#but i wish i knew how to better apologize better i guess so i didnt start that loop in the first place
a-little-bit-poss · 7 months
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brogatory · 7 months
Dear Mr Strider ,
Im very sorry to hear of your [nessasary] yet unfortunate death! And im sorry your struggling to adjust to the afterlife. Ive heard dream bubbles can be tricky, especially for the uninitiated.
If you happen to be taking questions, I have a few. Only if your up for them of course. I understand death is stressful.
I was wondering if you ever reached any aspects of the game while you were alive? The medium, your own potential powers? Or if you ever felt any special connection to time, like your Beta counterpart.
Speaking of which, have you ever met any other daves?
Also, this may be presumptuous of me, but maybe try speaking to Beta!Dirk about my little pony? I remember it was something Alpha!Dirk enjoyed. Hopefully you could forge mild tolerance of eachother with this?
Anyway I apologize for speaking so long, curiosity tends to get the better of me!
Best wishes,
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Damn lemme try my best to answer these
[You should read the tags.]
Dear Mr Strider , Im very sorry to hear of your [nessasary] yet unfortunate death! And im sorry your struggling to adjust to the afterlife. Ive heard dream bubbles can be tricky, especially for the uninitiated. If you happen to be taking questions, I have a few. Only if your up for them of course. I understand death is stressful.
Oh god youre adorable
I dont know what dreambubbles are but thanks; death has been... okay so far. I actually really appreciate yalls questions; gives me somethin to fuckin do round here even if youre all nosy lil bird bastards
I was wondering if you ever reached any aspects of the game while you were alive? The medium, your own potential powers? Or if you ever felt any special connection to time, like your Beta counterpart. Speaking of which, have you ever met any other daves?
Ive never met another dave nah. Unfortunately (Lord knows id dote on the lil guy)
As for... powers... Idk much about the medium
I know mostly what Ro could tell me
Growing up I always knew the exact time, i guess; Down to the second, yknow? Pissed my foster families off something fierce; could never fuckin answer "What time is it?" or "How long?" without being a smartass about it. Literally could not help it.
[You see him pause.]
I guess i can talk about it... It's hella long though
I used to be able to rewind time. Not very far. When i was little i could only go a few minutes
But i got better at it once i realized what i could do cause i started trying
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I could go back a day by 18. Or two, if i tried hard enough (and was fine with bleeding for a while from wherever the universe decided i should bleed from)
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I lived to be 37
For a lot of those years i held a lot of bottled up shit close to my heart n that translated to using my powers irresponsibly for even the smallest shit
Theres a reason i think this is a punishment
I don't like talking about it
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Rose actually found me that way; me reversin time all the time gave her wicked headaches from all the way on the east coast, so she meandered her rich goth ass over to Texas
Unfortunately it didnt stop me from usin my powers; she just got used to it, cause bein close to me made it less painful for her
Coincidentally every time she got a vision Id go fuckin blind and it lessened when she was nearby (Actually straight up ruined my vision; My shades are prescription lenses put into the Stiller Frames)
Kinda like when you get up too fast yk
I also get feelings when things happen in other timelines that feel important; Think thats the role of "Guardian" in me plus the time shit; Like i felt that big ol green bastard start existing, felt the fuckin Green Sun start existing
But lemme tell you feelin The Scratch happen was wild cause it already happened to make my dumb ass exist
But it was currently happening and also has not happened yet right now
Makes my head hurt thinkin about it
Also, this may be presumptuous of me, but maybe try speaking to Beta!Dirk about my little pony? I remember it was something Alpha!Dirk enjoyed. Hopefully you could forge mild tolerance of eachother with this?
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youremyheaven · 4 months
"(Mercurials are unfairly critical of others, have you noticed?) and she frequently took digs at me and was one of those people who make jokes at the expense of others."
on at least 5 separate occasions throughout the years i, with the help of another friend, have had to sit down and explain to my mercurial friend that she has to think before she speaks and how you can't just constantly insult people 💀 she's genuinely one of the most critical people i know, some examples include her walking around every inch of my island in animal crossing and tearing apart everything she saw for like an HOUR. yes it was in a video game, and yes im still salty!! she also would ask to read my creative writing or essays and then annotate it with her criticisms WITHOUT ME ASKING HER TO 😭😭 i remember the first time she graded my short story i wrote for fun an F and i was just staring in utter disbelief
she also would constantly make fun of peoples looks in a joking way (myself included) and when i told her to stop she'd play innocent like it was just a harmless joke, begrudgingly apologize, and do it again like a week later. i've observed this sort of underhanded behaviour in two mercury women so i think they might have a habit of it? i get complimented a lot and yes i'm tooting my own horn here but i am very good looking however she had an OBSESSION with getting unflattering photos of me and then sending them to our friends "as a joke" and then would play the victim when i got mad. like sorry i don't want our whole social circle thinking i look like albino shrek omg
the biggest reason why i cant stand Mercurial women is how theyre sooo deeply insecure that they'll tear apart others just to feel better about themselves
yearsss ago I got a really cute bag for really cheap and i was talking about it with my Mercurial friend and she said "it looks ugly thats why it was cheap" and she was carrying around a tattered, worn out, faded ass bag lmaooo
another mercurial girl who was average looking criticized practically everybody we knew for being ugly. she wore the shittiest clothes and criticized other people's sense of style
an Ashlesha Moon girl i knew never said one nice thing about me but often praised our other friends for no reason and made them sound like the second coming of Cleopatra,, i called her out on it and she told me "i thought you heard enough from others, i didnt know you were desperate for validation from me as well" 💀💀
THE BACKHANDED COMMENTS u mentioned??? bestieee we're all victims here 😭😭
so between 8th and 10th grade, i was in an extremely abusive homoerotic friendship with an Ashlesha Moon,,, she was always putting me down for no reason. i kinda sing,, i am not a brilliant singer but i have won prizes in school for singing so i know i dont suck as a singer. one time she asked me to sing for her on call and then she was silent and said "its not exactly brilliant but its not horrible i guess" 10 yrs later, i wish i couldve reached out through the phone to smack her face,,, i was in my poet era back then and tbh my poetry was pretty good if i say so myself and this girl??? always accused me of plagiarism,, i took it in my stride bc i was like "ok if u think im THAT good then what do i do" lol.
i could go on but ill stop here ,,, i hope i never meet another mercurial again amen
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elslovers · 1 year
the one - E. Williams
a/n hello my loves apologies for falling off I have just been in a writing slump but I decided the perfect way to pull myself out was with a series I had been wanting to write for awhile of on shots inspired by Taylor swift songs - as ur certified switftie tlou writer it is my duty this is angsty but no better way to start off than some Ellie folklore angst I hope you enjoy
" and if my wishes came true it would've been you"
Your hand clutches the stem of your wine glass, makeup-caked eyes, and a weaker spirit than you possessed less than twenty-four hours ago. Chaos is so intense it's almost peaceful, like when something moves so fast the human eye can't see it. That's how losing Ellie has you feeling, spinning so fast you almost think you are standing still pacing, and you know your pacing, but your mind is somewhere else. You only stop when you catch a glimpse of yourself in your vanity mirror.
" I guess the greatest loves of all time all time are over now"
Your body sinks into the memory of your meeting you'd always been a romantic dreaming up the great love affairs you would have with the cute barista because she said she liked your bangs or the pretty girl who lived down the hall from you freshmen year it wasn't uncommon for you to fall fast and hard which is what made Ellie so Wonderfully different you weren't free falling into fantasy you were content in reality with her from the moment you met you were her waitress and she and her friends who would soon become chosen family had been hogging a table all night at the shitty little diner you worked at ordering nothing but hot cocoa and fries for the table you usually would mind but from the moment you saw her you started saying a prayer that shed be there till close she would smile at you every time you brought fresh cocoa for the table finding a new aspect of you to compliment shyly each time, you saw the eyes her friends made giving her a look of stop fuckin around and make a move and when she saw you dip into the bathroom she made her move.
you remembered it all feverishly a little hazy in some parts but some moments so sharp with hurt you were washing your hands when you saw her walk in from the mirror a smile turning up on your lips - was she here for you? You recall thinking these moments were fuzzy, her mind racing too much to remember the small talk you made, but when her lips crashed onto you with hunger, you made sure to remember everything the way her calloused hands held your cheeks, the way she didn't hesitate the way she backed you against the wall and after what felt like only a second pulled back and gave you a smile that seemed to say she already knew she had you and then kissed you again just as starved as the first Ellie has a talent for kissing you every damn time as she might never kiss you again
from that moment on it was just you and Ellie
until it wasn't
"and if you wanted me you really should've showed"
The problem with loving someone like Ellie is the love being loved more than their lover, or at least that is what you had gathered after six months of loving and losing at the same time she has a wandering eye, always had, always will, but she was yours. That's what you assured yourself of when she started hiding her phone more. She was yours. It's what you told yourself when she stopped asking you to accompany her to the house parties she sold at. She was yours, but Ellie belonged to everyone and no one all at once. She was never really anyone. Her friends would say how impressed they were. She'd made it so long that she was never good at monogamy, and you would always say she was good with you.
