#but i spent 3 hrs on a voice call with my friend last night who went through every single stage of grief over how bad the 2nd season was
anyway, sending love to my shadow & bone girlies
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actualbird · 10 months
so i got the permanent call pack schedule for luke and used the temporary call pack for marius and god okay first off, luke's workday schedule
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my boy.....my busy bee boy....
he wakes up at 5:30 for his morning jog but sleeps at 11pm??? THATS ONLY 6 HRS OF SLEEP, GO TO SLEEP MORE, YOUNG MAN!!!
is the antique shop only open (with him in it) from 12:30pm til 2pm on weekdays?? because he does his detective agency work after (my man working 3 jobs, antique shop, detective agency, nsb agent, gAH REST MORE) omg. world's tightest opening time HVKSJHFKSD
he writes in his diary for over an hour, hes so precious i Cannot do this
now, the calls: i couldnt even screencap or record anything from luke's cuz i called him THREE TIMES IN A ROW last night and he picked up Every Time and he was sO CUTE IN ALL OF THEM.
im not gonna rush through luke's calls cuz i wanna savor this schedule call pack with him but i Am excited to discover them all. a friend told me that theres around 13-18 different calls and/or voice messages and THATS A BUNCH so im taking my time with luke
marius, on the other hand, im gonna be SPEEDRUNNING TODAY because the temporary call function only lasts thiRTEEN HOURS and i was a DUMMY who activated it at 9pm when i was about to SLEEP so if luke picked up first thing every time i called him Thrice yesterday, when i first rushed to call marius i---
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he left a really sweet voice message a few minutes after tho which helped me not panic as much but my god, im gonna be reading the schedules more clearly because i felt like Scum i felt like The Worst Person On The Planet for disturbing marius jhvsdfKLJBLKKFDSF
verdict: this is so far very worth my money, im enjoying harassing luke and am so so sorry for bothering marius
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
A lot like ‘Us’ (Part-22)
Word count: 5.2K
Pairing: Sam X Reader AU
Warnings: Anxiety, feels, light flirting?
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is eager and honestly, still in awe that she managed to get herself an acceptance from Stanford Law School. On the face of it, her life seems as put together, mysterious and independent as one might hope for. On the insides, she carries the burden of past that haunts her till date. Seemingly, she’d left it all behind; that is until she sets foot in the class of the Law School’s youngest, most promising professor.
A/N: Hey peeps, just wanted to thank you guys for all the love. Y’all are awesome! <3
The story employs two different timelines. The present timeline for the story takes place in 2014. Please let me know what you guys think :)
Beta: @deanssweetheart23​. Thank you, babe <3
A lot like ‘Us’ masterlist
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“Jesus, kid! Don’t you ever pull that one on me again, okay?”
Max was trying to escape his embrace, but Sam didn’t budge. His heart was still beating out a disjointed rhythm.  
“I didn’t do anything!” Max protested.
Alex was quick to interject. “You ran out on me.”        
Max turned in the circle of his arms glaring at Alex. “Only because you fell asleep.”
Alex’s face got all red and she sneaked a nervous glance at Sam.
“She’s got school in the morning,” Sam told Max. “She was tired. That doesn’t mean you can run out on her.”
“This isn’t the first time either,” Alex put in, emboldened by Sam’s support. “He ran to her on Sunday as well.”
“What’s this, Max?” Sam didn’t want to make his voice stern, but the fear wasn’t helping. Alex had called him towards the end of his meeting to tell him she couldn’t find Max. Sam’s heart had dropped through the ground at the mere thought. By the time he could ask Chase to pull out his car- Sam’s was still parked in the campus- a second call from Alex had already informed him that Max was back and okay. But Sam couldn’t stay put. He’d made Chase drive him back anyway.
“She’s my friend.” Max muttered.
“You’ve only met her twice!” Alex accused.
Max threw Alex a betrayed look, mumbling to himself.
Sam rubbed his face with his hand. “What’s happening?”
Alex started to say something, but Max interjected. “I want to tell him!”
“Alright, go on.”
Max told him about a new friend he’d made in one of the buildings along the playground, and that he was going to see her on Monday again.
Sam shot a look at Alex to confirm and she nodded encouragingly. Falling asleep on the watch might have been a one time thing, otherwise Alex was both smart and thorough. She wouldn’t have agreed to anything that wasn’t safe for Max.
“I can go, right?”
“Only if you promise to never go out by yourself.”
Max made an excited sound. “Yes!”
“Okay, enough of this moping,” Chase announced. He had been standing uncharacteristically quiet, watching the drama unfold. “Alex gets to sleep, Max gets his date and Sam gets to chill. What does Chase get?”
Sam turned to him. “What do you want?”
“Food. I want food.”
Alex waved to Max, who didn’t acknowledge it. He was still mad about ratting him out. “Bye, Sam. Bye, Mr. Lincoln.”
Sam nodded, and Chase waved at her cheerfully.
Sam let go of Max, not really looking him in the eyes, lest he should sense just how freaked out Sam was. That’s not what kids should see in their parents- the fear of being incompetant. Sam had learned as much from Dean. His older brother had been absolutely confident in every decision he’d made for Sam. It was only in the later years that Sam realised how freaked out Dean must have been attempting to raise Sam, even with Bobby and Karen’s help. They were all always second guessing themselves. 
The next hour was spent on a call with Stacey. She debriefed Sam about the end of the meeting, promising to forward the transcripts after she was done with editing them. He was lucky to have found someone as efficient as her. She was a blessing. Sam appreciated that her first words were of concern for Max. Stacey had designed Sam’s schedule in such a foolproof manner that Max was never neglected. He couldn’t have been more grateful. To think that they had started their work relationship disliking each other.
Sam took his time in the shower, letting the hot water wash away some of his anxiety. Just the very thought of losing Max was enough to decapitate him. Later, as he diced the bell-peppers, his eyes kept going to the sofa where Max was playing connect four with Chase, who was sucking bigtime. It was something they did at least once a week. Right now, Chase was going on at length about how awesome the cookies were, that he was stealing from a jar. Sam didn’t remember buying any cookies at all.
A sting in his finger made him hiss. Looking down, he saw blood spreading into the bell-pepper pieces and the surface of the chopping board.
The next minute small hands were taking his finger, blowing on the cut and guiding him towards the sink.
“You never pay attention!” Max admonished.
“What do you care?” Sam muttered, washing his finger under the steady stream. The cut wasn’t too deep. “It’s not like you don’t love worrying me.”
Max huffed. “You’re being melodramatic.”
“No, I’m not. Seriously, Max, do you want me to stop going to work? How am I supposed to concentrate on anything if you’re going to be a flight risk?”
“I wasn't running away from home, okay? I just went to see my friend.”
Sam knew he was overreacting but what else was there to do? Alex had sounded so frantic on the phone.
“Who’s this girl anyway?” Sam eyed his son, turning off the tap. “Is it Lucy from school?”
“Ewww nooooo!” Max cringed, making a face. “I don’t like Lucy!”
“Of course you don’t,” Sam grinned. He added more seriously, “Don’t push Alex, okay? She might decide to not babysit you anymore.”
“It’s your fault really,” Max shrugged. Chase who had gone to retrieve the first aid box- it was ridiculous he even knew where that was in the house- handed Sam a bandaid. 
Sam gave Max an incredulous look. “How is any of this my fault?”
“If you got me a mom, we wouldn’t need a babysitter!”
Sam barely even had the time to pick his jaw up when Chase started howling with laughter. He raised his hand and Max high-fived him.
“Wha- what?” He spluttered. “Where’s this coming from?”
“I told you, you had this coming, Samuel,” Chase chuckled, superior. “Even your boy seems to be scoring more dates here. And look at the little daredevil sneaking out to get em. What’re you waiting for? Divine intervention?” He lowered his voice just for Sam’s ears. “Even Steve from HR gets laid more than you. And he smells like Kleenex!”
Sam glared at his friend. “That’s it. Get out of my house! I’m not responsible for feeding you.”
“Now, now,” Chase placated, putting his hands on either side of Sam’s shoulders from behind and giving them a squeeze. “Look at these muscles. Such a waste to not have beautiful arms draped around them.”
“Well, there’s always you!”
Chase huffed, drawing back. “You don’t pay me any attention.”
Max giggled.
Sam turned to his son. “Max, having a mom doesn’t mean you won’t have a babysitter. Working mothers are a thing!”
“He’ll, at least, have quality food,” Chase put in. “All you feed him is vegetables.”
“You know what? I’m done with the both of you. Go back to that game you were playing.”
“No,” Chase shook his head. “This is more fun. Why aren’t you asking Jess out?”
“You know why.” Sam wasn’t as patient this time as he had been the last ten times, since Chase had been badgering him every damn minute. “Go wash your hands, Max. And help Uncle Chase set up the table.”
Max knew he was being dismissed, so he made a whole show of slowly dragging himself from the kitchen counter and heading upstairs at the speed of a snail. Once he was surely out of earshot, Sam hissed at his friend. “Drop it, Chase! You know it’s not going to happen. Besides, the last time was embarrassing enough. I don’t know how to face her.”
Chase rolled his eyes. “She’s a grown ass woman and super hot. You’re lucky she’s into you,” He paused, the sly grin dancing in his eyes. “That was like three or four years ago. She must be long past it.”
“I sure hope so.”
“I don’t know how else to convince you,” Chase sighed, dropping all the teasing at once. “Jess is successful, beautiful and so damn smart. If a girl like that can’t move you, I don’t know what else to do for you.”
“You can always give up.”
“No chance.” Chase ran his fingers through his hair. “I just keep trying to understand what’s holding you back.”
It was Sam’s turn to sigh. “I’m married.”
“No, you’re not!” Chase argued, with more emotion than Sam had expected, enough to make him face his friend. “This isn’t marriage, Sam. This is you holding on to something dead with both your hands. Let go before your hands start decaying.”
“Don’t say that.” The pain in his own voice depressed Sam. 
Chase grimaced. “What would I not give to see this girl! Who is she? Some supermodel? Is she gilded out of diamonds or something?”
It was no point going in circles with Chase over this. Sam knew from years of experience that he wouldn’t give up. 
“What was her name again?”
“It’s-” Sam’s gaze shifted to the base of the staircase and found Max standing there, face blank. “We’ll talk later,” Sam whispered, wondering how much Max had heard.
The dinner was a quiet affair. Sam knew it wasn’t so because Chase and Max were appreciating the sensory overload of how amazing his stir fry was. Chase was sulking and Max was lost in thought. After Chase had left for the night, Sam set to cleaning the kitchen. Max came to sit by him on the island counter, picking out a cookie from the jar Chase had abandoned. 
“How was your day?” Max asked and despite himself Sam chuckled. There was something so odd about the question coming out of a six and a half year old.
“T’was alright,” Sam told him. Most of it had been very boring, except for the evening scare and the morning lecture in which he was mere feet away from Y/N, every cell in his body hyper aware of the fact that she was there. It was pathetic and Sam knew it. “I do have a hearing tomorrow. I think we’ll win this one.”
“What’s it about?”
“Property fraud. Very interesting.”
Wiping the kitchen top, and hanging the rag on the hook over the sink, Sam came to sit by his son. “How was your day?”
“Very interesting.” Max smiled, but didn’t elaborate. Not wanting to flare up his earlier irritation, Sam didn’t ask him for the details either. Instead, he dipped his hand in the jar and drew out a Choco chip cookie.
“Is it because of me that you don’t go out on dates?”
Max’s voice was small, diminished even and it made Sam draw in a quick breath.
“Max!” He exhaled. “Why would you say that?”
His boy wriggled his fingers. “I don’t know. Uncle Chase is right. You don’t have any fun. I know it’s because you have to spend all your free time with me.”
“You don’t mean that,” Sam stated outright, shaking his head. “I know you don’t because not one second of the time spent with you has been a sacrifice. You’re my son. You’ve got to know that I would do anything for you.”
“Except get me a mom.”
“Mom’s don’t grow on trees or fall out skies, Max.” Sam reasoned trying to keep the exasperation out of his voice. “And don’t you ever say that I don’t have fun in life. We have fun, don’t we? I love that and wouldn’t change it for any girl in the world.”
“Not even for Y/N?”
Sam faltered, aghast. Maybe it was because he was thinking about Y/N so much already, or because Max didn’t usually bring her up, but somewhere inside him there was a nagging feeling that he was missing something here. Max’s question was natural in the context of the conversation… but the very conversation felt out of context. Max knew very well what he meant to Sam, and even if a part of him thought that Sam was sacrificing for his sake- Sam fervently wished that wasn’t the case- the Max he knew would never bring it up this conversationally. 
So he answered with complete conviction. “No. Not even for Y/N.”
“And you get this through your head, Max,” he continued, voice pained despite his efforts. “You and I are already a complete family. I love you with everything that I have. So long as we are together, you’ll make do with just me, won’t you?”
Sam ruffled Max’s hair, and kissed his brow, rankled by his words. Regardless of what Sam had just said, wouldn’t it be nice for Max to have a mom? Even in his imagination the face was perfectly clear, the vision already there. He’d be lying to himself if he said that over the years he hadn’t thought about her holding Max, laughing with him. There was only ever one face that completed Sam’s daydream- Y/N’s. But Sam also knew just how impossible it was. Y/N wouldn’t even think of the aftermath of an accident, imagining her as a motherly figure was simply cruel. So much that the whiplash of it hit Sam’s conscience. It was why he hadn’t mentioned Max to her.
Trying to reign in his thoughts he absentmindedly took a bite of the cookie in his hand, chewing as he tried to dislodge the idea of Max and Y/N. Impossible… too painful, his mind screamed.
Abruptly, he stopped.
“Hey, Max? Sam asked slowly, “Where did you get these cookies?” 
“Umm, those girl scouts came over this afternoon,” he said, not meeting Sam’s gaze. “I asked Alex to buy. Is that okay?”
“You sure these are girl scout cookies?”
Eating the rest of the cookie in one bite, Sam jumped down from the counter and turned to his boy. “Promise me. Promise me you won’t think like that again,” Sam pleaded. “That you’re keeping me from anything. You saved me, kiddo. I would have been barely worth anything without you.”
“Same,” Max quipped. And despite the absolute horror of the situation, and how true both of their words were, Sam found himself snorting. 
“Enough with the black comedy,” he ordered, “Lets go brush your teeth.”
Max leapt into Sam’s arms, and he carried his boy out of the kitchen. Sam eyed the jar of cookies one last time before switching off the lights. 
Friday, first day of Induction fair. It was going to be one long day tomorrow.
“Alright, everybody clear on what they’re supposed to be doing tomorrow?” 
“It’s 11:30 in the night, Y/N,” Seth complained, “We aren’t going to be any more ready.”
“I’m sorry,” you waved apologetically. “You guys should go home, I’ll wrap up the rest. I’m just nervous.”
“It’ll be okay,” Madison came to your side, putting her arm around your shoulders. “Seth’s just kidding. Aren’t you?” She turned on the poor guy who shook his head and you snickered.
“Okay, pack up y’all!” You called out to the people in the background busy with the last checks on the sound system. “We’re going to have a blast tomorrow.”
Cheers went up around you. One by one everyone clapped you on your back, offered smiles and went their way; only Madison, Brad and Rebecca remained. 
“Who are you taking with you to the Saturday night dance?” Brad asked.
Well crap! “A friend of mine,” you answered. You’d have to ask one of the guys if they were free Saturday evening.
“Hmm… Does this friend happen to go to Law school?”
“We’ll at least have time for one dance,” Brad insisted, leaning next to you as you packed your bag. “Your friend won’t mind, will he?”
“Brad,” you sighed. “I’m clearly not your type.”
He put his hands up. “Hey, I’m not implying anything here, but if that’s what you got out of it…”
You ignored him, walking back towards Maddie. He kept up with you easily. “What about the dance? One dance is well deserved.”
“Okay, fine!” Better to just agree and get it done with. Brad left with a superior smirk and you wondered what was the deal with him.
“Brad’s a great guy,” Rebecca said. “I don’t know what kind of Prince Charming you’re waiting for that you keep turning him down at every opportunity.”
“I’m not waiting for anyone.” It was true. You had found someone who could put Prince Charming to shame and then you had lost him. Now, the most you could hope for was his friendship. The thinly veiled bitterness and longing in Rebecca’s voice when she spoke of Brad led you to believe that her dislike for you wasn’t reasonless after all.
At the quad, you stopped, letting the girls know that you’d be heading towards the library, to relieve Molly from her shift early. It was supposed to be your shift anyway, Molly was doing you a favor by subbing. 
“I’ll come with you,” Madison quipped. She waved a goodbye to Rebecca and the two of you set towards the library, your footsteps echoing in the night. 
Once Molly had left, Madison logged into one of the records PC’s and started working on the case studies for professor Whitman. Meanwhile, you logged into your mail to print out the schedules and itineraries for the speakers tomorrow.
Just as you were printing out the last set, your email pinged, alerting you to an email from Sam. It was ridiculous that your heart should leap out of your chest, especially when it was merely a reply to your assignment. It was past one, and Sam was still up checking coursework. 
Oh, how you wanted to reply back, ask him why he was up this late. But this was an official email ID. It would be wrong to get personal here. Unreasonable as it was, you were miffed that you didn’t have Sam’s phone number. Friends should be able to call each other, right? You could always find it out from the directory, however, you were stubborn about getting it from him.
“Hey, I just heard back from Professor Winchester,” Madison whispered, even though there wasn’t anyone else in the library. “I scored a 21.5!”
“That’s great!” You smiled.
“What about you? Did you hear from him yet?”
“Just. Scored a 23.”
Madison scrunched her nose, “I bet that’s the highest.” She sounded rueful, but you knew she didn’t mean any ill. “You mind if I take a look at your paper?”
“Course not.”
Madison read through your document carefully. “I can see why he rated you this high. This is great work, Y/N! I wonder…”
She looked bemused. “In my email, he’s specifically pointed out all the good things and complemented me for my good work. In your reply he’s only pointed out the one flaw that cost you the two marks. He’s not said one good word about the rest.”
Maybe he thought you would understand, or maybe he was just too tired. If not commenting on your essay earned him ten extra minutes of rest, you were very glad that he hadn't.
You shrugged at Madison. “Maybe he forgot.”
“That’s not done,” she frowned. “You should ask him tomorrow.”
A glazed look came over Madison’s face. “Remember the first time we were alone here?”
“We’d been trying to research for Mr. Winchester’s first assignment,” you smiled.
“And ended up stalking him instead,” Madison winked. “After I went home that day, I read up more about that sensationalised case of his. Really gruesome, the whole deal. Never pinned him for the type of lawyer to take up a criminal law case, let alone homicides.”
“What’s there to fight for in a criminal homicide?” You wondered. “Isn’t that DA’s job?”
You remembered a little from what you had read with Madison that day, over a month ago. Twin homicides followed by a legal battle over property inheritance. The deceased’s brother vs. the deceased son. There were also connected matters of custodial rights, abuse charges and adoption.
“It was really scandalous, Y/N,” Madison said. “You wouldn’t know because you didn’t live in California. It was all over the papers and news in LA. Ralph Simmons was this bigshot producer, and his on and off girlfriend- both of them shot by some drug pimp. A whole big racket came out with it. I think Mr. Winchester moved out of LA to avoid the fanfare that followed him everywhere afterwards.”
“When was this?” 
“Ummm… about two and half years ago,” Madison said. 
So before he started teaching at Stanford, and before his job at Acton Griswold. 
“Why would he leave a successful firm in LA and move base to SF?” You asked out loud. “That too after a successful stint? It doesn’t make sense.”
To your surprise, Madison laughed. “Oh, firms must be dying to have him. Even my dad offered. Apart from offering a junior partnership, Acton Gris must have paid him a ton of money. Besides, his working hours are more like a consultants, so he can manage classes. That’s a lot of relaxations- only someone with that sort of fanfare would have been able to negotiate a deal.”
It wasn’t the money. That much you knew. Something else had made Sam uproot his life in LA and move here. 
“Uhg! I really want to work with him, Y/N,” Madison let out. “I really want the summer internship at Acton Gris.” Seeing your expression, she quickly added, “It’s not why you think. I mean sure he’s super hot and all that, but I’ve looked up to him for his ethics, and the way he thinks. He’s just such a great lawyer.”
“Sure is.”
“I know what you’re thinking,” She said in a defeated voice. “Rich girl with a firm to her name, who could get in Acton Gris by recommendation as a favor. What’s the big deal, right?”
“Maddie, I wasn’t thinking that-”
“It’s alright if you do. Everyone does.”
You placed your hand on top of hers. “I don’t care what everyone else thinks. I care about you. The Madison I know is intelligent and hardworking, who deserves whatever she sets her heart to. Law is a lucrative practice. As long as you aren’t screwing over someone else, you should use whatever means you can.”
Madison’s eyes welled up. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Y/N. Sometimes… sometimes I wonder if I even have any real friends who care about me. Becca… Lace, Mer… they all feel like friendships of convenience than actual substance. You’re the only one I’m sure will be happy to see me succeed in life.”
Your heart reached out for Madison. She was a good person who didn’t deserve to feel this way. Slowly you reached out and put your arms around her. “Maddie,” You breathed in her hair, not knowing what else to say. You had always known she was hurting inside without her having told you. Her relations seemed frivolous to you, but by the looks of it, her family life wasn’t much good either. Deep down she was convinced that her parents, her brothers didn’t love her. What must it be like to live that way?
You’d never been rich in your life except for those short married months, but not for a minute had you questioned the love of any person you called family. How was one supposed to live on without having the assurance of being absolutely loved?
The way you’ve lived for the past six and a half years, a small voice whispered in your brain. You quelled it immediately.
“Madison,” you said firmly this time. “I love you. And I’ll always support you. To hell with anyone who thinks otherwise.”
She hugged you closer, and you felt her broken breaths against your body. She didn’t want you to see her cry, so you held on till all her tears had dried.
You probably looked exactly how you felt- sleepless and exhausted. The first half of day one had gone smoothly with all introductions in place. Over two hundred and fifty alumni had RSVP’d for the event and forty two had agreed to speak or participate in panel discussions. You had been told this was one of the biggest turnouts ever. Instead of feeling like you had succeeded, you just felt more scared. Organised activity wasn’t your cup of tea. Right about then you were questioning how you even ended up heading this committee.
Everyone seemed to be asking for you, everyone had some or the other work with you and the tasks were never ending. The first time that you got a minute to sit was towards the end of lunch break. You dropped into the seat at the far end of the auditorium, head in your hands.
You turned your face to see Sam sitting next to you with a bottle of water in his hand. Unlike his usual self, he was dressed in a light knit grey sweater and jeans today. His glasses hung from the V-shaped neckline, revealing just enough for you to see the glint of his chain. You were so exhausted, all you wanted to do was fall against his shoulder and close your eyes for just two seconds. Sighing, you took the bottle from him and drank to your heart’s content.
“Maybe doing the late night shift at the library wasn’t the best idea, huh?”
You frowned. “How do you know?”
“The register,” He said. “I went to the library in the morning to return my book.”
“I thought you were avoiding the library like the plague.” The words slipped out before you could think them through. You hoped the bitter edge in them wasn’t very obvious. 
“I would come if I could, you know?”
