#but i think she does like me. boss told me today that she spoke up for me on my level of effort around the store
orcelito · 2 years
Honestly the store has come a long, long way since last January where we were legitimately going to hold a store-wide strike b4 the boss and then-manager panicked and started holding meetings with all of us to try to figure out what to do about it
It's still a workplace, but our current employees r in general much happier and content. + there's a better community in general. It's nice to know I had a part in making this happen.
#speculation nation#i was starting out in a higher position back at the start of the year. but really freshly starting out.#and it wasnt assistant manager. it was lead supervisor. essentially a go between of supervisor and assistant manager#and then all this shit happened and Then the then assistant manager ended up being incredibly nasty towards me#and i put in my two weeks fully intending to leave b4 changing my mind on the very last day bc my tax return was delayed#and i didnt have the monetary security i needed to quit lol#manager gave me the assurance that i wouldnt have to work with the assistant manager. and it was good enough to last until she left.#ive had my insecurities regarding the now manager in training. mostly about what she thinks about me#but i think she does like me. boss told me today that she spoke up for me on my level of effort around the store#since im kinda bad at messaging everything i do lol he doesnt see it like he sees her efforts#but she sees it. and she stood up for me.#she also spent a good half hour ish the other day info dumping about the ateez universe lore. and it was so fucking endearing#me being like 'i have no personal interest in this but you seem so excited and i am really happy youre this comfortable with me. go on'#and especially with her being promoted to manager... makes me feel less bad about how much i do comparatively#im still gonna try of course. but im going to assume she will be paid more than me. bc she will be doing more than me.#as it stood my wage was actually a little higher than hers due to seniority. and it was making me feel pretty guilty#and i was soooo anxious about her possibly leaving after graduating college & the responsibility for the store falling onto me#but i can remain in a support position while she takes up the mantle of manager. and i am so much more comfortable with that#yea it feels a lil weird to be like 5 years older than her with like 5 years more seniority working here & her being higher ranked#but i can manage that lol. im happier not having too many responsibilities thanks#there r things we need to improve on with the store. but overall things r so much better#makes me feel like i can actually breathe easy for once. maybe at least a little bit.
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fxllfaiiry · 1 year
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─ you're the sunflower ੈ✩‧₊˚
✶ pairing: miguel o'hara x fem!reader
✶ synopsis: everyone on the team loves you, expect miguel who seems to hate you more than anyone.
✶ warnings: angst!! major angst. sunshine!reader x grumpy!miguel. reader is nicknamed sunflower, mentions of death.
✶ notes: there's one spanish sentence in this, I'm not good with spanish so if I've made a mistake please tell me so i can fix it! part two is already up!!!
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Everyone on the team loved you from the moment you joined, everyone, except Miguel. 
You knew Miguel was cold towards everyone, but he was extra cold with you. Maybe it was because of how different your personalities were. 
You were the embodiment of sunshine, always positive in any situation, putting others before yourself. Hence why everyone calls you sunflower, it fits perfectly, Miles was proud of coming up with it. 
Miguel on the other hand was cold and distant but that didn't stop you from trying to get him to open up. You'd try to have simple conversations with him but nothing, all you would receive in reply was an eye roll or a slight grunt, but you wouldn't give up that easily. 
Like today, you got him some coffee. 
"Morning, boss. Got you some coffee." You said in your usual cheerful tone. 
"Why?" He raised his eyebrows, looking down at you suspiciously. That's the most he's said to you all week. 
"Because I wanted to." You shrugged, placing it down on his desk. 
He steped down walking towards his desk, you couldn't help but stare at him, unfortunately for you, everything about him was so attractive, it's such a shame he hated you. 
"This isn't how I like my coffee." 
"Huh?" You snapped out of your daydream at the sound of his voice. 
"The coffee, it tastes terrible. Get it from another place next time." 
"Well, actually I made it-" But he had already walked away from you not listening to a word you said. "Alright, never mind, I'll just go back to work." You mumbled hurt by his words. 
"Wait, hold on." You looked up, thinking, maybe he'll say something nice after all. 
"Take the coffee with you, I won't be drinking it." 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"Girl, why do you look so sad? Did Miguel do something again?" Jess asked with a frown, she did not like seeing you sad. 
"Okay, yes." Miguel being cold towards you was normal, he never spoke to you unless necessary. Out of everyone here, he probably hated you the most, even more than Miles.  
"Sunflower, I've told you to stop trying." Jess sighed. 
"I know, I know… why does he hate me so much, Jess?" 
"That's just the way he is, don't overthink it. It's his loss, baby." She replied, gently patting your shoulder. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Today was going to be a good day, you were so sure of it. 
But, of course, you were wrong. 
Everything was going great up until a few hours ago. 
Miguel had assigned you on a mission to catch an anomaly, alongside a few other spider-people. His instructions were clear, stick to the plan and catch the anomaly. It was supposed to be simple. 
If only you didn't disobey him. You screwed up badly, and because of that, you could have been killed. 
"Why don't you ever listen?" Miguel shouted. No one had ever seen him this angry. 
"I was just tryin-" 
"¡Ay, por el amor de Dios!" Being yelled at by your boss in front of your coworkers was humiliating, everyone was looking at you with pity. 
"I'm sick of this, why can’t you follow simple instructions? Is it that hard to understand?" He barked, towering over you. 
"It's not a big deal." You tried to keep your composure, you didn't want to humiliate yourself further by bursting into tears. 
"Not a big deal? You could've died! A simple mistake would have ruined the whole mission." 
Don't cry. Don't cry. 
"But we're all fine, aren't we?" You weakly chuckled. That was the wrong thing to say because it only made him angrier. 
"Oh? If that's the attitude you have then you shouldn't even be on the team." Ouch. 
"Miguel, I think that's enough-" Hobie said, quickly jumping in. 
"Not now, Hobie." He growled. 
Never once did you think that you'd be in a situation like this. 
"If you put more focus on trying to be good at your job, rather than impressing me, we wouldn't even be here!" Oh, so he did notice that. 
At this point, tears were streaming freely down your face and you made no attempt to stop them. 
"Yep, you got it, boss." You smiled up at him through your tears. It was pathetic, but you did not care, you just wanted to leave and never come back. 
"Next time make sure this doesn't happen." 
"It won't happen next time." That's because there won't be a next time.
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hiiii! So I do not know if you are making requests but if you are doing can do: Charles x Reader where she is a medical student and will do an internship in formula one, Charles does not like her much until he gets hurt and have to take care of her which makes the two approach
kiss with a fist | charles leclerc
warnings: needles and blood mentions and charles being an asshole <3
Y/n was nervous. She was starting her new internship with none other than F1. She watched a couple of races, but she wasn’t a die hard fan. But she wasn’t here to watch men drive in circles, she was here to work.
When she first arrived to the paddock, she was already making enemies. She didn’t mean to, but a certain Ferrari driver had woken up on the wrong side of the bed that morning. Y/n bumped into Charles, nearly dropping his hot coffee on himself.
“I’m sorry! The photographer was backing up and I-”
“Do you not watch where you’re going? There’s all this space around you.” Charles groaned as he dropped his coffee into a trash can. “What? You want an autograph?”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Not everyone wants your autograph. And I said I was sorry. By the way, I’m more of a Red Bull fan.” She really didn’t know anything about Red Bull to be honest. You could have someone explain every single detail of f1 and she still wouldn’t understand. All she knew was that Red Bull probably had more haters than supporters.
She quickly left Charles and walked to her boss’ office where she was supposed to meet him. Y/n was already wishing the day was over so she could go back home and bury herself in her blankets after her interaction with Charles, but she had a long day ahead of her.
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“Charles Leclerc crashes into the barrier!”
Y/n watched from a monitor as Charles’ Ferrari crashed. The replay kept on going, sort of a reminder to the Ferrari fans that this season wasn’t going their way. Charles stumbled out of his car, almost tripping over his feet.
“He’s okay, right?” Y/n asked her boss. Sure, he was an asshole to her that morning, but she would never wish for someone to get injured.
“Yeah, I got confirmation that Leclerc is fine. Have you met him yet?”
“Sort of. Had to leave before I could even get an autograph.” She said sarcastically, but her boss didn’t pick it up.
“I’m sure you’ll get one.”
Yeah, no.
After the race, Y/n was going through the piles of paperwork she was told to do. She was writing down on her clipboard when she heard a knock on the door. She figured it was her boss or someone else other than Charles Leclerc.
“Yes?” She looked up to see the driver. “Oh. Finally brought me an autograph?” She went back to writing in her clipboard.
“No, someone made me realize that not everyone wants my autograph. I was just wondering if you have time to check if I’m dying.” He said casually.
Y/n dropped her pen and looked at him, wondering if he was serious or not. “Check if you’re dying?”
“Yeah, I crashed today. My head is hurting, I think I might pass out. I’m not dying, right?” Charles explained.
“Fine, I’ll check. Sit down.” Y/n pointed to the examination table next to the desk she was currently using. Charles followed her instructions and sat on the examination table.
“Are you going to give me a shot? Because I hate needles. And sometimes I get weirded out if I see my own blood.” Charles admitted.
“Why would I give you a shot when your head is hurting? I can if you want me to.” Y/n said, standing In front of Charles.
“Nope, I am good.”
“Great. So just let me check if you’re dying real quick.”
Before Y/n could even do anything, Charles spoke up. “My head actually doesnt hurt at all. I lied, I wanted to come here to apologize for this morning.”
“Did your mom find out and made you come apologize?”
“No, my mother doesn’t know but if she did she would pull my ear and tell me to treat women with respect. And I do treat women with respect, but I’ve been having a bad…” Charles sighed and looked down.
“Day?” Y/n guessed.
“Season actually. Point is, I shouldn’t have been mean to you and I’m sorry and i understand if you don’t accept my apology. If I were you, I wouldn’t.” Charles nodded and got off the examination table. Before he could leave, Y/n called his name making him turn around to face her.
“You forgot your lollipop. I have this thing where I give my patients a lollipop no matter what age they are so here,” Y/n handed Charles a red lollipop. “You’re still an asshole, just the sweet kind.”
“Was that intentional? The sweet comment then you giving me a lollipop?” He chuckled as he took the candy.
“Just take the damn lollipop, Leclerc, or I will give you a shot.”
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Lee!Vox Ler!Alastor fic if you're writing for Hazbin right now?
Of course!
Too Much Tech
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Summary: There’s an abundance of technology everywhere these days and it makes Alastor upset, he decides to go “speak” with Vox about the issue
Not this again…
Wherever Alastor went it always seemed like there was some sort of technology somewhere. Pretty much every demon in hell had a smartphone, there were sales for TV’s outside, holograms of Vox selling stuff, what happened to radio?
Alastor walked down the streets of hell, mostly being avoided due to his status but the demons that were brave enough to approach him and talk to him about “Vox’s new product” well…you know what happened.
Alastor was getting a little fed up with it, “Why is there so much technology these days..” Alastor muttered before turning around back the way he came, he could not deal with this right now.
Back at the hotel the lobby was rather active today, Husk and Angel were sitting around, chatting with Niffty as she cleaned and Vaggie was trying to hold back snickers as Charlie reprimanded Lucifer and as usual, he wasn’t listening.
“Dad you can’t do that!” Charlie told Lucifer, trying to sound upset but she couldn’t keep the grin off her face, apparently the King had filled her room to the brim with rubber ducks so when she opened her door, she was in for a surprise.
Lucifer started snickering along with Vaggie who just couldn’t hold it together anymore. “Cohohome on Chaharlie you have to ahadmit that was fuhuhunny!” Lucifer snickered and she rolled her eyes playfully, “Yeah yeah that was pretty good.” Charlie grinned and at the moment Alastor walked through the door.
“Alastor! How was your trip?” Charlie exclaimed, walking over to greet the other. “It was quite alright my dear thank you.” Alastor replied with his usual grin, walking over to Husk’s bar for a drink, weird. He never drank.
Husk, Angel and Niffty saw Alastor approaching and Husk straightened, Angel meandered over to go visit Charlie and Niffty scurried over and up Alastor’s arm to rest in his shoulder. “Hi Mr.Alastor!” Niffty greeted and he smiled.
“Hello Niffty dear.” Alastor replied and sat down at the bar, “Need something boss?” Husk asked him and he nodded, “Can you get me a shot of whiskey Husker? I could certainly use it right now…” Alastor trailed off and the cat demon nodded, turning around.
“So what happened with you?” Husk asked Alastor as he turned back around and slid the small glass towards the other demon. Alastor picked up the glass and drank it in one go before answering.
“All this technology, it’s quite ridiculous really, what happened to the older ages.” Alastor muttered, waving his hand and the glass became clean once more before standing up.
“Thank you my friend, the drink was remarkable but I really must be going.” Alastor told Husk and he hummed, not at all paying attention as Alastor started for the other side of the parlor.
The demon sat down and noticed Charlie playfully glaring at Lucifer, “What did he do now my dear?” Alastor spoke up, catching Charlie’s attention who turned with a grin. “He filled my room, top to bottom with rubber ducks.” Charlie replied and the King burst out laughing again.
“Ihihit was fuhuhuhunny!” Lucifer exclaimed, trying his best to keep his composure, “It took me three hours to clean all that up!” Charlie shot back with a grin and at that point Vaggie started laughing again making Charlie shake her head in defeat.
“I must say Charlie that does sound quite amusing.” Alastor told her and she facepalmed as Lucifer laughed harder, “S-Sehehehehee? He gehehets ihihit!” Lucifer cackled, calming down a moment later.
After that whole interaction Alastor began thinking, what if all this technology corrupts his friends as well? He knew Charlie and a few others have phones but at least the technology isn’t corrupting their brains like pretty much every other demon, but what if it did happen? No he couldn’t think like that, he wouldn’t let it.
“Alastor?” Charlie asked, suddenly right in front of him, startling the demon with a crack of radio static making Charlie giggle. “Sohorry Al I was just asking what do you think of upgrading the hotel’s security for the next Extermination Day?” Charlie asked him and he hummed.
“I think that’s a great idea my dear.” Alastor replied and Charlie grinned, “See I knew that was a good idea!” Charlie exclaimed, turning towards Lucifer who huffed and handed over a five dollar bill, apparently they bet on his opinion.
“If you’ll excuse me for a moment my dear.” Alastor told her, suddenly noticing something glinting in the camera of Angel’s phone a few feet away. Alastor stood and adjusted his bow tie before walking over to Angel.
“What’s up Freaky Face?” Angel asked Alastor as he approached, “May I borrow your phone for a moment Angel?” Alastor requested and the spider raised a brow, “Uhh what for?” Angel asked him, suddenly sounding very suspicious of Alastor’s intentions.
“I would like to investigate something on the outside of your device, now may I borrow it?” Alastor asked again and Angel flipped the device over before shrugging and handing it over to Alastor who also inspected it.
The deer noticed that there was something shiny glinting in Angel’s camera and he hooked a nail into it and yanked it out. Angel noticed this and his jaw dropped open, as Alastor flipped it over. “Property of Voxtech Interprises, isn’t this your boss’s friend’s work Angel?” Alastor asked him, handing the spider back the phone who took it with a growl.
“Son of a bitch Valentino…” Angel muttered, “Thank you Al.” Angel finished off and Alastor grinned, “But of course my dear.” Alastor replied and walked away, hearing Angel fuming over his shoulder, but little did the spider know, he wasn’t the only one upset about this.
Alastor fought off the changing of his eyes as he found a shady corner and merged with the shadows, time to pay a certain business owner a visit, no one messed with his friends and got away with it.
Moments later Alastor appeared in Vox’s observatory right as the TV demon was returning from a meeting. “Ahh what the fuck?!” Vox jumped back upon seeing Alastor randomly in his observation room.
“Since when did you get here you prick?! And why are you here??” Vox demanded but quickly silenced himself as he saw the pissed look on the other’s face.
“I would like to make this short and simple.” Alastor snapped and Vox folded his arms over his chest before jumping back in shock as Alastor suddenly appeared right in front of him.
“I saw and removed that thing on Angel Dust’s cellphone. If I see another one of your silly little devices on any of my friends or their belongings I will see to it that you will be punished by my hand. Are we clear?” Alastor spoke firmly, getting ready to snap.
“Y-Yeah whatever now leave will you?!” Vox snapped at him and he grinned, his polite demeanor returning, “With pleasure! And remember what I said.” Alastor reminded the TV demon before disappearing among the shadows once more.
Back at the hotel Alastor saw Angel still fuming but also getting ready to go somewhere? “Angel where are you going?” Alastor asked the other demon, a bit puzzled. “I’m going to go give Val a piece of my mind, what’s it to you?” Angel snapped at him and Alastor waved him off.
“Not to worry my dear I already had a little ‘chat’ with Vox about the situation, I assure you it will not be happening again.” Alastor told him and immediately Angel’s face lit up.
“Really? Thanks Al!” Angel exclaimed and Alastor grinned at him, “It’s my job to ensure that everyone here is safe.” Alastor replied and Angel grinned back before making his way over to Husk, likely to tell him about what just happened.
Wandering back over with Charlie, Vaggie and Lucifer, Charlie noticed that Alastor had returned and perked up. “Alastor! You’re back! What happened? Both you and Angel seemed pretty upset earlier.” Charlie identified and Alastor nodded.
“Acute observation my dear that’s right but that’s not anything you need to worry about.” Alastor assured her and Vaggie and Lucifer’s eyes narrowed in suspicion but Charlie only thought for a moment before shrugging. “Okay then if you say so.” Charlie told him and then started talking to Vaggie as Lucifer wandered over to stand by his side.
“What happened?” Lucifer asked Alastor, keeping his voice low so Charlie wouldn’t hear. “It’s nothing to worry about Your Highness, wouldn’t want your royal self to get involved in something so minor now would we?” Alastor taunted Lucifer and he grinned as he saw the King’s hands ball into fists at his side.
“Fine then, don’t tell me but just know I’ll be watching.” Lucifer reminded him but Alastor waved him off as Lucifer walked over to join Charlie and Vaggie. Now with nothing to Alastor started for the staircase, opting to go away to rest for a bit in his room.
Once he reached the stairs Alastor started scaling them and thought, he knew there was more technology around the hotel he didn’t know about, what was he supposed to do about that?? Reaching the top of the stairs Alastor went down one of the corridors, still thinking to himself.
A few moments later he’d reached his room as he opened the door and stepped inside, shutting the wood behind him, he would figure it out eventually.
Back at the Vees tower Vox was pacing in his observatory. “Fuck fuck fuck!” Vox muttered to himself, wtf was he supposed to do?? He just got threatened by Alastor not to do that again and he didn’t plan to he didn’t want to anger the stag anymore than he already had but he already knew that if he didn’t replace that device on Angel’s phone when he came into work Valentino would be mad! So what was he supposed to do???
He supposed he could just go up to the adult film department and tell Valentino about his situation, yeah that would work! So reluctantly Vox plastered on his regular smile and left his observation room, dodging reporters left and right to get to the elevator on the other side of the room.
Once there he stepped inside and pressed the button for Valentino’s department, the elevator jostling up before smoothing out as it began its climb upwards.
A few minutes later Vox heard the elevator ding as the doors opened and he was immediately hit in the face with a gust of pink-ish smoke leading down one of the hallways, well at least he knew where to go.
Vox followed the smoke down the hallway and a few minutes later was met with the sight of Valentino in the middle of shooting a movie. Not wanting to see ‘that’ Vox quickly spun on his heel, averting his gaze from the actors and waiting until they took a break or something but lucky for him his shoes made a squeaking noise that caught Valentino’s attention.
“Pause. Break time everyone!” Valentino clapped his hands and the actors stood, dispersing from the room. Once Vox didn’t hear the shuffling of feet anymore he turned around and nearly jumped back as the moth was right in front of him, okay what was with everyone doing that today?!
“Hello Voxxy, what brings you here?” Valentino crooned and Vox began walking away, confused the moth started following. “I need to talk to you about something Val, something important.” Vox told him and Valentino hummed, in a moment they were in a more secluded corner, away from listening ears.