because god was she good with you
good until she wasn't until she was good with the girl she promised was just a client turned smoke buddy you prided yourself on being cool unattached the type of girlfriend Ellie wanted the kind who didn't panic (or at least didnt let her see) you kept yourself so cool the girl she told you not to worry about found her way into the bed you shared found her way inside the girl you thought would make you never be shared again
good until it wasn't
The screaming her begging you not to leave you, throwing her shit into the hallway of your apartment, demanding she get the fuck out. The girl who Ellie could still taste on her lips, running for the hills as fast as she could, was all still fresh in your mind, an open wound bleeding out memories you try and drink away. 'How could you be meant to sound solid and angry like a proper woman scorned would sound? You try to sound like the hell these women are supposed to give, but it comes out weak and broken, followed by a sob and trembling lip as you try to preserve whatever dignity you have left - how could you be so blind? "Baby- she's nothing. I swear she's nothing." ellies pleading, but it is disregarded because, at that moment, you feel like the one who's nothing "Honestly, Ellie, if that's how you treat girls who mean nothing, then what the fuck am I- six months, and then you meet some girl and take her home." you sun onto the bed sobbing for her to leave until she shut the door of your once-shared home for the last time
"but if you never bleed your never gonna grow"
you spend the next three weeks bleeding day drunk in your bed cycling the five stages of grief one after another day in day out it hurt in a way you'd never felt pain before the betrayal the worst of it all it hurt more then losing her
but you let yourself feel it all because somewhere a part of you knows if you don't feel it now you'll be feeling it for the rest of your life
" I'm doing good i'm on some new shit"
Two months feel like a lifetime, like you've been walking around watching your whole life on a film screen with a projector that never entirely comes into focus - but after two months of grief, you want to bloom again. You want to be the version of yourself you were before Ellie broke your heart and took your light with you. The pains are still there, but it coexists alongside a fury to not let her win
so step one is to do your hair how you used to big rollers, pulling them out into perfect curls. Step two is to do your makeup in a way that makes you glow light and airy as the sun gave you her blessing to outshine her, and three, go to a party knowing there is a 50/50 chance she'll be in attendance and not caring either way
the music is loud in your chest, the bass a welcome replacement to the pounding go your heart. You always made it a rule never to go out alone, but getting over Ellie seems to require breaking some rules 
you take one shot after another, stopping when you reach the happy place of drunkenness of not being too sure you are standing on solid ground 
you dance alone, and you dance against people. You dance with people until you've settled your eyes on a girl who could make you forget who made you like this in the first place
she's pulling someone by the sleeve of their flannel, and after a moment, Ellies figure steps Into the red and blue led lights of the dance floor
god, Williams, you always did have good taste
the familiar feeling of emotions flowing out of you serves as a reminder that no amount of bleeding will heal this wound
not yet, at least
your frozen mind is willing your body to move before she has the privilege of seeing you of being in the same space as you, a privilege you swore to both her and yourself she would never have again - but you rooted to the floor, and in an instant, her eyes are on you filling with an emotion you can't place
before you know it, her strides are strong coating across the dance floor, leaving the girl who two minutes ago you were plotting to take home in the dust
she's by your side in an instant, and you want to run - you need to run, but you can't bring yourself to feel the spark you just got back draining faster than you can stop 
"Angel," her voice is loud but gentle over the music, and her words make your stomach churn Ellie and alcohol have always been a sour mix
"you don't get to call me that anymore" There's no gentleness in your words, no harshness, neither its matter of fact, which somehow hurts Ellie more than if you were to scream at her
"I fucked up. I fucked up so bad, but it's months, and your all that's on my mind. I see it; okay, you're the one. I got caught up, and I lost sight of that," her voice is begging, a sound you used to adore but now just makes you want to vomit
you were the one
but she wasn't
"your right- I was. I was the one, Ellie, and we- use, this fuckin love was something, and if I got everything I wanted, it would've been you. It would've been sweet if you could've seen it was me all along, but you couldn't, and now I'm the one that got away, not the one you get to have"
whatever force that had been holding you there let go allowing you to walk out of that party prepared to finish the bleeding and move on to the growing.
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visionthefox · 1 year
Hi love your art!
I agree with you SAMS was a really fun show, the gameplay used to have a little bit of lore or sometimes it was connected to the previous the episode.
But now what do we have? We have a lot of plot holes like for example:
-How did Bloodmoon got out of Sun's mind? Connected to a computer? Did he turn into goo and walked out? (If that's the case wouldn't sun notice it?).
-What happened to Eclipse's feelings? (From the October episode that i don't remember the name but basically he said something along the lines of "why do i care?" Or idk)
-What was Lunar's original plan? (Like we know he was plotting something from when he said something along the lines of "everything is going according to plan").
-What the hell happened in the first episode we saw Moon's mind (i don't remember the name of the episode but it's a recent one, but a lot of Persona references in that episode).
And those are some of them that I can think right now i know there's more out there.
I really was hoping something more interesting with KC, Bloodmoon, and Eclipse i mean i don't know why but i felt like it was going to be an amazing plot, but i think it got scrapped because they had to rush the arrival of the MOST AMAZING SISTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD (notice the sarcasm) Earth. Including the video where the creator basically tells sun about the arrival of this sister felt really really rushed (I'm no video editor/actor so i don't know).
I wish they could've expanded more on what's going on Moon's mind not just the episode where the files got corrupted and we only got to see the Computer's side and the first meeting of them, like more inner thoughts, I mean if they were going off persona 5 with the palaces, you really got to see the person who they were and it physically represent how they view the world and it would've been a great idea to keep KC as a code and have Moon confront himself (a physical manifestation of KC) just like in Persona 4, or have Sun along side Lunar or someone else to battle against Shadow Moon (in this case KC) because maybe after the battle he will have his treasure stolen and wake up feeling better and maybe just maybe apologize to sun. But the way the executed that it wasn't good, i think they just forgot about it and prioritized Sun effing up the runes to bring back the magic and have a touchy moment with the sister.
KC going to Kmart and seeing Glamrock Freddy which was supposed to be his "redemption" felt more like a joke. I thought that KC taking over Moon's body would've triggered something within moon because he doesn't like being trapped inside his head (or so he screamed in the episodes prior of Eclipse and Lunar taking over) also with KC taking over him I thought he was going to be mischievous.
I don't know why but i have a gut feeling that now that Eclipse has the star, he is going to be convinced either by Earth (because power of words and friendship (sarcasm)) or someone else would be like "please we need to get moon back to his original form" and Eclipse will give the star to help the cause.
I don't know, but sorry for this long ask. Yeah sorry.
HI!! thanks you!! and oh boy! a long ask <3 !!!
Blood moon coming back as a ghost was maybe to make the fans shut up over Sun being an "evil asshole like Eclipse" for killing a literal murder animatronic.. since there is no way.. NO WAY he can be a ghost.. its a damn robot!! but I do gotta say.. I do hope he may be fully back, he is wasted potential for a comic villain..
-Eclipse going back to his "wanna rule the world" type of mind its trully annoying.. some ppl managed to guess when that ep was posted that maybe Eclipse pushed Lunar away because he didnt knew how to feel loved, Lunar was so caring so nicer to him! , something too new for Eclipse, who was pushed away, treated like trash and talked down by Moon, (plus, his egocentric, manipulator minset had to come from someone.. dont ya think?) but any change for a developent was trashed when KC showed up again..there was so many ways his character could have develop, but he didnt..
I guess lunar plan was to just free Moon, and then.. leave? as he sounded very suprised Moon allowed him to stay.. him being a more "silly but still mature" was great, he had the early mindset of Sun, but the determination of Moon.. then for some reason he lost his smart and now is "bean baby".. ugh
-Moon mind its just a lot of nonsense..wasted potential again..
KC being another face for Moon could have been soo much better.. since KC its just a code line , who affected him , it could have been a perfect way to show the two sides of Moon ! one that wanted to change and be better and other who wanted to do as told, kill and rule! two desires wearing two faces!
KC being a dad was odd, I thought it would be just a joke.. since Moon was always the more grounded, the more "mature" it made sence KC took a more "im your dad" type of mind set..as a joke..
the chances for a dymanic of good vs evil! in the most dumb , hilarious and silly drama way was there but nooo they had to be soo "edgy" too "dark"..it stupid..
and totally, that video was so many errors.. Sun model doesnt even move!
we know they can not do battles but I SEE your point.. its sound WAAAY better to what we got.. a more serious aproach to Moon mental state.. the brother coming along to help one of them.. a more meanful bonding time..
since its no surprise, Moon is not an angel. he is an asshole, liar who often put his problems first, then looks at the rest.. maybe by accident? but he is somewhat toxic, but that could have been fixed so much better..
I honestly see Eclipe trying to get rid of any other universe, do a thanos snap , but then , by some DUMB ASS reason, be defeated
someone gets the star, save Moon ass, he gets to learn NOTHING, Earth gets to stay , Lunar comes back and Sun gets even more ignored.. and .. honestly.. I dont hate the show.. I just wish they took the drama way and was focused on a actually well written story,, its clearly they make up things as they go.. and .. I dont like it.. at the end of the day, its a silly channel.. I rather see other thing to have fun.. have you hear of murder drones?~
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thisdreamplace · 2 years
What do you think of confrontation? All of my life I have been scared of expressing myself when something bothers me. I always remained silent. When I found the law, I was relieved because "oh, I don't need to express anything, I can stay quiet and just imagine things changed and everything will fall into place" i felt comfortable with that, but I knew deep down that there were many times where I wanted to speak, but felt like it was useless or was going to "ruin" my manifestations. I usually have moments where I wish I had reassurance but never feel the right to ask for it. Watching Dylan James was a safe space because he talks a lot about non-confrontation and I think he's right about most of it but... confrontation is normal I guess and may be needed??? Idk.
The point is, I recently had a discussion with my "SP", with him it's been a never ending story of on and off communication. He always ghosted me and then I would "manifest" him back, blah blah. Yesterday I was so triggered and this time instead of keeping it to myself, I basically told him everything that I was feeling. And like, yes it didn't solve anything, but it felt so right to finally defend myself. To finally feel like I had the right to speak. I ended up apologizing because I recognized it was all a response coming from a trigger. I did not regret saying what I said tho. What I did feel bad for, was because I started the drama out of nowhere because I was spiralling, I honestly had no real motives. He ended up getting mad and like, it does make me sad, but at the same time why would I want something to do with someone with whom I can't express myself with? I get it that maybe I could see this from a different perspective, but... right now, in this moment, what I know for sure is that I don't want this kind relationship in my life. I deserve better. I also deserve to be better for myself and find more validation within rather than waiting for someone to give it to me.
