#but i'd never really talked to him before so i was kinda skeptical
mindblownie2 · 9 months
I think there's definitely something to Dankovsky not being entirely what you'd expect from a character like him, or not what he maybe would like to appear as - that is, him not really being that cold, calculating, purely "logic"-driven archetype at all; that he is actually so emotional and impulsive. I think it's also interesting how he can actually believe in the supernatural - there's the dialogue option in marble nest letting you say you believe in God, but especially in classic I think that's canonical, he talks about the soul, invokes concepts like providence or fate in ways that don't seem entirely just as figure of speech, he can very quickly turn on a dime and believe in Clara's healing powers or Artemy's traditional medicine or the Polyhedron's magical properties once he sees what he deems sufficient evidence, and he also has that line about "knowing there are things beyond our mundane perception". and you know what, I don't even think that's so contradictory. first of all, there are nowadays and there especially have been in the past, with less secular societies, plenty of scientists who also held some kind of religious beliefs. I think it's to a certain degree reconcilable when it's applied to different spheres of life - some things are relegated to spirituality, but where there are cold hard facts, you follow these; it doesn't inherently make you a hypocrite. also in the game, the thing he takes most umbrage with is not spirituality, but superstition - the kind of unreasonable and dogmatically held beliefs that lead people to, oh I dunno, say, burning innocent women for witchcraft instead of listening to experts? which you know I think is kinda fair actually? like I keep harping on about that but fellas I'd be mad too. anyway my point is, depicting him as a reddit atheist is in my opinion definitely a mischaracterisation.
however I was actually gonna talk about the whole "defeating death" thing because it's so interesting to me, people often point out how fantastical, almost mystical it sounds, and he sometimes strikes that tone - "could death be only a whim of the will that has shaped this world" is a fascinating line to me because it essentially implies that the way to attain immortality is to tell god to fuck off, but then at the same time. he is initially skeptical about Simon's immortality, though interested in the claims of his longevity and extraordinary immunity to disease; he says he wants to study tissue samples from Simon's body, which seems to me like looking for a material, physiological mechanism that could be potentially found in or applied to other people (and eventually, out of desperation or fascination or both, he can get into the Kains' whole soul transference/preservation thing, but it doesn't strike me as what he was really looking for before the game. as my friend always says, if immortality of the soul was all he wanted, he'd become a priest instead of a medical researcher). he says in haruspex route that his lab works on medicine against aging; he also notes iirc that death will never not be a thing completely because people will still be killing each other. there is that thing with the reanimated lady, which always struck me as a little off in some ways, but mainly - at the start of the game, he hasn't succeeded in his goal yet, so whatever happened there, he either was unable to reproduce it, or it wasn't what he was looking for either - I mean, the fact that you can resuscitate a person under certain conditions is a great achievement, but doesn't remove the fact that people die, same as, as he says, "doctors defeat death on singular occasions" - you can manage to rescue a person from injury or disease, but it's only postponing the inevitable, so what if it wasn't inevitable anymore? the goal, I think, is so that people don't just die of old age. and the thing about that is - is that really so irrational? I mean especially if you think about the setting, if you think about the incredible, sheer rapid change of the time period from the industrial revolution to mid-20th century, that pathologic sits somewhere in the middle of, is that not something that would appear to people as both fantastical but also within grasp, as taking the witnessed progress to its furthest conclusion? same as people imagined - and correctly so - that the next step from inventing the airplane was inventing a flying machine that will go to the moon, would they not also imagine, seeing the progresses of medicine and the extending average lifespan, that we will exponentially live longer and longer? like we know it's not that simple, and Daniil's goal is meant to be unrealistic, but I don't think it's "unscientific" in the sense that it's based on magical thinking. people don't really shoot for immortality anymore but longevity research is very much a thing and I think that's just essentially what he was doing.
on the other hand, it's funny to me to imagine that him sometimes framing his work in those less-than scientific terms might've been partly what made him unpopular; I think there's more to it, especially regarding his conflict with the authorities I think it's more about him representing "revolutionary" ideals, but with his peers? even what Isidor mentions in his letter, that Daniil's detractors claimed his theories were not scientifically viable - the accusation not being that he's a heretic or a necromancer or playing god, but that he's being unreasonable; and well, if the "groundbreaking theory of human mortality" that he claims to have formulated is in fact "people die because they just let it happen, don't let god or laws of nature dictate what happens to you", well. I can see that.
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zorosq · 1 year
date gone wrong ; asl
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↻ fluff, chaotic brothers, law kinda ooc, sabo being overprotective, ace being extra, luffy is emotionally intelligent, modern au, grammatical errors
↻ pairing ↬ asl x (platonic) fem!reader! x law
anonymous asked: Hello!! I'd like to ask if I could ask you for a modern!au where the reader as Asl's little sister dating Law (I'm sorry, I just really love this emo doctor hehe) and spends time with him and they follow them to watch their date! if you don't like it, please just ignore it). thank you in advance!!
a/n i really love all these asl requests 😭
the sun was high in the sky. it was the perfect day for a date with your beloved boyfriend. you gave yourself a quick touch up before leaving the house with a huge grin on your face. as usual, he looks at you with the same blank expression.
if it wasn’t for the light pink that tinted his cheeks, you would’ve thought he doesn’t actually love you. “ace, sabo, luffy! i’m going out!” you notified them before closing the door.
“sabo,” ace spoke in a serious tone, giving sabo the ‘look’. the blond nodded as a response while luffy looked at the two of them in confusion. “huh? am i missing something?” he tilted his head.
law had been such a gentleman throughout your date. although he doesn’t show it, you knew that he was enjoying the date too. unknown to you though…
ace, sabo and luffy sat in the coffee shop across the ones that you were in. sabo acted naturally, ordering a drink for him while enjoying it as if he wasn’t stalking his sister’s date. “luffy, what do you know about him?” sabo asked in a quiet tone.
even though the two of you had been dating for a few years now, you had only made known about your relationship to your brothers a few months ago.
“tra-guy is really smart. he helped me with math but he always calls me stupid,” luffy laughed.
sabo’s gaze only hardened. “smart, huh… but not smart enough to stay away from our sister,” he frowned, crossing his arms together as his eyes met with ace. “should we keep moving?” ace asked in a secrecy tone. sabo nodded.
the two of you moved to your next dating spot. law had promised you last week that he would be the one to do the planning for your date this week.
so when he asked to for you to close your eyes, you were a bit skeptical. he had never done this before throughout the few years the two of you had been dating.
you felt his hand intertwining with yours, enveloping your hand in that familar comforting warmth. “where are you taking me?” you asked quietly. “it won’t be a surprise if i tell you,” law mumbled under his breath.
the trio looks at the two of you suspiciously. “where is he taking her?” ace asked, his eyes slowly filled with panic. “oh, i bet he’s going to propose!” luffy said in a quiet excited tone. the two brothers snapped their head towards luffy. “what?”
“isn’t it obvious?” luffy tilted his head at his brothers. “he looks nervous,” the younger male pointed out.
“you can open your eyes now,”
slowly, you opened your eyes before adjusting to the lights around you. he had taken you to the park where the two of you first met. “is this a special occasion? why did you take me here?” you asked, smiling softly at him.
“i just, feel like it,” he cleared his throat, looking away from you. before you know it, your three brothers suddenly jumped into the open, standing right in front of you. luffy has a big smile painted on his face, ace's expression was as if he was about to cry while sabo...
well, he looked quite angry.
“what are you guys doing here?!” you scolded. “he’s going to take you from us!” ace argued. you looked at them in confusion. “what are you talking about?”
“he’s going to propose to you,” luffy chimed in, his smile stretching even wider. your eyes widened and you quickly looked at law. “i... wasn’t,” the male said in confusion. “then why did you look so nervous?” luffy frowned, now even more confused by law's confession.
“i was... going to ask her to move in with me,” before you could answer to that, sabo had already raced you to it. “no, you’re not going to take her away from us,” he crossed his arms together, looking at law up and down skeptically. “oh, i thought that you were going to be my brother,” luffy frowned. you could hear ace’s sigh of relief beside you.
you put your hand on sabo's arm in hopes to calm him down slightly. “sabo...” you gave him a pointed look. “i’m a grown adult! how long are you going to see me as your baby sister?” you sighed. “i can make my own decision,” you crossed your arms.
“fine,” the blond male sighed, looking away from you with a pout present on his face. you shook your head lightly, chuckling at his childish behavior. you knew that he only worry about you. a little bit too much.
but you still love all your brothers the same.
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floating-mid-air · 9 months
The Princess of all Saiyans
Welcome back everyone. And welcome to anyone new. I'm back… yet again. New year… I won't say it again. I jinxed myself last year. As always, DM's/Comments are always open if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. I'd also like to thank everyone for the constant support. It means a lot.
Chapter 16
Gohan rushes over to your side with Krillin in tow. "Wow, Y/N. You really held your own against Frieza. I'm impressed." Krillin praises you.
"Ya, it was so cool!" Gohan exclaims. "I had no idea you were that strong."
"And talk about that transformation." Krillin continues to fawn over your brief display of abilities. "It was unreal."
"I lost." You scowl at the pair in disgust. You swear there's something psychologically wrong with them. This isn't the first time you've seen them praise failure. It's one of their many odd behaviors that you've managed to observe.
Kakarot and Frieza stand mere inches apart, sizing each other up. You never thought this day would come. You've been reduced to nothing more than one of Kakarot's accessories. You feel ill. Piccolo turns to the others, a hint of concern in his voice. "All four of us need to get out of here and go somewhere safe. Quickly."
Gohan and Krillin nod at the Namekian. "Get him, dad! Make him pay for what he did!" It's kinda cute how much the boy admires his father. In a way, it reminds you of the way Vegeta was with your own. Obviously, your brother was far less endearing.
Now, you all stand much farther away. Well, the other three stand. You don't have the energy. Damn, going Super Saiyan is a real energy drainer. "I'm quite surprised." Frieza chuckles with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"And why's that?" Goku asks.
"I've never seen Y/N so fond of someone before." Frieza's gaze jumps from you to Kakarot. "Lord knows Jeice tried."
"That weird little red guy?" Goku looks back, his eyes locking on you. You meet his gaze, glaring daggers at him. "I don't think she likes me that much." He chuckles, turning back to Frieza.
"I differ. Not even her precious Raditz would've gotten away with a stunt like that. I'm surprised she even allowed you to hold her."
"What are they talking about?" Gohan turns to Krillin, who just shrugs. Piccolo, however, has a faint smirk dancing on his lips. You've heard that Namkeians have a heightened sense of hearing. So whatever Frieza and that buffoon are discussing, it must be amusing enough to put a momentary pause on the Namkeian's brooding.
The epic battle between Goku and Frieza begins. They trade blows back and forth, creating rubble across the terrain as they go. You want nothing more than to watch Kakarot wipe the floor with that monster, but you're struggling. You can barely keep your eyes open. So much has happened today. You're both physically and mentally drained. "Y/N?" Gohan turns to you. "Are you alright?"
"Never better." You faintly grin at him.
"Maybe we should get her back to the ship." Krillin looks at Gohan skeptically.
"Touch me, and you won't have to worry about Frieza. I'll end you myself." Krillin gulps, diverting his gaze back onto the battlefield. Even injured, the human is still terrified of you. It's comforting.
Frieza manages to get the upper hand on Goku, knocking the Saiyan into the water. Far too much time for comfort passes. Something's off. You try to focus on his energy, yet you come up flat. You must be weaker than you thought. Maybe Kakarot came up somewhere else? Adrenaline kicks in. You hop up onto your feet without a second thought. "You shouldn't be standing!" The brat scolds you, rushing to your side. "You're too weak."
"This isn't right," Krillin mutters. "Goku should've come up for air by now."
"He's fine. I've been tracking his energy." Gohan assures him as he supports your weight, desperately trying to get you to sit back down. "You heard that right, Y/N. My dad is fine. You don't need to worry about him, alright."
"I'm not worried about Kakarot." You scoff. "If your idiot father insists on getting himself killed, so be it."
"You don't have to say it. I know you care. If you didn't, you would've left already." You grimace, your eyes locking back onto the water. If Kakarot's still under there, he must have a plan. But then again, it's Kakarot. From what you've been able to understand, his plans don't ever seem to have much consistency.
What the hell? The large body of water begins to illuminate. You're not very familiar with Namek's aquatic life, but you're pretty sure none of the creatures here glow. Three balls of energy shoot out of the water. Collectively striking Frieza and knocking him down. Wow. Kakarot may be smarter than you give him credit for. Though you'd never say that to his face. 
However, Frieza isn't down for long, quickly jumping back onto his feet. With ease Frieza, lifts a boulder the size of a small island. He tosses the rock into the air, shooting it straight at Goku. The Saiyan manages to catch it. But struggles with the sheer mass of the bolder. He's pushed into another mountain, trapping him between the terrain.
Not even a second passes before Goku shoots a beam, the rock fracturing around him. Allowing the man to easily escape. "You fell for it!" Frieza laughs manically.
Frieza's trapped Kakarot in some sort of bubble. You didn't know the freak had an ability like that. He kicks Goku back and forth as if he was a ball. You'd probably find this situation amusing if this was anyone other than Frieza. The pair continue to go back and forth, causing the whole planet to shake.
The winds pick up, causing their audience to be blown back. You and Piccolo managed to maintain your center of gravity, but the other two went flying. Krillin grabs onto a tree, and Piccolo grabs Gohan by the fabric of his attire. "They're causing an earthquake?" Krillin shouts, clinging onto the tree for dear life.
"But we're not on Earth... so is it still called an earthquake? Maybe it's called a namekquake?" Gohan chuckles.
"I don't think the technicalities really matter right now, Gohan!" Krllin tightens his grip. "Especially if we all die!" The planet stills, causing Krillin to land flat on his face. You laugh at his incompetence. How the hell has he even survived this long? It must be because of the Dragon Balls.
"That's not even the half of it. Frieza could destroy this planet in one blast if he wanted to. He certainly has the power." Piccolo says, his stoic expression not wavering.
"So he's just toying with us?" Krillin glances at Frieza through his peripheral vision. "That bastard."
"He's having fun with Kakarot." You scoff. "We're just a bonus."
Gohan frowns, furrowing his brows. "I-Is my dad gonna be okay?"
"Frieza's not the only one holding back." Piccolo's gaze moves onto Goku. "Look for yourselves."
"Dad!" The boy chuckles. The Namekian may be correct, but you've heard the rumors about Frieza. And if there's any validity to them, this isn't even a speck of Frieza's true power.
Your eyes wander around the rubble of Namek, and you see something... well, someone. For a split second, you thought it was Vegeta. But their build is shorter and far too slim. The name pops into your mind sooner than you'd care to admit. Tarble? You feel as if you're falling further and further into a bottomless abyss.
Your brother is dead... both of them are. Tarble's been dead for years. There's no way he survived in space all on his own. And if the slim chance he did, this would be the last place he'd be. He would never actively look for a fight or put himself in danger. He was always far too timid, far too afraid. Back on your home planet, people would refer to him as your shadow. Wherever you were, Tarble was just two steps behind. Just like... your shadow. You try not to think about him much. But once in a blue moon, thoughts of him slip into your mind. You can't help it.
"Y/N?" Gohan looks at you, concern shining in his eyes. "Are you okay?"
"You look like you've seen a ghost." Krillin's expression mirrors Gohan's.
"Ya, it's nothing." You shake your head, squinting your eyes. "I just
 thought I saw something."
"What did you see?" Gohan turns his head in the direction you were fixated on, only to find nothing.
"I'm just delirious. My eyes are playing tricks on me." You close your eyes, massaging your temples. And just like that, the image is gone. You're losing what's left of your mind.
"Are you sure?" Krillin asks. You nod, not wanting to spend another second on this topic. You direct your attention back onto the battle.
