of your hands. He quit struggling when you squished his tan cheeks together and exhaled exasperatedly through his nose while cooking an eyebrow. You giggled and finally claimed that kiss he'd been jokingly avoiding, “Thank you.” 
Sokka’s eyes stayed closed for just a short moment after you pulled apart, savoring the moment, before you settled back into your old spots. This time, you snuggled a little closer into the thick, soft coat covering his chest and using it to warm the exposed skin on your face. Even in the spring, it was never warm enough to be truly comfortable in the South Pole. 
The two of you lied like that for a while, just taking in each other’s presence, feeling each other's chests rise and fall with each breath. If you hadn't both been wearing your thick coats, you probably could have heard his heartbeat. 
What you and Sokka had was strange but perfect. Your parents had been close personal friends with Chief Hakoda and his wife so when you and Sokka were born around the same time, your mothers pretty much had it decided that you’d be friends. Much to their excitement, you and Sokka became closer than they ever could have imagined. You weren't just friends, you were best friends, soul mates. At first you both insisted that it was a platonic soulmate situation, that you were meant to love and support each other in everything from a friend-like position. But that all changed a few months ago when you and Sokka went fishing. 
Katara would usually go with him but she'd gotten sick and their grandmother didn't want him going alone so you joined. While you were out, though, a storm had surged in without warning and the swells toppled Sokka out of the boat and into the freezing waters. You jumped in and saved his life, setting up camp in an ice cave you stumbled upon before managing to drag a very weak and sick Sokka into it. You were a waterbender but knew close to nothing about how to harness your powers. All you were able to do was pull the water off of his body and out of his clothes but it didn’t stop the damage that had already been done. 
The next day, you managed to get him back to the village where the healer had fixed him up. After that night though, everything had changed between the two of you. A thickness hung in the air between you two that had never been there before, one that you initially attributed to a sudden feeling of gratitude and protectiveness but it wasn’t long before you both realized it was so much more than that.Your jokes teasing each other about how ugly the other one was became less and less frequent. Your little friendly side hugs turned into full fledged embraces. Some compliments were even exchanged occasionally. And then, finally, one day, you kissed and everything changed. Things were unofficial but neither of you ever felt like it needed to be. Your relationship was never necessarily a secret but you also weren't those most affectionate couple in public so most people in the village didn't notice a big change. Nobody really knew that the two of you were together but neither you nor Sokka cared much because you two knew and that was enough. 
Sokka was grateful for the thick fur covering both your chests so that you couldn't hear his heart thudding out of control right now. He shifted a little, grabbing something in his pocket, "Hey, Y/N?" He began, but just as soon as he started, his confidence completely fell. 
 "Mhm?" You hummed, turning to look at him.
You were so beautiful it almost hurt him. Sokka’s chest tightened every time he got to look into your eyes like this and truly appreciate just how stunning you were. And just like that, he let go of the small object and dropped it back in his pocket. "I - uh - I just wanted to say that I think you're perfect." 
Your cheeks flushed bright pink and you giggled adorably, "I think you're perfect, Sokka." You kissed him one more time, this time on the cheek. 
"We should probably head back." You said, reluctantly pushing yourself off Sokka. 
His arms shot out to pull you back in, "No," he whined, "Not yet!" 
You allowed him to pull you down and you crashed back onto his body, your arms wrapping around his torso, "My mom said that she wanted to talk tonight. She said that there was something important." You said important like it was something spooky and ominous. 
Sokka’s eyebrows furrowed, "What is it?" 
You shrugged your shoulders, finally standing up, "No idea. She just said we needed to talk." 
You reached down to help pull Sokka to his feet. He dusted the powdered snow off his pants, "That doesn't sound terrifying at all." He noted sarcastically. His face dropped into something a little more serious, "Did it… did it sound like something may have happened to our dads?" He asked nervously. 
Your dad had gone off to fight with Hakoda and the other men in the tribe three years ago and nobody had heard from them in a long time. It was hard to keep your mind from wandering to the worst case scenarios but you shook your head, "I don't think so. My mom's voice didn't have that kind of tone. But I guess we'll find out…" Now that the thought was in your head, you found it difficult to shake and it was all you could think about for the short walk back to the village. 
Tents were scattered around the familiar tribal village. The woman who lived beside you was out front, smoking fish over the fire to preserve for the next storm that was sure to hit any day now. 
Your tent looked like every other, it felt like, save for the markings painted in black onto the flap that covered the opening that your mother had painted on, some of the old symbols that her grandmother had shown her from back when the Southern Water Tribe was a thriving nation, back before it had been brought to the brink of extinction by the Fire Nation. You too, always thought they were beautiful and you could only hope to see the war end in your lifetime so you could help rebuild your tribe. 
“Let’s see what’s going on.” You muttered out loud, though mostly to yourself, as you swept aside the painted hide. Sokka followed you into your fairly spacious tent to see your mother with a man you didn’t know and a boy around your age. 
It appeared as if your mother and the unknown man had been in conversation because they stepped away from each other ever so slightly when you and Sokka entered. You looked strangely at the new man and the boy who looked very similar to him. Both appeared to be water tribe but they were nobody that you had ever seen in the South (and you knew almost everyone in the small group that existed now). “Y/N, I’m glad you’re here,” Your mother began before glancing behind you, watching as Sokka came to enter as well, “Oh, and Sokka.” She added, her voice falling slightly, as if his presence was somehow a nuisance, which was something that had never been an issue before. Your mother usually loved him. 
“You wanted to talk?” You asked, wondering who these men were and why the hell they were in your home. 
Your mom took a deep breath in and wrung her mitten covered hands together, “Well, um, maybe it’s best if Sokka stepped outside.” She nodded to the door, trying as politely as possible to encourage Sokka to leave. 
“Why would Sokka need to leave?” Nerves began to rise as your brows furrowed. You didn’t know where this was going but you didn’t have a great feeling about it. 
She swallowed hard, nodding in acceptance and resigning to the fact that Sokka would stay, “This is Hato and his father Tekah. They’re both from the Northern Water Tribe.” 
“The Northern Water Tribe?” You asked in surprise. You’d never met anyone from… well anywhere other than the Southern Water Tribe, other than the Fire Nation soldiers that raided your village years ago, but you hardly counted that as ‘meeting’ anyone. 
Tekah leaned forward ever so slightly in a small bow which his son mirrored, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Y/N.” 
“Finally?” You cocked an eyebrow, shooting a glance to your mother. 
She sighed and looked at the ground before clasping her hands together nervously, “Your father has been gone for over three years now, Y/N. You’re getting older and the world is getting more and more dangerous. I need to make sure that you’re safe. So Tekah and I have been speaking for some months and we’ve arranged for you to marry his son, Hato.” 
You nearly choked on air. “What?!” You and Sokka exclaimed simultaneously.
You were in utter shock and disbelief that your mother could do this, “You arranged my marriage without telling me?! How could you do this?”
The look in your mother’s eyes was pleading but stern, “Y/N, I know I probably should have told you sooner-” 
“Pfft, yeah!” You scoffed, interrupting her. 
“But…” She paused, her eyes scolding you for your intrusion, “This is for your safety and security. Your father told me to protect you at all costs when he left and this is what it takes. Hato is a very pleasant young man and I think you will really grow to love him. I know I did the same with your father! But I think you and Hato would get along very well. He’s a waterbender too!” 
You looked at the Northern Water Tribe boy, who stood there silently. His tanned cheeks were flushed red with awkwardness and embarrassment but his face remained relatively neutral. His blue eyes were piercing and his bone structure was sharp. His dark hair hung down, about jawline level, accentuating his sharp features. Despite his angular features, he still looked very kind. He really was an attractive young man and, under different circumstances, you could have possibly considered the possibility of dating him. But these weren’t different circumstances. 
You looked to Hato, “Look, Hato, you are a very attractive guy and you seem very nice so please take no offense to this but I will not be marrying him!” You told your mother firmly, keeping your voice calm but final, “I appreciate the protection effort but I am a waterbender and more than capable of protecting myself.” 
“I heard that you are a waterbender, only one of two that still exist down here. There are many waterbenders in the North and you can be trained to be a healer with the rest of the women.” Tekah tried to make this sound like a perk but all you could hear was with the rest of the women. 
An undignified tcha left your mouth, “I don’t want to be told by some guy how I’m allowed to use my powers! I want to fight!” 
Your mother looked unamused by your insolence and raised her chin, looking down on you, “Y/N! This is non-negotiable. Tekah is a very highly regarded member of politics in the Northern Tribe and Hato is one of their strongest warriors. Not only will you live in a safer place, but you will live a life where you will want for nothing!” 
“Nothing except free-will!” You yelled, gesturing to the Water Tribe boy, “You talk about safety and security and wanting for nothing but what I want is a choice! I don’t even know this boy!” 
“But you will get to know him. And you will grow to love each other.” Your mother insisted. She looked up to Tekah with an apologetic look. When you glanced at the older man, you were surprised to see that he didn’t actually look angry at you. If anything, he almost looked as if he understood. Perhaps he was forced into an arranged marriage that he didn’t want to be in himself, you pondered. 
Tekah gestured kindly while he chimed in, “I understand your reservations, Y/N. But please be assured that Hato is a wonderful young man who can provide for you. You can come live in the Northern Water Tribe in a thriving community and live happily with my son. You can always come back and visit whenever.” 
You felt cornered and attacked. What were you supposed to say? If you said yes and agreed to marry Hato, you’d be forever miserable, leaving behind Sokka, the only man you’d ever really loved and forced to move to the opposite side of the planet. If you said no, though, then you’d be directly disobeying your mother as well as disrespecting Hato and Tekah. But this wasn’t as simple as refusing to do the dishes or laundry. Refusing this marriage had serious implications on the honor of yourself and your family. 
“Just because you had an arranged marriage doesn’t mean that I have to, mother!” You insisted, your voice raising with anger. 
Your mother looked furious with you now, “You are embarrassing yourself and your family. We all have to make sacrifices for the better good.” 
“The better good of what?” You scoffed, “Did you get a good deal for me or something? Am I worth a lot of goats?” When your mother didn’t respond, you looked over to Hato, “What about you? You’ve been awful quiet. What do you think about all of this?” 
The boy looked shocked that you asked what he thought about the arrangement, “I, um, I am honored that your mother has chosen to trust me with her daughter.” Hints of obligatory respect and neutrality were all over his tone and you could sense it. 
“But do you want to marry me?” You pushed, needing an honest answer because you were pretty damn sure that it was no. 
“Our parents have arranged this marriage-” He stammered, trying to formulate a response that would please everyone but you didn’t give him a chance to finish. 
“Do you want to marry me?” You asked a little harder this time. 
His eyes were wide from your onslaught of honesty and his jaw twitched as he tried to formulate words but failed repeatedly. Hato glanced up at his father, who returned the gesture with a non scrutinizing gaze. “I would love to get to know you better.” 
Hato finally landed on a response that he felt was honest enough while still pleasing your parents. You sighed out, “See? He doesn’t want to marry me either. Why would anyone want to marry someone they don’t know?” 
“Because they understand that survival is better than individual wants.” Your mother sounded exhausted with this argument, “Why is this even such a big deal to you? You’ve never shown interest in a potential husband here.” 
You peered over your shoulder to see Sokka standing behind you. His blue eyes were wide with shock and fear that he was about to lose you. Sokka couldn’t believe this was happening. Neither of you ever thought that not announcing your relationship would have any real repercussions until right now but neither of your parents seemed like the arranged marriage type. While they did happen in Water Tribes, not all marriages were arranged and many people got to choose who they loved. 
In your desperate silence, Tekah whispered to his son, “Why don’t you give it to her.” 
Hato dug in his pocket and pulled out a small necklace. A round blue charmed that was hand carved with intricate designs was looped into a blue cord. Your eyes widened when he extended it to you, knowing exactly what it was. “I made this for you.” Hato announced with a small proud smile at his work. 
You took the necklace and inspected the beautiful carving he’d done, “This is beautiful. And you are very talented but-” 
“But she can’t marry you!” Sokka interjected suddenly. 
Everyone in your tent looked to him, almost all of you having forgotten he was even there. “Sokka! This is none of your concern!” Your mother scolded him, completely shocked that he would have made such an outburst. Sure, he was usually goofy and talkative but his parents raised him to know when he should and shouldn’t speak. 
“Actually, it is…” He admitted quietly. He shot a quick look at you, your eyes meeting in a moment of stillness before he stood up straighter and stronger, appearing to try assert himself as having some form of authority. “I want to marry her.” 
Your eyes widened with shock. That was something that hadn’t really been discussed between the two of you. Of course, you never wanted to break up with him and you were both getting to the age where marriage was inevitable. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with him but nobody had ever actually officially brought up the idea of marriage. 
“What?” You, your mother, Tekah, and Hato all exclaimed at the exact same time. 
“What is this, Y/M/N?” Tekah asked, his first hint at actually being irritated during this exchange. 
Your mother’s eyes narrowed at you and Sokka, “I don’t know but someone better explain quickly.” 
Sokka took an audibly deep breath behind you before stepping up to stand directly beside you. You looked down and watched as his hand weaved itself into yours. When you turned back up to look at your mother, her eyes were still upset but her mouth was opened slightly in surprise. “We’ve been friends our whole lives but we’ve been more than that for a while now and I love her!” 
This wasn’t the first time you guys had told each other you loved each other but you'd never felt more power or sincerity behind the words. These weren't just words he said to you but this was an act of defiance against elders for you, an out-in-the-open declaration of love and a promise to spend forever with you. 
"You guys are together?" Your mother asked, more shocked than angry this time. 
You held onto Sokka's arm and nodded, "Yes. And I love him too, Mom." You shifted attention over to Hato and his father and gave them a sincere look of apology, "I am so sorry that you came all the way down here but I won't marry you. I can't." 
Realizing the beautiful engagement necklace Hato had carved for you was still in your grasp, you left Sokka’s side to press it into Hato's palms, "This is beautiful but it's not for me. Find the girl it's meant for." 
Hato's eyes moved from where your palms were clasped together and, if he was being honest, there was no spark at your touch. His father had told him that you were beautiful (according to your mother's letters at least), and they were far from wrong, but he couldn't deny that he had no actual desire to marry you either, especially not after seeing that you and Sokka were in love. "I am not one to go back on my word. If you wish to be married, then we will be. But I'd rather have taken a wasted trip across the globe than live knowing that I'm responsible for the unhappiness of two people who were meant to be together. " He announced to the group of you, pocketing the necklace. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, nearly tearing up at the overwhelming gratefulness for this man. You stayed standing there before your mother and Tekah, gaze cast downward but leaving yourself to their mercy, though you had no intention of backing down from your decision. 
Hato turned to his father, “Please, father, let’s just return home. Please don’t make her do this.” 
Tekah straightened up, his lips in a tight line. His face was straight but strong and definitely not looking too happy anymore while he glared down at you and then to Sokka and finally to his son. Finally, he sighed, “I am proud of you son. You’ve chosen to put the wellbeing of others ahead of your own and, while I don’t appreciate the wasted trip, I do appreciate your empathy. And I too understand the pain of having to marry someone that’s not the one you love.” He confessed sadly. Hato looked slightly surprised at the confession but stayed silent. 
Tekah looked over at your mother and bowed slightly, “The arrangement is off. Thank you very much for being willing to trust my son with your daughter, regardless.” 
Your mother’s face finally softened, seeing that neither Tekah nor Hato were angry. “I offer my deepest apologies for this entire incident,” She began low and seriously before the frown lines on her face gently softened, “But the last thing I want is for my daughter to be unhappy. Had I known about this relationship,” She gestured between you and Sokka, “I would never have propositioned this arrangement.” 
