#but i must admit before watching this trailer i thought i might just not watch s2 at all
tsaricides · 6 months
hope you’re doing well yutro!! 💛 just saw the iwtv season two trailer dropped! any thoughts? 🎤
i've been postponing watching it because i was too nervous and thought i would be thoroughly disappointed... especially that the 1st season introduced some changes into the text that i thought were completely unnecessary and detrimental to it.
but i have finally watched it now and... i'm a bit obsessed? the way lestat haunts them... and armand! armand repeating "lestat"... i truly hope it is not just some display of jealousy and that there will be at least hints at armand's own psychosexual obsession with him. if not, i will be a let-down that will ruin the whole adaptation for me once again (the monogamous worldview that the show writers impose on vampires is so tiring.) especially that i'm already highly skeptical of louis & armand still being in a relationship. but i have already complained about the strange standards and butchering the beauty and horror of the immortal love at length when the first season came out so i will not repeat myself.
there is so much going on that i cannot dissect because it's a complete turn away from the original... in that one scene, is lestat laughing at armand?? why are they talking about the interview itself as if so much is at stake... what happens to claudia in this iteration of the story? etc. etc. it makes me both nervous and a bit curious where they will go with it all.
the thing i'm really thrilled to see is the theatre though! this was my favourite part in the books... and we didn't get much glimpses at it in the trailer, but i know some of it was recorded in prague, and i'm also excited to see it.
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blackacre13 · 1 year
Hiii! Will you update Actress AU PLSSSSS. Thank youu!!
Part 15 is here: https://www.tumblr.com/blackacre13/714614662357975041/i-am-dying-for-a-part-6-of-the-actress-au-pls
Here’s part 16!
“See, America might get to see you running through the woods in a tank top and get a two second glimpse of that braless bounce, but me?  Fuck. To think that I get to have you all to myself, in my bed, and make love to you until you see stars and can’t even remember your own name? Worth its weight in gold, Ocean.”
“You’re going to make love to me all day?” Debbie giggled, trying to hide her blush.
“Did you have other plans?” The blonde grinned. “Because I know I had several orgasms in mind and all of them require your participation.”
“Breakfast first?”
“Sure,” Lou nodded, tossing the comforter towards the end of the bed as she crawled between Debbie’s thighs, lowering her head. Her nose brushed against Debbie’s clit as the brunette giggled, trying to close her thighs together as Lou pushed her legs apart, biting at the inside of her thigh.
“Real breakfast,” Debbie whispered.
“After I eat you,” Lou murmured. “Promise.”
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“Oh you’re bad,” Lou laughed, grinning at Debbie who was waiting on the steps of her trailer. “What if someone sees?” She wagged her eyebrows, pretending to dramatically looking over the brunette’s head to survey the lot as Debbie rolled her eyes.
“I don’t care,” Debbie whispered, inviting herself in and closing the door behind her. Lou pressed her right up against it before she could walk any further into the trailer. “I needed to kiss you.”
“You kissed me—“ Lou checked her ever present Rolex that always appeared when she was off set or out and about. Debbie made a mental note to ask about it. “Three hours ago. Could’ve been more recent but someone didn’t think we should report to set at the same time,” she shrugged, fingers playing with Debbie’s dress straps. “This is pretty. Costume or clothes?”
“Costume,” Debbie spoke, brushing off the question. “And about that kiss—“
“Don’t I get a hello first?” Lou giggled. “Or am I only good for my lips?”
“God, you know you’re good for so much more than that. You’re amazing, Lou. I just—I missed you, baby. But you’re right. Hi. How was your morning after I left?”
“Lonely,” Lou sighed dramatically. “Lacking kisses from a certain gorgeous brunette. She abandoned me. Off being dressed by stylists and having her hair curled all for Hollywood glamour.”
“But you just—“
“Shhh,” the blonde snickered, thrusting her thigh between Debbie’s legs. “You make it too easy, Ocean.” She cradled Debbie’s face, pulling her lips towards her own, gently kissing her, sweet, delicate and slow, but her thigh teasing Debbie dangerously. “Preview for later,” she shrugged, stepping back.
Debbie immediately missed her even though the blonde was still directly in front of her. She was smitten. And she was fucked.
“I missed kissing you too, Debs,” Lou admitted softly, belatedly inviting Debbie further into the trailer. “And I had a feeling you’d be headed this way. My assistant is bringing over two breakfasts.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to—“
“I insist,” Lou grinned, flopping onto her couch as she opened her script. Debbie watched her for a moment as her brow furrowed. She was making a note Debbie couldn’t quite make out and then dog earring the page before she set it down. “Had to remember that for later. And as I was saying, breakfast is a must. You can’t just live on pussy and iced coffee.”
“Is that not what you do?” Debbie teased, without missing a beat. “Thought I was just emulating a professional.”
“I’ll make you breakfast next time.”
They hadn’t talked about next time and the assumption had Debbie blushing. Though she realized she hadn’t even had time to obsess over what they’d shared and how it would progress. She’d been in a blissful, smut daydream cloud on her way to set, humming and smiling as they set her hair, appreciating all the little things like the weather and the tea her assistant had brought her. And she’d been set on visiting Lou in her trailer as soon as she possibly could. That’s all she’d been thinking about. When she could see Lou next. To touch her. To kiss her. She had missed her.
“You thinking about me again?” Lou teased, folding the script on her lap and leaning towards Debbie. “How gorgeous I am or how chivalrous? Or something more obscene like my tits or my—“
“Come over tonight,” Debbie blurted. “I mean—only if you want. And I can’t cook like you do but I have a chef and we can eat whatever you want or go wherever you want if you want to risk it but then there’s the issue with the paparazzi and maybe you want low key and I don’t know if you even—“
“Are you asking me to come over tonight?” Lou smiled softly, reaching out for Debbie’s hand.
“Yeah,” Debbie squeaked, cursing herself as she blushed again.
“Then it’s a date,” Lou nodded. “I’ll bring dessert.”
“Is that a euphemism?” Debbie stammered.
“If you want it to be,” Lou winked, the two of them jumping as a knock hammered at the door.
“Places in ten, Ms. Miller!”
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nearestapothecary · 2 years
Don’t Worry Darling - Review (and how I'd fix it)
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This post contains spoilers for Don't Worry Darling.
Normally I don’t say this but… this movie was BAD. Bad as in like bad-bad. Not so-bad-it's-good, but just regular bad. If you watched the trailer (like I did) then you were probably expecting a very different movie than what you got. There is a twist in this film that not only does not resolve the things that are supposed to be confusing but in fact makes them make even less sense than if they simply hadn’t included the twist.
I feel I need to talk about the twist in depth here so this is your first and only spoiler warning.
Before I get into the things I disliked (which is a lot) let me give some praise to the film first. I think Florence Pugh and Chris Pine's performances were outstanding in this film. (Harry Styles was not good.) This film looked beautiful the set design, costuming and colours really evoked the feeling of the 1950s. I thought the liscened music fit the film (although it was jarring how much there was). There were a couple really amazing looking scenes that I was genueinly taken by. Other than that I haven't got much else to praise about the film...
Okay so I’m going to do a quick recap of the plot if you’ve not seen it and you care about not getting the film spoiled then you really should have stopped reading by now, and if you have then you can count this as a refresh:
We follow a 1950s housewife (Alice) as she goes about her life at the secretive and secluded town of Victory. Her husband Jack works for the Victory company (owned and controlled by a man named Frank) and can’t tell her what it is. The mystery is then furthered by none of the women being allowed to go out to “HQ”. We get hints as to what the work might be with the occasional earthquake and are told they are working on “progressive materials”. As far as we can tell Alice is happy, her life is good,she has enough time to spend her time doing things like shopping and relaxing with her friends, fresh food and clean water and a sizable home, loving husband, a good sexlife, absolutely everything you could want (as a woman in 1950s America).
So when she sees a plane falling out of the sky near HQ and rushes over to help and then the next day sees her (former) best friend (Margaret) slit her throat and fall off the roof of her house you can see why her life might fall apart. (Before I continue though I must admit that the scene where she goes to HQ is probably the best in the film and I genuinely smiled at it.) However she didn’t see her best friend slit her throat and fall off the roof of her house (Jack tells her that she just saw her trip in the garden) nor did she go up to HQ (she was in bed the whole day), it was just a nightmare she woke up from… to Jack cooking (badly). This is where I thought the film was gonna remain what it told you it was in the trailer. A film about a secretive organisation that the men are a part of and that then gaslights their wives when they get too close to finding out (and it continues like that for a while).
There are a few more gaslighting scenes in the film, the company doctor visits and prescribes her medication. Her and Jack refuse the medication and she starts getting worse, thinking about their old life before Victory (which she struggles to remember any of). Afterwards she steals a document out of his folder which labels her (dead) best friend as a security risk. Things begin to become more and more hectic from this point. She is gaslit at dinner, she somehow recognises a stripper from a dance class that no one else seems to remember Jack dances on a stage after getting a promotion.
So what has all this been building up to? All this tension, all the loose pieces of information: (Here’s some I didn’t mention: eggs with nothing inside them; Margaret’s son disappearing, no one else seeing a plane crash; the question of where all their food comes from; why did Frank say that no one would believe her?; Why did men in red jumpsuits drag her away from helping Margaret?; Where did she hear that tune that she keeps humming?) Where are we going with this? Alice convinces Jack to leave with her (as she needs him to drive) but when they get in the car they don’t move. Jack tells her that he tried to stop what was about to happen and then… she is dragged out of their car by men in red jumpsuits. She’s taken down into an operating theatre where she is fastened to a gurney and then administered electroshock therapy until… we match cut to… her as a doctor in the near future. 
Now if you’re like me (and half of the audience who was with me) you’re thinking:
What. The. Fuck. (and not in the good way)
The reason why I made you read through all of that is so you had the same emotional experience as I and everyone else who had gone to watch this movie had.
Now let me try to explain this. Alice and Jack are a real couple in the real world (near future) but are extremely unhappy (at least that’s what Jack believes.). Alice works 30 hour shifts at the hospital and Jack sits at home listening to podcasts (actually). So he does the rational thing and essentially kidnaps and imprisons her in (drumroll please)... a fucking simualtion.
This twist makes no fucking sense. 
Not only was I excited to find out what they were hiding in Victory HQ only to find out it was actually nothing because the world doesn’t exist but I also started to question every “clue” that we had been given. 
Why bother programming the earthquakes in? Why was there a plane? Why did the eggs have nothing in them? How do they get drunk, feel full from food or have pills work if they are in a simulation? How does ageing work? How does being pregnant and giving birth work? Why is there a big thing about promotions if there isn’t even a company? Why did Frank bother programming only one or two backstories for how couples met?
These questions get worse and worse as they begin to explain the rules of the simulation. I’ll sum them up quickly:
If you kill a man in the simulation he dies in real life.
The children aren’t real, only simulated.
The men have to leave everyday to go back to the real world to make enough money to afford the simulation and take care of their wives (who are chained up in bed).
People choose what their nationality is and what wife they want.
These raise the questions: Why is it only mentioned that “men” die in real life and not everyone? Why do they need to even have their wives chained up if they can simulate people already? 
This twist took a good movie and made it bad. It took a film that had no sci-fi elements and made it the main focus of the film without thinking through the science of its science fiction. 
Now I don’t want to only complain so here is what I think could be changed to fix a couple of the big problems in Don’t Worry Darling. I think if we removed the simulation aspect of the film and instead put the women into a secluded area of the real world then many of the questions that surround pregnancy, ageing, food and drink are all solved. If we change the earthquakes to be planes flying overhead everyday (we could even say that they are carrying the progessive materials that the men are supposedly working on) then it explains where the plane that draws Alice out to HQ came from. Of course these changes mean that Bunnie’s character motivation to be there also needs revising but personally I felt that most of this film relied on the shock factor of the simulation and if the simulation doesn’t make any sense then neither does the rest of the film. Maybe they should have just left the script in the pile they found it in...
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misanthropecopy · 2 years
So thoughts on Pokemon scvi, or in just my case violet. Warning there are major spoilers below:
I personally enjoyed it, more so than I did with the last gen at least. Though I must confess that I am what you call a casual gamer, who focuses more on the story than the actual gameplay so the obvious glitches didn’t bother me too much. I actually found some of them to be funny. That being said, I know if my filthy casual eyes noticed them, everyone else probably saw them too. Personally the only glitch that bothered me was the elite four soundtrack going on like a broken record as I battled them. It did produce some kind of urgency within me, but it was a shame that I didn’t get to hear the full theme. With that out of the way, lets get on to what I enjoyed the most about it the story. 
Now when I purchased Violet I was set on doing all three paths, which seemed to be the right decision. I really enjoyed how the stories addressed different kinds of trauma. Arven with his parents, Penny/Team Star being bullied into becoming a lowkey gang themselves. Heck even Nemona despite her happy-go-lucky and frankly fearless nature probably suffers from having a lack of real friends. Since it’s apparently implied her battle-loving nature often drives people away. Then there is Miraidon or the main box legendary, whose dealing with not only losing a territorial dispute, but also LITERALLY WATCHING THEIR “CARETAKER” TAKE A FATAL BLOW FOR THEM. I CANNOT stress enough how scarred they must have been from that.
Another thing I enjoyed was that in the climax we actually STOPPED some human innovation here. In Pokemon science is often praised as seen with the npc in each starting town claiming “Science is amazing” and all that in every generation. But Pokemon doesn’t often address the price you pay for “progress” and how easily it can lead to hubris before an inevitible downfall. It’s part of why I like both Mewtwos stories/origins so much, as they are living testaments to the cost of humans trying to play God. Both Turo and Sada were so consumed with their work and seeing their dreams fulfilled, that not only did they neglect their son they failed to see the consequences of what their goals might do to the environment. Sure they protected Miraidon/Koraidon in the end, but did they ever learn their lesson? This we are not given an answer on. 
Speaking of the Pokemon, let’s talk about them. I or was leaning towards Sprigatito when the first trailer came out and while I was a little disappointed that it stood up, I have to admit it was the cutest of all the gen 9 starter evos for me. I love my Modest-natured girl named Spring and will take down anyone who gets creepy with her. The tinkatink line is freaking hilarious and there are plenty of weird, new mons that I caught simply because I wanted to know more about these funky little creatures. There were very few designs that I didn’t like in this gen, which is pretty sweet. The fact that you interact and actually get the box legendary in the beginning of the game is great, as it let’s you really form a bond with it. You may not be able to use it in battle, but it’s with you when you picnic, it’s your main mode of trasportation, you share your meals with it and frankly it has a cute, almost dog/cat-like personality. It’s really fun, to be around and use.
Now let’s talk about the implications of the future Pokemon found in area zero.
I’m fairly certain that in both version of the games these paradox Pokemon are violent and can be beyond anyone’s control. As seen with professor Turo/Sada. Now in Sada’s case, that would seem obvious right? She literally took Pokemon that were from a million years ago, during a time where humans probably didn’t exist yet. Of course these Pokemon unfamiliar with mankind in general would be prone to lash out at them, right? So what’s the deal with the futuristic Pokemon? All of them seem to be robots of some design, so wouldn’t it be logical that they obey human commands, like most current Pokemon do? Why are they so volatile then? Well I have two theories on this. One is that humanity died out and left the planet in an almost uninhabitable state. So much that some or many Pokemon species had to become more mechanical to survive. Who knows? Maybe even some Mewtwo had a hand in altering their genetic structure, so they might live? The second theory I have is basically just that humans in the future are made of far more sturdier stuff then present people in Pokemon. 
Either way, I had a fun time. Though I probably won’t bother with the post-game stuff until Gamefreak updates the scvi to fix their blatant bugs.
To any Gamefreak/Nintendo person who may be reading this: Please, there’s no need to rush your games. Take time to have a break once in a while. Spend time with your friends and family. An overworked head will not bring out the best you have the offer. We don’t need a Pokemon game every year. Heck you don’t even have to release any side games for a while. Just focus on the next gen for now and if you need to delay a game, do it. I at least will understand.
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canonobsessions · 3 years
Hey there and welcome to tumblr!! i’m a huge simp for Julian lol im so happy to see somebody writing for TPB! <3 i was wondering if you could write something involving Julian and a cudding -> confession -> sex sort of situation with a female reader?
a/n: I'm so sorry for this late response! I'd be so happy to!
Fandom: Trailer Park Boys
Word Count: 4,243
Scenario: Julian and Reader have an impromptu cuddling session that results in a confession and subsequently, a steamy encounter.
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Julian didn't know how it got to this point, but he wasn't about to complain. Sometimes everything just fell into place, so when you arrived that night at his trailer on a cold, dark winter's night he rolled with it. It was just a mishap, your car breaking down before you were able to get home. Like many people, you came to him with your problem.
Unlike with some other people, Julian was happy to help you out. He didn't hesitate when he stepped aside and let you track slushy snow into his home. It didn't even cross his mind until he was stepping in it himself. Even then, it only made him more aware of your state of dress.
You definitely hadn't intended to be out long, with your short sleeves on and little to no protective clothing. You looked frigid and he had just the remedy for it.
So, you wound up on his couch, wrapped up and sharing a blanket with him while watching some schlocky action film. Nothing he was actually paying attention too. How could he be with you in the room, taking a small sip of his Rum and Coke with that pretty smile on your face.
It was almost like a dream.
"Julian, I really can't thank you enough again. I'm sorry to just drop in on you like this," He'd just gotten ready to go to bed when you'd arrived, but even then, it wasn't any kind of a bother with you around. But, he had to play it cool as he always did.
"It's no trouble, [Y/N]. Stop worrying about it," He reassured you for the fifth time, taking the moment to wrap his arm around your shoulder and squeeze reassuringly. "You couldn't help it, probably the cold messing with your car. I'll get some of the guys to help get it fixed in the morning,"
And there was that damn smile that roped him in from the moment he'd met you. At first he'd just thought he was drunk, but he'd come to learn you were as capable and friendly as you were pretty. You were one of the few people who came around the Trailer Park and helped him and his friends out on occasion.
The situation had gotten twisted up to where it almost seemed awkward to pursue you with how close you'd gotten to Bubbles and Ricky as well. That being said, he was also always in a relationship when you weren't. Nothing really ever seemed right until now.
Now. He had to find the courage to say it, but there was that pitch of anxiety in his stomach, the one he thought he could stamp out in almost any occasion, but you were special. He didn't want to mess this up.
"You're really too good to me, Jules," A damn shiver nearly crawled up his spine when you said that. That and the way you were shaking just sent a small thrill through him.
Were you still cold or were you nervous to have his arm around you? With the way you leaned into him further, it couldn't have just been nerves. You did still feel chilly, so he gently rubbed your upper arm. He wasn't just feeling your soft skin under his rough finger tips. This was just part of helping you.
Man was that stupid, he was acting like he hadn't had his fair share of pretty girls over. But, you were more than pretty, you were beautiful. Classy and sweet.
"Just doing what any good friend would," The word friend had a near sour note to it, not from leaving his mouth, but it just rang oddly. He wasn't malicious about it. It just wasn't right.
"Yeah, right!" There was an awkward inflection in your tone, but he wasn't going to push it. You were probably just more comfortable with being friends after all.
"Damn, my feet are still freezing," You'd complain quietly after a brief silence and Julian reacts without thinking about it.
"C'mere," He reached down to your ankle and grabbed it, gently coaxing your feet up onto the couch. You adjusted to the hold folding your legs off to the side. Your [E/C] eyes are filled with curiosity. He offered a smile before drawing your feet into his stomach, where he was more than warm enough to help bring you up to temp.
"When I was a kid, my grandmother would do this for me when I'd come inside after playing in the snow," He recalled the late nights he spent watching old movies with his grandmother, eating snacks and keeping warm and cuddled up together. Of course, she'd been plenty warmed up from the brandy she'd consumed time and time again.
That sweet smile of yours was back once again, but accompanying it was a pretty blush that colored your face perfectly. He couldn't help his mind when it wandered to a less wholesome thought. What would you look like, red and panting under him? What were other ways you of all people could let him warm you up?
"That's really sweet. She must have been one hell of a lady to raise someone as gentlemanly as you, Jules," You might have been somewhat teasing, but he felt warm from the compliment. She had been as good of a role-model as she could be, doing everything she could for not only him, but for Bubbles as well.
"Thanks, [Y/N]," He patted your blanket covered calf with his hand and left it there for a moment, idly tracing his thumb over your muscle in a soothing manner.
Things got quiet again as you both sat there, watching the screen with little interest in what was going on. Julian was far more focused on how good it felt to have you curled against him and to feel your legs move. You were warming up and you were tantalizingly soft. It was driving him crazy, but he was being good.
You didn't drink much of his Rum and Coke, but you did have a sip or two, just to stave off any lingering cold.
"Julian, can I ask you something?" You'd knocked him out of his thoughts with that soft inquiry. He looked at you and felt his stomach flip, seeing your uncertain look.
"Anything," It was one small word, but he put a lot of feeling behind it. It sat heavy between the two of you for a heart-beat. Time really seemed to slow as he felt the way you were starting to shake again. The way you bit your lip and fluttered your lashes, looking at him with those eyes. It really felt like you told him everything he needed to know through body language alone.
Julian leaned in, his dark eyes searching yours for a solid answer, something more than just the way your body was calling out for him.
"Do you like me, just as a friend?" He wanted to kiss the uncertainty right out of your mouth and swallow it. How could someone as beautiful and amazing as you be so unsure of what you did to him?
"More than that," His words came out softer, rougher as he tried to reign himself in. "Does that make you uncomfortable?" He didn't want to scare you. You didn't have a ride home, it was too cold to walk off. He didn't want to misread what was going on. He was playing it safe.
