#but i miss working with the product and learning new stuff and interacting with the nice customers
rubenesque-as-fuck · 9 months
The blissful feeling of realizing the weed man definitely overweighed these eighths 💚
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llilyrose · 2 months
Do you have fic recommendations 👉👈
Of course!
I would recommend my own fic, but... it's still in the works, unfortunately. No mal du pays content for the weak and elderly.
did you really think i wouldn't recommend ghostlight, of all things? especially with my current drawing series, obviously it's good!
It's a postgame fic centered on loop's and siffrin's (mostly loop's) healing processes post-game, where loop has to learn how to be human again. It's 24 chapters long, about 84k words, has an ongoing sequel (though it's on hiatus), and has a tumblr account you can interact with! @ghostlightfic
here are some other postgame fic recommendations:
Bloom And if I were not myself, would this be easier?
@livesworthlivingau Is a postgame au where Siffrin lives on for 30 years after the loops only to loop back when Odile dies in the future. This fic has a dual chapter system, one set of chapters that focuses on Loop and one set of chapters that focuses on Siffrin. This distinction becomes crucial later on. It also, like ghostlight, has a discord to join :3
I haven't read chokehold of a broken family bond myself, but I've heard wonderful things about it from everyone around me!!!! It's a LONG, ongoing AU fic that I'm sure someone else can provide a synopsis for ;)
Follow the Stars Back Home is another fic I have yet to read, but got recommended and decided to check out. It's postgame and focuses more on Siffrin's Island trauma than their Looping trauma, a nicher aspect people don't explore often.
speaking of aus:
Try It Again, Cheater by @moonstandardtime sends Loop back to their original timeline after breaking free from Siffrin's loops. They and their family have to adjust to this drastic Change and suffer the consequences of a timeline they could never remember.
To Extend our Reach to the Stars Above is a Villain Siffrin au where they meet the King before the party! It's one of only a few fics that explore this concept, all of which are so so interesting to me. Check it out!
Timeloop Support Group by @pixxyofice is a fic about therapy done from the pov of Siffrin and focuses on timeloop trauma. The twist? The people they're stuck with are au versions of their friends who got trapped in time loops themselves!
featured aus:
In Tales and Time (Odile) by @/tealgoat In Cycles and Cessation (Mira) by @/the-bitter-ocean Of Stitches in Sequence by @/basilpaste (which also has two fics on ao3, but i recommend viewing the au on everyone's profiles instead)
-- Oh, hey, Basilpaste!!! They have more bangers up their sleeve!!!! Slay the Savior is a Slay The Princess fusion au with ISAT that features Isabeau as the protagonist and Siffrin as the princess. Not only is the writing excellent but he thought up new designs for each siffrin on each path!!! Not to mention thinking up new paths, too! It's on hiatus, though.
The Dormont Archives are another Basil product, infusing ISAT into The Magnus Archives universe!! Like STS it's done in the style of the media and all of the statements are absurdly creative. It's ongoing with (currently only) 14 chapters, god knows how many planned for the future. (ALSO IT APPARENTLY HAS A DISCORD. I DIDN'T KNOW AABOUT THAT WHILE WRITING IT. go check out basil they put so much effort into this stuff dude 😭)
I've read SO MANY isat fanfics but the majority of them never got bookmarked. Practically all of the ones on ao3 are a good read!!! It's hard to keep track!!! If i missed any of your favorites fanfics on any website, please tell me please. if I've read it it'll get added to the list.
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187days · 6 months
Day One Hundred Thirty-Seven
So this is currently in progress...
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Unsurprisingly, all after school activities were canceled, and we're basically all just waiting for The Superintendent to call off school tomorrow. If he does, it'll end up being a remote learning day because we've hit our three snow day max already, but still.
It was a good day today. I had my "B" sections of Global Studies doing the same thing their peers in my "A" sections did yesterday: reading, drafting current events write-ups, making up missing work. Both sections were productive, though I did have to encourage that productivity at some points. Two victories: actually getting to help a student who finds writing challenging but has been reluctant to ask for help (and getting to tell him "well done" when he submitted his work); having positive interactions with a student I've had to write up for various discipline issues, and successfully encouraging him to get some reading done. I was pretty happy about that!
In APGOV, we had a guest speaker: Mr. H, who is a friend, former colleague, and former state rep! He's been working with a group that drafted and is proposing a new town charter, and that's what he came in to discuss. Mr. I's APUSH students joined mine to learn about what a town charter is and what this one would do, and it was really cool. The kids are a lot more curious about local politics than most people expect, and they had tons of questions about how certain things work now and how that would change if this new charter was adopted. Obviously, for my course, this is out of sequence- more on local government after the AP exam- but that's fine. After the presentation was over, we got back to the Civil Rights Movement and, more specifically, the March On Washington and the efforts by the Kennedy and then Johnson administrations to get the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress.
Since I didn't have practice in the afternoon, I took a minute to write a lengthy email to my department (because I'm assuming we won't have PLC meetings tomorrow). It's mostly about course stuff for next year; since I got the information, I've been building schedules, figuring out how many sections of each course we'll need and who will be teaching them, which is like putting a puzzle together. Oh, and the issues that arose while I was trying to order textbooks yesterday were resolved, so I'm back to being mostly good as a department head. Whew!
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mediaevalmusereads · 6 months
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Silver Nitrate. By Silvia Moreno-Garcia. Del Rey, 2023.
Rating: 4/5 stars
Genre: horror/supernatural
Series: N/A
Summary: Montserrat has always been overlooked. She’s a talented sound editor, but she’s left out of the boys’ club running the film industry in ’90s Mexico City. And she’s all but invisible to her best friend, Tristán, a charming if faded soap opera star, though she’s been in love with him since childhood.
Then Tristán discovers his new neighbor is the cult horror director Abel Urueta, and the legendary auteur claims he can change their lives—even if his tale of a Nazi occultist imbuing magic into highly volatile silver nitrate stock sounds like sheer fantasy. The magic film was never finished, which is why, Urueta swears, his career vanished overnight. He is cursed.
Now the director wants Montserrat and Tristán to help him shoot the missing scene and lift the curse . . . but Montserrat soon notices a dark presence following her, and Tristán begins seeing the ghost of his ex-girlfriend.
As they work together to unravel the mystery of the film and the obscure occultist who once roamed their city, Montserrat and Tristán may find that sorcerers and magic are not only the stuff of movies.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: smoking, references to drug use and pain killer addiction, homophobia, reference to drug overdose/suicide attempt, Nazis, racism, disturbing images, violence
OVERVIEW: I got this book from the library after reading several Silvia Moreno-Garcia books that I've liked. Usually, books set after the 1920s aren't my jam, but I wanted to see what the author can do. Luckily, I had fun with this one; the focus on film was a creative way to explore horror and the occult, and the two protagonists were well-developed and fun to watch. While I didn't think this book was perfect, it certainly held my attention, so for that reason, it gets 4 stars.
WRITING: Moreno-Garcia's prose is very easy to read; it flows well, it balances showing and telling, and it's descriptive and eerie without feeling overburdened. I don't think I have much to say that I haven't said before.
PLOT: The plot of this book follows Monserrat, a sound editor, and Tristán, a down-on-his-luck actor, as they form a friendship with a former horror flick director, Abel. Abel convinces them that his final film, which is incomplete, needs to be finished in order to lift a curse; at first, Monserrat and Tristán help him to humor an aging film icon, but soon they discover that the unreleased film was a conduit for nefarious magic. As Monserrat and Tristán learn more about the film's production, they uncover a world of cults and occult knowledge that threatens to reshape the present.
I loved the weirdness of this plot. I loved the role that film and horror movies played in shaping the way the magic worked and the way the characters interacted with the world. I loved the mixture of runes, ritual, and willpower that systematized magic while also making it personal - not something secret and guarded by elites, but something that can be enacted by those that have the desire to act. I also love the nod to history; Moreno-Garcia is clearly interested in the occultism of the 1930s and how Nazi enthusiasm dovetailed with racism, and I liked how this focus was brought to 1990s Mexico to show how the fanaticism of the past can have effects years on.
But as much as I liked this plot, I do think there are moments where uncovering the past led to extended paragraphs of backstory and explanatory dialogue. While the history is important, a lot of it is conveyed by characters just telling the characters a long story or something akin to a mini-lecture. This isn't my favorite way of communicating information, but I understand why it's needed.
CHARACTERS: This book has a number of characters, so I'll speak of a few individuals before looking at supporting or side characters generally.
Montserrat, the sound editor, is likable in part because she is so direct and competent. I very much enjoyed watching her become focused on getting to the bottom of things, and her take-no-shit attitude was pleasing and refreshing. Her inability to cook and her endless supply of ratty t-shirts was also quite endearing.
Tristán, the actor, is a great foil for Montserrat. He's charming where she is blunt, he's cowardly where she is brave, and he's flippant where she is determined. Heck, he even cooks and dresses well, so he felt like Montserrat's opposite in every way. This made the two an interesting duo, and their bickering was actually kind of interesting because it forced them to confront their respective weaknesses.
Supporting characters are fine and they serve their function. Abel was primarily a source of knowledge and was responsible for getting the whole plot moving, and I kind of liked that he started out as this lonely old man who just wanted company to listen to his stories.
Ewers, the occultist and primary antagonist, was actually kind of well-done. I usually don't enjoy antagonists that spend most of their time off-page, but I think Moreno-Garcia was smart in that she made him something of a ghost: a being who is there but not. Ewers gradually shows up by starting as this undefined presence, but gets more and more corporeal as more magic is used. I found this effective because it made the story feel like a gradual uncovering, like at first, we're not sure if magic is real but then, by the end, we're absolutely convinced.
TL;DR: Silver Nitrate is an eerie supernatural thriller that unites movies with magic in a quite literal way. The chemistry between the protagonists and the focus on occultism make this book especially memorable.
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sinsiriuslyemo · 11 months
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It's been a long, long time ya'll.
I know you've heard (or rather seen) this more than a million times before, but for the last several months I've been doing some real thinking about what I want my online presence to look like. For years, it seems that I've been operating in a sort of chaos, allowing myself to easily become overwhelmed with not just the number of platforms on which I had a presence (yes, had. we'll get there, I promise) but also taking on new ventures and getting burnt out rather quickly.
As I reflected on my online activity, I realized that there was one place where I felt most at home, and happy. Here. With you, my fandom buddies. And so, this is a post to announce that I'm coming home. I'll still have my twitter account, but won't be posting there too often, really just when I have a quick thought that I want to get off my chest or find a fun thread/conversation to join. I'll be posting here again much more often, and I'll also have an Ao3.
Yes. For years I resisted creating an Ao3 account because, frankly, I was intimidated by it. The interface was confusing to me, and I was easily overwhelmed with the sheer volume of fics to choose from.
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I also wasn't the greatest fan of the fact that there is no social media aspect to it, like there is here. But in the last few months, I've learned how to work the search feature on there and have read such amazing fics that has reignited my hunger for fandom interaction. I miss being nerdy with ya'll! I miss fangirling over gifs with you and gushing about a new edit that someone posted, or a fic that makes me giddy with feels of every color. Most of all I miss immersing myself in my favorite characters and creating stories and head canons.
So yes, I'm back!
Just a few things though, and I hope you'll hear me out.
Currently, I have been completely out of the loop with respect to SVU. I still love the show and will likely catch up on what I've missed eventually, but it's simply not where my interests lie at the moment. Lately, I've been steeping myself in the Harry Potter fandom (though I want to make it perfectly clear that I only support HP fan works and fanmade products. Fuck JK Rowling) and have been working on some fics for that fandom.
If this isn't your bag, I get it! But I just want to be up front that that is likely the content you will see for the foreseeable future, moving forward. That said, I may still post in other fandoms once in a while, including the SVU fandom, but for the most part, you can expect HP works for now.
That brings me to my asks. I still have around 20, and I've decided NOT to delete them. I will get to them eventually, but I don't know when that will be (likely whenever the mood strikes). Also, I have The Lawyer and the Pianist that is as of now unfinished. I will be finishing that story, but again, the updates will be sporadic. And of course, there's also the RAUL series. I will be updating the ongoing story I have there, but again, sporadic updates and likely won't be expanding that concept much more for the time, unless of course the inspiration bites me in the ass. It very well may, but for now I'm only going to be finishing the story I've already started, nothing more. I know that may not be what you want to hear, but it's the truth, and that's the least I owe you guys.
There are also other fandoms that I'm interested in that I may start to write fics for at some point. Those include Hawaii 5-0 (yes, I'm aware it's been off air for a few years, but whatevs lol) and The Orville (I'm actually not sure whether there's a fandom presence for this show in here). Scott Caan has also started a new show called Alert, which is another procedural drama that I may begin to watch at some point and maybe will get inspired to write for. I don't know yet.
I'll also likely post some personal things or just stuff I'm interested in or want to talk about that may or may not have to do with fandom. It may have to do with writing, or just some feelings I have that I want to write about, or even personal updates, including when I have new original stories coming out. I also want to start posting book reviews of the stuff I'm personally reading A) because I love talking about books anyway and B) because I'm about 75% certain I'm going to be deleting my Youtube channel, where I normally would've posted it, and 100% certain that I won't be posting anymore videos. It's just too much, I get overwhelmed, and I let my followers there down just as I've let ya'll down before. I'm trying to change that.
