#but i promise to clean it up and make it valuable and usable for everybody once i am done with the thesis exam(s)
belovedstill · 2 years
hey, do you plan to later publish the results of your survey and studies somewhere? some LGBTQ site? i think it would be great, there isn't much research done, comparatively, around asexuality (and around queer identities in poland), it could be a valuable source of information. have a great day!!
hi! i'm seriously considering this, yes. i don't know the specifics just yet but i've gathered way more responses to the survey than i anticipated - it'd be a shame not to share. once i finish and defend my thesis, i'll look into posting the results (i don't want to be accused of plagiarism beforehand 😅)
seriously though, the answers... i think many other polish aces will find them as comforting as i myself did, in a way. there's an overwhelming feeling of 'you are not alone in your experiences' 🥺 and some other responses are very eye-opening!
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