“Okay so you know that thing you had me put in Angel’s phone?” Vox told Valentino and he averted his gaze in thought, holding out a cigar for Vox to light which he did, taking a drag before lighting up again.
“Ahh yes I remember, what of it?” Valentino asked and Vox’s expression quickly became annoyed. “Alastor found it. And removed it before coming over to my observation room to warn me not to do it again. So if you want to replace the device be my guest but don’t get me involved or use any of my devices.” Vox snapped at the moth and he grinned.
“Will do Voxxy~” Valentino called over his shoulder before sweeping back into the filming room, the TV demon hearing a loud “Get back in position!” Before he started his trek back to the elevator, at least that was cleared up.
Back at the hotel Alastor stood in his room now contemplating what he should do next. He had already taken care of the Vox situation so what now? He supposed he could go visit Rosie. Yeah he could do that, by now she should be off her shift at work so she should have some time.
So Alastor again found a shady spot in a corner and merged there, this time his destination being Cannibal Town. The deer arrived there a few minutes later, appearing right behind Rosie and luckily she didn’t seem to notice him, perfect.
Very slowly Alastor lowered his hands until they placed down on the woman’s shoulders, “Boo.” Alastor spoke but the overlord did not react?“You’re going to have to do better than that Alastor, you make noise when you arrive via your shadows technique.” Rosie grinned at him, nearly laughing as she turned around and saw the look on his face.
“Worth a shot.” Alastor muttered to himself and Rosie giggled, “Ihindeed it wahas.” Rosie told him, “How’ve you been?” Rosie asked him and he shrugged, “Oh the usual, I have been having to deal with Vox’s technology shenanigans though.” Alastor grumbled and Rosie laughed, “Oh well I’m sure it’s not all bad. I mean it certainly could be worse couldn’t it?” Rosie told him and he grinned.
“I suppose so.” Alastor spoke and she smiled, “See now this is why we listen to Aunty Rosie.” Rosie playfully reprimanded him, waving a finger at him and he laughed, “You are not wrong there my dear.” Alastor replied making them both laugh.
That’s when Alastor noticed that Rosie’s phone that was resting in the table that they were sitting at also had one of those shiny things. Alastor got mad. Really mad. And Rosie noticed and immediately became concerned.
“Alastor dear what happened??” Rosie asked him, beginning to panic as his eyes shifted to radio dials and his antlers grew. Alastor snatched up her phone and popped the shiny thing out like he’d done with Angel and flipped it over and sure enough, it was from Voxtech Interprises.
“Excuse me dear but I really must be going.” Alastor growled and before Rosie got the chance to say goodbye he was gone.
Alastor re-appeared at the hotel moments later, “Alastor!” Charlie exclaimed, “My apologies my dear but I can’t talk right now.” Alastor told her and grabbed his microphone staff and walked out the door.
Once outside Alastor became even more angry to see drones around the hotel, okay this was getting a little out of hand. He then slipped under one of the ledges of the hotel, merging with the shadows on his way to the tower.
“Well at least I got that figured out now AHH!!” Vox yelped and jumped back as he once again saw Alastor in his observation room which he’d just returned to but the deer looked more pissed off than last time, that couldn’t be good.
“U-Uhh why the h-hell are you back?!” Vox tried to sound angry but in reality he was scared, really scared. Anyone would be if they saw Alastor in his current state.
“I’ll give you 5 seconds.” Alastor snapped, grin still present on his face but it was strained and the sound of angry radio static was loud and heavy in the air.
“F-Five seconds for what?!” Vox snapped at him and Alastor sighed. “Five seconds to tell me why I found one of those shiny things in Rosie’s phone.” Alastor snapped at him and Vox crossed his arms, averting his gaze with a huff.
“Oh hell like I’m telling you!” Vox snapped at him and suddenly Alastor was right in front of him. “I’ll ask again. Why were they there? We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Alastor snapped and Vox still stared at him. “And I’ll say this again. I’m. Not. Telling. You.” Vox clarified and Alastor sighed.
“Fine then. Hard way it is.” Alastor muttered and before Vox could question what that meant he felt the demon’s hands shoot down to his sides and start scribbling, definitely not what he was expecting. Vox jerked, curling in on himself as he fought off laughter that threatened to escape.
“Whahat the h-hell? Why thihis method of a-ahall methods?!” Vox pressed out but mentally cursed himself for the giggles that managed to slip through. “Because I would rather not things get messy wouldn’t you?” Alastor told him and he shook his head, “That’s what I thought.” Alastor grinned, still angry but some of his scary demeanor fading.
“F-Fuhuck you!” Vox snapped at him and Alastor grinned, “Oh dear is someone salty because of something they did to themselves? I’m afraid I don’t know how to help you there.” Alastor commented, moving up to claw at Vox’s underarms making the TV demon jerk away with a strangled noise, curling in on himself even more.
“Oh dear is someone a little sensitive here?” Alastor taunted and that seemed to be the stick that poked the bear because when Vox opened his mouth to snap back his laughter that he’d been holding in came out of him. “Fuhuhuhuhuck!” Vox swore, trying and failing to fight the other demon off.
“There we go much better.” Alastor teased, moving down to rake over Vox’s ribs. “Leheheheave me ahalone!” Vox snapped at Alastor but he shook his head, “No can do my dear, not until you apologize!” Alastor told him and he shook his head.
“Nohohohoho wahahahay! I like keheheheeping tabs ohohon the ohothers!” Vox told him and Alastor tsked, “Well I’m afraid I cannot release you just yet then, what would happen if I did this?” Alastor asked and moved his hands to trace over the glowing wire pattern on the back of his neck.
Quickly Vox shook his head, laughter dying down to frantic giggles as Alastor traced the sensitive space, “Ooohh bad spot?” Alastor taunted and Vox shook his head. “Fuhuhuhuck off you prihihihick!” Vox snapped at him, attempting to dislodge the other’s fingers.
“Are you going to apologize?” Alastor asked him again and Vox shook his head. “I alreheheheady tohohold you Ihi’m nohohohot going tohoho!!” Vox snapped, voice growing nervous as Alastor started trailing his fingers higher. “Are you sure about that my dear?” Alastor asked him, momentarily pausing the playful attack as one of his hands came up to rest on Vox’s hat between his antennae.
“Y-Yes I’m sure what are y-you going to do about it?!” Vox told him and the deer shrugged. “Alright then.” Alastor remarked and Vox braced himself for the sensation at the top of his head but instead Alastor’s hands shot down to drill into Vox’s hips. The unexpected change making the TV demon jerk with a loud squawk, grabbing Alastor’s wrists and laughing loudly.
“AHAhahahahAHAL!!” Vox howled, shaking with laughter as Alastor moved down again to scribble over the backs of Vox’s knees causing the other overlord to kick.
“Give it up Vox~” Alastor taunted but Vox shook his head. “NOHohohohOHO WAHAHAHAY!!” Vox cackled, remaining stubborn and Alastor couldn’t have that.
The deer shrugged again and his grin grew wider before he moved one hand back up to Vox’s hip and the other hand moved back up to the back of Vox’s neck. Vox’s face glitched briefly and the hum of television static entered the air before a megawatt grin spread across the TV demon’s features and he burst out laughing, unable to keep his composure.
“AHAHAHAL!!” Vox screeched, fighting the deer off but of course was unsuccessful. “You know what to do to make this stop Vox~” Alastor taunted him again and he snorted and shook his head, not yet. He wasn’t going to apologize.
At least that’s what he believed before Alastor’s hand moved up to tweak his antenna, okay fun’s over. “OKAHAHAHAY YOU WIHIHIN YOU WIHIHIN I GIHIHIVE!!” Vox cackled and Alastor raised a brow, “I’m sorry I didn’t catch that?” Alastor grinned and Vox growled under his breath.
“YOHOU SOHON OF A- FIHIHINE IM SOHOHORRY ABOUT THE DEHEHEVICES NOHOHOW QUHUHUIT YOU AHAHAHASS!!” Vox told him and finally Alastor backed off, “See now that wasn’t so hard was it?” Alastor told him and Vox only flipped him off.
“F-Fuhuhuhuck…yohohohou.” Vox breathed out, regaining his composure through a few face glitches. “Well I do hope you learned a lesson here today but I really must be going, if I see another one of those devices rest assured you will be hearing from me again.” Alastor told him and with a little hand wave, merged and disappeared.
“Sir are you alright??” Vox’s assistant Papermint came rushing through the door, “I heard a lot of noise up here are you okay??” The shark frantically asked him and Vox stared at him for a moment before waving him off, “Y-Yeah I’m fine now go will you?!” Vox snapped at him and the shark scurried back out the door leaving Vox with one thought.
He had a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it.
(So sorry this one is late I’ve been busy but I hope you enjoyed! ^^’)
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omgrachwrites · 11 months
Wicked Game - Chapter One
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Weasley!Reader
Summary: When you realise just how bad your parents financial situation is you make a deal with your fathers boss.
Warnings: muggle au, fluff, angst, swearing
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this! The other chapters are going to be longer and this is going to be a relatively slow burn. Please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
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Chapter One
You knew that your parents were struggling financially, you had always known, especially when you were at school. They had managed to send all eight of you to an exclusive boarding school so you never minded that your things were second-hand, you thought they added more charm. Now, that you were out of school, it seemed as though your parents were struggling even more, your dad’s boss, Mr Riddle had cut his hours right down.
Arthur and Molly were too proud to ask for help – despite having an array of friends who would drop everything to help – and they had denied your help more than once. You really didn’t want to see your family out on the street so you decided to take drastic measures.
“I’m heading to London today,” you told your mum as you sat down for breakfast on a warm summer’s morning.
Before she could reply, your twin brother spoke up, “Why, what’s in London? I thought you weren’t at the shop today.”
You rolled your eyes, “Ron, just because your nose is enormous doesn’t mean you should be poking it in other people’s business,” you flicked his nose causing him to bat your hand away and he scowled at you, the tips of his ears turning red.
After a quick breakfast, you were out the door and on the way to London, despite being pretty far out in the countryside you only needed one train to get there. The journey seemed to go by so quickly and soon enough you were walking into the lobby of the high rise building. It was so quiet and clean that it seemed clinical. The receptionist looked at you with wide eyes when you told her who you were there to see but you weren’t waiting long until she led you into Mr Riddle’s office.
As you walked in, trying to stop your hands from shaking, the older man looked up at you and took in your appearance, “you’re Arthur Weasley’s daughter,” it wasn’t a question as he gestured for you to sit down.
You nodded as you cleared your throat and sat down, “y-yes, Sir.”
“And what does Arthur Weasley’s daughter want with me?” he asked as he went back to signing the papers on his desk.
“My parents need help,” Mr Riddle glanced up at you with a raised eyebrow and you elaborated, “financial help.”
“Ah,” he had a ghost of a smirk on his face as he dropped his pen on top of his papers and leaned back in his leather wing backed chair, “if your parents hadn’t of had an army of children maybe they’d be in a much more comfortable position.”
It was amazing how quickly your fear turned to anger and you couldn’t stop the next words that fell from your lips, “well maybe if you gave my dad reasonable hours then I wouldn’t be here,” you folded your arms and narrowed your eyes.
Riddle blinked at you before letting out a harsh laugh that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, “my dear, all working hours have been cut since the war ended.”
“Still, there must be something I can do, please I’ll do anything,” you didn’t mean to beg but you were getting desperate now. Why wouldn’t he help you? A man in his position of power was exactly the sort of man who would help you, but he wouldn’t, not for nothing in return.
“You would do anything to save your family from ruin?” when you nodded he smirked and buzzed for the receptionist, “Bella find my son and send him in.”
Moments later, Mattheo Riddle came striding into the room like he owned it, he was even more handsome than he had been in school with the same sullen look on his face. His eyebrows shot up in surprise when he saw you standing in his father’s office but he nodded at you all the same.
“Hi, Mattheo.”
“You see, Y/N,” Riddle started “I have been trying to make a marriage for my son and at every turn he has rejected several extraordinary women,” Mattheo flushed and his eyes dropped to the floor at his father’s words, “you see, it’s very difficult for those fools to take me seriously at the Ministry without a marriage. You say you would do anything to save your family? Marry my son.”
Matteo’s eyes widened, “father,” he started but fell silent as Riddle gave him a hard look.
Riddle looked back at you, “accept and your family will want for nothing. Refuse, and I will make their life a living hell.”
This was the last thing you expected – or wanted – your heart was in your throat but you had started all of this and now you had to see it through. Briefly, you wondered why he would ask you, given Riddle’s opinion of your family. But you realised it was to keep you in line, you weren’t an idiot. You glanced at Mattheo who refused to look at you and you turned back to Riddle.
“When you put it that way, how can I refuse? Of course, you leave me no choice but to accept.”
Riddle smirked, “excellent, I’ll make the necessary arrangements. Mattheo, please show our guest out.
The younger Riddle glared at you as he gripped your elbow and steered you out of the room, “what the fuck, Y/N? Why would you do that?!” he hissed.
You managed to shake him off by the time you got to reception, “you heard your dad, I didn’t have a choice!” you conveniently ‘forgot’ to tell him that it was you who had sought Riddle out.
“You’re going to regret this,” there was a fire blazing in his usually cold brown eyes.
“Trust me, I already do,” you scowled.
As you got home, you had a guilty feeling in the pit of your stomach so you decided to shut yourself in your room. Your parents were going to be so disappointed. You were shut in your room all day, even when Hermione came to visit. You didn’t see anyone till later that evening when your dad barged in.
“We need to talk.”
“Mattheo Riddle.”
Your heart sank like a rock as you looked at your dad’s disappointed face, “what do you want to know?”
“You’re not marrying him, Y/N.”
“I already accepted.”
“Well unaccept!”
“I can’t!” you sighed, “you guys needed help, I never meant for it to get this far but it’s done. If I refuse he will make our lives hell, you know he will. All I wanted was to help,” but you feared you had made things worse.
“We never wanted this for you, Y/N,” Arthur sighed as he awkwardly lingered in the doorway.
“Look dad, I know and I’m sorry. I’ll try and get out of it somehow.”
Arthur nodded with a sigh as he left the room, knowing the conversation was over and knowing that he wasn’t going to be able to change your mind.
A couple of minutes later, you decided that you needed some air, you all but crept by the living room where Riddle was having a hushed conversation with your parents. As you headed towards the back door, Harry called after you.
“Hey, Y/N.”
You groaned and turned to face him, knowing that he’d have something to say, he always did, “Harry, please. I really don’t need a lecture off you, of all people.”
“Whoa, whoa,” Harry laughed, throwing up his hands in mock defence, “I’m not going to lecture you. It was brave what you did, stupid,” he added “but brave.”
You laughed, “I agree with the stupid part, but thanks Harry,” you grinned.
“I can’t believe you’re gonna be a Riddle though,” he said with a look of distaste on his face.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s a real tragedy,” you laughed, “see you, Harry,” you shot him a wave as you headed outside into the warm summer air.
The air smelled sweet, like honeysuckle and lemon and you gazed around the wild garden, feeling sadness linger in the pit of your stomach. You spotted Mattheo sitting on the garden wall, smoking a cigarette. With a sigh, you walked over to him and sat next to him as he nodded at you.
“It’s nice out here,” he nodded at the strings of fairy lights that had been weaved through the flowering bushes, “you caused quite a stir it seems,” he mumbled as he blew out a plume of smoke, being careful to not let it get in your face.
“Well, it was getting boring around here, so I thought I’d spice it up,” you laugh as Mattheo’s lips almost quirked up into a smirk, “so,” you started, “what’s your reason for agreeing to marry me? What’s in it for you?”
He scoffed as he looked at you with brown eyes so unlike his dad’s cold blue ones, “my father says jump, I ask how high.”
“Oh,” you bit your lip, you couldn’t imagine having that sort of relationship with your family, “I’m sorry,” you hadn’t just ruined your life, you’d ruined his too.
Mattheo pulled a face, “don’t be silly, you don’t have to apologise for anything. Look, Y/N, despite what the papers say about me, I’m not a monster. I’ll treat you how you deserve to be treated but, Y/N, I’m never going to love you. If that’s what you’re looking for, you’re going to be disappointed.”
Personally, you thought love was overrated, people did stupid things when they were in love, “well, I’m never going to love you either.”
“Perfect,” he nodded, flicking the stub of his cigarette away.
“So, when do you take me away from my family?” you joke.
“Not until the wedding, my dad wanted you to move in straight away but I convinced him there was no need.”
“Thank you.”
The handsome boy looked at you in bewilderment, like he didn’t know why you would thank him, “don’t look for any redeeming qualities in me, Y/N. I have none.”
Before you could reply, Riddle was striding across the garden, “we’re leaving, Mattheo.”
“I guess I’ll see you soon,” the boy nodded at you before disappearing up the country lane.
With a sigh, you headed back inside the house to find everyone sitting around the table. As you walked in they all stared at you as you sat down. Sirius looked impressed while Lily looked like she felt sorry for you. You knew that someone was dying to say something.
“Just don’t,” you said, shaking your head as you reached for your glass of juice.
It was silent for a couple of moments before Ginny spoke up, “hey, at least he’s hot,” everyone let out a nervous laugh and fell into an uneasy conversation as they waited for dinner.
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neyslover · 2 years
apologies - neymar jr
requested by @nobunagas-chatelaine​ 
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ney and y/n have been friends for so long, since before they could even remember.
their mothers were best friends, so they were naturally attached to the hip since birth.
although he’s only a few weeks older than her, he acts like an older brother.
something he does to hide his feelings for her.
they’ve been through hell and heaven together, they got out of the slumps, and become the one of the biggest stars the world has ever seen.
ney became a football star, and y/n become a famous actress.
they were the power duo.
no couple, or siblings, or friends, could compare.
they’re never seen without the other, they went to premiers, photoshoots, and matches together.
naturally, they moved in together.
y/n goes wherever he goes, unless she has to film, she’ll rent out an apartment,
they both had major crushes on each other, they were just too scared to admit it. 
y/n fell first, but neymar fell harder.
one day, ney came back home from practice really mad.
“hi, princesa.” he greeted, dull and with no kiss like he usually does,
“hi, ney.” y/n smiled softly, not as enthusiastic as she normally does. 
he took off his shoes and dropped his bag on the floor, “wake me up when dinner is ready. had a rough day today.”
“okay.” she mumbled.
she wasn’t used to this harsh behavior coming from him.
he never treated her this way, like she was some robot housewife at his disposal.
she decided to cook his favorite, pasta.
usually, she does the cooking, and he sets the table.
she went upstairs, going to ask him to set the table while she changes her clothes cause she smells like seasoning and cooking.
“ney, wake up.” she shook him lightly, “can you go set the table? i feel disgusting in the clothes i’m in.” 
neymar stood up with a groan, “you just can’t do anything, right? it’s always me that does everything. i told you i had a rough day and you treat me like this? you boss me around while you just sit on your ass all day? fucking useless.” 
she stared at him in shock, she didn’t think he’d ever speak this way to a woman, let alone her. 
“you are cruel, junior. cruel.” she spat, wiping a tear that fell and running out.
she didn’t cry until she entered her car. 
press was always at ney’s house, and she didn’t want to ruin his image, even after what he did.
she had nowhere to go.
she didn’t know who to call.
she eventually remembered that nadine owns an apartment in paris for when she visits.
she quickly called her.
“hello? y/n? is everything okay? it’s like 11pm in paris.”
“yea, yea everything is fine.” she lied, “ney and i got into a little fight, you know how we are, and i just need to not see his face for a bit. i was wondering if i could stay at your apartment? not for long, just a few days.”
“yes, of course you can! stay for as long as you need, i know my son can be a handful sometimes, especially with his anger issues. you have the keys, right?”
“yea, i do. thank you so much, ma.” 
“anytime, meu amor. bye bye, take care.”
“you too.”
her apartment wasn’t that far, but it was a friday night so the street was packed. 
she couldn’t stop crying.
she didn’t realize that the green light turned red because she was too busy wiping her eyes.
last thing she saw was a car speeding in her direction.