"No!" It was like you were yelping, like he’d hit you in the stomach with that simple question. It gave away how eager you were and Julian couldn’t help but chuckle when you clasped your dainty hand over your mouth. “No, I’m sorry. You could never make me uncomfortable. Well, not like that,” The words fell from your lips like snow from the sky. “So I do make you uncomfortable?” He was teasing you now, relishing in the fact that you’d made that first move. You’d been the one to bravely ask him just what he thought of you and it made you flustered. You weren’t uncomfortable and you didn’t feel unsafe. Good. He wouldn’t have been able to handle it otherwise. “I like you too, Julian,” Finally, you’d admit it yourself. You’d put it out there that you were interested in him and he was interested in you. It was like that last wall came tumbling down. It made you look bare and vulnerable and unsure. That just made him want to scoop you into his arms and show you just how sure he was of the situation. “So, what now,” You’d asked, looking to him for guidance. Those big, beautiful eyes drew him right in. He wasn’t going to answer you with flowery words, he was going to show you. Julian made slow moves, roping you into him with room enough to say no if you wanted to. His large palms felt right at home, gripping your thighs and tugging you to where you were seated firmly on his lap. That little gasp that left your lips only made him drag you down harder onto him, letting you feel just how much he liked you. “What do you want, [Y/N]?” He felt the way you were shaking against him, the way you tilted your pelvis to align yourself with him. As if he were a virgin again, you had him shuddering with his restraint. He palmed your thighs, rubbing them soothingly. “I-I mean, I want you, Julian, b-but not just, ah,” He couldn’t help but to rock himself up into your core when you admitted you wanted him. There was no missing that you wanted more though, so he stilled, his dark eyes searching yours again, wondering what had you hesitating. “I don’t just want to be a fling,” Of course you didn’t, he didn’t either. But, it wasn’t like he had a particularly strong history of long, stable relationships. He had more one-night stands than he did real girlfriends he’d kept in his life. How could you not see you were different than those other girls was lost on him. Both of his hands traced up from your thighs, jumping to smooth up your arms and to your neck. He savored touching you while he thought about just how deeply he wanted to reassure you. He traced a path up to your neck, where he threaded his fingers into your hair, his thumb resting on the slope of your jawline. You wouldn’t be able to look away if you tried. He met your gaze, dark brows set into a serious furrow. “Never. [Y/N], you could never be just a fling for me,” He admitted, his voice hoarse with desire and love. He didn’t want to give you a chance to respond. Gently, he pulled you into a solid, warm kiss. Your lips molded to his perfectly. Just slightly wet from how you’d licked it only moments before. He poured his passion and love for you into it, hoping to smooth out any worries that he wasn’t dead serious on how much he liked you. Julian pulled a weak moan from you when he pulled away, your lips sticking together for a split second, sending a firework of pleasure down his spine. He wanted to devour you. His big hand cradled your head as he went in for another kiss, mouth opening just slightly to mouth your lips, to trace your tongue with his own. Just the coupling, the breathy noises and moans he pulled from you were drowning out the sound of gunfire from the busted up looking television just behind you. Nothing could distract him from how perfect you felt seated on top of him. How delicious your lips were, how easily you opened up to him. How many times had he dreamt of this? Could he even count the times you’d been at the forethought of his mind when he’d jerked himself off in the shower? Now that you’d both been honest, he could make those wild
fantasies real. “Julian,” Your voice was quaking, full of lust and need that he felt hit right through him. If that wasn’t enough to tell him you needed more, the way you were grinding on his hard cock was. A near growl left the dark haired man as he greedily grasped your ass, hoisting you further onto him. He stood up with ease, the blanket covering the two of you quickly forgotten. Any previous cold having been ripped away by red-hot need. That squeal had him chuckling between your dainty kisses. He easily brought you down that narrow hall, taking just a moment to push you against the paneling to indulge in tasting you. His tongue was more than eager to tangle with your own, the sloppy noises louder still now that you were away from the TV. Back on the move, Julian kicked open his bedroom door, relishing in the way you giggled at how forceful he’d been. Instead of throwing you onto the bed, he moved all the way to it’s edge, lowering you down onto it like you were the most precious thing he’d ever held in his hands. “God, you are beautiful, [Y/N],” Julian rasped as he admired how perfect you looked on his bed, flushed and lips swollen from how excited the two of you had been to do something as simple as kiss. “Julian,” Your voice took a serious tone, your own brows ticking down as you reached up with your now warm hands, letting them rest on his face, thumb tracing along the sharply trimmed line of his beard. “Julian, you’re beautiful too, so handsome. I can’t believe you want me too,” You were gushing, about him of all people. Shaking his head, Julian took your hands into his own, placing a kiss on your knuckles. He allowed himself the chance to really look at you, just as you were. His heart filled with affection for you. For just the way you spoke to him, marveling at him. “I can’t believe an angel like you would want anything to do with a man like me,” Julian’s voice was low and dark as he leaned back in, dying for another taste of you. This time, things went further, his hands roaming eagerly while your mouths met passionately in their own special patterns. He squeezed your shoulders, massaged down your arms and to your stomach. Testing the waters, his thick fingers peaked under your flimsy shirt, stroking at the soft skin of your belly. The way your muscles flexed and you moaned made him take liberties, inching up your ribs to rub smooth, firm circles there. With your last chance squandered through a needy moan, Julian’s large hands cupped your breasts for a firm squeeze, savoring in a moment he’d imagined just a short time ago. Julian swallowed every needy noise you made as he massaged your breasts, his hips rolling down to meet your needy movements. All at once there was too much fabric in the way. You were pulling at his shirt as soon as he move away, pulling it off of his body and revealing his strong chest and shoulders. Just as excited, Julian hooked his thumbs into your shirt, pulling it up and hooking your bra with it, baring your chest to him in one smooth motion, proving just how experienced he was. God, you were a delicious sight. Your breasts heaving in the dim light of his room. Gravity knew what it was doing and it had Julian speechless. Before long, the temptation was too strong, he dove in for another kiss, smoothing over your shy features with a reassuring kiss. His lips were eager to move, leaving a damp trail of kisses down your jaw and neck. He licked at the dip of your clavicle and relished in the way you shook and gasped. Smirking up at you, dark eyes smoldering with lust, he licked a trail to your right breast, nipping at the flexible flesh he found there. Every little sensation was drawing up for the moment he took your nipple into his hot mouth, tongue lapping as he suckled. He made sure your left breast didn’t go unattended, his thick, rough fingers plucking at the pert tip, rolling the bud in between his fingers, toying with you as he enjoyed himself thoroughly. “God, Julian, your mouth is so warm,” You whimpered, egging him on, your legs curling
around his thighs, beckoning him in for more. But, yet again, there were too many clothes in the way. But, he was a practiced man, he wanted to rile you up. There was an art to getting a woman ready. He switched to the other nipple, leaving the right to tighten and harden in the cold air. Your fingers found his normally tidy black hair, mussing up the styling by tugging him closer. “P-please, stop teasing me,” You needed more, that much was obvious with how insistently you rolled up into him. He could feel just how hot and burning you were at your core, the heat between the two of you felt like it was enough to burn the clothes right from your body. Julian chuckled lowly, shaking his head as he pulled away from your breast. His eyes locked onto yours once more and he gave you a dark smirk. “No need to rush, [Y/N]. You’ll be here until your car is fixed after all,” He teased. You looked so cute when your covered your face, no doubt feeling embarrassed for your needy reaction. He took his time with you. He tasted you, licking a path down your ribs and your stomach, coming to the button of your pants. He didn’t take too long to pull off both them and your panties, revealing your glistening petals to the cool air. You groaned at the sensation and he marveled at just how beautiful you were. Thick fingers traced lazy circles into your inner thighs working their way to your core. He wasn’t ashamed as he looked at your folds, the way your clit was already swollen and eager from the bare minimum frotage. His thumbs swiped along the outer lips, pulling them apart, making way for his broad tongue as he licked a line up from your core to your clit, popping it into his mouth swiftly for a change of pace. You tasted delicious on his tongue, tart and sweet all at once. Greedily, he buried his face into your core, his tongue diving into your soft folds. The tight ring of your cunt was no match for him, the muscle pushed as deep into you as it could, the pad of his thumb taking up stroking your taut pearl in tandem with his thrusts. He listened to your moans as he worked you over, dragging more of your wetness out, preparing you for him. And when it sounded like you were just at your apex, he pulled away. “Oh god, Julian,” It was nearly scolding the way you said his name, but he wasn’t going to leave you wanting for long, deciding to instead unfasten his pants, eagerly ridding himself of his pants and underwear. He stood nude in front of you, taking his large, girthy dick into his hands, stroking it slowly at the debaucherous sight of you, of all people, spread out on his bed, all for him. “Please, I need you, I need you,” That could’ve nearly done him in there, just the way you were pleading for him. Telling him you needed him, and god did he need to be needed. The fact it was just in this way was icing on the cake. Not wasting anymore time, Julian’s hands gripped your hips, lining you up just the way he wanted you. He bent over and steadied himself, peppering your lips with kisses as he guided himself in. Already he could tell you were going to be a tight fit, there was going to be some discomfort, but not for long. It didn’t seem like you minded much, with how eagerly your heels dug into the strong muscle of his back, eager to sink him in. His swollen head pushed into you, sinking deeper with one slow push that had him groaning, his head tilting back as he savored the squeeze around his manhood. His free hand massaged lazily at your stomach as he sunk in. You let out the most tantalizing little grunts and moans, soft hisses as your body adjusted to take his massive size. “Soo big,” You whimpered. God if only you knew what you did to him with that tender little voice. He wanted to bury his cock in you forever and stay there until the day he died. Gritting his teeth, he pushed the last few inches in, steadily massaging you while holding himself back. It wasn’t until you tested the fit by rocking your hips back and forth that he finally allowed himself to take pure pleasure in your body. It wasn’t the
slow pace he’d initially wanted. No, as soon as he was in you, he realized how badly he needed this. For every smile and sweet word, he wanted to set a punishing pace. He wanted to completely fold you in half and hammer his way into your body and show just how badly he needed you. But, for the sake of your health, he set a steady pace. He leaned back to look at the place where your body met his and nearly came right there. “Fuck,” He cursed, staring at the lewd way your cunt was stretched out over his cock. “Sit up, just a bit, fuckin’ look at it,” He coaxed you into sitting up, his hand finding its way to the back of your neck again. Your eyes almost glazed over with how eagerly you looked at your coupling. Your plump, tantalizing lip was gnawed at between your pearly whites. Julian drew back his cock with a hiss, his head rolling back again, only to snap to attention, watching the show as he sunk back into your hot, silky insides. “You’re taking me so well, [Y/N]. You’re doing so good,” He grunted out praise after praise, his pace rocking steadily now, your wetness coating him and guiding him in with more ease. Finally, it seemed you couldn’t hold yourself up any longer, instead falling back to moan his name. He doubled over, catching himself again, bracing himself on either side of your head. His pace quickened, he could feel the way his balls slapped against your ass, damp from how wet you were. It made degenerate sounds, slapping skin against skin. It drove him up a wall, almost as much as your blissful expression. He burned the memory of you savoring his cock into the back of his mind, before hooking both of his hands under your knees. With his strength, Julian nearly folded you in half, angling you to where his cock would hit your deepest, most sensitive parts. When he found the place that made you sing loudest, he hammered into it. Not to be ignored, he hooked one of your legs over his shoulder, freeing up a hand so that he could reach between the two of you and work diligently at your little bud. “Oh god, oh god, Jules, Julian, fuck, fuck, fuck! I-I’m gonna cum,” And he could feel it when it started, the way you arched your back, your hips taking a mind of their own, jerking up to meet his deep thrusts. Your walls clenched so tightly around him he could barely pull away, but he managed to keep his pace, drilling into you. “Fuckin’ cum around me, cum around me, [Y/N], just like that, just like that,” He grunted, thrusting so hard he was shaking the bed beneath you, the sound only adding to the symphony of sex. The rush of sticky fluids made him pound that much harder into you. Your crying, writhing form the perfect state for him to hammer at until he felt his own familiar band pulling tight, eventually snapping as pleasure overwhelmed him. He didn’t pull out as his cum filled your tight little body. He empty his balls as deep into you as he could, his pulsing manhood twitching with every stream of the load. He only realized as he began to come down from his high he’d came right against your cervix. He shuddered out another low groan, joining your soft panting in the air. “Fuck, Julian, ah, hah. I love you,” You were unabashed now, looking at him with your dazed look, as if he were a god and not some backwater trailer park boy. “I love you too, so much,” He hung over you, his sweaty forehead coming to rest against yours. He breathed with you, coming down from his high to finally ease out of you, ignoring the mess he made in favor of pulling you into his arms. The air slowly quieted as you both lay there, basking in bliss, warm and naked despite no blanket. It was hard to believe that he’d been uncertain of your feelings for him. Just an hour ago, neither of you had been aware of just how quickly things would go. But, there were no regrets. Only love and a sense of safety.
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
can i request a jj or pope fic (if that’s what you’d call it), where the reader is suffering period cramps and other symptoms, and he comes to take care of her? probably a lot of fluff between them??
Author's Notes: Not enough love for our boy Pope, so I chose him! He would be the sweetest boyfriend, I think.
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, Swearing, Mentions of blood (it's about periods, y'all) - Otherwise, fluff!
Requested? YES! Requests for OBX are OPEN!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
Pope was so excited that it was the weekend. He had no extracurricular activities that day, and his only plans were to go out on the HMS Pogue with his friends and his new girlfriend. He woke up and was greeted by the sunniest Saturday morning he had seen in the long time and it was as if the stress and anxiety was lifted off of him.
He smiled to himself as he grabbed his phone off of his desk and checked his messages.
I can't come out today :(
Pope read the text message from his new girlfriend, they had only been official for about two months, and his heart sank. He let out a heavy sigh as he typed back a quick reply and changed into his clothes for the boat.
Pope couldn't keep the frown off of his face as he rode his bike to The Chateau. He had been looking forward to this Saturday on the water with the Pogues and his girlfriend all week. Sun, water and a pretty girl in a (hopefully) small swimsuit was just what he needed to get his mind off all this Royal Merchant and Denmark Tanny nonsense.
He hopped off his bike, letting it fall to the ground in the drive of The Chateau then stalked up towards the open door of the front porch.
"Whoa. Easy, Big Guy. Gonna break my door. You look like someone broke your project for the Science Fair." John B mumbled as he pulled on a t-shirt he grabbed from the back of the old couch.
"She's not coming." Pope grumbled as he sat down on the couch beside Kiara as she finished packing the cooler.
"What do you mean she's not coming? We've had this planned since like, last week. Stoked to finally meet your girl, man." JJ mumbled as he finished pinching the last bit of weed into the rolling paper.
"Says that she can't come out today because 'it has been a red dawn'. Whatever that means." Pope sighed as he turned his phone over in his hand, resting his head back on the couch.
Kiara burst out laughing, her hand over her mouth as she kept her eyes fixed on the cooler at her feet.
"What? Why is that funny?" Pope asked as he lifted his head up from the couch to look between his friends.
"She has her period, Pope. She doesn't want to come out because she has her period and is probably embarrassed to be around you and boys she doesn't know." Kiara replied as she looked over at the Heyward boy who still looked confused.
"Red Dawn, now that was a good movie." JJ stated as he put the freshly rolled joint behind his ear, and stood up.
"JJ." Both Kiara and Pope sighed as they looked over at the blonde boy.
"I'm just saying." JJ smirked as he adjusted his red hat on his head, then stood up and made his way over to the small television set on the other side of the room, crouched down and began to rummage through the small cabinet beneath.
"Well, I guess I'll just for two weeks after exams and prep classes are over. It just sucks because this was like, the one weekend she and I both had." Pope muttered as he rested his head back on the couch.
"Who says that you can't see her?" Kiara asked with a furrowed brow.
"Well..I just figured she'd want to be alone." Pope stammered.
"She's not a leper, Pope. And even if she were, she's your girlfriend." Kiara rolled her eyes as she swatted her friend's chest.
"Hate to admit it, but she's right. Take this and go see your girl instead. Boat will still here next weekend." JJ grinned as he walked over to Pope and handed him a dusty DVD.
"Red Dawn? JJ, I can't bring this." Pope held the DVD up to show the title back to the grinning Maybank boy, and shook his head.
"C'mon. She'll think it's funny." JJ laughed with a pat of Pope's shoulder before he made his way down the hall of The Chateau.
"Don't bring that." Kiara muttered under her breath.
"I'm not." Pope replied.
By the time Pope got to her house, still on The Cut, it was mid- morning and the sun was blazing hot. He dropped his bike in the empty driveway and wiped his brow with the hem of his shirt. He walked up the steps to the front door and knocked lightly.
"Pope?" She opened the door and greeted him in baggy sweat pants and an oversized sweater.
"Hi. I know you said that you didn't want to come out today, but I thought...well, Kiara thought..that you might want some company. And I thought that, too. But I didn't want to overstep and invade your space. But I guess I'm here now." Pope rambled as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other on the front step.
"No, it's okay. Pope, I'm really glad you came over. Come inside." She smiled softly as she took hold of his hand, lacing their fingers and pulled him inside the house, towards her bedroom.
"I was just going to watch a movie." She smiled as she sat on the edge of her bed and looked up at him as he stood awkwardly in the doorway of her bedroom.
"That's perfect. I actually brought you some snacks. I wasn't sure what you might be craving, I know you always flip flop between chocolate or candy. So I brought you both." Pope smiled softly as he walked slowly to the edge of the bed and sat next to her, pulling his backpack off his shoulders.
Pope opened up his backpack and pulled out one bag of Skittles and another bag of M&M's, passing them to her.
"You're the sweetest boyfriend, ever." She smiled as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"I do request I get at least a handful of the Skittles, though." Pope blushed as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close.
"I can do that. Hey, what's that? You brought a movie?" She smiled as she pointed the the DVD that sat at the bottom of his bag.
"What? No, I didn't...damnit, JJ." Pope sighed as he rubbed his forehead.
She smirked and reached into the bag before he grab her hand to stop her. She looked at the DVD with a smile and read the bright yellow Post-It note on the front. JJ's unmistakable printing on the note.
"I'm so sorry. That was JJ's idea of a joke. He wanted me to bring this movie because of your text.." Pope sighed as he reached for the DVD.
"You don't want to show me the movie?" She giggled as she held the movie out of his reach.
"If you want to watch it, sure." Pope nodded with a sigh of relief. For once JJ's antics hadn't gotten him kicked in the ass. Especially with a girl he liked.
"Pop it in the player, it's over there." She giggled as she pointed the small television across her bedroom.
Pope smiled and did as was requested of him, putting the DVD in the old player. He grabbed the remote and walked back over the bed and laid with her as she already opened the bag of Skittles.
"Pope?" She asked softly as he settled against the headboard and fast forwarded through all the trailers and advertisements he didn't care about.
"Yeah?" He looked down at her, and he felt his heartbeat start to quicken. She was so pretty, and she liked him.
"Do you think you could rub my belly for a little bit? I have cramps, and they suck." She whispered as she rested her forehead on his shoulder.
"Really?" Pope asked as he slid his back down the headboard to be closer to her on the mattress.
"Yeah. Your hands are always so warm and soft." She nodded as she rested against him, her head on his shoulder as she watched the television.
"Sure." Pope smiled as he slowly, tentatively, reached beneath his shirt and pressed the palm of his hand just beneath her belly button and softly rubbed back and forth. He kissed the top of her head as she nestled into him even more.
"Thanks for staying behind from the boat to keep me company, Pope." She whispered against his neck.
"No need to thank me. I think I like this better." Pope replied softly.
"I don't know why JJ said we should watch this movie, though. There's minimal blood. Should have watched Carrie or something." She smiled as she looked up at his face.
"You're so weird. And I'm not watching Carrie again. Watched it once in the 8th grade because JJ made me, and I'm not doing it again." Pope laughed, his hand still running across the warm skin of her stomach just under her belly button.
"Oh, no. Poor little Pope." She giggled as she wrapped her arms around his midsection and pulled him close.
"Yeah, so if you want to watch horror movies you'll probably have to ask JJ." Pope replied as he kissed the top of her head.
"I will protect you, Pope." She whispered against his chest and held him tightly.
Pope felt content in that small bedroom with his girlfriend, the fan blowing straight on them as they watched that stupid movie JJ must has shoved in his backpack when he walked out the living room earlier. He supposed he owed him a thank you.
Hottie List:
@starkey-babie @sodasback @fashion-fasting @beauvibaby @barrysjumpsuit @vinniehcker
*tag list still open if you'd like to be added - just let me know!
Please let me know what you think if you have a moment! Thank you so much! xoxo
Requests for OBX ARE OPEN!
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Worst Enemy (Charlie Gillespie x Reader)
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A/n: Sorry this took so long! I just wasn't sure how I wanted to go about this request since I haven’t read that much smut lately to be fully inspired. I read a lot of 5 seconds of summer smut to say the least. Calum Hood smut to be exact and my fingers couldn’t stop typing after that.😂 But I hope you guys like it! Please let me know if you do! Don't read it if you just want a normal imagine. Some normal ones coming soon. Also I have an upcoming announcement after I hit 150 followers!
Requested by: irwindshield (Wattpad)
Warnings: Super Smutty (18+)
"And action!" Kenny shouted.
I scowled at the boy in front of me who looked just as mad as I was.
"Seriously Luke your gonna tell me that you and Julie don't have anything going on"
"Y/c/n I already told you we don't! Isn't that enough?!" Charlie spoke standing up from his seat on the couch.
"No it's not. Not when you spent all weekend writing love songs together"
"It was one song and it wasn't about each other"
"One song still means something"
"Why does it even matter to you I'm single now? Isn't that what you wanted? To be free well now you're free to be with whoever you want or did you forget what happened with Reggie?"
"Nothing happened with Reggie. We were joking around. It's not my fault your jealous!" I shouted in frustration.
"Look who's talking" He said getting up in my face. Both our chests heaving in anger as we stared at each other angrily.
"You know what Patterson even when we're both dead I still regret ever falling in love with you all those years ago" I spoke through gritted teeth. I turned around dramatically to walk away, only to have Charlie grab me by the wrist and spin me around. Our faces now inches apart.
In aggravation he crash his lips onto mine shoving his tongue into my mouth. I huffed wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. We both fought for dominance as his hands found their way around my waist lifting me up in the air.
I got so caught up in the heated make out session I almost didn't hear Kenny yell for the end of the scene.
"Cut!" He shouted Charlie immediately letting me go. I scoffed pushing myself away from him to see his hair disheveled, his lips plump, and smeared with my red lipstick. I'd be lying if I didn't admit I wanted to finish what we started now. But I couldn't do that when the insanely hot actor I wanted to push me up against the wall also happened to be my worst enemy.
"That was great guys!" Kenny said walking towards us.
"We might reshoot tomorrow if we have time since this is a kids show and that was a little too not kid friendly. Maybe hold back on the tongue"
"You got it Kenny"
"It's already late enough thank you two for staying back tonight we really had to get this in. Have a good night!"
"It was no problem. See you tomorrow" I smiled at our director as he walked away. I turned back to the boy beside me glaring at him.
"Well that was shitty. He's right you use way too much tongue. It was like Niagara Falls" I spoke using hand gestures. I watched the brunette roll his eyes in annoyance making me grin. Turning back around I began to walk back towards my trailer deciding to just turn in my costume tomorrow. Like I had done so many times after shooting until the am.
"You know I've had plenty of people who think my kissing is amazing" Charlie spoke walking a few feet away from me seeing as his trailer was right beside mine. Unfortunate perks of playing love interest who broke up in the show.
"I hate to break it to you Charles but they lied"
"Shut up. I'm done with your shit for the day"
"You know if there's one thing I hate more than having to shoot a scene so late it's having to shoot it with you Gillespie"
"Yeah well it's no fun for me either. I mean having to make out with a fucking jerk and act like I'm in love with her. Isn't exactly the highlight of my year!" He whispered shouted making sure no one heard us. It was late and the very few people who stayed in their trailers were probably dead asleep due to how long filming went on today.
"Not for me either! Why do you hate me so much? I swear I tried to be fucking nice to you when we met"
"Please you were anything but nice" He argued making me facepalm.
"You fucking liar! I introduced myself. I stuck my hand out for you to shake and you completely denied it. If anything you're the prick and the asshole!" I shouted reaching the outskirts of my trailer.
Suddenly I felt my body collide with the cold vehicle behind me and a cold hand landing on my mouth. My eyes widened looking up at the man in front of me who's chest was heaving.
"You wanna say that to my face y/l/n" He spoke through gritted teeth.
"Look we both promised that we'd keep this little feud between us a secret for the sake of the show and our cast mates. So if you don't shut that big mouth of yours we might just get caught" He whispered making me roll my eyes.
Finally coming back to my senses I removed his hand from my mouth, looking him straight in the eyes.
"You fucking prick" I repeated myself seeing what he would say next. But he didn't say anything. Not a word.
I watched his face closely as his eyes flickered to my lips. He slowly leaned forward hesitant on his actions. Rolling my eyes I took initiative, smashing my lips onto his. I let out a breath as he lifted my leg up to pull me closer. Nearly letting a moan escape as I felt his hard on press against the front of my jeans.
"Can't even fucking make the first move. How fucking dry your sex life must be" I panted teasingly as we pulled away.
"Shut the fuck up" He whispered pressing his lips to mine once more with such a force. I immediately kissed back realization hitting me. We were in the middle of a parking lot filled with trailers.
I pushed him away taking his hand leading him to my trailer that wasn't too far. He complied following closely behind. Pressing his body into mine as I unlocked the door as quick as possible. I stepped into the trailer switching on the dim light. I bit my lip turning around to finally face Charlie who stood there with his beautiful blue eyes darkened with lust.
"Are we really gonna do this?" I asked leaning on the counter in the small kitchen area.
"I don't know. I-I mean we don't have to if you don't want to. We could just leave it here if that's w-what you want"
"Well what do you want?" I asked raising an eyebrow. I watched as his body shifted uncomfortably as I removed the jean jacket on my body leaving me in a silky satin cami.
"I really wanna fuck you" He responded biting his lip. My stomach filling with butterflies getting the response I was hoping for.
"Then do it" I stated watching as he made his way towards me. Crashing his lips onto mine. I let out a huff as he lifted me off the ground and pushed me onto the counter roughly. My back hitting the wood behind me forcefully.
"Seriously?" I panted pulled away from the kiss first.
"Sorry" He muttered sheepishly before diving into my neck. Finding a spot to suck on. I craned my neck allowing him more access not even caring that I'd have to deal with the makeup team tomorrow.
Before giving it a second thought I pulled off my top tossing it across the room leaving me in a teal Lacey bra. The same color of the cami I was wearing.
"Holy fuck" Charlie whispered most blankly admiring the view. I let out a giggle tugging at his shirt as well signaling I wanted it off. He quickly got the message.
It was my turn to drool seeing his tightly toned abs turning me on even more than I already was. I was knocked out of my trance by Charlie kissing me passionately once more. My eyes fluttering shut, pulling the hairs on his neck. Our tongues now fighting for dominance.
His hands moved away from my waist to my back. Unhooking my bra from my body. We shifted slightly, the material being flung across the room. Within seconds his hands roamed my body freely once more. A groan escaping my mouth as his lips moved down my neck.
Until eventually settling on my nipple. My core was now throbbing in anticipation of his next moves.
I bit my lip trying to keep quiet but at the rate his hands were moving it was nearly impossible. I watched as he moved down my body. Undoing my jeans quickly.
I whimpered as Charlie spread my legs apart. Toying with the thin fabric of the panties I was wearing. Feeling myself getting wetter by the second I grasped onto his hair. "Fuck Charlie please" I whined as he began to place kisses up my thighs. Each one a little longer than the last.
"Please what?"
"Don't make me fucking ask again Gillespie. I don't beg" I spoke pulling him harder from his hair. Forcing him to look up at me.