As the battle continues, you hear a motor of some kind. It's heading straight for you. Your head darts towards the source. It's the Earth woman on some sort of pink vehicle. Has she lost her damn mind? She jumps onto the ground, landing in a v-shaped pose. "A perfect ten!" Her voice is more gravelly than you remember. Wait a second. You'd recognize that dorky pose anywhere... It's Ginyu.
"Bulma!" Krillin yelps. "What are you doing here? Do you have any idea how dangerous this place is?" 'Bulma' has his back turned to him, seemingly not listening to a thing he says. You doubt Ginyu even knows her name. "Bulma? Are you even listening to me?"
"Huh? Who's that?" You were right. That fool took her body without even learning her name. Oh, this is great. You begin to laugh hysterically, wiping tears from your eyes. After the day you've had, you really needed this.
"Y/N? What's so funny?" Gohan asks.
"This is the best thing to ever happen on this damn planet. It's so amusing that it hurts." You grab your stomach, wincing in pain from laughing so hard.
"Bulma, you can't be here!" Krillin scolds the false Bulma. "Goku and Frieza are having it out. You need to find somewhere to hide."
"Really?" 'Bulma' jumps up in excitement, moving closer to the direction of the battle.
"Hold on!" Krillin shouts. "Don't just waltz over there. It's too dangerous."
"Lord Frieza in his ultimate form." Ginyu looks on in awe, fangirling over his boss. "Wow. It's magnificent! Frieza's body is reacting to the Saiyan's power!"
Gohan and Krillin share a look. "Bulma?"
A frog leaps in front of Gohan, jumping into his arms. The animal attempts to communicate with him. Making several croaking sounds and lots of gestures. Wait. If Ginyu is in Bulma's body, then Bulma must be... she's the damn frog! Oh, if only Raditz could see this. He'd get a kick out of it. You can practically hear his brash laughter ringing in your ears.
Gohan's eyes widen. "I get it now. You're that Ginyu guy. It's beyond dangerous out here, little buddy. If I were you, I'd find a nice sturdy rock to climb under."
"This is bad," As you watch the battle, Piccolo speaks for the first time in a while. "The gap between their strength is widening."
"It... It can't be." Krillin and Gohan share an uneasy look as Bulma laughs maniacally.
"Bulma?" Krillin questions again, this time more concerned than ever.
"His Lordship Frieza does not disappoint. Victory is his."
"Enough of this. Who are you?" Piccolo questions. Looks like one of the members of Team Kakarot has finally caught on.
"Cap--" Ginyu's hands fling over his mouth, stopping him from finishing his sentence. He struggles to pose in the unfamiliar feminine frame. But quickly, he maneuvers into a fighting stance. His attention concentrated on the Namekian.
"Look out, Piccolo!" Krillin shouts. Unfortunately for Piccolo, the warning comes just a second too late.
"Change now!"
"Head's up!" Gohan shouts, tossing the frog-morphed human straight into the line of fire.
Once the blinding light disperses, everyone's eyes lock on Bulma. Who's standing there frozen in shock. Which means Ginyu must be... You look down to the floor and catch the frog scampering away. You shake your head and snicker. What a coward.
"That was a close one, huh?" Gohan chuckles.
"Ya... If I only knew what happened." The Namekian scratches his head. He seems a bit dazed.
"I'm back! Inner and outer beauty are in perfect harmony once again!" The woman jumps around in pure joy. You'd think being a slimy frog, even just for a few minutes, would've taught her a lesson about vanity. Looks like she hasn't learned a damn thing.
"We're all overjoyed for you. But look, you need to get out of here and find someplace to hide. This is the absolute last place you want---" A harsh gust of wind interrupts Krillin, blasting Bulma back.
Gohan gasps. "Bulma!"
"Save me!" The woman shouts as she's flung up into the air out of view."
You watch in horror as Frieza splits the ground in two, carving a massive trench in the landscape. It extends as far as your eyes can see, even through the waters. You always knew Frieza was the most powerful being you've ever encountered. Yet, this is the first time you've ever contemplated the level of strength he truly possesses. Because viewing him as the strongest being you've ever met is no longer sufficient enough.
"Did that really just happen? This is starting to seem like a one-sided fight." Krillin comments.
"Of course it does. Frieza is stronger than any of us could've even prepared for. The look on Y/N's face should tell you all you need to know. I don't think even she anticipated this." The other two turn to you as Piccolo speaks. The look of dismay clear across your features. "There's nothing else we can do now. He's just too powerful." You never thought you'd see it. It's as if the Namekian has given up entirely. He seems different than he was on Earth. You can't exactly put your finger on it, but something has changed.
The battle, more appropriately labeled as Kakarot's beating, continues. Frieza smacks him around like he's nothing. You watch as Frieza holds Kakarot underwater with only a single limb. That's not good. If Kakarot is so weak that that's all it takes to drown him, you're all in trouble.
For every second that tics on, you have less and less hope. Your mind filling with possible contingency plans for after Kakarot's demise. But not a single one is up to par. And just when you thought Kakarot was down for the count, he comes shooting up from the water. His voice booming louder than ever.
Gohan and Krillin cheer, shouting words of encouragement as they watch in awe. "For Gohan, everyone on Earth, and the future of Namek. I'm not about to give up!" Goku shouts as red energy engulfs his body.
You gasp as he goes right back at Frieza like the last few minutes never happened. If you ignore the whole selfless hero thing, you'd say you're impressed with his resilience. Goku uses the Kaio-Ken technique on Frieza. Frankly, you were impressed with its sheer power. Once the blinding light disappears, your vision clears once again.
And no surprises here; Frieza hasn't moved an inch despite the brute force Kakarot used. To the untrained eye, you'd think that little stunt had no effect on him. Unlucky for you, you're very well versed in Frieza's mannerisms.
"There's no way... Goku put everything he had into that. So how is Frieza still floating there with barely a scratch on him?" Krillin questions in utter disbelief.
"Dad's energy dropped like a rock..."
"There's no way someone this powerful exists." That human is sure shocked a lot. You think he'd learn by now.
"Goku's finished." Piccolo scoffs. "Guess that lunatic King Kai was right. We should've listened when he told us to avoid a monster like Frieza."
"Frieza's off," You speak in almost a whisper, your sights locked on the man. He's relatively unscathed. There's barely a scratch on him, only a few nicks. But you can tell. The slight spasm of his extended hand, almost as if he was shaking. Mixed with his eyes. His eyes give it all away. The twitching mixed with something you thought you'd never see from Frieza. Fear. A being has never come that close to scathing him before.
Three heads dart in your direction. "What do you mean?" Krillin asks you. "He's fine. That blast did nothing to him."
"You don't know Frieza like I do." You chuckle. "Out of the many years I've worked under that snake, not once have I seen him look like that. His physical condition may be fine, but mentally he's off." Frieza's fear is quickly replaced with a much more familiar emotion. Pure rage.
You watch as Frieza knocks the man down. And he continues to pummel Goku into the ground. "Wow. Kakarot's really gotten him all worked up."
"Dad, no!" Gohan tries to run out to his father, but Piccolo grabs his cape, restraining the boy in place.
"You might as well send Y/N back out here!" Frieza mocks. "Even in her injured state, she'd put up a better fight!" He's not wrong. You'd never give up like that. It's pathetic.
"I'm ashamed to even call you a Saiyan, Kakarot!" You shout as Frieza's beating of your fellow Saiyan continues.
"I can't take this anymore!" Gohan shouts. "I can't just stand here. I have to help him!"
"No." Piccolo, yet again, stops Gohan from running into the line of fire.
"But... Dad will die if I don't!"
"He'll die if you do too." You scoff. "You'd only be prolonging the inevitable... and I doubt it would be for long. We're all going to be slaughtered today. I say, if the boy wants to die sooner, let him."
"Don't listen to her. Goku has something up his sleeve. I can tell." Piccolo assures the boy. "But he has such little power left. I have no idea what it could be." Kakarot looks as if he's posing. Maybe he got possessed by Ginyu again. You chuckle to yourself at the thought.
"A spirit bomb!" Krillin abruptly shouts. "It's a special last-ditch move he picked up from King Kai. It gathers all the energy from everything around. The grass, trees, even us. Everything that has a life force."
"But how?" Gohan eyes the older man skeptically. "This place doesn't look like it has much life left."
"I know, but just look down there. It's not like he has many options." He notices the look of concern across Gohan's features, quickly throwing an arm around him. "Besides, your dad knows more about it than us. I bet he'll make it work."
"Oh, yes. Let's just blindly put our faith in Kakarot. When has that strategy ever failed you before?" You sarcastically mumble. "I'm not a gambler when it comes to my life. And if I was, my money's on Frieza."
"Do you always have to be so negative?" Krillin cranes his neck in your direction, his displeasure with you apparent.
"I'll start being more positive when---" And just like that, an idea pops into your head. "Wait. So the more energy Kakarot can get, the better?" Your energy increases significantly in your newly unlocked form. So, if this spirit bomb works as Krillin claims, your new form could still be an asset against Frieza.
"Exactly." Krillin narrows his eyes at you. "Why?" Without a word, you stand back up. You crack your neck, getting into a better stance. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Cause a few minutes ago, you could barely stand without Gohan's help."
You smirk. "I'll be fine, human." You start to scream in a desperate attempt to replicate your original transformation. It's much easier to do than the last time. It's different from the Great Ape one that you're so used to. That one you were born with and had to learn to control. This one you had to unlock. You quickly transform. Your hair changing into a yellow hue, and your eyes glow. You're the Great Super Saiyan again. Now that you're not using it directly in battle, it's less impressive than you imagined as a child. It's sort of anti-climactic. You just need to hold this form as long as possible and hope your body doesn't give out.
Gohan and Krillin stare at you in confusion, but the Namekian chuckles. "Smart." Out of all of Kakarot's little friends, you suppose the Namekian is the most tolerable. Well, he's at least the most intelligent.
"I doubt it will do much." You roll your eyes before moving your gaze back to the battlefield. You can't lie. You do enjoy the look of bewilderment on Frieza's face.
After a few moments, the Namkeian looks around. "What the hell am I sensing?"
Krillin looks up at him. "Like I said---"
All three of you turn to Gohan, who's gazing at the sky in dismay. "The spirit bomb..." The three of you look up, finally seeing what Gohan does. You've never seen a ball of energy that size. Not even when you were flipping planets.
"That can't be it..." Krillin gulps. "It's gigantic."
"Damn." You shake your head. "Well, I guess I'd rather die by Kakarot's hands than Frieza's."
"By the look on your face, Krillin. I'm assuming this one is exceptional." Piccolo looks over to the human.
"The one on Earth wasn't even half that size. He must be collecting energy from all over the universe!"
"Frieza hasn't caught on yet," Piccolo announces. "Why doesn't he use that thing while he has the upper hand?"
"It must not be enough to... you know..." Krillin trails.
"You can say kill. It's not a bad word." You snarl. "You had no problem with it when you tried to murder my brother back on Earth."
"Come on, Dad!" You can hear Gohan shout as you glare at Krillin. "Hit him with everything you got!"
"How long do you intend to just stand there?" Frieza shouts, irritation evident in his voice.
"You know." Goku lets out a breathy chuckle. "That's a very good question." You adore watching the way Kakarot gets under Freieza's skin. Kakarot's antics sure are amusing when you're not the one being subjected to them.
You watch as Freiza twitches before knocking Kakarot back. "Oh, no!" Krillin shouts. "He caught on."
"No, Krillin. I don't think he did."
"The Namekian is right." You grin. "Kakarot's just pissing him off." Goku stands up, returning to his pose. Which only enrages Frieza more.
"I'm not going to ask you again." Frieza continues attacking him. Goku simply ignores his request, going back into the same stance. Your invasive laughter echoes throughout the remnants of the planet as Kakarot's beating counties.
The other three watch in horror with the occasional glance of disbelief at you. "Krillin, Gohan. Transfer any power you can spare to me. Quickly." The pair begin to give their remaining energy to the Namekian.
"What about Y/N?" Gohan asks.
"Right now. I think all of her energy is concentrated on keeping her transformation active." Piccolo chuckles. "Both of your energy will be plenty for what I have in mind. Don't worry."
"What's the big rush, Frieza?" Goku chuckles. "You're so impatient." Moments like this make it clear that there's still some Saiyan left in Kakarot. It might be the only thing attractive about him.
"You dare mock me, ape!" Frieza creates a large blast with his hand. Knocking Goku back further, sending him flying into the water.
"You two!" Piccolo shouts. "Pay no attention to what's going on down there. Just focus your energy." You do wonder what the Namekian has in mind. Neither of those earthlings have much power left. So, it can't be anything too powerful.
"This should be enough." Piccolo shoos them away. "Now listen here and listen well. None of you are to involve yourselves, understand? This is my fight and my fight alone." You scoff. It's like Vegeta never died.
"But---" Before Gohan can raise any opposition, the Namekian shuts him down.
"You'd only get in my way. You gave me all your remaining energy."
As Piccolo leaves the rest of you, Gohan speaks up again. "We can't just let him do this. He'll get himself killed."
"He's not trying to go after Frieza." You chuckle. "He's going to attempt to buy Kakarot sometime. It's a suicide mission... and he knows it."
"We can't just let him---"
"Then what's your plan?" You scoff. "You need to stop jumping the gun. I used to be just like that, too. You're gonna get yourself killed if you keep this up. How would your death help the Namekian?"
"It... wouldn't." Gohan sighs.
"Exactly. So stay there and shut up."
"Don't you think you're being a bit harsh?" Krillin turns to you. "He's just a---"
"You shut up, too!" You cut the human off. " I didn't know children were omitted from death on your planet." You sarcastically mumble.
While Frieza is distracted by Kakarot's idiocy, Piccolo finally strikes. Sending Frieza flying back and out of view. A sneak attack. Not a bad strategy. But that kind of thing only works once. You know that when Frieza returns, he'll be less than pleased.
"Piccolo!" Goku shouts in relief.
"Ya, ya. Just hurry up and finish that thing before he comes back."
"I owe you one." Goku gets back into his stance to finish the spirit bomb.
"You better make it quick. That sneak attack is the only thing I can manage right now."
Frieza launches back over. A vein bulging from his forehead. "How is that Namekian still drawing breath? I thought they've all been taken care of." You just love it when Frieza is enraged. It fills you with joy.
"Goku... hurry it up! How much longer do you need to finish that damn thing? Cause something tells me that Frieza is losing his patience."
"I'm sorry." Goku grunts. "I just need a bit more time."
"Ugh." Piccolo groans. "Just throw it already."
"No. It's still not done. It's too weak. If I throw it now, it'll do nothing!" Piccolo scoffs at him, flying up into the air.
"Too pesky to live but too stubborn to die," Frieza smirks at him.
"You're going to eat those words, scum." You watch, waiting to see who'll throw the first blow.
"What's he doing now?" Gohan asks.
"I think he's going to sacrifice himself. He can't have much power left after that move he just pulled. Since Goku's not done yet, I think Piccolo's trying to buy him some time." Wow, the human is observant for once. You assume there's a first time for everything.
"I told you he was going on a suicide mission." You cross your arms, wondering how this will all play out. You know it'll probably end with the Namekian splattered across the landscape. But the moments that lead to that are far more interesting to you.
"Goku... hurry it up! How much longer do you need to finish that damn thing? Cause something tells me that Frieza is losing his patience."
"I'm sorry." Goku grunts. "I just need a bit more time."
Piccolo groans. "Just throw it already."
“I don’t think Piccolo can last much longer… he’s really taking a beating.” Krillin looks on in horror.
"We have to help him!" Gohan starts to fly towards the two men. You shake your head. The boy has learned nothing. If he refuses to adhere to your warning, there's nothing more you can do for him.
"Gohan, wait!" Krillin's voice stops him dead in his tracks. He doesn't speak another word, just shaking his head at Gohan.
You roll your eyes. "As I said before, You'd just get in the way. You'd be more of a hindrance than an asset. Don't be stupid. That job belongs to your moronic father." You look away from the earthlings, directing your attention to the battle. The Namekian is far too weak to provide you with any kind of entertainment. The only attacks he can manage are several small yellow energy disks. 