“I understand. We wish the best for you.” Tekah nodded a cordial farewell before gesturing for his son to follow him out of your tent. 
Before they could totally leave, Sokka nudged Hato’s arm. The Northern boy stopped and looked over before Sokka gave him a small grateful smile, “Thank you, man.” 
Hato cracked a crooked smile, “I can tell you really love her. Treat her well. My best wishes for you both.” He patted Sokka on the shoulder in that endearing boyish way and then shot you a brief smile as well before exiting the tent behind his father, leaving you and Sokka with your mother. 
It was quiet for a mildly uncomfortable moment as everyone took in the events of the past twenty minutes. You breathed in heavily, realizing that you had pretty much just agreed to marry Sokka. 
“Y’know, I actually had something to give you.” Sokka reached into his pocket, breaking the momentary silence, “I had this whole thing planned out where I meant to give it to you under the stars earlier and it was going to be all romantic but then, I don’t know, I guess I just got nervous. But I want to give it to you now.” 
His hand slowly opened to reveal a little carved stone around a cord, much like the one Hato had just presented to you. Only, this time, the symbol was totally unique. On a thin light blue stone, there were three curved “lines” extending from the center in a partial spiral, almost like three little octopus tentacles. Instead of there being lines, though, there were three small carved out circles that decreased in size as they went further out. A single purple crystalline bead of amethyst was placed on either side of the main stone and then a slightly smaller clear gemstone that you guessed to be some sort of quartz sat on the outer sides of the amethyst. 
Gingerly taking the necklace from Sokka’s hand and holding it in your own. You almost couldn’t breathe. Your mouth was open in utter admiration at the beautiful object that had been created for you. Even with all the little imperfections, like how the amethyst and quartz beads weren’t totally smooth, it was absolutely the most perfect gift anyone had ever given you. 
Sokka’s hand reached behind his head to scratch nervously as he watched you stare at the betrothal necklace, “I know it’s not totally perfect but this was the best one that I made. And believe me, I made, like, a ton of these that all failed and-
“It’s perfect, Sokka.” You interrupted, nearly choking back tears. “Are-are you sure you want to do this?” 
Sokka shrugged, “Well, I did just crash your arranged marriage and spend a month making probably about 30 failed stone carvings, which are pretty hard by the way, so, yeah, looks like you’re stuck with me.” He said with a sarcastic air of flippance. He suddenly looked nervous but hopeful, his hands rubbing together in front of him, “Do you accept?” 
You nodded with a large grin, “I do!” You threw your arms around him, clenching the necklace securely in your hand as you held him tight. Sokka’s arms wrapped around your waist and he held you like he was about to lose you, lifting you off the ground. You leaned down and kissed him deeply but stopped when your mother cleared her throat. Sokka set you back down and you both turned to your mom, who stood there, finally looking almost happy for the first time tonight. 
She stepped towards the two of you, “Sokka, you are a wonderful young man. While I wish you two had been open about your relationship so we could have avoided this whole situation, I am honestly glad that of all the people that could be marrying my daughter, it’s you.”
Pride and honor welled up in Sokka’s chest. Even though he was the chief’s son, he’d never felt like anyone had taken him seriously for anything. But this, right now, having your mom tell him that she trusted him with you, the most important thing in either of their lives, was the greatest honor he could think of. 
You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face. You were actually going to marry Sokka! “Oh! Do you mind?” You held up the necklace to Sokka. 
“Of course!” He took it and clasped the necklace around your neck. You turned and adjusted the pendant so it was lying flat against your clavicle. 
“How does it look?” You asked, doing an adorably little shoulder shimmy to show off the jewelry. 
Sokka wanted to chuckle at your cuteness but found himself unable to, too swept up in the beauty that was you, but even more so now with that necklace around your neck, “Like it was meant to be.” He smiled genuinely. 
“I can’t wait to show it off to the tribe tomorrow!” You held the pendant gently and did a little happy dance, your voice almost a squeal. When you stopped, you leaned your body against Sokka’s and caressed his face gently with your hand, “But I can’t wait to marry you more.” 
Sokka picked you up and nearly threw you over his shoulder, “I don’t want to wait until tomorrow.” 
You laughed and squealed as he ran out of the tent towards the center of the camp, where a few people were still milling around before going to bed, yelling, “I want to tell everyone now! Hey guys! She said yes! We’re getting married!” 
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hopingforjustice · 3 years
@outwards said: jude i adore you so much ;__; i may be megadead/inactive aside from a few rare peeks (offline life is sadly so hectic), but pls know that i always, always hope that you're doing well and that it warms my heart every time i get to see you around!!! your reimi (and ofc miss hato!!) is wonderful, endearing all around, and i'm convinced that she gets a lot of that from you. i often think to myself that if i ever found time to write again, you're one of the people i'd always want to do it with 💌🌸🌻 i genuinely don't say this enough but thank you for breathing such life and warmth into your muses, as well as into my rp experience. i hope the rest of this year and the next only treat you with kindness!! 💞 tell me something before 2021 ends!  /  accepting.
Omggg I'm so happy to see you here, Sen! Thank you so much for taking the time to send me this sweet message, you are always so gentle and nice to me, I can't even 😭 You will always have your space guaranteed here and in my heart too, and Reimi's and Hato's and any other muses of mine! You are in my thoughts and I send good vibes your way because you are so important to me — one of the kindest, most tender-hearted people I know and I hope you are okay despite your busy life, I'm pretty sure you are doing well! And thank YOU for being so caring from the very beginning, for our threads and little talks and all of your love, support and encouragement, that means a lot to me. My experience here wouldn't be the same without you 💕
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mame-bean · 3 years
Basic summary of One Percent and some Rai headcanons!
One Percent is a soft romance and slice of life story that follows Rai Mamezuku, starting out during his school years and progressing through the early part of his adult life, with his adult years being the largest chunk of the ongoing story.
I do keep to the canon story in some aspects, such as his parents both being killed by WoU when he’s fourteen, but I’ve altered some things with the intention of giving him a happier and less lonely life.
I like the idea of him being taken in by Norisuke after the deaths of his parents, where the Higashikatas become like family to him. He respects Norisuke as a father figure, and becomes much like another older brother to Hato, Joshu, and especially little Daiya who he develops a very sweet relationship to. The romance aspect of this story is between Rai and Jobin, who have been close friends since they were eight (another divergence from canon because it makes more sense to me, considering they’re pretty much the same age and most likely would have gone to school together)
Aside from the Higashikatas being his new much larger family, and Jobin as his closest friend and love interest, he also makes friends with a girl named Sora as well as Yoshikage Kira. Sora is in the same class as he and Jobin, and dated Jobin just before the start of the main story with the hope of actually being noticed by Rai, but with no such luck. Despite her failed attempt to gain his interest romantically, she becomes a good friend to both him and Jobin. Though Kira is a few years younger, when they encounter him they discover that he, like them, is a stand user, which is what brings them together as eventual friends.
Of course, the story is a romance, and Rai and Jobin begin dating when Rai is fourteen (before his parents deaths), they stay together through high school and after graduation. When Rai is about to turn twenty is when Jobin decides to take the risk and buy a home for the both of them (a lovely villa in the countryside, close to the mountain that Rai works on) and proposes to him the first day he brings him to their surprise new home. 💕
I have quite a few personal headcannons for Rai that come into play during the story and are a big part of how I interpret his character and personality. It’s pretty clear to me that he’s neurodivergent, likely somewhere on the autism spectrum (like me), so I hint at some of his quirks, triggers, and struggles throughout the story and how Jobin learns all of these things, how to understand him, comfort him, and work with him.
I also headcannon him as being a demiromantic asexual. As an aromantic asexual myself it feels like a very possible orientation for him to me based on his character and temperament. Based on what we know about him it can definitely be assumed that he’s never been in a relationship in canon, nor does he seem to have any romantic or sexual interests, being that he’s kept almost entirely to himself for at least 14 years, lol. So, asexual? It’s definitely possible. I based the demiromantic part on what he expresses of his relationships to other people. Rai doesn’t trust people and refuses to engage with people until he decides they’re trustworthy. Once they’ve gained his trust, he’s exceedingly loyal and becomes attached to them, as he does with Josuke. If he’s like this when it comes to friendships, it’s safe to say he would be even more cautious when it comes to romantic relationships, and it is unlikely that he would experience romantic attraction until he built a very close friendship with a person first.
Rai’s personality in One Percent-
I tried to keep pretty close to his canon personality, just expanding on it. So, in the story, he’s fairly awkward and antisocial towards most people. He typically seems almost perpetually grumpy and unimpressed with everything and everyone, never smiles or laughs (at least not quite like most people), and feels unapproachable to most. He struggles to connect with others, has a hard time communicating his emotions, and is often misunderstood as being rude and uncaring. In reality, he’s quite sensitive and requires encouragement and validation from the few he trusts. He can be stubborn, arrogant, logical to a fault, and difficult to fully understand his true intentions, all of which make him a challenge to work with and befriend, especially when combined with his naturally suspicious nature and distrust towards people in general.
But these things are only a fraction of him, and once his trust has been earned he shows much more of his deeper traits. He’s incredibly loyal, willing to do anything for those he loves, even die for them. He will stand by his loved ones even if there is nothing for him to gain from it personally, even if he doesn’t fully understand... if it’s important to them, it’s important to him, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen. He is honest and observant, you never have to worry or wonder about how he thinks or feels about something, and he’s never the type to lie or be manipulative, he’ll always be straightforward and genuine. You can trust him with anything, and he’s a good friend to go to for advice since he’s very smart and logical (just... don’t go to him if you’re only wanting someone to tell you what you want to hear and spare you the hard truth, lol). Rai loves deeply when he finds people that he considers his friends and family, and though he isn’t very expressive about it with his words, he conveys his love with his actions. He loves to cook for his friends, making their favorites often, and tends to express himself through giving them gifts and making things for them. He is quite thoughtful and enjoys doing nice and helpful things for the people he cares about. Because of his observant nature and great memory and attention to detail, he is fantastic at remembering “the little things” about people. He’ll remember all the little things someone likes and dislikes, their favorite colors, shows, books, foods, their favorite flower, whether they get cold easy or if they’re uncomfortable with a specific sound or texture, everything. He can tell exactly how someone is feeling just by looking at them, nothing gets passed him. All of these traits make him a friend to really treasure, because friends like him truly are difficult to find, so his friendship is well worth the effort. 💕
Though Rai is fairly antisocial, he’s certainly not shy. He’s self-confident and can be very chatty, especially when it comes to any of his special interests. He is authentically himself, and entirely unapologetic about it. He tends to be quite chill and laid back, with an energy level on the low side. Too much chaos and drama exhausts him quickly, so he avoids it as much as possible, and tends to dislike people who are overly emotional or dramatic. He likes to take life at a slower pace, which is why he finds joy in nature and the “simpler” pleasures of life, such as gardening, cooking, reading, sewing, crafting... he’s just a peaceful soul, and would prefer the world around him to be that way as much as possible.
It’s obvious that he loves nature and plants, but he also gets along well with animals and enjoys taking care of them. He can connect with and understand animals better than people most of the time, and finds comfort knowing that animals don’t judge him or misunderstand him the way that humans do. He keeps cows and chickens that forage freely on the mountain, and has one special chicken in particular that he and Jobin keep as a pet at their home. Why special? Well, because she has a stand! I’ll tell more about Pita and her stand, “How Bizarre,” another time. 🐓💕
So anyway, if you actually read through this far I am glad that someone out there is as big of a fan of Rai as I am and hope you enjoyed my headcanons, and maybe you’ll enjoy my fanfic One Percent 🥰
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enigmari · 5 years
Oh my GOD Please infodump abt hatoful.... ive repeatedly tried to get into it but have no idea how/how to connect any of the lore. Thanos !
SKDFSKJSLKDFJ no worries anon, it happens to the best of us. Anyways, how should I start this…
So, if you’re totally new here, Hatoful Boyfriend is a visual novel dating sim whose basic premise is “what if cliched boyfriend archetypes… but birds?” And it takes this premise completely wholeheartedly, while still maintaining a comedic tone. You pick classes and club activities each in-game day to increase your skill points, and depending on your levels (and a few dialogue options) you’ll either successfully romance your birdie of choice or get a Bad End. Most of the birds make their interests/level requirements obvious from the start, and you have a bunch of save slots to work with if you wanna go the scum route. Pretty simple and straightforward.
(Actually, that’s a lie, it gets much more complicated later. Don’t worry about that right now.)
Most of HBF is framed through the perspective of the protagonist (I’m gonna use her canon name for convenience) Hiyoko, and she is… not the brightest bulb in the box. Especially in the first game, when events in one character’s route will be foreshadowed in other routes, she will rarely call them out or make note of them. Naturally, this also means some reveals will be spoiled depending on which order you do the routes in. You also unlock documents in the Archive section after completing each route, which adds another level of puzzle piecing to the mix. 
(No, this is not the complicated part I was talking about earlier. Sorry.)
In this next bit, I’m going to briefly run through the routes of the first game from least to most complex in terms of lore, as well as what things are foreshadowed when. I’ll also toss in the archive documents when I feel they’re most relevant to the information you have. We ready?
Okosan’s routes: Mostly joke endings, unless there is some greater plot significance to pudding that I’ve missed for all these years.
Ryouta’s route: Mostly about character building, the only real hint you get is that his mother is sickly and it’s implied he inherited this from her.
Azami’s routes: You could get here with the same stats as Ryouta’s route, but then you fuck it up by taking this job opportunity away from him. How rude, Hiyoko.
Sakuya’s first route: He opens up to you about his abusive and bigoted dad, and with some encouragement you encourage him to run away and become a musician like he always wanted. Mr. Le Bel is very important to multiple other characters in this game.
Sakuya’s second route (needs perfect stats/dialogue choices): Same conversation about his dad, but he chooses to live with you instead. Your big hint is at the end, when Yuuya sends you a letter saying there’s “something he’s wanted to tell [Sakuya] for a long time. Something important.” 
Yuuya’s route: You don’t actually get to find out what the "important thing" is, whoops. You do find out that Yuuya’s a spy for the Dove Party, Shuu is one for the Hawk Party, and the school has been increasingly influenced by the Hawk Party as of late. 
BAD END: You may have gotten it earlier, but now you have context as to who’s killing you when you fail a route- it’s the Hawk Party. The reason why is still unclear.
[CW for gore, child death, medical abuse, suicide, and attempted genocide from here on! This game is a trip!]
Shuu’s first route: Absolutely not a romance route and if you ship Shuu/Hiyoko please block me and tab out immediately thank you very much. You learn that Shuu has been killing students for medical experimentation, confirming Yuuya’s suspicions about the quills in the student store and the food in the cafeteria.
Shuu’s second route (needs perfect stats/dialogue choices): Same ending where Hiyoko dies, but he’s attached enough to her that he takes her head in a jar when he goes on the run. You do learn that Shuu doesn’t care about the Hawk Party’s politics, just that they can enable his personal experiments.
Archive Note 11: Someone (Shuu) knew that Yuuya was a Dove Party agent from the start. He also notes that some of the students are “fascinating”, which you know from his route means they’re good experiment fodder. You learn that he has reason to believe his victims won’t oppose the experimentation, but not the details.
Archive Note 10: Shuu makes notes about human “adaptability measures.” Given that Hiyoko is the only human at the school, you can guess that this will involve her in some way.
Archive Note 06: Notes about the Spanish Flu, how deadly it was to humans, and the connection to an “Avian Influenza.”