                                                 Back to Neymar
after y/n left last night, ney had a lot of time to reflect on what he’s done. 
he didn’t even sleep well that night.
he woke up at around 5am.
he decided to make himself breakfast while watching the news.
it was a very rare occasion for ney to turn on the news but he had a gut feeling to do so.
“breaking news!” the news reporter spoke, “football star neymar jr’s rumored girlfriend, and famous actress, y/n l/n got into a car crash late last night. press just confirmed that it was her that got into the car crash, and she was seen leaving neymar’s house crying.” 
that was enough for neymar, he turned off the news and ran to his car.
he knew which hospital she’d be at, since there’s only one she doesn’t refuse to go to. 
he ran to the reception, asking what room she’s in. 
“206. good luck getting in.” the receptionist said.
he didn’t think about what she said, he just ran to the room.
outside the room, there were two huge bodyguards.
of course.
he tried to go in but they refused.
“neymar jr.”
one of the guards knocked on the door and walked in.
“ma’am, a neymar jr would like to see you, do i let him in?”
hearing her voice made his heart flutter.
he practically ran inside, “meu amor!”
he kissed her hands, “i’m so sorry, i should’ve never spoken to you that way. this is all my fault, please forgive me.”
“ney, amor, i don’t think it’s your fault. if anything, it’s mine. i know you better than to take what you say when your angry to heart.”
“no, amor, i know better than to even think of speaking to you like that.”
“it’s all good, ney.” 
“life is too short to not express my feelings fully. go out on a date with me? once all of this is over.”
“of course i will!” she smiled brightly.
“thank god! you know, i always liked you. even when we were younger.” ney confessed.
“me too!” she stared at him in disbelief.
“what! so this could’ve happened way sooner?”
“i guess.” she shrugged, “and it wouldn’t have needed one of our lives to be at risk.”
“oof.” he winced.
“too soon?” 
“a bit, yea.” he chuckled, “you know when you’re gonna be discharged?”
“soon, i think.” she answered, “i just have a broken wrist and a couple of bruises, nothing serious.”
“god, i’m so sorry, amor.” he kissed her head.
                                            fast forward next day
she was finally free to go.
neymar took her home, where she got ready.
ney told her to wear something casual.
“you pick an outfit out for me!” she gave up.
he picked out sweats and an oversized shirt, to match with him.
we drove to this hill, where a lovely picnic rested on the top.
“i know you love watching the sunset, so i decided to have a picnic while watching the sunset.” he explained, helping her walk up the hill.
“that’s so sweet, ney!” she hugged him once they reached the top.
they watched the sun set as they were eating fruits.
ney insisted he feed her since she had broken her right wrist, her dominant one.
as he was feeding her the last strawberry, he tilted her head so that she looked at him. 
“the sunset is so beautiful today.” she gulped, nervous.
“it always is.” he stared into her eyes lovingly. 
he leant in for a kiss, something she did not expect.
she quickly kissed him back, and they only pulled apart to breathe.
“it may be too soon, but be mine?”
“of course i will! it’s always been you, ney.”
during the drive home, his hand never left her thigh.
once they got home, they decided to watch a movie on the couch.
"i love you, y’know that, right?” ney mumbled, looking into her eyes lovingly.
“i love you so much.” she sighed into his arms.
he pulled her in for a kiss, one that y/n finds herself longing for every second. 
neymar pulls his phone out and snaps a quick photo of them, “i’ll post it when you’re ready to tell everyone.”
                                                      later that week
“i think you should post that photo.” she said.
“you think?”
the second he posted it, his twitter feed and his instagram dms were filled with positive comments. some congratulating them, others wishing them luck and eternal love.
“i’m the luckiest man in the world.” he sighed, engulfing her into a hug.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
ESTHER (Yandere Idol!Kaeya Alberich/Reader)
CW: bodily harm. 
Alice's note, mother of Klee: I'm not sure why Lumine put you here exactly. I thought you'd end up with Aether– oh but I guess she wants to keep her brother to herself. Keep your guard up around Kaeya, "ESTHER". You'll never know what he's up to.
1k event masterlist
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Sometimes you couldn't tell if it was all in your head. You're supposed to be the assistant and Kaeya Alberich is your idol. 
So why the hell does it feel like it's the other way around?
Sometimes you couldn't tell if it was all in your head. Being the assistant is what you're supposed to do, and Kaeya Alberich is your hero.
He is unnervingly kind. Kaeya would make it a point to pull out seats, open doors, and give you a warm welcome each morning. For someone in your position, this is a big deal. Though it doesn't appear that way in photos and fancams, you were given the responsibility of managing him. Strangely enough, he spoke of what he does as if it were nothing. He'd laugh and say that he treats everyone with the same vigor, and almost mockingly tells you that he's sorry if he "led you on."
It was embarrassing.
Of course, Mister Alberich doesn't have any romantic attraction towards you. You're just his producer, nothing more, nothing less. During the album release celebration, he made that extremely apparent. Kaeya even went into detail about how you're just not his type and went so far as to offer a date if you were deeply saddened by his rejection. Needless to say, you were more than thankful that he confronted you alone on the balcony. However, you can't help but reserve some doubts regarding his sincerity so you spend your alone time pondering his words.
Fortunately, Diluc saw your dilemma.
"Chin up, (Y/n). You can only trust half of what he says, at best."
Without Diluc whispering rather earnestly to clear your head, you don't know how long you would've stayed on the balcony. You didn't understand what Mister Ragnvindr meant by that, but he was kind enough to (finally) give you his contact number. He insisted that if his adopted brother were to trouble you again "psychologically or otherwise", you should ring him up. 
When you went to work the next day, Kaeya already knew about your secret exchange. Not like he was being subtle about it.
"Good evening, Sir Alberich."
"Hmm, I think you're in the wrong room, Mx. Producer." He smiled so sweetly. It was kinda nauseating, but that was his intention. "Aether's in the lobby– oh, but maybe you're here for my brother?"
You smiled. 
Well, you're just relieved that your two-way joking banters had resumed. You don't want to spend the whole day silently ordering him around.
"Oh, wow, really? I definitely did not just see them both when I got here." You gasped exaggeratedly. "Do you think I should get his autograph?"
Kaeya scoffed, grinning, but his lips were strained and his eyes did not crinkle. He wasn't having a good day, you mentally noted.
"What's my schedule for today?"
You laughed. Kaeya doesn't like it when you nag him. Strangely, he's practically begging to be bugged by asking this question.
"You have to practice for the To Be Reunited play. Act II - Scene 1 to 5. Afterward, you have a business meeting with assistant "Mei" and CEO Alhaitham–"
"Alright, alright, let me rephrase that." Kaeya sighed. His shoulders dropped down, and you realized just how tense he was earlier. "You. What's YOUR schedule for today?"
You raised an eyebrow. 'What are you trying to pull?' is what you want to say but judging from how your "boss" was trying to hide how dejected he looks, you're not going to push your luck.
"Same as yours, Sir Alberich." You told him nonchalantly.
"When are you– when are we BOTH free, then?"
"Around 3 to 5 PM."
"How fortunate." He grabbed his phone, typing something down. "Let's grab some chicken-mushroom skewers later– look forward to this." 
You shrugged. "Mushroom soup is better. Allow me to pay for it at least–"
"Can't hear you right now over the sound of me being SOOOO busy, (Y/n)."
"Heh. What a drama queen."  
You unlocked his apartment's door.
He hasn't gone to work for days. Although three leaves of absence may not seem concerning, as a well-known idol, this is a producer's worst nightmare. His location said his phone is here, so you're acting under the assumption that he wouldn't leave without it. Although this act theoretically constitutes an invasion of privacy, you are desperate to find out why he suddenly went up and vanished.
"Listen– I brought some chicken-mushroom skewers!!! And one bowl of mushroom soup but that's not important..." You muttered the last sentence.
"Didn't your parents warn you not to enter a man's house so recklessly?"
In a blink of an eye, Kaeya was in front of you. His clothes were unkempt and his shirt was unbuttoned halfway. 
His starry cerulean eyes were melancholically breathtaking.
No– his starry cerulean eye.
You were so mesmerized and concerned that you didn't realize he had you backed up against the wall.
"What... What happened?" You traced your thumb lightly across his bandaged face. The gauze was not clean. This wound was recent. Regardless of what facts you found out, you couldn't fathom just who would try to hurt Kaeya like this. "Who did this? Who did this to you?!"
"Took you long enough." He muttered. 
Kaeya drew back slightly, but he refused to remove the hand that trapped you in this position. You reached out to grab your phone– to contact Diluc– but his large hand stopped you.
"I did some digging a few days ago." Kaeya chuckled. His breath caressed your cheeks, but you can't move away. His free hand dangerously moved to cup your neck. "My dearest (Y/n), your name is already perfect the way it is. But why do hide behind the name ESTHER as well?"
You gulped. Shit.
They have a devoted following on all social media platforms. On their blog, ESTHER frequently engages with fans and posts fan-made content. Some might even dare to "delete" them by creating a phony account, but they are far too credible for such malicious slander.
What is "ESTHER" known for, exactly?
"What does 5wirl have that ADDICKTZ don't? ADDICKTZ is the leading idol group. So how, I–" Kaeya's hollow laughter echoed. "–I'm sorry, I just don't get it. We're the group with the most fans, so why are you running a fan account for 5wirl– hell– why are you running a fan account for their stylist, Scaramouche? Why are you so prying– so nosy when it's about them? Aren't you the least bit curious about my past?"
His hold on your neck grew significantly firmer. You can still breathe, yet breathing felt wrong.
"You've..." His lips quivered, and his voice was now soft and weak. "You've never posted anything about me. Why? Was I not good enough for you? Everyone has their secrets, but this isn't a secret. This is quite the betrayal." 
He spat. "Is it true? Is it true that you wanted to join TEYVAT productions for a chance to be Aether's producer?"
You bit your lip.
You don't know the first thing of the hell you've put him through. Kaeya tried being just like Aether– he acted like a dog around you begging for more orders but he was met with your perplexed face instead. It just wasn't fair. 
Fitting how the name ESTHER also means "to hide or conceal." Guess you're both lying by omission, then.
You yelped as he placed his head on the crook of your neck. His cold earring touched your shoulder, making you flinch. Kaeya whimpered. "Luck must hate me so much if it made me fall in love with someone who hates the cold."
Reluctantly, you wrapped your arm around his back, patting him. "Kaeya, you're still bleeding. Let's get you cleaned up."
"... So you're just going to ignore my confession, ESTHER?"
"Chin up, (Y/n). You can only trust half of what he says, at best."
"Why, because he has a crush on me?"
"... You're a nosy person. I'm sure you already have the answer to that question."
You laughed which made him hold you tighter. It was not a good time to laugh.
"Kaeya, let's focus on–"
"I know you hate confrontation but are you seriously running away now?" Kaeya looked down. Your shoulder feels soaked, and you can't tell if it's from his blood or his tears. "Please don't leave me. There's no way they'll let me stay as an idol now. I'm not blind– I know I'm a damaged product now and you'll leave me so–"
Hearing all this breaks your heart. This was not the confident Kaeya Alberich you worked with.  
And You? Leaving a nice man like him? Not a chance. 
Your heart won't allow it.
"Shhhhh... I-I'm not running away. I'd never leave you." You stuttered. "I'll tell you all that you need to know, but you have to let me help you."
Kaeya perked up.
Your guess was right.
He was crying.
Kaeya grinned.
Wonderful. His first strategy was a bust, but who knew you could be manipulated with just a few fake tears?
It seems like cutting his eye was a bright idea. Two birds, one stone. He gets to leave the company and you'll remain by his side. Kaeya can no longer tolerate living in his more successful brother's shadow, so he'll leave in the best way he can. 
Kaeya Alberich is a desperately lonely man. No fame can ever soothe the emptiness he's been dealt with.
He'll blame Diluc for this and pretend to be the bigger man. Of course, he's not going to take his older brother to court, he cares about him! Keep this incident a secret. But having one eye can be such a pain, please be there to help poor Kaeya out.
After all, you promised you'll stay and tell him everything, didn't you?
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sidemenxyn · 1 year
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Fellas podcast
Calfreezy x Y/n (afab) (reader grew up with Ethan and reader is apart of the sidemen)
Tw: mentions of drinking, language, mentions of inappropriate drugs (weed), you all being a bunch of hooligans, mentions of harassment,
Y/n is normal text, Chip is bold, Calfreezy is italic and Proddy is bold and italic
“Welcome back to the fellas podcast, hope you are comfy and ready to listen to some juicy gossip. as today me and Chip will be talking my one and only girlfriend!” Calfreezy presents.
You smiled and waved towards the many cameras in front of you “hey, guys!” Chip firstly asked “would you like a beverage? Y/n?” You smiled “eh, yeah please.” Cal asked “do you want a Stella or some gin?” You asked “you have gin? If so then yes please.” He nodded and started pouring you a drink.
Chip spoke “Y/n can you do a little introduction on yourself, for those who may not know you.” You smiled “of course, I’m Y/n, you may know me from either the sidemen or being with Cal. I’m a YouTuber and streamer.” The boys nodded. Chip announced “todays podcast we decided to shake things up a little. As we have asked some fans on your instagram account what they’d like to know about you and us.” You nodded.
Cal was handed the phone and quickly scrolled for a question. He read “ok, how did Y/n become a sidewoman?” You answered “so I grew up with Ethan, his mum and my mum also grew up together. I supported him into doing YouTube and then I met all the boys and they thought I’d be a good person to add to the group. So yeah! Grew up with behz.” Chip asked “does both mothers stay in contact?” You nodded “yeah, I mean they support each other through every step in their lives. That’s why I truly believe that if you find the right friend they can grow old with you.” The two boys nodded.
It was now Chip’s turn, he asked “this is for Y/n, what’s it like going on a lads holiday?.” You smiled already thinking about the memories “it’s amazing, sometimes I even forget I’m the only girl if it’s a sidemen holiday or just a ‘lads holiday’. Like most girls probably wouldn’t even think of being the only girl. But because I grew up with you all I’m able to say ‘fuck it’ and go on a lads holiday.” Cal chirped in “yeah, even before we dated it was as if you were ‘one of the lads’ like sometimes me and Harry would be doing drinking challenges or shot together and by the end of the night we’d all be shit faced.” You gasped “oh I have a story! From a lads holiday.” Everyone chuckled at the way you seemed to be so happy to tell your story.
“Right, so this was in Mykonos back in like 2019. So we were all out clubbing as usual, this night I wore my first like nice dress. Cause you know me I’m not the one to wear dresses casually or anything. So anyways, I was dancing and I could feel someone behind me right? So I moved out the way thinking they wanted to pass by, but the placed a hand on my hip.” “What?!” “No way” “yeah! So I looked around and saw Ethan and Tobi at the bar, so I headed over there. And the guy followed me. Cause he stood next to me by the bar. Ethan saw I was a bit annoyed and taken back so he asked ‘you alright?’ And I tilted my head towards the guy and mouthed ‘creep’. So you know Ethan he became protective.” “Oh god!” “As he should” “so he asked like ‘are you with her’ to see what he’d say and of course he said ‘yeah, she’s my girl’.” “Ew what the fuck!” “Nah that’s actually vile!”
“Yeah! Anyways, so cause you all know I don’t take shit from no one so I said ‘no I’m not, I don’t even fucking know you.’ Then he got a bit angry and Ethan said ‘mate she’s with me so if your bothering her, leave her alone’ and then I felt his hand on my waist again so I shoved his hand off and told him ‘get the fuck off of me’ and then out of no wear he slapped me in the face!” “Fuck off, he didn’t?” “Shit really?” You nodded “yeah, so you know what I did?” “What?” “Are we gonna have a girl boss moment?” You smirked and nodded “yeah, I fucking punched him in the face then kicked him in the crouch.” The boys mouths dropped to the floor, shocked by your reply. You continued “yeah, then he tried slapping my me but Ethan managed to stop it and Tobi pulled me away.” The boys were gobsmacked. “Mad right?” “Yeah!” “What happened after that?” “Me and Tobi went back to the hotel cause I don’t know why that guys hand was so heavy but it made my nose bleed. So we went back cause Tobi didn’t want to stay long as it was quite far into the night, well early morning. So we chilled at the hotel.”
After your story, Cal picked up the phone again “right! This person wants to know how Y/n and myself got together.” You smiled “Cal do you wanna tell your side?” He nodded “well, right, so basically as you know I’m close friends with Ethan so that meant I’m also close friends with Y/n. Like she came withe the package sorta deal. But we got along really well, and after moving out of the second house me and Bog offered her to move in with Harry, Lux and I. And obviously she said yes and then I grew feeling for her, in 2018 we went on our first date and then things escalated and now we are dating.” You smiled and said “yeah, so when I moved in a had down the same thing, the longer I stayed the more I grew closer to Cal and grew more feelings. Before we were even dating I’d say like a few months before dating we’d do the like kissing on the forehead and a hug. Like yeah I’d hug all the boys but these were the hugs like you’d do with your partner. We’d also like do what we’d loosely call ‘dates’ where if Harry and Lux were out I’d make him wear face masks and we’d cuddle and watch a movie type of thing.” Chip said “so what did all the boys think of it all?” You answered “honestly I’m pretty sure Harry and Lux had placed bets on who’s ask out who and what month we’d end up dating.” Chip and the boys were laughing. Cal mentioned “pretty sure Harry won too! Like only for the asking who out though.” You laughed.
Proddy asked “are you two living together now still?” You nodded and Cal spoke “yeah, it’s still Y/n, Harry and myself.” You giggled “Harry is like our non-biological child. He’s always pointing out that he’s a third wheel constantly, but he’ll deny moving out so.. yeah.” You all had a laugh.
Chip read “Do Y/n and Cal have any plans about having babies and if so how many?” You smiled “yes, just not yet.” Cal nodded “yeah, we’ve agreed either two or three. Depends on how Y/n feels.” Chip awed at the small comment. Proddy asked “what gender do you wish the children would be?” Cal spoke first “I honestly wouldn’t mind as long as they have a close bond and look out for each other. Also if I have a girl I want them to be like Y/n when their older, like they’re able to defend for themselves if needed. Like I’d like them to have someone there for them but like..” “like if they need to they can fight back or speak their mind.” “Yeah exactly.” “Yeah, I’d personally would like to to be boy, girl then boy. But I too honestly couldn’t care for gender like I grew up with what? Four brothers. That’s how I learnt to fend for myself. Bro the amount of batery I’ve been through.” You all laugh “like it was play fighting obviously but the constant need to know what I was doing. Like Eli the middle brother, constantly knocking on my door just wanting to chill or like Jack my youngest brother. He constantly wanted to go out in my car and get maccies.” “I can vouch for Y/n, her household is never quiet. Like bro when we’d go visit, or even for the holidays. Cause we were dating especially from Jack Y/n would just always got the ‘YouTube couple, omg I ship!’.” You were laughing constantly at the memories, Cal was the best with your brothers it was as if they’d known him their whole lives.
Chip had the phone in his hand and asked “when do you think Cal and Y/n will get married?” You smirked “soon I hope!” Cal smiled “yeah soon, waiting for the perfect time.” Chip said “who’s your best men and bridesmaids gonna be?” The boys looked at your first “well, obviously Faith I grew up with her she’ll probably be my maid of honour. Then it will be Talia, Y/f/n, Y/f/n and Freya.” The boys listened as you said everyone’s names then Cal spoke “I’ll, have Chip, Harry, uh Ethan, Lux.”
