#but i wouldnt miss his birthday for the world
merlyn-red-0 · 5 months
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happy birthday to my son!!!
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fictionfixations · 3 months
birthday bloom kalim
notice how much more azul speaks then kalim, cause azul's all flatter-y and like. the type to ig do ill deeds by walking circles around his prey and striking when they dont expect it (as in slipping in little things here and there that could make it harder to notice for example)
but kalims all honest and more to the point, so he doesnt need as many words to get there
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💀 kailm. sweetie...
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admittedly i feel like his upbringing of basically being spoiled and kept as happy as can be from any stresses (as in yknow always being first in stuff and doing what he wants- remember that mention of kalim finding jamil during his break cause he asked the security guys to like idfk see th camera footage? or like. to find jamil. like. i mean. he was a kid but also that kind of screams of abuse of authority, but to be fair kalim was under the impression that jamil was his friend and would have no reason to think that jamil wouldnt want to play with him as much as kalim does. you see? because he's been able to see the world through sunshine and rainbows [in comparison to jamil being faced with the harsh reality and meant to be 'mature' enough to know what hes meant to do] it means he misses these cues, that he can be so oblivious to harmful intent. or like. being so positive that it could almost blind him? like
he wants to do his best to stay alive because. remember he mentioned that one time how 'what if [his poisoner i think] had a change of heart? it wouldnt mean anything if he was dead by then'. but thats under the assumption that theres. well. to put it bluntly, good in them and that they would act on it. i really dont know how to word it in a better way.
and. its not that its bad to view things in a hopeful way, its just that too much of it can be harmful.) only does him more harm
cause like. hows he gonna survive on his own? and i mean there might not be a situation like that. but like. by them raising him like that, it means that he doesn't know how to take care of himself.
and while he has servants and everything... im of the opinion that it would've been better to raise him self-sufficient. i mean spoil him as a kid ofc precious bby but also make it clear that he should also kinda be able to depend on himself too? like. like listen
make it clear that while he can trust other people, that they can also betray him. and i get that that creates trust issues, and also idk he probably already knows this in canon (its just that he wants to believe that they can change. and also because it just never occurred to him that jamil could turn on him since hes always been there)
cause. we know his other asim relatives have tried to hurt him. or well. maybe it was only mentioned in kalims' labwear vignette? i thinki it was that one.
so like. understanding that, and then giving him the skills to be able to manage on his own when needed to. not having to rely on other people all the time. cause i mean. well. this isn't the greatest lesson to teach but its like. the only one you can fully trust is yourself??
and i mean yeah he cares for himself (because so many bad things could happen if he died. or others could get hurt/punished because he died.) but it genuinely feels like hes only doing it for others and not for himself
maybe im puliing all of this out of my ass
but im STILL not over kalim talking about how frustrating/annoying it was to know that kalim only won because of jamil. that it was because jamil held back (also in relation to the truth of him always being chosen being broken, because it wasnt true at all. which i mean, if theres something that gets established in your head as what the truth is, finding that it isnt true at all is.. a lot. like. idk. that parents arent invincible, that they're human too.)
and then grim shoots him down with 'i didnt even get picked [to peform]! how do you think I feel?'
and kalim immediately apologizes. like
i swear this is like one of the only times i feel like kalims ever been outside of his happy 'im here for you if you need me' thing
or like one of the only times hes expressed his feelings (and probably knowing he's privileged, so not wanting to express his issues because he knows so many people have it worse than him ?)
and in all honesty. if he ever gets feelings talk about himself in book 4. i forgot a lot of it. and i think it mightve been partially because i knew the twist in advance so it just hurt me going through it knowing that they were wrong of who they suspected so. yeah.
uhmm. as you can see. i have a lot of thoughts about kalim. haha oops
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
aita for maybe kinda sort of causing the apocalypse??
ok so its a really long story but basically this summer i (12f until a couple days ago) and my brother (12m until a couple days ago) went to stay with our grunkle for the summer and it was really fun!! i got to make all kinds of new friends and help my brother hunt monsters and i loved staying there!! but then summer was ending and we had to leave and my friends werent going to be able to go to our birthday party and i also found out high school was maybe going to be really bad?? and then WORST of all my brother wasnt even going to be coming home with me!! he wanted to stay there and take on some apprenticeship with our other grunkle (he was kind of in some weird nightmare dimension for most of the summer?? so we didnt get to meet him through most of it but it turns out he wrote this book my brother really likes) so id have to go home all alone and i basically was going to lose everything
and the problem was that the end of summer also seemed really bad for everyone?? our grunkle was going to get kicked out of the house slash gift shop and the gift shop was gonna close AND my one friend had to go to music camp and it sounded like she really didnt wanna go to music camp and my other friend had to go on some trip with her boyfriend but it also seemed like she didnt wanna do that?? and my brother would probably miss me too if he only got to see me every summer, right?? so obviously we just needed more summer!!
and i didnt really know how to do that but when i heard that my brother wasnt going home with me i ran off into the woods because i needed a moment and i maybe kinda accidentally grabbed his bag instead of mine because they looked similar but i probably could have looked closer or not run off in the first place. and while i was there this guy came up to me and said he could help!! and i thought he was this time traveler guy we met a while ago who kinda wanted us both dead for a while because we maybe sort of ruined his life over some petty argument but its okay because we got him out of time jail AND got his job back AND gave him pretty hair!! so i thought it wasnt that weird that he was offering to help because he doesnt hate us anymore right??
so he asked for this weird nerdy thing and by then i realized i had my brothers bag and my brother loves weird nerdy things so he might have had it! and i didnt know what the weird nerdy thing did but i should have not given it to the guy because it wasnt even mine to begin with and that was stupid but i did give it to him because he promised more summer and more summer would have fixed everyones problems!!
but when i gave it to him he immediately threw it on the ground and smashed it which okay maybe thats just part of the process but he was also laughing really evilly and then also revealed that he was actually this demon guy we knew who was trying to end the world and that the thing i gave him was the thing stopping the world from ending?? and since i gave it to him the apocalypse was my fault right? like it wouldnt have happened if i was just reasonable about the whole thing or if i just didnt give him my brothers weird nerdy thing so the whole things basically my fault
we did stop the whole thing but really by we i mostly mean our grunkles because they tricked the demon guy into going into one of their heads but not the one he wanted to go into and then our other grunkle made our first grunkle forget everything and it was really sad but the apocalypse ended AND we got our grunkle to remember everything so its all okay now!! and our birthday party went well and my friends were able to make it and my brother decided to go back home with me so everything should be fine right??
but i still feel really bad about it because i like. basically caused the apocalypse just to get my own stupid way and i could have not done that and the whole thing is my fault and people could have DIED just because i couldnt accept that people might not want to do everything with me so im ta right???
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cl00udyyanan · 2 years
heyy!!! i honestly dunno how to write requests if im suppose to be really indepth or just give u a prompt or smth but if u could i would really like some roommates au kazuha and the antics that come with it
this was a very nice prompt lol thank you for sending it in! i think having kazu as a roommate would be such a fun experience i hope you like it
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synopsis: kazuha is your college roommate and he likes to bake really really late at night
warnings: none really i mean a little fire maybe
characters: kazuha
notes: this can be taken as platonic or romantic don't matter uh this was nice to write and i like the idea of kazuha having a little bit of adhd symptoms bc i can say myself i have baked cupcakes at 2 am and almost caused a fire....
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•you weren't too excited to have a college roommate, but when kazuha had introduced himself upon entering your small shared apartment, you assumed he was the quiet type so he wouldnt be a bother, boy you were wrong
•kazuha was definitely the quiet type, most of the time you couldn't even tell he was home until he crept up behind you tryna talk to you but instead just scares the mess out of you
•he always had little knick knacks sprinkled around the apartment, one time you found a wooden squirrel with a beanie on the counter
•he was practically the perfect roomie, he'd make breakfast in the mornings often and would clean up (of course you'd offer to help) buys you dinner and stuff , so sweet
•he luckily was not one of those roommates who had people running in and out, but he did have this little green haired guy come over every now and then. you tried to introduce yourself but he kinda ignored you lol
•you also found out he played guitar! he even pops into your room to just strum some songs for you or recite his little lyrics
•it can get kinda annoying when he's playing his instrument in the middle of the night tho :/
•he often asks if you want to go hang out with him like taking walks or going to coffee shops
•he tried to convince you to get a cat for the apartment, when you finally agreed, he instantly had to get rid of the cat bc the landlord saw you tryna bring cat litter into the room lol (we miss you coco)
•in all he is a great roommate
there was one time though...
you knew kazuha was an eccentric person and that sometimes he would have little phases where he'd hype fixate on new hobbies, but baking an entire two tier cake at 2 am had to be a stretch. you were cuddled in your soft blankets in your room, sleeping away from the rest of the world uninterrupted. yet, when a a foul energy entered your lungs and awoke you with a coughing fit.
you threw your comforter off and ran out of your room following the path of black smoke to the kitchen. you mouth flew open with hands on your hips, you found the culprit of the fire, ther was kazuha hardly dressed with just a red shirt on with an underground band on it and a pair of grey basketball shorts. his snow unruly hair held back with a hair tie like he had been working on something. he was hissing through his teeth while carrying a gray steel pan with pink mitts on, he placed the pan on the counter then closed the oven. kazuha's eyes were squint, he hunched over and let out a mess of coughs. the gray smoke accumulating in the air made your eyes stung.
"kazuha what the hell." you coughed out. he peered up at you with his strawberry eyes, a small smile grew on him happy to greet you. you scowled at him. "come on man what are you doing, its two am..." he shrugged and waved the smoke from his face. "making you a birthday cake? he quiped. you walked past him to the window and lifted it up. "dude, my birthday isn't for three more months." you heard kazu chuckle. he took the pan and began to work on his cake again, as if he didnt almost cause a fire. "oh good, it not burnt." you purvhased yourself against the wall, staring at him bewilderingly, he truly was a free thinker. "wow! that smoke you made could have told me otherwise." kazuha let out a bark of laughter, he turned to you with the brightest look on his face. "oh hush, i'll let you have first bit if you stop complaing." he sung. you couldn't say no to that, if the cake comes out right. kazuha definitely wasn't roommate of the year, but he was an amazing person to have by your side, you could never admit that to him though.