He growled at my actions ripping apart the fabric and tossing it off to the side.
My back arched feeling his slender fingers enter me. A loud moan escaping my lips as he skillfully pumped his fingers in and out of my entrance.
I bit my lip tightly opening my legs wider to give him better access. Only to feel the feeling of pleasure leave my body.
"What the fu-" My words were cut off by Charlie grabbing me by the thighs. Pulling me closer to the edge of the counter.
"Holy shit" I moaned as he dipped his head between my legs to attach himself to my now sensitive cunt. Sucking on it harshly with no hesitation. His tongue moved around so effortlessly. I threw my head back as my fingers entangled into his hair wanting to feel him now more than ever.
"So fucking good" He groaned pulling away to add two fingers. Doubling the satisfaction. My lips parting to slightly as my eyes screwed shut.
"Charlie I'm s-so close" I muttered feeling his fingers spread up. Within seconds he sent me over the edge. Pleasure coursing through my body. I panted loudly attempting to steady my breathing. Watching as Charlie stood up. Lifting his glistening fingers up to his lips sucking off every last drop of cum that coated them. I let out another moan at the sight feeing myself getting turned on again.
"You okay?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me. I giggled seeing his already plump lips swollen.
"Perfectly fine Charles" I spoke wiping off my juices running down his chin with a towel nearby.
"A thousand times better now actually"
"I'm glad to hear you say that baby. Cause I'm not done with you" He whispered holding me firmly by the waist.
"Oh really?" I asked raising an eyebrow at the boy.
"Well unless you wanna wait until tomorrow after our first date"
"First date? Are you asking me out?"
"So what if I am? You got a problem with it y/l/n?"
"Nope. No problem here. Well except for the fact that I'm all dirty and sweaty" I said running my fingers through his messy hair.
"Well that just won't do for my princess will it? Round 2 in the shower?" He questioned making me laugh.
"If you think you can make me cum again then yes" I laughed pulling him into a passionate kiss.
"Oh I know I can" He mumbled into my lips before lifting me off the counter. I giggled as he walked to the bathroom in the back of the trailer. The small confined space making me realize just how hot he actually was. It was. I balanced myself as he put me down to turn on the water. I began to set it at a warm temperature, Listening as Charlie stripped himself of the rest of his clothes from behind me.
"Your so beautiful" Charlie whispered wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
"Mmm you weren't saying that last week"
"I wasn't saying it but I was thinking it" He spoke as I felt something poking me from behind.
"You think about me?" I asked turning around to face him.
"A lot" He responded as I walked backwards. The warm water hitting me from above for a split second before my back hit the cold wall.
"Good" I responded as he pinned me up against the wall.
I huffed as his large hands grabbed me from behind my thighs. Wrapping my legs around his waist. Our make out session getting more heated by the second. Pulling him closer wanting nothing more than to feel him inside of me.
He was quick to line himself up to my entrance. Entering me slowly.
"C-can I move?" He asked after a moment. I nodded thankful he let me adjust to his size.
Within seconds we both were a wreck as he pounded into me. A string of curse words leaving our lips as the warm water fell over us.
I moaned as he hit my g-spot. My legs becoming weaker the faster he moved. I felt familiar knot forming at the pit of my stomach as he let out a noise of disgruntlement.
"Fuck baby I'm almost there"
I nodded along. Not daring to attempt to form any words. Both of us reaching our climax one after the other.
"We should do this again sometime. You know after our date" He grinned placing me down gently.
"I agree" I spoke moving under the water. I sighed contently as his arms wrapped around me from behind. His lips grazing my skin as he place chaste kisses upon it. A small smile forming on my face.
As much as this was the end of our little feud it also a new beginning to a new relationship.
Up Next: Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Sacha Carlson x Reader
Booboo Stewart x Reader
Send in your requests!
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subtle-carrot · 3 years
The Greyskull Wives And That Old Timey Masculinity - Scrapped Ideas
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Sickness has been overcome and my second video on Masters of the Universe: Revelation is finally out. And that of course means that it's time to write about the ideas that didn't make it into the video itself.
This time I have a couple of talking points. First, the relationship between the Sorceresses and their Champions and how that relates to the family theme I talk about in my video; and second, how I was glad that part 2 averted a trope that has started to rub me the wrong way and wouldn't have fit Adam's character arc anyhow.
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I'm going to admit that I'm not the greatest scholar of He-Man lore and I didn't actually know that the Sorceress couldn't leave Castle Greyskull before. But I do think that it makes the relationship between the Sorceress and Champion interesting. A thought I had while doing my video was that they are kinda like a traditional, 50s-esque straight couple. The husband goes out into the world to act and has a life outside of the home, while the wife only has power in the house and maaybe might be able to project a bit outside. And this is because... Tradition, I guess?
Until Teela comes along with her new fangled ideas of "her way" and "we have the power". This leads to her being able to act outside of the Castle and still keep her power. Basically, she is as powerful as the Champion AND just as unrestricted as well. The reactionary fear to this would of course be that the Champion (or the husband/men in general) isn't needed anymore. Damn, feminists coming to steal our jabs, et cetera. But Teela wants to share the position. She knows it's better when this isn't a one person show. And it's important to note that this is not Teela declaring that her power is for her alone now and she's just an example on a pedestal, all #girlboss style, either. Instead, she commits to using it for the good of the community at large.
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When I started watching Part 2, or rather saw the trailer and Primal He-Man, I was a bit afraid that it would end up having a Discovering an Older Version of The Power kind of narrative. You know the type: the baddie is just too strong and too modern but if we just find an older, more pure version of our current power, we can defeat them! These have rubbed me the wrong way for a while now. Not all iterations but several. There's just something about "Old/Traditional = Purer/Gooder" that makes me go a bit hmm. Maybe it's how the construct of "Tradition" and returning to old timey glory days is used by reactionaries and fascists who want to take my rights away/beat people like me to a pulp, as noted by Umberto Eco (see every even slightly lefty video essay from a few years ago. Everyone loved Eco then.).
Instead, Adam rejects the more primal version of the Power. Tying this in with the themes I discuss in my videos, this can be seen as him declaring that he doesn't need to reclaim some Old Timey Masculinity. Instead, he is embracing a totally different kind of masculinity. Something gentler and less obsessed with power of any kind. Indeed, the point of part 2 was to let go of power, not get more of it. Sharing is caring and all that.
Now that I think about it though, doing a video about that Must Find an Older Version of the Power trope might be pretty interesting. I can think a few examples from the top of my head and I seem to vaguely remember that movies from a certain era really liked that trope. And might be interesting to talk about how it relates to Glorious Lost Past and Dangerous Lost Past kind of tropes.
I guess I'll have to add it to the list of big videos I'll slowly gestate. But for now, these were my additional thoughts about Masters of the Universe: Revelation part 2 that didn't get into the video. I think the plot of the season as a whole was a bit... bumpy. But it was all a fun time regardless.
And until we get some more, I'll see you guys next time.
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bular · 3 years
Welcome to Live Commentary
I had no one to talk to while watching the movie and I hate being alone with my thoughts so I wrote everything down in my notes app. It's not coherent! Enjoy!
Aw yeah 1.5 seconds of Bular that is all I needed! Might as well stop now I've seen my boy I'm satisfied.
Why is there a nearly 4 minute recap as if I haven't watched the show at least 50 times. I should be the one giving the recap.
The beginning felt a bit forced to me but maybe that's just me? Like they just tried to squeeze too many things into a small timeframe without any buildup, it just didn't really work. Congrats on the engagement! This is my OTP so I'm very happy! But it came out of nowhere.
Nari in Douxies body is so wrong and I love it and hate it at the same time (positive)
Eli is BIG. I knew he was gonna be tall but I was not prepared for that chiseled face. Or the fact that he stepped off the ship without glasses? I wear glasses and I would not choose to step off a spaceship blind.
OkAY who had mpreg on their bingo card?
AAARRRGGHH actually said a full sentence 🥺 there is no heterosexual explanation for this scene and I'm here for it
Arcadia being the center of the universe really does make a lot of sense. I hate how much sense it makes. Despise it.
Strickler in a Christmas sweater is something i didn't know I needed. Jim's jacket too but that's just adorable, Jim's adorable. Oh sweet baby you're about to get fucked over so bad.
Love seeing Barbara actively participating in battle too. Good for her! Power family!!
Where are the kids tho? Is NotEnrique babysitting? Either that or they hired the girl from the Incredibles movie.
Nomura is so talented I love seeing her fighting on the good side. I can't explain it but I love digitigrade legs they're just so pretty?? Aesthetically pleasing??? Fuck yeah, legg! I could watch Nomura run around and be badass all day.
Barbara does not deserve this I refuse to accept it. He's fine he'll be back they wouldn't kill two Changelings at once. Also Nomura is with Draal now I take no criticism.
So my favorite characters were Bular, Draal, Gunmar and Angor. And before this movie I always half-joked that everyone I love dies, how I still like Strickler and Nomura but apart from them all of my faves were killed in the very order of favoritism. AND NOW LOOK AT THIS. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I LOVE A CHARACTER. MY LOVE IS TOXIC.
It's great tho omg
I didn't realize it was Gun Robot when I saw it in the trailer this is amazing
Okay but imagine you're chilling in your trollmarket minding your own business when some misfit group of strangers waltzes in, steals your favorite shiny and celebrates your death before running off
Nana better show up at some point to reunite with her boytoy, I'll cancel this entire franchise otherwise
Something bad is going to happen to Toby isn't it. He's getting too much screentime
Jim's hand got DEEP FRIED
We can play Scrabble okay if they don't free them (which they must) I want an after credits scene of them playing scrabble
Douxie and Nari's bond 🥺🥺🥺
Nari pls just say what you fuckin mean the world is ending
Oh god is she going to remember killing Nomura oh nooo
Claire don't make the portal you will die again. Your hair gon be white all over
I love how Darci is just with the school bus. Civilian girlfriend. But also love how the world is ending and Coach is like "fuck that I'm gonna teach these kids"
Does he know his son is pregnant
"Going back to the city where it's safe" buddy have you been to that city
Whatever happens, Nari has the coolest looking titan. Giant four legged gremlin. I'd adopt him.
Me: oh i love that titan
The titan 5 seconds later:
Did Nari just fucking die what the FUCK
Oh of COURSE the pages are stuck together RIGHT THERE
Seriously tho how do you not notice an entire nougat nummy in a book
Wait so Arcadia has another heartstone? Or OH SO IT'S ALIVE. OKAY GREAT. GUNMAR COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT RIGHT HUH
Love how the Heartstone has been dormant/dead for months and apparently heard Blinky say it's alive and decided to wake up RIGHT THEN
Finally they're evacuating the city. This is like, the third apocalypse there. About time.
Okay so you can't pull Excalibur from the rock, but you CAN carve out the stone. Couldn't you just carve it off the sword as close as possible and like. Use that? Just swing the whole damn rock around?
God i can NOT get over Steve's pants. I mean I read a spoiler he was gonna be pregnant but I thought it was a prank or shitpost. I did not see this coming and I am never going to be over it. I love how he and Aja just roll with it and nobody else even cares. They've seen weirder stuff. So he's pregnant now. Whatever.
Jim's hand is bandaged and his ribs still hurt. I love that they're actually consistent with his injuries. I mean sucks for him but hell yeah for hero that doesn't always win!
Okayyy here comes the heartstone. Why not!
So if you kiss an Akiridion 7 times you will have 3-5 babies in a few hours. How are they not overpopulated?? Also Aja couldn't have WARNED STEVE BEFOREHAND?
Eli is so supportive omfg
So uh where are the babies gonna come out of? I'm not into mpreg how does this usually work
Oh good thing he happens to have 8 friends still alive. Otherwise this would've never worked. Nomura had to die otherwise there would've been 10 of them.
Why is everyone bowing to Jim? Did they rehearse this?
Stuart if you hadn't taken a bathroom break you would've thrown off the math and doomed the world. That was a poop of fate my man
Ahhh the signature quote. Where did Douxie and the Akiridions learn it? Did they rehearse this too? It's really cliché but I do like it tbh
If Strickler were dead we'd see more Barbara right?
Ah Jim just used she/her for Bellroc! Finally we're learning some pronouns. I've been wondering this whole time.
How are they not dying with all this lava?
She really just yeeted Varvatos
Did Claire just tell AAARRRGGHH to jump off the titan and he did it without question
I want to say I like Stuart and want him to have more screentime, but I won't say it because I don't want him to die
Jim's poor ribs
Toby can drive yoooo
Tobyyy you're scaring meeeee
So did they really need the different stone or was the amulet just waiting for Jim to choose death over giving up
I saw the armor before but it looks VERY COOL
Also I didn't mention this before but I love that they cut Merlin's name from the incantation. Good for them.
Toby you lost your helmet noooo
For real tho I'm terrified for Toby rn. I saw a comment somewhere earlier that just said "Toby no" with no context and I am AFRAID
So do Bellroc's eyes work after all? I thought she was blinded back in Wizards in the past.
Bellroc maybe screaming "i'm powerless" in front of your enemy isn't the best idea
She sploosh
How is he lifting Claire like that buddy you have bruised ribs and just got stabbed
This show really loves to give people more than the recommended amount of babies with no warning huh
She immediately knows which one is Eli Jr 🥺 okay listen I'm not the biggest fan of comic relief sideplot surprise babies, but I have to admit they're cute. Cute couple. Throuple. Eli is in on this. He even has a Junior.
Oh yea he better fuckin be alive I will commit murder
Unbecoming Part 2
So is Jim just gonna Groundhog Day it until everyone is fine? There's only 13 minutes left we're gonna need a bigger movie
Also I screamed so much about everyone's death and now everyone reading this after they already saw the whole thing is gonna shame me for clowning huh
The scene where Blinky is giving his goodbye speech, there are no babies and Steve has a round belly? Did he reabsorb them?? I mean I know Jim is about to un-birth them but he hasn't started yet
Oh they did NOT just do that. I though he was just gonna go back to like, the start of the movie maybe. Not all the way
Imagine being in your early twenties with as much trauma as this kid has and having to pretend you're 16 again
Somewhere Unkar is complaining because "oh sure NOW it's a good idea"
I know Jim is wondering where Toby is because he was there before. But before, he made an entire meatloaf AND did his homework before leaving the house, so honey maybe wait a minute
For a second I thought Toby wasn't gonna be there and Jim would return to the right time. But there he is!
Alright so they're in school now, did they take the canal and just didn't mention the amulet on screen or did they pass it as if the Unbecoming episode hadn't been that traumatizing? Jim you know what happens when you ignore it
Jim maybe you're being too obvious here lmao
Soooo. Anyway. These whole past years I've rewatched this show over and over and over again are cancelled now?
So we get the quote again. And Trollhunter Tobias is nice. Cool. Cool AU I mean, but I don't know. I don't knowwww. I've been way too invested in everything to just accept that it never happened?? So uh. Hm. How about this.
Strickler survived because fuck you, and Toby also survived and just has scars now. Maybe a wheelchair but he's fine, also he can use the Warhammer for super speed and make it awesome once he's used to it. Archie and Charlie get freed once they rebuild the bridge (and they were playing scrabble to pass the time). Nomura is still dead because she died on screen and I can't really deny that but she's with Draal so it's okay. Everyone is traumatized but they'll be fine. NotEnrique is still babysitting 500 babies and Steve is about to bring 7 more.
In summary, I reject Groundhog Day ending but everything else was great, as long as it actually happened. It was a good movie. But you can't just cancel years of passion. Having the prospect of a million "canon AUs" sounds great for writing but at the same time nooo you can't do that he didn't have to go back THAT far HHHHH
I liked the movie. It was a great watch and a satisfying end to a franchise, but I gotta say I do not fancy the ending of it so I will from now on be in denial. I honestly feel kind of betrayed that this show was my whole life for so long, I learned every smallest fact, and they basically deleted it from existence. I know what they were going for, I think, but no thank you I will be going with my own opinion. Still gonna rewatch it a few dozen times though ✌🏻
And that concludes my live commentary that was supposed to be a small handful of notes. Feel free to shame me for my opinions. See ya!
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peeterparkr · 4 years
perfidy;tom holland|7
chapter 7: the dialogue
enemies to lovers au/enemies with benefits
chapter summary: the name of the game
pairing: tom holland x y/n
warnings:  swearing, angst, fluff, smut (oral f receiving) (skip the * if you don’t wanna read) , ROLLERCOASTER, didn’t proof read
here’s a playlist 
social media before you read:  tweets | instagram
previous chapter next chapter series masterlist
wanna be tagged?
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You won. That’s what you liked to think. 
One kiss wouldn’t hurt anybody. That was the only thing that had happened, a simple sweet kiss. And it had felt different, it hadn’t been barely a kiss. You’d been the one to lean over, but he’d closed the gap. And it’d felt like a summer breeze, early june, and it tasted like the remaining tea he’d just had. Bittersweet. 
Kissing never hurt anybody. But it had you thinking. 
And he’d tried to lean over again, but you’d stopped him. 
“You finish your lunch and I’ll go take some air, you have an hour to rest,” you said quickly getting off his grip. “Then I’m gonna need you back on set and—“
He chuckled. “Y/N, c’mon we’ve got time,” he assured you, as he walked over to you. 
“You can take care of that by yourself, I’m going to….” you snapped as you stood up, you rushed to your purse and took out your red lipstick, you’d always carry it around. The lipstick was your weapon, it was something that gave you certain protection. Red lipstick gave you a certain sense of being in control, and you perfectly knew you were far from controlling this situation.  
He coughed. “y/n.” 
You watched him, “Thomas.” 
“Are you angry I’m winning?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Winning? Is this a competition now?” 
“It can be,” Tom laughed. “Dunno, it reminds me of ‘don’t cry’” 
“But ‘don’t cry’ was about pissing each other off,” you pointed out. Don’t cry. A game you hadnt played for a while. It was yours and Tom’s game, if you ever dared to call such a toxic thing a game. 
“I know this whole thing pisses you off, and I love pissing you off.” 
You rolled your eyes. “And does it piss you off?” 
“Yes, it pisses me off that I can’t keep my hands to myself because of you, out of everyone, it’s Y/N.” 
You crossed your arms and smirked. “Huh, this is… Seems like I’m winning this situation? Are you crying, Holland? I’m winning this game.”  
Tom rolled his eyes. “You’re not.” 
“The way I see this, Tommy, you’re kind of begging me…”
“I’m just trying to help you out, love,  I made you forget about your ex, didn’t I?” 
He had. That’s exactly why you were trying to run away from. You weren’t down to being played. 
“I… what does that have to do with anything?” You frowned. 
“Dunno, maybe if I keep your mind thinking of me, then you’ll focus more on your job.” He walked over to you, placing his hands on your hips. He stared down at your lips and then at your eyes. He leaned over to you and kissed your neck, two times he touched your neck and only once you blinked. 
“My job?” You cleared your throat. He pushed you against the wall, knowing exactly what he was doing to you. 
“Yes, you know you’re my assistant,” he continued his path from your neck to your ear. 
“I’m a hundred per cent sure this didn’t come in the job description or did you do this with your last assistants?” You smirked. “Haz.. and Harry? Your brother? That’s so disgusting, Thomas, even coming from you.” 
He quickly pulled back from you. “You’re an idiot.” 
“Am I, really?” you grinned. This was great, you’d taken the control back of this situation. “But you know I’m right. This is unprofessional. Were you unprofessional with any of your past assistants?  
And god, you hated him. Because you wanted to kiss him again, but you wanted him to be the one to lose. Not you, definitely not you. 
“No. No,” he cleared his throat. “You’re right, unprofessional.” 
“Glad you agree,” you smirked as you finally pushed him away from you. That didn’t stop you from kissing his cheek, staining it with a plump of red lips. “You better wipe that off before you come back to set,” you warned him. “I’m sorry you lost this one.” 
“You’re wrong about that, darling, I always win.” 
But he pulled you back to him, lips firmly pressed against your mouth, you felt your whole body initially tense up but then relax as you let your head fall into his bliss.  It didn’t go any further than that, only kissing. And it had been… different. The way he’d held your head, and the way his fingers travelled down your arm. His lips so soft, and the way he’d smiled after it. 
“And I’ll keep on winning. Don’t cry, y/n.” 
After that, you ignored the professionalism you had prided yourself you’d had, but one can only ignore something as sweet and pretend it didn’t happen for so long. 
You didn’t want to waste any more kissing because honestly, he was driving you crazy. It was just a little perspective. 
Cruising through the set, changing his schedules and trying to find places where nobody could see you. And so a game started, a game which was so thriving to play. Risky, but fun. So fun. The next few days had consisted of brushing, pinning and teasing. Fingers walking down his shoulders when he was on makeup, helping him adjust his clothes if he was nearby. Him, placing his hand on your waist as he was walking past you, and moving it just slightly down, licking lips and whispering in his ear. At very inconvenient times, like before he was just going to shoot a scene, you’d walk over and go: ‘Your zip is down, don’t cry.’ and zip it up, or when he’d brush against you, or walk his fingers up your thighs. 
Don’t cry, the game of your nightmares. A very toxic game which consisted of Tom and you getting on each other's nerves, pulling each other’s hair, saying something mean but ending it with “Don’t cry.” Which basically meant: “I don’t mean this, but if you cry you’ll have to do whatever I tell you.” 
Those dares included eating mustard which you hated, getting into the shower fully clothed, drinking a salty glass of milk, or whatever you came up with. Eventually you stopped playing so you wondered where this particular game would go. 
You guessed it was embarrassing enough teasing each other and trying to remain calm. It’d, so far, only gotten both of you to make out in his trailer. Twice. You didn’t even know why that had happened. How it had let there with him pushing you against the wall and slipping his tongue in. 
But you continued that game where you both pretended to hate each other, but it seemed different this time. Less real, at least. More… flirty, if you could think of it. But more firstly. 
But Tom was getting on your nerves, because he’d up the game, and he’d find ways to sneak a kiss. ‘Don’t cry’.  He’d try to be careful, nobody could know about this. But he’d sneak a kiss if he could, like when you were on your way to the makeup trailer, or when you were picking up your lunch. And you couldn’t react to it, or else you’d lose. 
But he’d get particularly more… teasing, especially when you were around Timothée. That was hard. Because you couldn’t react in any way, you were not supposed to be aware. 
And it kept going. 
Two weeks had gone by. And the game had only stepped up. 
Harry would be leaving in two days, and you hadn’t seen him. Your mind had barely thought about your last conversation with him, was he really going to propose? But you knew you had to be careful around whatever you said because you didn’t want to hurt him. 
The thought was roaming your mind when you were having lunch with Timothée, talking about life and other stuff, the props, the cameras. But Tom had decided to sit right beside him and not so subtly decided to play footsie. Very stupid, really. 
“Hey, y/n dear, oh, hello, Timmo...y/n dear, I need help with some crying.Will you help me out later?” 
You coughed. 
Timothée would usually only stare at him. You knew he was probably jealous, Tim had always been very reluctant when it came to Tom. You didn’t blame him. You couldn’t blame him. Less now. 
“Some crying?” Tim asked. 
“For the scene, lover boy,” Tom chuckled. “And you might be aware of this but your… girl…. Your friend here really hates me.” 
“And I can make you cry?” You questioned. “How lovely, would love to see you cry,” you answered as you kicked him. 
Tom cleared his throat. 
Timmy frowned but chuckled. “I will never understand how you guys hate each other that much,” he mentioned with poison. “I mean, you grew up together, you must have some good memories.” 
“You’re answering your own question, we know each other so well that we hate each other, you would too if you’d grown up with her,” Tom laughed. 
“Yeah, you’d need a lifetime to hate me, but somehow you only need five seconds to hate Tom,” you snapped back. 
Tim grinned as he let out a poisonous laugh. 
“Hm, you agree?” Tom raised his brows at Tim. 
Tim chuckled. “I’m sorry, I was dating her so I naturally had to hate you, that’s how couples work, if one hates someone the other one should, too.” 
Tom grinned. “Right., but you’re not dating anymore, why should you hate me, now?” 
Tim didn’t say anything, and you just glared at Tom. 
“Anyway I should go back to my friends, shouldn’t I?” Tom chuckled as he then proceeded to walk over to the other members of the cast. 
You watched him walk away. You rolled your eyes, and looked at Tim. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Tim chuckled. “It’s fine, really, but I’m not telling him the reasons I hate him for now,” Tim admitted. 
“You’ve got new reasons?” 
“In a way, yes,” Tim shrugged. “But can’t really be mad at him, I mean thanks to him I get to hang out with you again,” he admitted. “And I get to see your smile, even if I’m not the reason for it right now.” 
You felt a stab into your heart. “You still make me smile, Timmy.” 
He smiled, slightly. “I know, but it’s not my job anymore,” he shrugged. “There’s a vacancy for that job though, can I apply again?” 