You asked “can I pick a question??” The boys nodded and Chip handed the phone over to you. As you scrolled one caught your eye “any drama from when you’d used to go to school? Like drama you were involved in?” you and the boys got excited to explain your stories. Chip spoke “Y/n you look like you’ve got a bunch.” You laughed “I very much do, me and Faith were the ones who knew everyone’s drama!” You added “ok what do you want to know?” Proddy asked “everything!” “I’ve heard some of them and they are wild!!” “Oh lord we are in for a good one!” You clears your throat “ok, firstly I want to say I won’t be using their real names, I’ll use fruit as their names” you chuckled “ok, so let’s say? Strawberry right, strawberry was the same age as me and we were 15 when this happened it was the thing of the year. Well she got pregnant but didn’t know who the dad was!” “No way?!?” “Omg!!”. You added “also this girl orange, well orange and I had a fight! Like full of fist fight!” “Who won?” “Me, not being full of myself but she did not stand a chance!” “Was that when you were professionally boxing?” “You did boxing?” “Yeah, I still do! Grew up on the sport.” “Trust me you don’t want to mess with her!” Chip asked “what happened after?” “Well, she tried going for another round, like this time I just knew she would try ragging on my hair cause she did it last time. So I just put her in a head lock.” “A proper head lock?” “Nah just one so she could get me as much cause I knew I’d probably get kicked out if I did do a proper head lock.”
You listen to the rest of the stories the boys told you and the listeners. After a while it was the end of the podcast, you sign off “thank you for listen to our stories and gossip, if you enjoyed make sure to follow and share. Have a good day!”
Later that day, Cal was on his computer as you laid in your shears bed. Huddled up on the bed wearing his hoodie and your favourite type of joggers aka Callum’s joggers.
You turned over facing him as he sat at his desk, you asked “how long will you be?” He turned to you “just finishing this bit and I’m done.” You smiled as he finished up whatever he seemed to be doing on the computer. Once he turn off his computer screen, he crawled into bed with you and pulled you into him. He turned the tv on as you snuggled into your loving boyfriend. Cal asked “what we watching love?” You hummed “maybe we could watch the new Brassic?” He smiled “yeah, I enjoyed that.” You commented “yeah, honestly the boys remind me of brassic besides the crime and weed.” “Yeah I get you like the personalities.” “Yeah!” So that was the plan. You two cuddled together and watched Brassic all night long. Later after you were done watching the show you both went to sleep holding each other closely.
If you’d like to see more you can follow or heart my posts if you’d like! If you’d like me to crest something you’d like me to write then ask away! I’m more than happy to make stories you guys ask me! So if you’d like ask and hopefully I can get it up quick for you guys to read! Have a good day/night! 🫶
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daceydeath · 2 years
Hierarchy (Part 7)
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Heirachy: a system, especially in a society or organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest.
Pairings: Mafia Changbin x Reader Word Count: 6.2k Genre: Mafia AU, friends to lovers, slow burn romance Warnings: 18+, minors dni, swearing (too much), verbal threats, gun violence, blood, gore, murder and mayhem
You have always been utterly uninteresting, safely boring as close. You had a normal job, normal friends and the sweetest bestie on the planet but now everything is upside down and that best friend of yours is far more dangerous than you could have ever imagined.
Changbin knew they would give him shit the entire way to the meeting but he would put up with it for the small risk that he might not see you again, this life was violent and ambushes and double crosses were not uncommon he had to be sure you knew he would risk everything to keep you beside him and safe.
"When did that start?" Chan asked breathlessly still laughing at Hyunjin's dramatics.
"Today" he shrugged.
"So it's official then? Should I not have left her with Han and Minho then?" Chan teased.
"It is and she would crush them if they tried anything" he smirked "She may be just a normal girl to the rest of you but she has the over protective bitchy streak that even floors me and Felix sometimes".
"I would believe that she was quite protective of Jeongin and Seungmin the other day" Chan conceded making the other's stop with their joking around.
"What do you mean?" Jeongin asked furrowing his eyebrows.
"The other day before she gave us the journal locations she might have given Chan some lip" he sniggered looking proud.
"Might have? she straight up told me if I couldn't assure her the two of them were safe she wasn't giving me shit" Chan smirked looking pleased.
"Why would she do that?" Seungmin seemed slightly confused by your apparent need to protect him
"Because your a member, she understands that when we do things like this we have each others backs, she is just showing the same care for you as she does Lix" he shrugged watching the others turn soft for you slowly.
"Well she isn't protective of Chan" Jeongin pointed out
"Not that you have seen" Chan smirked trying to rile him up again
"Yeah, yeah whatever you can give me all the shit you want if we get out of this unscathed" he sighed looking at their surroundings and realizing they were only a few minutes away.
"Ok boys we have done this a hundred times before you all know your role" Chan turned serious quickly "when we get home we can tease the happy couple as much as we like but right now heads in the game"
"Boss" they all chorused one after the other falling silent for the rest of the way.
"Once again standard plan, we meet and see what they want, we either leave and vote or if we are getting fucked over we make a decision there are five of us here if we all agree that is all that matters" Chan repeated for the third time that day.
The meeting had been called at the edge of the two territories in an currently disused industrial area that was technically on neutral turf but both considered their end border. Appearing that they were the first on scene Chan instructed that they dropped Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin at a different warehouse before continuing to where the meeting would occur.
"If they aren't here in 30 minutes we leave" Chan spoke knowing the others would hear him through their ear pieces.
"You think we are the set up and they will hit the company then?" Hyunjin hissed "I should be back at the house then"
"I'm not sure, but stay put until we know either way" Chan groaned knowing that Hyunjin was worried about both Han and Felix, both could fight, both could shoot and both were smart, they would be fine but they were younger so naturally Hyunjin was protective.
"Hyun, they will be fine" he echoed Chan's sentiment knowing that they would be, moving behind cover he and Chan started their wait for the Ateez crew.
"Boss we have approaching vehicles, three vans" Jeongin's voice broke the silence.
"Fuckers" Hyunjin snarked
"Got it" Chan replied angrily that it was already going to shit.
They were trying their best to make you relax but Felix could tell you were trying your hardest to give them a brave face to hide how scared this was making you. You were just sitting quietly on your phone as they spoke in hushed tones on their phones on and off to who you assumed were all their guys.
"Do you want me to explain what we prepare for regardless of what we expect to happen?" he asked softly wrapping one arm around you to pull you closer.
"Are you allowed to do that?" you quirked you head as Minho and Han both started to rejoin the two of you.
"Bin has already told you a fair bit I'm guessing just based on what he said upstairs" he smiled
"He's told me he's killed people, that he doesn't necessarily regret it and he would happily do it again to protect you or me. He told me how it all started with Chan and where each of you came in. He also said if I want to know nothing he wont tell me but if I want to know what he is doing he will be honest with me" you sighed chewing your lip.
"So you want to know then?" Han asked nodding.
"Yes, I don't have to know everything I just need to know the basics so I'm not totally lost and left to freak myself out" you cautiously replied partly concerned that you were crossing a line with them and partly because you knew Han could do terrible things and you didn't really need to know about that part. "He thinks this is a trap" you finished.
"He does, well we all do really" Minho admitted "but where not sure if the trap is for them or for us here which is why three of us are here with you"
"Shouldn't you be with them to protect each other?" you frowned looking slightly shaken "This place is a fortress I would be safe on my own".
"We don't all need to be together to keep ourselves safe. Hyunjin is a talented sharpshooter, Jeongin is a pretty good one too, Seungmin is great in a fight not that you could tell by looking at him and Chan has held his own since he was a kid" Felix reassured you gently.
"Besides Chan and Changbin would be beyond furious if we left you alone" Minho shrugged.
"Yeah like you wouldn't rather be with them than babysitting" you grumbled making Felix roll his eyes and Han laugh at you.
"Did you want to try listening to the voice again?" Minho asked trying to steer the conversation towards something productive.
"Ok I will figure it out eventually I guess" you smiled softly as Felix loaded the file up on his phone again. You listened to it another three times before it clicked why it was familiar. "Felix can you make the voice slightly higher I think it's too low"
"You recognize something princess?" Han excitedly smiled bouncing a little in his seat.
"Yeah but the voice isn't quite right" you furrowed your brow as Felix dashed out to get his laptop "I think".
Felix returned a few minutes holding his already booted up laptop running the program he began fiddling with the pitch of the voice running it again and again for you as he tweaked it.
"It's my boss" you whispered suddenly eyes widening as you realized, you had listened to that voice for years yet just the slightly off pitch had confused you so much.
"Your boss?" Minho repeated to be sure he had understood you.
"Yeah...um...here....fuck" you dug your phone out of your pocket and held it tightly "I'll show you" dialed you bosses number.
"Hello I was wondering when you would check in again, have you been feeling better?" Director Kim's voice floated around the room as you placed it on speaker phone so they all could hear.
"Yes Director Kim, I am. I was just ringing to talk about me returning to work in the next day or so, if you haven't already contracted a temp of course" You had put your best sweetened phone voice.
"Of course, I can give your temporary replacement notice that she is no longer needed, I would much rather spend my day looking at you anyway" He had always been flirty with you but now that you knew he was behind the phone calls your skin was crawling.
"Thank you Director Kim, I have missed being at work, I think it will make me happier to return to normal as soon as I can" you rapped up feeling queasy and a little dirty for playing along.
"We will happily welcome you back. Goodbye for now" he purred into the phone making you almost gag.
"Goodbye Director" you chirped hanging up and looking up at the three men in front of you shaking slightly.
"Oh it is totally your fucking boss" Han spat venomously breaking the silence.
"I'm calling Hyunjin" Minho announced as he walked from the room.
"You did so good bubs, Binnie will be super proud of you when he gets back" Felix soothed pulling you against him to make you feel a little better.
"Why would it be my boss Lix? I don't understand" You murmured cuddling into him further hoping it would make you feel better again.
"I don't know bubs but I will bet you everything I have that Bin will find that out for you" Felix chuckled darkly stroking your hair.
Changbin had known from the get go that this was going to be a shit show, everything about this whole fucking mess had been, but he knew his members better than the back of his own hand and he knew Minho would have put in a call or two to make sure they had enough back up at the company.
"Here we go Bin, just remember to not get too mad too fast" Chan muttered remaining stoic looking.
"Got it" he whispered back putting on his death glare for their arriving company.
"Gentlemen" Chan greeted smiling tensely as Hongjoong exited his vehicle flanked by San.
"Mr Bang, thank you for agreeing to meet me, Mr Seo pleasure to see you again" Hongjoong drawled.
"Cut the crap Hongjoong" he growled already annoyed by the whole charade making San narrow his eyes at him threateningly.
"What he means is why did you want us here Hongjoong? need to explain something to us before things escalate any further" Chan raised his eyebrow waiting for an answer.
"Well it has come to my attention that my boy Mingi has been indirectly fucking with you" Hongjoong gestured to the man on his left who nodded "and of course we come to offer our sincere apologies for this"
"Yes we are aware of that, we have his cousin as a guest of ours currently" Chan drawled looking bored.
"His cousin?" San spluttered instantly looking both angry that he was being held and at the casualness of Chan's tone.
"He's a very easy talker Hongjoong, did you know that?" Bin smirked watching the two men in front of him faces change almost imperceptibly at the news.
"Yes he's been quite accommodating and I am sure Mingi would like him returned as unscathed as possible, however his associates Jihoon and Jonwoo will probably not be returned" Chan continued trying to keep his calm demeanor intact.
"Ah I see that you are aware of the situation" Hongjoong sighed "In that case perhaps we can explain before this escalates further"
"You think Hongjoong, maybe explain why we shouldn't kill you and your crew for fucking with us?" Binnie snarled furiously at the other man.
"Changbin" Chan reminded coolly
"Mingi's uncle owes a lot of money to both our crew and the Exo crew, they want him dead for not paying fast enough, he figured out a way to get their money at the very least but enough to get him out of debt" San began evenly trying to keep everyone calm.
"Bin your girl has figured out the voice, it's her fucking boss, Mingi's other fucking uncle" Hyunjin's voice came to life in their ears making his fury bubble to the surface at an alarming rate. Chan knew it was about to go to shit so he very quickly decided to take charge before Changbin went postal.
"Continue" Chan prompted knowing the other two men could see the change in his rage level
"He was to do a job for some company director that was an associate or some shit of his uncle, he wanted what Mingi said was a simple job in exchange for twice the amount of cash owed, we thought it was just some company wanting to ruin another one" San continued while eyeing him with caution.
"Fucking enough" Chan sanpped stepping closer to Hongjoong and San threateningly causing Changbin to re focus on Chan "You were allowing Mingi to have one uncle to pay of the other's debt for the small favor of procuring him a girl that he wanted. Am I fucking wrong?"
"Yes, the money would be used to pay off his debts to both Exo and us but the girl was never going to be harmed, we don't fucking traffic women, we don't fucking traffic anyone" Hongjoong defended angrily.
"Then what were you planning to do the money wouldn't have been exchanged without her, would it? Even you're not that fucking stupid to think otherwise" Chan snarled knowing that they were lying to his face. Moving one hand to his side he gave a very subtle signal to the other members watching who instantly understood.
"Where are your men Hongjoong? Surely they would have come to the rescue by now" He asked menacingly, his hand twitching as he wanted to reach for his gun.
"There is only one way to deal with this little problem as far as I can see it" Chan continued "There are rules we all live byin this life, business is business it isn't personal, you don't fuck with innocents and you never go after a members family" Chan lectured letting the pair of them stew in their own obvious fear "These are what separate us from animals, this is what keeps us successful"
"Family?" Hongjoong blinked looking between both Chan and Changbin.
"Did that motherfucker forget to mention who the woman was Hongjoong?" Changbin grinned psychotically making Hongjoong look to San for an explanation.
"Who the fuck is the girl San?" Hongjoong spat grabbing San by his collar.
"She's a fucking no one" San spluttered eyes wide before hanging his head.
"She isn't fucking no one though is she? If she was we wouldn't be here having this fucking conversation" Hongjoong yelled at the younger man letting him go and stepping back.
"No she isn't anyone" Chan smiled finally gesturing to him to move "She's Changbin's girl, she's the Queen of our syndicate and your cock splash of a member has gotten you both killed for it" He smiled dangerously as Changbin pulled his weapon from his side, and aimed at San.
"Wait, if she is your girl then we can work this out in a way where you get revenge and send a message to every other crew in the country" Hongjoong interjected quickly looking Chan dead in the eye.
"I'm listening" Chan replied apathetically motioning for him to lower the weapon slightly.
"We had no idea we were messing with your lady, we would never do that knowingly, I will give you Mingi and his family and any other member of my crew who is involved and in return we put this behind us and never repeat it" Hongjoong proposed nervously.
"Changbin what do you think?" Chan asked him smoothly waiting for him to considder.
"You're willing to let me end every member in your crew who knew what this was? Loyalty isn't your strong suit is it?" he asked looking from Hongjoong to San who both nodded.
"If you lie to us now and double cross us later" Chan interjected "I will let Changbin unleash hell on all of you and it wont just be you who will receive his wrath".
"I swear on it" Hongjoong sighed relieved holding out his hand for Chan to shake, which he did cementing the deal that would end this mess properly.
"Now gentlemen, we need to get back" Chan smirked gesturing for the van to collect them.
Felix had made you a hot chocolate and had bundled you up with blankets in their meeting room so that you were close to him while he continued to work monitoring the CCTV around the perimeter of the company while Han and Minho came and went checking on you from time to time and to give Felix updates.
"Where are your men?" Lix suddenly asked as both of them appeared in the room again.
"Mine are in the garage and at the front keeping the entry points locked down" Minho replied casually.
"Han?" Felix asked again looking at the screens confused by what he was seeing.
"Oh mine are out of the fence line of the two gates but there are only a couple of them why?" Han looked over Felix's shoulder at the screen.
Are either set in vans? That black one has driven past four times now" Felix frowned as the same license plate displayed on the screen from the camera that scanned everyone who passed.
"No those aren't ours" Han agreed agitation in his voice. Your phone started vibrating making you look towards where it sat beside you Binnie's name flashing across the screen.
"Binne?" you smiled widely feeling so relieved to hear his voice "Are you ok? Are the others alright?"
"Were fine baby, we're on our way back now" you could hear the smile in his voice. "Is Felix with you? can you relay a message to him?"
"Of course Binnie" you sighed softly enjoying the way the tightness in your chest was leaving you knowing he was coming back to you.
"Thank you baby, tell him it was a trap and that you may have incoming, everything will be fine though we made a deal" he sounded slightly annoyed but you could help with that when he got home "I know this is probably scary but I will be back soon with Chan and the others, you're safe and no matter what happens between now and when I get here you need to do exactly as the guys say, can you do that for me baby doll?" he sounded calm which made you relax, further knowing they all were safe.
"I'll tell Lix, promise" you smiled
"Good girl baby" he muttered as you could here the others teasing him in the background before he hung up.
"Lix" you interrupted the three guys talking while all looking at the screens.
"Yeah Bubs?" he smiled turning to you slightly.
"It was a set up, Chan has made a deal and you may have incoming but they are on their way back now" you listed quickly making Felix grin at you proudly.
"You know after this a think we need to teach you how to shoot" He mused looking between you and Han.
"Oh no I don't believe in guns" you stammered putting you hands up.
"Well that's just nuts because they are very real" Han giggled pulling his hand gun from his holster and coming closer to give it to you.
"Um...no" you stuttered hiding your hands in Changbin's hoodie making Han properly begin laughing.
"You aren't freaked out by Bin getting angry, all the shit we have collectively done, over hearing screaming, seeing me covered in blood or the idea of breaking someone nose or knees but a gun makes you want to hide. That is gold" he cackled making you look to Felix for help
"Man don't tease her" Felix warned eyebrow raised.
"Han, if she tells Bin you have been scaring her with a gun he will be likely to beat the shit out of you" Minho forewarned
"She's not a snitch she won't tell Bin will you princess?" Han smirked while still waving the gun around making you shrink back into the cushions.
"Han, seriously" Felix growled getting pissed off himself now.
"Or what Felix you going to get all defensive of the girl you want but wants our brother" Han teased again getting slightly more chaotic.
"Fuck off Han! you don't know shit" you snapped glaring up at him "Don't be such a fucking arsehole"
"Ah there she is! There's the little mobster wife!" Han look pleased with himself.
"God you are a cunt" sighed Felix.
"You know it's not snitching if they get back and you are waving that gun around right?" Minho added chuckling how well he played you and Felix.
"It's not snitching if I let him see the CCTV either" shrugged Felix grinning evilly.
"I'm pretty sure it's not snitching if I bite you right now" you fumed throughly annoyed by Han "you would be the one who has to explain it"
"I don't get how you two didn't figure this out sooner" Minho smiled watching you muttering under your breath.
"Huh? who figures what now?" you quirked your eyebrow at Minho curiously.
"You and Changbin, obviously" he chuckled in reply.
"We haven't figured it out, this literally just happened" you sighed feeling frustrated but looking to Minho as kindly as you could "It is almost as new as the whole idea that Bin and Lix are gangsters, that you're all criminals, it's too new for anyone to say figured it out".
"But you love him so it's pretty much settled" Han chipped in tilting his head to look at you.
"I don't even know that yet" you admitted quietly knowing that being this honest with them might backfire on you but you could stop yourself you began fiddling with your fingers and looking at the floor.
"Bubs?" Felix tentatively whispered getting up and moving to crouch in front of you making sure you were looking him in the eye "Bin didn't force anything on you did he?" his voice so soft that you were sure his words were only for you.
"No! no Felix, you know he wouldn't hurt me" you whispered back completely taken aback by his line of questioning.
"Shit no bubs, I mean did he just tell you that you are together now, did he actually give you options to take this slowly or maybe even not get together" Felix explained hurriedly.
"We..um I asked him what it meant and he said I was his and he would never give me up, so that's what we are" you murmured embarrassed you didn't like talking about the two of you in front of the others but they were trying their hardest to look busy focusing on the CCTV screens which made you feel a little better.
"Is that what you want though?" he implored looking at you softly
"I think so... he makes me happy, he always has, he makes me feel safe" you smiled slightly seeing how concerned Lix was for you "It feels natural to be with him, I've never felt like that before" Felix let go of a deep breath and grinned at you.
"You do love him bubs you just might not be in love with him, not yet anyway" his voice still quiet but happier.