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fantrollology · 1 year
For alaise and Lauren: 💌👊🌍🎁
EPIC choices anon
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💌 - romance/flirting
romance is kind of lost on him, but he would try really hard if it was important to someone he was in a serious relationship with. however, he hasnt been in a serious relationship in a long time, lol.
hes a huge flirt, though. hes very confident and slick. he'd only falter if it was someone he had a legitimate stake in impressing-- like, beyond getting laid.
👊 - fighting
lauren is an extremely capable fighter. hes strong and he knows how to use his strength, and he doesnt pull punches. if you fuck with him he will give you all he's got. he can occasionally bite off a bit more than he can chew, so its good that he can take a hit as well. hes also pretty good at dodging and blocking, but he's typically most focused on striking someone down, which is what ends up biting him when it does.
i think he misses his huge, unwieldy sword-breaker from his alternian days.
🌍 - knowledge of the world
lauren is VERY worldly! he loves learning about other cultures and loves travelling. he had to do a lot of research during his Fleet days and its the part of his work he probably enjoyed the most. he's incredibly open-minded when it comes to cultures different than his. admittedly hes probably more knowledgable of alien cultures then whats going on back on homeworld, but he is well aware of the implications and affect the Fleet, and even specifically HIS work in the Fleet, has had on a number of alien civilizations.
🎁 - giving gifts to others
oh hes awful at it. he just throws money at it. hed rather just pay for someone else to plan out their birthday or contribute to a group gift rather than have to pick out something himself. if it was someone he cared about and he KNEW they wanted a gift it would stress him the fuck out, and he'd probably eventually say fuck it and take them out to their favorite place for dinner or smth. if you want a gift, tell him what you want him to get, and he will get it. otherwise its not happening
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💌 - romance/flirting
alaise is so incredibly romantic! she leaps at every opportunity to perform a romantic gesture and dreams constantly of someone romancing her. as for flirting shes pretty useless. she is very sweet and affectionate towards everyone so its hard to tell the difference between her being nice to you and being interested in you, that is unless you Know how she is with people she's interested in, but i wouldnt really call that flirting.
👊 - fighting
for fighting alaise mainly relies on her psionics, which are extremely powerful. so shes not much for hand to hand combat but she can just pick you up and fling you across the room and blast you with lasers with her brain sooo whatever!
🌍 - knowledge of the world
alaise has little worldly knowledge. she sees everything through a rose tinted lense and isnt interested in the horrible nitty gritty of it all.
🎁 - giving gifts to others
she LOVESSS getting gifts for people!!!!!! elaborate thoughtful somethings, homemade baked goods, trinkets and things she comes across… she doesnt need a special occasion to get a gift for a friend, either. if something reminds her of you chances are shes getting it! i think those who prefer practical gifts might not be into her style of gift giving, but if you like little trinkets and being thought of then she's good at it :) theyre certainly personal & things you would like, just not always something you need or particularly wanted.
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thenixkat · 24 days
so Max whent behind the League's back conspiring with the USA government to come up with ways to take down the Justice League if they whent and did shit without authorization. Like, saving the world from a global threat without consulting the UN first. B/c that makes sense
also just the red flags about Maxwell Lord where there from the start and the Maxwell Lord stans saying that the hell turn came out of nowhere and was ooc just fucking lying to people
like yer siccing cops on superheroes for them going to try and solve a global threat with time of the essence
at least wait till the crisis is over to fight superheroes for trying to save the world?
a decent chunk of the League Busters are fucking villains and also Peacemaker, the dog of the state
so a gun that can shut down people's metagenes? that sounds like useful technology that will never be used again
first up you serves which god? and also that's not how evolution works species dont reach and endpoint and have to be culled by an outside force
…heroes are the cause of humanity's downfall b/c they caused humans to reach their natural end point too quickly
yeah the downfall of humanity is tied to the creation of superbeings
dont tell me they had Ted do surgery on Booster. Ted's not a medical doctor…
sure he can make a prosthetic but I dont think he should be doing surgery also the characters saying they probably should have gone to STAR labs in the first place for Booster's stuff and liek, that's what I've been saying Dr. Soos is from STAR labs and fixed Booster's suit in the past
Booster you just got off teh opperating table and are like full of so many pain killers go lay your ass down
man superhero comics hate to have superheros actually haveing time to properly recover from their injuries b4 going back out to fight people. they're all just gonna die young
you have no proof that history changed other than you not fading from existence and you'd only do that if stable time loop was whats going on and not anything else time related
is that why Booster is so reckless/impulsive? That he knows how he's supposed to die so there's no reason to take steps to make sure that's indea what happens. B/c that's… further proof that stable time loop cant be what's happening
and Ted's chewing on information, may have figured things out. Also just too much dynamic shit happening unnecessarily
Ted figured something out and of course there's no time to explain and good lords he's just fucking shrinkwrapped in that damn costume
i def missed an issue, likely there's some fucking event tie in shit i'm not gonna go look for the missing story info b/c if it were important it would be in the story and I wouldnt have to hunt it down
Fire, Ice is clearly possessed why else would she be murdering people and working for the genocidal bad guy. You've experienced fuckers being possessed b4
i mean given Max he probably does feel as bad about nearly getting everyone killed with his bullshit as he would forgetting someone's birthday. He's a bit of a self centered asshole
so yer going to fight Captain Atom b/c you dont like his leadership and are blaming villains doing shit on his leadership. Because the genocidal fucker befucking the Earth is less of a priority to stop than Captain Atom leading a small team to try and fight him. WHat the fuck is wrong with Wonder Woman?
cause it makes sense for Max to be on some bullshit about this but there's a genocidal alien trying to wipe out the human species and yall are fucking fighting eachother b/c you think Captain Atom is being too rash about shit
Wonder Woman in what fucking universe would attempting to offer yerselves to the fucker known for ending entire species of sapients going to change the fuckers mind and convince him to spare the Earth? Yer should be smarter than that
oh hey Ted's cold weather costume. Which is a bit close to getting sued territory DC
Ted states the obvious fucking flaw in Wonder Woman's sacrifice every meta plan, the fact that humanity can make more is the fucking reason that the Overmaster wants to genocide humanity
just why the fuck did Wonder Woman think that plan had any leg to stand on, even if she could get every meta to agree to turn themselves over which is not possible
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kindred-spirit-93 · 2 months
kicked myself in the feels today by thinking about bianca ft. a smol nico
so to set the scene: after a pit stop at camp it is now time for the huntresses to depart for their quest, and the di angelo siblings must part ways.
nico isnt too pleased to see his sister go. hes been quite happy at camp so far; playing with his mythomagic cards, taste testing in the kitchens, playing pirates and making new friends. why must she leave? no one's forcing her he sulks, wrapped in his sheets like a caterpillar.
he very nearly doesnt bid her farewell in his childish display of displeasure. hilal manages to convice him last minute however, secretly fearing the worst, and so he does, reluctantly at first, but warmth and reconciliation soon fall over the two as they embrace, both at peace. if nico knew then what he knows now he wouldnt have let go.
the touching display of affection both warms and crushes hilals soul. she misses her brother more than she could put into words. it was taking her everything to not break down there and then in full view of the world. dont you dare ruin this, she warns herself. breathe. we'll go over everything tonight i promise, just breathe.
the sound of nico's boyish giggles bring her back to reality. she looks up and meets bianca's gaze, giving her a long and lingering smile. the warmest she has, and from the depths of her heart she wishes her luck and safety. hilal cant shake off the heaviness in the pit of her stomach. something hot and bitter rises in her throat. too much.
grateful, and relieved to see nico will be well looked after, she grins and waves her last, the taste of freedom sweet on her tongue yet.
it was ten days left till hilal's birthday, and she had enlisted the help of nico to taste test for her a few new recipies for a cake. it was quite surprising how fast shed grown fond of him. she saw a lot of badr in him she thought honestly to herself. maybe too much, she worried. ill only wind up hurting myself and those around me by latching onto anyone. i cant risk it. she looked at her hands. i dont want to hurt.
her spiralling was interrupted by a chocolate covered nico demanding more sugar. the audacity.
"absolutely not young man. look at the state of you!" he stuck his tongue out at her and she stuck hers right back at him. he ran out of the room flailing his arms and wailing his injustices in italian. cackling at the drama queen that he was, hilal turns around to presume washing the tins and trays and ignore the growing hole in her heart.
not a minute later, small arms find their war around her middle. she blinks, and the air leaves her lungs for a second as she registers whats happening. a second passes, two, three...
the arms suddenly tighten and a face presses into her back furiously moving right and left. a few words are mumbled, but hilal cant hear anything over the buzzing in her ears. she looks down and half expects to have spilt something warm all over herself. no. its just nico. another muffled 'pardon me'. why on earth is he apologising?
then it hits her. a gasp alerts nico that hes been exposed. she turns around sharply to catch him but he squeals and runs off giggling. she looks down at her apron to see it covered in buttercream and sprinkles. she replays the scene in her head, dread building in her guts.
she holds her breath and reaches to the back of her dress where nicos face was burrowed just a moment before. her hand returns with chocolate and even more sprinkles. it hits her a second time and she realises his muffled words were in fact 'perdonami'. her jaw drops to the floor and an unholy shriek of laughter gathers in the back of her throat. she pinches the bridge of her nose and yells instead.
that was the last time she saw him for a very, very long time. if hilal knew then what she knows now she would have held him back
welp this started as bianca angst, and i genuinely have no idea how i ended up with baby nico shenanigans. and then my brain said go forth and add more angst. i hurt all over ugh ;-;
bianca (according to the wiki) took her oath on december 14, was killed on the 18th, and nico leaves camp on the 21st.
