#but i realize this is sensitive
bioshzrd · 8 months
this random ass guy who’s entire bit is that he can move like this is the only good wesker fan ever
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nyancrimew · 4 months
Can I pay you to hack the apex legends servers?
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catacropolis · 11 months
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Vil outfit design inspired by high fashion and chapter 5 Overblot design
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Vil’s Overblot design reminds me a lot of a nuns habit so I wanted to bring in some recognizable themes such as candles, rosaries , gold detailing and such . For the face droplet mascara and tears meant to mirror crying Mary statues and such .
All this to say I wanted to design something based on these elements and while also being distinctly connected to vil.
I think it’s really interesting that Vil’s Overblot design is so reminiscent of nuns . The juxtaposition of vil who in the spotlight who is well known for his beauty , believing himself to be ugly , is dressed in what is considered to be “modest “ clothing covering himself from view .
Vil is an extremely interesting character coupled with his ob design being my favorite i love this part of his design .
It’s been a while since I’ve drawn vil and I missed it
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faggotry-enjoyer · 7 months
yknow what i think it's pretty fucked up that my instinctual reaction to hearing any mention of the holocaust is to brace myself for antisemitic talking points. in discussion about a jewish genocide.
holocaust inversion, universalization, minimalization, and denial are inexcusable in any context, and the fact that they've become this common is appalling on every level.
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hibiki24681357 · 16 days
Me: conflict is important! The Noroshi are doing a lot of work: establishing a prior history, upping the stakes, and pushing a lot of Furin characters to their limits! They're really good antagonists for showing us how serious Furin gets when everything is on the line!
Also also me: and the fact that I feel that way about them as antagonists is a testament to the writing! It's a really fun ride and I'm always excited to see how things play out every chapter
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bonefall · 8 months
Wait, Sasha was groomed in BB? I’m assuming her backstory is being reworked.
Yup. I actually have a MASSIVE bone to pick with canon, and how the authors seem to believe that Tigerstar's affection for a minority who is part of a group he explicitly wants to slaughter is "True Love." That was a VERY weird thing to say!!
Initially one of the mercenaries that Tigerclaw recruited, along with Jaggedtooth and Nightwhisper, Sasha starts being especially flattered by him. She's praised for her loyalty, her ferocity, her beauty. The closer she becomes to him, the more she is rewarded, and the more she is controlled. Before she knows it, Sasha finds herself in a TERRIFYING position.
Her abuser can revoke her personhood at any point he wants.
She's one of the good ones unless she isn't. She watches Stonefur, a cat with more Clan blood than she has, get executed. Lots of cats die under TigerClan's reign, all of them more "worthy" than her. It's Tigerstar's protection that keeps her alive.
It becomes obvious that what Tigerstar actually likes about her is that she is a mate who can't leave.
Goldenflower didn't stay by his side. When she learned of his "ambition," she turned on him. Adamantly defends HER kittens at Gatherings, embarrasses him publicly, stands against everything that he represents. It BURNS him. Sasha can't do that.
I plan to explore this in her reworked story, which is now split between her, Nightwhisper, and Jaggedtooth in 3 parts. It's one of the darkest parts of BB, because I need to show how EVIL TigerClan is, and what happens when Thistle Law is allowed to germinate.
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blavatflowers · 6 months
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Rarity redesign + some mlp au stuff!!!
bit of concept-context for 2nd art: while going through infection stages, blood fully evaporated from her body. as any other pony, she wasn't supposed to stay alive after last phase, but due to the magic of elements of harmony she did survive. now through her veins flows crystallized substance and she's crystal alicorn. she's not mortal being anymore, and never will be one again. crystal liquid also flows through her butterfly wings, making them more stronger and resistant to Sun.
i'm still not sure about lore of this AU, though. i was thinking about making Celestia (she gonna become Daybreaker :)) and partly Luna as some sort of antagonists, like the main sourse of infection?
i also had this idea where Twi just went down the path of evil, becoming the villain of the story (it's not really about infection tho, but can be turned into infected au too. i still remember episode where Twi went insane and forced all the ponies to fight for the toy????). at some point she understood she's going to witness all her friends dying (the last friendship lesson, yk), since she's quite immortal, so... using elements of harmony, she did turn them into immortals too (very friendly of her!!)
////if there already were interpretations of this idea by someone, let me know!! there is just no way someone didn't create such au already, during all these years!
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millenianthemums · 6 months
parents of disabled kids will be like “we know our kid is disabled but we just won’t tell them about it. we don’t want them to think they’re less valuable than other kids. we don’t want them to feel limited by their disability, we want them to know they’re capable of anything.”
meanwhile those kids are growing up thinking “why is everything so much harder for me than it is for everyone else? there’s no reason i shouldn’t be able to just do this. i guess i’m just a failed, broken person.”
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atissi · 1 year
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witch's gloves
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waitineedaname · 1 year
when thinking about scar and mei's dynamic, I love thinking about why he becomes so attached to her. it's not just a parental instinct, it's specifically identifying with her struggles. the chang clan is small and has little political power compared to the more dominant clans in xing, and it's a struggle just to survive. even though it's not exactly the same, there's this feeling of solidarity between scar and mei because they're both disenfranchised within their respective countries. the sympathy mei describes when she found xiao-mei is what scar feels towards mei, seeing something of themselves in the other and taking pity on them
and there's this other element to him helping her find xiao-mei, and I might be misremembering, but I'm fairly certain it's the first deviation from his revenge based quest. so far, every time we've seen him, he's either been attacking state alchemists, going somewhere to find a state alchemist, or recovering from his injuries. he is very driven when it comes to his goals, but he sees this little girl crying because she is all alone in a foreign country on a desperate quest to save her people and she's just lost the only family she has with her, and he decides to help her. he didn't have to do that, he could have just ignored her or insisted on moving on, but he is not heartless or cruel, he is a compassionate person underneath all the pain, so he goes out of his way to help this little girl find her panda
no wonder mei is constantly reiterating to other people that scar is a good person
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straw-berrydonut · 4 months
Sometimes you start consuming a piece of media for some surface level fun, and you end up fundamentally changed as a person. A fun little thing in your free time has completely pivoted you in a new direction and you will never be the same.
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eydi-andrius · 1 month
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No because if you see otome games banning BL and what not, you should respect that. You all forgot that these games were created as FEMALE ORIENTED GAMES. A SAFE SPACE for all the girlies.
There are tons of other dating games which accept LGBTQ+. Play that and stop making an issue that doesn't even exist in the first place.
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noisytenant · 1 month
I feel like a lot of people assume "mutuals" is synonymous with "friends" and "mutuals who reply to posts" is synonymous with "close friends".
I think it's generally good to not be in this habit, because interacting only with posts shared publicly is not really comparable to getting to know each other one-on-one.
I think fondly of my mutuals, enjoy interacting with them, and consider them all "potential friends" at the very least, but I think there are a lot of social functions a friend serves that aren't available at "mutuals" level of distance. If you want to close that distance, I think you need to actually talk to each other.
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jelliclewhiskers · 1 month
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ditzyclown · 1 month
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Guess who saw another tarot card?
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Here's the thing about politics, and ultimately, the world: you are going to be biased, and you are going to have a limited understanding of others to an extent. The key is to not deny that this exists because you will be ignorant when you are biased and limited in your worldview.
Yes, absolutely listen to multiple voices and points of view and a variety of different types of people. But know that this isn't the same as erasing all biases and "self-centered" views. Strive to do better without denying that you are fallible.
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