This felt like the beginning of me being more true to myself.
okay by the end of this i was SCREAMING YESSSSSSSSS ANON YESSSSSS. all of this.
i had a similiar experience last year, actually, creepily similiar. because i too, was like, always really into dj and his perspective on things. and then suddenly i was like well wait a minute. what if i did speak my mind and start standing my ground ? i think its such a slippery slope. because i think some people can do the non-confrontational thing and thrive. but for me it made things fester inside of me, resentment would grow, and i would kind of just gaslight myself along the way about how i need to be more understanding of bs. anyway, for me it began with a friend though. and it was hard and difficult, and it didnt go the way i wanted it to because just like in your case, they reacted more defensively than openly. and sometimes, i get waves of "did i truly handle that well ? was it right for me to open up and finally say how i feel ?" and im like yeah. absolutely. for the exact same reasons you realized. i also don't want to be in relationships where we can't have open communication and actually be open enough to want to move forward together. and funny thing is, after that whole thing collapsed, i literally met someone who knows how to have healthy communication, to the point where i was challenged and i had to, and have to, actively work on being a better communicator and being aware of my triggers. knowing how to express them well, rather than shutting down or feeling too scared to because of the conditioning of my past. and theres so much space held for me now, for expressing myself authentically and openly. that sometimes i dont even know how to act, LOL its been wonderful but so terrifying at times. and i absolutely love it tbh. its so beautiful here and its lovely to be experiencing so much love like this.
i guess i say all this to say that you absolutely did the right thing. following your heart, being true to you, will always be the truest and most right thing. and even if that includes confrontation, then so be it. you will see how there are people in the world who are going to hold space for you and be so open to the way you authentically express yourself. now that you finally realize it, the world is realizing it too. what a lovely beginning <3
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itwasshrinkage · 13 days
greed shame guilt
How do I start,
How do I not use my own perspective,
How can I understand how I make someone like you feel
How can I apologize for something that I could not fully understand
I guess it began when I first wanted you. it was a want. It wasnt mature. It was selfish. It was greed
I never was able to evolve past that when we were together. I took the ideas and concepts that was given to me from the media of how I should treat you.
It was tender, it was a crush, it was puppy love. I wish we could treat each other like that again, without the burden of my ugly nature.
I was never able to treat you correctly or with the respect that I would want you to be treated with.
After the years apart, I could only hope that was what was being done to you. Hopefully someone could make you happy. Hopefully someone could provide the respect that another deserves.
After all the time of calling you my other half, how could I treat you so badly. Now I can take those words and finally understand a bit more. I may be selfish and greedy, so how could I treat my own other half the way I would never want to be treated?
It doesnt make that much sense when I think of it.
At one time I thought I could provide and give the treatment that you would deserve, but even after years of life experience I can see I still havent garnered the qualities it would take to supplement another.
I lacked anything that would be able to provide for others. I take. I dont have anything to give.
As soon as Ive gotten mine, I turn my back and find the satiated feeling to find sleep. All the while you sat there and wondered when you would be given your respect.
I think at that age it just came down to the overwhelming feelings of lust and crush. It wasnt love because I wasnt able to make a two way relationship. It was only me and my own wants.
Im sorry for not realizing earlier, Im sorry for not realizing your perspective on the moments that I was not ready to give myself over to you.
I was controlling and only had my own interests in mind.
I didnt know how to make myself happy so why did I lie to you and myself thinking I could also make you happy. Im still unhappy with myself, where Im at in life, and the way I treat others.
Im sorry.
I reached out to you first and that should tell you exactly how much you mean to me. It should tell you exactly how much you mean to me when you were suppose to be the last person I should reach out to under the circumstances. Both my parents and friends asked why you were involved at any point recently. I lied. I didnt know what else to do or say.
BUt you were the only person I would truly wish would still be there for me even after how badly I treated you.
And its not because I knew you would be there but because I had hoped you would because of the moments that we spent together and how much they meant to us and how they developed us.
Im sorry I again damaged you, I damaged us, with the emotions I brought from elsewhere.
I needed someone to be there for me and support me. You are strong, stable, and successful and yet I still bring my toxic traits to you first.
Im sorry
I need to apologize as well for the orignal act of cheating on you as well. I was greedy. I was gross with want. I was upset with myself and the things I wanted. Im still disgusted with myself.
I wish I could do anything possible to heal you. But here I am apologizing to others and making you feel again left behind. Almost like Im willing to do so much for others but not for you. At times you must feel that I care for so many others and not you. I can see that by the many actions I continue to put upon you.
I wish I could be better for myself but most of all I wish I could be better for you.
Youve made so much progress and I fear that I again just take from you and destroy the steps youve taken to a healthy lifestyle and healthy state of mind because those are the things I myself want.
Theres too many instances that I can no longer remember that Im ashamed of how I treated you. Theres too many instances that Ive hidden from myself because of how they make me disgusted with myself. Theres too many instances to apologize for to even think that they would mean much to you.
Im afraid of losing you forever. I seem to act so despereate and promise anything, when deep down I know ill never be able to uphold the things I say to you.
I seem to think of myself as a good person, when thats not the case at all. I sit here thinking of why such awful things and feelings I have brought upon myself should happen to such a nice person. But I know deep down that Im not that. Im not good. I have nothing to give to others. I have nothing that others would want.
Maybe thats also whats bringing me down so badly. I not only lie to you, the person that means the most to me but also myself. Which continues to lead me even further down this path of misery.
I deserve it and ill try my best to ride the waves that I brought upon myself. Im sorry I brought you along now for part of my experience.
Im sorry that I continue to disrepect you. Im sorry I continue to treat you so badly.
Maybe at some time or another Ill be able to do something for you and allow you to experience the respect and feelings you deserve.
I know I still want our relationship to be there for both of us. I just want to have something for you to benefit from.
I need to change. I need to be better for you. I need to finally allow you to be treated with true respect. I need to feel the actions that were dealt upon me to finally understand the many ways Ive hurt you.
I need to stop thinking of myself and start giving more to you than to my ego.
I need to stop feeling bad for myself and think of the ways Ive made you feel instead.
I hope it doesnt take as long as I would expect it to for such an awful person I am.
Im sorry.
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halloweenrazorcandii · 7 months
I mean if you know me by now you should also know that I'm not in the best headspace either, therefore I've been getting over it whilst still being upset about it if this paragraph makes sense
i knew it was going to happen eventually I just never wanted to say anything,, I've known since the Eli era baby (a little less but I've still had suspicions)
what upset me was the "I wish I never met you guys" but honestly at the same time i was just "sure whatever you say" in an I honestly don't have time to entertain whatever this is so I don't care right now way.. and I didn't really care after for a bit
the couple of times me and Kevin talked after I didn't bother asking about you because, well if you wish you never met me then why would I //neu but by that point I was kind of over it and way overdue for a therapy appointment so
i talked to myself a lot about it after and I know I'm self aware, so yeah I guess I still cared about it even after.. it just baffled me how you said that knowing wasn't in a good headspace and I had to think back like. did I ever say that to you at one point when you spiralled (nono, genuinely I'm still thinking about it, because what prompted that)
I'm STILL not in a good headspace which is why this is lengthy and it's a thought-spill because I don't have the energy to sugar anything
all of this isn't in //neg btw,, like even after then I didn't have any //neg feelings towards you but more of my usual "it's whatever" things
I do not mind talking to you after this or whatever, and I apologize in advance if I seem a little more callous than I normally would
but if you still wish you hadn't met me we don't have to talk we can just keep doing whatever we were doing before //gen
most of this is rushed because I'm being pressured to do chores jfc
im dizzy and awaiting a trip to the hospital in questioned time and i didnt know if i should respond to this yet because it wouldnt seem serious but i want you to know that i am im just not in a physical or mental state to sound as genuine as posisble though i am geuine so i apologize for spelling mistakes and or questionable sentences that dont make sense whatever i say i dont mean to self cneter or try to justify i have half a mind for what im saying rn /srs/gen i dont know where to start i know youn arent in the best head place or place at all and i dnt know or remember what this happened for but it did happen gradualy so i guess itwas building up i physically nor mentally more than 85% of the time cannot control what ido when i outburst especially with influence i have a disorder it will not be helped and i cannot say that i will not outburst because i literally yk cannot help it because i am a different person when i outburst hence cause - bpd n bipolar / insensity - other things and im being so serious when i say this and i am so sorry for saying that or saying that i wish i never met you guys thats what i was feeling so i said it and i shouldnt have and i am sorry and words cannot describe how confused i am on how to apologize correctly but i did not mean it for the most part i will be honest sometimes i have sour feelings when i am ghosted or ignored - this attatchments built up over the course of many years and if its being taken away then i am irrational and that is mostly explanation for why im so frequently upset - more than 2 weeks later it is still object of outbursts this explanation is not meant to feel guilt it isjto give reason because maybe its needed i give warning not to speak to me if it will be an issue i give warningthat if my issues will be problem like they have been then js dont try because you dont haveto do that to yourself though probably all too scaredto admit im a backgrounder now and i shouldve left yuou all alone long ago and im so glad you have newer and better friends and seem to be making a good place here from my perspective it seems your better off if we branch off but thats not my choice i do hope you and the rest of whatever is left of that old group continue to grow and i again apologize about all of this and i have reason for shame andm i hope your a ltleast doin g better and having fun with everyone i still warn that js do whats bets fro yourself we arent close anymore nor related if you consider so it doesnt really matter abt my show i js wanted to make a point to poorly and breielfy i do recognize apologize and tell you you deserve good and all great and youve done so much for everyone and i hope you get better from here yeah idk what to say im kind of dizzy in the head rn but i do mean it wehn i say you deserve better and im sorry ijsdont know how to show it i wish i couldve made this better but mi blank i appreciate your codnsideration
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videostak · 1 year
i hate that i spent like idk the whole past year of 2023 sorta slowly healing myself piece by piece and also just slowly making little progress getting a job driving learning to be content w/ what happened and then when i see them again just feeling so out of place and just ashamed to exist like :/ like was rly made to feel like i was a genuinely worthless person who didnt even deserve the time of day in that friendship while also being given like constant fake reassurance abt actually bieng a close friend of theirs anytime id like try to confront them abt the way i had been treated and then to just get ghosted after a 3 yeear freindship sooo shitty and tht sucks obv but what makes it worse is that i kno she like def did it because she knew no one cared abt me so no one would give a fuck if i even did bring up her shitty behavior like lol. so weird being idk inducteed into a friend group of ppl who def think ur ugly n a loser but are too fake to say so to ur face and just act alarmingly fake to u. like i rly wonder how they rationalize it in all their heads like its one thing to be treated shittily and fake by one person but a whole group of them u'd think one of them would pull me aside or msg me being like hey we kinda dont like u but insteaed they were fake and not even like putting up w/ me fake but like overtly kind and positive in a way i totally suspected w/ some of the more overtly rude ones lol. liiike i rly do wonder how they rationalize it i guess kinda just being like oh well he was ugly and had no taste of fashion so he deserved it lol like its so idk. like scary cause they all had a faux positivtiy progressiveness to them and theered be times where id be like oh thats kinda red flaggy when theyd drop lil hints at awful behavior but id always brush it aside as smthn they were genuinely working on to remove and to better themselves (anytime id call them out for their behavior theyd avoid accountability by saying they were going to therapy for it and overall blame it on bad mental health which put me in a rly rly fucked situation not wanting to be a person who stops being friends w/ someone cause of mental health issues so i would just always 100% take her word for it even tho she'd treat her actual friends one hundred times better than she did me lol) like so many angles of it being fucked i wish i could just call them out or that one of their friends or any1 they knew would reach out to me saying they were also treated similarly but like the fucked reality is probably that not a single one of their friends gave a shit abt me since day one and could care less abt the way i was treated. like just so insane on so many levels cause it was like so quickly escalated into a close friendship and shed constantly bring up collaborating artistically n musically and would liteerally even come over sometimes just so we could work on music she wrote lol and then like go silent after i contributed something i guess she thouhgt was good lol and would invite me to TONS of shit then would go silent when id actually take her up on her offer and aks for like specifics of where the place she invited me was n stuff. like liteereally invited to dj sets n to go w/ her to record stuff in a studio and stuff like just so insanaaaane who even says that like if u genuinely dont give af abt some1 why constantly drip feed them random shit to them unprompted. just sooo fucked like no half assed apology message after it all or anything just like the moment i was out of her life she moved on just like that while i was still confused abt whatt the hell was even going on. have no idea how to avoid friendships like these but everytime i geet into one it just makes me feel so isolated from like every1 else in the world. i guess this could stop once i get a job with ppl i get along w/ who are my age or once i start taking college classes again. but just so insane i feel like only 1 or 2 of the friendships ive had have been actually normal positive effects on my life every other one is some rly awful person who acts crazy overly nice
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the-cowardly-cheese · 2 years
Saying Goodbye
Ikemen revolution. Minor route spoilers, kinda open ended?, not spell checked.
