#but i mainly want some ones with Lan Xichen pov right now
rosethornewrites · 3 years
Wednesday & Thursday NR, E, & M reading
The usual
Not Rated:
Wangxian - remembrance ceremony, by nirejseki
Prompt: wwx and lwj get invited to a yunmeng remembrance festival for the lives that they lost during the destruction of lotus pier
An Ocean Between Us, by feenwitch
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying have been living together for three months when Wei Ying leaves. Technically, Wei Ying has been staying with Lan Zhan in preparation for a planned overseas trip, but the result is the same to Lan Zhan. Wei Ying leaves.
Break up/make up fic, with a twist.
Blossoming, Spring Pink, by tenpointson (3rd in a series)
Some wounds begin to heal.
Others still bleed freely.
Lan Wangji lives, and so must learn how to carry his scars.
Part 3 in a series on grief, loss, love, and how to live with all of them.
To Reveal The Truth, by HeloSoph (3rd in a series)
“To reveal the truth, sometimes one must make sacrifices; for truth is not for comfort, it’s for liberation.”
Please read all the tags, because that's exactly what's going to happen. It's mainly all in Lan Wangji's POV and Wei Wuxian does not appear until the very end.
Not Rated:
Of Old Habits and Doubts, by InternationalLaopo
Post-canon; Lan Zhan as Chief Cultivator makes for a busy man. Miscommunication, departures, and global manhunts ensue!
Or Lan Zhan wants Wei Ying to travel, to feel free. Wei Ying takes that to mean Lan Zhan wants him gone.
Bunnies on Ice, by anonblub
Wei Wuxian was tasked to drop off his nephew at his figure skating class not realizing that he would actually end up going to admire the teachers' “skills”.
Wangxian figure skating fic cause the Olympics has taken over my brain and drawing isn't enough.
Calling out for justice, by marhikit
Lan Xichen had been woken by the insomniac young man, he was surprised to see the younger man bowing low and asking to be punished for the disrespect he had done to Wangji and for breaking numerous rules and what alarmed the sect heir the most was that Wei Wuxian asked for the punishment to be done unto him.
Wei Wuxian took each strike of the discipline paddle with little noise, his lips pressing together at each blow. Lan Xichen hated himself for having to order such a harsh price to pay for infractions he would have allowed provided his uncle was absent from the events that led to the infractions. But the pleas Wei Wuxian directed at him, the harsher tone he had used to push his case. Lan Xichen found himself unable to refute what Wei Wuxian had asked of him.
Lan Xichen forced himself to watch each strike, count each blow and at one point, he held Wei Wuxian up to make sure he would not collapse from the pain.
“Wei-gongzi, you do not need to-” Lan Xichen tried but Wei Wuxian shook his head.
“You said one hundred strikes.” Wei Wuxian bit out. “I won’t complain.”
Lan Xichen wished he could lie and claim he lost count.
The Lans find out about WWX's abuse and protects him
Butter My Biscuit, by LikeAFlamingKiss_Consume
Wei Ying has been very comfortably - definitely not romantically - fucking his roommate / best friend Lan Zhan for a while now, and considering the fact that they always use multiple types of protection, he'd assumed they'd be fine.
The handful of positive pregnancy tests littered around his bathroom tell a slightly different story.
He just has to hope Lan Zhan doesn't kick him out on his ass when he tells them what's happened. Maybe they'll be cool with it, maybe they'll even let him stay - but there's no way Lan Zhan would want to sleep with him ever again after this. Right?
Because of Wen Qing, by QteCuttlfish
What if Jiang Cheng had chosen to support Wen Qing, the Wen clan remnants, and most importantly, Wei Wuxian? Follows CQL/Untamed canon. Canon Divergence from Episode 20.
Yearning for Miles, by Murahi
Wei Wuxian claims he found it. Jiang Cheng learns to trust his brother more than ever. Nie Huaisang is smarter than he looks and Lan Wangji will still pine even if Wei Wuxian knows they’re supposed to fall in love. At least the token is taking care of most problems.
Perhaps we can hope for a happier ending this time.
Wei Wuxian finds a strange artefact while he’s studying in Gusu. Apparently it shows the future.
(Started as a small project but got blown out of proportion)
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spockandawe · 3 years
I'm sorry, wrong pic, what I mean, can I ask 💓 and ✌? Thanks ......