That said, I do have indie authors who sometimes ask me to do reviews of their books (I have one that I'm going to be reading after I finish The Bone Witch) and I still want to be able to do that for them and offer a platform for me to promote their works. These are amazing writers who do not have the benefit of a publishing house resources in order to market their books, and I want to use my platform to share their wonderful stories with ya'll. I hope that's okay. I'll review mainstream books as well, but I want the majority of my reviews to be my fellow indies.
But for now, ya'll, as far as any fanfic I post (and I'm working on several atm) it's gonna be Harry Potter central up this bitch. Likely Sirius Black central because A) he's my absolute favorite character (do not @ me) and B) Gary Oldman can get it.
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I also have coming up (as in literally done and waiting in my queue to be posted) reviews for And Straight On Till Morning, The Bone Witch, and Splinter (indie), a do's and don'ts post for writing summaries, and chapter one of a fic I've been working on for the last few weeks. As for my posting schedule, I'm gonna start with once a week for now and see how that goes. I'll be here every day though, reading other writer's works, commenting, reblogging, etc.
Along with posting here, I will continue to work on my original stories, which you can find on Amazon. And if you want to support me, you can also buy me a Ko-Fi. I used to hesitate hardcore to post those last three things on here. Because this was what I mainly used for fandom, I thought it would be presumptuous and also kind of a dick move to ask for support, but I've been working on recognizing my own worth, and realized that just because I ask, doesn't mean anyone has to do it. Therefore, there's no harm in asking, and for those of you that want to support me financially, you should be able to do so. But just know that I don't expect anything. I'm here because I love it here, and I will still be writing fanfic for free.
I know tumblr isn't the same as when I was last here (like, really here, not just saying I was here) but that's okay. I just want to be here, and post my fics and that's enough for me.
One last thing, from now on I will be signing off with my pen name (Hero West) instead of my actual first name. The main reason for this is because I've decided that for my mental health and for my safety as well, I need to keep my private life off the internet as much as possible. So, I want to stop using my real first name. I'm perfectly aware that I've used it to sign off in the past, and I'm going to try my hardest to edit all of those posts, but as you can imagine, that will take a very long time.
Still, I hope you'll understand and refer to me using "Hero" instead of my real first name.
With peace and love,
PS - Needless to say I'm going to be watch A Murder at the End of the World just for funsies because it looks interesting and also, Raul Esparza 🥰
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brawlqueen · 11 months
checklist / note to myself *
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gonna work this month on all fall related, halloween too , asks , so if anyone wants to send some, the meme is HERE ! don't be a stranger , i follow people for a reason ! i know i owe in that meme which is my focus because shorter things right now are my bread and butter , trunks, kizzy , etc ! it's still open all this month , as i'm someone who will write holidays long after the holiday is due .
in the past i used to punish myself a lot for just . . . not feeling it writing-wise. that doesn't mean i think i shouldn't say sorry if i have been keeping others , but just not to make it something toxic ; like a punishment or measurement of my worth as a writer.
i also think once i clear some of my drafts , feel comfortable enough to , i'd like to ask for a lot of people's interest trackers . i need to be more initiative (no pun) into getting to know new mutuals , all of you whom have tons of talent . that includes me plotting in time, mizuki's psyncing into your muse's brain if ... you'll let her . and don't worry, mizuki is sturdy as hell she's definitely equipped to see the unexplainable horrors . . she's lived it too.
i'm still working slowly on my thoughts, as my mizuki is aini divergent 90 percent , save aiba is her partner at present , shared with date of course ! but usually since she's more active in my canon , mizuki is someone i think would be a great longterm ABIS agent, but also someone who wants to go to college, and should . she's above average IQ in spades , but with running renju's talent agency and sunfish pocket , and also being a special agent to a secret organization within the police force ? she's busy.
of course there's also so much so so much to explore with her in the original, which is in my top five. lots of things i want to explore and many wishlists to be had . so yeah , i think mizuki needs a break before she starts college at some point, learns to balance all her responsibilities while still enjoying being a teenager .
that verse will probably be a long time in work , and aini will need to be replayed , and i'll try to keep the high salt about it turned more into something . . . productive ? like worldbuilding and story building for mizuki ! but yes , i love exploring all the ages she's been listed as, at present she's probably in the middle of being 18. i have to check the times of the games whoops. but please know if you're expecting only one version i switch between both equally . if you met her at 12, you'll likely get more of her at 12 unless we plot a timeskip. if you met her at 18 you'll get her at 18 ! rewinding to 12 might be a little weird unless your muse is a hidden psyncer boss didn't tell her about .
so yes, fall memes, draft clearing and some dropping, mizuki aini divergent verse , wish-list (over time) and reaching out to an interest checker or just honestly, send me an ask anytime. i may not get to it fastest , but i will . i have drafts as disorganized as i am. but this is kinda stuff that i'll be focusing on in the next few months, fall memes and fall things the primary for this one, albeit with some drafts !
please remember i followed you out of interest ! if we haven't interacted we just haven't found a chance !
i know this is long but i'm a lil foggy so this is as much for myself as others honestly ! i'll also at some point do a permissions post , so i know it's okay to do certain things with miss queen of the brawl. it's a long list, but i've divided what i aim to do and if i don't do it all in the time i set ? it's okay. thanks for being patient with me . for those that i haven't interacted with but i like your posts etc ? that's just lily giving you a little note of one, interest, two, i will work up the nerve to get to you !
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khrysteen · 2 years
It's not really worth sharing my Tumblr year in review, because I made a total of 9 posts on this blog and my art blog. But seeing the numbers did make me think, "Gee, I don't share much personal stuff online. And most of my friends I interact with are online.I'd like to try opening up a little more. I'd like to invite more people to drop in and say hi. I'd like to chat with and get to know more people, because really I am quite social and I enjoy meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends.
But I also wanted to, uh, maybe let the people who do know me at least a little bit why I've been so inactive lately, both publicly and privately.
It's a bit of a Good News, Bad News situation.
Good news! My depression is at a point where it's manageable. We found the magic pill (aka the right combo and amount of medication) that makes it work. I am happy, I am motivated, I am looking forward to life. I'm myself again.
Bad news! Since about October of last year, my fatigue - which I attributed to depression before - has gotten worse. And it continous to get worse. I've gotten so slow, physically and mentally. My brain is a mix of brain fog and, like, nothingness. I get nothing instead of memories or knowledge or thoughts or focus.
It's affected every aspect my life. Drawing. Video games. Friends. Work. Basic decision making skills. I finally want to do things but I physically can't. I'm taking a leave from work right now because 1. My productivity kept tanking 2. When I wasn't working, I was sleeping, during my breaks, evenings, and days off.
Doctor doesn't know what's wrong. Stimulants don't help. Tests don't show anything of concern. He attributes it to post-depression fatigue, but admits it shouldn't be getting worse. Another doctor suggested chronic fatigue, and that I just need to learn to deal with it. I'm waiting on a referral to a specialist now. So much waiting.
I am frustrated and angry and scared. I spent so many years not enjoying life because of depression, and now I'm worse than before. I haven't given up, but god damn it.
I miss my friends. I miss my art. I miss video games and tv shows and writing and reading and actually accomplishing things and finishing projects and making progress.
I'm sorry, this is a lot to read. And it's...not that bad, really. Life is still good. I'm okay, otherwise. But I want to let you guys know what's going on. Please don't think I'm ignoring you, or avoiding you, or giving up. I'm handling this as best I can. I have support. I'm still here. I'm just really really tired.
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #179
Do you eat or drink as soon as you wake up, or do you wait a while? I get water immediately, and then 30 minutes after I take my thyroid medication, I eat breakfast and may get a drink that isn't water.
Tell me about some of your interests. I love animals and learning about/interacting with them, being artistic (writing, drawing, photography, etc.), exploring nature (at least I will again once my legs are 100%), watching YouTube, various social accounts, listening to music, playing video/computer games...
What's your favourite kind of Oreo? Double stuffed ones. I actually checked what there were, and I can basically guarantee my favorite would probably be mega stuffed, but I don't thiiink I've tried those. My favorite Oreo product are the Oreo Cakesters though, I used to be FUCKING OBSESSED with them and would still snatch them up real quick if I wanted something Oreo-based.
Do you play any games on your phone? If so, tell me about one. I only play Pokemon GO, it's all I have space for. I already have to clean out my phone before trying to update the game.
Do you have more male or female coworkers? I'm unemployed.
What's the longest stretch of time you've spent completely alone? Over a month, maybe closer to two, when my mom went up to New York in her mom's twilight weeks.
Do you use Instagram? If so, what's your current profile pic? Yes. My personal one is my favorite pic of me when I had red hair.
What are your thoughts on kids being given iPads to keep them entertained? I think it's fine to a degree. I do support limiting screen time; I would never want a kid to grow up as reliant on technology as I am; I do think it's important that we humans know how to stay in the current moment with what's in front of us, and computers and the like definitely do not do that.
[TW: SUICIDE] Have you ever thought about giving up on life completely? Well, considering I tried to kill myself,
Have you seen the entire Harry Potter series? I've never seen a single full movie, and I have exactly zero intent on watching a single one because I will not in ANY sort of way support the work of a hateful, haughty as actual fuck terf, her work can rot in history for all I care.
Do you still have both of your parents? Yes technically, but my dad plays an astronomically smaller part in my life than Mom. I barely see him. I love him regardless of that, though, but I know he's not a grade-A parent.
Do you play video games? I do, but nowhere near as much as I used to, and I've found that I tend to have more fun with them when playing with others, when I used to prefer single-player stuff. Ironically, the only game I regularly play nowadays is WoW, and in THAT game, I very much prefer doing things by myself, despite it being an MMO.
Do you have the same color eyes as your mother? No, hers are brown and mine are grayish blue.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? Yeah, twice.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Not one that was even remotely realistic; we hadn't had full-on sex but my period was missing so I was freaking out over how foreplay stuff might make me an extremely small statistic of getting pregnant without proper sex. Safe to say, I wasn't pregnant haha.
When was the last time you went bowling? Ha, I haven't been bowling since Girt and I tried dating the first time, in like... 2017, I think that was. I'm kinda thinking maybe we should do it again, this time on our second anniversary; I think that'd be cute and fun.
Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? I know a handful of trans people.
When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? Months ago when I got my tattoo finished.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? No, I sleep with a real cat. I wouldn't judge someone for that at all, I did it too before I got Roman. I like hugging stuff in my sleep, nowadays I very often fall asleep kinda like hugging myself.
Would you describe yourself as fashion-conscious, or do you just wear whatever feels comfortable? I definitely wear whatever the hell I want. I'm more so conscious of how others see my body, so I never do anything more revealing than a tank top. I don't have that sort of confidence.
What are the main two colours in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colours out yourself? It's really just beige-ish with white doors and window outlines. We didn't pick any of the colors in this house.
Do you have piercings anywhere except your ears? How many and where? Yeah, I have a vertical labret in my bottom lip. I want way more, it's just that they're far from my priority right now.
What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? I don't give a shit, I've definitely done it. All the leggings I've seen really aren't revealing if they're appropriately sized????
Who was the last person you were in love with for more than a year? Girt, still in love with him.
Do you have a secret life? I wouldn't call it a secret "life," that makes it seem like a bigger, more important part of my general existence than it is, but I very much keep the fact I enjoy feral animal forum RPs an extremely strict secret because I feel so awkward and judged about it. Barely anyone in my real life knows; just my mom, my boyfriend, and maybe Nicole. Possibly Dad, but I'm very doubtful he remembers that. It's insane, I feel like I anticipate WAY more "omg that's weird you're weird" judgment than it would actually get, but seriously, I can't even talk in person about it to anyone, like even my own mother barely knows the details. I'll cry and feel like puking and I also get VERY snappy and like, innately defensive. My embarrassment response is so goddamn strong that it majorly affects my life, not just in this topic, even.
Have you ever seen the last person you kissed without a shirt? Yeah, that's socially acceptable for a dude anyway.
Do your parents know EVERYTHING about you? Oh definitely not.
Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? Chocolate!
If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be? Right nostril redone. It'd be like... the third time lmao.
The last time you held a baby: Not since my three-year-old niece was an infant.
Does your mom eat meat? Yes.
What would be your reaction if one of your parents said they were having another kid? My mom's entire reproductive system is out lol, not to mention she's way past menopause. I'd be very shocked if Dad said that; it's extremely unlikely his wife hasn't gone through menopause too, sooo I'd like to know who the hell the mom was.
What fish scares you the most? Probably stonefish, they're hard to see and extremely venomous.
How do you feel about snails? I think they're VERY cute, but I don't really wanna touch them; slimy is a texture I absolutely despise, and to this day I have a fear response to slugs because of being slimy and way less cute than snails lmao.
If you were told by a professional that you were unable to become pregnant, how would that affect you? Is there something important to you about conceiving a biological child rather than adoption? And finally, if you even want to have children, would you choose adoption or surrogacy or would you go on childless? I would honestly be very relieved lol, protection wouldn't be a big deal then but more importantly, I never have to really decide if I want to have a baby; so, I can't make the wrong choice/have no chance of fucking a kid up. I personally am very disinterested in adoption, I'd need the kid to be mine and/or my partner's to bond to it properly, I think.