This is just for idk, some kind of self soothing? I'm just writing to write.
Definitely not comfort
The full moon just passed. All that lays beside the rabbit hole is a sealed envelop with a folded paper inside.
There is unrest. Everyone who knew the second Alice personally stood or sat uneasy in the garden... every one of them knows why they were called. The air is heavy and even the loudest members are silent.
Blanc stands at the foot of the table, he looks at everyone individually before carefully opening the envelope, "Before I begin. Thank you for coming on such short notice.... My apologies."
Taking a deep breath, he unfolds the letter, looking it over. Something about this seems... oddly familiar. After a moment of silence, he begins to read,
"I've been here for years. It's only fair I write this letter, as all of you have wrote to me."
"I am the second Alice. Though you all know my name and, if you choose to talk about me in the future, I'd prefer you used that. 'Alice the Second' seems a bit too formal, considering I see you all as friends."
"I have to go back. Not by choice. None of you have done anything wrong nor has anything in the Cradle led to this decision... I cannot say why I must go, but know that i am always thinking of you."
"All of you here have made me whole, you gave me a reason and a purpose."
"These words do not encompass all the gratitude I feel. Infact, there are not enough words to explain in every way I have been guided by you all. No words to emphasize how important you all are to me."
"In the Cradle I have loved... and lost, so much. I remember learning to protect myself... protect you all. I remember caring and healing those who fought, I remember the tower, I remember the entirety of the Cradle coming together and helping one another, and I remember so, so much more."
"I wish I could have known some of you even better. Things were left unfinished... words left unsaid..."
"I hate this is the way I leave, but I'm already guessing myself for the umpteenth time... but I'd rather go with a choice than forced to leave without."
"I love you all. And I hope I can return one day..."
"I know this goodbye is painful. You have every right to be upset, angry, betrayed, hurt, etc. Please help eachother through this."
"If I return, you have every right to refuse to see me. To yell at me. To question me. To tell me to get lost. But I hope this decision cam be forgiven... someday."
"This isnt a goodbye. Well it is but it a 'I wish it didnt have to' goodbye."
"The cradle is in my heart, you're all in my heart... You're in my heart"
"Forever yours..."
Blanc took another deep breath, stopping there.
The men in the garden sat silent, surrounded by the roses. This goodbye was abrupt. Bittersweet.
It hurt.
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👀 what is your inkpot gods letters wip? i am v curious
I have a published fic called Inkpot Gods and Stolen Time where Bruno had a vision that made him choose between either him or Pepa dying young. Obviously he chose to protect Pepa. The fic starts on the day he dies (not permanently dead if the miracle (and the author) has anything to say about it) and Pepa is there with him at the end.
Inkpot Gods letters is when I thought it was going in a slightly different direction and they weren't gonna know what happened to him until Casita shows then the letters Bruno wrote for all of them.
And because I'm never going to post it otherwise this is one of them. (Fair warning for heavy angst and I won’t be offended in the slightest if it’s doesn’t sound like your cup of tea)
"Pepa, I'm addressing this to you because, well you'll see I guess but really it's for all of you (don't tell the kids tell their older this isn't going to be kid friendly) I guess some part of me is still naively hopeful that you'll never read this. But that kind of defeats the purpose of seeing the future, I mean we already know prophets aren't immune from denial. I guess I should stop trying to think of a better way to say it but here goes. If you're reading this I'm dead. I don't know if you already knew that or not. If I'm missing well maybe knowing will help? The fact of it is I can't see anything past when I'm murdered. I don't know if anyone will find my body I don't know how long it will take for anyone to be concerned given that I routinely disappear for days on end. I guess you can know now that that's on purpose I just I just don't want any of you to see. I mean I was scared for life watching it happen in a vision when I was a teenager I don't want any of you to have to carry the memory of seeing it in person. I'm rambling aren't I? Even on paper my thoughts don't make sense. But for you Pepa I'll try to be clear for once. 
When we were 14, the night before your first hurricane,  I had the vision at the bottom of this box (please dont look, everytime I break it it ends up back in here). It was … different. I saw two paths that branched off of one decision. Your hurricane happened, it was always going to, you were a teenager it's NOT YOUR FAULT. You died in one path and I died in the other.
It wasn't a difficult decision. So I made you angry, I told you and everyone listening that the hurricane was my fault because I saw it happen. You've been mad at me for that for 20 years. Well now you know why. That's why I never apologized. Because I refuse to regret my choice. If it came down to me or you anyone with a brain would chose you to live. You deserve to be happy. And then a few years after that I saw your future family with Felix. It made me happy because I knew that you were going to be okay. Because to be frank I haven't trusted a single person in this town to that day. You all thought/think? Tense is hard when speaking of my future that is your past. You all thought I was being paranoid, well knowing sometime in your 30s someone is going to kill you will do that to a person.
Pepa youve been angry with me about that ever since. I wish there had been another way. That somehow we could have stayed close after that but, I couldnt risk it. In order to make sure they didnt blame you I had to make them hate me instead. Which honestly wasnt even that hard everyone already thought I was evil before that anyway they just needed a bit of a push to cement me as the black sheep and you two as the angel sisters with the misfortune to be stuck with me as your demon of a brother.
Please help Julieta to not blame herself. We both know she will. I've known how this was going to play out for 20 years and I chose not to tell anyone. This was always going to happen. Even before that vision I knew I wasn't going to live very long. I've always been able to see both of your futures. I've seen what your grandkids look like. But I've never seen myself looking any older than I do now. 
This really is getting too long. If I have time I'll rewrite it maybe make it make more sense. If I have time what a terrible thought. It's soon. I know it's soon. I can feel it. The morning of our last birthday I knew I wouldn't make it another year.  
Don't worry about me. I made my peace with this a long time ago. Doesn't mean I'm not terrified but I know there's no point trying to avoid it.
I know you'll be okay. All of you will be okay. Thank you for being my family. I love you. -Bruno
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urcuteharrington · 3 years
hi, I just saw your post asking for some requests. Maybe if you can do a Steve angst but with a little bit of fluff? 💛💛
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summary-steve seemed to have forgotten you when nancy came into the picture
word count-1.8k
warnings-fighting and cursing
a/n-i really hope you guys enjoyed this because it took me so long to write but i appreciate you all and i’m so glad to be back 🤍
huge thanks to @angsty-plots for giving me ideas for new angst plots<3
steve and i were good friends that was until he started dating nancy wheeler. it use to be steve and i doing everything together hanging out at each others houses, long car rides , going to tommy’s parties , and now he forgot all about me. i knew steve had a crush on ever since the beginning... i saw the way he looked at her when she would walk past him , i saw the sparkle in his eyes when he talked about her or whenever she was around. it use to be steve, tommy, carol, and i hanging out at lunch everyday but i was soon replaced when steve asked nancy to go to his house for a hangout with carol and tommy since his parents were out of town. that night he only invited me out of pity and i saw the subtitle flirting between the two and it made me sick. i walked barb that night to the bathroom after she sliced her thumb trying to open a beer can.” i know steve has gauze and bandages somewhere here ill look just keep your hand under the water” i tell her. that night i saw nancy and steve go into his room and i knew what was going to happen and i couldn’t bare being their for it. I said my goodbye to barb wishing her a safe ride home and went on my way. remembering that night i cried my heart out wondering why steve never expressed interest in me.