"Their back" Minho interrupted clearing his throat and glaring at Han to not open his mouth who looked gleeful about the whole conversation.
Changbin was still angry even after the silent drive back, as they got closer he noticed the first of another few vans that were scoping the area but they scattered once they identified that they were returning not wanting to risk anything with the full syndicate in attendance.
"Fuckers still prowling about" Hyunjin snarled sounding equally pissed off.
"When we get back sort out the other two but leave the kid, for now" Chan instructed casually "Unless we have any disagreements on that course of action" when none of them spoke up Hyunjin nodded firmly.
"We need to discuss what we have learnt too" Jeongin sighed disgruntledly "If this is going to end in a all out war we need to all know how and why before we start tearing people apart"
"Tearing people apart? Ha! they will be lucky if that is all Bin does to them" Seungmin dryly sighed as they parked in the garage and began making their way up to the meeting room where they already knew the others were observing the surrounds from.
Storming into the room they were collectively stopped dead by the sight of you glaring at Han waving a gun around.
"I swear to god Han once I learn how to use this you are the first person I am fucking shooting" you growled glaring hard at the man in front of you who seemed to find the whole thing amusing.
"Bubs, this is why you aren't allowed to hold a loaded gun" Felix tried to calm you reaching for the handgun in your hand as Minho turned to look at the guys who had just entered shrugging.
"Fine I'll stab him then" you snarled pulling the butterfly knife you had been carrying all afternoon from your pocket.
"No kitten, you can't stab him either, Bin would be annoyed if you stabbed Han" Minho chuckled as Han doubled over laughing.
"To be fair I don't care if she stabs him, motherfucker probably deserves it" Bin smiled feeling himself instantly begin calming down watching whatever chaos was unfolding around you.
"Binnie" You beamed dropping the knife on the floor for Felix to pick up rolling his eyes walking into his arms which he wrapped around you tightly.
"Hey! you are meant to be on my side" Han pouted indignantly.
"You started it when you started waving a fucking handgun in my face you twat" you glared again at him.
"You fucking what?" Changbin snarled looking at Han his anger rising again.
"It was a joke how was I supposed to know she's frightened of guns?" Han defended himself taking a step back from Bin.
"Because she told you she was" Felix sighed shutting down the surveillance feed from all the screens in the room.
"Then you after I had spoken to Felix about something important asked me if criminal cock is superior to any other type of cock" you added as the others all either face palmed or groaned at him.
"Fucks sake" Binnie sighed letting you go so he could take a seat then pull you into his lap, he softly kissed your temple and squeezed you slightly, you were relieved to sit there waiting to see if Chan wanted you to leave or not.
"Can we go over what we have learnt or do you need to keep shit stirring?" Chan asked harshly looking directly at Han who sat and nodded quickly.
"Our end was productive in the sense that we have made a deal with Hongjoong, he will give us Mingi, his co-conspirators and anyone else involved. In exchange we leave at least him and San alive since they did not know half the intel we did" Chan explained.
"Makes sense since we now know who the calls are coming from" Minho agreed easily.
"Now little one we need to be sure that the voice really is your boss alright?" Chan continued albeit slightly gentler with you.
"Oh we know it's him" Han interrupted "She called him and spoke to him in front of us to show us. Felix, Minho and I all agree it's defiantly him" he smiled at you before poking out his tongue which made you roll your eyes at him.
"I guess the only other part that we need to consult you on is whether you think you can cope with what is about to happen? It is going to be something you can never talk about with anyone outside of us, you can never admit you knew anything about it and you need to act as though you had no clue about any of this" Chan's voice was serious but still considerate as he stared intently at you.
"Because you are going to kill them all?" you asked bluntly meeting Chan's eyes.
"Yes" Chan's answer was exactly what you expected honest and to the point.
"Will I be safe afterwards?" you asked as you continued to meet his gaze.
"You will never be 100% safe in this life but you will be much safer after this" he admitted and you nodded silently leaning back into Binnie's chest, you could feel his warmth seeping into you back, and smell the lingering scent of his cologne swirling around you making you feel at ease.
"Does it actually matter what I think?" you asked almost cynically knowing that you needed to remain honest at all times when it came to what they did, you couldn't allow misunderstandings or confusion.
"Of course it does baby" Changbin murmured from behind you.
"Well it shouldn't" you sighed "This is your life and your job, for a lack of a better word for it, I shouldn't get a say. If your asking whether I would ever turn you in I wouldn't and if your asking if I can live with what you all do I don't get a choice you live the lives you chose and if I chose Changbin then I have to live with that too" you carefully removed yourself from Changbin's grasp before walking out of the room leaving them sitting in silence.
"Ha" Chan half laughed half sighed "She is something else"
"Of course she is" Felix breathed worriedly watching the door you had just left through before looking back to Changbin.
"I'll talk to her after we are done here, she will come around to it but she is never going to like what we do Lix" he rubbed his hand over his face tiredly.
You had yet to ask Mrs Choi if she could make up another room for you, now that you were something to Changbin you felt as though you needed to give him at least a little space to himself. You had meant to do it today but things had once again gotten a little to intense for you to worry about something as small as a spare room. However, one on the others must have mentioned it to her for as soon as you left the meeting room you found her waiting for you.
"Come Miss I have prepared you a new room" she smiled seeming her manners still perfect despite your previous efforts to have her treat you more informally.
"Thank you Mrs Choi" you whispered following her up the stairs and past Changbin and Felix's rooms to the very end of the last hallway of that wing of the house.
"This used to be guest rooms but they have seen little use since our young gentlemen took up residence here" she informed you as you looked down at the 3 last rooms you hadn't know existed before.
"I guess you don't get many guests here" you noted nodding slowly as she led you the door at the very end of the hall.
"No it is a rarity for us, this one has the nicest view of the gardens which I thought you would like" she affirmed opening the door for you and letting you enter first. The room was not all that different to the others that you had seen, ridiculously large with an oversized bathroom, but it was not personalized in any way just light grey walls and white soft furnishings the large window that overlooked the garden made you realize you must be above the library on the lower floor.
"Thank you Mrs Choi it's lovely" you smiled genuinely at her.
"We can have it personalized for you if you are staying with us for longer but I have had my maids collect your clothing which is in the dressing room on the left here and we can have anything else you would like brought in for you" she explained kindly gesturing around the room.
"Thank you" you murmured again looking around yourself.
"Mr Han thought you might need more space, I was surprised he is usually not concerned by much of the goings on here but this he was sure needed to be ready for you by this evening" she finished bowing and excusing herself before you could ask any questions.
Han? you didn't even think he thought of as anything other than a new person to annoy and tease, you blinked to yourself before going to the wardrobe to find some clothing to change into that you could shower and get ready for bed, you knew they would be meeting for a while and you were exhausted being so tense all day. Finding your comfy bunny pajamas you made your way to the bathroom for a long hot shower to try to get you relaxed before you tried to sleep.
"So how will this all work Chan? I'm assuming you have some sort of plan" Minho asked curiously watching as Chan's brow furrowed slightly as he thought.
"I'm thinking we will need to either grab her boss and see if Mingi comes running or we might have to play as dirty as they have been" Chan replied slowly the cogs in his head still turning.
"Alright I'll bite, how would we grab Director Kim?" Felix quizzed everyone in the room "We can't just waltz into his house and grab him".
"No it would have to be much more covert than that, we would need to assume he may know that we are suspicious of him so it would have to either be a full infiltrate of his security or grab him while he is going to or from work" Chan mused
"What is playing dirty Chan?" Changbin finally asked knowing he would probably not like the answer but he needed to know.
"We would need to lure him out into the open, we would to have our little one play bait" Chan sighed causing the room to pause around them. He stared hard at Chan he knew that it was a possibility that you would be needed to lure the fucking scumbag out but he never anticipate Chan would suggest it as a proper option.
"No fucking way" Felix protested angrily frowning.
"Lix it might come to it but it's not our main plan" Hyunjin tried to calm his friend gently.
"You can go down that route if you want Chan, but you will have to look her in the eye and tell her what might go wrong, what she might lose" he stated lowly starting at his oldest friend aside from you.
"That's why I suggest figuring out how to grab him" Chan groaned "I don't want her in danger truth be told I'm becoming quite fond of that little firecracker, she is a good fit with this family"
"What about another option which might just be a little less risky for the little princess" Han proposed looking from Chan to him patiently.
"Shoot" Chan replied allowing Han his input.
"Well like I said earlier she called her boss in front of us, said she wanted to go back to work which he seemed very happy about, so why don't we just let her do that?" Han finished blinking at them "We could keep her safe with the hack we already have in their security system and you could even show up and take her to lunch or something that way Mingi will have to go for her himself and we will be on hand to deal with it"
"That could actually work well for us" Hyunjin chimed in.
"I still have a guy inside" Seungmin added
"We could easily throw in another few guys as security and interns in a day or so" Jeongin agreed nodding easily.
"Ok we can try this as long as everyone is agreement and we can get it organized on time. If we can't we drop it and go back to the first idea" Chan paused "You want to talk to her or do you want us to all do it?"
"I'll do it" he replied not liking the idea at all but needing to accept that it really would be the easiest way to get to Mingi, getting up to go back to his room.
"She won't be in your room tonight" Han announced suddenly making him narrow his eyes at the younger man. "Mrs Choi set her up in one of the guest rooms, I thought she might need some space from all of us to think" he smiled slightly.
"That is actually really smart for you at least" Seungmin remarked snidely
"Fuck off, she seems to be a bit lost to be honest and besides I like her she's chill and fun" Han groaned annoyed that he was going to be the butt of the joke for the rest of the night.
"How many of you are wrapped around her fingers now? Bin, Lix, Chan, you..."Hyunjin laughed heartily
"Don't forget Minho who threatened to ask her out of Bin didn't get his shit together" Chan added making Minho shrug indifferently.
"You are all wankers you know that" he rolled his eyes at the others still making his way out to speak to you.
"You love us man" Lix grinned cheekily making the others laugh again.
A/N: Sorry this has taken me so long I've been struggling with personal stuff and it has sapped all my will to live. However I am still writing so please forgive the time between chapters. Any likes, comments or reblogs are deeply appreciated and adored you guys make my whole week xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz,@3sriracha,@deakyspuff,@symptoms-of-moonlight,@yoonguurt,@shownus-bebe,@ateexyz,@oiphoebe, @leanimal90,@armystay89,@frozenpeasworld,
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emcscared-whumps · 4 months
[PREVIEW] Chapter 6: What One Desires Most
Shifting Phases Masterpost
Today marks the 7th year that I've worked on Shifting Phases. I never imagined I'd ever get this far, nor that I'd love it so dearly, but here we are. Recently, I finished two chapters whose sum is the content of the chunk I wrote first all those years ago. I'm proud of how far I've come as a writer, so, because it's what I wrote first around this Special Date, I thought it would be nice to give you guys two preview chapters :)
Stay tuned for Chapter 7, No Wish is Without a Price!
A very big thankyou for the lovely @whump-cravings for beta'ing my work once again! You always teach me so much, and I am beyond grateful for your help <3
CONTENT AND WARNINGS: Angst, emeto mentions, minor disordered eating (it's kinda not really but reads like it), this chapter's pretty tame, all characters present are 18 or over wc: ~2.1k
Pete's Perspective
Every night, the sun set earlier.
It hadn’t been long since the academy courses finished for the day, but already the sun had dipped below the mountains, casting the historic island town of Devonhurst into deep shadow. One by one, as the sky above darkened, antique street lamps blinked on, bathing the streets in warm, soft light. In shadowed corners and alleyways between each sandstone building, the first mists crept across footpaths onto cobbled roads. On the horizon, dark storm clouds rolled in, their flickering lights a warning to residents, who took heed; some scurrying down the street with bags filled with groceries and supplies, while others leaned from windowsills to pull shutters in.
Side-by-side, Pete and Liz strolled with steaming pastries in-hand from a bakery a few blocks back, accompanied by the gentle clicking of Pete’s bike. Normally, Timmothey would’ve joined them, but not tonight.
He’d said his boss, Mr. DePetro, would be cross if he failed to show for his shift at the aquarium early that evening, and rushed off with a hasty good-bye to the ferry terminal to Candimor City, despite Pete and Liz’s insistences to take the night off.
“I h—I hope that Mr. DePetro sends—sends that idiot h-home,” Pete grumbled, taking a delicate bite of pie. Pete frowned; the thought of any boss who made their worker endure injury to clock in ruffled him. His breath steamed when he spoke again, “He could have a—have—a-a concussion.”
Liz hummed in agreement, “Aye, he needs ta rest. Every coach I’ve ever had insists on a day’s break after somethin’ like that, just in case.” She paused, sighing. “Not that Timmy ever does as he’s told.”
Pete watched her breath mist in the evening air. “’S boneheaded.”
“You said it.”
“I’m sure he’ll be al-alright, though,” he said and took another bite, “th-the idiot at least—at least knows w-when work’s not worth it.”
The pie was delicious. Its creamy, meaty fillings never disappointed. Rarely did pastries contain egg and an assortment of other ingredients; he stopped by regularly the moment he discovered it. The owner of the small bakery had been going to discontinue it until she saw his disappointment. If that wasn’t evidence enough that she was soft on him, she was always giving him extra nibbles and desserts.
‘Ye’re a growin’ lad,’ the baker would say, ‘take it, please, ye’re so skinny. Does yer mother not feed ye?’
Liz slowed to match Pete’s ambling pace. “Y’know, I’m surprised you haven’t already finished; I don’t think I’ve seen ye eat all day.” She had already wolfed hers down. The baker liked her too. “Did Burton take yer food again? I can walk yer bike fer a bit so ye can eat properly if ye need. We can find a place ta sit.”
“N—no, I just… wasn’t h-hungry today,” he lied. “Would’ve just m—made me s-sicker.”
“Oh,” Liz said.
Well… It was a half-truth. Though he’d been dreadfully hungry, he couldn’t stomach eating before the belunae awareness course; he would’ve just thrown up in front of the class.
Suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and Pete turned, eyes darting around.
Something like clattering came from the other side of the street—or maybe it was erratic footsteps.
An icy shiver crawled down his spine, the sensation of unknown danger setting his skin prickling.
Across the street in a narrow alley, the mist curled in turbulence, but there was no one to be seen save for those rushing to prepare their homes for the coming storm.
Was it just brewing static, and dropping temperature and pressure that he felt…? Surely not. His hand tightened on the handle of his bike.
“Pete…” Liz asked.
He didn’t remember slowing, but he must’ve because Liz’s voice sounded from behind him, a few paces further down the path.
“Everythin’ alright?” Liz was at his side, hand ghosting over his arm.
“Y-yeah, just… Well, I’m n—I’m not—entirely sure,” Pete stammered, eyes scanning every corner, “It’s—I feel like—we’re bein’ followed.”
Liz dutifully followed his gaze, but all signs had vanished save for the ice in his veins.
His mind drifting back to the awful awareness course from earlier, he recalled the uneasy feeling something was amiss, like something had escaped his notice.
Burton had said that Pete would regret his interference.
While Pete wasn’t sure what that meant exactly, nor that that was the only source of this nagging feeling, his mind conjured many horrifically creative ideas, some including the dark object that Colette, Burton’s friend, had snatched.
Powers above, surely he wouldn’t—surely Burton would know what would happen if he shot—
“I’m sure it’s nothin’, Pete. It’ll just be people shutterin’ their windows,” Liz said.
Still, there was nothing.
Even the fog had stilled.
Pete frowned, swallowing the last morsel of pie before pocketing the bag and folding an arm close to himself. “I s-suppose,” he said, but the—the feelin’ w-won’t leave me.”
“Then let’s leave the feelin’ behind.” Liz smiled and trotted toward the nearby gardens. “I’ve still got some time before I have to get back home… we could take a walk through the park, clear our heads.”
He looked around again. “Maybe, I’m n-not sure…”
“Aw, don’t tell me a sweet guy like you doesn’t like a walk in the park?”
Ducking his head, he admitted, “Well, I—I sup-suppose I d-do, but—”
“Of course ye do,” she said, victory tinging her voice.
Pete hesitated before pushing his bike forward to catch up. “The st-storm—”
“We won’t stay long then. Come on, Pete.” She grabbed his arm, pulling him forward.
Pete let her lead him down the path, through the large stone gate and along the cobbled path, though he still cast a furtive glance behind them. Eventually, once they were away from the main street, Liz slowed to a gentle stroll and hooked her arm through his.
Even in darkness, the gardens glimmered. At this time of year, only the hardiest flowers remained, but grass-lined paths and ornate stone gazebos nestled among autumnal foliage and boughs of chestnuts made for a peaceful scene. The moon peaked over the distant skyline of Candimor City, illuminating the fine layer of frost that blanketed every leaf and blade of grass; each tiny crystal caught the light, sending up a delicate glowing aura.
The sight filled Pete with contentedness.
His gaze gradually drifted upward to the evening sky, past the flickering clouds on the horizon, and settled on the moon.
Waxing gibbous… for once, the timing was just right.
Despite the cold and returning exhaustion, he almost felt pleasantly warm. Maybe, they could sit on one of the benches for a short while.
“Ye should take walks in the park more often, I don’t think I’ve ever seen ye this relaxed,” Liz said.
“Mmm…?” Pete hummed, tearing his gaze from the sky, “O-oh, really? N-never?”
“Nope. Did ye want ta throw a coin in the fountain with me?” Her eyes glittered hopefully. “They say the luck from this one helps ye find whatever ye desire most in yer heart.”
Her pull on his arm was subtle, but it was enough to draw a small smile across his pale features, “I—p-perhaps, yes—I—we c-can, if ye want.”
Liz beamed.
Pete couldn’t help but notice the way her freckled, rosy cheeks pinched her delighted eyes, how her smile always seemed so genuine. She was beautiful. It was only when she looked up at him from her coin purse and smiled again that he realised he was staring.
His heart leapt, cheeks colouring. He tried to avert his gaze, putting the kickstand of his bike down and leaving it at the opening of the path into the fountain’s clearing, but when Liz pressed a coin into his palm, their eyes met.
“Ready ta make a wish?” Liz asked, voice as gentle as the light that fell on her dainty features.
Pete nodded.
She was usually so fierce, but in the moment when the coins hit the water with small, twin splashes, her fingers intertwined with his, she could’ve been the most gentle lady in the world.
Together they stood, listening to the steady burble of water from the spouts nestled in the delicate sculptures decorating the architecture.
Liz broke the silence. “Pete…?”
Pete had never heard her sound so nervous before. “Mm…?” he hummed.
“I’ve—we’ve known each other fer a long while now, and…”
Oh. He’d already caught on to her feelings, but for her to even ask, to want to give it a shot with an obvious wreck like him… Was he dreaming?
But she continued, “Ye’re such a kind lad, I was wonderin’… if ye’d ever consider, maybe… goin’ out with me.”
A twinge of dread curled in his stomach. “L-Liz,” he started, heart aching. She didn’t know.
Liz hurried on, “And… If, perhaps, ye’d also felt the same way… Romantically, that is.”
He swallowed, looking down. If she knew, she would be disgusted that she ever thought of him in that way. What kind of person was he for leading her on like this?
“Pete?” Liz searched his face for an answer.
Her soft voice snapped him back to reality. He stammered, “I—wow, uh… I’m flattered, I am, but—but I-I’m not sure ye’d want ta… ta have me as…”
She grasped his hand with a little shake. “Oh don’t be silly, of course I would! Ye’re sweet, polite… handsome,” she said, lowering her lashes.
Instead of bringing delight to his heart, each compliment was like a knife through his chest. “No, I mean, th-thankyou, b-but—I… I c-couldn’t,” he said, withdrawing his chilly hand from her hold, much to her protest.
“But Pete…!” Her eyes were so desperate; she didn’t understand. “Can I still hold yer hands? They’re like ice; please let me warm them.”
He couldn’t bear it, squeezing his eyes shut, and shaking his head. “I—Let me finish wh—what I’m about ta say, and then then, then ye can, if ye want, but, I w-won’t blame ye if—if ye won’t.”