Are you physically affectionate with your friends? With hugs, yes, absolutely. I don't go beyond hugging my friends though, maybe a kiss on the forehead if they're crying or something.
Do you kill spiders when you see them? No.
What’s your favorite makeup brand/brands? I know almost nothing of any, save for Jeffree Star's seeing as I like him as a person and respect his work being purely vegan/cruelty-free. He as a person has evolved more than probably any other celebrity I've seen. I've never actually used a product of his though, that is NOT money I have lmao.
What fictional creature would you like as a pet? A faerie dragon from World of Warcraft. They're the cutest goddamn things I've ever seen in fantasy, and I was ECSTATIC when they finally became tameable pets for the hunter class, esp because I regularly play the class, and of course I keep mine in my pet party always lol.
Have any local businesses closed that you’re sad about? Yeah, Highway Diner.
How do you feel about TikTok? No opinion, I've never even opened the site once.
Any current trends you dislike? Crocs. They're hideous and always will be hideous.
If you had three daughters, what would you name them? Miquella (me-kell-uh) Lynn is the one I'd really like IF Girt and I ever do have a kid, then Alessandra (not sure of middle name), then I guess probably Cheyenne, just in respect to his heritage. Or Justine, another feminine name I adore. Three kids is absolutely not happening, though; I doubt even one will, it's smarter for both of us.
Would you ever adopt a child? The one and only case I can imagine myself doing this is if I got in the very unlikely situation of marrying a person who already has a child and the other parent isn't involved. But me dating someone already with a kid is very unlikely, it's absolutely not my preference.
Do you like your name's meaning? lol no, it's literally just "of Britain," and a bitch ain't ever set foot in Britain.
Do you and your mom look like sisters? Not really; that's the case with her first child though, Katie, like to the point it's kinda scary lol. You look at pictures or literally see them together, and you KNOW immediately that they're mother and daughter; hell, you probably WOULD guess sisters if Mom was younger, the age gap is clear by now.
Are you the same height as your mom? Apparently she's like, half an inch taller than me.
Do you know anyone named Travis? I knew a Travis, but I haven't known anything about him since high school.
[TW: DOMESTIC ABUSE] Did your parents abuse you? No. My dad used to scare me as a kid, but he was never literally abusive. I think.
What is something you've learned to never take for granted? My mom being alive and an incredible parent that keeps me safe and cared for.
Tell me about something significant that happened to you in the past week. This isn't REALLY "significant," but after two fuckin years I've finally set foot in my boyfriend's room, lmao. It's always been messy and he's just never wanted me to see it, so in an incredible act of love for me he tidied it up apparently lol. I thought his room was actually pretty cozy.
What subjects do you like to read about? Meerkats and their behaviors. Rammstein history/their stories together.
What is the name of the last book you bought? Darkstalker by Tui T. Sutherland, I believe. I got all the mainline WoF books that are currently out last Christmas, but Darkstalker is like a side-story of a major character. Best book in the series so far, to me.
If you could change one thing about your home, and money was no issue, what would it be? Wood floors, probably. Our carpet is like this dirty pink color and it's honestly hideous; Mom especially hates it.
Are there any (obviously fictional) villains you can't help but love? Stiiiiill Darkiplier, please his story makes me cry. Very much like the whole else of the WoW fanbase too, I love Arthas Menethil/the Lich King, but if you know anything about the franchise, you saw that answer coming lol, it's common knowledge. Alessa Gillespie from Silent Hill can also be considered a villain, and she is Everything
Can you name a villain who you could kind of side with? ^ Alessa haha
What color eyes does your significant other (or crush) have? (If applicable.) Brown.
Does anything around your home need repairing? Yes, specifically one of the beams holding the front porch up; it's very weathered and almost looks termite-eaten, but thank god that's apparently not the cause. I can't remember what is.
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srujaninfotech · 1 year
5 Reasons Why You Should Do Digital Marketing for Your Business
5 Reasons why you should do digital Marketing for your Business
It is becoming very important to take your business online
1.Consumers are going online:
60% of the consumers agree to “I cannot live without my smartphone”.
As the consumers, these days are looking for more digital content and want each of their purchases to be unique. Search engines like GOOGLE, BING  and Yahoo are the most popular channel for search.
A study shows that 82% of the consumers use websites and check reviews for purchase. Around 25% of consumers use social media ,blogs and YouTube to find new solutions, products, and brands.
From all these statistics it should be clear how digital marketing strategies can shape up your businesses. If you do not engage your brand with right digital marketing strategies then you may lose potential customers. It becomes vital that companies work is visible through searches and they can engage well with customers.
2.Digital Campaigns Are easy to monitor and track:
Track your success anytime anywhere!
Want to know the reach of your campaigns? Digital Marketing wins it all !
With all the campaigns running you need to keep track of the digital marketing metrics. With this metrics you get the accurate measure of ROI, also define the areas of improvement and work to make things better in future.
With the use of tools like google analytics, marketers can check for different ad content and manage how audiences react to each campaign. Check the number of visitors on your website, the number of page views, average time a user spends on your website, bounce rates, conversions and analyze your business growth over time.
3.Stratagy gives direction and goals:
While building a strategy what will you do?
Learn- Get to know what to do?
Plan- Build a plan of action
Implement- Follow the plan
Grow- Grow your business
Thus, by building a proper strategy to run digital marketing campaign you will get direction and goals. Companies who do not have a proper strategy defined will not have a sense of what they want to do online and what will they do to handle some of the essential elements.
Without specific goals, it becomes hard to know exactly what you want to campaign for online.
Writing a well-defined marketing strategy will help the companies tackle crucial questions, will know how to sell to whom, define your target audience and construct an effective digital program and run a successful online campaign.
4.Increases reach:
With digital marketing, you can strategically focus to reach and increase the visibility of your brand.
Traditional marketing comes out as an effective tool to reach a target audience, but if you are looking beyond this segment then digital marketing can help you increase your overall reach.
Also, digital marketing provides you with new ways to target your audience and gives a great exposure and build an effective brand recognition. Through blog content, social media and search engines reach out those customers who you have missed and need to make the engagement.
Planning digital marketing strategy is not that complicated. You just need to define your goals, tactics, and KPIs and document them down the line.
Businesses not only have well defined strategies but they are continuously spending on these strategies. E-Marketer forecasts that by 2020 the digital ad spending will reach $23 billion. If you do not work on building digital marketing strategies then it is obvious that your company will be left behind your competitors.
5.Your brand becomes more interactive:
With certain digital marketing campaigns such as social media marketing, blogging, improving search results, text messaging, online advertisements, email marketing and affiliate marketing, you can give your customers a more personalized experience.
With short online videos, businesses grab attention of their audiences. Stuff like images, info graphics, short video, client story keep your audiences informed, entertain them and engage ideal customers. Cisco predicts that by 2019, around 80% of the Internet’s traffic will be video.
Re marketing on social media shows consumers what they have left behind and give a constant reminder of your brand. With personalized ad content, you become more interactive with your consumers and can stay at the top of their mind and encourage them for future purchasing.
Get in touch with us: 7249736102 Visit here@ http://www.srujaninfotech.com/
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stepphase · 2 years
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iPad Air - Available in October, Price, Review
iPad Air is with 10.9 inch Display, A14 Bionic Chip, 256 GB of Storage, and in 5 different colors that you will love it.
iPad Air price: $599 / Rupees 44,146.00 / Pound 469.99 / Euro 514.98
Highlights of iPad Air
Display is with 10.9 inches Liquid Retina display, its new feature is P3 wide color and True Tone. A14 Bionic chip, which has a fast CPU and a performance of Graphics is Amazing. FaceTime camera is 7MP, which has a low-light performance 12MP Rear camera with Focus Pixel Also Supported Apple Pencil of 2nd generation Compaible with a Smart Keyboard Folio and Magic Keyoard Its Touch ID is in the top bottom
Review of iPad Air
iPad Air has feature's that you need from computer. It has a computer power, As well as incredible things that you had never expect from iPad Air. It chip has more capability which is amazing for gaming and other apps that you use everyday. As well as Adobe Photoshop or a Microsoft Office and much more. After all, iPad Air is too thin and light that you can carry it anywhere you want. As well as 10 hours of battery life which is enough to keep going at once.
You can use multiple apps at same time which is easy to do with a few taps. Easy to move files by dragging and dropping or switch apps. That has a new experience with Pencil and Trackpad. iPad Air is just like an iPhone simple to zoom, swipe, tap, and pinch.
Keyboard, Pencil, Trackpad
Works with a Keyboard or its On-Screen keyboard let's you reply for email or type paper. Trackpad: The cursor of iPad Air is Multi‑Touch experience. That is transform into the tools that you are pointing on app icons, or buttons, or text. as well as easy for Multi-Touch gesture. Pencil: Open note, then scan a document in camera, then mark anywhere you want and send it to anyone. You can convert sketches in shapes, turn your handwritten notes in typed text, then write in any field of text with Scribble
iPad Air has those apps which you expect from the computer, with more productivity apps like pages, Adobe Photoshop CC, Microsoft Word, and keynotes. Great design in apps like Calender, Message, Mail, Safari, Photos, Apple News and more. Its App Store designed with latest advantages of large display, as well as recommend best apps to help you create and get things done easily.
One Place for all your devices. you can store your all files in one location. And the files app let you manage on icloud drive, external storage device, or another cloud services like Dropbox or Box. Important stuff from all in your devices can safely store in iCloud like Apps, Photos, Videos, Music, Contacts, and more. So everythings will available on your iPad Air.
Automatically stay up to date
Turn on automatically update and it will automatically update released OS. So you will get the newest features like latest security updates and advanced technologies.
Privacy and Secure
It designed great to secure and will protect your privacy. It has a advanced security like Touch ID and Face ID.  Its authentication data is protected and encrypted by Secure Enclave and stored on iCloud. After all, it has a Intelligent Tracking Prevent in safari so that will protect websites collecting your data.
It support hearing, vision, learning needs, mobility. As well as, Voice Control lets you command and Switch Control lets you interact. Specification You can contact us to let us know if we are missing something on our page. I hope you like it and thank you for your visit. #Stepphase #technologies #technology #tech #technews #techworld #techtrends #smartphone #apple #techupdates #futuretechnology #newtech #techgeek #technologynews #technologythesedays #smarttechnology #technologylover #technologytrends #technologyblog #gadgets #smartphone #gadget #marketing #digital #india #technologyisawesome #amazing #repost
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
I really like your smut writing! So can I please request some spicy headcanons for Floyd, Epel, Riddle and Idia with a fem s!o who surprises them by sending a nudes? How would they react? Thank you^^
Aaa thank you so much!!! I’m p new to this writing/requests thing so I’m really glad you like it! :’)
Warnings: light degradation on Riddle’s part
A/N: this piece of writing is purely 18+. Minors do not interact
NSFW below the cut
Floyd Leech x Fem!Reader
You and Floyd are practically inseparable. You spend so much time together that you feel so sad and empty when he’s gone doing something else!
So when Floyd has work at the lounge or basketball practice, who can blame you when you say you felt a bit lonely? You decide to send your lovely eel boyfriend some photos back in your bedroom while you’re alone.
The body parts you decide to send photos of are your breasts and ass, specifically the parts Floyd loves to squeeze! Well, he loves to squeeze all of you, but he favors those because you make some really cute noises when he does it!
Floyd would take one look at his cell phone, immediately drop everything he’s doing and come find you. If he was working at the lounge then he would drop his tray. If he were at basketball practice he would just straight up leave. His stuff would still be there LOL.
He would definitely be rough with you (as if he isn’t normally) and remove any clothing you had on, if you still had any on, and fuck you multiple times for sending those photos to him while he was away! Don’t you know how much he missed you already?
Floyd pays special attention to use his hands to squeeze your breasts, nipples, or ass with his fingers while he’s ramming his cock deep in your cunt, his head kissing your cervix with each thrust.
It hadn’t even been 3 minutes after you clicked ‘send’ on those photos for Floyd. He didn’t even respond to you, which had you feeling a bit sad. Usually he replied within the minute! You covered your naked form up loosely with the white sheet, which accentuated your body shape even while draped with it.
“Shrimpyyy~” an eerily sweet voice called out in the hallways leading up to your room, leaving you with goosebumps. Suddenly your door burst open and Floyd was standing there, obvious tent in his pants.
“Hi Floyd…” you called out to him. Floyd’s eyes widened and his smile grew large. “You look like a siren Shrimpy…. you’re making me wanna squeeeeze you~” The eel merman closed the distance between you and ripped the sheet off your body, exposing you completely.
Epel Felmier x Fem!Reader
Epel would probably be busy with Vil, learning how to use some new product Vil was promoting soon.
Epel hears a ding on his phone saying you texted him but ignores it since Vil is trying to lecture him. He will definitely get back to you soon! If it was urgent you would call him.
Once Vil is finished with him, Epel finally returns to his room, and opens your text. He definitely doesn’t expect to see you scantily clad in a lavender set of lingerie!!!
Y/N: “Hey my favorite farmboy~ I know you’re probably busy right now but I bought this while I was thinking about you. I’m getting hungry, and I would love to have an apple in my mouth right now. Come over soon~”
Epel gulps down and feels his cock starting to harden in his pants. A part of him just wants to video call you and have phone sex but another part of him wants to ravage you in person!
He would definitely be happy he opened that text in his room!!! Vil didn’t need to see Epel getting so worked up over this.