You grinned, chuckling slightly. “There’s no vacancy open right now, I’m afraid” 
Timothée scoffed as he clenched his jaw. “Tom already filled it up?” 
“No, no, remember he's the CEO of being my mortal enemy,” you cleared your throat. 
He stayed quiet as he watched you, then dedicated a glance towards Tom who was not so subtly staring at you. 
“He’s in love with you, y/n,” Tim said. 
You rolled your eyes. “If he was, everything would be easier, he’d be nice.” 
He shrugged. “I’m not blaming him, y/n, but I see it, you know? It’s easy to know when somebody else is in love with the girl you love, it’s in the eyes.” 
“The eyes chico, they never lie,” you quoted making him grin. “And his eyes… only have hatred. So you’re wrong about Tom, don’t worry there’s only hate there. Now, I need to get that idiot back where he’s supposed to be, I swear he never knows anything.” You stood up as you picked up your stuff. 
“What about Harry?” Timothée asked. “Was I wrong about him too? 
You only glanced at Timothée, and then walked away. 
“So tomorrow’s Harry’s goodbye congratulations party dinner thing,” Tom mentioned as you were handing him a bottle of water as they’d paused a scene. 
“I’m aware,” you answered coldly. 
“Are you gonna bring anything?” He asked, watching you. 
“Dunno,” you shrugged as you called the makeup artist so they could retouch him, while you helped him button up his shirt again. 
“Y/N,” Tom sighed, as the makeup artist was brushing him up. 
“What?” You frowned.
“You’ve ignored me all day long,” he complained. You had, as a matter of fact. You couldn’t stand him, even when he’d tried to keep up with the game. You hadn’t shown any type of response, you hadn’t talked to him if you didn’t need to. You didn’t smile, you didn’t even look at him. 
“Get back to the scene,” you told him as you walked away. 
Eventually, the director gave up for that day and said they’d continue in two days, something wasn’t going well with the scene, they kept pausing and pausing. Tom would forget his lines, or he wouldn’t give in the emotion, something was off, you could tell. The chemistry with the actress or whatever, it was off. Everybody could tell. 
“What’s up? You’re really messing up,” you told him as he approached you. “Maybe you need to rest, you have all day tomorrow to rest.” You’d finally have a free day, a well deserved free day. 
He ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know, I just… Have my mind elsewhere, alright?” 
“Where?” You asked as you were walking away from him, already pulling out your earphones, not wanting to listen to him as you were walking to your car. You finally had it back.
“Don’t know,” he shrugged. “I.. maybe help me run the lines, tonight, I… I need to see how this goes.” 
You turned to him. “You were a real asshole today,” you mentioned. 
“What?” Tom blinked. 
“You don’t get to joke about my last relationship, alright? You crossed the line,” you snapped, you had to get it off your chest. “And you can’t joke about it in front of Tim and I, it’s not your place.” 
“Is that why you’ve been ignoring me?” 
You plugged your earphones in. Tom stopped you. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know and I was not trying to… make fun…”Tom trailed off. 
You crossed your arms. “What were you trying then?”
“I dunno, let him understand that you’re not dating, he sometimes act as if you were—“
“Habits that didn’t wear out,” you shrugged. “Besides that’s not your business, Tom.” 
Tom gulped. “are you trying to get back with him?”
“Why do you care?” You sighed. 
“Are you? ” Tom asked. 
“No, I’m not,” you looked away. “And he knows that, we are friends, alright?”
“He knows?” 
“Yes, we are not trying to get back together, I…” You took a deep breath. Less now, of course, that you were trying to do whatever you were trying to do with Tom, and playing whatever game with him. Of course you didn’t want to get back to Timothée, or maybe you did, but you couldn’t play with him right now. You couldn’t play with his heart, especially because Tim was more aware of your feelings than even yourself. “He knows me too well,” you said out loud. “But that’s not the point, you shouldn’t have said that.” 
Tom shrugged. “He said he hated me.” 
“Well, who wouldn’t? With that damned attitude you’ve been pulling, and flirting in front of him, god Tom, you’re so full of yourself, I can’t believe this,” You snapped. “I… I can’t stand you, of course he would hate you. And why do you even care if he hates you?” 
Tom looked away. “Don’t know. Because.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why did you tell him that?” 
“Because you’re not dating anymore, I just pointed out he’s allowed to hate me for other reasons. Like a reason should be I keep making out with his ex,” Tom growled. 
“Ah, piss off, Tom, you’re… You won, okay?” you frowned, as you walked away, finally reaching your car.  
“No, no, wait,” Tom sighed as he ran after you. “Y/N…Please.”
“You’re coming tomorrow, right?” 
“Yes, because of Harry,” You cleared your throat, and then took a deep breath. You couldn’t keep fighting with Tom, even if it hurt you, even if right now all you wanted to do was kick him, you had to write a script. “I...was gonna bake him cookies.”
“For Harry. My way of saying goodbye. I think it’s literally my only talent, and I know Harry likes cookies.” 
“Yeah, or do you want me to bring in anything else?” You asked. 
“No, no, no, just… come, it’d kill Harry if you don’t,” he commented. 
You opened the door to your car. 
“And it’d bum me more if I knew it was my fault,” he added as you turned around. 
“Look… I…” You really hated yourself more than him for what you were going to do next. “I was gonna open a wine bottle and bake the cookies.” 
Tom chuckled. “Hm, is that an invitation?” 
“No, you know what? Never mind,” you rolled your eyes as you hopped into the car. He stopped you from closing the door. 
“What if I make it up to you?” He suggested. 
“What if I cook something for you and we open a bottle of wine and bake the cookies?” He cleared his throat. 
It was time for you to chuckle. “See you in hell, Tom.” 
”Oh, is that a date? Are you asking me out?” He smirked. 
You rolled your eyes. 
He grinned. “C’mon we need to relax a little, and we haven’t really bonded, and we could go over the lines,” he insisted. 
You clicked your tongue. “I would say we’ve bonded a little bit more than required,” you rolled your eyes. “And I don’t want to bond that way.” 
He laughed. “Oh c’mon you know what I mean.” 
“Heard the cast was going to hang out, why don’t you tag along with them?”
“I wanna hang out with you, y/n, besides you were the first to hint at it,” he grinned. “C’mon, I’ll cook something nice.” 
You looked him in his chocolate eyes, you really wanted to say no. All you wanted to do that night was cry until you fell asleep after you ate a whole pint of ice cream or ordered a cheesy pizza. That was what you wanted to do, because Timothée had opened up a wound that you hadn’t touched in a while, and because you knew this was wrong, completely wrong. You shouldn’t be caring about this, you shouldn’t let Tom play you this way. 
“I… sure, fine.” 
“Okay, so I’ll… buy the ingredients and I’ll see you at your place?” He asked. 
Tom had finished setting up for whatever he was going to cook. You were currently opening the bottle of the first wine bottle, pouring each a glass. You handed him his own glass and he grinned before clicking them together. 
“I love your apartment,” he pointed out. “We could film here, it’s got the total aesthetic, 80’s like apartment with flowers and vinyls and…You really got it all, don’t you?” 
“Really? I… Don’t know.” 
“It’s pretty and clean,” he chuckled. “So… tonight uh, we’re having pasta with chicken, because as long as I recall, you were a fan of it when we were children,” he announced. 
You sipped from your wine as you were pulling out the ingredients for the cookies. “Ah yes, big fan,” you chuckled. “Just don’t make a mess… So, I’m going to…” You took out your speakers as you were scrolling through a decent playlist to which he wouldn’t complain. 
“Wait, mind if we listen to my music?” He asked. 
You stared at him. “I—okay.” 
“Don’t worry I made a playlist thinking of you, all old music, rolling stones kind of thing, and Harry Styles because for a reason I know you’re obsessed with him” he pointed out as he connected his phone. 
You blinked, watching him as he started to play the first song. ‘Start Me Up’, a classic by The Rolling Stones. 
You grinned, “Thanks.” You danced slightly listening to it. “That’s abnormally nice coming from you.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Dunno, it seems nicer than usual,” you chuckled.
“I’ll punch you in the face if that’s what you want,” he joked as he dedicated a smirk to you. 
You laughed, and you knew this was risky. Whenever Tom was pulling this kind of stuff it meant risk, and it meant trouble and it meant he was probably trying to hurt you. But you couldn’t help but dance and laugh with him, you even were leaning against him at some point, he’d given you some of the sauce to try and you’d given him cookie dough. 
It was fun, and it was nice, even. You were joking around stupid things about your childhood, and then talking about silly stuff on set or barely anything. Maybe it was the wine but you hadn’t fought about anything. Or not… in a real way, you’d thrown some flour at him playfully, and he’d nudged you. At some point he’d accidentally spilled wine on his t-shirt and he found it as an excuse to stay shirtless. Of course you’d offered him a t-shirt but he’d said he didn’t want to wear a t-shirt that had probably belonged to Timothée. Honestly you hadn’t complained. 
And the second bottle of wine was opened just before you’d placed the cookies in the oven. 
“I know for a fact, that your favorite movie is probably Pulp Fiction or something any other film a film student would say,” Tom said as he was plating the pasta. 
“It’s not.” You laughed. 
“What is it? The Godfather? Fight club?” 
“What?” He seemed in such a state of shock as he stared at you. “Oh okay… 80’s more type of movies right?” 
You scrunch your nose, as you set the table. “Well.” 
“The breakfast club?”
“No, it’s actually Princess Diaries 2,” you corrected him as you sipped your wine, you could tell you were happier. 
“Wait, what?” He chuckled. “I do remember you were obsessed with that movie but—wouldn’t expect it to be your favourite.” 
“It’s amazing!” You declared. “It’s got Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews. References to Pretty Woman… it’s perfect! And it’s got Chris Pine, and I mean… The whole enemies to lovers trope.” 
“Enemies to lovers huh,” he laughed. “But what about the cinematography? I thought you were pretentious.” 
You frowned. “Pretentious?” 
He squeezed his eyes shut. “Yeah, I dunno. I once heard you drunkenly rant about Birdman for 30 minutes,” he pointed out. 
“Oh who wouldn't.” 
“I just…” He laughed as he sat across you. “Well, enjoy, I hope I’m not that bad of a cook.” 
“Cheers, then, to hating each other,” you laughed as you raised your glass. 
“To being enemies,” he added before he clicked the glasses together. 
You both started eating and you actually did compliment him on his cooking. He wasn’t a chef but it was nice. At some point, cliche enough, you’d both reach for the cheese, brushing each others hand.
“Don’t you think it’s amazing that we’ve known each other for so long yet we are strangers?” You asked as you tilted your glass just slightly. 
“We are not strangers,” he frowned. 
“What’s my favourite color?” You questioned. 
“I actually know this one,” he snickered. “Uh… it was whatever colour the sky is, either sunset orange, or breakdown pink… that lilac dawn,” he listed. 
You blinked. “I… well.”
“Am I wrong?”He smirked as you watched him. “You’ve always been so poetic, y/n. So it’s that... the colour of the sky and... yellow in flowers, they make you happy.” He cleared his throat. 
You looked away. “Used to make me happy, now they’re just…. But um,” you sipped your wine instead. “Well, yours is blue, but black for clothes.” 
“I’m simple.” 
Honestly, you didn’t understand what was going on, it seemed irrational, and the whole night didn’t make any sense, talking about nonsense, movies, random things. But then, you were laughing on your couch just after taking out the cookies from the oven. You’d ate a few of the cookies as you had your legs on top of him. 
“Alright, but that scene in Risky Business,” you laughed, drunkenly. “Like, it’s one of the best things that ever happened.” 
“You're only saying that because you have a crush on Tom Cruise,” he laughed, as he searched for his phone. “Let’s watch it.”
He searched it up on YouTube and you leaned against his shoulder to watch it. You mouthed and moved your shoulders to the song. 
“I should try and recreate it,” he pointed out. 
You both stayed quiet but then actually looked at each other. A smirk appeared on both of you. 
 “Do you have… do you hic, have like an old shirt? One of yours, the big ones you like to use?” He asked. 
You rushed to your room as you searched for an old big dress shirt that could fit him, and then gave it to him. “We’re doing this.” 
And without further ado, he stripped into his boxers and somehow managed to put on your shirt. He laughed. 
“I need more wine before I do this, I look ridiculous,” he admitted as he downed his glass. “Alright, what’s… what’s the song?” 
“Old Time Rock and Roll, Bob Seger,” you told him as you searched for it, giggling. 
“Tom laughed. “Wait wait, okay,” he couldn’t stop laughing. “But you’re doing this after me.” 
“No,” you laughed. “Now, go on.” 
“We need… we need to record this,” he picked up his phone, as he pointed the camera at you. “Y/N here dared me to-” 
“I didn’t dare you,” you laughed. “You wanted to do this on your own.” 
“Fine, alright,” he laughed. “Um.. we will try and recreate-” 
“We?” You interrupted. 
“Sh, y/n shh… I’m… I’m gonna try and recreate the Risky Business scene,” he continued. “Now, okay, I’m going to…” He laughed to himself. “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this, alright, alright I’m going to...Play the music, darling, will you?” 
And the first notes hit in, and he rushed as he tried to slide in, failing as he only slid his way down to the floor, face falling flat. You couldn’t help but burst out in laughter, as Tom groaned on the floor. The song kept playing. 
“Are you…” You couldn’t stop your laughter. “Are you okay?” 
“Yes,” he sat up. “Alright, yes, yes I’m okay, man I shouldn’t be doing this… If I get hurt and I’m not able to film…” 
You giggled. “C’mon, you’ll be fine.” 
“Alright… You’re still recording?” 
“Of course.” 
He chuckled. “Your floor is too slippery…” he stood up and then sighed. “Attempt number two.”
“Okay….” You tried to hold your giggles as you replayed the song. And he slid again but now he slid too far and couldn’t stop. “You suck, Holland.” 
“Shut up, y/l/n,” he chuckled. “No wait, I think… I know how to do it.” 
“Another one?” You frowned. 
“Yes, yes,” he laughed. “Man, your shirt feels tight,” he mentioned as he then proceeded to get back. “Okay, okay, I’m ready… wait I need… this,” he picked up a long and thin flower pot. “The mic.” 
You grinned. “Good, now…” you laughed as you replayed the song. 
But he finally slid like he was supposed to, and when the note hit he started to dance, you laughed throwing your head back as he tried to do his best impression of Tom Cruise. 
He smirked as he danced his way towards you, moving his hips and over exaggerating his movements, you rolled your eyes as you watched him, still recording him. He jumped to his spot right beside you, laying his head on you, the way he looked into you made your stomach stagger you with butterflies. You had to ignore this, this was only the wine. 
“So?” You swore he was about to kiss you, as he was leaning over, you pushed his face away. 
“I could do it better,” you claimed and he laughed. 
“No you couldn’t.” He frowned. 
“Yes, give me my shirt back,” you demanded as you tipsily stood up. 
He grinned, “that’s a weird way to ask for a strip tease,” he sassed. 
You rolled your eyes. “Put your shirt back on and give me my clothes I’m going to…” you couldn’t stop giggling as he had already stripped down and pulled you back To the couch, you pushed him away . “Thomas, put your pants back on, never mind I’ll go get another one.” 
He chuckled. “Why? Don’t cry, y/n.” 
“I am going to recreate that scene in risky business too, I can do it better…” you said as you downed your glass before rushing for a mother dress shirt. 
“Y/n, love you’re too drunk, you can’t handle your wine,” he joked, already back with your shirt on, but then cleared his throat as he watched you take off your clothes, and button up your dress shirt. “I’ll stop complaining.” 
“Sh, start playing the music,” you stumbled a little bit. 
“Y/n.” His drunken giggles were music to your ears. 
You laughed. “Wait, sh, you had your turn, now it’s mine alright? I need to… get in the mood.” 
“The mood?
“Tom Cruise mood, k?” You stretched as you tried to slide, practicing, almost falling down. 
“Y/N be careful,” he warned. 
“Play the music!” You ordered as you slid down but went too far. You stumbled down again, cackling up. 
He laughed, “wait wait wait, no no,” he walked over, helping you up. “Okay, no, you’re worse than me,” he placed his hands on your hips. “Look, you’ve got to push this hip—“
“You literally just failed before me,” you complained. But he placed a kiss behind your ear. 
“Sh, I’m trying to show you,” he whispered. “So you’re gonna move the hip forward and up,”he motioned as he moved your hip. “and then slide, okay?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Can I do it now?”
“Can you, love?” He mocked. 
And then you were sliding, again and again, failing until you finally got it right and danced along. To that old song, the piano notes going over and over. 
But then somehow, you were both sliding together, dancing to the song. And Tom came up with a brilliant idea, to slide together while holding each other. 
Of course, when you’re drunk a lot of things look like a great idea. The execution, of course, wasn’t ideal. 
But you did it anyway, and you fell flat to the floor, both of you, Tom on top of you. Giggling to each other of course, as the music continued and then the pain started, your ankle. 
“Are you—are you okay?” He asked between snickers. 
You chuckled. “I… I think I hurt my ankle.” 
“Really?” He looked worried as he was staring deep into your eyes. 
But you couldn’t keep your laughter. “Yes.” 
“Why are you laughing then?” He joined you as he chuckled. 
“I—I don’t know.” 
He snickered as he gradually stopped laughing, both of you running out of breath, but he really stared at you,  pushing your hair back from your face, digging his chocolate eyes into yours, as he slowly switched between your eyes and your lips. 
You were waiting for him to make a move, as you twitched your lips. He brushed his lips slightly against you just as you felt your chest tightening, everything seemed so slow. And he finally caught your lips with a hard and soft kiss, it was weird, as if his lips were kissing a petal flower but were so hungry for it. And he backed away but then kissed you more and more. Peppering with small kisses as if he knew this was wrong and he had to let go but he couldn’t get enough. 
“Tom,” you said between kisses. 
“I really hate to ruin this but my ankle seriously hurts,” you admitted. 
He sighed before giving you one last kiss, chuckling into it. “Leave it only to you, y/n,” he said. “Cmon lets get you some ice.” 
Before you even knew it he had picked you up from the ground, making you squeal; and carried you to your bedroom. He kissed you after plopping you on the bed before leaving for the kitchen. 
You hugged your pillow. Where was this going? And why didn’t you mind? 
He brought a bag full of ice but then didn’t give it to you. He stopped at your door frame and looked around at your room, it was simple. Some vinyls on the wall, and lots of cut out movie posters, and Polaroids. Many Polaroids, some even with Tom in them.“I think I’ve honestly never been here,” he pointed out before sitting on the bed beside you. He’d brought two beers. 
“You still have a lot of pictures of Timmo hanging around,”he pointed out as he finally gave you the bag of ice and the opened beer. 
“I—well,” you shrugged. “He’s important to me.” 
“He’s the only ex boyfriend hanging around,” he sassed. “Is there ever going to be another one as important that you don’t take him off the wall?” 
“I’m not ever gonna have a boyfriend again, I lost the perfect guy,”you sipped your beer. “I’m probably gonna die an old maid.”
Tom chuckled. “That’s not true, you’re a witch, remember?” He shuffled to get closer to you, both of you leaning against the wall. “You’re immortal, don’t worry, you won’t die, you’ll stay single, but you won’t die.” 
You stared at the wall. “Mm, oh to be a witch in the woods not bothered by men.” 
He giggled. “that’s a dream.” 
“Yeah, and I’m getting close to it, by not having any boyfriend.” 
“I could be your boyfriend,” he stared at you.
You burst out in laughter, but your head landed on his shoulder. “Ha, sure.” 
“Did you laugh?”
“Yes, you’re joking, people usually laugh at jokes,” you nudged him. “You’re funny.”
He faked his pride. “Am I undatable?”
“Very. And may I remind you that we despise each other?” You recalled as you chuckled. You were drunk, very, very drunk. 
“Ah, minor details,” he laughed as he lifted your chin, “Wait am I really undatable?” 
“Or is it only our history?” He questioned. 
You pushed him away and shrugged. “You’re undatable and we have way too much history,” you stretched. 
He shifted to sit in front of you. “Okay, let’s put it this way, imagine if someone set us up... we don’t know each other  and I showed up at your door.” 
You wrinkled your nose. “Uh-huh, yeah, no, hard pass.” 
He frowned. “Really? Am I not boyfriend material?”
“What material am I then?” He laughed. 
“Punching bag material.” 
He rolled his eyes. “But no, okay okay, really, picture it.” 
You scoffed. “Oh, cmon Tom.” 
“I’d show up at your door with yellow flowers,” he trailed off. 
You looked away. “Yellow flowers.” 
“Yes, and I’d take you-“
“To a fancy restaurant? Hard pass.” 
He licked his lips. “You haven’t even let me finish.” 
“But I know you.” 
He shuffled closer. “No, I’d probably take you to a train ride.” 
“A train ride?”
“Ya, all that sceneric shit you like.” He was playing with your hand. 
“But wasn’t this a blind date? How would you know I like that?”
“You think I wouldn’t ask about you? And please I would’ve stalked your Instagram,” he pointed out. 
“And you’d still showed up? Hmm I had stalked your Instagram I would’ve passed.” 
“Really?” He looked hurt. 
You smiled at him. “No.”
He blushed but then cleared his throat. “but then for our second date…”
“Oh, we are having a second date?” 
“Of course.” 
“But we were meant to hate each other,” you laughed. 
“Yes, true but you don’t show your true self on the first date so we wouldn’t fight until the third or fourth,” he commented as he was now walking his fingers up your arm. 
He shifted back next to you, and your head landed back on his shoulder as you played with his hands. “So where would you take me on the second date?”
He kissed the top of your head. “Stargazing.” 
You shook your head. “Hmm no, that’s more of a third date kind of thing.” 
“Hmm museum then? Yes... And we’d probably make out there.”
You laughed. “Why is that?” 
He chuckled,sipping his beer. “I’m 78% sure art turns you on.” 
You laughed. “That’s oddly specific”
“Yes, I need to confirm it but I have evidence to support that,” he laughed. 
“What’s that evidence?”
He smirked. “I turn you on and I’m art,” he lifted your chin and brushed your lips with his thumb. 
You glared at him. “You don’t turn me on.”
“Sh, we are planning our dates here,” he pecked your lips. “So third date?”
“The stargazing thing and that would be my idea… Maybe a picnic in the dark, we could fly a kite at sunset.”  
“Fly a kite?” He frowned. 
“Yes, that’s so romantic,” you laughed. 
“As long as I recall last time we did fly a kite I was the opposite of romantic,” he scoffed. 
“You ripped my kite.” 
“It was an accident.” 
You chuckled. “You were an accident.” 
“Maybe the kite flying would make us realize that we hate each other,” he sighed.
“Too bad, we won’t get to the stargazing,” you mentioned.
“Who knows maybe we do, we start fighting and we keep fighting that the sun fades out and before we know it we’re fighting under the stars,” he chanted. 
“Aren’t you romantic,” you rolled your eyes. 
He turned to you.  “Why do you hate me?”
“I—I don’t understand why we hate each other,” he whispered. 
You looked at him. “Because I’m always waiting for the next time you’re going to hurt me.”
“I… look at this dynamic alright? It’s not like we haven’t had this before,” you started, as you turned to him. “This whole… thing.”
He stayed quiet. 
“Think about it, we’ve been alone like this and everything goes… decent, whatever that means. And we’ve…” you cleared your throat. “And… I simply wait for you to give me the cold shoulder again, and then… just wait for you to find a way to break my heart again.” 
He didn’t say anything. 
“And it’ll be like my teenage years again,” you didn’t know why you were telling him this. 
“What about—?”
You let out a soft chuckle. “I was in love with you.”
He sipped his beer. “Terrible decision.” 
“Ha, yeah. But hey. I was inexperienced, didn’t know better, and you simply…” you trailed off. “I mean I didn’t like you when we were children… but you were the… you were the first person I ever fell in love with…”
Tom frowned. “Really?”
You closed your eyes. “God, I can’t believe I’m telling you this. It’s like I’m giving you the weapons to hurt me, and then telling you where exactly to wound.” 
“I won’t…”
“But… I guess you made me hate you. I didn’t want to hate you. All those years growing up, I was annoyed by you, you were this… kid with lots of energy and with barely any boundaries and then… it didn’t bother me you know? Little did I know it was tearing me apart. And then… you broke my heart, and you knew you were breaking it, and I’m not talking about when we were kids, I’m…it’s stupid okay, but you knew it didn’t you?” 
Tom took your hand in his. “I—“
“So that’s why I hate you,” you admitted. “Because you know all my weaknesses and you use them against me.” You gulped. “So the real question here is, why do you hate me?”
He kissed your hand. “It’s complicated. I don’t hate you, but I do, I hate you because I know I should.”