Archive Note 04: Notes about a “Goodwill Ambassador” for humanity, who needs a strong natural immunity to Avian Influenza. Hiyoko’s stats show that she has a base level of 800 Vitality, so you can guess that she’s the ambassador. This is why she dies when you fail a route- the Hawk Party saw she didn’t build a good enough connection to the birds, so they take her as a lost cause.
Archive Note 07: Shuu makes notes about “carrier capacity” in the student body, inducing it in some way in a “normal” individual. You can guess this is the details of his medical experimentation, but not who the victim is. You can also guess that the disease to be carried is Avian Influenza.
Anghel’s route: It’s not actually that complicated, but I think you need to complete Shuu’s route before the “mad love of a fallen angel” option is available. (EDIT: you actually just need to complete one playthrough to unlock this option. Even the Azami solo ending will unlock it.)  This ending seemingly undermines all the things we learned about Shuu right before, but this is just Hiyoko’s perspective.
Archive Note 01: A certain student (Anghel) has hallucinogenic properties that can affect bystanders, putting them in a trance-like state. This explains why everything went totally off the rails in his route.
Kazuaki’s route: Again not a romance route (no matter what he says about “waiting”, ew) because the whole point is that Kazuaki is afraid to open himself up to love of any kind. You learn he had someone he cared deeply about in the past but lost, and now he’s been soured from the experience. You also learn that he smells like bleach.
Nageki’s route: You learn that he’s a ghost, that he killed himself in the school some years ago, and that he doesn’t have all his memories. He disappears before you learn anything more, but he’s happy so it’s okay and why am I crying agai-
Archive Note 02: Someone (Nageki) writes about how they are trapped, and can’t remember what happened to them.
Archive Note 05: Nageki remembers he made a promise to someone very important, but he can’t remember who or what it was.
Archive Note 03: Nageki once woke up in a place that wasn’t the library- somewhere with bright lights and a white ceiling. He’s not as trapped as he first thought.
Archive Note 14: Nageki notes that he can move between floors, going from the library to the chemistry lab below. You can guess that the place with the bright lights is somewhere below these two rooms. This also reveals that Nageki knew the layout of the school when he was alive.
Archive Note 12: Nageki notes that after meeting Hiyoko, he feels fulfilled “just as he did back then.” He still can’t remember everything, though.
Archive Note 08: Notes about an underground facility, a fire, and a Subject 00 whose remains are in storage. You can guess that the facility is the place with the bright lights, and Nageki is Subject 00. You can also guess that Nageki set the fire, since he said that he killed himself.
Archive Note 09: Notes about Subject 00′s relative, whose remains are also in storage. You can guess that this is the “important person” that Nageki made a promise to a long time ago.
At this point, the only documents left are Note 13, which is about a terrorist incident at the Heartful House orphanage in which only two birds survived, and Note 15, which is about another terrorist incident some years ago in which the Ave’s High City building was bombed. Nothing in the main routes hints at these notes, so it’s a good time to move to…
Bad Boys Love route: This route is literally the length of the rest of the routes combined, so we’re doin’ more sections, baby!
Kazuaki’s lost loved one and Nageki’s important person turn out to be each other. They were the survivors of the Heartful House incident, and Kazuaki (real name Hitori) took care of his little brother by himself. Nageki was sickly, so he volunteered himself for a medical experiment at the school that could potentially cure him to take the burden off of Hitori. 
Unbeknownst to them, the Hawk Party was already in control of the school and their real motive was to investigate the disease Nageki was carrying- Avian Influenza. Shuu was specifically the lead for this project, and he also witnessed the Heartful House incident when it happened. At the time, he went by the name Isa Souma and was a medical researcher. He worked with Ryuuji Kawara, Ryouta’s dad, until Ryuuji’s death from disease.
Ryouta and Hiyoko were also there, because her parents were former human ambassadors too. Unfortunately, they became some of the casualties, which left the two kids heartbroken. Shuu, seeing them and recognizing Ryouta, offered to grant them a wish. They both wished for a world where humans and birds would never fight anymore, which Shuu took to mean “kill all the remaining humans so they can’t fight the birds” because… he’s like that. 
Shuu decided that the easiest way to kill all the humans would be to spread the Avian Influenza, and this is why he sought out Nageki. Nageki was forced to kill humans as part of the experiments, and this traumatized him so much that he set the lab on fire to stop it, trapping himself inside. Hitori witnessed this too, and swore to get revenge despite Nageki asking him to destroy his remains and live a happy life. He bleached his feathers and swapped identities with another bird to fake his death, and applied to the school as a teacher under his new name. 
Nageki’s plan didn’t entirely work, and the Hawk Party was able to store some of his remains for future experiments with Avian Influenza. This brings us to the timeline of the main routes, where Shuu took advantage of Ryouta’s sickly constitution to make him a new carrier for Avian Influenza. Yuuya tried to interfere on behalf of the Dove Party, but Shuu blackmailed him with the knowledge that he killed his real half-brother because he hated Mr. Le Bel and wanted Sakuya to live instead. 
The new strain of Avian Influenza that Ryouta carried was enough to make Hiyoko sick and kill her. The death of the Human Ambassador kickstarts the beginning of this route, and Shuu planned for the humans who would retaliate to also be infected. It doesn’t go as he planned, of course, but that’s laid out pretty well in the rest of the route so I won’t re-summarize it here. 
Aaaand that’s about everything for the first Hatoful Boyfriend game! I’ll gladly do infodumps/lore summaries for Holiday Star or the other side materials if anyone wants, but this took almost three hours to write as is so I’m going to give myself a break.
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miximax-hell · 5 years
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As always, it’s been a hot minute. But, uh, hey! I hope you’ve all been fine!
Can you believe that this is actually my 20th reference sheet? That’s crazy. I am hecking slow, but I honestly thought I’d have stopped doing this (way) before I reached the double digits. But, hey, I’m still kicking!
And, to honour such a number, it was about time to add another Raimon baby to this blog, so I’ve gone for one of my very favourites. Shishido is very dear to my heart for a variety of reasons (that I will make sure to explain thoroughly when the time for it comes) and I’ve had this miximax in mind for a very long time. In fact, I’ve been ruminating on it since @raynef-art (btw, today’s Raynef’s birthday, so go and wish her a happy birthday if you can!!) and I talked about Shishido on Skype years ago. When was that, even? 2016? 2017, perhaps? In any case, it sure has been extremely long. But, thankfully, all of that ruminating led to one of my favourite pairs in this whole project! Katrielle Layton is a fantastic fit for Shishido, and I will do my very best to explain why this is the case in this post.
So, for more on ShishiKat, please check under the cut!
As always, I like to use this first paragraph to talk a bit about random stuff, so feel free to skip it if you want. Long story short, I’ve spent the last few months (since mid-May or so) job hunting like a beast. Big ol’ companies from all around the world, like Rockstar, Revolution, The Creative Assembly/Sega or Build A Rocket Boy have shown interest in me, but it’s led nowhere so far, which is extremely frustrating. Heck, there’s a company who contacted me first and they still didn’t give me the job in the end. >:| But I did an interview last Thursday and I should get an answer soon, so let’s hope that goes well...! It’s an awesome job, close to where I live (so I wouldn’t have to move), the company is super successful and two friends are already working there. It’d be incredible to join them and keep progressing in my career. And, well, money doesn’t hurt at all either. Gotta get into the wheel of capitalism. Anyway, job matters aside, I’ve recently finished some games that have become personal favourites of mine, like Valkyria Chronicles and Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star (even if the first one was arguably better), but the one that undoubtedly takes the crown is Marvel’s Spider-Man, which shaped up to be a game as brilliant as Insomniac’s previous titles, if not even more so, and has become one of my favourite games of all time. Sadly, Spider-Man isn’t originally a videogame character, so I won’t be including him in this project (as much as that pains me). So we’ll have to take other routes if we want to have a Marvel miximax here... I’m on it, but suggestions are still accepted.
So, Shishido! Who doesn’t love Shishido? He’s just so lovely. Look at him! Look at him right now! How can someone without visible eyes be so PRECIOUS? Don’t you just want to channel the annoying aunt within you and pinch his cheeks and nose? Well, we still can’t do that, but we can try and do him justice by giving him a truly awesome miximax. (The quality of the art that accompanies said miximax may vary in quality, but that’s not Shishido’s nor Katrielle’s fault--it’s entirely mine for not being better.)
So, friends who have been here for a while and have a good memory may be thinking, “Hold on a minute, you! The Professor Layton franchise has already been represented within this blog--you miximaxed Fudou with Hershel Layton himself!” And you’d be right. You might even be thinking I’m betraying my own rules by using two characters from the same franchise. Well, that isn’t the case, as PL is a Level-5 franchise and I may (and tend to) use up to two characters from each franchise made by L5. It’s all here. But, even with all of that, there’s still a question that remains and that I figure many people might have in their heads: if Fudou is already miximaxed with Hershel, isn’t Shishido basically a copy? Does Katrielle really add anything to the table?
I’m glad you asked. Well, I’m glad I asked, because that’s what led to all of this. ww And, thankfully, yes. Yes, she does. But before answering that question, we have a much more important question to ask:
Who is Shishido Sakichi?
Hino, that lovely piece of work, is actually really fricking good (when he actually tries) at something I’m unable to name, hence why I will refer to it as “scattered storytelling.” It’s similar to environmental storytelling in the sense that we’re never directly told many things, but we can still figure them out thanks to the looks of a character, the scenarios we see, audio queues, etc. Video games offer many resources to build up rich environmental storytelling, but what Hino (and probably many others--it’s not like he invented the wheel!) does is give us hints scattered across different pieces of media to try and figure out what some of his undeveloped characters are all about. And let’s be real: original Raimon is a lovely collection of undeveloped characters. So let’s check out a few things about Shishido and see where they take us.
Shishido was one of the first members of Raimon, being one of the 7 players the team had before they were forced to look for more people to have a match against Teikoku. He was, however, replaced by Kidou when he joined the team, and he stayed as a benchwarmer until he got injured by Gemini Storm. Then, as he joined the Dark Emperors, if you talk to him in the game before the match, he mentions how he’s been pushing himself past his limit for a long time, only to keep feeling like he’s mediocre. Finally, during the match between Raimon’s older and newer members, he is shown facing Kidou and getting past him despite how afraid he was of engaging directly with such a big rival.
On top of that, his in-game descriptions go like this: “He is becoming the team’s key-man by developing his own pace,” (IE1) “His laid-back personality can make him the butt of his team-mates' jokes“ (IE2) and “The Aliea crystal has given him an invincible self-belief“ (IE2 DE). Let’s admit that it’s not a lot to go by, but maybe we can get something out of all of this.
As usual, I explain this better in the heat of the moment while talking to someone who’s ready to listen, so Raynef or my girlfriend probably got the better version of what I’ll be trying to explain now. However, those conversations are so old that I'm having trouble retrieving them, so... welp. ww Let me try anyway.
Judging by what we know about Shishido, we can try to figure out what his character development has been like. We get his first in-game description as soon as we can see him in our in-game menu; that is, before the first Teikoku match even takes place. At this point, aka at the very beginning of the game, Shishido is a player that is “becoming the team’s key-man.” Slowly, perhaps, but he is on his way. However, this process is halted abruptly when Kidou joins the team, as he replaces him as a regular first-team player. Now, a valid question would be, “why did Kidou replace Shishido and not any other midfielder?”
It would make no sense to get rid of Someoka or Kurimatsu to let Kidou in the pitch, as he’s not a forward nor a defender. But, among all the midfielders in the team, why Shishido? Why not Handa, Shourin or even Max (who is technically a forward, but has been playing as a midfielder, so it’d make a lot more sense to bench him)? The most obvious answer would be that everyone else has abilities that Kidou can’t properly replace/mimic/make up for; or, in other words, that Kidou is like an upgraded version of Shishido more than he is an upgraded version of any of the other characters. And what is Kidou, exactly? A brilliant midfielder with incredible control over the ball and a great strategist overall. It’s this last part that we’re most interested in: he’s a strategist. A game-maker, that is. What one could easily call a vital part of a team or, even, in more poetic words, a key-man. What Shishido used to be, or was going to become, before Kidou showed up to steal his spotlight. Not to mention the incredible pain one must feel upon being replaced like that... (This was best explained by @mimiflieder on her fic, Change of pace--it’s about Handa and Ichinose, but the same thing applies. I totally recommend checking it out!)
This theory is further supported (in sad ways) by his in-game description in IE2. His personality remains the same (laid-back and doing his at his own pace), but he has gone from being a key-man WIP to the butt of his teammates’ jokes. Sure, the jokes are blamed on this laid-back personality, but something doesn’t quite add up. Check out his quote while he’s a Dark Emperor: he’s been pushing himself too hard to achieve nothing. Is that really what you’d call ‘laid-back’?
In the best case scenario, everyone sees him as being laid-back and chill to the point of being funny: he’s not making a fuss about being replaced in front of his teammates. However, he’s been trying as hard as possible in secret to become the best he can possibly be... only to still be eclipsed by Kidou and the other talented members of the team in every sense.
In the worst case scenario, his attempts to improve are very much obvious to his team, and the lack of results or the gap between the two key-men not becoming any smaller is what makes him the butt of jokes (but I hate this scenario because Raimon babies are all sweet and supportive boys who’d never do this. I DON’T CARE IF TEENAGERS ARE CRUEL AND STUPID BY NATURE. RAIMON BABIES ARE BETTER THAN ACTUAL TEENAGERS, OKAY, AND THEY’D NEVER DO THIS. THEY ARE PRECIOUS LITTLE ANGELS.)
In either case, he was destined to be--heck, he might have already been in non-spoken parts of the game--Raimon’s game-maker, but when Kidou came around with his superior skills, Shishido became, simply put, obsolete. That made his self-esteem sink and eventually threw him in the arms of Aliea in a desperate attempt to finally be better and stand up to Kidou. That’s why his in-game description as a DE talks about his boosted self-esteem, much like Handa’s talks about how that jack-of-all trades is using the meteorite to become master of all.
And, of course, this makes that scene during that final match ALL the more relevant: not only does it signify the triumph of hard work and resolution over sheer talent, fleeting as it might be, but it’s also the end of a long, long journey of self-deprecation, self-improvement, guts and sheer fear. Shishido was literally SHAKING when he saw Kidou running towards him, but he pulled himself together and won. He was no longer the inferior one, the replaceable one, the laughing stock. Little and unexplained as it may be, it’s a truly emotional finale to his personal and unspoken journey.
(Another and more positive way to look at it is that Shishido is meant to become Raimon’s game-maker and key-man AFTER KIDOU LEAVES, so all this time by his side has been a massive training camp of two years to learn his ways and then add his own twist to everything he’s learnt. This leaves some issues hanging, but it will at least let me sleep tonight.)
What we have here is a pretty solid theory pointing at Shishido having what it takes to become a game-maker. But, hey, that’s just a theory! A GAME THEORY! ...And what this means is that there’s evidence supporting it, but we have no way to confirm it unless one of you guys can go and casually interrogateview Hino (and if you do, that’d kind of come in handy, actually). However, the pieces fall together a bit too well to be just a coincidence, right? At least, I think so. And even if they don’t, we don’t have much more to go by, so... it’ll have to do.
Anyway, we’ve (somewhat) answered the question about who Shishido is. It is, therefore, about time to answer the main question this post laid on the table: is Katrielle a good aura to use when her father is already part of this project? And, even if she is, why would Katrielle be the best match for Shishido? Let’s start by explaining what makes Katrielle non-redundant despite bearing her father’s surname and being very similar conceptually.