“I’m on my way now.” He sends the text quickly.
Epel would remove any bits of makeup on his face before heading over to your dorm, bringing over some snacks. Beads of sweat were already starting to build on his face as he enters and heads toward your room.
When he finally gets there, he’s sweet at first when it comes to foreplay and kisses, but you want to see his real side and he wants to show it to you too! Epel would roughly slap your ass and fuck you doggystyle, while you’re screaming out his name, lingerie thrown on the floor along with his own clothes.
“Y/N..?” Epel knocks on your door and opens it, peeking around to see you in bed. “Come here, Epel. I’ve been waiting for a while now, and I want to see how well this set matches with your hair, preferably with your head between my legs~?” You finally used your pointer finger to beckon for him to come closer, in which he quickly did. The boy didn’t hide the way his eyebrows quirked in determination as he smiled eagerly. He knelt down and pulled your panties off, shoving his tongue into your leaking hole.
Riddle Rosehearts x Fem!Reader
Riddle was a changed person after his incident when you were still a new student. You grew to love him and it ultimately led to you two being in a relationship!
Riddle was always very gentle with you when it came to being intimate, you often wanted him to be a bit rougher with you but he said “it wouldn’t be chivalrous”.
You decide to take matters into your own hands by building up tension - you start breaking rules here and there. Riddle would forgive you at first but once he noticed how often you did it, his face would turn red and his voice would raise, yet he still forgave you!
You decide to send a photo of yourself in his bedroom, dressed in a red babydoll lingerie set, your body spread out on his sheets. If you’re bold, you also take pictures with his crown atop your head, showing off the way your nipples perked in the set.
Y/N: “Riddle my dear~, I’ve been so bad. You know it, and I know it. Why don’t you come over here and punish me?”
This was the final straw - your punishment starts now. He’s forgiven your rule breaking so easily because he had a soft spot for you! But you knew this whole time you were breaking rules?!
Riddle storms in a few minutes after sending you many texts in all caps. Once he really sees you sprawled out so seductively on his bed, he can’t help but let his face go red as he swallows a lump in his throat.
His mixture of anger and arousal showed quite freely when he was fucking you into his bed, spewing light degradations towards you while teasing you for being such a whore.
Riddle hikes your leg up onto his shoulder, using it as a leverage to hit a new angle inside your already abused cunt. “So, you really were trying to break those rules on purpose, my rose?” Riddle panted while smirking down at your squealing form. “And then you come into my room while I’m not here, pose so lewdly on my bed, wearing that? I guess you are a dirty slut.” Riddle chuckled darkly, still fucking against your pussy. His grip on your leg tightened. “Say it. Tell me you’re a dirty slut, and maybe I’ll consider forgiving you…”
Idia Shroud x Fem!Reader
Idia… this guy lives his life digitally, he likes texting you frequently, and sometimes he still gets nervous seeing you in person, as your boyfriend!
One day he wasn’t texting you back, which had to mean he was PROBABLY busy gaming.
You decide to surprise him by getting into a cosplay of a character that you both liked. The costume was already a bit revealing but you decided to take it to the next level by sending upskirt pictures that accentuated your butt, and even shots of your panties being soaked under the skirt!
When Idia opened his texts, the photos of you flooded his screen and he screeched, shutting it off before Ortho could wonder what was wrong! “O-Ortho, could you please patrol the hallways right now? I just f-found out I have to do something. A-and,” the blue haired boy stuttered. “Feel free to start up conversations with the dorm members, for as long as you want, okay?” Ortho of course happily agreed and practically flew out of the room.
I can see Idia either calling you to come over or he would want to video call you and watch you bring yourself to orgasm.
Seeing you in those clothes though, I would imagine him reaalllyy wanting you to come over, though.
Idia called your phone and you could hear his shaky breath starting to talk. “Y-Y/N, could you nnh- come over, please? And, m-maybe wear a jacket over yourself, I want to see you wearing that outfit here, please…”
Once you get to Idia’s room, he pulls you eagerly in an embrace, and you feel his hard cock poking your stomach through his pants.
Idia loves to watch you bounce on his cock while you’re wearing the same exact cosplay in the photos!
“Aanh- Y/N-shi…” Idia covered his face with the sleeve of his shirt. His cheeks were radiating heat and his eyes were glazed over with pleasure. The skirt you wore was hiked up to your waist, shirt on the floor along with your bra. “Mm, Idia~ it feels so good, I’m so haaah, so close..!” You could only whimper out, feeling yourself clench around his cock. “C-cumming!!” He pulled you down into a kiss in which you both moaned into as you milked his hot cum into your greedy hole.
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mysterylover123 · 3 years
Mysterylover watches MHA: “TDBKDK Family Dinner #2: Anime Version”
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So yes last episode we did cover the first half of the family dinner. Now we’re covering part 2. BTW this music is BIZARRE. Why are we recapping all this angst with triumphant music?
Anyway so let’s talk about this arc in general. Since I already posted about the manga chapter, I’m not sure what to add about the anime episode other than “hey, music choice” or “line delivery”, but I’ve reread this arc a lot so I feel like I wanna analyze it instead.
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3. Let’s talk about Bakugou. Bakugou’s arc throughout most of the series has been all about learning to care for other people. Learning the “save to win” part of things. He comes to the internship wanting to find “what he was missing”. In the climax, he rescues Natsuo from Ending. But the odd thing is, Bakugou already showed in the Joint Training arc that he was capable of saving people now. So it wasn’t that he needed to learn to save.
What Bakugou got from this arc, many fans believe, was the realization that he mistreated Deku and needed to make amends. All Might at the start of the arc points out that Bakugou is like Endeavor. This comparison was probably one Bakugou was making since the Sports Festival when he overheard Todo’s Backstory Confession to Deku. And here, Bakugou witnesses exactly what being an obsessive, violent asshole who pushes their loved ones away to become the top pro will end up with.
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Complete alienation. A family who will never forgive him.
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And Bakugou, I believe, wants Deku’s forgiveness and friendship back. He pushed Deku away - he admits to bullying him and hurting him in Chapter 284. And he’s trying to atone for his actions. From this arc, Bakugou learns that he needs to make things up to Deku. He doesn’t say so explicitly, but that’s what most fans take from it. 
Endeavor can never truly make it up to his family, it seems, for all he did. Natsuo will never forgive him, Shoto probably won’t either. Now, currently in the manga Endeavor’s actions have spiraled out to pretty much destroy hero society thanks to Touya, so he’s become even more of a cautionary tale for Bakugou.
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What makes that even more interesting, though, is that Bakugou and Midoriya are two halves of one whole. So the same person who is an interesting foil and cautionary tale for Bakugou has to be one for Midoriya too. Given Deku’s current arc in the manga - pushing everyone who loves him away in an obsessive quest to be the best - it’s clear that Deku could maybe have benefitted from comparing himself to Endeavor too.
This hard-hitting examination of his own flaws is what makes Bakugou so compelling, especially in recent times. Unlike Endeavor, who seems to keep floundering back into the same mistakes, Bakugou just keeps improving. 
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Shoto and Midoriya mostly got New Cool Moves out of this arc, and less on the Character Development scale. Deku’s conversation with Shoto about being a “nice person” was something a lot of the fandom eviscerated him for back in the day (before the arc had wrapped) since Natsuo overheard it and felt bad about it. 
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Deku is a very forgiving person, I’ve never seen him hold a genuine grudge (he’s currently on a quest to save the Supervillain who kidnapped his soulmate, which is about as forgiving as you get). But while holding grudges can be bad, Deku’s mindset may also be problematic. Being too forgiving of evil done to you and others can also cause problems. Deku’s advice to Shoto was well-intentioned, but it had the unintended side effect of guilt-tripping Natsuo and making him feel like a bad person.
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Interestingly, even though Deku is the unofficial Todoroki Family Counsellor, he’s never really been able to help Shoto and the fam get through their trauma all on his own. “It’s your Power” was a great moment, but in the aftermath Shoto wasn’t sure what to do with it. He needed to go work through his own problems afterwards. Deku can’t magically fix all the Todo family’s problems, even though he’d like to. To some degree, given the Sports Fest and this arc, it seems like Shoto may need the help of both Halves of the Wonder Duo.
Fighting Bakugou forced Shoto into the position where he had to face his past trauma. His fight with Inasa revealed that he still holds resentment against Endeavor, and that resentment wasn’t something he could - or should! - just be zen about. So what’s Bakugou’s approach to being harmed by someone?
Bakugou has channeled his anger over Shigaraki abducting him into productive motivation. Maybe I’m letting my recent FMA binge watch bias me as to how the story is going to go, but my guess is that the message may be something like Winry’s story there. No need to forgive people who’ve done something terrible for you; instead, learn to channel anger into motivation and power. That seems to be how Bakugou is handling Shigaraki, and maybe it’s how he can help Shoto handle Endeavor too.
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Well, that’s not so much clear in this arc, but anyway. Back to Deku and Kacchan’s story. So Deku pretty clearly holds nothing against Kacchan for mistreating him (look at how cheerfully he interacts with him in this arc! Very, very shippy stuff, they’re every bit the Old Married Couple here). So if Bakugou needs to make amends to Deku, and Todoroki needs to channel his anger, what does Deku need to do?
Given the most recent arc, it’s clear Deku needs to learn to rely on other people. That’s his overall arc. In this arc, we see him doing the Evacuation portion, using BlackWhip to save lives. But we also see Kacchan saving Natsuo and Shoto beating Ending. When the Trinity work together as a team, they surpass the #1 pro. That’s probably why they weren’t able to do so before Natsuo was taken.
Deku needs Kacchan’s strength and confidence. Shoto needs Kacchan’s ability to channel his anger. Kacchan and Shoto both need Deku’s kindness and compassion. Deku and Kacchan needed Shoto’s cautionary tale to mend things with each other. Together, of course, they are the best trio. Who win, rescue, and save together. 
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in other words, The trinity need each other. Duh. 
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thebritishteapot · 2 years
Hey all
My friends... It’s been a while!
A whole lot has changed while I was away. No new content from me yet, but I’m hoping to get back to creating stuff with your help!
On a different note, I got a new job as designer a few months ago, and it’s been great! It’s my first actual job in the industry so I’m learning as I go, and there’s a lot I still need to figure out..
Right not, I’m working on building an app for a startup. It’s super exiting, and I might need some help from the internet.
I don’t know if you’re aware, but you can earn a bit by helping companies in their product research. You can do so by answering questions, participating in focus groups or interviews, or interact with prototypes and judge them! This is basically what I’m doing right now.
Just a quick survey..
Would you be so kind to help me by answering this anonymous survey? If you wish, you can leave your email at the end, and I’ll be back in touch to offer you more testing opportunities with rewards (cash ehehe).
I really appreciate the help, but if you don’t want to do it... hey, let’s catch up anyway! I promise I’ll be around more... I’ve missed you all
Here’s the survey
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katyobsesses · 3 years
Katy my darling <3 I have a very fun ask for you!! What method of arts do each glee characters prefer and what is their favorite thing to create?
oooooo this is a fun ask!
I'm gonna do S2 New Directions for now, but may add S3-6 ND or other characters later 💛 (warning... this is LONG)
Artie: Film. 100% film. He loves using visual media to tell a story, he also really gets into the sound design side too when he learns it in College. He loves making music videos and after Uni that's mostly what he does. He also directs a lot of movie musicals and musical TV shows. Basically he loves making visual media for songs.
Blaine: Performing - mostly singing. He also love writing songs, which we never see in the show but I can imagine him learning about songwriting in NYU and loving it as a way to express his feelings. it's like a step up from using someone else's words to express them.
Brittany: Obviously dancing! I like to think that after marrying Santana she either goes to college for Dance, or maybe owns a dance studio/goes on tour with Mercedes a lot (with Santana as a guest singer) She really loves teaching little kids how to dance, she knows how to interact with them on their level and the kids love her.
Finn: Singing? I honestly can't think about what he likes. Like singing is the closest thing. He sings in the shower a lot and obviously he loves singing on stage. But he's not that much of an art person outside of that. He likes consuming it but not making it.
Kurt: Sewing, obviously, as well as sketching clothes. He loves making accessories for friends - scrunchies for the girls, bow ties for Blaine, a dog bandana for Sam's golden retriver (because you know he gets one) etc. - but he also loves designing and making costumes for small productions. Maybe he volunteers/works with a small theatre troop and makes & designs all of the costumes while also performing.
Mercedes: Mercedes likes making cards for everyone for Christmas and Birthdays. It started because she'd forgotten to buy a card for someone but had some card and pretty pens on hand and it spiralled from there. She now owns a fancy die pressing kit and lots of card toppers and pretty glitter pens and washi tape and all of that. She has a small kit she brings on all of her tours, it helps relax her after a show - making cards for the crew as a thank you/maybe selling some for charity because she makes so much? When she finally gets back together with Sam they both work together to make Christmas cards from them with cute pictures of themselves in terrible christmas jumpers and their golden retriver in a Kurt made bandana and later their kids in matching outfits.
Mike: Like Brittany he's a dancer first and formost. That's his art. He later goes on to be a professional on Dancing With The Stars where he reconnects with Matt on set (maybe they even get together in the end and the DWTS fans love their relationship and their jokingly competative instagram stories) He loves creating a story with only movement and music. Mike also really likes doodling.