"How can someone so resilient be so dumb?" Frieza mutters. You've often pondered the same question about Kakarot. "You must have a death wish, Namekian."
"We're at the end of our rope, Goku. Finish the damn thing!" With little effort, Frieza slams Piccolo onto the ground. "That's all I got. Please tell me you're almost done."
Goku shakes his head. "It's still not finished yet. If I throw it now, this all would've been for nothing."
Frieza grabs Piccolo by the collar. "Say goodbye, Namkeian. You get to die on your home planet. You should be thankful. The others aren't so lucky. Thanks to me, two of them don't even have one to die on." Before Frieza can kill him, Krillin and Gohan shoot a collective blast at Frieza with the minuscule energy they have left. Stopping yet another murder attempt. Frieza's three for three for his assassinations on this damn rock. That's not a bad stat in general, but it is terrible for Frieza.
"You... pests!" Frieza shrieks. "I hope you all end up suffering the same fate as this damn planet!" You've never seen Frieza look this unhinged. You've seen him pissed off countless times, but never to this degree. You watch as Frieza starts another attack. The ball of energy from his palms growing larger and larger by the second.
"Goku..." Krillin chuckles nervously. "It doesn't look like we have much time left!"
"Okay... Okay. I think it's ready!"
"Come on then!" Piccolo shouts. "Throw it!"
"Now, Dad!"
"While we're still young, Kakarot!" Wow, all of you are on the same page for once. Maye hell has frozen over? Goku screams, launching the spirit bomb at Frieza. "Holy shit..." That monstrosity absorbs Frieza's entire attack like it was nothing.
"Get down!" Piccolo shouts. Everyone falls to the ground, the spirit bomb causing severe damage to Namek's landscape... well what was left of it. The harsh winds send you all flying up into the air. The planet has turned entirely into a body of water. And you're thrown right into it. You weren't really intending to go for a swim today. Guess you have no choice now.
You grab onto some rock, pulling yourself up, gasping desperately for air. "I hate this vile planet!" You laugh as your eyes land on the earthlings staring at you with wide eyes. "Sorry to disappoint."
"Y/N!" Gohan exclaims, running over to you. The boy practically tackles you. Wrapping his arms around you, clinging onto you for dear life. "You're okay!" Your body goes rigid. You're not used to this. As you've said multiple times already. Physical affection isn't something your people partake in.
Krillin walks over to you, a faint grin on his features. "I never thought I'd say this, but oh boy, I am happy to see you."
Gohan finally releases you from his tight embrace. "Did you sense my dad or Piccolo down there?"
You shake your head. "I can barely sense myself right now, Gohan." You look around, taking in Namek's drastic remodel. The once vibrant planet is now drowning. This isn't exactly a foreign sight to you. For many years, your job was to destroy and flip planets for profit. You scan the area, searching for any source of life. You'd like to say you're looking for Kakarot or the Namekian, but that isn't true. You can't help but search for Frieza. That man has terrorized you since you were a small child. It's hard for you to believe he's gone. You can't ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. Everything just feels far too easy.
"Hey, over there!' Gohan points to another area. "I see something!" A green hand grabs onto a rock. Using all his strength, Piccolo pulls himself up, dragging Goku with him.
Your lips unconsciously curve upwards at the sight. What the hell is happening to you? You should've wanted Kakarot dead. The idea of getting rid of him and Frieza in one blast should have been joyful... but it wasn't. You were worried? Upset? You don't know how to define your emotions for this hypothetical scenario.
Though, Kakarot is the only other member of your race alive. With Vegeta and Raditz dead, you and Kakarot are the only things left of your home. And when you're both dead... it will be as if your planet never existed. Like your species never existed. The Saiyan race would be nothing but a distant memory... a tale of the past.
"Goku!" You hear the human shout. You see Kakarot there. He's alive. And yet, you can't help but think about what things would've been like if he wasn't.
The reality of everything begins to set in. Frieza, Raditz, Vegeta, they're all dead. And yet, you're still standing. For the first time in your life, you're truly alone. What do you do now? Where are you supposed to go? It's not like you have a home to go back to.
Your brother would know what to do. He always knew what to do. You feel so lost. You try to think about what Vegeta's next steps would be. First, he'd kill Kakarot, obviously. And with Frieza gone, taking over the universe would be a piece of cake. The Frieza Force is weak, but their soldiers are malleable. But is that what you want? Do you want to rule the universe?
That was Vegeta's dream. Not yours. You always just went along with his whims. Ruling the universe with Vegeta would've involved a lot of work; without him, it is next to impossible. The plan was always for Vegeta to do all the work, and you'd selfishly reap all the benefits. Without your brother, you don't desire to dominate the universe. But if you're not going to take over the universe, then what the hell are you going to do?
You watch their little reunion from a distance. It's filled with hugs and happiness... and all of the other shit you find nauseating. Frieza's dead... you should be happier than ever. Yet you're not. You feel... numb? You've never felt this lost in your life. Whatever is left of Raditz and Vegeta is somewhere underwater now. That is if their bodies weren't destroyed by Frieza's trench. Saiyans don't mourn. They suck it up and move on. That's what your father did after your mother died in childbirth with you and Tarble. Yet... you're melancholy. It's almost bitter-sweet. But mostly bitter.
Goku frowns, and starts to look around. Like he's searching for something, "Where's-" His eyes lock on you, a grin quickly replacing the frown on his lips.
You slowly saunter over to them. "You actually lived." You shake your head at the buffoon. "Color me surprised."
"Does that mean you're happy to see me?"
You roll your eyes, chuckling. "You really just hear what you want, don't you, Kakarot?"
"Man, that spirit bomb was a doozy. It was like the size of a planet." And they're back to their little celebration. Who are you kidding? It never ended.
"You better believe it was, Krillin. The hopes and dreams of the entire universe were packed into that thing." Goku looks at you from the corner of his eye. "And maybe a bit of extra help from Y/N, too."
"I was still afraid that you got caught in it."
"Come on, Gohan." Piccolo chuckles, ruffling the boy's hair. "Give your father and I some credit."
"Well, I guess it's time to head home with our heads held high. Might even have the chance to live the dream." Krillin announces.
"Huh?" The father-son duo looks at him in collective confusion.
Krillina laughs awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "You're seriously going to make me spell out what's at the top of my victory list, aren't you?" His face flushes bright red. "A girlfriend."
You sneer in disgust. "Humans are such pathetic creatures." The other three stare at Krillin in surprise before breaking out into laughter. You'll never understand any of them. And you don't desire to.
Once the initial adrenaline passes, everyone's now standing. Goku has one arm around Krillin, the other placed on top of his son's head. "You all ready to go? My spaceship should be able to get us back home in just under six days."
Gohan jumps in joy. "Yay! I get to see everyone in less than a week."
Goku grins at his son before turning to you. "You're more than welcome to come with us."
"It's not like there's any other way off this damn rock." You look away, avoiding his gaze. Great, you get to go from one horrid planet to another. You can't even pick which one is worse. Namek, which is a shell of its former self. Or Earth, which is home to some of the weakest, most pathetic creatures you've ever encountered.
Your ears perk up as Krillin screams. "What is it?" Goku asks, alarm dripping from his voice.
"Bulma's out there somewhere. And I totally forgot." He looks terrified. It's the same way the human typically looks at you.
"Come on, Krillin." Goku laughs. "Don't scare us like that. From the look on your face, I thought that Frieza was back."
"Ya, well, he's got nothing on her when she's pissed off." Really? He finds the Earth women terrifying? You've seen insects with a higher power level than her. You doubt the earth woman has eradicated entire species when she was angry. It must be an exaggeration.
The others laugh, but you aren't amused. "Don't make me laugh." Goku chuckles more, gripping his side. "My body's already mad enough at me as it is."
You stare at your reflection in the water as the Namekian speaks. You look like crap. You desperately need sleep. You look back up and see the earthling, his mouth hanging ajar; he's practically shaking in fear. You turn your head to see what he's staring at. Laughter escapes your lips. It's Frieza. You knew it. You knew it seemed too fucking easy.
"How can this be happening? There's no way someone could survive a blast like that and not get obliterated." Krillin looks on in utter disbelief.
"He's not just anyone. He's Frieza...." Your voice trails.
Frieza extends his arm, shooting a blast at Goku and Gohan. Piccolo jumps in, knocking the pair out of the way. Taking the impact of the blast entirely. "Piccolo!" Gohan screams, falling to his knees.
"He's alive..." You cross your arms over your chest. "At least for now."
Gohan gets up and rushes over to the Namekians' side. "Piccolo... please get up."
You watch as Kakarot clenches his fists, his knuckles turning milky white. "Bravo, my friend." You don't think you've ever heard Frieza refer to someone as a friend. Pest, sure, but a friend? Never. It's unnerving. "You nearly brought the mighty Frieza down. I've never had a call quite that close before."
Goku's gaze darts from Frieza to you all. "I want you all to get out of here. My ship isn't far. Grab Piccolo, find Bulma, and set a course for Earth." Why is everyone always so bossy? First Vegeta, then the Namekian, and now Kakarot. Who’s gonna try to boss you around next? The brat? "I'm not leaving. So don't get any ideas about waiting for me." His eyes lock on his son, who's in a trance-like state. "Snap out of it, Gohan!"
"I won't!" The brat stubbornly stands his ground; how Saiyan-like. "I owe it to Piccolo to stay and fight." Gohan starts to tear up.
"With what?" Goku questions. "None of you have enough strength left. The most you'd do is get in the way."
"Goku..." Krilin's voice trails. "You're serious."
"I advise against placing much stock in your vessel. But if you'd like, I can bring you much closer to home." That sounds mildly threatening. You know he's not talking about your home. All that's left of your homeworld is most likely a handful of rocks floating aimlessly somewhere in space.
"Krillin! Look out!" Gohan shouts. Frieza takes control of Krillin's body, blasting him high into the air.
"Frieza... don't do it!" Begging will only encourage him further. You don't see a way where any of you make it off of this planet alive.
"Goku!" Krillin shouts as he dangles in the air. With a clench of Frieza's fist, the human implodes. Talk about going out with a bang. You don't even see a body. He must have... disintegrated.
"You are a ruthless... heartless... bastard." Kakarot's fists remain clenched, his entire body vibrating.
Frieza laughs mockingly. "I think the pretty princess should go next." He extends his index finger in your direction. "And after I take care of her, it'll be the brat's turn." Frieza shoots a blast of energy straight toward you. It all happens so fast that any attempt to move would be in vain.
You can feel the heat of the energy against your armored chest. Yet there's no pain. The beam reflects off your chest as if you were made entirely of rubber. Frieza dodges out of the way, just barely evading his own attack.
"What the hell?" You mutter to yourself. You look down. Your armor is the same... but your chest is glowing. You reach into your armor, pulling out your necklace, holding it by the chain. This is the source of the light; the stars of the charm are shining. It's never done that before. Your necklace... it saved you?
"What kind of damn trick was that Y/N?"
"I- I have no idea." You grasp the charm in your hand. It feels warm, an odd, comforting familiarity you can't describe. Where the hell did your father actually get this thing?
Frieza is about to speak again, but his attention quickly focuses on Kakarot. Whose anger has only seemed to grow. Beams of light shoot all over the planet. It almost resembles lightning. He must like Krillin more than all his other friends you had slaughtered back on Earth. The waters form waves, and rocks shoot everywhere. "I will make you suffer!" Now, this is a version of Kakarot you can get behind. His hair flickers from black to blonde. No way... he can't be.
With one final shriek, he transforms right before your eyes. His hair was now in a semi-permanent state of blonde, with his eyes a much lighter shade. Kakarot... is a Super Saiyan. "Holy shit..."
"Both of you go. Take Piccolo with you, and get the hell out of here." It's clear this isn't a request. "Find Bulma, find the ship, and go." Gohan hesitates, not moving. "Do as I say now before I lose what little sense of reason I have left!"
"O-Okay." Gohan nods, rushing back over to Piccolo.
"Move as fast as you can, and don't look back. If Piccolo dies, then Kami dies... and I don't think I have to remind you what happens after that." And still, after all of this, his priority is resurrecting his pathetic friends. Unbelievable.
"What are you trying to say?" Gohan's voice shakes.
"I'm saying go without me. Get back home; I'll be there when I can."
"But... if we take your ship, you'll be stuck here. You'd have no way to get home."
"I'm your father! Don't talk back to me!" Goku snaps. "Just do as I say!"
"Alright, Dad." Gohan nods. "I'll see you at home." Gohan picks up Piccolo, flying out of view."
After his son is gone, Goku turns to you. "That means you too."
"But I wanted to watch..." You pout.
He scoffs. "I'm not asking, Y/N."
You place your hands on your hips, rolling your eyes at the man. "You sound like Vegeta."
Goku takes several steps toward you. Now, standing directly in front of you. "Stop being a stubborn brat and listen!"
You chuckle. "Now you really sound like Vegeta."
"I'm not playing this game." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "Now get the hell out of here!"
"I never knew you could yell so much." You smirk.
"Well, that's because yelling seems to be the only damn thing you respond to!" He snaps.
"That's not---" Wait. Have you been conditioned to only listen when someone's screaming at you?
"Now, I'd happily entertain you any other goddamn day of the year, but not now." He takes a deep breath. "Now go before I lose my damn patience."
"Man, now you really sound like---" You're cut off by Kakarot's lips pressing against your own. The warm sensation causes your heart to flutter. Your eyes widen. Your breath catching in the back of your throat.
"How about now? Do I sound like Vegeta now?" You touch your lips. Did... Did that just happen? "Now go!" He takes a deep breath, seeming to have calmed down a bit. "When I return to Earth, we can get back to what we started before. So you'll get a turn, too. I'll gladly fight you... or fuck you if that's what you'd like instead. Maybe both if you listen." You choke on air. Who the fuck is this? Cause this isn't the Neanderthal Kakarot. Your brain is short-circuiting. "Just wait for me, alright. I'll be there as soon as I can."
"A-Alright." You're not sure if you love or hate this new Kakarot. You take a deep breath and regain your frosty attitude. "Don't die. Or do. I don't give a damn what happens to this planet. Well, it's not much of a planet anymore, is it." You fly up into the air.
"Hey!" He calls out to you one last time. "Take care of Gohan for me while I'm gone."
You grin, shaking your head. "You really are a terrible father!"
65 notes · View notes
tragedytells-tales · 10 months
Obey Me Incorrect quotes
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Notes - quotes from poker nights + Sam and max, Feat. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor + the rare Luke, Solomon, Simeon, and Barbatos appearance
Summary - A bunch of stupid incorrect quotes and sometimes they're out of character on purpose!
Warnings - Slight game spoilers, Chaotic and traumatized MC, Forth wall breaking
Tw - Gambling, Strong language, Guns, Violence ( nongraphic )
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MC: Well of course you won with THOSE cards! Even Luci could'a won with those cards, and all he can do is talk about alcohol and how much of a poor single widowed mother he is!
Lucifer: Where in the three realms did you lot hide my demoneus now?
MC: shut the FUCK UP LUCI‼️ and people say I'M annoying??
( Telltales games : poker nights )
MC: Hey asmo, what do you think I should do?
Asmodeus: Tell her how you really feel before she runs off with Blaine!
MC: About the hand, chucklehead.
Asmodeus: Oh. Check.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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Demon student: I gotta ask, what's it like living on a different plain of existence?
MC: It's great! As long as you ignore the constant firefights, random explosions, human eating plants, the fact that everyone I know and love has killed me, attempted to kill me, assisted in almost getting me killed, worsened my trust issues, or that every demon could try to eat my soul at any time- The devildom really is a home away from home!
Everyone (aside from Solomon, Simeon, and Luke): *whistles*
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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Mammon: This decks gone colder than my ex. Zombie not demon, they were actually kinda hot!
MC: Sometimes I regret being brought down here. this isn't one of em though, tell me more!
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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MC, talking about Michael: I've only become aware of your existence for 1 minute and I already unapologetically hate you AND everything that you stand for!