That was months ago now it’s around october and it was tommy’s halloween bash. i wasn’t going to go but i decided that it was better than sitting at home doing nothing. i knew i was going to see steve their with nancy but i still went even if it was going to hurt seeing my best friend who forgot i even existed. I go dressed up as (whatever you want) and grab my keys getting ready to head off to the party. pulling up to the house i already see drunk teens walking around with their heels in hand or wobbling around. i walk in and head over to the kitchen and try to grab a drink of spiked punch. while pouring i look over and see them... steve and nancy dancing to the beat of the music. a sudden wave of sadness hit and i decided to take a sip of the punch feeling the alcohol run down my throat.
minutes pass and i decided to stay in the kitchen since i felt like it was my best bet to not run into them while on the dance floor. watching the drunken teens flirting and stumbling their words amused on how quickly the punch could get someone drunk.then i saw her , the girl who stole my best friend from me and the boy i loved. nancy walked into the kitchen and grabbed more cups of the spiked punch , one after another i was able to see her get completely shitfaced in the ,mater of only a few minutes. steve came looking for nancy and they got into a fight and i watched intensely. watching as the punch spilled all over her while sweater my mouth opened a jar shocked at how messy everything was getting. watching her and steve storm over to the bathroom. moments later i move to the living room near the front door and suddenly get shouldered by steve who seemed furious and watching jonathan rush to the bathroom. i decided to stay a little longer since the party was still going strong.
a few days later i noticed that steve and nancy were slowly falling out since he wasn’t visiting her at school anymore and her and jonathan seemed to have gotten closer. they seemed to be done and whatever was said in that bathroom must have been bad. i decided to go to steve’s house and check up on him, even if we weren’t friends anymore i didnt want to see him go through something like a breakup alone. knocking on his front door i waited anxiously wondering if i was making the wrong choice. “ hey how can i- oh hi y/n. i didnt uh expect you to be here?” steve says opening the door confused. “ i know steve but i wanted to talk to you” i say as he walks me to his room to talk.” hey i was actually gonna go out and apologize to nancy so if you can come and help me pick something out for her” my heart sank i haven’t talked to him in months and he already brought her up. not a hey how are you or a i miss you nothing its always about her i think to myself. “ oh i actually came to talk to you about something “ “ shoot” he says.” why did you stop talking to me” silence filled the room 1...2...3 minutes passed waiting for him to say something anything” steve you left me for nancy and i dont get what i did for you to sto talking to me. i understand shes your girlfriend but shit i didnt think you’d completely forget about me” i say standing up from his bed looking at him with sadness in my eyes.” i-i thought you didn’t want to hang out with us anymore y/n i didnt notice at first i i’m so sorry” he says guilt in his voice.” i feel like i lost the only person i truly cared about and and you were my friend and now you don’t even look my way steve how could you not notice me not being their... how did you not notice me not their at your basketball games cheering you on or the long car rides we would have just blasting music or going to tommy’s parties and taking turns getting shit faced. tell me steve is it me was i just not who you wanted to be around anymore was she my replacement because i saw it since the beginning” chocking on my words i hold back my tears. i didnt want to cry but eventually it fell and my vision blurred with tears.” y/n i never ment to make you feel that way and i am so sorry i guess i just got so caught up in nancy and i didnt notice you slowly leave and i i just feel terrible “ steve looked at me finally realizing how much he affected me and how much pain he caused me. “steve if you didnt want to be friends anymore you could have just told me you really hurt me” i say to him not daring to look him in the eyes.”i-i” is all he could say” you know what steve a simple hey i dont think we should be friends anymore its not your fault i just think we should go our own ways would have been nice” i say to him walking past him” you know thanks for being my friend for so many years but i cant be friends with someone who doesn’t give two shits about me anymore” i say as i walk out the door and walk back home since it was only a few houses down.steve not moving just in shock realizing that he was the reason why he lost his best friend.
days past and steve found out that nancy liked jonathan and accepted it telling her its okay and like that they broke up. driving around i felt a wave of sadness hit when the song steve and i would listen to while blasting music. tears spill down my face as i drive home. once i make it home i calm myself down and wash up when i suddenly hear the doorbell go off. walking over i open the door seeing the infamous billy hargrove “ hey their doll face i was wondering if you’ve seen my little sister max i know that you tutor some of her friends so i was wondering if you could help me figure out where the byers house is” he says licking his lips seductively “ yeah i could take you their and help you look for your little sister just let me grab my stuff “ i say looking at him.” after getting to the byers house i stay in the car until i see steve walk out confused at why he is their. everything happened so fast punches were thrown and now i’m driving the kids to this random area in hawkins. steve wakes up and sees me driving confused at how he ended up in this situation. getting to the destination steve and i talk while the kids grab everything. in the car they explained everything that happened in thus far with el , will, the upsidown , and etc. “ we broke up” steve says looking at me “ what why are you okay” even if we weren’t close anymore i didnt want him to feel like he had no one. “ she likes jonathan and the night of the party she called our relationship bullshit and i accepted it since i-“ dustin cuts him off by yelling at him how we didnt have enough time.
getting the kids out of the tunnels one by one steve was just about to help me up when he grabbed onto me tightly in a protective matter when the demo dogs ran toward us. watching as they ran past us he told me” i lost you once and i’m not gonna lose you again”getting out of the tunnels i was able to fully process everything that happened and once el closed the gate and steve and i were finally alone he broke the silence “ i love you y/n i never ment to hurt you and i’m sorry.” speechless i sit their “ steve i know you loved nan-“ he cuts me off “ after our first fight i knew she loved jonathan and i guess i couldn’t believe it till she called our relationship bullshit and i love you so much y/n and it was stupid of me to not tell you earlier” “ i love you too steve but what you did hurt me i mean you completely forgot about me” “ i know y/n but could you give me a second chance i’ll make it up to you... could i take you on a date and patch everything up” i really didn’t want to forgive him but i couldn’t just abandon him because i needed him i loved him and he loved me “ i would love that steve “ i say looking at him with love in my eyes and a smile plastered on my face.
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necro-hamster · 2 years
do you have any advice for digital artist who is just getting started with digital? i have a cheap tablet (wacom) and i use photoshop. thank you!<3 sorry for bad english
ok first of all your english is really good, dont apologize <3 second of all yeah i can give some advice! keep in mind that i am not a professional by any means, im just a 20 y/o who's mostly self taught. took a couple of classes in high school but honestly they didnt teach me much beyond what i already knew unfortunately. still, self taught is something, and clearly my art is decent enough that people enjoy it and are coming to me for advice, so! here's a list of advice i can think of.
stop using photoshop. this might be a bold one to start out with, but don't use photoshop for drawing, man. i know how to use photoshop REALLY well, i'm like taught in it. and that program is ASS even at editing photos, much less drawing. it's outdated and overpriced and really needs to stop being an industry standard. it's one thing if that's the program you've been using for years and you're comfortable with it, but if you're just starting out? ditch that shit. i personally use both sai2 and clip studio paint, but both of those are paid programs. not that i paid for them, but yknow. if you don't want to pirate or pay, some good free programs include krita and sketchbook pro ! also most programs come with a free trial you can test out.
the deform tool is ABSOLUTELY your friend, especially in the sketching phase. the face looks a little off? adjust it a bit instead of redrawing it. make it look perfect. leg not in the proper place? grab it and move it! just keep in mind that you should generally do this before you line/paint/etc. it's best to make these adjustments to the sketch, because oftentimes deforming something will reduce the quality of it. this depends on both the program and the amount of adjustment being done, but as just a general rule best to get this out of the way early on.
flip your canvas. a lot. this will REALLY help you. say you're drawing a guy standing up straight, and you're like huh, this looks kinda weird, but i can't tell why. it just looks super off for some reason. flip the canvas, and i can promise you that that drawing will be leaning all sorts of ways that will be immediately obvious to you once you're looking at it from that angle. make it look good from that angle too and it'll look WAY better from the normal angle.
on the same note, rotate your canvas! it'll really help you out just like rotating a piece of paper when you're drawing traditionally. a lot of people seem to just... not want to do this for some reason? but it's really a big help.
using references isn't just okay, it's something you should ABSOLUTELY be doing. idk why people online used to constantly cry about how using references is cheating, but it's not. using references is a great aid and will drastically improve your art.
use clipping masks !! say, you want to put some sparkles on your character, but you only want them on the character, not the background. instead of tediously going around the character and erasing the leftover sparkles from your brush, you can just make the layer of sparkles a clipping mask above your character layer, and that's it. no cleanup necessary, it'll only be on your character. this is a HUGE help.
experiment with shit!!!! play with brush settings, layer effects, textures, anything. get to know your program, and use everything you have at your disposal. nothing worse than finding out about a feature and thinking 'awh man i wish i knew about this three year earlier' but you just never found it because you never bothered clicking on that button.
i don't have much else at the moment, but if yall have any specific questions go ahead and hit me with em i guess
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sanchoyo · 3 years
ok some Free Range bnha thoughts. I think I left off around 300 when I paused reading it week to week so I started at 290 to Refresh. obviously, spoilers below the cut , but I'm not saying anything that hasnt been said b4 probably. just My Thoughts. turns out I wasn't like, 80 chapters behind but roughly 30-40, which is. A lot less thank GOD. but yes these are my thoughts (mostly typed as I went, borderline liveblogging lol) as I just binged and caught up completely ✌
-afo needs to Not Be a BodySnatching DICKBAG!!!! love spinners lil moment of wtf. youre not who im following </3 same bestie get your boyfriend and run!!! or pick up ur sword and Stab afo. whichever.
-I really have mixed feelings on the whole todoroki situation that im reserving to talk in depth about until the manga finishes because, im not sure if this is true but ive heard its near its end, and I'd like to see how they tie it up and 'resolve' that situation before being too harsh. but for now: rei was brave to go in the hospital room and talk to endeavor. I think bb touya is SUCH a sad situation. I just feel bad for all of them UGH. my kids now.
-the talk w the ofa users in dekus mind had me kinda laughing, it looks like a kingdom hearts cutscene w the THRONES. also deku quitting school, oof. the series is called my hero ACADEMIA NOT MY HERO DROPOUT!!! (i can make this joke as a dropout. deku 🤝me dropping out I guess) Nana asking if he could kill shigaraki HURT I KNOW SHE DOESNT WANT HIM TO EITHER BUT STILL. READING IT HAD ME LIKE NOO!!! NO!!!!! very happy with dekus answer tho. good egg. u better not. trusting u deku. dont
-first ofa user Pretty. they said his name and I immediately forgot it <3
-dekus vigilante look is SOOO SICK THE EYES MAN!!! obsessed. also all might basically acting as support/sidekick is SOOO good. making him eat n stuff. Dad Alert.
-im glad they brought back some of the villains in the jail break!! it was a rly nice way of showing dekus progress, like the muscular fight was so hard for him way way back when and he just basically took him out super fast/easily now..the Progress!!! I love to see it.