Puck: Photography. I don't know why but I see Puck loving to take pictures of places he visits in his travels. He also scrapbooks but only Quinn knows that - he has a whole scrapbook of pictures of Beth that Shelby sends them and later makes them for all of his other kids too, and he has, like, travel journals and scrapbooks of roadtrips he's been on. Basically he's a Bullet Journal guy. He really likes washi tape and pretty papers and stickers and what-not. He will never admit this.
Quinn: Quinn's a writer. In my head she goes on to write a book that's losely based on her high-school years and it becomes a best seller and is later adapted into a Netflix series directed by Artie. I just like the idea! Maybe Rachel plays, like, the Miss Pillsbury character... or Terri! Or maybe Shelby? I dunno one of the adult characters.
Rachel: Obviously her art of choice is performing. It's singing and acting and standing on a stage or a set and making the words in her script her own. Also scrapbooking/moodboard making.
Santana: Santana likes knitting. She won't admit it but she likes knitting little plushies for Brittany, her favourite is a little bi flag coloured bunny. She makes knitted plushies and blankets for all of her friends when they have kids but she never tells them she made them - everyone knows though, they're too perfect for the couple/person (a cat in a scarf or a toy poodle in a bow tie for Klaine, a teddy adorned with gold stars for St. Berry etc. etc.)
Sam: This could be an essay for me (and kinda is opps). Sam is the Art nerd of the group and tries every type of art he possibly can. Macaroni art, illustration, digital art, traditional art, crafts, pumpkin carving, glass blowing, handlettering, graphic design, knitting, crochet, rag rugs, sewing, card making, pyrography, etc. He will try everything he can in terms of visual art. He doesn't, however, write because dyslexia, and he can't wrap him mind around, like editing and film stuff - he does try though because why not. He also really likes songwriting and music arranging.
All of this i'm trying to do as close to canon as i can but going off of canon let's say Sam goes to Parsons for illustration because he's so good at art, he stays with Mercedes in her brownstone and they never break up, after graduating he becomes a comic book illustrator (which i believe is literally a minor at Parsons, so let's say he does a Major in Fine Art/Illustration with a Minor in Comic illustration) and illustrates a run of Young Avengers comics and becomes a fan favourite artist.
In canon, however, he loves teaching the new generation of New Directions but he misses art because he doesn't have that much time anymore (because being the teacher of the new directions is a full time job, apparently, judging by the lack of adult friends or hobbies Will has lol) he loves loves loves arranging music, however, and that becomes the type of art he does the most. He does doodle a lot during faculty meeting (also he does a music teaching certification during his first few years of coaching the nNDs) and goes all out with pumpkin carving at Halloween, and loves decorating his apartment and the choir room at Christmas. He loves doing sets for the musical (and has a lot of fun staging it too) and helps out with the decorations for Prom.
Basically Sam loves to be creative in any way he can. He loves making things, whatever they may be.
Tina: Tina writes fanfiction and draws fanart. She's a nerd 100%, she watched Supernatural, she was a SuperWhoLockian, she loves Merlin, she's loves Twilight but more ironically than, say, Mercedes, and prefers books like Morganville Vampires or PC Cast's series that I've forgotten the name of. She loves the Hunger Games and Firefly and Star Trek and Star Wars. She definately has a tumblr. She mostly writes all sorts of fanfiction and is a huge name in the Supernatural fandom. Only Sam and Blaine know about all of this becuase they found one of her Star Wars fanfictions and in an authors note she said something that they recognised - idk she ranted about Santana or Rachel or something.
This was so much fun omg, thank you for the ask Myle 💛
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
There seems to be a darker, more violent take on Clyde floating around right now and I LOVE it!! I’m working on one for him too!
Since you say open for darker requests, I’d love to hear your take on a more violent Clyde! He could be saving you from a stalker. Clyde can show him what a real bad ass can do and then show you how well he can treat you too lol! He could be protecting you from someone at the bar. He could be showing you his special forces skills after some gets aggressive. You name it lol!
Secrets of the Blood Moon {werewolf!Clyde x Reader darkfic}
author's notes: helloooo! my friend shannon, thank you for this request!! I am also a fan of the darker take on Clyde and I hope I did it some justice!! I worked really, really hard on this one, and I’m super pleased with how it turned out.
warnings: angst. smut. hurt/comfort. a minor car crash. mentions of alcohol consumption. rut. knotting. breeding kink. werewolf stuff. attempted mating bite. murder coverup. clyde feels guilty.
tw's: noncon touching (not by clyde). involuntary attempted sexual assault (werewolf clyde pins her down & dry humps w/o consent, but human clyde doesn’t know he did it nor would ever intend to do it). blood & gore. graphic depictions of murder and violence. human-hunting. depictions of human body consumption (is it cannibalism if he’s technically a wolf when it happens?). werewolf sex.
**this is a work of FICTION. the author does not attempt to condone the actions/behaviors of the characters written.**
word count: 5.9k
my taglist peeps: @frank-and-honey @shygirl268 @icarusinthesea​ ​@gildedstarlight (if you’d like to be added to or removed from my taglist, the link to the google form is HERE or on the top of my masterlist.)
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Last Night
Stepping out of your car, you’re instantly suffocated by the thick humidity of the West Virginia evening. The sun paints cotton candy across the sky as it sets behind the trees on the mountainous horizon, the almost full moon hot on its tail, slowly rising on the other side of the sky.
The blood moon comes tomorrow, and from the old folk tales your mom used to tell about the deep West Virginia countryside, some weird shit goes down under the crimson moon. You never really believed her. What all could happen in lil ol’ Boone County, anyway?
The moment you step into the refreshing, air-conditioned Duck Tape, you’re immediately greeted by a loud call of your name.
“Y/N!” You smile and wave at Jimmy. 
Clyde looks up and smiles at you as you come and sit down at the bar next to Jimmy. He serves the customer before coming over to talk with you and the eldest Logan.
You lean over the bar to give him a kiss, earning a couple hoots and hollers from the bar crowd, which made you both laugh as you pull away.
“How was work, buttercup?” He asks, wiping off some glasses. “Weren’t ya doin’ that one presentation today? How’d that go?”
You’re always so flattered that Clyde actually pays attention when you talk about work stuff. Most guys just smile and nod, but Clyde actually listens and remembers. He even remembered your one year anniversary at the company you currently work for, sending you takeout from your favorite place along with some flowers.
“Yeah, it was alright. Boring as hell, but the partners seemed pleased, so that’s all I can really ask for at this point.”
Both he a Jimmy give a small chuckle, nodding before Clyde mixes your favorite drink, setting it down in front of you a few minutes later. You thank him, and the three-way conversation continues before the bar door swings open. 
Something about the man’s entrance makes you look over, already smelling trouble as he steps over the threshold. His eyes are glued on you, a smug smirk etched on his expression. 
A hush falls over the patrons for a few seconds, all eyes on the leather-clad man. Clyde’s hackles are immediately up, body tense as the mystery man saunters over, plopping himself down onto the vacant stool next to yours. 
Things on the floor continue as normal, the chatter picking back up, and you subtly scoot a little closer to Jimmy. 
“Bartender?” A thick New York accent calls.
Clyde walks over, plastering a fake smile on his face, seemingly the epitome of southern hospitality.
“What can I getcha, sir?”
The man gives Clyde a once-over and snickers. “No, seriously, where’s the bartender? I’d like a drink.”
Your grip clenches around your glass. You absolutely hated it when people were dicks about Clyde’s hand.
“Seriously, I am the bartender.” He states firmly. “So, what can I get ya?”
His tone sends a chill down your spine. Normally, Clyde just shuts down whenever someone starts poking fun at his missing hand, but tonight, there was a certain air of frustration, of dominance.
You just thought he’d finally cracked, after years of dealing with this bullshit. But as you would learn, there was an alternate explanation for his sudden outwardly alpha-like behavior.
The guy seems to back off a little bit, just asking for a cold Coors straight from the bottle. You startle a bit when Clyde slams the bottle down on the counter in front of him, and you could swear his eyes turn a light grey for a second before returning to the dark brown pools you’re familiar with.
Everything’s quiet for a little while, the man sipping his beer in silence, before he turns to you. He doesn’t say anything at first, simply allowing his eyes to drink in your seated figure.
“What’s your name, baby girl?” The beer smell of his breath is strong as he leans in. “You lookin’ for someone to keep you company tonight?”
You roll your eyes. Douchebag. “Nope. I’m perfectly content just sitting here, thanks.”
Clyde’s watching the interaction like a hawk as he makes someone’s drink. It’s a wonder he can concentrate on the drink when his thoughts and eyes are glued to you.
His slimy hand touches down on your bare thigh, just above your knee, and you jump in your seat. He grins, trailing it up as he leans in even closer.
“Are you sure? I could show you a real good time...”
Glass shatters from behind the bar and then, Clyde’s grabbing the man by his biker jacket, tossing him onto the floor with an almost superhuman strength. You stand up, appalled, as the man on the hardwood scrambles to get up.
An icy grey begins to frost over his sweet chocolate irises as Clyde clenches his fists by his side. 
“Don’t ya dare touch ma girl, ye pervert.” He growls, voice lower than you’ve ever heard it. “Someone ought to show ya what respect looks like.”
The bar has fallen pin-drop silent, all sets of eyes focused in on the developing scene. He cocks his fist above his head, snarling as he readies to pounce on the helpless man. 
It’s then that Jimmy hops up and puts himself between the two men, holding his hands up in front of Clyde. “Don’t do this t’ yerself. Ye know what’ll happen if ya do.”
This seems to bring him back, the warmness flooding back to his irises. His shoulders slump as he huffs softly, pushing past his older brother angrily, storming into his office and slamming the door behind him.
Shakily, the man stands and puts a twenty down on the table before running out of the bar, bell jingling against the wooden door as it eases shut after him.
The rare blood moon hangs in its place against the pitch black sky as you pull up to the Logan’s trailer home. There aren’t any stars in the clear night’s sky, despite it being the dead of summer, but you don’t think much of it as you approach the shadowed porch.
Moths flutter around the dimly flickering porch light while you peek through the windows, which were as black as the night. Not a single light was on.
Odd. The Pontiac’s parked in its normal spot outside.
You flip the threadbare ‘welcome’ mat up, revealing the rusting gold key beneath. Sticking it in the lock, you turn until the door pops open, an eerie creak accompanying it.
"Clyde?” You say, looking around the trailer’s living room as you flip the living room lights on.
You call for him again. Maybe he’s just taking a nap. “Clyde?”
Still no response. 
Now, you’re getting worried. There’s no note, nothing noticeably out of place; in fact, it’s almost all too still. It gives you the creeps, how still and quiet it is in here.
The scent of suspicion thickens the air around you, and you just get the most awful feeling in your gut that something bad is happening or is about to happen.
Adrenaline begins to pump through your veins as you quickly walk around, peeking in the kitchen, and in the spare room. The air seems to thicken again the closer to draw to Clyde’s room, and you push the door open with bated breath.
You’re absolutely mortified at the sight before you. 
Shreds of carpet, fabric, and mattress stuffing is scattered the floor, and giant claw marks have torn straight through the drywall. The blankets and comforter, at least the remains of them, are disheveled where they lay across the clawed-up mattress. 
His vanity mirror is almost fully shattered, and the products that once sat atop are now tossed across the floor. The chilly summer’s night air flutters the curtains on the opened window above the bed.
The first thought that comes to mind is a bear attack of some kind. Now fully freaking out, you’re wondering how in the world a bear got into the trailer, and why it only seemed to attack Clyde’s room. You scramble to grab your phone from your purse with shaky hands, dialing Jimmy’s number in haste.
Was this one of the blood moon enigmas mom warned about? No, no, bear attacks are pretty common around here.
 It takes a few rings before he picks up.
“Y/N?” He sounds out of breath, exhausted.
“Jimmy, hey. Do you know where Clyde is? I’m at the trailer, and--”
Something that sounds like a growl rips through the speaker, followed by a woman’s voice. 
“Is everything oka--”
“Mellie, I can’t help ya right now! I’ll be there in a second!” He yells in the background. “Sorry Y/N, you were sayin’ somethin’?”
“No, it’s alright. I’m just at the trailer, and I peeked into Clyde’s room...”
“Ya didn’t touch anything, did ya?” His voice is rushed.
You shake your head, eyebrows furrowed. “Uh, no, but--”
The growl comes again, louder this time, and it almost sounds like it’s...a voice. A very deep and very animalistic one, but a voice nonetheless. And it was saying something, although you couldn’t really hear clearly enough.
“Jimmy, do you know where Clyde is?” You’re getting a little impatient.
“Don’t worry ‘bout Clyde, he’s okay, he’s, uhh, here with us.”
“Oh, uh, o-okay.”
But tonight was supposed to be your special night together.
“Y/N? Listen real close, now. I need ya to get outta the trailer and go home, right now. Don’t linger, and refrain from touchin’ anything in the trailer. Lock all yer doors n’ close all the windows when ya get back home, okay? ‘N don’t go outside for the rest’a the night.”
Okay, now you’re starting to get fearful. “What--”
“Jimmy!” Mellie’s panicked voice comes through the phone speaker again, this time a bit clearer. He curses under his breath.
Her cries clearly rattled the eldest Logan, and he quickly tells you to just do what he said and then hangs up in a frantic state. 