“That doesn’t make any sense—“
He kissed you, a slow but warm kiss, you closed your eyes instantly.. You could taste the beer on his lips, his fingers were running up from your hips to your stomach, as he so delicately peppered your face with kisses, soft and slowly. You didn’t want an answer, anymore. You guessed this was his answer. 
Your own hands were busy unbuttoning the shirt he was wearing. 
Your hands found his stomach and travelled up to his chest. His lips rattled down to your neck, as his hands went up to your breasts, cupping them gently. You kissed his jawline as he pulled back slightly, you opened your eyes, as he was running his hands up your thighs, making you shiver. 
And the clothes were a burden, even if you were barely wearing anything for now, the dress shirts were bothering both of you. You let him take it off of you, as his lips landed on your stomach and slowly placed gentle kisses, trailing up and down. Down to the edge of your hips, and up to your collarbones as if he was trying to map out your body, with his hands delicately pushing against your thighs. His warm breath made you squirm again and he only looked up with a grin. 
His fingers teased the edge of your underwear, pressing his lips on top of it. He looked up at you, caramel eyes filled with lust… but sweetness. He traveled down to your inner thighs, brushing his lips against them, his warm breath making your core shiver. 
“I hate you,” you moaned, making him chuckle as he only made your core tremble. 
“don’t cry y/n,” he said before placing a kiss to the fabric covering your sex, already soaking wet. You let out a moan, throwing your head back. He slipped his fingers past the fabric and pressed the core just lightly. 
“Tom,” you shut your eyes closed. 
He ripped down  the lacy underwear next throwing it across the room, and only chuckled against you, you tried to grip into the blanket as he opened up your legs more. 
“You’re gonna hate me more, but you already ate something I cooked,” he assured before he ran his fingers up through your folds.
“Thomas,” you whined in protest. 
He chuckled before leaving a soft trail of kisses on your heat but avoiding where you needed him the most.
You tried to close your legs trying to get any type of pressure, but he kept them open.  He licked his lips before finally placing a soft kiss to your clit, you let out a moan. 
“T-Tom,” you could barely say it as he continued to lick around the sensitive nub in slow motion, as his fingers were slipping in through your folds. You ran out of breath as he curled up his fingers inside you. 
Your stomach tightened with pleasure as you continued to moan his name out loud. 
Your hand went down to tug his hair, and you swore you could feel his smirk against your heat. But he continued, up and down, in circles. In and out. And you were close and he knew it, so he went in faster and harder. 
“Come for me, darling,” he ordered and his name fell out of your mouth again in breathless gasps, as you came all over him. 
You had to catch your breath as you came down from your high. 
 But he climbed back up with sloppy kisses. And you cupped his face, running your fingers down his hair and crushing your lips against his. 
You pushed him back, sitting up so you’d finally be able to push back his shirt, and finally wrapping your legs around him. His hands clumsily ran behind your back as you kissed and sucked on his neck biting slightly, his hands finally managed to unhook your bra as you pulled back, you cupped his face again, staring into him. 
His sloppy kisses found a sweet spot on your neck his hands went down to knead your ass, and he moved your hips, rocking into you. Your finger traced down his toned muscles as you felt you were running out of breath, as you slipped your hands into his underwear cupping his hard length. You caressed it but he pushed you back into the bed, pushing your head against your pillow as he grinned and squirmed. His hands wrapping your waist as you helped him pull down his own underwear, his cock hitting his stomach. 
“I need to be in you, y/n,” he admitted as he positioned himself in between your legs, rubbing the tip against your folds. You reached for your drawer this time, knowing damn well you had some spare condoms from when you were dating Tim. You wrapped the condom around him, and he teased you again. 
He didn’t even warn you before in a single rough movement, he thrusted into you, he squeezed his eyes shut as his body curved into you. You were still recovering from your own high as he started pulling in and out, you rocked your hips against him, helping you get your own friction as he thrusted in slowly and steadily but roughly. Your nails dug into his skin, as your lips found a sweet spot on his neck. Sweat dropped down his face as he connected his lips back to yours. 
He bucked his hips to meet yours as he was moaning your name. You didn’t know how long it took him but you were so invested in his lips, as he arched his back, quickening up his movements to reach his own high. Your hands exploring down his body, and kneading his ass, the friction against your core building up your second orgasm,reaching your high even with more pleasure.. Before you knew it he had yelled out your name and squirmed his high, filling you up as you . 
He pulled out but kept kissing your neck, not even needing to catch his breath, as his hands walked down your body. 
But his lips landed back on yours and then he stared at you. You were panting as you pushed his hair back. 
You wouldn’t have been ready for what he asked you next even if they’d warn you. 
And you… feared it again. 
Because he was poisonous. No. He was like that song that you fell in love with and you loved listening to it, over and over, until it eventually bothered you because it was overplayed. It got old. But one day, without you noticing, it played on the radio and you realized that you were falling in love with it all over again.
“What are we, y/n?” He asked as he nuzzled against your neck, placing soft kisses against it. You reached out for the blanket to cover both of you. 
He cleared his throat. “I mean… this whole thing we’ve got going on?”
“Don’t know, didn’t expect to end here.” 
He gulped. “Neither did I”
You say up just slightly and turned to him. “But does this need a name? Can’t we just… not”
“Cmon, it’s not that complicated, I just need to know what you think we are, so we are both on the same page,” he reached out to push your hair back. 
“Why would you need that?”
He shrugged. “So I know where my boundaries are, what’s the name of this game?”
You bit your lip. “I’d say we are...Enemies with benefits.”
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agentnico · 4 years
Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021) Review
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It all started with Sonic’s teeth. Ever since fans successfully bullied a studio into reanimating their titular hedgehog character after the abomination shown in the first trailer, fans realised that rallying together (on Twitter) can make a difference. So you’d think it would mean we could all come together to restore world peace and get rid of racism, injustice, poverty, war and negativity of all kind? Nope, nope it does not. But at least we get a better version of a bad DC movie that came out in 2017. I mean, baby steps I guess.
Plot: Fuelled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists newfound ally Diana Prince to face an even greater threat. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to recruit a team to stand against this newly awakened enemy. Despite the formation of an unprecedented league of heroes -- Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and the Flash -- it may be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.
I recall my younger simpler self in 2017 at the early age of 20 soon to be 21, sitting down and watching the new Justice League film with zero to no expectations, as by that point the DC Extended Universe was a trainwreck and was a franchise that was literally falling apart before out unblinking red hay fever filled eyes. However, after watching Justice League I was baffled at the fact that I still managed to be disappointed after having zero expectations! With zero expectations this film took me into the minuses, and we all know I’m not great at mathematics so boy are we in the danger zone when we hit the minuses! Looking back at my review of the film back then, I used extreme yet fitting comments like “generic”, “predictable” “messy” and plain “dogsh*t”. Which is what it was. 2017′s Justice League is exactly how I’d imagine a dog’s poop would look if it was turned into an abstract film! It was truly abysmal. After that I thought I’d never have to talk about this film again. How wrong I was. But, in a rare turn of tables, I am glad that I was wrong...
A little history lesson first. Alright, settle down kids, settle down.... Rob, put the paper plane down, do not throw it, I said DON’T THROW IT! NO! Stop! Stupid child!! Headteacher’s office right now! Also, say hi to your mother for me, okay? I’m having brunch with her on Saturday and you better not be there as you should be doing your homework watching the 4 hour cut of Justice League and questioning your life choices!! Anyway, now let’s have ourselves a history lesson. The topic is - What In The Flying Fudge Happened Behind-The-Scenes Of Justice League For DUMMIES: Condensed Edition. A really condensed version as honestly none of us have the attention span to read loads and I’m probably losing the vast majority of you due to this overlong rambling session. So anyway, to the last couple of readers left, here we go! Following the success of Man of Steel, Warner Bros. gave Zack Snyder the reigns to oversee and create a DC cinematic universe to rival the success of Marvel. And so came Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, which turned out to be a bit of a hodgepodge, receiving mixed to negative reviews and though was a box office success, earned diminishing results to what Warner Bros. originally anticipated. However, by the time Batman V Superman released, Zack Snyder was already hard at work on the big superhero team up film Justice League (which was meant to set up many characters and future films for the DCEU) with a lot of filming already underway, so Warner Bros. couldn’t particularly pump the breaks on it by that point, even though they evidently lost trust in the Snyder formula. To be honest, at that point I too lost trust in Snyder’s vision and the DCEU as a whole, but my opinion doesn’t class for a single dime, whilst the opinions of Warner Bros. executives make millions, so there aren’t any hard feelings on my behalf for them not enquiring on my thoughts. Anyway, midway through production Zack Snyder was hit with a family tragedy with his daughter committing suicide, so Snyder naturally had to depart the project to be with his family during this grieving time. Warner Bros. had the option to pause production and await for Snyder’s return, or progress at their own accord. Naturally they decided to do their own thing cause they are a business and want that dollar dollar bill baby!! So they hired Joss Whedon who was riding fresh off the success of two Avengers movies and obviously had experience in cinematic universes and such, to rework the Justice League movie by condensing it into a 2 hour film (from the over 4 hour material that Snyder shot) and reshoot scenes to fit the smaller runtime. So you cannot particularly blame Whedon for taking out so many great scenes as he had a contract to fulfil with Warner Bros, but then you look at the many forced jokes and unnecessary reshot scenes and you realise how self-indulgent Joss Whedon was during filming, as he basically was spitting on everything Snyder did and was trying to do his own thing. Low and behold, the mess that is the 2017 movie is created, where its the visions and creative minds of two director with evidently different styles clashing and not really mixing well at all, and as such we have a messy movie that doesn’t really make sense and is a bit of a middle finger to DC fans and honestly everyone and all. Also, there was that little aspect of Henry Cavill’s deformed upper lip due to the fact that during reshoots he had a moustache that he’d grown and was contractually obligated to have for his Mission Impossible role, so the visual effects team had to digitally remove it in post production and the result is, well, see for yourself...
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Yes, they made the dashing handsome my-sexuality-questioning Henry Cavill look stupid, and that is UNFORGIVABLE. Funny, yes, very funny but unforgivable!! So for this and many other reasons the 2017 film turned out horribly. Then after that many months later, Zack Snyder and cast and crew members began teasing of this mythical version of the movie that was befit of Snyder’s original vision. You see, apparently before he left the project, Snyder actually filmed everything he wanted and it was only awaiting to be reworked with visual effects and edited properly, but then Whedon came in with his scissors and cut everything mercilessly with a cheeky grin and his ginger beard. Speaking of his ginger beard, is Joss Whedon Irish? Or has Irish roots? Honestly, I would Google it, but wait, I don’t think I really care. So anyway, Snyder still had all of his filmed scenes saved on his ridiculously oversized hard drive just waiting to be looked at again. This is where the fandom did its magic by creating a Twitter hashtag #ReleaseTheSnyderCut and began spam posting for Warner Bros. to let Zack Snyder release what he originally intended to. Honestly, who would have thunk it, but this actually worked!! Warner Bros. allowed this, and not only that, but gave Snyder an additional $70 million to finish up the visual effects as well as to film a couple of additional sequences and gave it the prestigious honour to debut it on HBO Max, so as to boost the subscriber rating on Warner Bros. new streaming service. And here we are.
Honestly, I thought seeing this Director’s Cut of sorts wouldn’t bring much to the table as I didn’t believe that a film that was so broken had originally been in any way good. After finishing this 4 hour Snyder vision I must admit though that I was pleasantly surprised. Completely baffled by the studio and Joss Whedon, but really happy for Zack Snyder. The guy was fighting for it and finally was able to accomplish and bring out his true original vision, and though Zack Snyder’s Justice League has its flaws, its so much better than what we got in 2017, and in fact is a soaring science fiction sci-fi epic that literally feels epic!! It takes time establishing the characters and every single plot point as well as building out this rich mythology of this world of the DC Extended Universe, and so as you move into the second half of the film, there’s a feeling of pay off. You actually care about the characters and understand the plot points and it doesn’t feel rushed. Its truly astounding that there are producers out there who thought it was a good idea to get rid of all of that and instead bring out whatever the heck Joss Whedon did with the 2017 version. Look, I quite enjoy Joss Whedon’s work, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel to Cabin in the Woods and his work on Marvel, the guy obviously has a talent, but also he obviously does not belong to the dark and brooding style of DC. Zack Snyder on the other hand, though makes his mistakes, truly embraces the epic feel of the DC material. And it seems once you give Snyder enough time and space, he can actually bring out something like this:
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The main characters are all given so much more to do, or at least those that got side-lined in the 2017 version are given more to do here. One of my complaints with the original was how pointless the League turns out to be. Basically in the theatrical version the main team all end up being useless and only once Superman shows up he saves everyone’s asses and literally does EVERYTHING. Might as well have called the film Man of Steel 2 (feat. Justice League). However in this new version, every main character serves a purpose. Well most of them do at least. Cyborg and Flash are much more compelling characters with more layers and backstory, and in fact are a prime reason to defeating the great evil in the end. You now understand why Cyborg actor Ray Fisher was pissed at Joss Whedon, as the guy literally got rid of his best stuff. Superman strikes a cool black suit and is still powerful, however as the finale shows, he isn’t all-powerful and does need the help of the rest of the team. Wonder Woman gets a lot more to do in this theatrical cut, and in fact this is probably Gal Gadot’s best performance as Wonder Woman and she really shows herself as a powerful female superhero! Aquaman’s role stays largely unchanged, however to be honest Jason Momoa’s character was one of the only ones who didn’t suffer in the theatrical cut. That’s unsurprising seeing as Jason Momoa is such a naturally cool dude! A big panda that is friendly in real life, but when necessary can turn into a roaring bear. To be honest, the only League member that ends up a bit pointless is actually Batman. He still serves a purpose in the film in that he’s the one who assembles the team, but otherwise the rest of the group is so overpowered compared to him that in the end you do kind of think that he doesn’t really belong there. Still, Ben Affleck is great in the role and it’s a shame we won’t see much of him past Flashpoint film that will be released in the next few years.
There are a lot of characters in this film and one can still say the movie is overstuffed, but also seeing as the movie was originally intended to spring board the DCEU properly, all these teases are actually welcome. There are an abundance of cameos, and to be honest so many characters are so well cast that you do end up wishing that Snyder was given the opportunity to make his entire Justice League planned trilogy, but nevertheless at least we have this. There are truly an abundance of cool appearances here, from the menacing villain Darkseid (played by Ray Porter) to Willem Dafoe doing what Dafoe does best, only in this case underwater and I’m certain that’s gonna span many comparison memes with The Lighthouse. Joe Morton as Cyborg’s dad is given a lot more to do here and in fact is pivotal towards building up Cyborg into the important character that he is. There’s also a cameo from Jared Leto’s Joker, who in some ways redeems himself after his appearance in Suicide Squad. Also, we need to talk about Steppenwolf, who’s the main baddie in this film. In the theatrical cut the guy was the most generic one-note villain who also looked like a PS2 character. It was honestly embarrassing the way he was animated. Luckily in this version he’s been put through enough Skyrim mods to looks much more intimidating and is also given a better motivation. As we find out, the reason he does what he does is because he wants to go home. He’s been banished and he simply wants to earn his place back home, so it’s actually kind of sweet. Steppenwolf is a sweetie. I mean, yeah, he wants to destroy half of the world to fulfil his dream, but hey, haven’t we all taken something extreme measures to get what we want?
The film is far from perfect though. At the end of the day, the movie is just about a guy hunting down a bunch of magical boxes. That was the premise of the theatrical cut and its the same here too. Yes, there is more substance and gravitas to the proceedings, but at the end of the day the story doesn’t really surprise much. And with the entire thing running at 4 hours, it is definitely too long and there is the element where there is simply too much in this thing. Also visually, though the movie has plenty of gorgeous shots and Zack Snyder’s signature slow motion sequences are on full display here, there are still many sequences where the CGI and green screen are super obvious and look really fake. That being said there’s still so much visual goodness in this, and also I have to mention Junkie XL’s new music score that does reiterate the epic feel of this movie, in comparison to Danny Elfman’s weak uninspiring notes in the theatrical cut.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a massive surprise and completely changes the perception of what we saw in the original 2017 theatrical cut. It’s a sprawling massive adventure that’s a dream come true for any comic book fan. It shows how vital film editing is, and how important it is to have a cohesive plan when making a movie. Gone too are the silly forced jokes, and though there is still some humour here, it feels more grounded and fit of the setting and scenario. This is Snyder’s vision through and through, and though at times it is clunky, it overall is incredible to behold, as it’s this one guy’s mind and his love for the DC lore. It’s a credible achievement, and I’m actually sentimentally happy for Snyder that he finally managed to complete this. He even during the credits dedicates this to his daughter Autumn that passed away, and I found that to be truly bittersweet. Justice has indeed been served.
Overall score: 7/10
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farfromharry · 4 years
I have an idea for a blurb if you’re interested 😁can I have a blurb with Harry Holland where the reader plays Tom’s love interest in Spiderman and she fell in love with Tom IRL but he doesn’t feel the same way. However, unknown to her, Harry has been in love with her basically forever. You can use this for the mini series or just a blurb, completely up to you 👍😊
summary: you admit your feelings to tom but he doesn’t feel the same way, only to realise that another holland does
harry holland x actress!reader
w/c 1k
a/n - the parts don’t directly follow on so they can be read in any order! 500 mini series!
It’d taken you weeks to admit to anyone you had a crush on your co-star. You trusted Harry with most things, you two would always stay up late in your hotel room/trailer to watch movies together and gossip. You were practically best friends, so of course he was the first, and only, person you told about your small crush.
“You’re kidding.” He said, his amused expression beginning to falter.
“It just- fuck, playing a love interest just made me see him in a different way.” You explained, a blush on your cheeks out of embarrassment.
“You’re in love with my brother?” He asked.
“Not in love with him, it’s just a tiny crush.” You corrected. Harry nodded, seemingly getting quieter the longer you two hung out, choosing to instead, focus more on eating his food.
“Are you okay, seem a little quiet?” You asked.
“Yeah, fine, just hungry.” He lied. Little did you know, Harry had been feeling this way about you since the first time he saw you in a movie, many years ago. It was safe to say he was in love with you, and what you said broke his heart a little.
After finally admitting your crush out loud, some part of you thought it might be a good idea to admit your feelings to Tom.
“Tom?” You called, tapping his shoulder gently. He turned around with a smile, greeting you with a polite hello.
“I just- um, wanted to tell you something.” You started, feeling your palms begin to sweat. “Sorry, i’m really nervous.”
“You can tell me, come on.” He said, nudging your arm playfully.
“Doing this movie, we obviously got a lot closer.” Tom nodded. “And, I really like you Tom, in more than just a friend way.” You finally blurted out. Tom’s face fell, feeling awful that he had to break the news to you.
“Y/n, i’m sorry but-“ Your heart dropped in the pit of your stomach. “I don’t like you like that.”
“Oh.” You mumbled, looking down at your hands, tears beginning to cloud your eyes.
“Y/n, i-i think you’re amazing but, i jus-“ You shook your head, flashing him a very unconvincing smile.
“No, no it’s okay, I understand.” Tom sighed, feeling awful that he’d hurt your feelings.
“This isn’t going to make anything awkward is it?” you asked shyly. Tom shook his head with a tight lipped smile.
“I should go.” You said, leaving Tom’s trailer before he could get another word in. You hurried back to your own trailer, sitting down inside with a quiet sob.
Admittedly you weren’t in love with Tom, you weren’t even sure you knew what love was, you were only 17. However, you did have a fairly large crush on your older, 20 year old co-star and the rejection definitely hurt.
You didn’t have time to react before your trailer door was pulled open unexpectedly.
“I saw you come in here, and I got food.” Harry said. “So, I got us- hey what’s wrong?” He asked, kneeling down in front of where you sat, tears staining your cheeks.
“It’s dumb.” You said, a little laugh following. Harry shook his head, gently placing his hand on your knee.
“If it’s making you this upset, It’s not dumb.” He stated.
“I- um, I told Tom that I liked him, it didn’t go well.” Part of Harry felt bad, he hated seeing you upset and he was going to do everything he could to cheer you up. But the other half of him was ecstatic, knowing he wasn’t going to lose you to his brother was incredible.
The next half an hour was spent with Harry telling you cheesy jokes to try and make you laugh. When that didn’t work, he moved on to telling you embarrassing stories about himself.
“I’ve been in love with you since i was 15.” He admitted, more so by accident than anything. Your eyes widened.
“What?” You asked, completely shocked.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you but, when you told me you liked Tom I just- froze.” You frowned, realising your confession must have hurt him badly.
“I’m so sorry, I-“ He shook his head.
“It’s okay.” You leaned into him, laying your head on his chest.
“D’you wanna know another secret?” You asked, feeling him nod.
“I had a crush on you when I first met you, I thought you were adorable.” His cheeks flushed bright red.
“Really?” He asked. You nodded, lifting your head to study his face. Seconds later Harry was leaning in, gently brushing over your lips with his own. You were the one to actually press your lips together, technically initiating the sweet kiss between you both.
“Was that too far, I shouldn’t have done that, I’m s-“ You cut him off by placing your hand over his mouth.
“Harry, it was fine, I enjoyed it.”
“You like that word don’t you?” You teased. Harry laughed, resting his forehead on yours.
“I know you just had your heart broken by Tom-“ You shrugged.
“I wouldn’t say heartbroken.” He ignored you.
“But do you think we could try this?” He motioned between you both, a small grin emerging on your face.
“Yeah, i’d like that.”
“Hey, can i come in?” You looked up from your script to see Tom standing in the doorway of your trailer. You nodded, a small smile on your face as he took a seat beside you.
“I feel awful, for how i handled what you said and-“
“Tom it’s okay.” He continued to ramble, not realising you’d said anything. He handed you something in a pastry bag, placing a tea for himself on the counter. It was only when Harry placed a kiss to your lips did he finally stop talking.
“What just happened?” He asked pointing between the two of you, stunned.
“I gave her a donut.” Harry stated, as if it was obvious. You held up the bag with the donut in to add to his point.
“You just kissed.” He stated.
“Oh yeah, that.” Harry said, shrugging it off and taking a swig of his drink.
“So are you two, like, together now?” He asked, utterly confused by the situation and your lack of explanation. You smiled sweetly, slipping your hand in Harrys.
“We’re gonna see how it goes.”
harry holland taglist - @euphorichxlland @theliterarymess @drie-the-derp @sunkisseddreamer @call-me-baby-gir1 @fallinfortom @hollandbroz-n-haz @hopelessly-harry @iwearheadphones @kerrswriting @siriuslyslyslytherin @musicalkeys @itstaskeen @icyhollands @zspideyy
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thewildwaffle · 4 years
Haunted Houses
“You know the translators don’t work for written word right?” Danro grunted, eyeing the small tablet screen his human companion held out to him. It was displaying several small human glyphs.
“It’s just a waiver saying you’re okay with coming in, and that if you have any bad effects from the flashing lights or spooky stuff they use, you can’t sue them because you chose to be here willingly, blah blah blah.” Human Addy again held up the tablet. “Basically it’s just the legal-ese version of everything we talked about earlier. I can read through it for you if you really want.”
Danro let out a growling hum. “Just look through it and make sure there’s nothing in there that wasn’t what you told me earlier.”
“No prob.” Addy pulled the waiver back and scanned over it quickly, mumbling to herself under her breath as she read. Danro looked at the human working behind the check-in counter who was doing their best to not be obvious that they were gawking at him. Not that that bothered him or anything. Standing head and shoulders above most other humans and covered in long light brown and white fur, he certainly stood out from the gathered crowd.
“We’re good to go, everything checks out!” Addy declared, handing the tablet and stylus to Danro. “You just need to write a signature at the bottom and we can go in.”
“But I don’t know how to write in your language,” Danro glanced dubiously at the screen.
“Just take it,” Addy pushed the stylus into his large hands, “You can write in your language, it doesn’t matter.”
Danro doubted that. He sighed. Humans and their contracts. They were obsessed with them, and honestly, the more he got to know of their race, the more he started to understand why. Humans, for all their ingenuity and seemingly lovable natures, could be quite underhanded. They could think their way around and through most obstacles, especially when those obstacles were well-established but loosely-defined rules and expectations. Many a treaty or trade agreement had been swung wildly in favor of the party consisting of or including humans. It was like they lived for loopholes and variable interpretations. Intersystem lawyers have been scrambling to learn from and replicate the style humans wrote contracts. After all, only a human contract could (at least somewhat) confidently bind a human.
He scribbled his name in his own familiar letters, figuring that would have to be good enough. He trusted Addy when she said it was just a liability waiver after all. She had already signed one herself. After handing the tablet and stylus back to the kid working the booth, they were off.