In essence, Katrielle and Hershel fulfill very similar roles: a smart person who likes puzzles and is hired to solve mysteries no one else can solve. But anyone who knows anything about these characters will know that, really, they are absolutely nothing alike.
Hershel is the perfect gentleman: well-behaved, modest, calm and cold-headed regardless of the situation, polite to a fault, boasts perfect manners, and he manages to get along with even the most unfriendly people in the world thanks to his infinite patience, unwavering kindness and the smile he has on his face whenever he greets someone. Not to mention that his investigation process is long-winded and meticulous, and keeps telling Luke to not make quick assumptions when he jumps into conclusions ahead of time.
Meanwhile, Katrielle is pretty much the polar opposite: proud (heck, the first episode of the anime has her saying her skills are better than her father’s!), funny, dramatic to a fault, jumps to crazy conclusions so fast that everyone around her is always surprised by it and doubts she even put any thought into them, has a quick temper sometimes, she works as a detective just for funsies (and glory, to some extent, as she’s constantly struggling to be taken seriously by people who’d rather talk to her dad), she’s easily swayed by yummy food, instinct and imagination move her much more than hard evidence... This alone is enough to make the personalities of ShishiKat and FudoLay totally different, but, of course, this train doesn’t run on personalities, but on powers and skills. So let’s discuss not what Kat offers, but what Shishido needs.
We’ve established that Shishido was a game-maker in progress. Now, let’s keep in mind that this project includes all of the main characters from IE, IEGO, IECS and IEGalaxy, and they could all potentially be sharing a side of the field with Shishido, so let’s see whom he is competing against.
Of course, we have Kidou, the genius game-maker, the absolute commander of the pitch and, well, a living legend trained by another living legend: Kageyama. He has a miximax too, but you guys have not seen it yet. In due time.
We have Fudou, whose natural intelligence is (arguably) on par with Kidou’s and has received some training by Kageyama as well, even if he didn’t reach the same level of legend nor acted as a game-maker nearly as much as Kidou did. Fudou is, however, enhanced by Hershel Layton, whose influence upon mixitransing helps Fudou stop being such a little shit. That allows him to focus enough on the game and on his teammates to surpass Kidou as a serious and cold-headed strategist who is able to treat every situation as a puzzle and find the precise moves needed to solve it. Not to mention that, of course, Layton boosts Fudou’s intelligence as well.
Shindou has his miximax, which turns him into a "gamemaker of truth who can appraise people and the general situation, while combining both stillness and motion." Pretty self-explanatory.
Taiyou and Hakuryuu, upon mixitransing, become "midfielders of unparalleled accuracy, who can see into the future and attack the enemy's weak spots with their analytical reasoning." These two aren't technically game-makers in Chrono Storm, but Zhuge Liang was a frigging strategist and these two are given analytical reasoning through their miximax. Not to mention they were probably game-makers when they were part of their original teams.
The way the canon tried to keep Shindou and Taiyou/Hakuryuu from overlapping was by casually disregarding Zhuge Liang’s strategist side and focusing on her Keshin and ability to see the future/what no one else can see, so we can scratch Taiyou and Hakuryuu, as they won’t easily be taking the role of game-makers anymore. We can also discard Kidou, as FudoLay completely outclasses him for the time being. (Look at me, I sound like I’m writing an article on Electrode for Smogon--) So, ShishiKat’s only real challengers are FudoLay and, uh... does Shindou’s miximax have any kind of fandom name? I heard people refering to Kirino’s miximax as Kirino d’Arc, but that’s about it. Anyway, to keep it simple, I’ll call it ShinOda until someone brings up something better.
So, yeah, ShishiKat is competing against ShinOda and FudoLay. ShinOda focuses on a complete control over when to move and when not to move, arguably to preserve his teammates’ and his own stamina and maximise what everyone can do with their natural reserves of energy. FudoLay, on the other hand, uses analytical thinking to find the most efficient moves in any given situation. As I mentioned, he treats every situation as a puzzle, and, as Layton would say, “every puzzle has an answer.” One specific and perfect answer that FudoLay excels at finding, using the minimum number of steps necessary and turning the solution into pure art. He is, however, still Fudou, so he’d probably push his teammates to the limit in rough ways in order to achieve that perfection he is aiming for. And it’s still Layton, so we can expect some long-winded thought processes that take long to pay off--but when they finally do, HOO BOY.
It's good being analytical and smart, but perhaps, just perhaps, Shishido could use a little something to make him different and stick out among his peers. Something that is a bit more... proactive. Unpredictable. Slightly impulsive. But still as witty as one can ever be. He needs to combine the brains with the brawn, and blend it all together with much-needed cheerfulness, since all the game-makers we’re dealing with here are cold or outright pricks.
Shishido needs to improvise to the point of making things up for no reason and eventually making them work in almost miraculous ways. Focus less on what’s in front of his eyes and more on what other possibilities could be there. Act more on instinct than on careful observation. Give commands that are a lot more roundabout that those of Shindou, Kidou or Fudou, but end up paying off in ways that not even he could always predict. Jump into the problem head-first and solve it in-situ instead of looking at it from afar and pondering for long periods of time. And, of course, among all of that, he needs an enormous self-confidence to pull it all off, as his premises may seem utterly ridiculous and he must believe in them whole-heartedly to convince everyone else.
Katrielle Layton checks every single one of these boxes. It’s Katrielle, and Katrielle alone, who can turn Shishido not just into a replacement for the times when Kidou and Fudou aren’t around, but into a true force of nature that can assist the team at all times. It makes Shishido useful and non-redundant--which is, of course, much more than the anime did for him. Let alone the manga, where Shishido didn’t even appear. (I mean, the manga gave us Tamano bby, but still--)
And the best part is that they don’t step on each other. ShinOda is fantastic (and I won’t comment on my own ideas), but no one is objectively better at being a game-maker than the rest. Different situations will call for different approaches, so their relevance will shift as the rivals change or as the rivals adapt to one style or the other. Or, heck, they can simply all work together to keep their rivals guessing and come up with even greater strategies that combine everyone’s fortes.
Also, I’m watching Katrielle’s anime with my girlfriend and that is what made me consider her for this project in the first place, so props to her! (But sorry for butchering the design, dear ww)
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prettyboylovemail · 6 years
[Kazuaki x Hana] My Life Before You
When I told him about the baby, Kazuaki said he had something important to tell me.... I wonder what it is...
((the follow up fic to my last few posts! I hope you like it! <3))
Hana glanced up at the clock. It was 6pm. Kazuaki was bound to be home any minute. It was still the start of spring, so the weather was chilly around this time, and she hoped he wouldn’t doze off on his way home and catch a cold. Hana looked down at the meal she’d prepared for them and smiled to herself. She wasn’t the best cook, but she had worked hard to surprise him on this special day. When she heard footsteps outside and the clinking of the door handle opening from the other side, she sat up straight and took a deep breath. Everything had to be perfect.
Kazuaki came through the door of their small home with slumped shoulders and a heavy sigh, but the corners of his lips turned up as he caught sight of his girlfriend waiting to welcome him home with a bright grin. She stood, rushed into his arms with a peppy skip in her step, and hugged him closely. “Welcome home, darling~!” she chimed as he tossed his bag aside and wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in the soft fabric of the shawl draped over his shoulders.
    He hummed quietly as he held her. “It’s not every day that you make a full meal for dinner. What’s the occasion?” he asked, smiling fondly as their grip on each other loosened and she stepped back to face him.
She beamed and held a finger up to her lips. “That’s a secret,” she giggled. Curiosity must’ve showed clearly on his face, as she added, “At least until after dinner~”
They sat at the table, exchanging idle conversation as they ate. She asked about his day and he told her about the usual rowdiness of his students in class. She giggled quietly, remembering the time she’d spent with her classmates in his homeroom and math classes back when they first met. That was a little over five years ago now and still, it felt like just yesterday. And looking at them now, happily in love and living together, she felt so much happiness. They’d both matured so much since then.
As they finished their dinner, Kazuaki glanced over at his girlfriend expectingly. “So? What is this big secret that you felt the need to celebrate with a home-cooked meal?”
Hana took a deep inhale and placed her fork down on the table beside her plate. “Well…” she hesitated, not meeting his eyes as she laced her fingers together. Her heart began to thump in her chest and her cheeks heated up. She was happy, but still, anxiety had wriggled its way into her brain. She let out the long breath and smiled. “I know we’ve briefly talked about the future and all… Getting married… and such…” she trailed off. Why was it so hard for her to just say it?
Kazuaki paused, “What about it?”
Hana took another deep breath and braced herself, “Well, I think it’s time we started talking more about starting a family together, Kazuaki.” She kept her head down, but her eyes moved up to meet his. “We’re having a baby.”
Dreadful silence.
Kazuaki didn’t react. He didn’t say anything at all. His expression remained frozen in the curious blank stare that he’d had a second ago.
“We-- You’re…” he started slowly, taking his time to process what she’d said. “You’re pregnant?” She nodded happily, but her excitement faded when he didn’t smile like she’d hoped. He actually looked… scared.
She placed a hand over his. “Are...Aren’t you happy?”
Kazuaki vigorously shook his head and locked eyes with her, squeezing her hand, “I--I am! I’m happy! I just…” he looked down. “I just don’t know if… I’d be a good father.”
“Of course you will be!” Hana protested, “You’re great with children, Kazuaki! You’re the most patient man I know and you’re amazingly smart and kind too!” she squeezed his hand back. “It’s okay to be scared, but I have faith in us.”
He smiled gently at her, but turned away. “No, there’s… there’s still things you don’t know about me, Hana. I’m worried that…” he hesitated, moving his hand away, “that you won’t want me to be the one to raise our child with you.”
Hana paused, clearly perplexed. “What... do you mean?”
Kazuaki sighed and stood, motioning for her to follow. “We need to talk.”
Hana followed Kazuaki to their room and sat beside him on the edge of the bed. She could see the worry clear on his face, so she softly patted his shoulder, running her hand over his back and at the base of his neck. She stayed silent, waiting for him to explain.
He began quietly, his voice just above a whisper. “There’s a lot of things that I should’ve told you a long time ago. But I’ve been a coward. I was afraid that you’d leave me on the spot if you knew everything about me… about my past.” He paused. “About the things I’ve done and have regretted every day of my life since.”
Kazuaki sighs and brings one of his hands to his face, brushing his bangs away from his eyes, but allowing them to fall back down again immediately as they were. “I think the first and most important thing you need to know is that… Kazuaki Nanaki… isn’t my real name.” Hana, clearly taken aback, says nothing. Instead, she waits for further explanation before reacting to anything. “I was born Hitori Uzune.”
He told her how he’d grown up in the Heartful House orphanage and about the family he had there; he was like an older brother to all of the younger children. He told her about the incident that had the establishment shut down. The building had been invaded by a group of political extremists and the children inside all held hostage and gunned down one by one while he was out at work one day. He returned home that day to the decimated orphanage and was horrified that he hadn’t made it back in time to save any of them. Thankfully, one of the orphans had survived, a frail and sickly boy named Nageki.
“Nageki was the only family I had left. But he was getting sicker by the day and I just couldn’t continue taking care of him anymore,” Kazuaki’s voice began to crack, tears welling up in his eyes. “So I had him enrolled at St. Pigeonation’s, where Doctor Iwamine had been working, although under a different name at the time. We were promised that he’d get the extensive medical treatment he needed if he stayed there, and he’d be able to attend school in the process.”
He continued to tell her how he’d worried about Nageki the whole time he was gone, as his letters back were becoming increasingly more depressed. He finally decided that something wasn’t right and that he needed to go to the school to make sure Nageki was okay. What he’d found was just the opposite. As he entered the building where Nageki was supposed to be receiving medical treatment for his illness, he instead found crowds of panicked doctors and black smoke rolling from inside the operation room. He ran inside to see Nageki locked up inside, surrounded by raging flames that only grew bigger by the second. Tears streamed down his cheeks. Hana continued her silent attempts at comforting him as she listened to his story. She felt her heart breaking with every detail. She couldn’t imagine the sadness he must be feeling.
“I wasn’t there to save him again,” he cried. “I was never there for him. He died because I didn’t get there in time.”
“I don’t think he ever blamed you,” Hana spoke softly. “It’s not fair for you to blame yourself either.”
Kazuaki wiped the tears from his eyes. “That’s… not all. This next part might be the hardest part to tell you. I’ve never told anybody.”
Hana moved his face to look her in the eyes and she squeezed his hands. “There’s nothing that you could ever tell me that would stop me from loving you, Kazuaki. You won’t scare me away no matter what. I’m here for you, through everything.”
He took a long pause and gathered his bearings, sorting through his brain to find the words. After a couple moments, he spoke. “Kazuaki… is the name of someone I’d met shortly after the death of my little brother. He was my friend.
“He was the complete opposite of me. He was fragile, shy, and a crybaby. He stayed inside his apartment all day and night playing video games. I’d seen him around in the prep school I was teaching at, but we hadn’t really talked much until I found him out on the street one day and offered that he come to my classes. He sort of latched onto me from then on, consistently coming over to my apartment and following me around at the school like a little lost puppy.” He chuckled a little. “But after a while, I got used to having him around and it felt nice to have someone depend on me again.”
Kazuaki’s smile was short-lived, however, as he continued his story. “But… I couldn't get past the guilt that had been building inside me for so long. I thought about Nageki every day and the darkness of my own dread had gotten so out of control that I couldn’t think rationally anymore. I craved revenge on the doctor who’d forced Nageki into killing himself. And so…” he fell silent for a few seconds. “And so I killed Kazuaki and used his identity to infiltrate the school,” he finally said with his eyes locked shut, not wanting to see the horrified expression Hana had to be making right now.
But she wasn't. Her face was just as neutral as it had been for the rest of the story. She took a breath and looked up at the ceiling, still holding his hand in hers. He was trembling. Neither of them spoke for a few minutes, both taking in the information they’d been presented with this evening.
“Is that everything?”
Kazuaki looked up with dull eyes. She would surely reject him after learning he had killed and impersonated a man for this many years. “Yeah. That’s everything. So now you see why I can’t be a good father. Both you and the baby deserve so much bet--”
“That’s not true,” she cut him off sharply. “Kazuaki, none of that changes anything. It’s true that what you did was wrong. It was horrible. But that’s in the past now. And you’ve clearly learned from those mistakes. While I don’t think this information should be broadcast to the world, it doesnt change the feelings I have for you. I want to have this baby and raise a family with you.”
He stared back at her in disbelief. She… still wanted him? She still loved him? After hearing all of that? His heart clenched inside his chest and tears began to spill over again as he grabbed her and hugged her tight, his face buried in her hair. She gently placed her arms around him.
“I love you so much, Hana,” he whispered next to her ear, his voice muffled.
“I love you too, Hitori.”
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flamingthespian · 5 years
3, 22, 29
Gonna put this under a cut cause it got quite long...
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
*cracks knuckles* HERE WE GO BOYS! This’ll be a long one. Here’s a list, in no particular order:
- Code Lyoko: Aelita Schaeffer.
I adore Aelita and everything about her, tbh. She’s like a big comfort character for me. In fact she may have been a big part of my reconciliation with the color pink.
-Homestuck: Roxy Lalonde
I love Roxy SO MUCH, no matter what form they take. Seriously though like their character arc in Homestuck is hella important to me because they’re the one Alpha kid that gets over their personal issues and pushes it to the limit, smacking sense into the rest of the group and overcoming boundaries to become unapologetically and beautifully themself.