You’re frozen for a moment, but then you quickly scurry outside to your car, frantically looking around as you scramble to fit the key in the driver’s side door.  By some miracle, you hold your hand steady enough to unlock it, quickly shutting the door and turning on the engine, peeling out of there like a madwoman.
Suddenly, as you go to pull out of the driveway, a strange apparition appears at the edge of the wood across the street. You squint, trying to figure out what the hell it is. Whatever it is, though, it’s panting heavily and looks...inhuman.
It’s standing on two legs, but its large, probably almost seven feet tall if you had to guess, and must’ve had some type of black fur or skin since it almost blends in with the darkened forest.
The reddish light of the moon is the only light that reflects upon this mystery creature, before it seems to notice your car idling in the driveway. The crisp light grey pupils seemingly glimpse into your soul as the creature looks upon you.
Clearly, now, you can decipher what exactly it is, although you’re in utter shock and skeptical to think it real: A werewolf.
You quickly put the car in reverse, slamming down on the gas, flying backwards for a few seconds before colliding with the trailer’s tin wall. Your head slams forward onto the steering wheel, trickles of blood dribble down your forehead and nose as your consciousness is lost.
When you come to, only a few minutes later, you groan as the welt forms on your forehead. You look around, groggily, seeing that your car is in drive but isn’t moving. Surely when you’d passed out, your foot would’ve come off the brake and you would’ve rolled away...
Stepping out carefully, you find that some bricks have been placed in front of all four tires, effectively keeping the car at a dead standstill. 
Who in the world did this?
Then, you turn your head and walk slowly around to the front of your car, seeing the remnants of sharp teeth marks on your bumper. You’re frozen, a lump slowly crawling up your throat as the realization hits. 
A low growl comes from behind you, and your worst fears have suddenly been realized. You slowly, carefully spin around on your heels, afraid that one wrong move may make you tonight’s surprise entree.
Your eyes meet the soul-piercing grey’s of the werewolf, the one you’d seen at the edge of the forest minutes earlier. The one that seemingly saved your life, but...how did a werewolf know what to do?
As you continue to gaze at the large being before you, you’re struck with a sense of familiarity, almost as if you’d met them before. Strange, because you can’t recall ever encountering a werewolf. Hell, you’ve never even seen a wolf before, other than in pictures. Surely you’d remember coming into contact with a seemingly impossible biological phenomenon such as this one.
His presence is scarily comforting, and you find yourself briefly wondering what it’d feel like to be enveloped in his woolen arms. Well, arm, technically speaking. This particular werewolf seems to be missing the lower half of his left paw.
Then, your mind connects the dots, and you’re shocked to your very core. It wasn’t a bear that attacked Clyde’s room, it was Clyde. This werewolf that’s standing before you is Clyde. That’s why Jimmy and Mellie sounded so frantic and breathless on the phone; they must’ve been trying to keep him contained.
But why? Werewolves usually recognize the important people in their human lives...right? That’s why he’d saved you from rolling off...
Your headlights’ reflection was speared by your figure, creating a shadow that covered most of Clyde’s form, except for the very tips of his paws, which had enormous claws emerging from beneath the thick layer of fur.
“Clyde?” You whisper, and he seems to soften for a moment, falling down on all threes.
Just as you swallow the lump in your throat and begin to cautiously approach the creature, hand outstretched to allow him to smell you, his eyes suddenly darken, the once snowy grey now more like the color of storm clouds. 
He snarls, white teeth shining in the moon’s moody crimson-tinted reflection, and you immediately backtrack. Oh god, I’m fucked.
Your bottom collides with the front of your car, the engine thrumming lowly as it idles happily, grille warm from the machine inside. The headlights are now fully shining on the creature, fur shining under the bright lights as he approaches, lines of drool strung between his sharp fangs. 
“C-Clyde, please,” You plead with the creature. “It’s m-me, Y/N, your g-girlfriend. You know m-me, you don’t w-wanna do t-this...”
It doesn’t seem to do much to dissuade him, the animal within now overshadowing the kind, gentle man you know and love. No, this creature is something else. This isn’t your Clyde.
The wolf stops short of the hood, where you’ve crawled up onto and are laying back, raising his nose up in the air, sniffing. You’re perplexed by this action, but it becomes evident when his ear prick and he says, in that same deep, animalistic voice that was in the background of your call with Jimmy, 
And then, he’s pouncing, trapping your hands above your head with his one arm while his legs scramble to find a good grip on the metallic surface of the car, hips rutting frantically. 
His muzzle dips down, wet nose running along your jawline and neck, teeth scraping dangerously against your thin skin. He quickly settles on a spot behind your ear, growling as his pink tongue darts out to begin lapping at the spot. 
You’re completely still, both physically restrained and unable to bring yourself to even try to move as the creature drags his fangs across the skin behind your ear. Your car is rocking back and forth with his hips’ violent movements, dragging his enormous cock against your lower stomach. 
He pants into your ear, breath hot as he prepares to sink his sharp fangs into your tender skin, marking you as his forever...
Jimmy’s voice pierces through the still of the night. Crickets stop chirping for a moment, and Clyde’s body stills. His head whips around, snarling at his brother.
Mellie’s right behind him, and she peers around him, trying to look at you. “Y/N, are ya alright?”
“YYYeah,” You manage, somehow. “I-I’m o-okay.”
Clyde hops down, all three feet planted on the ground, hackles up as Jimmy takes a step forward. “Mate.”
“She ain’t yer mate.” Jimmy says, calmly. He points to you. “Look at whatcha done to ‘er, Clyde. Would a mate look like that, huh? Look at ‘er, Clyde, she’s all beat up and scared outta her damn mind.”
The wolf visibly stands down, slowly turning his head to look back at you, seeing the scratches on your wrists and the marks on your neck. He sees the bit of wetness on your shirt and shorts, from his slick.
He hangs his head and begins to cry, whimpering and whining as he sprints off, surprisingly agile and quick for a wolf with three paws, across the road and back into the woods.
His blood’s boiling, he’s angry that he couldn’t defend you against Jimmy, mad that his alpha instincts had failed him. Even as a werewolf, one of the most powerful beings in the forest, he was still weaker than and overshadowed by his showboat older brother. 
Loud barks of anger rip through him as he masterfully maneuvers through the forest, weaving through the trees, dodging thorns, leaping over the fallen tree trunks. 
The sky suddenly begins to empty down onto Earth, the cool summer night’s rain a welcomed refreshment on Clyde’s fur. He looks up at the blood moon, huffing softly as he silently curses the orb for bringing this condition to him each full moon, as he did every single moon before this, and will continue to do with every one after.
He reaches his cave a few minutes later, stopping dead in his tracks when he smells smoke coming from inside. He’s on high alert, now, as he moves to peek into the cavern.
There, he finds a lone man sitting by a very small fire, rubbing his hands together over the heat. He’s clad in head-to-toe tree camo with a shotgun laying just out of arms reach.
This man’s scent feels awfully familiar, Clyde thinks, but it takes him a minute to figure out why. And, when he does remember, Clyde is suddenly not so sympathetic for the unwanted visitor in his cave.
The wolf’s mind falls to a certain memory from last night at Duck Tape. This is the jackass that thought he could get away with feelin’ you up. The one that poked plenty ‘a fun at his missing hand. 
Clyde’s still-hard cock presses up against his furry stomach in excitement, tongue licking over his razor-sharp fangs. He couldn’t protect or avenge you last night, again due to Jimmy, but maybe he can now. 
Jimmy ain’t gonna get in my way this time ‘round.
He can’t just come running into the entrance, no, that allows him too much time to grab the gun. He thinks, and thinks, until he remembers the connecting cave that he’d recently found on the last full moon. He bets he can get in there and creep up behind the man, do a sneak attack. 
He’s salivating in anticipation as he bounds down to the opposite side of the cave, paws padding lightly against the soft gravelly dirt floor, trotting along carefully.
The man is none the wiser to the wolf’s presence, and the hum of the loud rain certainly wasn’t hurting. A loud crack of thunder suddenly rips through the forest, vibrating the ground. Clyde freezes briefly as the young man curls up further, chin resting in the gap between his knees. 
Predatory instincts pumping through his veins at an all-time high, he crouches down as he stalks closer and closer to the unsuspecting body by the small fire. The anticipation is almost too much to bear, now right behind the man, moving in slow motion so as to not alert his victim.
When the time is right, just as the next clap of thunder rumbles the rocks, Clyde pounces. He grabs the man’s shirt, dragging him out of the cave with an unprecedented swiftness. The fire is extinguished with the tussle, leaving the cave shrouded in darkness, the shotgun laid abandoned on the ground where he’d put it.
He struggles against the wolf’s grip, fabric ripping violently the further his body’s dragged along. Clyde throws him out onto the forest floor, pawing at the ground like a wild stallion as the disheveled man scrambles to his feet.
His hands are shaky as he holds them up in front of him, as if trying to calm the creature like a domesticated dog.  “E-Easy, easy.”
If he could, Clyde would’ve rolled his eyes at the man’s pathetic attempt to talk down at him. He snarls, watching in amusement at the way he startles and stumbles back. 
Clyde’s got the man backed against the trunk of an old oak within seconds, and he stands up on two legs, glaring at the much smaller figure. He bares his teeth, a wolf’s version of a devilish grin.
It seems like the man is caught in between being shocked that this wolf just spoke English and being chilled to the core by his word. He sputters for a moment, brain smoking as it churns on overdrive, before his legs carry him as quickly as they can down the mountainside. 
The wolf casually trots along after him, in very little rush to catch him. He’s throbbing hard now, the excitement translating into pure arousal. Clyde knows these woods like the back of his hand; there’s no where for this man to hide from his inevitable fate as the wolf-man’s next meal.
His head continuously whips around, meeting the grayish-white orbs tucked behind a thick coat of jet black fur. In a frenzy, he tucks himself behind a large tree, catching his breath.
Twigs snap in seemingly all directions, his breath heavy as his eyes flicker all around the dark, damp wood, the only light coming from the crimson-tinted orb above. He reaches back and wraps his arms around the tree’s trunk, panicked.
A low growl rattles his eardrums and he looks to the side, seeing the black creature right at his side. Clyde’s head snaps to the side, looking directly at his victim.
Crying out in fear, the man leaps forward to make a run for it, but is quickly taken to the dirt by the wolfish creature. The man squirms and screams out for mercy, for God, and Clyde knows what he has to do now.
He quickly sinks his teeth into the back of the mans neck repeatedly, effectively severing the spinal cord, leaving the man completely limp and defenseless. A quick and effective manner of disabling a victim, he’s learned through hunting animals, but keeps him just alive enough to see what’s being done to him. 
Clyde flips the limp form over, now on his back, and his eyes are wide as he watches the wolf above him, black fur now stained red around the mouth, stare down at him with a hungry gaze.
His mouth opens, probably to beg for his life, but it’s too late. Fangs sink through his shirt and into the flesh of his chest, just above where his rapidly beating heart lay.
The thump-thump rhythm slows, then stops, the life leaving his body. Sweet copper tang coats the wolf’s tongue as the body is drained of its remaining energy. 
There is little feeling better than watching the life slowly and steadily drain from the eyes of a victim, and suddenly, Clyde’s throbbing arousal has reached an almost unmanageable point.
But, he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to devour his freshly-caught prey, especially while it’s still warm. So he digs in immediately, carving further into the hole over the heart he’d already created, ripping out the vital organ.
He holds it triumphantly between his teeth for a moment before setting it aside. His craving is more for the meat, he’s never been much of a fan of organs, so he gets to work separating the good meat from the corpse.
Once he’s done, he lifts his nose in the air, howling loudly. He’s never been this hard before, he swears it, and there’s only one person that can satisfy this urge:
For a wolf on three legs, he reaches your house in record time. He can already feel the wolf-ness fading steadily, the human beginning to peek through the cracks. But, his rut doesn’t give at all, and he bounds up the steps and scratches at your door.
You’re startled by the noise, already a gut feeling you know who it is. When you open the door, Clyde’s wolf figure is sitting politely on your doormat.  Should you let him in?
He pushes past, whimpering as he does so, before you can make a decision. You shut the door slowly before turning around to face the creature. He seems a bit different than when you saw him earlier, seeming a bit more human.
You stand against the door, back pressed up against it, looking down at the wolf in your living room. 
“Y/N.” He breathes, huskily, attempting to ignore the hardness pressing up against his wooly stomach. “N-Need you. Please.”
He’s ashamed as he stands up on his hind legs, wrapping a clawed hand around his oozing cock, jutting his hips out as if to show off for you. The alpha in him needs to show you how suitable of a mate he is, what strong pups he can give you.
“It hhhhurts, b-buttercup.”
The battle going on inside him, animal versus human, is painfully evident on his expression. Your hearts been ripped in half as you watch him struggle with himself, the human trying to overpower the animal, and the animal trying to fight off the human.  He doesn’t even know what he did to you earlier. 
“What do you need from me, Clyde? I’m here to help you, honey, I’ll do whatever you need.”
His eyes widen in surprise, but its quickly replaced by a look of what can only be described as pure, primal hunger.
“Floor. A-All fours.” The wolf-man manages, desperately humping his hand to offer some relief. “G-Get the lube, ffffuuuck, I mmuhhmight hurt ya without it.”