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MC: Hey! how much property damage do you think I can get away with in the span of, let's sayy, 2 minutes?
Belphegor: considering your last record, I'd say the entirety of RAD plus half of the forest.
Lucifer: yOU WHAT??
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MC, watching the brothers fight: I believe I need to get in touch with my anger, Satan.
Satan: I can help with that!
( Sam & Max S1 E15 )
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Diavolo: I believe our persuasive charm could have him seeing things our way!
MC: Or not seeing anything at all.
( Sam & Max S1 E15 )
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Lucifer: And what in the 7 rings happened here?
Barbatos: I'll tell you what just happened here, they just drove a man insane.
Mammon and Asmo: all in a days work!
( Sam and Max S1 E15 )
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MC: Y'know that never works, right?
Solomon: Oh, I know. But it's such a wonderful prelude to the impending mayhem!
( Sam and Max S1 E16 )
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Diavolo, squeezing MC: I will pet you, and love you, and subjugate you to my every will!
( Sam and Max S1 E16 )
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Diavolo: I think that poor human has been forever scared, Barbatos.
Barbatos: Then our work here is done, my liege.
( Sam and Max S1 E16 )
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Beelzebub: Not to be skeptical or anything, but what makes this little human a potential weapon of doom?
MC: :]
( Sam and Max S1 E17 )
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MC: Oh I think I understand, you want me to feel like any other person with freakishly destructive powers! You guys are so sweet!
( Sam and Max S1 E17 )
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MC: Well this is an unlikely turn of events.
Mammon: Foiled by some oversized rubber baby buggy bumper. ( He's talking about Belphie. )
( Sam and Max S1 E18 )
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Belphegor: Hey MC, what am I?
MC: Dumb question, you're a doof.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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Diavolo, playing UNO: Is that a good idea? Cause honestly, I don't really know what I'm doing!
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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Solomon: I want one, but it's not for me. It's for my friend, Luke!
Luke: Don't go dragging me into your slighty malevolent and silly schemes, Solomon.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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Simeon: 25th anniversary huh?
Beel: yup.
Simeon: But didn't you guys get together in the same year as the exchange program?
Beel: yes, I guess so.
Simeon: then that was 26 years ago?
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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Diavolo: I think this has taught us all a very important lesson. But I'll be damned if I can figure out what.
Luke: I'm unsure how much more damned you can get and I'm afraid to find out.
( Telltales games : poker nights )
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Asmodeus: Move freely he says. In these heels?!
( Sam and Max S1 )
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Satan: So that's why I always feel an overbearing presence just out of my field of vision, watching and judging my every move! *stares at the forth wall*
In-game MC, at his side: That's me dude.
( Sam and Max save the world )
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Demon student, looking at Luke: How far would you go if I punt you?
( Sam and Max devils playhouse )
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Simeon: Do you two know what happened?
Luke: I can't lie to Simeon!
MC: I can, kid! No, no we do not.
( Sam and Max the devils playhouse )
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Lucifer: MC, where do you put all your school supplies?
MC: In my backpack of course!
Lucifer: But you're a sheep. Where do you put your backpack?
MC: Now that is none of your damn business, Luci.
( Sam and Max the devils playhouse )
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Mammon: Magnatism? Don't tell me you're one of those kooks!
Satan: You don't believe in Magnatism?
Mammon: It's an interesting theory, but I'm not convinced.
Satan: This is almost as bad as Beel believing curry is a concept.
( Sam & Max beyond space and time )
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Lucifer: What in Diavolos name is going on in here?!
MC: My tomfoolery is none of your concern.
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Diavolo: MC, I believe I have developed feelings for you over the time we've known eachother.
MC: Huh, feelings of anger?? You wanna fight?
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Mammon: MC, I didn't study for this test?! What do I write?!
MC: That's our marriage certificate, Mammon.
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MC: Belphi, wake up!
Belphegor: Huhh, what is it MC?
MC: You fucked up big time.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: I'm going to commit mass arson, and no one can stop me!
Lucifer: Why.
MC: ...Good question. Chaos.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: A blackout in a room full of violent creatures? Ah, don't be such a fussypants!
( Sam & Max S1 E12 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Beelzebub: I'm Beel! And this is my huggable family!
Everyone in the room: Please don't hug us.
( Sam and Max this time it's virtual! )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Asmodeus: and here's the house of lamination! A colorful and full of life home that came to be under mysterious circumstances!
MC: By "colorful" He means decaying, filled with demonic forces, and smells like certain damnation with a hint of mildew. And by "mysterious" he means a psychologically scarring murder house turned horror movie that was dragged down here by Lucifer himself.
( Sam and Max this time it's virtual! )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Belphegor: I thought we needed one of those mermaid candies to breath down here.
MC: It's fiction, jarhead. We have ridiculous lung capacity.
( Sam & Max s1 E2 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
*During the angels event*
MC: Kindness? Charity? Understanding!? When will this hellish nightmare end?!
( Sam and Max )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Beelzebub: You aren't scared of me?
MC: Me? Scared of you? Why should I be, you're a big blubber of man.
( Life of Melody )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: You're looking hale and hearty today Lucifer!
Lucifer: I had five years worth of coffee in five minutes Diavolo.
( Sam and Max hit the road )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: MC, you have as much of a say in this as anyone else does.
MC: You mean like how I had a say in my technical kidnapping and all of my many near death experiences?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC, walks into the room with a gigantic lint roller covered in dog fur: So I lint rolled the puppy.
Mammon: Okay.
* five minutes later *
Mammon: Wait MC did what?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Belphegor: This is your first and final warning! Pull over or die!
( Sam and Max save the world )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC, looks at the dislike portion of the student ID: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Simeon: Can I drive?
MC: Jumping vehicular homicide, no!
( Sam & Max save the world )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: What do you have?
Solomon: A microwave!
MC: Somehow that's worse than you having a knife.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Satan: They say an idle mind is the devils playhouse
MC: How curiously insulting.
( Sam & Max the devils playhouse )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Satan: Are you sensing my desire to turn you into a QUIET LIL HANDBAG.
Luke: Satan.
Satan: Sorry.
( Sam and Max S1 E10 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Daivolo: Hey MC, can I-
MC: No.
(Sam and Max save the world )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Question, when was panda express constructed?
Beelzebub: Uhhhh 1776??
MC: Ah yes, during the American revolution!
( sunny side skies )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: What're ya gonna do? Gimme the silent treatment?
MC: .....
Mammon: Nooo, stop, pleeeease!!!
MC: Never underestimate the power of passive aggression, mams.
( Sam & Max beyond space and time )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Belphegor: By the name of the moon I will kick thy ass!
( colors of my canvas )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: MC, can I ask why you're parkouring over furniture and nearly breaking every vase in sight?
MC: Lilith keeps trying to touch me with her icy hands!
Lilith: they're not that cold MC! I promise!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: Where is your "can-do" attitude?
MC: She left, long ago!
( heartstopper show s1 e1 )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke *with the most serious face he can muster*: MC, I don't want to be friends anymore!
MC: Yeah, okay, that's cool lil buddy-
Luke: MC? MC are you crying?
MC: No, no, it's okay, this is fine-
Luke: MC, you're sobbing.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: Cerberus is ment to discouraged you from coming into the unground tomb.
MC, currently cuddling with a sleeping cerberus and peting his heads: And?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: It's so sad frisk died of ligma
Belphegor: who's frisk?
MC: ligma balls
Belphegor: AHHH-
( Saying alot of things as Kris )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Are there British people here in the devildom?
Diavolo: What?
Soloman: Of course not MC, British people aren't real.
Diavolo: What???
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lilith: why are you the size of a shrimp?
Belphegor: Why are you nonexistent in a physical form?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: If I gave Diavolo a lemon, he would disintegrate and I would become the ruler of the devildom, and that's the way the world turns.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Satan: -to make them think they've come here willing and have them be more submissive."
Solomon: *cough*andbreedable*cough*
Mammon: MC, you've been drugged- Solomon????????
Lucifer: I can't have a moment of peace.
( The Day Out by @/beels-burger-babe )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: It's just sitting there, menacingly...
MC: It's literally just eating grass.
Diavolo: It's looking at me with cold, dead, eyes...
MC: It is entirely focused on the grass.
Diavolo: It's unnatural.... how can something be so, complacent?! So, unbothered?? So... So uncaring about what may happen should it let it's guard down for even a second?!
MC: That's because not everything runs on caffeine, procrastination, and daddy issues, Diavolo.
Diavolo: It's scary! 🥺
MC: It's a Capybara.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Plural for platypus, go.
Platipy- Mammon , Daivolo , Luke , Beelzebub
Platypuses- Satan , Lucifer , Barbatos
*windows shut down* - Levi , Simeon
Platypuss(e)s - Asmo , Belphi , Solomon
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: You good?
MC: No.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Player: AYO!
MC: huh?!
Player * dragging MC *: let's go bud, we're off to therapy!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Asmo: Asdsgvdfdzkga!!@^$$"'
MC: ....Pardon?
Asmo: You don't know keysmash?
MC: This is an audible conversation.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke: Please let this be a normal day...
MC: With these several idiots? No way!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Hold on- how was I able to hear him from my room, which is by the kitchen down the hall from the stairs, from the attic?
Beelzebub: Big attic.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
* C R A S H *
Teen!MC: are you okay dude?
Teen!Demon: yeah I'm fine *scurrys away*
Beelzebub: they were flirting with you btw.
Teen!MC: what?
Beelzebub: Yeah, they were showing off their magic for a few minutes now. Kinda a shame you only noticed when they crashed.
Teen!MC: Damn, that's rough.
MC: All dirt is grime but not all grime is dirt.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mammon: Huh?
MC: All poultry is meat but not all meat is poultry.
Beelzebub: Correct.
MC: All math is calculated but not everything that is calculated is math.
Satan: Alright now you're just going off the rails.
MC: All pails are buckets but not all buckets are pale.
Asmo: MC, dear, I think you're sleep deprived.
MC: You can read all books but not all books have been read.
Lucifer: context, Also it is 2 am. Why are you up?
MC: Osmosis is always diffusion. But diffusion is not always Osmosis.
Belphegor: Very true.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
* Loud explosion *
Mammon * from across the castle *: WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT MC??
MC: that, was the sound- * peeks into the kitchen * OF THE KITCHEN BEING BURNED DOWN?!?!
Solomon: * cackling *
(Helluva boss )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke: I am not a child and I don't need to be treated like one!
MC: You're literally 10. I don't know who traumatized you or how but it is fine to be a 10 year old with 10 year old feelings.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: All is forgiven-
Solomon: Oh no.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Teen!MC: Fuck it, let's go to hell!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: They be like "I'm good and fine!" Sir, you are mentally ill and have suppressed half of your lifetime, nothing about you is "fine".
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: Have you no free will friend?!
Asmodeus: Excuse you, I'll have you know I did that morally injust thing on purpose.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Diavolo: I have a task for you-
MC: No.
Diavolo: wait what?
MC: No.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: * crying over Liliths body, reeling from war, daddy issues sky high, extraordinarily traumatized *
Diavolo: I can fix him!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Luke: Ah, shit.
Simeon: Sir?
* later *
Simeon: Goddammit.
Michael: Excuse me?
* even later *
Michael: Son of a bitch.
MC: I didn't even say anything.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC: So if I take off the ring I could potentially collapse all the realms, ending the worlds as we know it?
Solomon: yes.
MC: So the ring is the only thing stopping me being consumed by own magic and essentially killing me?
Solomon: yes.
MC: And the ring should be kept on at all times?
Solomon: Not really, but yes.
MC: You mean... the ring that's laying on the floor right next you?
Solomon: Pardon?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MC after getting 6 hours of sleep over the span of three days because Belphegor doesn't stop whining: Can the DEMONIC BEINGS that go THUMP in the ATTIC, SHUT UP?!
Belphie: *stomping his feet* IF I HAVE TO SUFFER SO DO YOU
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucifer: You're an irritable sheep today, aren't you?
MC: Yeah, well, why don't try sitting in this smelly booth while I beat the hell outta helpless fish?
( Sam and Max hit the road )
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Asmodeus: He hasn't stopped balling, or spewing, or having violent fits of rage since we brought him home! I wonder what's vexing him so...
Bb Satan: * Screaming bloody murder *
( Sam and Max S1 E10 )
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AN - I needed a break from writing a long chapter and refound this. I don't know what it is either.
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issuesdolly · 4 months
VERY sad recent personal experience- need to vent
hey folks.... I had to vent to the empty Tumblr space about a very upsetting/confusing recent experience. I have a TikTok where I make JD/Korn related content as well as vids of myself about my life and some comedy stuff of me.
Well, few months ago, a guy found my videos and followed me and seemed to care deeply about the health advocacy videos I put up regarding my terminal + chronic pain illness. He invited me to speak with him and after seeing him on vid + in person, he looked VERY VERY SIMILAR to Jonathan Davis in his 30s... as well as being a huge JD/Korn fan. So yeah him 36 me 33.... living nearby each other. He could even do some good JD vocal immitations when we'd be singing along to the songs together and stuff lol. So.... y'all can imagine how that made me feel lol.
He told me for months he thought I'm beautiful... that he likes me and wanted to get into a relationship. I was pretty much blown away. I was like "seriously????" cuz... it felt like a dream or something haha. I explain over and over again about my failing health and educated him on all that is wrong with me.. testing him....and he was still supportive saying he accepts that that's where it's at for me and still wants to be with me. When I'd had worse flairups he said lovely things like "I wish I could take your pain away," and I would say stuff like "you do... as much as anyone can." Which was true. I was falling for him for sure.
We started spending more time together and he started talking about wanting to hook up. Obviously, I wanted that more than ANYTHING IN THE WORLD HAHA. But... I got scared saying "you are extremely attractive to me but I'm afraid to just hook up.... I'd like to get to know you better first??" because believe it or not... as pervy as I am in my writing, I'm VERY careful in my real life where my physical safety/men are concerned. And where my heart is concerned.
BECAUSE this guy was SO good looking I had to think "I wonder how many women/people he's trying this with????" Him being single and wanting to spend his life with a dying lady seemed too good to be true. He also spends a lot of time out with friends and going to concerts and clubs while I'm bedridden so I had to wonder what he's really up to when I'm not around. Basically I was being appropriately skeptical. And also didn't want to get heartbroken if he saw the vulnerability of my situation knowing I'm very sick/depressed and he reminds me of JD.
I admitted I'm VERY attracted to him and definitely want to fuck him lol.... but want to be careful and spend more time with him before getting into that.
Obviously after I wasn't moving "fast" enough... the JD- lookalike guy has kinda stopped responding to my messages or caring as much. He went from bombarding me with conversation to ghosting for days. Which obviously means he never cared about my health problems + life in the first place. I've been pretty devastated...Since obviously my fondest hope before death would be to meet someone awesome who REMINDS me of Jonathan or the things I like about Jonathan (or at least appreciates his music).. Feeling STUPID and pretty heartbroken. I was with one man for 10 years and that relationship ended this February but what has transpired now has actually cut me deeper than the end of my 10-year relationship.
Also this JD look alike guy has been the ODDEST experience of my life too BTW.
NOT even kidding that dude:
-came out of nowhere.. messaged me
-pursued ME not the other way around
- looked JUST like Jonathan besides dreads but he has long black hair, thick rim black glasses, same height/build/facial hair and how he had it cut. I even asked friends and family showing them pics like "AM I NUTS OR DOES HE LOOK LIKE JONATHAN????" and they were like "he could be a fucking impersonator of early 2000s JD . WTF no you're not nuts"
And yeah this dude spent months acting like he cared about me saying stuff like "I'm always here for you... you can always reach out to me...." "Anyone who loved you would never leave you due to poor health and I accept your health problems and still REALLY like you and want to be with you" or "I'm grateful you're in the world don't give up." FML.
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am-i-the-asshole-2 · 2 months
AITA for not really wanting to be friends anymore?