“What’s stopping you?” You asked, belligerent, “Too scared to go back home in the dark?”
You knew it was unfair to put him in a spot like this. He had a home, his own bed. Why would he spend his nights at the library just because you worked there? Just because he hadn’t talked to you all that much lately, or given you his phone number, didn’t mean you had the right to be irritated at him. 
“Y/N-” he sighed, and before he could add on to that, he was interrupted. 
“There you are!” 
Chase Lincoln put a hand on Sam’s shoulder. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
You straightened your expression under the pretense of drinking more water, and handed the bottle back to Sam.
“Thank you, Mr. Winchester,” you said, standing up, “I must hurry back now. If you’ll excuse me.”
Sam stood up with you. The errant thought of resting against his shoulder made an appearance but you shoved it away violently. 
“Wait,” Sam put his hand out to block you. You looked around you to see if anyone else had noticed. No one but Chase.
“Let me introduce the two of you,” he said.
“Wait, I know you,” Chase interjected. “You work with Molly, right? And you’re heading the organising committee.” 
“Chase,” Sam said with gravity, making his friend focus, the green eyes sharpened on you.
Exhaling slowly, Sam turned to you. “This is Chase Lincoln. He works with me at Acton Griswold.” You heard the unsaid words- ‘He’s the one I was talking with that day in the coffee shop; my friend.”
“Chase.” Sam’s voice was heavy, the way Atlas’s might have sounded after a millennia of holding up the earth. There was defeat in it. “This- this is Y/N.”
Each time Sam uttered your name, a warmth settled in your chest. You suspected it was just your eternally besotted mind making up the idea that his voice grew softer when he said it. Apparently, that wasn’t the case, for Chase’s eyes narrowed as he took in the look on Sam’s face, then went wide in a split second. His head rapidly moved from you to Sam in a matter of moments, before his jaw dropped.
“S-... Your… “ Speech seemed to have temporarily evaded Chase. 
“No diamonds,” Sam murmured.
“Y/N!” Someone shouted for you from two rows down. “There’s a problem with the mic. You need to check it out.”
“Ex- Excuse me,” you mumbled, hurrying away from Chase’s astounded stare. Maybe he knew it all, that didn’t particularly surprise you. What did surprise you was how Sam had decidedly made the introduction- as if Chase had to know. 
As it turned out, the mic had only been disconnected. It was working absolutely fine. You were still grateful to have been removed from Chase’s presence, glad that you didn’t have to wait around to witness his judgement. 
The rest of the day flew by faster than you could have guessed. Most of the heavy panel discussions were scheduled for the first day itself. You were blown away by the immense knowledge and expertise of those people, which was a good thing because you desperately needed a distraction. 
You only saw Sam afterwards, once everything was over and the alumni were all catching up with each other, like old friends, reminiscing about the time they had spent together. Even though it was a lot of people there, your eyes kept going to Sam in his thin sweater, in a deep conversation with an aged man, who was laughing at something Sam had said.
“One down, two more days to go,” mumbled Madison. She was leaning against your back. “Can we just sleep here?”
“I told you to come home with me last night,” Rebecca stated, appearing out of nowhere. This time she had Lacey and Meredith with her. “Why did you have to stay up at the library?”
Usually Madison would’ve at least tried to answer. Today, her forehead and nose just dug deeper into your back. You pursed your lips so the smile wouldn’t spill over. She was taking a stand for how she deserved to be treated.
“Well, shit!” Lacey said. “Looks like I wasn’t wrong after all.”
Rebecca groaned. “Ugh she looks like an uptight bimbo.”
You didn’t pay attention to their conversation till Meredith said, “She’s definitely into professor Hotchester.”
Your head snapped up in Sam’s direction, but he was out of the straight line of your vision. Obscuring him was a girl, dressed in a pretty blue chiffon top and tight fitting pencil skirt. Her five inches long pumps caught the light of the setting sun and gleamed. She was tall and beautiful, statuesque in the way a swimsuit model is, her blonde hair fell to the middle of her back in perfect curls. 
As you watched, she threw her hands around Sam’s neck and hugged him tightly. He willingly embraced her, too. You chanced a glance of the smile on his face as she disentangled and laughed, touching Sam’s chest lightly with her hand. 
“Yeah, there’s something there,” Lacey whistled.
“Wonder who she is,” Madison whispered, so only you could hear.
You didn’t need to wonder who it was, you already knew. Jessica Moore. Sam’s Ex-girlfriend.
A/N 2: I kinda really like the next chapter. I think it speaks more about about the sort of writer and person that I am than most things I’ve written yet. Can’t wait to share it with y’all.
So any predictions? ;)
Thank you for all the reblogs and comments! Not gonna lie, life’s been kicking my butt a lot lately. Believe it or not, all of your love really helps <3
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joheun-saram · 4 years
To Make a Power Couple (knj) | 03
Chapter 3 - Coincidences
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Summary- Do their dates ever go according to plan? Well, who knew watching George Clooney was such an aphrodisiac. 
word count- 6.2k
pairing- idol!namjoon x ceo!reader
rating- R
genre- series, slow burn, fluff, smut, strangers2lovers
warnings- unwanted sexual advances (don’t worry, it’s not namjoon and it’s not overly discussed), alcohol consumption, oral sex (f. receiving), hickeys, dry humping, sex
a.n- okay so I wrote my first smut scene. AAAAH. I’m sorry if it’s not the best - I tried and realized I don’t know how to get into a guys headspace during sex lmfao 🙃  Namjoon is also a high-key cheeseball and God of Destruction strikes. I’m sorry but I had to - his face when he breaks things makes me simultaneously laugh and uwu.
Also, in case you missed it I have a lot of feelings about Batman having a credit card. Batman and Robin is an absurd movie but I still love it.
Feedback much appreciated! 💕
taglist - @beach-bitch-bitch-beach​, @sassyuniversitytacopeanut​, @rjsmochii​, @jinjccns​
You were greeted by Siwon and a coffee as you walked to the elevator of your office building yawning furiously, uncharacteristically dressed in a navy pantsuit with a white turtleneck in anticipation of your big meeting today. To say you were nervous would be an understatement. You were meeting one of the big tech companies’ senior VP and your deal hinged on his approval. You were not looking forward to it - he was a certified creep. 
“Alright so your meetings in about four hours, we can finish the proposal in about two and then we can prep for the next two.” Siwon was in full assistant mode, rattling off details to add to the proposal that unbeknownst to him you had already finished last night.
“Proposal’s done so let’s skip to the prep,” you say as you step out of the elevator to your floor.
“Did you stay late? Yah Y/N! You know you can’t overwork like that! Also, this building is so creepy at night. Don’t tell me you stayed here alone.” He scolded you, effortlessly switching from employee to friend. You loved that he cared so much about you.
“I’m sorry, but if it makes you feel better - I wasn’t alone.” As you make your way to your desk you notice the kitchen filled with pink pastry boxes. “What’s all that?” you questioned as you forego your desk making a beeline for the kitchen, having skipped breakfast that morning for a much needed hour of sleep.
“What do you mean you weren’t alone?” Siwon was looking at you suspiciously with his eyebrow quirked. When you reached the boxes you noticed that they were filled with all sorts of breakfast goodies, from croissants to danishes to doughnuts. Your mouth watered as you grabbed a buttery croissant, anticipating the taste before it even made it on your plate.
“Y/N! Someone sent them over this morning with this note.” Timothy, your head of curriculum, handed you a pink envelope that matched the boxes. Placing your breakfast on the table you opened the note, hoping it wasn’t a client because that meant you would have to send something to them and would get caught in one of those one-upping gifting circlejerks. Arguably the worst part of corporate life.
Good luck on your meeting today. I’m rooting for you!
PS: this is also your reminder to drink water - stay hydrated! ;)
Your mouth flew open as you reread the note, a grin slowly spreading on your face. As Siwon read over your shoulder, he gasped loudly. Luckily no one else was within earshot or else they would notice you not so gently elbow your assistant and call HR.
“Oh my god… Is this from who I think it’s from?” He sputtered, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “Was he the one keeping you company last night?”
“What? NO!” You giggled nervously as he playfully smacked your arm. “Maybe…” you whispered, shrugging, giving in to his charms.
“Is this why you are wearing a turtleneck? Did he rock your world? Did he bangtan that sonyeondan?” 
“Shut up please!” You hissed at Siwon. You really wished you had a closed office now as you walked to your desk and grabbed your laptop, going into one of the meeting rooms that hopefully no one else booked that morning.
“So spill.” Siwon said as he settled into the chair next to you on the long stained oak table.
“There’s nothing to spill. We worked together and had pizza. And before you ask, no we did not have sex. It was our first date!” You huffed as you started your laptop.
“What did you do to him?” He asked in awe.
“Excuse me?” You were getting irritated now. To insinuate that you did something to him was pretty callous of Siwon. It reminded you of the times in university when your best friend dropped you because her crush told her that he liked you instead of her. You had no intentions of liking that guy, he was honestly not your type, too lazy and self-entitled to ever catch your attention, but she did not hesitate in cutting all ties and insisting you moved out of your shared apartment. According to her, you seduced him with your looks and personality. Pfft. As if life were so easy that you could manipulate whoever you liked into liking you back. However, Siwon was unaware of this incident so you decided to calm your annoyance a little.
“Sorry. I mean he’s sending the whole office breakfast after a first date. He must really like you.” He caught on to your tone and corrected himself. He was good at catching your tonal nuances by now, and you were grateful.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to get annoyed.” You sighed, smiling forcefully, as you pulled up the proposal you worked on earlier that morning. “I really like him too.” You admitted. It kind of felt nice to share that with someone. Usually you would pick up your phone the moment you felt a date go right and tell Jiyoung right away, but knowing what a huge fan she was you wanted to feel out the situation more before she got too excited.
While relaying the events of last night to a very excited Siwon, you texted Namjoon.
Y/N: Wow. Breakfast for the whole office? Big moves.
Namjoon: Well I am trying to woo the CEO. Gotta bring in the big guns!
Y/N: And you think you can woo me with baked goods?
Namjoon: That depends…
Namjoon: Is it working?
Y/N: Yes. Yes it is...
Y/N: Thank you btw. This was really sweet!
Namjoon: Then everything is going according to plan :)
Y/N: I’m excited for tonight
Namjoon: Me too! I miss you!
Y/N: Joon you saw me like eight hours ago!
Namjoon: Eight hours too long!
Y/N: Omg! Stop! You’re so cheesy...
Namjoon: Never!
You walked into the conference room with Harry and Siwon twenty minutes before noon and the three of you started setting up, nerves on high alert. You wrung your hands as you rearranged the printouts on the table for the sixth time, before Harry pulled you into a hug.
“You got this bub! We’re gonna kill it and then celebrate and blow all the money from this deal.” You laughed as your nerves melted. This was the reason he was your best friend and partner in crime. You got out of the embrace, infinitely more calm as you settled in your seat at the end of the table. 
Soon, your client, Mr Li, arrived with two other people from his team. The presentation went smoothly if you were to ignore the fact that every time you glanced at Li his eyes seemed to be fixated on your chest. His team, however, was much less sleazy. After you finished presenting, you and Harry spent about an hour answering their questions and concerns before negotiating another lucrative contract for your company. With this deal done, you will be able to meet your company’s quarterly goals. 
As soon as the meeting ended, Li’s team, now joined by their legal team, that arrived a few minutes before the end, was escorted to your legal floor to sort out the details of the contract.
“So this is a cause for celebration!” Li booms loudly as he shakes Harry’s hand, before pulling you into an unwanted hug. The hug was extremely tight as you felt your chest being squished by his, knocking the air out of you. You awkwardly try to escape, confused by his less than professional behaviour, eyes widened and staring at Harry. “We should all get some drinks in a few weeks to truly seal the deal.”
“Yes, we will definitely set up something with our assistants. I’m not sure if Y/N will be able to join because of her hectic schedule, but I will definitely be there.” Harry swiftly stepped in to shake Li’s hand one more time, subtly but clearly giving you an out. You were immensely relieved till you heard Li’s next words.
“It’s no party without the CEO. I bet she’s a real firecracker with a few drinks in her!” He laughed full-bellied, elbowing an uncomfortably stunned Harry as you gave him a tight lipped smile.
“Of course. We’ll set something up soon, Mr Li. Now if you excuse me I have another meeting to attend. We’re very excited to work with you!” You forced a fake smile as you exited the cringe-inducing situation. You grabbed some water when you reached your desk, drinking it to get the nasty taste of the situation out of your head. Sometimes you truly hated having to plaster a smile to appease clients, but unfortunately it was part of the job.
Your mood lightened significantly as your phone buzzed, instantly forgetting about the creepy old man. You picked up to hear Namjoon’s baritone voice greeting you as you ducked into a small meeting room, locking the door and settling on the comfy couch at the end.
“How did it go?” He seemed a bit out of breath.
“Nailed it! Although the guy was a certified creep.”
“Oh I’m sorry for that. What happened?” Genuine concern laced his tone.
“He just didn’t have any concerns for personal space” you sighed but your heart warmed at his worry for you. “Why are you out of breath?”
“That sucks! I just got done with dance practice.” He quickly picked up on your hesitance to go into further detail. “I haven’t danced this intensely in a while!”
“Oh! I would love to see you dance!” You giggled.
“Trust me I’m not good. It is not worth it.”
“I don’t believe you. I guess I’ll have to see it to judge for myself.”
“Hmm… maybe. Fair warning, there are literal twitter pages dedicated to my terrible moves.”
“Well then those people are assholes. I bet they’re jealous because you are an amazing dancer.” 
Namjoon hung up the call and stared at the call log on his phone, displaying that he had been on the phone with you for over thirty five minutes. It felt like it had been barely two. He didn’t know why talking to you improved his mood this much, but just hearing your voice was enough to make him forget the stress from messing up the choreography almost every run though this morning, and especially Hoseok’s disappointing face as he tried and failed to correct his moves.
Getting back to the big mirrored room, he decided to go through the steps again alone to really nail down the routine, his head full of your plans later this evening. Initially, he had planned a romantic dinner to a high end restaurant in Gangnam but after his manager’s email this morning that he might be being followed, you both had decided on a quiet evening at your apartment. You had insisted it would be safer this way since the suspected stalker would not know where he was going, but he still felt a little uncomfortable about possibly putting your home in danger. He remembered when Yoongi had a stalker three years ago and they all had to pretty much be holed together in the dorms to ensure their safety. Luckily, they were smarter now with a much larger budget for security so these incidents barely encroached on their everyday activities. Still, this was the first time he was seeing someone while dealing with this and that made him wary.
After practicing for another couple of hours, Namjoon headed back home before getting ready for the evening. The closer the clock ticked towards 7, the more nervous he seemed to get. He had butterflies in his stomach as he styled his hair for the fifth time. Giving up, he grabbed the small bouquet of sunflowers he had prepared for the evening and headed towards the car waiting to pick him up downstairs.
As much as he had talked to you over the last few days, the pressure of this being a real date made him want to make a good impression. He was disappointed that he couldn’t wow you with a gourmet meal and even though he was confident that you enjoyed his company, the fact that you would basically be forced to stay with him if you wanted to leave tonight made him uneasy. 
Fidgeting with the collar of his black t-shirt, he braced himself as he knocked on your door. You took his breath away when you opened the door, dressed in a beautiful red sundress that hugged all your curves perfectly. You smiled widely at him as you greeted him. Your pink dusted cheeks and the way your eyes sparkled as you saw him, made all his earlier worries disappear. His heart sang as you excitedly took the bouquet, sniffing the flowers before busying yourself and looking for a jar to place them in. He was glad he went through the effort of buying them. Well, the effort of bribing one of the staff with lunch for them.
“How did you know these are my favourite flowers?” You sounded shocked.
“I saw them everywhere at the gala, so I figured even if they weren’t your favourites you at least liked them.” He smiled widely, internally celebrating going for those over Jin’s suggestion of the typical roses. He watched as you carefully snapped the stems of the flowers and placed them in the jar a little too small to contain all the flowers. He couldn’t help but think how stunning you looked biting your lip concentrating while arranging the flowers, taking care not to break off any leaves.
Your apartment reflected your personality it seemed. The kitchen was attached to the large living room, separated by a large island that you were working on. The living room had a large comfortable yellow couch with a few fuzzy blankets and white pillows, facing a television on the wall surrounded by framed posters of music festivals, which he gathered from the dates were ones you attended. He also noticed a vintage looking record player next to the opposite wall with a shelf full of books and records, arranged in seemingly no order; the books differing in lengths with random records popped between them. Everything was extremely clean but he could make out some clutter like a pair of keys attached to an Apeach keychain next to the window, and a pair of sunglasses that were precariously hanging off the edge of a small table in the corner. He felt that he was looking inside your brain a little, and it made him extremely grateful that you had deemed him worthy enough to invite him over. He didn’t know if that was something you were comfortable enough doing with everyone you met or dated, or if inviting him to your apartment was an anomaly, and he’d be lying if he didn’t hope it was the latter. The thought that he was getting special treatment made him giddy.
After arranging your flowers, you made your way to Namjoon, and he felt your arms around his waist as you wrapped him a hug. 
“Thank you” you whispered into his chest and even this small gesture made him blush.
“I just wanted to cheer you up after that shitty meeting.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders. He could feel you smile into his chest, something that was confirmed when you separated after a few seconds and made your way to the couch. He missed your warmth already.
“Honestly, just talking to you after it cheered me up.” He sat next to you on the couch as you poured two glasses of white wine, handing him one. “I know we just talked but how was the rest of your day?”
You both shared news about the rest of your days with each other while waiting for dinner to arrive. The conversation was easy and fluid, easily shifting from mundane everyday events to anecdotes about your friends while you ate your pastas and finished the bottle of wine. He appreciated that unlike other people he had dated you didn’t seem surprised that he had friends outside the band and that most of his stories revolved around them rather than BTS. He always felt that so much of his friendship with the guys was broadcasted that he’d be retelling something that people had already watched so to the disappointment of a lot of his dates, he shared more about his other friends. Like how last year he went on a trip to Paris with childhood friends and got kicked out of the Louvre because they accidentally almost knocked down an exhibit. Or when one of his friends got so unbelievably drunk he had to bribe him with actual money to ensure he didn’t sleep in the park. He enjoyed hearing your university tales too, laughing out loud when you recounted the time you had drunkenly won a debate with one of your friends on which Batman was the best, resulting in the said friend to streak around the neighbourhood.
“Wait so you’re telling me if you lost, you would have to streak instead?” His eyes were wide as he looked at you. He had not expected you to have this wild side. He was intrigued, if not slightly turned on by the idea that this side might show up later.
“I would. I never break a promise.” You looked smug as you smiled over your wine glass. “But if I’m being honest, I knew I would win. Who thinks Clooney is the best Batman? He had a bat credit card for crying out loud!” He smiled as you ranted about how Batman would even apply for a credit card and the unlikelihood of him having a social security number without giving away his identity. Sure, Namjoon had never seen this particular Batman movie, or any to be fair, but the way you passionately discussed the superhero was so endearing to him that he couldn’t help nodding along enthusiastically at each point you made, giggling as he did so.
“Okay. I have not seen that movie, but that sounds hilarious.” He commented as he finished the last of the wine in his glass.
“What? It is a cinematic meme masterpiece! We have to watch it!”
That’s how you ended up watching Batman and Robin, a second bottle of wine open on the coffee table. You hadn’t imagined that’s how you’ll be spending the next few hours with Namjoon. In fact, you did not want to impose your nerdy views on him at all, but tipsy you had other ideas. He seemed to be enjoying the movie too, laughing justly at the bat nipples and stupid ice puns. However with each corny flirt Poison Ivy threw at one of the many men on screen, you couldn’t help but notice how closely you were sitting next to a man hotter than any on your television. He had his arm around your shoulders and your head rested slightly on his chest, engulfed in his woodsy scent. You couldn’t help but steal glances at him, resisting the urge to reach up and kiss his jaw where it rested on his hand.
You had wanted to kiss him the moment he walked in the door with flowers in hand. No date had ever brought you flowers before and it set your heart aflutter. If he was any more perfect, you’d be worried you had imagined him and that you’d wake up from a very long, very surreal dream. The next time you glanced up at him you found him looking at you, a soft smile on his face, his dimples looking extra cute as he looked into your eyes.
Feeling uncharacteristically bashful, you smiled back at him, willing yourself not to avert his gaze. “Hi,” you muttered.
“Hi” His deep voice reverberated through your body and before you could tell your heart to stop thudding at your chest, Namjoon closed the space between you. His lips were slightly chapped as he brushed them against yours gently -  unrushed and soft. He took his time, his lips dancing around yours as if in a practiced waltz, as he moved his hand to your cheek, thumb stroking your cheekbones. Before you could deepen the kiss, you separated, much to your disappointment and he went back to watching the movie.
“Oh look! It’s the credit card scene.” He said nonchalantly as if he had not just taken your breath away.
“Joon! This movie is stupid,” you whined as you reached for his face, but before you could reach it he grabbed your wrist.
“But it’s a cinematic meme masterpiece!” He teased you with your earlier comment, his eyes lit with mirth. 
You pouted in defiance. “You can’t just kiss me like this and expect me to go back to watching the movie.”
“Aww! Cute!” He cooed as you huff, but before you could protest further, he kissed you again. Unlike the first time, this kiss was fierce, sparking a need in you. His lips pressed firmly against yours as his arm moved from around you to maneuver you on top of his lap. He did not hold back as he kissed you with a yearning you felt pulsate through you. He coaxed his way into your mouth as you didn't hesitate for a second, your hands running through the hair at the nape of his neck.
His hands were on your hips and as he pulled you closer you couldn’t help but roll your hips on him, feeling him hardening under you, a moan escaping from your mouth into his. Your dress was almost pulled to your waist and the rough material of his jeans felt delicious against your lace panties. You couldn’t help but roll your hips again, wanting him much closer than he already was.
“Baby you can’t do that to me.” He whined, his voice heavy with desire, as he started placing kisses down your face to your neck.
“Why not?” Your eyes spoke of challenge as you once again grind on him, a light moan escaping your lips, teasingly.
He stops kissing you as he looks up at you sternly, his jaw jutting out slightly. “Because I’m trying to be a gentleman here.”
“Fuck that. Let’s be b-” 
Before you can finish your sentence, he is spinning you around to lay you on the couch, hovering above you, your legs on either side of his body. Your head is caged between his arms, your dress barely covering your panties, as he smirks at you before rocking his hip against you, eliciting a loud gasp from you.
“Are you sure?” He asks as he kisses your neck, softly biting in a way that you’re sure there will be marks tomorrow, before soothing it with his tongue.
“Yes” you whisper as you reach down to palm him over his pants, making him groan where he’s kissing behind your ear.
“Fuck… Can I take this off?” His hand is on the zipper of your dress and as soon as you nod, he is pulling it down, increasing his force when it gets caught. Suddenly he stops, his eyes wide with alarm. Leaning up slightly you follow his gaze to his hand where he holds your zipper, no longer attached to the dress. He looks like a kid that broke an expensive vase in a store and you can’t help but laugh.
