#but i want a clean slate for some... i guess i could just redownload them from the gallery hmm
bluupxels · 2 years
the demons in my brain: start over your base save from scratch... fresh townie makeovers... think about it...
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isaacathom · 5 years
i finally got worldedit to work, turns out rc-1 was missing the file, so i downloaded rc-2 (after redownloading both minecraft and forge to make sure i have a completely clean slate with no interference from a previously-installed optifine) and it worked! only downside is that my comp runs like SHIT and its really hard to get the chunk to have the look i want it to with the rather limited natural world gen customisation, cause the buffet world type is kinda. boring as fuck. also 100x100 isnt really that big, so i think while the chunk still should be ~around~ 100 blocks high, give or take, it needs to be bigger in w/l. its not meant to be exact, of course. thats the downside with minecraft - i am, indeed, Limited by Things. especially worldheight since i definitely conceptualise the Chunk as being taller than it is wide? maybe to demonstrate that it should be 50x50x100, since its more a proof of concept.
i think im gonna have to do math to figure out what stairs arrangement i need to make that work. there are so many types of stairs. i think the regular stair blocks would definitely like, Fit the Brief, but i didnt want them to be on a 45, so it needs to be some thing else. theres the full + slab, or theres like, the three block set up of full + slab + stair, which is the mpst gradual one i can think of which duplicates, ie full+full+slab+slab. id think that the 2x or 3x would work fine proportionally? for the demonstration of the idea, at least. but math? does it math? i dont know. i havent done actual fucking trigonometry since i was 15, man, im too old for this. uhh. 100 blocks down x2 or x3 is, naturally, just 200 or 300, BUT that discounts the fact that the corner breaches plateau out a little bit to be a flat space for people to access and rest. bc its a top down build its not exact in that (vs bottom up which would be able to shave material off to level a surface, the top-down cannot add material back in a way which guarantees its safety and security, even with magic, i think)
but yknow. i guess it is just 200x300. 200 on a 50x50 works perfectly for nabbing the two corners, so i guess i’ll just do that? keep it simple :P 300 is probably tooo graduaaaall wait. i said the angle was 30/60 right? wait. the wiki can help me with this. uno momento. shit they dont have 30/60 angle triangles on the wiki, i have been Betrayed. gimme the goods google. also i keep saying 30/60, its because im marginally Bad at Trig, its 30 angle between the horizontal and the diagonal, thats the Important part, i Believe. whatever.
eeeh. 20-25 is probably the closest, which is the 2 stair set up with the full and slab. 30 would probably be closer to 2.5 per 1 block in height. which is....... i guess the 3 block set up, huh. hm. hmmmmmmmmm. i think i would need to do tests on  a flat world, like have it be that i start at X and have to get to 10 blocks high, try the different stair angles, see which one i like. i actually spent some time last night while trying to sleep imagining how the interior might lmao, haha! most of all i was trying to figure out where the dug out windows would go, and i settled on wanting them to appear at odd numbers so that i could place supports evenly between them. i think 7 was the number i set on in my head, but it might end up longer than that and perhaps have two support pillars between each one? again, we’ll see :D It’ll be really fun to experiment.
also you bet your ass im putting way more effort into the Corrupted Chunk of Thesk than any of my school work ;)
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