-lady nagant top 10 girlbosses. hawks wishes he was her. chad nagant vs virgin hawks etc etc shes what I wanted his character to be (im not...super disappointed w hawks bc I never 100% believed hed go bad fr like some ppl did, but I loved the fanworks that explored it, and shes basically the Defected Ex Hero I wanted...and shes VERY PRETTY and I am very much a lesbian, so I love her. Her colors too!! are cotton candy colors!!!! and shes got the Guns (literally and also Muscles!!!) she looked afo in the face without flinching and was like oh why Should I Help u U Bastard, no fear at all. even if she ended up working for him or whatever for a few chapters. still A Queen <3 a very small screentime queen but. women in shonen mangas. u know.
-class 1A literally Fighting To Get Deku to Come Home and Bathe. is touching and very sad. the power of friendship plots always GET ME. URGH. BAKUGO!!!!!!! APOLOGIZING!!!!!!! ITS FINE THIS IS F I N E "SAVING PEOPLE IS HOW WE WIN" GOD THE CHARACTER DEVOLPMENT!!! BAKUGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O;
-I know we've seen it before (or partially) but thirteen has an incredibly cute face. it has to be said
-NAME a more iconic duo than uraraka and that bigass megaphone
-ragdoll SPOTTED. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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-and the guy from the very first chapter!!! this dude has always been the real mvp. hes stll being nice and supportive. king. give him a spinoff
-im glad they explained why kurogiri(and, bc we havent seen them, im assuming also gigantomachia and compress?? are also there or somewhere thats kept private??) werent in the jailbreak (that they carted them off elsewhere) I was wondering abt that...
-all the callbacks really makes this arc feel FINAL. my god, even the woman all might saved from kamino is back!!! I knew abt stain coming back (tho I didnt know exactly what hed do) but seeing HER got me for some reason. anyway. gay icon stain . also feminist ally stain (slitting the 'woman collector' guys throat) we have no choice but to stan
-tsukauchi stubble???? ok??? its a look I guess. is all might into it
-'shigaraki tomura will be a Complete Vessel in three days time' NO THE FUCK HE WONT!!!! STOP THAT. THATS ILLEGAL
-...has spinner just been stuck in a cave with afo. stuck with him, sassing him. this is hilarious to me for some reason god I would be at my fucking limit. spinner stay strong you amazing wonderful funky guy. wheres the rest of the league. LOOK at spinners face, hes so done with this I cant. this is the Most Important Thing.
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-'the one who SPINS this tale' look I know its a line from afo but that RULES and hes right. spinner is SO important. stan spinner or Die
-god, the league members basically being promoted to being cult leaders/borderline WORSHIPPED 'hold them sacred, endow them with divinity' thats SO RAW I'm!!!! losing it like they all came from nothing now theyre SYMBOLS. my god. spinner doesnt even seem happy about it, none of the league members they were showing looked remotely happy. Makes U Think...
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hot. next question (wait is it weird to simp when hes partially afo. hm.) (also that HAIR GROWTH!!!!!! NEVER CUT IT NEVER NEVER NEVER.) it spontaneously grew after I typed that, so consider ME pleased
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-YESSS MR WORLDWIDE COME TAG AMERICA WE LOVE U HERE. ABSOLUTE JOY. sorry about the fact ur fused with afo rn and will possibly have uhh. identity related crisises and traumas from this later but. glad u look like ur havin fun :')
-damn america getting his ass. im so sorry :( (but also, kicking afo ass which is a good thing?? SOO conflicted I dont want tomura to die but afos gotta GO)
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-again, hot, which is conflicting bc afo is very much also present, but, cmon, its tomuras body and face....n probably at least 25-50% tomura still...:/
-im...glad?? they delayed the complete fusion?? but owchie. at what cost to my boy :(
-the scene with afo patting shigaraki (who is thrashing around on the floor) parallels the scene of that happening when afo had taken in shigaraki at first and he was on the floor crying and wanting to kill those random alley thugs!!! that has to be intentionally calling that back, right? the imagery is very similar. again, loving the callbacks
-I rly thought they were gonna make invigirl the traitor and i was like ok who Cares abt that tho. then they did a lil switcharoo and made it MY BOY AOYAMA?? MY SWEET SON WHO I SHARE A BIRTHDAY WITH??? WHAT THE FUCK!!! HOW DID I NOT GET SPOILED ON THIS?? I remember the cheese stuff and being like haha good red herring. FUCK!!! NO!!!! hes such a good boy im WEEPING. HE WAS ORIGINALLY QUIRKLESS TOOOOO NOOOO!!! baby. babyboy. hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever, and omg invisible girls FACEEEE SHES SO CUTE. but god. aoyama. and dekus reaction to his whole story and still reaching out to him I AM. EMO. the drama of it alllllll . hes literally one of my fav student characters in this class and HAS BEEN FOREVER bc I love his whole knightly costume and SPARKLES and this just made him SKYROCKET FURTHER ON MY LIST OF CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME. hes so so so good. I need everyone to take a moment to just. Appreciate him.
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-THIS is what absolute perrfection looks like. look at her!!! her belt is a cat. cat girls always win and save the day.
-toga sucks her own blood as a ?? comfort thing?? thats. should I say cute?? would it be weird to call that cute. would it be weird to say dabi burning her house down was also very cute, and nice, because she said it too, so like. very nice of him. top 10 reasons hes not Totally Lost: hes Nice to His Friends :)
-spinner being the...new symbol/leader in redestros place is SO???? UGH. UGHHH. HES ALWAYS BEEN A FOLLOWER AND NOW HES JUST BLINDLY FOLLOWING ORDERS TO BE MADE A SYMBOL, OR WHATEVER, I GUESS. very sad and I feel like him saying 'it doesnt matter what I think, this cant be stopped' are u implying u want to stop it. u can. u gotta. reach out to him man u HAVE TO BE THE ONE!!! its the bakugo/kiri kamino situation all over again. even if deku has to guide u it HAS TO BE U!!!! STOP FOLLOWING AND THINK FOR URSELF!!! U CAN DO IT!!!!!! 'anyone can become someone elses hero' YEAH HES GONNA. U BET HES GONNA. I BELIEVE IN HIM!!!
-....YOU NAMED YOUR STRONGHOLD TROY???...ALRIGHT. SURE. THATS FINE AND NOT WORRYING. I mean we already KNOW the war is gonna Go Down But. cmon man. CMON.
-togachako REAL
-shouto is too good for this world he wants to go to dinner w his big bro :( DABI COME HOME 2K22
-im sure ppl have figured out theories about this before but, something about the way they phrased it when they were wondering why afo needed tomuras rage (and why he was always smiling, implying smth is Fucking Wrong with Him, besides all the Murder and Crimes) had me like. hm. are we.. actually going to get more afo backstory at all or an in depth explanation for that? I'd kind of like to, even if I think its fine if we don't because we Get The Gist and idk how much the creator wants us to sympathize/understand his character beyond the ~evil demon king~ (and thats not me saying he needs anything beyond that, tbh not every villain needs it and esp not the big bad in a lot of cases) but. this story, esp in this last arc has us AND the main characters sympathizing with the villains a Lot and exploring why theyre like that, and it makes me wonder if theyll extend that to him at all, or just, keep trying to Get His Ass. And we do know togas quirk is the reason shes Like That, so it doesnt feel like a stretch to say afos quirk is why hes Like That also. (NOT ME SAYING HE NEEDS ANYTHING LIKE REDEMPTION DEAR GOD. AFTER WHAT HES PUTTING MY BOY THRU. ARGH. deku would have to be a SAINT. which he is, but...) actually, proof of this is also just. him going after star and stripes quirk KNOWING tomuras body wasnt finished, even saying it was a risk but basically being like. 'well..but... I WANT it. even if i know its dangerous to get it Right Now. But I want it Right Now.' as a reason KJDSHKJASNJ its very likely thats the case. quirks being a very literal nurture vs nature exploration I guess?
-very glad I typed all the above out WHILE reading bc if I wouldve waited, I wouldnt have had a coherent thought. its almost 5 AM but I am...caught up. And about to look at leaks before I sleep >:")
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
It's like a popsicle but completely different
Musical beetlejuice x fem reader
Masterbation, voyeurism, you know the drill
Beej finally gets a hold of something very personal and freshly used
i did get alittle sidetracked and slipped in another little idea i wanted to explore
I apologize for this mess
Time and time again he was so close to getting his hands on the ultimate treasure. You always snatched it away before he could grab it. But today, today was different.
A normal boring weekday, you were at work and will be gone till the evening, normally the born dead demon would be digging through your stuff looking for just about anything to use whether it was blackmail, which you had nothing, or a delicate item to help remedy some personal urges. But the ghoul wasnt exactly in the mood, hell he wasnt even in the mood to mess with your neighbors, as odd as it seemed, for once in his after life he was concerned for someone other then himself.
Earlier this morning you left in a huff, beej knew you were in a sour mood when you snapped at him when he tried to make you laugh, you weren't upset at him, but the action was still surprising, he wasnt sure what was causing you so much stress, probably work, not that he'd ever convince you to take him with you.
So here he was laying on your bed staring at the ceiling and not taking his opportunity to go wild and have fun. You were his favourite breather and it sucked that your mood effected him, whatever happened to the big bad demon straight from hell? He fell in love that's what, you sucker punched him in the jaw for trying to scare you, and snuck right into his undead heart.
The demon huffs out a sigh, not that he needed to breath, and pulled out a little clock from his jacket, youd be home soon, he sighs again, time sure did moving differently when you were dead.
The undead demon debated his opinions of how to greet you, assuming youd still be in a crappy mood, scaring the piss out of you could get him banished, which was a shame, scaring you was great, the ghoul would either get a delightful scream or a solid punch from you.
Beetlejuice decides the best option was to just survey the waters and work from that, if you were in a better mood he'd jump at you, and if you weren't, he'll go bug the old couple in the next apartment over.
With the familiar clunk on your front door unlocking followed by a slam, was a good indication that you were home, and not exactly in the best mood. Beej frowns and with a snap the demon made himself invisible to you, to avoid you, the last thing the ghoul wanted was you to lash out and banish him.
You swing open your bedroom door, beej flinches at the sudden action, not that you could see him. You toss your bag onto the bed just missing your undead pal, you rub your eyes and flip down beside him, the ghoul leans in close, were you crying?