“What could ye possibly be talkin’ about?” she said, reluctantly letting his hands stay free.
 “It… I’m sorry, it just—it’ll change h—how ye—how ye—” He paused, taking a slow, deep breath. “See… I—I haven’t been… completely honest with you Liz, and, t—truth—fully, I’ve n-never really known… how—how ta tell ye…”
“Look, Pete, ye can tell me anythin’. Just take yer time; I’m listenin’,” Liz said.
“It’ll… It’ll change how ye see me.”
“I’m not convinced, I don’t think I could see anythin’ other than the shy gentleman in front of me,” she smiled.
Pete took a measured pace back. He told himself it was to give Liz room, but he knew it was for his own conscience. Greedy. Selfish. He dropped his gaze to the side, unable to so much as glance into those clear brown eyes. On their own, his fingers trailed the seams of the leather gloves squeezed in his hands. The words were right there, on the tip of his dry tongue, but his voice locked up.
After a moment of struggling, he could barely get the first few words out, “I’m—I—I’m actually… I’m not… n-not, I’m—”
He shook his head, frustration beading as tears in his eyes. Curse these nerves!
“I’m n-nnot—not—hh—” he tried again, but his voice failed him.
Curse this fuckin’ stutter!
“Hey, hey,” Liz said, hushing him.
He fought to keep tears at bay, refusing to—he couldn’t stand to sound so stupid and useless in front of her, because he did like her—he cherished her—and he had to tell her, before anything else; she had to hear it from him—but he just… couldn’t.
Liz moved forward to take his hands and steady him, but he couldn’t bear to so egregiously take advantage of her ignorance, so he stepped back again, bringing the back of a hand to his lips.
It was stone cold, just as she said.
And that was when he heard it; the brush of footsteps on the edge of the clearing, kneeling and crouching, hiding and approaching.
Pete’s heart stopped.
“Ye—ye should go,” he murmured fearfully.
From the bushes, figures emerged.
Burton, followed closely by his lackeys, sauntered over the grass with crunching footsteps until he stood a scant couple of metres from Liz and Pete.
“Well, well, well,” he drawled, smirking “so you two are in love.”
The hair on the back of Pete’s neck prickled. Frustration and fear warred for their place across his features, but under Burton’s predatory gaze, fear won out. “Dovey, I need to have a little chat with your boyfriend. In private.”
If you read and enjoyed this, please consider a reblog ^-^
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miupow · 8 months
It was a beautiful sunny autumn day but the energy of humanity didn’t match
Today, is the day where the people celebrate mourn the death of a rich mobster. Most didn’t know he was one, but he was a well loved man by many, so he was missed by many.
Beomgyu and his wife sat mysteriously in the shadows, the speech at his funeral going in one ear, and immediately coming out the other. They hated that man, but they still attended. Not to pay respects, to make sure he was dead.
Beomgyu tried his best not to smile, ain’t nothing to smile about at a funeral. But he can’t help but feel a sense of joy seeing his enemies dropping like flies
The couple was mysterious and silent the whole funeral service, deciding to save their shit-talking for the repass that took place outside the building.
“Murdered. Just pathetic,” Beomgyu rasped out “died to someone bashing his skull. Just embarrassing.”
“They didn’t even find out what killed him. They believed it was probably a club or something…but they didn’t find any weapon” His wife then spoke
“To be honest I’m focusing less on WHAT killed him, i’m more focused on WHO killed him. Whoever did it was clever, but if it wasn’t you or me then who? He didn’t have any enemies except for us.”
“Who knows….” She then started slurring and dragging her words “…maybe it was his wife that killed him if it wasn’t you or me”
Beomgyu, confused, took off his sunglasses and shifted his eyes towards the widow. The young beautiful woman, mourning the death of her husband, but was secretly smiling knowing that she now owns her late husbands money, and eyeing other men (and women) hoping to not be single for long. She wasn’t hiding it well, well to Beomgyu she wasn’t.
“Hm…what makes you think it’s her?” He then questioned his wife’s accusation
“Why wouldn’t it be? If anyone knows the dirt behind him besides me, it’s her.”
“Oh?” Beomgyu then became intrigued “You never told me any of this before? What more dirt does he have to him? I only know his failure to complete the deal we made and him trying to kill me.”
His wife then pulled him further away from others, and just to be safer she whispered the dirt behind the dead man. All the fraud, all the murder, all the cheating, the corruption. Every crime you could imagine under the belt of the corpse. Beomgyu couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but he wasn’t surprised.
“All that money he has he easily covered his shit up. And why do you think were his only enemies? Because we’re the only ones to still be alive.” His wife then finished her small rant
Going back to the repass, it took everything in Beomgyu to not go back to the funeral home and kick the coffin, or illegally cremate him when no one was looking. He may have been a mob boss, but what his enemy did was more than just being a mobster, he was a man that should’ve be seen for his crimes.
“I heard a few years ago his wife had an affair too. To get him back for him cheating on her.” She brought her up again
“Hm, I wonder if the one she slept with attended. That would be hilarious” He replied holding back his laughter
She then giggled and quickly tugged his sleeve and rasped something shocking to him, something he thought he would never hear, something that nobody else should be hearing.
“Baby, why do you think I know so much?”
omg i see what you mean by making it gay 😭😭😭 BISEXUALS PLEASE RISE FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM
stunning. brilliant. unique. spectacular. outstanding. 🧚‍♀️ anon im gonna kiss you on the mouth. i want mc even more than i want beomgyu tbh
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adminbryantsaki · 1 month
Chapter 7. The call.
(This Au will follow the main events of the canon. In this AU, the tropes of fantasy and Omegaverse apply. The dynamics that can apply to people are Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Omega. The main ship is Erasermic x oc. I do not own the characters of My Hero Academia. Horikoshi Kōhei does. I also don’t own any of the fast-food franchises or any of the other references to other super hero movies or groups.  I own Bryant Saki. Here is her info Please do not steal.)
(These are the Headcanons. Please read these before the fic.
Wc:4,942 Tw: Omegaverse Shenanigans, polygamy, PTSD, Breeding kink, Breeding, trauma, fear, ED (eating disorder).
Prologue Chapter Six ~ Chapter Eight
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I waited with Hunter on the train, watching the little screen near the door that separated the train cars that tracked the train’s route and waited until we arrived at Esuha Station where I could see Taishiro waiting for me on the platform. Hunter accompanied me as we got off the train and he followed me to where Taishiro stood, waving me down even though both Hunter and I could see him. When we approached the hero, Hunter stopped in front of him in a professional manner, holding out his hand for the hero to shake. “Hello, my name is Admin Hunter Smith. Admin Bryant needs to be accompanied to her residence with you as a punishment for not following protocol today. I will follow you until the two of you get to your doorstep. Are there any detours that the two of you would be taking on your trip home?” Hunter asked. Taishiro looked at Hunter then at me with a confused look on his face before looking back at Hunter again. “I typically buy Bryant some food for when she gets back from work. I want to get her something special to celebrate her first day working at U.A. like I did when she had her first day at the radio station. But now I’m confused. Why and how did she get punished on her first day?” He asked.
“Its only a minor punishment that I’m sure Admin Bryant will tell you all about it as she’s permitted to since you’re her roommate. You may go ahead and take her on the route to get food to celebrate her first day as an Admin at U.A. High. I will still have to tag along though to ensure that she will get home to the apartment above your agency.” Hunter spoke before going to check something on his tablet. “Hey, listen, buddy. I can make sure Bryant gets home alright. She clearly looks exhausted and needs to unwind and relax without you watching her every move. Tell whoever your boss is that I am more than capable of making sure she gets home.” Taishiro spoke in a slightly defensive tone and putting one of his large hands, on Hunter’s shoulder, even though only a couple fingers fit due to him being is his larger form at the time. Hunter sighed and typed something into his tablet and a quick response came which he read quickly and looked up to him. “Alright. You can walk her home unaccompanied by me or any other Admin.” Hunter spoke and tucked his tablet back under his arm and turned to me.
“I will see you at Musutafu Station tomorrow morning, Admin Bryant. I wish you a good evening and a good rest.” He spoke and left to get back on the train to head home himself. I turned to Taishiro and laughed a little. “He is a bit uptight; don’t you think?” I asked as I took off my dark sunglasses that hid my bright green eyes and looked at him. “Yeah, definitely. So, tell me how your first day was as an Admin and what this punishment is that Hunter talked about.” He spoke, walked with me out of the train station, and walked to a restaurant that I requested to go to earlier that day. “It went alright. I did get reprimanded for spending my lunch hour with two of the people I was assigned instead of going to meet up with the other Admins I was supposed to spend my lunch hour with. Then the same two people that I wasn’t supposed to spend my lunch with hopped on the train to defend me against Hunter before we arrived here.” I told him as he counted out money for me to go into the restaurant because the building was too small for him to enter in his larger form. “What? That’s stupid.” He spoke as we arrived at the restaurant and bought the food for us. I came out a few minutes later with two bags of food in hand and gave him the change before we continued to the Agency. “That’s what I was thinking and the other two people said on the train.” I spoke then thought back to the way Shouta and Hizashi championed me on the train and I blushed a little, looking down to the concrete of the sidewalk. Taishiro noticed and chuckled. “Oooh, someone’s got a crush on at least one of these two mysterious people. Are you gonna tell me who they are?” He asked as we got closer to the agency. “No, I do not. Developing any more feelings for these people after today would not be a smart move.” I spoke as I turned the corner and went down the short, yet spacious alleyway that led to the front door of the agency and a flight of stairs was behind the door too that led up to the apartment.
“I see. Let’s head up and eat. I bet you’re exhausted.” He spoke as he unlocked the door and let me go in first which I thanked him and climbed the stairs to unlock the door to the apartment, take my shoes off before entering and heading inside. I set the food on the counter and went to my room to change out of my Admin uniform and into something more comfortable, making sure to set my suit up for tomorrow morning. I put my hair up into a low bun and left my room, finding Taishiro already laying out the boxes of food on the breakfast bar and opening them to display the food. I went to the cupboard and pulled down two plates and pulled out two pairs of chopsticks to eat the food with. I then climbed onto my favorite chair along the breakfast bar and began to fill up my plate with food.
On the other side of the country, Shouta and Hizashi had almost made their way home from getting dinner. Hizashi had gotten distracted by wanting to get boba tea as well to accompany their dinners even though they were both sipping on their drinks on the final leg of their walk back to Hizashi’s car by the school. Neither of them didn’t like walking so far for so long at night, especially after a long day, but Shouta didn’t complain as he was urged to get home so they could eat and call Bryant afterwards. Also the coffee flavored boba that he chose helped too. “I have a good feeling about her. Should we wait a bit to call her when we get home or do you think that would be too early?” Shouta asked as he fiddled with Hizashi’s fingers. “I do too as I see her around the station all the time.” Hizashi responded as he noticed Shouta’s anxious fidgeting.
“We can call her after dinner if you want. I can tell that you’re anxious to call her.” Hizashi spoke as they arrived at the teacher’s parking lot.   “I am. But with you seeing her at the station, that means you can bond with her there too, huh?” He asked as they walked past the parking lot and back onto the campus, walking back to the teacher’s dormitory. “Not really. She mostly hides at her desk since she’s one of the script writers for us. I could invite her to lunch or to get coffee sometime to try and get to know her better.” Hizashi spoke as he put the key into the ignition.
“Well, we will have to see.” Shouta responded as Hizashi drove them home.
Back at Fatgum’s Agency, I had picked out what food I wanted to start with and I was eating at my food as Taishiro and I were talking about how our days went. “You didn’t tell me who you got assigned to at the school. You can’t evade me forever… unless it’s something you can’t talk about.” He spoke as he took a bite of food. “You’re fine to talk to about most things I deal with. That includes the people who I’m assigned to. Most Admins though call the people they are assigned to ‘characters.’ It’s a bit dehumanizing especially to the people who have quirks that make them look different.” I told him and took a bite and ate it. “I see and that’s kinda wrong. But you’re still avoiding the question. Who did you get assigned?” He pressed. I set my plate down and sighed. I told him that I got assigned the faculty and staff of the school which included Present Mic and Eraserhead… which were the same people who hopped on the train and defended me against Hunter. This only made Taishiro more and more excited. “OOOH I KNEW IT!” He exclaimed. He then settled down and looked at me.
“But why would you get punished for trying to make friends at work?” He asked. “Because, Admins in the past have gotten too close to the people they have been assigned to and used their relationships to disrupt their timelines. Disrupting a timeline is very bad and considered illegal in the Admin Agencies.” I explained and he nodded. “Its still cool that you got assigned those people. Eraserhead can be a handful though he prefers to work alone and he’s known for being an underground hero, saying that the media meddling in a hero’s business interferes with their work, so you aren’t going to find much press about him.” Taishiro told me as I ate.
Hizashi unlocked the door to the building they lived in during the school year. The dormitories had been there long before they had attended the school and were used to help keep students safe when they would be experiencing their heats or ruts while at school as there were special rooms they could spend their rut or heat in with their bond mate if they had one or spend it alone. The teacher and faculty building was a bit bigger since they had small, one-bedroom or two-bedroom apartments instead of normal dormitory rooms that they would live in during the school year. The layout of the building was a typical common room with a kitchen, a workout/gym area with showers connected, and an office area on the bottom floor. Each room was specially soundproofed so no one would be disturbed if someone was on their heat or rut. Any of the people living on campus could stay on campus during summer and winter breaks which was a normal circumstance while others would either live in a hotel, rent a temporary apartment, or live with family members during the longer holidays.
But Hizashi and Shouta entered their apartment building and took their shoes off and placed them by the door before going up to their home and getting comfortable for the evening. Shouta set the food and drinks on the counter in their kitchen before flopping on the couch and letting out a groan of relief that they were finally home. “I’m going to get changed before we eat, okay? My pants are getting itchy.” Hizashi spoke, slipping into their bedroom and changing out of his hero costume and into something more comfortable. He also changed into his Naga form, letting his legs fuse back together to form the long, thick, and powerful tail that he was born with. Shouta knew that he was long overdue to change back since they had a long day of work. Hizashi slithered out of their bedroom wearing a long t-shirt that had a logo on it advertising his radio show on it and he went into the kitchen to retrieve the food and join his partner on the couch and dish out the food between them. I finished my food then checked my phone for any notice of a phone call or even a text. Nothing. I sighed to myself and looked to Taishiro. “I’m going to just hang out in my room until they call. Thanks for the food, Taishiro.” I spoke and hopped off the stool, heading into my room and picking up my tablet and began to process other variables from the day, anxiously waiting for them to call.
After they ate, Shouta looked at the number on the card, now really amping to call her but he wanted to wait for Hizashi to make the call. “Come in here and call her already. I can feel you ready to burst with excitement.” Hizashi called from the bedroom as he was prepping his nest for the night.  
Shouta entered the room and laid out on the queen-sized bed and dialed her number, putting the call on speaker as Hizashi was getting himself comfortable in his nest. The phone rang for a few seconds before I picked up. I had been putting on my pjs when I had heard my phone ring on my bed since I had tossed it there. I rushed over, picked the device up and answered.
“Hello? This is Admin Bryant speaking.” I spoke. “Hello. This is Shouta and Hizashi Aizawa from on the train and at school earlier. I’m sorry that we got you in trouble and made such a big deal on the train.” I heard Shouta speak. I felt myself relax at hearing his voice over the phone. “Are you going to get in more trouble for talking to us over the phone tonight?” I heard Hizashi ask from a distance. “No. Hunter made sure that my phone wouldn’t be listened to and cover for me tonight; besides, I’m not the first Admin to cause trouble like this.” I responded and shook my head, knowing they couldn’t see me.
“Good. I’m glad. What did you want to talk about.” I heard Shouta respond.
“Well, I was beginning to think that you two wouldn’t even call; I’m glad you did though. What I wanted to ask is more so confirming something that Hunter told me after the two of you left the train… Is it true that after all this time, even though I’ve only known Hizashi by working with him for the past year, that the two of you have developed feelings for me?” I asked, feeling my face heat up as I spoke. I could hear them hesitate as their side of the call feel silent. I had a feeling that Shouta and Hizashi were looking at each other, deciding on who would speak next. “Yes. We do have feelings for you. Hizashi might know you better than I do but I’m willing to get to know you on my own.” I heard Shouta speak after a few moments of silence. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I heard those words.
“I’m glad. I am a bit curious too. Did the two of you have feelings for me back on the roof? Because I like the two of you back but you both are married to each other… I don’t know if I should even have these feelings after all this time. I know you heard me back in April of last year when I didn’t have control of my telepathy but I still think that what I’m feeling is wrong.” I confessed. I knew they were married. It said so in their files and it made my heart plummet when I read that fact when browsing over their files. I didn’t encourage the hope of them having any sort of feelings for me when I was learning how to be an Admin and beginning my job at the radio station and working close with Hizashi. I didn’t pursue anything thinking that two of them were gay and didn’t have any romantic or sexual attraction to women at all. I didn’t know this at the time but Hizashi looked to Shouta with a look that told him ‘I told you so’ before either of them spoke up again.
“We did have feelings for you on the roof and those feelings started when we met you a year ago. Those feelings never wavered or left us. If you’re worried about us being married or us being gay, darling. Don’t worry. We like both men and women. We’re also looking to form a pack; Shouta and I have decided that you’re perfect for us, only if you’ll have us.” Hizashi spoke, probably grinning like he normally did when he spoke.
“If we think this way, that we like you and you like us back, what’s wrong with that then? We want to get to know you better even though you probably know everything about us from that tablet of yours. Is there a way we can get to know you better without you getting in trouble?” Shouta’s voice sounded through the speaker of the phone.
“But there’s something inside me still that’s tugging at my mind, telling me that this is wrong.” I spoke before remembered something and pulled up a list of rules regarding Admins and the people they are assigned. “If we’re going forward with this, there are a couple of papers that the two of you would have to sign. In my opinion, they are stupid papers but they’ve been put here as a good precaution because of Admins in the present and in the past having defected from their agencies and preventing variables that harm their people that they have been assigned.” I spoke as I pulled up the papers and hesitated.
“But then we would have to show the Higher-ups, specifically Hunter since he wants to see me develop a relationship with the two of you. He will help make sure that I don’t get in trouble. I just have to make sure that whatever we develop doesn’t get in my way of being an Admin.” I spoke as I beginning to get nervous again.
“I know why they’ve put these rules in place especially for newer Admins like me is so that we don’t defect. Most Admins don’t defect. Its more of the Admins assigned to villains that defect and cause problems.” I added, beginning to ramble. “Well, when the time comes, we will sign the papers. Besides. This means we can talk and get to know each other without you getting in trouble.” Shouta spoke.
“It would be best to get the papers signed sooner rather than later. Because neither of you can bond-mark me or mate with me until those papers are signed and processed through the Higher-ups. I also know that Shouta is an Alpha with a creature gene and Hizashi is a Luna with a Naga creature gene. The two of you know I’m a Luna so that’s already taken care of.” I spoke as I heard a gentle knock at the door, knowing it was Taishiro, probably checking on me before he went to bed. I heard Shouta say something before I got up to answer the door. “Of course. Just bring them to us before class whenever you can get them to us. Just give us the word and we will sign them. Do you need us to be quiet so you can answer the door?” He asked.
“I’ll bring them tomorrow so the two of you can read them over and sign them. Just for a moment. Its just Taishiro checking on me.” I told them and went to the door, seeing an excited Taishiro on the other side. “What’s up?” I asked.
“I was wondering if you wanted anything else before I headed to bed.” He asked. “I’ll be fine for now, thanks for checking in. I’ll probably heat something up before I go to sleep. Don’t worry. I’ve been doing better on eating. Night, Taishiro.” I spoke.
“Okay, don’t be up too late with those two, okay? You still have work in the morning. Night, Bryant.” He spoke and left me be to go to his room and sleep.  “I’m back, sorry to keep the two of you waiting.” I spoke when I returned to my bed to talk with them more. I heard Shouta chuckling as he heard Taishiro telling me to not stay up late.