also double meaning on that last line mwahahaha interpret it as u wish ;)
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spaghettmeouttahere · 8 months
i havent written or talked about it since he left and its almost been 20 days and my heart feels so stiff and so empty and so tired and so sad im so sad i miss everything i miss my life i miss him i miss how it used to be i miss everything. i dont want to talk about it, except i do sometimes. i want to talk about it. with him. but he's not here because he isnt here. because if he was here, i wouldnt be here at 10:30 pm writing this out, id be texting him. god okay. i don t know how its goign to go.
i met his parents today, you know. his dad asked me how the weddings went, how my exams went. i said everything went very well and now its over, how he was, how amogh was. he said "it was krishivs birthday 2 days ago" "yeah yes uncle i know" i did know. my heart was in my mouth on 7th at 12 am. and in my throat all night. i couldnt wish him i couldnt wish him i didnt say happy birthday and i didnt say all the happiness in the world, i hope it goes to you. "my birthday is soon too" "yes he told me its in feb, but i cant remember. when is it?" "12th uncle" "ohh ok" and then i gathered all my courage. "how did his exam go uncle?" "which exam?" "the calculus one" "ohhhhh yes he got 96" "obviously." both of us laughed. ofcourse he got 96. he is so smart you know. the smartestpant in the whole world. ofcourse he'd do so so so well. i know he felt sad he couldnt tell me. i know he knows im so proud of him. and then his mom entered. all of us laughed, i said hi. she asked me how i had been. "how are you aunty" "very good" "its amoghs farewell today" "oh my goddd thats so fun." "you know you can still come home sometimes madam. its nice to have you around" my heart was coming back up again. no crying anjali. "aw yes aunty ill come to eat i love the food at your house" "yes please come we like having you" and then we said bye. i felt so happy. when i stepped out of the gym, i was out of his life again, but just for one minute, i was back in his world. i loved being in his world did you know? he was my entire world u know. my heart hurts again. everything feels tight and i dont feel like i have anyone to talk to. i read old texts with him today for almost 2 hours, and my mind tried to convince me that i had spoken to him today, because of how many thousands of texts from him i had read all at once. but he isnt here. he isnt here he isnt here. even if id give everything for him to be here. he isnt here
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lokiified · 11 months
rant piece
i made the wrong fucking choice i actually cant believe it, i was so focused on proving my parents wrong that i convinced myself it would never work with you and now im regretting so badly. i focused on the attention he was giving me but really he never did anything for me like you did, we went on three damn dates in a day, you flew across the country to come see me, you let me pick any book at coles as an early birthday present, you tried to give me everything but i wanted my parents to be wrong so badly that i ignored it for him and he was new and cute and he seemed to like me and you literally told me you didnt have feelings for me why did you do that i probably wouldve chosen you if i knew you felt the same way.
i found the pin i got at the museum with you. i found the pictures i took of you in the weird red room with all the lizards in it. ive been thinking about the used book store a lot lately. i was talking to a friend who i thought i had feelings for and we started talking about book stores and i was struck with an inconsolable sadness at the memories of being there with you for hours, trying to find the right books.
i found the videos and pictures from the mock prom, how well you got along with my friends and how you looked in your suit, how excited you were for that night
i remember how angry your mother was when i chose him over you and i thought she was crazy at the time but she was right, i made the stupidest decision of my life when i picked him.
you came to a baseball game with my family and you dont even like baseball for fucks sake, an hour ride 3 hour game and hour ride back who would do that if they didnt have fucking feelings for someone.
i had to spend an hour and a half sitting in a hotel hallway trying to calm down his anxiety about my relationship with you while you tried to give me everything and lied to my face that you had a girlfriend just to try and protect my feelings.
why did you have to go and say you didn't have any feelings for me when i told you that day.
and now youre in your 20s and you have a girlfriend and youre probably gonna get married and im gonna regret it for what feels like forever.
i made the wrong choice and i dont know what to do
i cant tell my parents and i cant tell you because youre probably gonna marry her and you talked to me about her like shes the best person in the whole world so yeah im definitely not, you live on the other side of the country so ill probably never see you again so yeah i blew it.
you made a playlist for me of all kinds of songs you liked and 80% of them were love songs and i thought it was nothing when EVERYTHING you were doing and saying pointed to having some kinds of feelings for me but i dumped it all for him because i was scared of my parents saying they told me so.
and i certainly cant tell him because what the hell is he gonna say, im sorry you decided to waste a year on me while your real love was off making a life for himself?
i dont even know if i love you i just know that i missed out on something good just because i was scared
i convinced myself you were too much like david, that you werent even cute, excuses upon excuses when really i was just scared and i felt like he was the safer choice because there would be so much less people disappointed if it went south
for gods sake he wouldnt even dance with me at prom and now all i can think about is dancing with you at that mock prom that i thought was so stupid, i ruined all my mom's planning and probably shattered all your hopes for the night, i wish id worn my prom dress and let it happen because obviously it was supposed to
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juju-on-dat-beat · 3 years
A/N: Reader is gender neutral and around 14 years of age. Sniper is a bit older in this,,, Like he looks to be
There might be some misspelled words, sorry bout that. Its really late over here. This is Platonic. Requests are still open.
Requested by someone on wattpad! I am practicing how to write fics
Also bad words.
It was a cloudy day outside. There was a small reddish house that was somewhere in the lands of Australia.
Two old folks were taking care of a certain (H/L) (H/C) child.
Y/N. That was their name. Y/N was asleep on a comfy bed in the house.
Though, this day was a very special day for the child! It was their birthday! How lovely.
Y/N opened their eyes to the sound of birds chirping. There, they realized it was their special 14th birthday!
Y/N jumped off the bed and immediately ran downstairs.
"Gramma? Gramma! Its my birthday today" Y/N chirped with excitement.
"Oh, yes! Yes it is!" Ms. Mundy said with delight as she placed down a potted plant and walked to her grandkid.
Ms. Mundy quickly hugged the child as she smiled.
Y/N smiled with enthusiasm and even more excitement.
"Gramma, Im gonna turn 14 today! Im so excited! Dad's gonna teach me how to use a bow and arrow!" Y/N said as they turned their head to their dad's bow and arrow.
"Heh, my child, just do not use it for the bad. Use it for the good, hm?" Ms. Mundy asked the excited child.
Y/N responded with a nod, recieving a head pat from Ms. Mundy.
"Now, I will go bake a cake for the birthday boy/girl!" Ms. Mundy said as she walked towards the kitchen.
Y/N then ran off to find their grandfather this time. The child ran outside looking for him.
"Gramps? Grampy?" Y/N called. Y/N decided to search the fields.
Just as Y/N was about to give up, Mr. Mundy scared them.
"Boo!" He boomed.
Y/N couldnt help but yelp and giggle after.
"Grampy! You scared me! Its my 14th birthday! You cant do that to me." Y/N giggled.
"Hehe! I know bithday kid." Mr. Mundy said as he gave his grandkid a headpat, until Y/N hugged him,, but Y/N smile turned into a frown.
"Do you think dad's gonna make it?" Y/N asked sadly. "Like, my last birthday. Gramps, I know he is always busy and that he does love me, but sometimes I want him to stay here."
Now it was Mr. Mundy's turn to frown.
"Yes, I know. Your father has- ... A stressful job sweetie. Though I believe he wouldnt miss this for the world." Mr. Mundy assured the sad little child.
Y/N smiled at his reassurance.
"Lets go decorate! I want this birthday to be the most special!" Y/N cheered as they grabbed their grandfather's hand and dragged him towards the red house.
(Short timeskip)
The living room was decorated for Y/N's birthday. Y/N didnt really like having friends over, its harder and longer to clean up.
It was 6:30 PM. Just right after dinner.
The saddest news was that Y/N's father has not come home yet. Though, Y/N waited.
They didnt even wanna blow out the candles. They wanted to wait.
"Y/N, just blow the candles. Its your 14th birthday!" Y/N's Grandfather said, holding his slight annoyed look.
"No! Dad isnt home yet and I refuse to let him miss out anymore!" Y/N argued, pouting and crossing their arms.
"He wont miss anything! Look, I'll take a picture! Your father would still be delighted." Ms. Mundy said softly as she held a camera in her hands.
"Still no, gramma. I want him to physically be here!" Y/N said as they held their breath so they wouldnt accidentally blow the candles.
Ms. Mundy and Mr. Mundy looked at each other, defeated. Y/N was very stubborn, though they loved their father not to miss their birthday.
Soon, both Ms. Mundy and Mr. Mundy cleaned the table up but left the cake on the table for Y/N to still have a chance to make a wish or not.
7:00 PM
The clock read. Y/N became a little bit bored and folded their hands on the table. Y/N sighed and waited as time went by.
7:30 PM
No sign. Ms. Mundy decided to wait with little Y/N and Y/N offered a slice but never wanted to blow the candle's fire.
8:30 PM
Still no sign. Y/N was pacing around the room and Mr. Mundy tried to calm them down but failed.
9:30 PM
No... Sign..
By this time, Y/N offered their grandparents to sleep already and that they could take care of themselves.
10:30 PM
There was still no sign. Y/N was getting sleepy but laid on the couch and decided to watch some toons as they waited.
11:00 PM
Y/N almost fell asleep but was awaken by a loud noise from the outside. They got up excited but just saw a car run by, apparently the car just honked. Bored, they went back to watching toons as the cake was still on the table. Candle was close to being burnt out.
11:58 PM
Y/N stared at their cake, the fire now barely alive. Just a little sparkle left.
Y/N sighed.
"He's not coming" Y/N muttered sadly as they blew out the candle.
"Happy Birthday" Y/N whispered to themself as they took a slice.
After a bit, Y/N  washed their plate and brushed their teeth. They were about to go upstairs and sleep.
The front doorknob fumbled to which Y/N stopped with surprise.