You rush to get the lube, placing the tube next to you as you pull your leggings down, exposing your bare cunt. Clyde watches with an eager anticipation as you spread yourself for him. 
As soon as you’re into position, he practically falls over on top of you, hips rutting uncontrollably as he smoothes lube over his drooling cock and lines up with your entrance. 
“B-Buttercup, I...I’m sssorry ‘bout what’s ggon’ happen. This ain’t me, ppuhpplease remember that, mmkay?”
You nod, tearing up at the pure agony in his voice. “I w-will, Clyde.”
His hips shove forward, a choked howl escaping his lips, balls tightening. You cry out, the burn of your walls stretching to accommodate his girthy length more prominent than usual.
Veins bulge out of his neck, jaw clenched as he begins moving, mercilessly plowing into you from behind. He plants his clawed hand next to yours, loud and desperate scratching noises accompanying the wet squelch of your joined torsos. 
The carpet is shredded, hardwood floor scratched permanently by his feet as he humps you with a desperation unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. This really wasn’t Clyde, but you soon realized that you exactly mind this side of Clyde, this primal instinct, this roughness. It was arousing, bittersweetly so.
When you look over your shoulder at the wooly mass moving behind you, your eyes widen. You didn’t notice the shiny substance from a distance, but now that he’s up close, you see that it coats his snout and has even dripped down onto his breast.
A gripping fear bubbles in your stomach. But then, you rationalize immediately, before you find yourself too deep down in this rabbit hole of worry. He probably just hunted a deer or a rabbit or something. He’s a fucking wolf, remember?
You almost sigh out loud in relief, but you keep it in, instead moaning along with each of his thrusts.
“D-Did ya like muhmmahhmm--ma w-wolf cock?” He asks. 
You nod. “Y-Yeah, ohhh god, I liked it.”
“Gonna gguh-give ya real nice p-pups.” His muzzle rubs over the spot behind your ear, the same one that he’d been after earlier, smearing some of the crimson across your skin. He licks it with as much consistency as possible, considering the speed and intensity of his hips. “F-Fill ya u-up, knot ya gggood ‘n deep.”
You’re almost positive he’s talking pretty much nonsense at this point, his rut brain having completely taken over. You know you’re not gonna cum, but it doesn’t really matter; you’re doing this for him, after all.
“Oh g-god, I’m cummin’, I’m gonna--”
He pauses his hips, howling softly as he cums. But this time, something else begins to swell, and you cry out as it does so. 
“M-Ma k-knot,” Clyde breathes in explanation. “Keeps it a-all inside y-ya.”
You nod, not really knowing what all he’s talking about but not really caring for an explanation right now. 
“‘m gonna h-havta stay inside y-ya fer a lil while. S-Should be ‘b-bout 30 minutes or so.”
His tongue begins moving over your cheeks and neck, something that makes you smile, that helps you remember that your beloved boyfriend’s in there somewhere.
The half hour waiting period passes, and as much as you’ve loved snuggling with your boyfriend (who’s wolf counterpart is relatively cuddly, despite previous reservations), you’re happy to have him off you.
After wishing you a final goodbye, citing the need to ‘clean up his cave a bit’, he trotted back out the door and galloped like a madman (wolf?) back out into the shadowed wood, leaving you alone once more.
It’s all over the news when you flip on the TV a couple days later.  Hunter Found Slain in Boone County Woods, Bear Attack Suspected.
You have this awful, sick-to-your-stomach feeling that what happened the other night, when Clyde came to your house still in wolf form with a snout and chest covered in blood, had something to do with this. 
When the picture of the victim came up on the screen, you audibly gasp, recognizing the face. It’s the guy that was feeling you up at a few nights ago at Duck Tape. 
Oh god, no. 
Suddenly, the door flies open, and Clyde’s panting as he rushes in and shuts it behind him. He looks pained, bottom lip trembling. “Have ya s-seen the ne--”
“...Police are still investigating the scene...foul play has not yet been ruled out...”
His entire demeanor falls, and the tears fill his eyes. He’s visibly shaking. You stand up and rush over to him just as he collapses on the floor. 
You’re freaking out, trying to confirm what it is you’re pretty sure you already know.
“C-Clyde, did you...?”
He looks up at you from where his head now rests in your lap. “I c-can’t quite remember, b-but I think...I think I m-might’ve.”
Sobs wrack through his body as he cries hoarsely. You’re in shock, somehow hearing the words makes the reality suddenly hit like a damn semi-truck. You run your hands through Clyde’s slightly matted mane, soothing him as best you can. 
“Clyde, it’s okay, baby. It’s alright, it’s not your fault.” You whisper.
“Y-Yeah it i-is, though. I k-killed ‘im.”
You try to stay strong, for Clyde’s sake, but the tears are swelling in your eyes at an uncontrollably fast rate.  “But you d-didn’t do it o-on purpose, h-honey.”
His face seems to drop even more when he sees that you’re about to cry. He sits up shakily, pulling you into a big ol’ bear hug.
“Oh, buttercup, oh god, ‘m sorry. I didn’t m-mean to drag y-ya into all ‘a t-this.”
You sob into his shirt, wrapping your arms around him, holding him close. It’s hard to believe that this man, this kind, gentle man, could’ve done something like this on purpose. Clyde would never hurt a fly.
From what he’s told you, which granted is very little, the line between werewolf and human for him is quite a blurry one. He seems to only be able to remember parts of what happened, and his subconscious is only there for part of the time.
Which means that he’s technically innocent, since he can’t remember nor could he control his canine impulses or instinct. As far as you’re concerned, werewolf Clyde and human Clyde are two different beings.
“I-If anyone ever f-found out ‘bout ma c-condition...”
You pull away and look up at him, holding his face in your hands. “Clyde, I-I’m not gonna turn y-you in.”
“What?” He looks at you with a furrowed brow, like he’s surprised to hear your words. “Y-Yer not g-gon’...?”
Shaking your head, you swing your leg over his lap, hugging him once more while your face settles into the crook of his neck.
“No, of course not. I know you’re a good p-person, and like I said before, it’s n-not you. Your w-wolf side is not really you, Clyde, at least not entirely.”
Clyde looks down at you with an incredibly grateful expression, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He tilts your head up with one of his meaty fingers, immediately pressing his lips to yours.
The kiss is relatively short, just a showing of his gratitude, of his love for you. When he pulls away, you maintain eye contact.
“Okay, so most of the solid DNA evidence will have been washed away by the rain and tampered with by the elements over the past few days that the body’s been outside. Plus, they aren’t looking for wolf DNA, and even if they somehow knew, your wolf DNA wouldn’t lead to your human identity, at least I don’t think so...”
Hours and hours of watching countless true crime shows, movies, and documentaries are finally paying off.
“But, do you remember leaving anything, anything that could indicate foul play? Really search your memory.”
He puts his metaphorical thinking cap on, closing his eyes as he tries to recall anything of use from that night, but nothing comes to mind. His eyes swell with tears as they blink open and he shakes his head. “I can’t ‘member anythin’.”
“That’s okay, Clyde. They won’t find out, I promise, they won’t.” You kiss his neck. “For now, let’s just try to relax and we’ll keep an eye on the news. Will you come snuggle on the couch with me?”
Clyde smiles softly, nodding as you pull away and stand up, extending a hand to him. He takes it, standing up seconds later.  As you walk into the living room, he says your name, causing you to turn around with a slightly perplexed expression.
“Thank ya.”
You smile brightly. “I love you, Clyde.”
“I love ya, too, darlin’.”
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
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“Truth” is just... I mean, I want to say “garbage” but that doesn’t even do how bad it is justice? Like, okay, I take four major issues with it (my followers be like: just four? :P):
First is the writing in general and the continuity of it all. This episode looks like it’s been through multiple drafts and the final product is an amalgamation of a bunch of them with no coherency between any of them. I already could kind of guess it from the Adrimi kiss that the finale removed, but it’s obvious that there were going to be Adrimi/Lukanette arcs in Season 4 but then stuff happened (i.e: the staff being cowards) and they got cut. It’s totally possible that the plot with Jagged Stone being the father and Marinette having to keep secrets from Luka were still the same episode even in the original draft, but I imagine it at least wasn’t episode one.
There are other, more subtle hints as well, like the episode giving no time to Luka learning that Jagged is his father (making the fandom wonder if Luka remembered when he was Truth) and Ladybug being shocked when she realizes that the akuma is Luka as if she didn’t already see him be akumatized. Juleka also gets weirdly sidelined in the episode despite being Luka’s twin (Astruc has stated that both Luka and Juleka are older and Juleka got held back, which is why she’s in Marinette’s grade but Luka isn’t), so she’s Jagged’s offspring as well. One might presume that Juleka just never cared at all but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be allowed to interact directly with the guy or have any involvement at all. All it would’ve taken is for Luka to mention that Juleka never cared about who their father was but he did, thereby implying that Juleka’s reaction to Jagged would probably be more like, “oh okay.”
You know, if they didn’t reduce her to incoherent mumbling.
Second is the timing of this episode. We had the New York special with Paris being destroyed, but it’s clearly fine here (so I guess it isn’t canon now; thank God honestly), and while it’s technically possible that enough time has passed (supported by the vague implication that Marinette having to miss out on dates with Luka has gone on for a while, given Tom and Sabine’s lack of reaction to them dating), it’s not supported by Marinette examining the Miracle Box as if she’s only just gotten it.
There’s also Shadow Moth, where we’re shown an extended version of the scene from the end of “Miracle Queen” where Gabriel repairs the peacock miraculous, giving the episode a “Volpina”->”The Collector” vibe but then why are the events lining up the way they do???
The narrative also does a really bad job at showing us why Marinette is so strapped for time. She has guardian duties now but you’d think it’d balance out with her not having to go to Fu anymore for guardian training (you know, that thing we never saw but was said to be happening or at least that it was Fu’s intent to have it happen). You could argue that maybe Shadow Moth is more active, but then Chat Noir should be affected by this too; Ladybug states outright that she’s been busy and Chat Noir responds with something akin to, “oh I know, because you’re guardian,” which implies that it’s her guardian duties keeping her busy and Shadow Moth is just interrupting her dates specifically.
But we don’t even see what responsibilities she has added on as guardian. I knew the writers would make it so her being guardian was a hassle, but it’s the first episode of the series and we’ve gotten next to no answers for what being guardian actually adds.
It’s almost like this was a rushed first episode to break up the only thing that unambiguously made Marinette happy for the sake of bringing the love square back and needlessly making her suffer because the writers think it’s hilarious.
Speaking of which, the third thing thing is the comedy because--just--I hate the comedy in this show.
Like, just to start, there’s the kwami, who clearly begin with their mob mentality from the later episode of “Furious Fu” and all proceed to act like children. No, I didn’t expect them to all be wise (I mean, Xuppu exists and is very much not that, having been implied to be a fit for Kim who is known for being a total himbo), but I don’t expect them to all scatter like they do. Kaalki in particular, who was shown to be more poised and refined, blatantly reveals herself to a bunch of civilians just for the sake of Marinette freaking out and needing to make up an excuse.
Same with Alya and her friends. Marinette is panicking because of the kwami and Alya “deduces” (while shading Marinette so blatantly that it’s insulting) that Adrien must be there in her house which--maybe don’t SAY THAT OUT LOUD in case Adrien is literally in her room???). Then Marinette gets a call from Luka, shouts his name, and the girls do a complete 180 in support of Lukentte. It’s not like I’m not for them supporting whatever Marinette wants to do, but the shift is so sudden (and contradicts “Frozer”) that it gave me whiplash and the entire scene ends up being pointless since the girls still go with the “Marinette is in love with Adrien” thing when Truth asks them what Marinette’s secret is. Like, we could’ve gotten small, stupid secrets that everyone thought only they knew about Marinette, but instead it’s just the same thing over and over again (which makes no sense since, by the time Alya blabs the secret - which Alya has already told Nino before anyway - it’s no longer a secret therefore making the answer invalid).
Heck, the whole “secret” thing could’ve even been the people Truth shoots finding ways of answering his questions in a way that is technically telling the truth but also not really, such as if Anarka had answered the, “Who’s my father?” question with, “someone you know/someone famous,” so as to avoid saying that it’s Jagged Stone. It’s just boring seeing characters answer with whatever the asker wants to hear instead of being able to find a way around it.
And then there’s Chat Noir, who’s just--ugh.
Like--okay, I’m going to be extremely petty for a moment and just go off because I hate Chat Noir’s role in this entire episode. The Season 3 finale went out of its way to have Chat Noir be all like, “I have a girlfriend,” when it was a lie, and then Season 4 just parkours around Ladybug telling him that she’s dating (Ladybug clearly took no issue with Chat Noir telling her he’s dating so it’s not like she’s worried about issues there; she’s gotten on his case before in episodes like “Startrain” so there are exceptions) because they want to keep having him flirt and not be sAd because this is Marinette’s episode of suffering and Chat Noir actually having to face the reality that Ladybug is dating (not just in love with someone else) would’ve actually been interesting. Chat Noir gets tons of unnecessary screentime in the episode - mostly for the show to shove in LadyNoir shipping fuel - and then actively avoids telling him the obvious thing because he would’ve actually been forced to grow/develop/stop flirting.