Sorry in advance I feel like this might get a little long there's kind of a bunch of small things.
I don't know if it's important, but I figured I would preface with the fact that we did not start off on the right foot at all.
I (24FTM) met him (28M), I'll call him idk Bob There are so many men working there it might get confusing, at my previous workplace. The kind of job I had people worked in teams of 2. Bob had been working there a little before me and already had a partner to work with. I didn't talk to Bob much and he didn't talk to me. One day the guy he was working with asked how I identified. It was a bit out of the blue as I didn't really talk to this guy much either. I don't really hide my identity, so I told him I use he/him and that I'm a guy. And he was like "cool, cool, well I just wanted to let you know that guy I'm working with asked "what is it(in reference to me)?""
So that really rubbed me the wrong way that he'd refer to me that way. (It/its pronouns totally cool btw! I'm just skeptical of anyone who uses them for others without asking) so I started avoiding Bob.
But some time passed, Bob started working with another coworker, one that I really enjoyed, and he said that it may have just been a misunderstanding, or that Bob just didn't know how to phrase the question, but that he seemed open-minded, although he is a self-proclaimed republican. It's like a "he's confused, but he's got the spirit" kind of situation. But anyways, I agreed to talk things over, and Bob and I made up, but still didn't talk much.
Fast forward about a year or something, and now Bob and I are working together, upon his request to our manager. I agreed cause I really didn't like this other guy I was working with. So we're like together 40+ hours a week now. Bob is kinda weird, but he seems alright, ya know? We became friends, I'd hang out with him outside of work, go to his place to barbeque and stuff, He'd come over to my place, etc. My boyfriend would hang out with us more often than not as well, not that it's particularly important, But there was usually someone else there. The hangouts weren't thaat often either, like once a week maybe.
And then fast forward a couple more months. I get laid off cause the company doesn't know how to company and had more people than they could give work, and I was just one of the unlucky ones. But Bob was kept on. But I start getting a bunch of "I miss you," "work isn't the same without you," "I can't even listen to my music anymore I'm so sad" kinds of texts from him which was a little off-putting, cause, I mean, I didn't view us as that close. We'd been working and talking to each other less than a year. And then I get some long-winded text saying he sees me as his best friend, even though we had not been friends very long and he often mentioned other people that he'd been friends with much longer and seemed to talk to just as much as he talked to me.
But that's only part of what happened after I was let go.
When we were still working together, he'd talk about me to his mom, I've never met her even once. But I guess it was often enough he'd relay messages from his mother to me, among one was her telling me I should buy the house right next to his, which just seemed kind of weird? He also went on like a trip with his family and brought me back a souvenir. These are just small things that feel weird, but aren't necessarily bad.
I also have depression, and he knows this, but he says shit like "well, you're not depressed to me," "You can overcome it," and other such ableist phrases. I've corrected him on this many times, but he still tries to insist I'm "normal" enough.
Anyway, all of that is kind of the precursor to my main issue with Bob. From when we were working together to now he'd always talk about wanting to get out of our kinda shitty job, and of course I agreed, it was a job my parents kinda forced me into when I was still living with them, but that's another story. So I'd share the sentiment with him, but then it started becoming something else from him. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I'm a decently smart guy when I want to be, and Bob acknowledged that. He was always trying to "hype me up," in his words, to get out of there, and it wasn't for a lack of trying, but we all know how the job market has been the past couple of years.
He started off by telling me what kind of job was his ideal, I tried to encourage him to pursue that and in turn he'd encourage me to pursue my goals, but there was always some excuse from him as to why he couldn't start (But totally understandable, it's scary to seek out a new career). However, slowly he started switching from "we both need to get out of here to do better for ourselves" to "you need to get out of here and take me with you/make me a millionaire" and other things along those lines. It seemed kind of like a joke at first, but it became clear he was increasingly more serious about meaning that. He'd propose some sort of plan, I'd play along for a bit, but eventually every plan became "you do all the work and I reap all the rewards." I'd suggest he learn some of what it takes to be in the field I'm trying to get into, and maybe we could work on something together, but he always declined to do the bare minimum of learning/research.
He still does this now that I'm unemployed, and even more so perhaps, he's constantly trying to get me to "take him with me" when I get a new job, or trying to send me jobs we can both apply for, so we can work together again.
I tell him that I kind of do things at my own pace, what with my mental illnesses, and that we both need to do good things for ourselves and not just me, but he ignores any advice he could use and instead continues to focus on me.
so it kinda just feels like he's trying to take advantage of me under the guise of "helping" me.
I've been trying to cut off contact, by replying slower, saying I forgot to respond and stuff, and then he sends me a text basically being like "Hey, you kinda take too long to reply sometimes or forget too often, so can you just send a text saying you're busy or something, so I know?" Which I kind of brushed off by being like "I'll do my best (A lie), but if I'm too busy to respond I'm probably too busy to send an "I'm busy" text, and If I just forget to send a text after opening your message I'm probably gonna forget to send one then too." Interacting with him has just gotten so tiring, and it's always the same thing. He doesn't talk about his interests/my interests or anything else besides when I'm gonna get a new job and take him with me or to complain about work.
To be fair, It does seem like he genuinely wants to help me and that he wants to see me thrive, but he just goes about it in such a way that is off-putting to me/like he's trying to take advantage of me. He's nothing but nice, but all these little things kind of add up in my opinion.
TLDR: All in all, I'm trying to cut this guy out of my life because it just feels like a weird relationship where he's trying to take advantage of me without saying he's trying to take advantage of me, and pretending like it's to help me. Among other things, such as his ableist views on my depression, and just seems, and maybe this is a bit strong, obsessed with me.
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⭐ For Yume! ⭐
1- 4- and 20!
Do you have a song that represents your OC, if so why?
I have SEVERAL songs that represent Yume. Last time I answered a song in this post, that made me think of Yume's overall time in Twisted Wonderland. (It's a sorta long post with analysis.) And @bunnwich has said that "Waiting on a Miracle" from Encanto reminds them of Yume. Most recently the song that represents Yume for me is. Camera's by Matt and Kim.
"No time for cameras We'll use our eyes instead No time for cameras We'll be gone when we're dead No time for cameras We'll use our eyes instead I see flashes of gold."
I love the idea of Yume slowly coming out of their shell and learning that they need to be more than just a spectator in life if they wanna be happy not only in the future but now as well! 0v0
Honestly, I should just drop and Yume Ume Playlist. (And my cheez whiz Yume x Idia playlist too)
Who is your OC’s closest platonic friend?
But Ruggie and Yume are besties y'all! They don't really know how it happened either considering Yume disliked his smug aura and hates when people steal from them specifically. And Ruggie can smell a goodie too shoes a mile away. Of course, that's just the surface-level projection of both of them.
Once they get to know each other in and after chapter 2 they both see past that and realize they have things in common and of course a dumb similar taste in humor.
Add that to the fact that Yuuta and Leona "hang out" and also Jack and Yuuhi "hang out", and it leaves Yume and Ruggie as the platonic 3rd wheels. So they kinda just gravitate toward each other during those times too. Don't get them wrong, Grim, Deuce, and Ace were their first friends and hold a special place in their heart. But I think they get along with Ruggie on a very visceral level that they didn't expect lol. Reminds me of this OLD but still good meme:
Tell us about a complicated relationship your OC has with another character?
Last time with this question I talked about Yume's relationship with Jamil! So this time let me talk about Yume's relationship with KALIM!
Oh boy where to start. Yume didn't officially meet Kalim until chapter 4 and was very skeptical meet a genuinely kind person at NRC, especially after getting betrayed by Azul. So when Kalim is just genuinely nice and kind it kinda threw them for a loop. And then he started talking and saying nice things ABOUT Yume. Compliments they've never heard from anyone before! Plus the fact that he was so touchy (in a good way! Yume enjoys casual affection)
And the whole flying carpet under the stars didn't help (even with their brothers with them the whole time.)
So yeah it kinda developed into a big time crush, unfortunately. Though after going through the events of chapter 4 they realize that Jamil and Kalim have their own things to work through and that maybe trying to get into a relationship with Kalim...isn't right at the moment. (Plus all their fear of rejection/vulnerability/ and inexperience when it comes to dating in general. Oh, and not to mention the feelings they're definitely not catching from some shut-in gamer boy too.) Still they don't really shake their crush completely until I'd say the near end of my fic The Diamond in the Rough and the Boy without a Fairy. (Which takes place between chapters 4 and 5 in game)
Though they still find things awkward around Kalim so that leads to them just kind of...avoiding him for a while. It's a lil shitty on their part but eventually Kalim notices and they both officially have a talk of sorts that clears the air in Chapter 5 (during the VDC training camp.) I do plan on writing it one day but right now I'm in the middle of writing other lore!
What are your OC’s minor fears?
SPIDERS, TALKING TO STRANGERS, TALKING ON THE PHONE. HEIGHTS, ADVANCED DARKNESS! FLOYD LURKING IN THE CORNER WITH THAT LOOK ON HIS FACE! (the usual) 20. What chapter does your OC get the most personal character development? @cyn-write asked this question too!
Definitely Chapter 3! I feel like in me and @bunnwich timeline so many things happen around that time.
The Ramshackle gang getting to know their respective love interests, Yuuta/Yuuhi getting their respective weapons, Yume snapping and going a little insane on how to plan and get back at Azul and showing that they're not just a shy goody goody. It just is a time when the brothers are starting to really feel like they understand and belong in Twisted Wonderland to a degree y'know?
ANYWAY SORRY THIS GOT SONG LONG! The muses possessed me.
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raayllum · 2 years
I’m not sure if you’ve seen anyone comment about how “similar” tdp is to ATLA or even people going far as to claim that tdp is a “ripoff” esp with the Soren, Claudia, Viren arcs in comparison to Zuko, Azula, Ozai. I personally find Soren more similar in characterization (though not entirely the same) to Steve Palchuck from the Trollhunters/Tales of Arcadia series (not sure if you watched or not) and if any character comes to mind about being similar to Zuko, it’s definitely Hunter from the Owl House in terms of characterization and arcs. Idk if you’ve done a meta about this before but I love reading your thoughts (if you’re interested ofc).
So I have done a couple of metas on ATLA x TDP, mostly noting the thematic similarities between them (bloodbending and dark magic, pre-S4's puppeteering too lol!) and between Rayllum and Kataang as developing relationships. Meta comparing "Thunderfall" and "The Southern Raiders" here, meta talking about Kataang and Rayllum (s1-s2 as it was written pre-s3) here.
Also a more opinion based piece on why I could get behind Rayllum but have never really been a romantic Zutara fan (I see them far more as narrative siblings, which is still one of my favourite metas I have ever done)
I am a big Trollhunters fan (reblog more about it on main @thethiefandtheairbender and various other cartoons like SU, HTTYD, OTGW, Infinity Train, etc) and I adore Steve, but I don't think I'd really compare Soren to him, simply because while I love Steve and his development, Soren's development is undeniably deeper and more pyschological, I think.
That said the ATLA character that reminds me the most of Soren is Sokka. Goofy, prone to joking regardless of if the situation calls for it ( "Mind if I watch you two jerks do your jerk bending?") just to get a rise out of people, lmao, sometimes overly confident or reliant on their battle prowess, and desperate to prove themselves to their fathers. Sokka's attitude particularly in early book 1 reminds me of Soren's in s1, as well as their more skeptic attitude and relationships with their more magically inclined younger sisters
For Callum, he reminds me the most of Katara and Mai (again, true before S4, but interesting to see how much he shut down the way Mai largely did due to her family relationship, so again, kinda fun that worked out). Caring sibling, fast and harsh temper, strong in magic but untrained, artistic and precise (hi Mai), ride or die for their loved ones above all else, even above morals. For Rayla, she's basically running parallel arcs to Zuko and Aang in a lot of ways: grumpy, banished, immediately protects the sibling duo she encounters, facial markings, guilt complex galore (hi Aang). Rayllum is a good blend of all their personalities tbh
For Claudia, she reminds the most of Azula, and Katara, and Zuko, due to her loyalty to her father, willingness to do anything for her family, and being marked by the same sort of dual visual storytelling that Zuko's scar had.
And Hunter from the Owl House was definitely one of my faves! I think he falls into a category a lot of more modern day redemptions do, though, in terms of not letting their character actually be messy enough for long enough that it feels like maybe redemption isn't in the cards (hi Claudia my beloved, you excellent subversion sweetie). Or they go too far and don't give enough reason for a character to effectively redeem themselves (eyes SPOP with a long sigh). And just to clarify, I do think Claudia will have a redemption arc, but I appreciate how we're going about it thus far.
It's funny bc in some ways while Zuko has never been my favourite archetype (particularly for male characters), my protagonist in my og work is a bit like him: lost, angry, easily resentful, and she's my baby.
I think I'm just kinda over arcs of "Oh my father figure is Bad / imperialism is bad"? Because 1) Zuko did it so well and 2) I wanna see stories that go beyond those things or do new things with those concepts (please no more "rich white lesbian girl with a mean family" arcs I am. so tired). I think that's why I like TDP so much, because dark magic thematically and its explorations of self destructive behaviour add a lot of layers and interesting aspects to all the dynamics that I don't see most other media for this age demographic kinda taking advantage of, tbh
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thekimspoblog · 3 months
There's a prevalence of Jewish atheists who celebrate the holidays for cultural reasons rather than religious observance. I could see that applying to Kim and her feelings on circumcision.
I was more thinking: It's a hospital in America so they're going to push it on new parents. Kim straight up hadn't considered what she would say in this moment, so she refers to Jimmy's expertise. Jimmy doesn't want to admit that HE was mutilated, so he gives the green light to make Iris "look like his daddy". Sadly that's usually how this goes.
Either way thanks. I'm really looking forward to the prison smuggling fic.
I think Jimmy would at least consider Kim's opinion, especially since she has a traditionally Jewish last name. America is more likely to mutilate those born AMAB, but Jimmy is an ex–Catholic who typically don't engage in the practice.
1. Didn't realize Wexler was Jewish; I'd been wondering about the ethnicity of her name but hadn't looked it up. 2. I thought Catholics were circumcised. The ones I've met were at least. I mean in my timeline Kim is *very loosely* a born again Christian with ties to Satanism. Jimmy had considered unironically converting to Judaism before the remarriage, but never went through with it. Alternatively, when Kim found out she was having a boy, maybe she stayed up all night researching the issue. But that's still no guarantee she'd reach the same conclusions I did: the "it's more hygienic" argument is very prevalent even if I think it's an unsubstantiated claim. Either way, they would still have the same birth name. Kim low-key wanted a girl, but mostly she just sees the name as gender neutral.
Like the church they joined was the Riverton Unitarian Interfaith Church, so Dawson was preaching that all paths to god were valid in his temple. But again Dawson is dead, and any congregation members who may be working as nurses in the hospital, Kim's going to be skeptical of their medical advice.
I was curious about circumcision in America since you made your post, so I looked up stats by state. Catholics believe its a neutral action religiously since baptism has replaced the covenant with God that circumcision is for Jewish people. It's more common in American Catholics and more again in Eastern states. It goes from like 80% of men to less than 10% in western states.
My lore has them settling in Colorado which is 56%, while states like Oregon it is only 17%.
So i think its highly dependent on the state as to the amount of pressure that a parental couple would receive.
What about Wyoming?
Kinda wild to see tbh
Such variation in the practice between states
I think it's definitely falling out of vogue. But then again RUIC does give off some strong "conflake cult" vibes so who knows.
That's true. I have faith in parents who make good choices for their AMAB babies.
I think Dawson on some level genuinely believed that all religions have a grain of truth. But mostly he just wanted to cast a WIDE net in recruiting members, because that means more tithes.
Makes sense, people love to feel like they're in on something special.