It revealed a man with a hat and orange glass. He also wore a brown vest on top of his red shirt. A sniper rifle on his back.
"Y/N?" He said.
"Oh! Dad! Hi.." Y/N smiled. Glad that their father was finally here but sad he missed everything else.
"Im so sorry, kiddo. Work's stressful and moi boss wanted me an' moi co-workers to do some extra jobs." Mundy explained as he quickly went to his child and hugged them.
"Im so so sorry" He said sadly while he patted their child's back.
"I-Its okay, Dad. Really. I know that its stressful. I saved you a slice" Y/N said as they hugged their father back.
"Thank ya, kiddo. Ill teach ya how tah shoot a bow and arrow, jus as I promised." Mundy grinned.
Y/N smiled at their father.
Mundy was just late, how could things get worse?
(Few months later)
Mr. Mundy and Ms. Mundy had passed away recently, leaving Mundy and Y/N alone in the red house.
Y/N was miserable. Crying from the death of their grandparents. But Y/N always remembered that they are now in a better place.
Mundy comforted his kid, all the time. Now especially that he had a very long break from his job. Though he was not the same anymore after finding out that he was adopted and his real parents may not have wanted him.
Sniper sighed in frustration and sadness as he placed his head on his hands holding the adoption papers and multiple newspapers. He was trying to find out where he came from and who his birth parents are.
Y/N, his kid, walked down th stairs and looked at their father sadly.
"Dad?" Y/N started "Are.. You alright?" They finished.
"Oh uh, Y/N. Yeah. Ah am. Jus' tryin to fiond something out, Kiddo." Sniper replied.
Y/N showed a frown, knowing that he was lying but never said anything.
"Can we.. Visit Mom's grave?" Y/N muttered and fumbled with their fingers nervously.
Sniper was soon broken from his thoughts and frowned.
Sniper sighed. "You go on ahead, Kiddo. Im quite busy"
Y/N tried to keep the tears in now.
'You always are' Y/N said but never over her breath.
Y/N got out of the house. They walked and walked towards a part of the field with gravestones, one of them had a name; M/N (Mother's Name) engraved on it.
They sat alone. No words spoken.
(6 Months later)
Y/N barely talked anymore. They mostly tried to keep their Dad better.
Y/N never said much to their father anymore but never backed away from a hug. If Sniper even gave that often.
The child also realized how fucked up their relationship was with their dad. It wasnt like volcanic bad but it was still quite bad.
But something would happen today which will make Y/N perk up... In fear, confusion and even a little traumatic for the poor child.
Right now Y/N was laying on their bed, staring at the ceiling fan. That was when their dad, Mundy/Sniper (but you knew that..) opened their door.
"Dad has some guests so stay silent. Okay?" Sniper said softly.
Y/N had their head up and nodded.
Sniper closed the door again and Y/N stared at the ceiling fan.
"Visitors? We never had any before.." Y/N muttered to themself.
Y/N got up from their bed and opened the door.
They peaked out from just the small corner from the staircase, the darkness covering Y/N.
There they saw two people walk inside and Y/N placed hands on their mouth so they wouldnt breath too loudly.
The two were talking about Y/N's father. One of them complaining that Sniper isnt here and that they should leave.
Y/N never knew why they called their father 'Sniper' isnt that just a gun?
What caught Y/N's attention again was that their father jumped one of them and injected something in the victim's neck.
Y/N couldnt do anything. The poor child was scared and struggled to breath. Though they kept their hands on their mouth still.
After a bit Y/N looked back down to see both victims tied to a chair. A woman and a man.
From downstairs, Sniper huffed and wiped his sweat. He then went for the stairs which alerted Y/N and quickly but silently retreat to their room again.
Y/N quickly laid on their bed, heart thumping in their ears.
Sniper then opened the door.
"Hey, Kiddo? Jus' stay quiet for dad for a lil' whoile longah, kay?" He murmured and closed the door again, suspecting nothing.
Y/N then panted from fear and confusion.
Poor Y/N was so confused of what just happened. They processed and processed but never got anywhere far.
After what seemed like 10 minutes, Y/N believed it was safe to look downstairs again.
Y/N repeated what they did before and peaked downstairs with thei hands covering their mouth.
At the moment, the woman was awake and kept spitting at the other victim to which he woke up with anger.
"Bloodeh hell, Girl! Are you spittin on meh!?" The male victim said angrily.
"YES! Ive been waking you up for ten minutes!" The girl replied.
"Demo" The girl started.
'Demo?' Y/N thought.
"Im tied up and Im worried and Im very thirsty." The girl complained.
The small conversation went on for a bit. Then 'Demo' tried to figure out an escape plan. Not until Sniper inserted another injection in 'Demo' again.
Y/N, shaken with fear, was too scared to continue and immediately went to their room.
"Dad's crazy, Mum." Y/N said, praying to their mom and started packing. Thinking that they wouldnt last long.
Y/N was now planning to run away, thinking it wasnt safe any longer here.
It took a bit for the bag to be filled. When it was finished, Y/N wiped their sweat.
Though they were not finished in time for they heared footsteps coming up the stairs.
In panic; Y/N threw the bag out their window and was about to go too. Not until the door opened.
"Y/N!" Y/N's dad, Mundy/Sniper said. "Were gonna go- what're ya doin?" He paused.
Y/N then improvised, badly.
"Eheh.. Heyyyy.... Dad. Just... Getting some air, you know me" Y/N said pretending like they werent just about to leave.
"Oh uh, okay." Sniper shrugged. "Anyway, were gonna see my birthparents! Or... Your... Real... Grandparents.." He said trailing off in the end.
"What about the.. 'guests'?" Y/N asked suspiciously.
"Oh! They are takin us there!" Sniper said excitedly.
Y/N had their mouth shut now.
"Eheh... So uh. Funny story-" They tried to explain.
"No toime, Kiddo! Lessgo!" He said and carried Y/N down rhe stairs.
Y/N sat in silence, confused.
There we were. In this 'place'... Meeting my real grandparents for the first time. Some of them were concerned that my dad 'actually had a kid'. Weird.
Dad was more excited than me, I bet. This is probably the longest conversation Ive had with him for months. Im still willing to talk to him.
After he finishes explaining why the heck did he inject something into a man.
Now we have met my real grandparents.
I.. I dont think they are very thrilled to see me. They are.. Very ignorant and bland..
They were talking about Australium? Whats that? Nuclear source? Wha?
I was very confused at the moment so I fecided to look around and touch some things.
I found this ... Thing.. That had levers, buttons and a ton more.
"Woah.." I mutter in awe
Just as I was about to touch a button, a ruler slapped my hand.
I yelp in pain and hold my hand, trying to sooth the pain. I turned tp the person who slapped my hand with tears pricking my eyes.
"Dont. Touch." My real grandmother said.
"Im dealing with a child much of a husband. I dont need another." She scoffed and took another sip from her red drink.
I sucked on my lip trying to stop myself from crying.
Mean while what I didnt know was that my dad's having much worse.
My real grandmother then went back to whatever they were talking about and decided to not touch anything but wander around instead.
Still holding my hand and walking. Out of no where I heard someone yell and the ground rumbling.
I looked back to see a golden rocket ship fly out with my grandmother inside it.
People were visibly ashamed, confused and disappointed. One of them was that girl victim earlier, she was upset that the 'Administrator' was gonna kill her.
What was worse was that water started flowing in.
"Mom!" My father yelled.
I looked at him in shock. Dad then looked at me and immediately picked me up.
"You okay, kiddo?" He asked me with worry on his face.
I nodded at him, lying about my hand. I then hugged him, scared of whats happening.
I blocked out every noise and closed my eyes hoping that everything will be okay the next.
Dad put me down now and I held his arm.
"Wait, Wheres my dad?" He asked. He held my hand this time.
"He must be back at the lab, Sniper dont. If you go back you'll die!" The girl warned.
I look at dad with shock. I tugged his shirt.
"Dont go!" I pleaded.
"Its okay sweetie" He answered and looked back at the girl again.
"It dont matter. He's my dad" He replied to her.
"NO!" I yell and hold onto his arm tighter than ever.
He hushed me and looked at me, pain in the eyes behind his glasses.
"If Im not back in-" He tried to tell me and the others.
Someone cut him off telling Dad that grandpa was on the submarine. Now, IN the submarine.
I look up at the submarine which we came in and saw gramps in there. I had hope until he drove away.
My face fell. I was very dissapointed right now. I had so many other fellings, I just couldnt process them all at once.
"Dad.. I-I wanna cr-" I tried telling him that I wanted to cry and that I was confused until I was cut off by him.
"Wait, Its opening again!" He yelled.
I let go of his arm and looked at the door. The girl looked at me with sorrow and sorry in her eyes. She then allowed me to hug her hand which I accepted.
"He came back!" My father yelled. "He came back!" Dad repeated.
I smiled a little. Maybe they werent so bad? I looked at dad. He was so happy.
Dad then muttered something which I couldnt hear.
I looked back at the entrance and saw that it wasnt our ship.
The next thing I knew, Dad was shot two times.
I heared ringing in my ears. Thats all I heard. I didnt know what I did. All I know was that I had my open and I pushed the lady away and was running towards my dad.
I couldnt control anything at this moment.
I felt true pain. Water came out my eyes, tears.
Sound then came back.
I was yelling and crying as I grabbed my dad's unconscious body and shook him.
"D-Dad? DAD! DAD!" I continued to yell.
People were talking. I couldnt hear them. All I heard was my sobs and cries. The water around my dad turned into blood.
Then 'Demo' picked my dad up and puting me behind him. I held my father's hand just incase but I was still in pain.
Demo looked at me with sorrow.
"Im so sorry lass." He said softly and quickly.
I looked at him with tears falling down my face and my hair all over my face. I held my dad's hand harder now.
"Dont die" I mutter softly.