Totally!! I was feeling pretty out of it for a few days, but let me catch up on the last few asks real quick :D
Ship that needs more love: 💖
Hmm..... I feel like there's going to be a certain amount of overlap between my misunderstood ships and the ones that need more love, but I refuse to check if I'm repeating myself!! The first one that came to mind was definitely Jiang Cheng/Wen Ning. There's just so much hilarious/tragic potential in there. They've both lost so much, have so much pettiness inside them, and have an overlapping favorite person from their childhoods. And now that they're adults, their favorite children tend to run in the same pack! I love the mxtx ships, I really do, but I adore a good enemies to lovers narrative, and this is just OVERFLOWING with potential.
Who else. Mu Qing and Xie Lian deserve more love, that's for sure. And I'm going to say Mu Qing and Hua Cheng too, and maybe even as a triad if you're feeling adventurous. Mu Qing and his relationship to Xie Lian in general deserves more love, whether that's explored through Xie Lian himself or through other people who are also deeply emotionally invested in Xie Lian. I've never really clicked with him and Feng Xin, and they honestly could have probably made it onto my misunderstood ship list, but that's one where I'm less interested in finding the angle I like best for a pair and more interested in alternate avenues for exploration.
Also, you know what? Shout out to Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao. Peerless is so good, you guys. I forgot how amazing these two were. Peerless isn't my favorite cnovel, but these two might be my favorite ship. It's tough competition, but they're at least in the top five.
And.... oh, star wars. With the caveat that I've read almost zero expanded universe books, I could say that almost every not-central-to-movie-plot ship deserves more love. And I know some of these have received fandom love, but deserve MORE. Like stormpilopt. Or luke/han. And clone wars is just overflowing with these things, but shout-out to jesse and kix, who are such obvious candidates for 'old married couple', and also echo and crosshair, and mumblemumbleneyoandkeeli, which i still can't explain.
Clone ships in general deserve more love. Reader inserts and I will never get along, and since I write in second person pov, for actual characters, y/n fic is intensely jarring for me. But they have their place! Live and let live! I don't have to like something for it to earn the right to exist. But reader, I have never been so disappointed as when I tried to go scope out ao3 for clone wars and the bad batch, and even after applying all the filters I could, the results were DOMINATED by character/reader. I was so sad. You have no idea. Hordes of characters in a space war, shipped mainly with other characters in the space war where i can parse the emotional sense that the relationship makes. There's so much interesting emotional potential baked into the setting, and none of it clicks for me when I'm supposed to be inserting myself into the setting, and it makes me so sad.
Ship that you find cute but don’t ship: ✌
This....... this is a tough one XD Oh boy. Let me see what I can come up with.
I'm not super moved by fengqing, I guess that's one. In theory, the dynamic is appealing! The characters have fun personalities! But I have petty thoughts about the dominant depictions of them that I saw in fic, and haven't been interested enough to dig for characterization I jived with. Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng are another one. I wanted to like them, but I couldn't find a satisfying way to bring them together and convince them to be invested.
Jiang Cheng and Liu Qingge has a lot of aesthetic appeal, but crossing universes to ship the lonely sadboys feels extra like pairing the spares, which is already a vibe that tends to depress me, so I was never able to get deeper than admiring the art. Liu Qingge and Yue Qingyuan depresses me the same way, especially when they're both so emotionally devoted to (some version of) Shen Qingqiu. My urge to make sure everyone is loved and happy tends to clash sharply with the perception that some characters are ""leftovers"" that i'm trying to use up. This is an issue I have with shipping my faves in mxtx books XDDD
Obi-wan and Satine is a ship that kind of bemuses me, because of my lack of exposure to non-movie content. I get that it's THERE, I get that it's relevant plot-wise, but I don't feel am emotional hook. Tup and Dogma, I think. I get why they're often a pair, but I met them through fic, where they weren't introduced so much together, and they established themselves independently enough in my heart that I have trouble resolving their personalities into a ship. Oh, Luke and Din Djarin. I still haven't watched the show and fell head-first into bobadin, so while it's cute, I don't quite FEEL it. Ahhhhhh, one last one, Fox and Wolffe. Love them both individually, can't help squinting suspiciously at the ship like ..........are you just shipping them because they both have animal names??
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