As they walked around the entrance gate, Danro’s mind immediately went into overdrive trying to take in and process the scenery. The surrounding buildings creating the quad the event was hosted in were lit up with orange, purple, and green lights. Queues of patrons stretched along the concrete sidewalks that ran between buildings. They were watching costumed dancers in the middle of the quad as they waited to enter the “haunted” buildings. What looked like old metal trash cans had fires lit inside them with small crowds of humans and the occasional alien figure huddled around them. There were smaller lines in front of a few trailers and booths that looked like they were selling very aromatic foods and drinks.
An approaching figure caught Danro’s eye. It was almost as tall as him, draped in a raggedy shawl, and had a grotesquely disfigured face with lacerations running from the top of its head and across one eye. Danro sniffed. He saw blood, but he didn’t smell it. This must be a human actor in a costume, something Addy had warned him of beforehand. They were likely wearing stilts as they were almost eye level to him.
“My my my, what have we here!” The actor’s voice was both screechy and gravely, a combination that made Danro’s fur prickle slightly. "I've seen many a ghost and ghoul in these mansions, but I've yet to encounter any of the likes of you two." They made an exaggerated show of looking between Danro and Addy, as if sizing them up. “What do I call you two apparitions?”
Addy gave a small chuckled and gestured to herself. “I’m Addy, I’m a human. And this is Danro, he’s a kexi biet.”
“Mortals?!” The mask wobbled a bit as the actor stepped back dramatically and then leaned in to whisper conspiratorially, “I’d keep that information to yourselves while you’re here. Who knows what lurking terror might overhear and decide to snack on your bones!”
Danro smiled indulgently at the costumed human. They were certainly well in character.
“We’ll be sure to not mention it again,” he nodded.
“Be sure that you don’t!” the mask rose up so that the fake, glossy eyes were almost level with his own. “You are a brave biet, Danro. Brave, or perhaps foolish. I do hope you and your small companion survive. Come.” They turned and led them towards the center of the quad. They paused and waited for them to catch up next to one of the trash can fires. “Have either of you been here before?”
Addy nodded, “Yeah but it’s been YEARS.” Danro shook his head.
“What a treat, then.” They pointed to one of the closer buildings with a purple light out front. Danro noticed that the actor’s costume was detailed down to the largely uneven stitches on their sleeves. It gave their arm an odd shape. Or at least, he hoped the odd shape of their arm was just part of the costume.
“Each of these buildings is haunted, some more than others. They are color-coded by the lights of how ‘dangerous’ they are.”
“So is that one the safest?” Addy dipped her head to the building being pointed to.
Their guide only laughed ominously. “Present your passes to the attendants by the door. No running, no pushing, no flashlights or video, no explicit language as it disturbs our… residents, and keep your hands to yourself if you’d like to keep your hands.”
And without another word, their guide ambled off. Addy shuffled a little closer to the fire and grinned at Danro.
“Alrighty then! Which one do you want to do first?”
Danro looked around at the quad. The dancers finished their song and were now walking and milling away to tents to warm up or rest, smallish humans were carefully nibbling on a pink puffy food on a stick that looked suspiciously like hair. The buildings themselves loomed around them, lit by their colored lights and the flickering fires around the quad. Their boarded up windows gave no indication of what was inside, although they couldn’t quite muffle the occasional scream from within.
“I’d prefer it if we could find the one that’s the mildest first,” Danro admitted. “Kind of ease myself into this, if you will.”
“No worries, bud.” Addy started towards the building with the green lights. “I think that would be this one. Green usually means easy, or mild, or good or whatever.”
That’s not what green was usually associated with on his planet, but hey, trying to scare yourself as a method of amusement and recreation wasn’t really a thing back home either. This was all very new to him.
The line in front of the green building moved pretty quickly. As they approached the front, Addy put a hand on his arm and looked up at him.
“Hey, thanks again for coming. These things aren’t nearly as much fun alone.”
Danro smiled. “Thank you for the invite.” Addy had invited a few more from their crew once she knew they’d be planetside on Earth just before what she claimed was one of her favorite holidays. He had been the only one to accept. A few others had gone to a “corn maze” with another human from the crew. Apparently, it wasn’t “haunted” and so appealed to more crewmates. Danro accepted the invitation because it saddened him to think of Addy going somewhere scary alone. That, and afterward it would be known across the ship of how much more brave he was than those who were too afraid to come.
The attendants at the door reminded them of the rules, marked their passes, and opened the doors for them.
Once inside, the doors shut noisily and Danro could feel the confidence he’d held on to outside drip away. His senses were being thrown off in here. The lights were dim, which isn’t too bad, he didn’t have great night vision, but it was alright. But there was something wrong here. He couldn’t tell why, but he could feel it. As Addy started down a narrow corridor covered with cobwebs, he took a deep breath and told himself it was just his nerves. Or maybe, he thought as they continued down the winding corridor, it was all this smoke stuff. It wasn’t real smoke, it smelled different, like minerals instead of burned materials. That was also throwing him off. The first time he saw an amputated human arm dangling out of a bag, he nearly freaked out. It was only when they passed right by it that he realized he didn’t actually smell any blood. He clutched Addy’s shoulder ahead of him as they walked by.
Danro muttered to himself. “It’s not a real arm. It’s not real. It’s not real.” He was really just saying it to himself, but from the way Addy looked back and up at him, he knew she must have heard him.
The next room was divided by a series of ripped and filthy “curtains.” As soon as they entered, Danro growled. The lights here were flashing strobe lights, making it difficult to see. There were human-sized figures standing in the room. As they passed by, he realized they weren’t human, but some sort of mannequins. Good, he sighed. Some of them looked grotesquely mangled and mortally wounded. He was glad they weren’t actual humans. As they were deep into the large room, his heart nearly stopped as he realized that some of them were moving. No, he thought, no, it had to just be a trick of the strobe lights.
Near the exit of the room, one definitely moved. The figure jumped out at them with a gravely yell. Addy screamed and jumped back. Danro froze momentarily and had to remind himself to not attack. They weren’t in danger. This wasn’t real. This wasn’t real. This wasn’t-
Addy scampered through the exit without him. Danro did his best to maneuver after her. The figure that had scared them stared at him with white eyes. That… that’s not normal. Humans have colorful and/or dark eyes. They smiled at him, baring their teeth. Even when normal humans smiled like that, Danro found it disconcerting, but this was on a whole different level. This felt genuinely dangerous.
Addy was waiting for him in the next room.
“Sorry,” she panted. “Didn’t mean to leave you behind back there.”
“Their eyes,” he whispered loudly to her, as if worried they’d overhear and come after them from their room.
“I didn’t even see their eyes. Were they creepy?”
Danro nodded.
Addy smiled, without baring her teeth, Danro noted appreciatively. “This place has really stepped up their game since the last time I was here.”
They continued through, warily watching out for hiding figures, walking through narrow maze-like halls, over uncomfortably soft and uneven ground, and through a tunnel where the walls looked like they were spinning around them. He nearly lost his balance off the walkway. He could have sworn the ground was moving. Even after they passed through that and went up a flight of stairs, he could still feel the dizzying effects. Coupled with his sense of sight and smell being confused around nearly every turn, he was starting to feel the tendrils of dread creeping into his mind. As they rounded a turn, he immediately noticed a dark figure moving in the corner. They looked like they were climbing the walls. After a few heartbeats of analyzing its movements, he realized it was mechanical. Good, it was just a prop then. As they walked through the room, bright lights strobed and the figure on the walls flew at them. Addy screamed again and ran to the door. Danro jumped up and fell back on the ground. The figure jerked to a stop in the air a pace or two away, and slowly retracted back to the wall. As Danro scrambled back up to his feet, he noticed the folding metal lattice mechanics that moved the dark creature. As terrified as he was, he had to admit that that was quite a creative scare.
There were several other rooms they walked through with no actors inside, just creepy dolls and mannequins or unsettling objects that made Danro’s fur prickle. There was a long hall with poor lighting and a very low ceiling that even Addy had to duck to get through.
“I hope nothing tries to scare us in here,” Danro muttered as he squeezed through the narrow passageway. “I don’t think I’d be able to get away very fast.” “I don’t think there’s anything in here. Or at least there wasn’t when I came through here when I was in high school. I think this part’s mostly “scary” because it’s supposed to make you feel claustrophobic.”
Danro scanned the bare cinder block and exposed dim light bulbs along the narrow passageway. Well, he thought, it was certainly claustrophobic in here. He could feel his heart rate increase the longer they walked through here and was incredibly relieved when they reached the end. Addy helped him watch his step as he climbed down from the small exit and into the dim cellar-like room.
"Are you okay?"  She carefully brushed some fake cobwebs from the fur on his arms.
“I’m fine. There aren’t any more small tunnels like that though, are there?” Danro, much like many biets, did not enjoy tight spaces.
“I think there’s another one in one of the other buildings, but it’s nowhere near as constrictive as that, or as long.” She looked up at him with a concerned expression. “Is that alright? You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”
Danro smiled and nodded. “I’ll be fine. I got through this so far, I can handle it. Plus, it’s more fun to do these things together, right?”
Addy’s smile was worth any fright this place could throw at him anyway.
They pressed on and got a few more screams out of Addy and a few more alarmed jumps from Danro. As they rounded another corner and entered another dark room, Danro paused, senses alert to the scene before them. Something felt off, though he couldn’t place the reason why. His fur stood on end and he swore he could see his and Addy’s breath. He could see places where actors were likely hiding in wait to scare them, but that wasn’t where his attention was focused. There was something different about this room and it made his heart rate skyrocket.
He thought he saw movement in the corner of his vision, but when he turned his focus there, expecting to see an actor sneaking towards them, there was nothing. Addy slowly crept deeper into the dark room ahead of him. Not wanting to be separated in a place like this, he tried to stay close. Halfway through the room though, he froze. Did he really see… he swore mentally. Was that a chirnu? What was a thing like that doing in a human attraction? What was it doing here at all? It had no right, no right to exist outside biet folklore and nightmares. The living shadow, or the fang of the shadows, depending on who was telling the story. Danro closed his eyes instinctively. Don’t look at it. Don’t look at it and it might not look at you.
“Danro,” Addy whispered, realizing she no longer felt his hairy bulk behind her.
He said nothing but willed her to remain quiet. The chirnu might hear her if it hadn’t already.
“Danro, we’re almost at the end, just a little further.” She reached back to put a hand on his arm.
A loud shriek and rush of movement made them both jump. Danro swept Addy into his arms and ran. To gadring with the rules! He ran! He could hear laughter behind him and taunting voices that may or may not have been human, at this point he didn’t know nor care. He could smell fresh air ahead and it seemed to be like a beacon of hope to him.
“Danro!” Addy cried out but was cut off by a loud growl to their left. A figure jumped out from the shadows, donned in a ripped cloak, and holding a weapon that Danro later realized was a human tool used for cutting lumber.
How the heck had this maniac gotten in here with that?! Danro dodged to the right. Addy screamed and held on so tightly to Danro’s fur that she might have pulled a few tufts loose. The maniac with the saw laughed and gave chase.
This was a mistake! This was a mistake! This was a mistake!
Maybe if he could just make it outside where the crowds were, they could lose their pursuer. Surely he wouldn’t give chase into public?
Danro barreled through the final door and out into the chilly air outside. Relief! The roar of the saw was still right behind, and so he kept up with his pace. Thankfully, their pursuer didn’t seem to be able to keep up and eventually stopped a ways outside the door to laugh and Danro and Addy ran around the corner of the building and back to the crowded quad area.
Once he was absolutely sure they were no longer being followed, he stopped only long enough to set Addy back on the ground before he started again for the main entrance.
“Hey! Wait, where are you going?” Addy bounded after him.
“We need to let someone know. They need to be warned before someone gets killed!”
“What? Wait, do you- do you mean the chainsaw guy?” Addy was now at his side, but struggling to keep up. “That’s just part of the whole thing, it’s a classic end to a haunted house. There’s no actual chain or blade or whatever, it’s safe.”
Danro slowed and turned to face Addy. He studied her face. She was smiling and didn’t seem at all worried that they had almost been killed by a psycho with a “chain saw.” He took a few deep breaths to slow his heart down. “It’s not real? We’re fine?” He finally managed to ask.
Addy smiled and nodded. “We’re fine. So, first time through a haunted house, what did you think?” Danro looked back to the building they had just run out of. He stared hard at it, trying to make sense of the whole experience. Or mostly, trying to make sense of what he had seen in that last room. Had he really seen what he thought he saw?
“Danro? Are you okay?” Addy’s worried tone snapped him back.
“I thought…” he was almost embarrassed to ask now. Admitting that he had seen what would be to her an alien monster, a mythical alien monster at that, seemed to be a bit laughable now that they were back in the safety of the quad. Addy continued to look at him though, expecting him to finish his thought.
“I thought I saw… a chirnu in there in that last room,” he admitted quietly.
Addy blinked. “Chirnu? What’s that?”
He grimaced. It was said that talking about them could help them hunt you down later. As briefly as he could, he described the monster that terrorized biet folklore.
Addy listened intently and nodded. When he was done, she hummed. “That does sound pretty bad. But I’m pretty sure we’re okay. I don’t think what you saw in there was a chirnu.”
Relief flooded Danro’s system. He felt silly even entertaining the idea that chirinu were for one thing, real, and another thing, here on Earth. Although, that did leave one question.
“Then what did I see?”
“Well, I’m not entirely sure. That last room was definitely creepier than the others. I think it’s genuinely haunted.” Danro tilted his head and Addy laughed. “Although if I had to venture a guess, from your description I’d say it was probably a giant rubber spider. That room did kind of have a spider theme if you didn’t notice.” “Spider theme?”
“Yeah, I think the whole building kind of had a “phobia” theme to it. Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. Lots of people have it. I just didn’t know biets had it too.”
Danro straightened his back in mock indignation. “I’m not afraid of spiders.”
Addy laughed. “Okay, then you were just pretending back there?”
Danro frowned, but the human’s happy energy was too much and he eventually cracked and smiled back. He looked around at the other patrons, mostly humans, who were waiting anxiously in line. They came to be scared. They wanted to be scared. How odd. And yet, Danro could feel himself still riding the high of his fight or flight senses. From what he understood, humans experienced a similar feeling, heightened by the production of a hormone called adrenaline. He could see how places like this might seem attractive to those seeking that rush.
“Well,” he responded airily, “I thought the whole point was to pretend to be scared.”
Addy laughed and teased. He teased back, recalling and imitating her many screams. They continued doing so while they waited in line to buy a bag of what Addy called “popcorn” and two caramel covered apples. Addy said they were some of her favorites, and caramel apples were a fall tradition. Danro enjoyed both. He smiled as he listened to Addy continue on about things she loved about the season and upcoming holiday before they went to wait in line for the building with the orange light.
That night became, quite possibly, one of his fondest memories. Humans are weird. They think getting scared on purpose is fun. Maybe Danro was a bit weird too because he whole-heartedly agreed.
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kareofbears · 3 years
plainly in truth, chapter 2/5
“Without you around, it’s sorta like stuff is just kinda…bleh.“
Or: hiding, confiding, and misguiding.
read on ao3 or below the cut :)
Yusuke wasn’t too sure if what he was doing was of the right mind, but his heart is definitely in the right place.
There’s a lapse in time between Jails and hitting the road. Everyone is out soaking in the last of Sendai; Ryuji and Akira (and by extension, Sophia) are on a quest to buy any last minute supplies that they might need while the girls and Morgana are taking in the sights that they didn’t quite manage to explore as much as they’d like.
Well, the girls who like crowds and sightseeing are on a quest, at least.
Futaba and Yusuke are in the trailer by their own volition—he didn’t need to see anything else that wasn’t a timeless statue, and he learned early in his life that if you pace your spendings, you can then use that money to spend in the future. Quite the contrary, Futaba has had a little too much excitement these past few days and is more than happy to hide away in her top bunk with only her laptop charger peeking out from the bottom of her fleece blanket.
(A cartoon rendition of the Sendai temple is printed onto the fleece. Apparently Haru had yet to see Futaba purchase anything ‘tourist-y’ and action figures of various anime characters don’t seem to count.)
He tugs on her laptop cord. “Hello.”
“...What?” she grunts, voice slightly muffled. Through the thin fabric, he can see the illumination from her screen.
“I need help reacting to something.”
“And you decided to ask me?” she deadpans. “The literal shut-in?”
“The previous shut-in,” he corrects. “You haven’t been a shut-in in nearly a year. A marvelous feat, if I do say so myself.”
“Yeah, and this is my way of celebrating.” The lump on the bed seems to curl further in on itself. “Begone. Do a painting or something. This is my me time. The equivalent of guzzling down a boat load of Arginade. There’s barely any time to be by myself considering the whole group is treating this RV like a pimped out party bus, so shoo.”
J-pop starts playing from inside the blanket fort, and even Yusuke knows a dismissal when he hears one. That won’t stop him, though.
He tugs again, harder. “That is the reason I’m asking you now. I can’t have this be heard by prying ears.”
Had there been a cat on the bunk bed, its ears would have twitched. “Is this…?”
“Yes,” he nods sagely. “It’s a secret.”
Futaba’s head pops out, eyes wide and nearly glowing in excitement. If there was one thing that she liked more than recovering her energy, it's uncovering every nook and cranny of people’s lives, whether they want it or not.
“Inari, you should’ve said something!” She throws the blanket off herself, snatches her laptop in her arms and jumps down. Slamming it down on the booth, she throws herself on top of the smooth faux leather. “Tell me everything. The deets, the specs, all down to the last dirty drop of tea.”
He slides in to join her, albeit much slower. “Before you tell me that I misled you, I want to make it clear: I don’t know what the secret is.”
“What!” she slaps her forehead, groaning. “Yusuke, why would you do me like that? That’s false advertising to the max, and I do not appreciate you tricking me.”
“There wasn’t a trace of trickery. What I’m about to say really does have to do with a secret, but I need your help with how to deal with it.”
“I’m gonna level with you here pal,” she puts a hand on his wrist. “I’m not the right person for this, but I’d be darned if I let you walk away without telling me anything. So let’s hear it! I’m ready for some juicy goss. Oh! Can I guess? Is it about Haru?”
He frowns. “No. Is there something about Haru?”
“I don’t know, that’s why I was asking you!” she says, patting her hands rapidly on the table. “Come on, just spill the beans already.”
“There are no ‘beans’ to spill yet, and besides, that sounds like a waste of perfectly good food.” He leans back against the plush cushion. Only a pinch of guilt arises in him as he says it. “It’s about Ryuji.”
“Ooo, Skull himself. Gotta admit, I wasn’t expecting him.”
“It relieves me that you said that. I share the same sentiment—it wasn’t until I had run into him the night before when I had started to truly suspect something. And what I found was…” he trails off.
Her lips pull downwards. “That bad?”
“It was worrying, to say the least.”
She sighs. Most of the energy in her seemed to have filed out in the presence of a more serious topic. “Dang. I knew it was fishy when he left, but he’s always been able to just hash things out on his own.” Her expression changes as an idea pops into her head, and it morphs into one he recognizes. “Does—?”
“No. Akira doesn’t know, apparently.”
Futaba splutters, and he has to resist the urge to nod his head at her reaction. “He—Akira—wait, what? He doesn’t know? Oh, it must be bad bad.”
“My thoughts exactly. Initially, I had thought that whatever this was, it was manageable. Like that time he had spent his month’s allowance on a claw machine to win Makoto that light-up buchimaru.” Idly, he touches her keyboard lightly, appreciating the kaleidoscope of colors that emanate from it. “You know how I feel. We’re the Phantom Thieves; we can’t allow anyone to suffer alone, even if the one we’re helping is a Phantom Thief himself.”
Futaba raises an eyebrow. “And how do you want to help him?” she asks. “By talking to him? Let’s be real, you and I have the lowest social stat in this group. Combined, we can maybe reach the nerd student council president, and the guy who can and should handle this doesn’t even know about it!” Biting down on her lip, “Should we tell Akira?”
“Absolutely not. That was the one thing he had requested, and we cannot go against it. By extension, I don’t think we should tell anyone else.” A thought comes to him. “Wait, he mentioned that Ann knows of his situation.”
“Great! Someone who knows how to deal with people’s problems and isn’t us. What are we waiting for?” She reaches for her phone, and Yusuke proceeds to smack her hand out of the way. “Ow?”
“Don’t call her!” he hisses. “Ryuji said that she’s, and I quote, ‘part of the problem’. We can’t have her knowing that we know something.”
“Ann is?” Futaba exclaims, shoving her glasses up her nose. “This is getting too deep. We don’t even know anything yet, and it’s really starting to feel like we’re part of some conspiracy.”
“That’s right, we don’t know anything, and it is our largest road block.” Yusuke crosses his arms. “We don’t know what happened between Ryuji and Ann, or if something even occurred between Ryuji and Ann. What if they had an argument? What if they’re fighting, and it becomes irreparable between them? What if it begins affecting our Jail runs?”
“You really gave this some thought, huh?”
“But of course. I must nurture the few friends that I have managed to treasure.” He glances outside and sees the crowds clambering to see their tourist spot. “We may be different from most teenagers, but I don’t believe we’re immune to the nature of cliques or dramas or even insecurities.”
“God, what a good friend you are, it’s bugging me,” Futaba accuses. “So what the heck, Mr. Philanthropist? We’re stuck between a rock and our friend group here. This mission was doomed before you even dragged me out from my hideout,” she says, eyes drifting away to stare longingly back at her bunk bed.
“Stop making that expression. There’s a reason why I talked to you about this.” He leans forward. “What I’m asking is, to be frank, unfavorable, but I really do believe that it’s worth it to do this.”
She looks at him, and it only takes her a few seconds for realization to set in. Her jaw drops. “Oh Inari, that’s vile.”
“If you’re uncomfortable with it—”
“I didn’t say I was uncomfortable with it,” she cuts in. The grin on her face is wide; a woman in her element. “I just thought you’re the one who’d be all against this kind of thing.”
Futaba pulls her laptop towards her. “Sit back and observe the master at work.”
He watches as her fingers breeze through the keyboard, eyes inscrutable as light reflects off of her glasses. “So you can do it?”
“I’ve hacked into the Diet Building’s security cameras on a dare back when I was twelve,” she snorts. “This is Mario Kart Baby Park with the railings up.”
“I don’t know what that is.”
“It means—” With a flourish, she hits a key before glancing up at him, smug. “That this will be very easy. I’m thinking we can start with their text messages and work our way up to the big stuff.”
“Oh, right. You can go through our phones,” he grimaces. “You’ve stopped doing that, yes?”
“Of course I have! By the way, did you figure out what courses you wanted next term? I saw your advisor was bugging you about it, you should really email her back.”
“Yes, I’ve finally decided on sculpting as opposed to visual photography since it lets me focus on the anatomy of...” he pauses. “Wait—”
“Okay, looks like I got his text messages with Ann, so let’s all focus on this now!” she says loudly. “Scooch over, let’s go through ‘em.”
He does, and she moves to sit next to him. Yusuke peers at her screen. “Nothing out of the ordinary. There is a significant drop in the frequency of his replies, but that’s been the case for me as well.”
“Same here.” She continues scrolling up rapidly, so fast he wonders how she can keep up with herself. “Memes, memes, lots of ‘where you at’ texts, more memes…”
Something catches his eye. “Hold. Go down slightly, I think that link might be interesting.”
“‘How to treat knee pain: 11 steps with pictures’?” she reads aloud. “His knee is acting up again?”
“What’s peculiar is that I haven’t seen any sign of it.” He squints at Ryuji’s response to it—generic gratitude. “Even in Jails, he runs around without a care in the world.”
“What’s even weirder is that Ann is actually sending Ryuji wikihow links on how to treat his knee,” she snorts. “Let’s put a pin in this one and move on, Ann’s chat is chalking up to be a dead end.”
Rubbing her hands together, she straightens up like a professor in front of a lecture hall on the first day of classes. “Now Yusuke, when you’re looking to crack someone open like a tasty, moist omelette, there are two things that you must look into: their email and their bank account.”
After some clicking, Ryuji’s email pops up. “Email is obvious, since this pretty much tracks anything big. Delivery shipments, subscriptions to websites, acceptance letters. It’s all here in a neat little bow, ready for us to read.”
“‘Manga’s are 20% off for this weekend only,” he reads. “‘Anime convention next weekend’, ‘Pizza coupons’.”
“Ugh, he’s so boring! Next!” Clicking sounds through the RV, emphasizing how much they were snooping through their friend’s private life. “Bank account, show us your wisdom.”
“My word,” Yusuke gasps when the tab opens up. “That’s quite a lot of funds.”
“Inari, four thousand yen is definitely not a lot of money. How much do you have in yours?”
“I don’t have an account,” he admits. “I was on my way to the bank to open one, but I ran out of train fare. By the time I had gotten there, it was already closed. Quite rude, considering that it was only two o’clock.”
She levels him with a look. “Was it a Sunday when you did all this?”
“Why does that matter?”