A/N: 3045 Words. Oorah
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reidsconverse · 4 years
types of dates with spencer reid:
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- museum dates; he’d have facts about almost everything there, i also feel like he’d occasionally convince someone to let you in late at night when its empty so you can actually take your time looking through the exhibitions or have a special first look at new exhibitions
- coffee dates; he’ll take you to a really cute and quaint coffee shop, you love making him try new drinks especially those that dont have 8 spoons of sugar in them (he really likes frappuchinos and vanilla syrup and you laugh because of course it still had to be super sugary)
- picnic dates; he hates germs so this wouldnt be his first choice but theres something about how etheral you look in the sunlight and the smile on your face when youre in nature, that makes it so worth it he definitely lays down on your lap as you lean against a tree and read your respective books and he most definitely accidentally falls asleep
- library dates; theres something so comforting about choosing out books for each other and sitting in silence and reading them, the fact that you dont need to say words to enjoy others presence is something he loves, bonus point once you both finish your books you discuss them at great lengths and it can often lead to some heated debates if you disagree on a point
- stargazing dates; much like picnic dates except at night, laying back and staring at the stars leads to deep conversations about the future which used to scare him but knowing no matter what his future holds you’ll be right beside him turns it into something he looks forward to everyday
- movie dates; these are fun because he usually takes you to see really old films or foreign films so the place is normally empty, he spends his time whispering translations or occasionally blurting out facts about the movie/actors (after a few trips you manage to convince him that making out in an empty theatre is just as fun as actually watching the movie)
- lazy day dates; if he has a rare day off you both will just sit around the house and do absolutely nothing, you’d probably start the morning off by cooking a fun breakfast together and dancing around the kitchen in your pyjamas, not a care in the world... just cherishing the moments you have together, the rest of the day is spent napping, cuddling and binge watching movies/shows he’s never seen before
- lazy late night dates; generally occur if he had to miss a date because he was called away, he’ll show up at your door probably exhausted, you’ll lay in bed and read to him, slowly running your hands through his hair to soothe him your voice lulling him into a sleep, its not really a date but its time spent together
- magic show dates; niche but definitely something that happens when he takes you back to vegas, he loves magic and loves being able to show you the tricks after figuring out how they did it, the look of pure joy and pride on your face makes him so incredibly happy and also he just really loves magic !!
- games night dates; the games played just depend on the mood, if its a relaxed night its just puzzles, if you’re feeling adventurous you’d pick out video games and teach him how to play (he loves animal crossing), he teaches you how to play poker but doesnt let you win, he may be your boyfriend but he is sooo competitive letting you win isnt an option 
- going out/dinner dates; this normally happens on special occasions i.e. celebrations or birthdays you both generally perfer to stay at home but sometimes its fun to go out to fancy restraunts and dress up super nice plus the food is a welcome change from the usual quick meals and take outs you both survive on
- virtual dates; ok this became a staple in your relationship especially when spencer was gone for longer periods of time, you’d convince him to get a smartphone or at least a laptop with a decent webcam and he’d set it all up and you’d have dinner over facetime or read to each other and just enjoy each others company even miles away from each other (he definitely falls asleep on facetime because hes so exhausted, you dont have the heart to end the call so when he wakes up and hears light snoring he nearly has a heart attack thinking someones in the room with him until he realises youre fast asleep with the call still going)
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boxheadpaint · 3 years
i miss rupert. its the kind of thing that goes without saying, but i miss him so much. i always thought that itd be him gradually getting slower and being able to actually make him comfortable, and maybe having time to actually say goodbye, but instead it was just him suddenly leaving us while im holding him in the vet parking lot. i saw it happen right in my face, clearer than anything.
when mom came by later in the month, she wanted to get rid of/donate his crate and toys to wherever. she thought i knew this (i did not until my sister told me, right before they even tried to do so) and she had to calm me down from being this outraged tearful mess man thing. we went through and kept his toys, the crate left, and now theres a huge empty spot in the kitchen. i dont know if i cried more before or after the crate was gone
he rarely ever slept in his crate anyway- it was always either on the couches or with one of us (would sleep during the day with me and sleep during the night with winston). he stayed full of energy, and while his appetite waned a bit from time to time we assumed it was mostly just him being picky- he wouldnt finish his kibble all the time, but he was certainly still interested in whatever we might be eating as well as treats
we never knew his exact birthday, so we just placed it around the same time we first adopted him: mid-to-late october. hed get plenty of attention and treats around that time, a new toy, a special chewy snack, just spoiling him. it wasnt meant to be part o his birthday gift but one time after he finished his chew snack he then proceeded to consume the entire bag of potato buns i had also brought and accidentally left where he could reach. definitely not a cake, but i think it made him just as happy.
this is going to be the first halloween without him, as well as many other things. im glad he got to meet our friends. im glad he got to meet our family. im glad he got to meet my partner. im glad he got to meet sim (and at least slightly warm up to him). im glad that if nothing else, we were there for him the entire time, right up until the end, holding him and letting him know everything was going to be okay.
im glad i took so many stupid, stupid pictures of him.
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you mean the world to me, stink miser. i hope the weather is always clear and quiet where you are, and i hope you and vincent can catch up on all the exercise together that you missed
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
OC lightning round: do you have an OC tag? who’s your favorite OC? what OC have you had the longest? are there small details about your OCs people wouldn’t imagine?
OC lightning round my beloved *stim* I love talking about my OCS please send me more questions, all the questions! [Some of my ocs are part of in-system relationships with alters based off irl people so I will talk about that as well. BUT I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE IRL PEOPLE- I AM TALKING ABOUT MY ALTERS!]
Okay so considering that my OCs are now fictives their tags are either their names and pluaral kit tags OR just: Mouses ocs
so its
⭐ Maddie // Madelyn Orton
💘 Meri [or 💘 Meredith] // Meredith Blackwood
🐋 Avery // Avery Starling
🚀 Solstice // Solstice Cole
🇮🇪 Eliza // Elizabeth Bloodheart
🗞 Cora // [Canon] Cora Higgins
🔬 Cait // Caitlin Rizzoli-Isles
I dont have a favourite OC but I do enjoy writing Meredith because of her soft nature and Caitlin because she is a seven year old with the knowledge of a ltieral genuis. she is also a clone. Eliza is full of angst. Our emotionally stunted gremlin
Madelyn is our oldest OC turned fictive having been around since we were 12? 13? and then eliza and meredith when we were 15/16 then it was Caitlin when we were 17, Meri and then Avery when we were 18, cora came when we were 20 and solstice is the newest one.
People wouldnt really imagine that she would be a doctor since she is deaf and suffers from the genertic condition of waanderburg syndrome type two. People have such a genralistic idea of people who are deaf/ hard of hearing- that they cant do anything.
A thing that people would imagine about Meredith is that she can make candy. It is something that they do whenever she is stressed or has a friends birthday coming up.
Avery, they are 6 foot 3 and scary looking yet they spend most of his time outta prison making glass animals and they genuienly do enjoy being calm and chill- even if they threaten to break BACK into happy trails to go see their friends [and a certain all singing all dancing prison boy]
People would expect Sol to be angry and upset about the team of the invinsible two. But Para really does miss fires friends and Skip somewhat blames skipselves for what happened. They do still enjoy the cold despite celci freezing para alive.
Eliza looks like blasting brign me to life in a hurricane. She dresses in dark clothes and looks absolutely terrifying and acts like a complete bitch yet she is absolutely soft for children and baby animals. Seriously give this girl a baby duckling and she will just sit on the floor and go "well aint you cute!". Sure she will punch people who threaten to tell people that shes a softie at heart but yeh.
Cora is surprsingly fast for a child whose been starved for most of their growing life. Shes able to climb and run around. she is friendly but she isnt a push over. Cora knows her rights and expectations and abilities in the world.
She is a seven year old who works in the bostom homicide department and has two lesbian parents. Nobody expects a seven year old to know how someone died or how to do an autposy.
butyeah come talk about my ocs to me please I love them
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
The redhead
Ok, so. This story has been cooking on my head for such a long time now and Im gonna be clear with you: I´m aware this first installment and maybe the next won´t be of many people´s liking, so if you don´t like seeing the whumping of minors, I advice you to stay away from this series.
There won´t be any noncon here, but there will be lots of other hurt/comfort tropes and many creepy whumping from multiple whumpers to a pair of whumpees, one adult and one a minor.
I´m also gonna say this is the backstory of one of Albus´s story characters.
I remember sending you an ask @deluxewhump about some ideas for this story and you wanted to be tagged, But, I can´t find them and well. Wanted to give a heads up of what it could contain.
Taglist: @whumptywhumpdump @grizzlie70
CW// Pet whump, whumping of a minor, modern slavery, human trafficking, collars, dehumanization, it as a pronoun, implied death, creepy whumper, conditioning, captivity whump and angst. (ask to tag if I missed something)
House looked like an ordinary orphanage from outside. It had big halls with bunk beds and slim metal closets next to them. Shoes tossed under the beds along with any trinket the children wanted to hide from curious or severe eyes. Beds neatly made early and kids off to the classes on other rooms. There was no need for them to learn to read or write however, so there were no books that weren’t for coloring.
Many of the lessons were taken outside, along buckets and brooms they swiped dutifully, or inside kitchens learning to identify tools and vegetables and memorizing the measurements needed of each ingredient on what recipe. Children did everything under the scrutinizing eyes of teachers who were so, so difficult to appease, but yet again, tried hard to earn their comfort and approval.
So they could graduate and leave.
The very best left early and the not so good would leave bordering their 12. There were only a few that left on their mid teens, and so, the ginger kid wearing the sandy jumper of House’s uniform, coloring with a green crayon the feathers of a toucan, had decided he didnt wanna be like that a long time ago.
He would graduate and leave house and go with a loving family that would take him, that would really love him, just like the teachers told them they would sometime soon.
It was his dream. As it was every child´s wish in House. So, he did as he was told. He cast his big green eyes down when talked to, kept quiet until he was spoken to, paid attention to class and did his tasks before the day ended. He took all the punishments while training, too. Even if he tried to keep it to a minimum, there would always be something that pissed the Teachers off.