It would’ve been so cute and sweet to see him awkwardly trying to flirt without overstepping boundaries (so more like banter than flirt) or - you know - actually try to support Ladybug and want her to be able to finish her dates by him offering to keep akuma/sentimonsters busy, but no, he’s just left in the dark.
The finale had Chat Noir supporting her (terribly but I digress) and then doesn’t do anything with it at the start of Season 4, meaning his support of her was completely meaningless and just there.
His first appearance is him pranking Ladybug when she’s already overstressed and busy, which comes off as super poor taste and I’m both glad he got splatted into that window for it but also upset because it’s screentime completely gone to waste, and of course it’s just a lead up to him guilting her by being like, “nooo the only thing that hurts me is when you leave me alone during patrol!”
I know he’s teasing (...probably) but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth because we know (well, I knew because I know how this show works) that Luka and Marinette were going to break up because of Marinette’s hectic schedule, so it just comes off as insensitive to joke about it, especially when Ladybug’s busy guardian status just serves as a reminder that Fu is gone.
Even when he’s protecting Ladybug from Truth’s questions by cutting in and asking a question of his own, of course he asks about himself to forcibly fish compliments out of Ladybug because she can’t lie to him, and of course they have Ladybug compliment his humor most of all as if that trait hasn’t nearly gotten them in danger multiple times and she’s been repeatedly annoyed when he decides to joke during the worst possible times. It’s as if the writers wanted to pat themselves on the back for their own comedy, so they had Ladybug be a mouthpiece to stroke Chat Noir’s ego.
He claims he won’t force a truth out of her and then literally forces her to say what her favorite things about him are. I acknowledge that this can be seen as me nitpicking but we went from the finale where Chat Noir actually stepped up and took charge (because Ladybug was stressed but I guess him doing anything useful is just whenever it serves the plot) to this where he’s back to flirting constantly and jamming in as much LadyNoir shipping fuel as physically possible. It’s not that he’s useless but he’s annoying and takes up space in an episode that’s supposed to be about Luka and Marinette.
And that leads us into the fourth thing, which is the break-up and just the treatment of Luka and Marinette in general. I could go on and on about how the Season 3 finale built up their relationship just to tear it down in the first episode of Season 4, but that’s not the main issue here.
Luka brought Marinette comfort. He made her happy. He never judged her. He was happy to just date her regardless of any conflicted feelings she might have because hey, who is he to complain if she wants to give him a try and who knows what’ll happen?
And the season couldn’t even give one moment of them being unambiguously happy without ruining or interrupting it. I was ready for the break-up and I was even ready for it to be the first episode but I wasn’t ready for it to be so bad.
Marinette’s Adrien pictures appear out of nowhere (again, makes no sense for the timeline) when they’ve been gone for basically all of Season 3 and even “The Puppeteer 2″ specifically which makes a direct reference to “Troublemaker,” the episode that purposefully overdid it with her pictures (”Truth” has more hanging up and clearly used “Troublemaker” as a reference, by the way). They’re just there for force the love square and Adrien into the episode as much as possible to remind the audience that Adrien breathes. There is literally no purpose to any mention of Adrien and bringing him up isn’t even relevant to Marinette and Luka’s break-up.
It’s just upsetting to know that the umbrella scene from “Origins” (which is already flawed in and of itself) kickstarts this whole thing. Adrien did basically nothing there except for clear up a misunderstanding and give Marinette an umbrella when his ride was a few meters away and Marinette’s house was just across the street, but that actives Marinette’s absolutely crippling crush on him that lasts for 3-4 seasons. Marinette is in this eternal struggle of not being allowed to grow and change because the writers think her stammering/crushing on Adrien is funny while actively punishing her for having this crush in the first place (again, like in the scene with Alya, which insults Marinette for her crush when she wasn’t even panicking over her crush).
It’s the same with Luka, and I can’t believe that it took me until this episode to realize that he and Marinette are both treated the same way: tormented by episodes for having a crush on someone. Episodes will go out of their way to forcibly insert Adrien into the plot to both humiliate Marinette and make Luka feel awkward when the episode isn’t supposed to be about Adrien at all. “Truth” is just “Desperada 2.0″ except Adrien is barely on screen at all and they still felt the need to name drop him constantly. The writers are so sensitive to the idea of people jumping onto another ship or forgetting that Adrien exists that they’ll find any possible way to include him.
“Silencer” knew better. “Silencer” knew that Marinette’s life didn’t have to revolve around the mere mention of Adrien’s name and that she had other interests/desires/traits outside of him. Adrien isn’t brought up once and it was great because the show didn’t feel the need (for once) to throw Adrien into an episode that he had nothing to do with.
Even if I was a love square shipper, I would feel insulted by “Truth” because one half of my ship kept getting name dropped and used as a tool to humiliate the other half, which makes it all the more eyeroll-worthy when the love square stans of the fandom praise this episode for breaking Lukanette up when--oh, wait, they didn’t even break up “because Adrien.”
And that ends up being the real thing here. The writers had to invent a reason for Marinette and Luka to break up. We already know that Jagged Stone being Luka’s dad is a retcon (not technically in the show’s canon but in information we heard about outside of it), so they shoved in Luka having issues about not knowing his father specifically so that he would be pushed over the edge when Marinette couldn’t tell him about her being Ladybug.
When Luka and Marinette were just together and hanging out, Adrien wasn’t mentioned once. Say whatever about the Adrien pictures being on the wall and Marinette’s stammering (she always says stupid stuff when she panics - especially stuff she doesn’t mean - so I’m not upset with her so much as the writing for having her mess up in that specific way), but the only time Marinette talks about Adrien at all in the episode is when someone else brings him up.
She goes on a date with Luka to the cinema and they were having a great time without Adrien involved at all. I know I already stressed this point in a previous post, but one of the reasons that I find Lukanette to be so amazing is because the show actually focuses on Marinette’s interests and doesn’t force her to be the writer’s mouthpiece for gushing about their sunshine boy a punching bag for comedy. In every Lukanette scene that doesn’t bring up Adrien/before Adrien shows up, Marinette is either praised, able to be happy, or is showing one of her interests that isn’t aDrIeN, and whereas Adrien being on-screen around Marinette usually just means that she’s gushing about/stammering around him with no development, Lukanette features us actually learning more about Luka or other characters.
“Captain Hardrock” - lets her bond with Luka over a shared interest in Jagged Stone, and Luka is established as a sort of empath who uses music as a way to speak for himself
“Frozer” - gets to practice ice skating with Luka, who is actually good at ice skating and also can tie laces despite not tying his own because he’s a rebel
“Desperada” - gets to try out guitar with Luka and we learn that Luka has been playing guitar for as long as he can remember
“Silencer” - showcases Marinette’s interest in fashion and properly introduces Kitty Section; has a plot featuring all of them together doing something not even remotely love-related and we get actual confirmation of Luka’s crush on Marinette, along with Marinette’s reaction (blushy+happy; just saying, idk how anyone could watch “Silencer” and not think that Marinette was crushing on Luka)
“Heart Hunter” - Marinette gets a song written for/about her and Luka is established to have a job
“Truth” - brings up Lukanette’s shared interest in Jagged Stone, features Marinette’s interest in fashion when she gives him a gift she made + had Jagged Stone sign, and shows her raising her voice but not being judged by Luka for it, who’s happy with her just the way he is
When the show focuses on Lukanette, it’s all about lifting Marinette up, praising her, and making her feel good. When Adrien is involved or it’s hyper-fixating on Marinette’s crush on him, it’s about bringing her down and making her feel bad for a crush they keep forcing her to hold onto and humiliating her for.
Point being, the writers had to force their way into getting Lukanette broken up because of their precious love square and the fact that Marinette and Luka being happy is the opposite of what they want.
It’s embarrassing to watch a team full of old white guys (I’m convinced at this point that they just hang their female writer on a coat hanger so they can point to her whenever someone says that their staff is too male-dominated) treat their female biracial lead with such disrespect, and I can only presume that the mistreatment of Luka is because he’s supportive of her and they don’t like that, meaning that the way she’s treated ends up rubbing off on him.
It doesn’t come off as a fun or interesting plot; it comes off as cruel. When Adrien is sad, he usually gets people rushing to comfort him (”Party Crasher,” “Gamer”), but “Truth” has Marinette in tears over the fact that she can’t have a boyfriend due to being Ladybug and the writing has the gall to crack jokes about Kaalki not knowing what tears are, and then Marinette has to ask for the kwami to hug her for comfort.
When Luka gets akumatized into Truth, the episode doesn’t even hesitate at bashing away at him, from everyone saying that Marinette’s secret is that she “loves Adrien” (which, as Truth points out, isn’t a secret, and they could’ve had this somehow lead up to a twist ending where Marinette actually isn’t into Adrien anymore and the Adrien pictures were genuinely for reference, but she stammered about it because it was embarrassing that her boyfriend got sent it with no context) to one of Luka’s favorite songs actually being about how Jagged abandoned him to go on tour. Luka has to deal with Marinette ditching him constantly (not that I blame her) and not knowing who his father is despite wanting to know, and the episode treats him like trash for... what? Having a crush on a girl who’s secretly Ladybug? Because that’s all it seems to come down to in the end.
I also have serious gripes with the fact that Marinette has this huge schedule established in “Gamer 2.0″ and they don’t even try to explain why she can’t use it to keep track of her obligations. The episode has her say (in a roundabout way but still) that she’s forgetting stuff constantly because of all of her emergencies (the emergencies of which are not stated and I hate the subtle implication that forgetting something means you don’t care about it when that’s clearly not how things work and also not what Marinette comes off as because - again - they establish that she’s overworked) but fails to properly explain it. The episode hammers away at Marinette having all these issues and even has Tikki chide Marinette by asking her about leaving Luka alone while apparently neglecting the fact that Marinette HAS to go be Ladybug right now and what else is there to even do??
Both Luka and Marinette are punished for just having a crush and wanting to be together and I hate that the episode forces a break-up instead of coming up with a solution to the problem. Instead of “Marinette isn’t ready for a romantic relationship,” it feels more like she’s just not allowed to be happy.
Long-distance relationships are a thing. Relationships where people don’t get to go on dates frequently are a thing. Instead of forcing a break-up, the episode could’ve had a lesson/development where Marinette is told that she’s allowed to pursue a relationship and just needs to plan accordingly. but they just didn’t want to.
For example: instead of planning dates, Marinette could wait until an akuma/sentimonster is defeated to call Luka and ask him out, because Hawk Moth usually doesn’t strike immediately after one is dealt with. I’m positive that Luka would happily take impromptu/sudden dates over planned-but-inconsclusive ones. Heck, they don’t even have to date specifically and can just stick to phone calls (kwami can’t be picked up on technology) or hanging out in Marinette’s room/on Marinette’s balcony while they do their thing.
Relationships are a commitment, but that doesn’t mean they have to be a burden, and the episode absolutely drags Marinette over it. The whole thing with the kwami being released and stressing her out when they’re not supposed to be able to just come out normally is explained away by, “oh, the new box must be like you, Marinette; full of surprises!” when the reality is just that the show wants to take away everything that’s sacred to Marinette. The Season 3 finale had Fu’s letter telling Marinette that “life doesn’t always give you what you want, but the real gift is life itself,” then proceeds to turn Marinette’s life into a living hell.
Her room? She has to say good-bye to her privacy because now the kwami are always going to be around. The first thing one of them (Trixx) did was start reading her diary, showing that they have absolutely no shame or regard for Marinette’s feelings.
Her schedule? Conveniently pops away into the realm of non-existence so she can look bad for ditching Chat Noir on patrol and neglecting dates with Luka due to her responsibilities/stress.
Her boyfriend, the one person in the entire show who loved her, respected her agency, never judged her, actually apologized when he made her sad, and who she was genuinely in love with rather than just having the equivalent of a celebrity crush for? She had to break up with him because plot and needing to force her to go back to fawning over the guy who has only made her life worse by her crushing on him.
When I say the universe hates Marinette, this is what I mean. It created random akuma to attack Paris all for the sake of forcing Marinette away from Luka, and apparently didn’t realize what they were doing in the scene where Marinette hurries back to the Liberty when Kitty Section and Adrien are playing together when Adrien is Chat Noir so he should’ve been late too.
(Oh, and Marinette completely ignores Adrien in favor of waving at Luka and even tells Luka outright that Adrien isn’t even a factor in their relationship issues, further proving the “multiple drafts smashed together” and “the Adrien name drops are pointless” points.)
The whole thing in “Backwarder” where it was basically outright stated that Marianne could’ve been Fu’s confidant had Marianne not been outed by Ladybug’s mistake? Completely forgotten and left to the wayside. Marinette could’ve told Luka that she was watching the Miracle Box in Ladybug’s place (for any number of reasons, really: either Ladybug thinks it’s too dangerous to keep with her, or if the public doesn’t know that Ladybug is guardian, then Marinette can just say that she’s guardian) and that she has to run off to keep guard of the Miracle Box when an akuma/sentimonster happens in case Ladybug needs a miraculous.
Boom, done, episode solved. Luka gets to help Marinette with the kwami, Marinette is less stressed because someone knows half of her secret, and Luka and Marinette continue to date but are able to plan around akuma attacks.
But no. That whole thing in “Backwarder” where guardians (or at least Fu) can have a confidant was just there so Marinette could feel guilty about screwing it all up, because she’s not able to take advantage of that perk herself.
How convenient.
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