-Hatoful Boyfriend: Ryouta Kawara
This was a hard pick for me because Hatoful will always be my #1 home base fandom, no matter what other hyper fixations I develop from time to time. And I love all of the birds like my own children…but Ryouta is like really special to me. His struggles are like, really relatable to me and I find myself always being like “fuck shit shit damn holy shit thats me I do that same thing my boy.” I just want him to be happyyyyy…and I have cried for him on more than one occasion, believe you me.
-DanganRonpa: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Another hard one because this is kind of what I’m currently super into. I love it. And it’s also an absolute trash series, at the same time, lol. I also don’t super identify with any of the characters? The reason I picked Fuyuhiko is because he’s my favorite and even though I’m not like…a hardboiled gangster who has seen death and stuff…I do always find myself coming back to him and just loving him as a character. I’m a huge sucker for dynamic characters, honestly. Give me someone who realizes the error of their ways and changes their behavior and I will go NUTS. I also guess I do relate to him on the “I will murder you if you touch my little sister or my girlfriend” thing, for sure. And I also relate to him on the “How to make up for my misdoings…hm, oh yes, I shall slit my stomach open” front. Like, that’s the kind of dramatic hoe shit I’d do in the death island situation.
-Gravity Falls: Mabel Pines
I picked Mabel because I’m often the naive silly one who just wants to love everybody and throw glitter all over everything. I want everything to be sunny happy funtimes all the time. Oh but I will absolutely go batshit if you threaten my family so we have that in common too. Also I LOVE Dipper but there were a lot of times in the series where I was like “STOP BEING A DICK TO YOUR SISTER SHE LOVES YOU”
-Steven Universe: Pearl
Yeah. Pearl is kind of…everything I hate about myself. I mean she also has a really fantastic story and growth and a lot of good parts which I also believe I share on some level? I guess I’m thinking more of “early series pre-character development Pearl” when she was still just kind of a really possessive character, lol. Hm. Got kinda deep there? Sorry bout that folks
-Undertale: Alphys
SO MUCH IT HURTS. I could easily see myself doing a lot of what Alphys does and I relate to her just, a lot. Her anxiety, her wild bisexuality, her cowardice, her passion. I love her. I do, however, wish I could get a buff fish creature girlfriend. That would be cool as hell.
There’s more fandoms I consider myself a part of but I could talk forever if I kept at it so THAT’S ENOUGH!
22. list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
Panicking, games, doodling, singing, social media
29. three songs that you connect with right now.
Haterz by Toddrick Hall, Any Way You Want It by Journey, Freak Flag from Shrek the Musical
THAT WAS A LOT, SORRY! But thank you so much for the ask!!
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lethesomething · 6 years
The definitely not definitive otome guide
I sincerely doubt the world needs this, but that sort of thing has never stopped me before. Have an extremely biased guide of several dating sim games, organised by some arbitrary metrics.
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Word of warning: this will be long (4k words), because I've played an embarrassingly large amount of otomes.
As a disclaimer: obviously this is a personal opinion. If you (as a lot of people do) enjoy the more forceful bad boy type in your dating sim, I’m not going to judge you. I, however, don’t, so this list is very specifically going to call out games for how they treat the protag.
Featured here: Amnesia: Memories,  Blood in Roses, Cutie Demon Crashers, Destined to Love, Dream Daddy, Hatoful Boyfriend, Hustle Cat,  Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Sengoku, Lost Alice,  Midnight Cinderella,  Monster Prom, Mystic Messenger
A note on play styles.
These games come in a few flavours, which is important to know if you're gonna try them.
The vast majority of the mobile games here follow a basic visual novel structure. You pick a guy and read through the different chapters, and depending on your answers you'll be leaning toward one of two or three endngs. Since these are free to play mobiles, there's a bunch of challenges you will need to log in daily to pass.  
Mystic Messenger is the main outlier, since it's a chat simulator that plays in real time.
The pc games tend to be more complex, with interlocking routes and more endings, generally. You'll need a number of skill points to meet character A for instance, or you'll need to do a series of actions to reach ending B.
  Great games
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Ikemen Sengoku
Hands down one of the best mobile otomes out there right now. I found this when searching for pics of Masamune Date (from a different game) and I've sort of been obsessed with otomes since.
Platform: Android (free to play, pay for premiums) Story: MC gets sucked into a wormhole and finds herself 500 years back in time, in Sengoku era Japan. She drops in on the exact moment where Nobunaga Oda, the Demon King, would be assassinated at Honno-ji. She stops the murder, disrupts the timeline and now there's a bunch of hot warlords vying for her attention. Protagonist’s spine: Reinforced steel. This is one of my favourite protags, because she is Super Sassy and doesn't take shit, unless she's literally being threatened with a sword. The protags where I feel like I understand their actions are few and far between, but this is one of them. Except when she goes far beyond mere bravery to get her man, and decides to forgo tampons and, like, wifi, to live 500 years in the god damn past. Squick factor: Low. This game is made by Cybird, a company that appears very big on consent. The guys generally treat MC with respect, probably more than could be reasonably asked of a Sengoku warlord. The only worrying stuff happens in the Obvious Yandere route, but you kinda know what you're getting yourself into with that one.
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The Good: I friggin love the writing for this game. The guys feel like real characters, there's a ton of interaction between them and I need to give this game extra points for the story events, which are almost invariably gold. This is where the makers stop giving a shit about realism and just go for what they want to write. There's ones where all the guys are suddenly idols, there's a Christmas episode, there's one where they battle through cooking and cleaning. It doesn't take itself serious, is what i mean, and it's Hilarious. The Bad: This is one where the in-game art (aside from the CG's) is actually not that great. Hideyoshi's smile is kinda weird looking and the models feel a little outdated at this point. Best Warlord: This is very difficult, because a lot of them are dreamy, but let's just say that I need a Mitsuhide route so very badly.
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 Ikemen Revolution
The newest Cybird game and my current fave.
Story: MC falls down the rabbit hole when she tries to give a rushed White Rabbit man something he dropped. She ends up in Cradle/Wonderland, where war is about to break out between the Red and Black army, the Hearts and the Spades. Everyone is hot dudes and MC is considered Alice the Second (after the one from Through the Looking Glass). Squick factor: Low. Again: Cybird game. This means there is steamy situations and sex scenes, but they're blatantly consensual. The routes I've played so far keep well within the bounds of what I would consider romantic. Protagonist’s spine: Varnished wood.  In general MC is self-propelling with occasional bouts of bravery. You can tell why she's doing the things she's doing and how she reacts to situations feels sort of logical. She's hard-working and caring and a little naïve, but the fact that she's canonically a woman from early 19th Century London does put a lot of her actions in perspective (like the amount of bullshit she puts up with).
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The Good: The writing is fun. There's a good mix of angst and just… general comedy. The characters interact with each other a lot, and it feels like they're a big loud family, especially in the Black Army, which is more like a frat than anything else. The art is also decent. The backgrounds are utterly gorgeous and most of the guys are very good looking. When I first started the game I was weirded out by the blinking animation, but I have since gotten used to that. The Bad: I found some of the plot rushed. Like you spend so long slow burn growing toward each other, and then suddenly stuff has to happen action movie style because we're running out of chapters. The final chapters of Fenrir's route were just plain dumb. Like could that BE more of an obvious trap. Come on MC, I expected better of you. Also, since this is a very new game, not that many routes are out (four at the time of writing). Best boy: Hooo man. Of the routes that are out, Ray is very… oooof. But my fave chars are probably 'so done' Sirius (the fact that he's voiced by Suwabe has nothing to do with this, surely) and 'also quite done' Kyle, who is both a doctor and an alcoholic wreck of a human being.
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 Mystic Messenger
You know Mystic Messenger, it's like one of the biggest otome's of the past few years.
Platform: Android, iOS (free to play, pay for extra saves and stuff) The Story: MC follows a text message to a weirdly high tech apartment and this somehow puts her in the position of party planner for a secretive group of weird people. It only gets more complicated from there. The game plays out in real time, via chat conversations and the occasional story segment. Squick factor: Um. I personally wasn't weirded out, but I also decided very specifically not to play Jumin's route. This girl did her research. The routes in Another Story are also very over the top and would probably bug me. While I love the Saeran character, I don't think I'd be able to handle that route. So: highly dependent on chosen route. Protagonist’s spine: Adderall. It takes a specific kind of person to download a chat app and follow the instructions given by a random stranger therein. It takes a much stranger person to sit in an apartment with a bomb and just keep inviting people to a party. MC is on a different level from us mortals.
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The Good: I loved the game mechanic, because it felt very real. The player is following a chatroom, just like the character is. Besides that, the story is completely bonkers and I appreciate that. The Bad: Did I mention it plays in real time? Because it plays in real time, meaning you get chat conversations at two in the morning. I was very sleep deprived when I played this. Best boy: 707. Dude is funny and deep and hot and relatable and smart and I want to give him all the hugs.
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 Dream Daddy
One of the few decidedly mlm games I've played so far. You've probably heard of it since it was the subject of much hype and much controversy. Markiplier played it. Friggin Buzzfeed has video's on it.
Platform: PC and Mac (it's on Steam) The Story: MC is a Dad who moves into a neighbourhood with a lot of other single(-ish) dads. Time to work it. Squick factor: Low. This is primarily a humour game: there's a ton of dad jokes and silly mini games, and a distinct lack of kabe don's. The canon routes are all very thoughtful. Protagonist’s spine: Barbecued sausage. Player Dad just goes for it. He’s flexible and caring enough to handle the more sensitive subjects, and self aware enough to deal with random crime and weird drunks.
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The Good: I remember opening this game and, in the character creation screen, telling a trans friend of mine 'omg you can wear binders', and the sheer Glee of his reaction. That's the kinda stuff this game was, partly, made for and it is appreciated. I really liked the tongue-in-cheek writing, most of the jokes landed and the whole thing is just a lot of fun. The Bad: Some of the minigames are annoying. Why the hell are you making me play Bejeweled with fish? I also had a hard time sympathizing with some of the kids. I mean… Lucien straight up tries to murder someone? Ernest is 'rebellious' but he's also an ass. Best dad: Damien has the best route, but have you Seen Mat? Holy moly.
 Not worth it games
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Amnesia: Memories
This game should come with a friggin warning, so I'm giving it here. Its popularity and star rating is a terrible indicator for how much you may enjoy this game. It presents itself as a cute dating sim with gorgeous art, but it devolves into straight up horror, and not in the good way. This feels like a guidebook written in the 1800's to tell young women their place. Not even mortified intrigue could make me finish this. 
Platform: PC (Steam or Google Play) and PlayStation Vita Story: MC wakes up with amnesia. Someone hurt her and she doesn't know who to trust. You'll need to figure out what happened. Squick factor: Super high. Like… so high.  Everyone treats MC like shit and she just lets it happen, even developing all kinds of Stockholm Syndrome as she falls in love with these asshats. MC's childhood friend supposedly loves her but is such a tsun and just… doesn't communicate while also treating her like a small child. One of the other characters is so popular he has a fucking harem but MC is just supposed to wait for him to actually fall in love with her. And don't even get me started on that friggin yandere. *shudders* Even the secret route 'true love' character is a million types of wrong. Protagonist’s spine: Undercooked custard. MC has the self preservation skills of a wet sponge and whoever is playing this is supposed to get turned on by high concept ideas of S&M that are just written out so badly everything feels like an abusive relationship.
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The Good: *sigh* The art. The art is very pretty (I'm upset at the art since it sucked me into the horror). Also, as a visual novel, this one is complex as all hell. There's a ton of endings  (most of them deadly) depending your actions as a player. It's vast, is what I'm saying. Also, I hear the clover route isn't as bad as some of the others, but I was too weirded out to try. The Bad: See rant. This is one of those games that really seems to glorify the whole possessive, abusive boyfriend shtick, but it's ok because he loves you, really. Ugh. Just… ugh. Best boy: Kent? I guess? He doesn't appear to be actively abusing MC at least.
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 Shall we date: Lost Alice
I wondered if I should include this because I literally played like ten chapters  and then deleted it, but that in itself should give some indication.
Platform: Android (free to play, in-app premium purchases) Story: MC wakes up in the forest with amnesia (I see a trend). Turns out she's in Wonderland and everyone thinks she's Alice. Most of Wonderland's characters are, predictably, hot men. Squick  factor: Unavailable. I didn't play far enough to see but some of the men are quite pushy and also it's a Shall we date app, so… tread carefully. Protagonist’s spine: Cement. This is an MC that puts up a fight, which I respect. Sadly she does so in that 'needlessly aggressive' way that anime characters sometimes have. I didn't find her particularly sympathetic.
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The Good: The art. It's always the art that gets me. The Bad: The UI annoyed the shit out of me. This is a free to play, pay for premiums game, so some level of mindless clicking is expected if you try to play for free. This one had just too much. There was friend greeting and picture rating and princess lessons and got knows what else, all taking a ton of time. Trying to get to the home page popped up at least four different 'now on sale' screens every single time. The writing wasn't good enough for me to deal with that. Best boy: Well there’s a cat. So.
 Decent games
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Hustle cat
This game is set in a cat café, that was all the encouragement I needed to buy it.
Platform: PC (Steam) Story: MC is invited to take a job at a cat café. Turns out everyone in the café is cursed, and also they're into you. Squick factor: Almost non-existant. This is a very tumblr friendly game in the sense that your love interests are both male and female, and none of them are particularly pushy. The relationships feel pretty natural and mostly consist of MC helping their love interest with some subquest. Protagonist’s spine: Cucumber. MC is actually pretty cool. The game does that 'modern western game' thing where you get to pick a gender and a skin colour for your protag and the general atmosphere is 'tongue in cheek'. MC doesn't let people walk over them, but they're generally helpful.
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The Good: CATS. The premise of this game is pretty neat. The Bad: According to Steam I played this five months ago, and I pretty much forgot about it. Fun game but not particularly memorable. Best cat: Landry. Tall, gentle giants are a particular weakness.
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 Shall we date: Blood in Roses
This is me giving Shall we Date another shot, because the amount of hot mildly medieval boys was intriguing.
Platform: Android (free to play, in-app premiums) Story: There's two, because this app has been around for a while and now has two 'seasons'. The Witch stumbles upon a supposedly abandoned castle and gets imprisoned there by a bunch of vampires. The Hunter, meanwhile, seeks out the castle because she wants to stop an attack on her village. Both come to realize that the castle is now a hotel for monsters, and that its denizens are both not what they imagined, and also hot. Squick factor: Highly dependent on route. The Witch literally starts in a jail cell, so you can imagine the Stockholm Syndrome shit that goes down. Also, this is a personal preference, but I'm really weirded out by a lot of blood play stuff so most of the vampire routes are gonna be… problematic. Shall we Date games don't shy away from sex scenes and I like that, but coupling them with drinking blood 'to get in the mood' is a rather specific niche. The game does offer a number of other options for you to court, from werewolves to wizards and… grim reapers? It's a mixed batch. If you're not into pushed boundaries I can offer one tip: stay away from the vampires. Protagonist’s spine: Sand cookie. She has one, but it's brittle. I've mostly played Hunter routes and it's like… she tries, and she can take care of herself but she also tolerates more bullshit than necessary, ya know.
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The Good: The art is good, and some of the storylines are intriguing despite my reservations. I'm still playing it (mostly in a quest to find a good ending where MC doesn't die to become a weird immortal creature).  The UI, while annoying, isn't as bad as Lost Alice's, or so it seems. The Bad: The writing is very hit or miss. There's routes where the guy just sort of lowkey stalks MC, until she suddenly decides she's incredibly in love with him. There's others  that make even less sense, and then there's ones that feel more natural. In general, MC's actions don't  seem to have a lot of thought put into them. Best boy: So far: Gordon. He's cute and sensible and tortured and not incredibly antagonistic.