“Oh shit! I’m sorry!” The more he apologizes, the more you laugh at the situation, tears filling up your eyes. How could he be sexily growling in your ear one moment, making you drench your panties, and be this adorably guilty looking the next? Pushing him off you stand up and coax the rest of the zip down, letting the dress pool at your feet, as you grab his hand, urging him to stand up.
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” You lead him across the hall to your bedroom, and he quickly recovers from his blunder, wrapping himself behind you as he continues to kiss your neck and face.
“I’ll buy you a new dress! Sorry!” He says as you sit down at the end of your bed.
“Joonie, stop apologizing and fuck me.” You pull at his shirt, and thankfully he gets the hint, smoothly taking it off and throwing it beside you with a quick “Yes, ma'am.” You are mesmerized by his body, as you trace your hands up to his toned chest, thanking the god you didn’t believe in for this moment. Smirking at your adoration, he kisses you again, pushing you to lie down with his arm around your waist as he pushes you further up the bed till your head hits the pillows.
He continues kissing you as you run your hands over his chest and back, wanting to consume all of him. “Mmm, you’re so beautiful.” He moans as he kisses down your neck to your chest, rubbing himself on you, his fingers lingering at the waistband of your panties. He looks to you for consent and seeing your enthusiastic nod, he pulls them down, groaning at your arousal that liberally coats them.
“Baby, you’re so wet.” He whispers, amazed as if you had any other choice considering his earlier teasing. He kisses your lips again as his fingers slide against your lips teasingly, making you rut your hips against his hand in an effort to feel him inside.
“Joonie, please. Stop teasing” You whine against his lips, and thankfully he does, pushing one finger inside, making you cry out as you tip your head back against the pillows. Taking advantage of your angled head he presses his lips to your neck, leaving another hickey as one finger becomes two, deliciously stretching you and making you clench against him. Your head is cloudy with endorphins as he curls his fingers expertly thrusting in you, filling the room with your wanton moans. He kisses up to your ear, nibbling a little at your lobe.
“I want to taste you.” His voice is heavy with want and it sends a shiver up your spine. You clench around his fingers in anticipation as he kisses down your body, pulling your bra cups down to pay extra attention to your hardened nipples. His bangs brush against your skin raising goosebumps as he places multiple small pecks on your soft belly before reaching his destination.
“Look here, baby.” He says and as soon as you make eye contact, he pulls out his fingers, placing them in his mouth sucking on them with a groan, making heat rise up your neck. “You’re fucking delicious.”
Your heart is about to explode out of your chest and you can’t help but squirm but he holds your legs apart, slowly kissing each inner thigh as he takes his time. He really has a knack for teasing, and you wouldn’t complain if not for the aching between your legs. You’re desperate for him.
Finally, he lays on his stomach, his long legs dangling off the bed, as he holds your gaze, grinning, before giving you a long lick, making you shudder. He moans into you as he continues his long licks, your fingers making their way to his hair.
He focuses his attention on your clit, sucking and increasing his speed. No one has eaten you out like this. You remember after drinks with your friends claiming that it sucked that you were straight because guys always suck at eating pussy. Oh how wrong you were, you thought as Namjoon added his fingers back into the mix, thrusting as his tongue lapped at your clit, making you see stars. You could feel the familiar heat in your core as you tugged his hair, making him groan, a chant of his name on your lips as you feel yourself becoming undone. Your toes curl into the comforter below you as your legs shake screaming his name. He coaxes you though your orgasm, slowing his thrusts and licking you clean as you come down. When you could feel the overstimulation, you called his name, lightly stroking his hair. You kind of felt bad for pulling on it that tightly earlier.
He wiped his face as he came up towards you, smiling triumphantly. He kissed you and you could taste yourself on his lips. 
“You did so well for me, baby.” You had never been praised for orgasming and although you had just cum you felt yourself getting wet all over again. You kissed him again, reaching to undo his jeans and struggling.
“Are you sure? We can stop here if you want.” Namjoon says against your lips.
“Shut up and get naked, Joon” you huff against his lips as he chuckles, flipping on his back next to you to undo his pants and pulling them off along with his boxers. You bite your lip as you see his cock emerge, bouncing against his stomach, his head dripping precum. Your mouth waters as you undo your bra, tossing it to the side, before reaching for his generous length. He hisses as your thumb runs over the tip, and you use the precum to stroke him slowly.
Suddenly, he grabs your wrist, stopping your exploration. “I’m going to cum if you don’t stop.”
You peck his lips as he lets go, turning around and reaching out for the condoms in your bedside drawer. Ripping the packet open, you pinch the tip, smirking as you place it in your mouth, enjoying the way his eyes widen in surprise as you stroke him twice before using your lips to encase his length in latex. 
“Holy fuck. You’re perfect.” He grabs your face as soon as you’re done and kisses you fiercely as he once again lays you under him. His length rubs against your clit, sending jolts of pleasures up your spine as you rut your hips upwards. Getting the hint, he grabs his cock and lines it to your entrance. Your insides flutter as you feel him run his tip between your folds collecting your arousal, making you mewl a weak “please”. His face is flushed and his eyes are dark as he guides himself in smoothly, both of you moaning at the pleasure. The stretch is unbelievable, and you close your eyes as the sensation.
He waits a beat for you to accommodate him and as soon as you nod, he pulls back to thrust in again. Slowly he builds up to a rhythm that has you both panting. The room is full of the sounds of your bodies colliding and heavy breaths. You open your eyes to see him with his tongue between his lips and his jaw clenched. The same look of concentration he had when he was writing his songs in your office last night, and you felt yourself clench around him in pleasure. He moaned lowly and it was like you could feel his voice travel through you.
“Oh my god, Joon!” you cried as he changed his angle, hitting your g-spot directly, and increased his speed, thrusting harder.
“I got you, baby. I got you.” He reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers, pressing his forehead against yours, pressing kisses against your cheeks. You could feel yourself getting close again as he continued his pace, and by the way his grip on your hand tightened you could tell he was getting there too. You wrapped your legs around him as he started to get sloppier, getting lost in chasing pleasure.
“Cum for me baby, please.” He pleaded as his fingers reached between you to tease your clit, shooting waves of pleasure through you. He sucked on your neck and the sensation was too much. You feel yourself tighten around him and he groans as the tension building in your stomach snaps, making you cum hard around him, his name on your tongue as your fingers dig into his back.
He fucks you through your orgasm, hard and fast, before cumming himself with a loud groan and collapsing on you. Your bodies panting in unison as you both try to catch your breath. You’re both still holding hands, as he sweetly kisses your cheek, before pulling himself off of you, discarding the condom in the trash can, and laying back next to you. After you both calm down, he speaks staring at the ceiling.
“Do you have cameras in here?”
“What?” You are confused as you turn to look at him.
“Wouldn’t wanna make a sex tape on our second date.” He laughs, turning on his side and wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Oh my god. I hate you.” You playfully swat at his chest.
“Nah, you like me.” He grins, kissing the tip of your nose as you roll your eyes. “But it’s okay because I really like you too.”
“You are so cheesy!” you groan, but your face flushes at his words, your heart dancing in your chest. “I’m going to pee.”
“No, stay.” He whines pulling you close to his chest. You oblige him for all of two minutes, before grabbing his shirt from the end of the bed, putting it on, grabbing a fresh pair of panties, and making your way to the ensuite.
When you return you find him still on your bed, albeit in his boxers now, lying amongst your many pillows with his hands behind his head. Hearing your footsteps, he turns to you and smiles, reaching his hand out to pull you in with him. Cuddling you into his chest, he pulls the comforter over the two of you.
“You’re staying?” You hadn’t expected him to stay and you felt your heart warm at the way he did not rush to leave after sex. You knew he wasn’t the kind of person to just be in it for the sex, but it was your second date so you had kept your expectations low.
“Do you not want me to?” He asks with a pout, stiffening, and you could hear how fast his heart was beating.
“Please stay.” You snuggled closer to him, wrapping your arms around him, as you felt him relax and kiss the top of your head. “Want to see something cool?”
He hummed as you asked your google home to show you the sky. It was a dumb impulse purchase you made after a week of late nights of work at home and you hadn’t had the opportunity to show it off yet. You watched his mouth open in awe as the connected device turned off all the lights in your room and projected the milky way on to your ceiling. You chuckled at his child-like reaction. After talking to him this much, you were kind of sure that this would be how he’d act. You were pretty similar and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t had the same reaction when you first saw the constellations on your ceiling. He was quiet for a while, taking in the view and the only way you knew he was awake was by the way his hand softly caressed your hair.
“Hey Y/N. Do you ever think how crazy it is that we met?” His voice was almost a whisper as he turned on his side to look at you. Turning to face him, you placed your hand on his cheek as he continued. “Like you would have to make a company at the perfect time, get your contract with Samsung, decide to move to Korea, convince my boss to sign with you, and then throw that gala, and at the same time I would have to decide to be a rapper, sign to this company, make it big at the right time, come across your non-profit at the right time, and successfully convince Bang PD to let us go to your event. Isn’t that crazy how all those little decisions led to this?”
You were stunned. You had never thought about it that way. How everyone you met was by such a coincidence, how you met Joon was such a coincidence. The way he phrased it made it seem like fate. Maybe it was.
“You forgot about the part where I almost didn’t let you come to the gala.” You joked. You knew he was being serious, but your internal defense mechanisms were in full gear. You didn’t know why you were making light of his beautiful statement, but you felt if you didn’t, you’d fall for him even further and you weren't ready for that.
“What do you mean?” He chuckled, his hand rubbing circles into your waist.
“Your team asked me four hours before the gala that you were coming.” He snorted at your response. “You’re lucky Jiyoung is a fan.”
“Well, then I’ll send a thank you card to her.” He gazed at you adoringly as he pulled you closer. “You know I wasn’t joking earlier… I really like you.”
“I really like you too, Joon.” you whispered as he captured your lips into a kiss. You both continued discussing the coincidences that had to align for you to meet, stealing kisses as you drift off to sleep. 
Wrapped up in his arms, with the twinkling stars on your ceiling, it was the best sleep you had had in a long while.
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What If?
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“What if I gave him a chance? What if we tried?” A girl looking up in the sky and asking herself what if? represents Zia while the mountain she’s standing on represents how hard letting go is. It's really difficult to let go of things that we desperately want to keep. At some point in our lives, we have all been faced with the decision of whether to let go of or hold on to something or someone. Letting go is one of the hardest things we have to do in our lives, yet it is sometimes the only way to get ourselves to go forward. 
The cold wind touches my skin as the water slowly falls down my cheeks. It’s been months but I still can't accept it. Things become messy and get out of hand. My head is filled with bombarded questions that will never be answered. 
“Zia, wake up! We need to go there at 8”. I opened my eyes and got out of my bed when my mom knocked again. While on our way to her new place, I can’t prevent thinking about the memories we had since we were little.
“Hey do you see the new guy, he looks so sad, c'mon let's talk to him,” Stella said and grabbed me towards the back part of our classroom. There, I saw a new boy who’s sitting beside the window. He is just a typical nerdy boy with hazelnut eyes, long eyelids, and his skin is like an almond that shines because of the sunlight. His hair is a little bit curly that makes him cute-- wait, did I just say cute? Oh my gosh! “Sorry she’s a bit preoccupied, but her name is Zia,” Stella said and nudged me.
“Hello Zia and Stella, I’m Luis. Nice to meet you both”, and that was where our trio-friendship started.
After a year, we all graduated elementary and spent a month of summer vacation in Ilocos before our parents decided that they would enroll us in the same academy. At first, we had a happy normal life, and I, being confused with my feelings for Luis not until-- Years later, Stella and Luis leveled up their relationship and became official lovers. Then our lives suddenly changed when Stella and I  were involved in a car accident where she hit her head on the window of our school bus when it crashed on a tree. 
It's been months, I thought we are all getting better and we’re moving on from that accident but things started to become blurry. Stella is always having headaches and feeling numbness sometimes. “Don’t be sad, I promise you that I’m going to visit the both of you here every summer”, she said and hugged me and Luis. We watched her turn around and walk in the opposite direction with her parents until they became smaller and smaller; until I cannot see them anymore. 
“This is the final boarding call for passengers on flight 372A to Washington City. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for passengers on flight 372A. Thank you”.
We keep our connection with Stella through video calls although it is very hard to keep our communication especially since we have different time zones. Every week Luis and I will call Stella to tell all our stupid stories to her, but I’ve noticed that as the months passed by Luis will always have private conversations with her which will escalate ending up him ending the call. But rather than ask them both, I’ll just let it off because it might be about their relationship at hand. I may not have any romantic relationships but I can say it’s hard to have an LDR.
One night while chilling in Luis’ house, I received a text from Stella and I can’t help but scream with excitement as I read the text ‘ clear up your schedule for Saturday you are the first person I want to see;) ’. Luis can’t help but look at what I’m reading on my phone, but I was confused by his reaction. He looks concerned and confused. But, why? He should be happy because his girlfriend is going home. Then, he immediately grabbed his phone and called Stella, and went straight to his room.
“Zia, I told you we’re too early” Luis complained while stomping his foot. He’s so childish. We were just 2 hrs early, I would rather wait in the airport than beat the rush hour. “ZIA!” someone shouted and I knew very well who owns that voice so I turned around with a big smile to greet her. But my smile faded a bit as I noticed that she lost a few pounds but I didn't mind because maybe she worked out in the U.S. So, I quickly ran to hug her and as I hugged her tightly I looked up at Tita Annalise, her mom, at her back asking if something’s wrong. I felt relief when she sweetly smiled at me and said everything was fine.
With Stella back home, Luis and I spend our entire summer in Stella’s house. Luis and I will bring snacks and watch movies and we will bond all day long. Till one day, while we're chasing around her room, she collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. We followed the ambulance to the hospital and with my face stained with tears I searched for my best friend. Then I saw her entering a private room, but Luis and I decided to just wait outside until the doctors were gone.
As I come inside, I can’t help but ask, “what is going on with you? Just tell me so I can understand”. I was sobbing through my words hoping she understood. But instead of getting any clarifications, I was now filled with regret and resentment.
“Please I don’t want you to be sad, I’m really tired. I’m sorry, Zia. Also, be happy I know you have feelings for Luis so promise me that you won’t feel any guilt just because you like him. It’s okay for me, I’m not mad, I’m happy that finally, both of you have your own time. Now, I can really rest. Remember that I will never forget you, I love you my best friend, Zia.”
That was the last conversation we had, and I know that- that will be the last time I will hear her voice. “Hey, we’re here”, dad called me and guided me as I got down from our car. From afar, I saw her near Luis. We slowly walk towards them as the cold wind touches my skin and as the water slowly falls down my cheeks. But I quickly wiped my tears and bravely held my head high. It’s been two months but it is still hard for me to accept that Stella is gone. I can now see the faces of all the people who lied to me about her condition. I look at Tita Annalise and I can still remember every single word she told me.
“The day you had the car accident, we thought that- that was just a simple headache caused by the impact, but we’re wrong. Stella had a stage 3 brain tumor at that time, but she didn't want you to be worried about her so she chose to go to America for her treatment. We all thought that she would recover, but she can’t hold on to her chemotherapy. Then the doctor told us that she only has approximately nine-month to live, and that is when our little girl decided to go back here and make the most of her time making memories with us.”
I look at her picture that is placed on her tombstone. I was the one who took that picture, her big round eyes, perfect smile, thick eyebrows that match her eyelids, her laugh and giggles, I can still hear all of that. But why Stella? Why didn't you tell me? I’m your best friend, why did you do this to me? I am now bombarded with questions that will never be answered because the only person who can answer those is already resting in heaven.
After the mass, Luis and I decided to talk to clear up all the things we left behind. We went to a cafe for a while and ordered some snacks before we went back to the cemetery. We both just sat down in front of Stellas’ grave. He tried to break the silence but I couldn't even open my mouth to talk. It seems like there is something that blocks my throat. 
“There’s no one here, you can cry now. Don’t hold your tears. You can cry now, like how you used to cry to me every time you had small fights with Stella.” He said while looking into my eyes. And that was my signal to cry and break down after all that happened. After Stella died. I talk to no one except my parents. I cried hard for a few minutes and as I quieted down he approached and hugged me but that made me cry again and questioned him.
“You already knew her condition before she went to Washington, but why didn’t you tell me?” I asked him.
“Because she told me not to tell you and I made a promise to her”
“But her condition must be exempted, Luis! She’s our Stella, my best friend, your girlfriend!. I can’t help but shout at him. 
“Because I made a promise, Zia, please listen to me. You know me, you know how important promises are to me”.
Out of frustration, I broke down again and as I calmed down he started to talk again, “After she fled to the U.S., she broke up with me and told me to pursue you”.
I stared at him and gaped but I avoided my gaze immediately. I can't stare at him any longer while I'm a hot mess.
“Stella is a very smart woman I’ve known, she knew when to fight and when to surrender. Our relationship was formed right after primary school and as we got older, both of us grew and matured individually and realized that we both fell out of love. Maybe because we just misunderstood our feelings at that time. That it’s not really loved like a partner, but love as a sister and brother. Then, she told me that she noticed the way I look at you as we spend time together. I know it's not the right time to ask this, but I want to know your side” he said as I looked into his eyes.
I breathed out before I answered his question, “ I like you.” I saw how his eyes glistened for a moment until he heard what I said next.
“I like you until now, but all the things are messed up. So please Luis, you’re the only one I have right now, and our friendship is more important to me and I don't want to lose you. I think it is better for the both of us to stay like this, you're my best friend and I’m your best friend. We're still in college, you'll meet other girls along the way and I'll support you with who you want to be. Just please let's stay friends. I hope you understand”
He chuckled and said, “ I know you're going to reject me but I never thought it would hurt this bad. I just tried to shoot my shot but I guess it was bad timing. Still, remember I'll always be here for you as a friend. Thank you for clarifying  Zia. Love you both” as we both stared at her grave.
Years have passed, I’m already working as a nurse in St. Luke Medical Center. It was a sunny morning when I woke up. Today is my day off, so I decided to go to the supermarket to restock my needs in my condo. On my way to my unit, I saw a package outside my door, so I picked it up and went inside. As I saw it was from Luis I immediately opened the package. My heart started to beat faster when I saw a silver envelope inside. I reached for it inside the box and carefully opened it. It is an invitation letter for his wedding next month. It's been years but still, there’s a part of me that is regretful with my decision before. 
What if I gave him a chance? What if we tried? There are a lot of what-ifs that will be left unanswered.
But I’m happy for him, because finally after years, he found his true love. I remember one quote I’ve read, ‘one of the happiest moments in our lives is when we find the courage to let go of what we cannot change’. And I think I need to accept all the things happening to me right now because I’m the one who puts myself in this situation. So I'm responsible for what I will do to move forward in my life. And maybe soon I can accept that there is no fairytale for the both of us.
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huttons · 4 years
Never Really Was Enough, Pt. I
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word count: 4.3k
summary:  When Eva moves to Raleigh, it wasn't a happy occasion. She needed to get away from her family and moving across the country was the quickest way for her to accomplish that. As she finds her place in Raleigh, she finds a new family with people she never expected to (especially with a certain red-headed hockey player).
warnings: talk of past dealings with homophobia, off-screen character death
author’s note: this was written as part of @fandomtrumpshate​ 2020! I was lucky enough to write this for @antoineroussel​ <3 
ao3 link
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“How do we forgive ourselves for all the things we did not become?”
The day Eva packs up and moves to Raleigh isn’t a happy one. Despite having the chance to start an amazing new job, and the chance to start over, she’s bitter about having to do it. The thought of having to make a new start without a support network is terrifying. But if it means that Eva can have a fresh new start, then so be it.
As Eva puts the last box into the U-Haul, she sighs. Moving across the country isn’t exactly how she had planned on getting away from her family, but she also didn’t think that she would be leaving so soon, either. It was a stroke of luck that she had been hired in North Carolina, and it was even better that she had found an apartment she could afford to live in.
Once she starts the long drive, there’s no heartfelt good-byes, and nobody to send her off. Eva has to remind herself that Lucas is long gone now and there’s nothing holding her back anymore. So, she begins what will likely turn into a week-long trip to Raleigh. It’s mostly a mindless drive, with only a few wrong turns. The days blur into each other, and she only stops for gas, food, and the chance to sleep.
By the time she pulls up to her new apartment complex, she feels exhausted and groans at the thought of having to unpack everything by herself. She drags herself to the front office to get checked in. It’s a smooth process, and once she gets the keys, Eva is hoping it doesn’t take all night to get everything moved up to her apartment.
“Hey, are you new here?” someone asks.
Eva turns and there’s a woman, about her age and blonde hair that glows in the sunlight walking over to the U-Haul.
“Yeah, just got in obviously,” Eva answers with a tired smile. “I’m Eva.”
“Samantha, but everyone calls me Sammy,” she introduces. “Are you here by yourself?”
“Yep, it’s just me,” Eva replies. “I couldn’t afford to hire any help, and my family couldn’t make it out, so it’s just me.”
“Ah, so you moved from far away?”
“Across the country,” Eva answers. “I came from Portland. The one in Oregon.”
“Damn, that’s a long-ass drive,” Sammy jokes. “But I think you’ll like it here. The neighbors are good, for the most part.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“I’m guessing this will take you a while, so I should be able to help you once I pick up my boyfriend from the auto shop.”
“Oh, you don’t have to help.”
Sammy snorts. “Please, you’re going to be here for ages. It’ll be no big deal at all. There aren’t a lot of people our age here, so it won’t be too much of a hassle to help out.”
“Well, if it’s not a big deal, then sure, I’d appreciate the help,” Eva replies with a soft smile. “I live in 417 if I’m not down by the truck.”
“See you then, Eva.”
Once Sammy leaves, Eva looks back to everything she has to unpack. She’s thankful that she doesn’t have a bed or couch to worry about, but Eva isn’t happy about having to sleep on the floor until the bed she ordered comes in. Without the help from her family, though, there was no way she was going to be able to get a bed or a couch into the moving vehicle.
Eva loses track of time, and by the time Sammy and her boyfriend, Patrick, come by to help, it’s late afternoon. They don’t talk much, but the silence is easy, which Eva is unfamiliar with. It’s been a long time since she felt comfortable not feeling like she had to fill the quietness. By the time dinner time rolls around, they finally have everything in Eva’s apartment.
“Are you going to want help unpacking things?” Sammy asks.
“Nah, this was already so much help. I probably would have spent the rest of the night bringing things up here,” Eva answers. “But thank you again, I really appreciate this.”
“We couldn’t not help someone moving in by themselves,” Patrick says. “It’s a big step, what you did. I don’t think I could ever move across the country by myself.”
Eva shrugs. “If you have to do it, then you manage.”
Both Sammy and Patrick don’t ask for more details, which Eva is grateful for. She’s not really sure if she feels comfortable talking about how she ended up here quite yet.
“So, are you really going to be fine sleeping on the floor?” Patrick asks, a little bit of worry in his voice. “I’m sure we could find something more comfortable for you.”
“Yeah, it’s only for a couple of nights until the delivery comes in,” Eva replies. “I just wasn’t sure when I would be getting here, so I guess I’ll just have to suffer for getting here early.”
Sammy snorts. “Alright, well, if you ever need company, we’re just one floor up. And you know what, give me your number so I can text you good places for takeout. I’m sure that you won’t want to be cooking for the next few days.”