“We are looking forward to signing those papers tomorrow, Bryant,  I hope to kiss you then.” Hizashi spoke and I felt my face heat up and I laid on my bed excited. “Hey, I wanted to kiss her first.” Shouta protested. “Alright, you can get the first kiss, but don’t make it too long so I can have my turn, alright?” Hizashi spoke and Shouta groaned. “Tell us more about yourself.” Shouta spoke, trying to change the subject.
“Yeah, I have a question though, why are you staying with Taishiro if the commute is so far? Why not get a place up here or move into some Admin dormitory closer to the school?” He asked.
“I’m staying at Taishiro’s place because he helped me when I was dropped into this world. He’s letting me stay here until either I can get my own place or I’m mated to someone and I move in with them. Other than that, I don’t know what to tell you.” I explained. “Why don’t you start by telling us what it was like for you as a kid.” Hizashi suggested. I froze up, remembering what my father did to me and my family, especially my mom and my sisters. “Um… It wasn’t the best. My dad is a villain and my mom was killed by someone associated with him when I was little.” I spoke slowly and took some deep breaths.
“Its alright. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. Have you ever wanted to bond with someone before?” Hizashi asked. “I don’t know. I want to bond with someone new but I’m still traumatized by my past. I am a bit surprised that you two are even still interested in me. Usually, when I told someone that was a hero like you two that I was a kid of a villain, was usually thing that made them cut ties with me and never spoke to me again.” I told them, taking a deep breath and speaking up again. “Yes, I have wanted to bond before. I have been bonded and mated before… only in other universes though. Never have I ever been bonded and mated here in this universe. I told them and they listened. Hizashi bit on his lip before he spoke again.
“Don’t worry. When you decide that you’re ready, then we will be there and we will do our best to be gentle, but I doubt you’ve ever had or been with anything like Shouta and I.” He spoke and I heard Shouta chuckled next to him. “No, I haven’t had two men with creature genes before. I’ve never been with a Naga before either. But I’m curious, what kind of creature gene does Shouta have?” I asked. “He doesn’t like to talk about it.” Hizashi spoke. “I might tell you eventually, but for now, just tell us more about yourself, whatever you want.” Shouta told me.
“I don’t know what I would tell you about myself.” I said and thought for a moment before speaking again. “I have three sisters, a dragon creature gene that you already know of, and my favorite food is mac and cheese.” I spoke.
“I remember seeing your dragon gene back when we first met you, but I’m curious if there’s anything else we should know about before we mate with you.” Shouta mentioned. The tone in his voice implied that he had a smirk on his face like the one he had when he was running his students through the drills earlier in the day even though I couldn’t see his face. 
“I’ve been told that my dragon gene can help other species… I guess that’s another reason why I was running from the previous universe because the people there were trying to exploit it. But I came here, hoping to help some other people that I’d choose to help them have a child.” I told them as I looked over their files to learn more information about them. “Is that so? Then really make sure to bring those papers tomorrow.” Hizashi added with excitement in his voice before Shouta spoke. “You know our dynamics but you haven’t told us what your dynamic is. May we ask what it is?” He asked, just as excited as his mate was about this situation.
“I am a Luna.” I breathed out as I felt myself growing more nervous and more excited all at the same time as I heard the excitement in their voices.  I got up off my bed and pulled the papers from the printer attached to my tablet and putting them into my backpack and placing them by the door before going to the bed and listening to them talk. “Hey, please don’t be nervous, Bryant. We aren’t going to hurt you.” Hizashi spoke softly, noticing that I went quiet after talking. I calmed down a bit as there was something comforting about the tone of his voice that helped me to relax and get under my covers.
“Hizashi is right, there’s no need to be nervous with us.” I heard Shouta speak in a gentle tone. “I don’t know that… I don’t know… I’m sorry.” I spoke quietly, my mind swirling with thoughts of how unprofessional I was being with my characters but the train of thought was quickly interrupted by Hizashi’s voice breaking through my thoughts. The hero was calm and he spoke in the same gentle tone as his mate. “We aren’t going to hurt you. This is all up to you on how fast or how slow we take this. We aren’t going to do anything that you’re not comfortable with or pressure you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable, okay? I wish I was there to hold your hands and look you in the eyes while I said this.” He told me. I began to take deep breaths to calm my racing heart.
“I’m a little excited about this myself. Its all new to me and that makes me nervous too. There is a way that my dragon gene works and it’s a bit odd. Its probably too weird for some… possibly the two of you.” I spoke and laid against the headboard of my bed.
“Tell us about it, please.” They said eagerly in unison. I giggled at the fact that they spoke together at the same time. I took another deep breath before speaking.
“Well, I bloat up with an aphrodisiac made from a gland just under my uterus and is stimulated during both my heat and my rut. I also build up stamina each month by eating a lot of food… like a lot of food. More that you saw me eat at lunch. It’s the way my body prepares each month for either my heat or rut. I also lay eggs instead of live birth. So, my body also prepares to either hold a clutch of eggs or give a clutch of eggs to another.” I spoke and began to feel a pit grow in the bottom of my stomach, expecting them to reject me and move on. I was surprised when I heard Hizashi let out a chuckle. “Darling, that isn’t weird at all. I do the same thing. If you didn’t notice that at least once a month, I bring extra food to the station, right? I am a Naga as I told you earlier and I too produce a clutch of eggs either for myself or give to another. I’d love to give you my clutch someday, my dear.” He spoke as Shouta played with the ends of his mate’s hair.
“He’s right. It’s a bit uncomfortable when he’s in rut and I have to take his clutch.” I heard Shouta say. I felt myself blush super hard. “Only when the time is right. I’m nowhere near ready to accept a clutch… I need to get a bit bigger. But I hope that someday I’ll be able to help the two of you.” I spoke.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to help us someday, but for now, you sound a bit sleepy. We should let you sleep.” I heard Hizashi tell me when Shouta chuckled. “We will see you tomorrow, okay? I hope you sleep well.” He told me. I nodded even though they couldn’t see me and I hesitated before speaking again. “Can the two of you help me with food? I know I can get some here at Taishiro’s place, but I’m not allowed much money for other food at lunch.” I spoke as I was getting ready to hang up. “Absolutely, we can help you with food.” Hizashi spoke before Shouta chimed in.
“Of course we will help you.” He said and I smiled.
“Thank you. I hope that the two of you have a good night and I’ll see you in the morning.” I spoke and hung up. I let out a squeal of delight before getting ready for bed. Hizashi looked to Shouta. “I think she’s perfect too.” He spoke as he slid out of his nest and slithered to the door and looked back to his mate.“I’m going to get my soba, its probably cold now. Then do you want to help me prep food for tomorrow’s lunch? I want to surprise her with a lot of food.” He suggested. Shouta perked up and nodded as he slurped up his noodles and followed his mate out of the room.
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irenethewoman · 11 months
Mrs. Shelby - Chapter 14 - Churchill
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February 1922 London Tommy and his brothers stayed at my house for one night and then left. After I got up, I took care of some trivial matters and then left To Churchill's office. His appointment was at the Ritz, but I wanted to try my luck at his office. "Wow."
Seeing the woman taking off her clothes in his office, I just raised my eyebrows and closed the door. "Please take a seat, Madam Baroness. Although if I remember correctly, I remember that our meeting should be at the Ritz Hotel." I sat aside and calmly took a sip of the tea brought by the secretary. "The tea is very fragrant." In front of this old man like him, I'm too lazy to pretend.
He sketched his nude and I drank my tea. I also randomly picked out a book from his bookshelf and flipped through it. random The ground was just like it had been in my father's office. I've been waiting for a long time, but today's trip did not disappoint me. "Oh, God!" It's Campbell.
Hearing the familiar voice, I raised my head, supported my chin with one hand, and looked at him. Campbell saw Mr Churchill naked After taking the mannequin, he immediately lowered his head and didn't even see me sitting on the side. "Forgive me, sir, but your secretary doesn't seem to be here." In front of Mr. Churchill, Campbell's words sounded like
Like a complaining child. Thinking of this, I laughed out loud. Mr. Churchill looked over. "Sorry, sir." I said, but still with a smile on my face, "But it's funny, isn't it?
Everyone wants to have lunch. " Campbell visibly stiffened when he heard my voice. He wanted to turn around to confirm my identity, but was afraid of seeing the model's appearance. It looks very funny. I smiled even brighter. It wasn't until he found the right spot, one where he could see Mr. Churchill but avoid the model, that he saw Me on the side.
I looked at his surprised expression. He would never have imagined that I was negotiating a deal with him in a garage in Birmingham. After winning the inheritance, he became the biggest winner and qualified to appear in the office of his immediate boss. To be honest, I really wanted to show off my power and make myself look like a temptress in troubled times, so as to relieve my anger. "This is Baroness Turner."
I stood up and gave him my hand. Before he could react, he withdrew his hand and sat back gracefully. "Ireland It’s not a land of etiquette, is it? " Churchill glanced at me and told me not to go too far, but I just smiled. I am one of the important patrons of the Conservative Party One, he would not make me unhappy, at most he would give me a small warning like just now. Although Churchill appeared on the surface, he still
He is from the Liberal Party, but I know his little calculations - after all, he has also betrayed the Conservative Party. "What's so urgent? It's more important than lunch." Churchill spoke up to help Campbell. Campbell looked at me, and I stared back at him, not to be outdone. Very good, even if Churchill immediately asks me to leave now, with his look, I have already confirmed my guess. Unfortunately, we are in big trouble.
"Baroness Turner is an important patron of ours. As you can see, she is a young, wealthy, single woman who is looking for A husband worthy of her. " I frowned as I listened to Churchill's words. What does he mean? His wife is not worthy of his lordship! I They are indeed considered in-laws, but that is also the business of George I. When will my wedding turn get this eight pole? Are you worried about your relatives who can’t even afford a wife? "Sir, our manpower in Birmingham has passed the first round of testing with flying colors."
Campbell looked at me, and I took a sip of tea with a normal expression, pretending that I knew nothing. They talked openly about killing donkeys in front of me, as if they thought women should not understand these things. "To put pressure on a guy on a mission like this, you have to know his weaknesses. And I know this guy's weaknesses very well. What is it. "Campbell looked at me maliciously. As it happened, I also knew Tommy's weaknesses: his family, and me as his fiancée.
The next lunch, I faced Churchill and braced myself, pretending to be my true feelings. They just talked for a long time without mentioning the name Thomas Shelby, and Churchill never mentioned that I had been to Birmingham.
John, met Campbell, and my relationship with Tommy. I think I understand what he means. He will help me hide my past, and I can use this to choose a husband from the upper class; but as a In exchange, he asked me to give up Tommy and let them use my lover as a knife.
I was worried about Tommy and furious. Even when I got home, I was still thinking about countermeasures. This is simply a dead end! We can get around Campbell and get a little bit of life. But if you can get around that hypocrite Campbell, you have to deal with Shangqiu. Gill is such a villain, no one is good at all. If Churchill could have chosen Tommy for If we get rid of Campbell, he can get rid of us for another guy. I kept thinking about it until around two o'clock in the morning before I slowly fell asleep… "You can't come in! This is Baroness Turner's mansion! I'm calling the police!"
I was woken up by the sound downstairs. Since returning to London - apart from sleeping with Tommy yesterday - I've often suffered from insomnia; I sleep very lightly, and the slightest disturbance can wake me up. What's more, now, the sound of breaking porcelain, fighting Sounds, screams… I took out the pistol hidden under the pillow, put a coat on myself and walked out of the bedroom. I stood on the second floor and watched Sabili leading his men to do evil in my house. My concierge lies in the garden and stirs My maid was being pulled by her hair, my housekeeper and other servants were being beaten. On the floor are porcelain and The shards of glass left two more holes in my door. I know this is revenge for Tommy. But I never regret falling in love with him. "Bang!" The pistol was no longer fit for purpose, so I took the shotgun off the wall and fired at one of his men. That person was shot by me , immediately lying on the ground, blood flowing like a river. When they heard the gunshot, they immediately drew their guns and aimed at the direction of the sound.
"You forced your way into my house…and you dared to point a gun at me!" I held the shotgun and yelled at them angrily. "You must make Opposite? ah? ! A group of Italians dared to hold a gun against the baroness whom he personally named in front of the King of England's eyes! war
The war has just ended, are you declaring war with Britain? " The group of people visibly flinched when they heard me carrying out the king. They glanced at Sabi, who was unwilling to give in The ground moved its mouth and spat on my ground. "You are Diana Turner, the gypsy bastard's mistress."
I stood on the second floor, looking down at him with my head held high. "You are that Dago with the big pizza nose." (Note: Dago means Italians and Spaniards are derogatory names, just like Chinaman to us and Nigger to black people. Appear here Only for plot needs) I saw the gunman next to him move, "Shoot! If you dare, shoot in my house! Come on!"
He dares? ! As long as he hits me with this shot tonight, I will be able to seriously injure Sabi tomorrow. a gun In exchange for half of Sabi's property, it was worth it! Although Sabili didn't know that I had set fire to my hands, he also knew the danger of attacking me at this moment. risk. He raised his hand to signal the close guard not to be impulsive, and then threw something at me. "This is a gold tooth dug out of his mouth. I think you must have seen it many times. You must be more familiar with its appearance than I am."
Son, after all he must lick your pussy for many times. " Tommy… I don't have time to care about what nasty things Sabi said to me, I just feel sorry for my Tommy. That must be him living it from Tommy's mouth Digging it up alive…how dare he! But if Sabili thinks that this can make me cower in fear, then he is totally wrong. Maybe he should go to hell and the old bus Let’s have a chat and see the consequences of underestimating me. "I will use your finger to exchange for my fiancé's tooth. We'll see." Sabili just twitched the corner of his mouth in disdain. I felt like my eyes were breathing fire. He may think that Thomas Shelby is an aristocratic lady who is lucky enough to sleep in London, and that I am just a ruthless person. A talkative, incompetent lady. I do what I say. "Now, get out of my house right now! Don't let me say it a second time!"
I raised the gun again, this time I aimed it at Sabi's head. I looked at the mess in silence. "Fortunately, the portraits of my ancestors are fine." I said to myself. "Thankfully I didn't leave dad hanging outside…" "Aunt Dai Ni…" I heard Maria's voice and turned around. She must have been woken up by us. She was only wearing a thin nightgown at the moment. He stood upstairs with bare feet, his hands and feet trembling helplessly. "Did something happen at home…" "It's okay, my dear, go back to sleep." I tried my best to soothe my frozen face and coaxed her gently.
she. "Juana, go and stay with Miss Maria." When Juana came back and told me that Maria had fallen asleep, I turned around. "No need to clean up." I waved my hand and asked the servants to go back and rest. “Jenny, go to the refrigerator and get some ice packs to apply on Face, go to the pharmacy to get some medicine for everyone. Everyone, go and have a rest. Don’t talk about today’s affairs everywhere, you know? this Everyone will receive additional bonuses every month. Okay, let's all go and have a rest. "
I first called Attorney Collins and asked him to come to my house tomorrow morning to discuss important matters. Then I held it from The booklet taken out of the warehouse, compared with the furnishings broken by Sabi, calculated my losses tonight, and the hired secret agents. money from the people who protect Ada. The wool comes from the sheep, and I will ask Sabi to compensate for all these losses! I looked at my hand which had returned to its original state. The hands had recovered from past burns, and the fingers were long and beautiful. The skin is tender and fair.
"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!" I looked at the extra handprints on my face with satisfaction. The left half of my face has become swollen. My fair face turned red from my own beating It was swollen, and the corners of the mouth were slightly bloody. I was very worried about Tommy's situation. I didn't sleep all night. I just kept looking at the dark circles under my eyes and the wounds on my face, with my hair hanging down. Sitting on the sofa, watching the dawn sun emerge little by little from the wide open door.
Attorney Collins is probably arriving soon. When Edward Collins saw the mess at Turner House, even though he and I had been through a lot together, he was still struck by the sight. I was shocked by the scene in front of me. "Is there a burglar in the house?" "Thieves are looking for money. It's best to keep silent. How can there be blood? Please write a few complaints and lawsuits for me. One copy for "Thailand" Times, one copy to Mr. Brown and Mr. Stuart, and one to Scotland Yard. With a job provided by taxpayers Capital, all the police on King's Road went on strike last night, leaving law-abiding taxpayers to be bullied by London gangsters. Ling. " "…Madam Baroness…"
I raised my head, exposing the clear handprints on my face to his sight, and Edward swallowed the persuasion that came to his lips. He has always been like a relative to me. As long as he sees me being hurt, he will choose to help me. I knew he would give in. Baroness Turner's private residence was forcibly broken into, leaving a mess in front of the entrance door. The handprints on the baroness' haggard handsome face were clear. It can be seen that… this is news that is enough to cause a sensation in London. So what if Sabili controls the police? I am Baroness Turner, the most popular of the social season, and an important figure in the Conservative Party. As one of the patrons, I could change the tide of public opinion in London. Those who either rely on my support or want to become a baroness My husband's politicians are my marionettes, quarreling fiercely in the House of Commons and telling the electorate big questions. lie. They have gained their own interests, and they must protect the interests of their sponsors. This is the law of the jungle in London. Even when facing the police chief, I was still wearing a nightgown, with my hair disheveled, and my face bare, but I slapped my own hand on my face. The seal has long since disappeared. Anyway, they are all Sabili's people, at least they received the benefits from him last night. To them, I'm too lazy to act like a reporter and I Like that in front of funded politicians. Not to mention acting, I didn't even bother to show off, I just turned my back to them and lay down On the sofa, I listened to the policemen's nonsensical nonsense. Just ask, from time to time, “Where were you last night? Why did you fail to protect taxpayer safety?” Complete? ” can be exchanged for a moment of tranquility. They would be silent, and then after a while they would continue to tell me the same nonsense in a condescending tone. talk. Although it made me upset, I just didn't ask them to leave my house. Of course I don't accept their queen. Pao apologizes, but since you have accepted Sabi's money, then come to me and beg for mercy.
In this way they can President, remember, if you see Sapele's pounds in the future, you won't act like a dog that has never seen money. Their masters don't dare to touch me at all, let alone these people. In London, I am still the baroness who controls everything and no one dares to mess with her. Like last year's gossip, I'm Everything was settled quickly. I saw Sabi's public apology letter published in The Times and received the Compensation in pounds sterling. But what about Tommy?
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rreskk · 1 year
I just thought about something with drama (love drama 😏) Imagine Reader who's confronting Trevor's mother (I don't remember her name) without Trevor. BUT Trevor came home when Reader slapped the mother and insulted her because she abandonned Trevor. Trevor's mother trying to make Reader look like the bad girl by saying she's crazy, attacked her for no reason and Trevor has to protect her from Reader? Trevor's gonna protect her mother, do nothing or take the side of Reader ?
---A/N: Heyyyyyyyyyy, I made Trevor do nothing. I tried to be realistic, basing it from his reaction to the 'Mrs Philips' mission.
Summary: Betty came to visit.
TW: -Implied child abuse.
You were rightfully cleaning up your laundry in Trevor’s trailer. While unloading the stacks upon the kitchen counter, the door opened. You automatically thought it was Trevor, proceeding to turn around with a smile. Until it dropped.
The woman seemed to look at you the same. Both staring a each other. She had red curly hair, droopy cheeks and awful makeup. She wore clothes that were obviously dated back to the 70s… Yet she stood with unlimited confidence.
“Can I help you?” Steadily eyeing up her every move, you spoke.
“Where’s Trevor? And who are you?”
“Trevor’s out… I’m his partner.”
She scoffed, “Partner? No chance, my love. He’s probably drugged you.”
There was appalling amounts of shade in her words. You took a step back in offence.
“Who are you?”
The woman was silent for a moment. She spent another second observing the trailer before pointing to herself.
“I’m his mother.” She said in a soft tone, sugar-coating the title of being a mother to gaslight you. The way her eyes furrowed in pity and innocence. You weren’t fazed.