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 Midnight Cinderella
You'll notice a friggin ton of Cybird games on here.
Platform: Android (free to play, premium purchases) Story: MC gets, mostly by accident, chosen to be the Princess of Wysteria. As such she must prepare to govern the country when the king dies, and choose a consort from a number of suitors. Squick factor: Low. Not only are these men respectful of her, they're rather literally treating her like royalty. Having said that, there is a lot of the typical hurtful tsun stuff going in several routes. Protagonist’s spine: Lightly done steak. There's something weird going on with the protag in this game. When it comes to governing, she's tough as nails. She's thrown into a situation she wasn't ready for, and while this stresses her out 24/7, she performs admirably. On the other hand, her main reaction to literally anything when it comes to love is 'Oh'. She cries a lot, at times she feels like a wet rag. There's a bunch of situations she could have just solved by going 'Yeah I'm into you'. She's complex, I guess.
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The Good: The writing, while melodramatic, is nice. The art is good as well. The Bad: This is an old game and it doesn't perform that well on my current-gen smartphone. Expect to push certain buttons several times before the game realizes what you're trying to do. Also the loading takes ages. Best boy: For me, Sid, because he reminds me of Aomine Daiki and I'm weak for that type of personality. As far as routes go, Leo's probably had the most impact on me.
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 Destined to Love
I'll be honest, I started this because of an event in Ikemen Sengoku that would give me cross game storage. Don't judge me.
The Story: MC gets flung back in time (this is also a trend, it seems) to the 1800's, a few weeks before the Ikedaya incident will make the Shinsen-gumi a historic Legend. She meets, and chrams, a whole bunch of historical figures. Protagonist’s spine: Cured leather. As a modern woman sent back in time, MC is probably fairly sassy by the standards of the time, but she remains mostly polite. She's tough, considering the circumstances, but quite pliable in that 'we'll see where this goes and make the best of it' way. Squick factor: Low. There's one character that just screams 'red flag' but I have yet to try his route. Since this is a Cybird game, most of the guys are pretty respectful.
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The Good: I really like the premise? As the title suggests, MC's love is part of a higher destiny, one that transcends time, and it's one of the reasons she has to go to friggin 1800's Japan. She has a hand in making history. This amuses me. Also, the guys are pretty good looking. The Bad: This is a fairly old mobile game and you can kinda tell. On a technical level it's not as bad as Midnight Cinderella, but again the touch buttons aren't always responsive. Besides that, some of the writing is rather clunkily translated and a bunch of the art is low res. Best Boy: I haven't played all the routes here, but Katsura is a god damn sweetheart, and Kyo and Yamazaki seem adorable AF.
 The weird: the special ones
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Hatoful Boyfriend
The reason I know otome's exist. This one shot to meme status a few years back.
Platform: PC (it's on Steam) Story: MC is one of the last remaining humans after sentient birds took over the world. She gets enrolled into an elite school for pigeons. Squick factor: Medium to high. The major thing to understand about Hatoful is that on the surface it looks like a particularly silly dating sim with pigeons, but dig deeper and it is Also a full blown apocalyptic horror story. And it follows the genre where a wrong move gets MC horrifically killed. Having said that, several of the routes, including the god damn serial killer one, didn't bother me as much as something like Amnesia, because they were not sold as romantic. Maybe it's the whole pigeon thing, maybe it's the general weirdness of the plot, or maybe it is because said serial killer actually goes 'Surely you knew this would happen', before he guts you. Protagonist’s spine: Gummy bear. MC is highly forgettable, but therefore also like… not annoying. The main focus here is on uncovering the many layered plot and the player character doesn't really have a scripted personality, she just embodies the player's actions.
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The Good: This whole game is so out there. There's a reason it became so popular. It's an Experience. The plot is over the top and intricate and Weird, and that makes it intriguing. There's a ton of routes and endings, some more secret than others. The 'human' version of some of these birds is kinda hot (sadly that includes the serial killer). The Bad: the plot is so weird and meandering that it's kinda hard to follow at times. I'm fairly certain it takes several guides to unlock all the endings. Best Birb: It's been a while, but I remember liking Yuuya's route quite a lot.
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 Monster Prom
The new hype.
Platform: PC (Steam!) Story: MC is a student at Monster High, and is trying to get a date for Monster Prom with one of the hot people. Squick factor: None. I mean, nothing that happens here is in accordance to health and safety norms, but that's kinda the point. It's a parody game, making fun of all the hoops teenagers are willing to jump through to become popular. Protagonist's spine: Coagulated blood. MC is willing to make deals with demons, wear corpses as a hat, anything really. The question is very openly: what could I do to make them like me.
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The Good: It's a funny game. I like the characters, who embody everything from the Mean Girl to the Hipster Nerd and the Needlessly Aggressive Jock. The art is simple, cartoon style, but pretty neat. The Bad: Everything is very tongue in cheek, which leaves it a little… light for my tastes. I don't feel like any of the routes matter in the grand scheme of things, MC hasn't truly touched anyone's heart. The whole thing is a joke game, so it's funny, but a bit shallow. Best monster: Polly, the permanently stoned party girl.
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 Cute Demon Crashers
Technically a sex game? But a really very special one.
Platform: PC (free! Here!) Story: A portal opens in MC's house and four Incubi/Succubi drop through. To apologize for the inconvenience, while they wait for a portal back, they offer to teach MC about sex. Squick factor: I've written about this game before and the best thing, the very best thing about it is how incredibly consent-minded it is. Like, even if you're already in bed, getting it on, there's always an option to turn back and leave it at that. The demons are really just there to help MC find out what gives her pleasure. Protagonist’s spine: Rock. Obviously, MC is mildly upset about four random demons showing up. As mentioned before, what happens next is mostly up to the player.
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The Good: It's free and the art is pretty and I love the premise. The Bad: Kinda short, but again: free. Cutest Demon Crasher: *cough* Orias *cough*
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in the underground
ok so I got a idea as a musical parody maker (I made 37 parodies of musicals before this) ok so in the heights and undertale COMBINED I call it in the underground and here's the first song (also called in the underground) so here we go
Lights up on Underground Heights, up at the break of day
I wake up and I got this little punk I gotta chase away
Pop the grate at the crack of dawn, sing
While I wipe down the awning
Hey y’all, good morning
 [NICE CREAM GUY, spoken]
Ice cold piragua! Parcha. China. Cherry. Strawberry. And just for today, I got mamey!
 [FRISK, spoken]
Oye, piragüero, como estas?
 [NICE CREAM GUY, spoken]
Como siempre, Señor Frisk.​
I am Frisk and you prob’ly never heard my name
Reports of my fame are greatly exaggerated
Exacerbated by the fact that my syntax
Is highly complicated 'cuz I emigrated
From the single greatest little place in the Caribbean:
heartful Republic!
I love it!
 Toby, I’m jealous of it
And beyond that
Ever since my folks passed on
I haven’t gone back
Goddarn, I gotta get on that...
  Fo! The milk has gone bad, hold up just a second
Why is everything in this fridge warm and tepid?
I better step it up and fight the heat
'Cuz I’m not friskn' any profit if the coffee isn’t light and sweet!
 [PADRE BRIM, spoken]
 [FRISK, spoken]
Padre, my fridge broke. I got café but no "con leche."
 [PADRE BRIM, spoken]
Try my mother’s old recipe: one can of condensed milk.
 [FRISK, spoken]
 [Frisk gives Padre Brim his lottery tickets, which he kisses and holds up to the sky.]
 [PADRE BRIM, spoken]
Ay! Paciencia y fe…
That was Padre, he’s not really my “padre,”
But he practically raised me, this corner is his escuela
Now, you’re prob’ly thinkin:
"I’m up spit’s creek!
I've never been north of Ninety-Sixth Street!”
Well, you must take the A Train
Even farther than Harlem to northern hotland and maintain
Get off at 181st, and take the escalator
I hope you’re writing this down, I’m gonna test ya later
  I’m getting tested; times are tough on this bodega
Two months ago somebody bought Ortega’s
Our neighbors started packin’ up and pickin’ up
And ever since the rents went up
It’s gotten mad expensive
But we live with just enough
In the underground
I flip the lights and start my day
There are fights
And endless debts
And bills to pay
In the Underground
I can’t survive without café
I serve café
'Cuz tonight seems like a million years away!
En Underground—
Next up to bat, the Dreemurrs
They run the cab company,​
They struggle in the barrio
See, their kid ralsei’s off at college, tuition is mad steep
So they can’t sleep
Everything they get is mad cheap!
Good morning, Frisk!
Pan caliente, café con leche!
Put twenty dollars on today’s lottery
One ticket, that’s it!
Hey! A man’s gotta dream...
Don’t mind him, he’s all excited
‘Cuz Ralsei flew in at 3 A.M. last night!
Don’t look at me, this one’s been cooking all week!
Frisk, come over for dinner
There’s plenty to eat!
So then chuntera walks in the room—
 [CATTY, spoken]
She smells sex and cheap perfume!
 [CATTY, spoken]
Uh oh…
It smells like one of those trees
That you hang from the rear view!
 [CATTY, spoken]
Ah, no!
It’s true! She screams, “Who’s in there with you, ansem?”
Grabs a bat and kicks in the door
He’s in bed with rakku from the liquor store!
No me diga!
 [FRISK, spoken]
Bratty and Catty, from the salon.​
Thanks, Frisk!
 [FRISK, spoken]
Hoto, you’re late.​
 [HOTO, spoken]
Chillax, you know you love me.​
Me and my brother runnin’ just another dime-a-dozen
Mom-and-pop stop-and-shop
And, oh my god, it’s gotten
Too darn hot, like my man Cole Porter said
People come through for a few cold waters and
A lottery ticket, just a part of the routine
Everybody’s got a job, everybody’s got a dream
They gossip, as I sip my coffee and smirk
The first stop as people hop to work
Bust it— I’m like:
 "One dollar, two dollars, one fifty, one sixty-nine.​
I got it. You want a box of condoms? What kind?
That’s two quarters.​
Two quarter waters. The New York Times.​
You need a bag for that? The tax is added.​"
Once you get some practice at it
You do rapid mathematics automatically
Sellin’ maxipads, fuzzy dice for taxicabs and practically
Everybody’s stressed, yes!
But they press through the mess,​
Bounce checks and wonder what’s next
In the underground
I buy my coffee and I go
 Set my sights
On only what I need to know
 In the underground
Money is tight
But even so
In the underground
 I buy my coffee and—
Set my sights
 What I need to know
In the underground
Money is tight
 Even so
When the lights go down I blast my radio!
You ain’t got no skills!
Yo, lemme get a—
Milky Way
Yeah, lemme also get a—
Daily News—
And a—
And most important, my—
Boss’ second coffee, one cream—
Five sugars
I’m the number one earner—
The fastest learner—
My boss can’t keep me on the darn back burner!
Yes, he can
I’m friskn’ moves, I’m friskn’ deals, but guess what?
You still ain’t got no skills!
Yo, Chara show up yet?
Shut up!
Hey little homie, don’t get so upset
 [FRISK, spoken]
Tell Chara how you feel, buy the girl a meal
On the real, or you ain’t got no skills
 [CHARA, speaking on the phone]
No no nooo!
No no nooo, no-no-no!
Nooo, no-no-no!
No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no, no-no-no-no-no!
Mr. Hato, I got the security deposit
It’s locked in a box in the bottom of my closet
It’s not reflected in my bank statement
But I’ve been savin’ to make a down payment and pay rent
No, no, I won’t let you down—
Yo, here’s your chance; ask her out right now!
I’ll see you later, we can look at that lease!
Do somethin’, make your move, don’t freeze!
You owe me a bottle of cold champagne!
Are you moving?
Just a little credit check and I’m on that downtown train!
Well, your coffee’s on the house
Frisk, ask her out
No way!
I’ll see you later, so…
Oooh... Smooth operator, aw, darn, there she goes!
Yo, bro, take five, take a walk outside!
You look exhausted, lost, don’t let life slide!
The whole hood is struggling, times are tight
And you’re stuck to this corner like a streetlight!
Yeah, I’m a streetlight, chokin' on the heat
The world spins around while I’m frozen to my seat
The people that I know all keep on rollin' down the street
But every day is different so I’m switchin’ up the beat
 'Cuz my parents came with nothing, they got a little more
And sure, we’re poor, but yo, at least we got the store
And it’s all about the legacy they left with me, it’s destiny
And one day I’ll be on a beach with Hoto writing checks to me
In the Underground, I hang my flag up on display
We came to work and to live and we got a lot in common
It reminds me that I came from miles away
D.R., P.R., we are not stoppin’
In the Underground
 In the Underground
I’ve got today!
Every day, paciencia y fe
Until the day we go from poverty to stock options
And today’s all we got, so we cannot stop
This is our block!
In the Underground
I hang my flag up on display
Lo le lo le lo lai lai lo le!
It reminds me that I came from miles away
My family came from miles away—
In the Underground
It gets more expensive every day
Every day
And tonight is so far away—
But as for mañana, mi pana
Ya gotta just keep watchin’
You’ll see the
​late nights
You’ll taste
​beans and rice
The syrups and
​shaved ice
I ain’t gonna
​say it twice
 So turn up the stage lights
We’re takin’ a flight
To a couple of days
​in the life of what it’s like
Late nights!
 Beans and rice!
 Shaved ice!
 Say it twice!
In the Underground!
In the Underground!
In the Underground!
In Underground Heights!
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pinpuku · 6 years
Team Request ~longer post~
Oh um! Hello! Firstly thank you for reading and doing all of these. 
I always forget what my MBTI is. Though I always find I’m smack dab between 4 types anyway. >>;; Though I can tell you I’m more introverted despite often running head first into crowds and trying to make friends. (On good days anyway. It’s about a 50/50 shot of that or clamming up)
I think with my gut and feelings more than not. I am prone to overthinking and going about things in a weird logical manner. Though when things happen more often than not. I throw it all away and just go with the moment. 
And I can’t tell you for the life of me the difference between J or P is. And it’s 2AM for me as I’ve been ping-ponging my way across this lengthy submission. So….I trust you to make the best call!
Western Zodiac: Leo  Eastern Zodiac: Sheep (metal)
My twitter, which might gleam more insight to me than I can ramble on…or at least give a glimpse to stuff I like.
I have a lot of favorite animals, so many! I also have like…always have a hard time picking a favorite pokemon. Though a few off the top of my head are Bobcat/Lynx. Coyote. Crow. Rabbit. Anything that’s kinda a “trickster” really. It’s because of that, that dark and electric types are easily my favorite pokemon types. Though really…I like them all. 
Colors I tend to mix between soft pastels and hard vibrant orange and blue. Though nothing neon. I like a lot of colors as well! I do have favorites, but I try not to dislike things if I can help it. I know it’s unavoidable, but I try to minimize it when I can. 
As for the hard part, personality of myself. I find it easier to describe characters I like better and what bits of myself that I see in them. Though I’ll try to keep it semi brief? Forgive me if it’s rambly and you wanna get to the good bits. I just tend to get super talkative when it comes to this kinda stuff!
I really like Naruto. I know it’s not really a great show or anything but It really resonated with me growing up since I kinda didn’t have many friends. I was always kinda weird so I hammed it up and played it and turned myself into more of the class clown until highschool. Where I finally made some friends that stuck. My biggest friend is someone I consider a sister at this rate. We’re still friends for over 20 years now. She helped me find my voice and made me who I am today. I was super shy and a big crybaby before I met her. Now I act pretty brash, obnoxious, loud, but on the inside I’m still super self conscious and scared. I’m still super scared and self doubt-y…though I try to push through my fear and make the world a better place. 