"Fucking bitch, I'm doing the best I can" you grumble
Beetlejuice flashes from his basic green to fiery red, what the fuck was going on at your job?! Who the actual fuck was stupid enough to torment HIS breather?!
You quickly jump to your feet, whipping away your tears, you weren't gonna let this get to you, you were home and you weren't gonna waste anymore brain power on your shitty coworkers.
With that thought you strip out of your work clothes, unaware of the ghost in the room, who's fiery red hue was now a bright electric pink, wide eye and drooling watching you change into more comfortable attire, commando he was sure to note.
In your emotional entrance you didnt even notice if beetlejuice was even still present in your apartment, yes he would rush you the moment you got it, see there was a good chance he was out doing his thing.
"Beetlejuice?" You call out
"Beetlejuice?" You call out again
"Sugar, be careful with the B word" beej quickly pipes up, forgetting his words would not reach you in his current state
"Bee- Oh, my bad, almost 3 in a row there" you cover your mouth and beej let's out a sigh he didnt know he was holding.
Guess the ghoul wasnt around, which was fine, you were emotionally drained, with a headache coming on, and honestly could use some alone time, nothing against your friend, sometimes you just need some peace and quiet.
You flop back onto your bed and sigh, beetlejuice floats over next to you, frowning, guess he should duck out and let you pull yourself back together, youd be in a better mood to mess with later. The ghoul floats over to your bedroom door to leave but stops, when he hears a delightful familiar thud of very specific drawer, Beetlejuice's hair quickly shifts from its dull green to electric pink, he knew that you were up to, the ghoul spins back to you to confirm his thoughts.
Here you were, upon your bed, pajama pants abandoned, lubing up your beautiful pink vibrator. Beetlejuice was buzzing with excitement, the ghoul floats back to your side to enjoy the show.
"So wound up from work you need to blow off some steam?~" he coos, not that you could hear him.
Oh how the born dead demon adore watching you tend to your more desperate needs, yes he'd love to rip that lucky peice of silicon straight out of you and replace it with his own cock, fingers, tongue, hell anything would be delightfully. He wanted you bad, and not just in the sexual sense, he wanted you to be all his, to cuddle, kiss, joke around with, and yes he knew you liked him back, you were terrible at keeping secrets, and maybe during one spying session he herd you moan his name, but beetlejuice could see you were a coward with your feelings and for once in his undead life, he respected that you needed sometime to come around, but that didnt mean he couldnt push his luck with you. Lean against you during movie nights, cling to you like a lost child, cuddle you while you slept, you never pushed him away or outwardly said no.
You were his perfect little breather, funny, tough, jumpy, and sexy, exactly his type, plus you basically let him do whatever he wanted, so win win.
Beetlejuice sat in front of you, a perfect view, as if you were presenting your vagina to him, you were leaning against the headboard of your bed, against a few pillows, since you were alone the plan was to jerk away your bad mood, summon your favorite undead bastard, and just hang out.
You gently slide the vibrator inside, beetlejuice bites his lip, slowly pulling out his Half hard cock.
With a familiar click the toy buzzes to life, you let out a soft gasp before reaching down and pumping the toy in and out of your body.
Youd never admit it but you were a horny little thing, beetlejuice sure as hell didnt help, the bastard always had his hands on you, god you wanted to know what itd feel like to have him touch you like this. You curse yourself, he's dead, isnt that gross? Who cares, you lul your head back and begin bucking you hips to meet the toy.
"F-fuck" you utter, you really needed this, with beetlejuice hanging around and being underfoot, you really hand no time to yourself.
Unbeknownst to you the ghoul you wanted so badly was sitting inches away from you jerking his cock matching your pace, gazing bouncing from your face, to your chest, to your delightful wet pussy.
"That's it sweets, you're so good, naughty little thing~" he purred.
Hearing you moan made the ghoul shudder, oh how he LOVED that sound, and wished he was the one making you do it, soon, he can get his fix like this for a tad longer.
You begin bucking harder, and you voice begins breaking, a good indication you were gonna finish soon, beetlejuice has seen this enough times to know how your body is, he begins picking up his pace, wanting to finish shortly after you.
"Ah, ah, Lawrence-" you moan out as you cum.
Beetlejuice's jaw drops, and blows his load, hearing you moan out his first name, hell he didnt even know you knew it, fuck it sounded so good coming from you, it felt like his heart was gonna start pumping again.
"Babes" he says in a whisper, watching you regain your self.
You toss the toy aside as you put yourself back together, sliding on some pajama pants, you sigh, feeling much better. You're brought back to reality when you hear you phone ring, you make a dash to the front door, where your jacket was tossed in your emotional entrance, your phone being in its pocket.
There sat beetlejuice, alone on your bed, electric pink fading to a softer pink, soft cock still in hand, cum all over his lap, the ghoul was stuck in a loving daze, you said his name, his first name, it sounded so good coming from you, god slash satan he wanted more, he also wanted to thank whoever told you his first name.
Then it clicked, you were gone, and left behind your freshly used, hot out the oven, bright pink vibrator, finally, after all the time you snatched this treasure right from under him so many times, but here it was, as if you handed it to him on a silver platter. What did he do to deserve you is beyond his knowledge, after all the horrible things his demon ass has done, he keeps winning.
Electric pink gracing his hair once again, the ghoul couldnt help but drool at the delicious treat you have left for him, but he knew he couldnt enjoy it here so the demon snatches up the toy and vanishes, reappearing in the bathtub, his go to place to hide and enjoy some personal time. Beetlejuice could hear you pacing and chatting on the phone, indicating you're gonna be preoccupied for the next little while, meaning he's got nothing to worry about.
"Alright my tasty little thing, it's just you and me now~" tongue dragging the length of the toy, beetlejuice shivers, it was still warm, he let's out a low growl.
"Fuck, no wonder I call ya sugar, you taste just so good". His free hand finds it's way back into his trousers, pulling out his now semi erect cock for another round.
Beetlejuice's tongue roamed the toy, savoring the taste of you, oh how the demon dreamed of tasting you from the source, and this was so damn close, so warm.
"So such sweet little breather, we havent even had dinner and you're already giving me dessert~" the ghoul hums, treat your vibrator as a popsicle, starting off with long licks from base to tip, before sticking the toy in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the tip.
The ghoul was a buzz with excitement, electric prink hue so bright it practically illuminated the bathroom, reflecting off the tub and shower walls. Drool leaking from his busy mouth, eyes rolled back in absolute bliss as his free hand stocked his cock, his mind running wild, replaying the show he witnessed moments earlier, but instead of you dashing off, you as the demon to help you clean off your little toy.
"Lawrence, can you please help me with this?" You would coo.
The thought of you saying his first name again was enough to get the ghoul to start bucking harder into his hand, covk already leaking pre cum.
"Fuck" he utters "I'd do anything for ya y/n" he growls out, hips thrusting without rhythm, he wasnt gonna last much longer.
With one last long lick from base to tip, and the thought of you thanking him for helping you 'clean up' with the use of his first name again, was more then enough to push him over the edge again, shooting his load off on his hand and lap once again. Beetlejuice leans back and sighs with contentment, electricity leaving his hair and being replaced with soft pinks and greens.
"Y/n's favourite popsicles are the pink ones, heh, I dont blame her, mine too" he muses while admiring the 'clean' vibrator.
"I guess I should tidy this up" he groans looking at his cum covered hand, with a snap of his fingers his little mess was gone, yes he may be sitting in the tub, but the demon sure as hell wasnt gonna take a bath.
Beetlejuice gives the toy another once over, coding it in a thin layer of demon spit before vanishing it away to its rightful home, knowing you, youd find it in you drawer and assume you put it away and forgot. The demon felt so smug with today's events, you seemed to be happier after you jerked off, and he got dinner and a show, just not in that order.
Beetlejuice is snapped from his musing with the bathroom door swings open, with the shower curtain pulled the demon was fully visible to you, thank god slash satan he cleaned himself up.
"What are you doing?"
Beetlejuice, fully dressed, covers his chest as if he was naked.
"Dont you knock? I'm in the tub" he jokes
You snort out a laugh followed by a fake apology
"So what's up doll? Ya need to pee? Dont mind me" beej shrugs
"No" you say plainly as you wash you hands "since you're here, wanna order pizza? I had a shitty day and want to relax" you sigh glancing at the ghoul who was now buzzing with excitement, take out ment scaring the piss out of breathers. Beetlejuice pulls you close into a tight bear hug "I dont know what I did to deserve you babes"
When released, you stumble away saying you were gonna go place that order, clearly embarrassed and confused, not 100% expecting that reaction from beetlejuice.
Even though it had a rocky start today was a good day.
You were sitting on the couch fiddling with your phone after making yours and Beetlejuice's pizza order, not really thinking much of anything. The demon flops down beside you, you glance up at him, he's been weirdly quiet since he hugged you in the bathroom.
"So babes, did you know my first name is Lawrence?"
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'The Dance of the Celestial Orb' liveblog!
for real this time lmfao
book and show spoilers below
I'm ✨nervous✨ please let our children be okay
0:10 this Sticky arc hurts me so kuch
1:35 this music is BUMPIN
2:22 I just wanna know how she got under there without the dude seeing her
2:47 "all systems go" for the Improvement.... yikes 😬😬😬
2:55 she didn't wait even 5 seconds after they left, the door was still closing when she popped up 😂 can you imagine if one of them doubled back right at that moment
3:18 they look like the dudes from that veggietales movie, I think it was Esther- the island of perpetual tickling?? Anyone??? 😂😂😂
4:00 Kate vented.......
4:51 "not a rat" yeah no shit
5:07 if not for the suspense, I would be jamming out lmaooo
6:10 Mr. Benedict is looking at the shoreline, is he about to watch Kate dive in???? Because I mean that's where she's gotta be going
6:20 "memory challenges"? Is Rhonda talking about Milligan's amnesia, or has short term memory been affected as well??