“Never mind,” she shakes her head. “Okay, so nothing conclusive or even embarrassing. That means that whatever this is, he really doesn’t want anyone knowing about it.”
Futaba hops out of the booth and starts rummaging through everyone’s luggage. “That means we unlock the secret, classic, never goes out of style method of snooping—” with an expression of triumph, she showcases Ryuji’s backpack to him. “Going through their stuff IRL.”
Yusuke winces. “Don’t you think we might be going too far?”
“Hey, what’s with the cold feet? Where was your ‘justice’ from before?”
“I’m all for justice,” he watches her unzip the backpack, recoiling. “But even this seems a little excessive.”
“Look, we already went through his email, his bank account, his text messages. At this point, it’s kind of weird if we don’t find anything. Like—” she throws a pair of shorts behind her as she rummages. “What kind of teenage boy doesn’t have anything to hide? And also, it’d be kinda messed up to go through his stuff and come up empty-handed. If we didn’t find anything—” she pulls out several t-shirts and a crowbar and places them on the ground next to her. “Then we’d just be a bunch of snoops.”
“I suppose you’re right,” he reluctantly agrees. “Above all else, we need to find out what’s happened in his life to make him so upset.”
“Exactly. Oh man, wouldn’t it be crazy if we just found some porn mags or something? Retro to the max, but I can totally see him as the kind of guy to lug something like that along. Unless it’s of Akira.” She makes a face. “Ew. Funny thought is no longer funny.”
“Karma, if you will.”
“Shut it. Oh ho ho, what do we have here?”
“You found something?”
“It’s some fancy looking letter.” Futaba flops herself on the ground. She clears her throat. “'Sakamoto Ryuji. This letter is to inform you that…'” she stops all of a sudden.
“Futaba?” he probes.
“Um,” she blinks, and laughs nervously. “Um?”
He reaches over, and she doesn’t resist when it slips out of her hands. Skimming through the letter, only his eyes dare to move. When he finishes, he lets out a breath. “Oh no.”
“We shouldn't've read that,” she whispers, a perfect summation of what he was feeling. “We really should not have read that.”
There’s something to be said about the quayside in Sendai, in the way that it’s almost exactly like Tokyo.
Sure, the buildings here are definitely shorter—gone are the towering structures back home, and instead they’re replaced with shorter structures with cute local designs and colorful patio restaurants. The people here are different, too. Maybe it’s something to do with the water here, in how it’s cleaner and how you can actually see some fish down in the canals if you know where to look. Don’t even get him started in the air; jeez, do they infuse the oxygen here with something? He hasn’t stopped taking deep breaths ever since they got here.
But despite all of those discrepancies, the feeling of Akira’s hand in his is just like being home.
“And it’s actually really interesting,” he hears vaguely. “Because back in Leblanc, there used to be a couple issues about the temperature and stuff, but in my hometown there’s…Ryuji? Are you even listening to me?“
Akira’s telling him something. A story about Morgana? And Ryuji’s sure it’s very interesting, but he’s too focused on the way that sunlight hits his cheekbones.
“I’m listening,” he lies. “Keep going. This is just my listening face, I promise.”
“Sure, sure,” Akira agrees easily. “That’s just your listening face, rather than me and my wicked good looks, right? I totally believe you.” He wiggles his fingers. “Give.”
Ryuji offers him the caramel ice cream cone in his other hand, letting him bite into it like some kind of psychopath. “Done?” he asks, shifting the tote bag tucked into the crook of his elbow, careful not to rattle the eggs inside. Akira bravely offered to carry the groceries, but he had obviously refused.
“Mmm. That’s good stuff.”
“Right? I read about the ice cream here when I was younger, and they were really hyping it up on the ad.” He takes a lick, grinning when the taste hits his tongue. “And on a summer day like this? Unbeatable. It’s really reminding me of last summer when we hung out everyday in your room eating crap, taking naps, and playing games.” It also helped that hanging out with his crush was a daily thing, he thought.
“And I got to hangout with my crush a lot too, so that’s always a plus,” Akira adds.
Ryuji stops, and Akira turns around to give him a weird look. “What?”
“You get me,” he says in awe.
“I sure hope so,” he tugs him forward, and they continue their walk, their shoes rhythmically landing on the wood in unison. A comfortable silence takes over, but that’s no good. Ryuji wants to hear him talk.
“So imagine you get ten million yen,” he starts. “What do you do with it?”
It’s not the first time he’s asked this. They discuss it often, eagerly like the dreaming boys they both are. Akira considers it and Ryuji loves that about him. It doesn’t matter how stupid his questions are—he will always answer them with as if it were a serious question.
“For starters, Yusuke’s getting a place as soon as possible.”
“Duh,” he snorts. “Apparently, his roommate brought someone back to hook up with them. Poor guy got so traumatized he slept over at Haru’s.”
“We should be glad that he didn’t ask them for poses,” Akira laughs. “Next, I’m making sure that Sojiro has enough for retirement.”
“Obviously. Rest in peace Leblanc—you make fire coffee, but no one’s there to drink it.”
“And then I’m making sure your mom has the funds for retirement for sure.”
“I love you,” he sighs.
“I know.” Akira starts swinging their hands back and forth. “Then with the rest, I’ll buy us some new shoes for when we start training again together, and whatever’s left we can split it up with the rest of the Thieves and they can do what they want with it.”
“I bet Ann would go on a shopping spree in France,” he says.
“Haru would probably donate hers.”
“Makoto’s is going straight into university. I can see her going in to get a Masters with that kind of money.”
Ryuji refuses to let his expression fall. “That’s her. Big bookworm with a capital B.” Stop talking about this, stop talking about this. “How about you, Sophia? Any clue what you’ll do with a boatful of moolah?”
A harmonic beep rings through the air and Akira passes her over to him. “I would invest in cryptocurrency and turn ten million into one hundred million,” she says cheerfully. “Then I would take that hundred million and turn it into one billion yen.”
Ryuji coughs, sliding her into his back pocket. “You know what? That’s my bad. I should’ve expected that, honestly.”
Akira plucks the remainder of their ice cream cone from his hand and throws it in his mouth, munching. Wordlessly, he takes out a pack of wet-wipes from his pockets and hands it to Ryuji.
“Thanks.” Reluctantly dropping his hand, he thoroughly cleans through his sticky fingers. “You didn’t ask me what I was gonna do with my money.”
He nods in a go ahead way.
“After I give most of it to my mom, I was just gonna give the rest to you.” Ryuji kicks a stray pebble. It skirts off the edge of the boardwalk. There’s a tug on his arm. “Yeah?”
Akira covers his mouth with a hand, before making an incomprehensible garble of noise.
“Huh? My bad, I didn’t catch that.”
A few seconds of vigorous chewing, he swallows. “I said,” Akira says, eyes glimmering the way it does when he gets really excited. “I was going to do the exact same thing.”
“Dude!” Ryuji throws his arm around his shoulders, tugging him in close. “You understand me like no one else does. What the eff!”
“I’m glad,” he says softly. Wrapping his arm around him, Ryuji blinks at the unexpected hug. “It’s nice that we're on the same wavelength.”
Suspicion tingles across Ryuji’s skin. “Hold up.” Pulling away, he squints his eyes at him. “No.”
Akira immediately looks to the side. “What?” he says, defensive. “It’s nothing.”
“No freaking way.”
“I think I saw a cool arcade back there, it has cool prizes that I think you’d like, and—“
“Kurusu Akira,” he says sternly, grabbing his face between his hands. “Don’t tell me that you’re jealous.”
“I’m not!” he insists, pushing his glasses higher on his nose. “I’m not, you know I’m not that type of guy.”
“But?” Ryuji prompts.
“But…” he hesitates. “I’d be happy for you, if you find that it’s easier to talk to other people that aren’t me.” Akira straightens up, pulling out of Ryuji’s grasp but inspects his hand like it were something to be studied. How strange it was to see his long, elegant fingers grasp his brutish, blistered ones. “I’m relieved that I didn’t leave you alone. I just...miss being your go-to, I think.”
“Akira.” He says slowly. “My man. The love of my fucking life. You are never not gonna be my go-to. You’re my go-one.” Rapping his knuckles against Akira’s temple carefully, “Your hometown is messing with you up here, making you say weird shit like that.”
“I know, I know.” Running his index finger down his wrist, Ryuji can feel how cold he is. “You knew what you were getting into when you started dating an overthinker.”
“As a chronic underthinker, no, I did not.” He kisses Akira’s palm. “But it works out, so it’s all good.”
Turning them both around, Ryuji starts walking. “I know this is super duper impossible for a guy like you, but I’m gonna have to ask you for a favor.”
“You have got, to the best of your ability,” he bumps into Akira’s shoulder. “Stop stressing out.”
He frowns. “It’s my job to stress out.”
“It’s our job to stress out,” he corrects. “You and me. Founding Thieves. We share the burden, bro. We got into this together, we’re getting out of it together. That includes you worrying about our relationship outside the ‘Verse, and extend it all the way to what dingy hometown you took the bullet train from.”
“I’ll try,” he says doubtfully. “You’re kind of enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“What do you mean? No way I can enjoy the most perfect person on the planet be a little jealous over his boyfriend getting attention, what kind of asshole would I be?” And before Akira can say anything, “I know, not jealous, but I’ll take what I can get.”
“I love you.”
“I know,” he flashes a peace sign.
“I know you know.” A group of middle schoolers pass them, chattering about nothing and pointing out random things on the quay, all enjoying their summer vacation. “You know that you can tell me anything, right?” he asks suddenly.
Unable to help himself, he ruffles Akira’s hair, pitch black and hot to the touch. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”
“I don’t?”
Gray eyes look into his brown ones, earnest and trusting. Just like that, the light feeling in Ryuji’s chest vanishes. “No,” he responds slowly. “You don’t.”
“Good,” Akira nods, and sees where they were heading towards. “Oh, you took that seriously?”
“You bet your crisp ass I did,” he says, pushing the glass door open. The arcade is bright, neon, and littered with claw machines. Add that to the list of similarities from Tokyo. “I don’t fuck around with arcades. I’m in the top hundred players in the Gun Gale in Shinjuku.”
“Was that with Shinya or without?”
“Not important.” He surveys the area. “There it is. Can you grab us some change? I’ll pay you back.”
Akira waves his hand, walking towards the coin machine. “Don’t. What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I let you pay for our dates?”
“A hot one!” he yells. When he turns the corner, Ryuji collapses into a bright red racing chair. “Fuck,” he hisses, heart beating too damn fast for it to be normal. “Chill out, Sakamoto, jesus.”
It only gets worse when a familiar beep rings out. “Ryuji, your heart rate is at 160. Is everything alright?”
“Sophia!” he wheezes out, relieved. “Can you—will—” he stops, scrunching his eyes closed. “I’m having a panic attack, I think.”
“Searching for how to treat panic attacks,” she says immediately, and he sags into the cool plastic gratefully. “Deep breaths will help, slowly to the count of ten.”
His heart is beating so hard that he can barely hear the jingles and the whirrs of the machines around him. “Count out loud. Hurry, before he gets back.”
She does, and he grips the side of the chair as he focuses on breathing. The attack passes by faster than he hoped it would. “Thank god,” he breathes. “Thank you.”
“No prob,” she says, before hesitating. “Akira—”
“Will not know about this,” he cuts her off, rubbing his hand over his face. “I’ll tell him eventually, don’t worry, et cetera. I know all this. Ann’s been hounding me non-freakin’-stop. Just don’t tell him, Soph. Please.”
Before she can say anything, Akira comes back, pockets full of change and that signature small smile resting on his lips.
The bright side about missing out on Sapporo’s snow festival is having its tourism as its lowest point when you visit it in the summer.
Even the shopping district just outside Susikino isn’t very crowded; there’s the usual street vendors and shops with bright pastries and cute clothes. But even having it right beside the Sapporo Tower, it’s still nothing uncomfortable. At least, it’s not uncomfortable when you get to observe the environment through a phone lens.
“This is nice, isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve had much of an opportunity to talk to you yet, which is quite rude of me.”
“No prob,” Sophia replies easily. She was swaying from Haru’s neck, hanging by a silicone phone holder that she had bought from a convenience store. Futaba had guffawed when she saw it, but Sophia’s happy about the purchase. It’s fun, and it lets her people watch from the perspective of one of her friends. “I have been meaning to talk to everyone one by one as to better understand each of you.”
“Oh, good! What better use of a nice chat while doing some shopping along the way?” Haru chirps, thumbing through a rack of out-of-season clearance sweaters as they pass. “I have to admit, I’m not the best when it comes to fashion and whatnot. Most of the time, I ask Ann-chan to accompany me.”
“I can try my best! Online websites are constantly updating in order to provide their readers with the newest trends.” Idly, she takes a peek. “Wide-legged pants are back in style.”
“That’s a relief,” she sighs. “I never pulled off skinny jeans too well. Long, flowy skirts have always been my thing. It just gives off such a nice aesthetic, doesn’t it?”
Sophia smiles. “I think you’d look good in anything. Have you considered going punk? You’d look very dope and intimidating with a black streak in your hair and a leather jacket.”
“Now that I can agree with, but that’s more Mako-chan’s style, I’m afraid.” She pauses. “Actually, I bet Mako-chan would actually like that. Sometimes I feel as though she isn’t willing to branch out of her circle of clothes past a pair of Oxfords and a deep-coloured sweater. A push might be what she needs.”
She considers this. “Is it possible to buy clothes for her? That can be a possible ‘push’, quote unquote.”
“Hmm, I don’t think so. She would never let us do such a thing.”
“One moment.” Pulling out a few files from inside her memory storage, she clears her throat. “According to my data analysis, Niijima Makoto has high difficulty straying away from well-mannered behaviours. Do you think that includes saying no to gifts given to her? That can be advantageous.”
Haru stops walking and pulls the phone up so that they’re at eye-level. “Sophia-chan,” she beams. “I have a feeling we’re going to be very good friends.”
They continue walking down the street when Haru gasps suddenly. “You literally can’t shop, can you?”
“Of course I can. I can get anything in the world for you,” she says proudly. “Anything.”
“Alright, we’ll have to test that later, but I mean you can’t use what you buy,” she frowns, eyes troubled. “Your sweater is adorable, but you’re forced to wear it everyday, right? Can you even do your hair differently? Is it possible for you to pin it, or even let it down?”
Sophia finds it endearing that she would let such a thing bother her. She doesn’t even have a social insurance number, but Haru’s worried about hair clips. “No, but I quite like it the way it is. It doesn’t get in the way when I do my work, and in the Metaverse, it gets completely hidden as to let me do my fighting,” she explains, karate chopping in her screen. “But I can understand the human desire for change.”
“Would you like that?” Haru asks gently. “To change? Um, change out of your clothes, and change mentally. Either one.”
“Change mentally, of course! I’d love to understand my friends better and understand how to help them. It’s a vast mountain of knowledge, but I’d want nothing more than to decode the mystery of the human heart,” she says eagerly. “But for clothes...I’m not sure. I haven’t tried it. I’m pretty sure I can’t try it.”
“That settles it,” Haru looks both ways before crossing the street, jogging slightly.
Sophia perks up. “If you’re heading somewhere specific, I can give you directions.”
“No need.” She has an intense, hungry look on her face, not unlike the one she had when the new axe Akira bought had finally arrived at their RV. “We’re just about here.”
They stop in front of a store, and she can barely read the sign from the phone’s angle. “‘Case in Point’?”
Haru pushes the glass door open, greeting the cashier. “It’s a phone modifier shop.”
There’s no effort to explain anything else, but Sophia can confidently add ‘anticipation’ onto her growing list of experienced feelings.
“Out of curiosity—” Haru begins as they exit the modifier store, the cashier still bug-eyed from the tip she had left at his counter. “Can you see everything inside Akira-kun’s phone?”
“Yes,” she replies. The environment that she lives in, and more specifically, Akira’s phone, is now a bright, perfectly polished shade of rose gold with a mint outline. A far cry from the matte black that it was before. “Why do you ask?”
“No reason.” Her voice is sweet as sugar. “Out of curiosity once again, is there anything interesting? Anything worth noting?”
She jumps as Sophia’s voice suddenly morphs into Akira’s without warning. “Nice try,” the phone plays. “But no.”
And just as quick, Sophia comes back to the phone. “Sorry about leaving,” she says. “Akira had asked me to play that clip if someone ever, and I quote, ‘tried me.’”
Haru giggles. “Just like Akira-kun to be so thorough. Impressive as always, leader.” She peers down at her watch. “I suppose it’s about time to head back, isn’t it?”
“We still have eight minutes to spare.”
“We do. Perhaps we should take a stroll around the park?”
“Cool,” she says. “Wanna ask Futaba and Yusuke if they want to come with?”
“Sure?” Haru blinks. “That’s very specific.”
“On your two o’clock,” she points out. “In front of the book store.”
They watch as Futaba and Yusuke stand across the street from them. Futaba is aggressively pointing her finger at the books on display, then slapping her fist against her palm like she was devising a war strategy. Yusuke shakes his head wildly, comically putting his hands in his pockets and revealing that there was nothing inside. She sighs and walks away, tugging along a dejected boy behind her.
“Aren’t you going to ask them?”
“In a moment.” Haru takes them to the front of the store. “This isn’t a bookstore, I don’t think. What’s it called Sophia?”
After a quick search: “‘Sapporo’s School Supply Store’,” she says. “The alliteration makes it fun to say.”
“Indeed it does.” Peering into the store, Haru makes an introspective noise. “Now isn’t this interesting?” she hums. “Do you mind if I make one more purchase?”
“Not at all,” Sophia says, thrilled to add another point she had learned: If Haru wants something, there’s nothing that will get in her way.
“So,” Makoto starts, and Ryuji has to hold back a groan. He knows that tone. He’s memorized that tone. All the second years can feel her tone from a mile away. Hell, Ann probably took an instinctive step back just now. “Have you started to think about university?”
“Nope,” he says, wiping the sweat off his brow as they jog around the corner of Odori park. Back before he had left for his hometown, Akira and Ryuji would be up at dawn to train. Lately though, he’s been using any free time he has that isn’t planning for, prepping for, or actively doing a Jail run to sleep in the RV. And hey, he has no beef with Makoto, and it’s not like she can’t keep up with his training (she can most definitely kick his ass in hand-to hand), but she has a tendency to push when it comes to this sort of stuff. “Not a single thought towards it. It’s been pretty good, actually.”
“I can tell,” she agrees. “It’s almost like you blocked my number.”
“I did not!”
“So you actively choose not to answer any of my texts?”
“Ugh, don’t set me up like that,” he winces. “You know I’m stupid enough to fall for shit like that everytime.”
“Hold on.”
Ryuji grunts as he feels a hold on his shirt, forcing him to stop. “Ew, don’t touch my back, it’s Nigeria there.”
“First of all, it’s Niagara.” She spins him around. He’s only a little taller than her, but something about her always seems to tower over him. “Second, do you know why I keep pushing all of you to go to university?”
“Because you hate us?” he mumbles.
Makoto glares at him. “Try again.”
“...Because you don’t hate us?”
“Because I don’t hate you,” she repeats. “You’re all rowdy and wild and sometimes I don’t understand the jokes you make—”
“You’re just mad ‘cause you fell for a deez nuts joke.”
“But I do, inexplicably, love all of you,” she pushes on, and that shuts him up. “I know what you’re all capable of. Amazing things! I understand you all believe that I’m the be-all end-all, and I appreciate your compliments, but there are some things that only Ann can do, or Akira, or Yusuke.”
Makoto continues running, and he reluctantly follows suit. “And you. You can achieve things that I can’t even dream of, Ryuji.”
He resists the urge to yawn. “Thanks for the pep talk, Niijima.” Looking left, the gelato is looking real good. “Wanna get something to eat? I’m starving.”
“You aren’t very good at hiding secrets, Ryuji.”
Now that grabbed his attention. “Whoa, whoa, whoa there, prez!” Speeding past her, he holds out a hand to make her stop. “What do you mean by that?”
She raises a brow. “Nothing in particular, but your reaction is showing me that I should have meant something by it.”
He gnaws on the inside of his cheek roughly. “Okay, but why did that come into your brain? Why do you think I have some kinda secret?”
“I live with a prosecutor everyday of my life, of course I know when something’s afoot.” Pushing her hair back, she squints up at him. “You’ve been more...jumpy lately, yet somehow more laid-back than usual. I wanted to talk to Akira about this—”
Blood pours into his mouth when he accidentally bites too hard. “You talked to Akira?!” he half yells, red dribbling from the corner of his lips.
“Oh my god!”
“Fuck,” he clamps a hand over his mouth. “Sorry. Bit too hard.”
“N-no! Don’t apologize!” she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a napkin, pulling him to a stone ledge. “Sit and take this so you don’t bleed all over yourself. I’ll be back.”
He doesn’t bother speaking, only nods as she turns around. When she comes back, she’s holding a water bottle. “Here.”
Taking it gratefully, he takes deep gulps before spitting it out. “Why the hell does this taste like the beach?” he splutters.
“I didn’t say to drink it! It’s salt water to get rid of infections!”
“Why would you do that to me?!”
“Because I thought you knew to do that from the second-year health class!” she shoots back. “Gargle it and spit. Near the gutter, mind you, it’s rude to spit in front of kids. They might get the wrong idea.”
As if kids are gonna see him and think that there’s something worth remembering. He sips, sloshing it around his mouth before gently letting it dribble into the grated sewer. “Blegh.”
“You’re welcome. Keep at it. And while you’re doing that,” she sits next to him, shoulder to shoulder. “Do you want to tell me what’s been making you anxious?”
He pauses. “Anxious?”
Makoto gives him a stern look. “‘Experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.’ It was covered in your midterm.”
“Ah, right,” he mutters. Gripping the fabric of his shirt, his heart is beating too quick for it to be normal. Then again, when was the last time it wasn't? “You think I’m anxious?”
“I’m not sure. Keep gurgling,” Makoto chides.
He does, the salt water still red whenever he spat, and she continues. “All I know is when my anxiety gets really bad, I chew on my lip. Sae used to chide me when we were younger, but you know, she got busy,” she shrugs, as if he didn’t know how much it pained her to lose her only family member to a career of protecting the wrong people. “When I mentioned it to Akira, he took it upon himself to check up on me regularly during exam weeks.”
To prove her point, she takes her lower lip and flips it out for him to see—white teeth marks, but old scars instead of anything fresh. Letting go, her expression is smug. “He hasn’t felt the need to check in for a while now.”
Spitting, water finally running clear, he grins. “Good for you. I’m glad to hear that, dude.”
“Thank you, but that wasn’t the point. My point was that I was only able to get better because I told someone about it. Someone I trusted.” Makoto turns to him, her gaze serious. “I know that’s what Akira is to you. Habits like these are harmless at first, but they can turn into something else more dangerous. I won’t stand for that. My own justice won’t stand for that.”
Ryuji opens his mouth, before closing it. I’ll tell Akira, he wants to say. How many times does he have to repeat that line before he starts believing it himself? “Okay,” he says, because it’s the only thing he can say without hating himself even more.
“Okay.” She pats his knee before standing. “I can get us some gelato.” She stretches, wincing as her joints crack into place. “If you’re feeling up to it, start your cool down. Unless you wanna keep training?”
“I’m good. Felt enough blood rush for the day.”
She goes to the ice cream stand, and he stares up at the blue sky.
Makoto’s right, because of fucking course she is. She’s right, he knows she’s right. But she doesn’t get it. To her, Akira’s a friend. A guy who helped her out and changed her life, yeah. If he hadn’t met her when she did, maybe she would’ve become a scummy adult who didn’t look up from market pricing and hedge funds.
But Ryuji? Ryuji would be dead without Akira. That’s a fact and a half.
To Makoto, Akira’s a friend. To Ryuji, he’s Akira, and you can’t be on a higher pedestal in his mind than that.
It was Yusuke who took the first step.
“Ann,” he greets cordially. “How do you do?”
She gives him a weird look. “Kinda trying to focus here,” she says, gesturing at the scene in front of them. They, Morgana, and Sophia were in the B team as they watched the rest of them try and get rid of the remaining Shadows in Mariko’s Jail, tersely attentive and waiting on Joker’s word in case they needed a last minute switch. The Jail was environmentally brutal; the ice underneath the soles of their shoes makes them skid more often than they’d like. It almost makes the fights seem quicker, one notch faster than usual.
Yusuke pays her dismissal no mind. “I, myself, am learning many new things lately. Can the same be said about you?”
In the corner of his eye, Futaba pauses typing on her laptop to face palm.
“Are you...” Ann says after a brief pause. “Is this a threat? Are you threatening me?”
“Panther!” Akira’s clear voice rings out.
Ann dashes forward without question, high-fiving Morgana as they trade spots.
Futaba marches forward, glaring at Yusuke like he was crazy. “You dolt!” she hisses. “What was that supposed to be? I said be slick and cool, not act like a fool!”