I know it’s silly but, I’m weirdly optimistic? I just want to make the world a better place. I kind of hope this could get submitted privately or something since I confess it’s a little embarassing to get this all down to have it be out and about! Especially on tumblr! Though that aside, I’m kinda optimistic and I wand to try and do the good thing. I want to be the hero when I can. I don’t go out of my way looking for it. But I’m always trying my best to help everyone I can. And I often get depressed whenever I can’t. Even when there’s really nothing else that can be done about it. I didn’t have the worst childhood, I didn’t have the best.
I’m kinda dumb, impulsive and stuff, but I always try my best to do the right thing. I’m okay with looking the fool as long as someone gets kinda a laugh or a good time out of it. My own kinda personal mantra is “I rather you laugh with me, but so long as you’re laughing!”
Other characters I like that run a semi- similar theme. Be it trying their best. Being scared. Or being…obnoxious. Hiyoko (Hatoful Boyfriend) Kazuaki-kun (Hatoful Boyfriend, Holiday Star), Midoriya Izuku from BNHA, Tai from Digimon 01, Davis from Digimon 02. Briar Moss from The Circle of Magic books. Akira from Devliman Crybaby, Yarne from Fire Emblem Awakening, Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening, Asriel Dremurr from Undertale, Nier (NieR Gestalt/Replicant)
OOF! That was WAY longer than expected! A-Anyway I hope you don’t mind this huge essay. ><; I hope the others aren’t as long as mine were! And thank you again! I know I rambled a lot and have a penchant for not actually saying anything so if you need more information. Just ask!
Anyway. I hope you have a nice day!
Hello! This was really fun for me to read!
I have a good team for you, I think!
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♡ I think your Partner would be Whimsicott! It is a very mischievous pokemon, known for being quite the trickster! It has a jovial & carefree nature. It likes to ride the winds, and take its fun everywhere. It is known for many silly quirks, like sneaking into houses, moving important items or furniture, leaving cotton balls & surprising people & pokemon! It really just likes to play. It’s tricks are never anything to worry about. It’s actually quite happy doing this alone or with others. This is a Pokemon that does just as fine by itself as it does in a social setting. In a team, it can be very playful & will be the entertainer of the team. It will like to goof off with your other pokemon & it can “perform” just for the sake of having a good time with everyone. It might dislike the rain, mainly because it hampers its ability to fly & makes it very difficult to dry off. But it is also known to enjoy water from time to time, unlike Cottonee, if it’s able to easily dry off easily. Anything that is a is a possible form of play will be experimented by Whimsicott! It will most likely enjoy being outside on sunny days & nights with bright moonlight.
♡ Alolan Raichu, Pachirisu & Vivillion have a very similar temperament as Whimsicott, but they’re not exactly pranksters. 
♡ Elgyem is a very quiet & odd Pokemon. In the wild, they usually wander around alone. Although they have a more shy & reserved nature, they are gentle Pokemon & enjoy being around others, even if they aren’t the most bold characters. You might be able to understand its language of light after a while! At least a little bit. 
♡ Zorua is the 2nd trickster of your team! It’s fun loving, but it’s also much more introverted compared to the rest of your team. It will like to mess around, but it otherwise can be very shy & dependent on its team & trainer to feel comfortable. They are strong pack Pokemon, so while it may wander away if it knows your nearby, it will never stray too far on purpose. It might be a little bit more of a handful, potentially getting you into weird situations, but this is also a part of its charm! 
Hope you like your team~ ^~^
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4colorrebellion · 4 years
4cr Plays - Sakura Wars (2020)
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I attended high school in the United States at the beginning of this century - what feels like an eternity ago at this point. The early 2000s felt like a great time to be an anime fan, and we were discovering new series to obsess over left and right. In the midst of this, the woman who I would eventually get married to came in one day in a huge, fluffy dress. Seeing her in cosplay was not really all that unusual, but I had no idea who it was that she was dressed as. It turns out that this fluffy dress belonged to a character named “Iris Chateaubriand”, and that this would be my first - and, to this point, one of my few - interactions with the Sakura Wars series. I fell in love immediately with the core premise - a theater troupe fighting demons with steam-powered mecha in early 20th-century Tokyo. 
Although I enjoyed the anime, I kind of forgot about Sakura Wars over time. Vaguely, I remembered that the TV show was based on a series of games, but none of those games made it to the US. To this date, the only game in the series to get localized was the fifth entry, which was released with little fanfare on the PS2 and Wii. I ended up missing out on it. 
Flash forward to early 2020, where I learned that a new Sakura Wars game was launching on the PS4 and that it would be coming to the west. The new entry, simply titled Sakura Wars, acts as a soft reboot for the series with a new cast and redesigned gameplay. Given my long-standing interest in the series, there was no way that I was going to miss out on trying it out. 
How does it fare? Read on for my impressions.
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Sakura Wars takes place in an alternate steampunk version of 1940′s Tokyo. This version of our world is constantly under attack by vicious demons, and the only hope for the citizens are teams of warriors who fight the demons using powerful mech suits. Tokyo was formerly protected by the famous Imperial Combat Revue. Stationed out of Tokyo’s Imperial Theater, the Revue would pull double duty protecting Tokyo in their mech suits and entertaining the masses as a roving theater troupe. 
Unfortunately, the original Tokyo Combat Revue disappeared following a cataclysmic event. In their place, the rookie Flower Division has been tasked with bringing hope to Tokyo. They have an uphill battle ahead of them - they’re broke, barely able to hold their own in combat, and completely unable to hold their own on the stage. Your character, Seijuro Kamiyama has been put in charge of getting the Flower Division into shape, just in time for the Combat Revue World Games. 
As Seijuro, you must inspire the ladies of the Flower Division. Sakura Amamiya hopes to follow in the footsteps of her idol, the Imperial Combat Revue’s Sakura Shinguji. Hatsuho Shinonome is a brash shrine maiden who just wants to protect her home city. Azami Mochizuki is a mysterious - and mostly baffling - teenage ninja. Clarisa Snowflake (yes, really) is a bookworm from Luxembourg with a dark secret. Finally, Anastasia Palma is a star of the stage, whose confidence and talent may be the key to getting the troupe ready for the stage. Together - along with commander-in-chief Sumire Kanzaki - your troupe may be the last hope of the Tokyo public. 
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Honestly, I love the core premise of the series. The idea of having to simultaneously manage a theater - putting on shows, racking up ticket sales - and fight demons in deadly mech combat is delightful. It’s cheesy, but kind of unironically marvelous. In my mind, I’ve built up this vision of Sakura Wars as some kind of merger of Fire Emblem with The Producers - the Mel Brooks musical about a couple of crooks using the stage to swindle a bunch of investors out of their cash. That game could be incredible. Unfortunately, that isn’t quite what the game actually is, but the core idea of the Sakura Wars series is rife with potential for a great game. 
The actual game is mostly a visual novel with occasional Dynasty Warriors-style combat. The game is split into a series of chapters - treated basically as TV episodes, complete with intros and “next time” segments. Each episode mostly consists of working your way through story scenes - conversations with the characters - interrupted by occasional combat scenes. 
Most of the game takes place as conversations between the characters that either advance the core story or just build the relationships between the characters. You can navigate in 3D through the theater building and a few select locations in Tokyo, and can initiate conversations with the characters that you run into.  Scenes marked with green exclamation points continue the core plot - and are required. There are also tons of optional scenes, marked with blue exclamation marks. You can, of course, plow through the main plot. However, the optional scenes really flesh out the cast, and give each character their own arc. 
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During the story scenes, you mostly just read dialogue. At times, you can choose a response. In general, there’s really only one right answer, and it’s usually pretty obvious. You can basically boil the conversations down to the right answer, the stupid answer, and the creepy pervert answer. For instance, one of the girls might wail in despair, and you might be asked to choose one of the following: “We can get through it together”, “We’re all going to die”, and “We’ll only survive if I can grab your ass”. I know that this sounds ridiculous, but that example isn’t too far off from the actual game. 
Choosing the right answer is important in these conversations, as those answers can increase or decrease the level of trust that the girls have in you. If you can get the level of trust high enough, you can unlock new conversations - marked with hearts on the map. Eventually, these conversations will allow you to romance the girl of your choice. 
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My feelings on the visual novel portion of the game are mixed. The positive side first - the core story is cheesy, but I found myself enjoying it. It’s fun, but charmingly endearing. There is a lot of melodrama, but the cast is kind of enjoyable. You can’t help but cheer a little for this merry band of absolute weirdos. I dig the setting and the core premise, and actually kind of enjoy seeing the cast interact. The writing is not what you’d really call good, but I can enjoy it on the level where I like things like 90′s X-Men comics. It’s over the top, colorful melodrama. 
Unfortunately, the pacing is often quite bad. The actual split between visual novel and mech combat is probably about 90% to 10%. The visual novel sequences feel like they stretch on forever, and a large part of that is how those sequences are set up. Between conversations, you walk through the theater and a couple of spots in Tokyo in a 3D space. However, the walking controls do not feel particularly great, movement is weirdly imprecise and neither the walking or running speeds feel quite right. Since there is almost nothing to do in those 3D environments - the only “gameplay” other than conversations is finding hidden portraits, called “bromides” - walking through the exact same hallways over and over again gets tedious quickly. The visual novel portions feel padded. Many of the pacing problems would be dramatically improved just by letting you click on rooms on a 2D map. 
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The other part that really turned me off was the romance segments. Unless you’re dating pigeons, ala Hatoful Boyfriend, I’m just not a fan of dating sims. I know - seriously, I know - that dating elements are core to the Sakura Wars series. I knew coming in that romance was a part of the game. I’m fine with the existence of dating sims, and fans of the genre are more than welcome to enjoy those kind of games. They just aren’t my thing. 
Even knowing that there would be dating elements, I didn’t expect to feel so creepy taking part in them. I actually like the dating scenes in games like Persona 5, where they are just cute little dates. Here, the scenes are first-person sequences where you have to click on objects to answer questions or advance the conversation with the girl in question. This is fine when you’re clicking on a book to give Claris advice on what kind of script to write. It is somewhat less fine when Claris has fallen on top of you and you’re clicking on her lips to try to kiss her or when she is bent over in front of you and you are prompted to click on her ass. 
Basically, these are scenes where a bunch of impressionable teenagers get into quasi-sexual situations with you, their 20-year-old boss. You’re basically encouraged to poke and prod these women, and it is really off-putting in a way that I didn’t really expect. I should stress that these scenes are optional - though necessary to get the “full experience” - but they were really not something I enjoyed, and I wonder if they are more of a detriment for the series than a benefit. For me, they certainly decreased by enjoyment of the overall game. 
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As I mentioned earlier, the story is occasionally interrupted for a fight scene. The battles play out as a simple brawler - in line with a game like Dynasty Warriors - Your mech can jump, dodge, and unleash combinations of light and heavy attacks. When your SP meter fills, you can unleash powerful special moves. You can also perform team attacks with the women in the troupe. Most of the time, there are two mechs on the battlefield. You can switch between them freely, and the other will be controlled by an AI. Each mech has their own skills. For instance, Sakura is focused on quick sword attacks, while Claris can perform ranged attacks. 
The combat is functional, but nothing special. Again, the actual controls leave a little to be desired. Movement feels imprecise - for instance, you can jump quickly upward, but you can’t cover much ground by trying to jump forward. This is fine in pure combat, but the light platforming required of you can get annoying. 
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In some ways, this game has the biggest gap between potential and execution of many that I’ve played recently. I’m really bummed out by how negative this review sounds. I really like parts of this game. The characters are kind of charming, the story is fun. The game looks nice for the most part - the core art direction is mostly great. I really like a lot of the character designs, even if the characters are oversexualized (gravity-defying breasts aren’t really necessary). The character animation is also a little weird - people move in ways that don’t look all that natural. Again, though, I think the game mostly looks really nice. The art style is great, the costume design is fun, and the setting itself is awesome. The soundtrack is also fantastic, and I’ve found myself humming a few of the tracks from it at random times. 
However, the pacing isn’t great. The game feels slow, bloated, and heavily padded. The combat feels like an afterthought, and comes rarely enough that is somehow simultaneously both a welcome break and kind of annoying. In a way, I feel like the developers are afraid of fully committing to this being a visual novel - or, at least, that they had a time or budget crisis. They should have either cut out the portions where you cross the same 3D hallways endlessly, or given you more to do during those sections. They should have either improved the combat scenes (and given you more of them) or just removed them entirely. Either committing to this being a visual novel or improving the non-visual novel elements could have made this a great game. The result they ended up with is kind of infuriating. 
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The end product is really hard to evaluate. I don’t hate it, but I don’t really love it either. There are a lot of individual elements that I enjoyed, but the product as a whole does not come together in a cohesive manner. In the end, I do hope that the series itself continues. I feel like something special can come from the core concept. Will you enjoy it? It may help to know what to expect coming in. If you’re interesting in the core concept, like visual novels, and are more into dating sim elements than I am, then this may be up your alley. It is a charming game with a nice colorful art direction and a catchy soundtrack. Just be prepared for shallow combat, slow pacing, and some questionable sexual elements. 
A copy of Sakura Wars was provided for this review.
Official Website
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For the really long number ask: questions by 10. :D
Oh boy, so many questions! Thank you, Speedy~ XD
There is a lot oftext (mostly rambling) below the cut. I would have had this posted sooner, but I’ve beenpreoccupied lately. ^^’
Feelfree to send me more questions~
10:The word that I use all the time to describe something great?
Hmm, probably “awesome” or “amazing” getoverused by me a lot. XD
20:Favourite video games?
Of course, you know me and how much I love HatofulBoyfriend. Those games will forever have a tight grip on my heart. >vBut also the Persona games I’ve played. *sobs* There are so many versions ofPersona 3 and Persona 4 by now, including their crossover sequels and whatnot.I love them so much. And Persona 5 is currently breaking my heart, but it’s sogood~ Also, we’re finally getting P3 and P5 dancing games to accompany P4:Dancing All Night, and I am so ready for that!
I’ve only played through Hakuouki: Demon of the FleetingBlossom so far, but I really want to play some of the other games at somepoint. I keep seeing stuff about them and I need it because the story andcharacters are so good. XD
Dream Daddy is also shaping up to be a pretty good game,from what I’ve played of it, so I can toss it on the list here as well~ ;P
There are way more games I could mention, but these ones areespecially important to me right now, so I’ll just leave it at that for themoment. =P
30:Eye colour?
My eyes are hazel. It depends on the light, but sometimesthey look more green and other times they look more brown.
40:What do I think about most?
I don’t actually know what I think about most. o-o
I try not to be this self-aware because paying too closeattention to my thoughts tends to stress me out. But, I mean, I do very oftenhave moments where I stop and go “oh my god, I love my girlfriend so much,she’s so cute, how is this possible” because I’m a sentimental dork and mybrain won’t stop reminding me. Also just as often over the last year, I’ve hada lot of thoughts about how I miss my dog and my cat, too. But I’m one of thosepeople who stops and notices/remembers really cute things and then has anemotional moment about how cute they are, so I tend to think about how cute myfriends are or how cute an animal is or… similar cute stuff. Because I’m anemotional sap.
Also, I’ve pretty much always got magical boys or birds onthe brain, but literally no one is surprised to hear that. XD
50:How do I destress?
I either play a game I like or listen to music (unless whatI need at the time is to shut out the world and all the noise that comes withit); try to read something or work on my writing; watch a show or movie thatmakes me happy as a distraction; or sometimes scroll Tumblr or just the tagsfor a thing I like a lot, mindlessly Liking/reblogging things.