In general, Iris would be raised the same; the parents wanted them to grow up free to express themselves and they didn't put too much gendered expectation on them. But in the back of their heads it's like: AMAB (Jimmy's POV): My son! Someone to carry on the McGill name. Chip off the ol block; I'll teach him everything he needs to know. AFAB (Jimmy's POV): My little girl! My princess! Anything she needs, just talk to her daddy... even if it's a pony not sure how I'd say no. AMAB (KIm's POV): I swear on the stars this one's going to grow up to respect me. AFAB (Kim's POV): So... how young is too young to start lecturing her about keeping her hand over her drink?
Yeah, Jimmy is an excellent parent either way. Which is ironic because if Kim had an accidental pregnancy they'd kept during BCS days then Breaking Bad would have never happened.
I think Breaking Bad would have still happened. Just Iris would have grown up in a mansion getting corralled into the Panic Room every other week. Not too different from how things ended up anyway tbh. But if Iris grew up with Saul Goodman money they would have ended up very spoiled, as both parents were trying to compensate for insecurities by buying the child's love. The real reason everything went down like it did, was because in Sheepdog, Kim was given the option to have Iris in 2005 OR delay it and wait until 2017, and Kim foresaw how in the 2005 timeline, Jimmy's failure to deal with the Chuck baggage low-key ruined Iris's life.
She decided they would both be in a better place mentally and emotionally if they waited and sorted out their shit a little more first.
They're trying to be progressive, but let's face it both still have some issues with gender politics. I mean when Iris came out as nonbinary, Kim had a little private crisis like "Wait you can just OPT OUT of being a woman?! THAT WAS AN OPTION?! I'm 60 years old and I'm learning this now?!"
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white--moon · 2 years
He scoffs a little, but he likes that smile. “Fine. Lesson learned.”
He didn’t figure Shiro would care that he hasn’t bothered being tested, but he’s trying to point out that at least Shiro knew he was safe. Ichigo might not sleep around as often, but he still thinks his actions were less responsible. Shiro either doesn’t care or didn’t pick up on his meaning. Only it’s such a sensitive issue, Ichigo thinks he’ll point that out later.
He blinks at Shiro as his new boyfriend seems to forget what a booth is and looks around like he’s forgotten why and where he is. His drink nearly sloshes out before he snatches it up as the table lurches, only setting it back down once Shiro stops pushing at it. “So… you’re one of those people that don’t like to share one side, aren’t you?” He’s teasing, but that was a lot of fuss. Except he catches the trace of something more closely resembling alarm the next time Shiro twists and he spots his eyes. Though they’re calming quick enough. Weird. “Shit. Are you claustrophobic? No. Wait. What’s the one where you’re afraid of being trapped places? You wanna sit over here?” He thinks he’s heard the name, but it won’t come to mind.
He snorts. “Why? It wouldn’t have changed anything. I really wanted to fuck you. I wasn’t thinking of anything else.” He’d been trying not to think at all, and it seems like it worked. “That was the first time I’ve ever not been protected.” Since they’re apparently hopping full tilt onto this topic.
He's completely going to ignore the fact that something in Shiro’s tone makes Ichigo think that could absolutely be a kink he could get behind. Which also reminds him Shiro once offered to tie him up unprompted. He shifts, feeling flushed then wrinkles his nose. “That’s not it! It’s just nice not to constantly worry whether or not I’m gonna bulldoze you with my opinions. And I can say what I mean. Unless it’s embarrassing, because you’re an asshole.” He is about two seconds from finding a way to get his tongue in Shiro’s mouth.
He blinks when Shiro’s plate is pushed toward him, but then shrugs and takes a bite. It’s good. “Think I like this place.” He looks over. “What were you on?”
He snorts. "A quick learner. I like that in a guy."
He's a little hyperaware and his gaze finds that glass being set down, before cornering when Ichigo talks. He thinks it's a serious question for about half a second, and then he strongly considers shoving Ichigo out of the booth and hopefully onto his ass. The only thing that keeps him from retaliation is that Ichigo seems to realize Shiro's not fucking around so quickly and basically takes it back. His brows raise. "There's a word for it?" Which he supposes is confirmation enough that that's what's going on. He nods when Ichigo offers to switch him places. "Yeah. I mean, this is ok. It's better since the table's not really much of an obstacle. But... yeah, I'd prefer to switch places."
His expression shifts to something between skeptical and dry amusement. "That's flattering as hell but damn, you got kinda lucky." He shakes his head a little, but mostly because it seems like such a dumb mistake and dumb luck that Ichigo decided to bang the sketchy drug dealer that actually doesn't have anything to pass along. "Well. It's outta the way and we don't have to worry about it now. Not that you were." He feels a little stupid for bothering, but better late than never. It's not like it's totally irrelevant.
The little bit of shifting about Ichigo does makes his smirk widen. "It can be two things." Because he thinks maybe there actually is a kink aspect here. "You can still say what you mean, even if it's embarrassing. I'm only an asshole sometimes."
He steals another bite off Ichigo's plate, before dipping into the third plate like it's all just one big serving instead of three completely separate meals. "Yeah, me too. It's not bad at all." But he shrugs. "Too much of everything. Depended on the day. Sometimes I didn't even know what I was takin'. Whatever I could get my hands on was good enough and delivery method didn't matter. Anything I could shoot up was preferred though; fast high, and I didn't like the bloody nose that comes with snorting too much. It's amazing I'm not dead."
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illumiiiz · 2 years
I think there is a certain kind of special bond created between two people finding out they’ve purchased the same set of D&D dice. Whether that bond is a good or bad thing I’ve yet to find out.
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fridayisbestday · 2 years
A continuation of This (It was only supposed to be short, then I started writing, then there was the editing…and long story short shit got outta hand real fast)
“Hey, Nicky!” A familiar soft voice shouted from behind the larger man, starling him. Lenny heard a swoosh, he got distracted, he reflexively shut his eyes, well shit, accepting what’s to come.
The sound of the pipe hitting the concrete ground next to him, missing him.
Oh thank fuck. Lenny breathed a sigh of relief, opening his eyes again to see the man’s back as he turned to meet the voice’s owner.
"Midge!" The guy greeted her like an old friend. No fucking way.
Was he hallucinating? How hard did he punch him?
“Why don't you look lovely, all dolled up like that!” ‘Nicky’ complemented, Lenny could hear a smile in his voice. “What are you doing here?" Nicky asks curiously.
"Oh, I’m meeting a…friend." She drawled nervously with a chuckle.
Maybe the pipe did hit him and he died, and this was his…hell? But there’s no fucking way that Miriam fucking Weissman would be in his hell, isn’t he supposed to be tortured or somethin’? Eternal misery and darkness, and all that? Poked by little red men with pitchforks, that kinda shit?
"Oh~” Nicky voiced, “A friend huh? He nice?" Her friend(?) asked, Lenny didn’t feel very dead, so he pushed into the welt forming on his jaw, and shit did that hurt!
He looked beyond the larger and rounder man, his eyes narrowed and traced over her figure and the details of her navy coat, and she looks…very much so alive.
"Nice enough." Midge replied, Lenny’s eyes landed on her face, he could see her smiling sheepishly to herself, her eyes looking down onto the tips of her shoes, she hasn't noticed him yet.
"Handsome?" 'Nicky' teasingly asked.
She smirks, looking up again, “Well, he’s not nightmare inducing." She answers back, Lenny raised an eyebrow at the comment.
In what world would Lenny Bruce’s hell be funny and contain the woman he’s hopelessly fallen for? The gods would never have been kind enough to give him an eternity to get his shit together.
"Well, ain't he a lucky guy." The man paused, tipping his head forwards, as he gave her an obvious once over, prompting Midge to give him a twirl.
"Beautiful!" He exclaimed, a trace of a smile still in his voice as he clapped his hand against the pipe, the movement reminding him of Lenny who was stood right behind him.
"Though I'd love to talk more," He jerked his thumb back at Lenny, "if you don't mind...", fuck. "I'm working right now."
"Oh shit." Her eyes darted to the pipe in his hands and widened, "Sorry, I’ll get outta your hair...now…" Her voice slowly trailing off, her eyes finally met Lenny’s as Nicky began turning around, the pure confusion plastered across her face was something else: eyebrow raised, narrowing eyes, mouth slightly agape.
Lenny dramatically shrugged with both arms in the air, he couldn’t help but smirk at the hilarity of it all, he dropped his arms and smirk just as 'Nicky' turned back now fully face him.
Midge raised both her arms, gesturing to Nicky then to the situation with a circular motion, mouthing ‘SERIOUSLY?!’ As though shouting, but not a sound escaped from her lips, before facepalming her beautiful face.
"Umm Nicky." Midge said awkwardly, dragging her hand down her face.
"Yeah?" Nicky turned his head back to face her.
She sighs and says almost embarrassingly whilst pointing to Lenny, "That's- he’s- he’s the friend." Her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Oh shit! Sorry pal, I didn't know you were Midge's ‘friend’." He says apologetically(?)
"It's no problem?" Lenny hears himself say skeptically.
"So could you leave it for just this one time?” Midge pleads, “I know you and Frank did me a favour with Mei but-"
Nicky cuts her off, "Really, Midge. It’s no problem, and I gave him a good bruise anyways, it should be enough for the client." He brushes off.
"I'll make you my brisket and some of your favourite rhubarb pie." She promises.
"Midge, you, are an angel." He states matter of factly. "Sorry again for roughing up your date.”
Nicky faced Lenny again, tilting his head to the side as though judging him, “Eh.” He let out, then shrugged as he chucked the pipe back into the garbage, “He’s not that terrifying to look at.” He joked with a rough chuckle.
“I’ll be by Susie’s Saturday.” He called back to Midge as he walked towards Lenny.
"I'll see you there!" She shouts her goodbyes cheerily, "See ya Nicky!"
As he walks past Lenny, he says to him loudly as he patted his shoulder, "A friend of Midge's is a friend of ours," then he lowered his voice to a whisper, making sure that only Lenny could hear him, "but if you hurt her, we'll know where to find you, Bruce." Nicky spat his name, making Lenny swallow drily at the threat.
Before Lenny could reply the guy pats him twice on the shoulder and walks to the clubs door, "You kids have fun! Tell me how it goes Saturday!" He shouts, his hand on the handle.
"See ya." She said with an annoyed tone, Nicky pulls on the door and walks back into the club, leaving them there.
Lenny felt like he could finally breathe, “What the fuck was that?" He finally exclaimed as she made her way to towards him.
"What the fuck was what?" Midge raised an eyebrow, looking at him blankly as though that entire interaction was mundanest shit you could think of. As though he wasn’t just about to get brained by a mobster before she stepped in.
"That!" He gestured at the club’s door where ‘Nicky’ just walked through, "Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about!" He exclaimed, he pointed at her.
“How did you even get into cahoots with ‘em?” He shouted furiously, she had no business getting in bed with them and how did she know him so well? To be honest, his question came out more confused with a hint of curiosity finely weaved with anger.
Midge looked at him as if she was confused of why he was so angry, but rather than scolding him for not saying even a thank you and starting an argument, which she was wayyy to tired to finish, plus she knew this was him worried about her, so she explained to him in the way that Midge Maisel explained things, without any pause for breath.
“I’m not gonna argue with you, so, he was one of the two that Sophie sent to either kill or beat the shit outta Susie, we still don't know, but Susie talked 'em down, made friends and they gave her an office/apartment that was previously used as a safe house for a price you would kill for, which we think they probably did when they ‘bought’ it, since there’s this large dark reddish stain with a forever changing origin story. Anywho, they come by from now and then, cook and bake cookies, they sometimes even help Dinah look after the kids. I get why you’re so worried about this, ‘cause I was too, with Susie. But it turns out that they just really like us, so I guess we're kinda, part of the family now.” She said the last bit in a shit Italian accent, making Lenny let out a short and soft amusing laugh.
"That's a helluva guess." He could only comment, what else could he possibly say? “So you and Susie are part of the mob now? Should I be worried?”
There was a pause.
Ignoring his comment, “Now, you gonna tell me why that happened?" Midge crossed her arms as she patiently waited for his answer, it’s do and die.
"His ‘client’ came on to me after my set and I said I wasn’t interested.” He explained briefly.
She raised an eyebrow skeptically, "Midge, I promise you, I did not encourage it, you need to understand, I ran outta there as soon as I finished my drink." He tried to explain.
He raised his hands up in defence, "Please believe me, I’ve been a very good boy lately, ask Officer Peluso." He finished, snapping his fingers and moved his hand away.
She noticed the way his eyes gazed into hers and how his hand moved, his knees bending, lowering himself as he spoke, recognising them from the night he came to apologised to her at the Wolford.
She smiled at the similarity, he notices this then adds "Only 2 arrests this month." He states proudly with two fingers up.
"Today's the 7th." She reminds him, she kept the same unimpressed tone but her shoulders relax and her slowly forming smile betrayed her.
"Aww rats, and here I thought I was on a roll." He snapped his fingers, she finally relaxes fully, his index traced his lips as they lifted into a ‘bad smile’.
“Hello." He finally greeted her.
"Hello." She drawled, "Still up for that drink?" She breathed in, her eyes wandered to a bump on his jaw.
"Always." He smiles, finally feeling the stinging from the welt.
"Shit. What did he do to your face!" She exclaimed, her eyes focused on the welt as her hand moved to cup his jaw, only to stop a few millimetres away, he could feel the warmth radiating off her hand.
“That bad huh?” She went to cup his cheek, he dodged “Nope.”
She just gave him a ‘Really?’ look, ‘But it hurts.” He begs with his eyes, she just gave him another ‘Really?’, causing him to move back.
She finally cupped his jaw gently with her hand, her eyes narrowed in worry, he hissed at the touch, then letting out a verbal ‘ow’ as her thumb brushed against his stubbled jaw, feeling the bump underneath.
Her eyebrows furrowed as her hand dropped to her side, his jaw felt cooler without her warm hand, "C’mon.” She stuck her elbow out, motioning him thread his arm through. “They’ll have ice at the club down the street."
He took her arm, “My hero.” He cooed half jokingly, gazing at her adoringly.
“My damsel.” She teased matching his tone, patting his forearm with her other hand, “By the way, did you take a swim in…is that,” she sniffs his suit, then coughed as she said, choking on the perfume, “Tuvache Oh! de London.” Her eyes fixed on the sidewalk
“Don’t make fun of my swimming habits Miss Weissman.” His eyes still on her, making her giggle softly.
She turned her head to meet his gaze, then pecked the swell ever so softly, her lips brushed against the edge of his ever so gently, “To make it feel better.” He froze, she turned her gaze back onto the sidewalk, he felt a soft smile spread across his face.
“You missed.” He stopped walking, making her halt too, determined not to move from this very spot until he got another kiss.
She raised an eyebrow, knowing what she meant, “I don’t mind.” His jaw stung as his lips formed a smirk.
“Oh?” She turned to him, gazing deeply with a playful smile teasing her lips, “And here I thought it hurts?” She whispered, tilting her head as she stood on the balls of her feet, her breath brushed against his lips.
Well you see, you made it feel better…
His pupils moved from her blue eyes to her parted red lips, and before he could answer their lips met, it wasn’t rushed, it was soft and sweet, almost soothing. Their arms slowly unhooking in favour to hold the other closer, her hand on his neck and her other on the back of his head, pulling him down. His, cupped her soft flushed cheek, the other landed on her waist, pulling her in.
That day was the day that the obscene comedian, Lenny Bruce learnt that dinner wasn’t exactly necessary for him to receive blue kisses from a certain similarly foul mouthed comedian, Mrs Maisel.
Who the fuck needs ice when you have Miriam Weissman’s lips on yours.
When they pulled away, he felt his jaw click as he took a breath in. Pain be damned, he was about this close from sending that mobster a fucking gift basket, he had never been more grateful for a fucking punch in his entire life.
“Midge,” He breathed, their eyes still locked in each other’s gaze as they caught their breath, his hand on her cheek moved to tuck a strand of hair back behind her ear,
"Yeah?" She said almost whispering, her fingers absentmindedly playing with the hair on the back of his neck.
"Aren't you suppose to wear white armour when you do that?" He smiled widely.
She laughed, really laughed leaning her forehead against his chest, surprised that that was the first thing he said after that "Landry day." She simply quipped.