“While I admire the rhyme scheme, I don’t understand what you want from me. That was as ‘slick and cool’ as I’m capable of,” he furrows his brow. “I even opened with a question that seemed as though the conversation would be a normal one, but then used that to transition into what I actually wanted to discuss.”
“Stop looking so proud of yourself and—”
“Back in a moment,” he says before he’s gone, Makoto taking his place, leather uniform still smoldering from when she took a fire move head-on.
“What was that about?” Haru asks, swinging her axe like a picnic basket.
“Nothing, Noir,” Futaba sighs, plopping back into place where Ann had stood. Carmen had kindly left a warm patch of concrete in her wake. “Just Inari became a big ole’ dumb-dumb.”
“I see,” she hums. “So this has nothing to do with what you two have been conspiring about lately?”
Her eyes shot wide open. “Con...conspiring?” she stutters out. “What do you mean by—”
A particularly loud scream rips into the air, and everyone turns their heads to see Captain Kidd slam his hook into the ground, purple arms erupting from the snow and wiping out a huge chunk of Shadows all in one go.
“Hot damn,” Futaba says, directing her focus back to her laptop and making sure Ryuji has enough health to keep going.
“He’s strong,” Haru observes, all playfulness gone.
“Too strong.” After Futaba gives everyone on the main team a good amount of health, something on her screen makes her pause. “Huh…?”
Haru turns around to see Makoto waiting for her. “I need to discuss something with you.”
“Of course,” she steps closer to her and drops her voice. “Is everything alright?”
“I’d bring this up with Joker, but I don’t want to bother him if I’m not sure if there’s anything wrong yet,” Makoto pushes her mask up. “But have you noticed Skull's been acting strange lately?”
He swaps with Ann, her pigtails covered in snow. “Ugh,” she grimaces as she shakes it out. “I could try and melt it, but it’ll just drip down my back and freeze later on, and I do not want that.”
“Panther, I’d like your input as well, if you don’t mind,” Makoto says.
“Sure. What’s up?”
“I was just talking to Noir about this, but did you notice anything strange about the way Skull’s acting lately?”
Ann takes a step back. “Well, what—No—I mean, that’s your opinion, I think!” she exclaims. “To me, Skull's acting is completely normal. He’s normal—actually, scratch that, he’s better than usual. Nothing about him is wrong, I think, and that’s pretty outstanding and impressive once you consider that he’s the one with the life-long injury. Not that that has to do with anything!” Ann yells. “I just wanted to point out how far he’s come, and how much he’s kicking ass right now. Actually,” her voice shifts to a stage whisper. “Don’t mention this because I don’t wanna cause drama, but Fox has been a little weird.”
“Weird how?” Makoto whispers back, looking extremely lost.
“Just earlier, he asked me how I was.”
“...I’m not following.”
“No, Panther-chan has a point,” Haru breaks in. “I can’t say for certain, but I have a strong feeling that Fox and—” she points at Futaba conspicuously. “Are up to something.”
“Sophie and Fox?” Ann breathes.
“Damn, again? That’s what we get for going into an ice Jail,” she grumbles, swapping with Yusuke.
Haru sighs. “Panther-chan isn’t the best with context clues, is she?”
“Hello ladies,” Yusuke greets. “What were we discussing?”
Makoto gives him a suspicious look. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
His jaw drops, bewildered, but before he can say anything, Futaba waves him over. “Get your fox butt over here!”
“I...Alright,” he says, resigned.
“Look at them,” Makoto nods at the pair. “I think you’re onto something.”
“I think so too, but I don’t want to be too hasty. After all, the two of them are such good friends now; it would be unfair to assume negative outcomes without evidence, or at least confront them first,” Haru says nonchalantly.
She understands immediately. “You have evidence?”
“Something of the sort.”
“Duty calls,” she gives her a thumbs up, before Ann comes back once again.
“I can’t wait for us to go to a really hot place again,” she kicks the snow with her heels. “Then I’ll be comfortably in the B team because all the Shadows have fire resistance to the max.”
“Oh good, she’s back,” Yusuke’s expression is one of relief.
“Fox—” Futaba warns without looking up from her laptop.
“Come here. There is something we would like to discuss with you.” Whether or not it was intentional, he rests his hand on the handle of his katana.
“Okay but before we start, I just wanna ask—what are you doing with Sophie?” Ann accuses. “It’s fine to be friends with her, but you have to be careful. She’s really susceptible to what we say right now, and if you try anything funny—”
“What are you even saying?” he says, offended. “I barely even talk to her!”
They all glance at Sophia, who had been standing perfectly still and silent. She gives them a wave. They all awkwardly wave back.
Makoto places a hand on Ann’s shoulder. “Panther, Noir meant Fox and Oracle.” Ann flushes red as she continues. “And while we’re all here, I wanted to bring this up with you as well. Have you all noticed something strange with Skull?” Futaba stops typing. “I’m not sure how to explain it, but I think he’s extremely anxious about something. You all know that I’m an overthinker, so I might have the wrong idea but…” she trails off.
Futaba glances at Yusuke. Yusuke glances at Ann. Ann helplessly glances at Ryuji, still fighting alongside Akira and the others.
“I know nobody asked me,” they all jump a foot in the air when Sophia speaks beside them. “But I can at least confirm for suresies that there is something strange with Skull.”
“Which is…?” Makoto prods.
“I don’t know the specifics.” Ann, Yusuke, and Futaba let out a breath. “But he did have a panic attack recently.”
“I knew it!” Makoto snaps her fingers. “He’s had signs of being anxious, but I wasn’t too sure about it.”
She runs out, and Ryuji comes in, looking exhausted but pleased. “Hey y’all, what were we talking about?”
It was dead silent before Sophia steps forward. “Look what I can do!” she exclaims, changing the expression on her screen to be an emoji with a flower.
“Whoa!” His eyes bug out, and they all sigh in relief. “That’s awesome! Can you do more?”
“That’s super cool Sophie, but,” Futaba looks at Ryuji, skeptical. “Don’t you feel weak right now? Your health is way down.”
“Oh, I didn’t even notice,” he rubs the back of his neck. “Sophie, you mind?”
“Not at all.” She calls for Pithos and green sparkles fall on him. “Better?”
“Thanks, I owe you one.”
“When the king calls, his knight answers,” he salutes, sprinting out as Makoto comes back in.
“So,” she glares at the rest of them. “What do the rest of you know?”
Ann groans. “Even if I did know something, I probably wouldn’t be able to tell you.”
“Wait,” Futaba points an accusing finger at her. “What do you know?”
“What do I know? What do you know? And for that matter, what does he,” Ann points at Yusuke. “Know? Noir said you guys are doing secret stuff together!”
“That’s preposterous,” he scoffs. “If it was secret, she wouldn’t have known.”
“That’s the dumbest argument I’ve ever heard.”
“How is it dumb?” he asks. “You can’t possibly think that just because Futaba and I are doing ‘secret stuff’ that it has anything to do with Skull’s situation!”
There was a pause. “Are those two connected?” Sophia asks. Futaba buries her face in her hands.
“That was...not the question I expected,” Yusuke answers weakly.
“God, I wish Joker would call for Inari instead,” Futaba groans.
Rushing out, Sophia high-fives Ryuji on the way. “Guess who’s back, motherfuckers?”
In an effort to bury their conversation, they all begin cheering overenthusiastically, Yusuke clapping politely. Bewildered, Ryuji instinctively gives them a thumbs up. “Thanks guys. Usually, my jokes don’t really land, but that made me real happy.”
“Uh, Skull,” Futaba raises an eyebrow. “How do you keep losing health? I didn’t even notice you taking a hit.”
“I’m low again? Damn, I didn’t even notice,” he groans loudly. “Queen, can you—”
“I’m on it.”
Just as Johanna heals him, Akira calls out once again: “Skull!”
“Joker really does rely on you, doesn’t he?” Yusuke observes.
Ryuji laughs. If they didn’t know any better, they would think it sounded a little nervous. “Well, gotta jet!”
High-fiving Makoto, he runs out. She stares at the remaining members of the B team. “You all know something,” she accuses. “And I understand if you’re all being loyal to him by keeping what you know close to your hearts. But remember this:” she takes a step forward, and they all take an unconscious step back, Futaba scooting from where she sat on the ground. “There comes a point where it’s actually more important to keep a person safe and healthy than to uphold a potentially dangerous secret.”
They all digest her words for a second, and flinch when a flash of blue flame appears, taking Akira’s Persona away.
“Finally.” He stretches his shoulders, satisfied. “That took awhile. Good work everyone, let’s keep going.”
Making their trek deeper into the Jail, Futaba half-jogs, half-speed walks to Ryuji. “Your health again,” she chides. “Seriously. I know I like to play around, but I always have my eye on you guys when you’re fighting. I literally have not seen you take a hit, but you’re getting drained like milk in a sink.”
He shrugs, unperturbed. “Whatever. You see my hits today, though? They were tough.”
“Yeah,” she agrees reluctantly. “But your health is still low. I’ll call Joker about that.”
Before she can turn, he grabs her wrist. “Nope,” he says. “I’ll ask Panther. Thanks though!”
Ryuji goes to Ann, and he can feel everyone’s eyes on him, watching him, surveying his every move.
All eyes except for the one that really matters.
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apocalypseornaw · 4 years
Always be Yours- 18
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Word Count: 3,556
Story Summary: Follows Dean and the Reader through season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: When a showdown against Metatron finally comes to be a great loss happens
Warnings: Cursing, fighting, blood character death
Cas and Sam grabbed Dean so you bodily put yourself between him and Gadreel as he fought against both of them. The look in his eyes was more animalistic than man and made a slight shiver creep up your spine at seeing the man you loved like that. 
He threw Cas off then spun on Sam. “Drop the blade Dean!” Sam tried. “Move” Dean snarled in warning. “Dean look at me” Sam tried again but Dean shouted “SAM! MOVE!” You saw Cas coming up behind Dean so you stepped further in front of Gadreel “Dean..baby please drop the blade” Cas grabbed him and Sam jumped to pry the blade from his hand so you gripped his arm tightly where the mark was “DROP THE DAMN BLADE DEAN!” 
He was still struggling against Sam and Cas but did at least let the blade go. You nodded to Cas “Get him to the armory” you glanced back at Gadreel “Stay here” then followed the three of them down the hallway hearing Dean struggle against Sam and Cas the entire way.
You stood back closer to the door watching as Dean paced in front of Sam and Cas like a caged animal. He finally stopped in front of them and glanced over at you before saying “The hell if either of you think I’m riding the pine on this one”
“Something is wrong with you, Dean” Sam argued so you pushed off the wall to stand between the two of them “And until we figure out what, this is where you have to stay” he shook his head “And what are you three gonna do sweetheart? Take on Metatron yourself? That’s real smart” when neither of you rose to his words he pointed at Cas “You lost your angel army” then looked back at you and Sam “And the two of you are wanting to lock up the one guy who has a shot at killing the son of a bitch! Hell of a plan!” You didn’t blink an eye despite his anger. You were calm as you spoke “Dean, listen to yourself. You know this isn’t you” then turned to walk out hearing Sam and Cas follow you closely.
You stopped with tears in your eyes as Sam and Cas locked Dean in the armory. “Look, guys..Sam...Sammy...Y/N c’mon baby” you walked out into the hall ignoring his pleas and when the two of them followed you it was you who slid the last lock into place on the door.
You grabbed the first aid kit and headed for the map room while Sam and Cas were talking in the library. Instead of finding a wounded Gadreel you instead found a trail of blood leading out the bunker “Sam! Cas!” you hollered and they came running in behind you. You nodded towards the trail “Apparently he didn’t take the whole being stabbed thing too well” 
You kicked the chair nearest to you from pure frustration. You were losing Dean to that mark, as bad as you hated to admit it the truth was staring you in the face. Metatron was out there gaining power by the moment and the only possible ally was now awol. “SON OF A BITCH” you threw the kit across the floor and watched as bandages went everywhere when it slammed into the wall. Sam gently touched your shoulder and you flinched away from him “C’mon. We gotta find him”
All of you took Cas’ car and it didn’t take long to track Gadreel down. His car was abandoned with the driver’s door still open. Sam pulled to a stop behind it. The three of you walked slowly up to it and you saw the pool of blood in the driver’s seat. You motioned down to the ground “He left a trail”
You followed the blood with Sam and Cas behind you. You crouched down when you got to Gadreel and he immediately put a hand up as if to shield himself from another blow “Please, I’ll leave you alone, I swear” “We’re not here to hurt you” Cas told him as he crouched next to you. Cas reached out to heal him but Gadreel pulled back and shook his head “No, your grace. Healing me would only weaken you” You felt your stomach lurch at his words.Christ he really had just been a puppet for Metatron hadn’t he?  
Cas reached forward anyways and healed him. You watched the slash disappear from Gadreel’s chest but saw Cas sway slightly. You leaned across Gadreel to steady Cas. Both angels glanced at you before looking at each other “Did you hear him?” Gadreel asked and Cas nodded “Yes” 
You rocked back on your heels and looked up at Sam before asking “Where’s Metatron going? What’s he doing?” Gadreel met your eyes slowly “I’m afraid..humanity” You looked at Sam then Cas before offering your hand to Gadreel “In that case you need to come with us cause we got to work together to stop him” You helped Gadreel to his feet then nodded back to Cas’ car “Let’s get back to the bunker”
You followed Sam down the stairs in front of the two angels. Your nose burnt with the smell of sulfur the moment you stepped into the library “Oh no” you saw the box Sam had locked the first blade in sitting open on the table. You ran down the hall to the armory without another word.
You saw that the door was open so you walked slowly inside and the moment you crossed the threshold you smelt burnt herbs and spotted the objects used for a summoning spell. The moment all of you had left Dean must have summoned that red eyed bastard. He didn’t care what that mark did to Dean, hell he was the reason he’d gotten it.
You were standing next to Sam while he tried Dean considering he didn’t answer your call. “Are you sure it was Crowley?” Cas asked and you nodded “We’ve summoned him before. I recognize the ingredients” “Besides who else would it be? Him and Crowley have been bromancing over the blade since he got the mark” Sam added and Gadreel questioned “The mark” you turned to face him “The mark of Cain” “So that’s what Dean cut me with, the first blade?” you nodded “One and the same”
He was quiet for a moment, clearly thinking over something before he spoke “In a way that could be useful” “What?” Sam asked before you could. Gadreel glanced between the three of you “Well, Metatron is more powerful than ever, but if Dean had the first blade and the mark that might give us our best chance” “You’re joking right?” you asked glancing around at the three men “An hour ago we were ready to throw him in a padded cell and now he’s on the front line?”
“Hear him out Y/N” Cas said and you cut your eyes at him. “Sorry that we’re a little less than eager to hear our best chance is arming the warhead and hoping it hits the mark” Sam spoke up in agreement with you. “This isn’t a bomb we’re talking about. It’s the man I love” you emphasized “And my brother” Sam added.
Gadreel argued “He would not be in this alone. We can help” “How?” you asked standing nearly shoulder to shoulder with Sam, the two of you facing the two angels. “I believe Metatron has found a way to tap into the angel tablet. Harnessing its power to give him power equivalent to..” “God,right?” Sam cut him off and he nodded “That’s what this is all about isn’t it? Metatron wants to be god” you offered with a shrug and Gadreel nodded. “Great. Well that makes him basically unstoppable” Sam scoffed.
Cas shook his head “Not if we can break the connection between Metatron and the tablet. That would make him just an ordinary angel” then glanced at Gadreel to ask “Where’s the tablet?” “In Metatron’s office” “In heaven?” Sam asked to which Gadreel offered “I can get us to the door” “And then what? They would just let you in? Metatron’s number two showing up with heaven’s most wanted is gonna make them have some questions” you argued.
“Y/N we have to try” Cas said and you met his eyes and felt yourself deflate slightly. He was right but damn you didn’t have to like it. 
Cas and Gadreel left the bunker to go to heaven so after you put out a hunter bolo and got a ping on a “miracle” in Muncie, Indiana you and Sam hit the road to get there before Dean.  You’d already looked for the lady involved and were waiting at her camper when baby rolled into the trailer park.
You spotted Crowley in the passenger seat and cursed under your breath. “You handle it” you told Sam stepping slightly behind him. When Dean walked up Sam said “Guess one of us doesn’t need a demon to found a clue trail. You’re looking for miracle lady right?” Crowley had gotten out the impala and you glared at him. “She’s gone by the way. We had a nice chat with her though” you added looking from Crowley back to Dean.
He tilted his head slightly “Sweetheart whatever type of intervention you and Sammy think this is trust me, it ain't. I’m not gonna explain myself to either of you”
“Yeah we got that” you bit back looking away from him because it hurt to see that uncaring look pointed towards you and Sam of all people. Sam spoke up motioning between Dean and Crowley “Thought you might want to know while you two have been playing odd couple your real friends, like Cas, like the angel you stabbed Gadreel they’re out there risking their asses right now to help you win this fight” “What the hell are you talking about?” Dean asked but Sam was mid sentence and continued “A fight I might add you made that much more complicated when you decided to stab the one angel who could actually get us to Metatron”
“You mean the angel that took you for a joy ride? The angel that slaughtered Kevin? That angel?” Dean argued and you realized the two had taken a step closer to each other so you stepped between them refusing to see the two most important people in your life physically fight if you could stop it.
Sam spoke over your head to Dean “Who you let in the front door in the first place. You and Y/N tricked me Dean. And now I’m the one who wakes up in the middle of the night seeing my hands kill Kevin not you! So please when you say you don’t want to explain anything to us don’t. I get it so does she”
“And we also get that Metatron has got to go and we know you’re our best shot” You added and Dean looked from you to Sam before saying “I’m gonna take my shot for better or worse” “We know” Sam replied and you felt your heart drop no matter how much you’d prepared yourself when Dean said “No matter the consequences” “We know” you replied and was proud when your voice remained steady despite how you felt on the inside.
“But if this is it, We’re gonna do it together. You want to know what he whispered to her right? It was his next stop” Sam told Dean and Crowley then spoke up “So what are we all gollywagging on about? Chop-chop”  Dean turned to face him and he shrugged “Excuse me. I’m not exactly demon minion number three here. As the kids say, I’ve got mad skills” you remained in place next to Sam as Dean walked over to Crowley “Look I don’t know what you expected here ok. I don’t really care but you wanted off the hamster wheel get off.”  Crowley scoffed “Guess I’ve been Winchestered” he glanced over at you and Sam “I’d wish you three good luck if I thought it would help. When he disappeared you cleared your throat “So we hunting an angel or what?” and walked past Dean to baby and climbed into the backseat without another word.
You sat silent in the backseat staring at Dean in the mirror. He’d yet to meet your eyes but you couldn’t take yours away from him. You could very well lose him by the time this fight was over. How the hell were you supposed to face losing yet another person? Let alone one that you loved as deeply as you loved him. How the hell was Sam supposed to face the possibility of losing him? Why the hell hadn’t you stopped him from going after the first blade to start with?
When you got to Metatron’s next stop Dean parked the impala and the three of you climbed out. Sam looked between the two of you then pointed down the road “I’m gonna head up and check it out. See if there’s any chatter about Marv” you nodded and chunked an angel blade to him “Watch your six Sammy” he cut his eyes towards Dean then walked away.
You couldn’t help but notice the tremor in Dean’s hand that only stilled when he touched the covered blade. “Dean” you spoke softly, letting your hand gently cover his. He closed his eyes for a moment “Y/N, please know no matter what happens I love you” you took a deep breath and squeezed his hand gently “I love you too Dean” the two of you stood like that for a few moments until the sound of footsteps made you draw apart until you both realized it was Sam “Anything?” Dean asked and Sam nodded “About a mile up the road. There’s a homeless encampment. The way folks are talking, he’s got them convinced he’s some kind of new jesus or something” you laughed humorlessly. “You good?” Sam asked Dean who nodded “Yeah I’m good”
Dean looked at Sam then back at you “Sammy can I have a minute with Y/N?” Sam nodded “Of course” and walked a bit aways turning his back also to give the two of you more privacy. He gently grabbed your arm and led you back to the front of the impala before pulling you against his chest “Kiss for good luck?” you gave him a small smile “Always” and leaned up to gently brush your lips against his. 
He deepened the kiss and you barely saw the movement when he reached into his pocket and pulled out a rag but when he pulled back to put the rag over your nose and mouth the smell of chloroform was chokingly strong. You gave him a questioning look as you faded and barely heard him say “I’m sorry. I can’t risk you”
The next thing you knew Sam was shaking you awake. “Y/N wake up!” you were already pushing to your feet so he reached out to help you “What the hell happened?” you asked as the two of you took off at a run for the homeless encampment “Dean chloroformed you and knocked me out. He didn’t want us in the fight against Metatron” Sam replied and you pushed your legs harder to keep up with him as the two of you ran into the encampment.
There were people around fires and the moment the two of you stepped into view every set of eyes turned. Two people stepped in front of you in an attempt to block your path. You and Sam both didn’t hesitate to pull your guns “Step back now!” you ordered and Sam asked “Where’s Metatron?” a blonde woman pointed to the warehouse in the center of the encampment “In there” you popped Sam’s shoulder “C’mon!”
You and Sam ran through the warehouse side by side. You could feel your heart threatening to burst out of your chest from fear for Dean. Both of you skidded to a stop when you came around a corner in enough time to see Metatron sink an angel blade into Dean’s chest. “NO” you screamed, forcing your feet to carry you to his side. Metatron stood back grinning like the mug bastard he was as you and Sam ran to Dean’s side.
You hit your knees helping Sam to pull him back sitting up “Baby,Dean” you smoothed your hand down his face willing him to stay alive. You couldn’t lose him. The sound of thunder crashing rumbled through the warehouse. Sam slashed towards Metatron but only met with thin air.
Your hand ghosted over the hole in Dean’s chest and met his eyes with a tear filled smile “C’mon baby. You’ve survived worse. You can survive this. Don’t leave us please don’t leave us” Dean looked up at Sam weakly “Sammy get her out of here before he comes back” you ripped your jacket off and held it against Dean’s chest “Shut up worrying about me ok? Save your energy” Sam moved to hold pressure also his larger hands covering yours “She’s right. We’ll stop the bleeding. We’ll get you a doctor or find a spell. You’re gonna be ok”
You were fighting to stay strong, Dean didn’t need to see you break but your heart was crumbling in your chest. “You’re gonna be ok Dean” you all but whispered. He covered both of your hands with his “Listen to me..it’s better this way” “What?” you asked feeling the first hot tears slide down your face. You could see your hands shaking under his and Sam’s. 
Sam moved one hand to hold Dean up by the shoulder. “The mark. It’s making me into something I don’t want to be.” “Don’t worry about the mark. We’ll figure out the mark later just hold on ok?” Sam told him and tapped your shoulder for you to move so he could get him up.
You moved to support Dean’s other shoulder even though Sam was taking most of his weight so you could hold your jacket against his wound. The man you loved was dying and you were helpless to do anything about it. You were barely making your legs work. “What happened to you being ok with this?” he asked Sam who replied “I lied” 
The three of you hadn’t made it far before Dean said “Sam, hold up” Sam eased him down on one of the concrete pillars. You were both supporting him, he couldn’t hold himself up by that point but said “I need to say something” “What?” you managed to choke out past your tears. He touched Sam’s face and left a bloody mark behind “I’m proud of us” then touched yours “and I love you” “I love you too Dean” you barely got out before he fell over onto Sam and you knew he was gone.
You felt your knees go out from under you as you slid down to the floor of the warehouse “No..no..noo” Sam shook calling his name and begging him to wake up “He’s gone Sam” you sobbed forcing yourself to your feet. “He’s gone” 
The ride home to the bunker you sat in the backseat with Dean’s head in your lap. You were tracing the line of his jaw with just your fingertips. “I’ll always love you” you whispered into the dark.
When you pulled to a stop at the bunker Sam eased the backdoor open so you helped him to get Dean’s body out and into his arm. You followed him from the garage to the room where you’d spent so many nights in Dean’s arms.
Sam gently laid his body onto the bed and you felt your knees weaken yet again “I can’t. I’m sorry I can’t” you ran from the room and Sam found you crying in the library. 
He sat a bottle of bourbon in front of you “Take a drink” you did what he said taking a long swig then looked up at him “What are we supposed to do now?” he sat down next to you and grabbed the bottle. After he took a long drink he looked back at you “C’mon” “Where are we going Sam?” you asked weakly as he pulled you to your feet “Crowley got him into this, Crowley can get him out”
You knew it probably wouldn’t work but Sam was just as heartbroken as you were and if there was just a glimmer of hope of getting Dean back by god you’d do anything.
Tags: @facadeformyrealblog @akshi8278 @brilovesdeanwinchester
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