“Oh, thank you, that would be nice,” Eva replies, who was planning on just living off of pizza for the next day or two. “I honestly don’t even know what there’s to do here since I just moved out here for work, so honestly, I’ll take any recommendations you have.”
Once Sammy and Patrick leave, Eva has a new contact in her phone and a list of places to check out around Raleigh. It’s a comfort knowing that she already has people willing to help her out here. She isn’t sure how well she’ll click with people at work and the thought of randomly introducing herself to her other neighbors isn’t an appealing idea.
The following week is a hectic one, with Eva trying to get her apartment to feel like a home and making sure that she’s ready to start work. She meets up with Sammy and Patrick again for dinner one night at their apartment to take a break from unpacking all of her boxes. It wasn’t until she moved that she realized how much stuff she accumulated.
“So, what do you two do for work?” Eva inquires.
“I work in the front office for the Canes,” Sammy answers. “And Patrick here is a kindergarten teacher, which is why you see glitter everywhere.”
“That was one time,” Patrick protests. “It’s not my fault it never disappears.”
Sammy snorts. “Yeah, it was a mistake he’s thankfully only made once.”
“Uh, not to sound dumb, but am I supposed to know who the Canes are?” Eva asks, a little nervous. “Are they like…a big company or something?”
“Oh, they’re the NHL team here,” Sammy replies. “I keep forgetting not everyone keeps up with hockey.”
“Well…I guess I’m going to have to start watching it if I’m going to be friends with the two of you,” Eva says. “I’ve only watched one game and that was because it was on at a sports bar my brother and I were at.”
“It’s really not that big of a deal,” Sammy says. “Hockey is fun, but it can be kind of messy sometimes. And I hardly understand it despite working there for a couple years now.”
Eva smiles softly. “Well, in that case, I feel a bit better about not knowing anything.”
“So, what brought you all the way across the country? I don’t think we ever asked,” Patrick inquires. “You don’t have to share if you don’t want to, though.”
“I found a good computer engineering job out this way for a small tech company. My other job just wasn’t cutting it,” Eva explains. “And it was time to get away from the family. Things were…not great, to put things lightly. Turns out they weren’t okay with me being bi.”
“We’re glad to have you here then,” Sammy says decisively. “Family can be shit sometimes, and I’m glad that you’ve been able to get away from them.”
Eva smiles sadly. “Thank you. I don’t think it’s really settled in yet, but I’m proud of myself.”
“You deserve to be proud,” Sammy says. “Now, let’s talk about happier things.”
The rest of the night passes easily and Eva can tell that she’s going to really like Sammy and Patrick. They’re good people and take her coming out with ease. She forgot that plenty of people don’t care about her sexuality, but with a minimal support system back home, it was easy to not remember that. By the time Eva leaves that night, her heart feels fuller and happier than it has in a long time.
When Eva gets back to her apartment, she sighs and makes a list of what needs to be accomplished tomorrow. There’s not much left to do, especially since the bed she ordered had come in a few days ago and she had found a decent couch off of craigslist. Her new job starts on the following Monday, which is only four days away now.
To distract herself, Eva decides to finish all the unpacking the following day, then goes shopping for things to decorate with. She sold most of those things before the cross-country drive, not wanting to hold onto any bad memories. Now she has the chance for a fresh start and it makes her feel light.
By the time Monday morning rolls around, she’s extremely nervous. Despite emails saying that people dress casually, Eva decides to go for a more business casual look, wanting to make a good first impression. She does her best to look like she didn’t stay up all night, then makes the drive out to the office.
“You must be Eva!” someone greets cheerily, once Eva walks in the front door.
“Uh, yes, that’s me,” Eva replies, taken aback by their cheery disposition.
“I’m James, and I’ll be helping you settle into the office,” James explains. “I know this is a lot to take in on a Monday, but today and tomorrow will mostly be orientation and HR stuff.”
“I can handle that,” Eva replies.
James proceeds to show Eva where her desk is and let’s her get settled. He gives her login information for her computer, and then lets her work on settling into her space, along with setting things up with HR. The morning passes quickly, then James is treating Eva to lunch, where they end up visiting a local diner.
“They’re open 24/7 and don’t mind if we stay for hours on end in the middle of the night when we’re trying to meet a project deadline,” James explains, when Eva seems a bit confused.
“Sounds like that’s a common experience,” she snorts.
“Don’t want to scare you off, but you wouldn’t be wrong,” James laughs. “How’s it been so far? I know it’s not that exciting, yet.”
Eva shrugs. “Could be worse. It seems like a good place and like there’s good people here. So, I think I can deal with a couple days of boring paperwork.”
“That’s the spirit!” James says happily. “And I promise that this is an amazing place to work. It’s not all that glamourous, especially since we aren’t a big company or anything, but the culture is what makes people stay.”
“Well, that’s good, glad I took a chance on coming out here then.”
The rest of lunch passes easily and Eva proceeds to spend the rest of the day filling out paperwork. Despite the easiness of the day, she feels exhausted by the time she gets back to her apartment. She reheats leftovers, then goes to pass out on her mildly uncomfortable bed.
The summer passes by quicker than Eva can even process. There’s so much to take in and she doesn’t have time to hurt about her family not asking about how she’s doing. It’s mid-August when she’s hanging out with Sammy, while Patrick preps for school to start up again.
“So, how would you feel coming to a company party with me?” Sammy asks, out of the blue. “It’s in a couple of weeks and I want you to come with me. It’d be fun.”
“Shouldn’t you be going with Patrick?” Eva retorts. “The two of you are dating.”
“Yeah, but I always bring him. Besides, I think you would have fun and would get along with everyone,” Sammy explains. “And honestly, Patrick is a bit all over the place this time of year, so I don’t think he’s too keen on going anyways.”
“What’s the vibe like? Is it a stuffy company party where everyone secretly gets drunk to get through the night or one where people actually like each other?”
“People actually enjoy each other there. And it’ll be a barbecue at one of the player’s houses, so it’s a totally chill thing.”
“Oh, well, it’ll be good to meet your coworkers then. I can finally put some names to faces, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll remember anything.”
“Alright, I’ll make sure that you’re on the guest list. Some of the players will be there with their partners, so you’ll have the chance to meet them if you want to.”
“I honestly could not tell you who’s who still, so I probably won’t even know that I met any of them.”
Sammy laughs. “That’ll provide some good chirping material for them.”
“Glad I could be of service,” Eva jokes.
“You’ll fit right in; I promise.”
~ ~ ~
Finally, the day of the barbecue rolls around. It’s still sticky hot, so Eva keeps her outfit simple with a tank top and a pair of shorts. Sammy insisted that the dress code was casual and there’s no need to dress nice. The whole thing is just a chance for everyone to mingle and meet the new people joining the Canes.
Despite still not really knowing any of the players, Sammy tells Eva about a new player that’s coming to the barbecue today. She seems excited to meet whoever the guy is, so Eva tries to remember his name, but forgets it the closer they get to the house where the get-together is being hosted.
Sammy has to park a little bit away, so when the two of them walk up to the house, Eva lets out a small gasp. The house is huge and the backyard looks gigantic. She supposes it has to be, to host an office party. However, it’s still a reminder how lucrative being an athlete and sports management can be.
“It’s fucking ridiculous, isn’t it?” Sammy snorts. “Not that I’m complaining, since it always means good food and alcohol, but still. I’m still honestly not completely used to it and I’ve been coming to these things ever since I started working here.”
“This is…a lot,” Eva comments. “But I’m excited to look around.”
Once they get into the house, Sammy drags Eva out to the backyard and introduces her to a bunch of people. Eva immediately forgets all of their names, but just smiles and nods along. After a little bit however, she decides to split off from the group to go get some food. She lets Sammy know and walks off to the other side of the yard. Once she gets her food, someone walks up to her and introduces himself.
“I don’t think we’ve met yet,” he says. “I’m Dougie.”
“Oh, it’s good to meet you, I’m Eva,” she replies. “I don’t actually work here, I’m with Sammy. I guess that makes you coworkers, right?”
“Um, I think? Technically?” he replies, unsure.
“Do you work in management then? Didn’t take you for the type, but I guess I shouldn’t judge.”
“Um, I mean-” Dougie starts to say.
“Dougie, get over here, we need to show you something!” someone else shouts.
He looks apologetically over at Eva before heading over to the group. Eva obviously wants to know what he was going to say, but shrugs it off and walks over to Sammy. She’s still animatedly talking to the same people as before, but smiles over at Eva when she joins the group again. After a few minutes, they head off to grab food as well.
“So, meet anyone exciting yet?” Sammy asks. “There’s a few players and they’ll introduce themselves to anyone new.”
“I might have met your boss? Or management?” Eva answers, still unsure of what Dougie’s role is.
“Oh, isn’t she amazing?” Sam gushes.
“She? Well, I guess I shouldn’t have assumed her gender,” Eva replies, immediately feeling bad.
Sammy looks confused. “Um…I don’t think we’re talking about the same person. My boss is over there.”
She points to a petite woman, with ebony skin. So, definitely not Dougie then.
“Well…that is definitely not who I met,” Eva whispers. “His name was Dougie.”
“You met Dougie? That’s the new player I was talking about!” Sammy exclaims. “We literally talked about this before we got here.”
“I was nervous! I don’t remember things when I get nervous.”
“Did you say anything embarrassing to him?”
“I mean, I basically told him that he didn’t seem like the management type? Because he said he was only technically a coworker of yours.”
Sammy snorts. “Oh my god, I can’t believe you told him that to his face.”
“How was I supposed to know?” Eva exclaims. “And I wasn’t wrong, was I? He isn’t the management type.”
“God, I can’t wait to tell everyone about this,” Sammy says, laughing.
“I’m making such a bad first impression,” Eva groans.
“No, I promise this will only make everyone love you more.”
“Whatever you say,” Eva replies skeptically.
Fortunately, the day passes in a much less embarrassing fashion for Eva. She manages to avoid Dougie the rest of the time she’s there, not wanting to address how badly she made a fool of herself. Normally, Eva likes to think she’s more put together than this, but something about it just makes her feel awkward.
“So, what did you think?” Sammy asks as they head out.
“It was fun,” Eva answers. “Still can’t believe I made a fool of myself in front of Dougie, though.”
“Honestly, I don’t think it’s really going to be that big of a deal. I don’t think he’s the type of player to get mad about someone not recognizing him.”
“Oh, well, that’s good at least,” Eva jokes. “But then again, I doubt I’ll be seeing him again, so I guess I shouldn’t be too worried.”
“Bold of you to assume I’m not dragging you to another event soon.”
“Seriously? Why would you take me to another one of these?”
Sammy shrugs. “Patrick has never been too much of a fan of going and I don’t like going by myself. So, I’ll keep taking you until you get sick of it.”
Eva snorts. “Well, at least you’re being honest. It was fun today besides me being an actual idiot, so I guess I can tag along again. When’s the next thing?”
“We usually have something else when the preseason ends, so probably the end of September at some point. It’s much more relaxed since the players are usually off the walls with the energy to finally start the season again.”
“I won’t ever turn down the chance for decent free food, so count me in.”
“What do you need free food for? You earn just as much as Patrick and I combined in one year.”
“You’re not wrong, but it’s also a hold over from the college days. Some things just don’t change.”
Sammy just rolls her eyes in response. Once they get back to the apartment complex, Sammy drags Eva up to her apartment to tell Patrick about meeting Dougie. Eva is blushing out of pure embarrassment the whole time. She has a feeling that she’s not going to ever live it down, but she guesses there’s worse things to be teased about.
“For someone who’s so smart, I can’t believe you did that,” Patrick says, laughing.
“Oh my god, it’s not my fault half of these guys look exactly the same!” Eva exclaims. “And it’s not like it’s my job to know which one is which.”
“Well, you’re going to have to learn if you’re coming with me to more company events,” Sammy points out.
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Eva groans. “I take back my standing offer of going with you, you don’t deserve it anymore.”
“Sure, whatever you say,” Sammy says. “Besides, what happened to wanting free food?”
“No longer worth it,” Eva replies.
Patrick and Sammy laugh in reply. Eva just rolls her eyes.
“As much fun as I had today, I should probably head out. We have a huge project coming up at work and I know I’m going to be pulling more all-nighters than I want to admit,” Eva says.
“Alright, try to get some rest at least,” Patrick says.
“I’ll do my best,” Eva replies, as she heads out of the apartment.
The weeks pass by in a blur, especially since Eva gets swept up in project deadlines. Before she knows it, it’s the end of September and Sammy is dragging her to the season kickoff party. This time, it’s at a different player’s house, but the place is still as extravagant as the last one. Eva also had made sure to try and memorize a couple of players’ names and faces.
“Hey, it’s…Eva, right?” Dougie says, coming up to her and Sammy.
“Oh yes, that’s right,” Eva replies awkwardly. “And Dougie? Who doesn’t happen to work in management, but is instead a player?”
He snorts. “Yeah, that would be me. The guys still haven’t let me live that one down.”
“Glad I could provide some quality material,” Eva jokes.
“Don’t worry, I’ve made sure that she’s gotten some shit for it as well,” Sammy interjects. “Wanted to make sure the chirping was solid on both sides of it.”
Dougie laughs, and Eva feels herself warming a little at the sound. It’s a good laugh, and she feels a bit odd at admitting the fact. She shoves any thoughts of associating Dougie with being good or cute, not wanting to even go down that road.
“It seems like you’re settling in well,” Sammy says. “Is Raleigh everything you ever dreamed?”
“Ah yes, definitely living out all of my dreams here,” Dougie jokes, good-naturedly. “I do enjoy it here, though. I feel like it’ll be good.”
“Then it seems you and Eva are in the same boat,” Sammy replies. “She’s fairly new in town as well.”
“Oh? What brings you out here?” Dougie inquires.
“If y’all are going to bond over being the newbies, I’m going to go and get some food,” Sammy says, heading off.
Once she’s gone, Eva answers, “I moved out here for work, actually. Moved from Portland, Oregon, so it’s definitely a lot to get used to.”
“You really moved across the country for work?” Dougie says, a bit surprised.
“Yeah, I just…needed a scenery change and Raleigh was the first place that offered a decent job in a place I wasn’t completely opposed to moving to,” Eva explains. “I mean, it wasn’t hard to find computer engineering jobs, so I guess I was able to be a bit picky.”
“Computer engineering? I didn’t take you for the type,” Dougie teases.
“Oh my god, you’re not going to live me that down, are you?”
“The opportunity presented itself, and I didn’t want to pass it up. But seriously, that’s cool, even if I don’t understand what that even means.”
“It’s not much, we just help develop computer hardware and software. Most of the training is in electrical engineering anyways, so it’s not hard to adapt skills across the board.”
Dougie snorts. “It’s not much, she says. That’s still pretty impressive, Eva.”
“Well, thanks, I guess.”
“But I still can’t imagine why you chose Raleigh of all places. Why not New York or Seattle, or whatever? I feel like those places are more known for their tech industries.”
“Seattle was a little close to home for me, and I was also just tired of living in a big city, so moving to an even bigger city was out of the question.”
“That’s understandable, I guess.”
“So, I know you’re a new player here because Sammy mentioned it. But did you sign here or…I honestly have no idea how this works.”
“Nah, I was traded from Calgary.”
“…Is that in Canada?”
“Yeah, that’s in Canada,” Dougie replies, laughing.
“You’re going to chirp me about that too, aren’t you?” Eva groans.
“It’s only fair.”
“Did I miss Eva doing something dumb?” Sammy asks, coming back with a plate of food for herself and Eva.
“Yes, she didn’t know where Calgary is,” Dougie answers.
“Well, I can’t blame her for not knowing. It’s really not that remarkable,” Sammy retorts.
Dougie laughs again, and Eva feels herself blushing a little. He seems like a good person and definitely isn’t hard to look at. She tries to push those thoughts out of her head, knowing that if she manages to develop a crush on him, that it’ll go nowhere. The chances of anything happening between the two of them is slim at best.
“I’ll let the two of you continue enjoying the party, I’m going to go see how everyone else is doing,” Dougie says. “Hopefully I’ll see you later?”
“Oh, you definitely will,” Sammy says, rather ominously.
Dougie smiles, then heads off to where the food is located. Sammy immediately turns to Eva and raises an eyebrow.
“What?” Eva asks. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No, it just seems like the two of you were getting along pretty well.”
“I was just being polite,” Eva says indignantly.
“Uh huh, I’m sure that’s what was going on.”
“Oh my god, you’re the worst.”
“Look, if the two of you become friends, or maybe you know…exclusive, I’m taking all the credit.”
“Nothing is going to happen because we’ll only see each other at these events if I decide to keep coming.”
“Not if I have anything to do with it,” Sammy says, smiling brightly.
“I don’t like where this is going.”
“You’ll be thanking me later, Eva, I promise.”
45 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 4 years
Galactica, Chapter 2 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Okay so, to be honest, we really thought that we were doing this for ourselves and that maybe a few people would read it. The fact that so many of you guys have been SO kind and supportive is just lovely and we are infinitely grateful for you all!! Here is Chapter 1. Here’s a link to AO3 if you’d prefer to read there. 💫
Last Chapter: Violet received the thrilling news that Fame intends to promote her to design as soon as she finds and trains a new assistant.
This Chapter: We meet the other department heads.
Violet looked out on the conference table one final time, consulting the list in her notebook to make sure that nothing was forgotten. It was Wednesday morning, the 9am monthly creative meeting starting in less than 15 minutes.
The table was set with a light breakfast spread, no one but Trixie and Alyssa ever actually eating at these things, but she had made sure there was a selection of fruits, and that everyone had their favorite beverages besides the ginormous coffee order. Keeping track of the department heads and their various likes and dislikes was almost a job in itself, but Violet had gotten it down to a science.
There were frosted Pellegrinos for Fame, Raja preferring grapefruit juice. Alyssa liked Redbull, Alaska preferred diet Doctor Pepper, Trixie was a regular coke kind of guy while Pearl was a wildcard, but Violet had a good feeling about the chocolate milkshake, since she had heard the rumor that Pearl had been out partying.
Violet had spent most of last night writing the job description for the new assistant, falling asleep with her notebook in hand, only to wake up in a panic at 3 am to realize that the electricity was out yet again. She had slept restlessly for the rest of the night, then missed her first alarm, barely making it to her gym for a shower before coming in to work at 7.30 sharp, and while Violet knew she looked flawless, it felt fundamentally wrong to take a stop at her gym without working out.
The only bright spot so far had been how HR had accepted her initial proposal right away, giddiness bubbling in her chest at the thought that the process of finding her replacement was actually happening.
“- and don’t forget to bring the swatches.”
Raja Amrull was standing by the window, her phone to her ear, a cup of coffee already at her lips as she spoke to her assistant.
Raja Amrull was the chief creative officer, co-founder of Galactica and one of Fame’s very best friends. Violet took a moment to watch her as she gave order after order, her voice filled with a natural authority that always made Violet’s stomach do a flip.
Raja was wearing a mustard fitted pantsuit, the black hair that almost reached her waist put in intricate braids, and Violet knew it was the work of her girlfriend. Raja’s tan skin was practically glowing in the morning sun, the dark brown tattoos on her left hand standing out.
Even though she was in her 40s, 41 if Violet remembered correctly, she still looked every bit the supermodel she had been in the 00’s.
Raja wasn’t a naturally sweet person, but in Violet’s opinion that didn’t matter. She was competent and got her business done, which was something Violet admired in a leader.
Violet blushed, the sound Raja’s voice cutting through her daydream. She had been so caught up in watching her that she hadn’t actually paid attention, but Raja had never been known for her patience, so she simply snapped, pointing at the room's thermostat, and Violet quickly made her way over, turning it down four degrees to the temperature she knew Raja preferred.
She felt like an idiot for forgetting, and she promised herself that it wouldn’t happen again.
Alaska, head of makeup and fragrances, was the first to arrive. The blonde wasn’t particularly talkative before her third cup of coffee, her every word drawn out in long lazy vowels. Alyssa came second, Violet counting her blessings that the marketing director had shown up on time. Alyssa always got the job done, but getting her anywhere on schedule was always an experience, the woman forever off in her very own world where she was the star of everything.
Fame was third, her first words as she stepped through the door, “Why is no one ready?” and Violet felt her stomach clench.
The meeting wasn’t scheduled to start for another 10 minutes, but that was one of the most terrifying things about Fame. She was never early, she was never late, everyone else was simply supposed to be there the exact moment she wanted them.
Violet was just about to open her mouth to apologize for Pearl, when the woman in question came in through the door.
“Morning everyone.” Pearl smiled, her voice a slow drawl. She was wearing a black turtleneck crop top, a black miniskirt and Violet was pretty sure she could see pieces of golden glitter in her unwashed blonde locks.
Alaska waved, but Fame gave her one single slow judgemental once-over, the kind that Violet had witnessed cause several interns to burst into tears.
“What are you wearing?” Fame’s voice was icy cold, but Pearl only smirked.
“You don’t like it?”
“Did you sleep in your makeup?” Fame reached out, touching Pearl’s chin with a single finger and tilting her head up, turning her face from side to side. “You know how I feel about this mistreatment of your skin.”
Fame dropped her hand, and Violet immediately handed her a tissue. Fame wiped her fingers, giving the now crumpled paperback to Violet, the whole exchange taking less than 10 seconds.
“You smell like an illegal teen party.”
“It’s because I’ve been to one.” Pearl smiled brightly, Fame’s disapproval and rudeness clearly not touching her at all. “Wait until you see the photos. Half the partygoers were wearing our newest print. Trixie was absolutely right-”
Just as Fame said those words, Trixie pushed through the door, the senior creative team of Galactica now all present, to Violet’s relief.
“You rang?” he said with a cheeky grin, earning a fist bump from Pearl.
It had taken Violet months to realize how much of a genius Trixie actually was--his close-shaven brown hair, obvious bald spot, a fondness for colorful t-shirts and love handles all doing everything they could to hide that he was one of the main forces behind Galactica’s success. But Trixie (who’s real name was Brian, though Violet had never heard anyone call him that) was wildly creative, known for his effective management style and outside the box thinking.
While Raja handled the broad creative direction and was the face of the company to customers and consumers, Trixie was in charge of the day to day operations of the design departments. He ruled the design atelier and the tailoring department with a gentle touch, though no one dared cross him, Trixie just as willing as anyone else in the boardroom to do what it took to get the job done.
“I’m sorry I’m late-” Trixie yawned, barely hiding it behind his hand.
“I take it the collection is going well?” Raja smirked, her knife cutting through an apple.
“Don’t even ask.” Trixie groaned, sitting down in a chair, grabbing the coffee - two-pump caramel, whole fat milk - Violet delivered to his hand and drinking it down greedily. “My machine broke and ate most of my prototype.”
“So it’s not here?” Fame raised a brow, but Trixie shook his head, reaching into the paper bag he had brought along.
“I’ve been remaking it all night on Katya’s shitty theater machine.”
“Oh, my poor darling.” Fame leaned against the edge of the table, gently running a hand through Trixie’s buzzed hair. “We’ll get you a new one.” “Thank you.” Trixie smiled, and Violet grabbed her notebook, knowing that Fame without a doubt expected her to find the exact same machine Trixie had broken and get it delivered to his apartment before the workday was over.