For example, dumping the trash. Having to go to the back of the one store building, close to the one beyond the thick brick wall, with its narrow barred windows -just like House´s windows were- from where phantasmagoric sobbing and pained screaming would come through, was the most loathed chore at House. Whenever he was on duty, the little boy shook like a leaf with the heavy plastic bags dragging behind, before throwing them and run back to the building.
One time, the kid saw a pair of thin hands wrapping around the window bars and saw a woman peeking from it, hands shaking with the effort when she panted a wheezy, “help me”
The little boy had never screamed so hard in his short life.
The teachers had been mad at him, but not enough for a crate training reinforcement. He was relieved, to a point, when they punished him to clean the bathrooms alone for a week instead.
As he swiped the floor in the middle of the night, he promised himself he would get out soon. Sooner than his brothers and sisters who wouldn´t dare to defend him, saying outloud how scary the other building was and how some of them couldn´t sleep because they heard the people trapped there scream and beg all night long.
Of course they wouldn’t. Excepting a few who unknowingly shared blood, nobody shared anything but the wish to get out. If you tried to fight the Teachers, it would just delay it further. Every kid knew not to get on their bad side. It was also part of their training to see them as their preliminary Masters. A drill, of how it would be once out.
So when one finally received their collar and graduated to go to the family who had chose them, only the brave ones would wave goodbye. Jealousy taking the better of some, meanwhile others would only feel fear.
He wouldnt be like that either.
The brother he had gotten the most close to, the one who actually did protect him from the other kids bullying, had graduated months ago. Taller than normal for any kid from House -the little boy had heard the teachers say once- the brown kid and black curls with a smile sitting on his face at all times, had been his best friend.
They didn’t have names and they weren´t given one until they graduated. The Teachers used nicknames like “ginger” or “mole” or “mousy”, but that hadn´t stopped them from calling each other a secret name. A name they used only for each other and secretly, considered their true names.
“Are you happy for me, Robin? That I will finally go” Hawk asked him once, while playing on a sunday. The Kid´s free day to go anywhere they wished inside the estate´s perimeter. Close to the brick fence, a river flowed through iron bars, not letting anyone in or out.
Robin shook his head, red hair bouncing at the motion. Hawk giggled with that weightless sound, throwing away the stick on his hand they had used to play as if they were two princes in duel a few minutes earlier.
Robin stopped walking when Hawk put his hand over the wall, looking at it with conflict on his face.
“I heard the Teachers say my new Master will take me over seas” Hawk admitted. Robin didn´t understand the reason for such a long face. That only meant he would see the sea! Wasn´t that cool enough? However, the small kid kept listening. “They said he specifically requested me. But…” he punched the wall suddenly, making Robin jump in reflex “They said because I was problematic, I would be getting extra training in something called WRU”
Robin didn’t know what WRU was yet. They barely knew what was beyond the brick walls surrounding House, but it couldn’t be much worse than House, could it?
“I´m sorry. You always ended up on fights because of me…” Robin started clenching the stick on his hands tight as Hawk turned to him.
“C´mon. We´ve been over this, Birdie. It´s not your fault” he said, watching the small readhead lift his glassy eyes up “Besides, you know what to do now if they pick on you, right?”
“But I´m not as strong as you!” The boy argued before feeling the big hand of his brother ruffling his hair.
“Maybe just not yet” he said with that innate warmth of him. Like the times the other kids gathered around him late at night, hearing him talk about what one of the Teachers, one that was so close and nice to him, they had thought he would take Hawk home, had taught him after class. About all the different animals that existed, about science, about the world outside of the thick walls.
It dawned on him then, no kid would have those stories anymore, nor would he laugh first thing in the morning seeing the nest his hair was.
The child jumped to hug the older boy at the waist. “But, but, even if you go, you won’t forget us, right? If I graduate soon and our Masters meet, even if I´m already an adult, you will recognize me right?” Robin asked him, feeling the other boy’s fingers card through his short hair before squeezing him tight.
“I promise I won’t, Robin”
“I will keep the name you gave me” Robin said urgently, clenching hard so Hawk wouldn’t let go just yet. Hawk sighed quietly before burying his face on the boy’s shoulder.
“They’re ours”
“Ours alone” Robin finished.
The next day, Hawk’s new Master came for him in a black suburban with polarized windows and a few scary looking men by his side. Hawk bowed to him before the teacher ordered him to, as a perfect obedient Pet from House did before graduating. The other boys were lined up in their Sandy uniform, maybe in hopes the man would take another boy or girl, but he was completely entranced by Hawk’s face. He had lifted his chin to have a better look at it and then ruffled his hair with a big smile.
Then, the man gently buckled the new collar around Hawk´s neck, clipping the leather leash with the outmost gentleness. The man only tugged on it to test if the boy would walk forward, and when he did, he passed his hand through his hair.
Robin couldn’t hear it, but Hawk glowed at the praise his new Master gave him before giving the Teachers the ceremonial thick envelope. While the transaction happened, Hawk sneaked a look back at Robin and smiled.
“Bye, Robin” he mouthed, before feeling a pull from his neck that told him to follow his Master to the black van.
Right before the car trunk’s door closed, Robin waved goodbye with tears in his eyes the other kids didn’t stop teasing him about for weeks.
Four months after Hawk’s graduation, a few weeks after his twelfth birthday, Robin was standing in front of the building again. Now, it was his turn to graduate. His new Master was an older man that came out from a car you could smell the stench of gasoline from miles away.
“Skip the formalities. Where is it?” The man asked one of the Teachers standing next to him after the boy bowed. The woman in white clothes simply pushed him forward. Robin looked down at his shoes, so old looking against the shiny, cared for shoes of his would-be Master. The man wasn’t gentle when he fisted on the ginger’s head and forcefully lifted his face for him to see. He was better trained than to let out the pained groan bobbling up on his chest. The man hummed, pleased with his silence. “Yeah. You will do. How much for it?” The man said letting him go and quickly taking out the thick envelope from his jacket.
“I see you didn’t bring your own equipment for your new Pet, Sir. Would you want me to add the collar and leash to the sum?” The Teacher asked to the man, who grunted, too annoyed, like it was a waste of his time to ask.
“Yeah, sure, whatever” the man said without looking at Robin “It´s not for me anyways”
The small boy gripped on his uniform tight. The distress of not knowing how his real owner looked like suddenly settling in with fear when suddenly his not-Master asked the Teacher for a transport crate.
“Of course, sir. We will prepare him right away” the woman said with a wide grin as two other teachers pushed Robin to the garage. The boy´s heart leaped, but he gulped down the fear and allowed himself to get dragged. As he walked through the mocking and confused stares of the other children, he heard the woman continue to speak “If you would be so kind to accompany us to the office so we take the information needed for his shipping”
The man cursed under his breath, “Make it quick. Hearst is already pissed at me for messing up his pair”
Robin didn´t hear her reply.
The next thing the boy knew was that he had wrapped around his neck the price leather collar- the one the Teachers would only put on when they had earned a people´s meal from good results on training- with a large paper tag on it. He couldn´t know it said the name and address of his new Master, but he was static as he crawled into the plastic crate with the blue blanket on the corner he quickly wrapped around himself as he was rolled to the man´s stinky car. Maybe, if he was lucky, he would be able to catch a sight from the sea. Or maybe, from the sky above, if they went on a plane.
The car´s doors closed and he was drived out of House´s property, through the bricked fence and so, as his world, that had been confined to the same three square kilometers, suddenly grew infinitely big, filled with infinite things to see.
The man´s laughter on the driver´s seat abruptly stopped his awe.
“Enjoying the view, Pet?”
“Y-Yes, sir. Very much, thank you” Robin quickly replied.
“Well, you better burn the image to your memory, because with Hearst, you won´t be seeing anything but a kitchen and dirty restrooms” the man laughed.
“Yes, sir!” Robin said before looking out through the bars on his crate. To catch the green land and the sea expanding beyond. The man rasped his throat, muttering something under his breath.
Although he could hear him say “That´s why you wanted him young?” Robin didn´t understand and put his whole mind into catching every last detail he could get of outside.
Robin held to the image of the small houses with red ceilings surrounded by a vast blanket of green even as he was processed to go back on the cargo at the airport. They took him out of his crate to check the tag hanging from his collar and stick some papers into his uniform before pushing him back inside.
Two workers in blue jumpers, loaded him with the rest of the pets. There were some cute dogs Robin had never seen but in his coloring books and even some older Pets with the same tags hanging from their necks. All of them, including him, were wrapped around a fuzzy blanket inside their crates.
Robin was dissapointed when he found out there were no windows inside the cargo, but the feeling of being lifted off the ground, of flying, even if he slammed himself against the metal door of his cage, was completely worth it.
During the long ride, he wondered if Hawk had gone on an airplane too. What he would´ve said of that weightless feeling as he curled tighter into his blankets. The sound of paper getting scrunched was muffled with the engine and the other pets conversations between them, but Robin closed his eyes and hoped, prayed, his new Master´s family allowed him to see even once more, the world he had dreamed of seeing.
And if his wildest dreams as he was rolled off the plane, abruptly awake when his cage was thrown around and rolled by Not-Master outside where it snowed, he hoped he could see Hawk once more.
“That´s our new addition, Charles?” a man´s voice said as he stopped rolling. They seemed to be on the parking lot now. Next to a black shiny car.
“It was a nightmare, but told you I would get a replacement for Shirley. It even has red hair” The man said patting the plastic cage´s ceiling.
The man didn´t reply immediately, but Robin had crawled slightly closer to the door, to catch some of the man´s incredule face.
The man’s low, almost amused, laughter hit him like a soft salty breeze, warm and gentle. “Well, let´s see Isaac’s new partner, Let´s see what you got us” the man said before he knelt before Robin´s crate.