"And the horse?" He asked as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck, the wide smile still stuck on his lipstick covered lips.
“Couldn’t find the right hat.” He barked out a laugh, she felt her body vibrate from his laughter, making her smile. "Plus, you know, I prefer travel by squirrel."
When he looked up again, they went again for round 2, “You know,” he said in between kisses, “there’s ice in my apartment.”
Didn’t they have other plans tonight? He wouldn’t know anything about that.
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ynscrazylife · 4 years
Hi! I'd been thinking about doing this request for a while, could you write Nat x reader, R is being a little suspiscious and Nat's started thinking she was cheating on her, and she almost confirms that when R appears with her back scratched, but the R had found a kitten and had been hiding it in her room from the team?
Yes!! Thank you for requesting.
Mistakes and Kittens
Summary: Natasha is hurt and mad after suspecting her girlfriend, Y/N, is cheating on her. However, it’s quite the surprise when she realizes that Y/N is really hiding.
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“What’s that face for?” Steve asked as he leaned against the wall, standing next to his good friend and teammate Natasha. The redhead’s eyes were trained on a figure across the room - her girlfriend, Y/N, who was emerging from the elevator, smiling at her phone.
Hearing the soldier’s voice, Natasha’s head snapped to look at him. “What? What face?” She asked him.
Steve raised his eyebrows at her, pointing his chin down. That was enough to make Natasha relent.
“Call me crazy, but I think Y/N is cheating on me,” Natasha said, her gaze turning painfully back to her girlfriend.
Steve blinked. “Are you serious? That’s Y/N - she’s head over heels for you,” he interjected, voice raising until a kick to his shin quieted him.
“I know,” Natasha said with a sigh. “That’s why I’ve been brushing it off for the past week. But I’m an elite spy, I can tell when people are hiding something. She never hides things from me.”
Steve bit his lip, thinking and also looking at Y/N. “Have you tried asking her?” He asked after a moment.
Natasha glared at him, eyes narrowing, and making Steve chuckle. She did, however, let out a breath and stand up, making her way across the room.
“Y/N,” Natasha said, and immediately the woman nearly dropped her phone in shock, before quickly turning off her phone and stuffing it into her pocket.
Natasha looked at her, skeptical.
“What’s up?” Y/N asked with a flustering smile.
Natasha thought for a moment. “Who were you texting?” She asked.
Y/N blinked. “What? I wasn’t- no. I wasn’t texting anyone, Nat, I was just . . . Uhhh . . . Checking Instagram!” She spluttered.
Natasha gave a curt nod. “Okay, well, I’ll catch you later. Maybe a date soon?” She said.
Y/N nodded. Her voice dinged and she checked it before going off, down the hallway.
Natasha and Steve’s eyes met. Her eyes reeked of disappointment.
2 Hours Later
Natasha Romanoff set off in the direction of her girlfriend’s room, anger flaring through her. She knew it. Y/N was cheating on her. Natasha had never felt this betrayed and angry and sad since the Red Room, and knowing that hurt her. Knowing that she let someone in, who was so important, turned out like everyone in her life other than the Avengers, was destroying her.
She practically stormed into Y/N’s room, not caring to knock on the door as she just opened it. Natasha saw Y/N’s back exposed as she was pulling off her sweatshirt, revealing a crop top. Natasha was too focused that she didn’t notice the scratches on her girlfriend’s back.
“You’re cheating on me.”
For the second time that day, Natasha made her jump. Y/N turned around, confusion starting to settle in as she process that was said.
Y/N only opened her mouth before Natasha continued.
“How could you?! HOW COULD YOU? I LOVE YOU, Y/N! AND YOU DO THIS TO ME?” Natasha suddenly screamed, letting go and scaring Y/N.
“NAT!” Y/N interrupted, not knowing why Natasha would even think that.
“WHAT? WHAT, Y/N? YOU DON’T GET TO TALK! I thought we were good, you know. I thought you were the ONE!” Natasha continued, her own self betraying her with the tears starting to flow down her cheeks.
“I’M NOT CHEATING ON YOU!” Y/N screamed.
Natasha paused and glared at her. A much fiercer glare than she gave Steve. “Then explain who you were texting earlier. I know that you’re hiding something from me - you’re a great spy but you cannot lie to me,” she said.
Y/N thought for a moment before picking up her phone and tossing it to Natasha. “Look at my recent photos,” she said, unable to hide her frown. How could Natasha think she was cheating on her?
Natasha did so and found pictures of . . . Cats.
“That’s what I was looking at. Pictures of the cat from the previous owner.”
“The cat? Previous owner? What are you talking about?” Natasha questioned, looking up from Y/N’s phone.
The quiet meow drew both of their’s attention.
Natasha looked over to see a tiny feline emerging from under Y/N’s bed, looking at Natasha with it’s cute eyes.
“You have a cat?” Natasha said, eyes widening.
Y/N nodded. “I thought Tony wouldn’t like having a cat around,” she said quietly. “JARVIS has been helping me with the litter and keeping everything secret.”
Natasha looked back down at the phone. “You can check my texts if you want,” Y/N added.
Black Widow tossed the phone aside and immediately hugged Y/N. “Oh, god. I am so sorry for thinking that you were cheating on me. I’m sorry for even considering it for a moment. I didn’t want to believe it but I did and-”
“I forgive you, Nat. I see why you’d think that,” Y/N interrupted, wrapping her arms around the Avenger.
“Besides,” she continued, stepping back. “You’re not the only one who needs to apologize.”
Y/N turned around, pulling up her shirt, and Natasha spotted the scratches.
“How dare you?” Natasha joked, looking over at the cat. “No one hurts my Y/N! How can you be so cute and so vicious underneath that cute-ness?”
“Kinda like you,” Y/N joked.
Natasha rolled her eyes playfully. They kissed and then played with the cat for the rest of the day. They laughed and smiled and cuddled.
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figjelly · 2 years
....tell me more about your thots on Disney slash pairings. I'm listening.
Okay, I specifically mentioned my problems with the Hercules/Aladdin pair (but live your truth, shippers). So, I've got more thoughts on that atm. Hercules is some farm boy from Kansas a la Clark Kent style. He's about honesty, doing his best, and making the others around him happy even at a cost to his own well-being. His best friend is a horse with wings. He is a Horse GirlTM who craves that authentic emotional vulnerability. Yeah, he's strong but he also gets into that caretaker mode real quick. These are observations based on my memory of the movie. Yeah, I guess Aladdin has SLOWLY been growing to be a healthier partner but across three movies, we see evidence that he has a chronic problem with deceit in some form across three movies. It's the major conflict he and Jasmine ALWAYS have. If someone wants to argue that he's gonna be honest and transparent in other relationships, I mean, at me I guess but I'm gonna be real skeptical. He's used to working on the fly, improvising, and leaping before he looks. Could he add a little more spontaneity to Herc's life? Sure! Makes a great compelling reason for a fwb/short-term/hook-up kind of deal. Long-term? No way. Aladdin is willing to live a little more in the dark grey area. Hercules is straddling that lawful good line way too often to feel like a good match. Aladdin never seems to need DEEP connection nor is he good at giving it. Does he want it? I'd say yeah, evidence based on the third movie says yes (the tension between him and his father is where I'm making that reading). This isn't a condemnation on Aladdin. Some people have their needs and wants filled pretty quickly and, in Aladdin's case, his upbringing would have warranted a very quick return on his investments (e.g. his plans, deceit, and actions needed to turn into food and water and shelter REAL quick because of survival). If he doesn't have a quick turn-around, it's onto the next strategy that's hopefully more successful. Hercules was raised in a family, always feeling out of place and needing/wanting to fit in, acceptance, and being loved unconditionally. His need for deep emotional and mental connection, I would argue, is really strong. Aladdin also has this moment while singing about how he's a "street rat" and how people should just "look closer." That being said, Hercules's outsiderness seems to be look like, "Please, accept me, what can I do?" It borders on maybe codependency-esque behavior? Aladdin's is more like, "Yanno what, y'all? Fuck you, fuck you, and especially fuck YOU. I'm great." Which, fair, judging people based on wealth is shitty but also he's just kinda shitty to Jasmine? Hercules has sorta low self-esteem before meeting Phil but, even at his height of wealth and fame, does he ever look down on people. Thanks for coming to my TEDx talk
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heavylovebot · 2 years
hiii i was wondering can request a fic with a older brother dee with a younger sibling y/n who's being bullied for being transmasc? thank you and have a nice day ^^
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❝SUMMARY❞ Dee doesn't know how to comfort people and that's why he never said anything about your bullying before as he'd have to comfort you and he never found the right time to tell you he knew, until now.
❝GENRE❞ Angst with Fluff Ending/Platonic
❝AU❞ None
❝PAIRINGS❞ Dee Shavagenbagen x Little Brother! Trans! Male Reader
❝CW❞ Physical Bullying and Transphobia
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You laid in your bed with dried tears on your face as you stared blankly at your wall as the sun shined through the crack of the window that your curtains weren't covering, you've been awake the entire night as you couldn't sleep due to the pain you felt every time you moved because of the bruises and wounds on your body that you had patched up earlier in the day, you were just lying in the dark and the room was completely silent.
The day before was not one of your best days but then again, you never have good days but the day before, you could barely walk after the beating you got and of course your family noticed but you just brushed them off by saying you fell down the stairs or you injured your leg in the gym. Heavy and Victoria believed it but were still very skeptical and glam and dee knew but you didn't know that they knew so they didn't say anything, yet.
Though you didn't want to think about it right now and just wanted to enjoy the silence of your room but your silence was soon interrupted when your door opened revealing dee who had just woken up so his hair wasn't even in a ponytail yet "You awake?" Dee asked as he walked in and closed the door behind him, you hummed in response as your jaw hurt too much to talk "Dad asked if you wanted to stay home because of your injuries." Dee said as he sat at the edge of your bed and you hummed in response before you nodded.
Dee felt that this was the perfect time to tell you that he knew as every time he wanted to, he felt that it wasn't the right time "I know the real reason why you have these injuries..." Dee said as he let out a deep sigh and your eyes widened at his words before you turned over and sat up to look at him "P-Please don't tell anyone." You said stuttering a bit as it pained you to talk, you didn't want anyone else to know because you just didn't want to go through all of that when you could just wait until your bullies got tired of you and stopped bothering you.
It was a stupid idea but it was the best idea you had "Dad already knows but I don't think heavy nor mom knows..." Dee said as he shrugged his shoulders "But I won't tell them if you don't want me to." Dee said in a sympathetic tone unlike his normal monotone tone "Since mom and dad have to go to work, then I'd probably have to stay home to help you because you can barely move." Dee said as you didn't say anything in response to his last statement and just nodded "You can go to school, I'll be fine..." You said as you rubbed your eyes tiredly but it just caused you more pain as you had a black eye "I don't think you'll be fine, you can barely speak and I'm sure that I and my grades will be fine after missing one day." Dee said as he shrugged his shoulders.
Dee didn't mind taking care of his siblings when they were sick or injured because missing one day of school wouldn't really affect him as he was already ahead of his class "Fine..." You said as you laid back down, you kinda just brushed the fact that he knew off because there wasn't much you could do.
Dee wanted to say something else but he didn't know what else to say, he wasn't very good at comforting people and he didn't know what else to say or what else to do "I'll go get ready..." Dee said before he stood up and walked out of the room leaving you in complete silence like before and you sighed.
You had no idea what to do and you had no idea what was going to happen but you were happy that you didn't have to go to school and it wasn't because you fucking hated your classes for once but it was because of the people in the school that were responsible for your injuries, they were dickheads who had nothing better to do than to make fun of someone who did nothing but figure out that they were trans and transitioned.
You never understood why they were so upset about you being a trans male, you were just like you were before you transitioned except you had short hair as you never acted 'feminine' before you transitioned and you were using the male restroom now as you identified as a boy and it wasn't their business what bathroom you went to anyway.
But they were soooo upset that they decided to bully you especially when you went to the bathroom, they'd just push you out of the bathroom or tell you to use a urinal when you obviously couldn't, and sometimes when they would catch you walking into the boy's bathroom, they'd push you in the girls' bathroom and you'd just decide not to go to the bathroom.
In all honesty, the girls were the ones that didn't actually care and accepted you even if they didn't know you but that was only some of them, whenever the boys would throw you in the bathroom, they'd just tell you it was fine because you would sputter out many apologies before you left the bathroom.
You honestly started to regret coming out and transitioning because it didn't even make you feel comfortable in your body like everyone said it would, it made you feel horrible.
꒰ఎ ★ ໒꒱ ꒰ఎ ♡ ໒꒱
"Open your mouth! The medicine is gonna help the pain." Dee said as he tried to put the spoon in your mouth but you just kept pushing him away "No! It's disgusting!" You said as your jaw felt a bit better after resting "But it'll make you feel better!" Dee yelled as he scoffed "Fine! I'll take it." You said but dee wasn't completely convinced that you were giving up that easily "But?" Dee asked as he raised an eyebrow "But, you have to give me a hug because you never give me hugs." You said as you really wanted a hug from dee, dee didn't give hugs often but when he did, they were so fucking comfy and soft but it wasn't just you wanted a hug from dee, you needed a hug from anyone because it would've made you feel so much better than you did.
"Mhm, why not?" Dee muttered as he shrugged his shoulders before you opened your mouth as wide as you could and dee put the spoon that had the medicine on it, in your mouth and you swallowed it before you stuck your tongue out because of the horrible taste "Okay, I took the nasty medicine now give me a hug." You said as you opened your arms with a smile on your face and dee rolled his eyes before he hugged you and you immediately felt warm and comfortable so you hugged him tighter and laid your head on his shoulder.
Dee then realized this was a time that he could say what he wanted to "(Y/n), you know you can tell me anything right?" The blonde said as he allowed you to rest your body against his as you relax your body in the hug, you hummed in response to him "I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me anything or that you can't trust me." Dee said and he didn't get a response but he soon heard soft sobbing and tears falling on his shoulder which made him panic but he didn't show his panic.
He thought he did something wrong and that he hurt your feelings, dee wanted to comfort you and wanted to reassure you that he and the rest of the family would be there for you whenever you needed them and even when you didn't need them and maybe he said something wrong and you took it the wrong way, what if you thought something completely different, what if-"Thank you dee." You said softly as you sniffed interrupting dee's thoughts "I-Uh, no problem." Dee replied trying not to sound awkward or reveal that he was mentally panicking.
You chuckled at his nervousness "I love you dee." You said as you smiled kindly though dee couldn't see it, he could feel it as your head was laying on his shoulder "I love you too baby brother." Dee said as he smiled.
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All Rights Reserved ©@heavylovebot 2022.
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the-midnight-feline · 3 years
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¤¸¸.•´¯`•¸¸.•..>> So this piece is actually part of the Piliin mo ang Pilipinas Collab event hosted by @lumpiang-toge, you guys should seriously check this out since the works posted there are such good reads ❤️️<<..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸¤
this is the first time i've joined a collab, (ngl i thought i was waaay in over my head lol) i'd like to thank a friend of mine, Dylan, (won't tag his blog just cause, loves you for reading it !) thanks so much for the encouraging words ❤️ and of course Mama Rae (@hq-girl-next-door) for the advice on the banner**❤️
**For the banner I did, I took the image from pinterest, if you guys know who the artist is, please let me know so I could properly give credit to them :)
Tags/TW: Mutual pinning-ish, friends to lovers, fluff to angst, Cheating, swearing (I think theres one or two in there)
(A/N: Please don't get too confused /-\, the italic parts is you recollecting the past, it comes and goes (。♡‿♡。))
WC: 3.8k ;-; didn't know it get that long
Pairings: Tendou Satori x fem!Reader
Summary: It all started with a simple crush, you wouldn't have guessed that it'll be more than that, It was a dream come true to loved and be loved by the person you loved, but not all dreams end good, some end as a nightmare.