A knock caught Violet’s attention. She was back in the office, writing out her to-do list from the meeting, her nails clacking away on the keyboard.
“Violet?” Max Malaphany was standing in the door, a smile on his lips. “Is she in?”
Max was an impossibly tall British man, his soft short hair grey, his eyes blue.
“Sorry,” Violet quickly pressed save, turning her chair. “Fame is in a meeting, but I can pencil you in for later?”
Max was Galactica’s main photographer, and one of Fame’s treasured darlings. He had a studio on the top floor, his sure hands and endless patience capturing all in house media, Galactica producing every single shot for their website themself, and while Violet wouldn’t have believed it made that much of a difference, their online portfolio had thousands and thousands of visitors every single day.  
“I’ll just wait here.” Max was carrying a portable light table under his arm, and Violet could only guess what would be in his backpack. “I’ll only be a moment.”
If it had been anyone else, she would have protested, ushered them out of her little front office one way or the other, but Max was different. He was one of the few calming presences at Galactica, he never probed, rarely gossiped, and Violet truly enjoyed that about him.
“Do you want some water?” Violet had a mini-fridge under her desk stocked with the most important supplies, since she never knew when Fame’s cravings or the mood of her guests would strike.
“I’d love that.”
She quickly grabbed him a water, and Max settled down in one of the plush armchairs normally reserved for visitors. He didn’t start talking, wasn’t trying to make chit chat that would inevitably turn awkward, which was why Violet had allowed him to stay.
She went back to her memo, working for a little while but her eyes were stinging, and she only barely managed to hide a yawn behind her hand.
“Are you feeling alright, Violet?” Max asked gently.
“What?” In spite of her exhaustion, Violet was in a fairly good mood, and while she didn’t have the sunniest disposition, she wasn’t actively annoyed at the moment. She quickly checked her face in the glass door to the office, smoothing down her hair.
“You look lovely as always, Violet.” Max smiled. “I was only asking because, well, I’ve never seen you slouch before. Are you feeling unwell?”
“Oh…” Violet straightened her back, her fingers in her thick black locks. “I’m fine. Thanks.”
“Okay.” Max nodded. His expression was so understanding, his manner so patient, that Violet did something she rarely ever did. She offered more information.
“I’m just tired, I-” Violet swallowed down a nervous chuckle, her tongue feeling like it was growing in size in her mouth. “I don’t sleep well these days. The electricity in my building, isn’t, it isn’t very stable, and I keep having these nightmares where my phone runs out of charge so I miss an important call and-”
“Oh dear.”
Violet realized how stupid she had to sound, but she had woken up covered in sweat thinking she had missed calls from Fame, any rest she got broken up by the worry that she wasn’t doing her job.
“I’m sorry. It’s nothing to worry about really,” Violet assured him. “The landlord said they’ll rewire the building-” Max didn’t need to know that her landlord had been promising that exact thing the entire time Violet had been living there, but she didn’t really have any other options, her student debt way too much for her to even consider spending another penny on rent. “I’m sure it’ll work itself out.”
“Well, I wish you the best of luck with that,” he said sincerely. Just then, the door opened and Jaida, the company's CFO, came out.
“Max!” Fame appeared in the doorway, a delighted smile on her face.
Violet’s stomach turned to ice, everything in her begging that Fame hadn’t heard her complain.
“Hello Miss. I know you’re terribly busy, but I wondered if you could spare a few minutes to discuss the test shoot for the new brochures yesterday?”
“Of course, anything for you!” Fame said. She truly was a different person in Max’s presence, Violet noted. Softer and calmer--as most people were.
“Oh I don’t know about this light for orange, it’s so ghastly-” Fame was chewing her lip, a lens in her hand as she went over the pictures Max had brought in for her.
“Yes dearest?” Fame looked up. She loved Max. When Pearl had told her of a British wildlife photographer she had met in LA and bullied into taking her picture, Fame hadn’t been interested. As always, Pearl had proven to have an eye for talent that few could compete with, her social media director not only able to sniff out trends like a bloodhound, no, she knew people, and she knew them instantly.
Max had a rare talent for capturing the natural beauty of an unnatural world, so much of fashion made up of things that didn’t matter, but when he shot, when he turned his lens on someone, he captured all the best they could offer each and every time.
“I heard Ivy moved in with her boyfriend.”
“Mmh?” It was indeed true. Raja’s assistant, Ivy, had been living in the building Fame and Patrick owned for a few years. Fame and Raja had almost gotten in a fight, something that never happened, when Ivy’s house in Queens had been torn down, but in the end Raja had gotten her will, Ivy moving into the studio apartment on the top floor. “She left two weeks ago.”
Fame had meant to find someone else to take the apartment, but that building was special. It wasn’t just an apartment complex, it was a place where she kept her chosen ones, a safe haven she offered to talent that she trusted.
“You know, Violet doesn’t have reliable electricity. In her building. I mean.”
“Oh Max.” Fame smiled, touching Max’s knee. “You have always had such a tender heart.”
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hmel78 · 4 years
In conversation with Keith Emerson ...
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Keith Emerson (02.11.44  – 11.03.16)
The Father of progressive rock; the man responsible for the introduction of the Moog synthesiser to the ears of the unsuspecting music lover in the 1960’s; and without a doubt one of the 20th and 21st Centuries (to date) most prolific and talented composers of modern classical music.   In a career spanning 6 decades, which has earned him notability as a pianist and keyboard player, a composer, performer, and conductor of his own music alongside the World’s finest orchestras; as well as achieving super success with “Emerson, Lake, and Palmer” - 2014 has been no less eventful for Keith Emerson! With his 70th Birthday approaching, Helen Robinson caught up with him for a very ‘up-beat’ chat about (amongst other things) the re-releases of his solo records, a brand new album with Greg Lake “Live at Manticore Hall”, his favourite solo works, and his memories of the times spent writing and recording with ‘The Nice’, and ‘ELP’.
HR : This has been a busy year for you so far Keith!   KE : Yes! I’ve been up to allsorts! [laughs]
Music wise – what can I tell you?   Cherry Red , Esoteric, have re-mastered and re-released 3 of my solo albums – “Changing States”,  another which I recorded in the Bahamas called “Honky”, and a compilation of my film scores which consisted of  "Nighthawks”, “Best Revenge”, "Inferno”,  “La Chiesa (The Church)”, "Murderock”, "Harmagedon” and "Godzilla Final Wars”.
HR : That must have been a difficult selection to make based on the number of scores you’ve written! Do you have a particular favourite genre of film to write a score for?
KE : Favourite genre?  Boy, well, I just love film score composition, you know? When I first started I had been touring with ELP for some years, and we’d toured with a full 80 piece orchestra but it was just too expensive – we had to drop the orchestra and continue as a trio, which was very upsetting for me.   I was entranced by what an orchestra could actually do, and found that with doing film music I could work under a commission and have the orchestra paid for by the film company!
It’s always a challenge. I think a lot of composers like to write dramatic music. I like writing romantic music as well – I’ve also written for science fiction where you can let your musical imagination go pretty much where you want, but generally you have to cater specifically to the film. First of all I like to get a good idea of who the producer and director is, and who is likely to be cast as playing the lead roles.  I like to read the script – which helps prior to meeting up with the director and producer. When I wrote the music to Night Hawks I was sent, by Universal films, news of a new film to be made by Sylvester Stallone, a new guy at the time called Rutger Hauer, and Billy Dee Williams, also Lindsay Wagner.   It was basically a terrorist film – not the terrorism that we shockingly see today – but back then it was the beginning of terrorism and was quite mild by today’s standards, however it was still sort of ground breaking as far as writing the score was concerned.  
It’s about vision with film score work.
Although really it’s all about vision with anything you’re writing, and I suppose many of the disagreements that ELP had during their time – of course a lot of it came to wonderful fruition – were not seeing eye to eye because we had such different tastes in music. Ubiquitous I would say – we bounded from one thing to another. Just when you thought it was getting serious we’d want to have some fun and do something light hearted but I’ve always maintained that variation is essential.
I think that’s what helped ELP quite a lot – especially live - in any particular set you had the heavy stuff like “Tarkus” and “Pictures At an Exhibition”, for the guys in the audience, and for the females who attended reluctantly - dragged along by their boyfriend or husbands and just sit there -  I mean, I didn’t sit, I was standing and leaping around [laughs] but you couldn’t help notice the glum looking females in the audience wondering when all this was going to be over.
I think when ELP were together as a unit, we managed to meet everybody’s needs. Greg came up with some really great ballads which sort of got home to the feminine heart, like “From The Beginning” – the feminine heart goes “aaah aint that nice” [laughs] and then suddenly you get the bombardment of something like “Karn Evil 9” and it’s like “Oh GOD”!!
HR : I’d like to talk more about ELP, of course, however there’s so much more outside of that unit , which you have been involved with, that has had quite an influence on modern music.   You’ve got an extraordinary and fairly extensive discography, which we can pick whatever you’d like to talk about, but I’d like to start with ‘The Nice’  -  “Ars Longa Vita Brevis” ...
KE : Ah Yes ‘’Art is long, life is short” - Lee Jackson came up with that title - he’d studied a bit of Latin ... [laughs]
Going back to the 1960’s then – I suppose it was ‘66 when ‘The Nice’ formed – originally as a quartet. Drums, bass, Hammond organ or keyboards, and guitar player.  After the first album we decided to move on as a trio, although I did try to find another guitar player.   I actually auditioned a guy called Steve Howe, who was considering getting together with Jon Anderson, and Chris Squire and forming a band called “Yes”.  Steve was much more interested in getting with the “Yes” guys, so meanwhile ‘The Nice’ continued as a trio with Lee Jackson on bass, Brian Davison on Drums, and myself on Hammond and keys.   It was during this time that I was introduced to a new invention designed by Dr Robert Moog, which became the moog synthesiser, so I was the first to introduce that into live performance.  
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With ‘The Nice’ we had come out of an era called the underground / Psychedelia.  
I was very friendly with Frank Zappa and the mothers of invention, and they were really far ahead of their time.
Frank approached me one day, because I was composing and playing with the London orchestras even then, and said ‘’Keith - how do you deal with English orchestras? They’re hopeless!”
And I said ‘’Well, they’re very conservative Frank. If you really want to make it with the London Symphony, or the London Philharmonic - if you really want my advice, I think you should try and change some of the lyrics of your songs. If you’re going to get in front of the London Philharmonic and sing stuff like ‘’Why does it hurt when I pee?’’ obviously these guys are not going to take very kindly to it!” [laughs]
I’d actually done Bachs Brandenburg concerto #3 with a chamber orchestra and had a degree of success in the English charts-  around about the same time ,  Jon Lord  [Deep Purple, Whitesnake] was writing his concerto for orchestra too. I’d already written the “5 bridges suite” which I had recorded with ‘The Nice’ at Fairfield hall in London. So basically Jon Lord and I were kind of both struggling with Orchestras and moving along into what came next musically for the both of us –   Jon was a very good friend.
I think round about the turn of 1970, I had noticed what Steve Howe was doing and it was very harmonic, whereas ‘The Nice’ - well we were a bit more bizarre, and I listen back to it now and I suppose I have a slight bit of embarrassment about how ‘The Nice’ were presenting themselves.
And back then I’d started looking at bands like ‘Yes’, and there were a lot of other bands too, who were really concentrating on the tunes and the vocal element, so that’s when and why I formed ‘Emerson Lake and Palmer’ - in 1970 - and endorsed the whole sound with the moog synthesiser. It sort of took off, and became known as what we know today as “Prog Rock”.  We didn’t have a name for it at that time, we just thought it was contemporary rock. I mean it wasn’t the blues, it wasn’t jazz, but it was a mixture of all of these things, and that’s when we went through.
The first album of ELP, [Emerson, Lake, & Palmer] recorded in 1970; we were still learning how to write together as a unit, so consequently when you listen to it, you’ll hear a lot of instrumentals; mainly because there were no lyrics and there was a pressure on the band to get an album out. For some reason there was an extreme interest in the band - We were to be considered as the next super group after ‘Crosby Stills & Nash’, which we certainly didn’t like the idea of.   That album went very well.   Unfortunately the record company decided to release “Lucky Man” - which was a last minute thought – as a single, and it took off. My concern was the fact that, OK yeah the ending has the big moog sweeps and everything like that going on – but how on earth  do we do all the vocals live? Thousands of vocal overdubs over the top and neither Carl nor I sang.   You know - I sing so bad that a lot of people refuse to even read my lips!   And as far as Carl Palmer was concerned he had “Athletes Voice” and people just ran away when he sang! It was a hopeless task of actually being able to recreate “Lucky Man” on stage, so eventually Greg just did it as an acoustic guitar solo.   It was that one sort of Oasis, in a storm of very macho guy stuff, where the women just went [in a girly voice] “Oh I like that, that’s nice”.  [laughs]
So, inspired by that we got more grandiose and put out ‘’Pictures At An Exhibition” – another bombastic piece based upon Mussorgsky’s epic work. For some reason Greg wanted it released at a reduced price because he said it wasn’t the right direction for ELP to go. So we released it for about £1 and it went straight to number 1!  Then the record company called up and said ‘’what are you doing? This is a hit record and you’re just selling it for £1??!!’’, so I said ‘’well yeah it’s a bit stupid isn’t it?” – so when it was released in America it was at its full price and ended up nominated for a Grammy award! ELP had a lot to do to create the piece you know?   We disagreed on lots of issues but in order to keep the ball rolling we just moved on with the next one, which was in fact “Trilogy”.
I thought it was about this time in ELPs life that we had learned how to tolerate each other, how to write together, and how to be very constructive. “Trilogy” is a complete mish-mash, you go from one thing to another; there’s a Bolero, and then ‘Sherriff’ – which is kind of western bar jangly piano playing on it.   I don’t think you could find such a complete diversity buying a record like that these days. We were very much inspired by our audience accepting that.  
Actually Sony Records are going to re release it in 5.1 – they’re doing a wonderful package with out-takes and everything – I’ve just competed doing the liner notes.
We moved on again then, and started the makings of “Brain Salad Surgery” which was a step further.  
After that I worked on my piano concerto played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, and actually it’s still being performed all over the world - Australia, Poland, and in October I’m going to East Coast America to do some conducting – Jeffrey Beagle, who’s a great classical pianist, is going to perform it then, and I’m going to perform some other new works of mine.  
HR : Are you likely to release a recording of it?
KE : Yes I guess it might be ... I’ll let you know. It’s a dauntless compelling challenge. I have conducted and played with orchestras before and I’m very thankful to have classical guys around me who are able to point me in the right direction.   I was never classically trained. I started off playing by ear and then having private piano lessons, and then basically teaching myself how to orchestrate. I’m still taking lessons in conducting and I don’t think I’ll ever get to the standard of the greats like Dudamel or Bernstein – I don’t think I’ll ever be able to conduct Wagner, but so long as I’ve written the piece of music I think I’ve got an idea of roughly how it goes!  [laughs] Thankfully I’ve worked with Orchestras who are very kind to me.
HR : Do you enjoy the performance as much as the writing?
KE : Actually I enjoy the writing more than the performance. I know I wrote an Autobiography called ‘’Pictures Of An Exhibitionist” but that’s the last thing that I am really.   I’m pretty much a recluse. I’ve got my Norton 850 and I’m happy ...
HR : I was going to ask you about the Theatrics on stage – Why Knives and swords? Was there something which influenced the decision to include that as a part of your performance, or was it purely born out of frustration from working with Carl and Greg?
KE : [laughs]  Well you see in the 60s, I toured with bands like The Who, and I watched Pete Townshend; I toured with Jimi Hendrix too, and I thought that if the piano is going to take off then the best thing to do is like really learn to become a great piano or and keyboard player, but I also thought “that aint gonna last with a Rock audience in a Rock situation”, mainly because the piano or Hammond organ  - well from the audience you look up on stage and it’s just a piece of furniture! Whereas the guitar player can come on stage and he’s got this thing strapped around his neck, he can wander up and down the sage, check out the chicks, and he’s the guy that has all the fun.   The organ player meanwhile is just seated there at a piece of furniture like he’s sat at a table.   So a lot of what I did was for the excitement of it, and I suppose to exemplify the fact that I could play it back to front. A lot of my comic heroes like Victor Borg, Dudley Moore – they all came into the whole issue too.
I’ll tell you this ok? I once went to see a band at the Marquee club when it was in Wardour Street in London, and I can’t remember this guys name now, but he played Hammond organ - he was a very narky looking fellow, and went on stage wearing a schoolboys outfit which caused a lot of the girls in the audience to chuckle.   I stood at the back of the Marquee club and watched his performance - a lot of the stops and things were falling off his organ, so he had a screwdriver to keep holding certain keys down, and then suddenly the back of his Hammond fell off – and I don’t think it was intentional, because he looked really quite distraught, but he caused so much laughter from the audience. I went away thinking “there is something there, I’m going to use that” ... I actually thought it would be a great idea to stick a knife into the organ, rather than a screw driver -the reason for this was to hold down a 4th and a 5th , or maybe any 5th, or say a ‘C’ and an ‘F’ or a ‘G’, whatever, and then be able to go off stage, take the power off the Hammond, so that it would just die away -  it would go ‘’whoooaaaaaaaoooooh’’; and  then I’d plug it back in and it would  power back up and create like the noise of an air-raid siren, and of course the drummer and bass player would react to that.  It got really interesting. We actually had a road manager at the time by the name of ‘’Lemmy’’ who went on to be with Motorhead.   He gave me 2 Hitler Youth Daggers and said [best Lemmy impression] “here! If you’re going to use a knife, use a real one!”
So that was the start of all that, and people loved it, and actually Hendrix loved it too –  somewhere in his archive collection there must be some footage of me almost throwing a knife at him [laughs] .
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The phase for it was my objection to the 3 assassinations they had in the USA -  JFK, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King -   I’d been to America once and seen how quick the Police were to pull out their guns to a woman parking her car illegally – so bizarre.  The 2nd amendment will not go away, as much as they want it to. I’ll reserve further comments on that but that was really the whole objective. I was banned from the Albert Hall for burning a painting of the Stars and Stripes, which took some time to get over, but everything worked and they allowed me live in California now. [laughs]
HR : What about the Manticore Hall show, also released this year, presumably you kept burning paintings off the agenda there? Was it good to work with Greg again? and then the complete ELP line up with Carl at High Voltage?
KE : No! [laughs], and Yes ... Actually that was recorded in 2010 and was an idea set up by a manager associate of mine, and an agent in California. I met up with them and they asked how I felt about doing a Duo tour to lead up to the High Voltage Festival in London.   They convinced me that it was a big festival ... and the idea was to have ELP on the Sunday night there. So the lead up was a duo tour with myself and Greg because Carl was off with Asia at the time.   It had its ups and downs, but it did eventually work very well and it was a very good warm up to doing that Festival date as the 3 of us.   I don’t think there was any intention of us going any further with it. I think the resulting “ELP at High Voltage” was good and also I think the album ‘’Live At Manticore Hall’’ - although it wasn’t released until this year, because Greg initially didn’t want it to be released at all - is good stuff too.   These things happen with bands, it takes a while for us to appreciate how good what we do is, sometimes.
HR : You’d had quite a break from ELP at that point, KE : [interrupts] I wouldn’t say that I ever take a break, if I can put it so lightly, and it’s not lightly, as to say that it’s kind of like a hobby – if I feel so inclined I will go to the piano and will write a piece of music. If that piece of music seems to warrant being augmented by anyone then I find the right people to do it.  I had a great experience last year of going to Japan and hearing the Tokyo Philharmonic play the whole of “Tarkus” – a 90 piece orchestra – I’ve never been so blown away. I worked with a Japanese arranger on the orchestration, and actually used it on an album which I recorded with Marc Bonilla, and Terje Mikkelsen called “Three Fates Project”,  which actually didn’t make it anywhere and I don’t know why. It’s a great album, very orchestral – I did the version of “Tarkus” on that complete with the Munich symphony orchestra. I changed it around slightly – I had Irish fiddle players coming in – I suppose, really you could refer to it as being World Music – it’s probably a great example of that.   It’s not based upon the ELP solo piano composition that we did on ELPs first album. I don’t think the record companies knew how to market it you know? Was it classical? was it rock? It has the complete amalgamation of group and orchestra. Wonderfully recorded. It really is quite mind blowing. Not that I want to blow my own trumpet!   Maybe if the art work had been a little more dynamic then it would have caught people’s attention. I agreed on it, but you see our names and they’re really small - I don’t think people realised who’s album it was.
HR : Have you any plans to perform it in the UK, or other parts of Europe? Scandanavia, for Blackmoon fans? Any tour plans at all?
KE : The thing is, first of all, that the direction that I am going at the moment is very orchestral. And that does take an awful lot of planning. As I say I’m going to play with the South Shore Symphony on the East Coast of America, but touring with an orchestra, as I learnt back in the late 70s with ELP, is very expensive.  It doesn’t make any money if I’m perfectly honest. If someone was to come up with the cost of shipping the instruments about then ...  but it’s not like dishing out the orchestral charts to an orchestra and then have The Moody Blues come on and play, and the strings do all the backing stuff, you know! This music is the music which I’ve written and really demands quite a lot of practicing.
For instance when I was recording “Three Fates” with the Munich Symphony, in Munich, I was interviewed during the break after the first day by a radio station, and they asked ‘’how do you think its going?’’ and I said “well if the orchestra are still here with me in 5 days time, I should be very surprised” [laughs] .   I remember on about the 4th day , one of the members of the orchestra had obviously heard the radio broadcast.   As and I walked out into the garden at break time, I passed one of the Trombonists who was smoking a cigarette and he said ‘’well we’re still here”...
There is an awful lot that can go wrong, of course, especially with orchestras. The copyist can sometimes write a b natural rather than a b flat, or they can get a whole load of other things wrong – and that’s what happened this particular recording.  
Marc Bonilla actually came up to me on a break and said “I think you should go up to the control room, and look at the score mate, something doesn’t sound right”, so you can imagine the look on my face! So off I go I’m up in the control room; radio through to the rehearsal room and start going through the score and sure enough it was wrong. I don’t know why I hadn’t heard that before, but it was down to the copyists – its the same with writing a book and you give it away to the editor – they can still mess it up – as copyists do with music. And sometimes you’ll get the orchestra, and they’ll just play what’s written rather than put their hands up and say “that doesn’t sound right”, for fear of retribution I suppose – so it is frustrating, but it’s very rewarding.
The Mourning Sun, taken from “Three Fates” 
It’s been quite funny with some of these albums that Cherry Red are rereleasing. I happened to give one to my eldest son. I gave him ‘’Honky’’ and he came up to me and he said ‘’here Dad I’ve been listening to the Honky album and it’s really really good!’’  He and his friends are in their 40s now and they’ve all complimented me on it, so that’s the biggest compliment I could have really.
I was recording that album when he was about 4 years old. [laughs]
HR : Is that your favourite then? Honky?