The wished he could say his Master had looked kind, gentle even, that first time they locked eyes. But in reality, Robin couldn’t help but think his new Master’s eyes were so much like a cat’s. A pair of narrow, clever honey colored eyes stared at his wide greens for a moment, before he copened the door and pulled him out with a swift pull on his arm. Robin´s face scrunched at his Master´s grip, cracking a smile on the man´s as he let go “How old are you, boy?” The man asked him.
He bowed instinctively before answering, “Twelve, Sir, Master”
“I see” The man´s smile hung on his face as he said “Not old enough to be on the front then” His new Master then turned to the man “Thanks for fetching me a new one. The kids are very sad without Shirley but the worst must be Isaac. He just refuses to work now”
The man grunted as he saw Hearst open the trunk of his car. “I already apologized, Will”
“What´s one more “I´m sorry, Mr. Hearst”? My slave hasn´t even eaten because of what you did to his partner” he said before turning back on Robin, expecting “Do I have to put you in myself, boy? C´mon, up you go” he said snapping his fingers in front of his face. Robin´s body moved before he was aware he had crawled inside, then laid down on his side as the man put his hand back on the door  “Watch your head” he said before closing it, letting Robin in complete darkness.
It took a moment of hearing only his breathing to for him to finally sense the car moving. He was with his Master now… but he was shaking like a leaf. He didn´t stopped shaking, knowing deep on his bones, this Master would be the severe type.
It wouldn´t take him long to know he was right.
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haikyu-hoe · 4 years
Group Project
Oikawa Tooru x reader
one shot, fluff
Hope you guys enjoy this, I appreciate any feedback!! Dm for requests xx
You part ways with your friends in the corridor, since you have Social studies and they have History first. So unlucky that you got separated! Especially for a class where there’s always group projects. You miss working with your best friend Amy so much! You guys always had so much fun and got good grades.
You sit down at the back of the class, so you can look out the window if it gets too boring. Just as you were thinking about how it’s unfair that all your friends are together for your last year except you, the teacher announces a group project... with imposed teammates.
You wait for her to name you and reveal your partner, hoping it’s not that dumb boy Yuki or Mina, that girl is so mean!
“Y/k and Oikawa Tooru, Sakura and...”, says the teacher. You turn your head to see Oikawa smirking at you. This is definitely worse than Yuki or Mina.
Oikawa is mostly known for being an amazing volleyball player (he’s not the captain for nothing), and apparently does amazing services. But he also has a ton of fangirls because of his good looks, making him the biggest fuckboy in the whole school, maybe even the whole prefecture.
He’s definitely not going to work on this project, busy flirting and hooking up with a different shallow girl each night. Guess you’ll have to do it alone. You just hope he won’t bother you too much...
Once the teacher is done calling the teams, everyone sits down besides their partner.
“Oi, y/k!!!”, says an overly excited voice beside you. Oikawa is smiling at you at the desk on your right, even waving.
“hey, Oikawa. Let’s start the project, yeah?”, you reply, unenthusiastic. You’re not about to become one of his fans or anything. How is that guy always so enthusiastic anyways?
To your surprise, he’s actually quite smart and works pretty well throughout the whole period.
“How about we go to my place after school to continue?”, asks Oikawa. This sounds like a bad idea, but refusing you have no excuse to refuse.
“Sure”, you reply, uncertain. Let’s hope you won’t regret this.
He gets out of the classroom, waving frantically and winking at you. Weird guy. You understand why he’s popular though. Hot, smart, talented, extroverted, surprisingly nice. But fangirls? That’s a bit overboard, right?
At lunch, you tell your friends about this weird encounter. They of course get soooo excited, since they think Oikawa is attractive, like most girls at school. If you’re being completely honest, you found him attractive too. But you wouldn’t admit it for a 1000$.
That afternoon, you wait anxiously for the bell to ring, staring at Oikawa across the class. “Dear God, i’m i turning into one of those boot-licking fangirls?”, you think. You sigh and look away. You need to focus on this.
When the bell finally rings, you go to your locker and go wait at the school’s gate. A few minutes you hear “y/k-chann~! you waited! sorry i took so long”, says Oikawa, running up to you. He looks so adorable when he does that closed eyes smile and scratches his neck...
You snap back to reality, since this is stupid anyways. Oikawa is a fuck boy. A serious relationship with him would be impossible, with all those fangirls. Not that you’d be interested.
“it’s fine. But hurry up next time.”, you say, trying to stay annoyed.
“What, you plan on waiting for me often, y/k?”, he says with a smirk. “I wouldnt mind that”, he adds in a flirty tone, leaning close to you.
You blush a bit, but Oikawa doesn’t notice. You just sigh and roll your eyes whispering “idiot”.
Oikawa is quite chatty and keeps the conversation alive for the whole time you’re walking. It’s strangely not so annoying. You normally can’t stand too bubbly people but it’s not the same with him. Realizing what you’re thinking, you shake your head.
Oikawa notices and stops talking, looking at you with concern.
“Everything okay?”, he asks.
“myeah! it’s nothing”, you say with an embarrassed smile.
It’s not like you could’ve told him “I think i’m falling in love with you, but i know you’re just a fuck boy so i’m disappointed with myself”, right?
You arrive a few minutes later, and you sit down on the living room couch besides him but on opposite ends.
“Hey y/k i won’t bite you, you know that?”, he says, brows furrowed. “unless you want me to...”, he adds seductively, raising an eyebrow.
“You really are an idiot”, you say.
You then both worked pretty hard on the project. After two hours, Oikawa brought some snacks and you took a break. You started chitchatting casually.
“You know, you’re smarter than I thought. Here I was thinking that you were one of those boys who’s only strong point is their looks”, you say. You were surprised that Oikawa worked so hard on the project, but for nothing in the world would you compliment him openly.
“Hey! that’s mean, i didn’t assume you were dumb just because you’re pretty!”, he replies, pretending to be offended.
Your cheeks turn pink, and you look away. He thinks you’re... pretty? You change the subject quickly: you start talking about volleyball and such, and the subject of his fangirls eventually comes up.
“How does it feel to be so adored by so many girls? How come you’re still single?”, you ask.
“You just won’t stop roasting me huh!”, he says with a huff. “The truth is I don’t care that much about these girls”, he finishes.
“Then isn’t kinda mean to lead them on? I mean you always hang around them, take their offerings-”
Oikawa cuts you off. “It’s not like that y/k” he says. “They’ll do this no matter how i react, so it’s better if I just accept it”, he explains.
“Wow fame sounds hard”, you reply mockingly. “But seriously... how are you still single? So many girls have a crush on you, and not just at our school.”, you add.
“Well you see, there’s only one girl I want. I won’t settle for anyone else then her.”, he says. His eyes look deeply into yours and you’re forced to look away as you start to feel your cheeks heating up.
“Who? I have to know now!”, you say, as if none of this bothers you.
Oikawa gets closer to you, then leans in to whisper in your ear. His warm breath tickles against your nape.
“It’s you, y/k.”, he says simply.
You blush like mad and you’re about to ask questions but he softly drags a finger along your jawline, to finally lift your chin so you’re looking up into his eyes.
Your mind goes blank as you feel his soft lips crashing onto yours. You kiss back with everything you’ve got and it goes on for what seems like hours yet just a few seconds.
When you pull away from him, you both just stare at each other, at loss for words. Does he really mean this, or are you just another girl he can toy with?
As if he could read your thoughts, Oikawa finally talks. “You know, I’ve only had one serious girlfriend. And serious is a big word... It was in second year and she just wanted to use me to become popular” he sighs. “No girl ever wants to truly want to get to know me. I’m pretty and that’s enough for them.”
“you’re so cocky...”, you huff.
He smirks, while his right hand reaches to stroke the back of your neck. You shiver at the touch, realizing the awful truth. You love him, even if he’s cocky and full of himself. There’s just something irresistible about that smirk and his silk-like voice.
“You know... we didn’t get matched at random. I asked to be with you. Ms. Taikeda couldn’t really refuse, especially when I told her why. She says we’d be cute together you know...”
So this was his plan all along? This boy just keeps getting more interesting. He takes both your hands in his left one, and you get a shiver at how long and precise his fingers are. No wonder he’s the best setter.
“So what do you say? You, me, boyfriend & girlfriend?”, he says, cheeks becoming a pale rosy shade.
“How could I say no...”, you reply.
His face lightens up, like a little kid on his birthday. He’s so cute, you can’t resist but to place another kiss on his lips, who are still hot from the previous kiss.
[time skip]
Oikawa walked you home about 30 minutes later, after an intense making out session. He gave you one last kiss on the forehead and held you in his arms several minutes.
You’re still thinking about all of this, wide awake even if it’s way past midnight. You stare at the ceiling, reliving every second of this wonderful, almost surreal afternoon. Your only fear is that he’ll act as if nothing happened tomorrow. But could someone really be that much of a player? Sounds like a stretch.
The next morning, you take much more time than usual to get ready. Maybe it’s because you have Social Studies today... You apply a one last layer of lip gloss on your lips, grab a jacket, slip your shoes on and leave.
You cross the school’s gate with a big knot in your stomach, walking quickly towards the locker room. But someone wraps their arms around your waist from behind.
You gasp and turn around to see a smiling Oikawa, who quickly pecks your lips.
“Oi- Oikawa wha- what are you doing..?”, you ask, looking around nervously.
He grabs your face so you can only look at him. You stare into his hazel eyes which are sparkling in the morning sun. He smells like Axe deodorant, which is strangely sexy.
“Shhh, others don’t matter honey”, he whispers in your ear, his warm breath tickling your ear.
You try to protest, but he places a finger on your lips. It’s enough to shut you up.
He takes your hand in his and you walk together to the lockers. A small crowd of students points and whispers as you pass by, but Oikawa doesn’t care so you don’t either. You then part ways, but not before a soft, tender kiss.