6:29 .....thank you for answering so efficiently 😂
6:42 "I buy it. I completely.... buy it." RHONDA THAT'S NOT HELPFUL AHSKSHDJKD
6:56 can you imagine seeing your friend go down in a sub then hours later seeing the sub float up in fucking PIECES
7:06 please let it be reunion time
7:25 oh hello that's a drop
7:38 *to the tune of Bezos I* come on Katie u can do it pave the way put ur back into it
7:51 she craves that mineral
8:06 Sticky, my child
8:20 oh my gosh they went out and LOOKED FOR HER I care them 😭😭😭
8:40 "jumping to conclusions is a failure of character" wow that really is something Curtain would say
8:52 angry Reynie. He is in rare form
8:54 "and you helped put her there!" OOOOOOOH I SCREAMED
9:03 "I shouldn't have yelled" okay but you kinda should have Sticky needs a wake up call
9:22 "if you really cared about me, you'd want me to be happy instead of standing there telling me who I am" oh Sticky my dude I am NOT digging the manipulation
9:36 Reynie pulling out the BFF card!!! Also Reynie digging in his feet because he knows he's right!!!! That's great setup for his arc as a strategist later
9:48 "I'm telling you, Kate's fine." Narrator: Kate was not, in fact, fine.
10:03 "they'll notice." Sticky has made one (1) good point.
10:11 oh dear god are they fingerprinting this bitch
10:19 all this equipment, has no one walked up to the cliff and looked down???
10:27 "we've been out here all night" that means Kate has been clinging to a cliff by her fingers and toes ALL NIGHT????
11:04 babe I know it's been a long night but maybe wait a second for them to actually leave before you climb back up
11:22 she has to go get it. There's no way someone wouldn't find that shit, it's in plain view
11:43 "I only wish we could've known him better" NOOOPE NONONO WE'RE NOT DOING THIS
11:47 Rhonda back at it as the voice of reason!!!!!
11:59 "I have never met a more competent swimmer" throwback to "the baaAAAYYYY"
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12:33 "we will go rescue him" because of COURSE he would
12:36 Rhonda is his best wingwoman omfg she's so consistent
12:54 MISS PERUMAL??????
12:56 MISS PERUMAL!!!!!!
13:09 "how hard can it be? It's an island!" PFFFFT
13:16 oh SQ baby boy please get out of there
13:25 "I certainly have my own suspicions" he said, looking at SQ why are you looking at SQ like that
13:36 here we fuckin go
13:43 the captions have the f in forest capitalized like it's this special place
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13:43 new hc that the Forest is a magical place like pixie hollow
13:57 TWO THINGS: 1. YES stand up for yourself baby!!!! 2. Shepard Quaid? Interesting! I don't think we ever got SQ's full name in the books, I hope TLS made that decision!
14:08 your "father hat"??? Oh my gosh shut the fuck up right there don't even continue
14:16 oh yeah real fuckin cute put on your "steward of this institution hat" and call that a good reason to be a shit person
15:03 Kate's struggling right by the shore where a certain someone would be returning after a very hard swim, it would be a great time for a meeting wouldn't you think
15:26 sorry but that green screen of her falling was kinda funny
15:28 soooooo is someone, a very certain someone, gonna catch her...??????
15:43 IS THIS IT????@?@?!?
15:46 awww poor baby girl you can tell how tired she is
15:46 just putting this out there- they look so good in frame together
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15:46 the actor who plays Milligan is fucking huge in stature so I wasn't sure how that would go but it looks so good
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16:20 "keep going." 😭😭😭😭😭
16:23 "you dont understand." Ohhhh I think he does
16:25 "I think I do." What did I tell you, he's got your back babygirl
16:45 I'm so glad she's talking this out, and with Milligan of all people
17:01 it makes so much sense for Kate to feel alone in that situation, and when Kate feels anything less than positive she goes and does something, whatever that something is.
17:05 "So.. I...." "fell off a cliff and nearly died." Thanks for putting things into perspective Milligan
17:05 Milligan is such a good dad stop
17:19 "most of the way" is an understatement LMFAO
17:29 I'm so glad we know the intimate details of Milligan's illustrious swimming abilities 😂 out of all the new things wfrom the show that one wasnt on my radar
17:52 leave it to Milligan to come up with an escape plan off of an island with no water vessel with four kids in tow
18:08 THEYRE SO CUTE 😭😭😭😭
18:08 lowkey I'm super surprised they didnt take this opportunity to have Milligan's arduous swim force his memories out and have the father daughter bonding time they deserve. I hope they give that moment ample time to flesh out.
18:13 BUCKET!!!
18:13 wait that shot is so artsy hold up lmfao
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18:13 this looks like someone's photography final hahahaha
18:41 Sticky is still on that jumping to conclusions bs he got from Curtain
19:31 "Kate... she's in danger..." NO SHIT SHERLOCK
19:36 "and it's all because of me." Not just because of you but love to see you taking responsibility
19:52 once again I am asking WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THIS IN THE OPEN
20:26 "Kate. She has changed." "Not really. She's always been who she is." "Her clothes. She changed clothes." PFFFT HAHHAHA they really took a moment of self-reflection and made it so much better
21:35 yikes yikes yikes
22:16 I love that Mr. Benedict got closure in telling Miss Perumal that her words stuck with him
22:40 the way she just knows Reynie took the position of leader 😭😭
23:02 "Would it be possible to get this to him?" Ma'am what part of undercover spy don't you get
23:54 it's still really weird that we are now in a position where Reynie is the one who is not trusted and Sticky is the one in Curtain's favor
24:13 and here we see Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues shining through
24:21 "the little things matter. Every minor detail, it all matters!" CALLBACK TO MR. BENEDICT TELLING THE CHILDREN THAT THEY ALL MATTER
24:55 "I can tell with complete accuracy when a person is lying." first of all, no. second of all, I cannot wait for him to talk to Constance.
26:33 why is Mr. Benedict graphically explaining the children's potential trauma so funny to me
26:40 "you're catastrophizing." "Yes. I am. Quite severely. Thank you." WHY IS THIS FUNNY
26:58 MADGE!!!!
27:16 she's so prettyyyyy
27:33 GOOD JOB MADGE!!!!!
27:36 wait did she just take the LETTER??? she's delivering the LETTER?????
28:22 it's sad because it's true 🥺
28:24 "I miss my teacher from the orphanage" the best lies are the ones rooted in truth 🥺🥺🥺
28:48 roll credits
29:16 Reynie honey Orion's Belt isn't on the ceiling
29:29 the way he was so confident that he had it right 😑 Curtain Stop Being a Pretentious Fuck challenge
29:52 our babygirl is so smartttt
29:55 did Milligan plant his prints 😳 oh no OH NO
29:57 is this the replacement for when they pin cheating on her????
30:03 THE KEY CARD!!!!
30:21 "one attacked me as a small child" honey you are a small child
30:24 "it did not win," she said, smiling menacingly
31:01 ✨woodworking is a passion✨
31:58 "was it functional?" "Well I guess that depends on how you define functionality" RHONDA'S FACE IN THE BACKGROUND HAHAHAHA
32:17 wait 🥺
32:22 that has to be SQ :)
32:28 hi sweet boy
32:34 please tell me they did that shot of the sandwich because Madge is about to take it
32:44 hi good girl!!! Enjoy your snackies
32:50 oh god oh no the LETTER
33:25 oh wow we're doing this NOW??
33:52 and here we see another example of Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues bubbling to the surface
34:10 hey what if you uhhh weren't such an asshole
34:33 that man's voice is buttery
35:02 and they're talking about this right in front of the office door, WHY??
35:55 he's letting him go 🥺🥺🥺🥺
36:14 why does that look like a body bag
36:17 oh my gosh it definitely is a body bag, hey Martina
36:25 yep, that's about what I expected
36:36 "whoever did this to me, they're gonna pay" oh girl do I have some bad news for you
37:12 ahhhh, so Martina is the burnt out gifted kid who keeps going out of spite and sheer force of will
37:12 everything makes much more sense now
37:30 ohhhhh my gosh feelings time
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37:44 "I think it's awesome." "Yeah. I know you do." THE SHIPPERS ARE THRIVING
38:10 "it's the least I can do" that's an understatement 😬
38:20 "I don't know what I'd do without you, Wetherall" STOPPPPP
38:38 he's been writing letters to her every night and now he finally gets one back 😭😭
39:34 so Miss Perumal wrote this letter with the intention of it being sent to him, right- why did she write it like that?? 😂
39:34 they've gone to such lengths to communicate in code but the letter kind of undermines that- it was written in such a way that an onlooker would know Reynie was a spy but wouldn't know what he was doing or why. No wonder SQ was pissed
39:41 KATE!!
40:10 BREAKING NEWS: local bastard man treats everyone like shit
40:15 ohhhhh SQ bud please be careful
40:30 "always have time for my son," he said in a clipped voice that implied that he does not have time for his son
40:35 ohhh he's getting RIGHT INTO IT HUH
40:41 you mean to tell me he's never asked about Mr. Curtain's work?? Ever???? Somehow that doesn't seem right to me
40:57 hey uh what if you didn't talk down to SQ at every opportunity
41:02 "would you care to reconsider that answer, son?" "No." DIG THOSE HEELS IN SQ!!!!
41:22 I'm really not digging that Curtain is using the guise of openly expressing his feelings to communicate his anger and his unasked question. Not cool bitch head
41:33 the fact that he didn't answer SQ's spoken question kind of also answers his unspoken question
41:45 "I knew there was something off about that girl. But espionage?" "How do you so convincingly fake a tetherball obsession?" I love that this entire conversation could be about Martina or Kate interchangeably
43:05 Kate advocating for Martina with the Society 🥺🥺 the interaction I didn't know I needed
43:58 "I definitely don't like to leave anything unfinished." "That's true, I've seen you eat." PFFFFT
44:19 "well, you can't succeed without me, so..." baby girl you have no idea how right you are
44:28 please let that be Milligan PLEASE LET THAT BE MILLIGAN
44:35 I simply adore him
44:45 "would you mind helping me down, please? I'm stuck." Your honor I would die for this man
44:54 oh shit, Martina's tryna sleuth it out herself.. this can't end well
45:04 is she about to find Kate's marbles or something?? Callback to the book?
45:26 the absolute MURDER in her eyes
45:41 "the clothes of someone who had given up" ASEJDGEIDNDLFK
45:47 well that's not good
46:04 PLEASE let them be on their way already, please
46:17 Goodyear is QUAKING
46:35 why the fuck is Number Two in red, that's upsetting on principle
How surreal is it that next week is the finale?? Idk if I'm ready for that????
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