KE : Oh yeah – I had so much fun making that album and I think it shows in it’s humour. It was great. The objective behind it was that I wanted to record with all the local bohemian people - I was living at the time in Nassau in the Bahamas. I didn’t really experience a lot of problems with the black bohemians –  I got on great with them all. There were some great musicians, and I wanted to do a very ethnic album to bring to the attention of the world that we can all get on! I used to drive around Nassau in a limited edition Jeep and kids would run out and yell at me ‘’Honky!’’ and I’d wave thinking ‘that’s kind of fun’.  Then, when I worked in the studio I noticed that the black musicians would all greet themselves with the ‘’N’’ word – we can’t say that now - says in an accent “Yo N ...” – so I thought ‘well if they can do that I am going to call myself a Honky!’ And they were horrified!!  [laughs] So I bluntly spoke to them and I said “listen you guys call yourselves ‘’Ns’’ so I’m calling myself a Honky, and damn it I’m going to call the album that too!” [laughs].  It was a lot of fun.
*** Honky - a derogatory term for a Caucasian person.
HR : We must get something down about Blackmoon – given that this is the title of the Magazine!
KE : [laughs] ELP, Blackmoon.  *sighs* Well  ... I remember from this time that Carl Palmer and myself wanted to have a different producer.
It was all well and good that Greg produced all the other albums but – I don’t think it’s a very good idea for any band ; if they’re involved in the writing and the playing, and then one band member decides he’s going to be a producer too.   You need someone objective to come in and say that they think it’s too long, or whatever ... whereas if you have a part in writing and playing, its obvious that you’re going to pay more attention to it, and Carl and myself really wanted an objective opinion about how to make it work. The producers that we auditioned were very familiar with ELPs work and were really considerate in how they constructed it.  The main consideration - and I think really it was a difficult time because Greg could see that his role as being a former producer of ELP was going to be taken away from him. Whereas for me I felt that Greg’s attention should be more on the writing and the lyrics and other aspects. There is so much that one had to pay attention to when running a band. There are the legal, accounting, and everything else – and above all you have the creative aspect and you really cannot go into a studio and become the producer and wear all these different hats. It doesn’t work, I don’t allow that even on my own music writing.  I’m quite happy to go in and play my music as long as I trust that the guy behind the music desk, and the mixing desk,  are on the same page, know who I am, and what I’ve done before – so at least there is a rapport where the engineer can see what you are trying to do and he will say – “ah you know what, why don’t we try and go for that you did on Trilogy - lets try it!” You have to work with people who understand you and then you can just sit back and work on it , accept a good idea, be pushed to your limits. The thing is with Greg - he felt that he had been removed from the situation which he had most power and pride in. Whereas I think most pride he should keep as the fact that he s a damn good singer and has written some great music. If you want a great team you have to designate to the right person.
That’s why I had Lemmy as my roadie.  If I hadn’t had Lemmy the knives wouldn’t have come out [laughs]. We owe Lemmy a lot! HR : Absolutely.  You two should record a duet!   Which Instrument would you choose? Moog, Melotron, Hammond?
KE : Hmmmmmmmm.  Piano. I’ve always written on the piano. I do have a mandolin hanging on the wall here, which is out of tune at the moment. You wouldn’t want to hear me play this mandolin ...
HR : Because it’s out of tune, or just in general?
KE : [laughs] because it’s out of tune but even if it was in tune I don’t know if it would work. It looks great hanging on the wall though ...
© Helen Robinson -  June 2015 Originally published in Blackmoon Magazine.
[Keith and I were great pals - I miss him <3]
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Heart of a Lion
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Chapter 5 Third Time’s a Charm
Shinso x Reader
Rated M for Future Mature Themes (Not Explicit)
Tags: slow burn, mutual pining, secretive quirk
Summary: You never wanted to be a hero. You come from a long family of heroes, so why not just be a normal person? That’s what you hoped, until you re-connected with your old High School friend/crush.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 /  Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 /
It’s been two years. Exactly two years since you started working as a secretary at the agency and every day you can feel your soul leaving your body. You never thought someone could be so full of themselves to the point they have no regard to anyone around them, but your boss proved otherwise. He thought he was so important that he didn’t need to do any work himself and left it all on you. Countless nights were spent finishing up reports and documents of the day, only to go home at midnight, pass out, and start the whole day over again. Sure, the pay was great, overtime even better, but everyday you wondered how much you could take.
Until a few weeks ago, you were informed that even after two years, you would not be getting a raise.
Screw this. You thought.
You decided it was time you give up thinking you’ll be anything other than something for your boss to ogle at and started applying for… more credible hero agencies. Surprisingly, again, you already got an interview lined up for the next day and could not wait to tell your boss that you would be leaving his sorry ass.
That is… if you got the job.
You cringed to yourself. Having to come back to this job may be the final day you lose your sanity and you’re not sure what you would do to your boss if he calls you ‘baby doll’ again.
The clock strikes 5 PM and it was time to go home. You groaned, thanking whatever god was out there that made the day slow, ending with no overtime paperwork and more time to prepare for your interview.
You grabbed your things, only to be called by your boss.
“Hey, baby doll!” He gleamed.
You clenched your fist and forced on a smile. “Yes boss? Is there anything you need?”
“Oh, nothing. Just wanted to say I’ll miss you tomorrow. The office isn’t the same without your pretty face, doll!”
You gritted your teeth. Does he even realize how inappropriate he is being right now? Or… ever? “Sorry, boss. I just got some personal things I have to get done.”
“Well, don’t take too long. You know you’re the only one who can do good work around here. Besides me, that is.” He grinned.
Your patience was running thin. “Well, I got to get started on those personal things, so I’ll see you later!” As you basically ran out the door.”
“Come back soon, doll!”
Your pretty sure that there were a select few people who could pull off calling others ‘doll’ and he for sure was not one of them.
You arrived at your apartment and immediately fell onto the bed. Life seemed so… boring after you left UA. You suppose this life was safer than being attacked by the league of villains every other week. Though, you always wondered what it would be like to be working as hero. You could have been working next to the top heroes. Maybe even be working next to Shinso.
You clenched your fist. You truly missed him. The first couple months of graduation was great, but then it turned out just like when Shinso joined the hero course. You both got busy and suddenly neither of your schedules matched up, especially when your boss started… flirting with you, for lack of a better term.
You heard your phone’s notification go off. You opened the screen to see a breaking news article about a monstrous villain attack in central city. You immediately sat up from your bed. The attack was near where your interview was. You flipped down the article. There seemed to be no severe damage to the area where the attack took place. You exhaled in relief, thanking the spirits that the building your interview was in didn’t get demolished the day before your interview.
You flipped through the rest of the article and stopped at a photo that was taken at the scene of the crime and felt your heart skip when you saw a familiar indigo in the background. It was Shinso. It looked like he was directing civilians after the chaos, and he was… smiling. You clenched your phone. He looked so… happy. You couldn’t even remember the last time you genuinely smiled.
You grunted and got up from your bed, tossing your phone onto it. There’s no time to reflect on old crushes. You made a light snack, took a shower, and went to bed.
 “How early can you start?”
You were practically reeling in your head. This is too good to be true. You really hoped you weren’t dreaming.
“Immediately.” You say. “Please.”
“That’s great! Our team has been behind as our heroes have been taking on more cases each day. Then we had to transfer people to the dispatch department and that was a whole thing.” You saw him write a phone number on a sticky note. “I’m sure you saw that big fight near here on the news yesterday.”
Your eyes widened. “I did. Was it this agency that took care of the incident?”
“Yep!” He responded. “We managed to take care of it thanks to the heroes we have, but the team spent most of the night cleaning up, which could have been resolved quicker if we had more people.”
“I understand.” You said. “I’m grateful I can be one of those people. I really think working here could benefit not only myself, but a lot of people.”
“I like that enthusiasm.” He handed you the sticky note and smiled. “Just let me know if anything changes or if you need to contact me. I expect you here bright and early Monday morning!”
You returned the smile as you grab the note. “Thank you so much! I promise I’ll be here, Eight AM sharp!”
“Awesome! Let me walk you out to the lobby. I know this place can get kind of confusing.”
“Of course.”
 You stared at the note on the way down. It all felt like a dream with how fast everything was happening.
“Oh, before I forget.” Your interviewer turned to you as you reached the lobby. “Next week the team is taking a trip camping to the forest for some ‘team-building exercises.’ It’s required from HR every now and then, however, since your new, we’re not forcing you. Unless you want to, that is.”
You mull it over in your head. “I’m not sure, it might be too early to-”
You jumped as you heard your name shouted from across the room. You were shocked to hear your name being shouted here at all places, but you more shocked when you recognized the voice.
Shinso. You turned to see him practically running away from the group he was walking with to join you.
“S-Shinso? What are you doing here?” you said, a little bit too timidly.
“I work here. What are you doing here?”
“I’m… um… working here too.” You inwardly groaned. Of all the times to be nervous, why was it now?
“Yep! This is our new team member!” The interviewer said. “I have to get going, but just think about the trip and let me know if you want to attend.”
“Of course. Thank you once again for this opportunity.” You bowed and shook his hand.
“No, thank you. I’m sure after a couple of weeks, things will slow down and the work load will be easier for everyone, so don’t stress too much. I’ll see you Monday!”
You waved goodbye and realized you were left alone with your past friend/crush/turned acquaintance. You wondered if it was too late stop existing.
“Are you going to the camping trip?” Shinso observed you curiously.
“I’m not sure.” You shrugged your shoulders. “I think it would be too early for me to participate in team-building exercises.”
“You should go. It’s easier to get to know other people and…” He rubs the back of his neck, just like he did in high school. Classic Shinso. “I’m going too. It would be nice to talk again.”
“Because the last time we promised to talk went swimmingly.” You ssid, a little too much venom in your words. You couldn’t help it; your nerves were on fire.
“I know… I’m so-“
“No.” You cut him off. “This time was my fault. I prioritized my job over you and I’m sorry for that.”
“Well, it didn’t help your boss was an egotistical obnoxious prick.” He grinned.
You laughed. “Yeah, that too.”
An awkward silence fell between you two. You felt like it was the last day of school all over again. Finally talking again but feeling dreadful because you know in the back of your head there was no way you would be more than what you were when you met him.
You heard the group Shinso was with interrupt the awkward silence to call his name.
“Damn it.” He clenched his fist and turned to you. “I have to go. Please consider going on that trip. I’ll even let you hang out with me if you get shy around the team.”
You scoffed. “Please. I don’t need help talking to people. I was the one who talked to you first, remember?”
“Of course. I’d… never forget you.”
You could practically feel your blood pressure increase. Damn. When did he get so smooth?
“Just think about it.” He said as he turned to leave, “I’ll be waiting.”
All you could do was watch as he walked away to join the other heroes.
You let out a deep breath and try to believe that you were actually talking to Shinso again. You hope you weren’t dreaming, only to wake up alone and with a shitty job again. You take a couple deeper breaths.
No. This is real. Shit, this is real.
You fast walked out the door before the small happy tears that welled up in your eyes fell.
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dieuleveut · 4 years
April 14th, 2018
I’m in Los Angeles.
I’ve been here since February 10th. So...a little over two months? People here still consider me new and fresh, and they’re not wrong. I’ve been doing a pretty great job at learning the new geography, all the neighborhoods and freeways.
Let me update you.
I’ve been living with Jordon who went to Bradley University with me. But I’ve been sleeping on an air mattress in his living room. Totally fine, I’m pretty low-maintenance anyway. Except I had told him I did not plan on crashing in his living for any longer than a month and up until now it had been over two months. Cue liar-anxiety. Then we find out that his roommate Drake will be moving in with his girlfriend in May/June and that his room may be up for grabs. I’m super interested and thus I’m staying in this living room, hoping to squat and slide into Drake’s room. Now, Jordon tells me he has a friend from high school who is moving to LA in June that he prefers to live with. Totally fine. Cue apartment-hunting anxiety again.
Now, my work situation. I moved here to do production work, but it doesn’t pay the bills (yet), so I got hired as a server at Tatsu Ramen at the end of February. The pay is pretty darn good. $13/hr and tips are about 1/3rd times the pay and I’m working close to full time. Insurance once I’ve hit 3 months. Almost everybody is really fun and sweet. Emily is the second newest hire and probably someone I can consider a friend (the first I’ve made in LA outside of Jordon!) She let me crash on her couch after a sleep deprived night and Jordon was hosting a loud brunch party. Vince is someone I would recently consider a friend! We’ve been hanging out quite a bit this past weekend and he’s a pleasant person to do stuff with! Sadly, he’s moving to New York City later this week so it kinda explains the accelerated friendship fun.
He came out drinking with me at some bougie place called The Bungalow that charged $15 for a margarita and $9 for a PBR. Emily met up with us after she got off of work and arrived at 1:30am, which apparently is when LA bars decide to close and stop serving alcohol. So slightly drunk Vince and me and stone-cold sober Emily walk down to Santa Monica beach, because I’m drunk and I hadn’t been to the beach in the two months I’ve been in LA. It was pitch black, sand cold as fuck. Vince and I (separately) break the pee seal in the sand dunes. Public urination FTW. We continue walking towards the ocean, I walk ahead of them in a drunk euphoria. I fucking love the ocean. I kick off my shoes and feel the wet, stiff sand under my feet. I only go ankle deep into the water but I’m content. Behind us, it seems like we’re not the only people in the entirety of Los Angeles who like to come to the beach at night. But it’s dark and the lights of the pier make them into indiscernible shadows. The lights also reflected off of the wet sand, like an upside down world mirrored from the pier. I’m wearing Vince’s denim jacket, barefoot and impossibly happy. My friends are taking pictures, laughing and playing in the water. I hope they were as I happy as I was.
Today, we had plans to head to Manhattan Beach. However, Emily backed out, still feeling the after effects of last night. I showered, got dressed. If anything, I would go alone. I don’t mind doing things on my own. It’s a common theme in my life. Then Vince texts me back saying he’s down. I drive to his place and the sweet man brings out a bottle of water for each of us and recommends we eat at a place nearby called The Public School. It’s cute and school themed, though I spent most of my life trying to avoid school themed things. Before meeting up with Vince, I was honestly nervous hanging out one-on-one with him. I just didn’t know who or what to expect outside of the comfort zone of Tatsu or drinking as a social buffer. And to my surprise, he’s actually really easy to hang out with. I don’t feel a need to impress him and yet I feel like I do. Conversation isn’t forced, it in fact flows really smoothly. And we don’t even crutch on Tatsu talk. We talk about hobbies, thoughts on LA and New York, families. Actually. Now that I think about it, we talked a lot about me. Vince and I are going to the Getty Center Museum tomorrow afternoon. I need to remind myself to ask Vince about himself more.
We also went to the Museum of Jurassic Technology yesterday too! That was fucking weird. But mutually agreed the best $8 spent. Cheaper than a can of PBR. They had such weird artifacts...and facts. Miniature models of mobile homes, paintings of the Russian dogs sent to space, a garden with tea and doves. “I can not think of a better person to have done this with,” Vince concluded after we exited (I only mention this part verbatim because people? like? hanging out with me?). We were supposed to finally hit up Manhattan Beach at this point, but I had an appointment to drop off my new apartment deposit and rent so we agreed to take a short intermission as I dropped him off to his apartment.
I arrive at my new apartment, which is located in a beautiful little family neighborhood. It seems like it has great air and it’s quiet. I would be absolutely ecstatic to be moving into this place if it weren’t a 45 minute commute on my way to work. I guess it balances out the 15 minute commute on my way back from work at 3:00am. And it makes me feel a little better that my roommate Hillary would be commuting over an hour. The apartment itself is super spacious and has beautiful hardwood floors and appliances.
We drop off the checks, go through the inspection and we plan on moving in tomorrow. Luckily, I only have the things that I can pack into my car, so I don’t have much to move. Except that Vince is giving me his mattress, bed frame, TV stand and possibly his TV so I have to find some way to move those.
When we finish all the apartment things, Vince calls me and tells me he actually had something come up and that he won’t be able to make the beach with me. Initially I’m disappointed but then I resolve to go anyway alone. That was my plan from the beginning and actually, this day folded pretty well. I got quality time with Vince and I still get to go to the beach. Parking was a bit of a nightmare but I eventually find a really tight spot (and tight as in literally, not in the dudebro connotation).
I get there and I’m in love. The sand between my toes, the wind, the air, the birds and the ocean waves crashing. The sky is completely spotless and blue, save for the occasional aircraft. Even though it’s a beautiful Saturday evening, the beach is pretty spread out and spacious between everyone. I easily find a spot to sit and enjoy the ocean without people close to me and no one in my view of the sunset. 9/10 absolutely would go again, despite the 30-40minute drive. Only glaring negative was the random middle aged guy who started talking to me. I only engaged in conversation once he mentioned he was from Minnesota (how can I turn away a fellow Minnesotan). But this guy talked to me forever, basically until the sun literally went down. Angry face emoji. It’s fine, except I could not tell what he wanted? Was he just being friendly? Was he trying to hit on me? Was he networking? Why me? The answer to that last one (or I guess all of them) is “because you’re a girl alone on the beach.”
I’m writing a lot. I’m aware. But one last thing I should catch you up on is Jun. He comes last because I honestly have mixed feelings about him. So we had a bit of a pre-dating thing going. You know, where the two of you flirt and are hyperaware when y’all brush up against each other and stuff? We were drinking after work at Emily’s place with a few other coworkers and after everything died down, we crashed on her couch. We stayed up talking for another couple hours, stroking hands and touching until he gets up and kisses me. I’m fucking giddy because I’m kissing Jun and Jun is kissing me. He puts a hand on my breast and starts playing with my nipple, which I put an immediate stop to because fucking Josh (one of our coworkers) is sleeping on the floor near us and Jun’s got me physically wanting to climb him like a tree.
The next night we both work together again and he invites me to come back to his place. We sit and chat for a while over a couple beers before picking up where we left off the night before. I want to keep the dirty deets to myself but in a nutshell, we fucked three times. I came once, which honestly surprised me because it took me a hell of a long time to come with Matt. Jun and I also did it three times without protection. Which yes dear reader, I know it’s fucking stupid and this is the second guy I’ve done that with; having gotten caught up in the moment and just submitting to the moment without caring about the consequences. But both times I eventually convinced myself to take Plan B. I also know that Plan B is not a form of birth control. I still have two months worth of the pill from when I was dating Matt, but I won’t start them unless I’m consistently sexually active. No point in fucking with my hormones if I’m only smashing once in a blue moon. So yes, I went out and bought condoms. A girl will be prepared, even if she hates condoms.
Anyway, Jun. He tells me he doesn’t want anything serious. He tells me he’s going out for drinks with a girl the next night. Twice now he’s been too tired to hang out after work (which is definitely warranted because we’re both up til 3-4am every fucking night closing at Tatsu). As far as it looks, doesn’t seem like any more than a one and done. Which is a bummer. I could mentally/emotionally prepare for a no-strings-attached deal, I just wanted to be with Jun in some capacity but it seems like once we smashed, he didn’t want the same. I can hear my mom’s voice saying some shit like “Guys only want one thing and once they get it they’re out.” First of all, everyone has a fluid amount of sexual drive but everyone also has emotional needs and connections with people. I could easily fuck and chuck Eric from Peoria and be exactly the kind of “guy” my mom thinks guys are. But then there was fucking Ravi who I fucked one time and the guy would not leave me alone. He relentlessly messaged me on Facebook, found my Instagram, Snapchat? Some guys don’t just fuck once and leave, some stick around for more. It’s dependent. Which is why is sucks that the situation with Jun is what it is. But looking at “fate” or whatever, it makes sense. There were just small instances where I felt like I was being told, “hey this isn’t meant to happen.” Things that are meant to happen will be pushed in the right direction. Like today with Vince and the beach. Life told me that I should hang out with Vince by getting lunch and experiencing The Museum of Jurassic Technology, and then it told me that Manhattan Beach is just for me.
Despite my lack of romantic success, I feel good. Things seem to be falling into the right place at the right times. I have an apartment, I have people who I enjoy being with and doing stuff with. I have someone who believes in my skills and my potential (Vince, who has been pushing for my promotion at Tatsu and providing me some serious support.) Everything that will be will be.
1:34am (technically April 15th)
I just remembered something that Vince told me last night at the Bungalow that I want to write down for my fragile ego’s sake:
“Apparently you have a fan base at Tatsu. I had a customer come in yesterday and ask me ‘is Juliet working tonight? I have some friends I want to bring in to meet her, is she working this weekend?”
Vince couldn’t tell me the name or face of the guy who asked but I am beyond thrilled/happy/giddy that a CUSTOMER knows my name, my face and LIKES me enough to want to have his friends meet me *flips hair.* As someone who obsessively checks the Yelp reviews for mentions of a “cute helpful Asian waitress” or my actual name, this will be an integral part of my self-esteem :)
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Say My Name... Say My Name (9/13/17)
As a trans-Latinx woman or TLW, as I will refer to myself from now on, coming up with a name that aligned with my new-found gender identity and eventually legalizing it meant the world to me. The story behind my birth name is not some drawn out story of trial or debate, or anything worth wild. It begins with a faint memory (which I have yet to fact check) of my mother stating that she always like the name Gabriella and that if she had a girl with my father that is what she would have named her. I do not remember if I ever thought about going with other names, Gabriella just always seemed to fit just right with me, as if I was always meant to be her (which eventually I knew was the truth). Focusing on my use of my mother’s favorite name for a baby girl for my name could be seen as an attempt to try fit into the empty space in my mom’s heart, mind, and soul of the potential to have a baby girl. In hindsight, she did have a daughter with my father (me, if it was not already obvious) and so me choosing to be Gabriella was just affirming that – not that I think my mother or father would ever see it that way. My middle name was kind of just a random encounter on the internet, much like many (all) of my intimate interactions with the men in my life, I had googled Hispanic/Latin baby names and for some reason Josephine called out to me. And so one faithful day in the study lounge of an NYU Dorm during my freshman year of nursing school, I unofficially/officially became Gabriella Josephine Bolanos with the support of my closest friends. Ever since that day, I have had no regrets or doubts that I was nothing but that person. Despite my roots in Central American culture (my parents being from El Salvador), I chose to spell my name the more American/Italian way of Gabriella instead of the Latin way Gabriela or Josephine instead of Josefine/Josfina. I am proud to be a Latinx woman, but in all honesty, I don’t have strong ties with my heritage. I was born and raised speaking English in the US, El Salvador was just this homeland that my family talked about here and there, but nothing I had any personal connections to (a post about my ethnic identity will be coming eventually). When I first discovered my new identity as Gabriella, some friends began to call me Gabby, not that I asked them to since I was not completely out as trans, but regardless made me feel secure in who I was. I began going as Gabby on Facebook for a while during my freshman year of college around the same time I dabbled in cross-dressing and makeup (a rough time compared to now). However, Gabriella was soon stripped away from me when freshman year came to an end. I moved back to my grams two-bedroom basement apartment in order to commute for the next X amount of years to save money on room and board. I was not out to may family and so I spent the next year and a half living my true life behind closed does (funny, because I actually slept in my grams living room for those 1.5 years with no door to close). My safe haven was our run down bathroom where I was able to play with makeup and women’s clothing and actually be Gabriella. Despite taking steps backward in my transition and essentially going back into the closet, I made the decision after a night of too many “cosmos” and Sex and the City episodes, to once again regain my place as Gabriella Josephine Bolanos on social media, and I have never not been her ever since. I eventually came out to my family as trans in a dramatic and emotional outburst after returning from a party where I got totally wasted, burned myself with a cigarette on my left wrist (my go-to form of self harm back then), got punched in the face by some guy that was sort of flirting with me, and losing my glasses. Although there was probably a healthier way to come out to my family, this unfortunate/fortunate event brought me closer to being Gabby once again. Fast forward to the summer of 2017 where after surviving what was probably the hardest thing I had to endure as a trans woman professionally in the closet (my externship at NYU Orthopedics Hospital – which we will also discuss at a later time), I finally legally became Gabriella Josephine Bolanos on August 16th, 2017.