“You like the Guess Monster, like THE Guess Monster?!?!” your friends shouted in unison, looking at them frantically as you’re in the gym watching the guys warm up for a practice match and the way they shouted had the sounds of balls hitting the floor just below where your group sat, you willed yourself to look at the who were the people below you guys trying repress the blush you feel creeping on your cheeks, swallowing that lump on your throat as you peaked just a little over the ledge and saw his red hair. Internally cussing out your so-called friends, you tired to act like you calm and collected as he was looking up at the bleachers, maybe trying to guess which one in your group, who was also looking over at whoever heard them, liked him, shaking his head, chuckling toward Ushijima and Semi who was already making their way to the court to get this warm up started.
A single tear began rolling down your cheek as you remembered how it all began, your friends’ sudden outburst in the gym gave you the opportunity to talk to the guy you’ve been crushing on when you first saw him in the opening ceremony just something about him drew you to him and you were adamant on getting to, at the least, know him. Sitting on the floor of your shared bedroom, opening the memory box you and your husband made a few months after you started dating.
Semi knew your friend, he actually liked her and from that outburst of theirs at the gym, he 89immediately thought of a way to hit two birds with one stone. “hey, y/f/n, I heard you guys at the bleachers, sooo” scratching he neck out of shyness “which of your friends like our Tendou? Maybe we could setup a date or something?" He really liked your friend and would honestly do anything to get her on a date, she pointed to you, the quiet in of the group, usually the source of rationality and guidance, the one that acts like the mediator of the group. You really always kept to yourself, didn’t really want to attract attention towards yourself. Semi was skeptical at first, you the quiet, shy girl of the class liked that loud ass friend of his? Maybe y/f/n was pulling his leg, she can’t be serious.
A bitter laugh escapes your lips as the memory of your first date comes crashing on you as see the pressed flower from the little hole in the wall café near the school, Semi was the one that found that café and planned every detail of the date.
As you and your friend were walking towards the café Semi told her about, you were itching to just keep hitting your friends back “why the hell did you fucking agree to this?!!” you hissed at your friend, you were practically shooting daggers at her for saying yes on your behalf and you didn’t even know what she agreed to but she told you to get dolled up, silly you, thinking that it’ll be just a girls day out, but peering over her shoulder as your guys walk out of the dorm, you see her texting Semi, thinking maybe it was him asking for notes since they were in the same class. She led you to this small café and you guys sat at a corner booth, making you sit inside by the wall, you really thought nothing of it, until you saw that distinctive red hair bounding towards your booth. Your palms got a tad sweaty, nerves getting the best of you, a million thoughts racing in your mind that you didn’t notice that the Tendou Satori was there taking the seat opposite of you in the booth, the ever infectious smile directed towards you and you alone. Seeing as you and Satori were basically having a silent conversation with just your smiles, Semi and your friend made a discreet exit and left you two be. Little did you know, he often saw you around, he knows you like shounen jump as much as he does since he sees you go to the store he usually goes to, he knows what snacks you liked since he usually goes out at the middle of the night to get some snacks of his own at the convenience store around the corner. He sees you in the library with your nose buried in some book when he follows Semi there just to annoy him. Tendou didn’t tell anybody about the girl he liked from afar, he knew he’d scare you off, no one wanted to date a Monster, or that’s what he thought.
Looking back, that impromptu date was what started the relationship with Satori, a soft sob escapes your lips as tears gently fall on the first picture you have together, he suddenly rang you up and asked you to go to the mall with him. In the picture, he had his arm wrapped around your shoulder while you were hugging his waist tightly, seemingly scared that being with him was a dream you don’t want to wake up from.
Getting out of the shower, you hear your phone ring from under your pillow, confused as to who might that be since it was an unknown number calling you, curious you answered it. “hey y/n! I know it’s kinda out of the blue but, you wanna go to the mall with me?” shock was evident in your body, it was Tendou! Your thoughts was scrambling, you know you didn’t get a chance to give him your number before you guys parted ways on your first meeting since Coach Washijo made Ushijima contact both guys for a weekend practice. You knew the coach was a hot head and would make anymore run 50 laps if they were late and that was a few weeks ago, a worried Tendou called out to you again “uh…y/n? If you have other plans I totally under-“ blinking back to the present “I’d love to go! Lemme get ready and I’ll meet you down” you cut him off midsentence hearing a small chuckle at the other line “don’t make me wait too long ok?” he said in a teasing tone which made you giggle on the line “yes, yes Satori, I’ll hang up so I could get ready ok? See you!” it took every ounce of self-control to not shriek the whole conversation, once he hung up you were practically jumping on your bed out of pure joy, but then you remembered that he’ll be waiting, you quickly snapped out of it and looked through your dresser for a decent outfit for going out with Tendou, you quickly settled with a simple get up of a long sleeved shirt and pants with some sneakers on, you excitedly exited your room, to meet up with Tendou, hoping you haven’t made him wait too long, turning the last corner you see him outside your dorm, almost wearing the same thing as you, even the color of your shoes match, biting your lip to stop a stupid smile from taking over you walk up behind him, gently poking his side, his sudden jump made you giggle as he took in all of you, a smile makes its way on his lips and eyes as he himself lets out a chuckle. “y/n? Are you copying me?” shaking your head, letting a small laugh out “Satori, please you’re the one copying me here” he just shook his out of amusement when he saw the glint of teasing in your eyes before he offended his arm to you like a gentleman would, the small action made you faint blush.
You two spent the day just walking around the mall, just browsing from store to store, having just a blast at all the random comments he makes, the last stop you guys make was the arcade, you guys played all sorts of games, air hockey, tried your luck at a pachinko machine and Tendou even tried the basketball game, which he surprisingly good at that he won a lot of tickets getting you a small rubiks cube, but near the back of the arcade something caught your eye, a purikura, Tendou saw where your eyes went and with a small smile he took your hand and walked towards the machine, and ushered you in the booth, he felt at comfortable around you, he would’ve never guessed that you were a crack head like, random outbursts of ideas and thoughts spouted from you made him laugh as you spent time together. He quickly wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to him, a flash went off, that was the first shot, with the blush creeping on your cheeks you hid your face under your hair and hugged him another flash went off, that was the second shot, he tipped you head up, making you look at him, his infectious smile directed at you as another flash went off, and the last shot was of him kissing your forehead. You were left speechless after that whole scenario, seemingly in a dazed as he guided you out and grab the prints of the photos. That’s how you guys ended the date, he held your hand in his all the way back to the dorms, placing a chaste kiss on your cheek as you parted ways.
Rummaging further through the memory box, you see all the mementos you both kept from your dates, a few fallen leaves, a couple of pretty rocks, stickers, napkins, flowers, pictures, the cork from the bottle of champagne you drank at your wedding. More tears fell from your eyes as you dug through all the stuff in the box, who knew you both collected a lot of things in just a couple of years. What made you sob so hard was the acceptance letters you both got when you were selected as the few students for the incoming year.
A few months before graduation, you both got accepted into a culinary school in Tokyo, you were ecstatic as this means you and Tendou could get a place together since your parents already gave you two a small amount to get a place near the school so you two could still practice and create new dishes together, it was really no surprise to your friends or the whole volleyball team that you two would get into culinary school, you’ve always had a thing for cooking, you’d often come their practices with some bento boxes for all of the guys so they don’t have to go out and spend for food, on the weekends, the kitchen was his domain he’d let you watch him bake and oftentimes let you help him out. It’s often that the whole group get together during the weekends, you cooking for them while Tendou makes that dessert. For some reason, they got jealous of how your relationship started, it was as if all the pieces just fell into place at the right time, you two together just seemed right like you two were always suppose to be with each other. There’s always been a carefree air around him, it calmed you down so much that it helped you be more open or that’s how you saw it. You were the opposite of him always worrying, always, over thinking, being overly critical of your actions and how you overwhelmed with everything so you turned to anything that’ll help you divert your mind but once he was in your life it just got easier. He voice would immediately calm the voices spewing negative thoughts I had your head.
Looking around your room, you see pictures of you together, your graduation picture, the picture of you guys on the front of the school, the picture of your guys graduating culinary school, a photo of you two at the restaurant where you two both apprenticed and next to that was the candid shot of his proposal there, a mix of joy and hurt shoot through you as you the memory come rushing back to you.
The way he sheepishly confessed that he asked the manager if he could do his proposal there and invite your family and friends for that surprise. “Hey y/n, come with me, a customer just complained about the sauce you made being too salty, I’m not taking blame for that!” an angry chef came shouting at you, shocked and anxiousness dunning through you, you timidly follow behind him, thinking how you could screw up a simple sauce like that, your thoughts were everywhere, but once you stepped outside the kitchen you noted that the dining area was dimmer then usual, but maybe that’s because you’re used to the bright lights of the kitchen, you hear a soft melody playing, it’s one of your favourite songs ‘I Choose' you’ve always related that song to your relationship. On the far wall you see photos of you together, looking around you see familiar faces, his and your parents, your friends, the Shiratorizawa boys were there even the coach came!
The euphoria you felt from having everyone who had been part of your relationship through the ups and downs just had you in tears, your head was fuzzy with the mix of a dozen emotions swirling in you, through a blur of tears you see him kneeling in front of you, he let out a huff of breath to calm his nerves before asking you the question “y/n, my love, my baby, my better half, my paradise. You’ve stuck by my side through my highs and lows, loved me unconditionally, took care of me whenever I got sick, urged me to follow my dreams, guided me into being a better guy, especially with my chocolate making you supported my dreams like no other can, you, you made my world complete, you made me feel things I haven’t felt in a long time, you gave me your heart to cherish and protect. You made my life whole” the words flowed out of his mouth so freely, every word making more tears come out of you, every word so heartfelt, with shakey hands we presented you a pear cut yellow emerald ring “My Paradise, would you do me the honor of being my paradise for eternity?” no words could express how happy you were nodding your head, trying to stop happy tears from falling a hushed ‘yes’ slips past you lips as he stands to slip the ring on your left hand, pulling you in for a tight hug, whispering endless I love you’s and thank you in your ears as the people around you cheered for the newly engaged couple.
Biting back another sob, you feel fresh tears streaming down your cheeks as your eyes land on your wedding photo above the bed, he loved you enough to marry you, he was yours and you were his, you can’t help but stare at the framed photo, he had that infectious smile of his that made you fall from him the day you saw him. He has you up in his arms as your arms were wrapped around his neck, pecking a sweet kiss on his cheek. You asked him many times if he’d like to blowup another photo from your wedding, he simply shook his head and wrapped you up in his arms “you’re perfect in any picture of us, but in that one you look like the most perfect human being in existence and I’m just lucky to have you in my life” you basked in his love and affection on those simple words pulling him closer and burying you face on his chest, inhaling his sweet scent “I’m lucky to have you Tori, lucky to be called your wife” placing a chaste kiss on his chest as you look up to him with love-struck eyes. This was it you guys moved countries after your wedding to France since Tendou was offered a job at a famous pâtisserie there, all you wanted was your husband happy, wherever you guys may be.
You never really cared where you two were, as long as you were together, you could get lessons on the French cuisine as Tendou works, that was the plan before you guys flew out. You worked hard to learn the basics, you’d often have Tendou taste test all your creations and you’ll you the same for him since he likes to experiment with different flavor combinations, things were great the first few months of moving cross countries, you enrolled in a cooking classes there to build up your repertoire and after a few weeks of learning a few new techniques you've decided to look around for places you could work at just to keep your body busy again. You've decorated the apartment the way you liked it and how you think Tendou would like it, just adding different odds and ends giving it a familiar vibe. This place was your starting ground.
When you got a job at the nearby bistro, Tendou didn’t really mind it, since he’d often come home a bit later then usual saying something along the lines of making things in the experiment lab with the other chocolatiers at the shop to have something new for the upcoming season, in turn you thought nothing of it since you do work nights after getting a gig in a restaurant in town as well, it also means you could still have time to make his dinner and keep it warm for when he gets home. You two actually got into an argument when you got that gig since Tendou was adamant about keeping you in the apartment after the morning shift at the bistro so you don’t work yourself too hard, he wanted to start thinking about getting a kitten to keep you company when he’s out working but you argued back that you didn’t wanna feel like mooching off of him even though he said it was fine, he loved coming home to a warm meal that you made with love and gets more time to spend with you, but he did cave in after a few bats of your eyelashes.
It was perfect, you both were doing what you were passionate about, you two scheduled your offs near each other’s so one could take care of each other after a long day. But there was this weird feeling creeping in you but you simply don’t know why it was there, you and Tendou always kept communication open since you two do work different shifts and that itself puts a strain in the relationship but you two made it work. You loved him. So you would really sacrifice anything for him, he had have a rough childhood, he was bullied cause he looked different, acted different, but he wasn’t like that for you, he never was, even though he had a wicked sense for things which really surprised you, you can’t even hide a gift from him cause he knew what you’d get him or more likely sense what you’ll give him.
You don’t tell him that you swapped shifts with someone so you technically have a day off so you decided to drop by the pâtisserie where Tendou worked with some home made Pan Bagnat since it was nearing lunch, as you were close to the shop you saw his figure near the window placing new confections on display, but something made you stop, another person, a female chocolatier, was hugging him from behind and not in a friendly way, there was familiarity to it, it looked as if she’s been hugging him for so long, like she’s always hugged him, you didn’t notice that you’ve dropped the basket you were holding on the sidewalk, the glass bottle shattering on impact, the sangria spilling on the pavement, the sandwich you made, making a mess, the fruits you packed rolling in every direction. People around gasped at the scene, some tried to help in picking up the fruits that escaped, your mind in thought again, maybe you just interpreted it wrongly they’re just so so close, like a brother and sister kinda way, since they both work in the shop, you simply jumped to conclusions too fast, those thought completely vanished as the next sight you saw.
She kissed him. SHE KISSED HIM!! Your mind played that in your head like it was a song played on a loop. That was what made your heart break, that was the tipping point, he didn’t push her away, it was the opposite, he pulled her closer, the way he held her mirrored how he would hold you when he came home from work, people around you were asking you things trying to snap you out of your trance but you paid no mind to them, your legs moving on their own.
It was as if you were on autopilot, you got home, your mind racing with so many thoughts, how long had that been going on? Is she why he’d come home later than usual, is she the reason he had woken up earlier to get to work everyday? Did he spend his days off with her when you suddenly get shifts? Walking into your apartment, you didn’t know what to think, how to feel, how to make sense of things more questions come into your mind. Does he bring her here? Did they do anything sexual in the place you called home? What places were safe? Did she please him better than I did? You walked into your bedroom where the memory box laid in the middle of bed. It was your first wedding anniversary, did he really forget? Your anniversary was engraved on your wedding rings with your initials on it.
A scream of agony escaped your lips as everywhere you looked at it was all you and him the very place you thought was the safest of all was not. It's tainted with infidelity, your heart broke even more as you took the box from the bed with shaking hands contemplating on whether to open the box or not, he loved you with every part of him didn’t he? You were enough weren’t you? You made sure he was satisfied right? You gave him all the love you could and even more right? Didn’t he promise you that he’d protect your heart? You're still his paradise right? He loves you right?
Maybe opening the box, and finding something that you both placed in there would make him rethink his choices right? With broken sobs and uneven breathing, your fingers shaking as you pulled the pretty red ribbon that held the lid shut, looking at all the things that you both collected that reminded you both that you loved each other you broke even more. Every one of them held the promise of love, of fidelity, of trust. But now, a part of you is doubting every word that passed his lips, every kiss that landed on your skin made you feel dirty, every I love you's he uttered seems like a lie. You didn’t want to feel that way, you love him with every part of your being, you’re THE Mrs. Satori Tendou, no one else but you had that title, just you, it was only you right? You were his paradise for eternity right? Right?
I hope you guys liked this, I actually really liked working on this one(played my brokenhearts plays it nonstop for it) , but I do have another one coming so...yeah!
Song inspiration :Anong Nangyari Sa Ating Dalawa by Aiza Seguerra
Song used in the proposal I Choose by Alessia Cara
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