You can tell I do that last one a lot from my various wallsof spam on everyone’s dashboards. ^^’
60:Pet peeve?
I have a lot of little pet peeves, but the one that comes upa lot is grammar. More specifically when people write “defiantly”when they mean to say “definitely” or when they incorrectly abbreviateet cetera as “ect” instead of “etc” aaaaaaaaaaaaah whydo people do this?
I mean, I understand that auto-correct is a thing and willmake you regret every typo you ever make, and I understand that mixing upletters and confusing words is common for a lot of people. So, I don’t get tooupset when I see it, but. How on earth did“defiantly”/“definitely” become a thing? Like… why? Idon’t understand. It drives me nuts just thinking about it.
But the “etc”/“ect” thing will alwaysbother me because it may have started as a genuine typo somewhere out there,but then people started thinking that “ect” actually WAS theabbreviation for “etc” and… no… Seriously, click on that link upthere and read the definitions of both abbreviations. There is a very cleardifference and it makes me want to rip my hair out that people don’t realize.*sobs*
70:Can I sing?
Actually, yes. People really like my voice, but most of thetime I’m really shy/awkward about it. To think I once wanted to be a singer ina band. ;;-;;
I remember going to a sleepover for a classmate’s birthdayparty in 6th grade and I casually mentioned that I liked to sing, so all thegirls in my class who were there wanted to hear and they kinda coaxed it out ofme. They were all super impressed and wanted me to sing them a lullaby beforewe all went to sleep, but I ended up singing them some 60’s RocknRoll musicinstead because I was really into it at the time and that’s all I knew off thetop of my head.
And then in 8th grade, the music teacher at our schooldiscovered that I had a perfect singing voice for the school musical and sherearranged an entire scene in the script just to give me a song so she couldutilize my voice. I had kind of resigned myself to it at that point, so thefirst time I had to sing in front of everyone during rehearsals I justpretended like I was singing for everyone at that party again. And after I hadfinished the song, everyone in the auditorium who hadn’t heard me sing beforewas speechless and I got a freaking standing ovation because they didn’t expectthe quiet kid to be hiding that kind of voice. //dead
Unfortunately, I don’t have a very powerful singing voice,so it didn’t project very well. No matter how much vocal training I was putthrough for it. But because my speaking voice is so loud, I didn’t need to weara body mic for my voice to project to the back of the auditorium. You know thatrule of the stage about how you’re not supposed to turn your back to theaudience while you’re speaking because it muffles your voice? I was told Icould act in any direction I wanted to if it worked for the scene because, evenif my back was turned, everyone could still hear my voice loud and clear evenin the back row. *sigh* So, the one song I had seemed kind of pointless in theend, but the music teacher (who was also the director of the play) refused togive it up. She apparently just really loved my singing voice that much.Instead, she told me to talk-sing the parts of the song that were too high forme to sing loud enough and I thought that was kinda silly, but I did it anywayand it turned out alright. I can sing lower notes quite loudly, apparently,just not the higher ones.
So, I guess that answers the question. I like singing bymyself, though. Sometimes, I’ll sing around people I’m close to or feelcomfortable with. But generally I’m still awkward about it.
80:Can I drive?
Not yet. *sobs* But I’ve been taking driving lessons and Ihave a road test coming up soon-ish. So, hopefully I’ll have my license beforethe end of the year. I mean, technically, I guess you could say that I can drive at this point, but… I’m really not that good at it.
Up to now, the only vehicle I’ve been able to drive is atractor. A car is a whole different creature, though, and I’m having troublefiguring it out… especially since I’m apparently too small to see over theback seat properly and I’m not sure how I’m going to be able to deal with that,since it’s kind of a pretty important thing for backing up. =/
Tractors are way less terrifying and I would much rather usethat as a mode of transportation if given the opportunity. XD
90:Favourite sporty activity?
When I was a kid, I used to like playing soccer and baseballa lot. Now, I enjoy badminton more on the rare occasions that I get to play it.^^
100:Do I have more girl friends or boy friends?
That is a very difficult question to answer because I don’tactually know. I… don’t really think about that much, so I don’t “keeptrack”… and, besides, gender is a weird and relative thing, so who evenknows? ^^
110:Do I like selfies?
I hardly ever take pictures of myself anymore. I used to alot when I was younger and I kind of wish I still did now, but I just don’thave the energy and I feel weird about it. I don’t dislike it, though. I justkeep putting off doing it because I lose interest almost immediately after Ithink about it. This is why I struggle every time someone asks for a picture ofme because I just… don’t have any recent ones… generally. o-o
120: AmI much of a daredevil?
That really depends on the situation. I don’t mind tryingnew things even if they’re a little out of my comfort zone. But I won’t go outof my way to seek out dangerous/crazy/adrenaline-pumping experiences. XD So, Iguess I play it safe more often than not.
130:Favourite piece of advice?
Aaaaah, I think one piece of advice that can be applied tomany situations and is very important to me because it keeps being relevant inmy life is this…
If someone hurts you (whether they intended to or not) andyou don’t know if you can trust them again, you are not obligated to give thema second chance even if they come back to you and ask for one. If you’re notready to risk putting yourself out there for someone who hurt you before andrisk the chance of getting hurt again, you do not have to. Even if they seem tohave changed or say they miss you and want you back in their life, you owe themnothing. You are not obligated to take them back. You are allowed to say no andprotect yourself. It doesn’t matter if that person who hurt you is“family” or someone you used to be best friends with. You don’t haveto open yourself up to risk getting hurt again just because of your previousrelation to them.
140:Do I believe people are capable of change?
That depends on how you define “change” when itcomes to a person.
Personally, I don’t think people can fundamentally change any part of themselves, but I do believe people can grow. In which direction we grow (positively or negatively) determines who we areat any given time, but deep down on the inside, we are, have always been, andalways will be the same person we were born to be. Personality-wise andwhatnot, that is our identity and it’s how we learn and choose to channel thatidentity that makes all the difference. There’s always room for growth, butoftentimes the results are permanent and it’s easy to spiral in the oppositedirection of our desires because we are still affected by our environments andpersonal situations. You know, the whole nature vs nurture thing. That’s howyou get people who used to be good becoming rotten and people who used to be terriblemaking a positive turn around.
I think this growth is what people refer to as“change”, though, and I’m just being nitpicky with semantics becausethe two words technically mean different things in this context. I justdistinguish between them when it comes to this sort of thing because of whatI’ve observed in different people throughout my life and this is the way I’vemade the most sense of it so far. Humans are complex creatures and it neverceases to confuse and amaze me.
150:What is the best decision I have made in life so far?
I… really don’t know. Clearly, the choices I’ve madeleading up to this exact moment in my life have been a mix of good and bad, butthey still all resulted in me being exactly where I am today. And a lot of goodthings have come from it, such as meeting most of the people in my life. Ican’t really say what the “best” decision I ever made was. I’m justliving each day trying to survive, so I don’t consider each individualdecision. As morbid and depressing as that sounds. I guess I’m grateful forwhatever decisions led me to meeting so many wonderful people. ^^
160:What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe?
*looks at the pile of clothes I still need to fold and putback in my closet* I have a lot of pink, black, and white clothes, but I don’tthink either of those colors can be considered the majority of my wardrobe? Ihave a pretty decent mix of colors to choose from.
170:One of my favourite quotes?
I was always a fan of Adam Savage’s “I reject yourreality and substitute my own” because Mythbusters is cool and I liked thecontext in which it was said. XD
180:Do I like shopping?
It really depends on my energy levels. Most of the time, I’mjust not in the mood to go shopping anymore. I used to love it a lot when I wasyounger, especially when I’d get to go shopping with my grandparents and mycousins. But I do still enjoy hanging out with my mom’s side of the family andmy friends, so going shopping with them is more fun than exhausting. So, Isuppose it also depends on who I’m with, too. ^^
190:If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go?
Honestly, I never have an answer to this question, so Icouldn’t even begin to think of one. This may sound like a cop-out, but I thinkI would rather not mess around with time travel even if it were possible. Although,if I did have that ability, I’d probably use it in such a mundane way as tofind out about things (like social events or awkward encounters) before they happenso I could make sure to avoid them like the awkward potato that I am. XD
200:Dragons or wizards?
*slams hands down on table* BOTH!!!! Or even better! Give medragon wizards! >v
210:What is on my bucket list?
Um. I don’t have a bucket list anymore. Well, I mean, thereare a few conventions I’d like to go to eventually, so I guess that. ^^
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Bookshelf Briefs 10/2/17
Days, Vol. 5 | By Tsuyoshi Yasuda | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – Coming off the intense emotions of the fourth volume, in which Seiseki loses at the Inter-High Tournament, volume five at first feels like generic, episodic summer filler. The guys cram for finals so they can avoid remedial classes, then there’s a chapter at the beach, and one at a festival, and then it’s training camp time. But in each of these chapters, something important happens character-wise. In the beach chapter, we learn more about Kurusu and his relationship with his grandfather; at the festival we check in with Sayuri, who laments that soccer has stolen Tsukushi away from her; and at the training camp we get to know Haibara, an upperclassman whose rowdy behavior is just an act to cover his lack of self-confidence. And meanwhile, Tsukushi continues to make incremental improvement. Although not as exciting as its predecessor, this is still definitely a solid volume. – Michelle Smith
Dreamin’ Sun, Vol. 3 | By Ichigo Takano | Seven Seas Entertainment – There’s no better way to make me hate a shoujo heroine than to have her melodramatically run out of the house after an outburst (in the rain, naturally), crying over lightning and internally wailing, “Someone! Please come and get me!!” Zen’s critiques used to seem overly harsh, but I was cheering him on this time when he said, “You should be thanking me for coming after your sorry ass.” Things don’t improve much as Shimana takes forever to realize that she has feelings for Taiga the landlord, though I did like Zen’s tearful confession to her. It’s intriguing, too, that princely Asahi, originally the supposed love interest, has faded so far into the background. Some of the subplots are picking up, as well, so despite my irritation at Shimana I’ll probably be back next time. – Michelle Smith
Genshiken: Second Season, Vol. 11 | By Shimoku Kio | Kodansha Comics – Again, the best moments are when this series treats things a bit more seriously. The scenes between Madarame and Hato are excellent, as they both try to figure out what is going on here, how Hato identifies, what attracts Madarame, and can either of them even try to make this work for real? The answer is probably no, but the tension is real here, and I greatly enjoyed it. Sue’s stuff is done well too—it’s very clear that we’re stuck between Hato, Sue, or no one, and you suspect Kio will go for the easy third choice. And then there’s Hato and Yajima, which is mostly trying to get past Yajima’s self-hatred and Hato’s inability to see her a a woman. Better than it should be. – Sean Gaffney
Honey So Sweet, Vol. 8 | By Amu Meguro | Viz Media – I had actually forgotten that this was the final volume of Honey So Sweet, though the cover should have tipped me off. Much of the book is devoted to Nao’s uncle, who has been putting his life on hold until Nao grows up and is ready to take care of herself… which reminds Nao that she’s still not all that great at that sort of thing. I did appreciate that the old flame who arrived stayed mostly old, though there are hints that may eventually change. On a lighter note, I’ve liked Yashiro best in this cast, and seeing her struggle with direct communication is fun. This was a sweet and cute shoujo fluff series, and just about the right length. You’ll enjoy it. – Sean Gaffney
Plum Crazy! Tales of a Tiger-Striped Cat, Vol. 2 | By Natsumi Hoshino | Seven Seas Entertainment – If you liked the first volume of Plum Crazy!, you’ll probably like this one, which is more of the same. I do wonder if readers reacted negatively to the Nakarai family not doing anything to stop new kitten Snowball from repeatedly attacking incumbent resident Plum, because there’s more emphasis on her bad behavior this time around, including a chapter in which Taku’s friend attempts to distract Snowball with other toys, only to make her aggression toward Plum worse. I can only assume we’re supposed to find these kitten antics cute (and I’m sure I’m taking this too seriously), but as a cat owner, they actually kind of stress me out. I very much look forward to Snowball growing out of this phase. Maybe then I’ll be able to relax and just enjoy the kittehs. – Michelle Smith
Skip Beat!, Vol. 39 | By Yoshiki Nakamura | Viz Media – I avoided reading this book for a while. Kyoko’s mother was the one part of her life I was dreading the confrontation with, and I had worried it would be too sympathetic. I should have trusted Nakamura more, as I think she strikes an excellent balance between explaining Saena’s behavior without downplaying the horrible abuse Kyoko suffered growing up. Kyoko can’t hate Saena, but also doesn’t quite forgive her. Instead she throws herself into a possible new role, finally working alongside Moko. That said, I have a feeling the role will prove to be a lot more trouble than it’s worth. These volumes were good, but I’ll be happy to get back to acting. – Sean Gaffney
Species Domain, Vol. 3 | By Shunsuke Noro | Seven Seas – I knew at some point we were going to see Dowa without her beard, so I wasn’t too surprised here. That said, kudos to the author for having her grow it back pretty quickly, showing that the character’s own desires are more important than looking “cute” for the audience. A more important detail here is Ohki’s “science” abilities, and how much of it is explained by genuine scientific principles. In a world like this, where there is literal magic, it’s hard to tell what is really going on—though Ohki seems very upset at the idea. There’s still lighthearted stuff, of course, with the constant fun that is Kazamori, as well as big sisters and little sisters. If you want a non-skeezy monster girls title, Species Domain is a good choice. – Sean Gaffney
Waiting for Spring, Vol. 2 | By Anashin | Kodansha Comics – The childhood friend who was thought to be a boy being a girl is fairly common in manga and anime, but seeing the reverse is a lot less common. The author sensibly keeps the attention on Mitsuki’s reaction to the whole thing, with her realization that this makes a number of childhood conversations very embarrassing. On the bright side, she’s getting closer to Towa, though he seems to be taking things a lot more seriously than she is at this stage. This is very much a ‘warmup’ volume, continuing to develop the characters and introducing a rival without moving things forward too much. It’s not fantastic, but it’s enough to make you want to read more. – Sean Gaffney
The Water Dragon’s Bride, Vol. 3 | By Rei Toma | Viz Media – This continues to be a lot darker than I was really expecting—a couple of villagers are straight up murdered in front of us, not to mention the war that ensues. It’s well done, but there’s no denying that the main reason this holds up well is because of the relationship between Asahi and the two men in her life—especially now that one of them actually IS a man. Getting her voice back is also unsurprising, as now that she’s grown up it will help the storytelling, both in terms of potential romance and in terms of Asahi’s status as a priestess. And of course she still wants to go home, even after so many years. There’s a lot going on in this series, and I’m grateful it’s so well told. – Sean Gaffney
Welcome to the Ballroom, Vol. 7 | By Tomo Takeuchi | Kodansha Comics – Tatara Fujita and his partner Chinatsu are trying to meld together as a pair, but it isn’t going very well, particularly due to Tatara’s uncommanding lead and Chinatsu’s inability to follow. They decide to get help from Hyodo Social Dance Academy, and though Tatara does learn more of the basics there than he had at Sengoku’s studio, he’s still impatient to compete, leading to a humiliating forfeit at the Grand Prix. Summer rolls around and, in true sports manga fashion, it’s time for a training camp in the mountains. This volume’s theme seems to be “strife and striving.” Until recently, this series had been on hiatus in Japan and I was worried we might not get to see the outcome to all of this, but I’m happy to see a new volume has come out since I last looked. A bit on the melodramatic side sometimes, but totally addictive.– Michelle Smith
By: Michelle Smith
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