Instead, you were angry. Trevor spoke about the trauma this woman gave him. The neglect, verbal abuse, abandonment… And now she stood in his living room. You were lucky he wasn’t here. You hoped he’ll turn up after she’s gone.
“I’ve heard of you. Betty Philips. Trevor told me. It’s nice of you to show up… 10 years later, without a damn word.” You backhandedly foretold with a scowl.
She flinched at your words like flint and steel. Betty lifted her stuck-up nose and ignored your truthful insults.
“Why should I listen to a random person I’ve never met before. I doubt you even know the boy. He couldn’t possibly find himself a lover.”
You chuckled, “You’re funny, Betty. This random person has been with Trevor long enough to know your games. He may not know, but I do. You ram your tongue and boss him around. You manipulate him through insults and neglection. You get your own way by giving him the cold shoulder. If you were ashamed of who he is today, damn right it’s all your fault.”
Betty inhaled sharply and held a massive grudge. Her eye twitched, something Trevor had inherited whenever he felt enraged. You stood your ground though and kept great eye contact with the woman as she took a step forward.
“What did you just say to me?” She hissed.
Muted due to her stealth, you kept a close attention to her. Trevor mentioned this type of behaviour before. She acts like she’s about to physical hurt you but don’t. She makes you think she will.
“How DARE you say that to me. How DARE you speak for my son. He is not here and I kindly reject your filthy manner!”
You breathed out painfully and smirked, “Now you know how it feels.”
Betty, in spite of her rage, began raising a finger to your face. Her polished nail almost scratched the surface of your cheek. The audacity made you grind your teeth and strike her in the nose. As you palmed the exact centre of her face, the door opened once more.
You gasped.
“Wha-“ Trevor whispered as he just about caught you slapping his mother. The mere shock in his eyes. He hadn’t of seen his mum in 10 years and the second he does, she’s being harmed by someone close to him. You.
“Trevor, I can explain!”
“Oh, yes they can!” Betty bellowed with a snarky grimace, “Of course you find yourself an abuser for a partner! You wrecked boy!”
He was overwhelmed. His mouth was dropped open and all the confidence he normally had was gone. He carried nothing on him. Nothing but weakness.
You shook your head rapidly, “No, no! She was disrespecting me and you!”
“You can’t let your own mother be attacked by a slut, Trevor! You aren’t a man at all! You’re a pathetic little girl. Your father was damn right about you…” She enjoyed the look of despair in his face. You held your breath at the ongoing series of insults and verbal abuse.
Trevor stuttered, “Mama, no-“
“Mama? What are you? My god, Trevor. How are you living? You… You were such a waste of space,” Betty belittled, “I expected so much of you.”
“Shut the fuck up, Betty. You leave him alone.”
She glared at you as Trevor finally spoke.
“W-What are you doing… Here?” His voice cracking with anxiety.
“I’m your mother! You rascal!”
“Okay!” Trevor cried out, holding out his hands to both of you, “Okay, please. What is going on… What…”
I sighed, “She walked in without knocking and began tormenting me.”
He didn’t know how to react as he looked at his mother for moral support. You were disgusted.
“Trevor, don’t look at her. She’s a bitch!”
“A bitch?” Betty riled up.
“STOP IT!” He wobbled, “PLEASE, JUST STOP!”
I threw my hands up in disbelief and scoffed under my breath. Betty looked at me up and down through this action in distress. She was amused. She loved the negativity of people. She was an evil witch.
“Oh, get over yourself, boy.” Demanded Betty, hands stationed on her hip.
You tried to give him a reassuring look but Trevor refused to even glance in your direction. Growing tired of this woman, you threw the laundry onto his bed and leaned into his ear.
“I’m leaving.” You spat.
Trevor went to reach for your hand but you left the trailer, furious at his muteness. He turned to Betty who was smirking at your defeat.  
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CE Chapter 15: Starting Over
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Before returning to Ellie, George went into the bathroom and cleaned up. He didn't want his soulmate to see him covered in blood. Just because she was going to be a part of this life, didn't mean she needed to see it.
He walked outside and silently approved of his men completely surrounding his car. He could see Ellie in the back, nervously playing with her hands.
"Thank you for watching over her," George told his nearest man. "You men did great today. I won't forget this."
"She's your soulmate, sir," Adams said. "Which means she's as much our boss as you are."
"We're loyal to you," Owen added. "And now we're loyal to her."
"I won't forget this," George said again. He looked over at his frightened soulmate and added, "I don't think either one of us will."
"If I may say something, sir," Jacks quietly spoke up. He was relatively new and still was unsure about his place.
"Of course," George said. "What is it, Jacks?"
"I know we've only had a small interaction with Ms. Ellie, but she seems wonderful. You're lucky, sir."
"Thank you, Jacks," George chuckled. "I think you're right. Now I just have to make sure I don't screw it up."
"Something tells me you won't," Owen smirked as the men gave the couple some privacy without going far.
The men turned to see Ellie jumping out of the car and running toward George. They didn't bother to stop her. George welcomed her as she jumped into his arms.
"Why were you gone so long?" She asked shakily.
"I'm sorry, darling," he whispered, tightening his arms around her. "I'm here now."
"Don't leave me," she stuttered. "Please, George. Please don't leave me."
Without letting go of her, George led Ellie back to the car. She stayed tucked into his chest the entire drive. She didn't stop to wonder where they were going. Her mind was stuck on the last twenty-four hours. She involuntarily shivered, making George look down at her.
"Are you alright?" He asked under his breath.
"I think so," she stuttered.
"It's okay if you're not," he tried to reassure her. When she didn't say anything, he added, "Ellie, I hope you know you can talk to me. I want you to."
"I just. . . I don't really know how to react," Ellie admitted. "I was taken by my soulmate's enemy. And why? Because my soulmate runs the mafia. I feel like I'm talking about a dream I had or a book I read. It's. . . Crazy."
"I know you may not believe me," George sighed, "but I do understand. When my father told me the truth about where he goes and what he does every day, I thought he was insane."
"How old were you when he told you the truth?" Ellie asked.
"That young?"
"Yeah," George shrugged. "He had just gotten diagnosed with cancer."
"Oh," she mumbled, "I'm so sorry, George."
She reached over and grabbed his hand. He smiled and instantly squeezed her hand.
"Thank you," he smiled at her.
They rode the rest of the way in comfortable silence. George looked down as they pulled into the mansion. He smiled when he saw Ellie sleeping on his shoulder.
"Sir? We're here."
"Alright," George said. He paused before adding, "Will you have my mother prepare a room for Ellie?"
"Of course, sir."
"See if the one next to mine is free. If not next to mine, next to my mother."
"Yes, sir."
George looked down and didn't want to wake her but he knew he had to. He reached up and gently ran his fingers through her hair.
"Ellie," he whispered. His heart felt weird as she slowly woke up. "We're here, baby."
"Where?" She asked sleepily as she sat up.
"My mansion," George said, feeling embarrassed that he lives in a mansion for the first time in his life. He cleared his throat before lowering his voice and saying, "I want you to stay with me."
"Are you sure?" Ellie stuttered.
"Of course," he said instantly. "Ellie, I have the best security in the city. All within these walls. I can protect you anywhere, but not as well as I could here."
He thought about it before adding, "Plus, you're my soulmate. You should be with me."
"Okay," Ellie shrugged. "If you insist."
"I do," he said softly. "I don't want to force you, darling. I just want to make sure you're safe."
George smiled when he saw the blush forming on his soulmate's face. He grabbed her hand and helped her out of the car. She gasped, her legs giving out. Luckily George caught her.
"I got you," he said softly.
He wrapped his arm around her waist and led her inside. They walked in and Ellie couldn't stop herself from looking around the house.
"I swear it starts to feel smaller," George chuckled. "It may take a few years but it does get smaller."
"Good to know," Ellie giggled.
"The room is ready, sir."
"The room?" Ellie stuttered.
"It's the room next to yours," Jacobs clarified. Ellie looked up at George, full of curiosity.
"I didn't want you to feel like I was forcing you to stay with me. . . in my room."
"Oh," Ellie said under his breath. "Thank you."
With his arm still wrapped around her, he showed her where her room was. She walked inside and immediately looked around the room. The room was perfectly clean.
"This is beautiful," she commented.
"My mom wanted a room for my future soulmate so she felt comfortable," he told her. "She wanted my soulmate to live here the moment I met her."
"She did?"
"Well," George hesitated, "this life is dangerous. She knew that if you lived here, you'd be safe."
"Am I safe?" Ellie asked before she could stop herself. George's demeanor changed at the thought of her not being safe.
"You are a hundred percent safe with me, Eleanor."
"George. . ." Ellie stuttered.
"I will do whatever it takes to protect you," he continued. "It doesn't matter if you ever fall in love with me. You're my soulmate and that means we're connected. I will protect you with everything I have, Ellie. I promise."
"I believe you," she whispered.
"Good," he chuckled. He cleared his throat before adding, "Well, it's been a long day. You should get some sleep."
He was about to leave but stopped. He walked over to her and leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
"Good night, soulmate."
"Good night," she whispered. Guilt enveloped her as she thought about how much trouble he must have gone through to find her and the things he did to save her.
"There's something I have to tell you," Ellie rushed out before he could leave.
"What is it?" He asked, stepping back over to her.
"I think you need to know why I agreed to stay here tonight," she started to explain as she played with her hands.
"Ellie," George said gently. "It's okay. You don't have to. . ."
"I'm scared to go home."
"What?" His tone changed. He grabbed her hands and pulled her closer. "Why are you scared to go home, sweetheart?"
"Davidson's men were waiting outside my house when I got home from work the night that he. . . I'm scared that they might still be there to get payback for what you did to him. Or maybe. . ."
George turned on his heel and went to the door. Ellie wrapped her arms around herself, nervously chewing on her bottom lip.
"Yes, sir?"
"I want you to send a few men to Ellie's house. Make sure no one is waiting for her," George instructed. "Have them stay there to be sure no one shows up."
"Yes, sir," Jacobs said before leaving.
"And send another team to her bookshop," he added.
"Yes, sir."
George turned back toward his soulmate with a smile on his face.
"There," he said. "Problem solved."
"That easy?" Ellie asked, nervously playing with her fingers.
"That easy."
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d1squ13tud3 · 1 year
I obtained this interesting a statement today from 1, upper school history teacher, lame duck in her position:
"I don't think educated, adult people should be told what to do."
The specific context for this is a mostly uninteresting cold war between most of the school and persons 2 and 3, who man an office along the front hallway and are in charge of coordinating extracurriculars. What interested me most about this statement was the qualifications: it must be okay sometimes for people to be told what to do, unless they are educated adults.
This is kind of a required attitude from a teacher. There are many supportive, veteran teachers around me who are very kind and assure me that it gets easier, that the first few years of teaching are rough, that there's a reason most people wash out of the profession no more than 3 years in. What I wonder about is what percentage of the washed were overwhelmed by the arena, and what percentage of the washed were overwhelmed by their disquietude.
Obviously society works on firm boundaries — you drive when you're 16; you vote when you're 18, you drink when you're 21. We paint lines on our roads because when you sort of categoricalize driving like that, it's possible to do highway hypnosis. I mean, you could definitely do highway hypnosis on an unpainted highway if you were by yourself, but: "stay in your lane." It's a lot safer to play with fire on a rocky atoll than the sun-beat prairie. If you ran out of gas in the Mojave coz you missed the "no gas for 300 miles" sign, the only person you can shoot playing with your gun is yourself, and yourself is the least intuitive person to shoot.
But you can't tell me where the mind ends and where the body begins, and you can't tell me where childhood ends and adulthood begins. Rites of passage notwithstanding, starting kindergarten if you've turned 5 before September 1st notwithstanding, menarche and first intercourse and graduating high school and moving out and financial independence from your parents notwithstanding, you can't tell me where childhood ends and where adulthood begins.
"I don't think educated, adult people should be told what to do."
The educated, adult person has no choice but to do what they are told so long as they have a boss. Maybe if Jefferson had gotten his way and we were all yeoman farmers, beholden to no one but the earth and the weather, no one but God — but this is the same thing. A long time ago, someone then two and a half times my age said, "It's not a bad thing to have a little bit of debt." That's J. P. Morgan speaking from beyond the grave, and Jamie Dimon speaking from before the grave.
Now, there's a reason Marx marveled at capitalism, a reason Lenin did the N.E.P. But such are your intentions, and that same night you die. Great things are accomplished at the expense of human life. "Human life is limited, but I would like to live forever." In headaches and in worry, vaguely life leaks away. Like, things are accomplished at the expense of human spirit. How can they be called great, when the suffering outweighs the enjoyment?
"I suffer a lot, and every day the glass mirror get tougher to watch . . ."
The goal, as I understand it, of "Greek philosophy" — what does it mean to live a good life? Good spirit. Good spirit. At work, my colleague — older, wiser, more competent — says: "Don't belong here." Because I spoke about the little joys I had had today, and finished: ". . . yet I still feel that I do not belong." And she said: "Don't belong here."
I see the parents riled up about their coach not playing their kid right in peewee tackle . . . I know the people from whom I feel pressure — bosses, whatnot — are mostly only reflecting pressure from those who pressure them, moonlight from some crueler sun. That ultimately the pressure only comes from the cruel logic of the structure of our lives. There is no unmoved mover who generates the cruelty suffusing our civilization, but everyone moves each other.
"But the idling of men is called business; the idling of boys, though exactly like, is punished by those same men: and no one pities either boys or men. Perhaps an unbiased observer would hold that I was rightly punished as a boy for playing with a ball: because this hindered my progress in studies — studies which would give me the opportunity as a man to play at things more degraded."
But the one thing I revelled in was play!
The sexes rose to work and weep . . .
If there is one thing I resent the students for, it's the possibility (the jury's still out) that they Want (this) structure. This is what some of the other teachers want to say, they Want that structure, that discipline. It disquiets me to reprimand students or to enforce discipline — silence and stillness — although I will say it disquiets me also to do a lot of things. Trust my gut? I'm OCD and all. This is what a friend said — you probably only think about it, worry about it, (It It It), because you've got OCD. My It is like the sheer unrest of life, it's got a whole phenomenology to it, ever different waters flowing. But I do trust my gut. Today is the day I follow my intuition . . .
If there's one thing I resent the students for, it's wanting Structure; and this is the same way I resent my body for being an Animal. But taking bad care of yourself feels bad, and taking good care of yourself feels good, and you learn this, because your body tells you.
(Bloomfield's example: without awareness of human language, the alien must assume that Jack has an organ that senses Jill's hunger.)
Но, боже мой, какая скука!!!!!!
(Boredom is the enemy, and nothing more boring than pain.)
I believe that boredom is the enemy because boredom is the opposite of learning, and development of greater Spirit is what is going to . . . anyway boredom prevents learning, if you're bored you can't learn. If you're bored you can't do anything but tune out. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
It's okay in 1's mind to tell children what to do; she also has personal beef with 2 and 3 for political reasons ("they sit in their office and talk shit about everyone else all day." "Like we do in here?" "Yes, but like, they're complaining about how many liberals there are around here . . .") Yet in her liberal wisdom, she draws a fundamental chasm between children and adults, scoffing at the (specifically one or two who I can tell they are subtweeting) upper school teachers who apparently have gotten coffee with students on the weekends. "You are not my friend, you're a child," conjectures 1. "All my friends are in their 30s, with a handful in their 40s, a handful in their 20s", she cites proudly. She says something about her fundamental separation from anyone under 25, and I wonder if she knows how old I am.
The contention would be that the structure of our childhoods produces us as defective adults.
I walk around the school and make conversation, and it doesn't make much of a different if I'm very knowledgeable or interested, just that I nod, ask questions, try hard. It's very easy to get along with adults in a professional capacity. You always defer, verbally, agreeably, good-naturedly, to their face; you smile, greet, keep a good air about you. You play along with whatever language game they're playing. You use thheir common ground, stumbling around in it blindly if you need to, like figuring out where the light switch is in a new dark room at night, needing to pee. Occasionally this gets you into trouble, but less and less as you get better at these scheme of yours. Soon I'll fly too close to the sun, or maybe I won't.
Counsel says "the students need access to your mind", this the reason I should "maintain control of my classroom" (also otherwise I'll get fired.) Sometimes I do math problems (I'm not a math teacher) on the board if the kids ask it, coz they don't understand their problem for class, and they're always grateful. You get flattered occasionally, they say "we wish you were the math teacher instead, Ms So and So didn't make any sense when she taught it." (And I know her classroom's quiet . . . I dont know how she teaches, though.)
Part of the reason to let the kids do mostly whatever is so I can do mostly whatever. It feels like helping them do math is breaking some sort of spell, some sort of kayfabe about my class period being for my class. But nothing makes me happier than helping them with their math, than helping them where I can. I know that some of them must say "it's okay if I don't finish my homework at home, I'll just do it in 0621215's class." I know I can't make exceptions, go out of my way for every student, because there's too many of them — and I'll get caught.
Counsel says, "never seen such weird, maladapted graduates. What's wrong with them?" What's wrong is that those who succeed full-throttle in our system suck. The structure of school — and the ensuing feedback loop — ensure that it's mostly weird losers or psychos who end up on top. (The contention would be that the structure of our childhoods produces us as defective adults, or at least misplaced adults — and the ensuing feedback loop.)
Dont Belong Here.
Me I don't think people should be told what to do. I'm very much a turn the other cheek kind of soul. THe existence of evil is annoying; people will strike you for all sorts of reasons. One result — evil — with apparently many causes. I'm fine with advising, guiding. Maybe setting hard rules for children is rightfully considered a kind of advisingguiding, telling children what to do. But children display subjectivity and agency. Master-slave dialectic. God, I'm confused.
The real worry would be that at least some children would do irreparable injustice to each other and the rest of the world if adults allow them to make their own mistakes.
But the real reason for the disquietude is because to get 30 children to sit still and silent is you have to be either cold, scary and harsh or you threaten them with write-ups, deans, parents, especially parents who might take away the phone, or yell, or even withhold love or hit. What you're not doing is allowing the kid to make their own mistakes in a real, un-alienated way. A kid eats too much candy and they get a stomachache. They might learn or they might not; plenty of adults eat too much candy and get a stomachache too. They get drunk, they gamble. Well, some parents raise ipad children, too. Addiction is a disease.
Is it necessary always to drag kids towards education by the ear? American kid gets it in their head they hate broccoli, even though Japanese kids love it. Broccoli's good for you. Need a vibe shift.
The question is —
If you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink — that's fine. The horse can find water on its own, and maybe you led it to some nasty ass water.
Now hold on: the world has changed. The Colorado River's diverted to water lawns. The Mississippi is polluted from the factories in Pittsburgh and Cincinnati and St Louis.
What I'm trying to get at is: is it like, we've done the Original Sin of literally 100% civilization and phenomenology, of developing Spirit and thus altering the structure of our world in the context that our biological evolution has been long outstripped by our social and spiritual evolution. We're unable to operate as beasts anymore. Know how the 2 or 3 year old who gets lost in the woods is more likely to survive than the 5 or 6 year old, because the 2 or 3 year old eats dirt and the 5 or 6 year old thinks itself to death?
The question I have arrived at is: because of our moment in history, because we are humans living in AD 2023, after the invention of agriculture, after the invention of writing, after Christ, after gunpowder, after the printing press, after industry, after electricity, after the Internet — must we drag children towards education by the ear, if they are to have any hope of learning anything at all? Is a person in their conditions too alienated from themselves (until they realize their alienation, and sublimate their alienation by incorporating it into themselves) to live a good life, to have good Spirit, to do eudaimonia?
There are bees here, let's leave immediately.
If you want to be loved, be lovable.
And yet the contention is that the structure of our childhoods produces us as defective adults.
Dont say I never warned you if your train gets lost.....
KRAMER: Aren’t you a part of society?
But I want you to want me too . . .
All lay down their bandanas and complain . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .
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Let all who have ears to hear hear.
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