Fast forwarding again to the present day, despite accomplishing what I thought was the biggest battle (the name change), having everyone around me get used to the whole name change was a whole other war to accomplish. For many of many of my friends, the name change was just affirmation of something they had knew for the past 3 years. However, for most, my name change and my reveal of being transgender seemed like calculus – incomprehensible. I soon returned to my job at NYUOH three weeks after my externship ended where I spent two months pretending that I did not go by Gabby and that I was trans. I’m still debating whether or not going back to the hospital was a great idea for my sanity, but it’s the choice I have to live with. I managed to get a new name badge with my new legal name (despite them spelling my last name wrong on it) and quickly began submitting my name change through NYU’s HR. However, unlike my experience with NYU the actual college were my transition to Gabriella was quick, easy, and tangible across all areas of the university, the hospital system is still taking its sweet old time to fully cover up my past. Now when I clock in it says Gabriella, but when I log on to the charting program or the job portal, it still has my old name on them – which makes for very awkward situations when I begin my shift and everyone is confused why the assignment says Gabriella but the patient’s chart says Justin is assigned to them. It’s these awkward situations where I have to reveal my identity as a trans women and that is something I HATE doing (which is evidently obvious according to one nurse I have encountered). To make matters worst, my friendly façade and work ethic during my externship allowed me to become friends with the various staff members at NYUOH which on my return to work, greeted me with the name Justin that I so HATE over and over again. Despite have a new name badge that clearly says Gabriella on my uniform, people still chose to call me Justin which made that first week back sooooo enjoyable. I eventually had to have the awkward conversations with many of these individuals who remembered me from the summer to let them know that I now go by Gabriella and I go by she/her/hers pronouns. However, another problem I am now facing is that some of these individuals I try to educate on my trans-ness still make the effort to call me Justin and He instead of what they should be calling me – despite my attempts to be a little more femme: have my long curls down and my face beat for my patients. Even some of the new people that I have never met before and only know me as Gabby, still would refer to me as a man, I guess because of my not so femme voice (again according to one nurse). For the longest time I was used to being called Justin and being referred to as a man, despite knowing I was trans and had a gender affirming name to go by, but now this repeated negligence of my right as a trans human being (being called Justin instead of Gabby, and being referred to as he instead of she) reminds me that maybe I’ll never be the woman I strive to be/that I am. I’ll never be seen as the woman I see everyday looking right back at me in the mirror. And with this point I end my first serious post of being me, a TLW named Gabriella Josephine Bolanos.
 - G
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stars---thunderbird · 7 years
Story time: the hotel and hell
I read an article last night about how millennials aren’t taking vacation time.
Here’s why, from my personal experience from working for the same hotel for 6 years:
I went through over 30 front desk managers in 6 years. 3 GM’s (General Managers) 2 Owners The entire upper level managers a several times. I’m not quite sure because I didn’t have much contact with them, but it’s wasn’t uncommon in one month to come into work and not know who a manager for a department was, several times. By the time I left, there were 2 managers there from start to finish: Engineering/Security (we couldn’t keep a security manager, let alone security guards, so engineering took over) and Reservations.
I was full time after my first six months because the girl who worked graves before me, would literally not show up or leave a note saying that she wasn’t coming in for her next shift. It took three months of that bullshit for her to get fired.
We couldn’t keep people in my department either, so I would request a day off and not get it granted because we didn’t have enough people to cover. (The managers didn’t know how to do our job, so they couldn’t cover).
I didn’t take a vacation for the first three years I worked there because I was terrified that I wouldn’t have a job when I came back. I saw it happen to too many of my coworkers.
I took a day off to have a three day weekend so I could celebrate my best friends birthday and my manager blew up my phone trying to get me to come in and cover someone else’s shift.
I legitimately would not look at my phone when I was off because I was incredibly anxious they were going to call me in on my day off, and I needed sleep. But also money.
I came in for a 3-11pm shift, even though I was really sick, my manager wouldn’t let me call it without a note; it was a Saturday and I wasn’t going to pay out the ass for a clinic to tell me I was sick (common problem) so I went into work and then was told I had to work the 11-7am shift as well because grave girl left a note saying she wasn’t coming in. I was told if I left I would be fired. I went to get hot water and lemon from the breakroom, my manager saw me and told me I wasn’t allowed to have open containers in my office. I tried to explain once again that I as sick and needed it for my throats so I could do my job. I ended up dumping it out. Ten minutes later she asked me why my voice sounded awful.
Another time I came in sick and spent a good hour running between my office and the bathroom (right passed my managers office) to throw up. I wasn’t allowed to go home.
I stopped requesting days off because it was easier to trade shifts, if I could find anyone who wanted to work nights.
When I did finally take a vacation, I went in 9 months in advance, I spoke to the HR department directly and got it in writing that I had 3 weeks off. I then made sure for the next nine months that every new manager knew (even though that wasn’t my job) and that it was still good with HR.
While I was on vacation, in another state, they tried to call me in.
I had managers try and tell me they needed my loyalty but wouldn’t pay me overtime for doing overtime or working holidays.
I was promised a $2 raise if I changed my health care plan, I did and never saw it because of the GM changes and constant manager change over.
Why did I stay in this hellhole for 6 years if it was this bad and this is only the tip?
Because I made $13 an hour plus benefits. I worked nights, so I could go to my classes and not have to worry about scheduling at all. I paid for 3 ½ years of school out of pocket with no debt because I worked at that terrible job. (I also lived at home).
We’re trapped because they know we don’t really have better options. Not without a degree/training/experience. We’re trapped because we can’t afford to take time off, even if it is a paid vacation, you don’t usually get your full pay for it. We’re trapped because if we take a vacation, we’re seen as lazy.
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whiterosemarie · 7 years
So…this is the true story of my current working life.
I had a job that I loved. I was working as a assistant teacher at a child development center. I absolutely loved my job. And then I began feeling miserable. I couldn’t figure out why it was getting so hard to bring myself to come into work. I began feeling depressed and very much like everything was meaningless.
One day, I sat watching the kids sleep and was on the verge of tears. I couldn’t shake the dual feelings I was having. How can someone feel so miserable and yet love their job? What was it at my job that was making me feel this way? And I began to think on every day that had felt that way and it dawned on me: my boss.
Here’s the thing about being gaslit: you often don’t realize it’s happening even when you’ve had it before. The situation with my boss was like this: I was experiencing bad symptoms that was putting me in the hospital. I would get so sick that I couldn’t and wasn’t eating. Anytime I ate, my stomach would hurt and I would get sick. I spent a lot of the time in urgent care. When I did have to miss work for that, she’d berate me on the phone. The began on the second call in. I’d be told that I better have a note, that I was just fine yeatersay, that I’m xyz of an employee, that everyone else suffers when I do this. Mind you, I only missed a total of 5 days in the TWO terms I was there, two of which were from strep throat, which we’ll get to in a moment. When I’d come to work, pale and barely able to stand because of fearing I’d lose my job, I was patronized. She’d use the tone she uses on children. “Now Jen, you’re a…big girl now. If you don’t feel you can work, you should call in. Do you think you can do the duties of your job?”
I called in with severe laryngitis due to strep throat, which I received from work because that’s what happens when you work with children is you catch things. A lot. Always. Often. The doctor said to not go in for 5 days. Two of those were weekends so I didn’t work but on the third day I was supposed to take off, I was told to come in or lose my job that they could “work with someone without a voice.” AH yes, because 5 year olds always listen when you can’t even speak. On top of that, I wasn’t supposed to medically. I did. She threw a fit because my doctors note didn’t specifically say strep (saying so is a HIPAA violation. Her demanding he tell her is also a HIPAA violation).
It was a long time until my next incident. We had green eggs and ham. Right after that I began getting extremely ill and bad pain. Thinking I’d be a good employee, I warned people I wasn’t feeling good. My boss was MIA. The next day, i was on the bathroom floor from 6 am to 9 am, unable to even move as my gut hurt so bad and I couldn’t stop getting sick. I call in. I didn’t work til 12:30 that day but I knew where my boyfriend was gonna take me when he found me like that. That’s right. The oh so familiar Urgent Care where Thor the male nurse would be hooking me up to IVs AGAIN and making the same jokes about cocktails.
Over the phone I found no sympathy as I lay there crying on the bathroom floor. I was told I was faking it. That we’d have a talk Monday. I was not told to feel better. My boyfriend took pictures of me hooked up to 3 IV bags that day.
Monday comes. I still have hazy memories of this because it has been locked in my brain as manipulative and bad. My boss proceeded to insist that if I felt I couldn’t perform the duties that i “find other opportunities” and such forth. She said “You’re a burden on everyone else because of your illness” even though she was made aware that I do have disability status filed at HR. This talk lasted 30 minutes. I spent that day struggling not to cry. But it also dawned on me then: she couldn’t fire me. She was trying to chase me out.
Some other background.
My boss liked to undermine my authority. The thing about young children is they observe things and react accordingly. So imagine then that they see who has been equated to the highest authority treated one of the teachers like lower than the other teachers. On one particular occassion, the lead teacher was out sick. I was left in charge of a very wound up classroom. That day I had a student who was born drug addicted have a complete and utter mental breakdown into violent territory during naptime. I relied on my boss to help since she had told me that discipline was only hers (meaning I could not even have him go sit and calm down and not get his journal until afterwards without her). She kept bringing him back to my classroom in this state where he had begun to get physically violent at others. So it was a rough day, see? Well, after this, as children are getting their nap time things put away, she comes in and has me sit on the carpet to “talk” to me. We are surrounded by children. When she normally talks to teachers, they go off to the side to do so. This put me in a position where I’m being treated different. On top of that, she positioned herself to be higher than me. Her tone was talking down to me. Mind you, my job requires a high school degree. I have a fucking bachelor’s in CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES. CHILD. STUDIES. So her telling me what to do as if explaining to a child while positioning herself above me, using a tone that she reserves for children….while we’re surrounded by children…it made the day worse as I literally felt the classroom begin to react to my authority far differently.
On another note, whenever my boss was near she would mention my work as “okay” And “getting there”. When I told my leads this they were astonished. “You’re the best assistant we’ve ever had here. You go above and beyond in work.”
When it comes to childcare, there are licensing requirements that varies by state. I asked several times for help getting those. Whenever she was supposed to help, she’d go home early. One day, I come in and she shows me an exit card on her desk. “This is to fire you. Get it done today.” “Show me where to go at lunch and I will.” Gone. That night I tried on my own. Wouldn’t load. Come to work. “Did you do it?” “Figured I could during my first 15 minutes. It wouldn’t load. Not sure I had the right forms anyways.” As I got it done, she entered the room and made such comments as: “Oh good. It seems you want to actually keep your job.” A high pitched fake laugh obviously forced. “Sorry it’s such a high price but you know it’s better than being fired.” Snide smirk. She dangled firing me as a suggestion in front of my face often to the point where I began to fear doing anything.
After that fateful talk with her about my absences, she would catch me during lunch when no one was around to dangle such in front of me. I began to job search. She found out. I’m still certain she’s the reason why I didn’t get the jobs. One day she caught me during lunch. “I heard you’re looking for new jobs. I would have hoped you would give your two week notice if you got one.” “I would. I haven’t gotten one yet.” “We’ll I would’ve hoped. So…I think you should give me your two week notice…how about this friday. That’ll put you at ending at the end of the term. I want it on my desk tomorrow. Don’t forget.”
Readers, I want you to realize the above is highly unethical and was what led me to go to HR that next week. I did give two week notice. I did not have to. No boss can force you to give leave just because they cannot find an offense to fire you on. I took the step and went to HR. I quit my job because shortly after that I had a large scale breakdown that would’ve led to suicidal acts while repeating her words over and over that “You’re a burden because of your illness.” My PTSD and chronic illness. My disabilities. I went to HR because my coworkers urged me to desperately.
He said things don’t happen over night. He was a pale man with the sharpest blue eyes. He scared me. But I told him as much as I could while shaking like a leaf. He’s a nice man. But his eyes pierce. He took note that I quit because of this. Things don’t happen over night.
I left my job and cried. I spent this last week in a depressive fugue feeling that I gave up something I loved doing. I had to say goodbye to 27 individual children. I wrote them each a card and gave each a pencil and eraser and an individual drawing. Everyone got one. That weekend, I saw one of my kids at the fair. All three days I saw her and I felt such horrible loss. I loved those kids, guys. I loved my job. I was chased out by a woman who had serious issues of her own and was in way more power than she need be.
Tonight my phone and Facebook blew up.
She’s been asked to clear her desk. Her contract is up. It isn’t being renewed. The term just started this week. It’s only been just over a week since I quit my job and she’s gone. Gone. My teachers want me back. My position was filled before my notice was ever given though. There’s no place to apply other than as a sub. I’m spending tonight crying. Because I want to go back so fucking badly. She’s gone. She’s gone. And she can’t hurt me there anymore.
In the end friends, I leave you with this. Never let a boss get away with harassment and bullying. Especially the abusive nature kind where they convince you that this is all your doing. Never let someone undermine you. And never ever let ANYONE tell you you’re a burden. You’re not. Not one bit.
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skrode-rider · 4 years
Kami Skill Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Departure
I heard the faint voice of a frail-looking girl. It wasn't until after I started running that I realized the voice was that of someone I knew.
Beside an out-of-the-way dry well, two men were surrounding the girl.
"What are you doing?"
"... huh?"
"Buzz off, kid."
The two men are equipped like adventurers. A big one and a small one. The girl, however, could easily be described as beautiful.
"Hey, Ra-kun!"
The girl is Pierina, who was waiting for me. She acted like she hasn't seen me in months.
The truth is that Pierina, who has a good figure and a good athletic ability, is actually very timid when I'm not around. She is easily targeted by such people. I've managed to save her from them every time, but...
It's not a simple matter when your opponent is an adventurer.
"Hey, she's with me. Let her go."
"I don't think so, asshole."
"You wanna play with us, don't you, little girl?"
The big man brings his face closer to Pierina's. She struggles to pull away, but he just grips her arm tighter.
"Ouch! Stop....!"
"--You're adventurers, aren't you? Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? Or are you just a bunch of regular guys with basic jobs?"
"Fuck off!"
"You're the one with the basic job, asshole! I'm a level 5 [Warrior]."
Before the big man could finish his comeback, I threw the bag that I was carrying on my back.
There was a popping sound, and the bag hit the man in the face, scattering its contents. His hand loosened from Pierina, but this was just a diversion. He'd probably be standing back up soon, so I'd have to stop the other one before that.
The smaller man was already looking at me with a clear intent to fight. By that time, a full-body dropkick was already in his face. I'm only fifteen years old and small, but a blow with my full weight on it is not to be taken lightly. It should have at least staggered him. A level 5 [Warrior] is a pretty strong guy in the city. You can't beat him in a fist fight. You have to run.
"Let's go, Pierina!"
"Okay, Ra-kun!"
I take my childhood friend's hand and zigzag away down the road. The luggage I've worked so hard to pack is gone. I have to go back home again. I just left. It was like a lifetime farewell. Wow, this will be so awkward.
I had a strange feeling.
No footsteps were following us.
Pierina is struggling to catch her breath.
"What's wrong, Ra-kun?"
"They're not following us, huh. Weird."
"How is it weird?"
"If you get in a fight with a bunch of unadventurous teens, they'll get pissed off and come after you, you know."
She's still breathing heavily.
"Let's go check it out."
"I mean, you can't stay here alone or something like this could happen again. You just don't have any stamina."
"Oh, Ra-kun, it's just that..."
"Up you go"
I hoisted Pierina onto my back. Hmm?
"You're so light. Are you eating?"
"Okay, let's go see what's going on."
I cautiously went back the way we had came.
There was some kind of commotion.
People were gathering and I could hear shouting.
I peek around the corner.
"Oh, it's the girl from earlier!"
"Where? Oh, you don't say!"
We've been spotted by a skinny guy and a fat lady.
Let's run away for now.
"Wait, wait, wait! I'm not trying to stop you guys! I want to thank you!"
I cock my head while staying ready to escape at any moment.
"...Thank me?"
"Allow me to thank you for tricking these penniless bastards!"
The fat lady and the skinny man are the owner and treasurer of the brothel, they said.
According to the story, the two men had spent one night at the brothel, and ran away without paying. Then Pierina happened to walk by and got involved with them.
"Our bouncer was having some trouble at another location. I happened to look outside for a second and saw this."
"No, I'm serious, you're awesome! Even though I'm a bit of an adventurer, I can't believe you took out two [Warrior]s all by yourself!"
Wow, all these people witnessed me! It's amazing! The applause is embarassing, though.
"Oh no, thank you, haha..."
"Ra-kun is awesome! He's always so cool!"
Pierina is waving her hands around excitedly. Calm down.
The two [Warrior]s were completely unconscious.
They are professional mercenaries licensed by the dungeon guild, and yet they were left in this state of affairs by me, a city dweller (and one of them just got a bag thrown at him), so they must have been very weak. Level 5 is a questionable thing.
The owner of the brothel,
"So, 'Ra-kun' is an adventurer, right? What's your occupation?"
"I haven't decided yet..."
"Huh? You did this without a job class...?"
"Yeah, I guess...?"
The owner was completely taken aback.
"Haha! That's really great! This is going to be so much fun! When you're old enough to be a man, you can come visit us. I'll introduce you to my best girls!"
The landlady handed me my bag with all the scattered contents, as well as a cloth pouch of money.
Well, you don't have to when you have a girl this cute!
She winked at me knowingly, saying such a thing.
--No, I confessed to this person once and was rejected.
But I couldn't say that.
Pierina is standing next to me, looking at me blankly.
"I'm talking about you."
"What? Wait, me?"
"You're cute, Pierina."
"Wow! I don't know if that's true......hehehe, thanks, Ra. I love you!"
And Pierina hugs me in her arms.
But don't be fooled. When this girl says, "I love you," it has the same meaning as "I love you, big brother." It's not a lovers thing by any means.
Yes, don't forget that. I confessed my love to this girl once, and then - I was rejected.
Three years ago on my birthday.
I had just turned 12 years old, and I mustered up the courage to tell her the feelings that I had been developing for years.
I love you.
I want you to marry me in the future.
To be honest, it's a memory I'd rather forget, so I don't remember exactly what I said, but I think that's what I meant.
But Pierina looked puzzled and then said sadly, "I don't want my future husband to have a problem with you, Ra."
"I hope Ra-kun will always be a big brother, not a master."
It was the moment my first love was shattered.
Since then I've been trying my best to at least be this girl's big brother...
--You haven't forgotten about it, have you?
It's as if she' s trying to play a trick on me, by saying "I love you" and sticking close to me, but don't be fooled. Don't be fooled by her "I love you" and get your heart broken. Pierina's "love" is for her pets, her brother, her father and so on. I've known her for years. I'm an expert.
"Hm? What's wrong, Ra-kun?"
"Oh, it's nothing."
I patted her head, and Pierina smiled happily.
-- You really are a lovely 'sister'.
Or so I thought to myself.
The Dungeon Guild.
It is a union that governs the country's dungeons and the adventurers who challenge them.
The headquarters of the guild is a huge building that stands right next to the dungeon. It seems that as a result of repeated additions, a simple bureaucracy has grown to look like a castle. The top is wobbly and looks a bit unsafe.
You can check your status, adventurer job quests, and job class here. The items you've acquired can also be redeemed for cash. An inn, a tavern, and both armor and blacksmith shops are all available.
"We're finally here!"
"Huh? Yeah."
Pierina is a nervous wreck. I feel the same way.
When I entered the reception area on the first floor from the main entrance, it was insanely crowded.
There was a throng of adventurers of all ages, men and women, of all jobs.
I spotted the "Adventurer Registration" sign and headed there. Fortunately, there was no one in line. I called out to the lady at the reception desk.
"Hey! Welcome! Registering as an adventurer, maybe?"
She was in good spirits. I nodded.
"Just you? Or both of you?"
"Yes, me too."
That's right. Pierina was born a month before me, and she had already been given a skill last month. She decided to wait until I received my skills yesterday to register.
"Okay, got it♪ I need both of you to write your names right here"
She holds out two sheets of paper to me. I write my name in the top blank and hand it back to him.
"Great! Please wait for a moment. I'll send this to the appraiser and register your skills and status♪"
When you complete the [Gift of Heaven] ceremony, where the Queen gives you skills, your skills and status are registered with the dungeon guild. That's what I'm calling it.
"Yes, it's done. Hmmm. You must be Rana and Pierina. I'm Anna, nice to meet you♪"
"I look forward to working with you"
"How wonderfully straightforward of you. --Yes, this is your current status and your skills. Neither of them should be shared with anyone, basically, aside from your party members. You don't know what's in store for you when you're with other adventurers who don't know each other♪"
Anna warns me with a smile as she hands me a parchment status sheet.
Me and Pierina nod in agreement.
"Then, let's decide on a job class for you right away♪"
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[HR] Apocalypse caused by allergy medication
This isn't actually a story I came up with. It's a dream I had yesterday.
This dream starts on day 3 of an epidemic and takes place in Flagstaff, AZ.
A new super drug, called the Memphis drug, that is 99.9% effective for allergies is hyped up before release. It hits the market and makes millions of sales on first day. Somehow the drug starts turning all its users into zombie-like creatures. They hate light and always stay in dark. However, they retain all physical abilities and dexterity they had before turning, but have no higher brain function, caring about nothing but consuming flesh. They only occasionally perform complex tasks such as turning a door knob, using a key, starting a car, or tying a knot, but completely unintentionally as random acts, and only when in a docile state. The zombies are referred to as Memphis'. They come out at night, and during the day they return to their home or somewhere dark in the vicinity of their homes. Due to them retaining so many human qualities and faint memories, most people discourage killing them until a cure is found, unless in self defense. They are always in a docile state unless they sense another living person or animal. Their senses seem to be exactly the same as regular humans; another quality that didn't change when they did. They do not go out hunting for food, they just wander around all night until they notice an animal or regular person, which they'll attack and eat. The only physical quality that may have changed is their voice box, because they make high pitched screeching sounds when agitated, and quiet clicking noises when docile. They sound much like the zombies from the game The Last Of Us. When docile, their clicking sounds and slightly slow gait are the only signs that distinguish them from ordinary people, making the distinction quite difficult. When agitated, their loud screeching makes it very obvious. Some have higher light tolerance than others. A few come out just minutes after sunset, whereas most Memphis' come out at astronomical twilight. They are far more sensitive to sunlight than artificial light, with sodium streetlamps having almost no effect on most of them.