You go to your morning classes, blushing like mad. Some people whisper around you in the hallways, but it’s not as bad as you expected at all. Maybe people don’t really care, in fact.
At lunch break, you’re about to go sit down with your friends (Oikawa had a volley thing), but a group of fangirl approaches you. You feel extremely nervous, wondering if they’re going to be mad...
“Hi! I’m Emma”, says the first one.
“I’m Yumi, we just came to ask you if you’re dating Oikawa haha”, says another one. They seem pretty... friendly?
“well not exactly...”, you start. You explain what happened yesterday, and the girls look so happy as you go into details.
“Wow that’s amazing!! I totally ship you guys!!”, says another one.
You chat a bit more with them, and they then leave to eat. The fangirls are less dumb and superficial than you thought, which is great.
Your friends go crazy when you tell them everything. Especially Amy, who lightly hits you for not telling her earlier. They all ask so much questions, which you don’t really have answers for. Are you guys really dating?? You, dating Oikawa?
[time skip]
You’re staring out the window. Social Studies was never your cup of tea, to be fair. You kept your grades high, but without so much interest.
You snap out of your daydream when a balled-up paper lands on your desk with a slight thud.
“date with me tonight, coffee shop, 4pm, meet me at school gate”
You turn around to see Oikawa sneakily smirking at you. You smile at him and nod.
The rest of the day seems to go on forever, but it’s all worth it to feel Oikawa embrace you again after the bell. You walk to the coffee shop, teasing each other a bit and holding hands.
You order milkshakes, eat lots of sweets, talk for hours... A perfect evening. You end up holding both his hands, staring endlessly at his sharp jaw, his fluffy hair, his cute nose, his small rosy lips...
“Y/k”, he suddenly says. He looks serious, or at least less in a silly mood than usual.
Your eyes meet, and it feels like gazing into a clearing, with a thousand fireflies. He squeezes your hands, take a breath, and finally says it:
“Will you officially be my girlfriend?”,m
“Ye- yes!!”, you reply, blushing.
He comes sit beside you so he can kiss you with all the passion he’d been saving up until now, a hand on your tigh, the other on your waist. You cup his face, amazed at how soft his pale skin is.
[time skip]
You walk home side by side, both smiling. Is this what love feels like? His hands feels so big around yours, and just hearing his steady footsteps calm you.
He hugs you goodbye, but as he’s about to become out of reach, you grab his wrist. He turns around to face you once more, the moon reflecting in his widened pupils like on a dark lake.
Unsure what you truly wanted to say, you just take a step closer, putting your hands on his chest. You stay like this for what seems like an eternity, yet it’s still too short.
He smirks, and after kissing your forehead, he finally says it:
“I love you, y/k”
~ the end ~
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Last day at HaHas/ Arthurs POV
The pocket mirror is reflecting my face. Did it change in the slightest? Is it stil the same face it always was without the make up? Or is there somethig different to it now? Is there a glimpse that shows off the changes on the inside? Can they tell? Does anyone know anything? Or is it still the face of the invisible man? Still just one face in the crowd. And not even that anymore when standing alone. Faceless. A faceless existence of an invisible man.  Maybe thats why I love wearing make up. To make me face visible to others. And show them what they want to see. A smile.
I`m not smiling, my face is resting in a state of being in deep thoughts. I always am. In deep thoughts I mean. Deep  is an understatement really. They are making their way into the very core. My thoughts are the very core of my so called existence. Is it even called existence? Because no one ever told me that, No one ever came up to me saying "hey Arthur, I`m glad that you exist!" No one ever told me "Fuck. I just hate that you exist." eighter. So if no one loves and no one hates you, you are just..... a thought inside of your own head. You don`t exist outside yourself.
The mirror may show my face but it doesnt proof anything. So I am not even looking. My eyes are focused on the inside of my locker and what will go into the trash or into my brown paper bag next.  First the mirror. The last thing its surface wittnessed was my face being unable to even look into it. I`m too afaraid of what I might see. Or what I dont see anymore. I`m not sure which fear is worse.
An empty make up pallette, a sponge, a set of cards, my hopes and dreams.
My ex workmates discuss over the news. If that man that killed the three guys on the subway was eighter wearing full make up or a mask. What difference doesn it make? Make up is just another version of a mask.
I`m alone. Standing in the coner of the changing room, and I know. I have all the answers to their questions and for a second I just wish they would know that this guy they talk about is right among them. That mysterious guy that is "Good for bussiness because they got clowns on the front of every newspaper ." Glad I could help with your fucking business, even now after I got fired. Maybe that was the best I`ve ever done for this place. That thing I didnt even intented to do. But I did and now you can all go on and discuss every single detail without knowing anything because you are being as blind and ignorant and stupid as usual.
But guess what? My eyes just started to open now. If I can defend myself by shooting these assholes on the subway, yo can`t bully me here at HaHas anymore. Especially not on my last day. Now that I empty this locker.
My locker. Yeah I can`t deny I am a little bit emotional over that. But not because of this building or this room or anyone here. Okay there is Gary. He`s a kind soul but ..... This room.....nothing but bad memories of me sitting in the corner, not being talked to, me sitting on that bank, staring outside the window until I lose all sense of time, waiting for a beam of sunlight coming through, me doing my make up day after day after day and they keep chattering but they don`t say anything. Nothing that has meaning. And I´m painting on that smile, trying to find something meaningful, something real. A moment of truth. But you can`t find it here and I couldnt find it within myself.
Not until I did that.
Killing those guys. It was a moment of truth.
The very first moment in my entire life I choose to act. For myself. I choose to be more than the guy thats being kicked around . More than the invisible man. The none existend. You can`t get killed by someone who doesnt exist? Right? So maybe there is one way to proof after all.
"Hey Arthur. I`ve heard what happened. Sorry, mate!"
Gary. Yeah he`s the only one who never joined bullying me. Maybe because he knows how it feels when others are making fun of you. I feel sorry for him that he has to work in such a shitty place with such shitty people. He deserves better. But even though he says he cares there is no real goodbye. No hug or anything. Which makes me a bit sad. I would have prefered to hug him and tell him to take care. Its just sad.  A smirk is crossing my face.
"Yeah, doesnt seem fair" Randall says while he is doing his make up. The tone in his voice is disgusting. You can tell that he is glad that I`m gone. This was what he intented all the time. I try to stay calm as the anger is staring to grow. I`m throwing the rest of the stuff over my shoulders, I dont even care about if I would need this anytime soon. Who knows if I ever find a job as a clown again? As bad as these guys are. I loved being a party clown. I loved this job. the emotions I feel while getting all my stuff out of this locker are about the kids I visited at hospitals and birthdays. Thats what I will miss. I dont know what to do now. Without this job, there is no one left to make them smile. Its not just a job I lost here. Its so much more.
One of the guys is asking me if I really brought a gun to a childrens hospital. And why I did it. I take the horn honk, my paper bag and go my way.
Yeah I did. I brought that gun because I was carrying it everywhere. because you are not save in this fucking town. Not even on your way home to take care of your sick mother dressed as a party clown.
"Is that part of your new act Arthur? If your dancing doesnt do the trick you`re just gonna shoot yourself?" The stipper asks.
Maybe. Maybe this will be the final act after all. Shooting myself in front of an audience is something I should consider. At least it would make them watch.
You can`t look away if a clown just shot himself right in front of your eyes. You gotta look and it will hurt a little, seeing his smile still lingering on his lifeless lips. Remember it. Remember him as someone who wanted to make you smile but you wouldnt have let him, so he decited that this would be his final smile to the world.
I turn around "Why dont you ask Randall about it? It was his gun!" Randall looks at me with a mixture of shock and anger on his face. "What?"  
Can`t handle the truth, huh? Gotta deal with it MY BOY!
"I still owe you for that  dont I?" I point at him and he doesnt like it.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" he takes two steps towards me. But I turn around and leave. Not cool to play the innocent one, Randall. Not cool. We both know what you did. Just go and tell them.
"Stop talking out o your ass, Art" he adds.
I  squeeze the honking horn before I throw it over my shoulder. I can feel Randall coming closer. Watching me as I walk away. Suddenly it feels good to leave this place. I hated being lonely among people in this room every morning. I hated hearing their voices and laughs and all the smalltalk they did without even looking at me for once. I hated Randall and the way he was picking on Gary. I hated this fucking stripper for being such an arrogant prick. I hated Hoyt for reminding me of my teacher back in scool.
Maybe I will just continue being a clown without all of this shit. Maybe I`ll become a better version of a clown now that I am free of you. There is this money problem now but I will figure it out. Maybe I´ll find a new job as a bartender or I´ll just go my way and rob the pharmacy.
Now that I realize how much I hated it here I have to blow off some steam.
I gasp "Oh no!"  a step back and another "I forgot to punsh out!"
One last look into their faces before I punch the clock with my fist until it falls off the wall. It feels good to see it lying there on the ground. I`m thinking about how time seemed to stand still around here. Because every day in this locker room was the same. This is my big fuck you to everyone looking at me right now. Why is it that now you can look at me as I go?
I laugh as I turn around.
The radio is playing a song that mentions my clown name. This kind of coincidence doesnt exist. Carnival is leaving the building but he is stilll here. A melodie stuck in their heads now Haunting them. The radio knows. Music always knows. Music knows your secrets. Who else knows about me? The invisible man is rising, becoming visible.
".....and turns to sorrow....king of all hear me call, hear my name is Carnival....."
I go down the stairs with an edding pen in my right hand. The bright yellow "Don`t forget to smile" sign reminds me of the day I got beaten up by those kids. This is not a place for real smiles. This is a place for fake smiles being painted on every morning. Painted onto sad, angry and worn out faces.
I cross out the words "Forget to" so now it says "Dont smile". Much better. Much more realistic for HaHas.  Now you can look at this  everytime you leave. Just like I had to look at the original version every day.
"I dance down the rest of the stairs. My name is Carnival keeps playing. keeps telling me that people finally know who I am. I kick the door open and there is light.
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