Day 1: Drug is released to the public at the height of allergy season, at 8 am pacific time in the US, 24 hours before release in any other country. Some pharmacies have incredibly long lines that wait hours for the new drug. Just 4 hours afrer release, effects of extreme drowsiness, confusion, sensitivity to light, and agitation are already being reported nationwide, as media keeps track of the new drug's users. After another 4 hours, the first few attacks are reported, with everyone already knowing that the drug is the cause. 1 hour later (5pm PT) an estimated 50% of users completely stop acting like themselves and start eating other human beings. The Memphis drug is immediately taken off the shelves. The government declares a state of emergency and citizens who have taken the drug are urged to submit themselves to immediate hospitalization. Those who haven't taken it are told to stay indoors and avoid those who have turned, due to their highly aggressive nature. Citizens who know people who took the drug who haven't turned yet are to take them to hospitals. 1 hour later the emergency broadcast system instructs everyone to stay indoors at all costs. They are told to restrain unchanged drug users the best they can, then call the Memphis drug hotline and wait for a containment team to arrive. Military units are dispatched in every state to capture the turned users without lethal force. Media continues to repeat the information and report on all updates for the rest of the day and through the night. By 10 pm PT it's estimated that the drug has caused nearly a million casualties.
Day 2: Sales information is finally released and It's discovered that the Memphis drug made 10 million sales before it was recalled, meaning that roughly 3% of the population may have been turned into these creatures. By now, there isn't a single known case of anyone who took the drug and didn't turn. On the morning of Day 2 it's pieced together that the drug users were coming out only at night. This encourages more people to go out during the day, but most still stay indoors. People are already calling it a zombie apocalypse and some are advocating to kill the affected. There is much debate about how human they still are due to the conlicting reports of their behavior. Most people report them not being able to even open doors while a few people claim that their housemate calmly unlocked and opened their door before attacking them. The CDC announces that they've begun working on a cure and the FDA starts looking into how the drug made its way into market despite its effects. The makers of the drug and everyone involved with it are nowhere to be found and cannot be contacted. The whole day is full of bickering and arguing about what we should do. All unaffected people go home before dark and lock their doors. Significantly less deaths occur this night.
Day 3: The dream actually starts here, but I somehow knew of all the previous information in the dream. 2 of my 3 roommates took the drug and had been missing this whole time. On the morning of day 3 they both came home banging on the door. For some reason my 3rd roommate opened it for them and was immediately killed. I locked my room door and listened to what I assume was the sound of them devouring him. At about noon I could no longer hear them so I slowly made my way out of my room. There was no sign of them in the apartment, but their room doors were now closed, so I figured that's where they were. I gathered some supplies in my backpack and headed to my friends' apartment, only a 10 minute walk away. I couldn't stay at my place as long as my roommates were in that state. I was grateful to find that the two friends I came to visit hadn't taken the Memphis drug. But when I got there, they were both leaving. They decided that Flagstaff was now too dangerous, especially living on a college campus. They had just spent the last of their money on plane tickets to move with their families in rural, isolated locations, and they were just heading to the airport. They invited me to join them, but I declined because I couldn't afford a plane ticket. I asked if I could move into their apartment (which is technically a dorm that they already paid for with grants/student loans, so no rent, if that even matters during an apocalypse). They gave me the keys and wished me luck. I dropped off my stuff and went out to buy some groceries. Luckily I get an employee discount at Target and it was Walmart and Sam's Club that were getting bombarded since Target is so expensive. I'm dead serious; my dream actually included this realistic detail. But unrealistically, there was a TV in target playing the news. That's how I found out that people had started calling the drug users Memphis'. The media was urging us not to kill the Memphis' because they were still far too human. The news anchor explained how they retained all their human qualities except for their voices, odd behavior, and tendency to eat people. Luckily, wounds from them weren't infectious and the dead wasn't getting reanimated, so they weren't zombies. The sun was starting to set as I walked home. There were a few other people out, hurrying to get home too. When I was maybe 60 feet from the apartment building someone yelled, "hey a Memphis! There's a Memphis behind you! Memphis! Memphis!". Everyone in the area started running and I turned around to see a Memphis sprinting towards me at full speed. As I ran I could hear it screeching at the top of its lungs. I ran up the stairs to my apartment on the second floor and got inside as I fast as I could. I closed the door and locked both locks. The most terrifying moment was when I realized just how close it was to catching me. It began scratching the door a mere 3 seconds after I got inside, as I was locking the second lock. It was definitely faster than me and would've caught up to me if I lived any farther. Thankfully it lost interest and left the door after only 10 minutes. Since I knew artificial light didn't affect them much, I made sure to keep all the lights off so as not to draw any attention to myself. The apartment was only lit by the soft glow of streetlamps through the closed blinds. The room I slept in had a window overlooking a very long straight road parallel to the building. As I was trying to sleep I heard a loud screech coming from that street. I looked out the window and saw a Memphis directly across the street just starting to run after someone who was pretty far down the road. Suddenly a giant white drone, about 6 feet across came flying in from behind the Memphis. It looked like an average 4 propeller commercial drone, but much bigger. It flew above the center of the road at about 50 mph. A few seconds before reaching the Memphis, TWO GIANT CHAINSAWS EXTENDED FROM It LIKE WINGS. The saws stretched over the whole road and both sidewalks. As the drone passed, it sliced the Memphis in half, but the saws didn't retract after that. It kept going with the saws still out. The guy that was being chased saw this and dove just far enough from the road as it passed. The drone just kept going along the street until it was out of sight. Though the guy seemed fine, he started yelling for help. I didn't want to go out because it was dark and Memphis' were out, but I couldn't just let him die out there. So after almost a minute of hesitation I rushed out to help him. Someone else had also heard him and gone out too, so that was a relief. We both started shushing him as we approached. It turns out he had twisted his ankle when he dove off the sidewalk. I thought we were all doomed until the other guy who came out to help told me "don't worry, I know him. I'll bring him to my place. It's right there", and he pointed to the closest building. I asked them what that drone thing was. In unison they both said "The Perforator". Apparently it showed up earlier that day and no one knows who made it or where it came from. Every hour or so it sweeps the entire road in both directions, killing anything in its path. I don't know why they call it The Perforator though. They urged me to hurry back home because it would be back soon, but my main fear was the Memphis', not the drone. My apartment was only less than 100 feet away, but that's a terrifyingly long distance in this scenario. I left as the two guys started their long slow walk up the stairs of their building. I quietly speedwalked, and made it about halfway before I started to hear a faint buzzing sound. The guy who was helping his friend yelled "Perforator!" and I jumped behind a dumpster by the side of the road. The saw blades knicked the dumpster which made a really loud bang. I started sprinting as soon as it passed. 10 seconds later I heard a screech coming from IN FRONT of me. My apartment was between me and a Memphis. I wasn't being chased, I was racing it to my front door. This was the most fear I had ever felt, both in real life and in a dream. We were roughly the same distance from the building and almost the same speed. I made it to the stairwell and TRIPPED while I was going up it. I thought I was dead. I almost decided to turn around and run the other way, but something told me to keep going. I made it to the second floor walkway. My door was in the middle of that walkway. I was maybe halfway to it when I saw the Memphis appear at the opposite end! We both sprinted straight for the door. I made it there first but I had to unlock the door first. I was able to unlock and get inside just in time, but I hadn't fully closed the door by the time it got there. Luckily, this Memphis was a really weak one. I actually had an easy time pushing the door closed as it was trying to push it open, despite not being very strong myself. I shut the door and turned the dead lock immediately. This is where the dream ends. I think the adrenaline of this moment is what woke me up.
submitted by /u/afromagic808 [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2KFqY0j
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Galactica, Chapter 4 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Thank you so much to anyone who’s liked or commented. You guys are awesome! We are attempting to post a chapter a week, so hopefully we can keep that up for awhile! Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Violet’s living situation was about to improve, and she got to spend some quality time with Pearl.
This Chapter: Fame begins to doubt the new collection, and Violet finally gets into her new apartment--with some surprising new neighbors.
Fame groaned as she finally managed to open the front door to the Galactica floor after fumbling with her keycard for what felt like forever.
The floor was dark, but as Fame walked past the reception desk, the automatic light turned on.
There was no one there, all of the employees at home since it was barely past 7 am. Fame didn’t usually show up until after 9, having her mornings with Patrick and walking her dog herself an important part of starting her day right, but sometimes Fame preferred the quiet.
There was a certain peace in an empty office, and she desperately needed the peace.
She walked down the corridor, passing by the ever-expanding clothing racks that seemed to grow like cockroaches on the hallways, someone always working on something in one of the offices.
Fame was normally not one for contemplation, her heart always telling her where to go, but what she had seen of their own collection yesterday had left a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach.
She had been so happy when they had conceptualized it, had been so excited to see it go into production, but now that she had it, now that Trixie could present piece after piece of physical clothing, Fame had a nagging feeling that it was not good enough, not good enough at all.
She turned the corner and stopped when she saw that the light was on in her office and the front office where Violet resided.
As she walked closer, she saw Violet sitting at her desk, steam coming from a takeaway cup and Fame recognized the vanilla scent of her morning order. She had actually wondered how Violet always had a hot cup ready, and it seemed like the clever girl simply ordered multiples every single day.
Violet nibbled on an apple, her feet tucked underneath her as she tapped away on her keyboard, the printer spitting out a chunk of paper every once in a while.  
Before Fame knew it, she had spent several minutes just standing there, observing Violet go about her workday before anyone else had even come in.
Just then, Violet looked up, almost dropping her apple when she saw Fame standing in the door. She jumped up from her chair, and Fame had to hide a smile when she saw that Violet was wearing sneakers with her Prada dress.
“Miss!” Violet maneuvered around her desk. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize you would be here this early.” Fame handed Violet her jacket, the other woman quickly hanging it up.
“Is there any news about my new assistant?” Fame took the coffee from the table. It wasn’t scalding hot like she preferred it, but she wasn’t inclined to wait while her assistant got her another one.
“Yes.” Violet nodded, grabbing a stack of papers from the printer, and Fame realized she had probably been printing resumes. “We should be ready to bring in some candidates by next Tuesday.”
“Good-” Fame held her hand out, taking the stack. “I expect you to pre-interview each and every one of them before I see them.” She wanted a competent assistant, and had no intention of suffering through the first round of the blubbering fools HR always seemed to think would be appropriate for her. “Remember, only perfection is acceptable.”
Violet’s eyes were resting on Raja and Fame in the rearview mirror. They were in a town car, Violet instantly climbing into the front with the driver. Violet never spoke unless she was spoken to, her presence in the car only required in case she would be needed.
It was fascinating to watch Raja and Fame interact. They had worked together for so long that it seemed like they knew each other inside and out. It was as if they shared a creative mind, and had an intimate understanding of exactly what the other one was talking about.
Normally, Violet would be listening in, imagining what her own professional life could maybe be one day, but today, however, Violet was thoroughly distracted.
She was so happy, so relieved, to be moving, that she could almost dance in her seat. Yesterday, when she had been sent the pictures of the vacant apartment, she’d nearly cried with joy. It was beautiful - a small but perfect one-bedroom with a sweet little kitchen, central air, sparkling new bathroom fixtures, and even a French balcony. It was so far beyond anything she’d imagined she might have for years and years.
The fact that she was going to be packing all night in order to be ready for the movers tomorrow at noon didn’t bother her in the slightest.
Burning bridges was something Violet was used to, and she couldn’t wait to set this one on fire
“Violet-” Fame’s voice broke through Violet’s daydream of the strongly-worded email she’d send to her landlord. “Violet, have you gone deaf?”
“No Miss. Sorry.”
“I need a pen.”
Violet reached into her bag, Fame acknowledging her only to take it, and then it was back to being invisible as Fame turned her attention to Raja.
This time, however, Violet couldn’t help but listen.
“I realize that you don’t agree-” Fame put the pen to the sketches she and Raja were looking at, “but don’t you think that the lines are too jarring?” Fame did a small correction, the emeralds on her fingers shining in the light. “And this color story, the more I look at it, the more I-”
Violet knew she wasn’t supposed to listen, but she reached into her bag, grabbing her phone, sending a quick left hand text to Trixie.
Fame worried abt collection dislikes colors v v weird vibe
It felt like going behind her boss’s back, but Violet knew Fame well enough to pick up on the note in her voice, in the furrow between her brows.
“Fame, darling,” Raja put a hand on Fame’s knee, her gold bangles clicking together, her tan skin standing out against the creamy white of Fame’s skirt. “You do this to yourself every time,” Raja soothed, her voice surprisingly soft. “It’s all beautiful. We’ll go back to the office, we’ll have a cup of tea, and you’ll see-”
“Don’t patronize me,” Fame snapped, pulling her knee away from Raja’s grasp.
“Don’t act crazy.” Raja rolled her eyes. “I hate to see you stress over something that will be magnificent.”
It seemed like Raja had completely forgotten that Violet was in the car, her ability to make herself invisible once again biting her in the ass since she was pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to see this display of affection.
“Bianca would agree that something isn’t right,” Fame huffed slightly, crossing her arms, and Violet stifled a tiny laugh.
Bianca Del Rio was editor-in-chief of Marie Claire, one of Fame and Raja’s dearest friends, and possibly the scariest person Violet had ever met. Anyone who thought Fame was too tough would probably just wither and die within 30 seconds of being around Bianca. What amused Violet was that her boss treated the infamous hard-ass like she was the sweetest, most adorable person in the universe.
“Well, Bianca doesn’t work here,” Raja countered, adding, “Thank god.” She leaned her head on her hand, a teasing glint in her eyes.
Fame pursed her lips, turning to look out the window, and Raja seemed to change tactics.
She slung an arm around Fame’s shoulder, her voice sugary sweet. “Why don’t you join us for dinner tonight?” Raja tugged on one of Fame’s golden earrings, the emeralds on it matching her ring. “Raven promised she wouldn’t cook.”
“Thanks,” Fame chuckled, “but no thanks. I promised Patrick I would pay him attention for the first time all week.”
“Fair enough,” Raja sat back up. “Have a nice night with your husband. Have a few drinks and forget that I exist over the weekend.” Raja smirked. “I have plans of my own anyway.”
Bianca rolled over as her phone buzzed on the nightstand, reaching over Derrick’s sleeping form to answer it. The fact that she was still awake, obsessing over the new printing contracts, didn’t change the fact that it was far too late (or too early) for any rational person to be calling.
There were only two people it might be, and she prayed that it wasn’t Adore, because she was not in the mood for whatever shenanigans her baby sister might have gotten herself into this time. Glancing at the screen, she let out a sigh of half relief, half irritation when she saw that it was Fame. And worse, she was FaceTiming.
“Hey Blondie. What’s wrong?” Bianca answered, voice hoarse.
“Why would something be wrong?” asked Fame, blue-gray eyes widening innocently.
“Well, it’s 3 am. So if nothing’s wrong, I’m gonna hang up and we can resume when the sun comes up…”
“Wait!” Fame said, then furrowed her brow, asking, “Who’s that?”
Bianca glanced at the tousled blonde head beside her.  
“That’s Derrick.”
“Uh huh, and why haven’t I met her?”
“We’re not at that point yet,” Bianca told her, tilting the phone down and lifting the covers. “But if you really want, you can meet her ass.”
Bianca moved the phone closer, flash lighting up Derrick’s ass in a pair of boy-cut red panties.
“Bianca!” Derrick shrieked, slapping her hand away. “What the fuck?!”
“Nevermind, her ass isn’t in the mood.”
“Really, Bianca,” Fame clucked. “That poor girl.”
“Ugh!” Derrick moved over, unamused, putting a pillow over her head to block out the noise.
“So, blondie...you gonna tell me what this is about? Cause if not, I should really get to sleep. Rest my weary tongue.” Bianca grinned lasciviously at her, dimples deep in her cheeks.
After a moment, when she saw that Fame was neither laughing nor giving her a disapproving pout, she sat up, rubbing her eyes.
“Seriously, Fame. Are you okay?” she asked, voice a bit softer.
“Yeah...I’m…” Fame sighed slightly, leaning her head on the arm of the sofa. “I just feel a bit...unsettled.”
“Unsettled about what?” Bianca asked. “Would this by any chance have to do with Fashion Week coming up?”
“Of course,” Fame said with a slight chuckle. “I should be feeling great. I mean, we’re ahead of schedule, for once, and everyone seems to love the direction, but I just...it feels a bit off.”
“What does Raja think?”
“Raja loves it the most, she thinks I’m crazy.”
“Well. You are. But you also have spot-on creative instincts, so maybe this is a time to trust yourself?” Bianca said.
“Okay how’s this...tomorrow morning, once I get rid of Derrick here, I’ll pick up a couple bottles of Veuve and some fresh-squeezed orange juice, head over to your place, and we can spend the whole morning drinking mimosas and ripping the collection to shreds. What do you say?”
“Do I really have to wait until the morning?”
“Fraid so, blondie. Liquor stores are closed right now,” Bianca laughed.
“Well then, I say, great plan.”
“Perfect. So now can I fuckin’ sleep?” Bianca asked, an affectionate smile on her face.
Fame smiled back, nodding.
“Thank you, B.”
As Violet closed the door behind her, she couldn’t help but leave out a giant sigh of relief.
The movers had finished in record time, everything going smoother than she had dared to imagine, though she knew a big part of the seamless move was due to her barely owning any furniture.
Violet had never bothered to buy a bedframe for her last apartment, not that there would have been any space for it in the room she had rented anyway, so all she owned was a twin mattress, a sewing table that sometimes served as a desk and a single chair.
What did take up Violet’s space was all of her sewing equipment. The overlocker and sewing machine, who had been her trusted college companions, were sitting on top of her table while her embroidery frame and her mannequins were lying in a pile besides the big garbage bags she used to store her leftover fabric.
The apartment had a miniature walk-in closet, and Violet couldn’t wait to hang up her clothes, two racks holding all of her pieces.  
Violet fished her work phone out of her bag. She unlocked it, the empty screen causing her to bite her lip. Violet would never prefer to be interrupted during the weekend, but there wasn’t a single text, voice memo or email from Fame. It was strange however, when taken into consideration how anxious she’d seemed the day before, and while Violet had no hard facts to lean against, she was still bracing for a storm.
Violet was pulled out of her thoughts by three hard, quick knocks on her door. She wasn’t expecting anyone, so she opened it curiously to find a grinning Katya and mischievous looking  Max, holding a basket full of tea, candles and a pastry Violet couldn’t place, the small cakes glistening with honey.
“Welcome to the building!” Katya exclaimed, flashing those blindingly white teeth.
“We’re so happy to have you join us,” Max added kindly, holding out the large basket.
“Umh…” Violet took the basket, too unsure to decide what leg she should stand on. “Hello?”
“Can we come in?” Katya smiled, holding up a flask. “I brought tea!”
“Oh, sure, but I don’t-” Violet wanted to say that she didn’t have a seat for them, but Katya was already making her way inside, Max following right behind her.
“Trixie would have come too, but he’s a bit in the weeds at the moment.” Katya put her thermos down on Violet’s kitchen counter, apparently not fazed at all by the lack of furniture as she pulled paper cups out of her bag, “tearing his hair out coming up with new ideas in case you’re right about Fame’s freak-out.”
“Shit-” Violet froze. She had only meant for the text to be helpful, to sooth her own anxiety over the look she had seen on Fame’s face. “I hope I didn’t-”
“No no, don’t worry.” Katya smiled, taking the basket back and putting that on the table too. “He’d much rather freak out now than when Fashion Week is closer.” Katya put one of the cakes on a little napkin she had pulled up from somewhere. “Medovik? Max?”
“Yes please.” Max smiled, taking the napkin Katya offered.
“Thank you.” Violet took it, knowing for sure that she wasn’t going to eat all of it, her stomach too tight with worry about Trixie. She bit into it, the taste of honey exploding in her mouth. They all ate together, Katya chatting away while Max walked over to the rack beside her sewing table.
“What’s that?” Max pointed with a finger at a half-open garment bag.
“That?” Violet felt a warm glow spread in her body. “It’s my graduation project.” Violet put down her napkin, a giant smile on her face as she walked over. “Do you want to see it?” Violet touched the bag, the grey plastic crinkling between her fingers.
“Yes please!” Katya smiled brightly, Max nodding excitedly.
Violet pulled the dress out, a whoosh of excitement rushing through her. The dress was a floor length see-through gown, dripping in violet jewels, the glittering pieces covering the breasts and pouring out in an elegant waterfall down the skirt.
“Oh god, it’s gorgeous!” Katya clapped, and Violet nodded.
“I went for a bit of a neo-Victorian take.” Violet touched the shoulders and hips that were jutting out, both supported by beige boning. “I realised it might seem derivative to use violet, but it’s one of my favorite colors-”
“With good reason.” Max had stood up, the man now at Violet’s side as he reached out, gently touching the skirt.
“I can’t believe you made this.” Katya had joined them as well, the two of them standing side by side.
“I wanted to use real amethysts,” Violet supported the fabric, catching the setting sun in the stones, “but I didn’t have the budget. It was a pain in the ass to stitch all that plastic on.”
“Wait, you did this yourself?” Katya looked shocked. “It’s not prejeweled?”
Violet wanted to snort, or at least huff, the idea that she’d ever use prejeweled fabric actually kind of insulting.
“That must have taken weeks.”
“Believe me, it did.
“Wow.” Katya smiled. “That’s really dedicated. Fame sure is lucky to have you!”
“Shit-” Violet muttered under her breath as she tried to grab her keys. She could feel plastic dig into her elbow, her grocery bag heavy with all the things she had purchased.
She had only meant to get some rolled oats and a few emergency boxes of instant mashed potatoes, but when she had actually entered the store, Violet had made the realization that for the first time in her adult life, she had a kitchen that was entirely her own.
“I got it!” Violet heard the beep of the door opening as someone behind her swiped their key fob. She glanced over her shoulder to say thank you, only to bump into the last person she had ever expected to see on an early Sunday morning.
Pearl Liaison was standing right behind her, a surprised expression on her face that probably mirrored Violet’s own.
Pearl was wearing what was clearly last night’s outfit, her blonde hair collected in a braid down her back, the snow white globes of her small breasts boosted by a black corset.
Violet was frozen in place, shocked, as Pearl moved closer to her, an arm snaking over her shoulder.
“Hey Vivi.”
Was this real life? Was Pearl about to kiss her? Violet swore she could feel Pearl’s breasts against her own, their bodies touching.
But instead of a kiss, the blonde grabbed the door handle and pushed, tossing Violet an airy smile and gesturing for her to enter.
“Ladies first,” she said.
Still stunned, Violet let out an embarrassed scoff, saying, “You’re a lady, too.”
“Debatable,” Pearl replied with a grin, following her into the lobby. “So…I wondered if you’d be joining us here. When did you move in?”
“Yesterday.” Violet bit her lip.
“Ah. Awesome.” Pearl smirked. Violet swore she could feel Pearl’s eyes on her body, the woman smelling of tequila and cigarettes, the scent of sex lingering just underneath.
She lowered her eyes as Pearl brushed by her to climb the stairs, needing a moment to catch her breath. She tried to keep it together as last night’s skirt clung to Pearl’s ass. Before she disappeared around the corner, Pearl turned back to give Violet another cheeky grin.
“See you around, pumpkin.”
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